Re: Webalizer in crontab

2000-09-07 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "jw" == Jonathan Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jw> Howdy,
jw> If anyone is running webalizer from cron, I'd like to see their crontab 
jw> line too. It goes in /etc/crontab right? Or do I need to do my own thing in 
jw> /etc/cron.daily ?

Try something like this in crontab:

# Webalizer 
00 */2 * * *  root /usr/local/bin/webalizer 

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: No logging

2000-09-07 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "m" == madhu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

m>  hello all,

m>  my system is not logging messages to /var/log/messages

m>  can anybody tell me what could be wrong. my /etc/syslog.conf

m>  file contains something like...

m> # Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
m> # Don't log private authentication messages!
m> *.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none   /var/log/messages

m>  anything else that needs to be configured yet.

m>  iam not getting any login messages, any messages from PPP 

m>  and ... logged.

If I understand you correctly nothing is being logged, if this is the
case check and see if 'syslogd' is running. This is the daemon that
does the logging and is started at bootup.
Do a 'ps auxw |grep syslogd', if it not there use 'ntsysv' to set it
so that it starts at bootup and then do:
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog start'

ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Urgent:No images have been defined.

2000-09-05 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "wwep" == Ward William E PHDN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> From this, it appears to me to be obvious
wwep> Your default is wrong... there is no image that
wwep> you have labeled as linux.  You need to change 
wwep> default=linux to default=linux-2.2.22 (or whatever
wwep> you wish to make your default partition) or you could
wwep> remove the timeout=50 and default=linux lines,
wwep> although that would mean that you would have to 
wwep> manually select which kernal each time, which means
wwep> no automated reboots... it requires manual intervention.

God, I don't know how I missed that, of course that would cause the
The only thing I find strange it that it only bombed on the one Image
and not all of them.

I just tested with one, and it always bombed with the error:
Fatal: No images have been defined. 

So it didn't recoginize any of the images, not just one image.

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Urgent:No images have been defined.

2000-09-05 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "m" == madhu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
m>  hi thanx for U'r interest in this problem.

m>  here is the complete /etc/lilo.conf file

m>  corresponding to the output in previous mail.

m> boot=/dev/hda
m> map=/boot/map
m> install=/boot/boot.b
m> prompt
m> timeout=50
m> default=linux

m> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13
m> label=linux-2.2.13
m> root=/dev/hda2
m> read-only

m> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.22
m> label=linux-2.2.22
m> root=/dev/hda2
m> read-only

m> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.5-15
m> label=linux-2.2.5
m> root=/dev/hda2
m> read-only

m>   here both linux-2.2.5 and 2.2.13 are getting added and

m>   iam able to see them at boot time. linux-2.2.22 is the

m>   new image. iam sure that it is an image.

Nothing wrong there I can see, so my suggestion to you is rename
vmlinuz-2.2.22 to vmlinuz-2.2.22.sav.
Then copy vmlinuz-2.2.13 to vmlinuz-2.2.22.
Now re-run 'lilo -v -v' and check the output, if this works 
correctly your image must be bad.

Just to double check run:

file vmlinuz-2.2.22.sav
it should return:  
vmlinuz-2.2.22.sav: x86 boot sector

>From the README file in /usr/src/linux, which you should read:

  - In order to boot your new kernel, you'll need to copy the kernel 
   image (found in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage after compilation) 
   to the place where your regular bootable kernel is found.  
So if you compiled it as make zimage you should have this file zImage
which you rename to whatever you want, then copy it to /boot and
change lilo.conf to what you called your new kernel.

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Urgent:No images have been defined.

2000-09-04 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "m" == madhu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

m>  hi,

m>  you can see the output of  lilo -v -v down here.

m>  it does gave somewhat clear info of what is going on.

m>  $lilo

m>   LILO version 21, Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger

m>   Reading boot sector from /dev/hda
m>   Merging with /boot/boot.b
m>   Secondary loader: 8 sectors.
m>   Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13
m>   Setup length is 7 sectors.
m>   Mapped 938 sectors.
m>   Added linux-2.2.13
m>   Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.22 -\
m>   Setup length is 7 sectors.   --\  These correspond to
m>   Mapped 1021 sectors. --/  the new image i added.
m>   Added linux-2.2.22   -/
m>   Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.5-15
m>   Setup length is 7 sectors.
m>   Mapped 1208 sectors.
m>   Added linux-2.2.5
m>   No images have been defined. \  error messages that are
m>   Removed temporary file /boot/map~/  disallowing the newimage

m>   the file /boot/map~ was not there before and after runnunig lilo.

m>   so it might be creating it during the process i think.

m>   but the problem sitll remains unsolved.

m>   any help is appreciated.

Show me the complete lilo.conf file itself please, you must have something
really strange there or the one you called newimage is not a image at

Its not the name of the image like suggested, I have a couple that are named
something other than 'linux-' and mine work perfectly.

m> Reading boot sector from /dev/hda
m> Merging with /boot/boot.b
m> Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13
m> Added linux-2.2.13
m> Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-mynew-> Image i added
m> Added mynew-> 
m> No images have been defined.
>> Well this looks like you have no entry for the image to mynew in 
>> your lilo.conf file.
>> What did you enter in lilo.conf, also  you may find lilo -v -v 
>> more helpful when debugging, however in this case it looks 
>> evident that you just left the new image name out.
>> image = /boot/'whatevermynewimageiscalled'
>> label = mynew
>> root = /dev/hda3
>> alias = mn
>> read-only
m> and when i reboot, iam not able to see the  mynew image that
m> i added.
m> any suggestions are welcome.

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Urgent:No images have been defined.

2000-09-03 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "m" == madhu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

m>  Hello Bret,

m>  thanx for U'r reply.

m>  i tried  lilo -v also. but i got the same error again.

m>   sample output of  lilo -v

m>  LILO version 21, Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger

m>  Reading boot sector from /dev/hda
m>  Merging with /boot/boot.b
m>  Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13
m>  Added linux-2.2.13
m>  Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-mynew-> Image i added
m>  Added mynew-> 
m>  No images have been defined.

Well this looks like you have no entry for the image to mynew in 
your lilo.conf file.

What did you enter in lilo.conf, also  you may find lilo -v -v 
more helpful when debugging, however in this case it looks 
evident that you just left the new image name out.

image = /boot/'whatevermynewimageiscalled'
label = mynew
root = /dev/hda3
alias = mn

m>   and when i reboot, iam not able to see the  mynew image that

m>   i added.

m>   any suggestions are welcome.

m> regards
m> Madhu Babu P

m> On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, Bret Hughes wrote:

>> >  hello all,
>> >
>> >  i have a system already running linux.
>> >
>> >  recently i recompiled this system and
>> >
>> >  tried to add the new kernel image into
>> >
>> >  /boot/.
>> >
>> >  i followed the usual sequence for compiling...
>> >
>> >make config
>> >
>> >make dep
>> >
>> >make clean
>> >
>> >make bzImage
>> >
>> >make modules; make modules_install
>> >
>> >  then i copied the new image,
>> >
>> >/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
>> >
>> >  to /boot/vmlinuz-mynew.
>> >
>> >  appropriately i added an entry for this in lilo.conf
>> >
>> >  something like
>> >
>> > image=/boot/vmlinuz-mynew
>> > label=mynew
>> > root=/dev/hda2
>> > read-only
>> >
>> >  then i ran lilo. surprisingly i saw a new message
>> >
>> >  that i never saw before in this process..
>> >
>> >"No images have been defined."
>> >
>> >  can anybody tell me why???
>> >
>> >  i think i'll get a sure answer immediately..

>> Idon't know but did you run lilo -v ?  It might give a
>> little more info.
>> Bret
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list

m> ___
m> Redhat-list mailing list

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: cdrecord / module loading help needed

2000-09-02 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "jb" == John Blackmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jb> I'm trying to get my IDE CD burner working using cdrecord, and as usual, not
jb> as simple as the documentation suggests. The first step is to type
jb> 'cdrecord -scanbus' and figure out what the device, LUN, etc. is, but when I
jb> do it it just says
jb> "No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI driver".

jb> How do I know if there's a SCSI driver installed? I tried "modprobe scsi", I
jb> get "can't locate module scsi". Same for scsi_mod and sr_mod. I also tried
jb> "modprobe ide-scsi" and that returned nothing. Does that mean it exists? I'm
jb> assuming it does. How do I make sure it's loaded at startup? I've created
jb> the line

jb> append="hdc=ide-scsi"

jb> in lilo.conf, knowing that hdc is my burner. I've read through the
jb> "CD-Writing HOWTO", which was fairly helpful, but I'm left uncertain whether
jb> or not I need to rebuild the kernel. Thanks for any thoughts on how to get
jb> this burner burning again.

Assuming wrote lilo again after adding the append line, just try a 
'insmod ide-scsi' then do a lsmod and see if the module is loaded.

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: web server

2000-08-30 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "mm" == Meghan Madel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

mm> Thanks,
mm> I added the following to named.boot:
mm> forwarders

mm> I then restarted named.
mm> This did not work!

Wrong direction, forwarders is used to download the DNS info of a zone
or zones to the local DNS server from a remote DNS server at your ISP.

mm> Basically, I want requests from outside our network to come to to
mm> be automatically forwarded and answered by

mm> Thanks,
mm> Meghan

mm> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, John Aldrich wrote:

>> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Meghan Madel wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> > I currently have one server for our intranet.  This is a mail server, web
>> > server, etc.  I would like to make another computer on our Class A
>> > intranet be the web server.  I know I need to "route" from our
>> > "main" server to this new web servers ip address.  I am not exactly clear
>> > on how to do it and want to make sure I do it right without causing more
>> > problems.  Can you point me in the right direction on how to do
>> > this?  Maybeadd some "And, don't forget to do this!" hints.  Thanks
>> > for your time.
>> >
>> Should be as simple as editing your DNS configuration.
>> There's one section in your DNS config where it asks for
>> the IP address of the web server. Just put in that IP
>> address, restart NAMED and you should be fine. :-)
>> John
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list

mm> ___
mm> Redhat-list mailing list

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Problems with Netgear FA-310TX card?

2000-08-25 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "v" == Vidiot  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

v> Has anyone else been having problem with the Netgear FA-310TX card?
v> I got a new one and after it runs a while traffic slows down and then
v> comes to a screetching halt.

v> A reboot doesn't fix it, but a halt and power down does.

v> I need to know so that when I take the card back, if I should just get
v> my money or swap it out for another new one.

I have about eight of them here and love them, never have seen a
slowdown at all.
Which Dec2114x chipset does this one use ? Most of mine are the 
Dec21140's and use the 'old_tulip' module in RedHat's kernel rpm.

This is not the new Netgear FA-311TX, which is not supported yet ?

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Mouse in problems

2000-08-13 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "rm" == Raymond Monge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rm> I did try mouseconfig and I got the same core file.
rm> Is there another way to fix this.

Sounds like you have a corrupted mouseconfig, try checking to
see it is OK by doing rpm -V mouseconfig and if not re-installing

Otherwise you can manually edit /etc/X11/XF86Config:

Section "Pointer"
Device  "/dev/mouse"

Make sure you have the link  /dev/mouse -> ttySX, make sure this is
the  correct port for the mouse.

rm> Ray Curtis wrote:

>> >>>>> "rm" == Raymond Monge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
rm> Hi All,
rm> I need you help,
rm> I changed my mouse from generic mouse to Mouse system using SETUP and
rm> now the mouse is not working.
rm> If I run SETUP it fails and create a core file.
rm> How could I put back the mouse as Generic Mouse.
>> As root, try using 'mouseconfig' to change the mouse type.
>> --
>> Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list

rm> ___
rm> Redhat-list mailing list

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Mouse in problems

2000-08-12 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "rm" == Raymond Monge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rm> Hi All,
rm> I need you help,

rm> I changed my mouse from generic mouse to Mouse system using SETUP and
rm> now the mouse is not working.

rm> If I run SETUP it fails and create a core file.

rm> How could I put back the mouse as Generic Mouse.

