Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-24 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Ganesh wrote:

 With all the community feedback in favour of t:ajax I gave it some more
 thought and came up with a solution: tomahawk can bring it's own myfaces.js
 file that t:ajax builds on. This solution does have a whole bunch of

 - the optimization options become available to Mojarra users
 - Mojarra Javascript bugs don't affect t:ajax users
 - view options like disable (naming elements to disable while xhr runs) and
 loadingbar (a turning snake to display while xhr is running) can be
 integrated with t:ajax
 - the options can be used naturally t:ajax execute=... render=...
 pps=... disable=.../, no more need for a myfaces subarray
 - defaulting can include pps=true and queuesize=1
 - myfaces.js would include a function myfaces.ajax.request that is triggered
 by t:ajax. The parameters of myfaces.ajax.request could also be set up more
 naturally, the need for a myfaces subarray would drop out:
 myfaces.ajax.request(execute:... render:... pps:... disable:...),
 thus aligning the procedural and the declarative solution

 If we decide to go this way I would remove the special options from the
 cores Javascript too.

 We've got 4 different proposed solutions now:

 1.) extra options in t:ajax and myfaces.ajax.request
 2.) optimization options as attributes of f:ajax
 3.) optimization options within f:attributes nested in f:ajax
 4.) a separate taglibrary with a single tag mf:ajax included with the core

 Should I set up a vote on this?

You already know my vote, right ? :)

 Best Regards,

 Cagatay Civici schrieb:

 Then just document t:ajax is an extension that's not compatible with RI.

 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Ganesh wrote:


    The options don't work with the RI, so t:ajax isn't feasable afaik.

    Best Regards,

    Cagatay Civici schrieb:

        The legacy way myfaces followed for a long time is to have
        standards in core and extensions in tomahawk. Isn't it the
        whole idea of t:inputText, t:dataTable?

        So I'm -1 as well for that kind of extensions in core so
        t:ajax sounds fine.


        On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ganesh wrote:


           How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the
           Javascript core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

           What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with the
           core, containing only a single tag?

           It seems confusing for the users to have additional options
           available on jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered
        when using
            the declarative approach without adding an extensions jar.

           Best Regards,

           Werner Punz schrieb:

               Sorry I have not read the original post here

               I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
               add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but
        would go
               even further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is
               of the spec!

               The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have
               done in the past and people relied upon. Up until now
        we added
               extensions on tag level via our own tag(Partially
        enforced by
               the TCK)

               So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
               +1 to enable the users to access our internal custom
               with myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

               Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off
        topic, I
               should had read the entire conversation before posting
        a reply.


               Ganesh schrieb:

                   Hi Simon,

                   Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special
                   options doesn't seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces
                   will change the behaviour. MyFaces 1.2 supports


                   With this option set some applications may add non
                   serializable beans to the state, breaking compatibility
                   with other implementations. It is obvious to the
                   options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility

                   Imho you hit the point when you said before that core
                   extensions should be avoided
                   if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the
                   app. Standard applications should be remain
        portable in
                   spite of implementation 

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-24 Thread Werner Punz

Ok let me get this straight...

You propose to route to our jsf_impl if a mojarra user tries to use the tag.

That needs some adjustments, because we call jsf.js from within our 
_impl code.

So we need to add a loose coupling of those calls as well by adding
an adaptor/delegator pattern for those!

(I am thinking of adding another configuration option which can change
the namespace of the api callback so that we can reroute them directly
into our impl_ class on the fly)

I am ok with it... so +1 from my side, I dont expect any sideffects if 
we can straighten this out!

Anway it seems that this is the usecase where we first see the 
advantages of being modular and loosely coupled in our code instead of 
trying to push everything into jsf.js  :-)


Ganesh schrieb:


With all the community feedback in favour of t:ajax I gave it some more 
thought and came up with a solution: tomahawk can bring it's own 
myfaces.js file that t:ajax builds on. This solution does have a whole 
bunch of benefits:

- the optimization options become available to Mojarra users
- Mojarra Javascript bugs don't affect t:ajax users
- view options like disable (naming elements to disable while xhr runs) 
and loadingbar (a turning snake to display while xhr is running) can be 
integrated with t:ajax
- the options can be used naturally t:ajax execute=... render=... 
pps=... disable=.../, no more need for a myfaces subarray

- defaulting can include pps=true and queuesize=1
- myfaces.js would include a function myfaces.ajax.request that is 
triggered by t:ajax. The parameters of myfaces.ajax.request could also 
be set up more naturally, the need for a myfaces subarray would drop 
out: myfaces.ajax.request(execute:... render:... pps:... 
disable:...), thus aligning the procedural and the declarative solution

If we decide to go this way I would remove the special options from the 
cores Javascript too.

We've got 4 different proposed solutions now:

1.) extra options in t:ajax and myfaces.ajax.request
2.) optimization options as attributes of f:ajax
3.) optimization options within f:attributes nested in f:ajax
4.) a separate taglibrary with a single tag mf:ajax included with the core

Should I set up a vote on this?

Best Regards,

Cagatay Civici schrieb:

Then just document t:ajax is an extension that's not compatible with RI.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Ganesh wrote:


The options don't work with the RI, so t:ajax isn't feasable afaik.

Best Regards,

Cagatay Civici schrieb:

The legacy way myfaces followed for a long time is to have
standards in core and extensions in tomahawk. Isn't it the
whole idea of t:inputText, t:dataTable?

So I'm -1 as well for that kind of extensions in core so
t:ajax sounds fine.


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ganesh wrote:


   How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the
   Javascript core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

   What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with 

   core, containing only a single tag?

   It seems confusing for the users to have additional options
   available on jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered
when using
the declarative approach without adding an extensions jar.

   Best Regards,

   Werner Punz schrieb:

   Sorry I have not read the original post here

   I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
   add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but
would go
   even further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is
   of the spec!

   The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we 

   done in the past and people relied upon. Up until now
we added
   extensions on tag level via our own tag(Partially
enforced by
   the TCK)

   So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
   +1 to enable the users to access our internal custom
   with myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

   Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off
topic, I
   should had read the entire conversation before posting
a reply.


   Ganesh schrieb:

   Hi Simon,

   Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces 

   options doesn't seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces
   will change the behaviour. MyFaces 1.2 supports



Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-23 Thread Werner Punz

To just add my personal comment.
Those options are discussed for a reason.

There are problems within the realm of the spec
that some corner cases have not been really covered
which normally do not occur but from time to time happen
(like issues with infinite queue sizes under certain application 
environments, or for instance

in the future dealing with fieluploads before jsf 2.1, or for instance
I just added an option to allow other error outputs for development 
besides alert (like it was defined in the spec) for Development stage)

We saw it sort of necessary to allow the users to enable those options
because it is better to allow sane overrides at certain points than to 
force the user to hack the code to get some features up and running for 
certain corner cases. (which is always possible with javascript due to 
no having any isoltion whatsoever)

As for the portability trap, I dont really see it, everyone who uses a 
custom option must be aware that this might induce a portability problem 
in the long run, but this option has to be used fully understanding it

since it is outside of the spec, and leaving them out definitely has
to cause a fully spec compliant behavior!

