Re: Last minute request for Fjord first impressions - any good stories?
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dagrun Hope this can help and won't be too late: First impressions. coming from the world of being surrounded by Warmbloods and Quarter Horses (I was of course the only person with a Welsh Pony! LOL) , Fjords were very different!!! but I loved them instantly! I was introduced to them by the woman I eventually bought my Gustav from. She was the instructor of the local riding therapy and they had three fjords that they worked with. While she was there I volunteered there for about six months and got to know the breed a bit. It got to be a bit overwhelming for me with a new baby so I ended up having to quit working there. When I found out she was selling her personal horse, I was VERY interested (my pony mare had since passed on). My only hesitation was he was a stallion. But then she gelded him and the door opened right up for me. I bought him right after that. Gustav had been a stallion for 14 1/2 years and you would never have known he HAD been a stallion. He is so gentle. Such a sweetheart. As to what I thought they looked like? very different the average horse/pony. But I was always the one with the 'different' horse. Had the only pony in the all warmblood dressage barn, so becoming 'owned' by a Fjord would be right up my alley with a 'different' looking type horse. I think they are just the coolest thing since sliced bread. Both Gustav and Bogie are a hit at the barn where we currently are. They are just the sweetest boys. I am always so grateful for their calm dispositions, their gentle natures. I am now in a barn FULL of quarter horses and wouldn't trade my two guys for anything. It is such a pleasure to have a calm horse that doesn't fall apart over a leaf blowing by :-) Reena AZ What was your first impression of a Fjord? How/where did you see it? What was different from other horses? What did you think they looked like? How did you perceive their personality? All input much appreciated! Thanks guys Dagrun Seattle area, WA
Re: Secret Santa
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Amy Don't think any one is posting. I have only gotten a few messages over the last few days-to week. Reena AZ - Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 10:15 PM Subject: Secret Santa This message is from: Could my secret Santa please contact me at my own Email ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )? Also, is there anyone else out there with AOL that IS getting the list OK, or is it out for all of us? Amy Amy Evers Dun Lookin' Fjords 260 May Creek Rd Days Creek, OR 97429 541-825-3303 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: farriers and fjords
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Same thing with my Gustav.when we moved to MI, he ended up being shod after never having been in his 18 years. He was perfect! and when we moved here to AZ, last Oct., I decided he had better get a partial clip with the weather differences.he had never been clipped, and other then scooting over the first time when I went to do the back end with my very noisy clippers, what an angel Now both of them (Bogie and Gustav) have been clipped quite a few times this season and trace clips. Both are angels while clipping. Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lots of farrier stories lately so I will tell mine.
Re: thinking on a VERY cold day
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> hmmm, well I don't have hurricanes BUT it is in the mid 60's here in the day time and for a reminder of cold weather it was 29 here in the morning.I can certainly take that type of weather...of course we do have a very hot summerahem..but that is when you go out EARLY in the morning or late at night... Reena AZ - Original Message - From: Pat Holland To: Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 1:24 PM Subject: Re: thinking on a VERY cold day This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Just got thinking while the temps here in northwestern Illinois is 20 below - Some of us Fjord ladies from the Midwest - ought to ask Santa (our husbands) to give us a vacation to Carol's for next summer - to spend a few days there- all of us - for a horse driving/riding week end. Could you imagine poor Carol & her staff - putting up with us all..personally I've always wanted to see Nova Scotia hey, maybe we could get a package dealCarolwhatcha say.a group rate? My husband just came in from outside and said the fuel froze on one of his I know why all those people live in Florida and the southern states and put up with the hurricanes; ) Pat Hollandwishing you all a warm holiday season.
Re: Clipping sweaty Fjords
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ruthie what a hoot this page was on the different clips: One that well illustrates the different areas to be clipped. take a look at the guy next to the horse..hahaha both of my guys have trace clips now (Gustav has had a full clip--well, ok, not on his legs!-- twice and now a trace!) geesh..still warm here in AZ and both are doing great :-) Reena This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Here's a few references below to sites that discuss clipping horses, with a lot of good advice.
Fjord Herald
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> It has FINALLY shown up here in Arizona Reena
Natural Supplements to boost immune system
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Was just wondering if anyone has used any type of natural/herbs to boost the immune system and what are they? I have used the equimmune shot and that worked great, but wanted to ask if any others have used different type of products. Reena AZ
Re: Unregistered Fjords and breeding
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I haven't received mine either here in AZ...obviously the postal delivery person is reading it as they most likely have never seen or heard of fjordsu h, that's it. I hope they finish soon and put it in my mailbox!!! Reena This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Does anyone ever really get the Herald? Yes they do Cherie. I am sorry to hear that you have still not received yours. I will have another one sent to you. Since you are in the same state they are mailed from you should have received it by now. I don't know what happened with the Post Office this time but I don't remember one taking this long to get delivered before.
Re: winter hair alert
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Oh it's for real, LOL.summer hair coming off in sheets it seems like...the first day I couldn't believe, but yes, it's true....shedding time is here Reena This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You guys need new glasses it's not real!!! : ) It can't be Roberta choosing to not notice! > This message is from: Carol Makosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Hi, > Heidi has started to shed out the summer hair, too, and will soon be fuzzy.
Re: Research on behalf of Fjords
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> My girlfriend's mare had the lethal white. Most gorgeous colt we had ever seen..and he had to be put down. was so extremely sad. at the time (this was in early'97) I don't think it was talked about much in the paint horse circle. My friend had been into paints for awhile, but she had never heard about it. Her partner in the breedings is/was a paint breeder and it was never ever mentioned. She had bred her mare three times previous to that.That year, right before the birth of the colt, the APHA journal had an article in it about Letal Whites and it was the first she had ever heard about it. According to the article, she had gotten the exact percentages that the APHA says you can get on OVERO/OVERO matings (color wisebreeding stock/colored/lethal white--think the colored ones are 50% and the other two at 25% each) and that is unfortunately what she got that year. Please don't quote me on this, it's been many years since this all happened.all I know was it was a sad year at the barn. And I don't think they had a blood test then?! By the way, not sure how many of you blanket your horses, but I have a Rambo heavy winter blanket, size 72, that has never been used. Got it for Gustav when we moved from CA to MI thinking with him being older and not used to the COLD weather, he might need it. Well, he didn't. If anyone is interested in drop me an email.We don't need it in AZ now! LOL Reena This message is from: "Lisa Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Why would you breed any mare or stallion that could carry the LW gene without doing the blood test first? It only cost $25 to find out if your horse is a carrier.
Re: bittersweet
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Patti, we are very excited for Bogie to come to live with us here in AZ. I did what I said I wasn't going to do at all, which was to buy off of a video!! I know I had spoken to a few of you on the list about horses you had for sale and decided against that method, but well, it just really seemed to a good match for both of us. Patti Jo has been the most helpful person and answers all of my millions of questions!! I certainly wouldn't hesitate to work with her again in the future (oh no, does that mean there might be THREE of them someday?!!) Reena This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Another horse leaving Francis Creek Fjord Farm is North Creek Bjoge(Bogie). Owned by Paula Steinmetz or NOW owned by Reena Giola of Vail AZ I should say. Bogie will be leaving Wi and heading west the end of Aug. Another bittersweet decision by Paula. Paula has owned Bogie for 9 yrs, but Reena is the perfect match for him and she will LOVE Bogie as much as Paula has over the years. Selling horses is VERY hard, it's emotional, nerve racking, but can also be very rewarding. Especially when you have a GREAT horse. Knowing that you will be making someone very happy with their new horse. Knowing that they will get tons of joy ,excitement and love helps the pain of letting go.
Re: feed
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Omegatin, made by Kent Feeds is a good fat product to use.I can't get it here, so had to order it through KV Vet Supply, a bit on the expensive side with shipping but it's a great product. My friend found it when looking for something to feed to her horse that wasn't a grain, since he had foundered and discussed it with Dr. Beth via the EPSM website. Dr. Beth endorsed it. I even think on the Omegatin website somewhere it says thatI remember reading it. This has been a while ago, so don't know how accurate it all is anymore. But I like the Omegatin. Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, Right now I am finishing up what is left of the Natural Glow that I purchased, since I found out that Natural Glow and Strategy are considered feed for high performance horses and are high in calories.
