is there an IVI Labview to manage PS/SC windows library?

2004-04-20 Thread GEMPLUS
we can manage smartCard reader across the PC/SC windows library (winscard.dll). is an IVI Labview exist to manage PS/SC windows library?

Re: Feature request and how-to info for EXE icons

2004-04-20 Thread tmh
The Application Builder will happily take a .ico file and use it for the icon of my built application, the missing step is only to convert the LabVIEW icon to the .ico file, and that can't be so hard if someone is giving away freeware to do it ;-) It does seem bizarre to me that this tiny feature

Re: How can I open a VI as an independent program out of an other program?

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
tmh there is no need to do polling if he uses the event structure. Polling takes up processor the event structure, saves processor time for something else because it waits for that one event to happen. I agree event structure is probably overkill but it is easy to learn how to use and will let

Re: Auto Replies...

2004-04-20 Thread Marco Tedaldi
Coffmon, Roger [LBRT/LNA] wrote: Wow!, the message I just posted got auto replies from other subscribers. Is this going to be something permanent or are we still working out the issues? -look at the headers- oups, there seems to be an issue. Most mailinglist-software I know sets Precedence: bulk

[W] Waveform Graph Multiple Axes Grid Wrong Colour!

2004-04-20 Thread R. Glenn Givens
Friends I have a waveform graph that's isolated in a test program to simplify things. It has 1 x-axis and 3 y-axes. I have a pull-down button with 4 options: Grid Off (0), Grid on Y-axis A (1), Grid on Y-Axis B (2), Grid on Y-Axis C (3). So if the user changes this setting, I set the Active

[W] Signal Generator By

2004-04-20 Thread R. Glenn Givens
Friends I'm using the above standard LV6.0.2 vi. I call it with a 50 % duty cycle, asking for a period of 20 and a total of 105 samples. The result is OK except for the 2nd to last sample of the second cycle. For example, suppose every value is 1.00 or 0.00. Then samples 0 to 25 are 0.00, 26 to 50

Re: How to talk my company into allowing OpenG usage?

2004-04-20 Thread Marco Tedaldi
Craig Graham wrote: Rolf Kalbermatter wrote: No- the assumption is that someone else is liable if it goes pear shaped. If you buy a product and at some later date it doesn't do as advertised you can blame (perhaps also legally) the supplier. If it's open source, you can't. I think this isn't

Settings for serial communications

2004-04-20 Thread RayPh
I am using one of the examples included in LabView 6 for serial communications. I can't get it to work but I believe the problem is the stop bits. How do I can the number of stop bits and baud rate?

Re: Settings for serial communications

2004-04-20 Thread jumarion
Hi, You can use the VISA configure serial port vi in order to do what you're looking for. This vi is in the function palette - Instrument I/O - Serial. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: How can I open a VI as an independent program out of an other program?

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
User VI server, under Application Control, to load and run the second VI. This way the original VI can exit after the second VI is running. For examples, goto Help - Find examples and search for VI server. -Joe

Re: I get the error code -2146827284 when trying to run an Ecxel macro from LabVIEW.

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
In Excel, goto Tools - Macro - Security, check all the boxes so it trust all macro source (you can test to find out which one works, or check all of them), also try to lower the security setting from highest to medium or even lowest. -Joe

Re: How can I open a VI as an independent program out of an other program?

2004-04-20 Thread tmh
I don't see why it needs an event structure... the simplest way is to make one VI a subVI of the other (it is up to you which way round), use the Front Panel Visible properties of the two VI's to control which one is visible at which time, and use dataflow to ensure that the functions of the main

Re: *.gif in Labview

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
There are some free graphics, irfanview like m3nth mentioned above, that you can call externally to convert a gif file to jpg or bmp so it can be loaded into labview. -Joe

In Out LV7 EXECUTABLE portability problem

2004-04-20 Thread bilik
I found a problem with using fuctions In Out in LV7 executable. Of course I have cviVXDWrapper.dll in directory where the executable is. The problem is with the portability, because everything works fine on machine where the LV7 environment is installed. The problem starts if I

Re: Why am I getting very high values for the very low frequency region of a random signal?