As root, try using 'mouseconfig' to change the mouse type.

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ftp errors

2000-07-27 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "btg" == Burke, Thomas G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

btg> Hey there listers,
btg>I am trying to allow anonymous ftp to my machine, but it seems to
btg> not be working correctly.

btg>hosts.deny = ALL:ALL

btg>hosts.allow =   ALL:(internal machine)
btg>ALL:(Work Machines)

You  have the format wrong here, Read the manpage on hosts.allow.
Should be something like:

ALL: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX  <--- local lan 
in.ftpd: < ftp
in.ftpd: ALL

Ray Curtis Unix Programmer/Consultant   Curtis Consulting

To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe"
as the Subject.

Re: xacc failed dependencies

1998-06-29 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "dw" == Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

dw> Hi all,
dw>   I just finished downloading the xacc-1.0.18-1.i386.rpm for the
dw> linas/org web site. When I try to install the rpm I get two failed
dw> dependencies messages for the following libaries.
dw>  -
dw>  -

dw> I was wondering where I could find these two libraries and how to
dw> install them.  I'm running RH5.0 with kernel 2.0.31.

The libpng is in the libpng-1.0.1-3 rpm, but for libXm this is motif but
I understand you can use Lesstif 0.81.

However to solve these problems why just get the binary:



Ray Curtis Unix Consultant/Programmer   Curtis Consulting

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Wrong message size in fetchmail

1998-06-29 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "rr" == Richard Rager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rr> On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Kevin A. Pieckiel wrote:

>> Hi!
>> When I use fetchmail, I inevitably get messages saying that the
>> message was not the expected length:
>> fetchmail: POP3> TOP 1 2147483647
>> fetchmail: POP3< +OK 4161 octets
>> fetchmail: reading message 1 of 1 (4161 bytes)
>> fetchmail: about to deliver with: /usr/bin/procmail
>> /etc/procmailrcs/procmailrc
>> #**)
>> fetchmail: message 1 was not the expected length (4274 != 4161)
>> fetchmail:  flushed
>> fetchmail: POP3> DELE 1
>> fetchmail: POP3< +OK
>> This causes many problems because this is being fetched from a
>> multi-drop box.  When I get this error message, I find that each
>> incorrectly sized message has the next message concatenated to it
>> and the From header has been mangled to a >From line.  I have
>> tried going through the diags in the FAQ for fetchmail.  This is
>> running on a RHL 5.1 system.  Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
>> My users would appreciate their mail, and their privacy!  How do
>> I get fetchmail to get the messages correctly from the pop3
>> server?
>> Kevin
>> -- 

rr>   Kevin I have the same problem it happen with large headers.  I posted a
rr> message before and not real solutions pop up.

rr> I am waiting too.  I call mine sticky mail.

Maybe you guys ought to try the fetchmail-list where you can get direct
help from Eric Raymond.

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Ray Curtis Unix Consultant/Programmer   Curtis Consulting

  PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES! /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
 To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Please help with netcfg problem...

1998-06-29 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "dt" == David Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

dt> I posted a question a few digests back about a problem I'm having with
dt> netcfg... no-one has helped me yet...  Please do so.  I'll be ever-so
dt> grateful.  :-)

dt> I need netcfg to expect something along the lines of: "Student HS# V34+ 
dt> : ", where '#' is any number, and then send "ppp" in reply (that is how
dt> my ppp connection is initiated).

dt> Please... somebody out there has to have gotten netcfg to work with a
dt> prompt that may be different every time...  I'm sick of minicom!

How about just using the final ':' to expect ?

/usr/sbin/pppd connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -t90 "" "ATZ" "OK"
/dev/ttyS1 115200 debug lock crtscts asyncmap 0 modem defaultroute mtu 1500
In line above after the number to dial, note the ":" if this is what
is the final charactor it responds with then something like this should work. 

This is all one line of course in a simple script.

Ray Curtis Unix Consultant/Programmer   Curtis Consulting

  PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES! /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Help !!!

1998-06-29 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "4" == 49WANG  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

4> Hello.

4> I met a problem with NFS while running Red Hat 5.0. The NFS has been
4> working
4> great for several month. But today the cleint machine of NFS gave the err
4> message "NFS server not responding". When I reboot the NFS server, I
4> notice I have the messge:
4> rpc.mountd Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno =
4> Connection refused
4> rpc.nfsd Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno =
4> Connection refused.

4> I think this is the reason for nonfunctional NFS. But even if I turn off
4> the machine the problem remains.

4> Please tell me how to deal with this situation. I am really in a urgent
4> need of the solution. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Check and see if your portmapper is running:

ps |grep portmap

 281  ?  S0:00 portmap 

If not make sure you have it installed and started from
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S40portmap pointing to /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap
or whatever runlevel you use.

Ray Curtis Unix Consultant/Programmer   Curtis Consulting

  PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES! /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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Re: xacc install

1998-06-28 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "rc" == Ray Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "dw" == Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
dw> Hi all,
dw> I am trying to find an accounting application so I can finally get off
dw> of
dw> Windoze95.  I just down loaded and untarred xacc-1.0.18.  I looked
dw> though the
dw> README files looking for installation procedures but did not find any.
dw> I'm
dw> still somewhat new at installing applications in Linux, but I can follow

dw> instructions. I would appreciate it if someone could provide me some
dw> basic
dw> instructions for installing this application.  If it matters I'm running
dw> RH5.0
dw> with XFree86 server and KDE windows manager.

rc> Take a look at:


rc> and get the rpm, xacc-1.0.18-1.i386.rpm

Sorry hate to reply to my own messages, but I forgot this rpm requires 
motif. There doesn't appear to a binary on this site, so unless you
have or motif I guess you are stuck with the tarball. I found it
fairly easy to compile however. Get the one:


Ray Curtis Unix Consultant/Programmer   Curtis Consulting

  PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES! /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: xacc install

1998-06-28 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "dw" == Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

dw> Hi all,
dw>   I am trying to find an accounting application so I can finally get off
dw> of
dw> Windoze95.  I just down loaded and untarred xacc-1.0.18.  I looked
dw> though the
dw> README files looking for installation procedures but did not find any.
dw> I'm
dw> still somewhat new at installing applications in Linux, but I can follow

dw> instructions. I would appreciate it if someone could provide me some
dw> basic
dw> instructions for installing this application.  If it matters I'm running
dw> RH5.0
dw> with XFree86 server and KDE windows manager.

Take a look at:

and get the rpm, xacc-1.0.18-1.i386.rpm

Ray Curtis Unix Consultant/Programmer   Curtis Consulting

  PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES! /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: How to restore /dev/audio? (fwd)

1998-06-26 Thread Ray Curtis

> "k" == khosro  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

k> .
k>Greetings from a newbie!

k> I downloaded "festival", the free speech synthesizer from the University
k> of Edinburgh.  Compiled it.  When it started speeking its first words I
k> was breathless! Fantastic.  But I continued to follow the manual, and
k> reached the instruction:

k> make test

k> The system crashed and now my

k> /dev/audio doesn't work.
k> How can I restore   /dev/audio?  Any suggestions?


mknod /dev/audio c 14 4

Curtis Consulting

Someone is speaking well of you.

How unusual!

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Re: error: xemacs cannot be installed

1998-06-26 Thread Ray Curtis

> "dt" == David Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

dt> Does anyone have a clue why the following may be happening?
dt>   error: xemacs-20.4-1.i386.rpm cannot be installed

dt> When I try to install all of the xemacs files at once I get the
dt> following:

dt>   error: xemacs-20.4-1.i386.rpm cannot be installed
dt>   failed dependencies:
dt>   xemacs = 20.4 is needed by xemacs-el-20.4-1
dt>   xemacs is needed by xemacs-extras-20.4-1
dt>   xemacs = 20.4 is needed by xemacs-static-20.4-1

Try loading them in the order:
#1 xemacs-extras
#2 xemacs-el
#3 xemacs

xemacs-static is unnecessay unless that is all you want, the static
is an all in one package but I suggest to install the others.

Curtis Consulting

Someone is speaking well of you.

How unusual!

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Re: ftp a bit at a time?

1998-06-26 Thread Ray Curtis

> "mj" == Michael Jinks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

mj> David Taylor wrote:
>> Is it possible to ftp a large file from a remote server in portions?
>> I'm asking this because I keep trying to download StarOffice (4 times
>> I've tried).  Always, at sometime during the download, I get cutoff...
>> connection drops out, errors, etc...
>> I want to able to download it a few megabytes at a time.  Any solutions?

mj> I think that ncftp might be what you're looking for.  I keep meaning to
mj> look into it myself. . . rpm available on RH cd, I think, or from the
mj> main distro section of the ftp site.

Ncftp is you best bet for this since even though your connection drops
if you restart the connection it will resume the download from where
it stopped.

Curtis Consulting

Someone is speaking well of you.

How unusual!

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Re: pci network card recommendations

1998-06-24 Thread Ray Curtis

> "cf" == Chris Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

cf> I'm looking to get a very well supported pci network card for my linux box
cf> (in the $40-$70 range). Are there any tulip-type cards that I could get?

You might take a look at the Dec Tulip cards 21140, the Netgear FA-310
is a good one and fit in the $30-$40 area. These are 10/100Mbps
cards and well supported.

Curtis Consulting

They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps.
-- William Shakespeare, "Love's Labour's Lost"

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: mail(1) locking problems?

1998-06-23 Thread Ray Curtis

> "mn" == Matt Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

mn> a user on my system just reported a problem using mail(1) to delete
mn> some at(1) logfiles.  i use pine instead of mail(1), so i hadn't seen
mn> the problem before.  below is a sample of the problem:

mn>   man:mnelson> mail
mn>   Mail version 8.1 6/6/93.  Type ? for help.
mn>   "/var/spool/mail/mnelson": 1 message 1 new
>> N  1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Jun 23 08:50  13/373   "test"
mn>   & d
mn>   & q
mn>   Unable to lock mailbox: Permission denied
mn>   man:mnelson>

mn> this happens on RedHat 5.1/Intel and 5.0/Alpha (both fully updated).  pine
mn> doesn't have any problems deleting messages. 

mn> after a few minutes of poking around, i couldn't find the cause of the
mn> problem, hence this message.

mn> any ideas?

Yes, I suggest you subscribe to the announce-list at redhat, however:

Various problems have been found in metamail, elm, and mailx. Thanks to
the Linux Security Auditing Team for finding these problems.

Red Hat 5.0 and 5.1
- ---

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh

Curtis Consulting

Drunks are rarely amusing unless they know some good songs and lose a
lot a poker.
-- Karyl Roosevelt

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1998-06-23 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ctl" == Cory T Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ctl> For some reason it has it's own installation package in X11/utilities it 
ctl> is apache configurator or something close to that.

Try 'comanche'.

ctl> On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Dan
ctl> Cornilescu wrote:

>> Michael Jinks wrote:
>> > 
>> > Cory T. Lamb wrote:
>> > >
>> > > It sounds like you haven't setup
>> > > apache or installed the ftp server.  As root startx then with the
>> > > control-panel run the apache configurator. (The very bottom icon on the
>> > > panel.)
>> > 
>> > Minor kvetch: apache configurator isn't always the bottom one.  On mine,
>> > it's the top.  More precise, I think, is to call it "the big W button."
>> > 
>> > Y'know, that web thing. :}
>> The above-mentioned button/icon is missing in root's
>> control-panel on my system (fresh 5.1).
>> I do have apache rpm installed.
>> What is that control-panel module's filename? 
>> It doesn't look like it comes in the apache package.
>> Nothing related to apache seems present in /usr/lib/rhs.
>> Any hints?
>> Thanks,
>> dan
>> -- 
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>> "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

ctl> ~
ctl> Cory T. Lamb  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ctl> Media Lab Manager
ctl> Information Media Services
ctl> Bethel College
ctl> \\|//
ctl> (o o)
ctl> oOOo~(_)~oOOo 
ctl> *This message sent with 100 percent recycled electrons. 
ctl> No french toast was created or destroyed in the process.*

ctl> -- 
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ctl> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
ctl>  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
ctl>"unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Curtis Consulting

You are a bundle of energy, always on the go.

