Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-11-16 Thread mister pig

andy_c;242478 Wrote: 
 You wouldn't happen to be the author of that program, would you?

AFAIK it is a program that is bundled with the ITunes download.

Mister Pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-11-16 Thread andy_c

mister pig;243299 Wrote: 
 AFAIK it is a program that is bundled with the ITunes download.

Hi MP,

This is a bit confusing.  The post to which I was responding was by a
guy who is selling some audio playback software claimed to improve
sound quality over programs such as Foobar, etc.  He has been spamming
his software over a bunch of audiophile forums, and I called him on it.
His post has apparently been deleted (and rightfully so I think),
making it appear as if my post is responding to yours, which it

So please carry on :-).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-11-13 Thread PeterSt


I was pointed to this thread by Andy74.
Now, since this thread is kind of dead already, you just as well might
have some fun in the end.

Note : I do not want you to get away from your slim device. Not !

Let's assume your FLACs can be converted back to WAV losslessly indeed
(check that by comparing if you don't trust it).
Now get XXHighEnd ( of which I state (!) that
there is no way you can hear a difference ... just because of the way
that player is constructed with eliminating jitter in mind.

If you can hear the difference afterall ... ok. Too bad for me.
But if not, think further ...

It would (no, will) simply prove that a player can be subject to the
differences by the means of playback.

You could spare your precious time by just believing me. :-)
I too easily hear the difference with other players ...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-11-13 Thread andy_c

You wouldn't happen to be the author of that program, would you?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-11-03 Thread opaqueice

mister pig;239762 Wrote: 
 This post is a response to an earlier one from Phil about how i
 configuired my ITunes for use.
 Lets see, first went into quick time and made sure that 24/96 was the
 selected sampling rate. 

Sampling rate?  There shouldn't be any sampling involved in playing
music on a SB.  You rip the CD to a lossless format and then slimserver
sends that data to the SB.  No sampling involved.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-11-03 Thread mister pig

opaqueice;239824 Wrote: 
 Sampling rate?  There shouldn't be any sampling involved in playing
 music on a SB.  You rip the CD to a lossless format and then slimserver
 sends that data to the SB.  No sampling involved.

The sampling rate configuration is an internal adjustment to the ITunes
program. Has nothing to do with the Slim Devices software. 

Mister Pig

mister pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-06 Thread Jitterbug

Pat Farrell;232914 Wrote: 
 Normalization is evil.
 Sadly, it is used fairly frequently, with very bad consequences.

Why is this any different than digital volume control, which works well
for minor adjustments?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-06 Thread Pat Farrell
Jitterbug wrote:
 Normalization is evil.
 Sadly, it is used fairly frequently, with very bad consequences.
 Why is this any different than digital volume control, which works well
 for minor adjustments?

If you mean normalization to be just a transient volume control, its no

Most uses of 'normalization' mean adjust the values in the PCM to make
the loudest signal be full range, 0x8fff, and then save the result.
This crude arithmetic function makes all of the signal louder, including
the noise, and doesn't redither the values. Dithering is very important,
it makes easily audible differences.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread Phil Leigh

mister pig;232741 Wrote: 
 Yes headphones are a valuable tool in the recording studio. But they are
 not the only device used. recordings are mixed down through studio
 monitors also. Many sound engineers have a variety of systems they use
 to evaluate the final mix. headphones have their own set of strengths,
 but are also limited in their ability to present the spatial complexity
 of music. Personally I am not a fan of them, I dont like the in your
 head feel to the music. 
 I have to disagree with the point of soundstaging being in the mind of
 the listener. More than one person can listen to a piece of music on a
 system and accurately describe the position of instruments and
 vocalists. It is repeatable. So therefore the phonomenon exists within
 a recording. How it is achieved is a different issue. Sure some of it
 is artifical, and at other times it is due to skilled recording
 techniques. Never the less it is part of the recording, and can't be
 reproduced by headphones. It is possible to hear the amount of
 reflection or ambient information in a recording, but the spatial scope
 of the recording is lost. 
 As you may guess, I am not a fan of headphones. In theory they should
 eliminate alot of issues. Room reflections are taken out of the
 equation. bass response has a unique texture to it that loudpseakers
 cannot replicate. Each ear is fed the precise signal, so it should be
 better. Yet the scale of amusic presentation is lost. Or the illusion
 of a musical peformance. So that is why I am not a fan of them.
 This is a long post. But I am reminded of another matter. A couple of
 years ago I bought a pair of Acoustat 1+1 speakers. Wonderful
 condition, and well regarded electrostats. I didnt't keep them because
 the longer I listened to them, everything sounded the same. Recodings
 that should have sounded different did not. All music had the same feel
 or signature to it. I dont know if it was due to the thicker nature of
 the mylar sheet that Acoustat used. Or if it was due to the
 transformers that comprised the crossover network(actually more of a
 filter system). But I do know what I heard. Recordings that should not
 have sounded the same did. 
 Now it can be construed that I am using the something is wrong with
 your gear since you cant hear what I hear arguement. Thats a valid
 point. All I ask, if possible is this. If you listen to the same tracks
 on a decently set up pair of speakers, are your experiences replicated.
 I am not sure that headphones are capable of displaying the differences
 between the two formats. Or at least it makes it harder to hear. This is
 a long post, but thanks for taking the time to see it to the end. Al I
 am trying to do is hold an intelligent discussion of what people
 experience. Not just what is theoretically possible. Some of the posts
 in this thread have gotten boarderline nasty, although I understand the
 posters point of reference. I may not have he technical background to
 understand how the software behind the SB works, but in the end I know
 what I hear. Personally I would prefer it if the lossless system worked
 as well. It would save me disc space, and make transfering music to
 IPODS even more convenient. But in the end, all I want is the best
 sound possible. 
 Mister Pig
[long post]

Mister Pig (great name BTW!):

1) I'm well aware of what goes on in studios :o) - my point was that
headphones are generally used as an analytical tool for dissecting
mixes and spotting problems etc. Of course full range (and nearfield)
monitors are used for the final mixdown balancing etc.

2) Stereo is a complete illusion, recreated by the brain which as RB
said is doing some powerfull DSP to do this. The less work the brain
has to do to achieve what it feels to be a realistic synthesis, the
better the listener feels about the sound. This is the underlying cause
of listener fatigue IMHO.

Remember that single microphones have no concept of left or right (or
up and down for that matter!) only louder/quieter, nearer/further.

Stereo works because we have two ears and  a brain - and by supplying
the ears with a suitable signal we can recreate the impression of the
original soundfield.

Anything that has been close-mic'd or multitracked has to be
manipulated to produce a suitable soundfield. In the simplest case this
is achieved by positioning an instrument within the soundfield by
panning it left/right. At the end of the day, the engineer will
position an instrument more left or right by altering its volume -
that's all. OK so he/she might delay it and eq it as well.

The fact that two or more people can listen to the same track and place
the instruments in the same soundfield location is testament to the fact
that our ears and brains work in the same ways. For exactly the same
reason, we humans can generally agree on the concepts of red,
sweet, rough etc.

I respectfully ask you read this link as it explains the stereo
illusion much more 

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread mister pig

Phil Leigh;232872 Wrote: 
 [long post]
 Mister Pig (great name BTW!):
 1) I'm well aware of what goes on in studios :o) - my point was that
 headphones are generally used as an analytical tool for dissecting
 mixes and spotting problems etc. Of course full range (and nearfield)
 monitors are used for the final mixdown balancing etc.
 2) Stereo is a complete illusion, recreated by the brain which as RB
 said is doing some powerfull DSP to do this. The less work the brain
 has to do to achieve what it feels to be a realistic synthesis, the
 better the listener feels about the sound. This is the underlying cause
 of listener fatigue IMHO.
 Remember that single microphones have no concept of left or right (or
 up and down for that matter!) only louder/quieter, nearer/further.
 Stereo works because we have two ears and  a brain - and by supplying
 the ears with a suitable signal we can recreate the impression of the
 original soundfield.
 Anything that has been close-mic'd or multitracked has to be
 manipulated to produce a suitable soundfield. In the simplest case this
 is achieved by positioning an instrument within the soundfield by
 panning it left/right. At the end of the day, the engineer will
 position an instrument more left or right by altering its volume -
 that's all. OK so he/she might delay it and eq it as well.
 The fact that two or more people can listen to the same track and place
 the instruments in the same soundfield location is testament to the fact
 that our ears and brains work in the same ways. For exactly the same
 reason, we humans can generally agree on the concepts of red,
 sweet, rough etc.
 I respectfully ask you read this link as it explains the stereo
 illusion much more clearly than I can
 3) In the interest of science and to address your concern about
 headphones, I repeated the test again using speakers (had to wait for
 an empty house!). I fully understand that you are not necessarily going
 to buy this but guess what? I could not tell the difference between
 streamed flac or wav. Test methodology was as before. Replay system
 was: SB3-Altmann JISCO+UPCI-TACT 2.2x(digital coax i/o, upsampling to
 96Khz for output) MF DACX-v3+PSU, MF X-10 Tube Buffer, Linn 5103,
 3xLinn LK140 amps with Aktive crossovers fitted, Linn Espeks (ceramic
 bases, spiked into the floor) Townshend Supertweeters, Linn Seizmik
 sub, Kimber 8TC speaker cables, Russ Andrews mains leads, Chord
 Reference i/c's (digital coax is all Kimber silver). Sorry about all
 the K's :o)
 Hope you find this interesting
 [/long post]

Hi Phil,

That is interesting. I really don't have any vested interest in this
debate, personally a lossless format would be more convenient. 

