Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-09-09 Thread Erik Meijer

> > This runtime just needs to be ported to other operating systems
> > similarily to the Java runtime.
> So it's a question of either source availability - or at least a very
> complete specification - or Microsoft strategy.

With the SDK that you can download from MS comes a 500 page specification of
the runtime and the IL. So if you have a free Saturday and you want to get
famous, then give that Linux implementation a try.

Some interesting background on MS plans to standardize this stuff is
available at


RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-15 Thread Doug Ransom

I think most C++ programmers realize C++ for what it is, a poorly designed
portable object oriented assembler language. Most C++ programmers use C++
because they program for windows and COM, and the only other real choices of
development environments are VB and Delphi (which I do not know anything
about).  VB does not fully support COM development nor object-oriented
programming (nor any other kind of programming really), so developers have
little choice but to play with the C++ gun and hope they do not shoot
themselves in the foot.  We use VB when we can and C++ when we must in our

I think almost every Windows developer is eager to move to the safer world
of C#.  However, almost no one is even thinking about FP.  I think NGWS will
be the kiss of death for FP in the large -- OO just seems 90 degrees out of
phase with FP.  

-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Leon Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 8:10 AM
Cc: Craig Dickson
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 22:36:42 +1000
 Tyson Dowd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11-Aug-2000, Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Antony Courtney wrote:
> > 
> > will be coming from C and C++ where it is perfectly
> normal to do all sorts
> > of things that the compiler cannot guarantee to be
> safe. This leads to all
> > sorts of bugs such as buffer overflows, stack
> corruption, page faults
> > accessing unmapped memory, etc. By making it so
> convenient to write unsafe
> > code in C#, Microsoft has essentially given these C/C++
> coders an excuse not
> > to bother learning how to write safe code, and many
> programmers will take
> > that excuse.
> I don't believe you can teach programmers anything by
> trying to take
> tools away from them.
> I believe you can only teach programmers by showing them
> a better tool. 

Aha, but *which* programmers?  The C/C++ programmers who will bother
learning how to write safe code, or those who won't?

Many programmers work on teams.  Suppose you have 50 programmers on a team
working under a tough time limit, and most of them have just switched from
C/C++ (where they were accustomed to working with unsafe code most of the
time) to C#.

Will they choose to learn how to write the bulk of their procedures using
safe code (possibly missing the deadline in the process), or just continue
writing lots of unsafe code (and possibly meeting the deadline, but also
likely introducing bugs such as memory leaks in the process)?

> So long as the unsafe code is clearly labelled as such,
> and cannot be
> confused with safe code why does it have to be in a
> different language?
> Why do you have to sacrifice all the features of the
> language you are
> currently using just because you need to write some
> unsafe code?

The problem is that many programmers will not focus on the safe features if
the unsafe ones remain.

It takes time to learn a new skill, and if the programmers already know how
to write unsafe code that they are convinced will work (even if it also
potentially introduces bugs), they are not likely suddenly to change their
style and to write everything using safe code whenever possible, even if it
happens to be better in each situation.

They are working under pressure and want to meet the deadline.  So, they
will use whatever they already feel most comfortable with, including unsafe
code even when it is not necessary.

For example, if the C/C++ programmers are used to explicit memory management
using malloc() and free(), then they are likely to keep writing all their
methods using this old style, even when the running time is not crucial.
This could potentially introduce more memory-related bugs than necessary.

> If you can implement the unsafe stuff in a way that
> doesn't harm
> the rest of the implementation, and you can partition the
> unsafe portion
> of the language from the safe portion in a way that is
> acceptable in
> software engineering terms, then the programmers can have
> an easier time
> writing or interfacing to bit-twiddling, pointer
> manipulation code.

That's a *big* "if," though.

Again, what if the programmers are undisciplined and undertrained former
C/C++ programmers (most likely, a large portion of the programmers will be
from this group), and most of the implementation winds up being unsafe?
Then what?

Suppose the manager starts the project by requiring that all the programmers
write all non-time-critical portions of their code in pure C#.  Suppose that
the programmers are from the above group.

If the language supports unsafe code, then the programmers are likely to
write much of their code using unsafe code, simply because they are used to
that s

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-15 Thread S. Achterop IWI-120 3932

Fergus Henderson wrote:
> On 14-Aug-2000, Benjamin Leon Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ah, a testable hypothesis!  If you are right, then you should be able to
> > provide an example of a language that meets the requirements of writing
> > both low-level kernel code and most user applications equally well for
> > the bulk of the programmers working with the language!
> Well, how about Modula II and Ada?

   Or maybe even better, Modula-3?

Sietse Achterop

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-15 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 14-Aug-2000, Benjamin Leon Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tyson Dowd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't believe you can teach programmers anything by
> > trying to take
> > tools away from them.
> > 
> > I believe you can only teach programmers by showing them
> > a better tool. 
> Aha, but *which* programmers?  The C/C++ programmers who will bother
> learning how to write safe code, or those who won't?

Well, no sane C# course or book will teach the unsafe features of the
language before the safe ones.  So I think the vast majority of C/C++
programmers who learn C# will already know how to write safe C# code
before they learn how to write unsafe C# code.

> The problem is that many programmers will not focus on the safe features
> if the unsafe ones remain.
> For example, if the C/C++ programmers are used to explicit memory
> management using malloc() and free(), then they are likely to keep writing
> all their methods using this old style, even when the running time is
> not crucial.  This could potentially introduce more memory-related bugs
> than necessary.

I'm not an expert on C#, so I could be wrong about this, but as I
understand it, C# does not have malloc() and free(), not even in the
unsafe subset.

Unsafe C# is not the same as C or C++.  Furthermore, "unsafe" code
will have a stigma attached to it, just like "goto" does today (or
perhaps more so).  So I think you overestimate the danger of C/C++
programmers continuing to write much of their code using unsafe
features if they switch to C#.

> Suppose the manager starts the project by requiring that all the
> programmers write all non-time-critical portions of their code in pure C#.

Why wouldn't the manager require that they write all non-time-critical
portions of their code in safe C# (i.e. C# without the "unsafe" keyword)?

