Re: AW: lingo-l Lingo to control two computers simultaneously???

2004-08-18 Thread Mathew Ray
These were lingo animations, not actual video yes? Unless your animations are strictly time-based, I would imagine small differences in each of the animations would take longer/shorter to render, with director adapting the framerate accordingly. Does this even happen with extremely simple

Re: lingo-l Director Multilingual IDE

2004-07-28 Thread Mathew Ray
AHA! Excellent... I was wondering what happened to it, thought I had missed it in the July issue. Thanks, Mathew Kerry Thompson wrote: You may download Director in a couple of language flavors. I wonder, was this app designed to exist only in these incarnations or is it possible to change its

Re: lingo-l controlling multiple dvd players

2004-07-20 Thread Mathew Ray
Aren't there some pioneer dvd players that can be controlled with rs-232 serial connections? Perhaps that would be a way to go... The issue, I would imagine, with

Re: lingo-l Getting information form a list

2004-07-19 Thread Mathew Ray
I always preferred Tab's reference in Lingo: an advanced guide... thoroughly dogeared the list reference pages arre ;0) Thanks, Mathew roymeo wrote: Because the help documents are not super-duper complete where every related term is listed. It IS listed under the Lists category in the

Re: lingo-l Do MX 9 and MX 2004 co-exist?

2004-07-15 Thread Mathew Ray
Yup, I have both installed on WinXP without an issue... Only irritating thing is that both icons look identical, so I had to change the one for the mx2004 exe just to make life easier :0) ~Mathew Slava Paperno wrote: The Upgrade Guide on the MM site doesn't mention this. Can someoone please

lingo-l multilanguage project

2004-07-15 Thread Mathew Ray
Perhaps this is the wrong forum but I know there are quite a few international folks on this list and others who have done quite a few international projects... Anyway, I am about to embark upon a multilanguage project with multilanguage installers and had a few questions about double-byte

Re: lingo-l All those DLLs

2004-07-15 Thread Mathew Ray
Troy's interpretation, I believe, is the same as mine. From what I know on OS9 and PC systems standalone projectors could be just that...standalone. Anything needed was contained within the exe. Now with OSX, I believe the preferred method of creating projectors is with fast start projectors in

Re: lingo-l multilanguage project

2004-07-15 Thread Mathew Ray
Just took a look at the most recent version, but the latest digital version accessible via their site is June's issue (the one with tooltips in director by irv). I guess the digital versions lag behind the print versions... Fortunately the unicode will be self contained within flash, so that

Re: lingo-l Flash Asset within Director 8.5

2004-07-13 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Tim, Unfortunately that was the biggest selling point (for me) of Dir MX - the new flash asset xtra. Again, the same was true for MX2004. I don't believe you can use flash6 exported swfs in anything less than DirMX and likewise for flash7 exported swfs in anything less than DirMX2004. Any

Re: lingo-l Lingo in Eclipse

2004-07-11 Thread Mathew Ray
Pejda, If you google eclipse java programming you get a lot of interesting results. Some of these point to the site. Going there you can discover that, Eclipse is a kind of universal tool platform - an open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particular. Here are some more

Re: lingo-l stopEvent and the Function keys

2004-07-02 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Slava, Buddy has a func on windows called keyIsDown() and keyIsPressed() that hav used with virtual key codes to monitor keystrokes. The virtual key codes for the 'f' keys (from 1-16) range from 112-127. Every time you press a key you see if one of the 'f' keys are down... I wonder though,

Re: lingo-l stopEvent and the Function keys

2004-07-01 Thread Mathew Ray
I think buddyAPI could help with this if the keycode stuff isn't working out... ~Mathew Slava Paperno wrote: I'm trying to intercept and cancel function key presses by using statements like this in the handler that is assigned as the keyDownScript: if the keyCode = 11 then --the F 12 key

Re: lingo-l OT: director and microcontroller

2004-06-28 Thread Mathew Ray
Do you have any technical requirements, budget, etc? or do you have carte-blanche? :0) ~Mathew Rodrigo Peres wrote: Hi list, I Have a presentation that will need to sync to lights and FX equipments. Can someone point in good microcontrollers that can be triggered by director? Thank's Rodrigo

