[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

 It underlines the point that enlightenment gives you wisdom.  
 The story I was referring to was when Trotaka revealed his 
 enlightenment to the others. Shankara was insisting that they 
 all wait for him [Trotaka] and the others snickered that he 
 didn't understand it anyway. He came in singing his cognized 
? Trotaka stakham sp? verses revealing his complete knowledge. 

Which, coincidentally, just happened to be 
a sappy love song to his teacher, expressing
his total devotion to him. THAT is what Maha-
rishi was trying to put forth as the primary
criterion of enlightenment.

 I memorized them on my TTC, it is a beautiful song. This is 
 from a TTC tape on him.  His wisdom came from his enlightenment 
 and he put all the smartypants guys to shame.  

And his enlightenment came from being slavishly
devoted to his master and willing to do any-
thing that this master said, without a moment's

Notice the trend here?

 His verses were so perfect that it blew them away with his 
 mental ability gained not through pulling all-nighters, but 
 by his devotion and enlightenment.  

And the lesson being clearly taught here was
that the latter (enlightenment) came from the
former (devotion). Trotaka didn't have to crack
the books to get smart, all he had to do was
do whatever he was told to do by his master.

I'm just reiterating the point I made earlier,
that Maharishi was trying to cultivate that
sense of devotion to one's master that *he*
considered the highest in his students by
telling emotional feel good stories. This
story is NOT about Trotaka's intellect; the
intellect is presented as *secondary*, some-
thing that happened *as the result* of total,
unthinking bhakti. In fact, the development
of the intellect in the other students is 
what is being presented as secondary. They 
are being presented not as happening as Trotaka 
because they were not as sold out to their 
master as he was.

I'm not saying that this theory of enlighten-
ment through devotion is unique, nor am I sug-
gesting that it's not valid for some people,
who are made that way. What I am suggesting
is that Maharishi, by telling this story over
and over and over, was trying to establish it
as *the* path for people who might NOT be
made that way. In my estimation he clearly
saw total, unthinking devotion to one's
master AS the highest path, because *he*
was made that way, and he wanted to remake
all of his students over to be like him. 

I am gracious enough to believe that in the
beginning he did this because he really thought
that *his* path -- the only one he was capable
of because *he* was not a great intellect or 
drawn to any of the other many viable paths to
enlightenment -- was the best path to teach 
others, for their own good. But at the same 
time, I think it is important to remember that 
the master that Maharishi was teaching his 
students the value of being slavishly devoted 
to was HIM.

I believe that on one level Maharishi may have
been trying to convince his students that bhakti
and slavish devotion were good things because
in his opinion they could lead to enlightenment.
But on another, I equally believe that he was
trying to establish that same unthinking devotion
towards HIM in his students that he was talking 
about in Trotaka. 

Forty years later, the unthinking devotion is 
all that remains, with nary an example of it 
having led to enlightenment in sight. (Or at 
least not as recognized by Maharishi or the 
organization he founded.)

[FairfieldLife] New siddhis -- leaning and the displaced head

2009-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
Curtis is going to love this. These are clips
of a Japanese illusionist who is young, but whose
schtick is dressing up like an old man and doing
his thing in public places, as street theater. 
Pretty astounding illusions...I really don't 
understand how he does the leaning thing. There 
are two clips in this WMV, both from Japanese TV. 
Watch to the end to see the displaced head 


[FairfieldLife] Where do our assumptions come from? (was Re: abandoning thought)

2009-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
I think it is worth posting a clarification of the
point that I'm trying to make below, because chances
are it will be characterized as Maharishi bashing.
It is not; it is about a broader subject -- where do
the assumptions that we make when judging or evaluating
a spiritual teacher or his/her spiritual path *come from*?

I have found in my spiritual travels since my TM days 
that a great number of seekers attempt to evaluate their
current or former paths *using assumptions that were 
taught to them BY that path*. 

For example, in the rap below, many people may react to
what I say as if I'm being heretical. They'll think,
*Of course* bhakti and unswerving devotion to one's
spiritual 'master' are a path to enlightenment. But 
*why* do they believe that, and where does that belief 
*come from*?

As another example, I hear former Rama - Frederick Lenz
students periodically saying that the most important
criterion of an enlightened being is that the person 
has to be able to emanate golden light, such that a room
full of people can all see it clearly. They use this as
a guideline or template when judging any new teacher 
they meet, to evaluate whether the person is enlightened
or not, and they use it to justify their belief that 
Rama was enlightened.

But they *never* seem to notice where this definition
*came from*. It came from Rama, who had mastered the 
minor siddhi (IMO) of emanating golden light. Him pro-
posing it as one of the defining characteristics of or
criteria for enlightenment is on the same level of 
validity as Barry Bonds saying that the defining char-
acteristic of enlightenment is the ability to hit 756
home runs in a lifetime. 

I am *not* suggesting to TMers that they question all
that they hold holy. I am merely suggesting that if 
they wish to preserve the impression in others that they
are being intellectually rigorous, they should look into
*where* the assumptions that underlie their logical arg-
uments on this forum *come from*. 

When they attempt to justify their belief in Maharishi
and his teachings using baseline assumptions *that were
taught to them by Maharishi*, and assuming these things
as a given, then something smells a little fishy to
those of us who actually remember where the underlying
assumptions in question *came from*. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  It underlines the point that enlightenment gives you wisdom.  
  The story I was referring to was when Trotaka revealed his 
  enlightenment to the others. Shankara was insisting that they 
  all wait for him [Trotaka] and the others snickered that he 
  didn't understand it anyway. He came in singing his cognized 
 ? Trotaka stakham sp? verses revealing his complete knowledge. 
 Which, coincidentally, just happened to be 
 a sappy love song to his teacher, expressing
 his total devotion to him. THAT is what Maha-
 rishi was trying to put forth as the primary
 criterion of enlightenment.
  I memorized them on my TTC, it is a beautiful song. This is 
  from a TTC tape on him.  His wisdom came from his enlightenment 
  and he put all the smartypants guys to shame.  
 And his enlightenment came from being slavishly
 devoted to his master and willing to do any-
 thing that this master said, without a moment's
 Notice the trend here?
  His verses were so perfect that it blew them away with his 
  mental ability gained not through pulling all-nighters, but 
  by his devotion and enlightenment.  
 And the lesson being clearly taught here was
 that the latter (enlightenment) came from the
 former (devotion). Trotaka didn't have to crack
 the books to get smart, all he had to do was
 do whatever he was told to do by his master.
 I'm just reiterating the point I made earlier,
 that Maharishi was trying to cultivate that
 sense of devotion to one's master that *he*
 considered the highest in his students by
 telling emotional feel good stories. This
 story is NOT about Trotaka's intellect; the
 intellect is presented as *secondary*, some-
 thing that happened *as the result* of total,
 unthinking bhakti. In fact, the development
 of the intellect in the other students is 
 what is being presented as secondary. They 
 are being presented not as happening as Trotaka 
 because they were not as sold out to their 
 master as he was.
 I'm not saying that this theory of enlighten-
 ment through devotion is unique, nor am I sug-
 gesting that it's not valid for some people,
 who are made that way. What I am suggesting
 is that Maharishi, by telling this story over
 and over and over, was trying to establish it
 as *the* path for people who might NOT be
 made that way. In my estimation he clearly
 saw total, unthinking devotion to one's
 master AS the highest path, because *he*
 was made that way, and he wanted to remake
 all of his students over to be like him. 
 I am gracious 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread Vaj

On Jan 14, 2009, at 11:28 PM, sparaig wrote:

Doesn't sound at all like the Shamatha Project, but instead a gift
from a friend in the early 70's. Whether it had anything to do with
his research at that time or not, I have no clue.

You seem to fail to understand my point:

I'll make it clear: someone who practices Buddhism, studies Buddhism:
gives their friends special presents of Buddhist retreats, is  
consulted with
on how to phrase questions ABOUT Buddhism when talking to the Dali  
is hardly someone outside the tradition, regardless of whether or  
not they

have a Jewish last name.

But someone who studies Buddhism does not necessarily practice Buddha- 
dharma. Maybe he's lying and they lied about there being no Buddhist  
researchers on the team, but I've seen no real evidence of that, your  
posturings aside. It would be hard for someone who has spent years  
researching advanced yogis not to have some interest in how they got  
that way. These are extraordinary people we're dealing with. In fact  
I would hope they did have a good grasp of the subject matter, along  
with the as many of the numerous techniques and styles of meditation  
that are out there. Otherwise how could they be an expert in their  

There are many scholars of Buddhism who have no interest in  

Buddhism, but simply researching it. Quite a few are Christians. No
surprise here--although some interesting finds I hadn't seen--thanks

Are you suggesting this guy isn't a practicing Buddhist, regardless  
of whether

or not he goes to Synagogue  (or the Uni-Uni Church for that matter)?

I haven't followed him around or spied on him, but it has been said  
(in regards to the Shamatha Project specifically) he is not a  
Buddhist, so I take that to mean he does not practice buddha-dharma.  
It wouldn't matter so much to me if he did, simply because I believe  
Dr. Saron has integrity. But I suspect he just has a deep interest  
based on meeting some truly extraordinary people.

[FairfieldLife] Connecting with Guru Dev (was 'abandoning thought')

2009-01-15 Thread Paul Mason
Interesting to note that apparently Maharishi was utterly convinced 
that one can receive benefit from the enlightened, even after their 
death, which to some extent accounts for his claim that he was guided 
by Guru Dev:-

Now after leaving the body nothing remains in the Relative, just 
Absolute. Then how do we invoke and to whom? And if nobody is to be 
invoked, then what is the use?

Some such similar question I asked Guru Dev once, what happened was 
naturally people come to the ashram from all over india to pay 
respects to Guru Dev, once or twice a year according to their own 

And when they would come they would narrate all sorts of stories, the 
child was sick or they had a law suit, all sorts of difficulties and 
then thinking of Guru Dev, that thing disappeared. 

And hearing all these things for a long time, one night I asked Guru 
Dev 'What is this?' These people don't even write to Guru Dev, Guru 
Dev doesn't know they are in difficulty on the surface of life and 
then how do they report they had a vision or some thought of Guru Dev 
and then from that time everything started to be smooth? 

If they wrote a letter and the difficulties came to the notice of 
Guru Dev and then they got out of their difficulty, I could 
understand it, but they don't write letters. they just have the 
devotion to Guru Dev and they have some thought of Guru Dev, 

And Guru Dev reply was 'It's the department of the Almighty and he 
does it' 

continued at:-

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  It underlines the point that enlightenment gives you wisdom.  
  The story I was referring to was when Trotaka revealed his 
  enlightenment to the others. Shankara was insisting that they 
  all wait for him [Trotaka] and the others snickered that he 
  didn't understand it anyway. He came in singing his cognized 
 ? Trotaka stakham sp? verses revealing his complete knowledge. 
 Which, coincidentally, just happened to be 
 a sappy love song to his teacher, expressing
 his total devotion to him. THAT is what Maha-
 rishi was trying to put forth as the primary
 criterion of enlightenment.
  I memorized them on my TTC, it is a beautiful song. This is 
  from a TTC tape on him.  His wisdom came from his enlightenment 
  and he put all the smartypants guys to shame.  
 And his enlightenment came from being slavishly
 devoted to his master and willing to do any-
 thing that this master said, without a moment's
 Notice the trend here?
  His verses were so perfect that it blew them away with his 
  mental ability gained not through pulling all-nighters, but 
  by his devotion and enlightenment.  
 And the lesson being clearly taught here was
 that the latter (enlightenment) came from the
 former (devotion). Trotaka didn't have to crack
 the books to get smart, all he had to do was
 do whatever he was told to do by his master.
 I'm just reiterating the point I made earlier,
 that Maharishi was trying to cultivate that
 sense of devotion to one's master that *he*
 considered the highest in his students by
 telling emotional feel good stories. This
 story is NOT about Trotaka's intellect; the
 intellect is presented as *secondary*, some-
 thing that happened *as the result* of total,
 unthinking bhakti. In fact, the development
 of the intellect in the other students is 
 what is being presented as secondary. They 
 are being presented not as happening as Trotaka 
 because they were not as sold out to their 
 master as he was.
 I'm not saying that this theory of enlighten-
 ment through devotion is unique, nor am I sug-
 gesting that it's not valid for some people,
 who are made that way. What I am suggesting
 is that Maharishi, by telling this story over
 and over and over, was trying to establish it
 as *the* path for people who might NOT be
 made that way. In my estimation he clearly
 saw total, unthinking devotion to one's
 master AS the highest path, because *he*
 was made that way, and he wanted to remake
 all of his students over to be like him. 
 I am gracious enough to believe that in the
 beginning he did this because he really thought
 that *his* path -- the only one he was capable
 of because *he* was not a great intellect or 
 drawn to any of the other many viable paths to
 enlightenment -- was the best path to teach 
 others, for their own good. But at the same 
 time, I think it is important to remember that 
 the master that Maharishi was teaching his 
 students the value of being slavishly devoted 
 to was HIM.
 I believe that on one level Maharishi may have
 been trying to convince his students that bhakti
 and slavish devotion were good things because
 in his opinion they could lead to enlightenment.
 But on another, I equally believe that he was
 trying to establish that same unthinking 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread Vaj

On Jan 14, 2009, at 8:00 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity wrote:

We have no idea as to whether TM
successfully produces enlightenment
or unity consciousness.