> > On 14-Aug-2000, Benjamin Leon Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Your not-quite-spoken assumption that it should be possible to write
> > > everything in one language is just something I fundamentally disagree
> > > with.  The requirements of low-level kernel code are quite
> > > different from those of most user-level applications, and
> > > any single language that tries to address
> > > both sets of requirements will do so poorly.
> > 
> > Ah, a testable hypothesis!
> > If you are right, then you should be able to criticize some other
> > features of the language that have suffered as a result of unsafe
> > code in C#.
> Ah, a testable hypothesis!  If you are right, then you should be able to
> provide an example of a language that meets the requirements of writing
> both low-level kernel code and most user applications equally well for
> the bulk of the programmers working with the language!

Well, how about Modula II and Ada?

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-14 Thread Craig Dickson

Benjamin Leon Russell wrote:

>  Tyson Dowd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 11-Aug-2000, Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > > will be coming from C and C++ where it is perfectly
> > > normal to do all sorts of things that the compiler
> > > cannot guarantee to be safe. This leads to all sorts
> > > of bugs such as buffer overflows, stack corruption,
> > > page faults accessing unmapped memory, etc. By making
> > > it so convenient to write unsafe code in C#, Microsoft
> > > has essentially given these C/C++ coders an excuse not
> > > to bother learning how to write safe code, and many
> > > programmers will take that excuse.
> >
> > I don't believe you can teach programmers anything by
> > trying to take tools away from them.
> >
> > I believe you can only teach programmers by showing them
> > a better tool.
> Aha, but *which* programmers?  The C/C++ programmers who
> will bother learning how to write safe code, or those who
> won't?


> The problem is that many programmers will not focus on the
> safe features if the unsafe ones remain.

Exactly. For example, many C programmers use "goto" habitually, even though
there are better solutions even in C.

I, personally, have no problem with learning new paradigms; in fact, I like
it. I regard learning a new programming language as essentially getting an
inside view of someone else's ideas of how programming should be done, and
so I go out of my way to learn the "correct" style for that language.

But I work with a number of people who I don't think have bothered learning
any really different ideas about programming since graduating back in the
mid-80s. They write C++ as if it were C, after ten years of working
exclusively in C++. Sure, they call their structs "classes" now, and the
classes have methods, but all their data members are public, and if they
need a list of objects, they just give each object a "next" pointer instead
of using a separate list class. The company's C++ style guide, when I was
hired, contained pearls of wisdom such as "Declare all methods virtual" and
"Never use static members". The company's chief engineer (now chief
architect) habitually violates Microsoft's Windows coding guidelines left
and right because she thinks it makes the code "easier to read" -- never
mind that it doesn't work. I'm sorry, but I just don't think these people
will, of their own volition, learn how to write "safe" C#. They'll just
write unsafe C# because it's more convenient. "After all," they'll say, "my
code is valid C# too, so it's just as good as yours. It's just a matter of

Now, on the other hand, if they need to work in C#, and if C# didn't have
"unsafe" features, instead merely having a decent FFI, these folks might get
the idea that safe code is the way to go.

> It takes time to learn a new skill, and if the programmers
> already know how to write unsafe code that they are
> convinced will work (even if it also potentially introduces
> bugs), they are not likely suddenly to change their style
> and to write everything using safe code whenever possible,
> even if it happens to be better in each situation.

One thing I've noticed with C/C++ programmers, particularly (which is,
again, the pool from which most C# programmers will be drawn), is that many
of them are convinced that they can handle dangerous techniques which
experience shows they can't handle. They say things such as, "I like doing
my own memory management, because it gives me more control," but their code
continually suffers from memory leaks and other pointer-related problems
that show quite clearly that they are not to be trusted with these things
that give them "more control". This, in my view, is just one more reason why
"unsafe" features should not be built into mass-market languages like C#.

> Ah, a testable hypothesis!  If you are right, then you
> should be able to provide an example of a language that
> meets the requirements of writing both low-level kernel
> code and most user applications equally well for the
> bulk of the programmers working with the language!

I think this is a better hypothesis to test than Tyson's. For one thing, to
really be able to say what problems exist in C# as a language, and how the
desire to be both a high-level applications language and a low-level kernel
language plays a role in those problems, will take time and experience with
C#. A lot of the things I now dislike about C++ took me a long time to
really understand.

I realize, of course, that it probably seems very convenient for me that I
prefer the hypothesis that puts the burden of proof on the other party. Of
course it is. But I think history, so far, shows that attempts to make a
language that is "universal" or "good for everything" have resulted in
languages that are too complicated. It may be _possible_ to use them for
everything, but they aren't really all that well-suited for anything.
Because of this, I tend to be suspicious when a langu

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-14 Thread Benjamin Leon Russell

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 22:36:42 +1000
 Tyson Dowd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11-Aug-2000, Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Antony Courtney wrote:
> > 
> > will be coming from C and C++ where it is perfectly
> normal to do all sorts
> > of things that the compiler cannot guarantee to be
> safe. This leads to all
> > sorts of bugs such as buffer overflows, stack
> corruption, page faults
> > accessing unmapped memory, etc. By making it so
> convenient to write unsafe
> > code in C#, Microsoft has essentially given these C/C++
> coders an excuse not
> > to bother learning how to write safe code, and many
> programmers will take
> > that excuse.
> I don't believe you can teach programmers anything by
> trying to take
> tools away from them.
> I believe you can only teach programmers by showing them
> a better tool. 

Aha, but *which* programmers?  The C/C++ programmers who will bother learning how to 
write safe code, or those who won't?

Many programmers work on teams.  Suppose you have 50 programmers on a team working 
under a tough time limit, and most of them have just switched from C/C++ (where they 
were accustomed to working with unsafe code most of the time) to C#.

Will they choose to learn how to write the bulk of their procedures using safe code 
(possibly missing the deadline in the process), or just continue writing lots of 
unsafe code (and possibly meeting the deadline, but also likely introducing bugs such 
as memory leaks in the process)?

> So long as the unsafe code is clearly labelled as such,
> and cannot be
> confused with safe code why does it have to be in a
> different language?
> Why do you have to sacrifice all the features of the
> language you are
> currently using just because you need to write some
> unsafe code?

The problem is that many programmers will not focus on the safe features if the unsafe 
ones remain.

It takes time to learn a new skill, and if the programmers already know how to write 
unsafe code that they are convinced will work (even if it also potentially introduces 
bugs), they are not likely suddenly to change their style and to write everything 
using safe code whenever possible, even if it happens to be better in each situation.