Re: lingo-l OT: director and microcontroller

2004-06-28 Thread Mathew Ray
: Let's say that for now there's nothing defined. Just the need to control the devices from director.. on 6/28/04 11:08 AM, Mathew Ray at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Do you have any technical requirements, budget, etc? or do you have carte-blanche? :0) ~Mathew Rodrigo Peres wrote: Hi list, I Have

Re: lingo-l Hi-res printer fonts

2004-06-24 Thread Mathew Ray
You mean like postscript font metric files(.pfm) instead of font bitmap(.pfb) files used in screen representation? Typically when you purchase fonts from a type foundry they will provide both bitmap and metrics for each face... at least with Postscript, since that is what I am familiar with.

Re: lingo-l Hi-res printer fonts

2004-06-24 Thread Mathew Ray
Have you tried other fonts? Perhaps those that you are using are lacking the outlines or something. Newer verions of quark support both TrueType and you have any font tools that will let you get any more info about what is included with them? I have ATM at home (just lite

lingo-l lingo-lText question

2004-06-16 Thread Mathew Ray
Not to say you shouldn't use Director, but is shockwave -may- not be the best tool for the job...if all you are looking for is text handling of input selection, flash can definitely do that. First Question: Have you tried using the custom text formatterstuff and the Selection class in flash? It

Re: lingo-l lingo-lText question

2004-06-16 Thread Mathew Ray
PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mathew Ray Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 3:09 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: lingo-l lingo-lText question Not to say you shouldn't use Director, but is shockwave -may- not be the best tool for the job...if all you are looking for is text handling

Re: lingo-l Problem with goToNetPage on OSX

2004-06-08 Thread Mathew Ray
Yes, there is no single extra (that I am aware of) that works for both platforms. You should separate your xtras and either use two folders to hold os9 and osx projects, or use a bundle solution...which is more elegant IMO.

Re: lingo-l Verbose vs Dotose

2004-06-07 Thread Mathew Ray
FWIW, the scriptExecutionStyle = 10 put member(notamembername).ilk -- #void put symbolP(member(notamembername).ilk) -- 1 the scriptExecutionStyle = 9 put member(notamembername).ilk -- Void put voidP(member(notamembername).ilk) -- 1 ~Mathew roymeo wrote: member(notamembername).ilk returns VOID for

Re: lingo-l [x-post] A Common Question - Director XML/Web Services

2004-06-04 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Alex, Dunno if it's an option, but have you tried MX2004's XML parser? From what I hear it is better. Unfortunately this is an area that flash has developed some nice niches in... the xmlconnector component and remote data binding is pretty neat stuff and takes all of 5 minutes to set up.

Re: lingo-l MPEG-1 Playback is dark using DirectMedia Xtra

2004-06-02 Thread Mathew Ray
Which version of the xtra are you using? I knew that the latest releases helped fix some problems with non-standard decompressors taking over from MS ones... Don't know that will solve your issue though. ~Mathew Ross Clutterbuck wrote: Thanks to Stephane Johan Johan: I think 'wild guess' that

Re: lingo-l MPEG-1 Playback is dark using DirectMedia Xtra

2004-06-02 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Ross, You may want to consider upgrading to mpegAdvance... it's a great xtra and has many improvements over directmedia. It's still in development and therefore has a lot of ongoing support, as well as v1.5 is compatible with dmx2k4. ~Mathew Ross Clutterbuck wrote: Cheers Matthew quote

Re: lingo-l Sorting Challenge

2004-05-31 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Slava, Here is a simple solution using lingo only: Create a new holder and set it to be sorted. Loop through each of your items(that have prop1, prop2, prop3) and add them to a 'sortkey' property: [ [#sortkey:_abc_02_02, [#Prop1: abc, #Prop2: 02, #Prop3: 02]], [#sortkey:_abc_02_01,

