Re: [Flightgear-devel] --jpg-httpd command line option

2013-10-04 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Rick,

FWIIW, happened to be re-compiling the latest SG/FG 
git 2.99, and decided to add -DJPEG_FACTORY:BOOL=ON 
for a test, first to SG, and then to the FG compile...

Was in Windows 7 64-bit, but only compiled the 32-bit 
version... but would not expect any particular extra 
problems to do it in 64-bits...

Had to apply the following small patch to remove error 
of 'missing' Sleep(), to compile in windows -

diff --git a/src/Network/jpg-httpd.cxx b/src/Network/jpg-httpd.cxx
index 0c84f5b..e7a5679 100644
--- a/src/Network/jpg-httpd.cxx
+++ b/src/Network/jpg-httpd.cxx
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
 #include "jpg-httpd.hxx"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include  // for Sleep(ms) function
 #define __MAX_HTTP_BLOCK_SIZE   4096
 #define __MAX_STRING_SIZE   2048

And obviously it does require that cmake finds the 
JPEG includes and libraries... I had earlier compiled 
and installed jpeg-9 into my 3rdParty folder... 

This dependency would go away if OSGDB was used, 
as James mentioned, but then JPEG would probably have 
to be found during the OSG build, unless OSG has 
alternate built-in jpeg code... not sure...

Thereafter, running fgfs.exe with --jpg-httpd=1234 
worked fine by putting http://localhost:1234 is a 
browser, and bingo had a jpg image of the screen 
in the browser ;=)) cool stuff...

Of course it is a 'static' image, and had to refresh 
to get updated images of the flight... or an extension 
added to provide an actual video feed as Curt mentioned...

So I would say it worked as advertised ;=))



On Tue, 2013-09-17 at 02:41 -0700, Rick Armstrong wrote:
> Hello all,

> I'm a developer using FlightGear in a simulation project for work, and
> I'm currently getting imagery from FlightGear by triggering
> screenshots from my application and loading the screen captures from
> disk. It's kinda Rube Goldberg, but works well enough for a first
> draft. What I'd /really/ like to do is stream the imagery directly to
> my application. Googling around, I notice that there's a command-line
> option to do exactly this! It's not enabled in v2.10, but some more
> searching and I see that it can be enabled by setting 


> in CMake. My question: before I go down that road, does anyone know if
> the JPG HTTPD functionality works? If yes, does it work well? The fact
> that it's turned-off by default makes me think that it might not be
> ready for prime-time.

> Any advice is greatly appreciated.

> Regards,

> Rick Armstrong
> Portland, OR, USA

> P.S. We're using Windows 7 VS 2010 and would be looking to build
> 64-bit binaries.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 2.12 is branched

2013-08-21 Thread Geoff McLane

Hi James,

On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 16:08 +0100, James Turner wrote:
> I've put some cash down to buy a cheap PC box 
> for running Windows+Linux so I can debug these 
> issues (and a few other Windows ones which are 
> bugging me). 

This is really WONDERFUL news ;=))

MSVC has a very powerful source view level debugging,
but at present this fails in some auto-generated ctor/dtor 
code before it reaches 'main()' so can not be used ;=((.

In the Debug build 'new' is replaced with a 'new_dbg' 
which deliberately fills the allocation with 0xcc... 
so if a person does NOT initialize ALL variables simple 
dtor code like 'if (buf) delete buf;' crashes.

Further it allocate more than the memory request size 
and sets up a filled-with-pattern header and tail, and 
returns an off-set pointer, to completely check for 
buffer under and over-run on delete.

Debug config adds a rather large prologue, and epilogue to 
each function, that also fills the stack variables with 
a pattern, so it can warn of things like -
void foo() {
int i;
if (i) do something
will warn 'i' has not been initialized... and does 
a stack pointer check in the epilogue... 

And LOTS more...

Of course all this add a heavy load, and the Debug 
build only ever runs at about 1/10 speed, but is 
excellent for debugging, provided you can get through 
all the auto-c++ code and trap at main()...

And even if you get to main(), I have NEVER had a 
clean Debug exit... there are many case of heap 
corruption which it seems unix/linux/mac can 
overlook, like they ARE also 'overlooked' in the 
windows Release build!

But I am sure fgfs will run much better if we can get 
rid of some of these 'hidden-from-unix' BUGS ;=))

Let me know if I can help in any way to get you 
setup with a Windows box for testing, debugging ;=))


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 2.12 is branched

2013-08-15 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Gijs,

Yes, it certainly 'looks' that way ;=()

I just did a git pull, and I can only produce that 
SAME link error in my Windows 7 build if I comment 
out the line -
  list(APPEND PLATFORM_LIBS "winmm.lib")

Then I get what you showed -
SimGearCored.lib(timestamp.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol __imp__timeGetTime@0 referenced in function 
"public: void __thiscall
SGTimeStamp::stamp(void)" (?stamp@SGTimeStamp@@QAEXXZ)
C:\FG\18\build-fgrun\src\Debug\fgrund.exe : fatal error 
LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Can only suggest in src\CMakeLists.txt you add a message like -

message(STATUS "*** target_link_libraries(fgrun ui=${ui_libs_1_3} \
ws=${WINSOCK_LIBRARY} sg=${simgear_libs} \

Just to make sure PLATFORM_LIBS is not getting clobbered somehow. 
Of course this should show ... pf=winmm.lib)

I note PLATFORM_LIBS is only set in a cmake if (MSVC). It is 
being compiled using the MSVC compiler/linker right?

Maybe that should be if (MSVC OR WIN32) or just if (WIN32) since 
winmm.lib would ALWAYS be required in Windows for timeGetTime()...



On Thu, 2013-08-15 at 15:32 +0200, Gijs de Rooy wrote:
> Hi Geoff,
> > That can be fixed by adding Winmm.lib to the link...
> Fred already did that some time ago, right?
> Cheers,
> Gijs

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 2.12 is branched

2013-08-15 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Gijs,

That can be fixed by adding Winmm.lib to the link...

Like in the fgrun CMakeLists.txt file add -
target_link_libraries( fgrun Winmm )


On Thu, 2013-08-15 at 12:54 +0200, Gijs de Rooy wrote:
> It seems to fail on building FGRun.exe:
> SimGearCore.lib(timestamp.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
> __imp__timeGetTime@0 referenced in function "public: void __thiscall 
> SGTimeStamp::stamp(void)" (?stamp@SGTimeStamp@@QAEXXZ)
> FGRun-Win64-Cmake also fails (unrelated to this release issue I
> think), but that one has an issue with Boost. It fails to find a file
> that's there in Boost-Win64, so it's probably linking to some odd
> path?
> Don't have much time today for further troubleshooting unfortunately;
> should have some after my last exam tomorrow ;-)
> Cheers,
> Gijs

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] I need a tiny bit of help if possible.

2013-04-30 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Alex,

Sorry, we recently moved the 'sample' config file 
to the directory contrib/etc, and changed its name
to fgms_production.ske.conf, and 'forgot' ;=(( to 
update the source docs, and the wiki...

I, or someone, will get around to fixing this 
documentation soonest...

Since fgms has a command line option where you 
can give the config file name - run 
$ ./fgms --help 
to see the options - then your config file can 
be anywhere, and called anything...

But the 'usual' unix location is 

> Do servers have to be on a specific port?

Public fgms usually use port 5000 to receive 
data packets from each instance of fgfs running 
in multiplay mode, and 5001 as the telnet port.

Others could be used, but it could be confusing 
to users...

If you want to run and join our 'public' list 
of fgms you need to apply here to Curt to get 
a mpserver number, and he will then add you 
to the dns records...

See here -
or here -
or other status pages for the current list of 
'public' fgms servers...

But as a private, or test server you can use any 
ports you like. And we have a config sample for 
that - see contrib/etc/fgms_local.skel.conf

Advise if you need more help... it sounds like 
you were able to get it compiled ok...


On Tue, 2013-04-30 at 07:02 +0100, Alex Turner wrote:
> Hello there,
> In the
> article/page.
> I found on this line in the CompilingFGMS section:
> Once the program has been installed, you need to copy the
> fgms_example.conf file from the /fgms/fgms-0-x/src/server directory,
> into the build-fgms directory. To do this from inside
> the /fgms/fgms-0-x/src/server directory, you can use this command:
> cp ./fgms_example.conf ~/build-fgms/
> I do exactly what the tutorial says, but I get stuck when it gets to
> fgms_example.conf, which I can’t find in the directory that it says
> its in.
> Could you please help me? Also, Do servers have to be on a specific
> port?

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] multiplay refuel test

2013-04-22 Thread Geoff McLane

NOTAM: Refueling CLOSED, temporarily at least...

Ok, have finished for now my refueling sorties. As I put 
in the chat after one pilot reported holding a position for 
refueling can be quite tiring - Yes, so can even watching 
it ;=))

It all certainly confirmed that some FG code changes are 
needed to make this experience viable... like removing, or 
reducing the rubber-band effect, and compensating for 
lag which makes the view from the tanker different to 
the view from the aircraft.

Additionally, there is NO collision detection code between 
the aircraft and the mp derived models, so this means even 
when you get the probe into the basket, if you push forward 
a few more feet, and the basket/drogue will enter your 
cockpit ;=))

But I had lots of fun, and I hope the others that joined 
me did also ;=))

As to the virtual bottle of red wine, I think that must go 
to callsign jano, who held steady very close, or touching! 
proximity for the longest period of time in the lightning 

I chose a Chateau Petrus 1982, and the 'virtual' bottle is 
here -
It is under a GFLD licence, which I understand is GPL
compatible ;=))

jano later tried to repeat the feat in an f-14b (yasim), but 
while holding a similar relatively close position, the aircraft 
always looked quite 'jumpy'... maybe something to do with 
the different FDM?

An honorable mention must go to F-JJTH who posted an 
image with the probe in the basket, followed by one 
with the basket in the cockpit ;=))
As per some others if you scroll down...

I have now put up a page on my site with the images I took -
I left all the images at full screen shot size, so they can 
take a little time to download...

But a BIG thank you to ALL who came along for the ride...
As stated, it was great, if not exhausting!, FUN!


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] multiplay refuel test

2013-04-19 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Jano,

Thanks for the video links... these were great...

So far I have had 5 others, aside from myself, trying to get 
to touch the R or L drogue, and while some got quite close 
and were able to maintain a close position, several factors 
came into play which made it difficult, if not impossible...

The tanker used is the 'victor', probe-drogue type, flown on 
autopilot at 12000 feet (STD 29.92), 220 knots on either 180 
from Paris LFPY, or 360 on the return. I usually turn N shortly 
after Toulouse in the south...

So far, as the other aircraft, have had Citation-II, Mirage_F1,
m2000, f16, and ???... A big thank you to them for joining in 
and trying... And I understand some screen shots were posted 
on the PAF forum, but still to find these... a link would 

I also tried with a 2nd victor, running in a 2nd machine...

Oh, and I always use, Switzerland,
and perhaps attempts while using the SAME fgms server may be 
better... but still saw the following assumed due to 'lag' 
problem when flying victor to victor

> where this is the closest you can see the following plane, 
> but in fact he see itself very close to the drogue

This difference between whether you are looking from 
the aircraft to the tanker, or from the tanker to 
the aircraft is certainly ONE of the problems.

Usually the tanker will see the aircraft still back some 
10s of meters behind the drogue, while the pilots sees 
the drogue up very close, perhaps even touching... 

And assume it can be the reverse of this...


Have downloaded and am looking at your wiki lag patches 
with an aim to patch my 2.11... in Windows 7 and 
Ubuntu... but not sure how far I will get...

It would certainly be nice if both pilots saw the 
same scene ;=)) But this is not the ONLY problem...

> basically the mp sending rate is fine with 10 pps

Well yes if the packets flow, but many things do seem 
to interrupt that flow...

One of the biggest is F3 - take a screen shot - This 
seems to stop packets for a seconds or more... 

Loading a new scenery tile can be another... new weather 
metar, although in the victor I usually select simple 
Fair weather... but there seems to be a number of things 
that 'change' the packet flow... I even suspect mp 
chat causes small blips...

There is already some form of predictive code in 2.11, 
but this to not yet very accurate or successful, but 
seems a very good start...

If the aircraft IS maintaining close proximity to the 
drogue, and I press F3 in the tanker, the tanker seems to 
slide forward faster and further than it should! 

So the aircraft pilot sees the tanker quickly move 
away... accelerate and moves forward... quite 
un-nerving... And this can happen even without a 
heavy F3 event... perhaps even due to system thread 
changes, ie nothing to do with the running fgfs...

Now if [s]he does nothing but hold, usually things will 
settle back into close proximity, but the pilot has 
LOST some visual clues aiding to maintain position 
so by the time things resettle [s]he is no longer so 
near the drogue ;=((

So I must take another look at this fill-in code, 
and would like to hear from the person or persons 
who implemented it... and understand why the very 
apparent slide fast forward, and what controls how 
quickly the position returns to that of the current 
packets after such an artificial change... any 
README, links, etc...

And then there is how will your 'lag' correction 
effect this current extrapolation code? If at all...

So lots of things to explore here ;=()

Over the coming days I will try to maintain my 
victor tanker runs... but it too can be quite 
stressful even just watching and chatting...

Maybe later try an E-W run, since you do mention some 
differences depending on direction...

So still invite others to try, but they should read 
and understand the above - it is difficult if not 
impossible - so expect more of the same frustrating 
efforts until some more CODE changes can be put in 

As one trier sort of put it - it is like the tanker 
has some 'shield' around it... things are good while 
you close in, but at very close proximity all HELL 
breaks loose ;=))

Have FUN!


On Thu, 2013-04-18 at 08:18 +0200, jean wrote:
> Hi Geoff
> i guess you are seing something like that:
> where this is the closest you can see the following plane, but in fact 
> he see itself very close to the drogue
> and what you want is like this:
> you should have a look at this page, wip but working fine for the few 
> pilots testing it :
> basically the mp sending rate is fine with 10 pps, but you need a way to 
> compensate for the lag.
> I c

[Flightgear-devel] multiplay refuel test

2013-04-17 Thread Geoff McLane

To flyers who fly 'probe' enabled aircraft in Europe... or
even if NOT...

I will be flying the 'victor' refueling tanker for the next
few days from KFPY, south 180 track, then turn around at the
southern mountains, north on 360, at 12,000 feet – FL120
STD QNA – and am interested in 'hot' flyers who want to try
air-to-air REFUELING (AAR) in suitably equiped aircraft,
well ANY aircraft...

The tanker will maintain, under autopilot, 220 knots (KTAS),
at the said 12,000 feet, either 180 or 360, under the callsign

The flights will commence about noon, or before, UTC, and
close about 20:00 UTC.

The track can be followed using, or other mp
map URLS. Click on 'GA006' to localize...


(a) I have tried with several aircraft over the last few days, and
learned that this is QUITE difficult, but I hope NOT impossible!

(b) The present suggested pps (Hz) is 10 when you set up –multiplay=,
but FG 2.11 has fill-in extrapolation code when fgfs packets
do not arrive in time, so maybe this is too high. This is the basic

So the idea is to reduce this IFF this fill-in code helps, ie does its

The theoretic idea is that with this code we can reduce the
bandwidth used by 10 Hz to perhaps 2-4 Hz, but this needs
to be FULLY tested, and confirmed...

Now I have tried this over several day, in several aircraft –
A-10, f-14b, a4 and failed, FAILED to touch the trailing
drogues... it is TOUGH... autopilots help you get to the 'zone'
but it needs manual flying to get to the RIGHT PLACE...

If you are using a joystick maybe you need to even adjust
the dead spot and the 'sensitivity' of the inputs... lots of
learning, understanding and doing fgdata xml changes...

And I have had a few pilots joining in ad hoc, but so far
no one has actually contacted with the trailing outer wing
drogues... The 'victor' can refuel 2 aircraft at a time... and I
would LOVE to see/capture that...

One, french I think, got so frustrated at his attempts, began firing
missiles at the tanker. Thankfully, he MISSED, but was CLOSE ;=))

Also if you alert me to your attempt to refuel from my tanker, via
mp chat, email, fgcom, … AND I am on board at the time -:

(a) I will offer a VIRTUAL bottle of good Bordeau rouge to the first
pilot who maintains drogue contact for say a minute, or more ;=))

(b) I will take some screen shots and post them.

Be warned, during a screen shots (F3), fgfs stops sending mp
packets for up to a second or so, and in the close fgfs the fill-in
(extrapolation) code is activated, with some interesting, and
sometimes quite alarming effects...

Also I have heard others mention that the live metar update can
also cause mp packet delays. The tanker will be flying under the
'Fair weather' scenario to avoid this. Maybe you should choose this
as well...

I really seek help from other pilots to analyse this multiplayer
bandwidth situation. We have chosen 10 Hz, but WHY?
Can less than 10 Hz be used with no adverse effect? That is
the BIG question...

Simply, what really is the optimum packets-per-second (pps) rate?
Maybe it changes depending on circumstances...

We know the lower the Hz the lower the bandwidth used by
FGMS servers... but can the extrapolation code fill-in for
the missing packets?

Is 10 Hz good? Should it be higher, or lower depending on
circumstance.. Lots to learn...

Of course I am sure there are OTHER ideas...

Hope you can help, and have some FUN at the same time;=)).

Look forward to seeing you on my rear view... and I will
take some pics...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] map and flight projection...

2013-04-17 Thread Geoff McLane

Seems in the latest 2.11 git, the 'map' has 
lost the forward projected yellow dotted line 
from the aircraft...

Was this intentional? I thought the projection 
was a very good way to line up on an ILS, head 
to a VOR, etc, etc...

Or is it a 'bug'? 

Or can I re-enable it somehow?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] c172p UI Changes

2013-04-16 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi James, 

Did a git pull SG/FG/fgdata a few hours ago,
and a Release re-build in Windows 7... and took the 
default c172p for spin...

I had been reading about your changes, but I 
was in for some surprises ;=)) And I understand 
it is a WIP...

While I like the cursor changes to <--> when you 
hover over a knob, it seem now the knob only turns 
one way, unless you hold the Alt key down...

Previously you just shifted to the left or right 
of the knob for this direction change...

Is that the expected UI change? Or am I missing 

Then the compass bug starts clockwise - faster 
if you hold shift... unless with the Alt key...
like the altimeter...

And the magnetos clockwise, but could not engage 
starter with mouse...

But the compass knob goes anticlockwise, like the 2 
ADF... each reversed on Alt key... and each faster 
with Shift...

So I can understand they turn one way unless the 
Alt key is held, then the other way... but could 
they not all default to the SAME direction, say 
clockwise, and the Alt key reverse that?

Or I suppose you could commit the default direction 
to memory ;=)) like background compass plates default 
anti, while foreground needles and bugs clockwise...

Panel lights seemed to be move right to brighten,
move left to dim, rather than clicks...

Could not operate the flaps level with the mouse, 
but had never tried with the mouse before, so 
maybe that stayed the same?

Also like the 'hand' for buttons, and vertical 
up-down arrow over switches... Did not have time 
to explore more tonight... but in general it 
'felt' good. Thanks...

Did get some nasal errors to the console -
Nasal runtime error: nil used in numeric context
  at C:/FG/fgdata/Nasal/geo.nas, line 241
  called from: C:/FG/fgdata/Nasal/canvas/tooltip.nas, line 167
  called from: C:/FG/fgdata/Nasal/canvas/tooltip.nas, line 119
  called from: C:/FG/fgdata/Nasal/canvas/tooltip.nas, line 91
  called from: C:/FG/fgdata/Nasal/canvas/tooltip.nas, line 270
  called from: C:/FG/fgdata/Nasal/canvas/tooltip.nas, line 313

Just some user feedback. HTH.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Fwd: svn LSTZ.threshold.xml seems wrong!

2013-04-09 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi all, 

Errata: It was an error in my script that showed 
bad values from 2.10 apt.dat.gz... Sorry!

Using the computed center of the single runway it now 
shows 46.55,7.38, which agrees with the site AND with 
x-plane 10.00 ;=)) as it should...

But it does show zero displacements and stopways, 
which I think is an error!

To help fix LSTZ.threshold.xml I got my script to 
calculate and generate the xml from x-plane 10.00 
apt.dat, which does have displacements...





And a view of the runway in Google Maps shows 
there are displacements on that runway...,7.383134&spn=0.012528,0.025513&t=h&z=16

Hope this helps to 'fix' the svn scenery data 


 Forwarded Message 
> From: Geoff McLane 
> To: flightgear-devel 
> Subject: svn LSTZ.threshold.xml seems wrong!
> Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 20:20:10 +0200
> Hi all,
> A little bit of amusement... ;=))
> I just happened to be looking at the mapserver 
> svn ICAO.threshold.xml files with a perl script, 
> and found a very, VERY interesting case ;=))
> Most files range in size from 468 bytes EG42, 
> to 6,201 bytes KEDW.threshold.xml... that may 
> be all ok...
> BUT then you have the massive 18 MB LSTZ ;=()
> That is 18,367,661 bytes to be exact!
> Researching a little, LSTZ (Zweisimmen) airport 
> is a local airport (light traffic) with 1 runway,
> '35' and '17'... at lat,lon 46.5525022,7.380560.
> from one site...
> Then LSTZ in our 2.10 release apt.dat.gz shows a 
> crazy 32.68,-114.63!!!
> While x-plane 10.00 shows 46.55,7.38, which agrees 
> with the site...
> data/Scenery/Airports/L/S/T/LSTZ.threshold.xml
> contains about 88,760 runways ;=)
> But to be fair only 56 different runways markings...
> But ryw '17' and '35' are listed 225 times each...
> Rwy '18' and '36' are listed 25,921 times each!
> The bounding box covering ALL runway coordinates 
> given in the file is approximately lat,lon min 
> 1.99,-178.31 to max 65.81,145.88 which is MOST of 
> the world... well at least the Northern half...
> Something is really screwy with this file ;=))
> Hope someone can find the time to 'fix' it a
> little...
> I really wonder what fgfs does with this file 
> when it reads it...
> HTH.
> Regards,
> Geoff.