They are working under pressure and want to meet the deadline.  So, they will use 
whatever they already feel most comfortable with, including unsafe code even when it 
is not necessary.

For example, if the C/C++ programmers are used to explicit memory management using 
malloc() and free(), then they are likely to keep writing all their methods using this 
old style, even when the running time is not crucial.  This could potentially 
introduce more memory-related bugs than necessary.

> If you can implement the unsafe stuff in a way that
> doesn't harm
> the rest of the implementation, and you can partition the
> unsafe portion
> of the language from the safe portion in a way that is
> acceptable in
> software engineering terms, then the programmers can have
> an easier time
> writing or interfacing to bit-twiddling, pointer
> manipulation code.

That's a *big* "if," though.

Again, what if the programmers are undisciplined and undertrained former C/C++ 
programmers (most likely, a large portion of the programmers will be from this group), 
and most of the implementation winds up being unsafe?  Then what?

Suppose the manager starts the project by requiring that all the programmers write all 
non-time-critical portions of their code in pure C#.  Suppose that the programmers are 
from the above group.

If the language supports unsafe code, then the programmers are likely to write much of 
their code using unsafe code, simply because they are used to that style, even when 
unsafe code isn't completely necessary.

If the language doesn't support unsafe code, then they are forced to learn how to 
write safe code, whether they want to or not, because that is the only way to write 
the code.

There is likely to be a difference to the manager between writing much of the code in 
another language, and writing much of it in unsafe 100% pure C# code using the 
"unsafe" marker:  he/she is likely to permit more of the latter than the former.  In 
addition, the programmers are far more likely to get carried away with writing 
unnecessary unsafe 100% pure C# code than they are with writing code in another 
language when unnecessary.

> > Your not-quite-spoken assumption that it should be
> possible to write
> > everything in one language is just something I
> fundamentally disagree with.
> > The requirements of low-level kernel code are quite
> different from those of
> > most user-level applications, and any single language
> that tries to address
> > both sets of requirements will do so poorly.
> Ah, a testable hypothesis!
> If you are right, then you should be able to criticize
> some other
> features of the language that have suffered as a result
> of unsafe
> code in C#.

Ah, a testable hypothe

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-13 Thread Adrian Hey

On Fri 11 Aug, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:
> Erlang applications are characterised as being soft-realtime
> applications:
> In one sentence, I would characterise this as ``it is fast
> enough most of the time.''  This seems to be good enough for
> many (most?) embedded systems.

Yes, I think so, but terms like 'embedded','real time' amd 'non-deterministic'
seem to mean different things to different people. I won't attempt to
define them.

But as far as GC is concerned, time is really a secondary issue IMHO.
It's having confidence that your program can run in (known) bounded space
that worries me. (If you don't mind the wait, time can be extended
indefinitely, but you can't do this with memory).

Real time or not, presumably systems writtem in Erlang are required not to
conk out due to exhausted heap space. I don't see how Erlang users ensure
this, other than by relying on programmers intuition and program testing.

> I see your point about insisting on finite state machines,
> but as the functionality expected from embedded systems
> increases, this ideal viewpoint will become increasingly
> infeasible in practice.

In that case I suspect the systems we all rely on will become increasingly
unreliable :-( This is probably less of a problem for strict languages
because it's much easier for the programmer to think about the space
behaviour of programs, but in a graph reduction implementation (of a lazy
language) things aren't so easy. This worries me.

Are heap profilers the answer, I wonder? Certainly they help detect space
leaks, but this reliance on empirical rather than analytical methods
doesn't really seem to be consistent with the goal of being able to write
programs which are correct by design, and provably so (in principal at least).

Just curious, but has anybody investigated how far you can go with a
'purely functional' language and still get a finite state machine

What would you need to do to Haskell to achieve this? Obvious things
which come to mind include outlawing recursive data types (including our
beloved lists!). This seems a little drastic, maybe you could allow them but
'deforest' them out in many cases (and have the compiler warn you if it
couldn't). I suppose they would be ok in (finite) constants too.
Just a thought.

Adrian Hey

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-13 Thread Adrian Hey

On Fri 11 Aug, Byron Hale wrote:
> I don't mean that threads are non-deterministic, but that the execution 
> time of a GC thread seems to be non-deterministic. Large collections need 
> more time than small ones and the time required is some function of the 
> store to be collected, is it not?

Sort of, but I think it depends what you mean by non-deterministic.
If you mean you don't know exactly how long garbage collection will take,
or when and how often it will occur, then I agree with you.
This probably is a serious problem for 'real time' systems, but not all
embedded applications are 'real-time'. (Those written in Erlang presumably
aren't, for example.)   

> If the store to be collected is created 
> at a greater rate than it can be collected, then a garbage-collected system 
> would seem to be be expected to crash eventually.

Yes, I think this is by far the biggest problem for any system which is
required to be robust. Conking out do to lack of heap space may be
acceptable (though undesirable) on a PC or workstation, but for most
real world applications this is unacceptable.

> ML-Kit has implemented some work on compile-time memory management using 
> regions. I wonder if that might not be more practical than garbage 
> collection, in real-time systems.

I've had a quick look at this. I would say that the approach taken is
good from the point of view of saving time, but unless I'm missing something,
there is still the problem of ensuring that the program will run in
bounded space if you use the 'infinite' regions (as it seems you must
for recursive data types). It seems it's still pretty much the programmers
responsibility to ensure this. But seeing as ML is strict, it's probably
much easier for the programmer to get this right than it would be in Haskell.

Adrian Hey

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-13 Thread Adrian Hey

On Fri 11 Aug, Sengan wrote:
> I don't buy this: for a long time the embedded hard realtime people
> refused to use CPUs with cache because they would be
> "non-deterministic".

(I assume "non-deterministic" in this context means we can't determine the
execution time of a bit of code, even knowing the initial state of variables

I think you'll find that this is still the prevailing view for most in the
DSP community (and I can't think of many 'harder' real time applications).

> They finally gave up, 

What, all of them? :-)
The only people I know who have tried this for DSP have come to regret it.

> realizing that CPU's with caches are much faster.

Not necessarily. IMHO most conventional caches are a less than ideal silicon
fix for what is essentially a software problem. Typically DSP's use fast
internal RAM that provides the same service as a 'cache', but which bits of
code and data are cached is under the control of the software, not the
(Some also have an additional 'cache', but let's not get into that...) 

