New to ModPerl 2

2004-11-14 Thread jonathan vanasco
I'm new to using mod_perl2 A few years ago I made a web application in perl cgi, moved it over to mod_perl1 about a year ago, and now I want to continue development of it in mod_perl2 I probably made this wrong to begin with, as I learned from a handful of mod_perl books In mod_perl1, I have a

Re: New to ModPerl 2

2004-11-14 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Nov 14, 2004, at 4:06 PM, Kurt Hansen wrote: Markus Wichitill wrote: Apache::Request 2.0 (libapreq2), like mod_perl 2.0, is officially still in development, but mostly done. I second the advice to use libapreq2 if your code is based on libapreq1. I'm almost done

Re: New to ModPerl 2

2004-11-14 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Nov 14, 2004, at 7:04 PM, Dan Brian wrote: I'll add to your list (of potential confusion) that $r->args may not produce the expected results, and not just because of the change away from array context described at:

Re: New to ModPerl 2

2004-11-15 Thread jonathan vanasco
Assuming this is a segfault, i get the same error: [Tue Nov 16 00:45:17 2004] [notice] child pid 2237 exit signal Bus error (10) The only difference is the env variable to ApacheCookie This works: == #file:MyApache/ #-- package MyApache::Rocks;

Re: Segfaults with mod_php + mod_perl + mysql + mysqli

2004-11-16 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Nov 16, 2004, at 3:58 AM, Sönke Ruempler wrote: Hi, I asked the php-install and php-dev lists before - they didn't answer. I dunno if it's PHP and/or Perl related - so before I open a PHP Bug Report, maybe here someone has an idea: << Hi, Because I upgraded my MySQL server to 4.1.7, I tried to

Re: New to ModPerl 2

2004-11-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm just wondering how people have handled cookie stuff before -- There seems to be a group that has encountered this error, and another group that has not -- if anyone is a member of the latter group and can share their approach to cookie/request handling (assuming its more than just substitut

Advice needed on custom webapp framework

2004-11-17 Thread jonathan vanasco
I built for mod_perl1 a customer webapp framework It functions as 2 perl modules/package sets /lib/WebAppFramework /lib/Website For each website/webapp, i make a new /lib/Website that subclasses the WebAppFramework (which handles users, email, webpage generation, etc -- and makes heavy use of cpa

Re: Advice needed on custom webapp framework

2004-11-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Thanks! Right now, I should have been more clear, though -- I'm am kinda doing a bit of each approach you mentioned -- but i am in need of a little more help. I think what i want is more of your second approach right now... Let me elaborate for a moment Base C

Re: Advice needed on custom webapp framework

2004-11-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Because i'm an idiot and didn't realize that I was doing that! I'm just used to passing refs everywhere. to get into the whole 'No More passing large vars around' thing, i just stopped passing everything but a ref Silly me! On Nov 17, 2004, at 1:25 PM, Tom Schindl wrote: I don't answer your que

Re: Advice needed on custom webapp framework

2004-11-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm pretty damn sure you did get that right! That would do EXACTLY what i want it to do! I'm gonna play around with that approach when i get home tonight. Thanks! On Nov 17, 2004, at 2:26 PM, Tom Schindl wrote: What you really need here when talking about Pattern-Programming is a "Factory-Class

Re: Urgent justification for perl

2004-11-19 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Justification using perl/mod_perl for what, and opposed to what? A security risk in what way? There's a 'Success Stories' page here, that might have some things you want/need: On Nov 19, 2004, at 7:35 AM, Martin Moss wrote: All, I've had an urgent r

Re: Urgent justification for perl

2004-11-19 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I think you're getting mod_perl confused with mod girls. They wear white boots, and pose in magazines. On Nov 19, 2004, at 2:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 3) it seem's sexy one of those is a 'valid reason' above all others, see if you can tell which one ;> regards Steph -- Report problems: ht

Re: mod_perlservice? what the heck?