2004-04-20 Thread Act
Here is what my work is all about. I am trying to develop a software for Heart Rate Variability analysis. I am not sure if you are aware of heart beat waveforms, they are bunch spikes, occuring at irregular intervals. We have to do analysis on this waveform. How ? First we have to create a plot

Re: Outputting data using an NI breakout box

2004-04-20 Thread Lee Dub-ya
A common factor people miss when getting this type of error is in the properties of the Daq channel name control. If it lists only the inputs, right click on the control, and select I/O name filtering. From here you will see that the analog input channels are only being displayed. depending on the

Re: how do I send pulse train through RS-232

2004-04-20 Thread Chris Rake
Hmmm - possible with exceptions. A PWM waveform can be generated using a UART by transmitting the same character over and ensuring that it is sustained at 100% (no gaps between characters). This is VERY dependant on the type of hardware installed in the system, the baudrate you're using, and the

Re: scan from string / minus

2004-04-20 Thread shoneill
This is the correct answer. %f interprets only numbers and either , or . depending on what your system uses as a decimal seperator. If you want both numbers, you need to use a format specifier of %f-%f which tells the function to get two numbers seperated by a -. This will return two values

Re: Fehler bei Installation von LabVIEW7 unter Windows XP Pro

2004-04-20 Thread Robert H.
SRQ: 199062 Eventuell ist der MS Installer auf Ihrem System besch=E4digt. Es gibt einen Eintrag in der Microsoft Knowledgebase, wie dieses Problem behoben werden kann: a href=3D;Reregister MSI/a Ich hoffe mit den Vorschl=E4gen dort kann die Problematik

Re: Settings for serial communications

2004-04-20 Thread RayPh
We can't open since we have LabView 6.0 Are there any examples in 6.0?


2004-04-20 Thread Bookwalter, Dan
Anyone using GOOP ??? I am after a small example... I am just getting started and would like to see a real world example... thanks Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ Hi-Stat a Stoneridge Co. 345 South Mill St. Lexington, Ohio 44904 (419) 884-1219 Phone (419) 884-4172 Direct (419) 884-4195 Fax [EMAIL

Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread TimTower
I am trying to run a deterministic VI (LV 7.0) which reads data from a DSP and displays it in a graph. The VI has to read the data within a certain time or the DSP overwrites the buffer. I find that the graph stops reading (for about .25 sec) when I click on its title bar (or that of any other

Re: Feature request and how-to info for EXE icons

2004-04-20 Thread m3nth
Is your code posted somewhere? I couldn't find it in the Code Library. And whether or not it's a couple thousand dollars or just a thousand... I think it's worth noting that you've already paid a thousand dollars for your development enviornment, as compared to a couple hundred for most regular

Re: I get the error code -2146827284 when trying to run an Ecxel macro from LabVIEW.

2004-04-20 Thread FerozP
Hi, I have attached a link to a document that discusses the error you are getting: a href=;Error -2146827284 When Importing a Macro to Office 2002/XP/a I hope this helps. Sincerely, Feroz National

Windows system variable

2004-04-20 Thread konkari
Hello! I am trying to create a windows system variable. I would like to know if this is possiblew with Labview version 6.1. Thank you

Re: How do I remove a DC component from a random signal?

2004-04-20 Thread Evan
Act, Here is a link to that original posting that you and LocalDSP have been using. a href=;Why am I getting very high values for the very low frequency region of a random signal?/a By sticking with the one posting we can all keep the issue

Re: HTML printing in Labview running Sun Solaris

2004-04-20 Thread JuanCarlos
Hi, First the disclaimer...My knowledge of the Sun environment is very limited. Given that; it may be possible to use launch your browser with LabVIEW and pass it a comman line argument to print the desired HTML file. Just my 2 cents, Regards, Juan Carlos

Re: I get the error code -2146827284 when trying to run an Ecxel macro from LabVIEW.

2004-04-20 Thread S-Man
Thank you, I found the problem myself yesterday. It works like a charm now.

