Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with new install

2010-10-15 Thread Bill Longman
On 10/15/2010 12:23 PM, Mike Diehl wrote:
 On Friday 15 October 2010 11:40:34 am Florian Philipp wrote:
 Am 15.10.2010 19:29, schrieb Mike Diehl:
 Hi all.

 I've never had this much trouble with a server before, but I've been
 pulling my hair out.

 The install seemed to go well, but when I rebooted it from it's own hard
 drive, it fails.  fsck claims that it can't open /dev/sda3 or that the
 superblock doesn't describe a valid ext2 filesystem.
 *All* of the drivers could be too much. There is a generic driver which
 can prevent the right driver from taking over. In that case you end up
 with a /dev/hda node and no DMA. Try to deactivate Generic ATA support
 = CONFIG_ATA_GENERIC and generic/default IDE chipset support =
 I think it is the second option that causes that problem. However, you
 won't need the first option, either.
 I tried this, first without success.  I then ran through all combinations of 
 sda3, sdb3, hda3, hdb3 in /etc/fstab.  This didn't work.
 Instead of your brute-force yes to all approach, newer kernels also
 support `make localyesconfig` which takes all modules currently used in
 the running kernel and compiles them into the new kernel. It is very
 helpful when you already have a good but generic kernel like the one on
 your live CD.
 I tried this, next.  At least now, I believe I have a viable kernel.  But it 
 still didn't work.
 If even that doesn't help, it might be possible that the device
 numbering has changed and your hard disk is detected as /dev/sdb or so.
 Try mounting it by UUID (google for it, please).
 I tried this.  Only now, fsck.ext2 tells me that it can't resolve the UUID.
 Here is the new fstab:
 /dev/sda1   /boot   ext2noauto,noatime  1 2   
 UUID=ba7511dd-a5f9-48d8-8102-cf71c08a0c7b /   ext2noatime0 1  
 /dev/sda2   noneswapsw  0 0   
 /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  autonoauto,ro   0 0  
 At this point, I'm going to move the drive to a different port on the SATA 
 chain; shouldn't change anything, but I'm running out of ideas.  I'll also 
 check the BIOS for anything stupid-obvious.

You might also want to jump into grub's shell and look around in /dev
for devices. If they are there, you know the kernel is providing the
modules correctly. They might not be sda but hda or vice-versa. Also,
you can use lsmod and make sure.

Re: [gentoo-user] What network configuration should I use with vbox

2010-10-08 Thread Bill Longman
On 10/08/2010 03:36 PM, Maciej Grela wrote:
 2010/10/8 Mick
 I want to install MSWindows in a VM.  I want to be able to use the guest
 MSWindows OS to connect to a website run on apache on the Gentoo host OS on
 the same machine.

 What is the recommended network configuration for the VM?  NAT or bridge?
 Anything I should pay particular attention to?  I haven't configured a 
 machine before.
 I would suggest bridge mode in this case.

I second the motion to use bridge mode. All in favor, say aye.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: firefox-bin optimizations?

2010-10-05 Thread Bill Longman
On 10/04/2010 10:49 PM, Walter Dnes wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:37:10PM -0700, walt wrote
 On 09/30/2010 05:30 AM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Johannes  
 On 09/30/2010 12:58 PM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:

 I noticed that my firefox-bin is a lot smaller in memory footprint
 compared to ordinary gentoo-compiled firefox.

 Does anyone know what compiler flags upstream applies to their

 Try entering about:buildconfig in the URL bar.
   I tried it, and for good measure, did some spelunking in the
 .configure file in the firefox tarball.  I have some questions, before
 possibly tweaking the Firefox ebuild and/or .configure on my machine...
 will Firefox run without this?

It definitely WON'T run without this. Unless you're only looking at the
intertubes as seen 15 years ago...

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with Having two Network Cards in System ...

2010-10-01 Thread Bill Longman
On 09/30/10 20:07, Christopher Koeber wrote:
 I have a system with two network cards. The cards are configured for
 DHCP for two separate networks and they get their respective IP
 addresses from the different DCHP servers.
 The problem is that the network access on Ieither/I network is
 sporatic at best. The networks are as follows:
 First, my network config file:
 # This blank configuration will automatically use DHCP for any net.*
 # scripts in /etc/init.d.  To create a more complete configuration,
 # please review /etc/conf.d/net.example and save your configuration
 # in /etc/conf.d/net (this file :]!).
 config_eth0=( dhcp )
 config_eth1=( dhcp )
 This is on a Gigabit network and I rarely, if ever, get access on this
 network. This is an add-in card that I added after the initial installation.
 Here is the ifconfig of eth0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:26:f2:ac:c9:df 
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::226:f2ff:feac:c9df/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:69584 errors:0 dropped:492 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:2291 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:5631144 (5.3 MiB)  TX bytes:237966 (232.3 KiB)
   Interrupt:23 Base address:0xc000
 This is on a 10/100 network and I get access sporatically on this
 network. This card is a built-in card.
 Here is the ifconfig of eth1
 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:b0:d0:fc:51:c7 
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::2b0:d0ff:fefc:51c7/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:640794 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:57388 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:2
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:63730861 (60.7 MiB)  TX bytes:17820579 (16.9 MiB)
 Now, both networks neet to be operational as I would like for the system
 itself to be able to contact both networks and run services for each
 network. However, the networks will NOT be bridged by the server in
 When i originally set up the system everything worked fine.
 What do I need to do to make sure the system communicates to the
 networks in question?
 Thank you for your time.

Christopher, it would be helpful to see your network stack information.
What does netstat -nr tell you? Are you getting two default gateways?
That's a good way to get bad behaviour.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Boot Gentoo - by hand - line-by-line - command-by-command?

2010-09-28 Thread Bill Longman
 On 09/28/10 05:58, James wrote:
 Mark Knecht markknecht at writes:

I'm curious if there's a way to capture the exact set of command
 that my machine executes as it boots up.
 Hello Mark,

 maybe 'app-admin/showconsole', is a good (quick) place to 
 start by logging console output during the boot process?

Thanks, James. I knew there was an application out there but I just
couldn't remember it!

Re: [gentoo-user] Monitor Resolution

2010-09-24 Thread Bill Longman
 On 09/24/10 05:38, dhk wrote:
 On 09/24/2010 07:06 AM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 06:47 -0400, dhk wrote:
 After a recent xorg upgrade my display hasn't been quite right.  It's
 all usable, but it looks like the resolution is wrong.  The resolution
 is now set at the highest 1024x768 where it use to be 1280x1024.

 Under Monitor Preferences the monitor is Unknown, Resolution 1024x768,
 Refresh Rate 0 Hz, and Rotation Normal.  The Detect monitors button
 doesn't seem to do anything.  The only other option under Resolution is

 I have a fairly new Samsung 932BW LCD Monitor and using an Nvidia
 graphics card.

 Any ideas on how to get my display back?

 First, the obligatory have you looked at the logs?

 Not a lot of information was given (upgraded to what version? what
 drivers?, etc). but here is a guess.

 Since you are using an nvidia card, I'm guessing you are using the
 proprietary nvidia drivers.  The gnome preference thingie uses xrandr
 which, as far as I know, the proprietery nvidia drivers do not support.
 I don't use nvidia cards anymore, but from my memory the GNOME monitor
 app has never worked with Nvidia.

 I'm also guessing that you upgraded to xorg-server 1.9.  Based on that,
 and the fact that Nvidia drivers are usually behind Xorg updates, I'm
 going to guess that the proprietary drivers are not working correctly,
 either because Nvidia has to push out an update that supports 1.9 or you
 have not re-compiled your drivers after upgrading the server.

 So I would say first to try recompiling the Nvidia driver (if you
 haven't already done so) and if that doesn't fix the problem you'll
 might have to wait until Nvidia updates their proprietary drivers.

 Anyway that's just a guess, since I no longer use Nvidia and based on
 the limited information received.  You will likely find more information
 (that you can post) by looking at the X server's log file.


 After doing the following I didn't notice any difference and the nvidia
 driver wasn't installed in the first place.

 # emerge x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
 Calculating dependencies... done!
 Verifying ebuild manifests
 Starting parallel fetch
 Emerging (1 of 4) app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl-20100611
 Emerging (2 of 4) x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4
 Installing (2 of 4) x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4
 Installing (1 of 4) app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl-20100611
 Emerging (3 of 4) x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-195.36.31
 Installing (3 of 4) x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-195.36.31
 Recording x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers in world favorites file...
 Emerging (4 of 4) media-video/nvidia-settings-195.36.24
 Installing (4 of 4) media-video/nvidia-settings-195.36.24
 Jobs: 4 of 4 complete   Load avg: 3.49,
 2.20, 1.21

 * Messages for package x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-195.36.31:

 * * WARNING *
 * You are currently installing a version of nvidia-drivers that is
 * known not to work with a video card you have installed on your
 * system. If this is intentional, please ignore this. If it is not
 * please perform the following steps:
 * Add the following mask entry to /etc/portage/package.mask by
 * echo =x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-177.0.0 
 * /etc/portage/package.mask
 * Failure to perform the steps above could result in a non-working
 * X setup.
 * For more information please read:
 * You must be in the video group to use the NVIDIA device
 * For more info, read the docs at
 * This ebuild installs a kernel module and X driver. Both must
 * match explicitly in their version. This means, if you restart
 * X, you must modprobe -r nvidia before starting it back up
 * To use the NVIDIA GLX, run eselect opengl set nvidia
 * NVIDIA has requested that any bug reports submitted have the
 * output of /usr/bin/ included.
 * To work with compiz, you must enable the
 * AddARGBGLXVisuals option.
 * If you are having resolution problems, try
 * disabling DynamicTwinView.
 Auto-cleaning packages...
 No outdated packages were found on your
 * GNU info directory index is up-to-date.

 echo =x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-177.0.0  /etc/portage/package.mask

You should have emerged nvidia-drivers here.
 modprobe has nothing to do.
 # modprobe -rn nvidia

 Original opengl setting
 # eselect opengl list
 Available OpenGL implementations:
   [1]   nvidia
   [2]   xorg-x11 *

 Restarted and nothing changed.

 # eselect opengl set nvidia
 # eselect opengl list
 Available OpenGL implementations:
   [1]   nvidia *
   [2]   xorg-x11

 Restarted and nothing changed.

 Do I need to set the resolution somewhere?  I haven't used an xorg.conf
 file in sometime.



Re: [gentoo-user] Fire the fox.

2010-09-24 Thread Bill Longman
 On 09/24/10 09:48, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Beau Henderson wrote:

 On 09/22/10 07:31, Peter Humphrey wrote:

 On Monday 20 September 2010 16:38:05 Paul Hartman wrote:

 I haven't had any crashing or failing to start, but
 Firefox in Linux
 has always been pretty bad in general for me. Slow UI,
 unusable in NX
 (constant screen redraws; Thunderbird does the same
 thing), network
 stalling for MINUTES at a time, slow to load, etc. Other
 browsers on
 the same machine don't suffer any of these problems. I
 don't use
 Firefox as my primary browser because it is so flaky.

 That's odd, because on this newish i5 box, which is suffering
 severe responsiveness problems otherwise, FF responds to my

 Firefox for windows is compiled with PGO via ICC which apparently
 improves performance quite a bit. I believe there are issues when
 firefox is compiled with GCC via PGO and in any case, there is no
 support for PGO building of Firefox @ gentoo afaik. I wish I had
 the time and knowledge to whip up an ebuild that could do the
 magic to test it out tho.

 Any takers ? :P

 Uh, what are PGO and ICC??

 I also must add that I get decent performance from the fox on Ubuntu
 let alone Vista, which makes me take your suggestion about build
 parameters seriously.

 ++ kevin

 Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

ICC is the Intel C compiler.

Re: [gentoo-user] Fire the fox.

2010-09-24 Thread Bill Longman
 On 09/24/10 09:56, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Bill Longman wrote:

 On 09/24/10 09:48, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Beau Henderson wrote:

 On 09/22/10 07:31, Peter Humphrey wrote:

 On Monday 20 September 2010 16:38:05 Paul Hartman wrote:

 I haven't had any crashing or failing to start, but
 Firefox in Linux
 has always been pretty bad in general for me. Slow
 UI, unusable in NX
 (constant screen redraws; Thunderbird does the same
 thing), network
 stalling for MINUTES at a time, slow to load, etc.
 Other browsers on
 the same machine don't suffer any of these problems.
 I don't use
 Firefox as my primary browser because it is so flaky.

 That's odd, because on this newish i5 box, which is
 suffering really
 severe responsiveness problems otherwise, FF responds to
 my commands

 Firefox for windows is compiled with PGO via ICC which
 apparently improves performance quite a bit. I believe there
 are issues when firefox is compiled with GCC via PGO and in
 any case, there is no support for PGO building of Firefox @
 gentoo afaik. I wish I had the time and knowledge to whip up
 an ebuild that could do the magic to test it out tho.

 Any takers ? :P

 Uh, what are PGO and ICC??

 I also must add that I get decent performance from the fox on
 Ubuntu let alone Vista, which makes me take your suggestion about
 build parameters seriously.
 ICC is the Intel C compiler.

 Ahh..   I've heard good things about it, but I'm under the impression
 it is not free (as in beer).  Is that true?

 Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

I don't know but I can emerge -q icc

Re: [gentoo-user] usb-storage errors in dmesg

2010-09-23 Thread Bill Longman
 On 09/22/10 16:40, me wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Bill Longman wrote:
  I have a new workstation running 64 bits 2.6.34 gentoo sources. It's an
 HP p6520y (AthlonIIX4) with 6GB and lsusb reports an Alcor Micro 21-in-1
 Flash Card Reader.

 I have no usb storage devices plugged in and I see in my dmesg many of
 the following messages:

 usb-storage: queuecommand called
 usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
 usb-storage: Command TEST_UNIT_READY (6 bytes)
 usb-storage:  00 00 00 00 00 00
 usb-storage: Bulk Command S 0x43425355 T 0x5473 L 0 F 0 Trg 0 LUN 1 CL 6
 usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 31 bytes
 usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 31/31
 usb-storage: -- transfer complete
 usb-storage: Bulk command transfer result=0
 usb-storage: Attempting to get CSW...
 usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 13 bytes
 usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 13/13
 usb-storage: -- transfer complete
 usb-storage: Bulk status result = 0
 usb-storage: Bulk Status S 0x53425355 T 0x5473 R 0 Stat 0x1
 usb-storage: -- transport indicates command failure
 usb-storage: Issuing auto-REQUEST_SENSE
 usb-storage: Bulk Command S 0x43425355 T 0x5474 L 18 F 128 Trg 0 LUN 1 CL 6
 usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 31 bytes
 usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 31/31
 usb-storage: -- transfer complete
 usb-storage: Bulk command transfer result=0
 usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_sglist: xfer 18 bytes, 1 entries
 usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 18/18
 usb-storage: -- transfer complete
 usb-storage: Bulk data transfer result 0x0
 usb-storage: Attempting to get CSW...
 usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 13 bytes
 usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 13/13
 usb-storage: -- transfer complete
 usb-storage: Bulk status result = 0
 usb-storage: Bulk Status S 0x53425355 T 0x5474 R 0 Stat 0x0
 usb-storage: -- Result from auto-sense is 0
 usb-storage: -- code: 0xf0, key: 0x2, ASC: 0x3a, ASCQ: 0x0
 usb-storage: Not Ready: Medium not present
 usb-storage: scsi cmd done, result=0x2
 usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.

