Change to Eric and turkeys

2003-07-21 Thread James Hedley

Dear Eric,
Seems as if Lloyds words have caused you to spit the dummy. We 
are still on the list to discuss what we do. 
By the way we in Australia dont pay much credence to being a 
turkey. All we do in Australia with turkeys is to eat them.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 8:23 AM
  Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy 
  cards, and 3rd class relics
- Original Message - 
Eric Myren 
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 1:31 
Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy 
cards, and 3rd class relics

The one last thing I wish to say before I unsubscribe from this list is 
that the school of Spirit I went to as teenager and over the past 19yrs says 
if any of my words have bothered you maybe their is a reason and maybe you 
should look to the inside and find out what that reason is :-)Please Eric - read the posts carefully - I write strongly 
in defence of something that I believe passionately in, have used with 
careand good intent, and used for the good af all concerned. I put 
forward a strong defence becausewhat I do has been attacked equally 
strongly. If I have said some specific thing that offends you I am happy to 
apologise for that (need to know what it is though). But if you think to 
make me feel bad by resigning from the list then , no sir, thats a 
piece of baggage I will not carry, thats your decision 
I wish you well

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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-21 Thread James Hedley
Hi Eric,
This does not sound like someone who has been to spiritual school for 19
James Hedley
- Original Message -
From: Eric Myren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

 Hey Roger the Vortexes are all in your head and if you break the law of
 gravity you will wind up a babbling insane idiot which you are close to
 On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 03:25 PM, Roger Pye wrote:

  Eric Myren wrote:
  The one last thing I wish to say before I unsubscribe from this list
  is that the school of Spirit I went to as teenager and over the past
  Well, if we all went along with that notion, we would still be living
  in caves, beating each other over the head with the femurs of 'wild'
  animals, and dragging other tribe females off to expand the gene pool!
  One wonders if Eric has a Vortex in his back garden!
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Re: Unusual arch

2003-07-14 Thread James Hedley
Thank you Markess. The images are really amazing.
James Hedley
Turtle Bend wrote:

Is this useful?
info on sky phen's
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-07-13 Thread James Hedley

Dear Lloyd,
 I agree with you that after 20 years of having input from Alex maybe the 
farmer in question was so used to being spoon fed that they could not think 
for themselves. 
 My take on the whole situation is that BD is a great tool for creating soil 
fertility, however the system as proposed by RS. was only a work in progress. 
Unfortunately he died before he could finish it. The work will never be finished 
as a complete integrated system. There is always further work to be done, 
but the further work cannot be called Biodynamic. What we have now is a farming 
system based on the teachings and thoughts of Rudolf Steiner. What Steiner 
taught has as many interpretations as there are anthropops. Each person will 
accept some of the RS ideas, while rejecting others. I find that there are 
even many people who espouse to following the teachings of Steiner but who 
dont use the preps on their gardens eve if they have a garden these days. 
One way to see the potential of BD is to use it in the vege garden along with
compost teas and Cosmo fertiliser.
 It is the additive inputs that make BD work.
 You could probably say that it is BD that has the potential to make organics 
work. To me it is just part of the years work to put the horns down and put 
out the preps.
  Dear Hugh 
  Thanks for an interesting note - your
mexicanfriend is obviously enjoying his success. 
  I think the major problem with the old
 guard inAustralia was one of communication (lack of it) , that disenchanted
 farmerthat I quoted said " Alex wont address the problem", it should
havebeenup to the farmer himself to recognise the problem in its early
stages and todo something positive about it himself, and after twenty
or so years as apracticing, certified, Biodynamic producer he should
have been equipped to dothat without needing to call on the services
of the master.
  Striving for certification is part of
the problem- there are rewards for organic certified produce - but I
think only isolatedopportunities for further premiums (above organic)
from Demeterand thenonly for restricted quantities and specific situations.

  Our newer (Biodynamic Agriculture) organisation
has taken a more open and educational position and many farmers are learning
to do things for themselves.There will be more mistakes made for sure,
but learning always involves mistakes.
  If the traditionalists manage to take
over thatorganisation (and its likely, politics being what it is ) then
there areenough of us free thinking loonies on the outside to carry things
forwardwhatever happens. 
  I believe that homeopathic remedies and
 what Iterm low level radionics - field broadcasters, potentiser instruments,
 (andprobably some of the paper based systems), combined with dowsing
 andbasic soil remineralising are the way of the future for agriculture.
  I sure have met some interesting people
 in thelast few years!
  Cheers all 
  Lloyd  Charles

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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-13 Thread James Hedley
Things never have any value within themselves it is only the value which 
we as people put on them.

Resonant Info wrote:

Unfortunately, none of the responses so far even attempted to answer 
the question.

Are any of you conversant with these other uses of icons.  Are they 
the same or if they are different, how so?

Eric M pretty much made the point -  whether one is personally 
sympathetic to Catholic belief or Voodoo surely makes no difference to 
how it works.

Putting things in an unfamiliar light can seem threatening because 
your own assumptions can be challenged.  But it can be really 
fruitful, it sharpens up your thinking.

James H. Of course at some level everything is the same - 
radionics,  birthday cakes, catholic holy cards, conventional 
agriculture, prayer, etc (just add whatever else comes to mind). Chris 
Korrow said the same.  But things have by then lost any value in 
themselves,  you can't meaningfully talk about separate things - it's 
all just energy.
It is the manifestations that are really of interest - like actual 
individual people.

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Re: Voodoo/Hamilton Willis

2003-07-12 Thread James Hedley

Dear Eric,
Greetings from the land of the Wizards of Oz, where we don't have a problem
as to whether Radionics or BD is voodoo or magic. We just get about our work
and do what needs to be done.
Voodoo is only another term for magic. It is mostly used by people who don't
see the magic which is all around them .
Into what category would you put the burial of horns into the soil over the
winter. Radionics can more easily be understood from the world of physics
and electromagnetism than BD can be understood, without moving into the realm
of the occult.
The occult is only another word for magic, of which voodoo is only one branch.
The acid test is does what you do achieve what you set out to do.
If the horn burial works by some sort of transferrence of energy, where
do you define radionics which also works from a transferrence of energy.
Is there not some mysterious transfer of energy from Rudolf Steiner to the
people who follow his teachings some 80 years later? All transfer of energy,
or action at a distance, cannot all be voodoo can it?
The writer of a post to the list uses some sort of magical effect for another
person to do what they want them to do. They want a reply. The magic is in
the thought that goes in to the choice of words.
People try to describe an object by the terms of reference that they understand,
if a person describes something as voodoo it may be because that is the only
part of the occult which they know. To those people radionics is voodoo.
The use of that term only defines the person who uses it. 
Keep up the good work . The list has a bit of life into it again.
Kind regards

Eric Myren wrote:
I really do not see
why you are all upset by the use of the word Voodoo to describe radionics.
It is mearly a word used by the English language to describe something that
they do not understand. Is anyone wondering why Hugh Lovel has been silent
on this issue perhaps it is because he would agree that Radionics is like
Voodoo. Or so he has been quoted as emailing to me off bdnow.   
As for the issue of others who have differing opinions of how BD works best
or does not, I personally would love to hear opinions other than the ones
most commonly expressed here. 
This should be a forum for open debate of the issues free of a negative light
as expressed by those who view BDNOW as their personal stomping ground.  
PEACE please. 

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Re: radionic instruments

2003-07-04 Thread James Hedley

G'day Lloyd,
Peter charged $100 for a 4 card and a two pot potentiser. We were amazed
at how cheap it was.

Lloyd Charles wrote:

  From: "James Hedley" Subject: Re: radionic instruments

Recently we sent our Rae Instruments to Peter
Ruemkoff to have them rejigged with new magnets and the polarity
Peter really knows the tricks of the trade as an instrument maker.

  How did this compare cost wise to buying Peter's instrument new? I have a
7card instrument that needs work and there are a few older MR potentisers
Lloyd Charles

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Re: water consumption

2003-06-28 Thread James Hedley

One example of reduction of water requirements on BD land is the case study
on Barry Slaters vineyard at Mudgee in 2001.
The proposed area for the trial was 25 acres, however because stirring of
the 500 and 501 was being done by hand and each grape vine trunk was tree
pasted the total area was not done.
Rainfall was down by something like 50% with very high rates of transpiration
because of the above normal temperatures and constant winds throughout the
growing season.
The BD treated area had 3 waterings through the season and produced grapes
considered to be pretty close to grade A. Grade A is a mythical standard
set by viticulturists and wine makers in the area. the yield was above the
district average.
The untreated area needed something like 30 waterings, and did not produce
even a break even crop. The 3 acres not treated was on the frontage to a
busy road, where everyone who went past only saw the untreated area. it was
quite a surprise to everyone when Barry opened the property to show what
he had been doing. Cheryl should be able to tell you more about this as it
would probably have been discussed at the Mudgee Grape Growers Group which
she was going to be one of the speakers. Maybe she can write a report on
what she saw there.
The only way that you can balance the equation with water use is inputs /
outputs = profits. In this case the trial proved profitable.
James hedley

Gil Robertson wrote:

   On irrigated land in temperate Oz, the reduction should be of the
order of five sixths to nine tenths. This includes the water holding capacity
of the increased soil carbon and the reduction of use by the healthy plants.
On otherwise traditional, irrigated, vineyards should only require one to
two watering a year, after full conversion to BD.
 Hamish Mackay wrote:


Can anyone give me some hard data on
reduction of  water requirements on Biodynamic land?

would be appreciated


Hamish Mackay

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Negative ion generator coils.

2003-06-28 Thread James Hedley
Dear Liz,
I am glad to hear that your University work is going well and that Kerry 
is obtaining great satisfaction in teaching the Ecological Agriculture 
I differ to you with the effect of the Monaro high plains. It enlivens 
and revitalises me. Anywhere close to the Snowy River is God's own 
country. That does not mean that man lives in harmony with the gods in 
that country.
I see that there are three factors operating in that country:
1. Overgrazing, and
2. The diversion of most of the snow melt to the west, and the 
production of hydro electricity.
3. The granite is mostly positive charge, hard enough on plants at any 
time, and the effect of this is exacerbated by the flow of positive 
electrons from the hydro schemes, running through the geopathic stress 
lines and the electricity transmission wires.
One of the trials being conducted at Dalgetty is a coil which I have 
developed which is able to overcome the geopathic stress effect over 
very large areas. It is in simple terms a negative ion generator coil, 
which is very simple to build. The prototype was developed by A. Manning 
in 1922 to overcome geopathic stress lines (GSL's) around and through 
houses in Britain and Europe.
As you know I have been working on coils to remove GSL's for some time 
now, none of which have proved to be very effective until I applied 
Manning's principle to the GSL's.
My aim in this small trial is to increase growth and decrease compaction 
on the TSR compared to the surrounding area, and to increase rainfall 
over the target areas. Even although the rainfall may be a long call I 
know that increasing growth of the pasture will be achievable.
As for the rabbit breeding trials when you are ready let me know. it is 
a smart idea on your part to look at proving/disproving the hypothesis 
that peppers can interfere with the reproductive cycle of rabbits.
Good luck
James Hedley

Hi Roger, James, Lloyd et al

You wizards always get me thinking.  Firstly the energy of the Manaro
plains, do you think the energy is caused from what Lloyd said about
overgrazing?  I've driven through that country several times and it is very
depleted, a draining energy and often barren, yet that is not how it was.  I
had the pleasure of driving through there with a ranger, whose family had
been in the area for 5 generations.  How he described the changes were
mostly due to grazing. What's the compaction like anyone know?
Secondly the peppering, from the little I know the reproductive system
should be affected.  Now I know that lab. research is not the real thing,
but could this not be tested in a controlled environment experiment. If I
was to house  pairs of rabbits separately, and treat some with a pepper.
This sort of experiment could show physical changes, behaviour changes or
drop of reproductive rate  numbers?  Is it worth observing to that degree
and further regarding planet influences?  It's an area I'd like to work in
and wonder if this is where I could put scientific research of BD into
action?  Or would I be better off pursuing the preps???  I have the honour
of having a wise and well published scientist at the uni, who is willing to
guide me in whatever I pursue.  He says with all that he's done the greatest
of these is teaching Ecological Agriculture. Feel as though this is a chance
for some sort of research and my heart/head/hands are with BD.  Have to
admit I'm a bit ahead of myself, but my marks are being maintained for an
honours research year, so would like to consider some options.  All feedback
welcome, thanks.
Markess any words of wisdom?

on 17/6/03 6:42 PM, James Hedley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Lloyd,
 I agree that there is an energy factor operating at Dalgetty. This
 energy factor is not just unique to Dalgetty, it is common to all poor
 country. Unfortunately Roger and I cant let the cat out of the bag yet.
 One of two things can happen, the work is worthy of a Nobel Prize, or we
 don't really know enough about what we are doing yet.
 I know that the concepts which we are working with at Dalgetty have
 worked elsewhere on small scale trials. However there is a long way to
 go yet.
 James Hedley

 Roger wrote
 Notwithstanding Lloyd's positive remarks about the Dalgety area,
 the extended results of lack of rain, overgrazing and invasive weed are
 very evident in reducing soil quality and growth patterns - and this
 land is marginal to begin with.

 It was more a general comment on the area, I'd agree that Dalgety is 
 marginal, its fairly low rainfall and the soils are ordinary. The Monaro
 used to be lightly stocked but hard times and bad advice from government
 experts in the 70's led to farmers trying to run numbers that the country
 was not capable of supporting long term. I remember a farmer from 
that area
 (Dalgety side of town) going through court for failure to control 
 in 1969 or 70, politely told the beak that with a wife and kids to 

Re: Alex Podolinsky

2003-06-28 Thread James Hedley

Greetings to all,
Iagree with Hugh about Alex Podolinsky having carried the torch for Biodynamics
in Australia for so long.
Even growers, that I have met, who have been asked by Alex to leave the organisation
never doubt his integrity.
The great service that he has done is to test the limits of the BD techniques
that were claimed to be the way to farm Biodynamically. 
Alex Podolinsky oversaw a long term trial that was able to show where the
BD system needed to be improved.
Alex was not the only person who went down the predominantly BD500 path.
When I first joined the Association generally accepted wisdom was that you
should not use BD501 in Australia because there was enough light. Not enough
was known about the role of Silica in plant production. Mainstream agronomists
are now looking at the role of Silica in production of grasses and crops
such as Oats, Barley and Wheat. Times change, old opponents to ideas die
off and the new generation without a barrow to push just do it.
We need to allow an old man to enjoy his moment of glory in the sun, thank
him for his dedication and pick up the torch and do the work of the day,
not criticise and try to pull apart the work that others have done.
James Hedley

Hugh Lovel wrote:
Hi all 
Finally have heard word that Alex Podolinsky will be talking at the uni
Orange on the first weekend of August.  Unsure of the details but will 
these when confirmed.  I'd be happy to put questions to him on behalf 
others.  Keeping in mind what Hamish has written; I can't help but think
not for this man would there be any Biodynamic groups in Australia today? 
Allan I'll do my best to tape the talk, but you may have to wait to hear
on our website? 
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You want to know what I liked, nay, cherished and admired, about Alex
Podolinsky? He faithfully answered every letter I ever wrote to him, and
I wrote him twice, needing help and guidance but not wanting to be a pest,
many long years ago. I had a sense he really cared, whatever else may have
been. I will always be thinking to care as well myself, though I find many
letters slip through the cracks. 
Hugh Lovel   
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Re: BD Down under

2003-06-28 Thread James Hedley
Dear Merla,
If you want to potentise large quantities of spray material you could 
try fitting as large a drum as you can mount and handle on to a two 
person children's swing, or conversely you could get Herb to make you a 
motorised see-saw, with substance on both ends.
The problem with potentising large quantities by hand is:
The amount of water used, and
The labor used.
Mechanize the process and you are part of the way down the track, 
however from my experience even the hand prepared preps and peppers are 
not anywhere near the potency of radionic substance i.e.: stirred preps 
on our place might start off at an energy reading of 640, stir them and 
you might get to somewhere about 1000, or an increase in energy of 50%.
potentise the same preps (or substance) to say 3x and the energy has 
increased to around 10,000. Stirred preps maybe fine on poor soils, but 
once you start to get high vitality in your soils the BD 500 in some 
cases can knock the vitality down. the same with all the other preps, it 
is only by Radionic Analysis that you can tell what is going to happen, 
before you do it. Or if your soil really needs what you want to put out.
A few months ago I wrote of some basalt soils on our farm that had 
plenty of mineralisation, extremely high paramagnetism, 5% organic 
matter and a vitality reading of 10% which is about as low as it can get 
and Brix of 8. Since then I have used Radionic broadcast plus radionic 
testing of what substances would give the best results, this has 
increased Brix to 22 and vitality to about 90%. No putting preps out by 
hand, all soil inputs are broadcast via Polaroid photographs.
Part of the secret has been that we have been able to change the soil 
polarity from positive to negative. There is not any discussion on soil 
polarity on the list , however it is probably the one single factor that 
has the most influence on soil fertility.
Good luck,
Dear Merla,

Just finished a workshop in Traverse City, Michigan. We covered these
issues from the easy side.  I'd love to show you. But I only got 2 out of
100 that were interested in my presentation at Moscow, November 7, 8 at
your Idaho Organic meet. Don't know if I can get there on so slim a
But, you are right that homeopathy and biodynamics the stir and spray way
is much too hard. I'd love to show you radionics.

James, it took us hours and hours to spray our tansy and knapweed D-8
solution six times (two different weeks when the moon was in a fire sign).
We came home at midnight twice.   I think radionics is the answer for 
acreages.  I'm still trying to understand how to potentize 4 gallons 
of D-7
pepper.  What do you use to put it in to hang it from a tree and whack the
*#!!! out of it?  I'm still wondering if I ground the ash correctly and
potentized each succession correctly.  Whenever I start doing radionics,
that's going to be a whole new level of learning what to do on a material
level and on a spiritual level.



James Hedley wrote:

 Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz, :-)
 Earlier this month 6 members of Central West Biodynamic Group had a
 social prep spraying day at one of our members who had been drastically
 effected by the drought.
 We had 2 stirring machines (one 60 gallon and a 90 gallon) and 2 sets of
 flow forms running into a 400 litter tank, along with the brand new fire
 tanker which bought the water for the spraying out. As usual there was
 some problem with at least one pump, nothing much that a few willing
 hands couldn't fix. The first load of spray headed out at about 3'oclock
 and continued on until after dark. Back up again before daylight to get
 the 501 out. In all we got preps out over 200 acres that were sown that
 weekend as the gods must have heard that the preps were going out and
 gave us an inch of rain. The property is 1500 acres with around 800
 acres under cultivation, so it would have taken all of us at least 4
 days to put out the preps only on the cultivation area.The whole
 exercise gave all of us a n insight into the difficulties of broad acre
 application of BD preps. Itut the preps out in between stirring  and
 The biggest problem is that the time when the preps go out usually
 coincides with the time for sowing. In many instances the sowing gets
 done and the preps wait for a less busy time(if there is one). It is
 easy to see that there is a future for radionics in broad acre cropping.
 Our member manages 1500 acres by himself, quite a feat. It is not
 uncommon in Australian cropping for one man to manage very large areas.
 Just try sowing down 800 acres in a few days because there is enough
 rainfall to at least get a germination, even although there is minimal
 subsoil moisture.
 One must give full praise to the broad acre farmers who have not even
 come out of drought yet still expend large amounts of money to put
 another crop in, full of hope and not much else there for them. For many

Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-28 Thread James Hedley
Dear Peter,
It is a shame that Agriculture of tomorrow is not in print now.It would 
give the skeptics of Agricultural Homeopathy concrete data, and 
photographs which support the use of homeopathy in agriculture.
It is one thing to see the results in a book and another to bring it 
into manifestation.
For the last 5 years I have been conducting comparative trials between 
radionically prepared preparations, and other substances, and stirred + 
radionic preps sprayed out in the same way from a spray tank.
Results to date indicate that physical preps + radionic high potency 
preps are the most effective.
Over the last year, with the various things I have trialled, including 
changing the polarity of the soil from positive to negative, the brix of 
our pastures has increased from 8 to 22 which I would not have believed 
was possible.
If anyone doubts the efficacy of radionics combined with BD they need to 
see our trial patches.
I hope that you all enjoy Hugh's tour to NZ as his ideas on atmospheric 
regeneration is worth listening to. The devil is in how you do it. More 
after the tour.
James Hedley

In N.Z. it is not a great deal different to Europe. There are quite a number
using the preparations in various forms and using other certifications. one
should remember that Steiner's instructions were to farm homoeopathicaly.
This instruction was given to the Koliskos who were attending the lectures
for medical practitioners and pharmacists. They were being instructed in the
use of decimal homoeopathy. During the agricultural lectures they were
commended for their work and after the lectures asked to continue with their
research. Steiner did not want the agricultural lectures made public, only
the work of those who brought it to physical manifestation. We should be
going through the process of trial and peer review, just like other
scientific disciplins. This crisis in Europe may be to help some people to
wake up to what Steiner's intentions really were.
Yes sleep is much more comfortable So leagal action may be needed to
cause a little more discomfort
- Original Message -
From: Arjen Huese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?
 A lot of European bdgrowers use the Demeter-symbol and get a higher price
 for their products than for ordinary organic products. Part of the
 requirements for using the Demeter-symbol is the ('traditional') use of
 preps, not radionically applied but physically stirring and spraying.
 Manfred Klett (the head of the agricultural section in the
 Goetheanum-Dornach) suggests '... in the meantime we have to feel free to
 act illegally...'
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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-17 Thread James Hedley

Dear Gil,
The pepper is made from a secret formula consisting of a rabbit burnt out
of conventional burning time and a Bruce Copen rate. It works very well.

Gil Robertson wrote:
Hi! Roger, 
Re: the rabbit bit. Have you made a Rae Card or a pepper for the  beastie?
I have tried all the Rates used in the UK, but with no joy in  Oz. The rabbit
looks to be the same, but I have not managed to send them  to the neighbors. 
Roger Pye wrote: 
  The council regard it as being the worst for rabbits
and serrated  tussock in the shire.  
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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-17 Thread James Hedley
Hi Gil,
Not much point taking on the easy jobs. If we can get some success in 
rabbit control, heaven only knows what we can do.
James Hedley

Hi! Roger,

Re: the rabbit bit. Have you made a Rae Card or a pepper for the
beastie? I have tried all the Rates used in the UK, but with no joy in
Oz. The rabbit looks to be the same, but I have not managed to send them
to the neighbors.

Roger Pye wrote:

  The council regard it as being the worst for rabbits and serrated
 tussock in the shire.

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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-17 Thread James Hedley
Dear Glen,
The how of what Roger and I propose to do with the rabbits at Dalgetty 
is proprietary information, much the same as your bird scare product.
James Hedley

How are you changing the energy of the farm to cut down bredding rates? Is
this being achieve without peppering
Glen A
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Rabbit control

2003-06-17 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
Spot on as usual. However I have only one comment to make. No one really 
knows what the results of our trials on rabbits are likely to do over a 
large area. The initial work was only conducted over a small area. 
Results indicated that it was worthwhile conducting further trials.
As for the point about breeding patterns being disrupted that is what I 
suspect will happen. When we know for sure what is happening then we 
will be able to confirm that is what happens.
The initial ideas was only to stop rabbits from eating trees planted by 
Greening Australia.Unfortunately that trial never got off the ground, 
but what I did learn from it was that there was an energetic difference 
between the areas where rabbits choose to live, and where they dont.
Change the energy of the area and hopefully you will change the critters 
that choose to live there. It should also change the types of herbage 
that grows. Should even control the serrated tussock , if the theory and 
trials are correct.
Let's just see what we can do over a small area of 500 odd acresof some 
of the worst country on the monaro.
Hi Roger
 Yes. In terms of mammals I have an innate dislike of peppering for
 several reasons, not least of which is that it does nothing about the
 actual problem, just moves it on to someone else's shoulders.
There's a multitude of ways to skin the cat of course but I think that your
argument against peppering is a little simplistic here. It asssumes that the
critters will just breed on regardless of the changed conditions, and while
it often looks that way, thats not what happens in nature. When Rudolph
Steiner wrote of peppering there was quite a lot of emphasis on the effect
on the reproductive ability of the target. OK, when we get an instant result
we are probably just scrambling them up so they go somewhere else and
initially there may be an increase in pressure at somewhere else , but
after moving house I dont think those new critters will become a part of the
effective breeding population for quite a while, if ever!. I believe over
time the overall population will reduce because of peppering and the only
way that the neighbor will be affected long term is if he already had
favourable conditions in place for an increase of population - which case it
was going to happen anyway.
Nothing wrong with your method of course, but the other 95% of us need to
figure out something that will work for us.
Anyway how different are we? Its all about the energy! I can't do it on my
own but with the aid of a field broadcaster anyone can implement beneficial
changes to the energies of their farm.
Lloyd Charles

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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-17 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
I agree that there is an energy factor operating at Dalgetty. This 
energy factor is not just unique to Dalgetty, it is common to all poor 
country. Unfortunately Roger and I cant let the cat out of the bag yet.
One of two things can happen, the work is worthy of a Nobel Prize, or we
don't really know enough about what we are doing yet.
I know that the concepts which we are working with at Dalgetty have 
worked elsewhere on small scale trials. However there is a long way to 
go yet.
James Hedley

Roger wrote
 Notwithstanding Lloyd's positive remarks about the Dalgety area,
 the extended results of lack of rain, overgrazing and invasive weed are
 very evident in reducing soil quality and growth patterns - and this
 land is marginal to begin with.
It was more a general comment on the area, I'd agree that Dalgety is pretty
marginal, its fairly low rainfall and the soils are ordinary. The Monaro
used to be lightly stocked but hard times and bad advice from government
experts in the 70's led to farmers trying to run numbers that the country
was not capable of supporting long term. I remember a farmer from that area
(Dalgety side of town) going through court for failure to control rabbits
in 1969 or 70, politely told the beak that with a wife and kids to support
he was catching 200 pair a night and had no intention of eliminating his
only useful source of income until wool prices improved.
I dont know what it was but in a short time up there I met a lot of good
people - they seemed to have a depth of character - maybe tough times do
that ? But I think there is an energy factor in that whole area that you
dont see in other places.
Lloyd Charles
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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-17 Thread James Hedley
Hi Roger,
Seems as if we have a good discussion going among the Wizards of the 
Land of Oz. Surely there must be some 0f our American subscribers who 
have experience in this subject that they can bring to bear on the 
subject of changing polarities in soils to affect changes.
It certainly is a fascinating subject soil polarities and geopathic 
stress areas.

