[JOYnet] Re: A Prophecy from a Child of God!!! - Please Read & Reflect - 2nd Set

2003-04-05 Thread ruby angela
Dear ALlll Jnetters

I recd this in my mailbox
any opinions??

Urs in Christ



The essential details regarding the alleged deathbed prophecy of Mother 
Theresa. It appeared in an article by a Carmelite nun, Sr. Evangeline
McGrath, and was published in the magazine "Prophecy" on June 25th of this 

The Prophecy 0f Mother Theresa.

Mother Theresa died at 9:30 pm on the evening of September
5th,1997,in the mother house of her convent in Calcutta. At around 8:15
pm evening, Mother Theresa awoke and summoned the other nuns to gather
around her.

She told them, "I have had a vision of things to come.
Our Lord Jesus Christ has bidden me to disclose to it to you so that
you might be prepared for time of woe and be safeguarded from evil.
"The Four Horsemen spoken of in the Book of Revelation, (Ch.
6;1-7)have mounted their steeds. Their ride begins. You will hear  their
hoofbeats within five years time. "

The first three Horsemen correspond
to the account given in Revelation, but the fourth is transformed
from the bleakness of Death into a beacon of brightness and hope.

"The first Horseman - "Plague" - is riding a white steed and is armed with a 
bow. The second, on a red horse, is brandishing a sword and represents 
"War". The third Horseman is mounted on a black horse. He carries a set of 
weighing scales and signifies "Famine" The fourth (initially)rides a pale 
horse and rides ahead of the legions of hell. His name is "Death".
Mother Theresa was quite specific as to the timing of the first
three scourges, Plague, War and Famine.

"The plague will break out first in Asia in August 2002. At first
it will be ignored by world health authorities, but it will spread
and its victims will multiply rapidly - millions and millions of poor souls.

"As the plague rages, the true identity of the Beast of Revelation
will be revealed; a creature who delights in death, pain and misery.
This man will come from Iran, and will proudly display the number 666,
(presumably in some symbolic fashion?), on his clothes and on his
forehead. "The Beast will at first be welcomed by the United
Nations as a man of peace' It will take a full year before his true identity 
revealed. With contemptuous ease, the Beast will assassinate Saddam
Hussein early in 2003 in a murder plot involving Arab Sheikhs, and
he will spread his power through Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
"While the plague rages, he will begin his rise to world
domination. War will break out in the Middle East in October,

It will start with the assassination of a major figure, in the
Arab/Israeli conflict now under way. This shocking event will provoke a wave 
suicide attacks against the United States. Fanatics determined to
blow themselves to pieces - as long as they can take many Americans
with them will target shopping malls, apartment blocks and sports stadiums.
As part of a two-pronged attack, planes piloted by terrorists
will crash into government buildings and national monuments,
the Washington Monument and Mt. Rushmore.

"Like the plague, the war will escalate quickly. Iraq will join
wit! h the 'Palestinians' and Iraqi troops will then be joined by
others from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. "In the first
week of November, President Bush will address the nation, announcing that
'American interests are being threatened and "we can no longer
remain on the sidelines" Russia and China will adopt similar postures.
Russia will align itself with the U.S., and China with the Arabs.
"A brief, bloody, global confrontation will ensue. America will
emerge victorious, but with great loss of life, and the economy in
ruins. Enter the third Horseman - "Famine" With world commerce
destroyed by plague and war, crops will die and rot in the fields.
Starvation will stalk not only the Third World, but the richest nations as 
But when things are at their very worst, and the (northern
hemisphere) winter bites hard, the fourth Horseman makes his
appearance.  "This rider was not "Death" as in Revelation, but becomes
"Hope" his hand he is holding a stone tablet, on which is
inscribed a prayer. Mother Teresa insisted that this prayer will be 
spiritual suit
of armour, protecting all who say it from the devastation wrought by
the first three Horsemen.

"A miracle will be witnessed by millions of New Yorkers at the
site of the twin towers. The towers will appear to rise again, and
those who died will be seen wearing garments of purest white. The vision
will last for almost a full day, before vanishing into the darkness of
the evening. This will be a message of hope for the United States, and
for the whole world.

"HOPE" will be the promise of a new message from Our Lady of
Fatima. Hundreds at the Shrine will witness ! the Virgin predicting
victory in the war, and 1000 year Era of Peace on earth. The Blessed Virgin
will then disclose a 2000 year old secret - the date of Her Divine
Son's return.

Mother Theresa stated that the Second Coming 

[JOYnet] Re: Priests & Chastity

2003-04-05 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Bros and Sisters,
We were hearing and reading many facts and figures which happened with
our priests and religious. I believe these are the signboards which lead
us to pray more for clergy.
We just not pray only, but love them as we do with our dear once daily.
In my personal life I do practice one thing: to pray for our beloved
Pope and Priests I made a practice, everyday when I brush my teeth I
remember them and pray for them, very beginning of the day and during
night too.  I started this practice long back. I do forget to pray for
my parents and dears every morning but not for priests and religious. I
used to intercede for many vital things daily connecting them to many
routine practices in our daily life. 
May our Lord bless us to have a very good relationship with Priests and
Religious. For the kingdom of God they put aside the privilege of being
in a family of closely loved once and enjoy the affection and
protection, to celebrate the life in different occasions. 
I noticed in many churches, after the Holy Mass everybody recite a
prayer dedicating our priests to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I just love
to follow that prayer even though I don't know it byheart. 
With love

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[JOYnet] Re: the Broken BREAD {BODY}

2003-04-01 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

i had this wonderful amazing experience yesterday evening and i wanted to 
share it with you all...i ususally go to mass early in the morning but 
yesterday i couldn't go so i went to this other church in the evening. the 
way the church is constructed is really unique--the altar is not really in 
the front but in the upper middle so there are pews on all four sides of the 
altar (to the 2 sides, in front of it and behind it). above the altar hangs 
a life size crucifix with Jesus hanging on it from the ceiling...it is 
really beautiful..

well the priest that was celebrating the mass yesterday was really tall and 
slim so the top of his head almost touched the bottom of the cross...during 
the liturgy of the eucharist, when the priest took the Bread in his hands, 
raised it and was giving thanks--i was looking at the Bread and because he 
raised it so high-- the Body of Jesus on the crucifix was right above it... 
it was just an amazing experience for me!!! i know in my heart and mind with 
full confidence that the Bread is the REAL and PRESENT BODY of JESUS--but at 
that very moment looking at the raised Bread in the hands of the priest and 
the Body of Jesus on the crucifix above it--the visual image i will never 
forget--it reminded me that the Bread which we receive in communion is the 
BODY of JESUS which was BROKEN and DIVIDED for our sins..for our very 
lives What an honor it is for us to be able to receive the Broken Body 
of Jesus!!! We should never take communion for granted or as a routine 
experience!!! there is so much POWER, GRACE, and HEALING that we receive 
through the BLESSED and BROKEN BODY of JESUS!!! Praise the LORD!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) CHICAGO

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[JOYnet] Re: thanks for the prayers

2003-03-31 Thread Bincy Abraham

i just wanted to say thank you for all your prayers for the Retreat here in 
Chicago and i know without a doubt your prayers helped contribute to the 
success of the retreat!!! this last weekend was just an amazing experience 
of the showering of much blessings, grace, peace and joy the magnitude 
in attendance was tremendous!!! the HOLY SPIRIT was on FIRE!!! Fr. Valooran, 
Glen and Teresa were just such powerful instruments of GOD and we felt so 
blessed and anointed to be in their presence!!! the proclamation of the WORD 
of GOD was powerful and the healing service was annointed time where many 
hearts were converted, inner wounds mended, and the person was made whole 
with all emptiness filled!!! Praise GOD!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) Chicago

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2003-03-27 Thread Bincy Abraham
hi friends,

this coming weekend (fri evening, all day Sat and Sun) we will be having our 
parish retreat here in Chicago at Syro Malabar Church led by Fr. Augustine 
Valooran and his team-- Glen and Teresa from Potta...
we are so excited and have been praying fervently for months for this 
retreat... please keep us in your prayers this weekend b/c we really need 
your prayers!!! please pray for achan and his team that the Holy Spirit fill 
them continuously!!! please also pray that all the people in chicago feel 
the calling to come to this great occasion of the sharing of the Word, that 
their hearts be stirred by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that they 
receive the healing (physical, emotional, most especially spiritual) that 
they are longing for in their lives!!! it is such a great blessed occasion 
and i don't want anyone in Chicago to miss out on this opportunity with 
all your prayers, i have great faith that the retreat will be successful!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) CHICAGO

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[JOYnet] Re: "bandaging" the wounds of CHRIST (innocence)

2003-03-24 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

this last sun evening, i was blessed to be invited to a birthday prayer 
gathering at the home of one of our Christeen youths in Chicago. all the JYC 
were there also and it was wonderful, prayerful fellowship!!!

the prayer was conducted in their family room and we all faced the fireplace 
where on the ledge there was large picture of Jesus with His hands stretched 
out... you couldn't see the stigmata marks in the palms..i thought i was 
seeing things on the picture that were not there (hallucinating???).. then 
my friend Jojo whispers to me, "see the bandage? see the bandage on Jesus?" 
i was like oh my goodness he too saw the bandages so they must be there. 
there were two bandages placed on the palms of Jesus to cover the 
Crucifixion marks/stigmata... we asked the mom of the house, did you know 
there are bandages on Jesus. she told us that the birthday boy who was 7 had 
placed the bandages on Jesus when he was younger b/c he did not want Jesus 
to bleed or hurt at all and he won't remove them even now!

i was totally speechless/dumbfounded/humbled beyond words!!! this little boy 
cared so much for the pain of Jesus and was willing to go to such an 
extraordinary measure to care for Jesus' wounds... i wondered how much i was 
willing to do/ how much i had done to "bandage" Jesus up? well this little 
boy's innocence/purity/love has on the one hand put me to shame but on the 
other hand it has inspired me to do more for the LORD--to help others heal 
physically, emotionally and spirtually, to forgive and be forgiven--and thus 
do my little "bandaging"... how amazing it is to know how the Lord is using 
such young kids to work for HIS KINGDOM Praise the Lord

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) CHICAGO

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[JOYnet] Re: Temptation-Lenten thought

2003-03-24 Thread Bincy Abraham
hi friends,

this sun at the Syro Malabar church in Chicago we heard one of the best 
homilies by Fr. Abraham Vetuvaylil. my ears, eyes, mind and heart were glued 
to the Spirit speaking thru achan. it is hard to share everything but i 
would like to mention the thoughts that struck me most.

Achan was saying that TEMPTATION has 3 manifestations:
1. the devil brings forth a PROPOSAL to you. (just like he did to Jesus in 
the desert)
2. your initial reaction to the proposal-- do you take DELIGHT or DISGUST in 
the proposal.
3. finally your end action in regards to the proposal-- do you ACCEPT or 
REJECT the proposal.
when a person gets tempted he undergoes these 3 aspects. it is not easy to 
deny/decline tempting offers. however, thru enduring/persevering PRAYER we 
can be graced with the gift of FAITH which will Spirit guide us to OBEDIENCE 
to the Lord's will!!!

also achan was asking us a question which is one we all can reflect on 
during the rest of Lent-- what will we accept today--- the APPLE offered by 
the devil (world's luxuries) or PARADISE offered by our SAVIOR (the heavenly 
rewards/ the Kingdom)... the answer is not so easy always and we don't 
always make the right choices in life or act according to what we know to be 
right--depending on our circumstances/situations.. however again 
enduring/persevering/consistent prayerlife will lead us to make the RIGHT 
DECISION in accordance with GOD's WILL for us!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) Chicago

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] AMERICA ON WAR...........AND WE???????

2003-03-24 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel
Dear All,
I am forwarding the e-mail from Jyothini (an animator of the JY in the USA) as a 
balanced outlook on the current situation. The debate was on both in the JYA list and 
the Joy Net.
Being Christians, we have established our position which is clearly alongside the 
Pope John Paul II.
What else should we do?
For one, we should pray. It is the most powerful weapon we can use. Also, remember 
that we are not fighting against mere flesh and blood, but against the powers of 
darkness that dwell in the heavenly regions.
In stead of merely protesting against all that is evil, we should be proactive and 
try to eradicate the root causes, such as injustice etc. We could try to become more 
just in our behavior and dealings with others and the society. There are thousand and 
one ways to do that in our lives.
Another thing we can do as a group of people who possess a lot of talents and 
capabilities is to try to evangelize the audio-visual media in all its forms. We could 
do a lot by creating good music, shows, cartoons, stories, novels, movies, computer 
games, comic strips, shows etc. and replace the violent and immoral stuff that is 
abundant in the audio-visual media that promotes violence and immorality in the 
people, especially the young and the little ones.

Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, new Jersey, USA


> Dear JY's
>  There are many sides to this war. We can debate it as much as we want. We are 
> allowed to have a difference of opinions.
> As I watch T.V and listen to the news, I am really saddened by the situation also.
>   I remember the first war, I was about 14, it was before I really knew the 
> Lord. I remember my dad, my mom and my sister sitting in front of the T.V. Even 
> though the war  was so far away, I felt like it was right outside. I went to the 
> room where we usually pray and sat before the Lord and just cried. This time as my 
> husband watch T.V, I went to Lord, the Lord who offered us peace, at the moment he 
> was born and throughout His Life till the moment he ascended into heaven,  the Lord 
> who even today offers us peace and  begged him to give us that
> peace.
> When I went to India, for college, in 1996, many of my roommates were from 
> Kuwait. They shared with me their experience. I was really shocked. I never knew how 
> much they had to go through. As we sit and debate, our fellow brothers and sisters 
> are hiding and running for the lives. Many families are being separated while we are 
> sleeping. Meanwhile, we are safe and secure, going about our daily business, school, 
> work...etc.
>   I don't know whose side is right. We can only see and hear what is said and shown 
> to us. But our Lord knows the hearts and minds of our leaders. Trust in Him.  Please 
> pray for the people of Iraq and neighboring nations. Pray for the soldiers and their 
> families on both sides. Pray for all the leaders, especially Bush and Saddam. Pray 
> for the end of this war and  the re-establishment of peace.
> God bless us all
> Jyothni, NY

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[JOYnet] Re: Prayer Bank

2003-03-21 Thread VIJAY JOHNSON ANDRE
Dear Joynet Administrator,

We have many Prayer Groups that are willing and ready to pray for urgent needs of 
others. Is difficult for individuals to maintain a list of all their addresses. Can 
you please create a link on the website to a page that permanently displays all such 

So that in times of trouble/need we can go to our website (jesusyouth.org) and mail to 
all the links with our urgent requests.

Please give this a thought.

Praise The Lord !


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[JOYnet] Re: one small good news

2003-03-21 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends, i had requested for all your prayers for my studies and job
search and i thank all of you again from the heights and depths of my
heart truly b/c i have really felt and experienced the blessings and
graces showered upon me through all your prayer support, love, and
care  i found out this last Mon that I had MATCHED--meaning that i
would be blessed with a residency training job as of July. one month ago,
i was going through lots of confusion about specialty choice and stress
of job interviews and i turned to the WORD for comfort and answers and
what i received was Daniel 3:39-40: "With a contrite heart and humble
spirit let us be received..For those who trust in the Lord will not be
put to shame." Praise the Lord!! on Thur i found out where-- RESURRECTION
Hospital in North Chicago, IL (only 20 minutes from my house by car and
near new JYC headquarters) for the field of FAMILY PRACTICE (meaning i
can medically care for people ages 1 to end of life, do pediatrics,
female medicine/obstetrics/gynecology, adult medicine, geriatrics, and
even a little bit of pyschiatry)--- this was my first choice
hospital. it is the central hospital of the largest chain of Catholic
Hosp in Chicago under the sponsorship of the Sisters of Resurrection. I
loved the Catholic environment with all its values (no birth control
pills, no abortions, i can speak about God freely, etc) and the faculty
and other senior residents were so friendly and supportive. i felt at
home during the interview... i never prayed for this hospital or this
field but for GOD's WILL to be done in my professional life and all
aspects of my life!!! since i was a child (since i could remember) i
DREAMED of becoming a doctor and making people feel better. in highschool
and early college, i PLANNED/HOPED on pursing a career in medicine.
during my last two years of college, i surrendered all my
DREAMS/PLANS/HOPES to the LORD and i prayed, "Lord if this is not what
you will for me, take it away; i am willing to give up all of my plans so
that your plans (which are better and more beautiful than i can ever
imagine mine to be) can prevail in my life!!! it wasn't easy for me to do
this at all but i felt that once i experienced the LOVE of JESUS in my
life, i only wanted to do what HE willed for me and be lead by HIS
plans!!! now when i look back, this surrendering truly has blessed my
medical studies and helped me to be where i am today!!! i completely
surrender myself and my call to healing in the hands of Jesus and i pray
daily to Jesus and Mother Mary that i be able to heal in the image of the
GREATEST PHYSICIAN-JESUS CHRIST and i request all of your prayers so i be
able to live upto what the Lord calls me to be i have 4 more weeks of
clinical rotations (i am doing cardiology now)... i will be done with my
medical school rotations second week of April...if God permits, i will be
also goign to visit my family in India in MAY...i will get my MD diploma
May 31 and graduation is Mon June 2 in NY. Work/healing ministry will
start end of July/early July thank you all again so much!!! Luv n
Prayers, Bincy :=) CHICAGO  


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Fw: Fw: [JOYnet] Re: Living Generosity

2003-03-20 Thread Sijo Mooken
Hello friends,

Please welcome our youngest member in the joynet family - Ruby Angela - from
Abu Dhabi.

Ruby you can send your exeperiences any time from now @

I believe there will be a few out there just in need of the message you are
going to share.

Sijo Mooken
Abu Dhabi
- Original Message -
From: "ruby angela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [JOYnet] Re: Living Generosity

> Hello my brother in christ jesus
> This was lovelywonderful...like chocolates for the soul.
> I always have these thought & cannot find enuff people to tell it to
Now I see how there are so many willing listeners & how I can listen to
wonderful experiences also...
> I have subscribed. But how do I send something in if I wish to?
> Rgrds
> Ruby

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2003-03-18 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel
"We are the Light of the World, we are the salt of the Earth."
Dear All in Jesus,
Could we all join Tharayil Achan in prayer and fasting? Could we do at least one 
act of abstinence and one Rosary and a Chaplet of
Mercy today and tomorrow? Perhaps we could skip one meal, one choice sweet, reading 
News paper or even TV (not watching news  can be very
tough these days). Could we pray continuously for these 48 hours? You know, we can 
make our work also a prayer by doing everything
pleasing to our Lord. Could we make intercessory prayer in groups wherever possible 
during these two days? Yesterday during Mass, a
Consolata father prayed, "I pray for Saddam Hussain that he may accept Jesus as his 
Lord and Savior and be anointed by the Holy Spirit".
Let us ask our Jesus and our mother Mary to work a miracle in this case. Nothing is 
impossible to Our Lord. All those  who were involved
with the Rex Band US tour will testify to that.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA

Fr Thomas Tharayil wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> Hope all might have seen on the TV or heard about the ultimatum
> given by President Bush to Saddam. He is asked to disarm or leave the
> country in 48 (now even less) hours. What if not? We can't imagine. The
> untold miseries that can come upon millions of people in many nations,
> the atrocities that can be committed, etc. But are we to be
> disappointed?? I don't think. Let these ultimate hours be of very intense
> prayers and intercession before the mighty Lord. Remember "nothing is
> impossible with God", and God knows better than anyone else. So please
> make serious effort to specially pray for a way out from this dead lock.
> Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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[JOYnet] RE: World Peace

2003-03-18 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends, let us pray extra hard these days for world peace!!! things
are getting really bad in the Middle East. i just wanted to share with
you parts from an email from my cousin in KUWAIT who is a JY full timer
and nurse working there: "Here things r geting to the climax War is at
hand our ministory is not at all concerned about us .No precotionary
divises have been given .We hv no mony with us as we haven't got our
salary yet . We may be shifted to the hospital with in days .Our only
hope is in Lord ,we live be Paslam 23 .So we need u r Prayers hope u
understod the siriosnes" Please keep him and all in the Middle East in
your prayers!!! we sit here physically far from the possible war areas
but that does not mean the problem is not real nor that we can be
separated from the problem or the people who are hurting right now!!! Luv
n Prayers, Bincy :=)

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Re: [JOYnet] Re: Living Generosity

2003-03-16 Thread Tina Jose

Bincy, I know just what your grandma was like, coz' my grandma was the same.
I have never seen her, but I got to know her through my mom. Mom always
tells me about her. So though I have never seen her, I know everything about
her. To me she is an intellectual.
She never owned more than a single sari. If someone gave her a new one, she
would immediately give the old one away to a poor woman. She taught my mom
and her siblings how to pray. Mom says she scolded them if they didn't pray
aloud and clear.
Mom  told me that she lost her eyesight by reading. In those days, she could
only read by the light of the oil lamp. She passed on what she read to her
children. And guess what she read? The lives of saints.
Mom reminisces and tells me that under her mother's pillow (grandma), she
would always find a little money, a rosary and a prayer book.
I know my grandma had to endure a lot, much more than anyone her age,
especially since my grandpa was famous for his hot-temper. But grandma was
as patient as ever. She was known for her wisdom, understanding,
spirituality and kindness.
My mom has received some of these traits though she doesn't concede to the
fact and she's trying to pass them on to me. But I must tell you, I haven't
been very good at learning from her.
To all those wonderful grandmas and moms in the world - a big thank you for
making us what we are today.