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Is this the Spring issue of the Herald? I hope I get a copy of it. I know I wasn't eligible for the winter one. How do we check if we are on the list to receive it? Reena
Re: Blue Earth Results
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thank you Pat for taking the time to type this up and send it to the list. Reena 20th Annual Upper Midwest Norwegian Fjord Horse Show Results
Re: Testing
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Welcome Vanessa and wow, 4 new fjords!! am looking forward to that story!! Reena - Original Message - From: Vanessa N Weber To: Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:10 PM Subject: Testing This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I'm new and have been having trouble posting on this list. If I see that I ve come through, I'll post something more interesting next time. Vanessa Weber Westbrook, CT (with 4 new Fjords) [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type Image/jpeg which had a name of BackGrnd.jpg]
Re: Easy entry cart and spares kit
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> LOLthis almost sounds like a foreign language..not being a carriage driver myself, I have no idea what you all are talking about!! hahahhaha Reena This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I will comment on the spares kit though. Unless you are considering showing at rated Pleasure Driving shows, I would forget buying a spendy smucker's type of pigskin lined patent leather spares kit.The tools they have are usually pretty generic, and may be of poor quality (hey your'e buying the patent leather + pigskin, remember?! Instead, take that $$ and go to a good tool store and get a nice tool roll, (in black or brown vinyl) and put all of your goodies in there. Or, have a local saddle maker make you spares kit to your spec, after you have assimilated your spares.
Re: Kanada King Deceased????
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I just checked the NFHR ge=1&Sort=0 and it doesn't show that there.of course I guess they would have to report it, correct? Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Malcolm Locke is the full brother to two other well-known stallions - BDF Kanada King (deceased) and BDF Obelisk, owned by Starfire Farm. -- OMG. Is this true? He should be in the prime of his life now. I had no idea. When did this happen? He was a truly beautiful horse, and I'm unhappy to hear of his demise. I hope he is happy and content in the next world. :( Pamela Northern Holiday Horses Welcome Polaris
Re: fjord ideal weight
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cheryl thanks for bringing it up about the density.also the richness of the hay has to be considered. When we moved from CA to MI the hay was much richer in CA, so a very small flake was requiredwe also do it by weight.and after a while you can pretty much tell how much a flake weighs...roughlyso when in MI I didn't realize how much less the quality was..poor Gus was so hungry there as I had them feeding him a very small amount after we arrived..then after I discovered the difference he got a HUGE flake of hay, gosh sometimes it was up to 3 flakes, but loosely packed and didn't weight much, nor was the hay very rich..and believe me, he never got fat!!! so it's not just the size of the flake, it's the quality of it and the weight of it. This message is from: CHERYL GARNICA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I I am going by rule of thumb and feeding by weight, meaning feed 2% of body wt. estimated as I do with the other horses. The others will gain or lose depending on season or activity. I will adjust feed by about a pound depending on the gain or loss. It has worked pretty well for me with other horses with only a few changes in feed. In my area and probably everyone elses, the way they bale hay can be dense feed or pretty lose so weighing is safest way to go I
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thanks for the link.can you refresh my memory as to what the link was for?! about the pictures? they are gorgeous horseslooked at all of the pages..but as I don't read Norwegian or which ever language it is..I didn't know what I reading/looking at!! :-) Reena This message is from: "starfirefarm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Go to: for pictures Hope this link goes through. Beth
Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #83
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> me a chuckle thinking about what it could possibly say inside!! go out, turn key to start Fjordha ahahhaha.ok, I think I have had too much sun today.. chuckling away Reena This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> So maybe it should be called "New Fjord Owners MANUAL"? So would THAT be acceptable? Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska,42 degrees and sunny
Re: Lucky bad news
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> oh my gosh!!! Janne Big Hugs to all of incredibly sad, but sounds like there was no way to know that this had happen.. my thoughts and prayers to you and the little baby.I hope all will go well with the little one... Reena This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I cannot believe it has been less than 24 hours since I posted about Lucky and her new foal, and now sadly have to post that we lost Lucky yesterday and now have an orphan foal. S sad, the best mare!! First time we have ever lost a grown horse, actually the only ones we have ever lost have been in utero, or born dead. And only twice in oh so many years with horses.
Re: The canter and being greenbroke (was Re: Prejudice against Fjords??)
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Lori, I just wanted to say you wrote a very well thoughtout 'article'reply, whatever you want to call it. I enjoyed reading it and didn't feel that it was 'ranting' at all. I agree very much with what you said. I am just starting my 'pre-lim' search for another horse but am so wary of getting sucked in and ending up with a horse that is more then I can handle or isn't what I thought he/she would be! I think this thread has been very enlightening to me and has given me some new perspective on things...more things to consider :-) There are just so very many levels of greenbroke to trained...handling issues, temperament, rider abilities, the list goes on and on. I checked out your website! Beautiful!! and I love the one guy you have for sale at the moment!! he is gorgeous!!! Reena - Original Message - From: Lori Albrough To: Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 1:28 PM Subject: The canter and being greenbroke (was Re: Prejudice against Fjords??) This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Genie Dethloff wrote: > > I have a friend, whose opinion I trust, that thinks that it is wrong to > wait, especially since canter is not their preferred gait. January 2005 Dressage Today magazine had an article called "Closing the Gap" with the tagline: When will "North-American bred" have the same cachet as "imported from Europe". The article is geared towards sporthorse (warmblood) breeding and training, however I think this quote by Scott Hassler has relevance to the current discussion on the Fjord list. He says "Our good horses are not given the chance to compete against Europe's good horses because of the training. It's that simple. We need to get our young horses ridden better." In particular, Hassler says "Our young horses are not ridden in a way that is safe, competent, or marketable. We see them in a very hunter-style frame (strung out). They don't canter for the first time for six or eight months." This statement pretty much sums up the prevailing state of Fjord horse training too -- where we see horses who have no concept of contact, or giving to the bit, or moving off the leg, and who have been under saddle for months and months and even years without cantering. These horses amazingly are being marketed as riding horses. We see mature fjord horses being sold as riding horses with "just learning his leads" in the fine print - yet the word greenbroke never appears. We see horses marketed as ride/drive who don't canter and never have - just trot faster, Faster, FASTER! A riding horse must canter, he must canter on the aid, he must canter on the correct lead (99% of the time, mistakes can happen) and he must canter in a reasonably balanced, reasonably round frame. Or he ain't a riding horse. I've heard people say "we haven't cantered him yet because he's not mature skeletally" - my question is, if he's not sufficiently mature skeletally, then what are you doing on his back?? So many horses are backed young to get them sold but the education seems to not proceed in an orderly fashion. They end up ridden for years before the canter is introduced and at that point it can come as quite a shock. I bought one of these horses who was ridden walk/trot only for a long time, and it took three very determined people and two lunge whips to convince her that she could and she would canter under tack. From there she did beautifully but I think it is kinder and makes more sense to let the horse grow up to say 3.5 or 4 years old, start him under tack and then teach him what he needs to know: walk trot AND canter. Take your time, of course, but don't waste time. In Reiner Klimke's book "Basic Training of the Young Horse" in the section "At what age is a horse ready to be ridden?" he states that a warmblood horse (and I think Fjords mature similarly to warmbloods) should not be ridden before 3.5 yrs and talks about some of his Olympic mounts and what age they were backed: Winzerin (4 yrs), Aracadius (4 yrs), Fabiola (3.5 yrs), Ahlerich (4 yrs). He says "I am convinced that had I started these horses earlier I would not have been so successful." In other words, he was not successful IN SPITE of the late start, but successful BECAUSE of it. This is not a viewpoint you will hear often (in fact Scott Hassler quoted above is in favor of starting them before they are three years old). My own coach comes from a European background and over the years her methods have become my methods. All my horses, which are started under saddle at either 3.5 or 4 years, canter under saddle f
Re: greenbroke
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Good point Brigid..there are so many different views on 'greenbroke'...and you're right on the handling issue...another important topic! I think this is a great thread... Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm finding this thread very interesting. I think "greenbroke" is kind of like "beginner, intermediate, advanced" for riders; such terms are very subjective. I'd like to add degree of handling to the list for horses. So in conclusion, I think anyone raising a horse for sale needs to take into consideration the many things that will be done with the animal. In some ways riding is the least of your worries... / )_~ /L/L Brigid Wasson SF Bay Area, CA _www.Brigid.Clickryder.com_ (
Re: Canter?
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Laura .there are days where I guess Gustav feels like we should just canter and he will decide we should do it 'now' which of course I discourage, because he needs to wait for my directions not make the choice himself. During my last lesson my instructor kept having me canter at the same spot (or close to it) so Gus kept thinking every time we got there he should canter! LOL... This message is from: "Laura Kranzusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hello Reena, If anything I have a hard time stopping Bjorn from cantering! I just started to seriously work on Bjorn's canter in December, and ever since then, he thinks that any time we ride, he gets to canter.
