[Goanet] War in Ukraine

2022-04-11 Thread Nelson Lopes
are not responsible for this war. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Curtains downed on home delivery of milk and newspapers

2022-04-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
Curtain down at Chinchinim on home delivery of newspapers and milk Mr Ramesh ,the owner has been providing milk and newspapers at door steps every day ever since He himself was at delivery service before leaving for postal duties It was a great relief to everyone to avail of homedelivery

[Goanet] Oscar da Costa sports lover promoter otganiserand coach

2022-04-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
rial award on 15. August under S S.C for Sirlim sports person by Mr & Mrs James/Jessie Fernandes ,for excelling in sports at School/College, ,State, National level He is survived by Mrs. Connie, a professional nurse, sons Oden/ Vanila, Ozie/ Michelle, proud to carry forward his legacy Nels

[Goanet] Unequal development

2022-04-08 Thread Nelson Lopes
extent releases grant equally to all MP ,s .Could this be replicated to MLA,s at State level not to depend upon largesse of state CM.?The development of Goa must not be confined to some islands of favoritism Nelson Lopes Chinvhimim

[Goanet] Plight of daily postman

2022-04-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
and time and endurance Will these services be recognised at least by customers with respect ,dignity and treated with love and kindness till necessary rules to regularise their services are adopted in the near future? Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2022-04-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
Rev .Bishop Earl Fernandes Goans are delighted to appropriate Fr Earl being honoured to be the 13 th Bishop of Columbus, Ohio Roman Catholic dioceseand first Indian American His mother hails from Aldona and father from Mangalore His father Dr Sydney , wife Thelma , Teacher moved from Bombay

[Goanet] Disobedience and pride are grave concerns

2022-04-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
authority.Scandals of public physical fights under any alibi of ignorance,indifferencec cannot further peaceful Co existence of giving an example for laity to follow of living together Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Congress has not learnt the lesson

2022-03-30 Thread Nelson Lopes
and look beyond self glorification These attitudes and behaviour of selfish interests once again are sending clear signals of disunity within to end voters allegiance in future Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Stiff traffic fines

2022-03-27 Thread Nelson Lopes
will conscientise users Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Re: [Goanet] What constitutes Goan identity

2022-03-27 Thread Nelson Lopes
On Sun, Mar 27, 2022, 12:47 AM Nelson Lopes wrote: > What constitutes Goan identity > A flash back of 450 years of repressive rule of Portuguese did not bend > the will of the people for unity.That is the identity that is the idea of > Goa.Fear and brutality, inquisition, did not

[Goanet] Swearing in public is tamasha

2022-03-27 Thread Nelson Lopes
attire right up to socks will be barred from the avenue.This dictatorial attitude in a democracy is abhorrent Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] What constitutes idea of Goa

2022-03-26 Thread Nelson Lopes
other cultures, as Goa has over the centuries western lifestyles that become our own integral part The climate, natural beauty of environment contributes to idea of GoaLet us not appropriate it on religion language, cusine or another factor but as unity in diversify Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2022-03-23 Thread Nelson Lopes
is on survival mode from extinction Nelson Lopes chinchinim

[Goanet] Sawant has task cut out

2022-03-21 Thread Nelson Lopes
of employment in health services Nelson Lopes Chinchinin


2022-03-18 Thread Nelson Lopes
of concerns.He seem to enjoy good relations with high command as under his leadership the elections have been won Any takers? Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] CONGRESS needs to reinvent to stay relevant

2022-03-15 Thread Nelson Lopes
of reforms Elders need to take a back seat and allow youth to shoulder responsibility Many have shown the ability to move ahead with confidence Repose faith in them and provide an opportunity Nelson Lopes Chinchinim.

