Re: [slim] Re: slimtray.exe not working

2005-07-24 Thread Vidur Apparao


What happens if you double click on the SlimTray icon on the botton 
right of your toolbar? If you get the same error, try going to your 
SlimServer installation directory (c:\Program Files\SlimServer for most 
people) using Windows Explorer and looking for a file called SlimServer 
Web Interface. Do you get the same error when you double click on it? 
What icon does it have?

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Announce: SlimServer 6.1.1

2005-07-22 Thread Vidur Apparao

Slim Devices  is excited to announce the release of SlimServer 6.1.1.

SlimServer 6.1.1 can be downloaded now from

Highlights of the release include:

   * Support for SqueezeNetwork, Slim Devices' always-on service.
   * Improvements to Internet Radio, including a Web Interface for  the
 Shoutcast, radioio and Live365 radio directories.
   * Many performance improvements to browsing, scanning and playing
 your music library.
   * Better support for Podcasts, includung quick links to your iTunes 
 Podcasts and a Podcast Plugin for browsing podcast directories on

 the  web.
   * Many more improvements and bug fixes since the beta releases.

Detailed SlimServer 6.1.1 release notes are available at

Once you've installed SlimServer 6.1.1, you can connect to  
SqueezeNetwork with your Squeezebox2:

   * Connect your Squeezebox2 to SqueezeNetwork by choosing the
 SqueezeNetwork item from the Squeeezebox Home menu or the 
 Squeezebox2 Setup menu.

   * Visit to create an account, add one
 or more players to your account, control your players remotely,
 and add Favorites  RSS Feeds
   * Enjoy many of your favorite Squeezebox2 features - Internet Radio,
 RSS News, Alarm Clock (including many fun new alarm sounds) -
 without a computer, as well as new features such as Natural
 Sounds  and the Live Music Archive.

Thanks to our community for making this the best software release to date.

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback.  Post your comments to  this 
forum or on

The Slim Devices Team
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Cricket on the squeezebox

2005-07-22 Thread Vidur Apparao

Triode wrote:

Are you willing to restrict the plugin to players with a graphical 
display, or even just SB2?

In this case you can send a bitmap to the display by calling 
$client-update($parts) with $parts-{bits} = a string containing a 
display bitmap in it.  The bitmap is a 32x320 bits arranged as 4x320 
bytes.  You probably want to prerender the images and then do minimal 
work if you are rapidly writing to the display.

Have a look at slimtetris in 6.1 to see how graphics are written to 
the screen or ask more questions.

BTW - Does it pray for rain as well?

A wonderful addition to SlimServer would be code that sends correctly 
sized animated GIFs to the Squeezebox screen. Extra credit if it works 
for both graphical SB1 and SB2 with appropriate scaling.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-07-22 Thread Vidur Apparao

Firmware 15 contains a fix for a specific problem that resulted in bad 
playback of specific flac files, including some 24-bit/48KHz tracks and 
some encoded by dbpoweramp. Bugs 1820 
( and 1508 
( covered the cases 
that were fixed. If you have issues with specific FLAC files, please 
open a new bug.

Is it possible that the hiccup problem you're hearing is related to 
bandwidth issues on your wireless network?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Cricket on the squeezebox

2005-07-22 Thread Vidur Apparao

Jacob Potter wrote:


Remember the early photoshops of a certain tubular music player that
included cover art on the display?

I try to block such things out. But I do remember the prototype posted 
by Paul Colley a while ago 
( that dealt with 
scrolling album art - quite ingenious. If someone were interested in 
completing the job he started and packaging it up as a plugin, I'm sure 
he/she would be quite popular.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Playlist problem

2005-07-20 Thread Vidur Apparao

This was a problem with r3757 - a last minute change that needed a bit 
more testing - fixed with 3759 and the soon-to-be posted 6.1.0.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-07-14 Thread Vidur Apparao


You are playing to an unsynced SB2, is that correct? If so, could you 
post to the bug report a debug log with --d_source of you playing the 
WAV and the FLAC files?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Small font duplicate text on brand new SB 2 display

2005-07-13 Thread Vidur Apparao

The easiest solution would be to get rid of the file c:\Program 
Files\SlimServer\server\slimserver.pref. If you have preferences for 
your old SB1 that you want to preserve, you may have to manually edit 
the file. If not, just remove the file and restart SlimServer.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] wmadec source

2005-07-11 Thread Vidur Apparao

Check if you just want to 
browse. You'll want to check out with Subversoin 
( if you want 
to do more.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Spectrum Analyzer reversed?

2005-07-11 Thread Vidur Apparao

A.J. Aranyosi wrote:

After taking a quick peek at the code, though, I'm guessing that the
FFT for the spectrum analyzer is computed within the Squeezebox 2
itself, so this particular change would have to be implemented in
firmware (and maybe not even then, if the FFT is done in hardware).

The specturm analyzer and FFT are computed in firmware. The FFT library 
used is Kiss FFT ( While the 
firmware is not open-sourced, a close facsimile of the spectrum analyzer 
generation can be found within Richard Titmuss' excellent Softsqueeze 

Any submissions to improve the spectrum analyzer within Softsqueeze 
could potentially be ported back to the SB2...keeping in mind that the 
code will need to run in a fixed-point, memory-constrained embedded 

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-07-11 Thread Vidur Apparao

Also, take a look at bug 1508 
( It relates to a 
problem that sounds similar to the one initially described in this 
thread (constant pops and static over the top of the music), but isn't 
specific to 24-bit 48KHz files. If the symptoms are indeed the same, I'd 
be very curious to see a sample file and look for similarities between 
the two FLAC files.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Announce: SlimServer 6.1b1 and SqueezeNetwork Beta

2005-06-30 Thread Vidur Apparao

Mitch Harding wrote:

30 minutes or so after I started it, the scan is done.  The playlists
are once again visible, and they load fairly quickly.  So it all looks
good now, other than the All Artists/All Albums thing.

The All Albums item is as designed. You will generally see a 'All xxx 
at every level of the hierarchy, where xxx represents the next level 
down - albums when you're viewing artists, songs when you're viewing 
albums. An All Artists link while browsing artists would just get you 
to the same page, no?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Announce: SlimServer 6.1b1 and SqueezeNetwork Beta

2005-06-30 Thread Vidur Apparao

dip wrote:


I think that's not true. When I browse artists I should get an All
artists line first followed by the artists seperately listed. I can
than either play or add specific artists to the now playing playlist or
all artists by using the first line. The same is true for albums, genre
and so on.

All Albums emcompasses all the tracks associated with All Artists. So 
hitting play or add on All Albums accomplishes the goal of getting the 
songs of all artists. It's also a shortcut down to the next level of the 
hierarchy, not filtered by a specific artist. I'm not disputing your 
notion of what's intuitive to you, I'm just saying that's the way it's 
been for quite a while.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver ogg2flac

2005-06-30 Thread Vidur Apparao


Which endian switch did you need to change? What OS/CPU are you running?


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Re: [slim] Re: Announce: SlimServer 6.1b1 and SqueezeNetwork Beta

2005-06-29 Thread Vidur Apparao

Whoa. Lots to respond to.

- The SqueezeNetwork PIN asssociated with each player is a way to 
associate your Squeezebox2 (or many of them) with your SqueezeNetwork 
account. When you first connect your SB2 to the SqueezeNetwork, it will 
display a PIN. Subsequently, you can always find it when connected to 
SqueezeNetwork via Settings  Squeezebox PIN. Note that this PIN is a 
time-limited randomly-generated number sequence that does change, so 
don't be surprised if you see a different number the next time you look. 
Of course, you'll only need it once per player to associate your SB2 
with your SN account.

- You do need to upgrade to SlimServer 6.1b1 before connecting to the 
SqueezeNetwork - both use firmware 14. If you connected using an earlier 
firmware revision, you'll be forced to update firmware.

- Press and hold PAUSE to stop the player.

- You can install a new version of SlimServer over an older version 
without uninstalling on Windows and Mac. On rpm-based Linux 
distributions you will have to do a rpm -U.

Hope that helps. Let me know if I missed anything.

glmason wrote:

Well I'm sure I went about the whole thing the wrong way... But it does
illistrate a point.

It was before work, so not a lot of time, I was signing up for the
Squeezenetwork and needed the Pin (so I had not really signed up yet)
I looked for the pin via the sever's web interface, could find anything
like it... so I thought oh must be the setting on the SB2. So went to
the living room to use the remote on the SB2. Found setting (BTW I had
not downloaded or set up the 6.1b1, though I did have the 6.1 from some
nightly build I guess) but I was just going to look for the pin - I
thought that the pin might be in the SB2 firmware or something like a
MAC address, burned in at manufacture time. So I found player info, but
still not pin... there was something about squeezenetwork info so I
press that button... so the SB2 starts updating firmware... interups
the music - my wife is trying to listen to meditation music... I'm not
ready for this... but there is no cancel buton on the remote. So I
guess because I did not have the 6.1b1 installed when I signed off the
network the SB2 didn't know where else to go.

The remote needs somekind of OBVIOUS oh hell I didn't mean that
button, I've run in to other problems like that where I wish I could
just stop what is happening but there is no stop cancel or go
back button (it is true that the right arrow preforms this function...
BUT from a consumer products point of view, and from non-geek user
prespective, the remote is not as intuitive as a toaster yet. A lot
of hidden meaning. I understand that this is all beta stuff, so I'm not
complaining, just passing on information about usibility.

In addition the lack of a stop button means that when I turn things
off at night and try to start a new playlist in the morning the
buffer is still full of the previous playlist and I get some funky
sounds - a sorta SB2 buffer re-mix. I would be nice to have a clear
way to stop the player at night, not just pause it, clearing the

So don't get me wrong I think this is a great system and I love my SB2
and I'm only trying to help.

So I'll go back home tonight after beginning to peice all the
infomation together and try installing every thing the correct way. But
also no one answered Khuli's question, and I had the same question when
I installed 6.1... can we install over the top of an older version, so
should we uninstall then reinstall?