Besides that the entire configuration stuff is used in two different 
areas to give a short explanation

we have a global configuration which also binds the layers (mainly 
api-impl-delegators for impl, and also allows to enable settings on a 
global level)

we have local configuration options which can override the global ones
to allow settings on a local per request layer!

So what does this mean, first of all, none of this should be used in 
normal circumstances, in this case we should be fully spec compliant
but then you can alter certain things on a need to need base, like 
changing the spec alert behavior to console.log for debugging purposes,
or you can change your impl on the fly with a different one, or you can 
change the currently dependency less xhr transport delegate to a dojo 
based one, if preferred, or you can alter the queue size.

We are simply opting for such things because of corner cases and to 
leave the users/companies using the code options open to add their own 
implementations without having to hack the code.

But everyone doing such things must be aware of the risks this might 

This is not the first time we are doing this, as pointed out earlier, we 
have in other points those configuration options as well, just look at 
the list of context parameters myfaces provides to enable certan 
behavior like controlling the state history, or as below pointed out

to how the serialisation has to be performed!
Nothing of those has introduced any portability issues so far because 
people understood that this was behavior which should ease the life

but is outside of the spec!


Ganesh schrieb:

Hi Simon,

Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special options doesn't 
seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces option will change the behaviour. 
MyFaces 1.2 supports


With this option set some applications may add non serializable beans to 
the state, breaking compatibility with other implementations. It is 
obvious to the developer that

options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility problems.

Imho you hit the point when you said before that core extensions should 
be avoided
if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the app. Standard 
applications should be remain portable in spite of implementation 
options set.
Here's a short discussion on the portability issues of the proposed 
extension options:
- With myfaces:pps set to true applications that evaluate request 
parameters within phase 5 could change their behaviour.
- With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING applications that have a 
Javascript part

that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered could change behaviour.
- With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to think of an application 
that would change behaviour. Maybe a button that increases a counter by 
1 (or scrolls a list by 1 page) on each click would miss some of the 
clicks if the user has a quick thumb.
I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1 would make an 
application run

into errors (can you?).

I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor changes of 
behaviour occur, none of them fundamentally changes the behaviour of the 

Best Regards,

Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is setting a
portability trap for users, where their app will silently fail to run
correctly when executed on a different JSF implementation. That seems
unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically detect it.

So for the two params you are proposing which are just performance
tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested f:attribute seems ok.
But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly recommend an
mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-23 Thread Werner Punz

Sorry I have not read the original post here

I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but would go even 
further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is outside of the spec!

The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have done in the 
past and people relied upon. Up until now we added extensions on tag 
level via our own tag(Partially enforced by the TCK)

So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
+1 to enable the users to access our internal custom options with 
myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off topic, I should had 
read the entire conversation before posting a reply.


Ganesh schrieb:

Hi Simon,

Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special options doesn't 
seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces option will change the behaviour. 
MyFaces 1.2 supports


With this option set some applications may add non serializable beans to 
the state, breaking compatibility with other implementations. It is 
obvious to the developer that

options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility problems.

Imho you hit the point when you said before that core extensions should 
be avoided
if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the app. Standard 
applications should be remain portable in spite of implementation 
options set.
Here's a short discussion on the portability issues of the proposed 
extension options:
- With myfaces:pps set to true applications that evaluate request 
parameters within phase 5 could change their behaviour.
- With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING applications that have a 
Javascript part

that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered could change behaviour.
- With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to think of an application 
that would change behaviour. Maybe a button that increases a counter by 
1 (or scrolls a list by 1 page) on each click would miss some of the 
clicks if the user has a quick thumb.
I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1 would make an 
application run

into errors (can you?).

I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor changes of 
behaviour occur, none of them fundamentally changes the behaviour of the 

Best Regards,

Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is setting a
portability trap for users, where their app will silently fail to run
correctly when executed on a different JSF implementation. That seems
unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically detect it.

So for the two params you are proposing which are just performance
tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested f:attribute seems ok.
But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly recommend an
mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-23 Thread Ganesh


How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the Javascript 
core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with the core, 
containing only a single tag?

It seems confusing for the users to have additional options available on 
jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered when using  the declarative 
approach without adding an extensions jar.

Best Regards,

Werner Punz schrieb:

Sorry I have not read the original post here

I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but would go even 
further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is outside of the spec!

The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have done in 
the past and people relied upon. Up until now we added extensions on 
tag level via our own tag(Partially enforced by the TCK)

So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
+1 to enable the users to access our internal custom options with 
myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off topic, I should 
had read the entire conversation before posting a reply.


Ganesh schrieb:

Hi Simon,

Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special options 
doesn't seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces option will change the 
behaviour. MyFaces 1.2 supports


With this option set some applications may add non serializable beans 
to the state, breaking compatibility with other implementations. It 
is obvious to the developer that

options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility problems.

Imho you hit the point when you said before that core extensions 
should be avoided
if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the app. Standard 
applications should be remain portable in spite of implementation 
options set.
Here's a short discussion on the portability issues of the proposed 
extension options:
- With myfaces:pps set to true applications that evaluate request 
parameters within phase 5 could change their behaviour.
- With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING applications that have a 
Javascript part
that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered could change 
- With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to think of an 
application that would change behaviour. Maybe a button that 
increases a counter by 1 (or scrolls a list by 1 page) on each click 
would miss some of the clicks if the user has a quick thumb.
I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1 would make an 
application run

into errors (can you?).

I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor changes of 
behaviour occur, none of them fundamentally changes the behaviour of 
the app.

Best Regards,

Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is setting a
portability trap for users, where their app will silently fail to run
correctly when executed on a different JSF implementation. That seems
unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically detect it.

So for the two params you are proposing which are just performance
tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested f:attribute seems 

But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly recommend an
mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-23 Thread Cagatay Civici
The legacy way myfaces followed for a long time is to have standards in core
and extensions in tomahawk. Isn't it the whole idea of t:inputText,

So I'm -1 as well for that kind of extensions in core so t:ajax sounds fine.


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ganesh wrote:


 How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the Javascript
 core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

 What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with the core,
 containing only a single tag?

 It seems confusing for the users to have additional options available on
 jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered when using  the declarative
 approach without adding an extensions jar.

 Best Regards,

 Werner Punz schrieb:

 Sorry I have not read the original post here

 I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
 add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but would go even
 further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is outside of the spec!

