Re: [Freevo-users] Stymied by digital cable...

2009-12-11 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
James Trietsch a écrit :
 Well the day is soon coming when I'll be moved into my new home and the 
 Freevo will come out of storage (of course) and life will continue on fairly 
 normally (hopefully)...
Hope you an happy new home (sweet home !)
 Question-the-second: How well does Freevo work with IR-blasting channel 
 change commands to the cable box? I saw the message recently from Pascal, 
 which was good timing: I had forgotten if Freevo could even do it (and how to 
 set it up). I'm coming to terms with the fact I'll be running Freevo to 
 record video input from the cable box and while that is better than nothing, 
 it's a shame I won't be able to watch one thing (live) while recording 

I can only answer a little to this part. I did some tests with the 
embedded IR Blaster on a PVR-150... In short, just forget it !
On the contrary, I bougth a commandir toy (coming in Europe with 4 
irblaster, the delivery depends on the shopping area, no idea why...).
That thing is amazing ! It works really out of the box, don't need any 
kernel module (just download/compile lircd and start with the commandir 
I learned (mostly for fun) some IR I had at home, and I can use it from 
Linux very easily.
In freevo, I had to adapt a little bit the script, but there is no need 
of big pythonic knowledge : the script is straighforward, and basically, 
you just have to change one or two lines to create the correct line 
argument to irsend.
I only encounter a small trouble (well, not so small !) The IRCommand 
toy seems to be a little hungry, and I had to add a powered USB Hub to 
have it to work (according to, this is a known 
trouble of motherboard with an NVidia chipset)


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[Freevo-users] freevo pvr questions...

2009-12-07 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I'm changing parts of my configuration (it seems that I'm not able to 
have a stable HTPC !), and I have an information and a question :

The information (maybe a well known secret :-) )

I never was able to use the ivtv_xine plugin if my PVR card was not 
linked to /dev/video0.

Finally having a look in the source code of xine-lib, is it true that 
/dev/video0 is an hardcoded default value, but a solution exists. If the 
config file (I did the test with ~/.xine/config, but I believe that a 
general file also exists) contains the next line, then the pvr:// mode 
use the selected /dev/video device, instead of /dev/video0 :

# device used for WinTV-PVR 250/350 (pvr plugin)
# string, default: /dev/video0

The question :

(I didn't dig very far, for now, so the answer could be obvious)

I'm trying to use an external tuner. I created my own, derived from 
irsend_generic (because at the moment, I use my TV as tuner, and to 
select a two numbers channel, my TV need some magic tips). This is 
working great ... when watching video. If I try to record a show, the 
channel simply doesn't change, without any error messages.
In the recordserver-{UID}.log, I can see that the plugins was selected. 
But no channels change. The record is OK.

Here are the (hopefully) relevant informations from :

plugin_record = plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record')


   desc='Hauppauge PVR USB 2',
# plugin for ir blasting for channel change
plugin_external_tuner = plugin.activate('tv.irsend_generic2',
args=('/usr/bin/irsend --count=5 SEND_ONCE RM-883'))


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Re: [Freevo-users] Rebuilding again my freevobox...

2009-11-08 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
John Molohan a écrit :
 schirrms wrote:
 First the setup : I setu the PVR USB3 like a PCI PVR card, so I use the 
 ivtv_xine_tv plugin to drive the beast.
 * I was a little bit astonished when I did download the svn version of 
 freevo, as freevo states that the current version is still 1.8.4 ? So I 
 finally installed the tags/REL-1_9_1 version (and the current kaa svn 
 Hi Pascal,

 Can you let me know where and I'll change that?

Hi John,

Not sure that I understand your question !

To download (from SVN) a freevo version tagged 1.9.1, i did :
svn co svn://

With the 'known' command :
svn co svn://
my freevo says version 1.8.4

Idon't know if the two are dirrerents, in fact ;-)


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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Rebuilding again my freevobox...

2009-10-11 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

As usual (!), I'm (trying to) rebuild(ing) my freevobox.

The trouble with my current freevobox is the temp : Outside tv TV 
closet, everything is OK, but at the normal place (at least in my wife 
feeling), the system receives simply not enough fresh air.
The trouble is greatly related to the PVR-150 card, witch is a good  
heat generator !
So I'm trying to use an USB capture device. I don't need a TV tuner, as 
the box need to record also TV show from the cable decoder, so I can 
(and will probably) forget the tuner part, and better use an IR blaster 
to drive the decoder.
For the IR Blaster, I think to use this one, recommended on mythtv wiki :

But I'm not able to find a non expansive video encoder, supported by 
Linux. I am pretty sure thet the Hauppauge PVR USB2 device would do the 
trick, but this one is not exactly non expensive !

At this time, I'm still searching an SD solution, our living room TV 
-and calbe decoder- is still a CRT model, but if a solution can be 'HD 
ready', it could be interresting. Also, the power is here to to a 
software encoding, but  if I can havez a decent hardware encoding, I 
could also  slow down the processor.

What do you use, or know ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] xine-vdpau

2009-10-01 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Bernard Mentink a écrit :

 On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Bernard Mentink wrote:

 Hi All,

 Has anyone any success in using xine-vdpau in freevo?
 (vdpau is NVIDIA's hardware acceleration API ...)


I had good results with mplayer and vdpau (with the standard packages 
for my distro, witch is Mandriva 2009 spring, in conjuction with the plf 

That been said, I didn't achieve to use the vdpau extension with freevo 
: you have to select the (from memeory) -c h264-vdpau -a vdpau option if 
and only if the file to show is actually h264 encoded. So I guess that 
the mplayer plugin need a hack to go trough mminfo (or whatever fit) 
and, according to the actual contents of the video file, use the correct 

And if this is to watch hd dvb, currently, that option is a little weaky 
here in France : the sound option of the HD DVB changed to EAC with 
spectral extention in June, and the ffmpeg library (in use in xine, 
mplayer and vlc) is not (as far as I know) officialy patched. I finally 
manage to compile a vlc with a patched ffmpeg library, but that give a 
gizmo I don't really want to integrate in freevo ;-)

My 2 c,

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Re: [Freevo-users] trouble with a PVR-350 output card

2009-02-01 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 I use the PVR 350 TV Out to watch freevo on my (plain old CRT) TV. This 
 worked very good since the setup of this system, 4 months ago.

 Since one month or so, sometime, when starting a Video, the TV screnn 
 goes completely out of sync.
 Only way to get a stable TV out again : rmmod ivtvfb, rommod ivtv, 
 modprobe ivtv, modprobe ivtvfb
 Could be that the fb driver has become unstable. There is very little
 that you can do in the xorg.conf to control this, it either works of

 Could depend on the kernel version.


Hi Duncan,

It seems that (one more time ;-) ) you had the good view :-)

I went some kernel back, and it seems that the trouble is gone.


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Re: [Freevo-users] 1.8.3 problems

2009-01-30 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
John Molohan a écrit :
 Duncan Webb wrote:
 perhaps upsoon?
 Upsoon yes I think, not using commercials or reencode.
Same for me : upsoon yes, remove commercial no.

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Re: [Freevo-users] 1.8.3 problems

2009-01-29 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Elizabeth Dodd a écrit :

 The recordserver is starting - i don't know why it failed
 the lock file - well the graphic of the lock file persists permanently 
 of changing back to the tv with no lock.
 i took it out of the idlebar so i didn't have to see it anymore


I have the same problem here : Recording is working, but sometime (more 
often than not), after a recording, the 'busy TV icon' stay on. But it's 
possible to watch or record again.
I didn't come back with this one, because I did think that this was 
related to vbi2srt_record. It seems not, after all.


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[Freevo-users] trouble with a PVR-350 output card

2009-01-17 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Not really a freevo trouble, but as I can find here some expert users of 
a Hauppauge PVR card :-)

I use the PVR 350 TV Out to watch freevo on my (plain old CRT) TV. This 
worked very good since the setup of this system, 4 months ago.

Since one month or so, sometime, when starting a Video, the TV screnn 
goes completely out of sync.
Only way to get a stable TV out again : rmmod ivtvfb, rommod ivtv, 
modprobe ivtv, modprobe ivtvfb

Not very practical (not to speak about the WAF :-( )

I thank about a change in xorg.conf, but no.

Here are the relevant parts of xorg.conf, if useful :
Section Monitor
Identifier PAL Monitor
HorizSync 30-68
VertRefresh 50-120
Mode 720x576
DotClock 42.6
HTimings 720 760 832 944
VTimings 576 577 580 602

Section Device
Identifier Hauppauge PVR 350 iTVC15 Framebuffer
Driver ivtv
BusID PCI:2:13:0
Option VideoOverlay on
Option fbdev /dev/fb1
Option XVideo 1

Section Screen
Identifier TV
Device Hauppauge PVR 350 iTVC15 Framebuffer
Monitor PAL Monitor
DefaultDepth 24
Subsection Display
Depth 24
Modes 720x576
FbBpp 32
DefaultFbbpp 32

Section ServerLayout
Identifier TVlayout
Screen TV
Option AllowEmptyInput

Any ideas ?


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[Freevo-users] Installation of the currents svn (kaa, freevo) fails.

2009-01-10 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

After playing a lot wit hthe current freevo 1.8.3 release, I just tried 
to go again on the current svn version.

So I removed /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/kaa* and freevo*
did a svn checkout,
built a complete kaa set (without errors)
then for freevo :
remove of the local svn copy of freevo
svn checout freevo (exact command : svn co 
svn:// )
cd freevo
python clean
python build
(as root)
python install
Here is the output  (thats a second run, at first run the log is much 
bigger, of course !) :
checking for xml.utils.qp_xml... found
checking for kaa...found
checking for kaa.metadata... found
checking for kaa.imlib2... found
checking for BeautifulSoup... found
checking for pygame... found
checking for Image...  found
checking for twisted...found
checking for twisted.web.microdom... found
checking for Numeric...found
[Errno 4] Interrupted system call What 
is that ?
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_scripts
running install_lib
running install_scripts
changing mode of /usr/bin/freevo to 755
running install_data
running install_egg_info
Removing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo-1.8.4_svn-py2.5.egg-info
Writing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo-1.8.4_svn-py2.5.egg-info
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 
'error' in bound method Popen.__del__ of subprocess.Popen object at 
0x9eaffcc ignored And that ??

Is there a compatibility problem between the current kaa svn and freevo 
1.x ?

Are these message only cosmetics ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo, Hauppauge PVR and a DVB Stick are on the same ship :-)

2008-11-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Adam Charrett a écrit :

 Right now, is there a solution ? I'm maybe missing a well known solution
 (let me hope :-) ) ?

 Yes and no, I put together a patch for livepause that should allow it to
 work with ivtv cards, but I haven't been able to test it (no PVR card here
 only DVB) and I haven't submitted it yet.

 Perhaps the best thing to do is submit the patch and put a link to the new
 app that is also required to make ivtv and livepause play nicely togther,
 Duncan what do you think? (oh and of course find some time to write the
 instuctions ;-) )
Hi, Adam, that seems great :-) And I really like to be a tester :-) I 
really would like to test this promising patch.

Thanks in advance,

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[Freevo-users] freevo, Hauppauge PVR and a DVB Stick are on the same ship :-)

2008-11-24 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I finally add a DVB USB stick on my (very gifted ;-) ) freevo box.

I must say that adding this stick was fairly easy (I just had a trouble 
obtaining a good channels.conf file, but that's out of topic).

But after adding the correct entries in TV_VIDEO_GROUPS and TV_CHANNELS, 
I started freevo, and the ivtv_xine_tv plugins complains about my dvb group.

So I went back to the generic tv player and I can watch analog and 
digital TV broadcast (I still have a trouble recording, but I think I 
could deal with that.

But I lost all new toys, like live pause and so on. And I think that the 
dvb livepause (livepause2) plugin give this kind of option for digital 
TV, like ivtv_xine_tv does for analog TV.

Funniest part is that in the two cases, a TV broadcast is for freevo a 
MPEG flow (more or less) So I believe one plugin could do the trick for 
the two cases.

Right now, is there a solution ? I'm maybe missing a well known solution 
(let me hope :-) ) ?


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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.8-svn : Since around one week, no more display of sound change (in xine and mplayer)

2008-11-23 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

since around one week (I think near svn 11181, not sure) I have no more 
OSD indications of sound level change. I think at the beginning that 
this was related to some changes I did, playing a lot in itvtv and v4l2 
on my system, but the trouble is also here in Mplayer when watching a movie.

It could be related to the time the shutdown box changed (not really 
sure, again). I don't know if this is a bug or some configuration tip ?  
Inivtv_xine_tv, channel name and program name are still printed out, but 
it seems (to me ;-) ) that the part of code who should send the sound 
information is  not in the same script.

Any ideas ?


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[Freevo-users] Use of splitted tv channels ?

2008-11-17 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Currently, on my cable network, I have still 3 physicals TV channel with 
splitted programs : One diffusor in the day, another in the evening.

I'm not so happy with the way freevo  deals with that, and I'm working 
on to 'improve' that (vell, at least for my feeling !). But before I 
create a new monster, I would know if someone else is concerned here, 
and if yes if freevo is working as expected or not for you (and if 
possible, the relevant lines of your TV_CHANNELS)


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Re: [Freevo-users] Use of splitted tv channels ?