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> this is the second or third reference I've read now about their Fjords not holding a canter for extended length of time or not liking to canter?does anyone else feel this way? Gustav will drop out to a trot immediately if I don't continue to ask him to canter and keep him in the gait (don't know if I am explaining that correctly?!). he is like "hey I'm done with this now!' like Mark said, after few times around some days and other days could just go and go..!!! :-) Reena This message is from: "Skeels, Mark A \(GE Healthcare\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> My experience with ours is that they also have a nice canter, but maybe because of training or rider experience, don't like to stay in the canter very long. A time or two around the ring and they are ready to trot again.
trot and green broke
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Gustav has a nice trot...smooth, easy to sit. I would have to agree with the statement below about the trot, very true!! I had a welsh mare who if you ever tried to sit the trot on your teeth were clicked togetherit was horrible...BUT once we started into our dressage lessons, got her nicely rounded etc, she had a nice trot to sit. Now on the other had I think if you're doing western pleasure and doing a jogwell that is an extremely slow gait, so I think it could be comfortable on most any horsebut if you're doing an English 'trot' well that is another story Greenbroke: To me it means 'basically knows nothing' ...not necessarily a baby/yearling but a horse that is of an age to be ridden.may have had a saddle on, ridden around by some one with experience but by no means is trained and should only be ridden/worked with by someone who is experienced. Beginner riders should not be looking at this horse for themselves unless they plan on having said horse put into training. Case in point. bought a lovely quarter horse gelding, 3years old. had been told he had been ridden by 4 H club etc., went and rode him, did ok with him (was in a big roping arena) and we could trot, canter...walk, stop. Well didn't realize that he had no steering till I got him in a dressage arena...YIKESso he was 'broke' to the saddle end, and we could do stuff, but he still wasn't 'broke enough' for me and I consider him 'greenbroke' yet the sellers certainly didn't. Big difference riding in a roping arena and a dressage arena!! ended up have a trainer work with him and he turned out nicely, but that is the horse I never bonded with and the one I sold so I could get Gustav. Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: rough trot and green broke. I think some of you have hit the nail on the head. I have been taking dressage lessons for almost 3 years and I have learned that if the horse does not relax his jaw and bend at the pole, which causes him to raise his back up, you will get a rough ride, no matter what the breed. As far as a green broke horse, to me it means the horse has been tacked up and an experienced rider has been on his back and walked around without being bucked off or the horse running away with him or her.Anything beyond that is a bonus and perhaps a false assumption. Onna
Re: Question, Help Please
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Lynn I thought it was very cute and can see that from a distance would look more realistic. More of an outside type of artwork though, like others suggested for a barn? or as you say for your shop. wonder how another Fjord would see it? I know Gustav always loved to look at himself in the mirrors at the indoor!! :-) Reena This message is from: "lynn mohr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thank you, Gail, Carol and Genie. I appreciate you looking at the head and your comments and suggestions. Gail it isn't meant to be fine art, I made it to hang on the side of my workshop to simulate an open window with a fjord looking out, so your only possible use was what it was intended for. It hung on my shop for a year.
Re: Diamont- the rest of the story
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Brigid thank you for the story about Diamont. You're right, that is extremely scary!! and I probably would have stayed in my car as well till all was 'normal'. Those are big prices she is asking for the young stock. But did they seem to have 'bad temperments'? it would be sad to see if they are great horses (albeit a big price tag) yet never go to a good home because of what happened with Diamont. Is this Peppertree's Christian ok to handle as a stallion? or does he have temperment problems? handler problems?! I was very lucky with Gustav. He was a stallion till he was 14 yrs. and then was cut (that was right before I bought him) so I knew him as a stallion and then as a gelding. If he had not been a gentlemen either way, I would not be owning him especially as I have young children (who were even younger at the time of purchase!) Reena . This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi All- Several list members wrote asking for the details of the Diamont incident. I apologize for mentioning it so briefly, as I was talking to people who already know the story. This is what happened. In any case, Diamont is not, to my knowledge, for sale.
Re: Winter issue of Fjord Herald
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike I hope for all of us that sent in our renewal's late, we'll still be able to get a copy?! I hope?!if not, how much then for one? Reena (yes, me again!!) - Original Message - From: Mike May, Registrar NFHR To: Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 10:45 AM Subject: Winter issue of Fjord Herald This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I know a lot of you are wondering if your ever going to get the Winter issue of the Herald so here is an update for you. Yes you will be getting it & it looks like it won't be a lot longer now. It is now at the printers & hopefully it will be in the mail within a week now. It does get sent 3rd class mail though so it will still be awhile before you see it By the way the deadline for the Spring issue is fast approaching now too so if you have something you want to get in the Spring issue please get it to Donna now. If you need her contact info it is on the NFHR web site or you can email me for it too. Mike === Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar PO Box 685 Webster, NY 14580-0685 Voice 585-872-4114 FAX 585-787-0497 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi All Gus is finally starting to shed, all of those nice long hairs...and they never seem to stop coming out no matter HOW long I groom.!!! ok, on to my curious question I've always lucked out when I've bought my horses, that they have been near me and I was able to get to know them 'so to speak' and test ride before buying.but I know that won't always be the case. How do you all go about buying? if it's far from you, do you ask for a video? then fly/drive to see them? if not, and you purchase the horse, do you have a local vet examine them where they live or when they arrive? How do you make sure that said horse is exactly what you're looking for?! This kind of came up when the message about the underweight fjord, Tyra came through and all of the problems she had before the horse even got to her.. Reena
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Very have a wonderful sense of humor!! Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi List ! OK, hide the kiddies. Potential to use " adult words " here. I have a confession. Well.WE have one. While its hard to speak about such a delicate area and subject, we feel that with the timing of the list thread being random white ( big shudder ) there needs to be taking of some responsibility. Here go's. ( deep breath )
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I'm so bummed because I can't get it to connect at hoo... Reena Thanks for the laughs. I ride so I can move faster than my body will go; I guess patches feels the same way - boy that wind was really ruffling his mane! -- Genie Dethloff and Finne Ann Arbor, Michigan
Re: winter blahs
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> WOW!!! and I thought that was just my guy who could do that!! (unzipping)..he was always doing that with my winter coat!!! :-) Reena - Original Message - From: janet To: ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 6:30 PM Subject: winter blahs This message is from: "janet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> One exercise that you do occasionally is just sit with your horse and basically do nothing. I would recommend to anyone to try it, just to see what your horse will do. - LOL, well mine would disrobe me one button at a time. First they'd take off my hat and play with it until that gets boring, then come back and try every button and zipper they can work. My mare can zip and unzip my coat with the greatest of precision. Janet
Re: winter riding indoor and clipping advice
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Genie The other winter I rode pretty extensively with no clipping (here in MI) with a full coat. when we were done, he was 'dripping' with sweat after some of our lessons, not all but some, riding in an indoorand I would put a cooler (wool) on this would take him quite a while to dry and not something I would recommend doing. This was during a once a week lesson... and not EVERYTIME did this happen.but still, it is a hassle and I would either recommend riding LIGHTLY where he/she is not going to become overheated or to clip... I'd also like to say, that I still did keep him blanketed.may have been overkill?! but our first winter here, he lost TONS of weight, and I was certainly glad I'd had blanketed him and him not have to keep himself that much warmer thinking how THIN he would have been WITHOUT the blanket (and that wasn't even a COLD winter---and I made sure that he was not overheated with it on...not sweating or anything)...and when they are fuzzy it's hard to tell by just looking at them. The barn owners I think thought he was too fat (with the fuzzy hair) and didn't feed him as much, or perhaps the hay quality wasn't the greatest by then (they are eventers and like that slab sided look..which by the way, doesn't look good on a Fjord). But I got the weight back on him and he looks great.This year he came through great, no weight loss at all..with light winter riding, blanketing..(light weight)... and no clip. He is an older horse, so I am trying to take precautions. I'd recommend a clip on the chest area up the underside of the neck for sure if even if you don't want to clip so that he can cool-out and dry quicker... and any other places where you see him sweating alot. I usually chose not to clip and know that it will limit me with my riding.but that is my choice. Reena (leonard, MI) This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The fjord I'm riding has already put on a heavy coat for winter and is sweating quite a bit when ridden. While it is still warm, I hose him off and let him dry which takes a very long time. I Thanks Genie in Ann Arbor, MI
Re: Show Horse