 Any ideas who/what is doing this? How to debug?


 Bill Longman
 Εν αρχη ην ο λογος

 I'd guess, at a glance, that you have CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DEBUG set in
 your kernel config.

 To check if that's it (assuming you have /proc/config.gz enabled) run:
 # zgrep CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DEBUG /proc/config.gz


[gentoo-user] usb-storage errors in dmesg

2010-09-22 Thread Bill Longman
 I have a new workstation running 64 bits 2.6.34 gentoo sources. It's an
HP p6520y (AthlonIIX4) with 6GB and lsusb reports an Alcor Micro 21-in-1
Flash Card Reader.

I have no usb storage devices plugged in and I see in my dmesg many of
the following messages:

usb-storage: queuecommand called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Command TEST_UNIT_READY (6 bytes)
usb-storage:  00 00 00 00 00 00
usb-storage: Bulk Command S 0x43425355 T 0x5473 L 0 F 0 Trg 0 LUN 1 CL 6
usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 31 bytes
usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 31/31
usb-storage: -- transfer complete
usb-storage: Bulk command transfer result=0
usb-storage: Attempting to get CSW...
usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 13 bytes
usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 13/13
usb-storage: -- transfer complete
usb-storage: Bulk status result = 0
usb-storage: Bulk Status S 0x53425355 T 0x5473 R 0 Stat 0x1
usb-storage: -- transport indicates command failure
usb-storage: Issuing auto-REQUEST_SENSE
usb-storage: Bulk Command S 0x43425355 T 0x5474 L 18 F 128 Trg 0 LUN 1 CL 6
usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 31 bytes
usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 31/31
usb-storage: -- transfer complete
usb-storage: Bulk command transfer result=0
usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_sglist: xfer 18 bytes, 1 entries
usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 18/18
usb-storage: -- transfer complete
usb-storage: Bulk data transfer result 0x0
usb-storage: Attempting to get CSW...
usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 13 bytes
usb-storage: Status code 0; transferred 13/13
usb-storage: -- transfer complete
usb-storage: Bulk status result = 0
usb-storage: Bulk Status S 0x53425355 T 0x5474 R 0 Stat 0x0
usb-storage: -- Result from auto-sense is 0
usb-storage: -- code: 0xf0, key: 0x2, ASC: 0x3a, ASCQ: 0x0
usb-storage: Not Ready: Medium not present
usb-storage: scsi cmd done, result=0x2
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.

Any ideas who/what is doing this? How to debug?


Bill Longman
Εν αρχη ην ο λογος

Re: [gentoo-user] To be sse3 or not to be sse3, that is the phenom!

2010-09-17 Thread Bill Longman
 On 09/17/2010 12:01 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
 On Friday 17 September 2010, Nils Larsson wrote:
 fredag 17 september 2010 05.21.42 skrev

  short question:
  My PC runs a AMD Phenom II X6 1090T (E0 stepping, Black Edition).
  cat /proc/cpuinfo claims, that the processor does support sse, sse2
  and sse4a (sse3 is missing).
  Wikipedia states for the same CPU that it would support sse3.
  What is correct?
  Best regards,
 IIRC the sse3 flag is pni.
 exactly. The phenom does of course support sse3.

But none of the AMD cpus support ssse3. (with 3 s) Just to cloud the
issue some. :-)

Re: [gentoo-user] Some problems while migrating to 64bit

2010-09-14 Thread Bill Longman
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 5:13 PM, wrote:

 Jes??s J. Guerrero Botella [10-09-15
   1.) The fonts of mrxvt are microscopic home and .mrxvt
  remained the same. Are fonts not reported to world when emerged?
  What are the basic fonts I need before buying new glasses?
  Maybe you forgot some use flag or something. To use truetype fonts in
  mrxvt you need to turn that flag on. I also have no idea about mrxvt,
  but most terminal emulators read their configs from ~/.Xdefaults,
  check the mrxvt man page and/or docs.
   2.) Mouse does not work. Hald is up, fdi-rules are copied from my old
  system, /dev/input/mice is there, gpm (started for a test) sees
  the mouse, xf86-input-mouse is recompiled, dbus is running.
  What's wrong? reports no device defined for mouse...
  my xorg.conf does not define such...but it is the same xorg.conf,
  which works under 32bit env.
  So, latest Xorg doesn't use hal. I can't be sure since you are not
  telling us what xorg version you are using. Since 1.8 X uses udev
   3.) Keyboard behaves somehow strange. German Umlauts works, but |
  does performs something like a crazy backspace or so.
  And a UNIX without a working pipe is not really making me happy...
  If it happens only under X, then it's the same issue that you have
  with your mouse. Configure it using the new method.
   4.) As someone already reports to the list: k3b does not find any
  burner, cdrom, dvd-drive. /dev/sr0 exist and is linked to dvd.
  Probably a k3b and/or udev issue. I can't help with this one. But I
  think I've seen something about k3b lately in the forums. Might worth
  a check.
  I even can boot from dvd...
  That's nothing to do with linux, but your BIOS. A different land.
  Jesús Guerrero Botella


 thank you for your reply and explanations, Jesus! :)

 The problems are nearly gone in the meanwhile: The HAL-flag
 was missing for the xorg-sevrer (1.7), after that mouse was
 recognized and the keyboard was fully functional (with pipes) again.

 Fonts: I simply missed to install a couple of fonts. But why they
 was not in my old world file...dont know.

 k3b: Fixed. It is an issue with dbus having not enough rights
 to rebort to hald which again was used by a user-land application
 like k3b. I fixed this by badly manipulation /etc/dbus-1/system.conf
 (see other mail from me of today).

 So my system now seems to work under 64bit. Rendering becomes 30% faster!
 Oh yeah! ;)

 Best regards,

So, in the long run, would you say you saved any time? How fast can you
install fresh 64 bit gentoo compared to your hop-step-jump that you did? I'd
be interested to know.

Bill Longman

Re: [gentoo-user] How to correctly read CPU temperature ?

2010-09-13 Thread Bill Longman
 On 09/13/2010 12:33 PM, wrote:
 Paul Hartman [10-09-13 21:27]:
 On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 12:15 AM, wrote:
 On the Inet I found some, but not very clear infos, which say, that
  the temperature sensing diodes of the AMD Phenom II x6 T1090 were
  wrong. Second thing is, when idleing the CPU of my box has only 34
  degree C -- which would be nice if true, but I dont believe that:
  The CPU is cooled with a Scythe Mulgen 2 Rev.B or with other words
  its only a fan and therefore only air cooling...
 I think you need either k8temp or k10temp module in your kernel. Check
 documentation in your kernel sources to see which chipsets are
 supported by each (or enable both and see which on works).

 As stated by AMD itsself. the temperature read by that module are
 relative and not absolute.
 Thats why I use the output of tk0110-acpi-0.

 Live-example, taken at the same time:

 Adapter: PCI adapter
 temp1:   +19.0 C  (high = +70.0 C, crit = +90.0 C)

 CPU Temperature:   +34.0 C  (high = +40.0 C, crit = +90.0 C)

 This is a difference of 15 degree Centigrade inside the CPU.
 I would like to have THAT fan, which accomplish THIS delta...
 Also the high values are definitely VERY different...

 Science is the explanation, why somethingd does not work...

 Best regards

And if you have an Asus mobo, you can use their kernel module (in the
later kernels).

Re: [gentoo-user] sudo in kernel config ?

2010-09-12 Thread Bill Longman
 I agree there's no point in using sudo, but what's the problem? You
 don't need to edit the kernel sources merely to build a new kernel. You
 can build your kernel outside the tree using for example:
 make O=/home/user/kernel/tree/ menuconfig
 make O=/home/user/kernel/tree/

This is how I do it, too, when testing the kernel before I do it for real.
This way, the code stays owned by root and I can make to my hearts content,
with different kernels going into different directories that I control.

Bill Longman

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Old IDE drives and the newer PATA kernel drivers

2010-08-30 Thread Bill Longman
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Dale wrote:

 Alan McKinnon wrote:

 Apparently, though unproven, at 18:03 on Monday 30 August 2010, Paul
 did opine thusly:

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 9:04 PM, Daniel

 Nikos Chantziaras schrieb am 27.08.2010 18:06:

 On 08/27/2010 07:02 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:

 Actually, you can:

 (Read the section below Use a label):

 LABEL=ROOT  / ext3defaults1 1
 LABEL=BOOT  /boot ext3defaults1 2
 LABEL=SWAP  swap  swapdefaults0 0
 LABEL=HOME  /home ext3nosuid,auto 1 2

 This syntax never worked here.  Always resulted in an unbootable
  Only the /dev/disk/by-label/ syntax works reliably.

 Afaik if you are using GRUB LEGACY (0.97) and want to use LABEL/UUID in
 your grub.conf/menu.lst you also need an initrd. I think with GRUB 2
 (1.98) it is possible without. You don't need an initrd for LABEL/UUID
 in /etc/fstab for both cases.

 FWIW I'm using sys-boot/grub-0.97-r10 with GPT, labeled partitions and
 no initrd. My kernel has EFI_PARTITION compiled in (no module).

 My fstab looks like this:

 LABEL=swap   noneswapsw  0 0
 LABEL=boot  /bootext2defaults,noatime1 2
 LABEL=root   /   ext4defaults,noatime0 1
 LABEL=home  /home   ext4defaults,noatime0 1

 My kernel boot commandline still specified root by device name
 /dev/sda2 but otherwise my system works normally so far. :)

 Don't listen to nay-sayers. Your fstab will work just fine and there's
 wrong with it.

 The LABEL= sysntax has also worked for years and years now on all grub-
 supported filesystems that support volume labels. I don't know where a
 previous poster got the idea from that it is not supported, or you need an
 initrd - I have never used an initrd on Gentoo and have used that syntax

 Similar for claims of unreliability by someone else. The only cause I can
 think of is using weird grub patches or some combination of insane flags.

 So I don't have to have the complete path in fstab like this:

 /dev/disk/by-label/boot/bootext2noatime1 2
 /dev/disk/by-label/root/reiserfsdefaults0 1
 /dev/disk/by-label/swapnoneswapsw0 0
 /dev/disk/by-label/portage/usr/portageext3defaults0 1
 /dev/disk/by-label/home/homereiserfsdefaults1 1

 Can you post a grub.conf file that uses labels?  Sort of a example to look
 at and go by.

Dale, there are two examples of fstabs in this message (actually three). But
you only want to see those you didn't write. You just need to put
LABEL=somelabel in the first column.

Bill Longman

Re: [gentoo-user] ignore previous msg (Hotplugging not working)

2010-08-30 Thread Bill Longman
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Allan Gottlieb wrote:

 Jake Moe writes:

   On 31/08/10 06:57, Allan Gottlieb wrote:
  I plugged into the desktop and looked on the laptop.
  Sorry for the noise,

*That* is a keeper.

For the past few months I've had two keyboards on my desk - one for the Sun
box and the other on the KVM for the Linux boxes. Innumerable times I've
wondered why my screensaver password never got accepted. Until I realized I
was on the wrong keyboard.

Thanks for the grin, Allan.
Bill Longman

[gentoo-user] How to fix messed up KDE menu icons?

2010-08-30 Thread Bill Longman
I have a broken Firefox-3 reference in my KDE favorites menu. Is there a
tool to fix these broken items because I haven't found one.

Bill Longman
Εν αρχη ην ο λογος

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Old IDE drives and the newer PATA kernel drivers

2010-08-27 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/27/2010 01:10 AM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
 On Friday 27 August 2010 09:49:41 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 Anyway, make sure you have a bootable Linux CD/DVD handy.  That way, you
 won't be able to blow anything up and can boot from it in order to
 change your /etc/fstab and grub conf.
 Alternatively, give your partitions Labels and reconfigure /etc/fstab to use 
 Then you don't have to worry about the changes to the device-names.

I second Joost's recommendation. I don't think you can use labels on the
kernel command line, so your grub will have to know for sure which
device to boot.

Re: [gentoo-user] Virtualization where to go from VMWare-Server-1?

2010-08-27 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/27/2010 12:58 AM, Konstantinos Agouros wrote:
 I am currently running a guest with VMware-Server-1. However the modules
 needed for that on the host are no longer supported and I am stuck with 2.6.31
 for the moment. 
 So I am thinking of alternatives. My requirements:
 It should only need as much RAM on the host as needed (so XEN with static 
 assignment is out)
 It should run headless (I don't want a window on the desktop but be able
 get console access when needed).
 VMWare import/compatibility would be nice but is not a must have.
 I use VirtualBox on a Mac but can it run headless? Any other proposals?

VBox runs great headless. I start three VMs at boot time, all over VRDP.
Highly recommended. You can migrate it to other systems if you want, too.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Old IDE drives and the newer PATA kernel drivers

2010-08-27 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/27/2010 09:10 AM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
 On Friday 27 August 2010 18:03:51 Bill Longman wrote:
 On 08/27/2010 01:50 AM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 On 08/27/2010 10:37 AM, Dale wrote:
 Yet another way to use labels:

 When you make the filesystem, apply the name then i.e.:

   mke2fs -j -L SpeedySSD /dev/sde1

 then in your /etc/fstab use the label like this:

   LABEL=SpeedySSD /usr/home  ext3  relatime  0 2
 I don't think Dale (The OT) would like to have to reformat his partitions 
 to get this to work :)


I thought, too, (of course *after* I had pressed SEND) that I should
have switched those two sentences around. I do not mean to imply that
you have to zap all your data to use labels. That would really drive
people away from Gentoo, wouldn't it? (I'll be right there, honey, I
just have to reformat my boot partition!)