2004-11-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
It makes a lot of sense to me Having spent time building lots of webapps with flash, and knowing many people who still do so and come from art school backgrounds, their system seems simple enough and tailored exactly for someone who doesn't know programming It seems to be an easily configurable

Re: mod_perl marketing

2004-11-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Amazon itself might be mason under fastcgi, but its subsidiary seems to be mod_perl by the job descriptions here (there was a 'love movies? know perl?' job link in big letters on the imbd front page when i looked up a movie today)

Re: mod_perl marketing

2004-11-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
People want benchmarks. Little graphs that show "Speed", and why it matters to them C is going to be faster for certain things, Perl for others. Thats a given. But over half of the speed optimizations one language has over another are useless in any given application. If you give raw numbers,


2009-10-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Has anyone here played with Plack yet ? ( ) It's about a week old or so publicly, but I'm sure a few of you folks here were privvy to a preview... // Jonathan Vanasco e. w. blog. http://destruc

Re: Plack

2009-10-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:01 AM, Issac Goldstand wrote: Whaddaya know... Ironically, this might have saved Plone at my workplace had I known that this was on the way. We were looking at writing custom WSGI components in Python and shuddering (well, I was shuddering) I'm 80% Python now, so

Re: Plack

2009-10-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Oct 15, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Adam Prime wrote: I haven't played with it, but i have read a bunch of Miyagawa's blog posts about it. I do know that Jeff Horwitz is planning to support WSGI in mod_parrot / mod_perl 6, but i don't know exactly what that means ;) Yeah I heard about that too

Re: apache 2 reloads needed?

2009-11-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Nov 3, 2009, at 4:27 AM, André Warnier wrote: I see that you mention mysql. This probably means DBI. I think you need to be a bit careful with DBI and Apache::Reload. I seem to recall that there are some particularities there (Probably in relation to permanent cached database connection

Running Multiple Servers

2005-01-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Can anyone point me towards a good reference for running multiple mod_perl servers on the same box? I'm going to be having 2-3 mod_perl apps running at once on a box I've got. I've read the mod_perl o'reilly book with the chapter that covers 'optimizing' performance by separating the mod_perl

Re: Perl success story in eWeek

2005-01-30 Thread jonathan vanasco
Thats a really funny story -- seeing as it covers UFT and DNC using open source apps. I just checked, and predictably, its asp On Jan 30, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote: I thought people would be pleased to hear that we (Plus Three) got a writeup in eWeek about one of our projec

Re: Using home-grown modules in mod-perl

2005-01-31 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Jan 31, 2005, at 10:55 AM, Kent, Mr. John ((Contractor)) wrote: will it work to NOT use EXPORT and say in the startup /use/lib qw (/users/webuser/homegrown/lib); use MyModule(); That's what I do.

Storing Objects in a Session

2005-02-01 Thread jonathan vanasco
slightly OT, but i'm doing this in mod_perl! server Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_16 Perl/v5.8.1 use use Apache::Cookie; use Apache::Request (); use Apache::Session; use Apache::Session::File; is there any way to store an object into an A

Re: Storing Objects in a Session

2005-02-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Feb 2, 2005, at 12:00 AM, David J Radunz wrote: Have you tried to freeze your object and then thaw it on retrieve? perl -MCPAN -e install Storable perldoc Storable On Feb 2, 2005, at 12:28 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote: Yes, you put any object in Apache::Session as long as it can be handled by Stora

mod_perl, Apache::DBI, and transactions

2005-02-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Can anyone point me to some good references on using transactions in a mod_perl framework My naive and possibly wrong view, is that it would be difficult to handle transactions if DBI is recycling/sharing the connections and making them persist It's naive, and I'm dumb about this though.