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jann Very well put!!! I started into horses late in life and was 'pushed' into showing cause that was the 'thing' to do. Personally, I don't like to show it is way to stressful to me. But if I ever feel the need to do it again, by all means I will!! I just love to be able to spend time with my horse, listen to him and have a great ride. Take lessons...etc., To me that is the best!!! and I don't have anything to prove to anybody about how good' we are, cause I KNOW we areand get daily displays of it.. how he is with my kids or going to new place or 'scary' things, etc. Anyhow, so far Gussers is doing of last night he was holding his own. No word this morning on an update, so keeping fingers crossed that it is still good!!! Thanks for the private emails, I appreciate it!! Reena ___ "Whatever level you take or don't take your horse to, it is the pleasure of horsemanship on ANY level that is important. Whether you enjoy listening to them chewing hay or take them to the Olympics, as long as you and the horse are safe, and well taken care of." There are seasons in life as well, where family, work etc etc takes over, and "showing" is not on the agenda. This does not mean that you or your fjords are not doing just fine. Jann
RE: thoughts and prayers
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks Gail the vet is very optimistic that he will pull through and be fine, just my mare had the 'colitis' and sadly passed away..this is years before getting Gus. Anyhow, she was 10 times worse then he is. Thankfully it was caught early and early measures were taken for hydration, but he is still dehydrated, not severely but it's there. There was no impaction and this whole thing came on suddenlyI've had him 5 1/2 years and have never had a problem with signs or symptoms even relating to this. .only a mild depression after vaccines and that is it. but as he was acting so NOT himself the barn owners caught it right away and called the vet..we did what we could locally but he just has something else going on in there. Ultrasound looked really good with lots of motility, but white blood cell count is they are treating him and I know he is in the best of care, better then he'd get if he was home/barn Colitis is really just a term they use when they aren't sure what it is (nothing specific/caused by who knows what) and it involves the colon/gi tract.of course the resident vet on the list can correct me if I am wrong Reena ---Original Message--- From: Date: 5/22/2004 7:06:45 PM To: Subject: RE: thoughts and prayers This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reena, I have experience with colitis. Had my mare end up in the vet school at UC Davis with it (California). I gather it is not all that common. The vets were not hopeful for my mare, but she did fine. Here is what happened. Maybe this will help. They took her in and put her on an IV to try to get the impacted gut contents moving. I gathered that an impaction can result from the chronic gut irritation that can come with colitis. They also started feeding her only a handful of hay at a time, and switched her over to pellets. The key was nice fine haynothing stemmy or hard to digest. She spent a few days there and looked pretty good when I got her home, but was still not feeling great. (She had been having nasty cramps, that caused her to try to sit down on her haunches (like a dogknown in the vet world as "dogsitting"). I believe that she had had it (colitis) for quite a whileafter a stressful transport experienceand that it finally manifested itself in a serious way in an impaction after her gut was further irritated by treatment with bute for laminitis. My vet said the extra hydration of her feed was not necessary, but this is what I did. I slowly converted her to pellet feed. They were having me give her psyillium as well, so it was mixed into her ration. I wet her feed to EXCESSIVE EXTENTS. My vet said this was not necessary, but it seemed to me that any moisture I could get into her gut might help. I fed her six to eight times a day at first.some hay at first as I slowly converted her to pellet feed. I put so much water into her food that she had to almost go snorkeling for her feed. By the time a meal was finished, she was covered in gooey alfalfa pellet/water paste. She hated it, but was hungry enough to dive into the soup I gave her. Eventually I bought two Happy Trails Feeders automatic feeders that I used to feed her pellets (and later haydry at this point) on a six to eight times a day schedule. That went on for a couple of months. By the time I was done, (and able to return her to a hay diet) her coat was fantastic and she was in fantastic condition. I also gave her ulcer meds.Gastrogard, at $700 a month, with no real reason to belief that it would affect her hind gut. I am not certain it was all that helpful. When I picked her up from Davis they thought that she had a chronic form of colitis, and that she would never be able to tolerate hay. They suggested putting her out on soft, green pasture grass when she was stabilized. I do not have access to pasture.but was able to bring her back to grass hay consumption with careful care. The Happy Trails Feeders are expensive. Another route is something called "Quick Feed" feeders. They are still around $200 (you can order them online) but they will put out a small amount of pellets at a time, without you having to get up at all hours to feed. Anyway, I am sending good thoughts and prayers too.but just wanted to let you know that I had a horse that was colicking SEVERELY with colitis (my local vet recently told me she did not have much hope for the mare when she sent her to Davis)and pulled through just fine, even though the vets were not optimistic. Gail -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reena Giola Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:21 PM To: fjordhorse@angus.myst
thoughts and prayers
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hey all, we need some here for Gustavhe has been colicky the last two days...and after treatment perks up, etc., well this morning the local vet is at whits end and tell me he needs to go to MSU vet school (clinic) cause she has really done everything possible and he is NOT getting better.. so there he is poor guy, an hour and half away from me.nothing was determined for a fact about what is going on, other then it is colitis (sp?) .so please put some prayers out that the treatments work and he gets betterhe is my baby. crying here in MI Reena
Re: Molde has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Gayle My thoughts and prayers are with you. It sounds like you had a wonderful 14 years with her!! big hugs Reena
Re: Old Fjords
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> i agree.what a blessing! Gustav is 20 this year and no one believes that at all!! Reena > > Susie, C-48...born in 1974 is still going strong with us. what a blessing Roberta . [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of IMSTP.gif]
Re: Winter complaints
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I agree Carol..this is my third official winter here in Michigan and boy oh boy is it COLD!!! I am so happy that I switched barns so now Gustav has a stall (he'll be 20 this year!)the wonderful woman who runs the barn takes such great care of them all.she told me today that everyone had been turned out but all were waiting at the gates to come in... don't blame them, it's darn cold out Reena with another night of - temps! >Hello All from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -- Everybody keeps saying their Fjords love being outside, but I have to tell you that our Fjords love coming in to the barn. We never have to ask twice. Best Regards, Carol Rivoire . [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of IMSTP.gif]
Re: website
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wow Jean that looks so very very cold not to mention that it is. .. bbbrrr. Reena ---Original Message--- From: Date: 1/19/2004 2:23:31 PM To: Subject: Re: website This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hey Ruthie, how much is that ranch..Does a good hardworking fjord loving man come with it? LOL. Maybe I should buy it, must be warmer than here, even there in Northern Montana. It is -40F right now, was -50 yesterday. Have a look at the Arctic cam on the New-Miner website to see the thick Ice fog in downtown Fairbanks! BRRR Click on "arctic-Cam in the mnu on the left..then scroll down to see the picture! Jean with cabin fever ini frosty Fairbanks, ALaska, -40F, -40C >The ranch next door is yet for sale and I'm still hoping a Fjord enthusiast >will buy it... Jean Ernest Fairbanks, Alaska mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: websites
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks Shawna, I was looking under Nowegian...duh! I thought I had looked under fjord also but obviously I didn'tthanks for helping out here!! reena ---Original Message--- From: Date: 1/18/2004 2:11:11 AM To: Subject: Re: websites This message is from: "shawna smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Look under just fjords-they're there!!! Shawna I couldn't find the Norwegian Fjord at I blind or is it really there..? reena
re: websites
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Curiosity got me to go look at the and under the search for horses I couldn't find the Norwegian Fjord at I blind or is it really there..? reena ---Original Message--- From: Date: 1/17/2004 4:11:05 PM To: Subject: re: websites This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hello-- How about My friend is looking for a two horse trailer...we logged on to this site last night and there were over thirty pages of listings, and that was just for two horse trailers! I often admire the fjords for sale listed at this site as well! What are some of the web sites (like Dream Horse) where you can list horses for sale or see what's for sale? Taffy Mercer In Eastern Washington State (it's supposed to be desert!) where we have 2' of snow on the ground and it's drizzling outside!
Fjords in a Calendar?
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> This may have been mentioned already and I missed it I just received a calendar yesterday "Horses" and for January There are three beautiful Fjords standing in a snowing field..they are from Calgary Alberta..Aauruns Ranches It's a beautiful picture Reena
Re: Sad News From Merek
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Pamela Thank you for sharing that message with us. I remember when I was first getting into fjords and I found a webpage with Lars and Merek on it.don t remember who's it was, but I so enjoy seeing them together. Please pass on to Merek, my condolences on the passing of Lars. Reena and Gusser's "Lars died tonight at 10PM of a mysterious illness that started earlier today and seemed to improve after the vet gave him various supportive drugs in the afternoon. Around 8PM he suddendly took a turn for the worse, and I went out to meet the vet there. Within an hour it had gone so bad that he was down and convulsing and unable to rise, and I had to have him terminated. Please forward this to the list, as I have not rejoined it. Don't know if I will look for a replacement eventually, but will check with the list if I do decide to. Merek"" Pamela Northern Holiday Horses
Re: Hardy + Tommes update
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wow, it has really been one of those weekends, hasn't it? When I got to the barn last night, one of the horses was was there and I spent a half and hour walking the horse for them..barn owners out of town and the horse owner out of town too! Barn sitter/worker very frazzled, so I tried to help out a bit. Reena > This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> > We have disasater weekend at the barn.