2008-11-17 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:

 Currently, on my cable network, I have still 3 physicals TV channel with 
 splitted programs : One diffusor in the day, another in the evening.

 I'm not so happy with the way freevo  deals with that, and I'm working 
 on to 'improve' that (vell, at least for my feeling !). But before I 
 create a new monster, I would know if someone else is concerned here, 
 and if yes if freevo is working as expected or not for you (and if 
 possible, the relevant lines of your TV_CHANNELS)

 Hi Pascal,

 It's a difficult area, what do you expect to see?

 I would expect something like this:

 CH1|no data  | prog1 | prog2 |
 CH2|prog 1 | prog2 |prog3| no info

 I'm not 100% sure that this is what freevo does and changing it will 
 give you a bit of a headache, it's not the simplest code in freevo :-)

Hi Duncan,

I did some research about this part ... and I completely follow you, 
that's too much for me :-)

No, the part I just change (I'll send that tomorrow, I think will try 
some cleanup before) is not here, but in

The changes are :
In the current channels.cfg, if you ask for a physical channel with more 
than one entry, give you always the latest line in TV_CHANNELS.
I didn't notice that at the beginning, because I mostly watch TV in the 
evening :-)
This has a major drawback : Even if you schedule a record from the 
former line, the title of the recorded show is the title of the program 
from the latest tv_show.
In fact, I wonder if the time schedule (the third field -that is, 
starting from 0, the field [3]- in  TV_CHANNELS) is in use somewhere ?  
I wasn't able to find any use in the code (did some brutal grep for 
that, maybe not the best way !).

Others troubles are maybe only related to the ivtv_xine_tv plugins, but 
were all corrected also in channels.cfg.
It was not possible to 'chan_down' a channel with more than one line in 
TV_CHANNELS. The system selects the same channel ever and ever.
It was very hard to use the 'direct channel' selection. Saying I want to 
show MTV, witch is on channel 18 on all TV at home, I have to remember 
that before MTV, I have 3 channels with two lines, so I have to select 

These points are corrected (at least for me) anyone willing to correct 
the display part for the program  :-) ?

But anyway, I would know if this is a 'general' problem or if I'm 
(nearly) alone with that kind of trouble.


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Re: [Freevo-users] Discfree

2008-11-07 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
 can we have the info of discfree for another disk ?
 i have two disk, one for Os, second for data .
 thanks .

Hi Patrick,

As far as I know, freevo give the disk size of the freevo main dir. I'm 
not sure that this is very clear :-)

On my system, every freevo related data are stored in a tree under 
/home/media. So I have /home/media/TV for TV record, /home/media/music 
for song, and so on).
Fo me, freevo give the space of the disk actually containing /home/media 
(I'm not totally sure, but I think I remember time I just had to move 
freevo on other disks and the disk usage infomation in Freevo was correct.


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Re: [Freevo-users] Discfree

2008-11-07 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 can we have the info of discfree for another disk ?
 i have two disk, one for Os, second for data .
 thanks .

 Hi Patrick,

 As far as I know, freevo give the disk size of the freevo main dir. I'm 
 not sure that this is very clear :-)

 On my system, every freevo related data are stored in a tree under 
 /home/media. So I have /home/media/TV for TV record, /home/media/music 
 for song, and so on).
 Fo me, freevo give the space of the disk actually containing /home/media 
 (I'm not totally sure, but I think I remember time I just had to move 
 freevo on other disks and the disk usage infomation in Freevo was correct.


OK, more precisely :

Launching the comand
freevo plugins -i idlebar.diskfree
I see an interresting information : You can set a
TV_RECORD_DIR var witch help to select the good disk for the free space 
In other words, if you have your data in /home2/drive/TV, set in your
TV_RECORD_DIR = /home2/drive/TV
And the space informations will be the inofmrations of the 2nd drive.
I don't konw (and I geuss the answer is no) if it's possible to launch 
two instance of the plugin.


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Re: [Freevo-users] some performances troubles with ivtvfb

2008-10-31 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :

 I believe that this question is not really freevo oriented, but I hope 
 that some people here have a configuration like mine.

That question was definitively not a freevo question, and I send them to 
the ivtv user list :-)

The solution was easy :
I didn't install the ivtv xdriver, as I was falsely thinking that 
everything was in the kernel. Well the kernel level drivers are here but 
not the x11 driver. Funny thing is that this driver compile is less than 
a minute...

so in short, even with the latest kernels, to use the PVR-350 output 
with decent perf, you need to compile the ivtv x driver (version 1.0.1 
currently), and you need to use an X layer (In fact, I not sure of the 
second part of the sentence, but as I don't see how to use an x driver 
in framebuffer mode...)


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[Freevo-users] some performances troubles with ivtvfb

2008-10-29 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I believe that this question is not really freevo oriented, but I hope 
that some people here have a configuration like mine.

I have now a decent Linux Box : P4C 2,4 GHz (Hyper threaded, I think I 
read something about that), 2 Gb ram, fast hard drive, a GeForce 6600 GT 
video board.
The Linux Distro is Mandriva 2009 , with a 2.6.27 kernel. So the ivtv 
and ivtvfb drivers are the  kernel version.
In that fabulous system, I have a Hauppauge PVR-350 card.
Near my computer is a TV (a plain old CRT TV ;-) )
My plan is to have freevo running on the tv (using the PVR-350 out 
through the ivtvfb driver) and simultaneously an X server on the 'Main' 
screen of the computer.
It is nearly working but I have considerable performance issue when I 
watch a Video on freevo.
I also did tests like :
mplayer -vo fbdev:/dev/fb1 my_test.avi
Running without any option, the system use nearly 200 % CPU (according 
to top ;-) ) and the video run at 3 picture / second, approximatively. 
(Sound is at native speed, not very helpful !)

I did differents tests, trying to load ivtvfb with some options, but I 
didn't notice any changes.

BTW, I didn't find the correct way to tell freevo to use the fbdev 
driver directly, specifying /dev/fb1 as output, so I did my freevo test 
under X. But as the ressource trouble also exists without freevo...


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Re: [Freevo-users] kernel 2.6.27 and Hauppauge PVR 350 card : some troubles

2008-10-14 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 Should I submit a bug request in Freevo (Or should I try to patch myself 
 ? I'll try, but I'm soo slow...)

OK, forget it :-) Just a fast jump in gave me the solution :

I did set secam-l in freevo.conf, as this is the value that works with 
v4l2-ctl. But wait for secam_l

So, with secam_l in my freevo.conf, freevo is running fine again :-)


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Re: [Freevo-users] kernel 2.6.27 and Hauppauge PVR 350 card : some troubles

2008-10-13 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 I'm in France, so most program are in SECAM, I don't know if this has 
 something to do with my trouble.
 OK, I got it (and in some ways, it returns to freevo, sorry :-|).

 Since long time, PVR card did work in a kind of generic PAL or generic 
 SECAM mode. For secam, this was a value of ff, witch this result :

 $ v4l2-ctl -S
 Video Standard = 0x00ff

 This doesn't work anymore (at least on my system !)
 But if I select the 'French secam' (that is, secam-L) :
 $ v4l2-ctl -s secam-L
 Standard set to 0040
 $ v4l2-ctl -S
 Video Standard = 0x0040

 Then the sound is back here (to be able to do that, I change the 
 standard in ferrvo.conf to a wrong value. So freevo complains, but the 
 TV has sound !)

OK, I tried my chance on the ivtv-users list, and here is the answer of 
Hans Verkuil :

Hi Pascal,

It's not a bug, it's the right behavior. I'm even a bit surprised that 
this has worked in the past. Setting generic secam is a bad thing to do 
as there is really no such thing. In practice you have SECAM-BG, 
SECAM-DK and SECAM-L. And it is basically undefined what will happen if 
you just set SECAM.




Seeing the number of files owned by Hans in the ivtv project, I suppose 
that this can be seen as an authoritative answer.

Should I submit a bug request in Freevo (Or should I try to patch myself 
? I'll try, but I'm soo slow...)


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[Freevo-users] kernel 2.6.27 and Hauppauge PVR 350 card : some troubles

2008-10-12 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

freevo 1.8 svn, on a brand new Linux (Mandriva 2009) installation, but 
on a 'working yesterday' harware :

I had some troubles to install every needed dependency, the 2.6.27 
kernel is a little young. For example, I had to install a cvs version of 
lirc, the lirc 'official' doesn't compile on kernel above 2.6.25.

So far so good, my freevo installation is nearly working. But I 
encounter a strange trouble while watching or recording TV.

I'm in France, so most program are in SECAM, I don't know if this has 
something to do with my trouble.
The trouble is : in some case, I have no sound when watching TV. It 
seems (not done each and every tests) that I have sound only if the 
source channel is delivered in stereo.
It's not a frequency trouble : On one channel, the program is 'time 
spitted between two senders. One sender send in stereo : I have the 
sound and the other in mono : no sound.
This is probalby not a freevo trouble, and I'll try to find answer on 
other souces, but if someone have ideas or test suggestion :-)


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Re: [Freevo-users] kernel 2.6.27 and Hauppauge PVR 350 card : some troubles

2008-10-12 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
John Molohan a écrit :
 For my mceusb remote I just had to urpmi dkms-lirc-0.8.3, not sure what 
 remote you're using but that may be an easier approach.
Thanks John, alltough I  allready used dkms drivers, I didn't really 
search out what  kind of (mice) thing this is !
So I just did a little google, and for sure, the dkms version is  better 
for  a remote needing a kernel dependant mode, like the hauppauge remote !
So I just installed the dkms version of lirc, and great : this version 
includes the lirc_i2c module :-)
One less step at the next kernel update...

 There certainly were some problems in the ivtv driver with stereo 
 detection (not sure what versions are affected or if it's fully fixed 
 but when I came across it it was 12 or 18 months ago). I've got PAL and 
 haven't noticed any problems yet but have not had much time to test, a 
 look at the ivtv mailing lists might throw up some info.
Yes, I read some audio troubles with the ivtv module, but not exactly 
something like the trouble I encounter.

But my latest tests let me think that I have only audio when I receive a 
NICAM signal (SECAM wasn't able to carry a stareo signal : the sound 
modulation is in AM so when Stereo was to add, a new system was build, 
with a numeric stereo signal put in some invisible line of the picture. 
In other words, I can receive sound from the picture !)
If a do some diff with the main freevo system here (kernel 2.6.24), I 
see that v4l2-ctl -T set the sound to lang1 on the working system and 
let the sound to stereo on the muted system.

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Re: [Freevo-users] kernel 2.6.27 and Hauppauge PVR 350 card : some troubles

2008-10-12 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 I'm in France, so most program are in SECAM, I don't know if this has 
 something to do with my trouble.
OK, I got it (and in some ways, it returns to freevo, sorry :-|).

Since long time, PVR card did work in a kind of generic PAL or generic 
SACAM mode. For secam, this was a value of ff, witch this result :

$ v4l2-ctl -S
Video Standard = 0x00ff

This doesn't work anymore (at least on my system !)
But if I select the 'French secam' (that is, secam-L) :
$ v4l2-ctl -s secam-L
Standard set to 0040
$ v4l2-ctl -S
Video Standard = 0x0040

Then the sound is back here (to be able to do that, I change the 
standard in ferrvo.conf to a wrong value. So freevo complains, but the 
TV has sound !)

Is there an official way to do that (without hacking a program file ?)

BTW, NICAM channel sound level is way lower than classical channels 
(again, on my system). Could it be feasible to have a sound level by 
channel (probably a lot of work...) ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] kernel 2.6.27 and Hauppauge PVR 350 card : some troubles

2008-10-12 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Jason Tackaberry a écrit :
 On Sun, 2008-10-12 at 16:01 +0200, Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 I had some troubles to install every needed dependency, the 2.6.27 
 kernel is a little young. For example, I had to install a cvs version of 
 lirc, the lirc 'official' doesn't compile on kernel above 2.6.25.

 I use 2.6.27.  CVS lirc should compile on 2.6.27.  At least, I submitted
 a patch to fix compile problems against 2.6.27 and I believe the patch
 was applied to cvs.
Yes, that was what I wanted to say : Only the CVS version of lirc can 
compile on 2.6.27, not version 0.8.3. But if the 0.8.4 version in now 
available, I think that this question is closed :-) I just needed this 
one yesterday ! No luck ;-)


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Re: [Freevo-users] Sound saturated on a PVR-350 card

2008-10-04 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :

And, by the way, 0xE9 equal  (14 * 16) + 9 = 233 :-)

My mistake ;-)

Thanks again,

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Re: [Freevo-users] Sound saturated on a PVR-350 card

2008-10-01 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Markus Wittenberg a écrit :

 How do your options look like? I have the same card. Here are my 
 options, I don't have sound problems with it:

   'input' : 4,
   'resolution': '720x576',
   'aspect': 0,
   'audio_bitmask' : 0xE9,
   'bframes'   : 3,
   'bitrate_mode'  : 0,
   'bitrate'   : 600,
   'bitrate_peak'  : 800,
   'dnr_mode'  : 3,
   'dnr_spatial'   : 0,
   'dnr_temporal'  : 0,
   'dnr_type'  : 0,
   'framerate' : 0,
   'framespergop'  : 12,
   'gop_closure'   : 1,
   'pulldown'  : 0,
   'stream_type'   : 10


You're right, I should have given my settings ,sorry :-(
Here is my TV_IVTV_OPTIONS :
 'input' : 0,
 'resolution': '720x576',
 'aspect': 2,
 'audio_bitmask' : 233,
 'bframes'   : 3,
 'bitrate_mode'  : 0,
 'bitrate'   : 450,
 'bitrate_peak'  : 600,
 'dnr_mode'  : 3,
 'dnr_spatial'   : 0,
 'dnr_temporal'  : 0,
 'dnr_type'  : 0,
 'framerate' : 0,
 'framespergop'  : 12,
 'gop_closure'   : 1,
 'pulldown'  : 0,
 'stream_type'   : 14,

I don't even know most of the options !

