Re: [CGUYS] Some of you will find this tragic

2010-04-28 Thread Paula Minor
s actually up and running on a working, plugged-in DOS machine. But then, I'm a total pack rat. I'm a pack rat too. I'll be holding on to my zip and floppy drivesjust in case. They don't take up much space. Paula Minor


2010-03-24 Thread Paula Minor
have that choice once the Evil Empire moves in. Paula Minor * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-10 Thread Paula Minor
ever had to compete with him for first rights to a tech toy! I want an iPad too! Paula Minor * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness

Re: [CGUYS] Gmail question...

2009-09-09 Thread Paula Minor
Now that you are all talking about this, I realized I've had problems with it too. I can send an email from my gmail acct to my gmail account all from Apple Mail with no problem. But if I send that message out and happen to check my mail on my laptop instead of the desk computer, I can

Re: [CGUYS] Firefox 3.5.2

2009-08-26 Thread Paula Minor
Is anyone else finding this latest update of Firefox to be more similar to a demolition derby than a browser. It's crashing every time it's opened on my machines. Vista Home and XP machines. My son said he's been having a lot of problems since upgrading it on his pc and his search of

[CGUYS] ? about download speeds

2009-01-14 Thread Paula Minor
I don't really understand how to interpret the speed I get on the speed test sites. This is what I got tonight on Speakeasy Download Speed: 16523 kbps (2065.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 3077 kbps (384.6 KB/sec transfer rate) I'm on cable. Is this considered a fast download speed?

[CGUYS] Has anyone added Bluetooth to a mac tower?

2008-12-29 Thread Paula Minor
I just got a gorgeous bluetooth keyboard (Logitech diNovo Edge) and was shocked to discover my MacPro doesn't have bluetooth! I had thought it was standard in all Macs but mine was the last of the ones made in 2007 and in Jan of 2008 new models came out. The older ones didn't have

Re: [CGUYS] Has anyone added Bluetooth to a mac tower?

2008-12-29 Thread Paula Minor
Paula there are also inexpensive bluetooth USB dongles that you can purchase that will do the same thing and just plug into the USB port. Sheesh , you'd think they might have mentioned that on the Apple Discussions group. Thanks, Stewart. If I feel too intimidated when I start installing

Re: [CGUYS] iPhones Everywhere

2008-11-08 Thread Paula Minor
'm seeing them all over the place. Last night everyone sitting in the row in front of me was fiddling with their iPhone while waiting for the lecture to start. This reminds me of the early I'm seeing a lot of them too. I LOVE my iPhone and wonder why I waited so long to get one. The voice

Re: [CGUYS] They're soooo COMCASTIC

2008-10-25 Thread Paula Minor
I don't get my email thru Comcast but I have noticed consistently slower download and response times in the last several weeks on Comcast. I'm in Seattle. Same here in Indianapolis Paula/IN/USA * ** List

[CGUYS] They're soooo COMCASTIC

2008-10-16 Thread Paula Minor
My main email is my comcast mail.and today I cannot get my mail because they have somehow managed to change my password without telling me AND can't give me a temporary one because they are making changes to their email systemI can call LATER this afternoon to see if it's finished

Re: [CGUYS] They're soooo COMCASTIC

2008-10-16 Thread Paula Minor
I've moved everything that still used my Comcast address to Gmail. Gmail is handling everything quite nicely and I can access that from anywhere. I'm gradually moving more and more of my mail over to Gmail or my mac mail accts but I've had my Comcast address so long that that is where

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
Or, allow competition in the market instead of perpetuating the same idiotic guvmint-enforced monopoly scheme. Yeah, I know, crazy talk. That's heresy! ;-) Competition in the market..bite your tongue. Paula/IN/USA

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
Note that if they can gat away with that, they can do anything else they please. Next they will be sending you a list of approved partner websites where traffic won't be counted against your bandwith cap. Only option I see is local: getting the neighbors together to let the local pols know

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
Does anyone know what Verizon's policy is regarding bandwidth? Do they also restrict it? I could go back to their slower service over the phone lines if Comcast kicks me off. From an engineering point of view, I think there would be little incentive to cap FIOS because it does not have

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
So, I wrote to Comcast today to let them know that this LONG time Comcast customer was going to have serious issues with their bandwidth limit because I would be backing up many hundreds of GB's of data to an online service and that was perfectly legal to do. Was I going to be 'punished'