Garuda wrote:

How are you changing the energy of the farm to cut down bredding 
rates? Is
this being achieve without peppering

Yes. In terms of mammals I have an innate dislike of peppering for
several reasons, not least of which is that it does nothing about the
actual problem, just moves it on to someone else's shoulders.
In my experience the energy of a place can be changed in a number of
ways, sometimes simply, sometimes esoterically. Simplistically, I
suppose I could say that whenever a plant is put in the ground it has
the potential to change the energy, or change the manner in which
inherent energy works, one way or another.
For now I'll keep it simple. A few days ago I referred to the double
spiral (vortex) in your 'Spiral Astrology' on your website. Think about
that image for a moment. Walk anywhere there are trees and I guarantee
you will find one or more that have twisted bark or branches that splay
out in an unnatural circular manner. I'm sure you know the sort of thing
I mean.  Usually the cause is a pure energy vortex (in many cases a
double vortex) which has positive polarity. That means the energy swirls
clockwise and goes down into the ground. The energy itself is cooled and
is being 'pulled' into the vortex from distances that depend on its
size, and in the process that twists trees and shrubs (harming or
killing them over long periods of time) and anything else which happens
to be in the way, and is generally harmful for the soil making things
harder to grow.
There are also negative polarity vortexes (vortices) which do the
opposite - that is, they swirl counterclockwise bringing warm air up
from an underground source (often an underground stream or lake).
Vortexes (vortices) can be reversed but not everyone can do it.
Micro-climates can be created in hostile climatic conditions using
negative vortexes.
If you look on the soil as a living organism (which it is) with a
capacity to determine its own needs and work on fulfilling them (which
it does) then it becomes fairly evident that rabbits and other 'pests'
including weeds are 'grown' for a purpose. (However, it takes a huge
attitudinal shift to accept that soils can 'think' for themselves.) The
problem, then, is not the creature or plant itself but over-population
and that is all we should be seeking to control.. We can do that  with a
mix of energy changes and spiritual guidance. I appreciate the
difficulty or impossibility of developing a product which incorporates
such things but in fact we already have the means - about 5% of the
population have the necessary ability. One need not be on-the-spot
either, it can be done from a distance.

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BD Down under

2003-06-17 Thread James Hedley
Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz, :-)
Earlier this month 6 members of Central West Biodynamic Group had a 
social prep spraying day at one of our members who had been drastically 
effected by the drought.
We had 2 stirring machines (one 60 gallon and a 90 gallon) and 2 sets of 
flow forms running into a 400 litter tank, along with the brand new fire 
tanker which bought the water for the spraying out. As usual there was 
some problem with at least one pump, nothing much that a few willing 
hands couldn't fix. The first load of spray headed out at about 3'oclock 
and continued on until after dark. Back up again before daylight to get 
the 501 out. In all we got preps out over 200 acres that were sown that 
weekend as the gods must have heard that the preps were going out and 
gave us an inch of rain. The property is 1500 acres with around 800 
acres under cultivation, so it would have taken all of us at least 4 
days to put out the preps only on the cultivation area.The whole 
exercise gave all of us a n insight into the difficulties of broad acre 
application of BD preps. Itut the preps out in between stirring  and 
The biggest problem is that the time when the preps go out usually 
coincides with the time for sowing. In many instances the sowing gets 
done and the preps wait for a less busy time(if there is one). It is 
easy to see that there is a future for radionics in broad acre cropping. 
Our member manages 1500 acres by himself, quite a feat. It is not 
uncommon in Australian cropping for one man to manage very large areas. 
Just try sowing down 800 acres in a few days because there is enough 
rainfall to at least get a germination, even although there is minimal 
subsoil moisture.
One must give full praise to the broad acre farmers who have not even 
come out of drought yet still expend large amounts of money to put 
another crop in, full of hope and not much else there for them. For many 
farmers it will be very tough, if they can hang on, if there is no crop 
this year.
Something like 95% of NSW is still drought affected, although 
fortunately our property has had 22 inches of rain since March.
We had really good mileage from Hugh Lovel's Workshop at Albury, however 
I have found that Radionic broadcast of sea water and the use of 
Radionic color therapy on the atmosphere has enabled the rain to move in 
a further 30 km from the east. More on the results of sea water 
broadcast in another post.
James Hedley

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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-15 Thread James Hedley

Dear Lloyd,
Even although it appears from the purist philosophical base of dyed in the
wool BD farmers, that there has been a catastrophy from the use of Superphosphate
in the comparative trials of the TSR at Dalgetty I feel that what has happened
opens the scope of the trials. It must be remembered that this is a long
term trial. It is not just what happens in the first year.
There is ample documentation (I hope) and photographsof the area at different
stages. There is also abuot 50 soil samples from different areas of the block
which were taken at the commencement of the trial
What is important, in the light of the problems in the EUof using animal
sheaves, is that the radionic preps have performed equal to if not better
than the conventionallly sprayed and stirred BD preps.
During a visit to the trial just prior to the pasture sowing it was commented
by Project Coordinator that she observed noticeable differences between the
different trials. It was quite obvious that the BD had outperformed the other
trials and that there was a marked difference between conventional v BD.
My opinion is that Superphosphate or rock phosphate would be beneficial
to the land. When the protocols for the trial were being discussed I mentioned
that it would be interesting to have a small test strip to test the effects
of different additions such as Phosphorus, Zinc or/and Copper. This will
probably be done in the second year.
A further 550 acre trial is being conducted at Dalgetty on a property which
is generally considered to be the worst on the Monaro.
other trials that are programmed for this summer are:

  Aerial spraying of 25000 litres of radionically potentised pig pepper
in the New England grazing country: and
  Aerial spraying of radionically prepared St Johns Wort pepper to further
test the use of weed peppers. This will be sprayed in strips so we should
be able to observe what happens.

Weed peppers lend themselves to broadacre spraying because they are species
specific and non toxic to stock.
We certainly live in interesting times in Australia these days.
James Hedley

Lloyd Charles wrote:

  Hi Roger
Boy is this feller a goose !  You have three paddocks ? The
BD area is 20 hectares , compost 10 ha and conventional 10 ha - so he
"inadvertantly" applies not only twice the amount to twice the area , he
puts it on the wrong patch as well - hope nobody paid him for the days work!
  Yeah!  I know you said sane and constructive but these
accidents just seem to keep happening.

Sane and Constructive 
According to what he wrote in his lectures Alex Podolinsky was quite
prepared to allow small dressings of single superphosphate to kick start run
down soils going into BD, only on a one off basis, He said we might need to
provide a soluble feed for the first season (my wording) then rock phosphate
would take over as the microbial life got into gear, P A Yeomans - probably
Australias greatest soil man - also used small quantities of super and lime
in similar fashion once only to get things going, this guy turned some
horrid shale and slate country into wonderful pasture. OK these guys were
using less than you have had spread but there's no choice about that.
 Along with the cadmium, lead, and mercury, you do get some nice
sulphur and a little available calcium coming in with the phosphorus, all of
which would probably show low on a soil test there?.
Hopefully you have plenty of photos and a written report on the
status of the plots up until the accident?
some points
1. make sure that the conventional treatment definitely got at least an
equivalent dose of super so that the comparison is still valid between BD
and it
2 . Ban the perpetrator from the site before he causes any more havoc.
3. try to do some soil and tissue tests to show the difference in
availability of nutrients between the two systems - you might be pleasantly
4. If Glyphosphate is used on the conventional area try to leave a small
untreated test, and compare microbial indicators, tendency to crust, extra
drying of the soil surface. And if there is a reasonable amount of green
material sprayed and incorporated at seeding look very closely for reduced
germination and emergence where the greenery was thickest I guarantee you
will be unpleasantly surprised on all counts (or some of the farmers will be
Cant think of anything else at the moment - its a shame and potentially a
waste of money and time but no going back so you may as well get something
from it.
Lloyd Charles


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Re: healthstudies

2003-04-04 Thread James Hedley
Dear Liz,
At one stage on the top of our mountain the potato growers would spray each
other with DDT and 245T to cool down when they were spraying. The official
advice that was given at the time by government agencies and educators was
that there was no problem with chemicals. All of them died at an early age
with cancer.
Reg Kidd who does the Chemical Users Course would be able to start you off
on the right path.  Reg tells a story of spray drift of herbicide that ran
from a cherry orchard at Molong right through to Canobolas [50 km] causing
havoc to everything in it's path. Eventually it killed many apple trees on
 Workcover Authority also could help.
Kind regards
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: healthstudies

 This is an area that has intrigued me since I started study.  Majority of
 the alternative farmers we met last year on tours switched due to health
 reasons.  Stories of passing out after using round up, in bed for days due
 to close proximity of seeds and whatever pesticides were on them.  In a
 this surprised me, not that people were having health problems, but that
 majority had taken ill to finally make a change.  Meeting more farmers now
 who are wanting to do the right thing and live the lifestyle they believe
 Thanks for bringing this up, it's got me thinking I will learn more about
 the poisons used in this area and try to put together a survey and see
 comes up.

 on 3/4/03 9:06 PM, Peter Michael Bacchus at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I do know that there are quite a number of farmers who change to an
  / biological system of farming for health reasons and have been to treat
  farmer who was being poisened by the roof water that contained
  sprays. The neighbour was a realy generous chap who liked to share the
  aerosol part of the spray generously with all his down wind neibours.
  the cloths in the wardrobe stunk of it.
  I don't know of a university study on this subject.
  Best wishes,
  - Original Message -
  From: Eric Myren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 6:16 PM
  Subject: healthstudies
  Does anyone know of any health studies done on chemical farmers?
  If the negative effects of all the toxic sprays were to show up in one
  segment of the population it would be them. Not to mention the fact
  that they would also be inhaling all that genetically engineered
  pollen. I did hear one stat that serious prostate cancer was 50 times
  higher in chemical farmers

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-02 Thread James Hedley
Dear Steve,
I don't know if I have missed something, but what would you perceive as the
essential difference between broadcasting from an egg filled with compost
teas and preps etc, compared to a Hugh Lovel field broadcaster or using a
radionic instrument such as a Bruce Copen, Don Mattioda, Rae or Kelly?

The great advantage of radionic instruments is in the realm of analysis.
There is no comparable method for making comparisons between different
strategies before you use them. Many times I have found that the use of a
particular BD preparation would actually decrease soil vitality. How do you
work out whether homoeopathically potentised sea water will be a better
ionising agent to induce cleaning up of the ether than BD preps.

It is obvious that you see merit in being able to broadcast without actually
having to cover the ground. So at least we are all on common ground with
that one.
The next question is how to measure the effectiveness of the broadcast. the
only reliable and cheap method is to use the most sensitive of all
instruments, the human body. This sensitivity of the human body is the basis
of Radionics and Dowsing.
You are obviously using the sensitivity of your antennae system to be able
to declare unequivocally that the range of your broadcast mechanism is
exactly 12000 feet. Is this an arbitrary estimation or do you have an
internal measurement system that is able to measure exactly 12000 ft?
When I set out to define the edge of a broadcast field it is only possible
for me to roughly guess what the distance is, or to use my pendulum to find
the distance.

The most common question which beginners will ask about BD is 'how do I know
if it is working'. How do I know what preps to use and when without having
to rely on a cook book solution from whoever is in as the Guru of the day.
Radionics and Dowsing can tell you this. They are tools which can enable a
person to find what is happening in the natural realm of subtle energies,
and it is in the realm of subtle energies that we must delve to be able to
judge radionics.
Man does not make the energies that are used in radionics, as he does not
make the energies that he detects or utilises with his antennae system. They
are already there and mankind uses them or focuses them towards what he
desires. You do not create the mechanism for electro magnetic wave
propagation which is being used to broadcast the energies from your amphora,
you are only using the phenomena to be able to focus energy and transmit it
where needed.
I perceive from previous posts a difficulty in reconciling your world view
of substances as being either alive, or not alive. My world view is that
everything is alive therefore I can't see such a dynamic system as
homoeopathy as producing dead substance.
The favoured method in Australia is to use Electronic Homeopathy to prepare
reagents for radionic transmission.
The only debate that I can see with the use of radionics is 'what are the
force fields being created from our instruments and are they having the
effect that we desire? That is the subject for another post.

The use of homeopathic preparations has been  discussed many times so I do
not need to elaborate further except that RS obviously saw that there could
be benefit in this method. Kolisko's research also confirmed this view.
To compare research methods, results and observations of broadcast
mechanisms without the angst which at times is passed off as discussion will
open up a whole new line of discussion.

Just for the record we are now into our fifth year of using BD preps, both
hand stirred and radionically prepared and sprayed out. Radionic broadcast
by various means has also been used. On the criteria of having put the preps
out for more than 2 years  I am able to discuss the subject from any angle
because I have done it.
Kind regards
James Hedley

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

 In a message dated 3/31/03 11:02:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Heck I'm not trying to convert you guys to radionics you have no need
 it - just see our side of the story - and try to appreciate why we (or
 of us) are so interested in these other ways of doing things.
 Lloyd Charles 

 What about an egg shaped urn buried in the earth, the one I have has a
 foot influence on the farm and surrounding area.  I fill it with teas of
 bc, 501 508, nettles, etc...sstorch

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-29 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd and everybody,
I suppose that dirty tactics is one way of living in the world. Just because
that method of doing business is favoured by some does not mean that every
one must follow it to succeed.
 I still don't understand how we can keep our heads down and not say
anything to anybody about what we do. If there was no advertising in any way
associated with an Arden Anderson or a Gary Zimmer tour how does the word
get around. These tours are successful because people have worked out how to
create events.
Do you think that the recent tour by Hugh would have been successful without
the inspiration and support of everyone who worked very hard to put the tour
I suppose that it all depends what skills each person has in their bag of
tricks and how much passion they are prepared to expend to try to get
something to happen.
On our refrigerator we have a little frig magnet that says that 'A life
lived without passion is a life half lived'. I am passionate about what I
do, for me it is my 'raison d'etre'.
You also are passionate about what you do about your farming and trying to
find better ways to overcome problems. One of the problems is that we have
chosen to work on and with the land, it defines our philosophical
viewpoints. To this extent we may tend to not be as entrepreneurial as a
businessman who could take any one of our ideas and methods and make a
business out of them.
To get past the one man band, (if we should want to), requires the input of
many different skills. It is my passion which is leading me along the path
of seeing if I have entrepreneurial skills as well as problem solving
How is the crop planting going at Narrandera?
Kind regards
James Hedley.

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

  Dear James, et. al.,
 . Both are studying
  their asses off learning all they can as fast as they can. It won't be
  much longer and they won't need me any more. It gives me a good feeling.
  I'll admit I'm not comfortable with the idea of going head to head in
  marketplace with the chemical ag boys. They've got hundreds of billions
  not trillions of dollars worth of muscle to lean on us with, and we are
  still in the pusilanimous thousands and tens of thousands. So I think
  better keep our heads down a bit longer and not get them to take us
 Dear  Hugh - James
 I have a friend who was a farmer until two years ago when he sold out to
 a new direction selling foliar fertiliser. He and I and a couple of other
 guys started out several years ago using this hotmix trace element foliar
 and seed treatment brew - I was the first in this area and encouraged the
 others based on results I'd seen. It was a good first step away from
 conventional thinking and the company behind it is using Albrecht logic in
 their approach to fertilising and they are getting good results. Recently
 these guys have moved into viticulture and have managed to snare a couple
 the big names in our area simply by getting better quality grapes - and
 has that annoyed the conventional agronomy people - my mate has had these
 company guys following him - waiting a couple of hours after he leaves the
 client farm then going in to badmouth all the information he gave the
 farmer. One company has devised a contract that they have fooled some
 farmers into signing - a combination of cheap finance for purchases and
 fees for crop monitoring with a sneaky little clause that says that the
 farmer agrees not to use anything not recommended and sold by that
company -
 my mate has hardly started but he's made the opposition mad as hell
 already - you can bet they will have a lot of dirty tricks left yet - up
 and including direct sabotage of some of his clients crops if thats what
 takes. He could not possibly have done them serious damage yet but they
 a clear threat and are acting accordingly, this is only
 LOCAL sales companies yet - not the big boys!

 I think Hugh is entirely correct to say keep our heads down and not make
 them take us seriously - there are a lot of receptive people out there -
 anybody doing cell grazing is a prospect - farmers are turning up in
 to eco farmer seminars, phil wheeler , arden andersen, gary zimmer, we
 probably do a repeat of Hugh's tour next year and get the same sort of
 attendance as recently - they're out there, some of em are ready and some
 Cheers all,
 Lloyd Charles

Has the world stopped or what is happening really?

2003-03-27 Thread James Hedley

generals have a saying:"Rather than make the 
first moveit is better to wait and see.Rather than advance an inchit 
is better to retreat a yard."This is calledgoing forward without 
advancing,pushing back without using weapons.There is no greater 
misfortunethan underestimating your enemy.Underestimating your 
enemymeans thinking that he is evil.Thus you destroy your three 
treasuresand become an enemy yourself.When two great forces oppose 
each other,the victory will goto the one that knows how to 
yield.- Lao Tse.
Without emotion, man would be nothing but a biological computer. Love, 
joy,sorrow, fear, apprehension, anger,satisfaction, and discontent 
providethe meaning of human existence.Arnold M. 
FN:James Hedley
ORG:Hedley and Hedley P/L;Bioethicals
TEL;WORK;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;HOME;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;CELL;VOICE:04 28 588425
TEL;WORK;FAX:02 6358 8425
ADR;WORK:;;RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd;Running Stream;NSW;2850;AUST
ADR;HOME:;;RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd;Running Stream;NSW;2850;Australia
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd=0D=0ARunning Stream, NSW 2850=0D=0AAustralia

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-27 Thread James Hedley
Dear Hugh and List members,
That there are any people who buy radionic instruments and don't use them
for whatever reason is a real shame. Even the most basic radionic instrument
can make such dramatic changes in the health of people, animals and plants.
From my observations it takes a quantum leap in faith to even go from
Dowsing to the most simple radionics. You virtually have to hold them by the
hand and mentor them through the whole implementation process.

I have a client who has embraced radionics completely in his piggery, and is
probably one of the few in the pig industry at the moment who is making a
profit. Around him live a group of people who like to think of themselves as
trendy and New Age. They consider my client weird because he dowses, uses
pyramid broadcasters and radionics. But even he wont take his ideas to other
pig producers around the place because of peer criticism.  He doesn't do
what they do.
Yet by whatever criteria you would view this farm it is impressive. The
carrying capacity is always 2 to 3 times the surrounding country. The fences
are all new, with a long new gravel driveway. His wife had to go out to work
in the nearby town to help keep the farm going, now there is enough money
for hert to stay home and help around the farm. So more gets done easier
with an extra pair of hands.There are no problems with parasites or
blowflies in the sheep. All stock are treated for worms and parasites from
the shearing shed by using radionic broadcast. The serrated tussock that
plagues all of the surrounding  hills are gradually coming under control,
without using noxious chemicals. He doesn't have to buy chemicals,vaccines
or fertilisers. When you drive along the ridge road  you can see where his
place is because it is green all over. All surrounding farms were dust
bowls, yet when shown how he does it they say 'I wouldn't do that. It is too
Rationalism is not going to get someone to consider radionics. It is emotion
that sells products. Emotions like pride or having the best farm in the
district. The whole angle of sustainability in farming brings out a whole
new group of emotions. How about making the farm a more safe working
environment. What about the health of wife and kids. Farmers know now the
effects of the chemicals that they use.
The market for radionics is within the top 3% of primary producers. Out of
that 3% it is  those that are the most innovative and are prepared to try
out new ideas who need to be targeted.
Having said that the problem then becomes how do we get to those people.
Promoting  and marketing Agricultural Radionics is really no different to
marketing anything else.
The person who understands radionics is usually not the same person who can
go out and market it. Radionics is like any other product, you have to get
your marketing right.
The market for radionics is only partially in the organic / BD network.
Mainstream farmers are the group to target. If we don't target mainstream
farmers we marginalise ourselves to being a small companies in  a fringe
As radionic practitioners we need to show that our products work and back
that up by constant research and being up front and being seen by the people
who could use our expertise.
Radionics companies of the future will have a whole catalogue of
instruments, field broadcasters and techniques suitable for any job, with
practitioners skilled in their use, backed up by a solid marketing arm. In
other words we will compete for a share of the market like anyone else has
to. It is a long way from starting with a good idea to making it an accepted
method.Not many people had heard of the internet a few years ago yet it has
spawned a whole industry based on innovation. Unless we are innovative and
market to the customers needs there never will be a future for radionics.
Just a few ideas to start the ball rolling.
James Hedley

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 2:40 AM
Subject: Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

 Dear James,

 Your words do not fall on deaf ears. I'd agree that John Pannan would be
 very concerned about people buying instruments from him and then not using

 He ought to be part of this discussion I think, So I want to forward this
 letter of yours and some of the other stuff to him.

 One in ten was a figure I pulled out of the air and Gil gave me some
 that he thought people got instruments and then found themselves at a loss
 to properly use them. I've read Gil's explanation, and for the most part
 I'd agree, particularly about the accuracy of dowsing and the degree of
 self-mastery accurate dowsing implies. I don't know of any way one can
 learn this easily. Some are already that far along in mastering self that
 their dowsing is quite accurate. Some, like my colleague, Lorraine, are
 constantly refining and focusing their intent

Re: Strange Journey

2003-03-25 Thread James Hedley
Dear Roger,
The experiences that come from living at the apex of the core of a volcano
at some times can be quite difficult to get a handle on. Extremely high
energy areas are not necessarily the easiest places to live.
When I was in India last time my guru Maheshananda pointed out that no one
can live on the top of any mountain forever, you have to come down from the
rarefied atmosphere. To live in the mists and share our lives with all of
the sentient beings who make the mountain and it's forests their home maybe
gives us a perspective on the world which could not be gained from urban
The mountain is a great place for healing and gaining new insights. I don't
think that anyone who comes here leaves unmarked in some way.What happens on
the mountain seems to bear no reality to what happens in the real world.
I look forward to seeing you at the next workshop on the 12th of April.
Kind regards
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 10:33 AM
Subject: Strange Journey

 21 March 2003
 Last weekend I stood on a hillside, part of a mountain which erupted
 from the earth perhaps during the last Iceage, perhaps millions of years
 earlier, certainly the rocks of that region have been estimated at being
 400 million years old. The slope itself, its thin skin of soil hiding
 the red basalt 'pipe' within through which flow the nutrients and energy
 that support trees covering most of the hill, is a legacy of that
 volcanic period when fire and lava spewed forth from the earth.

 On the face of it the hillside was serene. Morning mists following a
 night which had begun with a thunderstorm raging in the north, much of
 its violent noise shielded by the ridge across the valley, continued
 with rain and wind storms, ended in peace with the sunrise and the cool
 air rolling upwards. My body's 'antennae' and my experiences during the
 two nights I had slept in the cabin on the hillside told a different
 story, one of the twisting and writhings of rocks tortured and torn
 asunder by immense heat and pressure, so much so that the energies
 generated those ages ago were still flowing beneath my feet. And beneath
 the cabin.

  From a direction a little to the west of north, from a far, far
 distance, an underground energy beam about three metres (ten feet) wide
 and comprising five equally separated energy flows, passes 'over' the
 ridge, down the opposite hillside, across the valley, up the slope on
 which I stood, continuing on for . .  ever? The existence of the
 energies is obviously noticeable only by the occasional twisted tree
 along their route - and by any clairsentient visitor whose bed in the
 cabin lies over the beam. As mine did.

 The first night it was very quiet, I was hot even though the night was
 cool, all atremble and barely slept at all, what sleep I did manage was
 punctuated by the wierdest dreams. My reason for being there was to
 attend a dowsing workshop held during the intervening day and the energy
 beam (which I already suspected) was detected during one session. So
 this night just past I had taken precautions by borrowing two
 'cheops-style' pyramids from my host, placing them on the downslope
 cabin verandah at the edges of the beam, and visualising a bar of white
 light joining them.

 It was about 10.30 pm when I went to bed. I was very tired from the
 workshop and the 'energetic' night preceding it, also apprehensive about
 what might happen during the night. If anything. It did, and it didn't.

 The night before my body had become overly warm and begun vibrating
 within a quarter of an hour, and I had twisted and turned both in and
 out of sleep all night. None of this happened. Instead after a short
 while there was noise, a continuous undulating hum as of traffic on a
 nearby freeway or a swarm of bees leaving the hive. The nearest highway
 is many kilometres distant, there are no bees, the noise stopped when I
 got up to go to the toilet and re-commenced when I was back in bed.

 There was plenty of time to think about it all, however. In my
 estimation at least 12 hours passed by sunrise (about 6.00 am), half of
 them in refreshing dreamless sleep, the remainder awake - but most
 elsewhere than the cabin; a cave and a different, much earlier, me.

 So. The energies were still there as they had been for years beyond the
 counting but the conjoined pyramids had elevated their frequency to an
 audible level that wasn't bothersome to me. As well, I had learned
 things and travelled (not far, but that is another story).


 Earth Healing, Energy  Water Dowsing, Reiki Practitioner
 May I have given you seeds that you can turn into roots
 that will bear fruit in the future. (Rudolf Steiner)

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-22 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd, Hugh, Gil and everybody,
I query the arbitrary figure of 10:1 of unused radionic instruments. That
may be so with some people who have graduated through several instruments,
however I don't agree that as a general rule this would be correct. I am
sure that John Pannan would be horrified if you told him that only 1 in 10
radionic instruments that were sold by him were not used
If this assumption is the basis of you running a series of workshops in
Australia I suspect that you may wind up with egg on the face because the
market has been wrongly read. Maybe a survey from a complete mail out from
BACA database would confirm whether the figures are correct.
My estimate is that the figure may be closer to 1 to 2% based on attendances
at workshops where someone has asked how to use a certain radionic
instrument which they are having trouble using.
Most people graduate from dowsing to radionics and I don't see that too many
people would buy a radionic instrument just on spec. They mostly attend a
workshop where they are introduced to the concept of radionics, go home and
think about it and then maybe buy an instrument.
My guess is that those who attended the last series of workshops are the
basis of the next series of workshops.
The secret of the next workshops is going to be  what would those who
attended want to learn that would induce them to attend another series?
Lloyd has intimated that he would be prepared to host a regional dowsing
workshop somewhere in his area, I already run dowsing and radionic workshops
which if anyone is interested in attending contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
discuss it.
Kind regards

 - Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

 Dear Lloyd,

 I know I'm a bit slow responding, but I DO really want to do this. I've
 bounced this off both Gil Robertson and Phil Wheeler and they both
 there must be somewhere 10 radionic instruments in people's closets in
 Australia for every one that is in use. That is a serious shortcoming
 looking for a solution. I'd like to see all those instruments put to use,
 and how do we get there? David von Pein and Des Whatley want me up in
 Queensland in August after the IQOC (Inaugeral Queensland Organic
 Conference) which I am committed to as a speaker. I don't have their
 addresses, though you may have.