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Re: [slim] Re: Announce: SlimServer 6.1b1 and SqueezeNetwork Beta

2005-06-28 Thread Vidur Apparao

Hrm...I don't know how that got in there. Bug 1311 is still open as an 
enhancement in the bug database. Speaking of enhancements, where can I 
file one for more hours in the day?.

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Re: [slim] Internet radio, a bit of help needed

2005-06-28 Thread Vidur Apparao

As I said I haven't used it for a while so I'm probably missing  
something stupid.

Nope - the fault is ours, not yours. The problem seems to occur if you 
use iTunes and do not have an audio directory set up. That should be 
unrelated to radio, I know, but it isn't. We'll be putting the fix into 
a re-rolled 6.1b1 tonight.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Announce: SlimServer 6.1b1 and SqueezeNetwork Beta

2005-06-27 Thread Vidur Apparao

Slim Devices would like to announce the release of SlimServer 6.1 Beta 1 
and SqueezeNetwork Beta.

Download here:

Highlights of the SlimServer 6.1b1 release include:

   * Support for Slim Devices' Always-On Network Service:
 SqueezeNetwork on your Squeezebox2.
   * Improvements to our support for Internet Radio, including a Web
 Interface for the Shoutcast, radioio and Live365 radio directories.
   * Many performance improvements to browsing, scanning and playing
 your music library.
   * A new Podcast Plugin that allows you to use your Squeezebox to
 listen to your favorite podcasts...or browse some of our presets.
   * Many more improvements and bug fixes.

You can read the detailed SlimServer 6.1b1 release notes at

To use the SqueezeNetwork Beta, you will need to update your Squeezebox2 
firmware to revision 14 (included with SlimServer 6.1b1). You can then:

   * Connect your Squeezebox2 to SqueezeNetwork by choosing the
 SqueezeNetwork item from the player's Main Menu or from the
 Squeezebox2 Setup Menu.
   * Visit to create an account,
 associate one or more players with your account, control your
 players remotely, and share Favorites  RSS Feeds.
   * Enjoy many of your favorite Squeezebox2 features - Internet Radio,
 RSS News, Alarm Clock (including many fun new alarm sounds) -
 without a computer.

Please give both SlimServer 6.1b1 and SqueezeNetwork Beta a try. As 
always, post feedback to this forum and file bugs at

The Slim Devices Team

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Internet Radio - No Title/Name

2005-06-27 Thread Vidur Apparao

Ah...Winamp is concatenating the station name to the track information 
sent by the station. We currently only show the latter. If you hit right 
from the Now Playing screen, you should see the name of the station.

Alternatively, you can file an enhancement request at requesting that the station name be shown 
along with current track information.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-05-27 Thread Vidur Apparao

Josh Coalson tested SB2 FLAC support 
( and was able 
to play back 24-bit 48KHz tracks. We currently do not support (either 
directly or with transcoding) 96KHz tracks. If you're having problems 
with the former, please file a bug at and 
attach an example.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread Vidur Apparao
Expect to see in the near future, a web interface for the SqueezeNetwork 
always-on functionality. This will allow you to edit your favorites from 
a browser.

Unfortunately, the mms: stream that you mention will not be immediately 
available through the SqueezeNetwork. Radio stations currently stream 
directly to your Squeezebox, so we only support formats decoded natively 
by the SB2 - MP3 today (and FLAC, but that's not significant in the 
context of streaming).

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: sort order and database speed

2005-05-05 Thread Vidur Apparao
Steve Baumgarten wrote:
Which brings me back to my initial post on this, and why I was so
surprised to find that Browse Music Folder took so long in 6.0.2.

You're right - I believe there is scope for substantial improvement 
here. Please file an enhancement bug at, 
assign it to me and target it for 6.1.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Curiosities whilst connecting SB2 to wireless network

2005-05-05 Thread Vidur Apparao
Curious, indeed. The firmware revisions that shipped with 6.0.1 (v9) and 
6.0.2 (v11) both fixed incompatibilities with access points. If your SB2 
shipped with a firmware revision earlier than v9 (I think only true for 
boxes that shipped in the first week or so after the SB2 launch), that 
would explain what you saw.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] 6.0.2 Release Candidate

2005-04-29 Thread Vidur Apparao
Please see for 
information about compiling the required Perl modules for your architecture.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] 24 bit flac files?

2005-04-28 Thread Vidur Apparao
I suspect that the problem is specific to the SB1. We expect the output 
of any of our transcoding helper applications to be 44.1KHz, 16-bit, 
stereo PCM (the only PCM format supported by the SB1 hardware). I'm 
guessing that flac is providing us with 24-bit samples, and SlimServer 
doesn't yet scale or resample to the required format.

The relevant bugs for SB1 support of alternate sample sizes and sample 
rates are:

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: 6.0.2 Release Candidate

2005-04-27 Thread Vidur Apparao
Phillip Kerman wrote:
Looks pretty good for me so far.  One weird thing, on my SB2 I got into a
situation where the FLACs (I didn't test anything else) played in FF mode.
I even turned it off then on again and it would be playing FF.  I think I
recovered by pressing and holding the | button.
By the way, how is SB supposed to be able to play FF?  Exactly, what
features are supported and how does one access them?

You can play in FF mode (2x, 4x, 8x, etc.) by pressing and holding the 
FWD button. Press PLAY to return to regular speed. The FF scanning modes 
play 1 second of audio out of every x seconds (where x is the scan rate).

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Announce: SlimServer 6.0.2 released

2005-04-27 Thread Vidur Apparao
We're happy to announce a maintenance release of SlimServer 6.0.2. As 
always, the latest release is available for download (and Torrent) via

This releases fixes several bugs in the previous 6.0.x releases. For a 
full list of changes, please see Thanks to all those 
involved in finding and fixing issues addressed in this release.

As always, we will continue to fix issues as they come up. Please 
continue to provide us feedback on this list and, when appropriate, on

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] 6.0.2 Release Candidate

2005-04-26 Thread Vidur Apparao
Hmmm...the Favorites plugin is a 6.1 feature and seems to depend on 6.1 
APIs. I presume you went from 6.1 to 6.0.2. For now, please manually 
remove it from your Plugins directory.

Craig, James (IT) wrote:
So um I can't be the only person 6.0.2 doesn't work for?
Undefined subroutine Slim::Buttons::Common::setFunction called at
C:/Program Files/SlimServer v6/server/Plugins/Favorites/ line

NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender.  Sender does not waive confidentiality or privilege, and use is prohibited. 

Discuss mailing list

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Re: [slim] Re: SB2 missing end of FLAC files

2005-04-26 Thread Vidur Apparao
chrisal wrote:
Radish - keep us posted on your progress - this is a crucial feature for
me too. I haven't got an SB2 yet so this could be a show stopper if it's
a widespread bug.
Does anyone actually have this working successfully?

Yes - gapless playback of FLAC files on SB2 is a working and tested 
feature. I suspect that the problem radish is hitting is related to 
another bug that he's also seeing Still working on that one.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Synchronisation Results In Song Repetition

2005-04-25 Thread Vidur Apparao
It does sound like a bug. Please file at, 
ideally with steps to reproduce.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Does SB2 support WPA2 (AES encryption) ?

2005-04-25 Thread Vidur Apparao
Please file a bug with details about your particular setup at

Pétur wrote:
G... I see you guys got WPA (TKIP) working at all, I'm stuck here
with WEP :(
I'm connecting Ad-Hoc to a wireless network card from GigaByte
(GN-WPKG) using 1.41 drivers (latest), and when I set it to WPA (either
TKIP or AES) my SB2 refuses to connect to the server.
Using latest versions of SB2 and server.
Any tips welcome

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Standby?

2005-04-25 Thread Vidur Apparao
earthbased wrote:
It appears that SB2 is in constant communication with the PC slim server
is running on, even when it is powered off by the remote.  Are there any
plans to implement a standby feature which would allow the slim server
PC to go into standby?  The SB2 could wake up the slim server pc and
vice versa.  This would be eco-friendly.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Can't call method can on unblessed reference

2005-04-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
windy wrote:
No, I was wrong. It's still crashing. Most frequently when I try to
lower the volume.
Can't call method can on unblessed reference at D:/Program
rver/Slim/Buttons/ line 383.
6.1 22/4 WinXP
I am using the RSS screensaver but it wasn't active (as far as I know)
when the server crashed.

Fixed on 4/22 
Should be good in the latest 6.1 nightlies. Thanks.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Windows Media Surround sound

2005-04-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
On Windows, we use a utility called wmadec to decode Windows Media 
files. The utility attempts to decode WMA to  44.1KHz 16-bit stereo PCM. 
I don't believe it's ever been tested with 5.1 audio and I can believe 
that it doesn't work (I presume you are expecting it to be transcoded to 
stereo, right?). Please file a bug at and, 
if possible, attach a sample file.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] AAC with original SliMP3

2005-04-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
Have you installed LAME? See

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: AAC with original SliMP3

2005-04-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
Sorry, I see from your log that you do have LAME installed. QuickTime 
error -3000 (coming from mov123.exe) is errBadComponent. Perhaps you 
have to install a newer version of QuickTime? Also, I'm assuming that 
the .m4a files do not have any DRM.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: AAC with original SliMP3

2005-04-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
Adlopa wrote:
QuickTime is the latest version and the AAC files are DRM-free... :(

Are you using Windows 2003 Server? If so, take a look at Let me know if the 
suggestion there - using an older version of mov123.exe - works for you.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] upgrading from firmware revision 10

2005-04-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
The SB2 firmware image in the 6.0.2 nightly build has been bumped to 
revision 11 and the image in the 6.1 nightly has been bumped to 12. 
These revisions now include a fix for a problem connecting to certain 
3Com access points.

If you are running firmware 10, which has been included in the 6.1 
nightlies for the last week or so, you may run into a problem upgrading 
to either of the new firmware revisions. The firmware upgrade progress 
bar will get to 100%, but the machine will not reboot. You will have to 
press and hold the Power button for the firmware revision to take.

