[wanita-muslimah] Iran cancels plan to send ship to Gaza rumba

2010-06-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Iran cancels plan to send ship to Gaza 

Published: Jun 27, 2010 01:00 Updated: Jun 27, 2010 01:38 

TEHRAN: Iran will not be sending a blockade-busting ship to Gaza in defiance of 
Israeli warnings, an Iranian lawmaker said Saturday, citing Israeli 
restrictions. Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash told the semiofficial ISNA news agency 
that instead of sending a ship, an Iranian delegation of lawmakers would travel 
to Lebanon and sail on one of the aid ships expected to head to Gaza from there.

The Iranian ship called Infants of Gaza had been expected to sail Sunday for 
Gaza carrying 1,100 tons of relief supplies and 10 pro-Palestinian activists 
but plans were canceled due to restrictions imposed by the occupying Zionist 
regime, Bighash said.

Iran made the announcement Tuesday prompting Israel to warn its archenemy to 
drop the plan.

Israel considers Iran a threat because of its suspect nuclear program, its 
long-range missiles and its support for Lebanese and Gaza militants.

Israeli security officials said the prospect of an Iranian boat headed for Gaza 
had Israel deeply worried, and that naval commandos were training for the 
possibility of taking on a vessel with a suicide bomber on board.

After an international outcry over the killing of nine Turkish activists in a 
May 31 raid on another aid ship, Israel eased its land blockade of Gaza but 
insisted on maintaining a naval blockade it says is necessary to keep weapons 
shipments out of the hands of Gaza's Hamas rulers.

Israel imposed the blockade after Hamas overran the Palestinian territory in 
June 2007.

In Lebanon, organizers of the ship, Julia, said they plan to sail in the next 
few days but said they had nothing to with Iran. A second ship will only be 
transporting women, while a third ship will include parliamentarians from the 
Middle East and Europe. It is not clear when that ship will sail.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Membongkar Bungker Teroris

2010-06-26 Terurut Topik sunny

[ Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010 ] 

Membongkar Bungker Teroris 
Oleh: Anton Tabah 

DALAM menyongsong Hari Bayangkara Negara 1 Juli 2010, kemungkinan tepat jika 
kita mengkaji masalah terorime di Indonesia. Ketika penulis diminta berbicara 
dalam program siaran Rumah Publik yang disiarkan langsung oleh TVRI, ada 
pertanyaan bertubi-tubi dari pemirsa. Mengapa teroris sulit dibasmi? 

Pertanyaan itu penting disosialisasikan melalui media massa, membasmi teroris 
memang sulit. De facto, mereka bukan hanya mampu merekrut kader-kader baru 
relatif berusia belia usia 18-33 tahun. Tetapi, negara juga tak pernah bisa 
menyadarkan ''kesalahan'' mereka. 

Lihat para residivis teroris. Begitu keluar dari penjara, mereka kembali 
bergabung dengan teroris yang belum tertangkap dan melakukan teror lagi. 
Penjara tak sanggup memenjarakan mereka karena doktrin agama sulit disadarkan. 
Tentunya bukan tugas Polri menyelesaikan masalah itu. Tetapi, itu merupakan PR 
negara secara holistis. Tulisan ini mengkaji varian faktor mengapa teroris 
sulit dibasmi.

Pertama; Sejarah, flash back kapan teroris mulai marak? Setelah Israel semakin 
angkuh mengobarkan permusuhan dan perang di Timur Tengah.

Kedua; Politik standar ganda Amerika Serikat selalu membela Israel dan memusuhi 
negara-negara Islam, terutama sejak era Presiden George Bush Senior (tahun 
1980-an) dilanjutkan era G. Bush Junior (awal 2001). Era Presiden Barak Husen 
Obama, politik AS merangkul dunia Islam. Namun, residu politik Bush masih 
membayangi political will Obama.

Ketiga; Dari poin pertama dan kedua, lahir perlawanan di mana-mana dengan 
sasaran sama. Yaitu, menghancurkan kepentingan AS dan sekutunya. Mereka disebut 
teroris karena cara yang dilakukan, seperti bom bunuh diri, justru membahayakan 
kemanusiaan secara universal bahwa korbannya bukan sasaran, tetapi siapa saja, 
bahkan yang tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan sasaran. Politik Bush cenderung 
anti-Islam dimanfaatkan kaum teroris menjadi amunisi ampuh memengaruhi umat 
untuk direkrut menjadi calon-calon teroris (kaderisasi)

Keempat; Pasca strategi keras radikal mengubah strategi deradikalisasi. Menyaru 
sebagai dai menyampaikan ayat-ayat keras dan dahsyat tentang jihad, tentang 
perang, dan pahala surga di masjid-masjid, di diskusi-diskusi terbatas, bahkan 
door to door.

Kelima; Kemiskinan-pengangguran menjadi constributing faktor pemicu remaja 
mudah tergiur dogma-dogma keagamaan yang dahsyat (surga neraka). Daripada hidup 
susah mencari kerja lebih baik jihad untuk mati syahid lebih cepat masuk surga 
dijemput istri-istri cantik jelita 72 bidadari. Itulah asal munculnya istilah 
siap untuk menjadi calon manten. Sebab, teroris-teroris remaja yang siap 
melakukan bom bunuh diri menurut mereka adalah calon-calon pengantin.

Keenam; Budaya masyarakat permisif mudah menerima kehadiran orang lain dan 
tenggang rasa (ewuh pekewuh) dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh teroris.

Ketujuh; Sistem data penduduk manual dengan mudah seseorang memiliki KTP ganda 
akan mempersulit identifikasi. Hal itu juga memudahkan tersangka melarikan diri 
ke luar negeri atau ke tempat lain yang mereka mau.

Ayat-Ayat Dahsyat 

Dari tujuh faktor di atas, kini kita bedah faktor yang keempat (4) menggunakan 
taktik deradikalisasi. Itu artinya kelompok teroris mengubah pola aksi dari 
radikal keras dengan bom bunuh diri dengan dakwah bilkoul dan dakwah bilhal. 
Mereka tampil sebagai mubalig dan ustad pada umumnya, tetapi selalu menyelipkan 
ayat-ayat keras dan dahsyat yang dapat membakar semangat jihad orang-orang yang 
baru semangat belajar agama dan dangkal pengetahuan keagamaannya. 

Orang-orang semacam itulah yang sering menjadi sasaran lunak para teroris untuk 
menjadikan mereka ''calon-calon pengantin'', istilah lain dari pelaku bom bunuh 
diri atas nama jihad yang keliru atau sesat tadi. Dengan sasaran Amerika yang 
sudah telanjur terstigma buruk di negara-negara Islam sebagai musuh bersama 
umat Islam, ayat-ayat dahsyat akan sangat efektif dan komunikatif diterima kaum 
muda. Lihat kader-kader baru yang direkrut teroris. Ternyata mereka mayoritas 
berusia 18-30 tahun. Adapun ayat-ayat keras dan dahsyat itu, antara lain, surat 
Maidah ayat 44 yang artinya begini: ''Barang siapa menghukumi sesuatu tidak 
dengan hukum Allah, maka dia kafir''.

Surat Taubat ayat 38, yang artinya: ''Wahai orang-orang beriman, mengana ketika 
kamu diperintahkan untuk perang di jalan Allah, kau malah lebih memilih mencari 
dunia? Apakah kau lebih mencintai dunia ketimbang akhirat, padahal kesenangan 
dunia itu cuma sebentar dan sangat sedikit, sedangkan kesenangan akhirat abadi 

Jika seseorang telah terkunci dengan dalil-dalil dahsyat tersebut, semangat 
mereka untuk mati dalam jihad akan terus membara dan sulit sekali disadarkan. 
Sebab, mereka telah membuka kitab suci dan menafsirkan ke satu persoalan: Mati 
sahid. Apa yang penulis kemukakan di kajian ini adalah fakta dari 

[wanita-muslimah] A birth control pill for men

2010-06-25 Terurut Topik sunny


 A birth control pill for men   

By Karin Kloosterman 
June 23, 2010 
By jamming the biochemical machinery of sperm, an Israeli professor has created 
a new pill that could finally place the responsibility of birth control with 

Biochemist Prof. Haim Breitbart hopes a new birth control pill for men could be 
on the market in as little as five years.

The female birth control pill, commonly referred to as 'The Pill,' is not 100 
percent effective, and some women's bodies don't react well to the extra 
hormones. Now, finally, a new birth control option for men is in the works, 
which would allow partners to share the responsibility, and let guys be in 
control of whether or not there will be any surprises in the procreation 

Prof. Haim Breitbart of Israel's Bar-Ilan University authored a breakthrough 
paper in 2006 describing how sperm survive in the uterus. Now the biochemist is 
taking those findings and using them against sperm. He's developed a number of 
novel compounds that have no affect on male sex drive, but succeed in impairing 
the reproductive ability of the sperm. If all goes according to his plan, a new 
male birth control pill could be on the market within the next five years, he 
tells ISRAEL21c.

So far, the new pill dubbed the Bright Pill (a play on Brietbart's name) has 
been tested on animal models in a pre-clinical setting, and has been found to 
work wonderfully on mice. What we found is that by treating the mice with our 
molecule we can get sterility for a long period of time; in the lower dose, 
about one month, and in the higher dose we found three months of sterility.

Later on the male mouse can become fertile. It's reversible, he promises.

Provided in pill form, but also tested as an injection, the male birth control 
solution was administered in two treatments over three days: One day on, one 
day off, one day on. In the larger dose group, it took about a week until the 
effects manifested themselves, but most importantly, the treatment does not 
appear to in any way affect the sex drive or the sexual behavior of the mice 
who received it.

The mice behaved nicely, they ate and had sex

The mice behaved nicely, Breitbart reports, they ate and had sex; they were 
laughing, and everything, so all I can say is that we couldn't see any 
behavioral side-effects - all their sex behavior was retained, which is a very 
important consideration for human men. A man who takes this pill could also be 
sexually active later on and have children.

Rather than undergo an irreversible vasectomy, a man could sterilize himself 
for short periods, suggests Breitbart - probably one to three months depending 
on the dose. And, unlike the female pill, the male pill wouldn't have to be 
taken every day.

Scientifically speaking, the effects of the male pill would be highly specific, 
meaning men would likely experience fewer side effects than do women who go on 
the pill. Careful not to reveal any of his trade secrets, Breitbart will 
divulge that the male pill is based on techniques in bioinformatics and 
microbiology and shows no sign of attacking any cells other than sperm cells.

Referring to the groundbreaking paper that he published in the journal Genes 
and Development, Breitbart says that the Bright Pill jams the sperm's 
biochemical machinery. Disproving textbook science, he showed in the seminal 
paper that mature sperm cells synthesize new proteins in the uterus where they 
reside for up to three days or longer until fertilization of the egg takes 

We thought that since sperm can survive for three days or even longer, that 
there is another hypothesis: The sperm should renew their proteins because in 
order to get energy they need new proteins, he tells ISRAEL21c.

In the mature sperm, messenger RNA (mRNA) is produced by DNA in the sperm's 
nucleus and it is this mRNA, which directs protein synthesis in the sperm, 
Breitbart's lab showed. In his breakthrough he describes how mitochondrial 
ribosomes are active in synthesizing nuclei-encoded mRNA proteins. This led to 
his realization that if he could stop protein synthesis in the sperm, they 
wouldn't manage to survive in the uterus.

The Jewish stamp of approval

We thought we could use this method to develop a male contraceptive, 
Breitbart relates. Sperm are produced in the testes and then move to the 
epididymus, which is like a holding tank, and there can stay for a few days 
before encountering a female.

If we can use a molecule which will inhibit the synthesis of certain proteins 
in sperm development, and it will stay in the sperm when it goes directly to 
the epididymus, we increase its chances for high efficiency. So far we know 
this works in mice, he says.

The Bright Pill would have to be taken a week in advance, which should 
encourage deliberate, planned, safer sex. And it should be well received by 

[wanita-muslimah] Siapa Melindungi TKI?

2010-06-25 Terurut Topik sunny

Siapa Melindungi TKI?   

21/06/2010 17:03
Departemen Luar Negeri (Deplu) AS dalam laporan tahunan kesepuluh mengenai 
perdagangan manusia 2010 yang dirilis, Senin 14 Juni 2010, menggolongkan 
Indonesia di tingkat menengah (Tier-2), dalam masalah human trafficking 
(perdagangan manusia). Seperti dikutip dari stasiun televisi Voice of America 
(VOA), 117 negara yang berada dalam laporan setebal 373 halaman tersebut 
dikelompokkan dalam tiga kategori berdasarkan kinerja kebijakan 
anti-perdagangan manusia di tiap negara.

Secara khusus Utusan Khusus AS Anti Perbudakan Duta Besar Luis CdeBaca, dalam 
rilis laporan Deplu AS, Senin 14 Juni 2010, menilai akibat lemahnya pengawasan 
pemerintah, praktek perdagangan manusia merajalela di desa-desa pelosok di 
Indonesia. Meski laporan itu mencatat ada kemajuan pemerintah dalam menangani 
praktek perdagangan manusia, secara umum terlihat bahwa peranan Kementrian 
Negara Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Kemenakertrans) dan Badan Nasional 
Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) tidak optimal 
dalam mencegah trafficking (perdagangan manusia) ini. 

Laporan itu juga mencatat perdagangan sosial tidak hanya terjadi di luar negeri 
melalui pengiriman Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) tetapi juga di dalam negeri. 
Lemahnya pengawasan pemerintah berakibat pada merajalelanya praktek rekruitmen 
TKI non prosedural ke manca Negara. 

Dalam laporan lain disebutkan bahwa, jumlah perempuan pekerja domestik 
(pembantu rumah tangga) asal Indonesia di Timur Tengah yang mengalami perkosaan 
mengalami peningkatan.

Ketua Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI) Miftah Farid menilai, 
carut-marutnya pelayanan TKI akibat dualisme  BNP2TKI dan Kemenakertrans 
menjadi penyebab utama tingginya modus trafficking melalui pengiriman tenaga 
kerja ke luar negeri. Karena itu, ia menganggap revisi harus dimulai dengan 
menuntaskan dualisme dengan memberi tupoksi yang jelas antara BNP2TKI dengan 
Kementrian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi.

Sudah lama dua lembaga pemerintah yang mengurus masalah tenaga kerja ini 
berselisih perihal wewenang siapa yang berhak menangani TKI yakni BNP2TKI dan 
Kemenakertrans. Kisruh wewenang dua instansi ini berpengaruh pada pelayanan TKI 
hingga ke tingkat bawah. 

Baik BNP2TKI dan Kemenakertrans sama-sama merasa berhak menempatkan TKI. ambil 
contoh data pemberangkatan TKI pada 2008, BNP2TKI memberangkatkan 175 ribu 
lebih TKI ke Arab saudi, sedangkan Ditjen Binapenta sebagai unsur dari 
Kemenakertrans memberangkatkan 234.643 TKI. Ketidak kompakan kedua lembaga ini 
berimbas kepada penanganan TKI bermasalah, saling lempar tanggung jawab dari 
keduanya, dan nyaris tidak ada koordinasi menjadi hal-hal yang sering dialami 

Sementara jumlah TKI bermasalah setiap tahunnya meningkat. BNP2TKI mencatat 
dari Januari hingga Juni 2010 jumlah TKI yang bermasalah 25.064 meningkat 41 % 
diperiode yang sama pada tahun 2009 sebesar 17.793. Arab Saudi adalah negara 
terbanyak yang memiliki TKI bermasalah, dari Januari-Juni 2010 jumlah TKI 
bermasalah yang kembali ke tanah air berjumlah 13.559 TKI, dari jumlah ini 
1.064 dianiaya majikan, 874 mengalami pelecehan seks, dan 3568 sakit saat 

Melihat jumlah ini, tergambar bagaimana segi kuantitas menjadi prioritas 
ketimbang kualitas. Tidak menutup kemungkinan, TKI yang bermasalah tidak 
memenuhi syarat sebagai TKI layaknya, dan hanya bermodalkan stempel pengesahan 
karena lemahnya pengawasan dari pemerintah. Jika sudah demikian tentunya tidak 
salah jika Indonesia masuk dalam tingkat menengah (tier2) dalam hal human 

Pemerintah dalam hal ini Presiden harus segera mengambil keputusan untuk 
mengakhiri dualisme masalah penanganan TKI, agar permasalahan pengiriman TKI 
ini tidak berlarut-larut. Jika tidak, siapa yang akan membela para TKI yang 
dijuluki pahlawan devisa. 

Sudah menjadi rahasia umum 6 juta TKI yang bekerja di luar menghasilkan dana 
Trilinan rupiah bagi negara, dan ini menjadi rebutan dan saling klaim siapa 
yang pantas menanganinya.

Masalah lain adalah, keseriusan pengambil kebijakan dalam hal ini pemerintah 
untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan TKI. Kepala BNP2TKI Jumhur Hidayat 
bernegosiasi dengan pemerintah Arab saudi untuk menaikan gaji TKI dari 600 real 
menjadi 800 real, dan hal tersebut berhasil dilaksanakan baru pada tahun 2007. 
Padahal pemberian gaji TKI sebesar 600 real ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Arab 
Saudi pada tahun 1970. Bisa dibayangkan berapa puluh tahun pemerintah tidak 
memperjuangkan gaji para TKI khususnya yang bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah 
tangga di Arab Saudi.

Pemerintah pernah menghentikan pengiriman TKI ke Malaysia akibat tingginya 
angka kekerasan terhadap mereka, tapi nyatanya juga tidak efektif, karena masih 
banyak TKI yang masuk ke negara tersebut secara ilegal, dan bahkan masih ada 
beberapa PJTKI yang mengirim TKI ke Malaysia. 

Letter Of Intent (LOI) yang ditandatangani 

[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia gagal perangi keganasan

2010-06-25 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesia gagal perangi keganasan

JAKARTA 25 Jun - Tidak lama dahulu, Abdullah Sonata merupakan lambang usaha 
Indonesia untuk memujuk pengganas yang ditahan di dalam penjara agar 
meninggalkan ideologi keganasan.

Dia diberi pelepasan daripada tahanan bagi menghadiri majlis-majlis dan polis 
membantu membayar bil-bil hospital semasa isterinya melahirkan anak, namun 
selepas dibebaskan kerana berkelakuan baik setahun yang lalu, Sonata kembali 
kepada kehidupan lama, sekali gus melonjakkan namanya dalam senarai militan 
paling dikehendaki Indonesia.

Dia ditahan Rabu lalu kerana disyaki merancang serangan ala-Mumbai di Jakarta 
dan beberapa pembunuhan berprofil tinggi, termasuk ke atas Presiden Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono.

Kelakuan Sonata itu menurut pakar, menggariskan kelemahan dalam program 
pembasmian radikal Indonesia.

Tidak seperti Arab Saudi, Malaysia dan Singapura, usaha di Indonesia 
kebanyakannya dipelopori polis yang memberi tumpuan untuk menjadikan banduan 
mengutuk keganasan dan menjadi pemberi maklumat.

Pegawai memberikan bantuan kewangan untuk membantu banduan dan keluarga mereka, 
malah kadangkala mengusahakan pembebasan awal, namun tidak banyak yang 
dilakukan untuk mengubah fahaman radikal agama seperti penubuhan pemerintahan 

Kebanyakan mereka yang sepatutnya sudah meninggalkan fahaman radikal masih 
lagi komited dengan matlamat asal mereka, kata Pengarah Pusat Kajian Keganasan 
Antarabangsa di Pennsylvania State University, John Horgan.

Indonesia yang merupakan negara yang mempunyai penduduk Islam paling ramai di 
dunia, mengamalkan demokrasi sekular. Ia menjadi barisan hadapan perang ke atas 
keganasan pada 2002 apabila berlakunya pengeboman yang Bali yang dikaitkan 
dengan rangkaian al-Qaeda, yang meragut 202 nyawa, kebanyakannya pelancong 

Terdapat beberapa cerita kejayaan seperti Nasir Abbas, militan yang ada kaitan 
dengan al-Qaeda yang membantu melatih pengebom Bali.

Selepas dibebaskan pada 2004, dia memainkan peranan penting dalam pemburuan dan 
penangkapan beberapa bekas rakan seperjuangannya, selain ke penjara untuk 
berdebat dengan banduan bagi mencegah salah faham tentang jihad.

Namun, ada juga yang mengecewakan seperti pembuat bom, Bagus Budi Pranoto yang 
menyertai program pembasmian radikal yang dihukum empat tahun penjara kerana 
terlibat dalam pengeboman Kedutaan Australia pada 2004 tetapi membantu 
melancarkan serangan ke atas hotel J.W. Marriott dan Ritz-Carlton tahun lalu, 
tidak lama selepas dibebaskan.

Menjadi rakan kepada musuh mempunyai risiko tersendiri dan beberapa negara lain 
turut mengalami kegagalan besar seperti program pemulihan Arab Saudi yang 
memulakan pembasmian keganasan dengan menggalakkan tahanan meninggalkan fahaman 
pelampau dan integrasi dengan kehidupan awam melalui program kaunseling 
psikologi, latihan vokasional dan pendidikan agama yang betul.

Seorang tahanan Guantanamo yang dibebaskan pada 2007 dan dihantar ke Arab Saudi 
untuk menyertai program itu, kemudian melarikan diri ke Yemen dan menjadi 
timbalan komander al-Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab. - AP

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[wanita-muslimah] Caracas to take over US-owned rigs

2010-06-24 Terurut Topik sunny

Thursday, June 24, 2010 
10:04 Mecca time, 07:04 GMT

Caracas to take over US-owned rigs 
Chavez's socialist revolution has led to banking and power assets 
being nationalised [AFP] 
Venezuela has said that it will nationalise 11 oil rigs owned by a US company.

The takeover of the rigs, owned by the Helmerich and Payne oil firm, is the 
most recent move in a programme of nationalisation as part of the socialist 
'Bolivarian revolution' of Hugo Chavez, the president.

The rigs have been out of use for months due to a dispute over payments by 
PDVSA, the state oil company. 

Helmerich and Payne, which owns other rigs in the country, had said that it 
would not work at the sites until they were paid the $49 million it was owed. 
It did not immediately comment on the planned nationalisation.

Rafael Ramirez, the Venezuelan oil minister, said on Thursday that the 
facilities were being taken over to bring them back into production.

'Weakening government'

Ramirez said that firms like Helmerich and Payne who had refused to put their 
rigs into production were aiming to weaken the government.

There is a group of drill owners that has refused to discuss tariffs and 
services with PDVSA and have preferred to keep this equipment stored for a 
year, he said.

That is the specific case with US multinational Helmerich and Payne.

Venezuela has suffered a reduction in oil output since 2008.

Despite having significant oil reserves the country is undergoing economic 
struggles, with power shortages and low food resources affecting Chavez's 
promises to pull people out of poverty.

His government has nationalised telecommunications, power and steel firms 
during the last three years.

The government also nationalised Banco Federal, a mid-sized bank, last week 
giving the state control of 25 per cent of the banking sector.

Legislative elections are to be held in September and Chavez needs to reverse 
popularity losses due to Venezuela's recession before then

Oil-giants such as Halliburton, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes also work in 
Venezuela, although the former pair have avoided public disputes with the 

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[wanita-muslimah] 'Lebanon gov't may cancel flotillas'

2010-06-24 Terurut Topik sunny

'Lebanon gov't may cancel flotillas' 
06/24/2010 11:35 

Beirut reportedly wants to stop Gaza-bound ships to ease tensions. 
The Lebanese government is working towards canceling the planned flotillas to 
Gaza, Lebanese newspaper Al-Liwaa reported Thursday, according Israel Radio.

The newspaper reported that the Lebanese government was interested in stopping 
the flotillas from reaching Gaza in order to calm down recent tensions in the 
area. Beirut fears an eruption in activity in South Lebanon due to the planned 

Sources cited in the newspaper claimed that Iran may also cancel a flotilla it 
was planning on sending to the Strip, Israel Radio reported. 

Al-Liwaa newspaper also reported that Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah will not 
visit Turkey, due to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's refusal to 
increase tensions between Washington and Jerusalem. 

Beirut warns IDF not to attack flotilla
A floating symbol of failure

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[wanita-muslimah] Empat Terduga Teroris Dibawa ke Jakarta

2010-06-24 Terurut Topik sunny

Empat Terduga Teroris Dibawa ke Jakarta

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010, 22:00 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,KLATEN--Empat terduga teroris yang ditangkap Detaseman Khusus 
88 Anti Teror Mabes Polri di Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Rabu (23/6), dibawa ke 
Jakarta melalui Bandara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan pesawat milik 
Polri pada Kamis malam.

Mobil Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88 yang membawa keempat tersangka yang diborgol 
kedua tangannya, dan ditutup wajahnya itu, tiba di Bandara Adisutjipto 
Yogyakarta sekitar pukul 19.00 WIB melalui pintu kargo sebelah timur landasan.

Namun, karena pesawat Polri jenis Fokker 100 dengan nomor penerbangan P-4301 
belum tiba, maka mereka tetap berada di dalam mobil. Setelah pesawat tiba 
sekitar pukul 19.30 WIB, baru mereka dimasukkan ke dalam pesawat dengan 
pengawalan ketat dari anggota Densus 88 Anti Teror. Sekitar pukul 20.15 WIB 
pesawat tinggal landas menuju Jakarta.

Densus 88 Antiteror menangkap empat orang di Klaten, Jawa Tengah, yaitu Agus 
Mahmudi, Roni, Anisa Nurhasanah, dan Heru Kuncoro alias Sogir.

Dalam penyergapan terhadap mereka yang diduga jaringan teroris di Klaten itu, 
Densus 88 Antiteror menembak mati Yuli Harsono di kamar kosnya di Dusun 
Cungkrungan, Desa Belangwetan, Klaten Utara, Rabu (23/6) sore.

Yuli adalah anggota TNI AD yang merupakan warga Kledung, Karangdalem, RT 3, RW 
3, Banyuurip, Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah. Ia mati ditembak di bagian dada.

Dalam penggerebekan teroris tersebut, juga diamankan barang bukti berupa 34 
peralatan pembuatan bom, dan 27 komponen elektronik.

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[wanita-muslimah] Women in Pharaonic Egypt

2010-06-24 Terurut Topik sunny

Women in Pharaonic Egypt

By Dr. Zahi Hawass

Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat- When we talk about the grand history of [Egypt] which 
extends more than fifty centuries into the past, we find ourselves continually 
speaking about the ancient Egyptian man, whether this is ancient Egyptian 
engineers who built temples and pyramids, the ancient Egyptian doctors who 
carried out the first medical operations in human history, or the ancient 
Egyptian artists who carved huge statues and inscribed hieroglyphics on the 
walls of temples and tombs. However we rarely find mention of ancient Egyptian 
women, as if this great civilization was built by men alone, and as if ancient 
society was comprised solely of men, which of course is something that is 
completely untrue. 

Yes, there is a clear injustice regarding how the role that was played by 
ancient Egyptian women in building this ancient civilization is portrayed in 
comparison to how the role of men is portrayed; however what is strange is that 
this injustice is a product of modern research and did not exist within ancient 
Egyptian society. Women played an important role in ancient Egyptian 
civilization, and they also enjoyed unparalleled luxury compared to other women 
at the time, and this is why when I decided to publish a book about the role 
played by women in Pharaonic Egypt I decided that the best and more accurate 
title for this would be Silent Images: Women in Pharaonic Egypt. 

After a long examination of Pharaonic antiquities I discovered that ancient 
Egyptian women were represented by a number of goddesses, such as the goddess 
Isis who was the goddess of fertility and worshipped as the ideal mother, the 
goddess Hathor who personified motherhood and was worshipped as a protector, 
Sekhmet the warrior goddess, and Bastet the protector goddess. Upper Egypt 
also worshipped its own patron goddess Nekhbet while Lower Egypt worshipped 
the patron goddess Wadjet. This represents the religious aspect; however at 
the political level the wife of the pharaoh also played an important role with 
regards to the continuation of the royal line, while ancient Egyptian 
princesses could also politically increase the strength of the ruling family 
through marriage. 

Pharaonic Queens bore the burden of rule and raising their young children and 
teaching them to govern, for example Queen-Consort Ankhesenpepi II the mother 
of Pharaoh Pepi II ruled in her son's name until he was old enough to take 

Queen Khentkaus II also acted as regent for her two young sons Pharaoh 
Neferefre and his successor Nyuserre Ini protecting the throne until the 
latter came of age. Prior to this, historical sources have preserved the name 
of Queen Nimaethap for the important role she played as regent and for her 
protection of the throne for her son Pharaoh Djoser the first King of the 
Third Dynasty.

Throughout ancient Egypt's history, the names of just a few ruling Queens have 
been made known, with the great Queen Hatshepsut - who became a legend 
amongst ancient women - enjoying the longest and most successful reign. 
Hatshepsut ruled over an Egyptian golden age during which ancient Egypt was 
unrivalled in power in the Near East. 

During a 20-year reign, Queen Hatshepsut protected the borders of her empire, 
wearing the same royal regalia as worn by male Pharaoh's. She attributed her 
birth and divine right to rule to the ancient Egyptian god Amun-Ra. Queen 
Hatshepsut did indeed rule over Egypt, and she was responsible for the 
construction of a beautiful temple complex [Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut] at 
Deir al Bahari on the west bank of the Nile.

Just one visit to this magnificent temple - which was constructed by a woman - 
is sufficient for anybody to feel the glory and grandeur of Egypt's past, which 
is something that fill's one's soul with the conviction that the earth belongs 
to those who take action, for history does not remember those who don't. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Indonesian minister under fire

2010-06-24 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Video footage bisa dilihat dengan click pada situs di bawah ini.  
Interview lebih panjang  akan dipertunjukan pada  program 101 East. 


Thursday, June 24, 2010 
14:00 Mecca time, 11:00 GMT

Indonesian minister under fire
Patrialis Akbar, Indonesia's justice minister, is responsible for administering 
the government's policy of deradicalising members of Jemaah Islamiyah, a 
group that has long been engaged in an armed conflict with the government.

But in an interview with Al Jazeera to discuss the re-educating programme, 
Patrialis Akbar said he would encourage and even fund the same fighters to 
carry out bomb attacks in Israel instead.

However, later in the discussion he toned down his words and said that he does 
not encourage violence.

His statement caused much controversy and international condemnation, but Dino 
Patti Djalal, a spokesman for the Indonesian president, said Akbar was only 
expressing frustration after Israel's attack on the aid-carrying flotilla bound 
for Gaza last month in which nine activists were killed and scores were 

Step Vaessen reports from Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.

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[wanita-muslimah] FPI Bubarkan Sosialisasi Kesehatan Komisi IX DPR

2010-06-24 Terurut Topik sunny

FPI Bubarkan Sosialisasi Kesehatan Komisi IX DPR
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010 20:19 WIB | Peristiwa | Kesehatan | 
Banyuwangi (ANTARA News) - Front Pembela Islam (FPI) bersama Forum Banyuwangi 
Cinta Damai dan LSM Gerak membubarkan acara sosialisasi kesehatan gratis yang 
digelar Komisi IX DPR di salah satu rumah makan di Kelurahan Pakis, Kabupaten 
Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, Kamis.

Ini ada komunitas anggota PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia). Kenapa ada di sini? 
kata Ketua FPI Banyuwangi, Aman Faturahman, kepada sejumlah peserta pertemuan 
yang terkejut melihat kehadiran anggota FPI itu.

Acara sosialisasi kesehatan gratis itu dihadiri Ketua Komisi IX DPR, dr. Ribka 
Tjiptaning Proletariati dan anggota Komisi IX, Rieke Dyah Ayu Pitaloka.

Melihat suasana yang semakin memanas, panitia segera mengevakuasi Ribka dan 
Rieke ke kantor DPC Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) di Jalan Jaksa 
Agung Suprapto, Banyuwangi.

Menurut Ketua FPI Banyuwangi, pertemuan itu merupakan acara temu kangen bekas 
anggota PKI dan keturunannya, sehingga pertemuan tersebut harus dibubarkan.

Sosialisasi kesehatan gratis dari Komisi IX hanya sebagai kedok. Saya curiga 
acara itu merupakan kegiatan terselubung untuk menumbuhkan semangat komunisme 
lagi karena banyak peserta dari luar Kabupaten Banyuwangi yang datang, kata 

Untuk itu, lanjut dia, FPI bersama organisasi masyarakat Islam di Banyuwangi 
membubarkan acara tersebut untuk menjaga kondusivitas keamanan di kabupaten 
paling timur Pulau Jawa itu.

Kami mengantisipasi tumbuhnya bibit PKI baru karena gerakan PKI pada tahun 
1965 berawal dari Kabupaten Banyuwangi, katanya menambahkan.

Sementara itu, Ribka Tjiptaning mengaku kecewa dengan sikap FPI yang 
membubarkan secara paksa acara sosialisasi kesehatan gratis Komisi IX DPR. 
Padahal, menurut dia, sosialisasi tersebut sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat di 

Kami tidak melakukan temu kangen bekas anggota atau keturunan PKI di 
Banyuwangi. Acara kami ini murni tugas Komisi IX DPR tentang sosialisasi 
pentingnya penyediaan fasilitas kesehatan gratis di daerah, katanya.

Penulis buku berjudul Aku Bangga Jadi Anak PKI itu pada 2002 mengaku sudah 
terbiasa mengalami intimidasi seperti itu. 

Ini menunjukkan bahwa negara kita belum demokratis sehingga orang lain masih 
berpikir awam tentang latar belakang saya, katanya.

Sementara itu, Rieke menambahkan, kegiatan sosialisasi kesehatan gratis 
tersebut merupakan kegiatan umum dan bisa dihadiri siapa saja, termasuk bekas 
anggota atau keturunan PKI.

Saya menyayangkan sikap yang dilakukan FPI karena bekas anggota atau keturunan 
PKI juga warga negara Indonesia, katanya.

Wakil Ketua DPC PDIP Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Muhammad Abas, mengatakan undangan 
yang hadir dalam kegiatan sosialisasi kesehatan gratis tersebut berasal dari 
berbagai elemen, namun beberapa peserta yang hadir merupakan keturunan keluarga 
bekas anggota PKI.

Memang benar, ada beberapa peserta yang keturunan keluarga bekas anggota PKI, 
kata Abas yang juga menjadi panitia dalam kegiatan tersebut.(*)

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[wanita-muslimah] Jakarta: Trial of Saudi Accused of Financing Terrorist Group Set to Resume

2010-06-23 Terurut Topik sunny


Jakarta: Trial of Saudi Accused of Financing Terrorist Group Set to Resume

By Khalid al-Awijan


Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat - The trial of a Saudi national accused of providing 
financial support to a terrorist group that carried out twin suicide bomb 
attacks on luxury hotels in Jakarta last year, resulting in a death toll of 
seven, is set to resume in the Indonesian capital. 

Asharq Al-Awsat learnt that Saudi national Ali Abdullah al-Khelaiw, aged 54, is 
facing criminal charges due to his relationship with one of the terrorists 
involved in the suicide attack on Jakarta last year, and that the Indonesian 
authorities believe he is responsible for financing this attack. 

South Jakarta district court prosecutor Iwan Setiawan called for al-Khelaiw to 
be imprisoned for a period of no less than 9 years, saying that the Saudi 
defendant had assisted in providing funds to terrorists and misused 
immigration documents. Al-Khelaiw denies the charges laid against him, saying 
that he travelled to Indonesia in order to set up a computer business, and that 
the money in question was lent by him to an Indonesian business partner for the 
purpose of setting up an internet café in Jakarta. 

Saudi Ambassador to Indonesia Abdulrahman al-Khayat spoke to Asharq Al-Awsat 
via telephone, revealing that the Saudi embassy in Jakarta had provided 
al-Khelaiw with legal representation, and that an appeal against the charges 
laid against him is set to be made citing lack of evidence. 

Al-Khayat also expressed his hopes that this issue would be resolved before 
al-Khelaiw's trail is over, and before the Indonesian authorities can sentence 
him to a prison sentence. 

Al-Khelaiw has been charged with providing  assistance and facilities to the 
terrorists by way of giving or lending money, things, or other wealth  to a 
terrorist group led by Noordin Mohammed Top who was killed by Indonesian police 
in a raid on a terrorist hideout in central Java September 2009, two months 
after the 17 July 2009 Jakarta bombings. 

Al-Khelaiw denies having any knowledge of the attacks that were carried out on 
the JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels in Jakarta, although the prosecution 
claims that he provided 54 million rupiah (equivalent to $5,994) to a person 
named Iwan Herdiansyah, a friend of Syaifuddin Jaelani, who took part in the 
Jakarta bombings and was killed by Indonesian police on the day of the attacks. 
Al-Khelaiw admits to meeting Jaelani, although he said that he did not provide 
him with any money, or have any prior knowledge about the terrorist plot. 

The Indonesia security forces say that Ali al-Khelaiw's failure to comply with 
the Indonesian laws of residence, as well as his disregard of the laws 
surrounding investment in Indonesia, as being weak points in the Saudi 
national's case. 

Asharq Al-Awsat also learnt that a meeting took place last week between the 
Indonesian Justice Minister and the Saudi ambassador to Jakarta, and that the 
Saudi ambassador failed to secure any promises that the charges against 
al-Khelaiw would be dropped. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Keluarga: Ariel Disantet

2010-06-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah koruptor atau teroris tidak pernah disantet, karena mereka 
kabal ilmu gaib?