Re: Need help getting DBI to work under mod_perl

2005-02-06 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Feb 6, 2005, at 1:09 AM, Boysenberry Payne wrote: I running Mac OS X darwin, and get everything as showing correctly in the %ENV. my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=test"; my $test_db = eval{ DBI->connect( $dsn, "...", "...", { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 } ) }; first off, i'd

feedback on an approach

2005-02-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
could someone who has worked w/mod perl longer than I have give me some feedback on this approach to webapps i've been using lately: • the modperl handler creates a 'user' of the web app based on the apache request the 'user' handles all the session management, login, etc my $user = new myAp

Question: Integrating session user authentication/cgi interaction with static served items

2005-02-11 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This is a bad subject, so let me elaborate on what is going on: I have a mod_perl webapp that handles content permissions for 'authenticated' and non-authenticated users. 'Authenticated' users are ones with a valid session-id from a login subroutine. These are not Apache style dialog box authen

Re: [OSCon 2005] RFC

2005-02-11 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Feb 11, 2005, at 1:43 PM, Philippe M. Chiasson wrote: Presentation: Building & Packaging mod_perl-2.0 Applications. Speaker: Philippe M. Chiasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Duration: 45 minutes This sounds useful, and I haven't seen much of it around. Presentation: From CGI to mod_perl 2.0, Fast! Spea

Re: Question: Integrating session user authentication/cgi interaction with static served items

2005-02-11 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Feb 11, 2005, at 2:19 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote: We use mod_auth_tkt, but it only supports apache 1.x. I'd like to find something equivalent for 2.x. It is cookie-based and allows for different levels of auth. A pretty useful mod, especially since you can share auth with web apps written in PH

(OT ?) issue with get_remote_host

2005-02-12 Thread jonathan vanasco
I don't know if this is an issue with mod_perl or libapreq2 all attempts to get_remote_host error with: Can't locate auto/Apache/Request/ in @INC libapreq2-2.04-dev Mac OSX 10.3.7 Darwin ModPerl 2.0.RC4 (mod_perl/1.999.21) Apache/2.0.52 Perl

Re: (OT ?) issue with get_remote_host

2005-02-12 Thread jonathan vanasco
Thank you. Again. (I seem to say that a lot) I was googling for portions of the error string, and diving through the pages of mod_perl cooking and practical_mod_perl -- i saw nothing. Google actually had 4 entries, at most, for most portions of the error string, which I found odd. Anyways

Using mod_php and mod_perl

2005-02-14 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Does anyone have any info on running mod_php and mod_perl on the same server for a single 'web application' ? I'm about 1/2way done with a webapp that has been taking me a while under mod_perl. A friend just showed me somme of the outlines for a book on php5 he's finishing up -- many of the th

securing web form interaction

2005-02-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Can anyone give me some tips for securing web form interaction? I'm looking specifically for 2 things: preemptive defense of potential SQL injection attacks 'human only' readable gifs on forms to preemtively defent against bots without using some crazed throttling scheme

[OT] Syndicated files uploaded by mod_perl across multiple machines

2005-02-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
mod_perl is going to be running on machineA, which also hosts the static files At some point in time, should the application need to scale, static files would be served off of another machine -- machineB I dont forsee this happening anytime soon, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot, a

Re: Looking for easy sessions using mod_perl

2005-02-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
the squares are because your cookie is serialized -- thats just the data structure Below is a bunch of stuff that i routinely use in a class that is essentially a WebPageVisitor (its not the complete stuff, so it might seem spotty) maybe that will help you --- our $CookieDefaults = { d

Re: Looking for easy sessions using mod_perl

2005-02-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Thats a whole lot easier than my approach. On Feb 18, 2005, at 2:18 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote: It's that easy with mod_perl too if you use Apache::SessionManager. Save yourself some trouble and just use that.

