Re: [marketing] OOo History page updated

2010-10-08 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 10/08/2010 05:40 PM, Maho NAKATA wrote:

Hi Drew,

It seems that you're responsible for the following page.
Can I add following info so that we can make this page more informative.

What do you think?
  Nakata Maho

i think the same thing I've thought for 6 years - it's a's 
your page every bit as mine.

Best wishes,


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Re: [marketing] Result: Logo for the 10th anniversary - request for approval

2010-10-04 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 10/04/2010 01:54 PM, Ian wrote:

On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 19:45 +0200, Martin Hollmichel wrote:

An important point indeed is that both side keep the constructive dialog
open and trying to find compromises between their different objectives.

What are the different objectives of the two projects in your view

Yes Please - I would be most interested in what you perceive the 
different objectives to be.

If I may add one more thing - this from one of the primary marketing 
pieces on the OO.o site:

It's hard to believe that high quality,
easy to use software like 3 can really be free.

But thanks to contributions of time and money, from individuals and 
companies (large and small), is free for you to use today.

Furthermore, the open-source licence used by 3 means this 
freedom can never be taken away.

The community are delighted if you find our software of use.

During my time here Sun, then Oracle, was continually referred to as the 
primary sponsor of the community, not the community itself.

If Oracle no longer feels that it's objectives are in alignment with 
those of the community at large, and therefore no longer willing to 
sponsor the Community, then I believe it best to make 
that statement publicly, clearly and without obfuscation.

Naturally the corporation is free to retain the registered domain name 
and trademark which are it's property. Although as one community member 
I would ask again for Oracle Corp to make those assets available to the Community.

Please understand that I again speak only for myself.

Looking forward to your reply.


Drew Jensen

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Re: [marketing] Result: Logo for the 10th anniversary - request for approval

2010-10-04 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 10/04/2010 03:08 PM, Simon Brouwer wrote:

 Hi Drew,

Op 4-10-2010 20:19, Drew Jensen schreef:

 On 10/04/2010 01:54 PM, Ian wrote:

On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 19:45 +0200, Martin Hollmichel wrote:

An important point indeed is that both side keep the constructive 
open and trying to find compromises between their different 

What are the different objectives of the two projects in your view

Yes Please - I would be most interested in what you perceive the 
different objectives to be.

If I may add one more thing - this from one of the primary marketing 
pieces on the OO.o site:

It's hard to believe that high quality,
easy to use software like 3 can really be free.

But thanks to contributions of time and money, from individuals and 
companies (large and small), is free for you to use 

Furthermore, the open-source licence used by 3 means 
this freedom can never be taken away.

The community are delighted if you find our software 
of use.


During my time here Sun, then Oracle, was continually referred to as 
the primary sponsor of the community, not the community itself.

You seem to be implying that, in the above, Oracle are referring to 
themselves as the community itself? How so?

Sorry for the delay - in what may be a case of true irony, the business 
I have been threatening to launch for a while ( landed 
it's first contract under the DBA name today , to build a custom job 
management system for a Canadian company, utilizing (the 
bid went out before all this went down) for document production and 
reporting. The confirmation came in as I was starting this email. (Once 
again proof that God has a sense of humor I think)

I am saying that Sun (now Oracle) went to lengths to create a 
distinction between the corporate entity and the community.

The excerpt I used, I believe, is but one example of this.

That over this last 10 years this distinction was manifest for example 
in the difference between StarOffice, a corporate product, and a community project and application.

Over the period which I have been personally observing events there has 
been numerous occasions when an individual would come to the mailing 
lists, or the forums, and start to ask about the Sun product This has always been met with a swift response 
correcting this misconception.

During the period there was also a governance structure created for the community project. In this structure there where special 
arrangements made to insure that the major corporate sponsor would be 
always represented. From my perspective there was an attempt, and to put 
it in terms recently used on this list, for the corporate entity to have 
it's cake and eat it too.

That over the course of this period the members of the community 
governing structure not employed by the major corporate sponsor felt it 
necessary to create a non-profit foundation.

Certainly what one would call 'the community' included the major 
corporate sponsor.

What is happening now, IMO, is that Oracle is attempting to exercise a 
right of veto over the aspirations of the other members of the community.

If Oracle no longer feels that it's objectives are in alignment with 
those of the community at large, and therefore no longer willing to 
sponsor the Community, then I believe it best to make 
that statement publicly, clearly and without obfuscation.

Naturally the corporation is free to retain the registered domain 
name and trademark which are it's property. Although as one community 
member I would ask again for Oracle Corp to make those assets 
available to the Community.

In what way haven't those been available to the community?

I think I covered it above, if not please let me know.



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Re: [marketing] Result: Logo for the 10th anniversary - request for approval

2010-10-04 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 10/04/2010 05:39 PM, Simon Brouwer wrote:

Apparently it's easy to forget that it has also continuously been 
putting in much of the effort baking it, and that it had provided the 
cake in the first place.

Please believe me when I say that it is not nearly as easy as it may 
seem from outward appearances.

I found out about this action the day before it was made public and I 
waited, as I was asked to, to talk openly with others until after the 
formal announcement. That day, of contemplation, may make it appear that 
I was acting almost spontaneously.

IMO the arrangement was definitely not ideal but also not particularly 

IMO, it is a case of perspective, and I am cognizant of the fact that 
honorable people can have honest differences of opinion, with enough 
truth on all sides for each to feel justified in their beliefs.

That over the course of this period the members of the community 
governing structure not employed by the major corporate sponsor felt 
it necessary to create a non-profit foundation.

Certainly what one would call 'the community' included the major 
corporate sponsor.

What is happening now, IMO, is that Oracle is attempting to exercise 
a right of veto over the aspirations of the other members of the 

I am not sure in how far it is correct to equate The Document 
Foundation with the other members of the community.

Since Tuesday however I have been in communication with literally dozens 
of individuals, either by direct email, by phone call, IM, and open 
forums. To say that there is unanimous agreement with these actions 
would not be true.

There is as far as I can tell however a strong consensus amongst those 
I've spoken with that this is a correct course of action, even if there 
is great trepidation on the part of some of these individuals.

A few individuals are strongly opposed, a couple of them have begun to 
change their minds over the last few days and are now more receptive to 
this change, others have not changed their opinion.

I would assume that this is actually the case with folks in the offices 
in Hamburg also and I can only guess that many of you find yourselves 
caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place, others no doubt are 
less conflicted. *smile*

I'll finish with this - ain't no guarantees in life, sometimes you just 
have make a choice and then live with it.

In this case the choices in a very real way simply suckI can't think 
of an eloquent way to say that.


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Re: [marketing] Result: Logo for the 10th anniversary - request for approval

2010-10-04 Thread Drew Jensen

Just to make it clear: I am an independent volunteer community member 
without any affiliation with Oracle that might color my perspective.
However, until now I am not convinced that the position of Sun/Oracle 
in the project has been, or was going to be, a larger obstacle to the 
continued success of (under any name) than this big 
change may turn out to be. I would be very sorry to see the efforts 
(including mine) of ten years OOo going down the drain.

And just to be clear - why is it that you equate what is happening with 
going down the drain, is it only viable, your contribution if their is 
a corporate affiliation?

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Re: [marketing] Result: Logo for the 10th anniversary - request for approval

2010-10-04 Thread Drew Jensen

Just to make it clear: I am an independent volunteer community member 
without any affiliation with Oracle that might color my perspective.
However, until now I am not convinced that the position of Sun/Oracle 
in the project has been, or was going to be, a larger obstacle to the 
continued success of (under any name) than this big 
change may turn out to be. I would be very sorry to see the efforts 
(including mine) of ten years OOo going down the drain.


Disregard the last email - it doesn't really fit with what you actually 
said there.


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[marketing] 10 year time line and milestones

2010-09-24 Thread Drew Jensen


During the marketing conference call, today, 10th Anniversary activities 
where discussed. One idea was to put together an updated, and expanded, 
history of the project.

To get this started I've taken the liberty to start a page on the Wiki:

The information on the page currently is just a compilation from the 
data at two static pages at the main site:

I am sending this email to ask folks to help out
- if you have an item that you think should be on this list, please add 
it to the wiki page (talk or live...your choice), or drop me a direct 
email..or carrier pigeon if that is your preferred mode of communication 
(all magical Owls will be warming welcomed)

Other static pages, as first sources, referenced in the call not yet 
looked at are:

If someone wants to bring some of the line items form these pages to the 
new wiki all means do so.