Keluarga: Ariel Disantet
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010 18:07 WIB | Hiburan | Seleb | 

Ariel - Luna (ANTARA/Istimewa)Bandung (ANTARA News) - Ditengah santersnya 
pemberitaan mengenai video mesum yang diduga melibatkan Nazriel Ilham atau 
Ariel, keluarga Ariel menghembuskan kabar mengejutkan bahwa vokalis grup musik 
Peterpan itu terkena santet.

Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf, karena saya terpaksa berbicara klenik. Beberapa 
hari lalu, teman Ariel berkata kepada saya dari dalam perut Ariel keluar benda 
keris, batu, dan lain sebagainya, kata kakak kandung Ariel, Nazlin Fachridzal, 
kepada wartawan di kediaman Ariel di Jalan Tanjungsari No 58 Kota Bandung, 

Nazlin memperkirakan ada yang iri atau syirik dengan kesuksesan karir adiknya 
di dunia hiburan, 

Itu bisa jadi terjadi, tapi kemungkinan memang ada yang iri dan si pelaku 
ingin merusak citra adik saya sebagai publik figur, katanya.

Nazlin mengungkapkan hal itu semata untuk sebatas menginformasikan kepada 
masyarakat luas tentang keadaan adiknya tersebut.

Selama ini banyak pemberitaan yang menyudutkan adik saya. Ya inilah keadaan 
adik saya sekarang (kena santet). Ini supaya masyarakat tahu kejadian terkini 
yang menimpa adik saya di balik kasus dugaan video porno, katanya.

Pada Kamis siang, sedikitnya 50 orang anggota berbagai ormas Islam di Kota 
Bandung berunjuk rasa di depan rumah Ariel dan mengutuk beredarnya video yang 
diperankan orang mirip Ariel dan mengutuk artis itu.

Selain berunjuk rasa di depan rumah Ariel, massa juga menggelar aksi di depan 
kafe milik Luna Maya dan di Gedung DPRD Kota Bandung.


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[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia holds 'most wanted man'

2010-06-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 
19:39 Mecca time, 16:39 GMT

Indonesia holds 'most wanted man' 
In the past year, Indonesian police have launched a 
nationwide crackdown on fighters [Reuters] 

Police in Indonesia have captured a man believed to be one of the most wanted 
terrorists in the country, officials say.

The man thought to be Abdullah Sonata, an explosives expert, will be 
fingerprinted to confirm his identity, officials said.

Police said they became engaged in a gun battle after they launched a raid in 
Klaten, a district in central Java, on Wednesday.

One person was shot dead and three were arrested, one of whom is believed to be 

We captured three today, including Abdullah Sonata. One was killed during an 
exchange of fire, the source from the police's anti-terrorism unit, Detachment 
88, told the Reuters news agency.

The source said Sonata was found in possession of weapons.

Police in Indonesia had put him at the top of their most wanted list.

In the past year, Indonesian police have launched a nationwide crackdown on 
fighters, in which they have arrested or killed dozens of prominent fighters.

Linked to Noordin

Sonata was thought to have recently returned from the Philippines and started 
recruiting and training fighters.

He is linked to the late Noordin Mohammed Top,the former head of a Jemaah 
Islamiyah splinter cell known as al-Qaeda in the Malay Archipelago, 
responsible for major bombings until he was killed last year by police.

  In depth 

   Who was Noordin Mohammed Top?
   Indonesia bombings
   Indonesia's war on Jemaah Islamiyah
   Indonesia police in shootout
   Witness to Jakarta bombing
   Jakarta blast caught on tape
Noordin had been accused of involvement in July's twin suicide bombings at the 
Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta, the 2002 Bali nightclub bombing 
and attacks on the same Marriott hotel in Jakarta in 2003, as well as the 
Australian Embassy in 2004.

Sonata was sought for his role in planning a training camp in Aceh region - on 
the northwestern tip of Sumatra island to the west of Java - and for recruiting 
new members.

Indonesia's Metro TV said police also discovered documents that showed fighters 
were planning to attack the Danish embassy in Jakarta, but the police source 
declined to confirm the report.

Denmark has been a frequent target in various countries following the 
publication in a Danish newspaper in 2005 of caricatures depicting the Prophet 

In May, police said a group had set up a paramilitary training camp in Aceh and 
planned to launch a series of attacks.

These included a Mumbai-style hotel siege targeting foreigners and an assault 
on the president and foreign guests at an independence day ceremony in August.

Sonata had previously been arrested in 2004 for concealing information about 
Noordin, blamed for a string of bomb attacks against Western symbols over the 
past 10 years.

He was released in March 2009.

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[wanita-muslimah] Jangan pandang remeh sakit perut

2010-06-23 Terurut Topik sunny


ARKIB : 22/06/2010
Jangan pandang remeh sakit perut


TAHUKAH anda sakit perut yang berpanjangan boleh membawa maut sekiranya anda 
tidak mendapatkan rawatan segera? Selalunya, masyarakat hari ini beranggapan 
mereka menghadapi keracunan makanan atau tersalah makan sekiranya mengalami 
sakit perut.

Sedangkan antara tanda-tanda keracunan makanan ini ialah ia hanya akan muncul 
dalam masa dua hingga 24 jam selepas makan. 

Ia juga bergantung kepada tahap keracunan dan mereka yang mengalaminya mungkin 
juga akan mengalami demam dan seram sejuk, najis berdarah serta penyahhidratan.

Keracunan makanan berlaku apabila keradangan perut atau usus yang disebabkan 
oleh pengambilan makanan tercemar. 

Menurut Pakar Perubatan dan Gastroenterologi Pusat Perubatan Kelana Jaya, Dr. 
Abdul Malik Jamal Buhari, kesakitan pada bahagian perut atau abdomen boleh 
berpunca daripada pelbagai keadaan yang memberi kesan kepada pelbagai organ.

Bahagian abdomen adalah terdiri daripada bahagian bawah tulang rusuk, tulang 
pelvik ke bawah serta kedua-dua sisi badan.

Biarpun kesakitan pada bahagian abdomen boleh datang daripada tisu di dinding 
yang mengelilingi rongga abdomen, sakit di bahagian ini selalunya digunakan 
untuk menerangkan kesakitan yang berasal dari dalam rongga abdomen.

''Sekiranya tersalah makan, biasanya anda akan alami cirit-birit atau sakit 
perut pada awal pagi, sekitar pukul 3 atau 4 dan ia mengambil masa lapan jam 
selepas makan untuk mengalami tanda-tanda tersebut.

''Kebiasaannya anda tidak akan terus mendapat cirit-birit kerana jenis bakteria 
dan virus yang ada boleh menyebabkan kita muntah-muntah dahulu, iaitu kurang 
daripada dua hingga tiga jam selepas makan.

''Sekiranya anda keracunan makanan, ia akan mengambil satu hingga dua hari 
untuk baik tetapi kalau ia berpanjangan dan melebihi satu hingga dua minggu, 
kita kena buat siasatan dan tengok kenapa ada masalah cirit-birit yang 
berpanjangan,'' ujarnya ketika ditemui di Kelana Jaya, baru-baru ini.

Tambah beliau, sekiranya jangkitan ataupun kesakitan masih belum reda ia pasti 
mempunyai masalah lain seperti sama ada disebabkan oleh masalah metabolik yang 
menyebabkan cirit-birit, mahupun masalah penyakit radang usus yang boleh 
menyebabkan sakit perut dan cirit-birit yang berpanjangan disertai pendarahan 
ataupun kuman di usus oleh parasit seperti ameba yang boleh menyebabkan masalah 
cirit-birit serta kejadian nanah di hati.

Jelas beliau lagi, bagi penyakit gastrik pula, sekiranya ia merupakan ulser 
yang memudaratkan, ia perlu dibedah segera.

Pesakit juga dinasihatkan menjalani pemeriksaan endoskopi (OGDS) ataupun 
pemeriksaan segera jika keadaan dilihat membahayakan kesihatan dan nyawa.

Beliau turut memaklumkan kemungkinan berlakunya gastrik (dispepsia) dengan 
ulser atau tanpa ulser, mahupun kanser yang berpunca dari aktiviti bakteria 
helicobacter pylori yang berada di dalam perut dalam jangka masa yang lama, 
tanpa disedari.

''Jangan ambil mudah terhadap gastrik kerana gastrik juga boleh memudaratkan 
dan juga boleh membawa maut,'' katanya.

Untuk itu, beliau menasihatkan orang ramai agar tidak menganggap sakit perut 
satu penyakit yang remeh dan diminta berjumpa dengan doktor pada kadar yang 

Menurut Dr. Abdul Malik lagi, sekiranya sakit perut yang dihadapi tidak 
beransur pulih, eloklah sekiranya dirujuk kepada pakar bedah untuk langkah 

''Kesakitan pada bahagian abdomen yang kerap mestilah dirujuk kepada pakar 
perubatan. Ini membolehkan doktor membuat pemeriksaan ke atas perut dan 
tempat-tempat yang berkenaan untuk mengenal pasti punca serta jenis penyakit 
yang dihadapi.

''Perlu diingatkan, banyak perkara boleh menyebabkan sakit perut ini 
termasuklah nanah di dalam perut,'' tambah beliau.

Anda juga dinasihatkan agar mengamalkan gaya hidup yang aktif dan sihat, diet 
yang berkhasiat serta makanan yang seimbang yang boleh membantu mencegah atau 
mengurangkan keasidan gastrik, sembelit serta masalah penghadaman lain. 

Ini sekali gus memelihara perut anda daripada terkena pelbagai jangkitan kuman 
serta virus yang tidak diingini.

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[wanita-muslimah] intermezzo

2010-06-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Cannibal killer who ate cellmate's lung 

Nicolas Cocaign ate part of his cellmate's lung
In a gruesome incident, a French prisoner allegedly killed his cellmate and 
then sliced open his chest with a razor blade to remove and eat his heart, a 
court was told.

But, the man allegedly removed the wrong organ and ate his lung by mistake.

39-year-old Nicolas Cocaign appeared in court in the northern city of Rouen for 
allegedly killing Thierry Baudry in January 2007 by punching and kicking him, 
stabbing him with a pair of scissors and then suffocating him with a rubbish 

Cocaign then allegedly sliced open Baudry's chest with a razor blade, removed a 
rib and pulled out an organ which he believed was the man's heart, but which in 
fact was his lung, The Daily Telegraph reported.

He is accused of eating part of the lung raw and then frying the rest of it 
with some onions, olive oil, salt and pepper on a portable camping stove which 
the prisoners are to use in cells of the Rouen prison.

A lawyer representing victim, Thierry Baudry, chatting with Baudry's relatives 
before the start of proceedings at the Rouen criminal court
I wanted to take his soul, The Daily Mail quoted him as telling an 
investigating judge.

Angry about the way Baudry kept blocking the toilet they shared with paper, 
Cocaign who at the time of the crime was in custody awaiting trial for 
attempted armed robbery, confronted him and was met with a dirty look which 
was very aggressive.

The two started fighting, with Cocaign punching Baudry at least a dozen times 
in the face and stomach, before stabbing him with a pair of scissors.

The entire barbaric incident was witnessed by a third cellmate, David Lagrue, 
36, who had initially tried to separate Cocaign and Baudry when they started 

Lagrue was so traumatised by what happened that he ended up committing suicide 
in another prison in November 2009.

A verdict in the trial is expected on Thursday.

Published June 22 2010

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[wanita-muslimah] HMI Tolak Kedatangan SBY

2010-06-22 Terurut Topik sunny


HMI Tolak Kedatangan SBY

Ambon, AE.- Puluhan mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam 
(HMI) Cabang Ambon, menggelar aksi demonstrasi di halaman kantor Gubernur 
Maluku, Selasa (15/6).

Mereka menolak rencana kedatangan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan 
peserta asal Amerika pada event Sail Banda, yang berlangsung Juli mendatang di 
Kota Ambon. Dalam orasinya, salah satu koordinator aksi, Karim Namkatu menilai, 
kedatangan SBY, tidak memberikan manfaat apa-apa untuk perubahan Maluku. 
Belajar dari momentum-momentum sebelumnya yang dihadiri oleh SBY, Maluku tetap 
dalam tarap kemiskinan. Dan ini tak bisa dielakan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi 
(pemprov) Maluku. 

Namkatu juga mengatakan, jika Pemprov Maluku tetap bersikukuh untuk 
mendatangkan orang nomor satu di negari ini, maka mereka akan melakukan 
konsolidasi dengan semua komponen mahasiswa dan LSM untuk memboikot aktivitas 
panitia Sail Banda. Dalam aksinya, demonstran menilai agenda Sail Banda hanya 
menjadi lahan penggarapan dan eksploitasi Sumberdaya Alam (SDA) di Maluku. 
Pemerintah dinilai hanya berpatokan pada alokasi Anggaran Pembelanjaan Negara 
(APBN) ke Anggaran Belanja Daerah (APBD), untuk pemberdayaan pendidikan dan 

Namun sampai hari ini belum ada perubahan. Biaya kesehatan masih mahal begitu 
juga biaya pendidikan,kecamnya. Olehnya itu, Sail Banda hanya euforia yang 
dilakukan oleh pemprov untuk mempromosikan ketangguhan jabatan mereka Bukan 
kwalitas sumberdaya yang ada. Sayangnya, kedatangan puluhan mahasiswa itu, 
tidak disambut Wakil Gubernur Maluku yang juga Ketua Panitia Sail Banda, Said 
Assagaf. Pak wagub sedang rapat penting. Tapi beliau titip pesan agar ada Lima 
orang perwakilan demonstran saja yang melakukan negosiasi usai rapat,ujar M 
Sangadji, salah satu pegawai pemprov yang dipercayakan menyampaikan pesan 

Hanya saja, para demonstran menolak permintaan itu. Mereka inginkan, negosiasi 
tidak menggunakan utusan. Saiful Wakano yang juga koordinator aksi menilai, 
wagub telah menunjukan arogansinya sebagai putra daerah. Sebelum menuju ke 
kantor gubernur Maluku, para demonstran sempat melakukan orasi di Jalan Sultan 
Babullah dan Gong Perdamaian.

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[wanita-muslimah] Kegamangan dalam Euforia Satu Abad

2010-06-22 Terurut Topik sunny

[ Selasa, 22 Juni 2010 ] 

Jelang Muktamar Muhammadiyah, Jogjakarta, 3-8 Juli 2010 
Kegamangan dalam Euforia Satu Abad 
Oleh Syamsul Arifin

PEKAN depan, Muhammadiyah menghelat muktamar ke-46 di Jogjakarta. Muktamar 
Muhammadiyah kali ini bertepatan dengan peringatan satu abad organisasi yang 
didirikan oleh Ahmad Dahlan pada 8 Zulhijah 1330 H (18 November 1912 M). 

Warga Muhammadiyah patut bergembira dengan capaian usia organisasi yang 
panjang. Sebab, tidak banyak organisasi umat Islam di Indonesia yang berkembang 
secara dinamis, selain eksis, kendati telah melampaui usia seabad. Ahmad Dahlan 
mungkin tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa organisasi yang dia bidani ternyata 
tidak hanya melekat dalam memori kolektif umat Islam sebagai sebuah nama, 
tetapi dari sisi basis massa serta jaringan kian berkecambah, berkelindan 
dengan pertambahan amal usaha yang dimiliki. 

Ada banyak kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh Muhammadiyah dengan modal yang 
dimilikinya itu. Salah satu kontribusi yang dicatat sejumlah pengamat dan 
peneliti Muhammadiyah adalah kontribusi di bidang politik, selain bidang 
keagamaan dan pendidikan yang memang sudah dikenal baik oleh publik. Di bidang 
politik, Muhammadiyah dalam penelitian Alfian (1989) yang mendalam terhadap 
perilaku politik Muhammadiyah untuk kurun 1912-1942 dinilai memiliki posisi 
strategis sebagai kekuatan politik (as political force) meskipun bukan partai 

Tanpa harus menjadi partai politik, Muhammadiyah sebenarnya telah memainkan 
peran politik penting. Peran yang ditemukan oleh Alfian selama meneliti, 
Muhammadiyah mampu menjadi masyarakat sipil atau civil society -menurut 
kosakata politik mutakhir. Ahmad Dahlan -karena lebih menonjol sebagai sosok 
kiai- tidak pernah memberikan atribut kepada Muhammadiyah dengan ungkapan yang 
tidak pernah ditemukan dalam teks kitab suci Alquran. Yang ada di benak Ahmad 
Dahlan hanyalah keinginan memperbarui sosial-keagamaan dengan agama sebagai 
sumber inspirasi dan motivasi. 

Praksis gagasan Ahmad Dahlan, rupanya, mengundang apresiasi. Karena itu, banyak 
kalangan Islam perkotaan yang bergabung dengan Muhammadiyah, kendati banyak 
juga yang bersikap oposisi. Terlepas dari kontroversi yang mengiringi 
perkembangan Muhammadiyah, ada suatu fakta yang tidak terbantahkan. Yakni, 
Muhammadiyah memiliki basis massa dan jaringan yang lumayan kuat serta luas 
sehingga dapat mengefektifkan Muhammadiyah dalam berperan sebagai civil 


Dengan peran tersebut, Muhammadiyah di satu pihak selalu konsisten di luar 
jalur kekuasaan dalam pengertian formal. Tetapi, di pihak lain, Muhammadiyah 
tidak pernah kehilangan nyali untuk menyampaikan kritik secara objektif dan 
elegan terhadap lembaga kekuasaan formal, pemerintah. Soal kemampuan mengkritik 
sebagai civil society, kalangan internal Muhammadiyah selalu menjadikan A.R. 
Fachruddin sebagai contoh yang baik. 

Tokoh yang dikenal bersahaja dan pernah memimpin Muhammadiyah dalam rentang 
waktu yang cukup panjang (1968-1990) itu memahami betul konteks budaya 
penguasa. Beberapa episode kepemimpinan Pak AR, panggilan akrab A.R. 
Fachruddin, semasa dengan kekuasaan Presiden Soeharto yang memang kental akan 
nuansa budaya Jawa dan dikenal otoriter. Pak AR tidak jarang menggunakan bahasa 
Jawa kromo inggil saat berkomunikasi dengan Soeharto sehingga aspirasi, kritik, 
dan lobi bisa disampaikan secara elegan, tanpa menimbulkan stigma, apalagi 
friksi utama antara Muhammadiyah dan pemerintah. 

Dengan kompetensi personal dalam berkomunikasi di ranah politik, Pak AR mampu 
mengawal karakter kepolitikan Muhammadiyah, yang sejatinya harus mengutamakan 
keadaban berdemokrasi. Pak AR tentu sangat sadar bahwa Muhammadiyah bukan 
partai politik yang memang terbiasa dengan dua pilihan: berkuasa atau oposisi. 
Muhammadiyah merupakan institusi dakwah. 

Secara diametral, perspektif dakwah berbeda dengan pandangan partai dalam 
memahami realitas politik. Perspektif dakwah lebih mengedepankan kearifan atau 
hikmah dalam berhadapan dengan realitas politik. Realitas politik jarang 
dilihat secara hitam-putih. Kekuasaan secara kelembagaan maupun personal, 
misalnya, tidak melulu dilihat dari sisi buruk atau baik. 

Agar bisa sampai pada penilaian yang seimbang, kita dituntut menjaga jarak dan 
tidak boleh mengambil posisi sebagai partisan. Sebab, jika mengambil posisi 
sebaliknya, kita dengan mudah terperangkap pada sikap hitam-putih lazimnya 
partai politik. 

Mengapa Pak AR sering dijadikan contoh yang baik dalam komunikasi politik? 
Sebab, Pak AR lebih mengutamakan pola berpikir dakwah yang menjadi karakter 


Dalam lima tahun terakhir, warga Muhammadiyah mulai merindukan sosok seperti 
Pak AR, yang piawai memosisikan Muhammadiyah ketika berhadapan dengan realitas 
politik. Suasana kebatinan itu merupakan hal yang wajar. Sebab, elite 
Muhammadiyah, terutama di level puncak, kian kehilangan nalar dalam 

[wanita-muslimah] Kasus Gayus, Polri Didesak Periksa Bos-Pemilik Grup Bakrie

2010-06-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi:  Apakah Poliri berhasrat dan berani periksa bos pemilik grup Bakrie? 
Bagimana komentar Anda?


[ Senin, 21 Juni 2010 ] 

Kasus Gayus, Polri Didesak Periksa Bos-Pemilik Grup Bakrie 

JAKARTA - Sukses Mabes Polri mengungkap sekaligus menyita uang Rp 74 miliar 
milik Gayus Tambunan dalam safety box di bank mendapat apresiasi positif. 
Namun, polisi juga didesak agar segera mengungkap para penyetor dana gelap itu. 
Termasuk, berani memeriksa para pimpinan maupun pemilik Grup Bakrie. 

''Pimpinan Grup Bakrie, termasuk Aburizal Bakrie (bos dan pemilik Grup Bakrie), 
harus diperiksa. Mereka bisa dipanggil,'' desak Ketua Presidium Indonesian 
Police Watch Neta Sanusi Pane dalam diskusi di Jakarta kemarin (20/06).

Pada Jumat lalu (18/6), Direktur III/Pidana Korupsi dan White Collar Crime 
Bareskrim Mabes Polri Brigjen Pol Yovianus Mahar mengonfirmasi bahwa salah 
seorang pimpinan PT Bumi Resources Tbk (salah satu perusahaan Grup Bakrie), 
yakni Deni Adrianz, sudah diperiksa sebagai saksi. 

Menurut Neta, keterangan Gayus maupun Deni bisa dikembangkan. ''Apakah ada 
perintah untuk merekayasa pajak. Kalau ada, dari siapa. Begitu terus, 
berjenjang sampai atas,'' kata penulis buku Jangan Bosan Kritik Polisi itu. 

Neta meyakini uang miliaran rupiah milik Gayus tersebut tidak mungkin datang 
dengan sendirinya. ''Dia tidak mungkin kaya tiba-tiba. Pasti ada yang menyetor. 
Ini kok belum ada pengumuman sama sekali siapa yang menyetori Gayus,'' ujarnya. 

Idealnya, tutur Neta, orang-orang yang dicurigai bisa dipanggil. ''Dasarnya 
adalah pengakuan Gayus. Itu bisa sebagai dasar untuk memanggil orang. Selain 
itu, penyidik harus melakukan langkah pembuktian yang lain,'' katanya. 

Berdasar dokumen dan berkas pemeriksaan Gayus, mantan pegawai Ditjen Pajak yang 
dipecat itu kepada penyidik mengaku bahwa dirinya mendapat dana dari membantu 
kasus-kasus pajak. Gayus mendapat order dari Alif Kuncoro dan Imam Cahyo 
Maliki. Alif sudah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dan ditahan. Sementara itu, 
Imam sudah diperiksa, namun masih berstatus sebagai saksi. 

Order Gayus lewat Alif, menurut berkas itu, berasal dari tiga perusahaan Grup 
Bakrie. Yakni, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), PT Arutmin, dan Bumi Resources. 

Semua pengakuan Gayus itu dibantah Senior Vice President Investor Relation and 
Corporate Secretary PT Bumi Resources Dileep Srivastava (Jawa Pos 19/6). 
Keluarga Bakrie, melalui juru bicaranya, Lalu Mara Satriawangsa, juga membantah 
keras pengakuan Gayus. 

Aburizal Bakrie beberapa waktu lalu juga membantah. Ical, panggilan akrab 
Aburizal Bakrie, menyatakan bahwa dirinya tidak punya kaitan khusus dengan tiga 
perusahaan tersebut. Ical menyebutkan bahwa dirinya punya kedudukan sama dengan 
pemegang saham yang lain (Jawa Pos 6/6).

Menurut Neta, semua bantahan eksekutif Grup Bakrie maupun Ical tak cukup 
dilontarkan melalui media. ''Kalau mau menolak tudingan, ya di hadapan penyidik 
saat pemeriksaan,'' katanya. 

Kapolri, lanjut dia, seharusnya juga tidak perlu khawatir dengan imbas politik 
jika melanjutkan pengusutan kasus tersebut sampai pada penyetor dana.

Secara terpisah, pimpinan Masyarakat Antikorupsi Indonesia Boyamin Saiman juga 
menilai pengusutan kasus Gayus berjalan sangat lamban. ''Saat ini polisi justru 
fokus kepada kasus video porno. Padahal, kasus korupsi Gayus belum tuntas,'' 

Dia menduga, langkah Mabes Polri yang setengah-setengah dalam mengusut kasus 
mafia pajak terkait dengan masalah politis. ''Bau kepentingan politiknya 
tercium sekali,'' ujar Boyamin.

Wakil Kepala Divisi Humas Mabes Polri Brigjen Pol Zainuri Lubis memastikan 
bahwa pihaknya akan menuntaskan kasus Gayus hingga ke akar-akarnya. 
''Percayalah, penyidik sedang bekerja,'' katanya. 

Jenderal bintang satu itu menjelaskan bahwa tim yang dipimpin Brigjen Pol 
Yovianus Mahar masih menyidik dugaan korupsi Gayus. Sedangkan tim independen 
pimpinan Irjen Pol Mathius Salempang menuntaskan kasus sindikasi mafia pajak. 
''Lantas, pengakuan Gayus akan ditelusuri dan dikembangkan oleh penyidik,'' 
tuturnya. (rdl/c4/dwi)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Edi O.S. Hiariej: Fenomena Video Porno

2010-06-22 Terurut Topik sunny

 [ Senin, 21 Juni 2010 ] 

Edi O.S. Hiariej: Fenomena Video Porno 

Sesungguhnya, fenomena video porno bukanlah hal baru di tanah air. Sejak 
beberapa tahun silam, video porno -baik yang sengaja direkam pelaku maupun yang 
direkam secara sembunyi-sembunyi oleh pihak lain- merebak di Indonesia. Saat 
ini fenomena video porno kembali hangat dibicarakan. Pasalnya, pemeran dalam 
video tersebut mirip dengan artis yang merupakan figur publik, seperti Ariel, 
Luna Maya, dan Cut Tary. Bagaimana sebetulnya hukum pidana menyikapi hal 

Paling tidak, ada tiga undang-undang yang dapat digunakan untuk menjerat 
hal-hal yang berbau pelanggaran terhadap kesusilaan seperti yang tergambar 
dalam video tersebut.

Pertama, ketentuan dalam pasal 282 ayat 1 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana 
(KUHP) yang secara eksplisit menyatakan, Barang siapa menyiarkan, 
mempertunjukkan, atau menempelkan di muka umum tulisan, gambar, atau benda yang 
telah diketahui isinya dan yang melanggar kesusilaan atau barang siapa dengan 
maksud untuk disiarkan, dipertunjukkan, atau ditempelkan di muka umum, membikin 
tulisan, gambar, atau benda tersebut, memasukkannya ke dalam negeri, 
meneruskannya, mengeluarkannya dari negeri, atau mempunyainya dalam persediaan 
ataupun barang siapa secara terang-terangan atau dengan mengedarkan surat tanpa 
diminta, menawarkannya, atau menunjukkannya sebagai bisa didapat, diancam 
dengan pidana penjara paling lama satu tahun atau denda paling tinggi tiga ribu 

Konstruksi pasal 282 ayat 1 KUHP adalah delik penyebaran. Artinya, tulisan, 
gambar, atau benda yang muatannya melanggar kesusilaan disiarkan di muka umum. 
Konsekuensi selanjutnya, tulisan, gambar, atau benda tersebut diketahui orang 
banyak. Berdasar pasal itu, adresat atau orang yang dapat dijerat dengan pasal 
282 ayat 1 KUHP adalah mereka yang mengedarkan atau menyebarluaskan tulisan, 
gambar, atau benda yang melanggar kesusilaan. 

Kedua, ketentuan dalam pasal 27 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 
tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik berbunyi, Setiap orang dengan 
sengaja dan tanpa hak mendistribusikan dan atau mentransmisikan dan atau 
membuat dapat diaksesnya informasi elektronik dan atau dokumen elektronik yang 
memiliki muatan yang melanggar kesusilaan. Dalam undang-undang tersebut, tidak 
ada definisi soal melanggar kesusilaan. Karena itu, pengertian melanggar 
kesusilaan harus merujuk kepada KUHP, yang sebenarnya dalam KUHP sendiri tidak 
ada definisi yang pasti tentang pelanggaran terhadap kesusilaan. Tegasnya, 
substansi pasal 27 ayat 1 UU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik pada dasarnya 
sama dengan pasal-pasal kejahatan terhadap kesusilaan sebagaimana yang diatur 
dalam KUHP. Perbedaannya terletak pada alat yang digunakan untuk 
menyebarluaskan tulisan, gambar, atau benda yang muatannya melanggar 
kesusilaan, yakni sarana elektronik. Pelaku yang dapat dijerat dengan pasal 
tersebut adalah mereka yang mengedarkan atau menyebarluaskan tulisan, gambar, 
atau benda yang melanggar kesusilaan. 

Ketiga, ketentuan dalam pasal 4 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2008 
tentang Pornografi. Secara eksplisit, pasal tersebut menyatakan, Setiap orang 
dilarang memproduksi, membuat, memperbanyak, menggandakan, menyebarluaskan, 
menyiarkan, mengimpor, mengekspor, menawarkan, memperjualbelikan, menyewakan, 
atau menyediakan pornografi yang secara eksplisit memuat: a) persanggamaan, 
termasuk persanggamaan yang menyimpang; b) kekerasan seksual; c) masturbasi 
atau onani; d) ketelanjangan atau tampilan yang mengesankan ketelanjangan; e) 
alat kelamin; f) pornografi anak.

Atas dasar konstruksi pasal yang demikian, ada beberapa catatan. Pertama, ada 
definisi yang rigid perihal pornografi sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam huruf a 
sampai f. Hal tersebut berbeda dengan perbuatan yang melanggar kesusilaan 
sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 282 ayat 1 KUHP dan pasal 27 ayat 1 UU Informasi 
dan Transaksi Elektronik tanpa definisi yang tegas. Kedua, adresat -dalam 
pengertian siapa saja yang dapat dijerat dengan pasal itu- sangat luas. Bukan 
hanya mereka yang menyebarluaskan, tetapi juga yang membuat, memperbanyak, 
menyiarkan, atau memperjualbelikan.

Soal video porno yang kini ramai dibicarakan karena para pemain dalam video 
tersebut mirip dengan Ariel, Luna Maya, dan Cut Tary, ada beberapa hal yang 
penting untuk dikemukakan. Pertama, pasal 282 ayat 1 KUHP maupun pasal 27 ayat 
1 UU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik tidak dapat digunakan untuk menjerat 
mereka, terlebih jika video porno itu dimaksudkan untuk koleksi pribadi. 
Kecuali, ada bukti yang kuat bahwa pengedar video porno tersebut adalah mereka. 

Kedua, harus ada ketegasan dari Ariel, Luna, dan Cut Tary bahwa mereka 
benar-benar pelaku dalam video itu. Hal tersebut penting untuk menentukan 
status mereka. Jika diakui secara tegas bahwa pelaku dalam video porno tersebut 
adalah mereka, Ariel, Luna, dan Cut 

[wanita-muslimah] Menghargai Pahlawan Devisa

2010-06-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Menghargai Pahlawan Devisa
Oleh Haryono Suyono 

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Minggu lalu, kami mengikuti konferensi tentang kesejahteraan dan pembangunan 
sosial dunia di Hong Kong. Ikut dalam rombongan kami adalah Tjuk Kasturi 
Sukiadi sebagai Ketua DNIKS sekaligus Ketua BK3S Jatim, M Soedarmadi (Direktur 
Eksekutif Damandiri), Rohadi Haryanto (Sekjen DNIKS), dan Mulyono Daniprawiro 
(pejabat senior Damandiri). Waktu itu kami menyempatkan diri bertemu beberapa 
TKI yang meninggalkan keluarganya untuk berjuang membangun keluarga sejahtera 
melalui perjuangan yang berat bekerja di banyak keluarga di Hong Kong. 

Menjelang Hari Keluarga Nasional 2010, akhir bulan ini, tidak ada salahnya kita 
menghargai perjuangan mereka yang gigih. Ini penting agar kita bisa bekerja 
keras membentuk dan mengirimkan tenaga kerja profesional dengan harapan imbalan 
jasa yang lebih gemilang pada masa-masa mendatang. 

Rasanya kita juga perlu menghargai perjuangan mereka. Sebab, dengan latar 
belakang yang profesional dan didukung fasilitas yang baik, para pekerja 
Indonesia umumnya bisa menempatkan diri ketika bekerja di Hong Kong. Mereka pun 
mampu mendapatkan penghasilan yang cukup lumayan. Bahkan tidak kalah jumlahnya 
dengan penghasilan pensiunan seorang menko senior di republik ini. 

Dari kesan pertemuan sekilas dengan mereka, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan 
mengikuti gerakan mereka di lapangan, pada umumnya para pekerja Indonesia di 
Hong Kong cukup bahagia. Mereka bekerja selama enam hari dalam satu minggu 
dengan kesempatan libur sehari bagi setiap pekerja rumah tangga. Waktu libur 
sehari itu bebas digunakan menurut kemauan sendiri. Apabila beruntung 
mendapatkan majikan yang baik, mereka boleh memilih hari liburnya pada hari 
Sabtu atau Minggu melalui kesepakatan. Pada hari libur itulah, setiap pekerja 
diizinkan berjalan-jalan layaknya seorang tuan besar dengan pilihan acara 
yang beraneka ragam. 

Salah satu acara yang dirancang dengan tiket yang dipesan jauh-jauh hari dan 
terjadi pada saat kunjungan kami ke Hong Kong minggu lalu adalah konser 
penyanyi kondang dari Jakarta. Tiket untuk acara ini harus dipesan jauh hari 
karena ternyata kami masih menemui beberapa pejuang devisa yang kecewa karena 
kehabisan tiket dan terpaksa menikmati hari liburnya dengan makan enak di suatu 
restoran di pusat pertokoan, layaknya seorang pegawai swasta menengah dan 
tinggi dari Jakarta. 

Untuk makan-makan tersebut, dengan alat komunikasi hp canggihnya, mereka 
mengajak teman-temannya berjalan bersama, mengarungi lautan ke pusat pertokoan 
dengan nyaman. Gaya pakaiannya tidak kalah dengan gadis-gadis modern di 
Jakarta, Surabaya atau Semarang. Kita pasti tidak mengira bahwa mereka adalah 
pembantu rumah tangga. Di tangan mereka ditenteng tas modern dan sebuah payung 
karena pada waktu ini Hong Kong, seperti juga Jakarta, Surabaya, dan Semarang, 
masih diguyur hujan sesuai dengan prediksi yang mereka ikuti di televisi atau 

Tiga orang pembantu rumah tangga, sebut saja Darmi, Warsilah, dan Wati, sudah 
lebih dua tahun tinggal pada keluarga di Hong Kong. Pada hari Sabtu itu mereka 
libur dan tidak kebagian tiket sehingga harus menghabiskan hari liburnya untuk 
berbelanja sekaligus window shopping ke pusat pertokoan di kota. Mereka sengaja 
bepergian bertiga agar bisa mengadakan perundingan sebelum mengambil 
keputusan final. Apabila tiba waktunya makan siang, mereka bisa memilih makanan 
dengan kenikmatan yang lebih ketimbang pergi sendirian yang pasti harus dengan 
pilihan terbatas. Pilihan belanja tersebut memberi opsi yang lebih luas karena 
bisa saja mereka belanja tanpa harus melihat barangnya. 

Salah satu opsi belanja tanpa susah-susah menenteng barang ini dilakukan juga 
di antara para pejuang devisa tersebut. Salah seorang pejuang yang kami temui 
bernama Nanik, yang karena memiliki majikan yang baik memperoleh kesempatan 
menawarkan barang-barang yang pembelinya tidak usah melihatnya. Nanik, yang 
sudah lebih lima tahun bermukim sebagai pekerja di Hong Kong, setiap liburan 
berubah menjadi agen antar pembantu menawarkan aneka ragam barang yang bisa 
dipesan, dibayar dengan cara cicilan, dan barang pesanannya langsung diantar 
dari Surabaya ke alamat masing-masing di seluruh Indonesia tanpa cacat. 

Pekerjaan ini memberi keuntungan yang sangat tinggi sehingga Nanik bisa 
mengirim kepada orangtua, suami, dan anak-anaknya di Tanah Air layaknya seorang 
kaya yang bingung membelanjakan uangnya. Nanik dan keluarganya sudah mempunyai 
rumah, sawah yang diolah oleh suami dan keluarganya dengan baik. 