Trouble Setting POST_MAX

2005-02-19 Thread jonathan vanasco
preface -- sorry if this is a double post, i accidentally sent from another address earlier, and i believe this list doesn't post non-subscriber messages. Admittedly, this is due to user error and incompetence mod_perl2 / apache2 / libaprq is the latest This works: sub handler {

Re: Saving files to another server

2005-02-20 Thread jonathan vanasco
I asked something similar earlier, and was pointed to MogileFS by danga ( It looks messy and scary, but seems to work. It seems to use a daemon coupled with replicated mysql to sync content across servers. On Feb 20, 2005, at 8:49 PM, Mike OK wrote: Hi   I am looking for some

RE: Trouble Setting POST_MAX

2005-02-21 Thread jonathan vanasco
Author: pileswasp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > .1 * 1024 * 1024 = 104857.6 > Perhaps .6 of a byte is difficult for it to cope with? Probably -- but that doesn't seem to be it either. I think maybe there was an issue with my compile ? I tried using every book and web example I could find -- here are

Re: SEGFAULT on Mac OS X 10.2

2005-02-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Are you using Apache::Reload? I've found that I get similar issues when using that module when developing under osx 10.3 and the same specs as you (although no Embperl)-- turning off the module stops the irregular activity , as does periodic apache restarts. Am Montag, 21. Februar 2005 20:35 s

Re: Trouble Setting POST_MAX

2005-02-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Feb 21, 2005, at 10:45 PM, Ian Joyce wrote: Shouldn't you be using Apache::RequestRec? Should I? All the docs show Apache::Request for this sort of thing, and Apache::Request has the $r->param('fieldname') manner of reading GET/POST fields I'm oblivious to 99.1% of mod_perl though, so if i'm

Re: Apache::Clean worthwhile in addition to mod_gzip ?

2005-02-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I have a few- a _ what is the typical overhead in terms of cpu use -- ie, cpu/connection time saved by smaller/faster downloads vs those used by zipping b_ just to clarify, mod_deflate is the only chain usable for apache 2 -- and the various Apache:: perlmods are unneeded are incompatible? On F

Question: Limiting Filetypes Uploaded

2005-03-01 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm in need of a 'good' method to limit files uploaded via mod_perl2 ( to photos of gif/jpg/png 100k or less) How have others approached this? I haven't found much on the subject (and it took me FOREVER to figure out that i needed to use Apache::Upload() for mp2!) With the test code below, i

Re: Question: Limiting Filetypes Uploaded

2005-03-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
obably toss too many good pictures? On Mar 2, 2005, at 5:04 PM, Dan Wilga wrote: At 1:44 PM -0500 3/1/05, Jonathan Vanasco wrote: I'm in need of a 'good' method to limit files uploaded via mod_perl2 ( to photos of gif/jpg/png 100k or less) 2 - i've noticed a type of "

Re: Question: Limiting Filetypes Uploaded

2005-03-02 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Mar 2, 2005, at 7:21 PM, Richard F. Rebel wrote: I worked for a company who did mass free hosting and I can tell you that browser supplied mime types are not enough in many situations. I agree - my question was if they tended to call a 'valid' file invalid, or an invalid file valid -- the idea

Re: Question: Limiting Filetypes Uploaded

2005-03-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Mar 3, 2005, at 11:29 AM, Richard F. Rebel wrote: The module I wrote is owned by my prior employer, sorry. I don't know of any other module either. It wasn't that hard to write tho. The part about timing of connections is relatively simple as well, if you don't get X bytes over X amount of tim

[Slightly OT] Standardizing image uploads/making thumbnails

2005-03-05 Thread jonathan vanasco
I'm trying to figure out a way to standardize image uploads and make thumbnails What have people here found good to use (a2/mp2)? As far as CPAN mods/interfaces go GD seems to be faster , but it looks awful ImageMagick looks better, more stress on the server Imager looks

Re: [Slightly OT] Standardizing image uploads/making thumbnails

2005-03-05 Thread jonathan vanasco
The consensus on perlmonks seems to be that GD and ImageMagick can be a pain. I'm gonna try netpbm and Imager. i've used NetPBM in the past and found it pretty fast and super easy to install. On Mar 5, 2005, at 11:57 PM, Sam Tregar wrote: Krang ( uses Imager to do thumbn

Specifying File Permissions for Apache/MP2 created files

2005-03-06 Thread jonathan vanasco
I can't seem to find this in the books or online docs All files seem to be created 600 owned by the Apache user/group - which is a little annoying for me is there a setting available?

