Re: [ntp:questions] Cheap ($29.90) GPS receiver

2010-04-19 Thread David J Taylor
Terje Mathisen wrote in message [] It would still be limited to the resolution of the rs232 clock, i.e. ~1ms, instead of the ~1us we usually get from PPS receivers. OTOH, for many users 1-3 ms might be just fine, and statistical processing might make it

Re: [ntp:questions] Building FreeBSD V8.0 kernel for PPS

2010-04-17 Thread David J Taylor
I'm not about this weekend either, so play will recommence sometime next week. I'ts synching with a collection of uk.pool servers at the mo, just for the heck of it. Yes, that was how I started when getting the box working - it proved that basic NTP and the network were both OK. I actually

Re: [ntp:questions] how to have offset 1ms

2010-04-16 Thread David J Taylor
On Apr 15, 5:36 pm, unruh wrote: For ms accuracy you would just need usb for power and serial port, but work by Lichvar suggests that you cannot just use the serial port if you want usec accuracy. As an aside, even using serial over USB on Windows you can get millisecond accuracy - no need

Re: [ntp:questions] Building FreeBSD V8.0 kernel for PPS

2010-04-15 Thread David J Taylor
I might have some progress on this. More news later. It seems to be compiling now. I missed something in the instructions, as you do, when it's late and the eyes are going. Regards. Dave B. I used copy and paste from my Web browser into the terminal emulator session! Cheers, David

Re: [ntp:questions] Building FreeBSD V8.0 kernel for PPS

2010-04-15 Thread David J Taylor
Well.. It compiled and installed OK now! :) [] Next step, to spark up NTPD and see if that plays. But that may have to wait till next week, as I'm away for the weekend now. I already have a pre configured GPS RX ready to go however. Thanks everyone for your time and patience. Dave B.

Re: [ntp:questions] Building FreeBSD V8.0 kernel for PPS

2010-04-14 Thread David J Taylor
Hi all again. I'm still trying to follow the instructions at:- [] I did have to go back into sysinstall, to download and install the system sources, but after that, right up to the make buildkernel command, all had gone as described. So, what's missing, and

Re: [ntp:questions] Monitoring FreeBSD temperatures remotely

2010-04-14 Thread David J Taylor
Uwe Klein wrote in message [] There are these nice little USB Adapters available for small money that provide a 40pin/44pin pata and an sata interface and come with a fitting powersupply. ( forex : Digitus DA-70148-1 )

Re: [ntp:questions] Building FreeBSD V8.0 kernel for PPS

2010-04-14 Thread David J Taylor
Hi. [] I was under the impression from prior comments that FreeBSD etc, was good for older lower power machines. But if you need turbo nutterbuster PC's to build it in the first place, just to enable PPS The kettle call's. Regards. Dave B As another datum for you, rebuilding the

Re: [ntp:questions] Building FreeBSD V8.0 kernel for PPS

2010-04-14 Thread David J Taylor
Hi As I had told it during the main OS install, not to enable remote logins, sshd and all that (as I do not intend to remote admin the thing, as I have a KVM switch between 4 machines!) I think yet another protracted full clean install would be needed to do much of that. :( I do not have

Re: [ntp:questions] Monitoring FreeBSD temperatures remotely

2010-04-14 Thread David J Taylor
Uwe Klein wrote in message [] Thanks, Uwe. Yes, that might have been another approach - I can imagine a USB DVD drive being quite handy. I haven't seen that particular device before - very neat! On checking, though, it only says it supports HDD

Re: [ntp:questions] Building FreeBSD V8.0 kernel for PPS

2010-04-14 Thread David J Taylor
I am still confused as to why people recompile their kernel to put in the kernel PPS. Just use the regular ntp devices like shm and a program like gpsd to run pps from userland. I have no idea what advantages the kernel PPS provides, certainly considering the pain of recompiling the kernel. In

