Re: Migration of RACF db to Open source

2011-05-06 Thread גדי בן אבי
The best way would be to 'flatten' the RACF database using IRRDBU00.

The structure of the resulting file is documented in the RACF documentation.
There are even scripts to create a DB2 database and load it from the file.


From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
jagadishan perumal []
Sent: 06 May 2011 09:12
Subject: Migration of RACF db to Open source


We have a task of migrating the RACF users to Open source(Wintel or Unix).
For this migration I need to know the structure of RACF db so that we can go
ahead with the migration plans. Could anyone please suggest some advise to
carry on. Is there a utility to extract the entire structure of RACF


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Re: "Under z/OS Unix"

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

I have to assume you are referring to the IP component of Communications 
Server. I don't believe there has ever actually been a "TCP/IP for z/OS" 
since "TCP/IP for MVS" was absorbed into Communications Server when it was 
OS/390 Communications Server.

But I'm just a pedant, as if that had any virtue when discussing matters to do 
with z/OS!

And to think Mark Zelden is on record as accusing me of not 
knowing/understanding the structure of z/OS.

Incidentally, the list tradition of quoting the post to which you are 
also has some merit. I was obliged to dig out those posts to which I happened 
to recall you were referring:

1. Paul Gilmartin

> Is TCP/IP for z/OS a separately priced item?

2. Mark Zelden

>>  Is TCP/IP for z/OS a separately priced item? 

> Yes.  Along with a some other base components that have competitive 
alternatives from other vendors. Besides TCP/IP, ...

I guess you could also have covered the assertion that there are alternatives 
to what should have been described as Communications Server (?)

Chris Mason

On Fri, 6 May 2011 13:52:14 +0800, Timothy Sipples 

>>>Is TCP/IP for z/OS a separately priced item?
>Actually, no.
>- - - - -
>Timothy Sipples

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Re: Migration of RACF db to Open source

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

I appreciate I have suggested that this list be renamed JAGS-MAIN or 
something like that - at the time when you were initiating just about every 
thread - but you do have a chance to use another list here. Not only that, 
this is a request perfectly suited to this list unlike very many vaguely 
related ones/queries which get dumped there with which the resident gurus 
with deep sighs manfully (for the most part I think) (try to) deal.

Chris Mason

On Fri, 6 May 2011 11:42:30 +0530, jagadishan perumal 

>We have a task of migrating the RACF users to Open source(Wintel or Unix).
>For this migration I need to know the structure of RACF db so that we can go
>ahead with the migration plans. Could anyone please suggest some advise to
>carry on. Is there a utility to extract the entire structure of RACF

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2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

I do enjoy literary references.

It's not always certain that others do. For example, it's not completely clear 
that Art Gutowski appreciates that the smell of a rose is sweet - although his 
remote smell-detection technology could make him a fortune! Pity it doesn't 
handle coffee![1]

There is a rebuttal from HD as we can obviously now call him. There's no point 
using his post as a handle for my reply since I almost certain he doesn't read 
my posts - nor those of certain others and it was only a very rash response to 
one of those that got this whole band-wagon rolling again.[2]

To avoid any need to try to deal with this so-called rebuttal, the reason his 
response is wrong in essence is covered by the following two references which 
you may have missed if you have just jumped into these threads:

Unfortunately, "IBM" encompasses many "cats" and this gives encouragement 
to the recusants and recalcitrants.

His "evolution of terminology" - perhaps to his great ire - which may be the 
cause of the stubbornness - fails to take account of the persistence - 
even "once removed" - of the function which prevents his advocated use 
being legacy-free, the function originating as it does within a product 
intimately tied to SNA, a protocol suite at which he would probably prefer 
really to be throwing eggs rather that being one - and not a particularly good 

I'm sorry to disagree (!) but I believe he can be understood quite well.


[1] Look out for an investment opportunity!

[2] For those who want to discover how this whole sorry bigot-ridden saga 
got started.


Chris Mason

On Thu, 5 May 2011 18:47:16 -0700, Dale Miller  

>Ted MacNEIL said:
>"I shall continue to use USS to relate to z/UNIX."
>"When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it
>means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."
>I must add: "not if you expect me to understand you".
>Dale Miller

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Re: USS vs USS

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

> Please try and keep this professional. I have no idea what you are referring 
to, but it doesn't add to the discussion.

The explanation for this has been sent privately since it refers to another 
thread where it can be fully understood in context.

> Perhaps you don't understand ...
> ... or isn't catchy enough.

Again, a total loss! What is the point about this quite apart from the fact 
your assumptions about what I do and don't know are laughably awry?

As far as the structure of z/OS and specifically Communications Server are 
concerned, I understand very well, and I had the essence of to what you 
refer explained by an IBM developer while being driven to dinner back in 1999.

I'm now going to try to make another effort to try to see what you are on 
about but beware I may well no longer have quite such a sweet demeanour if I 


The only point I can find - and it's probably as well I found *something* since 
the blood pressure treatment needs to be scaled back - is the following:

>  is an abbreviation for Unix System Services.

which I still can't see relates to anything in the "Perhaps ... enough" 

As for the abbreviation, in the outside world that would be accepted - 
assuming anyone in the outside world actually wanted to talk about UNIX or 
System or Services. However we are not in the outside world and we need to 
be accurate and unambiguous and it's a simple fact with which some are 
having such a hard time that the dread 3 characters are already documented 
as meaning something else - OK?

Incidentally, it's when the discussion gets to this level of inanity I start to 
have sympathy with the gentlemen, for whom I have a mind's eye portrait, 
probably fanciful and unjustified, corresponding to characters with whom I 
would not relish having to spend time, who perform the post-writing equivalent 
of throwing their hands in the air or risk getting a large bruise on their 
forehead with the concomitant hope that the wall was soundly built.


> You casting a very wide net in your disparaging remarks about IBM 

I don't believe so at all. Below I have an explanation of an aberration around 
the edges of what was done but not what is achieved - which, although I 
don't know it, I assume with confidence is excellent.

As for manual authors - and the editors who are supposed to check these 
things - I was aware a long time ago that they were underresourced - and got 
my fingers rapped by a "suit" for saying so in a "forum". I even once sat in on 
a review meeting and judged the relative importance in the pecking order[1]. I 
guess it must happen all the time that the coffee room chit-chat redolent with 
loose terminology finds that loose terminology infecting the authors' work.

> One example used in this discussion often is the USS abbreviation in Health 
Checker. This is a relatively new component of z/OS and I'm sure it went 
through all the formal processes, yet USS is used as the abbreviation for the 
check names and the check owner.

By definition, whoever wrote the Health Checker did *not* go though the 
correct process in determining whether the labels were correct usage.

Since you - and the Swiss gentleman - and probably the newly-discovered 
moniker HD - hang your hat on this aberration so much, the explanation which 
comes most easily to mind is a call to get something out yesterday which 
deals with what the Health Checker does and, while I - in my turn - am sure 
that the checks that get made were defined by IBM development sages, the 
actual programming was given to a probably very clever student - or lately 
student - who wasn't versed in development procedures and the "suits" didn't 
care because they really wanted the Health Checker out the door the day 
before yesterday.

I used the same idea here:

Of course that's just a guess but there has to be some explanation why the 
Health Checker is so "out of line" and the z/OS bookshelf manuals - Health 
Checker references and a very few stray cats excepted - completely "in line".

As John Eells strongly implied, there is such an internal procedure and the 
relevant IBM - try to keep bow in time with stroke[2] - web page is the 
following, mentioned for the umpteenth time:

And I really expect you to bother to look this John Eells post up - it's so 
easy -
 rather than my having to inflame the Kirks of this world by bulking up my post 
with the full text:


[1] I'd better be careful because there are those out there who would mistake 
any description of actual experience as "ego-polishing" or something like that! 
I'm probably alright since they are unlikely to read the posts in detail!

[2] I guess there may be someone looking after the web pages who changes 
the pictures 

Re: How to monitor unused and overallocated space for PS,VSAM and PO

2011-05-06 Thread Ron Hawkins

DCOLLECT provides a wealth of information of the type you seek.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> ibmnew
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 9:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBM-MAIN] How to monitor unused and overallocated space for
> and PO
> Dear all
>  Is there any ways to  monitor unused ,overallocated space and extents
> PS,VSAM and PO  by JCL or Tools?
> Thanks a lot!
> Best Regards,
> Jason Cai
> --
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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ron Hawkins

Without Guaranteed Space all except the first volume will only be candidate 
volumes until the writing records to the first volume causes it to extend to 
the second and subsequent volumes. 

The case Ed described is that the dataset is empty, but it had extents across 
multiple volumes, which is not the usual behavior for an empty dataset that 
does not use guaranteed space. Hence my curiosity.

I agree completely with your reply, but it does not solve the empty dataset 


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
> Linda Mooney
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 8:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Do we need to implement HSM
> Hi Ron,
> If a VSAM dataset is allocated with a candidate list of volumes
> VOLSER=(VOL001,VOL002,VOL003 ), the datset will allocate to the first volser
> in the list, then the next, etc. The catalog entry will show all of the
> volumes, even if there is no VTOC entry there yet .  Back a few years ago,
> when we had much smaller volumes, we had some large VSAM datasets (non-SMS)
> that we allocated this way.
> Regards,
> Linda

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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ron Hawkins

There is an unofficial 3380-3, which is 3339 CYLS using a 47K track size.
It's common usage and size for existing 3380 emulation.

Which perhaps makes Ed's comment more current than I first thought.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Ted MacNEIL
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Do we need to implement HSM
> >Maybe a half 3380-3 pack out of say 20 mod 3's.
> Hard to save something that didn't exist.
> 3380's didn't exists with -#'s.
> They were 'S' -- the original -- not dual-ported, D -- dual, E -- double,
J --
> singles & quad-ported, K -- triple & quad.
> No numbers.
> -
> Ted MacNEIL
> Twitter: @TedMacNEIL
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
> Search the archives at

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Re: USS vs USS

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

> Universally understood? If that were true there wouldn't be any debate, 
would there?