---Original Message---

From: Bincy Abraham
Date: Monday, March 17, 2003 08:52:49
Subject: [JOYnet] Re: Living Generosity

Hi friends,

when i first read Sindhu's email about "what the old granny had taught
her", i couldn't help but remember my grandmother (my mom's mom). she
passed away 7 years ago but not a day goes by that my family nor i don't
remember or speak about her... she was a wonderful, loving woman who had
a tremendously GENEROUS heart!!! she gave unconditionally all that she
had and she never looked at who she was giving to or what she was giving
but as long as there was a person who needed her help, she just gave
freely there was no limit or boundaries to her sharing-- she gave
whatever was asked of her--her time, talents, her love, her compassion,
her very self

my grandmother was very blessed not only to be able to raise her children
but she was involved in the lives of ALL of her grandchildren at some
point or another and we her grandchildren were blessed to be close to her
and to see her carry out her faith in her words and actions!!! i lived
with my grandma and grandpa and my mom's younger brother and sister for 3
years in Kerala. this was a very early period of my life and i was
between the ages of 3-6. even though i was young, many memories stick out
in mind of that time...

my mom's house in Ettumanoor is on top of a huge hill... we had just
enough to meet our daily needs but all of our neighbors were very poor
and struggling just for food, water and the bare necessities.. my
grandparents actually allowed our well to be the neighborhood well where
everyone could draw the water for all their needs and our pond was the
neighborhood hot spot for all bathing and washing and town news... my
grandparents also gave part of their land free to this one family who
basically had nothing and even gave them the means to build a small house
on our property and supported this family and their children till they
got married...but all these generous acts were initiated by my grandma. i
remember that the kitchen was her territory and as soon as the sun rose,
it was filled with all the ladies of the area (chadithee mara)..it was
where they shared their lives, their struggles, their hopes for their
families.. there was always someone there with my grandma till the sun
set.. she would teach them about Jesus and the Bible (she was not very
educated but she shared the little things she knew or heard at the homily
or from someone--"kitchen evangelization"), she would give them rosaries
and prayer books... all the ladies would help my grandma with the cooking
and she would give them the best part of the dishes to take to their
families and we ended up with the leftovers (now since i was her first
granddaughter and since i was left there by my parents, i always got my
share and so did my grandpa but my uncle and aunt were not so lucky and
were not so happy with her at times..sometimes b/c of how much my grandma
gave, she would go to bed on an empty stomach).. if someone needed money,
she just gave without thinking if she had any left for her family (it was
not like we were rich or anything but she knew that God would
provide)...one thing as a child that i remember is an incident in which i
was not happy with her...my mom had given my grandma a beautiful gold
necklace and i think this was the only jewelry she had and wore and i was
so happy to see it on her b/c my mom had given it to her...she ended up
giving i

My comments on Re: [JOYnet] RE: weekend experience

2003-03-16 Thread Ravi Vaz
Hi friends,
That was a very beautiful sharing ..
It brought a point to my mind which i felt i should share with you..
The piercing of  Jesus's side saw a flow of blood and water..
"Water" flows from the body only when there is no more blood left.
This signifies that Jesus shed all his blood for us..upto the last drop..
he gave himself for us totally..
Let us thank god today for the gift of the most precious blood of Jesus which washes 
away all sins.
Love and Prayers
 Bincy Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi friends, this weekend was truly an amazing 
spiritual experience for us
here in Chicago!!! i feel like it is wrong if i don't share it with you
all... Fri night we had stations of the cross followed by mass and from
9:30 PM till 2:30 AM we had our regular Night Vigil with exposed blessed
sacrament (we have it every second friday of the month)!!! it was
powerful beyond words... Jesus was really and truly PRESENT Sat
afternoons we have our (adult, youth/teenager, christeen) prayer meetings
("the bread and butter" of JYC) from 4:30-6:30 PM going on
simultaneously. this last Sat it was a very special combined session b/c
we had Mr. Jim Murphy, US and World renown man of God (member of National
Charismatic team), speak to us about the Shroud of Turin and the Passion
of Jesus. Anyways, Mr. Murphy was sharing about the Passion of Jesus in
detail...I have always known that Jesus suffered much for us but till
this last Sat, i never realized the full physical extent of His
suffering. Mr. Murphy shared in detail how Jesus was inflicted with pain,
what instruments were used, the depth of the penetrating wound, the
duration of the torture, etc I really can't go in detail to his
sharing b/c i don't think i will do justice to the presentation (there
was so much covered in mere 2 hours)... One thing that I would like to
share is that Jim Murphy mentioned that "Jesus died LITERALLY of a BROKEN
HEART... Jesus who had PURE, PERFECT LOVE died of a broken heart because
He loved us unconditionally..." You must wonder what I am talking about,
if I make sense...I was pondering the very same thoughts when Mr. Murphy
was speaking.. This is how he explained it: After Jesus died on the
cross, in John's gospel it is mentioned in ch.19:34 "one soldier thrust
his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out. An
eyewitness (John) has testified and his testimony is true." Have you ever
wondered why "blood and water" gushed forth? Jim Murphy explained some of
the investigated, researched findings in medical terms and from my
medical background, I was in total agreement and understanding. When
blood is taken and sits in a test tube for a while, the red blood cells
"blood" settle to the bottom and the serum component "water" stays on
top... it is believed that Jesus's heart was bleeding from the pressure
and torture of His physical afflication. If blood escapes from the heart
and small vessels into the pericardium (the membrane that covers the
heart) and since He was bleeding internally for a long time, the blood
had been sitting in the pericardium for a long time and had settled into
its parts, thus producing blood and water gushing forth...Physically
Jesus's heart was bleeding for us!!! Another point which struck my
attention from the presentation was the emphasis on the last few words of
Jesus. Many of us remember the words but don't realize just how painful
it was for Jesus to just even say one word.. On the Cross, it took every
inch of Jesus's being to utter even a sound..." Father, forgive them,
they know not what they do"..."Amen, I say to you, today you will be with
me in Paradise"... "Woman, behold, your son.. Behold your mother..", "I
thirst"... "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" "It is
finished"... "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" Now when I
hear these words, I hear them differently with new perspective and
meaning. Jesus did not have to say a single word on the cross but till
His last breath, He was trying to save us The height and depth of
Jesus's suffering is tremendous and it parallels to His unconditional and
perfect love for us... Jesus did not have to die on the cross or endure
any physical or emotional suffering.. He was the beloved Son of God with
whom His Father was well pleased. But Jesus knew that if He did not
undergo this suffering, we would not have this opportunity to be with His
Father alongside Him Jesus was fully God and fully human and He
experienced pain at the human level to the full extent--the extent which
through His sacrifice we were saved... The presentation was truly
powerful experience of Jesus and it has changed my life in someway or the
other.. I don't think I will ever truly understand the extent of how much
Jesus suffered physically for us... I hope to understand 1-10 % at
least... I just hope and pray that this Lenten period, you may all be
blessed with an understanding and reflection of the PASSION at a greater,
meaningful level 

[JOYnet] RE: weekend experience

2003-03-16 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends, this weekend was truly an amazing spiritual experience for us
here in Chicago!!! i feel like it is wrong if i don't share it with you
all... Fri night we had stations of the cross followed by mass and from
9:30 PM till 2:30 AM we had our regular Night Vigil with exposed blessed
sacrament (we have it every second friday of the month)!!! it was
powerful beyond words... Jesus was really and truly PRESENT Sat
afternoons we have our (adult, youth/teenager, christeen) prayer meetings
("the bread and butter" of JYC) from 4:30-6:30 PM going on
simultaneously. this last Sat it was a very special combined session b/c
we had Mr. Jim Murphy, US and World renown man of God (member of National
Charismatic team), speak to us about the Shroud of Turin and the Passion
of Jesus. Anyways, Mr. Murphy was sharing about the Passion of Jesus in
detail...I have always known that Jesus suffered much for us but till
this last Sat, i never realized the full physical extent of His
suffering. Mr. Murphy shared in detail how Jesus was inflicted with pain,
what instruments were used, the depth of the penetrating wound, the
duration of the torture, etc I really can't go in detail to his
sharing b/c i don't think i will do justice to the presentation (there
was so much covered in mere 2 hours)... One thing that I would like to
share is that Jim Murphy mentioned that "Jesus died LITERALLY of a BROKEN
HEART... Jesus who had PURE, PERFECT LOVE died of a broken heart because
He loved us unconditionally..." You must wonder what I am talking about,
if I make sense...I was pondering the very same thoughts when Mr. Murphy
was speaking.. This is how he explained it: After Jesus died on the
cross, in John's gospel it is mentioned in ch.19:34 "one soldier thrust
his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out. An
eyewitness (John) has testified and his testimony is true." Have you ever
wondered why "blood and water" gushed forth? Jim Murphy explained some of
the investigated, researched findings in medical terms and from my
medical background, I was in total agreement and understanding. When
blood is taken and sits in a test tube for a while, the red blood cells
"blood" settle to the bottom and the serum component "water" stays on
top... it is believed that Jesus's heart was bleeding from the pressure
and torture of His physical afflication. If blood escapes from the heart
and small vessels into the pericardium (the membrane that covers the
heart) and since He was bleeding internally for a long time, the blood
had been sitting in the pericardium for a long time and had settled into
its parts, thus producing blood and water gushing forth...Physically
Jesus's heart was bleeding for us!!! Another point which struck my
attention from the presentation was the emphasis on the last few words of
Jesus. Many of us remember the words but don't realize just how painful
it was for Jesus to just even say one word.. On the Cross, it took every
inch of Jesus's being to utter even a sound..." Father, forgive them,
they know not what they do"..."Amen, I say to you, today you will be with
me in Paradise"... "Woman, behold, your son.. Behold your mother..", "I
thirst"... "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" "It is
finished"... "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"  Now when I
hear these words, I hear them differently with new perspective and
meaning. Jesus did not have to say a single word on the cross but till
His last breath, He was trying to save us The height and depth of
Jesus's suffering is tremendous and it parallels to His unconditional and
perfect love for us... Jesus did not have to die on the cross or endure
any physical or emotional suffering.. He was the beloved Son of God with
whom His Father was well pleased. But Jesus knew that if He did not
undergo this suffering, we would not have this opportunity to be with His
Father alongside Him  Jesus was fully God and fully human and He
experienced pain at the human level to the full extent--the extent which
through His sacrifice we were saved... The presentation was truly
powerful experience of Jesus and it has changed my life in someway or the
other.. I don't think I will ever truly understand the extent of how much
Jesus suffered physically for us... I hope to understand 1-10 % at
least... I just hope and pray that this Lenten period, you may all be
blessed with an understanding and reflection of the PASSION at a greater,
meaningful level and this experience will change your life in someway or
the other as it has for me.. Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) CHICAGO

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[JOYnet] Re: Living Generosity

2003-03-16 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

when i first read Sindhu's email about "what the old granny had taught
her", i couldn't help but remember my grandmother (my mom's mom). she
passed away 7 years ago but not a day goes by that my family nor i don't
remember or speak about her... she was a wonderful, loving woman who had
a tremendously GENEROUS heart!!! she gave unconditionally all that she
had and she never looked at who she was giving to or what she was giving
but as long as there was a person who needed her help, she just gave
freely there was no limit or boundaries to her sharing-- she gave
whatever was asked of her--her time, talents, her love, her compassion,
her very self

my grandmother was very blessed not only to be able to raise her children
but she was involved in the lives of ALL of her grandchildren at some
point or another and we her grandchildren were blessed to be close to her
and to see her carry out her faith in her words and actions!!! i lived
with my grandma and grandpa and my mom's younger brother and sister for 3
years in Kerala. this was a very early period of my life and i was
between the ages of 3-6. even though i was young, many memories stick out
in mind of that time...

my mom's house in Ettumanoor is on top of a huge hill... we had just
enough to meet our daily needs but all of our neighbors were very poor
and struggling just for food, water and the bare necessities.. my
grandparents actually allowed our well to be the neighborhood well where
everyone could draw the water for all their needs and our pond was the
neighborhood hot spot for all bathing and washing and town news... my
grandparents also gave part of their land free to this one family who
basically had nothing and even gave them the means to build a small house
on our property and supported this family and their children till they
got married...but all these generous acts were initiated by my grandma. i
remember that the kitchen was her territory and as soon as the sun rose,
it was filled with all the ladies of the area (chadithee mara)..it was
where they shared their lives, their struggles, their hopes for their
families.. there was always someone there with my grandma till the sun
set.. she would teach them about Jesus and the Bible (she was not very
educated but she shared the little things she knew or heard at the homily
or from someone--"kitchen evangelization"), she would give them rosaries
and prayer books... all the ladies would help my grandma with the cooking
and she would give them the best part of the dishes to take to their
families and we ended up with the leftovers (now since i was her first
granddaughter and since i was left there by my parents, i always got my
share and so did my grandpa but my uncle and aunt were not so lucky and
were not so happy with her at times..sometimes b/c of how much my grandma
gave, she would go to bed on an empty stomach).. if someone needed money,
she just gave without thinking if she had any left for her family (it was
not like we were rich or anything but she knew that God would
provide)...one thing as a child that i remember is an incident in which i
was not happy with her...my mom had given my grandma a beautiful gold
necklace and i think this was the only jewelry she had and wore and i was
so happy to see it on her b/c my mom had given it to her...she ended up
giving it to someone so they could sell it and receive the money from the
sale and i was so upset with her.. i remember i cried "why did you have
to give it away" and she wiped my tears and said "it is only a necklace..
it is a material thing only which will come and go.. but the gifts from
God are eternal and will last forever... God provides and gives freely
and we should do likewise"... at that very young age, i did not
appreciate her words but now i value and cherish them in my heart

when my grandmother died--the whole town mourned--the number of people
who came to see the body and were at the funeral were beyond counting
capacity..the poor of the area were in majority.. she was the life of our
family and of the town... when we were grieving we were comforted by all
the neighbors who shared the many things that she had done for them.

one thing i would like to mention, looking back on her life--the secret
behind her unconditional generosity was her devotion to Mother Mary who
strengthened her spiritual, prayer life and made it fruitful...her
personal priorities included going to mass, saying rosary and daily night
family prayer which she initiated and she was very punctual and
consistent...my grandmother's daughters took some of her personal
belongings after she died(to somehow hold a little piece of her to
remember) and my mom got her most valued item--her rosary and that was
all my mom wanted!!! i feel like all of her children, grandchildren and
now great grandchildren are being blessed daily for her prayers and
loving works...i know she is a powerful person interceding for us from

i can go on and on a

[JOYnet] Re: My comments--- Love Marriage

2003-02-27 Thread Jose Kuriakose
Dear friends,

Sebastian quoted:

Imagine you found a beautiful girl. You liked her and want to get married
with her. You passed this message to her, and she also agreed it. Then you
prayed to the Lord, _Lord help me to get married with her_. But the Lord
says, my dear son, I have already selected somebody else for you, so please
forget her.

If God says you can carry on , then what is the problem? The important part
is our attitude. If Christ is our central person and we ready to accept His
will. That is the important factor.

We are talking about love marriage and arranged marriage.  90% of the
arranged marriages we are giving priority to colour, beauty, financial back
ground, family status, dowry etc.  rather than Gods wish.  We can call it

Married life, Priesthood any occasion we need preparation. For priesthood
they are spending more than 10 years.
If a boy and girl build up their relation in a matured manner, healthy in
every respect looking for marital status I feel it is OK.
We shared the cases, which is not fulfilling. If a nun or
priest come out of their orientation time without their mistakes, is it Sin?
Same way we can think about a good affair become failure

 You are not getting attracted with everyone. You are not thinking about an
affair with all the attracted persons. I remember Fr. Paul Thelakkats one
class. It was a youth programme. He commented about the specialty of man.
The capacity to take decision. Only humanbeing (he/she) can say I should
marry this boy or girlFor animals they dont have Yes/ No attitude. So this
is Gods special gift for the human being. If we can take decisions for the
Glory of God who will come against us? St. Paul says: If God is for us, who
can be against us? ( Romans 8:31)
 Another point. What is love? Love sanctifies and leads to
salvation. The relation which sanctifies both of you and leads to the
deepens of salvation then it is great.  We have to proclaim this essence of
love to the world. We have to convey this message to our youth. Then others
can realize what is true love affair.

We started our discussion with Valentine Day. We commented about
commercialization. Before blaming the world admit our mistakes. We ( Church)
are always behind the world in all areas. Just think about our festivals,
pilgrim centers? Within the circle  we can find out lot of failures When we
will come on driver seat  as the light of the world?

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose  Bahrain

NB: I agree with most of the mails which give insights to be holy.

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[JOYnet] Re: i need a miracle

2003-02-23 Thread sheril daniel
dear friends

thanks so much to all of you for your prayers. i havnt been able to retrieve thie file 
yet. tomoro is a working day so maybe i will get someone to try and help. in the mean 
time i'm trying to do as much as i can all over again so that hopefully i can submit 
something tomoro to my supervisor. if not, all i can do is tell him what hapend. and 
hope that he responds positively. i'm just so frustrated with what's going on. i don't 
know if there's a virus, cuz the f-secure scan hasnt detected anything. i will respond 
to you all personally later. once again htank you so much for your support. i love you 
all to bits.


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[JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before mariage is wrong

2003-02-20 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  I think it is perfectly fine to fall in love
before marriage. I would not have been mailing this
piece if that theory was wrong :-) Cos my Dad and Mom
knew each other before they got wed-locked. Praise the

   But if this so called LOVE :-) turns into LUST
:-( then you are asking for trouble. As lust comes
from the evil one and can lead you to the sin of

   No relationship should surpass our relationship
with God; as they become idols in our life. Our God is
a Jealous God who will not tolerate any relationship
that surpasses our relationship with Him. St. Paul
speaks about this - " I am Jealous for you, JUST AS
GOD IS; you are like a pure virgin whom I have
promised you in marriage to one man only, Christ
Himself" 2 Cor 11 : 2

  We will be directly violating the First
Commandment if the priority given to a person exceeds
the priority given to God. 

   A word of caution however. There is only one
commandment which has a blessing associated with it
among the ten commandments "You do this and you will
get this". It is highly recommended and sensible not
to lose out on this blessing in the process. "Honor
your father and mother as the Lord has commanded you.
Then you will live a long time, and things will go
well for you in the land that the Lord your God is
going to give you". Fourth Commandment!! 

I think we had a discussion on similar lines before.

Prayerful Regards

Sanju Joseph

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[JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before mariage is wrong

2003-02-20 Thread Binu Asokan
Hi all,

Too good. Christopher, Godwin and Mary aunty, I truly enjoyed ur mails,
and I feel the joy which I normally experience when truth is revealed by 

I personally know some examples of people who took decision (I suppose 
mature decision) to get married, got approval of parents of both sides, and 
later on, for some reason or the other (where even these 2 parties can't be 
blamed) could not marry. What I could make out from this is that let us not 
haste to take decisions on matters which are really important in our lives. 
Of cource marriage, and falling (or as someone has put, standing up) in 
love. We must ask God's guidance to choose, as we all agreed, and most 
importantly, guidance in how to proceed, once we get a GO AHEAD from God.

When we are fallen in love, I suppose we tend to make a surrendering prayer 
like this

"God, I belive that this is the one you have chosen for me. I believe it coz 
I am getting that joy and peace with him/her that I have never experienced 
with anyone else. Lord, if this is not the chosen, you still have time to 
choose him/her.for nothing is impossible to You. My Lord, pls don't let 
me down, I trust in you"

That's why we must stand up in love. We must believe that we are secure, our 
life is secure, my future is secure in God's hands. His choice is the best 
for you and me.


Binu Asokan

From: "Christopher D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Re: [Joynet]  Falling in love before mariage is wrong
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:17:23 -0600

Dear JYs

I am not yet married, but would like to share my views ...I am assuming 
that we are
speaking of falling in love in the context of looking for a marriage 
partner ...

If I decide based on emotional assent, is it falling in love? If I make my 
after intellectual consent, am I avoiding the pitfalls of 'falling in 
(Wo)Man is an integrated whole...comprising body, mind and spirit.   If 
acting on
emotions alone is wrong, then merely consenting with one's intellect could 
also be
To expect only the intellectual part of me (or my that of my parents)to 
consent and
expect not a stir from my emotions is to stoically deny that God has given 
me an
endocrine system as he has given me a digestive or nervous system. To be 
only by emotional highs without using my mental faculties is to make a 
decision as
reliable as the shifting sands.  What is needed is a balance of all our 
faculties -
in this way we make a decision of a human being fully alive in the glory of 
God (St
Ireneaus). It is like...my mind says 'Compatible, good family, suitable 
sipritual , a JY " :-)  etc..  My feelings say 'Wow, it feels good , happy 
to be
around with him, her., lots of peace..etc". My will says 'Im going ahead 
and making
the decision'..This may not happen in every case but we need to 
remember  that
we are human beings holding a divine treasure and not  purely spirit in 
nature ..

What is most important is that we find the partner of God's choosing...the 
one in
this perfect will for us.

To me the question of falling in love is not the main one...It is how 
prepared I am
; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically to receive the person God 
chosen for me..an then, if I do fall in love with her/him, I am falling in 
with the one God has chosenwho can question that?  .Irrespective of how 
I meet
her/him - courtship varies across cultures and God is 'broadminded' (to put 
it in
human terms)  enough to allow for such variations   -  whether I fall in 
love or
not, God needs to be at the center of my decision making if I want to have 
successful marriage.. Of course, we need to be careful to avoid lust and 
aberrations etc and the examples of selfish and lustful encounters that we 
have in
most movies
The biblical examples ( Isaac and Rebecca Gen 24; Jacob and Rachel Gen 29; 
Ruth and
Boaz Ruth 2 ; Tobias and Sarah Tob 7 ) do not happen in the same 
fashion... they all happen differently..BUT , the common thread that runs 
thru is
that all of them lived in the will of God. And that made finding their 

So, rather than take a radical stance on falling in love, there seems to be 
a much
broader perspective, where all the faculties of the individual are involved 
choosing a partner after much prayer and seeking after the will of God..

Love and prayers,
Chennai, India

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Re: [JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before mariage is wrong

2003-02-20 Thread Jennifer
ces Who will bind them together.  And He is also the one
who understands both perfectly and will take away all the misunderstandings
owing to which many marriages break-up.

How many couples like Tobias start their married life by surrendering their
partner and themselves to the will of God.  How many continue their personal
prayer and family prayer after marriage?

Love marriage or arranged marriage is not the criteria for a happy and
successful marriage.  There is a saying wherein Husbands & Wives are called
each other's better half's but these two halves can only remain together as
one when they are bonded by a strong hold i.e. Christ...shud I say Jesus
ka majbooth jodh hain tutega nahin. When the most important PERSON is
missing who holds the couples together how can they survive the storms of
life??  they will only split and separate.

May God give wisdom to all the newly weds and those who will be joined in
the wedlock soon to prepare themselves to receive Christ and be rest assured
that He is in control of their lives.

