Re: Anyone remember this?

2011-08-08 Thread Chip Davis
Even more ironic to need to APAR the original TWO bytes of code: 00 07FE ... BR 14 -Chip- On 8/8/11 13:40 Jeff Gribbin said: ... or a very garbled version of the story that the original IEFBR14 didn't clear R15 and so, 'completed' with a non-zero return-code ... It's said that two

Re: VM Workshop -- was fantastic!

2011-08-02 Thread Chip Davis
The suggestion of a June date will work better for me as well. I just returned from EAA Airventure, the largest aviation event in the world. It's always the last week of July in Oshkosh, WI. As the only fixed date on my calendar, and with 50:1 odds, you can imagine my disappointment when I

Re: VM Workshop -- was fantastic!

2011-08-02 Thread Chip Davis
On 8/2/11 13:31 Kent E. Taylor said: Oh, please, please, please, not the first weekend in June. I have another commitment for that weekend And thus it begins... ;-) For all the years I organized the Rexx Symposium, we would start out with a location, set a date that the greatest number

Re: 20x200 - Print Information | IBM 360 Model 30 Tape Drives 1965, by Mark Richards

2011-07-06 Thread Chip Davis
There's a certain modern art simplicity in that image of mod 30's Marcy, but I'm holding out for the graphic texture and naked power evinced by the 360/195 maintenance console. You can never have too many switches and dials. (Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!...) -Chip- On 7/6/11 19:08 Marcy Cortes said: Nice

Which Rexx?

2011-06-29 Thread Chip Davis
Hi Ken, Just out of curiosity, which Rexx language processor are you running? -Chip- Past-President, RexxLA On 6/29/11 22:21 n8ptt said: (BTW: RE: your comment about REXX, most of our scripts on our linux boxes is either Perl or REXX).

Re: Varsity Inn North South University Plaza - VM Workshop Hotels

2011-06-28 Thread Chip Davis
Sadly, it's become common practice to trash competitors in reviews on most online sites. So much so that there are companies that will (for a fee) look for them and delete them for you. (For all I know, the trashing is being done for a fee as well.) Quite the opportunistic little

Re: Printers to 2nd Level VM

2011-06-14 Thread Chip Davis
Not to get all Eats, Shoots Leaves here, but one must parse Jeff's sentence thusly: z/VM now only _supports_ 3203 printers That is, z/VM does nothing more than support 3203 printers. What I suspect he meant to write (and Mike assumed he meant) was: z/VM now supports _only_ 3203 printers

Re: service all status ptf

2011-06-01 Thread Chip Davis
That sounds a tad odd to me. There's nothing (after installation) in DMS/CMS that requires R/W access to any of the CMS system disks. DMS/CMS is/was a great little lightweight 3270 panel application builder/manager that was 'way easier to use than ISPF, especially with Rexx. I think it


2011-06-01 Thread Chip Davis
Yes, but be careful. Try: EXECIO 1 DISKRU ... -Chip- On 6/1/11 14:49 Sergio Lima said: Hello List, We want write a REXX EXEC , that do a Update in place. Another words, I need, read the record 1 from the file, and then rewrite the same record. Is possible? Thanks, Sergio

Re: z/VM user group in RTP, NC?

2011-04-14 Thread Chip Davis
There are a few of us alter kocker VMers still knocking around the area ... -Chip- On 4/14/11 16:15 Michael Forte said: Brad, Looks interesting. Thank you. I see a few names on the member list that I recognize. Maybe I'll see you there. Micheal Forte *Michael J. Forte

Re: IBM Announcements Today

2011-04-12 Thread Chip Davis
It appears to me that the zBX is z only in the fact that it will connect to a z10 or z196 running z/OS and is therefore part of the zEnterprise. I'm sure it's an improvement in blade server management but it's not like they announced an IFW... -Chip- On 4/12/11 12:34 Davis, Larry (National