Precog is a next-generation analytics platform capable of advanced
analytics on semi-structured data. The platform includes APIs for building
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] svn LSTZ.threshold.xml seems wrong!

2013-04-08 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi all,

A little bit of amusement... ;=))

I just happened to be looking at the mapserver 
svn ICAO.threshold.xml files with a perl script, 
and found a very, VERY interesting case ;=))

Most files range in size from 468 bytes EG42, 
to 6,201 bytes KEDW.threshold.xml... that may 
be all ok...

BUT then you have the massive 18 MB LSTZ ;=()
That is 18,367,661 bytes to be exact!

Researching a little, LSTZ (Zweisimmen) airport 
is a local airport (light traffic) with 1 runway,
'35' and '17'... at lat,lon 46.5525022,7.380560.
from one site...

Then LSTZ in our 2.10 release apt.dat.gz shows a 
crazy 32.68,-114.63!!!

While x-plane 10.00 shows 46.55,7.38, which agrees 
with the site...

contains about 88,760 runways ;=)

But to be fair only 56 different runways markings...
But ryw '17' and '35' are listed 225 times each...
Rwy '18' and '36' are listed 25,921 times each!

The bounding box covering ALL runway coordinates 
given in the file is approximately lat,lon min 
1.99,-178.31 to max 65.81,145.88 which is MOST of 
the world... well at least the Northern half...

Something is really screwy with this file ;=))

Hope someone can find the time to 'fix' it a

I really wonder what fgfs does with this file 
when it reads it...



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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] fgcom UK problem

2013-02-25 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi all,

It seems in some recent rather extensive testing 
of fgcom, in windows, linux and OSX, 
is NOT working properly =((. 

And I have heard about problem reports in 
the fg forum.

UK works fine for the -f910 echo test, but 
for every other frequency fed to it from 
a running fgfs always get an error -

Call disconnected by remote

That test list included the 'universal' AirtoAir 
122.75 and 123.45 frequencies.

Who is the maintainer of fgcom UK server? Maybe 
he could check his asterisk server... restart 
it or something...

Through MP chat learned about another :-
which worked well... Thank you to who ever 
maintains this server...

Does anyone else run a public asterisk 
server that accepts guest:guest?

In other words, what is the list of all possible 
voip servers that can be used with fgcom? Could 
these be added to the -

And a related question. To be able to talk 
pilot to pilot do we both have to be connected 
to the same voip server? I guess yes.

I think a mix would only work if the public 
voip server list somehow cross communicated, 
but not sure that is possible.

Any information welcome...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Jenkins Build win32 #926 and older quits

2013-02-10 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2013-02-10 at 12:54 +, James Turner wrote:
> Excellent. But my intention was to use %APPDATA% 
> for this on Windows i think? 

Hi James, 

And to follow on debugging a bit I do see that 
it does check for a file -
which is using %APPDATA%, so that seems ok...

And also checks for a file -
if they exist...

AND also loads the file :-

So maybe all bases are already covered ;=))


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Jenkins Build win32 #926 and older quits

2013-02-10 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi James, 

Ok, found the abort almost immediately ;=))

in options.cxx, void Options::init(...)

Simple -
 std::string homedir(getenv("HOME"));
is a NO NO...

In windows getenv("HOME") will yield a null = (0),
and it is a logic error to do -
 std::string homedir(0);

Changed that to -
 std::string homedir;
 char *hd = getenv("HOME");
 if (hd)
homedir = hd;

And I am up and flying...

This does mean no .fgfsrc is ever 
processed in windows, but will take longer to 
sort that out...

Now get console output -
Enabling ATI viewport hack
KMA20 audio panel initialized
KI266 dme indicator #0 initialized
loading scenario 'nimitz_demo'
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation:
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation:
Electrical system initialized
KAP140 power up
Error in ground network. Failed to find first waypoint: 0 at KSMF

And the c172p starts and FLIES ;=


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Obsolete weather models and textures

2013-02-03 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Renk,

Thank you for the time and effort to produce this list.

Over the coming days I will remove them from my current 
installed Windows 2.10 RC1, and my own Windows 2.10 release 
build, as a further check...

I hope this encourages others to think about and fess up 
to 'unused' things they know about in the base release 
fg data ;=)) 

To me, every little bit helps, and goes towards making 
2.10 lighter, and thus a better first time experience!


On Sun, 2013-02-03 at 18:26 +, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> Here's a list of objects which I have tested to be safe to remove from 
> /Models/Weather/ - all in all ~19MB. If no one else has objections, as far as 
> I'm concerned they can go.
> * Thorsten
> altocumulus_textures.rgb
> cumulonimbus1.xml
> cumulonimbus2.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl1.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl2.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl3.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl4.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl5.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl6.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl7.xml
> cumulonimbus_sl8.xml
> cumulonimbus_small1.xml
> cumulonimbus_small2.xml
> cumulonimbus_textures1.rgb
> cumulonimbus_textures2.rgb
> cumulonimbus_textures3.rgb
> cumulonimbus_textures.rgb
> nimbus1.xml
> nimbus_sl1.xml
> nimbus_sl2.xml
> nimbus_sl3.xml
> nimbus_sl4.xml
> nimbus_sl5.xml
> nimbus_sl6.xml
> nimbus_sls1.xml
> nimbus_sls2.xml
> nimbus_sls3.xml
> nimbus_sls4.xml
> nimbus_sls5.xml
> nimbus_sls6.xml
> nimbus_textures.rgb
> stratus_small_layer1.xml
> stratus_small_layer2.xml
> stratus_small_layer3.xml
> stratus_small_layer4.xml
> stratus_small_layer5.xml
> stratus_textures.rgb

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Release candidates

2013-02-01 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Curt, 

> $(FGSRC)/package/

Thanks for this, and it worked fine ;=))

But it produces a 755,302,671 byte tar.bz2 file
for 2.10 release fg data!

So again, is there any way this can be reduced?

1. As already suggested here maybe the ATC/Chatter 61 MB 
could be removed? Is this agreed by all? Can this be 
removed from a Release without problems?

2. What about the Docs - 17 MB - For a release could we 
rely ONLY on online docs?

3. AI - 375 MB
   Aircraft - 235 MB
   Traffic  - 136 MB
   Airports -   3 MB
Could some or all this be left out of a release. Will 
fgfs still run without a segfault, or anything other 
than no AI traffic, or is it used for other things?

I just tried renaming AI but fgfs bombed - unable to 
read performancedb.xml - so obviously some things are 
absolutely needed.

4. Models/Weather - 76 MB - As asked are BOTH duplicate 
dds and rgb files needed, or could a release work with only 
one or the other?

5. And now I find in both Textures and Textures.high 
the same duplication of dds and png files. Again 
are BOTH really required for a release?

6. Are there other cherry picking items that could 
be removed. What about the "bunch of obsolete cloud 
models and textures" Renk mentioned? Others?

I am not specifically suggesting we aim to get below 
a CD size, but am very interested in being able to 
offer a quicker download for the first time user,
even if minimally...

I will modify the script if I can be given some CLEAR 
ideas on what 'can' be left out, and what _MUST_ stay.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Release candidates

2013-01-31 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Curt, 

Thanks for the reply.

> I believe Fred intentionally chose to use 
> the same registry key from one version to the next.

Ok, that's understandable... my last install was, but I wanted them separated... not over-written...

But then not sure why not choose just C:\\FlightGear 
which is where an earlier version was put...

But maybe you are right, if I uninstall the current 
FOUR(4) versions I have installed, it may choose just

So please forget that I used the word 'forgot' ;=))

> There is a "make" target in the flightgear top level ...

And assume the 'make' target is $ make package, or 
$ make package_source which seem to be the only 
possible targets shown for $ make help
But running the first with -n seemed only to do the 
binaries, no data, and the second seemed to only be 
regarding fg source, again not fgdata...

So maybe I do not quite understand ;=((


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Release candidates

2013-01-31 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Curt,

Downloaded 2.10 RC1 - Wow over a 20 minutes 
even at about 550 MB/s, but I guess all good things 
come with a little pain ;=))

But noted you 'forgot' to adjust the default install 
folder - it still reads C:\\FlightGear- 
as the default install folder. And likewise the name 
for the default desktop icon.

After manually changing those to, fgrun loaded 
fine with the correct paths, and fgfs ran fine in the 
first quick test using the 777-200... Will naturally report 
any bugs found...

The 740 MB setup exe expands to 1.4 GB on disk...

Since I am also interested in producing a RC from my 
own build curious how you 'separate' the RC data from 
the git master fgdata.

Checked fg/fgmeta but could not find any 'script' 
to do this... Can you add your 'scripts' to there? Or 
did I miss something?

And in checking your installed data, note the biggest 
dozen or so folders that are over a MB are -
AI- 375 MB
Aircraft  - 275 MB
Textures.high - 230 MB
Models- 229 MB
Textures  -  82 MB
ATC   -  73 MB
Scenery   -  21 MB
Docs  -  17 MB
Sounds-   6 MB
Timezone  -   6 MB
Airports  -   5 MB
Navaids   -   4 MB
Fonts -   2 MB
Nasal -   1 MB

Note, these are size estimates based on a disk sector 
size of 4096 bytes, thus things like Timezone is only 
a total of 815 KB in file size, but is 1,542 small files 
so climbs to 6 MB of disk space.

>From what I have read, it seems we have reduced 
Aircraft to the bare minimum of about 15 so seems 
little can be done there...

But why does AI top the size list for a bare-bones 
release? In there the top is -
Aircraft - 235 MB
Traffic  - 136 MB
Airports -   3 MB

Could we not reduce the AI Aircraft and/or Traffic?
At least for an initial BASE release...

>From feedback here it seems removing Textures.high 
maybe out of the question? But maybe not...

In Models, the majority is in Weather - 76 MB, and 
do note that most of the 'big' files are duplicated 
as dds and rgb. I tried to follow some of the 
discussion here on this, but is it necessary to 
have both?

In ATC I see Chatter 61 MB - Again is this required, 
desired for a bare-bones release?

Scenery is already at a minimum, so do not see any 
reduction there...

Docs is only 17 MB, but given that most, all of this 
would also be online, should this be included in 
a base download package? 

The top sizes in Docs are -
getstart-fr.pdf- 5.4 MB
getstart.pdf   - 5.4 MB
fschool_0.0.3.pdf  - 2.9 MB
README.YASim.rotor.xls - 337 KB
README.YASim.rotor.ods - 236 KB

And I guess Sounds, Timezone, Airports, Navaids, 
Fonts and Nasal are all essential.

Anyway, just some thoughts on trying to reduce the 
initial 'pain' of a new user to be able to quickly 
get and try FG!

And Curt, I hope you can 'publish' your 'scripts' 
somewhere, to help others like me generate a Windows 
setup install exe...


On Wed, 2013-01-30 at 07:20 -0600, Curtis Olson wrote:
> FYI, the first windows 2.10 release candidate has been posted.  It
> hits the and mirrors first and then
> propagates as the other mirrors run their scheduled syncs.

> James, let me know when there's something ready to go on the MacOS
> side and I'll update the 2.10 RC info page.
> Thanks!
> Curt.

> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Erik Hofman  wrote:
> On 01/30/2013 08:10 AM, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> >> It does run on my Win 7 laptop with nvidia graphics
> hardware (and nvidia
> >> graphics drivers installed.)  I will get it uploading ...
> 740Mb!  So much
> >> for the CD distribution. :-)  Didn't Bill Gates famously
> say 640Mb should
> >> be enough for anyone?
> >
> > Um... which reminds me - I had on my old computer a bunch of
> obsolete cloud models and textures flagged  and done long-term
> testing that they really aren't used - that's probably 20-30
> MB worth of files that can go. In all the confusion migrating
> to a new machine I forgot about that - do you want me to look
> for that list? Doesn't really get us to CD size, but still...
> Are the Winter textures still needed?
> Erik
> --
> - Hardware accelerated AeonWave and
> OpenAL
>  for Windows and Linux

> -- 
> Curtis Olson:
> -
> - http

Re: [Flightgear-devel] bug report

2013-01-08 Thread Geoff McLane
On Tue, 2013-01-08 at 22:02 +0800, wrote:
>  Version 2.10.0
> Simgear
> window xp sp2 visual studio 2008+sp1
> BVHPageNodeOSG(78): errorC2440: cannot convert
> "const osg::Matrixf::value_type * to SGMatrixd

Hi bhfx2012,

Well I had no trouble with BVHPageNodeOSG.cxx(line 78) 
when I last compiled SG in Windows 7, using MSVC100 
(2010), and OSGtrunk (2012/10/26) a few days ago 

For fun, I just updated Simgear to 2.10 in my XP SP2 
machine, and again had no problem with this file, or 
any file for that matter, using OSG 3.1.3 (circa 
2012.05.15) using MSVC8 (2005).

So, as asked before, directly -
What OSG are you using? Obtained from where?
Did you compile it, or are you using binaries from 

What Boost version are you using? Obtained from 

Maybe it is something to do with the particular 
version combination. The compiler error seems strange, 
but maybe someone else has seen it before...

Sorry can not be more help at this time...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgdata git problem with Socata-ST10

2013-01-07 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2013-01-07 at 19:01 +0100, BARANGER Emmanuel wrote:
> Le 07/01/2013 18:07, a 
> > There are TWO such files '' and '', which
> > of course are the SAME file in Windows, and causes a git status
> > problem...
> Argh ! Damned ! Shame on me :(

Hi Emmanuel,

Thanks for the QUICK fix ;=)) You correctly deleted, but the commit comment says the opposite, 
but no problem!

And for those windows fans, after the git pull to 
get this fix, you may still have to do -
> git checkout -- Aircraft\...\
using the full path of course... to get back a 
clean working directory...

And Emmanuel, I will try to ignore your provocative 
statements about windows... I guess every OS has it 
lovers and haters, and certainly each OS has its 
particular foible ;=))

Perhaps to some diversity is what makes the world 
more enjoyable LOL.

And yes, I thought about a direct email blip, but it is 
good to remind ALL developers now and then there are still 
many among us using windows, with PLEASURE and much 
happiness ;=))

Again, thanks for the 'fix'. I do understand it was 
just a tiny error in amongst the MANY aircraft you 
have a hand in...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgdata git problem with Socata-ST10

2013-01-07 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2013-01-07 at 16:49 +, James Turner wrote:
> On 7 Jan 2013, at 16:06, Geoff McLane  wrote:

> > There are TWO such files '' and '', which 
> > of course are the SAME file in Windows, and causes a git status 
> > problem...
> Mac isn't very happy about this either.  (for me, with my
> case-preserving-but-insensitive-FS)
> James
Hi Emmanuel,

Just to try to help a little more, a quick grep 
in linux shows me only is referenced in 
the xml...

Maybe should/could be removed/deleted?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] fgdata git problem with Socata-ST10

2013-01-07 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Emmanuel,

For the past few weeks (since about mid Dec I think!) I, and 
some others, have a problem with the following files in windows -


There are TWO such files '' and '', which 
of course are the SAME file in Windows, and causes a git status 

If BOTH files are needed, could one be re-named to some non-
conflicting name...

Or, if only one is required, could the other be deleted.

For windows compatibility it is NOT possible to have two 
files of the same name, only changing case... and stated, 
please rename, or delete one



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] flight gear 2.8.0 start error for help!

2013-01-02 Thread Geoff McLane
On Wed, 2013-01-02 at 12:07 +0100, Geoff McLane wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-01-02 at 17:52 +0800, wrote:
> > I compile flightgear 2.8 in visual studio 2005 ok ,in debug mode.
> > when start , it report " Runtime check failure : The value of ESP was
>  virtual double GetPressureSL(void)
> is NOT... it does a simple return...
Hi all, 

As sometimes happens, seems I spoke before looking ;=((

The ::bind() Tie to Get/SetPressureSl has been commented 
out in 2.10, 2.9 and seems even 2.8.1, so either bhfx2012 
has an 'older' 2.8 source or this is not the problem.

Sorry for the noise.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CMake problem

2012-11-23 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2012-11-23 at 12:33 +, Renk Thorsten wrote:
>  cmake ../../flightgear -DSIMGEAR_DIR:PATH=/home/fgfs/FGLib


Try -
 $ export SIMGEAR_DIR=/home/fgfs/FGLib \
 cmake ../../flightgear 

In FG/CMakeModules/FindSimGear.cmake you will find 

Note the 'ENV', so it expects it to be in 
the environment...

What you did WOULD work if you added -

But this may still fail, since you say it is 
installed in -

And the 'find' module has -
   libs libs/Win32 libs/Win64

But 'perhaps' CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR will include 
a suffix of 'lib64'... not sure...

Another 'trick' to try is adding 
but this is not always certain...



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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] jenkins building windows Debug

2012-11-19 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi jenkins maintainers,

On the theme of building Windows Debug 

It would be great if jenkins ALSO built the Debug 

And would thus also offer the Debug builds for 
the 3rdParty components... that is all the libraries 
with a "d" appended...

I can not find this/these, but maybe I missed 


PS: I also note that on jenkins all the small icons 
seem 'broken', for quite some time now...

Not particularly a problem, but does not look 
so 'nice' ;=))

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[Flightgear-devel] Windows Debug build

2012-11-19 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi WIN32 builders,

For those who want to build and INSTALL the 
FG exes, fgfs, fgjs, metar, etc... the attached patch 
is very necessary to separate the Debug and Release 

If you are NOT using the 'INSTALL' then these 
are already separated by MSVC into the INTDIRS,
Release and Debug... so no problem there...

But at present, the last 'install' will overwrite 
the previous EXES... leaving you wondering which 
configuration you are running ;=((

The CMakeLists.txt already does -
and this works fine for library builds.

But for each EXE it is necessary to specifically 
do a set properties to add 'd' to the Debug build,
like -

set_target_properties(targ PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d)

And that is what the attached patch does ;=)).

I personally would like to see this patched added 
to the git source, but it is ONLY for WIN32 
building, so maybe each needs to also be put in

if (WIN32)
endif (WIN32)

Unix deal with debug slightly differently - just 
whether the binary contains symbols or not, the -g 
compile option - and does not seem disturbed by 
this particular 'set_target_properties(...)'...

But in windows different system runtime libraries 
are used and you can get warnings, even link errors 
in mixing these two...


attached: cmake-WIN32.patch - this was against 
git next of just a few days ago...

diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/CMakeLists.txt b/src/FDM/YASim/CMakeLists.txt
index 352a78b..ba7152e 100644
--- a/src/FDM/YASim/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ target_link_libraries(yasim
+set_target_properties ( yasim PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
+set_target_properties ( yasim-proptest PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
 install(TARGETS yasim yasim-proptest RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/src/Input/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Input/CMakeLists.txt
index 009929d..5497a78 100644
--- a/src/Input/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/Input/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ target_link_libraries(fgjs
+set_target_properties ( fgjs PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
 add_executable(js_demo js_demo.cxx)
@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ target_link_libraries(js_demo
+set_target_properties ( js_demo PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
 flightgear_component(Input "${SOURCES}" "${HEADERS}")
 install(TARGETS fgjs js_demo RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/src/Main/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Main/CMakeLists.txt
index 259b511..39ca2af 100644
--- a/src/Main/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/Main/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ source_group("Main\\Headers" FILES ${HEADERS})
 source_group("Main\\Sources" FILES ${SOURCES})
 add_executable(fgfs ${SOURCES} ${FG_SOURCES} ${FG_HEADERS} ${HEADERS})
+set_target_properties ( fgfs PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
 # disable sqlite3 dynamic lib support
 # this should really be a SOURCE property, but the way we handle
 # Fcomponent sources is making that tricky
@@ -119,4 +121,6 @@ target_link_libraries(metar
+set_target_properties ( metar PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
diff --git a/utils/GPSsmooth/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/GPSsmooth/CMakeLists.txt
index 2349cc7..4b4690f 100644
--- a/utils/GPSsmooth/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/utils/GPSsmooth/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -38,4 +38,8 @@ target_link_libraries(UGsmooth
+set_target_properties ( GPSsmooth PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
+set_target_properties ( MIDGsmooth PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
+set_target_properties ( UGsmooth PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
 install(TARGETS GPSsmooth MIDGsmooth UGsmooth RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/utils/TerraSync/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/TerraSync/CMakeLists.txt
index cc27ec8..0ec9e5b 100644
--- a/utils/TerraSync/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/utils/TerraSync/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,4 +6,7 @@ target_link_libraries(terrasync
+set_target_properties ( terrasync PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
 install(TARGETS terrasync RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/utils/fgadmin/src/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/fgadmin/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 42b95d7..5ccb618 100644
--- a/utils/fgadmin/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/utils/fgadmin/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ target_link_libraries(fgadmin FGAdminUI
+set_target_properties ( fgadmin PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
diff --git a/utils/fgelev/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/fgelev/CMakeLists.txt
index 90b52c0..50c1d35 100644
--- a/utils/fgelev/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/utils/fgelev/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ target_link_libraries(fgelev

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery not being loaded

2012-11-11 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2012-11-11 at 18:04 +0100, ThorstenB wrote:
> If anyone was interested/able to fix the support for relative paths on 
> Windows, please implement "SGPath::realpath" in simgear/misc/sg_path.cxx:

Hi Thorsten,

re: std::string SGPAth::realpath() const

That's strange no one has done this for WIN32 ;=()

Do NOT know about the MAC, but WIN32 has always, 
ALWAYS had, in  -

 char *_fullpath( char *absPath, const 
char *relPath, size_t maxlength );

So that gives something very similar to realpath()...