[Goanet] Victory is sweet defeat bitter

2022-03-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
supporters and constituents For Goa stability matters and BJP at the centre bodes good for progress of the State Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] The winner takes it all

2022-03-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
feel elated and proud The message to parties ,Candidates is clear n loud BJP Govt is guaranteed for its stability The shadow of defection in BJP is ararity Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Surprises await election results

2022-03-09 Thread Nelson Lopes
lose The service motive be one whom we choose Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Apparently reasons behind Putin madness

2022-03-09 Thread Nelson Lopes
will have effect on Russia ad Putin will no longer be the leader of eminence and soon find his water loo Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Women day a recignition

2022-03-08 Thread Nelson Lopes
The miseries , drudgery of Women don't drown, Hail Womenat last a day is devoted to your name A day of recognition,honour just and fair game Nelson Lopes

[Goanet] Calm before the storm

2022-03-08 Thread Nelson Lopes
losers and winners will shake hands and still be friends beyond elections and results Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Germany and Russia share common interest

2022-03-07 Thread Nelson Lopes
Iraq Viretnam did not receive the same emphasis. IN future Taiwan, India may be targets if similar sdventurism continues..Russia may be eying establishment of Soviet Union. with Crimea Chechnya and Donest Lasanks are trailers Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Post elections

2022-03-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
to give thirty three percent reservation is Languishing in limbo BJP with majority has not noted it forward while assuring of women reforms , schemes for vote purpose only Has anyway in state or centre promise election reforms on recall or defections? Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Putin not Russia at war

2022-03-05 Thread Nelson Lopes
with good health Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Wars unite the world

2022-03-05 Thread Nelson Lopes
The aggressor , despot challenges and taunts Hitler with similar ideas met his inglorious end It is ,not Russia ,Egoistic Pytin who will not bend Russians by large bear the brunt of Nations ire Allowing freedom to Putin to set the world on fire Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Indian students abroad

2022-03-04 Thread Nelson Lopes
by politicians purely as business proposals for gains Nelson lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Ukraine under seize why

2022-03-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
,not weeks as in Ukraine Ukraine has gained recognition but Russia has lost its face as a bully The effects of war will touch everyone and the refugees , rehabilitation will be a herculean task.Ukraine a sovereign country cannot be coerced not to join NATO by brute force Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Inquire into empire of Putin

2022-03-02 Thread Nelson Lopes
the vulnerable citizens in almost every sphere of life As Nations are united in condemning Russia, the citizens themselves must unite to dispose the autocratic, despotic dictator .Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Boycot ISS

2022-03-02 Thread Nelson Lopes
of accepted norms of behaviour between Nations to respect and recognise freedom and international boundaries The use of brute force to dominate other country is totally a war Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Why Russia invaded ukraine

2022-03-01 Thread Nelson Lopes
established orders of safe boundaries and undermining independence of countries Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Street carnaval in Goa

2022-02-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
ats on the streets is aping Brazil having uprooted it from village origin to main towns and cities and commercialized it by drawing hordes of spectators on streets creating traffic chaos accidents etc Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Time to revamp UNO

2022-02-27 Thread Nelson Lopes
powerful nations with military muscle Has it outlived the purpose.? It is time to have a rethink and refashioni it to suit the time to be effective to prevent wars Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Hard to digest communism

2022-02-27 Thread Nelson Lopes
,industrial magnets envy his position in accumulating wealth of this magnitude This is a philosophy of communist party and a barometer of lifestyle of Supreme party leader Hail communism Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Wars have economic spin offs

2022-02-26 Thread Nelson Lopes
condemnations Nelson Lopes Chinchinim .