Re: Sevice level

2011-04-09 Thread Chip Davis
I don't see how any sort of meaningful number could be assigned to an entity to reflect COR service. Everyone will have their own. An RSU OTOH, floats everybody's boat to the same level, at least for a while. About the only thing you (IBM) could do is to add a flag that some service had

Re: Determining Daylight Savings Time Status

2011-03-03 Thread Chip Davis
Not to take anything away from the solutions already offered, but wouldn't a Rexx exec (or pipe) that reads the SYSTEM CONFIG file be a single-source-data solution? I'd rather depend on the accuracy of an IBM-supplied file than to worry about making sure my (or someone else's) file keeps up

Re: Determining Daylight Savings Time Status

2011-03-03 Thread Chip Davis
and calculators. RxSockets to the rescue! -Chip- On 3/3/11 19:30 Michael Coffin said: The problem is that the executor would need to have access to MAINT CF1. -Mike -Original Message- From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On Behalf Of Chip Davis Sent: Thursday

Re: How can get the Week day ?

2011-01-05 Thread Chip Davis
that created the Gregorian calendar originally. -Original Message- From: Chip Davis So the best option is to simply forget about the Date('C') option in the first place and use Date('B') instead. If you have existing code that you need to convert, you can establish the Date('C') epoch

Re: How can get the Week day ?

2011-01-04 Thread Chip Davis
recent year ending in '00' unless going back or ahead more than a century or 2. But I suppose there is a difference or it would have been moot. *Chip Davis* Be careful with Date('C'). It doesn't really give you the number of days in the current

Re: How can get the Week day ?

2011-01-03 Thread Chip Davis
Be careful with Date('C'). It doesn't really give you the number of days in the current century (as it was originally documented). It returns the number of days since the beginning of the most recent year ending in '00', e.g. '2000'. If you are doing any sort of arithmetic with dates, your

Re: Mandatory ESMs?

2010-12-17 Thread Chip Davis
At the risk of ignoring his assertion about the length of this thread, Richard has provided the perfect opening for me to mention Open Object Rexx. :-) That's the Open Source evolution of IBM Object REXX, supported by a team of developers lead by Rick McGuire (an original developer of IBM

Re: Mandatory ESMs?

2010-12-17 Thread Chip Davis
Yes you have Harry, and we are very grateful for the hardware resources. Now if we had someone(s) with the necessary CMS and C/C++ skills (and time) to take a look at the software side of the portage, we might make some progress. -Chip- On 12/17/10 17:21 A. Harry Williams said: On Fri, 17

Re: REXX that verify what MINIDISK is a file

2010-10-15 Thread Chip Davis
Sergio, It's not clear to me why you are issuing the LISTFILE in the first place. Is that a necessary function of your (now named) VX EXEC, or is it left over from your initial attempt to determine which disk your EXEC was running from? If stacking the output of the LISTFILE is a

Re: REXX that verify what MINIDISK is a file

2010-10-15 Thread Chip Davis
How embarrassing! I did a couple of quick tests in RexxTry, then proceeded to cut-n-paste the wrong one. Mea culpa. That line should read: Parse Source . 'EXEC' . +5 fm +1 . or more succinctly (if less clear): Parse Source 'EXEC' +5 fm +1 Sorry for the confusion. -Chip- On 10/15/10

Re: Highlighting in Rexx

2010-10-12 Thread Chip Davis
...and don't forget that the attribute byte (created by the '1Dnn'x) takes up a space on the screen, so the Say statement in this example will have two blanks in front of the word error. You won't be able to change the highlighting between two adjacent characters in a string. I haven't seen

Re: Binary FTP problem

2010-10-12 Thread Chip Davis
Respectfully request that in the future you open a New Message rather then replying to an existing posting when you want to change the subject. Changing the 'Subject:' line has no effect on threaded email clients, which will happily bury your posting (and all replies thereto) in the bowels of

Re: Bug in REXX

2010-09-27 Thread Chip Davis
Frank, you're missing a crucial '.' in the Parse on line 4. You are setting the simple variable 'bbb' to '999', not setting the default for the stem variable bbb. -Chip- On 9/27/10 12:37 Frank M. Ramaekers said: Hmmmmust be more to it than that: 3 *-* flag=1 (added