#if defined(_WIN32)
   // with absPath NULL, will allocate, and ignore length
   char *buf = _fullpath( NULL, path.c_str(), _MAX_PATH );
   if (!buf) {
  SG_LOG(... as per unix  ...);
  return path; // failed, return path as is
   std::string p(buf);
   free(buf); // was allocated using malloc(), so
   return p;
#elsif defined(_APPLE_) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED <= 1050)
   return path;
   // current unix code

And although I do not have a lot of experience with 
Cygwin I understand it knows how to convert a DOS/
Windows path to its unix kludge, /c/..., so do not 
need to do anything special... but maybe...

But this is all aside from the possible 'bug' 
Jon is pointing out...



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[Flightgear-devel] Windows SG DLL build - NO GO!

2012-11-08 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi all,

Wow, I recently had the occasion to 
experiment with building the SG shared 
library, DLL, in Windows... a NO GO ;=((

Well, with a fresh SG clone, yesterday I
think, first I needed to patch the 
simgear/CMakeLists.txt to get cmake to 
even start building - patch given below...

The two changes are to add the winsock2 library, 
and since in windows there are two components 
built, you MUST provide a 'target' for each.

In general the .lib goes in the 'lib' directory as 
usual, but the DLL is a 'runtime' component, thus 
must go in the 'bin' directory with the executable.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg ;=))

While that succeeded in getting the Windows DLL 
SimGearCore.dll built, NO archive library was 
generated. And without such a 'library' you can 
not 'link' to the DLL. It 'exports' nothing, and 
is quite useless...

Now, as the windows people know, there are just 
two ways to 'export' functions, variables, classes 
from a windows DLL build -

1. Use __declspec() 
2. Use a DEF file

1. Use __declspec() 

This declaration has to be added to each and every 
function, variables, class you want to export.

This is usually done with a macro of the form -

#ifdef WIN32
 #ifdef SG_LIBRARY /* building the library */
#define SG_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
 #else /* link with application */
#define SG_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#else /* not in windows */
#define SG_EXPORT extern

This could probably go in say compiler.h...

Then every function exported needs this 
declaration, like -

SG_EXPORT int foo();
SG_EXPORT class X {} varX;

Like in say xml/easyxml.hxx, in part...

class SG_EXPORT XMLAttributes
 // ...
SG_EXPORT void readXML (istream &input, ...);
SG_EXPORT void readXML (const string &path,...);

And so on, and On, and ON ;=)) For each SG 
header that exports something as part of the 

2. Use a DEF file

In this Module-Definition file EVERY function, 
variable to be exported has to be declared!

   foo @1
   ulDataInDll DATA
# and onward for all SG API items

Not sure how classes are declared in here...
and the assignment of an ordinal value, like @1 
to @N, is optional...

And then that simgear.def file added to the 
cmake list file for the windows build. cmake 
handles it without problems...

And that DEF file has to be maintained. 
Function names removed or added as the API 

And then another matter noted...

3. SG SO Version

At present it seems only one DLL is produced,
without a 'version' indication... like say 

In a fast changing API, like SG is, then it 
is essential that the DLL be version-ed... like 
I assume it is in unix...

And like say the OSG Windows DLLs are, like ...
osg92-osg.dll, but just noted they do not 
add this to the libraries - it is always just 

But that is ok since which ever osg.lib you 
link with, will automatically 'force' a version 

So likewise maybe one name, SimGearCore.lib 
would be ok...

But this version is important, since 
if you built say the 2.8 DLL they can NOT 
be used for 2.9 due to several API changes...

And in this case that is ignoring that 
2.8 would be 20+ DLLs, versus 2.9 of two...

But here I am talking about API changes like -
 sgGetMagVar(lon, lat, elev, ...
 sgGetMagVar(SGGeod, ...
which may have happened even before 2.8... 
did not check the date of this change...

And this SO version would needed to be 
kicked for EACH API change... more maintenance,
which I hope IS being done in unix...


As you can see, this would be *L*O*T*S* of 
work and FOREVER continued maintenance... 
although using 1, once developers got into 
the habit of using SG_EXPORT, then this could 
be minimized...

But maybe we would be better off removing the 
SIMGEAR_SHARED option if WIN32 ;=))

That is do NOT offer an option that can NOT 
be used!

And of course, I really wonder WHY we added 
a 'shared' version of SG at all... but that 
is another topic...

I assume someone had a 'good' only-for-UNIX 
reason ;=))

In general, in Windows, using a DLL is a 
real PITA!



diff --git a/simgear/CMakeLists.txt b/simgear/CMakeLists.txt
index d505998..9bb8dce 100644
--- a/simgear/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/simgear/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -64,7 +64,10 @@ if(SIMGEAR_SHARED)
 target_link_libraries(SimGearCore ${ZLIB_LIBRARY} ${RT_LIBRARY} 
+if (WIN32)
+target_link_libraries(SimGearCore ${WINSOCK_LIBRARY})
+endif (WIN32)
 target_link_libraries(SimGearCore ${LIBSVN_LIBRARIES})
@@ -86,10 +89,19 @@ if(SIMGEAR_SHARED)

Re: [Flightgear-devel] gitorious down? Now UP ;=))

2012-10-25 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Gijs,

Yes, it seems back up now...

Must learn to check that blog ;=)) I did search 
around a bit but did not find it earlier...

And is seems there is also a status URL 
which I should remember to try...


On Thu, 2012-10-25 at 13:53 +0200, Gijs de Rooy wrote:
> Hi Geoff,
> Works fine here. There was some maintenance earlier today, so maybe
> you were affected by that?
> Cheers,
> Gijs
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 13:25:48 +0200
> > Subject: [Flightgear-devel] gitorious down?
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > For the last hour or so 
> > seems down ;=((
> > 
> > I'm in France, near Paris. Are others having 
> > this problem? Or is it just my ISP - Orange?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Geoff.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] gitorious down?

2012-10-25 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi all,

For the last hour or so 
seems down ;=((

I'm in France, near Paris. Are others having 
this problem? Or is it just my ISP - Orange?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgdata trouble

2012-09-23 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2012-09-23 at 17:43 +0100, Peter Morgan wrote:
> I got a really really slow connection
> Got around the git problem by using a script on a dedicated to pull
> from git, and "push" to a subversion, which runs twice a day
> I then checkout from subversion read only of course, it works a treat
> and get all updates very quickly..
> However this approach is not for development, but as an user its a
> very efficient way to keep up to data with master and 2.8 etc
> Pete

Hi Pete,

What about the idea I thought you were working 
on of zipping each aircraft - presumably regularly 
updated as more git changes happen - and having 
like the FGx GUI downloading and installing these 
at the users choice/request?

Thus an initial install of fgdata would only have a 
dozen or so a/c, like the releases, but additional 
a/c could be easily installed on selection... 

Or did this not work out...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgdata trouble

2012-09-23 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 19:44 +, Martin Spott wrote:
> "Alan Teeder" wrote:
> > New flightgear git users are faced with an initial download of about 10gb 
> > just to get started.
> Currently the "fgdata" GIT repo has approx. 4.9 GByte,
>   Martin.

Hi Martin, Alan, Bertrand, et al...

I guess we each have a 'different' way of measuring 
things ;=))

This is back on Sep 1, and it grows every day...

/media/Disk2/FG/fg20$ dirdate fgdata
Processed 9130 directories, 59899 files, 11,281,006,933 bytes.
Latest   : fgdata/.git/index 2012/08/01 16:08:21, of 59899 files.

/media/Disk2/FG/fg20$ dirsize fgdata
Doing du -b -s fgdata... moment...
Total of [fgdata] = 11,298,718,037 bytes (10.52GB)

Ok, now I know some MORE git commands that reduce this 
on disk size, thanks Bertrand, 
$ git repack
$ git gc
$ git prune
but that does not stop the initial download into 

/media/Disk2/FG/fg20/fgdata$ dirsize .git
Doing du -b -s .git... moment...
Total of [.git] = 4,419,875,575 bytes (4.12GB)

It seems a shame all the discussion I saw about 
somehow splitting this 4-5GB download came to 
nothing ;=((

It seems 'some' absolutely wanted to keep a single git 
command to get it ALL... while I would see no trouble in 
a simple clean split... like -

$ git clone  fgdata
$ cd fgdata
$ git clone  Aircraft

/media/Disk2/FG/fg20/fgdata$ dirsize Aircraft
Doing du -b -s Aircraft... moment...
Total of [Aircraft] = 5,879,186,664 bytes (5.48GB)
so assume the .git portion of this would be 
similarly about half...

But that does not stop the BIG initial downloads, 
just splits it into 2, so perhaps better -
$ git clone  fgdata
also includes a dozen or so Aircraft, like the 
windows release packages...

Then I go somewhere else to ADD Aircraft, when, if 
I want... 

Perhaps a nice little GUI app, that lets me choose 
which aircraft I want to add... maybe does a download 
of a zip file, and continues to unzip it into -

Something I think Pete was working on...

Or into a 'separate' folder since I think we do 
now support multiple 'aircraft' directories, or 
should if we don't...

And it would be nice if that app could also download 
from other people's 'hangars'...

So you can see I am strongly with Alan on this... 
this topic needs to be continued, and resolved...

BTW, my makefg script also frequently FAILS on 
fgdata - clone or pull... So much so that I usually now 
always do that manually... seems git does not like to 
be 'managed' in a script...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] strange screen

2012-09-03 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Alasdair, 

I also do not think it is OS related, since I have seen 
this 'sometimes' in Windows 7 64-bit, with AMD 
Radeon HD 7700 Series with (I hope) the latest 
Catalyst driver!

At the time I thought little of it since it seemed 
to go away a few seconds later... by itself...

In the Catalyst Control Center it shows a Driver 
Package Version 8.961-120405a-137813C-ATI, Catalyst 
Version 12.1, dated 29-Feb-2012...

Hmmm, contrary to last time I checked for updates, 
it does now report a later Catalyst version 12.8 
available... will download and try that...

Now shows driver 8.982-120727a-145524C-ATI in Catalyst 
12.8, dated today...

Just tried FG with 777-200 and no problem, but 
as indicated it only happened 'sometimes' and was never 
able to isolate the specific scenario that caused it...
maybe as you indicate it is a/c specific...

Found any reason why adding the radar to the aircraft 
made it go away...

Will keep testing with different aircraft... 


On Mon, 2012-09-03 at 09:39 -0600, syd adams wrote:
> Im running Ubuntu , still get that problem.I've added the radar to my
> intrumentation file in my affected aircraft , and the problem is
> gone.Strange.
> Syd
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Alasdair  wrote:
> > On Mon, 2012-09-03 at 01:06 +0200, ThorstenB wrote:
> >> > On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Alasdair  wrote:
> >> >> After git pull (sg,fg,fgdata) a couple of days ago, I was presented 
> >> >> with a
> >> >> strange screen which I had not seen before. My regular was shown as a
> >> >> sub-screen in the bottom-left corner. Clicking the maximise widget 
> >> >> restores
> >> >> full screen, but any click on a menu item returns me to this stupid 
> >> >> screen.
> >> >> Is this infuriating behaviour deliberate, or has my graphics driver gone
> >> >> walk-about?
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >> Unfortunately a long standing issue. This affects ATI graphics cards
> >> when running newer drivers. It can be "fixed" by reverting to an older
> >> ATI driver (see link below). To me it looked like a genuine OSG or ATI
> >> driver bug (the size of the graphics view port doesn't properly resize
> >> to the size of the window), but it's likely triggered by something
> >> "special" we're doing in FG, since other applications don't seem to have
> >> this issue.
> >>
> >> Also, it's timing-/sequence dependant: it only affects certain aircraft
> >> (aircraft using wxradar, which changes/delays the OSG init sequence on
> >> startup, are less likely to have the issue) - and for some people it
> >> dis- and reappears with certain FG builds.
> >>
> >> It would be really good if someone seeing the issue locally could
> >> properly debug this - even if it means digging into OSG - since a larger
> >> number of people are affected. I tried "remote debugging" this a while
> >> ago, but gave up after being unable to narrow it down inside FG. Maybe
> >> someone else has better luck.
> >>
> >> For more see here:
> >>
> >>
> >> cheers,
> >> Thorsten
> >>
> > Thanks very much for the link, Thorsten, it is a good start. But strange
> > that this problem, should just appear without any driver change. But I
> > am using Debian SID, and update my system daily, so it could be
> > OS-related.
> > I will install UBUNTU and try the same build under  that OS.
> >
> > regards,
> > Alasdair
> >

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear v2.9 debug version, error about GUI

2012-08-27 Thread Geoff McLane
PS: You may have to 'adjust' the library 
names a little since I think in the find 
plib case cmake searches for xxx_d.lib for debug,
and these are just with a xxxd.lib...

You have to make sure cmake 'finds' and uses 
these debug libraries for the Debug link...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear v2.9 debug version, error about GUI

2012-08-27 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Liuwh,

Just added and to - 
so you could try linking with those...

Should be able to unzip them into your 
3rdparty folder, overwriting the existing 

But you may still be missing some others...


On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 14:19 +0800, Liuwh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I downloaded FlightGear/SimGear/fgdata v2.9 via GIT, and also
> downloaded pre-compiled 3rdParty dependencies from 
> I built it, the release version can run well, but the debug version
> crashed when I the weather from dialog and click "close",  the result
> was the same when I operated the menu and click apply or close.  The
> call stack indicates that program stopped in _CrtIsValidHeapPointer
> called by puGroup from PLIB functions.
> Did anyone ever encounter this problem?
> BTW, the debug version runs very slow, I don't know whether this also
> occured when others debugging FlightGear.
> Thanks!

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear v2.9 debug version, error about GUI

2012-08-27 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 14:19 +0800, Liuwh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I downloaded FlightGear/SimGear/fgdata v2.9 via GIT, and also
> downloaded pre-compiled 3rdParty dependencies from 
> I built it, the release version can run well, but the debug version
> crashed when I the weather from dialog and click "close",  the result
> was the same when I operated the menu and click apply or close.  The
> call stack indicates that program stopped in _CrtIsValidHeapPointer
> called by puGroup from PLIB functions.
> Did anyone ever encounter this problem?
> BTW, the debug version runs very slow, I don't know whether this also
> occured when others debugging FlightGear.
> Thanks!

Hi Liuwh,

Not sure why you are trying to build the Debug 
version of fgfs, since the 3rd party zip you mentioned 
does NOT contain the 3rdparty Debug library builds...

This is no particular problem when the library is a 
DLL (shared) library, except you will not be able 
to trace into it, but you are mixing the runtimes 
Release and Debug when using static libraries like 

Quite surprised you even got Debug fgfs to link...

I am steadily building up a parallel Release and 
Debug build, see - 
but note I have not yet added say plib-msvc100-rel,
nor, and some others, yet... Must try to get 
to that soon...,

Second, the Debug version certainly runs up to 10 
or MORE times SLOWER ;=((

(a) All functions have extended entry and exit code,
prologue and epilogue, where the user stack is filled 
with a pattern like 0xdd, so the runtime can check if 
you have initialized all the required variables before 
using them...

(b) All functions perform stack level checking on 

(c) All memory allocated is a special debug allocation 
where more than the requested bytes is allocated, 
and a leader and trailer area are again filled with a 
pattern, 0xde IIRC, and the application receives a pointer 
after the leader so on memory release, the runtime 
can check if you have under or over run the requested 

Now fgfs allocates a LOT of memory, and this includes 
memory for std lists, vectors, maps, etc, so for example 
you will see it spends a long time to say load the 
navaids... and lots more time loading scenery... etc.

(d) And the Debug version has a LOT of assert() 
code added... In fact it is sometimes difficult to 
get the Debug version to run without the usual 
assertion failed dialog... Maybe that is what you 
mentioned as _CrtIsValidHeapPointer...

These 'bugs' that show up only in the MSVC Debug 
version seldom get addressed, since there are very few 
of us ready to take all the time required to track 
them down ;=(( and then convince the big unix base 
developers that there is a problem that they just 
do NOT see...

HTH, and I am glad to hear the Release runs 
well... congrats on doing your own build ;=))
That takes some effort...



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)

2012-08-11 Thread Geoff McLane

Just to try it, took the suggested advice - in 
my build-fg folder... I found I had to click 
[ Configure ] twice... before I got a clear board... 
that is no RED lines... this is normal...

Looking down the list I can see a LOT of -NOTFOUND, 
which is to be expected... 

There are no DEBUG parts to be found. You have to 
build from source to get those, although I am 
building up a set of these in - 

See say and you 
need all the other '-dbg' items as well... later I 
will try to put these 'downloads' in better order, 
and group some of them into a single zips...

But in the CMake GUI each of the OSGXX_INCLUDE_DIR 
and OSGXXX_LIBRARY are all correctly filled in with, 
in my case - like -

Now pressing [ Generate ] and it says 'Generating done'

Now I close the GUI, and load MSVC10 onto 

Switching to 'Release' and loading the fgfs Properties, 
expanding Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies ->
Edit I can scan down a big list of libraries ;=)) 
including all the simgear libraries and the osg libraries, 
and lots more... [ Cancel ] out of here...

Pressing F7, and it all built and linked... without 
problem... of course, as usual lots, Lots and LOTS of 
'warnings'... but ends with 
 Build: 16 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 
3 skipped ==

Still puzzled why the full command line approach 
FAILED in your case ;=((

But certainly hope you have more success in the CMake 
and then MSVC10 GUI approach ;=)) Advise if still 



 Forwarded Message 
> From: Geoff McLane 
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)
> Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 19:31:08 +0200
> Hi Alan, 
> What I passed was a full command line build... 
> no GUI...
> Carbax, what Alan is suggesting here is good... 
> In the build-fg folder do -
> build-fg> cmake-gui . (note this dot, '.')
> and the CMake GUI should load... 
> Or you can load the cmake GUI from the ICON, and 
> point it to the source - D:\FG2\flightgear, and 
> the build - D:\FG2\build-fg...
> This GUI will allow you to click [ Configure ], and 
> then you can check what it finds regarding the OSG 
> libraries..
> You can make sure it finds the OSG libraries BEFORE 
> doing the [ Generate ] step...
> If [ Generate ] is successful... if not or still 
> some other problem, advise...
> Now you can load flightgear.sln into MSVC10, switch 
> to the Release build, and as Alan points out, open the 
> properties of the fgfs project, and MAKE SURE there are 
> a big bunch of osg libraries in the Link properties...
> If there are then you can press F7 to build it within 
> the MSVC10 GUI... and fgfs should build, and link ;=))
> Make sure you switch to Release... Do not try to build 
> the Debug since you do not have the Debug components...
> This does NOT answer why the command line usage FAILED, 
> but should get you to a successful build in the MSVC10 
> IDE ;=))
> Regards,
> Geoff.
> On Sat, 2012-08-11 at 18:00 +0100, Alan Teeder wrote:
> > Run Cmake again for the flightgear project.
> > 
> > You should see correct (e.g. d:\fg2\install\msvc100\OpenSceneGraph\include) 
> > for all of the  OSGxx_INCLUDE_DIR entries, and (e.g. 
> > d:\fg2\install\msvc100\OpenSceneGraph\lib\osgxx.lib) for each of the 
> > OSGxx_LIBRARY_DIR entries.
> > 
> > Then do CMAKE Configure and Generate, followed by MSVC  build project.
> > 
> > As a check make sure that the OSG libraries are included in the fgfs linker 
> > project command line. (see fgfs properties)
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > From: M. Carbax
> > Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:41 PM
> > To: FlightGear developers discussions
> > Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)
> > 
> > Hi Fred:
> > 
> > I have the recommended directory structure so is
> > d:\fg2\install\msvc100\OpenSceneGraph, and there the three
> > subdirectories bin, include and lib.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks,

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)

2012-08-11 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Alan, 

What I passed was a full command line build... 
no GUI...

Carbax, what Alan is suggesting here is good... 

In the build-fg folder do -

build-fg> cmake-gui . (note this dot, '.')

and the CMake GUI should load... 

Or you can load the cmake GUI from the ICON, and 
point it to the source - D:\FG2\flightgear, and 
the build - D:\FG2\build-fg...

This GUI will allow you to click [ Configure ], and 
then you can check what it finds regarding the OSG 

You can make sure it finds the OSG libraries BEFORE 
doing the [ Generate ] step...

If [ Generate ] is successful... if not or still 
some other problem, advise...

Now you can load flightgear.sln into MSVC10, switch 
to the Release build, and as Alan points out, open the 
properties of the fgfs project, and MAKE SURE there are 
a big bunch of osg libraries in the Link properties...

If there are then you can press F7 to build it within 
the MSVC10 GUI... and fgfs should build, and link ;=))

Make sure you switch to Release... Do not try to build 
the Debug since you do not have the Debug components...