Re: Specifying File Permissions for Apache/MP2 created files

2005-03-07 Thread jonathan vanasco
It should -- but a lot of other 'environments' / 'frameworks' have "ideal" ways to set it. for instance the Exim MTA will let you hardcode it into the binary as a global value, or set it in certain places for different behavior I'm wondering if mod_perl has a similar mechanism On Mar 7, 2

Re: Specifying File Permissions for Apache/MP2 created files

2005-03-07 Thread jonathan vanasco
This was in reference to : case a) open FILE , ">/path/to/file"; print FILE ""; close FILE; case b) $upload = $apr->upload("identifier"); $upload->link("/path/to/file"); I'm sure there are other cases, such as In any event: files are created oct(600) directories are

Re: mod_perl/Apache troubles with cell phone

2005-03-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Assuming the mod_perl works with a normal browser, I would ask this: a_ is the mod_perl serving the 'phone' directly, or is there an intermediary cache in between (ie, squid proxies to mod_perl or vanilla httpd, or a vanilla httpd proxies certain content to mod_perl) if not, i suggest that you

ModPerl performance on BSDs

2005-03-10 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm looking at moving my project from a linux to a bsd environment, for security and speed -- bsd seems to be doing real well for web stuff right now. I've been looking mostly at NetBSD, FreeBSD and OpenBSD -- has anyone had remarkable success or misfortune with modperl2 under these environmen

Re: shared memory

2005-03-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
look into memcached -- On Mar 15, 2005, at 11:35 AM, André Warnier wrote: Hello list. Having looked hi and lo for definite information on the subject, found a lot but a bit confusing... Environment : Apache 2 / mod_perl 2 / perl 5.8.4+ Windows and Unix(es) Apache mod_p

Re: shared memory

2005-03-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
sqlite3 is closer in speed to bdb than mysql, and offers more of the 'accessibility' that mysql offers. i find myself using it much more than bdb lately On Mar 15, 2005, at 1:04 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote: This is true, but it sounds like Andre wants to replace a bespoke database structure with so

Re: shared memory

2005-03-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i've found sqlite3 to be wy faster than mysql for simple transactions and, while there can be delays from locking, the speed improvements of querying more than make up for it in the instances I've tested obviously, its not an answer to everything -- but for some situations, its quite nice

Re: shared memory

2005-03-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
He's my naive understanding of your concerns, someone here may have to correct me: On Mar 15, 2005, at 6:26 PM, André Warnier wrote: I have previously gone though a lot of perl and mod_perl documentation, and perl module descriptions, and I never seemed to find a clear answer about wether yes o

[OT] Performance Question

2005-03-15 Thread jonathan vanasco
I'm marking this questions OT because its not entirely mod_perl, but not entirely not-mod_perl... I'm going to serve a potentially large amount of images , so have decided to use directory hashing to store them, along with either sequential numbering or a 32char hex identifier -- so

Re: shared memory

2005-03-15 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Mar 15, 2005, at 7:30 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote: Don't fork with an open database connection and then try to use it. It will not work. Really? I figured that it would work just right -- except whatever you programmed to use that will crash and burn and time out waiting to access the single s

Re: shared memory

2005-03-15 Thread jonathan vanasco
And we appreciate it. :) ditto

Re: shared memory

2005-03-16 Thread jonathan vanasco
I just saw perrin's post on perlmonks -- can't remember my login/pass for there just wanted to clarify - i said that it was closer to the speed of bdb than mysql -- not faster than bdb most of my tests have been with selects though -- i routinely use it as a way to store/retrieve certain types

Re: Specifying File Permissions for Apache/MP2 created files

2005-03-17 Thread jonathan vanasco
Just setting a simple umask did do the trick for 90% of my needs I'm stuck on one issue though -- $req = Apache::Request->new($r); $upload = $req->upload("foo"); $upload->link('/path/to/file'); no matter what or when I set the umask, file permissions are unix 600 I say 'when', because

