Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2010-06-25 Thread wayne325


THis is a really in-depth technical question.  Proabably one of the
Slim designers would have to asnwer it.

I've got my DAC going, and it uses the input Fs encoding in the input
stream to figure out what the output word clock F should be.

If the Transporter is running off its internal clock, I see that the
is interpreting that correctly and tells me the input word rate.

However, I designed my DAC with an output word clock so I could have
Transporter slave off the DAC's word clock.

Here's the issue.  When the Transporter is set to use its word clock,
appears that the Fs encoding is not coming from the source material
it should be.  It looks like the Transporter is changing its mind
what the Fs value should be. giving first one encoding value, then
another, then another, etc.  I don't have a logic analyzer in there so
cant see what these encoding values are or how often they're changing.
This behaviour is ONLY changing when there is a speed change
with the two tracks.

The upshot of the above is - when there is a speed change from one
track to another, the DAC clock selection is oscillating, because the
transporter keeps changing the darned Fs on it, the DAC reacts
to the change, giving a new clock speed, then it all goes round again.
Again I can't really prove what is going on exactly because I haven't
a LA at home :-(.

Also - my DAC has the ability to manually generate the output word
clock. When there is a conflict between the music file and the input
clock, the Transporter uses the word clock correctly. THat is, I can
it sound like the old tape decks that you could change the tape speed.
I'm now going to see if the Fs is not correct when this happens.

I think the Transporter MUST use the Fs encoding from  source material,
ignore what the speed of the word clock is.

Is there anyone at Logitech that can tell me what the Transporter is
doing?  That is, that Fs in the SPDIF output stream is a function of
word clock or not?  I content it shouldn't be.  If it is, that explains
oscillating behaviour when the Transporter is using its word clock


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2010-06-25 Thread wayne325

I've seen now that whenever I change the word clock frequency, the
Transporter is changing the Fs encoding to be all 0's (= 44.1 kHz code
point) for a short period of time!!  

THis to me is an error and it's why there is a loop between the DAC
and the Transporter.  When the DAC is in auto frequency
detect mode, it is using the Fs to generate the output word clock!
THere is a loop now created becuase the Transporter isn't using the
file to determine what the Fs should be.

Anybody at Logitech reading this?

I wonder if maybe someone has worked thru this before and has a
fix.  I've got a sizeable CPLD and I have a fair bit of latitude with
I do.

It's a bit of a bummer if I have to forever change the word clock
I'd far prefer to have it in auto mode and do the switching on its own.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2010-06-25 Thread wayne325

My thinking is to have the Fs qualified by counting some number of
same encodings and then changing word clock when that number is seen.

Basically, I'm talking about an encoding debounce circuit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2010-06-25 Thread wayne325

wayne325;558021 Wrote: 
 My thinking is to have the Fs qualified by counting some number of
 same encodings and then changing word clock when that number is seen.
 Basically, I'm talking about an encoding debounce circuit.

Cool. It worked.

What I did was stop changes to the oscillator output in the case of Fs
= 44.1 kHz encoding until it's solid for 25 frames in a row.  Now I
just leave the DAC in auto sense mode and the DAC is filtering out the
spurious changes made by the Transporter.

Programmable logic.  Gotta love it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-07-22 Thread wayne325

wayne325;420007 Wrote: 
 I'm not doing parallel DACs in my current design, although I am using
 same DAC chips and fully balanced (2 chips per channel).  I want to
 successful with my first foray into this before I get really tricky
 start laying down FPGAs and have to learn how to do digital filtering
 cubic splines and such.

Listened to the DAC today for the first time - running off my CD
Now I better get going on the
power supplies.  And I guess I'd better buy a Tranporter now to test
listen to !

THe DAC is a home-grown one... I use a CPLD for input switching, clock
switching, decoding the C-channel data and the like.  Use a DIR9001
receiver, SRC4192, and dual PCM1704/K DAC chips per channel - I run
balanced. The analog portion is all discrete.  Planes are split - 2
analog and 1 digital. And there are a dozen or maybe 15 regulators.  I
count them all !!!