Rick says there are dozens of Fairfielders
claiming to be enlightened. Some post here.
All either did TM for years, or still do.

Having only listened to the FF enlightened over the phone or via  
email I thought it would be interesting if there was someone who  
would infiltrate the Wednesday Night Satsang, a weekly gathering of  
the enlightened you refer to. So I had a friend with deep personal  
experience with actual enlightenment and a certain amount of  
realization themselves go to the satsang and observe, gauge and  
report back on their findings based on their own considerable  

Their conclusion? Some were able to be in the present, that is some  
of them had gained some basic awareness. That's all. Otherwise they  
were superficially compassionate but seemingly nice people, but  
largely ego-bound. The ability to be 'in the present' was then  
combined with language popular among Neoadvaita teachers and of  
course, self-fulfilling prophecies of what MMY talked about. The  
person was little impressed. There was a lot of one upmanship, my  
enlightenment trumps your enlightenment going on. Much unsolicited  
advice from well-meaning enlightened. Negative emotions were really  
no different from the rank and file. Vindictiveness was sometimes  

Personally I was impressed with one gentleman, owner of a successful  
local business, but his realization stemmed from his childhood, i.e.  
a pre-existing condition.

[FairfieldLife] WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB

* Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
associate with a person having subjective experiences 
of a spiritual nature?

* Activated the part of the brain that causes us to see 
everything around us in terms of Unity (as described so
well by the female brain scientist who had a stroke)?

* Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
were somehow witnessing your own thoughts and actions, 
or were experiencing something you couldn't describe but
felt to be transcendent at all times?

* Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
were in tune with nature or with the will of God?

* Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
know things, and that each of these things that you 
know, whether as a result of intuition or 'seeing' or 
just opinion, were Absolute Truth, without any possi-
bility of being false?

* Chemically provided the subjective feeling that being 
in your very presence was beneficial to other people, and 
that you were somehow influencing them positively just by 
being around them?

What if someone slipped you such a drug without you knowing
it and it produced all of the experiences listed above. 

Would you be able to distinguish what you were experiencing 
from what you consider real enlightenment?


* *Every* experience of enlightenment in human history,
no matter what the path taken to achieve it, were nothing
more (or less) than these same parts of the brain being
activated and subjective experiences being provided 
chemically to the brain? (In other words, it is a *purely*
chemical experience, and has nothing to do with anything
spiritual at all.)

* Enlightenment were nothing more *than* these chemical
changes in the brain and how we perceive them subjectively?

* ALL of the dogma and mythology that has built up around
enlightenment and the characteristics of the enlightened
over the centuries was just people trying to come up with 
some story to account for a purely chemical experience?

It's just a what if question, posted to see who can have
fun with it, and who it drives up the wall.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 Having only listened to the FF enlightened over the phone or via  
 email I thought it would be interesting if there was someone who  
 would infiltrate the Wednesday Night Satsang, a weekly gathering 
 of the enlightened you refer to. So I had a friend with deep 
 personal experience with actual enlightenment and a certain amount 
 of realization themselves go to the satsang and observe, gauge and  
 report back on their findings based on their own considerable  
 Their conclusion? Some were able to be in the present, that is 
 some of them had gained some basic awareness. That's all. Otherwise
 they were superficially compassionate but seemingly nice people, 
 but largely ego-bound. The ability to be 'in the present' was then  
 combined with language popular among Neoadvaita teachers and of  
 course, self-fulfilling prophecies of what MMY talked about. The  
 person was little impressed. There was a lot of one upmanship, 
 my enlightenment trumps your enlightenment going on. Much 
 unsolicited advice from well-meaning enlightened. Negative 
 emotions were really no different from the rank and file. 
 Vindictiveness was sometimes present.

Vaj, I'm not going to get sucked into the game
of analyzing a group of people I've never met
and judging their claimed enlightenment. But I
will provide another story to show that this
What some people consider enlightenment may not 
be what other people consider enlightenment
thang is NOT limited to the TM movement.

On another forum, someone who had once studied
with the Rama guy talked about his experiences
studying for a short time with one of Rama's 
former students, who is now marketing himself
as fully enlightened.

What he described was someone who had mastered
the same emanating golden light minor siddhi
that Rama had, and who could broadcast enough
(in his opinion) minor shakti to give people
sitting in the same room with him a buzz.

But how did this person run his organization, 
and present himself and his teachings to the
public? *Exactly* the same way that Rama did.
That is: 

* He requires absolute obedience from all of 
his accepted students, and throws them out if 
they ever fail to do what he tells them to do.

* He has a sizeable security team to protect
him from perceived threats and personal attacks.
( This is a teacher so minor that his follow-
ing consists of a few dozen students and that no
one has ever heard of. Who is going to be threat-
ening him or wishing him harm? At least Rama had
actually received a real death threat once. :-)

* *Just like his mentor*, this guy suggests that
all of his students be celibate, but with the
exception that all of the women students are 
expected to sleep with him if he wants them to.

And yet, a few dozen people have actually accepted
this guy as enlightened, for no other reason 
than that he can produce a little flashy golden
light and they feel a buzz when they meditate 
with him. 

I'm presenting this as an example of how standards
vary greatly when it comes to judging enlightenment
and whether someone has realized it. I think that
we see these different standards on this forum.

Some, like yourself, have fairly high standards 
based on what you have been taught and what you have
chosen to believe. Others have fairly low standards,
and tend to believe that someone is enlightened if
they merely claim it. 

Again, what this all comes back to for me is the
situation created by an organization that refuses
to ever certify enlightenment, and allows it to
remain a kind of hazily-defined, ever-changing 
myth, and never names anyone who has realized the
mythic state. 

Yes, there are problems related to certification,
but in my opinion there are far more problems that
arise when an organization refuses to point to
concrete *examples* of enlightenment. What tends
to happen is that seekers within these traditions,
having never seen anyone be acknowledged as having 
realized enlightenment, tend to project their hope 
that enlightenment really exists onto anyone who 
has a good story to tell. 

[FairfieldLife] The Rigged Trials at Gitmo: Air Force Major David Frakt

2009-01-15 Thread do.rflex

Air Force Major David Frakt of the Military Commissions interviewed by
Rachel Maddow:

Watch: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=YNvtzwGHycE

[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

 I agree that King Tony is intelligent enough in a true believer sort
 of way.  I just don't believe that the highest state of human
 development and Tony should be used in the same sentence. 

I often find it fascinating that someone declares someone to be or not 
be enlightened.
When it comes from a hillbilly like curtis it goes beyond; it becomes 

[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2009-01-15 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife 

  File: /Meditation Techniques/immortal_nathas.pdf 
  Uploaded by : vajradhatu108 vajradh...@earthlink.net 
  Description : The Attainment of Immortality: From Nathas in India to 
Buddhists in Tibet 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


vajradhatu108 vajradh...@earthlink.net

[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 of life, not just 100%. So it's quite silly to argue that Trotaka  
 remained some dumbkoff 

http://www.koff.net/index.html   ;D

[FairfieldLife] Re: The dismantling of the TMO as we know it

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@ 
  People with access to the tape
  library are not selected for courage and insight.
 Quote of the week !

This fellow obviously has no idea as to who has the key to the original 
tapes !

[FairfieldLife] MIT Blackjack Team explains the financial crisis

2009-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
I'm posting this because it's the clearest 
explanation I've ever read of why we are in
the economic mess we are in and how we could 
prevent such a mess from happening again in 
the future.

It's by Semyon Dukach, one of the members
of the now-legendary MIT Blackjack Team that
was brought to public attention first in 
books and then in the recent film 21. 

About him and the team and their exploits:

His explanation of the financial crisis:

Shemp will *hate* his suggestion at the end:
ban money management by people who earn a 
commission on it. But it really makes sense,
and it's the only suggestion I have heard so
far from *anyone* as to how to stop this mess
from happening again in a few years.

If there are money managers, place them on a 
salary, with no percentage of the profits. 

In Canada (as I understand it), a similar situ-
ation exists with lawyers -- they work on a 
fee basis, and cannot receive a percentage of 
the winnings in a lawsuit. As a result, in Can-
ada there have never been multi-million dollar
lawsuits brought by ambulance chasers who are
working on spec, betting on a percentage of
the profits if they win. I suspect that this
MIT guy is correct, and a similar requirement
for fund managers would prevent the kind of 
irresistible appeal to greed that exists 

Besides, think of all those completely useless
and morally bankrupt fund managers who would
be looking for a job as used-car salesmen or
as something else that still pays a commission. 
That thought alone warms the heart. :-)

[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2009-01-15 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife 

  File: /Meditation Techniques/Naths.txt 
  Uploaded by : vajradhatu108 vajradh...@earthlink.net 
  Description : Some Aspects of the History and Doctrines of the Nathas 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


vajradhatu108 vajradh...@earthlink.net

[FairfieldLife] Re: New siddhis -- leaning and the displaced head

2009-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Curtis is going to love this. These are clips
 of a Japanese illusionist who is young, but whose
 schtick is dressing up like an old man and doing
 his thing in public places, as street theater. 
 Pretty astounding illusions...I really don't 
 understand how he does the leaning thing. There 
 are two clips in this WMV, both from Japanese TV. 
 Watch to the end to see the displaced head 

That was brilliant.  I think we have a little Chris Angel technique of
the not so innocent public place at work here.  The leaning move is a
variation on the broomstick levitation and requires some setup. He
needs to be able to hook his heel so the rigid back of his suit can
hold him up as he leans.  He is leaning too far for it to be just mime
although some of them can lean pretty far.

And of course making Japanese girls scream IS magic, thanks!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 * Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
 associate with a person having subjective experiences 
 of a spiritual nature...
Years ago I posted to Usenet several comments describing 
my experience searching for the mysterious and legendary 
substance, the so-called 'magic' mushroom, mentioned by 
Carlos Casteneda in his great book about don Juan, 'A 
Yaqui Way of Knowledge'.

In late 1971 I went down to Mexico with Carlos Casteneda 
and Oscar Ichazo, whom I had met at Esalen, but we didn't 
find any magic mushrooms growing in the wild. 

However, at a party someone, probably don Juan, gave me 
a taco to eat that was laced with 'fly agaric'. When I 
found out I almost gagged on the spot. D'oh! I've always 
been a Cactus man, chased with Tequila. 

Anyway, although I spit out the offending fungus right 
away, it was too late; the psychoactive ingredients were 
already taking their effect on me: to alter my very state 
of conciousness.

Suddenly, I transcended and I saw and experienced the 
entire cosmos as a Divine Bi-Unity, inter-related, just 
like the Net of Lord Indra. I realized that we are all 
inter-connected and I became enlightened on the spot. 

Then, standing right in front of me, appeared the 
Creator God of Volcanos and His wife, the beautiful 
Wisdom Sophia, their son Baal, and their daughter Ashley. 
I realized that existence, is, in Reality, a great big 
family affair!

Read more: 

A preliminary, annotated hagiography of past gleaning 
positioning endeavors, with some appended statements: 

'The Confessions of a Taco Eater' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  It underlines the point that enlightenment gives you wisdom.  
  The story I was referring to was when Trotaka revealed his 
  enlightenment to the others. Shankara was insisting that they 
  all wait for him [Trotaka] and the others snickered that he 
  didn't understand it anyway. He came in singing his cognized 
 ? Trotaka stakham sp? verses revealing his complete knowledge. 
 Which, coincidentally, just happened to be 
 a sappy love song to his teacher, expressing
 his total devotion to him. THAT is what Maha-
 rishi was trying to put forth as the primary
 criterion of enlightenment.
  I memorized them on my TTC, it is a beautiful song. This is 
  from a TTC tape on him.  His wisdom came from his enlightenment 
  and he put all the smartypants guys to shame.  
 And his enlightenment came from being slavishly
 devoted to his master and willing to do any-
 thing that this master said, without a moment's
 Notice the trend here?
  His verses were so perfect that it blew them away with his 
  mental ability gained not through pulling all-nighters, but 
  by his devotion and enlightenment.  
 And the lesson being clearly taught here was
 that the latter (enlightenment) came from the
 former (devotion). Trotaka didn't have to crack
 the books to get smart, all he had to do was
 do whatever he was told to do by his master.
 I'm just reiterating the point I made earlier,
 that Maharishi was trying to cultivate that
 sense of devotion to one's master that *he*
 considered the highest in his students by
 telling emotional feel good stories. This
 story is NOT about Trotaka's intellect; the
 intellect is presented as *secondary*, some-
 thing that happened *as the result* of total,
 unthinking bhakti. 

Nailed and nailed!

In fact, the development
 of the intellect in the other students is 
 what is being presented as secondary. They 
 are being presented not as happening as Trotaka 
 because they were not as sold out to their 
 master as he was.
 I'm not saying that this theory of enlighten-
 ment through devotion is unique, nor am I sug-
 gesting that it's not valid for some people,
 who are made that way. What I am suggesting
 is that Maharishi, by telling this story over
 and over and over, was trying to establish it
 as *the* path for people who might NOT be
 made that way. In my estimation he clearly
 saw total, unthinking devotion to one's
 master AS the highest path, because *he*
 was made that way, and he wanted to remake
 all of his students over to be like him. 
 I am gracious enough to believe that in the
 beginning he did this because he really thought
 that *his* path -- the only one he was capable
 of because *he* was not a great intellect or 
 drawn to any of the other many viable paths to
 enlightenment -- was the best path to teach 
 others, for their own good. But at the same 
 time, I think it is important to remember that 
 the master that Maharishi was teaching his 
 students the value of being slavishly devoted 
 to was HIM.
 I believe that on one level Maharishi may have
 been trying to convince his students that bhakti
 and slavish devotion were good things because
 in his opinion they could lead to enlightenment.
 But on another, I equally believe that he was
 trying to establish that same unthinking devotion
 towards HIM in his students that he was talking 
 about in Trotaka. 
 Forty years later, the unthinking devotion is 
 all that remains, with nary an example of it 
 having led to enlightenment in sight. (Or at 
 least not as recognized by Maharishi or the 
 organization he founded.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment according to Dattareya

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
reavisma...@... wrote:

 Nablusoss1008, interesting video, do you subscribe to this fellow's 
 point of view?