 Cheryl is saying something about the annual meeting of the BD Association
 down in NSW (perhaps in Albury) somewhere during that time period from mid
 July to mid August. I'd like to coordinate dates with her, though I
 she will have her hands full with that gala event.


  Hugh wrote
  Right now Im faced with a conumdrum. At Albury folks were presented with
  procedure in its full-blown oiperation using both card instruments and
  instruments. They saw the treatments get set up and turned on and maybe
  they saw when they were turned off
  That's the shape those who attended Aulbury and the other workshops are
  presently in. They saw the operation, but now they need a couple of days
  real hands on with coaching to be able to go home and do this work. And
  there's several stages where they need coaching.
  Probably the dowsing is
  the most critical as almost anyone can turn a dial and select a card or
  remedy. The dowsing, of course, will take time to build up confidence
  accuracy. But a lot of them need to get some real hands-on practice with
  coach first.
  That's the need--to give some real hands-on coaching, practical stuff
  everyone brings an instrument and we pair off and practice. I'll see
  can do about coming up with a set of exercises. Lorraine Cahill, who
  with me here at UAI, would be good at this. It doesn't matter too much
  kind of instrument, we can work with it.
 Dear Hugh
Maybe we could get some local groups going with this.
 Lorraine could work up a set of excercises so we're all going in the same
 direction, we should be able to yard up some coaches to take groups of
 twenty and just work on the dowsing side - its mainly a practice and
 confidence thing - questioning technique is a problem for a lot of people
 too. I feel confident enough with my pendulum to take a group and I'm
 we could find others to do so in the other regions but I think this needs
 some direction.
 When you come out in July/August how much time will you have available
 possibly running smaller regional workshops?
 Lloyd Charles

 Visit our website at:

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-20 Thread James Hedley
I will be pleased to discuss it with you.
Hugh's techniques cannot be blamed for it not raining in Albury. There is a
structural energy problem there. The same problem applies to Colorado and
many areas around the world. After the Toowoomba workshop coastal areas had
18 inches in the next week. Coffs Harbour resulted in heavy rain and now
above average rainfall. After returning from Albury and using the
broadcasting of potentised sea water 12 inches of rain mostly in the area
being broadcast to. Areas off the map have had 3 or 4 inches.
To successfully treat the atmosphere  it is necessary to generate negative
ions to overcome the effect of the positive ions.
other trials have indicated that if you change the polarity of the soil that
the suite of weeds will change and insects will move out. This is a subject
for another post as it is after midnight now.
James Hedley
Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

 - Original Message -
 From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:12 AM
 Subject: Austr. Workshop/ What was the purpose?

 Dear Hugh,
 Tobias is correct about the rain around Albury, we had good rain at our
 (almost five inches) and there has been from two inches up to ten or so as
 you travel north from us into SE queensland, most of the eastern side of
 wheat belt and into the tablelands had useful to good falls and most of
 coastal strip from Victorian border to well up into queensland. The inland
 areas - western NSW and Queensland missed out and that is a large area of
 country - we had a not so subtle reminder of it yesterday - 40+ mph NW
 carrying red dust all day when the wind eased and turned south west last
 night we got visibility reduced to about 80 yards and quite a bit of
 The rain petered out as you got closer to Albury - most farmers around
 are probably not all that happy. However there are a few things to

 1. There is several million acres of the alpine country and surrounding
 forest areas burnt to a cinder - mostly in an arc around the east and
 east of Albury, probably the most damaging wild fires we have had since
 white settlement.
 2. much of this damage is within the catchment of the hume dam and a lot
 the rest is catchment for the snowy mountains hydro scheme
 3. If the Albury area and east into the mountains had recieved the same
 amount and like manner of rain that we got on our farm, it would have been
 disaster of mammoth proportions , the Hume dam would now be half full of
 ash, mud and the remains of dead things, damage to infrastructure in the
 high country would be a huge mess - what that country most desperately
 is several light gentle falls of rain to germinate some ground cover and
 stabilise the soil before any major rainfall rips it to shreds.
 4. When we do these radionic treatments we ask ''for the good of all and
 the detriment of no one'' or something of similar meaning - do we
 this as ''for the greater good''

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-03-17 Thread James Hedley
Dear Tony,
thank you very much for your information. I downloaded Rex Harrill's page
and David von Pein.
Now all that I have to do now is to make time to plow through it.
If you have any further information will be most grateful to receive it.
Kindest regards

- Original Message -
From: Rambler Flowers LTD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

 - Original Message -
 From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 . Vitality of the soil seems to not get coverage on
  Maybe one of the reasons is that until I started to research this
  had never heard of vitality as being measurable parameter of soil. I
  this in the hope that some of you who have experience of Reams
  may be able to enlighten me, or head me in the direction of further
  study of his methods.

 I James I have enjoyed studding  and putting into practice the Reams
 of testing soils,composts, liquid  sprays, weeds and plant on a weekly
 to be able to grow plants with out weed ,pests and disease. Reams  talks
 about energy within the above and how to get it in balance that will
 optimum plant growth. I feel with in myself that there is a link between
 energy and vitality.
  As I am not a particularly good at writing about these things I have
 below  information that I have collected about this  subject .This coming
 winter I  hope to study  some of Carey Reams books. A friend is going to
 lend them to me as they are out of print

 Philip Wheeler's book The  Non-Toxic Farming  Handbook is the best book I
 have read .
 Other books are
 Science In Agriculture, Dr Arden BE Andersen
 Mainline Farming for the 21st Century, Dr Dan Skow
 All found at the Acres USA site
  Each of these author have a different slant on the subject.

 A VISIT to this web site will give you a very good  edited background to
 working with the Albrecht Model.
 I will soon be purchasing Mr Jones books his work as been recommended to
 by  Cheryl  .His work is very user friendly.

 The Brix man  Rex Harrill (Rex Harrill's booklet)

 Pike Labs  Good background material here

 The Meter Man - David von Pein

 This guy can talk for hours on the subject . He recons  soil can be turned
 around in about 3years
 I found him very helpful.

  James  I do have a number of emails from this list on the subject if you
 are interested I could send them  offline

 I hope this is of  assistance
 Best Regards
 Tony Robinson
  New Zealand Down Under

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-13 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
I agree with your sentiments about intent being a factor in Radionics,
however it is not solely what makes radionics work.
In NZ they are having great results with patients who have mental
afflictions by getting them to write out an affirmation and putting it into
the instrument and broadcasting it to them. That does not mean that it is
the intent that drove the instrument, because, if we repeat an affirmation
without an instrument it will work just as well. The radionic instrument
enables the focus of the interference pattern that is being broadcast to the
witness, regardless of wherever it may be.
In experimental work my aim is just to see what will happen purely by
putting a certain action into movement and see what happens.
Experimentation requires that you get out of your own way and not try to pre
determine the results. The work needs to be systematic and follow a pattern
of analysis, diagnosis of why the problem is there, then we can approach how
to treat the problem.
To try to put the action of a radionic instrument as being just down to
intent, or any homeopathic remedy, is an attempt to simplify what is a very
complex interaction of forces.
Ruth Drown trained all trainees to not try and second guess what you think
the answer will be.
What seems to be more important than intent is the state of mind of the
operator. If Glen had malevolent thoughts for whatever reason about Joe
Bloggs, who he was making a remedy for, thenhis thoughts would be
transferred to the remedy and spread out through Joe Blogg's farm. When
doing any of this type of work, if your intent when making the remedy is to
kill those little pests of insects or animals, you will find that the energy
will come back to you. The mind needs to be as clear as possible.
Dr David Perle, in a lecture on radionics in 1935, stressed  the first step
in radionics is that it is necessary to become as thoroughly familiar, and
as thoroughly in tune as possible with the theory and philosophy behind it.
That is one cannot think of yesterday and do the work of today. We must be
in harmony with this system of tuning in to the Infinite.
On the basis of trying to understand the theory if we are merely carrying
out routine procedure, not thinking right, or not knowing why we are taking
a particular course, we will not get as good effects as if we understand the
theory and philosophy behind what we do.
I see radionics as a tool for spiritual growth in much the same way as Joey
Korn  saw  dowsing. If we aspire to become creators the source of our energy
is the Infinite.Working with radionics inspires great awe within me for the
intelligent creation of the Universes and the spiritual beings who guide me
though this incarnation..
To have the power to influence the actions of others, whether it is to bring
into effect a healing reaction in a patient, or to hold the power of life or
death over an insect , a person or an animal through your actions is to step
into a different level of spiritual awareness of the implications of our
Kind regards to you and your family. I hope to be able to catch up with you
at the workshop in Young.
- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

 - Original Message -
 From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:21 PM
 Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

  Dear Lloyd,
  The idea that potentised preps stay put as proposed by Glen does not
  with my understanding and use of radionically prepared substances.
  If  radionic preps stayed put you would not be able to use a small
  in your BC and expect it to permeate through the whole mix. It would
  a few drops scattered amongst the compost. if there was not a
  effect Glen would not be able to claim that his possum retardant can be
  mixed into sand and a handful thrown out every 20 metres or so.

  To say that there is not a radiational effect from the use of
  prepared substances implies that somehow different laws apply to
  than apply to the rest of the natural world.
  It is difficult to isolate a trial area, as you have commented, but not
  impossible. One method used by Bruce Copen to define the area for a
  broadcast trial was to mark off the area to be tested with 4 copper rods
  sticking out of the ground to a height of 1 metre and then take soil or
  samples from this area as a witness. The radionic broadcast then
  the marked area.

 Hi James
 I dont disagree with what you wrote but does this all maybe come back to
 intent . If Glens underlying intent when potentising his remedies was
 they would only treat where they were sprayed then I believe that is what
 would happen, and if you believe or intend that what

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-03-13 Thread James Hedley
Dear lloyd,
Thank you for your very well thought out reply. It is getting late tonight
so will try to reply within the next few days.
Kind regards,
- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

 - Original Message -
 From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 9:37 PM
 Subject: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

  Dear Lloyd, Steve and fellow list members,
  In Bruce Copen's Agricultural rates there are the rates for soil testing
  with Carey Reams techniques. Amongst these rates is one for testing the
  vitality of the soil. Vitality of the soil seems to not get coverage on
  Maybe one of the reasons is that until I started to research this
  had never heard of vitality as being measurable parameter of soil. I
  this in the hope that some of you who have experience of Reams
  may be able to enlighten me, or head me in the direction of further
  study of his methods.
  Lloyd knows our property, red basalt soil, 3200 cgs on average, averages
  organic matter, high mineralisation and a dream soil for anyone to start
  with. There is only one problem, when you test the soils in our
  paddocks radionically it gives a reading of about 10% vitality, and the
  for fertility. My definition for fertility is the ability of plants
  reproduce true to type with maximum viability, which is a true
  the fertility of the soil. In other words they need to have inbuilt
  and an inbuilt toughness.
 Hi James
 Some of the followers of Carey Reams ideas would tell you that those
 good soils like yours are often very difficult to manage when they get out
 of shape, they are strongly fertile and highly buffered and they resist
 efforts to change them in whatever direction we are meaning to move. They
 can be exploitatively farmed for a long period but then restoration takes
 equally long, trace element imbalances that dont appear that serious can
 take a lot of effort to correct etc. When we look at the bush in your area
 there is a marked lack of diversity compared to poorer soil types nearby,
 this is something we see all over Australia, in the most fertile soil
 the natural vegetation appears as almost a mono culture (the mitchell
 plains or the riverina floodplain covered with redgum) whereas in the
 poorest soil types there is an unbeleivable diversity of species (west
 australias sand plain country or the pilliga for example) maybe this lack
 diversity in the original vegetation also supports a restricted microbial
 species range that makes it difficult to grow some introduced crop plants
 even with the high mineral fertility that is there?

  My question is what is vitality and what enlivens it in the soil.
 James when we get that figured out we will be able to retire on the
 Seriously though I have a couple more questions to add
 When we test radionically for GV just what are we measuring?
 And (this one has been rattling around my head for quite a while) Is it
 really the best thing to treat a crop or seed or whatever so that we wind
 the GV reading up to the absolute maximum we can get? I guess I am
 about balance - can we have too much vitality and not enough substance?
 I have this picture of a fine bred arab horse that will run until it dies
 mid stride - the vitality of spirit is far in excess of its physical
 Lloyd Charles

Re: Electronic homeopathy for plants. Was Re: late winter farm

2003-03-13 Thread James Hedley
Dear Gil,
I don't know how you have had a problem getting the two Copen Agriculture
booklets, however I was able to get a copy of each.
The information from the two books has opened a whole new range of
No I don't have a Copen instrument, mine is from Altered States in NZ, it
only has 9 dials however I am now at the stage that I would like to make my
own instrument as some analysis winds up with more numbers in the rates than
I can get with a 9 dial Base 10, especially with insects. Call it the next
stage of the education of James. Any specifications or diagrams that you may
be able to help with would be appreciated. Contact me off list and we will
see what can be worked out.
Sorry to hear that you are not in good health. maybe we could discuss it off
I wish you a speedy recovery from your health problems.
Kindest regards
- Original Message -
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: Electronic homeopathy for plants. Was Re: late winter farm

 Hi! James and Lloyd,
 I am out of action at the moment with health probs. But picked up on
 your post concerning Copen's Agricultural methods.

 Did you start with the rates in his Ag Rate Book?

 I was going to buy it several years ago, but now they seem to have
 with-drawn it from all their sites. I have emailed both the US and
 German offices and neither replied. So I do not know if they have some
 issue with it.

 Do you have a copy of it?

 Do you have any of his instruments?

 I have a Mark 2 A. This is one of the fifteen knob ones, with all
 sorts of additional posibilities that I have never got to trying. All up
 it has twenty four knobs and four switches. I bought in a collection of
 intruments and intended to possibly use it with his Ag Rates, but do not
 have the book, nor have been able to buy it. If you need something made
 up that requires more knobs than you have, I can do it if required.


 James Hedley wrote:

 Bruce Copen from Copen Instruments developed a fertiliser which was
prepared radionically which he called Cosmo. it is a mixture of
homeopathic Schussler tissue salts, radionically prepared BD preps, a
substance called Agrospon which feeds bacteria and other microbes plus a
couple of other remedies such as Lachesis ( a great anti viral ) and
Lycopodium (to strengthen the archetype of the plant).
 I have been broadcasting this out during the drought as well as Copen's
 Nutritional spray # 5. Each of these have been broadcast for 24 hours at
 least once a fortnight since last spring when I realised that we were
moving into severe drought..

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-13 Thread James Hedley
Dear glen,
Thanks for your reply. I don't think that I will take this point further
until I see your web page. Wont be able to get to it for a few days as I
have a workshop on this weekend. Will resume discussion sometime next week.
Go well
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

 - Original Message -
 From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:21 PM
 Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

  Dear Lloyd,
  The idea that potentised preps stay put as proposed by Glen does not
  with my understanding and use of radionically prepared substances.

 It would appear you are indentifying an essential difference between
 Potentised and radionic preps - all the more reason to be clear in their
 naming when discussing them. By their very nature of application I would
 expect radionic preps to radiate.
 re potentised preps radiation , please inspect the pictures on my website,
 especially the Kale trials, where three plants, side by side, from the
 punnet have been sprayed differently with 3 different outcomes. When I
 began using pot. preps and spread them with a brush I had green strips
 across the lawn, which did not even out. (This was done 12 years ago and
 similiar results have occurred since) This was the first hint. I recently
 did trials on coriander, very close together which have shown the same
 effect. We also have on video -CD available- the results of some spring
 spraying where there is a distinct line in the paddock between the sprayed
 and unsprayed areas. One is dairy pasture the other is all off to seed. No
 diffused area whatsover.
 The results and pictures speak for themselves. What is your explanation if
 you do not accept these pictures proposal?

  If  radionic preps stayed put you would not be able to use a small
  in your BC and expect it to permeate through the whole mix. It would
  a few drops scattered amongst the compost. if there was not a
  effect Glen would not be able to claim that his possum retardant can be
  mixed into sand and a handful thrown out every 20 metres or so.

 The story above is from Peter Bacchus who was spreading unpotentised
 ash. Which no doubt has a radiation effect.
 Over the last 10 months I have been spraying pot. possum preps , not
 peppers, and it is obvious from the possum trails leading into and out of
 the tree on the edge of the sprayed area, that traffic in is normal from
 directions - as seen in tracks thru long grass- however the track to the
 house from the tree was difficult to see, hence little to no use. Sadly I
 did not video this before the grass was eaten off.

  Supposing that you were to dilute a litre of preps from Glen, in
  amount of water that he suggests, if the homoeopathic preps had no
  radiational effect on the rest of the water why would you dilute it. Is
  water just a carrier or does something happen to the water.  It seems to
  that the memory pattern from the potentised preps permeates  the medium
  through osmosis.

 Yes the water is acting as a carrier of the potentised preps. It is mixing
 with and being carried by, no doubt there is some combining into the
 function of the water. Where it carries it to though, is were it stays.
 Thus we suggest fine sprays over the area to be treated.

 with regards potentised weed peppers, many people make these and they are
 sprayed around with a fine spray usually. Peter has a dairy farming client
 who did Ragwort last year with some pretty amazing results. Maybe he can
 tell us more about this with regards to seed germination?
 Glen A

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-13 Thread James Hedley
Dear Glen,
What was the qualitative difference between the radionically potentised
preparations and the hand succussing? It would be hard to put it up as a
valid test if both doses were not derived from the same substance.
One batch of preps could vary very markedly from those prepared at a
different time.
Were the symptom pictures the same at both times?
You may be right that your manually potentised preps are better than
radionically prepared  preps, but somehow it is important to compare apples
with apples and that it is the same parameters that are being tested.
An agronomist friend of mine claims that before you can visually see a
difference in a pasture there would have to be at least 25% difference to be
able to see it.
I have looked at the problem of chromas as a measurement indicator, however
much of the skill with this type of qualitative analysis is in the
evaluation. Different viewers will put different interpretations on the
chromas. Quality such as that one substance was better than another cannot
be ascertained without first setting the parameters that indicate quality.
Could we do it by comparison of Brix  levels, and would that be an overall
comparison of quality?
The  problems of how to set up an experiment so the results can be
considered valid are a biometricians nightmare.
A trial could never be considered conclusive if it was based only on one
experiment on one plant.
Maybe what is needed is the same sort of dedication shown by Lili Kolisko
or Maria Thun of trying to test for the effects of substance and forces.
that would require the financial support of  those who have the most to
gain.Would the New Zealand Biodynamic Association be prepared to support you
in a long term evaluation project.
It may even be better to take your ideas out to conventional farmers who
have a need for your expertise. This is the century of the ECO Age as my
friend Liz Davis calls it. Companies are looking for solutions to problems.
For instance how much would Cotton Australia support research into non toxic
weed control. How much would Simplot support you if you could show them how
your techniques could stop spoiling on their potatoes, or increase yields?
If you can show that your techniques work it could help McDonalds with their
new direction of trying to source more clean green food. They have a huge
war chest that is there to support the push for a new image for big Mac's.
How can the BD industry help them to achieve their goals?It is just not a
case of getting people to buy BD food, or to farm biodynamically.
You have to be in the right market at the right time. The concept of
radionics will be far easier to sell than hand succussed preps because it
has an economic advantage and fits more into the culture of the day. We have
moved into the era of the air, with electricity, TV, radio and electronics.
Radionics is in the right market at the right time.
People accept radionics. Just look at how many paying customers turn up for
an Arden Andersen, Phillip Wheeler or Hugh Lovel workshop. Try getting those
numbers to a BD workshop.
After all our experimenting for the next 50 years to try and statistically
prove that biodynamic food is qualitively better we would still have lost
the opportunity. There has already been 80 years of research into
biodynamics without inroads into the mainstream. BD has never been marketed
from an emotional perspective.
Steve Diver summed up the whole marketing approach for our techniques which
is to appeal to the emotions. The opportunity is in the moment NOW. Give the
people what they desire most and they will beat a path to your door.
Kind regards
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

  #  Glen - When you say potentised preps is that specifically potentised
  dilution and sucussion?

 Yes prepared physically by hand.

 I can not really help you with radionically applied either by spray or
 device, and their effect, as I have not had alot of experience of them.

 The few tests I have done with my physically potentised preps and radionic
 versions - via square box- of the same, produced very different results in
 me when I have taken them. The radionic preps effect was minimal compared
 the physical pot prep. I need to do more trials on this before I am
 convinced Radionic preps and potentised preps are the same thing.

 Can someone provide some picture evidence of the effect on plants re
 radionic preps verses control please, ala those on my website / Case


  # When I talk of radionically prepared preps I mean things that are
  potentised by instrument but are then applied by spraying out onto a
  . I have assumed that both of the above stay where you put them and was
  hoping that your work would support that assumption in both cases. (this
  important implications for how we 

Re: baby animals born...

2003-03-12 Thread James Hedley
We  really have a common bond amongst all farmers don't we. Governments can
indulge in their petty intrigues, but regardless of where we are whether you
are a cropper or a grazer what is really important is the caring and
nurturing of stock and plants on your enterprise.

When I read something like you have written it reminds me that we are all
part of the One and that even although I may have a gripe sometimes about my
grievances on American Foreign policy it is maybe as our illustrious Prime
Minister has said. this war has nothing to do with the people. These are
Inter -governmental decisions.

Many  people world wide may not like the bully boy attitude of your leaders,
but put farmers together at a sheep or cattle sale or a seminar on
production techniques, no matter where it is in the world and there is a
common bond. We are farmers and somehow that is what will bind us together
and allow us to prevail in the coming battle between the forces of good and
Go well

Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 10:47 PM
Subject: baby animals born...

 Yes, kidding and foaling season is finished here. I had some very
 early (or late) foals last year, one very pregnant mare was sold. But
 the buyer was afraid to foal out so paid me extra to midwife her for
 her. For some reason, I knew it would be a stud colt, and didn't
 want to try to get it to weaning, market it and/or get it under saddle
 then market it. Didn't want to invest 3+ years in a crossbred colt
 with a 19 yr old dam. So, selling her with the foal inter-utero was
 ideal for me. (Midwifing farm animals seems to be my forte after all.)

 She foaled first of November and they took the pair home (I chipped
 in imprinting and halter training on the foal) before Christmas. The
 woman totally ignored my work, started doing things that terrified
 the baby, and had to have someone start him all over. But that was
 after they left here. I'd never tell anyone to throw a baby horse to
 the ground to 'show him who's boss'. If I'd known she was going to
 be stupid about it, I'd have charged her more!

 My other 2 pregnant mares foaled Nov 24 and Dec 10 with fillies.
 Again, I have no idea why, but I 'knew' these would be fillies. The
 oldest is approaching weaning age at the end of this month, and
 she's enormous for a 4 month old baby. The other one, Encanta, is
 from my favorite mare and is a living doll. Loves to be around me,
 comes nickering up whenever she sees me outside, and thinks I
 belong solely to herself. Going to be small, and a 'dirty dun' like her
 Mom, so I suspect I'll sell Mirada, the other one and keep her. I find
 I really like these dun horses, they seem to have much less hoof
 problems, hard hooves, and they always look dirty, no matter how
 much you polish them. So, a quick brush and a rag ran over them,
 and they're good to go.

 then there's the goats. I had made the decision to leave all kids on
 their dams if at all possible this year. I was there for the births,
 making sure kids knew which end was important, otherwise, the
 goats are raising their own offspring. First time in 20+ years, but I
 just don't have the 'oomph' anymore to pasteurize milk, bottle feed
 and make sure I'm out there milking twice a day.
 I milk once a day, or at least get the moms on the milkstand and
 check their udders, making sure they're being nursed out evenly,
 and take a little for the house when I need it. Except the kids are
 really drawing the does down, it seems to be working ok this way.
 Out of 7 kids, four are doelings. I had a waiting list for the doe kids,
 but I still may keep 2 of the very best ones.

 I know this has nothing to do with biodynamics, but it's farm life
 and Christy DID ask!

Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-03-12 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd, Steve and fellow list members,
In Bruce Copen's Agricultural rates there are the rates for soil testing
with Carey Reams techniques. Amongst these rates is one for testing the
vitality of the soil. Vitality of the soil seems to not get coverage on
Maybe one of the reasons is that until I started to research this concept I
had never heard of vitality as being measurable parameter of soil. I write
this in the hope that some of you who have experience of Reams techniques
may be able to enlighten me, or head me in the direction of further areas of
study of his methods.

Lloyd knows our property, red basalt soil, 3200 cgs on average, averages 6%
organic matter, high mineralisation and a dream soil for anyone to start
with. There is only one problem, when you test the soils in our cultivation
paddocks radionically it gives a reading of about 10% vitality, and the same
for fertility. My definition for fertility is the ability of plants grown to
reproduce true to type with maximum viability, which is a true reflection of
the fertility of the soil. In other words they need to have inbuilt vitality
and an inbuilt toughness.
This ties in with other strands which are developing on the list about trace
elements and nutrition, and whether we can claim that food is better if
grown biodynamically. I love my plants and take great delight in growing
plants that have a look of vitality about them.  Although they may appear to
be very vital plants, each year the seed loses some of it's vitality.

My problem then became how do I increase vitality, when within the existing
theories that I had been exposed to, at university and on the list there was
not a lot which I could do with this soil. Most minerals were within
acceptable standards, copper and Sulphur down a bit. The pH has increased
from 5.5 to 6.8 over the last 3 years and is in general a very pleasant soil
to work with.
It appears that the plants may have been living on their inbuilt vitality,
but were not getting much assistance from the soil. There was something
missing. The missing thing was indefinable, however I instinctively knew
that something was wrong, that there was some missing ingredients in the
brew. At first I thought that vitality was being lost from the cultivated
areas into the surrounding forest, on the basis that energy travels from the
lowest to the highest.

In amongst my other radionic broadcasts I put out one for vitality, and
another one for fertility. The results are that now that the drought has
broken, there are no bare patches that were there before. It seems that
there is a vitality that was not there before, even although it appeared to
be as good as any mortal person could hope for.
My question is what is vitality and what enlivens it in the soil.