> If garbage collection is relatively cheap and makes it 10x faster to
> make a reliable system, they'll end up using it too.

I would certainly agree that automatic garbage collection is far better
than the perils of using explicit allocations/deallocations from a
conventional heap. But I don't do that either, in code which I know has to
be reliable.

If I was using a language which did not allow me the option of using
static allocation and destructive updates (it used dynamic allocation and
run-time GC instead) I think in practice will actually take far longer to
make systems _reliable_ (having first eliminated all bugs from my own code,
presumably). In fact I'm not convinced it's possible.
Useful?..Yes, Cheap?..Yes, Reliable?..I'm sceptical:-(

How can I ensure that such a system won't ever run out of heap space?
Some kind of proof? Exhaustive testing?

> Non deterministic is not that important. Worst time is.

Yes, I agree in principle, but how would you determine the very worst case
time in a cached/GC machine? You need a _real_ worst case figure to know your
system performs to spec.

Adrian Hey

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-13 Thread Adrian Hey

On Fri 11 Aug, George Russell wrote:
> However REALLY worst-time-bounded garbage collection is very expensive in
> CPU time.  (Is there anything better than Baker's train algorithm?)
> In any case even if you do have garbage-collection, you will still need to
> demonstrate that you won't run out of memory.  And if you're going to
> do that sort of analysis, wouldn't it be better to use something like
> MLKit's regions rather than garbage collection?

I think this sentiment sums up my feelings pretty well. I'm not sure how
the MLFix solution would fit with Haskell.

Adrian Hey

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-13 Thread Tyson Dowd

On 13-Aug-2000, Sylvan Ravinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> > > will be coming from C and C++ where it is perfectly normal to do all sorts
> > > of things that the compiler cannot guarantee to be safe. This leads to all
> > > sorts of bugs such as buffer overflows, stack corruption, page faults
> > > accessing unmapped memory, etc. By making it so convenient to write unsafe
> > > code in C#, Microsoft has essentially given these C/C++ coders an excuse not
> > > to bother learning how to write safe code, and many programmers will take
> > > that excuse.
> > 
> > I don't believe you can teach programmers anything by trying to take
> > tools away from them.
> Hum. Sorry. I'm a total newbie compared to all of you here,
> but. yes, it is a language design question. What's
> encapsultation and abstract data types? What's object-oriented programming
> itself?... I thought that information hiding - and the related language
> features are known to be good. That's why I really cannot follow your
> point here.

My point here is that if you refrain from adding features from your
language to try to discourage programmers from using those features,
they will just end up not using your language.

In many cases the programmers simply need to be shown the equivalent
features of your language that allow them to do what they want to do. 

But in the case of writing unsafe code, (my interpretation of what)
Craig Dickson believes (is that) the correct approach is to not have any
equivalent features, but to write it in a completely different foreign

I believe this is "throwing the baby out with the bathwater", and you
can find alternate methods that have all the power but far fewer
drawbacks.  I believe that doing this makes your language a stronger
tool, and is therefore more likely to be used by programmers.
It also makes it a more dangerous tool, but if your alternative is to 
write more code in a language such as C/C++, you can't get much more

   Tyson Dowd   # 
#  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-13 Thread Benjamin Leon Russell

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 12:53:39 +0800
 Lyndon While <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 6:46 pm -0400 10/8/2000, Benjamin Leon Russell wrote:
> >Somebody once wrote that a clearly written,
> well-documented program 
> >that doesn't work is usually more valuable than a badly
> written, 
> >poorly-documented program that does work because it can
> easily be 
> >fixed and reused.
> Who wrote this?
> Is it just a rumour or is there a reference that I can
> give to my students?

There is a reference, but it is in a book that I read months ago, probably while 
browsing through the local bookstore.  I just looked through _The Practice of 
Programming,_ by Kernighan & Pike, but apparently it wasn't in that book.

Trying to find it is a little like looking for a needle in a haystack.  It is probably 
in some other book on programming style.  I'll try to look it up when I have time and 
let you know when I find it again.

Benjamin L. Russell
"Furuike ya!  Kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto."  --Matsuo Basho

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-13 Thread Sylvan Ravinet


On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Tyson Dowd wrote:
> > will be coming from C and C++ where it is perfectly normal to do all sorts
> > of things that the compiler cannot guarantee to be safe. This leads to all
> > sorts of bugs such as buffer overflows, stack corruption, page faults
> > accessing unmapped memory, etc. By making it so convenient to write unsafe
> > code in C#, Microsoft has essentially given these C/C++ coders an excuse not
> > to bother learning how to write safe code, and many programmers will take
> > that excuse.
> I don't believe you can teach programmers anything by trying to take
> tools away from them.

Hum. Sorry. I'm a total newbie compared to all of you here,
but. yes, it is a language design question. What's
encapsultation and abstract data types? What's object-oriented programming
itself?... I thought that information hiding - and the related language
features are known to be good. That's why I really cannot follow your
point here.


Best regards,

Do, or do not. There's no 'try'. -Yoda
Sylvan Ravinet:

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-13 Thread Tyson Dowd

On 11-Aug-2000, Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antony Courtney wrote:
> > But Java also has a way to do "rampant pointer-level
> > optimization":  You declare a method as "native" and
> > then implement it in C.
> That's hardly the same thing, though. Of course an FFI allows you do to all
> sorts of things, but at least it's very clear, from the fact that you're
> using another language, that you are switching paradigms and potentially
> doing something dangerous. In fact, I would generalize this a bit further
> and say that if you want to do something that violates the paradigm of the
> language you're working in, you _should_ do it in another language,
> precisely to make the point (to anyone reading your code) that certain
> components aren't following the rules.

I agree that you should make it clear to anyone reading (or modifying)
your code that it is breaking the rules.  And in fact if you are
using code that breaks the rules (and that rule-breaking is not hidden 
behind some suitable abstraction) you should know about it.  And possibly
even if you are using rule-breaking code behind an abstraction, you
should be able to know about it.