Any clues ?


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[Freevo-users] Sound saturated on a PVR-350 card

2008-09-30 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I have a new trouble, and this trouble is probably not freevo related 
(at least not directly).

I have a Hauppauge PVR-350 card as analog TV tuner, and on around half 
channels, the TV audio signal seems to be a little too strong, so the 
sound is saturated.
If I change a little the frequency of the channel, the picture is a 
little bit badder, but I can listen to the sound. I suspect that this is 
related to my cable operator, but is it possible to change something on 
the audio part of the card ?

BTW, in the TV_IVTV_OPTIONS, there is a 'audio_bitmask' field, but even 
reading the tv/ didn't help me much about the use of this field.


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Re: [Freevo-users] Numeric channel change crashes freevo

2008-09-08 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Evan Hisey a écrit :
 Upgrading to 1.8.2 almost works, I am using the ivtv_xine_tv plugin
 and when I attempt to chagne channels by numbers freevo either crashes
 or fails to change channels. When using the channel buttons, freevo
 registers the changes but the tuner does not actually change channels.
 On the other hand, if I always go back to the TV guide to change
 channels then it works. Nothing is really jumping out in the logs for
 me. Need a pointer or two on hunting this one down.

I did have the same problem with the svn version. Solved by updating 
xine-ui to the version 0.99.6 (only available ? in cvs)
It worth the work : add the live record funct, very good for the WAF (at 
least at home !)


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Re: [Freevo-users] Question about the new ivtv_xine plugin

2008-08-26 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Sorry for this late answer, but I really tried long to set my freevo box 
to work again as non root :-(

It's really a pity to have to run freevo as root, I have the feeling to 
have a Winbox...

Anyway :
David Frager a écrit :
 I had the same problem, and as given the following suggestion.  I have not
 had a chance to try it out yet.

 Under TV_IVTV_OPTIONS the three settings you're looking for are:
  'bitrate'   : 780,
  'bitrate_peak'  : 960,
  'stream_type'   : 10,
 Have a look at the ivtv driver documentation for more info.

Thanks for the imput, but due to the WAF, I have to let the bitrate high :-)
 What version of the xine-ui are you working with?  
 You indicated that when
 you press record, the record starts.  Does the record start at the time you
 press record or at the time you started watch TV?  
You are right, the record start at the begining at the show, not at the 
moment you press the record key. But I must admit that this is good for 
me : Most time, if I depress the record key, it's allready too late !
 Currently, I am using
 0.99.6 that I built from CVS several months ago.  If I start watch TV and
 wait a period of time prior to pressing record, my VOB file ends up
 containing everyhing from the time I started watch TV.

I did continue my tests : If I cat the files one after the other, I 
obtain a usable record file ... But this is way too long !

So I tried anither approach :

I built a fxd file  (You can see that I started from the sample on the 
WiKi ! ) :
cat 2008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or.fxd
?xml version=1.0 ?
  movie title=Une Famille en Or - Jeudi 14 Août 2008
  file id=f12008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0001.vob/file
  file id=f22008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0002.vob/file
  file id=f32008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0003.vob/file
  file id=f42008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0004.vob/file
  file id=f52008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0005.vob/file
  file id=f62008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0006.vob/file
  file id=f72008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0007.vob/file
  file id=f82008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0008.vob/file
  file id=f92008-08-14_jeudi_19-05_Une_famille_en_or_0009.vob/file
  plotThe satiric adventures of a working class family in the 
misfit city of Springfield/plot
  taglineOn Your Marks, Get Set, D'Oh!/tagline
  genreAnimation / Comedy/genre

This works fairly good, except that there is a time (around 1 or 2 
second at each file change. Anyway, this could be good enough, and I 
thing that creating this fxd file 'on the fly' could be possible at the 
moment of the move of the vob file.

What do you think ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.8.2 svn : Strange behaviour of Mplayer

2008-08-21 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Joe Harris a écrit :
 I have had similar issues with other software in the past that ended up
 being related to selinux taking a while to allow a process or program to
 perform an operation.  On my internal systems, I disable selinux for that
 very reason.  This could not be the answer, but maybe worth a looksee.


Thanks for the imput, Joe, but unfortunately, (or fortunately, I don't 
know ;-) ) selinux is not activated on my box.

It seems however to be a right trouble, as starting freevo as root, it 
seems to work. What buzz me is that I did a lot of freevo install, never 
run as root, and so far, everything was OK.
So I suspect another (hidden) human bu during installation.

I'll let you know.


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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.8.2 svn : Strange behaviour of Mplayer

2008-08-19 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

On a newly rebuild freevo box, I have a strange behaviour of mplayer. 
I'm pretty sure that the trouble has nothing to do with freevo, but if 
someone has an idea...

The system is built on an Athlon BR-2350 (a low power X2), 1 giga ram, 
one s-ata drive, chipset nvidia nforce 4 . and one Hauppauge PVR-150 card.
The OS is a Mandriva 2008 spring x64 version, with a 2.6.24-7 kernel.

I used to start the system in runlevel 4, with an autologin (as freevo, 
not root) and a freevo -fs.

Everything works fine, exept that mplayer need around 11 second to start 
to play any video file, and during the first seconds, the movie is shoppy.

If I go in runlevel 5 (KDE desktop), log in as freevo, start freevo, the 
movie start immediately, and with a good quality from the begionning.

If I go back to reunlevel 4, the video then start  immediately, as 
expected !!!

I did a lo of logging, didn't find any relevant diff between the logs. 
Here are the two extracts of main-501.log :

-First try :

2008-08-19 21:13:24,664 DEBUGtrying ext avi
2008-08-19 21:13:24,664 DEBUGparse RIFF LIST hdrl: 8830 bytes
2008-08-19 21:13:24,665 DEBUG_parseSTRH(vids) : 4232 bytes
2008-08-19 21:13:24,665 DEBUG_parseSTRH(auds) : 4222 bytes
2008-08-19 21:13:24,665 DEBUGparse RIFF LIST INFO: 28 bytes
2008-08-19 21:13:24,665 DEBUGRIFF LIST movi to long to parse: 
726076140 bytes
2008-08-19 21:13:24,665 DEBUGidx1: 6380832 bytes
2008-08-19 21:13:24,666 (142): 
mode=file, url=//home/media/movies/comedy/Les.Visiteurs.teste.avi
2008-08-19 21:13:24,667 (352): /usr/bin/mplayer 
-slave -v -vo xv,sdl,x11, -ao alsa -autosync 100 -nolirc -nojoystick 
-autoq 100 -screenw 720 -screenh 576 -fs -cache 5000 -idx -monitoraspect 
16:9 -vf pp=de //home/media/movies/comedy/Les.Visiteurs.teste.avi
2008-08-19 21:13:24,668 (315): 
ChildApp2.__init__(app=['--prio=-20', '/usr/bin/mplayer', '-slave', 
'-v', '-vo', 'xv,sdl,x11,', '-ao', 'alsa', '-autosync', '100', 
'-nolirc', '-nojoystick', '-autoq', '100', '-screenw', '720', 
'-screenh', '576', '-fs', '-cache', '5000', '-idx', '-monitoraspect', 
'16:9', '-vf', 'pp=de', 
'//home/media/movies/comedy/Les.Visiteurs.teste.avi'], debugname=None, 
doeslogging=0, stop_osd=2)
2008-08-19 21:13:24,698 (152): Running (list) 
'/usr/bin/mplayer -slave -v -vo xv,sdl,x11, -ao alsa -autosync 100 
-nolirc -nojoystick -autoq 100 -screenw 720 -screenh 576 -fs -cache 5000 
-idx -monitoraspect 16:9 -vf pp=de 
//home/media/movies/comedy/Les.Visiteurs.teste.avi' with pid 6728 
priority -20
2008-08-19 21:13:24,703 (410): logging stdout child 
to /var/log/freevo/mplayer-stdout-501.log
2008-08-19 21:13:24,706 (410): logging stderr child 
to /var/log/freevo/mplayer-stderr-501.log
2008-08-19 21:13:24,708 (169): /usr/bin/renice -20 
-p 6728
2008-08-19 21:13:40,903 (429): stdout: no data, 
closing log
2008-08-19 21:13:40,905 (429): stderr: no data, 
closing log

Not very speaking, but I did stop mplayer as soon as the video starts.

Second try,  still in runlevel 4, but after going to runlevel 5

2008-08-19 21:18:19,069 DEBUGtrying ext avi
2008-08-19 21:18:19,072 DEBUGparse RIFF LIST hdrl: 8830 bytes
2008-08-19 21:18:19,072 DEBUG_parseSTRH(vids) : 4232 bytes
2008-08-19 21:18:19,073 DEBUG_parseSTRH(auds) : 4222 bytes
2008-08-19 21:18:19,073 DEBUGparse RIFF LIST INFO: 28 bytes
2008-08-19 21:18:19,073 DEBUGRIFF LIST movi to long to parse: 
726076140 bytes
2008-08-19 21:18:19,074 DEBUGidx1: 6380832 bytes
2008-08-19 21:18:19,076 (142): 
mode=file, url=//home/media/movies/comedy/Les.Visiteurs.teste.avi
2008-08-19 21:18:19,077 (352): /usr/bin/mplayer 
-slave -v -vo xv,sdl,x11, -ao alsa -autosync 100 -nolirc -nojoystick 
-autoq 100 -screenw 720 -screenh 576 -fs -cache 5000 -idx -monitoraspect 
16:9 -vf pp=de //home/media/movies/comedy/Les.Visiteurs.teste.avi
2008-08-19 21:18:19,083 (315): 
ChildApp2.__init__(app=['--prio=-20', '/usr/bin/mplayer', '-slave', 
'-v', '-vo', 'xv,sdl,x11,', '-ao', 'alsa', '-autosync', '100', 
'-nolirc', '-nojoystick', '-autoq', '100', '-screenw', '720', 
'-screenh', '576', '-fs', '-cache', '5000', '-idx', '-monitoraspect', 
'16:9', '-vf', 'pp=de', 
'//home/media/movies/comedy/Les.Visiteurs.teste.avi'], debugname=None, 
doeslogging=0, stop_osd=2)
2008-08-19 21:18:19,100 (152): Running (list) 
'/usr/bin/mplayer -slave -v -vo xv,sdl,x11, -ao alsa -autosync 100 
-nolirc -nojoystick -autoq 100 -screenw 720 -screenh 576 -fs -cache 5000 
-idx -monitoraspect 16:9 -vf pp=de 

[Freevo-users] Question about the new ivtv_xine plugin

2008-08-10 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I finnaly managed to compile a cvs version of xine-ui, so I started to 
play with the new version version of the ivtv_xine plugin.

So far so good, when I press the 'record' key, the record start, and at 
the end of the record, I find my record at the correct place ... but in 
a lot of chunks !

The default value of 200 Mb for each chunk is more or less 4 minutes of 
recording on my configuration (with a high bitrate, I know). I think 
that it should be possible to reassemble all this chunk in one file 
(really or logically, via a fxd file).
I suspect that I miss something :-)

Any hints ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo crash starting TV_watch (freevo 1.8.2 svn 10823)

2008-07-01 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Add this to /etc/modprobe.conf:
 options ivtv ivtv_first_minor=1

 Otherwise when you start the PC without a webcam plugged in the ivtv 
 device will then be /dev/video0. With this option it will always be 
 /dev/video1. This is one of the major disadvantages with udev and the 
 drivers that cannot be modprobed.

Thanks again for the hint, Duncan :-)

However, I finally (one hard disk crash after, I'm a Hard Disk Killer, 
these days) choose to add this line in my /etc/modprobe.conf :
option ov511 unit_video=2

So, when the webcam is connected, it is always /dev/video2 and the 
PVR350 is back in video0/16/24/32/48


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo crash starting TV_watch (freevo 1.8.2 svn 10823)

2008-07-01 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Add this to /etc/modprobe.conf:
 options ivtv ivtv_first_minor=1

 Otherwise when you start the PC without a webcam plugged in the ivtv 
 device will then be /dev/video0. With this option it will always be 
 /dev/video1. This is one of the major disadvantages with udev and the 
 drivers that cannot be modprobed.