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: Electronic homeopathy for plants. Was Re: late winter farm

 From: Steve Diver 
  The typical NPK
  soil test, even the Albrecht soil test, is largely irrelevant from
  this humus perspective.
 Hi Steve
 I would like to pursue this a bit. Maybe I think a bit different to most
 I reckon the main benefit of a proper soil test (a good Albrecht type
 analysis) is the detailed trace element analysis - of course you have to
 the rate to get it and many people are not prepared to go whole hog on a
 soil test. The majors are simple and cheap - you can get Calcium ,
 magnesium, potassium and sodium off any old twenty dollar soil test and
 an 'Albrecht balance' off those numbers and most times you will come out
 with a workable result - there is a bit of math involved and some
 figures sometimes - it helps to know the cheap test numbers in comparison
 a perry or brookside but you can do this . OTOH A decent trace element
 analysis is not something you can get cheap. For trace element numbers you
 need to go to a good lab and pay the price and also do any retests with
 same lab. Trace element nutrition is something that many organic farmers
 neglect almost as badly as their chemical cousins and I really dont see
 you can get this right (or know that it is right) without some proper soil
 Of course I dont know those Swiss soils - maybe they are so loaded with
 minerals and energy that the farmers dont need to look for anything
xtra  -
 Quartz crystal that I have seen from there is the best energetically.
 Tell us what they are doing that makes testing irrelevant
 Lloyd Charles

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-12 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
The idea that potentised preps stay put as proposed by Glen does not agree
with my understanding and use of radionically prepared substances.
If  radionic preps stayed put you would not be able to use a small amount
in your BC and expect it to permeate through the whole mix. It would just be
a few drops scattered amongst the compost. if there was not a radiational
effect Glen would not be able to claim that his possum retardant can be
mixed into sand and a handful thrown out every 20 metres or so. I test the
radiational effect of radionic substances with a radionic instrument in this
way. Take some of the substance, say in a watering can, and sprinkle it out
over a defined area. leave for some time, maybe 2 or 3 days then take soil
samples at 1 metre intervals. Test the soil samples to find if there is any
of the substance that you have broadcast. This is done by either dialling in
the rate for that substance and then seeing if you get a stick,from a match
with the soil sampleand the witness.My tests have shown that the radiational
effect is usually somewhere between 17 and 40 times, the size of the treated
area. There have been no outside influences such as an instrument. It is
purely and simply natural forces.

To say that there is not a radiational effect from the use of radionically
prepared substances implies that somehow different laws apply to radionics
than apply to the rest of the natural world.
Supposing that you were to dilute a litre of preps from Glen, in whatever
amount of water that he suggests, if the homoeopathic preps had no
radiational effect on the rest of the water why would you dilute it. Is the
water just a carrier or does something happen to the water.  It seems to me
that the memory pattern from the potentised preps permeates  the medium
through osmosis.
An example of the radiational effect of peppering is a 12month trial that we
have just comleted at Willow Tree on control of St Johns Wort. the aim of
the trial was to test the effect of a method that we have developed of
making high  homoeopathic peppers of St John's Wort. The trial has confirmed
earlier research on Serrated Tussock which indicated viability of seed, both
on the plant and in the seed bank in the soil can be reduced markedly by our
method of weed pepper production and application.
These trials prove conclusively that there is a radiational effect from the
pepper sprayed on the surface of the soil otherwise we would not be able to
devitalise seed under the soil.
The applications of this research of using a non toxic species specific pre
emergence weedicide could revolutionise the widespread application of
chemical herbicides. The next stage is to take the method to trial large
scale application over 500 acres. The surrounding area of the trial was
covered with St John's Wort whereas the trial area had zero germination. A
most pleasing result.
It is difficult to isolate a trial area, as you have commented, but not
impossible. One method used by Bruce Copen to define the area for a radionic
broadcast trial was to mark off the area to be tested with 4 copper rods
sticking out of the ground to a height of 1 metre and then take soil or leaf
samples from this area as a witness. The radionic broadcast then confines to
the marked area. This may help anyone who wanted experiment with comparing
radionic broadcast to non treated areas as you can have several strips
alongside each other. It could be worth trying.Will keep you informed how
this method works out.
Kindest regards
James Hedley

Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original
Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

 - Original Message -
 From: Steve Diver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 2:36 AM
 Subject: Re: Electronic homeopathy for plants. Was Re: late winter farm

  Chromas as intellectual curiosity?
  Chromas are a practical approach to the humus
  farmers in Austria and Switzerland, who work their soils
  with humified compost, cover crops, spading machines,
  rotations, and related humus management practices
  to achieve biological health,  clay-humus crumb,
  and associated mineral availability.

 Hi Steve
 I dont think you'd get much argument about the value of chromas as you
 described above
 Lets come back around the circle and look at this again
 1 I made some barrel compost using radionically made preps instead of the
 physical ones - heck I had enough cow manure for two pits and only one set
 of preps - and I was curious as to what would happen.
 2. The stuffs done and visually there is no difference and there was none
 it went through the process
 3 We tested these two lots energetically with a radionic machine and by
 dowsing and for practical purposes

Electronic homeopathy for plants. Was Re: late winter farm

2003-03-10 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
I agree with you that a commercial farm is not really the place for doing
chromas. How many BD farms or CSA's supply food with a certificate of
quality backed up by chromas.
To me they are only of intellectual interest to check how your farm is going
overall. but really how do you define quality without a standard to measure
it by. it seems to me that the nebulous thing which Alan defines as quality
is best decided by the farmer themselves first, then by their peers and also
by the customer.
My guess is that if a farmer of any persuasion had to supply a certificate
of compliance with their produce very little of the food produced would get
to market. I believe that to simply use the preps and compost as defined by
RS will only lead to depletion of soil mineralisation. There is more to
cropping than that.
In ancient soils as we have in large areas of Australia minerals are very
low to start with, so any chance you have to add to mineralisation or to
increase microbial growth will give a great return.
Bruce Copen from Copen Instruments developed a fertiliser which was prepared
radionically which he called Cosmo. it is a mixture of homeopathic
Schussler tissue salts, radionically prepared BD preps, a substance called
Agrospon which feeds bacteria and other microbes plus a couple of other
remedies such as Lachesis ( a great anti viral ) and Lycopodium (to
strengthen the archetype of the plant).
I have been broadcasting this out during the drought as well as Copen's
Nutritional spray # 5. Each of these have been broadcast for 24 hours at
least once a fortnight since last spring when I realised that we were moving
into severe drought.. People who come to our place all comment on the speed
which the pasture and bushland has recovered, compared to surrounding farms.
If you would like a phial of each to try in your broadcasters I would be
pleased to send them to you.
The use of electronic homeopathy for plants has a great future in overcoming
mineral deficiency problems in plants and this combination of mixtures seems
to be a valuable tool to have in your arsenal.
have had eleven and a half inches of rain since the Albury workshop so we
are well and truly out of the drought for the moment although much more rain
is needed to replenish sub soil moisture. will be planting forage oats next
week. It is amazing what a few weeks can make on a farm. Conditions can
change so fast. Have you started planting yet?
Kind regards

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: late winter farm

  I dont expect the traditionalists on the list to go into raptures over
  but I believe that we need to know if these things can work. It could
  useful to use some radionically prepared prep water in any making of BD
  preps -
  Lloyd - What I'd like to see is chromas comparing crops (carrots, for
  example) grown in radionically prepped soils and in conventional BD
  prepped soils.  We can have good physical appearances but still not
  have everything that we are looking for in BD food.
  Are you up for doing something like this?

 The way I understand this type of comparison trial its difficult to do
 because of the crossover effect of physical preps? 500 will spread its
 influence over the general area treated? We 'd assume that the other preps
 do likewise. I know Hamish says its not necessary to cover every square
 when you spray the preps - so to move away from this influence for a
 comparison we then introduce the change in soil types as a variable?
 I'll talk to Cheryl maybe they can do chromas on the actual BC, I think
 of the members in the Bellingen area is up to doing chromas, its beyond me
 at this stage (and outside of my interest) there are more basic problems
 need attention.
 I think I've said to you before I like to come at things from as many
 different angles as I can, I'm certainly not advocating giving up making
 proper preps and doing it all off cards, but why not use the radionics to
 add some extra? I think Steve Storch is doing stuff like this now - maybe
 not radionically.  Any of these easy things we should do any chance we
get -
 it may not be ideal but if it gets done easy and cheap it must add to the
 overall effect. With my potentiser, cards and ash samples, anytime I put
 anything liquid out I can add some preps or pepper weeds to bolster the
 effect of the broadcaster, its easy and there is no cost.
 Will let you know if anything develops
 Lloyd Charles

Re: dragon lines

2003-03-05 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
The dragon line that I refer to runs basically from Table Top to the west of
Euroa but east of Castlemaine.It follows roughly the line of the Hume
Highway but veers off to the west.
I first came across this one many years ago from an old prospector who had
this theory of the dragon line and gold.

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: dragon lines

 Dear James
  This below was part of your post to Roger recently -
 Would you be able to explain this further please (if you have the time) as
 it would seem that the dragon line is about where the recent rain stopped.
 guess I am thinking about the possible effects of deep irrigation bores on
 underground energies, also there is a coal seam around oaklands that has
 extensive exloration in the recent few years. I should know where Mount
 Elephant is but cant find a map in one piece to check it out. I'm
 in your further thoughts.
 Lloyd Charles

  The city of Albury cuts a dragon line that runs from Mount Elephant in
  west and Table Top Mountain near Albury. Even today in China it is
  considered an offence against nature to cut through water or dragon
  The Fon- Chei or Wind/Water man was called in, if he said that it was
  alright to build then the house was built, if he said no the house or
  structure was not built.

Re: Gil FW: [globalnews] Der Spiegel: Fundamentalist Bush Regime Wants

2003-03-02 Thread James Hedley
Dear Christianne,
When we are looking for John Howard's motives regarding the threatened US
invasion of Iraq it may pay to research the connections of Rupert Murdoch,
John Howard and George Bush.
Sometime early last year John Howard flew to the US for a 30 minute
consultation with GWB. It was reported that he spent the rest of the evening
having a private dinner with Rupert Murdoch. It was just after this that
John Howard turned up the volume of the rhetoric supporting Bush.
Does anyone on the list have any information on  any connections between
I wonder what Murdoch has on Little Johnny Howard.
What is in this whole affair that appeals to Rupert Murdoch as a media baron
who is able to give distorted viewpoints with his wide media empire
including ownership of Fox News.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Gil FW: [globalnews] Der Spiegel: Fundamentalist Bush Regime


 I agree with what you said, but only partially with the last paragraph.  I
 cannot comment on the American media, because I do not know it.  I am
 thinking that  globalnews is mostly American and there is stuff in there,
 we would not hear about in Australia.  My main point for consideration,
 however, is Howard's  labelling disagreeing Australians as being
 'un-Australian', which has caught on and not been dismissed as a
 and slanderous way of belittling people and avoiding a public debate about


Re: Gary Zimmer, Jerry Brunetti on the OZ/NZ Three-Up Tour

2003-02-28 Thread James Hedley
I would like to seeyour soil tests. Please forward.

- Original Message - 
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 12:50 AM
Subject: Gary Zimmer, Jerry Brunetti on the OZ/NZ Three-Up Tour

 You folks in Australia and New Zealand will not want to miss Graeme 
 Sait and Nutri-Tech's awesome late March/Early April eductional tour. 
 Gary Zimmer, one of the US' foremost biological farming teachers, and 
 Jerry Brunetti, Americas foremost 'health of the soil = the health of 
 the herd (and nation!)' teachers, as well as brilliant Graeme Sait 
 himself will be speaking at several locations.
 More info at the nutri-tech pages, I'm sure, or email me off-line at 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and I'll email you the killer .pdf file.
 Anyone downunder interested in getting a jump start on the Albrecht 
 method, grab your soil tests and head to this great event!
 Anyone interested in seeing the Albrecht-oriented soil tests from my 
 new garden, also drop me a line and I'll email them to you

Re: world update

2003-02-28 Thread James Hedley
Dear Michael and list,
Australian  troops have arrived in the Middle east. There was coverage of
the Australian contingent training in Kuwait on TV last night.

- Original Message -
From: mroboz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 7:49 AM
Subject: world update

 Publically, Australia has committed troops, but, I don't know if they have
 been sent over yet.  Canada, due to cutbacks on military spending and a
 drain on the finances from the Afhgan campaign has sent 3 ships to the
 (but publically saying that no troops involved unless UN sanctioned war),
 and will sent 1000 Special Ops. to Afganistan in leu of sending them to
 Gulf to relive some other troops sitll in Asia.

Re: [globalnews] Iraq: a 12-year old's powerful statement

2003-02-26 Thread James Hedley
Title: FW: [globalnews] Iraq: a 12-year old's powerful statement

Dear Keith,
Very seldom am I tempted to answer 
something that comes from Curtis and Global News. However such utter rubbish as 
thisneeds some correction.
Theclaim that the war is about 
weapons of mass destruction claim is a furphy. It is about oil, pure and 
Which nation has the most weapons of mass 
Which country supplies these weapons? 

Which country took 8000 pages out of the 
declaration supplied to the UN by Iraq because they listed the US companies that 
supplied them to Iraq.
As to this childunwittingly helping 
Saddam Hussein, has it ever occurred to you that you may be unwittingly deceived 
byrown mass media. This war is not some video game that you turn the TV on 
to which channel will show you the most sanitised version of an unjust 
What makes some people in America think 
that they have the right to be the policeman of the world? 
There may be millions of people in the US 
who share your views, however a head count would probably show that there are 
more people worldwide who can see through the motives of your beloved Dubya and 
are going out on the streets to show their contempt for him.
If you feel so dearly for what you see as 
a just American cause why dont you go into Iraq and be the first person to enter 
Baghdad at the head of a victorious US Army after it has massacred hundreds of 
thousands of innocent civilians.
At any rate with any sort of luck you may 
be able to kill more Iraqi's than your own soldiers. I feel that if you led the 
victorious troops into Baghdad you would have more chance of being shot by your 
own men than by the enemy.
Enjoy your war and may you inheret the 
legacy of the results which you are demanding from your leaders. 
Somehow you are reading the world 
sentiment wrong. The protest marches are not just anti war they come from a 
heart felt compassion for the people of Iraq.
As for the idea of showing someone a 
different way. How's this for a different way. Pistols at dawn for the two leaders of the dispute with the winner takes all. 
EitherAmerica getsIraq or Saddam gets 
America.Or how is this for a different scenario, 
Hussein and Bushleads their army into battle with each man at the head of 
their armies. Let us see just how good a General each one is. 

Could you just imagine the ratings 
fora real life pistol duel on prime time after the evening news. Maybe you 
could be Dubya's second.It could be held on neutral ground say in 
Afghanistan or maybe Venezuela. It would beat High Noon or Gone With The Wind 
for drama.What do you think.
James Hedley

Message:Keith N 

  Wednesday, February 26, 2003 8:55 AM
  Subject: Re: 
  [globalnews] Iraq: a 12-year old's powerful statement
  There is not one person alive in the 
  west who wants war. But I think stories like you have posted and all 
  anti war rallies are doing more harm to the cause than the good that is 
  intended. The focus is wrong. I mean antiwar. In my 
  humble opinion, people power ought to be used to convince the world that 
  Saddam needs to go along with all his regime. For some insane reason, 
  the powers that be believe it is better to kill millions of kids like the 
  writer spoke of in your post rather than be accused of being politically 
  incorrect by accidentally killing one or two or a dozen or two of Saddams 
  "innocent" relatives, as apparently happened in Cuba or somewhere many years 
  If you oppose something someone more 
  powerful wants so he canachieve his goal, he'll take no notice and 
  operate against you. Show him there is another way, certainly not, in 
  this case by suggesting SH can be trusted not to use weapons of mass 
  detruction as France China and Russia seem to be doing backed by 
  Germany. That is absolutely rediculous. People power needs to be 
  used toback the permanent elimination of SH and his henchmen. And 
  for the US to suggest they can't is rediculous. They just don't want to 
  because of the political fall out they perceive hppening. Let's show 
  them that it is more politically unbeneficial to make war than to risk a 
  bad political reputation by dealing with SH.
  The other sad thing is that our little 
  girlas true and horrific as her story is, is, unwittingly 
  hopefully, just a tool inthe hand of SHso he can continue to 
  live to wreak far more damage on her own people than the Allies will ever do 
  in any war. Let's hear her talk about that, and the very fact that she 
  will have no chance in her own country of getting people to oust SH. As 
  evil as war is, there are greater evils as the free west can attest to. 
  Where would we be with our freedoms if the wars of last century had not 
  happened, if Hiroshima and Nagasaki hadn't happened? And where would the 
  oppressed peoples of Europe and Japan be if it hadn't happened just as it 

Re:Re [Humore]Theory of Everything these daze

2003-02-22 Thread James Hedley
Title: Re:Re [Humore]Theory of Everything these daze

Dear Markess,
I love your humour, will send it to our local 
Member of Parliament.

  - Original Message - 
  Moen Creek 
  Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2003 2:50 
  Subject: Re:Re [Humore]Theory of 
  Everything these daze
  A major research institution has recently announced 
  the discovery oftheheaviest chemical element yet known to science. The 
  new element hasbeententatively named 
  Governmentium.Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 
  deputy neutrons,and224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic 
  mass of 312.These 312 particles are held together by forces called 
  morons, whicharesurrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles 
  called peons.Sincegovernmentium has no electrons, it is inert. 
  However, it can bedetected asit impedes every reaction with which it 
  comes into contact. A minuteamountof governmentium causes one reaction 
  to take over 4 days to completewhen itwould normally take less than a 
  second.Governmentium has a normal half-life of 3 years; it does not 
  decay, butinstead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the 
  assistantneutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, 
  governmentium'smasswill actually increase over time, since each 
  reorganization will causesomemorons to become neutrons, forming 
  isodopes.This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists 
  tospeculatethat governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a 
  certain quantityinconcentration. This hypothetical quantity is 
  referred to as CriticalMorass.

Re: A French Terroirist vs Globalization

2003-02-22 Thread James Hedley
What a great story. It appeals to my sense of justice.
Dont know whether the Local courts would approve. Such a crime is worthy of
at least 2 lifetimes in gaol whereas if I were to kill someone I would be
very unlucky if the sentence was 10 years.
- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: A French Terroirist vs Globalization

José Bové

A French farmer who dismantled a McDonald's

Florence Williams / Outside in Utne Reader 12jan01

The accused threads his way up the steps of the stone Palais de
Justice in the ancient French city of Montpellier. He has receding
sandy hair and a comically long walrus mustache, wears a little
yellow neck scarf, and clutches a pipe. Muscular young activists in
yellow T-shirts escort him past dozens of aggressive TV cameramen,
all jockeying for a better angle. Halfway up the stairs, the
defendant turns, smiles into the cameras, and gazes over the several
hundred protesters gathered on the street below. He gives a thumbs-up
and pumps his fist. The crowd goes wild. Their hero is, with the
possible exception of President Jacques Chirac, France's most famous
political personality. His name is José Bové. He makes cheese.

It is the morning of February 15, 2001, and Bové, 47, and his nine
(virtually unnoticed) co-defendants are appealing their sentences for
criminal vandalism convictions, charges resulting from a 1999 protest
in which a McDonald's under construction just outside the farming
village of Millau was disassembled, bolt by bolt, and carted away.
Bové, sentenced to three months in prison, is unapologetic. He took
apart the McDonald's to protest American imperialism, its trade
policies, and the general, noxious spread of malbouffe. Malbouffe,
Bové has said, implies eating any old thing, prepared in any old way
. . . both the standardization of food like McDonald's--the same
taste from one end of the world to the other--and the choice of food
associated with the use of hormones and GMOs [genetically modified
organisms], as well as the residues of pesticides and other things
that can endanger health.

Needless to say, the McDonald's Corporation was not amused-and is
still not amused. We are so the wrong target, says company
spokesman Brad Trask from global headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois.
Our French outlets are virtually entirely locally sourced and Bové
knows that quite well. You'll find no better supporter of local
agriculture than us. Besides, Trask sniffs, Bové is a gentleman
farmer who got his farm by squatting and falling into it.

The McDonald's dismantling was a perfect media event. There was Bové
on televison, lugging around a broken McDonald's sign bigger than he
was. There was the parade of farm vehicles loaded with debris, which
was gently deposited on the lawn of local government offices. There
were women cheerfully passing out locally made Roquefort snacks to

You see, Bruno Rebelle, director of Greenpeace France, says, in
the United States, food is fuel. Here, it's a love story.

Since the storming of the McDonald's, Bovémania has spread around
the world. During the 1999 anti-World Trade Organization (WTO)
protests in Seattle, Bové delivered fiery speeches and gave away 500
kilos of contraband Roquefort cheese smuggled in from France. (The
U.S. government imposed a steep tariff on Roquefort and 76 other
French farm products in retaliation for France's restrictions on beef
from the United States with hormone additives). Last year, he
traveled to India, Turkey, and Wisconsin (cheese capital of the USA),
to rouse farmers against globalization. Last January, he led hundreds
of Brazilian campesinos on a midnight raid to uproot genetically
engineered soybean plants on farmland owned by the Monsanto

Bové's free-market enemies have dismissed him as a mercenary, a
poseur, and a nationalistic xenophobe. But wielding a campy blend of
folksiness and intellectualism, along with an unerring instinct for
political theater, he has elevated the debate over food purity and
the importance of traditional agriculture in France to the highest
levels of the national agenda.

Bové, who has been making powerful enemies throughout his adult life,
is indeed more complicated than the gruff peasant he projects. The
son of two crop scientists, Bové lived in Berkeley from the age of 3
until he was 7 while his parents studied microbiology at the
University of California. In 1971 he dropped out of Bordeaux
University after a month. I thought I had other things to do, Bové
says-things like campaigning for disarmament and hanging around
Bordeaux reading Thoreau and Gandhi. It was antimilitary activism
that drew José to the Larzac region of southern France. In the fields
outside the town of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon, native ewes graze native
grasses, and the cheese made from their milk is infused with the
venerable fungus Penicillium roqueforti and aged for months in


2003-02-20 Thread James Hedley
Dear Allan,
The quote that a prophet has no honour in their own country is still
It seems that there is some scepticism with the concept that it may be
possible to manipulate atmospheric congestion to influence precipitation.
Hugh gave us all some very pertinent insights into the problems which can
occur in areas where congestion in the atmosphere can cause rainfall
There was not a cook book type of presentation given by any of the speakers
with Hugh, Brian and Peter sharing their own particular skills with the
When Barbara and I arrived home, it was to the usual promising clouds but no
action. Dowsed up what needed to be broadcast (rose pink No. 54 and sea
water) to ionise the atmosphere.Within 2 hours a mist developed, followed by
gentle rain, which has turned into heavy rain, 2overnight and still going
strong. Water tanks are filling and the dams are starting to replenish. Rain
is coming in from the east which is unusual for our area, what is amazing is
that it is also coming in from the NW.- The two cells seem to have combined
and formed into one super cell. The rain which has come from the NW has
swept right across Australia from one side to the other giving a respite
from drought conditions.
It may seem difficult to claim that the ideas promoted in Hugh's Workshops
have anything to do with the rain, however the effect of 300 people going
home from the workshops and cleaning up the atmospheric congestion on their
own properties, must have a major effect in starting the ethers flowing
again. Wherever Hugh and entourage have gone it has rained, the Toowoomba
workshop developed into a 20  in 6 hour deluge up the coast. It flooded
most of the coast of Queensland, then the entourage shifted to Coffs
Harbour, where someone must have told Hugh to turn the energy down as it has
only been heavy rain since then. Next they shifted on to Albury, the home of
Hume Weir which when full contains 5 times the volume of water of Sydney
Harbour. Hume Weir is down to 5 %, an indication of the conditions right
across the eastern half of Australia. True to form it has started to rain
there, so I reckon that 3 out of 3 is pretty good. If  the American farmers
dont support Hugh I think that it may be easy to get him to return to
Australia and stay here.
I will keep you informed
James Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:49 PM

 Can anyone fill us in on this past weekend's events?



Re: OnT Does the benefit outweigh the detriment?

2003-02-14 Thread James Hedley
Dear gil,
Yes I am interested in participating in a project to design / build an
- Original Message -
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: OnT Does the benefit outweigh the detriment?

 If folk would like to discuss the technical side of designing and
 building the electronics to make an Interrupter of like device. I am
 prepared to help. I think it should be off list as it would be outside
 most people's area of interest. To be able to do this, one will need to
 be able to build up circuit board and understand a little about the
 555 timer chip. (I say a little as that is about my limit.)

 I have ideas of how this can be included into broadcast devices.



 It has come down to my attention, a view, regarding the continuous
 broadcast of the preparations using radionic devices. It seems there is a
 concern that broadcasting these patterns during detrimental time
 (nodes and other Stella blackout periods) might bewelldetrimental. My
 initial reaction was that these time periods are small portion of the
 whole of time and that the beneficial broadcast time should out weigh
 the bad.  After thinking about it a while I landed on that maybe
 discontinuous broadcast might have advantages. After all a blinking light
 has more impact than an even brighter continuous light. Maybe cyclic
 broadcasts might be more effective, keeping the chaos/order
 energy-building process in mind. (Would the energy patterns start
 reverting towards chaos after the broadcast was stopped?)(The broadcast
 does create more order?) So here I ponder.
 Would it benefit one to keep the Stella in hand when using a broadcast
 device? Which events would one want to let occur without a broadcast?
 Would a scheduled broadcast be more effective than one not? How does
 figure this out?
 I know a number of list members do broadcast. It might be beneficial to
 discuss techniques and process.
 Trying to sort it out,

Re: Peppering advice

2003-02-14 Thread James Hedley

Dear Di,
Try making a pepper of the whole plant, it may 
prove to be most effective. Also make one from the seeds and record 
how much land are you going to treat and how are 
you going to potentise it to spray it out. there have been many posts 
contributed which will be in the archives.

  - Original Message - 
  To: BDNow 
  Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 2:49 
  Subject: Peppering advice
  Kia ora 
  As the full moon is 
  in Leo on Monday my understanding is that it is the best day for collecting 
  weed seeds for peppering.
  Has anyone got any 
  experience of collecting/burning/spraying back on the land that they are able 
  to share. 

Re: OnT Does the benefit outweigh the detriment?