Please read these as two completely separate and independent examples,
one for how to set them up in the first place and second, how to apply them.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Old IDE drives and the newer PATA kernel drivers

2010-08-27 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/27/2010 01:50 AM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 On 08/27/2010 10:37 AM, Dale wrote:
 I been putting this off but it looks like the newer kernels are going to
 push me to changing this real soon. I have a older system, Abit NF7 2.0
 motherboard with the older IDE drives. I'm still using the older IDE
 drivers. This is what I have currently:

 hda Actual hard drive OS on this
 hdb Actual hard drive Not in use
 hdc Actual hard drive home partition
 hdd DVD burner Duh! It's a burner.
 sda Actual hard drive connected through a SATA PCI card. Misc stuff.
 The advice by the other posters to label your disks is a good one.  I'm
 using labels too.  Not sure why I didn't think to mention it :P
 Applying labels to your filesystems is trivial.  Simply use the e2label
 utility (it's in the sys-fs/e2fsprogs package and installed by default,
 so there's nothing new to emerge).  For example, if your hda1 is your
 root partition and your hda2 your swap, you can label them like this:
   e2label /dev/hda1 GentooRoot
   e2label /dev/hda2 GentooSwap
 Note: hda1, not just hda.  You are labeling the filesystem on a
 partition, not the whole drive.
 After you label all your filesystems, you simply modify your /etc/fstab
 like this:
 /dev/hda1  /  ext4  noatime  0 1
 /dev/hda2  none  swap  sw  0 0
 /dev/disk/by-label/GentooRoot  /  ext4  noatime  0 1
 /dev/disk/by-label/GentooSwap  none  swap  sw 0 0
 That is, you simply change /dev/blah to
 /dev/disk/by-label/DriveLabel and that's it.

Yet another way to use labels:

When you make the filesystem, apply the name then i.e.:

  mke2fs -j -L SpeedySSD /dev/sde1

then in your /etc/fstab use the label like this:

  LABEL=SpeedySSD /usr/home  ext3  relatime  0 2

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Old IDE drives and the newer PATA kernel drivers

2010-08-27 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/27/2010 09:06 AM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 On 08/27/2010 07:02 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
 Actually, you can:

And this is similar to the syntax in the kernel's
Documentation/intel_txt.txt file.

 (Read the section below Use a label):

 LABEL=ROOT  / ext3defaults1 1
 LABEL=BOOT  /boot ext3defaults1 2
 LABEL=SWAP  swap  swapdefaults0 0
 LABEL=HOME  /home ext3nosuid,auto 1 2
 This syntax never worked here.  Always resulted in an unbootable system.
  Only the /dev/disk/by-label/ syntax works reliably.

Are you using ReiserFS, Nikos? It works wonders with ext.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Old IDE drives and the newer PATA kernel drivers

2010-08-27 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/27/2010 09:06 AM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 On 08/27/2010 07:02 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
 On Friday 27 August 2010 17:57:01 Bill Longman wrote:
 On 08/27/2010 01:10 AM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
 On Friday 27 August 2010 09:49:41 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 Anyway, make sure you have a bootable Linux CD/DVD handy.  That
 way, you
 won't be able to blow anything up and can boot from it in order to
 change your /etc/fstab and grub conf.

 Alternatively, give your partitions Labels and reconfigure
 /etc/fstab to
 use those.
 Then you don't have to worry about the changes to the device-names.

 I second Joost's recommendation. I don't think you can use labels on the
 kernel command line, so your grub will have to know for sure which
 device to boot.

 Actually, you can:

 (Read the section below Use a label):

 LABEL=ROOT  / ext3defaults1 1
 LABEL=BOOT  /boot ext3defaults1 2
 LABEL=SWAP  swap  swapdefaults0 0
 LABEL=HOME  /home ext3nosuid,auto 1 2
 This syntax never worked here.  Always resulted in an unbootable system.
  Only the /dev/disk/by-label/ syntax works reliably.

What kernel drivers are you using?

Here's my fstab on my x64 box that has been booting perfectly for
months. And I boot it lots because it's my dev't box:

LABEL=boot /boot ext3  noauto,noatime  1 2
LABEL=root / ext3  relatime0 1
LABEL=swap none  swap  sw  0 0
LABEL=usr  /usr  ext3  relatime0 2
LABEL=var  /var  ext3  relatime0 2
LABEL=opt  /opt  ext3  relatime0 2
LABEL=home /home ext3  relatime0 2

Re: [gentoo-user] Feckless xdm not much of a manager

2010-08-26 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/25/2010 01:40 PM, Robert Bridge wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 Sorry, but that has several bits of misinformation.

 xdm is not a generic term, or at least I didn't mean it that way. It's the
 package x11-apps/xdm.
 Gentoo uses the term xdm in two ways, one is for the xdm display
 manager, provided by that package. The other is for the init scripts
 used to launch a display manager. The init script launches the display
 manager specified in the config files, kdm being the common one
 choosen for KDE.

You put it very well, Robbie. I should have said xdm is the more
ancient term, the generic display manager that's been around since the
dawn of X. Which everyone hated. So folks wrote new ones that had more
pizazz and nifty features, which they loved. They're all still X display
managers (thus, xdm), so you use xdm to start it. One of your display
managers could be ye olde xdm, if you choose.

Re: [gentoo-user] Hardware Support for Netbook

2010-08-26 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/26/2010 06:07 AM, Aaron Bauman wrote:
I bought a new Toshiba T215D-S1150 with a AMD Athlon II Neo
 Processor.  I am currently having issues with the livecd not booting. 
 Everything seems to get stuck on an NeT RPC error while the kernel is
 booting.  I was able to successfully install Ubuntu (Netbook Remix and
 10.x).  From there I was able to chroot and install Gentoo.  Upon reboot
 I was not able to boot the kernel yet again.  I have chrooted back in
 several times and still have failed to find the proper kernel version or
 configuration that will boot my system.  Any support or help would be
 greatly appreciated.

You should post the lspci from ubuntu, so we can give some suggestions.
We're flying blind right now.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: 32/64bit confusion

2010-08-25 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/24/2010 03:17 PM, wrote:
 On 8/24/2010 5:45 PM, Zeerak Mustafa Waseem wrote:
 A good idea might be to install the package app-portage/eix. It allows
 you to, amongst other things, to search for packages in case you're
 uncertain about a package name. The search will also tell you whether
 the package is installed, what version as well as what use-flags there
 are for the package.
 There are a lot of other benefits to this application so read the man
 Extremely useful, grabbing it now, thank you!

That's an understatement. I think, of all the portage tools out there, I
have used eix the most. Of course, revdep-rebuild comes in second, but
it's not even really close.

Re: [gentoo-user] Feckless xdm not much of a manager

2010-08-25 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/24/2010 08:36 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 In order to make progress on this thing, it's useful to be able to
 control the display manager.  My problem has been that going to /etc/init.d
 and commanding ./xdm stop seems to work, but has no effect on KDE. 
 Manually killing kde (ps -ef | grep kde, etc) just starts another one. 
 I finally figured out that I have to find the 'kdm' process and kill
 that, then a logoff or Ctl_Alt_BS actually gets rid of X, so I can do
 things like
 X -configure and so on.

You ~should~ be able to log onto a console vty by using Ctrl-Alt-Fn
(where n=1-6). You can then log on from there and commence all manner of
Gentacular shelly goodness.

There's really no need to kill the display manager ever. In fact, you
can have more than one running at a time.

 Oddly, ./xdm start worked fine, and was responsible for kdm being
 started.   But isn't it odd that the display manager has such weak
 control on its subordinate?  Big PITA for me.  

Yeah, that's just a semantic problem, really. The generic term is xdm
but depending upon your setup, you can plug in any display manager.

Re: [gentoo-user] New HD monitor stretches everything. How to teach Xorg?

2010-08-23 Thread Bill Longman
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

 I had to replace an 4:3 Westinghouse monitor this weekend.  I got a new
 ASUS VH242H, which is very wide.  But Xorg is still running 1280x1024,
 instead of the monitor's normal 1920x1080, according to xorg logs because of
 lack of video memory (using the ATI on the motherboard).  I can make the
 screen use a 4:3 aspect ratio, so I'm up and running, much better than I
 started, but I'd like to do better.

 I guess I've gotta look for a video card, but all I have is PCIX slots, so
 I don't want to put a lot of money into it (I'll be upgrading the mobo when
 finances permit -- which is not right now.)

 Any ideas?

You'd kinda think that since AGP is kinda sorta a beefed up version of PCI,
kinda sorta like PCI-X, you ought to be able to find a boatload of cards
like this for the cheap on eBay. But finding one is like finding hen's
teeth. The only one I've found is a 3.3/5V 32/64bit 33/66MHz ATI card and
they're about $US500. The company that makes them does them for multi-head
displays such as NOC displays, etc, so if you can't spare the change for a
new mobo, then five hundred bucks for a video card in a worn-out bus format
is probably out of the question.

rantI've been looking for one for years now because I have this great Dell
server that just keeps on running and running but it has these beautiful 64
bit PCI-X slots just calling out for a decent video card -- but not

Re: [gentoo-user] I can RTFM, but can I understand it: re elog messages

2010-08-20 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/19/2010 04:38 PM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
 On Thursday 19 August 2010 21:21:20 Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 So I looked up auto-hinter in the flagedit(1) program. It says:
 auto-hinter: Local Flag: Use the unpatented auto-hinter instead
 of the (recommended) TrueType bytecode interpreter (media-

 The placement of the (recommended) is just a bit ambiguous.
 No, it isn't. You may be being confused by the unnecessary inclusion of 
 brackets (parentheses if you're American); remove them and you see that 
 the TrueType byte-code interpreter is recommended. Or, just consider the 
 phrase the recommended TrueType bytecode interpreter, with or without 
 brackets. I can't see how that could be thought ambiguous.

I have to agree it's ambiguous. You have to wonder why the parenthetical
recommended is offset if it's just part of the sentence. If it were as
you say, there would be no need to put them there. As it is written it
sounds like it's making an aside claiming that one of them is
recommended and, by its placement, it's hard to discern its antecedent.

That's my first impression. And I'm sticking to it.

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel questions

2010-08-20 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/19/2010 08:44 AM, Florian Philipp wrote:
 Am 18.08.2010 21:30, schrieb Elmar Hinz:
 1.) Is there a Map: modules to configration parameters?

 lspci -k lists me all modules of the running genkernel.
 Unfortunately the configuration parameters of the kernel have
 different names.

 2.) Which approach would you recommend?

 With new enough kernel sources (gentoo-sources in stable are good
 enough), there is `make localmodconfig` which removes all mods from your
 current .config which are not loaded.
 There is also `make localyesconfig` which does the same but doesn't
 create modules.

Al, if you look in the README file in the top of the kernel tree,
there's a very good section with explanations about the various kernel
configuration options available for make.

I find it amazing, though, that even if I copy my old .config, it still
takes me so much time to make sure all the settings are correct for a
given machine. Hasn't anyone come up with a handy
look-through-my-lspci-output-and-create-a-skeleton-kernel-config tool?
Or does it already exist and we just call him Pappy?

Re: [gentoo-user] I can RTFM, but can I understand it: re elog messages

2010-08-20 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/20/2010 07:58 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
 On Friday 20 August 2010 14:20:35 Bill Longman wrote:
 On 08/19/2010 04:38 PM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
 On Thursday 19 August 2010 21:21:20 Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 So I looked up auto-hinter in the flagedit(1) program. It says:
 auto-hinter: Local Flag: Use the unpatented auto-hinter instead
 of the (recommended) TrueType bytecode interpreter (media-

 The placement of the (recommended) is just a bit ambiguous.

 No, it isn't. You may be being confused by the unnecessary
 inclusion of brackets (parentheses if you're American); remove
 them and you see that the TrueType byte-code interpreter is
 recommended. Or, just consider the phrase the recommended
 TrueType bytecode interpreter, with or without brackets. I can't
 see how that could be thought ambiguous.

 I have to agree it's ambiguous. You have to wonder why the
 parenthetical recommended is offset if it's just part of the
 sentence. If it were as you say, there would be no need to put them
 there. As it is written it sounds like it's making an aside claiming
 that one of them is recommended and, by its placement, it's hard to
 discern its antecedent.
 Its placement puts it squarely with the noun phrase following it. To 
 associate it with the preceding one instead would be perverse. (Just to 
 continue flogging a dead horse...):-)

Yet you yourself just put a parenthetical aside after its antecedent,
not before it.

Double flog. Double :-).

 I agree though that the brackets are neither necessary nor helpful.

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel questions

2010-08-20 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/20/2010 11:44 AM, Marc Joliet wrote:
 Am Fri, 20 Aug 2010 07:43:40 -0700
 schrieb Bill Longman
 I find it amazing, though, that even if I copy my old .config, it still
 takes me so much time to make sure all the settings are correct for a
 given machine. Hasn't anyone come up with a handy
 look-through-my-lspci-output-and-create-a-skeleton-kernel-config tool?
 Or does it already exist and we just call him Pappy?
 Not really what you want, but somebody thought of something similar. Since
 Linux 2.6.32 you can do:
   make localmodconfig [1].
 That will take the output of lsmod (so you need an already running kernel,
 e.g., from a live CD) and remove all unnecessary modules from the existing
 kernel .config.
 [1]: see, section 1.8.

Thanks, Marc.

So, if I boot off the livecd and I have eighty-five sata_ modules and
forty-two RAID modules and 2.5 handsful of various scsi/iscsi modules, I
should probably modprobe -r first, all those that aren't applicable to
my given system then run the make? I'll take a look. Thanks again.

Re: [gentoo-user] LINGUAS

2010-08-19 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/19/2010 05:37 AM, Florian CROUZAT wrote:
 On 19 août 2010, at 14:27, Graham Murray wrote:
 Elmar Hinz writes:

 2010/8/18 Alan McKinnon
 Apparently, though unproven, at 23:25 on Wednesday 18 August 2010, Elmar 
 did opine thusly:

 The gentoo wiki suggests in different places to set the LINGUAS
 environment variable in make.conf.

 What has LINGUAS todo with make? I would expect it in rc.conf near the
 UNICODE setting.

 It has nothing to do with make. It has everything to do with portage.

 Even than, LINGUAS has rather to do with OpenOffice.

 Has it anything to do with portage at all?

 Several packages, not just OpenOffice, can include/support different
 languages. Portage uses the value of LINGUAS to tell these packages
 which languages to include/support.
 I have access to this box where linguas=fr is set.
 Check this output:
  $ type -a [
 [ est une primitive du shell
 [ est /usr/bin/[
 [ is a shell built-in becomes est une primitive du shell
 I can't see any use flags in coreutils/bash that informs me it will be 
 emerged with the linguas support.
 How do I know which package will be localized then ? Just curious, I don't 
 tweak my linguas.

As others have said, it's the nls setting that does this. Specifically,
the string est une primitive du shell is part of the i18n that's in
the bash binary. When you set LANG or LC_MESSAGES to something
different, i.e., el_GR, you'll get the Greek translation. The man page
for locale has lots of info about this.

Re: [gentoo-user] LINGUAS

2010-08-19 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/19/2010 06:53 AM, Elmar Hinz wrote:
 2010/8/19 Andrea Conti
 On the other hand LINGUAS is still a general variable AFAIK and not
 portage specific.

 LINGUAS is strictly portage-specific.
 Researching the web I understand it origins from gettext and portage
 has implemented it. If I understand right, it would still matter if
 you compile something without portage.
 But is the following generalization correct?
 * LINGUAS is the compile time setting (for multiple languages)
 * LANG is the runtime setting (for the current language).