Re: lingo-l Sorting Challenge

2004-05-31 Thread Mathew Ray
I've thought about this... it seems to be pretty fast, but I wonder how much faster is is than the lingo only approach... I would imagine it would be decent, since there is no text manipulation to create the keys... but ya never know... may have to experiment with that one... grimmwerks wrote:

Re: lingo-l Scroll bar issues

2004-04-22 Thread Mathew Ray
I'd use one of Luke's great scrollbars instead of the standard ones... Dare I say it... You could also use non-dts Flash to handle the text =0o ~Mathew Kerry Thompson wrote: I'm working on a Spanish-language project. To enter accented characters

Re: lingo-l Shockwave finding movies on CD-ROM

2004-04-14 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Alan, Have you checked the archives? I believe there have been several questions about identical functionality in the past, complete with code examples. The url should be in the headers of the email, but some email apps try to hide them... if you have problems seeing email headers, the url

Re: lingo-l Flash discussion group

2004-04-13 Thread Mathew Ray has a couple, were-here, ultrashock, and macromedia forums, all are good resources. Your best bet may be to see if you can view those messages in the archive: ~Mathew yachun lin wrote: Hello! List, Sorry about this off-topic

Re: lingo-l net webcam img into director

2004-04-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Or you could pass it the current yr/date/hr/min/sec as a string, since you should be guaranteed that number won't come up twice :0) I think buddy or DirectOS or the like has a handy function for getting the seconds since the Unix epoch, useful as a timestamp as well. ex w/buddy: str_noCache =

Re: lingo-l Shape Projector

2004-04-09 Thread Mathew Ray
Some have found the Meliora xtras useful for 8-bit masking... dunno about OSX support though: ~Mathew Daniel Nelson wrote: Hi Victor, DMX 2004 makes this easy, though only 1-bit masking, so no alpha effects. Regards, Daniel On Apr 8, 2004, at 10:47 PM, Viktor Iwan

Re: lingo-l Go back to handler name

2004-04-09 Thread Mathew Ray
Peter, Try alt or command + clicking on the handler name... should open a new script window with the script you clicked loaded into it. ~Mathew Peter Bochan wrote: Hello, If you click Go to handler button in script window it will navigate there. Is there a way to go back to place where I

Re: lingo-l Go back to handler name

2004-04-09 Thread Mathew Ray
::blushing:: oops...should have said open-apple... guess it shows how much I use director on the mac :0) ~Mathew Buzz Kettles wrote: At 3:36 PM -0400 4/9/04, you wrote: Peter, Try alt or command + clicking on the handler name... should open a new script window with the script you clicked

Re: lingo-l FileIO Xtra trouble

2004-04-02 Thread Mathew Ray
Interesting...almost like it is using the searchpaths to look for the file, rather than actually telling you if it's there or not... Definitely seems like unexpected behavior to me. fileIO docs mention: The filename can be either a fully-qualified path and filename, or a relative filename. The

Re: lingo-l FileIO Xtra File Path Limit

2004-03-31 Thread Mathew Ray
Don't use fileIO a whole lot, but I have heard others having issues with very long path names (127 chars I believe). Your two paths are very close to that threshold. The best workaround I know of is using buddyAPI to get the shortFileName of your file. Believe first two functions you use with

Re: lingo-l Camera capture

2004-03-26 Thread Mathew Ray
Why not shoot video and capture still frames from that? Also, what is the significance of two cameras... stereoscopic textures? When you mean 'dynamic reflection' do you mean a reflection map that changes over time? A little more info may be helpful... Thanks, ~Mathew Emre Eldemir wrote: I am

Re: lingo-l Quick Time Dynamic Play

2004-03-25 Thread Mathew Ray
I've always found it helpful to use parenthesis in complicated if statements... you are also excluding 0.35 in your if statement... greater-than and less-than operators are EXclusive, meaning if you havea value of exactly 0.35 none of the if conditions are true. Another little thing... it is

Re: lingo-l Re: full screen video in the new Director MX 2004

2004-02-24 Thread Mathew Ray
It can? ~Mathew Melinda Geare wrote: Now that Director can burn to DVD, [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for