2003-02-13 Thread James Hedley
Dear Ed,
Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz
I will try to start the ball rolling in this discussion. I use various
Radionic devices to broadcast preps and other homeopathic substances. Mostly
with satisfying results. Never have I been an advocate of continuous
Short broadcasts used intermittently, in series,with a gap between the
series have given the best results. Initial broadcast may be for a period of
3 or 4 days, then a break of at least a day, another couple of days of
broadcast and then another break. However radionic analysis will indicate
time and frequency of treatment.
If I could find an interrupter as developed by Malcolm Rae, with it's
pulsing action, that would probably be the most efficient. I agree with you
that pulsed cyclic broadcast could prove to be the most effective form.
It is most important to constantly monitor what is happening in the subject
area being broadcast to.
I don't know about Stella Natura but from experience trials have shown that
the effect of Mercury in retrograde is detrimental to the efficacy of any
homeopathic substance. Try making homeopathic remedies with Mercury in
retrograde and measure the energetic patterns of your remedies. Then spray
them out and visually compare the effects. Fundamental ray strength is
decreased during this period.
Use your pendulum to measure the strength of the fundamental ray of a tree
and you will see that it varies from day to day. Sometimes the pendulum will
swing maybe 12 inches or more out from the tree, another time it may only be
a few inches. Something varies from day to day, exactly what is impossible
to say. It is only by conducting long term research work with very accurate
record, such as that conducted by the Kolisko's that we will really
understand the effects of Electronic Homeopathy on plants, animals and

You ponder that Maybe cyclic broadcasts might be more effective, keeping
the chaos/order
energy-building process in mind. (Would the energy patterns start reverting
towards 'chaos' after the broadcast was stopped?).  I have seen areas where
the use of field broadcasters has proved detrimental, whether by the design,
or placement of them, on the other hand there are many recorded instances
where radionic broadcast have proved to be effective. Radionics is only one
of many tools that can assist in farming. Understand the uses and
limitations of each one.
Whether a radionic broadcast during any period is detrimental, or not, I am
unable to categorically  affirm or reject, however my personal feelings are
that to continually try to hold order instead of chaos/order will have long
term detrimental effects. Life patterns are in a continual state of flux,
with substance breaking down to form the building blocks for the renewal of
life. How do we know when to enhance order and when to enhance chaos by not
doing anything? The answer is continual radionic analysis to monitor the
results of our actions.
The beauty of radionic analysis is that you are able to pretest the likely
effect of any proposed action. A classic case  was at the last 'wizards
conference' at Bellingen where we are able to indicate which of the BD preps
would enhance the vitality of a particular soil, and which would decrease
the vitality. BD preps are not benign substances, they are very powerful.
Used in isolation they can just as easily as destroy productive soil as they
can enhance life force in the soil or plants.

I suppose that the point is are we prepared to work with nature, or are we
going to try to enforce our will over the life forces, and all the
elementals. To try to exert control over nature to conform with our wishes
by the use of continuous radionic broadcast is really no different to
genetic engineering. Both are attempting to modify life energies, without
any concern for the elemental life forces. The task is to be able to use
both with wisdom, while doing the least amount of damage, while
experimenting as to how far we can modify life energies, without destroying
Use radionic broadcast to enhance nature, gently and in moderation. Develop
an awareness of what is going on around you, note the effects of your
actions on all things, then one day you may be able to state that this/ or
that are true. Through an understanding of the underlying principles of
radionics and continual analysis of our actions will we be able to gain the
wisdom to use radionics effectively without having the need to control the
processes of nature.
Go well
James Hedley

 Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 4:04 AM
Subject: OnT Does the benefit outweigh the detriment?


 It has come down to my attention, a view, regarding the continuous
 broadcast of the preparations using radionic devices. It seems there is a
 concern that broadcasting these patterns during 'detrimental' time periods
 (nodes and other Stella blackout periods) might be.well.detrimental

Re: Lab Analysis of BC?

2003-02-12 Thread James Hedley
Dear Allan,
I dont want to be a spoil sport but surely you cannot say that a microbial
analysis of a barrel compost could be considered to be typical of all Barrel
All that it says is that is what the bioassay said of that particular test.
Go well
- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 12:13 AM
Subject: Lab Analysis of BC?

 Does anyone have a microbial analysis of barrel compost that they can
 share with the group? Steve, you had one done, did you not? Can you
 share your insights?

 Anyone else?

 It's not lost on me that I still owe the group one study. The time
 may be ripe for that again.


Re: OT sort of

2003-02-12 Thread James Hedley
Dear Bonnie,
Looked up your web page this evening. Everything worked and I will visit
periodically. Keep up the good work.
- Original Message -
From: Bonnie York [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 3:42 PM
Subject: OT sort of

 Hello friends and neighbors,

 Okay, I've had my nose to it the last few days publishing  a website.
 It's now up and running!!!
 There are a few nips and tucks still in progress, but it is online.


 The website is a sort of anti-war protest, but of course in my own
 special way.


Re: CT=BDcompost,preps+Alaska humus, forest humus kelp

2003-02-07 Thread James Hedley
Dear Allan,
I agree with you on the use of compost teas that are just left to brew in
barrels. I have never used aeration.
It is imposible to tell what bacteria is in the mixes as it would depend on
what was in the mix. Seems to me that manure and compost teas have been used
for hundreds of years without compost tea brewers. I see that the more
complex that ypu make the techniques the less people will use it. Vote 1 for
the use of  anaerobic compost teas.
Sincere regards

Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 10:40 PM
Subject: Re: CT=BDcompost,preps+Alaska humus, forest humus  kelp

 I will say this, though. Unlike Elaine Ingham who at least has the
 to defend her views in public forums such as SANET and the Compost Tea
 I have never seen Brinton or Bess do so, nor present a coherent argument
 data in support of their critique where anyone could see it and evaluate
 I notice Allan also does not have the guts to flat out say in a forum
 Elaine monitors, that he now believes Brinton and not her ('egg on my
 and like that). That's his choice and theirs, but it doesn't really help
 understand the details of all this much.

 Brinton has data. He has published two studies in BIODYNAMICS in the
 90's If anyone has the one on Barrel Compost as an effective control
 for foliar diseases, I'd appreciate it if they'd post it here.

 When we get this audio streaming worked out, I have Bess'
 presentation and Brinton's presentations to make available. They come
 after the awesome Fred K. Community post - IF we get some
 cooperation on making these files work.

 Come on Frank, you're sharp enough to know what I'm doing here. It's
 my job to bring ideas to the group, to keep people thinking. To keep
 the sausage rolling in the frying pan. As you concluded in your post
 otherwise: Don't believe me, but consider this when you're thinking
 for yourself. If your pendulum is stuck, I'll be there for you. I'm
 not a primary source, but I'm happy to give you the finger...I mean
 POINTER to another, potentially valid, point of view. Let's hope that
 people get out of the easy chair and put this stuff into practice.

 If I can get you off from your well articulated duff and make a post
 like you have, and hopefully the follow-ups to it, I've accomplished
 what my goal was.

 Making a virtue of Elaine's willingness to quibble in public forums
 is rather questionable. Valid or not, I can assure you that it is
 costing her a lot of respect in some circles. After a while, no
 matter how brilliant a person is, or has been, reflective individuals
 start hoping that person will start getting more sleep - - and
 wondering how or why they don't!

 As for myself, this is not a 'head' issue at this point. This is a
 get out there and do it issue. (I will report that the best 'magic'
 effect I've seen from compost tea to date was with a batch of three
 week old almost totally ignored Will Brinton unstirred compost tea.
 Man, that stuff REALLY promoted quality plant growth.)

 As far as your worms, well, we can talk about that later.

 Our aim is Religion, our method is Science Break out of the castes!!

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-03 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
It seems to me that Messrs York amd Brinton must be farming in some very
good country to claim that any system must be able to produce reliable
results year in , and year out. they obviously dont farm in an area which
has any climatic limitations like we are at the moment.Last Sunday when we
came home from the peace march temperature at 6pm was 44 degrees Celcius
(110oF). It had been somewhere about that for the  previous week, with gale
force winds. Then the gale force winds became freezing cold, down to 5
degree Celcius (40o F). Quite a change.
How can anyone claim that a productionv system has to be able to produce
reliable crops when Australian farmers continually face this challenge of
extremely variable rainfall and temperatures.
Even if you are an irrigation farmer there is hardly any water allocated
because it is not in the dams. As you know our area is generally
acknowledged as a pretty safe rainfall area, average 800 mm anually. In the
last 15 months rainfall has not reached 150 mm. I know that your farm has
not fared much better.
Under these conditions any improvement from the use of radionics is easily
observed. The fruit trees are in the best condition that I have ever seen
them. Particularly with no water since last winter. The grass in between the
trees is non existent, just dust. The earth is cracking but the trees are in
fantastic health. As good an advertisement for a combination of BD and
Radionics as you would ever wish to see. Most of the stock on the mountain
have been depastured to other areas or are on the road, scrabbling whatever
survival feed they can find. On Sattwa Park even although to look at it you
would wonder what the stock are eating they are still in very good
condition. The major problem that we have at the moment is drinking water
for stock and household water.
I am sure that when it eventually rains we will see the recovery results
from the use of Radionics and BD.
Go well
James Hedley.

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

  I'll just put this out here for comment: Alan York and Will Brinton
  both state that they have never seen or heard of claims of crops
  reliably produced (this means year after year, something that
  excludes many variables: repeatability) through the use of radionics,
  except by people who are involved in selling radionics on some level.
  First person ndorsements to the contrary are encouraged

 Hi Allan

  Hmmm  crops reliably produced -year after year   I certainly would'nt
 make that claim for radionics(on its own), nor would I support it for
 biodynamics(on its own), it certainly does not happen in conventional
 agriculture, no one way is reliable when taken in isolation, and isolation
 is the special talent of scientists - when we eliminate the variables to
 allow a 'valid trial' we also eliminate many of the mechanisms that allow
 nature to function properly.
  When I go look at the people that are making alternative
 agriculture work well in most cases they are using a broad range of
 and if not they are happily sequestered on a patch of specially good and
 fertile soil that forgives the mistakes. Away from those places you mostly
 find that a balanced combination of good basic soil remineralisation,
 stimulation of microbial activity, and energetics is whats needed for best
 results, BD or radionics (energetics) without the minerals is a struggle,
 likewise a mineralised soil low in energy, microbial stimulation (compost
 tea etc) without attending to basic minerals will crash and burn one day
 too.  Of course we can always take the other road and adjust yield
 expectations downward to come in line with the low fertility - many wine
 grape growers do this with seeming good results - planting on a dry barren
 hillside and thinning the crop, ' stressing the vines' so that the low
 supply of soil minerals is sufficient to give high quality fruit and make
 top grade wine - the logic of this escapes me but it seems to work - I
 differently - why not grow on a more hospitable patch - aim for better
 and supply the minerals that are lacking ??
 My thoughts anyway
 Lloyd Charles

Re: Radionics and scientists

2003-02-03 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
Just a quick note on the results of the BD trial at Dalgetty. A short while
ago Roger commented how the BD trial area had improved since 20mm of rain.
He informed me today that due to the fires that are still sweeping down
around Jindabyne they are opening up the TSR to 300 head of cattle for a
month. Not bad for 100 acres or so that had previously been condemmed as
some of the poorest soil on the Monaro. That is before we even start to use
Radionics. It has only had BD preps and compost teas on it to date.
Will keep you informed what is happening on the TSR. Roger is going to do a
photo shoot within the next couple of days to add to the pictorial record of
the trials. There is going to be an International Rangeland Conference at
Cooma at the end of this year where there is a possibility of doing a
presentation on the BD trial at this conference.
However this is just a distant dream of two crazy characters who love to
play around seeing what happens if we do this, or if we do that. We dont
have any BD theory to defend, and it may be that by the time we are finished
that some of the given facts of BD theory may have to be looked at again.
Particularly on the use of BD 501.
Go well.
James Hedley.

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: Radionics and scientists

 Allan wrote
  I noticed over and over again that as I asked Mr. York or
  Mr. Brinton about the effectiveness of one dynamic approach to
  another - - from Heinz Groetzke's 100% chicken manure tea to radionic
  application, each of them in their own way and own words asked 'Why
  would a person need that? There must be something fairly basic that
  is not right or you wouldn't be looking for something so extreme.'
 I agree wholeheartedly with getting the basics right first - but cant
 that radionics (or homeopathic use of BDpreps ) is extreme - opposite I
 would have thought - very subtle ! . I reckon using big licks of compost
 extreme, accepting as normal, a quarter or less of commercial yields is
 extreme, growing plants under more or less continuous moisture stress to
 induce mineralised fruit is extreme, bombing a vineyard on a regular basis
 with elemental sulphur seems extreme, using radionics to remove the need
 some of these tactics would seem to be pretty worthwhile to me.
 While I dont agree with the use of radionics to flog a particular brand of
 product I do agree with Gil that we should take notice of the results
 by professional practicioners after all does Alan York consult for free?
 Does Brinton do lab testing for free so as to remain unbiased ? I still
 think too that once someone (anyone) decides that radionics (or anything
 else) has no place in the system they become quite blind to anything but
 most blatantly obvious result. When I posted on brix and frost a few weeks
 back Elaine Ingham just could not accept the possibility that I may have
 been right in saying that high brix in the crop sap rendered that crop
 prone to frosting - no it was the microbes pure and simple, the critters
 it by generating warmth!!, OK I maybe do have the microbes going better
 the guy down the road, but I sure as hell know I had brix going way way
 better, It wouldnt have cost much to consider the possibility. I think
 two guys above are a tad biased in their outlook and approach to radionics
 and (probably) homeopathic preps. These days when I hear prove it . I
 say  nah! you go look for your self. If the person has an open mind and
 there's something there they'll see it - if they're open to the
 and cant see they'll ask to be shown, if they're not open no amount of
 'proving' will make the difference!!
 Cheers all
 Lloyd Charles

Re: The Dalgety Project

2003-02-03 Thread James Hedley
Dear Roger,
The land must certainly have improved since  the last time Barbara and I
last saw it. If it can keep 300 head of cattle on survival rations for even
a month the work has been worthwhile.
Go well.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 11:44 AM
Subject: The Dalgety Project

 James, the fire is pouring down the properties and backblocks south -
 south-east of Jindabyne, particularly around Paupong, and of course
 there has already been a lot of pasture burned out plus most properties
 are down to a couple of inches of water in their tanks. So the rural
 lands protection board is opening the Dalgety Travelling Stock Reserve
 where our project is. There's 300 + cattle going in there Wednesday for
 at least a month.

 Hope they like the water!

 Might even eat the lovegrass!!

 I'm scheduled to go there tomorrow anyway so I'll do a full photo scan
 while I'm there..


Re: Smoke Alarm alarming

2003-02-03 Thread James Hedley
Dear Roger,
I thought that it would be common knowledge in America of the use of
depleted uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan. However American soldiers must be
immune to radioactivity as they are going to send 250,000 troops into the
areas where the depleted uranium has been used before.
The veterans from the first Gulf War can testify as to the effectiveness of
the use of depleted uranium.
Should be interesting to keep the medical records of those soldiers. Pity
even the poor technicians who will not know about the radioactivity of the
areas around the wells that they will need to bring back on stream. but as
Colin Powell has said he is not interested in those kinds of figures.
The victory in Iraq will be a pyrrhic one when you look at the long term
costs to the US. Our esteemed leaders who are holding a war conference next
weekend will incur a karmic debt that will take them many lifetimes to pay
James Hedley

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: Smoke Alarm alarming

 Allan Balliett wrote:

  The other difficult thing to figure out is the US gov's push to
  dispose of radioactive waste by putting it into products. This alarm
  must be an example of this (the good outdoes the bad: radioactive
  waste is being 'disposed' of). I've heard that the biggest reason for
  the irradiation push was to use up radioactive waste. Now we are
  hearing that many of the shells dropped in yugoslovia and Afghanistan
  were radioacitve, made of old plutonoium ie Throwing our radioactive
  waste all over someone else's country///
  Is this a green-lit fantasy, or is this what's happening?
 'Depleted Uranium' they call it and, Yes, Allan, it's happening. A lot
 of DU stuff was used in the  Kosovo conflict, quite possibly it is being
 used in bombs and missiles falling on Iraq now in the 'no fly' zone so
 assiduously defended by the US and the Brits..  Also I am given to
 understand there are 'No Go' radiation areas in some US and allied
 cemeteries around the graves of soldiers who have died since being
 involved in Desert Storm.

 Of course this is stuff we will rarely if ever read about or see in the
 mainstream media which is why it is so important to keep up with world
 news using other channels such as independent stations and papers and
 magazines of which GlobalNews is an excellent example. Unfortunately,
 until the bombs begin bouncing through their roofs or the SWAT teams
 through their front doors, the majority of people are not interested
 enough to turn away from their '494 stations from around the Worrrld
 on Your PayTeeVee Sets' to find out what's really happening 'out there'.

 February 15th is an ultra-important date in the ongoing tragedy of
 Planet Earth. It is probably one of the very few chances We the People
 will have to stop the war happening. If not the only chance. There will
 be a rally near you.  Please go to it.


Re: to Jane Sherry

2003-01-29 Thread James Hedley
Dear Jane,
I personally support you even if some thin skinned males think that you need
to comply with their wishes and insecurities. Articles which you and Curtis
forward help to round out the perspective that we in Australia are given by
our government which has traditionally supported the US for the last 40
To follow the disinformation which has been perpetuated in the name of
journalism/propaganda from governments all over the world leads to the
insular perspectives that allow governments to subvert democracy as is being
done now. In Australia we have sent troops overseas to support George Bush
in his quest for world domination. The parliament has not been recalled to
debate the issue as our Prime Minister, John Howard, declares that this is a
government to Government matter and that it has nothing to do with the
Australian people.
The quote from Will Winter , When I lived in Alaska, almost everyone got a
hair trigger attitude
starting around January.  After a while you learned, and nobody said
nuthin'to nobody lessin' they were looking for trouble. We were all armed
too (which does make for a more polite society)! maybe indicates a great
deal of insecurity in a lot of males in the US if they need to keep guns to
make for a more polite society. Is that the reason for going to Iraq, to get
this trigger happy society something to do.
Jane, just keep on reminding that there is a spiritual component to life and
that man does not live by bread alone. You can tell when you are being most
effective when you start to worry other members of the list that they need
to shut you up. Just keep up the good work. Dont let them shut you up.
Go well,
James Hedley.

What does- Original Message -
From: Jane Sherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: to Jane Sherry

 Dear Happy Biodynamic specialists,

  I really do wish you luck in trying to promote/use/educate bd methods
 divorced from spirituality and the great big world out there! Frankly, I
 tired of being the object of people's bull shit, anger, misplaced emotions
 or just frustration because I have this idea that bd is part of a larger
 whole. I am tired of trying to explain myself and why I feel it necessary
 sometimes forward posts from GlobalNews and other sources which touch on
 spirituality, drought, politics and war from around the world.

 Here in the northern hemisphere, it is winter, and usually there is a lot
 conversation on this list. I don't know what's up other than the pervasive
 fear and paranoia that my government so successfully is spreading around.
 really felt that woman journalist's piece to be totally germaine to our
 conversations on bdnow, because she put a human face on people, yes PEOPLE
 who our government is intent on demonizing. War is complex, it is never
 black and white. People who are our so called enemies, are still human,
 spirits, souls, families and complicated life situations.

 Wouldn't it be nice if the US would lift the embargo so that Iraqi
 and their parents could receive much needed medicines and food, especially
 now that we have spent umpty years polluting their country with plutonium
 and god only knows what else? Perhaps that would inspire their leaders to
 give up their weapons.

 Wouldn't it be nice if the embargo against me were lifted so I didn't have
 to process all your ire? Believe it or not, Will and the many others who
 doubt complain to Allan and me on this list, I actually choose very
 carefully the posts I send in to bdnow. I usually (or try to) even include
 the OT (off  topic) in the subject header even though, in my world, these
 posts are NOT OFF TOPIC.

 If you're here to only learn bd, so be it. I'm really over this stuff. For
 those of you who know how to use a delete key, or have a faster connection
 feel free to contact me privately, and I'll send you subscription info to
 on the free GlobalNews mailing list which can also be accessed on the web,
 if you don't want all the messages coming into your mailbox.

 So, stay in your special bd list, your special bd world, and keep
 how to get those ideas out in the world.

 Sorry, Allan, but I do have other things going on in my life, and for now,
 am over and out. Call me a lurker.

 Jane Sherry

  From: Will Winter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 18:00:34 -0600
  Subject: to Jane Sherry
  this stuff, which
  mostly comes by way of my ex-journalist-husband-who-reads-everything's-
  mailing list. If you can't tell, he reads really fast!!!

Re: Jane, Please don't ASSume you know what I read

2003-01-29 Thread James Hedley
Dear Roger,
I agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly.
James Hedley
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: Jane, Please don't ASSume you know what I read

 Will Winter wrote:

 Do you think you are the only source of world news? That if you don't
 it to us we will remain ignorant?
 I subscribe to the NYT 7 days a week as well as the Minneapolis Trib
 I get the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal at my club. I subscribe
 several political magazines, I monitor many political, sustainable ag and
 nutrition sites. And on and on...
 I am not bragging here, I am just saying your posts on BDNow are FOR ME
 unsolicited CLUTTER and REDUNDANCY . Sorry.
 Well, Mr Winter, by your own words you are ignorant and you are bragging!

  The media you refer to is all main stream, owned by the multi-national
 press moguls who so effectively rule what most view and read. They are
 the reason the majority of your country-people do not have a clue what
 is happening in IRAQ and the other countries your government has
 subverted since WWII. They are part of the problem, not the solution,
 the problem which is going to land us all in WWIII if saner minds do not

 'Global News' is a balanced independent produced by people who care
 about people, to whom the words 'clutter' and 'redundancy' probably have
 very different meanings to your own. Personally, I find your use of
 words in BLOCK CAPITALS strewn carelessly through your own posts highly
 offensive in their import that I need such emphases to understand what
 you are saying.

 Jane, I would not say I enjoyed your post about Yvonne Ridley because it
 is not an enjoyable subject, but it is a necessary one. In my opinion it
 should be compulsory reading for all mainstream journos if not the
 bushes of this world. As for winter, don't get your knickers in a twist,
 it isn't worth it!


Re: Lungworm update

2003-01-28 Thread James Hedley

Dear Di,
I have been watching your suspected case of 
lungworm with great interest.
I am usually reluctant to diagnose over the net, 
howeverI feel that Silica 60c would be of great assistance if the problem 
really is lungworm.Treating the symptoms is fine but at some point in the 
case you have to be able to get the worms to evacuate the connective tissues in 
the lungs.My guess is that the parasites have encysted in the lungs. 
Wherever foreign bodies have been encysted in the tissues you will find that 
Silica is the remedy.
Give it a try and see how it goes.
Sincere regards
James Hedley.

  - Original Message - 
  To: BDNow 
  Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:27 
  Subject: Lungworm update
  Kia ora 
  Firstly thanks to 
  those that have responded. I did a diagnosis from Ian Buckingham 
  symptoms and then got the remedy in and today was the last day for it being 
  cuprum aceticum. When I got to the runoff she was lying down 
  and her breathing was very laboured. Not keen to get up soI 
  administered the remedy 3 times with ten min intervals
  As of yesterday she 
  looked to have improved but today ... Can they have more than one type 
  of worm at once?I have got another dung sample which I will get 
  anaylsed. I took one earlier in the week and when I checked with the vet 
  they said it would take until Monday to get the results. I didn't do 
  that as thought she would be better by then.
  In hope

Radionic weed control.

2003-01-23 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
I agree on the point of ill timed use of 501. There is sometimes a tendency
to become too enthused with an idea. Heaven knows I can do it all the time.
When the work at Dalgetty is being discussed it is in broad general terms of
what is happening there. Roger informs me today of many trials that he is
proposing to implement, to confirm or reject the basic hypothesis that has
been proposed on the use of BD50.
What I think has been shown is that BD preps are not quite as benign as
they may appear. There may be many applications for their use that haven't
been dreamt of yet. Since Cheryl Kemp introduced me to Biodynamics  a few
years ago I have only began to understand  the action of a few of the preps,
and how to use them on our farm.
What I find fascinating is how you can predict by use of radionic analysis
what the likely result of using any substance will be.
Remember on the Saturday evening at the Wizards conference at Bellingen when
a group of us were playing around with your new Don Mattioda instrument.It
was amazing to stack up the inputs and see the variations in readings from
various combinations substances. It is certainly better to be able to try
out a strategy and see if it is likely to work than to go gung ho and wind
up with egg on your face.
Wishing you the best of luck with your tests with weed control. There is
light at the end of the tunnel. It is not a train coming but a horde of
people moving out of the darkness to see how Agricultural radionics may be
able to help with seemingly intractable farming problems. That is what  you
can hear.
Sincere regards,

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: changing focus 501

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control

2003-01-23 Thread James Hedley
Dear Merla,
I will leave this one to Roger but would humbly suggest that it is not a
process to be usedf for as you say   I would like to try pepper+501 here on
our road trials. For one it was done with an African Love grass Pepper ,
with the action supported by the 501. Except Roger did not know what the
effect would be.
The last thing that I would like to see is BD501 used as a new super duper
Roundup. That has never been the intention, The long term results of using
BD501 indiscriminately would have far more drastic long term implications
than many of the existing herbicides.
Sincere regards
- Original Message -
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: BD501 as a Weed Control

 James and Roger,

 Please post this in detail.  I would like to try pepper+501 here on our
 trials.  Thank you.


 Roger Pye wrote:

  James Hedley wrote:
  Roger may claim ownership of the Love grass technique but he cannot
  ownership of my title of the little wizard. Good evening to all.
  Nor would I - there is only room for one 'little wizard of Oz' in this
  neck of the woods. As regards the rest of your message, and Lloyd's, I
  shall try to find the time to respond tomorrow. However, I would like it
  noted that until I talked to Barbara this morning, James, I had no
  knowledge of your previous work with 501 and thistles. I have tried to
  phone you several times tonight but it seems the lines are out between
  here and there.