Again, this is ONLY if you are running the 6.1 (unstable) development 
nightly builds. If you are running 6.0.1 or the 6.0.2 nightly build, the 
upgrade process should be smooth.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Unwanted 'synchronisation'

2005-04-22 Thread Vidur Apparao
Greg and radish,
Any luck getting a new log with the debug output patch? If so, please 
attach to

Vidur Apparao wrote:
The behavior you describe is consistent with my speculation of what 
might be happening. When SlimServer completes streaming a track to the 
SB2, it should close the streaming socket for that track. This is an 
indication that there is no more data for that stream (the data itself 
does not contain an end-of-stream marker). If, and only if, the 
streaming socket has been closed, the device sends a decoder underrun 
message when it finishes decoding the audio - this can be several 
seconds to minutes after the socket has been closed, depending on how 
much audio fits into the SB2's input audio buffer. The decoder 
underrun message is an indicator to SlimServer that it should start 
streaming the next track.

I'm speculating that the server isn't closing the streaming socket for 
some reason, resulting in a severely delayed decoder underrun message. 
The patch with the debug output hopefully will help me figure out why.

radish wrote:
Thanks for looking into this Vidur. I'll have a go at applying the patch
and running another test tonight if I get time.
To answer a couple of your points:
These players were synched once, when I first got the SB2 maybe a
couple of weeks ago. It didn't work quite how I liked (when synched the
players introduced short gaps between tracks which weren't there if not
synched) so I disabled it after like 20 mins. The server has been
upgraded at least twice and bounced many times since then.
To clarify a little about what happens when the SB2 stalls - as it's
approaching the end of the track everything is normal. Then, roughly 7
or 8 seconds before the end, the display locks up but the music still
plays to the end of the track. The display remains stuck until it wakes
back up again when the SB1 changes track. If I use the remote while it's
locked I can skip to the next track manually and it works fine. But it
will lock up again at the next transition.
The network is wireless, but with good signal strength and the bitrate
is ~1mbps (FLAC).
I should also point out that the SB1 playback never has any problems,
and if the SB1 isn't playing, neither does the SB2. This only occurs
when both players are playing at once.

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Re: [slim] Can't call method can on unblessed reference

2005-04-21 Thread Vidur Apparao
windy wrote:
I'm running nightly 6.1 from 2005-04-19 on Windows XP.
Every now and then I get this error:
Can't call method can on unblessed reference at D:/Program
rver/Slim/Buttons/ line 383. and the server dies. It can
happen for example when I lower the volume or press left in now
playing ...
Anything I can try before visiting

A fix to this problem caused by the RSS screensaver went into the 6.1 
tree on 4/19 - should be available in latest 6.1 nightlies. If you're 
not using the RSS screensaver, please file a bug.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Unwanted 'synchronisation'

2005-04-21 Thread Vidur Apparao
The debug log definitely shows that the SB2 seems stalled from sometime 
after 22:40:16 till 22:46:39. The former time is when we finish 
streaming the FLAC track to the player, though it may be many seconds 
before the SB2 actually finishes playing the track. The latter time is 
when SlimServer receives a decoder underrun event from the SB2, implying 
that the input buffer of the device is empty and it's ready for the next 
track. Again, there should be a delta between the first time and the 
point where we get the decoder underrun event - this represents the 
audio in the SB2's input buffer which can be several seconds to minutes 
long, depending on the bitrate of the audio and the bandwidth of the 
network. However, that delta definitely shouldn't be over 6 minutes.

A question - were these two players synchronized and then unsynchronized 
anytime prior to grabbing the debug log? I've attached a small source 
code patch that provides a bit more debug output. If you need help 
applying the patch, feel free to contact me off-list at vidur | at |

Greg, the log you posted to bug 1289 isn't as clear about what's going 
on. If you're able to recreate with the attached patch, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for your help!

Index: Slim/Player/
--- Slim/Player/   (revision 3007)
+++ Slim/Player/   (working copy)
@@ -583,6 +583,7 @@
# A zero length chunk is a marker for the end of the stream.
# If we see one, close the outgoing connection.
if (!$len) {
+   $::d_source  msg(Found an empty chunk on the queue - 
this means we should drop the streaming connection.\n);
$chunk = undef;
@@ -873,9 +874,11 @@
my $client = shift;
if (!scalar(@{$client-chunks})) {
+   $::d_source  msg(No pending chunks - we're dropping the 
streaming connection\n);
else {
+   $::d_source  msg(There are pending chunks - queue an empty 
chunk and wait till the chunk queue is empty before dropping the 
push @{$client-chunks}, \'';
foreach my $buddy (Slim::Player::Sync::syncedWith($client)) {
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Not all songs showing up

2005-04-18 Thread Vidur Apparao
To diagnose this problem, it would be great to get debug output with the 
--d_info and --d_scan debug flags on when you do a rescan.

To get this output, shut down SlimServer, launch a Terminal window, cd 
to the SlimServer directory 
(/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server for most 
people, the same path with a ~ prepended to it for others), and type:

./ --d_info --d_scan
Choose Rescan under the Server Settings of the web interface after doing 
this and send the terminal output (you can cutpaste or redirect to a 
file) to me at vidur | at |

bmccarthy wrote:
I am using the original Squeezebox and I have just recently found that
it is only seeing about half of the songs in my iTunes library.
I am on Mac OSX 10.3.8 connecting over a mixed G/B wireless network.
One non-standard feature of my set up is that I have my tunes all
stored on an external drive.
It played all the songs in my library for the last couple of years, but
now no luck. The song count is half what it should be and several of the
playlists show empty. Also, many songs I attempt to play from the
Squeezebox (as opposed to the Web interface) don't play but display
STOPPED on the display.
A couple of things have changed recently that could be behind it.
First, I upgraded the Slim Server software recently to version 6.0.1
because the Squeezebox was having frequent trouble connecting to Slim
Server (even though it found the network fine).
Also, I recently updated to iLife '05, which upgraded iTunes to version
4.7.1 (30). Not sure which event triggered the problem.
I followed the suggestions in the FAQ about changing the path for the
iTunes library and changing it back with no luck. I also changed the
preferences so the Slim Server starts when I log in to get around the
problem of the external drive not being mounted right away.
I also tried their suggestions about changing the Keep Music Folder
Organized settings. I've done all this twice but with no results.
Any suggestions?

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Re: [slim] Re: Unwanted 'synchronisation'

2005-04-18 Thread Vidur Apparao
Would it be possible for you to post debug output with the --d_source 
debug flag turned on? Let me know if you need instructions for getting 
the debug log.

radish wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions - the MAC addresses are different, and the
web interface sees them as different players, with their own configs.

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Re: [slim] SB2: MAC address in bridging mode

2005-04-14 Thread Vidur Apparao
Michael Herger wrote:
Does SB2 report another MAC address to a dhcp server, whent it's in  
bridging mode? If yes, how do I know it?

SB2 uses the same MAC address on both network interfaces.
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Re: [slim] Playlist sorting with iTunes

2005-04-14 Thread Vidur Apparao
webdeck wrote:
I run SlimServer on my Mac and use iTunes to manage my music and
playlist.  I have the iTunes playlist prefix and suffix set to the
empty string.
Prior to 6.0, my iTunes playlists would be sorted along with the other
non-iTunes playlists, like zapped songs, etc., and the numeric keypad
would jump to the correct playlist in the alphabet.
After upgrading to 6.x, that is no longer the case.  non-iTunes
playlists are sorted above the iTunes playlists, and the number keys
only jump to non-iTunes playlists.  Since all of my playlists are
iTunes playlists, this is very inconvenient.
Can the behavior be changed back to the pre-6.0 behavior?

It sounds like a regression. Could I ask you to file a bug at

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Re: [slim] Re: SB2 - It Does The Business!

2005-04-13 Thread Vidur Apparao
Lars Chr. Hausmann wrote:
rwh == rwh  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

rwh Likewise. Solid! Quite impressive!  Well done, you slim guys!
I'd like to add my compliments as well. Just got my SB2. Play nicely
I do, however, have problems getting it to join my WLAN towards my AP
which is madwifi driver running in Master mode. It doesnt want to
establish a connection :-/
Any body seen anything similar ? 

Could you file a bug at under the 
Squeezebox2 product category with full details of your madwifi setup 
(e.g. wireless card, Linux flavor, whether bridging is on, etc.). Thanks.

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Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver has gone slightly mad

2005-04-13 Thread Vidur Apparao
Christian Pernegger wrote:
Sorry, hit send a little too soon. My log has lots of these:
--- Monkey's Audio Console Front End (v 3.99) (c) Matthew T. Ashland ---
Error: 1002
Apparently slimserver has skipped a few songs at the end of the pl it
couldn't play for whatever reason, thus arriving at the beginning of
the playlist. However, the displayed info didn't get updated. Thus
it's playing the first song of the pl but displaying the info of the
first unplayable song and so on.
The files in question look to be regular .apes, worked fine until recently.

If you can recreate this problem, can you run with the --d_source debug 
flag and post the log?

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Re: [slim] Re: The New Crack - Phillips RC9800i

2005-04-13 Thread Vidur Apparao
ron thigpen wrote:
Jonas Karlsson wrote:
This link might be of interest.

heh.  did you notice who the admin/developer is on this one?

Heh. The project is a little stale - an offshoot of the original 
RealSlim plugin. I think it's a good start to add UPnP support as and 
when it makes sense to SlimServer, but the PerlUPnP project will 
probably need a little TLC before it's ready for primetime.

*Sigh*, another personal project that isn't getting the attention it 
needs. :-(

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[slim] Re: [Slim-Checkins] r2927 - in branches/browsedb/server: Plugins/MusicMagic Slim/Buttons

2005-04-11 Thread Vidur Apparao
I noticed you resurrected the old mixer code in (the bit 
that modifies the current mode parameters and pushes into INPUT.List). 
As Robert indicated in, this won't work 
since we use INPUT.List for browsedb. Specifically, popping out of the 
mixer list will probably create a few problems.