 Thanks again for the hint, Duncan :-)

 However, I finally (one hard disk crash after, I'm a Hard Disk Killer, 
 these days) choose to add this line in my /etc/modprobe.conf :
 option ov511 unit_video=2
Oups, typo :-(
options ov511 unit_video=2
 So, when the webcam is connected, it is always /dev/video2 and the 
 PVR350 is back in video0/16/24/32/48


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo crash starting TV_watch (freevo 1.8.2 svn 10823)

2008-06-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:

 On a brand 'new' (that is, build with some spare part in their second, 
 third or more life !) freevo box, I installed freevo 1.8.2 svn (release 
 10823) and kaa (the version Duncan suggested, I think 3072 ? how can I 
 ask svm to know the current rev ?).
 looks like a misconfigured video device or bad ivtv driver. Try:
 v4l2-ctrl --info --device=/dev/video0 (or what number is your device)

How simple can this be ! (shame on me) On my system, /dev/video0 is now 
for my webcam, and the PWR350 use /dev/video1.

Still not working, but I'm going one step further !

Thanks alot, Duncan !


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Re: [Freevo-users] Problem with watch tv on freevo

2008-06-21 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Patricio Calderon a écrit :



 I have a problem with an option to watch TV in freevo  when trying to 
 enter the TV menu. Freevo the freeze. and I must restart in order to 
 use the TV function but still does not work that use the version 1.8.1 
 is with kaa from svn. Ubuntu 8.0.4 in a clean installation.

This is a 'known' (well, not so known, I think) incompatibility between 
the latest kaa version and freevo.

Duncan save my living-room freevo station (and somewhere also did a good 
job for my WAF :-) with this command :

svn -r 3272 update

(Doing so, I'll restore the version 3272 of kaa,and freevo should work again).


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.8 svn : cannot transcode anymore.

2008-01-30 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Jonathan Isom a écrit :
 what distro are
 you using out of curiosity?

Ah sorry, I thanks I said that, but I forgot.
I'm using Mandriva 2008 (mostly because of the many precompiled and 
recent softwares available in the plf repositories !)


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.8 svn : cannot transcode anymore.

2008-01-29 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :

 Since ... I don't know, but not very long :-) I cannot transcode a video 
 any more.

OK, forget my post... apologizing...

I manage to find in a plf_backport repository mencoder (and mplayer) 
1.0.1 rc2. For the record, the transcoder don't seems to work with an 
older release.


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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.8 svn : cannot transcode anymore.

2008-01-29 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Since ... I don't know, but not very long :-) I cannot transcode a video 
any more.

I encounter at least 3 troubles :

Starting the encoding, (it can be an MPEG ivtv capture file or a DVD 
tittle, the trouble is the same), the system tells me that the video was 
analysed, and that the encoding started OK. But the process stops as 
quickly as it started. The log is not so nice.
Here is one of the options (in one test ) : (852): Encoder Command is -ovc xvid -xvidencopts 
chroma_opt:vhq=4:bvhq=1:bitrate=1200:threads=1:pass=2:autoaspect -oac 
lavc -lavcopts acodec=libmp3lame:abitrate=128:aglobal=1 -o 
/home/media/TV_Records/2007-09-01_samedi_08-55_TFou.avi -vf 
crop=720:576:0:0,scale=464:-3,expand=464:368 -passlogfile x264_2pass.log 
-alang fr,en -of lavf -lavfopts format=avi -sws 1 

if I start mencoder with this line, here is the result :
 mencoder -ovc xvid -xvidencopts 
chroma_opt:vhq=4:bvhq=1:bitrate=1200:threads=1:pass=2:autoaspect -oac 
lavc -lavcopts acodec=libmp3lame:abitrate=128:aglobal=1 -o 
/home/media/TV_Records/2007-09-01_samedi_08-55_TFou.avi -vf 
crop=720:576:0:0,scale=464:-3,expand=464:368 -passlogfile x264_2pass.log 
-alang fr,en -of lavf -lavfopts format=avi -sws 1 
MEncoder 1.0-1.rc1.20plf2008.0-4.2.1 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor (Family: 6, Model: 6, Stepping: 2)
CPUflags: Type: 6 MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
98 audio  216 video codecs
success: format: 0  data: 0x0 - 0x7a8
MPEG-PS file format detected.
VIDEO:  MPEG2  720x576  (aspect 2)  25.000 fps  8000.0 kbps (1000.0 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:2  fourcc:0x1002  size:720x576  fps:25.00  ftime:=0.0400
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 224.0 kbit/14.58% (ratio: 28000-192000)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
If you wish to use libavformat muxing, you must ensure that your video 
does not contain B frames (out of order decoding) and specify:
-lavfopts i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames
on the command line.
REMEMBER: MEncoder's libavformat muxing is presently broken and will 
INCORRECT files in the presence of B frames. Moreover, due to bugs MPlayer
will play these INCORRECT files as if nothing were wrong!
Cannot initialize muxer.

Adding the option -lavfopts 
i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames permit to go a 
little further . I think that I understand that this option in not 
needed anymore in mencoder 1.0.1 rc2, but I cannot find this version for 
my system (I'm running a version 1.0.1 rc1 )

Now I am stuck by a
Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec libmp3lame.

changing the -oac lavc to -oac mp3lame solves this issue : I suspect 
that this is a run time compilation option ?

Latest point (but this is maybe a false positive, this would maybe work 
if the two other troubles were solved ? )
If I try to encode a dvd tittle, the dvd name contains spaces, and (at 
least in the log file) the name of the output file isn't quoted (But 
this should work, as I see (in the destination folder) 0 sized file with 
the correct name.

Do I have to compile myself mencoder to  go around this trouble ?  Or is 
there any other ways ?

(Incidentally, if I click 'OK' fast enough after starting this poor 
encoding, I obtain a freevo crash,  caused by the nice new idlebar 
encoding plugin :
2008-01-29 20:56:06,079 INFO (120): 
/home/media/TV_Records/2007-09-01_samedi_07-00_KD2A, KD2A, None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line 292, in 
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/gui/, line 
78, in eventhandler
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/gui/, line 
421, in destroy
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line 412, in 
skin.draw('menu', self, self.menustack[-1])
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/skins/main/, 
line 529, in draw
a.draw(settings, object, menu, style, type, self.force_redraw)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/skins/main/, 
line 196, in draw
line 179, in update_content
p.draw((self.widget_type, self.menuw), self)

Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.8 svn : playing audio CD, the CH+ and CH- key are inverted.

2007-12-12 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 Duncan Webb a écrit :
 What you should really do is to override the events in your
 EVENTS['audio']['CH+'] = Event(PLAYLIST_NEXT)
 Thanks, that's the good solution !!!
OK, I was a little bit without real freevo machine last days, but here 
am I, and
Thanks, Duncan, that was exactly the solution who suits my needs :-)


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.8-svn : troubles with the select key.

2007-12-12 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 AFAICT in r10197, this should now be fixed for auto-play, browse.

 If you have some time can you check it.

Hi Duncan,

I was a little 'freevo-less' last days, so I wasn't able to check.

Now, I just checked and it works !
More exactly, pressing the 'select' key open the browse disk menu, witch 
is the first choice of the 'E' menu, this seems OK in my understanding.

Thanks (again !!!)

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.8 svn : playing audio CD, the CH+ and CH- key are inverted.

2007-12-10 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 Playing audio CD, with the standard mplayer plugin, if I depress the
 channel + key of my remote (or the skip next, witch are both mapped to
 the Event Ch+ in my /etc/freevo/lircrc file), the preceding track is
 selected ! And, of course, if I select the CH- Skip Previous key, the
 next audio track is played.
 If you visualise a play list as being on the screen, then the first item
 would be at the top of the screen. So the events are reasonable.
I knew there would be a 'normal' explanation :-)
The fact is that on my remote (the PVR-150/350 remote), the CH+ is also 
mapped on the key |  and the Ch- is also Mapped on |
so if you depress the key  you go 10 second forward, and if you press 
the key | (just below, on the right of the remote), you select the 
song before (ie, you go backward on the CD) :-)
 What you should really do is to override the events in your
 EVENTS['audio']['CH+'] = Event(PLAYLIST_NEXT)

Thanks, that's the good solution !!!


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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.8 svn : playing audio CD, the CH+ and CH- key are inverted.

2007-12-09 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Playing audio CD, with the standard mplayer plugin, if I depress the 
channel + key of my remote (or the skip next, witch are both mapped to 
the Event Ch+ in my /etc/freevo/lircrc file), the preceding track is 
selected ! And, of course, if I select the CH- Skip Previous key, the 
next audio track is played.

Except in audio CD playing, I didn't notice that the key are inverted 
anywhere else.

Wasn't able to find where to change that...


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.8 svn : playing audio CD, the CH+ and CH- key are inverted.

2007-12-09 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :

 Playing audio CD, with the standard mplayer plugin, if I depress the 
 channel + key of my remote (or the skip next, witch are both mapped to 
 the Event Ch+ in my /etc/freevo/lircrc file), the preceding track is 
 selected ! And, of course, if I select the CH- Skip Previous key, the 
 next audio track is played.

 Except in audio CD playing, I didn't notice that the key are inverted 
 anywhere else.

 Wasn't able to find where to change that...

Sorry, wasn't sharp enough in my tests...

Same inversion when playing a bunch of audio file in the same directory 
on the server.


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Re: [Freevo-users] image viewer persistence

2007-12-09 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Tanja a écrit :
 I also see this (with blurr theme).

 It only happens after viewing more than one image by pressing next on an 
 If I just open one image and then return directly to the menu, everything is 
 working correctly.


Same trouble here.

Freevo isn't totally dead, in fact. I can continue to change the music 
level (if I started a music before playing pictures).


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Re: [Freevo-users] image viewer persistence

2007-12-09 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :

 Same trouble here.

 Freevo isn't totally dead, in fact. I can continue to change the music 
 level (if I started a music before playing pictures).

OK, I can see the sector of the trouble (not hard, written in the log 
file !) :

In images/, the system hangs on this line :
# update the OSD

blend = Transition(self.osd.screen, screen, 
while not blend.finished:

Saying :
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/image/, line 
277, in view
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'poll'

But at this point, I'm stuck. I really need to learn a lot of freevo to 
understand that...

Sometime, luck is here, and sometime not.


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo installation on a AMD 64 X2 : linux 32 bits or 64 bits ?

2007-11-28 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Christian Lyra a écrit :
 I did the same step a month ago. And everything seems to be running
 smooth, including the VFD from my shuttle box. 
Just to be sure : you're running a 64 version of Linux ?
 There´s a way to
 install flash on 64 bit. cant remember the details but i did it
 before. What exactly didnt work?
I didn't dig very deep, saw that the installer doesn't work on my 
system, google a little, and read that there is no support for flash in 
64 bits version. But if you say that a solution exists, I'll probably 
dig further ;-)



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[Freevo-users] freevo installation on a AMD 64 X2 : linux 32 bits or 64 bits ?

2007-11-27 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Just starting a brand new installation of a brand new system build on a 
AMD X2 64  bits processor. I installed a 64 bits version of Linux, and 
freevo is happy with that. But I discovered that some other code are not 
so 64bit ready.

So the question is :
Is there any interest other than the technical perf to use a x64 version 
of Linux for freevo ?
Can I hope better perfs, smoother system, or what else ?
On contrary, are there still a lot of software not compatible with a x64 
version ?
At this time, I hang on flash player (and this seems to be a real 
issue), and also, it seems that my trouble to use the VFD display of my 
system could also be related to the fact that the code is not 64 bit 
ready. This should probably be fairly easy to correct, as the source 
code is only a few pages long, but as I speak c not better than Chinese, 
I cannot be the correcter :-|


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[Freevo-users] freevobox and vfd display

2007-11-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

This question is not directly freevo related, but just in case someone 
here has any ideas...

I'm just setting up a new freevobox.

The system is a HIPER media box :

This box contains a VFD display. This is an USB device. It is nit 
directly supported by lcdproc, but a patch has been developed 
specifically. I found informations here :

BTW, I learned in this WiKi that I have to update my kernel to 2.6.23 to 
solve some USB trouble I had.

OK, I follow this tutorial, but I'm not able to start the LCDd service. 
Here is the error :
# LCDd -c /etc/LCDd.conf -d dm140 -r 5
LCDd version 0.5.2 starting
Built on Nov 25 2007, protocol version 0.3, API version 0.5
Using Configuration File: /etc/LCDd.conf
Set report level to 5, output to stderr
Server forking to background
Listening for queries on
driver_load(name=dm140, filename=/usr/lib/lcdproc/
Allocating memory for framebuffer[0]

Allocating memory for framebuffer[1]

Device for Vendor[040b] Product[7001] was not found, exiting

Driver [dm140] init failed, return code  0
Module /usr/lib/lcdproc/ could not be loaded
Could not load driver dm140
There is no output driver
Critical error while initializing, abort.

But lsusb find the device :
Unknown line at line 2389
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c00c Logitech, Inc. Optical Wheel Mouse
Bus 002 Device 001: ID :
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 040b:7001 Weltrend Semiconductor
Bus 001 Device 007: ID 05e3:070e Genesys Logic, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0db0:6874 Micro Star International
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 05e3:0606 Genesys Logic, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID :

My system is build on a mandriva 2008 x64 basis, and the kernel was 
updated from mandriva repository to

I wanted to post a mail to the patch author but was unable to find 
anything but is name (and unfortunately, he share his name whit a well 
known soccer player, so google is not my friend !)