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
How would a Comcast subscriber know when that usage limit has come close to being exceeded? Does Comcast provide subscribers with notifications about how much or how little usage they have left before being kicked off? Is it the subscribers duty to keep tabs on all their bandwidth

Re: [CGUYS] WiFi mobile phone

2008-09-04 Thread Paula Minor
While everyone is talking cellphones..I'd like input on which ones have the clearest sound on a call. I'm on Verizon and have been using the original LG Chocolate for a couple of years and I HATE it. I struggle to u nderstand what people are saying on it and it has nothing to do with

Re: [CGUYS] WiFi mobile phone

2008-09-04 Thread Paula Minor
I had good luck with my Samsung 730 but found it bulky. I am now on a Motorola Q9C. Smartphone not PPC. The Samsung is a PPC. Daughter has a newer Choclate but those are now defunct. Son-in- law got LG Venus, and they like them. Stewart Stewart, I'm mainly concerned with the clarity of

Re: [CGUYS] WiFi mobile phone

2008-09-04 Thread Paula Minor
Tell me whoever is asking, is the wifi desire to use vonage or something or is it to surf? It was to surf and do email without having to also buy a data plan from Verizon. I wouldn't be using it enough to warrant the data plan. Paula/IN/USA

Re: [CGUYS] My Macintosh saga

2008-08-13 Thread Paula Minor
They couldn't, however, do this for everyone, obviously. I wonder what their formula for this level of service is? Several months ago the display went out on my MacBook Pro that was only abouty 4 mos old. I took it to the Genius Bar and they said they had to send it in because they

Re: [CGUYS] Will iPhone Kill Radio?

2008-07-29 Thread Paula Minor
There are more podcast feeds than I can keep up with. Some of the best are from NPR, CBC, BBC, and some local stations. iTunes keeps filling up with more and more good stuff. I especially like APM's Future Tense. These are short, 5-minute programs that often inform me of tech events that are

Re: [CGUYS] Cuil Not Cool

2008-07-29 Thread Paula Minor
The stuff I was searching for was a little esoteric (my own website, my husband's name) but Cuil found none of it. While Google finds TONS of references. Not Cuil. I didn't care for it's appearance at all but I do have to say that in searching for my name it did as well as Google.

Re: [CGUYS] Smileys Are Insulting (was RE: [CGUYS] Will iPhone Kill Radio?)

2008-07-29 Thread Paula Minor
Does anyone else find Smileys to be insulting? I mean, a little :-) at the end of a comment to explain that you meant it humorously/ironically/sarcastically implies the recipient isn't capable of getting the joke in the first place. Or maybe I should just switch to decaf today... ;-) Yep,

Re: [CGUYS] Amazon's S3 service and Jungle disk or Google docs

2008-07-14 Thread Paula Minor
I mentioned Cyberduck already. It has a setting to throttle the data rate. I missed that one, Tom. Ill look into it. I checked out S3 as db suggested but it would be around $75/MONTH for me to store all my photos, music,videos and some other misc data. That's a lot per year for just a

Re: [CGUYS] Amazon's S3 service and Jungle disk or Google docs

2008-07-11 Thread Paula Minor
Maybe you can make Mozy work for you. Once it's all backed up won't your additions and changes be minimal? A total restore would take a long time too but would be do-able if you didn't mind waiting. The saying: Time is money applies here I guess... I suppose that's true but I'm afraid

Re: [CGUYS] Amazon's S3 service and Jungle disk or Google docs

2008-07-10 Thread Paula Minor
Does your backup need to be online (i.e. over the Internet)? It sounds like you might be better served by using an external (USB, Firewire, or eSATA) hard-disk. Get a 500GB unit (or more, prices are coming down, and your data will only increase over time). Actually, get two. Then, after

[CGUYS] Just another cell phone service question

2008-06-26 Thread Paula Minor
Have any of you used the Credo (formerly Working Assets) cellular network? What are your impressions of it's reliability? Thanks Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in

Re: [CGUYS] T1 vs DSL?