Hello Marek - interesting question.
I do subscribe in many ways though I have never met him in person nor 
do I follow or understand all his teaching. And he is not my Guru. 
One thing which I find interesting is that he has something dead 
honest about him, like Maharishi also had. But he has a different 
role, Dattatreya is a personal Guru.
Another thing is that if you have watched him for a few years he 
seems to be getting younger, not older.

 Do you remember when Maharishi used to speak about the softening of 
 the breath that occurs as the person grows in enlightenment?

Do you mean from CC and onwards ? No, I can't remember Him saying 
that, but it certainly is something that He could have said. If you 
say He did I'm sure you are correct.

  While I 
 was watching this guy I remembered that and realized that I'd 
 completely internalized that as a valid metric.  And I'd have to 
 that it's proven itself to be true in my experience, at least for 
 very most part.  Coarse people generally seem to have coarse 
 in my experience; it's not necessarily a class division but there 
 seems to be (once again, in my own experience) a generous 
 of that characteristic among my client base, for instance.
 Again, I don't know that it's an accurate measurement of anything 
 when I listened to this gentleman speak I really noticed how much I 
 heard him breathe, and that it seemed mildly labored.  
 What's your take on that?

I've certainly noticed this among non-enlightened people also.
Regarding Dattatreya I'm not picking up this thing you are 
mentioning, just a lot of power, but you could be correct ofcourse - 
perhaps he had a cold ? :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 



[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
 I often find it fascinating that someone declares someone to be or
not  be enlightened.
 When it comes from a hillbilly like curtis it goes beyond; it
becomes  hilarious.

I was knocking a few back the other night with my main dog Maitreya
and your name came up Nabbie.  He refers to you as the priggish old
Euro with American envy, anywhooo, he was laughing his ass off over
all the stuff he has gotten you to believe about himself through the
years with his Benji Creme pranks.  Apparently they sit around all
night knocking back 10 year old Port wine and Stilton cheese and high
five-ing about what they are going to get you to swallow next.  He got
so tipsy telling the stories that he tried to get his old pal Mahesh
on the phone at one point (who he used to trade Nabbie gullibility
stories with) until I reminded him that he was dead.  Then he got all
sappy over how funny it was when good ol' Mahesh got you to believe
you were flying while bouncing on your butt. (He does the most
hilarious imitation of you flying BTW, think a seated Michael Jackson
with epilepsy.) 

After the bartender got tired of wiping the bar after Maitreya kept
shooting his Scottish  Newcastle beer through his nose laughing at
your ability to believe anything we were asked to hit the road  Me
back to my crib and Maitreya with a waitress just getting off duty.  I
heard him lay his rap on her as they headed out the door:I'm the Lord
of the earth see baby, and someday I'll hold a press conference with
the whole world and I'll give you a country of your own... which one
would you like baby, cuz you're so fine...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  I agree that King Tony is intelligent enough in a true believer sort
  of way.  I just don't believe that the highest state of human
  development and Tony should be used in the same sentence. 
 I often find it fascinating that someone declares someone to be or not 
 be enlightened.
 When it comes from a hillbilly like curtis it goes beyond; it becomes 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Faith vs Proof and MMY's Interpretation of the Rig Veda

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
metoostill wrote:
 I found this fascinating and on the same topic(s).  
 Hindu fundamentalism arguing back at Buddhism (in 
 circa 200BC, a whole millennia before Shankara)...  

Apparently you and I are on the same path!

Your insights, metoo, are suffused with the fragrance 
of tantric touchstone yoga. Your comments are as like 
a refreshing breeze from Gokul, which comes wafting 
over the sacred waters of Radha Kund. 

Thank you for the information you recently posted 
concerning the atheist 'Mimamsa' [investigations]
and the means of valid knowledge.

You seem somewhat mesmerized by this subject matter, 
so I would like to take this opportunity to introduce 
you to my report, which is just now being finished, 
in which several respondents here figure as the main 
sources of informantion. I would especially call your 
attention to the messages of Mr. Vaj the Nath, the 
Bharat2, and the TurqB, erstwjile leaders of some
very important minor deviant left-handed tantric sects.

Like other Indian cultists, the deviant sect of 'Power 
Yoga' adherents subscribe to the practice of ritual 
coitus using various sounds and sometimes the sound 
current, or 'Shabd', the primeval sound of the universe, 
variously described as 'vac', from the Urdu root, 
'vacumn', as in to be made empty.

Yet, Power Yoga acharyas have been quite emphatic in 
accepting elements of what is commonly thought of as 
left-handed tantricism, such as the worship of various 
ridge poles, upright sticks and stones; they love to 
go on pilgrimages to the various shakta peeths of the 
mother Vagin, and the reading of religious texts such 
as the 'Bhairava Tantra'.

However, according to the late Master Charanjiva, of 
San Francisco, these practices are a waste of time and 
most ceremonies and ritual observances are a failure 
in engendering the spiritual life. The quaint but 
irrelevant customs, myths and festivals of various 
tantric cults are prevalent only when real saints 
leave this world.

Those who adopt the 'tantric' perspective see 'power 
touching' as something vital and new, but most real 
acharyas are naturally unenthusiastic about what they 
regard as old whores.

Satnaam and Jai Guru Dev! 

Read more:

'Rasavada: A Full Report'

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:


Already being done: 

Psilocybin research fits pretty well.

 * Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
 associate with a person having subjective experiences 
 of a spiritual nature?
 * Activated the part of the brain that causes us to see 
 everything around us in terms of Unity (as described so
 well by the female brain scientist who had a stroke)?
 * Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
 were somehow witnessing your own thoughts and actions, 
 or were experiencing something you couldn't describe but
 felt to be transcendent at all times?
 * Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
 were in tune with nature or with the will of God?
 * Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
 know things, and that each of these things that you 
 know, whether as a result of intuition or 'seeing' or 
 just opinion, were Absolute Truth, without any possi-
 bility of being false?
 * Chemically provided the subjective feeling that being 
 in your very presence was beneficial to other people, and 
 that you were somehow influencing them positively just by 
 being around them?
 What if someone slipped you such a drug without you knowing
 it and it produced all of the experiences listed above. 
 Would you be able to distinguish what you were experiencing 
 from what you consider real enlightenment?
 * *Every* experience of enlightenment in human history,
 no matter what the path taken to achieve it, were nothing
 more (or less) than these same parts of the brain being
 activated and subjective experiences being provided 
 chemically to the brain? (In other words, it is a *purely*
 chemical experience, and has nothing to do with anything
 spiritual at all.)
 * Enlightenment were nothing more *than* these chemical
 changes in the brain and how we perceive them subjectively?
 * ALL of the dogma and mythology that has built up around
 enlightenment and the characteristics of the enlightened
 over the centuries was just people trying to come up with 
 some story to account for a purely chemical experience?
 It's just a what if question, posted to see who can have
 fun with it, and who it drives up the wall.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment according to Dattareya

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis
 reavismarek@ wrote:
  Nablusoss1008, interesting video, do you subscribe to this fellow's
  point of view?

 Hello Marek - interesting question.
 I do subscribe in many ways though I have never met him in person nor
 do I follow or understand all his teaching. And he is not my Guru.
As one of the rare living Avataras...His Holiness Parama Pujya Sri
Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji is the Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta
Peetham at Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Ashrama in Mysore, India. Sri
Swamiji is renowned for His Healing and Meditation music and He is
considered a divine guide who cultivates the ancient Vedic traditions.
He was born fully realised in command of the eight Mahasiddhis and is a
Guru in the
Dattatreya Avadhoota lineage.
Marek - This is the fellow I was reffering to - forget the other fellow
from youtube !:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Rigged Trials at Gitmo: Air Force Major David Frakt

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
John posted:
 The Rigged Trials at Gitmo

Apparently 61 of those freed from Club Gitmo 
are back on the battlefield. This is disgusting.

Read more:

'Catch and release'
Posted by Don Surber

WASHINGTON – Terror suspects who have been held 
but released from Guantanamo Bay are increasingly 
returning to the fight against the United States 
and its allies, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

Full story:

'Pentagon: Gitmo detainees returning to battlefield'
By Lara Jakes
Associated Press, Jan 13, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment according to Dattareya

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis
  reavismarek@ wrote:
   Nablusoss1008, interesting video, do you subscribe to this 
   point of view?
  Hello Marek - interesting question.
  I do subscribe in many ways though I have never met him in person 
  do I follow or understand all his teaching. And he is not my Guru.
 As one of the rare living Avataras...His Holiness Parama Pujya Sri
 Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji is the Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta
 Peetham at Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Ashrama in Mysore, India. Sri
 Swamiji is renowned for His Healing and Meditation music and He is
 considered a divine guide who cultivates the ancient Vedic 
 He was born fully realised in command of the eight Mahasiddhis and 
is a
 Guru in the
 Dattatreya Avadhoota lineage.
 Marek - This is the fellow I was reffering to - forget the other 
 from youtube !:-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:


 Their conclusion? Some were able to be in the present, that is some  
 of them had gained some basic awareness. That's all. Otherwise they  
 were superficially compassionate but seemingly nice people, but  
 largely ego-bound. The ability to be 'in the present' was then  
 combined with language popular among Neoadvaita teachers and of  
 course, self-fulfilling prophecies of what MMY talked about. The  
 person was little impressed. There was a lot of one upmanship, my  
 enlightenment trumps your enlightenment going on.


[FairfieldLife] Maharishi on Picture of Guru Dev (pertains to all saints)

2009-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
Maharishi on Picture of Guru Dev


This explanation by Maharishi was related by Raja Steve Rubin as part of the
12 January 2009 celebration. 




It's a very beautiful question and very sweet, the question was and still
is, Guru Dev must have been fully enlightened.


Now after leaving the body nothing remains in the Relative, just Absolute.
Then how do we invoke and to whom? And if nobody is to be invoked, then what
is the use?


Some such similar question I asked Guru Dev once, what happened was
naturally people come to the ashram from all over India to pay respects to
Guru Dev, once or twice a year according to their own convenience.


And when they would come, they would narrate all sorts of stories - the
child was sick, or they had a law suit, all sorts of difficulties, and then
thinking of Guru Dev, that thing disappeared. 


And hearing all these things for a long time, one night I asked Guru
Dev,What is this? These  people don't even write to Guru Dev, Guru Dev
doesn't know they are in difficulty on the surface of life, and then how do
they report they had a vision or some thought of Guru Dev, and then from
that time everything started to be smooth? 


If they wrote a letter and the difficulties came to the notice of Guru Dev
and then they got out of their difficulty, I could understand it, but they
don't write letters. They just have the devotion to Guru Dev and they have
some thought of Guru Dev, 


And Guru Dev reply was, It's the department of the Almighty and He does


And it took me about 2 years to understand because I quite remember the time
what is meant by it's the department of the Almighty. And now I understand
it is this. 


We have the picture of Guru Dev, as when we do puja, and that form, that
photo, that picture is the physical expression of the form which had a mind
that was fully enlightened and omnipresent. So once we see the form, our
eyes associate with the form very naturally because the physical and mental
run parallel. 


And once the form is in our vision, in our awareness, then naturally our
mind gets in tune with the mind which occupied that form once upon a time.
The form was occupied by a mind, that mind is an all-time reality, eternal,
the barriers of time are no barriers to it, continuum. 


The body is no more, but the form is there, and once we tune our eyes, our
vision, perception, cognition to that, because that was held up by a mind
that was enlightened, naturally our mind gets in tune, and 

because that mind was and is and will forever be omnipresent, immediately
our mind gets in tune with the omnipresent, and right away the help comes
from where we are. 


The help comes from Absolute Being, which is the nature of our own mind, but
that image, that picture becomes a positive and concrete medium to have that
mechanics performed for our mind. So help comes from our own Being because
it comes through that form naturally our devotion to that. It's the
department of the Almighty which does it, not the individual, it's the
department and it's only one way, it's not two ways, it's one way. The help
is not given, it's received. It's received by our ability to attune with
that, and that ability develops with devotion, surrender and service, these
three things. 


Automatically one is elevated to that level, and help doesn't come from
outside, it comes from right where we are, from our own being. But those
unaware of one's own being have those mechanics to help them.


This is true of all the saints of the times throughout the world.

[FairfieldLife] Dear Jericho Jerry

2009-01-15 Thread Duveyoung
Peter  wrote in response to:
 Its no mystery, its just LIFE

You mean there's nothing more than that? But Jerry must, absolutely
must, behave in a fashion that fulfills my needs, not his. What is wrong


Hmmm, I suspect your derisive tone is indicative of agenda spamming. 

Let me indulge in roiling about it -- yeah, I'll take it personally.