2010-09-15 Thread Chip Davis
And I guess Scott has the honor of the last IBMVM problem solved by Alan as a developer... :-/ I hope Alan enjoys the deeper, more direct experience he's going to have with us. If it weren't for all the traveling... -Chip- On 9/16/10 00:30 Scott Rohling said: Ok - #1 helps a little (but

Re: Code names for zSeries

2010-09-03 Thread Chip Davis
On 9/3/10 21:55 Mike Walter said: From: Just the IBM code names (many of which I've never even heard): Cadet ? IBM 1620 The 1620 didn't have an arithmetic unit per se, relying instead on indexed memory references to the

Re: Trying to Learn z/Linux ISHELL Scripting

2010-08-18 Thread Chip Davis
Careful there, Les. Remember that your VM console is still a 3215... ;-) -Chip- On 8/18/10 18:47 Les Koehler said: Not to mention the fact that at the very heart of shell scripting and Unix commands is the idea that the user is sitting at a 33 baud teletype! Les zMan wrote: Jack Woehr

Re: Artical should be read 'zNEXT'

2010-07-08 Thread Chip Davis
But it does send the message that her image is important, although my reaction is more the bubble-headed bleach-blonde, come on at five... -Chip- On 7/8/10 17:17 Dave Jones said: No, it's to stop male readers dead in their tracks and actually read the article, Marcy:-). It worked on

Can you help the Open Object Rexx Project?

2010-06-02 Thread Chip Davis
for zLinux. Note that we need root access to the partition so we can install the RPM for testing. Would anyone with the necessary resources be interested in helping out? If so, please contact David Ashley Thanks, -Chip Davis-

Re: Can you help the Open Object Rexx Project?

2010-06-02 Thread Chip Davis
On 6/2/10 20:20 McKown, John said: -Original Message- Chip Davis Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 3:14 PM Would anyone with the necessary resources be interested in helping out? Wish I could help. However, it is quite possible to run z/Linux on Hercules/390 on an Intel system (Linux

Re: Rexx Question

2010-05-10 Thread Chip Davis
That's because Value is a Rexx Built-in Function. A Rexx function doesn't know (or care) if it was invoked as a function or Call'ed as a subroutine, as long as it Return's a value of some sort. Thus, Say Left('Rexx Rox',4) is exactly equivalent to Call Left 'Rexx Rox',4 Say Result

Re: How to work with hex in REXX

2010-04-30 Thread Chip Davis
A lot of my students have the same problem so I explain it this way: The x2y functions all take character strings. If that character string is a valid value in the base indicated by the 'x' in the function name, it will be converted into a string representation of that value (if possible) in

Re: z/VM not seeing storage from SAN

2010-04-20 Thread Chip Davis
On 4/20/10 13:13 Daniel Tate said: This is the output from SCSIDISC DEBUG. INFO::Choosen FCP Sub-Channel Device(s)=ALL DEVICES ... from all the available chooses ... :-) INFO::For 5000 Choosen WWPN(s)=ALL WWPNs At least it's consistent... :-/ -Chip-

ACM award

2010-03-30 Thread Chip Davis
Today the Association for Computing Machinery (of which I have been a member since 1970) made the following award: VMware Workstation 1.0, the Software System Award, for bringing virtualization technology to modern computing environments, spurring a shift to virtual-machine architectures, and

Re: DB2 Server for VM with VMDSS enabled

2010-02-10 Thread Chip Davis
I think the poster had this dialog in mind: Doc: You know that if you do this it might hurt, don't you? Patient: uh, no. Thanks, I'll try not to do that. On 2/9/10 20:10 zMan said: Hmm, gotta point out that The abends can be avoided by changing the workload. sounds a lot like, Doc, it