The only debate we need have in relation to this post is whether or not you 
are really interested in taking part in the discussion thread or are just here 
make waves.

Your point has already been made and the implicit misunderstanding quashed:

Not that I fully understand the way the time offset works completely but it is 
evident that this is not a case of not having had a change to "see" - however 
you do it - or don't as the case may be! - posts since there is at least 10 
hours between my demolishing response and you're identical supposed 

Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 05:16:25 -0500 vs. Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 17:29:35 -

I appreciate that you initiated this subdiscussion but it's one of the beauties 
of a list discussion that anyone may take up the cudgel of debate.

Of course, all this goes equally for Bingo HD -- I could say especially the 
cudgel part - but this is a family list and we should try to curb any 
however much provoked - so I won't! -- to whom there is no point my 


[1] Note I now provide archive references rather than text in order to cut 
down on the "noise" presumably equating to "volume" or perhaps "count" - but 
I deal with that by doubling up responses where I'm pretty sure the rude - and 
artificially deaf - contributor no longer has the decency to read posts which 
expose his (could be "her" although I have no evidence - yet - for a "her") - 
which some tetchy contributors find bothersome.


Chris Mason

On Thu, 5 May 2011 17:29:35 -0400, Don Leahy  

>Universally understood?  If that were true there wouldn't be any debate,
>would there?
>On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 14:16, Chris Mason  
>> Don
>> We are not dealing with a language - that would be another campaign 
such as
>> getting rid of the stupid misuse of "issue" or "issues" for "problem". We
>> are
>> dealing with explaining technical matters where there is an opportunity for
>> ambiguity if we don't stick to universally understood, accepted and
>> mandated
>> expressions.
>> Chris Mason
>> On Mon, 2 May 2011 17:53:54 -0400, Don Leahy 
>> wrote:
>> >Usage gives meaning.  That's how languages evolve.  Acronyms too,
>> >apparently.  ;-)

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Re: Paging increase when going from z/OS 1.9 to 1.11

2011-05-06 Thread Brian Westerman
Can you tell who/what is paging, (look in RMF).


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Re: Migration of RACF db to Open source

2011-05-06 Thread jagadishan perumal

Yes I accept my mistake for posting Racf related issue here. Apology for the


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> jagadishan perumal wrote:
> >We have a task of migrating the RACF users to Open source(Wintel or Unix).
> For this migration I need to know the structure of RACF db so that we can
> go
> ahead with the migration plans. Could anyone please suggest some advise to
> carry on. Is there a utility to extract the entire structure of RACF
> database.
> Consider using IRRDBU00 for extracting the RACF database' contents. You
> will
> NOT get any sensitive fields, like passwords.
> You could perhaps use ICETOOL to extract selected entries for further
> review.
> Look in SYS1.SAMPLIB(RACINSTL) for RACICE to get a good start.
> While the structure of the RACF DB is document, it is recommended that you
> rather use only supplied utilities to extract the contents.
> Perhaps you should ask future RACF questions in RACF-L. Chris Mason already
> gave you some hints.
> HTH!
> Groete / Greetings
> Elardus Engelbrecht
> --
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COBOL to SQL server

2011-05-06 Thread Jim McAlpine
cross posted to DB2 list.

Does anyone know if it is possible to issue some SQL from a batch COBOL
program running on z/OS to an SQL Server database.

Jim McAlpine

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Re: Migration of RACF db to Open source

2011-05-06 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
jagadishan perumal wrote:

>We have a task of migrating the RACF users to Open source(Wintel or Unix).
For this migration I need to know the structure of RACF db so that we can go
ahead with the migration plans. Could anyone please suggest some advise to
carry on. Is there a utility to extract the entire structure of RACF database.

Consider using IRRDBU00 for extracting the RACF database' contents. You will 
NOT get any sensitive fields, like passwords.

You could perhaps use ICETOOL to extract selected entries for further review. 
Look in SYS1.SAMPLIB(RACINSTL) for RACICE to get a good start.

While the structure of the RACF DB is document, it is recommended that you 
rather use only supplied utilities to extract the contents.

Perhaps you should ask future RACF questions in RACF-L. Chris Mason already 
gave you some hints.


Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>There is an unofficial 3380-3, which is 3339 CYLS using a 47K track size.
It's common usage and size for existing 3380 emulation.

While I did use 3390's in 3380 emulation mode, when 90's first came out, I 
never heard (or used) that term.
Twitter: @TedMacNEIL

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Re: Problem with LPA=xx on IEASYSxx

2011-05-06 Thread Lizette Koehler
Have you verified you have updated IEASVCxx with the correct entry?

>From the CICS manual

You must define the CICS SVCs in an IEASVCxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB
library, using SVCPARM statements. See the z/OS MVS Initialization and
Tuning Guide and z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manuals for a
description of the SVCPARM statements. If you are using the default SVC
numbers, the CICS entries are as follows:


Once that is done and you have installed the DFHCSVC module into the LPA.
Everything should work.  

Next question do you have a version of the DFHHPSVC module from an earlier
release of CICS already link-edited into your MVS nucleus, you do not need
to replace it with the latest version. Versions of the DFHHPSVC module from
earlier releases of CICS are compatible with the current release. The CSECT
name (EPNAME) of the version of the DFHHPSVC module from earlier releases is
IGC215 (or IGCnnn, if SRBSVC=nnn was used as a CICS system generation
parameter in the earlier release).

CICS contains a test to verify that it is using the correct level of the
CICS DFHCSVC module. If CICS calls an SVC module using the SVC number
specified on the CICSSVC system initialization parameter, and the module is
not at the current level, CICS issues message DFHKE0104. As a result of this
message, CICS either abends with a system dump, or prompts the operator to
enter an alternative SVC number, depending on the option specified on the
PARMERR system initialization parameter.


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Re: COBOL to SQL server

2011-05-06 Thread Roberto Halais
I think you can do it using ODBC.

But you must
check IBM's implementation of ODBC

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Jim McAlpine  wrote:

> cross posted to DB2 list.
> Does anyone know if it is possible to issue some SQL from a batch COBOL
> program running on z/OS to an SQL Server database.
> Jim McAlpine
> --
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"Those who can make you believe religious absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities."  Voltaire

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.  Denis Diderot

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails
of the last priest." Denis Diderot

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A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Larry Macioce
I'm thinking in DR terms now.
I know in older versions of MVS this was possible, but with the ever
expanding systems vols, is this still possible?
I think it would be much easier and quicker to init/restore 1 pack then run
inits/restores to the real volumes instead of having to do this for all
system volumes.

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Re: COBOL to SQL server

2011-05-06 Thread Barkow, Eileen
I do not know much about DB2 but I do know that there is a product called DB2 
Connect from IBM that allows connections to DB2 on other servers and platforms.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Roberto Halais
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: COBOL to SQL server

I think you can do it using ODBC.

But you must
check IBM's implementation of ODBC

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Jim McAlpine  wrote:

> cross posted to DB2 list.
> Does anyone know if it is possible to issue some SQL from a batch COBOL
> program running on z/OS to an SQL Server database.
> Jim McAlpine
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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"Those who can make you believe religious absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities."  Voltaire

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.  Denis Diderot

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails
of the last priest." Denis Diderot

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Rob Schramm
Sure just use a mod-54's  ;-)

Rob Schramm

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Larry Macioce  wrote:

> I'm thinking in DR terms now.
> I know in older versions of MVS this was possible, but with the ever
> expanding systems vols, is this still possible?
> I think it would be much easier and quicker to init/restore 1 pack then run
> inits/restores to the real volumes instead of having to do this for all
> system volumes.
> Thanks
> Mace
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
> Search the archives at

Rob Schramm
Senior Systems Engineer

w: 513.305.6224

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Mark Jacobs

On 05/06/11 08:44, Larry Macioce wrote:

I'm thinking in DR terms now.
I know in older versions of MVS this was possible, but with the ever
expanding systems vols, is this still possible?
I think it would be much easier and quicker to init/restore 1 pack then run
inits/restores to the real volumes instead of having to do this for all
system volumes.


We do exactly that. We have a one volume zOS boot strap environment 
built with only the pieces of zOS necessary to restore our encrypted 
backup tapes. Once all our volumes are restored we ipl our production 

Mark Jacobs
Time Customer Service
Tampa, FL

Some people are electrifying, they light up
a room when they leave.

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Roberto Halais
Check Mark Zelden's web site. He has (or used to) a single pack creation

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Larry Macioce  wrote:

> I'm thinking in DR terms now.
> I know in older versions of MVS this was possible, but with the ever
> expanding systems vols, is this still possible?
> I think it would be much easier and quicker to init/restore 1 pack then run
> inits/restores to the real volumes instead of having to do this for all
> system volumes.
> Thanks
> Mace
> --
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> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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"Those who can make you believe religious absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities."  Voltaire

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.  Denis Diderot

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails
of the last priest." Denis Diderot

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Larry Macioce

Mark could you expand on what was needed and what size pack you use?

Roberto, I saw it a long time ago, but I believe it was in the 2.10 days(or
earlier), but thank you


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Re: Leaving IBM-MAIN

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

You could always do what I do and what I have just advised someone else to 
do which is switch off the e-mails and just take a look at the archives, say, 
every week.

You're still 20% MVS so you may still need help with a problem from time to 
time. If so, you can still operate quite happily through the archives.

When you've got one of your own concerns in circulation, obviously you look 
as often as you can.

I handle IBMTCP-L though Gmail which, in effect, since it's all I use Gmail 
constitutes an archive-like environment - and it has the great benefit, for a 2 
thumbs typist such as I am, of a spell-checker.