Who isn't guilty of me-me-me?  Why should I be dissed for expecting
something from someone if the whole world would equally expect such?

But let's not make this a you-me tussle.

Stand aside.  It's the big guy I want to talk to.


Here's an open letter to you.

Your silence, your refusal to attend openly to the issues below serve
me, and probably serve all, with enough proof that you are still part of
the problem.

If a stranger came up to me and told me to follow him or his guru, I'd
have a phalanx of sharp spears of doubt he'd have to fight his way
through to get to my mind's more serious consideration.

Sorry, Jerry, but you cannot be given a free ride because of your charm.
Maharishi had charm.  Hell, Maharishi could shit charm.  No wonder he
attracted charming folks like you to his stead.

But, screw charm;  I saw charm, confidence and pizzaz by the ton being
spewed by that ShamWow guy on TV today.  Man, if he'd been a golden boy
108er in the Merv era, he'd have gotten half of America to buy the
snakeoil.  And don't diss that notion, cuz, Maharishi himself said that
if the movement had had Elron Hubbard for an initiator the whole world
plan would swiftly be a done deal.

Remember when that was the gossip?  That it was the impure lifestyles of
the initiators that was holding back the world plan?  I do.  I remember
feeling the sting of that lashing from our guru -- felt the psychic welt
rising -- felt that I was a drag on the movment for not initiating
enough folks fast enough because of my personal failure.   And I was one
of the most successful initiators ever.  How fucked was that of me to
indulge in shame?  Why didn't the technique burn that low esteem out of
me when I sat on my ass for eight months in cheap hotels in Spain and
Italy?  I'll tell you why.  Cuz you knew and Maharishi knew that low
esteem folks were the exact type of followers you wanted.  They could be
shamed at will and work for free. And, you knew, that even decades of
sit-assing would not remove this purile dynamic from us.  Look around
the room at the beaming faces as you talk -- here a bow, there a scrape,
everywhere an oink oink at your trough, eh?

Jerry, you knew, and when I see you on a dais -- even if it's a mere
fun-gathering of old TMers wanting to hear some stories from ya -- my
attention goes to the matrix that surrounds you which is  festering with
questions unanswered about the accusations facing the TMO that are too
validly and obviously germane to ignore.  A murder on the MUM campus
isn't a one-off deal -- it is an iceberg's tip -- a foul
dysfunctionalism -- paritally seen -- that tells of the huge hidden mass
below -- and it gainsays any claims for the TM benefits package.

And, by the way, toss us a hover, eh?  I mean, you were in fucking
god-consciousness last I heard 36 years ago, and you never once said
that that was an exaggeration, right?  You let us think that you had had
a goodly amount of holymollyishness, eh?  You liked the syscophants,
right?  So, by now, hey, put up or shut up.  I remember a story about
you saying you could levitate a glass of water by using only your mind. 
Then you simply picked up the glass with your hand and arm.  Smiles all
around as you thusly instructed that we were already siddha's in that we
could levitate the meat robot's parts, but, ya know, it just isn't
enough after decades of sitting to tell us this same smarmy shit.

I'm saying that you have to face the accusations if you're representing
the TMO in any fashion.  Even if you feel pure hearted and are trying to
revive, say, the pre-siddhi Students International Meditation Society,
you  still have to explain how the TMO justified the abuse, the crimes,
the money grubbing when the literature promised utopian personalities
for any and all practitioners  -- promised us to turn into folks with
deep resonance with core values -- while all along, the leaders of the
movement were far more like the Borg hitting town.

Didn't happen.  Didn't see Bloomfield get that set of sacred values. 
Didn't see Ed Beckley get them.  Didn't see Beven tear MUM apart and
clean out the rot of blind allegiance that produced that murder.

Jerry, hey, let me stop you right now if you're going to come back at us
with we should not be putting our minds on negativity and should just
do some asanas.

Nope.  I'd ask you to bend over first.  Me? I should be the bender, you
say?  I bent over for 29 years, and thanks a lot Jerry, but  I learned
what bending meant, and don't ask me to do it for you because you smile
sweetly, have a 

[FairfieldLife] Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008

http://tinyurl.com/9vm4rb http://tinyurl.com/9vm4rb

http://tinyurl.com/982ew7 http://tinyurl.com/982ew7

http://tinyurl.com/7veqh9 http://tinyurl.com/7veqh9

http://tinyurl.com/7ms7hn http://tinyurl.com/7ms7hn

http://tinyurl.com/aymbws http://tinyurl.com/aymbws

Your comments are welcome Marek

[FairfieldLife] Re: Faith vs Proof and MMY's Interpretation of the Rig Veda

2009-01-15 Thread metoostill
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

 metoostill wrote:
  I found this fascinating and on the same topic(s).  
  Hindu fundamentalism arguing back at Buddhism (in 
  circa 200BC, a whole millennia before Shankara)...  
 Apparently you and I are on the same path!
 Satnaam and Jai Guru Dev! 
 Read more:
 'Rasavada: A Full Report'

Read your report.  Now that was funny.  Very creative.  Loved it.  Would be 
funnier still if it 
wasn't in fact a tru-ish account of acts and occurrences (very well researched) 
that had led 
to such a sad present circumstance.  Several years ago I spent a weekend there 
at the 
invitation of some dear old friends with whom I share a lot of history.  But 
why dwell, 
thanks for the link to your Report.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Picture of Guru Dev (pertains to all saints)

2009-01-15 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Maharishi on Picture of Guru Dev
 This explanation by Maharishi was related by Raja Steve Rubin as
part of the
 12 January 2009 celebration. 
 It's a very beautiful question and very sweet, the question was and
 is, Guru Dev must have been fully enlightened.
 Now after leaving the body nothing remains in the Relative, just
 Then how do we invoke and to whom? And if nobody is to be invoked,
then what
 is the use?
 Some such similar question I asked Guru Dev once, what happened was
 naturally people come to the ashram from all over India to pay
respects to
 Guru Dev, once or twice a year according to their own convenience.
 And when they would come, they would narrate all sorts of stories - the
 child was sick, or they had a law suit, all sorts of difficulties,
and then
 thinking of Guru Dev, that thing disappeared. 
 And hearing all these things for a long time, one night I asked Guru
 Dev,What is this? These  people don't even write to Guru Dev, Guru Dev
 doesn't know they are in difficulty on the surface of life, and then
how do
 they report they had a vision or some thought of Guru Dev, and then from
 that time everything started to be smooth? 
 If they wrote a letter and the difficulties came to the notice of
Guru Dev
 and then they got out of their difficulty, I could understand it,
but they
 don't write letters. They just have the devotion to Guru Dev and
they have
 some thought of Guru Dev, 
 And Guru Dev reply was, It's the department of the Almighty and He does

This clearly indicates a functioning relative component to Paramatma,
the Almighty. Guru Dev has described Paramatma [God] as being both
manifest -and- unmanifest.

 And it took me about 2 years to understand because I quite remember
the time
 what is meant by it's the department of the Almighty. And now I
 it is this. 
 We have the picture of Guru Dev, as when we do puja, and that form, that
 photo, that picture is the physical expression of the form which had
a mind
 that was fully enlightened and omnipresent. So once we see the form, our
 eyes associate with the form very naturally because the physical and
 run parallel. 
 And once the form is in our vision, in our awareness, then naturally our
 mind gets in tune with the mind which occupied that form once upon a
 The form was occupied by a mind, that mind is an all-time reality,
 the barriers of time are no barriers to it, continuum. 
 The body is no more, but the form is there, and once we tune our
eyes, our
 vision, perception, cognition to that, because that was held up by a
 that was enlightened, naturally our mind gets in tune, and 
 because that mind was and is and will forever be omnipresent,
 our mind gets in tune with the omnipresent, and right away the help
 from where we are. 
 The help comes from Absolute Being, which is the nature of our own
mind, but
 that image, that picture becomes a positive and concrete medium to
have that
 mechanics performed for our mind. So help comes from our own Being
 it comes through that form naturally our devotion to that. It's the
 department of the Almighty which does it, not the individual, it's the
 department and it's only one way, it's not two ways, it's one way.
The help
 is not given, it's received. It's received by our ability to attune with
 that, and that ability develops with devotion, surrender and
service, these
 three things. 
 Automatically one is elevated to that level, and help doesn't come from
 outside, it comes from right where we are, from our own being. But those
 unaware of one's own being have those mechanics to help them.
 This is true of all the saints of the times throughout the world.

[FairfieldLife] Guru Dev: Paramatma [God] is both Manifest and Unmanifest

2009-01-15 Thread do.rflex

Manifest and Unmanifest

Some people fight over the distinction between the manifest and the
unmanifest. If you believe that Paramatman is almighty, then how can
you say, He isn't manifest, or He remains unmanifest. To believe
that Paramatman is almighty, but to insist that He is unmanifest only,
is a complete contradiction. When you say Paramatman is completely
free and independent, then how could you believe it is not possible
for Him to take any form, or to think He is not able to do something?

To explain how God exists both with qualities and without, I will give
one example. Agni (fire and also the Divine aspect of God associated
with fire) is everywhere. Agni is even in water. Agni is in every
solid thing. There is no place where fire does not exist. We know
without doubt that fire is all-pervasive. Like fire, Paramatman is

Fire exists unmanifest even in a splinter of wood. If you put the
splinter into the fireplace and pray for it to burn, it will not.
Until fire takes form from formlessness, it can be of no use. Fire may
exist without qualities, but [in this state] it will be useless for
you. Similarly, the unqualified, unmanifest Parabrahman is
all-pervasive in creation, and like the unmanifest fire, it is useless
to you. If anything is to be accomplished in this world, it will only
be done by the manifest Brahman (God in the relative). With the help
of the guru, the disciple can light the splinter from within and make
use of this manifest form as he sees fit. As long as God does not
manifest Himself from the formless, He can do absolutely nothing for
us. In the same context, the Bhagavad Gita says:-

yada yadah dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata |

abhyutthanamadharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham ||

 'Atmanam srijami' means, When I take form from formlessness. When?
When dharma is on the decline and adharma is on the rise. Why does
the Lord have to take on a form from within the formless? It explains
this by saying:-

paritranaya sadhunan vinashaya cha dushkritam |

dharma sansthapanarthaya sanbhavami yuge yuge ||

For the benefit of the good and to destroy the evil, I manifest
myself and I establish dharma.

Don't take the word sadhu here to mean those who wear ochre robes or
sectarian marks on their foreheads or sacred rosaries.The meaning of
the word sadhu is this - sadhus are good-natured people with good
hearts, who respect the limits set by Vedas and Shastras and who have
faith in their own enjoined duties and follow them. Bhagavan's avatars
(Incarnations of God) are for the welfare of those people. If Bhagavan
does not assume a manifest form, then the world cannot be orderly.

The nature of a thing determines its use. For example, if you bring a
mircrophone and place it in front of me, but I sit silently, then it
will serve no purpose. The unmanifest is like me sitting silent. If I
always sit silent, what benefit can there be for you all? No profit
can be derived from the unmanifest Bhagavan until He assumes a form. I
am telling you the way it is.

I must explain these teachings strictly as they are told in the Vedas
and Shastra, and not to expound my own thinking. My duty is to explain
the teachings clearly. In this respect, I do not care whether the
words are pleasing to one or irritating to another. I neither need to
please nor to antagonize anybody. Still, I question those people who
propound only the unmanifest. In fact, I also accept the unmanifest,
but not the unmanifest alone. I ask those who propound only the
formless: Can any profit be derived from the unmanifest fire which is
hidden in a piece of wood? Please show me any bread cooked by an
unmanifest fire.

The formless is only Being. I would like to ask those people who
meditate only on the formless, how do you meditated on the unmanifest?
The mind can only concentrate on an object of meditation, so how can
one make the unmanifest an object of meditation? Concentration on the
unmanifest is not possible. If someone says that he concentrates on
the formless, it is like saying that he is going to attend the wedding
of the son of a barren woman. Well, the son of a barren woman does not
exist, so how can he marry? When there is no form or outline to the
unmanifest, how can one make it an object of meditation? To collect
the mental formations, some foundation is necessary. Whatever is taken
as the mind's foundation, that becomes the form.

Formlessness is beyond all the trios, namely: meditation, meditator,
and object of mediation; and knowledge, knower, and object that is
known. Meditation on the formless is mere mockery. Only those who do
not understand the principle of formlessness can talk about meditation
[dhyana] on the formless. The principle of formlessness is merely for
understanding; it is the principle of existence, but the world cannot
derive any benefit from this principle. Can anybody derive any benefit
from an unmanifest son? Can anybody go to an unmanifest school and
study? Can any minister sit on an 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT Blackjack Team explains the financial crisis

2009-01-15 Thread shempmcgurk
I got as far as reading the following from the MIT guy's article that 
Barry posted:

The Martingale system works as follows: suppose you need an extra
$100.  You go down to your nearest casino, and bet $100 on a hand of
blackjack, or on any other almost 50/50 proposition.  Should you win
right away, you have reached your goal and gotten your money.  Now if
you lose, you bet $200.  If you win the second bet, you're up $100
over all and once again successful.  But a little more than one out of
four times you'll lose both, and end up down $300.  In that event you
simply bet $400.  If you lose again you bet $800, and you just keep
doubling your bet until you win once.  Clearly you have to win at
least once eventually, and with this system you end up with your $100
profit even if you start out losing for a while.  If you're willing to
bet up to ten times for instance, your chance of losing all ten bets
is close to one in a thousand.  That means that with a probability of
almost 99.9%, you will win one of those ten bets, and therefore walk
away with your $100.