Makes me wonder if I have a set up issue in ITunes that is creating a
problem. Since I store my music in uncompressed WAV does the SB program
have to convert to FLAC and then return to WAV? I wonder if I rip with a
lossless encoding to start with? 

I do know that at this time, the two formats do not sound the same. So
there must be something responsible for this variation. Any
recommendations then on where to look?

Mister Pig

mister pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread Phil Leigh

Mr Pig,
(I laugh every time I type that - I presume that was intentional?)

Can you explain how you rip from CD and store your music at the moment,
and what part iTunes plays in these processes?
I wonder if we can get to the bottom of this. Also, what settings do
you have active in File Types in SlimServer when you compare FLAC vs

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread opaqueice

mister pig;232884 Wrote: 
 Hi Phil,
 That is interesting. I really don't have any vested interest in this
 debate, personally a lossless format would be more convenient. 
 Makes me wonder if I have a set up issue in ITunes that is creating a
 problem. Since I store my music in uncompressed WAV does the SB program
 have to convert to FLAC and then return to WAV? I wonder if I rip with a
 lossless encoding to start with? 
 I do know that at this time, the two formats do not sound the same. So
 there must be something responsible for this variation. Any
 recommendations then on where to look?
 Mister Pig

You've probably checked this, but replay gain is an obvious possible
culprit.  Sometimes ripping programs alter the audio data (even when
you're ripping to a lossless format) - they apply a level adjustment
during the ripping process, so that the file is permanently altered. 
Other times slimserver (or itunes or whatever) will apply a volume
adjustment when the file is played (there can be a tag in the FLAC data
for that), so that the audio data is unaltered, but when it's played
with replayagain switched on the level will be different than a WAV


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread Phil Leigh

Yes and you'll recall that tripped me up the first time I did the test,
since replaygain tags only work on FLAC files and not WAV...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

Phil Leigh;232900 Wrote: 
 Yes and you'll recall that tripped me up the first time I did the test,
 since replaygain tags only work on FLAC files and not WAV...

...yet WAV can still be influenced by those awful normalization

And iTunes is the sort of program that might do this without asking

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread Pat Farrell
Mark Lanctot wrote:
  ...yet WAV can still be influenced by those awful normalization

Normalization is evil.
Sadly, it is used fairly frequently, with very bad consequences.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-05 Thread Christopher Rowe
On 10/4/07 6:15 PM, Pat Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 opaqueice wrote:
 Have you ever listened to a binaural recording over headphones?  You'll
 find yourself looking over your shoulder for the person you heard
 walking behind you.  The illusion is far, far beyond anything I've ever
 heard with speakers.
 However there seem to be very few such recordings, for reasons I've
 never understood.  Maybe it's because wearing headphones for an
 extended period is annoying and uncomfortable...
 They are very interesting. They are rare because they sound great with
 headphones, but not so good elsewhere. In the olden days  of last
 century, most music was heard on car radios.
 The binaural recordings are not that hard to make, but you can't do the
 usual 'fix it in the mix' stuff, you have to have real musicians. Plus
 the record stores would have to carry two versions of each CD, and at
 least half the time, they'd sell the wrong one.

Here's a contradiction to the assertions that you need 'real' (OK, at least
'alive') musicians and that you can't 'fix it in the mix'!

(New digitally posthumously 're-performed' stereo recordings of Glenn
Gould's 1955 performance of the Goldberg Variations - optionally available
as a binaural recording from Gould's position at the keyboard!)

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-04 Thread Phil Leigh

Pretty much any headphones are capable of revealing more about a
recording than speakers can. You can hear things on phones that simply
are not apparent otherwise, which is why they are an invaluable
recording/mastering tool.
As far as the limitations of the Stax set that I might accuse
them of being a bit light in the bass. 

With regards to soundstaging...aside from a few well defined
circumstances (dummy head etc) soundstaging is in the mind of the
listener. It can be influenced by the mic techniques used (assuming
that we are not talking about multitrack stuff, in which case it is
completely artificial) and the ability of the replay chain to
accurately recreate what was recorded in terms of ambience, levels

Remember that the ONLY tool one has to alter soundstaging is level. You
can make a signal louder or quieter on the right channel compared to the
same signal in the left. I'll ignore phase manipulation and EQ because
those are effects.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-04 Thread mister pig

Phil Leigh;232525 Wrote: 
 Pretty much any headphones are capable of revealing more about a
 recording than speakers can. You can hear things on phones that simply
 are not apparent otherwise, which is why they are an invaluable
 recording/mastering tool.
 As far as the limitations of the Stax set that I might accuse
 them of being a bit light in the bass. 
 With regards to soundstaging...aside from a few well defined
 circumstances (dummy head etc) soundstaging is in the mind of the
 listener. It can be influenced by the mic techniques used (assuming
 that we are not talking about multitrack stuff, in which case it is
 completely artificial) and the ability of the replay chain to
 accurately recreate what was recorded in terms of ambience, levels
 Remember that the ONLY tool one has to alter soundstaging is level. You
 can make a signal louder or quieter on the right channel compared to the
 same signal in the left. I'll ignore phase manipulation and EQ because
 those are effects.

Yes headphones are a valuable tool in the recording studio. But they
are not the only device used. recordings are mixed down through studio
monitors also. Many sound engineers have a variety of systems they use
to evaluate the final mix. headphones have their own set of strengths,
but are also limited in their ability to present the spatial complexity
of music. Personally I am not a fan of them, I dont like the in your
head feel to the music. 

I have to disagree with the point of soundstaging being in the mind of
the listener. More than one person can listen to a piece of music on a
system and accurately describe the position of instruments and
vocalists. It is repeatable. So therefore the phonomenon exists within
a recording. How it is achieved is a different issue. Sure some of it
is artifical, and at other times it is due to skilled recording
techniques. Never the less it is part of the recording, and can't be
reproduced by headphones. It is possible to hear the amount of
reflection or ambient information in a recording, but the spatial scope
of the recording is lost. 

As you may guess, I am not a fan of headphones. In theory they should
eliminate alot of issues. Room reflections are taken out of the
equation. bass response has a unique texture to it that loudpseakers
cannot replicate. Each ear is fed the precise signal, so it should be
better. Yet the scale of amusic presentation is lost. Or the illusion
of a musical peformance. So that is why I am not a fan of them.

This is a long post. But I am reminded of another matter. A couple of
years ago I bought a pair of Acoustat 1+1 speakers. Wonderful
condition, and well regarded electrostats. I didnt't keep them because
the longer I listened to them, everything sounded the same. Recodings
that should have sounded different did not. All music had the same feel
or signature to it. I dont know if it was due to the thicker nature of
the mylar sheet that Acoustat used. Or if it was due to the
transformers that comprised the crossover network(actually more of a
filter system). But I do know what I heard. Recordings that should not
have sounded the same did. 

Now it can be construed that I am using the something is wrong with
your gear since you cant hear what I hear arguement. Thats a valid
point. All I ask, if possible is this. If you listen to the same tracks
on a decently set up pair of speakers, are your experiences replicated.
I am not sure that headphones are capable of displaying the differences
between the two formats. Or at least it makes it harder to hear. This is
a long post, but thanks for taking the time to see it to the end. Al I
am trying to do is hold an intelligent discussion of what people
experience. Not just what is theoretically possible. Some of the posts
in this thread have gotten boarderline nasty, although I understand the
posters point of reference. I may not have he technical background to
understand how the software behind the SB works, but in the end I know
what I hear. Personally I would prefer it if the lossless system worked
as well. It would save me disc space, and make transfering music to
IPODS even more convenient. But in the end, all I want is the best
sound possible. 

Mister Pig

mister pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-04 Thread opaqueice

Have you ever listened to a binaural recording over headphones?  You'll
find yourself looking over your shoulder for the person you heard
walking behind you.  The illusion is far, far beyond anything I've ever
heard with speakers.

However there seem to be very few such recordings, for reasons I've
never understood.  Maybe it's because wearing headphones for an
extended period is annoying and uncomfortable...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-04 Thread Robin Bowes
mister pig wrote:

 I have to disagree with the point of soundstaging being in the mind of
 the listener.