Modified: branches/browsedb/server/Slim/Buttons/
--- branches/browsedb/server/Slim/Buttons/   2005-04-10 17:11:01 UTC 
(rev 2926)
+++ branches/browsedb/server/Slim/Buttons/   2005-04-10 20:33:48 UTC 
(rev 2927)
@@ -200,9 +200,46 @@
'create_mix' = sub  {
-   my $client = shift;
-   # XXX Mixer functions will need to be rewritten
+   my $client = shift;
+   my $Imports = Slim::Music::Import::importers();
+   my @mixers = ();
+   for my $import (keys %{$Imports}) {
+   if (defined $Imports-{$import}-{'mixer'}  
$Imports-{$import}-{'use'}) {
+   push @mixers, $import;
+   }
+   }
+   if (scalar @mixers == 1) {
+   $::d_plugins  msg(Running Mixer 
+   } elsif (@mixers) {
+   my $params = 
+   $params-{'listRef'} = [EMAIL 
+   $params-{'stringExternRef'} = 1;
+   $params-{'header'} = 'INSTANT_MIX';
+   $params-{'headerAddCount'} = 1;
+   $params-{'callback'} = 
+   $params-{'overlayRef'} = sub { return 
(undef, Slim::Display::Display::symbol('rightarrow')) };
+   $params-{'overlayRefArgs'} = '';
+   $params-{'valueRef'} = \$mixer;
Slim::Buttons::Common::pushModeLeft($client, 'INPUT.List', $params);
+   } else {
+   # if we don't have mix generation, then 
just play
+   (getFunctions())-{'play'}($client);
+   }
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Re: [slim] Re: [Slim-Checkins] r2927 - in branches/browsedb/server: Plugins/MusicMagic Slim/Buttons

2005-04-11 Thread Vidur Apparao
Oopswrong list. Sorry.
Vidur Apparao wrote:
I noticed you resurrected the old mixer code in (the bit 
that modifies the current mode parameters and pushes into INPUT.List). 
As Robert indicated in, this won't work 
since we use INPUT.List for browsedb. Specifically, popping out of the 
mixer list will probably create a few problems.

Modified: branches/browsedb/server/Slim/Buttons/
--- branches/browsedb/server/Slim/Buttons/BrowseDB.pm2005-04-10 
17:11:01 UTC (rev 2926)
+++ branches/browsedb/server/Slim/Buttons/BrowseDB.pm2005-04-10 
20:33:48 UTC (rev 2927)
@@ -200,9 +200,46 @@

'create_mix' = sub  {
-my $client = shift;
-# XXX Mixer functions will need to be rewritten
+my $client = shift;
+my $Imports = Slim::Music::Import::importers();
+my @mixers = ();
+for my $import (keys %{$Imports}) {
+if (defined $Imports-{$import}-{'mixer'}  
$Imports-{$import}-{'use'}) {
+push @mixers, $import;
+if (scalar @mixers == 1) {
+$::d_plugins  msg(Running Mixer $mixers[0]\n);
+} elsif (@mixers) {
+my $params = $client-modeParameterStack(-1);
+$params-{'listRef'} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
+$params-{'stringExternRef'} = 1;
+$params-{'header'} = 'INSTANT_MIX';
+$params-{'headerAddCount'} = 1;
+$params-{'callback'} = \mixerExitHandler;
+$params-{'overlayRef'} = sub { return (undef, 
Slim::Display::Display::symbol('rightarrow')) };
+$params-{'overlayRefArgs'} = '';
+$params-{'valueRef'} = \$mixer;
'INPUT.List', $params);
+} else {
+# if we don't have mix generation, then just play

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Re: [slim] Re: Mis-match song playing and web-interface

2005-04-11 Thread Vidur Apparao
That sounds like (the 
web interface doesn't update, but the player interface does). This is 
distinct from (the 
player interface is wrong as well). We're working on both.

Tourne wrote:
I have something similar but not quite the same.  In the SlimServer
window on the server, the highlighted song in the play list doesn't
change at all, so the first played song remains highlighted.  However,
in the now playing area and on the Slimp3 display, the correct
information about the current song is shown.  This seems to be
consistent behaviour.  

If I then add songs to the playlist, it causes the display of the
playlist to be refreshed and the currently playing song becomes
highlighted.  Then, this song remains highlighted as the current song
moves on.
shaboyi Wrote: 

appears to be a bug with 6.0.x 4/8 windows -- a couple of times the
web interface and display will indicate it is playing the song in a
playlist that is the one before the song that  is actually playing
(refreshing the browser does not change it). this continues as the
next song plays (ie, it is always one behind in terms of what is
actually playing).  it is odd.  does not occurr all the time.
Any ideas?


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Re: [slim] Re: 6.0.1 bugs

2005-04-11 Thread Vidur Apparao
Ben Sandee wrote:
On Apr 11, 2005 11:50 AM, jmpage2

Anyone else experience the same thing with browse by artist not going to
the top of the artist list for certain letters?

Yes I've seen this (on my Slimp3's).  It seems to be aggravated by my
extensive use of TSOP tags (performer sort order).  It's not new (for
me) in 6.0 and 6.0.1, but has been there for a long time.  I haven't
filed a bug because it's a pain-in-the-butt bug to file.  Short of
sending my entire collection, I'm not sure how to describe how to
duplicate it.  Maybe the .db file is enough for Dan et al. to figure
out why this is happening.

The existing code displays the list in alphabetical order, taking into 
account TSOP tags. Looking at it right now, it seems that it doesn't use 
the TSOP information when dealing with number scrolling. This would 
explain a discrepancy.

The player-based browsing code is being rewritten for 6.1 to make better 
use of the database. You should see improvements fairly shortly.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: 6.0.1 bugs

2005-04-11 Thread Vidur Apparao
Ben Sandee wrote:
The existing code displays the list in alphabetical order, taking into
account TSOP tags. Looking at it right now, it seems that it doesn't use
the TSOP information when dealing with number scrolling. This would
explain a discrepancy.
The player-based browsing code is being rewritten for 6.1 to make better
use of the database. You should see improvements fairly shortly.

That's great news.  Is there a bug under which this work is being
performed?  I'd like to add myself to the cc: list so that I will know
when to check this out and give you feedback.

The main bug under which the browsing code is being modified is It's not directly 
related to this specific issue, so feel free to create a new bug and 
mark it dependent on bug 55.

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Re: [slim] SBG clock screensaver and Digital out issues.

2005-04-07 Thread Vidur Apparao
On Windows, SlimServer is packaged as an executable that bundles the 
Perl packages that we use. To make source modifications, you need to 
have an ActiveState Perl installation 
( and will need to run 
the server via the script.

OK, I thought I'd have a go at playing with the vis settings, but I must be
doing something dumb. I've tried editing the slim/player/
file, but it's not having any effect. Do I need to do anything other than
restart the server after an edit? I'm guessing that there's a deployment
step I'm missing somewhere (I'm new to slimserver development). BTW -
running on XP. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vidur Apparao
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 11:50 AM
To: Slim Devices Discussion
Subject: Re: [slim] SBG clock screensaver and Digital out issues.
depeche wrote:

A non standard spectrum layout is the idea thenOK.  Normally you 
have low --- high freq.
Left (low --- high) Right (low --- high)


The visualizers are configurable from the server, though we haven't yet
created a UI for this. If you're feeling particularly bold, you can modify
the configuration parameters in the server source. The parameters for the
right-side visualizer in the Now Playing modes are in
Slim/Player/ and those for the full-screen visualizers are in
Plugins/ The configuration parameters (including position,
orientation, bandwidth, etc.) are documented in the first file.
The spectrum analyzer is implemented using a simple fixed-point FFT with a
Hamming window applied to the signal. Since most real-world audio has
considerably more power in the lower frequency bands, one of the
configurable parameters is a preemphasis value applied to the frequency bins
after the FFT (effectively a multiplier for the higher frequency
bins) - the value is specified in dB/KHz.
I've spent a little bit of time playing with the parameters to get something
that looks reasonably good (and that's the eventual goal, right?). If
anyone, ideally someone with a better aesthetic sense than I, is interested
in experimenting and coming up with better parameters, or even a UI for
users to configure their own parameters, I'd welcome the changes.
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Re: [slim] Wireless Problem

2005-04-05 Thread Vidur Apparao
Sean Adams wrote:

Does anybody think that getting 802.11g access point would help?

Yes,  but we still want to fix whatever's wrong with the MR814v2. That 
may take us a little while if it's no longer in production, or not 
readily available.

Actually, we do have a MR814v2 and the latest firmware (v.9) is able to 
connect to it. I've tested both with and without WEP.

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Re: [slim] Multiple music folders / rescanning

2005-04-04 Thread Vidur Apparao
Are you running SlimServer as a Windows service? If so, can you try 
running it as an application? To do this, kill the slim.exe process in 
the Task Manager and start slim.exe from the command line. My only guess 
is that it could be a permissions issue.

Hi - searched the archives but still can't quite figure out why this doesn't
appear to be working for me.
I have recently been trying to get the rest of my collection scanned and am
using a second HD.
Original directory (which Slimserver has as music folder) is F:\Music.
Inside this folder are the albums by genre folder. This has always scanned
and worked fine so I followed the same structure on the second HD: directory
is G:\Music2. Inside this folder are the albums by genre folder.
I then put a shortcut into the F:\Music folder which points to G:\Music2
folder. However when I rescan I encounter the following problems:
1. Even after all night the slimserver screen still shows rescanning. It
has rescanned the files in the orignal directory fine and has updated this
but not included those in G:\Music2.
2. If I go to browse music folders it shows Music 2 as a link but selecting
this brings up the message:
You need to specify a path to your directory containing your MP3 files.
Click here to go to the server settings and do this now.
My understanding was the slimserver couldn't handle multiple locations, only
shortcuts from the one location to another. Is this correct?
Slimserver V5.1
running on a Win2k server box
Drives F:  G: are the only two partitions on the same HD (historical reason
why it wasn't simply left as one HD).
What am I doing wrong?! And how can I sort it?
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Re: [slim] Re: EMPTY when browsing

2005-04-04 Thread Vidur Apparao
Dan Sully wrote:
* Phillip Kerman shaped the electrons to say...
Nearly all my album tracks are unavailable... when I do Browse 
Artistssome artistsome album all I see is EMPTY  (Same thing with 
Browse Albums)

I had to give up my old way of accessing files (Browse Music Folder) 
v6.0.0 has serious performance issues with this feature (I'd prefer 
to just
browse folder).