 The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have done in the
 past and people relied upon. Up until now we added extensions on tag level
 via our own tag(Partially enforced by the TCK)

 So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
 +1 to enable the users to access our internal custom options with
 myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

 Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off topic, I should had
 read the entire conversation before posting a reply.


 Ganesh schrieb:

 Hi Simon,

 Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special options doesn't
 seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces option will change the behaviour. MyFaces
 1.2 supports


 With this option set some applications may add non serializable beans to
 the state, breaking compatibility with other implementations. It is obvious
 to the developer that
 options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility problems.

 Imho you hit the point when you said before that core extensions should
 be avoided
 if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the app. Standard
 applications should be remain portable in spite of implementation options
 Here's a short discussion on the portability issues of the proposed
 extension options:
 - With myfaces:pps set to true applications that evaluate request
 parameters within phase 5 could change their behaviour.
 - With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING applications that have a
 Javascript part
 that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered could change
 - With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to think of an application
 that would change behaviour. Maybe a button that increases a counter by 1
 (or scrolls a list by 1 page) on each click would miss some of the clicks if
 the user has a quick thumb.
 I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1 would make an
 application run
 into errors (can you?).

 I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor changes of behaviour
 occur, none of them fundamentally changes the behaviour of the app.

 Best Regards,

  Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is setting a
 portability trap for users, where their app will silently fail to run
 correctly when executed on a different JSF implementation. That seems
 unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically detect it.

 So for the two params you are proposing which are just performance
 tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested f:attribute seems ok.
 But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly recommend an
 mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-23 Thread Ganesh


The options don't work with the RI, so t:ajax isn't feasable afaik.

Best Regards,

Cagatay Civici schrieb:
The legacy way myfaces followed for a long time is to have standards 
in core and extensions in tomahawk. Isn't it the whole idea of 
t:inputText, t:dataTable?

So I'm -1 as well for that kind of extensions in core so t:ajax sounds 


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ganesh wrote:


How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the
Javascript core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with the
core, containing only a single tag?

It seems confusing for the users to have additional options
available on jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered when using
 the declarative approach without adding an extensions jar.

Best Regards,

Werner Punz schrieb:

Sorry I have not read the original post here

I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but would go
even further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is outside
of the spec!

The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have
done in the past and people relied upon. Up until now we added
extensions on tag level via our own tag(Partially enforced by
the TCK)

So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
+1 to enable the users to access our internal custom options
with myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off topic, I
should had read the entire conversation before posting a reply.


Ganesh schrieb:

Hi Simon,

Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special
options doesn't seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces option
will change the behaviour. MyFaces 1.2 supports


With this option set some applications may add non
serializable beans to the state, breaking compatibility
with other implementations. It is obvious to the developer
options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility

Imho you hit the point when you said before that core
extensions should be avoided
if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the
app. Standard applications should be remain portable in
spite of implementation options set.
Here's a short discussion on the portability issues of the
proposed extension options:
- With myfaces:pps set to true applications that evaluate
request parameters within phase 5 could change their
- With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING applications that
have a Javascript part
that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered could
change behaviour.
- With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to think of an
application that would change behaviour. Maybe a button
that increases a counter by 1 (or scrolls a list by 1
page) on each click would miss some of the clicks if the
user has a quick thumb.
I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1
would make an application run
into errors (can you?).

I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor
changes of behaviour occur, none of them fundamentally
changes the behaviour of the app.

Best Regards,

Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is
setting a
portability trap for users, where their app will
silently fail to run
correctly when executed on a different JSF
implementation. That seems
unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically
detect it.

So for the two params you are proposing which are just
tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested
f:attribute seems ok.
But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly
recommend an
mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-23 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 The options don't work with the RI, so t:ajax isn't feasable afaik.

f:ajax ++ OR mf:ajax (which is just shipped with myfaces)

doing an independent library is pretty much too much... IMO


 Best Regards,

 Cagatay Civici schrieb:

 The legacy way myfaces followed for a long time is to have standards in
 core and extensions in tomahawk. Isn't it the whole idea of t:inputText,

 So I'm -1 as well for that kind of extensions in core so t:ajax sounds


 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ganesh wrote:


    How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the
    Javascript core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

    What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with the
    core, containing only a single tag?

    It seems confusing for the users to have additional options
    available on jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered when using
     the declarative approach without adding an extensions jar.

    Best Regards,

    Werner Punz schrieb:

        Sorry I have not read the original post here

        I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
        add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but would go
        even further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is outside
        of the spec!

        The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have
        done in the past and people relied upon. Up until now we added
        extensions on tag level via our own tag(Partially enforced by
        the TCK)

        So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
        +1 to enable the users to access our internal custom options
        with myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

        Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off topic, I
        should had read the entire conversation before posting a reply.


        Ganesh schrieb:

            Hi Simon,

            Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special
            options doesn't seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces option
            will change the behaviour. MyFaces 1.2 supports


            With this option set some applications may add non
            serializable beans to the state, breaking compatibility
            with other implementations. It is obvious to the developer
            options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility

            Imho you hit the point when you said before that core
            extensions should be avoided
            if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the
            app. Standard applications should be remain portable in
            spite of implementation options set.
            Here's a short discussion on the portability issues of the
            proposed extension options:
            - With myfaces:pps set to true applications that evaluate
            request parameters within phase 5 could change their
            - With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING applications that
            have a Javascript part
            that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered could
            change behaviour.
            - With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to think of an
            application that would change behaviour. Maybe a button
            that increases a counter by 1 (or scrolls a list by 1
            page) on each click would miss some of the clicks if the
            user has a quick thumb.
            I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1
            would make an application run
            into errors (can you?).

            I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor
            changes of behaviour occur, none of them fundamentally
            changes the behaviour of the app.

            Best Regards,

                Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is
                setting a
                portability trap for users, where their app will
                silently fail to run
                correctly when executed on a different JSF
                implementation. That seems
                unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically
                detect it.

                So for the two params you are proposing which are just
                tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested
                f:attribute seems ok.
                But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly
                recommend an
                mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-23 Thread Cagatay Civici
Then just document t:ajax is an extension that's not compatible with RI.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Ganesh wrote:


 The options don't work with the RI, so t:ajax isn't feasable afaik.

 Best Regards,

 Cagatay Civici schrieb:

 The legacy way myfaces followed for a long time is to have standards in
 core and extensions in tomahawk. Isn't it the whole idea of t:inputText,

 So I'm -1 as well for that kind of extensions in core so t:ajax sounds


 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ganesh mailto: wrote:


How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the
Javascript core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with the
core, containing only a single tag?

It seems confusing for the users to have additional options
available on jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered when using
 the declarative approach without adding an extensions jar.