2008-06-15 Thread Paula Minor
Adelphia did NOTHING to upgrade its service (probably the bankruptcy court wouldn't let them if they wanted to) and Comcast has done little besides a) repaint the trucks; b) hire different undocumented workers to trench in the coax; Wow! You mean you actually went out there and asked those

Re: [CGUYS] Missing messages

2008-06-10 Thread Paula Minor
n the context of this discussion, it's funny that I received the following email this morning. I'm on an iMac using Thunderbird for email and I do send emails to groups of people sometimes. I have Comcast for internet, there is really no choice here, but I email exclusively through gmail.

Re: [CGUYS] Missing messages

2008-06-10 Thread Paula Minor
It's nice to be BACK! You have no way of knowing what is being blocked and no mechanism to retrieve any false positives. It's amateur hour at Comcast. Oh how true. I now wonder what else isn't coming through. ANd I also know that some of my email never gets to the recipients but that

Re: [CGUYS] LCD monitor question

2008-05-06 Thread Paula Minor
Paula, Dim LCD screen has become a common compaint, and there may be a solution! I have been repairing laptops recently, and they have a small board along the boarder of the LCD screen called the 'inverter'. It can cost as little as $20 in single quantity. According to

Re: [CGUYS] LCD monitor question

2008-05-04 Thread Paula Minor
Why would you replace a proven technology that still works with a newer technology that apparently has a shorter lifespan? Business reason please. I switched because the lcd's are easier on my eyesat least when they are working well. My CRT monitors were really causing my eyes to

[CGUYS] LCD monitor question

2008-04-30 Thread Paula Minor
I bought a new Dell LCD monitor so I could have a dual setup. Now, with both of them side-by-side, I realize that my eyes weren't going bad fastthe older LCD monitor(also a Dell) is very dim and the letters are a bit soft or blurry. I do calibrate my monitors and had been having

Re: [CGUYS] Online storage solutions?

2008-03-20 Thread Paula Minor
No, but Mozy is excellent depending on what you needs are. Mozy has a decent interface, free for 2 GBs, $4.95 for unlimited storage, Really? UNLIMITED storage? I'm talking maybe 600 gig of photos. Another 500 gig if I back up my iTunes folder. I don't need file sharing.

Re: [CGUYS] Verizon DSL Service Dry Loop

2008-03-16 Thread Paula Minor
No. DSL does not work that way. You get the speed you pay for plus usually a small margin. You get it reliably. You don't get wild highs and lows. That wasn't my short experience with ATT DSL. I started out paying for the highest speed they offered and tested it several times a day for a

Re: [CGUYS] ebook readers

2008-03-06 Thread Paula Minor
Be sure that the person who will potentially receive the ebook really wants one and realizes its features and limitations. Otherwise the ebook will end up spending more time on a shelf or in a drawer, or broken. For electronic books, I prefer unabridged audiobooks on my iPod. My 2 cents.

Re: [CGUYS] Podcast limitation with iPods

2008-02-23 Thread Paula Minor
From what I can tell one can only get a few recent programs from iTunes and that iPods only work (well?) using iTunes. QUESTION 1: Is that true? QUESTION 2: Are there any combinations of software and hardware that one can use to put old ARCHIVED programs on a PDP? I pretty much only use my

[CGUYS] Must see TV...Off Topic????

2008-01-11 Thread Paula Minor
This may or may not be off topic for this list but the video is very entertaining and informative and perhaps worth discussion here. Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,

Re: [CGUYS] Must see TV...Off Topic????

2008-01-11 Thread Paula Minor
She claims we've used 1/3 of the total of earth's natural resource. In her fancy graphic she shows things like trees being cut a third of all forests are decimated? In 3 decades? wow. Oh wait...forested areas have remained relatively stable since the early 1900's since

Re: [CGUYS] adobe vs apple

2007-12-23 Thread Paula Minor
. The previous version of Adobe Creative Suite does not work with the current Apple OS and Adobe says they will not update it. You all can be the judge. If that's true, another good reason NOT to upgrade to Leopard. I'm perfectly happy with Tiger and haven't seen anything offered on the

Re: [CGUYS] possible eBay scam: what to do?