But maybe because I never really used browse music/browse artist (or 
alums) I'm using them wrong. 

Is everyone that's having this problem on Windows and in a Daylight 
Savings timezone?
Dan asks this because we've identified an issue related to Daylight 
Savings on Windows. It turns out that Windows reports a different file 
modification date after the automatic change for Daylight Savings (see for more information). 
This makes us think that the file has changed. A bug in 6.0.0 (fixed in 
the latest nightlies) deletes the file from the database rather than 
re-reading tags. If you are seeing this bug, updating to the latest 
6.0.1 nightly 
( will fix it.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Can not view songs under albums unless I play album

2005-04-04 Thread Vidur Apparao
David Makoski wrote:
Okay I at SlimServer version 6.0.0.
Now if I use the SlimServer or the hardware remote and
browse albums, I see all my albums. If I then select
and album and press the right arrow, I get Empty !?
Now If I play the album, then press the right arrow
I'll now see and am able to switch to a song within
the album.
This happens withthe hardware, SlimServer, and
Softsqueeze .
Running XP Prof SP-2, All songs in Apple LossLess
Whats up?

Please see

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Re: [slim] 6.0 problem - playlist stops frequently at track boundaries

2005-04-04 Thread Vidur Apparao
I was able to recreate this on my 6.0.0 installation and found it was 
related to the problem detailed in 
Could anyone who is seeing this problem confirm that it has been fixed 
in the latest 6.0.1 nightly 

Matt Alioto wrote:
I've had it do similar while having wireless SB1 synced with SS2.
I think I just pressed play to get it going again but can't remember for
sure.  It did stop between tracks.
Don't let education interfere with your learning...
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon Still
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 6:01 AM
To: Slim Devices Discussion
Subject: [slim] 6.0 problem - playlist stops frequently at track
Apologies for filling the list with individual issues but i figure
they're easier to keep on topic.
I'm getting frequent 'stops' using 6.0 whether on SS2 or SB1s.  Tracks
will play for a while and then the playlist will stop and i'll need to
hit pause to restart.  It always happens at a track boundary - eg
track 9 will end, the title of track 10 will show but it wont play
until i hit pause.
Anyone else?
(BTW, i am very impressed by 6.0 generally - the search is vastly
improved and really quick)
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Re: [slim] Re: EMPTY when browsing

2005-04-04 Thread Vidur Apparao
Vidur Apparao wrote:
Dan asks this because we've identified an issue related to Daylight 
Savings on Windows. It turns out that Windows reports a different file 
modification date after the automatic change for Daylight Savings (see for more information). 
This makes us think that the file has changed. A bug in 6.0.0 (fixed 
in the latest nightlies) deletes the file from the database rather 
than re-reading tags. If you are seeing this bug, updating to the 
latest 6.0.1 nightly 
( will fix it.
I forgot to mention - you will have to hit Rescan (under Server 
Settings) to see the missing tracks again.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Composer / Band Mixed Up

2005-04-03 Thread Vidur Apparao
It should have been fixed in the 1/2/05 nightly (both 6.1 and 6.0.1 
versions). You will have to go to Server Settings - Performance and hit 
Wipe Cache to delete the existing database and rescan your library to 
see the change.

Scott Bennett wrote:
According to Vidur when I asked this question, it should be fixed in 
the next nightly (Monday I'm presuming). There is a bug filed for it.


[slim] Composer / Band Mixed Up
Andrew Smith Date:
Sun, 3 Apr 2005 11:07:31 +0100
 I have just downloaded version 6.1.0  trunk  
But still the composer is appearing when you do an Artist search in 
Search Music.   This is very annoying because I would like to use 
version 6, but this bug is a major issue for me.


I may have to go back to version 5.4.0 again.

Anybody any idea when this problem will be fixed?  I have tried using 
Default and Handheld skins.
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Re: [slim] more 6.0 issues - synch issues. Volume 'resets' with each track.

2005-04-02 Thread Vidur Apparao
Simon Still wrote:
I'm synching 2 SB1's and ss2.   I've definitely got it set on all
players NOT to synch volume but each time the track changes i'm
getting the volume on the SB1 i'm listening to reset to 16.  I turn it
up to say 25 via the remote and the next track change takes it back to
Discuss mailing list

Bug 1216 ( Fixed in 
latest nightlies.

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Re: [slim] SB2 Satisfaction -- gapless!

2005-04-01 Thread Vidur Apparao
I currently do OGG to PCM with an SB1 and it's gapless (which is very
important to me). OGG to MP3 isn't - I assume because the decoder in the SB1
doesn't understand the LAME gapless tags. Can anyone confirm whether the
decoder in SB2 understands the gapless tags?

It does not...yet.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Composer / Band Mixed Up

2005-04-01 Thread Vidur Apparao
I believe this is bug 1144 
(, fixed in tomorrow's 

Scott Bennett wrote:
Is anyone else seeing the composer showing up in place of the band 
with v6.0.0? Example:

Band: The Innocence Mission
Composer: Don Peris
Shows up in the menus as Don Peris, but alphabetized where Innocence 
Mission would be. Innocence Mission does not display anywhere. 
Everything is tagged and foldered correctly. The Don't include 
composer, band and orchestra in artists option is selected. I am 
using iTunes, and everything shows up fine there.

This appears to be happening to every track with the composer field 
set (I didn't set them, they were filled in by some tagging program 
somewhere along the line.) This was not happening in 5.4.1

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-03-31 Thread Vidur Apparao
Steinar Bjaerum wrote:
Is the FFWD/REW done by skipping to flac frame boundaries in the server
before streaming to the client?

Yes, we do some rudimentary parsing on the server to find frame 
boundaries. This involves looking for a frame header sync mark and then 
confirming that the header CRC is correct. The existence of the CRC 
actually gives us a good confidence level that we're sending valid 
frames to the decoder on the box.

The same technique is used for FFWD/REW for MP3, but MP3 frame headers 
don't contain a CRC value (at least not for the header itself), so you 
can sometimes hear squeaks and pops while scanning through MP3 tracks. 
Luckily the MP3 decoder on the box is very robust. :-)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-03-31 Thread Vidur Apparao
Vidur Apparao wrote:
Steinar Bjaerum wrote:
It is feasible to let Perl parse the SEEKTABLE and have the server start
streaming at the frame containing the start sample of the track. 
the Flac decoder in the client needs to get additional information 
about the
samples that need to be thrown away after decoding the frames 
containing the
start and end samples of the track. This means that it is not just a 
parsing job that has to be done in order to avoid transcoding the cued
Flacs. However, I'm sure the guys at SlimDevices can do it!

You are absolutely correct. If we did cuesheet-based seeking within 
the server, we'd have to start streaming to the SB2 from the start 
position of the frame *and* send the decoder the number of frames to 
drop at the start and end of the stream.
Sorry, that's send the decoder the number of __samples__ to drop at the 
start and end...

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SB2 startup glitches

2005-03-31 Thread Vidur Apparao
Vidur Apparao wrote:
Phil Karn wrote:
Additional comment: the crunching during startup does *not* occur 
with the original SB running off the same v6.0.0 server. The problem 
happens only with the SB2, and only when playing FLAC or OGG, not 
MP3. Haven't tried other file types.

I'm not able to reproduce the problem with FLAC playback on either 
wired or wireless SB2, but I do hear something similar to what you're 
describing when trying to play SlimTris while FLAC is playing. 
SlimTris is triggering a large number of display updates - handling 
the large amount of network traffic seems to effect FLAC playback. I'm 
still trying to track down exactly what's happening on the box.

I'm still not able to reproduce the exact problem that you're seeing, 
but I did find the problem that I describe above with SlimTris. We had 
inadvertantly left some debugging flags on that resulted in worse 
performance in certain circumstances - FLAC playback combined with a 
large number of client-server network transactions was one. I can 
believe that specific network characteristics triggers this case during 
FLAC startup on some networks but not others.

I've checked in a firmware fix and regenerated the nightly builds. If 
possible, could you download the latest nightly 
( and force a 
firmware upgrade? To do this, install the nightly, connect your SB2 to 
the server, and press  hold brightness till the firmware upgrade 
starts. Let me know if this changes anything.

Thanks for your help,
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Latest SVN - ogg needs sox

2005-03-31 Thread Vidur Apparao
Steven Spies wrote:
Vidur, I just noticed that I was not able to play Ogg Vorbis files
with 6.0 on OSX. Since sox is now used for Ogg Vorbis playback I
thought that might be the culprit. I dug through the preference pane
and found the sox executable that was included with slim server. When
I ran sox in the terminal it complained about some missing library
files. On version tracker I found a program called SoX Wrap that
included an installer for the needed library files. Ogg Vorbis now
seems to work correctly. Can the missing library files be fixed? A
different sox executable or a new slim server installer perhaps? I
hope this will help others using Ogg Vorbis on OSX, Steven

Thanks for the find. This will be fixed shortly in the nightlies.
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Re: [slim] Latest SVN - ogg needs sox

2005-03-31 Thread Vidur Apparao
Vidur Apparao wrote:
Steven Spies wrote:
Vidur, I just noticed that I was not able to play Ogg Vorbis files
with 6.0 on OSX. Since sox is now used for Ogg Vorbis playback I
thought that might be the culprit. I dug through the preference pane
and found the sox executable that was included with slim server. When
I ran sox in the terminal it complained about some missing library
files. On version tracker I found a program called SoX Wrap that
included an installer for the needed library files. Ogg Vorbis now
seems to work correctly. Can the missing library files be fixed? A
different sox executable or a new slim server installer perhaps? I
hope this will help others using Ogg Vorbis on OSX, Steven

Thanks for the find. This will be fixed shortly in the nightlies.
Dan just checked in a statically compiled version of sox with ogg 
support (the version I had originally included depended on libogg and 
libvorbis shared libraries). The new version will be available in 
tomorrow's nightlies or can be immediately downloaded from*checkout*/trunk/server/Bin/darwin/sox?rev=2821. 
Please check it out when you get a chance (though it sounds like you've 
already installed the necessary shared libraries for the original version).