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Re: Good backup solution for two linux boxes on same ethernet.

1998-06-22 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "de" == Doug Elznic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

de> We have BRU. I have not found anything about backing up over the
de> network...

That is because BRU with RedHat is the personal edition and won't
handle network backups. They do have a network package for $300

de> On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, Ray Curtis wrote:

>> >>>>> "de" == Doug Elznic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
de> Hello,
de> I have two linux boxes I would like to backup over the network. One has
de> he tape drive and the other has the data. They are both stock 5.0
de> (intel) boxes. 
>> NFS mount the machine that has the data onto the machine that has the
>> drive and do a backup, or get a package that can do network backups
>> such as BRU, pricey or Amanda a free package but not for the faint of
>> heart new user.
>> -- 
>> Curtis Consulting
>> Even a hawk is an eagle among crows.

Curtis Consulting

...this is an awesome sight.  The entire rebel resistance buried under six
million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch."
- The Firesign Theater

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Re: problems installing RH5.0 via NFS/PLIP

1998-06-21 Thread Ray Curtis

> "aw" == Aaron Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

aw> On the other end I have a TI TravelMate 5000 that is connected to the
aw> 233 via a PLIP connection.
aw> (I am using a 'Null Parallel Cable' aka 'LapLink')

aw> So I booted with the boot disk on the TI then loaded the supplemental
aw> disk and followed the directions on both the install and the manual for
aw> installing via NFS.

aw> I entered in all the information (IP addresses, etc) then it attempted
aw> to mount the 233's CD-ROM drive.
aw> It came back with a dialog box saying: "mount failed: Invalid argument"
aw> and underneath the dialog box it says:
aw> "mount clntudp_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out

Have you checked to that the portmapper is running on the TI machine ?

ps aux |grep portmap 

Curtis Consulting

If you took all the students that felt asleep in class and laid them end to
end, they'd be a lot more comfortable.
-- "Graffiti in the Big Ten"

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Re: AnotherLevel

1998-06-21 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "lb" == Leston Buell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

lb> Ray Curtis wrote:
>> I assume you are talking about adding lines to your startup
>> menu from the right mouse button, take a look at
>> /etc/X11/AnotherLevel/fvwm2rc.menus.m4 and copy it to your home
>> directory and rename it to .fvwm2rc.menus and edit it to add things
>> like this:The menus defined in this file are settings, etc., not programs and
lb> applications.

>> # This is for the Start menu of the FvwmTaskBar
>> define(`BasicStartMenu',`dnl
>> + "&New shell MiniTitleIcon(sh1)"   Exec
>> "/usr/bin/X11/xterm"

lb> I've figured out, i think, why i couldn't find the file with my present root
lb> menu;it has to be generated by wmconfig and then pasted into the .fvwm95rc file (i
lb> think)
lb> in ~/.xmconfig. I've generated the defaults, but haven't yet set about pasting it
lb> in the correct file. Basically i want to continue using fvwm95, but customize a
lb> few things
lb> (add programs to menu, remove non-functional items, change background color, etc.)

You can use the command wmconfig to create lines in your various menus 
however this won't create simple lines in your startup menu it  will
create them under the other menus.
As an example first create the directory .wmconfig in ~/ and then use
the command wmconfig to create the file to put under this directory.
As an example for 'gimp I have a file named gimp that looks like:

gimp name "Gimp"
gimp description "Graphics"
gimp exec "gimp &"
gimp group "Graphics"
gimp mini-icon "mini-xv.xpm"

lb> 2.If i want to put an .xinitrc file in my home directory,
lb> how do i get it to start up AnotherLevel as it is already set up
lb> instead of the
lb> configurations found in /etc/X11/fvwm(2)?
>> Not sure what you asking for here, do you want to not startup fvwm95
>> or AnotherLevel and startup fvwm ? If so you will need to install
>> fvwm first and edit the .Xclients file or .xinitrc file to point to
>> the correct WM you want.

lb> When i create a .xinitrc file, starting up a couple programs, i can't get it to
lb> startthe correct window manager. I've tried typing, variously) fvwm, fvwm2,
lb> fvwm95,
lb> and AnotherLevel on the last line of .xinitrc, but those either start the wrong
lb> window manager or settings, or don't work at all.

Try putting the file /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients as .Xclients in your home 
directory also. Xinit calls Xclients if it is there and Xclient has
the info to start the WM. Of course you could cut that info out of
Xclients and put it all into .xinit.
If you still need help contact me offline and I'll help you get
started with that.

Curtis Consulting

If you took all the students that felt asleep in class and laid them end to
end, they'd be a lot more comfortable.
-- "Graffiti in the Big Ten"

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Re: AnotherLevel

1998-06-20 Thread Ray Curtis

> "lb" == Leston Buell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

lb> Leston Buell wrote:
lb> I have been trying to configure my X environment with only some success.I'm
lb> running RH 5.0 and am using the Fvwm95 settings for AnotherLevel. I've had
lb> some success by altering the Fvwm95 file in /etc/X11/AnotherLevel//decors
lb> and a few of the other files in /etc/X11/AnotherLevel. However, there are a
lb> few things i just haven't been able to locate.

lb> 1.Where is the file that contains the pop-up menu for my applications?
lb> I think i've looked in every file in the .../AnotherLevel
lb> directory, but
lb> can't seem to find it.

I assume you are talking about adding lines to your startup menu from
the right mouse button, take a look at,
/etc/X11/AnotherLevel/fvwm2rc.menus.m4 and copy it to your home
directory and rename it to .fvwm2rc.menus and edit it to add things
like this:

# This is for the Start menu of the FvwmTaskBar
+ "&New shell MiniTitleIcon(sh1)"   Exec

lb> 2.If i want to put an .xinitrc file in my home directory,
lb>how do i get it to start up AnotherLevel as it is already set up
lb> instead of the
lb>   configurations found in /etc/X11/fvwm(2)?

Not sure what you asking for here, do you want to not startup fvwm95
or AnotherLevel and startup fvwm ? If so you will need to install
fvwm first and edit the .Xclients file or .xinitrc file to point to
the correct WM you want.

Bascily need more info to help here, as to what you really want,

Curtis Consulting

Exhilaration is that feeling you get just after a great idea hits you,
and just before you realize what is wrong with it.

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Re: Fetchmail Question

1998-06-19 Thread Ray Curtis

> "lr" == Lance Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

lr> I don't know if I'm just not seeing this in the faq or the man pages but
lr> here's my question.

lr> I have mail come to one pop account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) but with many
lr> aliases ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc...) I have an account
lr> set up for each of these on my linux machine at home but it's domain is
lr> different than I want to use fetchmail to go out to
lr> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and grab all the mail from that POP account and deliver
lr> it to each user (order, support, etc) that is on my linux machine. I can't
lr> seem to get my .fetchmailrc file set up right to do this. It always jams
lr> it in the the box of the person I'm logged in as when I do the fetchmail
lr> command.

Put something like this in your .fetchmailrc:

poll protocol imap username lrzone with password xx  
is lrzone here

poll protocol imap username order with password xx  
is lrzone here

poll protocol imap username support with password xx  
is lrzone here


Curtis Consulting

All things are either sacred or profane.
The former to ecclesiasts bring gain;
The latter to the devil appertain.
-- Dumbo Omohundro

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Re: Problem with package installation

1998-06-19 Thread Ray Curtis

> "rf" == Russell Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rf> Hi all,
rf> I've got a weird problem with my RedHat installation. I've just moved
rf> form 5.0 to 5.1 and it all went fine. However I saw the applications CD and
rf> couldn't resist having a look. Put it my cdrom and mounted it. When to the
rf> Control Panel/Package Managment. Clicked on configure and put in the path
rf> /mnt/cdrom/RPMS and then clicked AVAILABLE. Anyway the CD-Spun up, the
rf> checking packages came up and then just stuck on about 75 %. Anyway I
rf> thought that it might be the CD. So i put in CD1. Change the path and same
rf> things happens.

rf>   Anyway thinking it might be my CD-Rom Drive I copy the RPMS directory from
rf> the application CD to my HDD. Set the path and then it hangs at 25%. Even
rf> after a reboot the same thing happens. Anyone got any idea what is going on?

Consider checking out the Errata for RedHat 5.1 and I think you will
find there is a update to Glint which will fix this problem.

Also while you are there you may want to upgrade the rest of the
updates, since there are a lot of them, before something else bits you.

Curtis Consulting

All things are either sacred or profane.
The former to ecclesiasts bring gain;
The latter to the devil appertain.
-- Dumbo Omohundro

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Good backup solution for two linux boxes on same ethernet.

1998-06-18 Thread Ray Curtis

> "de" == Doug Elznic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

de> Hello,
de>  I have two linux boxes I would like to backup over the network. One has
de> he tape drive and the other has the data. They are both stock 5.0
de> (intel) boxes. 

NFS mount the machine that has the data onto the machine that has the
drive and do a backup, or get a package that can do network backups
such as BRU, pricey or Amanda a free package but not for the faint of
heart new user.

Curtis Consulting

Even a hawk is an eagle among crows.

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Getting around in Emacs

1998-06-18 Thread Ray Curtis

> "cw" == Chris Wegrzyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

cw> I have been typing up a document in emacs for a while and find it
cw> necessary to go to the end of lines. On windoze word processors, I can
cw> just hit end or home and get to the start or end of a line. Is there any
cw> way to set up Emacs so that I can use home and end to go to the
cw> beginning and end of a line? I am using RedHat 5.1 with all the emacs
cw> updates, if that helps!

Check the info included in Emacs or better yet run through the

ctrl-h i = info
ctrl-h t = tutorial

ctrl-a = beginning of line
ctrl-e = end of line

Curtis Consulting

Two peanuts were walking through the New York.  One was assaulted.

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Staroffice won't uncompress!

1998-06-16 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jb" == Jason Belich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jb> after getting assorted uncompression errors with SO4sp3 both using the
jb> wrapper and manually using tar -xvzf, I attempted to just gzip -d the
jb> tarball and I get consistantly the error 

jb> invalid compressed data--crc error

jb> I've dnlded from several different sites with the same effect.  Has
jb> anyone else had this problem?  If so, is there an easy solution?

Well it really sounds like you are not using binary mode to download this

How about using something like ncftp if you are not familiar with
how to put whatever you are using to ftp in binary mode.

This is a very large package so there is certainlly a chance to get an
error during the download.
Or lastly maybe staroffice just doesn't like you, only kidding.

Good luck,

Curtis Consulting

Once is happenstance,
Twice is coincidence,
Three times is enemy action.
-- Auric Goldfinger

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1998-06-16 Thread Ray Curtis

> "p" == pancho  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

p> hi all

p> where can I find docs for gnome?

p> basically my question is : how do I start gnome?

Check out for the FAQ and info.

But basicly try 'panel' to start the WM or you can call
any of the apps like 'ee' seperately.

Curtis Consulting

Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.
-- Jack Paar

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Re: Electric Eyes

1998-06-15 Thread Ray Curtis

> "bl" == Borek Lupomesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
bl>Hi all,
bl>Electric Eyes were advertised to be in RH 5.1, but they're nowhere to
bl> be found. Are they only in commercial package?

Check out Gnome, actually it is part of the Gnome-graphics package.
-- Sir Edward Coke

Curtis Consulting

A man's house is his castle.
-- Sir Edward Coke

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Help needed with remote printing

1998-06-12 Thread Ray Curtis

> "g" == getrhd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

g> ##PRINTTOOL3## REMOTE ljet4 600x600 a4 {} LaserJet4 Default 1
g> lp0:\
g>  :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp0:\
g>  :mx#0:\
g>  :sh:\
g>  :rp=lp:\
g>  :if=/var/spool/lpd/lp0/filter:

This what your printcap should look like on the remote machines,
otherwise the rest looks fine. Do you see any error messages in your
logs ?