2007-12-23 Thread Paula Minor
That is BS. Adobe profits are up by 23% this quarter. When they instituted their onerous copy protection they assured us that it would allow them to lower prices -- the liars. LOL! That gave me a chuckle, Tom. Adobe follows the same path of corporate greed as other large corporationsand

Re: [CGUYS] I'm so confused...need simple instructions. was:R

2007-12-18 Thread Paula Minor
This would be a sign that the cable provided knows it is running out of bandwidth and is trying various tricks to keep things from getting b This is pretty much what I had thought, too, and I called them and asked about it. They denied they were doing anything to alter or inhibit the

Re: [CGUYS] I'm so confused...need simple instructions. was:Re:

2007-12-18 Thread Paula Minor
Tom P said: Normally, DSL should not do that. This implies that some bandwidth is being consumed by NACs. The speed measuring sites do not seem to register NACs. Tom, what is NAC? I just checked the DSL speed and it was 962 down...and less than a minute later it was 2280 down. But no matter

Re: [CGUYS] I'm so confused...need simple instructions. was:Re: [CGUYS] ATT DSL ok? Update

2007-12-16 Thread Paula Minor
Mike said: It's only anecdotal but I've heard from many people across the country with DSL that they almost always get the lesser service then what they pay for on average. This is exactly what she described. When she dropped it to the service she was actually getting, the actual speed

[CGUYS] I'm so confused...need simple instructions. was:Re: [CGUYS] ATT DSL ok? Update

2007-12-15 Thread Paula Minor
I decided to go ahead and set up the ATT DSL and see if I liked it. I had signed up for the elite service which was to give me up to 6000kb/s. Of course she didn't tell me up to but said I'd get 6000 kb/s. I managed to figure out how to turn off the wireless in the ATT modem so I could

Re: [CGUYS] I'm so confused...need simple instructions. was:Re: [CGUYS] ATT DSL ok? Update

2007-12-15 Thread Paula Minor
Mike said: .AT$T's motto is 'we aren't happy till you aren't happy.' Funny but sad. I will say that everyone I worked with was very nice and tried hard to make sure everything was going as it should...tho they did screw up the initial order requiring me to cancel everything and start

Re: [CGUYS] I'm so confused...need simple instructions. was:R

2007-12-15 Thread Paula Minor
One more thing. I just ran another test on the Comcast line and while fast (Download 5049 Kb/s; Upload 1496 Kb/s) there is a Warning !Your connection shows signs of ISP upload compression message. What does that mean? Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the

Re: [CGUYS] iPod Recommendations?

2007-12-13 Thread Paula Minor
The only color I'd consider is red; the others are too boring. I'll have to borrow my son's iPod touch when he gets his soon [I won't be bored with that, either]. Go to the Apple Store and pl Woman after my own heart. I love color everywhere and having to choose between black or white

Re: [CGUYS] iPod Recommendations?

2007-12-13 Thread Paula Minor
I'm ashamed to say I can't leave home without my 30GB video iPod. I've got my entire CD collect I never leave home without my 60 gb video iPod, either...and I only have 10gb left! If you get your wife a gift cert. for she'll get hooked on audio books too. I think now you have

Re: [CGUYS] ATT DSL ok? Update

2007-12-12 Thread Paula Minor
The box with my DSL ATT stuff arrived today and Im not sure I'm going to even try to install it. I hadn't realized that their modem was also the wireless box. I have NO intention of redoing my wireless network again. I just bought...and lovean Airport extreme and want to use it.


2007-12-11 Thread Paula Minor
DSL *can be* faster. In practice it is often a lot slower. DSL bandwith is dedicated to you and is throttled back to give you the speed you pay for. Cable is shared so your speed depends on who you are sharing with. As we have seen recently with Comcast, it can also be limited in various


2007-12-11 Thread Paula Minor
How differently each of us sees things. I was forced into 1.5mbit over a year ago and have been suffering ever since. I can't do more then one thing at a time. I used to download all my podcasts in a minute or so, now i'm waiting almost an hour for all of them to update one or two at a time


2007-12-11 Thread Paula Minor
ATT tried to do the same to me. I figured that I would be getting something more reliable, but slower. I opted to wait until FIOS was in the neighborhood. It may be worthwhile to you to have the reliability over the speed. -- John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own No, John, speed is

Re: [CGUYS] USB Turntable?