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Re: [slim] Latest SVN - ogg needs sox

2005-03-31 Thread Vidur Apparao
Steven Spies wrote:
Yup, that seemed to do the trick. I tested the new executable on my
iBook that does not have the required library installed and it worked
fine. The old one complained the library is missing. This is slightly
off topic but how do you compile a program like sox so it does not
need an external library? I have been wanting to do the same thing for
a great program called wavegain that can calculate replaygain values
for wave and aiff files and optionally apply the changes to the file
but I was never able to figure it out. Do you have any ideas? Besides
my knowledge of compiling is very limited. If ./configure, make, sudo
make install does not work I am completely lost ;^)

Obviously, I'm no expert either. :-) To statically link in the ogg and 
vorbis libraries for sox, you need to make sure that the .a versions of 
the libraries and not the .so versions are in the library path (both the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable and any -L inclusions on the 
command line). For me, this generally involves finding out where the 
libraries were installed (e.g. /usr/local/lib) and temporarily mv'ing 
them. Some configure scripts support the --enable-static and 
--disable-shared options.

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Re: [slim] Re: Linksys BEFW11S4 Rev 4 problems

2005-03-31 Thread Vidur Apparao
Phillip Kerman wrote:
Basically, the problem is that it won't connect in wireless mode.
I have
Firmware Version: 1.50.14 

No WEP/WPA... just MAC filering which, even when off, doesn't work.  Also, I
turned on/off SSID broadcast with no effect.  

I'm sure slim will find a fix though.

I believe I have a fix checked in. You can either get the new firmware 
from the 1/1 nightly (no foolin') or download it immediately to your 
server/Firmware directory from*checkout*/trunk/server/Firmware/squeezebox2_8.bin?rev=2826. 
In both cases, connect your Squeezebox2 to SlimServer (wired I would 
assume, since your AP is not working) and press  hold brightness to 
initiate the firmware upgrade. Let me know how it goes.

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-03-30 Thread Vidur Apparao
Daryle A. Tilroe wrote:
Quick followup:  Does this also then mean that track based FLACs
will support FF/REW within the track whereas the transcoded
CUE sheet based ones won't?
Yes, that is true for now. FFWD/REW is possible only for types that we 
don't transcode - MP3 and FLAC without cuesheets for SB2. Pure PCM types 
(wav and aiff) can be played at faster rates on SB2, but only if the 
corresponding FLAC transcoding lines are removed from convert.conf.

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-03-30 Thread Vidur Apparao
Steinar Bjaerum wrote:
Sean Adams wrote:

One thought on this: if we find that CUEd FLACs are inherently just a
pain in the butt with no advantage in terms of gaplessness, would you
accept as a solution a script to unCUE them?

If you by this mean providing a script for us CUE fans to unCUE our CUEd
FLAC collections, I think it is a very bad solution.
I find your current CUEd FLAC to single-track FLAC transcoding acceptable,
allthough I fear it introduces annoying gaps in live or classical
My understanding is that you now view FLAC as your generic streaming format
between server and client for non-MP3 audio. Given server-side transcoding
of CUEd FLAC - single track FLAC, you should definitely continue your
support for CUEd FLACs.

I don't believe the runtime transcoding of CUEed FLAC should introduce 
gaps. The SB2 generally starts decoding a track well before the previous 
one has finished playing (this allows us to do, among other things, 
audio transitions including crossfading). Since we use the --skip and 
--until parameters to the server-based flac tool, we don't introduce any 
silence because of intra-frame padding. Please tell me if you are 
hearing gaps.

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-03-30 Thread Vidur Apparao
Gordon Harris wrote:

But, in terms of the need to use flac.exe to transcode individual tracks from 
flacs: I guess Im just not getting what the problem is with writing the perl 
code to seek to the appropriate place in a whole-disc/cue-embeded flac file.  
(Forgive me if Im speculating above my pay-grade here: Ive never written a 
single line of perl code.)  If a flac file has a cuesheet-metadata-block, flac 
version 1.1.2 allows one to use cuepoints to decode a portion of the flac 
file.  So, rather than using the command line 
form, one can use cue=n.n-n.n to select a specific track/index range to 
decode.  I assume that this means that flac.exe isnt having to use any sort 
of time to byte-offset calculation to seek to the appropriate section of the 
flac file.  The cuesheet-metatdata-block includes sample offsets from the 
beginning of the flac audio stream for each track and index in the cuesheet 
metadata.  Personally, Ive never figured out how to convert a sample offset 
into a byte offset, but, how hard could it be?

For FLAC embedded cuesheets, we should be able to get exact seekpoints 
from the STREAMINFO header. This header is easily parseable in Perl - in 
fact Michael Turner recently added seekpoint parsing code to our FLAC 
formatting package.  For external cuesheets, however, a 
time-to-byte-offset calculation is necessary. This translation is fairly 
hairy as it is (it involves an initial guess based on bitrate and then 
frame parsing to find the exact point), and has the potential to be slow 
in Perl. That being said, our longer term solution may be to implement 
the seeking code entirely in Perl - it just hasn't happened yet.

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Re: [slim] Internet radio worked last night, not this morning

2005-03-30 Thread Vidur Apparao
It seems like you might have the Shuffle by Album setting turned on. 
There was a bug with this setting and radio stations that has recently 
been fixed. We'll have a nightly build available from the 6.0.x tree 
fairly soon. In the meantime, you can try one of the following alternatives:

1) Turn off Shuffle by Album for radio stations.
2) Install the latest nightly build for the 6.1 tree from (we'll be 
cleaning up the nightly build situation soon and that URL will change).

Let me know if that helps.
c_death wrote:
My husband brought home a used squeeze box last night.
This morning I tried to listen a squeeze box internet radio suggestion but
it wouldn't connect and it would crash...  I then decided to try to listen
to my own stream, which worked last night but it crashes the server.  this
is the log file.
2005-03-30 10:02:53.8157 Recieved final blank line...
2005-03-30 10:02:53.8160 opened stream!
Use of uninitialized value in array element at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 442.
Use of uninitialized value in array element at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 442.
SlimServer Version: 6.0.0 - trunk
any help?
--- Christine

|Waiting for the Blackouts: Goth Industrial 80s Deathrock  |
|Darkwave Ethereal Alternative, Rock Batcave  Psychobilly  |
|Plus what ever else that catches my fancy!|
|  |

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 2 audio quality.

2005-03-30 Thread Vidur Apparao
Mike Reeve wrote:
Natan  Nicki Tiefenbrun [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm hooking my SB up to a Linn
DAC, and even with raw WAVs it doesn't sound half as good as the CD
player with digital out, so I assume it's to do with the clocking.

Just in case you are running a wireless set up ...
... have you checked (and I apologise if you have already done so)
that you have set Player Settings  Bitrate Limiting to No Limit?
[Recall that it defaults to transcoding to 320Kbps MP3 ...
... I forgot this once after changing my set up
and had a moment of shock/panic until I remembered  :-O]

My suggestion exactly. We've done bit-accuracy testing with FLAC, so 
it's definitely not in the decoder on the box. My guess is that there's 
MP3 transcoding going on.

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-03-29 Thread Vidur Apparao
Gordon Harris wrote:
My SqueezeBox2 arrived today.  Lot's 'o fun so far.  I do have a question about 
the FLAC transport:  no matter how I change the Server-File Types settings or 
comment out lines in convert.conf, Slimserver still seems to transcode my 
FLACs.  Even with just FLAC (built-in) enabled, I'm seeing the following 
process created by Slimserver on playback:

cmd.exe /x/d/c C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-
thread\flac.exe -dcs --skip=0:00.00 --until=5:02.24 --
D:\Recordings\Music_FLAC\c_Early_Baroque\Biber, H\Missa Bruxellensis - 
Savall.flac | C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-
thread\flac.exe -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 -

To me, this looks as though the Slimserver requires flac.exe to stream to 
stdout at compression level 0 to get FLAC content to the SqueezeBox2.  The 
above FLAC file was encoded at level 5.  Even if I re-encode a FLAC at level 0 
and play that, the transcoding FLAC | FLAC operation still takes place.

I know that when Slimserver streams MP3s to the SqueezeBox, nothing special 
needs to happen (i.e. LAME isnt required to be invoked.)  Is this a case where 
Slimserver doesnt quite know how to parse and stream FLAC data directly yet?  
Should we expect truly native FLAC streaming from a future version of 

This current arrangement for FLAC streaming works perfectly well.  I just 
assume that the two invocations of flac.exe arent doing anything that 
Slimserver couldnt do with a little more code tweaking.  That would knock down 
the CPU utilization a bit, knock down the temperature inside my media server 
case, and maybe allow me to do with one less fan.  But I can certainly live 
with the current arrangement.

PS: The larger memory buffer in the SqueezeBox 2 is great.  Even with 
Slimserver scanning my music library, and with me browsing genre, I dont get 
any FLAC drop-outs.  Also, FLAC play back seems to be perfectly gapless now.

Way to go, Slimdevices and Slimserver developers.  You guys are awesome.