Note the loss of the ':if' line, which really shouldn't be necessary
on the remote machine since the machine with the printer does all the

:rm=ray:\ <-- this is my machine that has the printer attached.

Curtis Consulting

Sun in the night, everyone is together,
Ascending into the heavens, life is forever.
-- Brand X, "Moroccan Roll/Sun in the Night"

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Re: Emacs problem

1998-06-12 Thread Ray Curtis

> "sr" == Sim Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sr> How come when I hit the "end" key in emacs, it goes to the end of 
sr> file rather than the end of line? Similar with the "home" key.

That is because that is the way it was built, however:

Start of Line = Ctrl-a 
End of Line = Ctrl-e

Use the online Info system you already have installed and run the
tutorial, using ctrl-h t or the manual with ctrl-h i.

Curtis Consulting

Sun in the night, everyone is together,
Ascending into the heavens, life is forever.
-- Brand X, "Moroccan Roll/Sun in the Night"

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Digital Server 3205 - okay for Linux?

1998-06-12 Thread Ray Curtis

> "sf" == Steve Frampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sf> I called 1-800-Digital and asked about the devices.  The RAID controller
sf> is a Mylex (probably a DAC960PD but tech wasn't sure).  The SCSI
sf> controller is an Adaptec 7880.  The ethernet card is Digital 21143
sf> chipset-based.

sf> The Linux hardware query page at lists:

Check these sites, I think you are fine :

sf> Mylex DAC960PD - Supported?  "Unknown"

sf> Adaptec 7880   - not listed

sf> Digtal 21143   - not listed

Curtis Consulting

If a thing's worth doing, it is worth doing badly.
-- G.K. Chesterton

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Re: How to dvi2ps?

1998-06-10 Thread Ray Curtis

> "sr" == Sim Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sr> Does anyone know how to dvi2ps? What is the program for converting  
sr> dvi files to ps files?

Take a look at 'dvips' there is also a manpage for this. It should
look something like:

dvips -P printername file.dvi

or it will print to a A4 paper size.

Curtis Consulting

grep me no patterns and I'll tell you no lines.

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: unpacking Kernel source

1998-06-10 Thread Ray Curtis

> "rf" == Russell Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rf> Hi,
rf> I've just downloaded 2.1.105.tar.bz2 and I just want to know how to I
rf> use it. Have I downloaded the wrong version or don't I have the correct
rf> tools. Anyhelp would be appreciated. TIA

This is the one of the very latest versions so if that is what you
want you got the right thing.

To unzip this package you need to move it to /usr/src and get the
package 'bzip2' to retrieve the archieve, which can be had from:

Curtis Consulting

grep me no patterns and I'll tell you no lines.

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   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Re: Fwd: Re: setuid ? how ?

1998-06-10 Thread Ray Curtis

> "lb" == Leston Buell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

lb> Oh. Now i am just S close to being able to use Linux as a non-root
lb> user. I did:

>> chmod a+s /usr/sbin/pppd

lb> as you instructed, and now my dial-up works fine. But now i need to know
lb> how to be able to use Netscape as a non-root. When i click on a link i get
lb> a "no DNS" error screen. Under that screen is another error screen that
lb> says, among other things:

lb> If your site must use a non-root name server, you will need to set the 
lb> $SOCKS_NS environment variable to point at the appropriate name server.

lb> How do i do this, and how do i find out what the "appropriate name server"
lb> is. (I guess i should first ask the question, ¿is this what my problem is?)

Do you have your ISP's namesevers listed in /etc/resolv.conf:

nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

And make the permissions on this file 644:

 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   47 Mar  7 09:52 resolv.conf

Curtis Consulting

grep me no patterns and I'll tell you no lines.

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Re: no-fetch,no-talk

1998-06-10 Thread Ray Curtis

> "r" == rarab  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

r> Dear list readers:
r>   I would like to use "talk". "Write" works OK but no
r> "talk". Below is the response from entering the command "talk" name.

Talk works like talk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Therefore you either need to do a talk you@localhost to talk to
yourself, or the other persons loginname@hisdomainname

r> [rarab@localhost rarab]$ talk james
r> talk: localhost.localdomain: Unknown host
r> =
r> I have fetchmail 4.3.2 and would like to use it. However when I type:

r> [rarab@localhost rarab]$ fetchmail -V
r> gethostbyname failed for localhost.localdomain[rarab@localhost rarab]$

r> is the response.
r> I have .fetchmailrc in my home directory.
r> I admit that neither of these problems constitute a strategic impediment
r> to operating Linux but it would be fun to have these things working.

This looks like your version of fetchmail is bad or can't determine
the local hostname.
What happens when you issue the command 'hostname' ?

Have you setup the hostname on your local machine, if not edit
/etc/HOSTNAME and /etc/sysconfig/network to add the hostname or
use the GUI depending on what version of RedHat you are using.

Curtis Consulting

grep me no patterns and I'll tell you no lines.

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Re: hmmmmmmmm

1998-06-09 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jrk" == Jordan R K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jrk> I was wondering. Are S3 ViRGE /4mb or 2mb supported? 


jrk>How about the newer Mitsumi CD-ROM's /like 16x or 24x ? 

Can't say for sure but my guess would be yes, have you checked
the redhat supported-hardware ? 

jrk>Are there any problems with soundblaster AWE/64 sound cards ?

This will work, however for $20 the commercial version is a best buy
since it allows several years of upgrades and installs very easily.

Curtis Consulting

Men seldom show dimples to girls who have pimples.

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Re: screen savers

1998-06-08 Thread Ray Curtis

> "m" == marc  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

m>  Hello all, Sorry to bother you with such a simple question. 

m>  Does anyone know the name of the RPM that has the screen savers in it?
m>  I just reinstalled, but didn't install everything. I have most of what I
m> want back, just looking for the little things now.
m>  Any help will be greatfully appreciated!

I don't know if you are being fictitious of not, however how about
trying the 'xscreensaver rpm' for whatever version of redhat you are

Curtis Consulting

You can do very well in speculation where land or anything to do with dirt
is concerned.

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Re: NFS error

1998-06-07 Thread Ray Curtis

> "r" == redhat  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

r> I get the following error when I try to mount via NFS:
r>  mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered

r> Does anyone know what is causing that?  It was working fine for a while,
r> then all of a sudden it started giving me that message.

Check and make sure you have the portmapper installed and running.

That is portmap-4.0-8 or whatever version for your version of RedHat.

Curtis Consulting

Mathematics deals exclusively with the relations of concepts
to each other without consideration of their relation to experience.
-- Albert Einstein

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Re: fetchmail...

1998-06-04 Thread Ray Curtis

> "z" == Zoki  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

z> I've been playing around with fetchmail and lost 25 mails but found out a
z> bit about the --mda option. The download speed of mails is at last how it
z> should be. However, I don't know how to tell sendmail to deliver the mail
z> directly to me.

z> I use the mda option as follows:
z>  poll [options...] mda /usr/sbin/sendmail

z> What do I do and where and how do I do it to get the mails in my system
z> inbox...?

Try this:

poll imap.your.isp  
 proto IMAP
 user zoki  
 mda "procmail -d zoki"  

Don't know about the no dns option however since I haven't used it,
but there is some info in:


Or whatever version you are using.

Or your might want to check out the

Curtis Consulting

A visit to a fresh place will bring strange work.

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Re: Hoo-Hoo! Sound in Linux!

1998-06-02 Thread Ray Curtis

> "eo" == Eze Ogwuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

eo> Joe Klemmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Piet Barber wrote:
>> > The sad thing is that it costs $20 for Linux.
>> That's not a sad thing.  That's a happy thing.  Commercial
>> applications/software is not bad.  Everything doesn't have to be free.
>> $20 for a utility that good is a steal.

eo> I thought that $20 included 5 years worth of access to binaries?

It does, and even as many machines & os's as you like not a bad buy 
at all and ends all the frustration with sound cards.

The only drawback is a new binary has to be downloaded for each new
kernel version, if you call that a drawback since it is loaded as
a module.

Curtis Consulting

I've got a very bad feeling about this.
-- Han Solo

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Re: FetchMail Blues =:(

1998-06-01 Thread Ray Curtis

> "pv" == Peter Vertes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

pv> Hello All !
pv> For some reason I can't configure FetchMail properly.  I have a login
pv> name of "pvertes" on a remote server, but at home I use the name
pv> "peti".  Now when I'm at home and I try to get my mail with FetchMail
pv> like this: "fetchmail -s -u pvertes" FetchMail still
pv> screws up and tries to log into the remote computer with the wrong user
pv> name.  Does anyone know how to get around this ?

Read the docs on fetchmail especially about the .fetchmailrc

 proto imap   
 user  is  here   
 password XXX  

Curtis Consulting

Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position.
-- Christopher Marlowe

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Re: UMAX Page Scan Device

1998-06-01 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jw" == Joel West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jw> Is there a driver for the UMAX Page Scan Device scanner under Redhat 5.0?


Curtis Consulting

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?
-- Lily Tomlin

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Re: 256MB RAM

1998-06-01 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ip" == Igmar Palsenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> "Igmar Palsenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >Does Linux support 256MB RAM?
>>> Linux supports up to 4 GIG of RAM.

ip> Is there a MB that caches more than 256MB's of RAM ?

ip> I've seen MB that cache 512MB. According to some people, there are MB that
ip> cache up to 1GB.

The FIC PA-2012 will handle 768MB of Ram.

Curtis Consulting

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?
-- Lily Tomlin

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Re: Lost Files

1998-06-01 Thread Ray Curtis

> "df" == Dwight Frye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

df> I asked this of one of the folks at RedHat, and they pointed me to
df> this list as a possible venue for some quick assistance. So, here I
df> am asking for some (hopefully minimal) help. (I'll be asking for more
df> significant help in another posting ... but that'll come later. *smile*)

df> First ... I'll admit to being an idiot, but can you help me anyway? :)  Due
df> to a point-and-shoot mistake I removed the "Xclients" and "xinitrc" files
df> from my /etc/X11/xinit directory. They were stock standard files from
df> a RedHat 5.0 installation and I do NOT want to have to reinstall X11 just
df> to get them back. (Frankly, due to the other problem I allude to above, 
df> re-installing X11 right at -this- moment would be difficult anyway.) Could
df> someone be a -really- helpful soul and just e-mail them to me? Please?

Look to '/etc/X11/xinit' for starter samples. 

Curtis Consulting

... the MYSTERIANS are in here with my CORDUROY SOAP DISH!!

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Re: where's PGP?

1998-05-30 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ms" == Marco Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ms> OK...we need to have a search engine for the FTP archives?!  I found
ms> in some directory, and now I need to find the full
ms> program, but can't find it!!

ms> Anyone smarter at searching than I?  I'd appreciate knowing where the pgp
ms> rpm is located.

Curtis Consulting

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would
be a merrier world.
-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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Re: Help - /boot/initrd: No such file or directory

1998-05-29 Thread Ray Curtis

> "wdm" == W D McKinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

wdm> After installing 5.0 and throwing up the kernels I have this problem:
wdm>  /sbin/lilo -v
wdm> LILO version 20, Copyright 1992-1997 Werner Almesberger

wdm> Reading boot sector from /dev/sda
wdm> Merging with /boot/boot.b
wdm> Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.32
wdm> Mapping RAM disk /boot/initrd-2.0.32
wdm> Added linux *
wdm> Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.31
wdm> Mapping RAM disk /boot/initrd
wdm> open /boot/initrd: No such file or directory
wdm> ^

wdm> Any help from anyone ?

Dee, take a look at the manpage for mkinitrd. This will help create a
new one for you.

Curtis Consulting

Retirement means that when someone says "Have a nice day", you
actually have a shot at it.

