[slim] "MAC not set!" error on Boom

2010-11-26 Thread dcote

its been i while since i posted here - mainly because everything has
been working smoothly for the last 18 months or so.

but after we recently came back from vacation, our Boom's display just
said "MAC not set!" and refused to operate. it would not connect to
WLAN (according to my DHCP server) either. i tried re-configuring the
networking, which actually worked (!), but the device is not being
recognized by SC (i still run 7.3.3 - 27044) as what it was, since i am
seeing the default menu-structure and display setup for new players.
it's original name of "Boom" has reverted back to "Squeezebox" as

my DHCP server says it indeed has a new MAC address: 30-04-10-0E-DB-53.
whereas previously it was: 00-04-20-1E-DB-53.

we also have two SB Classics, both of which also use the 00-04-20-
address range, so i am assuming that is the "normal" squeezebox MAC
address range.

so where does the 30-04-10-... address come from? and more importantly:
how do i get the original MAC address back and the "MAC not set!"
message cleared?

btw.: i did already try a xilinx reset (pressing "1" while applying
power), but that had no effect.

thanks in advance for any help!


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Re: [slim] "MAC not set!" error on Boom

2010-11-27 Thread dcote

thanks ghostrider!

your seggestion also pointed me to the "factory reset" option - which i
decided to try first. and it worked!

set up networking again and everything (!) is back to the way it was.

on a side note: how could a boom "forget" its original MAC address?


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Re: [slim] Slimserver seems to break albums by genre

2008-01-21 Thread dcote

hi jezbo!

i find this issue also mightily irritating, so i opened an "enhancement
request" in bugzilla at:


if you are in the same camp, you may want to vote for the enhancement.

more votes = more people want this = higher likelyhood of it being
implemented! ;-)


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Re: [slim] U.S. Broadband Users Beware

2008-01-21 Thread dcote

thanx for the heads up!

luckily for us in germany, consumer protection laws wont allow "fair
use", because "fair use" is not defined, and it is therefore unclear
what you are buying.

our ISPs either provide *un-*limited (true flatrate) OR the
bandwidth/GB limit must be specified.

unfortunately, this is not true for other EU-countries, such as
austria... :-(


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Re: [slim] SB3 freezes while synchronzied

2008-01-21 Thread dcote

thanks guys - i appreciate your taking time with an (almost)
*deprecated* product (SS 6.x).

in the meanwhile, i discovered some similarities with other "squeezbox
stops" threads:

the boxes usually stop at -0:00 seconds, or the equivalent total song
time. and they stop at the END of the current song, not at the
beginning of the next song. (so do mine)
this symptom has shown up in other threads. while their SBs did not
appear to by synched, there did not seem to be any explanation and/or
solution for it anywhere either.

but mark, you could be right too: i found out that my playlists seem to
contain some kind of junk(?). my "mood groovy" playlist (~750 tracks)
originally was ~85Kbyte large. didnt think anything of it, until i
mistakenly re-saved it from inside winamp and it shrunk to 14Kbyte
(still had ~750 tracks)!

seems to be the tool i use to develop the playlists (it is personal
playlist manager plugin for winamp), always adds some stuff to the
file, which is invisible. (at least in notepad and winamp). maybe that
junk is buggering up SS...

i will do some testing with the new "cleaned" up versions of my
playlists and report back.


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Re: [slim] Rapid shuffle of long playlist

2008-01-24 Thread dcote

hey puzzler - and i thought i was the only one using LONG playlists in
shuffle mode! ;-)

mine are only ~800 songs, but i agree the delay is there. on my system,
it took about 15-20 sec. for SS 6.x to start playing the lists shuffled.
while not instantaneous, i can live with that.
i have a severley resource starved server: 700 MHz PIII equivalent VIA
ITX MoBo with 1GB and it is running LOTS of stuff.

how long are you waiting?

i am not sure if this will help you, but i discovered something just
my playlist manager (personal playlist manager plugin for winamp) seems
to be adding junk to my playlists. i had a playlist called "mood groovy"
which had ~700 tracks in it and was ~85KB in size. when i accidentally
re-saved it from inside winamp, it shrunk to 14KB and all 700 tracks
all still there! go figure...

anyways, i am imagining my SS 6 is faster now, it rarely needs more
than 10 sec. to load "mood groovy" shuffled.

here is what i did: opened "mood groovy" in winamp. immediately
re-saved it (different file name) -> shrunk to 14KB. re-scanned
playlists in SS. done!

maybe you want to try that?

other than that, i really wouldnt know either - sorry!


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Re: [slim] Frivolous Question ('Center' vs. 'Centre')

2008-01-25 Thread dcote

tomayto - tomahto
potayto - potahto


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Re: [slim] SB3 freezes while synchronzied

2008-02-04 Thread dcote

ok, update time:

i have been running the "cleaned" up playlists for a while now, but the
freeze still seems to be occurring. although it seems MUCH rarer now.

BUT: just the other day i had a freeze up while the players were
UN-synched. :-(

i am starting to suspect it may not have anything to do with synching,
just that two players will cause the problem to occur double as often
as one... (?)

so for me, this thread is closed. :-(


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Re: [slim] Playlists are not working (.m3u)

2008-02-04 Thread dcote


i had an effect similar to yours recently - which may or may not
explain what is going on, but it could be worth a shot.

i use personal-playlist manager plugin for winamp to manage my
playlists. some of them are very big: ~700 tracks.

by pure coincidence i had one of them loaded in winamp the other day
and re-saved it with a different file name. all of a sudden, the file
had shrunk from its original 86KB size to ~14KB.

and yep, the 86KB playlist was turning up empty in my slimserver,
whereas the 14KB list works fine. both appear to contain exactly the
same number of tracks, but the 86KB list shows up "empty" to this day.

i have NO idea what is going on, i opened both versions in notepad and
they both appeared identical!? but personal playlist manager seems to
be adding some kind of padding or junk (?) to the m3u files.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

hi slwiser!

interesting issue you are describing here. i have two SB3s and they
also both suffer from random stops while playing. i am curious if we
have similar problems and maybe we can find commonalities?

first, a description of my setup:
-> WLAN g
-> slimserver 6.5.5 (waiting for SC7 release)
-> PIII, 700MHz, 1GB RAM
-> virusscanner active (not norton)
-> both SBs have at least 60% sig. strength
-> network/bandwidth test checks out to max with no problems
-> all other wlan devices (2 laptops, 1 PDA, 1 DVD player via
e-net/wlan bridge) work with no problems whatsoever
-> around 9.000 tracks in library

my symptoms:
-> SB3 will simply stop playing for no apparent reason. no specific
track/audioformat/track sequence seems to be reproduceable. the only
thing which is reproduceable, is that is occurs WAY more often when the
SBs are synched. altho it does happen when not synched, too.
-> the other day, i *finally* got an error message (of sorts): "out of
decoder RAM" (or was it memory?). the message was strangely garbled on
the display as if there were pixel-errors. i think this is the first
time i actually saw the message, because i happened to be watching the
SB when it happened.
-> after that, SB will react to the remote, but it will not produce
sound. (seems like the DSP/DAC crashed, but the rest is still ok) only
unplugging the unit will reset it.
-> it only seems to happen when i play mixed audio formats, in my case:
vorbis + mp3.
-> when the crash occurs, the SBs display is not showing what is being
played - it is one or two tracks ahead (!?) of the the track that was
being played. as if slimservr and SB have lost synch at some point...
-> when synched, the stops will occur between every 5 minutes (track to
track) or sometimes play for hours before crashing. when unsynched, it
usually takes some hours to happen. almost as if two synched players
cause it to happen double as often as one!

what i have tried so far (with no results to speak of):
-> re-played the same playlist again, to see if SB will crash on the
same track.
-> used huge playlists (~700 tracks) vs. small ones (~30 tracks). as a
matter of fact, the small playlists will play once or even twice, only
to crash the player on the third time round.
-> stopped just about all the other software running on my server
-> exempted slimserver from my virusscanner.
-> fixed IP

my suspicion:
-> i have seen that error message before (out of decoder RAM), in
context with the vorbis decoder crashing on certain internet radio
stations: http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4418
since i use vorbis a *lot*, this seems related.

@slwiser (or anyone else ;-): how much of this sounds familiar to you?


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

hi leuzi!

me neither, until a few days ago.

would you mind decribing a bit more of your setup?
-> wired? wireless?
-> common vorbis bitrates/q-levels and encoders you use?
-> mixed playlists? (mp3/vorbis/flac) how large are they typically?
-> do you use saved playlists or create them as needed manually?
-> do you let your SB play for hours at a time from a huge playlist or
manually keep changing the music?

btw. - i am currently trying the SBs wired and synched. (was a P.I.T.A.
to un-install them from their audio setups!) just a couple of minutes
ago, they stopped at the end of a song. display said "now playing" but
they weren't. at least they didnt freeze this time (odd, that) - i
pressed play on the remote and they started up again. re-playing the
same tracks was flawless, however...


