Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Germano
Io uso Kmail e leggo le tue e-mail perfettamente eppure non mi sembra che la mia lingua preferita sia i Tagikistano Arcaico delle Montagne del Nord Est (infatti io sono del Sud-Ovest :-D). Ciao, Ge Il 08:43, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, ku68 hai scritto: Daniele Micci wrote: Il giorno 18:23,

[newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Cristiano Calvi
Ciao a tutti. Ho un problema che si era presentato poco tempo fa ma che non sono riuscito a risolvere: la connessione con ppp mi cade durante la fase iniziale dell'autenticazione con il server. Forse il problema risolvibile impostando tempi di attesa pi lunghi ma sinceramente sono molto

[newbie-it] Scuse, ringraziamenti informazioni

2002-03-28 Thread mailing -
Prima di tutto è giusto chiedere scusa se l'altro giorno mi è partita una e-mail al gruppo ( mount partizione ntfs) con la richiesta di conferma lettura... ...umilmente scusa!!! :-) Poi voglio ringraziare quanti hanno iniziato a dedicarmi un pochino del loro tempo! edinfine...alcune

[newbie-it] openoffice e controllo ortografico in italiano

2002-03-28 Thread Biss
Ho trovato in giro Openoffice 641b tradotto in italiano. Speravo che funzionasse pure il controllo ortografico in italiano ma sono rimasto deluso. Qualcuno magari conosce qualche trucco per fsrgli andare questa funzione in italiano? Biss

Re: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-28 Thread Andrea Celli
ku68 wrote: fabrizio wrote: Ho ritrovato questa mail ed è esattamente quello che mi è capitato. se cerchi tra gli archivi della ML (stitoMandrake - MailingList) trovi anche numerose risposte a quesiti simili Come posso far riconoscere sia il cd che il master a X-cd-roast o a

Re: [newbie-it] openoffice e controllo ortografico in italiano

2002-03-28 Thread ku68
- Original Message - From: Biss [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Newbie-It [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 9:58 AM Subject: [newbie-it] openoffice e controllo ortografico in italiano Ho trovato in giro Openoffice 641b tradotto in italiano. Speravo che funzionasse pure il

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread ENx
Ciao, Che programma usi per connetterti? Anch' io ho avuto il tuo problema, e ho scoperto che nella negoziazione dello user name e password con il provider non partiva il demone ppp. Ho risolto il problema usando kppp e tutto funziona a meraviglia! Spero di esserti stato almeno un po' d'aiuto

[newbie-it] Upgrade da 8.1 a 8.2

2002-03-28 Thread Leonardo Orazi
Utilizzo una distribuzione 8.1 che volevo ora aggiornare con la 8.2. La mia intenzione è quella di lasciare la configurazione del sistema il più possibile intonsa. Qualcuno ha provato ad utilizzare l'opzione di installazione Upgrade packages only? Problemi riscontrati? Ciao Leonardo

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Cristiano Calvi
Che programma usi per connetterti? Anch' io ho avuto il tuo problema, e ho scoperto che nella negoziazione dello user name e password con il provider non partiva il demone ppp. Ho risolto il problema usando kppp e tutto funziona a meraviglia! Spero di esserti stato almeno un po' d'aiuto Io uso

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Andrea Celli
Cristiano Calvi wrote: Che programma usi per connetterti? Anch' io ho avuto il tuo problema, e ho scoperto che nella negoziazione dello user name e password con il provider non partiva il demone ppp. Ho risolto il problema usando kppp e tutto funziona a meraviglia! Spero di esserti stato

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread ENx
Anch' io avevo provato con Gnomoppp e non avevo avuto risultati!! L'unica soluzione che sono riuscito a usare è stata kppp! ho notato che fa partire il demone ppp subito dopo essersi connesso e prima di negoziare la user name e password, mentre tutti gli altri programmi facevano il contrario!