The FLAC-FLAC transcoding is only done when you use cuesheets. To get 
to a track start point within a FLAC file, we need to be able to seek to 
the exact point in the file (actually to the exact frame that starts 
before the cue point and then we may need to throw out some samples). 
Obviously the FLAC decoder on the device can't seek through the stream 
across a network for each song, so this seeking needs to be done on the 
server side. Rather than do the seek in Perl, we use the flac helper 
application with the --skip and --until parameters to provide us with 
the exact samples to play and then recode in FLAC. It requires a little 
CPU, but it's a lossless transcoding, of course.

The transcoding does not happen if you don't use cuesheets with FLAC 
(excuse the double negative).

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-03-29 Thread Vidur Apparao
JJ wrote:

Is there any control over the level of compression to be used in this 
transcoding?  There's obviously a tradeoff between CPU load used to 
transcode and the bandwidth used to stream the flac, so it seems there 
should be a means of letting the user determine the level and perhaps 
trade CPU cycles for lowered bandwidth.
There is currently no UI to change the settings, but the compression 
level can be changed by editing your convert.conf file. The entry for 
flc-flc-transcode-* is the one that applies to this type of transcoding.

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Re: [slim] mySQL for Slimserver?

2005-03-28 Thread Vidur Apparao
You can get the DBD::mysql package from ActiveState at

The files in blib/arch should be copied to 
server/CPAN/arch/5.8/MSWin32-x86-multi-thread and those in blib/lib 
should be copied to server/CPAN. This will make them available to 

I have not confirmed that this driver works, but I wish you luck. :-)
Rich Freedman wrote:
I'm a slimserver newbee, so I apologize if this question has been asked and
answered before
I'm using slimserver Version 6.0b1 - 2005-03-08, along with it's embedded
version of Softqueeze (eagerly awaiting shipment of my SB2), on Windows XP,
SP2. I'd like to switch slimserver over to a mySql database. I understand
that this is not officially supported, but apparently possible.
I found all of the posts about changing the slimserver.pref, (especially
and have done so, but still haven't been able to make it work.
I'm an experienced C++ and Java programmer, but almost completely unfamiliar
with perl. 
That said, it seems to me that the problem is that the DBI module for
supporting mySQL (DBD:mysql) is missing. 
I tracked down some info on that, but it seems that the only way to get it
is to get the source and compile it. 
If I understand correctly, this is a problem because the perl environment
that is installed with slimserver is partially compiled. 
Has someone already added mySql support, who can make a Windows binary
available, or must I install a full perl development environment to make
this change? 
All advice is welcome.

-Rich Freedman

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Re: [slim] Latest SVN - ogg needs sox

2005-03-27 Thread Vidur Apparao
Joshua Uziel wrote:
so we all know to blame vidur. :)

In my defense, I provided sox binaries for Windows, OS X and x86 linux. 
I presume you're running on something other than one of those. Maybe you 
should blame yourself then. ;-)

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Re: [slim] Latest SVN - ogg needs sox

2005-03-27 Thread Vidur Apparao
You've found a legitimate bug. Dan just checked in a fix to make sure 
that the path for linux got canonicalized correctly.

Joshua Uziel wrote:
* Vidur Apparao [EMAIL PROTECTED] [050327 12:30]:

Hmm...that doesn't sound right. Dan checked in code a while ago that 
should make all x86 Linux distributions use the same path. What is the 
output of:

I should probably further describe my setup... the latest subversion
trunk is downloaded in /usr/local/SlimServer-svn ... I have a
/usr/local/slimserver - SlimServer-svn/server symlink, and I run
/usr/local/slimserver/ to kick things off.

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Re: [slim] Browse Music Folder not working - related to Shortcuts?

2005-03-25 Thread Vidur Apparao
Cade Roux wrote:
Recently upgraded my SlimServer to SlimServer Version: 6.0b1 (on Windows
Server 2003) from whatever I was running before (maybe 5) after a long time
of not having my SliMP3s installed in the house for a while.
I'm using _only_ shortcuts in my C:\Music\MP3\ folder.  I have shortcuts
there to music encoded at various qualities or for different purposes in
separate directories.  In order to keep the new encodings separate from the
old ones, I found this to be the most convenient way - there is NO music in
the actual folder.
However, on the web interface, it shows each of these as empty (although it
definitely knows about the 8800 tracks spread through those shortcuts).  On
the SliMP3 it behaves badly - blanking the screen in an odd way (but still
showing items to be in the list, just with no title), and I've even tried
the SoftSqueeze, which is really cool (wasn't around last time I had these
babies running), but it's the same (as expected).
It would appear that the problem is related to the shortcuts?
Thanks in advance,

Could you please confirm that this is still the case with the latest 
nightly build:
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Re: [slim] which version of server 6?

2005-03-25 Thread Vidur Apparao
The final version of SlimServer 6.0.0 will be available by Monday 
morning. We strongly recommend that you use that version for Squeezebox2.

Phillip Kerman wrote:
My SB2 is coming any day now so I figure I'll install the required server. 

Anyone have a recommendation for a relatively stable version to use?
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Re: [slim] Slim Devices SB2 disappointment SB for sale.

2005-03-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
That's very true and especially so at the junction of digital music, 
wireless networking, and cross-platform support. The level of quality of 
our software and hardware in the end is not determined just by the 
amount of testing we do in-house, but is a function of the number of 
real-world users who give us feedback. That's why this list and the 
community at large are invaluable to our development process.

I understand the frustration of those who see problems in the field, 
especially if they have seemingly ideal setups. This is consumer 
electronics - it should just work. We're continuing to work towards that 
goal and for the majority of our customers, it does just work. In the 
meantime, we appreciate any and all feedback  (though the type with 
details about hardware, OS, networking setups, and steps to recreate a 
problem is the most useful). :-)

Mitch Harding wrote:
I imagine he explains it by saying that each case is unique.  It's
completely possible that even two people with comparable setups would
have different experiences.
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:40:29 -0500, PAUL WILLIAMSON

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/23/05 10:40 PM 

The problem with the existing server, just as you point out,
is that the real-time and non-real-time server functions are
bundled into the same tasks and threads, and insufficient
attention has been paid to meeting real-time-critical playback
requirements. Yes, the bigger buffer in the SB2 will definitely
help (I have one on order) but I disagree that it's  the only
way or even the best way to solve the problem.

With all this information, how do you explain that I've got a
wired squezeboxG and a 100mb switched environment,
all FLACs, that play all day long with no skips or dropouts,
all powered from a lowly PIII 800Mhz box with 512mb
of ram and 4x250gb drives, all LVM'd together for about
1tb of space?  Your machine is definitely got more oomph
than mine, yet I've got no problems.
I had a party a couple weeks ago, and using the latest nightly
of the 5.4.1 branch (don't remember the day - maybe 3/11?)
without a single problem.
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Re: [slim] ape, lame, and static

2005-03-24 Thread Vidur Apparao
kdf wrote:
Quoting Michael Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

fc4 on x86
using the linux port of mac
squeezebox produces static.
When I remove the -x from the lame switch, it behaves.
I don't know much about ape's format - but the man page for lame says
if you get static, try adding the -x switch.
Is this an OS platform difference - cpu dependent - or is it file dependent?
If file specific, would passing the output of mac through sox for the
resample and then to lame fix it?
I'm guessing it's OS thing, but ...

-x is a byte swap performed by LAME.  The server has this in teh convert.conf as
[-x] and the server substitutes it in if needed.  Exactly what criteria the
server is using is the part I don't know.  I think Dean put that part in, so
I'd have to leave that part to him for an answer.

The $-x$ substitution parameter is the empty string on a big endian 
architecture and -x on a little endian architecture. It's sometimes used 
for transcoding tools that output different endian samples depending on 
the native endianness. I believe LAME expects big endian samples for raw 
input, so a -x is necessary if it's fed little endian samples.

If mac always returns big endian samples, the -x is not necessary. If it 
returns samples based on the native endianness, $-x$ should be used. I'm 
not familiar with mac - doesn anybody else have information?


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Re: [slim] Can't get 6 b2 to work

2005-03-21 Thread Vidur Apparao
Implement the initPlugin() method. If your plugin is enabled, this is 
invoked at SlimServer startup.

Craig, James (IT) wrote:
Er yes that is what I do. 
Can you point me to a module that does this correctly?

Of course there is an updated version of the plugin available which
would also fix this.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kdf
Sent: 19 March 2005 21:21
To: Slim Devices Discussion
Subject: Re: [slim] Can't get 6 b2 to work
Quoting Vidur Apparao [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The problem seems related to the iTunesUpdate plugin. If the plugin
hasn't been updated to be 6.0 compatible, we should disable it by
default. The fact that it isn't disabled (seemingly even if you
explicitly disable it in the UI) seems like a problem. To get going,
however, I'd recommend removing from your Plugins
directory and restarting SlimServer.

I havent seen the code for this plugin, so I'm just speculating.
however, it is
possible to force a plugin to be operating despite any efforts to
disable.  The
Scrobbler plugin does this by forcing a setExecuteCallback that is
during the require, and does not comply with enable or disable.  If this
itunesUpdate is doing something like this as well, there is little that
can be
done aside from disabling it as a known bad module.
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Re: [slim] Re: Bug 1125:Not able to ffw mp3 on sb1 or flac on sq2

2005-03-19 Thread Vidur Apparao
Dan Sully wrote:
* John Gorst shaped the electrons to say...
Symptoms: server crashes with teh following error on the command line 
which format you try and ffwd)
Undefined subroutine Slim::Formats::MP3::seekNextFrame called at
/usr/local/slimserver6/Slim/Player/ line 177
Undefined subroutine Slim::Formats::FLAC::seekNextFrame called at
/usr/local/slimserver6/Slim/Player/ line 1589

John - I've forwarded this message on to Vidur, who is working on 

I've checked in a fix. Should appear in tomorrow's nightlies or latest 
svn build.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Can't get 6 b2 to work

2005-03-19 Thread Vidur Apparao
The problem seems related to the iTunesUpdate plugin. If the plugin 
hasn't been updated to be 6.0 compatible, we should disable it by 
default. The fact that it isn't disabled (seemingly even if you 
explicitly disable it in the UI) seems like a problem. To get going, 
however, I'd recommend removing from your Plugins 
directory and restarting SlimServer.