[Goanet] Longetivity

2022-02-24 Thread Nelson Lopes
trade Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Remembering Cypriano Lopes

2022-02-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
Remembering Late Cypriano Lopes Death anniversary 23 February He is founding Trustee of PCTRUST A special printed magazine and hardbound bound magazine is Instituted by the Trust. He motivated the first publication at the maiden function of the Trust.He founded Kon award for SSC as President

[Goanet] Congress party on downslide

2022-02-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
to opposition party with a hope of rehabilitation. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Stability needs majority

2022-02-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
exchange Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Charity is obligation and duty

2022-02-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
requires tact Nelson Lopes Chinxhinim,

[Goanet] Indians based on religion are not refugees

2022-02-16 Thread Nelson Lopes
ans India will never be Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Teacher Elma Barros Santos is no more

2022-02-15 Thread Nelson Lopes
eternal rest Nelson Lopes CHINCHINIM

[Goanet] At peace and rest

2022-02-15 Thread Nelson Lopes
or sell their soul Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Symbols speak

2022-02-14 Thread Nelson Lopes
will sweep the dirt aside NAMASTE needs two hands covid to overide Others will rejoice to enjoy a free ride The hand to rewind the clock forgets Broom will sweep the dirt clean with no regrets The coloured scented flowers havec not bloomed yet The hand will salute the winner, I bet Nelson Lopes

[Goanet] The King has landed

2022-02-14 Thread Nelson Lopes
by road. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] The die is cast

2022-02-14 Thread Nelson Lopes
success in electoral fight A success , a win, bright future does ensure, A defeat, an agony a pain for 5 years to endure Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] It is all over now

2022-02-14 Thread Nelson Lopes
suspense too is most welcomed Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Sting operation

2022-02-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
was always a speculative exercise not any more Those named from Congress Party, are Avertano Furtado, Sanklap Amonkar, Savio D Silva and ALEMAO OF TMC Those faithful hounds propagating it as fake news are deceiving themselves and are in fools paradise of reality Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Hijab controversy

2022-02-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
The issue should be resolved soon and not allowed to fester to target a particular minority.The parents students politicians and management should take a realistic view to diffuse the explosive situation turning out of control in the sacred precincts of educatonal institutions Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Distorting history

2022-02-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
statehood, opinion poll, language and preserved its unique identity The Congress and its leaders are historical figures and wil always remain so inspite of denigrating with bad tastes Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Gullible victims of deceit

2022-02-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
Gullible are the victims The C M arrogantly announced publicly that those who have no faith need not apply for one time assistance of Rs 5000. for those with some trade. It was promoted a little ahead of elections and the code was certainly would put it on hold. The awoed intent was to

[Goanet] Voters must vote for change

2022-02-11 Thread Nelson Lopes
can only drive mortal this fear To stop contesting for life year after year Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Development cauldron

2022-02-11 Thread Nelson Lopes
of all regions irrespective of ruling party' s political hold Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Vote wisely

2022-02-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
that touch all Selfish, long standing politicians are corrupt to the core and have amassed wealth beyond limits and need to be retired from service with age limit to enjoy their pensions. The voter once in 5 years has the power to bring aout the change for better Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] The political race had begun

2022-02-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
ge for any better , Enjoy the ringside view ,power struggle and clamour Positions, exchange of crores the armour strong rumour Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Strange are rge ways of the world

2022-02-09 Thread Nelson Lopes
but keep on ringing for time Imemorial Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Manifestos galore

2022-02-08 Thread Nelson Lopes
and modified Does any VOTER have a copy to compare?Actions should speak louder than words.Manifestos are a professional exercise ,hypothetical projections to fool the voters Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Democracy bane of Indian politics

2022-02-07 Thread Nelson Lopes
, Circumvent with impunity rules, statutes victory to ensure, Voters after elections pain silently endure, Wondering with hope the bane of democracy to cure Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Democracy with ills a better choice

2022-02-07 Thread Nelson Lopes
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim Ļ

[Goanet] Lata Mangueshkar leaves a legacy to cherish

2022-02-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
in the larger interest Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Goa is attractive

2022-02-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
in the larger interest Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Govt .reiterates voting as right and duty

2022-02-05 Thread Nelson Lopes
at least few essential services at residence Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Are we chasing illusory shadow

2022-02-04 Thread Nelson Lopes
and inflammatory speeches ,personal attacks at elections have no parallel.The unprecedented farmers strike allowed to fester with arrogance has been withdrawn after a year Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] We must vote