Re: Specifying File Permissions for Apache/MP2 created files

2005-03-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
After posting on the libaprq list i learned this: "libaprq has the file permissions hardcoded to 0600 and ignores the user's umask" chmod is in order. On Mar 18, 2005, at 12:20 AM, jonathan vanasco wrote: Just setting a simple umask did do the trick for 90% of my needs I'm

Re: [Slightly OT] Standardizing image uploads/making thumbnails

2005-03-26 Thread jonathan vanasco
This is just a followup to an earlier question about efficiently thumbnailing images. I benched everything I could find, which meant the following: netpbm ImageMagick GD Imager And did so using a 90kb jpg that is scaled to fit a 200x200 box The GD jpgs didn't look good. So i threw them

Re: [Slightly OT] Standardizing image uploads/making thumbnails

2005-03-26 Thread jonathan vanasco
OMFG i don't know c -- i hacked something together tonight in 4 hours (it would have taken 4minutes if i knew c) average time for a resize now -- 0.017 that's roughly 1/6 the speed of PIL, and 1/12th of ImageMagick AMAZING On Mar 26, 2005, at 2:08 PM, D. Hageman wrote: I have one more suggestion

Re: Segmentation Fault

2005-03-31 Thread Jonathan Vanasco troubleshooting.html#_exit_signal_Segmentation_fault__11___with_mysql troubleshooting.html#Segmentation_Fault_when_Using_DBI

Re: Segmentation Fault

2005-03-31 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
All you need to do is rebuild php. On Mar 31, 2005, at 4:26 PM, Rodger Castle wrote: I had no success with this fix, however. Not that I tried very hard. I've been getting irritated with PHP lately anyway.

mod_perl stops working

2005-04-01 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
All of the sudden, on an apachectl restart, this started happening. Can't locate object method "boot" via package "mod_perl" at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Apache/ line 8.\nCompilation failed in require at /webserver/sites/

Re: Segmentation Fault

2005-04-01 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Apr 1, 2005, at 9:39 AM, Andreas Krüger wrote: All you need to do is rebuild php. Ehm, in what way? So, I first need to build mod_perl, THEN build php? This is my build order notepad that i refer to when updating. It should help. download: apache2 - be

Re: OOP or functional?

2005-04-02 Thread jonathan vanasco
According to Benchmarks in the mod_perl books, the speed of execution was not significantly slower Couples with the reusability, extensibility, and faster integration of oop style code, i went for OOP On Apr 2, 2005, at 8:29 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote: Hi, As a general idea, what way do you sug

How do I catch errors with Apache::Upload

2005-04-02 Thread jonathan vanasco
Apache::Upload seems to be working fine -- as long as I upload something If i upload nothing, i get all sorts of errors. i assumed I would get them, as this problem came about while I was trying to work in routines for handling data of the wrong type. I just can't figure out how one catches

Re: Configuration for redundancy?

2005-04-05 Thread jonathan vanasco
I'll second Zawodny's book. It's a quick read. OT, A decent backup scheme mentioned in it is to run a slave on a separate machine, and then do all your backups off that (as you wont have to shut the main machine down, and it will resync up when bro

Re: How do I catch errors with Apache::Upload

2005-04-05 Thread jonathan vanasco
I can't seem to get that working, best as I try. Does anyone have other suggestions? My main problem right now, is that if I upload 'nothing', i get an error of the sort: can't find Content-Type header According to the mp1 docs/examples: $upload = $apr->upload('fieldname') if (!