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread Loredana
Rispondo al messaggio di Mike che è riportato in basso: Ho seguito le istruzioni che mi hai dato, ho provato con: linux root =/dev/hda2 linux root =/dev/hda5 ( di default c'è scritto che considera la hda6 ) Parte il Loading linux..., mi dice ...OK..booting the kernel E poi si blocca di nuovo

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-03-28 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano
On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 20:58:18 +0100 nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Salve a tutti, sono un felice possessore di SbLive! Ma sotto linux mi trovo un pò in imbarazzo quando voglio ascoltare i files midi. Esiste il modo di sfruttare le potenzialità della scheda, magari tramite alsa, o uno è

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Cristiano Calvi
Prova a lanciare contemporaneamente, come root, da terminale # tail -f /var/log/messages per vedere cosa sta succedendo. ciao, Andrea Proverò senz'altro subito poi provo a riportare qui quello che mi dice il log.

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread ENx
Credo che al posto di linux root =/dev/hda5 tu debba scrivere linux root =/dev/hda5 senza parentesi angolari() Ciao ENx Loredana wrote: Rispondo al messaggio di Mike che riportato inbasso:Ho seguito le istruzioni che mi hai dato,ho provato con:linux root =/dev/hda2linux root

[newbie-it] lettori mp3

2002-03-28 Thread tom
Salve a tutti. Qualcuno di voi mi sa consilgire un lettore mp3 diverso da xmms? a me interesa un lettore che addia una playlis a desktop tipo xmms=winump. grazie Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread ENx
Per poter installare e usare kppp non devi installare per forza tutti i componenti di kde!! Penso che ti bastano solo le librerie e il core pi kde-network! Ciao ENx Cristiano Calvi wrote: Penso che il problema sia proprio quello che hai descritto. Purtroppo io ho intallato solo Gnome perche'

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread Loredana
Riferito al messaggio di ENx: Ho provato anche senza parentesi angolari: linux root =/dev/hda5 Niente da fare ,l'esito è lo stesso Riferito al messaggio di Leonardo Orazi: la tua procedura sembra complessa, aspetto che qualcuno commenti il tuo consiglio (come mi hai suggerito) e

Re: [newbie-it] lettori mp3

2002-03-28 Thread Germano
Non ho capito cosa ti serve ma prova con Kmp3. Ciao, Germano Il 13:01, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, tom hai scritto: Salve a tutti. Qualcuno di voi mi sa consilgire un lettore mp3 diverso da xmms? a me interesa un lettore che addia una playlis a desktop tipo xmms=winump. grazie Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] xmmx

2002-03-28 Thread Taschetta, M. - MXPCP
ciao, qualcuna sa spiegarmi come installare xmms? grazie a chi rispondera' marco ** For information, services and offers, please visit our web site: This e-mail and any attachment may contain confidential

Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 08:43, gioved 28 marzo 2002, hai scritto: Non so il perch.Ricevo e leggo tutto perfettamente. La codifica che uso south european iso -8859-3 se mi dite cosa devo cambiare lo faccio pi che volentieri. Ciao ku68 iso -8859-15 -- - --

Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Daniele Micci
Il giorno 08:43, gioved 28 marzo 2002 hai scritto: Non so il perch.Ricevo e leggo tutto perfettamente. La codifica che uso south european iso -8859-3 se mi dite cosa devo cambiare lo faccio pi che volentieri. Ciao ku68 Ciao, il set giusto l'ISO-8859-1 oppure -15 (quest'ultimo quello

Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Daniele Micci
Il giorno 10:20, giovedì 28 marzo 2002 hai scritto: Io uso Kmail e leggo le tue e-mail perfettamente eppure non mi sembra che la mia lingua preferita sia i Tagikistano Arcaico delle Montagne del Nord Est (infatti io sono del Sud-Ovest :-D). Ciao, Ge E' proprio per quello: il KMail che

[newbie-it] DivX5: A voi funziona?? A me no. Perchè?

2002-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ciao a tutti/e, ho scaricato dal sito il decoder per Linux per poter vedere i filmati creati in DivX 5. Per installarlo, come da istruzioni, ho scompresso il file, sono entrato come root, sono andato in shell ed ho fatto ./ Non mi è apparso nessun messaggio di errore

Re: [newbie-it] xmmx

2002-03-28 Thread paolo brusasco
se hai i dischetti di m8.1 c'e'. puoi installarlo con mandrake control center/system/software installation (ci sono molti plugin...) Taschetta, M. - MXPCP wrote: ciao, qualcuna sa spiegarmi come installare xmms? grazie a chi rispondera' marco