2022-02-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
is the highest bidders sport and game Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Democracy at cross roads in India

2022-02-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
is in vogue inspite of its pitfalls Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Goans live in religious harmony

2022-02-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
are what we are by birth and not by choice Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Why we should vote

2022-02-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
What guarantees Assurances to be fulfilled if elected again Losing is the only threat and anxiety they fear Once elected acts as kings ,future prospects secure For any favour, service , plead at their feet Arrogantly avoid, explain inability to meet Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Voting sacred right and duty

2022-02-01 Thread Nelson Lopes
with ignorance Freedom of speech ,liberty , religion ,subjects of intolerance Nelson Lopes Chinchinim .

[Goanet] Whom to vote

2022-01-31 Thread Nelson Lopes
, unemployment ,atrocities against minorities and womendestruction of environment .of how many sitting MLAs too have given account of public sentiments and contentious bills Nelson Lopes Chinchinimm

[Goanet] Elections are carnival fiesta

2022-01-30 Thread Nelson Lopes
n't care. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Arrogance of alegra comm ltd

2022-01-30 Thread Nelson Lopes
and having confirmed officially of extension of validity period It is nothing short of intolerable arrogance Refusal to provide the contacts of the Manager in charge is the height of incompetence and accentuated arrogance Adv. NELSON Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Elections and selections

2022-01-30 Thread Nelson Lopes
enrichment aspire.. Election ,reelection what's reason main Perpetuate business as professional gain Political parties never advertise vacancy Selection criteria party's supremacy Voters are ignorant of reasons. Across parties,it's falovour of all seasons Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Sudden spurts of deaths in Goa

2022-01-29 Thread Nelson Lopes
to fatigue The danger to life is lurking in the background willing to strike with vengeance Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Smearing campaign

2022-01-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
Constituency has given lead to such debased campaign by those who are bound to be dismissed by the voters Project your proposals not undermine others by smear campaign of debased mentality Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] What is the way forward

2022-01-27 Thread Nelson Lopes
to crush the hegemony of parties and perpetual aspirants who have made and aspire to perpetuate it as lucrative profession and career Voters must put an decisive end to this circle of continuity called dynasty Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Welcome health care facility at Chinchinim

2022-01-25 Thread Nelson Lopes
Welcome health care facility The laudable scheme of providing health care equipment is inaugurated at their residences , Dandeavaddo in memory of their parents , The auspicious ocassion 25 Jan is the birth anniversary of Mrs bPoliciana (Escolante ),their mother Late Mr.Balthazar . was an

[Goanet] Illuminating the origin of luminaries at Chinchinim

2022-01-25 Thread Nelson Lopes
of our traditions and still strongly belief its effects of preventions of major catastrophic disasters not excluding the covid pandemic in the place amongst its residents The faith in St Sebatian as the patron saint of all scourges is strengthened by passage of time Nelson Lopes Cjinchinim

[Goanet] Electors play Dr Jackle and Dr Hyde

2022-01-23 Thread Nelson Lopes
and a new face , An alternative message for Democracy to embrace . Curbs ,restrictionsby EC have had no effect, Nominating criminals, Parties must reflect, Tax free emoluments,illegal gratification fuel greed A best profession with no qualifications exerience agreed Nelson Lopes Chinchinin


2022-01-23 Thread Nelson Lopes
frogs in the pond.Disatisfied with log as their king were granted a bird that wiped out their progeny TMC is creating conflicts to flag off its presence Its changing of opening account better wait and watch Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Voters to resort to surgical strike

2022-01-23 Thread Nelson Lopes
choice for voters who are also confused with number of candidates and parties Vote for a change is the best alternative choice Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] One flame extinguished to light another

2022-01-21 Thread Nelson Lopes
are reminders of the sacrifices of our valiant soldiers. Even though National War monument is in line with International practice, the alternative of National War museum is worth the consideration Nelson Lopes Chinchinin