Re: [ntp:questions] Monitoring FreeBSD temperatures remotely

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
It took a couple of days just to get FreeBSD V8.0 installed correctly in the first place. One false move (hair trigger enter key) and it's start over time. (OK, so there are probably ways to backtrack, but like many things, it's just not documented.) Agreed. I experimented using a VMware

Re: [ntp:questions] how to have offset 1ms

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter == *ntpgmtaceb .1PPS. 1 u 20 64 3770.144 -0.373 0.863 So it's seems to be really better, isn't it? If that

Re: [ntp:questions] Monitoring FreeBSD temperatures remotely

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
Dave Baxter wrote in message [] It's the documentation for all this I have trouble with. It's either next to nothing, or you get links to several generic manual pages or how to sites, that all say slightly different things. Most confusing and frustrating when you havent

Re: [ntp:questions] how to have offset 1ms

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
After one night, the delay is 29.626 remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter == *ntpgmtaceb .1PPS. 1 u 406 1024 377 29.626 0.867 1.231 if I put the line: server

Re: [ntp:questions] Monitoring FreeBSD temperatures remotely

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
Rob wrote in message [] It probably uses Emacs-style key bindings. That can be very frustrated for users that are not familiar with Emacs. I remember trying to install some Linux distribution, I think it was debian, and giving up after a while for the same reason. There is

Re: [ntp:questions] Monitoring FreeBSD temperatures remotely

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
Rob wrote in message [] Yes, you can add a PPS clock to the NTP configuration via the GUI. Very impressive! When you don't have a DVD, you can use a boot cd and install from the network, or you can boot from the network when you

Re: [ntp:questions] Monitoring FreeBSD temperatures remotely

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
Rob wrote in message [] Ok, that is good. When you get an openSUSE 11.2 DVD you can install a system and configure NTP on it using only the GUI, no need to edit any files. .. what, even if I want to add a GPS using kernel-mode PPS and change the servers to suit my system?

Re: [ntp:questions] how to have offset 1ms

2010-04-13 Thread David J Taylor
Rob wrote in message [] In many applications, it is more important that all devices within some environment agree upon the same standard time, than that this standard time is within a small offset of true atomic time. However,

[ntp:questions] NTP errors are caused by single and multi-bit memory errors (was: Re: questions Digest, Vol 66, Issue 7)

2010-04-12 Thread David J Taylor
Todd Glassey wrote in message [] I want to know about non ECC memory based PC's running NTP and how many NTP errors are caused by single and multi-bit memory errors. Todd I am not aware of any. I rather imagine that memory errors in

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin GPS 18x LVS dead/stuck

2010-03-30 Thread David J Taylor
Neither Phil nor Garmin Support responded yet, so I wanted to ask in this group if somebody has these instructions and tools? With kind regards, Wolfgang Breyha I don't have the instructions, I'm afraid, but Garmin UK replaced my GPS18x LVC within a few days (with a new unit, with firmware

Re: [ntp:questions] Quick sync between two computers not connected to the internet

2010-03-24 Thread David J Taylor
It can also be difficult to buy items from suppliers with no existing relationship. I.e. it may be easy to buy new computers or supplies, but difficult to get a GPS receiver from some online shop. E.g. where I work it is not possible to buy anything from a shop where creditcard or upfront

Re: [ntp:questions] Quick sync between two computers not connected to the internet

2010-03-23 Thread David J Taylor
Is it still trivial in a below-ground data center? Heck, even a data center on the ground floor? It wasn't a GPS18x, but I tried taking a garmin GPS12 into a few machine rooms and had no joy whatsoever getting any GPS signal. rick jones Rick, just for your information, the GPS12 is a rather

Re: [ntp:questions] Quick sync between two computers not connected to the internet

2010-03-22 Thread David J Taylor
pc wrote in message Has anybody noticed the first word in cnoyes2's subject line: Quick ? NTP can take hours to settle, and is better suited to configurations where the computers run 24*7. How

Re: [ntp:questions] Quick sync between two computers not connected to the internet