Of course there's a catch that few people notice. When the unlikely
one in a thousand event happens and you do lose ten in a row, the
actual amount that you've lost is over $100,000, all risked to win a
mere hundred bucks.  You might not have any way of doubling up again.
You might even need some sort of bailout.

...and then I read no further.

Why?  Because the author lost all credibility by saying the above and 
I concluded he didn't know what he was talking about.

What he says above is NOT the catch...as anyone who has ever walked 
into in a casino and sat at a Blackjack table knows.  

What he explains above can't possibly be a catch because virtually 
every single Blackjack table in the world has a maximum bet limit 
posted on the table.  And it is this maximum bet that prevents 
the doubling down strategy from being tried...and it doesn't take a 
genius to figure it out!

Taking the particulars of the example he gave:  say the maximum 
allowable bet posted on the table is $1,000.  Well, the 
last doubling the player could possibly do is the $800 bet.  After 
that, he can't double down anymore!

Casinos aren't stupid...unlike the MIT guy who apparently hasn't ever 
been in a casino...or thinks his readers are stupid.

Indeed, the first time I ever heard of this strategy was back in 
the '60s on the Johnny Carson Show when he had Jerry Lewis on as a 
guest.  Carson asked him: Why don't you gamble?  And Jerry 
answered: Because I can keep doubling up on my bets at Blackjack and 
eventually get my money back.  Jerry had about as much sense as the 
MIT guy.

Another thing:  I haven't read the Wikipedia article on the MIT 
exploits, nor have I seen the movie.  But I did see the Discovery 
Channel (I think it was) program on them.  And, yes, they did make 
money initially but then they ended up giving it all back to the 

Even with counting cards -- which certainly increases the odds in 
their favor -- as the MIT guys were doing, the odds are still stacked 
in the casino's favor in Blackjack.  Indeed the odds are so much in 
their favor that that is the reason why they can even afford to pay 
YOU, the player, 150% on a score of 21 (Blackjack) yet when the 
house gets 21 they only win whatever you bet, not 150%.

So except for a score of 21 -- which favors the player -- every other 
move in Blackjack is equal to both house and player...except one! And 

That's it, folks, that's the ONLY advantage that the house has over 
the player in the game of Blackjack...and it's the sole, single 
factor responsible for the billions of dollars that the casino 
industry makes on Blackjack.

If you've ever played the game, think about it: the Blackjack dealer 
deals all the players' hands as well as himself.  Then each player 
plays his hand (the dealer plays last, of course, unless he has 21 
which he will announce before anyone gets to play their hand).  If a 
player goes over 21, he's out at that point: the dealer takes his 
chips and his cards away.  

But what happens when the dealer's turn comes and HE goes over 21?  
Well, he may lose against any player that is still in the game (those 
who held at 21 or under)...but EVEN THOUGH HE, THE DEALER, HAS TIED 

That, my friends, is the SOLE advantage the house has in Blackjack 
and the SOLE basis for the house making money in Blackjack.

And it's also why the MIT people -- even with card counting -- will 
never, ever beat the house (and despite what the movie and the book 
may have told you, they didn't beat the house in the long run).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The dismantling of the TMO as we know it

2009-01-15 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 waybac...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willytex@ wrote:
  TurquoiseB wrote:
   In the Western Regional Office, I was in charge
   of the tapes to be sent out to centers for resi-
   dence courses and advanced lectures... 
  Turq probably meant 'film' instead of 'tape', since 
  recording to video tape for SCI didn't happen until 
  the invention of the composite U-Matic by SONY in 
  1971. The first consumer videocassette recorders 
  were launched in 1971. 
  Apparently most of SCI was recorded on film in the 
  early days and on videotape later, after 1972. But 
  this is reaching way back into the mist of time, 
  so I'm not sure. There were some Marshy TV stations 
  back then around the L.A. area - Turq might know 
  more about this.
  But I had a little 16MM Bolex back then, and I 
  think I was one of the first people to record the 
  Marshy on film. When Jerry Jarvis saw my film he 
  wanted to create a whole series and call them 
  'SCI. BillyG may know something more about those 
  early times.
  You must mean something other than SCI here. The 
  Science of Creative Intelligence wasn't offered 
  until 1972. Or are you just compressing time here? 
  Read more:
  Subject: Re: Question-willytex
  From: Ken Hassman
  Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
  Date: 2000/01/30
 I think the SCI course was filmed or recorded on video in Fiuggi in May of 
 THe TV station in LA was called KSCI. When the TMO finally sold it, I think 
 they made a 
 great deal of money since the value of the small stations had increased 
 those years.

Yep. I remember going over there (West LA) the night they went on the air. I 
was working 
and living at the Sunset Blvd. center at the time. We really thought we were on 
the cup of 
taking over the world!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
 Already being done: 
 Psilocybin research fits pretty well.
The original What if... enquiry should have included
the message ...without turning the subject into a
deluded acid head.

[FairfieldLife] Where do our assumptions come from? (was Re: abandoning thought)

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 *Of course* bhakti and unswerving devotion 
 to one's spiritual 'master' are a path to 

The Bhakti Tradition doesn't really have much
to do with the Enlightenment Tradition - that
would be a contradiction in terms. Enlightenment
pertains to freedom; bhakti pertains to 'service'
and devotion. If anything, bhakti would indicate 
a Karma Yoga approach, according to the Gita.

Bhaktas do not aspire to 'enlightenment' or 
'freedom', and in fact, are sometimes against 
such an approach. Bhakti is concerned with 
loving devotion to a personal God - it has 
nothing to do with self-liberation of Yoga. 

Being devoted to God or to a guru is directly 
opposed to obtaining liberation through one's 
own means. This is what the Vaishnava's teach. 

There are no enlightened bhaktas. Bhakti stems 
from the tradition of Chaitanya and the Bengali 
Sahjiyas. In contrast, the enlightemnet tradition
has origins with Shakya the Muni and the Sage 

[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
 I'm reading his two volume biography.

This one? If so, it's really great, I read
them about a year ago. Guralnick really gets
to the source.

'Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley'
by Peter Guralnick
Back Bay Books, 1995

'Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley'
by Peter Guralnick
Back Bay Books, 2000

[FairfieldLife] Re: Faith vs Proof and MMY's Interpretation of the Rig Veda

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
  'Rasavada: A Full Report'
metoostill wrote:
 Read your report. Now that was funny. Very creative. 
 Loved it. Would be funnier still if it wasn't in fact 
 a tru-ish account of acts and occurrences (very well 
 researched) that had led to such a sad present 
 Several years ago I spent a weekend there at the 
 invitation of some dear old friends with whom I share 
 a lot of history. But why dwell, thanks for the link 
 to your Report.

This is great - finding someone with a dry sense of 
humor like myself. I've been trashed real good by Judy 
Stein, the two Barry's, Mr. Perino, and Mr. Manning, 
not to mention Lon P. Stacks and the Asshole Nick, but 
I don't take offense. In fact, I welcome the trashing 
because that let's me get my own karma under control. 

It's a form of tapas and I take great pride in my 
siddhi accomplishments.

You see, I belong to an obscure sect in India that 
prides itself on saying things in public that gets one 
trashed - it's a sadhana meant to help other people 
get rid of their own karma. 

So, I don't resent the trashing, I thank them for it. 
Some people just feel better when they have someone 
to talk to. 

Apparently you and I are on the same path!

Sat Nam!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero
--Willytex, this is most interesting!  But isn't there a downside? 
(I'll let you answer for yourself): you won't be able to teach this 
as a route to Unity.  It's like making a pact before incarnating, 
something like 
OK, I'm getting close to Unity and need one final stimulus.  
Practicing TM for decades won't do so I'll take the schrooms saving 
me the Sadhana. That will get be there quicker.
 Your Neo-Advaitin admonitions such as Just Be don't hold much 
water in the face of your own experience.  
 I don't see how people can teach others something different than 
what they experienced themselves.
 To be consistent, shouldn't you go around promoting shroom 
ingestion?  Could be the modern-day Soma and you could be the Leary-
like pied piper of the 21st century!

The name is associated with the Faust legend of a scholar who wagers 
his soul against the devil being able to make Faust wish to live, 
even for a moment, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust.

The name appears in the late 16th century Faust chapbooks. In the 
1725 version which was read by Goethe, Mephostophiles is a devil in 
the form of a greyfriar summoned by Faust in a wood outside 
Wittenberg. The name Mephistophiles already appears in the 1527 
Praxis Magia Faustiana, printed in Passau, alongside pseudo-Hebrew 
text. It is best explained as a purposely obscure pseudo-Greek or 
pseudo-Hebrew formation of Renaissance magic

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
willy...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  * Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
  associate with a person having subjective experiences 
  of a spiritual nature...
 Years ago I posted to Usenet several comments describing 
 my experience searching for the mysterious and legendary 
 substance, the so-called 'magic' mushroom, mentioned by 
 Carlos Casteneda in his great book about don Juan, 'A 
 Yaqui Way of Knowledge'.
 In late 1971 I went down to Mexico with Carlos Casteneda 
 and Oscar Ichazo, whom I had met at Esalen, but we didn't 
 find any magic mushrooms growing in the wild. 
 However, at a party someone, probably don Juan, gave me 
 a taco to eat that was laced with 'fly agaric'. When I 
 found out I almost gagged on the spot. D'oh! I've always 
 been a Cactus man, chased with Tequila. 
 Anyway, although I spit out the offending fungus right 
 away, it was too late; the psychoactive ingredients were 
 already taking their effect on me: to alter my very state 
 of conciousness.
 Suddenly, I transcended and I saw and experienced the 
 entire cosmos as a Divine Bi-Unity, inter-related, just 
 like the Net of Lord Indra. I realized that we are all 
 inter-connected and I became enlightened on the spot. 
 Then, standing right in front of me, appeared the 
 Creator God of Volcanos and His wife, the beautiful 
 Wisdom Sophia, their son Baal, and their daughter Ashley. 
 I realized that existence, is, in Reality, a great big 
 family affair!
 Read more: 
 A preliminary, annotated hagiography of past gleaning 
 positioning endeavors, with some appended statements: 
 'The Confessions of a Taco Eater' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New member introduces herself

2009-01-15 Thread peterklutz

Hey Ron -

Not sure there is a relationship here, but after Moriah's introducing
herself I cannot find any more posts by her.

Anyway, I read your reply to her introduction and spotted this turd of
ignorance left behind by yourself..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7...@... wrote:

 --- In swam...@yahoogroups.com, Moriah Kaplan xmoriah49@ wrote:

[mercy snip]

 * In Peru I spent some time with some Shamans - the experiences there 
 deepened the awareness of union with nature energytically -
vibrating in 
 the same frequency .pointing to the oness
 G i don't advise the useage of ayahuasca or any types of drugs
within the 
 path. They are unpredicatable and leave many in states of a disconnect 
 which has no balance within it. 

[mercy snip]

You don't really know what you are talking about do you..?

It's actually works completely the opposite way around - and I now
address the entire community reading this reply/post. 

If you're one of these long-term TMers which has this feeling of
having become stuck - that in spite of deep experiences during years
of programming there remain these hidden sleeping elephants, or
whatever, that just wont go away. There may even be physical
impairments. And you may have this even after doing PK treatments and
what else. 

Well, your freedom, final spiritual emanicipation, is only hours away
- if that's what your presence within the confines of the TMO is
really about.

Drop me an email for contact details to the best place to do Ayahuasca
in Peru at this time.




[FairfieldLife] Re: New member introduces herself

2009-01-15 Thread peterklutz


[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Psilocybin research fits pretty well.
uns wrote:
 What if... enquiry should have included
 the message ...without turning the subject 
 into a deluded acid head.

Some western people just can't deal with the 
idea of people getting spiritual by ingesting 
plant substances like the ancient Vedic Aryans 

There's a deep-seated prejudice in America 
against ritual trance-induction, unless its 
alcohol induced. In our western society some 
people have gotten to the point where otherwise 
decent, honest people resort to rank hypocrisy 
when even discussing the subject.

Seratonin is generated in the brain during TM 
practice, so there's no need to procure illegal 
chemicals. Maharishi has made a complete program 
available with hundreds of organic substances 
and potions available for self medication. 

He's got more potions that Carter had 'Little 
Liver Pills'!

Among the brain's many jobs is to be your own 
chemist. The brain produces more than 50 
identified active drugs. Some of these are 
associated with memory, others with intelligence, 
still others are sedatives. Endorphin is the 
brain's painkiller, and it is 3 times more 
potent than morphine. More than 100,000 chemical 
reactions go on in your brain every second! 

Read more: 

Subject: No, Im not on Soma!
From: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Thurs, Jun 24 2004 11:23 pm

Subject: TM Caused My Wife to Have Panic Attacks!
From: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2005 10:38 am

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev: Paramatma [God] is both Manifest and Unmanifest

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
John posted:

We are the Materialists, one of the greatest schools 
of Indian Philosophy, founded by Brhaspati, and very 
old. We have always existed, and we will exist at the 
end of time. 

Our Sutra has been lost, so we offer this manifesto: 
a protest to the extreme idealism and monkdom of all 
priests everywhere. A protest to the kidnapping of 
true religion. 