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

2003-01-23 Thread James Hedley
Good work lloyd

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

 James Hedley wrote
  The genesis of the concept that high potency peppers were able to
  viability of weed seeds should be able to be found in the archives when
  reported on the results of the years research work. This work is in the
  third year of testing and shows promise as a tool in weed control. There
  many other posts in the archives regarding the development of the use of
  high potency remedies in Agriculture.
 Gooday James
 Just to add to your info above - we harvested some wheat - got a little
 back than we planted - and took an economic decision to abandon some -
 easier to give it to the sheep on site than smash our equipment up getting
 it only to turn it back as sheep feed a month later - the point being most
 annual plants that germinate will find a way of producing at least the
 amount of seed required to ensure a start to next years growth even in
 adverse conditions, natures survival plan is pretty good. We are two years
 into our program of peppering weeds, using homeopathic potencies that we
 make in our sprayer tank when putting out the liquid calcium / molasses
 spray (also aimed at weed control). Annual ryegrass germinated this year
 because of the extreme moisture shortage it affected the crop to some
 extent, however the wheat and barley did manage to make some seed - more
 than required to replace itself - the ryegrass never got past the mid
 tillering stage, we had several hundred acres where it got to about three
 inches of spindly growth (lots of plants) and then died without even
 out a seed head, while the wheat went on to make viable grain. There are
 several nutritional tactics involved in this also but none of it is
 expensive or difficult to do. Potentising the tank is so simple its a
 I have used one small vial of ash for all of it, the instrument cost about
 the same as spraying 25 hectares of herbicide. Perhaps there is light at
 end of the tunnel? (or is that a train I hear coming?)
 Lloyd Charles

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

2003-01-23 Thread James Hedley
Dear Glen,
Sorry I dont have a web page developed as yet. Hopefully some time this
I dont see any problem with self proclaimed success. I expect that what I do
will be successful. If it is not, then I will do whatever it takes to find
out why it was not successful.
Fortunately for us there is plenty of scope in Agricultural homeopathy and
radionics to give the most fertile of minds free rein as to what they can
Isn't it great that we live in such interesting times that there are so many
problems that we can put our minds to.
Keep up the good work at some point the world will recognise the value of
the pearls of wisdom that come from the mind of Glen Atkinson,
Sincere regards
James Hedley

Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

 . Glen, will you please give  Roger and I the URL of
  the research work on your Web Page, or if it is not on it could we
  have a copy of it, or is it commercially confidential.

 Sorry nothing written to provide re 501 as weed control.
 We did some work with Kikuyu grass on road verges in the early 90s. . Twas
 reported in the local paper at the time but was not successful due to the
 contractors lack of application repeats.
 I have played with other ideas and would be using something other than 501
 these days, As described it speeds the plant up thru it growth cycle.
 are other preps we have which stop the growth cycle dead in its tracks
 would be more effective , once we get around to it.
 re ownership
 I agree that as soon as anything is in the public domain it is
 everyones -ala patent and trademark laws,
 At best one might get some credit for idea development if you make a loud
 enough noise, but ownership can only come through labelling/branding and
 keeping the details of your formula private ala microsoft.
 This has long been the loophole the BDANZ has used to keep me from
 publishing in their journal. Unless I reveal my formulas they will not
 publish anything about the effectiveness of my products. Some ethos about
 being a do it yourself practise. Farmers for farmers , watch out
 They have not funded my work one bit ( actually actively discouraged
 for it) so have no right to the formulas which funds it. Instead they
 to  tell their growers to use Phyrethreum for white fly than my BD remedy,
 which they know works because they did a surprise inspection on one of my
 client in 1992, when they did not believe his declarations. Strange but
 SO sadly we are back to privacy and secrecy if you wish to maintain
 ownership. A luxury landowners may be able to do without but alas us
 landless researchers have no other choice.
 re 'the silence'
 WHile there is always some scepticism about self proclaimed success, there
 is also not much to say often. All we can do is wait and see the outcome
 time goes on.
 James do you have a website with research docs and pics avaialable?
 re research
 In the near future we will be posting the results of a trial done recently
 by Gill Cole of the efficacy of some of our remedies. Graphs and pictures
 included. (Just tidying up the titles on the graph.) There is no doubt
 potentised BD Preps work from this document.

Re: Kolisko; Agriculture of Tomorrow

2003-01-22 Thread James Hedley
Dear Allan,
Count me in for a hard copy of Agriculture of Tomorrow.
James Hedley
- Original Message - 
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: Kolisko; Agriculture of Tomorrow

 Friends -
 I'll try one more time: Anyone interested in procuring a hardcopy 
 reading copy of Kolisko's Agriculture of Tomorrow, please contact me 
 off-line at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'll stop taking inquiries At the end of Friday of this week.


2003-01-22 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
I have no quibbles with putting password protection on the archives. What I
have a problem with is the concept that it will bring out these so called
lurkers. Anyone who wishes to be part of the list is part of the list.
Closing the archives is not going to make a fearful person less fearful.
the only ways to overcome fear is:
use Aspen or Mimulus flower remedies, Rock Rose to overcome the terror and
then get on the keyboard and write. To live in fear of what may happen is to
waste a lifetime.

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 1:07 PM
Subject: Re:

 - Original Message -
 From: Liz Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 11:13 AM

  Hi Liz, James, Jane et al.
   I think we've gotten many
 miles away from what this discussion should be about. I thought Allan's
 original intent was to do something with the archives that would encourage
 deeper and more meaningful debate on the list, to make some of the posters
 of more serious and controversial material a little more comfortable
 what they really meant!
 Putting password protection on the archives will have
 absolutely zero effect on any of our access to it, nor should it deter ANY
 person that has any kind of genuine interest in obtaining information from
 the BD now list . Its a simple matter to get connected to BDNOW  then go
 troll the archive. The only people who would be affected are the busybody
 cruisers that are there either by accident or to cause mischief.
 Using a password wont send the list underground! and
 the purpose of the original idea to improve and enliven the participation
 and debate. Certainly not a case of silencing anybody!
  Lastly how many of those 2000 plus hits are accidental
 coming from google searches for purposes other than interest in the list??

 Cheers all
 Lloyd Charles

Re: LURKING was Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

2003-01-22 Thread James Hedley
Dear Christianne,
Speak up loud and clear whenever you want to.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: LURKING was Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

 Seems to me that the issue could only be resolved by a vote and I do not
 know how that could be implemented.

 I think that the preference for either protecting the archives or leaving
 them in the public domain comes down to one's personal value system.
 are many idealists among bd-people, for whom the awareness of the wider
 social implications of following a bd-worldview and its political aspects
 and potential consequences in terms of political change is as natural as
 the practical art and craft of growing bio-dynamically.   And these
 idealistically minded people value  abstract notions of freedom of speech
 and standing up for one's beliefs very highly; it is part of their
 self-esteem to give that value priority.   Other bd-minded people are more
 interested in the arts and crafts of bio-dynamics, and while they also
 value the abstract idealistic aspects, they don't give them as high a
 priority in the value system.   The stance we take, what is important to
 has a lot to do with our personalities.  There is no right or wrong.
 Because of our different ways of thinking we contribute differently and
 that's good.
 So, I think, to repeat, because we are so different  and this is a
 fundamental attitude/value issue, it can only be solved by a democratic
 vote for yes or no to protect the archives.

 I agree with the reasoning of the idealistic camp for lots of reasons,
 of them have been already put forward.  I understand  also the concerns
 that lead to the desire to protect the archives and agree with some of
 them.Whatever the arguments, however, in the end it comes down for me
 to a value judgment of what is most important to me.  And that is: don't
 conform and be silenced out of fear of being labeled as a certain person
 for losing my job.

 I have contributed very, very little to the list, because I am still
 learning.  So, far I have said nothing in regards to any political issues,
 although I appreciate them a lot.  The reason for this that I am conscious
 as a newcomer and learner about not to usurp a bd subject  list for
 political issues.  But I am happy to write comments on these matters in
 future, when they arise, if it is acceptable to this list, to support the
 politically minded people, because I am profoundly unhappy with the
 social and political systems and I think that the philosophies behind
 organic and bd agriculture are a fantastic guide for changing the world to
 a more humane system or way of being, if you like.


Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

2003-01-20 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
This mail was not personally aimed at you. It derived from a sense of
frustration that sometimes the most trite of subjects can keep the list
going for weeks, yet when you mail on your techniques, which I think are
part of the cutting edge of farming you are scratching to get an answer.
somewhere along the line the farming of the future will take the best of all
the technologies and synthesise them into a sustainable system.
It is interesting that MacDonald's has quite a large war chest to find a
sustainable system that is able to gain public confidence in their products,
yet still allow for the supply of consistent quality and quantity.
How do we as sustainable farmers develop systems that are able to supply
enough quantity for even McDonalds, without supplying enough quality food
for the general consumer.
I suppose it depends where you sit when you view what is going on in
farming. My aim is to develop systems that are able to produce quality food
with the minimum of input. I personally have gone down the path of putting a
lot of faith in development of technology based on agricultural radionics,
as you have.
A quick back of the hand check on the statistics of compostable materials
world wide will show that if we were to rely on conventional organic
methods, the world would starve, if it was the only method used.
Biodynamics is one of many tools for soil fertility, not the only answer.
Steiner supported the work of Eugen and Lili Kolisko on the use of
homeopathy in Agriculture, yet when it comes to a discussion ofthe merits or
otherwise of this research wer got bogged down in the protocol of how we
were to discuss this. End result was that we did not get anywhere.
It is not necessary for Agriculture of Tomorrow to be republished when there
are many people on this list who have taken the work out of the realm of
research and into a practical system that could revolutionise the way that
we look at inputs into farming.
Where was the replies to the posts about our work with 501 to reinforce the
action of peppers? Where are the replies to Greg Willis's comments on the
use of homeopathic doses in the Agri-Synthesis system.
What about discussion of the implications of the claims by Steve Storch of
the different bacteria which develop in compost teas in different moon
signs. what are the implications, and what dos it indicate.
Let us look at the bigger picture of what we can do together with the
knowledge that we have as a group. As long as we consider ourselves weird
that is how people will see us. Maybe we can gain some lessons from George
Bush, he does not apologise for what he does, he just does it.
We don't need to apologise for what we do neither.
- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

  because I do not contribute in
  the same amount as say Steve Storch or Lloyd Charles or whoever makes me
  lurker and not as worthwhile a contributor as someone else?. Is Hugh
  regared as a lurker because he conducts a watching brief on what is
  through the list. Would you classify Greg Willis as a lurker?
 Hey James - dont know what others think but for me postings from yourself
 Hugh, Greg Willis, Glen Atkinson, are some of the cream we get on the
list -
 certainly dont think you guys are lurkers and I agree wholeheartedly eith
 your next sentence
  To categorise a list member on the basis of how much they contribute and
  what they say demeans the value of any contribution to the list.
  It seems that Lloyd keeps on with the
  same message on his weed control methods without very much comment or
  discussion of the pro's and con's of his methods.
 Do you mean here that I am on the wrong track with this or that it should
 drawing more discussion from the list?
 Lloyd Charles

Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

2003-01-17 Thread James Hedley
Dear Roger,
It is funny how small things and chance encounters can change our lives
forever. Your trip to the organic conference seems to be one of those which
are there for everyone.
For me it has been trying to understand the logic and reasoning behind the
current debate on the list about lurkers and active members
 I suppose that under the current terms of reference of dividing the
membership into lurkers and non lurkers, or people who we need to be fearful
of and those we dont need to be fearful of, because I do not contribute in
the same amount as say Steve Storch or Lloyd Charles or whoever makes me a
lurker and not as worthwhile a contributor as someone else. Is Hugh Lovel
regared as a lurker because he conducts a watching brief on what is going on
through the list. Would you classify Greg Willis as a lurker? Would you
categorise Steve Diver as a lurker even although the information which he
gives is spasmodic? How many times a year must a person contribute to the
list to remain on it and not be considered as a lurker.
Closer to home, the Education and Workshops officer of BACA Cheryl Kemp
replies to mailings when she is  able to supply valuable input that is able
to help at the time. Sometimes she can go for months without commenting on
any mailings. Does that make her contributions any less valuable?
To categorise a list member on the basis of how much they contribute and
what they say demeans the value of any contribution to the list. Many times
mailings that go through the list are only of particular benefit to those
who need to supply or obtain information. in many instances they are only of
use to contributors in the US.
The choice of whether to respond, or not respond should not be conditioned
by whether you have been sitting on the periphery of the list as a lurker
(so called), or you are a regular contributor
Your statement to forget the science where Biodynamic Agriculture is
concerned I hope is a little tongue in cheek, otherwise why would we be
trying to develop new insights into the use of BD preps. As far as I know
there has not been a great body of research work done on the use of 501 to
support the action of weed peppers. It seems that Lloyd keeps on with the
same message on his weed control methods without very much comment or
discussion of the pro's and con's of his methods.
How much commentary has there been from American farmers in the use of 501
to release locked up Phosphorus in the soil.
Just a brief note to ensure that my name does not go on the official BDnow
lurkers list.
James Hedley
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

 Allan Balliett wrote:

  As you know, we are postulating a spiritual science here that
  operates beyond the perceptions of orthodox science. It is very very
  difficult to create a proof of our system within a lesser system.
  Having experienced the power of biodynamics in food and in soil, I
  have no need to 'prove it' to anyone. Having seen 'organic trials'
  conducted at the local ag research center, I have not hope for a
  proof of biodynamics under those circumstances.
 An unknown length of time ago a man on the road to Damascus was struck
 blind by an angel of the Lord. When he recovered his 'sight' he found
 himself going somewhere else with a new name and purpose in life.
 Allegorical probably but that is how the Bible tells the story of Saul
 of Tarsus which is explainable on a spiritual level but scientifically?
  No way.

 On a day in the year 2001 AD, a non-farmer, a person whose sum-total
 knowledge of agriculture acquired over 50+ years could be written in
 large print on a single sheet of paper, walked on to a grazing property
 not far from Canberra Australia and said This will make your grass grow
 beyond belief,  and dropped a small packet of granulated brown
 substance into the farmer's hand.

 And at the visitor's explanation to his questions, the farmer's eyes
 grew wide with disbelief. But fortunately he had a sense of humour and,
 more importantly, a mind open enough to 'give it a go'. Now he has the
 best grass in the district and he delights in telling everyone how it
 got that way.

 BD is not orthodox science or spiritual science or any sort of science,
 it is traditional (or cultural or old if you like) knowledge coupled
 with the insights of Rudolf Steiner (and, since, others) and it is
 attitudinal. If any person were to accept for just one moment that
 humankind is a part or a component of the environment and not its lord
 and master, that everything we think or do has an effect on the
 environment, and that every other part of the environment has an effect
 on us, his or her life would change for ever. I do mean 'for ever', not
 just this life.

 NZ after attending the Organics 2001I cannot claim that the angel of the
 Lord appeared to me and said Roger, henceforth your

Re: Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-10 Thread James Hedley
Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz,

A most interesting discussion but somehow I must be missing something.
Where is the appeal to free the last person who wrote something and
expressed their ideas about Biodynamics or Rudolf Steiner. What gaol are
they imprisoned in
Let's be honest about this the paranoia about censorship is self imposed.
I personally do not see anything in any Email that I have ever seen on BDnow
that could give any cause for anyone to be fearful of retribution. When fear
permeates through a society as an organised act of aggression by either
citizens, or the government of the day, it is only a matter of time before
there is a change. The change is only going to come from maintaining the
right of free speech and stoutly defending that right by speaking out
regardless. Even although there may be fear about what may be, the reality
is that the US Government would not set up a gulag type of establishment
unless there was a mass abdication of support for civil liberties throughout
the whole citizenry.
It may be difficult to find positives in the affairs of the US at the moment
but it must be remembered that the pendulum swings, from one extreme to the
other. In Australia we  are going to have to face our moments of truth when
our Prime Minister decides to support the American government in a war in
Iraq which is against the general will of the people. then we will see what
the government does to suppress free speech in Australia.
Jane Sherry summed it up very well The last time I looked, speech was still
free in this country. If people of strong beliefs who work to change the
world to a better and more equitable place, invoking spirit in all things on
a daily basis are too scared to associate their ideas with their name, then
I am greatly saddened. I am also saddened to think that the people of the
nation that claims to be the leader of the free world have been cast into
bondage without so much as a whimper.
Anthroposophy and BD has survived through two World wars, umpteen regional
wars, 44 regime changes by the US, and terrorist attacks. The teachings are
still there as counsel for all. The legacy of the teachings of Rudolf
Steiner does not deserve to have it's light dimmed by putting discussion
underground to be discussed by a select few who regard themselves as the
chosen recipients of this wisdom.
Closing of the list to password members, and deleting the archival records
seems to me to be a further extension of the censorship of government
information. It would be a retrograde step.
James. R. Hedley

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: Personal Security vs National Security

 Interesting thread, and the evolution of BDNow! continues.

 The archives are a tremendously valuable asset, and it would be a shame if
 they were not made available to those who truly have an interest in BD.
 The fact that anyone, with the stroke of a key can access them, can lead,
 as Allan has found out, to problems. I know from personal experience that
 this accessibility has limited my exchange with the group. The notion that
 free speech is really 'free' is unrealistic.

 I frequent the archives often. It seems that back in the innocence of the
 90's people were more comfortable with the free exchange of ideas. The
 information there is considerable and priceless (especially for those new
 to BD). Seems lately there's been more 'global news' and less 'biodynamic

 Fact is, I believe that making the archives inaccessible to search engines
 is a great idea. The idea that a majority of the people in this world are
 ready for the 'whole package of  Steiner and His agriculture is (again)
 unrealistic. So how do we go about it? How do we promote in depth open
 discussion, while making sure that only those that want it (and need it)
 have access to it.

 Four years ago I didn't even now that biodynamics existed. Thanks largely
 due to this forum, I exist in a different world (cosmos) now. But try to
 explain this to the average joe, one must be careful..there's a lot of
 ignorance and unreasonable fear in the world (especially here in the Bible

 The internet is what it is. If someone really wants to see it, and they
 have the technological know how, they can access both public and private
 email. You can only prevent this by using snail mail. CD's with the
 archives for members of the group is a good idea. Ungoogling the archives
 is another thing that would create a more comfortable atmosphere for
 discussion. Actually the specter of some of the folks on the list throwing
 caution to the wind is almost 'scary'.

 Do it Allan. You know it's the right thing to do.

 Most of the people reading this are lurkers. That's OK, lurking is not a
 crime. People come to different lists for different reasons. How many
 lurkers out there were stirring and spraying before they came to this

Re: Perfect Orchard-Calcium

2002-12-24 Thread James Hedley
Dear Roger,
   You state, 500, 501 and the other preparations are miracles-in-being
 greatness, despite the passage of time, has in no way been fully
 realised. Similarly we have hardly explored the energies available to us
 naturally (and I don't mean fossil fuels). The opportunity to do so -
 indeed, I feel I should say 'necessity'  - is upon us. From now until
 the bombs start falling, and never mind that the time of year or month
 is 'incorrect', make preparations for the future. After the last
 desperate empirical doomed-to-failure grasp of the 'western' nations at
 world supremacy is over, we will all be too busy chopping wood and
 carrying water!

I think that you have hit the nail right on the head. As long as there is
cheap fossil fuel, and most of the American people are prepared to sell
their birthright and also the birthright of every person on the planet, for
access to sharing the dream, of GW, Cheney and Rumsfeld and company, of
total world domination there is not much chance for anyone who does not
share that dream with them. There is not a single facet of life over the
whole planet that the US does not try to influence or control in one way or
another. For a country that started off with such high ideals and freedoms
to set out to take the freedom of billions of people from them is for me
Is it only oil that the US is after or  is it power over all decisions made
by anyone in all facets of life? It will be really amazing to see what
happens world wide when the bombs start dropping. To me the only honourable
outcome for this war is George. W. Bush and Saddam Hussein to have a pistol
duel in prime news time, with the winner to have a regime change in the
others country. It would make a great New Years Day spectacular on CNN.
Have a great Christmas and dont let the great American spin doctors stuff up
your Christmas.
James Hedley

Radionics. Was Re; Perfect Orchard

2002-12-19 Thread James Hedley
Deart Per,
When you ask will Radionics help the perfect orchard, the answer is no! If
you already have a perfect orchard you wont need radionics. To try to obtain
a perfect something is an exercise in futility.
As to your point will it help the soil, or the general well feeling or
.Yes it will do all of these in the hands of a competent practitioner,
but don't expect it to do miracles overnight. The better the physical and
biological structure of your soil, the better results that radionics will
As far as being able to give a broad explanation of Radionics I think it
would depend on which school of thought you follow.
Ruth Drown , one of the early pioneers of Radionics tried to write a brief
overview of the subject and wound up at about 400 pages.
I suggest that you search on Google or some other search engine for the key
words Radionic Instruments 176,000 references. The Russian Academy of
Sciences, somewhere about the same. Radionic Rates on any of the search
engines will give several thousand references. Even a search through the
archives of BDnow will give you a lot of information that does not need to
be repeated.
 By the time that you study some of these web pages you will have an idea of
how you might use radionics on your farm, or in treatment of your family.
The soil that you describe will break your heart and your bank, but good
luck for trying. Couldn't you find a better drained area on your farm.
However if you are going to persevere with this project I would suggest that
you use something like a D7 Caterpillar Bulldozer and rip the whole patch
down the direction of the rows, to a depth of about 8 ft and have high
calcium lime dropped down into the rip furrow. This method is common on many
of the local vineyards in areas that have a hard pan subsoil.
From there implementation of good organic farming practices, will get you
away to a good start.The point to remember is to always work to enhance the
life forces in the soil and atmosphere.
James Hedley

Re: hey look at this

2002-11-22 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
It will be great to see how your experiment works out. No rain to talk of in
the last front. Most of the mountain got under 2mm but we got 12 mm which
dried up within 1/2 an hour of the sun coming out. Did you get any?
- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: hey look at this

 Thought some of you may be pleased that this crotchety ole, broadcaster
 addicted, non conformist - - - - - - - - !

 Has finally attempted to do some proper BD
 We made a compost pile (WITH PREPS) and two BC pits last sunday - there
 a mob of cows camped in our lane for a week - the gal that owns them is a
 cranky old thing but she loves those cows and has nursed them around the
 roads and backlanes for nine months of the drought, nice quiet cows with
 calves at foot, grazing on native pasture (dry grass at this stage), we
 a trailer load of fresh dung the day they left - its an experiment - I
 guessed that the cattle had not been drenched or dipped for several months
 at least, probably not since they went on the road  (there would have been
 no need of it) - our roadsides dont get sprayed much (nil in the last 18
 months) - the compost pile is heating up nice already - so its looking ok
 for a start.
 The BC pits are the experiment - I've not made it before - did one pit
 physical preps from the BD association (which were old but looked ok) but
 also stirred into the manure a set of radionically potentised preps - and
 seeing we had manure left we put another pit down using radionic preps
 stirred in and also inserted like you do with the proper preps. I guess
 there are several possible results
 1 the preps were too old , radionics wont help , nothing will happen
 2 the preps were old but ok , radionics wont help, we get one BC pit and
 some compost.
 3 everything turns out real nice, there's very little difference between
 two BC pits, and we have the start of a new idea. My energy and intent (of
 course) is focussed on number three

 Win, loose or draw, I will post the results of this on the list when its
 completed, (probably been done a dozen times already!)
 Cheers all
 Lloyd Charles

Re: What is Magic?

2002-11-22 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
A visit to Australia by Hugh to show us how he fixes Nitrogen from the air
would be a worthwhile thing, without anything else that we may be able to
learn from being with him.

KNOW we can do a different agriculture with homeopathics and radionics,
  despite the fact that the market doesn't give us much advantage. Our
  advantage is that we know we can  get our nitrogen out of the air and
  make rain in timely fashion.
Of course the ability to make rain, whenever it is needed, would be
worthwhile attending just to see how Hugh can make rain whenever he needs
In the meantime we shall just have to battle along and take what the gods
give us.
Kind regards

Re: Droughts and rainmaking

2002-11-22 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
That certainly would be something to break the drought over eastern
Australia wouldn't it. Just a quick note on rainmaking.
When that front was moving through NSW during the last AGM and you asked
that everyone should hold their focus on making rain. Well everybody held
their focus on what was wanted.
It was a great result. It didn't stop raining in Ballina for weeks
If 100 people can break the drought around Ballina I'm sure that if we get
our order right it may just be possible to squeeze a litle bit of juice out
of the gods. It could be an Association venture organised by Cheryl. It
should not be too hard to muster up a couple of hundred members to hold a
particular thought for rain over Eastern Australia at the same time.. Maybe
we could create the rain that we all need.
It seems that there is some correlation between what happens in the northern
hemisphere and what happens down under. seems as if it is not that long ago
that our friends in the central portion of the USA were having their own
problems with drought and high temperatures.

Re: Droughts and rainmaking

2002-11-20 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
At no point in my Email did I infer that you should throw away your
Refractometer or pH meter. Even although I dowse, to me figures or readings
from an instrument are equally fascinating.
That is why at this time I am trying to make radionic instruments with very
sensitive microvolt meters built into them to satisfy myself that I am
getting the action from radionic instruments that I think that I am
getting.. Rationalised testing of  what I am doing has always been an aim of
mine. To me it is not a case of working with blind faith.
One of the great experiments carried out by George Delawarr was to
radionically broadcast to a particular plant and measure the results on an
EEG machine. It seems to me that there is a need for an accurate method of
testing any radionic instrument to ensure that it is working as claimed.
Particularly in the light of a particular article written by Peter
Rheumkoffon the use of magnets in radionic instruments. It seems that only
25%of the magnets that were tested by him when he was part of the School of
Physics at Sydney University. Quite a large numberof Rae Instruments were
claimed to be defective because of the flaws in the magnets..
When we can work out a measuring method for any radionic instrument we will
be able to fine tune the instruments.Just imagine being able to test the
effect of different windings in a field broadcaster, or to be able to
measure what the effect of the preps is from field broadcasters.
If we can measure the field we can refine our techniques. I have a replica
of a Ruth Drown  instrument which if you rub your hands together to create
static electricity and put them on the antennae plate you will get a reading
in excess of 500 microvolts on the broadcast plate.
What we are using with radionics is measurable. It does fit into the realm
of EMF regardless of Hugh,s comments that his field broadcaster is not
working in this realm.
I know that the idea of being able to measure the intensity of the field
from a field broadcaster is certain to raise the ire of some who would put
radionics into some mystical, magical field.
If what we are observing in a radionic instrument is a form of radio it must
be able to be measured. You can probably put dowsing into the realm of radio
as well. Have you ever tried dowsing with your radionic instrument instead
of a pendulum?
We dont need to wait to have an after dinner discussion about the use of
radionics to make rain. If it is possible for Hugh to break the drought over
eastern Australia I am sure that there would be many more people would pay
far larger amonts of money than proposed by Hugh for successful completion
of an atmospheric regeneration assignment.
Kind regards

Re: Pleomorphism/Orthopathy

2002-11-18 Thread James Hedley
Greetings Roger and fellow list members,
I like your quote that the  The Universe is infinite, therefore there are
infinite possibilities,
The possibilities are only in what we are capable of thinking, and then
believing what we think.
Do you think that it is possible that we are already living in this plane of
life bearing worlds which you have hypothesised.. Maybe it is possible that
we may be already highly evolved in the scheme of things. With our abilities
to think and rationalise it is just possible that any problem that we create
we are capable of solving.
Each generation is charged with the task of repairing the problems which
have been created by the previous generations.
 The real problems are not caused by malevolent people, but by common
ordinary people committed to an ideal, whose actions sometimes turn out to
be irrational  after the event.
Who knows what problems we will create with our philosophy of organic
farming, just as we have created the problems around chemical,
industrialised farming..
Only constant questioning and reviewing of the results will ensure that our
ideals of good healthy food  does not degenerate into just another health
problem caused by malnutrition in our foods.
 If there are not a full suite of nutrients in the soil the crops  will be
starved, and subsequently the life forms which eat them.. The question
becomes what is the best way to apply these nutrients, or to bring them
manifest into the physical realm?
Are we stuck with applying substances to the soil to get results, or is
there a role for magic in farming? What could be more magical than putting
manure into a cow horn, leaving it in the ground over the winter, then
sprinkling it out over the soil. The only problem with this is that there
are not enough cow horns in the world for this to be the system of the
future. There is a real problem when we have to kill our sources of
fertility just to get two horns to put manure into the ground.
We can see so many problems it is difficult to know just where to start..To
know just where the realms of spiritual fantasies,as mentioned by Hugh,
begin and what is achievable. The middle ground that hugh proposes as being
the message of  Christ and the Buddha can only be maintained by mapping our
course and being prepared to steer by our map. You cant have a middle ground
without knowing where that is. I dont know where the middleground will be in
farming of the future. Does anyone on the list have any ideas of what
farming in fifty years time may look like, and how we will get there?.
Greetings to Wizards from all over the world, from the land of the Wizards
of Oz.