Yeah, but with the caveat that LANG is the generalization for all the
LC_* variables.

Re: [gentoo-user] dmesg warning about mtrr: type mismatch and allocation failed

2010-08-19 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/19/2010 04:37 AM, Walter Dnes wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 05:55:04PM -0500, Paul Hartman wrote

 I had a similar message, it was there because of the fact that i
 specified the wrong (or failed to specify?) mtrr method in my kernel
 boot parameters for the framebuffer. I'm using uvesafb and in kernel
 documentation (/usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/uvesafb.txt) it
 explains the values and even gives an example of this error and what
 to do about it:
   I'm using the Intel driver, which doesn't have those settings.  And
 no, I do not want to drop down to a generic VESA driver with no hardware
 acceleration.  Some more Google searching has turned up a lead.
 Apparently, it's possible to manually set the mtrr's, using cat and echo
 with /proc/mtrr
   According to lspci -v, my integrated graphics chip has
 Memory at fb80 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M]
 Memory at d000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
   My mtrr setup, however, shows up like so...
 waltd...@i3 ~ $ cat /proc/mtrr
 reg00: base=0x0 (0MB), size= 8192MB, count=1: write-back
 reg01: base=0x2 ( 8192MB), size= 1024MB, count=1: write-back
 reg02: base=0x0c000 ( 3072MB), size= 1024MB, count=1: uncachable
 reg03: base=0x0b400 ( 2880MB), size=   64MB, count=1: uncachable
 reg04: base=0x0b800 ( 2944MB), size=  128MB, count=1: uncachable
 reg05: base=0x1fc00 ( 8128MB), size=   64MB, count=1: uncachable
   I'll read up more on how to set it up manually.  One thing that has my
 curiousity right now... how come there's a gig of ram in write-back mode
 *STARTING* at 8 gigs, and ending at 9 gigs minus 1 byte, when I only
 have 8 gigs of ram in total?

You might want to have a look in your kernel Documentation directory.
There's a file x86/mtrr.txt that gives you some info. And lots in the fb
subdirectory. You can probably find some other info there, too. There's
lots of the dreaded MTRR info in the kernel_parameters.txt file, so you
can setup the MTRRs at boot time.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: DVD borked: SysFS removed

2010-08-18 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/17/2010 04:38 PM, walt wrote:
 Well, not quite true.  I did change my /etc/fstab, but I'm now using disk
 labels in fstab instead of device names.  If you still use device names
 you'll need to change /dev/hd* to /dev/sd* in fstab when using the new
 disk drivers.

I'm an old-timer with *nix stuff so it took me ages to finally use disk
labels. It doesn't provide any benefit straight off, but in the long
run, man, is it so much easier.

Re: [gentoo-user] How to build a time machine on Gentoo

2010-08-18 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/18/2010 04:53 AM, Nganon wrote:
 I did not know that. I was thinking of, in couple of months, buying a
 with two HDDs with RAID1 installed and using the usb drive as a backup 
 destination. So if RAID got corruped, the backups, made since then,
 would be 
 useless? How would you resolve it? 

The ONLY thing RAID will save you from is hardware failure.

Copying data from one disk to another is not RAID. If you use dd to copy
from one corrupt filesystem to another, you have two corrupt filesystems.

If you want a robust filesystem, look into ZFS/BTRFS.

Re: [gentoo-user] How to build a time machine on Gentoo

2010-08-18 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/18/2010 11:03 AM, Nganon wrote:
 Clear now, thanks.
 If you want a robust filesystem, look into ZFS/BTRFS.
 AFAIK ZFS is unmaintained and BTRFS is not stable, am I wrong? 

Not really. ZFS is only available on Solaris right now. I seem to
remember it was running on one of the BSD's, too, since it's a matter of
licensing that is the hurdle of greatest height. I've only played with
BTRFS on my dev box and the simple workout I gave it did not tax it in
any way--it worked okay.

Re: [gentoo-user] How to build a time machine on Gentoo

2010-08-18 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/18/2010 11:49 AM, Joerg Schilling wrote:
 Bill Longman wrote:
 On 08/18/2010 11:03 AM, Nganon wrote:
 Clear now, thanks.

 If you want a robust filesystem, look into ZFS/BTRFS.

 AFAIK ZFS is unmaintained and BTRFS is not stable, am I wrong? 
 Why do you believe ZFS is unmaintained?

That's Nganon's comment. I'll let him answer.

 Not really. ZFS is only available on Solaris right now. I seem to
 remember it was running on one of the BSD's, too, since it's a matter of
 licensing that is the hurdle of greatest height. I've only played with
 BTRFS on my dev box and the simple workout I gave it did not tax it in
 any way--it worked okay.
 ZFS has a very free license. This was the reason, why it could be ported to 
 BSDs. So why do you believe there is a license hurdle?

Only for getting it to run on Linux. The CDDL doesn't play well with GPL.

 Also note: btrfs now is three years old. ZFS was started aprox. 10 years ago.
 For this reason, btrfs is expected to need another 7 years to readh the level 
 of stability currently seen with ZFS.

Might take even less!

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on 8GB SSD

2010-08-17 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/17/2010 03:57 AM, Elmar Hinz wrote:

 I am new in Gentoo. I installed Gnome.

 Portage: 1,6 GB + Rest: 5,5 GB =  7,1 GB
 Portage: 1,6 GB + Rest: 3,5 GB =  5,1 GB

I guess to best answer this question you need to ask what you want to
do. What are you trying to speed up? Booting? Emerging? Just general
speedup? With only 8GB, I'm not sure there's much you can do to simply
put it in and, presto, you're 186% ricing. You'll have to look at where
the heaviest I/O is taking place and at what times. Just off the top of
my head, I'd say you'd want to put /var/tmp and maybe /tmp if yours
isn't a tmpfs.

If you have plenty of RAM, the OS will cache most of the /bin, /lib and
/usr/bin stuff for you, so what will you gain if you put those there,
for the fraction of them that you actually use? If you are *low* on RAM,
you would want to put /usr/lib on the SSD. It's 1.7G on my desktop
system (KDE, XFCE).

My two cents.

Re: [gentoo-user] Typewriter sound

2010-08-17 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/17/2010 10:56 AM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
 On Tue, 2010-08-17 at 19:20 +0200, wrote:

  on YouTube there was a Blender-2.5 tutorial with audio. 
  There was an interesting detail: While there were spoken
  instructions one can hear one typing on its keyboard.
  Each hit on one of the keys made the sound of an old
  typewriter (no, it was not the sound of the legendary
  IBM Model M keyboard ;) ).

  How can I achieve this?
  What software can I use to make this geeky feature to
  come true.
  Unfortunately I have no idea, how to name this kind
  of what(?) ...

  Thank you very much for any hint in advance!
  Best regards,
 There probably a number of ways to do this.
 A cheap and easy way would be to use xev to monitor a window and then
 pipe the stderr to a a program that waits for a keypress event and then
 plays an apropriate.
 A less cheap way would be to have our program do what xev does instead
 of using a pipe.

Or you could set your X keyclick using xset.

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge 32bits on 64bits platform

2010-08-17 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/17/2010 06:43 AM, Mike Edenfield wrote:
 On 8/16/2010 2:13 PM, Stéphane Guedon wrote:
 I have read several things about this, but never really solved !

 Can I emerge a 32bits software on 64bits platform with a multilib profile ?

 All my web browsers (konqueror, opera, chromium, firefox) are 64bits, 
 flash player exist currently in 32bits. So, I need to have 32bits browser ! 
 I emerge ?

Well, you can certainly make a 32 bit chroot directory and compile
things in there. That works on x86_64 quite nicely. (Never tried it on
the sparcs 'coz I got rid of the SPARCstations long ago.)

I don't know how you'd peel out the results of your compile and place
them into your 64 bit host without mucking up things. I guess you
could use binpkg or some such but you'd still have the problem of
unwrapping the 32 bit pkg in your 64 bit host. Yuck.

Re: [gentoo-user] Typewriter sound

2010-08-17 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/17/2010 02:44 PM, Mick wrote:
 On Tuesday 17 August 2010 20:34:05 Albert Hopkins wrote:
 On Tue, 2010-08-17 at 20:43 +0200, wrote:
 Bill Longman [10-08-17 20:16]:
 On 08/17/2010 10:56 AM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
 On Tue, 2010-08-17 at 19:20 +0200, wrote:

  on YouTube there was a Blender-2.5 tutorial with audio.
  There was an interesting detail: While there were spoken
  instructions one can hear one typing on its keyboard.
  Each hit on one of the keys made the sound of an old
  typewriter (no, it was not the sound of the legendary
  IBM Model M keyboard ;) ).
  How can I achieve this?
  What software can I use to make this geeky feature to
  come true.
  Unfortunately I have no idea, how to name this kind
  of what(?) ...
  Thank you very much for any hint in advance!
  Best regards,

 There probably a number of ways to do this.

 A cheap and easy way would be to use xev to monitor a window and then
 pipe the stderr to a a program that waits for a keypress event and
 then plays an apropriate.

 A less cheap way would be to have our program do what xev does
 instead of using a pipe.

 Or you could set your X keyclick using xset.


  thanks a lot for your replies! :)
  Is there any program already, which does this?
  A daemon or...insert missing words here
  Best regards,

 Well I found out that when you pass window id to xev it does not trap
 keyboard presses per-sé.  But there is another way...

 Anway the following is a quick hack (in python).  It pretty much works
 except it also seems to trap mouse presses.  I got the .wav file at

 I tried using 'xset c' but it basically does nothing for me.  My guess
 is that it does work it basically sends the a BELL to the console.

My thinking was that you could enable the system bell through the sound
system (there's a kernel setting for it) and then just change the sound
to whatever the typewriter sound is. Kinda cruddy, but it might be worth

Re: [gentoo-user] Increasing security [WAS: Rooted/compromised Gentoo, seeking advice [Solved?]

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/14/2010 12:32 PM, Jarry wrote:
 On 13. 8. 2010 21:05, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
 * Bill  wrote:

 Basically just run VMWare/Virtualbox etc and put the services in there.

 well, these solutions are way bigger (iow: more resource
 intensive), since they run a complete operation system instance
 within the virtual machine.
 That is why I picked up Linux-VServer (actually, first I tried
 OpenVZ but could not make it run). It is a kind of compromise,
 where all guests share the same kernel. This brings certain
 security implications, but on the other side, I can run dozens
 of guest on a moderate machine, with 4-cores and 8GB memory
 (i.e. a guest running bind takes just about 20MB of memory)...

This looks rather interesting, Jarry. Is it simply a matter of compiling
the vserver-sources and util-vserver? Did it take much time to set up
the kernel for your box? Or is it pretty much a typical kernel setup?
Any good tools in the util-vserver package?

 The only service running on my host (main system) is sshd,
 which I secured as much as I could. Everything else (web, mail,
 dns, ftp, syslog, X, and plenty of users' services) runs on its
 own guest-system, chrooted in addition (where it was possible).

Sounds very efficient.



Re: [gentoo-user] backup sanity check

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/15/2010 01:11 AM, Adam Carter wrote:
 why backup mbr? installing grub takes less time then the backup and
 restore of
 the mbr.
 And dd for backups? Why wasting space? Why suffering from problems
 when the new
 harddisk has a different size?
 Just tar up everything.
 Ok, so is this correct?
 Backup with tar;
 1. boot from cd
 2. mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
 3. cd /mnt/boot
 4. tar czf /otherdisk/boot.tar.gz *

No, you do not want to use *, you want to use . Remember that the shell
expands * and you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to exist in
that directory. Using * you will miss all dot files. Here's the
command you want:

tar czf /otherdisk/boot.tar.gz .

 5. mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/root
 6. cd /mnt/root
 7. tar czf /otherdisk/root.tar.gz *

Same as above, use . not *.

 1. Boot from cd
 2. fdisk /dev/sda
 3. mkfs.ext /dev/sda1
 4. mkswap /dev/sda2
 5. mkreiserfs /dev/sda3
 6. mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
 7. cd /mnt/boot
 8. tar xzf /otherdisk/boot.tar.gz
 9. mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/root
 10. cd /mnt/root
 11. tar xzf /otherdisk/root.tar.gz (should i exclude anything? /proc /sys?)

Yeah, probably, but most times it's just as easy to just delete them
after you've restored them. You're still booted from the CD after all

 12. chroot /mnt/boot
 13. grub-install --no-floppy /dev/sda
 14. reboot

In the perfect world, you'll be running fine from here. Let us know how
reality compares, though!

Re: [gentoo-user] genkernel without oldconfig

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/15/2010 05:32 PM, Daniel D Jones wrote:
 On Sunday, August 15, 2010 12:45:06 Marc Joliet wrote:
 Am Sun, 15 Aug 2010 12:15:57 -0400

 schrieb Daniel D Jones
 Is there any way to run genkernel without it running the oldconfig
 command?  I can work around the issue by saving my .config file to a
 different name, then using --xconfig and loading the saved file but it
 would be nice to just tell it not to alter the existing .config file. 
 It may be that I'm just missing it but man pages and Google have not
 provided a solution.

 Yes, the configuration file has an appropriate option:

 # Run 'make oldconfig' before compiling this kernel?

 It did indeed help.  I was looking for a command line argument.  Didn't even 
 think of the config file.  Thank you!

I've never seen this before, either. Thanks for the tip, Marc.

Daniel, how do you use genkernel? I've found that I need to run make
oldconfig or, my preference, make silentoldconfig by hand before I
ever use genkernel. I copy my old .config to the new kernel directory,
run silentoldconfig, then I run genkernel. Is that the problem you're
facing or do you see changes between invocations of genkernel?

Re: [gentoo-user] Handbrake: Is it is or is it ain't in portage

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/15/2010 08:02 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 My underling thing, if anyone can make other suggestions, is that my
 camera broke, and I had to get
 one in a hurry, and didn't really know what to look for.  I wound up
 with a fairly good Sanyo 1080p camera
 and video recorder that's super light, and not too expensive.  The
 problem is that its videos are MP4s,
 which are definitely not ready to put on a web site, and I know nothing
 about transcoding.   My previous
 camera took acceptable .avi videos, which had worked with most folks
 browsers.  The MP4s are huge
 and in a weakly supported format.
 I'm somewhere on the learning curve, obviously, but having trouble
 getting coherent advice.

I know several big-brained video geeks and most of them just use
mplayer's mencoder app to do their transcoding. Or they write their own
code. Your choice.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: DVD borked: SysFS removed

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/15/2010 09:07 PM, James wrote:
 Stroller stroller at writes:
 So what happens when you try `sudo mount -v /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom/`?
 mount -v /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom/
 mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for /dev/sr0
I will try all types mentioned in /etc/filesystems or /proc/filesystems
 Trying msdos
 mount: mount point /mnt/cdrom/ does not exist

So, there are two problems but the most serious one right now is that
you don't have the /mnt/cdrom directory. Make it. That will solve the
first problem.