2010-03-20 Thread David J Taylor
cnoyes2 wrote in message I'm trying to sync the time on 2 Windows XP computers that are not on the internet and never will be. For testing purposes, they need to have the same time. The time does not need

[ntp:questions] Ann: GPS jamming 5-15 July 2010, Kirkwall, Scotland

2010-03-19 Thread David J Taylor
Folks, I have received the following announcement: ___ The MoD has informed Ofcom of the following GPS jamming exercise: Dates: 5-15 July 2010. Times: limited periods between 12:15 and 15:15 hrs. Location: Airborne at various heights on a

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS 18 LVC (Ground Wire Question)

2010-03-16 Thread David J Taylor
unruh wrote in message [] I would assume so. It originally came with a plug on the end. That plug has 6 connections to it. How did your 7 wires connect to that 6 pin plug? IIRC, Bill, one of the two wires isn't

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS 18 LVC (Ground Wire Question)

2010-03-15 Thread David J Taylor
Alby wrote in message [] I still plan to wire it up to the ground, but I'm just double checking that I'm not going crazy. Does everybody else only have 2 Black Wires? Sensible choice. Some Garmin

Re: [ntp:questions] Which version of Linux works best?

2010-03-11 Thread David J Taylor
Miroslav Lichvar wrote in message news:20100311124036.ga22...@localhost... [] I did a NTP vs chrony comparison last June with GPS 18x LVC in an office environment, clock drift was moving in about 0.8ppm range. Here are distributions of PPS samples received from gpsd:

[ntp:questions] Which version of Linux works best?

2010-03-10 Thread David J Taylor
Yes, I know it's one of those low long is a piece of string questions, but I'm now considering a dual-core Intel Atom system, which is Compatible with Linux according the the very minimal blurb I have right now. If the system is to be used purely for NTP with Linux as a serial-port GPS/PPS

Re: [ntp:questions] Intel Atom systems as GPS/PPS stratum-1 servers

2010-03-08 Thread David J Taylor
Uwe Klein wrote in message [] + abit of memory and a small SSDisk uwe Yes, the price is

Re: [ntp:questions] Intel Atom systems as GPS/PPS stratum-1 servers

2010-03-08 Thread David J Taylor
Terje Mathisen terje.mathisen at wrote in message [] Seems you need an adapter for the non-standard RS232 port connector? The price is also significantly higher, but the size is right :-) Terje Yes,

[ntp:questions] Intel Atom systems as GPS/PPS stratum-1 servers

2010-03-07 Thread David J Taylor
Does anyone have any experience with Intel Atom systems as stratum-1 servers from a serial GPS/PPS source? Perhaps using FreeBSD. Is there anything fundamental in these processors or their chipsets which prevents full-precision performance being obtained? Any chipsets to avoid? Thanks,

Re: [ntp:questions] Intel Atom systems as GPS/PPS stratum-1 servers

2010-03-07 Thread David J Taylor
Terje Mathisen terje.mathisen at wrote in message David J Taylor wrote: Does anyone have any experience with Intel Atom systems as stratum-1 servers from a serial GPS/PPS source? Perhaps using FreeBSD. Is there anything fundamental in these processors

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS_NEMA, but high offset and jitter?

2010-03-01 Thread David J Taylor
Kelsey Cummings wrote in message news:4b8b4844$0$1956$ David J Taylor wrote: ... I would knock something up if there were enough interest, but it would be a Windows program so of limited interest to the OP. That's the idea anyway. At the time, I

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS_NEMA, but high offset and jitter?

2010-03-01 Thread David J Taylor
Kelsey Cummings wrote in message news:4b8c2822$0$1641$ David J Taylor wrote: As Bill comments, I hope your milliseconds are actually microseconds! Yes! == oGPS_NMEA(1) .GPS. 0 l

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS_NEMA, but high offset and jitter?

2010-02-27 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] Thing is there appears to be a problem with the PPS so I was suggesting a more sensitive circuit should a scope or moving coil meter not be available. David Isn't there software for the OS which

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS_NEMA, but high offset and jitter?