2002-11-18 Thread James Hedley
Dear lloyd,
It seems that now famous quote of mine about 75% needs to be qualified a
bit. You talk about your decision to plant a grain crop in isolation,
whereas it is only one of the many decisions that you will make in your
life. Every day each one of us tries to fit their actions into what is their
concept of the future. There are so many things that can determine the
success of your grain crop, and mostof those are external of which you have
no control over.
You have attended one of my dowsing and radionics courses and have seen the
range of knowledge that you are able to divineby just knowing how to let go
of what seems to be the logical result. some of the questions you could ask
about your grain crops could be:
Should I stay in the grain business?
What are the chances of being able to reach my financial goals or budgets?
What else could I do if I did not grow grain?
What chance is there of the drought running past the estimated time of
breaking in April / May.? I estimate that the chance of another dry year in
2003 for Narrandera is 60%.For Sattwa Park the chance is 70%. By dry year I
refer to below average rainfall. It does not seem to augur well for the
Maybe Gil would like to make a prognosis of what the future holds.
Dowsing can help guide you as to what the best options are.
The list can go on for ages. If you can correctly foretell  the answers to
75% of the questions that derive from this short list you would be miles in
front of your neighbours.
The one thing that I cant dowse is a foolproof method to make it rain.
However I dowse that if I put Muriel Morrison'.s radionic kites  around the
boundary to keep the energies in the chances of getting a dry year on our
mountain is 30% and for Narrandera it is 20%.
I will send you the design for these kites which I obtained from Gil
Robertson when he stayed at our place during his last tour of Australia. the
big question to consider is how we stop energies from leaching off our
properties as wellyou know that energy always flows from the highest to the
lowest. It can flow off the farm to your neighbours place. What do you think
Keep your chin up.


Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-10 Thread James Hedley
Dear Allan,
Sounds as if there may be a case for the use of radionically potentised
preps in America if the USDA persists with the compost tea regulations.
What is the use of 3x Hypericum on your crops.
It is trying to rain here today so we will keep our fingers crossed.
Regards from the Land of the Wizards of Oz.

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

 Sorry if you read me wrong, Jane. My intention was not to chastise
 you but simply bring you up to date. No emotional energy here.

   I have total respect for Jean-Paul, which is why I was curious about
 why he would care about the physcial attributes of the preps.

 Your remark about 'political bruha' seems to trivialize the actual
 state of things. It is important to understand that if the USDA says
 that manure-based compost teas are 'dangerous,' it's not going to be
 acceptable to the customers of we non-certified organic practitioners
 to provide them food that 'shit has been sprayed on.' Anyone to steps
 in the realm of reason in regard to this will really be putting
 themself in jeopardy should any of their customers become ill for any
 reason whatsoever after eating a meal containing  tea blasted produce.

 Let me be clear about this, though: the USDA is just discussing the
 sanctions on tea right now. This is not, as far as I understand, part
 of the certification rule currently. (Lloyd? Frank?)

 Ironically, I have been thinking of adding oat straw tea to my daily
 routine. That and 1m hypericum 3x daily for a few weeks.

 Thanks for the post, Jane -Allan

Re: Hated Weed

2002-10-30 Thread James Hedley
Dear rogerand fellow List members.
Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz. It really is an interesting
phenomena that patch of love grass.
The use of dowsing is a marvellous tool to add to your observations. Even
Albert Einstein is reputed to have been a dowser who used his pendulum when
he reached the end of logic. There comes a time when all the scientific
training in the world can not explain an observed phenomena, at these times
you need to reach into the still, silent voice within.
How any one can farm without the use of dowsing, or the dowsing response is
beyond my understanding.
To be able to do comparative soil tests in the paddock, or to work out the
potential effect of a substance before you use it must put you a long way in
front  with your understanding of the ground that you are studying.
There must be many people on the list who have had experience with dowsing.
What results have you observed, or what failures.
Let's swap stories and see if we can make sense of this dowsing caper.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: Hated Weed

 Weeds? I've seen 'em all, mate, paddocks full of 'em - serrated
 tussock, gorse, fireweed, needle grass, blackberry. I've been farming
 here, man and boy, for fifty years! Aye, fifty years, nigh on. Weeds are
 a blight on pastures and a permanent drag on the old hip pocket. But
 this - well, I never saw anything like this before and that's a fact!

 The farmer (George) gestured at the narrow swathe of african lovegrass
 which curved softly from west to east across the undulating terrain.

 I remember when this paddock held - and fed - a hundred thousand sheep
 and cattle. In the old days, that was, the old droving days. We gathered
 them up here in the spring for the move to the High Country and brought
 them back in the autumn to be drafted into flocks and herds. Wouldn't
 feed a hundred now, never mind; maybe a dozen sheep, that's all. What do
 you make of it?

 His companion (Charles), a man of similar age, assumed correctly that
 the farmer meant the lovegrass. Forget it's a weed, look at the whole
 thing again, imagine it being dark instead of light, tell me whether it
 reminds you of anything.

 George pursed his lips. Well, I don't know . . . Hang on, a streambed,
 maybe, he said slowly. Yes, that's it, a creek - but I don't see how,
 or why! Do you?

 Charles nodded. The lovegrass is indicating a particular soil
 condition. Also a flow of contaminated water, I think, following an
 underground fault. I'm not a farmer, I'm a dowser. That is, I pick up on
 the energies that things put out - soil, plants, water, even people. He
 pulled a steel plumb bob on a cord from a pouch on his belt. Watch,
 I'll show you. This is a pendulum; it focuses the energies.

 Holding the pendulum over the centre of the strip of lovegrass, he said
 (for George's benefit) Show me the vitality of this section. The plumb
 bob began to spin slowly in a clockwise direction. I'm facing north, I
 want to know how far in that direction the vitality changes, The plumb
 bob stopped spinning. Is it more than one meter? The pendulum began to
 swing forward and back. Yes. More than two meters? Yes. More than three
 meters? The pendulum spun anti-clockwise until it reached a
 side-to-side swing. No. Charles walked north; just past the
 three-meter point, the bob commenced a clockwise swing much stronger and
 faster than before.

 George had watched and listened disbelievingly. You're doing it
 yourself! he charged.

 Charles grinned; he was used to sceptics. Have I ever seen you before?
 he asked.

 No, I came along a bit ago to ask about the lovegrass, I knew you were
 working here.

 Take this clipboard a moment, will you? Okay, just write on the top
 sheet what you had for breakfast this morning. Picking up a stick from
 the ground, Charles tied the pendulum to the middle of it. Hold your
 other hand out, he instructed the farmer and dangled the bob over it.

 This person is a farmer, he said, apropos of nothing. Did this person
 have breakfast this morning? The pendulum swung forward and back. Yes.
 Did he have oats? It swung side-to-side. No. Bran? No. Wheat? Yes. Did
 he have milk with the wheat? Yes. Did he have hot food other than toast?
 No. Did he have toast? Yes. Did he have a drink? Yes. Was it orange
 juice? No. Tomato juice? Yes. Did he have a hot drink as well? Yes.
 Coffee? No. Tea? Yes.

 The dowser said to the farmer Read out what you wrote down.

 Tomato juice, weetabix with milk and sugar, toast and tea. That's
 incredible! I thought dowsers could only detect water.

 There are different sorts. I detect energy, both water and food are
 energy. Coming back to the lovegrass, we've had the soil analysed within
 the plant growth and outside of it. In the strip it's high in aluminium,
 low in calcium. Elsewhere calcium is high though not ideal and aluminium

Re: wider use of bd remedies

2002-10-30 Thread James Hedley

Dear Gil,
No Monsanto are not hacking into my posts. 
Somewhere the bugbear virus has got into the computer of someone on the 
list.I have gone through my disc with Norton Anti Virus which is updated 
every evening as I do my Emails. I have downloaded the Security patch from 
Microsoft, the result was that there were not any infected files. I also 
downloaded the repair from Symantec with the same result, the problem is not 
coming from my computer.
My ISP hwy has also monitored my Emails with no 
sign of infection. We think that the source of the infection could be someone 
called [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Today I had 
55 Emails from all over the globe, including the Postmaster
If there are any members of the list receiving 
Emails purportedly from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
with bugbear virus it is not coming from my computer.
- Original Message - 

  Gil Robertson 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:40 
  Subject: Re: wider use of bd 
  Hi! James, I think Monsanto are hacking into you posts. 
  Could you repost, please? 
  James Hedley wrote: 
  Dear Lloyd, A very pertinent point that you bring up 
in your post about how we could get our message out about Biodynamics. 
Biodynamics is another tool amongst many which we have available to 
solve some of the major problems which we have created. Where the 
problem arises about getting the message across is that there are so 
many different competing solutions. The solutions to 

Re: wider use of bd remedies

2002-10-29 Thread James Hedley

Description: MIDI audio

Re: Fwd from Greg Willis: Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamic Certification Requirements for Vineyards

2002-10-10 Thread James Hedley

What is this. Someproblem from your end I 

  - Original Message - 
  D  S 
  To: undisclosed-recipients: 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 10:08 
  Subject: Fw: Fwd from Greg Willis: 
  Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamic Certification Requirements for 
- Original Message 
  -From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Monday, 13 November 2000 11:54 AMSubject: 
  Fwd from Greg Willis: Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified BiodynamicCertification 
  Requirements for Vineyards Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sun, 12 
  Nov 2000 15:08:09 -0800 From: Greg Willis 
  Organization: Agri-Synthesis, Inc. X-Accept-Language: 
  en To: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hugh Lovel 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamic 
  CertificationRequirements for  Vineyards  
  Dear Hugh and Allan,  These are the 
  Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamic Certification Requirements 
  for Grapes and Vineyards. We consider them the toughest in the 
  world. Agri-Synthesis(R) not only certifies the procedures and 
  practices, we inspect the crop at harvest. This second level of 
  inspection and assurance is not available through Demeter and we 
  believe is the higher standard of quality and excellence consumers 
  and our clients want.  We believe that 
  once people see, experience and understand that Agri-Synthesis(R) 
  Certified Biodynami 

Re: Soil Test

2002-10-03 Thread James Hedley

Dear Liz,
Seems like a pretty interesting soil. I have been watching the posts of all
the experts on the subject, however I feel that there are some points that
they may have missed because of lack of local knowledge.
The soil that you describe common around the area going back into Hampton,
and down around Cox's Creek , and on the Eastern side of the highway at
Little Hartley. It is also common around Kandos and Rylstone.
The soil is derived from a limestone/dolomite geological base which
underlies the the volcanic cap. The volcanics are probably very rich in
Magnesium. These types of small creek flat areas can turn up in the middle
of a dense forest, there is just a clearing in the forest where trees wont
The other point that was not mentioned is that the soil would obviously be
diamagnetic.  Basalt dust  will help to increase the paramagnetism of the
Any trees to do well require to be the opposite polarity of the soil . is
the soil positive, neutral or negative charge. You will need to select trees
that have the opposite charge.
Get your pendulum out, and check whether you get a positive or negative
reading on the soil and on the proposed plants. They must be opposite
How is your course going at OAC. I obtained my Bachelor of Man.{Hort] from
there. If there is anything that I can help you or your friend with just
contact me off line.
I would like to get a sample of the soil to test and see what I can come up
with. As you probably know I come from Running Stream which is not very far
from you.


Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

 - Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: Soil Test

 Hi Robin

 I'd thought of the wood chips/leaf  twig litter but thought I may be
 off on a personal tangent.
 Worms were evident when planting trees.  The penetrometer was buried to
 full depth.  The geology is the edge of a basalt plateau, which was
 in 1860.  In the last 18 yrs there has only been grazing of sheep, with
 rarely occurring in the last 10 yrs.  The front of the property (on main
 highway) was tested for heavy metals and they were found to be low, there
 were no heavy metal tests for the tree paddock. Native trees is the aim
 this paddock, Casurinas to be specific.  Severe frosts for at least 6
 of the year, rainfall average of 800ml. and wicked winds which power one
 Australia's largest wind generator projects.

 As for evidence of plants, most of the 700 trees planted have died.

 thanks for your time on this Robin, hope this info has been more helpful.


 on 30/9/02 7:11 AM, Robin Duchesneau at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear Liz,
  It is difficult to advise based solely from the soil test numbers below.
  better soil test is by looking at the performance of plants, and
  for macro-and micro-organisms (worms are the easiest bioindicator).  A
pH 7
  seems good for most crops (interesting for a forest soils), NPK  is
  1:10:100.  Low N, high P; good for flowers.  Do you have more
information on
  the history of the site? What's the geology of the site?  Any past
  contamination's?  What does your friend want to grow?
  Do you remember the BDNow posts on wood chips?   Perhaps your friend
  benefit from these discussions.  In a nut shell, she could chip some
  (only from small branches) from the deciduous trees and incorporate a
  layer in the top soil.  This method has been showed to produce excellent
  vegetable crops.  It provides a good substrate and source of C/N for
  - Original Message -
  From: Liz Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 28 septembre, 2002 15:02
  Subject: Soil Test
  Greetings All,
  A friend of mine (not on the net) is wanting to start BD on her 10
  native trees and raspberries. The soil in the tree paddock is like
  the Perry lab has seen. Although I've learnt about soils, I do not have
  BD knowledge yet to help her with this difficult soil.
  Soil ResultsBlack soil
  TEC 16.99   pH  7   N   90  sulphates   4   phosp   57  Ca  2426 31.79%
  Mg  2628  57.4% Pot 528 3.55%   sod 2.87  iron  1000, zinc 4.6 Boron.7
  If anyone can comment it would be appreciated, Steph is keen to start
  working on it ASAP.
  Thanks for your time

FN:James Hedley
ORG:Hedley and Hedley P/L;Bioethicals
TEL;WORK;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;HOME;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;CELL;VOICE:04 28 588425
TEL;WORK;FAX:02 6358 8425
ADR;WORK:;;RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd;Running Stream;NSW;2850;AUST
ADR;HOME:;;RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd;Running 

Re: Peppering

2002-10-03 Thread James Hedley

Dear Alan,
Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz.
Peppering is such a complex subject that it is difficult to cover in a few
lines or even a few pages. The only way to learn about peppering is to do
it. The worst that can happen is that it does not work for you.
There are maybe some common rules that we have learnt;
[1] There are no rules.
[2] Plants grown under good cultural conditions seem to resist insects.
[3]Whatever you do, you need to do it in a barren moon, preferrably in a
fire sign Sagitariius, Aries, or Leo. Burn it, start it decomposing,
sometimes even just squashing the insect at that time.
[4]  Spray out and potentise your pepper during a fire sign moon. Use
Llewellyns calendar not the BD calendar, they work on different zodiacs.
[5] It is the intensity of the bio electromagnetic field that you broadcast
that makes the difference. The strength of the magnetic field in the
instrument  makes the difference, not so much the pepper.
[6] Insects are easy to do, weeds are more complex.

I use the fire sign moons because I know that I can consistently get it to
work for me. However with all the experience that Barbara and I have
developed over the years, peppering is a line of last resort and is not to
be relied upon. Use peppering as a preventative method before there is a
problem, you know if you grow something in a particular area  what your
problems are going to be.
This is just to start the discussion rolling again.


- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: Peppering

 - Original Message -
 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:32 PM
 Subject: Peppering

  Glen, Lloyd, et al -
  Over the years I've run into more and more farmers who simply make
  peppers whenever they collect 'enough pests.' They do this without
  concern for celestial aspects. All that have reported to me have been
  successful beyond their expectations.
  Ignoring these good results, as is often the limitation of my own
  logic,  I have to ask if you folks only pepper according to Steiner's
  instructions for planetary position or if you've found that the
  peppers are effective made most any time.
 Hi Allan
  I am a novice and my experience limited
 Insect peppers made by decomposing the insect rather than burning (this is
 in Agriculture chapter six) have worked really well for me with no
 to timing. But small areas treated and the critters only had to move.
 Weed peppers - I have made the ash per Steiner or by dowsing for the
 appropriate timing - I then apply these when it fits with my field
 operations - I use liquid calcium molasses also to deter weeds and will
 potentise the spray tank with the ash of the major weed for that paddock,
 also do this when I foliar feed.
 All of my physical application stuff goes out potentised - D8 for
starters -
 or I'll dowse it and sometimes go way up the scale - I'm shooting in the
 dark here -Glen knows this stuff!! After two years I think I can see some
 effects on weeds in crops - do we want total elimination?? If yes then we
 better be on the ball to replace those plants with something more
 before nature does the job with a tougher weed!!
 Arthur Daikin used neat ash of mustard weed down the seeder tube with the
 wheat when he planted, the photos of the crop were convincing.
 I have used a field broadcaster on silverleaf nightshade and got a
 detrimental (to the weed) effect you could see with a 36 hour broadcast.
 There are many many variables - Maria Thun advised grinding the ash for a
 full hour in the mortar and pestle before potentising, I think the
 of the person doing the work definitely has an effect.
 I collect and store material for peppering at every opportunity - bugs and
 weed seed are very seasonal and when you want to use a pepper will usually
 not be the time to be looking for material to burn or the timing will be
 I have wandered away from your original question but hope this is of some
 use. I hope Glen and also Barbara or James Hedley will come in on this.
 Lloyd Charles

Re: Peppering

2002-09-29 Thread James Hedley

Dear Lloyd and David,
I acknowledge having read your mail to the list. I will reply within the
next couple of days.

Sincere regards and warmest greetings
- Original Message -
From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: Peppering

 All:  It is interesting that this subject has come up now. I'm currently
 experimenting with peppers and I wasn't going to write about it until I
 sure of the results, but circumstance seems to say I should.
 Over winter I built a pyramid that I saw at the Wizards of Oz workshop, I
 think it originally came from James Hedley but I'm not sure. It is a
 frame constructed from 8 brass welding rods with very strong magnets
 at the kings chamber height.
 I had a horde of monoleptre beetles attack a mulberry tree, this usually
 leads to odd trees being completely stripped of foliage, following Barbara
 Hedleys advise I doused what to do with the pyramid. As a result I put the
 pyramid in the orchard, put in a map with written intent and squashed some
 beetles in a plastic bag, within 2 days there was noticeably less beetles
 and a week later they were all gone except for the odd confused straggler,
 this is not proof that the pepper worked, these beetles have a reputation
 for disappearing, but usually they strip the tree first in my experience,
 the tree in question is in quite good condition now.
 Flush with success I then decided to try to fix our scourge of scale
 insects, aphids and leaf minors which always attack our roses and citrus
 when they sprout new growth and flowers in spring. Spring here is almost
 invariably dry and most plants become stressed until the rains build up to
 This time the dousing said I could do it without the squashed bugs, so I
 just used the map and intent message. That was 5 days ago.
 This mornings investigation showed 2 aphids, the scale insects are drying
 and can be easily brushed off, I think they are dying. As for the leaf
 miners, I can't see any new activity but then I never can until they have
 demolished the leaf.
 I am not claiming success yet but things do look promising. All this has
 been done without regard to times
 David C

 - Original Message -
 From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 28 September 2002 7:09 AM
 Subject: Re: Peppering

  - Original Message -
  From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:32 PM
  Subject: Peppering
   Glen, Lloyd, et al -
   Over the years I've run into more and more farmers who simply make
   peppers whenever they collect 'enough pests.' They do this without
   concern for celestial aspects. All that have reported to me have been
   successful beyond their expectations.
   Ignoring these good results, as is often the limitation of my own
   logic,  I have to ask if you folks only pepper according to Steiner's
   instructions for planetary position or if you've found that the
   peppers are effective made most any time.
  Hi Allan
   I am a novice and my experience limited
  Insect peppers made by decomposing the insect rather than burning (this
  in Agriculture chapter six) have worked really well for me with no
  to timing. But small areas treated and the critters only had to move.
  Weed peppers - I have made the ash per Steiner or by dowsing for the
  appropriate timing - I then apply these when it fits with my field
  operations - I use liquid calcium molasses also to deter weeds and will
  potentise the spray tank with the ash of the major weed for that
  also do this when I foliar feed.
  All of my physical application stuff goes out potentised - D8 for
 starters -
  or I'll dowse it and sometimes go way up the scale - I'm shooting in the
  dark here -Glen knows this stuff!! After two years I think I can see
  effects on weeds in crops - do we want total elimination?? If yes then
  better be on the ball to replace those plants with something more
  before nature does the job with a tougher weed!!
  Arthur Daikin used neat ash of mustard weed down the seeder tube with
  wheat when he planted, the photos of the crop were convincing.
  I have used a field broadcaster on silverleaf nightshade and got a
  detrimental (to the weed) effect you could see with a 36 hour broadcast.
  There are many many variables - Maria Thun advised grinding the ash for
  full hour in the mortar and pestle before potentising, I think the
  of the person doing the work definitely has an effect.
  I collect and store material for peppering at every opportunity - bugs
  weed seed are very seasonal and when you want to use a pepper will
  not be the time to be looking for material to burn or the timing will be
  I have wandered away from your original question but hope

Re: Altzheimers.

2002-09-08 Thread James Hedley

No Allan I dont. I always dowse for the potencies as they can change from
time to time, and from person to person.
- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: Altzheimers.

 I suggest that you look at Lachesis 60c as to whether you think that
 it describes the symptoms being experienced.

 James - do you have a materia medica that breaks things out  by
 potentcy as well as remedy? -Allan

Re: woodchips/regeneration

2002-09-06 Thread James Hedley

Dear liz,
You dont ned to worry about lupins when you study the research work of the
CSIRO on unlocking Phosphorus with Silica. I have made many comments on this
but it does not seem to be fashionable these days to use 501.
James Hedley.
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 6:14 AM
Subject: woodchips/regeneration

 Robin, Lloyd, Roger  Gil

 Have thoroughly enjoyed all of your comments and knowledge on this topic.
 Most of which have lead to further questions for myself.

 Gil I would be interested to know how you are going about your research in
 this area.

 My thinking is not using sawmill waste, but more focused on the leaf
 which seems to be an integral part of the Aussie bush. Leaf litter is in
 abundance in some areas which have not had fire go through for many years.

 Gil, does the fire kill off the fungi  bacteria or does encystment occur?
 The life that I see grow from leaf litter cultures never ceases to amaze
 then to find out that we are only aware of about 10% of the bacteria 
 residing in Australian soils, makes me realise it is an area that is just
 beginning to get recognition.

 Robin has triggered yet another question.  Seeing Eucalypts use a lot of
 phosphorous, is this not another solution to one of our major problems
 our cultivated soils?  Millions of tons of phosphorous locked up in our
 soil.  Can't help but wonder would Eucalypts help that, or does it have to
 be unlocked before they can utilise it?  Hence the research on white
 to unlock the phosphorous.

 Have had heavy rain for the last hour, which will produce fungi of another
 kind, Slippery Jacks and Saffron Milk Caps for tea tonight.  (Might as
 make the most of the pines while they're here)

 Hoping the rain is widespread.


Re: Field Broadcaster

2002-09-02 Thread James Hedley

Dear Louise,
We have a rabbit pepper that you will find very effective without having to
go down the path of a field broadcaster. Send an Email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and I will see how we can get it to you.
You must live somewhere near us at Running Stream, halfway between Lithgow
and Mudgee.
James Hedley
- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 2:03 AM
Subject: Re: Field Broadcaster

 - Original Message -
 From: Louise Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 6:04 PM
 Subject: Re: Field Broadcaster

 Re: Field BroadcasterI want to keep rabbits off my property, away from my
 plants  and out of my do I make contact

 Hi Louise
 I have made some field broadcasters for people - but have
 not tried them on rabbits yet. Where are you and what size area are you
 looking to protect?
 Lloyd Charles

Re: Wood chips / regeneration

2002-09-02 Thread James Hedley

Dear Roger ,
The question of regeneration of the environment will not be solved by trying
to lay a guilt trip on the present for alleged crimes committed some time in
the past.

The question of  reduced organic matter content and fertility of  soils is
not unique to Australia. It is a world wide phenomenon that under the
present systems of industrial farming  there is a gradual reduction in soil
vitality generally.
In Australia a lot of the soil organic matter is continually destroyed by
fire. The plants that have adapted to this fire regime in most areas do not
require very high organic matter content. Fire was a great tool used by the
aboriginal hunter/ gatherers, however it had long term effects on the lush
vegetation that once covered Australia.