Re: lingo-l Re: full screen video in the new Director MX 2004

2004-02-24 Thread Mathew Ray
Melinda, One has been able to burn files to a dvd-rom, that come from director, and run them from a computer for a while, but I know of no way the director application can directly author dvds that are playable in traditional home dvd players... Director is not a dvd-authoring tool, ala

Re: lingo-l Resource Hacker

2004-02-23 Thread Mathew Ray
I use Axialis Icon Editor all the time without issue editing shockwave stub projectors. Just make sure you use all the resolutions and color depths from the .skl file and you should be good to go. ~Mathew Mark A. Boyd wrote: At 04:58 PM 2/22/2004, Alan Neilsen wrote: Unable to load movie

Re: lingo-l postNetText and CGI

2004-02-22 Thread Mathew Ray
Teo, It sounds like you need to send two different variables to the cgi script...a file path, and text. If you use postNetText, these values will be sent using the form POST method. In your example you showed, those variables are being sent with the GET method, meaning the variables are being

Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Mathew Ray
Is the problem that properties live inside of script instances, not the sprite itself? I know you can access property variables of behaviors attached to sprites if you know the name: put sprite(2).pSomeVar -- this is my var but if you want to access the list of variables of the script object,

Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Mathew Ray
I think the problem is the unknowns: pSomeProperty = blend pSomeSprite = Sprite(2) put the pSomeProperty of pSomeSprite Using Irv's suggestion with accessors, are you sure your are using #blend instead of blend you would end up doing the following to set the blend to 100:

Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Mathew Ray
Daniel, I think he was parodizing Seinfeld's 'Soup Nazi' that refused to serve a character some of his scrumptious vittles. Soup...OOP... It may not be PC, but I don't think it was meant to be offensive...then again I am not from Germany. Damn Seinfeld. I knew his show would lead to the

Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Mathew Ray
Hmm, I think the problem lies in how director treats sprites... Dot syntax is great for referenceing known things... not so great for referencing variable things...Hence the reason array syntax is so nice. Unfortunately, array syntax in director only seems to work on proper 'objects' like

lingo-l test

2004-02-16 Thread Mathew Ray
You never saw this... [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]

Re: lingo-l Merits of JS in Director [was: Dirctor MX 2004 - Anyone else frustrated by documentation]

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Ross Clutterbuck wrote: To be entirely honest I don't see the point in including Javascript as a second scripting language for Director (or even adding a second language at all). I know it's been put in to speed up development progress and the ease of using an establish, widespread scripting

Re: lingo-l Re: updating an online database

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Lee, Ironically enough I was looking at that new chapter of LOOPE yesterday and I noticed something in the netManager... Under mActivateOperation(), look into the case statement... the postNetText option has a variable name that appears to be wrong. Try replacing it with this little

Re: lingo-l MX 2004 LDMs (was: Merits of JS in Director)

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Mark (and others), Have you had a chance to play around with the new LDMs and confirm that any existing quirks have been fixed? People like Rob Romanek have gone through hoops to try to isolate and provide workarounds for them, and as a result I shy away from using them in the off-case that I

Re: lingo-l Director MX 2004 - LocalConnection

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Yes, just realized after I sent it... it's not considered an XPOST if it doesn't have both listservs as TO recipients... :0) Where did that coffee go ~Mathew grimmwerks wrote: On 2/12/04 12:41 PM, Mathew Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] spewed forth: ~Mathew ( posted on Lingo-L too, pardon if its

Re: lingo-l MX 2004 LDMs (was: Merits of JS in Director)

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
I was hoping SCHEME would be in the works somewhere too... ~Mathew Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Feb 12, 2004, at 12:20 PM, Colin Holgate wrote: JS was actually put in to encourage the transition to VB as MS is buying Macr. Could we not have a DOS syntax choice too? I'm looking forward to the