2010-02-27 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] I mentioned radioclkd(2) both of which in debug mode display state of selected pin (dcd cts dsr or rng). radioclkd -s poll -d -v ttyS00:dcd This gives time at each pulse edge. I'm sure there are other

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS_NEMA, but high offset and jitter?

2010-02-26 Thread David J Taylor
Is there any other way to watch the signal to see if it's reaching the serial port correctly? I would use my 'scope, but even an analogue voltmeter might work - see a regular flick of the needle. I built the equivalent of a simple break-out box into my two connections, one in the RS232 DB-9

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS_NEMA, but high offset and jitter?

2010-02-26 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] I checked pps from MSF rx with digital meter and that showed a signal but not very well. That has a 50ms pulse so 100ms from Garmin should be as easy to spot. Analogue meters I have around would give a

[ntp:questions] UK - MSF outage

2010-02-25 Thread David J Taylor
Folks I have received the following announcement.. ___ NPL Time Frequency Services Notice of Interruption to MSF 60 kHz Time and Frequency Signal The MSF 60 kHz time and frequency signal broadcast from Anthorn Radio Station will be shut down over the

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS_NEMA, but high offset and jitter?

2010-02-24 Thread David J Taylor
Kelsey Cummings wrote in message news:4b8580e5$0$1616$ [] I'm not sure why it lost sync but I went ahead and upgraded to 4.2.7p5 from the ntp-dev port. I'm still seeing high offset and variable jitter.

Re: [ntp:questions] Tutorial for setting up Garmin 18 LVC on FreeBSD 8.0

2010-02-22 Thread David J Taylor
For anyone interested in setting up a Garmin 18 LVC GPS receiver on FreeBSD 8, I wrote up a fairly detailed tutorial of my experiences here: [] If there are any comments or errors, please let me know Cheers Thanks for doing that, Ryan. I've added a link from

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-12 Thread David J Taylor
John Ackermann N8UR wrote in message [] BTW -- someone cited a paper showing relativistic effects of a round-the-world flying clock trip in both directions. That, I believe, was done with the 5071A. Another great experiment -- done by an

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-12 Thread David J Taylor
Mabry Tyson wrote in message [] People might want to look at articles at (A fun site! ) [] The site also lists a 1978 article and notes This is the earliest reference I've found to the relativistic corrections needed

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-12 Thread David J Taylor
Use the source. Performance and Results of Portable Clocks in Aircraft; J. C. Hafele Thanks - I loved the discussion at the end! Cheers, David ___

Re: [ntp:questions] How to debug GPS PPS?

2010-02-12 Thread David J Taylor
xyz-2041 wrote in message OK. Couldn't get the Oncore unit to work in any way shape or form. I bought a DB9 LED tester like this: Had

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-11 Thread David J Taylor
The flying clock tests were closed loop (I think there's a more accurate term for the process) where the clock, including both its initial time error and its frequency offset (rate difference from USNO or NIST), was well characterized via radio and against a set of similar clocks prior to

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-11 Thread David J Taylor
Greg Hennessy greg.hennessy@ wrote in message news:It%cn.19853 [] From the abstract: Around-the-World Atomic Clocks: Observed Relativistic Time Gains J. C. Hafele 1 and Richard E. Keating 2 1 Department of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 2 Time Service Division, U.S.

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP.conf using Dave Hart code.

2010-02-10 Thread David J Taylor
Dave Hart wrote in message On Feb 9, 21:08 UTC, David J Taylor wrote: Yes, quite a lot of differences. I put together a rather mixed bag of notes here:

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP.conf using Dave Hart code.

2010-02-10 Thread David J Taylor
Dave Hart wrote in message [] No, I make it more confusing. :) Given your requirement that the GPS will send both RMC and GGA every second, the simple answer is the PPS is unavailable without

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP.conf using Dave Hart code.