This does NOT answer why the command line usage FAILED, 
but should get you to a successful build in the MSVC10 
IDE ;=))


On Sat, 2012-08-11 at 18:00 +0100, Alan Teeder wrote:
> Run Cmake again for the flightgear project.
> You should see correct (e.g. d:\fg2\install\msvc100\OpenSceneGraph\include) 
> for all of the  OSGxx_INCLUDE_DIR entries, and (e.g. 
> d:\fg2\install\msvc100\OpenSceneGraph\lib\osgxx.lib) for each of the 
> OSGxx_LIBRARY_DIR entries.
> Then do CMAKE Configure and Generate, followed by MSVC  build project.
> As a check make sure that the OSG libraries are included in the fgfs linker 
> project command line. (see fgfs properties)
> -Original Message- 
> From: M. Carbax
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:41 PM
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)
> Hi Fred:
> I have the recommended directory structure so is
> d:\fg2\install\msvc100\OpenSceneGraph, and there the three
> subdirectories bin, include and lib.
> Thanks,

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
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will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)

2012-08-11 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Carbax, 

Sorry for using your family name, but do not know your 
first name ;=))

As Fred points out there is something quite strange here 
concerning OSG libraries... they did NOT get added to 
the link!!!

And yes there is a BIG clue in your bldlog-1.txt...

I have put my equivalent last bldlog-1.txt at :- 

Compare the difference commencing at about line 27-28 
through to about line 40 only...

In my case after cmake finds ALUT, it then finds osgText, 
osgSim, etc... down to 'Found OpenSceneGraph: followed by 
a big list of OSG libraries...

Your bldlog-1.txt does NOT show these lines... Why? WHY??

I checked again and the zip I put on my site DOES 
definitively include -
 etc, etc, etc... which, again as Fred points out, I got 
some time ago from the jenkins build...

And as per about the 5th line of your bldlog-1.txt which 
says -
Set ENVIRONMENT OSG_DIR=D:\FG2\install\msvc100\openscenegraph 
you should be able to confirm this by doing a 
 > dir D:\FG2\install\msvc100\openscenegraph\lib
and reporting the list found...

So we come back to the question WHY did cmake NOT find 
these in your case???

Has the jenkins version changed. The last archive I got 
was April/May! I would have updated to a later but the 
day I did that simpits was down... and still seems down 
for getting say OSG-stable...

But cmake must have found the OSG includes otherwise there 
would be hundreds of compiler errors about NOT finding osg 
include files...

The errors are ONLY in the link, and as stated that is 
because the OSG libraries, which I assume are all there, 
simply did NOT get added by cmake to the fgfs link line...

I am perplexed! I do not know why cmake skipped these 
important osg library finds... and did not abort if it 
failed to find them...

Does anyone else have a clue ;=((

Do not give up! There must be some 'simple' explanation 
here ;=))


On Sat, 2012-08-11 at 17:59 +0200, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> Where is OSG 3 ? It's a required dependency. You can download it from Jenkins 
> if you don't want to build it yourself
> -Fred
> - Mail original -
> > De: "M. Carbax" 
> > À: "FlightGear developers discussions" 
> > 
> > Envoyé: Samedi 11 Août 2012 17:52:45
> > Objet: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)
> > 
> > Hi Geoff:
> > 
> > 
> > First at all, thanks for your support and your insterest helping and
> > encouraging me.
> > 
> > Second: there is no way, I did follow the instructions you send me,
> > sg
> > with no problems, but fg doesn't work with the same error that always
> > (I have to say that I use the MSVC 2010 Express).
> > 
> > Nevertheless, please find enclosed the log file just in case you can
> > see a clue .
> > 
> > (
> > 
> > Many thanks,

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error building FG on Windows (linking)

2012-08-09 Thread Geoff McLane

I can not leave this thread like this ;=((

I have NOT followed what your PARTICULAR problem is, 
but decided to do a 'quick' 2.9 build from source, using 
existing binaries, and found NO PROBLEMS... total build 
time approximately 3-4 hours...

I AGREE the directory setup SUCKS big time, and the wiki 
does not yet give ALL the answers... and this, at the moment 
seem exacerbated by some Win32 parts of jenkins 
(simpits) seem DOWN...

But in essence, following the wiki I built SG/FG in 
just some hours... was broken by a birthday lunch for 
my wife! ;=))

To try to make your life very SIMPLE I have uploaded a 
complete single build zip as - 

Be aware it is 48 MB... but contains EVERYTHING 

It only requires you do the simgear, flightgear and fgdata 
clones, and RUN the build ONLY in the MSVC10 command prompt...
All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ->
Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)

If you unzip this into some folder, preferably without spaces,
it sets up a LOT of things, and then when in that folder 
in a MSVC10 prompt do :-

It contains a README.msvc100.txt, but in essence it is -

updsg.bat # clone the SG source
cd build-sg
build-sg.bat  # build/install the SG libraries
cd ..
updfg.bat # clone the flightgear source
cd build-fg
build-fg.bat  # build/install FG
cd ..
run-fg.bat# and FLY FREE ;=))

OR, if you feel LUCKY, just run build-all.bat... 

All assumes you have git setup to run from a command 

But I did NOT put much error checking in that bat... in 
my quite fast machine, I unzipped it into a new temp2 folder, 
and ran build-all... this took just <1 hour, and I was 
FLYING ;=)) with the world's BEST flight simulator...

You have to watch it, and add the enter key twice...

If you use this, and you have an error, send the relevant 
bldlog-1.txt file for inspection... AFTER you have checked 
it, and corrected any obvious problems ;=))

Of course, BEFORE the LAST step you need to DOWNLOAD fgdata 
to somewhere - 
It is BIG and HEAVY - 58 thousand files, 12 GB - takes 
HOURS even on my relative FAST internet connection...

And adjust run-fg.bat to that folder. In my case that is
But the run-fg.bat can be adjusted to anywhere...

AND it further ASSUMES OpenAL (sound library) has been 
install system wide... 

Download and install say "Setup FlightGear 2.8.0-RC4.exe", 
down near the bottom  [Mirror 1] [Mirror 2] [Mirror 3]
and during the install check install OpenAL if you have 
NOT done this before...

You can also do this from the OpenAL site, downloading, 
and install their SDK, and alut... leave you to work out 
the details...

Now, you might have chosen to GIVE UP ;=(( That is for 
sure your choice... the easy way out ;=)) 

Building SG/FG from source can certainly be quite 
FRUSTRATING in Windows ;=((

But this shows SG/FG can be easily built using MSVC10...
albeit, with some messing with the binary downloads, and 
ensuring OpenAL is installed...

Hope you will NOT 'give up', and take another little 

Enjoy ;=))


On Wed, 2012-08-08 at 20:32 +0200, M. Carbax wrote:
> No way.
> I brougth from   everything but FG
> source, so I put the source(2.9.0)  into thedirectory structure to
> build with Cmake and MSVC10 and  NO way, same errors.
> Thanks folks for your support, I give up.
> 2012/8/8 M. Carbax :
> > Thanks Fred, I'll try my last chance :(

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[Flightgear-devel] Fwd: Windows Abort Retry Ignore dialog at startup

2012-08-02 Thread Geoff McLane
 get_double ()
 if (_tied)
Ln 396: return static_cast*>

which put me in the 'problem' _getter
 fgfs.exe!SGRawValueMethodsIndexed::getValue()  Line 589 + 0x27 bytes
getting the tied 

By setting a debug trap here the first call to here is to 
get_magnetos(int engine) in src\aircraft\controls.hxx, 
which I can see in disassembly is a stdcall. That is 
it ends with ret 4!

The next call to this 589 is get_carb_heat, again a 
stdcall - ends with ret 4!

But there are __cdecl on some things, like 
  call SGAnimation::animate
  add esp,18h ; fix up the stack

So, the code is a mixture of __cdecl and stdcall!
But who, what, how, is this decided? Not sure...

Now to try to back up to where JSBSim is setting 
this _getter...

This seems to be in -
v 1.21 2012/04/13 13:18:27 jberndt, so does not appear 
to be exactly 'new' code...

In bind(), the getter/setter are tied to functions 
void FGStandardAtmosphere::bind(void)
  typedef double (FGStandardAtmosphere::*PMFi)(int) const;
  typedef void (FGStandardAtmosphere::*PMF)(int, double);
  PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/delta-T", this, eRankine,
  PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/SL-graded-delta-T", this, eRankine,
  PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/P-sl-psf", this, ePSF,

These are all 'virtual' functions in FGStandardAtmosphere.h, 
replacing the base FGAtmosphere class, FGAtmosphere.h, 
which in turn replace the base.base FGModel class, FGModel.h, 
in the base.base.base FGModelFunctions, in the basex4
FGJSBBase class... but it all looks fine ;=()

But again and again I see some things are definitely 
__cdecl, like -
 push eax
 push ecx
 push edx
 push eax
 call copyProperties
 add  esp,10h
 And others are stdcall, like 
  push eax
  call get_throttle ; inline get_throttle(int eng)
  ret 4

Like all the FGControls - controls.hxx - all end 
with ret 4 - stdcall...

BUT, BUT, BUT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT the function -
 virtual double GetPressureSL(void)
is NOT... it does a simple return...

All the others seem be an 'index' getter, but 
note GetPressureSL is a (void) - NO INDEX!!!

So WHY does this GetPressureSL get included in 
the above bind() where the typedef is -

typedef double (FGStandardAtmosphere::*PMFi)(int)

Is this the problem? It seems to match the dialog 
report that a function pointer and a function have 
different declarations...

BAH! This seems like an endless chase ;=(( I suppose 
I just know, understand enough to get myself into 
trouble ;=))

Unless I have somehow stumbled on a real BUG, and 
it can be fixed, or someone else has some ideas I
will give it up for a while... this has already 
consumed most of today...

Meantime will continue with the big setup to be able 
to eventually build the 64-bit version... first 
re-compiling all the dependencies in 64-bits...


 Forwarded Message 
> From: Geoff McLane 
> To: flightgear-devel 
> Subject: Windows Abort Retry Ignore dialog at startup
> Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:38:42 +0200
> Hi all,
> Each, SG/FG/fgdata updated to release/2.8.0 today. 
> Full SG then FG clean and build using MSVC10 in Win 7,
> 64-bit...
> That is with like -
> $ git pull origin next
> $ git fetch --all
> $ git checkout release/2.8.0
> $ git reset --hard origin/release/2.8.0
> $ git branch
>   next
> * release/2.8.0
> followed by a full clean and build in an 
> o-o-s folder...
> When the splash screen is showing 'initializing 
> subsystems' after several seconds, get an ugly 
> Abort/Retry/Ignore dialog ;=((
> See:
> Have tried Ignore, but it keeps coming back, 
> and leads to other abort dialogs...
> Only console output is -
> KI226 dme indicator #0 initialized
> loading scenerio 'nimitz_demo'
> And will also try turning on log level debug 
> to see if I can closer track down where and 
> when it is happening...
> As can be seen in the dialog it indicates the ESP 
> was not saved across a function call and that this 
> is usually the result of a function declared with 
> one calling convention, say stdcall, while a 
> function pointer is declared with a different 
> convention like say __cdecl ;=((
> Is anyone else seeing this? Seen this? Found 
> a fix? ...
> And indeed the line ind

[Flightgear-devel] Windows Abort Retry Ignore dialog at startup

2012-08-01 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi all,

Each, SG/FG/fgdata updated to release/2.8.0 today. 
Full SG then FG clean and build using MSVC10 in Win 7,

That is with like -
$ git pull origin next
$ git fetch --all
$ git checkout release/2.8.0
$ git reset --hard origin/release/2.8.0
$ git branch
* release/2.8.0
followed by a full clean and build in an 
o-o-s folder...

When the splash screen is showing 'initializing 
subsystems' after several seconds, get an ugly 
Abort/Retry/Ignore dialog ;=((


Have tried Ignore, but it keeps coming back, 
and leads to other abort dialogs...

Only console output is -
KI226 dme indicator #0 initialized
loading scenerio 'nimitz_demo'

And will also try turning on log level debug 
to see if I can closer track down where and 
when it is happening...

As can be seen in the dialog it indicates the ESP 
was not saved across a function call and that this 
is usually the result of a function declared with 
one calling convention, say stdcall, while a 
function pointer is declared with a different 
convention like say __cdecl ;=((

Is anyone else seeing this? Seen this? Found 
a fix? ...

And indeed the line indicated, 589, in simgear 
prop.hxx is a call through a pointer -
  if (_getter) { return (_obj.*_getter)(_index); }

The getter_t _getter is declared without a 
declared calling convention like -
  typedef T (C::*getter_t)(int) const;
which means it would be the default, which is 
__cdecl (/Gd) in MSVC10, as it has been for a 
long time...

This suggest somewhere a call setting this _getter 
pointer is passing a function declared with 
say stdcall, fastcall or something other than 

Anyway, totally at a loss to find and fix this.

Any ideas, thoughts, things to try, very VERY 


PS: In not quite the same rigorous cleaning, 
updating re-build etc, also see/seen the SAME 
thing in XP 32-bit with MSVC8... which suggests 
it is not the compiler version, or OS version...

And does NOT happen in Ubuntu 10.04 64-bits...

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Patch for metar.exe for windows

2012-07-28 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Chris,

You are right to question why 1.1, but I guess since 
SG/FG family mainly follows POSIX (Berkely/BSD) sockets, 
no Microsoft extensions are used or needed, so 
requesting 1.1 seems ok, so this is deliberate...

In all code cases checked, we do however include 
WinSock2.h, except in some cases where windows.h 
is included first, which will load winsock.h unless
WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN has been declared...

And the link is against ws2_32.lib, so yes maybe 
the WSACancelBlockingCall() could be removed, making 
the net_exit() with no error check - it is only called 
atexit() - so maybe simply :-

static void net_exit ( void )
#ifdef WIN32

Of course it could be made more complicated, 
checking for -
#ifdef _WINSOCK2API_
indicating that we could use version 2.2, but 
maybe this is not needed... 1.1 works fine...

But thanks... this is the 'standard' I will follow in 
future in my windows coding where I want the code 
portable to other platforms... ;=))

And thanks to James for pushing to metar_main.cxx -
+  Socket::initSockets();

Maybe you should also consider the above net_exit 
change in the sgio library... unless you have already 
done it, and I missed the change... ;=))


On Sat, 2012-07-28 at 10:03 +1200, Chris Forbes wrote:
> Geoff, your patch is asking for the quirky old win95-era winsock1.1.
> Is this intentional? WSACancelBlockingCall and friends don't exist in
> modern winsock.
> -- Chris
> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Geoff McLane  wrote:
> > On Fri, 2012-07-27 at 17:39 +0100, James Turner wrote:
> >> On 27 Jul 2012, at 16:37, Geoff McLane wrote:
> >>
> >> > For a long, LONG time the small utility program
> >> > metar.exe has failed to work in windows...
> >> >
> >> > It turns out WSAStartup() is NOT called, thus the
> >> > HTTP request always fails...
> >> >
> >> > Applied this simple patch below, and all is
> >> > well ;=))
> >> >
> >> > Hope this can get into fg git, and I hope pushed
> >> > to Release/2.8.0 as well, and thus get into
> >> > the next fgrun release 2.8 windows install...
> >>
> >> There's an even simpler fix: call:
> >>
> >>int simgear::Socket::initSockets()
> >>
> >> Which does whatever platform-specific socket initialisation is required.
> >>
> >> James
> >>
> >
> > Hi James,
> >
> > Just as my patch does... SAME code except
> > for the throw sg_exception() ;=))
> >
> > So 6 to one, and half dozen to the other...
> >
> > Just hope one of them gets pushed ;=))
> >
> > Regards,
> > Geoff.
> >

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Patch for metar.exe for windows

2012-07-27 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2012-07-27 at 17:39 +0100, James Turner wrote:
> On 27 Jul 2012, at 16:37, Geoff McLane wrote:
> > For a long, LONG time the small utility program 
> > metar.exe has failed to work in windows...
> > 
> > It turns out WSAStartup() is NOT called, thus the 
> > HTTP request always fails...
> > 
> > Applied this simple patch below, and all is 
> > well ;=))
> > 
> > Hope this can get into fg git, and I hope pushed 
> > to Release/2.8.0 as well, and thus get into 
> > the next fgrun release 2.8 windows install...
> There's an even simpler fix: call:
>int simgear::Socket::initSockets()
> Which does whatever platform-specific socket initialisation is required.
> James

Hi James,

Just as my patch does... SAME code except 
for the throw sg_exception() ;=))

So 6 to one, and half dozen to the other... 

Just hope one of them gets pushed ;=))


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Patch for metar.exe for windows

2012-07-27 Thread Geoff McLane

For a long, LONG time the small utility program 
metar.exe has failed to work in windows...

It turns out WSAStartup() is NOT called, thus the 
HTTP request always fails...

Applied this simple patch below, and all is 
well ;=))

Hope this can get into fg git, and I hope pushed 
to Release/2.8.0 as well, and thus get into 
the next fgrun release 2.8 windows install...


diff --git a/src/Main/metar_main.cxx b/src/Main/metar_main.cxx
index 7b904d3..833ac2e 100644
--- a/src/Main/metar_main.cxx
+++ b/src/Main/metar_main.cxx
@@ -533,6 +533,45 @@ void usage()
+static bool doneNetInit = false;
+static void netExit(void)
+if (doneNetInit)
+#ifdef WIN32
+   /* Clean up windows networking */
+   if ( WSACleanup() == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
+   if ( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINPROGRESS ) {
+   WSACancelBlockingCall();
+   WSACleanup();
+   }
+   }
+#endif // WIN32
+doneNetInit = false;
+static int netInit(void)
+int iret = 0;
+if (!doneNetInit)
+#ifdef WIN32
+   /* Start up the windows networking */
+   WORD version_wanted = MAKEWORD(1,1);
+   WSADATA wsaData;
+if ( WSAStartup(version_wanted, &wsaData) != 0 ) {
+   printf("Couldn't initialize Winsock 1.1\n");
+   iret = 1;
+#endif // WIN32
+doneNetInit = true;
+atexit( netExit );
+return iret;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool report = true;
@@ -544,6 +583,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
+if (netInit())
+return 1;
string proxy_host, proxy_port;
getproxy(proxy_host, proxy_port);
@@ -574,6 +615,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
try {
+if (verbose)
+   printf("Getting metar for [%s]\n",argv[i]);
 MetarRequest* mr = new MetarRequest(argv[i]);
 HTTP::Request_ptr own(mr);

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] 2.8-RC3 Startup Failure for Unknown Reasons

2012-07-20 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Thorsten, Keita,

Just out of interest I installed the required 
Windows SDK just to get Dumpchk.exe...

Have put the output at - 

But as far as I can see this does not help very much. 
It mainly only advises all the DLLS loaded, and is 
not really a stack trace at all...

Keita, as maybe you saw in my previous post where I installed 
and successfully ran fgfs/fgrun RC3 in my Windows 7 64-bit 
machine... same a/c 777-200... no problems...

I get NONE of the console output you advised. Only 
Warning Electrical System ... ok
loading scenario 'nimitz_demo;
Electrical System ... ok
AFDS System ... check
Brake System... OK

That is all...

Have you successfully run previous versions of fgfs 
in that machine? You saw I mentioned that fgrun had 
used paths to a previous install, which Fred advised 
he has since fixed...

And your console output suggests an older version of 
fgfs, or even fg data... some sort of mis-match... 
your output also includes the above items I show but 
LOTS of other errors I just do not get...

Certainly your Windows Vista 64bit SP1, 4GB RAM, Pentium 
Dual-Core CPU (2.50GHz) and ATI Radeon HD 5450 GPU 
seem very adequate...

But WAIT, you say 64-bit Vista, BUT fgfs/fgrun has 
installed in the 32-bit (legacy) directory...
C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear

Mine would have installed in 
C:\Program Files\FlightGear
but I changed that to -
C:\Program Files\FlightGear-2.8
because I already had 2.6 installed... that is the 
64-bit directory...

Keita, we simple need more details... somehow...

Maybe if you UNINSTALL ALL versions of fgfs, and 
if possible completely remove the directories 
C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear
C:\Program Files\FlightGear
and start with a single fresh install...

You have advise you tried this, but somehow you do 
NOT seem to have a clean install... there seems a 
mixture of versions somehow... 

And if you can manage it I would also remove the 
persistent data folders, like 
or whatever it is in Vista. It is where there 
will be folders like fgrun, ai, Export, files 
like fgrun.prefs, autosave.xml... blow it all 

This is to try to make sure everything starts 

Would like to help you get it running... but do 
not know what else to suggest at this stage...


On Tue, 2012-07-17 at 19:57 +0200, ThorstenB wrote:
> Am 17.07.2012 05:14, schrieb Keita Yokoyama:
> >
> > DUMP FILE and .WER REPORT compressed into single ZIP file:
> >
> It would be helpful if s.o. with a Windows PC could convert this dump 
> into a human (developer :) ) readable stack trace - using "Dumpchk.exe" 
> or something:
> cheers,
> Thorsten
This is mostly copied from my FG Bug Tracker report:

STEPS FOR ISSUE REPRODUCTION (no precedents to current issue reported)
1. Install FG ver 2.8.0.RC2 or RC3 on Windows. (User uses Vista 64bit
with 4GB
RAM, but 32bit version is force-installed. Computer has run FG
successfully in
the past up to ver 2.6)
2. Start with any aircraft at any airport, with the following

C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\bin\Win32\fgfs.exe
  --fg-root=C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\data
  --fg-scenery=C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\data\Scenery;C:\Program
(x86)\FlightGear\scenery;C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\terrasync

3. Run FGrun and hope FlightGear launches successfully.

FG HAS been uninstalled and reinstalled at least three times, but all
lead to the same result.