Best Regards,

Werner Punz schrieb:

Sorry I have not read the original post here

I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but would go
even further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is outside
of the spec!

The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have
done in the past and people relied upon. Up until now we added
extensions on tag level via our own tag(Partially enforced by
the TCK)

So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
+1 to enable the users to access our internal custom options
with myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off topic, I
should had read the entire conversation before posting a reply.


Ganesh schrieb:

Hi Simon,

Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special
options doesn't seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces option
will change the behaviour. MyFaces 1.2 supports


With this option set some applications may add non
serializable beans to the state, breaking compatibility
with other implementations. It is obvious to the developer
options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility

Imho you hit the point when you said before that core
extensions should be avoided
if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the
app. Standard applications should be remain portable in
spite of implementation options set.
Here's a short discussion on the portability issues of the
proposed extension options:
- With myfaces:pps set to true applications that evaluate
request parameters within phase 5 could change their
- With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING applications that
have a Javascript part
that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered could
change behaviour.
- With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to think of an
application that would change behaviour. Maybe a button
that increases a counter by 1 (or scrolls a list by 1
page) on each click would miss some of the clicks if the
user has a quick thumb.
I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1
would make an application run
into errors (can you?).

I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor
changes of behaviour occur, none of them fundamentally
changes the behaviour of the app.

Best Regards,

Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is
setting a
portability trap for users, where their app will
silently fail to run
correctly when executed on a different JSF
implementation. That seems
unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically
detect it.

So for the two params you are proposing which are just
tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested
f:attribute seems ok.
But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly
recommend an
mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Werner Punz wrote:
 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz

 Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
 under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
 but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
 the standard f: tags...

 +1 for a non facelet based solution...

 As I was thinking about this bit more. I think we are now there that
 JSP is officially (almost) dead. When you want to upgrade, by
 simple replacing the JARs, this will work. Moving forward in your
 project, by using the new introduced stuff, you have to use Facelets.

 So, I am +1 for what Ganesh proposed (= CORE)

 I am not against an tomahawk:ajax tag, for JSP, if one want's that.

 I am still -1 regarding a pure facelet based one, JSF is not dead, it is not
 smelling yet...

no, but JSP

 Seriously most projects use facelets nowadays but I would not call JSP dead,

but they EG decided to add new things (e.g. f:ajax) only to the facelets view.


 besides that the new component api simplifies things anyway, so it is not
 that hard to provide something on api level.

Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Werner Punz wrote:
 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz

 Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
 under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
 but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
 the standard f: tags...

 +1 for a non facelet based solution...

 As I was thinking about this bit more. I think we are now there that
 JSP is officially (almost) dead. When you want to upgrade, by
 simple replacing the JARs, this will work. Moving forward in your
 project, by using the new introduced stuff, you have to use Facelets.

 So, I am +1 for what Ganesh proposed (= CORE)

 I am not against an tomahawk:ajax tag, for JSP, if one want's that.

 I am still -1 regarding a pure facelet based one, JSF is not dead, it is not
 smelling yet...

 no, but JSP

 Seriously most projects use facelets nowadays but I would not call JSP dead,

 but they EG decided to add new things (e.g. f:ajax) only to the facelets view.

I guess they did that b/c they think JSP is dead.
Also, there is this time no new JSP version, next to a new Servlet version.
That is also a sign that JSP is not more that (well) alive

Anyway, Tomahawk can ship an :ajax tag. Or something like the previous discussed
myfaces:ajax as well.

But for Facelets I like Ganesh's proposal



 besides that the new component api simplifies things anyway, so it is not
 that hard to provide something on api level.

 Matthias Wessendorf


Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Werner Punz

Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Werner Punz wrote:

Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz

Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
the standard f: tags...

+1 for a non facelet based solution...

As I was thinking about this bit more. I think we are now there that
JSP is officially (almost) dead. When you want to upgrade, by
simple replacing the JARs, this will work. Moving forward in your
project, by using the new introduced stuff, you have to use Facelets.

So, I am +1 for what Ganesh proposed (= CORE)

I am not against an tomahawk:ajax tag, for JSP, if one want's that.

I am still -1 regarding a pure facelet based one, JSF is not dead, it is not
smelling yet...

no, but JSP

Sorry I have not had my coffee yet, I meant JSP when I wrote JSF...

Seriously most projects use facelets nowadays but I would not call JSP dead,

but they EG decided to add new things (e.g. f:ajax) only to the facelets view.

Yes I see that as problematic, I have to recheck the specs, I have not 
been to the component level yet, since all my work has been javascript 
mostly and a little bit of facesContext, if a pure facelets based 
renderer of a component can be used within jsp, I doubt it.


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Werner Punz
Ok I did a quick look over the facelets section as it seems, it is 
facelets or jsp just like we had in the past...

I would have loved to have a templating on the renderer side for jsp as 
well, oh well...


Werner Punz schrieb:

Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Werner Punz 

Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz

Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
the standard f: tags...

+1 for a non facelet based solution...

As I was thinking about this bit more. I think we are now there that
JSP is officially (almost) dead. When you want to upgrade, by
simple replacing the JARs, this will work. Moving forward in your
project, by using the new introduced stuff, you have to use Facelets.

So, I am +1 for what Ganesh proposed (= CORE)

I am not against an tomahawk:ajax tag, for JSP, if one want's that.

I am still -1 regarding a pure facelet based one, JSF is not dead, it 
is not

smelling yet...

no, but JSP

Sorry I have not had my coffee yet, I meant JSP when I wrote JSF...

Seriously most projects use facelets nowadays but I would not call 
JSP dead,

but they EG decided to add new things (e.g. f:ajax) only to the 
facelets view.

Yes I see that as problematic, I have to recheck the specs, I have not 
been to the component level yet, since all my work has been javascript 
mostly and a little bit of facesContext, if a pure facelets based 
renderer of a component can be used within jsp, I doubt it.


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Werner Punz wrote:
 Ok I did a quick look over the facelets section as it seems, it is facelets
 or jsp just like we had in the past...

but if I understood things right. New features (- f:ajax) only for facelets


 I would have loved to have a templating on the renderer side for jsp as
 well, oh well...


 Werner Punz schrieb:

 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Werner Punz

 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz

 Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
 under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
 but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
 the standard f: tags...

 +1 for a non facelet based solution...

 As I was thinking about this bit more. I think we are now there that
 JSP is officially (almost) dead. When you want to upgrade, by
 simple replacing the JARs, this will work. Moving forward in your
 project, by using the new introduced stuff, you have to use Facelets.

 So, I am +1 for what Ganesh proposed (= CORE)

 I am not against an tomahawk:ajax tag, for JSP, if one want's that.

 I am still -1 regarding a pure facelet based one, JSF is not dead, it is
 smelling yet...

 no, but JSP

 Sorry I have not had my coffee yet, I meant JSP when I wrote JSF...