Mister Pig,

Our entire auditory system is in the mind - it is one big illusion.

Stereo imaging - the ability to tell where in a sound stage an
individual sound is coming from - is done entirely in the mind. Our
brain is one helluva DSP!


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-04 Thread Pat Farrell
opaqueice wrote:
 Have you ever listened to a binaural recording over headphones?  You'll
 find yourself looking over your shoulder for the person you heard
 walking behind you.  The illusion is far, far beyond anything I've ever
 heard with speakers.
 However there seem to be very few such recordings, for reasons I've
 never understood.  Maybe it's because wearing headphones for an
 extended period is annoying and uncomfortable...

They are very interesting. They are rare because they sound great with
headphones, but not so good elsewhere. In the olden days  of last
century, most music was heard on car radios.

The binaural recordings are not that hard to make, but you can't do the
usual 'fix it in the mix' stuff, you have to have real musicians. Plus
the record stores would have to carry two versions of each CD, and at
least half the time, they'd sell the wrong one.

Of course, record stores exist only in history books.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-04 Thread JJZolx

opaqueice;232749 Wrote: 
 Have you ever listened to a binaural recording over headphones?  You'll
 find yourself looking over your shoulder for the person you heard
 walking behind you.  The illusion is far, far beyond anything I've ever
 heard with speakers.

I've heard that in many good systems.  Actually, it's not so much the
quality of the system components, but the speaker placement and room
treatments that enable such eerie imaging.

The thing I can't stand about headphones is that music-inside-your-head
feeling.  Very unnatural.  Headphones are nice for some uses, like
listening to the iPod while walking the dog, but not for serious
listening enjoyment.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-04 Thread Pat Farrell
JJZolx wrote:
  Headphones are nice for some uses, like  listening to the iPod while walking 
 the dog, but not for serious
 listening enjoyment.

I can understand you having this opinion, but I disagree that it is
universal. Many folks get serious listening enjoyment from headphones.
There are serious audiophile headphones, headphone amps, etc.

I see it as more like a personal preference, for single malt scotch vs a
grand cru wine. Clearly different. Appeals to different folks. But one
is not absolutely better than another.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-03 Thread mister pig

Havent had much time to come back to this thread. But I did notice one
thing that needs to be mentioned. 

Another member ran a comparison of WAV vs FLAC and experienced no
differences between the formats. This did not coincide with a similar
listeing test I ran, so I was curious to know what the differences

I read a bit more, on the test, I believe Phil Leigh ran it. Then I
noticed all the listening was done through a pair of Stax headphones.
While Stax makes some of the finest headphones known to audio, they do
have their limitations. 

WhatI heard in the differnce in FLAC vs WAV was primarily related to
the size of the soundstage, and the change in the reveberation patterns
found in the acoustics of the recording venue. I do not believe a set of
headphones can accurately present these differences. Of course thats my
opinion, and others may not agree with it. 

I think the SB is a great way to listen to music, and am keeping mine.
Although I have sent it off to Bolder Cable Company for a set of mods
from Wayne. I am very curious to see what can be accomplished with this

Mister Pig

mister pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-10-03 Thread TiredLegs

mister pig;232485 Wrote: 
 Another member ran a comparison of WAV vs FLAC and experienced no
 differences between the formats...
 Then I noticed all the listening was done through a pair of Stax
 headphones. While Stax makes some of the finest headphones known to
 audio, they do have their limitations. 
 WhatI heard in the differnce in FLAC vs WAV was primarily related to
 the size of the soundstage, and the change in the reveberation patterns
 found in the acoustics of the recording venue. I do not believe a set of
 headphones can accurately present these differences.
I can't vouch for Stax headphones, but I have extensive listening
experience on AKG K1000 and Grado GS1000 headphones, both of which are
stellar at reproducing soundstage and the acoustics of the recording
venue. In fact, they're better at it than any speakers I've heard other
than Magnepans and similar planar designs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread Phil Leigh

Meatwad650;228940 Wrote: 
 If WAV and FLAC output the same PCM they how could they sound different?

The theory - and it is pure speculation backed up by no facts at the
moment - is that somehow even though the bitstreams are provably
identical something is different when decoding FLAC vs WAV.
It could be:
additional noise from the CPU getting onto the SPDIF signal and finding
its way to the DAC
timing changes in the clock (jitter)
These things should be measurable phenomena - but AFAIK no-one has yet
managed to do that.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread Meatwad650

Phil Leigh;228960 Wrote: 
 The theory - and it is pure speculation backed up by no facts at the
 moment - is that somehow even though the bitstreams are provably
 identical something is different when decoding FLAC vs WAV.

Sorry, but I gotta call BS on that.  I think the only real signal loss
for some of this stuff is between the auditory nerve and the auditory
cortex. :)

For those that would suggest the digital path sounds different then
basically you're suggesting that something is causing signal errors
when decoding flac?  

And if the analog path sounds different then it sounds like your DAC is
faulty.  Input of the same bitstream to a DAC (and the bitstream is
provably the same) will cause the same output.  

Maybe I need to get out of this audiophile forum - I can't turn off the
engineer side of my brain enough to drink the kool-aid. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread jeffmeh

Meatwad650;228970 Wrote: 
 Sorry, but I gotta call BS on that.  I think the only real signal loss
 for some of this stuff is between the auditory nerve and the auditory
 cortex. :)
 For those that would suggest the digital path sounds different then
 basically you're suggesting that something is causing signal errors
 when decoding flac?  
 And if the analog path sounds different then it sounds like your DAC is
 faulty.  Input of the same bitstream to a DAC (and the bitstream is
 provably the same) will cause the same output.  
 Maybe I need to get out of this audiophile forum - I can't turn off the
 engineer side of my brain enough to drink the kool-aid. :)

No, the hypothesis is not that there are decoding errors.  The
hypothesis is that since the CPU must perform different work when
processing FLAC than it does when processing WAV, that that difference
results in different physical properties (e.g., differences in radio
frequency emissions), which then results in audible differences.

FWIW, I am extremely skeptical.  However, there is nothing wrong with
the logic of the argument.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread Phil Leigh

Meatwad650;228970 Wrote: 
 Sorry, but I gotta call BS on that.  I think the only real signal loss
 for some of this stuff is between the auditory nerve and the auditory
 cortex. :)
 For those that would suggest the digital path sounds different then
 basically you're suggesting that something is causing signal errors
 when decoding flac?  
 And if the analog path sounds different then it sounds like your DAC is
 faulty.  Input of the same bitstream to a DAC (and the bitstream is
 provably the same) will cause the same output.  
 Maybe I need to get out of this audiophile forum - I can't turn off the
 engineer side of my brain enough to drink the kool-aid. :)

To be clear - I've tested this and found no difference at all in my
system. I wasn't claiming to AGREE with the theory - you asked what it

Others (who you are free to call BS on as much as you like) find

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread Phil Leigh

Wombat;229031 Wrote: 
 Now i got curious and was doing this wav and flac thing. Hard to do a
 real abx just from the handling, leave alone detecting a difference.
 I hope everybody knows if you play Flac-Flac and switch to Flac-Wav
 you have to restart the song completely otherwise the decoding you
 choosed before goes on.
 I wonder how many compared flac to flac and found a difference :)

If you use the method I described above (make multiple flac and wav
copies of the same tracks, create a random playlist etc) its actually
very easy to do this test

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread Wombat

I should read more before posting! Thanks for the hint.


Transporter - monoblocks - self-made speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread Meatwad650

Phil Leigh;229027 Wrote: 
 To be clear - I've tested this and found no difference at all in my
 system. I wasn't claiming to AGREE with the theory - you asked what it

Oh, I was aware that it wasn't *your* theory and I agree with your
testing so far.  I was just informing those that might agree with the
theory that it sounds like horse hockey to me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-21 Thread Meatwad650

If WAV and FLAC output the same PCM they how could they sound different?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-20 Thread mister pig

All right, DB or even SB testing isnt going to be anywhere close to easy
to set up for me. But I did use my daughter to choose between FLAC and
WAV on the puter...its upstairs while I was listening to tracks
downstairs. These were my results.

Indian Woman by Brent Alan. Vocal and 1 acoustic guitar. Very easy to
hear the difference on this track. Scored 9 out of 10 correctly, and
missed the one right at the beginning. FLAC is more two dimensional,
and the voice has less extension...its sounds thinner. 

Luka by Suzanne Vega. A bit more complex, but well recorded. 8 out of
10. Still easy to hear differences in the depth of the music. That was
what I cued on. 

Whole Lotta Love by Led Zep. Thought I would try this to see what
happens with rock n roll. Not good, 6 out of 10. There was nothing I
could reliably cue on to hear the differences. 