Re: z/VM 6.1 Install

2010-02-02 Thread Chip Davis
On 2/2/10 22:52 Alan Altmark said: On Tuesday, 02/02/2010 at 03:18 EST, Schuh, Richard wrote: And to make matters worse, the only local FTP server I can use is the one on VM. That makes uploading hundreds or thousands of files a real pain. If only the distribution had an option

Re: z/VM 6.1 Install

2010-02-01 Thread Chip Davis
As someone whose first VM install was BSEPP, if that is the _simpler_ process, it makes me think IBM should hire some Microsofties to design a new system install mechanism. (Their OS may not _work_ when you get done, but the install is a relative breeze.) Seriously, the easy way takes three

Re: XEDIT SET CASE default setting - is it the best?

2010-01-29 Thread Chip Davis
Okay, I concede. Even though he's a relative newcomer to VM, Phil's is longer then mine... On 1/29/10 16:18 Phil Smith III said: Chuckie wrote: At the End of Days, we will be Judged, not by our actions or who we are, but by the sophistication of our respective PROFILEs. I am ready. Are

Re: XEDIT SET CASE default setting - is it the best?

2010-01-28 Thread Chip Davis
Perhaps. But this thread evolved into a best practices discussion. That is a wide gamut which conceivably extends down to Rexx coding suggestions. For example, my PROFILE XEDIT checked the first line of the file and if it found a lower-case character, it 'SET CASE MIXED RESPECT', otherwise it

Re: The return of the mainframe....

2010-01-15 Thread Chip Davis
On 1/16/10 02:17 John McKown said: On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 20:13 -0600, Rich Smrcina wrote: On 01/15/2010 08:01 PM, Dave Jones wrote: Interesting article in The Economist about the return of the mainframe. The return of the mainframe Back in fashion

Re: Message HCPDIR750I

2009-11-13 Thread Chip Davis
As others have pointed out, DIRECTXA could not find the RPWLIST DATA file, which should have been on MAINT's 2CC (C) disk. One of the non-intuitive aspects of the RPWLIST DATA file is that it is required to be present, even if you do not wish to restrict the passwords in that manner. Perhaps

Re: Problem that is a blast from the past...

2009-09-15 Thread Chip Davis
I'm sorry to rise to the bait, but the nearly universal misunderstanding of the MAKEBUF command is one of my sore spots. PEDANT There is absolutely nothing about MAKEBUF that provides any sort of separation of the records in the program stack. Successive reads from the stack will completely

Re: Happy Birthday, Mike

2009-08-27 Thread Chip Davis
I guess that was so early that he hadn't implemented the exponential operator yet... ;-) Many happy returns of the double-cube day, Mike! -Chip- Quoting Jim Bohnsack I have an old exec written by Mike Cowlisha in the early days of REX (before it was REXX) that I use as

Just for fun, comparing CMS Rexx execs to Unix shell scripts

2009-08-19 Thread Chip Davis
Surely someone has already done this for the Korn shell. Is there such an analysis for bash? Or do I need to do it myself? -Chip-

Re: Just for fun, comparing CMS Rexx execs to Unix shell scripts

2009-08-19 Thread Chip Davis
On 8/19/09 18:34 Patrick Spinler said: Chip Davis wrote: Surely someone has already done this for the Korn shell. Is there such an analysis for bash? Or do I need to do it myself? I don't know, but it could be fun to do. If you want, choose a not too complex task, and write up a REXX exec

Re: VM history question

2009-07-14 Thread Chip Davis
having influenced a large part of it himself. :-) -Chip- On 7/14/09 04:35 Alan Altmark said: On Tuesday, 07/14/2009 at 12:12 EDT, Chip Davis wrote: Jeff, yours may be the earliest reference to saved segments so far. Is the named segment you mention the same concept

Re: Updating z/VM

2009-07-14 Thread Chip Davis
On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 17:21:29 -0400, Alan Altmark wrote: Installation of z/VM 6.1 will be just like installation of prior releases. On 7/13/09 22:39 C. Lawrence Perkins said: Rats; and I was hoping I could swear off swearing :-) ... or as Lloyd Bridges (McCroskey)