Love & Prayers
Jennifer Fernandes

- Original Message -
From: "Godwin Manuel(IS&T)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Christopher D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: [JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before marriage is wrong

> I appreciate your views Christopher as they were very much logical and
> substantial before arriving at any solid conclusion. "Falling in love" is
> merely not a standard procedure (my personal view) that is available as
> off-the-shelf product. Many of us who have gone this way would have really
> felt the pain and agony that resulted from it.
> Falling in love is an art of its own - a divine art which should not be
> confused with fantasies of this world - finding the right partner which
> involves individual tastes of both parties, basic attraction, emotion and
> whole host of other faculties.
> Before anybody could fall into an "genuine" love affair, he or she does
> even think of how short this relation is going to work out, rather they
> prepared to carry on until the end. What I meant to say is each of them is
> committing themself to the other in all means and expect this to continue
> into the eternal. Now, what needs our attention is how much are we
> to invite Jesus into this relationship? Are we going to seek His
> intervention before deciding to give onself to the other? This is the
> crucial link that binds any "genuine" relationship and which many couples
> ignore. And that's the crux of the matter of our discussion.
> How do we know that he/she is the chosen one from the beginning of time to
> become our lifepartner ? Here we need a lot of prayers and discernment
> before we could take a decision. I personally feel, without getting the
> concent from our Lord Jesus (in many ways He has decided for us), it is
> always better to wait n wait n waitand at His appointed time, it would
> be revealed to us.
> Thank you Christopher and ye friends in Christ for this wonderful session.
> In Jesus,
> Godwin, Fujairah.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Christopher D'Souza [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:17 AM
> > To: JoYNet
> > Cc: Wilson Thomas; PRADEEP GEORGE
> > Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Re: [Joynet]  Falling in love before marriage is
> > wrong
> >
> > Dear JYs
> >
> > I am not yet married, but would like to share my views ...I am assuming
> > that we are
> > speaking of falling in love in the context of looking for a marriage
> > partner ...
> >
> > If I decide based on emotional assent, is it falling in love? If I make
> > decision
> > after intellectual consent, am I avoiding the pitfalls of 'falling in
> > love'?
> > (Wo)Man is an integrated whole...comprising body, mind and spirit.   If
> > acting on
> > emotions alone is wrong, then merely consenting with one's intellect
> > also be
> > wrong.
> > To expect only the intellectual part of me (or my that of my parents)to
> > consent and
> > expect not a stir from my emotions is to stoically deny that God has
> > me an
> > endocrine system as he has given me a digestive or nervous system. To be
> > swayed
> > only by emotional highs without using my mental faculties is to make a
> > decision as
> > reliable as the shifting sands.  What is needed is a balance of all our
> > faculties -
> > in this way we make a decision of a human being fully alive in the glory
> > of God (St
> > Ire

RE: [JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before mariage is wrong

2003-02-19 Thread
I appreciate your views Christopher as they were very much logical and
substantial before arriving at any solid conclusion. "Falling in love" is
merely not a standard procedure (my personal view) that is available as
off-the-shelf product. Many of us who have gone this way would have really
felt the pain and agony that resulted from it. 

Falling in love is an art of its own - a divine art which should not be
confused with fantasies of this world - finding the right partner which
involves individual tastes of both parties, basic attraction, emotion and a
whole host of other faculties. 

Before anybody could fall into an "genuine" love affair, he or she does not
even think of how short this relation is going to work out, rather they are
prepared to carry on until the end. What i meant to say is each of them is
committing themself to the other in all means and expect this to continue
into the eternal. Now, what needs our attention is how much are we prepared
to invite Jesus into this relationship? Are we going to seek His
intervention before deciding to give onself to the other? This is the
crucial link that binds any "genuine" relationship and which many couples
ignore. And that's the crux of the matter of our discussion. 

How do we know that he/she is the chosen one from the beginning of time to
become our lifepartner ? Here we need a lot of prayers and discernment
before we could take a decision. I personally feel, without getting the
concent from our Lord Jesus (in many ways He has decided for us), it is
always better to wait n wait n waitand at His appointed time, it would
be revealed to us.

Thank you Christopher and ye friends in Christ for this wonderful session.

In Jesus,
Godwin, Fujairah.

> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher D'Souza [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:17 AM
> To:   JoYNet
> Cc:   Wilson Thomas; PRADEEP GEORGE
> Subject:  Re: [JOYnet] Re: [Joynet]  Falling in love before mariage is
> wrong
> Dear JYs
> I am not yet married, but would like to share my views ...I am assuming
> that we are
> speaking of falling in love in the context of looking for a marriage
> partner ...
> If I decide based on emotional assent, is it falling in love? If I make my
> decision
> after intellectual consent, am I avoiding the pitfalls of 'falling in
> love'?
> (Wo)Man is an integrated whole...comprising body, mind and spirit.   If
> acting on
> emotions alone is wrong, then merely consenting with one's intellect could
> also be
> wrong.
> To expect only the intellectual part of me (or my that of my parents)to
> consent and
> expect not a stir from my emotions is to stoically deny that God has given
> me an
> endocrine system as he has given me a digestive or nervous system. To be
> swayed
> only by emotional highs without using my mental faculties is to make a
> decision as
> reliable as the shifting sands.  What is needed is a balance of all our
> faculties -
> in this way we make a decision of a human being fully alive in the glory
> of God (St
> Ireneaus). It is like...my mind says 'Compatible, good family, suitable
> educated,
> sipritual , a JY " :-)  etc..  My feelings say 'Wow, it feels good , happy
> to be
> around with him, her., lots of peace..etc". My will says 'Im going ahead
> and making
> the decision'..This may not happen in every case but we need to
> remember  that
> we are human beings holding a divine treasure and not  purely spirit in
> nature ..
> What is most important is that we find the partner of God's choosing...the
> one in
> this perfect will for us.
> To me the question of falling in love is not the main one...It is how
> prepared I am
> ; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically to receive the person God
> has
> chosen for me..an then, if I do fall in love with her/him, I am falling in
> love
> with the one God has chosenwho can question that?  .Irrespective of
> how I meet
> her/him - courtship varies across cultures and God is 'broadminded' (to
> put it in
> human terms)  enough to allow for such variations   -  whether I fall in
> love or
> not, God needs to be at the center of my decision making if I want to have
> a
> successful marriage.. Of course, we need to be careful to avoid lust and
> sexual
> aberrations etc and the examples of selfish and lustful encounters that we
> have in
> most movies
> The biblical examples ( Isaac and Rebecca Gen 24; Jacob and Rachel Gen 29;
> Ruth and
> Boaz Ruth 2 ; Tobias and Sarah Tob 7 ) do not happen in the same
> stereotyped
> fashion... they all happen differently..BUT , the common thread that runs
> thru is
> that 

Re: [JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before mariage is wrong

2003-02-19 Thread Christopher D'Souza
Dear JYs

I am not yet married, but would like to share my views ...I am assuming that we are
speaking of falling in love in the context of looking for a marriage partner ...

If I decide based on emotional assent, is it falling in love? If I make my decision
after intellectual consent, am I avoiding the pitfalls of 'falling in love'?
(Wo)Man is an integrated whole...comprising body, mind and spirit.   If acting on
emotions alone is wrong, then merely consenting with one's intellect could also be
To expect only the intellectual part of me (or my that of my parents)to consent and
expect not a stir from my emotions is to stoically deny that God has given me an
endocrine system as he has given me a digestive or nervous system. To be swayed
only by emotional highs without using my mental faculties is to make a decision as
reliable as the shifting sands.  What is needed is a balance of all our faculties -
in this way we make a decision of a human being fully alive in the glory of God (St
Ireneaus). It is like...my mind says 'Compatible, good family, suitable educated,
sipritual , a JY " :-)  etc..  My feelings say 'Wow, it feels good , happy to be
around with him, her., lots of peace..etc". My will says 'Im going ahead and making
the decision'..This may not happen in every case but we need to remember  that
we are human beings holding a divine treasure and not  purely spirit in nature ..

What is most important is that we find the partner of God's choosing...the one in
this perfect will for us.

To me the question of falling in love is not the main one...It is how prepared I am
; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically to receive the person God has
chosen for me..an then, if I do fall in love with her/him, I am falling in love
with the one God has chosenwho can question that?  .Irrespective of how I meet
her/him - courtship varies across cultures and God is 'broadminded' (to put it in
human terms)  enough to allow for such variations   -  whether I fall in love or
not, God needs to be at the center of my decision making if I want to have a
successful marriage.. Of course, we need to be careful to avoid lust and sexual
aberrations etc and the examples of selfish and lustful encounters that we have in
most movies
The biblical examples ( Isaac and Rebecca Gen 24; Jacob and Rachel Gen 29; Ruth and
Boaz Ruth 2 ; Tobias and Sarah Tob 7 ) do not happen in the same stereotyped
fashion... they all happen differently..BUT , the common thread that runs thru is
that all of them lived in the will of God. And that made finding their partner

So, rather than take a radical stance on falling in love, there seems to be a much
broader perspective, where all the faculties of the individual are involved in
choosing a partner after much prayer and seeking after the will of God..

Love and prayers,
Chennai, India

Wilson Thomas wrote:

> Pradeep,
> You are absolutely wrong. Falling in love before marriage is wrong, either
> for flesh, or for whatever divine relation we call it. I can show you
> hundreds of youngsters believing in these and get cheated. The "right" for
> God is not the "right" we choose, but He choose. He choose not as we think,
> but through "OTHER" right persons in right time.  If we choose like modern
> society, we will be changing it every now and then. That is where the
> "Spirit of the World" will guide us through. Please dont get cheated...  If
> we are lacking love in our life, don't borrow it from the street, but get it
> abundantly from Jesus.
> If you think that a girl is chosen for you, get married first with the
> permission of your guardians and Church. Then love her with whole your
> heart. Anything outside that is adultery. If not, we don't need such a
> divine sacrament called marriage. ONLY by this sacrament two flesh becomes
> one.
> Praise the Lord
> Wilson Thomas
> Singapore
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:53 PM
> Subject: [JOYnet] RE::Valentine's day..is it ok to fall in love ?
> > I think there is nothing wrong in falling love with some one.
> >
> > But
> > >"young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow fall in
> > > love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it till
> > the
> > > end of our lives . "
> >
> > This is not  the  right   ..no doubt...
> > Love is divine.But only for the sake of saying " i too have an  affiar"
> is
> > not the right way 
> >
> > Ofcourse there is some one whom Jesus  has   selected for  all of  us from
> > the very 

[JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before mariage is wrong

2003-02-19 Thread Wilson Thomas

You are absolutely wrong. Falling in love before marriage is wrong, either
for flesh, or for whatever divine relation we call it. I can show you
hundreds of youngsters believing in these and get cheated. The "right" for
God is not the "right" we choose, but He choose. He choose not as we think,
but through "OTHER" right persons in right time.  If we choose like modern
society, we will be changing it every now and then. That is where the
"Spirit of the World" will guide us through. Please dont get cheated...  If
we are lacking love in our life, don't borrow it from the street, but get it
abundantly from Jesus.

If you think that a girl is chosen for you, get married first with the
permission of your guardians and Church. Then love her with whole your
heart. Anything outside that is adultery. If not, we don't need such a
divine sacrament called marriage. ONLY by this sacrament two flesh becomes

Praise the Lord

Wilson Thomas
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:53 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] RE::Valentine's day..is it ok to fall in love ?

> I think there is nothing wrong in falling love with some one.
> But
> >"young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow fall in
> > love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it till
> the
> > end of our lives . "
> This is not  the  right   ..no doubt...
> Love is divine.But only for the sake of saying " i too have an  affiar"
> not the right way 
> Ofcourse there is some one whom Jesus  has   selected for  all of  us from
> the very beginning.And he will  reveal whom it is   at the  right time.We
> need not ry to know  it before that , I think.
> We can (and we should) pray for  the person whom God have selected  for us
> from eternity .FOr that we need not know who it  is...
> We had a preist , who taught us to pray for our future life partner. that
> was  during  the catechism classes in our tenth standard.
>  I belive  it is the right way  and i do remember his words  during all
> times.
> Finally ,deepak has asked for advice from married people in the
> I am not falling into that category.Still just wanted to tell my views on
> this matter.
> regards and prayers
> pradeep george
> thrissur.
> - Original Message -
> From: "deepak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 9:51 AM
> Subject: [JOYnet] Valentine's day..is it ok to fall in love ?
> > Dear Bros & sis
> > i have a question for all of u . do u think it is alright
> > young people to fall in love ?.be coz of this situation now ..valentines
> day
> > is so commerciallised that it would seem a tragedy to have no one with u
> on
> > Feb 14 th ..no one to give a card ..etc...
> > so now young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow
> in
> > love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it till
> the
> > end of our lives . so Guys what do u suggest ???
> > what would Jesus want us to do in such a situatu\ion ...would jesus like
> us to
> > fall in love with some one?..is there some one Jesus selected for us in
> the
> > very begining ..if there is how will we know?...what are the factors
> any
> > young person should rethink if he or she find herself  to be attraced to
> wards
> > someone?
> > i really don't know how many young people are in this group but i
> certainly
> > know there are many married people in this group ..think u can enlighten
> us
> > with your experience?
> > luv deepak
> > trivandrum  india

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> For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Re: thanks

2003-02-16 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

i know that Feb 15 is over and the topic of thanks has come to a close... 
but if i did not write this, i would feel really bad ever since the 
topic came up, i have been able to look back at my life, and i know without 
a doubt that the Holy Spirit had planted a thought into my mind and heart 
and if i did not share it, i would not be loyal to the SPIRIT!!!

it is so clear that in my life--- who i was.. am.. and will be, where i have 
been..where i am...where i will be going, what i have done..what i am 
doing..what i will be doing--- all that I am is due to the blessings, 
graces, and mercies of my Lord, Savior and Friend--Jesus  and my faith 
life and spiritual renewal-- the desire planted in me by the Holy Spirit to 
KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE Jesus-- is all through the intercession of my BLESSED 

Sindhu had once told me that we need to pray and be prayed for inorder for 
our faith life to be more fruitful i know that since i was a child, the 
ladies in my life have been very faithful and devoted to Mother Mary--my 
grandmothers and my own mommy! when i had a problem growing up (and even 
today), my mother's solution to the problem was to intercede to Mother Mary 
to plead with her son JESUS to help me Initally, i used to say the 
rosary as a ritual or when i really needed help, as a last minute action for 
help especially with tests and making decisions. One incident happened in my 
life which helped me to recognize how great and loving our Mother is 
especially in a personal way and how she is continually interceding for us 
to know and follow Jesus-- that is all she wants. When i had my almost fatal 
car accident, i had a statue of Mother Mary in the front of my car and it 
fell onto my lap. everything in the front was shattered except for this 
statue. i had lost consciousness and when the paramedics revived me, the 
statue was laying perfectly in my lap. one of the paramedics took the 
statue, placed it in my hands tightly and whispered to me, "this is who 
saved you, hold on tight to her"... Praise Jesus!!! I believe what Jesus 
also wants is for us to know His Mother and show our respect to her--- to 
"hold on tight to her". Mother Mary is our Mother--- a precious gift given 
to us freely by JESUS at the foot of the cross!!! Since my accident, the 
rosary and my devotion to Mother Mary has had deeper meaning... Mother 
Mary's compassion, love and intercession saved the hosts at the Wedding of 
Cana and since then she has been continually interceding for all of us

I thank JESUS for my life and all his blessings--especially for all the 
wonderful people He has brought into my life...I thank Jesus for carrying me 
through all my struggles and pains... I thank Mother Mary
for interceding for me and helping me each day to KNOW and FOLLOW JESUS so 
much more closely!!! My experience of JESUS has become so much more fuller 
and wonderful with my MOTHER's intercession!!!

Luv, Bincy :=)

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Re: [JOYnet] RE::Valentine's day..is it ok to fall in love ?

2003-02-16 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,
I thought that this question was very interesting Even though Deepak 
asked for advice from married couples and i don't fit this group,  i still 
wanted to share my thoughts on the topic, having grown up in the states and 
having had many friends (American) who are in love and then not and then 
back in love with same person or another...

As you know last Fri was Valentine's Day and even though it is nice to have 
a day to share and express one's love, i believe that people in the US go 
crazy about "love"... i don't think many here know exactly what love is and 
are often confused about whether it is love or not... but the word is used 
so often here in speech that it's meaning is sometimes underestimated or 

i think it is okay to fall in love b/c sometimes it can happen without one 
realizing it and without one having any control over it... but you need to 
pray and find out whether it is actually "love"  it seems love has many 
deeper realms---the most important being the spiritual--also there is the 
physical, emotional, intellectualetc  i think a person is in love if 
he/she has found love on these deeper realms No love of any kind can 
be fully whole without Jesus in the union the presence of Jesus is 
what makes the love complete and full and perfect!!! most youngesters i 
think are attracted/infactuated to another mostly on physical level and 
mistake it for "being in love"...

I do believe that Jesus has someone special for each one of us and I think 
it will be an amazing experience when Jesus unites two people (earthly & 
heavenly union). God had someone perfect for Adam...Joseph was meant to 
marry Mother Mary. i know without a doubt that my dad and mom were meant 
for each other and God brought them together (i don't know how to explain 
this but you have to live with them to understand)... i know that many of my 
JY friends here in Chciago who fervently prayed for their marriages and for 
their future spouses were blessed by GOD with the perfect partner suited 
just for them... recently Bro. Pappachan Pallath was here in Chicago giving 
a retreat and we were blessed to have him stay at our house for a week... of 
course my dad had his special prayer intention to request of him (and to all 
others who have come to our house) which of course has to do with my 
marriage... there was something Bro. said to my dad which really struck me 
and it was that my dad need not worry about my marriage...when it will be.. 
whom it will be with...where it will be at...because God has someone special 
for me and God will bring that person to me or me to him Bro shared that 
PRAYER is the most important tool to discern the WILL of GOD for our 
marriages and spouses we have to pray for our future life partners!!! We 
have to be patient and listen to HIS plans for our lives which are more 
beautiful and more perfect than anything we can plan or dream of 
everything happens according to GOD"s time which is the perfect time

these are just my "ideal" thoughts... i am not married and i have never been 
in love (so i am not an expert on this topic)... if some of the married 
people in our group share their understanding of love, it would be good!

Luv, Bincy :=)
P.S Sindhu & Sunil i am dying to hear what you have to say on this topic b/c 
when i see the two of you, i know in my heart and mind that GOD brought you 
two together!!!

From: "PRADEEP GEORGE" To: "JoYNet" Subject: [JOYnet] RE::Valentine's 
day..is it ok to fall in love ? Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 08:53:27 -0600

I think there is nothing wrong in falling love with some one.

But >"young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow fall 
in > love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it 
till the > end of our lives . "

This is not the right ..no doubt... Love is divine.But only for the sake of 
saying " i too have an affiar" is not the right way 

Ofcourse there is some one whom Jesus has selected for all of us from the 
very beginning.And he will reveal whom it is at the right time.We need not 
ry to know it before that , I think.

We can (and we should) pray for the person whom God have selected for us 
from eternity .FOr that we need not know who it is...

We had a preist , who taught us to pray for our future life partner. that 
was during the catechism classes in our tenth standard. I belive it is the 
right way and i do remember his words during all pray times.

Finally ,deepak has asked for advice from married people in the 
group.Anyway I am not falling into that category.Still just wanted to tell 
my views on this matter.

regards and prayers

pradeep george thrissur.

- Original Message - From: "deepak" To: Sent: Sunday, February 16, 
2003 9:5

[JOYnet] RE::Valentine's day..is it ok to fall in love ?

2003-02-16 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
I think there is nothing wrong in falling love with some one.

>"young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow fall in
> love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it till
> end of our lives . "

This is not  the  right   ..no doubt...
Love is divine.But only for the sake of saying " i too have an  affiar"   is
not the right way 

Ofcourse there is some one whom Jesus  has   selected for  all of  us from
the very beginning.And he will  reveal whom it is   at the  right time.We
need not ry to know  it before that , I think.

We can (and we should) pray for  the person whom God have selected  for us
from eternity .FOr that we need not know who it  is...

We had a preist , who taught us to pray for our future life partner. that
was  during  the catechism classes in our tenth standard.
 I belive  it is the right way  and i do remember his words  during all pray

Finally ,deepak has asked for advice from married people in the group.Anyway
I am not falling into that category.Still just wanted to tell my views on
this matter.

regards and prayers

pradeep george

- Original Message -
From: "deepak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 9:51 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Valentine's day..is it ok to fall in love ?

> Dear Bros & sis
> i have a question for all of u . do u think it is alright for
> young people to fall in love ?.be coz of this situation now ..valentines
> is so commerciallised that it would seem a tragedy to have no one with u
> Feb 14 th ..no one to give a card ..etc...
> so now young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow fall
> love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it till
> end of our lives . so Guys what do u suggest ???
> what would Jesus want us to do in such a situatu\ion ...would jesus like
us to
> fall in love with some one?..is there some one Jesus selected for us in
> very begining ..if there is how will we know?...what are the factors which
> young person should rethink if he or she find herself  to be attraced to
> someone?
> i really don't know how many young people are in this group but i
> know there are many married people in this group ..think u can enlighten
> with your experience?
> luv deepak
> trivandrum  india

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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[JOYnet] Re: Clarification Luke 12:53 from my life..

2003-02-10 Thread Sebastian
Dear Sindhu,

Thank you so much for clarifying me the particlar Word
of God, by sharing with your own testimony. By Reading
your mail it made me to remember these words

22Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell
you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat;
or about your body, what you will wear. 23Life is more
than food, and the body more than clothes. 24Consider
the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no
storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much
more valuable you are than birds! 

So when we keep our Lord our God in the midst of our
life, we no need to worry about the worldly things. HE
will take care of everything.