But I disagree completely that this implies the solution is to switch

> > will recognize the loss of portability, safety and
> > abstraction when writing a native method in Java, and
> > will only do so when absolutely necessary.  The same
> > should go for "unsafe" methods in C# [...]
> The difference is that C# allows you to fundamentally design an application
> in an unsafe way and still claim (to your manager) that your code is 100%
> C#. I'm not kidding; this will happen. Remember that many C# programmers

It is 100% C#.

It's not 100% safe.  Any "grep" through the source code will reveal that
since you have to use the unsafe keyword to write unsafe code.
And if you don't have source code, you can verify the output code using
a verifier -- unsafe code will not verify.

> will be coming from C and C++ where it is perfectly normal to do all sorts
> of things that the compiler cannot guarantee to be safe. This leads to all
> sorts of bugs such as buffer overflows, stack corruption, page faults
> accessing unmapped memory, etc. By making it so convenient to write unsafe
> code in C#, Microsoft has essentially given these C/C++ coders an excuse not
> to bother learning how to write safe code, and many programmers will take
> that excuse.

I don't believe you can teach programmers anything by trying to take
tools away from them.

I believe you can only teach programmers by showing them a better tool. 

> > Remember, too, that not every program is written as an
> > application on a PC.  The requirement in Java that native
> > methods be implemented in another language caused serious
> > problems for the JavaOS and embedded / JVM-on-a-chip
> > efforts.
> Erlang has the same requirement that code doing unsafe things has to be
> written in another language. It is used in a number of embedded systems; in
> fact, that's what it was originally intended for. So the argument that you
> have to have unsafe features built into the language just doesn't wash.

So long as the unsafe code is clearly labelled as such, and cannot be
confused with safe code why does it have to be in a different language?

Why do you have to sacrifice all the features of the language you are
currently using just because you need to write some unsafe code?

> > How do you write a device driver for a memory-mapped
> > device in 100% pure Java? You can't.
> And you aren't supposed to. I wouldn't want to write hardware drivers in a
> garbage-collected language that allocates all objects on the heap.
> Java is not a systems-level language; adding low-level bit-twiddling
> features to it would give it some of the same problems that C++ has, with
> the low-level features undermining the high-level features and the
> requirements of the high-level features interfering with the low-level
> features.

Well that's a language design consideration.  

The designers of C# have obviously decided they would like people to
write device drivers in C#.

But that's beside the point.  You can write the bit-twiddling parts in C
or assembler in both languages.  

The point is that the memory manipulations have to be hidden from the
base system at some level, because the "safe" portion of the languages
(safe C#, or all of Java) is not allowed to see it.  This means you have
to introduce a layer to hide the unsafe stuff.

In Java you have to do all this layer in some foreign language.
In C# you can do a large part of this layer in C# (using "unsafe"). 

What does this mean?

Well in Java all it means is that the implementations don't have to
worry about implementing the unsafe stuff, since it isn't part of the
language.  But the consequence is the programmer has to do the low-level
stuff purely in some foreign language, which means all the other good
features in Java have to be sacrifi

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Benjamin Leon Russell

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 12:06:55 -0500
 John David Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Replying to Fergus Henderson's complaints about
> non-portable HMTL in the web 
> document at,
> R. S. Nikhil 
> writes:
> > And is Netscape Communicator 4.61 on Linux (bugs and
> all) a definitive
> > test of portable HTML?  :-)
>   No.  A definitive test is to submit the page to the
> validator at the World 
> Wide Web Consortium's web site
> (, which (not 
> surprisingly) finds 455 HTML errors, beginning with the
> absence of a document 
> type declaration.

Perhaps a less definitive, but nevertheless still reasonable, test would be to view 
the page using all major browsers (and yes, Bill Gates, IE is also a browser, not just 
an integral component of Windows ;-) ), both Microsoft and non-Microsoft, and to see 
whether it displays reasonably well in them all.

Of course, the whole point is that Microsoft would not design the page to look the 
same in all browsers, because they would want to provide incentive for people to use 
Microsoft products.

--Benjamin L. Russell

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 11-Aug-2000, Sylvan Ravinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, R.S. Nikhil wrote:
> > And is Netscape Communicator 4.61 on Linux (bugs and all) a definitive
> > test of portable HTML?  :-)
> Actually it seems to be quite readable by lynx...

Yes -- that's the worst part.  In Lynx and Opera, it *seems* to be
correctly rendered.  Unfortunately it is missing all of the crucial
links to the actual slides!  Of course there is no easy way you could
tell this, except by having seen the same site already with IE, or by
examining the site's source code.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Jan Skibinski

>   No.  A definitive test is to submit the page to the validator at the World 
> Wide Web Consortium's web site (, which (not 
> surprisingly) finds 455 HTML errors, beginning with the absence of a document 
> type declaration.

I bet you that 99% web pages on the net would not
pass this test. Try,
or any other older pages out there (including mine,
of course). This (and some other validators) are quite
picky and do not distinquish between severe errors,
(yes, yes some "fancy" *.htm pages cause my Netscapes to
freeze) and innocent variations of the strict rules, 
such as adding  between list items to enhance its 



Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Craig Dickson

Sylvan Ravinet wrote:

> Do, or do not. There's no try. -Yoda

Pedantic not to be, but in contractions speak, does Yoda not. Is quote, "Do,
or do not. There is no 'try'."


RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Sylvan Ravinet

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, R.S. Nikhil wrote:
> And is Netscape Communicator 4.61 on Linux (bugs and all) a definitive
> test of portable HTML?  :-)

Actually it seems to be quite readable by lynx...


Do, or do not. There's no try. -Yoda
Sylvan Ravinet:

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread John David Stone

I wrote:

>   ... ...

which should be  Sorry about that ...

   John David Stone - Lecturer in Computer Science and Philosophy
   Manager of the Mathematics Local-Area Network
   Grinnell College - Grinnell, Iowa 50112 - USA

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread John David Stone

Replying to Fergus Henderson's complaints about non-portable HMTL in the web 
document at, R. S. Nikhil 

> And is Netscape Communicator 4.61 on Linux (bugs and all) a definitive
> test of portable HTML?  :-)

No.  A definitive test is to submit the page to the validator at the World 
Wide Web Consortium's web site (, which (not 
surprisingly) finds 455 HTML errors, beginning with the absence of a document 
type declaration.

