Re: CS>Cat Tumour advice please

2003-08-08 Thread Tony Moody
See the picture for the answer to zapping cats. It is a regular standard 
Hulda Clark type zapper with the signal sent to two pieces of bathplug chain 
and clipped to gether with plastic curtain hooks. Put it around the cats 
neck for a few minutes at a time, several times a day. Also add cs to the 
food. and the drinking water.

Dan Nave wrote:

I used a combination of zapping with a Hulda Clark type zapper and putting a 
chopped clove of garlic in the food (for about a week) for  a small dog that 
had a tumor about the size of a dollar on her leg.  It took about 3 days to 
totally change it's appearance and about 2 months with intermittent zapping and 
occasional garlic for it to become completely unnoticeable.  (A cat may not eat 
garlic flavored  food, I don't know...  I would swear by the zapping though.  
Come to think of it, it may be hard to zap a cat...)  Didn't have CS at that 


Re: CS>Cat Tumour advice please

 From: Wolf Creek Ranch (view other messages by this author) 
 Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 08:59:47 

Hi Pip ~

It is my understanding that having tumors surgically removed is often
fruitless, as the tumors often regrow.  We have used finely minced raw
garlic, freshly powdered cloves, kelp, and castor oil as an external
poultice on a 120 lb. rescue great pyr that had a tumor the size of a silver
dollar, along with CS (25cc) and kelp orally.  Took about 2 months (because
we didn't treat it daily), but the tumor is long gone! :-)

Happy Howling,

Julie & Critters

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest For Jack, re Aspartame

2003-09-07 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Ode, 
I would be very pleased to receive any useful recipes. My fav 
tomato soup, a no-name-brand, which seemed to have little or 
none MSG has disappeared off the shelves.

Will look around for info and swop anything interesting.

>   I don't use aspertame simply because it tastes like crap but I do
>   like cup-o-
> noodles type soups..but can't find any that doesn't have the similar
> compound MSG. To me, That stuff is like doing bad speed.  ..looking
> into making my own, not bad speed.  [with home made broth
> too] 
> Ode 
> At 12:15 AM 9/7/2003 +0930, you wrote:  
> Jack, I can't help but come in here to support Marshall.  By all
> means, go and have a look around at the aspartamegroup at Yahoo.   
> Hanneke~Australia 
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Re: CS>low ppm- concentrated CS- what?

2003-10-03 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Reid,
The unequal switching times can be partially overcome by swopping 
electrode connections regularly. Say at least once per side during 
the entire process. I can't see that this is a worry other than that the 
electrodes are worn done unevenly. 
Can't comment on the 1/2 minute switching times. If it is being stirred 
well the process should still be in order

My guess is that something else has changed. The water or your 
meter; maybe both.

> Ole Bob, Marshall, Ode, Trem, Mike, Silver Friends One and All,
> I need help in understanding why my generator for concentrated CS is
> outputting very low ppm.  Can somebody help?  Today I did a first trial
> run of an automated switching device, for the generator shown at
>   This is to make the concentrated CS
> needed for saturation of ceramic water purifiers.  Unfortunately the
> electronic engineers didn't quite get the device right, so there are big
> disparities in the times between the two electrodes.  i.e. I wanted to
> reverse poles every minute, but at that setting it's 60 seconds at one
> electrode and 45 at the other.  So I chose the lowest setting, where the
> percentage disparity is lowest, one electrode 23 seconds and the other
> 28.  Could the short period between reversals be giving less ionic
> silver per time?
> One puzzling aspect is that the appearance of the CS seems to be the
> same as for the really concentrated stuff, bright red to transmitted
> light, but so dark that it appears gray unless a bright light is shined
> through.  I diluted 9:1, expecting I'd need to do this to get within the
> range of the Hanna Instruments PWT, but ended up with only 2.4 uS.
> Checking the 'concentrated' stuff I get 24 uS.  But this certainly
> doesn't resemble any other 24 to 30 ppm I've ever seen.  At 9:1 the 2.4
> uS is bright orange.  Could this be very low ppm of big particles, thus
> the bright orange?  Or am I just doing something wrong?  Could I be
> misinterpreting the use of the PWT.  It's also puzzling that there is a
> very strong Tyndall Effect, the solution emanating a kind of pearly
> iridescence.
> Thanks in advance.
> Reid
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RE: CS> 3 PPM in your body

2003-10-22 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Elle,
 Stubborn infections may be being protected by fats or mucous or dryness which 
prevent contact of the CS with the offending organism. 

If you can figure out a way to cut through the protecting layer then you would 
have a 
very good chance of success.


Hi James,

I agree that it's probably not necessary to get 3 PPM or even 1 PPM in my 
body as a whole.  It was just an abstract thought since it seems that some 
infections aren't touched by CS.  But, if I have 32.7 litres of water total 
in my body, and to get a 1 PPM solution (just hypothetical and not taking 
into account that silver gets deposited in tissues?)  I would need to take 
32.7 milligrams of silver.  From what I've read toxicity isn't reached until 
one gets into the grams of silver rather than milligrams.  One litre of 10 
PPM contains 10 milligrams of silver, doesn't it?  This type of dosing 
surely wouldn't be warranted on a daily basis, but what about in the 
short-term for stubborn cases of infection?


>From: "James Holmes"
>Hello Elle,
>You do not need to reach 3 PPM in your body for Ag Sol to be effective.
>For a 150 Lb average person, the toxic dose of Ag Sol, of good quality and
>not contaminated with impurities, for 10 PPM (Mg/L) is approximately one
>standard size bath tub full per 24 hours. Or, about 3.8 Milligrams per day
>total  silver.
>Consuming 98.1 Milligrams of silver per day will be very toxic.
>Most silver is absorbed high in the digestive tract. I have heard some
>people try to carry it further in with clay or with Psyllium (Spelling?).
>Silver is a potent germicide.  Some bacteria release toxins when they die
>and the cell wall opens.  If you take enough silver to kill lots of that
>type of bacteria all at once, you can become very ill or die. Symptoms are
>frequently headache and fever, possibly chills.   That effect is called the
>Jarish-Herxheimer (sp?) reaction, named after the Docs who first noted it.
>For that reason, it is considered by many to be good practice to initially
>take small amounts of silver, say 2 or three tablespoons full for a day or
>so and observe the effect.  If there is no sudden worsening of condition, 
>is difficult to drink enough 10 PPM Ag Sol to get a toxic dose.

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Re: CS>Stomach-problems when using CS?

2003-10-28 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Filip,
Yes, I get this sort of reaction very soon after taking CS, If i haven't 
had any CS for a few weeks. For me this doesn't last long, an hour 
or two maybe.  I'm glad you mentioned it because I thought I might 
be imagining the reaction. It seems to be a stomach or small 
intestine thing and I have assumed that it is a die-off of some sort. 
Also the feeling is of both hunger and bloat. So i figured that 
somehow bloodsugar is being used up and that gas is being formed. 

Is a coffee spoon about 5ml ? 15ml is not an excessive dose but I 
would perhaps start with only 5ml two or three times per day. And 
drink plenty of water to help the detox process.



Didanyone experience problems with their stomach after using 
CS for the first time?
I've got problems with my stomach since one week now.

I used a 1ppm CS solution that I bought before and did not 
experience any problems
at all. Afterwards, I bought a "simple" generator that mainly consists 
out of 2 silver 
electrodes (at least I hope it really is 99,9% silver) connected to a 
24Volt net adaptor 
with at one side a resistor of about 820 Ohm.

I placed the two electrodes in about500ml Aqua Purificata (room 
temperature of about
22 Celsius)for about50 minutes.

Itook 3 coffee spoons of that generated CS around 22h, at about 
02h I woke up with a
feeling that I was about to throw up. I did not throw up however. Now 
it's one week later
and I still have a "hungry" and sometimes "throw-up" feeling in my 
stomach. Yesterday
evening it was near "throwing-up" again.

So I went to my physician (a homeopath wit a physician degree) that 
gave me 2 
homeopathic pills to "detox" my body. I asked if it could be stomach 
flu or something like
that, but he would guess the cause was the homemade CSthat 
Itook. That there was
something wrong with that solution.

Kind regards,

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Re: CS>Re: CS & DMSO

2003-11-07 Thread Tony Moody
That is quite brave and probably quite unnecessary to apply full 
strength DMSO. 

One of the books on DMSO recommends 70% or less below the 
waist and 50% or less above the waist and then dilute further if your 
skin is sensitive. 

Usually fair skin requires another 1:1 dilution ie 35% and 25% max. 

In my opinion DMSO is so effective that I usually use only 1% for all 

> The DMSO I have says 99% purity. If I put in on straight it burns
> really badly for at least 30 minutes, no blisters, but it really
> hurts.still experimenting to find a dilution that does not
> burn so much, but is strong enough to work (for sprains, arthritic
> knee, etc.). The dilutions I find most tolerable don't seem to produce
> pain reduction.drat.
> paula
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CS>Deodorant Salt and bicarb

2003-11-13 Thread Tony Moody
I have been using salt and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as an 
underarm anti-pong for years. Straight out of the shower I dab a 
damp finger tip into the bottle of salt/bicarb and then into an armpit ; 
repeat for the other 'pit. This usually lasts 24 hours at least. 
Sometimes I might have to apply CS spray and/or dilute H2O2 If I 
have gone through some heavy duty stress. 

We used to be able to get an odourfree deodorant cream made by 
Mitchums which was really good and also totally allergy free but 
which became unobtainable for a while. This was advertised as a 
three component natural deodorant. Rumour was that it had been 
developed for the Israeli army The salt/bicarb is nearly as good.

Equal parts of ordinary fine kitchen salt and baking soda into a 
bottle. Cap and shake to mix. I use about an ounce of the mixture 
per month. 


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V103 #888

2003-11-18 Thread Tony Moody
Marshall and all,
On a Naturopathically inclined course we were taught to soak 
almonds overnight and eat a limited amount. If any of us were 
detoxing, allergic or sensitive then we were to remove the skins, ( 
which slide off easily if soaked)

> I think we are confusing terms here.  I believe she was removing the
> shells.  The pits I have are already shelled (or is it deshelled).
> When you said skins I though you were talking about the dark skin on the
> kernel itself, which is about like the red skin on spanish peanuts, but not
> as easily removed.  I do not remove that.
> Marshall
> wrote:
> > > ...Is all the B17 in the skins?
> > I don't think so---the lady at the local health-food store
> > soaks her apricot seeds to soften their skin enough to peel
> > them off before eating only the seeds.  Can't recall her reason
> > for this and the store has since closed due to massive rent
> > increase.
> > jr
> >
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Re: CS>Water Oz...

2003-11-20 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Frank,
Do  you know what the pathway is to the argyria, or can you take a 

tony moody

> WaterOZ Ionic silver is actually "silver citrate", usually 100-150 ppm and
> is known to cause argyria.
> The owner of the company got argyria from using this product according to an
> individual who personally knows the owner.
> frank key

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Re: CS>A comparison website

2003-11-25 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Flip,
I stick my neck out and guess that the CS could be doing something 
which causes your liver to become dedicated with detoxing and thus 
leaving you short of blood sugar. If so then try again but reduce your 
CS say to 1/10 of previous dose. And maybe carboload to build up 
availble bloodsugar.

I would rather have an Eu than a $ . Worth more. !!!


PS: I know making CS yourself should be easy and cost less, but as 
I mentioned
before to this list, I already have tried 2 different batches with silver 
from 2 different
sources and I got 2 times a reaction that nobody really has an 
answer for...

I tried one commercial product before and I did not have any bad 
reaction, but also
not really a good result either. Maybe they sold me plain water ;=(. 
Anyway, I've
became a little afraid of my selfmade batches...

Kind regards,

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Re: CS>Spider Bite Cleanup

2003-12-12 Thread Tony Moody

I have heard of maggots being used for this sort thing . 
Enjoy  ;}

On 12 Dec 2003 at 14:11, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

> Seems this thing is in the clean up stage.
> Any ideas how to best get rid of the dead cells, if there be some?
> The bad part is getting smaller and smaller.   A dime would cover it.
> Still, many are telling me I will die from infection and I have to
> have this cut out.
> I refuse to believe that, at this point in time.
> Am I making a mistake, or shall I leave the task to the body and what
> I can do to help?
> I have felt great the whole time, and the highest fever I had for one
> day was .7 deg above normal.
> Wayne
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Re: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver Deficiency

2004-02-13 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Garnet,
Could you please give the references to your quotes below.

On 13 Feb 2004 at 10:47, Garnet wrote:

> This is one reason taking supplements is not without risk. You can
> unbalance and do more damage than you know.
> Phosphorous must be in a 1.2-2:1 ratio of Calcium : Phosphorous or you
> can produce metabolic bone disease. It is well known in horses and in
> herpetoculture enthusiasts that messing with the mineral balance in
> the diet should not be undertaken lightly, particulary when taking
> high doses over a long period of time.
> To keep this on topic, I just read that we used to get 130 mcg of
> Silver in our diets. Have also seen figures as high as 430 mcg. The
> author of the booklet on CS speculated that soil depletion has led to
> a Silver deficiency and perhaps is an explanation for the increase in
> infectious disease rates.
> On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 04:44, Ode Coyote wrote:
> >   Old time match makers used to have a bone disease problem from too
> >   much
> > phosphorous.
> > 
> > Ode
> > 
> > At 04:16 PM 2/12/2004 -0600, you wrote:
> > >Quite a few years ago I got a supplement, I believe it was Calcium
> > >with Phosphorous.  I'm not exactly sure why I was wanting to take
> > >it, but I think it was for the calcium, and the phosphorous just
> > >happened to be in there.  After about a week I had the worst aching
> > >joints that I have ever had, before or since.  I believe it was
> > >from the phosphorous. Needless to say, I stopped taking the
> > >supplement.  (Calcium is not a problem for me to take.)
> > >
> > >Dan
> > >
> > >
> > >Re: CS>Organic and standard foods (fertilisers)
> > >
> > >From: Rowena Evans (view other messages by this author)  Date: Wed,
> > >11 Feb 2004 21:48:06 
> > >
> > >Further to my post on Percy Weston's  book,  here is a site which
> > >says more about  the book:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >"Later again Weston himself was afflicted with arthritis and a
> > >cancerous tumour which developed on his hand. Remembering his early
> > >life experiences and realising that phosphorus had been involved,
> > >and recalling his experiences with the sheep, Weston wondered
> > >whether reducing his own intake of phosphorus would have any
> > >effect. Like Hafer, he set about developing a low phosphate diet.
> > >He also experimented - as he had earlier with his sheep using
> > >mineral licks - with supplements of alkaline minerals such as
> > >magnesium and potassium, which he believed would counteract the
> > >harmful effects of phosphorus and promote its excretion. The
> > >results exceeded his expectations; the arthritis eased and
> > >gradually disappeared; the cancer tumour dried up, shrivelled,
> > >separated and finally broke away from his hand."
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >--
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> > >
> > >
> > 
> > f

Re: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver Deficiency

2004-02-14 Thread Tony Moody

Well all of them mostly.
Phosphorous must be in a 1.2-2:1 ratio of Calcium : Phosphorous or
you can produce metabolic bone disease.

particulary> > > when taking high doses over a long period of time.

I just read that we used to get 130 mcg of> > > Silver in our diets. 

Have also seen figures as high as 430 mcg.

> > > The author of the booklet on CS speculated that soil depletion has
> > > led to a Silver deficiency 

and perhaps is an explanation for the
> > > increase in infectious disease rates.

On 14 Feb 2004 at 4:49, Garnet wrote:

> Which ones specifically please? Some of what I said is "common"
> knowledge. 
> Garnet
> On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 22:51, Tony Moody wrote:
> > Hi Garnet,
> > Could you please give the references to your quotes below.
> > thanks,
> > Tony
> > 

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Re: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver Deficiency

2004-02-15 Thread Tony Moody
If you don't know then just say so. 

I asked a simple question to your seemingly knowlegeable remarks. 
I was hoping for some clear answers (peer reviewed perhaps) from 
the clever pharmacist who knows how to Google.

Thanks anyway,

On 14 Feb 2004 at 19:58, Garnet wrote:

> I am simply amazed at the inability of some people to do a bit of
> simple research on their own. If you wait around for someone else to
> hand you the answers you are missing out on a lot of knowledge and the
> ability to enrich other people with what you have found out.
> I just queried with <"Calcium Phosphorous Ratio"> and got
> 10 pages of hits!
> Here is one on phosphorous that is pertinent.
> BTW I don't mean to direct this at anyone in particular. Just a
> general observation on the inability of many to put forth a bit of
> effort to answer their own questions before demanding the answers from
> someone else. Happens on all of the lists and forums I have been on.
> Are people just plain lazy or is it lack of confidence in their
> ability to find their own information and think it through.
> And please do not read more into this than I mean - it is good to ask
> questions and to request sources. But there is so much common
> knowledge that is not sought and basic education that is not pursued.
> How many of you use seach engines FIRST then ask?
> Garnet

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Re: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver Deficiency

2004-02-16 Thread Tony Moody
Garnet, Ma'am,

Your busyness has been noted. :)

Thanks anyway,

On 15 Feb 2004 at 14:07, Garnet wrote:

> Don't know what Tony? I am afraid I am reading and responding to so
> many emails on this and other lists that I don't recall yours
> specifically.

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2004-02-16 Thread Tony Moody

Hi Stuff, 
Yes I agree with your sentiments entirely. :)
And thanks for the sites. Will go to them when I can connect again. 

I'm not into chemistry or biochemistry,  its just not one of my 
strengths. But I am looking for solid advice for my little health 
publication. and pertinent info for my colloidal silver handbook.

Did you come across anything on how to recognise that Phosphorus 
content is too high? And what to do about it in the comfort of ones 

Many thanks,

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Re: CS>CS Smelling Bad

2009-08-05 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Smitty,

It seems to me that a few years ago clear, hard, polycarbonate plastic 
bottles were the best for cs. No taint or smell of anything. Now these 
polycarbonate bottles are softer and sort of blue or purple colour ; and 
they cause anything stored in them to stink of "plastic" .

So I've gone back to using glass.

OK ,

PS joined the List in 'round about '98.

On 4 Aug 2009 at 9:39, Smitty wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>CS Smelling Bad

> > Just a thought.  Maybe it does not store well in plastic?
> >I thought that CS
> > should be kept in a dark glass bottle.  Orrilia
> Exactly. . . if your friend is getting free CS,
> he/she should provide their own glass bottles.
> List = would the smell affect quality ?
> Smitty
> --
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CS>Rose Hips

2009-08-13 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Brooks,

Process for converting rose hips to Vit C

Some time ago you recommended planting Rosa rugosa for the rose hips rich 
in vit C. I have found some growing nearby and wondered how to turn those 
red fruits into something edible. The hips are dry-ish and filled with 
many small seeds, slightly fruity but almost tasteless. We are going into 
winter now so there are still plenty for the gathering.

Best regards,
Tony Moody
South Africa

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CS>CS for depression

2009-08-19 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Marshalee,

I didn't know that. !!!

I knew about the easing asthma and allegies. But really did not suspect 
that it would have anything to do with depression. Thinks : maybe I 
should up my dose. I only take CS when I think I'm getting something; I'm 
relatively well so not taking much CS; but am getting old and grumpy. 

btw It would be good to have your full cs making method again, please.

Thanks for the new thought,


On 18 Aug 2009 at 21:21, Marshalee Hallett wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Testing

> Hi! Please STOP taking Invive right now!!! It WILL turn you blue! (and it
> will certainly put you in the poor house...)I`ll email you the directions
> for the simple generator, which makes CS for a few cents a gallon! I have
> used it since 1996, and am now as well as can be, and still pink as a
> piggy! (Fat as one too. sigh...Love that chocolate, way too much! LOL)
> Yes, CS is the ONLY thing that stopped my Lyme. Doxy for 6 years didn`t.
> (I wouldn`t take the iv crap.) Only side effects: it stops mild
> depressions, eases a allergic reactions and asthma. (All in my own
> personal experience.) CS made the way I make it won`t turn you blue as it
> is so fine it is easily excreted via the liver. I take 1 swallow per day
> as a preventive, 3 for active infections (as in tummy ache from eating
> something off.) My swallow = 1/3 Cup. Dangers? none! Have used it

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Re: CS>OT Vit D

2009-08-28 Thread Tony Moody
On 28 Aug 2009 at 19:03, Kirsteen Wright wrote about :
Subject : CS>OT Vit D

> Sorry this off yopic but I really don't know where else to ask. I believe
> we're probably all short of Vit D especially here in Scotland. I'd ordered
> some supplements (Biolife Vit D3) and started taking them. I persuaded my
> doc to test my blood levels (no idea what test they actually did) and he
> agreed I wasmarginally low. so prescribed One-Alpha 0.25mcg alfacalcidol.
> now I may just be highly suspicious of the medical profession but this
> looks more like a medicine than a drug and I'm finding it very hard to get
> any info on it. Does anyone know anything about it?
> thanks
> Kirsteen

Hi Kirsteen,
I found One-Alpha 0.25mcg alfacalcidol in an old copy of the South 
African Medicines Formulary. Doesn't say much. Its a Vitamin D analogue.

Adult dose 1mcg daily, increased according to patients response, usually 
1 to 3 mcg daily. The usual maintenance dose is 0.25 to 1mcg.

Just an engineers thought ; but what about Cod liver oil or Halibut liver 
oil or Scotts emulsion. That would give you Vit A and D.


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Re: CS>slick tick

2009-08-29 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Ode,

If I find a tick on me then I use my silver maker directly on the bite. 
One rod on the little wound and the other rod in wetted fingers for a 
minute and then swop polarity. Haven't had a full bulls eye reaction for 


On 29 Aug 2009 at 10:51, Ode Coyote wrote about : Subject : CS>slick tick 

> I just found a tick dug into my leg, looked like it had been there for a
> "while".
>   I smothered that little sucker with CS gel and worked him around a
>   little 
> and he just about fell right out.
>   I reckon his pinchers got so slick he couldn't hold on.
> Ode
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>slick tick

2009-08-30 Thread Tony Moody
Yes MA, Godzilla is fine too but it can be a bit strong and cause skin

On 29 Aug 2009 at 11:52, MaryAnn Helland wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>slick tick

> I'm glad you posted that Tony.  I was thinking along those lines when I
> read Ode's post.  I do something similar when I get a tick bite, but I use
> a Godzilla unit instead.  The electricity is the important part here --
> but the silver can only help.  MHO. MA
> ____
> From: Tony Moody 
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:47:13 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>slick tick
> Hi Ode,
> If I find a tick on me then I use my silver maker directly on the bite.
> One rod on the little wound and the other rod in wetted fingers for a
> minute and then swop polarity. Haven't had a full bulls eye reaction for
> years.
> OK,
> Tony
> On 29 Aug 2009 at 10:51, Ode Coyote wrote about : Subject : CS>slick tick
> > I just found a tick dug into my leg, looked like it had been there for a
> > "while".
> >  I smothered that little sucker with CS gel and worked him around a  
> >little
> > and he just about fell right out.
> >  I reckon his pinchers got so slick he couldn't hold on.
> >
> > Ode
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
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> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>cytokine storm

2009-09-01 Thread Tony Moody
On 1 Sep 2009 at 18:03, Shirley Reed wrote about :
Subject : CS>cytokine storm

>Mercola's newsletter mentions that CS might cause a cytokine storm (sp)
> in young persons if they catch the flu.  Does anyone have any thoughts on
> this or any information??  My youngest son is 24 and he regularly ingests
> CS.  Now I am wondering if this is the right thing to do.  Mercola is
> pretty good, imho.   pj

Hi PJ,

In my experience CS puts out the fire as it were. Inflammation and 
infection is decreased , brought under control and most times eliminated 
fairly quickly. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Schizophrenia help?

2009-09-05 Thread Tony Moody
On 5 Sep 2009 at 10:44, Norton, Steve wrote about :
Subject : CS>Schizophrenia help?

> I have a friend with a moderate case of schizophrenia that refuses medical
> help. Does anyone know of any natural supplements that might help?
>  - Steve N

Hi Steve,

Grounding exercises : Like lying or sitting on ground or lawn and 
mindfully connecting to "that which supports me" . Walking barefoot is 
also very helpful.

Eat more root vegetables (carrots, beetroot etc) and veggies growing just 
above ground (pumpkin, squash, spinach, lettuce, cabbage)
Ensure that some good fats and oils are taken.
Eat no sugar, but honey seems to be OK if in moderation
Avoid artificial sweeteners and MSG like the plague.
Eat fruit in moderation.
Eat grains in moderation

Breathing and Meditaton can be helpful but could also split you further. 
Training is best done under supervision by someone who understands how to 
pull the person together gently and positively.

If required l can say more about this. 

Other possible modalities are Polarity Therapy, EFT and or  BrainGym.
And I suspect that bodywork like reflexology or massage would help a lot.
Also getting rid of internal parasites. 

Tony Moody

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: [RE]CS>microbes resistant to silver:Comment

2009-09-11 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Brooks,

Pseudomonas stutzeri ?


On 11 Sep 2009 at 16:50, Brooks Bradley wrote about :
Subject : [RE]CS>microbes resistant to silver

> Dear Nenah, 
> We have not evaluated EIS against the bacterial agents referenced by your
> colleague in any isolated environemnt, specifically designed to
> measure toxicity. However, we have found that combining EIS with DMSO, has
> demonstrated to"greatly increase effectivity"..sometimes by an
> order-of-magnitude-- against a multiplicity of bacterial pathogens,

As a postscript
> I might add that at that time (circa 1996-98) we encountered only one
> bacteria which successfully resisted EISafter experiencing actual
> physical contact. The bacteria (which name escapes my memory, but can be
> supplied if someone wants to put me "on-the-rack") was one found in silver
> mines proper. Interestingly, after 9 generations of isolation from the
> silver-impregnated environment of the mines, themselves-the bacteria
> LOST its tolerance against EIS. With Warmest Regards, Brooks. 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Marshall, blue moons, was Re: CS>The Blue Man

2009-09-15 Thread Tony Moody
Or your toes get less sunlight Marshall ?

On 15 Sep 2009 at 10:45, Marshall Dudley wrote about :
Subject : Re: Marshall, blue moons, was Re: C

> Somewhat, but for some reason they do not seem to blue as much as my
> fingernails. Of course it may simply be that I can't get them as close to
> my eyes to examine them.
> Marshall
> Neville Munn wrote:
> > Toe nails as well Marshall?
> >  
> > N.
> >  
> > > Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 11:41:32 -0400
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: Marshall, blue moons, was Re: CS>The Blue Man
> > >
> > > I mean the body accumulates the silver into the nail bed to transfer
> > > to the nail as it grows. Below a certain concentration, this results
> > > in the silver particles making it into the nail, and being transported
> > > out of the body. The particles are small enough they are invisible to
> > > ordinary light. However if sufficient level of silver is in the blood,
> > > the silver which is accumulating in the bed becomes packed closely
> > > enough that it starts aggregating. This has two effects, one the
> > > larger particles become visible, that is able to absorb light, and two
> > > they 
> > can
> > > become stuck in the area where the accumulation takes place. Only
> > > silver that has not aggregated and is still invisible ever makes it to
> > > the nail itself.
> > >
> > > Marshall
> > >
> > > sol wrote:
> > > > Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > > >> The body takes any metals it finds and tries to put them into the
> > > >> hair and nails. That is why hair analysis is used for determining
> > > >> metal loads on the body. If the particles are brought together
> > > >> sufficiently before transporting into the nails, then they can 
> > become
> > > >> stuck making the moons blue.
> > > > My blue moons do not seem to be in the nail itself, but in the nail
> > > > bed underneath the nail. If the silver was incorporated into the
> > > > nail itself it should grow out as the nail grows, but it doesn't? So
> > > > 
> > you do
> > > > mean the silver is deposited or "stuck" in the nail bed under tha
> > > > nail, right? sol
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
> > > > Silver.
> > > >
> > > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> > > >
> > > > To post, address your message to:
> > > >
> > > > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > > >
> > > > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> > > >
> > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > 
> > Let us find your next place for you! Need a place to rent, buy or share?
> > 

CS>Dr Mercola Squalene

2009-09-21 Thread Tony Moody

On 20 Sep 2009 at 12:38, Paul Bond wrote about :
Subject : CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2009 #

> I couldn't read the article because there was a big 'sign-in' pop up
> appeared that it wouldn't let me close.  Only thing I wanted to say is
> there's a great difference between injecting a substance and taking it
> orally.  Squalene is on my list of things to study, but don't know much
> about it yet.
> Paul B

Here are the text contents of that page :

Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed
Posted by: Dr. Mercola  July 17 2009 | 52,248 views

By Dr. Mercola

According to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, your children should be the first target for
mass swine flu vaccinations when school starts this fall.[i]

This is a ridiculous assumption for many reasons, not to mention
extremely high risk.

In Australia, where the winter season has begun, Federal Health
Minister Nicola Roxon is reassuring parents the swine flu is no more
dangerous than regular seasonal flu. "Most people, including children,
will experience very mild symptoms and recover without any medical
intervention," she said.[ii]

Sydney-based immunization specialist Robert Booy predicts swine flu
might be fatal to about twice as many children in the coming year as
regular influenza. Booy estimates 10-12 children could die from the H1N1
virus, compared with the five or six regular flu deaths seen among
children in an average year in Australia.[iii]

“Cure the Disease, Kill the Patient”

Less than 100 children in the U.S. die each year from seasonal flu
viruses.[iv] If we use Australia’s math, a very rough estimate would be
another 100 children could potentially die of swine flu in the United
States in the coming year.

If children are the first target group in the U.S. per Sebelius, that
means we’re about to inject around 75 million children with a fast
tracked vaccine containing novel adjuvants, including dangerous squalene,
to prevent perhaps 100 deaths.

I’m not overlooking the tragedy of the loss of even one child to an
illness like the H1N1 flu virus. But there can be no argument that
unnecessary mass injection of millions of children with a vaccine
containing an adjuvant known to cause a host of debilitating autoimmune
diseases is a reckless, dangerous plan.

Why are Vaccinations Dangerous?

The presumed intent of a vaccination is to help you build immunity to
potentially harmful organisms that cause illness and disease. However,
your body’s immune system is already designed to do this in response to
organisms which invade your body naturally.

Most disease-causing organisms enter your body through the mucous
membranes of your nose, mouth, pulmonary system or your digestive tract –
not through an injection.

These mucous membranes have their own immune system, called the IgA
immune system. It is a different system from the one activated when a
vaccine is injected into your body.

Your IgA immune system is your body’s first line of defense. Its job
is to fight off invading organisms at their entry points, reducing or
even eliminating the need for activation of your body’s immune system.

When a virus is injected into your body in a vaccine, and especially
when combined with an immune adjuvant like squalene, your IgA immune
system is bypassed and your body’s immune system kicks into high gear in
response to the vaccination.

Injecting organisms into your body to provoke immunity is contrary to
nature, and vaccination carries enormous potential to do serious damage
to your health.

And as if Vaccines Weren’t Dangerous Enough on Their Own …

… imagine them turbocharged.

The main ingredient in a vaccine is either killed viruses or live
ones that have been attenuated (weakened and made less harmful).

Flu vaccines can also contain a number of chemical toxins, including
ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and
even antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin.

In addition to the viruses and other additives, many vaccines also
contain immune adjuvants like aluminum and squalene.

The purpose of an immune adjuvant added to a vaccine is to enhance
(turbo charge) your immune response to the vaccination. Adjuvants cause
your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism
you’re being vaccinated against.

Adjuvants are supposed to get the job done faster (but certainly not
more safely), which reduces the amount of vaccine required per dose, and
the number of doses given per individual.

Less vaccine required per person means more individual doses
available for mass vaccination campaigns. Coincidentally, this is exactly
the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make
millions from their vaccines.


Re: CS>Homeopathic Silver

2009-09-21 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dan,

Would one be advised to take Argentum Metalicum or Argentum Nitricum to
counteract the argyria? If so what potency would be recommended?

Tony M

On 21 Sep 2009 at 9:44, Dan Nave wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Homeopathic Silver

> He's probably talking about Argentum Metallicum, or Argentum Nitricum
> which are Homeopathic medicines.  Our CS is much like the mother tincture
> of Argentum Metallicum; it is not potentiated.
> I can't say that he correct about having to stop the CS, but the
> Homeopathics may also work.
> Dan
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 7:25 AM, MaryAnn Helland
>  wrote:
> > Hi group.  I need some advice from the knowledgeable folks here.  I
> > own/moderate a chat group dedicated to the use of CS to treat primarily
> > EPM in horses.  Many of us on the list have been using CS successfully
> > for up to ten years, at the rate of two to four cups per day of CS on an
> > ongoing basis.  Some people have been able to discontinue CS altogether
> > -- most have not, as discontinuing it results in a recurrence of
> > symptoms.  One of the women on the list has been told by her
> > *acupuncture vet* to discontinue the CS because of the "accumulation of
> > heavy metals over such a long period of use (10 years in this case)" and
> > has suggested that instead she switch to "homeopathic silver" which she
> > said "his body would recognize and respond to".  I Googled homeopathic
> > silver, and all I can seem to come up with is *colloidal silver* and
> > *silver nitrate*.  What I'm reading sounds like misinformation to me.  I
> > know that the EIS that we make is not comprised of heavy metals -- don't
> > think that silver qualifies as such anyway -- and the woman who owns the
> > EPM horse knows that as well.  But it is difficult for people to respond
> > when confronted by an authority figure such as a vet. What I need is a
> > concise response for her regarding *homeopathic silver* that she can
> > understand herself, and that she can pass along to her vet in response
> > to this claim.  I'll appreciate any responses.  Thanks.  MA
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Mary was // Re: CS>Homeopathic Silver

2009-09-21 Thread Tony Moody
Hi MA,

The little I know of homeopathy is that homeopathic silver would be used
to counteract the effects of silver 'poisoning' if there is such a thing.
homeopathic silver would be the "opposite" of colloidal silver. Yes?

I don't think CS can be homeopathic because silver doesn't dissolve in
water. To make homeopathic silver one would have to mix powdered silver
with lactose powder and shake that.

I do hope there is someone knowledgeable to answer this one.

Tony M

On 21 Sep 2009 at 7:46, MaryAnn Helland wrote about :
Subject : Re: Mary was // Re: CS>Homeopathic

> Hi Bob.  Thanks for your reply.  I'm keeping your post, if you don't mind,
> and will forward it to the horse's owner.  She knows all of this already,
> but it always helps to hear it again from someone else.  What I'm
> primarily looking for, though, is information to counter the vet's
> thinking -- that *homeopathic silver* (referred to as silver nitrate on
> Google references) -- is, in fact, just eyewash and misinformation in
> order to sell a given product.  And why, in fact, silver nitrate would be
> a poor choice.  Can you help with this?  Thanks.  MA 
> From: Bob Banever 
> To:
> Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 8:56:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Mary was // Re: CS>Homeopathic Silver
> MaryAnn,
>  CS is not a heavy metal and isn't handled by the body as one either. 
> Aside from that, at 10 or 20 ppm it is a "homeopathic" product and 80% or
> so is in the ionic form, all particles being small nano sized silver. 
> There is no danger of long term use in horses that I know of.  Most gets
> excreted within 24 hours, and remainder within a few days or week at the
> most.   Bob - Original Message - >From: MaryAnn Helland >To:
> >Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 6:36 AM >Subject:
> Re: Mary was // Re: CS>Homeopathic Silver > > >Hi Jane.  Thank you for
> your reply.  EPM is Equine Protozoal Myloencephalitis -- a protozoal
> infection of the spinal cord, resulting in neurological symptoms
> consistent with the location of the infective lesion(s).  Standard
> allopathic drug treatment is very expensive, and rarely effective for the
> simple reason that it isn't continued long enough.  One of the reasons
> that EIS is so valuable as a treatment protocol is that it is very
> in-expensive, and people can afford to treat their horses for as long as
> necessary.  EPM isn't unlike Lyme in that the protozoa seem to have the
> ability to hide in the body where the meds bypass them, then they
> re-emerge later to create havoc again.  So -- I'm of the mind, as I
> think are most of the list-members here, that the EIS that we make is at
> the least as good as, and likely superior to, any other silver product.  I
> feel that we're already using what is most appropriate -- we've been
> successfully using it for
>  many years.  The information that I'm needing is how to explain to a vet
>  who is apparently misinformed about silver products, that she is
>  (misinformed) and to be able to explain why.  Anyone who is referring to
>  CS as *heavy metal* isn't educated on the subject -- and if you're going
>  to tell this to a vet, you better be understanding the information
>  yourself.  So that's the kind of information that I'm looking for. 
>  Thanks again.  MA 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> From: Jane MacRoss 
> >To:
> >Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 7:55:09 AM
> >Subject: Mary was // Re: CS>Homeopathic Silver
> >
> >
> >Mary you need to get an on-line homeopathic materia medica and check out
> >the varieties of silver to be found in it and then choose what is most
> >appropriate for your needs. Not sure what EPM is to comment further,  
> >Best,   Jane  

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help needed for lady with MS who suffered a stroke 5 months ago

2009-09-29 Thread Tony Moody
On 29 Sep 2009 at 12:29, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Help needed for lady with MS

> Thanks for the info Garnet, petsupplies doesn't ship to the UK and I  am
> waiting for a reply from the other one.  I have searched  extensively on
> Google of course, with no luck I'm afraid, hence the  question for the
> list.  I do buy mostly from the US but some suppliers  charge astronomical
> fees for delivery, and iHerb don't do it,  unfortunately.  dee

Hallo Dee,
Here are some fairly local to UK suppliers.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide  Arkema Inc: an industrial producer of Dimethyl 
Sulfoxide (DMSO)

420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves
92700 Colombes
Tel.: +33 (0)1 49 00 80 80
Fax: +33 (0)1 49 00 72 53

Also try and ask them for suppliers


If that doesn't work then  go :
and search for DMSO

Yikes 32BP per 500ml It seems to be over-the-top quality. Maybe they have 
a lower grade.

Tony Moody

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: RE: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-09-30 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Sam,  

Yes, One can indeed use borax on animals. It is a well reputed cure for 
mange. I used to use it, quite dilute as a soap /  fur conditioner for 
dogs and cats before i heard of the mange treatment.. 

Google 'mange borax' and you get lots of hits. One that i've been to is :

Tony Moody

On 30 Sep 2009 at 2:15, Sam L. wrote about :
Subject : Re: RE: CS>OT boron and borax

> If you sprinkle (flour shifter works) borax on your carpet and let sit
> overnight it will kill the fleas, vacuum well the next day and repeat a
> few days later.Might need to do this every week or two until you have it
> under control. Do not put it on your dogs.
> Sam L.
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Fuzzmom  wrote:
> >  It was..pretty much for everything but I didn't think it was still the
> > same...I thought it had undergone several changes since..aybe ot? I've
> > also heard it's good for fleas? Is it? i"ve tried
> > Everything..diatomaceous earth works some but not very fast and i am
> > allergic to them. A mom dog brought them with her when dropped off and
> > now the whole house has! Can you Bathe..diluted in it? And will
> > silver..or can with fleas? Worms..etc?
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > *From:* Melly Bag 
> > *To:*
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:56 PM
> > *Subject:* Re: RE: CS>OT boron and borax
> >
> >   I thought that is the scientific name of boron, isn't it? If you go to
> > the 20 Mule website, it states that once  upon a time before FDA rules
> > were in place, their product was used for health reasons.
> >
> > Melly
> >
> > --- On *Tue, 9/29/09, Acmeair * wrote:
> >
> >
> > From: Acmeair 
> > Subject: Re: RE: CS>OT boron and borax
> > To:
> > Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 4:38 PM
> >
> >
> > we went thru this situation a year or so ago. many supporters of using
> > "up to the first finger joint" for a dose. you have peeked my interest,
> > so i checked my "20 mule team Borax" natural laundry booster.  a
> > caution, "contains sodium tetraborate decahydrate", anyone know what
> > that is?jim
> >
> >
> > Sep 29, 2009 12:07:17 PM,
> ><
> >>wrote:
> >
> > I use borax as a source for dietary boron and I know of no negatives. -
> > Steve N
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Shirley Reed
> > [<
> >>]
> >
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:01 PM
> > To:
> ><
> >> Subject: CS>OT boron and borax
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know of any negatives regarding the use of borax as a
> > dietary source of boron??? Have read that just one joint of the index
> > finger coated with borax and popped into the mouth will give enough
> > boron to suffice for daily needs. Need confirmation as to this
> > information. tia pj
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> ><
> >>
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> ><
> > se?>
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour
> >
> >>
> > >
> >
> >
> > -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To
> > post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic
> > messages to: The Silver List and Off
> > Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour
> >
> >  --
> >
> >
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG -
> > Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.114/2402 - Release Date:
> > 09/29/09 05:54:00
> >
> >
> -- 
> A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
> take everything you have.

Re: CS>OT Borax and termites

2009-10-02 Thread Tony Moody
On 2 Oct 2009 at 12:09, Sharlene Miyamura wrote about :
Subject : CS>OT Borax and termites

> Borax might kill termites too, there's Borate treatment used by a few
> exterminators.  After doing some searching, I read that one can mix Boric
> acid with propylene glycol (biodegradable form of anti-freeze), the glycol
> helps to saturate the wood.  I was wondering if anyone knows what I could
> substitute for the propylene glycol to make it more environmentally safe.
> Sharlene

What about water or even better, dilute DMSO.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver list at Eskimo

2009-10-05 Thread Tony Moody
Its OK Zoe,

The list has been operating like this for many years. Mike sometimes gets 
busy and lets us kids squabble.

Just take care to save any email that interests you because its not going 
to be saved on line. 


On 5 Oct 2009 at 11:20, zoe w wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Silver list at Eskimo

> Anyone else feeling like an abandoned orphan?   If the website is gone
> then its only a matter of time when they pull the  email too  I would
> think. Suggestions?  zoe
> Dave Darrin wrote:
> > This is what I got from Eskimo regarding the silver list!
> > Dave
> >
> >
> > The file is deceased.
> > It is no longer. It has passed on.
> > You can not have that file in this life!
> > The file is dead, lifeless, departed, demised, late, extinct, no more.
> > It has broken on through to the other side. Web Hosting
> >  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Tony Moody

You could pay attention to sinuses. I flushed mine with weak VitC / 
Bicarb  solution and then with EIS, because of  being unwell. . Had to do 
the flush a few  times to get "dried" stuff to come out and them many, 
many times over a few days before it stopped. I try to remember to do the 
flush again each week. 

Some of my tooth gum is growing back again and that could be due to the 
cleaner sinuses



On 6 Oct 2009 at 9:46, Ruth Bertella wrote about : Subject : CS>Dental 

> I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is
> back (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay
> very diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why
> nothing was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in
> 2005 with diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I
> only had a minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).
> Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one
> that is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
> deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth
> should probably be pulled.  And the "pockets" in the gums have enlarged
> again.  He wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.
>  I did not fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told
> him this, and about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how
> I progress with my 'home remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home
> remedies, but of course says he can't professionally endorse them either. 
> He's giving me time to try to fix things before making further
> recommendations.  (IF I fix everything, he will probably want to do two
> crowns and possibly redo my upper partial to accommodate the crown that
> has broken.  The other is a cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line
> in the very back hardest to reach place - so he wants to crown instead of
> filling the cavity?  go figure!))
> I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
> times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about
> a protocol that actually "tightened" their teeth.  Anyone remember that? 
> Details please - what/how much/when, etc.
> What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one
> cavity in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone
> and enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly
> head again?
> Thanks in advance for all suggestions!
> Ruth

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Re: CS>gunky dog earss - CS / DMSO

2009-10-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Garnet,

Have you tried the Borax treatment for mites? ref:

I value you your comments,

Tony Moody

On 8 Oct 2009 at 19:36, Garnet wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>gunky dog earss - CS / DMSO

> If you use a chemical miticide the DMSO could transport it into
> the body and across the Blood Brain Barrier so be careful on
> the timing.
> I would not treat for mites unless you know that is what it is
> since the treatments are mostly chemical.
> And if it is yeast you are not addressing the yeast by treating
> for mites since the treatments are different.
> Garnet
> Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
> sol wrote:
> > MaryAnn Helland wrote:
> >> Hi Dianne.  It would probably depend on if the problem is ear mites, or
> >> a yeast infection, or both.  CS would help the yeast infection, but not
> >> the ear mites.  
> > I believe that with ear mites there are often secondary infections.
> > CS/DMSO should help considerably with those, thus allowing any other
> > treatments for the mites to be more effective.
> > 
> > I'd also give EIS[CS] orally AS the dog's drinking water. This will cut
> > down any other subclinical infections the dog might have, and thus
> > reduce the load on immune system. I believe from experience that in my
> > pets mites have always been associated with immune suppression.
> >  sol
> > 

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Re: CS>gunky dog earss - CS / DMSO

2009-10-08 Thread Tony Moody

On 9 Oct 2009 at 6:49, Tony Moody wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>gunky dog earss - CS / DMSO

> Hallo Garnet,
> Have you tried the Borax treatment for mites? ref:
> I value you your comments,
> OK,
> Tony Moody
> On 8 Oct 2009 at 19:36, Garnet wrote about :
> Subject : Re: CS>gunky dog earss - CS / DMSO
> > If you use a chemical miticide the DMSO could transport it into
> > the body and across the Blood Brain Barrier so be careful on
> > the timing.
> > 
> > I would not treat for mites unless you know that is what it is
> > since the treatments are mostly chemical.
> > 
> > And if it is yeast you are not addressing the yeast by treating
> > for mites since the treatments are different.
> > 
> > Garnet
> > 
> > 
> >
> >
> > Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
> >
> > 
> > 
> > sol wrote:
> > > MaryAnn Helland wrote:
> > >> Hi Dianne.  It would probably depend on if the problem is ear mites,
> > >> or a yeast infection, or both.  CS would help the yeast infection,
> > >> but not the ear mites.  
> > > I believe that with ear mites there are often secondary infections.
> > > CS/DMSO should help considerably with those, thus allowing any other
> > > treatments for the mites to be more effective.
> > > 
> > > I'd also give EIS[CS] orally AS the dog's drinking water. This will
> > > cut down any other subclinical infections the dog might have, and thus
> > > reduce the load on immune system. I believe from experience that in my
> > > pets mites have always been associated with immune suppression.
> > >  sol
> > > 
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin

2009-10-10 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Fuzzmom,

Your keyboard is probably a Braille keyboard of some sort? So it is not 
easily replaced?

*   For sticky keys You could have a go at vacuuming the fur, crumbs, crud 
and dustbunnies which collect under the buttons. 

*   Then spray lightly with some sort of lubricant/cleaner/release 
agent/water displacer. We have Q20 here which seems to be ideal for this 
*   Then vacuum again, and spray again, tilting and turning the keyboard 
sideways and upside down,  to try to get the lubricant up, inside to 
where the plastic bits are binding.

Keyboards are quite robust. Mine I bought in 1999 and it is used quite a 
lot. Amazing really. Some keyboard problems are repairable and some are 
just not get-at-able. Keyboard can possibly be repaired or a new one 
modified by replacing the buttons, but you would probably need to find an 

Yikes. $65 for a braile keyboard or $19 for a set of stickers that sounds 
steep.  How about peeling the existing stickers off and sticking then 
onto a new keyboard?   $10 or less.

Good Luck,


On 10 Oct 2009 at 14:34, Fuzzmom wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by

> Great..and usb is fine. Braille display is totally magnification
> to it it's a series of dots that pop up s you type..or at least the Try to
> eep up with typing speed. Expensive equipmet and malfunctioning too. But I
> don't have 8 grand so I live with that and do what I can. - Original
> Message - From: "Stephen Rose"  To:
>  Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 12:30 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin
> > Don't let your keyboard hold you back.  I'm pretty reasonably happy with
> > the $13 Logitech keyboard from Walmart.
> >
> >
> >
> > You do need to be able to hook it up to usb, though.  But since I
> > compute in the dark sometimes, I had to spring for the illuminated
> > keyboard.  :-)
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >
> > sms wrote:
> >> /*From:*/ Fuzzmom 
> >> /*Date:*/ 10/10/2009 7:32:24 AM
> >> /*Subject:*/ Re: CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin
> >>
> >> I am visually impaired and i also have an old comp. with keys that
> >> stick. i am here for informationNot to criticize. I am sorry if posts
> >> are hard to read. And if this is how members feel I can unsub.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> --
> --
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
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> 06:39:00

Re: CS>Breast cancer , Help ! Mercury?

2009-10-20 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dee,

I looked into and bought some of the equipment to make Magnascent. Beside 
the equipment, it is very expensive on both time and electric power. 
Whereas lugols is a compound; a mixture of some reagents with no special 
equipment required.


On 20 Oct 2009 at 13:43, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Breast cancer , Help ! Mercu

> Why is the magnescent iodine so much more expensive than Lugols?  dee
> On 20 Oct 2009, at 08:28, Rowena wrote:
> > For me, definitely Black Salve (cansema) & DMSO, but it is painful  to
> > DIY.  However, it does get the whole thing out without laying  waste to
> > al lthe countryside around it.  Iodine esp Magnascent. 
> >  has another mix, a Cayce/Hoxsey mix which includes the nascent  
> > iodine.  The herbs which are specific, findable on line.   
> > Frequencies (Frex) and energy (Godzilla and upwards).
> > and
> >
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sore throat...

2009-10-30 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Lisa,

EIS/CS if taken early enough will stop a sore throat, maybe. The problem 
is that EIS doesn't penetrate mucous easily. The mucous encapsulates the 
bugs and prevents the EIS from contacting. I use a warmwater and salt 
gargle first to cut through the mucous layer, followed by EIS gargle and 
that seems much more effective than plain EIS.


On 30 Oct 2009 at 8:12, Lisa wrote about :
Subject : CS>Sore throat...

> Hi All,
> This is the 3rd day of a sore throat (possibly the beginnings of strept).
> Can someone suggest something so I can rid myself of it and/or at the very
> least not have the soreness?
> I've done some gargling with CS (can't determine if that's helped or maybe
> prevented it from getting worse).
> Would love to hear from folks that have had something similar and nipped
> it in the bud!
> Thank you.
> Lisa

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Re: CS>Strange question

2009-11-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Debbie,
You could be running out of Mg (or something else) during the course of 
the shift.


On 6 Nov 2009 at 19:10, Deborah Gerard wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Strange question

> Thanks for your reply..I take 6-800mg's of Magnesium with calcium when I
> go to bed at night and in the morning I spray my inner arms with Mg oil
> before I go to work...wonder what gives...debbie
> From: Garnet 
> To:
> Sent: Fri, November 6, 2009 5:01:41 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Strange question
> Muscle spasms can be a symptoms of Magnesium deficiency.
> Try taking Magnesium, an easy way is to use Milk of Magnesia, small
> amounts will be absorbed if you are deficient and not cause the laxative
> effect. Spread it out over the day or use at the end of the day. MOM is
> rapidly absorbed.
> There are many food sources of Mg like almonds, cashews, peanuts,
> dark leafy greens, dark chocolate.
> There are topical Mg "Oils", that are not really oils, but concentrated
> sea water. They are costly but they can be applied topically to the area.
> Best way to get Mg is in your food. At the end of the day your muscles may
> be fatigued and more prone to spasm.
> Full spectrum bulbs would be nice, and although costly they last many
> times longer than ordinary fluorescents and would increase worker
> productivity. Maybe they would go for it? 6,000 kelvin is the rating to
> look for. Not just Grow Lights for plants.
> Garnet
> --
> Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
> Deborah Gerard wrote:
> > This is bizarre problem...I have a problem with florescent lights in our
> > breakroom at work...they don't bother me before work it is when I am
> > almost done at night and I sit there for about twenty minutes and I get
> > spasms in my neck that are unreal...anyone have any info on such a
> > problem...I do try to stay out of the room as much as possible and am
> > not there for eight hours during my shift, thanks much, debbie
> > 
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Strange question

2009-11-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Debbie,

I've not seen an upper limit. But I haven't been looking for an upper 
limit because I feel that I'm chronically borderline deficient anyway. Mg 
seems to be the one thing that will haul me back from grumps, confusion 
and depression. I take a Ca+ Mg powder morning and evening and let them 
sort themselves out inside. Somewhere i read that it is better to take Ca 
in the late afternoon or early evening and to take Mg early in the 
morning. Then also read that Ca needs some Mg and that Mg needs a bit of 
Ca to be readily absorbed. 

You have had some wise replies. your running out of energy could come 
from anywhere. I used to get "Sunday Sickness". I'd go like a Boeing, 
sorta, during the week and collapse over the weekend. Long afterwards 
figured that "Sunday Sickness" was probably due to relaxing: release of 
tension somehow released toxins which created a mini Herx; headache, 
nausea, lassitude. If only I'd known then to relax, drink more water etc 
Mg Dosage (min) is anyway tricky thing to establish exactly, because 
recommended dosage figures are usually in elemental Mg and the packages 
are in Magnesium Carbonate or whatever. ( I take guess that elemental Mg 
is about 1/2 of the actual compound ; unless it is stated. ) Also we need 
relatively more as we age. and absorbtion and requirements depend on 
other factors like Vit D consumption  

The RDA is 350mg per day. 
Krispin says 500mg per day as minimum.

I googled "magnesium safe dose" and first hit was this site:

Recommended Dietary Allowance

To compensate for deficiencies and/or losses the new RDA is expected to 
be 500 mg. per day. My Krispin-RDA is a total of 500-700 mg magnesium 

Determination of optimal amounts must take into consideration both body 
size and activity level. Magnesium is a key component of the ATP cycle in 
the cell which produces all energy.
Formula to Calculate Magnesium Daily Requirement-  5 to 10 milligrams per 
day per kilo of ideal body weight or 2.5 to 4.5 milligrams per day per 
pound of ideal body weight.  

Example: 70 kilos or 150 pounds= 350 mg. to 700 mg. daily.  

(Do not use these calculations for children. The requirements for 
children are calculated differently. Please consult with your health care 
professional for more information.)

If one or more deficiency or loss factors are a consideration or you have 
any of the conditions associated with low magnesium use the higher number-
 you take diuretics, including potassium sparing diuretics  
you are an athlete in training
 you are diabetic   
you have hypertension  
you are post surgical   
you are under large amounts of stress  
you consume large amounts of carbohydrates  
you are repairing damaged tissue as in arthritis  
the weather is very hot, you perspire profusely 
you have any of the conditions listed above
you are dieting with/without medications
you are experiencing chronic pain
you have heart disease  
you have high cholesterol or triglycerides

hth, got to go,

 On 8 Nov 2009 at 7:00, Deborah Gerard wrote about : Subject : Re: 
CS>Strange question  

> does anyone know what the safe limit is for Mg?
> From: Tony Moody 
> To:
> Sent: Sun, November 8, 2009 12:20:56 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Strange question
> Hi Debbie,
> You could be running out of Mg (or something else) during the course of
> the shift.
> OK,
> tony
> On 6 Nov 2009 at 19:10, Deborah Gerard wrote about :
> Subject : Re: CS>Strange question
> > Thanks for your reply..I take 6-800mg's of Magnesium with calcium when I
> > go to bed at night and in the morning I spray my inner arms with Mg oil
> > before I go to work...wonder what gives...debbie
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: Garnet 
> > To:
> > Sent: Fri, November 6, 2009 5:01:41 PM
> > Subject: Re: CS>Strange question
> > 
> > Muscle spasms can be a symptoms of Magnesium deficiency.
> > 
> > Try taking Magnesium, an easy way is to use Milk of Magnesia, small
> > amounts will be absorbed if you are deficient and not cause the laxative
> > effect. Spread it out over the day or use at the end of the day. MOM is
> > rapidly absorbed.
> > 
> > There are many food sources of Mg like almonds, cashews, peanuts,
> > dark leafy greens, dark chocolate.
> > 
> > There are topical Mg "Oils", that are not really oils, but concentrated
> > sea water. They are costly but they can be applied topically to the
> > area.
> > 
> > Best way to get Mg is in your food. At the end of the day your mus

Re: allergies, vision, and vit A, was Re: CS>OT Vitamin D - now allergies

2009-11-14 Thread Tony Moody
On 14 Nov 2009 at 11:19, sol wrote about :
Subject : allergies, vision,  and vit A, was 

Hi Sol,

I've read that Vit C is an anti-histamine. Do you go along with that? 

I'm not particularly allergic so can't really judge for myself.


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Re: CS>Scream!

2009-11-16 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dee,

Meter calibration?

Have you stil got some of the commercial DW? Check that to see if your 
meter is still right. The can and do wander off.


On 16 Nov 2009 at 14:04, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Scream!

> Gosh Ode, there are an awful lot of variable aren't there?  I wish I had
> stuck to buying my water now, as I didn't have any problems at all with it
> (apart from it bankrupting me that is )  I just can't understand why
> the first lot was ok, and yet the second lot which was put through a
> filter first, wasn't!  All I can think of is something in the filter must
> have got through the distilling process and gone into the water. I love
> your view of London - unfortunately it isn't like that anymore - no smogs
> where you couldn't see a hand in front of you,  and definitely NO
> Mary Poppins, which is a great shame!  Just bland buildings and bland
> hybrid cars, and congestion zones blah, blah, blah.  I don't actually live
> there - just outside in Surrey, so we are not surrounded with power
> stations etc., but do have heavy traffic.  dee
> On 16 Nov 2009, at 11:56, Ode Coyote wrote:
> > It's the cool months.
> > Wild guesses from an untamed imagination.
> > 
> > You are in London and they heat with coal?
> > 
> > ..or was that 100 years ago in Disney movies where women used umbrellas
> > to fly around with...[having progressed from brooms]  but now have
> > to walk to a bus stop and can't just appear out of thick air.
> > 
> > Hydrogen Sulfide gas + water vapor makes sulfuric acid which is quite
> > conductive. Down wind from a coal fired power plant?
> > 
> >   Closed in, well insulated space? [Carbon dioxide + water vapor makes
> >   carbonic acid ]
> > 
> > Anything in the air will condense on a cooler surface just like the
> > water vapor and distilled water is a very good solvent.
> > 
> > ..might want to try a different collection container, it could be
> > leaching contaminants out of the glass is not absolutely
> > impermeable.
> > 
> > 
> > Ode
> > 
> > 
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>tyndall again

2009-11-16 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dorothy,

I can't see how filtering the water before distilling would cause 
trouble. But cleaning or wiping after the batch could contaminatet the 
next batch. 

OK just looked at and the one they 
hshow has a post -treatment carbon filter which could be the culprit. See 
if removing the filter makes a difference,


On 16 Nov 2009 at 17:18, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>tyndall again

> Hi Tony, I just wiped it out with a cloth and then paper towel after I
> finished distilling, because I thought that the steam would not be
> contaminated.  We ran two lots of water through before using the next lot.
>  The distiller is an OdeV  which has a steel boiling jacket and coil.  The
> collecting container is plastic.  As I said, the first lot was fine so
> maybe it was because I filtered the second lot.  Thanks for you input, I
> will be more careful cleaning it out next time.  dee
> On 16 Nov 2009, at 14:01, Tony Moody wrote:
> > Hi Dorothy,
> > 
> > Contamination some how. 
> > 
> > If its from your own distiller then it could be from 
> > *   carry-over from rapid boiling , (or poor design) or from 
> > *   contamination; maybe from the cleaning process. 
> > 
> > Umm are you running the first few minutes of distilate to waste? That
> > would/should get rid of a lot of the worst contaminants plus all the
> > lighter fractions. 
> > 
> > What are you using to rinse before distilling? The actual distiller head
> > should only be rinsed with distilled water. 
> > 
> > Is there a picture of your distiller to have a look at the design?
> > 
> > OK,
> > Tony
> > 
> > On 16 Nov 2009 at 12:20, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
> > Subject : CS>tyndall again
> > 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>tyndall again

2009-11-16 Thread Tony Moody
On 16 Nov 2009 at 19:33, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>tyndall again

> I haven't put the filters in Tony.  dee
> On 16 Nov 2009, at 19:11, Tony Moody wrote:
> > Hi Dorothy,
> > 
> > I can't see how filtering the water before distilling would cause 
> > trouble. But cleaning or wiping after the batch could contaminatet the
> > next batch. 
> > 
> > OK just looked at and the one they
> > hshow has a post -treatment carbon filter which could be the culprit.
> > See if removing the filter makes a difference,
> > 
> > OK,
> > Tony
> > 

Dear Dorothy,

OK, No post filter. Good thinking.

It's got to be something happening after the boiling takes place. Some 
contamination in the kettle would be acceptable; after all, that' s what 
you are trying to do - - remove contaminants from the water in the 
kettle. Yes?

Normally only steam goes into the condensing unit on top of the "kettle", 
which converts the steam to distilled water by cooling the steam. 

Possible sources of contamination. :
*   Water drops carrying over from the kettle > try less water in the 
kettle to stop it sputtering while boiling.
*   Contamination in the condensing head and outlet spout. > check for 
pockets or leaks inwards. rinse thoroughly. 
*   Contamination in the collection jug. > try a clean glass jug

[ another thought ; remembering that you got yours from usa. If it has a 
110volt heating element and you have 220v wall supply that is going to be 
double the power into the water and its going to boil furiously which 
WILL cause water drop carry-over. ]


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Re: CS>tyndall again

2009-11-17 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Dorothy,

green could most likely be nickel or copper 


On 17 Nov 2009 at 20:00, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>tyndall again

> I have already done the thing with the H202 with stabilizers Dan, with, as
> you say, disastrous results!  I had bought the 3% one as someone had said
> this was ok, but all I got was a murky green mess!  dee
> On 17 Nov 2009, at 19:08, Dan Nave wrote:
> > Buy some food grade H2O2, without any stabilizers, and after the CS is

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Re: CS>Help wanted with embedded stone in medullary sponge kidney

2009-12-03 Thread Tony Moody
On 3 Dec 2009 at 20:25, Hanneke wrote about :
Subject : CS>Help wanted with embedded stone 

> A friend of mine  wrote this to me, but I don't know of  a solution 
> to her problem.
> Would anyone have suggestions which could help her to remove the 
> embedded stone short of surgical intervention?
> "I don't know of anything to melt an embedded stone. One problem is I have
> a defective kidney.  It's called a Medullary Sponge Kidney.  I just
> learned a few years ago I had it.  It's a birth defect.  It didn't start
> causing noticeable problems until just a few years ago.
> Thanks in advance
> Hanneke

Hi Hanneke,

Slackstone has a good rep for this .



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[RE]CS>Just ordered my Kelp:COMMENT

2009-12-07 Thread Tony Moody
On 7 Dec 2009 at 16:19, Annie B Smythe wrote about :
Subject : Re: [RE]CS>Just ordered my Kelp:COM

> Thank you, Brooks:)
> I'll do that then. The fishy scraps. How long 
> should I allow the fish to decompose in the 
> compost before I use it for my container garden?
> And, LOL, thank you for the confirmation. I would 
> like to try Dan's plant frequency CDs. I've heard 
> good things about the results.
> Annie

Hi Annie,
Try the Garden Web Organic Gardening forum

How do you make homemade Fish/Seaweed Emulsion?

> Brooks Bradley wrote:
> >   Dear Annie,
> > I believe your opportunity to obtain fresh fish scraps/offal to be
> > absolutely PRICELESS. You have the opportunity to make a compost
> > superior to ANYTHING you can purchase on the commercial market. As a
> > matter of fact, I am told that Mr. Carlson does, indeed, use a kelp
> > component in his Sonic Bloom protocol. Sincerely, Brooks.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -[ Received Mail Content ]--
> > 
> > *Subject : *Re: [RE]CS>Just ordered my Kelp:COMMENT
> > 
> > *Date : *Mon, 07 Dec 2009 15:43:11 -0600
> > 
> > *From : *Annie B Smythe 
> > 
> > *To : *
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Oh my!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > About the fishy stuff for the garden. I was
> > 
> > considering going down to the docks to ask for
> > 
> > fish scraps since I don't live very far from where
> > 
> > the fishing boats come in. And we have a huge
> > 
> > fresh seafood place right next to the docks. If I
> > 
> > get the fish scraps and put them in a barrel with
> > 
> > some soil and let them decompose. Would the
> > 
> > resultant soil make a decent adjunct to the kelp
> > 
> > for my veggie garden?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I've wondered if it is kelp that Dan Carlson uses
> > 
> > in his Sonic Bloom foliar spray mixture?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Annie
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Brooks Bradley wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  > Dear Annie,
> > 
> >  > I believe it was, probably, me who posted the information
> > relating to
> > 
> >  > the dosage
> > 
> >  > volumes (of kelp and lecithin). Actually, the most acceptable
> >  > (for a
> > 
> >  > majority of our volunteers) method proved to beplacing one
> > rounded
> > 
> >  > teaspoon of lecithin in the mouth and adding enough water (about
> >  > one
> > 
> >  > tablespoon) and swishing sufficiently to make a slurry; next,
> > adding one
> > 
> >  > rounded teaspoon of granulated kelpfollowed by just enough
> >  > added
> > 
> >  > water to re-establish the slurry consistency. Next, just wash it
> >  > all
> > 
> >  > down as you, continuously dilute with additional water. Repeat
> >  > the
> > 
> >  > procedure a second timefor an adequate amount for the average
> > adult.
> > 
> >  > Although it sounds complicatedit is not.
> > 
> >  > What this method gains one is that it, essentially, eliminates
> >  > any
> > 
> >  > problem that would emanate from sensitive persons (pronounced gag
> > 
> >  > reflex) attempting to swallow "dry" granulated kelp. The lecithin
> > does
> > 
> >  > an excellent job emulsifying the entire mixture and
> > 
> >  > negates the "hygroscopic" (water-loving) character of the
> > granulated kelp.
> > 
> >  > By far the greatest benefit from this, particular, procedure
> >
> > 
> >  > allows the ingestion of sufficient volume of kelp---at one
> >  > time---to
> > 
> >  > meet ones overall daily requirements, without considerably more
> > 
> >  > elaborate techniques (e.g. it would require more than 12 standard
> > 50 mg
> > 
> >  > tablets to yield an equal amount of kelp). Additionally, the
> > quality of
> > 
> >  > the granulated kelp is MUCH higher than the highly-compressed,
> > powdered,
> > 
> >  > product used in making the tablets.
> > 
> >  > The lecithin was "granulated" in nature and was a derivative of
> > soy. Any
> > 
> >  > health-food or natural/health food store will carry granulated
> > lecithin.
> > 
> >  > If you are
> > 
> >  > constrained by potential costsPuritan's Pride supplement
> > company is
> > 
> >  > considerably less expensive than most othersbut their product
> >  > is
> > 
> >  > not, necessarily, superior in any way. At least, that has been
> >  > our
> > 
> >  > experience.
> > 
> >  > As related to using kelp as a garden amendment. We have, over the
> > 
> >  > immediately-past 30 yearsutilized liquid seaweed (kelp)as a
> > standard
> > 
> >  > foliage spray. Mixed at the standard recommendations (on the
> > label) we
> > 
> >  > have experienced simply, SPLENDID, results on all of our
> >  > vegetabl

Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines.... Rennies and Dolomite

2009-12-14 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Rowena and All,

Be sure to take acid with that. Otherwise most of it emerges as chalk the 
other side. 

Its better to dissolve in vinegar or VitC or even very dilute 
hydrochloric acid. Add a little water to the powder (crush tabs to a 
powder ) Ad a teaspoon of acid, stir until it stops foaming, Add more 
acid, and stir until it stops foaming. If no more bubbles appear when 
acid is added that enough. Dilute with some more water and glug , rinse 
mouth with water or juice.

I try to take this with food or straight afterwards. 

Comments are welcome.


On 14 Dec 2009 at 11:20, Rowena wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines Re

> Dolomite!  Of course!  I have a practically untouched container, years
> old, somewhere.  Sounds better than Rennies!  More magnesium. R
> Norton, Steve wrote:
> >
> > Dolomite powder might work the same as Rennies. It is basically 
> > Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate but with a higher percentage
> > of magnesium. Per teaspoon of Dolomite: Calcium carbonate - 1100mg
> > Magnesium carbonate - 630mg
> >
> >  - Steve N
> >
> --
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>is my CS not good?

2009-12-20 Thread Tony Moody
On 19 Dec 2009 at 15:00, Gina Moore wrote about :
Subject : CS>is my CS not good?

> I’ve been making my own CS for several months now and I’m beginning to
> doubt it’s effectiveness.  I drink probably a cup a day, although not
> every day, and I give my kids ½ a cup or so a day as well.  I spray it on
> scrapes and such and use it on any odd skin things.  I don’t see it really
> helping anything though.  I have a Silver Puppy and I know it is a good
> machine, but I’m just not convinced that the CS is really killing
> anything.  I’ve never herxed from taking it, even at a cup or more a day.
> And I have Lyme, so I know I have stuff to kill!
> Just wondering if I’m doing something wrong?  I have it set to auto/AC
> currently.  I use DI water and have the heat stirrer.  Is there any way to
> test it’s effectiveness?
> Thanks!
> Gina

Hi Gina,

To see if there is any silver in the product that you have made you could
take a small amount of your CS, say 1/2 oz in a clear container and add a
few drops of salt solution or a few grains of salt.(Sodium chloride ) You
should observe a visible white cloud which is silver chloride. No cloud =
no silver. Very dense white cloud  = lots of silver.

Another way is to shine a laser light (a red light pointer ) through the
CS . You should see a red streak through the solution depending on how
much CS or is anything in the water. This is called the tyndall effect. I
just did a Yahoo search and found several interesting articles. (Google
is abysmally slow here.)


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Re: CS>sun exposure rash

2008-04-01 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Faith,

Infra red light like from a laser pen or the special red led 880n lamps should 
be soothing and 
seems to have recuperative affect on soft tissue damage. 

I would use that together with CS and megk as below per Bob Larson. 

Do you have mercury fillings? 

On Dr Simoncini site  ( Try 
this and go from there to the skin cancer page ) he talks about application of 
bicarb solution 
and also about iodine painting. 

On another level; Often, skin is about relationships and the red is about fiery 
stuff. so let the 
fire out in a safe, non-destructive, mutually beneficial way.


On 31 Mar 2008 at 18:59, bob Larson wrote about :
Subject : CS>sun exposure rash

> tried using CS on them a couple times each day?
> if it doesn't work alone, consider applying low voltage d.c. electricity,
> like from a 6v lantern battery, at the same time.  CS + microcurrents
> together are capable of amazing cellular tricks with making cells into
> undifferentiated stem cells which then re-form into the correct cells
> according to DNA instruction coding.  worth a try, just don't hold the
> electricity on for too long at a time or it can irritate the skin and that
> can for some reason take a long time to heal up.  probably 15 or 20 minute
> sessions a couple times each day and reverse the wires every few minutes to
> reverse current flow direction.
> see yahoogroup microelectricitygermkiller the files and photos areas at the
> groups homepage.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: faith gagne []
> > Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 2:50 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis
> >
> >
> > I saw the dermatologist today for a red rash on my arms and legs,
> > and other
> > skin problems.  He said that the red rash spots are actually growths and
> > they will never go away because the rash is the result of long
> > hours in the
> > sun years ago.  Skin damage.  Faith G.
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Marshall Dudley" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 12:00 PM
> > Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis
> >
> >
> > Pat wrote:
> > > If psoriasis is caused by a borrelia infection, why would drugs which
> > > suppress the immune system help so much?
> >
> > I think because the infection tends to be self limiting anyway, and the
> > psoriasis is result of the body's immune system, not the actual infectoin.
> >
> > Marshall
> >

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Re: CS>sun exposure rash

2008-04-02 Thread Tony Moody
On 1 Apr 2008 at 6:40, Dianne France wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>sun exposure rash

> Steve,
> My brother has psoriasis in his hair and tried cs but it didn't seem to work 
> for him.  He applied it twice daily.  He may have other stimulants in his 
> diet causing the reoccurrence.  
> Hope you are able to get the transplant soon and return to health.  
> Dianne

Hi Dianne,

CS is water based and thus has a tough time trying to get through oil or fat. 
There has to be 
contact for the CS to be effective. 


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2008-04-04 Thread Tony Moody
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light,
and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.
Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth. Gandhi

Floggings will continue until morale improves!

On 3 Apr 2008 at 12:40, Dan Nave wrote about :

> Afternoon Wayne,
> I think you nailed that one.
> I may print it out for posterity... 
> Dan
> Was that retort stinging, or was it biting?...
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
> > Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 11:25 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>TICK REPELLANT
> > 
> > At 08:45 AM 4/3/2008, you wrote:
> > 
> > >Okay, maybe I am using the wrong word.  I am more than tired of this 
> > >tick discussion.  Faith G.
> > 
> >Too Bad !
> > 
> > If you and others would stop getting things wrong, . 
> > we would all shut up.
> > 
> > It is hard to stop when some are still confused.
> >( about things so simple, hand writting on the wall, and 
> > things that are etched in stone )
> > 
> > Wayne
> > 
> > =

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Re: CS>Mistake with making CS - worsening of Lyme Disease symptoms- Chelation needed

2008-04-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Peter,
I would like to know the details of how you made the CS and also how much you 

It would seem that you have a die off reaction so the silver is working as 
predicted. I haven't 
come across the depleted glutathion story before, but it seems a bit odd. 

Have you considered taking Vit E and selenium.

All best,
Tony Moody

On 8 Apr 2008 at 4:53, Peter wrote about :
Subject : CS>Mistake with making CS - worseni

> Dear members,
> I made a mistake with making CS, used apparently
> springwater in stead of distilled water.. I will spare
> you the details why this happened( too much in a hurry
> to heal I suppose).
> So what  happened is that my brain infections, 
> headaches caused by Neuro Borreliosis (third stage
> Lyme Disease, Trademark: Rothschilds/Traube,
> weaponslab PlumIsland) worsened considerably. This is
> probably caused by the silversalts and larger silver
> particles that cause lowering of the glutationn level
> in my body and as such promote growth of inflammation
> (See also
> So I need to know natural ways to chelate silver out
> of the body, anyone knows? I know DMSA, EDTA, DMPS
> possibilities, but these are strong chemicals, so not
> my favorites.
> Best
> Peter

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2008-04-19 Thread Tony Moody
On 18 Apr 2008 at 16:26, Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA  wrote about :
Subject : CS>Cat Scan (UNCLASSIFIED)

> Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
> Caveats: NONE
> Are there any doctors that will put you under for a cat scan.
> My Wife needs one but cannot handle even the open one (Due to Trauma in
> younger years).
> She tried the open one but could not do it.
>  Bob
> Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
> Caveats: NONE

Hi Robert,

Some time ago I talked to a pharmaceutical rep here about just that sort of 
situation and she 
mentioned Aterax from UCB is used as a premed anti anxiety thing. You may be 
able to get 
your Dr to prescribe that or something like that.

All best,

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2008-04-21 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Bob,
That is a tough one. Have you considered hypnosis? Some very encouraging 
reports about 

On 21 Apr 2008 at 9:40, Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA  wrote about :
Subject : RE: CS>Cat Scan (UNCLASSIFIED)

> Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
> Caveats: NONE
>  No good, She has to under all the way or she will have a panic attach.
> Bob
> -Original Message-
> From: Tony Moody [] 
> Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 2:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Cat Scan (UNCLASSIFIED)
> On 18 Apr 2008 at 16:26, Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA  wrote about :
> Subject : CS>Cat Scan (UNCLASSIFIED)
> > Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
> > Caveats: NONE
> >  
> > 
> > Are there any doctors that will put you under for a cat scan.
> > My Wife needs one but cannot handle even the open one (Due to Trauma 
> > in younger years).
> > She tried the open one but could not do it.
> > 
> >  Bob
> >   
> >  
> > Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
> > Caveats: NONE
> > 
> Hi Robert,
> Some time ago I talked to a pharmaceutical rep here about just that sort
> of situation and she 
> mentioned Aterax from UCB is used as a premed anti anxiety thing. You
> may be able to get 
> your Dr to prescribe that or something like that.
> All best,
> Tony
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
> Caveats: NONE

Re: CS>daughters infected wisdom tooth

2008-04-24 Thread Tony Moody
Hi G,

In desperation i applied one of the silver rods from my silver maker direct to 
tooh and while 
holding the other rod. For a few seconds (less than 1/2 a minute)  and then 
electrodes. It was virtually instant relief which didn't last long, an hour 
maybe. Repeat 
applications improved the response til by end of day it was fixed and the 
swelling started 
going down leaving a hollow in the flesh at base of tooth. 

It stings for a moment and rapidly goes just sore, less than before. 

I use a device driven by 9v battery and it has current control to 1 milliAmp.

Best of luck to you and yours,


On 23 Apr 2008 at 12:27, wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>daughters infected wisdom to

> My daughter is at college and will be back in 2 weeks to adress the impacted 
> wisdom tooth. She bought Sovergn silver and is using it as compresses plus 
> taking it orally and using homeopathics to no avail.She is in tremendous 
> pain. an 
> ideas?
> **
> Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car 
> listings at AOL Autos.
> (

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Re: CS>Question: Collodial Silver and Strep Throat

2008-04-24 Thread Tony Moody
On 24 Apr 2008 at 14:26, wrote about :
Subject : CS>Question:  Collodial Silver and 

> I believe I have strep as I have all the same symptoms that I associate with 
> it.  Each time this has occurred I have increase my intake of Collodial 
> Silver.  I do believe that the Collodial Silver helps in some way but it 
> never seems to work an the burning painful sore throat.  This time I have 
> been on the MMS  (15 drops 4x day) and Collodial Silver  I believe that 
> it may decrease the length of time, but again the burning throat continues..  
> I bought a squeeze lemon and spray it on the back of the throat and also hot 
> and really spicey broth soup is helpful. 
> Is Strep immune to the collodial silver?  Or am I not using the right method 
> for it to help.
> thanks
> connie
> _
> Click to compare psych/counseling degrees in a free directory of programs.

Hi Connie,

If you catch the sore throat early enough then you may be succesful with one or 
applications. Trouble is that the throat area is richly endowed with mucous and 
the strep etc 
hides in the slime. CS has difficulty penetrating that. I have had several 
successes gargling 
with salt water as an adjunct (1 tsp per cup of warm water ) both before and 
after slooshing 
and gargling with CS.  

I would guess that adding DMSO to CS would do similar slime penetration and 
possibly be 
even more effective that the salt water.


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Re: CS>godzilla now LED lights Belly buttons and aortas

2008-05-01 Thread Tony Moody
Me too. But still can't see the light.

On 30 Apr 2008 at 21:08, Michael Zangari wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>godzilla now LED lights Bell

> I've been contemplating mine for years now it seems.
> B Magnatta  wrote:
>   Ok , so now we are "contemplating our navels"? ... Lol... 
> And we added a "bright idea " to that, ! 
> Sincerely Barb M. 
> ---Original Message--- 
> From: Pat 
> Date: 4/30/2008 12:42:01 PM 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: CS>godzilla now LED lights Belly buttons and aortas 
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
>   =z= 
> The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
> Michael Zangari 
> -

Re: CS>Cs containing nickel???

2008-05-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Patricia,
I use a 9 volt battery connected to two fine silver rods 2.5mm diameter by 
about 80 mm long. 
Put the rods in 250 ml distilled water for about 1 hour and you will have 
something useful. the 
rods need to be close about 15mm apart but must not touch each other. Swirl or 
stir with the 
rods every 10 minutes or so. 

Refinements: you could get yourself a millampmeter and check the current flow. 
For the 
above rods the current should be about 1 milliamp. Alter this by changing the 
between the rods; but not closer than say 12 mm. The current will be very low 
at the 
beginning of the process if the the distilled water is good. If the current is 
high, 1 ma or more 
then the distilled water is too conductive, or there is soap or other 

Have fun,
Tony Moody

 On 7 May 2008 at 17:05, patricia beja wrote about : Subject : Re: CS>Cs  

> Can anyone tell me how to go about making colloidal silver solution.
> Patricia
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Clayton Family" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 7:18 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Cs containing nickel???
> Well,
> Of course, if the silver is not pure enough it is possible to have 
> traces of other metals in it, including nickel. Also, if there is any 
> stainless steel in the apparatus it is possible to have nickel as a 
> contaminant.
> If it is four nines silver (99.99%) , and you have a squeeky clean set 
> up and know the components, that risk can be minimised if someone is 
> severly allergic. It can be done, just a tiny bit more trouble.  It 
> should not be necessary for nearly everyone else.
> I like her idea of the skin prick test for a severly allergic person. I 
> am allergic to nickel as well, but have never had any problems with my 
> solutions, and I use 3 nines silver (99.9%).
> Just my thought, anyone else?
> Kathryn
> On May 6, 2008, at 8:55 PM, Hanneke wrote:
> >  Hi all,
> >
> >  The statement below I came across another forum. I would like to 
> > respond to let this lady know there is no nickel in it. I would like 
> > some input with possible reference to refute her statement. Thanks.
> >
> > "Nickel is present in colloidal silver and many people have nickel 
> > allergies and don't realize it. I went into shock after drinking a 
> > very small amount.  I urge you to do a skin-prick test after every 
> > batch for each person who will consume the tonic."
> >
> >  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
> > Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
> > To post, address your message to: 
> > Address Off-Topic messages to: 
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List 
> > archives are currently down...  List maintainer: Mike Devour
> -- 
> I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.
> It has removed 1148 spam emails to date.
> Paying users do not have this message in their emails.
> Get the free SPAMfighter here:

Re: CS>Electrode Spacing

2008-05-09 Thread Tony Moody
On 9 May 2008 at 0:27, Wayne Fugitt wrote about :
Subject : CS>Electrode Spacing

> Evening Tony,
>  >> At 11:58 PM 5/8/2008, you wrote:
> >I use a 9 volt battery connected to two fine silver rods 2.5mm diameter by 
> >about 80 mm long.
> >Put the rods in 250 ml distilled water for about 1 hour and you will have 
> >something useful. the
> >rods need to be close about 15mm apart but must not touch each other. 
> >Swirl or stir with the
> >rods every 10 minutes or so.
>I make CS much the same way you do and do not disagree with anything you 
> said.
>I have only one question.
> >the  rods need to be close about 15mm apart but must not touch each other
> How do you arrive at this distance?  Mine are further than that.
> And maybe another one,  why a specific distance ?

Well, as far as I know your process is quite different. You use 50v and no 
current control ; I 
use 9 volts with current control.

The lower voltage requires a closer electrode seperation. I arrived at that 
'cos that was the 
distance of the clamps I used. A long time ago I used to use 27 volts and when 
I changed to 
9 volts, for several reasons, I found that the rods had to be closer together 
or the process 
takes 'forever' to start. Also I used to work in a plating shop so have this 
technology under my 
skin. The book 'Silver Plating' has several parameters to this too, so I got it 
from reading as 
well as much experimenting.  Also in the past Old Bob, Ode, Marshall, Ivan and 
discussed electrode seperation at length, among other things. 

> Wayne > =  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>skin of fingertips silky soft and less sensitive

2008-05-13 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Sol / Hanneke,

I get thin skin on fingers occasionally. I think that supplementing with Vit A 
and D will correct 
that. and or codliver oil , linseed oil etc Anything that will toughen the 
skin. And as well as 
doing antiparasite protocols to reduce the load on the body. I usually suck on 
a clove day and 
night if I suspect an invasion. 

I think what brings 'thin skin' on for me is emotional stress, plus exposure to 
skin stressors 
like mould or cat faeces while digging in garden soil , petrol on the skin, 
certain soaps and 
shampoos with 'cheap perfume' , exhaust fumes, garden sprays, etc etc.

Umm , Reading Sols other email about adrenal fatigue etc; my comment. I have 
evolved the 
use of a Stick/Slip techique for getting Yes/No answers. For me: rubbing thumb 
forefinger will Stick slightly with a Yes or a strengthening of self, and will 
Slip with a No or a 
weakening of myself. It seems that the fingerprints sort of grab onto each 
other like hot velcro 
or flatten like icy soap. I know how to swing a pendulum and get the anwer that 
I want but the 
stick/slip seems to be more "true"; beyond my own brand of BS. So maybe there 
is an 
adrenal/cortisol/skin condition correlation or something like that. An actual 
reaction. So, by inference; by using methods like positive thinking maybe the 
skin will say yes 


On 12 May 2008 at 18:56, sol wrote about : Subject : Re: CS>skin of fingertips 
silky sof   

> That is pretty interesting--I just posted I have the slippery
> finger/palm skin too, and I have had small blood vessels burst in
> finger joints, VERY painful for such a small "wound". Not while doing
> anything either, one would just suddenly burst for no good reason.
> Then there would be bleeding at the site of course, and a "bruise"
> would develop at the site, so it was obvious there was bleeding into
> surrounding tissue. I would guess my adrenal treatment may be helping
> because I haven't had one break in a long time. I don't have any of the
> other symptoms though. sol 
> Rowena wrote:
> > Will also search, Hanneke.  Here is my first attempt:
> >  
> >
> >  

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Re: CS>Planning Surgery--knee

2008-05-17 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dianne,

An 80+ friend Elvira, had first one then the other knee done in th UK and both 
were very

Des, a neighbour, also had two done here in South Africa, one after the other 
but was in
considerable pain until she was invited to visit an orthotics builder, Marrissa 
Nel, who
checked her foot pressure patterns, made shoe inserts and now happiness 
prevails. The foot
pressure pattern was obtained by walking on a moving belt 'floor' with sensors 
to a graphics

Good luck,

On 16 May 2008 at 19:01, Dianne France wrote about :
Subject : CS>Planning Surgery--knee

> I have a partial knee replacement already scheduled and I'm very
> concerned and will talk to my surgeon about this warning.  I'm totally
> bone on bone and it is wearing the bones from trying to walk.
> I've been having terrible sciatica in the past and although less
> symtomatic with advise from others on this list I have found out what
> is causing the problem.  It isn't the hip as I thought.  I have a
> bulging disc in my lower back and it is encroaching on the nerve
> coming out that side.  My whole spine is arthritic according to the
> MRI and several places are more narrow than they should be.  Instead
> of looking like a round tube it looks more like a thread.  They
> basically told me as it continues to get worse I will probably loose
> the ability to lift my toe when walking.  I already have some numbness
> and cold feeling down that leg.  I'm wondering if an inversion machine
> would help?
> This wasn't a very good day for my husband either as he had a check up
> at the VA and it wasn't good.  He's been having indigestion and that
> is all he thought it was but the VA said he has already had a heart
> attack.  They couldn't pin point when but not recent.  They want him
> to see a heart specialist but they are so backed up they said if he
> can possibly go private to do so.  He has good insurance so we went by
> original primary and he is going to schedule him with a cardiologist.
> He also said not to let him do anything physical until he sees the
> specialist.  So glad our son is here right now to take care of the
> farm.
> Prayers are appreciated.
> Dianne
>   - Original Message -
>   From:
>   To: ;
> ;
> ;
> ;
>   Kevin ;
> ;
> ;
> ;
> ;
> ;
>   ACMN Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 1:48 PM
>   Subject: CS>Must Read if Planning Surgery
>   [This was a special alert from Health Sciences Institute -
>   Baltimore]
>   Dear Reader,
>   If you or anyone you know is planning to have surgery, you MUST READ
>   this urgent message...
>   Trasylol, a commonly used drug to control bleeding during surgery,
>   has been shown to contribute to widespread death. In fact, Trasylol,
>   made by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, has been associated with
>   as many as 1,000 DEATHS A MONTH since it was introduced 14 years
>   ago.
>   Apparently the FDA has known about the danger associated with
>   Trasylol for two years - yes, that´s two years at 1,000 deaths a
>   month - but only now is doing something about it. And, despite the
>   research showing it kills people, they are still allowing some
>   "limited" use of Trasylol. (Don´t you wish you were
>   surprised?)
>   The worst part is that the patient is never consulted about using
>   it. It's not like a prescription that you can choose to fill or not.
>   It's the doctor who chooses which drugs to use during surgery. So if
>   you or a loved one is undergoing surgery, tell your doctor you don't
>   want them using Trasylol and ask what the other options are. Your
>   life may depend on it.
>   To Your Good Health,
>   Jenny Thompson
>   P.S. If you know anyone who may be planning surgery, please be sure
>   they get this urgent warning.
>   __._,_.___
>   --
>   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
>   Silver.
>   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>   To post, address your message to:
>   Address Off-Topic messages to:
>   .com>
>   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS>Distiller and Generator - from America or down the road?

2008-05-17 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Rowena,

I flog my ColSilGen and its £39 delivered airmail from South Africa.
That is battery operated so need for adapters, has automatic
electronic Current Control and is very useful on rainwater.  With
full instructions and also a booklet on usages.

Tony Moody,
PO Box 24,
Hogsback 5721,
Eastern Cape,
South Africa

Tel : 045 962 1131 
Cellphone : 073 689 5742
email :

On 17 May 2008 at 13:56, Rowena wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Distiller and Generator - fr

> Dee, for domestic purposes the water meters are not a must.  One kind
> tells you how much solid stuff is in the water, which can be handy to
> begin with, but which you likely would not use after the first few
> days.  Another I believe would tell you kind of how strong your CS is,
> but I never had one.
> Perhaps rain water would be a possibility.
> It's incredible, isn't it, how hard the distilled water thing is over
> there.  I know, I have been trying to help a friend in Sussex get set
> up, as you  may recall.  And when I found the generators on line in
> the UK, I thought they were a bit pricey (if 45 pounds post free is
> pricey, maybe I am just a scrooge).  online holistic health shop   and
> were two I turned up.
> The Silver Pulser is available from for
> £150 and two replacement wires £18.
> It's embarrassingly simple to fix a piece of wire to a crocodile or
> alligator clip, and I suspect that's the hardest part.  Four little
> alligator clips from one of those electronic type stores (you don't
> even have to disguise yourself as a technician, I just went in as a
> little old housewife) and apart from finding some high grade silver
> you are nearly there!  The silver rods cost eight quid for two from
> Realm Shift.   Two bits of wire, four clips, and the batteries you
> choose to use.  If something happened to mine, I think that is what I
> would do to replace it.  But I know there are some wonderful options
> out there across the Atlantic.
> R
> Smitty recently posted: I use 4 square 9V batteries hooked in series.
> 9 X 4 = 36V The clips of one snap together on another. Once the four
> are snapped together, use alligator clips on the 2 remaining posts. 1
> plus and 1 minus. I use silver Canadian Maple Leaf coins, which you
> may be able to find at any coin/stamp shop. and attach them to a small
> board with plastic clips holding the coins. Pour distilled water into
> a qt. glass jar until the coins are half covered with water.
> Gosh, you sound quite the little techno whizz, Kirsteen!  I am
> not good at innovating and would really like to get the proper
> generator, but it is the water distilling and water meters
> etc., which put me off.  Dee
> but I think it was about £50 -£60 certainly no more than that.
> I couldn't afford a generator so I use the 9v battery method
> with some 99.9% silver wire that I also bought online. It's
> quick, simple and easy to make. I don't have a meter or
> anything to test it just a laser pen to check for Tyndall
> effect but my son, my friends and myself have all had
> marvellous results with it. And now I've got my nebuliser
> (Ebay again :-) there's no stopping me.
> Cheers
> Kirsteen

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Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Gayla,

How does one check oneself for pinworms? 


On 10 Jun 2008 at 7:31, Gayla Roberts wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Ag4O4

> Have you checked yourself for pinworms?
> Gayla Roberts
> Always Enough Ranch
> Acampo, California
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: bob Larson 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:38 AM
>   Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
>   thanks Dee.
>   by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a rectal 
> itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  

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RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-11 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Bob,

CS sprayed or dabbed will sooth the tenderest of itchy parts. 

Cabbage leaf, crushed or bruised and applied should draw off the offending 

Skin brushing will also help to get rid of itch causing stuff from the body. 
If you want instructiond let me know.

Vit C is an antihistamine apparently.


"You cannot achieve optimal enlightenment without moving through, and
coming to terms with, the depths of the darkness. "

On 10 Jun 2008 at 23:07, bob Larson wrote about :
Subject : RE: CS>Ag4O4

> i dunno what might be causing it... i did read something somewhere (?) about
> extended consumption of large amounts of CS interfering with ability to
> produce glutathione.  not a good thing if true... counterproductive for
> sure.  i do take ALA, NAC, and a scoop of whey daily, but if the glutathione
> production mechanism is impaired or shut down that's all a waste.
> i actually think it's involving the saturn transit opposing my asc and
> asc-mercury midpoint (again, and on & on & on))
> the skipped description was indeed needless or i would've went with it.
> noone really needs to read about the stains in my skivies from compulsive
> cross-eyed scratch fits, sometimes in public places...etc ;-)
>   -Original Message-
>   From: Dee []
>   Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:45 AM
>   To:
>   Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
> I wonder what could cause that?  Thanks for the 'too much
> information' sensitivity, but I think we are all a pretty hardened lot on
> here with all the different problems there are.  After all, who knows, maybe
> someone can come up with an explanation.  If you don't mention something
> then you never find the answer eh? Dee
> ---Original Message---
> From: bob Larson
> Date: 10/06/2008 13:38:22
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
> thanks Dee.
> by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a
> rectal itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  no problem usually while
> busy working or running around doing stuff, but when more relaxed i find
> myself scratching to the point of ... (needless graphic description skipped
> to coddle the hyper-sensitive).
> cheers,
> bobL

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS CS colours - was - Discoloring teeth

2008-06-11 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dee,
Soap or detergent will make CS turn various colours red, yellow or violet are 
what I have seen. It takes very, very little soap residue to cause the colour 
change. Rinsing many times may get rid of the soap but unless you are 
emotionally attached to such a bottle then use it for something else or toss 


On 10 Jun 2008 at 19:35, Dee wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>CS CS colours - was - Discol

> As you may know I have only just started to make my own CS and that
> phenomena has happened to me!  I have made four bottles of CS; three of
> which are perfect and clear and the fourth has gone sort of greeny yellow. 
> Now two of the bottles are from one supplier (my bought CS) and the one
> which is affected is from my former supplier; Rivers of Health.  The fourth
> bottle is also from them and yet the CS in that one is perfectly clear.  All
> bottles and caps were rinsed in DW but not washed out thoroughly with soap
> or anything.  I don't think that anything else has been put in that bottle
> except CS so it is even more strange.  Dee PS all bottles are PET plastic.
> ---Original Message---
> From: sol
> Date: 10/06/2008 19:19:41
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>CS Discoloring teeth
> LOL. Thanks for saying what I've thought for years now--glass is not as
> impermeable as it is said to be. My comment is just that I've had more
> trouble with glass jars and bottles affecting CS adversely than plastic.
> In fact, I've never had a plating or drop out problem with  plastic
> bottles or jugs  used for storing CS, unless the CS was yellow when it
> went into the plastic. I've had lots of CS turn color and suffer plate
> out and drop out when stored in glass. Sometimes I've been able to clean
> a glass container well enough with peroxide and running through the
> dishwasher, then rinsing with hot tap water, then with several changes
> of distilled water, but some glass jars even those measures didn't work
> on. One was a very old canning jar. No telling what it had absorbed, and
> what was leaching into the CS.

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2008-06-28 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Mike,

You could try putting the led in line with the electrodes. .27 mA may not be 
enough to give you a glow tho'.  That way you not drawing any more current 
Than usual. I use a 1mA controller and that lights up very well.


On 27 Jun 2008 at 14:33, M. G. Devour wrote about :
Subject : CS>Big WOOPS!

> I don't know if most of you remember the episode a few years back when 
> Marshalee discovered the batteries in her generator were dead? It 
> explained why her CS had stopped working for her and was a cautionary 
> tale for all of us!
> Well, I'm not sure what made me think of it today, but I decided to 
> measure the voltage across my electrodes just to see if the batteries 
> were still okay. They should be, given that the load we put on them 
> making CS is so low they should be good for their shelf-life of several 
> **years.**
> No voltage. Huh?!
> I took apart the case and, lo and behold, the cheapo battery holder 
> from radio shack is broken, with the end popped off and the batteries 
> sticking out.
> G! 
> So just how long has MY colloidal silver been plain water? God only 
> knows. It's been at least 5 years since I built this thing in its 
> current incarnation and I'm still on the original set of batteries. The 
> last time I checked the voltage? I don't remember.
> Time to re-build it with a small LED and a pushbutton battery test 
> switch. And a better quality battery holder, of course.
> FYI, my generator consists of two AA batteries for 3 volts, a current 
> limiting diode (part# 1N5285, 0.27 ma), a silver eagle coin for the 
> anode, and a couple of copper wires for cathodes, one on either side of 
> the coin. The cathodes have insulation on them except for the bottom 
> 1/4" or so.
> It will also have a battery-check light, real soon. 
> Be well!
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>night sweats after heart surgery

2008-06-29 Thread Tony Moody
On 29 Jun 2008 at 5:38, Dianne France wrote about :
Subject : CS>night sweats after heart surgery

> Group
> I was hoping that someone might have a suggestion that might help my husband
> with night sweats post surgery.  He has been home almost a week recovering
> from by pass surgery and can't seem to regulate body temperature during the
> nights.  He goes from chills to hot night sweats but no temperature evident.
> I'm sure some of this is probably is body dealing with all the chemicals and
> trauma.  It is making his nights very unpleasant and tiring him out more. 
> Any suggestions as to what might help would be greatly appreciated.
> Dianne

Hallo Dianne,

Rub up and down his spine, either side of the vertebrae. There are many 
variations but basically with him lying face down ( or on his side is OK but 
a bit more difficult to do) place fore finger and middle finger each side of 
the vertebra at neck/shoulder and and pull down along his spine in a slowish 
sweep ( 3 to 5 seconds)  to  where his hip bones are. You may work lightly ( 
like finger painting) or medium pressure ( like checking fruit for ripeness 
). Then slide up and sweep down again. do 12 strokes minimum . Repeat a few 
times per day if you can. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fonts and Bogus Software

2008-07-06 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Wayne,

Your emails arrive here in two versions. One is Plain text and other is fancy 
Html text. You need to change a setting in your eudora to turn off the fancy 
text version. Here below is an example of the html part. I am sure that your 
emailer is sending out the two versions.


Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

Evening Dee,
At 02:43 PM 7/5/2008, you wrote:
Well now this post
came through with your text  all the same size, while mine is
slightly smaller as I wrote it, but the one from Jim had all different
fonts where yours started off the same as in this email and then changed
size to small at the end.  All very strange.  Dee 
   Yes, Indeed it is.
    The message that came back to me from the list, had
all the same sized font.
And the one you quoted, had all the same sized font.
But, In Jims message, his quotes were blue and small, and mine all the
same sized.
I can only deduct that your mailer does not interpert all the codes
exactly right.  Some do, and some don't, . I think.

On 5 Jul 2008 at 15:41, Wayne Fugitt wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Fonts and Bogus Software

> Evening Dee,
> At 02:43 PM 7/5/2008, you wrote:
> >Well now this post came through with your text  all the same size, while 
> >mine is slightly smaller as I wrote it, but the one from Jim had all 
> >different fonts where yours started off the same as in this email and then
> >changed size to small at the end.  All very strange.  Dee
> Yes, Indeed it is.
>  The message that came back to me from the list, had all the same sized
> font.
> And the one you quoted, had all the same sized font.
> But, In Jims message, his quotes were blue and small, and mine all the same
> sized.
> I can only deduct that your mailer does not interpert all the codes exactly
> right.  Some do, and some don't, . I think.
> Wayne

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Re: CS>Fonts and Bogus Software

2008-07-06 Thread Tony Moody
Yes Pat,

Your emails come through just fine from YahooMail. Your settings are correct. 
It is in Plain Text and your headers say so too... correctly declared as 
Content-Type: text/plain;

It really looks its like Waynes emailer that is messing things up by 
returning Plain Text received and replying as Plain and Html . but he doesn't 
do that every time. 


On 6 Jul 2008 at 1:13, Pat wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Fonts and Bogus Software

> Wayne, likely your problems are that you skim and don't read thoroughly and
> likely don't listen well, either.
> You said, "I wonder why you set it to do that, then can't turn it off.
> Should take a few seconds."
> I like for it to let me know when I have personal mail.
> You said, "Your mailers are a disaster for you, no matter what.
> Likely that stupid Rich Text is half of your problems."
> But I'd said I have no problems with the font when in rich text in Yahoo
> mail.
> You said, "Most of the problems are YOU, not the mailer."
> And I say most of the problem is that you are so arrogant that you won't
> help, only put down others.  I'm sure the mail problem is mine, and that's
> why I'd asked the expert for help in navigating Eudora.
> Pat
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Two Messages ? Very Strange Indeed

2008-07-06 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Wayne,

Yes, what I was talking about is the fairly standard multipart/alternate 
method of sending both a Plain version and an html version of the same 
message in one email . That is how most emailers are setup if they are 
sending fancy. 

I think you are set up to only read the Plain Text version, like I am. But I 
think your Eudora is set to Reply in Plain and Fancy to Fancy emails and 
Reply in Plain to Plain text email. 


Every morning is the dawn of a new error.

On 6 Jul 2008 at 10:05, Wayne Fugitt wrote about :
Subject : CS>Two Messages ?  Very Strange Ind

> Morning Tony,
>  >> At 09:07 AM 7/6/2008, you wrote:
> >Your emails arrive here in two versions. One is Plain text and other is 
> >fancy  Html text.
> >I am sure that your  emailer is sending out the two versions.
>You get two messages ?
< Big snip>

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>endomorphins

2008-07-22 Thread Tony Moody
On 21 Jul 2008 at 23:59, Dianne France wrote about :
Subject : CS>endomorphins

> Dear Group,
> I have a question about surgeries and endomorphins.  My husband has always 
> been extremely strong and had a high pain tolerance but since his open heart 
> surgery aches and pains bother him terribly.  Does surgery use up your 
> endomorphins and you have to build them back up?  My dad had this same 
> reaction after heart surgery and never seemed to get his pain tolerance back.
> Not many years back my husband was in a bad horse crash and had a horse go 
> over backwards on him and then got up and walked all over him when he was 
> down.  He had a cracked hip and several broken ribs and took part of his ear 
> off and limited palse in one leg.  He told me not to call 911 because he 
> would be able to get up in a few minutes.  I didn't listen and this 
> hospitalized him for days and they came close to amputating the leg.  He said 
> since heart surgery he feels like a whimp.  I don't know what to think or do 
> for him.  Any recommendations would be appreciated.  It has now been one 
> month.  I started back giving him vitamin supplements several weeks ago.  
> Mostly B's, C, E, CoQ10 and milk thistle.  He also is having taste problems 
> since surgery and much more indigestion.  He is taking enzymes when he eats 
> to try and help.  He doesn't like taking lots of supplements.
> Thanks,
> Dianne

Hi Dianne,

It is possible that due to the fall and the trauma and the surgery, that his 
"batteries are upside down" to a certain extent. You could try this. Place 
your hands at top and bottom of his spine for a few minutes while both are 
you are quiet minded. Place right hand at bottom of spine and left hand at 
the top.

( If that doesn't seem to work then swop hands for 1/2 a minute to sort of 
dam-up the flow then place hands the correct polarity. )

 He can do this too for himself. R hand in his lap and L hand at top of chest 
or draped round his neck or on back or top of head.  This serves to balance 
the autonomic nervous system. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS> deluting CS with tap H2O

2008-07-26 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Bob,

Just a bit of practicality. The CS is going to mix with your own saliva and 
all its plethora of elements and compounds , including dreaded chlorine. So, 
pretty quick, you will have silver chloride in your mouth. OK. I think this 
is helpful because the silver is then bound and can make its way into the 
body tissues in an acceptable to the body form. The silver is then released 
where it encounters something that undoes the chloride, allowing silver to 
have its way. To my mind silver is catalytic in some way, very little is 
needed to have, sometimes, a profound effect. And the effect scan go on much 
longer stopping EIS.   There seem to be at least two mechanisms at the 
healing site. One has something to do with micro-organisms, ie non-self, and 
the other with stemcells, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation. ie self.

It is perceived to be "not a good idea"(tm)  to make EIS with tap water. 
However I do, because it is too much of a difficult and expensive task to get 
distilled water where I live here in Africa. If i can drink the water then 
i'll use it to make eis, which is a very quick process, a couple of minutes 
for a cupful.



On 25 Jul 2008 at 18:23, bob Larson wrote about :
Subject : RE: CS> deluting CS with tap H2O

> 2. i believe...  if you mix CS with tap water silver ions will react with
> chlorine and make silver chloride, which isn't really something you want to
> be drinking a lot of regularly unless you want to smurf out.
> 1. yes, AFAIK
>   -Original Message-
>   From: larry tankersley []
>   Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 1:05 PM
>   To:
>   Subject: CS> deluting CS with tap H2O
>   Hey Folks; it's warming up nicely today here in the G-spot, the arm pit of
> Florida!
>   Question... If one were to cut/delute ,say, 16oz of 10 ppm CS with another
> 16 oz of DW, would you not end up with 32oz of 5 ppm ? No such thing as a
> dumb question but that may come close... at times MY common sense betrays
> me.
>   Question #2... if you were to cut with tap water would you end up with a
> silver compound of some description? Or even using filtered water, would not
> the result be the same, i.e. , a silver compound of sort? And, would what
> ever you ended up with not be less efficacious as a CS compound?
> larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Zapping

2008-07-26 Thread Tony Moody
On 26 Jul 2008 at 0:34, wrote about :
Subject : CS>Zapping

> I read some where about Zapping a Spider bite with an old (empty) Lighter  
> with a Igniter on it.
> I am talking about the long kind used to light grill or candles.
> I took part of tip off, you put on skin and pull trigger. You can feel the  
> jolt.
> I wonder if this would work on cold sores.
> Bob
Hi Bob,
That may work. But I cannot visualise the circuit doing much more that 
electrify the skin. Maybe that is enough to trigger a healing process. It is 
worth a try. 

cold sores are apparently a disturbance along a nerve which ends where the 
sore is. so to electrically affect the nerve I would try to include the whole 
nerve pathway. So what I have done in the past is to use my silver maker ( 
with current control included) , hold one rod in a hand and prod the other 
rod at the cold sore which was in the corner of my mouth. Thus the 'tricity 
travels inside my face, down my neck to arm and fingers. I never did it for 
long, maybe a minute, and then swopped polarity for another minute. It was a 
one time treatment which chased away herpes which had been there from time to 
time for many years. 


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RE: CS>Why Worry about Wayne? ( or anything else )

2008-07-26 Thread Tony Moody
Am I allowed to choose? 

Mikes messages are always clear as a bell. I have not deleted one of his.

On 25 Jul 2008 at 13:52, Dan Nave wrote about :
Subject : RE: CS>Why Worry about Wayne? ( or 

> Wasn't there an book which says, "Give unto Mike that which is Mike's.
> Give unto Wayne that which is Wayne's."  
> Or is it the other way around?
> Dan
>   From: Dee [] 
>   Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 1:35 PM
>   To:
>   Subject: Re: CS>Why Worry about Cholesterol ? ( or anything else
> )
> I am still in a fog about this I'm afraid, as your post hasn't made
> anything clearer to me at all re the 'disagreement.'  I *do* realize
> that the body uses cholesterol 24 hours a day and not necessarily to
> repair things.  What I am saying is, if things *need* repairing, then it
> is there for that also!  A lot of people don't eat properly and maybe
> abuse themselves with alcohol, or are just unlucky enough to be
> unhealthy in certain ways, and in this case they do develop cracks or
> impairments in their vascular systems etc., and in this instance, the
> cholesterol is used to 'patch up' the cracks.  Everything else I say
> again, I *agree* with you Wayne!  Dee 
> ---Original Message---
> From: Wayne Fugitt  
> Date: 07/25/08 17:30:01
> To:
> Subject: CS>Why Worry about Cholesterol ? ( or anything else )
> Morning Dee,
> Now,  this message is more interesting than the first one.
>   >> At 05:13 AM 7/25/2008, you wrote:
> The first statement of my message did in fact agree with you.
> >I do not know how you come to the conclusions you do Wayne,
> Not even sure what you mean by that  ?  About Cholesterol or about
> your
> message ?
> >  because everything you have said is what I already know and attempted
> to
> > say in my post!
> Maybe so, but I did not understand it exactly that way.  And this
> could
> be my mistake, not
> yours.   ( Is that gently enough ? )

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Re: CS> Gel Question

2008-08-12 Thread Tony Moody
On 11 Aug 2008 at 21:57, larry tankersley wrote about :
Subject : CS> Gel Question

> I'm wondering how to mix 8oz of 10ppm CS with Aloe Vera gel, as someone
> suggested, and not end up with soup instead of a gel... and what would you end
> up with in the way of silver compounds? 
>  Seems like a swell idea...  been there done that several years ago and didn't
>  find the mix to be efficacious...  following the directions for making CS gel
>  with the CS gel kit for topical use has worked for me... cheap and, easy to
>  install.
> larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

Hi Larry,

I made CS in the aloe vera gel container. A few minutes of hand held slowly 
stirring the silver electrodes while it was switched on.


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Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2008-08-17 Thread Tony Moody
On 15 Aug 2008 at 12:21, Carrole Orme wrote about :
Subject : CS>Unidentified subject!

>  Why do you think you aren't making strong CS???
> Ode
> Hi Ode
> I think I am making CS but not very strong It is very clear absolutely no
> fragments I use to get some   It use to taste a little more metal now nothing
> The beam is very faint and when I had checked after the 1st few months it was
> quite strong also about the blackining of the rod I said or meant some
> blackening it was not a lot but more then now I have never seen what anyone
> elses looks like I would say it was not heavy You would just see some on the
> rod  I really don't know if it was one or both rods I never payed attention to
> that Thanks Carrole

Hi Carrole,

I could be that the first batch of water was not as pure as that used for 
the second batch. So the CS was made quicker and rougher than your second


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Re: CS>brewing question

2008-08-28 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dee,

They probably have bigger silver area to achieve shorter time for same 
quality and ppm.

Tony M

On 28 Aug 2008 at 13:26, Dee wrote about :
Subject : CS>brewing question

> I understand why I have to have the electrodes at least 1 and a half 
> inches apart and also understand that closer together will make a brew 
> quicker, but probably less ppm.  Can anyone tell me how some generators 
> take seven or eight hours to make CS but others claim they make theirs 
> in three hours or so?  This is a quart quantity.  Would that mean that 
> their ppm is less?  and how is this achieved.  Many thanks.  dee
> --
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Re: CS>Moon phases

2008-09-01 Thread Tony Moody
Ahh, Neville,  that was your regrettable mistake. The rule is 'never change 
your undies if the moon is high' else that is guaranteed to make everything 
become unpredictable. 


On 1 Sep 2008 at 7:56, Neville wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Moon phases

> - Original Message - 
> From: "sol" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 2:34 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Moon phases
> [Back when I was learning to make my own CS, with both an auto generator and
> a basic homemade gen, I kept records of moon phases vs. CS production, 
> mainly with an eye to whether it affected if my CS went yellow or not, and
> found ZERO correlation. None, zilch, nada.]
> Don't get me wrong sol, I have no idea, I just read that somewhere and 
> because so many things affect CS production I use that as another 'excuse'
> for CS having a mind of it's own.  My experience is that I could get 
> differing batch results by simply changing my undies!  But I am over that 
> frustration now.  I am content now with what I produce, and how I produce 
> it, and leave all the experimentation techniques to others who wish to play
> around with CS...I give up!  But have to ask...why did you record this moon
> thing?  You must have heard something also to look into it.  Neville. 

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CS>40 ppm

2008-09-01 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Neville,

Could you please say what sort of setup you had to make 40 + ppm in three 
minutes.  Volts applied, area of silver, mA, batch size ? 

I habitually use rain water. 3 minutes in a cup from the tap, using 9v , 1 
mA,  area about 1"sq. I calculated that at about 1 to 2 ppm. And that is fine 
for me. Its clear but with a tyndall light streak, slightly 'sandy' tasting 
and slightly bitter.  


On 1 Sep 2008 at 7:39, Neville wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>motor neurone disease

> Well, that's a coincidence Dee, I had a member of our family get 'shingles'
> a year or so ago and regardless of what anyone else says, I believe I fixed
> him fairly quickly.  I would need to find my records of it somewhere to 
> quote time and symptoms etc.  I simply used rain water to get a 40+ppm in 3
> minutes.  He took around 16 ozs a day for 5-7 days from memory.  Neville.

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Re: CS>abcessed gums

2008-09-01 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Kathy,

What I did was use the silver wires to do a sort of lingering prod at the 
lumpy, odd feeling bits. I held one rod in one set of fingers (say the left) 
, and held the swtched on ColSilGen in other hand and with rod holder in 
those fingers pressed the tip or side of the silver rod against the gum at 
base of worried tooth. Thus was completed the circuit; left fingers to gum. 
The 'tricity plus silver ions had to go through , on or bye the pockets of 
gunk. I'd do each spot for a few seconds and move on. Not wanting to cook 
anything. And you must have current control or you'll only do this once. :-) 

It was a bit of a wake up when touching parts of the tooth but not too bad. 
That seemd to be diagnostic anyway. tingling tooth = crack or hole in tooth. 
And tingling meant that 'tricity and silver had been pushing through there 
which is probably a "good thing" .


On 31 Aug 2008 at 17:21, Kathy wrote about :
Subject : CS>abcessed gums

> It seems that I am having some dental problems, feels like a small abcess
> and a couple more places that are sensitive and just not "right". I've
> started using a water pick to get CS into the gums and also just swishing CS
> in the mouth. has anyone fixed a gum problem doing this? Could I just be
> pushing "gunk" deeper into a pocket with a water pik? 
> I'm not working at this time and don't have dental insurance so really don't
> want to go there
> Kathy

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CS>Dark eye sockets

2008-09-07 Thread Tony Moody
Dark eye sockets

I have a colleague who has an onset of dark eyesockets; she is also tired and 
irritable too. Any clues as to what could be causing this?

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Re: CS>Varification?

2008-09-12 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Neville,
Practically; the silver rod which is wired to the + of the powersupply gets 
thinner due to electrolysis. 


On 12 Sep 2008 at 9:22, Neville wrote about :
Subject : CS>Varification?

> OK, I have researched electronics a bit now but as I can't find a definitive
> answer I need to ask?  One has a circuit...looking at a clock face, (for the
> purpose of explanation), at 6:00 you have the input power source, say a 9V


> Your resident electronics expert...Neville.
> P.S.  25 words or less would be good...!  :-)

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Re: CS>Meso vs. Ionic silver?

2008-09-19 Thread Tony Moody
Thanks Marshall,

What you have just said makes sense to me. 

Tony Moody

On 18 Sep 2008 at 13:38, Marshall Dudley wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Meso vs. Ionic silver?

> He seems to have his facts mixed up.  It is true that ionic silver 
> becomes silver chloride in the stomach. Dissolved silver chloride is 
> STILL ionic silver, and can and will exist in the blood stream, at least 
> until it comes in contact with colloidal silver particles.  Once this 
> happens, they precipitate out onto the particles, and over time all the 
> ionic silver becomes  or enlarges colloidal silver nano particles.  So 
> since the ionic part converts to nanoparticle in the blood stream, which 
> do survive, I am not sure what he is trying to say.  In addition, ionic 
> silver is what is required for conversion to stem cells.
> Marshall
> wrote:
> > This ino was printed in a post of a man treating his family after 
> > antibiotics for lyme. He  has been helped with Mesosilver and states 
> > the reason ionic is not as good. I thought consensus was that it was 
> > the ionic part that is most beneficial. Here's whaat the article staed:
> >  Ionic silver is not the same as metallic silver nanoparticles . For 
> > example, metallic silver is not water soluble (does not dissolve in 
> > water) but ionic silver is water soluble (it does dissolve in water). 
> > Technically speaking, a silver ion is an atom of silver that is 
> > missing one electron. It is the outermost electrons of an atom that 
> > determine the physical properties of matter. Take away one electron 
> > from a silver atom and you get a silver ion which is water soluble. In 
> > its ionic form, silver is highly reactive with other elements which 
> > means it will readily combine to form compounds.
> >
> > Because a true silver colloid consists of silver nanoparticles, not 
> > ions. Inside the human body ionic silver quickly combines with 
> > chloride to form an insoluble compound called silver chloride which is 
> > far less reactive than metallic silver nanoparticles. In fact, ionic 
> > silver cannot survive inside the human body. In the digestive tract 
> > hydrochloric acid supplies the chloride ions that cause ionic silver 
> > to quickly form silver chloride. If some ionic silver were ever able 
> > to get into the bloodstream it would encounter a large supply of 
> > chloride ions owing to the fact that blood serum is rich in sodium and 
> > potassium chloride, again quickly forming silver chloride. Only silver 
> > nanoparticles can survive inside the body. Read the detailed study 
> > that proves that stomach acid destroys the effectiveness of ionic 
> > silver in a study that tested the Effects of HCL (Stomach Acid) on 
> > Colloidal and Ionic Silver. SNIP
> >
> >
> > -- 
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> >  
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: CS>Death by CS.

2008-10-01 Thread Tony Moody
Dear David,

Thank you very much indeed. I think this is the main source of resistance
from mainstream medicine, it is taught in medical school as one of the
important things to know about silver.  "Myoclonic status epilepticus ..
sounds dreadful doesn't it?  I am so glad you have put it into perspective. I
can't find bicaltamide in any of my books. Does that have a 'generic' name or
a pharmaceutical description> I'd like to know the side effects if you have
them,. OK, I can google for it when on line again.

Of course the man could have had a seizure because his family took his toy(s)
away from him. :-(

Tony M

On 30 Sep 2008 at 19:20, David wrote about : Subject : CS>Death by CS.

> Some of you may have seen in Wikipedia (Colloidal silver), or other
> places, the reference to the death of a 71 year old man after
> ingesting CS. Specifically the title of the reference is...
> "Myoclonic status epilepticus following repeated oral ingestion of
> colloidal silver".
> I've purchased the article ($20). For your information, heres my
> summary of the case...
> 1... Man aged about 70 finds out he has prostate cancer.
> 2... Takes Bicaltamide (a prescribed drug with a few side effects)
> for 3 months.
> 3... Following this he tried "various nutritional and vitamin
> supplements, homeopathic remedies such as PC-SPES and essiac tea, and
> colloidal silver". (Its claimed his CS machine produced 4 litres of
> 10ppm in 30 minutes). He drinks at least a ONE OUNCE a day for 4
> months. (Yep, you heard right, a whole ounce!)
> 4... Wife and daughter confiscate his CS machine and give it to
> doctors. (Presumably this ended his CS intake)
> 5... His prostate antigen level increases so he ceases all
> unconventional treatment and undergoes 7 weeks (35 cycles) of
> radiation therapy.
> 6... Seizures begin 1 month after radio therapy ceases.  (This
> appears to be about 3 MONTHS AFTER CEASING CS INGESTION)
> 7... He goes into 'Myoclonic status epilepticus' (a constant seizure)
> so Doctors put him into an INDUCED COMA and pump him with various drugs.
> 8... Patient deteriorates to a persistant vegetative condition.
> 9... Patient is shifted to his home town hospital where he dies of
> PNEUMONIA 5.5 months after seizures begin.
> At the time of 'his admission' blood tests revealed 'high levels of
> silver'.  (The article does not really clarify at which admission the
> blood samples were taken. It could have been back when his prostate
> antigen levels were tested.  Following death, an autopsy revealed
> 'elevated silver in the grey matter'.  (I don't think either of these
> findings are particularly surprising.)
> OK folks, heres the rub...
> Is the focus of article about who or what killed him? No, its about
> what caused the seizures!
> Quote.."His (the patients) extensive investigations (tests),
> including cranial MRIs, somatosensory evoked potentials, routine and
> special CSF studies for viruses or other microorganisms, porphyria,
> Hashimoto thyroiditis, connective tissue disease, and anti-Hu
> antibodies, WERE NORMAL. Patient´s liver function was also NORMAL.
> Therefore, we hypothesized the patient´s condition was caused by
> silver toxicity. Plasmapheresis resulted in significant improvement
> in his plasma (1.9 nmol/L), erythrocytes (2.2 nmol/L), and CSF (1.04
> nmol/L) silver levels without any associated neurologic recovery.
> In other words... "We checked everything and all we could find was
> silver, so we are HYPOTHESIZING the silver (that he stopped taking 3
> MONTHS before the siezures) must have done it!  Sorry Mum and
> Daughter, its not our fault.  He's dead because of that damned silver!"
> If I was a cynic I could suggest conventional medicine killed him,
> and colloidal silver became a convenient scapegoat.
> Regards
> David
> --
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CS>Sputtered silver

2008-10-01 Thread Tony Moody
Subject has been changed.

I'm fairly sure the term used was 'sputtered'.

Before lasers. Amateur astronomers used to make their own reflector 
telescopes. I had instructions then on how to 'silver' the parabolic mirror. 
Basically put the cleaned ground glass in a chamber together with a silver 
wire connected to a high voltage source. Pull a vacuum and connect the power 
which would blast the silver to very fine particles, a lot of which would 
land on the glass surface to make a shiny mirror. 

Tony M

On 30 Sep 2008 at 13:49, Dan Nave wrote about : Subject : RE: CS>does this 
site make any sens  

> This site states:
> " The silver is not "dissolved" but "suspended" evenly throughout the
> solution as a result of the positive electrical charge that is attached
> to each particle of silver as it is electrically sintered off of the
> silver electrode into the water."
> I am always leery of people who use the term "sintered."  If you look up
> the definition, it is the exact opposite of what happens when we make
> CS.  For this reason, I think they are just repeating something they
> have read and have no real knowledge of what they are talking about.
> The product may be fine though...  Didn't see a price.
> Dan

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Re: CS>"Q" Fever

2008-10-02 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Paula,

* Vit C 1000mg hourly while awake. 
* 2 litre water per day aside from any other beverages
* a ca/mg supplement every day; maybe twice a day. to raise interstitial pH 
(alkalise) among other good effects.
* CS weakish like 2ppm to 10 ppm, sip a cup or three throughout the day
* Hulda Clark Parasite Zapper. the standard 3x 7 minutes sessions at least 
once a day. Can do it every second hour if it seems to work.
* Iron supplement to build damaged tissues (blood vessel walls)

* cleansing and elimination. Avoid constipation, and avoid having dark urine. 
Dry Skin Brushing is highly recommended too.
* Breath to oxygenate
Plus plus.

Tony M

On 1 Oct 2008 at 5:43, Paula wrote about :
Subject : CS>"Q" Fever

> Thanks, MA. I'll appreciate the prayers.
> Mike - I'd probably have better luck having Jerry stand on his head  
> during a full moon!
> Connie - Can one use CS in place of water in a Scotch & water? That's  
> sort of a joke - but not really. I can sneak small amounts into this  
> and that but adding it to Scotch would be easy. I have no idea what  
> alcohol would do to the EIS. Anyone know?
> I was SOOO hoping someone had at least heard of this disease.
> Here's what the net-info says:
> Carried by cattle, sheep, and goats;
> Bacteria lives in the soil indefinitely;
> Can remain dormant in a body for years;
> Airborne and contageous - also carried by ticks:
> Present worldwide;
> Mortality rate 65%;
> Higher risk in those who have had heart problems. Jerry has an aortic  
> stent and one other one. He also has an aneurism behind one knee that  
> is very painful. It was to have been repaired tomorrow but surgery  
> has been postponed for a month because of the Q. I don't know what  
> difference a month is going to make if it takes years to treat the Q.  
> 3-4 years of ABX is just a guess and seems to be the only thing the  
> infectious disease specialist knows of to use.
> Am I correct that EIS would not interfere with the ABX? Seems like  
> I've heard yes and no to that question.
> What about MSM with ABX? One of the Q symptoms is achyness and slight  
> fever following minimal exertion. I thought the MSM would help with  
> that. It might also help with the inflammation around the aortic  
> stent that has been present for over 4 years and never treated. Doc  
> said it would go away - it hasn't and is still blocking one urethra,  
> thus the other stent.
> Here's a comforting thought: At one time Q Fever bacteria was  
> considered for use for germ warfare. Huge quantities of it were made.  
> It is being stored in Pine Bluff, Ark. That's less than 200 miles  
> from us.
> Paula
> P.S. Dee, I guess I'll just stick with my taste test. The back-up is  
> spraying it on 'ripe' meat.
> --
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Re: CS>blue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-06 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Sol, 


You might try 'wearing' a magnet on your chest. This could magnetise the 
bloodcells passing under, which would force the cells apart exposing more of 
the cell surfaces to the fluid of the blood; and this may improve the oxygen 

Improved bile flow and elimination will increase of Fe. Easiest is take a 
couple of cups of hot water first thing in the morning and then go to stool 
in about 10 minutes. what may happen is that the warm water stimulates the 
gall bladder which squirts bile ( contains used Fe among other things) into 
the intestine and you should do a bm to move the stuff on. 

Also taking magnesium supplement first thing in the morning also gets your 
body including gall bladder in particular, into a wake up and go mode.


On 5 Oct 2008 at 15:04, sol wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>blue moons revisited - repli

> Sandee,
>What kind of chelations did you do? I'm curious to see what happens 
> to my nails as I try to get rid of excess iron. I hope they will clear 
> up as the iron leaves. I never had them before I started using CS, but 
> then I used to be on a very different and iron poor diet while consuming 
> a lot of iron absorption blocking foods and beverages. And way before 
> that I had the iron poor diet plus I had a lot of actual hemorrhaging 
> with menses so that probably kept the iron down.
>My second rank suspicion is if not from iron or silver, it may be due 
> to some loss of circulatory efficiency from iron in the heart. This is 
> known to be one possible consequence of iron overload, and I do have 
> edema in ankles and feet which would go along with that idea. I get the 
> edema from time to time, and cannot find a consistent correlation with 
> anything in my diet or my meds.

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2008-10-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Indi,

You could try pulsing CS. Like one day on one day off. Or three days on one 
day off. When I was doing CS a lot I'd take it during the week and stop for 
the weekends ; 5 days on 2 days off was what seemed to work well for me. If 
you do kineseology or any form of dowsing you could find your own pulsing 

The best sort of pulsing hits the microorganism hard when its weak (thus 
knocking it down) and leaves it alone when its strong (thus not antagonising 


On 7 Oct 2008 at 13:27, Indi wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>MRSA

> On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 07:03:48AM -1000, Sharlene Miyamura wrote:
> >
> >  Once you have MRSA, does it continue to stay in the body forever?  My
> > aunt has it and it seems to come and go.
> >
> Depends on the person and/or the strain of MRSA, from what I've seen.
> Mine is still here, but appears to be kept under control by using CS. I am
> hoping to eliminate it completely, and so far the results are encouraging --
> but after nine months of using CS it is still too soon to say. OTOH, I have
> known people who were diagnosed with MRSA, took a round of antibiotics, and
> never had a problem again.
> It is possible too that my "conservative" approach to CS has caused the
> infection to drag on longer than necessary; I have upped my dosage very
> slowly and am currently at about four ounces of CS per day. I have always 
> been very hesitant to use *any* medicine, but now that I must use some I
> am
> testing for the lowest possible effective dosage. I am quite sure that will
> vary quite a bit from one person to the next.
> I once went 22 years without using any kind of medicine at all. Those were
> the days...
> :)
> --
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CS>Brooks tiptoe rebounding

2007-04-20 Thread Tony Moody
Here is Brooks alternative to using a rebounder.
Tony Moody

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date forwarded: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 07:23:21 -0800
From:   "Brooks Bradley" 
Date sent:  Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:23:05 -0500
Forwarded by:
Send reply to:
Subject:CS>Protocol Comment

   About two years ago, primarily stimulated by comments from Dr. 
Walter Stoll, we 
investigated the possible benefits of utilizing a portable rebounder for 
ameliorating the 
insulting effects of emphysema.  In addition to 
measurable effective response for emphysema, we found beneficial effects for a 
number of 
other afflictions.especially among the geriatric population.
Rebounding proved to be, for us, the safest, least invasive, and most pleasant 
means for accomplishing address to diminishing emphysema's well
as a consequential number of less threateningbut discomforting 
cardio-vascular and 
articulating-joint challenges.  Even the lower-cost rebounders gave quite 
results.even when the volunteer was so compromised they were only able to 
sit on the 
edge and gently bounce the upper half of the torso.
   Nowfor the principal reason for this post.  Quite
serendipitously, we discovered a useful alternative for "rebounding"and one 
which does 
not require any adjunctive equipment.  This simple technique has proved so 
methat I no longer use my rebounderas a frequent modality.  This 
technique involves 
nothing more than selecting a convenient doorwaysecuring the hands to the 
upper door-
face molding for supportand elevating the body via "tip-toeing"that is, 
raising to the balls 
of the feet.  One can do this as fast...or as is convenient for 
them to do so.  The 
faster and more completely one releases...the more the internal physiology is 
stimulated.simply as a result of the inertial forces generated when the 
heels strike the 
This simple exercise has benefited me enormously over the past 18 months.   
As one becomes more proficient, you may choose to drop and relax each arm 
every 30 seconds) and will experience a rather pronounced "rebound effect" in 
chest/breast area. This, particular, exercise has aided me  
in sleeping better, toning my cardio-vascular system (especially venous stasis 
challenges in 
the lower extremities), while saving me considerable time and expense as a 
result of my no 
longer going to the gymnasium three times weekly for a workout, which is 
certainly more 
encompassingbut not all that more beneficial (at least in my eyes).
  At present, my personal regimen involves 200 fairly rapid elevations 
(or more) until the 
calves of the legs start to "ache" slightly.
This aching-onset is a reliable indicator of when one should stopunless 
they are a younger 
athlete and are working on endurance parameters.  When I started, I did 25 
elevations the 
first day and rapidly advanced to about 200 within 5 daysand have remained 
there ever 
since. I do this exercise twice daily (upon arising in the morning and just 
before bed-time).  
While I am in "better-than-average" physical condition for my chronological 
age, and can---
actually---do 400 continuous elevations, I find my present program yields quite 
  My enthusiasm for this simple technique is quite pronounced,  
and so is that of my immediate friends who have chosen to adopt it.
It certainly is convenient, effective, TIME-SAVING.and ECONOMICAL.
  My apologies for such a lengthy post.
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

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Re: CS>Re: Distilled water vs others

2007-04-21 Thread Tony Moody
On 20 Apr 2007 at 17:27, Charles Marcus wrote about :
Subject : CS>Re: Distilled water vs others

> >  
> That said - there is something about plain distilled water that doesn't 
> resonate well with me.
> Now, don't get me started on *ozonated* water - *love* that stuff! 
> Ozonating charges the water electrically - probably similar to some of 
> the 'structured' water claims. All I know is it is *very* powerful stuff.
Hi Charles,
Some questions if I may. Do you make your own ozonated water and if so what 
device do 
you use , what water do you use . And how long does it last in the "bottle" ???

Tony Moody.

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Re: CS>Diatomaceous Earth

2007-04-28 Thread Tony Moody
Hi roger,
Have a chat to your the brew master at your local brewery.  Just don't breathe 
that stuf either.


On 28 Apr 2007 at 11:33, Roger Barker wrote about :
Subject : CS>Diatomaceous Earth

> Hi all, I'm trying to source some food grade diatomaceous earth down  
> here in New Zealand and keep coming up with the pool filter heat  
> treated variety. Can anyone tell me if there is a visible difference  
> between the food grade and the heat treated variety as I'm sure there  
> must be some of the right kind available around here somewhere?
> Cheers,  Roger B
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Re: CS>Protocol for Severe Bruising

2007-05-09 Thread Tony Moody
Vit C to gut tolerance should also help to reduce effects of bruising.
Tony M

On 6 May 2007 at 21:35, jrowland wrote about :
Subject : CS>Protocol for Severe Bruising

> Acquaintance and passenger suffered severe bruising on face,  neck 
> and upper-shoulder area upon impact with deployed airbags, head-on @ 
> about 30 mph.
> Both OK, except for bruises.
> Has anyone here with experience/advice for speeding the healing process?
> Thanks,
> jr.
> -- 
> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 269.5.5/769 - Release Date: 4/19/07 5:56 PM
> -- 
> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
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Re: CS>Questions

2007-05-23 Thread Tony Moody
On 22 May 2007 at 15:46, Jean Baugh wrote about :
Subject : CS>Questions

> Hi,
> If I only had well water to work with, is there a CS machine out there
> that works on a timed sequence?
> I know there are machines out there which work with distilled water
> but am interested in a CS machine that will purify, or work with just
> plain water.  The water here is alkaline, which means more minerals in
> the water.
> Thank you,
> Jean
Hi Jean,

I make CS in "well water" all the time. 

Two things are important to do. 

1/ Use very short time compared to distilled water. about 1/10 of the time. I 
use two to three 
minutes per cup of water. I sometimes stir but that doesn't seem to be 

2/ Keep the current very low. I use a current controller which is set to 1 
milliamp. If there is a 
visible cloud of silver coming off then the process is going too fast. You 
should just be able to 
see the silver in the beam of a laser pointer.

If you drink the water then you should be able to make cs with it.


Tony Moody

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Declines in uS ( uS not ppm )

2007-05-31 Thread Tony Moody
You could get something like a battery operated toy boat propellor or cocktail 
stirrer and use
that to keep the batch moving. Or do what someone on the list (Ode?) does; is 
install a small
lamp under the vessel to promote water movement. Enhance by putting a funnel in 
vessel, wide end over the lamp.


On 31 May 2007 at 13:04, Carlos Pérez wrote about :
Subject : RE: CS>Declines in uS ( uS not ppm

> Wayne, thanks for the pat on my shoulder and tranquilizer you sent me.
> I do everything by hand and direct observation (and a tired Carlos at
> the end of each batch...!).
> In a very short time I hope to be at the stage of setting everything,
> registering the inicial readings, and coming back a short time before
> the end of the process to check and make sure everything went well
> during my absence.
> That electrode cleaning on the last third of the process I hope to
> eliminate by lowering the mA, but that will take even MORE TIME
> watching until I make sure everything is running properly (Ouch...!).
> I might end up with a home made automatic conductivity shut-off
> generator...!!!. Maybe at that moment I should register it as "The
> Silver List Generator". ( I scratched out the first word "Eskimo" so
> that Mike does not have to sue me...)
> I am normally using a cylindrical glass container that is 10 cm in
> diameter and 20 cm high (external measurements), which holds 1350 ml
> of filtered, deionized, bidistilled water including 150-200 ml of
> previous batch as a starter, 10 Ga  silver wires for electrodes,
> no stirring at all.
> Method A)
> 12 cm long electrodes bent in U form, tip 2 mm above water level, 65
> mm separation between electrodes, around 0.3 mA at the start, maximum
> 0.55 mA at the end. It usually takes around 10-11 hours. mA. (Can you
> imagine me stirring with my very appropiate plastic spoon during 10
> hours, changing hands, part dozing, part sleeping, part having
> nightmares about drowning in an EIS torrent, etc.?).
> Method B)
> The same, but with double the length of electrodes, 45 mm electrode
> separation and a maximum of 0.85 mA at the end, which usually takes
> around 6.5-7 hours.
> I also have a larger cylinder that holds a little over 3 liters, same
> height but 14.5 cm diameter, but I want to master this smaller batch
> size first.
> I try to maintain the current way below 1 mA per square inch of
> immersed anode.
> I will keep learning from you and the many other friends that have
> helped me so much.
> Regards,
> Carlos
> >From: CWFugitt 
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: CS>Declines in uS ( uS not ppm )
> >Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 10:39:43 -0500
> >
> >Morning Carlos,
> >
> > >> At 08:44 AM 5/31/2007, you wrote:
> >
> >You are doing a much better job than most.
> >
> >>I am all confused about the uS/ppm issue.
> >
> >Understandable.
> >
> > If you continue to keep records on the changes, you will have
> > some
> >valuable information that others will analyze and report what they
> >think.
> >
> > I have limited knowledge relative to chemistry.
> >Most of what I learned was by observation and hands on practice.
> >
> >Others can answer your questions relative to uS better than I can.
> >
> > >> some of the more knowledgeable ones in the list even said it will
> > >> last "for years".
> >
> >  I think they are right.  I have given away CS over 1 year old
> >  and the
> >people have excellent results with it.
> >
> >>I meticulously have registered the V/mA readings every 15 minutes or
> >>every 30 minutes, depending on the length of the process in any
> >>case, in every batch I have made since I started many months ago.
> >
> >   Very good.  Not you have developed knowledge and instinct and
> >   could
> >continue without doing that if necessary.
> >Record keeping never hurts.  I did that for a time, then stopped.
> >
> >I still have the records but as long as my memory works, I use the
> >times that I remember and no longer make records.
> >
> >I would suggest that you work with larger batches.  I make one gallon
> >per batch, and often make two runs and two gallons.
> >
> >>After I finish, I introduce the data in the Faraday Equation sheet
> >>you guys gave me at the beginning, in order to get an estimate on
> >>the ppm concentration for every batch, which I try to maintain
> >>around 15 ppm allowing for some slight loss later.
> >I think the uS will serve little if any purpose for you.
> >It is not as exact as the other parts of your methods.
> >
> > >>The only sophisticated method I have in order to guess what I >>
> > >>made is
> >to maintain a very low mA all along the process,
> >
> >Are you controlling all this manually?   I hope so.
> >As I have said many time,  You have the best control system of all,
> >your brain.
> >
> >When I used to study Chess and Computers playing chess, the one thing
> >I learned that was superior about th

Re: CS>OT(Sorry!) Carpal tunnel

2007-06-01 Thread Tony Moody
On 31 May 2007 at 16:51, wrote about :
Subject : CS>OT(Sorry!) Carpal tunnel

> (Please forgive this off topic question, but maybe someone will say to
> soak my wrists in CS!) 
> I have recently started a part time data entry job and I am concern
> about developing carpal tunnel. I am a knitter too, so sometimes I
> feel some twinges there already. Do any of you wise ones have any
> suggestions?TIA Lisa 

Hi Lisa,

Yes you could soak your wrists in CS and DMSO mixture. :-) that should take the 
CS in to the 
possible inflammation sites. Taking CS before should act as a preventative. 

I would also do stretch, lubricate and relax. 
I would also do gentle stretching and bending of the wrists before starting the 
work. Like 
warm up execises to get into condition. I would also drink my full quota of 
water every day 
and perhaps take a suitable oil  to lubricate the tissues internally. Also I 
would do "dancing at 
the keyboard" often as I can: shifting on seat, blinking, changing eye focus,  
to break the 
tension and held stiffness. Relax and try to think a pleasant scene at the end 
of each line of 

Good luck,

PS. if you were Waynes dog he would beat you and shout at you to get on with 
your knitting. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>shingles

2007-06-03 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dee,
>From somewhere I have it in my head that for people with fair sensitive skin 
>the dilution of 
DMSO could be 20% or less. And that one is more sensitive above the waist. 

I usually dilute a lot because of the smell.


 I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 
"Where's the self-help section?" 
She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

On 3 Jun 2007 at 8:24, Dee wrote about :
Subject : CS>shingles

> I have been mixing 50% DMSO gel with 10ppm EIS but found that when I
> applied it to the lesions, it was absolute agony! It really burnt and
> I'm no wimp! I've found that if I tip some of the mixture away, every

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental: pericoronitis.leaning towards osteomyelitis

2007-06-09 Thread Tony Moody
On a similar affliction. What is an abcess at the root of the tooth/side of 
jaw. I applied one 
silver rod to and near the site and held the other silver rod in wetted fingers 
on same side (left 
jaw to left fingers) It is painful for only about a second. >:-| I left it in 
place for a short while; 
maybe 20 to 30 seconds and then swapped polarities.  Did this twice per day. My 
machine is only 9 volt and set to 1mA. I got immediate relief from the 
toothache and after two 
or three days the swelling was gone and there was a hollow in the gum. I 
carried on for the 
rest of the week just in case. that was it.

I wish you good health,


On 8 Jun 2007 at 21:44, Hannah wrote about :
Subject : CS>dental: pericoronitis.leaning to

> I have the misfortune of having an infection in my lower jaw, around
> wisdom tooth site. When pain and pressure becamea little too much I
> asked my dentist what it could be.. his response was ..nothing wrong,
> and the wisdom tooth still embedded is fine... just some jaw pain.
> With that I went to see my local doctor who said straightaway that it
> was osteo arthritis... he gave me a sheet with exercises for my jaw
> and that was end of that visit.
> Thought it was a bit weird sort of pain to be osteo arthritis.. after
> a week a tiny hole appeared in gum and pus and went back to
> dentist.. he then sort of panicked, not sure what to do, so I pushed
> for an x ray. In general I won't have x-rays but pain was getting
> really badand I needed proof something was really wrong for the last 6
> months. Pericoronitis etc was diagnosis after x ray. Just doubtful if
> the non erupted wisdom was impacted or not.
> I went to see oral surgeon. He wasn't too reassuring, telling me that
> surgery would be a risky one because the roots of the wisdom tooth are
> pointing backwards and too close to nerve. It is a real possibility
> that I end up with numb right side of jaw/cheek as result of surgery.
> . Apart from that, he said that according to the x ray the wisdom
> tooth is not the culprit. Not running for the surgery as a result... I
> guess it doesn't help that doctor/dentist/oral surgeon aren't giving
> me some definite and corroborating information/diagnosis.
> In the meantime, I started to up my dose of CS, have pulsed with sota
> pulser, have used V's gadget.. but... nothing seems to improve the
> situation. Would any of you have any further ideas what else I could
> do to stop this infection, blood/pus and pain.
> Thanks in advance
> Hanneke ~ Australia
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Re: CS>Are more electrodes better?

2007-06-20 Thread Tony Moody
Hi SS,

Re: CS>Are more electrodes better?

Probably not. But rather ask the manufacturer of your device. In general, if 
there is a current 
controller in the circuit then increasing silver surface area will tend to make 
"finer" eis, but not 
decrease batch time. 

To make the batch go faster you would have to increase surface area (ie more 
rods as you 
suggest.) AND also increase the current flow proportionally. BUT if you do that 
you could be 
messing with the "shut off" controller, if that is in the circuit. 

Tony Moody

On 19 Jun 2007 at 18:06, Silver Smith wrote about :
Subject : CS>Are more electrodes better?

> Will using multiple sets of electrodes with my CS generator decrease
> the time? Will it effect a batch in any other ways...good or bad?
> Thanks,
> SS

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