I used the SB3 into the Audio Magic Kukama DAC w the Illusions 4D
digital cable, and the Bolder modified ELPAC power supply. 

No time to do the SB as a stand alone player. I will ty to do that next
month some time. 

Why there are differneces I am not sure. But I do know what I hear. In
the past there have always been products that measured close and yet
still sounded different. Digital cables are a good example. Since the
music is still in bits, there should be minimal differences between
cables. Yet they do sound markedly different. But in the end, I still
find that I prefer uncompressed WAV through the SB in my system.

Mister Pig

mister pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-20 Thread andy74

Hi MP,

Thanks for your time.

I was doing my tests on M. Jackson ultimate collection 4 cds and Black
Sabbath Best of 2 CDs



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Timbo

Dear original poster - a few myths and mis-understandings I think in the
replies you have might have read (I do love it so when someone says FLAC
might 'sound' different from say WAV or indeed anything :-)

1) WAV files can contain metadata, it's just that nobody much puts it
there so you will be hard pushed to find software that reads it - not a
'standard' implementation like MP3 - incidentally AIFF does also support
metadata and this is read by at least iTunes and Slimserver (I am
transcoding to AIFF from WAV as it seems iTunes can read the tags -
handy if I somehow delete my iTunes library file and want to re-import
- like I did a couple of weeks ago!!! Don't even ask!:)

2) Yes I have conducted a blind test (recently as wanted to be sure
before choosing AIFF to transcode to for the reasons above), and yes I
can hear the difference between my SB3 decoding WAV/AIFF, FLAC and the
Apple Lossless file formats I tried. AIFF and WAV both using built-in
player decoding were identical, ALAC was discernibly different whether
streamed as WAV or FLAC (down to Quicktime decoding on the server?) and
I managed to identify this format 4 out of 5 times using random setting
and identically named files (on deciding I could hear a difference I
would open my eyes and right arrow to the file format for confirmation,
then flick on several files to avoid 'knowing' where in the 'random'
playlist I might be and have another go!). FLAC was harder to
differentiate, but 3 out of 5 got me a hit. What this means who knows
(just the extra digital activity on the SB player interfering with my
poor sensitive preamp analogue circuits!?) I did get bored after an
hour or so - but at least the ears are still working reasonably well
after 40 odd years of listening to hi-fi!

3)One poster says claiming to hear a difference is a result of a
simple inability by some people to fathom that there could such a thing
as mathematically lossless compression hmm, a wee bit condescending
that but missing the point a bit - we are not discussing lossless
compression and it's mathematical efficiency (thank God!), but rather
if in this context, with this network situation, we can hear a
difference in the result that emanates from our 'speakers. If anyone is
thinking that FLAC or ZIP or TIFF or any other lossless file compression
technique is missing bits when it puts it back together then our music
and pictures are in trouble big time in this modern digital world! 

4) Engineers, please don't get angry, anger is a defence mechanism. You
don't need to defend your measurements or understanding of this
principle. Lossless compression works great - it does what it says on
the tin, it isn't complicated, the concept is really very logical when
you start talking in bits and bytes, and furthermore even if I can hear
a difference in the execution of the decompression in this instance,
that difference doesn't effect my files, they are stored, safe, intact
and I am sure could be played elsewhere in a different system situation
with no discernible difference on the result to anyone's ears.

Anyway - as the engineers don't trust the audiophile's ears (seeing the
huge lump of wax just extracted from my left ear yesterday afternoon I
am amazed my own small test worked at all!) then I have a suggestion.
What we need is a soundproof chamber, and actually measure with
microphones what comes out of the speakers in both formats...who's up
for that :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread darrenyeats

Timbo;228057 Wrote: 
 I managed to identify this format 4 out of 5 times using random setting
 and identically named files (on deciding I could hear a difference I
 would open my eyes and right arrow to the file format for confirmation,
 then flick on several files to avoid 'knowing' where in the 'random'
 playlist I might be and have another go!). FLAC was harder to
 differentiate, but 3 out of 5 got me a hit. What this means who knows
 (just the extra digital activity on the SB player interfering with my
 poor sensitive preamp analogue circuits!?)

It's great that you did a blind test - as opaqueice likes to say, it's

Remember though that probability isn't intuitive.

Consider that if there is no difference between formats, your wouldn't
score 0 in your test. Instead you'll score random successes that make
the most likely outcome either 2/5 or 3/5.

(You'll score a 2/5 31.25% of the time and 3/5 31.25% of the time -
combined chance 62.5%).

3/5 (as far as it can) *supports* the conclusion that FLAC is the same!
But more samples are needed to draw a conclusion. I know blind tests
take AGES...I did a blind test (on other subject) with only 4 samples
and then I ran out of time sadly. But I got 4/4 :-)

PS: See


SB3 / Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system (old, cheap, loved)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

cliveb;228066 Wrote: 
 What it means is that there is a 50% chance you were guessing. 5 trials
 is hopelessly inadequate to draw any meaningful conclusions.

What would a statistically significant result require? 50 tests? just
wondering before embarking on something similar...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread opaqueice

darrenyeats;228071 Wrote: 
 (You'll score a 2/5 31.25% of the time and 3/5 31.25% of the time -
 combined chance 62.5%).

Right - and by the same token, a score of 4/5 or better will occur
37.5% of the time, so that result doesn't count for much either.  Even
4/4 (or 0/4, which is the same if you're just looking for differences)
happens 1/8 = 12.5% of the time.

Unfortunately the only way to be sure is to do quite a few more trials.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread TiredLegs

Phil Leigh;228068 Wrote: 
 What would a statistically significant result require? 50 tests? just
 wondering before embarking on something similar...
The minimum number that yields reasonable statistical significance is
30 tests.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

TiredLegs;228130 Wrote: 
 The minimum number that yields reasonable statistical significance is 30

Thanks (gulp...heads to shop for extra bottle of wine...)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread cliveb

TiredLegs;228130 Wrote: 
 The minimum number that yields reasonable statistical significance is 30
Surely it depends on the consistency of the results? For example, if
you do just 10 trials but score 10/10, then you can be over 99%
confident that it wasn't just down to luck.


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

OK here goes nothing...

Using a track I know and love well - Bloody Well Right by Supertramp
from Crime of the Century (remastered CD - accurate EAC rip) I created
15 WAV and 15 FLAC duplicates by copying the files.

File Types are set to WAV-WAV and FLAC-FLAC only in SlimServer.

Then I used Music IP to create a 30 song playlist which was then
randomly shuffled many times over and sent to the SB.
During this the SB display is turned off and I cannot see the
randomised playlist content - so I have no idea what is playing.

Then I let the playlist play and skipped with the remote after 30
seconds of the intro to the next song, marking on a piece of paper as I
go whether the track is the same as or different to the preceding

When I got to the end of the 30-song playlist I checked my results
against the playlist...

The first odd thing that struck me was that I was hearing
differences...and Wow - 100% accuracy. I could tell the difference
between FLAC and WAV every time with NO mistakes. Note that I didn't
know which was which - merely that it was the same or different to the
previous version.
This rather stunned me as it wasn't what I was expecting.

Then it hit me - I'd left replaygain on and I could clearly hear the
-1.5db cut on the FLAC version - doh!.

So starting over with replaygain disabled and a freshly blindly,
randomly shuffled playlist...

This time I got through all 30 tests and marked each and every one as
A - in other words, I couldn't hear any difference at all.

Test rig was as below but using STAX SR-202's wired to my Linn 5103
record outs...( and with the TACT RC disabled).

Anyway, that does it for me. As far as I am concerned there is NO
discernable difference between streamed FLAC or WAV using the digital
out from the SB. There may be a difference on the analogue outs...but
I'm not bothered because I don't use them. Someone else can test that

More than happy to learn of anyone else's experiences with this, but
personally - that myth is busted !

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread TiredLegs

cliveb;228159 Wrote: 
 Surely it depends on the consistency of the results? For example, if you
 do just 10 trials but score 10/10, then you can be over 99% confident
 that it wasn't just down to luck.
Of course, you are correct in the case of someone scoring 10/10, but in
that case, nobody needs statistics. The minimum number of 30 is for a
general case, averaged out over all the possible outcomes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74

Objectively, if a 100 persons does not hear the difference in the test
of 50 trials. And there is one who does all 50 tests with 100% right
answers. This means that there is difference doesn't it. And it also
means that those 100 persons do not simply hear it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread TiredLegs

andy74;228197 Wrote: 
 Objectively, if a 100 persons does not hear the difference in the test
 of 50 trials. And there is one who does all 50 tests with 100% right
 answers. This means that there is difference doesn't it. And it also
 means that those 100 persons do not simply hear it.
Theoretically, yes, but if there actually was a difference, it would be
extremely unlikely that only one person out of 100 could hear it, and
hear it every time. (That person would have to be a freak of nature to
have hearing that much better than everyone else.) People like to make
up hypothetical examples of extreme cases, but reality almost never
happens that way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread opaqueice

TiredLegs;228181 Wrote: 
 Of course, you are correct in the case of someone scoring 10/10, but in
 that case, nobody needs statistics. The minimum number of 30 is for a
 general case, averaged out over all the possible outcomes.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but I'm pretty sure it's
wrong :-).  