That's it I suppose - thanks - and don't be shy,


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[marketing] Transcribe SMP meettnng flipcharts (was Re: [marketing] next call conf)

2010-09-13 Thread Drew Jensen


I believe you where referring to someone transcribing the flip[ chart 
images at:

Didn't see where anyone did this yet.
I have not double checked this - but a quick pass


Bainstorming Goals
Rule The World - The Freedom that servers your Security
To Break the monopoly (Like Firefox)
Establish Market Dominance for Open Format
100% (?) City Councils to Adopt ODF
ODF Remcommended in Every Country
OOo Used by every ministry of Education
ODfF  - --
Universal Interapability of Office Data
Recue the Global Piracy Rate
Establishing Free Office Suites Everywhere
Creating Office Data that lasts for at least 25 years
Best Productivity
Increase the number of ISVs working with OOo
Remove propiretary formats from public sector
Becoming an information framework
Become the first choice for Document Processing
Seamless interaction of Offie Documents int the Semantic Web
Accepted and Supported by all major service providers
Lowering the Entry barrier to the community
Establish an Open Standard for Business Communication
Fostering Cooperation with other communities
Most Satisfied users
Choosen because of desire, not only of need
Constantly growing community
Best integration with other FOSS products
Trustful communication within the community


General Positioning message for OOo
---Brain Storming ---
Free your files and the ass will follow
Puts you in the center
Control your Documents
OCnrrol the furture of your Documents
You can start your better fuuture right now
You can join us to improve your future
The Office Suite of the Network Millenium


Distribution through third parties
-- e.g. driver COs
U.S.: Present at conference
Colaborate with universities
How to contribute
Event with all citires using 100% OOo
Communicate what we are doing on local level
-- Presentations
-- Whitepapers
-- Templates
Brief SMP! Framework!
Involve NLC


WEB 2.0
Local Communities!!
-- How they did it?!
A Plan
-- Breaking it into pieces
Marketing the tools (eg. Drupal)
Integrated message Community + Oracle
Technologies with OOo

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[marketing] Fwd: - Ohio Linux Diversity Workshop

2010-09-08 Thread Drew Jensen

 Howdy List,

I send the attached mail to the accessibility mailing list and then 
thought I should also touch base with folks here also.

Same question to those here as on the other list - Anything in 
particular regarding OO.o and a11y that you want to pass along.

Expanding that out a bit for this list to anything regarding diversity 
issues in general with regard to OO.o the project and the people who 
comprise it.

 Original Message 
Subject:OOoCon presentations - Ohio Linux Diversity Workshop
Date:   Wed, 8 Sep 2010 12:35:50 -0400
From:   Andrew Jensen


I wanted to say thank you to Malte Timmermann and Bing Yin for the
accessibility presentation at this years OOoCon.

For anyone that may not yet know there is a video capture of the
session available at:

Looking forward to the Impress files from the presentation becoming
available also.

Last year I had the good fortune to attend the Ohio LinuxFest in
Columbus Ohio, USA and the excellent fortune to stay an extra day for
the Diversity Workshop.

This coming Sunday will be this yeas workshop. An all day event
covering a broad range of subjects including a11y issues with/in FOSS
projects and I'm happy to be attending once more.

Well, last year when the subject of A11Y come up there where many
questions regarding - capabilities, who to contact,
where the information can be found, extensions...the gambit - I had no
idea on any of it.

This year I am better prepared. I've gone over the information on the
wiki, the mailing list and what else I could find. I've started cc
myself to issues as they open and have the ability to demo some
features (Using Orca, odtDaisy, daisy reader..) under both Linux and

It also appears that I'll have the chance, if I agree, to give a flash
talk about OO.o and Accessibility.

I feel pretty confident on being able to do so from an overview
(capabilites) level and plan to do so then.

- is there any message or some item that you would be particularly
interested I touch on?

Thanks for everyone here, particularly the folks reading this in
Hamburg, without you guys and your hard work none of this exists!


Online Web Accessibility Conference, Sept 30th

Re: [marketing] The Caesar what is Caesar's

2010-09-06 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 09/06/2010 04:18 AM, Ian wrote:

On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 18:15 -0300, Caio Tiago Oliveira wrote:

We don't need to fork that right now,



  but we should invest more on
attracting investments. That will make it easy if we have to fork in the
future and will help the project, anyway.

That is what I have been saying for about 5 years. ...

Which brings it to the point of 'who' or 'what' would be holder of those 
resources (funds being the difficult resource) - under 
current configuration is not a legal entity and can not fill such a 
role. There is the adjunct organization in the German community but, I 
would propose, was not setup to act in this role.

Over the previous 5 years anytime the subject of a foundation came up in 
conversation the quick reaction was - well can't happen because Sun (now 
Oracle) just isn't going to go along with such an idea.

I would simply say here, that over this period the landscape has changed 
substantially - which is to say, why does it require Oracle's explicit 
involvement to begin.

Ian, the crew at brOffice and the setup of an NGO, the EducOOo project 
and their NGO, the new Swiss OOo NGO, the Danish work, the NGO in 
Bangladesh (I don't have much information here, and I think that 
happened) these are all examples of efforts that started at the grass 
roots, with either limited support from or in some cases, benign 
neglect, from the corporate sponsor (owner).

Looking at the way the community offers direct support - The main web 
site has supported the end user community with the mail lists and many 
end users put these to good use. While on the web forum side the main 
community was, slow to respond. What happened, grass roots community 
kicked in again. First with oooForum, then two separate German language 
forums, a French forum, Norwegian, a Polish portal, a Czech portal and more.

The success here, from a dispersed group of supporters, has simply 
continued to grow. The Italian community now runs it's own web site, as 
does brOffice, not simply web forums. The web forum activity lead to 
even more growth - with Sun offering a group of users the simple, 
unfettered use of a server - a second English forum came on line 
followed by eight new languages and a new home for the French.

As to the actual code - the story is even more stunning.

5 Years ago it was unfortunate but probably un-avoidable that the Go-oo 
shallow fork took place. But the Go-oo team said then it was not a full 
fork and they have been honorable in that statement. It has been truly a 
shallow fork, it is however growing deeper, with more differences 
between the two packages. This is showing up in the QA processes actually.

The important point to the Go-oo formation I think is rather that it has 
actually prospered - Alexandro mentioned how they have moved into the portal, but it's more then that even - the oooBuild 
system is really a good piece of work and is now offering those in the 
community a new tool - not just compiling the OO.o code but working on 
the future creating software appliances that utilize the OO.o 
code/tools/app as an integral part.

During this 5 year period, I have had the fun of installing the 
RedOffice interpretation of OO.o - I've worked with the IBM Lotus 
Symphony package, now available on Linux with support right through 

The EducOOo team has delivered an 'education focused' version of OO.o - 
OOo4Kids and is nearing the 1/2 million download mark. Followed just 
recently with the oooLight implementation. Both packages fully FOOS 

ODF tools have arrived with growing frequency - odfDom, AODL, LpOd just 
to name a few.

The opening of the architecture for extensions has lead to a change that 
now has bloggers and tutorial writers showing how OO.o can form the 
basis for an ePub production environment.

Today I setup Sirnota P2P collaboration on my Linux desktop. Which so 
far is working wonderfully, and out of the box, with the Go-OO 3.2.1 RC 
installed form the Ubuntu repository.

I've already installed and played with the Lotus collaborative extension.

Without a doubt I've not mentioned more then I have with regard to what 
'the community' has been doing.

There are code solutions now for ODF usage, derived from OO.o that are 
100% FOSS packages, right through to implementations with proprietary 

'The Community' here however does need, as Ian has alluded to, to be 
looked at as being more then just, the web site.

Oracle, although not saying a lot, has been consistent in what it has 
said. It is going to focus on building into the Enterprise market. 
Oracle is the predominate supplier of Enterprise level Applications - 
look at their sites for those applications and you will find a common 
feature - interfaces to MS Office. Of course the new focus will be to a 
large extent on porting those interfaces to

But here is where there 

[marketing] Of interest: Oracle Open Office at Oracle OpenWorld 2010

2010-09-02 Thread Drew Jensen


Thought some may be interested in the Oracle OpenWorld 2010 conference 
which is coming up, Sept 20th in San Francisco, CA and again in a ~month 
in Bejing.

There will be a track for the office suite products, at least for the SF 

Oracle Open Office and Oracle Cloud Office


Oracle Office: The Complete Open Standard Office Productivity System

Michael Bemmer, Oracle, Vice President

Oracle Office is a complete, integrated, open standard, easy-to-use 
office system for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Web browsers, and mobile 
phones. It integrates Oracle Open Office, a high-fidelity editor for 
text, spreadsheet, presentations, and databases based on the 
OpenDocument Format (ODF) ISO standard, and Oracle Cloud Office, a Web 
and mobile office suite for online collaboration and Web 2.0 service 
mashups based on ODF. By enabling smart and powerful integration into 
Oracle's well-known business solutions, Oracle Office's open standard 
foundation translates into immediate business value. Learn more in this 

Monday, September 20, 12:30PM

Oracle Cloud Office: The Open Standard Office Suite for Web and Mobile

Harald Behnke, Oracle, Product Marketing Lead

Learn about Oracle Cloud Office, the new mobile and Web office product 
from the inventors of Oracle Open Office and OpenDocument Format (ODF). 
This session covers the various features of Oracle Cloud Office and 
future directions pertaining to on-premises and on-demand deployment, 
software as a service (SaaS) access via, enhanced office 
productivity, and Enterprise 2.0 collaboration. Takeaway: see how a 
complete open standard office stack can change the way we work.

Monday, September 20, 2:00PM

Oracle Open Office: Oracle's Premier Office Productivity Suite

Goetz Wohlberg, oracle

Oracle Open Office is a full-featured office productivity suite that is 
compatible with Microsoft Office and is available at just a fraction of 
the cost. It provides powerful and integrated word processing, 
spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, and database capabilities. This 
session • Explains the product strategy and positioning • Briefly 
demonstrates a typical enterprise usage scenario, including 
interoperability, integration of enterprise datasources, and information 
publishing • Provides a preview of the product roadmap and upcoming 

Tuesday, September 21, 2:00PM

Oracle Office Integration with Other Oracle Business Solutions

Dieter Loeschky, Oracle, Senior Manager Software Engineering

Learn how Oracle Office, the complete and open-standards-based office 
system, integrates with Oracle's business solutions. This session 
presents a brief overview of Oracle Office and its integration with 
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, Oracle E-Business Suite, 
Oracle WebCenter Suite, and Oracle Fusion Applications.