   John David Stone - Lecturer in Computer Science and Philosophy
   Manager of the Mathematics Local-Area Network
   Grinnell College - Grinnell, Iowa 50112 - USA

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-11 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
> (Is there anything better than Baker's train algorithm?)
Sorry, I meant "treadmill" not "train".  The train algorithm is an almost-bounded 
garbage collection algorithm.  (However it fails to be
properly bounded if you have large numbers of in-pointers to a node.)

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-11 Thread George Russell

Sengan wrote:
> I don't buy this: for a long time the embedded hard realtime people
> refused to use CPUs with cache because they would be
> "non-deterministic".
> They finally gave up, realizing that CPU's with caches are much faster.
> If garbage collection is relatively cheap and makes it 10x faster to
> make
> a reliable system, they'll end up using it too. Non deterministic is not
> that important. Worst time is.
However REALLY worst-time-bounded garbage collection is very expensive in
CPU time.  (Is there anything better than Baker's train algorithm?)
In any case even if you do have garbage-collection, you will still need to
demonstrate that you won't run out of memory.  And if you're going to
do that sort of analysis, wouldn't it be better to use something like
MLKit's regions rather than garbage collection?

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 11-Aug-2000, R.S. Nikhil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Fergus Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 4:18 AM
> > ...
> > 
> > In particular .
> > However, as seems to be usual (%*&^#*&^#@!) for MS, this page is NOT
> > written in portable HTML.  Certainly it didn't work with Netscape
> > Communicator 4.61 on Linux when I tried it.
> And is Netscape Communicator 4.61 on Linux (bugs and all) a definitive
> test of portable HTML?  :-)

The page doesn't display properly with Lynx (2.8.3dev.9) on Linux
or with Opera (4.02) on Windows either.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-11 Thread Sengan

> On Fri 11 Aug, Byron Hale wrote:
> > Also, garbage collection is unlikely to satisfy any need
> > for automatic memory management in real-time systems for the foreseeable
> > future because an extra thread on a single processor is still
> > non-deterministic.

I don't buy this: for a long time the embedded hard realtime people
refused to use CPUs with cache because they would be
They finally gave up, realizing that CPU's with caches are much faster.
If garbage collection is relatively cheap and makes it 10x faster to
a reliable system, they'll end up using it too. Non deterministic is not
that important. Worst time is.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Craig Dickson

Antony Courtney wrote:

> But Java also has a way to do "rampant pointer-level
> optimization":  You declare a method as "native" and
> then implement it in C.

That's hardly the same thing, though. Of course an FFI allows you do to all
sorts of things, but at least it's very clear, from the fact that you're
using another language, that you are switching paradigms and potentially
doing something dangerous. In fact, I would generalize this a bit further
and say that if you want to do something that violates the paradigm of the
language you're working in, you _should_ do it in another language,
precisely to make the point (to anyone reading your code) that certain
components aren't following the rules.

In C++, this isn't much of an issue because C++ is the all-time paradigm
whore of languages; there basically aren't any rules, and you can do
whatever you like, which is part of why C++ sucks. With STL and some of the
weirder properties of recursive templates, you even almost have a sort of
half-assed functional language. I'm almost surprised that Stroustrop hasn't
tried to build in a real module system, closures, and backtracking; then
he'd have just about everything.

> Any sensible programmer

Most programmers, in my experience, are not sensible.

> will recognize the loss of portability, safety and
> abstraction when writing a native method in Java, and
> will only do so when absolutely necessary.  The same
> should go for "unsafe" methods in C# [...]

The difference is that C# allows you to fundamentally design an application
in an unsafe way and still claim (to your manager) that your code is 100%
C#. I'm not kidding; this will happen. Remember that many C# programmers
will be coming from C and C++ where it is perfectly normal to do all sorts
of things that the compiler cannot guarantee to be safe. This leads to all
sorts of bugs such as buffer overflows, stack corruption, page faults
accessing unmapped memory, etc. By making it so convenient to write unsafe
code in C#, Microsoft has essentially given these C/C++ coders an excuse not
to bother learning how to write safe code, and many programmers will take
that excuse.

> Remember, too, that not every program is written as an
> application on a PC.  The requirement in Java that native
> methods be implemented in another language caused serious
> problems for the JavaOS and embedded / JVM-on-a-chip
> efforts.

Erlang has the same requirement that code doing unsafe things has to be
written in another language. It is used in a number of embedded systems; in
fact, that's what it was originally intended for. So the argument that you
have to have unsafe features built into the language just doesn't wash.

> How do you write a device driver for a memory-mapped
> device in 100% pure Java? You can't.

And you aren't supposed to. I wouldn't want to write hardware drivers in a
garbage-collected language that allocates all objects on the heap.

Java is not a systems-level language; adding low-level bit-twiddling
features to it would give it some of the same problems that C++ has, with
the low-level features undermining the high-level features and the
requirements of the high-level features interfering with the low-level

Your not-quite-spoken assumption that it should be possible to write
everything in one language is just something I fundamentally disagree with.
The requirements of low-level kernel code are quite different from those of
most user-level applications, and any single language that tries to address
both sets of requirements will do so poorly.


RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread R.S. Nikhil

> -Original Message-
> From: Fergus Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 4:18 AM
> ...
> In particular .
> However, as seems to be usual (%*&^#*&^#@!) for MS, this page is NOT
> written in portable HTML.  Certainly it didn't work with Netscape
> Communicator 4.61 on Linux when I tried it.

And is Netscape Communicator 4.61 on Linux (bugs and all) a definitive
test of portable HTML?  :-)


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Nigel Perry

At 4:59 pm -0230 10/8/00, Theodore Norvell wrote:
>With Haskell# or Mondrian: Can I use C# to create an instance of
>a Haskell class? Can I use Haskell to extend a C# abstract class?
>I suspect the answer to both these questions is currently no.
>If future versions of .NET and Haskell variants change that, it will
>be very interesting.

You can create a C# class from Mondrian and vice-versa. You can 
extend a C# class with data fields in Mondrian, but not methods. This 
is a work in progress and what we will end up doing exactly is still 
undecided. There are lots of interesting things to consider here.

Nigel Perry, New Zealand

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 02-Aug-2000, Doug Ransom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The PDC slides and white papers  should be available if you dig
> through this site:

In particular .
However, as seems to be usual (%*&^#*&^#@!) for MS, this page is NOT
written in portable HTML.  Certainly it didn't work with Netscape
Communicator 4.61 on Linux when I tried it.