Re: VM history question

2009-07-13 Thread Chip Davis
Jeff, yours may be the earliest reference to saved segments so far. Is the named segment you mention the same concept? That would push implementation of the idea back into the CP/67 days. -Chip- On 7/13/09 20:15 Jeff Savit said: I was porting the CP/67 port of LISP/MTS to VM/370, and

VM history question

2009-07-12 Thread Chip Davis
Though I'm not sure if it was On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five I suspect that Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year ... when shared segments were implemented in VM. It seems to me that it predated the VM/370 SEPP/BSEPP days when I started, but there's

Re: VM history question

2009-07-12 Thread Chip Davis
/370, but I'm having trouble tracking it down. -Chip- On 7/12/09 09:09 Ivan Warren said: Chip Davis wrote: ... when shared segments were implemented in VM. It seems to me that it predated the VM/370 SEPP/BSEPP days when I started, but there's been many a synapse lost since then. VM/370 R6

Re: Newbie question

2009-07-10 Thread Chip Davis
I heard he was hiking the Appalachian Trail ... -Chip- On 7/10/09 18:53 Alan Altmark said: As an aside, I thought he-who-will-not-be-named was on, um, extended leave for unspecified personal reasons.

Re: PERFSVM question

2009-07-08 Thread Chip Davis
2,500 tries over 2 hours is not an attempt to break in, that's a denial-of-service attack. Apparently there was a pretty big DOS attack on a number of Federal and other websites starting on July 4. They hit a ton of sites, and if you stayed up, you did better than the Treasury Department,

Re: PERFSVM question

2009-07-08 Thread Chip Davis
/09 22:08 Mark Post said: On 7/8/2009 at 2:55 PM, Chip Davis wrote: 2,500 tries over 2 hours is not an attempt to break in, that's a denial-of-service attack. One attempt every 3 seconds (roughly)? I doubt it. Sounds like a script kiddie to me. Mark Post

Re: Last release for 3420s?

2009-06-09 Thread Chip Davis
On 6/8/09 17:05 Michael Harding said: The early Hollywood depictions tended to feature card sorters or collators, only occasionally tape drives. Had to have some sort of visible action. I remember one though (Goliath, I think) about a computer that was taking over the world, which had a room

Re: REXX Date Function Help...Please

2009-05-13 Thread Chip Davis
Yes, that was the intention of the ANSI Standard Committee's Y2K work. It is not possible to convert from any of the ambiguous date formats. What should Date('U', 'Tuesday', 'W') return? Since the Julian format was defined to have only a two-digit year (yynnn) there is no way to define an

Re: Secure FTP

2009-04-04 Thread Chip Davis
On 4/3/09 17:29 Alan Altmark said: It was a tupo. Wow, that's impressive! tupo by itself is a 'meta-typo' but coupled with its reference to two releases of z/VM, that makes it a 'meta-typo pun'. Definitely Friday-level work, there! :-)) -Chip-

Re: FW: ASSEMBLER-LIST Digest - 14 Mar 2009 to 15 Mar 2009 (#2009-72)

2009-03-17 Thread Chip Davis
No prob, Phil. I suspect a lot of us old BAL-heads enjoyed it. -Chip- On 3/17/09 12:35 Phil Smith said: My apologies for that earlier post...misdirected.

Re: Philosophical question...