Seperti juga Nanik, ada juga seorang senior lain bernama Yati yang konon 
menurut ceritanya sudah berada di Hong Kong lebih tujuh tahun. Yati sudah 
berhasil mengirim suaminya ke Korea karena pergaulannya di Hong Kong yang 
sangat maju. Yati sudah tidak lagi kelihatan seperti pembantu rumah tangga. Dia 
sekaligus adalah supervisor di antara para pembantu yang dengan 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny
Pak Dul,

Orang tua terkecuali yang gila atau petinggi agama apapun tidak ada yang 
mendidik atau menyuruh anak-anak perempuan untuk prostitusi, tetapi masalah 
ekonomi (perut) menjadi penyebab utama. Sama halnya dengan TKW, kalau tidak 
kepepet di rumah, mana mau ada wanita pergi jauh-jauh meninggalkan anak, suami, 
orang tua, kenalan dan teman karib, pergi ke lingkungan yang bisa merusak 


  - Original Message - 
  From: abdul 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 2:31 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung

  Sekiranya benar bahwa banyak Teen Prostitution di Bandung
  atau dikota kota besar...yang salah besar adalah;

  1. orang tua.
  2. Ulama2 dan usztad2

  Dimana ajaran2 Ulama2 dan usztad2 serta orang tua kurang fektif menyakal 
perbuatan2 amoral..

  Ulama2,Usztad2 dan orang tua harus meningkatkan dakwah dan pendidikan
  kpd anak2 secara intesive.

  Bukan mencari kambing hitam atau melarang aktifitas2 orang lain
  yang mecarinafakah dgn perbuatan2 amoral...yaitu menjual
  gambar2 atau film2 atau internet2 porno dsb

  Dunia ini ada 2 aktifitas yg berlawanan sekali yaitu aktifitas
  kebaikan2 dan aktifitas syaitan

  Kalau ulama2 , Usztad2 giat memberikan teladan dan dakwah kpd anak2
  insya ALLAH, teen Prositution akan mengurang..

  Perbuatan2 amoral itu tidak akn bisa lenyab,dimana saja,karena
  Allah mengizinkan Syiatan utk mengganggu manusia2 yg beriman.


  --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, sunny am...@... wrote:
   Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung 
   A policeman, right, watches over two masseuses and their customers during a 
raid on suspected prostitution activities at a hotel in Changchun, in northeast 
China's Jilin province
   The Bandung authority is at loss to uncover cases of covert prostitution 
involving junior and senior high school students, whose number continues to 
rise in the West Java capital.
   Eli, a sex worker advocacy program mentor from the Rumah Cemara Group in 
Bandung, said it was hard to provide advocacy to teenagers involved in covert 
prostitution since most were not receptive.
   The number of those involved in covert prostitution is believed to be 
higher compared to commercial sex on the streets, she added.
   Eli has been providing support to more than 200 housewives and child sex 
workers over the past two years, around 20 of who are senior high school 
students between the ages of 15 and 16.
   They are psychologically unstable at those ages. They are hard to handle 
due to their strong motivation to earn money to make purchases such as cell 
phones and shoes, Eli said after attending the Rescue and Prevention of Child 
Sexual Exploitation (ESKA) program's discussion in Bandung.
   She expressed concern that the spread of STDs such as HIV/AIDS, would be 
more difficult to prevent among the youths because the target group was harder 
to detect.
   They don't care about contraceptives and the risks involved in exchanging 
partners. Parents are also seldom aware of their activities, so they are 
deprived of moral and health guidance, said Eli.
   The ESKA program has targeted that it could save 300 of around 1,000 
children predicted by the Save The Children group from prostitution.
   One child prostitution case currently being handled by the West Bandung 
Police involves a 15-year-old girl who sold herself for Rp 5 million Rupiah 
(US$550), just because she wished to buy a cell phone and get dental braces.
   Eko Kriswanto, program officer of the Save the Children in West Java, 
contributed high technology as a reason that made it hard to disclose covert 
child prostitution.
   He said since the program was initiated in Bandung in 2002, a change in the 
behavior of child sex workers had taken place.
   Previously, prostitution was carried out openly at redlight districts or 
on the street. Now, they can carry out transactions without being detected by 
using social networking means such as Facebook or through email and cell 
phone, said Eko.
   It's no longer always due to economic hardships. Sometimes they are 'on 
business' as an exchange for drugs, cash, phone credit or just free meals.
   Neti Supriati, Child and Women's Rights Protection division head of the 
Women's Empowerment and Family Planning Office, said the government has only 
mapped out the cases and provided counseling to victims of sex violence. But 
the government has yet make a move to curb child prostitution, she added.
   We are just handling women and child household abuse cases only and have 
yet to move in that direction, said Neti.
   -The Jakarta Post/ANN
   Published June 20 2010
   [Non-text portions of this message have been

[wanita-muslimah] 2024, Gaji Profesional Wanita Lebih Tinggi Dibanding Pria + Ini Dia 14 Wanita Miliuner tanpa Bantuan Kerabat

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kapan dan mungkinkah di NKRI  gaji profesional wanita bisa lebih 
tinggi dibanding pria?


2024, Gaji Profesional Wanita Lebih Tinggi Dibanding Pria
Senin, 21 Juni 2010, 13:42 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK--Wanita pekerja profesional asal Amerika Serikat akan 
segera mengalahkan pemasukan rata-rata pada tahun 2024, jika tren yang terjadi 
saat ini terus berlangsung.

Statistik yang dirilis oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS) menunjukkan, 
sebanyak 35 persen rumahtangga dengan pemasukan ganda, sebagian besar berasal 
dari wanita. Padahal, proporsi tersebut hanya sebesar 28 persen pada statistik 
lima tahun yang lalu.

Seorang ahli demografi asal California, Maddy Dychtwald mengatakan, seiring 
tren dari semakin diterimanya profesi seperti pengacara dan dokter sebagai staf 
perempuan, menurunkan angkat kelahiran dan dampak resesi relatif ringan pada 
pekerja perempuan di AS.

Maddy menambahkan, hal itu juga membantu perubahan presepsi dari pria yang 
lebih muda mengenai kondisi istri yang tidak dapat menghasilkan yang. Kondisi 
itu juga menimbulkan minat dari para pria muda untuk lebih banyak meluangkan 
waktu dengan keluarga dan tidak terlalu terobsesi dengan pekerjaan. 

Sebagian ahli mengatakan, masih banyak perusahaan yang lebih memilih pria 
dibandingkan wanita yang memiliki anak, karena dianggap lebih berkomitmen 
terhadap pekerjaan.

Namun, sebagian akademiki mengatakan, tren menerima wanita sebagai pekerja 
semakin mantap di kota besar seperti New York, Chicago dan Dallas, dimana 
wanita banyak berpindah untuk mendapat pekerjaan tanpa pertimbangan gender.

Maddy mengaku, dia tdak bisa memprediksi beberapa kondisi terbaliknya peran 
gender utama yang mempengaruhi feminisasi dari laki-laki.

Hal itu merupakan penciptaan kembali peran pria dan wanita. Itu adalah 
perubahan paradigma yang sangat besar, yang memberikan pria dan wanita lebih 
banyak pilihan ketika datang untuk mengejar karir mereka, untuk menyediakan 
bagi keluarga mereka dan mengekspresikan bakat mereka dan kekuatan


Ini Dia 14 Wanita Miliuner tanpa Bantuan Kerabat
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 10:44 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK--Kemampuan untuk mengeruk keuntungan dan menimbun 
harta kekayaan tak lagi dipengaruhi oleh gender. Para wanita di zaman modern, 
lebih memiliki kebebasan untuk menentukan sikap.

Majalah bisnis dan finansial Amerika Serikat, Forbes, baru-baru ini 
mengeluarkan daftar nama yang mengungkap 14 wanita yang berhasil menjadi 
miliuner tanpa bantuan orangtua, saudara dan kerabat.

Para wanita tersebut diklaim berhasil menempati posisi mereka saat ini dengan 
usaha sendiri. Berikut daftarnya :

1. Wu Yajun asal China, pengusaha pengembangan properti dengan kekayaan sebesar 
3,9 milir dolar AS.

2. Rosalie Mera asal Spanyol, pengusaha pakaian dengan nilai kekayaan 3,5 
miliar dolar AS.

3. Elena Baturina asal Rusia, pengusaha konstruksi dengan nilai kekayaan 2,9 
miliar dolar AS.

4. Doris Fisher asal Amerika, pengusaha pakaian dengan nilai kekayaan 2,4 
miliar dolar AS.

5.  Xiu Li Hawken, warga negara Inggris yang merupakan pengusaha pengembangan 
properti dengan kekayaan 2,4 miliar dolar AS.

6. Oprah Winfrey asal Amerika Serikat yang memiliki perusahaan media dengan 
nilai kekayaan 2,4 miliar dolar AS.. 

7. Giulana Benetton asal Italia, pengusaha pakaian dengan kekayaan sebesar 2,1 
miliar dolar AS.

8. Chu Lam Yiu asal Cina yang memiliki perusahaan parfum dengan nilai kekayaan 
2,1 miliar dolar AS.

9. Zhang Xin asal Cina, pengusaha di bidang pengembangan properti, nilai 
kekayaan 2 miliar dolar AS.

10. Yan Cheung asal Cina yang memiliki perusahan pengolahan limbah kertas, 
dengan nilai kekayaan 1,7 miliar dolar AS.

11. Meg Whitman asal Amerika Serikat, pengusaha di bidang perniagaan internet, 
dengan nilai kekayaan 1,3 miliar dolar AS.

12. Chan Laiwa asal Cina, pengusaha pengembangan properti dengan kekayaan 1,1 
miliar dolar AS.

13. Lei Jufang asal Cina, pengusaha di bidang obat-obatan dengan nilai kekayaan 
1,1 miliar dolar AS.

14. J.K. Rowling asal Inggris, penulis novel laris dengan kekayaan 1 miliar 
dolar AS.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Pemerintah akan Gelar Serah Terima Sukarelawan Gaza

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny

Pemerintah akan Gelar Serah Terima Sukarelawan Gaza
Senin, 21 Juni 2010 15:44 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | 

Jakarta  (ANTARA News) - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Luar Negeri akan 
menggelar serah terima tiga sukarelawan Indonesia yang tergabung dalam misi 
kemanusiaan ke Jalur Gaza, dengan kapal Freedom Flotilla, kepada pihak keluarga.

Seperti yang lalu, rencananya kita akan menggelar serah terima dengan pihak 
keluarga, kata Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa ketika ditemui setelah 
mendampingi Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menerima Duta Besar Australia 
untuk Indonesia Bill Farmer, di Kantor Kepresidenan Jakarta, Senin.

Tiga sukarelawan yang akan diserahkan ke pihak keluarga itu adalah Surya 
Fachrizal Aprianus dari Sahabat Al Aqsa, Abdillah Onim (MER-C) dan Nur Ikhwan 
Abadi (MER-C).

Marty menjelaskan, serah terima rencananya digelar pukul 17.00 WIB di 
Kementerian Luar Negeri.

Itu rencananya, tapi harus saya cek lagi karena saya juga harus mempersiapkan 
diri untuk pertemuan G-20, kata Marty.

Selain menggelar serah terima dengan pihak keluarga, kata Marty, pemerintah 
juga akan memberikan perawatan, terutama untuk Surya Fachrizal Aprianus yang 
mengalami luka tembak.

Sukarelawan asal Indonesia itu dijadwalkan tiba di Bandara Internasional 
Soekarno-Hatta pada Senin dengan penerbangan Emirates pukul 15.55 WIB.

Sebelumnya pada 7 Juni, Kementerian Luar Negeri atas nama Pemerintah RI telah 
menyerahkan empat sukarelawan dari KISPA dan seorang jurnalis kepada keluarga 
mereka masing-masing.

Sementara itu, pada tanggal 15 Juni, tiga relawan lainnya yakni Wisnu Pramudya 
(Sahabat Al Aqsa), Santi Soekanto (Sahabat Al Aqsa) dan Arief Rachman (MER-C) 
telah meninggalkan Amman, Yordania, menuju Istanbul, Turki.

KBRI Amman, sejak 2 Juni telah memberikan dukungan dan bantuan kepada seluruh 
sukarelawan WNI untuk misi kemanusiaan Gaza.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Wah Harga BBM Eceran Capai Rp15 Ribu/liter

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah harga eceran BBM  masih murah bila dibandingkan untuk 
pendapatan rata-rata dari penduduk?


Wah Harga BBM Eceran Capai Rp15 Ribu/liter
Senin, 21 Juni 2010 15:41 WIB | Peristiwa | Umum | 

Bengkulu (ANTARA News) - Masyarakat Kabupaten Kepahiang dan Rejang Lebong 
Provinsi Bengkulu mengeluhkan tingginya harga eceran Bahan Bakar Minyak yang 
mencapai Rp15 ribu per liter.

Harga BBM eceran mencapai Rp15 ribu sampai Rp17 ribu per liter, sementara 
minyak di SPBU lebih sering kosong padahal kami sudah ikut antri berjam-jam, 
kata salah seorang pemilik kendaraan roda empat, Nody Rahmat di Bengkulu, Senin.

Ia mengatakan, kondisi tersebut sudah terjadi dalam satu bulan terakhir dan 
mulai mengganggu pengguna kendaraan untuk melakukan aktivitasnya.

Kebetulan area kerja saya antara Kota Bengkulu-Kepahiang dan Curup, kemudian 
kembali ke Bengkulu jadi sangat terganggu dengan persoalan ini,katanya.

Nody berharap pemerintah segera mengatasi hal tersebut sehingga aktivitas 
masyarakat berjalan dengan normal.

Menanggapi hal ini Ketua Komisi III DPRD Provinsi Bengkulu Budi Darmawansyah 
mengatakan, permintaan BBM tersebut dipengaruhi tingginya aktivitas pemilik 
kendaraan dalam rangka kampanye calon kepala daerah di dua kabupaten tersebut.

Sekarang kan masa kampanye jadi aktivitas kendaraan meningkat sehingga 
kebutuhan BBM juga meningkat, jadi sebaiknya Pertamina melakukan pengamatan di 
lapangan dan kalau memang diperlukan tambahan pasokan agar dibahas bersama 
pemerintah daerah, katanya.

Politisi Golkar ini berharap, dinas dan badan terkait agar mengawasi dan turun 
ke lapangan untuk mengetahui penyebab tingginya harga BBM eceran tersebut.

Sementara itu Pengawas Penjualan Depo Pertamina Bengkulu Gatot Widianto 
mengatakan harga BBM eceran tidak di bawah pengawasan dan pantauan Pertamina.

Kalau eceran kami tidak mengawasi atau memantau, tapi pasokan BBM untuk 
Kepahiang dan Curup tetap normal dan tidak ada pengurangan, katanya.

Ia mengatakan, empat SPBU di Kepahiang dan Curup mendapat pasokan BBM antara 16 
kiloliter hingga 24 kiloliter per hari.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Bom Mobil Tewaskan 26 Orang di Baghdad

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny

  Bom Mobil Tewaskan 26 Orang di Baghdad

  Baghdad, (Analisa).

   Tentara Irak berjaga-jaga di lokasi serangan bom mobil di Baghdad, Irak, 
Minggu (20/6) setelah dua bom mobil meledak dekat lapangan utama di Baghdad.  

  Dua bom mobil meledak, Minggu (20/6) dekat sebuah lapangan utama di 
Baghdad, menewaskan 26 orang dan mencederai 53 orang lainnya dalam serangan 
terkini yang ditujukan pada daerah elit di ibukota Irak itu. 

  Mobil-mobil bermuatan bahan peledak tadi diparkir berjarak ratusan meter 
dekat sebuah gedung pemerintah yang mengeluarkan kartu identifikasi nasional, 
gedung perusahaan telepon dan bank pemerintah. 
  Ledakan-ledakan hampir serentak terjadi setelah pukul 11.00 waktu 
setempat disaat kawasan itu ramai dengan orang pada hari pertama minggu kerja.

  Mayjen. Qassim al-Moussawi, jurubicara militer utama Irak untuk Baghdad, 
mengatakan, 26 orang tewas dan 53 lainnya cedera.

  Korban tewas termasuk empat polsi dan dua wanita, demikian menurut para 
pejabat rumahsakit dan polisi, yang mengkonfirmasikan angka korban itu dengan 
meminta dirahasiakan namanya karena mereka tidak berwenang memberikan 
keterangan kepada media.

  Pemboman-pemboman berkelanjutan di Baghdad dan daerah-daerah sekitarnya 
meningkatkan kekhawatiran bahwa gerilyawan meningkatkan serangan dalam upaya 
memicu kerusuhan dengan memanfaatkan kebuntuan politik pasca pemilihan 7 Maret. 

  Pekan lalu, tersangka gerilyawan al Qaeda di Irak menyerbu bank pusat dan 
berbaku tembak dengan pasukan keamanan Irak dalam ketegangan yang melumpuhkan 
sebagian ibukota. 

  Pada perkembangan lain dilaporkan, tiga bom pinggir jalan di Hurriya, 
satu perkampungan Syiah di utara Baghdad, menewaskan empat orang dan mencederai 
16 orang, kata seorang pejabat keamanan kepada AFP.

  Tembakan dari sebuah peluncur roket Katyusha menewaskan tiga orang dan 
mencederai empat orang di Al Obeidi, satu distrik kumuh Syiah di daerah timur 
ibu kota Irak dekat pangkalan Syiah Kota Sadr, kata seorang pejabat. Dan di 
Zayouna, Baghdad tengah, polisi menemukan lima mayat wanita. Seorang petugas 
keamanan mengatakan mereka diduga dibunuh dua atau tiga minggu lalu.

  Terjadi juga serangan-serangan belum lama ini terhadap wanita-wanita yang 
dituduh melanggar adat istiadat Islam. (Ant/AFP/AP/es) 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Penindasan terhadap TKI

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny

  Penindasan terhadap TKI
  Oleh : Edward Silaban 

  Berita penyiksaan, pemerkosaan, penembakan bahkan pembunuhan terhadap 
Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) seolah-olah tidak melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia. 
Kondisi inilah yang dialami TKI yang berada di luar negeri. Berbagai motif 
pembenaran dilakukan sang majikan untuk 

  meluluskan perbuatan tersebut. Dengan mengubur berita buruk tentang kasus 
yang menimpa TKI. Hal ini membuat kesulitan bagi pemerintah untuk memecahkan 
problema yang dialami TKI. Terbukti, kasus yang menimpa TKI terus berlanjut 
hingga sekarang belum tuntas. 

  Sebelum membahas lebih lanjut tentang masalah TKI, kita perlu merenung. 
Mengapa negara terus mengirim TKI ke luar negeri dalam kondisi yang tidak 
dilindungi? Harus diakui, terjadinya pengiriman ini sebagai bukti negara telah 
gagal menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi warga negaranya. Keadaan negara yang 
sedang diganggu oleh berbagai kasus internal (kasus bank century, kasus 
perpajakan dan kasus lain yang seiring waktu semakin bertambah) menyebabkan 
perhatian terhadap TKI semakin redup. Apapun alasan pemerintah, nasib warga 
negara harus tetap diperjuangkan karena tujuan negara didirikan untuk 
mensejahterakan masyarakat. Nasib TKI merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah untuk 

  Jumlah TKI yang bekerja di luar negeri menurut catatan Kementerian Tenaga 
Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Kemenakertrans) antara lain: Malaysia sebanyak 1,2 
juta, Arab Saudi sebanyak 927.500 orang, Singapore sebanyak 80.150 orang, 
Yordania sebanyak 38.000 orang, Bahrain sebanyak 6.500 orang, Kuwait sebanyak 
6.100 orang, UEA sebanyak 51.350 orang, Qatar sebanyak 24.586 orang, Taiwan 
sebanyak 130.000 orang, Hongkong sebanyak 120.000 orang, dan Brunai Darussalam 
sebanyak 40.450 orang. Kiriman uang dari TKI yang bekerja di luar negeri 
sebesar 62 Triliun (Kompas, 02 Juni 2010).

  Setelah melihat besaran nominal dari pemasukan TKI ke kas negara tentu 
suatu kebanggaan besar bagi pemerintah. Banyaknya TKI yang diberangkatkan ke 
luar negeri menjadi andalan besar negara Indonesia untuk meraup keuntungan. 
Dengan banyaknya kiriman uang yang masuk ke kas negara sebagai upah keringat 
TKI, maka layaklah mereka disebut sebagai pahlawan devisa negara. Pahlawan 
devisa negara seharusnya mendapat perlindungan layaknya seorang pahlawan. 

  Aneka Macam Penindasan 

  TKI selalu menjadi korban tertindas dari oknum yang tidak bertanggung 
jawab. Baik pemerintah sebagai pihak pengirim maupun majikan tempat TKI bekerja 
merupakan pelaku penindasan. Seandainya pemerintah merasakan derita yang 
dialami TKI pastilah negara akan berpihak kepada TKI. Sejauh ini kebijakan 
dibidang pengiriman TKI belumlah mendapat perlindungan hukum. Semua kebijakan 
yang dikeluarkan atau yang disepakati Indonesia dengan negara luar hanya 
sebatas diatas kertas. 

  Seringkali kebijakan yang ada menjadi ancaman bagi TKI dalam memperoleh 
haknya sebagai pekerja. Perjalanan hidup TKI tiada hari tanpa penindasan, 
bahkan penyiksaan sudah menjadi bumbu kehidupan. Hidup senang hanyalah mimpi 
buruk bagi TKI yang tidak pernah tercapai. Ternyata pengorbanan mereka terhadap 
bangsa dan negara tidak sebanding dengan perlakuan yang diterima. Terbukti, 
banyaknya TKI yang bermasalah di luar negeri.

  Kondisi ini diperparah dengan kasus yang menimpa TKI diluar negeri tidak 
pernah diselesaikan oleh pemerintah. Banyak TKI yang mendapat perlakuan tidak 
manusiawi dari majikan tempat kerja selalu dibungkam. Kalau ditabulasi, masalah 
yang dialami TKI sangat beragam mulai dari penyiksaan, pemerkosaan, penembakan 
bahkan pembunuhan. Kasus kekerasan terhadap TKI pada sektor rumah tangga yang 
dialami oleh Siti Hajar pada pertengahan tahun 2009. Kasus terhadap Munti 
tenaga kerja asal Jawa Timur. Pembantu rumah tangga ini di kurung di kamar 
mandi hingga tewas. Kasus pemerkosaan yang dialami pembantu rumah tangga 
kemudian tubuhnya disetrika majikannya karena dituduh terlambat mengangkat 
telepon. Bukan hanya itu ternyata masih banyak kasus lainnya yang terungkap 
karena dikubur di negeri tempat TKI bekerja. Semua penindasan yang dialami TKI 
sebagai bukti bahwa pemerintah belum berpihak padaTKI. Terjadinya penderitaan 
terhadap TKI tidak terlepas dari persiapan yang tidak matang sebelum TKI 
diberangkatkan ke luar negeri. 

  Permasalahan pokok yang menimpa TKI ternyata berasal dari internal (dalam 
negeri) meliputi: 

  Pertama, rekrutmen TKI yang tidak resmi.

  Untuk perekrutan pemerintah memberikan kebebasan kepada calo atau sponsor 
untuk mencari calon TKI yang akan diberangkatkan ke luar negeri. Hal ini akan 
menjadi dampak terhadap penindasan terhadap TKI. Para Sponsor tidak pernah 
memperhatikan keadaan calon TKI mulai dari keterampilan kerja, keadaan fisik 
dan usia. Artinya, pengiriman TKI tidak melalui 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny

Apa saya tulis kebencian terhadap Amerika?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dwi Soegardi 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 11:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung

  Bukannya penyebab banyaknya prostitusi remaja ini karena ulama2
  mengajarkan kebencian kepada Amerika dan Israel?

  Makanya sepakbola pun kalahan 

  Termasuk ekonomi rusak dan kemiskinan, masalah TKW, dll semua itu
  sama: karena membenci Amerika dan Israel!

  masak Sunny ngga ngerti sih?

  Gitu aja kok repot :)

  On 6/21/10, sunny am...@tele2.se wrote:
   Pak Dul,
   Orang tua terkecuali yang gila atau petinggi agama apapun tidak ada yang
   mendidik atau menyuruh anak-anak perempuan untuk prostitusi, tetapi masalah
   ekonomi (perut) menjadi penyebab utama. Sama halnya dengan TKW, kalau tidak
   kepepet di rumah, mana mau ada wanita pergi jauh-jauh meninggalkan anak,
   suami, orang tua, kenalan dan teman karib, pergi ke lingkungan yang bisa
   merusak jiwanya.
   - Original Message -
   From: abdul
   To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 2:31 AM
   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung
   Sekiranya benar bahwa banyak Teen Prostitution di Bandung
   atau dikota kota besar...yang salah besar adalah;
   1. orang tua.
   2. Ulama2 dan usztad2
   Dimana ajaran2 Ulama2 dan usztad2 serta orang tua kurang fektif menyakal
   perbuatan2 amoral..
   Ulama2,Usztad2 dan orang tua harus meningkatkan dakwah dan pendidikan
   kpd anak2 secara intesive.
   Bukan mencari kambing hitam atau melarang aktifitas2 orang lain
   yang mecarinafakah dgn perbuatan2 amoral...yaitu menjual
   gambar2 atau film2 atau internet2 porno dsb
   Dunia ini ada 2 aktifitas yg berlawanan sekali yaitu aktifitas
   kebaikan2 dan aktifitas syaitan
   Kalau ulama2 , Usztad2 giat memberikan teladan dan dakwah kpd anak2
   insya ALLAH, teen Prositution akan mengurang..
   Perbuatan2 amoral itu tidak akn bisa lenyab,dimana saja,karena
   Allah mengizinkan Syiatan utk mengganggu manusia2 yg beriman.
   --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, sunny am...@... wrote:
Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung
A policeman, right, watches over two masseuses and their customers
   during a raid on suspected prostitution activities at a hotel in Changchun,
   in northeast China's Jilin province
The Bandung authority is at loss to uncover cases of covert prostitution
   involving junior and senior high school students, whose number continues to
   rise in the West Java capital.
Eli, a sex worker advocacy program mentor from the Rumah Cemara Group in
   Bandung, said it was hard to provide advocacy to teenagers involved in
   covert prostitution since most were not receptive.
The number of those involved in covert prostitution is believed to be
   higher compared to commercial sex on the streets, she added.
Eli has been providing support to more than 200 housewives and child sex
   workers over the past two years, around 20 of who are senior high school
   students between the ages of 15 and 16.
They are psychologically unstable at those ages. They are hard to
   handle due to their strong motivation to earn money to make purchases such
   as cell phones and shoes, Eli said after attending the Rescue and
   Prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation (ESKA) program's discussion in
She expressed concern that the spread of STDs such as HIV/AIDS, would be
   more difficult to prevent among the youths because the target group was
   harder to detect.
They don't care about contraceptives and the risks involved in
   exchanging partners. Parents are also seldom aware of their activities, so
   they are deprived of moral and health guidance, said Eli.
The ESKA program has targeted that it could save 300 of around 1,000
   children predicted by the Save The Children group from prostitution.
One child prostitution case currently being handled by the West Bandung
   Police involves a 15-year-old girl who sold herself for Rp 5 million Rupiah
   (US$550), just because she wished to buy a cell phone and get dental braces.
Eko Kriswanto, program officer of the Save the Children in West Java,
   contributed high technology as a reason that made it hard to disclose covert
   child prostitution.
He said since the program was initiated in Bandung in 2002, a change in
   the behavior of child sex workers had taken place.
Previously, prostitution was carried out openly at redlight districts
   or on the street. Now, they can carry out transactions without being
   detected by using social networking means

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny
Orang tua maupunulama tidak akan efektif selama perut keroncong.

  - Original Message - 
  From: abdul 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 12:30 PM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung

  sunny -Bismilahirrahmanirrahiim.

  Apakah saya menulis Orang tua dan petinggi menyuruh anak2nya utk

  Yg saya tulis, orang tua,dan ulama2 ajaran2nya kurang Efektif.

  --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, am...@... wrote:
   Pak Dul,
   Orang tua terkecuali yang gila atau petinggi agama apapun tidak ada yang 
mendidik atau menyuruh anak-anak perempuan untuk prostitusi, tetapi masalah 
ekonomi (perut) menjadi penyebab utama. Sama halnya dengan TKW, kalau tidak 
kepepet di rumah, mana mau ada wanita pergi jauh-jauh meninggalkan anak, suami, 
orang tua, kenalan dan teman karib, pergi ke lingkungan yang bisa merusak 
   - Original Message - 
   From: abdul 
   To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 2:31 AM
   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung
   Sekiranya benar bahwa banyak Teen Prostitution di Bandung
   atau dikota kota besar...yang salah besar adalah;
   1. orang tua.
   2. Ulama2 dan usztad2
   Dimana ajaran2 Ulama2 dan usztad2 serta orang tua kurang fektif menyakal 
perbuatan2 amoral..
   Ulama2,Usztad2 dan orang tua harus meningkatkan dakwah dan pendidikan
   kpd anak2 secara intesive.
   Bukan mencari kambing hitam atau melarang aktifitas2 orang lain
   yang mecarinafakah dgn perbuatan2 amoral...yaitu menjual
   gambar2 atau film2 atau internet2 porno dsb
   Dunia ini ada 2 aktifitas yg berlawanan sekali yaitu aktifitas
   kebaikan2 dan aktifitas syaitan
   Kalau ulama2 , Usztad2 giat memberikan teladan dan dakwah kpd anak2
   insya ALLAH, teen Prositution akan mengurang..
   Perbuatan2 amoral itu tidak akn bisa lenyab,dimana saja,karena
   Allah mengizinkan Syiatan utk mengganggu manusia2 yg beriman.
   --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, sunny ambon@ wrote:


Teen prostitution on the rise in Bandung 

A policeman, right, watches over two masseuses and their customers during 
a raid on suspected prostitution activities at a hotel in Changchun, in 
northeast China's Jilin province

The Bandung authority is at loss to uncover cases of covert prostitution 
involving junior and senior high school students, whose number continues to 
rise in the West Java capital.

Eli, a sex worker advocacy program mentor from the Rumah Cemara Group in 
Bandung, said it was hard to provide advocacy to teenagers involved in covert 
prostitution since most were not receptive.

The number of those involved in covert prostitution is believed to be 
higher compared to commercial sex on the streets, she added.

Eli has been providing support to more than 200 housewives and child sex 
workers over the past two years, around 20 of who are senior high school 
students between the ages of 15 and 16.

They are psychologically unstable at those ages. They are hard to handle 
due to their strong motivation to earn money to make purchases such as cell 
phones and shoes, Eli said after attending the Rescue and Prevention of Child 
Sexual Exploitation (ESKA) program's discussion in Bandung.

She expressed concern that the spread of STDs such as HIV/AIDS, would be 
more difficult to prevent among the youths because the target group was harder 
to detect.

They don't care about contraceptives and the risks involved in 
exchanging partners. Parents are also seldom aware of their activities, so they 
are deprived of moral and health guidance, said Eli.

The ESKA program has targeted that it could save 300 of around 1,000 
children predicted by the Save The Children group from prostitution.

One child prostitution case currently being handled by the West Bandung 
Police involves a 15-year-old girl who sold herself for Rp 5 million Rupiah 
(US$550), just because she wished to buy a cell phone and get dental braces.

Eko Kriswanto, program officer of the Save the Children in West Java, 
contributed high technology as a reason that made it hard to disclose covert 
child prostitution.

He said since the program was initiated in Bandung in 2002, a change in 
the behavior of child sex workers had taken place.

Previously, prostitution was carried out openly at redlight districts or 
on the street. Now, they can carry out transactions without being detected by 
using social networking means such as Facebook or through email and cell 
phone, said Eko.

It's no longer always due to economic hardships

[wanita-muslimah] Hard-line groups hold Islamic congress in Bekasi

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny

Hard-line groups hold Islamic congress in Bekasi 
Hasyim Widhiarto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 06/20/2010 2:57 PM | Jakarta 

FPI: (JP/R. Berto Wedhatama)A number of Islamic hard-line groups in Bekasi 
kicked off Sunday a two-day joint congress, with the main agenda to discuss 
about Christianization issue in the city.

The congress, held on Sunday in Bunga Karang Hotel and next Sunday in Bekasi 
Islamic Center, is attended by 200 people representing non government-linked 
Islamic groups in the city, including the Islam Defender Front (FPI), the 
Bekasi Movement Against Apostates and the Islamic Ummah Forum.

The congress will try to produce a guideline for Bekasi Muslims and local 
government in dealing with Christianization problem in the city, head of FPI's 
Bekasi chapter Murhali Barda told The Jakarta Post.

We will then propose the guideline to the local administration, but it is 
their right to refuse or accept it. 

Rapid development in industry and housing sectors has turned Bekasi, located in 
the outskirts of Jakarta, into a more culturally and religiously diverse city, 
making it vulnerable to a religious-triggered conflict which mainly involved 
Muslims and Christians.

Last month, a Christian school was attacked by a group of people after a former 
student of the school allegedly posted a picture showing him putting Koran in a 
toilet in the school's blog.

On Saturday, the Bekasi municipal administration finally decided to tear down a 
17-meter Tiga Mojang (Three Ladies) statue in Kota Harapan Indah residential 
complex, following a series of protest from the hard-line groups which called 
the newly-erected statue as obscene and symbolizing the Christian's Trinity 

Related News  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Tifatul chided for linking sex tape scandal to crucifixion

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik sunny

Tifatul chided for linking sex tape scandal to crucifixion
Erwida Maulia, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sat, 06/19/2010 9:43 AM | Headlines 

Communications and Information Technology Minister Tifatul Sembiring has spent 
most of the past two days fending off an onslaught of Twitter attacks after he 
compared a sex tape controversy to the theological debate between Christians 
and Muslims about the death of Jesus Christ.

He said Thursday during a breakfast meeting at his office that the public 
debate over the sex tapes featuring people resembling singer Nazril Ariel 
Irham, TV presenter Luna Maya and celebrity Cut Tari was like the dispute 
between Muslims, who believe that Jesus Christ was not crucified but rather 
that someone resembling him was, and Christians, who believe that Jesus Christ 
was crucified.

The celebrities have claimed the persons in the sex videos are not them.  

Tifatul said that confirming the identity of the persons in the tapes was very 
important to avoid adverse impacts in the future like those emerging from the 
different views of Muslims and Christians. He did not elaborate on the impacts 
of the theological discord between the world's two largest religions.

One Twitter message directed at the minister from the account 
@Williamalwijaya asked: What is the relationship between Ariel and the 
Catholic followers of God? Were you drunk when you said that?.
Tifatul tweeted back, You had better not quote people's words partially, that 
makes you look like a drunk person.

Tifatul also wrote to another of his Twitter criticizers, @artjie, I'm 
explaining the point of view of Muslims on Prophet Isa and of the Christians on 
Jesus Christ, you can ask theologists about this.

He also tried to clarify the context of his statements to @nafaurbach by 
saying, Muslims believe that Prophet Isa wasn't crucified, that it was someone 
'resembling' him, while Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified.

A Catholic priest from the Indonesian Bishops Council, Father Beni Susetyo, 
said that as a public official, Tifatul Sembiring should not compare a 
pornography scandal to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, because it could hurt 
the feelings of believers. There is no connection between pornography and the 
crucifixion of Jesus Christ at all, he told The Jakarta Post.

He criticized the minister for showing a lack of appreciation for beliefs other 
than his own in such a diverse country as Indonesia.

This is the second time that Tifatul has sparked a controversy on Twitter. In 
April, he tweeted a quote from Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. He wrote, The union 
between two children, when both of them complete each other, this is magic - 
Adolf Hitler.

This posting drew the ire of many members of the public, who complained the 
minister had shown a lack of respect for the millions of people killed in the 
genocide perpetrated under Nazi leadership during World War II.

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[wanita-muslimah] Arabs back Algeria, pray for victory against US

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Arabs back Algeria, pray for victory against US
Algeria's players Karim Matmour (R) Madjid Bougherra (L) acknowledge cheers 
from the crowd after the team held England to a scoreless draw Friday in Cape 
Town, South Africa. EPA)


Published: Jun 19, 2010 18:34 Updated: Jun 19, 2010 18:42 

JOHANNESBURG: Arabs were flying the Algerian flag on Saturday after the only 
North African team kept its hopes alive of qualifying for the next round by 
holding favorites England to a World Cup draw.

Algeria will face the United States on Wednesday in Pretoria, a game Arabs said 
they would be watching keenly, not just because of the soccer, but because they 
will be wishing for an Arab victory against the superpower.

If not in politics or economics, then soccer will do.

We want to win against the USA - if we can't beat them politically or 
economically then at least we can do it in football, said Libyan sports 
commentator Mohamed Barakat.

While Washington is politically allied with many Middle East governments, Arabs 
have long complained that US policy in the region is behind their conflicts and 
economic woes.

Urging support

The US-led invasion of Iraq added to a widespread anti-American sentiment.

Pan-Arab and Muslim groups on social networking site Facebook appeared urging 
support for Algeria.

Algerian flags were flying in the streets of Sudan's capital, Khartoum, the 
venue where they qualified for their first World Cup in 24 years.

One Lebanese paper said Algeria embarrassed the England team on Friday in 
Cape Town.

Arab nations do not enjoy a prestigious history in international soccer, but 
many say this young Algerian team, many of whom play in European clubs, could 
change this trend.

Most expected England to thrash Algeria, dogged by injuries and without a 
leading striker.

But after a lackluster 90 minutes they managed to frustrate any attempt to 
score, forcing a 0-0 draw which angered England fans who booed their team.