Any hint ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevobox and vfd display

2007-11-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
John Molohan a écrit :
 The system is a HIPER media box :
 I've been following these Hiper boxes for a while and this one looks 
 like the one that will finally convince me to buy one. Could you tell me 
 where you bought yours? Also it would be great if you could add a wiki 
 page with details on this.
The system is nice and quiet :-) But it is very hard to find, I suspect 
that this is an end of life product. I saw it first on one big Internet 
shop here in France, but was not sure at this time. Then I saw in a 
computer shop, and the fact that I saw it 'real' make me buy it. It was 
the last piece (the vendor tell me), and alas, the box was faulty :-( 
trouble with the video chip, a little annoying... during the time needed 
to convince the vendor to give me my money back, the first internet 
reseller had also stopped this product. I finaly found the box in 
another good internet shop, still in France.
At this time, the box is still available here :
For the wiki : Ok, but I still would like to finish the installation 
first :-)
 Did you follow the mknod instructions? Other than that I haven't a clue.
Yes, I did that, but without understanding what I'm doing, I don't like 
that... I didn't work, anyway.
 I'd take a guess that he must have posted to the lircd lists so they'd 
 be worth a shot. Keep us posted on your progress.
Ah, very interesting, I'll look there if I can find a direct contact.


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevobox and vfd display

2007-11-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Michel Hoogervorst a écrit :
 @ Pascal:
 I don't know about your problem, but have you tried the stock kernel instead?
 The tmb kernel on Mandriva systems is, as far as I know, a kernel with
 little or no patches, which makes it pretty clean, but also less
 usable on most systems ;-)
actually, it was the only 2.6.23 built kernel available (Mandrva 2008 
comes with a 2.6.22 kernel). if can avoid to build my own kernel...
 A few years ago, I sold a few of those HIPER boxes, and was not at all
 impressed with them... they managed to put a AMD 64 with stock cooler
 in this far too small box, which made it quite a noisy box.  Got a lot
 of complains from it :-(
 Don't know about the recent models though...
Never as quiet as expected, but really quiet. I must add that I choose a 
very low power processor : a BE-2350, a new dual core with a thd of 45 w.


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Re: [Freevo-users] Better controls in freevo web page for VLC video streaming

2007-11-08 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
don locke a écrit :
 I have some issues with the following lines i covverted.

 vlc += udoc.getElementById('file-head').innerHTML = '%s';\n
 vlc += udoc.getElementById('file-info').innerHTML = '%s';\n
 vlc += udoc.getElementById('file-play-button').onclick = %s;\n
 vlc += udoc.getElementById('file-play-using-vlc').onclick = %s;\n

 what are the %s values ?

The explanation is 4 line lower : In python (warning, I'm nearly a 
python newbie !), you can write for instance that :

print the result is %s when the snow is %s, and %s when the sun is %s 
% ( weather, snow_state, weather2, sun_rise )

So, in the program, the first %s is replaced by
Unicode(title.replace(', \\'))

And so on


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Re: [Freevo-users] Better controls in freevo web page for VLC video streaming

2007-11-07 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Pirlouwi a écrit :

Great! I was still blocked. I am not that king of javascript :-)
Waiting to test your alpha version asap ...




This doesn't work as expected.

Anyway, I give you the 'work in progress' (I'm not sure about the 
progress tonight...)

fileinfo.rpy is the most advanced version, with most of the script in 
fileinfo.rpy is another version with a lot of scripts in the 'main 
page', to mimic as much as possible the damienf sample page
test.html is a copy of damienf page, modified to use the library in a 
sub named vlc_ext
finally, vlc_ext contains the four blueshoes scripts, vlc.script (an 
external copy of the initially internals scripts) and the 4 needed pictures.
test.html work fine on my system, excepted when I try to move the cursor 
with an http link (like the link really used in freevo)
fileinfo.rpy works, except the slider, who doesn't appear at all ! and 
the counter.

I think that this as to do with the simple quote/double quote : I had to 
convert each single quote to double quote to be able to load the page 
from the javascript script.

BTW, another question, if a javascript expert is with us :
When loading the page with the VLC plugin, it seems that the server 
doesn't send the appropriate value tu the HTTP browser, to tell him that 
the page is complete. So the browser still wait for an hypothetical end 
of transmission.

This is also true in the original version.
Do you know an easy way to stop that ? (Not related to the other trouble).


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Re: [Freevo-users] Better controls in freevo web page for VLC video streaming

2007-11-06 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pirlouwi a écrit :
 Hello, here is the integration I have done so far (see attached file).
 This is not working yet, because it seems that in the original source 
 code, the last script  /script part has to be located in the 
 same window as the html code.

I have a 'nearly running' version of the plugin :-). That is : the 
plugin is running, but I don't have a progression bar (could be normal, 
as the file is downloaded), and firebug isn't that happy :-|

I think I can deal with these troubles, but in between, the sample page 
use 4 different javascript files, and the licence in the file doesn't 
put me happy :

* BlueShoes Framework; This file is part of the php application framework.
* NOTE: This code is stripped (obfuscated). To get the clean documented code 
* and register for the free open source *DEVELOPER* 
version or 
*   buy the commercial version.
*   In case you've already got the developer version, then this is one of 
the few 
*   packages/classes that is only available to *PAYING* customers.
*   To get it go to and buy a commercial version.
* @copyright
* @authorSamuel Blume sam at blueshoes dot org
* @authorAndrej Arn andrej at blueshoes dot org

It could be that this framework is only used for the progress bar, but 
do someone have informations about using these tools ?

(I think I should be able to send something working tomorrow).


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Re: [Freevo-users] Better controls in freevo web page for VLC video streaming

2007-11-05 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
John Molohan a écrit :
 Hi Pirouwi,

 I haven't looked into but no harm posting the tracebacks you get here, 
 maybe someone can help get in going. This would be a great feature to 
 have and I'm working on a cosmetic update for the webserver as it happens.


I'm also greatly interested,and started some tests also yesterday.  But 
(at my poor level :-) ), I'm not able to track the  web process.
Any hint to  have some ideas why some pages don't appear (just after one 
of my great modification :- )


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Re: [Freevo-users] A

2007-10-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Would you try:
 | cat /dev/video0  mytest.mpeg 

 use the v4l-ctl --verbose to change a channel, set the standard, set the
 input. The idea is to find out if the order of the v4l2 controls is
 important and that they work when the device is open. And finally a:

 | kill %1

 You can use a script something like this:

 | #!/bin/bash -x
 | /bin/cat /dev/video0  /tmp/test.mpeg 
 block start to repeat
 | v4l2-ctl --verbose --set-input=...
 | v4l2-ctl --verbose --set-standard=...
 | ivtv-tune ...
 | sleep 2
 | v4l2-ctl --verbose -T
 | sleep 15
 block end to repeat
 repeat for different channels
 | kill %1

 You will see if the v4l2 commands fail and can view the mpeg to see what
 was recorded.

I'll work on that, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.

In between, I find an interesting thing in the new ivtv_xine_tv plugin :
There's now a very nice feature displaying the name of the channel and 
the title of the program running, when you move from channel to channel 
using the freevo 'C' and 'V' keys
The program information are only displayed if the input type is 'tuner'.
I did a very poor hack to solve this issue in my case, but I think that 
the test should be (perl speaking ) : if (vg.input_type =~ /tuner/i )
diff -u svn/freevo/src/tv/plugins/ 
--- svn/freevo/src/tv/plugins/   2007-10-22 
20:39:19.0 +0200
+++ /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/tv/plugins/  
2007-10-25 21:18:46.0 +0200
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@

 # show channel info
 vg = self.fc.getVideoGroup(self.curr_channel, True)
-if vg.input_type == 'tuner':
+if vg.input_type == 'Tuner 1':
 tuner_id, chan_name, prog_info = 
 msg = %s: %s % (chan_name, prog_info)
 self.parent.ShowMessage(%s % msg)


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Re: [Freevo-users] A

2007-10-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:

 Next Channel, Composite entry , PAL format :
 Driver: ivtv
 Card: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150
 Version: 256.00
 Capabilities: 0x01030051
 Enumerating supported Standards.
   0: 0xf PAL-BGH
   1: 0xe0 PAL-DK
   2: 0x10 PAL-I
   3: 0x100 PAL-M
   4: 0x200 PAL-N
   5: 0x400 PAL-Nc
   6: 0xd SECAM-BGH
   7: 0x32 SECAM-DK
   8: 0x40 SECAM-L
   9: 0x80 SECAM-L'
   10: 0x1000 NTSC-M
   11: 0x2000 NTSC-J
   12: 0x8000 NTSC-K
 Current Standard is: 0xff
 Enumerating supported Inputs.
   0: Tuner 1
   1: S-Video 1
   2: Composite 1
   3: S-Video 2
   4: Composite 2
 Input: 2
 Width: 720, Height: 576
 Read Frequency: 2692
 CODEC::aspect: 2
 CODEC::audio_bitmask: 0x69
 CODEC::bframes: 3
 CODEC::bitrate_mode: 0
 CODEC::bitrate: 450
 CODEC::bitrate_peak: 600
 CODEC::dnr_mode: 3
 CODEC::dnr_spatial: 0
 CODEC::dnr_temporal: 0
 CODEC::dnr_type: 0
 CODEC::framerate: 0
 CODEC::framespergop: 12
 CODEC::gop_closure: 1
 CODEC::pulldown: 0
 CODEC::stream_type: 10
 XXX:tunerSetFreq(chan='21', isplayer=True, app=None, app_cmd=None)
 Cannot set frequency for Composite 1/PAL/21: [Errno 16] Device or 
 resource busy

 A bit strange that it says PAL as Current Standard is: 0xff is
 SECAM, are you sure that you channel 21 has the correct video group in

Reading your answer, I did a little further (strange how fast I can 
forget the reason of a configuration step, as soon as this works :-)
In fact, in this case, this is the Composite entry. So I don't need the 
I tried in my TV_VIDEO_GROUP to set tuner_type='external' an to remove 
the channel value.
This doesn't work, the system tell me that it cannot found the channel 
'' in the conf.
So i put back 21 as channel number (that was the value, I don't remember 
why) and tried again. This time, no error message, but probably because 
I set tuner_type as external, the input stays on SECAM (SECAM is my 
default value)
So, I went back to remove the tuner type, let the channel number to 21 
and I can select (directly from freevo, not moving from preset to preset 
with the 'C' and 'V' keys) my composite entry in PAL.
I suppose I'm one of the first trying to actually use different 
standards on this king of card. I remember some months ago a guy living 
in Russia with such kind of trouble, but don't remember the kind of TV card.

For your initial question, it seems that the Current Standard 
information is displayed before freevo actually set it, because I just 
I started on my composite entry, the message is the same 0xff and 
the input is actually set on PAL

Still diving,

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Re: [Freevo-users] A

2007-10-25 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :

OK, at least one part of the question is answered :

You cannot change from PAL to SECAM or form SECAM to PAL while a capture 
is running. Ivtv simply does not support this :

Source here :;#32950

So, in case of changing standard, the input should be closed, witch 
could be unpractical when changing from xine (maybe not, I don't know).
Strange is that there seems to be no option to 'freeze' the capture 
while doing this kind of change.

So, I have now to find out why my two tv PAL channels don't work 
properly on my system.

Pascal, diving deeper...

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Re: [Freevo-users] A

2007-10-24 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 Here we go :
  # Use this group for watching tv

 Is this not 'Tuner 1'?
 v4l2-ctl --list-inputs should reveal the names of the inputs
 v4l2-ctl --list-standards lists the support standards

Perhaps :-)

I did change for Tuner 1 (which is the result of v4l2-ctl 
--list-inputs), but the result is the same.

BTW, what does mean the option : tuner_type ? Could that be something to 
follow ?,
 desc='Chaines Cable SECAM',
 Still, I cannot change from PAL to SECAM or from SECAM to PAL jumpig 
 from channel to channel with the 'C' and 'V' keys.