The second is that you need to tell mount that the disk in your CD
drive has an iso9660 filesystem on it so it doesn't get all confused.
Use this command, then, to mount the disk:

mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom

Make sure you really do have a disk with stuff on it in the drive.

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with revdep-rebuild

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/16/2010 02:57 AM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
lots of good stuff snipped
 Which all goes to say you should resist the creation of any such lookup tool 
 with every fibre of your being :-)

Alan, if I ever get near your part of your continent, I'm going to buy
you a beer

Re: [gentoo-user] Increasing security [WAS: Rooted/compromised Gentoo, seeking advice [Solved?]

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/16/2010 09:07 AM, Jarry wrote:
 On 16. 8. 2010 17:29, Mark Knecht wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Bill

 That is why I picked up Linux-VServer (actually, first I tried
 OpenVZ but could not make it run). It is a kind of compromise,
 where all guests share the same kernel. This brings certain
 security implications, but on the other side, I can run dozens
 of guest on a moderate machine, with 4-cores and 8GB memory
 (i.e. a guest running bind takes just about 20MB of memory)...

 This looks rather interesting, Jarry. Is it simply a matter of compiling
 the vserver-sources and util-vserver? Did it take much time to set up
 the kernel for your box? Or is it pretty much a typical kernel setup?
 Any good tools in the util-vserver package?
 vserver-sources and util-vserver was all I needed. Kernel is
 pretty much like common, with ~10 additional options. util-vserver
 contains handy tools, like v* (* being emerge, esync, kill,
 limit, mount, ps, sched, etc.). Updating all gentoo-guests can be
 done with one command executed in host...
 Sounds very efficient.
 Really is. Now I'm running 27 guests, mostly gentoo but also
 some ubuntu and opensuse. Actually, it is possible to run any
 linux-based system (as I said all systems share the same kernel).
 There is also pretty good control over resources allocated
 to individual guests (disk, memory, cpu).
 Administration is very comfortable. Tasks like clonning,
 backup/restore, moving, migration, etc, are very easy to...
 I guess the baselayout-vserver packages is somehow for setting up each
 of the guests?
 Guests are installed using customised stage3 (baselayout2-based).
 After that, you work with them as with normal gentoo-system.

The Gentoo version of Solaris Zones! w00t!

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge 32bits on 64bits platform

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/16/2010 12:47 PM, Stéphane Guedon wrote:
 nspluginwrapper currently doesn't allow flash player to work, don't know 

You could look at swfdec-gnome too.

Re: [gentoo-user] Build PowerPC binary packages on AMD64?

2010-08-16 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/16/2010 02:29 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
 Hi all,
I know nothing about this sort of stuff so I don't know where to
 even start looking. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
Here's the setup: My desktop machine is a new, fast Core i7 980x
 processor. It is capable of doing emerge -e @world (including XFCE4,
 Gnome and KDE) in around 4 hours. On the other hand my MythTV backend
 server is an old PowerPC which takes literally days (2? 3? 4?) to do
 the same thing with only fluxbox on the system. While this was OK a
 few years ago it's not something I'm enjoying much anymore. (Did I
So, the question is can I somehow set up an environment on my AMD64
 machine where I build PowerPC binary packages using emerge, ssh them
 over to the Mac and then emerge them there to get the machine up to
 date quickly? What do I read to understand how to do this?
Note that it's fine to build the kernel, ymboot and machine
 specific stuff on the Mac as that's very minimal.

You want to get your hands on the crossdev package. There's LOTS of
stuff to know to get this to work right. But people use cross compilers
every day all day.

Re: [gentoo-user] problems building x11-libs/gtk+-2.20.1-r1

2010-08-13 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/13/2010 07:09 AM, Tamer Higazi wrote:
 Hi people!
 I am in front of a disaster updating my gentoo system. Now the system
 is shot, and I am not capable starting the gnome-manager:
 at the end it says only:
 checking Pango flags... configure: error:
 *** Pango not found. Pango built with Cairo support is required
 *** to build GTK+. See for Pango information.
 I remerged Cairo, cairo, pango but the problem still exists... and
 don't know how to solve it. :(

Did you run revdep-rebuild? Did you run lafilefixer?

 For any support I would kindly thank you.
 I put the files log, env and info at pastebin to view.

Re: [gentoo-user] problems building x11-libs/gtk+-2.20.1-r1

2010-08-13 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/13/2010 08:22 AM, Tamer Higazi wrote:
 As you told me I merged lafilefixer and ran lafilefixer --justfixit
 then I executed revdep-rebuild which wants to remerge a huge amout of
 packages who because was missing, or couldn't
 be linked at the end, revdep-rebuild wants to emerge a package called
 eel which is masked:
 !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy gnome-base/eel have been masked.
 !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
 - gnome-base/eel-2.24.1 (masked by: package.mask)
 # Pacho Ramos (12 Jul 2010)
 # Masked for removal in 30 days.
 # No longer developed by upstream, fails with forced as-needed (bug #277169),
 # does not compile against gnome-desktop-2.30 (bug #311563).
 but I want to upgrade my system, and love to solve this Pango Cairo 
 if you have anymore ideas, I would thank you.

Do you know about the -t option for emerge? It shows you which package
is responsible for pulling in another package.

You might also want to try euse -I cairo which will tell you which
packages are affected by the cairo use flag.

Your emerge --info shows that you do have cairo turned on, but as Alan
states, you should show emerge -pv pango or emerge -pv cairo (or
whatever package you're trying to fix). Pango doesn't has a specific
cairo use flag so you may need to recompile pango's dependencies.

Basically, what you're trying to do is step back from the package that's
giving you the trouble, and compile the packages that your problematic
package needs to function. Obviously, this is a geometric expansion to
some extent, but revdep-rebuild is there to help you solve the puzzle.

Also, qdepends is really handy.

Re: [gentoo-user] b43-legacy and newer linux kernels?

2010-08-13 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/13/2010 10:58 AM, BRM wrote:
 - Original Message 
 On 13 August 2010 09:08, Neil Bothwick wrote:
 On  Thu, 12 Aug 2010 22:10:02 -0700 (PDT), BRM wrote:
 but even  so - they are saying this has to be done on every reboot, and
 that's  not much of a solution.
 Put the commands in  /etc/conf.d/local.start, or the start section
 of /etc/conf.d/local if  using baselayout2.
 Have you been through the guidance in this page to  find out which
 kernel driver you ought to use with your  card?
 Yes. Unfortunately it's a 14e4:4320/ with BCM4306/2 Chip set (4306 Rev 2), so 
 requires the b43-legacy driver, and only firmware version FW10 supports the 
 hardware from what I can tell.
 It just seems to me that I went from a working wireless on 2.6.30 to a 
 non-working wireless on 2.6.34. I'd really like to get back to a working
 wireless card, and be on the newer kernel.

I feel your pain, Ben. I remember about three years ago having my laptop
working great with all manner of 802.11 cards. I could do my work
anywhere in the house. And then it all just kind of melted. A new kernel
for one thing but somehow something else fell apart. I've pretty much
written off any wireless on Linux now. My time is worth more than the
hours of troubleshooting. Keep plugging, you just might get it.

Re: [gentoo-user] DVD borked: SysFS removed

2010-08-12 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/11/2010 07:37 PM, James wrote:
 Baseline- I'm lazy and not very smart:
 So my console output upon booting berated me
 about continuing to use sysfs. OK. So I removed
 it and built a new kernel (AMD 64).
 Everything works but the DVD. Ok, so
 I need a udev rule to fix it? Googling
 has produced lots of antiquated info;
 nothing useful.

OK, so what drove you to this conclusion? Why are you sure it's a udev
problem? Or are you not sure? Because right down here

 Can somebody point me to a document, preferable
 one with an easy example to follow to get
 a variety of different DVD (reader writers)
 working again, Sata, ata, atapi, ide..
 as this is now broken on all of my 2.6.34-r1
 gentoo (systems) kernels I have.. mention all your 2.6.34 kernels.

How is your kernel configured for SATA and ATA? And right below that in
the kernel's Device configuration section is SCSI device. Do you have
SCSI disk support and SCSI CDROM support?

 I found this:
 but I do not have 'udevinfo' or 'udevtest' on the system.
 I did find this:
 Seems like it out to be trivial to write a udev rule for 
 these drives:
 Probing IDE interface ide0...
 hda: _NEC DVD_RW ND-3550A, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
 ata3.00: ATAPI:scsi 2:0:0:0: CD-ROMPLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-755A   1.04
 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-755A, 1.04, max UDMA/66

Are these regular IDE drives? It looks to me like the NEC hda is but is
the Plextor SATA? Yes, I can google PX-755A but someone else should have
done that. ;-)

Re: [gentoo-user] Postgres gem not found by cron job

2010-08-11 Thread Bill Longman
 What's different between my root environment and the one in which cron
 runs (with respect to ruby and its gems)? Where should I start looking?

No direct answer, sorry, Michael.

You might want to use:

 /bin/bash -l -x -c /root/src/mailshears/bin/mailshears

to at least help debug it.

Re: [gentoo-user] Rooted/compromised Gentoo, seeking advice - AKA passwords

2010-08-11 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/11/2010 01:30 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:

 I refuse to implement password expiration policies and have a vast array of 
 literature to back me up when some dimwit damager gets on his expiration high 
 My users pick their own passwords - I present a list of 5 from apg and let 
 them pick one. Accounts do expire if they go unused for 90 days, but not 
 What put me onto this policy? I found Gartner recommending password 
 expiration. I find the best security possible is always the opposite of what 
 Gartner says. Discovering how the AD admins in the company go about their 
 was the convincing straw :-)

The bigger buggerboo I see is the password complexity [il]logic.
There's this vapid requirement of all these different types of
characters needed in one's password, yet the thing you really want to
enforce is adequate entropy. If my password is an entire sentence, it
will not be brute-forced, even if I used just ASCII A-z. There's just
too much key space in 4.7^32. At 10^5 attempts per second, you're likely
to find the answer in half a billion years. I hope your keyboard still
works, let alone exists

Re: [gentoo-user] Rooted/compromised Gentoo, seeking advice - AKA passwords

2010-08-11 Thread Bill Longman
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Alan McKinnon alan.mckin...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thursday 12 August 2010 00:11:12 Bill Longman wrote:
  On 08/11/2010 01:30 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
   I refuse to implement password expiration policies and have a vast
   of literature to back me up when some dimwit damager gets on his
   expiration high horse.
   My users pick their own passwords - I present a list of 5 from apg and
   let them pick one. Accounts do expire if they go unused for 90 days,
   not passwords.
   What put me onto this policy? I found Gartner recommending password
   expiration. I find the best security possible is always the opposite of
   what Gartner says. Discovering how the AD admins in the company go
   their jobs was the convincing straw :-)
  The bigger buggerboo I see is the password complexity [il]logic.
  There's this vapid requirement of all these different types of
  characters needed in one's password, yet the thing you really want to
  enforce is adequate entropy. If my password is an entire sentence, it
  will not be brute-forced, even if I used just ASCII A-z. There's just
  too much key space in 4.7^32. At 10^5 attempts per second, you're likely
  to find the answer in half a billion years. I hope your keyboard still
  works, let alone exists

 Your reasoning makes sense, until you consider password length limits
 by machines.

 Cisco routers authenticating via Tacacs for instance often support nothing
 more than DES hashing yuck. The hash routines accept up to 10 characters
 a password but only use the first 8 to calculate the hash.

 There are Solaris version nowhere near EOL yet that have similar limits.

 All this makes my life as a system integrator cum authenticate go-to guy
 tricky indeed. Luckily management tends to say Just do what Alan says. It
 makes him shut up and go away.


 p.s. dig the use of vapid. Wonderful word, truly splendid. Communicates
 in 5
 letters something that takes paragraphs any other way. I shall make a note
 future use.

 alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

 Absolutely. If you do not change your ENCRYPT_METHOD or your PASS_MAX_LEN
in your login.defs file and are still relying on the back end's ability to
safely store your passwords in DES format, well, you're in trouble.

Re: [gentoo-user] How can I create dynamic link?

2010-08-10 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/10/2010 02:06 PM, Jarry wrote:
 I am facing this problem: I have subdirectory, let's say
 /some/dir. I would like to create some kind of dynamic
 and preliminary link, so that any future subdirectories,
 created later in /some will in fact be links, pointing to
 So if later any user does:
 cd /some
 mkdir whatever
 There should not be subdirectory /some/whatever, but actually link:
 /some/whatever - /some/dir
 Is it possible?

Unless you write your own kernel module, the answer is No.

Re: [gentoo-user] Rooted/compromised Gentoo, seeking advice

2010-08-09 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/09/2010 01:08 PM, Robert Bridge wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 8:09 PM, Mick wrote:
 There have been discussions on this list why sudo is a bad idea and sudo on
 *any* command is an even worse idea. You might as well be running everything
 as root, right?
 sudo normally logs the command executed, and the account which
 executes it, so while not relevant for single user systems, it STILL
 has benefits over running as root.

...excepting, of course, sudo bash -l which means you've given away
the keys to the kingdom.

Re: [gentoo-user] Dumb KDE Question

2010-08-08 Thread Bill Longman
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Manuel Klemenz wrote:

 On Sunday 08 August 2010 20:21:13 CJoeB wrote:
  I'm getting better  recently updated to KDE 4.4 - 200+ packages that
  needed to be updated (including those that weren't KDE apps) and I had a
  bit of jumping through hoops to get everything installed - build
  failures, blocks, etc. but managed to do everything by myself with a
  little help from google!  ;-)
  Anyway, the question is this  I managed to do something (and I can't
  figure out what) so that now, when I minimize a running application in
  KDE, the application doesn't dock on the panel.  Can't seem to find a
  setting to change this.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  The Alt-Tab thing works so I can get the applications back, but I would
  prefer to see them docked on the panel.
  Thanks in advance.


 I had (now and then) similar problems with kde widgets after major kde
 upgrades. I solved weired things like this just by removing the widget and
 adding it again.

 If this still doesn't work, you could try to rename the folder .kde4 in
 home directory and re-logon. this forces kde to create a new (and clean)
 default profile. The drawback here is, that you'll loose all your kde

Kinda off topic, but one of the things that I just noticed this week was how
to add icons to the KDE desktop. I was *certain* that all I had to do was
right-click the icon when I called it up in the menu then tell it to go to
the desktop. Well, try and try, I couldn't find it. Then I thought to
myself, I wonder if I have to unlock the widgets first. And that's all I
had to do. Makes sense, really, doesn't it? But it's not intuitive that
right-clicking the menu items changes behaviour.