Can you clarify?  Where the heck did the number 30 come from?

andy74 Wrote: 
 Objectively, if a 100 persons does not hear the difference in the test
 of 50 trials. And there is one who does all 50 tests with 100% right
 answers. This means that there is difference doesn't it. And it also
 means that those 100 persons do not simply hear it.

Yes, you're right - it does mean that.  The odds of anyone randomly
getting 50/50 correct are about one in a thousand trillion.  And that
would be seen immediately in anything other than the most cursory
statistical analysis of the results.  The best thing to do then would
be to isolate that person, and anyone else that did exceptionally well,
and test them on their own.

Most, if not all, blind audio test experiments are well aware of this
golden ear possibility and look for it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

seanadams;228190 Wrote: 
 Well done. This surprise result from the first run is actually very
 good to know, because it indicates that your test was quite free of
 bias and that you probably would have picked up a difference in the
 next run, had there been one.

Thanks Sean. I must say it was rather against my nature to do this test
but I'm  glad I did it.

Now, if only some other things were as easy to test - things that
require phsyical intervention are hard to organise!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread opaqueice

seanadams;228190 Wrote: 
 Well done. This surprise result from the first run is actually very
 good to know, because it indicates that your test was quite free of
 bias and that you probably would have picked up a difference in the
 next run, had there been one.

Now if only everyone that believes there *is* a difference would take a
few minutes and do the same...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread TiredLegs

opaqueice;228204 Wrote: 
 Can you clarify?  Where the heck did the number 30 come from?
Google the phrase central limit theorem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74

these tests would work and show some results only if the persons wants
to hear the difference.

1. If a person wants to hear the difference
2. able to hear it
3. there IS a difference. 

Only with these 3 condition present at the same time the high score
(100% or close of the right answers) is possible to achieve.

If one the 3 above is not met. the test won't show anything.
And I am personally doubt that Phil really wants to hear the
difference. If he does not then no matter how many times he does the
test he will not hear it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread opaqueice

TiredLegs;228212 Wrote: 
 Google the phrase central limit theorem.

I'm quite familiar with the central limit theorem.  What's it got to do
with 30?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread darrenyeats

andy74;228214 Wrote: 
 And I am personally doubt that Phil really wants to hear the
 difference. If he does not then no matter how many times he does the
 test he will not hear it.

Yeah but, as has been said:

seanadams;228190 Wrote: 
 Well done. This surprise result from the first run is actually very
 good to know, because it indicates that your test was quite free of
 bias and that you probably would have picked up a difference in the
 next run, had there been one.

opaqueice;228211 Wrote: 
 Now if only everyone that believes there *is* a difference would take a
 few minutes and do the same...

So it's up to you :-)


SB3 / Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system (old, cheap, loved)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74

andy74;228225 Wrote: 
 I have just done 10 trials (I am getting tired from 6 already) it took
 me an hour and a half. 
 Result is 101110 - 8 out of 10 right answers.
 this is my second test. The first one was 7 out of 10 (the first 7 in a
 After changing the setting I was playing a couple of songs to make
 sure. It takes a while for one trial.

BTW I am changing the setting using AutoHotKey macros with random
function to change or not to change the setting and I am turning away
form monitor until the screen changes and I hear the MessageBox popup.

So it is a blind test:)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

andy74;228214 Wrote: 
 these tests would work and show some results only if the persons wants
 to hear the difference.
 1. If a person wants to hear the difference
 2. able to hear it
 3. there IS a difference. 
 Only with these 3 condition present at the same time the high score
 (100% or close of the right answers) is possible to achieve.
 If one the 3 above is not met. the test won't show anything.
 And I am personally doubt that Phil really wants to hear the
 difference. If he does not then no matter how many times he does the
 test he will not hear it.

Is this the bit where I actually take the time to do reasonably
well-controlled test and then get told that it's not valid because I
don't want to hear the differenc? - sheesh...

You are correct in so far as I wasn't expecting to hear a difference
(it's not a case of wanting - I don't really care or not!)...when I
did the first test due to my own stupidity I invalidated the test. Now,
if I really wanted to hear no difference - then I wouldn't have heard
one on that first invalid test, right?


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread opaqueice

TiredLegs;228222 Wrote: 
 I'm sure you are capable of Googling it.

Look, I understand statistics rather well - in fact I teach it in some
of my classes.  There is nothing special about 30, or any other

There's no magic number of trials you need to do.  You do n trials, and
you get the correct answer, say, m times.  Then you use the binomial (in
this case) distribution to determine the probability p that you obtained
that result, or a more extreme one, by random guessing.  1-p is then the
confidence with which you can reject the hypothesis that you were

That sounds more complicated than it is, but there you have it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

Can you describe your setup please? - are you using an external DAC?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74


You will be surprised. I am using headphones shure 210 with the shure
attenuator directly from SB3. so no digital level control. The power
supply is the HP E3620A ( :) It is in my office). One amper max so the
SB does not power up if I try to use both ethernet and wifi.:) what
else... SlimServer Version: 6.5.4 - 12568


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

andy74;228286 Wrote: 
 You will be surprised. I am using headphones shure 210 with the shure
 attenuator directly from SB3. so no digital level control. The power
 supply is the HP E3620A ( :) It is in my office). One amper max so the
 SB does not power up if I try to use both ethernet and wifi.:) what
 else... SlimServer Version: 6.5.4 - 12568

well, we are using the same software...

So, you are using the analogue outputs - so your test and mine can both
be equally valid.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74

As I said before
if just one test shows that there is difference and many others shows
that there is no difference it means that THERE IS difference

andy74;228197 Wrote: 
 Objectively, if a 100 persons does not hear the difference in the test
 of 50 trials. And there is one who does all 50 tests with 100% right
 answers. This means that there is difference doesn't it. And it also
 means that those 100 persons do not simply hear it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

andy74;228292 Wrote: 
 As I said before
 if just one test shows that there is difference and many others shows
 that there is no difference it means that THERE IS difference

What I am trying to say is this:

1) you can hear a difference using the analogue outputs
2) I can hear no difference using the digital output

Both tests are valid tests...of two different things.

So, I'm right AND you are right.


I look forward to others repeating these tests so we can build towards
a concensus on these two separate issues.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74

Oh I see what you are saying.
Yes you are right, test seem not to interfere with each other.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74

No I was completely honest. I know what you are saying, There are couple
of trial that I would like to have thrown away but I kept them, so they
are all in those 20.

I would happilly do 20-30 in one set, But I am getting tired of it. The
way I prefer it to be done is for one trial to listen to music in the
background while I am doing something else (You know the saying The
jogging starts when you forget that you are jogging) and then the
decision comes to me:). So it takes a lot of time.

Those 2 tests was taken yesterday and today in the mornings, one day


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread andy74


I agree with you both tests are valid.

There is an opinion, that the influence I can hear (let's say I can for
now) on the analog outs may influence the digital out, let's say by
adding a little jitter to it or simply changing it (the jitter not the
But in your case it is either very little change of jitter or your rig
gets rid of it easily.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread Phil Leigh

andy74;228306 Wrote: 
 I agree with you both tests are valid.
 There is an opinion, that the influence I can hear (let's say I can for
 now) on the analog outs may influence the digital out, let's say by
 adding a little jitter to it or simply changing it (the jitter not the
 But in your case it is either very little change of jitter or your rig
 gets rid of it easily.

Andy - you may be right,  my system seems to be (thankfully) quite
resistant to jitter. Whether this is due to the fact that the jitter
from the SB is already low or whether my Altmann boxes are helping I
cannot say.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-19 Thread fred7

I just finished doing my testing. I played Dire Straits 'Your Latest
Trick' twice. Once in FLAC and once in WAV. It sounded great both
times. The good news is that I got to hear a great song twice. The bad
news is that I had to waste my time re-ripping the track to WAV.
Actually I had to be careful because I own the original and remixed
copied of 'Brothers In Arms' so I had to make sure to use the same
source twice. Funny thing is that I prefer the original to the remix -
maybe because I owned and listened to the original for over ten years
before getting the remix. I guess that's why I bought the Benchmark
DAC1, because I had preffered the sound of my Adcom GCD-575 to any CD
player that I've ever heard. I figured that the GCD-575 probably isn't
the best CD player in the world - I think that I preffered it because I
was most familier with it. So I bought the DAC1 figuring that once I got
used to it it would be my preffered digital source and I could use it
with the SB3, SB4 and even the SB5:) Actually, I'm not really sure what
I am trying to say. Maybe I should have just kept these thoughts to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-18 Thread tomjtx

Audiphiles get too emotional ?