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

just stopped again... :-( same as before.

but this time, the SBs went into zombie mode.

here is more info though:

-> from the corner of my eye, i was watching the screen. buffer
fullness went from ~10% (was approaching end of song) immediately to
100% *before* the new song was supposed to start (there still were
about 10sec. left to play for the old song)

-> the "now playing" screen is still showing on both SBs and the
spectrum analyzer has frozen. i can still scroll through menus, but
play will not commence.

-> SB and SS skipped a track completely for no apparent reason, too.

-> when i do press play (on remote or web-interface), i can see the
buffer re-filling back to 100% and the "now playing" screen shows the
correct track again - but no sound and the now playing progress
indicator does not move. so SS is still receiving and responding to
commands and even filling the SBs buffers properly.

conclusion so far:
-> i do not have a WLAN problem, this is about something else. the fact
that both SBs crash so badly that only a power-down can revive them
indicates to me something wrong with the SBs firmware, not with SS, the
SB hardware, my network or anything else. i suspect the DSP/DAC

ps. sorry slwiser if i hijacked your thread! please let me/us know how
much of this is familiar! ;-)


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

yeah, i remember reading that, too. that is why i am slightly suspicious
of it. ;-)

but maybe unrightly so, because somthing occurred to me: while i
understand how a bug in the decoder would cause a stop+crash, it
wouldnt explain why the SB *and* SS skip a track every time this
happens, would it?

i will try transcoding as soon as i have one more crash - i want to
collect more info. will post back.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

superpin, apart from this bug:

i was not able to find a similar bug in bugzilla. not surprising tho,
because diagnosing a sporadic and non-reproduceable problem like this
is a PITA. ;-) i work in IT, and i run as fast as i can whenever i come
across problems like these.

today i have some time in the homeoffice tho, so i can do some serious

here is what i will try next:
-> as mark suggested, i will transcode vorbis to mp3 and see if the
problm goes away.
if it doesnt -> not a vorbis problem, more likely a problem with the
ogg container format not being handled properly by SS, no?
if it does:
-> i will try homogeneous playlists consisting entirely of vorbis or
mp3 tracks.

ps. as i am typing this, it happened again. :-( SB just changed the
"now playing" screen to another track (new track is displaying in now
playing, but the old one is still playing). and sure enough, at the end
of the current track, the SBs stop.

new data:
-> rebooted the SBs, resumed playing at the track before the stop.
played no problem this time.
-> the progress indicator behaved strangely. it displayed the total
time of the track in "now playing", but it stopped at the precise total
time of the track that was previously playing. complicated - let me try
to explain:

now playing: (40 of 765) (**__)-3:46
8. the night before - Dessous - gamat 3000

alternating to played time gives me:
now playing: (40 of 765) (**__)4:21
8. the night before - Dessous - gamat 3000

alternating to buffer fullness gives me:
now playing: (40 of 765) ()100%
8. the night before - Dessous - gamat 3000

it stopped at precisely the total runtime of the *previous* track being
played, which was:
Il Cherchio Rosso - Nicola Conte - Bossa Per Due with 4.21 mins playing

weird: this time, they didnt skip a track, but just went on to the next
one in the playlist.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

got some results faster than i thought...

i am transcoding vorbis to flac now - still problems, but slightly

after about 10 tracks, "now playing" skipped ahead again as before. but
this time the SB's progress indicator has frozen at max:
now playing (51 of 765) (***)04:52
6. On the rails

progress bar is full and time is not moving, BUT it IS playing!

ok, now next song: display "now playing" skipped ahead to next track
way too early (about 30 sec.).
getting the same symptoms:
now playing (51 of 765) (***)05:00
4. Extensions Of Life 

progress bar is full and time is not moving, BUT it IS playing!

ok, next song: display skipped ahead again way too early. and so on and
so forth...

it seems as if the vorbis tracks are somehow throwing the SBs and SS
out of step. even with transcoding, something goes seriously wrong at
some point. frankly speaking, i am starting to think it may not be SBs
fault after all, but what SS is feeding it. maybe something wrong with
the way SS deals with the ogg-container...?

btw. statistics so far are: 4 stops in ~54 tracks. that is too much and
not sporadic anymore. :-(


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-15 Thread dcote

hi phil, hi mark!

i have various different vorbis encoders in my library: xiph libvorbis
0.x + 1.x, aotuvb4+5, and gtune3b1+2. just as i have mp3s from various
encoders, as well. none of them cause problems on any other playback
device, be it software on PC or embedded such as an iriver mp3 player
with iriver or rockbox firmware or even my networked DVD player.

gentlemen, while i understand the general principle of only supporting
the "official" libvorbis codec, that is not very realistic. after all,
slimdevices does support LAME and other "non-standard" mp3 codecs too,
right? by that reasoning, we should stop supporting any LAME-encoded
mp3 and revert to fraunhofer / thomson encoded mp3 only. ;-)

to eliminate a potential source of trouble (the vorbis decoder in the
SB), i have followed marks suggestion of transcoding to flac. but
problems still persist:
-> SB display corrupts after a short time: it is out of synch with what
is actually playing track and the progress indicator freezes.
re-starting playback will fix that for another 10-20 tracks or so, then
it happens again. at least, the SB does not "zombie" on me anymore.
-> i left the SBs playing over night, just to see what happens.
actually, slimserver utterly crashed. so badly, that i had to reboot my
server. the SBs were fine, tho...

in regards to ogg file integrity:
-> all offical xiph tools can decode the files with no problem and
other players dont report problems, either. not a single tool has
reported a problem with any of my oggs yet, ever.
-> when i replay a file which supposedly caused the crash, or even an
entire playlist, it works just fine. there is no indication whatsoever
that a specific file or part of a file is causing this. a corrupt file
should cause the crash at the same spot every time, shouldnt it?

so far, i think i have to revise my hypothesis:
-> slimserver is having trouble with something in my music repository.
this can cause it to send junk to my SBs, which may crash the DSP/DAC.
it seems to have something to do with vorbis files, because transcoding
them changes the symptoms markedly, but does not make the problem go

my next steps:
-> i will test homogeneous playlists of mp3 or vorbis to see what
-> then i will try SC 7 beta.

thanks for your thoughts on this guys, it is driving me nuts. i really
appreciate your help!


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-16 Thread dcote

hey phil, of course you can! :-)

why do i use vorbis?
1. because i can. the main reason i bought the squeezeboxes is because
the feature list says they play vorbis natively.
2. i am too lazy to encode my songs twice - lossless for at home and
lossy for on the road. maintaining every track twice is a PITA.
3. some friends of mine and i have ABXed the vorbis files i use
(preferrably gtune3b2 encoded @ q6) vs. wav/flac. we could not reliably
find differences. as a matter of fact, when we tried to find the version
that subjectively sounded best (not which was the original!), the gtune
encoded vorbis came out ahead! no joke. we were astounded ourselves.
4. mp3 needs a lot more bits to sound as good, which we also found by
ABXing. i would need some HQ LAME @ 256 kbit VBR to compete with vorbis
@ q6, which is still ~30% smaller.
5. vorbis is patent-free. i resent the fact that some corporation could
nail me for encoding my music in their proprietary format.
6. my portable player supports vorbis, too. so does my GF's ipod, after
we installed rockbox on it.
7. my server is completely full of hard disks with no further expansion
room. flac would instantly increase my library's size from ~35GB to
8. i use my WLAN for other things sich as mpeg4 playback as well - i
need the bandwidth.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-16 Thread dcote

DanH: sounds like a very plausible explanation to me. i am pretty sure i
didnt have this problem in the beginning, either.

Phil: hmmm... i am not sure if that will yield results that are
different from simply using regular mp3 files i already have. besides,
i wouldnt even know which vorbis files to convert, since i have no
conclusive evidence which specific ones are causing this.

new experimental results:

-> playing a purely vorbis playlist *will* cause the stops to occur.
sometimes as early as after the 10th song, sometimes as late as after
the 40th. re-starting the same playlist from the start never has
reproduced the stops at the same position, they occur at seemingly
random tracks and positions.

-> the stop is *always* preceeded by a sudden jump or skip one or two
tracks ahead in the "now playing" display. slimserver's web-interface
skips ahead too!