R: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-28 Thread Nicola Spreafico
Per far riconoscere il lettore cd a x-cd-roast devi fare in modo che anche questo device venga emulato scsi, così come succede per il CDR. Occorre modificare il file /etc/fstab e fare in modo che invece di vedere il cdrom come hdb (probabilmente!!) lo veda come scd0 o scd1. Saluti /*Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-03-28 Thread nicola
Alle 12:39, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, hai scritto: On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 20:58:18 +0100 nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Salve a tutti, sono un felice possessore di SbLive! Ma sotto linux mi trovo un pò in imbarazzo quando voglio ascoltare i files midi. Esiste il modo di sfruttare le

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Il 12:26, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic, Loredana ha scritto: Ho seguito le istruzioni che mi hai dato, ho provato con: linux root =/dev/hda2 linux root =/dev/hda5 ( di default c'è scritto che considera la

Re: [newbie-it] Scuse, ringraziamenti informazioni

2002-03-28 Thread miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Il 10:32, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Scuse, ringraziamenti informazioni, mailing - ha scritto: Dove voglio arrivare? Beh...nulla di particolaregestire con semplicità reti locali di medie

Re: [newbie-it] come faccio a togliermi dalla lista??

2002-03-28 Thread Lino Garbellini
come faccio a togliermi dalla lista?? Ciao Grazie

Re: [newbie-it] come faccio a togliermi dalla lista??

2002-03-28 Thread Brunini Alessandro
Il ven, 2002-03-29 alle 00:08, Lino Garbellini ha scritto: come faccio a togliermi dalla lista?? Ciao Grazie pensa... la risposta è proprio nella mail che hai mandato... Un saluto.

Re: R: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-28 Thread ku68
Nicola Spreafico wrote: Per far riconoscere il lettore cd a x-cd-roast devi fare in modo che anche questo device venga emulato scsi, così come succede per il CDR. Occorre modificare il file /etc/fstab e fare in modo che invece di vedere il cdrom come hdb (probabilmente!!) lo veda come scd0 o

Re: [newbie] Package question

2002-03-28 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Barry Michels wrote: ok, I finally got drakupdaterobot installed and setup, but every time I run it, it says: Segmentation fault (core dumped) Not that I need the seg faults but is this drakupdaterobot available on Mdk 8.0 as a GUI or is it only available as a cmd line tool? --

Re: [newbie] To Femme

2002-03-28 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
FemmeFatale wrote: -- Good Decisions You boss Made: We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that character from Peanuts. - Source: Dilbert You have just made my week Femme, THANKS -- ===

Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
bascule wrote: hi, did you mount the cd on /mnt/cdrom when adding it as a source? and did you define it as a 'removable source'? I seem to not need to mount after I insert a CD as it auto mounts. How do I mount the CD once I have loaded the CD in the drive via a GUI please but I'll accept

Re: [newbie] Audiogalaxy Satellite

2002-03-28 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 28 March 2002 08:22, Graham Watkins wrote: Stojs wrote: Is the evil Gator installed with the Linux version of the satellite? Graham Watkins wrote: Just installed the audiogalaxy satellite for Linux. (AGSatellite0520-glibc21.tar.gz) All seemed to go well. Is that

Re: [newbie] To Femme

2002-03-28 Thread FemmeFatale
Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote: FemmeFatale wrote: -- Good Decisions You boss Made: We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that character from Peanuts. - Source: Dilbert You have just made my week Femme, THANKS -- Glad you liked it :) I got it from

Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread FemmeFatale
Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote: I think it is time to reinstall personally but I know someone who has been getting me to change hundreds of files for configuration of this and that just isn't going to be happy. :( Asides from that I am not able to do a backup yet as my NIC isn't working.