Here are my quick notes - it's my new DAC compared to a decade-old
CDP.3 CD player that also was the S/PDIF source for the DAC:


First listen 7/22/09 !

The first impression is quite good.  It’s smooth, sounds a bit rolled
off in the highs although the highs are definitely there and sound
clearer and crisp but quieter.  It’s difficult to do critical listening
with the fans of the power supplies going.  Also AC units and TV in the
other room.  Output voltage is down maybe 2 or 3 dB compared to the
Classe CDP.3 I’ve had for many years.  Maybe I can adjust it a bit
higher.  Compared to the Classe, it sounds more rounded, smooth, mellow.
Also very detailed – hear sounds I’ve never heard before, and some
sounds I’m very familiar with sound quite a bit more clear… less…. Muddy
perhaps.  The thing is dead quiet, at full volume there is absolutely no
sound coming from it whatsoever and it’s not even in a case and has
wires hanging all over the place.  The Classe sounds more etched,
strident, or grainy in comparison and is definitely more noisy – like
hissing sound and “ghosts” of the music – ie noise that is correlated to
the signal and the DAC has none of that.

I’m really surprised at how different this DAC sounds from the Classe
CD player.

Also must keep in mind this thing is nearly new.  It ran in for 6 or 8
hours on the bench today and I didn’t give it any warm-up time at all
before I started listening… just powered it up and started to listen.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-02 Thread DCtoDaylight

There's a white paper describing the circuit in a bit more detail as

As I guessed, part of the reason they're doing it this way, is to give
the DAC's more settling time.  They're also claiming to get the full SNR
benefit of a correlated signal, which I'm not sure I agree with.  I'll
have to think about that some more...

FWIW, for your DAC design, adding DAC chips in parallel, and feeding
them the same data, does result in an improvement in SNR, without the
fancy delayed data.  I recall at least one DAC design that used 32 chips
in parallel!


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-02 Thread wayne325

DCtoDaylight;419925 Wrote: 
 There's a white paper describing the circuit in a bit more detail as
 As I guessed, part of the reason they're doing it this way, is to give
 the DAC's more settling time.  They're also claiming to get the full SNR
 benefit of a correlated signal, which I'm not sure I agree with.  I'll
 have to think about that some more...
 FWIW, for your DAC design, adding DAC chips in parallel, and feeding
 them the same data, does result in an improvement in SNR, without the
 fancy delayed data.  I recall at least one DAC design that used 32 chips
 in parallel!

THanks for the link.  I'll give it a look.

Wadia are correct - the signals do not have to be correlated in order
achieve the noise reduction they claim.

I'm not doing parallel DACs in my current design, although I am using
same DAC chips and fully balanced (2 chips per channel).  I want to
successful with my first foray into this before I get really tricky
start laying down FPGAs and have to learn how to do digital filtering
cubic splines and such.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-01 Thread Phil Leigh

seanadams;419570 Wrote: 
 In the normal source-DAC clock via s/pdif scheme yes, but here we are
 talking exclusively about a word clock scenario. 
 Generally it's to not make you have to flip switches, but yes mixed
 sample rates within a playlist would require this. In that case it's
 still not ideal though, because the DAC is going to have to change the
 clock after the track has already begun (because it needs to get some
 data first). Depending on how fast it can change clocks this might not
 be a huge problem.

Sean - now I get it.
But, if the DAC is going to send its clock back to the transport at the
correct rate (and playback of mixed rate sources is required), it's
going to have to either read the status bit from the stream or recover
the clock from the stream and then change its clock rate pretty quickly
in either case?

I wonder why the status bits were not used from day one?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB3 (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Outdoors: Boom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-01 Thread seanadams

Phil Leigh;419579 Wrote: 
 Sean - now I get it.
 But, if the DAC is going to send its clock back to the transport at the
 correct rate (and playback of mixed rate sources is required), it's
 going to have to either read the status bit from the stream or recover
 the clock from the stream and then change its clock rate pretty quickly
 in either case?

that's right. It's still a little hokey but much better than playing at
the wrong rate.