-> a purely mp3 playlist has been playing for some hours now with no

-> i tried playing purely vorbis UN-synched on one player last night,
to see if the problem is connected to the synch function or not.
unfortunately, the SB stopped after 11 tracks sometime in the night.

the summary so far:
1. it seems only vorbis files decoded natively will cause the stops.
2. the "now playing" display *always" jumps/skips one or two tracks
ahead and freezes the progress bar. this applies to the web-interface
and the SBs VFD. this happens when natively playing vorbis as well as
transcoding to flac.
3. even though it also occurs when un-synched, it does not seem as
4. transcoding vorbis to flac/mp3 will not crash the SB anymore, but
will still cause the "now playing" display to corrupt and has caused an
utter and total slimserver crash.
5. playing native mp3 or flac does not seem to cause problems.

my newest hypothesis: there is something wrong with the ogg container
file handling on the slimserver, since eliminating the SB as a problem
source through transcoding did not solve the problem. since the "now
playing" display is controlled by slimserver, its corruption also
points in that direction. the SB's DSP+DAC crashing may only be a
symptom, not the root cause.

i guess there is only one more thing for me to do: try SC7... :-(


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-19 Thread dcote

ok, no amount of twiddling and tweaking with SS 6.5.5 solved the
problem. even unsynched, i was getting stops+crashes when playing

so i took the plunge and installed SC 7 in the feb. 18th build.

firstly, let me say that i am impressed with the improvements. my first
brush with SC7 was in dec. 07 and it was a bad one, because the scan
wouldnt complete (i waited over two hours) and it seemed *slow*.

this time, it installed perfectly, started up perfectly, scanned
perfectly and even seems faster than my old SS 6. :-)

i have been playing ogg/vorbis with SC7 over night now (104 tracks so
far) and NO stops or crashes yet! :-D that is a good sign, since SS 6
usually would have produced at least one stop by now.

the only thing i need to do now is get my old amp switches running, but
i am trying to get that problem fixed in a different thread:

once that is running, i think i am fixed and happy. if SC7 didnt fix
the problem after all, i'll be back. ;-)


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Re: [slim] Album display hangs in slimserver6.5

2008-03-05 Thread dcote

i thought at first that mine hung too. but i just had to wait about 1-2
mins for the albums to show. i run a severly resource-starved machine
which is terribly slow.

are you sure it hangs completely or are you just impatient? (the joys
of broadband internet surfing! remember the days when it was normal for
a page to take a minute to load? ;-)

i tried a couple of things with reasonable success to improve speed:

1. excepted *all* slimserver directories from my virus scanner. this
alone improved overall responsiveness by about ~30-40% (acutally
measured with a stopwatch)
2. turned of "show artists with albums" (or something like that). that
also GREATLY improved responsiveness.
those two reduced the average loading time from ~90 sec. to ~35 sec.

3. finally, i upgraded to SC7 (feb. 18. build if i remember correctly).
so far, it works like a charm AND is faster yet again. opening an
arbitrary album browse pages takes about 20-25 sec. now. (still long, i
know. but my server just doesnt have enough processing power)


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-05 Thread dcote

hi eurale!

sorry to see my fix (uprading to SC7) didnt fix you. since i did - my
problem has gone away. :-)

BUT: i do have a track or two, which are (were) corrupted and would
repeatedly and reproduceably cause my SB3 to stop and/or crash at the
same track and position. i have located and removed or recoded those
"offending" tracks. this has happened with both vorbis and mp3 and has
nothing to do with my original problem: vorbis causing crashes while

can you please share some more information about the symptoms?
1. which formats are you playing? (mp3, vorbis, flac, aac, etc)
2. do you have another SB to verify this against?
3. are you getting any error-messages (even briefly)
4. is it reproduceable? (same track, same position, same ripper, same
encoder, same playing time, same etc...)
5. does it still happen when you only loop one and the same song over
and over?


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Re: [slim] Sychronization with SqueezeCenter 7.0?

2008-04-17 Thread dcote


softsqueeze apparently cant reliably synch with SBs, TPs or receivers
since it uses a different buffering mechanism. (if there was a recent
update to softsqueeze to fix this, then i am wrong of course)

i have 2 SB3s and softsqueeze will not synch. i have actually seen the
SBs thrown out of synch, too. as long as softsqueeze is not involved, i
have no problems tho...


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Re: [slim] SB3 freezes while synchronzied

2008-06-16 Thread dcote

update: since my upgrade to SC 7 the problem has gone away!

just in case anyone can use this information... ;-)


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[slim] now playing/spectrum analyzer behaving differently since SC7.2/FW112?

2008-10-08 Thread dcote

i use the full-screen spectrum analyzer as my "now playing" screen

since i migrated to SC 7.2 and SBC FW 112, it has been behaving
differently from my previous SC 7.0 installation.

with the old version, the song info would roll in from the right,
display in small font at the top edge of the screen for some seconds
and then roll back out again to the right.

on the new version, the song info rolls in, displays for a maximum of 1
second (way too short, i cant read it!) then simply disappears.

firstly, that doesnt look quite as cool as it used to, but much more
importantly, the text disappears much too quickly for anyone to read!

i couldnt find a setting on the web GUI, is there maybe something i
overlooked? or is there a config file i can modify? or a *.pm file i
can edit?

is it possible that my migration to a qnap/linux server has anything to
do with this?

thanks in advance guys!


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Re: [slim] .m4a stuttering and possible codec issue

2008-10-08 Thread dcote

here are a few cents of mine:

i ran my SC7 on windows 2003 server on a really resource-starved 700MHz
PIII - equivalent with 1GB RAM (a VIA ITX system). playing apple worked
just fine (even with mov123) *unless* my server was busy doing
something else. symptoms:

playing an apple track the first time took about 20-25 seconds to
playback started then stuttered or stopped after some seconds
good wlan signal (40-60%)
network diagnostics showed nothing untoward
buffer dropping to zero

i discovered my server was sometimes so busy that it could not decode
apple and re-code to FLAC fast enough. (i used the windows performance
monitor for this). using mov123, my via cpu would clock in at about 40%
(!) cpu usage to decode aac and re-code to flac...

i changed the transcoding settings to output WAV, which reduced the cpu
cycles enough (to about 30%) to provide a reasonably steady stream
*most* of the time.

other times, i just had to shut down some cpu/ram hogging apps (emule
was the worst, keeping the web-UI open second!) to make it work

does your vista machine seem sluggish sometimes?
and did you try connecting through a wire? if that works fine, you
obviously have a WLAN problem. if not, you have a server problem.


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[slim] AAC breaks synchonization?

2008-10-08 Thread dcote

firstly, let me apologize is this is wrong forum - webmaster please feel
free to move this thread to a more appropriate place. but i am not sure
what is causing my problem...

i recently migrated to a qnap turbonas 409. it is running SSOTS 3.15
(latest), SC 7.2 (latest) and my SB3s are running FW 112 (latest).

everything works fine until i try to play AAC while synched. this
immediately breaks synchronization in that one player (always the same
one) will begin playing ~4 seconds before the other one. the only thing
i could determine to fix that was to restart SC on my qnap.

i am playing AAC through mplayer (included in SSOTS) and it works great
(yes, for me it does!), provided i am *not* synched.

even when the AAC track is over, following MP3 and vorbis tracks will
not synch anymore.

my linux knowledge is reasonably limited, sorry!

can anyone point me in the right direction?

thanks in advance,



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Re: [slim] now playing/spectrum analyzer behaving differently since SC7.2/FW112?

2008-10-08 Thread dcote

hi peter!

thx for the help!

well, since i consider myself to be more of a "user" type than a
"operator" type, understanding the perl and editing it is probably too
complicated for me. ;-)

i guess i will just file a bug.

mr. sinatra: vote for me! and we can do it! ;-)


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Re: [slim] AAC breaks synchonization?

2008-10-09 Thread dcote

hey funkstar!

thanks for the heads up - that sounds very reasonable. in that case, i
will just wait for 7.3! :-)


ps/update: i did some more experimenting yesterday and found that
behavior was not easily reproduceable. as a matter of fact, i only
managed to break synch one more time out of ~10x. the rest of the time
it worked fine. go figure... as i said, i'll wait for 7.3 for more
conclusive results.


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Re: [slim] AAC breaks synchonization?

2008-10-09 Thread dcote

hey funkstar!

thanks for the heads up - that sounds very reasonable. in that case, i
will just wait for 7.3! :-)


ps/update: i did some more experimenting yesterday and found that
behavior was not easily reproduceable. as a matter of fact, i only
managed to break synch one more time out of ~10x. the rest of the time
it worked fine. go figure... as i said, i'll wait for 7.3 for more
conclusive results.


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[slim] How to maintain linux/nas compatible playlists from a windows machine?

2008-10-09 Thread dcote

ok, after spending the last hour or so searching and finding tons of
people with the same problem but no conclusive solution, i will just
post and hope for the best.

this is my setup:
-> qnap TS409 running SSOTS
-> playlists have been modified by search and replace to be linux/qnap
-> rest of my network is windows

how can a maintain/edit/modify those dang linux-compatible playlists
from my windows box?

the odd thing is, there must be zillions of people out there with a
similar setup - so how do you guys do it?

thanks so much in advance - i am really desparate! i have new music
which needs to be included! :-)



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Re: [slim] Some questions about playlists

2008-10-09 Thread dcote

hi siduhe!

thx for the tool - it is greatly appreciated. :-)

are you implying that i will need to perform

linux m3u --> windows m3u --> edit --> linux m3u

every time i need to edit the playlists?

oh man, that sounds like a drag. lots of tracks are in multiple
playlists and i have ~40 of them...

isnt there a faster or more convenient way to do this?