With lots of prayers and Wishes

 --- sindhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear
brother Sebastian,
> In my life these words of Jesus has become true.
> "They will be divided,
> father against son and son against father, mother
> against daughter and
> daughter against mother, mother-in-law against
> daughter-in-law and
> daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." -Luke 12:53
> I was born and brought up in  a very orthodox Hindu
> family.At our home all
> of us were so close ,and whenever we're together we
> used to eat from one
> plate and sit in same room ..Especially me and my
> brother.We were good
> friends  .He was 15 years older to me ,so some times
> ,he was just like a dad
> to me since my father was working  in Madras.. Both
> of us were so fun loving
> that we used to go for even club football matches
> and we never missed a
> single english film released in Cochin !!My cousins
> used to say that when he
> gets married ,his wife will go to her home next
> day,seeing that he wanted me
> to do every thing for him..he will eat only if i
> serve him and i used to
> iron his clothes etc. So even When i went to Medical
> College at Kottayam
> every weekend and all free evenings ,i used to come
> home.
> When i accepted jesus as my all in all,in
> 1993...those  verses became very
> true. My ideas ,life style every thing changed. I
> started to spend more time
> with the Lord ,in prayer, prayer
> meetings,programs..And i was no more
> interested in going for such movies and had little
> time to go for club
> matches,even though i liked them. Further my heavy
> syllabus at med school
> also held me back from comng home often.My whole
> outlokk changed and so
> often we  used to have long arguments on atheism ,
> communism and stuff
> ,which earlier i had an inclination to..like my
> brother since he was my role
> model.
> Even though most of them apprecited certain good
> changes in me ,like more
> patience ,kindness etc, all at my home and all
> relatives were very much
> worried about my future and tried so hard to
> persuade me to forsake Jesus.It
> was very hard for me. I felt like an alien many
> times in my own home. My mom
> and brother yelling at me...that;s some thing i
> could not stand. Coming home
> was just like a night mare to me .But Jesus and his
> JY saw me thru all
> these.
> One day one of my cousins ,caught me and started to
> scold me. he told that
> i'm mad ..and he challenged me that nobody is going
> to marry you .Catholics
> never...May be some day when you ;re in your late
> thirties ,some old
> protestant pastors,a widowed man with many children
> ,may come to marry
> you..!!(laugh)..it was too much for me..i felt like
> crying..but suddenly i
> told him.." you see my Jesus has told me that He
> will take care of me..and
> it is written in Bible that ..'Any body who has
> looked upto his face has
> never been put to shame anf their faces always
> were bright."Suddenly he
> stopped..(power of Word eh..).
> To cut the story short... after some more time  i
> started to get proposals
> even from catholics,which  surprised my family. But
> God had a different plan
> ..when Sunil's proposal came ...it was a surprise to
> all..even i never
> thought that there will be some body with same story
> as mine ever existed on
> this earth !The day our marriage was getting fixed
> all my relatives were
> home.The cousin who used to tease me was also there.
> So i asked him ,'now
> what do you have to say.?'..he smiled and told me
> .."oh that day itself you
> told na,,,that your Jesus will do it for you..."(the
> defeated smile
> continues..)
> And his wife ,my aunt and all the women said in one
> voice,," Sindhu now we
> think your Jesus really exists and its He who did it
> for you!!! And days
> after both of us took all sacraments together with
> the blessing of our
> family ,friends elders and many JY in 2000
> may.Praise the Lord.
> So in my case the story had a nice ending.and
> they lived happily
> everafter...(... after 7 years of faith walk..)even
> though its not true with
> many converts. Just thought i'll share how these
> verses became flesh in my
> life.
> And today i said a special prayer for all those who
> stood by my side in this
> faith walk..especially my family.. who really helped
> me t

[JOYnet] Re: thanks?

2003-02-09 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi Friends,

i am a little confused. this month (Feb) we should share about the topic 
thankfulness?? is this correct? i think i have read one email on the topic 
which I must say was really good!!! i hope we all have at least one thing we 
are thankful for or something to share on this matter  i am looking 
forward to hearing more emails on this wonderful topic

i have something to share but i need some time to write it down and i will 
do so by the end of this week (life has been crazy for me last week and this 
coming week with presentations and patients) Hope to hear from others on 
this topic in the mean time

Hope all is well with all JY around the world by the grace of GOD!!! Please 
keep Sindhu in your prayers who is fighting a terrible cold (I think ROSE 
AND SUNIL are also sick with cold)
Also i want to encourage others to continue or start sharing more about 
their personal experiences of Jesus in everyday life and everyday 
situations!!! I really enjoy reading these sharings and they have been so 
encouraging and inspiring to my life!!! Thanks!!!

Luv, Bincy :=)

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[JOYnet] Fw: [ JOYnet] RE: REJob Vacancy - do not delete --- to help is divine.

2003-02-05 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
- Original Message -
To: JoYNet
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 9:20 PM
Subject: [ JOYnet] RE: REJob Vacancy - do not delete --- to help is divine.

Hi all dear bro & sis' ,

First I thought I would not take part in this discussion regarding the posting
of job oppertunities in Joynet.Later I realise that if i  did n't say
something  I am doing injustice to those people who had posted some job
oppertunities here.

Ofcourse I agree that Joynet is not intended for posting jobs or finding
friends Sure , there are other places  only for these purposes.

As we  all know  thousands of appllicants are wandering around these days.Most
Companies do not publish their job opennings in the jobsites.Most of the posts
are  filled thru internal employee references now a days.

Job seekers, who are not having   personal contacts with employees in
companies would not even know about the opennings.I would like to invite your
kind attention to two recent postings in the Joynet.
One was by jobi varghese and the other one was from stanly kulangara.Jobi's
posting was about an openning in his company (Oracle) and he did give his
company id.No where else the comapny published the job opening and you can
apply only thru employees.That means if you do n't have a contact in Oracle
you are not eligible for applying.In this cirumstance what he did is a Divine
help,  I have no doubt to  call it as  divine help.I can n't find something
wrong in helping others in any circustnace by any means.Also I think a  good
number of JOYnet members will benifit from such postings.If you do n't need
why can n't you simply delete it upon reading the subject.?
How such mails can fill the Inboxes? When The text mails are normally of size
less than 50 k.

Not all can survive in this world dedicating all  their time for spiritual
works.But for most us spiritual life is a most important PART of our
life.Those who   argued aganist job posting, i think are already enjoying good

I think I did n't hurt any oneMy humble opinion is that  we  should post
important openings (especailly those are not available in any other place) in


regards and prayers

pradeep george

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[JOYnet] Re: Test message from joynet@jesusyouth.org

2003-02-04 Thread jomjose
Hi My dear Brothers & Sisters in Jesus,

I am very much here and every day i am receiving mails from Joynet. I am very much 
intrested in Joynet.

 The mails may be bounced due to some server problems because everyday i am checking 
my mails. There is no such day which do not receive any mail from Joynet. So i hope 
that you donot remove my email address from the mailing list. 

Thank you very much,

Kind Regards,


Jom Jose



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[JOYnet] Re: job site

2003-02-01 Thread Mathew Joseph
Hello Friends,

This offer mentioned in the mail doesn't sound good to me.
Personally, I would prefer to discourage this.

There are many consultants and job sites which does the same
work free of cost.   First time I am seeing some body charging
for processing your CV.   I suggest those who are looking for job
NOT to fall in such traps.   This may be just a money making business. 
That is the feeling I am getting after visiting their site.

Also, I think we should not send mails related to job opportunities
to JOYnet.  This is to reduce the number of mails coming to JOYnet.
There are many people who have problem in receiving too many mails.
May be some of you can think of a separate mailing list or web site
for posting such job vacancies.  Those who are interested can join that.

Mathew Joseph

- Original Message - 
From: "angelo shelton nigli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 15:00
Subject: [JOYnet] job site

> dear brothers and sisters,
> I am have got a mail id from my friend which is a job site and 
> which is giving good results. Around 95% of the persons applied 
> has got job, those interested can send thier cv's to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is the personal mail id of head of 
> the job hunter.He will look into your cv's personally and you will 
> get due attention.They may ask you to send some amount for the 
> service, it will be between 600 and 1000/-, send the money only 
> after sending the cv. U will get the confirmation to send the 
> amount as soon as they recieve your cv. They will send your resume 
> to 1500 companies and put your cv in the website for one year.
> if interested please do it
> with regards
> angelo shelton nigli

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2003-01-31 Thread
dear dolly,
 well i'm Michelle from chennai and i respect your opinions as stated in your mail. 
i'd like to put forth my opinions...to challenge/ to find enough proof for who we 
call "God" is something totally different from seeking to find if this "God" really 
miracles happen not as an evidence or proof of HIS existence but happen only to 
increase the faith of those who already believe. once read a quote in a book which 
are an atheist who is really "seeking" to find without all your heart if there is a 
God, believe me, u will find the truth.but if u are "searching" to find with 
all your intellect if there is a God, believe this too..all ur searching will 
be in vain. 
just a few days ago i went through a very nice site, meant especially for 
rationalists, and i know it'll be helpful for u, pls visit the site, and it defintely 
gives reason for belief but if u still wish to profess what u believe, u may carry 
on, but pls do tell ur friends about the site cos who knows someone may benefit from 
it. www.is-there-a-god.com 
 give it some thoughtGod bless. love and prayers,michelle
 dolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Dear All,

Before i go on to the topic, let me introduce myself. I have been a member
of this group since a friend of mine subscribed me around 4 months back .
Thank you Meena for it, otherwise i wouldn't have had the oppertunity to
meet all these wonderful people. I'm also a member of Atheists group which
is this groups opposite. Although i don't feel at home with both the groups,
since i'm a Rationalist ( Who unlike the atheist doesn't say "there is no
god." but says "give me enough proof there is a god, then i'm ready to
believe." ) i've participated a lot in the atheist group discussions b'cos
there you have freedom of expression ( a fundamental right of an Indian
citizen or for all democracies). There no one tells you " say only those
things which will promote the belief that there is no god ." The point is
what good is your faith if it can be wavered by what some one else says and
you have to give up your fundamental rights to uphold it !

Now coming to the topic, Before i start let me tell you this is not written
with any intention of hurting anyone's religious sentiments, if i do it
without knowing , i'm sorry.

I have heard many of you say, you have to try to understand the verses in
the context of the age and purpose it was written. According to the bible
even god want you to do it read Isaiah 43:16,18,19

Sex is the name you give to the act whose only purpose is procreation. It is
a bodily need but unlike the other basic needs you can survive without it.
You can survive without a car , You can survive without the internet ... etc
But man with his desires for more gets addicted to everything and he finds
it difficult to survive without these things. In the same way an act which
was designed for procreation was taken to give pleasure . According to the
design a women feels the urge only for a few days a month when her uterus is
ready to receive the sperm. When man didn't stick to the design the ancient
people had to make laws so that fightings and killings wouldn't take place
in the name of sex. People then wasn't as sophisticated as us and women were
more or less instruments in the hands of men .( Even today much hasn't
changed) As a result all these laws and sins were created if you tell a
person "this is a sin, you will go to hell if you do it."
Most people will think twice before doing it . Sex between 2 consenting
adults before or after marriage is a personal matter up to them to decide
the outcome after taking the pro's and con's into consideration ( b'cos life
is very complicated now , the fling you take can affect many people and you.
Usually the few moments of pleasure won't be worth the outcome ) There is no
sin connected. But it would be very unwise to try unsafe sex.



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[JOYnet] RE: Praise JESUS

2003-01-29 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hello friends, Praise JESUS i felt really bad that my emails were coming 
out with no text... and i thank some of you for your patience and concerns 
for my PC...i am thankful that noone thought i was crazy!!! Well thanks to 
our very own Bijoy Thomas from JY CHICAGO who has been working with me to 
solve the problem. (for those computer wizards out there unlike me---my rich 
text editor was off under tools) It is solved!!! Praise God and thank you so 
very much Bijoy!!! Leena maybe you are having the same problem as I

Hi everyone,

i just wanted to share with everyone how happy i am. i just found out 
Tuesday that i passed all my board exams to get my MD license. Pre-Medicine 
and Medical school have been a mountain for me to overcome but i can say 
with confidence that with JESUS at my side i was able to endure, persevere 
and survive!!! the road to becoming a doctor has been a personal/spiritual 
struggle with much soul searching i had my ups and downs and i am really 
thankful to JESUS for providing me with so much support and comfort!!! HE 
also gave me the best support network---my parents, my family, my friends!!! 
JY of CHICAGO are just the best group of family to have for any struggle in 
life. they have laughed with me thru successes and cried with me thru 

well i am still finishing up my hospital hours to graduate from medical 
school. i should be done by early April. i am also applying for a residency 
job to start in july. i hope to find out if i received a job by March!!! 
please keep me in your prayers!!! i know with firm faith and confidence in 
the Lord that it is Jesus who brought me thus far and helped mold me into 
who i am today and gave me the strength to do all that i have done so far. 
HE will lead me to the hospital where HE wants me to serve!!! i know that 
even though the school chapter is coming to a close, the true challenge in 
medicine is yet to come i feel really blessed to be in a profession 
where i can try to serve in a manner of the greatest physician that ever 
lived ---who of course if JESUS


Luv,  Bincy :=)

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[JOYnet] Re: St. Thomas Aquinas AGAIN

2003-01-29 Thread Bincy Abraham
Friends hopefully you receive this

Friends i received this from JYA and i thought it was nice especially the 
beautiful prayer at the end by St. Thomas Aquinas
Luv, Bincy :=)

Dear Friends in Christ:

Today, we celebrate the feast of St.Thomas Aquinas, a great theologian and a 
doctor of the Universal Church. He made immense contributions to the Church 
through his wisdom and knowledge. When the time for him to choose the state 
of his life, he wanted to renounce everything and become a monk.  He joined 
the Dominican order, but his family abducted him and held him under house 
arrest hoping that he might divert from his vocation. But he was very true 
to his vocation and God bestowed him with perfect chastity which gained him 
the tile "Angelic Doctor" of the Church.

St.Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of all students, universities, 
academics, scholars, theologians,apologists, philosophers and chastity.

Let us pray...

"Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to 
find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, 
and a hope of finally embracing you."
(taken from one of Thomas Aquinas's prayers)

Hail Jesus,
Soby Chacko

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[JOYnet] Re: hey

2003-01-29 Thread Bincy Abraham

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2003-01-29 Thread Bincy Abraham

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[JOYnet] RE: St. Thomas Aquinas

2003-01-29 Thread Bincy Abraham

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Re: [JOYnet] RE: [JOYnet} Happy News

2003-01-29 Thread dr.jomon
Praise the Lord

   when I read the mail,my soul was rejoicing in Our Lord.
It is a dream project in my life and most difficult too.


---Original Message---

From: Bincy Abraham
Date: Monday, January 27, 2003 19:27:02
Subject: [JOYnet] RE: [JOYnet} Happy News

Hi everyone,Sorry about the email with no text. it went somwhere else.
here goes the email again!!! this time it will hopefully reach
everyone-text and all!!! Praise GOD!!! Yesterday was the baptism of my
cousin's child... ever since the baby was born both parents wanted to
baptize the baby because they valued the sacrament of baptism so much...
due to the encouragement of the grandparents (and of course some JY
influencers) my cousin decided that on the joyous occasion of the baptism
of his daughter NO ALCOHOL would be served!!! Praise GOD!!! for me living
in the US for almost all my life, i have never went to a party where
there was no alcohol served... my dad never really drank and when he
decided to not drink at all and not to serve alcohol in our house about
10 years ago it was something radical and he was ridiculed by others so
much and now a days i usually only see no alcohol being served at
JY/charismatic houses...but change is indeed happening and in more houses
in the US alcohol is disappearing!!! praise the LORD!!! our family along
with my cousins parents had been praying for my cousin to be able to keep
the ! ! commitment he made. His wedding was remembered as one with the
most alcohol served in the town area and now for his daughter's baptism
no alcohol!!! praise GOD!!! only GOD can do such wonderful things!!! i am
not saying that he has made a commitment to not have drinks with his
friends or at other parties but he decided not to serve on the occasion
of the celebration of a great sacrament!!! all ends start with small
beginnings and small steps!!! So much prayer is needed for alcoholics and
for families under the influence of alcoholism!!! Even people who are not
addicted to alcohol but have a drink occaionally are still bringing all
the evils associated with alcohol into their personal lives and
families!!! Only the power of the Holy Spirit can break the bondages
linked with alcohol!!! Not only do people have to desire to not drink but
also not serve drinks in their homes and be around occasions where
alcohol is served!!! Luv, Bincy :=) CHICAGO

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[JOYnet] Re: St. Thomas Aquinas

2003-01-28 Thread Bincy Abraham

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[JOYnet] RE: St. Thomas Aquinas

2003-01-28 Thread Bincy Abraham

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[JOYnet] Re: Praise JESUS

2003-01-28 Thread Bincy Abraham

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[JOYnet] RE: [JOYnet} Happy News

2003-01-27 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi everyone,Sorry about the email with no text. it went somwhere else.
here goes the email again!!! this time it will hopefully reach
everyone-text and all!!! Praise GOD!!! Yesterday was the baptism of my
cousin's child... ever since the baby was born both parents wanted to
baptize the baby because they valued the sacrament of baptism so much...
due to the encouragement of the grandparents (and of course some JY
influencers) my cousin decided that on the joyous occasion of the baptism
of his daughter NO ALCOHOL would be served!!! Praise GOD!!! for me living
in the US for almost all my life, i have never went to a party where
there was no alcohol served... my dad never really drank and when he
decided to not drink at all and not to serve alcohol in our house about
10 years ago it was something radical and he was ridiculed by others so
much and now a days i usually only see no alcohol being served at
JY/charismatic houses...but change is indeed happening and in more houses
in the US alcohol is disappearing!!! praise the LORD!!! our family along
with my cousins parents had been praying for my cousin to be able to keep
the ! ! commitment he made. His wedding was remembered as one with the
most alcohol served in the town area and now for his daughter's baptism
no alcohol!!! praise GOD!!! only GOD can do such wonderful things!!! i am
not saying that he has made a commitment to not have drinks with his
friends or at other parties but he decided not to serve on the occasion
of the celebration of a great sacrament!!! all ends start with small
beginnings and small steps!!! So much prayer is needed for alcoholics and
for families under the influence of alcoholism!!! Even people who are not
addicted to alcohol but have a drink occaionally are still bringing all
the evils associated with alcohol into their personal lives and
families!!! Only the power of the Holy Spirit can break the bondages
linked with alcohol!!! Not only do people have to desire to not drink but
also not serve drinks in their homes and be around occasions where
alcohol is served!!! Luv, Bincy :=) CHICAGO 

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[JOYnet] RE: happy news

2003-01-26 Thread Bincy Abraham

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[JOYnet] Re : Sex before marriage is permissible? is it Sin?

2003-01-25 Thread Jennifer
Hello Joyful people,

The answer to the Question is No.  Before marriage involving in Sexual
activity is a sin.  If we see in the context of the Bible, the following
verses clearly states that it is a sin.  Moreover the society condemns this
act but it is a sorry state that in such a situation the woman is brought to
fault whereas the men move Scott free.

'Matt 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries,
fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.'

'Matt 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust
after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.'

'Matt 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife,
saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and
whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.'

'Acts 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions
of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.'

'Rom 8:7-8 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not
subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in
the flesh cannot please God.'

'Hebrews 12:16 - That there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who
sold his own birthright for a single meal. Comment: There is no record
anywhere here that Esau was a sexually +immoral; person (fornicator?) other
than the fact that he had contracted marriages that were unlawful.'

'1 Cor 5:1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and
such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one
should have his father's wife.'

'1 Cor 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man
that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a
railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.'

'1 Cor 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.'

'1 Cor 6:13 6:13 Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God
will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual immorality but
for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.

1 Cor 6:18 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside
the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

'1 Cor 7:2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his
own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.

'2 Cor 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have
espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to

'Col 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth;
fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and
covetousness, which is idolatry.'

2Co 12:21 - lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and I
shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the
uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced.

Re 19:2 - For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged
the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has
avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her."

Dictionary meaning of the word Fornication : an act of sexual intercourse
between two unmarried persons:

The word fornication had a lowly beginning suitable to what has long been
the low moral status of the act to which it refers. The Latin word fornix,
from which fornicti, the ancestor of fornication, is derived, meant "a
vault, an arch." The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place
where prostitutes plied their trade. This sense of fornix in Late Latin
yielded the verb fornicr, "to commit fornication," from which is derived
fornicti, "whoredom, fornication."


1852 There are a great many kinds of sins. Scripture provides several lists
of them. The Letter to the Galatians contrasts the works of the flesh with
the fruit of the Spirit: "Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication,
impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy,
anger, selfishness, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and
the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things
shall not inherit the Kingdom of God."127

Sins can be distinguished according to their objects, as can every human
act; or according to the virtues they oppose, by excess or defect; or
according to the commandments they violate. They can also be classed
according to whether they concern God, neighbor, or oneself; they can be
divided into spiritual and carnal sins, or again as sins in thought, word,
deed, or omission. The root of sin is in the heart of man, in his free will,
according to the teaching of the Lord: "For out of the heart come evil
thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander.

[JOYnet] Re : Sex before marriage is permissible? is it Sin?

2003-01-25 Thread Jennifer
Hello Joyful people,

The answer to the Question is No.  Before marriage involving in Sexual
activity is a sin.  If we see in the context of the Bible, the following
verses clearly states that it is a sin.  Moreover the society condemns this
act but it is a sorry state that in such a situation the woman is brought to
fault whereas the men move Scott free.

'Matt 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries,
fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.'

'Matt 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust
after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.'

'Matt 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife,
saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and
whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.'

'Acts 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions
of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.'

'Rom 8:7-8 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not
subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in
the flesh cannot please God.'

'Hebrews 12:16 - That there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who
sold his own birthright for a single meal. Comment: There is no record
anywhere here that Esau was a sexually +immoral; person (fornicator?) other
than the fact that he had contracted marriages that were unlawful.'

'1 Cor 5:1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and
such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one
should have his father's wife.'

'1 Cor 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man
that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a
railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.'

'1 Cor 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.'

'1 Cor 6:13 6:13 Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God
will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual immorality but
for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.

1 Cor 6:18 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside
the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

'1 Cor 7:2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his
own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.

'2 Cor 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have
espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to

'Col 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth;
fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and
covetousness, which is idolatry.'

2Co 12:21 - lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and I
shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the
uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced.

Re 19:2 - For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged
the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has
avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her."

Dictionary meaning of the word Fornication : an act of sexual intercourse
between two unmarried persons:

The word fornication had a lowly beginning suitable to what has long been
the low moral status of the act to which it refers. The Latin word fornix,
from which fornicti, the ancestor of fornication, is derived, meant "a
vault, an arch." The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place
where prostitutes plied their trade. This sense of fornix in Late Latin
yielded the verb fornicr, "to commit fornication," from which is derived
fornicti, "whoredom, fornication."


1852 There are a great many kinds of sins. Scripture provides several lists
of them. The Letter to the Galatians contrasts the works of the flesh with
the fruit of the Spirit: "Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication,
impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy,
anger, selfishness, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and
the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things
shall not inherit the Kingdom of God."127

Sins can be distinguished according to their objects, as can every human
act; or according to the virtues they oppose, by excess or defect; or
according to the commandments they violate. They can also be classed
according to whether they concern God, neighbor, or oneself; they can be
divided into spiritual and carnal sins, or again as sins in thought, word,
deed, or omission. The root of sin is in the heart of man, in his free will,
according to the teaching of the Lord: "For out of the heart come evil
thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander.

[JOYnet] Re: Blessing Prayer for Students in Bangalore by Fr.Jose Vettiyangal

2003-01-24 Thread Thomas George

Dear JOYnetters,

 Rev. Fr.Jose Vettiyangal, V.C & Team will be
conducting a BLESSING PRAYER for Students at Logos
Retreat Centre, Bangalore.  The details are given
below :

 Date  :   26th January 2003 (Sunday)

 Time  :   9.00 AM to 1.00 PM

   Tel. Nos: 5451252 / 5454748

 Requesting all Joynetters in Bangalore to inform
your relatives and friends about this program. 
Students from Nursery to Post Graduate level (even
those who are working but still studying) are invited
alongwith their parents and teachers.  Also, students
who are very weak in their respective subjects are 
requested to bring those books.  The organisers are
expecting more than 2500 students.  