You are joking, right ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-18 Thread tomjtx

I've ben listening to my gear upside down for years, I thoght everyone
did that :-)

Kinda makes my head hurt though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-18 Thread cliveb

fred7;227820 Wrote: 
 Years ago there was a clock that you plugged into ANY outlet in your
 listening room and it was supposed to make your digital sources sound
 better. It was called the Tice audio clock and it cost $350 back in
 1991. That was a total rip off but people bought it.
The Tice clock was only at the lunatic fringe end of tweaks. At least
it had some sort of physical connection into the electrical system
which at an extreme stretch of the imagination might be considered some
kind of conduit back to the stereo.

There were other tweaks that were even crazier. Remember the one that
claimed books needed to have an odd (or was it even?) number of leaves,
and that you could improve the sound of your system by inserting a piece
of paper into those which didn't comply? The same nutter (a HiFi
journaist, of course) also had bottles of specially treated water in
his kitchen and claimed it made a difference. (Peter Belt probably
noticed that some people believe this stuff, and developed his business
model based on that).


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-18 Thread CardinalFang

fred7;227716 Wrote: 
 I am glad that Sean clarified the fact that the SB does indeed draw
 slightly more power when decoding FLAC since someone was disputing

Actually, I'm not sure he *did* explicitly say that. What I read was
that although the Squeezebox has no power saving features, it does
suspend processing in the threads when there is nothing to do.  I guess
the argument is around whether FLAC uses more processing and so there
are less idle moments for the decoding thread than when decoding WAV,
resulting in different power consumption profile.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-18 Thread andy74


I did the blind testing. I asked a friend to write down a sequence of 0
and 1 in his random order not showing me and set the built in flac off
and on correspondingly. I listened to 2 or 3 the same songs everytime
he changed (or not changed the setting) and wrote down my own set of 0
and 1.

I answered 7 times correctly in a row (the first 7 out of 7) And the
last 3 I did wrong.
He plugged some device in the same power strip right before the last 3
trials. you can laugh here...

I will probably do more tests. Don't want to bother my friend too



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread EFP

fred7;227473 Wrote: 
 I am assuming that you are saying that your Squeezebox is drawing
 slightly (very slightly) more current when streaming FLAC. I would
 imagine that this is very possible since the SB has to work a little
 harder because it has to decode the FLAC. I think that this has been
 brought up before, that since the SB has to decode the FLAC it may
 change the sound because it is working harder. 

False.  There are no powersave or overdrive modes for the CPU - it's
not a portable device.  Unused cycles are not going to make the
Squeezebox consume less juice, they just don't do any useful work.  I
think the term is idle.  The box is working no less hard when playing
WAV instead of FLAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread andy74

Is there a difference. Unfortunately I don't have a silver SB. Do you
think I should give that a try?

So you think that playing wavs and decoding flacs consume the same
amount of power? I highly doubt that.
And if flacs consume more power. Then it influences the power fed to
the dac.
If you ignore that then you ignore the difference between stock and
elpac power supply. If that the case. I am out of here.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread 325xi

Leave the poor flac alone. You should have tried to listen to SB3 on
audiopoints with coupling discs (a must!). The difference is
unbelievable - highs become higher, lows -lower, mids - ... midder, sun
- brighter, mood - lighter! Also, high fidelity power cord helps as
well. And if you manage to fix a heavy granite plate on it, it will
eliminate all negative vibration altogether, and if it's heavy enough
it'll eliminate them together with SB3.

Sorry, couldn't hold it. The thread is so... so funny!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread seanadams

EFP;227505 Wrote: 
 False.  There are no powersave or overdrive modes for the CPU - it's not
 a portable device.  Unused cycles are not going to make the Squeezebox
 consume less juice, they just don't do any useful work.  I think the
 term is idle.  The box is working no less hard when playing WAV instead
 of FLAC.

I hate to add fuel to this ridiculous fire, but you're actually
incorrect on this point. In many microcontroller systems, the CPU does
spin in a loop when there is nothing to do, possibly polling pins or
just actively doing nothing while it waits for an interrupt. You're
correct that the power usage during this kind of spinning is no
different from doing useful work. However, this is not what Squeezebox

Although the Squeezebox CPU has no true power management features like
a laptop or PDA might have, it does in fact use slightly less power
when idle, because it is event driven at the hardware level. It is
running eight hardware threads, each of which only executes
instructions when there is work to be done. When a thread has no more
work to do, it issues a suspend instruction which halts it until it is
sent an interrupt from another thread telling it to resume. Since CMOS
logic uses very little power when static, there is some reduction in
amperage. Also the PHY and SDRAM are going to use more power simply due
to more data going between them.

However, the notion that CPU usage materially impacts the audio
circuits one way or another is not supported by any controlled
listening test or measurements - both of which have been done. I give
zero credit to someone who latches on to some abstruse phenomenon like
this, but refuses to actually put their theory to the test.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread Phil Leigh

...and wow an extra whole 8-9mA draw!

Makes you wonder about those power amps we have...wonder what happens
when the music gets louder...hmmm.

To Pat: I'd be happy to be contradicted by Josh C. or Sean et al on
this but I'm pretty sure that a FLAC decode error would produce garbage
rather than something that still sounded like music. The FLAC's are
checksummed to ensure integrity like any RLE-encoded compression
system. Replaygain appears to check these and will report an invalid
FLAC...which sounds like music right up to the invalid bit at which
point playback stops. This tells me that the SB must be decoding FLAC

What you state might happen to a buggy DSP alogrithm (eg a bad dsp
filter or FX plugin - or even to an MP3 encoder) but not to a straight
file compression algorithm like FLAC.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread Pat Farrell
opaqueice wrote:
 I'm not sure I follow you.  The question was whether FLAC decodes
 properly on the SB.  For that all you need is to record the digital out
 of the SB - the S/PDIF output.  No ADC necessary.

Oh, perhaps I was confused. Clearly if you want to check the SPDIF 
output, its nearly trivial to feed it into about any sound card.

If you want to check the SB3's DAC, then it isn't nearly as easy.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread adamslim

seanadams;227600 Wrote: 
 I hate to add fuel to this ridiculous fire

Yeah I thought I'd just gently troll it :)

seanadams;227600 Wrote: 

That's a great word.  I don't think I've used it this year.  I will
endeavour to do so before my next birthday, which is just a few weeks

Anyway c'mon guys, this is such an easy test to do - you just get
someone to check and uncheck the box in settings and you try to guess
whether it's FLAC or WAV.  Then you get to switch, and he/she gets to
guess.  Then you have beer.  It's clear that decoding FLAC -could- have
some effect on the sound, but unless you can show that you can hear it
consistently (and I don't mean 6 out of 10), I see no reason to harp on
about it.  If you can hear the difference blind, I'm sure Sean would be
keen to investigate.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-17 Thread fred7

seanadams;227600 Wrote: 
 I hate to add fuel to this ridiculous fire, but you're actually
 incorrect on this point. In many microcontroller systems, the CPU does
 spin in a loop when there is nothing to do, possibly polling pins or
 just actively doing nothing while it waits for an interrupt. You're
 correct that the power usage during this kind of spinning is no
 different from doing useful work. However, this is not what Squeezebox
 Although the Squeezebox CPU has no true power management features like
 a laptop or PDA might have, it does in fact use slightly less power
 when idle, because it is event driven at the hardware level. It is
 running eight hardware threads, each of which only executes
 instructions when there is work to be done. When a thread has no more
 work to do, it issues a suspend instruction which halts it until it is
 sent an interrupt from another thread telling it to resume. Since CMOS
 logic uses very little power when static, there is some reduction in
 amperage. Also the PHY and SDRAM are going to use more power simply due
 to more data going between them.
 However, the notion that CPU usage materially impacts the audio
 circuits one way or another is not supported by any controlled
 listening test or measurements - both of which have been done. I give
 zero credit to someone who latches on to some abstruse phenomenon like
 this, but refuses to actually put their theory to the test.

Even though I am the one who brought up the fact that the Squeezebox
would draw very slightly more power when decoding FLAC I personally
don't believe that this would cause any audible effects. I am glad that
Sean clarified the fact that the SB does indeed draw slightly more power
when decoding FLAC since someone was disputing this. There are all kinds
of claims about people hearing differences in things that really
shouldn't matter but who knows.