Find all Instances

2004-04-20 Thread John Brohan
Why does the Find all Instances in LV 7.0 look through the password protected toolkits etc. that are involved with my program. The abiulity to click on an icon and Find all Instances is extremely useful. However sometimes (oddly enough only sometimes) it goes off looking in quite the wrong kind of

RE: Find all Instances

2004-04-20 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
I've complained about this in the past, there is no way right now to do this (hidden ini setting?). It's worse now that NI has protected more VI's than before. Michael Aivaliotis Why does the Find all Instances in LV 7.0 look through the password protected toolkits etc. that are involved

Re: Why are shift registers are so slow

2004-04-20 Thread Joe
The slowness is due to memory relocation everytime the array size is changed. Try to initilize a fixed sized array (65000x15)and wire it to the shift register, then use Replace Array Element to replace a single element, a row or a column depends on what you need. Joe

How to turn off new LV7 Ring Control behavior?

2004-04-20 Thread CoastalMaineBird
I have a ring control. While the program is running: 1... I set its strings array to { A, B, C } via property node. 2... I set its value to 1 or 2 (by selecting B or C) via mouse. 3... I set its strings array to empty. 4... The control now shows a 1 or 2 in LV7, where it showed blank

Re: draw an angle

2004-04-20 Thread CoastalMaineBird
Not enough information - you don't say how long the angled line is to be. Suppose your baseline goes from {X0,Y0} to {X1,Y1}. Your Angle point is {X2,Y2} Your angle is A (in radians) The cosine C = cos(A), the sine S = sin(A). You have to pick a length L. Then your end point {X3,Y3} would be

Re: what is the power spectrum unit for Unevenly Sampled Signal...

2004-04-20 Thread JuanCarlos
Hi, The power spectrum will be in units of Vrms^2 which are power units. There is a very usefull VI that you can use to easily transform the units of your spectrum; the VI is called strongSpectrum Unit You select the type of spectrum that you have and the units that you want

Re: Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread BenZimmer
Try this: separate the acquisition and display into 2 VIs, and share the data with a LV2-style global. Use VI server to launch the acquisition VI, hiding the front panel. Then display the data in your display VI by polling the contents of the LV2-style global. Just curious: what hardware and

Re: Building executable containing Matlab Script Node

2004-04-20 Thread Jeff B
This question is now answered by the following KB a href=;Why Does My Executable Hang When It Is Opened When I Use A MATLAB Script Node?/a In the case where it is working in the development system but not a

Re: how to rerun data from excel into a waveform chart with four inputs

2004-04-20 Thread SarahM
Hey Jawalk01, I would also suggest looking at the Write to Text File and Read from Text File examples that ship with LabVIEW 6.0. You can find these by opening LabVIEW and going to Help Examples Fundamentals File I/O ASCII Files Write to Text Files (or Read from Text File). The Read from Text

Re: access a hardware channel or create a virtual channel

2004-04-20 Thread SarahM
Hey Cyril, The DAQ Assistant uses our new driver DAQmx. You can find the DAQ Assistant on your function palette by going to All Functions NI Measurements DAQmx =96 Data Acquisition. The DAQ Assistant is in the lower left corner. Both the PCI 4472 and the 4474 are supported in both

How do I set a coordinate system using Vision Assistant 7.0

2004-04-20 Thread mda711
How do I set a coordinate system using Vision Assistant 7.0 (not Vision Builder)?

Re: Serial port settings

2004-04-20 Thread JoeLabView
Hi RayPh, Are you able to communicate with the instrument using other application software such as HyperTerminal? If so, check the settings under properties. In Labview: At the Block Diagram, select Instrument IO from the Functions Palette. Select Serial and choose VISA Configure Serial Port.

Re: How do you save data into a tab delimited text file?

2004-04-20 Thread Act
Hi Joe, Thanks for the info. Do you know any site that has examples related to this task ? Please let me know. Act

Re: Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread TimTower
Hi Ben. thanks for the feedback. I will try this when i get a chance. I am talking to a Motorola 56300 Dsp in a Delta Tau Pmac Motion Controller card, (PC and ISA versions) over DPRam. I am using a DLL supplied by Delta Tau. I wrote a LV driver to poll the Pmac card and retrieve the data. The

Datalogging with campbell scientific CR23X

2004-04-20 Thread Tiger007
I am a graduate student at Auburn University. I am new to labview but I am eager to learn. We are researching crack susceptibility of differnt concrete mixes. We will be running tests on 24 different specimens at one time. One specimen will be a control. We will match the temperature of the other

file size limitation?