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Re: Problematic posting (was Re: hmmmm)

1998-05-29 Thread Ray Curtis

This is also happening to me, I think this is happening to certain
people that has either responded to this person or somehow gotten on
our address's and spits back a reply to the list.
I have sent mail to both the postmaster and the person responsible for
this domain listed from the internic, but haven't heard anything yet.

As usual I'm sure this will reply with a duplicate message and sorry
about that, hope this will be fixed soon by the responsible party.

> "z" == Zoki  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

z> On Fri, 29 May 1998, Federico Strati wrote:
-> hi Zoki,
-> On Thu, 28 May 1998, Matt Housh wrote:
-> ->  [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not a specific address that I posted to.
-> ->I got that back when posting to this mailing list. Like
-> ->[EMAIL PROTECTED] is subscribed but their system is not working
-> ->correctly or something. I'm no mail guru, but this doesn't seem to be the
-> ->list's problem, and I know my mail didn't do it...
-> ->


-> Same thing happened to me! Hate bullshit like that... Especially
z> when I
-> don't have a clue about what it is!
-> Zoki.
-> do you mean that the problem was starting after you replied to someone
-> in this list or exactly when you replied to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
-> I agree completely with you: i hate not having any idea of what is going
-> on!
-> thanks for jour reply 
-> (tu m'as soulagé :-)

z> *** C'est deja ca! ;-)

z> It started basicaly when I saw some postings to the Red Hat list about
z> this problem. Now all my post comes in double: Once to the list, once as
z> an error message of no delivary... Maybe it's the Martians trying to get
z> info before invading us, or the CIA thinking we're a communist mailing
z> list (Red...etc), or Billy collecting feedback before doing an offer to
z> Linus for the copyright of Linux...

z> Zoki.

z> /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
z> Creation d'images & traitement numerique
z> Image creation & digital tweaking
z> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\

z> Please support the Linux/UNIX community.
z> Mailed with Linux 2.0.31 and Pine

z> %% Fin de message / End of message %%

z> -- 
z>   PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
z> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
z>  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
z>"unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Curtis Consulting

Birds and bees have as much to do with the facts of life as black
nightgowns do with keeping warm.
-- Hester Mundis, "Powermom"

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Re: 44 megs for *THIS*?

1998-05-28 Thread Ray Curtis

> "pb" == Piet Barber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

pb> This is the actual error message.:

This error message indicates you don't have the correct version of
libc installed.

pb> 1. Has *ANYONE* gotten this to work on their RH5 system?
pb> 2. Im starting to suspect this, but if somebody knows it for sure, is
pb> StarOffice *only* available for the OpenLinux system?

Take a look at the link on my webpage below and read the HOWTO. 
Yes, Office40 does work on a redhat 5.0 system.

Curtis Consulting

Birds and bees have as much to do with the facts of life as black
nightgowns do with keeping warm.
-- Hester Mundis, "Powermom"

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Re: kernel compiling

1998-05-28 Thread Ray Curtis

> "r" == ray  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

r> This message was not delivered to
r> TFS Admin was informed with a copy of this message
r> Sender was informed with a copy of this message

This junk is really getting annoying, has anyone found the answer to 
this problem ? 

Curtis Consulting

If you lived today as if it were your last, you'd buy up a box of rockets
and fire them all off, wouldn't you?
-- Garrison Keillor

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Re: kernel compiling

1998-05-28 Thread Ray Curtis

You forgot to move the older /lib/modules/2.0.xx out of the way before 
you did a make modules_install.

Do this then go back to /usr/src/linux and do another 
make modules_install.

> "bch" == Brian C Hand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

bch> Hello I am kind of new to compiling new kernels and I am having a problem.
bch> I got the four kernel rpm's and installed them with a -i option
bch> I then did the following
bch> make xconfig
bch> make dep
bch> make clean
bch> make zImage
bch> make modules
bch> make modules_install
bch> cd /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot
bch> cp zImage /boot/vmlinuz
bch> cd /usr/src/linux
bch> cp /boot
bch> vi /etc/lilo.conf
bch> lilo
bch> init 6

bch> contents of lilo.conf
bch> boot=/dev/hda
bch> map=/boot/map
bch> install=/boot/boot.b
bch> prompt
bch> timeout=50
bch> image=/boot/vmlinuz
bch> label=linux
bch> root=/dev/hdb1
bch> read-only
bch> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.32
bch> label=linux.old
bch> root=/dev/hdb1
bch> initrd=/boot/initrd-2.0.32.img
bch> read-only
bch> other=/dev/hda1
bch> label=dos
bch> table=/dev/hda

bch> after I reboot I get a slew of unresolved symbols flying across the
bch> screen, did I miss something?
bch> Thanks In advance

bch> Brian

bch> -- 
bch>   PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
bch> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
bch>  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
bch>"unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Curtis Consulting

If you lived today as if it were your last, you'd buy up a box of rockets
and fire them all off, wouldn't you?
-- Garrison Keillor

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Re: How to make a bootable diskette

1998-05-27 Thread Ray Curtis

> "swo" == Steven W Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

swo> The easy answer is to run make zdisk. BUT! a better solution is to get the
swo> latest copy of yard. The latest is either 1.13 or 1.14, can't remember
swo> right now. It's a really cool system that allows you to create custom
swo> emergency floppies. Check it out.

Also check out:

Curtis Consulting

It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.

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Re: Hardware Recommendations

1998-05-27 Thread Ray Curtis

> "st" == Scott Tyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

st> On 5/27/98, at 2:09 AM, William T Wilson  wrote: 

>> On Tue, 26 May 1998, Scott Tyson wrote:
>>> DONT GET AN NE2000 CLONE!!! Although cheap (20 bucks for pci) they are
>>> SLOW.  Its an ISA card stuck onto a PCI bus.  I started with this since
>> Not the ISA ones.  :)  Since he's looking for an ISA card I don't see this
>> as a problem.  Although the ancient NE2000 design is perhaps not the most
>> optimally suited to the PCI bus, it's still not terrible and as you
>> mentioned you can't beat the price.  It performs surprisingly well for the
>> price, I have used them (ISA ones no less) in sustained 1Mb/sec
>> transmission and found very little performance degradation, this on a
>> slow (100MHz) Pentium.
st>   have many a post about ne2000 vs 3com isa cards and the 3com is a faster
st> card if you can believe what you read.

>> Tulip and 3com cards are probably better cards offering better performance
>> with less CPU load (the Tulip cards especially) but the NE2000's are good
>> too.  And the design of the 3com cards is surprisingly similar to that of
>> the NE2000's in that (at least for ISA, I don't know about the PCI) they
>> are both Programmed I/O (high performance but high CPU load) instead of
>> shared memory type cards (which have lower performance but lower CPU load
>> also).  :) 
>> Another advantage to the NE2000 cards is that you'll have to drive all
>> over town looking for a Tulip card, and you'll probably end up having to
>> order it from back stock in Zimbabwe.  But you can find NE2000 cards in
>> the check out counter at the supermarket and as likely as not in your
>> grandmother's attic if you're inclined to look there.  Barnes and Noble
>> has started giving them away instead of bookmarks and in Silicon Valley
>> sometimes they fall out of the sky instead of rain.  In short you will
>> probably have an easier time finding an NE2000. :)
st> Actually I only found 1 pci ne2000 card, although I was not looking at isa
st> cards.  I found about 6 DEC/Tulip cards lined up next to each other.

>>> was the only card RH 5.0 would recognize during install.  Get a full
>>> duplex card. You can find 3com for about 50 bucks (10baseT only) or you
>> Full duplex in the sense of separate transmit and receive cables is almost
>> never useful.  If that is not the sense of full duplex which you are
>> referring to, then what do you mean?
st> Again from what I've read from news group posts and various packaging/web
st> pages, a full duplex card can push more data (up to double) though the bus
st> than a half or no duplexing card.  I have no idea as to the technology but
st> my linksys card claims a 132 mb/second transfer rate.  My isp also
st> recommended that I get a full duplex card for better performance.   

Check out the simple Netgear FA310 which uses a Dec21140 chipset and
is very well supported and fast. This board is used in the Beauwolf 
project. It uses the Tulip driver and is a 10/100 Mbps pci card.
A cheap card about $30-$35 and IMO a much better choice than any
NE2000 card.

Curtis Consulting

It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.

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Re: StarOffice 4.0

1998-05-26 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jmk" == James Michael Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jmk> I got the wrapper for 4.0, I open up an xterm in X and try and rpm -Uvh
jmk> the wrapper and it says that it can only be installed from X - but the X
jmk> server is running ... what gives?

jmk> Anyone got this thing to install?

Sure works fine, are you in a xterm as root, and what are the exact
error messages ?

Curtis Consulting

Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.
-- Kin Hubbard

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RE: partitioning strategy

1998-05-22 Thread Ray Curtis

> "sna,c" == Smith, Nathan A , Capt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sna,c> Ok, 
sna,c> I looked at the specs for the ASUS board (on thier web site) and all I could
sna,c> see was up to 83 Mhz.  How are you getting 373?  I would love to see how you
sna,c> did this (since I would love to try!!!).

You can't when I first answered this message telling him it must be
cooled  by a block of ice I was only joking.

With this board (Asus TX97) an the max bus speed of 83 Mhz and the 
max multiplier of 4 this would only get you 332 Mhz if the processor 
could handle it.

I suspect something is not normal here, either the board has been
modified somehow or the speed and bogomips are being confused

Curtis Consulting

If I am elected no one will ever have to do their laundry again!

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RE: Help: more SMB and more Ghostscript

1998-05-21 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "rc" == Ray Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "dw" == Dave Wreski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Also I cannot get SMB to work.  I edited my /etc/smb.conf and tried to 
>>> run the script but the processes die immediately (even though the 
>>> computer says smbd and nmbd are running).  I can't even set the process 
>>> to run at runtime.  What runlevel is it supposed to be at anyways?

dw> It should be running at runlevel 3.  Hmm.. Make sure you have a symlink from
dw> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99smb to /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb.  Something like this:

dw> # cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
dw> # ln -s ../init.d/smb S99smb

dw> That should do it.  Then you can use "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart" if you like.

rc> This is true assuming he is not running 'XDM' at runlevel 5 in which
rc> case the link should be in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d.

Sorry that should have been /etc/rc.d/rc5.d

Curtis Consulting

Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows?
It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.

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RE: Help: more SMB and more Ghostscript

1998-05-21 Thread Ray Curtis

> "dw" == Dave Wreski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Also I cannot get SMB to work.  I edited my /etc/smb.conf and tried to 
>> run the script but the processes die immediately (even though the 
>> computer says smbd and nmbd are running).  I can't even set the process 
>> to run at runtime.  What runlevel is it supposed to be at anyways?

dw> It should be running at runlevel 3.  Hmm.. Make sure you have a symlink from
dw> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99smb to /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb.  Something like this:

dw> # cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
dw> # ln -s ../init.d/smb S99smb

dw> That should do it.  Then you can use "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart" if you like.

This is true assuming he is not running 'XDM' at runlevel 5 in which
case the link should be in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d.

Curtis Consulting

Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows?
It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.

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Re: online timer

1998-05-21 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ip" == Iztok Polanic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ip> Hello !!!
ip> I'm currently using pppcosts to tell me how much I spent on Internet. But
ip> are there any other text based online timers???

I don't know if this will help you or not, but I use it for my Bell
Atlantic telco, logging with a Ascend P75 router, but should work 
with most routers that provide some sort of logging.
Check the ftp site on my webpage below and grab the file:


Pretty easy to setup,

Curtis Consulting

Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows?
It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.