When it comes to open standards, Microsoft are good at "talking the talk",
but if the way they write web pages is any indication, they have a long
way to go before they'll be "walking the walk".

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 11-Aug-2000, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ketil Malde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > "Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > A good analysis of were C# fits re Java and C++ is at
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > Wherein we read:
> > 
> > > One new feature that I mentioned already was that of copy-by-value
> > > objects. This seemingly small improvement is a potentially huge
> > > performance saver!

This analysis actually misses the main point.
Performance is not the main reason for wanting value types.
The main reason for wanting value types is that there are many
types which are better modelled as values rather than as objects.
Of all people, functional programmers should surely be well aware of this!

Note that Eiffel, which certainly tends towards purism in its OOP zeal,
originally did without value types, but the Eiffel community found that
this did cause problems and so since Eiffel 3.0, Eiffel has had value
types (though they call them "Expanded Objects" -- I guess so that they
can still call the language "purely" object oriented ;-).
For similar reasons, Sather also distinguishes between value types
and object types.  Likewise I believe that a request for value types
is high up on the Java extensions list.  Complex numbers, for instance,
are an example of a type which is much better modelled as a value type
than as an object type.

>From a modelling perspective, the most important difference between
a value type and an object type is not that an object type is allocated
on the heap, but that an object type has an identity.

However, that said, there are cases where value types can give
significant performance improvements over object types.

> > > With C++, one is regularly tempted to describe the
> > > simplest constructs as classes, and in so doing make it safer and
> > > simpler to use them. For example, a phone directory program might
> > > define a phone record as a class, and would maintain one PhoneRecord
> > > object per actual record. In Java, each and every one of those objects
> > > would be garbage collected!
> > 
> > Now, is this really such a big problem?  Is it a problem because of
> > Java's mark-and-sweep, and if so, couldn't you apply a better GC?
> That's exactly what I thought.  I mean why don't they read a
> couple of research papers?

Using a better garbage collector is certainly a good idea.
However, there is a limit to how good you can make the garbage collector.
Often it is much more cost effective to put work into reducing the
program's allocation rate rather than trying to make the garbage
collector faster.

>From what I have heard, it sounds like MS have put quite a bit of work
into their garbage collector.  They use a generational mark-compact
collector, with I think three generations, the first of which is sized
to fit in the L0 (or was it L1?) cache, and they have several
different versions for different situations, including a concurrent
one for interactive use.  They claim that in situations where you are
frequently allocating small objects, the overhead of allocation is
about 6 cycles per object (this of course does not include the
collection cost), and they claim that in such situations the amortized
overall cost of allocation plus collection is less than 50 cycles per
object.  These claims have not (to my knowledge) been independently
verified, and personally I am somewhat sceptical, particular about
the extent to which these figures, which are no doubt the best case
figures, will extrapolate to real programs.  However, I think it is
fair to say that Microsoft have done their homework on this issue.

I have not yet done any benchmarking of their GC yet.  The reason for
that is that currently the Mercury to IL code generator generates code
which does many unnecessary allocations which we know how to eliminate,
so benchmarking things at this point would give us very little in the way
of of useful comparisons.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-11 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Byron Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> At 05:21 AM 8/11/2000 +0100, you wrote:
> >On Fri 11 Aug, Byron Hale wrote:
> > > Also, garbage collection is unlikely to satisfy any need
> > > for automatic memory management in real-time systems for the foreseeable
> > > future because an extra thread on a single processor is still
> > > non-deterministic.
> >
> >I'm not sure this is true, doesn't it depend on the scheduling strategy?
> >I've written a lot of code for single and multiple processor DSP systems,
> >and typically have multiple threads (on 1 processor).
> >But they are still entirely deterministic.
> I don't mean that threads are non-deterministic, but that the execution 
> time of a GC thread seems to be non-deterministic. Large collections need 
> more time than small ones and the time required is some function of the 
> store to be collected, is it not?  

Not necessarily.  In a copying collector, it can be size of
live portion of the store only.  Ie, by guaranteeing that
your program never hangs on to too much data, you can put an
upper bound on the GC time.[1]

> ML-Kit has implemented some work on compile-time memory management using 
> regions. I wonder if that might not be more practical than garbage 
> collection, in real-time systems.

Realtime Java uses a kind of explicitly handled regions (not
automatically inferred as in the ML implementation).
However, the way they integrated the feature is IMHO very


[1] Guaranteeing that your program doesn't hang on to too
much data is not easy, but you essentially have to do
that also when you do explicit memory management.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Tyson Dowd

On 10-Aug-2000, Brent Fulgham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can download it here:
> >
> > 
> > There is a C# compiler and runtime environment in the SDK.
> > 
> Thanks for the link!  Unfortunately, its click-through
> license forbids disassembly, reverse engineering, and a
> raft of other endeavors that one should be allowed if they
> were truly interested in global acceptance.  

Unfortunately this is pretty standard stuff for proprietary
software.  I have certainly made it clear to Microsoft that
licensing conditions are a significant impediment to them being taken
seriously by academics.

> [stuff about poorly written C# stuff]

I think most of the C# press has been written to impress VB and C++
programmers.  I also find it shockingly written and hopelessly
uninformed.  But I'm sure the intended audience thinks it's just

> > Microsoft spent around $2M funding a bunch of groups working 
> > on research and industrial programming languages to give 
> > feedback on their work. (Haskell, Mercury, ML, Scheme, Oberon,
> > Eiffel, Python, Oz, etc...)  While they acknowledged from the
> > start that getting any changes (apart from tailcall) into 
> > version 1 was pretty unlikely, they have been listening, 
> > taking notes, and even now the C# folks are getting
> > excited about the idea of putting generics into the language.
> > 
> Well, that sounds good.  Are you speaking from personal knowledge
> here?  My concern is that although they may have spoken with
> these various teams, I really don't see much in C# that looks
> like they took any of the comments to heart.  In fact, it looks
> like they took J++, changed the name, and added a few nasty things
> (like labeled "gotos").

They didn't really want any feedback on C#.  C# was always going to be
what it is, another simple object-oriented C derivative language.
I'm kind of annoyed they released C# at the same time as all this other
stuff, because everyone is focusing on the "new language" when the real
interesting stuff is under the hood.