2004-04-20 Thread dlbuhl
I have a large data file that is continuously being added to. I want labview (in windows XP) to tell me the size of that file as it is updated, but there seems to be a 4GB threshold (I am using a U32 variable to display the size, so this makes sense). What I want to know is this - is there a way

How do I get a print dialog window ?

2004-04-20 Thread Act
Question 1: Where would I find the Print Dialog VI, so that a user has the access to select his desired printer, no of copies for printout and so on... Question 2 : How would I print a Graph on the front panel without using Report Generation VIs ? Hope I get the answer to these questions.

indicator refresh

2004-04-20 Thread kmoorthy76107
Hi, I am trying to read a long ASCII String from 2 different PCs using TCP/IP. Each string has alpha numeric information such as Sensor 1{[(HVACTemp1,70.00,dF),(HVACPres1,1000.00,psi),(HVACPres2,828.00,psi),(HVACVib1,500.00,mv)],[],[]};Sensor

Re: indicator refresh

2004-04-20 Thread Shan
Pretty tough to guess without seeing what you're doing. If you post your code so we can see what you're doing. One possbile cause would be setting the tunnel out of the case structure to Use Default If Unwired. This option allows you to not have to wire an output from each case, but will use

datasocket control - cwds not registerable as an activex component

2004-04-20 Thread jaggedmedia
trying to add this cwds.ocx to my vb6 code and get this error. anyone ever see this error. thanks Joe

Re: Loop to do arithmetic operations

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
As an answer you can download the openG toolkit from and there is a tool in there that will this.

Re: Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
I have ran into this during other time critical data acquisitions within a loop using win2K and found that if I put a wait function in a loop with 0mS it works just fine if I move the mouse. Sorry cannot help more

Vi Text Modification?

2004-04-20 Thread jpo
Hi I am looking for some direction in how to modify the appearance of a string indicator in my vi's front panel. I would like to remove the rectangular box that surrounds the text to make it appear as it is a just regular text on the front panel. The reason I want to do this is that I would

Re: MAC driver for PCI-MIO

2004-04-20 Thread Joseph Ayers
Scott: Do you have any insight into drivers for the PCMCIA cards such as the DAQCard-700. I do a lot of field work and at least under system 9 the combination of the DAQCard-700 and a powerbook is extremely powerful. I'm considering hiring an EE student to write a driver for this and would

Omega CN3251 Driver

2004-04-20 Thread Robert Berger
Hello List: Anybody have an Omega CN3251 temperature/process controller LabVIEW driver. Thanks Robert

list suggestion

2004-04-20 Thread Infos - Bien Entendu
As things seem to change about this list, may I give my vote / opinion on two aspect : - NO ATTACHMENT : I don't fear virus (at this time) as we work on Mac and just see them passing by with a slight ironic smile, but link to a download place is just enough for letting you free to decide if you

Thanks for your responses: was RE: request from an experienced newbie.

2004-04-20 Thread lvlist
I would like to thank Scott Serlin, Ben A. Rayner, Stephen Mercer, Paul F. Sullivan, Simon Whitaker and Torben Laursen for replying to my question so far. Thanks also to any I may have missed. I look forward to making use of the info shortly. Best wishes, Matt Rhys-Roberts.

Video capture cards, LV and Linux

2004-04-20 Thread Steven Hammer
Hi all, Does anyone out there have any experience with a video capture card that can be used with LabVIEW (with IMAQ) and Linux? Any recommendations based on experience with any good cards? The main hassle (I'm sure - I'm a relative Linux newbie) will be setting up the card to use Linux.

Who can create a clock for me with the following functions??