Tuesday, September 21, 3:30PM

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Re: [marketing] Magazine has English version

2010-09-02 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 09/03/2010 01:10 AM, Lars D. Noodén wrote:

On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, luiz wrote:

Someone else is having trouble accessing the page of the magazines in

I am able to get the PDF version.

However, the first time I tried the wrong URI and wrote by mistake:

That one is broken and goes only to a complaint about about cookies.
Same for the main page:


Hello Lars, et al.

I tossed the copy I downloaded up to a server and if you just want a 
download link:

Best wishes,


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[marketing] Re: World Wide Installed Base - Estimate August 2010

2010-08-24 Thread Drew Jensen


Getting an email together to ask  the the folks at if 
they are still pulling numbers for their market share study.

Thought folks would want to see how the downloads are going.

The March document went out, as you might recall, on Document Freedom 
Day and the Aug document 8 days ago.

Mkt Shr Mar Mkt Shr Aug
March   517 
April   212 
May 48  
August  17  210

Best wishes,


[marketing] Twitter - never seen this before

2010-08-23 Thread Drew Jensen


I have never seen a twazzup screen even close to anything like 
this...till today.

(Actually there was only for a while today one and only referenced 
story, then these two popped  and then it was back to only one reference)

I hope Louis is bringing his A game for that presentation at oooconn. 


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[marketing] Re: Twitter - never seen this before

2010-08-23 Thread Drew Jensen

 I should probably frame this also.

The OpenOffice twitter stream runs pretty much daily from mid-teens to 
mid-twenties of messages/hour.

Tuesday/Wed is usually the busiest days, Sunday the slowest.

Our peak rate was the day after the 3.2.1 release when it hit 49 TPH.

The low was the day after O sued G - 7 TPH for 1 hour, 8 TPH for 4 hours 
and 9 for most of the rest of the day.

Twitter bots account for a steady 3-4 TPH (auto-post of ML messages, 
Auto-post GullFOSS, etc)

Today started normal and has been building all day, now at 43 TPH

India is coming on line in the stream - looks like the big story is from 
Jakarta, and the story looks like a re-hash of the pc-world story (not 
verbatim, but same thrust).


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Re: [marketing] stickers (was Re: [marketing] flying discs quotation)

2010-08-20 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 08/20/2010 08:38 AM, Lars Nooden wrote:

On 08/18/2010 04:48 PM, Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai wrote:

   Hi Lars!

I asked this,

I will inform you as soon as I have answer.

Anyway the linked image looks broken a bit to me:

The circular text is overlapping.

Hmm.  Obviously it is fine for me in Firefox.  I notice konqueror has a
little trouble with it, though.  If another format is needed, say which
one.  And I can add it.

Hola Lars,

That image sure looks broken to me also - using Firefox/Ubuntu
here is a screen shot from just now

Maybe it's a font thing?


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Re: [marketing] World Wide Installed Base - Estimate August 2010

2010-08-18 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 08/18/2010 02:54 AM, Katsuya Kobayashi wrote:

Hi Drew,

The announce, Celebrates Tenth Anniversary at OOoCon in Budapest
include the reference this Study URI,
Market Share Study:

Does yo
ur data mean the update of this Study?

Hello Katsuya,

The only updated data is for world population estimates, July of this year.

The data from the study performed by the folks at is the 

I don't know why the magazine didn't break out Japan.

Anyway - it was really a spur of the moment decision to plug in new pop. 

I did check to see if the UN figures for computer ownership had updated 
in July, but surprise the UN staff is late with the update. (or I missed 
it, the UN site can be a trick to navigate at times)

If the magazine has continued to collect data I do not know, perhaps 
someone on this list has a contact on the staff there.

I would be happy to update this file with any new data, as long as I can 
document the source.

Open for ideas.



And what is difficulty to measure of Japan?


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Re: [marketing] World Wide Installed Base - Estimate August 2010

2010-08-18 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 08/18/2010 06:23 AM, Lars Nooden wrote:

On 2010/8/18 Drew Jensen wrote:

Anyway - it was really a spur of the moment decision to plug in new pop.

Thanks!  It's very interesting to see which regions are growing.

Any word on Norway?  I notice that it is not listed on the pdf, it is
one of the countries that has been pushing to get back to Open Source
and has noticeably required use of Open Standards.  OpenDocument Format
is named specifically and that should help OOo adoption.

Also, in Finland, JHS 169 requires that the public sector be *using*
open source software.  So the figures should be favorable there, too,
even in spite of many aggressive counter-measures from M$ affiliates and

Yes, it is a 'recommendation', but in that context it is a rule.


Howdy Lars,

Same deal with Norway and Finland as Japan - I don't know why it wasn't 
broken out in the study.

Again, if there is anyone with a contact at it would be 
interesting to find out if they have more/newer data. I suppose if I 
don't hear anything from anyone here in a few days I will just send an 
email myself.

Best wishes,


ps - regarding Government mandates...ask me about ADA sometime...*evil grin*

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Re: [marketing] World Wide Installed Base - Estimate August 2010

2010-08-18 Thread Drew Jensen
  ps - regarding Government mandates...ask me about ADA 
sometime...*evil grin*

Oh, sorry that is Ada the language not the act.

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[marketing] World Wide Installed Base - Estimate August 2010

2010-08-17 Thread Drew Jensen


I released a new World Wide Installed Base estimate today.

The data was updated with the most recent population estimates from 
World Book.



Re: [marketing] What's New Guide needed!?

2010-08-14 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 08/14/2010 07:35 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

Hi Thorsten,

Thorsten Ziehm wrote on 2010-08-13 11.18:

 From my point of view a 'What's New Guide' in a attractive form is
needed as quickly as possible.

I agree, that indeed would be desirable.

Although nobody knows when 3.3 will be finally available (we don't 
even have a rough time frame ;(, I expect it to be in September or 
October, so the earlier we have the page, the better it is.

Anyone out there volunteering for it? Any help would be greatly 
appreciated, and if someone comes up with a draft, I can have a look 
at it afterwards.



I put together a start for a Draw new features page:


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Re: [marketing] Is OpenOffice safe!?!

2010-08-14 Thread Drew Jensen

 On 08/14/2010 01:23 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 12:00 PM,  wrote:


With this Java lawsuit and all, is OpenOffice safe?

Will Oracle keep giving it away for free?

The actual lawsuit wording says that it has to do more with the fork
that Google did to Java and redistributing as Java. However I recomend
you this document to clear on what is going on:

I do recomend to use the proper mailing list. This has to do with
marketing related discussions.

Hi Alexandro,

Yo are right I think, this isn't the best place for a discussion on this.

This article seems to go into the issues pretty well IMO


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[marketing] Twitter again - Some stats on audience by geographic region

2010-08-11 Thread Drew Jensen


For those running OO.o specific Twitter accounts, just thought you might 
find these stats of interest:



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[marketing] Twitter -

2010-08-11 Thread Drew Jensen


Looking at my twitter stats for the last week/month there stands out a 
particular subject as being 'hot'.

These two tweets:

Four #Linux-friendly alt. to #MSFT Exchange reviewed #OpenOffice #Thunderbird #SMB

Four #Linux-friendly alt. to #MSFT Exchange reviewed #OpenOffice #Evolution #EduTech

(This variant was re-tweeted by a couple of others)

was sent via my accounts a total of 5 times.

The destintation URL was:, the shortening service I use, reports 55 different entries for 
that terminal address and so far a total of 568 clicks.

The links in the two tweets above accounted for 260 of those clicks.

Just passing along for whatever it's worth.

Til later,


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[marketing] hmmm - T-shirts anyonw

2010-04-06 Thread Drew Jensen
I was talking to Alexandro the other day and he reminded me of the 
subject of swag for sale via the web..

Anyway while looking for something I had found before stumbled upon this:

Should we ask him to cease his actions?
Maybe we should just ask for a license fee?  (I like 7% of net, but how 
would you ever know?)
Perhaps we should just let it be, does it actually harm the project or 
does it actually help us build a brand?
The fellow is certainly not doing anything with the logo that would 
offend, that I can see, it is just targeted to boosters.

Anwyay - found it interesting and thought I would pass it along.

Take care,


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[marketing] ALA2010 - Program Listing

2010-04-06 Thread Drew Jensen


Almost let this get away from me timewise, the exhibit listing 
information must be finalized by the Friday, 4/9.

You can see what I have entered presently, it can use every ones help I 
think, at

Also, the print program text can be found at

So if you have ideas, send an email here or go update the wiki page.

Again, we have till close of business to update that text, I'm not sure 
how fancy we can get with the html on that listing - but going to try a 
few things, I;m not too good, so if someone has something do let me 
know, I can update the entry and can be previewed at the URL above



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Re: [marketing] Document freedom day

2010-04-05 Thread Drew Jensen

Made another addition to the wiki page

For activities in Vietnam


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Re: [marketing] OO.o usage level worksheet

2010-03-30 Thread Drew Jensen

Lars Nooden wrote:

Drew Jensen wrote:

Just to follow up from the phone conference.