I normally don't bother looking into "farewell" posts but these are fractious 

Incidentally - I may as well add it here since Thomas Chicklon has probably 
adopted that vastly less efficient technique for following the list in "light" 
mode and so not "see" any posts I create - whatever you or anyone may think 
of the contents of my posts - and I've just "done" a couple of heavily 
technical ones on CICS-L and IBMTCP-L - I don't think there could be any 
comments concerning my ability to pollinate where necessary, propagate or 
populate any thread on IBM-MAIN all simply by use of the archive pages with 
nary an e-mail in sight - except aborted ones for the purposes of spell-

Chris Mason

On Thu, 5 May 2011 08:29:19 -0500, Robert Birdsall  

>I'm posting this mostly to say thanks for all the good
>information/discussion/laughs over the last few years.
>I'm now supposed to be 80% AIX, 20% MVS (or successor), so I just don't
>have the time to tune in to the Chris Mason show every morning anymore.
>Sorry Chris - I'm not saying you're wrong, I just can't afford the time.
>Nor is Chris the only one, but it doesn't really matter.
>I hope that I have helped others, you certainly have helped me.
>Well wishes to all of you (seriously).

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Darth Keller
We use a mod-27, but it's only about 50% full.

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Roberto Halais
Check it out. I think it's still there.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Larry Macioce  wrote:

> Mark could you expand on what was needed and what size pack you use?
> Roberto, I saw it a long time ago, but I believe it was in the 2.10 days(or
> earlier), but thank you
> Mace
> --
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"Those who can make you believe religious absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities."  Voltaire

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.  Denis Diderot

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails
of the last priest." Denis Diderot

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Mark Jacobs

On 05/06/11 08:54, Larry Macioce wrote:

Mark could you expand on what was needed and what size pack you use?

Roberto, I saw it a long time ago, but I believe it was in the 2.10 days(or
earlier), but thank you



I used Mark Zeldon's processes as a building block for my first go 
around, but I have my own processes down now. I'm rebuilding our 
bootstrap environment at the zOS 1.12 level right now using a 3390-27 
but I was able to cram almost everything on a mod-9 under z/OS 1.10. 
(JES2 Spool was on it's own volume)

Mark Jacobs
Time Customer Service
Tampa, FL

Some people are electrifying, they light up
a room when they leave.

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Jay Howard
As others have already stated, that is how we perform DR. We restore a one
pack system that has just what we need to restore our production volumes.
It works well.
On May 6, 2011 8:44 AM, "Larry Macioce"  wrote:

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Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?

2011-05-06 Thread John McKown
John McKown
Maranatha! <><
Sent from my Vibrant Android phone.

-- Forwarded message --
From: "McKown, John" 
Date: May 6, 2011 8:22 AM
Subject: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?
To: "" 

I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with the XD
line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the weirdo that I
am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file instead of a dataset.
Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
"Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" starts
with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name. I would
really like SDSF to act in the same manner. I will grant that it is possible
to use the PRT FILE (ddname) and ALLOCATE ddname to a UNIX file. But I'm
lazy and would prefer the ease of using XD and the dialog box it can display
to do this function. Would this be of any use to anybody else?

John McKown

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Re: "Under z/OS Unix"

2011-05-06 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Fri, 6 May 2011 02:52:58 -0500, Chris Mason wrote:
>I have to assume you are referring to the IP component of Communications
>Server. I don't believe there has ever actually been a "TCP/IP for z/OS"
>since "TCP/IP for MVS" was absorbed into Communications Server when it was
>OS/390 Communications Server.
Let me see if I understand:

o Communications server is a separately priced component of z/OS.

o IBM's TCP/IP exists only as part of Communications Server.

o Therefore there is no such thing as a separately priced TCP/IP from IBM..

>But I'm just a pedant, as if that had any virtue when discussing matters to do
>with z/OS!
No, not a pedant; you supplied valuable clarification.

>And to think Mark Zelden is on record as accusing me of not
>knowing/understanding the structure of z/OS.
Mark spoke to the spirit of the question I asked; no offense.

>Incidentally, the list tradition of quoting the post to which you are 
>also has some merit. I was obliged to dig out those posts to which I happened
>to recall you were referring:
>1. Paul Gilmartin
>> Is TCP/IP for z/OS a separately priced item?
>2. Mark Zelden
>>>  Is TCP/IP for z/OS a separately priced item?
>> Yes.  Along with a some other base components that have competitive
>alternatives from other vendors. Besides TCP/IP, ...
>I guess you could also have covered the assertion that there are alternatives
>to what should have been described as Communications Server (?)
>Chris Mason
>On Fri, 6 May 2011 13:52:14 +0800, Timothy Sipples
> wrote:
Is TCP/IP for z/OS a separately priced item?
>>Actually, no.
Now, that's terse enough to be remniscent of Shmuel; and misleading
to boot.  Assuming I understand Chris's explanation, that is
shameful pedantry.

-- gil

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Re: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?

2011-05-06 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Fri, 6 May 2011 08:28:01 -0500, John McKown wrote:
>-- Forwarded message --

So you don't post from work; you email from work to your Android
and post by forwarding?

>I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
>function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with the XD
>line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the weirdo that I
>am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file instead of a dataset.
>Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
>"Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" starts
>with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name. I would
>really like SDSF to act in the same manner. I will grant that it is possible
>to use the PRT FILE (ddname) and ALLOCATE ddname to a UNIX file. But I'm
>lazy and would prefer the ease of using XD and the dialog box it can display
>to do this function. Would this be of any use to anybody else?
Sure; I like orthogonality.  But might this be achieved by entering
the SE or SJ display and performing a SAVE or CREATE?

-- gil

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Re: RIP issue with HMC - security violation?

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

Why do the "security" people assume there is a problem? You didn't make that 

Other contributors have alluded to what really matters but not with maximum 
clarity - IMNSHO - or I wouldn't be jumping fearlessly in!

What is implied by what you have told us is a *potential* "security exposure" 
is that UDP port has an outstanding socket read-type request pending for it 
using an UDP port, 520, which would normally imply that there was a Routing 
Information Protocol (RIP) process behind it capable of modifying the routing 
table if the socket "sucked in" suitable packets.[1]


Note that the use of the word "listen" here is rather confusing - although 
everybody does it - a bit like something else I could mention!

Between the two "transport" protocols which sit on top of the IP layer and use 
ports to identify application instances, only TCP has a listen() call. This 
() call is issued very early in the life of the program, is associated with a 
specific port - can also be a specific IP address but I'll keep the discussion 
simple - stays "in force" for the duration of the application and can be "seen" 
as a "listening" state for the application.

UDP doesn't do that. There's no UDP listen() call. However, when an UDP 
application has issued a read-type call specifying a particular port, a packet 
can be read and, as swiftly as possible, the application sets up an identical 
read-type call - actually leaving a probably very small window where there is 
no read-type call in place.

Despite these differences, you will find the discovery of such a read-type call 
being in place described as equivalent to the TCP listen state - just to 
confuse the unwary!


If there is such a read-type call in place in your system for UDP port 520, the 
port defined for use by RIP, you should evaluate whether or not you need it. 
>From the nature of your post and assuming you are the local specialist in what 
the HMC needs to do, I would assume not. In that case you should perform 
whatever customisation is available to "kill" this RIP process. Having said 
I hope there is such customisation available.

This is not a matter I know anything about. However Roy Hewitt has 
suggested disabling "Routing". This would normally imply that your HMC could 
act as a "router" which sounds odd but what do I know? It may be that this 
includes dispensing with a dynamic routing protocol such as RIP which is, of 
course, what you want.

Note there is a concentration of IP-knowledgeable folk on IBMTCP-L:

For IBMTCP-L subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBMTCP-L


Then I had a rather brilliant idea - sorry for the larded sarcasm! "When all 
fails, read the manual!"[2]

seems to be the key. "routed", the traditional name for the daemon which is 
responsible for supporting the RIP dynamic routing protocol, seems to be 
started by default. Without digging any further into something way, way 
outside my "comfort zone", I leave you to dig around to find the precise 
switch for "turning RIP off"! Enough for me to know it can be done and this is 
the place to start finding out how!


Now I trust I will get some credit for actually engaging with the odd 
indisputably *technical* contribution!



[2] Something you'll never find Jeremy Clarkson doing!


Chris Mason

On Fri, 6 May 2011 00:35:50 +0100, Roy Hewitt  wrote:

>Have you enabled Routing in the HMC network configuration, there is a check 
box for this, just turn
>it off. Also check in Network Diagnostic Configuration to show what UDP 
ports are listening.. is 520
>Todd Burrell wrote:
>> I got the following info from one of our security folks today about a 
>> security exposure with the HMC.   Is it valid that the HMC has a RIP listener
>> active, or could I potentially turn it off?  Any info about this would be 
>> so I can get the security scan group off my back.  Here was the decription 
>> the violation:
>> Synopsis :
>> Routing tables can be modified.
>> Description :
>> The remote RIP listener accepts routes that are not sent by a
>> neighbor.
>> This cannot happen in the RIP protocol as defined by RFC2453, and
>> although the RFC is silent on this point, such routes should probably
>> be ignored.
>> A remote attacker might use this flaw to access the local network if
>> it is not protected by a properly configured firewall, or to hijack
>> connections.
>> Solution :
>> Either disable the RIP listener if it is not used, use RIP-2 in
>> conjunction with authentication, or use another routing protocol.
>> Risk Factor :
>> High / CVSS Base Score : 7.5

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ITEM NAME(MSGBASED) - any considerations?

2011-05-06 Thread Tom Ambros
For various reasons I'm going back through and reading some stuf I haven't 
looked at in a long time... like before zOS 1.8, in this case. 

I see the CFRM couple dataset format parm MSGBASED.  Is this a no-brainer 
or are there considerations sites have experienced that are not 
necessarily mentioned in the Setting up a Sysplex doc? 


Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

Email Classification: KeyCorp Internal

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please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety,
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Dislike/Distrust of z/OS UNIX (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?)

2011-05-06 Thread Edward Jaffe

On 5/6/2011 6:28 AM, John McKown wrote:

I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with the XD
line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the weirdo that I
am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file instead of a dataset.

When we first implemented this function in (E)JES, we learned first hand just 
how much dislike/distrust there is out there re: z/OS UNIX filesystems.

We had one customer refer to our enhancement as an 'integrity exposure'. Why? 
They flat out didn't want their users writing to z/OS UNIX filesystems. In a 
conference call, I demonstrated how their users could already easily 
create/update z/OS UNIX files using native ISPF functions (e.g., EDIT) but they 
were undeterred. In the end we implemented a SAF call for them so they could 
disable the function.

I'm not complaining. It's their shop and they can run it however they please; 
we're happy to help. But, their reaction was both both a surprise and an 'eye 

Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
"Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" starts
with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name.

FWIW, in our interface you can specify the path and file name (with leading 
slash as you've described) or specify a trailing slash to start an interactive 
directory traversal beginning at the specified location where you can choose or 
create a target file. In either case, you can set path options and other stuff 
for new files being created.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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TSO terminals?

2011-05-06 Thread John McKown
Does IBM support TSO on any terminals other than VTAM LU2 or LU0 3270s? I
vaguely remember others such as 3767 and maybe 2740? What am I getting at? I
am mulling the utility of a non-VTAM terminal connection, such as directly
using a TCPIP telnet, not TN3270, connection. But perhaps using telnet/SSH
to a UNIX shell and the "tso" command will be sufficient.

John McKown
Maranatha! <><
Sent from my Vibrant Android phone.

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Re: RIP issue with HMC - security violation?

2011-05-06 Thread Burrell, C. Todd (CDC/OCOO/ITSO) (CTR)
What they have told me (in their usually secretive way) is that the IP address 
for the HMC is listening for RIP announcements.  They claim this could be a 
security issue since a malicious intruder could send the HMC invalid RIP 
announcements and give it bad routes.  My response has basically been that the 
HMC has been running this way for at least 15 years - and since it is not 
available outside of our intranet then what is the big deal, anyway?  The only 
intruder would have to be an internal user - and I hope folks have better 
things to do?  

I've pushed this back to them and told them this is not a HIGH security 
exposure.  So we'll see if this gets them off my back.  The ironic thing is 
that we are working to get rid of the mainframe, so I see no reason to even try 
and change anything right now?  Surely there are more important "security" 
issues than this minor one? 

Thanks to everyone for their responses...  

C. Todd Burrell 
PMP, MCSE 2003:Security
MCTS (640,642,643,647)
Security+, Network+
ITIL V3 Foundations
CSC Lead z/OS Systems Programmer 
(404) 723-2017 (Cell) 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Chris Mason
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: RIP issue with HMC - security violation?


Why do the "security" people assume there is a problem? You didn't make that 

Other contributors have alluded to what really matters but not with maximum 
clarity - IMNSHO - or I wouldn't be jumping fearlessly in!

What is implied by what you have told us is a *potential* "security exposure" 
is that UDP port has an outstanding socket read-type request pending for it 
using an UDP port, 520, which would normally imply that there was a Routing 
Information Protocol (RIP) process behind it capable of modifying the routing 
table if the socket "sucked in" suitable packets.[1]


Note that the use of the word "listen" here is rather confusing - although 
everybody does it - a bit like something else I could mention!

Between the two "transport" protocols which sit on top of the IP layer and use 
ports to identify application instances, only TCP has a listen() call. This 
() call is issued very early in the life of the program, is associated with a 
specific port - can also be a specific IP address but I'll keep the discussion 
simple - stays "in force" for the duration of the application and can be "seen" 
as a "listening" state for the application.

UDP doesn't do that. There's no UDP listen() call. However, when an UDP 
application has issued a read-type call specifying a particular port, a packet 
can be read and, as swiftly as possible, the application sets up an identical 
read-type call - actually leaving a probably very small window where there is 
no read-type call in place.

Despite these differences, you will find the discovery of such a read-type call 
being in place described as equivalent to the TCP listen state - just to 
confuse the unwary!


If there is such a read-type call in place in your system for UDP port 520, the 
port defined for use by RIP, you should evaluate whether or not you need it. 
>From the nature of your post and assuming you are the local specialist in what 
the HMC needs to do, I would assume not. In that case you should perform 
whatever customisation is available to "kill" this RIP process. Having said 
I hope there is such customisation available.

This is not a matter I know anything about. However Roy Hewitt has 
suggested disabling "Routing". This would normally imply that your HMC could 
act as a "router" which sounds odd but what do I know? It may be that this 
includes dispensing with a dynamic routing protocol such as RIP which is, of 
course, what you want.

Note there is a concentration of IP-knowledgeable folk on IBMTCP-L:

For IBMTCP-L subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBMTCP-L


Then I had a rather brilliant idea - sorry for the larded sarcasm! "When all 
fails, read the manual!"[2]

seems to be the key. "routed", the traditional name for the daemon which is 
responsible for supporting the RIP dynamic routing protocol, seems to be 
started by default. Without digging any further into something way, way 
outside my "comfort zone", I leave you to dig around to find the precise 
switch for "turning RIP off"! Enough for me to know it can be done and this is 
the place to start finding out how!


Now I trust I will get some credit for actually engaging with the odd 
indisputably *technical* contribution!



[2] Something you'll never find Jeremy Clarkson doing!


Chris Mason

On Fri, 6 May 2011 00:35:50 +0100, Roy Hewitt  wrote:

>Have you enabled Routing in the HMC network configuration, 

Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ed Gould
 DMS stood for dasd management system vendor was sterling software.

One of the items that it did was an option to change the allocation from 
cylinder to tracks. So instead of a cyl the dataset was reduced to say 1 track. 
Ther was also an option to go from 1 track to 1 cyl. The package was quite 
versatile. I just got off the phone with a person who had a lot to say about 
the product and he told me that the product is no longer available. Supposedly 
the author works for CA now days.

I liked the product but found it let's say a little bit to versitile, By 
that I meant it allowed to many excetions and it ran on exceptions rue which 
allowed for a nightmare in bookkeeping.


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Re: COBOL to SQL server

2011-05-06 Thread Frank Swarbrick
You can use Infosphere Federation Server.  We do this to access Oracle 
databases, but Federation Server supports many database types.
Costs $$$ of course...

Frank Swarbrick
Applications Architect - Mainframe Applications Development
FirstBank Data Corporation - Lakewood, CO  USA
P: 303-235-1403

On 5/6/2011 at 5:01 AM, in message
, Jim McAlpine
> cross posted to DB2 list.
> Does anyone know if it is possible to issue some SQL from a batch COBOL
> program running on z/OS to an SQL Server database.
> Jim McAlpine
> --
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Re: COBOL to SQL server

2011-05-06 Thread Frank Swarbrick
I believe DB2 Connect is the other direction (allows non-mainframe access to 
DB2 for z/OS).

On 5/6/2011 at 6:47 AM, in message
, "Barkow,
Eileen"  wrote:
> I do not know much about DB2 but I do know that there is a product called DB2 
> Connect from IBM that allows connections to DB2 on other servers and 
> platforms.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf 
> Of Roberto Halais
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 8:41 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: COBOL to SQL server
> I think you can do it using ODBC.
> But you must
> check IBM's implementation of ODBC
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Jim McAlpine  wrote:
>> cross posted to DB2 list.
>> Does anyone know if it is possible to issue some SQL from a batch COBOL
>> program running on z/OS to an SQL Server database.
>> Jim McAlpine
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
>> Search the archives at 


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Dislike/Distrust of USS (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?)

2011-05-06 Thread Edward Jaffe

[Reposted for those who either prefer or hate the USS acronym. You choose :-) ]

On 5/6/2011 6:28 AM, John McKown wrote:

I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with the XD
line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the weirdo that I
am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file instead of a dataset.

When we first implemented this function in (E)JES, we learned first hand just 
how much dislike/distrust there is out there re: USS filesystems.

We had one customer refer to our enhancement as an 'integrity exposure'. Why? 
They flat out didn't want their users writing to USS filesystems. In a 
conference call, I demonstrated how their users could already easily 
create/update USS files using native ISPF functions (e.g., EDIT) but they were 
undeterred. In the end we implemented a SAF call for them so they could disable 
the function.

I'm not complaining. It's their shop and they can run it however they please; 
we're happy to help. But, their reaction was both both a surprise and an 'eye 

Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
"Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" starts
with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name.

FWIW, in our interface you can specify the path and file name (with leading 
slash as you've described) or specify a trailing slash to start an interactive 
directory traversal beginning at the specified location where you can choose or 
create a target file. In either case, you can set path options and other stuff 
for new files being created.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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Re: COBOL to SQL server

2011-05-06 Thread Schneck.Glenn
I would highly recommend taking a hard look at either Ivory Serveror Ivory 
/Data Access from GT Software.  It is quick, no code, and although it does cost 
the vendor is great to work with.  It accesses multiple databases on different 
Here is a link to some demos: 

Good luck!

Glenn A. Schneck
AVP, Transaction Services
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Tel: 407-762-3514 Mobile: 407-625-2596 

Normal Business Hours - 7 AM - 4PM Eastern Time

Office - Monday, Tuesday, Friday

WFH  - Wednesday, Thursday

Live Solid. Bank Solid. 


From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of Frank Swarbrick
Sent: Fri 5/6/2011 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: COBOL to SQL server

I believe DB2 Connect is the other direction (allows non-mainframe access to 
DB2 for z/OS).