Even some Egyptians were able to forget their bitter loss to Algeria, which 
denied the African champions a place in the first World Cup finals on African 
soil in a grudge match marred by violence and which sparked a diplomatic crisis 
between the two nations.

I want Algeria to win the game because it is the only Arab team left in the 
World Cup, said Egyptian taxi driver Mahmoud Bassiyouny.

One Egyptian security official said: If (Algeria) ... wins against the 
Americans it can move into the next round - it would be an honor for Arabs.

Algeria was unlucky to lose its first match against Slovenia 1-0 because of a 
goalkeeper error after dominating play.

Key striker Abdelkader Ghezzal was also sent off, barring him from the England 
match too.

All eyes will now be on the upcoming match against the US team. A win could 
create an upset and propel Algeria to the last 16. But many will not care about 
the soccer.

I am 100 hundred percent cheering against the Americans because they are the 
reason for all of our problems, said 35-year-old Lebanese Fadia Khalil, on a 
beach near Beirut.

Sudanese Samir Eltayeb said the match would be tense for more than just the 

To play England it's about the football, to play America it's more than that. 
For Algeria to beat the USA it will be brilliant for any Arab anywhere in the 
world - even the Egyptians.

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[wanita-muslimah] Two Suns on 21thJune 2010

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Segera dunia kiamat? hehhee


wo Suns on 21thJune 2010 Share12   Views:639 Belongs to : Interesting Facts 

Two Suns on 21thJune 2010

21st June - the Whole World is waiting for.

Star Aderoid will be the brightest in the sky, starting 10 June. It will look 
as large as the sun from naked eye. This will culminate on 21stjune when the 
star comes within 34.65M miles of the earth. Be sure to watch the sky on june. 
21 at 12:30 pm. It will look like the earth has 2 suns.!!

The next time Aderoid may come this close is in 2287

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[wanita-muslimah] Harta Senayan dan Kemayoran

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Harta Senayan dan Kemayoran 
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010 00:01 WIB  

NEGARA memiliki aset yang amat berharga di kawasan Gelora Bung Karno di 
Senayan. Negara juga mempunyai aset strategis di kawasan Kemayoran. Keduanya 
berada di wilayah Jakarta. 

Tetapi aset yang berada di kawasan mahal itu, ternyata tidak memberi keuntungan 
sepadan, bahkan sangat timpang kepada negara. Aset di Senayan dengan nilai di 
atas Rp50 triliun hanya menghasilkan pendapatan bagi negara (bukan pajak) Rp15 
miliar per tahun. Adapun di Kemayoran, yang bernilai Rp25 triliun, menyumbang 
pendapatan bagi negara cuma Rp20 miliar per tahun. 

Padahal di kawasan Senayan telah berdiri pusat-pusat bisnis terkenal yang 
meraup keuntungan besar. Ada hotel mewah, ada kawasan perbelanjaan modern, dan 
tempat hiburan. Demikian pula di Kemayoran. 

Kasus Senayan dan Kemayoran memperlihatkan betapa buruknya pengelolaan aset 
negara. Untuk sebagian aset memang buruk karena ditelantarkan, tetapi yang lain 
ternyata buruk karena aset-aset negara itu menjadi rezeki yang masuk ke 
kantong-kantong pejabat. 

Senayan dan Kemayoran adalah dua contoh aset bagus yang menjadi buruk karena 
persekongkolan antara yang berkuasa dan pemilik modal. Persekongkolan itu 
demikian kuatnya sehingga negara tetap saja tidak mampu memaksakan keuntungan 
yang memadai. 

Seorang anggota DPR yang pernah mengepalai panitia kerja tentang aset negara 
mendapatkan indikasi bahwa pajak yang harus masuk ke kas negara lenyap di 
kantong para pejabat termasuk para istri. 

Kementerian Sekretariat Negara sebagai pihak yang mengelola aset Gelora Bung 
Karno berkeinginan untuk berunding ulang dengan semua pihak ketiga yang 
berbisnis di atas lahan negara. Keinginan ini sesungguhnya tidak baru. Ketika 
Yusril Ihza Mahendra menjadi Menteri Sekretaris Negara, dia pernah melakukan 
hal yang sama, tetapi mentok karena persekongkolan kuat dan rapi yang menjalar 
sampai antarlembaga. 

Ada dugaan bahwa aset-aset di Senayan dan Kemayoran telah berubah peruntukan 
dari milik negara menjadi milik para pemodal. Inilah yang harus dibuka dan 
diusut tuntas. Tidak sebatas manipulasi pendapatan negara, tetapi juga 
manipulasi kepemilikan. 

Banyak sekali aset negara yang jatuh ke tangan pihak ketiga secara tidak wajar. 
Di antaranya melalui manipulasi dokumen. Yang paling rapi adalah melalui modus 
gugatan di pengadilan. Pemerintah selaku pemilik aset bermain mata dengan 
pemilik modal lalu bersengketa. Dengan jaringan mafia yang merentang sampai ke 
lembaga yudikatif, sengketa akal-akalan itu dengan mulus dimenangi pihak 
ketiga. Contohnya adalah aset berharga Kantor Wali Kota Jakarta Barat yang 
dengan gampang berpindah tangan ke investor. 

Negara, memang, boleh saja bekerja sama dengan pihak ketiga mengelola 
aset-asetnya. Bahkan boleh menjual aset itu. Yang tidak boleh terjadi adalah 
aset-aset negara dijadikan bisnis pejabat dan kroni-kroni di birokrasi sehingga 
negara kehilangan pendapatan yang sangat besar. Praktik kotor ini berkembang 
subur karena hampir semua sistem di negeri ini manipulatif.

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[wanita-muslimah] Pendidikan tidak Kenal Eksklusif Berdasarkan Kekayaan

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apa komentar pembaca?


Pendidikan tidak Kenal Eksklusif Berdasarkan Kekayaan 
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010 13:57 WIB  
Penulis : Bagus Suryo

MALANG--MI: Menteri Pendidikan Nasional (Mendiknas) Mohammad Nuh menyatakan di 
dunia pendidikan tidak boleh ada eksklusif yang didasarkan pada kekayaan 
terkait rintisan sekolah berstandar internasional (RSBI). 

Tetapi kalau eksklusivitas atas dasar kemampuan akademik itu boleh, kata 
Mendiknas menjawab pertanyaan Media Indonesia soal RSBI usai melantik Rektor 
Universitas Brawijaya Yogi Sugito periode 2010-2014 di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, 
Sabtu (19/6). 

Itu sebabnya untuk mengetahui apakah RSBI sekarang sudah berjalan dengan baik 
atau justru eksklusif didasarkan pada kekayaan dan status sosial orang tua 
siswa, maka pemerintah akan melakukan evaluasi. Empat parameter untuk 
mengevaluasi RSBI, antara lain, akuntabilitas, capaian akademik, proses 
rekrutmen, dan melihat persyaratan sumber daya manusia, dan sarana prasarana. 

Proses rekrutmen RSBI akan dilihat apakah menerapkan persyaratan akademik atau 
justru rekrutmen berdasarkan yang kaya diterima sedangkan yang miskin tidak 
diterima, tegasnya. Ia menegaskan, RSBI harus dilanjutkan karena amanah 
Undang-undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 

Pasal 50 ayat 3 UU itu menyebutkan pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah 
sekurang-kurangnya atau paling tidak menyelenggarakan jenjang pendidikan 
berstandar internasional. Bila tidak dilaksanakan, maka pemerintah dianggap 
salah, ujarnya. 

Ia menegaskan siswa dari keluarga miskin mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama untuk 
masuk RSBI dengan catatan berprestasi.Pada kesempatan itu Mendiknas 
mengomentari penggunaan istilah kasta baru di dunia pendidikan yang kerap 
digunakan akhir-akhir ini terkait RSBI. 

Kasta adalah perbedaan yang didasarkan pada prinsip primordial. Tetapi kalau 
perbedaan atas dasar prestasi, apa itu kasta? Kita sering menggunakan kata yang 
tidak tepat, ujarnya. 

Pantauan pengaduan masyarakat terkait pendaftaran siswa baru (PSB) yang 
dilakukan Forum Masyarakat Peduli Pendidikan (FMPP) hingga saat ini sudah ada 
tujuh pengaduan. Empat pengaduan di antaranya terkait RSBI. 

Terdapat dua orang tua siswa mengaku minder ketika akan mendaftarkan anaknya 
masuk RSBI. Alasannya biaya pendidikan sekolah itu mahal. Warga Kecamatan Sukun 
dan Blimbing itu bekerja sebagai buruh pabrik. Karenanya, orang tua dari siswa 
berprestasi dengan nilai ujian nasional hampir mendekati 37,00 itu mengaku 
tidak sanggup membayar mahalnya SPP RSBI Rp250 ribu per bulan dan Sumbangan 
Biaya Penunjang Pendidikan (SBPP) Rp5 juta. 

Kedua warga yang mengadu itu mengatakan tidak punya uang bila disuruh membayar 
sebanyak itu. Akhirnya mereka memutuskan tidak mendaftarkan anaknya di RSBI, 
kata Koordinator Badan Pekerja Malang Corruption Watch Zia Ulhaq. 

MCW dalam waktu dekat ini akan mengupayakan orang tua siswa dari keluarga 
miskin agar mendapatkan kemudahan dalam membayar sekolah anaknya. Salah satu 
cara yang akan ditempuh adalah menyurati pihak sekolah terkait hal itu dan 
mendampingi orang tua saat daftar ulang di sekolah. (BN/OL-5) 

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[wanita-muslimah] Uang Sumbangan Calon Mahasiswa Unsoed Non SNMPTN Lebih Tinggi

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Sumbangan wajib? hehehe


Uang Sumbangan Calon Mahasiswa Unsoed Non SNMPTN Lebih Tinggi 
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 21:02 WIB  
Penulis : Liliek Dharmawan

PURWOKERTO--MI: Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) Purwokerto, Jawa 
Tengah, hanya mengalokasikan 35% untuk calon mahasiswa melalui SNMPTN, 
sedangkan 65% lagi di luar SNMPTN. 

Sebanyak 65% alokasi itu dilakukan melalui seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa baru 
(SPMB) gelombang I dan II yang merupakan ujian lokal Unsoed serta program 
penelusuran siswa berprestasi (PPSB). 

Humas Unsoed Heru Buntiyadi mengakui persentasi calon mahasiswa lewat SNMPTN 
lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan non-SNMPTN. Alasannya, Unsoed memberikan 
kesempatan lebih besar kepada calon mahasiswa di sekitar Unsoed. 

Prosesnya sama tetap menggunakan ujian tulis, hanya yang berbeda adalah PPSB 
yang memakai persyaratan prestasi rapor selama bersekolah di SMA. Perbedaan 
lainnya adalah dalam besaran bantuan operasional pendidikan dan pembangunan 
(BOPP), kata Heru, Rabu (16/6). 

Calon mahasiswa yang diterima melalui SNMPTN akan dimintai BOPP lebih rendah 
jika dibandingkan dengan calon mahasiswa non-SNMPTN, terutama yang masuk 
melalui ujian lokal. Sebagai contoh untuk masuk Fakultas Kedokteran jurusan 
Pendidikan Dokter, calon mahasiswa akan dimintai sumbangan sekitar Rp40 juta 
hingga Rp50 juta bagi yang diterima melalui SNMPTN. 

Kalau melalui jalur SPMB lokal, ada empat pilihan BOPP yakni Rp50 juta, Rp100 
juta, Rp150 juta hingga Rp200 juta. Memang ada perbedaan sumbangan BOPP, 
jelasnya. (LD/OL-01

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[wanita-muslimah] Iranians biggest drug smugglers to Indonesia

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny


Iranians biggest drug smugglers to Indonesia
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 06/20/2010 5:30 PM | National 

The Indonesian government has said that Iranian nationals are the most common 
smugglers of class-A drugs into the country as of January this year.

Malaysians were the next-highest group, with eight suspects arrested so far 
this year, followed by India with six suspects, tempointeraktif.com reported.

The Customs and Excise Office at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in 
Tangerang, Banten, has arrested 15 Iranian nationals this year linked to 22 
cases. It has also seized a total 115 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 
locally known as shabu-shabu), ketamine, heroin, cocaine and marijuana.

All of the evidence together is worth Rp 278 billion (US$30.5 million) at 
market value, the office's head Baduri Wijayanta said Sunday.

All of the arrested Iranian smugglers were believed to be part of an Iran-based 
international drug syndicate, he added.

The office's head of prosecutions Gatot Sugeng Wibowo said the Iran-based drug 
mafia might not have been aware that Indonesia enforced the death penalty for 
drug smuggling.

The 2009 Narcotics Law carries the death penalty and a Rp 10 billion fine for 
anyone in possession of more than 5 grams of drugs.

Related News  
  a.. Another Iranian smuggler nabbed at Jakarta airport 
  b.. Indonesia, Iran strive to improve relations
  c.. 15,000 Indonesians die annually of drugs: Dault
  d.. Footnote

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[wanita-muslimah] Iran hangs Sunni group leader

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday, June 20, 2010 
14:00 Mecca time, 11:00 GMT

Iran hangs Sunni group leader 
Rigi was arrested by intelligence officials in 
February while on a flight [AFP] 

The leader of Jundallah, the armed Iranian Sunni Muslim group, has been hanged, 
the official Irna news agency reported.

After the decision of the Tehran revolutionary tribunal, Abdulmalek Rigi was 
hanged on Sunday morning, Irna said.

It quoted a court statement as saying: The head of the armed 
counter-revolutionary group in the east of the country ... was  responsible for 
armed robbery, assassination attempts, armed attacks on the army and police and 
on ordinary people, and murder.

Irna said Rigi had been sentenced to be executed in the presence of families of 
some of the victims of his group's violent attacks in Iran's southeast.

The court statement said Jundallah (Soldiers of God) was responsible for the 
killing of 154 security personnel and civilians since 2003.

[Rigi] collaborated and ordered 15 armed abductions, confessed to three 
murders, ordered the murders of tens of citizens, police and military personnel 
through bombings and armed actions, the statement read.

'Severe blow'

Rigi was arrested in February by Iranian intelligence agents when an aircraft 
he was on en route from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan was forced to land in Tehran.

Al Jazeera's Alireza Ronaghi, reporting from Tehran, said the execution of Rigi 
was a severe blow to Jundallah.

  In depth 

  Profile: Iran's Sunni rebels 
  Focus: Sistan-Baluchestan 
  Jundallah leader executed 
  Iran's Guards under attack 
Iranian authorities [say] that an order has been issued, a kind of a pardon, 
to all the members of Jundallah who put down their weapons and come ask for 
forgiveness, he said.

We hear that more than 200 members of Jundallah have already done that after 
Abdolmalek was arrested.

[The members] were his true followers and did whatever he wanted them to do. 
Now that he's gone they may have a lot of doubt in continuing his path.

Just days after Rigi was arrested, the group said it had appointed Muhammad 
Dhahir Baluch as its new leader.

Baluch issued a statement saying the government would face a movement that is 
stronger and much more solid than ever before.

But Mahjoob Zweiri, an expert in Iranian affairs at Qatar University, said the 
group no longer represented a major threat.

Now, four months after his [Rigi's] capture there was nothing, he told Al 

No statement, no announcement, no activity. So there is a big question mark 
about the ability of this group to act.

Rigi's younger brother Abdulhamid was executed last month.

Iran has repeatedly said that Jundallah is backed by the United States.

The US has dismissed these claims as propaganda.

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[wanita-muslimah] Terrorist leader Abdolmalek Rigi hanged

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

 June 20, 2010 

Terrorist leader Abdolmalek Rigi hanged
Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN - Jundallah terrorist leader Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged at Evin prison 
in Tehran early Sunday at the presence of a number of families whose loved ones 
had been martyred by his notorious group. 

Abdolmalek Rigi had been charged with 79 offences, including murder, terrorist 
activities, and other serious crimes. 

The Iranian security forces detained Abdolmalek Rigi on February 23 on board a 
flight from the United Arab Emirates to Kyrgyzstan. The plane landed at Bandar 
Abbas Airport, where Rigi and his aide were arrested. 

The terrorist leader met families of those killed by his notorious group on 
Saturday. He answered questions raised by the families and asked them to 
forgive him. 

In one of its deadly attacks on October 18, 2009, the Jundallah group killed 
over 40 people, including five senior commanders of the Islamic Revolution 
Guards Corps, in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan. 

On May 24, Iran executed Abdolhamid Rigi, the brother of Abdolmalek Rigi and 
the number two man in the Jundullah group, at a prison in Zahedan 

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[wanita-muslimah] Chan DJ

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Apakah Anda pernah melihat ini Chan DJ? Bila belum click ini :


Apakah Anda mempunyai komentar selah melihat video footage ini?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Gazans decry tax increases

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny
Ref : Video footage bisa dilihat dengan click pada situs  ini :


Sunday, June 20, 2010 
10:15 Mecca time, 07:15 GMT 

Gazans decry tax increases 

Residents of the Gaza Strip have been facing a new burden - a significant rise 
in taxes on a number of items ranging from gas to cigarettes.

The taxes, which have been introduced by Hamas, the Palestinian group ruling 
the territory, have been increasing the strain on many business owners and 

Al Jazeera's Nicole Johnston reports on how some are questioning the legitimacy 
of the financial measures.

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[wanita-muslimah] Ex-Guantanamo inmates 'fail rehab'

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday, June 20, 2010 
17:33 Mecca time, 14:33 GMT 

Ex-Guantanamo inmates 'fail rehab'  
The US is still holding 13 Saudis at its prison facility in 
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba [EPA] 

About 25 former Guantanamo Bay detainees have returned to violence after going 
through a rehabilitation programme in Saudi Arabia, a senior Saudi official has 

Abdulrahman al-Hadlaq, the director of the interior ministry's ideological 
security administration, said on Saturday that about 20 per cent of the 120 
repatriated former prisoners have returned to radical activity after graduation 
from a rehab centre in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.

It's about a 9.5-per cent relapse for all 300 Saudi men, including fighters 
arrested by Saudi authorities, who have undergone a programme at what is known 
as the Care Centre, al-Hadlaq said.

But it's more than 20 [per cent] among Guantanamo guys.

General Mansour al-Turki, the interior ministry spokesman, said that 10 or 11 
of those released are believed to have re-joined al-Qaeda in Yemen.

Another four have been killed in operations against al-Qaeda and the remainder 
have been rearrested, al-Turki said.

Religious re-education

The men were held at the US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cubaafter 
Washington launched its so-called War on Terror following the September 11, 
2001 attacks on the US.

Most of the September 11 suicide hijackers were of Saudi nationality.

Three former Guantanamo detainees currently remain in the Saudi programme, 
which uses religious re-education by clerics and financial assistance to help 
detainees start a new life.

About 300 people have gone through the programme, which was established in 
response to attacks by al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia from 2003 to 2006.

Al-Hadlaq cited strong personal ties among former Guantanamo prisonersand tough 
US tactics as the reason why some of the former detainees relapsed into 

Those guys from other groups didn't suffer torture before the non-Guantanamo 
[participants], al-Hadlaq told reporters in a rare briefing about Saudi 
anti-terrorism efforts.

Torturing is the most dangerous thing in radicalisation. You have more 
extremist people if you have more torture.

However, al-Hadlaq said that the programme had been a success so far and that 
the government was still planning to expand it with new facilities in five 

Another 13 Saudis are still held in Guantanamo Bay.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Don't Think About Turkey

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Don't Think About Turkey

By Mshari Al-Zaydi

Ever since a detachment of Israeli troops stormed the Turkish aid ship the Mavi 
Marmara that was part of the Freedom Flotilla bound for Gaza, and which 
resulted in Israeli troops killing a number of activists, dozens of newspaper 
articles and television talk shows in the Arab world have followed up on this 

I studied a portion of this media response, the majority of which went down the 
path of weeping and wailing and insulting Israel and insulting those who failed 
to insult Israel. Some newspapers and writers even began a witch hunt against 
those who dealt with this issue and analyzed it with calmness and composure. 

The argument was that some people did not sufficiently support the Freedom 
Flotilla and those on board, and did not completely and unequivocally take 
their side, as if everybody who is involved in the profession of writing should 
have dropped everything to become a weeping protestor, or even take up arms 
[against Israel]. This is despite the fact that we have indeed been doing this 
for almost a century. 

Personally, I did not write about Gaza and the Freedom Flotilla crisis because 
of urgent concerns, however this has given me an opportunity to reflect upon 
what has been written in the press and stated on our television screens about 
what happened.

In order not to be misunderstood - as usual - I would like to first say that 
the debate is not about the moral description of Israel's actions. This was a 
crime, nothing less, and I do not think that anybody with any conscience could 
disagree with this description. 

There is also nothing wrong - in fact it is perfectly natural - for people to 
protest in solidarity with the victims of this crime, and against its 
perpetrators. This is normal human behavior and a spontaneous response. The 
media outlets that covered this response were obligated to do so as part of 
their professional duty, namely to report and comment on news stories, and this 
is something that is carried out by all media outlets around the world. 

There is nothing to worry about even if some opinion articles echo these 
protestors and their anger, especially as we are generally known to belong to 
an emotional and expressive culture in which resounding rhetoric plays an 
important role. In fact, some people look upon writing as a kind of general 

The problem starts when some writers grow annoyed at our attempts to analyze 
and question the reasons behind the recent Turkish behaviour, and the behaviour 
of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. For example, there was 
Erdogan's walk-out at the World Economic Forum in Davos more than a year ago 
following an angry exchange with Israeli President Shimon Peres, and he has 
also made repeated references to Turkey's greatness and its new regional role. 
Erdogan has also publicly acknowledged his country's relationship with the 
Hamas organization and others, opposed international sanctions against Iran, 
and cooperated - along with Brazilian President [Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva] - 
with Iran to this effect, not to mention the Freedom Flotilla and Erdogan's - 
carefully planned, of course - inflammatory speech against Israel.

All of this represents a new shift in Turkey's foreign policy; however on 
closer look this shift is not completely new. Secular Turkish officials have 
been issuing statements in support of the Palestinian Cause since 1967, as the 
writer Adel al-Turaifi explained in an analytical article on Turkey's 
transformation published by Asharq Al-Awsat last Wednesday. In this article, 
al-Turaifi said that Erdogan's use of Palestinian issues as a means to exert 
international pressure for Turkish policies represents something new. 

This represents a startling transformation in a pivotal country that represents 
one of the pillars in the Middle East, and which has an important historical 
and political heritage, as well as economic strength, and strategic importance 
to the US and the West. In that case, wouldn't such a transformation call for 
careful analysis and examination, or should we just blindly applaud Erdogan for 
fear of being branded apathetic or traitors? 

The duty of any writer is to think outside of the box, to turn things over in 
his mind and try to view the situation from a different angle, this is not out 
of a love for going against the mainstream but out of a desire to see the 
bigger picture, rather than just one corner of the picture that only reveals a 
fragment of the truth. 

Is Turkey's Ottoman history behind Ankara's current shift in foreign policy or 
is this motivated by a desire to spite Europe for its reluctance to admit 
Turkey into the European Union?

Is this new foreign policy stimulated by Turkey's perception of Iran's 
political isolation and the Arab's weak presence and Ankara's resultant fear of 
the imbalance of powers 

[wanita-muslimah] Bitter pill for Muslim women

2010-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Bitter pill for Muslim women 

Written by Mariam Mokhtar
Friday, 18 June 2010 
Slow progress for Muslim women despite the 50th anniversary of The Pill

In May, The Pill celebrated its 50th anniversary and counted up enormous 
accomplishments in terms of improved women's health, falling birth mortality 
and improved professional and personal status for women, not to mention sexual 

But in the 50 years since it was approved by the US Food and Drug 
Administration in the United States and swept much of the planet, the lack of 
birth control methods in the Muslim world - and a misconception that birth 
control is forbidden by Islam -- have prevented many women from controlling 
their family size.

Although Islam has endorsed conception for 1,400 years, many Muslim countries 
across the planet have the lowest rates of birth control, according to the 
United Nations Population Fund, despite the fact that Muslim women want fewer 
children and know about contraception. There is an apparent discrepancy between 
Islamic theological opinion and the real lives of Muslim women. 

It is the marginal status of women in Muslim countries, not Islamic law, that 
prevents women from obtaining contraception, according to Khadijah Knight of 
Amana, a London-based Islamic education organization: Birth control is often 
presented as a religious question, as a way of subjugating women. 

Islamic family planning is quite rudimentary. Theoretically premarital 
relations are forbidden. Sex before and outside of marriage are viewed harshly. 
Sexual relations between a wife and husband form the ideal expression of love, 
not just procreation. 

Nonetheless, either with the pill or without it, many Muslim countries have 
slashed their fertility rates dramatically, Indonesia and Pakistan among them. 
Pakistan has reduced its fertility rate from six or seven children per woman to 
2.48 per woman. And ddespite the problems that Muslim women face in many other 
countries, Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous nation, has been making 
considerable gains in family planning. 

Some 88 percent of Indonesia's 320 million population are Muslim. The country's 
National Family Planning Coordinating Board coordinates all of its family 
planning needs under the Ministry of Health. 

Indonesia's contraceptive usage tripled in 27 years (1976, 19 percent; 2003, 
60.3 percent). Total fertility decreased by more than 50 percent in 35 years 
(1968, 5.6 births per woman; 2003, 2.4). In 2003, 60.3 percent of married women 
used contraception and 13.2 percent were on the pill. In 2007, the NFPCB 
drafted a handbook for the ulemas to further disseminate its family planning 
program. In a Family Health International (FHI) study conducted in Indonesia, 
women with only one or two children reported feeling greater satisfaction than 
those with more than two children. They also felt more attractive, with more 
free time to devote to family, work or other interests. 

Malaysia ironically had a strong family planning program in the 1960s, with the 
main method of contraception being the pill. By 1967, the Family Planning Board 
had reached 90 percent of its target. One of the pioneers instrumental in 
driving the family planning message was Dr. Siti Hasmah, the wife of former 
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, also a physician.

But in the Second Malaysia Plan of 1971-1975, the New Economic Policy was 
introduced to tackle the problem of Malay poverty. Efforts to promote family 
planning were hampered by government neglect and inadequate facilities and 
personnel. The government considered family planning a sensitive topic and so 
ignored it.

Then in 1984, Mahathir reversed the National Population Policy completely, 
setting a target of 70 million Malaysians by 2100 at a time when the country's 
population stood 12.6 million. His aim, to make Malaysia a fully industrialized 
and developed nation by 2020, required Malaysians to contribute to the economy 
by increasing both their production and their reproduction, an economic theory 
that most planners found to be irrational.

The result was that the birth-rate among the rural and poorer Malay women 
increased, while their Contraceptive Prevalence Rate dropped sharply, according 
to the Malaysian Population and Family Survey of 1984-85. Today, birth control 
is hit-and-miss, carried out largely and often surreptitiously by women who do 
not want any more children. Abortion pills like RU486 are widely available, 
known colloquially in Malaysia as pil cuci benih.

Norma, a 29 year-old housewife who lives in a Kuala Lumpur suburb with her 
husband and their four children, is a product of this change in policy. She is 
of slight build and looks old for her age. Her husband works as a bus-driver 
and she is aware that if she doesn't budget carefully, she would have to pawn 
more of her jewelry to feed her 

[wanita-muslimah] Afghan girls sick in 'gas attack'

2010-06-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday, June 13, 2010 
01:07 Mecca time, 22:07 GMT 

Afghan girls sick in 'gas attack' 
Dozens of Afghan girls have fallen ill after suspected poisonous 
gas attacks on schools this year [Reuters] 

Up to 45 schoolgirls have been taken to hospital after a suspected gas attack 
at their high school in Ghazni, a province in eastern Afghanistan.

Police said some of the teenage girls from the Jahan Maleka high school had 
fallen unconscious after smelling poison gas on Saturday.

Some of the enemies sprayed poison gas from outside into the high school 
compound, Ghani Khan, a Ghazni police official, said.

The girls were vomiting and could not stand on their feet when they arrived at 
the hospital, according to hospital staff, but they were in stable condition 
after treatment.

Most of the patients we have received are not in critical condition, Ibrahim 
Monib, a doctor at the hospital, said.

  in depth 
  Afghan girls brave Taliban threats 
There have been similar cases of illnesses at girls' schools around Afghanistan.

In separate incidents in Kunduz province in April and May, at least 80 school 
girls reported symptoms such as headaches, vomiting and shivering after 
suspected poisoning.

Some suspect groups which oppose education for girls are spraying schools with 
poison gas. 

During Taliban rule, from 1996-2001, girls were banned from attending school.

In parts of southern and eastern Afghanistan, particularly in Taliban 
strongholds, schools for girls still remain closed.

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[wanita-muslimah] Patung Tiga Mojang Kota Harapan Indah Dibongkar

2010-06-19 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :Selain  pantung Tiga Moyang,  apakah   candi-candi dan patung-patung 
lainnya mempunya izin dan oleh karena itu tidak akan dihancurkan?  Ataukah 
hanya waktu yang akan memberitakan kapan mereka mengalami nasib yang sama?


Patung Tiga Mojang Kota Harapan Indah Dibongkar 
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010 | 13:46 WIB

TEMPO Interaktif, Bekasi - Patung tiga mojang yang menjadi simbol Kota Harapan 
Indah, dibongkar Dinas Pentaan dan Pengawasan Bangunan (P2B) Pemerintah Kota 
Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (19/6). Patung tersebut dinilai tidak berizin, dan 
menimbulkan banyak protes warga khususnya ormas Islam.

Direktur Operasional PT Hasana Damai Putera (HDP) Fredy Yanto, mengatakan 
terpaksa menurunkan patung karya pemahat ternama Nyoman Nuarta, itu atas 
instruksi langsung Wali Kota Bekasi Mochtar Mohamad. Melalui surat Nomor 
300/1118-set/V/2010, tertanggal 17 Mei 2010 lalu. Dalam surat itu dijelaskan 
atas alasan keamanan akhir-akhir ini, sehingga kami diminta membongkar patung 
tersebut, kata Fredy, kepada Tempo, Sabtu siang.

Tinggi patung tiga mojang mencapai 19 meter, terbuat dari perunggu senilai Rp 5 
miliar. Patung tersebut menampilkan tiga sosok wanita berpakaian seksi berdiri 
membentuk segitiga.

Sejak sebulan lalu, patung tersebut menuai banyak protes. Warga marah karena 
patung tersebut menyalahi nilai-nilai masyarakat Kota Bekasi yang agamis.

Puncak kemarahan warga ketika terjadi kasus penistaan agama yang dilakukan oleh 
Felix, alumni Sekolah Santo Bellarminus, Pondok Gede, Kota Bekasi. Sejumlah 
ormas Islam di Bekasi beberapa kali menggelar aksi demonstrasi menuntut pelaku 
penistaan agama dihukum berat. 

Tutuntan berkembang, ormas Islam mendesak supaya patung tiga mojang yang 
menampilkan tiga wanita nyaris telanjang itu dirobohkan. Menurut Fredy, tidak 
akan melakukan upaya hukum terkait pembongkaran tersebut. Karena itu instruksi 
Wali Kota, kami tidak lagi mempermasalahkan, katanya.

Pembongkaran patung tiga mojang dimulai sejak dini hari pukl 01.00, namun baru 
berhasil di angkat sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB. Memakai alat berat crane kobelko, 
tiga kawat besi diikatkan pada masing-masing sisi patung. Patung kemudian 
diangkat perlahan-lahan ke atas trailer.

Untuk sementara, kata Fredy, patung tersebut diamankan di Kantor Polsek Medan 
Satria, yang tidak jauh dari lokasi pembongkaran. Selanjutnya, patung tersebut 
akan dijual. Saat ini, Fredy melanjutkan, sudah banyak pihak yang menawar 
patung tersebut, termasuk warga Australia. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Seekor Kambing di Tasikmalaya Makan Nasi dan Minum Kopi

2010-06-19 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Rupanya kambing Tasikmalaya  ini tidak termasuk katagori kelas 


Seekor Kambing di Tasikmalaya Makan Nasi dan Minum Kopi   
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010 | 09:17 WIB
Besar Kecil Normal 
Foto: sxc.hu

TEMPO Interaktif, Tasikmalaya - Kesan pertama tentu heran. Bagaimana jadinya 
bila seekor kambing yang biasanya makan rumput hijau justru makan makanan 
manusia. Namanya pun mirip manusia: Hengki. 

Kambing berusia empat tahun tersebut merupakan peliharaan Kurnia, 35 tahun, 
warga Kampung Sukaruji, Desa Sukaraja, Kecamatan Rajapolah, Kabupaten 
Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat.

Kambing gemuk ini sehari-hari justru melahap makanan layaknya makanan manusia 
seperti nasi, jajanan anak-anak, hingga minum kopi. Dalam keadaan tertentu, 
Hengki terpaksa makan dedaunan bila kondisi keuangan sang pemilik lagi minim.

Kurnia, yang sehari-harinya bekerja sebagai kondektur bus, terpaksa merogoh 
kocek Rp 10 ribu untuk memberi makan kambing peliharaannya ini. Bahkan akibat 
tabiat anehnya itu, hampir semua warga kampung Sukaruji sudah mengenal baik 
Hengki. Sebab, Hengki memang suka dilepas. 

Kalau kebetulan ada makanan lebih, mereka dengan senang hati memberikannya 
kepada Hengki, ujar Kurnia, Kamis (17/6). Tapi terkadang si Hengki ini juga 
merepotkan. Itu kalau muncul ulah nakalnya, sering menyerobot warung untuk 
mengambil makanan. 

Akibat kelakuannya, Kurnia terpaksa harus merogoh kocek lebih untuk mengganti 
barang dagangan yang disikat Hengki kambing kesayangannya itu.

Menurut Kurnia, makanan kesukaan Hengki sebagian besar berupa makanan 
anak-anak, seperti kue-kue kemasan dan kerupuk. Uniknya, Hengki tidak mau 
memakan makanan yang jatuh ke tanah atau sengaja dijilat dulu. Biasanya 
makanan yang sudah jatuh hanya dicium dan dijilat setelah itu ia tinggalkan, 

Tak hanya itu, Hengki pun sudah terbiasa mengonsumsi air kopi dua sampai tiga 
kali sehari.
Air kopi yang diberikan tidak dijilat-jilat layaknya binatang saat minum namun 
langsung diseruput layaknya manusia minum, hingga tak jarang warga yang melihat 
tak tahan menahan tawa. 

Pokonya kelakuan makannya seperti manusia, ujar Kurnia. Jika dirata-rata, 
per hari si Hengki bisa menghabiskan Rp 10 ribu untuk jajanannya. 

Kebiasaan ini, lanjut Kurnia, diakuinya karena perlakukan berlebih dirinya 
terhadap kambing peliharaanya itu sejak pertama kali dibeli empat tahun lalu. 
Ia kerap memberikan perlakukan makan kambingnya itu layaknya menu makanan 
kepada manusia seperti memberikan nasi hingga mengonsumsi susu. 

Dulu tiap pagi diberi susu dan tidak jarang diberi nasi serta makanan manusia, 
termasuk jajanan, ujarnya Kurnia sambil senyum.

Kurnia baru menyadari bila kambing peliharaannya memiliki perilaku makan 
layaknya manusia. Malah dalam beberapa kesempatan, Hengki kerap menolak ketika 
diberi makanan dedaunan ketika Kurnia tidak memiliki uang. Kalau seharian 
tidak diberi makanan manusia, ia baru mau memakan dedaunan. Tapi saya kasian 
melihatnya, ujar Kurnia.

Kendati harus menghabiskan biaya makanan Rp 10 ribu per hari, Kurnia bertekad 
akan terus mengurus kambing kesayangannya itu. Apalagi istri dan anaknya tidak 
mempermasalahkan hal tersebut. Bahkan mereka pun turut menyayanginya, layaknya 
keluarga sendiri.

Namun karena bau badannya sangat menyengat, si Hengki tetap saja ditempatkan 
pada kandang di belakang rumah. 


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[wanita-muslimah] Lembaga Latah

2010-06-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Lembaga Latah 

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010 00:00 WIB  
NEGERI ini sudah mengalami inflasi kelatahan yang amat akut, terutama dalam 
soal membentuk lembaga. Nomenklatur kelatahan lembaga itu bermacam-macam. Ada 
badan, dewan, komisi, mahkamah, majelis, unit, satgas, atau komite. 

Sudah lebih dari 50 lembaga dibentuk dengan rupa-rupa tugas, tapi tidak satu 
pun tugas itu tuntas. Dan, dengan dalih menuntaskan agenda lembaga tersebut, 
dibentuklah lembaga baru. 

Persis seperti olok-olok yang berkembang di masyarakat, yakni negeri ini rajin 
membentuk panitia untuk segala perkara. Bahkan, untuk memadamkan api yang sudah 
berkobar-kobar, diperlukan membentuk panitia pemadaman dulu. 

Itu pula atmosfer yang mengiringi lahirnya dua lembaga baru, Komite Ekonomi 
Nasional yang disingkat KEN dan Komite Inovasi Nasional atau KIN. Keduanya 
dibentuk berdasarkan peraturan presiden. 

KEN didirikan dengan Perpres Nomor 31/2010. Dengan diketuai pengusaha Chairul 
Tanjung, KEN diisi 24 akademisi, praktisi, dan ahli di bidang ekonomi. Adapun 
KIN yang dibentuk dengan Perpres Nomor 32/2010 terdiri dari 30 akademisi dan 
ilmuwan, yang diketuai Prof Zuhal. 