 Are these C and V pressed in xine of freevo? 
The key are pressed in freevo (In fact, they are the channel+ and 
Channel- keys of the Hauppauge remote, but I think that these V and C 
keys are more freevo common)
 I'm not 100% sure if the
 xine plug-in does call the set channel code that I wrote. Do you feel
 like adding a print to tv.channels

 A bit of wrap in the above lines app_cmd is on the same line a print

 Then when you run freevo you will see it this code is called
The code is called :

Starting on a Secam Channel :
XXX:tunerSetFreq(chan='42', isplayer=True, app=None, app_cmd=None) 
that' the output

Changing on a nearby channel, also in SECAM :
XXX:tunerSetFreq(chan='47', isplayer=True, app=None, app_cmd=None)  
Only one line of message , and the channel is changed as expected

Changing to the next channel, PAL :
Driver: ivtv
Card: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150
Version: 256.00
Capabilities: 0x01030051
Enumerating supported Standards.
  0: 0xf PAL-BGH
  1: 0xe0 PAL-DK
  2: 0x10 PAL-I
  3: 0x100 PAL-M
  4: 0x200 PAL-N
  5: 0x400 PAL-Nc
  6: 0xd SECAM-BGH
  7: 0x32 SECAM-DK
  8: 0x40 SECAM-L
  9: 0x80 SECAM-L'
  10: 0x1000 NTSC-M
  11: 0x2000 NTSC-J
  12: 0x8000 NTSC-K
Current Standard is: 0xff
Enumerating supported Inputs.
  0: Tuner 1
  1: S-Video 1
  2: Composite 1
  3: S-Video 2
  4: Composite 2
Input: 0
Width: 720, Height: 576
Read Frequency: 10868
CODEC::aspect: 2
CODEC::audio_bitmask: 0x69
CODEC::bframes: 3
CODEC::bitrate_mode: 0
CODEC::bitrate: 450
CODEC::bitrate_peak: 600
CODEC::dnr_mode: 3
CODEC::dnr_spatial: 0
CODEC::dnr_temporal: 0
CODEC::dnr_type: 0
CODEC::framerate: 0
CODEC::framespergop: 12
CODEC::gop_closure: 1
CODEC::pulldown: 0
CODEC::stream_type: 10
XXX:tunerSetFreq(chan='5', isplayer=True, app=None, app_cmd=None)
Cannot set frequency for Tuner 1/PAL/5: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
It seems that some part of the code detects hat a work need to be done, 
so there are more lines in debug mode.
But the latest line is interresting :-)
More funny, the TV stays on the same channel, as if I had not depressed 
any keys.

Next channel, SECAM again
Driver: ivtv
Card: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150
Version: 256.00
Capabilities: 0x01030051
Enumerating supported Standards.
  0: 0xf PAL-BGH
  1: 0xe0 PAL-DK
  2: 0x10 PAL-I
  3: 0x100 PAL-M
  4: 0x200 PAL-N
  5: 0x400 PAL-Nc
  6: 0xd SECAM-BGH
  7: 0x32 SECAM-DK
  8: 0x40 SECAM-L
  9: 0x80 SECAM-L'
  10: 0x1000 NTSC-M
  11: 0x2000 NTSC-J
  12: 0x8000 NTSC-K
Current Standard is: 0xff
Enumerating supported Inputs.
  0: Tuner 1
  1: S-Video 1
  2: Composite 1
  3: S-Video 2
  4: Composite 2
Input: 0
Width: 720, Height: 576
Read Frequency: 10868
CODEC::aspect: 2
CODEC::audio_bitmask: 0x69
CODEC::bframes: 3
CODEC::bitrate_mode: 0
CODEC::bitrate: 450
CODEC::bitrate_peak: 600
CODEC::dnr_mode: 3
CODEC::dnr_spatial: 0
CODEC::dnr_temporal: 0
CODEC::dnr_type: 0
CODEC::framerate: 0
CODEC::framespergop: 12
CODEC::gop_closure: 1
CODEC::pulldown: 0
CODEC::stream_type: 10
XXX:tunerSetFreq(chan='37', isplayer=True, app=None, app_cmd=None)
full set commands, no error messages, and I can watch the good channel

Next SECAM channel
XXX:tunerSetFreq(chan='S10', isplayer=True, app=None, app_cmd=None)
One line of output, everythings OK

Next Channel, Composite entry , PAL format :
Driver: ivtv
Card: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150
Version: 256.00
Capabilities: 0x01030051
Enumerating supported Standards.
  0: 0xf PAL-BGH
  1: 0xe0 PAL-DK
  2: 0x10 PAL-I
  3: 0x100 PAL-M
  4: 0x200 PAL-N
  5: 0x400 PAL-Nc
  6: 0xd SECAM-BGH
  7: 0x32 SECAM-DK
  8: 0x40 SECAM-L
  9: 0x80 SECAM-L'
  10: 0x1000 NTSC-M
  11: 0x2000 NTSC-J
  12: 0x8000 NTSC-K
Current Standard is: 0xff
Enumerating supported Inputs.
  0: Tuner 1
  1: S-Video 1
  2: Composite 1
  3: S-Video 2
  4: Composite 2
Input: 2
Width: 720, Height: 576
Read Frequency: 2692
CODEC::aspect: 2
CODEC::audio_bitmask: 0x69
CODEC::bframes: 3
CODEC::bitrate_mode: 0
CODEC::bitrate: 450
CODEC::bitrate_peak: 600
CODEC::dnr_mode: 3

Re: [Freevo-users] A

2007-10-23 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 There are two things that you should do:

 * Post your TV_VIDEO_GROUPS, I need to see what you have there.
Here we go :
 # Use this group for watching tv
desc='Chaines Cable SECAM',
desc='Chaines Cable PAL',
desc='Entree Freebox',

 * Try every thing from the command line:
  - v4l2-ctl --set-input=0 #Tuner 1
  - v4l2-ctl --set-standard=PAL-BGH
  - ivtv-tune ...
  - cat /dev/video0  test1.mpeg
  wait 10 seconds
  - ctrl-C
  repeat this for each of your inputs/standards that you are using.
I did some of these tests, but instead of working trough a temporary mpg 
file, I did my tests using xine :
 xine --stdctl  pvr:///home2/media/tmp/xine-buf-

Do you think that this will create a diff ?

I did a lot of tests, tuning slightly the freq, and so on, without luck, 
until now.
googleing gave me a new command :
v4l2-ctl --log-status
Using this command on a TV secam show give me :
   cx25840 1-0044: Video signal:  present
   cx25840 1-0044: Detected format:   SECAM
   cx25840 1-0044: Specified standard:SECAM

Using this command on my PAL composite entry give me :
   cx25840 1-0044: Video signal:  present
   cx25840 1-0044: Detected format:   PAL-BDGHI
   cx25840 1-0044: Specified standard:PAL-BDGHI

that for the cases working.
Using this command on my PAL Antenna input give me that :
   cx25840 1-0044: Video signal:  present
   cx25840 1-0044: Detected format:   NTSC-M
   cx25840 1-0044: Specified standard:PAL-BDGHI

(In fact, the detected standard is not really stable, it is mostly 
NTSC-M, but can be PAL or SECAM).

I suspect that the trouble is in this area (is the PAL signal of my 
cable operator not totally clean ? I don't know, but our TV don't have 
trouble with that signal).

Unfortunately, I don't find a stable solution, still trying.
 Then you will know if it is working under Linux, I'm pretty sure that it
 is but it is not something I can test as I only have PAL.

 I'm also sure that, after my changes, you should be able to do this
 without using external scripts.
I think that I need to find an explanation about my non working PAL 
Antenna channel, but still, now I can select a PAL or a SECAM input in 
the TV Menu.
Still, I cannot change from PAL to SECAM or from SECAM to PAL jumpig 
from channel to channel with the 'C' and 'V' keys.

Thanks for everythings,

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Re: [Freevo-users] A

2007-10-22 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Sleeping on this it won't do quite what you wanted, as it doesn't change
 the TV standard.

 Today, I've done a big commit in rel-1 branch at r10025 that may do what
 you want.

 The change was:
 * to add some stuff into v4l2 to allow the inputs and the standards to
 be enumerated when the video device was opened.
 * set the input and standard from the video group when the channel is set.
 * the input is selected by *name* and not by number, so they must be
 correct. It will print out the available options if not correct.

 It is a bit of a risky change as it hits all of the TV and recording
 stuff and changes the definition of video groups a bit. From only one
 video group per tuner to one per input. If you see what I mean.

 I've been testing it and it seems fine on my set-up.

 This change has *only* been done on rel-1 branch and *not* rel-1-7
 branch. I'll wait for some feedback before adding it to rel-1-7.


Thanks Duncan for your work !

So a quick report :

If I start on a SECAM channel, the system is in SECAM. If I start on a 
PAL channel, the system starts in PAL 'yepee' !
But :
- Using the composite entry in PAL works fine. Using a Antenna channel 
in PAL doesn't work better as my latest tests with v4l2-ctl : big snow 
storm on screen
- If I'm watching a PAL program and try to select a SECAM program (using 
the C and V keys) this doesn't work too. I did see that also trough 
v4l2-ctl : if the picture flow is running, the card doesn't accept any 
standard changes.

I forget to say, yesterday : on the system I currently test, I have also 
a windows XP partition (nobody's perfect ;-) )
I did test yesterday the PVR-150 card on XP. The configuration was a 
little hard, but this card definitively works in this configuration : 21 
TV SECAM Channels, 2 TV PAL Channels and one Composite PAL Channel. But 
when I go from a SECAM channel to a PAL channel (or reverse), the 
picture seems to stop a very short time.

Thanks again,

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[Freevo-users] A

2007-10-21 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I'm using a PVR-150 card as input on my freevobox, and encounter a 
trouble when shifting from SECAM to PAL.
Until now, it didn't bother me so much, but now that the ivtv_xine 
plugin starts to deal with the TV_VIDEO_GROUP, I really would like to 
use that functionality.

So here is the trouble :

I basically receive via the cable operator 23 tv channels. 21 are in 
SECAM, and 2 in PAL. I also receive via my ADSL box a bunch of TV 
programs, all in PAL. These programs come in via the composite input of 
the PVR-150 card.
The best results I have so far : Setting the default standard as secam, 
I can receive the 21 SECAM channels. If I want to watch one of the ADSL 
program, I stop freevo (ouch), send the following command :
v4l2-ctl --set-standard=pal --set-input=2
xine --stdctl pwr:///home2/media/tmp/xine-buf-

So, everything is ok (At least, until the standard change is 
incorporated in
If I try to watch one of the pal antenna program, hoverer, I'm not able 
to do something relevant.
For instance, I start via freevo to watch a PAL program. Since Freevo 
doesn't select pal, I can watch my program, but in a very nice kind of 
I then stop freevo, do my v4l2-ctl --set-standard=pal and then launch 
xine, I have the sound (not good) but only a snow storm as picture.

Do you have any idea of the reason ? I suspect that in this case, I have 
something else to do to setup the tuner, but didn't find anything relevant.
BTW, my system is running Mandriva 2008, with a 2.6.22-9 kernel, the 
embedded drivers for the PVR card and the 1.0.3 set of ivtv tools.


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Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo Webserver Search Feature

2007-09-08 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
tsyko a écrit :

 Good day



 I am using Freevo 1.7.3’s webserver feature to stream my movie 


 It is working well but I was wondering what the Search feature was for 
 used for?

 I was hoping I Could search my collection but that does not seem to work.


As far as I know, the search function permit to do a research into the 
TV program. I don't think that there is another use of this function.


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Re: [Freevo-users] hauppauge MVP, and Hauppauge pvr-350

2007-09-06 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 If you can convert the signals to YUV, it should be possible to use the
 PVR-350 as a real-time encoder.

 It the kernel log you should see something like:
 ivtv0: Registered device video0 for encoder MPEG (4 MB)
 ivtv0: Registered device video32 for encoder YUV (2 MB)
 ivtv0: Registered device vbi0 for encoder VBI (1 MB)
 ivtv0: Registered device video24 for encoder PCM audio (1 MB)
 ivtv0: Registered device radio0 for encoder radio
 ivtv0: Registered device video16 for decoder MPEG (1 MB)
 ivtv0: Registered device vbi8 for decoder VBI (1 MB)
 ivtv0: Registered device vbi16 for decoder VOUT
 ivtv0: Registered device video48 for decoder YUV (1 MB)

 This means that you can push a YUV stream to /dev/video48 and read an
 mpeg stream from /dev/video0.

 The names are a bit misleading, decoder devices are where write streams
 and encoder devices are where you read them.


Thanks Duncan, I'll try this as soon as possible !

I'll let you know.


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Re: [Freevo-users] hauppauge MVP, and Hauppauge pvr-350

2007-09-05 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Michael Brown a écrit :
 Pascal, reply inline...

Thanks for your answers Michael. Maybe the good solution is then to 
upgrade my hardware... Not exactly financially planned now...

It could be that some vlc tweak could inprove the result, but my  wife 
really like good video quality, and I still think I'm way too short.

Any other hints ?


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[Freevo-users] hauppauge MVP, and Hauppauge pvr-350

2007-09-04 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

This question is not directly related to freevo, but as I can often read 
very nice hardware hints here...

I had the feeling that I just discovered a wonderful WAF system : the 
Hauppauge MVP. This very small, nice and silent box is a micro Linux 
system with an embedded MPEG 2 decoder. The idea is to use this box 
connected to a TV, and accessing trough the network to 
movies/music/pictures on another host. I had the feeling that this could 
easily be an extension the the freevobox (witch lives in the living 
room, the MVP box should live in the 'sleeping room').
(link to the product description : )

I did some very interesting tests, the result is great with mpeg 2 
records, especially with records made with one of my hauppauge PVR cards.
Unfortunately, this small box doesn't understand any DIVX/XVID/MPEG4 
format. So some very talented people created a new linux boot image, who 
basically can drive a vlc instance running on the freevo box. This vlc 
instance convert anything in MPEG2 format, and everything goes well  
if the frevvo server is strong enough !
(One of the alternative Linux boot image for mvp : )

My poor athlon box don't have the needed power to do a smoothless 
conversion on the fly :-( To be sure of the problem, I had to test with 
a strong computer (my Vista Laptop, with a Knoppix Live Linux CD).