 I wonder why the status bits were not used from day one?

The status data can be used for a variety of things but I'm not sure
specifically what the clock rate bits were intended for. Probably just
for display purposes, since I don't think word-clocking was conceived
until much later.  Some s/pdif receiver chips will let you query both
the channel status bits and the recovered clock rate as compared against
a reference - they should always match.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-01 Thread wayne325

seanadams;419572 Wrote: 
 Huh? No you couldn't. The whole point of the DAC being in word clock
 mode is that the source is going to give you the bits at whatever rate
 the _DAC_ is running.
 Well, actually I'd consider it optimal to not deal with s/pdif and word
 clocking at all... this is what Transporter does by itself.
 I don't understand this at all.
 Driving the platter isn't the problem, and it doesn't work the way
 people might imagine from their experience with turntables or tapes. In
 a CD player, the clock drives the PCM output and this _pulls_ data from
 the platter via a buffer. The distinction being that the mechanical
 parts are NOT part of the timing path (as they are with analog media).
 So it's not nearly as bad as a lot of people think - jitter is nothing
 at all like wow/flutter - it happens on a time scale a billion times

On the word clock not matching thing, I was thinking sample rate
chip in-line.  Then it doesn't matter too much if there's a mismatch -
was going to be the case anyhow if the word clock was not being used.

So the thing about the 4 DACs is a patent owned by Wadia.  It's in
9xx series devices.  What they teach is to have 4 DAC chips per
half of a balanced signal - so that's 8 DAC chips per audio channel; a
pair has 16 DAC chips.  The DAC chips are all connected at their
outputs, so the output current is 4x a single DAC chip and the I/V
then has to take this into account - simple enough.  Now the trick is
that since there are 4 DAC chips in parallel, you don't fire off
to all 4 of them at the same time, you fire off a sample to DAC0 at
phase 0,
then you fire off a sample to DAC1 at 90 degrees, etc.  Of course
already upsampled to at least a factor of 4 and dithered and.. to
obtain 4 different output streams per channel.  If you're really good I
you even correlate the dither between + and - of a phase / channel so
the dithering is differentially rejected.  Shoot, maybe that's a patent
its own right somewhere.  Maybe Wadia has that one too.  I'm just a
so I could make my own system like this and although strictly I'm not
allowed to, the harm to the patent owner is nil - I'm not going to buy
audio system that expensive ever.  Plus the barrier to entry is
high as one needs custom hardware (read: FPGAs) to duplicate something
so complex.  It would take hundreds of hours to duplicate the setup.
guess who designs FPGAs for a living - :-) )

I don't know the patent number, if you search, you'll probably find

Interesting stuff about the transport / clock source, I wondered if
output data was taken from a FIFO.  So what the word clock to the
is, is exactly the same thing except the DAC is external and the clock
is a bit bigger.  The key is, the jitter is held to nearly 0 and is not
function of S/PDIF or cables or the transport or  (in this setup a
transport sounds the same as a $50,000 transport and anyone who tells
they can hear a difference is a liar - all the transport has to do is
the correct bits to the DAC; the DAC controls ALL of the jitter at the
I output of the DAC chips).

With a $2000 Transporter that delivers 96/24, I wouldn't want to be
high end transports any more.  I guess they'll always have a place, but
think in 20 years most of us will use our laptop with an external HDD
play our music from - well for the digital music anyhow.

So Sean, please do tell if you can - what, if any, is the plan for a
192 kHz
sample rate capable machine along the lines of the Transporter?

Also - is there any plan for a real transport-only device that has
DACs inside?  Probably very small market and it makes no sense for you
to make such a beast but on the flip side, those with external DACS
paying a lot of cash for a lot of stuff they don't use.