Komite tersebut bertugas menelaah kebijakan dan memberikan kebijakan 
rekomendasi kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di bidang ekonomi dan 

Bedanya, KEN ditugaskan menelaah postur dan skema APBN, menelaah apa yang oleh 
Presiden Yudhoyono disebut economic connectivity, menelaah upaya mencapai 
pertumbuhan yang stabil dan berkelanjutan, pengurangan kemiskinan, pengurangan 
pengangguran dan lapangan kerja, ketahanan pangan dan air, ketahanan energi, 
dan mengurangi beban utang luar negeri dalam kurun enam bulan. 

Di sisi lain, KIN ditugaskan menelaah sejumlah bidang dalam jangka pendek, 
menengah, dan panjang. Untuk jangka panjang, Presiden menugasi KIN merumuskan 
bagaimana bisa membangun knowledge society, bersama-sama membangun gaya hidup 
yang ramah lingkungan, membangun kewirausahaan, dan membangun masyarakat 
kreatif dan inovatif sehingga ekonomi kreatif tumbuh. 

Namun, sederet tugas wah tersebut amat mungkin bakal menjadi macan kertas yang 
disimpan dalam laci. Seperti yang sudah-sudah, rekomendasi lembaga pasti akan 
'dipertimbangkan', tapi bukan untuk dieksekusi. 

Maka, lembaga baru lebih menjadi lemak baru dalam struktur birokrasi 
kepresidenan. Sebab presiden sudah memiliki Wantimpres bidang perekonomian, 
menko perekonomian, dan menteri keuangan. 

Alih-alih menyehatkan, kehadiran lembaga baru itu justru bakal menghasilkan 
kolesterol jahat. Apalagi jika motif politik membonceng pembentukan komite itu. 

Bisa saja, misalnya, ada nama-nama yang digadang-gadang jadi menteri, tapi 
tidak terakomodasi sehingga diwadahi dalam struktur kepengurusan komite. Kalau 
itu yang terjadi, lembaga, komite, atau apa pun namanya, menjadi paguyuban 
tempat kongko-kongko sembari menjadi mesin pengeruk uang negara. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Pelantikan anak Susilo jadi isu

2010-06-18 Terurut Topik sunny


Pelantikan anak Susilo jadi isu

JAKARTA 18 Jun - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono berkata, beliau tidak campur 
tangan dalam soal pelantikan anak lelakinya Edi Baskoro Yudhoyono (gambar) 
sebagai Setiausaha Agung Parti Demokrat.

Pelantikan Edi Baskoro yang diumumkan oleh Ketua Umum Parti Demokrat yang baru, 
Anas Urbaningrum pada Khamis lalu, telah menyebabkan banyak pihak menyuarakan 
keraguan terhadap kemampuan pemuda berusia 29 tahun itu yang dikatakan kurang 

Ibas, nama panggilan kepada Edi Baskoro, menggantikan Marzuki Alie yang juga 
Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Indonesia.

Saya tidak mencampuri hal-hal teknikal pengurusan yang selama ini diketuai 
oleh ketua terpilih, Anas Urbaningrum, katanya di Cipanas, Bogor, hari ini.

Susilo, yang juga pengasas Demokrat berkata, beliau hanya menguruskan hal 
berkaitan tugasnya sebagai Ketua Majlis Tinggi dan Dewan Pembina parti itu.

Katanya, proses pemilihan Ketua Umum parti terbesar di Indonesia itu pada bulan 
lalu berjalan secara demokratik dan beliau tidak mengarahkan bahawa calon 
tertentu harus dipilih.

Pemilihan itu menyaksikan pertandingan tiga penjuru antara Anas, yang ketika 
itu menyandang Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Pusat parti Demokrat, Marzuki Alie dan Andi 
Mallarangeng yang juga Menteri Belia dan Sukan dalam kabinet Susilo sekarang.

Pasukan Marzuki Alie, Andi Mallarangeng atau Anas Urbaningrum, ketiga-tiganya 
meminta Ibas menjadi Setiausaha Agung, katanya. 

Sosilo berkata, beliau menyedari bahawa banyak pihak meragukan kemampuan 
anaknya itu dan sehubungan itu meminta Ibas membuktikan kemampuannya 
sebagaimana beliau sendiri membuktikan kemampuannya ketika dilantik sebagai 
Panglima Komando Tentera Negeri sewaktu beliau masih muda dahulu. - BERNAMA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Teenage slaves to region's sex trade

2010-06-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Teenage slaves to region's sex trade 
Stephen Fitzpatrick, Jakarta correspondent 
From: The Australian 
June 19, 2010 12:00AM 

Suthini in her room at a shelter for human trafficking victims in Jakarta; she 
was only 14 when she was sold into forced prostitution. Picture: Ed Wray 
Source: The Australian 

SUTHINI was 14 when she was forced to hide in the boot of a car and 
transported, without documents, across Indonesia's land border into Malaysia to 
be sold into forced prostitution 

Suthini (not her real name) protested vehemently on arrival at the boarding 
house where her new owner was to keep her captive but was punished with kicks 
and beatings.

Eventually, after what the Indonesian girl was told was a medical test to 
verify her virginity, she was raped by two men in a hotel room in Kuching, East 

They took some kind of stimulant [for themselves] and they gave me something 
to drink so that I didn't know what was going on, the shy village teenager 
says in an almost-whisper, sitting in an office at the Jakarta women's refuge 
where she has started rebuilding her life in recent weeks.

She is learning hairdressing at the state-run facility in the hope of breaking 
out of the cycle of violence and sexual abuse endured by so many Indonesian 
women, and tentatively remaking contact with family members, most of whom had 
no idea where she was for the duration of her 18-month ordeal.

Suthini's recall of the men who abused her is limited or at least she has 
blocked it out: her best description of them was that one of them was Chinese.

For two days after the rape, she says, she cowered in the dingy hotel room 
where the assault took place. I was destroyed,she whispers. And they got 

Eventually she escaped from her new owner, although not before prolonged and 
repeated beatings, she says, and a subsequent period of several months working 
as a maid for no pay and little food.

Suthini's story is almost unremarkable for its frequency in Indonesia and 
across Southeast Asia. Her version of it, however, carries the nuance and scars 
of her individual experience, beginning with the uncle in the West Java village 
of her youth who she says tried to rape her, and his wife, who subsequently 
blamed Suthini for tempting the man.

From there it was a downhill route, with no parental control and few job 
prospects, to being offered work not just outside of the village but abroad. 
Initially, the deal was for a maid's position in Singapore, one of the most 
common options for poor Indonesian girls with little education.

Suthini knew something was amiss when she was shoved into the car boot and 
driven across the Borneo border, but in truth her experience might have been 
little different even if she had landed in Singapore. Indonesian maids are 
famously abused in the city-state as well as in Malaysia by wealthy, often 
Chinese, employers.

Sexual slavery is rife and there have been alleged cases in Australia involving 
Asian female victims. The International Labour Organisation estimates 2.5 
million people are trafficked worldwide annually, a figure that includes a huge 
number in forced labour and sexual bondage. Other organisations posit even 
higher numbers, with the difference relating only to variations in data 
collection techniques.

Regardless, agencies working in the field believe more than half of all victims 
of trafficking come from or end up in Southeast Asia.

Now, a high-energy program designed to educate those most at risk, as well as 
people with the potential for being abusers, is reaching its peak.

The MTVExit campaign -- the Exit part standing for End Exploitation and 
Trafficking -- has staged 24 high-profile rock concerts since its founding in 
late 2008. Most recently, the campaign has had the active support of the 
Australian government, which through its development agency AusAID has helped 
fund concert tours in Vietnam and Indonesia. The US government's aid program 
has been a leading player in the MTVExit act from the beginning.

The shows are designed to give mass-saturation exposure to the problem in those 
areas deemed to be hot spots for human trafficking, campaigning from the stage 
during concerts, and distributing leaflets among the crowd.

Short documentaries and film clips have been created to be shown on television 
and used in training programs worldwide.

In Indonesia, concerts were held in the cities of Pontianak, Makassar, 
Surabaya, Medan and Jakarta in recent weeks.

The final show of the tour, in the Indonesian capital, crammed 80,000 punters 
into the city's Senayan stadium and the main show was broadcast live on 
national television.

The next instalment of the campaign will be a historic open-air spectacular in 
the East Timor capital, Dili, the weekend after next; it's the first time 
anything like it has been staged in that 

[wanita-muslimah] Duh! WNI Dipaksa Jadi Budak Seks di Malaysia + Sex slave rescued by Immigration Dept

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik sunny

Refleksi : Dirgahayu NKRI!


Kamis, 17/06/2010 12:25 WIB

Duh! WNI Dipaksa Jadi Budak Seks di Malaysia
Rita Uli Hutapea - detikNews

Kuala Lumpur - Nasib malang kembali menimpa WNI di negeri jiran. Seorang 
wanita Indonesia dipaksa melayani nafsu seks para lelaki hidung belang di 
George Town, Penang, Malaysia.

Wanita yang tidak disebutkan namanya itu telah dipaksa berhubungan seks 
dengan ratusan pria selama dua bulan terakhir. Wanita itu menjadi budak seks 
atas paksaan dua warga Bangladesh.

Hingga akhirnya pada Selasa, 15 Juni lalu, wanita malang itu diselamatkan 
oleh petugas Departemen Imigrasi Negara Bagian Penang.

Dikatakan pimpinan Departemen Imigrasi Penang, Abdul Rahman Hassan, tim 
Imigrasi menggerebek sebuah rumah di Weld Quay pada sekitar pukul 22.00 
Selasa, 15 Juni.

Di sana, petugas menemukan wanita Indonesia yang berusia 20-an tahun 
tersebut. WNI itu dikurun di sebuah ruangan. Dia tidak memiliki surat-surat 
dokumen perjalanan yang sah.

Kedua warga Bangladesh yang juga tidak memiliki surat-surat, ada di rumah 
itu dan ditangkap, kata Hassan seperti diberitakan harian Malaysia, The 
Star, Kamis (17/6/2010).

Keduanya saat ini ditahan menunggu proses investigasi. Sedangkan WNI 
tersebut telah dikirim ke Rumah Sakit Penang untuk pemeriksaan.

Kami bertindak setelah informasi yang diperoleh dua pekan lalu, tutur 

Dikatakan Hassan, kedua warga Bangladesh tersebut 'menawarkan' WNI itu 
kepada teman-teman mereka dengan imbalan uang. Wanita Indonesia itu 
diharuskan berhubungan seks dengan beberapa pria setiap hari. Jika menolak, 
dia akan dipukuli.


Thursday June 17, 2010
Sex slave rescued by Immigration Dept

GEORGE TOWN: An Indonesian woman, who was forced to have sex with hundreds 
of men by two Bangladeshis over the past two months, was rescued from a life 
of vice by the state Immigration Department.

Its enforcement chief Abdul Rahman Hassan said an Immigration team raided a 
house in Weld Quay at about 10pm on Tuesday and found the woman, in her 20s, 
without any valid travel documents locked in a room.

The Bangladeshis, who were also without any documents, were in the house 
then and were arrested. They have been remanded pending investigations and 
the woman has been sent to the Penang Hospital for a check up, he said when 
contacted yesterday.

We were acting on a tip-off obtained two weeks ago. It is learnt that the 
Bangladeshis, in their 30s, had approached their friends and offered the 
woman to them for a price. She was required to have sex with several men 
daily or else she would be beaten.

[wanita-muslimah] FPI Minta Wali Kota Cabut KTP Ariel

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Mengapa tidak sekaligus diusulkan warganegaranya dipertiadakan? 


Unjuk Rasa
FPI Minta Wali Kota Cabut KTP Ariel

Bandung, 17 Juni 2010 11:42
Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dan Jawara Front Umat Islam (FUI), meminta agar Wali 
Kota dan DPRD Kota Bandung mencabut KTP Ariel sebagai warga Bandung.

Kami meminta agar Wali Kota Bandung dan DPRD mencabut KTP Ariel sebagai warga 
Kota Bandung, karena dia sudah merusak moral dan akhlak bangsa dengan video 
pornonya itu, kata Wakil Ketua Front Pembela Islam Kota Bandung, Muhammad 
Anshori, Kamis (17/6).

Ditemui saat menggelar aksi unjuk rasa di depan Gedung DPRD Kota Bandung, 
Anshori mengatakan, jika DPRD dan Wali Kota tidak mampu mencabut KTP Ariel, 
maka pihaknya akan melakukan sweeping terhadapnya.

Kalau Wali Kota dan DPRD tidak berani mencabut KTP Ariel, maka kami akan 
melakukan sweeping Ariel dan mengusir Ariel dari Bandung. Dia itu penzinah dan 
perusak moral bangsa, kata Muhammad Anshori.

Pihaknya juga akan membubarkan setiap acara hiburan yang menampilkan Ariel, 
Luna Maya dan Cut Tari.

Kami siap membubarkan acara hiburan yang melibatkan Ariel, Luna Maya dan Cut 
Tari di Kota Bandung, Allahu Akbar,  ujarnya.

Menurut dia, Front Pembela Islam Kota Bandung juga menolak segala pertunjukkan 
hiburan yang menampilkan artis yang terlibat skandal video porno. [TMA, Ant] 

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[wanita-muslimah] PKS Amandemen Anggaran Dasar untuk Kader Nonmuslim

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah non-muslim yang menjadi anggota PKS boleh menjadi pemimpin?


PKS Amandemen Anggaran Dasar untuk Kader Nonmuslim 
Thursday, 17 June 2010 07:58 Nasional 

Menurut Anis Matta, sekitar 20-an anggota legislatif (DPRD) PKS nonmuslim

Hidayatullah.com--Keinginan yang kuat untuk menjadi partai dengan dimensi 
dakwah yang kokoh dalam melayani bangsa, mendorong PKS mengubah visinya pada 
wacana kebangsaan.

Kami ingin siapkan landasan konstitusi mengenai kader nonmuslim di Munas, 
kata Sekjen PKS Anis Matta seusai Konferensi Pers pada Munas PKS di hotel Ritz 
Carlton, Jakarta, Rabu (16/6).

Untuk mewujudkannya, PKS menekankan wacana-wacana kebangsaan yang lebih tajam 
dalam kegiatan politiknya, serta menciptakan pergaulan partai yang lebih luas. 
Bukan sekedar pergumulan pergaulan lokal, tapi internasional.

Kami ingin masuk ke wacana-wacana kebangsaan yang lebih tajam. Kita ingin 
Indonesia punya peran internasional yang lebih besar, kata Mustafa Kamal, 
pengurus DPP PKS.

Sambungnya lagi, Kami ingin menjadi partai yang ingin menjadi pelayan bangsa 
dan masyarakat. Misi transformasi kita tekankan, tentu dengan organisasi yang 
kokoh yang telah berhasil kami bangun selama lebih dari 10 tahun ini.

Tak sebatas di situ, PKS juga membuka diri kepada masyarakat nonmuslim untuk 
bergabung. Bahkan PKS berencana menyiapkan landasan konstitusinya dengan 
mengubah AD/ART.

AD/ART yang akan diubah di antaranya mekanisme dan bentuk baiat yang 
diperuntukkan bagi kader nonmuslim. Dalam kaderisasi PKS  mempunyai enam 
jenjang kader, kader dibaiat pada setiap jenjangnya. Mekanisme seperti ini yang 
belum ada bagi kader nonmuslim,dan kami ingin hal tersebut menjadi agenda 
amandemen AD/ART, ujar Anis.

Perubahan konsep kebangsaan  ini,  sebagai bentuk  transformasi  partai yang 
lebih inklusif, dengan menjadikan partai untuk seluruh bangsa Indonesia, 
sehingga tidak ada lagi kekhawatiran non-muslim  bergabung dengan PKS.

PKS itu milik bangsa Indonesia, siapa saja dapat bergabung, Ini yang sedang 
kita persiapkan dalam amandemen agar Islam tidak dianggap kendala bagi 
nonmuslim untuk bergabung dengan kami, sebut Anis.

Menurut Anis, saat ini ada sekitar 20-an anggota legislatif (DPRD) nonmuslim. 
Diharapkan hal ini menjadi  peluang besar PKS merangkul mereka dalam pemilu ke 
depan. [bil/hidayatullah.com] 

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[wanita-muslimah] Former minister says he received death threats

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Di Arab Saudia jumlah jam pelajaran agama di sekolah dibatasi. 
Bagaimana di NKRI?


Former minister says he received death threats

Published: Jun 17, 2010 00:09 Updated: Jun 17, 2010 00:09 

BURAIDAH: Former Education Minister Dr. Mohammad Al-Rasheed revealed to a local 
newspaper that he received death threats from extremists for changing the Saudi 
educational curriculum and limiting the time allotted for religious studies.

I received a telephone call from an unknown person who told me that brothers 
were plotting to kill me if I went ahead with my plan to change the 
curriculum, Al-Rasheed told a local daily. I suffered a lot at that time, he 

After girls' education merged with the Ministry of Education, some people 
started a campaign to remove me from my post, said Al-Rasheed.

Extremist websites were full of insulting articles and improper words against 
me in a way that contradicts every principle of Islam, he added. Friday 
sermons were also used in the campaign to remove him from his office.

I tried every effort to reassure people that girls' education would not be 
changed and would remain according to our Islamic and traditional values, but 
all my efforts were in vain, he said.

Al-Rasheed still remembers a conference on education that was held in Beirut 
and organized by Arab Thought Forum. Saudi women delegates participated in 
that conference representing themselves and not the Ministry of Education, he 
said, adding that he was depicted as a corrupt man for taking these Saudi women 
in a private plane abroad. I had nothing to do with that trip. They were 
invited by the forum and I was a guest speaker at that conference, he said, 
adding that some of these women were university teachers, accompanied by their 
husbands and representing various institutions.

I remember one day when I was performing Umrah, a teacher came to me, kissed 
my head and asked for forgiveness because he and his colleagues spoke evil of 
me. We as teachers thought you did not know the road to this holy place, he 

Al-Rasheed expressed his sorrow that some specialists in Islamic studies behave 
like this and that they judge others without evidence. It is sad that they use 
the house of God to send these destructive messages, he said.

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[wanita-muslimah] Proactive woman preacher becomes popular among Asir girls

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik sunny

Proactive woman preacher becomes popular among Asir girls

Published: Jun 17, 2010 00:03 Updated: Jun 17, 2010 00:03 

ABHA: When a local female dawa activist approached five high school students in 
Khamis Mushayt they tried to run away afraid they would be badgered for not 
donning their hijabs properly and for wearing abayas that had colorful 

The dawa activist, called Noura Al-Saad, however, remained calm and impressed 
the girls with her politeness, kindness and respectful way of giving dawa. She 
made such an impression that the girls invited her to deliver a speech at their 

Al-Saad, who works for the Islamic Affairs Office in Khamis Mushayt, is a 
popular name amongst women in the region, particularly students, as her 
speeches are moderate, positive, constructive and kind.

The five high school students who initially tried to make a run thought Al-Saad 
was a stereotypical dawa activist - harsh, unkind and abrupt. Such women try to 
force women to wear large, black and dull abayas, something many women feel 
uncomfortable with.

Haila Nafis, a specialist in social affairs, said what these girls did was 
expected because the majority of dawa activists have a tendency to preach in a 
harsh manner, which drives people away.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) had a different tone, he was welcoming. His 
methodology was based on forgiveness and being positive, she said, adding that 
all extra-curricular activities in schools tend to be religious and that other 
activities should be included.

Most women preachers criticize girls if they see a minor decoration on the 
sides of their abayas. These types of attitudes keep girls away. I have been 
criticizing this strict method, which is also adopted in schools. How can they 
force girls to wear full black abayas, gloves and socks and then when they 
leave school they see a teacher who isn't wearing the face veil, she said, 
adding that these strict rules are introduced by certain individuals who wish 
to force their own ways on others.

My daughter was suspended from school for a month because she took off her 
face veil in the school bus. She only did this to take medicine, said Nafis.

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[wanita-muslimah] Saudi tourism to bag SR66 billion this year

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Tourisme mendatangkan pendapatan yang tidak sedikit kepada  Arab 


Saudi tourism to bag SR66 billion this year

Published: Jun 13, 2010 23:19 Updated: Jun 13, 2010 23:19 

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia's tourism industry is expected to make a revenue of SR66 
billion this year, said Salah Al-Bakhit, deputy chairman of Saudi Commission 
for Tourism and Antiquities (SCTA).

This figure is 4.76 percent more than the revenue earned in 2009, Al-Bakhit 
said in a statement that was carried by the Saudi Press Agency on Sunday.

He was optimistic about the future of the country's tourism industry. By the 
year 2015 its revenue would reach SR118 billion and by 2020 it would jump 
further to SR232 billion, he said.

Making a presentation on Creating a tourism investment climate in the 
Kingdom, Al-Bakhit said the revenue of transport sector would increase by 
eight percent in 2010 to reach SR30 billion.

Restaurants and coffee shops are expected to earn a revenue of SR36 billion in 
2010, up 9 percent compared to last year.

The number of jobs in the tourism sector rose from 333,125 in 2000 to 457,658 
in 2009, registering an annual growth rate of 7.4 percent.

The number of Saudis working in the field rose by 60 percent from 66,704 to 
117,384 during the same period, the official said.

He disclosed SCTA's plan to establish a holding company for tourism development 
in order to carry out tourism projects in various parts of the country in 
association with private and public sectors.

We also intend to provide public land on long lease to attract investment. The 
old Okaz Souq in Taif will be floated for private investment in order to 
develop the area for cultural tourism, he explained.

Al-Bakhit is hopeful that investment in the Kingdom's tourism sector would grow 
as a result of the country's increasing tourism prospects, its economic 
strength and growing population.

He said tourism would strengthen the Kingdom's economy, diversify its revenue, 
create more jobs for its citizens and provide investment opportunities for 
small and medium enterprises.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Sex Slave Rescued from Shocking Abuse +Tifatul Causes Uproar ....

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah tidak sebaiknya  juga Taiful Sembiring ribut  mengenai wanita 
Indonesia (TKW) dijadikan budak pelacuran dan tidak hanya cerewet tentang video 


June 17, 2010 
Jakarta Globe

Indonesian Sex Slave Rescued from Shocking Abuse
A young and badly abused Indonesian sex slave forced to have intercourse with 
hundreds of men over the past two months has been rescued by Malaysian 

The Star online reported that the Immigration Department in Penang rescued the 
unidentified woman, in her 20s, from a locked room in a house in George Town on 
Tuesday night. She did not have any valid travel documents in her possession.

Her alleged captors, from Bangladesh, were also taken into custody.

The Bangladeshis, who were also without any documents, were in the house then 
and were arrested, the news portal quoted Immigration Department official 
Abdul Rahman Hassan as saying. They have been remanded pending investigations 
and the woman has been sent to the Penang Hospital for a check up.

The department reportedly received a tip-off two weeks ago that the 
Bangladeshis, both in their 30s, offered the woman to their friends for a 
price. She was forced to have sex with a number of men daily or else she would 
be beaten.

The report did not say why it took so long for Malaysian authorities to act.

The Indonesian Consulate in Penang was not available for comment.


June 17, 2010

Ismira Lutfia  Dessy Sagita


Tifatul Sembiring has caused outrage with his claims that the money ear-marked 
for use in AIDS/HIV awareness would be better off elsewhere. (JG Photo)

Tifatul Causes Uproar With Comments Linking Pornography and HIV Rates
Communications and Information Technology Minister Tifatul Sembiring has 
launched another tirade against pornography, this time linking it to the 
country's rising HIV/AIDS rate in comments that were immediately attacked by 
activists who work in the field. 

Tifatul said on Thursday that increased access to pornography had fueled a 
surge in promiscuity, which he claimed was responsible for a rise in HIV/AIDS 
infections in the country. 

The minister, who has courted controversy in the past with statements such as 
the ones he made last November linking immorality and natural disasters, said 
the money used on HIV/AIDS programs could be better spent elsewhere. 

Every year the state spends Rp 180 billion [$19.6 million] to deal with the 
problems caused by [sex outside of wedlock], such as the spread of HIV/AIDS, 
Tifatul said. The budget could actually be reduced and the money allocated for 
other things that are beneficial to the country. 

However, Adithya Edo Wardana, the program director for the Stigma Foundation, 
an NGO focusing on HIV/AIDS harm reduction, said government funding was already 

It's ridiculous to even think about reducing the budget and allocating it to 
other programs of dubious merit, he said. 

Edo said an assessment of HIV/AIDS-related programs this year had concluded 
existing funding would cover just 60 percent of needed programs, while the rest 
would have to be covered by foreign donors. 

He conceded watching pornography could lead to casual sex, but said the main 
cause of the spread of HIV infections was unsafe sex. 

I'm not saying casual sex is OK in Indonesia, where traditional Eastern values 
still prevail, he said. But to directly link pornography to HIV is just 

Omar Syarif, an HIV/AIDS activist from the Indonesian Network of People Living 
With HIV (Jothi), said the minister's statement was in stark conflict to a 
decree issued by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Bali earlier this year. 

He said Yudhoyono had then instructed all regional administrations to increase 
their efforts to tackle the rising HIV/AIDS transmission rate. 

For the minister to call for the national HIV/AIDS budget to be reduced is 
both baseless and unwise, Omar said. 

Kemal Siregar, deputy for program development at the National AIDS Commission, 
also said there was no reason to slash the HIV/AIDS budget, saying it had been 
drawn up after long and careful consideration. 

We considered every single aspect to achieve the targets set by the UN in its 
Millennium Development Goals, he said.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Iraqis feel rising Iran clout in their wallets

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Iraqis feel rising Iran clout in their wallets
Published Date: June 16, 2010 

KARBALA, Iraq: Iranian rials change hands as easily as Iraqi dinars in this 
holy city's old bazaar, its alleyways teeming with Iranian pilgrims bused in on 
package tours run by Tehran. The Ayatollah Khomeini banknotes and Farsi chatter 
aren't alone in lending a Persian flavor. Shelves in merchant stalls like 
Yassin Saleh's sit heavy with containers of honey, cosmetics and toothpaste, 
all made across the still-disputed border. Bestsellers include travel-size 
bottles of Iranian Sehat brand shampoo. They're cheap but effective, Saleh 
says, as boxy Iranian-built Barfab air coolers trundle away nearby. Some 
people don't care about the cost ... but those who want lower prices like the 
Iranian products.

Trade with longtime rival Iran is bringing Iraq investments it sorely needs. 
Billion-dollar pacts are being signed. Branches of Iranian banks blacklisted by 
the United States are opening. But the growing ties also frame a political 
imbalance the US is loath to see in a country struggling to rebuild after years 
of war. As America's influence wanes in Iraq, and its troops withdraw, Iran is 
capitalizing on centuries-old religious and cultural ties to secure greater 
leverage in the country - even as Washingto
n works to dissuade others from dealing with Tehran over its nuclear program. 
It's a political and economic tug-of-war the US risks losing, if only because 
Iraq's reconstruction needs open the door for a marriage of convenience.

Iran, squeezed elsewhere by sanctions, finds in Iraq a rare and ready market at 
a time when lingering security fears continue to discourage Western investments 
in the country. Iran would like to have a stronger presence in Iraq ... 
primarily because so many other places have been closed off to it. It's partly 
necessity, said Anoush Ehteshami, a professor at Britain's Durham University. 
Iran doesn't want to lose its footing again in Iraq.

Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq fought a ruinous eight-year war with Iran beginning 
in 1980 that killed hundreds of thousands of people and devastated both 
countries' economies. Many of Iraq's majority Shiites, persecuted by Saddam, 
sought sanctuary in Iran, only to return after the Iraqi dictator's fall in 
2003. Some now hold key government posts. Many others have bought homes and set 
up businesses in places like Karbala, relying on Farsi learned in exile to 
cater to Iranians.

That allows the trade links to keep growing - quadrupling to $4 billion last 
year compared to three years earlier, according to Iranian government figures. 
Senior Iraqi and Iranian officials meet frequently. The visits have netted a 
series of economic cooperation agreements, including power supply deals for 
Iraq and pledges to create cross-border free trade zones. Iran has offered its 
neighbor a $1 billion loan to buy Iranian goods.

In Basra, Iraq's second largest city and a nucleus for powerful Shiite groups, 
more than 60 Iranian companies gathered this year for a five-day trade fair. 
The fair was the biggest such Iranian-run event since the US-led invasion. 
Freezer trucks and motorcycles were on display, along with dairy products, 
canned goods, clothes and cement. The port city, which is also the springboard 
for the majority of Iraq's oil exports, last month signed off on a nearly $1 
billion plan for an Iranian construction company
to build thousands of homes, hotels and a mall, said Haider Ali Fadhil, who 
heads the Basra Investment Commission.

In March, Iran state-run Bank Melli opened its second Iraqi branch, even though 
the bank is under U.S. and European sanctions over its alleged ties to Iran's 
nuclear program. Two other Iranian banks on a US watch list, Parsian and 
Karafarin, plan to open in Iraq soon. Iranian embassy officials in Baghdad say 
actual trade levels are as high as $7 billion, making Iraq one of its biggest 
trading partners. Iran's Commerce Ministry is aiming for trade of $10 billion 
per year within three years.

For Iran, investing in places like Basra and the shrine cities of Najaf and 
Karbala is a supplementary means of exerting influence in Iraq, said Kenneth 
Katzman, a Mideast specialist at the US government's Congressional Research 
Service. I don't see the US as wanting to promote that. The U.S. interest is 
to ... isolate Iran, not encourage greater economic integration, he said. The 
increasing closeness also worries many of Iraq's minority Sunni Muslims, and 
Iraq's mostly Sunni neighbors, such as fellow OPEC member Saudi Arabia.

Tehran has for years pushed for a pipeline to carry Iraqi crude oil to Iran's 
Abadan refinery. Refined fuel would then be shipped in the opposite direction. 
Iran already exports fuel to Iraq, even though both lack the refining capacity 
to meet local demand. It's a strategy that analysts say makes little economic 
sense. It's a 

[wanita-muslimah] Nyaris Tewas Demi Piala Dunia

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Nyaris Tewas Demi Piala Dunia 

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 | 12:00 WIB 
JAKARTA - Mungkin tidak berlebihan jika Somalia mengharamkan tayangan pesta 
bola dunia 2010 guna mencegah timbulnya ekses negatif. Di Jakarta, ekses 
negatif itu mulai muncul.

Dua remaja nekat mencuri sepeda milik warga di daerah Sunter, 
Tanjung Priok, Rabu (16/6) dini hari, dengan alasan mencari modal untuk taruhan 
pertandingan sepak bola Piala Dunia.

Namun naas, aksi kedua remaja tersebut dipergoki warga lalu diburu 
dan berhasil ditangkap. Kedua remaja itu itu pun babak belur dan nyaris tewas 
dihakimi massa.

Kedua pelaku, Al, 18,dan Es, 17, tertangkap tangan setelah keluar 
dari sebuah gang di Jalan Telaga Murni, Sunter Jaya, Tanjung Priok sambil 
membawa sebuah sepeda yang bukan miliknya.

Mereka bukan warga sini, membawa sepeda milik warga di sini, ' 
ujar Eko, saksi mata yang juga warga sekitar.

Kedua pelaku pun tak berkutik ketika dituduh warga sebagai pencuri. 
Mereka sempat berusaha kabur, namun berhasil dicegah dan diringkus oleh warga.

Beruntung aksi brutal massa yang nyaris menghakimi kedua pelaku urung dilakukan 
begitu petugas Polsek Tanjung Priok tiba di lokasi kejadian.

Di hadapan warga, keduanya mengaku rencananya akan menjual sepeda itu lantaran 
terdesak kebutuhan modal untuk taruhan pertandinan sepak bola Piala Dunia 
antara Brazil dan Korea Utara. inc

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[wanita-muslimah] Menkominfo Janji Segera Usut Akun Facebook yang Menghina Nabi

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Menkominfo Janji Segera Usut Akun Facebook yang Menghina Nabi 
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 15:03 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi, Tifatul Sembiring 
berjanji akan segera mengusut kasus penghinaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad SAW 
melalui laman jejaring Sosial facebook. Menurutnya, undang-undang Informasi dan 
Transaksi Ekonomi sangat tegas mengatur hal itu.

Semua sudah diatur dalam UU ITE, kalau memang pelaku berasal dari Indonesia 
akan segera diusut dan ditindak, tukasnya usai menghadir rapat kerja dengan 
Komisi I DPR RI di jakarta, Rabu (16/6).

Ia juga mengatakan, akun facebook yang berisikan ajakan untuk menghina nabi 
akan segera diblok. Namun, Tifatul tidak menjelaskan langkah jangka panjang 
guna mengatasi kasus penghinan terhadap suatu agama.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, muncul sebuah grup di Facebook yang berpotensi 
menyebabkan kontroversi dengan menamakan dirinya Muhammad SAW bukanlah NABI, 
melainkan BABI. Hingga saat ini grup tersebut memiliki 1.124 anggota dan 
menuliskan kantor pusatnya berada di Mekah.

Namun, hampir seluruh komunikasi dilakukan oleh pencipta kelompok itu dengan 
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Kemudian, dalam akun grup tersebut juga memuat 
foto-foto yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW yang dapat memicu kemarahan umat 

Hingga saat ini, grup tersebut masih aktif dan pihak Facebook belum melakukan 
aksi apapun terhadap akun kelompok tersebut.

Red: Ririn Sjafriani

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[wanita-muslimah] Astagfirullah, Satu Grup FB Sebut Nabi Muhammad sebagai Babi

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Astagfirullah, Satu Grup FB Sebut Nabi Muhammad sebagai Babi
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 11:48 WIB

screenshot/ririn s

Grup yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Kemudahan membuat grup dalam jejaring sosial 
Facebook, seringkali disalahgunakan untuk menyebar kebencian diantara kehidupan 
beragama dan rasis. Belum lama, sebuah grup di Facebook mengajak 
anggotanyauntuk menggambar Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Kini muncul sebuah grup di Facebook yang berpotensi menyebabkan kontroversi 
dengan menamakan dirinya Muhammad SAW bukanlah NABI, melainkan BABI. Hingga 
saat ini grup tersebut memiliki 1.124 anggota dan menuliskan kantor pusatnya 
berada di Mekah.

Namun, hampir seluruh komunikasi dilakukan oleh pencipta kelompok itu dengan 
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

Kemudian, dalam akun grup tersebut juga memuat foto-foto yang menghina Nabi 
Muhammad SAW yang dapat memicu kemarahan umat muslim.

Sebagai pengguna akun Facebook, dapat melaporkan setiap kelompok yang dirasa 
tidak pantas. Dengan klik tombol report group yang tersedia di bagian bawah 
dari akun tersebut.

Hingga saat ini, grup tersebut masih aktif dan pihak Facebook belum melakukan 
aksi apapun terhadap akun kelompok tersebut.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] A blow to the Brotherhood

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

 10 - 16 June 2010
Issue No. 1002
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

A blow to the Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood's failure to win a single seat in the Shura Council's 
mid-term election comes as no surprise, reports Gamal Essam El-Din 

The Muslim Brotherhood failed to win any seats in the mid-term Shura Council 
elections. The second run-off round was held on Tuesday, without any 
Brotherhood candidates running. 

Brotherhood leaders expectedly voiced sharp criticism of the ruling National 
Democratic (NDP), which swept the poll. The NDP secured 80 seats, the 
opposition won four seats and the independents won the remaining four seats. 
Essam El-Erian, the official in charge of the group's political agenda, accused 
the NDP, in collaboration with the security forces, of manipulating the poll.

The ballot lacked any judicial supervision and was rife with irregularities 
and fraud, he claimed . According to the Higher Electoral Commission (HEC), 
the election was marked by complete transparency.

Four opposition party-based candidates were able to secure seats: Tagammu's 
Salah Misbah in the Nile-Delta governorate of Damietta; Al-Geel's Ahmed 
Al-Agouz and the Arab Nasserist's Mohsen Attia in the Old Cairo districts of 
Gammaliya and Azbakiya, and Ghad's Moussa Mustafa Moussa in Giza. It is the 
first time the Nasserist Party has been represented on the Shura Council. 

According to El-Erian a handful of opposition candidates were allowed to win 
to give a false impression that the polls were not rigged. 

Days before the June poll El-Erian said the Brotherhood wanted to penetrate the 
Shura Council so that the movement gains greater legitimacy and prestige. 

The Brotherhood fielded 15 candidates, including three members of the People's 
Assembly. Their failure may well be behind the Brotherhood throwing its weight 
behind the political reform campaign of Mohamed El-Baradei, the former director 
of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). El-Baradei held a press 
conference on Tuesday with Mohamed El-Katatni, leader of the Brotherhood's 
parliamentary bloc, during which the movement announced it would help in the 
drive to collect a million signatures for El-Baradei's petition to change the 
constitution and introduce guarantees for free and fair elections, including 
the presence of international monitors. 

The failure to secure a single Shura Council seat will not, says El-Erian, 
dissuade the movement from contesting the elections to the People's Assembly, 
scheduled next October.