 Finally, request all our Joynetters world-wide to
pray for the success of this program so that the Lord
may bless all the students.

 In HIS grip and grace,

Bangalore, India
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[JOYnet] Re: hello

2003-01-23 Thread Bincy Abraham
hello everyone, my name is Bincy and i am from CHICAGO. i came to know of
joynet from my friends Sindhu and Lovely. i had been receiving email from
JYA but i decided to also join joynet and hear from JY all over the world
in addition to those in the US. in Dec. i joined joynet. even though i
have been silent, i have been reading all the forwards and personal
sharings...i praise God for this email fellowship which is truly
wonderful...i am really glad to hear about all the great things that the
Lord has been doing all over the world...  recently i shared a personal
experience at our Sat youth gathering and Sindhu encouraged me to share
this with all of you. This last Sat in our youth gathering the topic was
about prayer--what is prayer and why prayer is so important... although i
know that prayer is really important to ones life i also need reminders
every now and then about the POWER OF  PRAYER... about a month ago i had
this truly amazing experience in confession which only strengthened my
feelings about the significance of personal prayer. i was confessing my
sins and i usually go in an order of which i feel are the worst first...
at this time i was having alot of difficulties in basically all areas of
my life especially my relationships with family, friends, colleagues,
etc...the last sin i had confessed which i minimized was how i was lazy
with my studies and personal prayer...i didn't think too much of this sin
but i was really focussed on other ones... when i was done confessing the
ac! han gently but directly said to me (which to this day i will never
forget b/c i get chills hearing Jesus speak to me thru the achan) of all
the sins you committed the biggest sin is your lazziness in your personal
prayer life... PRAYER is our COMMUNICATION with the Lord which
strengthens our RELATIONSHIP with HIM!!! if our relationship with the
Lord (=PRAYER) is poor than all our other relationships will suffer i
started crying out of joy and healing b/c everything made sense at that
point!!! although i know in my mind what prayer is and how important it
is to my existence, i may not always practice what i know to be true or
good for me--I am human and forget and i need reminders  Prayer life
is essential not only for our spiritual lives but for all aspects of our
life Praise GOD!!! Luv, Bincy :=)Chicago

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[JOYnet] Re: Employee Referral Programme at TCS

2003-01-22 Thread stanly kulangara
Sorry here is the job list attachment. 
 stanly kulangara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Dear all, 
Here is the jobs at TCS INDIA, if some one is interested please forward the resume to 
me and I can forward it to one of my friends in TCS. 
Good Luck 
Stanly Kulangara, Scottsdale, USA 

> ATTACHMENT part 2.2 message/rfc822 From: "Circular" 
To: "india_all" 
Subject: Employee Referral Programme
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:11:43 +0530

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}w\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
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2003-01-20 Thread Jason :)
Sorry guys.. I was supposed to send this mail to RAvi for verification and
I send this to Joynet by mistake.. pls. ignore

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Which is the greatest miracle do you think that Jesus ever performed?

2003-01-15 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

  Please find the answer from Dr. Sindu ( Sindu Chechi). Thanks Sindu for
the wonderful sharing

In JMJ, Bensilal Chacko, DE, US

From: "sindhu"

To: "Bensi Chacko"

Subject: Re: [JYA] Which is the greatest miracle do you think that Jesus
ever performed?

Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 11:17:01 -0600

Dear Bensi,

 Of course the Catholic Church is a mystery and is seldom called as the  sleeping
Giant; but  I think the gretest miracle Jesus ever performed is
establishment of Eucharist..turning mere bread and vine to His body and
blood itself..like wise fulfilling His promise to be with us till the
ends of the time.and this mystery gets fulfilled only through His
Church. But i got your point.And i'm so proud ,and considers it to be the
 greatest previlege I ever got is, to  be a Catholic.Praise the Lord. Thanks,In
joyful communion, Sindhu.

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Re: [JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

2003-01-15 Thread joseph john
Dear JY friends,
I do agree with Kurian uncle, sanju and James. 
I have got a suggestion, why not we have a fixed day of each month as a Joynet prayer 
day. In Uk we observe every 10th of month as the UK Jesus Youth prayer day, were we 
take up requests and pray. 
love n prayers
Joseph / UK

- Original Message -
From: "Primeson James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:50:17 +0400
Subject: [JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

Re: Dear Joynet friends
Re: This is in connection with Kurian uncle's and Sanju's mails.
Re: I would also like to state hereunder my opinion. 
Re: We selected a day and prayed on 20th of december '02. As sanju mentioned, why
Re: we cannot continue with this prayer once in a month. I will also suggest that
Re: "Once in month", and should be the same day, means last month it was 20, we
Re: can fix a day on this month as suggested by kurian uncle i.e. 24th friday of
Re: this month, OR last friday of each month. We can do the same prayer of 20th
Re: december and continue with that. (praye is added to our homepage)
Re: we would like to know eachone of your opinion / suggestion.
Re: with prayer
Re: primeson
Re: dubai / uae
Re: -Original Message-
Re: From: Sanju Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Re: Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:05 AM
Re: To: Kurian Nellikunnel; Jesus Net
Re: Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion
Re: Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Re:  One good thing about praying together is that all
Re: of us will become more and more united in the Spirit
Re: of God. This prayer initiative is yet another step
Re: towards it. Would like to mention that our prayer for
Re: all our terrorists brothers did go well with the Lord
Re: and there are subtle but powerful changes happening.
Re: The longest insurgency problem in India is regarding
Re: the Naga homeland in the North East. If you have taken
Re: notice ; the NSCN leaders are in New Delhi now for
Re: talks with L K Advani(the Home Minister) and they are
Re: looking for peace. Well, I believe in faith that it is
Re: bcos of our prayers. Amen. 
Re: Just some suggestions regarding the Joynet prayer
Re: days(these are personal views) :
Re: 1. Can our Prayer days be once in a month or once in 2
Re: months ? This is bcos most of us already have fasting
Re: commitments once or twice a week.
Re: 2. Can the prayer initiatives also be driven by the
Re: Events in the world or our country ? So that depending
Re: on the need of the hour all of us can unite and pray.
Re: 3. It would also be good that we do not limit the
Re: prayer to a single day. It will be great if the same
Re: prayer is repeated over a period of one week. Bcos
Re: some of the problems are so big that it requires an
Re: on-going prayer support(say terrorism/wars). However
Re: let this not be the thumbrule as all of us will not be
Re: able to unite in prayer for the entire week at the
Re: same time.
Re: Love and Prayers
Re: Sanju Joseph.
Re:  --- Kurian Nellikunnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Re: Hi All,
Re: > I would like to suggest another Jesus Youth
Re: > prayer day on Friday the
Re: > 24th of January, 2003. The timing and duration could
Re: > be the same as
Re: > before, namely 15 minutes at 7:30 AM, EST (Eastern
Re: > Standard Time, i.e.
Re: > NY time).
Re: > Intention: Unification of the three Malankara
Re: > Churches.
Re: > As we know,  we celebrate next week as the
Re: > Christian Unity Week. All
Re: > the three Malankara Churches have the apostolic
Re: > tradition from St.
Re: > Thomas the Apostle and have the same liturgical
Re: > format. His Excellency,
Re: > Isaac Mar Cleemis had a great article in the
Re: > Christian publication
Re: > "Sunday Shalom" in which he suggested a workable
Re: > formula for the
Re: > unification of these three Malankara Churches. I
Re: > believe that if we fast
Re: > and pray with great faith, this long cherished dream
Re: > of many saintly
Re: > people could be obtained from our Lord.
Re: > I suggest that when we fast, we should fast our
Re: > addictions and not
Re: > just food alone. It is a very difficult thing to do.
Re: >  For example, for
Re: > some, to abstain from TV on the Super Bowl day would
Re: > be harder than
Re: > abstaining from food for a whole week.
Re: > Please respond with your comments.
Re: > Thank You,
Re: > Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Re: > Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA.
Re: > 
Re: >
Re: =========
Re: ==
Re: > This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth
Re: > mailing list.
Re: > For more info on the list visit
Re: > http://www.jesu

Re: [JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

2003-01-14 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel
Hi All,
All the suggestions about the prayer day are good.
It is good to keep the prayer going for a week.
Last Friday of the month is a very good suggestion.
Regarding the prayer itself:
We could pray the Rosary, Chaplet of Mercy, pray the prayer of Jesus in Jn:
17:20-26., pray in tongues and/or the prayer that was prepared last month.
As far as fasting goes, you do not have to increase the number of days, just add
this intention also for your fasting day. Also, we could fast other things, like our
addictions, TV etc.
How I wish if we had JoyNet intercession prayer every day! The problem is, can we
keep up the zeal without fading? That is the only problem. When things get routine,
people tend to loose the focus. Any way, I would rather support Meena than oppose.
Others please give your views and let us come to a consensus, that is according to
His dreams.
Regarding the intentions, my opinion is that we should select world situations as
well as problems people face in their lives as Meena has suggested. It is good to
add some finite and visible causes also once in while, so that we can see the
results materializing. That will strengthen our faith and help us to keep in focus.
Thank you,
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA

P.S. Here is an extract of the message from His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar
Cleemis regarding the prayer day:
"Thank you very much for your prompt response to invite all for the
prayer regarding the full communion of the divided Churches in
Malankara. I am so happy to say that I shall join you all in that prayer
in spirit. I really appreciate your concern for the Church. It was
really a nice meeting with our youth yesterday. Please give my greetings
and blessings to Molly, George and John. God bless you all.
Yours lovingly in Our lord, Bishop Isaac Mar Cleemis."

Meena Mathew wrote:

> Dear Joynet Friends
> I agree that it will be a great idea to pray for a particular intention like
> we did in December. But I also feel that it will be a good idea if we could
> all on Joynet pray for a particular intention each week. Storm the
> heavens.
> For people who have abortion
> For people who are into drugs and alcohol...
> For those in prison.
> For atheists
> For children who are abused by their parents...
> I am sure we can find many such people we can all pray for.
> With prayers
> Your sister in Christ
> Meena Mathew
> Singapore
> >Dear Joynet friends
> >
> >This is in connection with Kurian uncle's and Sanju's mails.
> >
> >I would also like to state hereunder my opinion.
> >
> >We selected a day and prayed on 20th of december '02. As sanju mentioned,
> >why
> >we cannot continue with this prayer once in a month. I will also suggest
> >that
> >"Once in month", and should be the same day, means last month it was 20, we
> >can fix a day on this month as suggested by kurian uncle i.e. 24th friday
> >of
> >this month, OR last friday of each month. We can do the same prayer of 20th
> >december and continue with that. (praye is added to our homepage)
> >
> >we would like to know eachone of your opinion / suggestion.
> >
> >with prayer
> >primeson
> >dubai / uae
> >
> >
> >
> >Dear Brothers and Sisters,
> >
> >  One good thing about praying together is that all
> >of us will become more and more united in the Spirit
> >of God. This prayer initiative is yet another step
> >towards it. Would like to mention that our prayer for
> >all our terrorists brothers did go well with the Lord
> >and there are subtle but powerful changes happening.
> >The longest insurgency problem in India is regarding
> >the Naga homeland in the North East. If you have taken
> >notice ; the NSCN leaders are in New Delhi now for
> >talks with L K Advani(the Home Minister) and they are
> >looking for peace. Well, I believe in faith that it is
> >bcos of our prayers. Amen.
> >
> >Just some suggestions regarding the Joynet prayer
> >days(these are personal views) :
> >
> >1. Can our Prayer days be once in a month or once in 2
> >months ? This is bcos most of us already have fasting
> >commitments once or twice a week.
> >
> >2. Can the prayer initiatives also be driven by the
> >Events in the world or our country ? So that depending
> >on the need of the hour all of us can unite and pray.
> >
> >3. It would also be good that we do not limit the
> >prayer to a single day. It will be great if the same
> >prayer is repeated over a period of one week. Bcos
> >some of the problems are so big that it requires an
> >on-going prayer support(say terrorism/wars). However
> >let this not be the thumbrule as all of us will not be
> >able to unite in prayer for the entire week at the
> >same time.
> >
> >
> >Love and Prayers
> >
> >Sanju Joseph.

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

2003-01-14 Thread Meena Mathew
Dear Joynet Friends
I agree that it will be a great idea to pray for a particular intention like 
we did in December. But I also feel that it will be a good idea if we could 
all on Joynet pray for a particular intention each week. Storm the 
For people who have abortion
For people who are into drugs and alcohol...
For those in prison.
For atheists
For children who are abused by their parents...

I am sure we can find many such people we can all pray for.

With prayers
Your sister in Christ
Meena Mathew

From: "Primeson James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:50:17 +0400

Dear Joynet friends

This is in connection with Kurian uncle's and Sanju's mails.

I would also like to state hereunder my opinion.

We selected a day and prayed on 20th of december '02. As sanju mentioned, 
we cannot continue with this prayer once in a month. I will also suggest 
"Once in month", and should be the same day, means last month it was 20, we
can fix a day on this month as suggested by kurian uncle i.e. 24th friday 
this month, OR last friday of each month. We can do the same prayer of 20th
december and continue with that. (praye is added to our homepage)

we would like to know eachone of your opinion / suggestion.

with prayer
dubai / uae

-Original Message-
From: Sanju Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:05 AM
To: Kurian Nellikunnel; Jesus Net
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

 One good thing about praying together is that all
of us will become more and more united in the Spirit
of God. This prayer initiative is yet another step
towards it. Would like to mention that our prayer for
all our terrorists brothers did go well with the Lord
and there are subtle but powerful changes happening.
The longest insurgency problem in India is regarding
the Naga homeland in the North East. If you have taken
notice ; the NSCN leaders are in New Delhi now for
talks with L K Advani(the Home Minister) and they are
looking for peace. Well, I believe in faith that it is
bcos of our prayers. Amen.

Just some suggestions regarding the Joynet prayer
days(these are personal views) :

1. Can our Prayer days be once in a month or once in 2
months ? This is bcos most of us already have fasting
commitments once or twice a week.

2. Can the prayer initiatives also be driven by the
Events in the world or our country ? So that depending
on the need of the hour all of us can unite and pray.

3. It would also be good that we do not limit the
prayer to a single day. It will be great if the same
prayer is repeated over a period of one week. Bcos
some of the problems are so big that it requires an
on-going prayer support(say terrorism/wars). However
let this not be the thumbrule as all of us will not be
able to unite in prayer for the entire week at the
same time.

Love and Prayers

Sanju Joseph.

 --- Kurian Nellikunnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Hi All,
> I would like to suggest another Jesus Youth
> prayer day on Friday the
> 24th of January, 2003. The timing and duration could
> be the same as
> before, namely 15 minutes at 7:30 AM, EST (Eastern
> Standard Time, i.e.
> NY time).
> Intention: Unification of the three Malankara
> Churches.
> As we know,  we celebrate next week as the
> Christian Unity Week. All
> the three Malankara Churches have the apostolic
> tradition from St.
> Thomas the Apostle and have the same liturgical
> format. His Excellency,
> Isaac Mar Cleemis had a great article in the
> Christian publication
> "Sunday Shalom" in which he suggested a workable
> formula for the
> unification of these three Malankara Churches. I
> believe that if we fast
> and pray with great faith, this long cherished dream
> of many saintly
> people could be obtained from our Lord.
> I suggest that when we fast, we should fast our
> addictions and not
> just food alone. It is a very difficult thing to do.
>  For example, for
> some, to abstain from TV on the Super Bowl day would
> be harder than
> abstaining from food for a whole week.
> Please respond with your comments.
> Thank You,
> Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
> Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA.
> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth
> mailing list.
> For more info on the list visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> To unsubsc

[JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

2003-01-14 Thread Primeson James
Dear Joynet friends

This is in connection with Kurian uncle's and Sanju's mails.

I would also like to state hereunder my opinion. 

We selected a day and prayed on 20th of december '02. As sanju mentioned, why
we cannot continue with this prayer once in a month. I will also suggest that
"Once in month", and should be the same day, means last month it was 20, we
can fix a day on this month as suggested by kurian uncle i.e. 24th friday of
this month, OR last friday of each month. We can do the same prayer of 20th
december and continue with that. (praye is added to our homepage)

we would like to know eachone of your opinion / suggestion.

with prayer
dubai / uae

-Original Message-
From: Sanju Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:05 AM
To: Kurian Nellikunnel; Jesus Net
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

 One good thing about praying together is that all
of us will become more and more united in the Spirit
of God. This prayer initiative is yet another step
towards it. Would like to mention that our prayer for
all our terrorists brothers did go well with the Lord
and there are subtle but powerful changes happening.
The longest insurgency problem in India is regarding
the Naga homeland in the North East. If you have taken
notice ; the NSCN leaders are in New Delhi now for
talks with L K Advani(the Home Minister) and they are
looking for peace. Well, I believe in faith that it is
bcos of our prayers. Amen. 

Just some suggestions regarding the Joynet prayer
days(these are personal views) :

1. Can our Prayer days be once in a month or once in 2
months ? This is bcos most of us already have fasting
commitments once or twice a week.

2. Can the prayer initiatives also be driven by the
Events in the world or our country ? So that depending
on the need of the hour all of us can unite and pray.

3. It would also be good that we do not limit the
prayer to a single day. It will be great if the same
prayer is repeated over a period of one week. Bcos
some of the problems are so big that it requires an
on-going prayer support(say terrorism/wars). However
let this not be the thumbrule as all of us will not be
able to unite in prayer for the entire week at the
same time.

Love and Prayers

Sanju Joseph.

 --- Kurian Nellikunnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Hi All,
> I would like to suggest another Jesus Youth
> prayer day on Friday the
> 24th of January, 2003. The timing and duration could
> be the same as
> before, namely 15 minutes at 7:30 AM, EST (Eastern
> Standard Time, i.e.
> NY time).
> Intention: Unification of the three Malankara
> Churches.
> As we know,  we celebrate next week as the
> Christian Unity Week. All
> the three Malankara Churches have the apostolic
> tradition from St.
> Thomas the Apostle and have the same liturgical
> format. His Excellency,
> Isaac Mar Cleemis had a great article in the
> Christian publication
> "Sunday Shalom" in which he suggested a workable
> formula for the
> unification of these three Malankara Churches. I
> believe that if we fast
> and pray with great faith, this long cherished dream
> of many saintly
> people could be obtained from our Lord.
> I suggest that when we fast, we should fast our
> addictions and not
> just food alone. It is a very difficult thing to do.
>  For example, for
> some, to abstain from TV on the Super Bowl day would
> be harder than
> abstaining from food for a whole week.
> Please respond with your comments.
> Thank You,
> Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
> Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA.
> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth
> mailing list.
> For more info on the list visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
> To subscribe to the list visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list

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[JOYnet] Re: A prayer bank 4 U.

2003-01-10 Thread joju chakkunny chittilappilly

I am Joju, from Delhi. Our prayer group in Noida is ready to serve you. Mail 
your prayer requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] & be sure it will be 
presented before our Lord. You can forward this message to all your friends.

Trusting God,
Joju C.C.

On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 anil joseph wrote :
>hi all,
>I am from Delhi and 2nd batch fulltimer from kerala, I am an old member
>in Joynet but a silent person.
>I am requesting ur prayers for a new decision, which I took with Our Lord
>– for a job change
>Mainly I need time with my family and JY family, so pls remember in ur
>Love Anil Joseph
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[JOYnet] Re: [prayernet] from Francis Felix - "Untruth?"

2002-12-27 Thread Prejomy Jose
Dear Francis & all Joynetters,

This is not a good tendency to put forward the personal revelation and 
insight in Joynet or prayernet, that its ultimate effect shall be 
devastating. We are not the one who can make such a comment that "Islam is 
untruth". Even Church didn't tell that any religion is untruth. We know that 
"Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life". We are called to propagate this 
and to proclaim "Jesus is the only Savior, Lord and Messiah".

But it shall be in such a way that, as Jesus taught, by loving others, 
without hurting others feelings, by listening to them carefully and not by 
arguing or making a statement that yours is untruth & mine, truth.

We are not eligible to judge others. Thank God that Francis, You have not 
pasted your message on the website. Have you consulted with Jesus again, or 
with your elder or with your Pastor regarding your message?

Do not consider this as an argument and am no way intented to make this as 
an issue. But as somebody (I'm really sorry, I do not remember his/her name) 
told, before pasting anything in Joynet or in Prayernet we should pray.

With Lots of Love & prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

Subject: [prayernet] [Prayer Board] from Francis Felix
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 00:56:58 -0600

Name  : Francis Felix
Time  : 27 Dec 2002   00:56
Subject : Message Board not yet available

I prayed to Jesus Christ the Lord GOD Almighty to make the Message Board 
become available for me to put a New Message to tell that :
But the Message Board is still not available.So I have written in the Guest 
Book and leave it for the Power of His Holy Spirit to fulfill my aims for 
His Glory.
27th Dec.02,12;25hrs.

For any help on mailing related issues to this group

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[JOYnet] Re: Merry X'mas

2002-12-23 Thread Thomas George

Dear JOYFULnetters,


 In HIS grip and grace,

   (Thomas, Leena & Jeffrey) 
Bangalore, India 
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[JOYnet] RE: [parablenet] Our Daily Bread for Dec 13, 2002

2002-12-13 Thread Josh Folks
Hello All!
For all those who wondered what the whole poem is, here it is
Take care and God bless

by Shel Silverstein

Hector the Collector
Collected bits of string,
Collected dolls with broken heads
And rusty bells that would not ring.
Pieces out of picture puzzles,
Bent-up nails and ice-cream sticks,
Twists of wires, worn-out tires,
Paper bags and broken bricks.
Old chipped vases, half shoelaces,
Gatlin' guns that wouldn't shoot,
Leaky boats that wouldn't float
And stopped-up horns that wouldn't toot.
Butter knives that had no handles,
Copper keys that fit no locks,
Rings that were too small for fingers,
Dried-up leaves and patched-up socks.
Worn-out belts that had no buckles,
'Lectric trains that had no tracks,
Airplane models, broken bottles,
Three-legged chairs and cups with cracks.
Hector the Collector
Loved these things with all his soul‹
Loved them more than shining diamonds,
Loved them more than glistenin' gold.
Hector called to all the people,
"Come and share my treasure trunk!"
And all the silly sightless people
Came and looked...and called it junk.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph lonth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 December 2002 07:07
Subject: [parablenet] Our Daily Bread for Dec 13, 2002

Friday, December 13, 2002

When All Is Lost

Read: Philippians 3:7-14

What things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. --
Philippians 3:7

Bible In One Year: Hosea 12-14; Revelation 4

I was rummaging around my son's garage and found all the trophies he had
won in his years of athletic competition. There they were in a box -- about
to be thrown out.