Post the URL to the worksheet.  Attachments are never a good idea,
especially to a list.  It's a serious faux pas to try to use mail as a
surrogate for a file system, especially a mailing list which will have
recipients that may not enjoy a push feed, and may have limited
bandwidth do deal with it.

What is the spread sheet about?


Hello Lars.

See for yourself


Re: [marketing] Document freedom day

2010-03-29 Thread Drew Jensen

Florian Effenberger wrote:

Hi Alexandro,

Alexandro Colorado wrote on 2010-03-23 18.07:

Here it is:

sorry for my late reply, and thanks a lot for the great draft! I 
changed some links to the international ones and used the English 
title graphic.

@all: I'd love to have some statements from lots of 
contributors. Anyone wants to say something?

Added an item to the wiki page.


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Re: [marketing] date and time for marketing confcall

2010-03-17 Thread Drew Jensen

On 3/18/2010 12:37 AM, Chaosun wrote:

Well, I didn't vote, because I do understand the 7 or 8 hours time difference 
made people in China quite awkard. And I don't think if I listed on that list 
will change the schedule, it's better to suit you guys. I certainly try my best 
to attend it at 10 in the night.

Hello Chao,

Given that there seems to be, as Alexandro pointed out, more 
participants in the European area on the calls with a a few each from 
opposite directions of that as the center, perhaps a schedule that 
slides in one direction then the other, alternating months, makes the 
most sense.

Just a thought of the top of my head as read along here.

Best wishes,


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Re: [marketing] date and time for marketing confcall

2010-03-17 Thread Drew Jensen

Hello Chaosun,

My apology for the copy/paste mistake on the last email to the Mailing list.


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Re: [marketing] report on CeBIT and funding request

2010-03-14 Thread Drew Jensen

Florian Effenberger wrote:

 but for us, it has such an important marketing impact, that we 
shouldn't miss it. Being there is just a necessity -- and makes a lot 
of fun. :-)

+ 1 to that idea.

Hello Florian,

Since it appears that what is going on there, with OO.o D. e.v., is 
working, and is circumscribed in it's ability to function outside of 
Germany, my question is how should that be replicated in other areas?

Also - from your questions regarding funds from OO.o I am left  clueless 
now as to the relationships here. I was under the belief that OO.o D. 
e.v. held the purse strings for all of OO.o - that however appears to be 
a wrong belief on my part.



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Re: [marketing] marketing confcall in March

2010-03-13 Thread Drew Jensen

On 3/11/2010 4:01 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


it's March already, and that means a new conference call is waiting. :-)
I've set up a poll at

Hello Florian,

Updated doodle.
Added some suggestions to



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[marketing] Re: [website-dev] DFD this March 31st - What we going to do about it?

2010-03-08 Thread Drew Jensen

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

On March 30th the Document Freedom day is happening and I think we are
in good time to start to work on a campaign to show our support on the

I think this event is pretty important, and we could be working with
the communities and spread the word about this relevant event. I think
also marketing should put some  money to fund the development.

Some ideas are:
- Showcase the benefits of OpenDocuments
- Show the tools that use ODF
- Push documentation to the forefront about ODF such as adoption, implementation
- Push technical documentation
- Projects like www-at-odf and ODFDOM, XSLT-Tools

I think this is a relevant event to put our support behind and also
OOo does need a more responsive website.

Agreed, Alexandro is correct it is quite relevant and IMO
befitting for a community based action of support.
(so that is the easy part - saying it)

Before looking at what we could do that directly fosters adoption of perhaps we should look at what we could do, as the community to support the folks behind

For one thing we could take upon ourselves to help drive individuals to 
the site - that is easy. Place one of their banners on the website with 
a link home - or write a tweet with a link to the site, and then ask 
OO.o community members to twitter (that's a verb, sure) it or re-twitter.

Perhaps more appropriately - what is our strength? I've been pondering 
that recently, what is an OO.o strength. It is the myriad of languages 
supported and our ability to support those languages and support new 
ones. Well, lets put that to use.

Draft our own flier - they have one at the documentfreedom site, use it 
or create our own.

Now how many languages do we support? I don't know *chuckle*.
But set a goal 100% translation by March 25 - that is an aggressive goal 
isn't it - but how close can we come..only one way to find out.
Heck put a thermometer on  the front page and track how we do - someone 
take the task of driving it to the top.
Donate those translations, a common message for the world back to the 
documentfreedom web site

(maybe let them know they are coming - huh )

Make a big deal of it - it's ok, it helps the actual cause - We are the 
Office Suite for the World - We speak the languages of the peoples of 
the world, well lets show what that means..

Just a thought


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[marketing] Re: [website-dev] DFD this March 31st - What we going to do about it?

2010-03-08 Thread Drew Jensen

Draft our own flier - they have one at the documentfreedom site, use 
it or create our own.

Now how many languages do we support? I don't know *chuckle*.
But set a goal 100% translation by March 25 - that is an aggressive 
goal isn't it - but how close can we come..only one way to find out.
Heck put a thermometer on  the front page and track how we do - 
someone take the task of driving it to the top.
Donate those translations, a common message for the world back to the 
documentfreedom web site

(maybe let them know they are coming - huh )

Make a big deal of it - it's ok, it helps the actual cause - We are 
the Office Suite for the World - We speak the languages of the peoples 
of the world, well lets show what that means..

One addendum to this - Make a big deal of, call attention to, the effort 
is fine and good but to restate the purpose - we are producing fliers 
(or whatever we decide on) for them.

If we can resit the urge to tag the product with anything more then a 
small, demure citation, for instance:

Translated by Community Members

small type, on the back perhaps, no logo for OO.o or others, the product 
is for them, not us; then if we do that it is my belief both we and they 
are best served.

The thermometer idea - sure, big, bright, gaudy
- update it daily, hourly whatever
- send out tweets every time we hit some milestone
- lets get creative, but gulls, logos, gnomes,
whatever that is ours.

anyway - enough from me..


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Re: [marketing] Document Freedom Day

2010-03-06 Thread Drew Jensen

On 3/4/2010 3:53 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


Alexjan Carraturo wrote on 2010-03-02 21.48:

Florian Effenberger wrote:

+1 very good idea.


With my group (FSUGItalia), we are preparing an event for DFD in
Spoleto (Italy), as we do before for 2 years.

Italian page of the event

thanks! Anyone interested of setting up a wiki page or dedicated website
with information to our activities?



Has anyone raised their hand to implement Florian's idea?

Another event:

Document Freedom Day 2010
Presentation and Discussion
Frostburg Public Library
65 East Main Street
Frostburg, MD 21532

March 31, Noon - 1:00 PM

(their stuck with me as the presenter)

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Re: [marketing] Community survey on main properties of - call for proposals

2010-03-02 Thread Drew Jensen

I'm quite sure that some of the properties most community members think
to be important contain open , professional or active.

Well, I really thought you would get so much response internally it would
be good to balance it with some outside data - but I see I was wrong
in the first part of that assessment.

OK - for my part:

Capable - imparting the fitness of the application for tasks required in 
a modern office environment.

Reliable - imparting not just that the software is stable, but that the 
software is backed by an organization that you can rely on to be there 
in the future.

Good luck with this,


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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-03-02 Thread Drew Jensen

It would help to touch base in advance with other projects, or even
companies, where OOo is used or of benefit. LTSP, K12LTSP, Edubuntu,
Skolelinux, Evergreen (ILS), Koha (ILS), Userful Inc, etc.

Hola Lars

Excellent - can I count on you to help with this?

Do you have contacts in any of those projects?

Evergreen will be at the show and has a rather large booth assigned,
(in the guise of their commercial owner) making a point of stopping
by and saying hello is already on my short list.

Koha - ah, I have not touched base with those folks, but am planning
on doing so, but I've been busy understanding there system. Over this
last weekend I set up an instance of their latest system on a server

The koha community has a 'sort of current' logical schema available,
so with that and a reverse of the physical schema was able to setup
the MySQL native connector and Report Builder as a very nice custom
report writer and access to the patron data for mail merge, etc -
I'll put the whole process into a tutorial style presentation.
Anyway - sometime this week I figure I'll drop that project
an email and let them know what I'm doing and that I'll have the whole
thing available at the show - with preview to them earlier so they can
have a chance to comment on it.

Let me know if you can help here - thanks,


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[marketing] ALA - OOo4Kids ( was : what does it matter )

2010-03-02 Thread Drew Jensen

Well - this is a fine mess that I seem to have gotten us into.

First off - I am going on record as blaming everything on Joyce.

Who is Joyce? - doesn't matter.

Here is what I thought the disk should look like - at least
as of today:

Notice please that OOo4Kids is only a small piece.

For me I have only one question - and this comes from the exchange that 
just took place.

IS OOo4Kids intended for General Release, looking for actual deployments 
with real users?

If so then it belongs.

If not then it doesn't.

All the rest of that discussion is BS with regards to the show, IMO.



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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-02-27 Thread Drew Jensen

OOo4Kids addressed a completely different user group

and librarians are probably more interested in OOo.

Hello Juergen

well - I respectfully disagree:



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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-02-27 Thread Drew Jensen

Hello again

On 2/27/2010 10:21 AM, Juergen Schmidt wrote:

Fos FOSDEM we choose an additional image to transport a specific message.

Ok - do you mind if I ask what that message was?



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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-02-27 Thread Drew Jensen


I am unsure whether OOo4kids contributes anything of its own technology
back to OOo. Therefore I don't think it's a good idea to even consider

Hi Charles.

