
2015-12-23 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all, 

Sorry to hear that the list is shutting down.  I know that the discussions
have been dwindling over the years.  This list has been an invaluable tool
for those of us in the Fjord horse world.  


Thanks Steve for putting up with us all over the years.  


Sherrie Dayton,  

Sunwood Fjords

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Libby and Fun Fest

2015-02-28 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,


This year PNFPG will undertake a new location for our International Fjord
Horse Show.  It will be in Davenport Washington from August 14 through 16th.
There are lots of riding classes, fun classes and lots of driving classes,
single horse, pairs and 4 in-hands.  We will have a pot luck and auction on
Saturday evening.  Davenport is a small farming town about 30 miles west of
Spokane Washington on highway 2.  Very easy to get to.  We're hoping to
recreate the wonderful atmosphere that Libby always had.  We're hoping the
change of venue will attract some that never made it Libby due to the
distance or the dates since it was always after school started.   The
contact people for this show are Holly Finnoe and Susie Sabatini.  


We are also doing our 2nd annual Fun Fest in Pasco Washington June 26-28.
This is an open show so everyone is welcome.  Bring your non Fjord friends
and show them what we all love!  There are clinics scheduled on Friday with
showing on Saturday and Sunday.  Everyone that was there last year had a lot
of fun and the non Fjord folks commented on how nice and friendly we Fjord
folks were.   Gretchen Payne is the contact person for this show.  


All the info on both shows is available at PNFPG.org,  click on the calendar
tab and scroll down.  The show packets, class descriptions, everything is
all there.  We'd love to see a bunch of you guys at either or both of these


Come help us start new memories and traditions.

Sherrie Dayton


Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Libby show cancellation

2014-09-07 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Good morning all,


After 27 years the International Fjord Horse Show in Libby Montana has been
cancelled.  This show has been getting smaller over the last few years and
with the small amount of competitors entered for this year's show we made
the painful decision to cancel this year's show.  PNFPG had already made the
decision that this would be our last year in Libby as part of their
Nordicfest celebration.  We are actively looking for a new venue and date
for a Fjord horse show in the Northwest starting in 2015.  We'll keep you
all informed and hope to see some of you in 2015 in a new location.  


Over the years Ron and I have made some wonderful friends that we only got
to see at Libby and I'm hoping that we can all still get together in a new
location, I have to say that this is  bittersweet, I'm sad to see Libby end
but an excited to see what we can do for the future.


Hope to see you all in the future,


Sherrie Dayton


Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l


2014-09-07 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Good morning all,


After 27 years the International Fjord Horse Show in Libby Montana has been
cancelled.  This show has been getting smaller over the last few years and
with the small amount of competitors entered for this year's show we made
the painful decision to cancel this year's show.  PNFPG had already made the
decision that this would be our last year in Libby as part of their
Nordicfest celebration.  We are actively looking for a new venue and date
for a Fjord horse show in the Northwest starting in 2015.  We'll keep you
all informed and hope to see some of you in 2015 in a new location.  


Over the years Ron and I have made some wonderful friends that we only got
to see at Libby and I'm hoping that we can all still get together in a new
location, I have to say that this is  bittersweet, I'm sad to see Libby end
but an excited to see what we can do for the future.


Hope to see you all in the future,


Sherrie Dayton


Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Libby 2014

2014-08-03 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,


If any of you have ever thought about coming to the Libby Montana Fjord
horse show this is the year you should do it.  PNFPG has made the decision
that after this year we will no longer be doing the show in conjunction with
the Nordicfest.  Due to a whole lot of factors we can no longer sustain a
show at that time and place.  We are currently looking at other venues and
available dates in order to find some place that will work for the majority
of our members.  


Those of you that have been to the Libby show know how much fun it is.  For
me it has always been the people that I get to spend time with, as well as
playing with these wonderful horses that brought us all together.  


Brian Jensen and Gayle Ware will be there as our judges this year.  I'm
looking forward to visiting with old friends.  I have to say that it will be
bittersweet knowing that this is our last time in Libby but looking forward
to whatever new is coming.


The show schedule, class descriptions and entry forms are available on the
PNFPG web-site.


Please come and join us if you can, we'd love to have each and every one of


Sherrie Dayton


Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l


2014-07-02 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

Just got my copy of the Herald, it's gorgeous!  Beth and Sandy did a
fantastic job!  


Thank you both for all your hard work on this amazing issue.


Sherrie Dayton

Sunwood Fjords 

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Fjord cover

2014-01-08 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

I just got my copy of the Back in the Saddle catalog and there is a cute
little Fjord filly napping on the snow on the cover and it is also available
as a print inside the catalog.


Hope everyone is staying warm,



Sunwood Fjords

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Soaking boot

2013-08-07 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

I have a quick question for those of you that have had to soak your horses
feet.  Do you use soaking boots?  Which is the best brand and why?  I've
been soaking one of Verdi's front feet because we think she may have an
abscess and the Vet told us to soak it in warm water with Epson salts and
I've tried a bucket and a shallow grain pan and was wondering if a soaking
boot is easier.





Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Gelding looking for a home

2013-02-09 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

I am posting this for a friend.  She has a 10 year old fjord gelding that
she would like to find a home for.  This was her husband's horse and he
passed away a couple of months ago.  They were given this horse about 3
years ago.  Gabe is an older lady and doesn't feel like she should be trying
to ride or train a green broke horse.  He is very well taken care of and
this is NOT a rescue situation, she just wants to find this horse a good
forever home.  


He had been bought from a farm in Canada but there are no papers for him.
As far as they can tell he is a pure bred but there is no way to tell.   He
is about 10 years old, he has 2 months of riding training but has not been
ridden in the last year.  He has been ground driven and long lined but never
actually hooked up to a cart.  He is about 13' 2, drafty, has spent most of
his life as a pasture pet.  From what I understand he very friendly and
loves people and will leave his food to come visit with people.   He is
located in North Idaho.  


If any of you know of someone who is wanting a gelding that heeds a little
tune up and would like to give this horse a forever home please contact me
privately and I'll give you the phone number to call.



Sherrie Dayton


Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l


2012-09-13 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

Now that I've been home a few days and am somewhat recuperated I thought I'd
post about the Libby show.  It's always fun visiting with my "Libby family",
I've always looked at it as a family reunion type of thing.  


For the most part the weather couldn't have been better.  I understand that
there was one heck of a rain and wind storm on Wednesday night which was
before I got there.  The nights were crisp which is to be expected in
Northwestern Montana in September but the days were sunny.


The show is small compared to some of the shows in the past but there is a
core group that comes every year.  As Barb said in her posting there were 3
Four in Hand entries this year and we haven't had that many for quite a few
years, everyone in that class did a great job.  Two of the 4's had only been
put together 2 or 3 times before that class.  The Unique Hitch class was
really cool since we had a Tandem, a Unicorn and a 4 A Breast.  It's been
forever since we had those kind of entries and diversity.  It was fun to
watch and again everyone did a great job!


In the last few years we've had a lot more Junior rider and Leadline
entries.  These kids are the future and it's so much fun watching them.  


Alan Zoehner neglected to mention that he was our Senior Reserve High Point
winner.  Dick Renfro was our Senior High Point winner and took home a really
nice belt buckle.  The Junior High Point winner was Samantha Finnoe and the
Reserve Junior High Point winner was Lauren Frentress.  For the first time
since we started having a Versatility winner we had a tie this year.  We
couldn't figure out how to break the tie so we awarded both of the horses a


Watching Holly Finnoe run the show, take care of a 3 week old baby and ride
herd on Ben and her other 4 kids was a trip in itself.  I wish I had half of
her energy!  


Susie Sabatini did a great job organizing and running the live Auction again
this year.  We had some really nice items and raised a lot of money to help
offset our expenses for the show.  This year on Friday night Susie organized
a Pizza party on the grounds, I think it was a great success and I hope we
do it again in the future.  We had our usual potluck on Saturday night and
I'm always amazed that people can show and still come up with hot really
good food.  It's always fun to sit and visit and relax after a day of
working and competing.  


I think that about covers it and if I've made any errors or omissions please
feel free to correct me.

Sherrie Dayton

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Cushings, IR, and long hair coats

2012-07-22 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

We had a mare diagnosed with Insulin Resistance in Dec of 2010.  She had
never been overweight but she had foundered and had a long scraggly poor
hair coat.  The Vet initially thought she might have Cushing's but that test
came back negative, I also know that you can get false negatives, her
Insulin levels were "through the roof" to quote the vet.  We put her on a
high fat supplement, in her case Wellsolve L/S and added a dose of
Quiessence which has a lot of Chromium Picolate in it, along with grass hay.
She can never be on pasture or have any kind of grain products or any sugars
and we have our hay tested every year when it's delivered so that we can see
what the carb and sugar levels are and adjust the hay accordingly.   After a
couple of months on that diet her awful hair coat started to fall out by the
handfuls.  What came in was a very fine, short, shiny, healthy feeling hair
coat.  Since then her hair coat has been good.  I don't know if the Insulin
Resistance was what caused the poor hair coat or not but it wouldn't
surprise me if it did.  Poor nutrition can show up in a lot of different
ways.  She still gets special trimming and pads on her front feet, she has a
pretty severe rotation of the coffin bone and probably will never be sound
again.  She's 25 years old now and still seems happy, looks forward to
eating and talks to you when we go out to the barn, her plumbing all seems
to be working well and as long as she seems happy we'll keep giving her the
special care she needs.  She's been a good horse and I feel we owe her that.
The extra care and time I've spent with her has strengthened our bond and I
treasure that.  When she seems to have more bad days then good or when she
starts showing signs of depression we'll have to have her put down.   She is
the first older horse that I've had and I've learned from this experience
with her and will have a better idea what to look for when my other horses
start getting up there in age.   One of the things that I learned when first
researching IR was that breeds like Fjords and other very easy keeper type
of breeds do have a tendency towards metabolic disorders.  