2007-12-05 Thread Paula Minor
I can think of plenty of up-tempo music for exercising, but I can't imagine what kind of audio book would be suitable! I find a really good audio book a lot more engrossing than music and makes the time doing unpleasant tasks (like exercising) seem to go more quickly. g Paula IN/USA Life

Re: [CGUYS] The Worst Thing about Macs

2007-10-24 Thread Paula Minor
I can't help but say that the worst thing about Macs/OSX is the Dock. Great operating system otherwise but whenever I am using OS X and multi-tasking between programs, web pages, files etc, I am spending a LOT of time struggling with the various windows... trying to find one I had open

Re: [CGUYS] Mac Administrator

2007-10-16 Thread Paula Minor
I see quite a few of them on the corporate side. On Oct 16, 2007, at 5:05 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote: Other than at trade shows I don't think I have ever seen a Dell laptop. My son-in-law has one.provided by his business. Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with

Re: [CGUYS] OT:Cell phone do not pockets

2007-10-04 Thread Paula Minor
Robert said: Today, there ought to be a separate pocket in everyone's clothes each for the cell phone, the GPS device, the iPod, the subcompact digital camera, the pocket PC (if it still exists), the digital passport, and a portable radio/tv. I think I have missed an important device

Re: [CGUYS] iPod cases

2007-09-11 Thread Paula Minor
I have several different iPod cases for various activitiesand because I like to decorate mine. g iSkin makes many types but I've used the rubberized ones that come with a screen protector and wheel protector. You can even get those (the protectors) in varying colors if you like variety.

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast bandwidth

2007-09-10 Thread Paula Minor
This shows that it is once again time to enforce the anti-trust laws. Split Comcast and the others up. P.S. Anyone advertising unlimited bandwith is prima facie guilty of consumer fraud. Comcast management ought to be thrown into a dark deep dungeon for an unlimited period of time. Amen, Tom!

Re: [CGUYS] Change in Terminology AND broken iBooks

2007-08-25 Thread Paula Minor
I'm getting into this topic a bit late but: The MacBook PRO is the one that may be more delicate, although friends ho have them haven't had problems--yet. The MacBook [replacing the iBook] is solid. FWIW, my MacBook PRO was knocked off the table and landed face down on the floor. I've had

Re: [CGUYS] Canada

2007-08-17 Thread Paula Minor
Whatever the form univeral access takes it will require the government restructuring of health care markets. This will be attacked as socialist (and already is) no matter what distinctions u.a. supporters will make. Those folks who fear creeping socialism will probably never support u.a.

Re: [CGUYS] Sicko -- discussion location

2007-08-17 Thread Paula Minor
That is not an argument for abolishing the PO (inadvisable) but for reforming politics (really hard, but what else are you going do) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,HOOHHOHOHOHOHOHWHAAH! G That would require real effort on the part of the majority of americans and they are just too busy

Re: [CGUYS] Sicko -- discussion location (off topic)

2007-08-15 Thread Paula Minor
alance things out. We do not like rationing and we will fight rationing at every turn. My wife's grandmother died of an aortic aneurysm. Diagnosed, but not treated, she was over 80. My grandmother died due to a failed hip operation, her third in two months and she was over 90! OK which

Re: [CGUYS] Canada

2007-08-15 Thread Paula Minor
I am not sure. When you talk about rationing it sounds like a bad thing. But in terms of dollars and cents the Canadian System has to make sure that the tax money is well spent. In the US the private sector has a lot of rationing by the insurance companies. And then

Re: [CGUYS] Laptops and current TSA procedures

2007-08-15 Thread Paula Minor
cent inquiries both personal and on line have failed to uncover any knowledge of being asked to do this in recent times. Does anybody have any experience with this? I travel relatively seldom, and almost never with a laptop. Thanks! I fly only once or twice a year but always with a laptop

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question.....Tom?

2007-08-08 Thread Paula Minor
But, would the flash things running overnight on a Mozilla type browser cause OSX to close? Looks like there may be more than one thing amiss. Need to clear things out to get a better picture of what is causeing your CPU problem. This shutting down of OSX is happening EVERY night now but

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question...Betty

2007-08-08 Thread Paula Minor
Have you tried to run X on another account? As admin, you'll be able to use your files. Does the second account crash? Which maintenance utilities have you used? I've fou No I haven't tried that Betty. I will make a new account and see what happens. Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be a

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question.....Tom?

