Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Ian Maude

Ralph Parker wrote:

I held my kit until the KRX3 was ready. I could be wrong, but I'm under the
impression that a sub-rx add-on only needs to have the front panel removed,
not dis-assembled. I have had no trouble at all with the second rx - works
as advertised and I'm happy.
To fit the sub-rx you have to remove the front panel, take off the dsp 
board and fit the auxilliary dsp board.  It then goes back on.  I have 
fitted (and in one case back engineered and refitted) 3 sub-rx's now 
with zero problems.  The only reason I had to back engineer one was for 
a problem that occurred that was nothing to do with the sub-rx.
I always recall Elecraft telling us that the sub-rx required some work 
on the radio and as it got closer they also showed us it in photographic 

The point is the fit is straightforward.  If you built the K3, it is 
almost trivial in comparison and works really well!  The K3 is a 'kit' 
and occasionally you might have to do some work on it just like the K2.  
In fact some of the stuff on the K2 (like the 60m board) required some 
mods to the main rf board.

My advice to anyone contemplating the sub-rx fit is just to do it.  It 
enhances the radio and is not difficult to do.  Your enjoyment of the 
radio will increase, especially if you have a vertical and a horizontal 
aerial for the same band in diversity mode!

73 Ian


Ian J Maude, G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
K2 #4044 |K3 #455 

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[Elecraft] Re: [K3] Text decode with straight key - OT now

2008-10-21 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
Hi Ron, I'd completely agree with that, having used G4FON's excellent  
Koch trainer to get started, I found copying my mentor's Morse a  
little difficult when I first started and he sends very good Morse on  
a S/K. But after a little while, I got better at it. I'm up to ~ 8 WPM  
with him now.
I need to listen a lot on the bands now and try to copy, so I'm not  
completely blown away by a different fist. Oh and I've taken on board  
something both he and someone else I spoke with in JOTA at the weekend  
have repeatedly said - just have Morse playing in the background, the  
brain absorbs it, in the same way we first absorb human speech when we  
are a baby.

Lastly, why am I saying Morse all the time and not CW? Because I feel  
CW has the connotation of transmitted Morse via carrier wave (a mode),  
were as Morse means the 'code', but maybe not transmitted, maybe  
played from a recording. - Feel free to correct me.

73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
I don't mind that you think slowly but I do mind that you are publishing
faster than you think.
-Wolfgang Pauli, physicist, Nobel laureate (1900-1958)

On 21 Oct 2008, at 04:04, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
IMHO, if someone wants to be really proficient at reading Morse,  
they need
to practice, practice, practice reading a variety of not-so-perfect  
fists. That's the next step beyond learning to copy machine-perfect  

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Re: [Elecraft] RE: K3 is really a computer radio 3

2008-10-21 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
So is the price - I always think Yaesu used the number for a reason.  
Currently around £3800 over here.

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a  

foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.
-Thomas Henry Huxley, biologist and writer (1825-1995)

On 21 Oct 2008, at 01:58, Tom wrote:

Are you saying that the FT-9000 has all the logging and propagation  

built in?  Wow!  That's really nifty!

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[Elecraft] [K3] Wish list: Audio in configuration

2008-10-21 Thread dj7mgq


maybe I've missed something in the manual/release notes...

I think it would be nice to be able to configure the audio input on a  
mode by mode basis, or at least be able to set up one audio in  
configuration for "speach modes" and one for the "data modes".

vy 73 de toby

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: [K3] Text decode with straight key - OT now

2008-10-21 Thread d.cutter
My advice is to send as well as receive.  Get a short automatic recording of 
something repetitive at a speed you are comfortable with and send along side it 
- mimicking the code that you hear.  This is a good way to build up a good 
fist.  I used to copy a point to point station that sent its long call sign 
over and over.  Get someone else to check your sending and compare yourself to 
automatic recordings.  Sending reinforces the characters into your memory by 
another route.

Then try sending without paper in front of you; just common stuff like your rig 
and QTH, name etc.  Once you are on the air and getting your feet wet with live 
contacts, you don't have stuff to copy, you take it direct from the brain.  
That's quite a jump forward and you need to prepare for it.   As a beginner on 
air, you can have a card with salient points you often mention in your QSOs but 
you dispense with that when you've done it often enough.

It's exciting.


> From: "David Ferrington, M0XDF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2008/10/21 Tue AM 09:29:11 BST
> To: "Ron D'Eau Claire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC:
> Subject: [Elecraft] Re: [K3] Text decode with straight key - OT now
> Hi Ron, I'd completely agree with that, having used G4FON's excellent  
> Koch trainer to get started, I found copying my mentor's Morse a  
> little difficult when I first started and he sends very good Morse on  
> a S/K. But after a little while, I got better at it. I'm up to ~ 8 WPM  
> with him now.
> I need to listen a lot on the bands now and try to copy, so I'm not  
> completely blown away by a different fist. Oh and I've taken on board  
> something both he and someone else I spoke with in JOTA at the weekend  
> have repeatedly said - just have Morse playing in the background, the  
> brain absorbs it, in the same way we first absorb human speech when we  
> are a baby.
> Lastly, why am I saying Morse all the time and not CW? Because I feel  
> CW has the connotation of transmitted Morse via carrier wave (a mode),  
> were as Morse means the 'code', but maybe not transmitted, maybe  
> played from a recording. - Feel free to correct me.
> 73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
> -- 
> I don't mind that you think slowly but I do mind that you are publishing
> faster than you think.
> -Wolfgang Pauli, physicist, Nobel laureate (1900-1958)
> On 21 Oct 2008, at 04:04, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
> > IMHO, if someone wants to be really proficient at reading Morse,  
> > they need
> > to practice, practice, practice reading a variety of not-so-perfect  
> > manual
> > fists. That's the next step beyond learning to copy machine-perfect  
> > CW.
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: [K3] Text decode with straight key - OT now