On 5/6/2011 at 6:47 AM, in message
, "Barkow,
Eileen"  wrote:
> I do not know much about DB2 but I do know that there is a product called DB2
> Connect from IBM that allows connections to DB2 on other servers and
> platforms.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
> Of Roberto Halais
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 8:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: COBOL to SQL server
> I think you can do it using ODBC.
> But you must
> check IBM's implementation of ODBC
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Jim McAlpine  wrote:
>> cross posted to DB2 list.
>> Does anyone know if it is possible to issue some SQL from a batch COBOL
>> program running on z/OS to an SQL Server database.
>> Jim McAlpine
>> --
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Re: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?

2011-05-06 Thread John McKown
I messed up. I meant to erase the forwarding part. I'm not going to do that
again. I'm royally pissed at accursed vendors scraping my work email

John McKown
Maranatha! <><
Sent from my Vibrant Android phone.

On May 6, 2011 9:09 AM, "Paul Gilmartin"  wrote:

On Fri, 6 May 2011 08:28:01 -0500, John McKown wrote:
>-- Forwarded message --

So you don't post from work; you email from work to your Android
and post by forwarding?

>I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
>function to "print" syso...
Sure; I like orthogonality.  But might this be achieved by entering
the SE or SJ display and performing a SAVE or CREATE?

-- gil

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Re: Dislike/Distrust of USS (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?)

2011-05-06 Thread John McKown
I think some hate z/OS UNIX simply because it is "something more that I have
to be bothered with." Management seems to want to minimize their
responsibilities. I remember loving new things.  Now we hate them because
they make our jobs more demanding while not increasing our pay. Speaking
generically and not about any specific person.

John McKown
Maranatha! <><
Sent from my Vibrant Android phone.

On May 6, 2011 10:12 AM, "Edward Jaffe"  wrote:

[Reposted for those who either prefer or hate the USS acronym. You choose
:-) ]

On 5/6/2011 6:28 AM, John McKown wrote:

> I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
> function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with the XD
> line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the weirdo that I
> am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file instead of a
> dataset.

When we first implemented this function in (E)JES, we learned first hand
just how much dislike/distrust there is out there re: USS filesystems.

We had one customer refer to our enhancement as an 'integrity exposure'.
Why? They flat out didn't want their users writing to USS filesystems. In a
conference call, I demonstrated how their users could already easily
create/update USS files using native ISPF functions (e.g., EDIT) but they
were undeterred. In the end we implemented a SAF call for them so they could
disable the function.

I'm not complaining. It's their shop and they can run it however they
please; we're happy to help. But, their reaction was both both a surprise
and an 'eye opener'.

 Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
> "Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" starts
> with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name.

FWIW, in our interface you can specify the path and file name (with leading
slash as you've described) or specify a trailing slash to start an
interactive directory traversal beginning at the specified location where
you can choose or create a target file. In either case, you can set path
options and other stuff for new files being created.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: TSO terminals?

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

I don't think you'll be able to set up the environment for running ancient 
typewriter devices for access to TSO as it was before the glorious dawn of 

Thus even if you could find a 3767 or find some device or construct a 
configuration which behaves like a 3767 or a supported slight variation, 
no escape from SNA LU type 2, LU type 0 with the special protocol subset 
which supports the 3270 data stream - or - LU type 1 without function 
management headers - as documented in the following:

z/OS Communications Server SNA Network Implementation Guide, Appendix A. 


> Does IBM support TSO on any terminals other than VTAM LU2 or LU0 3270s?


> I vaguely remember others such as 3767 and maybe 2740?

You are correct except that the 2740 should have been 2741 - close!

Take care that, when you eschew the 3270 data stream, you eschew all that 
lovely "full-screen" stuff.

> What am I getting at?

Oh - rhetorical - sorry!

> I am mulling the utility of a non-VTAM terminal connection, such as directly 
using a TCPIP telnet, not TN3270, connection.

The TSO/E Planning manual gaily mentions TCAM. It's not easy to get any 
more information about how to get your hands on TCAM these days. In any 
case I've a very faint memory that, at some point, in the - well, it's always a 
*distant* past, isn't it? - distant past, what was left of TCAM was to be 
supported by VTAM - so that's that!

Non-VTAM - and hence no SNA - is a no-no!

Since we are currently in the throws of being reminded of this tendency, I can 
already predict the quarters where this is likely to induce some incontinence!

> But perhaps using telnet/SSH to a UNIX shell and the "tso" command will be 

Chacun à son goût !

Chris Mason

On Fri, 6 May 2011 09:44:16 -0500, John McKown 

>Does IBM support TSO on any terminals other than VTAM LU2 or LU0 3270s? I
>vaguely remember others such as 3767 and maybe 2740? What am I getting 
at? I
>am mulling the utility of a non-VTAM terminal connection, such as directly
>using a TCPIP telnet, not TN3270, connection. But perhaps using telnet/SSH
>to a UNIX shell and the "tso" command will be sufficient.
>John McKown

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2011-05-06 Thread Bill Johnson
Glenn, Good idea. I will ask them the same thing you did. While it isn't  
something we need often, when you do need it, you really need it.
Bill Johnson

From: Glenn Miller 
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 1:46:51 AM
Subject: Re: IKJEFT01

Hi Bill,

I have a similar requirement to yours with CA-Topsecret.  I was encouraged
after reading some information about a product called: "Tivoli zSecure
Admin".  According to its User Reference manual, "The Tivoli zSecure Admin
RACF Offline function provides the possibility to issue most RACF commands
against an inactive RACF database."  I opened a question with CA on their
support website just a couple of months ago asking if Topsecret has the same
or similar 'offline' capability as the "Tivoli zSecure Admin RACF Offline"
function.  Their answer was no.  I also asked if they were considering
adding that 'offline' capability to Topsecret in a future release or future
product or product add-on.  Their answer was again no.  

Since you have a very similar requirement to mine, maybe if you open a
question on CA's support site, they might reconsider their 'no' answer. 
Especially since my question on their support site was only a few months ago.

Glenn Miller

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Re: Dislike/Distrust of USS (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?)

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

>  In a conference call, I demonstrated how their users could already easily 
create/update USS files using native ISPF functions (e.g., EDIT) ...

If you need something like this again and you're too busy to do it yourself, 
be happy to help out. Just let me know.

A guess most people would add a smiley here - you choose!

Chris Mason

On Fri, 6 May 2011 08:12:39 -0700, Edward Jaffe 

>[Reposted for those who either prefer or hate the USS acronym. You 
choose :-) ]
>On 5/6/2011 6:28 AM, John McKown wrote:
>> I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
>> function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with the XD
>> line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the weirdo 
that I
>> am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file instead of a dataset.
>When we first implemented this function in (E)JES, we learned first hand just
>how much dislike/distrust there is out there re: USS filesystems.
>We had one customer refer to our enhancement as an 'integrity exposure'. 
>They flat out didn't want their users writing to USS filesystems. In a
>conference call, I demonstrated how their users could already easily
>create/update USS files using native ISPF functions (e.g., EDIT) but they 
>undeterred. In the end we implemented a SAF call for them so they could 
>the function.
>I'm not complaining. It's their shop and they can run it however they please;
>we're happy to help. But, their reaction was both both a surprise and an 'eye
>> Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
>> "Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" starts
>> with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name.
>FWIW, in our interface you can specify the path and file name (with leading
>slash as you've described) or specify a trailing slash to start an interactive
>directory traversal beginning at the specified location where you can choose 
>create a target file. In either case, you can set path options and other stuff
>for new files being created.

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Re: USS vs USS

2011-05-06 Thread Don Leahy

My comment was an attempt at humour.  Since this topic has gone far past the
point where anyone is smiling, I shall refrain from commenting further.

As for the delay in my response; that is inevitable because I am not allowed
to post to IBM-MAIN from work.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 05:24, Chris Mason  wrote:

> Don
> > Universally understood? If that were true there wouldn't be any debate,
> would there?
> The only debate we need have in relation to this post is whether or not you
> are really interested in taking part in the discussion thread or are just
> here to
> make waves.
> Your point has already been made and the implicit misunderstanding quashed:
> [1]
> main&T=0&F=&S=&P=27337
> main&T=0&F=&S=&P=31464
> Not that I fully understand the way the time offset works completely but it
> is
> evident that this is not a case of not having had a change to "see" -
> however
> you do it - or don't as the case may be! - posts since there is at least 10
> hours between my demolishing response and you're identical supposed
> objection:
> Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 05:16:25 -0500 vs. Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 17:29:35 -
> 0400
> I appreciate that you initiated this subdiscussion but it's one of the
> beauties
> of a list discussion that anyone may take up the cudgel of debate.
> Of course, all this goes equally for Bingo HD -- I could say especially the
> cudgel part - but this is a family list and we should try to curb any
> aggression
> however much provoked - so I won't! -- to whom there is no point my
> responding.
> -
> [1] Note I now provide archive references rather than text in order to cut
> down on the "noise" presumably equating to "volume" or perhaps "count" -
> but
> I deal with that by doubling up responses where I'm pretty sure the rude -
> and
> artificially deaf - contributor no longer has the decency to read posts
> which
> expose his (could be "her" although I have no evidence - yet - for a "her")
> -
> which some tetchy contributors find bothersome.
> -
> Chris Mason
> On Thu, 5 May 2011 17:29:35 -0400, Don Leahy 
> wrote:
> >Universally understood?  If that were true there wouldn't be any debate,
> >would there?
> >
> >On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 14:16, Chris Mason 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Don
> >>
> >> We are not dealing with a language - that would be another campaign
> such as
> >> getting rid of the stupid misuse of "issue" or "issues" for "problem".
> We
> >> are
> >> dealing with explaining technical matters where there is an opportunity
> for
> >> ambiguity if we don't stick to universally understood, accepted and
> >> mandated
> >> expressions.
> >>
> >> Chris Mason
> >>
> >> On Mon, 2 May 2011 17:53:54 -0400, Don Leahy 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Usage gives meaning.  That's how languages evolve.  Acronyms too,
> >> >apparently.  ;-)
> --
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Re: RIP issue with HMC - security violation?