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Re: [slim] Drag and drop music Files

2008-10-09 Thread dcote

hey toke!

also a new qnap user here. the qnap is linux based and follows
completely different path names, which make your windows-generated
lists pretty much useless. :-( (mine, too!)

you need to find and replace the windows paths with the appropriate
linux/qnap paths to make them work.

its not too difficult. here is what i did to fix that:

1. open the m3u in windows notepad (or any other editor).
2. find and replace:
drv:\music\... (your windows path) --> /volume1/Music/ (your qnap
i found the qnap's exact path by checking the music folder in SC's
3. find and replace: \ --> /
4. save the playlist in SC's designated playlist folder
5. rescan playlists in SC


keep in mind that linux is case-SenSItiVe, so take care when replacing!

BUT: once that is done, the playlists are unusable in windows... :-(
(so much for windows and linux being able to "integrate")
right now i am trying to find a way to edit linux-compatible playlists
from within windows.


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Re: [slim] Some questions about playlists

2008-10-09 Thread dcote

gentlemen, i just found this:

which would fix all of my problems and possibly yours too!

if you agree, please VOTE for the enhancement - i already did. :-)


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Re: [slim] Some questions about playlists

2008-10-09 Thread dcote

guys, i am SO happy i found this thread!

i think i am suffering the same problems as phatair. first to clarify:
i am running SC 7.2 directly on my nas box (SSOTS), NOT accessing the
NAS with SC from a windows machine. so my issues can not be solved with
an intelligent drive remapping. (or can they?)
@phatair, is this your setup too?

i also recently migrated to a nas server. while my songs on windows
were in: F:\music\...

they now are in: /volume1/Music/...

as you, siduhe have suggested, i opened my *.m3u files in windows'
notepad and then used its built-in find+replace to replace:
F:\music\ --> /volume1/Music/ (phatair: linux is CaSe SenSiTive!)

then, i replaced:
\ --> / (to make the paths linux-compatible)

voilá: worked like a charm! :-)

but now, i have no more method of editing/modifying the playlists,
except finding/replacing everytime i want to change them. very

what do all the other SSOTS / SSODS / Linux NAS users use to edit their

web-UI is not an option for me, since loading and modifying a 700 track
playlist in SC running on a qnap nas is *way* too slow! (just moving a
track up or down takes about 6-7 sec. every time i click the button!)


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Re: [slim] now playing/spectrum analyzer behaving differently since SC7.2/FW112?

2008-10-10 Thread dcote

hi mr sinatra!

actually, while filing the bug, i found the full-screen spectrum
analyzer wasnt working for me anyways. some of my vorbis files soar up
to 530 kbit/s and beyond (!), which cause my SBs to stutter and
"rebuffer" when the spectrum analyzer is running.

some of those tracks are really new in my collection (like juno reactor
remixes of masters of the universe) and i like listening to them all the
time right now. thats how i discovered the SBs cant handle FFTs,
graphics and vorbis decoding at the same time...

because of that, i changed "my bug's" priority to "minor".

but yeah, i guess i could vote for it. ;-)

not sure if others (like you) can change the priority back higher
again, if not, and you'd like it higher again let me know here.


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[slim] scan complete but not stopping!?

2008-10-16 Thread dcote

i am running:

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2 - 22900 @ Tue Aug 26 10:59:02 PDT 2008 -
Linux - EN - utf8
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27 
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Hostname: Turbonas
Server Port Number: 9001
Total Players Recognized: 3

when i run the scan (new+changed as well as playlists only), it goes
thorugh the motions and finishes with the usual "SqueezeCenter has
finished scanning your music collection."

but the clocks on "Database cleanup #2" and "Total Time: xx:xx:xx" keep
ticking. this morning it was 10:52:32 and counting! (i re-scan every

i have another thread open on the scanner (?), not sure if this has
anything to do with it:

apart from the clocks ticking, there does not seem to be any other
indication that anything is wrong. somehow, i suspect the web UI is the
culprit, not the scanner...

can i ignore this? and/or how do i read the scanner's log file
correctly to find out if there is a problem?

thanks in advance,



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Re: [slim] Problem with accented characters in playlists

2008-10-17 Thread dcote


me too - i am experiencing this:

1. scan (full): playlists fully present including special char tracks.

2. scan (nightly re-scan): playlists drop special char tracks.

when try to play special char tracks immediately after step 1.,
squeezebox goes silent and refuses to play the track (no message).

browsing for, searching for, displaying and playing special char tracks
works fine, though.

at least, after step 2., the playlists will not stop playing when they
reach a special char track, because there are none anymore. ;-)

jademonkee: to me, it sounds like your problem is at least related to
this localization issue. you might want to vote for it - i already

Nostromo: you're running windows, you may indeed be experiencing a
different problem...


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Re: [slim] Transporter: M3U playlists won't play

2008-10-21 Thread dcote

i switched to a qnap 409 pro recently and found i need to provide full
paths to the tracks to make my m3u lists work properly. (linux paths!)

/volume1/Music/vorbis/LTJ Bukem/
(careful: case sensitive!)

also, i found that SC running on linux can not read/parse playlists
with special characters in them (though that does not seem to apply to
your example). the symptoms are the same as you were describing.

since you are in germany, i suspect you will run in to that problem
sooner or later with ö, ä, ü and ß. (as did i)

if you do, vote for the bug here:


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Re: [slim] now playing/spectrum analyzer behaving differently since SC7.2/FW112?

2008-10-21 Thread dcote

hi wiped!

cool screensaver! maybe i can persuade you to write a "how to" in a new
thread? ;-)

ummm since i filed the bug, i set the priority to "major" some days
ago (check the bug thread), but it seems that someone downgraded it back
down to "normal".

if you feel it is important, comment in the bug thread (and vote for
it!) and maybe slimdevices will set it back to "major"...


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[slim] artwork in ogg-vorbis file breaks fast forward (ffw) and reverse (rev)?

2008-11-10 Thread dcote

it seems that vorbis files with artwork in them will play fine on my
SB3s, but will cause the FFW/REW to break. when i try to FFW/REW, the
message: "problem: cant open file for..." appears and the SB skips to
the next song. other vorbis files (without albumart) will FFW fine. the
artwork i add is usually ~20Kbyte in size and i use jaikoz audio tagger
2.6.1 to do it. my setup:

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2 - 22900 @ Tue Aug 26 10:59:02 PDT 2008 -
Linux - EN - utf8
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27 
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Hostname: Turbonas
Server Port Number: 9001
Total Players Recognized: 2

Player InformationName: Bedroom
Model: Squeezebox v3
Firmware: 112
The IP address for this player is:
The Ethernet MAC address for this player is: 00:04:20:07:4e:dc
Wireless Signal Strength: 49

is this perhaps related to this bug?
(i specifically try to keep the artwork <32Kbyte due to this bug)


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Re: [slim] What REALLY happens end-to-end with Apple Lossless files?

2008-11-17 Thread dcote

at the risk of getting severely flamed here... ;-)

has anyone actually tried to take the dig. output from SB3, receiver et
al. and compared that to the original CD?

reason i ask is that there ARE known issues with at least one of the
codecs in the SB3:

i understand that that bug applies to the MP3 codec, but it was assumed
(!) to be near perfect, which it was not.

is there not a minute possibility that other codecs (internal and
external) may be suffering similar symptoms?

dont get me wrong, i agree that the most likely cause of AndrewFG's
symptoms is iTunes' ripping process itself and/or a healthy dose of
placebo. but no-one wanted to believe the MP3 codec bug at first,
either... ;-)


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Re: [slim] FLAC format for videos?

2008-11-17 Thread dcote

i have been doing this for over 5 years now with my KISS/Linksys
networked DVD player (it is an ancient DP500). it plays VOB just fine,
which allows you to simply rip the DVD "as is" to your NAS. the VOB
file simply shows up in the file menu and i press play.

however, i have decided to compress DVDs, because even a NAS will run
out space sometime! ;-)

i encode all my movies myself, using the XviD codec and 160kbit MP3.
but, as you said, i dont care about AC3/DTS, since i dont have a
surround system. but as is, the quality is excellent and almost
indistinguishable from the original DVD.