Well- your going places there I don't belong. None the less, I'll walk 
there if need be.

First however I would like to see the response to my last email to 
Jurgen about the message the was being transferred at FOSDEM.

Til then,


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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-02-27 Thread Drew Jensen

Ok - do you mind if I ask what that message was?

for the interpretation of the image
We needed mainly a nice image that we could use for the shirts and the
squirl worked perfectly.

In short OOo and it's world wide community. And what's more important
everybody can be part of it quite easy. I include OOo users as part of
the community as well. Ok it's the broader or outer community but they
often help to promote OOo by simply talking about or recommend it.

Thank you Juergen

I did not mean to put you on the spot there.

(don't actually think I did)

I would say that is a very good message.


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Re: [marketing] Community survey on main properties of - call for proposals

2010-02-26 Thread Drew Jensen

Bernd Eilers wrote:

Hi Bernhard,

Bernhard Dippold wrote:

[... snip...]

Yes - I'm not looking for the general public thoughts on OOo (even 
this might be a very interesting survey), but on the community's 
self-perception as a basis for our visual design.

Well maybe it´s just me but I just don´t get it. How do you plan to 
convert the results of such a poll to items such as a color palette 
being used for the visual design? And I am not even talking about 
aspects like that perception of colors might be different around the 
world and among different cultures.

This whole idea of a poll to base a visual design on is just way too 
strange for me.

Hi Bernhard,

Sorry then - I misunderstood your goals.

Question - is there a problem with the current color scheme?



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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-02-26 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy is putting a CD together for distribution at the show.

I had asked Andy if he planned to include any extensions and/or
templates on the CD - I saw in the MLs that he asked for feed back
on what that might include.

@Andy - would you consider including OOo4Kids on the CD along with

I have no problem adding it or making a separate disk.

so @Andy - here is my suggestion for one inclusion for the CD:
The OOOP-Gallery pack found at

Will get it and add it to the disk.

Alright - assuming OOo4Kids is ok with you and the gallery pack then that
is ~1/2 of the CD space.

There is also a Template pack from the same source as the gallery pack,
but I don't think you could get on the CD given the other three...maybe
I'm wrong on that.

I will get it and see how it stacks up.  As I said I can make an OOoKids
disk if need be.

--so first @Andy, or anyone else, what do you think about that?

I think it is a good idea.

Overall so do I - but reading over that email I'd say don't run off and
start burning things just yet.

1) - I forgot about the manuals that Jean was going to get to you.

Do you have all those in place already?
How much space does that take up?

2) CD label art
I know you asked about that - did you find what you needed on that?

If we add these other items does that change what we should to with
label art?


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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-02-26 Thread Drew Jensen

On 2/26/2010 8:27 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:

It might be nice to add the OOo4Kids logo but then I think we would run

into a problem as that could be considered modifying the OO,o art
which is not allowed.


So how do they come up with special event logos for things like FOSDEM,
or the different OOoCon logos - it has to be 100% from scratch each
and every time? No way that's what they do.

OK - quick additional to that, quick thought there.

If someone downloads the art work, doesn't say a thing, never comes back
here to the MLs - alters it and uses it - then yeah I can see where you 

want to discourage, if not downright prohibit, that.

But that isn't what we would be doing - I doubt that if we altered 

brought it back here for a review and comment, revision if necessary,
prior to use. that there would be anything but support.


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Re: [marketing] Templates for ALA conference

2010-02-26 Thread Drew Jensen

On 2/26/2010 9:10 PM, Andy Brown wrote:

Drew Jensen wrote:

OK - quick additional to that, quick thought there.

If someone downloads the art work, doesn't say a thing, never comes back
here to the MLs - alters it and uses it - then yeah I can see where you
want to discourage, if not downright prohibit, that.

But that isn't what we would be doing - I doubt that if we altered
brought it back here for a review and comment, revision if necessary,
prior to use. that there would be anything but support.

Then someone with more talent than I have will have to do it.  With the
label I can overlay the OOo4Kids logo on to the template that I use for
the disk labels.  But I have no idea how to use a graphics program to do
the work.


Understood -

Just read the wiki page again.

It's just process, apparently well used and understood.

I don't think we have a problem.

You don't mind if I take a run at a label then I take it.
I could try more as a prototype, then let the folks in the
art project take a look and if they have any interest made they
can tweak it, if need be.


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Re: [marketing] Virtual Event conference

2010-02-19 Thread Drew Jensen

Florian Effenberger wrote:

thanks a lot for sharing! I might not find the time, but will you 
follow (parts of) the conference? If so, can you share your experience 
in live streaming at the next marketing call?


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[marketing] Anyone going to Gov 2.0 Expo (The correct mailing list?)

2010-02-19 Thread Drew Jensen


I would like to ask if there are any other Community Members
planning on attending the Gov 2.0
expo in Washington DC this May.

Normally an expo only pass, private sector, is $100.00

Right now these can be had, with a code, for 0.00

Details for the expo are found here:

The code for free passes is found either on the
Gov2.0 facebook page or email me, I got one via
direct email with I believe allows up to 5 people,
so 4 left.

If a few of us are going I thought we cold try to
arrange a meet up.


(Second part of this email)

Is this really the mailing list where I should
be posting this type of stuff?


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Re: [marketing] Anyone going to Gov 2.0 Expo (The correct mailing list?)

2010-02-19 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy Brown wrote:

Drew Jensen wrote:


I would like to ask if there are any other Community Members
planning on attending the Gov 2.0
expo in Washington DC this May.

I would like to attend, but as I have explained before, not possible.
Would you want some pamphlets to pass out??



(Second part of this email)

Is this really the mailing list where I should
be posting this type of stuff?

It would seem to be the place, to me at least.



Hi Andy,

Hmm - only going to be attending the expo section.
I hadn't thought about bring along material to pass out,
but if you have some then yes I could take some.

I wouldn't really need many if I did, sure if you have some.


[marketing] Virtual Event conference

2010-02-18 Thread Drew Jensen


Last follow up from the phone call.

Mentioned that there was a conference coming up for vendors in the 
Virtual Event business and that one of the vendors was running a hybrid 
real/digitized event in conjunction - for folks to 'experience' their 
expertise (I have no idea, never heard of them before, but will check it 
out at least once during the time frame).

Here is the URL with the details, the conference starts a week from Monday.

Take care,


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Re: [marketing] follow-up on 2nd marketing confcall

2010-02-17 Thread Drew Jensen

On 2/12/2010 5:41 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


according to the current Doodle poll at, the 2nd marketing confcall is
most likely to take place

next Wednesday, February 17th, 1700 CET

If you haven't voted yet, please do so by Sunday, so I can fix the date
soon. Also don't forget to add your preferred agenta points to the wiki


Hi Florian,

Thanks again for getting this setup.

Sorry or being dense but just to be sure.

The call today is at 16:00UTC not 17:00 UTC is that correct?
So an hour form now roughly.

The number is the same as last time, and the one found on the wiki 
above, yes?



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[marketing] OO.o usage level worksheet

2010-02-17 Thread Drew Jensen


Just to follow up from the phone conference.

I sent a copy of the spread sheet I mentioned to the pr mailing list 
again a few minutes ago.

If folks don't see it on the list directly drop me a line and I'll see 
what's wrong on my end and send the file a different way for now.



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[marketing] Sun defends trakemark

2010-02-17 Thread Drew Jensen


Another followup from the phone call.

The information regarding Sun Microsystems moving against one of the  
folks running scams on the internet can be found here:

The reference was sent to the users mailing list in this message:



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Re: [marketing] Sun defends trakemark

2010-02-17 Thread Drew Jensen

Yes, it is an important decision. But now this company uses domain and I receive many complains from persons having
lost 2 sms for nothing or for a malware.

I suspect that trying to curtail this type of activity is always going 
to be akin to ridding an apartment house of cockroaches.

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Re: [marketing] OO.o usage level worksheet

2010-02-17 Thread Drew Jensen

On 2/17/2010 2:45 PM, Lars Nooden wrote:

Drew Jensen wrote:

Just to follow up from the phone conference.


Post the URL to the worksheet.

Good point

What is the spread sheet about?

Hello Lars,

Well, I simply am taking the numbers released recently regarding office 
suite usage in a number countries, based on installed fonts found and 
asking two questions.

How does that translate to actual number of users?

What then is the overall market penetration of the different suites to 
the actual total of installed desktops?

My approach is fairly simple and hopefully not too simplistic so as to 
be meaningless. I wanted therefore a few others to see what I was up to 
and for them to have the ability to comment.

At this point there isn't anything that I would want to release for 
general consumption, which is why I used a mailing list not totally open 
via the archives.

I would hope to have this generally available, assuming I don't hear 
form folks that it's 'dumb' never first of the week, next.



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[marketing] Re: ALA-2010 Kick Off meeting

2010-02-15 Thread Drew Jensen
I would like to get those interested in participating in one place for 
an hour if possible.

For that I set up
- an IRC channel:

- and a meeting scheduler at Doodle: 

Howdy all,

Well, seeing that only a few folks marked any type of preferred time (I 
know this was short notice):

- will just leave the irc channel open for the next few days.

- be sure to be on  the irc channel between 7 and 10 PM EST tonight but 
otherwise on and off during the day.

-  put the log (given any activity) on the wiki each day.

Otherwise, will be setting up a project calendar and will make access 
available to all as soon as it is in place.