Re: lingo-l Merits of JS in Director

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
You should check out the language reference pdf for mx2004... a LOT has changed... '_movie.frame' replaces 'the frame', etc Whole reorganization of object/method structure (for the better IMO), and verbose syntax has been depricated, so you can't rely on it being around for any future

Re: lingo-l Merits of JS in Director

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
I believe that was one of the big things with the new should never have to use verbose syntax again if you don't want to (and indeed shouldn't). ~Mathew Troy Rollins wrote: On Thursday, February 12, 2004, at 02:21 PM, Mathew Ray wrote: and verbose syntax has been depricated, so

Re: lingo-l Director MX 2004 - Anyone lese frustrated by documentation

2004-02-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Deane, Like this? From Jonkman's article: myTree = sprite(1) rootNode = myTree.addTreeNode(Hello World) rootNode.addTreeNodeAt(0, Its a beautiful day!) ~Mathew Deane Venske wrote: Before I forget :P The

Re: lingo-l password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Mathew Ray
Ultimately someone could use a screen capture program or even a video camera pointed at your monitor if you wanted the video bad enough...No matter what level of encryption and authentication. All about making it as irritating as possible without causing end-users grief. IMO, they shouldn't

Re: lingo-l password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Mathew Ray
There were also some very good posts about this in the past year or two. A quick trip to the archives may answer a lot of the detailed questions on procedure and methodology to ripping the heads off video and reassembling later on-disk. Since you don't mind writing to disk, hopefully it won't

Re: lingo-l password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Mathew Ray
Unfortunately you can't play mpegs directly out of the database...AFAIK They have to exist on a hard drive somewhere first, which is bad if you don't want to be copying big ol' files to someone's hard drive, or take the time necessary to do so while unencrypting them. It also opens up the

Re: lingo-l Bug of the week

2004-02-10 Thread Mathew Ray
OCH! I need to make a big ol' order of events table for director and hang it on my wall. Is there a little Pnemonic like PEMDAS or the like for director? :0) I can totally see this happening with one of my director projects... Recently I had a similar issue but with no sensical reason in a

Re: lingo-l another alternate chars question

2004-02-09 Thread Mathew Ray
This is not a flame, or an invitation to start a platform war, but I have to concur with Kerry... Current server logs show that 95% of all visitors to most web projects are on the windows platform... Not that it's right, it's reality for most mainstream users. Educational and some other niche

Re: lingo-l another alternate chars question [Partially OT]

2004-02-09 Thread Mathew Ray
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Feb 9, 2004, at 2:54 PM, Mathew Ray wrote: This is not a flame, or an invitation to start a platform war, but I have to concur with Kerry. So what is the reason you came in to point out the obvious? I'm aware of the statistics. They keep getting hammered home by MS's

Re: lingo-l looking to speed up the search process in seudo db with what I have

2004-02-03 Thread Mathew Ray
Did this one about 3-4 yrs ago... it wasn't terribly pretty, but it worked and was hella fast. If you need complicated search terms or related tables, then go with the SQL-based xtras. Otherwise what I did was build an index of the 'text members' in authoring mode and pull the index in at

Re: lingo-l Lingo External Data

2004-01-30 Thread Mathew Ray
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Jan 29, 2004, at 4:40 PM, Mathew Ray wrote: ...too bad normal people can't use it yet :0) Are you suggesting something about my normalcy? Cause that news is about as fresh as the outcome of the Battle of Hastings. ;) Na, not at a :0) I am just one

Re: lingo-l Controlling flash with lingo.

2004-01-29 Thread Mathew Ray
Hmm, neither one of those links seem to work for me... keep getting macromedia's 404 page... I assume one of them is Mark Jonkman's article? ~Mathew Mendelsohn, Michael wrote: Comprehend this article, and you'll be a pro.

Re: lingo-l Controlling flash with lingo.

2004-01-29 Thread Mathew Ray
: Mathew Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:58 AM Subject: Re: lingo-l Controlling flash with lingo. Hmm, neither one of those links seem to work for me... keep getting macromedia's 404 page... I assume one of them is Mark Jonkman's article? ~Mathew

Re: lingo-l Controlling flash with lingo.