2011-05-06 Thread Ray Overby
I found it interesting that a CVSS score was included in this post. 
Based upon my limited experience with CVSS scores associated with z/OS 
vulnerabilities 7.5 is pretty high. For example, a SVC that stores into 
a caller specified address while in PSW Key 0 Supervisor state and the 
unauthorized requester can control what that address is would be in the 
same range. The SVC vulnerability could be used to crash the system, 
dynamically elevate security credentials, turn off logging, etc. The 
SVC vulnerability represents a serious compromise of the implemented 
z/OS security as well as a violation of any reasonable compliance standard.

The web site ( 
) has a calculator + 
a very understandable writeup on how the 7.5 score could be obtained. Of 
particular interest to this discussion would be the temporal score 
metrics. These metrics rate the availability of exploit, type of fix 
available, and level of verification that vulnerability exists (report 
confidence). It would appear to me that a valid 7.5 score would require 
settings that would imply an exploit existed or could be easily assumed 
(for ex - SVC's that code standard linkage are always exploitable and 
should not require an exploit). In addition, a 7.5 score would probably 
require the exploit to "completely" affect the integrity of the system 
(i.e. - similar to the SVC example) as well. Based upon these 
assumptions one should be able to reasonably conclude that:

1) You have a vulnerability
2) It is exploitable
3) The exploit if executed on your system will affect the integrity of 
that system (and possibly others).

Of course, this assumes that the CVSS score is accurate. But if it is 
these are some reasonable assumptions that can be made without the 
exploit details.

On 5/6/2011 09:49 AM, Burrell, C. Todd (CDC/OCOO/ITSO) (CTR) wrote:

What they have told me (in their usually secretive way) is that the IP address 
for the HMC is listening for RIP announcements.  They claim this could be a 
security issue since a malicious intruder could send the HMC invalid RIP 
announcements and give it bad routes.  My response has basically been that the 
HMC has been running this way for at least 15 years - and since it is not 
available outside of our intranet then what is the big deal, anyway?  The only 
intruder would have to be an internal user - and I hope folks have better 
things to do?

I've pushed this back to them and told them this is not a HIGH security exposure.  So 
we'll see if this gets them off my back.  The ironic thing is that we are working to get 
rid of the mainframe, so I see no reason to even try and change anything right now?  
Surely there are more important "security" issues than this minor one?

Thanks to everyone for their responses...

C. Todd Burrell
PMP, MCSE 2003:Security
MCTS (640,642,643,647)
Security+, Network+
ITIL V3 Foundations
CSC Lead z/OS Systems Programmer
(404) 723-2017 (Cell)

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Chris Mason
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: RIP issue with HMC - security violation?


Why do the "security" people assume there is a problem? You didn't make that

Other contributors have alluded to what really matters but not with maximum
clarity - IMNSHO - or I wouldn't be jumping fearlessly in!

What is implied by what you have told us is a *potential* "security exposure"
is that UDP port has an outstanding socket read-type request pending for it
using an UDP port, 520, which would normally imply that there was a Routing
Information Protocol (RIP) process behind it capable of modifying the routing
table if the socket "sucked in" suitable packets.[1]


Note that the use of the word "listen" here is rather confusing - although
everybody does it - a bit like something else I could mention!

Between the two "transport" protocols which sit on top of the IP layer and use
ports to identify application instances, only TCP has a listen() call. This 
() call is issued very early in the life of the program, is associated with a
specific port - can also be a specific IP address but I'll keep the discussion
simple - stays "in force" for the duration of the application and can be "seen"
as a "listening" state for the application.

UDP doesn't do that. There's no UDP listen() call. However, when an UDP
application has issued a read-type call specifying a particular port, a packet
can be read and, as swiftly as possible, the application sets up an identical
read-type call - actually leaving a probably very small window where there is
no read-type call in place.

Despite these differences, you will find the discovery of such a read-type call
being in place described as equivalent to the TCP listen state - just to
confuse the unwary!


If there is such a read-typ

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: RIP issue with HMC - security violation?

2011-05-06 Thread Roach, Dennis (N-GHG CORP.)
I had an auditor have a similar finding on a device console (can't remember if 
it was HMC, Shark, or what). I sent it to the IBM support center. There 
response was that the box, OS, and applications comprised a proprietary piece 
of equipment that had little customer configuration capability. Any changes 
could invalidate warranty and service contract of the PC and the associated 
hardware (processor, DASD, etc.). If a proven security issue was found, IBM 
would address it, but not the potential results of a scan.

Dennis Roach
GHG Corporation
Lockheed Martin Mission Services
Facilities Design and Operations Contract
Strategic Technical Engineering
   2100 Space Park Drive 
   Houston, Texas 77058
   P.O. Box 58487
   Mail Code H4C
   Houston, Texas 77258-8487
   Voice:  (281)336-5027
   Cell:   (713)591-1059

All opinions expressed by me are mine and may not agree with my employer or any 
person, company, or thing, living or dead, on or near this or any other planet, 
moon, asteroid, or other spatial object, natural or manufactured, since the 
beginning of time.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Ray Overby

>> Todd Burrell wrote:
>>> I got the following info from one of our security folks today about a
> potential
>>> security exposure with the HMC.   Is it valid that the HMC has a RIP 
>>> listener
>>> active, or could I potentially turn it off?  Any info about this would be
> helpful
>>> so I can get the security scan group off my back.  Here was the decription
> of
>>> the violation:
>>> Synopsis :
>>> Routing tables can be modified.
>>> Description :
>>> The remote RIP listener accepts routes that are not sent by a
>>> neighbor.
>>> This cannot happen in the RIP protocol as defined by RFC2453, and
>>> although the RFC is silent on this point, such routes should probably
>>> be ignored.
>>> A remote attacker might use this flaw to access the local network if
>>> it is not protected by a properly configured firewall, or to hijack
>>> connections.
>>> Solution :
>>> Either disable the RIP listener if it is not used, use RIP-2 in
>>> conjunction with authentication, or use another routing protocol.
>>> Risk Factor :
>>> High / CVSS Base Score : 7.5

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2011-05-06 Thread Art Gutowski
On Fri, 6 May 2011 03:39:55, Chris Mason  

>I do enjoy literary references.
>It's not always certain that others do. For example, it's not completely clear
>that Art Gutowski appreciates that the smell of a rose is sweet - although his
>remote smell-detection technology could make him a fortune! Pity it doesn't
>handle coffee![1][2]
>[1] Look out for an investment opportunity![2]

I know a rose (sweet) from shinola (not so much).

Pile on enough visually, albeit in prose, and through the marvel of 
interconnected senses and human consciousness, it eventually evokes an 
involuntary olfactory response.

I'm a developer, not a marketeer, so no investment schemes forthcoming.

[2] Lest any think this overly acerbic, note the lack of exclamation marks 
littering my response.  GOOZEFRAHBAH...

Art Gutowski

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Re: ITEM NAME(MSGBASED) - any considerations?

2011-05-06 Thread Mary Anne Matyaz
Mark Brooks and Nicole Fagan did a great presentation at Share, Parallel
Sysplex Resiliency, that includes several charts on MSGBASED.

And one of those charts shows msgbased reducing rebuild time by 50%. 

There's also a redbook from which I plagarize:

MSGBASED CFRM processing is enabled, the communication associated with
recovery or
rebuild processing for most CF structures is routed via XCF signalling
rather than via the
CFRM CDS. This results in much better scalability for the recovery of
structures with many
connectors, meaning that the recovery time following a CF failure is largely
unaffected by the
number of systems in the sysplex"

We turned on MSGBASED because we wanted to use SMDUPLEX. As I recall, the
only tiny issue is that a system may become the 'managing' system and in our
case, we had a couple of redheaded stepchild lpars that we wouldn't want to
have that task, so we frequently did D XCF,STR and the last line shows you
the managing system: 

Other than that, we had no issue with it. 

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Re: USS vs USS

2011-05-06 Thread Joel C. Ewing
Good Lord, enough already.  Those of you who refuse to let this topic 
die the death it deserves need to wake up and realize how silly and 
petty this this over-extended discussion seems to the rest of us.  If 
you have posted more than once on this topic, you are part of the 
problem.  Once you have stated your position, just because someone 
doesn't embrace your position doesn't require you to respond.  If your 
original argument has merit, it persists in the archives and doesn't 
need repeating.  Move on to something else of practical use to others, 
and get a life.

This discussion is so like an argument where failure to immediately win 
the argument elicits many modified re-statements of the original 
position in the delusion that if we only "understood" your position 
better we would all agree.  Believe me, we all understood both sides of 
this argument clearly after the first days:  (1)USS shouldn't be used 
for Unix System Services because of conflicting usage and lack of 
"official" sanction, versus (2)it has been (and will continue to be) 
used by some for that meaning in contexts where it proves useful.  Don't 
seek to irritate everyone by re-arguing the same points day after day, 
after day, ...!!

Human communication has always been, and always will be, imperfect and 
partially ambiguous.  Language is dynamic, not static.  That which 
efficiently communicates in some context will get used whether 
officially sanctioned or not. Language evolves.  History abounds with 
examples where the language "misuse" of yesterday evolved into the 
"accepted practice" of today, and that process continues.  That is 
simply part of being human.  Live with it!

   Joel C Ewing

On 05/06/2011 03:52 AM, Chris Mason wrote:



I'm now going to try to make another effort...


  is an abbreviation for Unix System Services.


As for the abbreviation, ...

Joel C. Ewing, Fort Smith,
   Bentonville, AR

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Re: USS vs USS

2011-05-06 Thread Mike Liberatore
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: "Joel C. Ewing" 
Sender: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 11:46:32 
Reply-to: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
Subject: Re: USS vs USS

Good Lord, enough already.  Those of you who refuse to let this topic 
die the death it deserves need to wake up and realize how silly and 
petty this this over-extended discussion seems to the rest of us.  If 
you have posted more than once on this topic, you are part of the 
problem.  Once you have stated your position, just because someone 
doesn't embrace your position doesn't require you to respond.  If your 
original argument has merit, it persists in the archives and doesn't 
need repeating.  Move on to something else of practical use to others, 
and get a life.