[newbie] php session problem

2002-03-28 Thread Baris Simsek
hi, i installed Mandrake 8.2 with Apache+mod_php+php+mysql I can't use session. I developed a program under Slackware 8.0. it is working. But it doesnt work under 8.2. I checked and i see that, when a browser connect to page, php opens separate sesison for each page. For that it can not

Re: [newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

2002-03-28 Thread Rob
Hello Gerald, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I realise it should show the local IP address, but should it be that of the locally assigned ppp port provided by the ISP's DNS server, or that of the ethernet card which I can't see relevant to this. When I ping the external server port, it displays my

[newbie] still troubles with SNF

2002-03-28 Thread maurizio . laudone
Ok guys, maybe I'm thick...but this stuff is giving me a really bad headache I can see the internet from the firewall I setup with SNFI can see the firewall from a computer connected to the Hubbut if I try to use the dhcp server from the firewall it doesn't get any ip...and if I try to

Re: [newbie] VMWare 3

2002-03-28 Thread Wayne Petherick
Damian, thanks for the reply. I have gotten it to work, but I get errors related to not being able to find a bootable cd-rom or floppy. Restart and try again. I didn't have these probs before and figured it was something to do with the recompilation. The devices are set up and there, they

[newbie] What's different with cron?

2002-03-28 Thread Brian Parish
Hi, Some time ago a kind soul sent me a set of backup scripts which do a wonderful job of automating a weekly full backup and daily incremental cycle. They even restore! Proved that a fews days ago when I had a disk crash. These are launched as root of course, so after having run them a

Re: [newbie] LM 8.1 reverting to default mouse settings

2002-03-28 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy
On Thursday 28 March 2002 04:12 am, you wrote: I've changed my mouse settings in the Mandrake Control Centre, but I've selected the wrong mouse, so now I can't use it. Does anyone know how to revert to the default mouse from the command prompt, or any other way using only the keyboard? N

Re: [newbie] OMG u have to see this!!!

2002-03-28 Thread Kenn Yahoo
works for me ... try again ... (and the subject is a hacking of microsoft's web site) ... - Original Message - From: Damian [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:59 PM Subject: Re: [newbie] OMG u have to see this!!! El mié, 27-03-2002 a las 17:22,

RE: [newbie] What's different with cron?

2002-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check that all calls to programs like 'tar cpio' etc are explicitly called using full path from root. I believe that cron does not know about your environment as it does when you are in a shell. If this does not work, post the scripts. HTH Dave. Original Message: - From:

[newbie] Forceful umount or PARTED help?

2002-03-28 Thread Zlatko Savic
Hey everyone, I used the 'rescue' option from the Mandrake Install (8.1) CD and after it was loaded and all partitions were mounted, I tried to unmount my /dev/hda5, which is my root during normal usage. However, the response was that the 'device or resource is busy'. I tried umount -f

[newbie] iptables / ipchains / bastille ??!!

2002-03-28 Thread Hanan Shargi
Hi every one, I spent the past 2 days ( almost ) reading about how to set ip masquerading , iptables, ipchains, setting NFS etc. just to be able to put my hands on the problem why cant my w2k machine ping the linux machine ( both on a lan where linux machine has 2 eth cards, one IP for

[newbie] Curious problem with wu-ftp

2002-03-28 Thread Sullivan, Nick
I have a newbie problem with FTP-ing to my linux box from my Win2K machine. I'm running the simplist of simple networks of just two CPU's networked together with an cross-over cable. The problem is that I can only FTP from Windows to my Linux box when I'm *on-line*. Once I get off the

Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 28 March 2002 03:58 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote: I think it is time to reinstall personally but I know someone who has been getting me to change hundreds of files for configuration of this and that just isn't going to be happy. :( Asides from that I am not able to do a

Re: [newbie] OMG u have to see this!!!

2002-03-28 Thread Damian
El jue, 28-03-2002 a las 11:06, Kenn Yahoo escribió: works for me ... try again ... (and the subject is a hacking of microsoft's web site) ... yeah t worked now, looks like they were doing some maintenance yesterday. cool, MS got kicked because of a security issue they already had patches

Re: [newbie] VMWare 3

2002-03-28 Thread Damian
El jue, 28-03-2002 a las 10:40, Wayne Petherick escribió: Damian, thanks for the reply. I have gotten it to work, but I get errors related to not being able to find a bootable cd-rom or floppy. Restart and try again. I didn't have these probs before and figured it was something to do

[newbie] Permissions on directory changing themselves

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson
I created a directory '/home/shared' to use for a shared nfs/samba mount point. (/home is the only partition I have large enough for the shared area, plus I can back up the shared directory along with home directories by simply backing up /home.) I changed the group ownership to 'shared' and

Re: [newbie] OT CHEER UP Femme :)