So I came on another idea :  owning hauppauge PVR card, would it be 
possible to use this card to do an hardware conversion to Mpeg2 format ?
Especially (maybe a mad idea :-) ), I'm watching the output of my 
freevobox trough the TV out of my PVR-350 card. Could it be possible to  
capture this output back  (no idea how to do that) and send the flow to 
the MVP box ?

This would create a 'clone' of the master output, and then, I 'just' 
would have to send back to the master system the output of the remote 
(this seems lot easier ;-) )

Thanks for reading until here,

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo svn not reading

2007-08-06 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Hash: SHA1

 Jonathan Isom wrote:
 OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/cache/xmltv/logos'

Same problem here, not check further : after installing the svn version 
9803 (did work with the revision 9801), I did obtain such a message at 
start :
cannot create /var/cache/xmltv (permission denied).

As I was lazy, I did lazy administration :

(as root) :
mkdir /var/cache/xmltv
chown freevo:freevo /var/cache/xmltv
chmod 6775 /var/cache/xmltv

so my freevo user didn't complains anymore

But I didn't take time to understand why the location of some cachefile 
did move.


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Re: [Freevo-users] vlc plugin - how to use?

2007-06-01 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
John Molohan a écrit :
 Ow Mun Heng wrote:
 I am already on 1.7.2 and I've already ran freevo setup and I already
  vlc = /usr/bin/vlc

 in freevo.conf and still if barfs.

 clues appreciated
 Instead of freevo.conf put the following into


 That got rid of the error for me but I haven't actually got to play 
 around with it yet.


This is a good one (at least for me !) :
In my file is the following line :
(That means : put in VLC_CONF the content of the vlc field in 
freevo.conf ! Somewhat a long way to the information...)

But this is not needed by mplayer for instance. So I guess that some 
form of initialisation is missing...


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Re: [Freevo-users] vlc plugin - how to use?

2007-05-31 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Ow Mun Heng a écrit :
 I'm wondering on the new VLC plugin and how it can be used.

 Is it only useful for RTSP streams or can it also be used for normal
 video? I would suppose that normal video is doable also, however, I
 can't get it configured.

The vlc plugin is very, very poor at the moment. It only support rstp 
streams (and is configured to refuse any other kind of medias), and even 
in that case, is poorly implemented in freevo.
I did some very small adjustments to decrease the error  level, only. I 
really wish to integrate vlc properly, but I'm a very very slow worker 
:-) So if someone else is interested, welcome :-)

 when running it, I get this in the logs

 failed to load plugin video.vlc
 start 'freevo plugins -l' to get a list of plugins
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line 558, in
 p = eval(object)()
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/video/plugins/,
 line 24, in __init__
 plugin.register(Vlc(), plugin.VIDEO_PLAYER, True)
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/video/plugins/,
 line 42, in __init__
 self.cmd= config.VLC_CMD
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'VLC_CMD'
Yes, this is a 'normal' bug, just corrected in freevo 1.7.2 : you have 
to rerun freevo setup to automagically add vlc in your freevo.conf file, 
or alternatively, you can do this add manually.

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7.2 : FXD files

2007-05-28 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Christian Lyra a écrit :



I have some need of 'hand tuned' fxd files for some movies, but I'm lost
in the (non existing) documentation.

You can find about fxd files here:, and inside
freevo-sources/Docs/fxd_files.txt. Maybe it´s not complete, but it´s
a good start point.
Thanks Christian, I knew the former, but miss the later :-) With the 
two, I begin to have interesting results.

So, I'm now a little further,  lot of things are working, but  I'm  
surprised of the way this works :

Suppose that I have a video in English, the French soundtrack in a 
separate mp3 file, and subtitle in both English and French (and yes, I 
use that !)

It seems that the combinations are a little 'static'. I only was able to 
have every combination  with 6 variants in my FXD file (the file is 

That work nicely (freevo is great, did I told you ?) but  it could be 
easier to have the choice of selecting the soundtrack, the subtitles, 
then start the movie.

Imagine the same but with three language and subtitles !

Or did I do something wrong ?


?xml version=1.0 ?
The information in this file are from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
Please visit for more informations.
source url=
  movie title=Dead Like Me S02 E01 Send In The Clown
  file id=f1DLM-S02E01.avi/file
  variant name=English Soundtrack, no Subtitles
part ref=f1
  variant name=English Soundtrack, English Subtitles
part ref=f1
  variant name=English Soundtrack, French Subtitle
part ref=f1
  variant name=French Soundtrack, No Subtitles
part ref=f1
  variant name=French Soundtrack, English Subtitles
part ref=f1
  variant name=French Soundtrack, French Subtitles
part ref=f1
  plotVery usefull comment, as you see !/plot
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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7.2 : FXD files

2007-05-28 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
John Molohan a écrit :
 It would be really appreciated if you could update the wiki with all 
 that you find out about the fxds!


Hi, John,

This is the plan, in fact, but I'm still studying, for now. And I must 
admit, I have also to study how to work with a WiKi (never done, until 
now !)


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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.7.2 : FXD files

2007-05-27 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I have some need of 'hand tuned' fxd files for some movies, but I'm lost 
in the (non existing) documentation.

For instance, it seems possible to deal with subtitle, but I was unable 
to find a working sample (I don't exactly know the benefit for freevo 
having information about subtitle !)

So if you can send some of your samples (about anything around the fxd 

Also, does it exist a common interface to access this kind of files 
(that's my 'knowledge' about oo programming : don't give an access to 
the data, only give a object to manipulate data. Maybe only effective in 
books ?). In this case, I think that reading this part of code could be 
very instructive, to.

Thanks for any informations,


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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 : Scrolling down in the 'plot' on the TV

2007-05-08 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

Sometime (quite often ;-) ) the commentary for a given show doesn't fit 
on the TV screen. As far as I know, in this case, freevo truncate the 
text and add some dot at the end of the text to inform.

The question is :
Is it already a way to scroll down in this text, or to display it in 
another way ?
If not, does it worth the effeort to (try to) add this fonctionality in 
freevo ?


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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 : TV Series plugin ?

2007-05-08 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I was pretty sure that not far away, someone talks about a 'TV series' 
plugin (a plugin who permit to deal with a whole serie in one step, I 
Now, I would be very interested, but don't find anything.

Could someone give me a hint ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 : TV Series plugin ?

2007-05-08 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Christian Lyra a écrit :

 I did, but what I meant was a way to fetch episode info from internet.
 This was done, and it´s on svn version.
OK, I use the svn version, what's the name of the plug-in ?
 I was pretty sure that not far away, someone talks about a 'TV series'
 plugin (a plugin who permit to deal with a whole serie in one step, I

 What you mean by whole serie in one step? You mean a playlist? this
 could be done with a folder setting or with a fxd file
In fact, I don't really know :-) I just find that it would 'cool' to 
have a smart way to deal with series, and remembered that someone spoke 
about that. Then, better than reinvent the wheel, I wanted to have a 
look on  existing solution.
In between, I'm reading some stuff about fxd file.


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Re: [Freevo-users] TV_RECORD_PADDING and 1.7.0

2007-04-07 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Philip Armstrong a écrit :
 Anybody else finding that TV_RECORD_PADDING doesn't seem to have any
 effect with freevo 1.7.0 ?

Hi, I had exactly the same feeling, but as two new players are now here :
and as these two fit better my needs, ( And as these two do the work :-) 
) I didn't investigate further.


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] Can't install Freevo - python-kaa-base missing

2007-03-31 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
k.bacon a écrit :
 Hi all,
Hi Kev,

 Error: Missing dependancy: python-kaa-imlib2 is needed by Freevo17.
 Error: Missing dependancy: python-kaa-base is needed by Freevo17.
 Error: Missing dependancy: python-kaa-metadata is needed by Freevo17.

 Everything else that is required seems to be ok. Where can I find 
 these dependancies? Should they be in one of the repos?

You can find them in two ways :

1) via svn :
Just do :
mkdir svn
cd svn
svn co svn:// kaa
(that will download the whole kaa project, but you don't need the whole.

cd kaa/base
python install
cd ../metadata
python install
cd ../imlib2
python install

Beware : at each step, really read the output messages : it can be that 
a module installs, but, due to some missing system libraries, some 
functions can be disabled (I think for instance at libdvdread3)

2) via the packages that Ditchi did make :

Here is just a 'cut  paste' of one of his mails :


I want to make a new set of releases for kaa.base, kaa.imlib2 and
kaa.metadata to reflect the latest changes including Python 2.5
support and the replacement of libxml2 dependency.

Please test the new files with Freevo 1.7.0 and let me know if they
work. You can get them from


Good installation,

Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 : 16/9 screen

2007-03-12 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Gorka Olaizola a écrit :
 I'm using a hacked version of bluestar. I think I only changed the font to
 DejaVuBold and added the anamorphic variable.
 Does anyone want it?

 I have a plugin that adds two options to the submenu of a movie and let
 you (in mplayer) force an aspect ratio and to select different -vf
 options from a list. It works changing the MPLAYER_ARGS_DEF and
 MPLAYER_VF_* variables on the fly and then restoring to their default
 values when the movie stops or the menu changes.
Hi Gorka,

I at last am interested by the two ! could you send your diff here ? 


Pascal Schirrmann

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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 : 16/9 screen

2007-03-10 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

I have a 16/9 TV (the old way, that is the resolution doesn't change, 
but the picture is 'stretched'.
I have also a Hauppauge PVR-350, and I use the output of this card to 
connect to my TV.

For now, freevo is setup in 720x576 (PAL standard), and the menu are in 
4/3 format (not a problem).

Also, if I have a 16/9 movie, it is displayed in 4/3 size (letterbox), 
and I have to zoom on the TV, with a poor video result.

I found some configuration to put mplayer and xine in 16/9 mode, and 
recently discovered the 'panorama' skin who seems to be created for such 

Now the question is : Do someone already wrote something about this kind 
of configuration, is there some 'freevo magic' to deal with that, do you 
have any information ?


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Re: [Freevo-users] TV problem - lock file that doesn't exist?

2007-02-03 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Tanja a écrit :
 Sorry, guys!

 I introduced that bug by mistake with my last patch,
 because I forgot to remove a change I did for debugging.

 A patch to correct it, is attached!


Thanks a lot, Tanja for your patch, ant thank a lot for the svn 
maintainer (Duncan I think ?) !
Your patch is already in the svn, and works like a charm :-)

It's a real pleasure to see such a nice project !


Pascal Schirrmann

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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] PVR-350

2007-01-28 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
 Paul Sijben a écrit :

 could you share your X config file with us (and other configs that 
 might be of relevance)?

 There are multiple people interested in this setup.

 Paul Sijben

 Yes, sure, I'll do that tomorrow.


A little longer than expected...

You should find the information here :

I hope that this can be useful. I put that on my home server, but this 
can be put in the wiki if you mind (and if you know how to do that).


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 svm / troubles with mminfo

2007-01-27 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :

 Any hints ?

Crazy ! I just found out !

I had a in the
 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/kaa/metadata/disc/ directory

I just have to do :
 rm /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/kaa/metadata/disc/

to correct my trouble !

I think I'll remove the whole
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/kaa directory and start a clean fresh 
install of kaa...


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] PVR-350

2007-01-26 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Paul Sijben a écrit :

 could you share your X config file with us (and other configs that 
 might be of relevance)?

 There are multiple people interested in this setup.

 Paul Sijben

Yes, sure, I'll do that tomorrow.

But this is highly related to the system setup : I did that two time 
(same system, same PVR-350).
One time with Mandrake 10.1
One time with Mandiva 2007

The setup was not really the same.

I'll try to give the full second setup and information about the first.

Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] PVR-350

2007-01-24 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Jason Tackaberry a écrit :
 The video out on the 350 is workable if all you want to do is output
 captured material.  But as a general use output (i.e. freevo gui) in
 combination with generic material (random AVIs, dvd rips, etc) it is
 rather problematic.


I'm using a PVR-350 card on my freevo box.
The system is based on a Mandriva 2007.
I setup the PVR card as a X display, and start freevo with the -fs option.

I'm really impressed by the picture (and our TV, a 82 cm / 32  Sony TV 
is very difficult to feed). That's true with MPEG file recorded by the 
PVR-350 card, but also with all sort of avi/mp4/mpeg1 stuff I found to 
test. So far, it's the best TV out I ever have seen. Even my wife is 
very satisfied (And, speaking about video, her WAF is very strength !)

For the beginning of the topic : With this setup, the sound is the 
system sound, and this works well with the analog sound output, but 
works also with the optical digital output of the sound card.


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Re: [Freevo-users] DVD identification

2007-01-07 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Guillaume Proux a écrit :
 Does dvdbackup works for somebody else in 1.7rc2 ?

Hi Guillaume,

I just started to play with dvdbackup. On my system, I run in a bug or 
misconfiguration, I don't know now (I send a message on the devel list a 
few hour before).

For the use of dvdbackup : In fact, dvdbackup don't permit a dvdbackup, 
but permit a backup of some tracks of the dvd.

So, to use it :

In front of the DVD (in the freevo menu !), press the E key (or whatever 
on your remote), choose  Track List (I believe, using freevo in 
french), the second choice, and then, select the track you want to 
backup, the E key again and  Backup this DVD title

Bear in mind that this is a little experimental for now :-) But it 
works fine for me, after a small change in one part of the code. I 
really would know if it works for you without change. To test, it's 
easier to use a bonus track that to encode a whole film !