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem about rc-update

2010-08-04 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/04/2010 12:15 AM, Chen Huan wrote:
 Hi,everybody, I got a very very strange problems.
 I have install gnome, and when I try to add xdm to default runlevel, use
 command rc-update add xdm default, it is normal
 and output of rc-update show is right
 but when I restart computer, the xdm doesn't auto start, when I log in the
 system, and exec /etc/init.d/xdm start, it is started normally
 There is no any information about xdm when the system starting..It is
 very strange...Could somebody help me...
 And NetworkManager and alsasound have the same problem.
 here is the ouput of rc-update show:
procfs |   boot
   modules |   boot
 local |  nonetwork default
net.lo |   boot
 alsasound |   boot
   xdm |default
  swap |   boot
  udev |sysinit
 savecache | shutdown
  mount-ro | shutdown
  termencoding |   boot
  netmount |default
 dmesg |sysinit
consolekit |default
 devfs |sysinit
  root |   boot
   urandom |   boot
udev-postmount |default
   consolefont |   boot
  hostname |   boot
NetworkManager |default
vixie-cron |default
  fsck |   boot
 syslog-ng |default
sysctl |   boot
  mtab |   boot
  bootmisc |   boot
 killprocs | shutdown
localmount |   boot
   hwclock |   boot
   keymaps |   boot
 And I am using operc-0.6.1-r1 and baselayout-2.0.1

That is strange. I don't have the answer, but I could offer a
suggestion. You might want to try rc-update del the services that are
having trouble and then adding them back in. You might want to use
rc-update -s -v for your runlevels and see if there's anything broken.
They'll be reported at the top of the list. Good luck.

Re: [gentoo-user] Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn't contain a valid partition table

2010-08-03 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/03/2010 09:20 AM, Valmor de Almeida wrote:
 After a recent sync and new kernel built, I get these messages from
 fdisk -l that did not use to get before. Searching the web, it appears
 that fdisk is listing my LVM partitions. Why is it doing now? It has
 never done it before.
 fdisk -l
 Disk /dev/dm-0: 26.8 GB, 26843545600 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3263 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x
 Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn't contain a valid partition table
 Disk /dev/dm-1: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1305 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x
 Disk /dev/dm-1 doesn't contain a valid partition table
 Disk /dev/dm-2: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 652 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x
 Disk /dev/dm-2 doesn't contain a valid partition table
 Disk /dev/dm-3: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 261 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x
 Disk /dev/dm-3 doesn't contain a valid partition table
 Disk /dev/dm-4: 53.7 GB, 53687091200 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 6527 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x
 Disk /dev/dm-4 doesn't contain a valid partition table
 /dev/mapper/vfda-usr  26213596  11144004  15069592  43% /usr
 /dev/mapper/vfda-var  10485436232620  10252816   3% /var
 /dev/mapper/vfda-opt   5242716311388   4931328   6% /opt
 /dev/mapper/vfda-tmp   2097084 32852   2064232   2% /tmp

It seems to me you now have BLK_DEV_DM in your kernel.

I've seen this on many systems with lvm. I always thought it was normal
and I just ignored them. But I do have some systems that have lvm that
don't show those errors. What partition support do you have in your new

Re: [gentoo-user] Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn't contain a valid partition table

2010-08-03 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/03/2010 02:16 PM, pk wrote:
 On 2010-08-03 18:20, Valmor de Almeida wrote:
 fdisk -l
 Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn't contain a valid partition table
 Why are you using fdisk on a logical volume? To my knowledge (which of
 course may be outdated/wrong) an LV doesn't contain a partition table so
 looking for it with fdisk -l shouldn't give you any valid data. Use lvs
 or lvdisplay instead. If you wish to manipulate the underlying partition
 table (the physical volumes) then you can use fdisk...

He's not doing on a physical volume, they just happen to show up. He's
just using fdisk -l to generally see what volumes are out there.

Re: [gentoo-user] ACPI conflict while loading it87 module

2010-08-03 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/02/2010 01:02 PM, pk wrote:
 On 2010-08-02 17:49, Bill Longman wrote:
 I just saw, this weekend in fact, that the newer Phenoms, in fact most
 of the recent K10 CPUs, do not work accurately with the atk0110 so when
 the driver starts to load, it flatly refuses. I have a 9750 Phenom and
 that one works great. Works fine in my X2 4000+. These are all assus
 [sic] mobos.  But my 940 Phenom II won't work, thusly:

 k10temp :00:18.3: unreliable CPU thermal sensor; monitoring disabled
 Isn't k10temp a different/separate module? If I go to lm-sensors site
 ( I see this:
 k10temp   PCI 2.6.33 or  standalone driver(2009-12-06) Embedded
 sensors are known to be unreliable on the DR-BA, DR-B2, DR-B3, RB-C2 and
 HY-D0 revisions of the family 10h CPU, which will never be supported.
 Driver contributed by Clemens Ladisch, reviewed by Jean Delvare.
 So if you have one of those CPU revisions I guess you're out of luck?
 The chipset on my main rig (Asus m/b) is running a Intel chipset... I
 have only older AMD CPUs (Athlon X2 BE2400) with Gigabyte motherboards
 which doesn't have the atk0110 so I'm unfortunately not much of help...

Well, I added CONFIG_SENSORS_ATK0110=y to my 940/M4A79DX setup and
gkrellm doesn't show anything. That was one test only, so take it with a
grain of salt.

Re: [gentoo-user] ACPI conflict while loading it87 module

2010-08-02 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/01/2010 07:51 AM, Xi Shen wrote:
 thanks a lot. i am using asus mb, and asus_atk0110 works for me too. :)
 On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 7:52 PM, pk wrote:
 On 2010-08-01 11:01, Xi Shen wrote:

 Aug  1 16:56:03 david-gentoo kernel: [  715.671669] ACPI: If an ACPI
 driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the
 native driver

 how to fix this problem?

 Use the ACPI module (appropriate for your motherboard) instead of the
 it87 module. For example my motherboard (asus P5E64WS) uses the atk0110
 (acpi) module... you find it under these conditions (make menuconfig):

 Depends on: HWMON [=y]  ACPI [=y]  X86 [=y]  EXPERIMENTAL[=y]
  - Device Drivers
- Hardware Monitoring support (HWMON [=y])

I just saw, this weekend in fact, that the newer Phenoms, in fact most
of the recent K10 CPUs, do not work accurately with the atk0110 so when
the driver starts to load, it flatly refuses. I have a 9750 Phenom and
that one works great. Works fine in my X2 4000+. These are all assus
[sic] mobos.  But my 940 Phenom II won't work, thusly:

k10temp :00:18.3: unreliable CPU thermal sensor; monitoring disabled

Re: [gentoo-user] ACPI conflict while loading it87 module

2010-08-02 Thread Bill Longman
On 08/02/2010 01:02 PM, pk wrote:
 On 2010-08-02 17:49, Bill Longman wrote:
 I just saw, this weekend in fact, that the newer Phenoms, in fact most
 of the recent K10 CPUs, do not work accurately with the atk0110 so when
 the driver starts to load, it flatly refuses. I have a 9750 Phenom and
 that one works great. Works fine in my X2 4000+. These are all assus
 [sic] mobos.  But my 940 Phenom II won't work, thusly:

 k10temp :00:18.3: unreliable CPU thermal sensor; monitoring disabled
 Isn't k10temp a different/separate module? If I go to lm-sensors site
 ( I see this:
 k10temp   PCI 2.6.33 or  standalone driver(2009-12-06) Embedded
 sensors are known to be unreliable on the DR-BA, DR-B2, DR-B3, RB-C2 and
 HY-D0 revisions of the family 10h CPU, which will never be supported.
 Driver contributed by Clemens Ladisch, reviewed by Jean Delvare.
 So if you have one of those CPU revisions I guess you're out of luck?
 The chipset on my main rig (Asus m/b) is running a Intel chipset... I
 have only older AMD CPUs (Athlon X2 BE2400) with Gigabyte motherboards
 which doesn't have the atk0110 so I'm unfortunately not much of help...

You're right, Peter. I have two M4A79 Deluxe mobos, one with the Deneb
940 and that's where I get the error when I try to use the k10temp
module. The other runs the 9750 Agena and uses the asus_atk0110 module
and works okay. Both are amd64 running 2.6.34. I'll reboot the 940 and
see if that module works.

[gentoo-user] KDE Right Control key sending Ctrl and then linefeed in terminal/xterm

2010-08-01 Thread Bill Longman
Does anyone else suffer this ailment?

In KDE, my right ctrl key is sending ctrl AND THEN a linefeed. It is REALLY

It's a PS/2 Dell keyboard and I use a Dell USB mouse. This doesn't happen at
the console.

bill$ xmodmap
xmodmap:  up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

shift   Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)
lockCaps_Lock (0x42)
control Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x69)
mod1Alt_L (0x40),  Alt_R (0x6c),  Meta_L (0xcd)
mod2Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4Super_L (0x85),  Super_R (0x86),  Super_L (0xce),  Hyper_L
mod5ISO_Level3_Shift (0x5c),  Mode_switch (0xcb)

My /etc/conf.d/keymaps just has

and that's it. My keyboard layout is for a generic 104-key keyboard. I use a
USA layout and a Greece polytonic layout which yields this in the KDE
keyboard layout screen:

setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us,gr -variant ,polytonic

Also, it doesn't repeat.

Wow, it gets even more weird. I just ran startkde from xinit and with
EVERY keystroke I see kglobalaccel spewing out EVERY

 GlobalShortcutsRegistry::registerKey: Registering key blah blah blah for
KDEappgoeshere : Shortcut name

and then unregistering the whole set again. I can kill kglobalaccel and it
stops the printout, but I still get the weird linefeed when I use the right
control key in a terminal.
Bill Longman

Re: [gentoo-user] Ever since a recent update, vim misbehaves when run as root

2010-07-30 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/29/2010 08:58 PM, Walter Dnes wrote:

 2) If you really really need the X-integration features, you can use the
 xhost command to enable all users on your machine to run X apps on
 your X session.  E.g. my machine is so I ran...
   xhost + allow a 32-bit QEMU-KVM guest to run an X program on the 64-bit
 host's Xwindows session.

What you probably want here instead is:

xhost +local:

then the X app is not limited to using only IP but can choose whichever
transport it deems best. Of course the usual safety caveats apply. If
others are on your host, they'll have X access. If you're concerned
about that, then just give root permission:

xhost SI:localuser:root

Re: [gentoo-user] eix shows keyworded packages on home PC, but not on server

2010-07-30 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/30/2010 04:57 AM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
 diff between the eix --dump of my PC and the server
 madum...@trixie ~ $ diff -Naur PC server
 --- PC2010-07-30 19:54:38.0 +0800
 +++ server2010-07-30 19:55:05.0 +0800
 @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
  # The path to the executable.
  # The path to the tempfile generated by ebuild depend.
 @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
  # This variable is passed unchanged to
  # Usually uses it to calculate the PATH.
  # This variable is passed unchanged to
 Seems to be just paths, don't see why that would cause a problem.
 Both machines are using portage
 On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
 Hi guys,
 Eix is one of those packages where you just set it and forget it, and
 apparently I've forgotten there was even anything to set.

 I have a home PC running gentoo. If I do eix foo, and foo happens to
 be keyworded unmasked in my package.keywords, I get for instance:
 [I] dev-python/snakeoil
 Available versions:  yellow(~) (~)
 Installed versions:  0.3.7(07:34:54  PHT Saturday, 10 July, 2010)
 Description: Miscellaneous python utility code.

 I try the same on a relatively young gentoo server I'm managing and
 * dev-python/snakeoil
 Available versions:  yellow~ ~ ~0.3.7/yellow
 Description: Miscellaneous python utility code.

 It's unkeyworded, however, in my package.keywords in both machines:
 (home machine)
 madum...@trixie ~ $ grep snakeoil -r /etc/portage/package.keywords/
 /etc/portage/package.keywords/autounmask-pkgcore:dev-python/snakeoil ~amd64

 mas...@zen ~ $ sudo grep -r snakeoil /etc/portage/package.keywords/
 /etc/portage/package.keywords/system.keywords:dev-python/snakeoil ~x86

 Apparently I'm missing some environment variable, but I can't for the
 life of me imagine how I've set it.
 home PC
 madum...@trixie ~/store/HeCares/Photo upload functionality $ cat /etc/eixrc
 # /etc/eixrc
 # In this file system-wide defaults for variables related to eix binaries
 # are stored, i.e. the variables set in this file override the built-in
 # defaults. Both can be overridden by ~/.eixrc and by environment variables.
 # It is strongly recommended to set here only those variables which you
 # want to *differ* from the built-in defaults (or for which you have a
 # particular reason why the default should never change with an eix update).
 # *Otherwise you might miss changes in the defaults in newer eix versions*
 # which may result in confusing behavior of the eix binaries.
 # ebuilds of =eix-0.10.3 (and =eix-0.7.4) used to set *all* variables in
 # /etc/eixrc which is not recommended anymore. If you want to get such a file
 # (i.e. a file where all variables are described and set to the current
 # values resp. to the built-in default values) you can redirect the output
 # of the options --dump or --dump-defaults, respectively.
 # However once more: To avoid unexpected problems
 # Only set those for which you have a reason to do so!
 # For the available variables and their defaults, see the output of the
 # options --dump or --dump-defaults.
 # For more detailed explanations see the manpage of eix.

 madum...@trixie ~/store/HeCares/Photo upload functionality $ cat
 # eix-sync.conf
 ##  defines options to eix-sync, caching system for portage

 #layman overlays to be synced (* means all)
 /home PC

 mas...@zen ~ $ cat /etc/eixrc
 # /etc/eixrc
 # In this file system-wide defaults for variables related to eix binaries
 # are stored, i.e. the variables set in this file override the built-in
 # defaults. Both can be overridden by ~/.eixrc and by environment variables.
 # It is strongly recommended to set here only those variables which you
 # want to *differ* from the built-in defaults (or for which you have a
 # particular reason why the default should never change with an eix update).
 # *Otherwise you might miss changes in the defaults in newer eix versions*
 # which may result in confusing behavior of the eix binaries.
 # ebuilds of =eix-0.10.3 (and =eix-0.7.4) used to set *all* variables in
 # /etc/eixrc which is not recommended anymore. If you want to get such a file
 # (i.e. a file where all variables are described and set to the current

Re: [gentoo-user] eix shows keyworded packages on home PC, but not on server

2010-07-30 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/30/2010 07:46 AM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Bill Longman wrote:
 What does eselect profile list show you on both hosts?
 home PC
 madum...@trixie ~ $ eselect profile list
 Available profile symlink targets:
   [1]   default/linux/amd64/10.0
   [2]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop *
   [3]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop/gnome
   [4]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop/kde
   [5]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/developer
   [6]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib
   [7]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/server
   [8]   hardened/linux/amd64/10.0
   [9]   hardened/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib
   [10]  selinux/2007.0/amd64
   [11]  selinux/2007.0/amd64/hardened
   [12]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64
   [13]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/desktop
   [14]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/developer
   [15]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/hardened
   [16]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/server
 mas...@zen ~ $ sudo eselect profile list
 Available profile symlink targets:
   [1]   default/linux/x86/10.0 *
   [2]   default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop
   [3]   default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop/gnome
   [4]   default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop/kde
   [5]   default/linux/x86/10.0/developer
   [6]   default/linux/x86/10.0/server
   [7]   hardened/linux/x86/10.0
   [8]   selinux/2007.0/x86
   [9]   selinux/2007.0/x86/hardened
   [10]  selinux/v2refpolicy/x86
   [11]  selinux/v2refpolicy/x86/desktop
   [12]  selinux/v2refpolicy/x86/developer
   [13]  selinux/v2refpolicy/x86/hardened
   [14]  selinux/v2refpolicy/x86/server
 I'm not that familiar with how the profile affects eix though.