2002-03-28 Thread Randy Kramer
Jan, Thank you very much! I have created a new page: (There was a slight delay while I located Belize ;-) And included a portion of that on the summary page:

Re: [newbie] Permissions on directory changing themselves

2002-03-28 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 28 March 2002 17:56, Jim Dawson wrote: I created a directory '/home/shared' to use for a shared nfs/samba mount point. (/home is the only partition I have large enough for the shared area, plus I can back up the shared directory along with home directories by simply backing up

Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread bascule
On Thursday 28 March 2002 9:58 am, you wrote: I seem to not need to mount after I insert a CD as it auto mounts. How do I mount the CD once I have loaded the CD in the drive via a GUI please but I'll accept cmd line. I did declare it as a removable source though. if the cd is mounted then

Re: [newbie] VMWare 3

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson
I answered 'yes' to continue with GCC 2.96 and it seems to have worked OK. I'm re-installing Win2K in my vmWare session as I type this message. On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 17:39, Wayne Petherick wrote: I just installed 8.2 and went to install VMware 3, but it tells me it was not built for this

[newbie] Help w/ Laptop (winbook xl)

2002-03-28 Thread Timothy J. Ryan
I have tried to install Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 on my Winbook XL and it locks up when I looks for PCMCIA devices. I have heard something about the Kernel not supporting older PCMCIA archetecture, but I'm not sure about that. I have gotten 8.2 istalled using the command "linux pcmcia=0" but then I

Re: [newbie] Help w/ Laptop (winbook xl)

2002-03-28 Thread Joan Tur
Es Dijous 28 Març 2002 21:14, en Timothy J. Ryan va escriure: I have tried to install Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 on my Winbook XL and it locks up when I looks for PCMCIA devices. That happened to me and I solved it turning off PnP OS in Bios. Try that... -- Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain AOL

[newbie] Update from 8.0 directly to 8.2

2002-03-28 Thread Marc Audard
Hi, I would like to make sure that it is OK to update LM 8.0 (including the updates for this release) to the latest LM 8.2 without having to upgrade to 8.1 first. Thanks, Marc Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Sullivan, Nick Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] copy all

2002-03-28 Thread Bill Winegarden
Hi, A while back someone gave the command for a total, recursive copy of all files for a drive to drive exchange. I searched the archive but to no avail. I can't remember the subject line so I hope someone will have the info at hand. tia, Bill W. Want to buy your Pack or

Re: [newbie] Permissions on directory changing themselves

2002-03-28 Thread civileme
Jim Dawson wrote: I created a directory '/home/shared' to use for a shared nfs/samba mount point. (/home is the only partition I have large enough for the shared area, plus I can back up the shared directory along with home directories by simply backing up /home.) I changed the group ownership

Re: [newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread shane
The campaign, called We have the way out, describes Unix as an expensive trap. No wonder Unix makes you feel boxed in. It ties you to an inflexible system. It requires you to pay for expensive experts. It makes you struggle daily with a server environment that's more complex than ever, one ad

[newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread poogle
Probably start another lengthy thread here but I see that Codeweavers now have a crossover that allows MS Office (including Outlook partly) to run under Linux. I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not, on the one hand it blows away a lot of the arguments against migrating an office

Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 28 March 2002 20:11, you wrote: Blood Slap wrote: Well, it turns out I shouldn't have created a partition on my new drive before using Ghost, so I did all of my crap again, and I now have Linux installed. modem doesn't work :( I have a Best Data Smart

Re: [newbie] copy all

2002-03-28 Thread Robin Turner
On Thursday 28 March 2002 20:16, Bill Winegarden wrote: Hi, A while back someone gave the command for a total, recursive copy of all files for a drive to drive exchange. I searched the archive but to no avail. I can't remember the subject line so I hope someone will have the info at

[newbie] [OT] Re: Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Robin Turner
On Thursday 28 March 2002 07:37, shane wrote: The campaign, called We have the way out, describes Unix as an expensive trap. No wonder Unix makes you feel boxed in. It ties you to an inflexible system. It requires you to pay for expensive experts. It makes you struggle daily with a server

[newbie] Apache is broken

2002-03-28 Thread Ibly Piblo
Hello fellow newbies. Can someone help me fix Apache? It gives errors that say: service httpd start Starting httpd-perl: fopen: No such file or directory httpd-perl: could not open document config file /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf

Re: [newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread Jose Mirles
poogle wrote: Probably start another lengthy thread here but I see that Codeweavers now have a crossover that allows MS Office (including Outlook partly) to run under Linux. I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not, on the one hand it blows away a lot of the arguments against

Re: [newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread Ronald J. Hall
poogle wrote: Personally I would find it hard to put an Office CD into the tray and install it into Mandrake, just doesn't seem right somehow I'm with you. I'm glad its there, available for those who need it, but I'll never use it... ;-) --

Re: [newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread shane
On Friday 29 March 2002 05:56 am, poogle opened a hailing frequency and transmitted: I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not, on the one hand it blows away a lot of the arguments against migrating an office environment to Linux but on the other hand it could harm the excellent

Re: [newbie] Conection problem

2002-03-28 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 10:12:31 -0300 (ART) Lúcio Costa de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I installed MDK8.2 im my Athlon 1GHz, 256Ram, but I can`t start my dial-up connection. MDK found my USR56K Ext in ttyS1. But if I try connect with server I receve this messege: No carrier I tried

Re: [newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Tim Holmes
What I like is SUN's response: Sun still does not see Microsoft as a real threat in the datacenter market where reliability, availability, serviceability and security are key, the company said. As for Unix being 'inflexible,' 'expensive,' and 'complex,' we feel those are terms much better suited

[newbie] Postfix: Connection refused 8.2

2002-03-28 Thread Miark
I've got the new 8.2 box in as a company server (mail, web, ssh, ftp). The problem that has that has be stumped right now is Postfix. I'm trying to download mail from the new sever, but it appears to be refusing connections. Don't know why. It can send mail, though. I'm not denying anything in

Re: [newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson
UNISYS is getting desperate. It seems they aren't selling as many 16/32-way Windows servers as they thought they would. For some reason companies aren't over-eager to replace their well-established big-iron UNIX infrastructure that processes millions of dollars in transactions every day with with

Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread Blood Slap
Wow, that really sucks, I was sure it was a real modem. That's really disappointing, and it means I have to go out and buy a new one. Should a US Robotics 56KBS 2977 v.90 Hardware PCI modem work without any extra heartache? - Original Message - From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:

Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread Marc
3/29/02 1:04:18 AM, Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Wow, that really sucks, I was sure it was a real modem. That's really disappointing, and it means I have to go out and buy a new one. Should a US Robotics 56KBS 2977 v.90 Hardware PCI modem work without any extra heartache? -

Re: [newbie] Conection problem

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh
On Thursday 28 March 2002 06:32 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote: With the KDE application to dial to my ISP I sometimes get this with show log checked: ATZ OK ATM0L0 OK ATDT8893049 NO CARRIER its timing out. If you just dial your ISP how long before you get a modem tone? -- Gerald Waugh

Re: [newbie] Apache is broken

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh
On Thursday 28 March 2002 05:14 pm, Ibly Piblo wrote: Obviously it can't find these files /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf are they there ls /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf ls /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -- Gerald Waugh Linux user # 255245

Re: [newbie] cgi-bin

2002-03-28 Thread Roger
Assuming your web server is Apache, try to execute http://localhost/cgi-bin/test-cgi test-cgi is located in /var/www/cgi-bin. Roger On Thursday 28 March 2002 12:58 am, you wrote: How can you tell if cgi scripts will work on your web server? I'm sure I have everything in the correct

[newbie] Can't get mandrakeusers

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh
Mar 28 19:32:38 fsn2 named[10366]: Lame server on '' (in ''?): [].53 'NS2.HOST4U.NET' Mar 28 19:32:38 fsn2 named[10366]: Lame server on '' (in ''?): [].53 'NS.HOST4U.NET' Mar 28 19:32:38 fsn2

Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread civileme
Blood Slap wrote: Wow, that really sucks, I was sure it was a real modem. That's really disappointing, and it means I have to go out and buy a new one. Should a US Robotics 56KBS 2977 v.90 Hardware PCI modem work without any extra heartache? - Original Message - From: Derek Jennings