 Seriously most projects use facelets nowadays but I would not call JSP

 but they EG decided to add new things (e.g. f:ajax) only to the facelets

 Yes I see that as problematic, I have to recheck the specs, I have not
 been to the component level yet, since all my work has been javascript
 mostly and a little bit of facesContext, if a pure facelets based renderer
 of a component can be used within jsp, I doubt it.


Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Ganesh

Hi Werner,

Does this mean Matthias succeeded in convincing you that f:ajax is 
facelets-only and can receive an additional attribute without breaking 
the TCK or the spec?

Also, please see the spec, section 10.1: New features introduced in 
version 2 and later are only exposed to page authors using Facelets. JSP 
is retained for backwards compatibility. Imho, this is the polite way 
of saying JSP is dead.

Best Regards,

Werner Punz schrieb:
Ok I did a quick look over the facelets section as it seems, it is 
facelets or jsp just like we had in the past...

I would have loved to have a templating on the renderer side for jsp 
as well, oh well...


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Ganesh wrote:
 Hi Werner,

 Does this mean Matthias succeeded in convincing you that f:ajax is
 facelets-only and can receive an additional attribute without breaking the
 TCK or the spec?

 Also, please see the spec, section 10.1: New features introduced in
 version 2 and later are only exposed to page authors using Facelets. JSP is
 retained for backwards compatibility.

thanks for pointing out the exact section in the spec.

 Imho, this is the polite way of
 saying JSP is dead.

:-) that would be honest as well

 Best Regards,

 Werner Punz schrieb:

 Ok I did a quick look over the facelets section as it seems, it is
 facelets or jsp just like we had in the past...

 I would have loved to have a templating on the renderer side for jsp as
 well, oh well...


Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Simon Kitching
Werner Punz schrieb:
 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz
 Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
 under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
 but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
 the standard f: tags...

 yeah. I know. I am really wondering why the support all views ship
 sailed away.
 Again, I understand that some solutions may only fly in Facelets land...

 That said, but wasn't the promised goal of the formal/current EG that
 a flexible ViewLayer was
 the KEY ? == Swing-based RenderKit etc ? Or is this (JSF) just another
 web-framework ?

 Well the entire ajax part makes only sense in the web domain.
 f:ajax definitely is not suitable for swing and others.

Why doesn't partial-page-updating make sense for presentation layers
other than HTML?

If a JSF renderkit was to generate some special markup that a client app
 (browser replacement) then created swing components from, that
submitting part of the page (a subset of the swing widgets) would still
be a useful thing to do, wouldn't it?

Is the JSF2.0 PPR-related spec designed to handle this, ie is the
response message structured so that a non-browser can still interpret it
correctly? As long as the response contains just XML with component ids
and values, it seems that this would work ok...


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Simon Kitching

Unlike JSP tags, facelet tags do not declare or validate attributes (ie
you can define any attributes you like on a facelet tag without getting
a this attribute does not exist error) [1], so the TCK presumably
would not be able to detect whether MyFaces has extended the spec with
custom attributes.

However my personal opinion is that adding custom behaviour to a
standard tag is *wrong* if the app would fail to work correctly when the
attributes are ignored. In other words, adding optimisation or
debugging-helper params is acceptable, but otherwise not.

Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is setting a
portability trap for users, where their app will silently fail to run
correctly when executed on a different JSF implementation. That seems
unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically detect it.

So for the two params you are proposing which are just performance
tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested f:attribute seems ok.
But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly recommend an
mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

[1] At least, facelets for JSF1.2 works this way. I presume this hasn't


Ganesh schrieb:
 Hi Werner,
 Does this mean Matthias succeeded in convincing you that f:ajax is
 facelets-only and can receive an additional attribute without breaking
 the TCK or the spec?
 Also, please see the spec, section 10.1: New features introduced in
 version 2 and later are only exposed to page authors using Facelets. JSP
 is retained for backwards compatibility. Imho, this is the polite way
 of saying JSP is dead.
 Best Regards,
 Werner Punz schrieb:
 Ok I did a quick look over the facelets section as it seems, it is
 facelets or jsp just like we had in the past...

 I would have loved to have a templating on the renderer side for jsp
 as well, oh well...


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Werner Punz

Simon Kitching schrieb:
tely is not suitable for swing and others.

Why doesn't partial-page-updating make sense for presentation layers
other than HTML?

Because the way it is defined makes only sense in html...
Other presentation layers can do something similar but they have to go 
their own way...

I will give an example:
The spec say, ppr has to be done by encoding the values of the form 
elements and send them asynchrously and queued to the server. That is 
sort of general but still very http centric...

The real html specifics come in the response, where there are clearly 
references to html body and head tags...

The way I see it is that html makes such things extra hard, in swing 
implementing a ppr probably would be a ten lines of code, you dont have 
to deal with browser specifics, dom, and xhr nastyness but you can use 
sockets and a real isolated component model...

So f:ajax to me makes really only sense in a html domain, other domains 
which can support similar mechanisms have better alternatives to deal 
with this! (Real sockets, isolated component models, better communcation 
layers like rmi or corba, real threads instead of an xhr hack)


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-22 Thread Werner Punz

Simon Kitching schrieb:


Unlike JSP tags, facelet tags do not declare or validate attributes (ie
you can define any attributes you like on a facelet tag without getting
a this attribute does not exist error) [1], so the TCK presumably
would not be able to detect whether MyFaces has extended the spec with
custom attributes.

However my personal opinion is that adding custom behaviour to a
standard tag is *wrong* if the app would fail to work correctly when the
attributes are ignored. In other words, adding optimisation or
debugging-helper params is acceptable, but otherwise not.

Adding behaviour-changing features to standard tags is setting a
portability trap for users, where their app will silently fail to run
correctly when executed on a different JSF implementation. That seems
unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot technically detect it.

So for the two params you are proposing which are just performance
tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested f:attribute seems ok.
But for the other one (queueLength?) I would strongly recommend an
mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

[1] At least, facelets for JSF1.2 works this way. I presume this hasn't

To my knowledge they did add something on the behavioral side of 
facelets it is a sort of backward compatible but extended new version.

But I can be wrong, I am not an expert on the facelets integration
in jsf2...


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-21 Thread Ganesh

Hi Matthias, Simon (K.) and Werner,

Sorry I need to come back on this again. We had agreed on putting the 
extension attributes within f:attribute tags nested in f:ajax to avoid 
compatibility issues with other implementations. In the meantime I 
realized that f:ajax is a facelets-only tag, so additional tag 
attributes aren't declared in a taglib, would be ignored by other 
implementations and cannot be detected by the TCK. So, I changed my mind 
and now would prefer

f:ajax myfaces=pps:true, queuesize:1/


   f:attribute name=myfaces_pps value=true/
   f:attribute name=myfaces_queuesize value=1/

because the former is less verbose and better readable.