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Re: partitioning strategy

1998-05-18 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ptb" == Patrick T Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ptb> I usually put about 350 to 600 MB of drivespace towards DOS/Win.  Windows 95 takes
ptb> about 114Mb.  DOS 7.xx is in the X:/Windows/Command directory.  the rest of the
ptb> partition is usually enough for lots of apps.  Linux is cool anywhere, because you
ptb> will
ptb> probably use LILO to choose which system boots up.  You have no need for the third
ptb> partition (Win95), as you could make the first partition(Win95) as large as you
ptb> want.
ptb> I do wonder at FAT32, as I don't ever use it, formatting FAT16 on all my drives.
ptb> I run
ptb> OSR2, Works, lotts of graphics and games, and don't experience any problems,
ptb> course

ptb> I am overclocking a 233mx at 373.5 mhz!

Boy, I hope you have this on a block of ice, this is a 66% overclock
speed !

Curtis Consulting

I feel like I'm in a Toilet Bowl with a thumbtack in my forehead!!

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Re: Sendmail I think! (disregard previous)

1998-05-18 Thread Ray Curtis

> "g" == Gree  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
g> Anyway,  when I send mail out it seems to be delivered fine except
g> that the 'From:' part of the headers have this:  "root@[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
g> and I'm just [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I have my file to masquerade
g> me as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'm logged in as root--obviously.  My
g> 'HOSTNAME' file contains the name 'CHAOS' (which is pretty accurate
g> for now) and my 'hosts' file has :


g> as per the ISP-HOWTO.

g> I have a couple of problems that I know of.   First, my procmail
g> doesn't seem to be running.  Shouldn't it show up in my runlevel
g> editor someplace?   "top" never shows it either.  I have a couple of
g> filters set up in my /root/.procmailrc but none of the mail is getting
g> processed.  Sendmail just dumps it in my /var/spool/mqueue file and it
g> stays there and piles up.  Ok, so in summary my symptoms are:

g> 1)  Funny 'From:" header in my outgoing mail, i.e., 

Change this line in /etc/ to:

# who I masquerade as (null for no masquerading) (see also $=M)

g> 2)  Apparently no procmail running.

This should run asuming you have the .procmailrc file in your home
directory and haven't made too many changes to and the
.procmailrc has good filters.

g> 3)  Mail piling up in my mqueue.

Curtis Consulting

I feel like I'm in a Toilet Bowl with a thumbtack in my forehead!!

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Re: Print problems

1998-05-18 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jh" == James Hartley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jh>  Hello I have screwed up and tried to print a graphic file to my printer, ( the
jh> installfest map for the
jh> svlug) , by using the print button on netscape. Now my printer refuses to print
jh> documents to my
jh> Hp laser jet.  I can find nothing wrong with the print setup on my machine and
jh> nothing appears to
jh> be in the queue.

jh> Printing to the printer from another machine works fine.  Does anyone have any
jh> ideas how to fix the
jh> print setup on the Linux machine.  On the sun there is a lpshut command and
jh> serveral directories that you can erase and start up the lpsched deamon.   How
jh> would I go about cleaning up printing on the Linux machine?

jh> Jimbo --- The printer howto's do not discuss this issue.  At least the ones
jh> I have .

Take a look at the 'lpc' line printer control program.

Curtis Consulting

I feel like I'm in a Toilet Bowl with a thumbtack in my forehead!!

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Re: Invoking X as user: Eureka!

1998-05-17 Thread Ray Curtis

> "rs" == Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rs>   I've used both which and find, but cannot locate a file called Xwrapper.
rs> According to the FAQ, I should replace links and references to X with
rs> Xwrapper. But, if this is not a file, is it just an alias? Something not
rs> real which would securly invoke X by users? I doubt that! So I  understand
rs> what is happening and now I need to understand how to implement the solution.

You really might  want to check out the errata's however this problem

Curtis Consulting

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time
to reform.
-- Mark Twain

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Re: Compiling Kernel under RH 5.0 system fails on a Cyrix processor

1998-05-17 Thread Ray Curtis

> "rs" == Richard Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rs> Hi,
rs> I tried compiling the 3.0.32 kernel with the IPChains stuff in it on my
rs> Cyrix-based machine last night, and I got a rude shock.

rs> The build failed with the following messages:

rs> gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11

This is usually the result of a hardware problem concerning memory.

Check out:

Curtis Consulting

Th' MIND is the Pizza Palace of th' SOUL

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Re: vm not reading spool file

1998-05-14 Thread Ray Curtis

> "dr" == Danny Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

dr> Why doesn't
dr> (setq vm-spool-files   '("/var/spool/mail/dwrice") )
dr> work?
>> This doesn't tell it where to spool the messages from. Read the info
>> and FAQ on VM. I have links on my page {below} to some of this info.

dr> I read the FAQ again.  Like info, it says I should be able to just use 
dr> (setq vm-spool-files   '("/var/spool/mail/dwrice") ) since I am
dr> getting mail from a local spool directory.  I have never had problems
dr> with it on other systems.  The other mail utilities read from
dr> /var/spool/mail/dwrice with no problem also.  Were you thinking I was
dr> accessing a remote spool?  Sorry if I was unclear.

Yes, I assumed you were talking about a local spool file and a remote
pop site. If this is not the case then use something like: 

(setq vm-spool-files
 '(("~/INBOX" "/var/spool/mail/dwrice" "~/Mail/INBOX.CRASH")

I also have a sample .vm file I can make available to you to get 

If this doesn't work contact me offline and I'll be glad to help
further, this list is already too congested withe stuff like this.

Curtis Consulting

Q:  What is the difference between a duck?
A:  One leg is both the same.

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Re: vm not reading spool file

1998-05-14 Thread Ray Curtis

> "dr" == Danny Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

dr> I was just using ~/temp/mbox to test if it could get this file because 
dr> it could not get /var/spool/mail/dwrice.

>> (setq vm-spool-files '("/var/spool/mail/LOGINNAME" 
>> Of course change:
>> First LOGINNAME to your local loginname
>> ISP.DOMAIN to your ISP
>> Second LOGINNAME to your ISP loginname

dr> Thanks!  this seems to work.  My vm-spool-files variable is

dr> (setq vm-spool-files   '("*") )

dr> Is there a way to do it without having to put in your password or
dr> being prompt for it?  Also, there is a message with subject "DON'T
dr> DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA" in /var/spool/mail/dwrice
dr> that insists on remaining there.  This just seems kind of sloppy.

No, your ISP needs to get your password to allow you do download your 
messages. Just make the file ownerships so that no one can read it 
except you, something like 600.

dr> Why doesn't

dr> (setq vm-spool-files   '("/var/spool/mail/dwrice") )

dr> work?

This doesn't tell it where to spool the messages from. Read the info
and FAQ on VM. I have links on my page {below} to some of this info.

Curtis Consulting

Pray to God, but keep rowing to shore.
-- Russian Proverb

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Re: vm not reading spool file

1998-05-13 Thread Ray Curtis

> "dr" == Danny Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

dr> I have a new RH 5.0 system going and am running xemacs 20.4.  
dr> In vm vm-get-new-mail is not getting new mail from spool.  I am
dr> getting no error message just "No new mail".  I tried changing
dr> vm-spool-files to (setq vm-spool-files   '("~/temp/mbox") ) and doing

dr> chmod 777 ~/temp
dr> chmod 777 ~/temp/mbox

dr> but I still get the "No new mail" message.  ~/temp/mbox does have mail
dr> in it that can be read with pine or mail. I have tried some
dr> suggestions I read about changing group of movemail to mail, but that
dr> hasn't helped.  I also reinstalled vm but that didn't help.  If you
dr> have any suggestions please help.  Thanks.

First is your mail being spooled by something like fetchmail already
to the mailbox /tmp/mbox ? If not try something like:

(setq vm-spool-files '("/var/spool/mail/LOGINNAME" 

Of course change:
First LOGINNAME to your local loginname
Second LOGINNAME to your ISP loginname

This will use POP that is built into VM to retrieve your mail.

Curtis Consulting

Pray to God, but keep rowing to shore.
-- Russian Proverb

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Re: Upgrading libc.*

1998-05-08 Thread Ray Curtis

> "pg" == Paul Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

pg> At 12:33 AM 5/5/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> Big mistake, don't upgrade the complete libc just for
>> StarOffice this will break other things. 
>> Check my website below for the info you need to
>> install staroffice.
>> --
>> Curtis Consulting
>> A visit to a fresh place will bring strange work.

pg> Thanks for responding to my query about "libc".

pg> One question I'm hoping you (or somebody) can answer, though; I did
pg> everything you mentioned on your web page but I'm having trouble with the
pg> "setup" script.

pg> When I try to run "setup /net" I get the error message "file or command not
pg> found", even though if I do a "ls -l setup" in the
pg> "/usr/local/Office40_Install" directory the file "setup" *does* appear with
pg> permissions set at -rwxr-xr-x. I also tried going up one level to
pg> "usr/local" and entered "/Office40_Install/setup /net" and that was also a
pg> no go.

pg> BTW, "bash" IS installed as the default shell.

pg> I had this problem happen before on an installation on a different computer;
pg> bash was installed as the default shell; I was using a script made by
pg> someone else that was working fine for others; all the permissions were set
pg> right; yet the script wouldn't run. And the solution was even more strange;
pg> I didn't do anything! It just started working one day on its own.

pg> Anyhow, would you happen to have any suggestions about getting this script
pg> to kick in and run "setup"?

If you are running the default setup '.' is not in your path therefore
when you want to issue commands like this try:
./setup /net

This tells it to run the file setup in the directory in which you are

Curtis Consulting

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."
-- Hunter S. Thompson

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Re: What's in my kernel?

1998-05-08 Thread Ray Curtis

> "mj" == Michael Jinks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

mj> Sometimes when I'm doing lots of reconfiguration on several machines, or
mj> if it's been a while since I've tinkered with a particular box, it can
mj> be easy to forget how a particular machine's kernel was configured.  Is
mj> there a way to get a kernel to spit out something that vaguely resembles
mj> the configuration options I gave it at compile time?

mj> Of course I could just keep better records, but that doesn't help me
mj> much with regard to past sins. . .

About the only way you can tell this is hopefully you  haven't run
mrproper since the last time the kernel was compiled then there should
be a file called '.configure' in /usr/src/linux that lists all the
options of your last build.

Curtis Consulting

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."
-- Hunter S. Thompson

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Re: time problems

1998-05-06 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "rc" == Ray Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
sk> This didnt work:

sk> [scottk@linux-serv scottk]$ export TZ=EDT
sk> [scottk@linux-serv scottk]$ xbru
sk> BRU: Unable to find/exec bru executable - ABORTING!!
sk> [scottk@linux-serv scottk]$

rc> This sounds like a path problem, the install of BRU went without
rc> errors didn't it ?

rc> What happens with a 'locate xbru' ?

Sorry its late, you did try this logged in as root didn't you ?

Curtis Consulting

Charity, n.:
A thing that begins at home and usually stays there.

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Re: time problems

1998-05-06 Thread Ray Curtis

>>>>> "sk" == Scott Kindley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sk> Ray Curtis wrote:
>> This is a known problem and redhat needs to fix. Its a problem with
>> Glibc and should be fixed sometime in the future.
>> For the present why not just create a simple shell script to startup
>> BRU in which you set the TZ=*DT then when it finishes set TZ=
>> to reset the TZ.
>> Or just open a shell and do this:
>> export TZ=*DT
>> xbru

sk> This didnt work:

sk> [scottk@linux-serv scottk]$ export TZ=EDT
sk> [scottk@linux-serv scottk]$ xbru
sk> BRU: Unable to find/exec bru executable - ABORTING!!
sk> [scottk@linux-serv scottk]$

This sounds like a path problem, the install of BRU went without
errors didn't it ?

What happens with a 'locate xbru' ?

Curtis Consulting

Charity, n.:
A thing that begins at home and usually stays there.

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Re: time problems

1998-05-05 Thread Ray Curtis

This is a known problem and redhat needs to fix. Its a problem with
Glibc and should be fixed sometime in the future.

For the present why not just create a simple shell script to startup
BRU in which you set the TZ=*DT then when it finishes set TZ=
to reset the TZ.