Dan Speirs wrote:
I can't get any of the 6.o betas/alphas to work.
After installing them (win 2k, p4) and running
slimserver I run into problems.  When ever I try to
play a song all the displays go to a Page Cannot Be
Display page and you can here the page refreshing
once a second.  Then after a minute of trying it no
longer reloads.  The Squeezebox itself goes dark at
this time and the whole thing it left useless.
If I restart the computer I can do the entire thing
again.  I can click on a bunch of different links
within the app (Interface, plugin) and it works just
fine but once I play a song it gets whacked. Also, I
tried disabling all the plugins too.
SlimServer has started!
2005-03-19 10:10:49.1639 iTunesUpdate: initialising
2005-03-19 10:10:49.1698 iTunesUpdate:
hookiTunesUpdate() engaged, iTunes Updater activated.
Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at
line 318.
Prototype mismatch: sub
Plugins::DateTime::Plugin::getDisplayName () vs none
line 24.
Subroutine getDisplayName redefined at
line 22.
Prototype mismatch: sub
Plugins::DateTime::Plugin::strings () vs none at
line 56.
Subroutine strings redefined at
line 26.
Prototype mismatch: sub
Plugins::DateTime::Plugin::setMode () vs none at
line 66.
Subroutine setMode redefined at
line 63.
Subroutine lines redefined at
line 103.
Prototype mismatch: sub
Plugins::DateTime::Plugin::getFunctions () vs none at
line 117.
Subroutine getFunctions redefined at
line 115.
Subroutine handleIndex redefined at
line 119.
Subroutine handleEnable redefined at
line 132.
Subroutine webPages_disabled redefined at
line 153.
Prototype mismatch: sub
Plugins::DateTime::Plugin::screenSaver () vs none at
line 176.
Subroutine screenSaver redefined at
line 168.
Subroutine getScreensaverDatetime redefined at
line 192.
Subroutine setScreensaverDateTimeMode redefined at
line 196.
Subroutine screensaverDateTimelines redefined at
line 201.
2005-03-19 10:10:54.6389 iTunesUpdate: Creating new
PlayerStatus for Living Room (00:04:20:05:03:60)
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1742 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1770 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1805 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1831 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1860 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1884 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1915 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1938 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1967 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.1992 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2022 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2047 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2075 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2100 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2130 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2153 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2181 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2208 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2237 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2261 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2289 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2316 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2344 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2368 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2397 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2423 generating from
2005-03-19 10:11:55.2452 generating from

Re: [slim] RSS Plugin Question/Problem in 6.0b nightly

2005-03-12 Thread Vidur Apparao
The RSS plugin does ship with the server, so definitely use Bugzilla to 
file bugs. Please assign them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The plugin does allow you to modify the number of items displayed per 
feed when it's in screensaver mode. Go to Server Settings  Plugins in 
the server web interface and look for the RSS News Ticker preferences.

Daryle A. Tilroe wrote:
I guess my first question is:  Is the RSS plugin 'stock'?
I.E. who is responsible for it?  Slimdevices?  The reason
I ask is because I want to know if I should use bugzilla.
On to the problem:  Is there any way to limit the number
of times an RSS feed repeats before moving onto the next
one?  It seems to be ~6x and I would like 1x.  Actually
now that I look it may be a time per channel which does
not seem to be adjustable either.  Adjustment would be
good in either case and setting the number of repeats would
be better than a timer.
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Re: [slim] Re: gapless playback with mp3 - another shot

2005-03-11 Thread Vidur Apparao
It seems like the LAME INFO tag (described at does include the number of 
padding samples. Bugs 1026 and 838 (they should probably be DUPed) cover 
this issue. I think it's a fixable problem for Squeezebox2...possibly 
not for initial launch, but shortly thereafter.

Familie Tromp wrote:
Hello Phil,
Information about amount of frames etc. is found on the following 
site. It says too that frames are added at the end AND the beginning 
of each mp3 file.
3.  Why does LAME add silence to the end of each song?
Extra padding at the end of a file can be caused by a couple of things:
1.  Because the MDCT's are overlapped, it looks something like this:
--576 MDCT coefficients576 MDCT coefficients576 MDCT 
-- 576 samples PCM output  576 samples PCM output --

   So no matter where you truncate your MP3 file, the last 288 samples of
   that granule will not be decoded.  So LAME appends 288 samples of
   padding to the input file to guarantee all input samples will be
2. If the number of samples is not an exact multiple of 1152,
   then last frame of data is padded with 0's so that it has 1152 

Before lame3.56, we just added a few extra frames to make sure all
internal buffers would be flushed.  In lame3.56, we tried to pad
with the exact minimum number of samples needed.  And in lame3.80,
we finally fixed the bitstream flushing so that the final mp3
frame is properly padded with ancillary data.  
Karel Tromp
reaction Phil Karn
Ah, I see. And I take it there's no field in the header that tells you
how many audio samples are *really* in the track? If you had that, then
you could just pad out the data during encode, and discard extra samples
during decode.
What is the size quanta, i.e., how much padding can be needed, worst 
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Re: [slim] Rhapsody on Slim

2005-03-10 Thread Vidur Apparao
I would very much like to hand over ownership of RealSlim to an 
interested developer. My suspicion is that getting it to work more 
reliably and with v6 is not a huge undertaking.

Kevin, you're right - it is in need of TLC. I would love to fix it (if 
for no other reason, so I can resume using it myself!), but my 
employment with Slim Devices makes it hard to do so.

Anyone interested in taking it over?
Kevin Hawkins wrote:
Hi... any news on this as V6 and SB2  surface ? -   Many hands make 
light work..

Sean Adams wrote:
Vidur, this sounds like another hand job is within reach...
On Jan 16, 2005, at 8:45 AM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
For me one of the greatest plugins written for the SlimServer is the 
Rhapsody plugin by Vidur - now employed by SlimDevices themselves. 
However it is in need of a little TLC at the moment to fix a few 
gremlins and also to make it work with the V6 server. This last 
aspect is my real worry as the V6 server will fix so many other 
issues for me but I don't want to lose Rhapsody - even with its 
various tantrums.  Currently I swap servers on my players - back to 
a V5.4 with no library just to listen to Rhapsody.Vidur has 
mentioned he has time problems in attending to this

So I just wanted to put in a plea to SlimDevices, or indeed anyone 
that this is one of the really great applications , and one that 
enticed me into buying a couple more players. If there is a way to 
ensure a future for this plugin I am sure it will support many more 
sales for players, and keep many existing users happy.


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Re: [slim] SB2 and radioio

2005-03-09 Thread Vidur Apparao
Maurice Poirier wrote:
Will SB2 give free access to radioio like SB1?
If not, does this mean that owners of SB1 will lose this privilege?
Access to Internet radio via SlimServer is unchanged for SB1 and SB2. As 
long as there are free stations available, you will be able to freely 
access them through your Squeezebox.

The always-on functionality, available through the SqueezeNetwork, 
allows you to use a SB2 (including listening to radio) without having a 
local machine running SlimServer. For now, this is a SB2 only feature.

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Re: [slim] Apple Lossless decoding in the box or on the server for Squeezebox2??

2005-03-09 Thread Vidur Apparao
Chris Glushko wrote:
I was just reading the FAQ on the Squeezebox2 and it
Squeezebox2 supports MPEG 1/2, layers 2/3, for both
VBR and fixed data rates up to 320Kbps (the maximum
for MP3). Additionally, Squeezebox2 can play FLAC and
Apple lossless encoded audio as well as AIFF and WAV
uncompressed audio. This means that the original data
from the CD is being played digitally, without any
compression or loss of sound quality. The SlimServer
software can automatically convert many formats on the
fly for playback, including WMA, AAC and Ogg
Does this mean the new slimserver streams the actual
compressed apple lossless files to the squeezebox2
instead of decoding to WAV on the fly and then

No, the box does not support native Apple Lossless decoding. However, 
you will be able to automatically transcode the signal to FLAC on your 
computer, leaving the original signal untouched, but still getting the 
bandwidth advantages of lossless compression.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox suddenly won't play AAC files

2005-03-09 Thread Vidur Apparao
kdf wrote:
Quoting Neil Coburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

As you suspected, it just comes up with a box saying mov123.exe has
encountered a problem and needs to close. It didn't seem to get past the
first line of the command.  There is an error report, but I couldn't get it
to cut and paste - not sure whether you need it?
Thanks for the help so far What should I try next?

I'll have to let Vidur field that one.  If you can get an idea of what the 
message says, that might help.  I know next to nothing about mov123 except that
it does tend to halt a lot.
One thing to try would be to reinstall quicktime latest version, since I believe
mov123 depends on that.

This started happening after updating to 5.4.1? Which version did you 
update from? My initial reaction is to second kdf's suggestion that you 
get the latest Quicktime. An alternative may be to grab a version of 
mov123 from a previous version of SlimServer.
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Re: [slim] help with native WMA

2005-02-25 Thread Vidur Apparao
Vidur Apparao wrote:
The native WMA to wav streaming does not seem to work at all for me. 
On both my Squeezebox and on SoftSqueeze (on the same machine as the 
SlimServer), SlimServer gives me the following error:

Opening stream failed with error code 0x80070003
When I try to play an album of wma files, the player interface just 
skips from file to file and wont play anything. I cant find any 
similar error in the message board archives or any similar problem. 
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? I am running 
WinXPSP2, and WMP 10. The wma files have no DRM  range from ~96 kbps 
to rather high VBR.

Any help?


Error 80070003 Path not found error
I'm actually wondering if your problem isn't a format/codec issue, but 
a path encoding or parsing error somewhere along the way to wmadec. 
What's an example path to one of your WMA files? Are there any Windows 
shortcuts involved?
Also, if you can run with the --d_source debugging flag, the log should 
show you the command line sent to wmadec. That'll tell us whether the 
path is getting mangled before getting to wmadec.

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