Re: a nightmare
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> OH MY GOSH Brigid!! what a nightmare is right..thoughts and prayers are on their way to you and Tommes..I am glad to hear he is doing well this morningthis is like one of the stories I've seen on Animal Planet.......take care!! Reena and Gustav!! > This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > It's 9AM and I just got home after a nightmarish experience. > > Brigid Wasson
Re: Tee Shirt Update
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks for the update Steve. If I remember correctly, something happened with the colors when it printed? Too bad this company is being slow on the move to reprint this order, especially after all the trouble they have put you throughthe long wait, press breaking, etc., and you being so patient with them. I would think they could do a better customer service job by having reprinted the order ASAP. Reena - Original Message - From: "Steve McIlree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Fjord Horse List" Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 12:59 PM Subject: Tee Shirt Update > This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Another delay on the tee shirts. Bob from the printers was supposed > to call me to set up a press check by the end of last week. Since I > had not heard from him I called on Monday but he was out of the > office. I called again yesterday, and was able to get through to > him. It seems that since they are going to take a bath on reprinting > these shirts, scheduling a print run is at the bottom of their > priorities, so it now looks like the latter part of next week. This > time I intend to give good old Bob daily calls rather than waiting > to hear from him. Sorry for another disappointment, but it's too > cold to wear tee shirts yet, in Omaha anyway. > > -- > Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA > Noblest of the train that wait on man, the flight-performing horse. >--William Cowper(1731-1800)
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> How often does the Herald (sp?) print? I am Finally an official member and am still anxiously waiting to receive my first copy!! After having Gustav for 4 years, I decided I would give up on the registries merging and switch him to the NFHR.. Reena
Fw: Sadie and Flotren's foal
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Peg I am so sorry to hear of the loss...thoughts and prayers are with you all and for a speedy recovery to Sadie!! Glad to read that she is home safe and sound. Reena > > This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <> > > > > I am heartbroken to have to write that Sadie's delivery was one of those > > dystocias you read about, but which never happen to you Her beautiful > > colt's head was caught on her pelvic rim and she could not deliver him. We > > were able to save her, and will bring her home tomorrow. I hated to leave > > her at the hospital, she was so traumatized,shaking from the drugs, and > > whinnying. > > > > We were with her from the beginning, and the vets were heroic, but we > still > > could not readjust that foal's position. He was another lovely brown dun, > > like his brother Ari. I hope he is with Julie. > > > > Peg > > > > Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA > >
Fw: Steve - What's Happening with those T-Shirts?
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> This message came through back in March and I never did see a reply message on it..can someone help out if they know the answer? Reena - Original Message - From: "Holly Tuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Fjord List Email" Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 9:29 PM Subject: Steve - What's Happening with those T-Shirts? > This message is from: Holly Tuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Hi Steve, > Time is a passing and we still haven't received our > t-shirts. The last I read is that you were suppose to > have something shortly after you got back in the New > Year. I still haven't seen anything on the email to > tell us the current status. So for me and anyone else > that wants to know, can you tell us what's going on? > Thanks, > Holly from Manitoba > > __ > Post your free ad now!
Re: BDF website
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Works fine for me..just pulled it up. reena - Original Message - From: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:59 AM Subject: BDF website > This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Carol would like to know if anyone is having trouble viewing our website. > I am asking you to please check it out and let me know if there are any > problems. Thank-you very much for your help. > > Jaimie
Re: Fjord
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I'm not Jean but here is the web address to take yourself off.sometimes it takes a few days Reena - Original Message - From: "Lisa Gallant" <> To: Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 7:56 PM Subject: Fjord > This message is from: Lisa Gallant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Dear Jean, > I know this may sound strange, but I subscribed to this site, and now > wish to delete myself from the mailing list, but am not sure how. Could you > please tell me how this can be done? Thank you so much! > Lisa
Re: mosquitoes and bats
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> here is a nice article..regarding the rabies and bats and their diet. We had bats when we lived in Arroyo Grande, CA and they ate our with most noctural animals, if you see them during the day, then it is possible they have rabies. We lived in a very high rabies county, so that was a concern if finding one. as to whether if you don't have any around and the bat house, that i don't know. Reena - Original Message - From: "John & Eunice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 11:41 AM Subject: mosquitoes and bats > This message is from: "John & Eunice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Since the mosquito is the culprit with West Nile Virus I made an inquiry > about trying to attract bats to help eat some of these pests. > > I was given the following information > 1. If you don't already have bats around ... no use putting up a bat > house. > 2. Bats don't eat mosquitoes ... better to put up bird houses for tree > swallows. > 3. Bats carry rabies. > > Is any of this true? > > ~Eunice in snowy Ontario
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> corrected URL reena - Original Message - From: "Fleharty, Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 11:01 AM Subject: FOR SALE > This message is from: "Fleharty, Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Four young Norwegian foals for sale--make an offer--we must move these soon since more are coming--two fillies and two studs (or geldings if you wish). See photos at > > Rosemary Fleharty > Shome Farm > Prairie Home, MO 65068 > 660-841-9502
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ok, FINALLY my new subscription has come through!! Yippee!! Just to make this horse/Fjord related it is snowing again here in MI with 2-4" expected...Gus ripped up the back of his blanketarrrgggh...I know, why in the world do I have him blanketed? Well because he was a CA horse, is older and had never experienced a long exposure to cold weather. When we moved last year, he lost a lot of weight and as we went into winter, even more. He was quite thin when we came out of winter.I even asked on list about how to put weight on (Betsy Patyrjak can confirm the thin-ness) and he did finally gain the weight so I was hesitate to leave him to fend against the cold this winter. Anyhoo, I did leave the blanket off till we hit a nice cold snap in mid december and well, it just never went back to normal...soo, if I had my druthers and had him home, I could regulate and adjust things myself to make sure I felt he was staying at an adequate weight. But as things go, he is boarded, and I don't have that type of control/or extent of controlI have already posted about the freezing water tanks, and thank GOODNESS I am an anal and concerned boarder cause I was out there twice in one month cracking open 3" of frozen ice on the tanks.the heater/floats were upside down. ok, longwinded I know, just excited to FINALLY get off of the digest!! Reena
Re: fjordhorse-digest V2003 #59
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I don't know what is going on other then somehow I was put on digest without signing up for it. I went and signed up for individual email again but so far haven't received it yet. Fencing is a tough issue. Especially with the Fjords. Gustav knows he can push over pipe corral panels, and so far has behaved himself in the wood fenced pasture.but come spring? all bets are off with the yummy grass on the other side.I've made the owners aware of spots that are potential 'breakouts' and was assured hot wire will go up in those areas. Our problems are water tanks getting frozen over..the float is getting tipped over (why we don't knowhorses? float old? who knows) and twice I've gone out to a tank with 3" ice on it, with the float upside down frozen into it. So, here I am, hammering the ice and breaking it up.Boarders shouldn't have to be doing this. Anyhow, it's a good thing I am extremely anal and go CHECK all the time.. Reena and Gustav
Re: What is "horse brass"? Link to Pic here...
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> well you're not alone!! I saw this the other day and had and still have no idea what it is for either!!! Someone, Please enlighten us!! Reena > This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Here's a question pardon my horse tack ignorance! > > I saw this on eBay today here: =1048">eBay item 2710393985 (Ends Feb-19-03 > 10:10:41 PST ) - Horse Brass - NORWEGIAN FJORD !! (scroll down to picture) > > Sher
Re: a lasting home
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> My first horse, a beautiful Welsh mare who had been shown tons, won tons of ribbons for her division was sold over and over again, because she WAS so good but the children eventually outgrew her or what ever may be the case! I luckily got to buy her and am I ever so grateful that happened. I got her when she was 16 1/2 and I was her 9th owner!! This horse was my first and I learned all my horse stuff with her...I owe her so much! I had her until she passed away at 22. I swore I would never sell her and I never did. Reena - Original Message - > This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Hi Joanna - that is an interesting point about a horse having many homes, > or not. One assumes that a horse with many homes is a "bad" horse, but > this is not always the case.
magazine article!
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I know that horse and the other Fjords at the BOK ranch!! How exciting!! I helped out there for about 6 mths when we lived in Arroyo Grande (about 20 mins) from San Luis Obispo! Would it be possible to scan the article or make a copy of it for me? I know this little girl Janashe is just a doll!!! I would so enjoy reading about it. This is where I was first exposed the Fjord breed. Reena _ Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 07:27:28 EST From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Magazine article There is a nice article, in Farm and Ranch Living magazine, about BOK (read that "Be Okay") Ranch in San Luis Obispo County Calif, that uses fjords as theraputic riding horses. A number of the children who ride at the ranch own there own horses, one of them, Jana who has cerebal palsy owns her own fjord. The fjords name is Etenna. Cart are also used for those unable to sit a horse. Neat article. Sue Sue Clark-Sorger Crown Oak Fjords Sandia Park NM
Hug your Horse
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Got this from a friend while we were on vacation: Hope you enjoy reena _ When your day seems out of balance- and so many things go wrong... When people fight around you and the day drags on so long... When parents act like children, in-laws make you think "Divorce"... Go out into your pasture... and wrap you arms around your horse. His gentle breath enfolds you, and he watches with those eyes. He may not have a Ph D, but he is, oh so wise! His head rests on your shoulder. You embrace him oh so tight. He puts your world in balance, and makes it seem all right. Your tears they soon stop flowing. The tension is now eased. The garbage has been lifted, and you're quiet and at peace. So when you need the balance from circumstances in your day... The best therapy that you can seek... is out there eating hay!! --Mary Anne Miller
Email list address?