2004-04-20 Thread Bart
Hi there Who can create a clock for me with the following functions: - Start When you press the start button the clock is running - Stop/Reset When you press stop/reset the clock tops and waits to be started again with the start button. however when you press this button and you

Re: OpenG Coding Challenge - Remove Backspace

2004-04-20 Thread Jim Kring
Craig Graham wrote: - Original Message - From: Marco Tedaldi [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Info-LabVIEW [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 12:59 PM Subject: Re: OpenG Coding Challenge - Remove Backspace That's just depressing! There are people in the rankint with a speedup of

Pulse Train Generation on NI PCI-MIO-16E4 Not Continuous

2004-04-20 Thread David Arthur
Hello, I have a BEI encoder signal that I am sending to the DAQ board counter source pin (GPCTR0_SOURCE) which gives a frequency of 3600 pulses per revolution. I wish to trigger an analog input every 360 pulses per revolution so I am trying to use the Generate Pulse Train (DAQ-STC).vi with an

Re: Bill Gates Endorses the LabVIEW methodology

2004-04-20 Thread Jim Kring
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From a Reuters news story dated March 29, 2004 Gates also said advances in programming will allow software developers to create applications in less time by using visual representations of the inner workings of software rather than writing lines of programming code.

Details on use of Device Control/

2004-04-20 Thread Brooke Clarke
Hi: I'm writing an application where I need to be able to bit bang serial port output lines and check the status of serial port input lines in LV 5.1. In the vi.lib\instr\_sersup.llb folder there is the serial line and it uses two sub VIs to allow controlling the DTR and RTS lines

Re: Crash of LabVIEW executeable after some hours

2004-04-20 Thread Lenin
Thanks for your comments. NI germany has offerd me to get a test version of LabVIEW 7.0 (including application builder). This will be my next try. As I mentioned in the posting before, I already do testing with the executable with multithreading disabled (ESys.StdNParallel=0). At the moment the

Re: OpenG Coding Challenge - Remove Backspace

2004-04-20 Thread Jim Kring
Craig Graham wrote: Hmm. Just got round to my second approach and it also takes 20ms. However if I change it to subroutine it comes down to 8ms here. Have the posted results been normal priority or subroutine? For the results currently posted, all entry VIs were set to the following:

Re: Video capture cards, LV and Linux

2004-04-20 Thread Steven Hammer
Curses. No IMAQ in LV for Linux. That aside, I can still think of a use for a video capture card that works in LV/IMAQ under Windows AND is useable with Linux (without LabVIEW or IMAQ). Any recommendations for a card that fits both requirements? Cheers, Steven Rolf Kalbermatter escribió: IMAQ

RE: Running two copies of VI and seeing two FPs

2004-04-20 Thread Gerald . Schaller
Hello Simon, In order to have 2 copies of a FP vi, you cannot run them at the same time with the same name. You have to copy the vi file with a different name. What you can easily do is to create a vi that copies the vi to the temp directory, then run it with the vi server method and delete this

RE: Running two copies of VI and seeing two FPs

2004-04-20 Thread Gerald . Schaller
While searching the ni site, I found a far better solution that I did not know about. Have a look at the following link: 5B15?opendocument If you use VI Server to open a reference to a template VI, you actually get a

RE: New Version of LabView - cool beans

2004-04-20 Thread Swinarsky, DJ Derrick (5453) @ IS
Always good to see a company that still has some fun! Derrick -Original Message- From: Andrew Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 8:42 AM To: info-labview Subject: New Version of LabView - cool beans Looks like NI is finally taking on Java... I'll drink to

Details on use of Device Control/

2004-04-20 Thread Brooke Clarke
Hi: A number of people have told me that using the VISA Property is the way to go. It appears to have more functionality than the Device Control/ The VISA Property does allow control of lines as expected, but . . . . when reading the status of a line that line's

SNPP VIs ever written?

2004-04-20 Thread Robert Berger
Hello LV Community: Has anybody ever written SNPP (Simple Network Paging Protocol) VIs? I have to send messages to an SNPP server so I cannot use SMTP. Thanks Robert

Re: Some Fundamental Knowledge on TCP

2004-04-20 Thread whon
Thanks very much for your information.