2010-02-10 Thread David J Taylor
E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists n...@blacklist.griffin-technologies.invalid wrote in message news:hku1dk$ David J Taylor wrote: When referring to your page: it would be nice of the versions

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-10 Thread David J Taylor
Dave Hart wrote in message [] Fudge Factors flag1 0 | 1 Disable PPS signal processing if 0 (default); enable PPS signal processing if 1.

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-10 Thread David J Taylor
I've setup an NTP server in the south east asia region synchonising with regional NTP servers as well as a couple of servers I am responsible for in the US. remotest t when poll reach delay offset jitter == +Japan 1 u 454 1024

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-10 Thread David J Taylor
cc wrote in message [] I wouldn't have thought so either and given that they all trace back to GPS it isn't likely either but it made me consider the natioanal security / financial implications

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-10 Thread David J Taylor
Richard B. Gilbert wrote in message David J Taylor wrote: [] Most likely asymmetrical paths, yes. To answer your implied question, it is most /unlikely/ that the USA National Time is 17 milliseconds away from Japan

Re: [ntp:questions] National time standard differences

2010-02-09 Thread David J Taylor
I remember the flying of caesium or other atomic clocks round the world, and that folks had to invoke relativistic corrections. Were these better than microseconds as well? Please excuse me if I leave relativistic corrections to the late Professor Einstein! It's not something I've ever

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP.conf using Dave Hart code.

2010-02-09 Thread David J Taylor
BK wrote in message [] It really doesn't matter to me if I install the serialPPS driver or not. From your discussion it appears using the serialPPS driver is more accurate than the NMEA driver?

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-07 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] Now NMEA(0) 92u/6u and PPS(0) 75u/2u, 60 minutes after ntpd restarted. Config: pps to lpt0 pps to serial dcd lpt0 at ppbus pps0 at ppbus crw-r--r-- 1 rootwheel 164, 0 Feb 7 01:47

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-07 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] Thanks for that page with the scope traces. It suggests I'm in right ballpark for fudge time and also confirms same signal polarity for pps from my MSF receiver. ... a picture is worth a thousand words

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-06 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] Somehow I think I might be in sync with wrong edge of PPS. Why? That would put pps out, but I'd have guessed by only 100ms if that's default. Yes, David, according to the Technical Specifications

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-06 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] A few us isn't bad from PPS unless I'm supposed to use the -350 ms from nmea via RxD. Note that the PPS via serial and parallel are both converging to same 10us and it's only when serial DCD is

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-06 Thread David J Taylor
David Woolley da...@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid wrote in message news:hkjre8$ David J Taylor wrote: OK, I mis-read the table. If the 9 microseconds is the true offset, What do you mean by true offset? That is not actually measurable As opposed

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-06 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message David J Taylor wrote: David Lord wrote in message [] A few us isn't bad from PPS unless I'm supposed to use the -350 ms from nmea via RxD. Note

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-06 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message David J Taylor wrote: [] You're confusing me even more here! Is a summary: 1 - PPS connected to DCD (serial) - low offset 2 - PPS connected to DCD (serial) and NACK (parallel) - low offset 3 - GPS

Re: [ntp:questions] fudge time1 for gps-18x-LVC?

2010-02-06 Thread David J Taylor
unruh wrote in message [] He said that he had left the GPS18 in its default mode, where much more than a single sentence is sent out ( about 4 of them if I remember correctly). He shold probably set it so just

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-31 Thread David J Taylor
George White wrote in message [] I'm not happy about leaving a laptop on 24 hours a day, in any case. We do it routinely. Laptops are very commonly used to control instruments and log data on oceanographic

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-31 Thread David J Taylor
Terje Mathisen terje.mathisen at wrote in message [] My S1 server (FreeBSD 8, Garmin 18LVC on the roof) is a very old Dell Latitude laptop sitting in my (cold) attic. The hard drive doesn't need to run very often at all, except for

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-28 Thread David J Taylor notjeff: I just recently setup my sheevaplug as a stratum-1 NTP server. Thanks, again. However: The jitter was usually between 1 and 3 ms is about a