[newbie] PHPnuke or Postnuke

2002-03-28 Thread William R. Nash
Hello, I was playing with PHPnuke 5.5 today. I like the way it works but some of my friends told me to use postnuke that it was better then PHPnuke. I was wondering which is better phpnuke 5.5 or Postnuke 7.1. Bill Nash

[newbie] Inatall phpSysInfo

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh
if you are running Apache and PHP Easy as 1 - 2 - 3 su - password: cd /var/www/html wget tar -zxvf phpSysInfo-2.0.tar.gz enter http://localhost/phpSysInfo-2.0 in yor browsers address bar look at your system Prittie cool, many

Re: [newbie] Help w/ Laptop (winbook xl)

2002-03-28 Thread Timothy J. Ryan
but does your PCMCIA card(s) work??? My only network card is PCMCIA. Thanks TJR --- Joan Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Es Dijous 28 Març 2002 21:14, en Timothy J. Ryan va escriure: I have tried to install Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 on my Winbook XL and it locks up when I looks for PCMCIA

Re: [newbie] Specifying SMTP from command line

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson
Could you send me a copy of this or post it to a ftp or web site? I've been looking (unsuccessfully) for such a utility for quite a while. Thanks. On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 16:54, Gerald Waugh wrote: On Friday 22 March 2002 03:32 pm, Miark wrote: It's a tad more involved that I had hoped, but if

[newbie] POP server need telnet daemon?

2002-03-28 Thread Miark
I understand that you can test a mail server (both POP and SMTP) by using telnet on the appropriate port. Does that stand to reason that you need telnetd running in order to make the mail server work? I'm guessing not, but I'm pretty desperate, so I'm grasping at straws right about now :-)

Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR
Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi I believe this error message is the key. Check the bang line to make sure it's complete and as it should be. Thats the first place to start. The next logical place in the script

RE: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread Mithrilhall2000
Here it is: #!/usr/bin/perl # -- my first perl script! print Content-type: text/html\n\n; print Hello, world!\n; -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark Sent: March 28, 2002 8:43 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie]

Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread Miark
I'd expect it to work, although it doesn't include any HTML. Try this for sh*ts and giggles: #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard); print header, start_html, Hello, world!, end_html; exit; Miark Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly: Here it is: #!/usr/bin/perl # --

[newbie] hosts allow changes

2002-03-28 Thread Miark
Do you have to restart anything after modifying the hosts.allow and host.deny files? Miark Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] OT quick note to Brian Lyvim the rest who care

2002-03-28 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
Hmmm...I think I should have thanked Femme here for the title. Sorry Femme...this is a rogue duplicate thread; threw me off! LX On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 15:28, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: Cervix, Thank you for the complement. I've never been one to accept the assertion that to be passionate about

Re: [newbie] hosts allow changes

2002-03-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR
nope...not a thing. Do you have to restart anything after modifying the hosts.allow and host.deny files? Miark Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR
try it this way...since you've specified to the browser that you're sending HTML then you've got to give it what it's waiting for. html paste below this line = #!/usr/bin/perl # -- my first perl script! print Content-type: text/html\n\n; print

Re: [newbie] POP server need telnet daemon?

2002-03-28 Thread Randy Kramer
Miark wrote: I understand that you can test a mail server (both POP and SMTP) by using telnet on the appropriate port. Does that stand to reason that you need telnetd running in order to make the mail server work? I'm guessing not, but I'm pretty desperate, so I'm grasping at straws right

Re: [newbie] Specifying SMTP from command line

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh
On Thursday 28 March 2002 10:14 pm, Jim Dawson wrote: Could you send me a copy of this or post it to a ftp or web site? I've been looking (unsuccessfully) for such a utility for quite a while. OK , I added some error checking and it should be reasonably foolproof. I am attaching the files

[newbie] POP server need telnet daemon?

2002-03-28 Thread Miark
Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] copy all

2002-03-28 Thread dfox
su cd / tar cvf foo.tar * --exclude /mnt/* cp foo.tar /mnt/other_drive cd /mnt/other_drive tar xf foo.tar Sorry, can't check this, as I only have a few hundred MB left on my hard disk! All the better to use a pipe, then. The above is OK but you have to be able to store the tarball

RE: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread Mithrilhall2000
I tried it and it works fine from the shell but not from a browser. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR Sent: March 28, 2002 9:05 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question try it this way...since you've

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