I thought of the blood, sweat, and tears that had gone into gaining those
awards, yet now he was putting them in the trash. They no longer had any
value to him.

It reminded me of a whimsical children's poem by Shel Silverstein called
"Hector the Collector." It describes all the things that Hector collected
over the years. He "loved them more than shining diamonds, loved them more
than glistenin' gold." Then Hector called to all his friends, "Come and
share my treasure trunk!" And all the people "came and looked and called it

So it will be at the end of our lives. All our possessions -- the things
we've spent a lifetime working for -- will be nothing but junk. That's when
we'll surely know that the best things in life are not things.

But we can have the right perspective now, as Paul did. "What things were
gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ" (Philippians 3:7). We can
keep a proper attitude about our possessions, because we possess the
surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord. -- David Roper

I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold,
I'd rather be His than have riches untold;
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today. -- Miller
) Renewal 1950 Chancel Music, Inc

Our greatest riches are the riches we have in Christ.

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[JOYnet] Re: Gospel - truth or lie?

2002-12-07 Thread Smiju Joseph
My loving friends,

I was just reading all, nice sharing. It is some what easy to preach Gospel 
to strangers. But it is not at all easy to preach Gospel in his/her own 
nearer circles, because that is the place were the preacher should practice 
his/her words.

Disciples learned and practiced lot of things from Jesus Christ.
Disciples' had followers - they learned about Jesus, and practiced lot of 
things from disciples.
They wrote Gospel...
they converted the entire universe in one day...
they sacrificed there life...
they preached Gospel to animals & birds

We learn more and more about Jesus & his disciples, we study about saints 
and we wonder about 'Ancient Christianity'. We attend Evangelization course. 
We write thesis  about Jesus that the people can't understand and we forget 
to love and we hide the Word of God in The Bible.

But some people are different and we always learn from them. We know who 
they are. They are the living Gospels. I am not speaking about someone like 
Mother Teresa I am speaking about the silent saints who are with us. May be 
mother, may be father... may be that unknown friend may be that 
priest... the list goes on, but only few. If we are like them it easy to 
preach The Gospel.

After several decades a grandma will tell her grandchildren stories about 
(I dream so).
"Once upon a time there lived a Jesus Youth, he/she did lot of miracle 
and was killed.(or he long lived for Jesus)."
And children will go to bed.

What the next generation learn from me?

with lots of lov & prayers
smiju joseph, auh

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[JOYnet] Re: Vastu Shastra

2002-11-26 Thread Jennifer
Hi Joynetters,

Good afternoon.  I am glad to see so many JYs replying on the subject of
Vastu Shastra.  The response was mind boggling.

Infact before I could send this mail I was quite confident that Vastu
shastra is against our Christian faith.  Though I was confident about it, I
had a difficulty in convincing others, my Christians neighbours & friends
and I am glad now that I can confidently speak to my friends about the
slavery this particular science can lead to.  Yes it is defintely a science
which has its roots in the unknown world.  I don't have a very good
scientific knowledge but what I do know is that science is based on
reasoning but I don't see any reasoning in vastu shastra.  The promoters of
vastu shastra say that a house built under the norms of this shastra brings
peace and prosperity in the housemaybe it's true but I know of a
greater truth or should I say truth personified in Christ Himself.   The
Bible says that Jesus can bring peace and we keep singing this hymn in the
Church "No one can give me that peace which my risen Lord, my risen King can
give".  If we believe in the Word of God and faithfully sing this hymn, then
we won't try to search for peace in vastu shastra.  Those who don't know
Christ or haven't yet experienced His love, going to these channels is
understood, they will be forgiven cause they are ignorant.  But what about
us who know the Truth, are we willing to face judgement then??  And as
Christians we have to witness about the peace of Christ in our families
which surely will be there if we give Jesus that place and honour in our
families and in our personal lives.  If anything else takes His place first
in our lives then He will move out.  He has to be first and He deserves that
place.  And I completely agree with Elizabeth Smitha that we won't get our
share of blessings if we deny the presence of Jesus in our lives.

If the tall claims of this so called vastu shastra could manage to bring
peace & prosperity in our homes, then I don't understand why Jesus had to
come in this world and live a hard life as a human then being treated badly
by us and crucified on the cross brutally.  God was so very much concerned
about our happiness not just earthly but eternal happiness that He gave His
only Son to die for us so that we may enjoy the never ending joy, peace &
happiness.  When we accept Jesus as the Lord and Mmaster of our lives and
enthrone Him as the King of our homes, their will be storms and crisis, but
then here Christ will be with us and we won't panic cause He will help us go
through the storm of our lives like the incident in the Gospel where the
Apostles's boat was tossed by the storm in the sea.  Jesus silenced the
storm and brought peace.   He will bring the same peace in our lives.   He
is our Good Shepherd Who cares for us.  We should not rely on mechanisms
such as vastu shastra to bring that peace which our Risen Christ can give.
Whenever we are tossed by the storms of life and our faith starts shaking
let us claim the promises of Christ and we will be guided by our Lord
through these problems, Christ himself will give us this assurance.  Psalm
23 (The Lord is my Shepherd) is a promise from the Lord that He will never
leave us and I keep singing this hymn whenever I feel lonely and surrounded
with trouble.  This Psalm gives me assurance of Christ's presence in my
life.  My family itself was on the realm of breaking and the peace that is
now in our family is only because we decided that no matter what Christ will
be the centre of our Home and we as a family are still united, Praise the
Lord !!! Because only love can bind us human beings and it is the Love of
Christ our Saviour cause only His love is perfect.  The Love of Christ sets
us free whereas anything other than that may it be horoscope, vastu shastra,
etc will only bind us and make us their slaves.   Christ has made us free
let us enjoy this freedom and keep thanking our Lord for the freeing us from
slavery of sin.

Secondly I would also like to point here that came very strongly from many
of the mails on this topic was that those who try to approach this mechanism
are only trying to escape the pains and sufferings.  They only want
happiness and peace in their lives.  I believe that if sorrow wouldn't have
been in our lives then I don't know how I could enjoy the happiness that
follows it or for that matter how would I enjoyed the peace if there was no
storm in my life.  Christ has said that "If you wish to be my desciple take
up your cross and follow me".  Cross is a mark of Christianity, it has a
significant role to play in our lives then why run away from it but
willingly carry it placing our confidence in Christ who though died on the
cross was resurrected and if are the followers of Christ, we too will be
resurrected and enjoy eternal happiness.   Jesus wants us to carry our cross
and focus our vision on Him but when we try to escape from our crosses then
we focus our attention on mechan

[JOYnet] Re: Do something for the Lord's glory...

2002-11-25 Thread biju jose
Dear Godwin Manuel,

I have a great pleasure to be part of it,     " Do something for
the People of God",

My simple suggest is that we can study every day one Word of God and try
to recognize that what Jesus really talking to us. These words we will
share to our friends and make these words true in our PRACTICAL every day
life. I am 100% guaranty you,  there will be miracles and Giant things
will happen to our life in a very special way.

John : 1 ( 1-10)

Biju Jose,

JY -Fujairah.





>Subject: Do something for the Lord's glory... >Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002
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[JOYnet] Re: Will God like this?

2002-11-21 Thread Neovet
Dear friends in Christ,

I was thinking on the same lines which Mr. Shaji wrote.
Yesterday I was sharing this BBC news with my hindu friend and he told about

the story of milk drinking idols.

Its okay that we can see a burnt image on chapathi, but it should not be the
one to worship.  

Yours in Christ


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[JOYnet] Re: Miracle Chapathi on BBC News

2002-11-20 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters,

 You can also see the ' Miracle Chapathi '
alongwih details on the following link in BBC News :


 In HIS grip and grace,

  Bangalaore, India
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[JOYnet] Re: Picture of Jesus & even Mother Mary on chapathi - Bangalore

2002-11-19 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters,

 This is in continuation to Suma's mail.

 The picture of Jesus & Mother Mary on chappathi
has appeared in today's edition of Deccan Herald,

 Please visit the following link to see the
picture alongwith details.


 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India

--- Suma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A report from Hindusthan times . Many would have
> heard about it . Its on display at Renewal center
> Bangalore .  God is dead", or so said Nietzsche, the
> famous German philosopher. He probably didn't visit
> India before saying so Nietzsche's theory was proved
> incorrect when thousands of devotees thronged a
> small suburb in Bangalore to catch the glimpse of
> their venerable deity, Jesus Christ, on - believe it
> or not - a chapati Strange, but true. A hazy image
> of Jesus appeared on a chapati that was partly
> burnt, a demonstration that faith is rewarded by
> miracles Sheela Anthony, a staunch Christian, came
> home after offering prayers at a church and prepared
> chapatis for her kids. The children refused to eat
> one of them as it was burnt. After looking at it
> carefully, she found an emblem of Jesus on the burnt
> part Overflowing with spiritual emotions at
> Bangalore's Renewal Retreat Centre, a place of
> prayer for Christians, she said, "For a moment the
> burnt part of the chapati looked li!
> ke Christ. I couldn't believe my eyes and kept
> looking at it. With a lot of hesitation, I showed it
> to my daughters and neighbours, who also said that
> it was Jesus." Thereafter Sheela Authony took it to
> Father George Jacob of Renewal Retreat Center, who
> confirmed that the image was indeed that of Jesus.
> He firmly believes that it is a miracle Being a
> staunch devotee of Jesus, it was Sheela's great gift
> to the other followers. From morning till late in
> the evening, around 20,000 people come in to catch
> the glimpse of Lord Jesus on the chapati," said
> Father Jacob The "holy chapati" has been placed at
> the central shrine for public viewing. Followers who
> came from distant places to witness it felt that it
> was a huge miracle.
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Re: [JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra - Culture and Belief

2002-11-16 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Amid simmering discussion and all I guess we all are missing the point here.
We are all Scientific Youth. The very fact that we are mailing out here on
JY shows that we are a part of being a Scientific Youth... hehe... or else
we would be writing letters and posting it with saliva applied stamps
(winks). Its when u place more faith in Science than in God that the problem
actually arises. More like have strong belief in the Creation rather than
the Creator.

Now again let me tell you about Vastu Shastra. Vastu Shastra sure seems to
be the Science of Architecture. But there is a purpose for applying this
Science. Our Churches may have applied some architectural grace to their
structures. I do know from my old elders that they believed that since the
Lord Jesus Christ was born in the East it is good to have ur house facing
the East. So that early morning u get up and greet the Sun / Son. Maybe that
is why some Churches do face the East. But let me tell you that this has
nothing to do with Vastu Shastra. Because according to Vastu Shastra this is
what is required of a Place of Worship.

1. Room for prayer and meditation [Chapel / Altar] is recommended to be in
the north-east corner of the house.
2. Deity or image of god [Statutes] should not face the south direction.
Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying

Now if as some of you say that earlier Churches were 'only' built using
Vastu Shastra please check in those churches or ur own church where your
Room for prayer is located, where the statues are facing. Can u now say that
Vastu Shastra were applied to them.

Since my Boss is a member of pro hindu fundamental group I was able to get
some further knowledge on Vastu Shastra. You'll be shocked. Because this was
also present in a Website.

Vastu, as the legend in Matsya Purana goes, was born out of the sweat of
Lord Shiva while fighting and killing a giant called 'Andhakasur' meaning
dark giant. The Vastu purush (personified) is lying down on the entire Earth
with his head towards the North-East and feet at the South-West points of
the Earth. Brahma, the creator of the universe and other Devas, granted him
a boon to satisfy his immense hunger that whosoever constructs buildings on
Earth shall offer Pooja (worship) to him and make offerings if they want to
enjoy health, wealth and prosperity in their new buildings. This is how
Vastu Pooja came to be performed before starting the construction of any new

Vastu is the science of architecture of ancient India. Vastu, in Sanskrit
means nature, a surroundings or environment. The word Vaastu came from
Vastu, denoting anything existing such as a house, shelter, building etc.
Shastra in Sanskrit means a system.
Vastu is applied to dwelling sites and Vaastu to proper dwellings. They are
nearly synonymous.

Now I ask you again. Can u now say that our Churches have used Vastu
Shastra. Can u now say that as Christ followers we can induce this in our
Culture where we trust ourselves and not God that since our establishment is
VASTU COMPLIANT we r gonna lead a nice peaceful and harmonous life. As
Christians do you still believe that we can apply so called GOOD ASPECTS of
Vastu Shastra that speaks of peace and prosperity through our dwellings
[materialistic] rather than through God.

As a honest confession, I can only say that Vastu Shastra helped me at one
time. (surprised ). I had a friend who kept his bed in the north - south
direction and always slept with his head facing the East [He told me it was
VS but later I heard even Feung Shui has somewhat the same practices]. So
whenever I visited him I knew which direction the Sun was gonna rise...
hehehe besides that as a lover of Christ I have never had any use for
this Shastra. do u ???

urs in faith


- Original Message -
From: george kuriakose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra - Culture and Belief

> Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ,
> As Mary said in her E-mail, we should clearly
> distinguish between our Beleif and our Culture.
> In India we Christians do a lot of things as part
> of culture and not as part of our beleif.
> For example we light crackers during Diwali Not
> because we beleive in Hinduism.
> Indian Christians have always fought to preserve thier
> culture.The Pope himself have accepted the Prayers and
> culture of the Malankara Catholics.What does that say?
> Jesus himself followed the Jewish culture because
> he was born in that place.I have never read anywhere
> that Jesus put on a suit of clothes or Pyjamas or
> Dhoti.He wore the same dress as Jews and did what the
> Jews did and opposed the wrong things that the Jews
> did at that time
> I don't think Jesus has a problem in we doing the same
> in any country B

Re: [JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra

2002-11-15 Thread Vimal
Hi all,

I agree with  Mathew Joseph, regarding the tone of discussions. We should be
very sure that we are not hurting others and taking things personally.
And i definetly encourage the current debate on vastushasthra, of which i was
not much aware of.

What i understood from Sajith Antony's mail is that church might adopt
something from Vasthusahstra or support practising some of it's practices
provided they are truly scientific and is not against the teaching of
majesterium. Like church has accepted THALI (wedding THALI) and nilavillakku

BUT as things stands now VasthuShastra as i understand from these discussions
is that there could be i repeat there could be (i'm really sceptical about
this ) some scientific facts which is entrapped in horrendous web of
superstitions and pagancy.

AND nobody has filtered out or proven scientific facts, from this mess and
confusion of Vastushasthra.

So i think i will always keep a safe distance from this shasthra or what ever
it is as long as it is in the present form.

After all i've lived all my life without even knowing about this and God has
taken care of me so well so why bother at all.A house built on vastu or no
vastu makes no difference to me at all !!!

And i'm very sure that i don't need any good fortune and good health or what
ever it is if it doesn't come from GOD thru Jesus christ.

Prayes and love
- Original Message -
From: "Mathew Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 2:16 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra

Hi all,

Good to see more people participating in the current
discussion about Vaastu shastra.

I want to put a word of caution.  While we are going
ahead with discussion, please don't take it personal.
Even if we disagree with some body, please try to see
that we are not hurting anybody in this discussion.
We need to have a healthy and mature discussion.
All of us have the freedom to express our opinion in
a mature way.   Even if it is wrong!!!

Let's remember  Our intention is not to prove
somebody wrong.  Through these discussions we are
trying to learn about different subjects which will help
all of us to do the discernment in our Christian life.
In some of our earlier discussions also we had similar
situations where people got hurt and they completely
stopped out of JOYnet.   Please be careful

Let's build each other in Christ... with the love of Christ...

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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[JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra

2002-11-15 Thread Meena Mathew
Hi JY,
I am a Malankara Catholic and I have noticed that all our churches face 
towards the East.

With Prayers
Your Sister in Christ

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[JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra

2002-11-15 Thread Mathew Joseph
Hi all,

Good to see more people participating in the current
discussion about Vaastu shastra.

I want to put a word of caution.  While we are going 
ahead with discussion, please don't take it personal.
Even if we disagree with some body, please try to see
that we are not hurting anybody in this discussion.  
We need to have a healthy and mature discussion.  
All of us have the freedom to express our opinion in
a mature way.   Even if it is wrong!!!

Let's remember  Our intention is not to prove 
somebody wrong.  Through these discussions we are 
trying to learn about different subjects which will help 
all of us to do the discernment in our Christian life.  
In some of our earlier discussions also we had similar
situations where people got hurt and they completely
stopped out of JOYnet.   Please be careful

Let's build each other in Christ... with the love of Christ...

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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Re: [JOYnet] Re: Vastu shastra

2002-11-13 Thread Jerry Panikulam
Vastu Shastra"  is a relevant topic brought out as we are
more than 1000 in this wonderful net and if we are
convinced, we can make others convince.

I would like to share some of my thoughts as I was trying
to find an answer on this as I was totally disturbed to see
many of Christians going behind superstitions like Vastu
Shastra, astrology, horoscope, etc etc. I was shocked to
read one of our JesusYouth's statement " So you cannot turn
away from Vasthushastra just because it is an Hindu way.Why

not we adopt some of the Good aspects in it."

I have got a Filipino Civil Engineer sitting next to me in
my office. Once I noticed he taking an instrument to find
the direction of north pole with him. When asked he told it
is to find the location of his new flat entrance matching
his & wife's stars. I admit I failed to convince this
Catholic that he was doing a sin, when he wanted me to stop
the conversation saying that we are not priests to live
according to Bible. What I understood from him was he got
this belief from Chinese who were working in construction
of houses in Philippines.

Now as we interact with Hindu's  we also started adopting
their ways. This is the main reason St. Paul restricts
believers from interacting with Pagans as we may try to
adopt such things if our belief in Lord Jesus is not firmly

First of all let us come to Holy Word of God. Whenever we
take the Bible in our hand let us keep two thoughts in our
mind. Whatever is needed for our salvation is written in
the Bible and whatever is not need for our salvation is not
written in the Bible. If we believe that Bible is Word of

God spoke through the prophet Zephaniah  "I'll drive away
those who kneel down the roof to worship the stars. (Zep.

In Ad62 the first century Church in Colossian was facing
same crisis when some Christians where led by astrology and
horoscope. Paul strongly says " If you have accepted Christ
Jesus as Lord, let Him be your doctrine. Be rooted and
built up in Him; ………..See that no one deceives you with
philosophy or any hollow discourse; these are merely human
doctrines not inspired by Christ but by the wisdom of
world. For in Him dwells the fullness of God in bodily
form. He is the head of all cosmic power and authority, and
in Him you have everything." (Col. 2:6-10)

Stars & Planets may have power or not, that has nothing to
do with us, as long as we believe in " God who revealed his
almighty power in Christ when he raised Him from dead and
had Him seated at His right hand in heaven, far above all
rule, power, authority, domination, or any other
supernatural forces that could be named, not only in this
world but in the world to come as well. Thus has God put
all things under the feet of Christ and set Him above all
things……….." (Eph. 1:20-22). Same message Peter writes in
first letter 3:22.

The question is -is our aim of life the wealth & prosperity
of this life? Is it for that we are being Christian ? These
"Vastu Shastra, astrology or horoscope" claims to give
wealth & prosperity but will any of these claim to lead us
to eternal life, which we are longing for. Are we believing
in Jesus for any material benefits of this world.  Some
Christians in Corinthians thought of that , & Paul writes "
If it is only for this life that we hope in Christ, we are
the unfortunate of all people." (1Cor 15:19) Paul writes
again "They only think of earthly things. For us our
citizen ship is in heaven" (Philip 3:19,20)

Jesus has promised to take care of all our needs if we live
a life in Him, what do we want more than that? As Jesus
says, before you ask God know what you want. In letter to
Philippines Paul continues " God himself will provide you
with everything you need according to his riches…."(4:19)

We are not believing in a God among many Gods. We are
putting our faith in one and only one true God. When I read
Jesus words "I'm the way, the truth & the life" I always
read it as "Jesus is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth & the
ONLY life" So no need of looking into other religions
because in Jesus there is fullness and His doctrine is
perfect & complete. 

If not getting a good sleep no need to change the direction
of the bed, if no success in studies no need to change the
location of study room, for wealth & prosperity no need to
bind ourselves to Vastu  Shastra, never hesitate to come
back after you started your journey if you forgot to take
something ,  don't look at the time or day to start
anything,  don't be afraid if a cat crosses you on your
way, Let astrology and horoscope not decide our future,
………...because Jesus is still alive and He is above all
the power & authority. He has poured on us His spirit, He
has given us the power over evil spirit. He has given us
the greatest weapon HIS BLOOD. 

Let me conclude by 1Corinthians 8:5,6 " People speaks of
other God in heaven and on earth and in sense there are
many gods & lords. Yet for us, there is but one God, the
Father, from whom everything comes, and

[JOYnet] Re: Vastu shastra

2002-11-13 Thread george kuriakose
Dear Friends in Christ,
 Please find a short write up on Vastu Shastra 
 picked up from the internet before furthur

 "According to Shastras,if we worship,revere and
respect the lords of these eight directions,they will
shower on us their blessings and benefits."

Vastu in Sanskrit means nature , a surrounding or
environment.The word "Vaasthu" came from Vasthu ,
denoting anything existing such as house,
shelter,building etc.Shastra in sanskrit means
systems.Vastu shastra is an ancient art and
science,containing principles and practises of
constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious
balance between man and nature and thereby bring all
round happiness,health,wealth and prosperity.

Ancient sages of India laid down several principles
for constructing buildings taking advantage of the
nature,the Pancha Bhootas namely Earth,Space,Air,Fire
and water,gravitational and magnetic effects and
rotational influences of Sun,Moon,Earth and other
planets on the life in Earth with a view to bring
balance and harmony between man, nature and his
buildings and thereby ensuring peace,prosperity,and
happiness.These principles,calledVastu Shastra,were
evolved over thousands of years out of experience and
foresight of ancient Sages of India and are very
valuable for the well being of man-kind. According to
Shastras,if we worship,revere and respect the lords of
these eight directions,they will shower on us their
blessings and benefits.

Esshan ie Ishwar(North-east) - He grants us
wisdom,knowledge and serve all comforts and relieves
us from sufferings. 
Indra(East) - He is the king of angels. He gives
wealth and all pleasures of life. 
Agni/Fire(South-east) - He gives us beautiful
personality and all the best of life. 
Yamaa or Yamaha(South) - He is god of death.He is
embodiment of dharma.He eradicates evils and grants
all good things. 
Nissan or Niruti (South-west) - He vanishes fear about
our enemies. 
Varun(West) - He is god of rain. He showers his
blessings through rain and brings prosperity and
pleasure in life all round. 
Vayu/Wind(North-west) - He bestows on us long
life,health and strength.He is the basic of all life. 
Kuber(North) - He is god of wealth.He grants us wealth
and all comforts of life. 
Who does not want all these things in life??? These
gods belong to all religions,races and castes and
creeds. Now-a-days,when people want to construct a
house or other building, they devote more time for
minute details of foundation,superstructure,
comforts,look,appearance etc.without going into
detailed examination as to whether such a house or
building will bring them prosperity,
health,wealth,wisdom and happiness in the life paving
the way for progress and peaceful living or not.