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-27 Thread David J Taylor
E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists n...@blacklist.anitech-systems.invalid wrote in message news:hjnmt9$ [] Thanks for that. Interesting, as it seems that you /may/ be able to get

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-26 Thread David J Taylor Thanks, most interesting - I knew about neither of those products. Accuracy:

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-25 Thread David J Taylor
Evandro Menezes wrote in message On Jan 21, 2:52 pm, David J Taylor david-tay...@blueyonder.delete- wrote: BTW: I still have systems running which are older

[ntp:questions] Simple but good NTP server (was: Re: Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option))

2010-01-25 Thread David J Taylor
Uwe Klein wrote in message David J Taylor wrote: [] I would still very much like to have a low-powered (watts) system running NTP perhaps with a good (for timekeeping) FreeBSD version. Something the size of a home

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-25 Thread David J Taylor
Richard B. Gilbert wrote in message [] I think that that the closest you can come off the shelf would be a Laptop. You are not likely to find one in that price range. I'm not happy about leaving a laptop on 24 hours

Re: [ntp:questions] Simple but good NTP server

2010-01-25 Thread David J Taylor
Richard B. Gilbert wrote in message [] Routers usually do not make good GPS clocks! If they are functioning as routers they have work to do and time keeping is not a priority. Indeed! I was thinking of the router

Re: [ntp:questions] Simple but good NTP server

2010-01-25 Thread David J Taylor
David Lord wrote in message [] Not yet using this but have a 20 quid+vat router type board here from that has ADM5120P chip, wan + 4xlan ethernet, 2xusb but serial need some wiring. Will run Linux and can be supplied with

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-21 Thread David J Taylor
I doubt the problem may be due to a different time sync program running since the problem occurs if and only if the MM timer tick rate is changed. Martin Agreed, Martin. Just clutching at straws with all the things I have seen which can cause problems on Windows. Thanks also for your

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-21 Thread David J Taylor
Martin Burnicki wrote in message [] AFAIK if the TSC is used then the clock frequency reported for QPC matches the CPU's clock full clock frequency, and IIRC then according to some MS docs the reported frequency does not

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-21 Thread David J Taylor
Windows chooses the most precise, invariant frequency source available in the system. As I said before, Intel's Core2 processors have a TSC that doesn't vary with the CPU clock (though its precision is not as good as it seems). Only newer AMD processors sport the same feature and even then it

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-20 Thread David J Taylor
Alan, I hope you get this fixed. Here's what you can get with XP with the MM timer enabled: Windows XP LAN-synched to a stratum-1 server, 32s poll for local servers, 1024s poll for Internet backup servers: Windows XP acting as a stratum-1

Re: [ntp:questions] Timekeeping broken on Windows XP with multimedia timer enabled (-M option)

2010-01-20 Thread David J Taylor
Alan wrote in message news:z9i5n.58805$q36.5...@newsfe19.ams2... Would like to get to the bottom of this as well. Using 4.4.6-o with -M , I get Frequency error 3030 PPM exceeds tolerance 500 PPM. Considering that without =M the frequency modification is only about 5 PPM

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpd and database servers

2010-01-15 Thread David J Taylor
David Woolley da...@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid wrote in message news:hio50t$ [] All bets are off for Windows. I've never seen Windows have a two-hour error. It syncs at startup providing the -g command-line option is used. Cheers, David

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp-4.2.6 doesn't compile for Windows

2010-01-04 Thread David J Taylor
Hassan wrote in message [] On the other hand, I can't connect to the bugs list ? The browser says that connection is not certified or something alike ! (the warning is in french, and I don't know if

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp-4.2.6 doesn't compile for Windows

2009-12-31 Thread David J Taylor
Hassan wrote in message Hello everybody, I can't compile ntp-4.2.6 for windows. [] Thank you in advance. I can't help you directly, I wish I could, but if it helps the read-compiled binaries for Windows are available

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpd goes into oscillation

2009-12-30 Thread David J Taylor
unruh wrote in message ntpd has suddenly broken out into oscillations. it is fed by a Garmin 18 LVC PPS via shm. The oscillation has a period of just under an hour ( about 50 min) and an amplitude of about 10usec.