Cheers guys.  I'm enjoying this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-01 Thread seanadams

 So the thing about the 4 DACs is a patent owned by Wadia. It's in their
 9xx series devices. What they teach is to have 4 DAC chips per
 half of a balanced signal - so that's 8 DAC chips per audio channel; a
 pair has 16 DAC chips. The DAC chips are all connected at their current
 outputs, so the output current is 4x a single DAC chip and the I/V
 then has to take this into account - simple enough. Now the trick is
 that since there are 4 DAC chips in parallel, you don't fire off
 to all 4 of them at the same time, you fire off a sample to DAC0 at
 phase 0,
 then you fire off a sample to DAC1 at 90 degrees, etc. Of course you've
 already upsampled to at least a factor of 4 and dithered and.. to
 obtain 4 different output streams per channel. If you're really good I
 you even correlate the dither between + and - of a phase / channel so
 the dithering is differentially rejected. Shoot, maybe that's a patent
 its own right somewhere. Maybe Wadia has that one too.

impressively complicated!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-01 Thread wayne325

DCtoDaylight;419811 Wrote: 
 Ok, I understand now
 What they're doing is building a 4x oversampling unit, with a linear
 transfer function, in hardware, rather than in software.  Seems like a
 slightly expensive way to implement it, although it would allow you to
 use slower DAC chips than doing the oversampling in the digital domain. 
 You also get an improvement in the SNR, due to the DAC parallelization.

Exactly - it is hardware oversampling and noise reduction also. Plus
added noise reduction of balanced in the analog portion.

Also it's not linear.  Its some sort of a non-linear curve fitter. I
a cubic spline -ish math function.

I imagine it sounds quite spectacular.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-05-01 Thread DCtoDaylight

wayne325;419815 Wrote: 
 Also it's not linear.  Its some sort of a non-linear curve fitter. I
 assume a cubic spline -ish math function.

Unless they feed each DAC with a totally different bit stream, then no,
it will be linear.  If they do feed each DAC with a different data, then
you no longer get the SNR improvement gains of parallelization.  The SNR
improvement of parallelization comes as a result of the signal (ie
data), from each DAC, being the same, while the noise is not. Thus the
signals add, while the noise doesn't.  If the signals are different,
then the correlation goes down, and you don't gain the same benefits


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
and a Bandwidth from DC to Daylight

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread wayne325

seanadams;419281 Wrote: 
 The other ones are
 1000 = 88.2
 1010 = 96
 1110 = 192 (not supported by us)
 BTW this is a good tool to have if you're doing anything with s/pdif:

Excellent, thanks. I'll see what I can do to add this function to my
As you said, it's really the way to go that the DAC will use the
word clock out based on the input S/PDIF signal.  Wow - I'll have one
up on the rest of the world (shouldn't last too long though).




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread Phil Leigh

wayne325;419437 Wrote: 
 Excellent, thanks. I'll see what I can do to add this function to my
 As you said, it's really the way to go that the DAC will use the
 word clock out based on the input S/PDIF signal.  Wow - I'll have one
 up on the rest of the world (shouldn't last too long though).

??? - you want to use the clock out from the DAC to drive the transport
- you don't want to use the SPDIF clock

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB3 (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Outdoors: Boom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread seanadams

Phil Leigh;419438 Wrote: 
 ??? - you want to use the clock out from the DAC to drive the transport
 - you don't want to use the SPDIF clock

No, we're talking about using channel status bits (extra data embedded
in the s/pdif stream) so that Transporter can communicate to the DAC
what the correct clock frequency should be. These bits are already
defined in the s/pdif spec, although I don't think anyone has used them
for this purpose before. It would solve the problem of having to
manually set front panel switches on the DAC to set the clock rate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread Phil Leigh

seanadams;419451 Wrote: 
 No, we're talking about using channel status bits (extra data embedded
 in the s/pdif stream) so that Transporter can communicate to the DAC
 what the correct clock frequency should be. These bits are already
 defined in the s/pdif spec, although I don't think anyone has used them
 for this purpose before. It would solve the problem of having to
 manually set front panel switches on the DAC to set the clock rate.

ah. hmmm...
But don't dacs auto-detect the clock frequency from the recovered spdif
clock? Is this about supporting a mixture of sample rate files?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB3 (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Outdoors: Boom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread wayne325

Phil Leigh;419513 Wrote: 
 ah. hmmm...
 But don't dacs auto-detect the clock frequency from the recovered spdif
 clock? Is this about supporting a mixture of sample rate files?