Til later,


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Re: [marketing] iPhone App for news on OOo?

2010-02-14 Thread Drew Jensen

On 2/14/2010 3:06 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

I do see however a big issue and is that the OOo site is not federated
so an RSS can't be generated unless it scrapt it off from the website.

Hi Alexandro,

Well, sure it is - maybe not every page, but wouldn't really want that 
anyway, I don't think.

But the things that would be of real interest to IMO those reading on a 
hand held:

New Extensions - syndicated (can be syndicated by OS, App, etc )
New Templates - syndicated ( same as above, I think??)
UX Blog - syndicated
Mktg Blog - syndicated
Planet - syndicated ???
annou...@oo.e - type of syndication - want it as a news feed - got it:
Just setup a blog, any will do, that takes email postings:
Subscribe the blogs email post address to the mailing list - done.
Syndicate it back to an OO.o site or use it to aggregate the other feeds.

I'm just saying that we have lots of tools before us - we can mix and 
match, and IMO not every piece really has to be on the OO.o domain.


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[marketing] ALA-201 I'ts a go ( was : American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference)

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy Brown wrote:

Drew, all,

I have the files needed to get started on the CDs for the conference.
I just need an idea of how many I need to burn.

How do I go about getting the labels?

Still waiting on the Art project for the banner art, trying to tie in
with the 10 anniversary.

I finally have a good pamphlet, how may do we need?

Any idea how many of the Library flyers we will need?

Howdy Andy,

Firstly - the contract with the show organizers was signed on the 11th.

I certainly don't want to dampen your enthusiasm to begin but I don't 
think it's appropriate to start production just yet.

more in following emails


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Re: [marketing] Fwd: Linux Today - It's Not The Hokey Cokey; OpenOffice BACK In Ubuntu Netbook Edition After User Outcry

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen

Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
A nice story. Pity that most of our (90?) downloads from the website are Windows. 



Howdy Louis,

*smile*...nice show you folks put on last night BTW.

A curious commentary on the good news in that reference, me thinks.

Have a Good Day  - Eh!


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[marketing] ALA-2010 Kick Off meeting ( was : American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen wrote:

Hi Everyone

I would be interested in helping (Donate) some funds for Openoffice
exhibiting at In
general I think attending and/or exhibiting at Linux/open source shows,
besides trying to recruit help, is preaching to the choir.

Im a firm believer that it is the libraries in communities which can plant a
lot of seeds for OOO to grow.

More info is available here:

Russell Ossendryver


Hello All,

The contract for this event was signed this week - so the clock is running.

I would like to get those interested in participating in one place for 
an hour if possible.

For that I set up
- an IRC channel:

- and a meeting scheduler at Doodle:
I've set up 4, evening hour, slots for Tuesday / Wednesday.

If folks could mark this for a time they would be available - much 

Best wishes,


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Re: [marketing] ALA-2010 Kick Off meeting ( was : American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen

I marked 5pm(PST) but 6pm(PST) would be better for me though I realize
it is kind of late for you.

OK  - Added the 2 later time slots

Never used doodle, so not sure how you change your choice..

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Re: [marketing] ALA-2010 Application distribution (was :American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen

Bernhard Dippold wrote:

Hi Andy, Drew, *

Andy Brown schrieb:

Drew Jensen wrote:

Hi Andy,

Before we get to deep into this it may be better to move to a show
specific channel for discussion - an email list of forum/wiki.

If you had moved, I couldn't take part in this discussion. So from my 
side staying here on the main marketing list has it's advantages.

I'd just propose to start a new thread for every new topic (so 
threading is easier), but add [ALA 2010:] to the subject, so everybody 
not interested in this topic can just drop it...

Hi Bernhard,

Well, it appears to me that using specialty channels ( separate email 
lists for instance ) for specific activities is the norm here. Surely 
you realize it would be open, as all others are.

I would be remiss if I didn't send a notice to all projects that should 
know where ii, art, branding list, etc.

For myself there a number of irons in the fire - with plenty of emails 
and sure I can keep updating a filter for new subject lines but it is a 
lot easier for me to have a better bucket to put things in, like a mail 
list or a forum/wiki.

But for the moment. Can you say how long a lead time you need to 

x number of discs?

[...] I can probably wait till the first of
May and still get out 1,000 disk but I would like to get started as soon
as possible to make sure.  I want to be able to place the orders for the
banner and pamphlets on the first of May as well to insure we have them
in time.

In this case I'd propose to wait until the first of April before you 
decide about the old or the new design.

If the Branding Initiative is able to provide you with the new design 
in time, you could go for the new one with pamphlet, banner and CD 
labels (you'll probably be the first adopting this design in this case).

If there is no design ready to be used, you could take the present 
OOo3 design.

Just a proposal...

@Andy - just my perspective. It is very important that we mesh with the 
branding and art groups on this.



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[marketing] Re: ALA-2010 Kick Off meeting ( was : American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen

Drew Jensen wrote:

Hello All,

The contract for this event was signed this week - so the clock is 

I would like to get those interested in participating in one place for 
an hour if possible.

For that I set up
- an IRC channel:

- and a meeting scheduler at Doodle:
I've set up 4, evening hour, slots for Tuesday / Wednesday.

If folks could mark this for a time they would be available - much 

I created a wiki page for some agenda items.

It has my idea for a team make up as far as responsibilities would go.

Looking over the emails (and from memory) I believe the responses would 
fill that list in..any way..update the wiki with any ideas, comments if 
you would.

I'll send an email to other lists this evening with an invitation to 
anyone that may not be following this list per se.


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Re: [marketing] ALA-2010 Kick Off meeting ( was : American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy Brown wrote:

Drew Jensen wrote:

I marked 5pm(PST) but 6pm(PST) would be better for me though I realize
it is kind of late for you.

Thanks.  Making a change seem easy enough.  I am in for Monday and
Tuesday @6pm.  I think I figured out the irc stuff, at least how to connect


I know that times don't work for every person that might be interested 
in this.

In all honesty there is a group of individuals having already shown some 
interest (not all of whom are active on this list) that I hope will 
actually get involved, for which these times seemed most appropriate. 
It's a big continent and even bigger rock in the .just is - What 
it is.

For some, such as Florian I know it's a 'kick in the head'  time 

As mitigation two things:

I can certainly be on-line at a better time for folks on the other side 
of the pond - getting up at 3AM on Monday mornings is something I do on 
a very regular basis: when I particularly want to get some 'face time' 
with the Base team in Hamburg...nothing beats getting your email in 
front of them over Monday morning coffee.

Secondly : The irc channel irc://freenode/ooousa if you notice has a 
guest(owner) sybil- just a server keeping a log. The log will go to the 
wiki - as I see stuff that should go to the wiki, I'll move it..other 
wise I plan on having the channel open 24/7 for the next few days at least.

Otherwise every other way we converse is still here.

Talk to you later,


Re: [marketing] ALA-2010 Kick Off meeting ( was : American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-02-13 Thread Drew Jensen

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

I am fine with earlier, as long as is not morning of course. I am not
a morning person and most of my other meetings happened then.

Hola Alexandro,

...added 4 to the front end of the time.



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Re: [marketing] conference list ( was: American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-01-26 Thread Drew Jensen

Juergen Schmidt wrote:

+1 I like this idea, I think the wiki could be a good place to start the
action items. Please use this link:

why not under
with the correct categories and dynamic page lists to aggregate this 
event on the ALA page and the conference page. See for example other 

It would be much simpler to get an overview of all the different 
conferences world wide and our bundled activities.

Hello Juergen,

Good question.

Should entries under be made when 
possible participation at an event is being discussed, or only after an 
affirmative decision to proceed has been made?



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Re: [marketing] What do we want to do - (was: American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference )

2010-01-26 Thread Drew Jensen

Hello Christine, et al

Let us back up just a bit here.

Starting with a look at our reason for being at an ALA conference, a goal.

My suggestion for a goal:

Help build a vibrant user community in US libraries.

We could then look at two activities aimed to attaining the goal:

1 - Introduce new users to

2 - Connect current users of the application with the community, encouraging them to get involved.

Rational for the two activities is to match the two types of ALA 
conference attendees we will meet. Those that have never used and those that currently do or have installed it but 
don't actually use it.

Then, keeping these activities in mind, moving forward to look at what 
artifacts to produce, for the show, which best facilitate the activities.



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Re: [marketing] What do we want to do -

2010-01-26 Thread Drew Jensen

Drew Jensen wrote:
Then, keeping these activities in mind, moving forward to look at what 
artifacts to produce, for the show, which best facilitate the activities.

One change here...

Then, keeping the goal in mind, moving forward to look at what artifacts 
to produce, for the show, which best facilitate the activities.

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Re: [marketing] working the show (was:American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference)

2010-01-26 Thread Drew Jensen

Hello Benjamin, et al

A few thoughts on activities at the show.

One possible specific activity:
Engage with current users.

- Thank them for their use.
-- perhaps some type of OO.o cheat sheet as a gift

- If they are not on the latest version of the application, get the 
latest version into their hands.

- Present the community
-- Do they know about support via ML/Web forum/wiki
 Do they make use of them?

-- Are they registered with the web site?
 Benefits of doing so. (are there any)
 Could we register them at the show???(capture their information)

-- Do they know about template/extension sites?