2004-01-29 Thread Mathew Ray
Definitely helps, but Tbird doesn't like the spaces though... Not that it really matters if the one reading the email ~pays attention~ :0) ~Mathew Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Jan 29, 2004, at 7:46 AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote: Comprehend this article, and you'll be a pro. Works better in

Re: lingo-l Lingo External Data

2004-01-29 Thread Mathew Ray
flash in director is also an option if you are more comfortable with actionscript. ~Mathew Daniel Nelson wrote: Hi There, Look into the XMLParser Xtra and the FileIO Xtra or getNetText(), depending on whether the file is local or online. Regards, Daniel On Jan 29, 2004, at 12:45 PM,

Re: lingo-l Lingo External Data

2004-01-29 Thread Mathew Ray
...too bad normal people can't use it yet :0) Anyone heard of a possible ship date yet? ~Mathew Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Jan 29, 2004, at 3:55 PM, Mathew Ray wrote: flash in director is also an option if you are more comfortable with actionscript. Director MX 2004 is an option too, since

Re: lingo-l Math.ceil()...lingo style

2004-01-27 Thread Mathew Ray
Nice... Never thought of that... spending too much time with the databases... only integers I ever use anymore are unsigned :0) It's kinda one of those things that I hoped would have been added after a while... Simple math commands like ceil() and floor() have to be used in the 3d side of

Re: lingo-l vList xtra

2004-01-27 Thread Mathew Ray
Or use its encryption features, which can be very handy in the case of external files as well... As far as internal lists are concerned, it would be interesting to compare lingo lists, pregex lists, and vList lists and functions against each other to see if there are any performance gains...

Re: lingo-l Math.ceil()...lingo style

2004-01-26 Thread Mathew Ray
Hmm, I seem to remember adding (or subtracting) .5 and using integer to round it off, I remember correctly Floor: integer(4.25 - .5) = 4 integer(4.75 - .5) = 4 Ceil: integer(4.25 + .5) = 5 integer(4.75 + .5) = 5 ~Mathew Mendelsohn, Michael wrote: Hi all... I want to automatically convert a

Re: lingo-l Math.ceil()...lingo style

2004-01-26 Thread Mathew Ray
I am guessing these approaches would be orders of magnatude faster than the simpler approaches? ~Mathew Frank Di Luzio wrote: - Original Message - From: Daniel Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 4:38 PM Subject: Re: lingo-l Math.ceil()...lingo

Re: lingo-l Flash problem in director - DUMB!

2004-01-22 Thread Mathew Ray
I've had issues with frame 1 in the past, I try to leave it empty... can you test it with a a frame of stuff - a shape or something - before and after the flash sprite? If there is something else in the channel that takes up the same space as the sprite, then it could help clear out that

Re: lingo-l Residual Flash Graphics in DirMX Windows

2004-01-16 Thread Mathew Ray
yes...what warren said :0) That is, unless you have another reason for doing the updatestage. ~Mathew Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Jan 15, 2004, at 11:15 PM, macmec wrote: Mathew, when you say to set the stagecolor where I am updating the stage, are you suggesting that I do that in addition to

Re: lingo-l Residual Flash Graphics in DirMX Windows

2004-01-15 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Trevor, Try using the stagecolor = the stagecolor where you are updating the stage. Qlso try putting something in the same sprite channel as the flash to help flush it out - like a blank bitmap or something. I witnessed the same thing last year and these tweaks seemed to help. ~Mathew

lingo-l Director MX 2004 - Internet Aware Apps

2004-01-09 Thread Mathew Ray
Tom (and others), I am curious if the new version of Director has any improvements for internet aware applications. For instance, a better way to see if a user is connected to the web that is more consistent,perhaps being notified when the connection status changes. I saw that you can now post