I expose the DAC could detect the clock F, but why not do it as
with the encoding in the bitstream - it's a LOT easier.  Think what
way you suggest is - a reference with a counter and error bounds and
two oscillators talking to each other and and and.

What I will do is read the speed encoding from the S/PDIF, and use
to power up one oscillator that will generate 96 or 48 kHz, or power
up another oscillator that will generate 88.2 or 44.1 kHz.  The
will drive the word clock out and the read side of the digital filter
the DAC chips.  This is the IDEAL method to clock a DAC, and in fact
entire audio chain now has only a few ps of jitter in the one place it
matters- the DAC chip inputs.

If one was going to build the best audio music system they possibly
what Sean has advised, and what I am building, is the way one would go
about doing it.  About the only thing I'm missing is paralleling, say,
chips and offsetting time samples to the DACs by 90 degrees.  THat's
another day and involves more work.

Having the source clock driving the CD platter is in fact the worst
way to make a digital music system and it is the most common method.
Simple - its the cheapest.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread DCtoDaylight

wayne325;419527 Wrote: 
  About the only thing I'm missing is paralleling, say, 4 DAC
 chips and offsetting time samples to the DACs by 90 degrees.

  Care to elaborate on this idea?  I'm trying to understand the
advantage of doing this, and I'm drawing a complete blank on why you
would want to offset anything by 90 degrees...


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread seanadams

Phil Leigh;419513 Wrote: 
 ah. hmmm...
 But don't dacs auto-detect the clock frequency from the recovered spdif

In the normal source-DAC clock via s/pdif scheme yes, but here we are
talking exclusively about a word clock scenario. 

  Is this about supporting a mixture of sample rate files?

Generally it's to not make you have to flip switches, but yes mixed
sample rates within a playlist would require this. In that case it's
still not ideal though, because the DAC is going to have to change the
clock after the track has already begun (because it needs to get some
data first). Depending on how fast it can change clocks this might not
be a huge problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-30 Thread seanadams

wayne325;419527 Wrote: 
 I expose the DAC could detect the clock F, but why not do it as
 with the encoding in the bitstream - it's a LOT easier. 

Huh? No you couldn't. The whole point of the DAC being in word clock
mode is that the source is going to give you the bits at whatever rate
the _DAC_ is running.

 If one was going to build the best audio music system they possibly
 what Sean has advised, and what I am building, is the way one would go
 about doing it.

Well, actually I'd consider it optimal to not deal with s/pdif and word
clocking at all... this is what Transporter does by itself.

   About the only thing I'm missing is paralleling, say, 4 DAC
 chips and offsetting time samples to the DACs by 90 degrees.  THat's
 another day and involves more work.

I don't understand this at all.

 Having the source clock driving the CD platter is in fact the worst
 way to make a digital music system and it is the most common method.
 Simple - its the cheapest.

Driving the platter isn't the problem, and it doesn't work the way
people might imagine from their experience with turntables or tapes. In
a CD player, the clock drives the PCM output and this _pulls_ data from
the platter via a buffer. The distinction being that the mechanical
parts are NOT part of the timing path (as they are with analog media).
So it's not nearly as bad as a lot of people think - jitter is nothing
at all like wow/flutter - it happens on a time scale a billion times


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-29 Thread wayne325

seanadams;418536 Wrote: 
 If your DAC is smart enough to decipher the incoming S/PDIF channel
 status, you could set the outgoing clock accordingly as TP will indicate
 the correct playback frequency in those bits. I'm not aware of any DACs
 that actually do this - AFAIK they all require you to set manual toggle
 switches which I think is pretty hokey.

Hi Sean,

I'm having difficulty figuring out exactly what the code is I have to
look for in order to automagically have my DAC switch the clock

All I can find for S/PDIF is sample rate encodings in channel status
byte 3,



 = 44.1 kHz
0010 = 48 kHz
0011 = 32 kHz

THere doesn't seem to be encodings for 88.2 kHz or 96 kHz.