EXPECTED Outcome: FlightGear starts up with selected aircraft at
ACTUAL Outcome: FlightGear fails and crashes when splash screen starts
to fade

Dir::children: FindFirstFile failed:C:/Program Files
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26R OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 01  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 10  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'PAYA 11  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARQ 26  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARR 10  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'ZULS 27R OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'EDDB 07  

[Flightgear-devel] Brief test with fgfs RC3 for windows

2012-07-20 Thread Geoff McLane

Just installed in Windows 7 64-bits the FlightGear 
RC3.exe for a trial, and noted some minor things -

1. It will install over your previous version, in 
my case 2.6 unless you watch and change the 
install path from C:\Program Files\FlightGear\...

In my case I changed the install to 
C:\Program Files\FlightGear-2.8
so the icon correctly uses -
C:\Program Files\FlightGear-2.8\bin\Win64\fgrun.exe

BUT fgrun retains the paths to the previous 
2.6, like 
C:\Program Files\FlightGear\bin\Win64\fgfs.exe
C:\Program Files\FlightGear\data
I had to manually change these...

Maybe it would be better installing to say
C:\Program Files\FlightGear\2.6\
   \2.8\ etc?

And the fgrun path to the cache of persistent 
data perhaps should also change... like -

And say fgrun26.prefs fgrun28.prefs, or something, 
making it possible to have 2 or more versions active 
at one time...

Like I suppose a few people now, I like to keep the last 
working version, while I try the latest, especially 
now they are arriving each 6 months... 

And a big thank you to those making that happen ;=))

And I think the installer will setup a desktop icon 
labeled 'FlightGear 2.6...' unless you manually change 

2. On loading the sopwithCamel-YASim... get a console 
output error of -
... running Camel utilities
Nasal runtime error: props.setDoubleValue() with non-number
  at C:/Program Files/FlightGear-2.8/data/Nasal/props.nas, line 30
  called from: C:/Program
Files/FlightGear-2.8/data/Aircraft/sopwithCamel/Models/fuel.nas, line
  called from: C:/Program
Files/FlightGear-2.8/data/Aircraft/sopwithCamel/Models/fuel.nas, line
  called from: C:/Program
Files/FlightGear-2.8/data/Aircraft/sopwithCamel/Models/fuel.nas, line 78

But can not particularly see why - fuel.nas has
249: initDoubleProp(t, "level-gal_us", 0); 'looks' ok.

Except in the initDoubleProp function, it sets -
 node = arg[0]; prop = arg[1]; val = arg[2]; ok,
and then does -
 if(node.getNode(prop) != nil) {
   val = num(node.getNode(prop).getValue());
280: node.getNode(prop, 1).setDoubleValue(val);

Could it be the nasal num() functions returns a 

I think this problem has been around for quite 
some time, like back before 2.6...

Will continue doing some more testing as time 



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] socket communication

2012-06-25 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Sanny,

If you want to communicate via sockets, 
and 'get' or 'set' properties then this is the 
page -

But to expand that a little

1. server - Need to run fgfs with a command -


This connects fgfs to localhost:port, but the read/write 
is only POLLED a few times a second, forget the exact 
default hertz, but it is very SLOW in relative terms...

The full generic 'telnet' command is -


The 'foo' and 'bar' can be anything, and are ignored.

If you want the interface polled at your current frame 
rate, then the POLLRATE used should be greater than 
your frame rate... 

I usually use 100, but that does NOT mean it is polled 
faster than your frame rate ;=)) but at least AT your 
frame rate...

2. client - a tcp client to connect to the PORT

Below I give a working examples in perl, but it should be 
easy to translate that to C/C++, or any other language 
of your choice...

You have to get to 'know' the hundreds of properties 
that can be read, and set. Use fgfs MENU Debug ->
Browse Internal Properties to see all what is 

Of course setting some property will have 
no effect if over-written by some other control, 
input, like setting the elevators, and then moving 
the joystick, or up-arrow key... 

And some properties are 'tied' to others, which can 
effect what happens, and you need to have some awareness 
of what is returned - a string, double, bool, etc...

Lots of fun in learning ;=))

And if thought suitable, maybe the below perl 
tested example could be added to the wiki...



use strict;
use warnings;

use IO::Socket;
use Term::ReadKey;  # for ReadMode

# run fgfs with TELNET enabled
# --telnet=foo,bar,100,foo,,bar

# otions
my $send_run_exit = 0; # if you want fgfs to shut down

my ($FGFS_IO); # Telnet IO handle

my $PORT = ;
my $HOST = 'localhost'; # or IP address
my $TIMEOUT = 3;

# some properties
my $get_Altitude = "/position/altitude-ft";
my $get_Altitude_AGL = "/position/altitude-agl-ft";
my $get_Latitude_deg = "/position/latitude-deg";
my $get_Longitude_deg = "/position/longitude-deg";
my $get_Track = "/orientation/track-magnetic-deg";
my $nav_stg = "/instrumentation/nav/frequencies/selected-mhz";
# Did not show - maybe the wrong property...
#my $hdg_bug_stg = "/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg";
my $hdg_bug_stg = "/instrumentation/heading-indicator/heading-bug-deg";

my @warnings = ();

sub prt($) { print shift; }
sub prtw($) {
my $msg = shift;

# ==

sub fgfs_connect($$$) {
my ($host,$port,$timeout) = @_;
my $socket;
prt("Connect $host, $port, timeout $timeout secs ");
while ($timeout--) {
if ($socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'tcp',
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port)) {
prt(" done.\n");
sleep 1;
return $socket;
prt(" FAILED!\n");
return 0;

sub fgfs_send($) {
print $FGFS_IO shift, "\015\012";

sub fgfs_set($$) {
my ($node,$val) = @_;
fgfs_send("set $node $val");
return 1;

sub pgm_exit($$) {
my ($val,$msg) = @_;
# ...
if ($send_run_exit) {
fgfs_send("run exit"); # YAHOO! THAT WORKED!!! PHEW!!!
prt("Closing telnet IO ...\n");
if (defined $FGFS_IO) {
close $FGFS_IO;
undef $FGFS_IO;
ReadMode('normal'); # not sure this is required, or what it does
if (@warnings) {
prt($msg) if (length($msg));

sub get_exit($) {
my ($val) = shift;
pgm_exit($val,"fgfs get FAILED!\n");

sub fgfs_get($$) {
my ($txt,$rval) = @_;
fgfs_send("get $txt");
eof $FGFS_IO and return 0;
${$rval} = <$FGFS_IO>;
${$rval} =~ s/\015?\012$//;
${$rval} =~ /^-ERR (.*)/ and (prtw("WARNING: $1\n") and return 0);
return 1;

sub fgfs_get_aero($) {
my $ref = shift;# \$aero
fgfs_get("/sim/aero", $ref) or get_exit(-2); # string
return 1;

### main ###
# get the TELENET connection
$FGFS_IO = fgfs_connect($HOST, $PORT, $TIMEOUT) ||
   pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: can't open socket! Is FG running, with TELNET

ReadMode('cbreak'); # not sure this is required, or what it does exactly

fgfs_send("data");  # switch fgfs exchange 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 7770 XT - Win 7 64-bit

2012-06-18 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Fred,

>> and re-compiled. Just to see what value it was when
>> I iconized...
> and ?

As I said a little further down the email -
> I still get the black on iconizing, but never see 
> my above debug output... resizing does NOT seem to 
> pass through here???

So obviously do not know the value when iconized ;=((
Would need some 'other' place to put in debug code...

Concerning the lime green on the terrain, I checked my 
simgear\scene\tgdb\obj.cxx and it certainly has that 
particular patch at line 1174... so obviously that did 
not fix it in all cases...

And Gijs, thanks for the explanations on 'Model View' ;=))

I seldom do that many 'v' inputs to get there, and I guess 
I had accidentally done one too many shift-'V' and landed 
in this unfamiliar territory (for me)...

And as for 'Shadows', 'Bloom', etc being enabled by 
default, well at first there seemed something very 
'strange' here!

I renamed my autosave.xml and started fgfs with the 
> --prop:/sim/rendering/rembrandt/enabled=true
but NO 'Shadows' despite that it was checked in the 

ARGH, I had 'forgotten' a that  are enabled 
by default... And to my run-rem.bat now also added -
and I have shadows, even if I DELETE autosave.xml.

Oh, and if you like seeing the fps display, then add -
It is another defaults-to-off item ;=))

Anyway, just reporting what I see, but I am sure other 
users must get VERY confused by such strange - it works, 
then it does not work - behavior... but I suppose when 
it is all documented the sun will shine, and shadows 


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New tracker server

2012-06-17 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 15:00 +0800, IE wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my first time sending an email to the devel list and hope I am
> doing things right :)
> The current tracker server ( is not serviceable
> because of unknown reason. A new tracker server is set up and ready to
> accept data from mpserverXX. May the owner of mpserverXX who wish to
> let their flights be tracked by contact me
> by email or IRC (nick Hazuki) for new tracker setting.
> Thanks in advance,
> Hazuki Amamiya

Hi Amamiya, nick or IE,

First what should we call you? ;=))

We have only just started up, and 
wonder about the advantages/disadvantage of directly connecting 
to a 'tracking' server.

Besides, since we relay local pilots to mpserver01, which 
says it is 'tracked' would not any of our local pilots 
also end up in the tracker? Or maybe it does not work this 

And you say a new tracking server has been setup, but 
when I go to :- 
it says (in red) -
"This tracker site is inactive until further notice."

So am a little confused. Where can the 'new' server be 
viewed? What pilot stats will be shown, etc?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 7770 XT - Win 7 64-bit

2012-06-17 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Fred, 

Just saw your 
commit 608520d932bbe81a5916d50dadeef364e1d82140
of yesterday concerning iconizing so decide to do 
some more tests...

The good news ;=)) Suddenly I have shadows ;=)))

What changed? 

Well since I still get a black screen after iconizing, 
I dropped in some debug output in 
src/Viewer/CameraGroup.cxx, around line 220, code like - 

static double last_w = -1.0;
static double last_h = -1.0;
void CameraInfo::resize(double w, double h)
if ((last_w != w)&&(last_h != h)) {
printf("Resize from %f,%f to %f,%f\n",
   last_w, last_h,
   w, h );
last_w = w;
last_h = h;
 if (w -- 1.0 && h == 1.0)
and re-compiled. Just to see what value it was when 
I iconized...

I always add -
to the command line, but this time I decided to also try 
the new view -> rendering options -> Rembrandt Options 
and noted [ ] Shadows was NOT checked. How come?

So I checked it and ALL the shadows appeared...

No more little squares in the corner, but the lower 
left now has 
[<][>] [GA007]

Of course the GA007 is my call sign, but what are 
the greater than and less than signs?

NOW, every time I start fgfs only with the above 
--prop command the shadows are there, and [x] 
Shadows is checked...

I hope someone can explain this??? Is this something 
saved in .fgfs or somewhere???


I still get the black on iconizing, but never see 
my above debug output... resizing does NOT seem to 
pass through here???

Still get the lime green haze at certain angles - 


As stated I hope someone can explain what just 
happened. I know it is nothing to do with a 
mistake in the --prop command since that is 
done in a batch file unchanged since 2012/06/08, 

Must be off for tonight, but happy I TOO have 
shadows ;= My ATI HD 7770 Win 7 can be added 
to the 'success' list...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 7770 XT - Win 7 64-bit

2012-06-17 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 17:48 +0200, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > > And none of this explains why Rembrandt CRASHES the
> > > Radeon HD 7770 - it stops working, and goes into
> > > auto-recovery - in my Windows 7 64-bit box. Without
> > > Rembrandt the fps there is 60...
> > 
> > I bought myself a HD7750. The only issue I have under win7 64bit is
> > that the fgfs window goes black if I minimize it. First
> > investigation is that OSG open another context and reallocate all
> > the resources already opened for the displayed window and exhaust
> > memory, switching to pbuffers that are not supported by Rembrandt.
> > No machine freeze or crash here.
> I found a way to avoid the black window. So I can tell that Rembrandt 
> works perfectly on a HD7750 windowed or fullscreen at 1600x1200. With
> vegetation set to 2.0 and random buildings at 1.0, I get 20 fps on the 
> c172p.
> System crash should be a local hardware problem.
> Regards,
> -Fred

Hi Fred, 

Tried to updated Catalyst to 12.4, which included a new 
driver. It all appeared to 'install' without error, but 
stayed at 12.1 shown. Did it twice... including rebooting 
which is does not ask for...

Anyway did a git update and rebuild of sg/fg...

So far no 'crash', but also NO shadows, nor do I have 
the small corner images...

I started in a windows, but also tried full screen - 1920 x 
1080. No shadows and as usual, at a low viewing angles, continue 
to get lime green flash overlaying the terrain at just 
certain angles, in both modes...

window :  800x600
FS :  1916x1014

And like you mentioned, when I iconized the windows, I started 
to get thousands of console outputs like -

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid value' at after
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at after

repeated over and over, and on restore to a window, it was 
all black... and could do nothing to recover it...

This was from a sg/fg/fgdata git update about 15:00 Hours, 
Paris time today... so maybe you have not had a chance to put 
your icon fixes to git yet...

And am not sure if it was the driver update, or just the 
git update/rebuild, but at least no 'crash' so far... so 
feel one tiny step forward ;=))


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 2600 XT - Ubuntu 10.04

2012-06-15 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 18:25 +0200, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> Hi Geoff,
> > Glad to hear the HD 7750 works fine in Win 7 64-bits... it seems very
> > similar to the HD 7770 so no idea why I have such a bad 'crash' with
> > Rembrandt ;=()
> > 
> > Maybe later driver updates, or even as Rembrandt matures... I can
> > only hope ;=)) will keep trying now and again, but the completely
> > black screen for several seconds is quite frightening...
> Do you start FG windowed or full screen ?
> -Fred

Hi Fred,

Windowed only. Do not think I have tried full 
screen (at 1920x1080 in that machine), but will try 
that next time... Will also try iconising to see if
I get the same as you...

My 'crash' came up to a minute after starting fgfs... 
had just started the engine, and used the v key 
to look around... and 'poof'...

The driver is from Catalyst 12.1 (2012.0117.53.1290).
The last update was 20 Feb 2012. Driver Packaging 
version 8.932.5-120116a-131942C-ATI. Do you use 

Hmmm, an update check now shows there is a 12.4 
now available. Will probably download that tomorrow 
and try again...

Would really love to see your beautiful 'shadows' ;=))


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 2600 XT - Ubuntu 10.04

2012-06-15 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Fred,

Glad to hear the HD 7750 works fine in Win 7 64-bits... it seems very 
similar to the HD 7770 so no idea why I have such a bad 'crash' with 
Rembrandt ;=()

Maybe later driver updates, or even as Rembrandt matures... I can 
only hope ;=)) will keep trying now and again, but the completely
black screen for several seconds is quite frightening...

Hi Björn,

Try this - 
And just search 'vista sp1 and grub' for MANY others ;=((

And with no SP1 many other vista updates also FAIL!

And a suggested solution NOT tried - 
and have read others in similar vane - remove grub, do update, restore 
grub (if you are lucky!).

I am certainly GLAD to hear you had no similar problem with 
Windows 7 ;=)) After the above Vista fiasco I am sure MS would want 
to avoid that happening again - we hope!!!

Hi Michael,

Yes, a save, and removal of 10.04, get Vista back into shape, and 
re-install 12.04 LTS is certainly another option... ;=))

But my $HOME directory is a whopping 80-100 GB! But I think I 
remember moving that to another logical drive so maybe it would not 
get wiped in a reformat of the 'system' drive... need to check...

But as stated, that is for July anyway... when I feel 12.04 LTS 
is 'solid' ;=))


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 2600 XT - Ubuntu 10.04

2012-06-14 Thread Geoff McLane

RE: Upgrade : Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS

from : 

"It is generally recommended that users of Ubuntu 10.04 
LTS wait until the first point release, due in July, 
before upgrading."

I think I prefer to 'wait-the-time' ;=)) not long now...

And I still think it is GRUB that is blocking 'some' of 
my Vista updates, particularly a SP... at the time I read 
on several MS sites, and other places, that Vista gets bent 
out of shape when it detects a 'foreigner' in the first disk 
sector (MBR) ;=()

It seems the only way around it would be to remove GRUB 
and restore the Vista footprint... read lots of 'help' 
on doing this, but always had the fear of not being 
able to 'restore' the GRUB duel boot after the Vista 
upgrades were done... so never got around to trying...

Maybe will address this again after the 12.04 
upgrade ;=))


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 2600 XT - Ubuntu 10.04

2012-06-13 Thread Geoff McLane
On Wed, 2012-06-13 at 16:21 +0200, Björn Kesten wrote:
> Since ATI driver support doesn't even qualify as "bloody awful",
> you're better off running FG in Windows - at least until you get a
> newer card or the open source driver gets a huuuge performance
> boost.
> (With an X1300 , I get nearly twice the FPS in Win 7 compared to Linux)
> B.

Hi Björn,

Yes, this box started out with just Windows Vista 32-bit, 
and the HD 2600 XT advertises 'good' DirectX 10 support, 
which is maybe why Dell chose it...

So maybe this is a good time to go back to Windows ;=))
to at least see what happens there... but one problem 
there is that the GRUB dual boot has 'block' the Vista 
updates for a long time now...

In Ubuntu my fps is only in the 30-40 range... and have 
been thinking about getting another card... 

One of my earlier questions was - Is there a list of cards 
that work well with Rembrandt? Assume your X1300 is one of 

And none of this explains why Rembrandt CRASHES the 
Radeon HD 7770 - it stops working, and goes into 
auto-recovery - in my Windows 7 64-bit box. Without 
Rembrandt the fps there is 60...


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[Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt - ATI Radeo HD 2600 XT - Ubuntu 10.04

2012-06-13 Thread Geoff McLane
On Tue, 2012-06-12 at 16:57 +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Jun 2012 12:00:47 +0200, Geoff wrote in message 
> > Concerning Rembrandt, it does not work on either 
> > of my 2 ATI cards - Radeon HD 2600 XT, running Ubuntu 
> ..the latest (12.04)?
No, still 10.04 LTS, but may upgrade soon...

> > 64-bit, 
> ..dmesg |grep -i '\(firmware\|radeon\|kms\)' says?
Nothing, nanda, zilch ;=))

I am running the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver.

Initially I think I followed some things from this page -
to install the proprietary driver...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The next FlightGear release (summer 2012)

2012-06-08 Thread Geoff McLane

FWIIW I would opt for version 2.8

Concerning Rembrandt, it does not work on either 
of my 2 ATI cards - Radeon HD 2600 XT, running Ubuntu 
64-bit, and Windows Vista 32-bit, and a Radeon HD 7700 
series, in Windows 7 64-bit. I think I have tried all 
the options mentioned here...

On the 2600 I usually see the corner buffer images, 
but no shadows. On the 7700 even no corner images, 
and after a certain time the card driver FAILS! I get 
a black screen, but thankfully it auto-recovers ;=()

Oh, and I get about a 50%+ drop in frame rate... and 
at low viewing angles get flashing lime green over 
the foreground...

So yes, for sure mention Rembrandt, but clearly mark it 
as in development ;=))

Is there a list anywhere of cards/drivers it DOES 
work on? If not too expensive maybe I would buy 
and try one ;=)) I seem to remember someone mentioning 
such a listing...

On converting a/c, as I think someone mentioned why 
or how can this be done if the results can not be 
seen on his system! Sort of chicken and egg story...

And for the 2.8 release, assume the MULTIPLE warnings 
will be 'removed', or suppressed, namely -

Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L OM'
and about 28 more like this...

Image "C:/FG/fgdata/Textures/Water/"
uses compressed textures which cannot be supported on some systems.
Please decompress this texture for improved portability.
and about 6 more like this...

We should not need to air this dirty washing on a release 
product ;=))!


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] mpmap

2012-05-17 Thread Geoff McLane
On Wed, 2012-05-16 at 01:31 +0100, Peter Morgan wrote:
> I think maybe we need to also invite the fgms team into this discussion
> The only way really to get a position sat on webserver atmo
> is to poll a fgms telnet server.. upon its admin port..
> eg telnet
> telnet 5001
> return lines..
> which are then "parsed" into various formats..
> so we need to cover this scenario across anyones installation.. to
> make it usable..
> another thought..
> pete

Hi Pete,

We have discussed this off list, but to repeat 
some of my ideas, which of course can be 'corrected' 
by others...

1. I do not think it is good to bash one or each public 
FG server on their telnet 'admin' port every few 
seconds, to get current online pilot information...

The present fgms code drives a new process (originally 
a fork(), but now a pthread in later code if configured) 
into existence to reply to each 'telnet' query... 
quite a load...

2. I agree and LIKE the idea of a NEW world 'map' of 
all FG pilots online... that would be GREAT, in addition 
to the existing 'pigeons code' ;=))

As suggested off list, my idea to achieve this is to 
host a NEW fgms server... and get all other current 
FG mp servers to relay packets to it... And that 
means applying to Curt to get a DNS record -

Now this new server would be -
(a) serving the FG community, and 
(b) you can either 'bash' its telnet port, it is 
your server to treat as you like ;=)) or 
(c) as provided in the fgms code, connect another 
server to it to provide data in any form required.