Pascal Schirrmann

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[Freevo-users] freevo 1.7-svn / dvd use troubles.

2007-01-07 Thread Pascal Schirrmann

This time, I'm pretty sure that I did a wrong use of freevo somewhere.

I'm playing a lot with DVD today, and (very unfortunately !) I have two 

It seems that freevo do some caching using the DVD name, because I 
obtain the same information (chapters, number of titles, DVD length...) 
with the two DVD.

I read in that a parameter exists for that for CD (I 
think), but can this be the trick for DVD also ? And I hope that this is 
not a md5sum of the whole DVD ...

Or any other solutions ?


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2007-01-04 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:

 Do you think we could discuss these points in the development list, we
 seem to have got a bit away from just Unicode musings, better one
 message per topic. I'm getting a bit lost with what is and what is not


Yes, You're right.

I just joined the devel list, and will start some new mails, one per 


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2007-01-04 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 I had some movies for witch I only obtain a 'Fetching file information' 
 Box (instead of the file description box).
 After some research, it was movies with some informations downloaded 
 from the IMDB database. It he .fxd file were some carriage return (or ^M 
 or \r or \x0d, whatever you prefer). Removing the CR does the trick.

 I think this one problem is now fixed in svn rel-1 at r8922 can you
 confirm if this is now resolved?

My bad :-(

I didn't store the bad files, and having a better look, information 
didn't come from the imdb base but from another plugin getting data from

Anyway, I'll have a look to have such a file, and do the test with it.


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2006-12-29 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 The debug gave me a hint about an error in the AUDIO_ITEMS. After 
 correcting that, it seems to work a little better (or is it due to 
 version 8853 ?)

 AUDIO_ITEMS still has a bug in that it doesn't allow web radio unless it
 is put in a tuple.
Yes, that was exactly my trouble. Anyway, I find even better to add a 
description ('Web Radios') witch both solves the trouble of the web 
server and is nicer in the main interface.
 Quite a bit has been put into svn today regarding the web server and all
 the reported major bugs are fixed.
I'm now running the 8860 version, and I have a lot of news :-) ( Sorry 
to test !)
 On the Recorde TV folder, the message is constant. (And the filename 
 should be on the same matter as yours, as this is a freevo feature. But 
 these files have a fxd file associated, could this be a reason ?

 Could be a bug so it needs adding to the tracker, the new library module
 is still pretty new and not yet too well tested. It has greatly improved
 over the last day or so. Lots has been done by Wout and Chandan, today.
Ok, about this trouble :

It seems (as far as I see) that the trouble is specific to the Recorded 
TV directory. If i put the same avi and fxd file in a subdir of my video 
dir, then everything seems to be OK.

By the way, doing these tests, I found another bug :

In the main interface, if a  video file  does have a companion fxd file, 
then the length of the movie is (for example): (11-18 19:40) None  min
Removing the FXD file, the play time is 39 min
More exactly, this does only arrive if the fxd file contains a 
runtimeNone/runtime section, witch seems to be the case for recorded 
TV show. I also did a fresh record, and runtime is still to None.
I think that this one is very new.

Other things : About the 404 error when trying to play a file (I had 
still sometimes this trouble out of the Recorded TV dir), this is 
definitively when the filename includes some utf-8 chars.

I had some movies for witch I only obtain a 'Fetching file information' 
Box (instead of the file description box).
After some research, it was movies with some informations downloaded 
from the IMDB database. It he .fxd file were some carriage return (or ^M 
or \r or \x0d, whatever you prefer). Removing the CR does the trick.
finally (i think !) I'm not able to obtain information from imdb. When I 
try to fetch in formation, if imdb can find a descriptor for the movie, 
the log tell me that something is coming, but freevo freeze on 
'retrieving informations'.

I did the test as such :
touch Amelie Poulain.avi
touch Rocky 5.avi
And then, from the freevo main interface, I ask for a IMDB information.

(If there is more than one information, for example titanic.avi, then 
freevo tell me that there is nothing at all.)

I wish you all very good things for the coming year,

Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2006-12-28 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
harri a écrit :

First of all, many many thanks, Harry !

You'll find my further tests. I just installed the svn 8853 version.
 On Wednesday 27 December 2006 21:31, Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 Are you running a multi cpu kernel by any chance?  What does 
 cat /proc/cpuinfo say?

The two systems are single CPU, but it seems that Mandriva delivers only 
one kernel.
 From rpm -qi kernel-kernel- :
... It supports both up and smp systems using smp alternatives.

cat /proc/cpuinfo gives :
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 6
model   : 6
model name  : AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 1145.316
cache size  : 256 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca 
cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mp mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow up ts
bogomips: 2292.03

 The message 'no such resource' is still here. 

 There is no such string as No such resource in freevo that I can find 
 anyway, so I suspect your player config is bad.  The above debug will perhaps 
 give you something useful in the freevo log directory.
The debug gave me a hint about an error in the AUDIO_ITEMS. After 
correcting that, it seems to work a little better (or is it due to 
version 8853 ?)
Now I see link in ma Recorded TV panel, and the streaming server is 
working at least for the audio files, but not for the recorded TV file.

- Here an extract with a video file , not working 
2006/12/28 21:46 CET [HTTPChannel,1,] convert_dir(self, 
2006/12/28 21:46 CET [HTTPChannel,1,] - - 
[28/Dec/2006:20:46:46 +] GET 
HTTP/1.1 200 872 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20061204 
2006/12/28 21:46 CET [HTTPChannel,1,] - - 
[28/Dec/2006:20:46:54 +] GET 
/_home_media_TV_Records_12-28_jeudi_12:10_Pimp_my_Ride.mpeg HTTP/1.1 
404 165 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20061204 
You can see a 404 error in the HTTP response, witch is probably 
converted in 'no such resource'
- Here an extract for an audio file, working 
2006/12/28 21:47 CET [HTTPChannel,1,] convert_dir(self, 
dir_str=/home/media/audio/jazz/Cyndi Lauper/At Last/07-Until You Come 
Back To Me (that's What I'm Gonna Do).ogg)
2006/12/28 21:47 CET [HTTPChannel,1,] - - 
[28/Dec/2006:20:47:54 +] GET 
HTTP/1.1 200 771 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20061204 

I still encounter sometimes 'No such resource' (Or, If I use Internet 
Explorer 'Objet non trouvé', so it's definitively a local message) but 
now, it seems to be linked with some kind of filename. I'll investigate 
and tell you further.

On the Recorde TV folder, the message is constant. (And the filename 
should be on the same matter as yours, as this is a freevo feature. But 
these files have a fxd file associated, could this be a reason ?
 Also, I think that I 
 should have a picture now in the web server, the same as the capture in
 the main panel ? That doesn't work, too.

 I have no idea what you are talking about here...  I don't have any pictures 
 myself, nor do I see where these should go.
In fact, as this start to work, now, I did see, and i can explain you 
:-) . If you associate a picture with a movie (for instance for 
movie.avi, you add movie.jpg) then this picture is now seen on the web page.
This works also for CD Cover picture. Nice !

 What I just found out :
 In the Tv_program page, if I choose a category for program filtering,
 the web server crash.
 It's a new problem.  I've submitted a patch to fix this.
Patch seems to be OK, at least I didn't encounter any more crash.
If I select a category, nothing is printed, but I don't know if I have 
category in ma tv.xml file ! I'll have to build a manual tv.xml file to 
test that.

Did I say ??? GREAT !



Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2006-12-27 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
harri a écrit :
 Not all of it is yet in svn, is not in 8812, which may be 
 reason for your problems below.

Thanks a lot, Harry,

I just installed the svn version 8832 (But I'm pretty sure that I had a file before ?)
I also did a freevo cache --rebuild with all freevo services stopped (by 
the way, it's very common on my system that freevo webserver stop 
doesn't actually stop the webserver. In fact, a kill is not enough, I 
must do a kill -2).

What is better : The message Désolé,  ce programme n'a pas de 
description  is now correctly printed.
Also, its now possible to do a manual record a 31 !
What didn't change :
The message 'no such resource' is still here. Also, I think that I 
should have a picture now in the web server, the same as the capture in 
the main panel ? That doesn't work, too.
Lastly, there are stil no link in the Recorded TV page.
What I just found out :
In the Tv_program page, if I choose a category for program filtering, 
the web server crash . Here is the message :
/usr/share/freevo/htdocs/genre.rpy, line 109 in _render
108acelltime=mfrnextguide + 60
109aftercell='nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a href=genre.rpy?stime=%i%s'\
110  +'img src=images/RightArrow.png alt=right border=0//a'\
stime   ''
acelltime   |1167260405.0|

exceptions.TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

(Not sure at all that this did work in earlier version !)

On my 'iso-8859-1' box, I  changed  the  default encoding from utf-8 to 
iso-8859-15, and this works also, GREAT !

Still, I'm amazed by the work !

Many many thanks for all !

Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2006-12-26 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Hi harri,

 Nice bit of work this, many thanks.

Hi, Harri,

Many thanks for your work,

Hi DunCan,

Many thanks to have put so quickly the changes suggested by Harry in the 
svn !

Just installed the release 8812 on my two TV box. (The living room one, 
and the cellar one ;-) )

The Living room is running Mandriva 2007 installed in Unicode mode. 
Result : the Web server is up and running (Yes !!!)

Accents are good except (as far as I see) in the message Désolé, ce 
programme n'a pas de description (More or less : Sorry, no description 
available for this program). I'll look further.

But when I select a video or audio file and click 'play' a new pop-up 
appears, saying :

No such resource

File not found

Here is the URL :


Also, there are no link in the file in the Record_TV dir ?

And finally, a known and old bug is still here : In the Manual record 
panel, it's not possible to set a start on end day to 31 :-)

On my second box, (Mandriva 2007, but unicode charset non installed ! ) 
the web server crash on the very first attempt, because it cannot decode 
décembre (written in iso-8859-1(5) )

I hope that this report can be useful, don't hesitate to ask if you need 
other informations (i wish so much be able to deal in the code...)


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7-svn : trouble with TV_RECORD_PADDING ?

2006-12-22 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:

 not set they should default to TV_RECORD_PADDING and the default for
 TV_RECORD_PADDING is 0 * 60 :)


Did I really forget to say that my TV_RECORD_PADDING was set to 10  * 60 ?
I also tried with 8 * 60 and his doesn't work too...

Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 rc1 : trouble with the encoding server

2006-12-20 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 My highest priority is to make sure that there is a minimum of
 outstanding bugs and perhaps prepare a release or two :)
Ok, that's good for me.

I just find another 'tip' and have another question.

The 'tip' : I use to store the recorded media by date. If I encode a 
movie  after a while, this movie is on the bottom of the list.

It seems that the order is made on the creation date of the file.
I tried to 'touch' the video file
(touch -r video.mpeg video.avi )
but unfortunately, this change the modification time, not the creation 
not so annoying, more an information.

Also, do you plan to add that amazing reencode funct in the webserver (I 
know, the web server is actually broken -at least for our French, as 
December is told here 'décembre', and that's enough to stop the 
webserver :-) )
The idea behind : Until now, freevo can be drived remotely (sometimes 
very remotely) via the web panel. But if the hard drive is full, the 
freevo box become a little useless...

Maybe only for the wish list, I could understand !

Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 rc1 : trouble with the encoding server

2006-12-19 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 encodingcore reencode and dvdbackup :D


Great ! Great ! GREAT !

I installed the svn version (was a little funny :-) ) and now, the 
encoding server is running nicely !
I just try to start two encoding, and the log file is nice, telling that 
the second job is enqued :- )

Did I telll ??  GREAT !!!

Just two questions :

1) The original file is not deleted, thus, instead of gaining place,I 
lost a little ;-) It does make sense, as this encoding is 'hand made', 
so we can think that someone could wish to have a look at the output 
before removing the original file. Is it 'by design' or only a 'rc 
feature' ?
2) The avi file was nicely created in the same directory as the original 
file. Unfortunately, the fxd file was not updated, nor was a new fxd 
file created. Again, 'by design' (I hope not) or 'rc feature' ?

Again, many thanks for all this work :-)

Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 rc1 : trouble with the encoding server

2006-12-16 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:

 One other very exciting new feature of freevo 1.7 is the encoding 
 server. As I use a Hauppauge PVR-350 card (connected on a cable 
 network), I obtain very good records, but somewhat too big.
 Fixed in svn. I hope :)
Hi, Duncan (or others, too :-) )

I must be very dumb, but I don't find any encodingserver.* in the 
numerous branch I downloaded from the svn. I certainly go on wrong branches.


Pascal Schirrmann

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo 1.7 rc1 : trouble with the encoding server

2006-12-16 Thread Pascal Schirrmann
Duncan Webb a écrit :
 Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
 branch/rel-1 it should be in src/helpers/



First of all, i really thank you for your help.

I did a big download from the svn server (more tahn 1 gb !) :
svn co svn:// rel-1

And yes, i find two time the file, and also two time the But these 2 files are the same than those of the 1.7rc1 

I probably did a false research ?

Pascal Schirrmann

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