Personally I think that it is most likely the placebo effect. On the
other hand I have the attitude if it works for you than have fun with
it. If you want to spend more money on a power supply for a device than
the device itself and to you it sounds better then enjoy it. If you
think that your $1000 interconnects make a huge difference, it's your
money so have fun with it. I've personally bought fairly mid-fi
equipment and have been very happy with it but I do spend a lot on
speakers because to me they make the largest difference. I actually do
hear difference between a lot of equipment (such as amplifiers) but to
me they just sound 'different' from each other and one doesn't
necessarily sound 'better' than the other except for my individual
taste. Anyway, I think that people tend to get too emotional about all
of this stuff. Enjoy your equipment, but more importantly, enjoy the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread funkstar

quietdragon;227313 Wrote: 
 I am merely saying that there are many reasons why showing that
 wav-flac-wav on Windows is -not- sufficient to prove (100%) anything
 about the outcome on the SB3. It does increase the probability that the
 SB3 is also doing the -expected- thing.
The SB2/3 hardware has been on sale for 2 1/2 years now and has had
dozens of fimware updates (currently as rev 81). Don't you think that
if there had been a decoding problem that it would have been corrected
by now?

If you are still in doubt, do the test.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread quietdragon

opaqueice;227319 Wrote: 
 It's trivial to verify that the SB3 decodes FLAC perfectly and it's been
 done many times (both by SD and others).

I'd be interested in reading about the methodology.

Do you have a reference to the thread or post?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread Phil Leigh

quietdragon;227448 Wrote: 
 I'd be interested in reading about the methodology.
 Do you have a reference to the thread or post?

Read this carefully:

If the FLAC decoder algorithm in the SB was anything less than 100%
perfect then what would come out would be total garbage.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread andy74

Hi there,

I am one of those looney audio reviewers. 
If you don't hear the difference FLAC streaming vs WAV steaming, It
does not mean that there isn't one. Ignorance is bliss!

I use HP power supply to feed the SB3 which shows 3 digits after the
point for current value.
When I stream Flac the current value changes in range 0.930-940 A
But when I stream WAV it changes in range  0.925-0.926A no more.

So there is the diference between 10mA and 1mA. Why in the world
wouldn't I able to hear it in the end.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread fred7

andy74;227466 Wrote: 
 Hi there,
 I am one of those looney audio reviewers. 
 If you don't hear the difference FLAC streaming vs WAV steaming, It
 does not mean that there isn't one. Ignorance is bliss!
 I use HP power supply to feed the SB3 which shows 3 digits after the
 point for current value.
 When I stream Flac the current value changes in range 0.930-940 A
 But when I stream WAV it changes in range  0.925-0.926A no more.
 So there is the diference between 10mA and 1mA. Why in the world
 wouldn't I able to hear it in the end.

I am assuming that you are saying that your Squeezebox is drawing
slightly (very slightly) more current when streaming FLAC. I would
imagine that this is very possible since the SB has to work a little
harder because it has to decode the FLAC. I think that this has been
brought up before, that since the SB has to decode the FLAC it may
change the sound because it is working harder. Personally I think that
the difference would be extremely slight if there was any at all so for
me I will continue to stream FLAC (it works better than WAV over
marginal wireless networks). The good news is that your files can still
be stored as FLAC, and have Slimserver decode to WAV that is sent to the
SB. That way the files are smaller and can accomodate tags. My main
gripe with all of the FLAC vs WAV debate is that many people don't
understand what lossless compression is. They see the word compression
and in just about everything that they experience in life it means some
sort of compromise. They can't grasp how data can be stored in a
compressed format that can be decoded to the EXACT bit for bit copy of
the original. Maybe they are just skeptical. As a computer programmer
it is kind of frustrating for me that people just don't seem to
understand that it it is truly lossless.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread tyler_durden

andy74;227466 Wrote: 
 I use HP power supply to feed the SB3 which shows 3 digits after the
 point for current value.
 When I stream Flac the current value changes in range 0.930-940 A
 But when I stream WAV it changes in range  0.925-0.926A no more.

How often does that display refresh?  I ask because you may be missing
much bigger momentary peaks in the current drain that may be occurring.

Ignorance really IS bliss!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread opaqueice

quietdragon;227448 Wrote: 
 I'd be interested in reading about the methodology.
 Do you have a reference to the thread or post?

There've been quite a few - try searching the forum.

The simplest method is to record the S/PDIF output of the SB using
(say) a computer soundcard, and then compare the resulting WAV file
with the FLAC file decoded to WAV on the server, or with the original
WAV file the FLAC was encoded from.  I have not tried this, but several
on this forum have, as of course has SD during development and testing.

Early versions of the firmware did have a bug - they inverted polarity
in the output.  That was caught and fixed a long time ago.  And as Phil
keeps pointing out, it's hard to imagine a bug in FLAC decoding that
would produce a sound anywhere close to the original.  FLAC is a highly
compressed format, which means if you modify it slightly the decoded
file will be changed a lot.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread Pat Farrell
opaqueice wrote:
 The simplest method is to record the S/PDIF output of the SB using
 (say) a computer soundcard, and then compare the resulting WAV file
 with the FLAC file decoded to WAV on the server, or with the original
 WAV file the FLAC was encoded from. 

This is actually not a very simple thing to implement properly.

First, you need to record on a better ADC than you are using to feed it, 
or you can't tell which is causing any errors. With good cables 
(Grinning, ducking and running)

Second, it is unlikely that you will have the gain on the input ADC 
exactly match the gain of the sampled DAC. If the gain is off by a small 
fraction, you will find that every byte is different, so it will appear 
to be 100% different.

It is trivial to verify that FLAC will decompress a file to exactly the 
same data as the source.

If I was going to prove that the bits - DAC to ADC to bits chain was 
identical, I'd probably use a variation of a zero knowledge proof.
Make up a sequence of pure tones, say a second long at 20hz, 30hz, 40hz, 
60hz, etc. play it and record it, run each section through an FFT and 
make sure that the frequencies are exact, and that the amplitudes are 
highly correlated. Once that works, try some simple mixed samples, say 
a 40 hz + 300 hZ + 700 hz

But this is getting pretty serious, and most reviews are not close to 
this serious.

I'm also not sure I agree with a comment up thread that if it wasn't 
right, it would sound like random noise. I could easily imagine a 
hardware or software bug that caused all frequencies to be, say 1% low, 
so A 440 would be 435 hz. I would bet that most folks won't not even 
hear that it was off.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread andy74

tyler_durden;227474 Wrote: 
 How often does that display refresh?  I ask because you may be missing
 much bigger momentary peaks in the current drain that may be occurring.
 Ignorance really IS bliss!

Hey TD,

It is very hard to estimate the refresh rate by just looking at it:) I
need to look it up on the internet I am away from it right now (the HP
PS I mean). But it might be that the peaks are bigger.

And the other thought. I tried the ethernet connection. And the current
seems a bit more stable. (I lied in my previous post it was not a 1mA
straight it is 2mA but very seldom, But in the ethernet case it IS
stable 1mA, honest). But I do not like how ethernet sounds. it probably
produces other kinds of noise, which I don't like. The cause may be that
ethernet have a wired connection to the PC hence grounding not



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-15 Thread darrenyeats

mister pig;226944 Wrote: 
 Fair enough. I went back and listened once again to FLAC vs uncompressed
 WAV, and still prefer uncompressed. The differences are subtle in this
 area, although still noticable in the songs I listened to. I understand
 why the many aherents of lossless feel the way they do, can see their

John, I am not sure you are seeing the point.

I don't doubt you hear a difference!!! But I (and several other posters
here) question *why* you hear a difference!

Because of the technical issues involved (plus the vast majority who
hear no difference) the idea that it's due to psychological factors is
more plausible than the idea this subtle difference is real! So until
you do a proper blind test I am going to assume it's due to
psychological factors. Yes, you really DO hear a difference. No that
does not mean there is a difference. *That's* the point.


SB3 with Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
(home-made room treatments and supports)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-15 Thread quietdragon

fred7;227211 Wrote: 
 When I do a FC /B on Windows the wav files are exactly the same - No
 Differences Encountered.

This proves that wav-flac-wav transcoding on -Windows- is lossless
which is an expected result.

This result doesn't necessarily mean that the 2nd half of the
transcoding (flac-wav decoding) on the SB3 will produce the same
result. There's a good chance that it should, but there's also a chance
that it might not because the flac-wav implementation on SB3 cannot be
identical to your Windows version. Differences would likely include
different source code, different source version, different compiler,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-15 Thread funkstar

quietdragon;227253 Wrote: 
 This result doesn't necessarily mean that the 2nd half of the
 transcoding (flac-wav decoding) on the SB3 will produce the same
 result. There's a good chance that it should, but there's also a chance
 that it might not because the flac-wav implementation on SB3 cannot be
 identical to your Windows version. Differences would likely include
 different source code, different source version, different compiler,
This is easy to check though. Connect the SBs digital output to a PC
sound card and record when a wav is played and when the FLAC is played
amd then compare the results.