The fgms code already has a 'crossfeed' config 
parameter, so can feed every packet received to 
that connected 'crossfeed'... with the header 
set to RELAY_MAGIC... even before 'Blacklisted' 
or 'Invalid' packet rejection...

That 'crossfeed' data can then be accessed ANY way you 
desire, and produce pilot information in ANY form 
needed... on a private or public ports... without 
impacting the FG community mp servers...

As I have stated I would assist to develop this 
'crossfeed', which in essence is just another fgms 
server, given some desired specifications... 

And that could perhaps include providing say a 
pilot's historical 'track', and perhaps even some 
'predicted' track... to show on the 'map'...

But the FIRST step is housing and setting up a 
new mp server, and getting all others to relay 
to it...

But as usual, this is just my 10 cents ;=)) Maybe 
everyone is happy with telnet 5001 server 
'bashing' as the source of the 'map' data...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] XML parser error

2012-05-06 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2012-05-06 at 10:39 +0200, ThorstenB wrote:
> Am 05.05.2012 21:10, schrieb ThorstenB:
> > What do we do? Ask maintainers to fix each XML file? Run a script to fix
> > these issues on fgdata? Suggestions?
> After discussing with Helijah, the issue is now fixed for all files in 
> fgdata. A few files belonging to other maintainers were also involved 
> and corrected - since there isn't really a valid reason leave any files 
> in an unreadable state.
> cheers,
> Thorsten

Hi Thorsten,

Thanks for summarily fixing the xml encoding 
declaration to ISO-8859-1 on a number of xml 
files ;=)) Now no XML parsing errors so far...

Just for curiosity, delved a little further, 
prior to your changes, well git of 2012/03/30,
and found some 21,000 files ending '.xml' in 
fgdata, some 8 million lines, 237 MB!

The largest is AAL.xml 20 MB, 600 K lines, 2 blank 
files, 1 with a UTF-8 BOM, 36 with ISO-8859-1 
encoding declaration, 7733 with UTF-8, 1 with 
Windows-1250, 12328 with no encoding, and 
900 with NO
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] [Fwd: XML parser error]

2012-05-05 Thread Geoff McLane
 Forwarded Message 
> From: Geoff McLane 
> To: flightgear-devel 
> Subject: XML parser error
> Date: Sat, 05 May 2012 19:35:29 +0200
> Hi,
> On a SG/FG git pull of a few hours ago note 
> some new XML error messages -
> Failed to load xml: not well formed (invalid token)
>  at C:/fg/15/fgdata/Aircraft/c172p/Modules/Immat/imatt.xml
> line 65, column 31
> Failed to load submodel: not well formed (invalid token)
>  at C:/fg/15/fgdata/Aircraft/c172p/Modules/Immat/imatt.xml
> line 65, column 31
> from: SimGear XML Parser
> Also noted that the last update included some xml 
> parser updates, but not sure if this is related...
> Looking at imatt.xml, this line 65 is inside a 
> comment 

[Flightgear-devel] XML parser error

2012-05-05 Thread Geoff McLane

On a SG/FG git pull of a few hours ago note 
some new XML error messages -

Failed to load xml: not well formed (invalid token)
 at C:/fg/15/fgdata/Aircraft/c172p/Modules/Immat/imatt.xml
line 65, column 31
Failed to load submodel: not well formed (invalid token)
 at C:/fg/15/fgdata/Aircraft/c172p/Modules/Immat/imatt.xml
line 65, column 31
from: SimGear XML Parser

Also noted that the last update included some xml 
parser updates, but not sure if this is related...

Looking at imatt.xml, this line 65 is inside a 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Random buildings improvements - phase 2

2012-05-04 Thread Geoff McLane
> I agree that for this question, a standardized benchmark would be useful.


Not exactly 'standardized' but certainly agree the 
some comparative information is important, not only 
which video/resolution/OS/...

These were all run as default, noon, full screen, 
1440x900, c172p, motor idling, KSFO 10L, for about 
5 minutes each... the last is SG/FG git about 17:00 
hours UTC today...

Various versions currently available - in Ubuntu 
10.04 LTS - all compiled from git source...
fg3  2008-09-01 - 46 fps
fg4  2009-03-26 - 46 fps
fg5  2009-04-18 - 47 fps - highest
fg6  2009-06-26 - 46 fps
no 2010 not archived, until...
fg14 2011-04-26 - 43 fps
fg15 2011-06-03 - 40 fps
fg16 2011-11-01 - 40 fps
fg17 2011-10-30 - 32 fps
fg18 2011-11-15 - 27 fps
fg19 2012-01-16 - 22 fps - lowest
fg20 2012-05-01 - 32 fps
fg20 2012-05-04 - 32 fps

This is of course without rembrandt, and not 
specifically enabling/disabling ANYTHING, although 
perhaps internal default were changed...

Of course I hope we can someday return to the fps 
I got for most of 2009 ;=)) but do understand new 
'features', subsystems, etc - in short improvements 
in the 'real' experience - can cost fps, perhaps 
never to be recovered...



PS: Can someone remind me the --prop:/sim/??? to 
set from the command line to show frame rate - to 
avoid the need to View -> Display Options to click 
it into existence - tks. Of course I would prefer 
it be enabled by default ;=))

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGbuild for MS Windows

2012-04-16 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2012-04-16 at 12:53 +, wrote:
> Complains about not finding a plugin to read objects from file
> c:/fg-2.7.0/fgdata/xx from the gitgo.

Hi John,

Well it seems some good news and some 
bad news ;=))

Missing plugin... yes this is quite common, 
unfortunately ;=(( Suggests some problems 
with the OSG used, or something...

But you give NO INFORMATION on exactly what you 
built!!! Exactly WHAT 3rdparty stuff you 
used? Versus what did you build from source?

I built Release SG/FG yesterday, git 15th like you,
in a root c:\FG\14, using :-

\3rdparty -

\install\msvc100\OpenSceneGraph -, after 
 removing the initial 'archive/' folder...

And (mostly) following the Fred/Gijs cmake wiki...

Built and installed Release SG in 
so pointed to that when building FG...

Built c:\FG\14\build-fg\src\Main\Release\fgfs.exe

After adding the path -
to my PATH environment variable, this ran well in 
normal mode, no problems, but no rembrandt shadows 
on a trial of that... but that can wait... all else 
worked well in the few simple flights done...

So what 3rdparty stuff did you use? What was your 
command line? What exactly was the console 

Then we MAY be able to help more...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGbuild for MS Windows

2012-04-16 Thread Geoff McLane
On Tue, 2012-04-10 at 17:22 +0200, Gijs de Rooy wrote:
> in
> combination with 
> did it for me.
> Together with some help on IRC ;-)
> I'll see if I can improve the wiki a bit more.
> Gijs

Hi Gijs,

First many thanks for a great wiki on building FG 
with CMake in Windows using MSVC10 ;=))

But I notice the link pointed to by the '3rdparty' 
folder is to a specific file which has now been 
removed from the site, namely :-

Maybe the link could just be -

I think I could make this edit change if you like,
but do not want to mess up any other plans you may 

Also on the FTP site I note the file names STILL 
have +OSG in them, but they now do not contain OSG 
headers/libs/dlls ;=() The previous 20120304 contained 
install\msvc90\OpenSceneGraph... stuff.

Yes, I know the msvc100/OpenSceneGraph stuff can be
all found in the '' pointed to by the 
'OpenSceneGraph' link, but the one thing about that 
'' is that the folder name 'archive/' 
is prepended before 'install/'.

That of course is no particular problem, but it does 
mean some 'manual' folder manipulation after you 
unzip it ;=))

Anyway, thanks again...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGbuild for MS Windows

2012-04-12 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi John,

> zconf.h is taken care off,

Ok, that is good, but could you please 
shared what you did. I think you mentioned 
finding something about editing zconf.h...

Found what, where... what edits did you do?

This is to just HELP the NEXT person that 
stumbles over this...

And may even get one of the 'maintainer' to 
put a more permanent 'fix' online so there is 
no next time ;=))

> pui vs. pu

In MY 3rdparty\lib directory they are -
pu.lib and pu_d.lib, and
puaux.lib and puaux_d.lib
for Release and Debug respectively...

In unix/linux they are libplibpu.a and 

But I guess pui.lib is also possible...

> puaux vs.puAux,  is that significant?

I hope you know normally the windows system 
does NOT care about CaSe ;=)) so these are the 

> there is no pu.lib or puaux.lib.

Rubbish! But as you sort of point out, that 
could be pui.lib and puiaux.lib in your 

If msvc can not find a library then it will 
say that!

It didn't, so it found somethings, but it just 
missing a function link - puaList()... And when 
it misses one library function like this it 
will usually report a LONG list of 'missing'...

As to finding it/them have you tried in -
 3rdparty\lib > dir pu*.lib /s

If not, even > dir c:\pu*.lib /s ;=)) will take 
a little longer, but will get you there... unless 
it is on another logical drive...

> wasn't able to track down the log file, 
> where would you find it...

Again, in the 'build' directory you have 
chosen in CMake do -
 > dir *.log /s
should get you there...

In my case, my build directory is -
and it is found in -\src\Main\fgfs.dir\Debug

You need to find it so you can CHECK exactly 
what plib libraries msvc link.exe is using 
when building fgfs.exe...

Also, as a suggestion, I would not bother yet 
about building the Debug configuration, and 
concentrate on building the Release 

Now when you get the pu*.lib story straight,
you can manually modify CMakeCache.txt 
before loading the CMAke GUI, or fix them 
directly in the GUI... [configure] then 
[generate], then back into msvc...



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGbuild for MS Windows

2012-04-11 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi John,

1: unistd.h

Yes I ran across the missing 'unistd.h' in zconf.h 
recently, but I thought my problem was in FG, but 
maybe also SG... 

The FIX is simple I think... somewhere there is 
a 'config.h' - one I know about is in 
FG\util\fgadmin\src - which has -

#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1

This causes zconf.h to look for 'unistd.h'

Find that file, and change that line to 


There are several other things defined in 
that file which are also 'wrong' but do 
not cause any problems since they are not 

Should not be necessary to modify zconf.h, 
but that is another way around this problem ;=))

2: puaList = missing PLIB - puAux.lib

In the CMake GUI scroll down, down and check the 
PLIB library libraries found...

PLIB_PUAUX_LIBRARY - should be blank

PLIB_PUI_LIBRARY - should be blank
PLIB_PUI_LIBRARY_DEBUG - should be like

And each of the other PLIB items should point 
to each of the other plib libraries...

You can also open and check the file fgfs.log written 
by MSVC10 and check exactly WHAT libraries are 
presently being linked to fgfs.exe... find the 
bin\link.exe line... it is a BIG list...

If not this, then not sure...

Aside from the above ???.log files, another 
file you can post somewhere is the CMakeCache..txt... 
it gives LOTS of information, and with a view of 
its contents we may be able to help you better...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGbuild for MS Windows

2012-04-08 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Rob,

Concerning the setting of CMAKE_CL_64 
just found this - 
for CMake version 2.8.1

Seems in that case removing 'CXX'??? and it 
worked... so it seems no CMake 'fix' was 

I am using 2.8.7, but MAYBE we also defined 
CXX somewhere, what ever that exactly means,
and this has still NOT been 'fixed'???

Will try to investigate more...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGbuild for MS Windows

2012-04-08 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your input, but some of what you 
said confused me ;=((

In this fgfs first-for-me with MSVC10 Pro (same 
v10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel as you mentioned) I thought 
I should stick to a 32-bits build for a start, 
even though I am in a 64-bit OS, and have a 64-bit 
CPU, etc...

When I get that done, and running, I would then 
try for a 64-bit build... 

So when I load the current built by the CMake GUI, 
FlightGear.sln, the Configuration Manager ONLY shows 
the Win32 platform! 

And thus ALL the dependencies I have built, which 
is MOST of them, including OSGtrunk, are also only 
the Win32 versions, at this time...

I note in FG source CMakeLists.txt there is an item -
 if (CMAKE_CL_64)
   SET(TEST_3RDPARTY_DIR "${PARENT_DIR}/3rdparty.x64")
 else (CMAKE_CL_64)
 endif (CMAKE_CL_64)

Thus at present I am using '3rdparty', and have no 
3rdparty.x64 YET...

In the FG source, reading the README.cmake seems to 
give most of what is in the wiki I mentioned... and 
on reading the docs-mini\README.MSVC seems to not add 
much more... and noted some parts of it also a little 

But EVERY bit of documentation HELPS! So thanks to 
those who added/maintain these...

The file:  
shows the files I have downloaded and reviewed 
for what I MIGHT need, from
but at present using NONE of these...

And it seems you can also get binary files and 
headers also from Jenkins at say :- 
so plenty of pre-built binary/header stuff is 
available ;=))

But as stated I am trying to build all from 
source... just for the FUN!

I guess when I advance to 64-bits, I would just 
open a MSVC10 64-bit command prompt, and run CMake 
in there... it should then find a 64-bit compiler, 
linker, tools, etc.and thus set CMAKE_CL_64...

Might try that as a separate quick exercise ;=)) 

But NO, in a new directory, after cloning SG and
FG, then unzipping BOTH :-, and, overwriting,
I did manage to get a manual cmake to build a 
buildsg\simgear.sln file...

And it compiled in MSVC10 - with 46 succeeded ;=))
0 failed...


That is all in a 64-bit MSVC command prompt, where 
running say 'cl /HELP' will show Version 16.00.40219.01 
for x64, but it seems CMake did NOT set CMAKE_CL_64???

And in adding a 'message' to CMakeLists.txt, like 
shows that it had selected just '3rdparty'!!!

Not sure how to ask cmake to output a Win64 platform 
solution file... so this not really any further forward 
in this direction... so will return to my own Win32 
building for now...

It seems, from your comments, that you ARE building 
and running a 64-bit version? Is that correct?

If that is the case then I will be back when I 
progress that far ;=))

If otherwise, then quite confused... please explain 
a little more... on or off list...


On Sat, 2012-04-07 at 20:08 -0400, Rob Dosogne wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 15:13, Geoff McLane  wrote:
> >
> > This new attempt is in a new Windows 7 64-bits machine,
> > using MSVC10... a fresh start for me...
> >
> I have this setup working on my machine; I'm building OSG-trunk
> myself, and using the 3rd-party libs from the build server.
> > But fgfs.exe 'crashes' after quite a few seconds,
> > maybe a minutes of loading ;=(( showing
> > 'loading scenery' on the flash screen, and the
> > last console output is -
> > Initializing Nasal Electrical System
> > then POOF...
> I had the same sort of problems when using the latest 3rd-party libs
> from the ftp site in the MSVC readme (the MSVC9 ones worked perfectly
> for me).  After replacing them with the build server's, everything
> compiled & ran neatly.
> I don't know if you can download them from the Win64 workspace on
> Jenkins anymore, but that's where I got them--if you would like a copy
> of my 3rdParty.x64 (or the OSG-trunk build), email me directly or /msg
> me on irc: truthsolo
> (built with MSVC 2010 v10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel)
> cheers,
> Rob

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGbuild for MS Windows

2012-04-07 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi John W.,

You do not say WHICH wiki write-up(s) you are having 
problems with, nor exactly what the problems are...
so can not really help much...

For my part, after re-RE-reading carefully through :- 
I started meticulously and methodically working through :- 

If there are other, newer write ups, I too would like 
to know about them... 

And that is aside from the 100 odd pages, now getting 
'old'!, I have already written on this * BUILDING FG * 
topic - see - 

This new attempt is in a new Windows 7 64-bits machine, 
using MSVC10... a fresh start for me...

To add to my pain ;=)) I also wanted, where possible, 
do build each of the dependent libraries for myself, 
so it took some time to get ALL that/those in place...

I presently have a c:\FG\10\3rdparty folder with some 
1,500+ files, 370+ MB of data...

Yesterday, eventually got a fgfs.exe linked, together 
with some 10 other 'utilities', yasim.exe, fgjs.exe, 
js_demo.exe, etc to terrasync.exe...

But fgfs.exe 'crashes' after quite a few seconds, 
maybe a minutes of loading ;=(( showing 
'loading scenery' on the flash screen, and the 
last console output is -
Initializing Nasal Electrical System
then POOF...

Using --log-level=debug here is the full
text of that redirection - 
It is about 23+ MB... including some 
280,000 Adding flight: ;=))

The last content in there is -
Playing audio after 0 sec: rumble
Playing looped
so naturally will first check and recheck the 
OpenAL stuff... or something/everything 

And that is just the 'Release' config, so must 
now try for the 'Debug' config build and run to 
see if I can trace through and find the problem... 
slow, hard work ;=() but LOTS OF FUN!

If you tell more exactly, either on this list, or 
direct off list, maybe can help more with SPECIFIC 


On Sat, 2012-04-07 at 16:22 +, wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone point out a good, current tutorial or forum/chat room for
> building FG under MS windows.  Havng problems with the wiki write-up
> and can't determine if it is "operator error" or problems with the
> instructions or just suffering from a case of "newbeitis" as I've
> never worked with Cmake or the MS windows build environment and
> associated libraries and dependencies. 
> Working with Gene Buckle to see if we can get a version of FlightGear
> that will support his collimated mirror system.  Have versions of
> FG-2.0 through 2.6 and a warp mesh building tool that runs under
> Linux but MS is a new beast for me.
> Cheers
> John W

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Recent GIT version fails to compile (fgadmin_funcs)

2012-04-07 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Björn, Thorsten,

Following on from my previous, perhaps the full
patch should be - 

#ifdef _WIN32
#  include 
#  include 
#define unlink _unlink
#define mkdir _mkdir
#else // !_WIN32

To make windows happy ;=)) and avoid some 


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Recent GIT version fails to compile (fgadmin_funcs)

2012-04-07 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Björn,

In unix, usually 'mkdir' and 'unlink' are found in 
the very ubiquitous unix header -

Maybe this was previously being included through 
the many FLTK, and other headers included... but 
was removed from one of them in some later versions, 
so this could be the 'change', and NOT in the FG 
code, as Thorsten suggested...

Since 'unlink' and 'mkdir' are DIRECTLY used in 
the file fgadmin_funcs.cxx, it would be quite correct 
to include it there and NOT depend on other headers
pulling it in...

Perhaps like :-

#ifdef _WIN32
#  include 
#else // !_WIN32

Note it should be included OUTSIDE the Windows code, 
since this header is NOT 'standard' in Windows 
building ;=((.



On Sat, 2012-04-07 at 13:02 +0200, ThorstenB wrote:
> On 06.04.2012 19:07, Björn Kesten wrote:
> > I hope this is the right place for GIT version related things.
> Certainly is ;-).
> > utils/fgadmin/src/CMakeFiles/fgadmin.dir/fgadmin_funcs.cxx.o
> > /home/bjoern/fg_git/sources/flightgear/utils/fgadmin/src/fgadmin_funcs.cxx:
> > In function ‘void remove_dir(const char*, void (*)(void*, int), void*,
> > bool)’:
> > /home/bjoern/fg_git/sources/flightgear/utils/fgadmin/src/fgadmin_funcs.cxx:363:39:
> > error: ‘unlink’ was not declared in this scope
> Jenkins always builds the latest Git sources - and everything is fine 
> there. Also, I cannot see anything that has changed about "fgadmin" in 
> recent weeks, neither any change of the few includes it is using. So, 
> it's weird if things suddenly changed for you. Seems like some change on 
> your system...
> Furthermore, "rmdir" and "unlink" are standard POSIX functions and 
> should be available in the global scope. Which compiler/version are you 
> using? Have you upgraded recently?
> cheers,
> Thorsten

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG_SERVER::Loop() - Bytes <= 0!

2012-03-09 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Roland,

Maybe Oliver can add more... but -

1: I am working with the version in my own clone of 
master, geoffmcls-fgms-0-x, but it is the SAME in 
that code area.

In a recent test setup I too was 'flooded' with 
this particular message. That turned out to be 
due to port 5000 udp in/out, and/or port 5001 tcp 
in/out had NOT been enabled on that machine...

Maybe Yves could explain what he needed to do 
to change that...

And even after the change still get some of these 
message from a telnet queries...

So that is one thing to look at...

2: The only recent (September 27 2011) change to that 
code was -
-if (! Bytes)
+if ( Bytes <= 0 )
 "FG_SERVER::Loop() - Bytes <= 0!");

That is changing the if test from just !Bytes, which is 
Bytes == 0, to Bytes <= 0, to reflect what the SG_ALERT 

Maybe if you change that back to if (! Bytes) you would get
'less', or no SG_ALERT messages to the log, but that does 
not deal with the reason for the 'select' -
  Bytes = m_DataSocket->select (ListenSockets,0,m_PlayerExpires);
returning -1, an ERROR.

And if you added strerror(errno) to the SG_ALERT, like say -

   "FG_SERVER::Loop() - Bytes <= 0! " << 
   Bytes << " errno " << errno << " msg " << 
   strerror(errno) );

you would be able to also see the specific error returned 
by select(), and maybe deal with it...