Re: How to parse GET and POST methods in mod_perl 2.0

2005-04-07 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I just do this: use Apache::Request () sub handler { my $r = shift; my $apr = Apache::Request->new( $r , DISABLE_UPLOADS=>0, POST_MAX=>10 ); $get_var = $apr->param('fieldname'); $post_var = $apr->param('fieldname'); } On Apr 7, 2005, at 11:44 AM, Durga Prasad Mohapatra wrote: H

Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl 2.0-RC5

2005-04-11 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Apr 11, 2005, at 10:05 AM, Geoffrey Young wrote: *** YOU WILL NEED TO MODIFY ALL YOUR CODE AFTER UPGRADING *** Is there going to be another one of these for mod_perl under Apache2.1 ?

Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl 2.0-RC5

2005-04-11 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Apr 11, 2005, at 12:34 PM, Stas Bekman wrote: find /usr/lib/perl5 | grep Apache2 | xargs rm -rf find /usr/lib/perl5 -name 'Apache2' -exec rm -rf {} \; adjust /usr/lib/perl5 to point to the root of your perl lib. be careful though when you do 'rm -rf' :) if anyone gets paranoid, you can always ju

Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl 2.0-RC5

2005-04-11 Thread jonathan vanasco, pid=5152 Attempt to free unreferenced scalar at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/Test/ line 31. does anyone have a suggestion? On Apr 11, 2005, at 7:04 PM, Philip M. Gollucci wrote: jonathan vanasco wrote: does anyone know if libaprq needs to be rebuilt? or will it work ? No it will not.

Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl 2.0-RC5

2005-04-11 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Apr 11, 2005, at 7:16 PM, Philip M. Gollucci wrote: perl with or without ithreads apr with threads worker or prefork mpm? standard perl – that is one thing i never want to compile on my own apr seems to have APR_USE_PTHREAD_SERIALIZE httpd is prefork_mpm did i choose the wrong stuff for apache?

Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl 2.0-RC5

2005-04-11 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Apr 11, 2005, at 7:09 PM, jonathan vanasco wrote: i fear that i'm going to want backport to RC4 soon... and so I have! I need to spend my time right now developing this webapp i've been slaving on - i'm gonna hold off on RC5 until there's a libaprq release for it Th

Re: APR::Const

2005-04-12 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
If I remember correctly, APR::Const - mp2 rc5 Apache::Const - mp2 <= rc4 Apache::Constant- mp1 Apologies if this is all wrong. On Apr 12, 2005, at 10:39 AM, Randy Kobes wrote: On Tue, 12 Apr 2005, Octavian Rasnita wrote: Hi, I have tried to us

Searches and Redirects

2005-04-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This is an approach in mod_perl question -- not a development/installation question. How do people usually handle searches and redirects? IE - someone searches for something, you process the search, and if there's one record, you redirect them to that record. Except, in that situation, the brows

Re: Wrong page being displayed

2005-04-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Sometimes something similar happens to me when I'm working on my dev machine and have automatic reloading turned on via Apache::Reload Many times, Apache::Reload doesn't pick up the file change, or, for whatever reason, gets really screwed up and needs a reboot doing a /usr/local/apache2/bin/a

Re: Which OS would you choose given a free choice

2005-04-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Apr 15, 2005, at 1:43 PM, Dan Brian wrote: FreeBSD is fast, clean, and well-supported. Best server OS I've used. We're in the process of moving all of our web stuff to FreeBSD as well.

Re: RC5 really broke some stuff

2005-04-20 Thread jonathan vanasco
Its pretty well documented everywhere -- including the announcement and install instructions libapreq does not work right yet. if you're dealing with production or stability sensitive stuff, i'd suggest keeping a copy of RC4 running and development on that release, then reading the migration

Re: RC5 really broke some stuff

2005-04-20 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Apr 21, 2005, at 12:10 AM, Michael J Schout wrote: you will also need to use perl modules for mod_perl that were released before rc5 -- as many are in the process of being ported over. the modules you use will be a mix of current-version modules and their immedia

Re: RC5 really broke some stuff

2005-04-21 Thread jonathan vanasco
On Apr 21, 2005, at 2:17 AM, Foo Ji-Haw wrote: People like Jonathan and myself just have to double up (or triple-up!) because of the change. Try telling that to your bosses that the latest version of modperl is holding things back ('told you we should've used Java!'). On Apr 21, 2005, at 1:14 A

Re: Reading err_headers_out values

2005-04-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
At first look, it makes sense -- '1st while' is dealing with the scalar reference, '2nd while' is reading it into a hash but then i notice that there are 3 oranges, and 1 lemon now i feel a few pieces short of a fruit salad. (drum roll, please) sorry, i didn't have my morning espressos today. thi

Re: reading post data.