-- Do they receive the Newsletter?
 If not give them a printed copy of the latest
 Offer to sign them up for the newsletter

- Invite them to get involved
-- donate a template
-- help with documentation
-- offer them a disc and ask them to pass it on to a friend or colleague

Well - just some thoughts as I said.

Ideas, comments?



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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-24 Thread Drew Jensen

Lars Nooden wrote: wrote:

Yes, at somepoint we got to try and reach out to the larger corporate
sponsors so this can happen.

Are there any contacts with companies that support or maintain or train
Evergreen, Koha or Greenstone?  Those are FOSS integrated library
systems.  It would makes sense to try to work together with them



Hi Lars,

Equinox  is listed as having a booth at the expo. (Evergreen, FOSS cataloging software)

That is only direct knowledge I have.


Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-24 Thread Drew Jensen

Hello Folks,

FYI - updated 
with final show schedule, some suggestions regarding a booth location, 
show media..etc.

Also updated

During the day I'll be updating both pages - including updating the talk 
page with subjects from this ML thread...*PLEASE* feel free to do so 

@Christine, Lars, Andy - sorry, I have not had a good chance to email 
you directly. @Christine feel free to kick that off if you like,

Lots of stuff in the last few emails from everyone to touch on; 
Including goals
- @Lars you and others, I think have been hitting on that, particularly, 
with some remarks.  IMO having goals more precisely enumerated is a must 
-again- lets try and get this moved to the wiki page(s) if we can.

For the next couple of hours  I'll be on task (budget, project plan) and 
lurking at IRC channel irc://freenode/oooregional 
(Football starts in 3 hours...*grin*...and a guy has to have priorities!)

Otherwise, planing on dialing into tomorrows phone conference, to listen 
and in case there any questions on this.



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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-22 Thread Drew Jensen

Hamish Bell wrote:
I agree ... while we should be encouraging people to use Linux, we have

to realise that Windows is just as important platform because so many
more people use Windows than Linux.  We should be doing our best to
increase OOo usage, no matter what platform the user uses and by having
maybe one Windows-based station will show that OOo works fine on
platforms other than Linux.

Hamish, Russell,

Well, if you look the station with key number [2] = Virtualized Desktop.

The two screens [1]and[2] would be running off an OpenSolaris server 
with virtualbox. The console [2] can run OpenSolaris, Linux, Win 7 
desktops as needed.
Additionally the screen can accept a secondary input, so bring your own 

Would that cover us?


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-22 Thread Drew Jensen

Additionally the screen can accept a secondary input, so bring your 
own laptop.

meant - so if anyone brings a Mac laptop?

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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-22 Thread Drew Jensen

Hamish, Russel

Thanks again for prompting me to think a little more here.

My last trip cross country, I needed to use the public access computer 
kiosks at a couple of small town libraries (as in middle of Wyoming 
small). Both cases they had really nice printers (I was surprised a 
little) but the computers where a good 5-6 years old. (As an aside: one 
had a copy of OO.o 3 installed - when asked the Librarian said a local 
high school kid asked to install it - and - he was a good kid, so fine 
with her...but she didn't know anything about it )

My intention is to bring just such a machine, an older Compaq, with 
Linux/OO.o - this machine would not handle Win7/MSO 2010. I was thinking 
that it's one thing to say that Linux/OO.o breaths performance back into 
older hardware, it's another to let them see for themselves.

Also - I was thinking we could offer the workstation/PCS as a public 
access kiosk for the attendees, say for someone that needs to print a 
resume. For those that have the 'deer in the headlights look' when they 
realize it's not MS we have a real live person there to get them 
started. [might be a dumb idea ??]

Anyway, I'm just throwing out ideas here.


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-22 Thread Drew Jensen


As a reference, I can get a 6ft by 2.5ft heavy duty, reusable, sign for
around $51.00.  I say reusable so that it can be used for, hopefully,
other events during the year.


Tell you what - can you take this as yours and coordinate with folks in 
the art project (I see you sent an email already)

I will just pencil in $55.00 for a banner under projected costs and you 
as the owner, if that's alright?

(it would really be nice to have a banner before June 14th  6 foot 
would be a good size)

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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-22 Thread Drew Jensen

I will be glad to do it.  Don't worry about the cost as I think I can
cover that.  If we do as others have with the CDs then we can recover at
least some of the cost.

Do you have the lead time needed for the printer after they 'acceptable' 
the art?

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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-21 Thread Drew Jensen

Florian Effenberger wrote:


Drew Jensen wrote on 2010-01-14 18.31:

Also, setup a wiki page
as a collection point for details.

sorry for my late reply, currently a bit behind my Inbox, but working 
on it. :-)

Can someone bring me up to date? Did I get it right that we have a 
fixed team of at least three people who can staff the booth and take 
care of organizing things, producing collaterals etc.? I.e., it only 
depends on the funding process that we can attend, is that right?

Hello Florian,

Booth staffing commitments:
now at 4 persons (this includes Marino Marcich from the ODFAlliance 

Team responsibilities:
I will take responsibility for the booth ( setup, tear-down, staffing 
schedule, supply needed computing equipment for displays and demos )

Looking for:
someone that will take responsibility for the 'content' we want on those 
computer screens


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-21 Thread Drew Jensen

Christine Louise Beems wrote:
Hey Drew... re: someone that will take responsibility for the 
'content' we want on those computer screens

I will participate with content development (graphic design, 
promotional copy, marketing materials/strategy) however I may be 
useful and am capable, and we should probably discuss this further 
off-list ( Just know that I will do whatever I 
can to support your exhibit efforts at this conference. Thanks for all 
you are doing to 'get the word out' grin... ~Christine

Outstanding - I will touch base with you directly.


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-21 Thread Drew Jensen wrote:


Jean Hollis Weber will arrange What is OpenDocument Format and Why Should
You Care? flyers for us to hand out.



Is that the layout of the flyer or the actual production of the flyers?



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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-21 Thread Drew Jensen

Hello Lars,

I would not mind being in on Cc:s.  I would go to the DC event if I were
in the area.  The planning would be useful for other events and I do
still have contact with European libraries and librarians, having for a
while worked as one.

Sounds good to me.


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-21 Thread Drew Jensen

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

There is some new material that will be shown on FOSDEM. Also I sent
you some from the education project.

Hello Alexandro,

Would you like to be cc'd on the email exchange with Christine, Lars and 

I wanted to bring up the Business Development project with regards to 
this endeavor.

US Consultants list.
You and I have spoken about this before and I realize that *I* dropped 
the ball on this after our last exchange.

However, it seems to me that this becomes a big issue that needs fixed 
BEFORE the show.

First - so that the US consultants list is again on-line, purged of the 
junk entries, and with links that go to something at the external site 
regarding OO.o.

Second - that we touch base with every entity on that list in advance of 
the show, with enough lead time so that if they are interested, they can 


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-15 Thread Drew Jensen


Had a chance to talk with Mr. Widick at the ALA.

Details at


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-14 Thread Drew Jensen

On 1/14/2010 6:37 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

Hi Russell, wrote on 2010-01-11 18.28:

I would be interested in helping (Donate) some funds for Openoffice
exhibiting at In
general I think attending and/or exhibiting at Linux/open source shows,
besides trying to recruit help, is preaching to the choir.

thanks a lot for your generous offer, that is much appreciated! I'm
currently working on Christmas email backlog, thus I didn't follow the
whole thread, so bear with me if I missed some information.

I'm happy to support this plan from the marketing project.

Thanks Florian

We need a team taking care of the exhibition, logistics,
collaterals etc. I see that some seem to be interested
-- any fixed team yet?

I don't think so, but a spark of one at this point.

Can someone clarify what funding in total would be required for the
things you need? Then we can see what we have and what we need. :-)

Jan 29th is the deadline for registration - 15 days.

I suppose we, anyone interested, needs to get together and figure this out.
I don't suppose that the main marketing list, here, is for that
- this list being where we report back to with plans/requests, yes?

Sophie suggested we use an irc channel going forward for a regional 
initiative of #oooregional, sounds reasonable to me.


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-14 Thread Drew Jensen

Also, setup a wiki page
as a collection point for details.



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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-14 Thread Drew Jensen

On 1/11/2010 4:37 PM, wrote:

Some quick thoughts regarding this.

$2,025 is the cost and from what I see that does not include a floor pass

for both workers

I would help with some of that. And, there are other expenses, duplication
of  OOo CDs, signs, flyers on  ect. I spoke to Richard
Widick who handles sales of booths for ALA, he advised that they would as a
special for openoffice give us a small table on press row for USD800 as an
alternative if we wish. Im not sure how effective the small table will be.

Hello Russell,

Would you touch base with the person you spoke with from the event and 
find out if they would have any problems with us setting up a WiFi 
hotspot in the booth.
The idea would be to allow folks to connect directly to a local server, 
no internet access, and download directly to their laptops our binaries 
and other materials.
It's an idea I've been working on and would like to propose, but if they 
would not allow it then we can save discussing it.



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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-14 Thread Drew Jensen

On 1/14/2010 1:11 PM, wrote:

Hi Drew

WiFi hotspot in the booth.

This can be done, however, they would have to set it up for us and would
cost USD900.

There are WiFi spots around the conference center but none in the exhibit
halls. That of course does not help us,

hmmm - perhaps this is a miss communication. Sound like they are 
offering us a gateway to the internet.

I am talking about a wholly self contained system - think of it as a 
tether if you will.