Re: lingo-l Director MX 2004 - Internet Aware Apps

2004-01-09 Thread Mathew Ray
see how a 'silver-bullet' solution may not be forthcoming anytime soon. Just thought I'd check :0) ~Mathew John Dowdell wrote: At 8:06 AM 1/9/4, Mathew Ray wrote: I am curious if the new version of Director has any improvements for internet aware applications. For instance, a better way

lingo-l Re: lingo-lDirector MX 2004 Questions - day 2

2004-01-07 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Tom, Dunno if you can speak any more about this, but are flash members loaded into the 'commonPlayer' able to share any of their scope, such as _global? I ask because it could be advantageous if all the flash elements loaded into the player were aware of each other and could react to

Re: lingo-l Check Internet connection

2004-01-06 Thread Mathew Ray
Zav, are you on this list??? If so, that's your que... :0) If not... oh well. Teo, try checking the archives of this list and Direct-L. The topic has been elaborated upon quite a bit with some good, workable solutions. ~Mathew Teo Petralia wrote: Hi! I'm sure this topic has been discussed

Re: lingo-l Truth or fiction

2004-01-06 Thread Mathew Ray
Not to mention illegal in some states that have laws against spam... I think that was another good reason for hesitation. You may want to look into it if your competitor is misusing customer data against the customers' will. :0) ~Mathew Troy Rollins wrote: On Tuesday, January 6, 2004, at

Re: lingo-l searching text inside an swf within director

2003-12-17 Thread Mathew Ray
biju george wrote: Hi, I have an swf file with 11,758 frames. Its actually an e-book. I want to add a search facility in director in the form of a full text search like the one in google etc. Such that the use can key in any word and see the pages containg that word in a scroll box. Once a

Re: lingo-l Flash text / text object question

2003-12-03 Thread Mathew Ray
grimmwerks wrote: Just wanted to point out _global.fModule = new Object(); fModule.movieTime = mov_timer; fModule.movieTitle = mov_title; fModule.movieDuration = mov_duration; fModule.setMovieTime = function(theText){fModule.movieTime.text = theText;} Pmod = sprite(1).getVariable(fModule,

Re: lingo-l Oops

2003-11-18 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Rodrigo, For moving a character around in a tile-based environment, search for resources on pathfinding or a* searches. There are many theoretical approaches for what the cs people call search trees or shortest-path algorithms, but a* is guaranteed to find a solution with the drawback that

Re: lingo-l Timeout object question

2003-11-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Séb, Neat little script there... Its cleaner than the other example I found, but it looks like the possible parameters are hardcoded and limited to 3: on mTimeOut(me, aTimeOut) - -- Called by the timeOut object ancestor at regular intervals --

Re: lingo-l Timeout object question

2003-11-11 Thread Mathew Ray
Sorry for the late reply, catching up on a bit of old mail... I believe I have used something written by Kerry that allowed callbacks or parameters for timeouts...a sort of timeout wrapper class that worked rather well as I recall...might be worth a dig in the archives, cause unfortunately I

Re: lingo-l lingo-lOT:OpenOffice (was Flash in DirMX)

2003-11-04 Thread Mathew Ray
OpenOffice is really cool, especially the latest versions. Stability seems to be good, but interpreting Word documents can be dodgy still and still don't look identical to the same doc in Word itself. My only hope is that the filters to read other filetypes are improved by the time the

Re: lingo-l Imaging Lingo and lines

2003-10-01 Thread Mathew Ray
Total shot in the dark: Can you draw a vector, mess with that, and take an image of it, rather than directly drawing lines into an image using the imaging tools? Never done this...just hypothesizing... ~Mathew Martin Pallett wrote: Hi, I have made a graphing application using Imaging Lingo

RE: lingo-l Director MX - 2004

2003-09-12 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Dan, Not to spread rumors, but several from Macromedia have stated that they are 'heads down' on the next version. I have also heard from some others that a new fmx2k4 xtra won't be available until the release (don't know how reliable this info is, but that's what they did last time). The big

RE: lingo-l sql db dipping

2003-09-12 Thread Mathew Ray
AFAIK, SQL is not a db unless you are talking about Microsoft SQL Server... SQL is a scripting language used to gather info from the databases. Valentina only talks to valentina databases, the same is true with arca... The file that is on the local network, what format is it in? Comma separated,