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Re: [slim] 7.2.1 Responsiveness

2008-11-24 Thread dcote

i remember reading that other people were seeing un-reliable (confused?)
SC behavior, especially when multiple SB's are used. often, it turned
out to be IP/MAC related. such as: IP addresses being assigned fixed
and DHCP at the same time, resulting in the same address being used in
the network - but only sometimes. and/or "soft" MAC addessing, which
somehow got misconfigured. logic dictates that if it used to work and
then broke, something changed - maybe without you even knowing it.

and *yes* i am/was seeing this sometimes too. on windows *and*
linux/NAS. reasons i could determine in my network:
1. resource starved servers (both windows and NAS)
2. disks going to sleep and needing time to wake up (delays responses
by ~30 sec.)
3. web interface is/was -as far as i am concerned- so slow to be quite
useless. so i don't use it. ;-)


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Re: [slim] FF & Rewind using 7.2 ROCKS

2008-11-27 Thread dcote

my 2 cents:

1st cent - the new ff/rew is better because it works with ogg-vorbis
files too! (80% of my library is vorbis). :-)

2nd cent - the new ff/rew is not as good because one can not hear where
one is scanning to.

3rd cent - for me, the old scan was also terribly unreliable. the new
one works every time.

4th cent - it look as if the new ff/rew will not work with vorbis files
with embedded artwork...

oops - that was 4 cents!


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Re: [slim] scan complete but not stopping!?

2008-12-30 Thread dcote

actually, i must admit that i haven't seen this effect in a while. the
only thing (i believe) i did was to clear out the DB and do a complete
rescan (due a different bug).

wierd... is it reproduceable on your system or only sporadic? (like on


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Re: [slim] M4A Files on ReadyNAS Problems

2009-01-14 Thread dcote

not sure how much i am helping you, but i remember reading about quite a
few people mentioning problems with apple files on NAS boxes. some of
them seemed to fix them by switching from mplayer (the default m4a
decoder) to ffmpeg (an alternative decoder) for transocoding to SB3
compatible audio.

try searching for ffmpeg or mplayer...

sorry i can't point you in a more specific direction, but i dont have
problems with m4a on my system so i didn't remember where those threads
exactly were.

i also remember that switching to ffmpeg required more or less
extensive linux knowledge tho...


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Re: [slim] No more Squeezebox Classic in Europe? or just sold out at the moment?

2009-01-20 Thread dcote

there are quite a few SB classics (3) available on ebay, too.

even brand new ones.


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Re: [slim] Reproducible problem

2009-01-20 Thread dcote


you may want to check out these vorbis bugs:

sounds as if you (too) may be suffering from at least one of them.


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Re: [slim] Strange Effect?

2009-01-27 Thread dcote

yep - i can confirm dogberry's thoughts.

since i got my SBs, i am totally addicted. the SB is the first thing i
turn on in the morning (even before tea!) and the last thing i turn off
before going to sleep. i can hardly wait till i load new music on to SC
to listen to it.

of course, i have everything under control and can stop anytime i want

my SB even makes me aggressive sometimes, especially when i listen to
skinny puppy, makai or juno reactor.

you guys need to stay away from me.


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Re: [slim] Advice please on improving audio quality

2009-01-27 Thread dcote

AAC will be transcoded in SC. did you check to make sure you are
transcoding to wav or FLAC? you could be transcoding to mp3, thereby
transoding lossy to lossy which _will_ degrade soundquality.


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Re: [slim] update cover art without full rescan

2009-01-30 Thread dcote


hmmm dont think i've seen this behavior. i've been adding album art
slowly but surely to my collection only through a "scan for changes"
with consistently perfect results.

but here is the (possible?) caveat: since most of my music is vorbis, i
am not embedding it (due to known bugs and incompatibilities), rather
just putting an "album.jpg" file in the same directory as the track

quite possible that (re-)discovering _embedded_ albumart requires a
full re-scan tho...


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Re: [slim] Possible to sync new players (classic, boom) with ROKU soundbridges?

2009-02-19 Thread dcote

OT, but: the red lines are the heating filaments of the vacuum
fluorescent display. they are always on and can only be switched off by
unplugging the SBC.


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[slim] complete list of SC changes broken?

2009-03-06 Thread dcote

i just wanted to check what has changed since SC 7.2 (i know - i am
running ancient software! ;-).

but the link

to the changes (it is the one in
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes) only gives a 404
file not found?

the same btw for the other versions as well.

i guess since mvalera (webmonkey) left logitech/slimdevices, the new
webmaster has to get acquainted, yes? ;-)


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[slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-07-22 Thread dcote

after spending half the day researching this forum, the bugzilla
database and the forum over at qnap.com and not finding anything
conclusive, i give up and post my own thread now.

first, my symptoms:
-> on the odd occasion i _can_ get my players synced, it holds for
anywhere between 5 to 50 minutes, then breaks
-> usually, sync just slowly drifts apart. if i let it run, it will
usually drift apart by about 2-3 seconds after about 30 minutes or so
-> i can aggravate it by loading a new playlist while synched. my
playlists are large, ~1000 tracks. that breaks sync almost immediately.
-> a song transition (i have crossfade active) also seems to provoke
the issue
-> once broken, the only way i have found to re-sync is to cold-boot
one or both players and/or restart SC.
-> after an SC restart, sync seems to work for a while before the
problems start over.
-> the situation seems to be deteriorating continuously. currently, it
is almost impossible for me to acheive any reasonable synching at all.
-> the problem seems to be independent of the load on my qnap's

now, my environment:
Version: 7.3.2 - 24695 @ Mon Jan 19 18:36:25 PST 2009
Hostname: Turbonas
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9001
Operating system: Linux - EN - iso-8859-1 
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
Total Players Recognized: 2
-> both players are SB3/classics, both run FW 123
-> running on a qnap turbonas 409, FW 2.1.4 Build 0318T, with SSTOS
-> my library is about 50% vorbis (native), 45% mp3 (native) and 5% AAC
-> my playlists are typically ~500-1000 tracks long, but the problem
also occurs with shorter playlists ~40 tracks.
-> control is exclusively done by the remote control
-> my qnap is configured to update its system clock every hour by ntp.
i have verified this actually works.
-> my players are connected by wifi. the network test comes through up
to 4000 kbit @ 100% for at least 10 minutes.

does anyone have any suggestions for me? please keep in mind that i
only have rudimentary linux knowledge...

thanks VERY much in advance!


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-07-24 Thread dcote

hi catbus!

no worries - right now, i am happy for ANY suggestions. ;-)

yes, i have tried much already. my daytime job is a hardware/tech/IT
trainer&consultant, so tried a few things which seem smart from a
generic tech point of view.

what is "noticeable" drift? using all the interfaces i have at my
disposal, i can not detect any drift. but that isnt saying much, since i
dont know how to to a professionally accurate measurment (with ms
precision!) of my 409's clock.

how would i got about that?

better yet, how can i skip that step and install an NTP daemon?
according to some threads i hve read here, that could solve the problem.
unfortunately, they dont describe how to got about that...


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-07-27 Thread dcote

yeah, i guess i'll just have to hunker down, find (lots of!) time, and
do some experiments...


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-12 Thread dcote

this is going to be a LONG one...

after some LENGTHY experimentation i have found more details.

- upgraded to SC 7.3.3. the rest, such as perl etc. remains the same.
- wired up my two SB3s to eliminate the WLAN as a problem
- fixed up some files encoded with different vorbis encoders: GTune3b2
(my preference), aoTuV and xiph reference.


to make sync break BOTH the following conditions must be met:
A. i am using the _remote_ to skip tracks, scan tracks or load
B. i am playing or trying to play a _vorbis_ file, or the first file of
a playlist is a vorbis file.

under these circumstances it seems i can not break sync:
A. using an MP3 and/or FLAC only playlist - even with the remote
B. exclusively using the web UI to control the sync group ie. skipping
and scanning tracks and loading playlists - even with vorbis tracks in

the vorbis encoder used does not seem to have any effect on this.

i can actually make sync come back if i fiddle around enough by:
A. skipping a couple of tracks _not_ through the remote, but through
the web UI
B. pointing the remote at the _other_ (!) SB3 and restarting and/or
skipping to the next track
C. manually starting an MP3 track or loading an MP3 only playlist

i have set the player.sync log to debug. if someone can tell me where
to find the log and what to do with it i'd be grateful!

here's my problem: about 60% of our music collection is vorbis and
especially when we have guests roaming the house we sync our SBs. but as
soon as we change playlists, skip a track or even change the volume,
sync seems to freak out. these findings are more or less in line with
our past experiences, which were that if we sync up with a nice long
playlist it would sometimes work, sometimes not. the more we left the
SBs alone, the longer they would stay synced.

so how do i get vorbis to work properly when synced?


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-12 Thread dcote

my vorbis is playing native. when you say "recently", you mean like for
the last three years now, right? ;-)
at least, thats how long i have been playing vorbis natively.

the qnap probably has enough power to transcode vorbis, but according
to logitech's specs of the SB, that should not be necessary and it is
supported natively. which is why i bought the SBs in the first place.