2007-08-08 Thread Paula Minor
Have you checked your logs to see what time it's doing it? Same time every night? What programs are running, any errors before it shuts down in the log? Where do I find the logs? Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question

2007-08-06 Thread Paula Minor
Woke up this a.m. to find OSX had quit again. It seems to happen every night now. I don't have any backups running then. I do set the computer to sleep after about 1/2 hr. I did forget to restart it in safemode when I went to bed. Right now, with only mail running the CPU is running

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question

2007-08-05 Thread Paula Minor
Paula, lose the widgets. Set up a larger swap file for Photoshop. Mine's on a separate drive [it's in the prefs somewhere; in my ps you can select up to 4 swap disks]. Does Camino have a memory leak like other Moz browsers? I use some beta versions just so I can have a debug menu. Can you

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question

2007-08-05 Thread Paula Minor
If I were you I'd look closer at each CPU hog and see what it's doing or if there are settings you could change to stop this behavior. For example, there are certainly setting in Camino you could alter, but I'd start by closing o Thanks, Jordman. I've dumped Camino as it seemed to have a

Re: [CGUYS] Background programs running

2007-08-05 Thread Paula Minor
One thing I've noticed on my computer is that a lot of programs are running in the background, some of which do not need to be running. Question...can you direct me to a good source so I can figure out what some of these things are and put an end to the things that do not need to run? Is

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question

2007-08-04 Thread Paula Minor
Now I'm starting to think you are pulling my leg. Do you routinely drive your car through ditches and then complain about the rough ride? I'm chuckling here. g I do run my truck thru ditches from time to time but I don't complain. I do expect it to perform as it was intended. ;-) Yes, I

Re: [CGUYS] CPU load question

2007-08-04 Thread Paula Minor
Tony B said: but on any computer that simply has graphics programs open, your idling load should be close to 0% CPU. Idle priority tasks like indexing, defragging, or malware scans will raise this, but should be obvious because of the disk activity. It could also be malware activity like a

Re: [CGUYS] More MacPro tower questions

2007-08-03 Thread Paula Minor
When either box has a conniption I just restart and immediately switch to the o Oh, so even you pro's have cantankerous machines?! ;-) I don't feel so bad then. If I didn't feel compelled to try out every cool sounding piece of software that I read about, I'd probably have a lot fewer

Re: [CGUYS] Memory question

2007-08-03 Thread Paula Minor
What happens when you run from a safe boot (Shift key down on Mac's startup)? Well, initially it wouldn't start up in safe mode. It hung at the white screen with the apple logo and the spinning dial. So I shut it down after about 5 mins and started again. It took almost 5 min. but did

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast New Legal Policy / Co-incidental Loss of Service? Restored

2007-08-02 Thread Paula Minor
Service restored. Problem was Comcast had intentionally disconnected me from the pole according to the tech that arrived promptly at 5 pm for his 11 to 2 pm appointment window. I recall a saying something like Never attribute something to malice when mere incompatence will suffice. They

[CGUYS] Memory question

2007-08-02 Thread Paula Minor
My iMac G5 iSite has been having frequent blue screen equivalents.the transparent gray box that tells me OSX has quit and I have to shut down. I thought I had found the problem when I unplugged 2 of the 4 external hd's I have on it. But I got up this a.m. to a new error msg. Instead

[CGUYS] More MacPro tower questions

2007-08-02 Thread Paula Minor
If I get a MacPro with 2 drivesone with OSX of course.can I put Windows on the second drive and use Parallels or boot camp to run it? If I have it on it's own drive, will the Mac drive still be at risk of infection if the Windows part gets a trojan infection? I haven't put

Re: [CGUYS] MacPro question

2007-07-24 Thread Paula Minor
Also Just be careful to prevent static discharge. Replacing components in a laptop requires a bit more expertise than working on stereos. Good to ask questions and to know what interface the disk drive uses. Mark Snyder -Original Message- From: Computer Guys

Re: [CGUYS] MacPro question

2007-07-24 Thread Paula Minor
Thanks, Mark. It just never came through before and I look at all the messages. Pay attention! You missed a good response from Riley: Yes, yes yes. The parts basically snap into place and plug in with about the complexity of a home stereo. A few places on the net that sell otherwise

[CGUYS] MacPro question

2007-07-20 Thread Paula Minor
I'm considering replacing my iMac with a MacPro. I've found that I can get more RAM for less thru Crucial. The harddrive prices for the empty bays from Apple seem awfully high priced. Can I get off the shelf internal harddrives to put in it and is it hard to set up so the computer finds

Re: [CGUYS] storing CD's in jewel boxes

2007-07-14 Thread Paula Minor
keep everything in the three ring binder type cd cases. I have too many to want to put them all in jewel cases THis is what I do as well..and the same for DVD movies. I store all the plastic cd boxes in a box in the basement..tho I'm not sure why. I just keep everything I guess.