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> what is the URL for the subscription page to this list? I seem to have misplaced it. Reena
Re: A New Years Surprise!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Congrats Karen and Rosie!!! and welcome to little Januar..hope you can post some pictures soon..would like to see him! Reena > This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Just had to tell ya'll on the List about a litle surprise I discovered > last nite at about 11pm. My good old broodmare Jorunn, (aka Rosie) foaled > at about 10pm. Read on... > > > Karen McCarthy, N. Nevada > > > > MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.
Re: Grown out Fjord mane
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wow there are quite a few for sale on that site.anyone familar with any of them? Reena ___ > This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Someone asked recently about letting Fjord manes grow out. I was > cruising the internet at and found a photo of a Fjord > stallion with his mane all grown out. > > Just thought I'd lighten things up. :^) > > > > search under FJORD. He's the second photo. > > Cheers! > > Karen > > > > Help STOP SPAM: Try the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
Fjords and the List
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I respect Steve's decision and don't feel as if I was 'pressuring' him, just giving my opinion/thoughts/feelings on the topic. I did/do feel that all talk of Fjords in whatever regard is pertinent, but I do have to agree, that all of the recent subjects have gotten to be a bit much and will be glad that they can be shut down till perhaps next January? :-)We all have our own feelings and opinions on the different subject matters and need to respect each others thoughts/feelings about it.This is a forum to learn and discuss about all things regarding our beloved horses; so lets make sure we keep that in mind when responding to a post that we may not agree with. Reena in really cold MI > This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > I readily concur with your decision Steve, in fact I think you've been most > tolerant and generous. And this from a "bleeding heart" for unfortunate pets > and an anti-x-breeding nut. when you established this list and set the > rules in course--- they should not be altered, even by well-meaning subjects > who pressure you to do so. It is your List. > > By the way, thanks very much for the privilege Steve! =))) > > Ruthie, nw mt > > That is my call and > > it is final. > > Steve McIlree > =
Re: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I too am saddened that this has been yanked from the's a pertinent discussion and update feature for all of the Fjord owners and perspective owners. I do hope that a link will be established from the NFHR page concerning this topic. I would like this issue to be reconsidered for the list.perhaps a poll or survey of how the list members feel about the topic? Some sort of a message Lynda could send notifying us that there is a new rescue with a link to it? I do realize that she has set up a yahoo group, but not everyone wants to have too many emails/lists that they belong to and as this IS a Fjord Horse list, I think it is valuable information. Reena > This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Lynda I am very saddened that you are not allowed to continue with the info > of rescuing fjords. To me this is as important as discussions on breed, > food etc. I think we should have this info available here. Perhaps limited > to so many lines or times but just so that we would know when we needed to > help the fjords. Jean
Re: "dumb down?"
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Well we haven't either, and hope not to!! but we do have lots of deer that 'spring' from hidden places and cause me and Gustav to have a racing heart!! and of course there is nothing like being chased by one of those HUGE horseflies..nasty buggers. Ruth, you are right on it about a seasoned trail horse vs. a show ring only horse...a well rounded individual is so much better, has a better mind then a ring ridden horse R > This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > none of our horses have ever smelled bear though and neither have I...I think I would duck and run off! > k. > > > > > > > This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > >> > > > I can imagine it wouldn't be that much of a transition for a seasoned trail > > horse to be worked into a performance horse, but on the other hand, it might > > take more time and effort to take a pampered performance horse and well > > condition and acclimate that horse into an acceptably good trail horse. > > > > A performance horse has most often led a sheltered and narrow existence and > > has not been adequately socialized or introduced to a landscape that changes > > and challenges at every turn. Crossing streams, smelling bears, having a > > grouse rush up from beneath the feet, meeting Llamas and suspicious looking > > stumps, are all in a veteran trail horses day.
Re: Shoes vs barefoot
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Gus (18yr almost 19!) had been barefoot until we moved herebut it is very gravely (is that a word?) and he was becoming very ouchy, so I put shoes on his fronts, and he was fine... Reena and Gus This message is from: "John Rooker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Vili...10 yr old Fjord gelding: Barefoot Why? He has never been shod. He has excellent feet and we always work him on soft surfaces, never on roads or paved areas.'s keeps down the farrier bill! :)
Re: 5 PMU Mares
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Well I think FIRST they need to get the MONEY for the cost of the mares before adoptions can even take place. of to make a donation!! reena This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I might consider an adoption as well. Would like to know more. Kathryn Bauman Pioneer Valley Sporthorses New Glarus Wi. > > > This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Hello everyone, > > I have just been contacted late this evening by a PMU farmer in Alberta, CN > who needs to place 5 of his mares. They are all purebred although not > registered, he will be faxing me all of their paperwork within a few days. > > the information I have. > > Needless to say, I will be starting to fund raise again for the purchase of > these girls ASAP as he is on a time limit to place them. Please help us to > save these girls! > > Thanks, > > Lynda C. Welch > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Vice President, Norwegian Fjord Representative > > For donations to save a Fjord, please visit > and enter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read and sign if you feel this important
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Based on our recent efforts of rescue and slaughter, I just received this in my email this morning...something else to think about. reena OK, I realize there are a plethora of disgusting "reality" shows currently on TV that seem to appeal to the lowest common denominator of our society and consumption of horse flesh is not an issue in other countries BUT if you feel that NBC has over stepped the bounds of a social responsible network airing a show that includes the eating of horse body parts (or any other companion animal/pet for that matter) as one of the "challenges" in the show FEAR FACTOR simply for the shock-factor it creates please read and sign this petition. Don't just change the channel!
Re: Rosebowl parade and the Fjords
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> what fantastic pictures Karen and I love the last one of the five of you..Sven being the sire of the other 4!! Thanks for sharing Reena and Gus (one of Sven's!) This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> So, dream on, ya'll! Karen McCarthy, Great Basin Fjords, Carson City, NV *(who spent some of her now increasingly distant youth growing up in the "wilds" of Orange County, dreaming of being in the Rose Parade someday, sigh!) Help STOP SPAM: Try the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
Re: Thank You Not So Secret Santa!!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> oh were those figurines kind of a hard plastic? from a German company? our local feed store had in a display, but alas, no Fjords although the catalog had them, but the store for some reason couldn't order them :-( Reena > Glad you enjoyed your gift. The fjord figurines came from Big R a farm and hardware store. On a trip to Beth at Starfire Farm we stopped in Trinidad Colorado for a break we went into Big R and there in a display of farm animals, dogs, and horses were fjords. There were only a few breeds of horses displayed but fjords were one of them. I have 6 here, if you would like them I could send them, they were $4.50 each. I go to Colorado quite often and could pick you up more when I go. Your Not So Secret Santa. Sue
Gelding wanted/boomproof?