2009-02-10 Thread Chip Davis
Deeper philosophical question: If a man says something and there is no wife to hear him, is he still wrong? -C- On 2/3/09 18:17 Alan Altmark said: On Tuesday, 02/03/2009 at 10:53 EST, David Boyes wrote: Question: Am I wrong? Ask your wife. Only wives are

A modest request

2008-12-11 Thread Chip Davis
siglines, and never annoy Chuckie (I'm sure that one's in there; if not it should be added too. :-) Thanks for your cooperations, and we now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion. -Chip Davis-

Re: Virus Software for z/VM

2008-11-26 Thread Chip Davis
honesty it wasn't that sophisticated and many shops wrote their own. I left VM at Y2K (kicking and screaming) so I'm not terribly current, but can anyone recall an example of a VM virus besides XMAS EXEC? -Chip Davis- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: REXX DATE function

2008-11-20 Thread Chip Davis
versions of those routines. Efforts to port the ooRexx code to VM and/or TSO has stalled for lack of resources and expertise, not interest or enthusiasm. Perhaps you would care to help? -Chip Davis- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 11/20/08 13:30 Gentry, Stephen said: It depends. 8-) In WORDPOS I would

Re: REXX DATE function

2008-11-19 Thread Chip Davis
that WordPos('OCT','Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec') would return a 4 or a 0? -Chip Davis- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 11/19/08 00:33 Mark Wheeler said: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU wrote on 11/18/2008 03:33:48 PM: I am trying to run the following code: code /* */ date1='12 OCT 2008

Re: Header file to COBOL copybook?

2008-11-13 Thread Chip Davis
ISTR a Austrian RexxLA member developed some tools for doing that sort of thing, but I don't know if it was TO copybook, or FROM copybook. Drop Thomas Schneider a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see if he can't help you. He specializes in conversion tools like that. -Chip- On 11/13/08 13:53

Re: Make me abend, please

2008-11-09 Thread Chip Davis
On 11/9/08 17:02 Nick Laflamme said: I know it's no longer Friday, but is there any chance that there will be a performance of 50 Ways to ABEND your System, music by Paul Simon, probably at the Friday closing session? Just store a Fox-Fox in box, Knox... -Chip-

Re: Bear History

2008-11-08 Thread Chip Davis
On 11/8/08 13:30 A. Harry Williams said: (The Jobusches subsequently got a 50-KB roll of stickers, to keep SHARE well supplied.) As in 50 KiloBears ? ;-) -Chip-

Re: Wired delenda est

2008-11-07 Thread Chip Davis
Correct me if I'm wrong Phil, but wasn't the VM bear the creation of the SHARE VM Project when they were looking for a symbol to represent the most user-friendly operating system? I know it goes 'way back. -Chip- On 11/7/08 12:45 Phil Smith III said:

Re: Disk Accounting Records

2008-10-01 Thread Chip Davis
And some less-sophisticated listservers (one written in Python comes to mind) /strongly/ encourage the list admin to _not_ munge the headers, causing replies to go the original poster, not the list. Go figure. For a true LISTSERVE discussion group, the problem is either a poster who didn't

Re: Linux Commands

2008-08-17 Thread Chip Davis
I can't teach my UNIX classes without caffeine and a vi cheat-sheet. Fortunately, both are available here: -Chip- On 8/15/08 16:31 Higgins, Neil S said: Linux-Unix cheat sheets - The ultimate collection

Re: code maint [was: Re: REXX coding question.]

2008-07-13 Thread Chip Davis
coding question and where he declared that topic closed was so much on the mark, that I saved it and was going to append a reply but, he said the topic was closed. I think that what he said was right on the mark. Chip Davis wrote: With that, and there being no objection, I declare this thread

Re: REXX coding question.

2008-07-09 Thread Chip Davis
Thank you, Richard. That is exactly what I was trying to illustrate. I'm a big fan of Rexx stems and PARSE, and regularly exploit their power. But there comes a time when one must eschew elegance (and perhaps some efficiency) on behalf of the poor schmuck who will need to read, understand,

Re: REXX coding question.

2008-07-08 Thread Chip Davis
Jul 2008 20:26:50 +, Chip Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In fairness, your problem is not caused by unfamiliarity with formal logic, but mere lack of clarity. Brings back memories of the obfuscated C contest. Some of those entries were brilliant. If I might suggest an alternative so far

Re: REXX coding question.