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-12 Thread dcote


this sucks - the drifting effect i described in my first post is also
still there.

but once again, it seems that this only happens on vorbis files. when
an MP3 comes along in the playlist, the players sync up perfectly. then,
after 2-3 subsequent vorbis tracks, it starts drifting once more.

VERY odd...


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-12 Thread dcote

this is the recent log of my SC. is this what would help to
troubleshoot? if not, please let me know of other options! :-)

|Filename: server.zip   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7956|


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-13 Thread dcote

confirmed behavior by playing over night.

this problem is too consistent for my taste. hence:



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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-13 Thread dcote

no sooner have i filed a bug report to the effect that i _thought_ there
was a vorbis/sync problem than a purely mp3 playlist also started
drifting apart. this is the first time today, yesterday the mp3 playlist
stayed rock solid synced for over two hours.

probably means i can stick my bug report where the sun don't shine...


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-13 Thread dcote

OK, more testing done:

1. deactivated crossfade -> no effect
2. installed SC 7.3.3. on a high-powered windows vista machine -> no
problems so far with any means of operation or file type. will leave the
sync-group playing over night to see if anything wierd happens.
i guess this means that my vorbis files are OK then...

i know this is starting to look like a NAS problem. but please bear in
A. the effect is so much stronger with vorbis files. why is that?
B. why does my using the remote on one or the other SB or not using it
at all influence sync reliability?
C. am i the only one with sync problems on a QNAP?

the next step for troubleshooting is to stop spamming bugzilla (which
is what i have done) but to ask this forum:

what part of the SC syncing algorithm could be causing this? rather:
what part of my setup could be throwing the sync off?

i think i need to start systematically eliminating potential sync


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-13 Thread dcote

hehe - yeah i voted for those bugs (especially 4418) WAY back when they
were first reported. ;-)

apparently, they are fixed now, which was one of the reasons i upgraded
to 7.3.3. (apart from other bugs, where playback will randomly stop)
thing is, those bugs were "only" major for me. this bug (if it is one)
is CRITICAL to me.
how nice that upgrading to 7.3.3. broke my aac playback. :-( seems to
be a known issue in this forum though...

you are right tho - transcoding is one of the few things i haven't
tried yet. hope it works, because the qnap's processor is not too
powerful and vorbis decoding uses lots of cpu cycles. besides, i am not
expecting any miracles from that, since sometimes even MP3 seems to
drift. (see an earlier post of mine).

i could also try playing some pure WAV and see how that behaves...

is there someone out there who would mind explaining the sync mechanism
to me and perhaps be willing to discuss what could disrupt it so badly?


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-13 Thread dcote

tcutting;448159 Wrote: 
> Is the time on the NAS accurate?  I believe I've seen other threads on
> synchronization issues/drifting, and recall that often there was also
> issues with the Squeezecenter computer's clock (in your case, your NAS)
> having issues keeping time.  Might be worth searching through previous
> forum threads.

thanks for the suggestion. :-)

well, i've followed those threads as well.

firstly, my NAS NTP updates its system clock once per hour. as far as
the logs tell, that is working just fine.

secondly, there are suggestions to install an NTP daemon, which
supposedly will make the clock more accurate(?). however, over at the
qnap forum it is felt that that will not do the trick. a linux friend of
mine has confirmed that. not sure why it seemed to help others, tho...
the qnap forum also said it should be highly unlikely to see the qnap's
clock drift by more than a couple of seconds per day, which is about
right for a hardware-based RTC.

thirdly, logic tells me that shouldn't be an issue. if the qnap's clock
is the identical and concurrent reference for ALL SBs at the same time,
a drift in the qnap's clock should cause ALL the SBs to drift at the
same time, right? so the worst case would be that ALL SBs skip forward
at the same time, and all by the same amount. OTOH, any differences
between the SBs themselves would still be seen, because of their varying
time shift _relative_ to the qnap.
but as i said in my previous post, i am not sure how the sync mechanism
actually works, and this chain of logic is based on pure assumption.


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-16 Thread dcote

news: after a 1/2 day's battle, i managed to do a clean re-install of
SSOTS and SC. now i am running SSOTS 3.18 (after discovering that the
3.17 provided by qnap is broken) and SC 7.3.3.

indeed, sync is greatly improved! :-)

however, after two hours of synced playing, there still were two
instances where sync broke on a vorbis file. and again, it came back as
soon as an MP3 file came up. i didnt even need to do anything about

strange. as if SC sometimes "forgets" to keep sync when playing a
vorbis file and suddenly "remembers" when an MP3 comes up.


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-16 Thread dcote

no THAT might explain A LOT.

i use the GTune3b2 vorbis encoder, whose bitrate envelope is quite
different from the reference decoder's. GTune3b2 will allocate MANY more
bits/s on transients and high-frequency passages than the reference. if
all the assumptions sync does are based on the reference - no wonder.

i will see if the sync breaks are reproduceable on certain tracks. if
yes, i will try encoding them with the reference encoder and see if the
problem goes away.


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Re: [slim] synchronization problems - and getting worse

2009-08-28 Thread dcote

i havent had much time to do any additional intensive testing, but i
have been seeing a pattern - i _think_.

if sync breaks (much rarer now), then it does so when BOTH the
following conditions are met:
-> transitioning TO a vorbis file. higher bitrates seem to increase the
likelyhood of it happening.
-> my qnap's processor is _very_ busy doing something else, such as
accepting a large SMB transfer (~GB) from the network.

if i load the processor in the middle of a vorbis track, sync also
starts drifting audibly (i had 2 SBs right next to me on my desk for
testing). but it returns once the load drops again. however, if a song
transitions meanwile... see above.

the odd thing is, it still seems as if an MP3 file is required for sync
to return - even after the CPU load has dropped back to normal.


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Re: [slim] Track playing display problem - Newbie !

2007-07-31 Thread dcote

yeah, i found that slightly confusing at first too.

press the "now playing" button to active the real-time display of the
currently playing track.

when you browse to a song and press play, you are essentialy still in
"browse" mode, which does not show the currently playing track. in
theory, this allows you to continue browsing and add stuff to your
playlist, while SB is playing.

what i find slightly more irritating is that "now playing" is only a
button away, but going back to where i was just browsing is a major
navigational issue. ;-)



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Re: [slim] Problem with SlimServer and EAC/EZ Fix I'm sure!

2007-07-31 Thread dcote

hi there!

i am an avid EAC user. to me, it sounds like one of the three possible

1. it sounds like your EAC is ripping the CDs as one single track and
not as separate tracks. which is weird, because EAC will rip single
tracks by default.
are you sure you are not going through "action" -> "copy image and
create cue sheet" or are using the "IMG" button on the left?
if so, try ripping as single files by using the "MP3" button on the
left. dont worry - if you set up the "external" compressor correctly,
EAC will still generate FLACs from your CDs.
if you insist on using single images, make sure the CUE-sheets are
accessible by slimserver, otherwise it will only "see" the image, and
not the tracks therein. and i am not sure if slimserver can read
embedded cue sheets...
(btw - if you are concerned about gaps between songs, SB3 plays

2. also make sure you have the tagging set up properly. you may want to
read this excellent wiki on EAC+FLAC:

3. EAC has an annoying habit (at least mine does) of tagging my files
with lower-case tags. while 95% of programs will work just fine with
those, some will not (ex.: my iriver portable player tool). i rarely
rip FLAC files for use with slimserver (i prefer vorbis GTune3 @ Q6),
so i cant say if that is a real problem or not. but just for good
measure, you may want to change the tags to capital letters?



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Re: [slim] Newbie with couple questions

2007-08-10 Thread dcote

hey, amcluesent - thanx for that suggestion! i myself am still looking
for a good playlist manager and will try that out one of these days.

so far, i have been using self-soft's PersonalPlaylistManager plugin
for winamp. it is super easy to use and allows fast adding of new
tracks to your playlists. the only thing i am missing is that it does
not have an overview, it only processes one track at a time.

on the other hand the plugin is free, whereas orangecd seems to cost

try both and let us know what you think.



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[slim] SB3 running out of CPU cycles on HQ vorbis?

2007-09-20 Thread dcote

hi all!

i love my SB3. matter of fact, i just got my 2nd one. ;-)

BUT i just discovered something rather unsettling and i would like to
see if anyone out there has noticed a similar effect.

i generally encode my CDs using SJeng's OggEncGTb3 tuned ogg-vorbis
encoder set to q6. i find this gives vorbis tracks a lightness and
airyness lacking in other encoders.

however, it allows does allow bitrates to soar quite a bit on complex

and now it seems i have found a track, which starves the SB3's CPU.

1. buffer fullness is always 100% -> no network problem.

2. play track with large spectrum analyser screensaver or now playing
-> SB3 "chokes" after ~5-10 sec. of playing. displays "rebuffering 0%",
display kind of flickers and playback stops/stutters. if i leave it
alone long enough, it will recover after a minute or two and continue
playing normally.