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS? Time problems?

2009-12-27 Thread David J Taylor
unruh wrote in message Suddenly my system, connected to a gps source (GPS18lvc) has a much larger standard deviation than before, and ntp is oscillating ( the rate oscillates about once an hour with a .01PPM

Re: [ntp:questions] A faster settling NTP

2009-12-24 Thread David J Taylor
unruh wrote in message [] ??? The code is NOT available on ntpd. It would require a large coding job to impliment the chrony algorithm into ntpd and if you knew that your one year worth of work would never ever

Re: [ntp:questions] A faster settling NTP

2009-12-24 Thread David J Taylor
unruh wrote in message [] Why not take a different approach, then? Start with chrony to make the system rapidly stable, and then turn control over to NTP. Is something like that possible? Why not just stick

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-23 Thread David J Taylor
David Woolley da...@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid wrote in message news:hgrj64$ David J Taylor wrote: I do wish there were some way of speeding this up - a variable loop bandwidth or something like that. It already does have one, and has had one since

Re: [ntp:questions] A faster settling NTP

2009-12-23 Thread David J Taylor
unruh wrote in message [] ntp will eventually settle to within a millisecond. You can help by running it with the -g option, and apparently without a ntp.drift file (It a) steps to within 1/8 of a sec, and

Re: [ntp:questions] How to debug GPS PPS?

2009-12-22 Thread David J Taylor
xyz-2041 wrote in message [] How would I check on FreeBSD? My FreeBSD notes - from some years ago - are here: If they help, great, if not I can't help

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-22 Thread David J Taylor
G8KBV wrote in message [] Phew!... So it looks like it is working at it's best anyway, excelent. Yes, it's good news! I can (as a small time programmer with Delphi) appreciate the complexity of all this, in

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-22 Thread David J Taylor
Dave Hart wrote in message [] Yes, there is an issue with the messages coming from entirely separate components. Moreover, as I have just said, the presence of user-mode PPS timestamps (replacing

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-22 Thread David J Taylor
Richard B. Gilbert wrote in message [] You will find that for the best performance, the NTP PC needs to be left running, as initial settling is not quick. Not quick is an extreme understatement! It takes about 30 minutes to get a

[ntp:questions] A faster settling NTP (was: Re: Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question)

2009-12-22 Thread David J Taylor
Richard B. Gilbert wrote in message unruh wrote: [] Nonsense. chrony does it, without loss of accuracy (chrony is about 3 times as accurate as ntp is) or stability. It will correct a few hundred second initial error in far less time

Re: [ntp:questions] A faster settling NTP

2009-12-22 Thread David J Taylor
Richard B. Gilbert wrote in message [] Anyone who thinks he can boot up, get the correct time to within microseconds and shut down again is living in a dream world! Windows is a poor choice of O/S for the job. Try

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-21 Thread David J Taylor
Hi again... OK, I've got everything as it should be, but... I see in the companion registry entry, for the 'serenum' key, that the ImagePath type is indeed REG_EXPAND_SZ, where as in the 'serial' key, the ImagePath is just REG_SZ. I've tried all sorts in there, resulting in either no

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-21 Thread David J Taylor
G8KBV wrote in message [] Thanks for the reg file, I'll try it. Noted on your results. I'm running on Win2000 Pro, not XP btw. (though they are similar behind the shiny bits.) I don't think there is any driver

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-21 Thread David J Taylor
Dave Hart wrote in message [] Further, despite the fact that this thread started out with you asking what the 'o' meant in the ntpq peers billboard, which indicates working PPSAPI (and hence working

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP monitor, silly question

2009-12-20 Thread David J Taylor
Harlan Stenn wrote in message Does have the information you are looking for? That's an excellent start, Harlan, but it leaves me with a little confusion * the source you

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