The profile affects the default USE settings. This is a very important
Gentoo concept.

Re: [gentoo-user] eix shows keyworded packages on home PC, but not on server

2010-07-30 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/30/2010 09:26 AM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Bill Longman wrote:
 The profile affects the default USE settings. This is a very important
 Gentoo concept.
 emerge --info eix on both machines:
 app-portage/eix-0.20.5 was built with the following:
 USE=bzip2 (multilib) nls sqlite -debug -doc -hardened -optimization
 -strong-optimization -tools
 app-portage/eix-0.20.5 was built with the following:
 USE=bzip2 nls sqlite -debug -doc -hardened -optimization
 -strong-optimization -tools
 The only difference between the USE flags of both machines is that my
 local eix was built with multilib. I don't know any documentation
 references that say how that should affect eix output settings, which
 shouldn't be related.
 Just to clarify, emerge detects that the packages are keyworded on
 both machines. It's just not being outputted by eix. And there's no
 reason why multilib should cause eix to change the output settings.

I mean to say that the profile sets the *global* USE settings. If you
were to compare euse -i between the two machines, you would see that
some flags are +D and some are +C, for instance. The ones that are
set by the profile are +D. If you peruse the portage/profiles you'll
see that the make.defaults files are setting different USE values. Not
to mention that you are on different architectures between the two, so
some packages will be masked and some not depending upon the
architecture. It's not a matter of how eix was built, it's a matter of
the configuration of the host.

Is that what you were trying to resolve? Or do I not understand your
question? Can you put a package mask in just *any* file below
package.keywords/ and as long as it matches it will be valid?

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems booting my server - ext2 - e2fsck

2010-07-28 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/28/2010 06:42 AM, Mick wrote:
 On 28 July 2010 09:50, KH wrote:
 I installed grub by connecting the hdd to my workstation. This did not
 change anything.
 Also I changed /etc/fstab . Now I have 0 0 for every partition. The pc
 boots fine now. I can use it but ... There is no /dev/hd* . Running
 mount /boot I get the answer /dev/hda1 does not exist. Also there is no

 Any ideas?
 KH, if you have changed the kernel to use libATA (i.e. the newer
 SATA/PATA options) then you need to update your fstab from /dev/hdaX
 to /dev/sdaX and change your grub.conf accordingly.

But he doesn't even have those devices, so this will not do him any good
until we know how the kernel is configured (or not) and get the devices

Konstantin, I'm assuming, from your original post, that you have not
changed your kernel in any way over the last few months. You said that
it was running fine for eight months but now after rebooting, you're in
trouble. Are you *sure* you haven't made any changes to the kernel? I'm
also assuming that you know that the kernel drivers for your disk
controllers should not be built as modules but built into the kernel so
that you don't need to go through creating an initramfs and hoping for
your devices to get populated.

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems booting my server - ext2 - e2fsck

2010-07-28 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/28/2010 07:04 AM, Mick wrote:
 On 28 July 2010 14:53, Bill Longman wrote:
 On 07/28/2010 06:42 AM, Mick wrote:
 On 28 July 2010 09:50, KH wrote:

 I installed grub by connecting the hdd to my workstation. This did not
 change anything.
 Also I changed /etc/fstab . Now I have 0 0 for every partition. The pc
 boots fine now. I can use it but ... There is no /dev/hd* . Running
 mount /boot I get the answer /dev/hda1 does not exist. Also there is no

 Any ideas?

 KH, if you have changed the kernel to use libATA (i.e. the newer
 SATA/PATA options) then you need to update your fstab from /dev/hdaX
 to /dev/sdaX and change your grub.conf accordingly.

 But he doesn't even have those devices, so this will not do him any good
 until we know how the kernel is configured (or not) and get the devices
 I am not sure that he does not have those devices ... I don't know if
 the error message is returned from grub or from the OS.
 It could be that the kernel stanza is wrongly pointing to /dev/hda,
 and, or fstab is not correct.

He says the pc boots fine now and he can use it and he goes on to
say that he has no /dev/hd* or /dev/sd* devices, so I have to
believe he's got a running system. Not having any /dev/hd* files would
support the error trying to mount /boot. Trying to fix /etc/fstab first
is not the way to attack his problem given the information we have now.

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems booting my server - ext2 - e2fsck

2010-07-28 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/28/2010 07:56 AM, KH wrote:
 Am 28.07.2010 15:45, schrieb Bill Longman:
 On 07/28/2010 01:50 AM, KH wrote:


 I installed grub by connecting the hdd to my workstation. This did not
 change anything.
 Also I changed /etc/fstab . Now I have 0 0 for every partition. The pc
 boots fine now. I can use it but ... There is no /dev/hd* . Running
 mount /boot I get the answer /dev/hda1 does not exist. Also there is no

 Any ideas?

 Konstantin, please post what your kernel has for IDE support. If you
 have /proc/config.gz, then please post the results from zgrep IDE
 /proc/config.gz so we can get an idea of why you have no /dev/hd*
 devices. We will also need to know what kind of disk controller your
 server really has. Are they IDE or SATA controllers?

 Hi Bill,
 Now I am running 2.6.30-r8 but 2.6.34-r1 is ready but not jet copied to
 /boot. btw it is a p3 coppermine.
 This is the output from zgrep IDE /proc/config.gz .
 # Please see Documentation/ide/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives
 # IDE chipset support/bugfixes
 # PCI IDE chipsets support
 # CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV is not set
 # CONFIG_VIDEO_MEDIA is not set
 # CONFIG_FB_TRIDENT is not set

I would expect to see:


in your configuration given that it's a Coppermine. You might want to
add that in the 2.6.30 and the 2.6.34 kernels, although DEV_GENERIC
should give you what you need, as you are probably using that right now.

Use make menuconfig to configure the kernel. Make sure it's * not
M for the PIIX controller and then rebuild and install the kernel.

Do you have lspci installed? The results from lspci -v would be very
helpful right now.

 I just tried /etc/ resart . I am getting errors not to use
 the script with baselayout-1 . The box is very slow now. Will reboot and
 see what baselayout is on it.

Yeah, don't worry about this right now.

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems booting my server - ext2 - e2fsck

2010-07-28 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/28/2010 08:18 AM, KH wrote:
 Am 28.07.2010 16:04, schrieb Mick:
 On 28 July 2010 14:53, Bill Longman wrote:
 On 07/28/2010 06:42 AM, Mick wrote:
 On 28 July 2010 09:50, KH wrote:

 I installed grub by connecting the hdd to my workstation. This did not
 change anything.
 Also I changed /etc/fstab . Now I have 0 0 for every partition. The pc
 boots fine now. I can use it but ... There is no /dev/hd* . Running
 mount /boot I get the answer /dev/hda1 does not exist. Also there is no

 Any ideas?

 KH, if you have changed the kernel to use libATA (i.e. the newer
 SATA/PATA options) then you need to update your fstab from /dev/hdaX
 to /dev/sdaX and change your grub.conf accordingly.

 But he doesn't even have those devices, so this will not do him any good
 until we know how the kernel is configured (or not) and get the devices

 I am not sure that he does not have those devices ... I don't know if
 the error message is returned from grub or from the OS.

 It could be that the kernel stanza is wrongly pointing to /dev/hda,
 and, or fstab is not correct.
 Hi Mick,
 but typing ls /dev/hd* or ls /dev/sd* should show up something.
 Shouldn't it? df -h shows /dev/hda3 is mounted on /
 For me this is strange.

How is /dev mounted right now? What does udevadm --version tell you?

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems booting my server - ext2 - e2fsck

2010-07-28 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/28/2010 09:37 AM, KH wrote:
 Am 28.07.2010 17:27, schrieb Bill Longman:
 On 07/28/2010 07:56 AM, KH wrote:
 Am 28.07.2010 15:45, schrieb Bill Longman:

 Konstantin, please post what your kernel has for IDE support. If you
 have /proc/config.gz, then please post the results from zgrep IDE
 /proc/config.gz so we can get an idea of why you have no /dev/hd*
 devices. We will also need to know what kind of disk controller your
 server really has. Are they IDE or SATA controllers?

 Hi Bill,

 Now I am running 2.6.30-r8 but 2.6.34-r1 is ready but not jet copied to
 /boot. btw it is a p3 coppermine.

 This is the output from zgrep IDE /proc/config.gz .

 # Please see Documentation/ide/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives
 # IDE chipset support/bugfixes
 # PCI IDE chipsets support
 # CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV is not set
 # CONFIG_VIDEO_MEDIA is not set
 # CONFIG_FB_TRIDENT is not set

 I would expect to see:


 in your configuration given that it's a Coppermine. You might want to
 add that in the 2.6.30 and the 2.6.34 kernels, although DEV_GENERIC
 should give you what you need, as you are probably using that right now.

 Use make menuconfig to configure the kernel. Make sure it's * not
 M for the PIIX controller and then rebuild and install the kernel.

 Do you have lspci installed? The results from lspci -v would be very
 helpful right now.

 I just tried /etc/ resart . I am getting errors not to use
 the script with baselayout-1 . The box is very slow now. Will reboot and
 see what baselayout is on it.

 Yeah, don't worry about this right now.

 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82815 815 Chipset Host Bridge and
 Memory Controller Hub (rev 02)
 Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. TUSL2-C Mainboard
 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
 Memory at f800 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=64M]
 Capabilities: [88] Vendor Specific Information ?
 Capabilities: [a0] AGP version 2.0
 Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel
 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82815 815 Chipset AGP Bridge (rev
 02) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])
 Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 64
 Bus: primary=00, secondary=01, subordinate=01, sec-latency=0
 Memory behind bridge: ee00-efef
 Prefetchable memory behind bridge: eff0-f7ff
 00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 02) (prog-if
 00 [Normal decode])
 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
 Bus: primary=00, secondary=02, subordinate=02, sec-latency=32
 I/O behind bridge: d000-dfff
 Memory behind bridge: ed80-edff
 00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801BA ISA Bridge (LPC) (rev 02)
 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0
 00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801BA IDE U100 Controller
 (rev 02) (prog-if 80 [Master])
 Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. TUSL2-C Mainboard
 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0
 [virtual] Memory at 01f0 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8]
 [virtual] Memory at 03f0 (type 3, non-prefetchable) [size=1]
 [virtual] Memory at 0170 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8]
 [virtual] Memory at 0370 (type 3, non-prefetchable) [size=1]
 I/O ports at b800 [size=16]
 Kernel driver in use: PIIX_IDE
 00:1f.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM USB Controller #1
 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])
 Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. TUSL2-C Mainboard
 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 12
 I/O ports at b400 [size=32]
 Kernel driver in use: uhci_hcd
 00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM SMBus Controller (rev 02)
 Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. TUSL2-C Mainboard
 Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 10
 I/O ports at e800 [size=16]
 00:1f.4 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM USB Controller #1
 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])
 Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. TUSL2-C Mainboard
 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 6
 I/O ports at b000 [size=32]
 Kernel driver in use: uhci_hcd
 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11DDR [GeForce2
 MX200] (rev b2) (prog

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems booting my server - ext2 - e2fsck

2010-07-28 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/28/2010 11:54 AM, Mick wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 July 2010 17:35:44 KH wrote:
 Am 28.07.2010 17:30, schrieb Bill Longman:
 On 07/28/2010 08:18 AM, KH wrote:
 Hi Mick,

 but typing ls /dev/hd* or ls /dev/sd* should show up something.
 Shouldn't it? df -h shows /dev/hda3 is mounted on /
 For me this is strange.

 How is /dev mounted right now? What does udevadm --version tell you?

 udev is 151 and baselayout is 1.12.13
 Yes this is indeed strange ... short of having some strange access rights or 
 umask in your fstab ... is it the same when you ls as root user?

Are there any red flags in dmesg?

Re: [gentoo-user] dir is rwx but can't create file

2010-07-28 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/28/2010 01:52 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 July 2010 22:20:17 Andrey Vul wrote:
 Creating files in /tmp, /etc, /lib32, and /var return ENOENT (touch
 /tmp/foo = strerror(ENOENT)).
 However, this is done as root and the dirs are marked 755 root:root.
 df -i shows only 2% inode usage.
 Any explanation as to why a rwx-ed dir can't be written to? This is
 breaking quite a few of the init scripts.

 Andrey Vul
 begin-base64 600 sig
 v bnRvLmNhDQpzbXMsIHZvaWNlbWFpbDogNDE2MzAzOTkyMw0K
 sounds like / is mounted read-only

Do read-only filesystems typically reply ENOENT when trying to create a
file? It's usually something like read-only filesystem in that case.
ENOENT means it can't even find the file.

Re: [gentoo-user] KDE control center missing?

2010-07-25 Thread Bill Longman
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Dale wrote:

 Neil Bothwick wrote:

 On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 01:46:23 +0200, Alex Schuster wrote:

 Or just right click on the K thingy and select menu editor.

 Yeah, it's right there in K -  Programs -  Settings, but only because I
 put it there, with kmenuedit.

 Dale was referring to RIGHT clicking the K menu, which give a short menu
 that includes Menu Editor. but I think this only appears if you have
 selected the KDE-for-old-farts (AKA classic) menu layout.

 Should be there for both.  That was how I switched it to the old style.
  I'm pretty sure the menu is the same for both.  Then again, I have updated
 KDE a couple times since then too.


 :-)  :-)

I see it on the new version (KDE 4).

Bill Longman

Re: [gentoo-user] error compiling media-libs/netpbm-10.49.00

2010-07-22 Thread Bill Longman
On 7/22/10, Arnau Bria wrote:
 On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 10:53:54 +0200
 Alan McKinnon wrote:

 On Thursday 22 July 2010 10:04:46 Arnau Bria wrote:
  Hi all,
  long time since last update. I was trying to update my system and it
  failed at netpbm with this error:

 Yes, I can see it was a long time ago :-)

 I really don't care about big gentoo updates. Some years ago I did,
 but now it usually goes fine. minor issues :-)

 You hit the jpeg issue and that was a while back. We've had the
 linpng issue since then. Install jpeg:7 and try again.

 You can expect to use a lot of revdep-rebuild to get all this going
 revdep-rebuild against solved the issue.