3. switch "now playing" to a static display without visualization ->
playback commences again perfectly normally and never skips a beat.

4. turn visualization back on -> SB3 "chokes".

these symptoms would indicate that displaying viz + high-bitrate vorbis
chokes the SB3s CPU?

the track in question is encoded @ q6, but will run at ~400-500 kbit/s
for minutes on end. posting here is not practical, because the track is
~22 MB large. but i can provide it as a download or by mail if

if anyone else has been seeing this, should we report this as a bug? or
a feature request?

i understand that one could argue OggEncGTb3 does not comply to
ogg-vorbis reference specs, but then again i am only encoding @ q6. if
CPU choking is indeed a problem, then it should even occur with the
reference vorbis encoder @ q8-10, which is claimed to be supported by
slimdevices, no?

thanks for your thoughts!



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Re: [slim] SB3 running out of CPU cycles on HQ vorbis?

2007-09-20 Thread dcote

hi funktstar,

actually i have. when i ripped the file, i did not realize how complex
it was and that vorbis bitrates would soar like that. i normally avoid
FLAC, because it is too big for me and i find vorbis @q6 to be
indistinguishable from FLAC.

so far, i see many workarounds, none which are too painful:

1. re-rip those tracks in FLAC.

2. transcoding. but my slimserver is running on a serverly
resource-starved system anyway and it may have similar problems on that
track. thats why i like the SB3's native vorbis decoder! :-)

3. just dont use the visualizations. shame, tho, because they look cool
and impress the hell out of visitors! ;-)

4. just "zap" the track for know to prevent it from stalling my SB3.

but isnt there maybe a way to optimize the vorbis decoder in SB3's


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Re: [slim] SB3 running out of CPU cycles on HQ vorbis?

2007-09-21 Thread dcote

thanx for your thoughts on this guys. :-)

yeah - i'll just re-rip the offending track in FLAC.

and i agree with jeebers - this is the first of my thousands of tracks
encoded with GTuneb3 which exhibits this phenomenon. never seen it

i suspect it has to do with extreme and sudden bitrate spikes GTuneb3
produces. in this track, bitrates will jump from reasonable 250 kbit to
~570 kbit and back to 400 kbit.

i know vorbis normally makes heavy use of floating point operations,
which are typically badly implemented (or must be emulated) on embedded
CPUs. or does slimdevices already use the integer implementation of the
vorbis decoder called "tremor"? (http://xiph.org/vorbis/)

gentlemen, does something like this merit a feature request /
bugreport? probably not, but you never know, you know? ;-)



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[slim] albums ripped in mp3 AND vorbis show up twice

2007-09-21 Thread dcote

(i tried searching the forums but am probably using the wrong key-words:
i could not find anything on this.)

ok, here is my next effect:

i have a few albums which were ripped half in MP3 and half in Vorbis.
(this was done because some songs were supposed to play on an iPod).

these albums show up twice, even though the tagging is clearly

has anyone else seen this?



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Re: [slim] albums ripped in mp3 AND vorbis show up twice

2007-09-21 Thread dcote

thanks for clearing that up mherger!

hmmm... i am not sure i like that. if i turn one format off, doesnt
that mean i wont see the songs at all anymore? that is not really an
option, since the tracks are not actually duplicate.

Album A, tracks 1-4 -> MP3
Album A, tracks 5-9 -> vorbis

this shows up in browse -> albums as:
Album A
tracks 1-4
Album A
tracks 5-9

but since the albums are identical, i would expect:
Album A
tracks 1-9

isnt there a way to do that?

thanks again!


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox sometimes lagging on commands

2007-09-21 Thread dcote

hi guys!

i had (sometimes still have) this problem too. in my case it turned out
to be a severely resource-starved computer running slimserver.
especially if it had to start swapping virtual memory to- and from
disk, i could sometimes wait for 20-30 sec.(!) for it to respond to the
remote control.

this was proven to me when i went from wireless to wired and the
effects were unchanged.

it was a PIII, 700 MHz, 256 MB RAM, running windows and lots of other
stuff too. after i upgraded RAM to 1GB and responsiveness increased

today, my SB3s only respond sluggishly if i give slimserver lots of
work to do, i.e. add large shuffled playlists (>500 tracks) and/or it
is performing its weekly virus-scan.

since the RAM-upgrade i am 1000% happier with my SBs!


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices logo faceplate on ebay

2007-09-24 Thread dcote


just to let you guys know: i just bought a "hybrid" squeezebox! YES! it
is a slimdevices SB3, but it came with a logitech remote in the box! how
is THAT for rarity value? ;-)
i would be willing to consider bids starting at no less than 1000€.

and before anyone asks: yes the two of them get along just fine.

@skunk: seriously, sell it on ebay - you'll make more money. i have
been following the ebay prices for SB3 in germany. and let me tell you,
one guy bought a used SB3 for 325 € (plus shipping)! retail price @
logitech online: 300€. d'uh


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices logo faceplate on ebay

2007-09-26 Thread dcote

guys, you got me worried about the logitech logo on my remote.

quantum physics does not dictacte local causality.

do you think the logitech logo on my remote is worsening the jitter on
my SB3? i cant hear it, but the cat next door has been acting strange
lately. however, it is not blind, so it may not be a good candidate to
detect jitter.

or does the original slimdevices housing of my SB3 shield that?


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices logo faceplate on ebay

2007-09-26 Thread dcote

btw - the bidding wars have begun.

the first bid for 1$ + 5.50$ (S&H) has come in...


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices logo faceplate on ebay

2007-09-29 Thread dcote

hey tyler i appreciate your enthusiasm!

but i need a cover for my REMOTE not for my SB3! if you find any of
those on ebay, let me know. ;-)


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Re: [slim] Sonos getting smarter?

2007-10-26 Thread dcote

i felt i need to add my two bits as well... (no pun intended)

sonos has a strong presence in consumer + even high-end (!) audio-shops
all over the world, wheras SD seems to be less prominent.

i have seen demo centers and banners in audio stores in germany, canada
and even south-africa! and i am not necessarily talking about your
"supermarket-style" hyperstores, but the cosy, small dealerships with
personal service.

surely, this gives sonos more appeal to consumers of the
"non-technical-type", who are primarily buying HQ AUDIO equipment and
not an open-source technical gadget. ;-)

while i realize SD does have dealers as well, i confess i have not seen
any SD product in any retail shop yet.

that being said, i am not sure if sonos is smarter - to me it seems
they are simply addressing a different market:

SONOS: customers with higher budgets, primarily seeking an audio device
which is sexy to look at, has less knobs to tweak and which is easy to
buy - i.e. less complexity and less things to break!

SLIMDEVICES: customers who are technically savvy or interested, have a
smaller budget and who are not only willig to, but love to tweak and
fiddle with their equipment and continuously research and implement new


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Re: [slim] ogg playback occcasionally stops

2007-11-13 Thread dcote

dear fellow ogg-user,

i fear i may have to confirm that using *non-reference* (as in: not
released by xiph.org) vorbis encoders can cause playback problems.

i generally use SJeng's OggEncGTune3b1 encoder, which i find to have
superior sound quality at *high* bitrates.
unfortunately, that encoder has allowed the bitrate so soar to ~500-600
kbits peak on some of my tracks and to ~350 kbits average.
these tracks cause my SB3 to choke. (reproduceable)

my solution: re-code those tracks in FLAC (since at that bitrate flac
is not really that much larger) and/or turn off the visualization
screensavers. seriously, it seems my SB3 was just running out of CPU
cycles! and vorbis is *very* CPU-intensive...

luckily, only about 5 of my 3000 tracks seem to be affected, so i dont
worry too much. as you said: other tracks sound fantastic!

and after all - its my fault. (not using the reference encoder ;-)


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Re: [slim] ogg playback occcasionally stops

2007-11-14 Thread dcote

hi catbus - it seems my favorite encoder GTune3b1 is the culprit. when i
encoded the offending tracks with xiph's reference at q10, everything
played just fine.

but i agree with you that ultimately the higher bitrates with gtune3b1
are causing the crashes.


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[slim] which files/dirs does SS access? -> want to exclude from virus scanner (too slow)

2007-11-14 Thread dcote


i am running my slimserver on a severely CPU starved pc. it takes
~10-20 sec (!) for the web-interface to display a "browse albums"
page... :-(

i discovered that my virus scanner uses ~50% of the CPU cycles every
time i refresh a web-page. obviously, if i dont scan for viruses
anymore, i should be able to speed up rendering significantly.

i have already excluded
c:\program files\slimserver and
f:\music (all my music and albumart is in here)
from the virus scanner, wich dramatically improved scanning time. :-)
(about 2x the speed now)

however, webpage rendering does not seem effected by this, as the virus
scanner still gobbles up lots of CPU cycles during web access.

which other dirs must i exclude?