This is more important to us. The Shura Council lacks any real powers or 
popular appeal, he argued. 

The Brotherhood currently holds 86 seats in the 454-member People's Assembly. 
The movement has never occupied a seat on the Shura Council since it was 
established by president Anwar El-Sadat in 1980.

The Brotherhood's drubbing in the Shura elections, dominated by the NDP since 
1980, was expected, says Al-Ahram analyst Amr Hashem Rabie.

Rabie doubts the Brotherhood's alliance with El-Baradei will hold firm. This 
is a tactical move. Should the Brotherhood hold its seats in next October's 
elections the alliance will collapse, he predicts.

The liberal-oriented Wafd Party, which fielded 10 candidates, also failed to 
win a seat. The party hoped that Mahmoud Abdel-Wahed, its candidate in the 
Upper-Egypt governorate of Sohag's district of Baliana, will buck that trend in 
the run-off poll. 

Out of 88 contested seats the NDP has secured 66, said Intessar Nessim, 
chairman of the HEC. Add to this the 14 seats in which the NDP was standing 
uncontested and it has won 80 of the 88 seats up for grabs in the consultative 
upper house. 

Twenty candidates competed for the 10 seats in the run-off ballot on Tuesday. 
Of these, 11 belong to the NDP, one to the Wafd Party, and eight are 
independent candidates. 

Most, if not all, of the independents are NDP members who decided to run 
outside the party umbrella. 

According to Nessim, the turnout was 30.8 per cent (7.8 million) of registered 
voters during the first round. He denied that the voting was marred by any 

The election was marked by complete transparency. Vote-counting committees did 
their job in the presence of monitors from civil society organisations and 
foreign and local press correspondents, said Nessim. If it had the slightest 
doubt about the propriety of the elections the HEC would not have announced the 

Brotherhood officials, though, say their observers were barred from entering 
polling and vote- counting stations. They also complain that their supporters 
were systematically harassed by security forces.

Full judicial oversight of elections was cancelled in 2007. 

If there is any lesson to be learned from the Shura polls it is the necessity 
of again placing elections 

[wanita-muslimah] Women's rights gain focus in the Kingdom

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Women's rights gain focus in the Kingdom

Published: Jun 15, 2010 15:40 Updated: Jun 15, 2010 15:40 

After years of stymied efforts, reform in Saudi Arabia is focused on women's 

A recent survey by the Researchers Center for Women's Studies in Riyadh 
examining Saudi newspapers and websites showed that from mid-January to 
mid-February 2010 some 40 percent of articles in print media and 58 percent of 
articles on websites addressed women's issues.

Empowering women has become a priority for local activists and various 
initiatives are springing up to secure basic women's rights. The most recent 
and ambitious of these efforts is a national campaign, driven by local actors, 
calling for women's participation in municipal elections scheduled for autumn 

Prominent human rights activists, women's rights activists, writers and elected 
municipal council members are spearheading this national campaign for electoral 
participation, which was launched in March 2010. The goal is to coordinate 
activities on this issue throughout the Kingdom, including advocacy and media 
coverage, public meetings and speeches, writing to officials and training 
candidates. The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs has not yet ruled on 
the issue of allowing women to vote or to register as candidates.

The position taken by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah on 
fostering the role of women in Saudi society has created an opening for such 
initiatives. In February 2009 the king appointed a woman to be deputy minister 
of education, the highest public office in the country to be held by a woman so 
far. A few months later, a member of the Senior Religious Council was removed 
from his post after condemning King Abdullah University of Science and 
Technology's co-ed environment.

In December 2009, Lama Al-Sulaiman was the first woman to win a seat in the 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jeddah and became the vice chairman of the 
most prestigious business organization in the country. Following that, the 
Ministry of Commerce and Industry appointed four women board members to CCIs: 
Faten Bundaqji and Aisha Natto in Jeddah, and Hana Al-Zuhair and Samira 
Al-Suwaigh in the Eastern Province.

Taking into consideration the social and religious restrictions on women in the 
society, Saudi businesswomen have made major strides in the last few years 
toward breaking down barriers and gaining legislation that created a less 
restrictive business environment.

For instance, in 2008 Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, the governor of Makkah, modified 
Article 160 of the Labor Law, which prohibited men and women from interacting 
in a business environment. The Labor Ministry also revised labor laws in 2008 
in order to give women the choice to work. Women no longer require a male 
guardian's approval to get or leave a job. In the same year, authorities also 
reversed a ban on women staying in hotels alone.

A new law is expected to give women the right to travel abroad without a male 
guardian's approval and the ability to use their national identification cards 
to travel to Gulf Cooperation Council states.

Among many individual initiatives related to women's rights is a campaign 
called Where are my rights? headed by Khloud Al-Fahad, a businesswoman from 
Alkhobar, who seeks to educate women about their basic rights and equality 
between the sexes via publications, a website and frequent media coverage.

Suad Al-Shamary, the first women lawyer in the Kingdom, has pursued many cases 
related to violations of women's rights to divorce and protection, childcare 
and support, and compensation for injury. In cooperation with other lawyers, 
she is currently pushing for legislation to set the age for legal marriage in 
order to avoid the marriages imposed on young girls. Other initiatives include 
establishing centers to protect victims of domestic violence as well as 
campaigns on divorce rights, family laws and the rights of women married to 
non-Saudis. Most women's rights initiatives are currently headed by individuals 
rather than associations due to the heavy restrictions on civil society 
organizations in the Kingdom.

The growing activism of women - spurred in part by their awareness of the 
greater involvement in public life of women in neighboring states such as 
Bahrain and Kuwait, as well as attention from international figures such as 
Yakin ErtĂĽrk, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council on 
Violence Against Women - have prompted tense debates between traditional 
ultra-conservative religious leaders and an increasingly outspoken liberal 
intellectual elite. Among the debated issues are gender interaction in schools 
and colleges, women's sports, participation in elections for chambers of 
commerce and municipal councils, women's driving, male guardian sponsorship, 
domestic violence, definition of 

[wanita-muslimah] Somali Islamists kill two for watching World Cup

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Somali Islamists kill two for watching World Cup

Published: Jun 15, 2010 16:43 Updated: Jun 15, 2010 16:43 

MOGADISHU: Somali Islamist militants killed two people and arrested dozens of 
others for breaking a ban on watching the World Cup on television, residents 

They said the masked fighters from the Hizbul Islam group raided houses on 
Sunday and Monday in the Afgoi district, 30 km (19 miles) south of the capital 
Mogadishu, after hard-line Islamist groups banned Somalis from watching the 
tournament. Hizbul Islam killed two people and arrested 35 others, all World 
Cup fans, Ali Yasin Gedi, vice-chairman of the Elman rights group, told 
Reuters on Tuesday. Islamists unexpectedly entered houses in Afgoi district 
and then fired (at) some people who tried to jump over the wall to escape he 
added. Hizbul Islam and another group, al Shabaab, which is widely seen as 
Al-Qaeda's proxy in the region, control large swathes of the country and much 
of the capital.

The groups enforce their own strict interpretation of Islam, routinely banning 
sport, music and dancing.

Hizbul Islam unexpectedly knocked on our doors. They jumped over our wall. It 
was midnight and my two sons and others from the neighborhood were watching the 
World Cup, resident Ismail Sidow said. Some residents in Islamist-controlled 
areas are furtively watching the world's biggest sporting event, which is being 
staged in Africa for the first time, using makeshift satellite dishes to 
capture foreign broadcasts from South Africa. The first goal of the World Cup 
(scored) by South Africa is itself very great - we should be proud of it, said 
Mohamed Muhidiin Xute, a member of Somalia's Football Federation. A three-year 
insurgency in the anarchic Horn of Africa nation has left 21,000 people dead 
and forced 1.5 million from their homes. Only small pockets of the capital 
remain in the hands of a Western-backed government and African Union 

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[wanita-muslimah] The Sovereign Debt Crisis and Islamic Banking

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

The Sovereign Debt Crisis and Islamic Banking

By Lahem al-Nasser

Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- No sooner had the world begun to pick up the pieces in 
the wake of the US subprime mortgage crisis than another emerged, namely the 
sovereign debt crisis, which is something that I warned against in previous 
articles. I warned that the impact of this crisis on the economy and 
international stability would be greater than the previous crisis, since this 
crisis pertains to state debts, rather that individual or company debts. Until 
now the international financial system has yet to put in place laws to address 
state bankruptcy, despite the fact that this is something that has occurred on 
a number of occasions in the modern era. This is not the case with commercial 
debts, for there are laws which address civil institutions filing for 
bankruptcy and which reduce the effects of this. The sovereign debt crisis also 
represents such a threat because these debts are not just related to one 
country, but rather there are a number of countries who are expected to be 
unable to honor their financial commitments. This is something that will not 
stop with Greece, and international credit rating agencies have also downgraded 
Portugal's credit rating by two levels, and Spain's by one. What compounds the 
issue and exacerbates the magnitude of the sovereign debt crisis and its impact 
on the global economy is that this is something which is present within the 
largest monetary union in the world, namely the Euro zone, especially since the 
Euro today is the second most utilized currency in international transactions 
after the US dollar. This means that the crisis will reflect negatively on 
countries in the European Union, the largest economic bloc in the world. 
Therefore the panic that is spreading across the international markets is 
justified, especially as stock markets and energy values have plummeted around 
the globe, which is something whose influence nobody can escape. 

To say that the Islamic banking industry will not be affected by this crisis 
is, in my point of view, a clear and glaring inaccuracy. The Islamic banking 
industry does not operate independently from international markets, and so it 
is not immune to international financial fluctuations. We witnessed how the US 
subprime mortgage crisis affected the [Islamic banking] industry and its 
institutes, and here we must distinguish between direct and indirect impact in 
order to ensure that we do not misread reports issued by credit rating 
agencies, such as the one which claims that Greece's financial crisis will not 
have any direct impact upon Islamic banking. This means that Islamic banking 
has no assets that are directly connected to the sovereign debt crisis since 
assets such as securities and other debt instruments that are prohibited under 
Islamic Shariaa law. However this report did not mention the indirect impact 
this crisis will have on Islamic banking, which is bound to be substantial due 
to the crisis's effect upon economic factors that are stimulating the Islamic 
financial industry. One of the key fields which is stimulating the Islamic 
banking industry's development and which will be immensely affected by the 
sovereign debt crisis is the oil industry. Oil prices are expected to fall due 
to fears of a fall in demand as a result of the sovereign debt crisis, and this 
would lead to the oil industry losing financial liquidity. Another key factor 
which the Islamic banking industry's development relies upon heavily is its 
investments in the stock market and real estate markets. These investments 
constitute the bulk of Islamic financial investment assets, and are 
particularly vulnerable to currency fluctuations due to the absence of 
effective financial hedging [in Islamic banking] which could limit this. 

Therefore now that the Islamic banking industry has developed and matured, it 
must carefully study such crises and find ways of countering their effects and 
avoiding them. In addition to this, the Islamic banking industry should exert 
effort to establish a central bank for Islamic banking; a bank that would 
pursue common objectives and interests of all Islamic banking institutions, 
such as examining the possibility of creating a financial hedging system to 
offset currency fluctuations by linking Islamic financial institutes' reserves 
to gold. This central bank would also regulate short-term investment, act to 
rescue failing Islamic financial institutes, and set up a common market for 
investment, which would lead to the establishment of joint criteria within the 
Islamic banking industry. This proposed central bank for the Islamic banking 
industry would also pursue any other common objectives that are of interest to 
all parties involved in this industry. Some might say that the things that I am 
calling for already exist within the parameters 

[wanita-muslimah] Sultan of Brunei divorces former TV3 reporter

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Sultan of Brunei divorces former TV3 reporter 
In this 2008 photo, the Sultan of Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izuddin 
Waddaulah is accompanied by his wives Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha 
(left) and Pengiran Isteri Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim.

The Sultan of Brunei has announced he is divorcing former TV3 reporter Azrinaz 
Mazhar Hakim after five years of marriage.

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, one of the world's wealthiest men, married Azrinaz in 

Azrinaz gave birth to the sultan's 11th child, a baby boy, less than a year 
later and a daughter in 2008.

Brunei's palace announced on state television and radio late Wednesday that the 
sultan has divorced Azrinaz and revoked all her royal titles. No other details 
were made available. - AP

Published June 16 2010

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[wanita-muslimah] Ahmadinejad under fire from hardliners

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Ahmadinejad under fire from hardliners
Publish Date: Thursday,17 June, 2010, at 12:50 PM Doha Time

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came under fire from other hardliners 
yesterday for opposing a social crackdown targeting dress and behaviour, mainly 
of women. In a televised interview at the weekend, Ahmadinejad said that he was 
strongly against such actions. It is impossible for such actions to be 

A senior hardline cleric responded by accusing Ahmadinejad of undermining 
efforts to fight corruption.  The president in his interview did not 
appreciate the sacred wave which advocates veiling and chastity and he 
belittled it, Ahmed Khatami said in comments carried by the moderate Shargh 
newspaper yesterday. 

The head of parliament's clerical faction, Mohamed Taghi Rahbar, also 
interpreted Ahmadinejad's comments as a green light to immodest dressing. 
Those who voted for you were the fully veiled people. The badly veiled 
'greens' did not vote for you, so you'd better consider what pleases God is not 
pleasing a number of corrupt people, Shargh quoted Rahbar as saying.  The 
Green Movement of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi won over Iran's urban 
youth by pledging more social freedom in last year's election. 

Iran's morality police have returned to the streets in recent weeks, 
confiscating cars whose male drivers are seen to be harassing women, local 
media have said, without clarifying what amounts to harassment.  The reports 
say the crackdown has become a major issue for Iran's predominantly young 
population, with police or hardline militiamen stopping cars with young men or 
women inside to question their relationship.  They say the Islamic dress code 
for women is also being more strictly enforced. 

But leading conservative lawmaker Ali Motahari noted Ahmadinejad's interior 
ministry declared its preparedness for this initiative... and the president 
undermines his own work by such comments, Shargh reported.  If the president 
insists on his stance, the parliament will s surely respond, warned Motahari, 
who is a vocal critic of Ahmadinejad

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[wanita-muslimah] Hamas TV forced to halt broadcasts to Europe

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Hamas TV forced to halt broadcasts to Europe

Published Date: June 16, 2010 

GAZA CITY: A France-based satellite provider is halting broadcasts of the Hamas 
TV channel to Europe and parts of the Arab world because of concerns that it 
spreads incitement, a station official said yesterday. The decision will 
deprive Gaza-based Al-Aqsa TV of most of its viewers, said the channel's head, 
Hazem Sharawy. The Hamas station , best known for its children's programs 
glorifying violence against Israel , is the centerpiece of a growing media 
operation of Gaza's Islamic militant Hamas rulers.
Losing the satellite provider will hamper the group's attempts to spread its 
message and raise funds abroad.

The decision to cut off the Hamas station came six years after a similar move 
by France and the US against al-Manar, the channel of Lebanese guerrilla group 
Hezbollah. In Paris, Eutelsat spokeswoman Vanessa O'Connor said that last week 
the French broadcasting regulator CSA ordered it to stop beaming the Hamas 
channel into Europe by June 26. Al-Aqsa TV is part of a package of channels 
transmitted by Bahrain-based satellite operator Noorsat, which passes them in a 
single signal to Eutelsat, O'Connor said.

Eutelsat has passed on the CSA's order to stop transmitting al-Aqsa TV to 
Noorsat. O'Connor said it was up to Noorsat to block the al-Aqsa TV signal. She 
would not comment on what would happen if Noorsat doesn't comply with the CSA 
order by the June 26 deadline. Sharawy said Noorsat called late Monday, telling 
Al-Aqsa TV that its programs incite to hatred. The al-Aqsa chief alleged that 
the decision was politically motivated and meant to silence criticism of 
Israel. The enemy (Israel) can kill us, destr
oy our lands and blockade us. But we aren't allowed to expose them, Sharawy 

The Hamas channel immediately flipped into campaign mode Monday. The top left 
hand corner of the channel showed a countdown and read time remaining for 
broadcast. The satellite broadcasts, which reach Europe, North Africa and 
parts of the Gulf, are expected to be halted Thursday, Sharawy said. The 
channel is not beamed to the US Al-Aqsa's second satellite provider only 
reaches viewers in the Middle East, he said. Viewers can also still watch the 
station on the Internet.

Sharawy said he did not know how many viewers the station had, but that viewer 
phone calls and text messages indicate the bulk are from outside Gaza. He said 
the station's coverage during Israel's three-week war with Hamas in Gaza that 
ended in January 2009 dramatically boosted al-Aqsa TV's popularity. During the 
war, the station's building was bombed and employees broadcast from a secret 
location. In the past, Israel and others have repeatedly accused al-Aqsa TV of 
inciting against Israel, especially in
children's programs.

One of its most criticized programs, Tomorrow's Pioneers, once featured a 
high-pitched Mickey Mouse rip-off called Farfour who encouraged children to 
fight against the occupiers of Muslim countries, while taking calls from kids 
who were praised for singing about fighting Israel. After a wave of criticism, 
the station killed off Farfour with mock-Israeli soldiers beating him to death. 
But it has not toned down the message of its children's programs.

The station is popular with conservative Muslims in Gaza for its Islamic-based 
programming. Women wear headscarves and sometimes face veils on morning talk 
shows. Music videos show girls modestly dressed in headscarves singing, as well 
as gunslinging militants fighting Israel and chanting for revenge. The 
channel's lengthy interview programs provide the Hamas viewpoint to the world. 
Hamas sees media outreach as a vital part of the movement's success.

It has another television channel that broadcasts from Lebanon, several 
affiliated Web sites, a radio station, a glossy magazine for its military wing 
and two newspapers printed in Gaza. The militant group has also produced a 
movie glorifying one their militants and created animations boasting about 
their capture of an Israeli soldier held for the last four years in Gaza.

Six years ago, Hezbollah's Al-Manar television was also limited. At the time, 
France's highest administrative body banned satellite broadcasts by the 
Lebanese television station. Later, the US State Department placed the 
Hezbollah station on its list of terror organizations for broadcasting 

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Re: Jawaban lanjutan = Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Pandangan MUI tentang Perempuan Mengimami Shalat Jumat

2010-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

5 jam puasa, itu namanya istirahat makan dan minum. hehehe

  - Original Message - 
  From: donnie damana 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:21 AM
  Subject: Re: Jawaban lanjutan = Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Pandangan MUI 
tentang Perempuan Mengimami Shalat Jumat

  Sudah pernah kok yang ngerasain puasa dari jam 9.00 am sampai jam 2 pm alias 
cuma 5 jam...
  tapi perasaan sama aja.. karena dingin bawaannya cepet banget lapar.. :D


  On Jun 15, 2010, at 3:53 AM, Ari Condro wrote:

   harusnya mas donnie sekolah ke belandanya pas jaman abah masih di sana juga,
   40 tahun yg lalu ? hehehe ... jadi enak. salah waktu sih, jadi kebagian
   puasa yg panjang.
   sama kayak sekarang kalo naik haji, lima tahun terakhir pas adem, tapi mulai
   tahun tahun ini ke depan, musim haji pas panas panasnya ... hehehe ...
   2010/6/15 donnie damana donnie.dam...@gmail.com
   Kalo puasa musim gugur dingin atau menjelang spring, kalo summer
   On Jun 15, 2010, at 1:03, H. M. Nur Abdurahman 
   mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id mnur.abdurrahman%40yahoo.co.id
   - Original Message -
   From: Ari Condro masar...@gmail.com masarcon%40gmail.com
   To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com wanita-muslimah%40yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 21:43
   Subject: Re: Jawaban lanjutan = Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Pandangan
   MUI tentang Perempuan Mengimami Shalat Jumat
   wah, di belanda lebih parah daripada di austria. pantesan jusfiq
   pilih jadi
   agnostik. :))
   Saya puasa di Belanda biasa-biasa saja kok
   YEsus berkata soal Puasa: Jika kamu berpuasa, janganlah orang lain
   tahu bhw kamu berpuasa. ini sesuai dengan prinsip Islam bhw kita
   tidak boleh lesu dan lemah hanya karena distop makan makanan yang
   halal untuk setengah hari. Kita harus tegar dan ucapan yesus itu
   untuk menjaga hati untuk tidak pamer kepada orang lain.
   Sayang sekali, ritual puasa tidaklah menjadi ritual yang umum
   dilaksanakan oleh ummat Kristian. Maklum, karena dari Injil kita
   tidak menjumpai sama sekali bagaimana tata-cara dalam peribadatan
   puasa yang diajarkan oleh Yesus. Ini antara lain saya pelajari
   sewaktu menjadi Ibnussabil di negeri yang penduduknya umumnya
   beragam Kristian. Silakan dibaca Seri 070 di bawah.
   [Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
   070. Berpuasa di Rantau
   Berpuasa di Rantau! Apakah termasuk kategori sukar untuk menentukan
   bila mulai puasa? Ikut dengan yang di Indonesia, atau di Makkah?
   Tentu tidak ikut kedua-duanya. Tetapi apakah tidak sukar untuk
   menentukan permulaan puasa sesuai dengan mathla' yang di rantau itu?
   Sebenarnya tidak sukar, kalau rajin membaca surat kabar harian, dan
   faham sedikit mengolah data yang sederhana.
   Baru-baru ini di surat-surat kabar diberitakan bahwa ummat Islam di
   Jerman bingung untuk menentukan bilakah mulai berpuasa. Saya heran
   membaca berita itu, mengapa baru tahun ini diberitakan tentang
   kebingungan itu? Ataukah kebingungan itu sudah berlaku dari tahun ke
   tahun dan baru sempat diberitakan sekarang? Saya tidak tahu apakah
   koran-koran di Jerman tidak ada informasi itu. Kalau di negeri
   Belanda tempat saya merantau waktu itu sebagai ibnu-ssabil, semua
   koran memuat informasi tentang posisi matahari dan bulan setiap
   hari. Kalau bukan pada halaman pertama, maka pada halaman kedua
   sudut kanan di pojok bawah setiap hari tertera pukul berapa matahari
   dan bulan terbit dan terbenam. Misalnya sebagai contoh, dalam koran
   harian Winschoter Courant, terbitan Dinsdag (Selasa), 28 agusuts
   1973, redaksional aslinya tertulis demikian:
   29 augustus, Zon op 05.46, Zon onder 19.34, Maan op 07.35, Maan
   onder 19.32. Zon op artinya matahari terbit, Zon onder matahari
   terbenam, Maan op bulan terbit, Maan onder bulan terbenam. Dengan
   demikian halaman 2 pojok kanan bawah Winschoter Courant terbitan 28
   Agustus 1973 menginformasikan kepada kita bahwa pada tanggal 29
   Agustus 1973 waktu senja, bulan terbenam 2 menit lebih dahulu dari
   matahari. Kesimpulannya, itulah akhir bulan Rajab 1393H, yang
   artinya keesokan harinya 30 Agustus 1973 waktu matahari terbenam
   masuklah 1 Sya'ban 1393H. Dengan cara itu kita dapat menentukan
   bahwa 1 Ramadhan 1393H jatuh pada malam Jum'at dan siangnya hari
   Jum'at 28 September 1973 mulailah orang berpuasa, dan dengan cara
   yang sama pula dapat diketahui 'Iedu-lFithri 1 Syawwal 1373 H jatuh
   pada hari Ahad, 28 Oktober 1973.
   Karena informasi mengenai terbit dan tenggelamnya matahari itu
   setiap hari ada di koran-koran maka waktu imsak dan berbuka puasa ma
   fiy-lmasalah, no problem. Waktu imsak? Ya 

[wanita-muslimah] Deplu AS: 3 Juta WNI Jadi Korban Perbudakan

2010-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Tidak banyak bedanya dengan yang terdahulu, itulah hakekat rezim 
fedoal neo-Mojopahit. Akan terus diperbudak atas nama harga mati, apabila bobo 
dan tidak menghendaki perubahan.


Deplu AS: 3 Juta WNI Jadi Korban Perbudakan
Demikian laporan tahunan perdagangan manusia yang disusun Deplu AS
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010, 12:36 WIB
Renne R.A Kawilarang, Harriska Farida Adiati

VIVAnews - Indonesia berada dalam kategori Tier 2 (menengah) dalam laporan 
tahunan mengenai perdagangan manusia yang disusun dan dirilis Departemen Luar 
Negeri (Deplu) Amerika Serikat (AS), Senin 14 Juni 2010.

Mengutip data dari Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM), Migrant Care, laporan 
tersebut menyebutkan bahwa 43 persen atau sekitar tiga juta warga Indonesia 
yang bekerja di mancanegara merupakan korban perdagangan manusia - yang 
digolongkan PBB sebagai perbudakan moderen.

Menurut laporan yang disusun oleh tim yang dipimpin Utusan Khusus AS anti 
perbudakan, Duta Besar Luis CdeBaca, tiap provinsi dari 33 provinsi di 
Indonesia merupakan tempat asal dan tujuan perdagangan manusia. Tempat asal 
yang paling signifikan adalah provinsi di Jawa, Kalimantan Barat, Lampung, 
Sumatra Utara, dan Sumatra Selatan.

Sebuah LSM terkemuka lain, yang tidak disebut namanya dalam laporan itu, 
menyebutkan bahwa jumlah perempuan pekerja domestik (pembantu rumah tangga) 
asal Indonesia di Timur Tengah yang mengalami perkosaan mengalami peningkatan.

Sedangkan menurut IOM (International Organization for Migration), perusahaan 
perekrutan tenaga kerja, baik legal maupun ilegal, bertanggung jawab atas lebih 
dari 50 persen perempuan pekerja Indonesia yang mengalami kondisi perdagangan 
manusia di negara tujuan.

Laporan tahunan ini kemudian menyoroti perusahaan penyalur tenaga kerja PJTKI, 
legal dan ilegal, yang membuat perempuan dan lelaki pekerja memiliki utang dan 
tercebur dalam situasi perdagangan manusia.

Penyalur tenaga kerja itu sering beroperasi di luar jalur hukum dengan 
kebebasan hukum, dan beberapa PJTKI memanfaatkan hubungan dengan pegawai 
pemerintahan atau kepolisian untuk menghindari hukuman, tulis laporan 
tersebut, yang bisa diakses di laman Deplu AS.

Selain cara-cara klasik seperti iming-iming gaji besar untuk menarik pekerja 
yang kemudian masuk dalam lingkaran perdagangan manusia, tren baru yang 
diidentifikasi oleh kepolisian Indonesia adalah perekrutan pekerja migran di 
Malaysia untuk melakukan ibadah Umroh. Begitu tiba di Kerajaan Saudi, mereka 
dijual ke tempat-tempat lain di Timur Tengah, tulis laporan tersebut. 

Para pelaku perdagangan manusia sekarang juga mengunakan beragam media jaringan 
sosial di internet untuk merekrut korban, terutama anak-anak, dengan tujuan 
menjebloskan mereka ke perdagangan seksual. Sejumlah perempuan warga asing, 
seperti dari China daratan, Thailand, Asia Tengah, dan Eropa Timur, merupakan 
korban perdagangan seksual di Indonesia. Perdagangan manusia yang terjadi di 
tanah air juga menjadi masalah serius di Indonesia.

Laporan Deplu AS ini kemudian memberikan rekomendasi bagi Indonesia, antara 
lain dengan mereformasi sistem pengiriman tenaga kerja legal, terutama 
Undang-Undang Perlindungan dan Penempatan Tenaga Kerja ke Luar Negeri tahun 
2004. BNP2TKI juga diminta untuk mengurangi risiko perdagangan manusia yang 
dihadapi oleh para pekerja migran, menghukum agen-agen rekrutmen kriminal.

Selain itu, pemerintah Indonesia juga diminta menyelesaikan Memorandum of 
Understanding (MOU) dengan Malaysia dan negara-negara lain yang menjadi tujuan 
pekerja domestik Indonesia.

. VIVAnews 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Antrean Minyak Tanah Berlangsung Ricuh

2010-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Mengapa supply kebutuhan sehari-hari bagi penduduk terbengkalai? 
Bukankah  masalah seperti ini seharusnya tidak terjadi, apabila pemerintah 
berpihak kepada kenpenntingan rakyat.


Antrean Minyak Tanah Berlangsung Ricuh
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010 12:33 WIB | Peristiwa | Umum | 

Ilustrasi (ANTARA/Jafkhairi)

Pamekasan (ANTARA News) - Antrean minyak tanah di Pamekasan, Madura, Jawa 
Timur, Selasa, berlangsung ricuh.

Wartawan ANTARA di Pamekasan melaporkan kericuhan itu dipicu para pembeli yang 
berebut untuk mendapatkan jatah beli minyak tanah, sehingga terjadi aksi dorong 
antarsesama pembeli.

Para pembeli berebut untuk mendapatkan jatah beli lebih awal dengan cara 
menempatkan jerigen paling depan untuk mendapatkan jatah beli lebih awal.

Namun, ada oknum yang merusak dengan melubangi jerigen mereka. Salah satunya 
seperti yang dialami Halimatus Sakdiyah (37), warga Kecamatan Kota Pamekasan.

Sudah lima kali ada yang merusak jerigen saya seperti ini, katanya.

Tidak hanya Halimatus, para pembeli minyak tanah yang di pangkalan minyak tanah 
milik Sutikno Jalan Kesehatan Pamekasan ini mengaku mengalami hal yang sama.

Bahkan, yang membuat para pembeli makin marah karena jatah jual oleh pihak 
pangkalan tidak sama. Ada yang mendapat jatah beli lima liter, namun banyak 
juga yang lebih.

Akibat aksi saling dorong ini, para pembeli minyak tanah ini nyaris baku hantam 
karena berebut untuk mendapatkan jatah beli.

Kericuhan antarsesama pembeli mulai reda, setelah petugas kepolisian dari 
jajaran Polres Pamekasan tiba di lokasi kejadian.

Satu persatu para pembeli minyak tanah yang sebelumnya sempat adu mulut dan 
nyaris baku hantam itu pun kembali antre dengan tertib. 

Menurut pemilik pangkalan minyak tanah Sutikno, antrean warga membeli minyak 
tanah sudah terjadi sejak enam bulan lalu atau sejak jatah distribusi minyak 
tanah dari pihak Pertamina di Pamekasan berkurang.

Namun yang ricuh baru kali ini, tutur Sutikno.

Yang membuat warga rela antre untuk mendapatkan jatah beli minyak tanah di 
pangkalan milik Sutikno di Jalan Kesehatan Pamekasan ini, karena harga harga 
jual minyak tanah di pangkalan ini hanya Rp3.500,00 per liter.

Sementara di pangkalan lain seperti di Jalan Raya Bahagia dan di Jalan Pintu 
Gerbang, harga eceran minyak tanah rata-rata Rp4.500,00 per 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Scientists retrieve capsule, seeking asteroid dust

2010-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Scientists retrieve capsule, seeking asteroid dust
In this photo released by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), a 
technician examines a sampler capsule that was detached from JAXA's Hayabusa 
probe and landed in a desert in the Woomera Prohibited Area, southern 
Australia,on Monday. The Hayabusa is the first spacecraft to complete a 
seven-year, 6-billion-kilometer round-trip journey to an asteroid. (AP)


Published: Jun 14, 2010 18:33 Updated: Jun 14, 2010 18:34 

ADELAIDE, Australia: A team of scientists flew to the Australian Outback on 
Monday and recovered a Japanese space capsule that they hope contains asteroid 
samples providing clues into the evolution of the solar system.

The Hayabusa explorer returned to Earth overnight after a seven-year, 4-billion 
mile (6-billion kilometer) journey, burning apart on re-entry in a spectacular 
fireball just after jettisoning the capsule. It was the first time a spacecraft 
successfully landed on an asteroid and returned to Earth.

Seiichi Sakamoto of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, which launched the 
explorer in 2003, said they were delighted to recover the capsule, 
particularly after a number of technical problems delayed Hayabusa's arrival 
for three years.

It was an extremely difficult technological challenge, and we did everything 
to overcome the troubles one by one, he said. This is an achievement we could 
make simply because we never gave up hope. On Monday, two helicopters took 
scientists to the capsule's landing site in the Woomera Prohibited Area, a 
remote military zone 300 miles (485 kilometers) northwest of the South 
Australian state capital of Adelaide.

The capsule was airlifted late Monday afternoon to the town of Woomera, where 
it would be prepared over several days for air freighting to Japan, NASA 
scientist Scott Sandford said by telephone from the scientists' base in Woomera.

Sandford said he had not seen the capsule but that photographs indicated it had 
made a soft desert landing.

The capsule will return to Japan before scientists discover whether it carries 
any asteroid dust in its sample canister.

It'll be some time before we know if we've got sample, and if so, how much - I 
don't think we can assume anything, Sandford said.

Sandford said it was a relief to watch the re-entry and see the capsule 
successfully detach and parachute to Earth.

During a mission critical event like a re-entry, there's a whole series of 
things you've got to get right to make it work, and they all seemed to have 
come off without a hitch, said Sandford. It's a great testament to the design 
and operation of the spacecraft. Hayabusa reached an asteroid called Itokawa 
in 2005. After taking photo images from all angles of the 1,640-foot 
(500-meter) -long asteroid, Hayabusa landed on it twice in late 2005.

The craft was designed to shoot a bullet into the surface of the asteroid that 
would crush and propel material through a long tube into a sample collection 

There is no certainty the bullet actually fired, scientists say, but they 
believe the impact of the tube's landing would have forced some material upward 
and into the collection chamber.

We have perhaps a 50 percent chance of retrieving samples, Sakamoto said.

The Japanese space agency said the aim of the $200 million project was to 
understand the origin and evolution of the solar system, as well as paving the 
way for future sample return missions.

Sakamoto said any samples from an asteroid, considered the building blocks of 
planets, could also shed light on the origins of the Earth.

Scientists hope to study how and when the asteroid was formed, its physical 
properties, what other bodies it may have been in contact with, and how solar 
wind and radiation have affected it.

Hayabusa was originally due to return to Earth in 2007 but a series of 
technical glitches - including a deterioration of its ion engines, broken 
control wheels, and the malfunctioning of electricity-storing batteries - 
forced it to miss its window to maneuver into the Earth's orbit until this year.

If Hayabusa is indeed carrying asteroid samples, it would be only the fourth 
space sample return in history - including moon matter collected by the Apollo 
missions, comet material by Stardust, and solar matter from the Genesis mission.

Preliminary analysis of the samples will be carried out by the team of 
Japanese, American and Australian scientists in Japan. After one year, 
scientists around the world can apply for access to the asteroid material for 

- Associated Press writers Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo and Rod McGuirk in Canberra, 
Australia, contributed to this report.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Who speaks for Islam

2010-06-14 Terurut Topik sunny
Who speaks for Islam [Siapa berbicara untuk Islam?], click :


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] tentang dokrin kristen( kepalsuan bible)

2010-06-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Apa salahnya kalau nyontek?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Yudi Yuliyadi 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 8:55 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] tentang dokrin kristen( kepalsuan bible)

  Karena Quran banyak podo dg Alkitab maka dia dituduh nyontek dari Alkitab.La
  ternyata Trinitas Kristen itu podo juga dengan beberapa agama
  sebelumnya,tuan2 bisa memilih agama yang dicontek yang mana,sebab semua
  lebih duluan dari Kristen.Bahkan Natalpun sesuatu yg amat sakral dan
  semeriah itu tanggalnyapun hasil contekan,dan merupakan kebohongan publik. 