[Goanet] Political hypothesis

2022-01-21 Thread Nelson Lopes
of individuals and parties and usher in a change to make a difference and send a message that none is indispensable and that politics is not a permanent inheritance of rights Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Politics is the best career

2022-01-15 Thread Nelson Lopes
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Who can afford to fight elections

2022-01-15 Thread Nelson Lopes
period ,and strict conditions for defections ,to tax all income and rethink on pensions will always fall on deaf ears Remebered Morarji Dessai who was only dissenting vociferously on pension provisions, but quietly enjoyed the benefits all his life. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Appeal to women voters

2022-01-13 Thread Nelson Lopes
that they are more sure voters independent of men The women voters can definitely tillt the scales of winning candidates and hence the best reason to appease them BJP representation in Assembly is dismal with 12 ministers and equal number of heads of corporation Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Ms Kellen IONA Pereira felicitated

2022-01-13 Thread Nelson Lopes
CONGRATS MS KELLEN IONA PEREIRA, SMA, Gets Rs 1100= as Music Award with citations for Key Board for the year 2021.She has obtained grade 3 in key Board and is recipient of Maestro Carlos Rodmemorial award, instituted by Music lovers of Chinchinim Village under PCTrust .She is the daughter

[Goanet] Archdiocese clarifies

2022-01-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
Nelson Lopes Chinchinimm

[Goanet] Political parties testing Goan waters

2022-01-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
of choices avaiable With and watch Nelson Lopes Chincjinim

[Goanet] Virus of communslism

2022-01-10 Thread Nelson Lopes
a difference. Do not be up for sale for temporary gratification of any type Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] (no subject)

2022-01-09 Thread Nelson Lopes
A CHOPPER PILOT SEZ (07 Jan 2022) Views from Mr Pradeep Jawanda, a chopper Pilot who commanded helicopter unit at Bathinda: "What seems amiss in the whole security lapse of the PM's road trip yesterday, was HIS decision to refuse the chopper ride from Bathinda to Ferozepur, and deciding to cover

[Goanet] Friends and friendship

2022-01-08 Thread Nelson Lopes
A worthy friend in loss, calamities is a hope to assure A true friend makes moments of life worthy to enjoy Cements social interaction ,group feelings a source of joy Good friends inspire, motivate to improve, live long It is akin to melodious music and song that follows all along Nelson Lopes

[Goanet] Security of PM

2022-01-07 Thread Nelson Lopes
political advantage or backlash for electoral gains accrue to anyone by raising issues to the hilt and beyond a point . Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Carmona PARISH creates headlines

2022-01-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
India and thus disgraceful incident of physical assault by catholics in the presence of PP is shameful.It is giving our adversaries ocassion to gloat upon on the internal conflicts within Nelson Lopes Chinchinim What do you say before I put it our tonight waiting for your observations

[Goanet] Linking EPIC WITH AADHAR

2022-01-04 Thread Nelson Lopes
should be reduced to just one for all purposes Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] A historical blunder

2021-12-31 Thread Nelson Lopes
and transparency. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] A new year of hope

2021-12-31 Thread Nelson Lopes
. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] A new year of hope with omicron

2021-12-31 Thread Nelson Lopes
Doctors ,nurses will now relax, Govt will be forced to reduce revenue and tax People will move about in their life with freedom and ease Engage in their activities and behaviour as they please. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Cow protection

2021-12-29 Thread Nelson Lopes
deities as Devies but in real life the position of women is despicable In recent times with legislation , education employment, dowry and child marriages, sex detremination test bans, women empowerment, doles etc their lot has improved but not respect due to them Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Ghar vapsi

2021-12-29 Thread Nelson Lopes
. IT is noticed that force coercion, abuse threats ate reused for Ghar Vapsi, which is deplorable too.The same rules be applied in reverse in fairness and justice Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Sibling rivalries

2021-12-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
at all costs a desire to cherish Nelson Lopes chinchinin

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