Now it's off to the barn to let her out and put fly masks on so the gnats
don't eat up their ears.  The heat and humidity has finally broken here in
North Idaho and I'm off to spend the day outside.


Have a good day all,



Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Sunwood Carriage Co.

2011-11-12 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: Ron & Sherrie Dayton 

It snowed today up here in north Idaho and our horses are all fuzzy and ready 
for some colder weather.  This is a special time of year, looking forward to 
the holiday season and some winter fun.  We never tire of the seasons and the 
changes here.  It becomes kind of a challenge as we get older, but the horse 
seem to adapt fairly well.  I guess the big thing to remembering to keep plenty 
of fresh water available and to stay on a good feeding schedule with good hay. 
We are about done fishing for the year and now have plenty of wood in for some 
time in the shop with our never ending projects.  Now would be a good time to 
get your order in for some nice driving equipment for the spring. We have many 
designs for carts, carriages, wagons , etc., for a safe drive in or out of the 
show ring.  We would like to thank all our past customers for their business 
and wish you all a Happy Holliday and Happy Trails as well.   RD

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH-L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

Size Maters

2011-02-26 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: Ron & Sherrie Dayton 

After many years of building horse drawn equipment, I still ponder about what 
size critter is going to pull this thing I just created?  Whether it be horse, 
mule, donkey, lama, I still find that I must measure out the animal in all 
directions to get a true idea of what the situation is.  We all have our 
favorite breeds and realize they come in different sizes even if they are 
called say a Fjord, Quarter horsed, Welsh, or any other breed.  I often tell 
customers that before I can build them any equipment I first need to know all 
about the animal and size it up from all angles.  I am just curious to see if 
most of us horse lovers are on the same track as far as size and breed goes.  
Say if we start with the very smallest of horses.  I call these Minnie s, and I 
guess there is a limit before they become a pony at least for the purist.  The 
way I see it is as follows:  Minney, pony, 3/4, horse light draft med 
draft,heavy draft and so on to the Gentle Giants.  Where would you pla!
 ce a heave built drafty 15 hand Fjord?  I would place him or her in the light 
draft spot. So, I guess a Fjord can go from pony to 3/4 to full horse and in 
some cases light draft.  When I build a wagon, I build it for one of five 
categories, minie, pony, 3/4, horse, or draft.  The 3/4 in my mind would be a 
large pony, or small horse such as a Haflinger, small Fjord, Hackney, or any 
light horse.  I have seen Morgans that would go into the light draft.  I built 
a cart for a woman with a Bulldog Quarter horse that was very husky and tall 
with real drafty characteristics.  So, to sum it up, I guess size is in the eye 
of the beholder, and it is truly not an exact science.  
The main thing I guess to consider is that what ever you expect to pull with 
your critter must be something he or she can handle. Just some thoughts to 
ponder while we are all trying to get over our cabin fever.  They say spring is 
coming, "The sooner the better for us!"  Well, I hope to see some of you folks 
in Oregon for the sale in April,  "Happy 
trails to you all"  RD

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f


2010-02-10 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

A friend of ours is looking for a used harness that would fit a miniature 
mule.  The mule is 45 inches at the wither so I'm thinking a pony harness 
might fit.  She prefers a work style harness with a collar.  It does not 
need to be show quality, just safe and in good repair.  I'm not sure how 
much she wants to spend.

If you will e-mail me privately I'll give her your phone number and she can 
call you for more information.

Thanks to all and stay warm,
Sherrie Dayton

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Fjord sculpture in bronze

2009-11-18 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you all know that there is an artist in this area that 
is doing a Fjord sculpture in bronze.  The artist's name is Gabe Gabel, she 
does all kinds of sculptures in bronze and her work in wonderful.  Any of 
you that have been to the Sandpoint Draft horse show may have seen her stuff 
there.  She and her husband Emmet have a Fjord mare that they rescued 
earlier this year.  They had had another Fjord that they dearly loved but he 
died suddenly at 22 years  of age.  Check out her web-site www.gabegabel.com 
and check out the link under works in progress, there is a special price if 
you buy before they're cast in bronze, there will only be 20 cast.


Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f


2009-10-15 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

I use a Troxel helmet anytime I'm riding or driving..  Before I used a 
helmet I had a skull fracture and a really bad concussion that required 
hospitalization.  There is a video that I saw years ago called "Every Ride, 
Every Time", if that doesn't convince you to wear a helmet nothing will. 
Not preaching, just sharing information.

Sunwood Fjords

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f


2009-07-14 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know that the entry forms and class schedule 
are all ready for those that are interested in coming to the Libby show. 
They are not on the PNFPG web-site yet but I'll be glad to send them to 
anyone that wants them.  You can e-mail me at sunw...@jrcda.com or you can 
e-mail Linda Stevenson at :nwcr...@jrcda.com.   They are all in a Word 
format.  If you have any questions please let me know.

Are there any of you that are coming to Libby that would be interested in a 
Fjord Horse Soccer game?  We'd love to put together a group that could do a 
demo at Libby.  Let me know.

Hope all of you are enjoying summer with your Fjords now that it has 


Sunwood Fjords

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f


2009-05-22 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" 

Hi all,

I have a question for those of you that have to deal with clouds of Gnats. 
I have flymasks with the ears covered on the horses so they are not being 
eaten alive but what do you do to prevent the gnats from descending on 
people so you can work your horses.I'm really frustrated, we've had a 
long nasty winter and a wet miserable spring here in the Northwest and now 
the weather is better we have to deal with all the gnats.  Is there a spray 
that will keep them away from me as well as the horses?

Any help or info is appreciated.

Sherrie Dayton

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Wilbur stuck in N. Idaho

2008-12-17 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" 

Greetings from Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Co.  Our friend "Wilbur" has come 
home for the Holiday's but we have a problem!  Who ever sent him home forgot 
to include the mailing labels back in the box.  Now we have no idea of where 
Wilbur is going next.  Could the farm that sent Wilbur home PLEASE send us 
the mailing labels.  Thanks and Happy Holidays to you all. RD 

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Winter riding boots

2008-11-06 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I have a question for all of you that ride in the winter.  I had a pair of 
winter riding boots that I wore for years and wore them out so now I'm 
looking to buy new boots and would buy the same ones that I had but they're 
not being made anymore.  What brands do you all recommend, what are the pros 
and cons of the ones that you all have?

Thanks for your help and info,

Sherrie Dayton

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Herald and Resource guide

2008-10-17 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI all,

I just received my new Herald and as usual it is excellent!  The new NFHR
Resource Guide that came with it is fantastic!  A huge THANK YOU   to all that
worked on it!  It is a great tool for all of us and for any new Fjord horse
owners or those that just want to know more about this wonderful breed that we
all love.

We finally have something resembling high speed internet so any of you that
may want it our new e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

"Wilbur up-date"

2008-09-03 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, after about a year on the road, Wilbur finally made it home, just in
time for our 8th annual Wagon Train/ Dutch Oven Cook-Off here at Sunwood.
Thank you all so much for taking care of Wilbur.  We really like the new
saddle and head stall.  and the blanket.  At the last stop someone forgot to
put the address labels back in the box.  OOPS!  If you see this post, Please
send them to Sunwood, Thank You.  Wilbur will be traveling to the Libby Show
with Sherrie and even get evaluated.  I think he will win for being the
smallest Fjord of all.  Not sure where he will go from Libby, when we get the
labels back we will know more.  "Happy Trails"  RD

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f


2008-08-10 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Has anyone seen Wilbur, if so could you ask him to phone home, we haven't
heard from you in a while.   We'd like you to stop by home so we can take you
to the Libby show and the Moses Lake show, then you can get back to your

Mom, aka Sherrie Dayton

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

" Wilbur "

2008-06-05 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If anyone has seen our friend " Wilbur " please have him phone home ! (208)
623-3600  Thank You.   Ron & Sherrie

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Libby show 2008

2008-04-23 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I sure hope that you're enjoying spring, here in North Idaho we're still
dealing with the white stuff.

I thought that I'd bring you all up to date on the progress of the Libby show
this year.  First of all the correct dates for the show are Sept 12th - 14th,
2008.  The dates that were in the PNFPG Newsletter were incorrect, we had
gotten some bum info at the beginning of the year.  Most years the show is the
weekend after Labor Day, however,  this year since the 1st of September falls
on Labor Day the Nordicfest celebration and our show will be the weekend after
that.  I apologize for any confusion or problems this may cause some of you.

There is an Evaluation scheduled for the 10th & 11th, so any of you that might
want to have your horses evaluated please let either myself or Dan Watanabe
know and we'll make sure that you have all the info that you need.  Our
Evaluators will be Wayne Hipsley and Karen Maas, Karen will then stay on as
our Judge for the show.

All the show info will be posted on the PNFPG web-site for download soon.  We
will be using the NFHR rule book for the show so any questions please check
there.  We have put together a show that I hope everyone will enjoy with lots
of variety and fun things as well as regular competition.  We're grouping our
classes better this year so there should not be as many tack changes as in the

We'll have our pot luck on Saturday night after competition ends for the day,
Dan is trying to put together a clinic with Wayne for Friday morning before he

Keep checking the PNFPG web-site for updates and I'll update the digest every
so often as plans come together.

Have a great spring and summer, I'll see some of you in a couple of weeks at
the PNFPG Spring Fling in Moses Lake.

If you have any questions please contact me privately,


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

So Sad !