A protest to the enemies of the Open Society. Our 
teacher is Bhogi, so called because he must be having 
a hair blanket about himself all the time. 

We believe in four elements. Our motto is emphasize 
the substance, ignore the shadows. 

Perception is rejected as a valid means of knowledge 
and we reject inference as a leap in the dark. Verbal 
testimony is a lie. In fact, we reject all means of 

Earth, water, fire, and air are reality. Enjoyment is 
the true end of human existence. Concsiousness is a 
product of the elements, an epi-phenomenon, and the 
senses are the by-product of matter. There is no other 
world and no individual soul: death is liberation. 

There is no returning here again. The three authors 
of the Vedas were clowns, buffoons, and knaves. Eat, 
drink and be merry. Pleasure is a fact, desired by all. 

After all, man is an animal, and satisfaction is as 
natural as life itself. 

As Vatsyana said: 

No pleasure should be neglected. 

(arasparasyanupaghatakam trivargam sevets) 
Kama Sutra Ch. 2. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dear Jericho Jerry

2009-01-15 Thread pranamoocher
Pretty intense stuff!  I'm tempted to say something good is happening,
just for old times sake, of course. :)
Whatever, I still love Jerry for who he was and is, and always felt he
had the presence of mind to keep things in real perspective.  I'd enjoy
hearing him again, anytime.  I don't hold him responsible for making
waves or revolting against the hierarchy after he was ousted.

* I remember hearing (which I assumed was true) on one occassion
Jerry was at a birthday party where chocolate cake was served and some
people thought that was OTP.  Jerry's response was to say that whoever
thought chocolate was anti-evolutionary should have their head examined.
Remember that God-awful carob substitute for chocolate?

* Debbie Jarvis- When I was on the CEG at MIU in the late 70's, we
heard that Debbie was supposed to be a connoisseur of coffee.  So one
fine day a bunch of us Gov's/serfs wandered by her travel office in the
Admin. Bldg and she offered us a cup of gourmet brew, which was great to
have.  No discussion was needed about evolution and coffee.

This, was back in the day when drinking coffee was taboo at the MIU!!!
I wonder if it still is...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
willy...@... wrote:

 Duveyoung wrote:
  I bent over for 29 years, and thanks a lot
  Jerry, but  I learned what bending meant,
  and don't ask me to do it for you because
  you smile sweetly, have a delicate sense
  of humor, can play trumpet, -- you're not
  some witty horn blowing Joshua who'll help
  us disintegrate our walls of ignorance
  surrounding our souls -- not if you can't
  see that the TMO's walls are far more worthy
  of your blow jobs...
 What is wrong with you, did someone stick a
 cob up your ass? You're flat-out disgusting,
 whoever you are.

 At this point, reading your stuff is just
 depressing. I feel really sorry for you.

 All you can seem to do is complain. Sure,
 there are always issues and problems with
 any large corporation or with a school

 But your incessant bitching seems to be way
 off the map. Curtis has some complaints, but
 in general, he seems to have made psychological
 adjustments to his TMO experience.

 Maybe you'd benefit from some professional
 counseling. You seem to one really depressed

 What, exactly, is it with you and the Marshy
 cult? Most people I know who that don't like
 their situation just move on after a few years,
 but you're wallowing.

 Poor fukin' Ed - I guess he got his feelings
 hurt really bad - it's been what, thirty-seven
 years now?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread Marek Reavis
Thank you for the links, Nablusoss1008.  I agree with you that this 
Swami carries and projects far more authority and natural poise than 
the other guru, and there is some similar vibe with Maharishi's.

I'm only familiar with Swami Ganapati Satchidananda in passing; there 
was a poster here a year or two back who was very much involved with 
this gentleman and frequently exhorted folks to tune in to his 
message.  But this is the first time I've looked and listened to him.

He comes across as being a very traditional and conservative Indian 
guru, and I'm sure there was a time in my life's trajectory when I 
might have been drawn to his program and charisma; but not so much 
now.  I'm aware that he's a big pujari and I've seen photos of him 
with the disputed Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Swami Vasudevananda, 
(the one who was supported and endorsed by Maharishi) doing puja 
together on the banks of the Ganges.

He's an interesting guy and I appreciate you sharing these videos with 
me, thanks.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... 

 http://tinyurl.com/9vm4rb http://tinyurl.com/9vm4rb
 http://tinyurl.com/982ew7 http://tinyurl.com/982ew7
 http://tinyurl.com/7veqh9 http://tinyurl.com/7veqh9
 http://tinyurl.com/7ms7hn http://tinyurl.com/7ms7hn
 http://tinyurl.com/aymbws http://tinyurl.com/aymbws
 Your comments are welcome Marek

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
yifuxero wrote:
 Your Neo-Advaitin admonitions such as 
 Just Be don't hold much water in the 
 face of your own experience

Maybe, but after all, the ancient Vedic Rishis 
used to drink the Soma and the recipe was lost 
thousands of years ago, before they even got 
to India, but that hasn't stopped the Yogis 
from believing in the Vedas, has it? 

But I think the point is that you have to get 
high only once - alter your cosciousness a 
single time, and then you KNOW that things are 
not just as they appear. 

That, in itself, is a revelation worthy of any 

You can 'cross over to the other shore' with a 
boat, but once you have crossed over, you would 
look very foolish if you carried your boat 
around on your head. 

Once enlightened, always enlightened. 

 To be consistent, shouldn't you go around 
 promoting shroom ingestion?  
Well, maybe, but I've always been a cactus man,
chased with Tequila.

In Indian mythology the Sanskrit word 'mela' means 
a 'festival' and 'Khumb' means a 'pot'. 

According to the Vedic literature, at the 
beginning of time, the Gods got together and 
churned the ocean to extract a substance which 
would confer immortality. 

The Gods agreed to share this mighty elixir, 
but one of them apparently absconded with the 
whole pot of Holy Ambrosia. Fleeing with the 
'Nectar of the Gods', over the course of twelve 
days, the decoction Amrita was spilt onto four 
auspicious places, namely, Prayag, Hardwar, 
Ujjain, and Nasik. 

Read more:

Subject: Nectar of the Gods?
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
alt.meditation, alt.yoga, alt.magick.tantra, 
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2004

Subject: Nectar of the Gods? Part 2
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
alt.meditation, alt.yoga, alt.magick.tantra, 
Date: Tues, Aug 10 2004 6:16 pm

Subject: Some Fly Agaric
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Thurs, Jun 20 2002

  'The Confessions of a Taco Eater' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
reavisma...@... wrote:

 Thank you for the links, Nablusoss1008.  I agree with you that this 
 Swami carries and projects far more authority and natural poise 
 the other guru, and there is some similar vibe with Maharishi's.
 I'm only familiar with Swami Ganapati Satchidananda in passing; 
 was a poster here a year or two back who was very much involved 
 this gentleman and frequently exhorted folks to tune in to his 
 message.  But this is the first time I've looked and listened to 
 He comes across as being a very traditional and conservative Indian 
 guru, and I'm sure there was a time in my life's trajectory when I 
 might have been drawn to his program and charisma; but not so much 

Agreed, since I already have a Guru. But he comes across as something 
very, very sweet and sincere as in this short lecture you might enjoy:


Enjoy :-)

 He's an interesting guy and I appreciate you sharing these videos 
 me, thanks.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  http://tinyurl.com/9vm4rb http://tinyurl.com/9vm4rb
  http://tinyurl.com/982ew7 http://tinyurl.com/982ew7
  http://tinyurl.com/7veqh9 http://tinyurl.com/7veqh9
  http://tinyurl.com/7ms7hn http://tinyurl.com/7ms7hn
  http://tinyurl.com/aymbws http://tinyurl.com/aymbws
  Your comments are welcome Marek

[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

  I often find it fascinating that someone declares someone to be or
 not  be enlightened.
  When it comes from a hillbilly like curtis it goes beyond; it
 becomes  hilarious.
 I was knocking a few back the other night with my main dog Maitreya
 and your name came up Nabbie.  He refers to you as the priggish old
 Euro with American envy, anywhooo, he was laughing his ass off over
 all the stuff he has gotten you to believe about himself through the
 years with his Benji Creme pranks.  Apparently they sit around all
 night knocking back 10 year old Port wine and Stilton cheese and 
 five-ing about what they are going to get you to swallow next.  He 
 so tipsy telling the stories that he tried to get his old pal Mahesh
 on the phone at one point (who he used to trade Nabbie gullibility
 stories with) until I reminded him that he was dead.  Then he got 
 sappy over how funny it was when good ol' Mahesh got you to believe
 you were flying while bouncing on your butt. (He does the most
 hilarious imitation of you flying BTW, think a seated Michael 
 with epilepsy.) 
 After the bartender got tired of wiping the bar after Maitreya kept
 shooting his Scottish  Newcastle beer through his nose laughing at
 your ability to believe anything we were asked to hit the road  Me
 back to my crib and Maitreya with a waitress just getting off 
duty.  I
 heard him lay his rap on her as they headed out the door:I'm the 
 of the earth see baby, and someday I'll hold a press conference with
 the whole world and I'll give you a country of your own... which one
 would you like baby, cuz you're so fine...

Haha, you are simply hilarious and it's evident why you prefer Elvis 
as King. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero
--thx.  San Pedro cactus is legal and available as a botanical 
specimen, should anybody want some.  (but I haven't had any in 
decades). I'll stick to whatever chemicals my body produces along 
with the herbals such as curcumin that have a rejuvenating (but non 
psychotropic) effect on the brain.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
willy...@... wrote:

 yifuxero wrote:
  Your Neo-Advaitin admonitions such as 
  Just Be don't hold much water in the 
  face of your own experience
 Maybe, but after all, the ancient Vedic Rishis 
 used to drink the Soma and the recipe was lost 
 thousands of years ago, before they even got 
 to India, but that hasn't stopped the Yogis 
 from believing in the Vedas, has it? 
 But I think the point is that you have to get 
 high only once - alter your cosciousness a 
 single time, and then you KNOW that things are 
 not just as they appear. 
 That, in itself, is a revelation worthy of any 
 You can 'cross over to the other shore' with a 
 boat, but once you have crossed over, you would 
 look very foolish if you carried your boat 
 around on your head. 
 Once enlightened, always enlightened. 
  To be consistent, shouldn't you go around 
  promoting shroom ingestion?  
 Well, maybe, but I've always been a cactus man,
 chased with Tequila.
 In Indian mythology the Sanskrit word 'mela' means 
 a 'festival' and 'Khumb' means a 'pot'. 
 According to the Vedic literature, at the 
 beginning of time, the Gods got together and 
 churned the ocean to extract a substance which 
 would confer immortality. 
 The Gods agreed to share this mighty elixir, 
 but one of them apparently absconded with the 
 whole pot of Holy Ambrosia. Fleeing with the 
 'Nectar of the Gods', over the course of twelve 
 days, the decoction Amrita was spilt onto four 
 auspicious places, namely, Prayag, Hardwar, 
 Ujjain, and Nasik. 
 Read more:
 Subject: Nectar of the Gods?
 Author: Willytex
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
 alt.meditation, alt.yoga, alt.magick.tantra, 
 Date: Fri, Aug 6 2004
 Subject: Nectar of the Gods? Part 2
 Author: Willytex
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
 alt.meditation, alt.yoga, alt.magick.tantra, 
 Date: Tues, Aug 10 2004 6:16 pm
 Subject: Some Fly Agaric
 Author: Willytex
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Thurs, Jun 20 2002
   'The Confessions of a Taco Eater' 

[FairfieldLife] A Passage to India

2009-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
This is a magnificent and exquisitely wrought 
film, well nuanced and faithful in its adaptation 
of E.M. Forster's classic novel of the same name. 

Director David Lean, who had previously directed 
such cinematic triumphs as Bridge on the River 
Kwai and Lawrence of Arabia, outdid himself 
with this film, which was nominated for eleven 
Academy Awards and for which Peggy Ashcroft won 
an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, as 
did Maurice Jarre for Best Score. 

Amazon Review:

'A Passage to India'
Director David Lean

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 I'm only familiar with Swami Ganapati Satchidananda in passing; there
 was a poster here a year or two back who was very much involved with
 this gentleman and frequently exhorted folks to tune in to his
 message.  But this is the first time I've looked and listened to him.

Ya gotta visit his websites.  They are a riot.  For a mere $40 or there
abouts he can perform a yagna that will make you healthy and wealthy.  Wise
isn't offered because the wise don't follow this guy.  I remember a few
years ago reading his offers for only a couple thousand USD to take people
to see the jyotishis with the nadi leaves.  I swear that whoever writes for
this dude used to write for the National Lampoon or Mad Magazine.  A real

Don't forget to visit Astroved and get a free Jyotish reading.  This guy's a
hoot.  For this reason alone he should be honored because there's just not
enough humor in the world to go around.  Oh year.  Don't forget to phat.  I
remember when he was teaching his flock how to spit out phat to remove
evil.  If only he could have the class that Maharishi had in erecting his 14
ring, multibillion dollar circus.

Didya get that in each of his reincarnations he has turned himself into a
being of light just like Babaji?  How'd he do that then reincarnate into
another form?

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread metoostill
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

   Psilocybin research fits pretty well.
 uns wrote:
  What if... enquiry should have included
  the message ...without turning the subject 
  into a deluded acid head.
 Some western people just can't deal with the 
 idea of people getting spiritual by ingesting 
 plant substances like the ancient Vedic Aryans 
 There's a deep-seated prejudice in America 
 against ritual trance-induction, unless its 
 alcohol induced. In our western society some 
 people have gotten to the point where otherwise 
 decent, honest people resort to rank hypocrisy 
 when even discussing the subject.