2005-04-23 Thread jonathan vanasco
works in RC4 + libapreq 2.04 use Apache::Request() sub handler { my $r = shift; my $apr = Apache::Request->new( $r , DISABLE_UPLOADS=>0, POST_MAX=>10 ); $stringvalue = $apr->param($stringname); } RC5 is slightly different from the namespace stuff, and you need to run one of the

Re: RC5 really broke some stuff

2005-04-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I felt that for a moment too, then I read up online and saw Stas and the other core developers thoughts as Perrin highlighted below. I'm sure there could have been a million and one ways to delay the change... but they had a real imperative to do it as RC5. Not to mention -- I'm really glad th

Re: Path issue

2005-04-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
you'll have to get the current svn from i think the tar/gz on the middle of that page is still the RC4 compatible version On Apr 25, 2005, at 2:48 PM, Cure wrote: will upgrade. Where can I found libapreq 2 on cpan ?

Re: libapreq2 2.05

2005-04-26 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
For that, you won't get the help you need here. i'd suggest posting that, along with the specific versions of freebsd perl and apache2 to the apreq list [EMAIL PROTECTED] - discusses libapreq development - list archi

Sessions in rc6+ ?

2005-05-27 Thread jonathan vanasco
Has anyone ported Apache::Session to apache2 yet? or know how to get that stuff to work?

Re: Sessions in rc6+ ?

2005-05-27 Thread jonathan vanasco
can add to that docs what are core modules, and what are commonly confused as such? On May 27, 2005, at 6:13 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote: On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 18:08 -0400, jonathan vanasco wrote: Has anyone ported Apache::Session to apache2 yet? There's no porting to be done. A

Re: a mystery.. need help

2005-05-30 Thread jonathan vanasco
This list is just about mod_perl -- the apache module that integrates a perl interpreter into apache To learn about apache modules, look on a website like On May 29, 2005, at 10:10 PM, Luinrandir Insight wrote: OK.. first .. if I have the wrong list.. if this list is just about

Re: Apache Error Log Format

2005-05-31 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I really have no idea, but no one has chimed up on this, so I'll try to help (and maybe someone here can clear up my misconceptions) MP writes to STDERR, BUT things can get weird because of the way apache2 handles error messages -- I could have this wrong, but mp errors and perl errors seem

Re: Apache2::Cookie confusing path and domain

2005-06-29 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Jun 29, 2005, at 2:04 PM, Chris Jacobson wrote: $cookie->path("/foo/"); Changing my code to work in that fashion caused the 'domain' problem to go away. I know this is not a real solution, but it will avoid the bug until such time that it is fixed. If you don't upgrade to the c

Re: [mp2] Method Handlers creating a new object vs ref

2005-07-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
It was annoying to get my head around this. the 'magic' part of it holds true and makes it confusing. for the longest time, i would just print $var, ref $var and other stuff to STDERR to try and get my head around it I never quite did completely understand it, but doing the above trained

Two Server Setup Strategy Question

2005-07-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'd like to use the 2+ server setup strategy: Vanilla Apache bound to port 80 proxypass to mod_perl server on different ports I got that running on Linux using 2 sourcetrees as in the modperlbook I just got a new server with FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE on it, and am new to all the port

Re: Version Control

2005-07-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I really like Subversion but i'm not too crazy about it without trac. i don't use trac for ticketing though - i use it for viewing changesets and versions of files -- its absolutely amazing at that

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