2008-04-05 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After reading the PNFPG Newsletter and included fliers of upcoming events, I
find it rather troublesome to see that at a CDE event coming up in July at a
members farm that "children are not welcome" !  How sad, to leave out those
youngsters who will some day become the riders and teamsters of the future.
Without these young folks the PNFPG will just fade away.  but NOT to worry,
children will always be welcome at Libby at at Sunwood Fjords as well.  Over
the past 20 plus years it has been pure joy working and playing with our
horses and our young friends.  "Happy Trails to all, "Young and Old"  Ron

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2008-04-05 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wilbur has arrived at Olivia Farm in Ford, Wa.  they are expecting a new foul
soon so we expect some great pictures.  Our web site is about to change to a
new format soon so the updates will be delayed momentarily.  Soon we will have
all kinds of new photo's on the site. "Happy Trails"  RD

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Somg great photo's on Sunwood Web-Site (sunwoodfjords.com)

2008-03-21 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wilbur arrived at Hestehaven - The Horse Garden! Wilbur had a great time with
Green Valley Farms and made the trip to Oregon with out any problems. The
Fielders flew him first class priority!

He is having such a good time. he thought he might stay a bit but we felt he
needed to pack his bags and head to Washington State, so that he could be
there by Easter. Wilbur did get out of working the farm due to heavy rains and
cold weather. We were ready to harness him up to the teams. He may be in luck
when he comes and visits Amy Evers... she just might have to put him to work.

While at our place, Wilbur met the Norwegian Buhund puppies. The one
photograph was taken with his favorite Behind puppy, a little female. There
are six Behind puppies at the farm here. Mama, Sandy Maud Actuator gave birth
on February 26, 2008. The Papa is Elite-Grad's Åsgård, a male Behind that Rune
brought over from Norway for my birthday.  Buhunds are considered a farm dog.
The herd sheep and guard the farm.

The next photograph is Wilbur and a few friends that have been sitting on our
mantel since they were given to us by Ursula and Brian Jensen. Wilbur is
wearing his newest neck charm, a medallion of HOPE for the 3 Day Breast Cancer
walk in Seattle, WA. Wilbur took a training walk with me the other day. It was
only 5 miles, he was impressed that thousands of people will take the time off
to walk 60 miles in 3 days in order to raise money for and bring more
awareness about Breast Cancer.  Wilbur is invited to attend the walk if he is
finished with his visits by late September. To find out more information about
the 3 Day Walk, Wilbur borrowed our computer and went to www.the3Day.org and
looked up all the activities.

The final photograph is Wilbur by a Jær hus or Jæren hus. This is typical farm
house in the area of Jæren, Norway. This house was a gift from a dear friend
to Rune on his 50th birthday. It was not big enough for Wilbur to stay in but
he enjoyed seeing it.

Wilbur's bags are packed and he will go to Washington State to visit with
James McMillian.

Catherine Lassesen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

" We found Wilbur "

2008-03-17 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, Wilbur called home today and said he had a swell time at Green Valley
Farm, Thanks Howard !..Wilbur is now on his way over to visit with Catherine
and Rune Lassesen in Oregon.  I see someone has taken off the Norwegian scarf
and added an American Flag scarf, "Nice touch"  He looks well as you can see
on our web site (sunwoodfjords.com)  We expect some great pictures from
Catherine, She has such cool sense of humor, Sherrie tells me that all is
going well with the show committee for the Libby Show,  Looks like we will
have another great show and some good times as always with all our friends.
Well, Happy Trails for now,  from Wilbur and Ron & Sherrie.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2008-03-08 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all of you that responded regarding my question about what to do
with old show ribbons.  Some of the web-sites are amazing.

I got some great ideas,

Thanks again,

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Question not related to horses

2008-03-06 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Hope everyone is surviving winter.  I have a question for all of you that
might quilt or sew.  I have box's and box's of ribbons left over from past
Libby shows and was wondering if there was anything that I could make with all
of them.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

" The adventures of Wilbur "

2008-02-10 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wilbur got to his first stop, Willow Edge Farm in Bothell Wa.  Carinne Logan
and her son took Wilbur along with some of her horses on a trip around
Seattle.  Check it our on our web site (sunwoodfjords.com)   After a record
snow fall (since 1915), we are about ready for spring.  I think we will have
snow on the ground in July this year.  We should have enough for some great
sleigh rides with the sun out and warmer days.  Happy Trails from Ron &

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Wilbur correction

2008-01-21 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI all,

The correct web address should be www.sunwoodfjords.com , Ron left off the "s"
after fjord.

Sorry for any confusion,

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

" The adventures of Wilbur "

2008-01-20 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy Folks,  Well, Sunwood is off on another project,  We are sending a
little Fjord named "Wilbur"  on a trip around the country and overseas as
well.  He will visit many Fjord Farms and his travels will be tracked by
Sunwood and posted in the PNFPG Newsletter as well as the Herald.  We hope to
get many pictures returned to Sunwood of Wilbur near landmarks and in unusual
settings on farms and we really want to get the kids involved in this.  It
should be fun and for now we are sending Wilbur first to the 40 farms who are
listed in the "Fjords-Farms-and Friends Book we published a while back. Then
on to other farms who let us know they would like to have Wilbur for a visit
at their farm.  If you go to our web site you will find more information and a
photo of Wilbur.  We would like you all to wish Wilbur " Happy Trails "
Thanks, Ron & Sherrie Dayton ( www.sunwoodfjord.com)  It should all be posted
there in the next few days.  For more information call (208) 623-3600 or
E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Western Saddles

2007-09-27 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I have a Royal King with a flex tree that I use and my husband has a Circle Y
with full quarter horse bars that he uses.

Sherrie Dayton

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Libby lost and found

2007-09-12 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI to all of you that were at Libby,

I've inherited some items that were left at Libby.

One is a blue fleece jacket with MARMOT embroidered on the front, size small,
next is a Black Kodak camera bag,  and finally a stainless steel coffee mug
from Sapphire Frog Espresso.

I'll bring them to the Fall PNFPG meeting if you're going to be there, or let
me know where to send them.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Carts etc.

2007-06-15 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have been reading many of your thoughts on carts and other horse drawn
equipment on the list.  It is good that we are all sharing ideas and concerns
about safety and function.  As was mentioned, there are many vehicles out
there to avoid and many have come to our shop for repair and rebuild.  Each
year we do a free tune up at Sunwood and help each other get their equipment
in order for a safe and enjoyable drive.  Safety is key at our driving events
and we have had a very good track record with our equipment and many satisfied
customers.  Check out our web site for more information and vehicles
(sunwoodfjords.com)  Happy Trails Ron & Sherrie Dayton of Sunwood Fjords and
Carriage Co.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

New Book from Sunwood

2007-01-05 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood.  Yes, I am doing another book (Sherrie is rolling her
eyes!)  What I want to do is put together all the great recipe's from all the
Duth Oven Cook Off's and Wagon Trains we have had here at Suwood over the last
6 to 7 years.  I will include pictures, stories, poems, etc.  If I could get
any of you who came and cooked at these events just send me the recipe's and
stories, photo's etc. and I will include you in the Cook Book.  The cost
should be under $20.  I will publish, bind and print it myself.  Over the
years we have had some really great dishes and we will be doing another Cook
Off/Wagon Train this summer. Thanks again for all your support on these
projects. "Happy Trails"  Ron & Sherrie Dayton  E-mail me or send information
for the book to: Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Co.  28281 North Ramsey Road Athol,
Idaho 83801  USA  For further information call (208) 623-3600

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

"Fjords Farms and Friends" (Book)

2006-12-18 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood Fjords & Carrieage Co.

Just a reminder that we are now down to only ten books, there is still time 
to purchase one for your family and friends before Christmas, so if you want 
a copy, the sooner the better,  We would like to thank all the good folks 
who took the time to help us put this project together.  Without your help 
it would have never happened.  This shows that we DO have team player in the 
Fjord community.   "Happy Holidays one and all" Ron & Sherrie Dayton 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Nurtena lite balance

2006-11-22 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all from rainy, snowy North Idaho,

We started using it about a month ago after I heard about it at Winona, 
probably too early to notice any difference in the horses yet.  The horses 
all seem to like it and eat it all up.  We feed it along with their regular 
grass hay.  I like the idea that it's limited calories and not a "hot" feed 
like oats.

Everyone have a safe and fun filled holiday,


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fw: PNFPG now 100+ members

2006-11-03 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message -
From: Ron & Sherrie Dayton
To: Ron & Sherrie Dayton ; ruth bushnell
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: PNFPG now 100+ members

Howdy, Howdy,Just a short update and details on the fall meeting in
Yakima:  I just got off the phone with Debby (the host at the museum)  She
said the regular price of admission is $ 5.  but as we are going as a group
the cost will be $ 2.50 ea.  and $ 1.50 for kids and seniors.  When you get to
the museum just tell the girl at the desk that you are with the PNFPG.  They
changed their hours as well, They will be open at 10. am.  Also, There is a
nice outdoor antique impliment museum at Union Gap, just a short distance from
the Motel.  They are open from 1 pm to 4 pm.  So for those of you that would
like to see this, we can head over there for an hour or so and then on to the
meeting.   "Happy Trails"  Ron
  - Original Message -
  From: Ron & Sherrie Dayton
  To: ruth bushnell
  Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 11:20 AM
  Subject: Re: PNFPG now 100+ members

  I got it too, not sure what he's trying to say.

  Do you have anything that you'd like me to take to the meeting on Saturday?


- Original Message -
From: ruth bushnell
To: Sherrie Dayton
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Fw: PNFPG now 100+ members

just received this from Riddle

- Original Message -
To: Aarston, Dagrun ; Bakken, Allison ; Barnes, Tenille & Wendy ; Bogan,
Bryn ; Bushnell, Ruth ; Charvet, Heather ; Clifner, Jocelyn ; Clumpner, Marg ;
Conaway, Dean and Kathy ; Duncan, Janet ; Fulton, Gordon & Geri ; Gann, Susan
; Gonzales, Patricia ; Hannah, Marsha Jo ; Hayes-Rice, Sue ; Justad, Odd and
Greta ; King, Amanda ; Knee, Cheryl ; Bauer, Betsy ; Gioia, Steve and Cheryl ;
Grantham, Sue
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:06 PM
Subject: PNFPG now 100+ members

PNFPG passes the100 MEMBER mark !

Congratulations to Julia Northrup, our newest member, from Redmond,
Washington and also our 100th member. (Dues still coming in)  PNFPG has grown
from 43 paid members at this time 3 years ago.  Yes, and with growth sometimes
there are GROWING PAINS.

PNFPG has already grown from one major yearly event (the Libby show) to a
second major event (our Moses Lake Spring Fling).   Will members again sponsor
3 CDE clinics in 2007?  How many trail rides, fun days, breeder’s festivals?
And the big question is: will PNFPG sponsor one Fall show or two?  Will it be
at Libby, Moses Lake or both??

The decision will be made November 4 at our Fall business meeting and
whatever the answer, PNFPG is growing and moving forward.  Members need to ask
themselves:  Which show location(s) can I participate in as a committee
worker, an entrant, a spectator?  To which show location(s) will I invite
family, friends, potential new members and potential Fjord buyers?

Enthusiasm for both shows seems high.  It even looks like Dennis Johnson
(almost a founding member) will leave Fjord-semi-retirement and again join the
Libby show.

What are the issues?  Moses Lake has covered stalls and arena but Libby
has a certain ambiance and a sentimental history.  Moses Lake has room for the
show to grow.  Libby facilities have improved but also shrunk in usable field
areas.  Moses Lake charges for their arenas but Libby is free.  Libby has a
well-known asbestos problem but a few think there is an arsenic problem in
central Washington.  (For those folks I would suggest you never again touch
any green treated wood.  The green is copper-chromated-ARSENIC.)

So, can we afford Moses Lake, Libby or both.  Well, somehow PNFPG has
always afforded Libby even though it lost money in 2003 and 2005.  (2006 show
costs have not yet been published)  Pessimists project we would lose $3000 at
a Moses Lake Show.  Well, yes, maybe, if we charge only the $7 per class entry
fee we have been charging at Libby.  Members need to ask themselves if they
save gas and time at a Moses Lake show will they be quite happy to pay
$15/class entry fees.  Breed shows generally charge $20 and up.   $15 fees
would have brought in over $3000 more at Libby in 2006.   Judge costs will be
less.  Any judge flying into the Spokane Airport will cost less for car
rental, hotel and food at Moses Lake than at Libby, 1-2 days less.  So, think
it thru members.  Vote for 1 or both shows and lets keep growing.

See you in Yakima, Nov 4 for the museum tour (11 a.m.) and business
meeting (4:30)

Warren Riddle,  Teddy Bear Fjords, Spokane

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fall Meeting of the PNFPG "Door Prizes"

2006-10-25 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood,  To encourage more members to make it to the fall 
meeting this year we will have some nice door prizes, donated by different 
farms in the group.  If you would like to donate an item (horse related) 
for the Door Prizes, just bring it to the meeting and give it to Ron and we 
will add it to the list.  You will all have a number under your place mat at 
the dinner and the drawings will go on all evening.  Thank you for your help 
on this and have a safe trip to Yakima."Happy 
Trails" Ron & Sherrie Dayton 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Wynona Show & "The Books"

2006-10-10 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy, Howdy to all our Fjord Friends back in Wynona.  Sherrie is there 
along with Shirley Anderson.  They will be there for a week and she has the 
books or at least 20 of them.  Most are spoken for but if your lucky she 
will have one for you.  If you are "In the book" with your farm, you will 
not want to miss getting your book.  Just go to the promotional booth and 
they should know where Sherrie is and how to purchase a book.  If you do 
miss out, you can always order one from us back here in Idaho at Sunwood. 
If you do get to the show, I hope you all have a swell time.  I am back here 
doing chores and feeding the Fjords here at our place.  I hope Sherrie can 
get some good pictures of the show back there.  We all wish you well, 
"Happy Trails"  Ron Dayton, Sunwood Fjords and Carriage Co. 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

PNFPG Fall meeting reminder

2006-10-06 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning all,

For those that plan on attending the Fall meeting in Yakima please contact 
us by the 20th of October so that we can have an accurate count for the 
number of dinners.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-10-05 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Be advised that the latest mailing to the PNFPG membership from the Riddles 
regarding the Libby/Moses lake question is FULL of LIES and 
MIS-INFORMATION.The truth will come out at the fall meeting in November and 
you will be given the REAL FACTS. Also, regardless of the outcome on the 
Libby Moses Lake Question, There will be a show at Libby in 07.  Same time 
as always. "You can take that to the bank"  I find it kind of ironic that 
Sherrie & I have just finished the book on Fjords, Farms, and Friends to 
help bring the Fjord community closer together and now we have a member 
trying to tear us apart.  To all the GOOD folks in the PNFPG, "Happy Trails" 
Ron Dayton Sunwood Fjords and Carriage Co. 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Response to Fred's Barred from Libby-long

2006-09-22 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

First of all this is going to be rather long so I apologize in advance.  I 
want to share with everyone what was involved in the decision that the show 
committee and PNFPG made in not allowing Fred's mare and trainer to compete 
at Libby this year.  It was not an easy decision!  It was not a snap 
decision, there had been concerns over the several days leading up to the 
Friday night incident in the arena that was the straw that broke the camels 
back so to speak.   It did not start with the Advanced Driving test at the 
Evaluation.  We did not make our decision just on what happened on Friday 
night.  People had been coming to the show committee over several days 
leading up to Friday night.  The show committee and officers that were 
present met on Saturday morning and we made the decision to not let the 
horse/handler compete.  We told Fred that the other horses and the other 
handler could compete.

For those of you that don't know me I have been involved with the Libby show 
committee for about 15 years.  Some as show chairman and other times as just 
a member of the show committee.   This year I was Show chairman.  This year 
was the first time in all the time that I have been a part of this show that 
we had to tell someone that they would not be allowed to compete.  Politics 
were NOT a part of our decision, SAFETY was.  In all the years that I have 
participated in this show we have never had people come to the show 
committee with safety concerns and in some cases down right outrage at the 
lack of regard for the safety of their fellow competitors.  There were 17 
different people that came to me, Woody Hoopes and Shirley Anderson about 
this horse/handler.  That has never happened before!   Some of these people 
are on this list and if they want to wade in on this they can, I will 
respect their privacy and not name names.  I will say this, they are all 
very experienced, well regarded horse people.

First, some background.  Fred is not aware of this but this all actually 
started last year at Libby.  This same horse raised concerns last year and 
we kept an eye on her then.  Last years show was a much smaller show with 
only 29 horses on the grounds and much smaller classes.   In retrospect 
maybe we should have done something last year but we gave the horse/handler 
the benefit of the doubt.

Fred and Bonnie claim that it is the cart, this horse behaves this way under 
saddle as well as in harness.  The basic body language of this horse is with 
a hollowed out back, neck thrown back and up and with her head/nose tipped 
up in the air as far as she can get it.   The general appearance is that 
this horse is about to bolt.   She does not give the appearance of being 
quiet and calm and under control.   Basic horse 101 is that if one horse 
gives the appearance of being nervous or is nervous, it makes other horses 
nervous.  That's the way that they have evolved and survived over time as 
prey animals.  All you need is one nervous/out of control horse to set off a 
whole arena full of horses.  Several very knowledgeable horse people that 
observed this horse said "she (the horse) has no confidence in her handler 
or is afraid of her handler".

Next, Brian DID NOT go around bad mouthing this horse, Brian was our safety 
person on the grounds this year since he was unable to bring horses.  Brian 
simply shared the same concerns that everyone else was having.

Everyone that came to me about the Friday night incident told me that Bonnie 
DID NOT ask permission of those in the arena to practice her barrels "BEN 
HUR"style, yes,  standing up in her cart at a full gallop with other horses 
in the arena,  basic common sense and respect  would tell you that this 
should only be done in an enclosed arena with no one else in the arena,  if 
ever!  Part of our decision was based on  the total lack of regard that 
Bonnie showed for her fellow competitors!

Woody did talk to Bonnie on Sunday afternoon when she was driving this mare, 
he also said that "every time that Bonnie touched the lines the horse threw 
it's head up and away".

We did not make this decision to "eliminate competition".   Woody and I were 
not competing so had no axe to grind.

Bonnie and I talked on Saturday night, she apologized for the Friday night 
incident and pleaded to compete on Sunday, I talked to the show committee 
and we decided to let our decision stand.  She talked about the cart and how 
this cart is the one that is used for "speed" events.  I tried to explain 
the difference between "out of control speed" and 'controlled speed".  I 
suggested that she watch Krist Martinsen in the speed classes.  Krist and 
Per compete in all the driving classes, pleasure, barrels, obstacles, double 
jeopardy, what ever we have that year.  His 


2006-09-18 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI all,

I like the idea of a Spring show or a late Fall show in Moses Lake, that way 
those that still want to do the Libby show can still do it.  If you have a 
show in Moses Lake either in the spring or the fall you could also have one 
of the PNFPG semi-annual meetings at the same time which would also save 
people more on their travel expenses.

Just a thought,

Book (Fjords Farms & Friends)

2006-09-13 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy,  Before the Libby Show I said I would get back to you with the 
shipping cost of the Book.  After talking with the Post Office, I find that 
the actual cost for shipping the book will be right at $ 5.00 US and $6.00 
Canadian. This includes a padded envelope to protect the book.  And the cost 
of the book is $ 32.50 so if and when you want a book just send a check to 
us at Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Co.  at 28281 North Ramsey Road, Athol, Id 
USA (for questions call (208) 623-3600 or E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
We are in short supply and expect to do an other printing and 40 books have 
been reserved for the farms in the book.  Thanks for all those at the Libby 
Show who purchased the book.  Sherrie will have some at the National show 
back east so you might see her if you are there and save some postage. 
Thanks again to all for you help on this non-profit project.  "Happy Trails" 
Ron & Sherrie Dayton 

Picture from Microsoft Picture It!

2006-09-12 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To view the picture, double-click the icon. If asked what program to open it 
with, select your Internet browser.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of Fall 
Meeting Reminder.jpg]

Book (Fjords, Farms& Friends) Ready to ship!

2006-09-04 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood,  Good News for those of you wanting your copy of the 
book.  it IS ready to ship.  We have set aside 40 copies for those farms 
that are in the book.  I got a bit carried away with all the color pictures 
and more pages than planned, so the cost did go up some.  But the book 
turned out very nice.  The publishing cost was $ 32.50 and shipping will be 
right at $ 2.50 US (more in Canada, I will check on this and let you know 
after the holiday)  If you live back east and plan to attend the Winona show 
there, Sherrie will have books with her to sell there and save you the 
postage.  For a book, just send a check to Sunwood Fjords 28281 North Ramsey 
Road, Athol, Id.  83801.  Thank you all for your support on this non-profit 
venture.  We will have a silent auction for a book at the Libby Show and 
more books for sale there as well.  "Happy Trails"  Ron & Sherrie Dayton. 
(questions ? call 208-623-3600 or E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 


2006-09-03 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

For all of you that are heading out for Libby I've checked the weather 
forecast for the next week and it looks like we should have nice weather 
this year.

Please all of you drive carefully and I'll see you all there.  I'll be there 
on Tuesday morning.

Sherrie Dayton
2006 Libby Show Chair

Fall Meeting of the PNFPG

2006-09-01 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Notice to all members of the PNFPG:  Just a reminder that the fall meeting 
will soon be here and we need to get a count on how many for dinner and who 
will be attending the meeting.  Forms were sent out to all members a while 
back and we need them to be returned with check by Oct. 20th.  The Howard 
Johnson Plaza also needs you to contact them by 10-11-06 to reserve a room. 
(509) 452-6511)  We have set aside a block of rooms and they may fill up 
fast. Looks as if there will be some very interesting issues brought up at 
this meeting so I would encourage ALL members to BE THERE.  We will send you 
a sign up sheet and Map if you missed out. Just E-mail us at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  We will also have some sign up sheets and maps 
available at the Libby Show.  The tour of the museum will be something you 
will NOT want to miss.  "Happy Trails"  Ron & Sherrie Dayton 

Team Hitch "observation"

2006-08-31 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just reading threw the Herald, and noticed something kind of strange on page 
42.  Here is a pair hitched to what looks like a Roberts carriage.  Now, I'm 
not an engineer, but shouldn't the side checks go OVER  the horses head 
rather than under the neck?, and shouldn't the pole go threw the center ring 
on the neck yoke ?  Just an observation..Your thoughts?"Happy 
Trails"  RD 

Summer Herald

2006-08-26 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

I just received my summer issue of the Herald, for those of you that haven't 
received yours yet you're in for a treat!  It's a gorgeous issue, Beth and 
Sandy have done a wonderful job so far but this issue is the best yet!


Sherrie Dayton

Libby Evaluation

2006-07-20 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Just a reminder that if you're planning on attending the Libby Evaluation 
the deadline was the 15th but I know that Mike is still accepting 
Preliminary entry forms.

If you need forms they can be downloaded at www.pngpg.org or you can e-mail 
me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll be glad to e-mail them to you.

Sherrie Dayton
Sunwood Fjords 

Sandpoint Draft Horse Show

2006-07-17 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,


We've been invited to join in on the fun at the 2006 Show in Sandpoint 
Idaho, Sept 22, 23, 24, 2006.

We will have the opportunity to do a filler/demo for ten minutes in all five 
performances at the show this year during all three days of the show.

Many details are yet to be worked out.  Ron & Sherrie Dayton will be ram 
roding this effort for the group.  What we need for now is a FIRM commitment 
from members who have the time and the desire to join us.  We have a 
deadline of August 1st to get some pictures in the program and to make our 
decision to be in the show, so e-mail or call us ASAP and we will put you on 
the list.  What we need are some really good hitches with well trained 
horses to really represent the group and put on a good showing of the Fjord 
Horse.  This is only two weeks after Libby, so the timing is kind of tight. 
We would like to have riders, drivers, single or team, Norwegian costumes, 
etc.  We will have a meeting at the Libby Show to iron out some of the 
details.  If you are at all interested in joining us, please let us know 

We've been trying for years to get into this show and this is an opportunity 
to get our feet in the door and have the Fjords on the grounds for the 
largest Draft Horse Show in the Inland Northwest.

Ron & Sherrie Dayton
Sunwood Fjords

Libby and other things

2006-07-13 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you all know that all the forms and patterns are now 
available for downloading for the Libby show.

Also if for some reason you didn't get the Evaluation Preliminary packet 
that was mailed back in June it is also there for downloading.

And finally, our book, Fjords, Friends and Farms is in the hands of the 
publisher.  Thanks to all of you that sent us photo's and write up's for the 
book.  The plan is that we'll have them ready for the Libby show and I'll be 
bringing some to the National show in Winona.

Hope to see a bunch of you at Libby,
Sherrie Dayton
Sunwood Fjords 

Picture from Microsoft Picture It!

2006-05-25 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To view the picture, double-click the icon. If asked what program to open it 
with, select your Internet browser.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of John 
Wayne Poem.jpg]

Sale of public land "BAD IDEA"

2006-04-04 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For those of you in the north Idaho and eastern Washington area that like to 
trail ride and enjoy the National Forest, WE NEED YOUR HELP !  If you have 
time to write a letter to U.S. Senator Larry Craig,, U.S. Senate, Washington 
D.C. 20510-1203Let him know your feelings on the attempt by Pres. Bush & 
company to sell off our public land and close our trails.  There was a good 
article in the Spokesman Review on April 1st about the proposed sale of the 
English Point Recreation Trails area north west of Hayden Lake, Id.  about 6 
miles of fine horse, and hiking trail with a spectacular view of the lake 
and the mountains.  I have never been up there myself, but have friends who 
have and for those that enjoy these areas, it would be a sad day when they 
are gone to land developers.  We really need to keep this land for future 
generations don't you think?  If this is going on in your area, lets all 
take a stand and get the word out that we are very much against the sale of 
public land.  Thanks for your time.  We want to continue to have "Happy 
Trails"  RD 

Picture from Microsoft Picture It!

2006-04-04 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Help us out if you have time.  Get some letters off to Senator Larry Craig 
U.S. Senate, Washington D.C. 20510-1203  We CAN make a difference!
To view the picture, double-click the icon. If asked what program to open it 
with, select your Internet browser.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

Team Harness "Stub Lines"

2006-03-14 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy,  I was reading a good book the other day "A Teamster's View"  by 
Steve Bowers(2001)  In one chapter he has some really good information on 
team harness and some of the problems in regards to "Stub Lines"  While 
working with my team and just getting started in harnessing and hitching, I 
have noticed that a few times we had similar problems with the horses 
see-sawing and to the point where the buckle at the stub line could easily 
get caught up threw the hame ring and cause a bad situation like Steve talks 
about in the book.  He notes that in Europe they use longer stub lines that 
can't get into the hame loops in fact they are so long that the teamster can 
actually reach out and adjust the buckle from the drivers seat.  We tend to 
use short stub lines in this country for some reason and to counter this 
problem some teamsters use "stay chains" to keep the eveners from moving way 
out of alignment when the horses get out of sink and start to see-saw.  I 
would like to know your thoughts on this and what is the best way to go. 
Short or long stub lines?  Stay chains?  in this book, Steve also gets into 
some real details on lateral alignment and all that is important when 
hitching with spreaders and without,  I especially would like to hear from 
Brian Jensen on this and it might be a good subject for us all to think 
about.  Thanks for your time.  "Happy Trails"  RD 

Book Update (Fjords, Farms and Friends)

2006-02-15 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood,  Just a short note to let you know where we are on the 
book.  First of all, thanks to all the kind folks who have taken the time to 
support our efforts and sent in their pages.  We have some fabulous photos 
and write ups on many of your farms.  We feel like we have made many new 
friends in the Fjord community.  We have nearly 50 farms so far and expect a 
few more.  We have sent a mock up to the publisher for a quote and we should 
hear back soon on that.  Our plan is to have the book done by the big 20 
year anniversary show in Libby, Montana in Sept., And we will have some 
books at the National show in Minnesota in Oct.  so, if you live in the 
mid-west and are going to the national show, and you want to see your farm 
in the book, this would be a great time to rush your pages to us.  We can 
find a way to get them in for you.  As soon as we hear from the publisher, 
we will pass on the information as to the cost and the delivery date. 
Thanks again to you all.   "Happy Trails"  Ron & Sherrie 

Virtual Evaluations

2006-02-06 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

One thing that no one has touched on is that this is a very young system. 
As more horses are Evaluated there will be a larger pool of Evaluated horses 
to choose from.   I don't recall that anyone has advocated that only 
Evaluated horses be bred.   Yes there has been talk about breeding the best 
to the best, but that's always the way it should be.  Personally I think 
that having a horse one on one with a couple of Evaluators for 10 or 15 
minutes is a far better system anything else out there.

Virtual Evaluations might be a useful tool for young stock.  Young horses 
change so much in their first 3 years.   I still think that fully mature 
horses need the hands on type of Evaluation that we have now.  We need more 
trained Evaluators and regionally, trained people that can help organize and 
put on the Evaluations.

PNGPG also does clinic's on how to present your horse for Evaluation, they're 
usually done at the Spring Meeting which gives everyone five to six months 
to prepare their horses and themselves.   I know that Brian and Ursula have 
video's from past Evaluations that show the patterns and what needs to be 
done to present your horse as well as some examples of not "doing your horse 
a favor", it does your horse no good to take him or her out of the pasture a 
month before an Evaluation and take 50 pounds off them and then try and have 
them Evaluated.  The horse needs to be worked and conditioned before hand as 
well as the handler needs to be in shape.  The handler needs to be able to 
jog the horse at a good pace so the Evaluators can see the movement.  I've 
seen the Evaluators ask and re-ask a handler to trot and re-trot a horse 
because they want to really get a good eye view of how that horse moves. 
They move around, they squat down at ground level to see how the hooves hit 
the ground, they really try and give every horse the benefit of the doubt, 
all of that would be lost with virtual evaluations.   At the end of the day 
when they make their comments I've heard any number of times the Evaluator 
say "we just couldn't see the movement and so couldn't score them 
accordingly" or something like that.  It wasn't for lack of trying on the 
Evaluators part.  They do everything that they can do to have that horse 
presented in the very best light.   The Evaluators comments at the end of 
the day would all be lost if we went to virtual Evaluations.   The only 
person that would have those comments would be the horse owner.  These 
comments are extremely educational to those that are present.  A lot of 
first time Fjord owners can learn a lot by listening to the Evaluators at 
the end of the day.  Evaluations are not just about having horses evaluated 
but EDUCATION as well.  We would loose all the education that comes from the 
Evaluators comments as they are now done if we switched to virtual 

I do think that an instructional DVD or Video by NFHR on Evaluations and how 
to prepare for them would be a good idea.  It could be purchased by the 
clubs or individuals and then the clubs or groups that want to sponsor an 
Evaluation could have a meeting or get together and watch and learn from the 
DVD.  If further info is needed then have a clinic with someone like Brian & 
Ursula, or Gayle or Anne or who every else in your area does clinics.  It 
will cost a little but in the long run you and your horse will be better 
prepared and your horse will be Evaluated at his or her best, and that's the 
bottom line.   IF I remember correctly the last time that Brian and Ursula 
did a clinic for PNFPG it only cost about 30.00 per person for an all day 
classroom clinic with the video and lots of questions and answers as well as 
handouts to take with you.  It was well worth the dollars that I spent.

As I stated earlier, this is a young system but I think that it is still the 
best thing going and it will continue to change and evolve as we go.  Our 
Registry is only 25 years old!   The Evaluation system is even younger. 
Give it time.

Since we're on the subject of Evaluations, all of you in the west or anyone 
planning on being in the west in September, we are planning an Evaluation at 
Libby in conjunction with the Libby 20th Anniversary show.  The dates would 
be the 6th and 7th and the show would be the 8th thru the 10th.   If you're 
interested please let me know.



Fjords, Farms & Friends

2005-12-08 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Just a reminder that the deadline to send in your pages is the 31st of

Happy Holidays and stay warm from cold and showy North Idaho.

Sherrie Dayton
Sunwood Fjords


2005-10-06 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

The incident that Warren mentioned where the lady represented her "cross
breed" as pure breed is one of the basic reasons that I've always been
against cross breeding.  For the most part the people that sell cross breeds
are dishonest and try and represent them as pure bred Fjords.  When the
horse acts less then "Fjordly" it gives us all a black eye.  We have to
fight enough of an uphill battle making the public at large understand that
these horses are more then cute little draft horses with a Mohawk. I believe
that cross breeding between two different breeds should only be done to
improve the two breeds being brought together.  I have yet to see an
"improvement" on your basic Fjord.  I actually had a guy ask if we could
recommend a Fjord stallion so he could breed his Paso mare to a Fjord!  Why
on earth would any one want to cross a Paso with a Fjord is beyond me.
I've seen Fjord crossed with Arabs, Quarter horses, Welsh's, Shetlands,
Percherons and Fjord mules.  None of them were an improvement on either

The sale where this incident took place is Private Treaty which I think
translates to BUYER BEWARE!

I have a question for Mike or someone else from the Registry, has any horse
had their papers pulled for cross breeding?  We all know that it's being
done, which means that there are stallions and or mares that are being bred
outside.  Have any papers been pulled?

Sunwood Fjords

Dutch Oven Cook-Off, Sandpoint, Id.

2005-09-17 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy, Howdy,  For those who planned on joining us for the Dutch-Oven
Cook-off at Sandpoint, Id. on Friday afternoon Sept. 23,  ..We have
changed the Date to Sept. 24th  (Saturday) so as to get more members
involved.  I guess some of us are still working, Ha!  so If you plan to join
us give me a call and we will sign you up.  We will be doing a demo on
Dutch-Oven cooking at the show on Friday afternoon as well but the annual
Sunwood Cook-Off for prizes will be on Sat Sept. 24th  Sorry for the change.
Hope to see you there.  We will have prizes for the Best Main Dish, Best
Side Dish, Best Bread, and Best Desert.  Following the cook-off will be a
big dinner to sample the goods for all the members of the PNFPG and the N.W.
Pleasure Driving Group.The dinner bell will ring about 4pm.  "Happy Trails"
Ron & Sherrie Dayton.

Libby News

2005-08-18 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I received the following yesterday from Shirley Anderson and when we talked
this morning she recommended that we post the info on the digest for those
of you that are planning on coming to Libby.

There has been a confirmed case of Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) in the eastern
part of Montana (Yellowstone County, Billings area).  This will adversely
affect the Libby Show.  Cases have also been confirmed in Colorado, Utah,
New Mexico and Arizona.  Although generally not fatal in horses, it is
extremely uncomfortable as it causes blister-like lesions that are located
in the mouth, dental pad, tongue, lips, nostrils, on the coronary bands or
on the teats.  Horses are uncomfortable enough that they generally stop
eating and severe weight loss usually follows.  This can last several weeks
as the infected animal heals.  I visited with my vet, Roland Hall this
morning and it is his opinion that our show does not need to be cancelled.
However there are travel restrictions in effect in the state of Montana.
Those restrictions change from stat to state depending on the origin of the
horse and I will be doing some research as to who and how these restrictions
apply.  We will have to have a vet on site to give health certificates to
horses in preparation for leaving the state of Montana.  Although I will
continue to pursue this at this time it appears those health checks will
need to come within 72 hours of departure.  Health Certificates bringing
your horse into the state will not be accepted to get you out of the state.
For more info on this outbreak please visit the Department of Livestock web
site at, www.mt.gov/liv.

As of this morning when I talked to Shirley, who is on her way to a trade
show for the family business, she has arranged with her vet Roland Hall to
do the Health Certificates at Libby so people can return home.  I would also
check with your local Vet for the latest info on what is going to be
required to return to you home state or states that you may be traveling
through.   Shirley will be doing more follow up on this when she returns on
Monday.  In the mean time if you have any questions you could e-mail me or
call me and I'll try and answer your questions.



2005-08-10 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

All the talk about the Evaluation program has started me thinking.  Whether
you believe in the Evaluation system or not it seems to be working.  I
believe this because I've heard people like Wayne Hipsley say at Libby that
the overall quality of the Fjord Horses that he sees is better then it was
10 years ago.  I'm sure that the same is true for the other shows and
evaluations.  That tells me that the Fjord owner/breeders are educating
themselves about what is a good quality Fjord horse.  Part of that learning
process has been due to them attending Evaluations.  Even if you don't bring
horses to be evaluated you learn from the experience.  The comments at the
end of the day by the Senior Evaluator are very educational.

To keep the gene pool large but continue to breed inferior quality stallions
and mares is not doing this breed any favors.  Yes you'll have more genetic
diversity but it will be of lower quality over all.  That is what has
happened in other breeds, the overall quality of the breeds has
deteriorated.  I have friends that breed other horses and when I tell them
about our Evaluation program any number of them have said "I wish our
Registry had something like that".

This country is so large that you end up with pockets of the same bloodlines
in one area.  We have a lot of good stallions in this country but they're
spread out so far.  I wish there were a program where East coast and West
coast stallion owners could swap stallions for a couple of years or so.
That would introduce different bloodlines and create more genetic diversity
and would also alleviate the shrinking of the gene pool but maintain the

Our system is not perfect but it's the best thing going.  I have found over
the years that the owner/breeders for the most part really want to protect
this breed.  Our Registry and those that have worked so hard to put this
program in place are to be applauded.  It will continue to be a work in
process and get better and better and as a result our horses will get better
and better.

Just my two cents worth.


Sunwood Fjords


Evaluations and other things

2005-08-08 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I guess I missed something, I don't remember ever hearing or reading that
having stallions or mares evaluated would lead to a shrinking of the gene
pool.  If the information from the evaluated horses is used as an
Educational tool it will only strengthen the breed as a whole.

Next I have a question about bees and stock tanks, we're having a real
problem with the bees and our horses stock tanks.  I even put out a water
dish for the bees but they keep going to the stock tanks and falling in and
drowning and we have to clean out dozens of dead bees everyday.  Can anyone
offer a suggestion?

Finally,  thanks to all of you that have sent in your stuff for our book, we
still need many more pages from those of you that had responded so we're
going to extend the deadline to Dec 31, 2005.  We have a publisher lined up
and are trying to keep the cost down to under 20.00.  Farms that send in
their pages will bet a discount.

Thanks to Beth and Sandy for taking on the job of Newsletter Editors.  I
know that they'll do a good job.


Horse Previews

2005-07-07 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

This is a reminder for all of you in the Pacific Northwest that the deadline
for the August issue of Horse Previews magazine is July 15th.  This is the
issue that features the Norwegian Fjord Horses.  The cover this year will be
Beth Beymer winning the Versatility award at last years Libby show.   Please
send your ads or articles that you'd like to submit to
www.horse-previews.com  atten: Helen, or if you have any questions please
call her at 509-922-3456 or 800-326-2223.

If I can be of any help or you have questions that I can answer please
e-mail me privately,

Sherrie Dayton

Deadline Set for book(Fjords, Farms & Friends)

2005-06-17 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Co.  We hope your summer is going well
and you are busy playing with your horses.  We have had over fifty farms
indicating their desire to be included in the book "Fjords, Farms, &
Friends"  and we have received some pages from many of you and we are off to
a good start on the book,  If you have not sent in your pages we need them
soon so we can get the layout ready to print, so we have set the deadline
for Sept 30 2005.  We hope to have the book available for Christmas.  It may
be a gift you might want to send to a friend or family member.  So, if you
want to be included in the book please take the time to get your pages to
us.  Again, if you have any questions just give us a call or E-mail us.
Thanks again for your support on this fun project.  As I said before, it is
a NON profit project and we will try to keep the cost of the book down to
pay for the printing only. (under $ 20.)  Hope to hear from  you soon,
"Happy Trails"  Ron & Sherrie Dayton (208) 623-3600

Vending at the Libby Show

2005-04-25 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy,  As a member of the PNFPG Libby Show Ad committee, I am in the
process of lining up vendors for the Libby Show this September.  We are
offering an outside spot near the show office 10 ft. square for the three
day show for $ 50.  You will need to bring your own tent or cover and
provide the show with liability insurance for your booth at set up. We will
try not to duplicate the booths so as to have a variety.  Only quality horse
related items please.  The PNFPG reserves the right to refuse any booth.
For an aplication and more information please contact Ron Dayton (208
623-3600.  "Happy Trails"

Fjords, Farms, & Friends (Book)

2005-03-12 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood,
Just to update you on the book progress.  To date we have had nearly 50
farm respond to our project.  We have five farm pages ready for print and
expect more soon.  We have not yet set a deadline for the pages so there is
plenty of time.  But like Christmas, it tends to sneak up on us.  So when
you find the time to get your pages to us we can get a better idea of the
size and content of the book and get on with the details of printing and
pricing it.  I will have a few sample pages and further information on hand
at the PNFPG Spring meeting on April 9th.  With this early spring, it might
be a good time to get some nice photo's of your farm and horses, and a
really good time to include some babies.  Well, have a swell spring.  "Happy
Trails"  RD

Sad news from Libby

2005-02-22 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good evening all,

It is with a great deal of sadness that I have to tell you all of the
passing of Patty Peterson.  For those of you that didn't know Patty she
lived in Libby and was one of the early organizers of the Libby show as part
of Nordicfest.  She will be greatly missed by those of us that knew her.
Please remember her husband Hans and the rest of her family in your prayers
tonight.  Patty dearly loved her Fjords and one of them was waiting for her
at the bridge today when she passed.


Howdy From Sunwood Fjords

2004-11-26 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations to Bushwacker Fjords.  They were the first farm to send in
their pages for the new book. "Thanks Ruthie"  We will need to fine tune it
a bit but most of the information is there and it will make a fine layout
for the book.  We are only using a few pictures for the sample page but the
finished pages will look just great. The sample pages should be on our web
site in a day or so. (keep in mind that the sample is very rough and I know
most of you will do a bang up job!  Thanks again for you help. "Happy
Trails"  Ron & Sherrie

Fjords, Farms, & Friends, web site

2004-11-24 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy, Howdy,  Sunwood will have their new web site up and running real
soon. It will be www.sunwoodfjords.com  We will have a page for the new book
"Fjords Farms & Friends"  We will use the first farm to send us the pages as
a sample on the web site.  We will continue to up date the site as to the
status of the book project.  "Happy Turkey Day"  Ron & Sherrie

Fjords, Farms, & Friends Book (update)

2004-11-11 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy from Sunwood,  How do you build a book?  Well, you start with the
cover!  We have the go ahead to use a fine oil painting of a pair of Fjords
in harness for the cover of the book.  The artist Marla Brawn is from Hot
Springs Montana. Her and her new husband Russ,  live on his dads old
homestead.  Marla paints landscapes and many of the creatures on the land.
She teaches art in the evening at a local school with Russ being her number
one student.  Anyhow the Fjord team will work out real fine for the cover.
We have over 30 favorable responses to date and expect many more  so keep
passing the word and we hope to soon receive some copy so we can get it
started.  Thanks again for all your support on the project. "Happy Trails"
Ron & Sherrie. ps.  We hope to have our web site up and running soon where
we will post a good sample page for the book and some other details plus the
cover shot.

"Fjords, Farms, & Friends" (Book)

2004-11-07 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all who have responded so favorably to our project.  We are really
looking forward to it.  We had a number of thoughts, questions and concerns
we hope to clarify early on.  The book is a Non-profit venture.  There is NO
charge for the two pages.  The book will be in color.  There will be NO
advertising.  Each farm will have two pages, one for text and one for
photo's.  Farm name is okay.  We hope to have as many farms represented as
we can get from North America and some from overseas as well to show how the
Fjord Horse is used in many venues and climates, working, playing or just as
back yard pets! What-ever,.  The cost of the book should be under $ 20.  It
will have a spiral binding so it will lay flat like a cook book.  Each turn
of the page will show a new farm.  Send us your text and photo's on CD or
attachment to E=mail or just send the originals.  You can format your pages
(camera ready) (print ready) or we can format it for you.  What we thought
would look nice is to have a large photo of your farm in the background with
some text over the top with your family and Fjords in the foreground. You
can show your equipment, carts, wagons, farm hitch etc.  Use your
imagination and think about how you want others to view your farm , family,
and Fjords,  Be creative and if you need help let us know.  This a big
project and it may take up to two years so give it some thought and what
ever you come up with, we REALLY appreciate your support.  "Happy Trails to
you all"  Ron & Sherrie

New Book being created

2004-11-04 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy Friends,  just a short note to let those in the Fjord community know
that Sherrie & I are about to undertake a big project and we need your help.
In the next year or so we intend to create a book of Fjord Farms, we are
calling it "Fjords, Farms and Friends"  It will contain, at each turn of a
page, a farm with information and photos depicting the Fjord horse in many
settings from across North America and some from overseas.  The idea of the
book has been on our minds for a few years now and we want to include as many
farms as we can.  The main focus of the book will be to inform and entertain
you and not to be used as an advertising tool for any one farm.  This is a
non-profit undertaking and the cost of the finished book will be only enough
to cover expenses.  If you are interested in listing your farm in the book
contact us for more information and we will be glad to include your farm.  We
will have farms of the past and we are now looking for old photos and text for
this.  The book may take up to two years to complete so there is no real
hurry, we just want to do a good job with it and provide a book that can be
handed down to your family members.  Thank you for your time,  Happy Trails,
 Ron & Sherrie Dayton,  Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Co.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or 208-623-3600

Something to think about

2004-11-04 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone.

For several years my husband has been thinking about this project and I
thought I'd run it by all of you to see what the response, support would be.

He thought it would be nice to put together a book showing as many Fjord
Farms in North America, as well as farms in other places in the world as we
could.  The idea of the book is to show Fjord families and friends using and
playing with their fjords, riding, driving, farming and whatever else that
you do with your horses.The idea would be to bring the Fjord community
closer by introducing each other and understanding how these horses have
impacted our lives.  This book is NOT an advertising tool for the individual
farms that choose to participate but rather a way of getting to know each
other better.  We would also like to include information about some of the
early breeders here in North America such as Gene Bauer who is no longer
with us but have someone like Betsy send in pictures and a write up about
her father and his farm, I'm just using Gene as an example because I know
that there are others as well.   It would be a two page format, one page for
photo's and another page for a write up about the farm/ranch.  The format is
8 ½ x 11 inches, each page turn would showcase a 2 page feature of each

The costs would be determined by what it costs to have this book put
together,  Sunwood Fjords does not intend to profit from this in any way,
sales of this book could in the future be used as a fundraiser for PNFPG.

Think about this and let me know if you're interested by e-mailing me
privately, and if you have any questions please ask,

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


Sale horses at Libby

2004-08-12 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI all,

There will be horses at Libby that are for sale.  Usually the pens of the
horses are marked with For Sale signs, also check out the Ad board for
information on sale horses and where there pens are then contact the owners

Hope this helps,
Sherrie Dayton

Libby show packets

2004-07-10 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI all,

Those of you that received your show packets for the Libby show, please ignore
the map of the grounds.  The arena is being re-configured and that map is
incorrect.  When Shirley and I were there yesterday the work had already
started, everything is being upgraded and should be really nice.   We'll have
a new map as soon as all the changes are in place.

Also I had a senior moment when I sent out the packets and forgot to include a
set of the show rules, they will be posted on the web-site later today if you
need to down load a  set, or e-mail me and I'll send you a set,  we will also
have them available at Libby for all the exhibitors.

See ya at Libby,

Sherrie Dayton


2004-07-05 Thread Ron &amp; Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Hi all,

The show packets for the Libby show will be at the post office in the morning.
Any of you that are on the current PNFPG member list should receive a packet.
If you're not sure if you're on our list please contact me.   All the show
information should be on the PNFPG website in a day or two.  If you know of
someone that needs a show packet please contact me.

See some of you at Libby,


Laurie Lanb

2004-04-24 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Laurie Lamb could you e-mail me, I don't have your current e-mail address.

Sherrie Dayton

Evaluation at Libby

2004-01-26 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone,

For those of you that are members of PNFPG you know that it was decided at the
Fall meeting that we should try and have an Evaluation at Libby again this
year.  The Libby show this year will be the 10th through 12th. of September.
The Evaluation is planned for the 8th & 9th. and has been approved by the
Evaluation committee.   The Evaluators have not been set at this point in

In anticipation of the Evaluation we also decided that we should have an
Evaluation clinic along with our Spring meeting in order to help educate our
newer members to the Evaluation process as well as us old timers.   It will be
a 2 day classroom clinic in Spokane Washington on April 3rd & 4th.   Wayne
Hipsley will be doing the conformation part of the clinic on Saturday and
Brian & Ursula Jensen will do the performance part on Sunday.  The cost for
the clinic has not been worked out at this time because it will depend on how
many people sign up to come to the clinic.  The more that come the less it
will cost everyone.