Or just open a shell and do this:
export TZ=*DT

then when it finishes 
export TZ=

Kludgy, but should work for now.

I use Amanda myself, however BRU is a nice package and I'm sure this 
problem is being given some consideration, however RedHat has their
hands full right now with the new distribution.

> "pe" == Paul Evad <- Kudosnet Communications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

pe> I know of the workaround to get BRU to work...
>> export TZ=*DT!Where * is whatever timezone you are in.

pe> The trouble is, if I do this... it screws up the time on the system. Here
pe> are my details.

pe> I have timeconfig set to:

pe> SystemV/PST8PDT
pe> with hardware set to GMT checked.

pe> the date command gives me this:

pe> [root@beast /root]# date
pe> Fri May  1 09:38:59 PDT 1998 <-- correct time
pe> [root@beast /root]# date -u
pe> Fri May  1 16:39:04 UTC 1998 <-- not sure if this is right...

pe> now for the clock command:

pe> [root@beast /root]# clock -r
pe> Fri May  1 16:41:05 1998  -0.753123 seconds < again, not sure if this
pe> is good
pe> [root@beast /root]# clock -ru
pe> Fri May  1 09:41:10 1998  -0.107941 seconds <- this is correct, for
pe> local time.

pe> Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?

pe> ---Kudosnet Communication Services

pe> For value added web hosting and internet commerce sites

pe> -879 View Rd. Qualicum Beach, Canada V9K 1N3--

pe> -- 
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pe>"unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Curtis Consulting

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Re: Connecting ISP

1998-05-04 Thread Ray Curtis

> "mr" == Mukhlesur Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

mr> I am new entry here. And very new in Linux. I had a similar problem. My
mr> modem could dial but always failed to connect to ISP. I tried to connect to
mr> my office ISP and spent about a week fiddling with PPP setup and could not
mr> succeed. As a last resort I tried my personal ISP which allowed me
mr> connection instantly using PPP and Netscape Navigator 4.04. I have used the
mr> similar configuration for both ISPs but do not know why one works while the
mr> other (still) does not. My office ISP will not give any support for
mr> Linux(!!) but mentions that there are some users who connect them using
mr> Linux. So I wonder. Can anybody help me on this.

Check your log files, maybe one uses PAP,CHAP or has a different setup 
on their connection sequence, what they give you to dialin, such as
one may use login: and the other username: or some such.

This should all be in your log files,

Curtis Consulting

A visit to a fresh place will bring strange work.

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Re: Upgrading libc.*

1998-05-04 Thread Ray Curtis

Big mistake, don't upgrade the complete libc just for
StarOffice this will break other things. 

Check my website below for the info you need to
install staroffice.

Curtis Consulting

A visit to a fresh place will bring strange work.

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Re: modem

1998-05-04 Thread Ray Curtis

Start with something simple, like make sure that you have a link in
/dev/modem pointing to the right device such as ttySX where the X is
either 0 for com1 or 1 for com2.
IOW, do this as root:
ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem

Then call up minicom and issue the simple command atz and see if your
modem echos back OK. If it does then you have a connection to the
modem and your script to dial is probably wrong, but you will need to
give more info from your log files, i.e. /var/log/messages.

> "i" == ivan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

i> Hello everyone!!! 

i> I have tried to connect my RH5.0
i> in the Internet, but all the con-
i> figurations that I improved failed. 
i> I tempted to configure in the control-
i> panel, or thus using a script, or
i> doing by hand, but it don't make. 
i> Finally, thinking that the problem
i> could be with the modem, I tempted
i> to dial using minicom, etc... but 
i> the modem don't make any noise. 
i> By the way, I can to use it to
i> dial up in win95. 
i> Is this a problem with my modem
i> (I don't know if it is Plug-and-play
i>  or no) ? Or with the kernel ? 
i> Are there restrictions in dialing
i> from linux using a plug-and-play
i> modem ? 

i> Can someone give me some answsers ?
i> it's very depreciate to use win95
i> to connect me with the web ! 

i> Thanks !!! 

i> Ivan. 

i> -- 
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Curtis Consulting

A visit to a fresh place will bring strange work.

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Re: Many questions??

1998-05-02 Thread Ray Curtis

> "dw" == Dave Wreski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Or another package for a network is 'Amanda' which I find has some
>> really nice features Bru is missing such a plotting and network
>> backups. It also does incrementals along with full backups that can
>> be scheduled and much more.

dw> The network version of BRU does network bacukps :)  The 'single-user'
dw> version that comes with RH 5.0 doesn't.

dw> Did you set up amanda using an RPM?  When I installed it (a long time ago)
dw> it was really difficult to get going, and would have only been worth the
dw> time investment for more than just a few hosts..

No, I installed from source although there was a rpm floating
around. I have five machines here that I do scheduled backups
on and can get a nice plot using amplot that shows transfer rates
time, and what happened on that backup of the the different machines.

Amanda does parallel transfers of all the machines in a streaming 
mode to the tape drive, therefore is fairly fast, dependent of course
on your tape drive.

This package is not meant for the single user, just a little too much
for that. 
I choose Amanda over BRU since it is free, and BRU's network package
is about $300 last time I looked and I guess I am just too cheap to
pay that much for a network backup system since Amanda works just fine
for me.
IMHO Amanda will do everything that BRU will do and more, except for 
the nice error checking that BRU has.

Amanda will use any of these to backup - Dump, Tar, Cpio, I use dump
and amrestore and have never had a moments problem with it once it was
setup. You have to label your tapes using amlabel and then rotate thru
them, it can also be setup to use tape changers although I have not 
used that for a long time now. I had a couple of Exabyte changers, but
found I had too many problems with the hardware failing so am now
using just a single HP dat drive.

Curtis Consulting

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Re: Many questions??

1998-05-02 Thread Ray Curtis

Or another package for a network is 'Amanda' which I find has some
really nice features Bru is missing such a plotting and network
backups. It also does incrementals along with full backups that can
be scheduled and much more.

Check out:

> "dw" == Dave Wreski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I have a tape drive inside a Win95 machine, what is the exact command to
>> qzip and tar and entire drive for such a catastrophe? I was placed in the
>> position of admin and have been trying to learn all I can. If anyone can
>> tell me my best emergency procedures, I NEED to put them in place
>> immediately.

dw> If you've purchased 5.0, then you have a commercial backup program, called
dw> bru.

dw> Otherwise there are several backup programs (typically shell script
dw> wrappers to other executables) that can be used.

dw> Your backup strategy really depends on what you are using the machine for.
dw> If it is being used in a commercial environment, with people using it all
dw> the time, and relying on the data, you might consider a 6-tape backup
dw> scheme.  Something like one tape for each of Mon-Thurs, and one tape for
dw> even Fri's and one tape for odd Fri's.

dw> An incremental backup would be done each of the Mon-Thurs days, and a
dw> full-backup on each Fri.

dw> You can otherwise use a few tapes to backup user's data, and system
dw> configuration data.  Then if you have a crash, you can reinstall the OS
dw> from CDROM, and restore the user's data and the system config files only.

dw> Check out for program you might
dw> consier using.

dw> It also depends on how much your data is worth.  Do you want to rely on
dw> someone's shell script for your backups, or do you want to spend $50 to
dw> get a good OS, and a commercially supported backup program?

Curtis Consulting

#1040 Your income tax refund cheque bounces.

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Re: System Load when using Linux as a router

1998-05-02 Thread Ray Curtis

> "cc" == Chuck Carson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

cc> Where is the cheapest place to get these routers? I haven't looked
cc> in a while, the last I checked they were $800 a piece. I already have
cc> a 3com IQ modem and with a high speed serial card, I have gotten
cc> full usage from the circuit under windows NT. (Even better with the
cc> compression) I do not know, however,
cc> if the serial card is supported under the Linux kernel. I do not have
cc> the brand of the serial board handy at the moment)

Data-Comm Warehouse has the Netgear RT328  for $319. Check out:

I use the Ascend P50 myself, however that is still in the $550 range
as is the Cisco.

Curtis Consulting

#1040 Your income tax refund cheque bounces.

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Re: Networking with Win95

1998-05-01 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jake" == Jake Colman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jake> I built a new 2.0.32 kernel last night using unpatched sources and
jake> built/installed modules.  

jake> 1) After rebooting, I tried pinging an internet host from win95 and got timeout
jake>errors.  Looking again at the command you had me enter into rc.local, is it
jake>possible that only ftp and irc will be forwarded?  If I want ping to work I
jake>have to add something else?

Did you see your ethernet card as recoginized and can you ping your
own machine ?

jake> 2) Should I have seen any message indicating that my ipmasq modules have been
jake>loaded?  Is there anything I can do to prove whether things are working?
jake>Should dmesg show me something?

jake> 3) I was surprised to find that ipfwadm was not installed with RH5
jake>installation.  I did not have my CD handy last night so I could not check
jake>whether it is available as an option RPM,  Instead,  I downloaded it from
jake>it's home page.  Did I miss it somewhere or is it not installed by default?

Take a look at:
This provides all the necessary info.

Curtis Consulting

"It says he made us all to be just like him.  So if we're dumb, then god is
dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side."
-- Frank Zappa

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Re: Kernel Build Problem

1998-05-01 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jake" == Jake Colman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jake> I built a new kernel last night from the 2.0.32 sources on RH5.  In addition to
jake> enabling certain features and modules not provided with the RH5 pre-built
jake> kernel, I also stripped out alot of things I knew I did not need.  I built and
jake> installed modules, built and installed the kernel and successfully booted the
jake> new system.  All seems well except that now I get numerous warnings at boot
jake> time regarding unresolved module references.  What does this means and what do
jake> I do about them?  Also, why aren't these messages made available to me somewhre
jake> so thar I can see them again?  Neither dmesg nor /var/log/messages has a record
jake> of it.

Did you remember to move the directory /lib/modules/2.0.32 out the way 
or remove it before you did a make make modules_install ? This is of
course assuming you were rebuilding the same version.

Delete the directory /lib/modules/2.0.32 and then run make
modules_install again then reboot.

This is a very common question, and often answered.

Curtis Consulting

Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are master of your fate
and captain of your soul.

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Re: Time for a new list -

1998-04-30 Thread Ray Curtis

This is all very true about the redhat-list, however there are already
so many redhat lists, and the latest version is supposed to be discussed
on the hurricane-list even though many never got that message.

> "bf" == Bunting Family <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

bf> John C. Flohr wrote:
>> Linux is great!
>> RedHat is great!
>> It's very important to me that I know what is happening in the Linux
>> technical world!  We use RedHat extensively in our own shop and with our
>> customers.
>> _However_, I'm just about ready to remove my name from the RedHat mailing
>> lists.  Virtually every email download of late has been 20-40% commentary
>> from some folks who don't like Mr. William Gates and Microsoft Corporation.
>> Of course, they are all entitled to their opionions.  And if RedHat wants
>> to support and encourage such conversations, that's up to them.  But, must
>> everyone who is interested in RedHat have to be subjected to this
>> onslaught?
>> Please consider a new list, perhaps [EMAIL PROTECTED], where those so
>> inclined may share their views without annoying those of us who subscribe
>> to the redhat-list, hurricane, and announce lists for technical
>> information.
>> Thanks for considering this request,
>> John
>> John C. Flohr, President
>> Consultation and Development Group, Inc.
>> --
>> PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
>> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
>> To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
>> "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

bf>   Guys , this is good . We really need to make another mailing list!

bf> Thanks
bf> Chris

bf> -- 
bf>   PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
bf> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
bf>  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
bf>"unsubscribe" as the Subject.

Curtis Consulting

Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are master of your fate
and captain of your soul.

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Re: CDROM Mount problem

1998-04-21 Thread Ray Curtis

> "km" == Karl Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

km> I'm getting an error trying to mount a CD in RH 4.2.  I installed RH
km> originally via FTP, so the CD was never utilized.  Now, when I try to mount,
km> I'm getting a 
km> mount: can't find /dev/hdc in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab
km> which is truethere is not /dev/hdc entry in my fstab.  Guess my question
km> is what do I enter in the fstab to mount my CD?  The CD is an IDE unit.