Can you agree with these new arguments?

Best Regards,

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-21 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Ganesh wrote:
 Hi Matthias, Simon (K.) and Werner,

no need to name only a few folks.
Choosing the right subject will bring attention
to folks that are interested ;-)

 Sorry I need to come back on this again. We had agreed on putting the
 extension attributes within f:attribute tags nested in f:ajax to avoid
 compatibility issues with other implementations. In the meantime I realized
 that f:ajax is a facelets-only tag, so additional tag attributes aren't

:-) it is funny that the core statement was every view needs to be supported.
I can see that some features may only work with Facelets, but a Tag should
be present for both, JSP(X) and Facelets. Or am I wrong ?

 declared in a taglib, would be ignored by other implementations and cannot
 be detected by the TCK. So, I changed my mind and now would prefer

 f:ajax myfaces=pps:true, queuesize:1/

I like that.


   f:attribute name=myfaces_pps value=true/
   f:attribute name=myfaces_queuesize value=1/

 because the former is less verbose and better readable.

+1 I am with you


 Can you agree with these new arguments?

 Best Regards,

Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-21 Thread Werner Punz

Well then we have to go for a custom tag, we cannot put
the myfaces attribute into f:ajax, due to TCK restrictions, we probably 
have to roll

an additonal myfaces:ajax tag!

I have no objections to that, since we add a load
of optional enhancements to the javascript core anyway, so adding
an additional tag under the myfaces or tomahawk umbrella is a non issue 
to me.


Ganesh schrieb:

Hi Matthias, Simon (K.) and Werner,

Sorry I need to come back on this again. We had agreed on putting the 
extension attributes within f:attribute tags nested in f:ajax to avoid 
compatibility issues with other implementations. In the meantime I 
realized that f:ajax is a facelets-only tag, so additional tag 
attributes aren't declared in a taglib, would be ignored by other 
implementations and cannot be detected by the TCK. So, I changed my mind 
and now would prefer

f:ajax myfaces=pps:true, queuesize:1/


   f:attribute name=myfaces_pps value=true/
   f:attribute name=myfaces_queuesize value=1/

because the former is less verbose and better readable.

Can you agree with these new arguments?

Best Regards,

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-21 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz wrote:
 Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
 under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
 but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
 the standard f: tags...

yeah. I know. I am really wondering why the support all views ship
sailed away.
Again, I understand that some solutions may only fly in Facelets land...

That said, but wasn't the promised goal of the formal/current EG that
a flexible ViewLayer was
the KEY ? == Swing-based RenderKit etc ? Or is this (JSF) just another
web-framework ?

 +1 for a non facelet based solution...


 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Hi Matthias, Simon (K.) and Werner,

 no need to name only a few folks.
 Choosing the right subject will bring attention
 to folks that are interested ;-)

 Sorry I need to come back on this again. We had agreed on putting the
 extension attributes within f:attribute tags nested in f:ajax to avoid
 compatibility issues with other implementations. In the meantime I
 that f:ajax is a facelets-only tag, so additional tag attributes aren't

 :-) it is funny that the core statement was every view needs to be
 I can see that some features may only work with Facelets, but a Tag should
 be present for both, JSP(X) and Facelets. Or am I wrong ?

 declared in a taglib, would be ignored by other implementations and
 be detected by the TCK. So, I changed my mind and now would prefer

 f:ajax myfaces=pps:true, queuesize:1/

 I like that.


  f:attribute name=myfaces_pps value=true/
  f:attribute name=myfaces_queuesize value=1/

 because the former is less verbose and better readable.

 +1 I am with you


 Can you agree with these new arguments?

 Best Regards,

Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-21 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz wrote:
 Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
 under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
 but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
 the standard f: tags...

 yeah. I know. I am really wondering why the support all views ship
 sailed away.
 Again, I understand that some solutions may only fly in Facelets land...

Thinking a bit about this, ...yeah, JSP is dead :-)
simple migration (just updating the JARs) to JSF 2.0 will work.
Using new features = have to use Facelets

 That said, but wasn't the promised goal of the formal/current EG that
 a flexible ViewLayer was
 the KEY ? == Swing-based RenderKit etc ? Or is this (JSF) just another
 web-framework ?

Doing an f:ajax for JSP shouldn't be hard. An extension could do that.
So, yeah, we were always saying JSP is dead. Now it is almost official :-)

Not sure if that is really communicated that way.

 +1 for a non facelet based solution...


 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Hi Matthias, Simon (K.) and Werner,

 no need to name only a few folks.
 Choosing the right subject will bring attention
 to folks that are interested ;-)

 Sorry I need to come back on this again. We had agreed on putting the
 extension attributes within f:attribute tags nested in f:ajax to avoid
 compatibility issues with other implementations. In the meantime I
 that f:ajax is a facelets-only tag, so additional tag attributes aren't

 :-) it is funny that the core statement was every view needs to be
 I can see that some features may only work with Facelets, but a Tag should
 be present for both, JSP(X) and Facelets. Or am I wrong ?

 declared in a taglib, would be ignored by other implementations and
 be detected by the TCK. So, I changed my mind and now would prefer

 f:ajax myfaces=pps:true, queuesize:1/

 I like that.


  f:attribute name=myfaces_pps value=true/
  f:attribute name=myfaces_queuesize value=1/

 because the former is less verbose and better readable.

 +1 I am with you


 Can you agree with these new arguments?

 Best Regards,

 Matthias Wessendorf


Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-21 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz wrote:
 Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
 under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I don´t care
 but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
 the standard f: tags...

 +1 for a non facelet based solution...

As I was thinking about this bit more. I think we are now there that
JSP is officially (almost) dead. When you want to upgrade, by
simple replacing the JARs, this will work. Moving forward in your
project, by using the new introduced stuff, you have to use Facelets.

So, I am +1 for what Ganesh proposed (= CORE)

I am not against an tomahawk:ajax tag, for JSP, if one want's that.



 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Hi Matthias, Simon (K.) and Werner,

 no need to name only a few folks.
 Choosing the right subject will bring attention
 to folks that are interested ;-)

 Sorry I need to come back on this again. We had agreed on putting the
 extension attributes within f:attribute tags nested in f:ajax to avoid
 compatibility issues with other implementations. In the meantime I
 that f:ajax is a facelets-only tag, so additional tag attributes aren't

 :-) it is funny that the core statement was every view needs to be
 I can see that some features may only work with Facelets, but a Tag should
 be present for both, JSP(X) and Facelets. Or am I wrong ?

 declared in a taglib, would be ignored by other implementations and
 be detected by the TCK. So, I changed my mind and now would prefer

 f:ajax myfaces=pps:true, queuesize:1/

 I like that.


  f:attribute name=myfaces_pps value=true/
  f:attribute name=myfaces_queuesize value=1/

 because the former is less verbose and better readable.