To claim  there is problem with the soil in many areas being less than 1%
organic matter is not necessarily a valid comparison. I have not seen any
records of the early botanists and scientists in Australia going out and
measuring the organic matter of the soils and recording it.
My guess is that it has been a long slow drop in fertility that thas been
exacerbated by some of the agricultural techniques which proved to be not
suitable for this land. The use of 501 to will overcome the problem of
locked up Phosphorus. If you are worried about how to treat the problems of
herbicides in the soil you should check out the CSIRO who are generally
recognised worldwide as having developed many very effective strategies for
this problem.
look up Bio remediation on Google and you will gain great information on
potential strategies for herbicide problems.
Your point of importing plants that should not be here is fine in hindsight,
however it is the job of each succeeding generation to repair the damage
done by the preceding generation. This repair job can only be done by taking
the best of what has been ,and adding to it the best techniques that we have
today. You would have to admit this or you wouldn't be so involved in
We can never go back and set a period in time and say that at this point we
will draw an arbritary line and say that the ecology of this area will not
be allowed to change. It is impossible to take an area back to what it was
at any particular point in time. Environmental impacts whether from fire
flood or man create the environment allowing new varieties to develop. The
environment  is always a work in progress adapting itself to the changes in
The question of how we maintain and increase soil fertility is different  to
the debate of whether we should plant a certain species in a particular
environment. I personally gain great satisfaction in being able to grow a
beautiful plant, whether it be an Australian native or a Japanese Cherry. I
maintain 300 acres of old growth open sclerophyll forest with eucalypts up
to 150 ft high with rain forest interspersed down the gullies. This is a
very good training ground as to what happens in a self regulated forest, not
one that has been laid out in nice neat  rows. There is diversity in a
natural forest with nature deciding what to grow where. Even in a self
regulated forest it is easy to see the difference in the mix at different
times. Species come and go, and then just as mysteriously pop up again.

Each thing that we do has a plus, and a minus. To say that there has not
been benefit from cloven hoofed animals, or cats and dogs is a very narrow
point of view .
Give credit to our ancestors for the positive things that they have done,
and you will find on the scales of balance that the positives far outweigh
the negatives. You cant go back,only forward to wherever that may take us.
Most people have always done the best they can with the information that
they have available at the time. Barbara and I are looking forward to
catching up with you at your Landcare site at Dalgetty.

.- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Wood chips / regeneration

 Just a few more thoughts from a rebel of a different kind:

 Lloyd, will you look at what you're saying? Bearing in mind that Oz is
 the driest continent on Earth and that before white settlement 200 years
 ago the native flora and fauna which had adapted to climate conditions
 over millions of years coexisted quite happily with the indigenous

 The first thing 'we' did was introduce hoofed animals to a country that
 had none. Also rabbits, domesticated dogs and cats. Next it was European
 'heavy soil' methods of farming in a mostly 'fragile soil' country. When
 the soils failed to match up to or reduced below  product expectations,
 we introduced superphosphates followed 30 years later by a fearsome
 array of artificial fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides and straight-out

 'The local natives are not up to it anymore' BECAUSE we have 'seriously
 modified the ecosystem'. One of our most damaging 'modifications' has

Re: planting extra for the animals

2002-09-02 Thread James Hedley

Dear Roger,
I love the range of stories that you have to tell. I have had a similar
experience to Jake. While there is no food about in other areas we have an
agreement with the local roo's that they can have food out of the oat
paddock providing that when it rained they left. Sure enough when it rained
they have now kept out of that paddock.
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: planting extra for the animals

 mroboz wrote:

  Kent's comments make sense at least for some animals.  eg.  I had
  friends who always had a few vegies and a couple of fruit trees
  outside their most outer fence.  They let the bears have the fruit
  from those 2 fruit trees as they never ate the ones inside the
  property.  They didn't have any deer fences but must have left the
  veggies for the deer, who never bothered the veggies inside.  Michael
 This is a story about a sheep farmer who purchased a property in the
 Southern Tablelands of NSW. The previous owner was BD oriented, had been
 running sheep there for at least 15 years. Three months after the new
 owner moved in, he phoned the other man to complain about the kangaroos
 which were eating him out of house and home. Wall to wall, he said they
 were, why hadn't Jake (not his real name) mentioned them to him at the
 time of the sale.

 Well, Jake answered that he'd never had any trouble with 'roos; they
 kept to their paddock and left all his alone. There was a distinct pause
 at the other end of the line before the new owner asked, cautiously,
 what he was talking about. That had been their agreement many years
 before, replied Jake, and both they and he had stuck to it.

 Anyway, to cut a long story short, Jake visited his old farm and
 escorted its owner to a paddock adjacent to a belt of trees well away
 from the homestead, in a corner of which a small 'mob' of 'roos was
 grazing. They all looked up as he called May we come in? from the gate
 but didn't bound away. This is unusual behaviour for these animals which
 generally take off at the slightest sound. He opened the gate and both
 men walked through and to the middle of the paddock, watched by the
 'roos.  When he figured they were close enough, Jake said out loud This
 is M.  He is the new owner of this place. He wants to have the same
 agreement with you that I did. This will be your paddock as it always
 was. All he wants is for you to leave the other paddocks for his sheep.
 Is that all right?

 Apparently it is - M has not had any kangaroo problem since - they stay
 in their paddock and he and his sheep stay in his.



2002-09-02 Thread James Hedley

Dear Peter,
In a previous post you spoke about your mother having altzheimers disease. 
Two things that may help you with treatment of this,
1] naturopaths have shown that proper hydration can stop the illness from 
deteriorating further. get her to drink plenty of water.
2] From a homoeopathic point of view[mine] in symptoms it is closely 
allied to Delirium tremens experienced by alcoholics. When Hering made the first 
trituration of Lachesis [Surukuku snake] he showed symptoms that closely 
resemble Altzheimers.
I suggest that you look at Lachesis 60c as to whether you think that it 
describes the symptoms being experienced.
contact me off line if you would like further information.
James Hedley.
Radiasesthesia and Radionic AnalysisRadionic Insect and Parasite 
controlBioethical Agriculture Consultant

FN:James Hedley
ORG:Hedley and Hedley P/L;Bioethicals
TEL;WORK;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;HOME;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;CELL;VOICE:04 28 588425
TEL;WORK;FAX:02 6358 8425
ADR;WORK:;;RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd;Running Stream;NSW;2850;AUST
ADR;HOME:;;RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd;Running Stream;NSW;2850;Australia
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd=0D=0ARunning Stream, NSW 2850=0D=0AAustralia

Re: The Perils of BSE

2002-09-02 Thread James Hedley

Dear Peter and Merla,
First to you Merla, good luck with your peace vigil. All change starts from
an individual basis and the more that you threaten the status quo, the more
resistance that you will find.
It is easy for someone who is not part of a society to look from outside,
view what is happening and then prescribe some magical formula which is
going to fix all of  that society's ills. However there appears to be one
common element in all change against tyranny and aggression, everything
changes, there is an impermanence in all things..

There is a feeling of powerlessness to change the system that is permeating
many cultures and societies. Hindu teachings have tried to reconcile this
struggle between the two aspects of creation, Vishnu [preservation] and
Shiva [destruction]. It is the constant interplay between these two forces
which eventually keeps everything in balance. Powerlessness is the point of
equilibrium that contains the potential to go whichever way we as people
choose to start the pendulum swinging. Everything that we do is added to the
potential of changing events from one direction to another. in the end what
matters is how we as individuals live our lives, and our relationships with
everything around us.
Everything in the Universe is recycled, even ideas. The same themes keep
turning up through history.  Listen to a politician, what he/she says is
that which has proved successful in the past for leading the sheep to
slaughter. Dont be led by the bell wether to wherever they want to take you.
Rudolph Steiner saw when he developed the concept of the BD preps that the
time would come when the food did not carry the forces to manifest the
spirit. Many of the in the world can be bought down to two things,
1]Faulty nutrition in the food, and
2] Failure to assimilate the nutrients in the food.
Fortunately in BD we have some of the tools which can help to overcome these
influences. All that we have to do is hold our own lines in the war for the
minds and hearts of the people.

- Original Message -
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: The Perils of BSE

 Hi Peter,

 Our Why Organic? booth addressed these issues.  It was hard for me to
come up
 with a response to the fair theme, Star Spangled Memories Uniting Bonner
 County because it's obvious that we aren't united and that people with a
 certain point of view want to force the other's into quiet submission.  Do
 remember this poem, I'm paraphrasing...He drew a circle that shut me out,
 terrorist, rabble-rouser and lout.  But love and I had the wit to win, I
drew a
 circle that let him in.   When we put the Milky Way with the You are
 sign under the fair theme on the front of the booth, we were redefining
 everything.  That is what Fred Kirschenmann did in his speech about
 What we are doing on our road is trying to do something positive about our
 whole watershed, while the logging trucks carry their precious cargo out
 our road to a mill.  Men in this rural community don't have any work.
 will extract timber and minerals as long as the law allows this.

 Our local and state government in this state has been completely taken
 too.  Our local middle of the road Republican party was taken over by the
 right wing who had help from the outside.  How else did they suddenly have
 their whole voting constituency on computerized Get out the vote
 The Democrats were left far behind.  They would not embrace the
 environmentalists because they wanted to win, they said, and nobody
 vote for an environmental candidate.  We have a whole bunch of
 people in this county, none of whom would join the Green Party because
 evident that the laws and practices have already been set up to make it
 impossible for an independent candidate to win even a county office.   Our
 democratic American values have been taken over by a fascist clique which
 turned the whole world against all of us and those of us who are not
 are disenfranchised in a national election by the Electoral College

 The Quakers are having a silent peace vigil on 9/11 and we are announcing
it in
 the local paper as follows:


 September 11th this year will be a day of reflection, first to remember
 who lost their lives a year ago and in the days following as we reacted
 military actions in the Middle East.  But this will also be the time for
us to
 consider the best way to change the attitudes and resolve the conflicts
 led up to the events on that fateful day a year ago.

 As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, President Bush is campaigning to
 this event as the reason to expand the present conflict in the Middle East
 invading Iraq.

 Sandpoint Friends (Quakers) believe that such action (added to the cruel
 economic sanctions already long imposed, and the 

Re; Regeneration.

2002-09-02 Thread James Hedley

Dear Liz,Ideally we could send everyone back to where they have come 
from, becauseeven the limited number of aboriginals were quite often on the 
edge ofstarvation. Australia does not have the diversity of native foods 
that wouldsupport you. Look through your cupboard how much native Australian 
foods doyou have. Do you eat kangaroo steaks cut with a piece of stone from 
a roothat you just ran down and speared?. Can you catch an emu and train it 
togive you eggs. How long is it going to take you to get enough wattle 
seedsto make flour.There are more native animals killed of a night by 
motor vehicles than everby feral cats or dogs.It is not very easy 
to be self sufficient in a country like Australia, withit's low 
rainfall and live in the one place. You need to go where theabundance 
is, for instance last month was the time for Bogong moths in ourarea.There 
was nothing else edible. You could walk 30 miles downthe road and catch some 
eels in the creeks down at Brogans Creek but firstyou would have to find 
some vines or creepers to make an eel trap. To dothis you would have to walk 
another 50 miles in another direction. It wasn'teasy. There were tribal 
boundaries and customs to be fulfilled beforeentering another's territory. 
If there was no food in your territory you just made do with what you 
had.If you starved that was the way of the world. 
Wecan have this romanticidea of how the world was, or how we 
would like it to be, the reality is that we all have to work with what we 
have.In the end the only tools that we have to implement change are 
those that we have now. From anything else we will starve.

Radiasesthesia and Radionic AnalysisRadionic Insect and Parasite 
controlBioethical Agriculture ConsultantFrom: "Liz Davis" 
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 6:19 AMSubject: regeneration Hey 
old Rebel and Roger, Knew you wouldn't be able to resist the 
nativeveg. topic Lloyd. Unsure if it is because I come from 
Canada, or just the beauty and uniqueness of Australian flora, but I 
find it very difficult to plant anything but native flora. Just 
can't beat the yellow wattle, the red bottle brushes, the grevilleas in 
their many forms, I could fill this page with the unique species of this 
continent. I agree whole heartedly that the sheep should go, along with 
the cattle,cats, pigs, goats, another list could be filled of introduced 
spp. Because we want something,is the very thinking that got 
this continentinto the ecological stress it now contends 
with. As much as I love the colours of Autumn in the European and north 
American trees, the beauty, and life that is supported by native 
vegetation far outweighs any colour seen in fall. Here I must 
admit that I do grow a few introduced species, healing herbs, apples, 
pears, almonds, olives,apricots, plums, raspberries and nashi. 
There are still times I question them. Lloyd when you speak of 
what has been done to this land I recall a photoin an article by 
J Jenkins; 2 children standing on the ground and behindthem is 
the standing root structure of a tree, the roots go above their 
headsand is an indicator of the amount of top soil that has blown 
away. Almost 2 metres in this photo taken in 1900. 
Ecologically LLoyd it is as Rachel Carson said; "...that all life of the 
planet is interrelated, that each species has its own ties to others, 
and that all are related to earth." The unique life, not the 
introduced life (sheep, cattle, humans) on this continent depends on the 
nativevegetation. We are still discovering new species, two 
in my region in the last 2years, with both being listed endangered 
immediately. All a bit late now as the slopes to this area are planted 
in Radata Pine. Native veg. will remove us from the 
edge. LL 

FN:James Hedley
ORG:Hedley and Hedley P/L;Bioethicals
TEL;WORK;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;HOME;VOICE:02 6358 8425
TEL;CELL;VOICE:04 28 588425
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ADR;HOME:;;RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd;Running Stream;NSW;2850;Australia
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:RMB 662 Mt Vincent Rd=0D=0ARunning Stream, NSW 2850=0D=0AAustralia

Re: ADMIN: Attachent Automatically Removed

2002-08-27 Thread James Hedley

Dear Alan,
It is happening to me now. like essie it was not happening before.
- Original Message - 
From: Essie Hull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: ADMIN: Attachent Automatically Removed

 Yes, Alan.  Especially in the past couple of days. Initially, I wasn't 
 affected. Now I am.
 At 05:59 AM 08/27/02 -0400, you wrote:
 For those of us who are affected by the
 syndrome, here are the texts of three messages from Dave Robison:
 Is this still going on for people?
 Let me know at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll approach envirolink again.

Re: BD 501 (formerly Lime and Humus)

2002-08-21 Thread James Hedley

Dear Virginia,
I cannot tell you yet exactly how Silica works in controlling thistles. When
I do the list will be first to know.
My suspicion is that the ability of Silica to unlock mineralisation has
removed the need for the thistles. At present time I dont have any thistles
on the farm to experiment with, those that are there are only small rosettes
which are half dead. I suppose that one could test the mineralisation in the
plant before spraying with 501, and then at various periods afterwards but I
dont have the facilities to do this.
Have a good day

- Original Message -
From: Virginia Salares [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 12:55 PM
Subject: BD 501 (formerly Lime and Humus)


 Please elaborate on how silica (BD 501)prevents thistles from growing.

 - Original Message -
 From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 7:28 AM
 Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

  Dear Hugh et al,
  Silica is the unsung hero of the BD preps. It was not until using BD 501
  that we observed the real potential of the BD method.  It even stops
  thistles from growing and what are left are being grazed out in the
  by the local colony of kangaroos, they know good healthy food when they
  taste it.
  You have maintained that 501 is an atmospheric prep. From my
  you think that it develops the formative patterns in the atmosphere.
  may very well be true but Silica has the unique ability of repairing
  functionally impaired cells by enabling them to throw off inimical
  substances.It also has in Clarke's Materia Medica [p. 1175];
  constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to assimilating
  power. Even if they never used any other of the BD preps in
  farming the use of Silica to dissolve the phosphorus which has become
  up in silicates should be common practice on all farms. The money in the
  Phosphorus bank if released will save many farms from financial
  has been proved by the CSIRO at Mackay during research work into the
  of Orange Rust in sugar cane. A study of  Materia Medica is important to
  the feel of what the realm of activity of substances as could be seen
  study of Silica.. One of the roles of  501 is to allow the plant to
  assimilate nutrients from the soil.
  Have a great day.
   - Original Message -
  From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:56 AM
  Subject: Re: Lime and Humus
   James, et. al.,
   There's nothing like silica for making lime available. Read pages 30
   through 33 of Steiner's AGRICULTURE (Lecture Two). Many, many low pH
   have limestone beneath them. The previous post (below) seems an
   method for bringing up the lime. Horn clay should also be able to play
   role in this. It might be a big help, particularly in sandy soils.
   I Florida where most of the soils lack clay there commonly is 60 or
   feet (20 meters or so) of sand at the surface and beneath that are
   limestone and phosphate deposits. This is the result of lime and
   filtering down through the sand over the eons in this high rainfall
   climate. This happens particularly in winter when minerals have the
   greatest tendency to crystalize and precipitate. In Steiner's words,
   if we are dealing with a soil that does not carry these influences
   during the winter as it should, it is good to furnish the soil with
   clay, the dosage of which I will indicate later.
   As many of us know, Steiner did not later indicate this dosage, nor
   more than barely hint at how it might be prepared or administered.
   a brief mention in Lecture Four, page 74 of using orthoclase or
   which are parent materials for clay, to make the horn silica remedy,
   haven't found it now, it may have been in one of the discussions) he
   mentioned capping off the open end of the horn with clay. Presumably
   Steiner lived longer this would have come out.
   Now, however, we are faced with progressive farmers experimenting with
   clay while stricter Steiner preservationists cry, Steiner didn't say
   that. and That's not BD! Personally I don't care what we call it as
   as we elucidate the scientific principles Steiner tried to open our
   On one very well run Australian farm in New South Wales the farmer was
   showing me a stratum of sandy limestone an inch or two thick that was
   exposed in a gully and was a meter or a little less below the surface
   the field. That didn't used to be there when I was a kid. he said.
   you may imagine NSW, with its occasional heavy rains, could leach the
   out of the topsoil and carry it down that far before it hardened into
   stone. If this happened repeatedly just

Re: Smallest Entities in Agriculture

2002-08-21 Thread James Hedley


Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-21 Thread James Hedley
 learnt from his experience you would still
 not have that innate grasp of homoeopathy that comes from experience.
 Potentisation can never be a cook book science. You will develop a feel
 the  essence of what you are trying to do,  the next thing is to
 in the same way as the Kolisko's did. There is never an easy way of
 knowledge. Second hand knowledge without a feel for the subject can lead
 many a person into strife because the experimenter can affect the outcome
 the experiment.
 I hope that this post will stimulate some discussion of methods and
 techniques of agricultural radionics.
 Sincere regards from the Land of the Wizards of Oz
 James Hedley.

Re: RESEND: Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'

2002-08-12 Thread James Hedley

Dear list members,
For many years I have been an advocate for the recognition of the work of
the Kolisko's. This research has laid the groundwork for modern agricultural
I believe that one of the major problems faced by the Kolisko's within the
Anthroposophical movement lay in the fact that this research was competing
with secular interests who were promoting the legacy of Rudolph Steiner.
There was no recognition by their peers of the value of this research.
To get the theory of homoeopathic dose accepted in agriculture, particularly
in high potency, there had to be a development of an appropriate technology
to potentise large quantities of material. This was not available at that
What was the value of minimal dose when the basis of RS's Agriculture course
was cow manure which was in plentiful supply.
Steiner's indications were being interpreted by materialists who were trying
to come to grips with a spiritual aspect promoted by a man who was so far
ahead of his time. The time was not right for a discussion of spiritual
aspects of agriculture. The people of Europe were trying to come to grips
with the effects of a devastating war, the people of Germany were burdened
with reparation payments, and physical wealth had to be rebuilt.
In a way modern America is in the same position that Europe was in the
1920's and 1930's, you are trying to come to grips with such great
uncertainty that it is only natural that there will be resistance from some
of those who need to defend the status quo. This discussion to advance, will
need to come to some concensus opinion of allowing the many divergent views
on radionics to be expressed.
Let us debate the issues vigorously, as even in Europe there is a need to
solve the problems which have surfaced about some form of testing to ensure
the freedom of disease which could be transferred from farm to farm by the
use of BD500 made from raw manure.
Radionically potentised BD preps have so much to offer  agriculture, that
their widespread use is only a matter of time. To discuss pot trials from 70
years ago is a purely academic pastime unless we also discuss how do we use
this  information and in what circumstances are the results applicable.
Have a great day.
James Hedley

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: RESEND: Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'

 The following is from Agriculture of Tomorrow by Eugen and Lily
 Kolisko. This title is out of print and is reproduced here for
 purposes of education.

 Today, people in general are little inclined to detach themselves
 from the claims of the material world and to seek the spiritual
 directly in the physical world around them . . .

 It is, however, precisely from observing directly the
 sense-perceptible that a right path will open out for those who wish
 now to work entirely within the fild of present-day science, if they
 really seek to discover the spritual there. It can be done  . .

 Chapter 1

 It may seem strange to speak about smallest entities in
 agriculture, but it is absolutely necessary that farmers and
 gardeners learn to understand this important phenomenon.

 The problem of minutest quantities, or better smallest entities,
 was studied from 1920 in the Biological Institute at the Goetheanum
 (Stuttgart) and later on in the Biological Institute at Bray, Berks.
 The attempt to find a remedy for Footand-Mouth Disease led us to
 the question of smallest entities. What is the right concentration
 of the specific remedy to be injected? Rudolf Steiner suggested that
 the effect of different dilutions on germinating plants should be
 studied. From 1920 until today we have been studying this interesting
 subject. One might think that this is a medical problem rather than
 an agricultural one. Of course it is a medical problem in that we are
 looking for a certain remedy, but it becomes an agricultural problem
 as well if we study how the growth of plants is affected by
 substances which are diluted, or rather potentised.

 What does potentise mean? Exactly what the word itself expresses.
 In potentising a substance, we increase its effectiveness. We make
 the substance more potent. The strange thing about potentising is,
 that we have to reduce the amount of the substance which we want to
 make more potent. In everyday life we are accustomed to think: if we
 want to make something more effective, we have to take a bigger
 quantity. For  instance, if we want to make coffee sweeter, we take a
 second teaspoonful of sugar. In homeopathy we are told just the
 opposite thing. If we want a stronger action from a certain remedy,
 we have to potentise it, that means dilute it with water or alcohol,
 again and again, in a rhythmical way.

 This is the first and most important thing we have to learn: to
 discriminate between matter and force. Matter can act in two
 different ways: as matter

Re: Lime and Humus

2002-08-12 Thread James Hedley

Dear Hugh et al,
Silica is the unsung hero of the BD preps. It was not until using BD 501
that we observed the real potential of the BD method.  It even stops
thistles from growing and what are left are being grazed out in the drought
by the local colony of kangaroos, they know good healthy food when they
taste it.
You have maintained that 501 is an atmospheric prep. From my understanding
you think that it develops the formative patterns in the atmosphere. That
may very well be true but Silica has the unique ability of repairing
functionally impaired cells by enabling them to throw off inimical
substances.It also has in Clarke's Materia Medica [p. 1175];
constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to assimilating
power. Even if they never used any other of the BD preps in conventional
farming the use of Silica to dissolve the phosphorus which has become bound
up in silicates should be common practice on all farms. The money in the
Phosphorus bank if released will save many farms from financial ruin.This
has been proved by the CSIRO at Mackay during research work into the control
of Orange Rust in sugar cane. A study of  Materia Medica is important to get
the feel of what the realm of activity of substances as could be seen from
study of Silica.. One of the roles of  501 is to allow the plant to
assimilate nutrients from the soil.
Have a great day.

 - Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

 James, et. al.,

 There's nothing like silica for making lime available. Read pages 30
 through 33 of Steiner's AGRICULTURE (Lecture Two). Many, many low pH soils
 have limestone beneath them. The previous post (below) seems an inspired
 method for bringing up the lime. Horn clay should also be able to play a
 role in this. It might be a big help, particularly in sandy soils.

 I Florida where most of the soils lack clay there commonly is 60 or more
 feet (20 meters or so) of sand at the surface and beneath that are
 limestone and phosphate deposits. This is the result of lime and phosphate
 filtering down through the sand over the eons in this high rainfall
 climate. This happens particularly in winter when minerals have the
 greatest tendency to crystalize and precipitate. In Steiner's words, . .
 if we are dealing with a soil that does not carry these influences upward
 during the winter as it should, it is good to furnish the soil with some
 clay, the dosage of which I will indicate later.

 As many of us know, Steiner did not later indicate this dosage, nor any
 more than barely hint at how it might be prepared or administered. There
 a brief mention in Lecture Four, page 74 of using orthoclase or feldspar,
 which are parent materials for clay, to make the horn silica remedy, and
 haven't found it now, it may have been in one of the discussions) he also
 mentioned capping off the open end of the horn with clay. Presumably had
 Steiner lived longer this would have come out.

 Now, however, we are faced with progressive farmers experimenting with
 clay while stricter Steiner preservationists cry, Steiner didn't say
 that. and That's not BD! Personally I don't care what we call it as
 as we elucidate the scientific principles Steiner tried to open our eyes

 On one very well run Australian farm in New South Wales the farmer was
 showing me a stratum of sandy limestone an inch or two thick that was
 exposed in a gully and was a meter or a little less below the surface of
 the field. That didn't used to be there when I was a kid. he said. Well,
 you may imagine NSW, with its occasional heavy rains, could leach the lime
 out of the topsoil and carry it down that far before it hardened into
 stone. If this happened repeatedly just such a layer might form, and do so
 within one person's lifetime. If this can happen, who is to say it cannot
 be reversed, given the right application of dynamic patterns of force? It
 is not unheard of for soils to lose a point in pH in a year through
 leaching. So why not gain a point in a year from the opposite application
 of forces?

 Also keep in mind what Robin was saying about not withholding expertise
 personal gain. As some know and others are realizing, we can apply dynamic
 patterns over large acreages with radionic instruments and field
 broadcasters, to say nothing of Glen Atkinson's method of using low
 homeopathic combos in high volume spraying. Such progressive methods are
 relatively cheap and easy and the more we do them and succeed the more we
 learn about how best to do. If all applications of Steiner's remedies are
 limited to stirring and spraying we will have quite a struggle trying to
 stay afloat on tiny islands of healthy agriculture in a civilization that
 is going down the tubes all around us.

 Hugh Lovel


 Dear Daniel,
 Some time ago I wrote of how one of our members had increased 

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread James Hedley

Dear Alan,
Could the publisher put it on the web as an eBook.
- Original Message -
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

 Hi! Allan,
 From what you say and from my look around the 'Net, it would seem that
 Agriclture of Tomorrow, is a work that would be good for us to work
through as a
 group. It would seem that it is out of print, with the last publisher list
it out
 of print. (At forty seven Pound fifty!!!).

 Could it be scanned and put on a Site, in whole or in part? And then at a
 convenient to the leaders on the list, have some sort of protracted
examination of
 the potency part at least. I think it would be good if as many as possible
 the same potencies of our stock Preps and Cures and then posted our
results  so
 that as a group, we can build up a greater understanding of this very
 aspect of homoeopathy and in our case, those potenising sprays and Preps


 Allan Balliett wrote:

  I posted the comment below in the hopes of stimulating some interest
  in posting and discussing the work of the Kolisko's through their
  monumental book, Agriclture of Tomorrow.
  Gosh, it didn't provoke a single rise.
  Is there really no interest on BD Now! in this most important work,
  which was initially directed by RS himself?

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