On Thu, 2012-03-08 at 21:55 +0100, "Roland Häder" wrote:
> Hi,
> I get this message flooded into fgms.log file with latest master. Can you 
> please take a look?
> Regards,
>   Roland

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Cmake equivalent to --with-osg=/some/path

2012-02-08 Thread Geoff McLane
On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 11:35 +, Jon Stockill wrote:
> I'm currently updating some jenkins build scripts for cmake rather than 
> autoconf, and I'm having problems getting the build to link against 
> local copies of all the dependencies. Is there a simple way of 
> specifying where to look for these rather than having to specify the 
> path to each individual library file (which from the cmake output seems 
> like it might be the only way).

Hi Jon,

A HOT extract from my current 1.3.8 'makefg' 
script ;=)) Not yet published as still testing 
some options like -

But for the dependencies OSG, SG, and the recently 
added PLIB when only installed 'locally'...

# If PLIB is installed locally, then

if [ "$ADDPLIBDIRS" = "1" ]; then

For SG installed locally I use an export... like
makefg: Done 'export SIMGEAR_DIR=/media/Disk2/FG/fg20/install/simgear'

For OSG installed locally I use an export... like
makefg: Done 'export OSG_DIR=/media/Disk2/FG/fg20/install/OSGtrunk'

echo2 "$BN: Will do 'cmake $FGCM_OPTS $FGFS_SOURCE_PATH'"

The actual cmake command is quite simple -
makefg: Will do 'cmake  -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=TRUE \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/media/Disk2/FG/fg20/install/flightgear \

I had tried setting SG LIBRARIES and INCLUDE, like PLIB, but 
this did not work for me -
if [ "$ADDSGDIRS" = "1" ]; then
Not sure why this fails... maybe it should be like -
or something...

And also had some success with -
but seemed unnecessary once I do the SIMGEAR_DIR 'export'...

And more or less the same for terragear-cs except no need for 
OSG stuff...

HTH, but maybe other with more cmake savvy can 
do better ;=))


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Separate Instruments Display

2012-01-31 Thread Geoff Carlson

I am currently working with FlightGear in an academic setting, researching
flight simulators for a senior design project. My team would like to find a
way to view the environment simulation and the instruments one might find
in the cockpit on two separate monitors. I was wondering if this
functionality already exists in FlightGear or if someone could point me in
the right direction of how to accomplish this goal.

Thank you for your time,
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] PostGIS update @ Landcover-DB

2012-01-07 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sat, 2012-01-07 at 21:09 +0200, Adrian Musceac wrote:
> On Saturday, January 07, 2012 20:23:02 Geoff McLane wrote:
> > Hi Adrian,
> > 
> > No, I do NOT think they should be hidden!
> > 
> > After the user has used the mouse selection, [s]he may choose
> > to modify the fields, say rounding them, etc, which would be
> > difficult, impossible with the mouse, so I think they should
> > stay... even enhanced with labels to say what they are...
> > 
> > So why not use the right side of the table for this? They
> > could be set vertically, with labels, to keep the right side
> > narrow, if that is a concern...
> > 
> > It would seem unnecessary, and CONFUSING, to have TWO visible
> > [download buttons], one _ON_ the map and one to the right, no?
> > 
> Hi Geoff,
> I was talking about the map at index.php, not the small iframe, of course.
> I don't know how Martin plans to use the small iframe on the other page, I 
> only modified the index.php part. But your iframe code is good too, if the 
> lightmap is swapped for the big one.
> Cheers,
> Adrian

Hi Adrian,

Agreed. Of course it depends on what Martin 
wants ;=))

I just downloaded /lightmap/index.php and find it 
is VERY similar to /map/index.php, except 'lighter' -
that is the same idea but MUCH less code, no options... 

It is not really smaller or larger in that both use 
the same 'bounds'...

And he did write -
>> Feel free to go ahead, the foundation of the web 
>> map is OpenLayers.
> This config, to be precise:

So we must wait and see which way Martin jumps, maybe 
after the baby is in bed (swimming?) ;=))


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] PostGIS update @ Landcover-DB

2012-01-07 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Adrian,

This seems to do the swapping trick ;=))

if(box_extents.length==4) {
var tmp;
if (box_extents[0] > box_extents[2]) {
tmp = box_extents[0];
box_extents[0] = box_extents[2];
box_extents[2] = tmp;
if (box_extents[1] > box_extents[3]) {
tmp = box_extents[1];
box_extents[1] = box_extents[3];
box_extents[3] = tmp;

Now I get a bounding box drawn no matter what 
order, location I click in first, second...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] PostGIS update @ Landcover-DB

2012-01-07 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Adrian,

Thanks for your reply...

> About the input fields obscuring the map, they may be 
> changed easily into type="hidden", I only left them 
> as text for debugging and testing. The download button 
> is pretty unobtrusive by itself.

No, I do NOT think they should be hidden!

After the user has used the mouse selection, [s]he may choose 
to modify the fields, say rounding them, etc, which would be 
difficult, impossible with the mouse, so I think they should 
stay... even enhanced with labels to say what they are...

So why not use the right side of the table for this? They 
could be set vertically, with labels, to keep the right side 
narrow, if that is a concern...

It would seem unnecessary, and CONFUSING, to have TWO visible 
[download buttons], one _ON_ the map and one to the right, no?

And I think we should accept mouse clicks in ANY order, 
or place, and adjust left <-> right, top <-> bottom to 
ensure they are always in correct order...

Concerning the faulty drawing of the bounding box on the map 
after 2 clicks, I can now see it is OK if I click lower left 
first, and then upper right ;=()

But as suggested a few lines of script should 'fix' this 
order of things... and not push the user to 'remember' 
to follow a strict rule ;=))

And maybe the click event on this user selected bounding 
box should be commented out, until there is a real need 
for it...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] PostGIS update @ Landcover-DB

2012-01-04 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Martin,


Will certainly try to find the time to 'look' at 
the scripts... and thanks as usual for sharing the 

> QGIS - it's not as nice a command line utility...

No, it is NOT, but thanks for this reminder... 

After a bit of effort to get binary (v1.7.3) installed 
in Ubuntu, using apt-get, I now have it running...

But, to me this is just another VERY steep learning 
curve to get it to show anything meaningful, useful...

Yes, so far 'Adding a Vector' allows me to load shapefiles,
then choosing a 'style', and 'Show it in overview' does 
draw the vectors in the selected styles, and I can zoom, 
and move about, etc... keeping it all as a 'project'...

But WOW, as usual, WHAT AN EFFORT ;=((

Back in May 2009 I had tried to compile QGIS 1.0.2 from 
source, using cmake at the time, but gave up...

It seems meantime it has swung over to using Qt for 
something, and this is interesting... and git/githib 
instead of svn... but seems still cmake...

I will again persist with it for a while... and see how 
far I get before shear exhaustion again sets in ;=)) 

But look forward to any other suggestions for simple 
'viewing' of shapefiles specifically...

Re: programmed downloads

As your server logs should show I have now tested quite 
a number of individual layers downloads (using wget, 
around Hong Kong), and there appears no problems so 
far... will test more...


PS: My first QGIS image of some osm shapefiles - 

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] PostGIS update @ Landcover-DB

2012-01-04 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Martin,

Re: CLC2000v13

> CLC is CORINE Land Cover, a project of the EEA, the European
> Environmental Agency and therefore covers Europe only.  I have 
> to admit that the error message is a bit misleading and will 
> try to imagine a more appropriate report.

Yes, the page already clearly says "use reasonable coordinates in 
order to avoid nasty error messages.", and a 404 error is certainly 
quite nasty ;=)) as well as misleading...

Maybe you could add to the web page - "Do not be stupid enough to 
request say the area around YGIL in say the CLC2000v13 (CORINE) 

And hopefully politely give an error like - "coordinates used are 
out of dataset range, Dummy!"

I tried this again with a 4x4 around LFPZ N 50 S 46 W 0 E 4, and 
got an 82MB zip, which expanded to 106MB, 128 files, 32 shapefiles, 
and all looks fine... thanks...

Re: OpenStreetMap

>> ... BUT contains just one file, COPYING???
> Mmmmh, I have to admit this sounds like a bug. I'll check.
> Might/should be working now, at least my own test was successful,

Ok, tried my YGIL again, N -29 S -33 W 146 E 150, and while the 
1.4MB zip again still included the COPYING file, also got 16 osm_
shapefiles, total 65 files... so this looks good...

So all appears good on the web page downloading ;=))

As stated, have yet to got around to testing 'programmed' 
downloading, but will soonest... and yell if there is a 

A little off topic, but what application can I use to 
'view' shapefiles in Ubuntu? Any simple suggestions?

I would like a simple say -
$ viewshape osm_runway [osm_taxiway ...]
and it chooses a scale, and draws the lines...

The TG tool shpdump does a nice job of showing all the 
coordinates, but it is not 'graphical'...

I have explored a few like 'ArcGIS Explorer', and some others 
I found, even tried GMT, with 140 odd tools, but this 
seems another steep learning curve ;=(( and found some windows 
only 'Shape Viewers'...

Anyone with some 'simple' suggestions for unix?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] PostGIS update @ Landcover-DB

2012-01-03 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2012-01-02 at 17:10 +, Martin Spott wrote:
> Martin Spott wrote:
> > Shapefile download might/should be working again. Please test,
> > particularly the assigned reference system, and report.
> If people don't think it's worth testing, then I might think it's not
> worth maintaining 
>   Martin.
Hi Martin,

Just tried a 4x4 degrees around YGIL - 
  N -29, S -33, W 146, E 150

Downloads from the WEB page -

(a) Custom Scenery - worked fine... zip downloaded and 
appears valid... and has 11 shapefiles... 44 files...

(b) CLC2000v13 - got a 404 error - Not Found

The requested URL /download/ 
 was not found on this server.

Repeated, with same 404, different zip -

The requested URL /download/ 
was not found on this server.

(c) OpenStreetMap - appeared to work fine... a zip downloaded 
and appeared valid... BUT contains just one file, COPYING???

And the contents of this COPYING file was -

Map data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

And repeating the download got the same result!!! ;=((

(d) But doing individual layer downloads, like osm_rail, 
osm_river, osm_tertiary - the only 4 tried at this time,
worked fine... shapefiles look good...

So I got problems just with (b) CLC2000v13 and 
(c) OpenStreetMap... 

But since it was my first try with both of these, 
do not know if it is the result of the recent changes, 
or if it has existed for some time...

Direct URL downloading...

Have not yet had a chance to again test direct URL 
down loading, but will get around to it, and advise any 

This programmed URL downloading is the method I use 
normally, usually from within a script/program, and this 
worked fine on my last downloads a week or so back...

Will test more as time permits, and the need develops ;=))


To me this is a VERY valuable service, but I guess there 
are just not that many people into their own scenery 
building, ;=(( It is quite an undertaking...

And many that do sometimes use other data sources... with 
more detail... especially since the 'swirlies' rendering 
bug appears FIXED with the new BTG versions...

But this could/should change as 'easier' TG tool building 
methods get around, and more is done on GUI scenery 
building tools... must find the time to continue my 
efforts in this regard ;=))

Everybody, and their dog, at least 'speak' frequently 
about the 850 apt data, with its curved taxiways...



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] How to compile Terragear-cs ?

2012-01-01 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2012-01-01 at 16:40 +0100, Clément de l'Hamaide wrote:
> Hi Pete, Geoff,
> Now my script work perfectly.

Hi Clément,

Glad to hear it is all now working fine...

Sorry my explanation was not clear...

1. I assume, like Francesco's script, and mine, 
you have the command in the early part of the 
script, like -

set -e

This command asks the script to EXIT, stop, when the 
last process returns other than 0 as a return value...

Without this the default action of a script 
is to continue even when the last process gives an 
error exit... non zero...

So if you do not do this set -e, or do not want this, 
then forget this...

2. Also as I understand it, the script can ONLY react 
to the LAST process in a chain of commands...

So if you have a chain of commands like 
cmake ... 2>$1 | tee -a $LOGFILE
then the LAST command in this process is the 'tee'

So even if there is a cmake error exit, then the 
script will continue, since the last action, the tee, 
does not return an error...

Is that clearer?

3. Now the situation is DIFFERENT with a simple 
redirection like -
cmake  2>&1 >>$LOGFILE
make ... 2>&1 >>$LOGFILE

In this case the script will STOP on an error, since 
redirection is established BEFORE starting cmake or make,
command, so in this case the LAST command is the cmake or 
make error...

But in doing this, as you point out, there is NO OUTPUT 
to the console...

Except as Jari pointed out, you can start the script 
as a background process, and use a repeated tail 
command to view the end of the LOG in a console...

Or even start the script in a terminal, and open 
another terminal to do the tail command, repeatedly...

This is what I tend to do, since I too redirect the 
SVN or git actions to a log file, and use tail in 
another terminal to 'see' what is happening... especially 
when it seems to be taking too long ;=()

BUT yes, I too LOVE the fact that 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE 
sends ALL cmake or make output to BOTH the LOG 
file for later review, AND to the console...

So it is a compromise ;=((

You can either have ALL output put to the LOG file, 
AND to the console, BUT then the script will NOT 
stop on an ERROR...

Or you can remove this and the script will STOP on 
an error... but there is LESS information to the 
console if you use a redirection to a log...

So you must choose what ever you think best...

That is all... and I attach a simple example below...

Re: Building terragear-cs with 

I am not sure if this is the SAME as -D SIMGEAR_HEADLESS=ON
but I am sure they are, in some ways at least, very 

Maybe others who know more about this can 
comment further, to clarify... 

I have only ever used "-DNO_OPENSCENEGRAPH_INTERFACE=1"... 
which I know works fine to keep OSG dependency out of the
terragear-cs tools...


Example: testexit1
BN=`basename $0`
echo "$BN: Testing error exit conditions..." | tee -a $LOGFILE
make -f nofileexists
echo "$BN: 1: Last exit was $?, but the script is continuing..."
# set it to stop on error
set -e
make -f nofileexists 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE
echo "$BN: 2: Now last exit is zero $?, so the script is continuing..."
make -f nofileexists 2>&1 >> $LOGFILE
echo "$BN: 3: Since the redirection is set up BEFORE"
echo "$BN: running make then this output will NOT be seen as the "
echo "$BN: script will have exited due to the 'make' error."

PS: And remember to try the very LATEST terragear-cs tools 
in development you need to clone and switch to the 
'newconstruct' branch...

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Change in telnet string get behavior, or string change?

2011-12-31 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Torsten,

Thank you for you quick action, just before NY ;=))

I have NOT yet checked out your change... but 
my own change worked well... 

Will revert this locally, and try yours...

Thanks for the QUICK response...

Happy NEW YEAR...


diff --git a/src/Environment/realwx_ctrl.cxx
index d98bcd5..6150092 100644
--- a/src/Environment/realwx_ctrl.cxx
+++ b/src/Environment/realwx_ctrl.cxx
@@ -127,8 +127,13 @@ void LiveMetarProperties::update( double dt )
-void LiveMetarProperties::handleMetarData( const std::string & data )
+void LiveMetarProperties::handleMetarData( const std::string &
in_data )
+std::string data = in_data; // sanatise in coming metar data
+for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+if (data[i] < ' ')
+data[i] = ' ';
"LiveMetarProperties::handleMetarData() received METAR for " <<
getStationId() << ": " << data );
 setMetar( data );

On Sat, 2011-12-31 at 17:34 +0100, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
> > Hi Geoff,
> >
> > IIRC, I have sanitized the METAR string long ago and stripped the
> > newlines before writing the property.
> > Looks like it has crept back in somehow. I'll see if I can find what
> > happened, not sure if I can make it before the end of the year ;-)
> Using the last few hours of the year, I just pushed a fix to simplify 
> the METAR string. Does this solve your issue?
> Torsten

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] How to compile Terragear-cs ?

2011-12-31 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Clément, Pete,

This is a VERY GOOD effort. Thank you for sharing...

Two things I see -

(1) Use of ' 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE'

As expressed recently on the Atlas devel list, using this 
type of expression 'hides' the 'cmake', 'make' error 
exits... because the LAST action, prior to returning to 
the script is a 'tee' result, which seldom fails...

Yes, we LOVE the fact that _ALL_ cmake, make, etc, actions 
are recorded in a LOG file, but it then suppresses the 
'cmake/make' FAILURE, when the script should ABORT...

And then you can get cascading error effects from 


None of the terragear tools need an OSG 'connection', 
so it is important to 'define' this when compiling 
TG tools, with SG...

So, while I have NOT explored all your script, these 
two things seem 'missing' ...

I too have a script, bases originally on Brisa's script, 
to compile TG tools, AFTER you have downloaded and 
compile 'FG'... see 

First run -
$ makefg
# if this is ALL ok...
$ makefg TG

The LATEST script, which may not yet be available from 
the web site, is always available from -

So, yes, another TG only script is ALWAYS GOOD, but 
please remove the re-direction to 'tee' so the 
script exits on the FIRST error!

And add the NO_OPENSCENEGRAPH_INTERFACE=1 define, so 
NONE of the TG tools depend on OSG... like...

The more the merrier...



On Sat, 2011-12-31 at 00:45 +0100, Clément de l'Hamaide wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to contribute to airports/sceneries. I'm young real pilot
> and I like to remake the airport where I fly in real life.
> I've seen that many people have many problem to compile TerraGear.
> This is why I started to create a similar "download_and_install"
> script than "brisa script" but for TerraGear.
> I need some help from someone who have a better know than me about
> TerraGear.
> I have asked help on IRC but nobody can help me. I have create a
> thread on US forums and at the moment I have no answer.
> I've seen some people works with TerraGear (apt850, improve
> scenery...) if these people can help me to finalize my script then I
> can diffuse it and I'm sure many people become contributors with this
> simple script.
> You can see my thread here :
> (include
> my script and my compilation log)
> Hoping someone can help me. I think this script will be a good way to
> facilitate people to contribute to airports and sceneries.
> Little precision : I have read all wiki page about terragear and all
> README file in each section (README.newmat, README.gpc, README) So
> please don't say me "look on wiki !" or "read the README file !" ;)
> Cheers,
> Clément

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[Flightgear-devel] Change in telnet string get behavior, or string change?

2011-12-30 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi all...

I am sure this worked before, but now I seem unable to 
get the WHOLE metar string from /environment/metar/data...

This is in a perl script, using IO::Socket - in the past 
it worked perfectly ;=))

In the Debug -> Browse Internal Properties I can 'see' 
the whole string like say -
'2011/12/30 17:00\nYSDU 301700Z AUTO 12010KT etc...'

But now my perl script ONLY receives the data before the 
'\n'... using either simple --telnet=, which is slow, 
or say --telnet=foo,bar,20,foo,,bar, which reduces 
the average access time to less than 0.1 seconds, as the 
FG command...

Of course in the script I have tried setting the socket 
handle to binmode $SOCKET, but this does not help...

As I say this worked before - perhaps months ago - probably 
prior 2.4 release... but I do not remember this '\n' being 
in the string...

I have tried testing if (!eof $SOCKET) and doing a 2nd 
read, $val = <$SOCKET>, but this always blocks! ;=((

It seems either the internal handling of sending of this string 
has changed, and it stops at the '\n', and the balance of the 
string is sent as a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th send, after other 'gets'

That is, if I send 'get /environment/metar/data', receive the 
first part, then follow quickly with some other 'get ...' 
of some other 'properties', it seems the second part 
of the metar is then sent in reply to one of the subsequent 
get requests, which, as you can imagine, can create 
a REAL MESS ;=((

It is simply not predictable in which of the subsequent 'gets' 
where the balance of the string will appear... but it does 
usually appear... and puts all other 'gets' out of order... 

But is 'lost' if I wait several seconds before the next 

And I have no problem with HUNDREDS of other 'gets',
T/F, doubles, strings, provided I do not try to get this 
specific metar string... or if I put a several seconds delay 
after it, before the next get...

Anyway, is this just me, or has the FG telnet code 
changed somehow? Or simply has this '\n' has been added to 
the metar string relatively recently, and telnet 'stumbles' 
on this LF...

Now that I have tried everything I can think of to change 
my perl script handling, setting non-blocking, add delays, etc, 
etc, etc, will also take a look at the FG code, but meantime 
maybe someone can offer some quick pointers...

Help needed...


PS: I have added a simple telnet perl script, chopped from 
my larger script, which should demonstrates the problem... 
run with a command say 'localhost ', or whatever...

But also maybe perl/telnet experts can point out the error 
in the script ;=() or offer suggestions...

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Live Multiplayer

2011-12-28 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2011-12-25 at 09:27 +, Martin Spott wrote:
> Pedro Morgan wrote:
> > What the Sim missing at the moment is some real ATC...
> We have OpenRadar,
>   Martin.

Hi Martin,

Hm, quite, quite interesting ;=))

After setting up openjdk-6-jre, and Eclipse, found 
one small fix needed to avoid multiple mp server 
packet rejection - in -


-   public static final int MAX_PACKET_SIZE=1024;
+   public static final int MAX_PACKET_SIZE=1200; // FIX20111226

This is the current max. size from a recent -

With this fix it seemed to handle well the mpserver 
link, packet exchange, etc, and graphically added current 
aircraft, showing callsign and a nice predicted forward 

And I was able to create for myself another new 
sector.xml from the samples given, for an airport 
of my choice, thanks to mapserver shapefile 
downloads, etc... which all seemed to work well ;=))

BUT I could NOT seem to get the comms (fgcom?) 
working... any ideas, pointers...

It has a small 'FGCOMM console' window accepting an 
active and standby frequency, but this does not 
seem to do anything... it seems nothing is done with 
the entered 'active' frequency...