2008-07-07 Thread Chip Davis
I'm afraid we're gonna have to cite you for a flagrant violation of DeMorgan's Law, Howard. ;-) In fairness, your problem is not caused by unfamiliarity with formal logic, but mere lack of clarity. If I might suggest an alternative so far overlooked: If \(Left(answer,1) = 'Y' | answer =

Re: Ha: Procedure to ddr multiple disks to one tape and restore

2008-03-06 Thread Chip Davis
I hate to nitpick (okay, I enjoy it actually) but that is in no way a rexx proc. That's written in EXEC2, the language Rexx was designed to replace. -Chip- On 3/6/08 09:15 Vladimir A Skomorokhov said: for example 2 rexx proc: 1. dfors exec TRACE ALL EXEC DFOR 133 EXEC DFOR 134 EXEC DFOR

Re: The list it to quiet, here's something to work on.

2008-03-05 Thread Chip Davis
March 20, 1979. And that double-secret list is hidden in The Rexx Language: a Practical Approach to Programming by M.F. Cowlishaw, as well as every other Rexx manual/text on the planet. :-) -Chip- On 3/5/08 13:59 Gentry, Stephen said: When was the 'T' option added!? 8-) Over sight on my

Re: In search of mainframe engineers

2008-02-25 Thread Chip Davis
of which I don't teach) including the outstanding Installing, Configuring, and Servicing z/VM for Linux Guests. This course is so popular the instructor's never home. But if you want my recommendation for a good SysProg jumpstart course, check it out. -Chip Davis- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Article: In Search of Mainframe Engineers

2008-02-22 Thread Chip Davis
Minor typo. If year 1970 insert hundred before users, else insert thousand. In context, it's obvious that the author assumes that the only users our glass house mainframes supported were on 3270's. (Side bets that Mr. Wallis is old enough to have ever _seen_ a 3270, anyone?) -Chip- On

Re: Impromptu XEDIT Survey

2008-02-20 Thread Chip Davis
On the right, of course.:-) That way, both the prefix area and the next line are both a single keystroke away. From anywhere on a line, a CR takes you to the beginning of the next line, a TAB takes you to the prefix area. And then there's the human-factors aspect of wasting valuable

Re: Impromptu XEDIT Survey

2008-02-20 Thread Chip Davis
On 2/20/08 15:57 Rob van der Heij said: On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Chip Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That way, both the prefix area and the next line are both a single keystroke away. From anywhere on a line, a CR takes you to the beginning of the next line, a TAB takes you

Re: Display Menus without ISPF/VM ?

2008-01-31 Thread Chip Davis
Lionel, I did a fair amount of pure-XEDIT panel design back in the Y2K days, both by hand (it's not hard) and writing Rexx apps to dynamically generate and use them. Let's try to carve out some time next week to talk about it. -Chip- On 1/31/08 17:44 Lionel B. Dyck said: I don't have ISPF/VM

Re: S213 Abend Backing Up 530RES Using z/OS FDR

2008-01-31 Thread Chip Davis
Oh man, I *HATE* it when that happens... :-) Dennis, I commend your courage and candor. We've all been there, and sometimes managed to slink away unnoticed with an only slightly flattened forehead. Just think of all the valuable insight we all gained about VM VTOC records from your

Re: Ramsey succeeds Altman at IBM

2008-01-10 Thread Chip Davis
Isn't Alan Altman what you get when you mashup Alan Altmark and Alan Ackerman...? ;-) Interesting (tho' apparently irrelevant) wiki entry - was the ship named after an ancestor? -Chip- On 1/10/08 16:06 Rob van der Heij said: On Jan 10, 2008 4:49 PM, Stephen Frazier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: z/OS + TSO + ISPF versus z/VM + CMS + ISPF

2008-01-03 Thread Chip Davis
what happened to it? -Chip Davis- Aresti Systems, LLC On 1/3/08 21:18 Alan Altmark said: On Thursday, 01/03/2008 at 03:56 EST, Raymond Noal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Will z/OS, TSO ISPF panels and dialogs work under the z/VM, CMS ISPF program product? Is there any degree of compatibility between