Don't you think this would have been tested by SlimDevices while they
were designing this unit?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-15 Thread Phil Leigh

quietdragon;227253 Wrote: 
 This proves that wav-flac-wav transcoding on -Windows- is lossless
 which is an expected result.
 This result doesn't necessarily mean that the 2nd half of the
 transcoding (flac-wav decoding) on the SB3 will produce the same
 result. There's a good chance that it should, but there's also a chance
 that it might not because the flac-wav implementation on SB3 cannot be
 identical to your Windows version. Differences would likely include
 different source code, different source version, different compiler,
 etc. If any of the things you mention were indeed incorrect, what
would come out would be a stream of garbage, not music. You won't get
subtle audio degradations! FLAC is like PKZIP - you get either perfect
decompression or a random stream of bits...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-15 Thread amcluesent

Differences would likely include different source code, different
source version, different compiler

Hmm, not so sure. If you run Excel on a PC and Mac and enter '=2+2'
you'd expect the answer to be '4', although the source code, version
and compiler is different.

Decompression of FLAC is defined by a algorithm, so the output must be
same unless there is an error in the program logic.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-15 Thread quietdragon

amcluesent;227273 Wrote: 
 If you run Excel on a PC and Mac and enter '=2+2' you'd expect the
 answer to be '4', although the source code, version and compiler is

You're partly right, however -expectations- and -reality- are
different. I know from hard won experience that having a program or
algorithm execute successfully in one environment (eg Windows x86)
merely increases the probability that it will execute successfully on
another (eg Linux PowerPC).

 Decompression of FLAC is defined by a algorithm, so the output must be
 same unless there is an error in the program logic.

The algorithm (ie theorectical operation) dictates that the output
should in theory be identical. But the algorithm requires a physical
manifestation (ie an implementation comprising actual code written in
some programming language). For each implementation, there are likely
several versions of the implementation as bugs get fixed, or new
features get implemented.

This is even before we get to the physical nature of the cpu, etc.

I'm not trying to argue whether there is or is not a difference,
audible or not.

I am merely saying that there are many reasons why showing that
wav-flac-wav on Windows is -not- sufficient to prove (100%) anything
about the outcome on the SB3. It does increase the probability that the
SB3 is also doing the -expected- thing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-15 Thread opaqueice

quietdragon;227313 Wrote: 
 I am merely saying that there are many reasons why showing that
 wav-flac-wav on Windows is -not- sufficient to prove (100%) anything
 about the outcome on the SB3. It does increase the probability that the
 SB3 is also doing the -expected- thing.

It's trivial to verify that the SB3 decodes FLAC perfectly and it's
been done many times (both by SD and others).  

Case closed - can we talk about something more interesting now?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-14 Thread fred7

TiredLegs;226819 Wrote: 
 I know the results should be the same. I was asking if that's what
 fred7 actually found.

I just wanted to re-confirm what I had written so I ran another test

I just did the following test using dbPowerAmp:

Ripped a track to FLAC named ORIG_FLAC.flac (Compression level 5)
Ripped the same track to WAV named ORIG_WAV.wav

Converted ORIG_FLAC.flac to ORIG_FLAC.wav

The end result is:
ORIG_FLAC.flac 23,492,868 bytes long
ORIG_FLAC.wav 44,262,464 bytes long (flac file converted to wav)
ORIG_WAV.wav 44,262,464 bytes long

When I do a FC /B on Windows the wav files are exactly the same - No
Differences Encountered.

I had done this a long time ago evaluating FLAC and comparing EAC to
dbPowerAmp. My CD's arre pretty much pristine so when I ripped a bunch
of discs and compared EAC to dbPoweramp the results were the same but I
found dbPoweramp much faster and user friendly so I went with it. Since
I had over 2,000 CD's to rip I didn't mind paying a few bucks for the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-13 Thread auronthas

westernboy;226835 Wrote: 
 I've found the SB3 analog output to be almost as good as that from the
 (expensive for me) Marantz CDP I was previously using - though there's
 no comparison as far as ease of use is concerned, of course.  SD have
 absolutely transformed the way I listen to music, for the better :-)
 I've heard a Benchmark DAC1 in a much better system than my own, A/B'd
 against the abovementioned Marantz CDP.  Overall, the system owner and
 myself agreed the DAC1 was a little more detailed/revealing.  So, DACs
 in increasing order of fidelity (in my opinion): SB3 - my CDP -
 Benchmark DAC1.  Based on this, I'd be prepared to say that you would
 notice an improvement (but not a huge one) by going down the path
 you're considering.  I'd probably do so myself if I could afford one.
 Instead, I've just bought a used, and well priced, Channel Islands
 VDA.1 DAC (and matching PSU) that I'll be listening to next week.  I'll
 probably post my opinion of it here somewhere, so watch this space...

Thanks for sharing your opinion, I have the same thought, I would buy
Benchmark DAC1 when I affordable, meanwhile, I really enjoy music
produced from analog output of SB3, no regret!



Digital Sources: Squeezebox 3 / Cambridge Audio 540C V2
Integrated Amplifier: Cambridge Audio 540A 
Loudspeaker: Acoustic Energy EVO One 
Cables: Interconnect: Van den Hul The Source 
Cables: Speaker : Van den Hul Goldwater
Accessories: Tajima Power Conditioner

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-13 Thread mrfantasy

Of course I can, that's what this forum is all about.

I'll just point out on the first page he misspells Allison Krauss,
refers to the Squeezebox as having an LED display, and incorrectly
hyphenates and capitalizes iTunes.  It's hard for me to take what's
supposed to be a careful review of anything seriously when the
reviewer's attention to detail prevents him from making sure things are
spelled correctly and that he's properly identified components.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-13 Thread mister pig

I found this thread very interesting to read. I have never claimed to be
an expert in computer audio. Matter of fact, my article is aimed at
individuals who are interested in testing the waters of PC audio. I
know without a doubt, that there are many members of this board that
have a far broader knowledge base of the software behind the Squeezebox
than I do. 

With that being said, I know what I hear. I have been aroud audio for
the last 25 years, and listening to music is one of my great pleasures
in life. In my college years, I worked part time as an audio
salesperson for a very good store. I know several writers and
manufacturers, and have been fortunate enough to be exposed to a large
array of gear, and systems. My personal views are somewhat middle of
the road. I do not believe in audio mysticism, nor do I embrace the
dogmatic teachnings of the audio establishment. Although I do believe
that the measurements crowd has a better handle of what is going on in
audio reproduction than the other side. 

The main point of this thread appears to be centered around my comments
regarding my choice not to use FLAC. Fair enough. I went back and
listened once again to FLAC vs uncompressed WAV, and still prefer
uncompressed. The differences are subtle in this area, although still
noticable in the songs I listened to. I understand why the many
aherents of lossless feel the way they do, can see their points. But,
if there is no audible compromise with FLAC, then what I hear from the
SB will be the equivilent to what they are hearing. So my comments
about the sonic abilities of the SB will still have the same frame of

Now about power supplies. Even this board has its adherents to upgraded
power supplies for the SB. There are a myriad of reasons why people
think a power supply leads to improved performance, but in the end,
well they do believe it to be an improvement. I have no political
agenda regarding the SB. Frankly there is nothing for me to gain for
saying positive or negative things about it. I am just trying to relay
my listening experiences. That simple. 

Now regarding the JVC as a digital piece. Some people took exception
with its use. As a stand alone player the JVC is no longer competitive
in the audio world. As a transport, it is still very good. My personal
system has a diverse mix of components that tries to embody the spirit
of Affordable Audio. Certain pieces are truly high end, and not
inexpensive. The Electra-Print amps sell for 2.5K, the Kukama DAC for
about the same. The Audio Magic illusions 4D cabling is the most
expensive piece of the system. Yet all components are judged on their
individual merit, not price, not age, not popularity. The pre-amp is
based around a pair of transformers that sell for $59 each. The Audio
Nirvana drivers retail for $199 a pair. The JVC XL-Z1050TN is still a
fine transport. These components still offer high quality sound
reproduction, and ar capable of showing the differences between other
associated electronics. 

Now for the nit picky stuff. Yes Allyson Krause was incorrect. My
middle daughters name is Allison, and I made an error that got through
my proof reading. So the display of the SB is liquid crystal, whatever.
Will this stop someone from buying it? Yes my use of iTunes is
incorrect, it will be changed. 

I stand by my opinion that a stock SB is at best an average digital
source. It can be improved upon. Actually I enjoy using it, and
appreciate its convenience. Mark Marcantonio publishes Affordable
Audio, and I believe he would be more than willing to give space to an
alternate point of view regarding the SB. If you wish to take the time
to present your thoguhts, then drop him an email at

John Hoffman

mister pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-13 Thread funkstar

mister pig;226944 Wrote: 
 So the display of the SB is liquid crystal, whatever.
Wrong again. It's a VFD, Vacuum Fluorescent Display.

Which means it is far more readable than cheap LCD display.


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