2008-10-21 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
Thanks David, yes, been sending too, both to my mentor, G3NCN (he  
sends a char or a word, I tell him what it is and send it back) and  
also sending text (normally the contents of a page-a-day calendar for  
yesterday :-) via an oscillator to an MFJ code reader - that is very  
unforgiving, so my sending is apparently pretty good and improving  
Every now and then, I send my call and bits - sending a complete over  
is a good idea.
I've had a couple of shaky QSOs on air with G3NCN and felt I needed a  
little more practice - I'm not key shy, but I am Tx shy - HiHi

I have a crib sheet - yes I need you jump in and get on with it.
One can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those
who are kind. -Malayan Proverb

On 21 Oct 2008, at 10:28, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My advice is to send as well as receive.  Get a short automatic  
recording of something repetitive at a speed you are comfortable  
with and send along side it - mimicking the code that you hear.   
This is a good way to build up a good fist.  I used to copy a point  
to point station that sent its long call sign over and over.  Get  
someone else to check your sending and compare yourself to automatic  
recordings.  Sending reinforces the characters into your memory by  
another route.

Then try sending without paper in front of you; just common stuff  
like your rig and QTH, name etc.  Once you are on the air and  
getting your feet wet with live contacts, you don't have stuff to  
copy, you take it direct from the brain.  That's quite a jump  
forward and you need to prepare for it.   As a beginner on air, you  
can have a card with salient points you often mention in your QSOs  
but you dispense with that when you've done it often enough.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Bill W4ZV

Dave Agsten wrote:
> Had I really understood all that would be involved with the KRX3
> installation, I would have waited until it was available and done the
> whole thing at once. 

Of course that's still an option.  There's a ready market for K3s and I
suspect you could sell your existing unit for at least what it cost you, and
probably closer to what an assembled unit costs if you've done it carefully. 
I really enjoyed building my first unit, but decided to build another from
scratch when the KRX3 became available.  I may do the same if I ever decide
to add the KDVR.  I'm quite sure I could install these options after the
initial build, but I simply enjoyed the build process so much I chose to
build my KRX3 unit from scratch.

Regarding assembly issues, there appears to be a great variety of skill
levels of people doing this successfully.  If you can follow directions
explicitly, I believe you will have no problems.  Many of the problems I see
on this list result from those who do not follow the instructions exactly.

Having used my KRX3 on 160 since QRN levels have dropped, I would not want
to be without it.  I distinctly recall several QSOs in the Stew Perry Warmup
this weekend where diversity saved repeats due to QSB.  I remember one QSO
where the DX signal shifted from left to right in my headset as he was
sending the exchange.  If I had been listening on either antenna alone, I
would not have copied it without asking for a repeat due to the rapid QSB. 
And I have no idea how many more QSOs I made due to hearing people calling
from different directions than my primary Beverage.

The KH6LC crew reported good results by transmitting on an omnidirectional
vertical and listening toward JA and USA simultaneously on Beverages using
the K3 in diversity.  There is *NO* other radio on the market today that can
do this as well as the K3...not the IC-7800 and not Orion.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Paul Christensen
"I originally planned to wait and see how other installations played out 
especially after reading that the front panel had to be removed and messed 
with in order to do the KRX3 installation. That's the last thing I wanted 
to do."

Removal and re-installation of the front panel assembly is quite easy if the 
instructions are followed.  That said, due-diligence rests with the 
builder/purchaser.  If there's any doubt about the kit's degree of 
difficulty, the answer is only one phone call or e-mail message away.  I 
would argue that if there's concern and fretting over a retrofit, then a K3 
in kit form is not in the best interest of the prospective purchaser.

Paul, W9AC 

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Re: Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread d.cutter

I am very keen to try low band diversity reception, but I am not blessed with 
acreage for Beverages.  Is it practical to use, say a couple of tuned loops 
oriented in different directions (or planes) with modest separation, 

> Having used my KRX3 on 160 since QRN levels have dropped, I would not want
> to be without it.  I distinctly recall several QSOs in the Stew Perry Warmup
> this weekend where diversity saved repeats due to QSB.  I remember one QSO
> where the DX signal shifted from left to right in my headset as he was
> sending the exchange.  If I had been listening on either antenna alone, I
> would not have copied it without asking for a repeat due to the rapid QSB. 
> And I have no idea how many more QSOs I made due to hearing people calling
> from different directions than my primary Beverage.
> The KH6LC crew reported good results by transmitting on an omnidirectional
> vertical and listening toward JA and USA simultaneously on Beverages using
> the K3 in diversity.  There is *NO* other radio on the market today that can
> do this as well as the K3...not the IC-7800 and not Orion.
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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Re: Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Barry N1EU

David Cutter wrote:
> I am very keen to try low band diversity reception, but I am not blessed
> with acreage for Beverages.  Is it practical to use, say a couple of tuned
> loops oriented in different directions (or planes) with modest separation,
> ie< 
Yes, you can.  Also, if you have a transmit antenna, try using that along
with one of your receiving loops.

Barry N1EU

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[Elecraft] Article forthcoming: "Experiencing Elecraft"

2008-10-21 Thread ni0c
Look for my article with brief reviews of the KX1, 
K2, and K3 radios in the forthcoming issue of
The K9YA Telegraph:

Chuck Guenther  NI0C
St. Louis, MO

K2/10 s/n 5853
K3/100 s/n 1061
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Re: Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Bill W4ZV

Barry N1EU wrote:
> David Cutter wrote:
>> I am very keen to try low band diversity reception, but I am not blessed
>> with acreage for Beverages.  Is it practical to use, say a couple of
>> tuned loops oriented in different directions (or planes) with modest
>> separation, ie<> 
> Yes, you can.  Also, if you have a transmit antenna, try using that along
> with one of your receiving loops.
> 73,
> Barry N1EU

I agree.  You could run one loop to RX ANT (for the Main RX) and the other
loop to AUX RF (for the Sub RX), if you wanted to listen in multiple
directions simultaneously.  This would allow you to choose either your TX
antenna or the RX ANT loop #1 for the Main RX and AUX RF loop #2 for the Sub
RX.  Alternatively you could run both loops to AUX RF using an external

What you need for best diversity reception is two "diverse"
antennas...either different directions (e.g. your 2 loops) or different
polarizations (e.g. a vertical and a dipole).  With proper switching you can
even do both.

73,  Bill

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Björn Mohr

On 21 okt 2008, at 12.32, Bill W4ZV wrote:

Regarding assembly issues, there appears to be a great variety of  
levels of people doing this successfully.  If you can follow  
explicitly, I believe you will have no problems.  Many of the  
problems I see
on this list result from those who do not follow the instructions  

Exactly as Bill describes it! The manual is very easy to follow, but  
you need the patience to do it step by step.

Having used my KRX3 on 160 since QRN levels have dropped, I would  
not want
to be without it.  I distinctly recall several QSOs in the Stew  
Perry Warmup
this weekend where diversity saved repeats due to QSB.  I remember  
one QSO

where the DX signal shifted from left to right in my headset as he was
sending the exchange.  If I had been listening on either antenna  
alone, I
would not have copied it without asking for a repeat due to the  
rapid QSB.

I believe ours was one of those contacts, I was working the warmup  
using my SE0X call and I was definitely hearing U better in my end.  
But QSB was deep and you where up and down in the noise level. For  
practical reasons I was not using diversity, but I have the same  
experience as you. The second RX is really worth the investment and  
the downtime to install it. I have matched 2.7 and .500 filters in  
mine and it works great!

73 de Björn,

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Bill W4ZV

Bjorn wrote:
> I believe ours was one of those contacts, I was working the warmup  
> using my SE0X call and I was definitely hearing U better in my end.  
> But QSB was deep and you where up and down in the noise level. For  
> practical reasons I was not using diversity, but I have the same  
> experience as you. The second RX is really worth the investment and  
> the downtime to install it. I have matched 2.7 and .500 filters in  
> mine and it works great!
> 73 de Björn,
> SE0X

Aha!  So it was you with that strange callsign Bjorn!  I've never heard an
"SE0" before and my brain/ears were trying to make sense of it as I was
madly switching antennas to try to peak the signal.  I first thought it was
an "NE0" so I was switching my antennas West.  Unique prefixes are not
always an advantage if the operator on the other end does not recognize
them!  Here in the USA it can also be confusing if a station is not in the
direction indicated by the number in their call (since you instantly lose
the signal if they are not in the expected direction of your RX antenna

I also have the 2.7k and 500 in both RXs for diversity, but additionally
have the 1.8k and 200 in my Main for serious contesting.  I've found that
even using the 200 in Main and 500 in Sub does not cause serious problems in
diversity, even though the filters have different offsets...but this might
not be the case for everyone.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  Next time I'll probably recognize SE0X!

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[Elecraft] OT: KP5 and 60m

2008-10-21 Thread Charles Harpole

It is announced that the upcoming

DXpedition to KP5, Descheo Island,

plans to use 60meter band.  This is a

mistaken use of this band because

1. it was justified to FCC to be awarded to ham

radio as an EMERGENCY BAND, not a 

DX band.

2.  it wil obviously be overloaded in the

extreme, having nearly 24 hr openings

to the States, leading to sigs out of

the sliver bands as ops desperately try

to be "a little off freq" to get the DX's


3.  It gives casual ops another reason to

condemn DXpeditions because, in this case,

the whole band is likely to be occupied with


This is the biggest zoo of all time waiting to happen.

It is no accident that ARRL currently sez it

will not credit award contacts on this band.

I hope more responsible minds will see the

error of this way and retract that use.


Charles Harpole


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread KW4A

I have matched 2.7 and .500 filters in
mine and it works great!

73 de Björn,

That brings up a question:  How many of the people using dual diversity run 
with 2.8 in the main and 2.7 in the Sub rcvr.  How many are running matched 
and what are your feelings about running unmatched?


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Barry N1EU

Larry Walker-2 wrote:
> That brings up a question:  How many of the people using dual diversity
> run 
> with 2.8 in the main and 2.7 in the Sub rcvr.  How many are running
> matched 
> and what are your feelings about running unmatched?

I run 5 matched filters but you could definitely run unmatched, especially
with the wide filters.

Barry N1EU

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread WA6L

Hi, Dave,

Wow -- I know exactly what you are talking about!  I received my KRX3 and
there it sat in a box for two weeks.  I was more than a little scared to
install it after reading about some of the horror stories on the reflector.

Two weekends ago I took the plunge.  I set aside an entire Sunday, cleared
the work bench, and dived it.

I have to say, quite honestly, that it was much, much easier than I could
have imagined.  I think being a little scared might have helped, as I was
VERY careful and took my time.  However, it all went together ridiculously
easy and I had no problems whatsoever.

The front panel was much easier to get off and reinstall than it was the
first time I put the K3 together.  In the entire process, the only problem I
had was a bent screw.  

The decision is yours, but I wouldn't hesitate to do the install again. 
Good luck and 73 . . .

John, WA6L

Dave Agsten wrote:
> After reading all of the stories of problems with the KRX3, I've decided
> not to install the one I received a couple of months ago. 
> <-- snip -->
> 73,
> Dave N8AG
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[Elecraft] KAT100 affecting power output

2008-10-21 Thread NZ0T

It seems my KAT100 is reducing power output on 10, 12 and 15 meters when in

   w/tunerw/o tuner
10 75w   85
12 80 95
15 85 90

I have tested the short coax jumper between the rig and tuner and it is
fine.  Do I neede to redo the power calibration of R3/R4?  Could this be off
and shutting down the power?  Why just on the upper bands?

As always thanks to all for any help!

73 Bill NZ0T
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[Elecraft] [K3] KRX3 Shipping

2008-10-21 Thread Bud Semon N7CW
For those still waiting, I received my 1 - 2 week shipping notice yesterday
for my KRX3 ordered on Jan. 8, 2008.


73, Bud  N7CW

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Text decode with straight key [End of Thread]

2008-10-21 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft

Time to end this thread to reduce email overload. ;-)

The bottom line is that to my knowledge no radio on the market decodes a 
straight key to program memories (or send data). Adding this to our code 
would take a fair amount of work and to be honest, we need to allocate 
the remaining code space, and engineering coding time, to the other high 
priority K3 features and enhancements. :-)

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

-Original Message-
A code reader (computer) can't decode hand-sent Morse because it isn't 
exact enough.

Or that the hand sent code isn't "machine-like" enough ... it relies 
on wet-ware detectionold fashioned


Thom k3hrn
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[Elecraft] [KAT1] 1N34 Diode replacement

2008-10-21 Thread kratchkov
Hello group,

The 1N34 diode on my KAT has its glass broken.  With what kind of diode can I
replace it?  What kind of characteristics does it need?


Matthias hb9egm
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[Elecraft] Tolerances of RF Chokes K2 (6291)

2008-10-21 Thread edwin.ebert
I am building up a K2 with great pleasure.
Now I have wound the RFC 14 und 16. If I measure the Inductance with an AADE
(and compare with a second instrument) I get 29 uH for the RFC14 and 78uH
for the RFC 16. In the Manual are the values 18uH (RFC14) and 47uH (RFC16).
The deviation is about 50-60%.
(The number of turns are correct and spread out to 90% of the toroid)

My question: Why is this difference so big? Is this the tolerance of AL?
Is it correct that this differences are not crucial for the purpose of this
rf chokes?

Many thanks for your help
edi, hb9bqj

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Re: [Elecraft] Tolerances of RF Chokes K2 (6291)

2008-10-21 Thread Vic K2VCO

edwin.ebert wrote:
I am building up a K2 with great pleasure.

Now I have wound the RFC 14 und 16. If I measure the Inductance with an AADE
(and compare with a second instrument) I get 29 uH for the RFC14 and 78uH
for the RFC 16. In the Manual are the values 18uH (RFC14) and 47uH (RFC16).
The deviation is about 50-60%.
(The number of turns are correct and spread out to 90% of the toroid)

My question: Why is this difference so big? Is this the tolerance of AL?
Is it correct that this differences are not crucial for the purpose of this
rf chokes?

The inductance of a coil wound on a toroid core depends on the frequency 
of measurement, because of the properties of the core material. I don't 
know what frequency the AADE meter uses, but it may not be the same as 
the frequency at which the chokes are spec'd. If the chokes are wound 
properly on the correct cores, they will work properly.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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RE: [Elecraft] K3 is really a computer radio

2008-10-21 Thread Brett Howard
There are band stacking memories and you can use the first 10 memories as
quick access memories (and if you're smart) band buttons.  Its all there you
just have to learn to use it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Harpole
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 7:55 PM
To: Monty Shultes; Rick Tavan N6XI;
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K3 is really a computer radio

As a proud appliance operator, I want 

ease of use and punching in 1421400 plus

mode and split and then entering the B

split freq directly is

just too much to ask of little me.

Sure, u can use the rig from the 

existing front panel, but my point, 

sweat or no sweat, is that the thing

is hard to use that way.

Oh, for band stacking registers and

band buttons.

Charles Harpole


Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 is really a computer radio
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 10:31:02 -0400

Charles must have been pretty tired at 1:17 AM EDT.  I believe he lives in
Texas.  Perhaps perspiration from a long neck trickled into his eyes and
made vision difficult, and he forgot about direct frequency entry.
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[Elecraft] Digital Voice Recorder

2008-10-21 Thread Doug Joyce
I wonder if someone at Elecraft could give us an update on the status of the 
DVR.  When are they expected to start shipping??

Thanks & 73

Doug,  VE3MV

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 #6602 build: AGC question

2008-10-21 Thread Don Wilhelm


The most likely reason you cannot achieve 3.8 volts is because the 8 
volt regulator output is a bit low.
Set the AGC Threshold to  45% of the 8 volt regulator output BUT no 
lower than 3.65 volts.  Actually, you can set it lower, but the S-meter 
setting can get a bit 'squirrelly' at lower threshold voltages - the 
choice is yours that is why the AGC Threshold was made adjustable after 
SN 3000, it used to be a fixed value.


Marinus Loewensteijn wrote:
Assembly part I completed. All tests completed. Unfortunately in the 
part "Setting AGC threshold" I am finding that I cannot adjust R1 for 
a reading of 3.80 V on the DMM. The highest it will go to is 3.695 V. 
I have checked all the resistor values in their locations and cannot 
fault those.
Is this due to different tolreances fo the parts or have different 
IC's been used that create this discrepancy?

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[Elecraft] High SWR problem

2008-10-21 Thread Rob May

All has been fine with my K3 until today.  The display is indicating  "High 
SWR" when I transmit on SSB.  The KAT3 indicates a 1.0:1 match, but the when I 
transmit the swr meter is high and I get the high swr message on the screen.  
If I turn it down to 5 watts and send a tone with Digipan, the swr is fine, but 
turn it up to 100 watts and the swr is back up.  Nothing obvious has changed, 
the antenna is 2:1 on my analyzer with no tuner.  If I bypass the antenna 
tuner, the bar graph meter on the K3 shows about 2:1.  But if I switch in the 
KAT3 and tune, it indicates 1.0:1 but when I transmit it's high.  I've swapped 
coax jumpers between the radio and the antenna with no difference.  Thanks for 
any suggestions.

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[Elecraft] K3 KatieGram

2008-10-21 Thread Jeff Wandling W7BRS

Are we still posting these things?

Ordered Oct 11th, 2007.
Canceled Feb 2008 in a fit of dispair over what was going on with the 
SubRecv.  Would it work?  Would they make enough?  Will Bobby tell Claire 
about the baby? Tune in next week for the next episode of Radial Arms...

That's sort of what it was like..

Anyway, the gory details for the gnuplotters:

Reordered Aug 7, 2008 after my guilt subsided.
Katie-Gram received Oct 20th, 2008.

Now it's time to ebay a bunch of junk, I mean good stuff!


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Re: [Elecraft] 6m preamp news?

2008-10-21 Thread David F. Reed

Perhaps I am missing something; its 10/21 and I still can't find it?

Is there a link we can get, or is it not up yet?

Thanks and 73 de Dave, W5SV

Eric Swartz WA6HHQ - Elecraft wrote:
I'll be putting it up on the order page and on the main web page by 
Monday. We've released it to production and it will be shipping by mid 
next month.



Bob Tellefsen wrote:

Does anyone know how the 6m preamp kit is
coming along.  Been a while since the field
testers got theirs.  I'd think it should be close
by now.  Anyone know?
73, Bob N6WG

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Re: [Elecraft] High SWR problem

2008-10-21 Thread Don Wilhelm


You may have something in your antenna system that is arcing at high 
power, but is working just fine at low power.


Rob May wrote:
All has been fine with my K3 until today.  The display is indicating  
"High SWR" when I transmit on SSB.  The KAT3 indicates a 1.0:1 match, 
but the when I transmit the swr meter is high and I get the high swr 
message on the screen.  If I turn it down to 5 watts and send a tone 
with Digipan, the swr is fine, but turn it up to 100 watts and the swr 
is back up.  Nothing obvious has changed, the antenna is 2:1 on my 
analyzer with no tuner.  If I bypass the antenna tuner, the bar graph 
meter on the K3 shows about 2:1.  But if I switch in the KAT3 and 
tune, it indicates 1.0:1 but when I transmit it's high.  I've swapped 
coax jumpers between the radio and the antenna with no difference.  
Thanks for any suggestions.


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[Elecraft] K3 mobile

2008-10-21 Thread David Cutter
I am considering operating my K2 in a mobile or portable situation.  

Can anyone recommend their best book or website where I can get advice on all 
the emc funnies associated with mobile installations?


G3UNA ___
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[Elecraft] K3 and Tentec Omni VII comparison

2008-10-21 Thread Gary Smith


Please reply offlist to me if you've been able to compare 
these side by side.

The Orion is above my price point at the moment.




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RE: [Elecraft] High SWR problem

2008-10-21 Thread Rob May

I think you're right, it is an antenna problem.  No problems on a dummy load at 
any power.  Well, it's up to the roof.  Thanks.

> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 14:19:03 -0400
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] High SWR problem
> Rob,
> You may have something in your antenna system that is arcing at high 
> power, but is working just fine at low power.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Rob May wrote:
> > All has been fine with my K3 until today.  The display is indicating  
> > "High SWR" when I transmit on SSB.  The KAT3 indicates a 1.0:1 match, 
> > but the when I transmit the swr meter is high and I get the high swr 
> > message on the screen.  If I turn it down to 5 watts and send a tone 
> > with Digipan, the swr is fine, but turn it up to 100 watts and the swr 
> > is back up.  Nothing obvious has changed, the antenna is 2:1 on my 
> > analyzer with no tuner.  If I bypass the antenna tuner, the bar graph 
> > meter on the K3 shows about 2:1.  But if I switch in the KAT3 and 
> > tune, it indicates 1.0:1 but when I transmit it's high.  I've swapped 
> > coax jumpers between the radio and the antenna with no difference.  
> > Thanks for any suggestions.
> > Rob
> > NV5E
> >

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 mobile

2008-10-21 Thread Gary
Here is a excellent site
73 W4GNS

  I am considering operating my K2 in a mobile or portable situation.  

  Can anyone recommend their best book or website where I can get advice on all 
the emc funnies associated with mobile installations?




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[Elecraft] Firmware Update DSP 1 Problem

2008-10-21 Thread g4mkp
Can you please help?


It never rainsI have downloaded the latest FW from the server as


MCU 2.22

FPF 0.02

DSP1 1.88

DSP2 0.188 (don't have the second rx so this is redundant I think.


Having completed the update to the K3 (Send all new firmware to K3) the
utility informs me that DSP 1 load failed. The rig is displaying the
following error:


E 000C0C



I understand that this error indicates a failure of DSP 1 which correlates
to the utility message.


Problem now is the utility reports that the K3 is not responding. I have
just gone past the cold sweat stage and I'm off to make a cup of tea.






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Re: [Elecraft] Firmware Update DSP 1 Problem

2008-10-21 Thread Iain MacDonnell - K6IAM


That is NOT the latest firmware - you want MCU 2.46 / DSP 1.92. I don't
know if that will solve your problem or not, but there release notes

"MCU 2.37 / DSP 1.90, 9-2-2008

  MCU and DSP code versions may temporarily become incompatible,
  resulting in error messages during loads. These spurious errors are
  now suppressed, resulting in a cleaner upgrade process, especially
  when upgrading from much older revisions."

Good luck!

~Iain / K6IAM

On 10/21/08 12:15 PM, g4mkp wrote:

Can you please help?

It never rains……..I have downloaded the latest FW from the server as

MCU 2.22

FPF 0.02

DSP1 1.88

DSP2 0.188 (don’t have the second rx so this is redundant I think.

Having completed the update to the K3 (Send all new firmware to K3) the
utility informs me that DSP 1 load failed. The rig is displaying the
following error:

E 000C0C


I understand that this error indicates a failure of DSP 1 which
correlates to the utility message.

Problem now is the utility reports that the K3 is not responding. I have
just gone past the cold sweat stage and I’m off to make a cup of tea.




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RE: [Elecraft] Firmware Update DSP 1 Problem

2008-10-21 Thread g4mkp
Thanks for the warning Iain. Everything now working with 2.46 et al.

Top tip for today: Read the Instructions!

Second tip for today: Do not download later versions of the firmware to
folders containing earlier versions.

Apologies for my second LID moment of the week. However, I did work Willis
Is (VK9DWX) on 40m cw earlier this evening through the EU wall.


-Original Message-
From: Iain MacDonnell - K6IAM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 October 2008 20:24
To: g4mkp
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Firmware Update DSP 1 Problem


That is NOT the latest firmware - you want MCU 2.46 / DSP 1.92. I don't
know if that will solve your problem or not, but there release notes

"MCU 2.37 / DSP 1.90, 9-2-2008

   MCU and DSP code versions may temporarily become incompatible,
   resulting in error messages during loads. These spurious errors are
   now suppressed, resulting in a cleaner upgrade process, especially
   when upgrading from much older revisions."

Good luck!

 ~Iain / K6IAM

On 10/21/08 12:15 PM, g4mkp wrote:
> Can you please help?
> It never rainsI have downloaded the latest FW from the server as
> follows:
> MCU 2.22
> FPF 0.02
> DSP1 1.88
> DSP2 0.188 (don't have the second rx so this is redundant I think.
> Having completed the update to the K3 (Send all new firmware to K3) the
> utility informs me that DSP 1 load failed. The rig is displaying the
> following error:
> E 000C0C
> I understand that this error indicates a failure of DSP 1 which
> correlates to the utility message.
> Problem now is the utility reports that the K3 is not responding. I have
> just gone past the cold sweat stage and I'm off to make a cup of tea.
> Cheers,
> Terry
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread jeff stai
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Dave Agsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After reading all of the stories of problems with the KRX3, I've decided not 
> to install the one I received a couple of months ago.

hi Dave - I could add a couple things to all that was said already...
I didn't read the reflector for all of the horror stories, but I
didn't install mine right away because of work - the same reason I
checked out of reading the reflector for a while. I finally did it a
couple weeks ago, and did find it to be rather involved - but at no
point did I feel like I was out of my depth. I don't consider myself
the most mechanically able guy by any means.

I will admit that when I saw that the front panel had to be removed, I
did groan a little. I remembered that the initial assembly and install
had been kinda gnarly. But the instructions were very clear and you
only have to remove the items that are strictly necessary. A lot less
trouble than I feared!

By the time I was done I realized that, in a way, by doing all of the
necessary disassembly and removal and re-installs, it was kind of like
getting to build another radio. Which was a real and unexpected treat!

Hope this helps! jeff wk6i

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[Elecraft] K3 - 9L1X using 3 x K3 transceivers!

2008-10-21 Thread Dave G4AON
Just a couple of days left if you haven't worked them. See:

Equipment 3 x K3, 2 x Acom 1000, sound familiar?

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80, Acom 1000

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[Elecraft] Help with distorted [K3] transmit audio

2008-10-21 Thread Mike Scott
Today using SSB on 40M my K3 came up with pinched audio, the other operator
asked me to take the "clothes pin" off my nose. Full (and good) audio was
obtained with a power cycle. I was told that signal strength came up
significantly after the power cycle.

I have posted this issue four times now. The problem doesn't surface
everyday. I had thought my problem had something to do with HRD or use of
the Elecraft K3 utility as in the past these had been used before the
condition arose. But today I started the rig in the morning after a longish
shutdown while I attended Pacificon. I did not use HRD or the download
facility this morning so I no longer think that using those programs is
involved with my this problem. 

The audio sounded like all highs in the monitor headset. The usual suspects
have been looked at like the Tx equalizer and filter set up, that's what
everyone has said to look at every time in the past. One and only one action
is performed to bring the audio back to full and that is cycling power. I
believe this fact rules out most set up issues.

I suspect a firmware bug but it seems strange that I am the only target.
Pinched audio could mean that the SSB signal isn't centered properly in the
pass band of the 2.7 KHz Xtal filter, the rig is trying to transmit through
the 500 Hz filter or the DSP is improperly initialized. Is there a relay
contact that could be intermittent that could cause these symptoms, like one
that switches in the 2.7 KHz filter?

I have seen the same audio distortion using front and back microphone
connectors and with two different microphones, one electret with bias the
other dynamic without bias. Both microphone setups will get good audio
reports after a power cycle. 

I run 13.8V from a 35 amp linear Astron power supply. Voltage drops to 13.1V
with 100W key down so I don't think there is a marginal power supply
condition. I have 13 KHz, 6 KHz, 2.7 KHz, and 500 Hz filters. SSB is only
enabled on the 2.7 KHz filter. 

Mike Scott - AE6WA
Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
K3-100 #508/ KX1  #1311

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - 9L1X using 3 x K3 transceivers!

2008-10-21 Thread LANCE COLLISTER

Dave G4AON wrote:
> Just a couple of days left if you haven't worked them. See: 
> Equipment 3 x K3, 2 x Acom 1000, sound familiar?
> 73 Dave, G4AON
> K3/100 #80, Acom 1000
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Dave, do you know if they have ANYTHING for an antenna on 6m?  Even an HF yagi? 
 A K3 
  and an ACOM 1000 would be a shoe-in on 6m EME with JT65A mode!  I just worked 
yesterday for a new country on 6m EME and OA4TT (500w and 4 el beam) today.  I 
more people with great 6m setups such as the K3/ACOM 1000 begin to realize what 
super time for EME it is now that we are at the bottom of the sunspot cycle!  
this week happens to be the best cndx of the month :-)  VY 73, Lance

Lance Collister, W7GJ (ex: WN3GPL, WA3GPL, WA1JXN, WA1JXN/C6A, ZF2OC/ZF8)
P.O. Box 73
Frenchtown, MT  59834  USA
TEL: (406) 626-5728
2m DXCC #11/6m DXCC #815

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Alexandr Kobranov
I can just confirm that after 4 hours job on kitchen table without any 
complication I have new KRX3 module inside, calibrated and with all 
filters I ordered for it. Also DSP f/w loaded, simply finished.
There was no horror scenario, board fitted inside correctly, no need 
to modify R91 etc Also having version without nylon standoff for 
main DSP but suppose it is used as mechanical support only to avoid 
touching boards or some long leads problems which is not my case.
There are basically three main "actions" as KSYN and SUB I/O boards 
and AUX ant cable install, then Front panel DSP addition and KRX 
module itself - you can plan and study all from manuals just before 
and ask for anything unclear, really there is no trap or hidden beast 
inside :-)

Dissasembly/assembly of DSP BD and Front panel was not done first time 
here so maybe I am little bit more experienced but really no problem. 
The more iportant challenge was to fasten AUX ANT Bnc and organize 
coax cables around PLL...

Now connecting antenna and will test split on VK9WDX on 30m :-)

GL to all K3 builders,
thanks to Elecraft and
Lexa, OK1DST
K3/10 #727

jeff stai napsal(a):

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Dave Agsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After reading all of the stories of problems with the KRX3, I've decided not to 
install the one I received a couple of months ago.

hi Dave - I could add a couple things to all that was said already...
I didn't read the reflector for all of the horror stories, but I
didn't install mine right away because of work - the same reason I
checked out of reading the reflector for a while. I finally did it a
couple weeks ago, and did find it to be rather involved - but at no
point did I feel like I was out of my depth. I don't consider myself
the most mechanically able guy by any means.

I will admit that when I saw that the front panel had to be removed, I
did groan a little. I remembered that the initial assembly and install
had been kinda gnarly. But the instructions were very clear and you
only have to remove the items that are strictly necessary. A lot less
trouble than I feared!

By the time I was done I realized that, in a way, by doing all of the
necessary disassembly and removal and re-installs, it was kind of like
getting to build another radio. Which was a real and unexpected treat!

Hope this helps! jeff wk6i

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 mobile questions

2008-10-21 Thread Ken Kopp


Alan, K0BG has an excellent site.  He's considered an authority on
HF mobile.

If Alan hasn't changed things there's even several photos of my our
RV's screwdriver set up.  (:-)


Ken Kopp - K0PP
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Re: [K3] [Elecraft] Help with distorted transmit audio

2008-10-21 Thread Dick Housden, W0NTA

Mike Scott-7 wrote:
> Today using SSB on 40M my K3 came up with pinched audio, the other
> operator
> asked me to take the "clothes pin" off my nose. Full (and good) audio was
> obtained with a power cycle. I was told that signal strength came up
> significantly after the power cycle.
> Scott, 
> I experienced this problem one time. Your description of "pinched" audio
> is exactly what the other station told me. It was just after I installed a
> new firmware upgrade, but I don't remember which one. Another new update
> was available and I installed it. I have not had the problem again. I
> would suggest downloading the current firmware version and try again.
> 73, Dick, W0NTA
> Gree;ey, CO
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View this message in context:
Sent from the [K3] mailing list archive at

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - KRX3

2008-10-21 Thread Alan Bloom
The filters don't need to be matched in bandwidth but they do need to
have the same frequency offset to avoid possible "beat note" problems
between the two (main/sub) synthesizers.

I didn't bother to pay the extra 60 bucks to frequency-match the 2.7 kHz
in the KRX3 with the old one in the main receiver.  The new one came in
100 Hz different than the old one, so I just split the difference and
entered the same offset for both.  A 50 Hz error is not significant in a
2.7 kHz filter.


On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 06:56, KW4A wrote:
> (snip)
>  I have matched 2.7 and .500 filters in
> mine and it works great!
> 73 de Björn,
> SE0X
> That brings up a question:  How many of the people using dual diversity run 
> with 2.8 in the main and 2.7 in the Sub rcvr.  How many are running matched 
> and what are your feelings about running unmatched?
> Larry
> KW4A 
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Re: [Elecraft] OT: KP5 and 60m

2008-10-21 Thread Tom
On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:59:09 +, you wrote:

Right you are Charles.

The ridiculous use of that band for a DXpedition could very likely cause USA
amateurs to lose the use of it.  It took much negation with the military and
other users of that band to convince them we wouldn't interfere with them.

They very well may now say, "We told you so!", and ask the FCC to revoke our
privileges on that band.


>It is announced that the upcoming
>DXpedition to KP5, Descheo Island,
>plans to use 60meter band.  This is a
>mistaken use of this band because
>1. it was justified to FCC to be awarded to ham
>radio as an EMERGENCY BAND, not a 
>DX band.
>2.  it wil obviously be overloaded in the
>extreme, having nearly 24 hr openings
>to the States, leading to sigs out of
>the sliver bands as ops desperately try
>to be "a little off freq" to get the DX's
>3.  It gives casual ops another reason to
>condemn DXpeditions because, in this case,
>the whole band is likely to be occupied with
>This is the biggest zoo of all time waiting to happen.
>It is no accident that ARRL currently sez it
>will not credit award contacts on this band.
>I hope more responsible minds will see the
>error of this way and retract that use.
>Charles Harpole
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[Elecraft] xv432

2008-10-21 Thread ron
it works on dummy load. on ant when you key it it goes to full power doesnt 
un key tiil you shut it off and the red led stays lit till you turn turn it 
back on. using k2 for radio.all other xv transverters work ok.where do i 
start looking. antenna works on a different radio.

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Re: [Elecraft] xv432

2008-10-21 Thread Robert Friess
Ron, did you apply the changes in the Assembly manual errata?

Bob, N6CM

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 6:34 PM, ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it works on dummy load. on ant when you key it it goes to full power doesnt 
> un key tiil you shut it off and the red led stays lit till you turn turn it 
> back on. using k2 for radio.all other xv transverters work ok.where do i 
> start looking. antenna works on a different radio.
> ron
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 KatieGram

2008-10-21 Thread Kevin Rowett

Jeff Wandling W7BRS wrote:

Are we still posting these things?

Ordered Oct 11th, 2007.
Canceled Feb 2008 in a fit of dispair over what was going on with the 
SubRecv.  Would it work?  Would they make enough?  Will Bobby tell 
Claire about the baby? Tune in next week for the next episode of Radial 

I don't have as good of a tail, but...

Reordered Aug 7, 2008 after my guilt subsided.
Katie-Gram received Oct 20th, 2008.

I ordered 81/4, received Katie gram Oct 21st.  I expected
middle of December.  Either Elecraft has sped up production,
or orders have fallen off...

Now it's time to ebay a bunch of junk, I mean good stuff!

Me too!

73, K6TD, -KR-
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[Elecraft] K3 at KH6LC in Stew Warmup

2008-10-21 Thread Curt Knight

Considering recent posts, maybe you would be interested to hear about
the setup we used at KH6LC during the Stew Warmup.  I brought my K3 SN
469, which has 2.7, 1.8, and 0.4 filters in the main and matched 2.7
and 0.4 in the sub. Now I know that I should have sprung for the other
1.8 filter and saved myself the labor of installing it later.  Thanks
to the stamina of Ken N6KB we have two beverages, one roughly in the
JA direction and one slightly east of the US mainland direction.  The
transmitting antenna is a shunt fed tower.  We decided to try for
maximum flexibility, so we put the tower on ANT1, the JA beverage on
RX ANT IN and the US beverage on AUX RF.  With the appropriate
configuration via the front panel this put the signals from the
mainland in the right ear and the signals from Asia and Alaska in the
left ear, and if we wanted to try the vertical it was a single button
push to get it. Occasionally a signal would move from ear to ear! The
beverages aren't really very long, the longer is about 450 ft, but
they are surprisingly directional.  I think it's fair to say that this
setup made a positive impression on all of us and now we want Ken to
slog through the jungle some more to put in more and longer wires.
The roofing filter mismatch between 400 Hz and 1800 Hz bandwidth was
sometimes noticeable, but it wasn't a big thing.  One mod I would like
to see would be an option to have the subreceiver bandwidth and shift
track the main as it's an aggravation to have to double click the A>B
when you want that.  Of course, you would like the option of having
them separate, too.

This K3 was the subject of a post last week ("Bad CW Note") and I can
report that this problem seemed to us to not be present last weekend,
but those of you who heard us may tell a different story and if so I
would be happy to hear from you directly.  In between the post and the
weekend, I had partly disassembled the case to look into putting a
strap directly from the antenna tuner RF ground to the rear panel
connectors, but I decided I didn't have the time to finish so I just
replaced the panels, and maybe that improved the ground.  On the other
hand, we did get bad reports on the CW keying.  One report said that
it sounded like the keying was "soft".  Another report said
"distinctive, but not fatally obnoxious".  It appears now that this is
a problem mainly with the computer keying from the rear panel jack,
and not the CW generated from the internal keyer, and that it may be
connected to the TX DLY setting that I had at its maximum value to
accommodate my old TL922 linear.  I have backed the setting off to 15
and the CW weight looks more consistent on my scope now.  At KH6LC
there is a modern linear and the nominal value should be enough.  We
are still looking into this and also the buzz on the note and the
story may change.

Curt AH6RE
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Re: [Elecraft] [KAT1] 1N34 Diode replacement

2008-10-21 Thread kratchkov
I don't know if we're talking about the same diode.

The broken diode is not in the bridge used to measure fwd/rfl power.

I'm talking about D3, connecting the output of the buffer op-amp U2A to the
RFDET/DATA pin on P2. I don't know what it's for (what is RFDET/DATA ? I don't
have the K1 schematics right here).

I suppose I'll use a low-drop schottky, like 1N5711,

thanks to everyone for the advice


matthias HB9EGM

Tom Hammond wrote:
> Matthias:
>> The 1N34 diode on my KAT has its glass broken.  With what kind of
>> diode can I
>> replace it?  What kind of characteristics does it need?
> In most instances a 1N5711 will be an acceptable replacement. But
> diodes, not just the broken one. Important to have similar diodes on each
> side of the bridge.
> 73,
> Tom Hammond   N0SS
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