Vaastu is such a vast field which really needs
specialisation if someone want to study it .There are
some basic favourable and unfavourable directions
which we use in our daily life. 
Shape of plot - Favourites are regular shaped square
or rectangular plota AND irregular shaped plots are
normally avoided. 
Water-bodies - Water bodies in north or east are
considered good. 
Obstruction - Obstruction like big trees,open
well,pillars and posts before a arrow like roads are
to be avoided. building 
Ideal site - In a square plot the house should be
constructed in the for house centre and in rectangular
plot it should be nearer to construction south,south
west and west sides preferably leaving more in a plot
open space on north and east. 
"L" or Considered not suitable for house as corners
will be "U" shaped missing and occupants will be
missing oppurtunities. plots 


God Bless

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[JOYnet] Re: Vastu Shasthra

2002-11-13 Thread Mathew Joseph
Hi all,

This mail from Alfred Samji was very informative.  Thanks samji.

Read the following link.  There is something interesting here.
It is India's 'Vaastu-deficient' Parliament House which is responsible for
the country's present problems like political instability, communal
disharmony, the terrorist attack on Parliament, unemployment, poverty and
illiteracy, opines a Vaastu expert.

Going by this theory, we can expect a fully developed and rich India, with
100% employment,
once the parliament house is re-built as per Vastu :-)
I have seen some houses here in Bangalore which are built as per vastu but
doesn't have the
basic common facilities.  One house was having the toilet entrance from the
My neighbouring house here has the kitchen facing the front of the house.

Some time back one of the Thermal power stations in Karnataka had some
break-downs in one of its thermal turbines.  The authorities brought one
vaastu expert and
he suggested to build a boundary fencing for the whole plant with copper
Good trouble shooting for a turbine failure, right :-)
Why not lay off the whole maintenance engineers there and have a team of
vaastu experts
take care of all the industries and manufacturing plants here :-)

One thing I always find it difficult to understand.  Why is the educated
blindly follow such superstitions??

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

- Original Message -
From: "Alfred Samji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Vastu Shasthra

> Have something with regards to the topic Vastu Shasthra. It is said to be
> part of astrology which is strictly against Christian teaching. It is said
> that Vastu itself is a deity of another god (we are surely not to serve
> another god, are we?). Am copying below some excerpts from the web with
> regards to the topic. Please read for a clearer picture.
> ""Vastu Shastra is an ancient science based on   astrology and laws laid
> down in Hindu scriptures to ensure good fortune for the homebuilder and
> dweller. It is a Vedic concept of construction which finds its roots in
> Atharva Veda.
> To receive all round happiness, increase in wealth, health and peace one
> should give importance to Vastu in making of the house. It is because for
> this reason one gains or looses, if the house is made according to
> principles of Vastu or otherwise.
> The effects of Vastu can be explained in the following way:
> There are three forces in action to create harmony namely wind water and
> fire. If these forces are kept in their appropriate place then there will
> no disturbance. But if water is put in place of fire and wind in place of
> water or in any other combination the forces will act accordingly and
> disharmony. Vastu Shastra agrees with astrology that our destiny is
> influenced by nine planets and as such every home is also under their
> influence. As per astrology each direction is assigned a particular planet
> and only those objects which are in harmony with that planet should be
> placed there. Keeping in mind these principles various effects on  our
> destiny can be determined and rectified as mentioned by lord Vishkarma.
> Q 8. Which are the auspicious / inauspicious times to start construction ?
> A. According to Shastras, Vastu - the God in command of building
> construction works, is said to be sleeping most of time and wakes up only
> during a particular time of particular months in a year. When Vastu is
> sleeping no construction work should be started, nor the doors be fixed.
> normally sleeps - all the time during Jaishtha, Ashwini, Margshirsh and
> Paush. In these months, if construction is started or main door fixed,
> following adverties will take place : -  -  -
> Jaishtha (Mid of May-June)  fear of death
> Ashwini (Mid of Sep-Oct) - unnecessary fight, bickerings.
> Margshirsh (Mid of Nov-Dec) - fear of many things
> Paush (Mid of Dec-Jan) --- fear of fire accidents and
> It is said that Vastu awakes in the following months namely :  -  -  -
> Baishakh ( mid April-May)
> Shravan (mid of July-Aug)
> Kartik (mid of Oct-Nov)
> Maagh (mid of Jan-Feb)
> Phalgun (mid of Feb-March)
> At a particular time, a learned Pandit should be consulted for exact
> of construction and fixing of main doors.
> Answer20 - It cannot be denied that Vaastu Shastra is related to astrology
> to some extent. If in the horoscopes of people the stars Saturn, Mars,
> Harshal and Neptune are prominent and if the entrance of the houses of
> people are in the South they get success in their work. When the stars of
> the head of the family are prominent he does not feel the effects of the
> faulty construction to that extent. When the stars of the head the of
> are under bad influence the dou-blybad effects of fault


2002-11-05 Thread Thomas George

Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in
the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and
refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's
guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space
in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the
hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and
repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the
older angel replied, "Things aren't always what they

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a
very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.
After sharing what little food they had the couple let
the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a
good night's rest. When the sun came up the next
morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in
tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole
income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was
infuriated and asked the older angel how could you
have let this happen? The first man had everything,
yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had
little but was willing to share everything, and you
let the cow die. 

"Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel
replied. "When we stayed in the basement of the
mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole
in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with
greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I
sealed the wall so he wouldn’t find it." 

"Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the
angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow
instead. Things aren't always what they seem." 

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things
don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith,
you just need to trust that every outcome is always to
your advantage. You might not know it until some time

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[JOYnet] RE: desert walk

2002-11-03 Thread Primeson James
A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some
point of the journey they had an argument,and one friend slapped the other
one in the face. 

The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything,wrote in the

They kept on walking until they found an oasis,where they decided to take a
bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started
drowning, but the friend saved him.

After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt
you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?"

The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us we should write it down in
sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But,when someone does
something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever
erase it.


They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to  appreciate
them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget  them.

Take the time to live!!


Story adopted from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Vicent Thomas - Dubai)


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[JOYnet] Re: Happy Diwali

2002-11-02 Thread nakurian
Dear Friends,

Wish you all the greetings for a happy Diwali.
Let us pray together that the people who celebrate
Diwali may be led by the real light that is Jesus.

Attached please find some points for your thoughts.
Please send your comments.

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Re: [JOYnet] RE: Christian Sensitivity! Shalom Editorial

2002-10-25 Thread Thomas Joseph Kunnath
> Hi E-one,

True this is a very important article.Please so read.Thank u Shaji
for posting it.

> Making a friendly inquiry is a good practice. But without love it may
> hurt people. Consider an unmarried girl. She may not be anxious about
> her marriage and may be having the faith to wait for the Lord's time,
> but the painful inquiries of the people around her may hurt her heart.
> Some aged women are of the habit to ask, "Is your marriage not yet
> settled?" in public. No one is concerned about the pain these girls
> undergo when they see their peers getting married. I have seen many
> girls who are reluctant to go to Church for fear of questions like "Is
> your marriage not yet settled?" or "Aren't any proposals coming for
> you?" When they go for any marriage their acquaintances and friends
> comment, "Oh! I thought that you were already married." These people
> don't understand the pain and hatred that would arise in the minds of
> the girls on hearing such questions.
> Many childless couples too bear such pains. The irrational questions of
> a few regarding the childlessness hurts many a number of couples trying
> to forget this pain. "Did you consult a doctor? Whose problem is this?
> What is the problem?"- Such unrestrained inquiry without any concern for
> the self-respect and feelings of the couple would arise only from a
> heart without love.
> Inquiry is often done as a formality and not because of any concern for
> the childlessness of the couple or the problems in the marriage of a
> girl. Sympathizing may not be out of love always. It may be arise from
> haughtiness or hatred. Even if it is out of love, sympathizing without
> prudence will only aggravate the sadness. For instance, consider a widow
> who has not recovered from the demise of her husband. Usually
> sympathizers come forth there.
> "Oh! How loving was he? God doesn't allow good people to live long. this
> is fate. he looks as though he is asleep." Such comments bring back the
> thoughts about the husband to the wife who would have been in the
> process of recovering from the demise of her beloved. Instead of talking
> on such matters, exchange a few words on the love and care of God and
> his plans for our welfare. This would strengthen them to move forward in
> life with confidence.
> A girl who was totally blind said, "Though I don't have eyesight I don't
> want to live under the sympathy of anyone. I can think, dream, pray and
> love people. God has blessed me with the grace to recognize sound, smell
> and touch. I am not an unfortunate person as such. "Oh, my girl, how
> much unfortunate are you?" it is such sympathizing questions that is
> making me regressive about life. It is not my blindness but the painful
> words of those people who don't understand the feelings of my heart that
> leaves me exhausted.
> Recently the parents of a mentally retarded child said, "we were heart
> broken when we understood that the child is mentally retarded. We
> couldn't accept the hard fact. Finally we committed ourselves to the
> will of God. Today we are discovering ourselves through the child. the
> birth of this child has strengthened our faith. This child is a blessing
> for us today. We are able to overcome the problems of each day through
> faith. But our problem now is the sympathizing of the people around us.
> Those who see the child try to convey their sympathy in every way
> possible. Therefore today we fear to show the child to anyone."
> Sympathizing is inexpensive. But should it be under the expense of
> others?
> Benny Punnathara
>   www.sundayshalom.com
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[JOYnet] Re : 4th Birthday

2002-10-24 Thread Biji Thomas
Hi Everyone, Very glad to hear that Joynet is celebrating its 4th
birthday. A VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to JOYNET.  I know I am late
in wishing... but what to do, I had been to kerala for a retreat
at Jersualem Retreat Centre, Trishur.  Joined today only. It was a good
experience. Feeling now fresh and full of energy and filled with
spirit.  I came in touch with Joynet through my office colleague Lyann
around one year back can't remember exactly when.. and I am very grateful
to her for introducing me to Joynet.  Now i am proud to be a part of
Joynet family and have learnt a lot from this family. I have a question
in my mind.. Can anyone throw light on how and when Joynet came into
existence and who is behind it? Just to know its origin. Yours in Jesus
ChristBiji ThomasMumbai

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[JOYnet] RE: Christian Sensitivity! Shalom Editorial

2002-10-23 Thread KC
Dear Friends,
Perhaps, one of the things that make or break relationships, is
sensitivity or the lack of it towards the other person. Well intentioned
and sometimes, not so well - intentioned inquiries hurt people,
especially those in the same prayer group, cell or parish!  You yourself
might have been a victim to this! Certain questions about family,
finance, illness  ...the list goes on... Therefore, the relevance of
Benny Punnathara's (of Shalom, Calicut) article forwarded herewith
The Priest & his assistant in the Good Samaritan's story who didn't help
the wounded man were right in their actions. They were not supposed to
get "defiled" on their way to worship God as per the Law those days.
However, Jesus had a different view. He praised the Good Samaritan - the
kind man from the enemy state of the wounded man, who was:
-  Sensitive
-  Kind
-  Arranged to care the wounded man.
In other words, to Sympathize is all the more easy for us as Charismats
(We have a soft corner for everybody!). That's not enough of a
Christian, unfortunately! We need to Empathize. When you add "an action
of Love" to Sympathy, you have Empathy! 
Examples we know: 
Veronica wiping Jesus' face during His Passion, Mother Mary helping out
panic stricken Cana family with wine, Jesus asking the Blind beggar -
"What do you want?"  and many more. Sometimes all we need to do is just
to make silent intercessions without asking embarrassing questions
(which satisfies a personal need "the need to know it"!).  Jesus NEVER
asks for an account of anyone's past. He's only interested to know if
you are willing...willing to follow Him NOW...faithfully!!! 
May we have His Heart and Mind to follow His Life Style!
I dedicate this mail & Benny's message to all the JYs and the would be
JYs and all those who were ever hurt by our in-sensitiveness.
God bless us all,
Shaji Chacko, Dubai

13 October 2002


Making a friendly inquiry is a good practice. But without love it may
hurt people. Consider an unmarried girl. She may not be anxious about
her marriage and may be having the faith to wait for the Lord's time,
but the painful inquiries of the people around her may hurt her heart.
Some aged women are of the habit to ask, "Is your marriage not yet
settled?" in public. No one is concerned about the pain these girls
undergo when they see their peers getting married. I have seen many
girls who are reluctant to go to Church for fear of questions like "Is
your marriage not yet settled?" or "Aren't any proposals coming for
you?" When they go for any marriage their acquaintances and friends
comment, "Oh! I thought that you were already married." These people
don't understand the pain and hatred that would arise in the minds of
the girls on hearing such questions. 
Many childless couples too bear such pains. The irrational questions of
a few regarding the childlessness hurts many a number of couples trying
to forget this pain. "Did you consult a doctor? Whose problem is this?
What is the problem?"- Such unrestrained inquiry without any concern for
the self-respect and feelings of the couple would arise only from a
heart without love. 
Inquiry is often done as a formality and not because of any concern for
the childlessness of the couple or the problems in the marriage of a
girl. Sympathizing may not be out of love always. It may be arise from
haughtiness or hatred. Even if it is out of love, sympathizing without
prudence will only aggravate the sadness. For instance, consider a widow
who has not recovered from the demise of her husband. Usually
sympathizers come forth there. 
"Oh! How loving was he? God doesn't allow good people to live long. this
is fate. he looks as though he is asleep." Such comments bring back the
thoughts about the husband to the wife who would have been in the
process of recovering from the demise of her beloved. Instead of talking
on such matters, exchange a few words on the love and care of God and
his plans for our welfare. This would strengthen them to move forward in
life with confidence. 
A girl who was totally blind said, "Though I don't have eyesight I don't
want to live under the sympathy of anyone. I can think, dream, pray and
love people. God has blessed me with the grace to recognize sound, smell
and touch. I am not an unfortunate person as such. "Oh, my girl, how
much unfortunate are you?" it is such sympathizing questions that is
making me regressive about life. It is not my blindness but the painful
words of those people who don't understand the feelings of my heart that
leaves me exhausted. 
Recently the parents of a mentally retarded child said, "we were heart
broken when we understood that the child is mentally retarded. We
couldn't accept the hard fact. Finally we committed ourselves to the
will of God. Today we are discovering ourselves through the child. the
birth of this child has strengthen

[JOYnet] Re: Prayer for Princey

2002-10-20 Thread Michael Abraham

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Chrit,

Many thanks for your prayer support for Princy in Dammam.  I thank the 
brothers and sisters who responded to this prayer request. Thank God there 
is no problem for her now, except she is closely observed.  In fact the 
search was done by the Warden, who was a Catholic and now embraced to Islam. 
 Please pray for the Warden that she may change.   I  had the message from 
Dammam and asked for your valuable prayers.  Please also remember in your 
daily prayers our brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia.

With love and prayers,

Yours in Jesus Christ,

Michael Abraham

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[JOYnet] Re: Musical Reckoning ?

2002-10-16 Thread Jason :)

Dear JYs

I remeber asking you wonderful ppl about which Christian Music do u really
love listening to. I had got a very minimal response. But whatever response I
have received I am posting it out here for the benefit of others who also are
interested in listening to Spiritual Music. In case any of you do know some
more Christian Artiste who sing Spritual Music can u please share it out here.

Seena George -
Don Moen, Hosanna Music Ministries

Sindhu, Chicago,USA.
Carman,Michael Card,John Michael Talbot,Amy Grant,Twila Paris, Rebecca
St.James,Petra,Steven Curtis Chapman,Bob Carlisle,Michael .w.smith,
Rich Mullins,Bryan Duncan,Sandi Patty,Ray Boltz,Phil Kaeggy...
Then  cassetes of Maranatha music inc,celebrant singers,Hosanna music etc

Abby Abraham
Micheal W Smith, Cheri Keaggy or  Don Moen

Meena Mathew-
Darlene Zschech, Don Moen is also very good

Hector Lewis -
John Michel Talbert & Ron Kenoly of the Hosana musics

Manoj Jose Nellary:
don moen, bob

Lisa Jose suggested the following online radio sites where Christian Music can
be listened to:
> If you have online radio, check out
> http://www.klove.com
> http://www.air1radio.com
> http://www.worldwideworship.com

there are many more i am sure,

urs in faith


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

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2002-10-15 Thread LOVELYST

Do you have any idea what those 5 new mysteries are?  I am really curious to find out.

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[JOYnet] Re: Urgent Prayer Request : Ravi Vaz

2002-10-08 Thread Jason :)

Kindly note with regards to this Prayer Request sent this morning, Ravi's
friend[Jose]'s Father expired somewhere around Mid-day today. Ravi would like
to thank all of you for taking time out to Pray.

urs in faith


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
  - Original Message -
  From: Jason :)
  Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:04 AM
  Subject: Urgent Prayer Request : Ravi Vaz

  Dear JYs

  Please pray for my Friends Father who is very serious at present.


  Ravi Vaz

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[JOYnet] RE:

2002-10-02 Thread Sunny Thomas

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of suma thomas
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 6:59 AM

 Yahoo! Properties Special  Buy, sell, rent...your flat, or even post an

[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type application/msword which
had a name of JYUKIstanniversarywriteup.doc]

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Requesting your support

2002-09-28 Thread Edward A. Edezhath

Hello Friends,

Thank you so much for the overwhelming support. Many have responded to my request, 
offering their prayer support and also financial supprt.

I think Raiju's financial need has already been taken care of. May be further 
contributions are not needed for Raiju's father. Of course, please continue praying 
for his father.

I have recieved some responses for Kannoor Suresh and his family. Thank you very much. 
If you have already sent the amount to me personally, that is fine. If not in 
consultation with Manoj Sunny and Pally Achan I am trying to create a bank account to 
which such "JY Support" can be sent. And please continue praying for Suresh.

My name and address: Edward Edezhath, C6-Coaxial Quarters, Carrier Station Road, 
Cochin - 682016, Kerala, India. 

Wishing each one of you the abundant graces of the Lord,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Edward A. Edezhath 
  Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 10:49 AM
  Subject: [JYA] Requesting your support

  Hello Friends,

  I think I am the best person to beg. Here I am mentioning two intentions that are 
close to the heart of many of us, raising them for your heartfelt prayer and also for 
the material support from some of you.

  Some of you already mentioned the matter of Raiju's father who has to have a major 
heart sugery rectifying the problem of a valve. For those of you who don't know Raiju 
- he has always been known as our 'out-reach' man, keenly interested in working among 
street children and many other difficult groups. After his studies in law, for the 
time being he is working full-time in Jesus Youth and is the assistant co-ordinator of 
the National team.

  His father's proposed operation is naturally a big concern for our dear friend 
Raiju. He has always raised all kinds of support for many in need. Let us see how we 
can support him, spiritually and materially.

  Another matter is the very difficult condition of Suresh, very much known among 
Jesus Youth circles as Kannoor Suresh. Coming from a very poor agricultural background 
he has been active in Jesus Youth ever since the early '80s. I still remember him 
attending his first leaders retreat, a 'Know Yourself Program' I gave at Chembanoda in 
1983. From then on he became very active at all levels of Jesus Youth, as a preacher, 
organiser and a tireless worker in all major programs. Many leaders today remember his 
towering presence in one of the very adveturous steps in the history of Jesus Youth, 
Campus Meet 88. That was the foundation for our flourishing Campus Ministry.

  And what is it about him now? He has been suffering from quite a few very difficult 
physical ailments, the most difficult of which is a very serious lung condition. (I 
had somewhere the medical descriptions of the problems. Unfortunately, I cannot delay 
the mail until I find it) He has been suffering for  a longwhile and there is a 
mounted up debt. He is being treated at Calicut Medical College and the treatement is 
expensive. His son is retarded and the childs monthly treatment also eats up a 
significant amount every month.

  Suresh is need of whole hearted support from many of us.

  Please do respond,


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[JOYnet] Re: JYUK & about JY Malaysia & an urgent prayer request

2002-08-26 Thread Saju PJ

Dear friends,

It is really joyful to hear about the sprouting and growth of JYUK, shared by Joseph 
John. It is really inspiring, especially for Jaison George and me, since, we are now 
working in Malaysia where we could not get in touch with any other JYs, until now. I 
am grateful that Joseph continuously keeps mailing to me, filling me with hope and 
courage, and he is who introduced Jaison to me. 

Joseph and Dexon J Netto (Singapore) are really ‘pushing’ us  to start JY here. Many 
other joynet friends also have sent encouraging mails to me. Also,  thank our good 
Lord that even though Malaysia is a Muslim dominated country, we enjoy enough freedom 
for our Christian activities, except that Muslims are not allowed to attend the church 

Now an urgent prayer request: I want to attend the JY gathering in Singapore, on 
Sunday (1st sept). But leave is not yet sanctioned. Please pray that I will be able to 
attend it, if it is the will of God. Also, can we expect your continuous  prayer 
support for JY Malaysia? If at least some of you take a decision to say one decade of 
a rosary daily, for JY Malaysia, I feel it will work miracles. I am sure we will get 
the prayer support from all of you.

 God bless you all.

With love and prayers,

Saju P.J, Malaysia


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RE: [JOYnet] Re: [JYA] New York is Alive! Praise the Lord!

2002-07-31 Thread Giju George

Dear Kurian Uncle et al !!

That's awesome !!!
Nice to see the good results. It reminds me of your
prayer request from you for the Rex band programmes in the US 
Yes, when we all call upon the Lord in one voice He will shower His
blessings !!

I still find it hard to belive the way the Rex Band guys got their US Visa.

It is the rarest thing to happen in the US consulate for a group of 19
to get their US visa stamped immediately after the interview that too
with the passports given then and there itself.

Again a week later
Imagine a team of 6 (that includes a little child) coming all the way from
UAE to India after finishing their programme in the night, to reach Chennai
in the morning;
to go to the US consulatee for the visa interview;
to get the visa stamped and get the passports in the late evening of the
same day.
And finally to fly to Chicago on the next day.
The officer in the consulate remarked after stamping the passports
"we don't want to disappoint the 2 million audience"

There was a series of miracles, to put in a few words.
It was indeed an eye-opener for me too.