RE: lingo-l sql db dipping

2003-09-12 Thread Mathew Ray
, September 12, 2003, at 11:49 AM, Mathew Ray wrote: AFAIK, SQL is not a db unless you are talking about Microsoft SQL Server... I understand what you're saying; I think in this case it IS Microsoft SQL. SQL is a scripting language used to gather info from the databases. Valentina only

RE: lingo-l Flash text box link not triggering Director behavior

2003-09-03 Thread Mathew Ray
Hmm, odd...I know I have done this before. Does your linkFromFlash handler have a me reference? Also, back at the beginning of the thread, you mentioned that linkFromFlash was on a frame script...I think event: in a flash member sends messages to the sprite that your particular flash movie lives

RE: lingo-l cpu usage

2003-09-02 Thread Mathew Ray
There was just a lengthy discussion of this very topic on Direct-L. Rather than me rehashing all the details, See the thread titled CPU usage on OSX: HTH, ~Mathew -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

RE: lingo-l blinking QTVR

2003-09-02 Thread Mathew Ray
Maybe something else is fighting with the QT to be Direct To Stage. Do you have any other sprites that could be DTS in addition to the DTS one? ~Mathew -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Luiz Gustavo Castelan Póvoas Sent: Tuesday,

RE: lingo-l blinking QTVR

2003-09-02 Thread Mathew Ray
Basically what I was saying before was that you can only render one thing Direct To Stage at a time reliably. I have had problems with flash or video members all being DTS at the same time. Definitely 2 videos can't be DTS at the same time and overlap each other. But it appears that this is not

RE: lingo-l playing wmv files

2003-08-28 Thread Mathew Ray
I think Tab mentioned at one point that Penworks did one as well. May want to check the archives or the table of products at ~Mathew -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valentin Schmidt Sent: Thursday, August 28,

RE: lingo-l BaFileList() and .sort

2003-08-26 Thread Mathew Ray
If you can't pad the numbers, I think what you need is a natural sort...kinda the way php does it: Kerry's option may also work well, and faster than an implementation of how php does it...especially if you have to code such a thing in lingo.

RE: lingo-l BaFileList() and .sort

2003-08-26 Thread Mathew Ray
That's what I would have suggested, unfortunately he can't renumber the files. Which brings up another question: Anybody have good efficient lingo utilities for doing different types of sorting? Uhoh, I feel the a flashback coming on...DFS, BFS, red-black BSTs, bubblesorts, mergesorts, oh my!

RE: lingo-l Bloody stupid HP drivers

2003-08-26 Thread Mathew Ray
Are you printing from director, or just general printing in other apps? ~Mathew -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry Thompson Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:46 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: lingo-l Bloody stupid HP

RE: lingo-l Bloody stupid HP drivers

2003-08-26 Thread Mathew Ray
Yech! That's real bad...should probably be on UpdateStage's quirk list, especially if others can confirm. ~Mathew -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry Thompson Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:14 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: lingo-l BaFileList() and .sort

2003-08-26 Thread Mathew Ray
() and .sort At 08:41 2003-08-26, Mathew Ray wrote: Which brings up another question: Anybody have good efficient lingo utilities for doing different types of sorting? Uhoh, I feel the a flashback coming on...DFS, BFS, red-black BSTs, bubblesorts, mergesorts, oh my! Maybe I should pull

RE: lingo-l scaling down image objects in real time

2003-08-26 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Luiz, Create a blank bitmap member in your cast. Use copypixels to copy from the image of one member into a smaller rect of the blank bitmap's image. Untested Email lingo: --grab image of source sourceImg = sourceMember.image --grab rect of source sourceRect = sourceMember.rect

RE: lingo-l Flash in Director - sound problem

2003-08-25 Thread Mathew Ray
Of Mathew Ray Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 1:26 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: lingo-l Flash in Director - sound problem Hi James, No solutions here... We tried many different things and eventually had to rely on Director playing ALL audio. Same situation here as well, hard to repro

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