The talk on the link below is Maharishi on Feb 7 1966 at the Kumbha Mela 
gathering in Allahabad India talking about psychedelics. Endorsing the notion 
psychedelics are not foreign to eastern wisdom traditions.  It was posted only 
a week ago 
(Dec 2008) online for the first time since it's recording, apparently out of 
someone's long 
forgotten attic archives.  It is hard to get similar statements out of people 
in the present 

A variety of questioners try to coach him to say they are bad or illusory in 
some sense, but 
others support the idea that they catalyze authentic and valuable experience.  
eventually says that it is possible for a drug to produce the experience of 
consciousness, and that could be what the vedas describe as soma that you eat.  
Tape two 
again begins with a question meant to lead Maharishi to say that entheogens are 
authentic, but again he endorses the notion that they can be.

Not, for the avoidance of doubt, that I would subscribe to the view that he 
knows anything 
more than anyone else about the subject.  But it is an interesting sentiment 
from a 
representative of that culture, recorded before psychedelics became such a 
topic; albeit after considerable effect of cultural globalization, but still 
prior to the extreme 
politicization of the psychedelic phenomenon. 

Talk #1 is 48 min long, at 23 min talk on psychedelics starts, at 34:40 the 
talk becomes 
particularly interesting, leaving the topic at 43 min.

For long time members of the TM movement, Vernon Katz, an English devotee, is 
one of 
the people on the tape, and they mention Mother Olson, an LA devotee, as owner 
of a big 
American car.

For those who are not aficionados of Indian Vedic literature, the Kali Yuga and 
Sat Yuga 
being referred to are features of the Vedic creation myths, akin to Genesis in 
the bible.  
Those myths suffer the same fate as the Bible's Genesis in that we now 
understand that 
the world was not built in 7 days, and nor has the human species been on earth 
for the 
untold millions of years that the Yugas, or epochs, of the Vedic creation myths 
specify.  I 
mention those points to underscore the fact that I am under no illusion myself 
as to the 
degree to which one can take this endorsement to the bank to be deposited under 
there.  Only that it represents a member of that tradition considering the 
topic, according 
to his cultural background, his knowledge of the indigenous discussion of soma 
from the 
Sama Veda and other sources, at a time when denying that psychedelics were the 
that Aldous Huxley, Gordon Wasson and others suspected that they were, was not 
polarizing and politicized topic that it later became.  In fact Mahahishi at 
some point began 
requiring that one stop using drugs for 2 weeks before taking instruction in 

Talk #2 is later the same day and is 5 min long and returns to the discussion 
psychedelics at 3 min.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Marek Reavis 
  I'm only familiar with Swami Ganapati Satchidananda in passing; 
  was a poster here a year or two back who was very much involved 
  this gentleman and frequently exhorted folks to tune in to his
  message.  But this is the first time I've looked and listened to 
 Ya gotta visit his websites.  They are a riot.  For a mere $40 or 
 abouts he can perform a yagna that will make you healthy and 
wealthy.  Wise
 isn't offered because the wise don't follow this guy.  I remember a 
 years ago reading his offers for only a couple thousand USD to take 
 to see the jyotishis with the nadi leaves.  I swear that whoever 
writes for
 this dude used to write for the National Lampoon or Mad Magazine.  
A real
 Don't forget to visit Astroved and get a free Jyotish reading.  
This guy's a
 hoot.  For this reason alone he should be honored because there's 
just not
 enough humor in the world to go around.  Oh year.  Don't forget to 
phat.  I
 remember when he was teaching his flock how to spit out phat to 

Sorry, you are refferring to someone else, probably a fellow with a 
few siddhis. 

We're writing about the Guru:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:31 PM, metoostill metoost...@yahoo.com wrote:

OK, if Maharishi said it's OK, then it's on the program.  According to
Erowid my buds (pun intended) and I need at most a pound and a half, fresh.
So I figure a 6-7 foot cutting ought to do it.  I assume you serve this just
like nopalitos.  As a Texan I know about those.  Now I assume that St.
Peter's Cactus is best eaten right before my buds and I go to do evening
program, right?

Will we be able to perform the sidhis better?  Patanjali said that the
sidhis can be performed from taking drugs or mental defect.  I assume this
counts as taking drugs, right?

[FairfieldLife] resveratrol targets cause of aging in mice.

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:59 PM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 Sorry, you are refferring to someone else, probably a fellow with a
 few siddhis.

 We're writing about the Guru:


No, I got it right.  I was referring to your previous find for us.  The one
where I have had my doubts about you but after seeing your first pick for
Knower of Reality I was thereafter convinced.  It was a pretty amusing
choice, I gotta say.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The dismantling of the TMO as we know it---KSCI TV station

2009-01-15 Thread menkemeyer
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak geezerfr...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
willytex@ wrote:
   TurquoiseB wrote:
In the Western Regional Office, I was in charge
of the tapes to be sent out to centers for resi-
dence courses and advanced lectures... 
   Turq probably meant 'film' instead of 'tape', since 
   recording to video tape for SCI didn't happen until 
   the invention of the composite U-Matic by SONY in 
   1971. The first consumer videocassette recorders 
   were launched in 1971. 
   Apparently most of SCI was recorded on film in the 
   early days and on videotape later, after 1972. But 
   this is reaching way back into the mist of time, 
   so I'm not sure. There were some Marshy TV stations 
   back then around the L.A. area - Turq might know 
   more about this.
   But I had a little 16MM Bolex back then, and I 
   think I was one of the first people to record the 
   Marshy on film. When Jerry Jarvis saw my film he 
   wanted to create a whole series and call them 
   'SCI. BillyG may know something more about those 
   early times.
   You must mean something other than SCI here. The 
   Science of Creative Intelligence wasn't offered 
   until 1972. Or are you just compressing time here? 
   Read more:
   Subject: Re: Question-willytex
   From: Ken Hassman
   Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental

Dear Friends,

 Somthing I can share about KSCI, since I ran the crew that built 
the transmitter on top of the mountain, the San Burnadino mountains. 
It was a lot of fun, but being metal we were shut down some days as 
fire danger was to hight to burn or weild. Anyway, when the 
inauguration of the station took place we, the crew was invited. we 
also got to go to the Merv Griffin shows. Anyway Maharishi came and 
the studio was invatation only but still full. Kinny Loggins came and 
sang a song  run river run  to MMY and it was a big hit of his at 
the time, but it took on a whole new meaning when he sang it, like 
wow man, this cosmic river flowing through everything.
The TMO never really used KSCI to  anywhere near it's potential, 
selling time to spanish language shows mostly. But, as licenses 
became much harder to get, the place became quite valuable just for 
that. So typical of MMY he sold it and of course many many millions 
on the deal.
So many of the TMO's greatest places were sold, and they were 
going successfully for the movement, just MMY would rather have the 
money, which is of course my personal opinion.
 I do miss the good old days, but everything changes but me.

   Date: 2000/01/30
  I think the SCI course was filmed or recorded on video in Fiuggi 
in May of 1972.
  THe TV station in LA was called KSCI. When the TMO finally sold 
it, I think they made a 
  great deal of money since the value of the small stations had 
increased substantially 
  those years.
 Yep. I remember going over there (West LA) the night they went on 
the air. I was working 
 and living at the Sunset Blvd. center at the time. We really 
thought we were on the cup of 
 taking over the world!

Re: [FairfieldLife] resveratrol targets cause of aging in mice.

2009-01-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com wrote:


Ain't y'all gonna learn that we have cured cancer, aging, baldness, waxy
yellow buildup, you name it, in mice.  Man's a whole different creature.
Cancer, aging, baldness and the like are challenges in humans because
after you've fostered your brood evolution has no use for you.  So it
doesn't matter if you age, die of cancer or lose all your hair.  These
aren't features of natural selection.

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:31 PM, metoostill metoost...@... wrote:
 OK, if Maharishi said it's OK, then it's on the program.  According to
 Erowid my buds (pun intended) and I need at most a pound and a half,
 So I figure a 6-7 foot cutting ought to do it.  I assume you serve
this just
 like nopalitos.  As a Texan I know about those.  Now I assume that St.
 Peter's Cactus is best eaten right before my buds and I go to do evening
 program, right?
 Will we be able to perform the sidhis better?  Patanjali said that the
 sidhis can be performed from taking drugs or mental defect.  I
assume this counts as taking drugs, right?

Any cactus based buzz will be accompanied by the sidhi of high
velocity projectile vomiting and a state of bakti towards the
porcelain throne of the technicolor yawn! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero
--Trichocereus pachanoi:
Contains mescaline.  A cutting of only a few inches will be fine. No 
need to overdo it.  Just get a sharp knife and remove the leathery 
skin; but scrape off the dark colored plant cells adhering to the 
inside of the skin, placing it in a pot of boiling water with the 
rest of it.
 Cook for a while until a foamy froth comes to the top. Cool and 
discard the froth; drinking the rest. Enjoy.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:31 PM, metoostill metoost...@... wrote:
 OK, if Maharishi said it's OK, then it's on the program.  According 
 Erowid my buds (pun intended) and I need at most a pound and a 
half, fresh.
 So I figure a 6-7 foot cutting ought to do it.  I assume you serve 
this just
 like nopalitos.  As a Texan I know about those.  Now I assume that 
 Peter's Cactus is best eaten right before my buds and I go to do 
 program, right?
 Will we be able to perform the sidhis better?  Patanjali said that 
 sidhis can be performed from taking drugs or mental defect.  I 
assume this
 counts as taking drugs, right?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:59 PM, nablusoss1008 
  Sorry, you are refferring to someone else, probably a fellow with 
  few siddhis.
  We're writing about the Guru:


 No, I got it right.  I was referring to your previous find for us.  

There was a mixup of names, (Dattatreya) and since I never claimed 
enlightenment I admit to make (a few, very minor ;-) mistakes. I 
already posted youtuberecordings of the fellow Marek and I are 
writing about several times. I'm sorry you did not catch this.

This is the fellow, and you won't find any cheap sellings of anything 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:28 PM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 This is the fellow, and you won't find any cheap sellings of anything



I'm sure that's right.  This knowledge doesn't come cheap.  I learned that
from HH.  I remember telling a new sidha (who went the many weeks of prep
course rounding then the 8 weeks of in residence rounding route) that up
until Maharishi announced the sidhis I had always thought of him as a
/cheap/ hustler.  My friend mutter how true, how true.

[FairfieldLife] Re: resveratrol targets cause of aging in mice.

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero
--thx...my approach.  First, conduct a thorough google search of the 
more advanced cancer clinics which offer experimental (or actual) 
programs using alternative supplements.  There are about half a dozen 
such clinics spread around the U.S. such as UCLA, Sloane-Kettering, 
Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson Research, one place in SF associated with the 
Univ. CA at SF.
 Your google search must be thorough enough to go beyond a thin veil of 
secrecy surrounding such research, with a view to coming up with a  
list of the substances being given to patients.  You will find a short 
list common to all the clinics, including curcumin, EGCG, and the 
sulfur-bearing compounds found in cruciferous veggies.
However, a more intensive level of research will reveal that ordinary 
curcumin or resveratrol will not be powerful enough to cure the average 
cancer patient.
 LEF markets BCM-95 curcumin which is 8X more bioavailable than 
ordinary.  Also, the Co. named below has nano curcumin which may be 
the most effective.
 Next, find a cancer patient and convince her/him to take the 
supplements, as I have done.
Then wait for the patient to go into remission.  (mission accomplished 
for the time being, but one must have an ongoing program to prevent
 Thus, although the unorthodox experiments usually mention mice 
rather than men; one must read between the lines to find out that 
some of the most advanced clinics in the US have programs with human 
 For various reasons though, the results of such experiments may not 
be published in standard journals. 

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal l.shad...@... 

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:
 Ain't y'all gonna learn that we have cured cancer, aging, baldness, 
 yellow buildup, you name it, in mice.  Man's a whole different 
 Cancer, aging, baldness and the like are challenges in humans 
 after you've fostered your brood evolution has no use for you.  So it
 doesn't matter if you age, die of cancer or lose all your hair.  These
 aren't features of natural selection.

[FairfieldLife] Trinidad Hanuman Helicopter Abhishekam

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008

Enjoy ! :-)

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-01-15 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 10 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 17 00:00:00 2009
729 messages as of (UTC) Thu Jan 15 23:53:41 2009

50 enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
45 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
43 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
39 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
35 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
34 Arhata Osho arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
32 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
32 Richard J. Williams willy...@yahoo.com
28 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
26 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
24 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
23 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
22 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
21 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
19 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
16 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
13 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
11 Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 9 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 9 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 9 arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
 9 Paul Mason premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 8 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 8 Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 8 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 7 guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@yahoo.com
 7 Peter drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 6 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
 5 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 gullible fool ffl...@yahoo.com
 4 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 3 metoostill metoost...@yahoo.com
 3 boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com
 3 billy jim emptyb...@yahoo.com
 3 Richard Williams willy...@yahoo.com
 3 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 2 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 2 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 2 peterklutz peterkl...@yahoo.com.au
 2 geezerfreak geezerfr...@yahoo.com
 2 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 2 drpetersutphen drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 2 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 william108wm william10...@yahoo.com
 1 uns_tressor uns_tres...@yahoo.ca
 1 nayakanayaka nay...@gmx.net
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 menkemeyer menkeme...@yahoo.com
 1 martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
 1 johnbloggs1080 j...@parsons-chiro.co.uk
 1 claudiouk claudi...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 bettyblue109 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 Patrick Gillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 1 grate.swan no_re...@yahoogroups.com

Posters: 58
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread Marek Reavis
L. Shaddai, the guy you're talking about sounds like the first guy 
that Nablusoss1008 posted a YouTube video for, then corrected the 
error and posted some videos of a more mainstream pujari.