This discussion is so like an argument where failure to immediately win 
the argument elicits many modified re-statements of the original 
position in the delusion that if we only "understood" your position 
better we would all agree.  Believe me, we all understood both sides of 
this argument clearly after the first days:  (1)USS shouldn't be used 
for Unix System Services because of conflicting usage and lack of 
"official" sanction, versus (2)it has been (and will continue to be) 
used by some for that meaning in contexts where it proves useful.  Don't 
seek to irritate everyone by re-arguing the same points day after day, 
after day, ...!!

Human communication has always been, and always will be, imperfect and 
partially ambiguous.  Language is dynamic, not static.  That which 
efficiently communicates in some context will get used whether 
officially sanctioned or not. Language evolves.  History abounds with 
examples where the language "misuse" of yesterday evolved into the 
"accepted practice" of today, and that process continues.  That is 
simply part of being human.  Live with it!
Joel C Ewing

On 05/06/2011 03:52 AM, Chris Mason wrote:
> Mark
> I'm now going to try to make another effort...
>>   is an abbreviation for Unix System Services.
> As for the abbreviation, ...
Joel C. Ewing, Fort Smith,
Bentonville, AR   

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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Mark Zelden
On Fri, 6 May 2011 07:54:55 -0500, Larry Macioce  wrote:

>Mark could you expand on what was needed and what size pack you use?
>Roberto, I saw it a long time ago, but I believe it was in the 2.10 days(or
>earlier), but thank you

If you look at the source (job streams) on my web site / CBT File 434, the
requirements are in there.

The onepack system, with no z/OS UNIX and TCP/IP, fits on a single
3390-3 volume.  The Twopack system, which includes TCP/IP and
(its requisite) z/OS UNIX, will still fix on 2 3390-3s (barely).   

I use the "twopack" version, but build it on a 3390-9.   If you have a mod-9
available, there should be plenty of space to build it and even enlarge
the spool if you want or include some extra software if you need it.
For example, encryption, OAM, EMC SRDF, etc. 


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
Mark's MVS Utilities: 
Systems Programming expert at

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Re: USS vs USS

2011-05-06 Thread Grinsell, Don
Not perfect, but close...

Vogonism: (n) originally defined as being overly bureaucratic; sticking too 
much to the book and leaving no room for original interpretation; requiring 
every single person to perceive and understand things only in a single, 
usually literal, fashion.

Donald Grinsell
State of Montana

"It's not enough to do what's best.  You must do whatever is necessary."
-- Winston Churchill

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Ignoring posts to the list.

2011-05-06 Thread Dave Day
Please.  I would like to stay as a listener and sometime poster to this 
list...getting kind of frustrating deleting all of these useless emails.   If 
most of you who are annoyed would just do as I do, this will eventually go 
away.  Just ignore or delete posts from the offending individual.  individuals 
who are as pedantic as the current one have some kind of deep seated need that 
is satisfied by their obsessive behavior.   If that need is no longer satisfied 
by the responses it generates on this list, the offender will eventually go 
away because he is not getting the satisfaction he needs/desires.  If those of 
you who are annoyed keep responding, it only feeds the need of the original 
poster.   Don't feed the stray dog, he will move on. 


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Re: A Single pack system?

2011-05-06 Thread Larry Macioce
Thanks Mark, thats exactly what I neeeded, your a genius


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Re: Not able to Ftp

2011-05-06 Thread Mark Post
>>> On 5/5/2011 at 09:08 PM, jagadishan perumal  wrote: 
> Hi,
> The output of /d omvs,f is
>  BPXO045I 06.30.26 DISPLAY OMVS 234
> PATH=/
> The OMVS.ROOT path seems to be missing.

Nope.  "/" is the fully qualified path for the root file system/root directory.

Mark Post

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Re: Ignoring posts to the list.

2011-05-06 Thread Mark Post
>>> On 5/6/2011 at 01:40 PM, Dave Day  wrote: 
> Don't feed the stray dog, he will move on. 

Good luck with this.  "Don't feed the troll" has been a Usenet/mailing list 
admonition for decades.  It still happens.  Good email filters/kill lists are 
the only way to go.

Mark Post

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Re: Leaving IBM-MAIN

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Hoelscher

so I just don't >have the time to tune in to the Chris Mason show every morning 

I'm sorry - but if you are going to leave the list,  just leave - no reason to 
throw daggers on your way out the door

Chris Hoelscher
IDMS & DB2 Database Administrator

I refuse to repeat gossip - so listen closely the first time

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Re: Leaving IBM-MAIN

2011-05-06 Thread Bob Shannon
> I'm sorry - but if you are going to leave the list,  just leave - no reason 
> to throw daggers >on your way out the door

He expressed the feelings of a lot of people. Where is Darren when we need him?

Bob Shannon
Rocket Software

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Re: COBOL to SQL server

2011-05-06 Thread Rozeboom, Kay [DAS]
Batch COBOL programs at our site access SQL Server databases by using EXCI to 
call CICS programs, which in turn call web services that access the SQL Server 

Admittedly, this is not "issuing some SQL" in the batch program.  On the other 
hand, if you already have CICS, there is nothing to buy.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Jim McAlpine
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 6:02 AM
Subject: COBOL to SQL server

cross posted to DB2 list.

Does anyone know if it is possible to issue some SQL from a batch COBOL
program running on z/OS to an SQL Server database.

Jim McAlpine

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Re: Dislike/Distrust of USS (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?)

2011-05-06 Thread Lester, Bob
Hi John,

 I believe that you're correct on this one.  Many z/OS'ers despise z/Unix 
for that (among other) reasons.

 As someone who's been doing Mainframe sysadmin work for 30+ years, I 
certainly understand that attitude - especially in this era of out-sourcing and 

 On a personal note, I love working on the z/Unix side.  We recently 
implemented ftp over SSH from z/Unix.  Many long-term mainframers were 
surprised that it could be done.

 Mainframes - we do what no one else can do.  Quickly, and correctly.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
John McKown
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Dislike/Distrust of USS (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF 

I think some hate z/OS UNIX simply because it is "something more that I have to 
be bothered with." Management seems to want to minimize their responsibilities. 
I remember loving new things.  Now we hate them because they make our jobs more 
demanding while not increasing our pay. Speaking generically and not about any 
specific person.

John McKown
Maranatha! <><
Sent from my Vibrant Android phone.

On May 6, 2011 10:12 AM, "Edward Jaffe"  wrote:

[Reposted for those who either prefer or hate the USS acronym. You choose
:-) ]

On 5/6/2011 6:28 AM, John McKown wrote:

> I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is 
> an function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with 
> the XD line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the 
> weirdo that I am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file 
> instead of a dataset.

When we first implemented this function in (E)JES, we learned first hand just 
how much dislike/distrust there is out there re: USS filesystems.

We had one customer refer to our enhancement as an 'integrity exposure'.
Why? They flat out didn't want their users writing to USS filesystems. In a 
conference call, I demonstrated how their users could already easily 
create/update USS files using native ISPF functions (e.g., EDIT) but they were 
undeterred. In the end we implemented a SAF call for them so they could disable 
the function.

I'm not complaining. It's their shop and they can run it however they please; 
we're happy to help. But, their reaction was both both a surprise and an 'eye 

 Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
> "Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" 
> starts with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name.

FWIW, in our interface you can specify the path and file name (with leading 
slash as you've described) or specify a trailing slash to start an interactive 
directory traversal beginning at the specified location where you can choose or 
create a target file. In either case, you can set path options and other stuff 
for new files being created.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: Ignoring posts to the list.

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Mason

> I would like to stay as a listener and sometime poster to this list...getting 
kind of frustrating deleting all of these useless emails. If most of you who 
are ...

finding it difficult to deal with so many emails

> ... would just do as I do, this will 

no longer be a problem - or issue - whatever ...

Because of the post from Robert Birdsall saying he was leaving the list - quite 
unnecessarily - I explained how I handle the list in a way that totally 
my inbox.

This seems the sensible way to deal with a problem I dealt with long ago after 
my first flush of enthusiasm having all this expertise pouring into my "reader" 
as I used to think of it!

Actually then as now there was/is an awful lot of - well one unkind way of 
putting it would be - "look how clever and knowledgeable I am" fluff that 
contributes just about nothing to the topic under discussion. This was never 
my style where generally I liked to follow the advice of a sales manager used 
to know who said never to visit a customer without having something 
substantial and new to offer.

This happens to be illustrated - the fluff posts and the substantial post - 
along with some non-fluff but some variably constructive posts - in a thread 
today: "RIP issue with HMC - security violation?". This was also odd in that 
the original poster posed a tricky question and, when offered a precise 
solution, chickened out and said he actually wasn't prepared to do anything 
about it - most odd - a bit of a genuine misuse of the list really, considering 
the effort that went in to help him - not just from me obviously.


I may have a word or two more to say about this post when I have a bit more 
time. Do remember that whatever is posted has entered the public domain 
and, if a response is warranted, a response cannot honestly be gainsaid.

Chris Mason

On Fri, 6 May 2011 12:40:55 -0500, Dave Day 

>Please.  I would like to stay as a listener and sometime poster to this 
list...getting kind of frustrating deleting all of these useless emails.   If 
most of 
you who are annoyed would just do as I do, this will eventually go away.  Just 
ignore or delete posts from the offending individual.  individuals who are as 
pedantic as the current one have some kind of deep seated need that is 
satisfied by their obsessive behavior.   If that need is no longer satisfied by 
the responses it generates on this list, the offender will eventually go away 
because he is not getting the satisfaction he needs/desires.  If those of you 
who are annoyed keep responding, it only feeds the need of the original 
poster.   Don't feed the stray dog, he will move on. 