Love 'n Prayers
-Giju /Chennai,India

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kurian Nellikunnel
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 6:57 PM
To: Jesus Net
Subject: [JOYnet] Re: [JYA] New York is Alive! Praise the Lord!

Hi All,
Thank you all for your prayers for the Rexband. See the good results as
shown in the following E-mail.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

> Hello Jesus Youth of America,
> Yes, it is true..New York is finally Alive!  Thanks be
> to God!

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] New York is Alive! Praise the Lord!

2002-07-31 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi All,
Thank you all for your prayers for the Rexband. See the good results as shown in 
the following E-mail.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

> Hello Jesus Youth of America,
> Yes, it is true..New York is finally Alive!  Thanks be
> to God!
> For those of you who don't know about what has been
> going on in New York, we started a Prayer Group in
> White Plains more than a year ago with Jothiny
> Platharayil's help.  We started with a strong mind.
> But as time moved on, the fire was dead within the
> group and no motivation was there from the youth.  But
> with many of your prayers and Jothiny's willingness to
> continue to work with us , we kept going.
> The Rex Band seemed to be the turning point in our
> group's spiritual life.  The Rex Band opened many of
> our hearts to the Lord, including mine.  I was able to
> put aside all the other worries in my life and focus
> on the Lord, and I continue to do so.  Sometimes I
> feel that the Rex band was sent to light the fire in
> New York, and they truly did.  Praise the Lord!
> Our prayer meeting, after the Rex Band left, was more
> powerful than it ever was before, and since then we
> have only continued to get stronger.  A few of us met
> as a core group before World Youth Day and put down on
> paper all the things that we would like to accomplish
> as the Lord's children.  We wrote down a lot of ideas
> but we know that prayer is most important.  We have
> decided to continue to focus on prayer and see what
> the Lord leads us to do.  We need ALL of YOUR PRAYERS
> in this matter.  We do not want to fall away EVER.
> Please keep us in your prayers, so that we may grow in
> love with the Lord as well as bring others within New
> York to the Lord.
> I want to give my utmost thanks to all of those in
> Jesus Youth of America that has been praying for us
> from the beginning.  You didnt lose faith in us even
> after all this time, and it is your faith and love in
> the Lord that has kept us going. Thank you!
> I, Julie, will be the spokesperson to JYA about how
> things are moving along with New York.  I might need
> some help at times, so I might contact some of you
> personally (hope you dont mind).
> All of you are welcome to our meetings.  We meet Every
> second sunday from 3:30pm-5:30pm at
> St. John's the Evangelist CHurch,
> 148 Hamilton Avenue
> White Plains, NY 10605.
> If there is ever a change of date or time we will
> inform you. As we continue to grow in faith I ask all
> of you to keep in touch with us in New York and keep
> us in your prayers.
> Thanks to All! Praise God!
> Love and Prayers,
> Julie Vembenil
> (914)-428-5678

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Re: [JOYnet] Re:

2002-07-26 Thread Jennifer D'souza

Yuppp!! this is what I beleive in too!

Around two years back...when I had newly joined the prayer grp...I had
similar experiences..."Clash of views and opinions". At that time I was
so tempted to leave the prayer grp...but my brother left me thinking with
this simple reflection..."what is your motive behind going for prayer
meeting"... are you going to experience the love of God and build a
relationship with Himor are you going so that your opinions and views
may be accepted"!

This kind of changed my whole outlook! And this has always acted as a
check for mewhenever I'm not too pleased with with wots happening...I
kinda ask myself "Whom am I focusing on"? on JESUS or on the material
things! And then I ask the Spirit of The Living God to fall afresh on me
and on the people around meso that I may understand the will of God!

Luv n prayers,
Jennifer D'souza




>From: sheril daniel >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: [JOYnet] Re:
>Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 07:10:31 -0700 (PDT) > >In response to Anita's
mail, I think that was an interesting story and very relevant too. >I
remember when we used to have prayer groups during my undergrad years in
SME (Kottayam) and sometimes when someone did not agree with someone
else's point of view or behaviour, especially when it was from the so
called "leaders" I was tempted to stop coming for all those prayer
meetings. I don't remember who it was but someone told gave me a lovely
piece of advice. "Don't let the focus of your prayer group be on anyone
else but the 'real leader' Jesus Christ". >Diversity will always be
present in any group of people because we are all individuals and we all
have our own beautiful way of thinking and reasoning. However when we
concentrate on ourselves and our thoughts, when pride takes over, or when
we become so narrow minded that we think only we are right, our original
focus shifts to a new one. the new focus could be anything related to the
group, it could be another individual, it could be one's own
glorification, anything, but that is immaterial. what is important is
that we realise what the point of our group meeting was in the first
place and readjust our vision and our energies to our original focus
point. >with love in Jesus >sheril daniel :) >grahamstown, south africa
>anitha dsouza wrote:My dear friends, > >Just want to share with you a
story for reflection. >It would be nice if we could read the story
carefully >, think, pray and reflect about it and share our >inspirations
with our beautiful group…..which I am >sure will help many of the prayer
groups all round. >So please do share your thoughts after you have gone
>through this, > >Once, there were two angels, the good one named
>Gabriel and the one who had stood against God whose >name was Lucifer;
both of them went on to tour the >whole world. >As they came across a
small village, both of them >happened to glance at a poor villager,
ploughing his >fields, singing joyfully the spiritual hymns that he >had
often heard in the church. > >They both knew that, he was a simple and a
humble man, >who was pure in heart and did no harm to anybody. >Gabriel
was indeed pleased to see him, so joyfully >absorbed in his work and
decided to reward him more, >so that he would be an effective instruement
of >Christ. >As the farmer went on ploughing, Gabriel threw down a
>little ‘ grace of evangelization’ towards his path. >The farmer suddenly
caught hold of the grace, gave >thanks to the Lord , left his plough in
the fields and >ran into the village, with His new found mission to
>evangelize. > >Gabriel, being very pleased with the farmers response,
>challenged Lucifer, ‘See, how eager the Lords people >are, to carry out
their missions on earth. This >person is going to be a great evangelizer
and is going >to draw more and more crowds towards the kingdom of
>heaven.’ > >At this challenge, Lucifer laughed out loudly, and >threw
back another challenge at Gabriel. >‘You say, this person is going to
draw vast crowds >towards the kingdom of heaven; >You know what I will
do? I will wait, till he goes to >his village and starts telling
everybody of his new >found grace. And then, more and more people will be
>attracted towards him; and his teaching; he will make >fellow believers
and finally He will form a large >group of people, who will gather every
now and then >for their fellowship gatherings, there will be praise >and
worship and singing of hymns in those >gatherings……..’ > >Gabriel was
indeed pleased when he heard all of this >from Lucifer, He started
imagining the great group >which will focus on worshipping the Lord and
telling >others about their faith. > >It was

[JOYnet] Re:

2002-07-26 Thread sheril daniel

In response to Anita's mail, I think that was an interesting story and very relevant 
I remember when we used to have prayer groups during my undergrad years in SME 
(Kottayam) and sometimes when someone did not agree with someone else's point of view 
or behaviour, especially when it was from the so called "leaders" I was tempted to 
stop coming for all those prayer meetings. I don't remember who it was but someone 
told gave me a lovely piece of advice. "Don't let the focus of your prayer group be on 
anyone else but the 'real leader' Jesus Christ".
Diversity will always be present in any group of people because we are all individuals 
and we all have our own beautiful way of thinking and reasoning. However when we 
concentrate on ourselves and our thoughts, when pride takes over, or when we become so 
narrow minded that we think only we are right, our original focus shifts to a new one. 
the new focus could be anything related to the group, it  could be another individual, 
it could be one's own glorification, anything, but that is immaterial. what is 
important is that we realise what the point of our group meeting was in the first 
place and readjust our vision and our energies to our original focus point.
with love in Jesus
sheril daniel :)
grahamstown, south africa
anitha dsouza wrote:My dear friends,

Just want to share with you a story for reflection. 
It would be nice if we could read the story carefully
, think, pray and reflect about it and share our
inspirations with our beautiful group…..which I am
sure will help many of the prayer groups all round. 
So please do share your thoughts after you have gone
through this,

Once, there were two angels, the good one named
Gabriel and the one who had stood against God whose
name was Lucifer; both of them went on to tour the
whole world.
As they came across a small village, both of them
happened to glance at a poor villager, ploughing his
fields, singing joyfully the spiritual hymns that he
had often heard in the church.

They both knew that, he was a simple and a humble man,
who was pure in heart and did no harm to anybody. 
Gabriel was indeed pleased to see him, so joyfully
absorbed in his work and decided to reward him more,
so that he would be an effective instruement of
As the farmer went on ploughing, Gabriel threw down a
little ‘ grace of evangelization’ towards his path. 
The farmer suddenly caught hold of the grace, gave
thanks to the Lord , left his plough in the fields and
ran into the village, with His new found mission to

Gabriel, being very pleased with the farmers response,
challenged Lucifer, ‘See, how eager the Lords people
are, to carry out their missions on earth. This
person is going to be a great evangelizer and is going
to draw more and more crowds towards the kingdom of

At this challenge, Lucifer laughed out loudly, and
threw back another challenge at Gabriel.
‘You say, this person is going to draw vast crowds
towards the kingdom of heaven;
You know what I will do? I will wait, till he goes to
his village and starts telling everybody of his new
found grace. And then, more and more people will be
attracted towards him; and his teaching; he will make
fellow believers and finally He will form a large
group of people, who will gather every now and then
for their fellowship gatherings, there will be praise
and worship and singing of hymns in those

Gabriel was indeed pleased when he heard all of this
from Lucifer, He started imagining the great group
which will focus on worshipping the Lord and telling
others about their faith.

It was then, that Lucifer continued his talk,
‘And when the group is all set and ready and well
I will put my seeds of jealousy, greed for power,
hatred and misunderstandings in that group, and start
of with simple diversity of ideas which will later
form into major arguments and finally when the group
is disrupted, I will bring all those large crowds of
people towards me.
Thus, with your single seed of grace, I will make vast
number of followers for myself.’

Gabriel was angry and furious on hearing this and said
sternly ‘THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN.’ And they parted
their ways, each waiting eagerly to see what the
outcome was going to be………

My dear friends, this was only a story, but does it in
some ways reflect truth in our fellowship
It was a challenge between good and evil…….
We too, may be members of various prayer groups, cell
groups…..and the like…..
Diversity of ideas can come in our groups too…..
When such situations arise, whom shall we allow to win
the challenge….? The good or the evil? When we
see certain things which affect the harmony of the
groups taking place withen our groups, what are the
steps that we can take to prevent the devil from
having his victory……?
love in christ,
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better


2002-07-25 Thread Mathew Joseph

Hi all,

Just thought of joining this discussion on Suicide.

I think it is good to discuss such topics in this group.
Knowing the christian teachings on such topics will help
us and we can help others too.   Also, knowing the word
of God is important.   But we need to see that the Bible
interpretations are done according to the church teachings.
I think there are many people in our JOYnet who can guide
us in this matter.   Whenever the discussions go away
from the church teachings, I hope these friends will interfere
and correct the joynetters.  Let's not be ashamed of the Word of God.

In these discussions many different opinions will come.
But let's discern the right things and accept it.

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

- Original Message -
From: "divine_luv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: RE: [JOYnet] SUICIDE

> Dear JYs
> I have been following some of the mails on Suicide and I wish to share my
views as under:
> I remember the time when my aunt (mom's sister) had committed suicide when
I was very small. I didnt know then what Suicide was. I remember when I
asked around why a person commits suicide I was given to understand that
'suicide' was another form of 'being a coward', a person unable to stand up
to the challenges of life. For me the word 'coward' was very strong. Because
no one likes being called a 'coward' or a 'darpok'.
> It was only later as I grew up did I realise what actually facing life and
it challenges meant. That how easy it was to think of suicide when things
didnt go ur way as Welchy had mentioned in her mail.
> For me I guess Committing a sin is like betraying Jesus. And we do read in
the gospels there were two Apostles who betrayed Jesus. Both were aware that
what they did was wrong. One repented and the other committed Suicide. The
one who repented became a great apostle and the other we know his fate when
he committed suicide. There is still hope in repentance and I guess if we
commit suicide we lose out on this this hope.
> Now I have read the other mails and I do agree that in light of some facts
we should share it with our spiritual fathers. I also do agree that we
should not misinterpret the Holy Scripture.
> However I totally disagree that this should prevent us from sharing any
such topics out here. It may deter some. But on the flip side we can gain
valuable knowledge and experience from those whose faith are strong in
Christ and have gone through such experience as Father Thomas has mentioned.
I remember my brother telling me how useful the discussion of "taking
prasad" which was shared out here was. On quoting scriptures. I do
personally disagree with the fact that we should not quote them at all. How
would we know what we are quoting is in the wrong context if we dont quote
them at all. And I do see that we have so many wonderful Word ministers here
that should we falter they are there to correct us. Right Ravi :)
> in prayers,
> Jefferson
> Mumbai
> "Bonny Thomas" wrote:
> I'm giving my full support to Baiju on his note.now its time to close
this chapter as this is getting out of focusmoreover i would repeat as
Baiju advised that we should get advise before we come to conclusions on
topics like this and putting it over joynet.
> regards, bonny

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[JOYnet] Re: Rex Band Update- Chicago

2002-07-15 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Daer All,
Please read Jose's Update from Chicago. We have to thank you very much all
for your prayers. See, how our good Lord is doing miracles in every thing
connected with the Rex Band. I have tremendous confidence in the prayer of the
JoyNet. Please keep on praying till they are back safe after the Toronto events
and throughout their lives to be faithful to our Abba Father. I think there are
a few more issues to be resolved. One person's ticket was missing, they  got
return ticket OK only for 27th in stead of the 29th of July.
Thank you all again and again.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel/Kurian Uncle, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Jose Jacob wrote:

> Dear all,
> Thank you very much for all the prayers. The RexBand program in Chicago was
> a big hit. The Spirit of the Lord was moving very powerfully. We almost had
> a full house (close to 1800 out of 1950 seats) and the crowd enjoyed every
> bit of the show. Here are a few comments that we heard.
> The best show ever seen ...
> Enjoyed every bit of it...
> Haven't seen something like this in my 30 years life in the US ...
> Don't tell me this is an Indian band...
> This is professional, flawless...I was praying ...(sound engineer of the
> theater)
> Can't we not replace M.G Srikumar programmes with Alphonse/Binu K P's...
> Special thanks to Molly aunty and all the dancers for their help and prayers
> in almost all the events we arranged here. Thanks to Tharayil achan, Kurian
> Uncle, Jerry and family, Saji and family ... for your support and prayers by
> coming over to chicago on 13th. Thanks to Dr.Manoj, JoseUncle, Baby Uncle...
> for taking time to drive the band to Chicago.  (Sorry if I have missed
> anybody)
> The RexBand have left for Toronto today morning 7.0am. They would reach
> there by evening. Even though the Greyhound schedule was
> Chicago-Detroit-Toronto with bus change in Detroit, they arranged a special
> schedule for them Chicago-Toronto. So now they almost have a chartered bus
> to Toronto. Another miracle/blessing in the last minutes. We all had a hard
> time controlling our tears while seeing them off at the bus station.
> On the lighter side, soon we might see Steve(Stephen on the keyboard) Fans
> Club. Jesusyouth.org has started receiving email from people who were at the
> show.
> Praise be to Jesus,
> love,
> Jose

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Thy will be done !!!!

2002-07-11 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi all,
This is the latest news from Renjit.
Kurian Uncle

mathew renjit wrote:

> Hi JY's Weeks back I had kept a prayer request. I was undergoing a
> tough time with my job. Now let me share my happiness with you all.
> After all confusion and tesnsions, I was put into another project in
> the same company.  Today was my last day in the previous project. Till
> 5PM there was no word from anyone. To my surprise I got interviewed
> and got confirmation at 6 PM. I thank our Lord for His kindness. I
> like to thank everyone who prayed for me, particularly our Kurian
> Uncle and family. It proves once again that if we have beliefe and we
> pray we will get it. With prayers and blessings
> Renjit Mathew

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[JOYnet] Re: RB Update

2002-07-11 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi All in Jesus,
I am forwarding what Silvy wrote to you all. Please continue the 5 minute
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

Silvy George wrote:

> Dear All,
> It is not only Saji who has lost track of time...we are in the same boat.
> My internet connection was not functioning the last two days either.  We
> were busy with the Rex Band for the past 2 weeks, and had been planning for
> them for the past couple of months.  Needless to say, we (and many others)
> have been going to sleep in the wee hours of the morning this past month(1
> or 2 AM being the earliest).  But we have enjoyed every minute of it!
> What little time we spent with the Rex Band was well worth it.  They are a
> joyful group of JY's who truly live out their faith.  Let us continue to
> pray for them in the remainder of their trip and even after reaching back to
> India.  They have touched many hearts through their witnessing.  I will most
> certainly miss them dearly.
> RB is now in Chicago, their main program there being on Sat., the 13th.  We
> too will be driving to Chicago on Friday(Saji & family, Kurian Uncle and Tom
> Uncle will be with us).  We should be back home by early Monday morning.
> The East Coast WYD group will be leaving for Toronto on Wednesday night.
> That's all for now.  Please continue to keep RB, WYD, participants of WYD,
> all of us, and everyone's travels in your prayers.
> May God bless you.
> Love and prayers,
> Silvy

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[JOYnet] Re: A request for prayer from Seena

2002-07-02 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi All,
Seena seeks your prayer help.
Kurian Uncle
seena george wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I was inspired from the below letter to put in my little request also.
> please pray for me, last week i was bitten by some insect, and there
> was a swelling for about 3 days, and after that i began to have an
> allergic reaction, and am having rashes all over me, along with a
> severe itching problem. The doctor is unable to classify it into  any
> group and has given me medicines to stop my itching. But that is of
> little help.
> Please pray that it be taken away from me, if it be the Lord's will,
> or that I may undrstand what He wants me to learn through this.
> seena
> > Hi JY
> >
> > First of all, let me give thanks to all who prayed for me and who
> send
> > prayer support messages, each of them gave me lots of strength. As
> per God's
> > plan ,they pulled me out of the project today, is my last day at
> this
> > office. I am returning back to NJ as soon as possible. I am happy
> that bad
> > days are over. I was wondering how I'll face this situation, this
> might
> > reflect in my career. A thought came to my mind, which I would like
> to share
> > with all. You might have seen a donkey which was tied at Jerusalem
> streets.
> > It didn't know that Jesus was about to call him and it was on him
> Jesus did
> > the princely entry to the city of Jerusalem. Aren't we like that
> > donkey?!!..I am for sure
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Renjit Mathew

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Re: [JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Thanks from Renjit mathew

2002-07-01 Thread seena george

Dear Joynetters,

Please pray for me. I have been bitten by a bug, and i have developed an
allergy, with rashes all over me,along with severe itching. Please pray
that it may subside, and that I may learn the Lord's will in my life.

In Christ


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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] See the greatness of GOD!!!!

2002-07-01 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Dear All,
See what Renjit wants to to tell you now!
Kurian Uncle

mathew renjit wrote:

> Hi All
> Hope you might have read my previous mail ,which I send 1 Hr back. See now
> how GOD started working, He proved once again that He will not let anyone
> down who believes in HIM . I just can't belive what is happening. My manager
> came to me and told that he is giving me a chance to prove. He extended my
> contract 1 more week. I cannot explain how happy Iam now. I called my family
> in India and told that I am out of job 1 hour back. I am going to inform
> them this happy news
> Praise to the Lord
> & Thanks to you all
> Renjit Mathew

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Thanks from Renjit mathew

2002-07-01 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi All,
This is what Renjit wants to convey to all of you who prayed for him.
Kurian Uncle
mathew renjit wrote:

> Hi JY
> First of all, let me give thanks to all who prayed for me and who send
> prayer support messages, each of them gave me lots of strength. As per God's
> plan ,they pulled me out of the project today, is my last day at this
> office. I am returning back to NJ as soon as possible. I am happy that bad
> days are over. I was wondering how I'll face this situation, this might
> reflect in my career. A thought came to my mind, which I would like to share
> with all. You might have seen a donkey which was tied at Jerusalem streets.
> It didn't know that Jesus was about to call him and it was on him Jesus did
> the princely entry to the city of Jerusalem. Aren't we like that
> donkey?!!..I am for sure
> About the prayers... many of us might wonder,why should a person ask for
> prayer. I did this proudly becuase, many things happened in my life with
> prayers. Dont be shy to put your prayer requests. When you fail, that is
> were God will take over. I experienced that in these days. I belive He is
> having a plan for me. In my helplesness He works. Also keep me in your
> prayers that I will get a assignment as soon as possible.
> Thank you
> Renjit Mathew

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2002-06-10 Thread Lina Mathew

Josun Jose is a COPY CAT
He took my dog's name
And named it the same
Josun Jose is a COPY CAT !

Next time any Joynetter tries naming their dog Simba, they've got to take 
permission from me, or else I'll sue for COPYRIGHT VIOLATION.  And u might 
find urself in the Supreme Court.   JJ, this time u r forgiven, OK! But 
count this as notice against future 

Tons of love to Simba -II and the 5 angels Bets, Ancy, Augustine, John Bosco 
and George and the 1 rascal Josun Jose,

Adv. Lina,

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[JOYnet] Re: Receiving the Holy Eucharist.

2002-05-18 Thread Alfred Samji

This is in response to Ms. Mercy Joseph's doubt posted earlier in JOYnet a 
couple of days back on who is fit to receive Holy Communion. As far as I 
have learnt, the Catholic church teaches that any Catholic who believes in 
the true presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist is fit to receive Holy 
Communion provided that he or she is not guilty of any grave sin at that 
moment. If he or she is guilty of smaller sins he or she is fit ro receive 
the body of Christ on the condition that he / she makes up his / her mind to 
make a good confession at the next possible instance.

The same applies to non catholic Christians as well, but with the condition 
that they too believe in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

Regards in Christ,

Samji / Dubai

>From: "Mercy  Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Mercy  Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 13 May 2002 06:51:06 -
>The New RSV - 1 corinthians 11: 27-30 says
>Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord
>in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of
>the Lord. Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and
>drink of the cup. For all who eat and drink without discerning the
>body, eat and drink judgment against themselves. For this reason
>many of you are weak and ill and some have died.
>On the basis of these verses, somebody told me that it's better
>not to receive body and blood of Jesus if he/she has committed
>sin. It is good to receive the communion only after purifying
>oneself. So does this mean that if on a particular day a person
>commits sin then it is better for that person not to receive the
>I am confused. Could somebody enlighten me regarding the above
>scriptual verses?
>Mercy -[Baroda] Gujarat.
>Click below to visit monsterindia.com and review jobs in India or
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