 +1 I am with you


 Can you agree with these new arguments?

 Best Regards,

Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-18 Thread Alexander Bell

unfortunately the behavior changes if you use the parameters (especially the
The parameters pps and errorlevel don't change the behavior.
For me pps is a performance enhancement because it doens't make sense to
pass all the elemenents on the page when they are not mentioned in the
Maybe we don't need the errorlevel extension because the spec. says
errorhandling is controlled by project stage (see in the spec.)

The queue-size is very interesting.
In many cases the last user interaction is relevant. So a
one-element-queue-size would be ok but Werner had some examples where a
larger queue-size is necessary.

So +1 for the f:attributes solution :-)

2009/4/17 Simon Kitching

 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
  On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Ganesh wrote:
  As Simon said, inclusion into f:ajax is probably not a good idea,
  applications using JSP+Mojarra would break when containing the

 Just FYI, myfaces core *must* pass the Sun TCK (compatibility test kit)
 in order to call itself JSF at all. And the TCK specifically checks
 for non-standard attributes on any standard tags/classes. So adding any
 non-standard attributes to standard tags (eg adding stuff to f:ajax)
 simply cannot be done; the TCK will fail.

 Sun's intention is to specifically catch cases where a vendor has
 non-standard extensions that make pages non-portable to other
 implementations - like when Microsoft tried to extend Java with
 windows-only features. And this is a good thing IMO. Non-portable
 extensions have to go into separate libs instead.

 From your description of the new flags, it sounds like a page will fall
 back gracefully when run on other containers (slightly noisier with JSF
 error messages, slightly more data posted on each submit, but still
 working) so nesting f:attributes seems fair in this case. One thing to
 check would be that the f:ajax tag isn't marked as empty in the
 DTD/schema, ie that f:attribute tags can be nested inside it.

 Cheers, Simon

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Alexander Bell

J4Fry OpenSource Community

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-18 Thread Werner Punz

Alexander Bell schrieb:


unfortunately the behavior changes if you use the parameters (especially 
the queue-size).

The parameters pps and errorlevel don't change the behavior.
For me pps is a performance enhancement because it doens't make sense to 
pass all the elemenents on the page when they are not mentioned in the 
Maybe we don't need the errorlevel extension because the spec. says 
errorhandling is controlled by project stage (see in the spec.)

Yes, afair this part says that errors on development stage must trigger
alerts, I probably would extend that with a config param to trigger 
console debugs instead, the defaults however should be errors!

Btw. another thing regarding the configuration, the way I see it we need 
two kinds of configurations, a static per page configuration which
keeps things like binding the layers (which to some extent already is 
done to bind api and impl for instance) which could be extended

with things like a log handler (alert per default) for instance

and a dynamic configuration on a per request base which we currently 
have under options.myfaces like turn off full form post for performance 

The queue size handling for instance makes sense on a per page base
while a load of others make sense on a dynamic base...


The queue-size is very interesting.
In many cases the last user interaction is relevant. So a 
one-element-queue-size would be ok but Werner had some examples where a 
larger queue-size is necessary.

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Here's a  question concerning the extension parameters pps, queuesize and
 errorlevel in conjunction with the f:ajax tag. They form part of the
 Javascript xhrCore and can be set via jsf.ajax.request(this, event,
 {execute:'xxx', render:'yyy', myfaces:{pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel:

 For the ajax tag the extension parameters could reside in an attribute
 myfaces: myfaces={pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel: 'error'}.

 Now, should this extension parameter become part of the f:ajax tag or should

mf:ajax ?
By that one could use this core extension, when using myfaces lib.

 we build a t:ajax tomahawk tag?

-1 this would tie the use really to tomahawk;
Why not doing a mf:ajax which is a taglib that sits inside the myfaces-impl.jar


 Please give your comment on this!

 Best Regards,
 Ganesh Jung

Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Here's a  question concerning the extension parameters pps, queuesize and
 errorlevel in conjunction with the f:ajax tag. They form part of the
 Javascript xhrCore and can be set via jsf.ajax.request(this, event,
 {execute:'xxx', render:'yyy', myfaces:{pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel:

 For the ajax tag the extension parameters could reside in an attribute
 myfaces: myfaces={pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel: 'error'}.

 Now, should this extension parameter become part of the f:ajax tag or should
 mf:ajax ?
 By that one could use this core extension, when using myfaces lib.
 we build a t:ajax tomahawk tag?
 -1 this would tie the use really to tomahawk;
 Why not doing a mf:ajax which is a taglib that sits inside the 

But then any web page that uses this mf:ajax tag would not work when run
on a different container (eg mojarra), as that tag would not exist.

The tomahawk tag sounds better to me. If I understand correctly, a page
using it would still work on other containers as long as tomahawk was in
the classpath. The extra params to jsf.ajax.request would be rendered
into the page, and sent back to the container, but then not used.

Possibly nested attributes could be used?
  f:ajax ...
f:attribute name=myfaces:pps value=true/
f:attribute name=myfaces:queuesize value=1/
When a page containing that tag is used in a container that doesn't
recognise these attributes, I expect they would just be ignored (the
extra attributes would not be rendered into the generated page).


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Simon Kitching wrote:
 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Here's a  question concerning the extension parameters pps, queuesize and
 errorlevel in conjunction with the f:ajax tag. They form part of the
 Javascript xhrCore and can be set via jsf.ajax.request(this, event,
 {execute:'xxx', render:'yyy', myfaces:{pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel:

 For the ajax tag the extension parameters could reside in an attribute
 myfaces: myfaces={pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel: 'error'}.

 Now, should this extension parameter become part of the f:ajax tag or should

 mf:ajax ?
 By that one could use this core extension, when using myfaces lib.

 we build a t:ajax tomahawk tag?

 -1 this would tie the use really to tomahawk;
 Why not doing a mf:ajax which is a taglib that sits inside the 

 But then any web page that uses this mf:ajax tag would not work when run
 on a different container (eg mojarra), as that tag would not exist.

same would be the case (even worse) if the behavior of f:ajax (silly name btw)
is different than expected.

 The tomahawk tag sounds better to me. If I understand correctly, a page

isn't that big ? including tons of components, extras etc just because of that ?

Or, an myfaces-extension lib ? (good old times... :-) )


 using it would still work on other containers as long as tomahawk was in
 the classpath. The extra params to jsf.ajax.request would be rendered
 into the page, and sent back to the container, but then not used.

 Possibly nested attributes could be used?
  f:ajax ...
    f:attribute name=myfaces:pps value=true/
    f:attribute name=myfaces:queuesize value=1/
 When a page containing that tag is used in a container that doesn't
 recognise these attributes, I expect they would just be ignored (the
 extra attributes would not be rendered into the generated page).


Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Simon Kitching wrote:
 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Here's a  question concerning the extension parameters pps, queuesize and
 errorlevel in conjunction with the f:ajax tag. They form part of the
 Javascript xhrCore and can be set via jsf.ajax.request(this, event,
 {execute:'xxx', render:'yyy', myfaces:{pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel:

 For the ajax tag the extension parameters could reside in an attribute
 myfaces: myfaces={pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel: 'error'}.

 Now, should this extension parameter become part of the f:ajax tag or 
 mf:ajax ?
 By that one could use this core extension, when using myfaces lib.

 we build a t:ajax tomahawk tag?
 -1 this would tie the use really to tomahawk;
 Why not doing a mf:ajax which is a taglib that sits inside the 
 But then any web page that uses this mf:ajax tag would not work when run
 on a different container (eg mojarra), as that tag would not exist.
 same would be the case (even worse) if the behavior of f:ajax (silly name btw)
 is different than expected.

Well, I guess it depends on what these pps/queuesize/errorlevel params
do. They looked to me like optimisation tweaks, ie if they weren't
there then the page would still work.

But if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the app (ie the app
won't work as expected if they are ignored) then I would agree that your
suggested mf:ajax tag would be better than nested f:attribute tags.

 Possibly nested attributes could be used?
  f:ajax ...
f:attribute name=myfaces:pps value=true/
f:attribute name=myfaces:queuesize value=1/

 The tomahawk tag sounds better to me. If I understand correctly, a page
 isn't that big ? including tons of components, extras etc just because of 
 that ?
 Or, an myfaces-extension lib ? (good old times... :-) )

Yes, I guess a myfaces-extension lib would be better (smaller) than
tomahawk. It didn't occur to me because I have never used one (has anyone?).


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Ganesh

Hi Matthias and Simon,

Thank you for taking time do discuss to proper way to include the 
myfaces params into the ajax tag. To clarify things, here is what they do:

pps (true/false): Only the components named in the execute parameter 
will be processed in phase 2-4, but the spec insists on submitting all 
elements included in a form. If pps is set to true submission is reduced 
to the form params named in execute.

queuesize: The spec specifies an unlimited ajax queue, though for most 
usages a queue size of 1 is appropriate. This param makes the queue size 

errorlevel: Javascript errors occuring during ajax execution would by 
default be suppressed, but with higher levels they would be signaled.

As Simon said, inclusion into f:ajax is probably not a good idea, 
because applications using JSP+Mojarra would break when containing the 
additional param. On the other hand I agree with Matthias that t:ajax 
would tie the use to tomahawk.

I really like Simons proposal for f:attributes nested inside f:ajax, +1 
on this one!

Best Regards,

Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Ganesh wrote:
 Hi Matthias and Simon,

 Thank you for taking time do discuss to proper way to include the myfaces
 params into the ajax tag. To clarify things, here is what they do:

 pps (true/false): Only the components named in the execute parameter will
 be processed in phase 2-4, but the spec insists on submitting all elements
 included in a form. If pps is set to true submission is reduced to the form
 params named in execute.

 queuesize: The spec specifies an unlimited ajax queue, though for most
 usages a queue size of 1 is appropriate. This param makes the queue size

 errorlevel: Javascript errors occuring during ajax execution would by
 default be suppressed, but with higher levels they would be signaled.

 As Simon said, inclusion into f:ajax is probably not a good idea, because
 applications using JSP+Mojarra would break when containing the additional
 param. On the other hand I agree with Matthias that t:ajax would tie the use
 to tomahawk.

 I really like Simons proposal for f:attributes nested inside f:ajax, +1 on
 this one!

same here.
I thought it would change the behavior, hence I was against f:ajax.
The attrs is fine w/ me


 Best Regards,

Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Simon Kitching wrote:
 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Simon Kitching wrote:
 Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 Here's a  question concerning the extension parameters pps, queuesize and
 errorlevel in conjunction with the f:ajax tag. They form part of the
 Javascript xhrCore and can be set via jsf.ajax.request(this, event,
 {execute:'xxx', render:'yyy', myfaces:{pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel:

 For the ajax tag the extension parameters could reside in an attribute
 myfaces: myfaces={pps:true, queuesize:1, errorlevel: 'error'}.

 Now, should this extension parameter become part of the f:ajax tag or 
 mf:ajax ?
 By that one could use this core extension, when using myfaces lib.

 we build a t:ajax tomahawk tag?
 -1 this would tie the use really to tomahawk;
 Why not doing a mf:ajax which is a taglib that sits inside the 
 But then any web page that uses this mf:ajax tag would not work when run
 on a different container (eg mojarra), as that tag would not exist.

 same would be the case (even worse) if the behavior of f:ajax (silly name 
 is different than expected.

 Well, I guess it depends on what these pps/queuesize/errorlevel params
 do. They looked to me like optimisation tweaks, ie if they weren't
 there then the page would still work.

 But if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the app (ie the app
 won't work as expected if they are ignored) then I would agree that your
 suggested mf:ajax tag would be better than nested f:attribute tags.

at least I understood it that way, if not the attribute makes sense, yes

 Possibly nested attributes could be used?
  f:ajax ...
    f:attribute name=myfaces:pps value=true/
    f:attribute name=myfaces:queuesize value=1/

 The tomahawk tag sounds better to me. If I understand correctly, a page

 isn't that big ? including tons of components, extras etc just because of 
 that ?

 Or, an myfaces-extension lib ? (good old times... :-) )

 Yes, I guess a myfaces-extension lib would be better (smaller) than
 tomahawk. It didn't occur to me because I have never used one (has anyone?).



Matthias Wessendorf


Re: f:ajax and MyFaces extensions

2009-04-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Ganesh wrote:

 As Simon said, inclusion into f:ajax is probably not a good idea, because
 applications using JSP+Mojarra would break when containing the additional

Just FYI, myfaces core *must* pass the Sun TCK (compatibility test kit)
in order to call itself JSF at all. And the TCK specifically checks
for non-standard attributes on any standard tags/classes. So adding any
non-standard attributes to standard tags (eg adding stuff to f:ajax)
simply cannot be done; the TCK will fail.

Sun's intention is to specifically catch cases where a vendor has
non-standard extensions that make pages non-portable to other
implementations - like when Microsoft tried to extend Java with
windows-only features. And this is a good thing IMO. Non-portable
extensions have to go into separate libs instead.

From your description of the new flags, it sounds like a page will fall
back gracefully when run on other containers (slightly noisier with JSF
error messages, slightly more data posted on each submit, but still
working) so nesting f:attributes seems fair in this case. One thing to
check would be that the f:ajax tag isn't marked as empty in the
DTD/schema, ie that f:attribute tags can be nested inside it.

Cheers, Simon