The first guy was talking about becoming a being of light every 
incarnation; he was the guy whose noisy breathing I mentioned, and I 
agree that his shtick looked and sounded pretty hokey and even 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Marek Reavis 
  I'm only familiar with Swami Ganapati Satchidananda in passing; 
  was a poster here a year or two back who was very much involved 
  this gentleman and frequently exhorted folks to tune in to his
  message.  But this is the first time I've looked and listened to 
 Ya gotta visit his websites.  They are a riot.  For a mere $40 or 
 abouts he can perform a yagna that will make you healthy and 
wealthy.  Wise
 isn't offered because the wise don't follow this guy.  I remember a 
 years ago reading his offers for only a couple thousand USD to take 
 to see the jyotishis with the nadi leaves.  I swear that whoever 
writes for
 this dude used to write for the National Lampoon or Mad Magazine.  
A real
 Don't forget to visit Astroved and get a free Jyotish reading.  
This guy's a
 hoot.  For this reason alone he should be honored because there's 
just not
 enough humor in the world to go around.  Oh year.  Don't forget to 
phat.  I
 remember when he was teaching his flock how to spit out phat to 
 evil.  If only he could have the class that Maharishi had in 
erecting his 14
 ring, multibillion dollar circus.
 Didya get that in each of his reincarnations he has turned himself 
into a
 being of light just like Babaji?  How'd he do that then reincarnate 
 another form?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:28 PM, nablusoss1008 
  This is the fellow, and you won't find any cheap sellings of 
 I'm sure that's right.  This knowledge doesn't come cheap.  I 
learned that
 from HH.  I remember telling a new sidha (who went the many weeks 
of prep
 course rounding then the 8 weeks of in residence rounding route) 
that up
 until Maharishi announced the sidhis I had always thought of him as 
 /cheap/ hustler.  My friend mutter how true, how true.

I think Maharishi should have presented the Sidhi-Programme for 
100.000 Euros minimum. Even that would be cheap and He would not have 
gotten all these dead-wood whiners onboard.

[FairfieldLife] the Nirmanakaya

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero
Although everything is by nature empty, this emptiness is not the mere 
vacuity of empty space or an empty vessel. Happiness, sufferings, all 
sorts of feelings and perceptions appear endlessly like reflected 
images in the mind. This reflection-like appearance of phenomena is 
called the Nirmanakaya.

--from Enlightened Courage: An Explanation of the Seven-Point Mind 
Training by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, translated by The Padmakara 
Translation Group, published by Snow Lion Publications

[FairfieldLife] Blazing Wisdom

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] The Highwaymen

2009-01-15 Thread I am the eternal
Willy Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson assert
that they'll be back again and again and again...


BTW, I spend about 4 years in Boulder, CO (kept my residence in Texas, of
course).  I kept looking for the wild Colorado mentioned in the song.  After
years of searching, a friend of mine sent me a post card from Boulder,
Nevada.  Nevermind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Rigged Trials at Gitmo: Air Force Major David Frakt

2009-01-15 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

 John posted:
  The Rigged Trials at Gitmo
 Apparently 61 of those freed from Club Gitmo 
 are back on the battlefield. snip

.or more likely, trying to survive, driving a cab.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apple now has the thinnest, lightest CEO on the market.

2009-01-15 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal l.shad...@... wrote:

 Steve Jobs announced in an email today to Apple Computer that he is taking
 off at least until June because his health issues are more complex than he
 first thought.  Isn't Steve Jobs a meditator?

Steve Jobs studied with Zen Buddhist monk  Kobun Chino Otogowa in the 80's and 
Chino also presided over Steve's wedding to  Laurene in 1991.

What his current practice is, I do not know. I suspect he continues to take 
refuge in the 

Whether he was ever a TMer I do not know. 

It is possible his current illness is extremely serious. His bout with 
pancreatic cancer in 
2004 gives one pause. I hope he lives to a ripe old age.

[FairfieldLife] was: MIT Blackjack. now: Shemp pierces delusions of grandeur

2009-01-15 Thread mainstream20016
Shemp at his best - he blows away the MIT delusions of grandeur.  
Great, focused, unrelenting post, Shemp.  Thanks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:
big snip..
 But what happens when the dealer's turn comes and HE goes over 21?  
 Well, he may lose against any player that is still in the game (those 
 who held at 21 or under)...but EVEN THOUGH HE, THE DEALER, HAS TIED 
 That, my friends, is the SOLE advantage the house has in Blackjack 
 and the SOLE basis for the house making money in Blackjack.
 And it's also why the MIT people -- even with card counting -- will 
 never, ever beat the house (and despite what the movie and the book 
 may have told you, they didn't beat the house in the long run).

[FairfieldLife] Nithyananda, Leader of the Lingams defaces Arunachala Mtn.

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero
and other Guruphiliac news by Jody:


He says that Swami Prakashanand Saraswati is awaiting trial for 

[FairfieldLife] Sakyong and his wife

2009-01-15 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Turq's Childish Fantasy -- was/// WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
Turq...you have it all backwards.
The more neurons firing in the brain is associated with more 
When you are in deep sleep, you have fewer neurons firing.
When you are awake less than 20% of your neurons are firing.
When you are in those moments of rare awareness that everyone 
naturally experiences a few times in their lives, no matter who, then 
you have MUCH more neurons firing in your brain.

When you die, almost all the neurons in your brain fire all at once, 
more than at any other time.
Therefore, based on previous statements of established fact above, 
you are experienceing THE MOST PERCEPTIVE instant in your life.at 
the point of death.

All those standing around your deathbed are in a time and space zone 
of MUCH lesser awareness  perception, and are saying oh dear...he's 

Whereas, you, at the point of death, are in the MUCH higher awareness 
that is not subject to their time constraints, nor space contraints.

You are, at that point, immortal...meaning the point is an illusion, 
and you are unbounded and supremely eternal and perfect, whereas they 
are stuck in their point world of local time amd space. 
They think you are the one that is dead, but they in fact, are in a 
relatively fleeting existence of weak-neauronal stregth, whereas the 
truth that takes place in your brain at the point of death is that 
your consciousness experiences immortality. They (and you) will call 
that an illusion. To say that their limited view at that point is 
correct, and they say it is only an instant, and your experience of 
incredible bliss and eternity is wrong, is absurd, childish, 
irrational and naive. Time is known by sciece to be only a construct. 
The ignorant guide their lives by it. The point of death is an istant 
to the mortal, but to the dying person...it is perfect and unbounded 
in time and space. The latter is the supreior view according to 
science, which INSTISTS that the more neurons firing, the more 
perceptive and awake a person is.

I am not sure anyone on FFL can understand what I just said, but 
these are the facts, not some speculation bullshit that you guys are 
in the prison of discussing in this thread.

Try to understand what I said. I do not think you can, and if you do 
I will be surprised.

The illusion of chemicals affecting the brain is an illusion. The 
point of death proves this according to scientific observations. All 
the neurons fire at once...which would be the Holy Grail of any 
scientist if they could reproduce this in a living human. They 
cannot...not even close.

Try to go beyond your prejudices to see what I am saying. 
The point of death is not a point. It is only a chemical/neuronal 
point (like any other point in life) to those who are locked into the 

In reality, the person dying experiences all neurons firing at 
once... ALMOST TOTAL awarenes and perception of reality, compared to 
any other time in life. 

This latter is the reality, the other is illusion. 

The illusion-imprisoned people standing around your deathbed THINK 
that what they see - the body dying, etc - is the reality, but it is 

The neurons of your brain have already charted a different path for 
the dying man. His neurons have already CREATED a different and MORE 
COMPLETE universe. The others, due to their inferior neuronal 
activity as they watch you diehave a limited and less real and 
less powerful universe.

These are the functionings of the brain and the neurons, and until 
you can understand how ass-backward the view of death is in this age 
of lack of understanding and that it requires a rational analysis 
of the observations, then you will not understand that the chemical 
world IS an expression of the abstract being. Logic and science prove 
this without possible contradiction. You cannot contradict it in any 
rational manner. The more aware (fully wake, perceptive) you are, the 
more neurons are firing. The only time of life that almost all 
neurons fire is at the point of death...according to science.

You need to go beyond your brain-washing here, to understand that it 
is the EXACT opposite of what you suggested in your post.

Your brain-washing will deny the science and logic of this...but it 
will never be able to survive these established facts.

Try to suppress your ego and see what this means.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 * Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
 associate with a person having subjective experiences 
 of a spiritual nature?
 * Activated the part of the brain that causes us to see 
 everything around us in terms of Unity (as described so
 well by the female brain scientist who had a stroke)?
 * Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
 were somehow witnessing your own thoughts and actions, 
 or were experiencing something you couldn't describe but
 felt to be transcendent at all times?

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
willy...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  * Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
  associate with a person having subjective experiences 
  of a spiritual nature...
 Years ago I posted to Usenet several comments describing 
 my experience searching for the mysterious and legendary 
 substance, the so-called 'magic' mushroom, mentioned by 
 Carlos Casteneda in his great book about don Juan, 'A 
 Yaqui Way of Knowledge'.
 In late 1971 I went down to Mexico with Carlos Casteneda 
 and Oscar Ichazo, whom I had met at Esalen, but we didn't 
 find any magic mushrooms growing in the wild. 
 However, at a party someone, probably don Juan, gave me 
 a taco to eat that was laced with 'fly agaric'. When I 
 found out I almost gagged on the spot. D'oh! I've always 
 been a Cactus man, chased with Tequila. 
 Anyway, although I spit out the offending fungus right 
 away, it was too late; the psychoactive ingredients were 
 already taking their effect on me: to alter my very state 
 of conciousness.
 Suddenly, I transcended and I saw and experienced the 
 entire cosmos as a Divine Bi-Unity, inter-related, just 
 like the Net of Lord Indra. I realized that we are all 
 inter-connected and I became enlightened on the spot. 

This is scary.
Sounds exactly like Jay Lathom just before he excommunicated himself.

Willytex...get back to simplicity, get out of Texas. You are on a 
dead end road. Go back to Fairfield at all costs. Last chance.


 Then, standing right in front of me, appeared the 
 Creator God of Volcanos and His wife, the beautiful 
 Wisdom Sophia, their son Baal, and their daughter Ashley. 
 I realized that existence, is, in Reality, a great big 
 family affair!
 Read more: 
 A preliminary, annotated hagiography of past gleaning 
 positioning endeavors, with some appended statements: 
 'The Confessions of a Taco Eater' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
willy...@... wrote:

   Psilocybin research fits pretty well.
 uns wrote:
  What if... enquiry should have included
  the message ...without turning the subject 
  into a deluded acid head.
 Some western people just can't deal with the 
 idea of people getting spiritual by ingesting 
 plant substances like the ancient Vedic Aryans 

Yes they can.  Westerners are VERY good at believing such things.
The thing is WillyTex, YOU ARE NOT a Rishi partaking of the Soma 
plant, and you did not get enlighted at a 60's hippy party in texas 
where you took some substance and thought that Don Juan gave it to 

Lol...this is great stuff !


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda

2009-01-15 Thread shukra69
you have him mixed up with Sri Siva' baba whatnot, an ex-Tm who is 
obvious in his money making take on MMY with a south Indian Tamil 
flavour to the ruse.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Marek Reavis 
  I'm only familiar with Swami Ganapati Satchidananda in passing; 
  was a poster here a year or two back who was very much involved 
  this gentleman and frequently exhorted folks to tune in to his
  message.  But this is the first time I've looked and listened to 
 Ya gotta visit his websites.  They are a riot.  For a mere $40 or 
 abouts he can perform a yagna that will make you healthy and 
wealthy.  Wise
 isn't offered because the wise don't follow this guy.  I remember a 
 years ago reading his offers for only a couple thousand USD to take 
 to see the jyotishis with the nadi leaves.  I swear that whoever 
writes for
 this dude used to write for the National Lampoon or Mad Magazine.  
A real
 Don't forget to visit Astroved and get a free Jyotish reading.  
This guy's a
 hoot.  For this reason alone he should be honored because there's 
just not
 enough humor in the world to go around.  Oh year.  Don't forget to 
phat.  I
 remember when he was teaching his flock how to spit out phat to 
 evil.  If only he could have the class that Maharishi had in 
erecting his 14
 ring, multibillion dollar circus.
 Didya get that in each of his reincarnations he has turned himself 
into a
 being of light just like Babaji?  How'd he do that then reincarnate 
 another form?

[FairfieldLife] Check out my Facebook profile

2009-01-15 Thread Sadhu Tantrika
Hi FairfieldLife,

I set up a Facebook profile where I can post my pictures, videos and events and 
I want to add you as a friend so you can see it. First, you need to join 
Facebook! Once you join, you can also create your own profile.


To sign up for Facebook, follow the link below: