Re: Fjords respond to love/touch/bonding

2012-12-01 Thread jadebear
This message is from:

I couldn't agree more about the benefits of time, patience and loving touches.
I haven't had anywhere NEAR the obstacles to overcome with my Fjords as many
described here but patience and lots of petting have been the basis for
everything around here.  I got Braveheart when he was a yearling and have
spent the last 14 years spending time with him in lots of ways...not the least
of which has been talking, hugging, grooming and sitting with him in the
field.  Bogie I've had for the last 7 years and although I'm sure he's always
been a good boy for his former owners, he wasn't with any of them for very
long and I think personal attention has made him my pony more than he's ever
been anyone else's.  I love riding and driving my boys but, to be perfectly
honest, the just-being-together times are truly great.  And not just the
positive training effects either.  These times are as much, if not more, for
me than they are for the boys.  I love grooming and hugging...BH and Bogie
feel good, smell good and are always glad to see me.  They'll listen to me
singing (VERY heroic), follow me around and patiently put up with my
shortcomings.  Being with them is fun, peaceful and soul-restoring.  I'll
always be grateful.

Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who especially loves to have his forehead and withers
and Bogie, who likes to be scratched EVERYWHERE

-Original Message-
From: Kathleen Prince 
To: fjordhorse 
Sent: Thu, Nov 29, 2012 4:06 pm
Subject: Re: Fjords respond to love/touch/bonding

This message is from: Kathleen Prince 

our post brought tears to my eyes. I have had this very journey w/my
are Cass & her daughter (now 4.5 yrs.). When I got her in '08 it was
 toss up who was more scared of who. We were both terrified and she
as very pregnant. I began it all by simply being w/her. I would read
loud to her. She would get closer & closer. My husband actually got
 photo of the 1st time she put her nose thru the gate to whiff me
nd I sat reading. It's priceless to me, as is she. We bonded thru
rooming. We bonded thru patience and no expectations. We celebrated
very single baby step. She was a horse who refused to pick up her
eet (had been done prior to me on a tip table), she could not be
atted on the neck, she reared at the very sound of an electric clipper.
But, because of her natural desire to be w/someone, she learned to
rust me. More importantly, I learned to trust her. Now, I can do
nything to her. Her favorite thing is cleaning her "boobies" which
e have to do often. I can get on my knees underneath her & shave her
elly. I can point to her foot and she will lift it. I have even
ridden" her a handful of times - something most said would never
appen. No matter what time I show up at the barn, she & daughter
oth come to greet me - even if they are way in the back pasture. One
f our big treats is to take a walk down the street, me beside Cass
as you have done w/yours). When we come upon something she's not
ure of, she will gently touch my hand w/her nose. If she feels I'm
k, then she's ok.
Building this relationship has been the most rewarding thing I've
ver done. It was done by me being a gentle and passive leader. One
hey want to follow, not one they have to follow. If it can be done w/
ine, I know it can be done w/others.
athleen Prince
Check out our blog!
Pookie Bros. Pet Sitting
rofessional Pet Care In Your Home!

n Nov 29, 2012, at 1:11 PM, Don & Linda Hazel wrote:
> I am convinced these horses love and want to please so much, that
 they can
 be taught just about anything with love, touch and only a few patient
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Re: ozzie

2012-12-01 Thread jadebear
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I'm SO sorry to hear about Oz...he's such a good boy and so pretty too.   I,
too, think the theraputic riding center sounds like a great idea.  He's got
such a great disposition...he'd be everybody's favorite!  Are there any nice
places within reach?  It would be nice if you could get him a placement where
you could visit him from time to time.  We'll hold a good thought for both you
and the Great and Powerful Love Pony.

Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, Oz's admirer
and Bogie, Oz's former roommate

-Original Message-
From: laurie with 
To: fjordhorse 
Sent: Fri, Nov 30, 2012 10:56 am
Subject: ozzie

This message is from: laurie with 

i, all, i am just throwing this out to see what options might be out
as you may know, oz has ringbone in his pasterns. i have had him injected 3
imes, the last one the day before thanksgiving, and he is still lame. i ride
im now bareback with a halter for maybe 20 minutes indoors, but he is lame. it
asn't changed his attitude about food, however, and he still eats, complains
bout not getting enough, and mooches for treats. the only ones he gets now are
ade for insulin resistant horses and have no molasses or sugar. he is still
ld, sweet self and has charmed the people in the new barn.
i am going to try and find a situation for him where he can still work without
eing ridden, or with very little. while we were at my last barn, he
articipated in many therapy groups and camper situations. he loved the kids,
nd they loved him. at the camps he was groomed, painted and loved on, and
imply fell asleep in the cross ties while the kids scurried around him. he
onnected deeply with the troubled kids who were in the therapy program, to the
oint of hugging his last partner when the sessions were over. i think he would
o very well in a situation like this.
i am looking for options, if anyone knows of any, to place him. seems to me a
uch better solution than just putting him down. he has so much to give and i
eart broken with his condition. i really want to do right by him, and if it
eans sharing his talents and abilities with a program that helps kids, then
hat is the best job for him.
thanks for any input
laurie with
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Re: Hot Fjords!!! WHEW!!

2012-07-07 Thread jadebear
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 It's been pushing 100F all this week in SE MI with matching humidity so I
sympathize with Mary in MN!  This is really the only kind of weather that puts
Braveheart, Bogie and I out of the game.  BH is a tough boy and we've been
trying to get ready for Cedar Rapids to avoid disgracing the family name but,
as it turns out, we've taken most of this last week off.  Both of us have been
dripping sweat just from walking from my trainer's barn to the indoor
arena...never mind the 8-10 miles we usually like to do with the buggy down
the local roads.  Bogie is at home and has been spending most of his days
outside.  I have a small barn (3 stalls and a tack room)  so I just leave the
back door and his stall door open so he can come and go as he likes.  The
water is in the barn and he has hay and grass outside so he's muddling
through.  Still, he's pretty sweaty by dinner time so I rinse him off before
he retires to his stall for the night.  I know lots of folks would just leave
him loose like that all the time but I feel better knowing he's in his stall
at night.  There's no real reason for feeling that way.  We don't have wolves
and/or bears (see Mary and Jean) and I really do know that no stall guarantees
that the pony contained therein will be safe from everything.  I guess I just
feel better when he's in his room at night.  Truthfully, since I can't see the
pasture or barn from my house, I worry more about the activities of my fellow
man than I do about roving bands of rampaging raccoons.
 Anyhow, they're saying that day temps are going back to the 80s and night
temps to the 60s this week so I guess the honeymoon will be over for all of
us...and I'm really glad!  Bogie will miss uninterrupted leisure but BH is
bored and I am SO tired of my jeans sticking to every inch of me!
 To cooler Cedar Rapids too, I hope!

and Braveheart, who'd be twiddling his thumbs if he had thumbs
and Bogie, who believes that hot days (with an evening bath) are not too high
a price to pay for total sloth
-Original Message-o
From: Mary Ofjord 
To: fjordhorse 
Sent: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 12:15 pm
Subject: Hot Fjords!!!

This message is from: "Mary Ofjord" 

his has been a great discussion about Fjords and heat.  I am currently
sing my Fjord for a trail guide horse for the local stable.  It has been
relatively" hot here in northern Minnesota with the temps in the high 80s
nd the humidity around the same.

The trail we use goes steadily up hill for about a mile to a mile and a
uarter.  My horse gets quite sweaty, even sweating around his eyes and face
nd the top of his rump by the time we reach the top of the trail.  He doesn't
eem to breathe heavily though. No panting or flaring of nostrils.  I have
ried to get him to drink more water and have run across the old proverb -"You
an lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" more than once.
esterday, I got him to take a few mouthfuls of water by playing Dunking for
ookies!  If I put some corn chips into the bucket, he'd go after them, but
e really didn't drink.  He did finally take some water in the trough they
ave for the dude horses, which was warm and icky. He's slightly.overweight,
ut seems otherwise in pretty good condition.  The stable horses are mostly
rab-crosses and don't seem to mind the heat nor sweat as much as my Fjord
or his owner) does.

Do any of you feel it's okay to keep working him in this heat because of the
weating on the uphill leg of the trip?  They generally cool down by the
imes we get back down.
Mary O (in HOT Northern Minnesota)  Did somebody mention Global Warming?

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Re: aging ponies (and people)

2012-05-07 Thread jadebear
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 Braveheart is 14, Bogie is 20,  I'm 67...and all 3 of us still have
adventures planned!  I love it when they whinney and run to greet me.  I love
hugging, grooming and the never-ending effort to get just the PERFECT haircut
done on their manes.  I love zinging (BH) or ambling (Bogie) down the road on
a nice (or even not-so-nice) day...especially in the fall.  I love how my
ponies look, act, feel and smell.  I will always have carrots and apples about
my person and always be grateful for all the joy they've brought into my life.
There may come a time when I get too old or arthritiic to throw a leg over BH
or Bogie but it's not here yet and, besides, I'm pretty sure that's why God
invented buggies.  When I can't drag a buggy out anymore, then I love the idea
presented of sitting out behind the barn with the previously mentioned red
wine and watching the boys graze.  Meanwhile, for ALL of us more mature
pony-petters...TROT ON!!

Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart the enthusiastic
and Bogie who believes that meditation may be the better way

-Original Message-
From: Michele Noonan 
To: fjordlist 
Sent: Sat, May 5, 2012 1:12 am
Subject: RE: aging ponies (and people)

This message is from: Michele Noonan 

ust wanted to say how encouraging it was reading all your comments about all
f you in your 60's and 70's riding and driving your fjords and planning for
he future and the future of your horses.
It encourages me to quit whining in my late 40's and get off my butt and ride
ore. I still have lots of time! Life has changed a lot around here and I was
tarting to get down. Between a bad back and my daughter moving out of state
nd only one non-horse interested teen boy left at home, I have scaled back a
ot. From our high of 14 horses to 3,  it's a lot more fun to take care of 3.
 miss the foals each year but I have a yearling to enjoy Tine' (Tone's last
ne, so I can't sell her!)
I do have bad dreams about the day I lose my beloved Tone'. She's only 18 so
ave plenty of time!
Michele Noonan
tevensville, MT
ild Hair Ranch
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Re: [FjordIssues] Fjord Issues and BOD actions

2012-03-08 Thread jadebear
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 I know that nothing is ever as straight-forward as it would appear on the
surface, but it would seems to me that if the filly DNAs as a purebred, then
she's entitled to be registered and the behavior and agreements or lack of
them between the mare and stallion owners would be a matter for the courts.  I
think our governing body has every right to decide whether or not the foal is
the real thing but I wouldn't think they'd want to touch the legal
implications of whatever is going on between these people with a ten foot
pole.  How future registration proceedures may be affected by all this is
something that should probably be discussed but that's the future and the
filly is here now.  I hope HER interests will be protected.

Just a listener who is now officially butting out and going out to the barn to
supervise the massive shedding that's taking place.
Kay Van Natta

-Original Message-
From: Steve McIlree 
To: fjordhorse 
Sent: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 1:29 pm
Subject: Re: [FjordIssues] Fjord Issues and BOD actions

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Re: fjords vs others

2012-01-30 Thread JadeBear
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I agree that any horse seriously benefits from good training and consistant 
handling and (IMO) the smarter the individual, the more they profit.  I 
think Fjords, as a group, are less inclined toward hysteria than some other 
breeds but NOBODY is born golden.  Witness the Shetland pony that gets a bad 
rap as a kid's mount all the time.  Again IMO, size and brains qualify them as 
the perfect child's mount if they are raised and trained like full-sized 
horses.  However many are treated like stuffed animals...very little, if 
anything, is taught to them or required of them. And then folks are surprised 
when they have no manners and a very iffy work ethic. It often seems to be 
assumed that because they're little and adorable they are also automatically 
compliant, reliable mounts and companions.  Children need to be guided toward a 
useful and responsible adulthood and so do horses...even the innately 
loveable ones like ours.  Good training and time spent can put "strong-minded" 
concept with which I have no problem) on your side and, when that happens, 
you can ride or drive your pony through fire.  I've been lucky.  I've got 
great ponies and have had wonderful teachers for both them and me.  As a 
result, I'm having fun and I'm not afraid.  It's been suggested to me that lack 
of imagination may explain a certain amount of my lack of fear but - what the 
heck.  So far, so good.
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who says, "Charge!"
and Bogie, who says, "Fire?!  What fire?!"

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Re: Another note...too true - Fjordies are the best!

2012-01-27 Thread JadeBear
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The only thing I regret about my time as a Fjordhorse owner is that it 
didn't start soon enough.  And it would have too except that I didn't know they 
could be had in North America until about 14 years ago when Jon and Nancy 
Roemer brought Moenar to the Metamora show where my friend spotted them.  I'd 
seen a pair of Fjords in Germany about 40 years earlier and had been talking 
about them off and on for about that long so Rena ran down and got their 
address.  I drove to Dover OH with a trailer behind me...I just KNEW the pony 
of my dreams would be there.  And there he was...a yearling Braveheart!  I 
have never looked back nor gazed with envy at another breed since.  He (and 
later Bogie) have been perfect for me.  I'm about a C/C- rider and an old 
lady to boot and both of them take wonderful care of me.  Even BH who, among 
Fjordhorses would be considered a forward and busy pony, looks out for me, 
compensates for my shortcomings and still manages to look pretty good both in 
competition and strolling around the neighborhood at home.  I'm having a 
great time and so will you!  As has already been said...happy pony shopping!
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, the Wonder Pony
and Bogie, the Love Pony and one who truly appreciates a fine carrot

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Re: Pony Measurement...!

2011-05-19 Thread JadeBear
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Hi Sarah!
I had no idea there were such formal proceedures involved horse/pony 
measurement!  I'm a long way from California which may be a factor and my 
usual venue is CDEs in the MI-OH-KY-IL-IN-WI-MN neighborhood, which could be 
another, but Braveheart and I have always competed in the single pony slot.  
The only formal measurement BH ever had was at his first evaluation and we've 
never been asked or re-measured at any of the events we've atttended since.  
It sure sounds like the show officials at your event were having 
trouble getting their ducks in a row!  Did you get your cash back?  Or an extra 
fluffy ribbon at the conclusion of your efforts?  How about an apology and a 
free lemonade?  Maybe it's a new enough rule that no one actually knows what 
needs to be done and in what order.  
Good luck!
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, large pony and proud #1 son of Malcom Locke

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Re: MWFHC Winter Meeting/Clinic!!! YEA!

2011-03-15 Thread JadeBear
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The Mid-Winter Meeting and classes were great!  I got some really nifty 
ideas for making pony-desensitizing-things from Heike Lewandowski and she says 
we don't really have to hang around crime scenes to get that yellow 
tape...Home Depot is quicker and safer!  Bob Long's talk and demo on packing 
Fjords into the gorgeous back-country places available to us in the USA and 
Canada was really exciting.  I don't know if Braveheart and I are ready to 
meet our first bear though!  JanetMc Nally's Farming with Fjords was really 
interesting and the log skidding with Tyler proved that I'll need to practice 
hopping back and forth over logs in motion a LOT before BH (or Bogie) and I 
try hiring out to any logging operations.  I was really impressed with the 
care and caring involved in a good theraputic riding program...the horses and 
the helpers have to be pretty special individuals! 
Anyhow, as you've probably guessed, it was a wonderful weekend.  After 
getting home and retrieving my ponies and dog from their various hotels, the 
first thing I did was to order a BUNCH of felting wool from HalcyonYarn.  
Once it all arrives, I will use what we learned on Friday night to begin 
felting my own herd of was really fun!  I was sorry there wasn't 
enough time to try everything because the people who chose to try rosmaling 
seemed to be having a pretty good time too!
And, as you've already heard, we got some hints about stylish haircuts 
from Joni and Jock so I'm eyeballing Bogie as a potential piano-key-haircut 
candidate.  I think he'd look quite fetching!
 Stay warm everybody...spring has GOT to be showing up sometime soon!
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who's heard about Cedar Rapids and can hardly wait
and Bogie, who would rather focus on shedding

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Re: Registry Question...Buckskin/Dun Assn?

2010-12-20 Thread JadeBear
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That's an intriguing queston!  They're a color registry so I don't see how 
they can refuse to register a horse with the correct color requirements.  
And who would be more correct about being duns than we are!
and Braveheart and Bogie, who, like all of us, are as dun as they come!

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Thank you Secret Santa! It's me...Kay V.

2010-12-17 Thread JadeBear
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Dear SS!
I LOVE my new Fjord tee!  The Fjords on it are adorable...especially 
the baby!  And I love the idea of "Fjords Worldwide!"  It's great that a bunch 
of folks from many different countries can be united by a single passion - 
in this case, love of our talented and loveable blond horses.  Looking at 
the shirt also reminds me that, even though it does NOT feel like it right 
now, summer WILL be back so I've hung it where I can see it as I layer-up every 
morning in my Arctic attire.
Now, let's get serious.  WHO ARE YOU? 
Kay Van Natta @ Yellow Pony Farm in SE MI 

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Re: Fjord Calendar...I was wondering too!

2010-12-01 Thread JadeBear
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I, too, have been nosing around in search of  the 2011 Fjord Calendar.  I 
always want one for myself and they've been really successful gifts in the 
past...especially (strangely enough) with non-horse people.  I think it's 
because they're so unique and give folks a window into a world they didn't even 
know existed.  So, although I'm definitely in favor of retirement and the 
put-the-feet-up-and-relax-a-bit aspects of it, I hope our calendar will be 
with us for quite a while yet.
Kay at Yellow Pony Farm in SE MI where the first snowflakes have just begun 
and Braveheart, who knows that he'll now be reduced to old-lady-bareback 
rides around the neighborhood
and Bogie, who believes that going slowly and keeping your person's behind 
warm is a pony's main duty

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Re: Nigel & news about Steve...what to tell people.

2010-11-22 Thread JadeBear
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I like the story of you and Steve slipping on some spilled sangria while 
dancing on a wet bartop in Barcelona.
Kay V.

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Re: 2010 Secret Santa...I'm in...again!

2010-11-14 Thread JadeBear
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Hi Cynthia!
Here's my 2010 info (much like my 2009 info).
Kay Van Natta
Yellow Pony Farm
11352 Ely Road
Davisburg MI 48350-1700
I love Fjordie t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts jewelry, and art of all 
kinds.  I wear size large in the afore-mentioned shirts.  Braveheart and Bogie 
love horse treats of any kind and people treats of many kinds (especially 
Circus know - those big, cheap, orange colored, peanut shaped, 
banana flavored, marshmallow candies that can be found at TSC and most truck 
stops).  They also love Rice Krispies Treats but those aren't so cheap! 
And yes, I'd take an overseas Fjord lover.
All the best from MI, where everybody is getting fat and furry so I 
expect the arrival of winter momentarily.
Kay and the Boys

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Re: Carrots for TGAP Oz!

2010-08-04 Thread JadeBear
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Dear Oz!
I am SO happy that you  will, once again, be on the receiving end of 
the many and wonderful snacks that  all Fjordhorses so richly deserve.  A life 
unpunctuated by apples, carrots,  peppermints (and Circus Peanuts) is 
dreary to contemplate even when blessed by  much brushing, hugging and kissing. 
Welcome back to the ranks of the  spoiled.
Bogie, The Love Pony
In a message dated 8/3/2010 12:57:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

This  message is from:

he can actually have grass  again!!! and carrotsand no expensive  meds.

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Re: Henry Fjord

2010-07-28 Thread JadeBear
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Dear Heather and Anthony,
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of  Henry.  It's the world's 
hardest task to say goodbye to someone who's a  beloved part of your life.  I 
know you miss him very much.  But think  of him as young and strong again, 
playing in a meadow  just up the  trail a bit and waiting there for you.  
what I believe is  true.
Kay Van Natta
In a message dated 7/27/2010 7:00:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

... so Anthony & I let go of one
of the kindest,  bravest hearts on this earth plane.

Rest in Peace dear friend -  you touched many, many lives.
Heather & Anthony
Missing dearly, our  friend Henry

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Re: leaving out in thunderstorms?

2010-07-16 Thread JadeBear
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Hi all!
My boys have a modest grassy pasture with lots of  trees so they can 
choose where to be in most weather.  The back door of the  barn is always open 
too so they can go into their stalls anytime they  want.  I bring them in 
at night and I DO bring them in for big  thunderstorms or anything that might 
be considered a raging gale.  I don't  know if that's the best choice but 
it makes me feel better to give them what  protection I have to offer.  Since 
they have breakfast and dinner in their  rooms, they don't see coming 
inside as a bad thing.
Everyone have a wonderful time at BE this  year!  I know it's just 
going to be great!!  I am  SO sorry that Braveheart, Bogie and I can't all your nifty stories for us net-readers when you get  back!
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who is very disappointed about staying home
and Bogie, who is happily scratching his patootie on an apple tree and  
could not be reached for comment.
In a message dated 7/13/2010 8:33:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

This  message is from: "Debby" 

I don't  leave mine out in any kind of rain or storms.  But mine are 
stalled  at

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Where is Allthingsfjordandmore these days?

2010-06-03 Thread JadeBear
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Does anybody know how to contact Linda at All  Things Fjord and More?  
Maybe she retired but I'm hoping not.  My  beloved white BBcap with the blue 
trotting Fjord on it and several of my  favorite T and sweatshirts are entering 
the terminal stages of their lives and  I'd like to replace them but I 
haven't been able to get in touch.  Does  anybody have an address, an e-mail 
address or (my favorite) a telephone  number?
Kay Van Natta
Yellow Pony Farm in MI
where Braveheart believes that I shouldn't be riding/driving him on the  
public roads in ragged garments
and Bogie who doesn't care since people clothes just exist for  him to rub 
his face on anyway

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Re: Still shedding? Absolutely!

2010-05-15 Thread JadeBear
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Both of mine are (and have been for some time)  still busily shedding.  
Braveheart, whose family must come from  southern Norway, is winding down now 
but Bogie is just starting on his  second layer!  My trusty farrier says that 
if I needed Bogie to be shed out  by Labor Day, we should've started in 
January.  Of course, how seriously  can you take a man who is standing there 
completely coated in yellow hair?
Still, all this hair is usually very well received  by the  local avian 
community.  Judging from what I've seen so far,  every bird's nest in 
northwestern Oakland county must be lined in a tasteful  buff color and entire 
generations of baby birds probably smell faintly  Fjord-like.
Truthfully, after brushing time in the barn, so do  I.  And, as I back 
off and take a dispassionate look at my hair-covered  spring wardrobe, I 
realize that what I really need to make maintenance easier is  a navy blue pony.
Kay Van Natta
Yellow (just look at my clothes!) Pony Farm 
Davisburg  MI 

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Put up that new calendar!

2009-12-20 Thread jadebear
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I couldn't wait!  The new 2010 Fjordhorse calendar is officially installed 
in the kitchen!  I know it's a bit early but it just gives me a few extra 
days to admire the Great and Powerful Oz (Mr. January)...a friend of Bogie's 
and a role model of Braveheart's.  Have a great holiday everybody!  And keep 
a warm thought for our eastern brethren who are probably up to their 
patooties in snow!  SE MI is cold and snowy but we haven't gone for any records 
and I'm hoping we won't be presented with that opportunity any time soon!
Well, back to pre-Christmas house cleaning.  Now where did I put that 
can of Pledge?
and the Boys, who treasure winter as their "vacation" shoes, no 
chores, no diet!

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2009-12-10 Thread jadebear
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Dear S. Santa!
My presents arrived yesterday and I just love them.  I was really 
hoping for the baseball cap with the new logo!  I wore it all yesterday 
while finishing up my Christmas cards.  I would've worn it to the barn this 
morning to show Braveheart and Bogie, but it's 8degreesF with 40 MPH winds 
outside so maybe I'll do that later.  I love the tote too!  It would be a 
great grooming bag and a pretty good overnighter too.  Right now it's hanging 
in my den being a Christmas decoration.
Thanks a million!  
P.S.  Who are you anyway?

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2009-12-05 Thread JadeBear
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I've got 2 Fjordies who are extremely ride-able in VERY different ways.  
Braveheart is quite a busy forward mover.  He's built along sportier lines and 
has a get-down-the-road carriage horse attitude.  I ride stock seat which 
means that when I ask him to slow down a bit, there's a lot of mumbling under 
his breath but he does's just not fun for him.  He'll jog but he'd 
rather trot.  His canter is lovely though.
Bogie, on the other hand, is MUCH draftier and much less inclined to be 
in a hurry.  He's got a natural jog that most QH people would kill (mostly 
their horses) to get and you can sit on it all day, with or without a 
saddle.  His lope, however, has a decidedly lumbering quality (while not being 
uncomfortable) and that's the gait where you get HIM mumbling under his breath. 
 Without the presence of large predators or actual gunfire, Bogie just 
doesn't see any really good reason to canter.  He did it for his evaluation and 
he'll do it now if I insist, but the carrot-per-stride rate goes WAY up when 
I do.
Truthfully, I really enjoy their differences.  While there's no danger 
of them ever being a harness pair, the fact that riding them presents wildly 
different experiences keeps me paying attention.
and Braveheart, who says, "Are you coming, or what?!"
and Bogie, who says, "Don't get your tail in a knot...Oh, look!  A clover!"

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Evals...riders required to be members?

2009-11-21 Thread JadeBear
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I don't think so.  My trainer (whose horsemanship skills are SO far 
superior to mine) rode and drove Braveheart, my gelding, at all his evals 
they're really important to me and I wanted BH to have the best possible 
chance to shine.  Although I bought Melissa a membership as a present later on, 
she wasn't a member for most of the times she showed BH and I'm sure someone 
would've told me if that needed to be the case.
I'll be interested to see what the professional trainers on the list 
say about cantering.  We didn't do ANYTHING with Braveheart until he was a 
long three-year-old and then it was harness first.  He learned to canter for 
the western class at his first eval as a five-year-old although he'd cantered 
on the long-line and in harness before that.  I don't know if this was a 
great plan or not.  These decisions were based mostly on the fact that I'm a 
pretty heavy person and I wanted him to be fairly well grown before we put any 
amount of serious stress on his joints.  That and the fact that I'd seen a 
ton of quarter horses go under saddle WAY too early (all those dratted 
big-money two-year-old pleasure futurities) and end up all broken down before 
they were even four.  I wanted Braveheart to have a long, sound and happy life 
so we didn't rush into anything.  I don't know if that's over-protective or 
not, but there you have it.
Your ponies sound great...and familiar too!  At Yellow Pony Farm, it's 
Braveheart (the Wonder Pony) who is forward and eager to work at whatever 
the project du jour is.  Bogie (the Love Pony)...not so much.  He believes in 
walking, and possibly a gentle jog...especially if we're headed back to the 
barn.  Barring Ragnorak or actual gunfire, he feels that cantering is a 
rather extreme choice and would rather not involve himself.  Although I do 
notice that he's got a lope or two left in him when the dinner bell rings.
Good luck with Anni and Paul!  Have fun!
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who is very patient with my lack of equestrian eptitude
and Bogie, who is too, but believes that me riding him myself at HIS eval 
shows a lack of respect for histalents.  (Could be.  Too bad there's 
no evaluation standard for huggable-ness.)

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Re: got mud...oh yeah!

2009-10-27 Thread JadeBear
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My pasture (such as it is) is pretty rolling and has only a few flat areas 
which, after all the recent rain in SE MI, is where the mud is.  So becoming 
a mudball is, in fact, avoidable.  Braveheart, who believes that one should 
be grime-free at all times has become somewhat smudged from time to time 
but rushes into the barn at the evening call and absolutely expects to be 
groomed back to flawless-ness (is that a word?) while he dines.  Bogie, on the 
other hand, exits the barn in the AM as a red dun and re-enters in the PM as 
a grulla.  Usually a wet grulla.  And, unless I'm prepared to give him a 
complete bath every night (which I'm NOT), he dines and snoozes in the shavings 
as is.  The next morning I tie up his grain bucket at the pasture end of 
the aisleway and while he "breakfasts on the verandah," groom the dried mud 
off him.  Following this ritual, he once again emerges from the barn as a red 
dun...however temporarily.  Like the Great and Powerful Oz, it can be a 
state lasting anywhere from 30 seconds to half a day, which makes him an AM 
riding pony.  Braveheart can be given a quick dust-off and ridden/driven pretty 
much any time.  Considering that they spend the same amount of time in the 
same field, the mud differential is a continuing mystery to of many.
and Mr. Fastidious
and Pigpen

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"Laurie's choice"

2009-09-25 Thread JadeBear
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"Laurie's choice" are definitely the operative words here. Everyone is 
entitled to their personal opinions but NO ONE is entitled to set themselves up 
as the Acme Judgement Company.   Only the person who has to make one of 
these difficult decisions can know what the answer has to be for themselves and 
the animal they love.  
Kay Van Natta

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Re: Gjest

2009-09-17 Thread JadeBear
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My heart, too goes, out to Carole and Arthur at the loss of their great 
stallion and friend.  Among others, I was lucky enough to meet Gjest during one 
of those wonderful BDF driving holidays and he was a teriffic schooling 
horse as well as a breed champion.  I know Gjest is in a place now where he's 
young and strong again and can run across the fields with Tessa all day and 
never get tired.  
Meanwhile, many of us owe and Carole and Arthur a big thanks for giving 
him such a good and productive life on this side of the Atlantic.  Because 
they did, the beautiful Malcom Locke was born and moved to Ohio where he 
sired Brynjar 430-B (my Braveheart pony) who has brought so much fun and love 
to my barn for the last 10 years.  Braveheart is my 
halter/western/English/carriage/CDE/bareback/treasured companion 
other words, the horse of 
my dreams and will be with me for as long as we both last.  Thanks, 
And thanks, Gjest.
Kay Van Natta

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Re: Fjords shedding...who knew!?

2009-08-12 Thread JadeBear
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The soltices, you say?  Well, I'll be switched!  I always assumed that both 
Braveheart and Bogie were Lutherans and now it turns out that they're 
actually Druids!  Live and learn.
Kay Van Natta
and the Boys (who can't believe I've never noticed the stone circle they 
put up at the bottom of the field).

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Re: Summer Shedding

2009-08-11 Thread JadeBear
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My boys take turns shedding.  Bogie is shedding the short summer stuff now 
(he may know something)but Braveheart isn't.  Bogie gets amazingly hairy for 
the winter (think of the world's biggest Tribble) but starts blowing the 
winter coat in mid-February...which, in MI, is NOT spring by any stretch of 
the imagination.  But, as my hair-covered farrier said last Feb, "C'mon, Kay!  
Look at this horse.  If he wants to be shed out by summer, he should've 
started in January."
BH is more traditional.  He likes to put a tidy 6 months between coat 
changes.  Depending upon what kind of show it is and where it's held, the 
early CDEs and the late Evaluations may require body clipping...a long and 
boring process for both of us.  Since we're not doing either of those things 
this year, my industrial strength clippers are resting quietly in their box.
In other words, I have absolutely no idea what the shedding rules are. 
and Braveheart, who says, "Ride me!  You won't get zillions of hairs all 
over your behind!"
and Bogie, who says, "Good point.  Ride him."

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Re: A Bear Story!!!

2009-07-11 Thread JadeBear
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WOW!  Bogie has major misgivings about the llamas over on Tindall road...I 
have no idea how he'd react to an actual bear.  Luckily for him, we don't 
live far enough north in MI for him to form an opinion.  Braveheart is quite a 
bit bolder when it comes to the unknown or unexpected.  He and Bjorn hooked 
together might make a formidable bear chasing pair!  Phil would have to 
drive them though.  I'm NOT so brave and I'm afraid I'd have REALLY wanted to 
turn around and visit that section of road at another time!  In my 
neighborhood I consider successfully navigating around the Tuesday/Wednesday 
trucks a major adventure!
and Bogie, who believes there's just something wrong about a llama
and Braveheart, who says, "Bear?  What's a bear?  Show me!"

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Re: FjordFest

2009-06-27 Thread JadeBear
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In a message dated 6/27/2009 8:55:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Got home yesterday from our annual "Fjords & Friends Fun Fest" in Blowing 
Rock, NC.? Another great year, another great time 

I am so envious of those who went to FjordFest!  I have been wanting to 
go for years and it always sounds SO great!  This year the family fortune 
(such as it is) is pretty much promised out but I've already got a teapot 
designated as a savings account for next year.  I can hardly wait to pack up 
Braveheart, the wonder pony, and Bogie, the love pony, for our trip to the 
exotic southland.  And I'm glad to hear that the minimally talented are as 
welcome as the gifted.  My boys are accomplished in many areas. Me...not so 
Kay Van Natta
Yellow Pony Farm
in MI
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Re: Smiling Fjords

2009-06-17 Thread JadeBear
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Braveheart and Bogie are smilers too!  They also share a number of Joe 
Seidel's expressions...especially the laugh, inquire, the 
and the "there-she-is-there-she-is!" (this one usually coincides my arrival 
at the barn to serve the evening meal and is accompanied by a soundtrack of 
hoofbeats and the odd whinny).
But my favorite is still the "smile"...that 
I-love-you-and-I'm-so-happy-to-see-you look.  It's the look that prompted me to 
vote for the new logo.  
Although I still wish there was a second rein showing on the second horse, 
it was the look on the face of the first horse that stole my heart. To me, 
that's a Braveheart face.  The one that guarentees I'd work 3 jobs if I had 
to so he could have the best of all the things he'll ever need.
I love my ponies.
and Braveheart and Bogie who know they'd both have me wrapped around their 
little fingers if they actually HAD little fingers.
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Re: Trimming replies!?

2009-04-23 Thread JadeBear
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In a message dated 4/22/2009 6:10:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

You cannot possibly plan to spend money on a  computer 
when you could be buying fun new things for your horses

Did this trimming attempt work?  If it didn't, don't throw me off, 
Steve!  I'll keep working on it while retreating to my old position of not 
tapping "reply" on old Nigel (my feckless computer).
And, Kate...Braveheart and Bogie couldn't agree with you more.  I saved 
up and bought those industrial-strength clippers that I used on BH's mane 
and will use for body-clipping but I can't get either of them to see that as 
a real present.  So it's back to the apple/carrot department at Sam's Club.
Kay @Yellow Pony Farm
where we're moving through a traditional MI spring...from frozen mud to 
mud to summer.
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Trimming replies!?

2009-04-22 Thread JadeBear
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Hi All!
Greetings from EXTREMELY low-tech Yellow Pony Farm!  For those of us 
who haven't been able to get any of the many very wise and undoubtedly 
accurate message-trimming suggestions to work, there's always the old way of 
wrting a fresh message and addressing it to _fjordho...@angus.com_ 
(  like it was an original.  My computer (Nigel) is 
old and very crabby so I've fallen back on this method which he seems willing 
to tolerate.  All the other ideas sound really efficient but since Nigel 
continues to be grouchy and I don't know the difference anyway, I've decided 
to do it the old way until I can afford a new computer and lessons from my 
niece, the techno-warrior.
And so, slowly but surely, I'm off to the barn.
and Braveheart, whose mane has grown back enough to have the cream part 
shortened again
and Bogie, with enough mane to grab with both hands for up-hill canters
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Our ponies and our wills

2009-04-04 Thread JadeBear
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I've got Braveheart and Bogie in my will.  They both go (along with the $ for 
10 months board) to my best friend who, in spite of being a quarter horse 
person, will take great care of them.  In fact, if I were to shed this vale of 
tears tomorrow, I'd like to come back as one of Rena Johnson's animals.  There 
are populations of entire third world nations that don't live as well as they 
do.  I'm kind of hoping we'll all trot off to the Rainbow Bridge together but 
just in case we don't, I'm blessed to have a trusted friend who'll look after 
Dogs and cats have been assigned to appropriate family members.  Truthfully, 
I feel a lot better with a game plan down on paper.  BH and B are beloved 
companions and I never want them to be scared or unhappy for even a 
moment...although Bogie still worries a bit about my decision to take us by 
those evil, 
pony-eating llamas over on Tindall Road.
Sun today and tomorrow. Snow on Monday.  Sigh.
Kay and the boys, who are shedding so copiously that I'm thinking of 
gathering up all the loose hair and knitting myself a third pony.
**Hurry! April 15th is almost here. File your Federal taxes FREE 
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Oz made me do it.

2009-03-27 Thread JadeBear
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Inspired by Laurie's bold hairdressing moves, I did what I thought I'd never 
do...roached Braveheart's mane right down to nothing!  I saved up and, 2 days 
ago, the industrial strength clippers I've been wanting arrived so I made my 
move.  Although BH, himself, was largely unconcerned about this development I 
still wasn't sure that I was doing the right thing so the big trim (about 3 
passes with these new clippers) was a pretty unnerving experience for me.  Now 
will sit around with scissors anxiously awaiting the return of said mane so I 
can supervise it back into a nice tidy, traditional do.  Meanwhile, he looks 
different but not really too bad.  Actually, all saddled up, he looks a lot 
like a foundation quarter horse. I look at him when we're ready to go and it 
of makes me want to go out and work cattle.
I haven't done Bogie yet because he's my bareback pony and I'd like to 
keep something to grab in case of unexpected events for a little while longer.  
Both of them are shedding like crazy ponies and, like Susan said, I'm getting 
a lot of mileage out of my leaf rake as a grooming tool. All this in spite of 
the fact that the weatherman says we have another shot at snow this weekend.  
Still, that'll be nothing compared to the blizzards and flooding being endured 
by our neighbors to the west.  Are all you guys out that way OK?
and Braveheart, who thinks himself quite sveldte-looking
and Bogie, who thinks a lot of things but can't say any of them because he's 
laughing too hard
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Re: Im not either.

2009-03-26 Thread JadeBear
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The Norwegian view of a farm animal being a farm animal...that it needs to be
useful in some way, like work, transportation or not an
unreasonable position.  As Kate points out, we certainly subscribe to that 
when it comes to most livestock.  Maybe the American view regarding horses
differs because the horse has been such an indispensible partner in the 
developing of this continent.  Also, it IS a lot harder to eat something once
you've named and hugged it.
 Yellow Pony Farm, too, is not exactly a place famous for the horses that
have been sold.  The overwhelming majority have come to stay.  I'm pretty sure
that's more of a schoolteacher thing than a horseman thing.  When they give
you a class in the fall, you don't get to throw back the ones that don't look just do the best you can with what you have.  Pony-wise, it's
been so-far-so-good for me and I'm very grateful.
 Still, I HAVE been known (when a pony halo slips a bit) to whisper in a
buff-colored ear just how close they are getting to being dinner for 56.

and Braveheart,
 who just got his mane roached (can anybody recommend clippers that don't
grind to a halt in a Fjord mane?) and now reminds me of a foundation quarter
and Bogie,
  who, as my primary bareback pony, keeps his mane a while longer so I
have something to grab!

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Re: AIR FERNS?! Good grief!

2009-03-23 Thread JadeBear
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Amen, Catherine!  I've never heard the term "air ferns" before but I know 
what you mean.  I, myself, have referred to Fjords as easy keepers but it has 
never occurred to me that someone hearing me say that would take it to mean you 
didn't have to feed them at all!  I was just thinking of their food 
requirements compared to the hot-bloods I've owned in the past (although my 
boys seem to 
think that more is definitely better).  I sure will qualify that statement in 
I wish I had enough acres to take in rescue ponies as you've done.  It 
would be great to see all those pretty faces running up the hill to answer the 
dinner bell.  That mental picture keeps me buying lottery tickets.
and Portly Ponies, Inc.
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Re: Starved horses in Scotland and the Siberian Tiger solution.

2009-03-23 Thread JadeBear
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I think Linda may have a point here.  I had always hoped to meet Mr. Stuart 
at one of our gatherings but now I think it's possible that the banks of the 
Amur might be just the place for him.  I know I'm supposed to "judge not" for 
very good reason but it's hard not to be angry about this.  I hope that Mr. 
Stuart will no longer be permitted to represent the Norwegian Fjordhorse in any 
way nor be allowed to own ours or any other breed.  I know how I feel about 
and I can only imagine how the decent Fjord owners in Scotland who elected 
him must feel.  
Kay Van Natta
Yellow Pony Farm
...where Braveheart and Bogie are fat, happy and one step away from living in 
the house.   
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Re: Old Horses...another Kay with an "old" Fjord.

2009-03-01 Thread JadeBear
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I'm with Kay and Kate on this one.   I bought Bogie, the Love Pony, pushing 4 
years ago, as a 14 year old and have never had a single moment's regret.  He 
is a super-reliable guest horse, perfect for my little bareback rides around 
the neighborhood and (thanks to a quick refresher course from Bob Gudknecht) a 
terrific little cart pony.  He also makes himself available at all times for 
kissing, hugging and carrots.  He comes running when called and is extremely 
popular (as is Braveheart) with all the local Ely Road pedestrians, from whom 
I'm pretty sure they are both getting frequent snacks.  He is with me for the 
duration...either his or mine...and is in my will just in case.  I think I'm in 
his too. 
I've done it the other way too.  I got BH as a yearling so we've been 
together almost his whole life.  That has some advantages too.  I know pretty 
much everything that's ever happened to him because it mostly happened to me at 
the same time.  He, like Bogie, is living in his final home because I don't 
think even the most extensive shopping could enable me to do any better than 
these guys.  I really love them both!
That doesn't mean that I wouldn't want other Fjordies to join us here at 
Yellow Pony Farm some day.  I just need a slightly bigger barn with maybe 1 
...or 5 - certainly no more than 8... additional stalls.   And who knows?  
Michigan has another lottery drawing tonight.  You never can tell. 
And, as adjectives go, "mature" sounds civilized but for myself, I like 
the term "seasoned."  "Vintage" is nice too.  I guess being a beautiful piece 
of wood or a nice bottle of wine isn't so bad.
and Braveheart, who believes that 11 is mature enough
and Bogie, who thinks that a mature 11year old wouldn't be constanly nipping 
the butt of the TRULY mature
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Re: knee surgery...YEAAAAA Laurie!

2009-02-06 Thread JadeBear
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Dear L!
I really hope the knee surgery is totally successful!  It sure sounds 
hopeful so far!  I forsee many happy hours of Oz-riding ahead of you!
And a new guy?  You go, girl!  Does Oz like him?  May he be kind-hearted, 
good looking and deserve the best!  Take care and stay warm.
and Braveheart, who is studying to be a bareback pony
and Bogie, Oz-buddy, who already is one (expensive cars aren't the only rides 
with a heated seat)
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Re: winter blahs.

2008-12-22 Thread JadeBear
This message is from:

I'm with Linda on this one.  
I know that right-thinking Fjord owners are out there practicing and 
sleighing and doing all manner of winter things but that's not usually 
at Yellow Pony Farm.  I also know why movies, football games (let's NOT talk 
about the Lions) and hot chocolate were invented.
It took me 3 days of steady work to wrap and put away my carriages, bring 
harnesses, saddles, bridles and all the attendant pads into the house and get 
them cleaned, polished and hung on the walls or on saddle stands. Including 
the walk to the barn, it took me about 10 minutes to move my winter pony 
equipment into position...that would be a VERY adjustable bosal, a good pair of 
mittens and fur-lined undies.   Braveheart and Bogie are taking the usual Fjord 
delight in winter.  We picked up about 14 inches of snow in the last 3 days and 
they're frolicking around the field making snow ponies and nipping each other. 
 They know vacation season when they see it.  All they have to do to keep 
Mama happy during the long-night part of the year is take her on the occasional 
bareback ride around the neighborhood and look cute in their winter fur (which 
they absolutely do).  
About mid-March (usually an optomistic view for MI) I start pacing back 
and forth waiting for the roads to reappear and firm up for driving but not 
until then.  Spring here usually progresses from snow drifts to frozen mud to 
to summer.  The beauteous, soft, flower-filled spring of the south just 
doesn't happen. One day you can't drive without burying your buggy up to the 
and the next day you can.  
Anyhow, for the moment, I'm enjoying a rich relationship with Netflix and 
the ponies are getting treats just for letting me hug them and occasionally 
warm my ample backside by sitting on them.  Ah, the joys of winter.
Stay warm everybody and have a wonderful Christmas!
and Braveheart, who loves leaping through the drifts
and Bogie, who loves digging into them to see if there's any hay under the 
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Logo ballot?

2008-10-29 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I didn't get one either and I really WANT to vote!  The Herald and the new 
Resource Guide (both interesting and gorgeous!!) arrived but if there was a 
ballot included, I must have missed or lost it.  How can we get one?
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart who thinks that whoever harnessed those Fjords in the proposed 
new logo is in for a VERY interesting drive
and Bogie who is too busy snorting through the leaves in search of grass to 
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Re: Mystery/tragedy

2008-09-29 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Paula,
I will keep Galianna, her friend and you in my prayers.  The idea of a 
horse-slasher is horrifying but there doesn't seem to be another reasonable 
cause presenting itself...especially with 2 horses injured.  I really hope you 
actually find another cause before whatever value my prayers may have is 
nullified by the desire to see the responsible party found and shot.
Kay Van Natta

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Re: oz as a lesson horse

2008-09-29 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Like Kate, I am not a bit surprised that Oz would carefully protect a rider 
who needed it.  Like many Fjords, he's not just another pretty face...he's also 
a great companion pony, for which many folks have unsuccessfully searched the 
length and breadth of entire breeds. We Fjordies and Fjordettes have an 
embarrassment of riches in this regard.  Almost everyone has at least one great 
companion pony waiting for them in the barn and, more often than any other 
more than one.  
Braveheart, the Wonder Pony, stands like a rock for however long it takes 
me to get on or off (saddle or carriage) and, as much as he likes to fly, 
will only do what I think I can do on any given day.  Bogie, the Love Pony, is 
careful and deliberate and, last week, stood like a fluffy statue for almost 2 
hours while about a million first graders at a local elementary was 
"Cowboy" day...crowded around him to pet, ask questions and brush him.  He 
now has a ton of new friends and a very well-groomed tummy. I was so proud of 
As I said, we are SO lucky.
and Braveheart, who says, "I AM quite saintly."
and Bogie, who says, "PT!  And who does she pick for her bareback rides?"
and Braveheart, who replies, "Hah!  You want virtue points for being too fat 
to saddle?"  

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Re: OK, List! Let's drop everything and go visit Brian and Ursula! Hi Nan!

2008-08-22 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The BC place is Brian and Ursula Jensen's place,  Trinity Fjords, in Lumby, 
British Columbia, Canada.  It's north and west of  Spokane and, after you cross 
the border, pretty much straight north from  Penticton...a gorgeous drive by 
the way.  Brian and Ursula take students  (individually and in pairs or small 
groups) and give training in driving  pairs.  They call it a "driving weekend" 
but it doesn't really have to be a  Friday, Saturday or Sunday...other days 
of the week work too.  They've  been doing this for some time but haven't 
really advertised it a lot.  I  went alone and had a wonderful time but taking 
friend would be really fun  too.  I hope I can go again and do just that!!
Kay V.
 In a message dated 8/22/2008 11:26:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
This  message is from: Nan Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What is this  BC place called?  Nan with Bjorni and Tilly

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OK, List! Let's drop everything and go visit Brian and Ursula!

2008-08-21 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well...maybe not all at once.  I just got back  from a GREAT stay at their 
beautiful place in BC...the  western-most point  in a cross-continent odyssey 
that started with Blue Earth (where, once again, I  had so much fun!) and ended 
back home in MI this  last Friday.
I finally got the chance to be a student at Brian's  "driving weekend" 
and it was just the best!  I was introduced to pairs  driving which, as it 
out, is very  addictive.  He has 2 different pairs that students can drive 
who are both  very confidence-building ponies and, at the same time, very 
different from each  other.  In addition to arena work you also get to go for 
gorgeous pleasure  drives though lovely forests and meadows along about a 
miles of  logging roads at the end of both the AM and PM sessions.  There are 
also  great dinners involved and the chance to meet lots of really nice 
people.   You get to stay in this wonderful cottage, and the views from your 
porch  alone are worth the trip!
Anyhow, I'm going to write up my adventures in the  hope that one of our 
publications may be interested.  On the last day I  even got to drive the 
four-in-hand!  OK...not very far and not very fast  (and Brian was there to 
prevent disasters) but it was  SO exciting.  
Laugh if you will, but I have pictures!
Kay Van Natta
and Bogie ("She made me do a barrel race then left me with a tall, bearded  
gentleman for a  good-buggy-  pony refresher  course!  I tried 
to get out of as much work as possible but he figured out  all my
   tricks and even put me on a diet!")
and Braveheart ("She left me AT HOME!!!  But my trainer helped me with  my 
canter and a herd 
of  little girls taught me good-bareback-pony skills.)

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BE! BE! BE...

2008-07-16 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all!
I'm slowly packing for Blue Earth and can hardly  wait!  
This year it will be just me and Bogie, the Love  Pony and we're going to 
try lots of new things.  First, since I can't  actually run and Bogie has the 
profile of a 55 gallon drum, I, of course, signed  us up for halter and 
showmanship.  Next, although I'm a C- rider and the  Bogster does NOT enjoy 
cantering, I immediately entered us in western pleasure  and horsemanship.  To 
off our adventure, knowing that Bogie doesn't  like to go fast or turn in a 
precipitous manner unless someone is actually  shooting at us, we are, 
in the barrel race.  And though I  haven't ridden bareback since I was 16, 
we're going for ride-a-buck too.   We may actually last a minute or two in this 
last class...until hizzoner says  "canter" then I think we're pretty much 
The reason I mention all this is so that you guys  who are wavering about 
entering this or that will know that, in these classes at  least, I can 
pretty much promise there'll be someone you can beat.
Well, back to packing.  See everybody by the  big green man!
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who says, "You're taking  HIM to Blue Earth?!"
and Bogie, who says, "HA!  Eat your heart out, fancy  boy!"

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Stay at home with the ponies.

2008-03-09 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Braveheart loves to get around and about during the show season but Bogie 
(like the Great and Powerful Oz) is just delighted to stay home with his 
pasture and haybales served to him in the usual place at the usual times.  
Since I spent the family fortune (such as it was) rennovating the barn for 
comfort last year, this is a stay-at-home year for Yellow Pony Farm.  I'm 
kind of looking forward to it.  The only exceptions are BE for Bogie and the 
National Drive in October for Braveheart.  I hope to save up and hit a bunch of 
CDEs in '09 then take 2010 off to do some different fun things.  I've always 
wanted to take the boys to that Fjord Frolic they do in the Carolinas...has 
anybody got a quick review of that event?  It sounds relaxing and like so much 
 And maybe a chance to meet a bunch of Fjord owners who might not show up in 
the midwest/Great Lakes area all that often.
Kay, who'd like to know why she has to get up an hour earlier when it's still 
20F out
and Bogie who completely approves of mealtime being moved up an hour
and Braveheart, who says, "What do you mean, 'no new ribbons this year'?!  
You CAN'T expect me to go around wearing last year's ribbons!"

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Re: Shedding!

2008-02-05 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Braveheart isn't through with his winter coat yet but, in Bogie's opinion, 
it's time to line his entire world with Bogie-hair.  To look at his stall in 
morning and my clothes just about any time, you'd think he'd actually 
exploded.  I'm practicing bareback riding on him these days (probably a sign of 
entrance into my second childhood) and when I scramble off, my posterior is 
in blond area of my body, by the way, that does NOT need to be 
highlighted. I've told him that February in MI probably isn't the best time to 
fling your winter clothes to the winds but he seems unmoved by my arguments.  
and Braveheart who has chosen to go with the angora look a bit longer
and Bogie who cares nothing for any of our wardrobe suggestions

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Re: Fords facing East?

2008-02-05 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Jean!
Braveheart lived alone at my place for 8 years and now has Bogie as a 
roommate.  He's a pretty busy pony so I've never noticed that he favored facing 
any one direction although he does like to keep an eye on activities in the 
woods (north) but pretty much ignores I-75 (east). Now that Bogie has moved in, 
they both like to face in the direction of food.
Of course, Norway IS east.  Maybe Gunnar is reflecting on the long and 
illustrious line of work and war horses from which he comes and his choice of 
direction is a gesture of respect.  Maybe he's a morning person.  Maybe he's 
shedding and he likes having his hair blown west by the east wind.  
Just another Fjordhorse mystery!
and Braveheart and Bogie, who point themselves toward the people 'cause 
that's where the carrots are.

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Re: Kentucky Horse interesting place!!

2008-02-03 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Val!
Don't miss the Museum of the Horse and the Draft Horse Barn where the 
resident Fjords wait to be admired!  Take the horse-drawn's really 
and Braveheart who liked all the places he could pull his buggy 
and Bogie who thought it could use a few more wooded acres

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We've got a CoverGirl and CoverFjord on the front of Driving Digest!!!!!

2008-01-28 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I pried open my frozen mailbox and, WOW,  there she was - Linda 
Syverson-Kerr!!  She's driving a lovely cutter pulled by the beauteous Reidar 
and is 
wearing a gorgeous fur coat and hat!  It's a wonderful photo full of beauty and 
action and gives a very romantic feel to "dashing through the snow"!
Congrats and thanks to Linda and Reidar for representing us so 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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Re: Book fans

2008-01-27 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've got a copy of GaWaNi Pony Boy's book and it's full of sensible and 
useful horse tips.  The only thing that he makes sound easy (but isn't) is his 
description of how to mount your horse bareback.  I get it intellectually - I 
understand the moves, their order and their rhythm - I just can't actually DO 
I think it helps to be slender, in your twenties and male (what weight they 
have is in their upper body).  Bareback mounting is a lot harder when you're 
built like a pear...a chubby pear.
But the book is a really good read.
and Bogie, who says, "What IS she doing?  She keeps jumping up and bouncing 
back off my side?"
and Braveheart, who says, "Don't worry. When she starts that stuff you're 
never going to have to leave the  barn."

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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Re: Nutrena Lite...the main munch for Bogie!

2008-01-26 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I switched Bogie, the calorically challenged Love Pony, from regular sweet 
feed to Nutrina Lite (talk to me later about America's love affair with 
incorrect spelling) and have been very pleased with the results.  He's still 
prosperous looking but is slowly returning from maximum density to his usual 
chubby-blond- pony appearance.  He's never going to have that sveldte look that 
Braveheart seems to maintain so easily but I don't really think that's what 
he's supposed to look like.  Unlike BH, he's got the metabloism of a sloth and 
gains a pound every time he hears a carrot snap...a condition with which I can 
really identify!  Anyhow, he seems to like the Nutrina Lite and I think it's 
helping a lot.
Kay, just back from shoveling snow in MI
and Braveheart and Bogie, just on their way out to roll in it.

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Re: blue earth and SPLENDORA!!

2008-01-05 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Jen,
If you ever see your way clear to motor yourself and your pony up to the 
Blue Earth show, we'd sure be glad to see you.  And you have no idea how much 
my boys, Braveheart and Bogie, would like to meet a mare named Splendora!
Kay @ Yellow Pony Farm in MI
and Braveheart, who says, "Hi Splendora...I'm very handsome!"
and Bogie, who says, "Blow him off, Babycakes...I have carrots and second 
cutting hay!"

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Re: Silent Fjords, Jealous Fjords

2008-01-03 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Braveheart is both a talker and jealous.  He always has a nicker for me when 
I enter the barn and will whinney when he sees the car/truck pull in the 
driveway and then chase it along the fence line to the barn door.
Bogie usually greets me when I come in the barn too but does not chase 
cars.  He's figured out where I'm going to end up and has found that a straight 
line across the pasture is a more direct route to possible carrots and doesn't 
actually involve running.  Wait 'til he finds out that I'm thinking of taking 
us into the cloverleaf bending class at Blue Earth!  Laurie and the Great and 
Powerful Oz looked like they were having so much fun!
If there are treats, BH insists on the first one, the last one and as 
many in the middle as he can get.  If they're loose, I'm not allowed to pet 
more than 2 strokes before BH squeezes between us.  Serious Bogie hugging 
must be done when they're in their stalls...or at least when Braveheart is in 
his.  Bogie will put up with this but will push back with slow determination 
(like a furry tugboat) if there are munchies to be had.
Bogie doesn't like to leave Braveheart to go for a ride but he 
will...VERY slowly.  BH, on the other hand, will drop Bogie like a hot rock to 
go riding 
or driving and never looks back.  I think it's the 7 years that we were alone 
together...he's used to getting ALL the attention and he seems to think 
that's only as it should be.  They get along fine in the field, chasing around 
thumping on each other like brothers.  Except for their natural movements 
being wildly different, they do OK when they go out together too. Every so 
I'll ride one and pony the other one on local excursions...I have no real 
reason for doing this except that it can be a useful thing sometimes.  When gas 
goes to $12 a gallon, I'm throwing saddlebags on one and panniers on the other 
one for the trip to Krogers.  In my opinion, those people should start 
installing the hitching posts any time now.

and Braveheart, who says. "Sharing is over-rated."
and Bogie, who says, "Oh?  How would YOU know?"

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Re: rain and fjords

2008-01-02 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If the weather is really bad (especially cold rain) I keep Braveheart and 
Bogie inside.  This is probably more what I want than anything.  I don't worry 
much about cold or snow (it could be their strong winter resemblance to musk 
oxen) but if all that hair gets wet, getting them dry again is a pretty 
daunting task. The only weather I've ever seen them come in the barn to avoid 
their own is really hot weather.  My little barn isn't heated but it IS 
(money well-spent, by the way) and is markedly cooler in the summer.  When it 
gets seriously hot, they both tend to return to their stalls for that 
all-important afternoon snooze.  We had 14 inches fall on us over New Year's 
Eve and 
it's now about 23F and sunny and they can hardly wait to get outside for an 
extended frolic and the chance to roll around and make nice big snow-ponies in 
the new snow!
Well, I'm off to grant the open door wish.  Take care everybody!
and Bogie, who says, "Open my door!  Open my door!!!"
and Braveheart, who says, "Last one out really IS a musk ox!"

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Fwd: Horse show in heaven

2007-12-25 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Something that may have crossed all of our minds from time to time.
Kay, Braveheart and Bogie

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-- Forwarded message --
From: Jarra Hilliker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 21, 2007 8:05 AM
Subject: Horse show in heaven


One day in heaven, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint John were standing
around near the horse paddocks watching the horses frolic. "I am certainly
bored," stated John. "Me too," Paul chimed as Peter stood and watched the
horses. "I know!" Peter began. "Why don't we have a horse show?" Paul and
John thought that the idea was great except for one small detail that Paul
pointed out. "Who are we to compete against, Peter?" Paul asked.

The trio pondered a moment when Peter realized the answer. "We will call up
Satan and invite him to the horse show. I mean, we have all of the finest
horses here in heaven, all of the World and National Champions are here. His

stable is ridden with the spoiled, difficult and mean horses. We are certain

to win at the show!" And so the trio calls up Satan on the other realm
communication lines and invited him to their horse show.

Satan laughed and asked why they would want to be humiliated like that,
because he would certainly beat them. Peter, Paul and John did not
understand. "What do you mean Satan?" Peter asked. "We have all of the
National and World Champion horses in our stable in heaven. How could you
possibly beat us?

Satan paused a moment and then laughed. "Have you forgotten so soon
gentlemen? I have all the judges!"

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: SS Thank you to Linda in beautiful, downtown Guben!

2007-12-25 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Linda!
It's me again, to say another thanks for the great tote bag and a first 
thanks for the gorgeous year tracker (which is even now hanging in my kitchen). 
Hope you don't mind acquiring an occasional pen-pal as a side-effect of this 
Secret Santa thing!
All the best!
and Braveheart and Bogie...who stood for extrensive grooming, then helped me 
clean the barn within an inch of its life and put down tons of pretty, 
fluffy wood shavings for Christmas Eve because, as we all know, you 
can tell who might come to your stable.

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Re: Winter Fun...WOW!!

2007-12-17 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Beth and Sandy!
Obie (and all your ponies) are so beautiful!  Those are really wonderful 
pictures and Obie must be a major lambchop as well as good looking...and BIG!  
As much as I love and trust both Braveheart and Bogie, I'm not sure I'd pop 
on their backs with no tack.  Oh, well, maybe...if there was a hay bale in the 

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Winter Fun...WOW!! (continued, or rather, completed)

2007-12-17 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi again Beth and Sandy!
My computer (Nigel, the unruly) snatched away my Obie-is-really-cool note 
before we could sign 
it and wish you and yours a wonderful holiday.
and Braveheart, who says, "Sure!  Just hop on!  I bet we can see all of 
Oakland county in 30 
seconds or less!"
and Bogie, who says, "Hay bale?  What hay bale?  Where?"

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Re: Wooly mammoth Fjord...and then some!

2007-12-08 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd have to nominate Bogie, the Love Pony, as a candidate for the 
Wooly-Mammoth-of-the-Year Award.  Braveheart gets dense and plush but retains 
most of his 
boyish figure.  Bogie, on the other hand, assumes the dimensions of a 55 
gallon drum and grows truly a truly amazing haircoat.  My brother Lance (not a 
particularly horsey person) was looking at him in the field the other day and 
remarked that, except for the legs, he really looked like an enormous tribble.  
Poor baby...he's on a constant diet - a situation with which I can certainly 
identify.  The up-side is that those bareback rides to the mailbox are warm and 
comfy like you wouldn't believe.
Well, I'm off to Sam's Club to stock up on Christmas carrots and apples.  
There's another plus to Fjordhorses...they have such nice, simple Christmas 
and Bogie, who says, "Oh, look!  Flying reindeer!"
and Braveheart, who says, "Big deal. How smart can they be?  Their driver 
keeps yelling 'whoa!  whoa!
whoa!' and they keep right on going!"  

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Re: SS Hint...In the East? You do?

2007-11-30 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Linda!
 Uh oh!  I just sent a thank-you note to Montana!  I love the tote bag!  
Thanks a million and have a great Christmas!  Hope I'll see you somewhere 
along the trail in "08!

**Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: bad farrier-good farrier...agreed, but...

2007-10-06 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I, too, think it's best if you can be there when your horse is being trimmed 
and shod, but, in reality, not  everyone can do that.  Since I'm retired my 
main activity is hovering over Braveheart and Bogie but not everyone is that 
lucky.  And even if you ARE there, not all of us can spot errors in the work as 
they're being made.  
Even though they may be harder to find, I'm always going to think that 
there have to be people out there who are interested enough in doing their jobs 
well that it's not necessary to oversee their every move.  A professional 
person should take pride in and stand behind their work.  Even being on the 
doesn't guarantee that my plumber/contractor/electrician/dentist/surgeon is 
doing the right thing.  Since I can't perform these functions for myself, I 
to be able to trust the people who do. I taught school for almost 40 years and 
you didn't have to sit in my classroom every day to make sure that I was 
doing the best I could to educate your child. You could trust me.
I know you have to look around, but I've got to believe that a 
trustworthy farrier (or whomever you need) is out there somewhere.  Good 
and Braveheart, who knows that his meals will arrive on time
and Bogie, who thinks that some carrot shavings sprinkled over the top of 
them couldn't hurt.

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Re: bad farrier - good farrier

2007-10-01 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well!! Not very good at his work and rude to boot!  There's a double threat 
if ever I heard one. Selfishly, I'm glad he's in your neighborhood and not 
mine. I wouldn't work too hard keeping track of that bill either.
It's great that Oz has happy feet's so important.  Braveheart 
and Bogie have appointments with their podiatrist next Monday so their 
tootsies will be in good shape for our trip to the National Drive down at the 
Horse Park.  John (our revered farrier) says that he always awakens with a 
heart on the days with BH and Bogie on his schedule.  I don't know.  They're 
always good for him but he's about 12 feet tall and they aren't.  Not only is 
there a LOT of bending over involved for him but, in Bogie's case, he has to 
work around a noticeable amount of very round pony.  For a man whose practice 
mostly Saddlebreds, Thoroughbreds and Warmbloods, we are probably a major 
vertebrae stresser.
May Oz be back pounding the public roads with his new feet asap!
and Bogie, who says, "What's this 'round pony' stuff?  I'm not tubby...I'm 
and Braveheart, who says, "Oh, PLEASE.  You have the metabolism of a sloth!"

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Winona DVD!!!

2007-09-20 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I LOVE the Evening With Dancing Fjords DVD!  As Laurie said, it's like being 
back there again, but warmer!!  I was so proud of everybody!
and Bogie, who's especially in love with the part where he got to carry a flag
and Braveheart, whose comments on Bogie's moment in the spotlight are best 
left unrecorded.

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Re: oz tv debut...and his fans scream "MORE CAMERA TIME FOR THE BLOND HORSE!"

2007-09-04 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oz was beauteous (as always) but both Braveheart and Bogie believe the 
exposure given to the other horses (and most of the people) would have been 
better spent by focusing on Oz.  
and Braveheart and Bogie, who think that the really bad judgement exercised 
by TLC in picking the most important central character in that segment probably 
explains why USA and TNT have higher ratings.

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Re: driving on a road

2007-09-04 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have the traditional orange triangle that goes from vehicle to vehicle for 
road driving and a pair of really cool flashing red tail-lights that I bought 
for $10 each at a bicycle store.  I added some electrician's tape along the 
outside to insure that the red plastic covers stay on and put them on my 
marathon cart which does the majority of the road time with Braveheart and me.  
don't think the manufacturers had our kind of bumpy ride in mind when they 
assembled the little rascals.  Anyhow, they're a nifty addition.  One push of 
little button on them turns on the light and a second push makes it into a 
flashing light.  The bike store told me that the batteries last a long time 
and, so 
far, they have.
I agree about staying in your lane (to which you are definitely entitled) 
so drivers aren't as tempted to squeeze you off the road as they might be.  
I've been known to slide over when I'm riding (more escape maneuvers are 
possible then) but not in harness.  Most people do seem to be both careful and 
thoughtful and now that the high schools are open for business again, that 9AM 
2PM time slot is starting to look good once more.
Happy driving!
and Braveheart, ruler of the gravel road

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Re: Ky Horse Park...We're going!

2007-09-04 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Debbie!
Braveheart, Bogie and I signed up for the National Drive long before we 
knew we were going to be the featured breed and now I'm even more excited about 
attending than I already was!  I've never been to the park before and the 
members of my carriage club that went last year had a wonderful time so I've 
looking forward to it since midwinter.  BH and Bogie have already mentioned 
to their hair stylist (that would be me) that they'd like to look their best 
when accepting the naturally heartfelt admiration of the general public.  I'm 
sure they'll be asking their southern brethren what the fashion-conscious Fjord 
wears during early October in KY.  Meanwhile, I'm saving up just in case the 
styles include scary things like cashmere ear warmers or something.
Kay at Yellow Pony Farm
and Braveheart, who's already got an appointment with his manicurist for the 
and Bogie, who thinks that being a red dun makes him more than a match for BH 
and his shiny toes 

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Re: barrels...we'd be a great team!

2007-08-05 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's call ourselves the JOB (Joe, Oz and Braveheart) Barrel Racing Tag team. 
 We could run to the barrels, knock each one over, eat whatever was in them 
then waddle back over the finish line to the out-gate and a nice nap.  Bogie 
has volunteered to be an alternate for the team...especially the eating 
 Do you think we could talk Pat into adding that class to the next Blue Earth 
and Bogie, who was BORN for this event
and Braveheart, who thinks this would be way more fun than leaving all those 
barrels standing up.

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Re: blue earth...and Bogie wins a ribbon!!!

2007-08-02 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Once again, I had a great time at Blue Earth!  I only get to come every other 
year or so and this was it.  Since my loyal trainer (the long-suffering 
Melissa) had other clients going to other shows during BE, I decided to pack up 
boys (Braveheart and Bogie) and come by myself.  Since I only have a 2-horse 
trailer, that meant no carriages...just saddles and trying classes with which 
we had VERY little current experience.
Braveheart tried hard in the trail class but just couldn't bring himself 
to canter over all those white sticks and decided that trotting really fast 
would have to do.  Bogie was OK until the back-up in his trail class but then 
chose that moment to inform me that it was hot and my quarter had run out, and 
indulged in a fit of bad-Bogie-behavior.  For him, that means backing up for 20 
yards at 40MPH.  He was very morose when I made him do it again correctly and 
did a lot of mumbling under his breath while standing on the bridge.
By the time we went back into the arena for the adult walk-trot class he 
had repented and was a very good boy.  We got fourth and were so thrilled!  Of 
course there's always the chance that Hizzoner the Judge figured if he didn't 
give me a ribbon, then I'd just keep coming back until he did and was 
fervently hoping to spare himself that experience.  What the heck.  We'll take 
any way we can get 'em.
It was a great show and I was so glad to see everybody!  I'm already 
aiming for the 2009 BE.  By then I hope to have been back in the saddle long 
enough to enter more events.  Maybe even some gaming classes!  I wonder if 
Braveheart has given any thought to being a barrel horse?
and Bogie, who says, "Nanner, nanner, naaanner!  I got a ribbon and HE 
and Braveheart, who says, "Does he have to wear that thing even in the 

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Re: another good one gone

2007-07-04 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Howard and Sophie,
I'm so sorry to hear about Karina.  It's hard to lose a beloved friend 
and companion...especially one whom you expected to grow old and retire right 
there in your home fields.  Still, I know she'll be waiting for you at the 
bridge the same way I know Braveheart and Bogie and I are going to wait there 
each other so we can all go across together.

Kay Van Natta 

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Re: ozzie and the bean and the rope gate

2007-07-01 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Laurie!
Glad to hear that Oz the Great and Magnificent is all better!  Bogie was 
worried.  Also, Bogie and Braveheart agree with Oz about the rope gate.  They 
both question my intelligence when we practice it.  BH sees no reason to go 
through a gate when anyone with 3 brains to rub together would just walk around 
it.  Bogie believes ANY activity that cuts down on grass eating time is a 
colossal waste and I can only pray that none of it has grown in the performance 
arena (or any other arena) at BE.
Give the big boy a hug from me and an "ufda!" from B and BH.
and Braveheart, who's starting to miss has carriage
and Bogie, who's thinking that the trail class bridge might be the perfect 
place for a nap

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Re: "Other Life"

2007-06-26 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm a retired elementary school teacher so my pension and recently acquired 
social security are what keep Braveheart and Bogie in grain, hay and Circus 
Peanuts.  And it's true what all my retired friends told me...this retirement 
is OK!!  Now that I'm into it, I really don't know how I found the time to 
hold down a full-time job!
This summer we're doing a couple of CDEs and some Fjordish gatherings but 
most of what's left of the family fortune is going into remodeling my barn.  
I'm not expanding (just 3 stalls and an office/tack room) but the original was 
put up in 1976 so it needs a little work.  I keep staring at that third 
stall.  My brother says that if I buy another Fjord he's going to have me 
committed, but still...  Maybe I'll stuff it with hay to lessen the temptation.
Kay, busy buffing up good old Yellow Pony Farm
and Braveheart and Bogie, who are lolling in the lap of luxury at the Hotel 
Melissa (our loyal trainer)

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Re: 17th Mai Yippee! Pass the mead! Get my sword!

2007-05-17 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Happy Norwegian Independence Day to all!  Braveheart, Bogie and I are going 
to dress, arm and trot down the hill to sack Davisburg.  
and the warhorses of Yellow Pony Farm
P.S.  Truthfully, I had no idea that it was Independence Day in Norway.  I 
thought Norway was BORN independent.  To whom did they defer prior to 17 May?  

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Re: the great and all powerful Oz...our hero.

2007-05-14 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I, too, am one of the many admirers of the great and powerful Oz.  His 
picture is one of those adorning my refrigerator...a position of honor and 
here at Yellow Pony Farm.  You ARE quite the ambassador, big boy!
and Braveheart, who says, "Look!  I'm 15 hands high too!"
and Bogie, who says, "Oh, sure.  Get off the coffee table."

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Driving alone...Thanks for all the help!

2007-05-01 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for all the great suggestions!  I don't have an eventing vest but I 
think I'm going to get one...sort of the "little black dress" of equestrian 
sports, right?  I always take my cell with me (riding too) but now I've added 
calling my sister-in-law before I leave, filing a flight plan and calling her 
my return.  I've got a good knife in my show trunk along with a helmet and 
that ADS ID armband so maybe it's time I dragged them out.  Especially the 
armband.  If anything ever happened, Braveheart (the wonder pony) is DNA-ed, 
microchipped and tattooed so there'd be no trouble identifying HIM, but ME...?
Anyhow, I feel a lot better knowing that there are lots of us who don't 
wait for the planets to be in perfect alignment to go driving.  I like to take 
people along when I go out but the kind of driving in the plan for the next 
couple of months would require company at least 5 days a week and THAT is not a 
favor, it's an imposition.
And so, armed with all my new hints and my loyal pony's gift for ignoring 
traffic, inquisitive llamas and deer, off I go.  Trot on!
and Braveheart who is sure that HE doesn't want anyone else on the cart
and Bogie, who says, "What's a cart?"   (Which I hope to show him sometime 
this year.) 

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A driving question.

2007-04-30 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
I was just wondering about what everybody does in regard to some advice I 
was recently given.  I was told that I should never go driving without 
someone else on the carriage with me.  While I know that this would be ideal, 
would really limit my practice time, not to mention my 
it's-such-a-pretty-day-for-a-drive time.  I have no staff and, although there's 
another lottery drawing 
tonight, I don't really forsee ever having one.  And, although I've heard 
worse reasons, marriage, just to have someone else on the cart, probably isn't 
best way to go either.  
So what does everybody do?  The nice weather is slowly arriving and I've 
been riding Braveheart and Bogie pretty much every day.  Evidently, that's not 
a problem.  I've had BH over almost all the routes we'd use in harness so he 
could get a good look at the traffic, dogs, flowers, mailboxes, etc. and he's 
been his usual energetic but good-boy self.  I take my cell phone and go out 
between 9AM and 2PM while people are at work or school, which is about as good 
as it's ever going to get for me.  I don't want to be foolish but if I can't 
take my pony out for a drive without waiting until someone is free to go with 
me, it seems like I've spent a staggering amount of time, money (for me) and 
effort learning to do something that I mostly shouldn't be doing.
Words of wisdom?  I could use them.
Kay @ Yellow Pony Farm in SE MI
where, we believe, spring may finally be arriving! 

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Re: Pony Power...Wow! GO VIVIAN!

2007-04-30 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wouldn't it have been great to have been in the stands to cheer The Pony on!! 
 Think of us all being in the stands to cheer YOU on!  Tear 'em up, Vivian!  
Take no prisoners!
Kay Van Natta 
and Braveheart, who says, "Go fast and smile at the cameras!"
and Bogie, who has absolutely no idea what we're talking about. 

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Re: THIS is why I own a Fjord (and want another)...amen!

2007-04-20 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi KB!
I know what you mean although I've never had anything so cool as being a 
trusted pillow happen to me.  I've always loved the way Braveheart called to 
me whenever he heard my voice and watched for me to come home from work so he 
could chase my car along the roadside fence, up the driveway to the barn and be 
there in the aisleway when I opened the door to come in.  So last summer I 
got Bogie, not because there were things he could do that BH couldn't but 
because I, too, wanted another chip in my bag...although, because he's wider, 
shorter and somewhat slower moving, he's probably a better bareback pony for 
of my limited riding skills.
People have asked if I plan to drive them as a pair and it's a struggle 
to stifle my laughter.  The truth is, if I had searched the complete Fjordhorse 
registry for the LAST 2 Fjords who should be hooked together, the answer 
would have been...Braveheart and Bogie.  Different heights, different ways of 
going, different looks, different outlooks - even different colors.  But the 
important stuff is the same.  Now, I have 2 who are always glad to see me and 
chase my car along the road to the barn.  
And you know what else?  I still have an empty stall in my little barn 
and I often find myself staring at it and thinking...h.  Although my 
has promised to have me committed if I get a third Fjord, I can't help 
thinking that there might be another out there that's supposed to be living 
After all, it's just another chip, right?
and Braveheart who has some reservations about sharing attention and carrots
and Bogie who thinks that the aisleway is plenty big enough for them both to 
meet me at the door 

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Bogie meets the llamas (or the Arctic Circle meets the Equator)

2007-04-19 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's a gorgeous sunny day in SE MI with temps in the high 50sF so my morning 
was dedicated to pony rides.  I fed at 7AM and was back in the barn, bridles 
and carrots in hand, at 9.  This way everybody has a nice breakfast and large 
parts of the rest of the world can be gone to work or school before I show up 
on the public roads.  After the usual "Pick me!  Pick me!" routine, Braveheart 
(the rocket pony) and I got dressed and did our 5.5 his usual 
enthusiastic 14.3 seconds which includes occasional stops to visit and the odd 
pause for flower appreciation. 
Following that, I flipped the saddle over onto Bogie (the inner tube 
pony) and we floated off down Ely Road to Tindall Road at a VERY deliberate 
to do our 2.4 mile stroll around the lake.  
There's a llama farm on this route and always has been but the llamas 
have never happened to be in the front field when B and I have passed.  But 
today, they were not only out front...they looked at Bogie as the single most 
exotic creature that had ever passed their gates.  En masse they all rushed the 
fence for a closer look-see.
Bogie was completely amazed by these puffy, long-necked things and was 
having MAJOR reservations about being closely inspected by them. So he drew 
himself up to his full (including shoes) height of 14 point nothing, arched his 
neck and did a prancing side-pass for the entire length of their fenceline.   
For those who don't know Bogie, let me assure you that NONE of the previously 
mentioned actions have ever been associated with him in the past.  He never 
tries to pass himself off as tall, his neck is NOT the kind that lends itself 
arching and "prance" would be that last word you'd expect to find on his 
personal list of verbs.  It all came as quite a surprise to me and was wildly 
interesting to the llamas.  
Once we made it safely by the threatening herd (flock? mob? clutch?), he 
deflated and returned to his usual raft-floating-down-the-lazy-river mode, but 
with an air of smugness.  After all...had he not bravely faced down and 
escaped a mass of evil, equatorial creatures who were probably planning to 
both of us? 
And so, after our ride, it was with great pride that he joined his 
pasture pal in their springtime pursuits (new grass nibbling, mud-angels, etc.) 
I'm sure, is even now telling all about his adventure.  Another chapter for 
our Pony Tales journal!
and Bogie, who says, "I'm a fearless warhorse!"
and Braveheart, who says, "Oh. puh-lse!"

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Re: Champagne for Everybody!! Just pour it in the sweet feed!

2007-04-12 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Lori,
Congrats on the terrific accomplishments!  Prisco is a real star and it 
sounds like you're doing great yourself!  It also sounds like you're having a 
lot of fun...something VERY high on my list of desirable things.  Keep it up!
All the best from across the lake.
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who says, "What's a diagonal?"
and Bogie (born in BC and now a naturalized Michigander), who says, "Pour me 
a little more of that stuff."

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Re: Durango and Ram 1500

2007-03-23 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't have any experience with the big fifth-wheel trailers but, so far, I 
haven't had any problems hauling my humble, bumper-pull two-horse with my 
Dodge Ram 1500.  My hauling is mostly in the north central states with an 
occasional foray into KY, PA, New England and parts of Ontario far, so 
I don't know how I'd make out crossing the Rockies so I've never tried...even 
though I'd LOVE to bring my boys to Libby someday.  Ah, well...there's 
another lottery drawing tonight so maybe it's a big rig for me tomorrow.
And Reena of AZ is too right about how some other motorists maneuver 
around our rigs (however large or small) on the road.  Many seem to think I can 
stop on a dime (which I could if the dime was the size of Tiger Stadium) and 
dart from side to side like a bunny.  Would that this were true!  And, have you 
ever noticed?  The smaller and more vulnerable the car, the bolder the driver 
seems to be.  I've had people zip in front of me who'd just be a grease spot on 
my grill if one little thing went wrong...and lots of times they'll have 
children in the car.  It's frequently hard for me to believe that I care more 
about my cargo than they do about theirs.
Life is a continuing mystery.
Kay in SE MI where it's finally stopped raining and I just hosed the mud off 
my garage floor
and Braveheart, who is tippy-toe-ing around the pasture puddles lest he 
become smudged
and Bogie, the mudball

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Re: Fur angels!

2007-03-12 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No fur angels at Yellow Pony Farm yet.  There sems to be some disagreement 
between Braveheart and Bogie about the appropriate time to begin serious 
shedding and discussion is continuing.  Bogie believes that since the days are 
getting longer, the time is now and a halo of floating hair surrounds him at 
times.  BH thinks Bogie has spent too much time in CA and AZ and has forgotten 
about the possibilities of March in MI (I've GOT to take that calendar out of 
his stall)...he is hanging on to his coat with a wait-and-see attitude.  I 
Braveheart may have a point.  It's supposed to be 65F and sunny tomorrow and 
back into the 30s by Thursday.  Still, Bogie is optimistic and is nipping many 
dents in BH's fur to let in the spring breezes that he's sure are just around 
the corner.
Kay in SE MI where its 45F, cloudy and spitting rain which washes away the 
snow and lets you see how much work you need to do to get the place back in 
shape again.  Sigh.
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Re: National Drive

2007-03-03 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Tiffany!
I'm planning to go to the National Drive at the Horse Park in October and 
I'm really excited about it.  I'm not sure how to sign up for stalls you know with whom we should speak on that subject?  On which 
website did 
you see the reservation info?  I'm hoping to take both my Fjords (and my 
brother too - it'll be a really different kind of weekend for him!).  I've 
been to the park but everyone says it's beautiful, that the Museum of the Horse 
is not to be missed and that the seminars and workshops are great!
I hope we can both get it arranged.  If you bring your Fjord, maybe we 
can stage pony races to the carrot bar!

Kay Van Natta @ Yellow Pony Farm in SE MI
and Braveheart, who says, "Oh boy!  New trails!"
and Bogie, who says,"Trailer ride?  Why?  I like the old trails."

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Re: Midwest Fjord Club Auction

2007-01-18 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Guys!

In addition to the Scottish shawl, I've come up with an Icelandic 
blanket.  It's in Icelandic sheep colors (mostly shades of cream and brown) and 
pictures of Viking long ships and outlines of Iceland as its pattern.  I figure 
that if you start each of these items at $20 or $25, you ought to get an 
opening bid for sure...after that, who knows?  I may be dragging some liquor 
too...we'll see.
Barring the great blizzard of '07, these items will be arriving with me 
on Thursday night.  Just let me know where and when you'd like them delivered.  
See you then!

Kay Van Natta

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Re: large rider issues...Thank Heaven!!!

2006-12-15 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Brigid and other Sumptuous Sisters of the Saddle!
I, too, was alarmed to hear about the weight limit on the flex-tree 
saddle models since I just bought one...nothing fancy - just a trail model 
Circle Y 
stock saddle.  I got it for guests (so I could take someone riding without 
one of us riding bareback) and for every-day so I could keep the Billy Joe 
Rogers for shows.
Anyhow, although I'm working on it, I still exceed the "recommended" 
weight cited but the saleslady did NOT look at me and say, "I don't think so, 
girl."  I'm really glad to hear that yours is holding up 'cause I like both the 
look and feel of mine and it weighs considerably less than my show saddle.  I 
got it off the rack with a 17" seat which I find amazing...and comfy too.  Does 
anyone remember when most stock saddles had 15" seats and you had to special 
order a 16"?  Maybe the refusal of the more Juno-esque among us to hang up our 
chaps has caught the attention of saddle makers.

Kay @Yellow Pony Farm
and Braveheart who thinks the new saddle is much lighter and goes like a 
dream with his stripes
and Bogie whose personal plumpitude keeps him from commenting about weight 

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Re: Viking?

2006-12-07 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Catherine!
I also read somewhere (though I can't remember the actual source to cite) 
that the word "viking" was a norse verb that meant, roughly, to go 
adventuring/voyaging for profit and that it came to be used as a noun by the 
people of 
northern Europe and the British Isles to describe the Norsemen who came to 
their shores.  The same source (I'm looking...I'm looking) said that while the 
Norsemen were not totally against taking what they wanted, that, like any 
sensible group of entrepeneurs far from home, they preferred trading to 
It's less expensive in hard to replace manpower and less damaging to the 
Ask your resident Viking what he's heard in this regard.  I never heard 
of it coming from a place name but a lot of terms do, so that sounds pretty 

and Braveheart and Bogie, who both think it means separating Saddlebreds from 
their hay  
by forceful teamwork.

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Re: Positive Thoughts

2006-12-04 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amen, Sophie!

Kay Van Natta @ Yellow Pony Farm
where I frequently remind myself just how lucky I am for the good ponies, 
the great people and the many blessings that fill my life.  

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Re: Dissension on the List...YEA STEVE!

2006-11-29 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm for peace-in-the-valley too...and also for focussing on the rapidly 
approaching ho-ho-whoa season!  We had a great show, got national publicity and 
now it's time to think about presents.  My list is available upon request.  
Braveheart and Bogie seem to be leaning toward organic carrots this year.  By 
the way, does anyone know what an INorganic carrot would look like?

and Braveheart, the plump-yet-sporty, furry, strong-minded wonder pony who is 
still working on controlling his enthusiasm at the canter
and Bogie, the way-past-plump, furry, carrot-inspired love pony, who believes 
that if you have to canter at all then
a. --somebody must be shooting at you, or
b. --you're really late for something and you should've planned your 
day better.

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Re: take it out back...or maybe bring it all in.

2006-11-11 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't have such a big field for my boys to go out in for play and 
grazing so I always hope they'll mostly pee and poop in their stalls where it's 
easy to find and pick up.  Otherwise I end up periodically wandering around 
pasture with a wheelbarrow in the never-ending search for tidiness...and, 
since I'm lazy as a pet coon, this is NOT my favorite activity.  My old QH mare 
always came inside to "use the facilities" and taught all her babies that 
pooping on the grass that you may want to eat later was a no-no.  Braveheart 
Bogie, however, didn't get this useful instruction so I guess I now have 
clean-up as a new way to fill my idle moments.  Sigh.

and Braveheart, who believes that one should poop where it's most convenient 
at the time
and Bogie, who's from AZ and believes that fertilizer is welcome anywhere it 

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Re: MN or BUST...on to Winona!

2006-10-05 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everybody!!
   I, too, can hardly wait!  We're hitting the road on Tuesday morning.  
Braveheart suspects the approach of a show, having had some experience in this 
area.  Bogie just thinks we've been doing a lot of walk/trot practice for 
reasons that are not clear to him and he's trying hard to figure out this 
and puzzling neck-reining thing. 
Once you've shopped with Catherine be sure not to miss the western 
walk-trot class because I'm pretty sure Bogie and I will still be trying to 
things out as we go through the in-gate!
See you all in MN!

and Braveheart, the big show-off
and Bogie, the somewhat confused love pony

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Re: To Keep shod, or to remove...good question!

2006-09-27 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I, too, await the answer with interest and with a farrier milling around 
in the background.

Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who would prefer a nice Italian loafer
and Bogie, who says, "Shoes?  I don't need no stinking shoes!"

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Fjord's HERE!

2006-09-13 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm back from my mailbox camp, have put away my umbrella and am snuggling 
down in my favorite chair for a nice long read.  The Herald has gotten so 
beautiful and interesting!  Now where's my iced tea and bowl of honey-roasted 

Kay V.

Re: Libby - from my perspective...WOW!

2006-09-13 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's a LONG way from Davisburg MI but I still dream of coming to the 
Libby show someday.  It sounds so great!

Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, the wonder pony
and Bogie, the love pony 

Has everyone received their Herald?

2006-09-08 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm still sitting by my mailbox and it's starting to look like rain.

and Braveheart, who loves getting the mare pin-ups for his stall
and Bogie, who had no idea that there were so many horses like him.

Re: Erlend's health

2006-08-30 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope Erland's recovery is both speedy and complete.  And yours too.  We 
all know how hard it is to see someone we love in pain.

Kay Van Natta
Yellow Pony Farm

Re: Has everybody seen the 25th Anniverary T's and Sweatshirts!?

2006-08-29 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

They're gorgeous...especially in person.  Mine just arrived and I love 
them!  The silver on black NFHR t-shirt is really striking - it's the silver 
lame' evening dress of the t-shirt world!  
And gentlemen, before you get the cocktail dress image too firmly 
imbedded in your minds, you should know that, on a man, it takes on that macho 
Harley-Davidson chrome-on-black look. 
So, you can't lose!

Kay Van Natta 

Re: so true

2006-08-28 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ain't it the truth!


It's HERE! It's HERE!!!

2006-08-23 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did everybody get their entry forms for the 25th Anniversary Show?  Mine 
came the other day and I love the variety of classes there are!  There's even 
a walk-trot class for us grownups who haven't been in competition under saddle 
since the Carter administration.  Bogie (the love pony) and I are going to 
enter that one as our first public outing together.  I hope everybody brings 
their love ponies and we make that class so big that they have to split it!
There's going to be a ton of things to do and see and it looks like about 
a zillion stallions on the row (in case you might be Christmas shopping for 
your mare).  There's a ride-a-buck class too.  I've always wanted to enter that 
but I think I'm still about 70 pounds away.  Maybe next year at Blue Earth.
Rumor has it that there will be sizeable groups of visitors from Europe 
to meet...I hear they're very interested in joining our celebration and seeing 
what we've been up to.  I hope you'll all pack up your ponies and come to 
Winona so we can show 'em what we've got.
And the evaluation will be cool too.  I'm bringing Braveheart (the wonder 
pony) to try a couple of the advanced tests and Bogie, who's never been 
evaluated, will be making his first on-stage move (at age 14) in the 
section.  If there are extra points given to horses who try to kiss the judges, 
then we've got a blue in the bag.  Since there's a LOT of running to do in 
that class, my trainer, the long-suffering Melissa, will probably have to take 
him in.  I'm about 70 pounds and one bad leg from being able to do that too 
(rats!).  Ah, well.  Maybe next year.
Anyhow, it all sounds great!  Who's going?

and Braveheart (the big show-off)
and Bogie (the give-me-a-carrot-and-I'm-yours-forever pony)

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