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Glad you replied to this issue Lynda There is really no 'bombproof' horse, Fjord or otherwise and if anyone tells you so...? I think they're alot that don't spook at most things but to Expect them to NEVER spook, well I don't think it happensor if it ever does, it's a rare case indeed. I think it's good to look for a horse that isn't spooky and is trail safe, but remember, someone elses trail safe, may not in all reality be YOUR idea of trail safe. Good luck on your search and I do believe that it is wise for you to look close to home so you can do a trial ride on him Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I know you are looking for a "bombproof" horse as you say you are a timid rider. Lynda and Daniel
Re: Looking for recipe for homemade horse treats
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> This site has quite a few..maybe one of them will be what you are looking for? I just typed in the Google search engine "horse treats" Reena - Original Message - From: Bossmare To: Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:25 PM Subject: Looking for recipe for homemade horse treats This message is from: "Bossmare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> We're expecting holiday visitors (grandkids of neighbors whose highlight of their visit is to visit our Fjords) and I thought it would be fun to bake up some cookies for the kids to take out of a holiday cookie tin and give to the mares. I know in the past I've seen recipes for such things. I have Irish oatmeal, apples, carrots, molasses, flaxseed meal, cocosoya oil. I do not have any sweetfeed which was the base of one recipe I saw. So if anyone out there has a healthful, low-calorie (ho, ho, ho) treat recipe I'd appreciate finding out about it. I think I'd prefer a crisp or hard product to a soft one. Any suggestions? Lois Berenyi
Re: Missing digest
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tried to give her and update from what I remembered reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm reading my digest and realize I'm missing part of the story hereabout the rescue horses. One digest we have them289, then in 292, it seems we don't. HELP. Could someone please send me digest 290 and 291. I did not receive them. Thank you! Aimee Day
Re: Fjord Colts Update
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Great news!!! thanks for keeping us updated!! reena
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You did a great job trying to put this rescue into a reality! I commend you for doing this. Please let the organization know to keep my donation for a future use. I also want to thank you for sending the links about the slaughter housesgraphic yes, but as consumers of beef products I think we need to know what goes on.It's hard to imagine that these people working there don't have the ability down the line to 'do' something.reshock the cattle or whatever to make it unconscious...obviously these people have lost their 'conscious' to be doing this...I just can't imagine what that is like for the animal.. I have to say, that I was living in California when the petition came out about stopping the horse slaughter and I signed it!It's so sad to think of a loved pet you might have sold in the past being sold off to a meat market and the horror that they see/feel..makes me cringe and cry..... Thanks once again for all of your efforts Reena and Gus
Re: New to the list
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Welcome to the list Zephanie..or I should say, for posting and telling us about yourself! Sounds like you're having lots of fun with your horses and that's what it's all about!! reena (in cold MI) This message is from: "Derrice Skow" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello everyone, I'm Zephanie Skow, and have been on the list for awhile, and decided to introduce myself. Zephanie
Re: Parade Bragg Alert!!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Congratulations!!! Sounds like you had a great night Ü Reena This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well, we just got back from the Starlight Christmas Parade here in Redmond, OR. Amy (still trying to thaw out...brr)
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ok, thanks for the update! reena This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> It has been being worked on since 1998 this time. I really can't say anything about it until I actually have something real to tell you. We have been close to many times in the past & I have found out that "Close" doesn't really mean much. Mike > > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> any hints as to when the two registries will merge? I know it was being worked on earlier this year.. reena This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yes it is usually possible. === Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar PO Box 685 Webster, NY 14580-0685 Voice 585-872-4114 FAX 585-787-0497 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
A Plug for Ingrid Ivic......
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I just order two dressage pads from Ingrid and received them today. They are beautiful and I can't wait to use them!!! One is black with gold trim and with a dressage rider on a Fjord (what else?!) log on it and the other is blue with a head shot of a Fjord. Just wanted to share in my excitement!! Reena and Gustav
Re: Buyer Beware!!!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I second this thought Jean and Mike!! What a great finding and it sure takes care of all of the discussions on the lists lately.thanks for searching and posting. I actually remember when this message came through when she posted it. Reena >This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > >check > >the old Digests to find out. > >I did and one of the best was a post by Julie Will: >This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> That post really made me miss her more than ever Jean. Just a little bit of what made Julie the great person that she was. Thanks for finding that one for us. Mike === Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar PO Box 685 Webster, NY 14580-0685 Voice 585-872-4114 FAX 585-787-0497 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
price in a different perspective
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I have to agree with you Linda on pricing: It's not to say that certain bloodlines and or breeds should be worth more or less, it's what the public/buyer can afford. Personally if I was to come home and tell my husband I wanted to buy a horse that was $12,000 he would literally die laughing at that outrageous price; He doesn't understand all the particulars that go into 'horse/training even though I have been into horses for 12 years (we've been married 19 1/2 years) But he is NOT a horse person. My first horse was purchased for $2500 and what a bargain she wasexcellent bloodlines, temperament, had won numerous hunter titles for her class, etc., but the lady didn't want her anymore for her son, I was there at the right time and picked up the MOST WONDERFUL HORSE!! After she passed away (sob) I shopped around and ended purchasing a 3yr old QH. Nice horse, but after a year and a half I sold him. Wasn't the right horse for me. The reason I orginally ended up looking at this horse was he was in the price range my HUSBAND set for me (if I had been able to go up a bit in price, I had a bigger selection to work with). I paid $3000 and put at least $1000 into training him and sold him for $2500. Why, You ask? Well, I needed to sell him, I had already bought Gustav, was paying board on two horses (remember my husband is there in the picture having a cow about all of this!) the riding I did was English/dressage and the only people looking at him were Western riders who wanted to know if he would do a spin, barrel race, slide stop or whatever. Thank goodness, a nice couple came along and bought him and they just loved himanother match made. I purchased Gustav during this timeI paid $5500 for him.which as you can imagine, my husband had a cow about (no, we don't have a pasture full of them!) That was WAY more then he thought a horse should costhe doesn't understand all the other factors that go into 'the package'...temperment, training, etc. To me, he was a bargain!I felt fortuneate to be able to purchase him since there were MANY calls on him and I got to 'snap him up' before the 'ad' went out in the paper!! He is wonderful to ride and has been excellent with my children around him which is a blessing indeed! and considering he was a stallion for 14 years and was cut right before I purchased him, it's a double one! Now on to me as future buyer: I will most likely buy another Fjord, but some of them will be priced out of my reach. We are considered affluent, but as I just can't run out and buy whatever I think I want, I have a family to think about, means I have to buy a horse that is more within my 'husbands' price range but bumped up a bit...So, some of the higher priced ones I will not be able to even look at no matter how great they are or how great I think they would be for me.I have other considerations that have to take a priority. This is NOT to say our home wouldn't be a good one or that we give shoddy carewe don't!! Purchase price is only one factor albeit a large one finacially. Reena stepping down off of soap box and throwing in her two cents This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> However, one element which I consider essential has been missing: specifically, how a person's income affects their perspective on price. Many, if not most, people have an idea of how much they can afford to spend on a horse based on their financial status. Linda in the Odenwald Protect your PC - Click here for VirusScan Online
price in a different perspective
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Please excuse if this comes through twice...I mailed it early Monday morning and by night time it is a no show! Reena Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:41 AM Subject: price in a different perspective I have to agree with you Linda on pricing: It's not to say that certain bloodlines and or breeds should be worth more or less, it's what the public/buyer can afford. Personally if I was to come home and tell my husband I wanted to buy a horse that was $12,000 he would literally die laughing at that outrageous price; He doesn't understand all the particulars that go into 'horse/training even though I have been into horses for 12 years (we've been married 19 1/2 years) But he is NOT a horse person. My first horse was purchased for $2500 and what a bargain she wasexcellent bloodlines, temperament, had won numerous hunter titles for her class, etc., but the lady didn't want her anymore for her son, I was there at the right time and picked up the MOST WONDERFUL HORSE!! After she passed away (sob) I shopped around and ended purchasing a 3yr old QH. Nice horse, but after a year and a half I sold him. Wasn't the right horse for me. The reason I orginally ended up looking at this horse was he was in the price range my HUSBAND set for me (if I had been able to go up a bit in price, I had a bigger selection to work with). I paid $3000 and put at least $1000 into training him and sold him for $2500. Why, You ask? Well, I needed to sell him, I had already bought Gustav, was paying board on two horses (remember my husband is there in the picture having a cow about all of this!) the riding I did was English/dressage and the only people looking at him were Western riders who wanted to know if he would do a spin, barrel race, slide stop or whatever. Thank goodness, a nice couple came along and bought him and they just loved himanother match made. I purchased Gustav during this timeI paid $5500 for him.which as you can imagine, my husband had a cow about (no, we don't have a pasture full of them!) That was WAY more then he thought a horse should costhe doesn't understand all the other factors that go into 'the package'...temperment, training, etc. To me, he was a bargain!I felt fortuneate to be able to purchase him since there were MANY calls on him and I got to 'snap him up' before the 'ad' went out in the paper!! He is wonderful to ride and has been excellent with my children around him which is a blessing indeed! and considering he was a stallion for 14 years and was cut right before I purchased him, it's a double one! Now on to me as future buyer: I will most likely buy another Fjord, but some of them will be priced out of my reach. We are considered affluent, but as I just can't run out and buy whatever I think I want, I have a family to think about, means I have to buy a horse that is more within my 'husbands' price range but bumped up a bit...So, some of the higher priced ones I will not be able to even look at no matter how great they are or how great I think they would be for me.I have other considerations that have to take a priority. This is NOT to say our home wouldn't be a good one or that we give shoddy carewe don't!! Purchase price is only one factor albeit a large one finacially. Reena stepping down off of soap box and throwing in her two cents This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> However, one element which I consider essential has been missing: specifically, how a person's income affects their perspective on price. Many, if not most, people have an idea of how much they can afford to spend on a horse based on their financial status. Linda in the Odenwald
Re: Dusty Barns and a Shop Vac!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I personally don't like the cubes. I've seen a few horse get impaction colic because of themand these were older horses too. Don't know of anyone elses thoughts on this, but would love to hear about them Don't know about the barn thing. Gustav started with the coughing and nasal thing last year after being shut up in the barn during cold weather. Vet said just to leave him out as much as possible. I also gave him some coughing medicine...first a more herbal blend and then one with more meds in it. That seemed to do the trick, but it sure did last a while while it tapered off. Reena ! This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I have thought of alfalfa cubes as my next move. Anyone have any idea how much one would feed a 1700 pounder? Jean Jean Walters Gayle Aberdeen, WA Author:The Colonel's Daughter $20 PO Box 104 Montesano, WA 98563
Re: Jean in Alaska!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Glad to hear all is well Jean! When my hubby heard it on the radio, first thing I thought of was you and how Alaska had just had one a bit ago. Glad to hear you are safe. reena This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yes, we had a real shaker here! > Jean Ernest Fairbanks, Alaska mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: my black lab and Lars
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Well said Deb. At the barn where I board, there are two dogs that live there and numerous boarders dogs who visit. All of them get along well with the horses and thank goodness, my kids!! Ü Reena This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> All our dogs are use to the horses and the horses them.