>From our newsletter I can see OpenRadar is in need of 
a new 'maintainer'... and I can see the source is 
littered with at least 16 'TODO' comments... 

And at first glance, the FGCOMM code seems far 
too minimal, but there are no 'TODO' in this area... but 
I can not find any code to make it work... 

Has anybody ever had this OpenRadar comms code working?

Tried - - stunningly brief ;=(( 
seems more interested in using Atlas as the base...
likewise seems to again favor Atlas...

But are there other places where I can read more specifically 
about this java OpenRadar setup, running, operations? 

Or is it ALL only in the actual java code? It does 
not seem to have any 'README' files, just some 215 java 


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Live Multiplayer

2011-12-25 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sun, 2011-12-25 at 02:05 +0100, HB-GRAL wrote:
> Am 25.12.11 01:59, schrieb Hal V. Engel:
> >
> > You can do this today with fgcom.  Just setup a fgcom server on your local
> > upstairs machine and you are good to go.  You don't even need FG running to
> > use fgcom to communicate with other users on your network.
> Hi Hal
> Can you point me to docs how to setup a fgcom server ? I didn’t find it 
> at all, and it looks like FlightGear has only one FGCom server, one 
> radio station at all.
> Cheers, Yves

Hi Yves,

Assume you have read this - 

While it says a lot about installing Libpri, DAHDI, 
and Asterisk it does seem a little light on exactly 
how to set up an IP like - -
when running an asterisk server...

It mentions using when configuring the 
asterisk server, but I can not seem to find the contents 
of this file ;=(( although the content of 
several other 'configuration' files are given...

And the fgcom svn source has some configuration building 
perl scripts in the 'server' folder, but none of these 
seem to create a file... The wiki ends with 
the words - Generation details to follow ...

I guess you have to understand LOTS more about running 
an asterisk server, As their about page says - "Asterisk 
is like an erector set or a box of Legos for people who 
want to create communications applications."...

It would certainly be nice to have a 2nd, or more, 
servers, like say, or on any other 
port, that can be used with the fgcom client, or in 
the fgcomgui...

Then we would not be dependent on just one IP ;=))
Although I must say I have never yet found the above 
IP down... 

And then there would be the question of how such 
multiple fgcom (asterisk) servers interact, such that 
even if I configure using say 'ch' I can still 'speak' 
to pilots using the 'uk' server... etc... another can 
of worms ;=))


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Minneapolis Scenery

2011-12-20 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2011-12-19 at 14:44 -0800, J. Holden wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've released a new version of Minneapolis scenery: 
> I cannot make this scenery load in version 2.4, probably because it hopefully 
> fixes the nasty 'swirlies' problem. 
> If anyone gets this scenery to work, and it actually compiled successfully, 
> please let me know.
> Cheers
> John

Hi John,

Only flew around KANE, in a recent git 2.5 build, 
circa 2011/11/15, and it not only works, but 
looks BEAUTIFUL ;=))

Some quick comparative images - 


Will this be added to custom scenery, and be 
available by terrasync any time soon?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat update (lowercase names etc.)

2011-12-08 Thread Geoff McLane
On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 14:02 +0100, Roland Häder wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 13:36 +0100, HB-GRAL wrote:
> > I wish to submit this changes and updates. But I am asking you to review 
> > the different changes/possibilities of the script in a code 1 line of 
> > apt.dat :
> > 
> > a) Same name, but to lower:
> > Old line: '13141 0 1 01MT CRYSTAL LAKES RESORT'
> > New line: '13141 0 1 01MT Crystal Lakes Resort'
> That will be better. I have noticed it on many airports/airfields.
> > 
> > b) No shortcuts, but still <= 40 letters
> > Old line: '13020 0 1 04CA GRAY BUTTE FLD'
> > New line: '13020 0 1 04CA Gray Butte Field'
> Also better in full words, not shortcut.
> > or
> > Old line: '1 940 0 1 0NY7 Murphys Lndg Strip'
> > New line: '1 940 0 1 0NY7 Murphys Landing Strip'
> Same above. Nice improvement.
> > 
> > c) Same name, but marked as closed in apt.dat when ourairports says 
> > "closed":
> > Old line: '1 250 0 1 03VA Whipoorwill Springs'
> > New line: '1 250 0 1 03VA [X]Whipoorwill Springs'
> Can you please try to remove that [X] or is it somehow important?
> > 
> > d) Take "new" names from ourairports
> > Old line: '1  18 0 1 04W  Keech\n'
> > New line: '1  18 0 1 04W  Field of Dreams Airport\n'
> I think it is hard to validate them but these \n are not parsed well in
> my view (as a sim-pilot).
> > 
> > What changes (0 or a/b/c/d) do you think are useful and will be accepted 
> > (also by developers working with apt.dat for FlightGear "side projects" 
> > like Maps, Launchers etc.) ?
> My launcher won't be affected by it, but maybe fgrun? And how about
> taxidraw?
> > Cheers, Yves
> Regards,
>   Roland
Hi Yves,

All looks like a good idea ;=))

I guess the only thing is concerning 'closed' 
airports. Should they be in apt.dat at all?

But if they are retained for 'historic', or 
other purposes, it would be good if they were 
all consistent...

- It seems there are already some 16 with [X],
but most are with a space after this, except 
  UHP1 [X]Lenino
The others are all like
  3R3  [X] Austin Executive Airport
  XBEL [X] Bellows AFB
  ... etc ...

- But 2 just have the word 'closed', no [X]
  EIGM Gormanston (closed)
  YLUT Laverton (Military - Closed)

- One with both
  KAUX [X] CLOSED Robert Mueller Municipal

- One with just X, no square braces, and closed

As stated, would be nice if they were all 
similarly 'marked', if retained...

Just my 2 cents ;=))


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound support broken by AI traffic

2011-12-03 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sat, 2011-12-03 at 15:35 +0100, Erik Hofman wrote:
> I've sorted out where things go wrong (last update in git, which
> basically disables aimodel sounds again). But I have to go and will not
> be back until tomorrow morning so as far as I can tell the sound is in a
> working state again.

Hi Eric,

Thanks. Would confirm sound is back, but now I 
get the exit messages -
AL Error (sound manager): Invalid Operation at release buffer
AL Error (sound manager): Invalid Operation at release buffer
AL lib: ALc.c:1420: alcDestroyContext(): deleting 5 Source(s)
AL lib: ALc.c:1818: alcCloseDevice(): deleting 4 Buffer(s)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound support broken by AI traffic

2011-12-03 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2011-12-02 at 22:44 +0100, Erik Hofman wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 20:44:06 +0100
> ThorstenB  wrote:

PS: Just remembered the other 'option' ;=))

/media/Disk2/FG/fg19$ ./ --show-sound-devices Running: ./fgfs --fg-root=/media/Disk2/FG/fg18/fgdata
OpenAL Soft provided by OpenAL Community

No. Device
0.  "PulseAudio Software"
1.  "ALSA Software on default"
2.  "ALSA Software on HDA Intel [STAC92xx Analog] (hw:0,0)"
3.  "ALSA Software on HDA Intel [STAC92xx Digital] (hw:0,1)"
4.  "ALSA Software on HDA ATI HDMI [ATI HDMI] (hw:1,3)"
5.  "OSS Software"
6.  "PortAudio Software"
AL lib: ALc.c:1879: exit(): closing 1 Device
AL lib: ALc.c:1808: alcCloseDevice(): destroying 1 Context(s)
AL lib: ALc.c:1420: alcDestroyContext(): deleting 128 Source(s)
Inconsistency detected by dl-close.c: 731: _dl_close: Assertion
`map->l_init_called' failed!


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound support broken by AI traffic

2011-12-03 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2011-12-02 at 22:44 +0100, Erik Hofman wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 20:44:06 +0100
> ThorstenB  wrote:

Hi Eric et al,

With sg/fg git of yesterday also no sound here at 
KSFO - well one 'click' sound at beginning and one 
at end - on exit says deleting some 58 buffers...
but no other obvious errors...

But sound all ok at YGIL - no AI there yet ;=)) deleting 
just 4 Source(s) on exit...

Did not try the tracker patch, which just chops the 
AI sound code...

And trying the openal tests -
.../build/simgear/sound $ ./openal_test1 - ok, hear 
jet sound fine...
But openal_test2, 3, and 4 - hear the same 'click' or 
'pop' sounds only, but that is all...

Advise any other tests I should try, or more 
information than given below...


~$ cat /etc/lsb-release
~$ dpkg -l | grep -i openal
ii  libalut-dev1.1.0-2
ii  libalut0   1.1.0-2
ii  libopenal-dev  1:1.12.854-0ubuntu1~lucid1
rc  libopenal0a1:0.0.8-7
ii  libopenal1 1:1.12.854-0ubuntu1~lucid1

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Southwest Colorado Scenery - beta 4

2011-11-27 Thread Geoff McLane

Just for a test I generated a 1x1 degree area 
around KTEX using 'standard' cs raw and srtm3 data 
with my TgScenery Qt GUI - the result - 

Not as 'beautiful' as John's scenery, but at 
least the elevations appear correct ;=))

As noted, still lots more tests I could try 
when, if I get the time...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Southwest Colorado Scenery - beta 4

2011-11-25 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2011-11-25 at 06:35 -0800, J. Holden wrote:
> Think I've got it this time. I did test though, still works only with 
> versions >2.6
> Download here: (90Mb)
> Please let me know if this works for you - if it does I'll keep compiling 
> Colorado scenery, possibly to co-release with the next FlightGear version.
> Cheers
> John

Hi John,

Unchanged here ;=(( Still with 9,000 foot 
valleys at KTEX...

Using a fgfs 2.5 compiled 2011/11/15 with 
git source and data of that same date...

You mean there is now a 2.6? 

And this scenery displays correctly in it?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Southwest Colorado Scenery - beta 2

2011-11-20 Thread Geoff McLane
On Sat, 2011-11-19 at 21:10 -0800, J. Holden wrote:
> The new build of the Durango scenery is available at 
> I'm sure there's going to be problems with this scenery as well - the file 
> size went up slightly but probably not enough to solve the problem.
> The problem with the first batch was that Scrub Cover did not get picked up 
> by fgfs-construct, and with --landmass-ignore as part of my building process, 
> I changed:
> ogr-decode --max-segment 500 --area-type ScrubCover work/ScrubCover 
> data/shapefiles/cs_scrub.shp
> to
> ogr-decode --max-segment 500 --area-type Scrub work/Scrub 
> data/shapefiles/cs_scrub.shp
> and ran fgfs-construct: fgfs-construct --ignore-landmass --work-dir=work 
> --output-dir=output --lon=-107.5 --lat=37.5 --xdist=2 --ydist=1 AirportArea 
> SRTM-30 AirportObj Lake Road DeciduousForest EvergreenForest MixedForest 
> GrassCover GrassLand Marsh MixedCrop DryCrop BarrenCover Scrub Town Urban 
> HerbTundra SnowCover
> in an attempt to fix the problem.
> I don't have any of the FG 2.5 or 2.6 builds, just 2.4, so if someone could 
> test this I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks
> John

Hi John,

Sorry but no change... 

well in this version the Y shaped roads appear 
at KTEX, but the river is still cut down to 0 
elevation, some 9,000 feet below... see - 

On reflection, maybe this is a problem due to 
--ignore-landmass option...

I remember in fgfs-construct there is a 'service' 
that 'levels' out roads and rivers, and can thus 'cuts' 
into the terrain... maybe this is what is happening 
for the river?

Maybe if there was a landmass type, which provided the 
general terrain mesh at around 9,000 feet (at KTEX),
then fgfs-construct could be convinced to NOT cut the 
river down to zero level... but lay the river ON this 
base landmass mesh...

Just a thought...


PS: Of course assume the download is
Are you just testing if we are paying attention ;=))

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Using OSG static libraries

2011-11-19 Thread Geoff McLane

Attached are two small patch files needed to 
allow using OSG, and FREEGLUT static libraries. 

Yes, I know some of you wonder why ;=)), but then 
you do NOT work in windows, and do not quite understand 
the appealing idea of being able to copy ONE files, 
fgfs.exe, from one windows machine to another, and it 

That is do not need to carry around a dozen or 
so big OSG DLL ;=)) which of course is best done in a 
windows installer anyway... just copy one EXE file...

For SG this involves just adding two 'options' to 
These are OFF by default, but if enabled, add some 
additional MSVC_FLAGS...

For FG this involves adding the same two options to
CmakeLists.txt, but also -

(a) In src/Main/bootstrap.cxx, chopping the code 
 pthread_win32_process_attach_np(); Thanks to Eric 
for alerting me that this pthread library is no longer 
required, so this should be removed anyway...

(b) In src/Main/fg_os_osgviewer.cxx, removing the 
#ifdef OSG_PNG_ENABLED around the 
As I see it osgdb_png is ABSOLUTELY required, and 
thus should NOT be an option, like jpeg and tiff 

This could also be done by emitting an OSG_PNG_ENABLED 
from the CMakeLists.txt, but it seems to make more 
sense to remove the macro...

Very small changes indeed...

This all 'static' build does still require one manual 
change in the MSVC build files, due to the fact 
that I have not yet found a way to 'include' the 
appropriate built-in osgdb_ read libraries.

And found when you include osgdb_ive then it is 
also necessary to add osgVolume and osgTerrain to 
the list of core osg libraries...

At this stage I think this may require customization 
of the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake set of modules, but 
still to fully research this... to find an automated 

But at this stage it is a small easy manual step...

Have thus started to finalise my - 
where I have placed zipped copies of my '3rdparty' 
folder, to give others a quick start into building 
SG/FG 'static' ;=)) from current git...



attached: sg-cmake-01.patch.txt and

diff -uwr C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\CMakeLists.txt flightgear\CMakeLists.txt
--- C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\CMakeLists.txt   Mon Nov 14 17:37:47 2011
+++ flightgear\CMakeLists.txt   Fri Nov 18 15:20:32 2011
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@
 option(ENABLE_RTI "Set to ON to build SimGear with RTI support" OFF)
 option(WITH_FGPANEL "Set to ON to build the fgpanel application" ON)
 option(JPEG_FACTORY "Enable JPEG-factory support" OFF)
+option(OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC "Set to ON to build SimGear with OSG static 
libraries" OFF)
+option(FREEGLUT_STATIC "Set to ON to build SimGear with freeglut static 
libraries" OFF)
 if (MSVC)
@@ -245,8 +247,13 @@
 # foreach(warning 4244 4251 4267 4275 4290 4786 4305 4996)
 # SET(WARNING_FLAGS "${WARNING_FLAGS} /wd${warning}")
 # endforeach(warning)
 if (${MSVC_VERSION} EQUAL 1600)
 endif (${MSVC_VERSION} EQUAL 1600)
diff -uwr C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\src\Main\bootstrap.cxx 
--- C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\src\Main\bootstrap.cxx   Tue Oct 25 09:48:54 2011
+++ flightgear\src\Main\bootstrap.cxx   Thu Nov 17 18:12:56 2011
@@ -196,10 +196,6 @@
   signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
-#ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB
-// Initialise static pthread win32 lib
-pthread_win32_process_attach_np ();
 _bootstrap_OSInit = 0;
 #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
diff -uwr C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\src\Main\fg_os_osgviewer.cxx 
--- C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\src\Main\fg_os_osgviewer.cxx Sun Oct 09 
16:38:11 2011
+++ flightgear\src\Main\fg_os_osgviewer.cxx Thu Nov 17 18:12:50 2011
@@ -70,11 +70,9 @@
diff -uwr C:\FGCVS\simgear\source\CMakeLi

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Southwest Colorado Scenery

2011-11-19 Thread Geoff McLane
On Thu, 2011-11-17 at 18:05 -0800, J. Holden wrote:
> I haven't been able to test this, but if anyone wants to test newly generated 
> quality scenery, Durango and Telluride are available here:
> Three square degrees of scenery from 37-38N to 107-110W, about a 95Mb 
> download.
> Cheers
> John

Hi John,

Had no trouble loading this Durango scenery with a 
quite recent git SG/FG, but it seems the 
rivers were given a 0 feet altitude, making 
for very SPECTACULAR scenery ;=)) see - 

But thanks for sharing...

And would confirm, like Jacob, that trying to 
load this scenery in fgfs prior the sg_binobj changes,
ie circa release 2.4 time, hangs fgfs in my case, 
with several outputs of -
"We detected an error while reading the file."

And I can see files like say 1204218.btg.gz are
the new version 10 BTG format, so I guess it just 
is/was not possible to maintain backwards compatibility 
with earlier versions of fgfs ;=(( as was hoped...

And it seems all the other BTG are either version 10, 
or version 7? That is none are the Scenery 1.0.1 
version 6???

Maybe some thought should be given to putting a patch in 
release 2.4 at least, to abort the BTG load if it detects 
a later version BTG, or something... just to avoid 
more user 'complaints' and 'concerns'...

Or at least a BIG notice somewhere about Scenery 


PS: Below is a quick perl script I used to check 
the BTG versions :-
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#< file:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /(\\|\/)/) {
my @tmpsp = split(/(\\|\/)/,$pgmname);
$pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
sub prt($) {
print shift;
sub show_help() {
prt("$pgmname: version 0.0.1 2011-11-19\n");
prt(" $pgmname single_in_file, or\n");
prt(" $pgmname \"*.btg.gz\", to do 'glob' list.\n");
sub show_header($) {
my $file = shift;
my ($data,$n,$i,$hex,$hexstg,$ascii,$c,$num,$vers);
open IF, "gzip -d -c $file|" or 
die "ERROR: CAN NOT OPEN $file...$!...\n";
binmode IF;
if ($n = read IF, $data, 4) {
prt("File: $file. Read $n byte header: ");
$hexstg = '';
$ascii = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$c = substr($data,$i,1);
$num = ord($c);
$hex = sprintf("%02X ",$num);
$hexstg .= $hex;
if (($c lt ' ')||($c gt '~')) {
$c = '.';
$ascii .= $c;
$vers = $num if ($i == 0);
prt("Hex $hexstg $ascii Version $vers\n");
} else {
prt("Read failed on file $file\n");
close IF;
if (@ARGV) {
my $file = $ARGV[0];
if ($file =~ /^-/) {
exit 0;
} elsif ($file =~ /(\*|\?)/) {
my @arr = glob $file; # assum wild card
my $cnt = scalar @arr;
prt("Got $cnt files from input [$file]...\n");
foreach $file (@arr) {
} else {
show_header($file); # assume file name
} else {
prt("Enter name of BTG file to check!\n");
exit 1;
exit 0;
# eof -

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Terragear now sans plib

2011-11-09 Thread Geoff McLane
On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 17:56 +0100, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > > In Ubuntu linux, because I do NOT have OSG installed in
> > > any 'standard' place, in my makefg script, I do -
> > > to get terragear-cs to cmake build...
> > > 
> > > Maybe the CFLAGS is not needed. I did try adding -
> > > but could NOT get that working... it was not passed to
> > > the compiler...
> > 
> > The 'best' fix will be to set this define in the root CMakeList for
> > TerraGear - I'll do this 'soon' if no one beats me to it.
> I already did that, but for MSVC only. I also had to add -DNO_TIMER
> -Fred

Hi Fred, James,

needs to be applied to ALL ports, since terragear-cs 
should have no need for OpenSceneGraph dependence, 

It seems -DNO_TIMER is due solely to a file 
as part of - 
for systems that do NOT have the function 
'gettimeofday()', and that is just native Windows, 

And maybe mingw? Or cygwin? - do not know...

In my previous TG Windows build I added -
#define NO_TIMER
to a hand crafted config.h for MSVC...
and added -
#include config.h
to triangle.c...

But now that cmake generates a 'config.h' in 
ALL platforms, then perhaps it could be added 
to that rather than as yet ANOTHER compiler 

Or perhaps dealt with like TRILIBRARY, in
set_target_properties(TriangleJRS PROPERTIES

Although, really, it would NOT be a big job to add 
a gettimeofday() service, either using the native 
or even _ftime(), for the Windows port...

That could be as simple as -

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#ifndef timeval /* is in Ws2_32.h */
struct timeval {
long tv_sec;
long tv_usec;
#endif /* timeval */
#ifndef timezone
struct timezone {
  int tz_minuteswest;
  int tz_dsttime;
#endif /* timezone */
int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *tzp)
struct _timeb timebuffer;
tp->tv_sec = timebuffer.time;
tp->tv_usec = timebuffer.millitm * 1000;
return 0;
#endif /* _MSC_VER */

Just tested this code in Windows, and it compiles 
fine, making no need to define NO_TIMER for 
Windows ;=))

Had to change one other line -
#ifndef NO_TIMER
#if !defined(NO_TIMER) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* NO_TIMER */



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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Terragear now sans plib

2011-11-09 Thread Geoff McLane
On Tue, 2011-11-08 at 22:15 +0100, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> - Mail original -
> > 
> > On 8 Nov 2011, at 19:59, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > 
> > > FWIW, I added a TerraGear-Win-Cmake task to the Jenkins Server.
> > > Artifacts are archived.
> > 
> > Brilliant, thanks Fred.
> I am still not sure about the right method to exclude OSG from the build.
> curious to know how it is done for Linux or Mac.
> Regards,
> -Fred

Hi Fred,

In Ubuntu linux, because I do NOT have OSG installed in 
any 'standard' place, in my makefg script, I do -
to get terragear-cs to cmake build...

Maybe the CFLAGS is not needed. I did try adding -
but could NOT get that working... it was not passed to 
the compiler...


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