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Re: [slim] Really slow menus

2007-11-14 Thread dcote

yep - sounds familiar! :-)

your mac mini is probably just too slow.

my slimserver runs on a 700 MHz VIA ultra-low-power mainboard. (i want
to save energy). when it has too many other things to do (such as:
virus scanning, video streaming, etc.) my SB3 also sometimes slows
right down. it can take ~10-15 sec. to come alive after pressing the
power button!

things used to be a LOT worse when the mainboard only had 256 MB RAM. i
upgraded to 1GB, which improved things GREATLY!

previously, my SB would stall on every 4-5 button push, now it may go
days without stalling. 

still happens though...

is your web UI also *very* slow? as in: 10-20 sec. for displaying a
"browse albums" page?

oh, and i found it had (as you suspect) nothing at all to do with my
WLAN. ;-)


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[slim] dealing with special chars in albumart JPGs?

2007-11-14 Thread dcote

while i am at it... (today i must have posted as much as i normally do
in 1/2 year! ;-)

my albumart is in a separate directory from my music. i have SS set up
to display it. (i think)

my scheme is based on albums, because they are unique.

but i have album tags with "$" and ":" in them, which NTFS cant

so how do i name JPGs for such albums?

example album:
"Some Girls Wander By Mistake: 80 - 83"

what name should i give the albumart JPG?
"Some Girls Wander By Mistake 80 - 83.jpg" -> tried it, doesnt work
"Some Girls Wander By Mistake  80 - 83.jpg" ? (supposed to have TWO
spaces between Mistake and 80, but the BBS autocorrects it)
"Some Girls Wander By Mistake_ 80 - 83.jpg" ?

i know i could try it out, but i really do not want to re-scan the
entire DB every single time! (takes ~45 mins. on my machine)
(see also: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35177)

thanks for your help guys!


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Re: [slim] 'Clear library and rescan everything' for just one album cover?

2007-11-14 Thread dcote

i would like to chip in here... because it seems as if arie and i may
have the same problem. (correct me if i am wrong arie!)

when i add new music, albumart shows up in "album view" but thumbnails
in "browse albums" do NOT.

this happens even without a complete re-scan, just scanning for new and
changed is enough (i am running 6.5.3).

but how does one get the thumbnails to update/show without a complete
re-scan? no amount of browsing to anywhere fixes the thumbnails for

and as you can see they do work, so i am assuming my configured
settings are ok.

|Filename: Clipboard01.jpg  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3691|


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Re: [slim] dealing with special chars in albumart JPGs?

2007-11-15 Thread dcote

hi anoop!

sorry - i cant do that because most of my music is in flat directories.
there are no subdirs for artists, albums, etc.
hasnt been a problem yet, either - until i wanted to use albumart...

f:\music\ogg-vorbis\*.ogg (contains ~2500 songs, no subdirs)
f:\music\mp3\*.mp3 (contains ~3500 songs, no subdirs)

and to be honest, i would hate to have to re-arrange ~6500 files just
because SS doesnt have a way to deal with this. ;-)


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Re: [slim] duplicate albums when id3 tags are correct; directory issue?

2007-11-15 Thread dcote

hi slimpy!

are you serious? hope not... ;-)

what you are saying implies that any directory structure which
separates tracks from one album will cause that album to show up
multiple times?

please confirm for me these two examples:

1. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=40070
ben and i both are seeing multiple albums after integrating an itunes
library organized by artist:
if i understand you correctly, we have to re-organize our directory
structures? if so: not nice.
for me at least, it is tough work, because the filenames are incomplete
and i would have to rebuild those too.

2. before i integrated itunes, my directory structure was:
some tracks i ripped in flac for quality, some in vorbis for space.
albums with mixed formats indeed show up twice.
seems to be a variation of the same problem above.


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Re: [slim] dealing with special chars in albumart JPGs?

2007-11-19 Thread dcote

thank you for your thoughts gentlemen! :-)

i have numerous compilations. as i painfully discovered, slimserver
does not deal with compilations in artist-sorted directories properly -
they are displayed multiple times!
see here: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=39863

surely, you must have seen that? seriously, if most of you sort your
music as:
you HAVE to be seeing this? and if you do, dont you find it maddeningly
irritating? it is driving me NUTS!

frankly, i would rather forget about albumart in favor of correctly
displayed albums.

re. pale blue ego: 70% of my music is in ogg-vorbis format. it does not
support albumart embedding, because the ogg file is a general purpose
streaming media container which is not specifically limited to audio.


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Re: [slim] duplicate albums when id3 tags are correct; directory issue?

2007-11-19 Thread dcote

hi guys!

why does everybody seem to think my directory structure is at fault?

honestly, i think a file's location should be totally irrelevant to how
often it shows up in slimserver's DB.

or maybe someone could help me understand the reason why slimserver
behaves that way? design? bad thinking? bug?
i am considering reporting this as a bug.

oddly enough, the directory structure has an impact on another topic:
albumart. see:


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Re: [slim] dealing with special chars in albumart JPGs?

2007-11-19 Thread dcote

snarlydwarf - i may be mis-reading, but arent you sorting exactly as i
.\artist\album\track.* ?

or is there a difference between "albumartist" and "artist"?

btw. precisely because i would also hate to "scour" for files is why
all my files are diligently named
and put in to a FLAT directory.

that way, i can scroll up and down in explorer and locate albums and
files very quickly. (works great for me and my GF when we select files
to put on our portable players)


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Re: [slim] duplicate albums when id3 tags are correct; directory issue?

2007-11-21 Thread dcote

yes, i understand how, but still not why.

but please bear with me! :-)
ever since i imported my GF's iTunes music repository from her iBook, i
have albums showing up 10 times or more!?

iTune's directory schema:

.\artist A\black soul\track.mp3
.\artist B\black soul\track.mp3
.\artist C\black soul\track.mp3
.\artist J\black soul\track.mp3

result when i browse albums:
"black soul"
"black soul"
"black soul"
"black soul"

and it is THE SAME album. this makes it impossible to add the album
"black soul" in its entirety to the playlist.

surely that is not intentional?

btw. snarlydwarf: we went through great pains to ensure our album
tagging is 100% unique. there are NO duplicate album names in our

since it seems most of you seem to feel this is a "feature", i will
file a new feature /change request, instead of a bug report. ;-)


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Re: [slim] duplicate albums when id3 tags are correct; directory issue?

2007-11-21 Thread dcote

discovered that slimserver is "working as designed":


filed an "enhancement" request at:


hope my request will make everyone happy - the ones who LIKE the
directory idea and those who dont. ;-)

anyone interested in getting this fixed/changed, please vote for it!


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Re: [slim] New SB3 user, why does Airport Express sounds better?

2007-11-22 Thread dcote

is there a difference between the headphone jack and the RCA (cinch)

i find there is a tremendous one - on my equipment the RCA connectors
definitely sound more powerful and fuller.

but apparently (according to other users) this differs depending on
your audio equipment.


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Re: [slim] duplicate albums when id3 tags are correct; directory issue?

2007-11-22 Thread dcote


since i copied my GFs iTunes repository from her iBook - about 30. some
of those show up 15x.
her iTunes is organized by artist, that is just the way it is.

slimpy, i am not trying to discuss who is smart or not, i am just
making a point that there are a significant amount of people (heck, i
didnt even start this thread, i just jumped on it!) who feel this
behavior is strange.

i found ~10 bugs reported in bugzilla that relate to this problem,
(none of them from me, btw) so at least some people are bugged by it
(no pun intended ;-).

that is why i did not file a "bug", but an "enhancement" request.
and it contains a suggestion to add a control which will let you choose
squeezecenter's behavior.

that way you can be happy and me too! :-)


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Re: [slim] duplicate albums when id3 tags are correct; directory issue?

2007-11-23 Thread dcote

@slimpy: because i expect slimdevices to be BETTER than apple! ;-)


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Re: [slim] Posible bug in built-in MP3 decoder - please verify

2007-11-24 Thread dcote

hi sikahr!

i am impressed with your analysis! good work. :-)

but how on earth did you ever get the idea to test that in the first
place? 8-O

as sean said - yours is a "corner case", and therefore highly unlikely
that someone would stumble upon it by chance.

most likely you specifically tested for it - but what gave you that
intuition that there may be something wrong?

btw, i can confirm this on my SB3s, FW 81. ;-)


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Re: [slim] squeezebox screen size?

2007-12-04 Thread dcote

hi dystopias!

just measured and tested mine... ;-)

(text-)display size is 1.5cm hight x ~13cm width (usable).

@ max fontsize very readable, but your wife would still have to get
quite close to it.
i myself am very near-sighted (~-2.7) and need to get about 50cm close
to be able to read the display @ max fontsize without my glasses.

oh, and softsqueeze may not be quite original size, depending on your
PC screen size and resolution! (on mine, the large softsqueeze display
is only ~1.1cm high)

hope that helps!


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