Subpanel Open BD property

2004-04-20 Thread Norman Kirchner
Does anyone know why the Open Block Diagram Right-click option would be disabled on a running subpanel, even if the allow user to open BD option is set to true. The SubPanel VI is a standard vi with default options. If you look at the templates example for subpanels the right click option is

Sending TCP data with value change

2004-04-20 Thread Paul Slocum
I want to build a panel with several numeric controls where each time any of the values are changed, it sends a packet over ethernet indicating which control was changed and the new value. I'm not sure how to approach this. My two main problems are: - How do I trigger the packet to be sent

Re: Source Control Error 25581

2004-04-20 Thread Rolf
gardowp wrote: LabView 7, VSS 5.0, eror 25581, Win 98. Source Safe worked with version 6.1. I used an error cluster to find what 25581 is - and it came up with a bogus result Error undefined.. When trying to connect to VSS error 25581 states Visual Source Safe does not appear to be

Re: Inport/Outport with Windows XP

2004-04-20 Thread Rolf
HCS wrote: Hallo Zvezdana, where can I find this NEW version of InPort- and OutPort-VIs? The only file I found is the old from 1998, that does not work under WXP with LabView 6.02. And what about LabView 7.0? I hoped, the direct hardware-access under W2k/WXP is possible with

Re: Source Control Error 25581

2004-04-20 Thread Rolf
gardowp wrote: Found the answer myself: It took over 90mins, should have been a lot less. I should have been able to search for Error Code 25581. Mmm, not so sure. Some search

Re: problem with color

2004-04-20 Thread Rolf
Thandal wrote: yesterday evening i solved my problem , my internet connection was down so couldn't reply you. I manage to find vi. how can i assigned the shads i get to the LED as it's color because LED take array as input to it's color property Well in principle the collor array is an

Re: stand alone exe errors using report generation vi's

2004-04-20 Thread Luke_Moore
In LabVIEW 7.0, these files do not exist! In another post i've seen comments about Save with Options then Application Distrobution. But then you cannot Build and executable because it saves without block diagrams. I really feel we are being given the run-around with the problem with the Office

Can we run two while loops independently in one application?

2004-04-20 Thread Haider Abbas
I am acquiring two channels using PCI-6052.both channels to be read at 2ks/s,but I want to scans read at a time different for each channel,So I put two AI-read vi's in two different while loops.but the second while loop waits until the first is completed.Can we run independently both while loops?

Re: Crash when passing a pointer of an initialized U8 array to my

2004-04-20 Thread Rolf
Wayne Si wrote: I need to pass the pointer of an initialized 1D array of U8 type to my Dll file. At first, I set the length of the 1D array and initialized it. Then I configured the Call Lib Node and made the input parameter as 1D Array Pointer of U8 type. The prototype of the called function

Re: Can we run two while loops independently in one application?

2004-04-20 Thread vlipje
Not possible

Re: how to rerun data from excel into a waveform chart with four inputs

2004-04-20 Thread zilla
The easy way to do this is to save your Excel data as x.txt. Then you can just use the Read from spreadsheet

Re: Plotting time on X axis

2004-04-20 Thread Giulia
Hi! The easiest thing you can do is, from Front Panel, right click the chart, enable Ignore Time Stamps. In this way, the starting point of the X axis will be 0.00. Now, it will be easier to work with scales and format axis. N.B. The solution is good if you don't mind the graph to show you the

Outputting data using an NI breakout box

2004-04-20 Thread schrodinger50
For some reason in LabVIEW 7, when trying to setup a VI to output data through an analogue channel, the channel selection only lets me select input channels. Has anybody any idea why this is? Or more importantly how to get round this simple but annoying problem. (Note my VIs work in LabVIEW 6).

Re: Comment modifier la police de car

2004-04-20 Thread jumarion
La barre d'outils de LabView 7 contient un menu d=E9roulant vous permettant d'effectuer quelques op=E9rations sur les polices de caract=E8re. Si vous s=E9lectionnez un texte d'un contr=F4le et que vous modifiez la police, le style ou la taille, les modifications ne s'appliquent qu'=E0 ce que vous

Re: Use a . instead of a ,

2004-04-20 Thread Jonnie 5
From the LV 6.1 Help File: Front Panel Options Page Select Tools=BBOptions and select the Front Panel page from the pull-down menu. Use this page to set front panel options. Use localized decimal point=97Uses the decimal separator for the operating system instead of the period. Place a

Re: *.gif in Labview

2004-04-20 Thread m3nth
I can't answer that question specifically, but you could always download a free graphics tool that will let you cut/paste to clipboard and save between numerous formats, such as gif/bmp/jpg. My favorite is Irfanview (Google Search: Download Irfanview).

Re: Move to Front Move to Back

2004-04-20 Thread Shan
If you place a control (or indicator) on a tab with the mouse, it'll be part of the tab. To float it on top of the tab control, place it outside the tab, then use the arrow keys to position it. You may need to Move to Front (CTRL+Shift+K) so that it will be on top of the tab. You'll have a

Re: Simple case structure

2004-04-20 Thread altenbach
--3838683.1082426904228.JavaMail.quiq.tekken Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You don't need a case structure. Simply use the quotient reminder function. (See attached image.) --3838683.1082426904228.JavaMail.quiq.tekken Content-Type: image/gif;

Re: Driver Templates

2004-04-20 Thread Tom Hawkins
Greg McKaskle [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: While it is always good to get feedback, it is even better to get feedback that you understand. I apologise if my comment was provocative - it is only an opinion, but it wouldn't be the first time someone on info-labview has had one, and I'm glad to

Re: Adding Hours

2004-04-20 Thread G_F
David, Here I am at last, I tried to get a time difference from a string value namely a Get Date/Time String rather than a time stamp value. And from a Get date/time in seconds, I can effectively have the result I wanted. Thanks again for your reply Gerard -- Gérard Férini Switzerland

scan from string / minus

2004-04-20 Thread Mc
hi all i try to scan a string which contains strings as: 20-20. So i've tried many options %f... but each time LabView returns 20... How doing this ?? Thanx for answers Matt

Re: MUX3499

2004-04-20 Thread gagi1
Hi Samuel, You should start by opening the ag3499x Path Operation In this VI, you need to specify the GPIB address of your instrument in the resource name control. Each control on the front panel has a description - press Ctrl-H for the context help and put your mouse over the control to

simultaneous input output again

2004-04-20 Thread Stephan Pirskawetz
Hi Mike, thank you for your answer! Synchronizing the channels is not exactly what I have to do. It's better to describe the problem in detail: To control an hydraulic test stand I send a setpoint to an electric control unit. The setpoint signal needs an update rate of about 1 kHz. At the same

keyspan serial adaptor

2004-04-20 Thread Infos - Bien Entendu
From: Scott Hannahs [EMAIL PROTECTED] The USB to serial adaptor we all use (all OS X systems are USB) is a keyspan. It has software that shows all the communication in nice colors for each direction. Just watch it scroll by or save it to a file. Shows all the control codes etc. Shows port

GenMatch Toolkit. Where is it?

2004-04-20 Thread Robert Berger
Hello Wireheads: Back in the LV2 days there was a company that sold a toolkit called GenMatch pattern recognition toolkit. Does anybody know how to locate this company? Did the toolkit ever get ported to Windows? Thanks Robert

Re: Strange GUI effects with sub-panels of sub-panels

2004-04-20 Thread Stephan Heising
Hello E, E. Blasberg wrote: Hi All, I have a truly unusual GUI phenomenon using a sub-panel in a sub-panel (in LabVIEW 7, obviously ;-). [snip] Now, normally when I see the computer apparently freezing up or reacting sluggishly to user input, it's been because there were no waits in the GUI

Re: Fire an Event automaticaly

2004-04-20 Thread Paul Cardinale
John Rich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... If you set the timeout then if the time is expired the timeout event will execute. This can be an empty event or you can put appropriate code, depending on the application. You should always include the timeout event in

OT: E2050 vs E5810

2004-04-20 Thread Eckhard Neber
Hello, we use here some older LAN to GPIB interfaces E2050 with Agilent's SICL library on HPUX 10.20. Now we need another one, but Agilent says that the successor E5810 is not compatible and advises to purchase a new library. On the other hand I read in an older posting here ([EMAIL

Re: Need help duplicating rows of 2D boolean array

2004-04-20 Thread Stephan Bahr
Hi, have a look at Greets Stephan clg6621 [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi all. I am new to LabVIEW, so I apologize in adavance if my question is basic. I have a 2D array of boolean

Re: Change the selection of tree control with a right click

2004-04-20 Thread manji75
Ciao Filippo, so che non =E8 molto educato nei confronti degli altri scrivere in italiano ma sarebbe utile per me capire esattamente il problema proposto. CIAO!

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