The clinic is open to anyone that may want to come and learn more about the
Evaluation process, not just PNFPG members.Anyone that would be interested
please e-mail me privately and I'll make sure that you get all the information
as it becomes available.  Also if you are interested in attending the
Evaluation itself, that way we'll have a little better idea of how much
interest there is.

If you have any questions please contact me and I'll get back to you as soon
as I can.

Stay warm everyone, we have plenty of snow here in snowy North Idaho,

Sherrie Dayton


2003-10-16 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've lost my info on how to contact Steve (list owner) could someone send me
the info so I could send him a question?


PNFPG Newsletter

2003-10-16 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

The PNFPG Newsletter is in the mail.  All the results for Libby are in it as
well as a real good article from Brian & Ursula at Spruce Meadows.  There are
some wonderful pictures too, especially of Catherine and her flotation

In the center is a notice about when and where the Fall meeting is.  Please
take a minute and respond to Woody Hoopes if you plan on attending.

See ya at the Fall meeting,


Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Company "Looking to trade"

2003-04-29 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We are looking to do some trading if anyone out there is interested.  We have
a couple of young horses that are in need of some basic training.  We have
been so busy in the shop building equipment, we have run out of time to get
this done.  If anyone is in need of a buggy, cart, or anything horse driven,
we can build it for you and trade for some training. We how have five Fjords
and need to scale down to three, mainly for driving.
        Ron & Sherrie Dayton

Horse Preview for July 2003

2003-04-08 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Again from the Libby Show Ad Committee.
To all the PNFPG members:  For the last three years we have had the cover for
the July issue of the Horse Previews Magazine.  We worked real hard to get
this spot and we really want to keep it because it comes out just before the
show and helps advertise.  Last year we only had a hand full of ads.  I hope
we can do better this year.  Soon you will receive an ad request from Helen
Boyde (Editor)  and I would encourage you to take advantage of this offer.
Even a business card size ad will show your support.  We will have the same
picture on the cover as is on the flyer and the Program this year, and a write
up about the Fjord and a bit of history. Please help us out on this and don't
forget the program!  We have a core group of members in the PNFPG that work
really hard to bring you a show to be proud of.  We don't mind the extra work
and most of us really enjoy it.  All we ask of the membership is to give us
support.  Thank you all SO much for what you have done in the past and what
you plan to do in the future.  I hope the summer brings you "Happy Trails"
Thanks Again,   Ron Dayton (ad committee)

17th Annual International Norwiegen Fjord Horse Show 2003, Libby, Montana. USA

2003-04-04 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy From North Idaho,
I am Ron Dayton (member: PNFPG)  (Ad Committee)  We have a big show
planned for you this summer (Sept 12,13,14)  I have the Show Posters all
printed up and am now working on the programs.  If anyone out there in Fjord
Country is interested in placing and ad in our program this year, it would be
a very wise use of your advertising dollar.  Just send me the copy ready ad
along with the $ to the address below by August 15th 2003 and we will be glad
to include it in our program.  The cost for ads this year has been reduced due
to the economic situation.  Business card size ad is $ 5. :  1/4 page is $ 10.
: 1/2 page is $20. : and full page ad is $ 30.  (all in black and white)  The
cover is in color this year and the format is a full 8 1/2 by 11.  The cover
artist is Ma Brown of Hot Springs Montana.  With a very nice oil painting of a
team of Fjords in harness.  This art work is also on the front of our 2003
Show Poster.  You can order a poster at no charge (as long as you post it for
us to advertise the show)  Send ads and poster requests to: Ron Dayton 28281
N. Ramsey Road, Athol, Id. 83801, or E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   for more
information call: (208) 623-3600
"Try to make it to the show this year,"  happy Trails,  Ron Dayton

Trailer Cam

2003-03-11 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning all,

We have a hard wired camera in our trailer and love being able to see what's
going on with the horses.

On the subject of trailers we have our 4 horse slant load goose neck trailer
for sale since we bought a camper last year.  We need a bumper pull trailer
now.  Its a 96 Logan, used very little, anyone that's been to Libby in the
last few years will have seen it over by the Show committee office.  E-mail me
for info if anyone is interested.


Driving Clinic Update

2003-02-22 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

" Howdy "  from Sunwood Fjords and Carriage Co.
Plans are moving right along for the Driving Clinic to be held here on July
6th.  In the last post we neglected to include our address.  For those of you
who don't know where we are lactated:  our address is: 28281 N. Ramsey Road,
Athol, Id.  83801 USA.  The Clinic will be at our place for sure and not at an
arena.  the weather should not be a factor, as we will rent the large tent
from the PNFPG.  We are located about 20 miles north of Coeur d ' Alene Idaho.
If you have a camper and plan to stay for the night we have plenty of room.
We have around 15 folks signed up at this point.  We would like to have around
20 to 25.  If you or your friends would like to attend let us know ASAP .  I
will be sending out a sign up sheet to those who intend to make it.  In case
you had not read the earlier post, Brian Jensen will be doing the Clinic.  One
day with some class room and hands on Hitching and Driving a several teams who
are in various stages of training.  Brian has had many years of success as a
teamster and I am sure we are all in for a very educational and worth while
event.  Safety will be "key" at this event as always at Sunwood.   "Happy
Trails" Ron & Sherrie Dayton
(208) 623-3600

Driving Clinic

2003-02-06 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy Folks,  We had our first  meeting for the 17th Annual International
Fjord Horse Show last week.  Some of the folks thought It would be good to
have a clinic during the year to help some of us get prepared for the show and
for our own pleasure.  We all want a safe situation working with our fine
horses, and I think a clinic would be a real bonus for us.  So,  I am going to
try to get this together early so we can get plenty of members on board.  I
have Brian Jensen lined up to do the clinic.  We have not picked a date as yet
until we know how many folks can attend and the best dates for them.  Sometime
in late spring is what we thought, say late June or ?  Let us know either by
snail mail or E-mail if you may be interested.  The clinic will focus on
taking a pair of horses that have done a fair amount of driving single and
pairing them up.  There will be some class room and some in the arena.  More
details will be available as we get this better organized.  We just need a
count on those who would join us at our place or at a nearby arena.  One day
clinic of about 4 to 5 hours.  The cost will be in the range of $25.   with a
pot luck and some other fun to follow.  Thanks for you time,   as always,
"Happy Trails"Ron Dayton

Shipping of Cart.

2003-01-17 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is for anyone out there who may be taking a trip from the Spokane
area to the Las Vegas area this spring, say in the month of March, April, May
or June.  I have a new Cart for a customer there I need to ship down.  Truck
freight is quite expensive and if someone has room I can pay right at $200.
Contact:   Ron Dayton
  Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Co.
  28281 N. Ramsey Rd.
  Athol, Id.   83801
  (208) 623-3600   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This customer is on a tight budget and could use a break on the cost of
shipping.  The container is about 3' high, 8' long, 4' wide, and weighs under
300# "Happy Trails"  RD

Off topic,

2002-07-10 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning all,

I have a question that does not have anything to do with Fjords but since most
of us have dogs I thought I'd ask.

Do any of you know of any kind of a natural type of remedy that will prevent
motion sickness in dogs when they're traveling in the car?  This is a large
dog and a friend of mine is taking a trip to Calif. which is a 2 day trip from
North Idaho and she's been told that the only thing she can do is tranquilize
the dog for the trip.  She'd really not do that for the 2 days down and 2 days
back and was looking for some kind of Herbal remedy or something that was more
natural and didn't dope the dog up so much.  I had a catalog at one time that
had Natural/herbal products for dogs, cats and horses but I've misplaced it.
Do any of you happen to know the name of the Company or their web site

Any help or info is really appreciated,

Sherrie Dayton

Competator conduct

2002-05-24 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good morning everyone,

This is in response to Ursula's posting about competitor conduct, in
particular to her reference about the incident in the arena last year at

There was a horse removed from the arena after the accident but it had nothing
to do with nosebands.  The horse that was excused was removed because the
Judge, Ring Steward, myself, and several competitors in the arena at time felt
that the horse has been border-line out of control before the accident and
that to keep him in the arena would be a safety issue for the remaining
competitors in that class.   We approached the competitor, expressed out
concerns the person left the arena.   It had nothing to do with nosebands.

Libby has always had a set of rules that are sent out every year in our show
packets.  I also seem to remember that there had been a committee formed at
the Fall meeting to look at adapting the AHSA rules to our show.

Sherrie Dayton, were we're on foal watch and wishing it would warm up

"Happy New Year"

2001-12-31 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Call me crazy,  If it starts smokin, I'm going off line!  I just thought I
would wish you all a Happy New Year, that is all who are on our address book!
Let's all hope and pray for peace and happiness in the new year, God Bless you
all and keep you well.  Ron & Sherrie Dayton


2001-09-30 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning Listers,
Is there anyone on this list that lives in Norway?  If there is I'd love to
talk to them, I have a question about Norwegian Carriage manufacturers.

Sherrie Dayton

Missing Digest

2001-09-22 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good morning all,

I haven't received a digest for 2 days, the last one I received was for the
19th.  Is there a digest for the 20th and 21st?  Is anyone else having

Sherrie Dayton


2001-08-30 Thread Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To all of you coming to Libby, drive safe.

On Friday night Sunwood Fjords is hosting a Dutch Oven cook off/pot luck, if
you don't have dutch oven stuff  just bring a side dish, desert, chips, pop,
beer, whatever.  We had more then enough food last year.   Stop by and say

Theresa we won't let you go hungry.

See ya at Libby,

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