Jean in Alaska!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I hope everything is ok with you hubby said there was a big earthquake, a 7.0+? Please let us know Reena
Re: Dusty Barns and a Shop Vac!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jean your winter is here, in's currently about 35° here. Reena > This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > something) > > Jean in still warm Fairbanks, ALaska, record warmth again today, 40- 50 > degrees. Where is winter?
Re: conformation vs confirmation
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'re right Janet, I think I am one of the guiltiesI think I used the religious term myself!! Reena > This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > I have noticed that we have a lot of very pious fjords on the list, as they are all > getting confirmed, presumedly in a church nearby. I> Janet W McNally
Re: Rocking and rolling in Alaska
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Glad to hear you're ok Jean...thought of you when I heard the news about it last night!!! Reena - Original Message - From: "Jean Ernest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 1:29 PM Subject: OT: Rocking and rolling in Alaska > This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Yesterday morning I was awakened about 3:25 am by the bed shaking, and lay > there hanging on to see what was going to happen next: Turns out it was a > strong earthquake measured at 6.7 on the Richter scale, centerd 85 miles > south of Fairbanks, 35 miles East of Denali park headquarters. It was > widely felt, but amazingly, very little damage, no injuries, etc. as it was > in an unpopulated area. The Safeway store had a few ceiling tiles come > loose, and I think folks closer to the epicenter had stuff falling off > shelves, etc. > > We have a lot of Earthquakes here, and usually one this big somewhere in > the state each year, but if this had happend in the area of a large city it > could have caused terrible damage! As it was, it made for a lot of > conversation! > > Jean in mild Fairbanks, Alaska, where we are losing our first snowfall with > temps in the mid 40's for the lasst 4 days! what a mess! > > > > Jean Ernest > Fairbanks, Alaska > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: fjordhorse-digest V2002 #245
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Carol You have very good points in your arguement for perfection, and I don't think what Don was suggesting was what your hypothetical picture included. I personally have had horses that were NOT perfect...legs not completely 'straight' etc., who may not win a confirmation class but were just awesome in the open show ring and had the bestest temperament. These types of horse can not be excluded from a perfect category, because for me, they WERE perfect. I am by no means a breeder or can call myself an expert on confirmation. Case in point also: My friend has a stallion who has a great temperament and excellent confirmation, yet he was injured young and is basically useless as a riding horse, but as a stallion has many worthy babies on the ground who have won many QH titles.. I think what you and Arthur do for the Fjord breed is outstanding!! One day hoping I can make it out to your place to see yours. But what you have described below about nature and breeding is just that: nature. What we have with horses is really not 'nature' as it is all predetermined by us humans who they are mating with, wouldn't you agree? it's not as if you're showing a portfolio to Gjest and asking him who he'd like to spend his time with. So yes, in nature, what Arthur has suggested is very true...the best is meant to survive. But we have literally taken the horse out of the nature/wild setting. Reena and her two cents. Dear Fjord Friends - from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia Thanks for a good belly laugh, Don. Just what's needed first thing in > the morning.He then painted a hilarious picture of a > bucktoothed, swaybacked, lop-eared, knock-kneed stallion with one testicle > being swarmed by the fillies because he had such a good personality - > stallion to mare: "Hey, let's be democratic. Give me a chance - I'm > available" > Then he got a bit serious for 7 am in the morning and told me what he'd > learned on the many nature shows he loves to watch. He told me how the > females of various bird and mammal species seek out the male that's the > biggest and best and has the most "presence", and that's the one they want > to mate. It's nature's way of carrying on the best qualities in a > pecies. -- > Regards, Carol Rivoire > > This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > I do know that in my own mind a horse's personality is it's number one > asset > > - - it may not be the fastest, the most beautiful, have the best neck or > > perfect mane but if it has all of these and a bad personality it is not a > > valuable horse in my opinion. If we continue the drive to only allow the > > "perfect" ones to breed I hate to think of what the Norwegian Fjord will > > become. ~~~
Ursula and Brian
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ursula and Brian, I am so sorry about your mare, my thoughts are with you. Reena
Re: Anyone out there?
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ok, I was just thinking the same thing!! I thought maybe my account was down. Just to make it Fjord related, I did ride my horse today!! reena > This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > It has been 3 days since I have recieved any mail from the list. Where is > everyone? > Sue > > Sue Clark-Sorger > Crown Oak Fjords > Sandia Park NM
Re: I can't wait any longer: Dagrun's website is up
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Very nice Dagrun!!! Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. reena > This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Hello listers, > > I finally have my website up and running! Have a look if you like. It is one > of those free sites, so very unprofessional, but quite a few pictures. > >
Mule in Morrocco gives birth!
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Since this was a topic on our list a few weeks ago, I thought this story quite interesting...and the pictures of the mule, she is very pretty. reena Linda: thank you for the clarification on sanding the hooves. My experience has been that different breeds do different things regarding grooming for the show ringwhat is acceptable and what is not is based on what has been established for that 'breed'. I personally do a minimal of 'clipping'bridle path (forgot to mention THAT), mane and once in a blue moon, his whiskers! I like the shaggy look. As for clipping for cold weather riding, well I don't. I realize that I cannot ride him to a point of him being so sweaty that I have to be around forever to cool him out (yes we have a cooler) so I either ride earlier in the day when it is warmer and he has a chance to cool unless it's really really cold, then it's lite workout.or just don't ride him 'hard'...that is how I do it. I may end up doing a minimal trace clip this year on the neck and chest area, but will have to see when it gets to that point. My riding during the winter is usually limited to the weekends (of course this is only going to be my second 'winter' here in MI, so I don't have much to go on) reena
Re: HEATH ALERT: WNV in Washington State, German National Fjord Show
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Guess I must have missed this original message: > > "If you saw how they groom horses here for show" << But I did get the one from Pamela quoting the above! This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > "One man's meat is another man's poison I guess. I like the lack of clipping. > The only thing I do clip is the goat hairs." > > Pamela<< Here Here PamelaI have to admit, I don't do any clipping...I used to be WAY into all of that (of course I don't show anymore!) but I brush Gus out like the dickens, curry him alothe had a nice shining summer coat and an has excellent healthy winter coatI left his ears alone along with all of the other supposed 'clipped' parts (meaning they were unclipped)..I do admit, I trimmed down his whiskers a bit, but that is IT!!! I have no clue why you would sandpaper their hooves? can someone enlightened me? Reena
Tshirts and worm
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Everyone please be careful and keep the programs up to date.I have gotten numerous variations of the Klez and now this bugbear one in the last few days coming through my email...they seem to be running rampant!! Steve: I will also wait for the T-Shirts!! I hope this message goes through...I never saw my other one: Reena and Gustav (in a very wet MI) - Original Message - From: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 7:38 AM Subject: Re: worm > This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > At 08:55 AM 10/3/2002 -0700, you wrote: > >This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > >My Norton went off on a msg to "Mike" strangely enough teasing him about > >something he had done to get a horse to work. > > > > Yes I got that message here twice Jean.once to the "registrar" address & > once to the "Mike" address. It was infected with [EMAIL PROTECTED] I > don't know if it came from your machine or not but the from line said it > was from you. You might want to make sure your Anti Virus is up to > date. This one was just discovered on 9/30 according to the NAV site. > > Mike > > > > > === > > Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry > Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar > PO Box 685 > Webster, NY 14580-0685 > > Voice 585-872-4114 > FAX 585-787-0497 > > > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Our 1st mare Frida
This message is from: "Reena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about thoughts and prayers are with you all reena --- Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.385 / Virus Database: 217 - Release Date: 9/4/2002