Does the Transporter write encodings other than the ones listed above
if so, what are they? I hope I've found the correct place to be
for these encodings.

Thanks much,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-29 Thread seanadams

The other ones are

1000 = 88.2
1010 = 96
1110 = 192 (not supported by us)

BTW this is a good tool to have if you're doing anything with s/pdif:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-28 Thread wayne325


THanks for the reply.  Wow I was not expecting the Founder of the
to answer a question.  We have had similar experiences as I was one of
a handful of people who began a startup together in 2002 and that
was later purchased (alas, for a song).  I am satisfied to see people
take a risk, build a Comapny that makes a REAL PRODUCT and employs
people in meaningful work, see the fruits of their labor.

My DAC will have a PIC on the board so perhaps I'll
try to do as you suggest and have the clock switch using the channel
status information.  It's more than I was intending to take on but
the heck.  I don't have to do it all at once. I'm adding some
placed resistors so the DAC can work statically while I work on SW -
getting the base HW to work.  The DAC will have dual 1704K chips per
(I have an all balanced system) and I've got separate L/R analog
multiple regulated, and isolated from the digital so I hope it will
turn out
well.  I think I'm doing most things that are in a high-end DAC.

I was planning to test the Transporter lock to DAC by triggering off
source word clock, then as you say on scope channel B view the S/PDIF
and should see that they are locked.  No worries.

Dave, my apologies and thanks for the info.  For some reason I didn't
of using Google to search, I searched the message board and read a
number of posts by people who appear to have no earthly clue what
jitter is, spread their knowledge around. As always, on the net, you
to filter things.

Cheers guys and wish me luck.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-28 Thread wayne325

wayne325;418425 Wrote: 
 Fourth, for those who have a T3 alrady and are playing 96/24 files, is
 a significant difference between those and CD ripped files?  (I would
 so).  Along hese lines I downloaded the sampler 96/24 files from
 and played thru my Duet. I thought it was quite dynamic compared to CD.
 that the Duet cannot play 96 kHz, I read that the PC SW downconverts
 96 kHz sample rate to 48 kHz, and sends that to the Duet.
 Cheers, and thanks

Hmmm.  I did a lousy job of writing this.  What I meant was - if one

1) CD ripped to file and play over transporter to good external DAC
2) that same source material that was mastered at 96/24 and played
over Transporter on the same DAC (obviously DAC is 44.1 / 96 capable)

(eg (1) CD of Rebecca Pidgeon's The Raven ripped vs (2) the same
as 96/24 flac downloaded from HDtunes and both played thru Transporter
external DAC)

Are people finding the 96/24 version significantly better sonically?

Doesn't #2 sound a bunch better?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-26 Thread wayne325

Hi all,

I'm building my own DAC and I want to perhaps use a Transporter 3 as
one of
the inputs for purchased music and I want also to rip my CD
so I can get rid of that large cabinet beside my stereo 

So... a few questions.  I guess these are directed at Logitech
types or hobbyists who have already been where I am and have done what
doing.   If you don't KNOW the answer to the question, please keep
OPINION to yourself.  I'm spending significant time designing and
a project and I don't want to have errors designed in.

Yes I have searched but did not find answers to these questions.

Firstly, what is the layer 0 protocol of the word clock input?  That
what is the voltage / impedance / duty cycle spec for this input?  I
see it's a BNC connector but I don't know if it's 50 ohms or 75 ohms
and I've
never been able to find a post on this board that says what the
or duty cycle are.

Secondly, it appears that the input rates accepted are 44.1, 48, and 96
What does the Transporter do if faced with 96 kHz word clock input and
a flacsource file that is from a ripped CD Does it convert
the input data source (interpolating) to get the data rate to 96 kHz?

Thirdly, does the Transporter 3 automatically detect the presence of
word clock and then use that as a source to lock its PLL to?  Or would
have to go into some setting menu in SW to tell the Transporter to use
word clock or not ?

Fourth, for those who have a T3 alrady and are playing 96/24 files, is
a significant difference between those and CD ripped files?  (I would
so).  Along hese lines I downloaded the sampler 96/24 files from
and played thru my Duet. I thought it was quite dynamic compared to CD.
that the Duet cannot play 96 kHz, I read that the PC SW downconverts
96 kHz sample rate to 48 kHz, and sends that to the Duet.

Cheers, and thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-26 Thread Phil Leigh

wayne325;418425 Wrote: 
 Hi all,
 I'm building my own DAC and I want to perhaps use a Transporter 3 as
 one of
 the inputs for purchased music and I want also to rip my CD
 so I can get rid of that large cabinet beside my stereo 
 So... a few questions.  I guess these are directed at Logitech
 types or hobbyists who have already been where I am and have done what
 doing.   If you don't KNOW the answer to the question, please keep
 OPINION to yourself.  I'm spending significant time designing and
 a project and I don't want to have errors designed in.
 Yes I have searched but did not find answers to these questions.
 Firstly, what is the layer 0 protocol of the word clock input?  That
 what is the voltage / impedance / duty cycle spec for this input?  I
 see it's a BNC connector but I don't know if it's 50 ohms or 75 ohms
 and I've
 never been able to find a post on this board that says what the
 or duty cycle are.
 Secondly, it appears that the input rates accepted are 44.1, 48, and 96
 What does the Transporter do if faced with 96 kHz word clock input and
 a flacsource file that is from a ripped CD Does it convert
 the input data source (interpolating) to get the data rate to 96 kHz?
 Thirdly, does the Transporter 3 automatically detect the presence of
 word clock and then use that as a source to lock its PLL to?  Or would
 have to go into some setting menu in SW to tell the Transporter to use
 word clock or not ?
 Fourth, for those who have a T3 alrady and are playing 96/24 files, is
 a significant difference between those and CD ripped files?  (I would
 so).  Along hese lines I downloaded the sampler 96/24 files from
 and played thru my Duet. I thought it was quite dynamic compared to CD.
 that the Duet cannot play 96 kHz, I read that the PC SW downconverts
 96 kHz sample rate to 48 kHz, and sends that to the Duet.
 Cheers, and thanks
1) The word clock is a standard word clock input. IF that doesn't
answer your question you are already in trouble :-)
2) Don't know, but the whole idea is that the DAC clock  drives the TP.
Therefore, a 44.1 kHz rip will NOT be upsampled to anything else. 
3) You need to set the TP to use the external clock input
4) No

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB3 (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Outdoors: Boom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-26 Thread DCtoDaylight

Funny, I googled, and found Sean's earlier forum reply as the second

The word clock input will accept a signal up to 100Khz of at least 1V
amplitude. It will accept practically any input but a 3V, 44.1KHz
square wave is typical.

The word clock is just that, a clock.  The system relies on you setting
it to the correct frequency.  If you try an play back a 44.1k CD with
the word clock running at 96k, your song will play back at 2.18x

Good luck!  Dave


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
and a Bandwidth from DC to Daylight

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter 3 word clock

2009-04-26 Thread seanadams

An ideal word clock source would be simply a 3.3 or 5V logic signal with
a 100 ohm resistor in series.  The impedance doesn't matter, that's just
to protect you from a short. You could also put a ferrite in series to
slow the edge, since a sharp transition is not needed or desirable

You should test it with a function generator to get an idea how it
works - and you can make fun sounds using the sweep knobs!  What
Transporter does with this signal is multiply it up to the required
internal MCLK. Then all other clocks (LRCK, BICK) are derived from that
MCLK, the same as they would be from an internally generated MCLK. It is
really a dumb slave to whatever clock you give it.

If your DAC is smart enough to decipher the incoming S/PDIF channel
status, you could set the outgoing clock accordingly as TP will
indicate the correct playback frequency in those bits. I'm not aware of
any DACs that actually do this - AFAIK they all require you to set
manual toggle switches which I think is pretty hokey.

Once you have something hooked up, try putting a scope on 1)
Transporter's MCLK and 2) your internal oscillator. They should be
synchronized, with some arbitrary but constant phase offset.

PS there is no TP3. There's TP and SB3. See:


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