Still, I was afraid that a large event might prohibit this. I talked 
with a LinuxFest organizer yesterday and they would be all for 
it..different crowd.

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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-14 Thread Drew Jensen

On 1/14/2010 1:19 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:

On 1/14/2010 1:11 PM, wrote:

Hi Drew

WiFi hotspot in the booth.

This can be done, however, they would have to set it up for us and would
cost USD900.

There are WiFi spots around the conference center but none in the 

halls. That of course does not help us,

hmmm - perhaps this is a miss communication. Sound like they are 
offering us a gateway to the internet.

I am talking about a wholly self contained system - think of it as a 
tether if you will.

Still, I was afraid that a large event might prohibit this. I talked 
with a LinuxFest organizer yesterday and they would be all for 
it..different crowd. 

Just in case you are talking with him again and to be clear

We would NOT be setting up a gateway to the internet - ONLY setting up 
our own single domain network with WiFi connection in and around the booth.


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Re: [marketing] Request for funding to go to Scale in Los Angeles

2010-01-11 Thread Drew Jensen

Sophie wrote:

However does NLC handles regional? or which project handles these 
type of affairs? 

No, it should be independent, even if from now, most groups are 
derived from the NLC communities. Here is the page on the wiki


Thank you, I updated the wiki page for a North American Group.


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Re: [marketing] Request for funding to go to Scale in Los Angeles

2010-01-11 Thread Drew Jensen

Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

That's encouraging. May I perhaps suggest -whether now or later- that
this group actually splits into smaller units? like US West Coast,
North Mexico, Great Lakes groups, etc. North America is a big chunk to
swallow :-)

Hello Charles,

Hopefully there will be a large enough and active enough community to 
warrant many sub-divisions.


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-11 Thread Drew Jensen

Benjamin Horst wrote:
I strongly agree. Education should be a very fertile market for our 
promotional work.

This ALA conference is in Washington DC, so it's possibly within range 
for me. Anthony is near DC as well, so if he's available that could be 

June 24 - 29, personally I've been looking at the Linuxfest in SC the 
weekend before for a trip, but given the location and lead time I would 
certainly be available to help. Perhaps, for the entire week, and most 
likely I can just stay with friends in town for the period.

That said:

Jan 29th is the deadline for acquiring a booth - not a lot of time for 
reasoned discussion. (echoing other posts about long range planning )

$2,025 is the cost and from what I see that does not include a floor 
pass for both workers? That is a good bite of cash.

If we could put this together any ideas on what exactly we would do with 
a 10 x 10 space and 3-4 bodies?


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Re: [marketing] American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference

2010-01-11 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy Brown wrote: wrote:


I would help with some of that. And, there are other expenses, duplication
of  OOo CDs, signs, flyers on  ect. I spoke to Richard
Widick who handles sales of booths for ALA, he advised that they would as a
special for openoffice give us a small table on press row for USD800 as an
alternative if we wish. Im not sure how effective the small table will be.

I can assist with the OO.o CDs so that would be a no cost.  All I
would need is a address to ship them and an estimate on how many would
be needed.  I would start on the CDs as soon as v3.2 is released.


Being only a few hours drive (mini-van) I could certainly act as an 
early collection point.

Not trying to say a small table wouldn't be fine, but Logistics wise I 
can also furnish:
[One note - I really would like to see the shows policy regarding 
security first, but assuming it's a locked facility at night]

32 LCD Display (Sony HD TV/Monitor)
22 LCD Display (HP 2207)
8/gig dual core server to drive both displays
2 - pc workstations
1 - HP PSC
Networking - wiFi router / switch

Commercial grade drop lines for a power run, some spot lighting 
equipment used in craft show displays. (Just in case there might be nice 
banner to highlight maybe :)

Good skirting for tables if needed. ( dark blue (my choice) and/or moca 
brown )

Alright - it's only  10x10 and that's probably way too much equipment 
but just saying I would be willing to help by bringing what we need.


Re: [marketing] Request for funding to go to Scale in Los Angeles

2010-01-10 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy Brown wrote:

I vote +1.  I may even try to get up there.

Do you mean that you only go if Alexandro is in attendance?

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Re: [marketing] Request for funding to go to Scale in Los Angeles

2010-01-10 Thread Drew Jensen

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

I am putting a request of $500 USD to travel to SCALEx next month in
Los Angeles. SCALE is one of the most important FLOSS events in the US
along with OSCON, Ohio Linux Fest, etc.

This event is one where developers will be all over the place and
would be great oportunity to recruit and have a display. Unfortunately
this trip won't allow me to cover the expense of a boot. But I will be
able to bring some brochures and CDs. But also walk around to other
boots and recruit on the spot. Unfortunately I wont give a talk since
the CFP was over on the 24th of last month but I will still be able to
participate on the un-conference and drive a BOF on ODF/OOo and other
of the projects I am involved like Education, BizDev and

It would be great to be able to have a presence on this event and
network with many geeks from area including San Francisco. 500 dls
will cover flight travel expense, hotel and local transportation will
be covered by OOoES as well as partner sponsor.


Hello Alexandro,

I'm just curious - my understanding is that OO.o has had a booth at that 
this event in the past.

Do you or anyone else know what happened to the apparent support OO.o 
had in that area - have all those people died?

There is no indigenous supports that would not need so much money?

Perhaps there are folks who could attend without travel subsidy then the 
money maybe could be spent on a booth.


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Re: [marketing] Request for funding to go to Scale in Los Angeles

2010-01-10 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy Brown wrote:

Drew Jensen wrote:

Andy Brown wrote:

I vote +1.  I may even try to get up there.

Do you mean that you only go if Alexandro is in attendance?

Hi Drew,

No.  I mean that I will try to attend.  I live in San Diego and if I can
work things I would like to go, where Alexandro is there or not.


I thought that was what you meant but wasn't really sure.

I hope you don't mind that I ask, but - Where you one of the folks that 
used to staff an OO.o booth at this event?



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Re: [marketing] Request for funding to go to Scale in Los Angeles

2010-01-10 Thread Drew Jensen

Andy Brown wrote:

 I have only in the last year,
last May in fact, joined the OO.o team.  Though I have used
StarOffice/ off and on for years.  I decided to try and
help where I can.


Thanks Andy,

Well, Alexandro mentioned a possible 'Birds of a feather' meeting. Would 
that be something of interest to you?

-and (since I'm being pushy :)-
Would that be something you might be willing to 'lead'?

Understanding of course that at this moment you aren't sure if you are 
going or not - but if you did.



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[marketing] Re: activities in North America - A town hall meeting

2010-01-05 Thread Drew Jensen

Drew Jensen wrote:


That we assemble a North American 2010 calendar with events of 
interest to individual community members.

Update and publish the Calendar to show which community members (with 
their permission) are likely to attend which events.

The goal:
- promote face to face interactions between community members
- recognize and exploit opportunities for to have a 
presence at local and regional events of interest throughout the year
We would like to hold an on-line Kick-off meeting utilizing the 
freenode irc channel nlooo and invite anyone interested in helping 
with this effort to attend.

Seems I transposed the letters in the IRC channel name, it is ooonlc on 
the freenode network.

Apologies for any confusion,


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Re: [marketing] Proposed change of Marketing Project Lead

2010-01-01 Thread Drew Jensen

Cor Nouws wrote:

John McCreesh wrote (01-01-10 20:37)

So, I would ask you all to confirm whether you are happy to endorse this
change of Lead, and if so, please welcome Florian and give him your
support as he takes up this challenging position.

+ 1 for Florian as lead
And +1 for John's continued support as co-lead

Thanks for all you have done so far, John :-)

Hello all.

Kudos to John for his efforts and results.

+1 for Florian as Lead.

I also think John staying on as co-lead would be great.


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[marketing] The world

2010-01-01 Thread Drew Jensen


Recently I wanted to know if there are requests for custom programming 
jobs hitting the 'job sites' (rent-a-coder, Elance, etc) with as part of the requirements. So, did a little research 
and there are a few - most of them (the ones I found at least) came out 
of India. Indian buyer makes request, Indian developer wins bid. 
[remember I was searching English sites, so surely missed a big bunch of 
what is really happening]

Today I put up a comment on my FaceBook account..just a little New Year 
type of post. As part of the post I attached a graphic of a world map - 
with a bunch of red dots. The graphic shows the originating location for 
visitors to a website that is specific. The 'dots' span 
the globe.

I know that I'm new here and that there is much history I don't know 
about - but if I may be so bold. Perhaps it's time to actively recruit 
people to fill top level positions in from locales 
outside of Europe.


Drew Jensen

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[marketing] Perception -

2010-01-01 Thread Drew Jensen


I've been meaning to send this email for a couple of months here 

An earlier email about my trip to the Ohio LinuxFest this past September.

There was something that came up a few times during my visit there that 
merits being passed along to this list, IMO - if it had come from one 
person I would dismiss it, but this happened maybe a half dozen times - 
one representative exchange.

So you work on any FOSS project.
I volunteer a little for (That is exactly how I said 
that EACH time)

Oh - I wish I could get paid to work on a FOSS project!

OK, now when I was speaking with folks, say from a Linux magazine or one 
of the big money FOSS companies - they did not have this misconception, 
but more often then not when I was speaking with 'just a guy (or gal)' 
this was exactly what they thought.

1 = Sun Microsystems
2 Everyone who works on the project is paid staff.

Just passing it along, for whatever it's worth.


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