  Semakin mempelajari Kristologi saya menemukan bukti-bukti berikut yang
  menguatkan bahwa Kristen bukan wahyu Tuhan :

  1. Tidak ada satupun ayat di Bible menunjukkan bahwa Allah maupun Yesus
  menyuruh manusia beragama Kristen. Bahkan ayat Kis 11:26 menunjukkan bahwa
  istilah Kristen baru muncul setelah Yesus diyakini mati  naik ke surga.
  Berarti Yesus belum dengar, tidak kenal apalagi mengajarkan Kristen.
  2. Amanat Agung (misi mengkristenkan dunia) dalam Matius 28:16-20 ternyata
  ayat tambahan ciptaan para penginjil untuk menyebarkan ajaran Kristen ke
  seluruh dunia. Pemalsuan ini dibeberkan oleh Hugh J. Schonfield nominator
  Nobel tahun 1959 dalam buku The Original New Testament, Juga oleh Robert
  Funk, Profesor Ilmu Perjanjian Baru dalam buku The Five Gospels.
  3. Doktrin Kristen bahwa Firman adalah Tuhan. dalam ayat Yohanes 1:1-18
  ternyata memanipulasi hymne Platonis yang semula berbunyi .Logos (firman)
  itu berasal dari Tuhan. Pemanipulasian ayat ini dibeberkan oleh Bapa Gereja
  Santo Agustinus dalam bukunya The Confession of St. Augustine.
  4. Jesus seminar terdiri dari 76 ahli-ahli Alkitab dari berbagai disiplin
  ilmu dari Amerika Utara yang berseminar 2x setahun sejak 1985-1996,
  menegaskan bahwa pernyataan  perbuatan Yesus yang tertulis di Alkitab,
  82%nya meragukan hingga palsu.
  5. Penuhanan Yesus dikukuhkan oleh manusia pada th.325 dalam Konsili
  (musyawarah para Uskup ) di Nicea yang dipimpin oleh Kaisar Konstantin
  dihadiri 318 uskup.
  6. Penuhanan Roh Kudus menyusul dikukuhkan oleh manusia th.381 di Konsili
  Konstantinopel I dipimpin Kaisar Teodosius dihadiri 150 uskup. Konsili juga
  menambahkan Credo Percaya bahwa Roh Kudus adalah Tuhan
  7. NATAL ! perayaan paling meriah sekaligus ibadah paling sakral bagi umat
  Kristiani, ternyata bukan perintah Tuhan, bukan ajaran Yesus, tidak ada di
  Bible. Natal baru muncul abad IV, mengadopsi  menggantikan perayaan
  kelahiran dewa matahari.
  8. Ditetapkannya tgl. 25 Desember sebagai hari kelahiran Tuhan Yesus adalah
  KEBOHONGAN PUBLIK karena menyelisihi Bible (Lukas 2:8, Matius 2:1-2) ,
  menyelisihi Al Qur'an ( QS Maryam : 23-25) tetapi mengikuti ajaran paganisme
  (penyembahan berhala) bahwa dewa-dewa: Mithra di Persia, Baachus di Yunani,
  Krisna di India dsb diyakini lahir tgl. 25 Desember  dirayakan
  besar-besaran. Tuhan lahirnya ikutan berhala ?
  9. Ketentuan Tuhan bahwa Hari Sabat, hari ibadah adalah hari Sabtu, digeser
  Kaisar Konstantin menjadi hari Minggu, mengikuti hari suci mingguannya para
  penyembah dewa matahari yaitu Hari menyembah Matahari (SUN DAY) alias
  Minggu. Ketentuan Tuhan diabaikan, ketentuan manusia ditaati.
  10. Doktrin ketuhanan Trinitas (Tuhan Bapa/Allah, Anak/Yesus  Roh Kudus)
  ajaran Paulus (bukan ajaran Yesus) nampak mengadopsi pola penyembahan
  Tritunggal kaum Paganis (penyembah berhala) yang sangat luas penyebarannya 
  kuat pengaruhnya baik dimasa sebelum, disaat maupun sesudah Yesus .

  Contoh Pola Penyembahan Tritunggal yg dilestarikan Kristen jadi Trinitas :

  India Brahma Wisnu Syiwa
  Persia Oromasdes Mithra Arimanius
  Mesir Osiris Horus Typhon
  Yunani Orphicphanes Ericapeus Metis


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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Yesus membentuk kumpulan untuk bertindak seperti FPI

2010-06-14 Terurut Topik sunny


Mengapa cerita tentang mesjid  dicampur dengan Jesus  membuat FPI? 

Bukankah FPI adalah buatan Indonesia merdeka. Barangkali perlu dijelsakan 
mengapa sampai dibentuk disamping adanya aparat keaman dan hukum? 


  - Original Message - 
  From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 12:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Yesus membentuk kumpulan untuk bertindak 
seperti FPI

  arcon, arcon, asal nyeletuk saja tanpa membaca baik-baik:
  Ayuh baca ini baik-baik
  Yesus membentuk kumpulan untuk bertindak seperti FPI. Silakan baca Injil di 
bawah ini:
  Dalam Bait Suci didapati-Nya pedagang-pedagang lembu, kambing domba dan 
merpati, dan penukar-penukar uang duduk di situ. Ia membuat cambuk dari tali 
lalu mengusir mereka semua dari Bait Suci dengan semua kambing domba dan lembu 
mereka; uang penukar-penukar dihamburkan-Nya ke tanah dan
  meja-meja mereka dibalikkan-Nya [*Yoh 2:14-15*, 
  ia saat itu datang bersama murid2nya (*Markus 11:15*) dan 
  juga saudara2nya dan juga Ibunya (*Yoh 2:12*)]

  Yesus cs mengobrak-abrik pedagang dan penukar uang yahudi DI DALAM BAIT SUCI 
bukan di pelatarannya. Pasar seng di pinggir Masjid al-Haram di Makkah itu 
sebuah contoh oleh masjid-masjid seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia, para 
pedagang dadakan berdagang di sekitar dan pelataran masjid, BUKAN DI DALAM 
masjid diruangan yang dipakai untuk shalat berjama'ah. 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ari Condro masar...@gmail.com
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 18:01
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Yesus membentuk kumpulan untuk bertindak 
seperti FPI

  kalau jual beli di tempat ibadah. perasaan sering liat deh masjid
  muhammadiyah, didirikan di atas pasar. jadi lantai satu toserba, dan lantai
  duanya masjid.

  kalau habis jum'atan kita juga sering melihat banyak penjual dadakan buka
  lapak di sekitar masjid.

  yang seperti ini menjadi tugas FPU juga yah buat menertibkan ? ingat kalau
  di masjid masjid di arab, yg dagang ini biasanya pengungsi afghanistan atau
  orang pakistan atau orang afrika, mereka sering diusir usir gitu sih sama
  kuasa masjid.

  2010/6/14 Irwan Kurniawan irwank...@gmail.com

   I see, jadi mungkin ini maksud/bukti dari apa yang disampaikan seorang
   Bahwa sangat mungkin Yesus/Isa A.S disalib pemuka agama (Yahudi) karena
   tindakannya menentang komersialisasi agama (baca: nahi munkar), contohnya:
   jual beli
   ternak di tempat suci/ibadah seperti disebutkan di bawah..
   Kalau saja Yesus/Isa A.S hanya sekedar menyampaikan seruan kebaikan (amar
   seperti yang disampaikan para da'i di media massa, bisa jadi hal itu akan
   didukung para
   pemuka agama (Yahudi).. siapa juga yang berani menentang amar ma'ruf.. :-p
   Better team works could lead us to better results
   fb/twitter/skype: irwank2k2
   Pada 14 Juni 2010 12:56, H. M. Nur Abdurahman
   mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id mnur.abdurrahman%40yahoo.co.idmenulis:
Yesus membentuk kumpulan untuk bertindak seperti FPI. Silakan baca Injil
bawah ini:
Dalam Bait Suci didapati-Nya pedagang-pedagang lembu, kambing domba dan
merpati, dan penukar-penukar uang duduk di situ. Ia membuat cambuk dari
lalu mengusir mereka semua dari Bait Suci dengan semua kambing domba dan
lembu mereka; uang penukar-penukar dihamburkan-Nya ke tanah dan
meja-meja mereka dibalikkan-Nya [*Yoh 2:14-15*,
ia saat itu datang bersama murid2nya (*Markus 11:15*) dan
juga saudara2nya dan juga Ibunya (*Yoh 2:12*)]
dul-dul jabrut yang selama ini mencerca FPI, berarti mencerca pula Yesus,
padahal selama ini dul-dul jabrut berkampanye supaya juga ikut Injil

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[wanita-muslimah] Space mission down to Earth after seven years and 4 billion km

2010-06-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Space mission down to Earth after seven years and 4 billion km 
Leigh Dayton, Science writer 
From: The Australian 
June 15, 2010 12:00AM 

AFTER waiting seven years for the Hayabusa spacecraft to complete a 4 billion 
kilometre return journey that ended in the South Australian outback yesterday, 
scientists will have to hold on for another two to four weeks before they find 
out whether it has achieved its goal of bringing the first asteroid samples 
back to Earth. 

Until then, the saucer-shaped re-entry capsule will be handled with 
considerable care as it is transported to Japan for testing.

Yesterday, a helicopter carrying a small group of scientists and Aboriginal 
elders, along with representatives of the RAAF and the Australian Quarantine 
and Inspection Service, flew to the remote area to retrieve the capsule. It was 
returned -- unopened -- to nearby Woomera, where it was repackaged in 
preparation for its journey to Japan.

If the mission has gone according to plan, when the capsule is opened in the 
next two to four weeks, scientists will find samples of the rocky surface of 
the asteroid Itokawa -- named after Japanese rocket scientist Hideo Itokawa -- 
in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It would mark the first such 
collection of samples from an asteroid.

Australian National University geochemist Trevor Ireland, who was at Woomera 
along with scientists from the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency and US 
space agency NASA, said the mission had gone smoothly and everyone involved was 
confident samples had been successfully gathered.

It's been absolutely like clockwork, he said of the final leg of the Hayabusa 

Launched on May 9, 2003, Hayabusa travelled about 2 billion km to Itokawa, made 
two rubble retrieval landings and journeyed home, dropping the sample return 
capsule to Earth, roughly 60km north of Glendambo, South Australia. That was 
exactly where it was supposed to be, which is amazing, Professor Ireland said.

However, no one is sure whether the rubble retrievals were successful because 
of a temporary loss of communication between the spacecraft and Earth.

Along with the capsule, the team found what appears to be its protective heat 

Related Coverage
  a.. Now for the dust to clear Adelaide Now, 3 hours ago
  b.. Hayabusa lands in SA outback Adelaide Now, 5 hours ago
  c.. Hayabusa spacecraft lands in Australia The Australian, 14 hours ago
  d.. Asteroid probe lands in SA outback Herald Sun, 19 hours ago
  e.. Aborigines to greet Japanese spacecraft The Australian, 2 days ago

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[wanita-muslimah] Hayabusa capsule lands in desert

2010-06-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hayabusa capsule lands in desert
JAXA scientists hope probe's surviving unit has asteroid sample

WOOMERA, Australia (Kyodo) A capsule released by the Hayabusa space probe was 
found in the Australian desert, possibly containing the first asteroid surface 
samples after the probe's successful seven-year voyage ended Sunday in a fiery 
re-entry, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said.

Hayabusa, whose mission was to probe the asteroid Itokawa about 300 million km 
from Earth, made an unprecedented round trip to an astronomical body other than 
the moon.

After its May 2003 liftoff, Hayabusa traveled some 6 billion km, making about 
five swings around the sun and surviving a series of technological problems 
that often threatened its return and put it three years behind schedule.

While the spacecraft itself burned up on re-entry, a special heat-resistant 
capsule, possibly containing sand from Itokawa, landed in the desert around 
Woomera in southern Australia after being separated from the space probe 
shortly after 8 p.m. local time, JAXA officials said Monday.

We achieved this result based on technologies and science that have been built 
by our predecessors, Junichiro Kawaguchi, JAXA's Hayabusa project team leader, 
said during a news conference at JAXA's facility in Sagamihara, Kanagawa 

We managed to operate up to this point thanks to Hayabusa, Kawaguchi said. 
I'm grateful to all members of the project team.

JAXA scientists confirmed the capsule by sight from helicopters prior to 
recovering the round-bottomed pan-shaped capsule, 40 cm in diameter and 20 cm 
in height, later Monday, JAXA said, while releasing photos they took from the 

While it is believed to have failed to collect rock samples from Itokawa, sand 
could have entered the capsule due to the impact of the landing, agency 
officials said in the hope of finding a substance that would help them 
understand the origin and evolution of the solar system.

Moon rocks have been brought back to Earth, but unlike asteroids, which are 
believed to be records of the early stages of the solar system, the moon has 
metamorphosed so it provides few clues about materials in the solar system's 
initial stage, JAXA said.

Even if any substance is found inside the capsule, it would take until around 
September for JAXA to determine whether it came from Itokawa.

Asteroids, sometimes called celestial fossils, are believed to hold traces of 
the early stages of the solar system.

The most important goal of Hayabusa was to go and come back, said Yasunori 
Matogawa, a senior JAXA official involved in the mission, adding Hayabusa's 
successful mission has put Japan ahead of the world in terms of comprehensive 
solar-system exploration technology.

Itokawa is an asteroid in an orbit near Earth and Mars, discovered in 1998 by 
researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and named after the late 
Japanese rocket scientist Hideo Itokawa.

In Hayabusa's control room at JAXA's Sagamihara facility, controllers cheered 
after confirming the light and radio waves emitted by the capsule while it was 
descending. But some JAXA officials said they feel sad at the loss of the probe.

JAXA also released a photo of Earth taken by Hayabusa immediately before its 
fiery re-entry at around 11:20 p.m. The probe took the photo with the same 
camera used for taking photos of Itokawa. The agency had been worried about 
whether it could successfully reboot the camera, which had been turned off to 
save energy after photographing the asteroid.

Numerous types of technology were employed in the demonstrator spacecraft 
during its trip to prepare for full-fledged space exploration in the future. 
They included the use of an advanced ion engine, autonomous navigation to an 
asteroid, landing, sample collection, and the return to Earth.

Three hours before entering Earth's atmosphere, Hayabusa (Falcon) released the 
capsule, which descended by parachute.

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[wanita-muslimah] In Sweden, the Men Can Have It All

2010-06-14 Terurut Topik sunny

The Female Factor
In Sweden, the Men Can Have It All
Ludde Omholt with his son, Love, in Södermalm, a bohemian and culturally rich 
district in Stockholm. From Swedish capital to the villages south of the Arctic 
Circle, 85 percent of Swedish fathers now take parental leave. More Photos »

Published: June 9, 2010

SPOLAND, SWEDEN - Mikael Karlsson owns a snowmobile, two hunting dogs and five 
guns. In his spare time, this soldier-turned-game warden shoots moose and 
trades potty-training tips with other fathers. Cradling 2-month-old Siri in his 
arms, he can't imagine not taking baby leave. Everyone does. 

The Female Factor
Twenty-First Century Fathers
In a series of articles, columns and multimedia reports, The International 
Herald Tribune examines where women stand in the early 21st century.

Previous Articles in the Series » 
Follow the The Female Factor on Facebook »
The Female Factor: Conversation
The Child Care Conundrum

 Slide Show 
Daddy Leave in Sweden

  a.. The Father of Sweden's Fathers' Leave (June 10, 2010) 

More Photos » 

From trendy central Stockholm to this village in the rugged forest south of 
the Arctic Circle, 85 percent of Swedish fathers take parental leave. Those 
who don't face questions from family, friends and colleagues. As other 
countries still tinker with maternity leave and women's rights, Sweden may be 
a glimpse of the future. 

In this land of Viking lore, men are at the heart of the gender-equality 
debate. The ponytailed center-right finance minister calls himself a feminist, 
ads for cleaning products rarely feature women as homemakers, and preschools 
vet books for gender stereotypes in animal characters. For nearly four decades, 
governments of all political hues have legislated to give women equal rights at 
work - and men equal rights at home. 

Swedish mothers still take more time off with children - almost four times as 
much. And some who thought they wanted their men to help raise baby now find 
themselves coveting more time at home. 

But laws reserving at least two months of the generously paid, 13-month 
parental leave exclusively for fathers - a quota that could well double after 
the September election - have set off profound social change. 

Companies have come to expect employees to take leave irrespective of gender, 
and not to penalize fathers at promotion time. Women's paychecks are benefiting 
and the shift in fathers' roles is perceived as playing a part in lower divorce 
rates and increasing joint custody of children. 

In perhaps the most striking example of social engineering, a new definition of 
masculinity is emerging. 

Many men no longer want to be identified just by their jobs, said Bengt 
Westerberg, who long opposed quotas but as deputy prime minister phased in a 
first month of paternity leave in 1995. Many women now expect their husbands 
to take at least some time off with the children. 

Birgitta Ohlsson, European affairs minister, put it this way: Machos with 
dinosaur values don't make the top-10 lists of attractive men in women's 
magazines anymore. Ms. Ohlsson, who has lobbied European Union governments to 
pay more attention to fathers, is eight months pregnant, and her husband, a law 
professor, will take the leave when their child is born. 

Now men can have it all - a successful career and being a responsible daddy, 
she added. It's a new kind of manly. It's more wholesome. 

Back in Spoland, Sofia Karlsson, a police officer and the wife of Mikael 
Karlsson, said she found her husband most attractive when he is in the forest 
with his rifle over his shoulder and the baby on his back. 

In this new world of the sexes, some women complain that Swedish men are too 
politically correct even to flirt in a bar. And some men admit to occasional 
pangs of insecurity. I know my wife expects me to take parental leave, said a 
prominent radio journalist who recently took six months off with his third 
child and who preferred to remain anonymous. But if I was on a lonely island 
with her and Tarzan, I hope she would still pick me. 

In 1974, when Sweden became the first country to replace maternity leave with 
parental leave, the few men who took it were nicknamed velvet dads. 

Despite government campaigns - one featuring a champion weightlifter with a 
baby perched on his bare biceps - the share of fathers on leave was stalled at 
6 percent when Mr. Westerberg entered government in 1991. 

Sweden had already gone further than many countries have now in relieving 
working mothers: Children had access to highly subsidized preschools from 12 
months and grandparents were offered state-sponsored elderly care. The parent 
on leave got almost a full salary for a year before returning to a guaranteed 
job, and both could work six-hour days until children entered school. Female 
employment rates and 

[wanita-muslimah] Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny

June 12, 2010 
Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites
Hugh Tomlinson 
For full coverage, pictures and video from the Middle East, try our new website 

Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable 
Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran's nuclear facilities, The Times can 

In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on 
Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel 
to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten 
the distance for a bombing run on Iran. 

To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to 
make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not 
activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom's air defences will 
return to full alert. 

The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they 
will look the other way, said a US defence source in the area. They have 
already done tests to make sure their own jets aren't scrambled and no one gets 
shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [US] State 

Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defence circles in 
the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the 
raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual 
loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran's nuclear ambitions. 
We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing, 
said one. 

The four main targets for any raid on Iran would be the uranium enrichment 
facilities at Natanz and Qom, the gas storage development at Isfahan and the 
heavy-water reactor at Arak. Secondary targets include the lightwater reactor 
at Bushehr, which could produce weapons-grade plutonium when complete. 

The targets lie as far as 1,400 miles (2,250km) from Israel; the outer limits 
of their bombers' range, even with aerial refuelling. An open corridor across 
northern Saudi Arabia would significantly shorten the distance. An airstrike 
would involve multiple waves of bombers, possibly crossing Jordan, northern 
Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Aircraft attacking Bushehr, on the Gulf coast, could 
swing beneath Kuwait to strike from the southwest. 

Passing over Iraq would require at least tacit agreement to the raid from 
Washington. So far, the Obama Administration has refused to give its approval 
as it pursues a diplomatic solution to curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions. 
Military analysts say Israel has held back only because of this failure to 
secure consensus from America and Arab states. Military analysts doubt that an 
airstrike alone would be sufficient to knock out the key nuclear facilities, 
which are heavily fortified and deep underground or within mountains. However, 
if the latest sanctions prove ineffective the pressure from the Israelis on 
Washington to approve military action will intensify. Iran vowed to continue 
enriching uranium after the UN Security Council imposed its toughest sanctions 
yet in an effort to halt the Islamic Republic's nuclear programme, which Tehran 
claims is intended for civil energy purposes only. President Ahmadinejad has 
described the UN resolution as a used handkerchief, which should be thrown in 
the dustbin. 

Israeli officials refused to comment yesterday on details for a raid on Iran, 
which the Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has refused to rule out. 
Questioned on the option of a Saudi flight path for Israeli bombers, Aharaon 
Zeevi Farkash, who headed military intelligence until 2006 and has been 
involved in war games simulating a strike on Iran, said: I know that Saudi 
Arabia is even more afraid than Israel of an Iranian nuclear capacity. 

In 2007 Israel was reported to have used Turkish air space to attack a 
suspected nuclear reactor being built by Iran's main regional ally, Syria. 
Although Turkey publicly protested against the violation of its air space, it 
is thought to have turned a blind eye in what many saw as a dry run for a 
strike on Iran's far more substantial - and better-defended - nuclear sites. 

Israeli intelligence experts say that Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are at 
least as worried as themselves and the West about an Iranian nuclear 
arsenal.Israel has sent missile-class warships and at least one submarine 
capable of launching a nuclear warhead through the Suez Canal for deployment in 
the Red Sea within the past year, as both a warning to Iran and in anticipation 
of a possible strike. Israeli newspapers reported last year that high-ranking 
officials, including the former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, have met their 
Saudi Arabian counterparts to discuss the Iranian issue. It was also reported 
that Meir Dagan, the head of Mossad, met Saudi intelligence officials last year 

[wanita-muslimah] Pandangan MUI tentang Perempuan Mengimami Shalat Jumat

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny

Pandangan MUI tentang Perempuan Mengimami Shalat Jumat

Ahad, 13 Juni 2010, 12:42 WIB
mengatakan perempuan tidak diperbolehkan menjadi Imam shalat Jumat. Menurut 
MUI, ijma' yang dilakukan para ulama di dunia memutuskan perempuan tidak boleh 
menjadi imam shalat Jumat. Itu sudah jelas, tidak boleh perempuan menjadi 
imam, ujar Ketua Fatwa MUI, Ma'ruf Amin kepada Republika, akhir pekan lalu.

Ma'ruf menilai dengan kondisi apapun termasuk tiadanya laki-laki yang bisa 
menjadi Imam shalat Jum'at, perempuan tidak boleh menggantikan laki-laki 
menjadi Imam. Ia menegaskan kembali bahwa hukumnya sudah jelas, meski dalam 
Alquran tidak terdapat aturan khusus soal perempuan menjadi Imam Shalat Jumat. 

Dalam hadis, Nabi mengajarkan perempuan tidak diperbolehkan memimpin shalat 
Jumat, tegasnya. Ia menyebut, perempuan yang memimpin shalat Jumat akan 
menimbulkan fitnah. Fitnah ini yang dinilainya berbahaya bagi kemaslahatan 
umat. Karena itu, ia meminta umat Islam untuk berhati-hati menyikapi hal ini. 
Kata dia, seandainya sebagian masyarakat ada yang merasa ragu atau 
bertanya-tanya soal itu bisa mendiskusikan itu dengan ulama. Sekali pun 
perempuan memiliki pengetahuan agama yang cukup bukan berarti bisa menggantikan 
laki-laki sebagai imam kecuali memimpin shalat yang makmumnya juga wanita, 

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, penulis buku asal Kanada,  Raheel Reza 
mengimami Shalat Jumat di Oxfor, Inggris. Tak hanya sebatas mengimami, Reza 
juga menyampaikan khutbah Jumat dan memimpin pembacaan syhadat kepada mualaf. 
Reza datang ke Oxford atas undangan Dr Taj Hargey, tokoh pendukung Islam 
liberal yang mendukung diizinkannya perempuan untuk menjadi imam.

Berita terkait
  a.. Mengenang Kembali Kontroversi Imam Perempuan (2-habis)
  b.. Mereka yang Kesandung Skandal Porno (1)
  c.. Rahasia di Balik Matematika Shalat
  d.. Perempuan Jadi Imam Termasuk Bid'ah Munkarah
  e.. Perempuan Boleh Jadi Imam, Tapi dengan Syarat

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[wanita-muslimah] 10 Dokter dari Gaza Dibiayai untuk Belajar di Indonesia

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny

10 Dokter dari Gaza Dibiayai untuk Belajar di Indonesia
Kamis, 10 Juni 2010, 23:54 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Sebanyak 10 orang dokter Palestina akan dijemput ke 
Indonesia. Mereka akan diberikan beasiswa untuk memperdalam pendidikan 
kedokteran di Indonesia. Proses penjemputan ini akan dilakukan pada Senin, 
(14/6) mendatang oleh Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (BSMI). Sejumlah relawan BSMI 
akan diberangkatkan utuk memberikan paket bantuan ke Gaza, Palestina.

Selain itu, mereka juga akan mendapat pelatihan staf medis lokal di RS Al Shifa 
Gaza Palestina. Pelatihan yang diberikan antara lain anastesi, bedah syaraf, 
urologi, mata, dan orthopaedi. Rencananya juga, relawan ini akan mengunjungi 
WNI anggota kafilah Freedom Flotilla yang tengah menjalani perawatan di 

Beasiswa pendidikan ini akan dilakukan secara rutin dan bertahap. Direncanakan 
dokter-dokter Palestina itu akan memperdalam ilmunya di perguruan tinggi 
terkemuka di Indonesia, di antaranya UI, UGM, Unibraw, dan Unair.

Humas BSMI, Pardian Sulaiman mengatakan beasiswa ini dilakukan karena SDM medis 
di beberapa rumah sakit di Kota Gaza sangat minim, termasuk di RS Al Shifa. 
Beasiswa ini diberikan agar bisa ilmu yang diperolah bisa dimanfaatkan di 
rumah sakit di sana, katanya.

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[wanita-muslimah] Kacang Terancam Haram di Pesawat

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny

Kacang Terancam Haram di Pesawat
Posted in Luar Negeri by Redaksi on Juni 13th, 2010 

Amerika Serikat (SIB)
Setelah senjata api, pisau cukur, gunting, dan benda-benda lain, bisa ada lagi 
satu macam barang yang dilarang dibawa ke dalam pesawat terbang berpenumpang. 
Benda itu adalah kacang - entah itu kacang goreng atau kacang kulit. Kebijakan 
itu tengah ditimbang-timbang oleh Departemen Transportasi Amerika Serikat (AS). 
Alasannya, pemerintah ingin melindungi para penumpang yang alergi dengan 
penganan berbahan kacang. Padahal, penganan seperti itu jadi layanan favorit 
maskapai-maskapai penerbangan kepada penumpang saat pesawat mengudara.

Namun, kalangan pendukung larangan itu mengingatkan bahwa jumlah penderita 
alergi kacang di AS kini tidak sedikit, yaitu sekitar 1,8 juta jiwa. Maka, 
pekan lalu, Departemen Transportasi menerima masukan dari para penderita 
alergi, pakar medis, pelaku industri makanan dan masyarakat awam. Hasilnya, 
mereka memaparkan tiga usulan yang bakal membuat muram produsen kacang.

Usul pertama, melarang semua layanan makanan berbahan kacang di semua pesawat; 
melarang pemberian kacang hanya ketika ada permintaan terlebih dahulu dari 
seorang penumpang yang alergi kacang dan; mewajibkan maskapai menerapkan zona 
bebas kacang di dalam pesawat bila diminta seorang penumpang. Pemerintah saat 
ini baru sebatas menampung usulan. Kami baru meminta komentar mengenai apakah 
kami harus menerapkan satu dari tiga usul itu, kata jurubicara Departemen 
Transportasi, Bill Mosely. Kami bisa saja tidak menerapkan satu pun dari 
usul-usul itu, lanjut Mosely.

Namun, saran itu ditanggapi sinis oleh kalangan petani dan produsen kacang. 
Kacang kan penganan yang enak dan itu juga penganan orang Amerika, kata 
Martin Kanan, kepala eksekutif korporat King Nut, perusahaan asal Ohio yang 
memasok penganan kacang ke maskapai-maskapai di AS. Lalu apa berikutnya? 
Melarang kacang di taman? lanjut Kanan secara ketus.

Menurut penelitian medis di AS, alergi pada kacang bisa mengancam jiwa 
penderita. Bahkan, dengan hanya mencium aromanya, penderita alergi kacang bisa 
mengalami gangguan, baik itu gatal, bersin, maupun batuk. Sejauh ini, maskapai 
Continental, United, US Airways, dan JetBlue, sudah menghentikan pemberian 
kacang kepada penumpang. Maskapai Delta dan Southwest hanya memberi kacang bila 
ada permintaan khusus, sedangkan American Airlines tidak menyedia kacang, namun 
tetap menawarkan penganan yang memiliki kandungan kacang kepada penumpang. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Hidup Setelah Mati

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagaimana kalau kehidupan sebagai mayat?


Hidup Setelah Mati
  Tanggal :  12 Jun 2010 
  Sumber :  Harian Terbit 

JAKARTA-Dalam beberapa kasus, orang yang mati kedinginan pada suhu ekstrem bisa 
hidup lagi. Seorang peneliti berhasil menjelaskan fenomena ini lewat eksperimen 
yang dilakukan dengan ragi dan cacing tanah.

Mati beku atau 'freezes to death' dipicu oleh suhu dingin yang terlalu ekstem, 
yang sering terjadi di pegunungan atau daerah beriklim dingin. Meski sangat 
jarang, seseorang yang mati beku bisa hidup kembali.

Kasus pertama terjadi pada musim dingin 2001, menimpa Erika, seorang bayi 13 
bulan di Kanada. Gara-gara hanya mengenakan popok saat berkeliaran di luar 
rumah, ia tewas dengan suhu tubuh anjlok hingga 16 derajat celcius.

Saat ditemukan, jantung bayi itu diperkirakan telah berhenti berdenyut selama 2 
jam. Ajaibnya, jantung si bayi kembali berdenyut tak lama setelah dihangatkan 
dan diberi napas buatan.

Kasus berikutnya terjadi di Jepang pada tahun 2006. Seorang pria, Mitsutaka 
Uchikoshi hilang di Gunung Rokko yang bersalju dan ditemukan 23 hari kemudian 
dalam kondisi membeku dan tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda adanya metabolisme.

Pria ini akhirnya hidup lagi setelah dibawa ke tempat yang lebih hangat, dan 
diberi pertolongan. Bahkan kondisi kesehatannya dilaporkan pulih tak lama 

Didahului dengan kondisi anoksia (tidak memiliki oksigen)

Ilmuwan dari Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Mark B. Roth, Ph.D. 
berusaha menjelaskan fenomena ini lewat sebuah eksperimen. Roth menggunakan 
ragi dan embrio cacing tanah (nematoda).Pada eksperimen pertama, ia menyimpan 
ragi dan embrio tersebut pada suhu di atas titik beku. 

Dalam waktu 24 jam, 99 persen dari makhluk itu benar-benar mati dan tidak bisa 
hidup lagi meski dihangatkan.Berikutnya, ragi dan embrio cacing diletakkan 
dalam lingkungan kurang oksigen sebelum dibekukan dalam keadaan anoksia (tidak 
memiliki oksigen). Pada percobaan ini, 66 persen ragi dan 97 embrio cacing bisa 
hidup lagi setelah dihangatkan dan diberi cukup oksigen.

Menurut Roth telah menyebabkan siklus sel berhenti sehingga kedua jenis makhluk 
hidup tersebut menjadi mati suri. Didukung suhu dingin, maka secara biologis 
siklus sel terjaga untuk tetap stabil selama mati suri sehingga tidak 
benar-benar mati.

Ketika makhluk hidup mati suri dalam kondisi demikian, risiko terjadinya 
kesalahan dalam proses biologis yang memicu kematian akan berkurang, ungkap 

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[wanita-muslimah] Polisi Belum Jerat Pasal Perzinahan Ke Aril-Luna

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kelihatan POLRI sangat ahli dalam bidang porno, zina, agama tidak 
benar, maka oleh karena itu setiap orang yang melakukan kebutuhan biologis 
berdzarkan suka-sama- suka cepat dijerat hukm.


  Minggu, 13 Juni 2010 


Polisi Belum Jerat Pasal Perzinahan Ke Aril-Luna

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Mabes Polri menyatakan ada kemungkinan sanksi 
pidana dikenakan kepada Ariel dan Luna Maya atas perekaman adegan mesum 
keduanya yang kini menyebar ke publik. Namun, polisi belum akan menerapkan 
saksi pidana tersebut.

  Kita harus mengacu kepada perundang-undangan yang terkait, kata 
Kabareskrim Komjen Pol Ito Sumardi, kepada detikcom, Minggu (13-6).

  Selain itu, Ito mengimbau semua pihak untuk mengedepankan asas praduga 
tidak bersalah dalam kasus dua selebritis Indonesia papan atas itu. Kedepankan 
praduga tak bersalah, lanjut Ito.

  Sebelumnya, Ariel dan Luma Maya telah menjalani pemeriksaan awal di Mabes 
Polri pada Jumat (11-6) yang lalu. Sementara Cut Tari, artis yang diduga 
menjadi lawan main Ariel dalam video serupa lainnya, belum diperiksa.

  Wakadiv Humas Polri Brigjen Zainuri Lubis menegaskan, terlalu cepat 
menganggap Ariel dan Luna sebagai korban. Masih ada kemungkinan sanksi pidana 
dikenakan, misalnya dengan pasal 4 UU Pornografi dan UU ITE pasal 27, serta 
pasal 128 KUHP tentang perzinahan.

  Patut diduga kalau orang dewasa berbuat demikian. Kalau disimpan kan 
tidak jadi masalah, tapi kalau ketahuan orang kan asusila, tegasnya. DTC/L-1

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] DPR Tembus Gaza Diwakili Seluruh Fraksi

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau para anggota DPR ini bisa mengunjungi apartment penghuni dan 
sekolah di Gaza maupun West Bank, mungkin bisa  akan diberikan gambaran yang 
luas di NKRI tentang bagaimana kehidupan sehari-hari disana.


  Minggu, 13 Juni 2010 


DPR Tembus Gaza Diwakili Seluruh Fraksi

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) berencana akan 
memberikan bantuan untuk pembangunan Rumah Sakit di Gaza, Palestina pada akhir 
Juni. Direncanakan perwakilan seluruh fraksi akan ikut serta dalam misi ini.

  Jumlah persis perwakilan yang akan ikut saya belum tahu, namun yang 
pasti akan ada perwakilan dari masing-masing fraksi di DPR, ujar angota Komisi 
I DPR RI, Al Muzzammil Yusuf, Minggu (13-6).

  Menurut Muzzammil, selain perwakilan dari tiap fraksi di DPR, juga akan 
diikutsertakan perwakilan dari pemerintah untuk menyerahkan bantuan. Bantuan 
tersebut rencananya akan diserahkan langsung kepada pemerintahan Palestina.

  Kita akan menyerahkan bantuan sebesar US$ 2 juta dari pemerintah dan 
juga bantuan yang dikumpulkan dari masyarakat untuk pembangunan rumah sakit di 
Gaza. Pembangunannya atas nama pemerintah dan rakyat Indonesia, terang pria 
yang juga menjadi ketua Kaukus DPR untuk Palestina tersebut.

  Muzzammil menambahkan, setibanya di Mesir pihaknya akan berusaha 
melakukan lobi agar dapat masuk ke Gaza secara resmi melalui Rafah. Namun 
apaila usaha tersebut gagal, maka bantuan akan tetap diberikan kepada 
pemerintahan Palestina di Mesir.

  Kita akan serahkan bantuan kepada pemerintahan Palestina di Gaza. Kalau 
tidak bisa masuk Gaza, akan kita serahkan di Mesir. Pemerintah Palestina yang 
secara resmi akan menerima, jelasnya.

  Selain ke Gaza, para anggota DPR ini nantinya juga akan melakukan 
perjalanan ke Yordania dan Suriah untuk menemui perwakilan faksi Palestina. 
Kemudian mereka akan ke Lebanon, untuk mengunjungi pasukan Indonesia yang 
tengah menjalankan tugas sebagai pasukan perdamaian PBB. Seluruh perjalanan ini 
akan memakan waktu seminggu.

  Di Yordania kita akan menemui Faksi Fatah sedangkan di Syria kita akan 
menemui Faksi Hamas, tutupnya.DTC/L-1

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny

Minggu 13. of Juni 2010 00:38 

Jember - Jumlah pekerja anak di Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur, diperkirakan 
mencapai ribuan yang tersebar di berbagai sektor, sebagian besar di bidang 
perkebunan dan pembantu rumah tangga.

Banyak pekerja anak di pelosok desa, bahkan hampir di tiap perkebunan 
ditemukan pekerja anak yang membantu kedua orang tuanya, kata Direktur 
Komunitas Studi Anak (Kisanak), M. Dawud, di Jember, Sabtu. 

Hal tersebut disampaikan lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) yang memiliki 
kepedulian terhadap anak-anak kepada pers dalam rangka memperingati Hari Dunia 
Menentang Pekerja Anak pada tanggal 12 Juni 2010. 

Menurut Dawud, biasanya anak-anak di kawasan kota bekerja sebagai pembantu 
rumah tangga karena keterbatasan ekonomi keluarganya, bahkan tidak jarang anak 
tersebut harus berhenti sekolah. 

Kondisi ini sangat memprihatinkan karena mereka tidak mendapatkan perlindungan 
yang layak. Hal ini butuh penanganan yang serius oleh semua pihak, supaya tidak 
ada lagi pekerja anak di Kabupaten Jember, katanya. 

Anak-anak tersebut bekerja dalam waktu seperti orang dewasa, yakni antara empat 
hingga 12 jam sehari, dan melakukan pekerjaan seperti orang dewasa. 

Di sisi lain, Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Disnakertrans) Kabupaten 
Jember tidak bisa menjangkau dan mendata keberadaan mereka. Bahkan, dinas itu 
tidak memiliki data yang valid tentang jumlah dan kondisi anak-anak. 

Anak-anak usia sekolah seharusnya berada di sekolah dan mendapatkan pendidikan 
yang layak sesuai dengan perkembangan usia mereka. Namun faktanya, mereka harus 
bekerja karena desakan ekonomi keluarga, katanya. 

Untuk itu, kata dia, Kisanak mengajak seluruh elemen masyarakat untuk 
menyatukan langkah dalam memerangi pekerja anak sehingga Jember sebagai 
kabupaten yang bebas pekerja anak. 

Kisanak juga menggelar pemutaran film tentang anak di Desa Subo, Kecamatan 
Pakusari, Sabtu malam, sebagai rangkaian acara untuk memperingati Hari Dunia 
Menentang Pekerja Anak.(

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia's flourishing black magic

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Rupanya langit biru tidak bisa membantu, jadi dicari jalan lain. 
Video footage bisa dilihat dengan clik pada situs ini : 


Sunday, June 13, 2010 
08:50 Mecca time, 05:50 GMT

Indonesia's flourishing black magic 
  Black magic has been big business for years in Indonesia.