Do a 'dmesg' and find out where your cdrom resides, such as hdc or
whatever, then add a link in /dev such as 'ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom'

Then in /etc/fstab add the line:

/dev/hdc/cdromiso9660 noauto,user,exec,ro 0 0

This allows anyone to mount your cdrom, so you may want to change this
however it will get you started.

All this is referencing 'hdc', change this to whatever dmesg recoginizes.

Make sure you have the mount directory /cdrom or whatever you want to
call it.
Then you can mount it with mount /cdrom

km> BTW, thanks for all the help so far.I know I'm going to eventually have
km> to re-install, but ironing out the kinks is getting REAL educational

No, No that is the wonderful thing about Unix systems, a re-install is
not necessary unless a complete loss of the system occurs. 

Curtis Consulting

Some of my readers ask me what a "Serial Port" is.
The answer is: I don't know.
Is it some kind of wine you have with breakfast?

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Re: bz2 format?

1998-04-20 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ms" == Matt Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ms> I know this is something I must have just missed, but I've downloaded a
ms> few files in BZ format (not tar.gz, but, or tar.bz2) how the heck
ms> do you uncompress them?  I've tried gunzip, uncompress, and tar.. no
ms> luck!

Check out:

Curtis Consulting

It's hard to be humble when you're perfect.

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Re: MIME Mail-to-file capable script

1998-04-19 Thread Ray Curtis

> "gh" == Gudbjorn Hreinsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

gh> Hi folks,
gh> If anyone can point me to a MIME capable mail processor, that 
gh> will let me extract info from a mail message and put in a file.

gh> I've tried metamail from Bell lab's (the original UNIX MIME package
gh> it seems) but it's outdated and seems not be maintained, and testing 
gh> seemed to indicate that it is not capable of parsing multipart 
gh> messages (which I need).

gh> procmail seems to have no MIME capability (but has reliable extensible
gh> scripting capabilities).

gh> There are others (mh etc) that seem mostly intended for interactive
gh> end mailers, not automatic hands-off processing.

gh> Basically, I need a extendible MIME capable tool that will extract the
gh> contents of 'any' type of message into a file, complexity no problem.

There a lot of mailers that will handle this, such as XFMail, IshMail,
Exmh and my favorite, VM which is part of Emacs or XEmacs. 

Curtis Consulting

"Overweight is when you step on your dog's tail and it dies."

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Re: Having linux see all installed RAM

1998-04-18 Thread Ray Curtis

> "rs" == Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rs>   To some degree, this is a common topic. HOWEVER,  this is a different
rs> twist on the topic.

rs>   I have 96M RAM installed, so I added the following line to the kernel
rs> stanza of lilo.conf:

rs>  append="ram=96M"

Try append="mem=96M"

Curtis Consulting

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

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Re: XWindows Display Size

1998-04-17 Thread Ray Curtis

> "msd" == Michael S Dunsavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

msd> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I understand your question correctly, this is what you want to do: In
>> the "Screen" section, put the modes in the order you want them to come
>> up in; for example, this will cause 1024x768 to be the default, with the
>> other two available by C-M-+:
>> Modes   "1024x768"  "800x600" "640x480"

msd> What file is that changed in?

/etc/X11/XFConfig which is your config file for X.

Curtis Consulting

Error in operator: add beer

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Re: StarOffice Installation troubles

1998-04-16 Thread Ray Curtis

> "rl" == Richard Layton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rl> I am having some trouble installing StarOffice, when I run the setup up
rl> program I immediately get the error:

rl> line 1:  syntax error at token 'l' expected declarator; i.e. File ...

rl> After I click ok I get the error message "script error" and then it
rl> quits.  What am I doing wrong here?  Do I need to get a new script file?

This sounds as though you don't have the correct libs installed. Check 
out my webpage for some help. You don't say which version you are
trying to install, however I assume its 4.0. Check out the HOWTO
install the 4.0 version and take it step by step and it will work.

Curtis Consulting


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RE: Linux in general

1998-04-16 Thread Ray Curtis

> "i" == ISA  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

i> But, and this one goes to the rest, I am also new to all this Unix-like
i> environment
i> and even though I know a few things about it, I sometimes find it harsh. So
i> if anyone
i> could tell me where can I find Docs on UNIX, (basic structure, the why of
i> its filesystem, etc)
i> so that I, and the rest of us that are new to this can learn the ins and
i> outs of Unix, I would highly
i> apreciate it!

Well I wouldn't call it harsh, its just a little more complicated than
Microsoft stuff, since you have total flexability and get the sources
of all the programs.

Now, one of the best places to start reading, is to go to the LDP, at:

Then my best recommendation is to purchase some books, preferably 
O'Reilly books, such as Unix in a Nutshell, which has all the basic
commands and others as you find you want to do more.
With Unix, reading is definitely a requirement, however with
distributions such as RedHat, SuSe they at least work right out of
the box, which helps get you started.

Curtis Consulting


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Re: Setting color of root window in X

1998-04-15 Thread Ray Curtis

> "rg" == Ron Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rg> I'm using RHL 5.0 and XFree86. The default window manager is fvwm2 which
rg> starts up with a cyan4 background for the root window. I think I've
rg> tracked down the lines in /etc/X11/Anotherlevel/fvwm2rc.init which are

rg> # SetupFunction gets run at Init and Restart

rg> AddToFunc "SetupFunction"
rg> + "I" Exec xsetroot -solid BG_COLOR
rg> I can't find where BG_COLOR is defined. I would think it could be
rg> defined in each user's home directory somewhere.

Check out /etc/X11/AnotherLevel/decors and look at the file 'fvwm95' or
which version of Anotherlevel you choose from the menus.

Curtis Consulting

Never trust an operating system.

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Re: Linux in general

1998-04-15 Thread Ray Curtis

> "nt" == Norma Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

nt> Here! Here!  I've gotten some pretty snippy responses of the RTFM or RTFS
nt> variety.  Would you believe it doesn't say in the FM or on the FS?  And I'm
nt> not joking.  That is exactly what was sent to me and it took me a while to
nt> figure out what that meant.

Well, I also am an old timer, 50+ but guess I am in a slightly
different catergory, since I have been using one version of another
of Unix for 20+ years now.
Starting out in Linux is really not all that hard with distributions
such as RedHat or Suse, however you will have to do some reading.
I suggest you get at least one good book on Linux, such as
'Linux in a Nutshell' which will at least list all the commands. Then
from there you WILL have to read the manpages and Howto's or even
purchase other books.
This is not as easy as Dos or Windows to get started, however in 
the long run is a far superior O.S.

If you really get hung up on something give me a yell at the address
below and I'll be glad to help get you going again.

Good luck to you and do try it, you won't regret it even though you
may get discouraged at times.

Curtis Consulting

No matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up.

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RE: 'Quicken' for Linux?

1998-04-14 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ms" == Michael Segulja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ms> What version of Quicken is this that runs under WINE.  I thought WINE
ms> wouldn't run 32 bit apps.  Am I wrong? (Hopefully) :)

Don't quote me on this, as I am in this situation now, but it seems 
Quicken will run up to version 5.0 under Wine. I stupidly upgraded my
package to Quicken 98, which I think is 32bit but am not sure, but it
will not run under Wine.

Xacc (GnuCash) looks promising however, but will only import version 
3.0 quicken files at this time.

Curtis Consulting

"Marriage is like a cage; one sees the birds outside desperate to get in, and 
those inside desperate to get out."
-- Montaigne

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Re: xscreensaver and pipes question

1998-04-12 Thread Ray Curtis

> "sh" == Steve Hazelett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sh>   Can anyone tell me how you get pipes to run as the screen saver in X?  If
sh> I manually type pipes& I get a window with pipes running.  What I would like
sh> is to have pipes to be my screen saver when I start up X (startx).  I'm
sh> running RH 4.2 with xscreensaver-2.14-1.  Is there a simple command I could
sh> add to my .Xclients file?  Thanks.

Sure, just add this line to your .Xclients file:

/usr/bin/X11/xscreensaver -timeout 4 -cycle 10 &

Curtis Consulting

You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.

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Re: Which 10/100 network card?

1998-04-10 Thread Ray Curtis

> "bs" == Bryan Swann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

bs> I'm looking for a 100-tx network card.  I see that RH supports the Intel
bs> EtherExpress cards, but does this include the 100Mb version?

bs> Can someone suggest a cheap 10/100 twisted pair network card that is
bs> know to work?  It would also be nice if this card is compatible with
bs> FreeBSD.

Check out the Netgear FA310TX, which uses the Dec 21140 chipset and is
well supported and fast. DataComm Warehouse has these for $39 ea now.

Curtis Consulting

You can rent this space for only $5 a week.

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Re: Memory utilization and swap on RH 5.0

1998-04-09 Thread Ray Curtis

> "edt" == Eugene Dale Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

edt> total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
edt> Mem:  65581056 17104896 48476160 20381696  2461696  8929280
edt> Swap:000
edt> MemTotal: 64044 kB
edt> MemFree:  47340 kB
edt> MemShared:19904 kB
edt> Buffers:   2404 kB
edt> Cached:8720 kB
edt> SwapTotal:0 kB
edt> SwapFree: 0 kB

edt> Since MemTotal was less than the installed memory, we changed the BIOS
edt> setting 'OS Select for memory > 64MB' to 'OS/2' to see what effect that
edt> might have. Here is the result:

Change this back and then:

Try adding to /etc/lilo.conf at the top, in the global section:


Then re-run 'lilo -v'

edt> total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
edt> Mem:  15024128 14561280   462848 20291584  2146304  6762496
edt> Swap:000
edt> MemTotal: 14672 kB
edt> MemFree:452 kB
edt> MemShared:19816 kB
edt> Buffers:   2096 kB
edt> Cached:6604 kB
edt> SwapTotal:0 kB
edt> SwapFree: 0 kB

edt> Things went from bad to worse. So, we put it back and decided to ask the list
edt> for help.

edt> We also would like to know what disadvantages there are, if any to using
edt> filesystem based swap instead of a dedicated partition. This machine is
edt> likely to be used for some development but not for any heavy-duty server
edt> work. It was thought that file system swap, in combination with 128MB of
edt> RAM would be sufficient.

I assume by file system swap, you are referring to using a swap file,
rather than a file. Well it will still work, however when you use swap
you will find things slow down considerably. Using a partition is very
much encouraged, however since you already  have 128 megs of ram, the
swap partition could be limited to something like 64Megs unless you
are doing some really intensive work that will need a lot of memory,
which it sounds like is not your use for this machine.

Curtis Consulting

If you talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to you, you have
-- Thomas Szasz

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Re: bru: [E134] internal error 100 - .....

1998-04-07 Thread Ray Curtis

To all users of Bru under Redhat 5.0 using Glibc I recieved this 
message from Estrinc this morning:

To all who have found BRU not working:

We are aware that, since daylight saving's
time, BRU hasn't worked properly with any
Linux system running glibc 2 ( -
such as Red Hat 5.0. 

Red Hat is aware of the problem and is working
to get it fixed.  We've been working hand-in-
hand with them and have received numerous
inputs from users "in the field."

As a result of your inputs, our engineers were
able to find a solution to this problem which
will work until Red Hat is able to create and
post a fix for the libc itself.

Here's our fix:

export TZ=?DT

That is, export TZ= your timezone with the "D"
for daylight saving's time (PDT, MDT, SDT,
EDT...).  To make this "permanent," place this 
line in your /etc/bashrc file.

We can assure you that the folks at Red Hat are
working to create a better fix and will post that
when they get it.

Darrell R. Bingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Technical Support Visit our Web page:
Enhanced Software Technologies, Inc.
(602) 470-1115 voice   (602) 470-1116 fax

Curtis Consulting

Measure twice, cut once.

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