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Re: Dislike/Distrust of USS (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?)

2011-05-06 Thread Scott Ford
We are a vendor too, same problem here. Had customers also not r

We are a vendor too, same problem here. Had customers also not realize that 
TCPIP functions ( especially ) socket calls require a RACF /OMVS segment.
Scott J Ford

From: Edward Jaffe 
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 11:12:39 AM
Subject: Dislike/Distrust of USS (Was: Opinion: modified SDSF functionality?)

[Reposted for those who either prefer or hate the USS acronym. You choose :-) ]

On 5/6/2011 6:28 AM, John McKown wrote:
> I would like the concensus of opinion on something for SDSF. There is an
> function to "print" sysout to a dataset. This is ususally done with the XD
> line command or the PRT ODSN primary command. Well, being the weirdo that I
> am, I would often like the data to go into a UNIX file instead of a dataset.

When we first implemented this function in (E)JES, we learned first hand just 
how much dislike/distrust there is out there re: USS filesystems.

We had one customer refer to our enhancement as an 'integrity exposure'. Why? 
They flat out didn't want their users writing to USS filesystems. In a 
conference call, I demonstrated how their users could already easily 
create/update USS files using native ISPF functions (e.g., EDIT) but they were 
undeterred. In the end we implemented a SAF call for them so they could disable 
the function.

I'm not complaining. It's their shop and they can run it however they please; 
we're happy to help. But, their reaction was both both a surprise and an 'eye 

> Now, ISPF option 2 has been enhanced so that if the first character in the
> "Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:" starts
> with a slash (solidus), then the name is taken as a UNIX file name.

FWIW, in our interface you can specify the path and file name (with leading 
slash as you've described) or specify a trailing slash to start an interactive 
directory traversal beginning at the specified location where you can choose or 
create a target file. In either case, you can set path options and other stuff 
for new files being created.

-- Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: USS vs USS

2011-05-06 Thread Scott Rowe
I couldn't agree more!  42!

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Grinsell, Don  wrote:

> Not perfect, but close...
> Vogonism: (n) originally defined as being overly bureaucratic; sticking too
> much to the book and leaving no room for original interpretation; requiring
> every single person to perceive and understand things only in a single,
> usually literal, fashion.
> --
> Donald Grinsell
> State of Montana
> 406-444-2983
> "It's not enough to do what's best.  You must do whatever is necessary."
> -- Winston Churchill
> --
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Re: PSF and non AFP printer

2011-05-06 Thread Howard Turetzky
You might consider plans to replace your 6262. It was withdrawn from service 
in 2007, and while parts may still be available from third parties it will be 
difficult to service and support the machine.

If you need an impact printer that can be driven by PSF, consider the Infoprint 
6500 or Printronix 7000. These are dot-matrix printers up to 2000 lines/minute 
with an option for TCP/IP IPDS support, so it can be started/stopped, 
back/forward spaced, and you get IPDS error recovery. With PSF you can use 
the Line Mode Migration feature to use your existing FCBs without the need to 
change job JCL.

Howard Turetzky
Ricoh Production Print Solutions

On Thu, 5 May 2011 10:12:48 -0400, Roberto Halais 

>We have an IBM 6262 mod D22 impact printer that was converted from 
>to coax. We have connected the printer
>to the coax side of a protocol converter box and the tcp/ip side of the
>converter box to our mainframe.
>What we want to do is print using PSF but the printer does not support AFP
>format data.
>The question is: Can I use PSF to print to a non afp printer or do I need to
>use another software product.
>Thank you for any hints/help.
>"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails
>of the last priest." Denis Diderot
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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ron Hawkins

3380-3 is HDS terminology for a standard size 3380 when you format the
Parity Group. It the value elected on the drop down box and creates 3339 cyl
volumes unless you choose to carve it up into custom sizes.

I've seen 3390-3 used by customers to describe the same emulation on EMC.
However, it may be that they were using the HDS term when communicating with
us. I've seen it frequently enough to feel that it is a common term across
those customers that still use 3380 format.

If your experience is limited to IBM TCM, or it has been a long time since
you used 3380 format volumes than I agree you may not have come across this


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Ted MacNEIL
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Do we need to implement HSM
> >There is an unofficial 3380-3, which is 3339 CYLS using a 47K track size.
> It's common usage and size for existing 3380 emulation.
> While I did use 3390's in 3380 emulation mode, when 90's first came out, I
> never heard (or used) that term.
> -
> Ted MacNEIL
> Twitter: @TedMacNEIL
> --
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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ron Hawkins

I have no experience with DMS, but I did the same thing, and more, very
successfully with ACC/SRS from DTS.

I'd guess that DMS is still around, probably with a new name and a "CA-"
prefix :-)


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Ed Gould
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 7:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Do we need to implement HSM
>  DMS stood for dasd management system vendor was sterling software.
> One of the items that it did was an option to change the allocation from
> cylinder to tracks. So instead of a cyl the dataset was reduced to say 1
> track. Ther was also an option to go from 1 track to 1 cyl. The package
> quite versatile. I just got off the phone with a person who had a lot to
> about the product and he told me that the product is no longer available.
> Supposedly the author works for CA now days.
> I liked the product but found it let's say a little bit to versitile,
> that I meant it allowed to many excetions and it ran on exceptions rue
> allowed for a nightmare in bookkeeping.
> Ed
> --
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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>If your experience is limited to IBM TCM, or it has been a long time since you 
>used 3380 format volumes than I agree you may not have come across this 


As I said, it was a long time ago.
And, as a Canadian Bank employee, at the time, we were blue; we didn't use that 
Twitter: @TedMacNEIL

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Re: Leaving IBM-MAIN

2011-05-06 Thread J R
> He expressed the feelings of a lot of people. Where is Darren when we need 
> him?  

I'm sure there are at least as many people that feel in favor of Chris Mason.  
It may well be the silent majority.  

For my money, in the business we're in, precision of terminology trumps the 
likes of "I would like to know which use is the most offensive to the largest 
number of people. That's the one I will start using most." every time.  

> Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 18:45:25 +
> From:
> Subject: Re: Leaving IBM-MAIN
> To:
> > I'm sorry - but if you are going to leave the list, just leave - no reason 
> > to throw daggers >on your way out the door
> He expressed the feelings of a lot of people. Where is Darren when we need 
> him?
> Bob Shannon
> Rocket Software
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Re: Migration of RACF db to Open source

2011-05-06 Thread Tony Harminc
On 6 May 2011 02:12, jagadishan perumal  wrote:

> We have a task of migrating the RACF users to Open source(Wintel or Unix).

When did Windows become open source?

If you want UNIX, it's already a part of z/OS, so why migrate?

Tony H.

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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Ron Hawkins
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Ted MacNEIL
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Do we need to implement HSM
> Agreement?
[Ron Hawkins] Yes. I agreed with what you said: "... I never heard (or used)
that term."

Was I wrong? Should I have used an acronym?


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Keith S Zawila is out of the office

2011-05-06 Thread Keith Zawila
I will be out of the office starting  05/06/2011 and will not return until

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2011-05-06 Thread Dale Miller

Ted McNEIL said:"The lack of understanding is on you, not on me."

I repeat: NOT if you are trying to communicate to me. If you fail to  
communicate because of poor choice of language, a hard-ass attitude  
will not dump the responsibility onto me. I make every effort to  
understand communications, but I can't always overcome carelessness or  
arrogance on the part of the other party.

Dale Miller

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Re: Do we need to implement HSM

2011-05-06 Thread Linda Mooney
Hi Ron, 

What you say is true.  I did read into the post a bit because I used to get a 
lot of questions by folks who would look at the catalog entry and assume that 
the candidates were already used.  

On the other hand, I have seen nearly empty, and empty, multivolume VSAM 
datasets.  Turned out that our billing system (at that time), charged for 
purges and reorgs (there was a charge to run the job and charges for EXCPs) , 
but not for DASD residency or space.  So, a clever programmer, who really paid 
attention to the billing table to the benefit of his customer (I am not being 
critical of him in the the least),  would delete records or move them all to a 
history file, but never reorg the file.    I t was a fixed length record, 
non-SMS controlled KSDS . Gen erally, at the beginning of the quarter, that 
VSAM file would have at most a couple of hundred records, yet still span 3 

SMF records would reveal if Ed's dataset ever had records .  IDCAMS or a 
CA-DISK VSAM cluster report -  would reveal if it is very poorly constructed 
and contains maybe 95% free space.  People do make some mistakes when defining 
datasets.  Many shops still use very little SMS.  We have a mix.  We use it for 
some things, not for others. 

CA-DISK used to be DMS when Sterling Software had it. 



- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Hawkins"  
Sent: Friday, May 6, 2011 2:11:36 AM 
Subject: Re: Do we need to implement HSM 


Without Guaranteed Space all except the first volume will only be candidate 
volumes until the writing records to the first volume causes it to extend to 
the second and subsequent volumes. 

The case Ed described is that the dataset is empty, but it had extents across 
multiple volumes, which is not the usual behavior for an empty dataset that 
does not use guaranteed space. Hence my curiosity. 

I agree completely with your reply, but it does not solve the empty dataset 


> -Original Message- 
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf 
> Of 
> Linda Mooney 
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 8:22 PM 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Do we need to implement HSM 
> Hi Ron, 
> If a VSAM dataset is allocated with a candidate list of volumes 
> VOLSER=(VOL001,VOL002,VOL003 ), the datset will allocate to the first volser 
> in the list, then the next, etc. The catalog entry will show all of the 
> volumes, even if there is no VTOC entry there yet .  Back a few years ago, 
> when we had much smaller volumes, we had some large VSAM datasets (non-SMS) 
> that we allocated this way. 
> Regards, 
> Linda 

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