  People seek help of witch doctors to fulfil their goals and dreams and 
remedy their problems - be it personal, financial or political.

  But now there is growing fear that sorcery has gone out of control and 
some believe the government should regulate it.

  Al Jazeera's Step Vaessen reports from Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, 
where she met Ki Joko Bodo, the most successful witch doctor in the country.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Anniversary of Disputed Iran Vote Passes Quietly

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny

Anniversary of Disputed Iran Vote Passes Quietly


  A protester marches with the Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian 
People's Will and Iranian-American Youth to mark the first anniversary of 
Iran's disputed presidential election. (AP) 
  Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures at a press conference 
during his visit at the site of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. (AFP) 
  Tabby Za joins a march with the Solidarity Committee to Protect the 
Iranian People's Will and Iranian-American Youth to mark the first anniversary 
of Iran's disputed presidential election. (AP) 
TEHRAN, Iran, (AP) - The one-year anniversary of Iran's disputed election 
passed quietly Saturday with little more than a subdued Internet appeal by 
opposition leaders for supporters to speak out on the Web against government 
Fearing bloodshed and calculating that it would gain them nothing, the 
movement's leaders called off a day of mass protests, reflecting their 
increasing powerlessness against the government's military muscle. Witnesses 
and the opposition reported a few isolated confrontations in the capital.

We have to expand social networks, websites, these are our best means, said 
Mir Hossein Mousavi, a former prime minister who maintains he was robbed of the 
presidency through fraud in the June 12, 2009, election.

These work like an army. This is our army against their military force, he 
said on his website, Kaleme.com.

The retreat from Iran's streets and university campuses to the Web is certain 
to be seen as a victory for the ruling hard-liners and for the armed forces 
that preserved their grip on power with a harsh crackdown on postelection 

The anniversary passed with no signs of major disturbances or large public 

Witnesses reported sporadic but minor clashes at Tehran's Azadi Square between 
a few dozen protesters and anti-riot police swinging batons.

At Tehran's Sharif University of Technology, students scuffled with hard-liners 
and plainclothes paramilitary personnel on campus, according to Mousavi's 
website. Liar, liar, students chanted in a denunciation of President Mahmoud 

Security forces arrested a political ally of Mousavi, Davoud Roshani, and labor 
union activist Reza Shahabi, Kaleme.com reported.

Authorities were also seen taking one person away near the entrance of Tehran 
University, where no gatherings were allowed to form, another witness said.

A top police official, Ahmad Reza Radan, said a small number of people were 
arrested in Tehran, but gave no details, the semiofficial ISNA news agency 

In some Tehran neighborhoods after nightfall, people went to their rooftops and 
shouted Allahu akbar, or God is great, reprising a cry of protest from last 
year's unrest.

Hundreds of police were deployed at main junctions in the capital. The 
government warned that any unauthorized gatherings would be harshly confronted.

The scene was in stark contrast to a year ago.

Then, hundreds of thousands took to the streets to protest alleged fraud, which 
they said deprived them of a Mousavi presidency that might have brought a 
measure of political and social change. Mousavi had campaigned on promises of 
economic reform, freedom of expression and a review of laws that discriminate 
against women.

Abuses against detained activists - which the government at least partially 
acknowledged took place - pushed some opposition supporters to go even further 
and challenge the ruling clerical establishment itself. But trials - some of 
which have resulted in death sentences - and threats to put down unauthorized 
demonstrations have left the movement with nowhere to go.

Even on the Web, Iranian authorities chase them, blocking sites and jamming 
Internet and mobile phone service at times.

The tightening controls have led to criticism of what Mousavi on Saturday 
called an inclination toward dictatorship by Iran's leadership - a potent jab 
from a man once considered a regime insider and who played an active role in 
the 1979 revolution that brought clerical rule to Iran. 

Those at the top (of the ruling system) think they are special creatures of 
God almighty and that God pays special attention to (him); that whatever he 
says must be carried out ... and there is no belief in collective logic, 
Mousavi said, in an apparent reference to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali 

Mousavi pledged Saturday to continue a peaceful struggle against the government 
of Ahmadinejad, whose presidency has coincided with a sinking Iranian economy 
and growing international isolation as a result of the defiance over the 
country's nuclear program. 

We need to spread awareness, Mousavi said. This is the point of 
vulnerability of those who are after despotism. If awareness is spread, there 
will be a huge popular force behind the demand for change. 

[wanita-muslimah] Saudi HRC Releases Results of Survey on Harassment

2010-06-13 Terurut Topik sunny

Saudi HRC Releases Results of Survey on Harassment

By Iman al Khattaf


Dammam, Asharq Al-Awsat - The Eastern Province branch of the Saudi Human Rights 
Commission revealed the results of a survey that looked at cases of verbal and 
physical harassment. The survey revealed that 17.4 of participants had been 
subjected to harassment by Mahrams [family members who Muslim women cannot 
marry because of close blood relationship] or other relatives whereas 14 
percent stated that they had been subjected to harassment by strangers. The 
statistics were issued during a meeting held last Wednesday at the Women's 
Bureau affiliated to Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd's Youth Development Programme in 
Dammam that was attended by mothers and female teachers. 

Amal al Dowkhi, a social expert who works with the Eastern Province branch of 
the Human Rights Commission stated that the survey included a random sample of 
educated individuals over 20 years of age. The survey showed that 32 percent of 
participants stated that they had been subjected to harassment whereas 68 
percent had never experienced any kind of harassment. Al Dowkhi said, There 
has been a noticeable proportion of harassment in our society carried out by 
family members, and harassment carried out by Mahrams is far more destructive 
than harassment carried out by strangers because it lowers human value as the 
person from whom the child expects protection and security is the one who 
harassed him/her.

Huda al Senari, a lawyer who works for the Human Rights Commission, explained 
that the problem lies in proving that harassment actually took place. Some 
cases reach the courts but there is no concrete evidence that the suspect 
actually harassed somebody.

Al Senari stressed that judges only acknowledge forensic evidence. She added, 
After referring the case to the Commission for Investigation and Prosecution, 
forensic science is the only thing that can intervene in a case. Al Senari 
explained the legal proceedings that take place if harassment by a Mahram is 
proven. She said, According to the penal code, the perpetrator must be 
punished. The fact that he is a Mahram should be taken into account as he would 
be sentenced by the law and given another harsher sentence if the victim is a 
child or unmarriageable kin. Al Senari further maintained that rulings in our 
country are left to the discretion of the judge but in most cases sentences are 
harsher because Mahrams are supposed to protect.

Al Dowkhi reviewed a number of cases the Human Rights Commission in Dammam had 
come across and stated that many victims refuse to admit that they have been 
subjected to harassment and refuse to reveal the perpetrator's identity out of 
fear of being accused of lying and fabricating stories. Al Dowkhi ascribed this 
fear to the general social tendency not to believe such stories. She said, Our 
society tends to hide such issues and does not want to highlight them. Al 
Dowkhi praised the role assumed by a program that was launched recently for 
psychological welfare and community service in the Eastern Province for 
treating such cases. There is the Ibn Rashid healthcare centre in Dammam, the 
Al Bayoniya healthcare centre in Al Khobar and the Al Qudaih healthcare centre 
in al Qatif.

A group of women attending the meeting emphasized the importance of educating 
children about such matters at the early stages of a child's education. 
Meanwhile, others called for qualifying male and female teachers to deal with 
children who show signs of physical or verbal harassment inside or outside of 

The meeting that lasted for around two hours included a demonstration of how to 
detect children who have been subjected to harassment, how to treat them and 
precautionary measures that should be taken to avoid becoming a victim of 
harassment. Moreover, the meeting highlighted the role of the media and schools 
in confronting this phenomenon. It highlighted the importance of increasing 
awareness, monitoring children's relations with workers [in the home] and 
chauffeurs and providing them with educational books in that respect. 

In cases of social protection, the strategy includes the following: firstly, 
reform which focuses on settling problems amicably between the concerned 
parties; secondly, social rehabilitation that focuses on therapy and guidance 
sessions for victims of harassment; thirdly, psychological rehabilitation that 
focuses on providing psychological treatment; and finally, accommodating 
victims if necessary.

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: [Sabili] Mengidola Suaminya Cut Tari ?

2010-06-12 Terurut Topik sunny
Gambar bergerak pun bisa dimanipulasi, contohnya dibikin film tentang pres. 
Soekarno lagi bersetubuh. Film ini dibuat di down town LA beberapa waktu 
sebelum September 1965.

  - Original Message - 
  From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman 
  To: Sabili 
  Cc: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2010 1:21 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: [Sabili] Mengidola Suaminya Cut Tari ?

  Sikap Johannes Subrata atau Joesoef, yang suami Cut Tari :
  Hebatnya lagi, apabila video tersebut memang terbukti dilakoni oleh istrinya, 
maka ia pun siap memaafkan istrinya.

  1. Video tersebut memang dilakoni oleh Cut Tari. Foto berbeda dengan film 
atau gambar hidup. Mengapa? Ini penjelasannya:
  Coba perhatikan roda sepeda yang berputar. Terali-teralinya seakan-akan 
bersambung. Itu adalah akibat sifat penglihatan manusia. Benda yang didepan 
mata masih akan terlihat beberapa detik setelah benda itu tidak ada lagi di 
depan mata. Itulah hakekat gambar hidup, yang terjadi dari beberapa frame foto 
yang bersambung dalam gulungan film. Jadi kalao foto atau gambar tidak bergerak 
memang mudah dimanipulasi. Akan tetapi gambar hidup atau gambar bergerak yang 
terdiri atas ribuan frame foto atau gambar mati secara bersambung mana mungkin 

  2. Kalau memang benar yang diberitakan bahwa sikap Johannes Subrata atau 
Joesoef, yang suami Cut Tari demikian itu, maka itu adalah sikap tercela yang 
tidak pantas ditiru, betapa pula akan dijadikan idola. Orang Makassar bilang 
tau tena siriqna (orang tidak punya harga diri), lebih rendah dari binatang, 
kecuali babi. Coba kandangkan pasangan kuda jantan dan betina atau ayam jantan 
dan betina. Setelah beberapa lamanya, sebulan misalnya, masukkan kuda atau ayam 
jantan lain kedalam masing-masing kandang itu. Masing-masing kuda dan ayam 
jantan itu akan bertarung mati-matian mempertahankan betinanya, tidak akan sudi 
menyerahkan betinanya kepada kuda atau ayam jantan yang baru dimasukkan dalam 
kandang itu. Kalau dalam keadaan bebas di alam liar, maka kuda jantan akan 
bertarung hingga ada yang tewas, sedangkan kalau ayam pertarungan akan 
berhenati jika salah seekor keok melarikan diri, Akan tetapi kalau babi akan 
lain. Babi jantan akan membantu babi jantan lain untuk berkelamin dengan 

  3. Ini tentang Luna Maya. 
  Meski hingga kini baik pihak Luna Maya dan Ariel membantah jika sosok yang 
ada dalam video tersebut adalah mereka, namun menurut Heru Sutadi, selaku 
pengamat Teknologi dan Informasi mengatakan jika kemiripannya sangat tinggi.
  Ada kemiripan yang sangat tinggi antara Luna Maya dalam hal ini dengan 
wanita yang ada dalam video tersebut. Ini saya bandingkan dengan beberapa foto 
milik Luna Maya. Seperti kelopak mata yang memang menghitam terutama alis 
dibagian kiri. ungkap Heru kepada cumicumi.com
  Selain itu juga kalau kita lihat dari gambar wanita yang ada dalam video ini 
memiliki dagu yang mirip sekali bahkan teksturnya terlihat persis sama dengan 
Luna Maya. sambung Heru 
  Tak hanya itu, Heru juga merasa pria yang ada dalam video tersebut terlihat 
begitu mirip dengan Ariel Peterpan.
  Kalau dari pihak laki-laki gambarnya agak tidak stady dan berubah-ubah. Tapi 
kalau kita lihat dari potongan rambutnya dan juga bahunya serta ototnya memang 
sangat mirip dengan penyanyi Ariel Peterpan. papar Heru
  Selain itu Heru juga mengatakan bahwa jika dianalisa dari suara sang pria 
maka terasa begitu familiar dengan suara Ariel.
  Belah tengah rambutnya seperti Ariel kemudian suaranya agak serak-serak 
mirip sekali dengan Ariel. tegasnya 
  Sumber: http://cumicumi.com/news/view/70/10536

  Alhasil sikap Johannes Subrata yang demikian itu lebih hina dari kuda dan 
sama hinanya dengan babi.


  - Original Message - 
  From: rifky pradana rifkyp...@yahoo.com
  To: ekonomi-nasio...@yahoogroups.com; eramus...@yahoogroups.com; 
forum-pembaca-kom...@yahoogroups.com; indonesia-ris...@yahoogroups.com; 
mediac...@yahoogroups.com; nongkrong_bare...@yahoogroups.com; 
ppiin...@yahoogroups.com; sab...@yahoogroups.com; 
syiar-is...@yahoogroups.com; wartawan-indone...@yahoogroups.com; 
wartawanindone...@egroups.com; zama...@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 04:25
  Subject: [Sabili] Mengidola Suaminya Cut Tari ?

  Seorang suami melihat
  tayangan video yang memperlihatkan wanita yang mirip istrinya itu sedang asyik
  masyuk bersenggama dengan pria selingkuhannya sambil membisikkan kalimat 
  Kamu mau keluarin di mana ? .

  Bagaimana sikapnya ?,
  kaget ?, marah ?, jengkel ?, atau biasa-biasa saja ?.

  Johannes Subrata atau
  Joesoef sebagai suaminya Cut Tari ternyata bersikap biasa-biasa saja saat
  melihat video persetubuhan antara wanita yang mirip istrinya dengan pria yang
  mirip Ariel Peterpan.

  Saya tahu dari teman saya, dan saya sudah melihat video itu tadi pagi.
  Saya sih biasa-biasa saja, kata Johannes Subrata atau Joesoef, suaminya
  Cut Tari.

  Ia juga menganggap 

[wanita-muslimah] Dana Aspirasi Maju Terus!

2010-06-11 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Maju terus membela yang tidak benar?


Dana Aspirasi Maju Terus! 
Laporan wartawan KOMPAS.com Inggried Dwi Wedhaswary
Kamis, 10 Juni 2010 | 15:26 WIB

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Fraksi Partai Golkar tak terpengaruh terhadap segala 
penolakan dan kritikan atas usulan dana aspirasi Rp 15 miliar per anggota 
Dewan. Usulan tersebut tetap akan dimajukan dalam rancangan APBN 2011. Hal itu 
ditegaskan para petinggi partai dan Fraksi Partai Golkar, Kamis (10/6/2010), 
dalam jumpa pers di Gedung DPR, Jakarta.

Gagasan Fraksi Partai Golkar soal program aspirasi dan akan diperjuangkan 
terus-menerus sesuai aspirasi konstituen. Jadi akan lanjut terus. Program 
aspirasi sampai kapan pun akan diperjuangkan, kata anggota DPR Fraksi Golkar, 
yang juga Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Golkar Idrus Marham.

Ia mengatakan, partainya sudah melakukan kajian mendalam sebelum melontarkan 
usulan tersebut. Kajian tersebut, papar Idrus, sudah dilakukan dari aspek 
yuridis, sosiologis, dan akademis. Dalam rangka membangun agar tidak 
mempermasalahkan dari mana ide itu datang, tapi permasalahkan bagaimana ide dan 
gagasan dijalankan, kata dia.

Anggota Komisi XI DPR Ade Komaruddin mengatakan, dana aspirasi itu akan dinamai 
Dana Percepatan dan Pemerataan Pembangunan Daerah. Untuk besarannya, 
tergantung kemampuan APBN.

Golkar beralasan, usulan alokasi dana yang akan menyedot triliunan anggaran 
APBN itu merupakan koreksi terhadap ketimpangan pembangunan dan penganggaran 
antara belanja pusat dan transfer daerah yang berbanding 70:30. Minimnya 
anggaran daerah dinilai menyebabkan kesulitan daerah dalam membiayai 
program-program desentralisasi.

  a.. Golkar: Pernyataan Presiden Luar Biasa 
  b.. Bilang Keluar dari Setgab karena Dongkol 
  c.. PDI-P: Golkar Keluar Setgab? Berani? 
  d.. Jangan Tergesa-gesa Tolak Usulan Golkar 
  e.. Presiden Mengaku Sempat Dimarahi Rakyat

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Majlis perkahwinan diserang, 40 maut

2010-06-11 Terurut Topik sunny

ARKIB : 11/06/2010
Majlis perkahwinan diserang, 40 maut

  SEORANG doktor di sebuah hospital di Kandahar merawat salah seorang 
mangsa yang cedera dalam kejadian sebuah majlis perkahwinan diserang dengan 
letupan di Nangahaan, daerah Arghandab, selatan Afghanistan, semalam. - AFP 


KANDAHAR 10 Jun - Sekumpulan pihak yang tidak dikenali melancarkan serangan 
nekad ke atas satu majlis perkahwinan di selatan Afghanistan lewat malam tadi, 
meragut 40 nyawa dan 74 yang lain cedera.

Menurut pegawai, butiran insiden itu di wilayah Kandahar serta motif serangan 
masih belum jelas, tetapi pemberontak sering menjadikan pegawai kerajaan dan 
polis di kawasan yang dikuasai Taliban itu sebagai sasaran serta menggunakan 
keganasan ke atas orang awam bagi menakut-nakutkan mereka.

Jurucakap Kementerian Dalam Negeri Zemeri Bashary berkata, letupan itu berlaku 
pada pukul 9 malam waktu tempatan di daerah Arghandab, utara Kandahar.

Katanya, pengantin lelaki dan wanita, bagaimanapun terselamat.

Wilayah Kandahar merupakan kubu kuat Taliban yang bakal menjadi fokus operasi 
ketenteraan Amerika Syarikat (AS).

Jurucakap Taliban, Qari Yousef Ahmadi menafikan kumpulannya terlibat dalam 
serangan itu.

Jurucakap tentera AS Kolonel Wayne Shanks berkata, insiden itu bukan disebabkan 
serangan udara AS.

Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO) dalam satu kenyataan berkata, tiada 
anggota daripada pakatannya terlibat dalam serangan tersebut.

Seorang mangsa yang terselamat, Agha Mohammed berkata, tetamu sedang menikmati 
jamuan pada majlis perkahwinan itu apabila satu letupan berlaku, mengakibatkan 
satu bola api besar serta asap berkepul naik ke udara.

Katanya, skala serangan itu lebih serius berbanding letupan serangan biasa. - AP

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Hamas abandons suicide bombings

2010-06-11 Terurut Topik sunny

Hamas abandons suicide bombings 
John Lyons, Middle East correspondent 
From: The Australian 
June 12, 2010 12:00AM 

A SENIOR Hamas figure says suicide bombings in Israel have been abandoned 
because they are a tool which is not effective. 

Ahmed Yousef, a top adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, told The 
Weekend Australian in his Gaza office that suicide bombings - which he called 
martyrdom operations - damaged Hamas internationally and gave Israel 
leverage against Palestinians.

Asked about Israel's argument that the lifting of the blockade against Gaza 
could endanger its security, Mr Yousef said Hamas was prepared to agree to 
European Union monitors making security checks on all ships arriving in Gaza.

Israel reacted sceptically to Mr Yousef's comments, saying terror plots were 
still being thwarted.

Spokesman Yigael Palmor said: As far as we are concerned, the separation 
barrier and the good work of the Israeli and Palestinian Authority security 
services is the reason there have been no suicide bombings. The intent of Hamas 
is still there - their capacity has been neutralised.

Mr Yousef predicted the two Palestinian rivals - Hamas, which controls Gaza, 
and Fatah, in charge of the West Bank - were within weeks of signing a 
reconciliation agreement.

He conceded Hamas figures had broken the legs of Fatah rivals in recent years 
but said nobody can claim to be clean 100 per cent.

The Israelis were here for 40 years, have a lot of collaborators here, there 
were people being shot and having legs broken but this was the norm, he said.

Reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah would mean the US and Israel could 
negotiate with a single entity. The US is brokering indirect negotiations 
between Israel and the PA, but Hamas is not included, which means a deal would 
not involve Gaza.

Asked about Israel's fear of suicide bombings, Mr Yousef said: When was the 
last time there was a suicide bombing in Israel?

Mr Palmor responded to the same question with: Frankly, I don't know.

Mr Yousef said Hamas had moved into a non-violent phase, which included 
supporting efforts by ships to break the blockade of Gaza. Our struggle 
originally was non-violent, he said.

When we failed to achieve results in the first intifada . . . people resorted 
to guns because the Israelis began intentionally targeting people.

He said the image of martyrdom operations had damaged Hamas and Palestinians 
by helping the Israeli propaganda machine.

We try now to engage with the world, to talk and be open-minded and to talk 
about our political vision. We are dealing with the non-violent approach again. 
Let people come and break the siege in boats and pressure Israel that way.

On the question of whether Hamas would recognise Israel, he said: We are 
prepared to accept a Palestinian state on 1967 borders with Jerusalem as the 
capital. We need to live as human beings and build a future for our children.

If Israel ended its West Bank occupation, he would acknowledge the right of 
Israel to exist? Nobody can expect somebody under occupation to recognise 
their occupiers. This is against international law.

Related Coverage
  a.. Running the Gaza blockade The Australian, 2 hours ago
  b.. Blockade will end when Hamas wants peace The Australian, 4 days ago
  c.. Rocket attack kills worker Herald Sun, 18 Mar 2010
  d.. Spy fears shake Hamas to the core The Australian, 5 Mar 2010
  e.. Israel's top mole reveals secrets The Australian, 24 Feb 2010

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[wanita-muslimah] Running the Gaza blockade

2010-06-11 Terurut Topik sunny

Running the Gaza blockade 
John Lyons, Middle East correspondent 
From: The Australian 
June 12, 2010 12:00AM 

Cargo is pulled through a tunnel Picture: Sylvie LeClezio Source: Supplied 

Life can be cruel inside the besieged Palestinian territory, but who is 
responsible? A special report 

IT'S hard watching a baby slowly die. He's only five days old and you can see 
how hard his little chest is thumping. He seems to be fighting to stay alive.

It's 9.24 on Wednesday morning this week and he has only 36 minutes of 
guaranteed life left.

After that, he's on his own. He's got a heart problem and needs a medication 
that would be available in any hospital in Australia.

Gaza doesn't have any more prostaglandin. It can't get through Israel's and 
Egypt's blockade of the strip of land.

The night before, at 10, the boy had been given the hospital's final batch, 
which an aid worker had smuggled into Gaza and whose effect would last 12 hours.

Three days before, the hospital faxed off a referral note stamped Urgent, but 
the chances of the boy getting through the Erez crossing into an Israeli 
hospital are virtually nil.

So Seraj Abu Jarad is dying.

Another baby near him is dying too. Her name is Noor Taha and she's 34 days 
old. Both her kidneys are failing and doctors need to do a CT scan before they 
know exactly how to treat her, but a tube has broken on the CT machine and the 
hospital hasn't been able to get the tubes into Gaza.

Unlike Seraj Abu Jarad, Noor Taha's cloudy little eyes are open as she tries to 

One doctor says her condition is critical, very bad. The hospital cannot send a 
request for her to enter Israel until it has an accurate diagnosis and it 
cannot do that without a CT machine. So Noor Taha is dying, too.

Another girl, aged nine, may die as well. Because of a lack of equipment, her 
lymphoma was not diagnosed early enough for effective intervention.

Once it was diagnosed, the hospital tried to get her into Israel for treatment 
of a disease that is usually manageable.

It took seven months for Israel and the Palestinian Authority to process her 
paperwork, during which time the tumour grew and spread into her lungs.

As the siege of Gaza enters its fourth year, its problems are starting to run 
into each other; because Gaza's sewage, untreated, runs into the beaches, 
children are getting sick; because electricity is cut for eight to 12 hours a 
day, some of those who can afford a generator are being brought to hospital 
with carbon monoxide poisoning; because food is scarce, mothers are sometimes 
breastfeeding their children until the age of two, leading to malnutrition.

Doctors in Gaza have no drugs for cystic fibrosis patients and none for 

Gaza has suddenly become the Middle East's new battlefield.

This week the Obama administration intervened with a huge injection of money 
and a call for a new approach.

Some blame Israel for the siege. Some blame Hamas. Some blame Egypt. The truth 
is, they are probably all culpable, one way or another.

Israel's blame surely must be for allowing so few medications and medical 
equipment into Gaza. Hamas's blame must come from its prolonged period of 
firing rockets into Israel, which led to the blockade almost four years ago. 
And Egypt can be blamed for its refusal to allow the sick and dying to enter 
the country for treatment, a ban lifted only this week.

The tragedy was evident this week in the case of the dying five-day-old, Seraj 
Abu Jarad.

He was up against it from the start, a full-term baby born weighing only 2kg.

Doctors in Gaza tell Inquirer they have been seeing more babies with congenital 
problems, which they think could be due to chemicals such as white phosphorous, 
which Israel used in last year's 22-day war.

Israel initially denied using white phosphorous but has since admitted it.

Doctors around Seraj at Nasser Pediatric Hospital ask if there's anybody in 
Israel I can call to get him through the Erez crossing to a hospital in Israel.

What happens during the next few hours shows why this conflict is so hard to 

There is a political problem between the director of the hospital and the Hamas 
medical committee. He is not allowed to contact the Palestinian Authority 
directly; there is a problem between Gaza and the West Bank. Because Gaza is 
Hamas and the West Bank is Fatah, the West Bank medical authorities, who decide 
which cases are considered for an Israeli hospital, appear to give Gaza 
patients a lower priority. Then there is a problem in the Palestinian Authority 
getting a quick decision from Israel.

I start by calling Yigal Palmor, Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman. I fax him 
Seraj's referral, which had gone to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank 
three days earlier. The Gaza hospital has not heard a word. Because doctors in 
Gaza cannot deal 

[wanita-muslimah] Ratu Rania Al Abdullah dari Jordania

2010-06-11 Terurut Topik sunny

Ratu Rana tidak berjilbab, bagi yang mau lihat kuliahnya di Yale University, 
click situs ini:


A Conversation With Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan

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[wanita-muslimah] Al-Qaeda turns to mafia tactics

2010-06-11 Terurut Topik sunny

  Jun 11, 2010  

 Al-Qaeda turns to mafia tactics
  By Saad al-Mosuli  

MOSUL - The street emptied at the sound of gunfire, the men scattering in 
separate directions. A corpse was left behind, the lone victim of the shooting. 
After a few hours, someone covered its face with a sheet of paper - a gesture 
of respect for the dead. 

This is Mosul, my home. Since 2003, I have worked as a reporter here, mainly 
for local newspapers. Stories of murder and abduction are part of my routine. 

Al-Qaeda still thrives in my city, long after it was driven underground in 
other parts of the country. Once a pillar of the local insurgency, the group - 
also known as the Islamic State of Iraq - now operates as a mafia, funding 
itself through extortion and blackmail. 

Though deeply unpopular, its reputation for ruthlessness has also made it very 
powerful. Unlike other insurgent groups, al-Qaeda never restricted itself to 
fighting the Americans. Right from the start, it showed it was ready to kill 
Iraqis too. 

At the height of the conflict in 2005, the group frequently abducted large 
groups of men. Hours later, their decapitated bodies would be dumped in the 
street. The severed head would be balanced on top of the corpse, often 
alongside a DVD containing footage of the beheading. 

Al-Qaeda may no longer be as brazen in Mosul, but it is still viewed with 
dread. The group's strategy for survival in the city is, in part, the product 
of pressures it has faced elsewhere. 

Over the past few years, the United States military and Iraqi government forces 
have largely succeeded in cutting off al-Qaeda's access to funds and fighters 
from abroad. 

As a result, the group's members in Mosul are now mostly locals - natives of 
the city, or Arabs displaced from the nearby town of Tal Afar. 

The shortage of foreign funds forced al-Qaeda to look within Mosul for its 
income. It found a source in the many businesses that still operate here, 
helped by the city's position along trade routes linking Turkey, Syria, Iran 
and the rest of Iraq. 

Merchants in every conceivable sector give a levy to al-Qaeda. Payments to the 
group enable the local economy to function, keeping markets stocked with 
essential goods and guaranteeing the passage of construction materials and farm 
produce across the nearby borders. 

Though no businessman would speak about the subject to a journalist, their 
casual conversations are filled with stories of extortion. 

Suspicion and fear have destroyed a close-knit community of merchants, who once 
shared in each other's successes. Established enterprises have been hit 
hardest, some of them targeted by newcomers seemingly linked to al-Qaeda. 

An acquaintance told me he was offered US$100,000 to sell his shop to a 
businessman newly arrived in Mosul. After making inquiries, he was tipped off 
that his son would be kidnapped as soon as he made the deal. His payment for 
the sale would be demanded as ransom. 

Another friend who operates a currency exchange said all his neighboring 
businesses gave a tax to al-Qaeda. The group's agents would visit every month, 
threatening to kill or kidnap those who failed to pay up. 

A friend who owns an electricity generator initially refused to pay the levy. 
He relented after being warned his generator would be bombed if he held out. 

A shopkeeper told me he had received a phone call demanding payment from an 
unknown group, just after he had paid his monthly tax to al-Qaeda. He informed 
the original gang of the phone call, and was not bothered by any further 
demands from the other group. 

The wealthy are not the only victims. A street vendor who takes home no more 
than 15,000 Iraqi dinars (about US$13) a day also said he was paying 30% of his 
profits as tax to al-Qaeda. 

Mosul's severe insecurity and political feuds have created the perfect 
environment for al-Qaeda to operate. The city has a mixed population of Arabs 
and Kurds. More than a year since elections to the provincial council, leaders 
of both communities have been unable to reach agreement on government. 

Religious minorities, such as the Christians, complain of being trapped between 
the competing interests of the larger groups. 

Though Mosul's streets are choked with checkpoints and men in uniform, their 
presence does not seem to affect the insurgents. The officers rarely speak to 
journalists, insisting they are not authorized. Their spokesmen are usually 

The security forces seem to inhabit another world to the civilians. It feels as 
if we live in separate valleys, with mountains between us. 

A friend told me the security forces were technically correct to claim they 
were cracking down on al-Qaeda's supporters when they raided certain local 

But, the friend said, the authorities' statement was only half the truth. Most 

[wanita-muslimah] Man convicted for kissing

2010-06-11 Terurut Topik sunny

Man convicted for kissing 

A Saudi court convicted a man and sentenced him to four months in prison and 90 
lashes for kissing a woman in a mall.

Saudi religious police arrested the man and two women after seeing them on mall 
cameras engaging in immoral movements in front of other shoppers, reports the 
Al-Yom newspaper.

The man, who is in his 20s, was seen with a woman sitting on one of the 
chairs, exchanging kisses and hugs.

It was unclear what the other woman was doing.

The kingdom's powerful religious police, under the control of the Commission 
for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, enforce Saudi Arabia's 
strict interpretation of Islam.

Zealous officers routinely jail unrelated couples found sitting together in 
restaurants or coffee shops. The policemen also patrol public places to ensure 
women are covered and not wearing makeup, shops close five times a day for 
Muslim prayers and men go to the mosque and worship.

Such kissing busts have increased as economic pressures have made it harder for 
young couples to marry.

The newspaper said the man sentenced for kissing will receive his 90 lashes in 
three batches, and is banned from malls for two years. The women will be tried 
in another court.

Source: AP

Published June 11 2010

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[wanita-muslimah] Dibentuk Lembaga Anti Korupsi Mahasiswa

2010-06-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :Korupsi mahasiswa ialah paling-paling nyotek dan plagiat.

Korupsi dilakukan oleh bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu. 

Apakah tidak sebaiknya juga diadakan mata pelajaran anti korupsi pada SD mulai 
dari kelas satu dengan semacam indokrisnasi : jangan mencuri, jangan menipu, 
jangan mengambil barang yang bukan milik sendiri dan hormati milik bersama etc. 
Mungkin dengan cara demikian akan lebih berhasil pada jangka waktu panjang ke 
depan, apabila dikendaki adanya masyarakat bebas korupsi.


Dibentuk Lembaga Anti Korupsi Mahasiswa

Kamis, 10/06/2010 - 15:57 
YOGYAKARTA,(PRLM).-Inisiatif masyarakat untuk melaporkan dugaan korupsi perlu 
didorong, termasuk di kalangan mahasiswa. Sebagai pembelajaran, Badan Eksekutif 
Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah (UMY) mendirikan Lembaga Anti Korupsi 

Lembaga Anti Korupsi Mahasiswa UMY menginisiasi masyarakat untuk memberanikan 
diri mengungkap kasus-kasus korupsi. Lembaga ini juga untuk memberikan 
pendidikan dan sosialisasi anti korupsi kepada mahasiswa maupun masyarakat 
secara umum. 

Komunitas tersebut harus mampu menumbuhkan kesadaran pada masyarakat atau 
mahasiswa bahwa korupsi adalah musuh bersama yang harus dilawan bersama, kata 
Ketua Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (BEM UMY) 
Rubianto, Kamis (10/6).

Mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam UMY menyatakan Lembaga Anti Korupsi Mahasiswa 
akan bekerjasama dengan KPK dalam agenda pemberantasan korupsi. Kampus menjadi 
wilayah utama pemantauan korupsi lembaga ini. Kemudian pantauan korupsi di di 
pemerintah provinsi, kota, dan daerah. Hasil temuan lembaga itu akan dilaporkan 
ke kepolisian maupun KPK. 

Menurut dia korupsi secara nasional makin parah laksana gunung es. Lembaga Anti 
Korupsi Mahasiswa harus berperan mengurangi dengan kapasitas yang dimilikinya. 
Antara lain mahasiswa mencegah terjadinya korupsi di kampusnya, kemudian di 

Fungsional Pencegahan KPK Insan Fahmi menambahkan kampus perlu menjadi ujung 
tombak pencegahan korupsi, caranya melakukan upaya transparansi anggaran. 
Mahasiswa perlu ikut mendorong kampus melakukan transparansi dimaksud. 

Peran mahasiswa di kampus sangat penting untuk menciptakan transparansi 
anggaran dan mendorong jalannya lembaga anti korupsi di internal kampus, ujar 
dia. (A-84/A-120)***

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[wanita-muslimah] Jews in Israel adn Moslim

2010-06-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Silahkan lihat :


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[wanita-muslimah] Yudhoyono to Open Islamic Conference

2010-06-10 Terurut Topik sunny

une 11, 2010 
Camelia Pasandaran  Anita Rachman

Bespite recent differences, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, pictured 
center, is scheduled to open the Muhammadiyah national congress next month. (SP 

Yudhoyono to Open Islamic Conference

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to open the Muhammadiyah 
national congress next month, in a sign that relations between the country's 
second-largest Islamic organization and the government remain strong despite 
recent differences, says the group's chairman. 

Speaking after a visit on Thursday to the State Palace, Muhammadiyah chairman 
Din Syamsuddin confirmed the president would open the event in Yogyakarta via 
teleconference from Medina, Saudi Arabia. 

The president has called on us to be on the front line in empowering people 
through our activities in education, health care and social services, he said. 
He expects Muhammadiyah to take concrete steps in empowering people 
financially, such as through our support for small and medium enterprises. 

Din stressed relations between the government and his organization had not 
soured following recent differences over government policies, and denied his 
visit with Yudhoyono was an attempt to patch things up. 

The Muhammadiyah chairman, a cleric and academic, has been one of the most 
outspoken critics of government policies, particularly the handling of the 
expensive and controversial Bank Century bailout. 

During the 2009 presidential election, Din also endorsed the candidacy of then 
Vice President Jusuf Kalla, from the Golkar Party, who lost to Yudhoyono in a 

Muhammadiyah has always had good relations with the government, Din said. 
But we maintain what we term 'participative relations,' given that our 
contributions to the people predate the founding of the nation. 

Ours is a dakwah [campaign through preaching], and we remain critically loyal 
to the government, he added. We'll support the government when it's on the 
right track, and we'll criticize it if it's not. 

He said Yudhoyono appreciated Muhammadiyah's active involvement in regional 
issues such as conflict resolution efforts in restive southern Thailand and 
southern Philippines, and high-level consultations at the UN on the Millennium 
Development Goals and the empowerment of the poor. 

The president expects us to intensify our efforts to show that Indonesia's 
brand of Islam is progressive and can contribute positively to the world, Din 

Muhammadiyah will host its 46th national congress from July 3-8 to discuss the 
issues affecting the organization. It will also elect a new chairman. 

Yudhoyono is scheduled to be in Medina for the umrah, or minor pilgrimage, 
during this time. 

Political analyst Kacung Maridjan, from Surabaya's Airlangga University, said 
that while Muhammadiyah had proved its commitment to acting as a counterweight 
by criticizing government policies deemed unfavorable to the people, it needed 
to go a step further. 

It must increase its programs [for the people] by expanding from education and 
health care to do more in terms of economic empowerment, he said. 

Kacung also said that Yudhoyono's pledge to open the group's congress did not 
necessarily signal closer relations, pointing out that this was a routine 
presidential task. Yudhoyono also opened the congress of Nahdlatul Ulama, the 
country's largest Islamic organization.

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