Re: [CGUYS] computer guys...kinda

2007-07-09 Thread Paula Minor
Another one to give a listen to is the Cranky Geeks with John C Dvorak I like Cranky Geeks, too, but it doesn't offer help with problems. It's mainly short takes on various tech issues or newly released gadgets. A fairly short, but entertaining, podcast. Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be

Re: [CGUYS] computer guys...kinda

2007-07-08 Thread Paula Minor
Leo Leporte has an amazing tool working for him in his radio show- The chat room that ru I guess I'll put in a plug for Leo's podcasts too. I listen to all of them and they are numerous but I always find some helpful hint or answer to a problem I'm having in nearly every podcast. The

Re: [CGUYS] digital pics

2007-05-10 Thread Paula Minor
I don't know her, but in general these are often also some of the worst photographers - taking 100 pics and keeping all 100 of them! Of course, with digital cameras it's sometimes advisable to overshoot, but if I can't delete 90% of the pics I take I feel I'm doing something wrong. I guess I'm

Re: [CGUYS] What should one charge?

2007-05-09 Thread Paula Minor
I have not visited Apple recently - are the power buttons hard to find on the current models? The power button on my iMac is on the back, the same white color as the case. When I first got it I had to search a while for it. Paula IN/USA Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the

[CGUYS] Need to find computer help in INdy

2007-05-09 Thread Paula Minor
My son has been trying to set up a wireless network in his homeand I've tried to help him too. We've run the set up several times and get connected just fine but once the computers are turned off or the top is put down and it sleeps, they can't get it to reconnect. But they are

Re: [CGUYS] How do I compress MPG files

2007-04-26 Thread Paula Minor
Michael Lewis said I'll let Paula tell more about the process as well as provide the link to the movie she worked on. :) Thanks to Michael and Apples discussion groups, I was able to find the problem with the sound on my video file. My camera is not a real digital video camerait

Re: [CGUYS] How do I compress MPG files

2007-04-25 Thread Paula Minor
Paula -- I think Handbrake is mainly a program for work with DVDs. I admit I haven't looked at it very closely, so my initial look could be fooling me. However, you should have everything you need on your Mac if you have iMovie or have purchased Quicktime Pro. Try what I've created at the

Re: [CGUYS] Macs don't break ...

2007-04-25 Thread Paula Minor
spent a couple hours at command line trying to make the folder visible. Then I did the simple, dumb thing: ran disk utility. That fixed everything. Thanks, Tom. Worth a try. I'm still learning how to troubleshoot on a Mac. I had no idea how to find out if the USB ports were working. But

[CGUYS] Macs don't break ...was (Re: [CGUYS] Tinkerers in the treehouse)

2007-04-24 Thread Paula Minor
betty said: Macs last a long time. They don't break, generally. Yeah, well,maybe. Unless Apple breaks it for you. I updated my iMac G5 with the latest security updates and now EVERYTHING that needs to be transferred to or from it via USB connection (memory cards, podcasts from itunes to

Re: [CGUYS] How do I compress MPG files

2007-04-24 Thread Paula Minor
Michael, thank you. I had to look to see if I had iMovie since I'd removed it from the dock, figuring I'd never use it. Ha. I'll give it a try. And if any of you like old fashioned RR..shades of Buddy Holly! look for the Cadillac Angels because they put on a fantastic show and music

Re: [CGUYS] Macs don't break ...

2007-04-24 Thread Paula Minor
Did you repair permissions before and after installing the update? Did you run Yasu first? Did you back up your drives? Not before but after reinstalling the 10.9 update I repaired permissions. Not after installing those security fixes tho. I have most stuff backed up. It will take

[CGUYS] How do I compress MPG files

2007-04-22 Thread Paula Minor
While in Jerome,AZ I took some video of a band that I want to upload to YouTube. My MPG file is 500mb but Youtube limits you to 100 mb. How do I go about compressing the video so that it's small enough to upload? I'm on either an iMac G5 and I do have GarageBand if that worksor a