 So, I suppose it did rebuild some dep package (don't ask me which :-) )
 that solved the issue


CFLAGS=-O2 -mtune=i686 -pipe

You might like
CFLAGS=-O2 -march=core2 -pipe

Re: [gentoo-user] lazy gcc switching

2010-07-22 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/22/2010 01:09 AM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 Looks like a quad cpu, each one dual core. I've got one of those in the Data 
 Centre next door and each core is running that new fancy hyper-threading that 
 actually works:

It's quad CPU TWELVE core. Just putting four CPUs into the thing will
cost a small mortgage. Consider that the current 6-core 8000-series CPUs
cost about 3k $US, the Magny-Cours will bring a well-spring of cash
flowing out your pocketbook. But, yeah, that would be amazing to see how
many proteins you could fold in an hourthat would really add to my
numbers, (just past 1.5M last month). :-)

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: lazy gcc switching

2010-07-22 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/22/2010 12:49 PM, walt wrote:
 On 07/21/2010 03:18 PM, Bill Longman wrote:
 Might I suggest a small hardware upgrade:

 Hey, where's the parallel port for my Epson MX-80 printer?

You're aging yourself, Walt. Some of us have actually used these, let
alone know what they are.

And once Alan gets this puppy pried into his laptop chassis, I want to
see the power supply connector.

Re: [gentoo-user] lazy gcc switching

2010-07-21 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/21/2010 03:22 AM, Dale wrote:
 Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 July 2010 10:53:19 wrote:

 I've just switched to gcc 4.3.4 from 4.1.2 using gcc-config tool. I
 want to rebuild any package now. As time goes on my packages will be
 compiled with new version. I hope that after a few month there will be
 only a number of packages not compiled with a new gcc. Then I want to
 recompile them on demand including libtool if necessary.

 Do you think my plan have a chance to succeed.

 Why do you think you would even need to get into a long compile? Have
 you been
 reading that GCC Upgrade Guide at You know, the one that
 is so
 flat out wrong on so many levels?

 I recently upgraded my gcc and I must confess, I did do a emerge -e
 system.  Is it needed, nope.
 OP, Alan is correct on this.  You don't really need to re-emerge
 everything.  If, like me, you want to be on the safe side, just do a
 emerge -e system and let the rest recompile as you update.
 Another good thing about this way, if this version of gcc causes you
 trouble, you can downgrade and only have to re-emerge system.  ;-)   I
 did upgrade gcc once and had serious issues with it.  Wouldn't compile a
 kernel, programs crashing and other weird things.  After a downgrade,
 all went back to normal.  The only thing worse than a emerge -e world is
 having to do it twice.  LOL

And to play devil's advocate, I'll chime in with my experience. The 4.4
GCC, at least on AMD CPUs, creates noticeably faster code. I recompiled
all my packages after I upgraded to 4.4 and it was a *noticeable*

But, to make perfectly clear what Alan and Dale have stated previously,
it is not a requirement to recompile anything. The binaries that are
created still call the same system calls as they did before. The kernel
still publishes them in the same locations. And to prove to yourself
this is true, grab a statically linked binary, compiled for a stock
standard i686, and run it on your machine.

Re: [gentoo-user] core i5

2010-07-21 Thread Bill Longman
On 06/23/2010 01:59 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
 Am 23.06.2010 00:27, schrieb Bill Longman:
 - core i7 @ 1.6GHz gives me eight threads. The RAM is really fast, too,
 so the overall system is very responsive. Great power savings stuff.
 quite a plus with the box running for 10 hrs a day at least ...
 - Haven't tried kvm but would probably work fine.
 I think so. Also the cpu-pinning ... I assume I could then assign one or
 more of the 8 (virtual) CPUs to a specific VM ... nice ...
 - From /proc/cpuinfo:
   address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual

   That's only 8GB physical, but that's probably a reasonable limit at
 the moment.

$ units -1 '2^36 byte' GiB
* 64

 I think I could live with this. 8 GB now are more than I currently ever

Remember, kids, always recheck your answers, use a number two pencil

Re: [gentoo-user] lazy gcc switching

2010-07-21 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/21/2010 12:39 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 July 2010 17:49:46 Bill Longman wrote:
 And to play devil's advocate, I'll chime in with my experience. The 4.4
 GCC, at least on AMD CPUs, creates noticeably faster code. I recompiled
 all my packages after I upgraded to 4.4 and it was a noticeable

 But, to make perfectly clear what Alan and Dale have stated previously,
 it is not a requirement to recompile anything. The binaries that are
 created still call the same system calls as they did before. The kernel
 still publishes them in the same locations. And to prove to yourself
 this is true, grab a statically linked binary, compiled for a stock
 standard i686, and run it on your machine.
 I'd love to be able to experience the speedups of gcc-4.4 and by rights I 
 should be able to - my last rip gentoo apart and put it back together again 
 stunt needed an emerge -e world to fix it all.
 But, and this is the bit that makes me cry, the slowdown from KDE-4.4.5 has 
 obliterated all that advantage several times over.
 raster *really* needs to hurrry up now and release e17

Might I suggest a small hardware upgrade:

Re: [gentoo-user] how can I make emerge --sync less verbose?

2010-07-13 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/13/2010 09:48 AM, Jarry wrote:
 subject says it all: I'm using gentoo over rather slow line,
 and while syncing portage tree, lines keep scrolling so fast
 it saturates my connection. How can I make emerge --sync
 somehow less verbose?
 I know, I can use --quiet, but then I do not see anyting.
 Maybe something like status-bar, or counter (0-100%) would
 be nice...

I usually use screen and run it from there. You can then tailf the
emerge-fetch.log if you really want to watch.

Re: [gentoo-user] fate of nmh

2010-07-12 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/11/2010 01:47 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On Sunday 11 July 2010 20:42:54 wrote:
 # unless a new maintainer can be found, this package is
 # slated for removal.
 # Removal on 2010-08-23

 This is  what I use for my mail reader -- with the emacs interface -- so
 I am wondering what I can do once this happens -- I imagine I can keep
 it installed, but it would not be a good situation.

 thanks in advance  for any ideas.
 Pick one:
 1. use another mailer. There's no shortage of them
 2. fix nmh yourself. It seems like no-one else is going to.

Or, you can choose to live with it as is. You might want to look at the
quickpkg man page and save nmh and mask it out.

This is one of the concepts that will blindside a new Gentoo user. One
usually thinks that once a package is found in Portage that he can then
rely on it ~ad infinitum~. Well, the folks who write FOSS sometimes just
move on and unless someone picks up the gauntlet to maintain the
package, it withers and dies.

[gentoo-user] KDE 4.4.4 system settings - fonts never display

2010-07-12 Thread Bill Longman
Have I just misconfigured several of my KDE boxes or is there a problem
with KDE 4.4.4's system settings? The font installer worked fine in 4.3,
but whenever I go into system settings and try to get a list of the
fonts, it's just a blank box, whether I choose personal or system fonts.

No amount of STFW has yet to yield to me a suitable place to look for
further answers.



Ἐν ἀρχή ἠν ὁ λόγος

Re: [gentoo-user] Unicode Fonts in xfce4-terminal

2010-07-12 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/12/2010 11:51 AM, Andy Wilkinson wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have been fiddling on and off for a few months now trying to get
 Unicode font display in Terminal, which per the Gentoo Unicode docs as
 well as its own, supports UTF-8 character sets.  However, special
 characters  are not displayed.  The font in use is DejaVu Sans Mono,
 which ought to support simple accented characters and other Unicode
 glyphs.  The results of `locale` are as follows:
 t...@saya ~ $ locale
 Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Try en_US.UTF-8 instead.

Re: [gentoo-user] Unicode Fonts in xfce4-terminal

2010-07-12 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/12/2010 01:38 PM, Andy Wilkinson wrote:
 On 07/12/2010 12:09 PM, Bill Longman wrote:
 Try en_US.UTF-8 instead.

 That did it.  Thanks!
 I am confused, though.  Why am I setting LANG, etc, to en_US.UTF-8
 when locale -a says en_US.utf8?

That's probably what the kernel thinks. If you look at the NLS stuff in
the kernel, it uses utf8 instead of the usual UTF-8 syntax, which,
according to the never-incorrect archives on Wikipedia, states is the
official name.

I might be all wet, but that's the only place that I'm familiar with
that uses utf8.

Lost a character set, has he? How embarassing. How embarassing.

Re: [gentoo-user] KDE 4.4.4 system settings - fonts never display

2010-07-12 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/12/2010 01:52 PM, Mick wrote:
 On Monday 12 July 2010 19:28:46 Bill Longman wrote:
 Have I just misconfigured several of my KDE boxes or is there a problem
 with KDE 4.4.4's system settings? The font installer worked fine in 4.3,
 but whenever I go into system settings and try to get a list of the
 fonts, it's just a blank box, whether I choose personal or system fonts.

 No amount of STFW has yet to yield to me a suitable place to look for
 further answers.



 Ἐν ἀρχή ἠν ὁ λόγος
 I can't point you to a solution, but can confirm that KDE-4.4.4 fonts work 
 fine here - only the 'Personal Fonts' category is empty (because I have not 
 setup any).  'All Fonts', 'System Fonts' and 'Unclassified Fonts' categories, 
 show fonts in them.

Well, my system that I use most often doesn't seem to have a problem but
all my other ones, since the upgrade, show no fonts. Maybe something
fixed this one, (-NDu world last week?), but now it's fine.

 (και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον)

And this is how I know, because I was trying to load the GFS Decker
fonts on my home machines but couldn't! And I was reading Jeremiah, not
John. :-)

Re: [gentoo-user] Unicode Fonts in xfce4-terminal

2010-07-12 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/12/2010 01:38 PM, Andy Wilkinson wrote:

 For now I am happy that it works.  Thanks again.

For what it's worth, Andy, here's my setup:

/etc/locale.gen has:

en_US ISO-8859-1
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
el_GR.UTF-8 UTF-8
el_GR ISO-8859-7

and in /etc/env.d/02locale I have:


And it all just works. I have the default codepage/NLS set to utf8 in
my kernels, too, but I don't create files with Greek names. Not yet,
anyway, and I really don't plan on it. Switching keyboard layouts is
hard enough in the editor. Ever try to run λσ -λ in bash?

Re: [gentoo-user] cmake-2.8.1 build problems

2010-07-09 Thread Bill Longman
 As for libpng I've straightened it out on 3 other machines to date,
 all 64-bit, but this last machine is causing me fits. Fortunately I
 have two of these machines with the same motherboard, processor, VGA.
 Only sound is different. The other one worked out OK with libpng so
 I'll likely just slog through a comparison, config file by config
 file, to find the differences.

I would love to see the 3D scatter plot of Time spent by Gentoo users
running revdep-rebuild (hrs) vs. Package updated vs. Date (2000-2010).

I suspect there would be one HUGE blob in June 2010 where libpng
crosses the X axis.

I myself have spent at least an hour on each of the several machines
that I run.

Re: [gentoo-user] current network traffic rate, in real time (in console)?

2010-07-07 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/07/2010 10:37 AM, Jarry wrote:
 I would like to see in console current network transfer rate
 for given interface, similar as I can see cpu-loading in [%]
 with top command.
 Just single overall value in [bytes/second] or similar unit
 would be enough for me, averaged over certain short time
 interval (let's say 1 or 5 seconds). How could I do that?

Do this first:

eix --stable -cC net-analyzer

Pick one that you think fits.

The one I picked was trafshow.

Re: [gentoo-user] Compilation error: pygtk

2010-07-02 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/01/2010 06:35 PM, wrote:
  * Call stack:
  *, line   54:  Called src_compile
  *   environment, line 5365:  Called python_src_compile
  *   environment, line 5150:  Called python_execute_function '-d' '-s' '--'
  *   environment, line 4058:  Called die
  * The specific snippet of code:
  *   die ${failure_message};
 How can I prevent the compilation problem?
 If requested, I will sent the other files mentioned in the above 
 report of course -- I only want to mailbomb the mailinglist in
 beforehand ;)

It's really hard for me to determine the exact cause because there seem
to be so many variables behind the problems with libpng. You might
consider recompiling GTK first. It seems to me that most of my
frustrations with stuck compilations can be solved by revdep-rebuild or
judicious recompilation of dependencies and making sure env-update has
been done and my environment is correct. I have become so use to exec
bash -l that I have an alias for it now

Re: [gentoo-user] activating swap by udev event

2010-07-01 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/01/2010 08:44 AM, SpaceCake wrote:
 So, it solves the first problem, identifiying the device, but how can I
 tell to udev to use always /dev/sds (for example) for this device? Also
 I'm thinking how can I instruct udev to turn off swap when the device is
 removed, but this is another story :)

Here's what I have in my /etc/fstab file for one of my USB keys. I
assume you could just change it to say swap instead.

fs   mntpt  fs opts  dump/pass
UUID=BA62-89BD /mnt/key auto noauto,user,exec,nosuid 0 0

Re: [gentoo-user] activating swap by udev event

2010-07-01 Thread Bill Longman
On 07/01/2010 08:59 AM, SpaceCake wrote:
 that's good if I want to mount at a specific location, but for swap I
 need the device name, but this is changes depending on how many other
 usb drives are connected. Looks lik this is a tricky question  :)

No, you don't *NEED* the device name to mount swap, you can use a UUID
or a filesystem label:

# swapon -h

 swapon -a [-e] [-v] [-f] enable all swaps from /etc/fstab
 swapon [-p priority] [-v] [-f] special  enable given swap
 swapon -sdisplay swap usage summary
 swapon -hdisplay help
 swapon -Vdisplay version

The special parameter:
 {-L label | LABEL=label} LABEL of device to be used
 {-U uuid  | UUID=uuid}   UUID of device to be used
 device name of device to be used
 file   name of file to be used

Just put

LABEL=cakeswap none swap sw,user 0 0

in your fstab

and use mkswap -L cakeswap on your USB stick.

Certainly, you'd want to use swapoff *before* you removed the stick,
so that's going to have to be a manual step so I think you're stuck
unsticking your stick.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Minimal Gentoo with X

2010-06-30 Thread Bill Longman
On 06/30/2010 08:03 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2010-06-30, Shoka wrote:
 I'm trying to build kind of a minimal gentoo setup with X support. All I
 need is

 - X11 and a Window Manager
 - Mozilla Firefox
 - Lighttpd

 I use Gnome at this time.
 That's like saying all I needed was a couple of deck chairs, so I
 bought the Queen Mary.
 One step towards smaller/lighter would be the XFCE desktop instead of
 Gnome.  While a lot smaller/faster than Gnuome, XFCE is still far from
 If you want more minimal, then I'd try icewm, fvwm, or blackbox/fluxbox.

I agree with Grant and others. XFCE is the other WM on my machines. On
my old PIII with 256MB RAM, it's really the only option. KDE for the
ones with the power, but that's far from light.

But my personal light window manager fave of all time is ratpoison.
That's what goes on the servers

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