What is underneath C# is a runtime system that can run lots of different
languages.  That's what they wanted the feedback on.  C# is just one
language that runs on it, MS will also run C++ (well a lot of it) and VB
on it.  Other vendors will run their own languages on it.  You get cross
language debugging, data-level interoperability, unified memory
management, etc.  It's a bit like the JVM without the insistance that it
be 100% Java.

Oh, yes I am speaking from personal knowledge.  Mercury got some of that

> In fact, if they were interested in learning anything, why
> did they solicit feedback so late in the game?

There's often some sort of assumption that because they are rich and
powerful, they are also omnipotent.  By the time they figured out they
should do this, got a budget for it, shortlisted the groups, 
flew around the world and explained it to 20 different groups, signed
non-disclosure agreements, and gave out the work they had done so far,
quite a bit of time had passed.

> The thing that really bothers me is that they claim that ".NET
> will be available on Windows (C) and other systems".  But they
> have no reference implementations available for non-Windows (C)
> environments.  When Sun released Java, we had Unix and Windows
> versions available right away, and the Linux Blackdown port
> shortly thereafter.

Yes, but real support for Linux has been very slow in coming from Sun,
as Linux is a competitor.  

I don't really expect MS to release a non-Windows implementation.
But I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they decide to pay someone
to do a Linux version (possibly even an open source version).

> Thanks for your feedback, Tyson, but I'm afraid I still don't
> see much to recommend it.  And .NET's heavy dependence on older
> MS technologies (such as COM objects, etc.) is especially
> distasteful.

AFAIK there is no dependence on COM.  There is builtin COM interop, in
much the same way that you can have CORBA interop in Java.  (You
shouldn't believe everything you read on Slashdot).

Of course apps might depend on COM, but that's a different issue.

I'm not trying to convince anyone to use it.  That's Microsoft's
job.  I'm mostly interested in fostering the good ideas that are in .NET
and making sure they become popular and widespread.  I'd love it if Sun
took the good bits and put them straight into JVM 2.

   Tyson Dowd   # 
#  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Tyson Dowd

On 10-Aug-2000, Theodore Norvell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks to Nigel for answering my question
> Tyson Dowd wrote:
> > > Microsoft indicates that C# will not support "genericity", through
> > > even anything as crude as C++'s templates, so it is unlikely that
> > > they will seek to support functional programming languages in the
> > > short term.  Perhaps this limitation is part of the impetus for the
> > > Mondrian variant.

Please be careful with attribution, I did not write that.

   Tyson Dowd   # 
#  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.

Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-10 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> My objection to the use of GC (and by implication all current Haskell
> implementations) in embedded systems would be that if your program is
> sufficiently complex/powerful that it can't be implemented as some kind
> of _finite_ state machine, then it can never be part of a robust system
> (which has finite memory resources). Put simply, if you don't know how
> much memory you need, how can you ever be confident you have enough?
> Hmm, now having written that, I'm wondering how the Erlang community
> addressed this problem. I believe Erlang is targeted at applications
> which I would class as 'embedded'.
> Anybody know the answer?

Erlang applications are characterised as being soft-realtime

In one sentence, I would characterise this as ``it is fast
enough most of the time.''  This seems to be good enough for
many (most?) embedded systems.

I see your point about insisting on finite state machines,
but as the functionality expected from embedded systems
increases, this ideal viewpoint will become increasingly
infeasible in practice.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Byron Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> At 06:46 PM 8/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:
> >What bothers me most about C# is that although, at first glance, it seems 
> >to be a variation on Java, it doesn't follow the spirit of Java in at 
> >least one important respect.
> >
> >Specifically, one common advantage of both Haskell and Java is that they 
> >encourage higher-order abstraction:  Haskell through functional 
> >abstraction, and Java through eliminating explicit pointers and memory 
> >management and enforcing object orientation through the use of classes.
> >
> >However, according to the C# Language Reference (at 
> >, 
> >"For developers who are generally content with automatic memory management 
> >but sometimes need fine-grained control or that extra iota of performance, 
> >C# provides the ability to write "unsafe" code. Such code can deal 
> >directly with pointer types, and fix objects to temporarily prevent the 
> >garbage collector from moving them." [Section 1.2]
> Other issues aside, garbage collection is not the only form of automatic 
> memory management. Also, garbage collection is unlikely to satisfy any need 
> for automatic memory management in real-time systems for the foreseeable 
> future because an extra thread on a single processor is still 
> non-deterministic. 

I am far from being an expert on realtime systems, but AFAIK
the important thing is to be able to guarantee that a given
operation executes in a given bounded time frame.  In other
words, it need not be deterministic as long as the
indeterminism is within predictable bounds, ie, guaranteed
to be sufficiently small.  So by guaranteeing that the extra
thread can take only a fixed amount of time, it should be
possible to meet the realtime constraint, shouldn't it?


Re: GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-10 Thread Byron Hale

At 05:21 AM 8/11/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>On Fri 11 Aug, Byron Hale wrote:
> > Also, garbage collection is unlikely to satisfy any need
> > for automatic memory management in real-time systems for the foreseeable
> > future because an extra thread on a single processor is still
> > non-deterministic.
>I'm not sure this is true, doesn't it depend on the scheduling strategy?
>I've written a lot of code for single and multiple processor DSP systems,
>and typically have multiple threads (on 1 processor).
>But they are still entirely deterministic.
>Adrian Hey

I don't mean that threads are non-deterministic, but that the execution 
time of a GC thread seems to be non-deterministic. Large collections need 
more time than small ones and the time required is some function of the 
store to be collected, is it not?  If the store to be collected is created 
at a greater rate than it can be collected, then a garbage-collected system 
would seem to be be expected to crash eventually.

ML-Kit has implemented some work on compile-time memory management using 
regions. I wonder if that might not be more practical than garbage 
collection, in real-time systems.

Best Regards,

Byron Hale

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Lyndon While

At 6:46 pm -0400 10/8/2000, Benjamin Leon Russell wrote:
>Somebody once wrote that a clearly written, well-documented program 
>that doesn't work is usually more valuable than a badly written, 
>poorly-documented program that does work because it can easily be 
>fixed and reused.

Who wrote this?

Is it just a rumour or is there a reference that I can give to my students?

Lyndon While

Email  - [EMAIL PROTECTED],-_|\
Phone  - +61 8 9380 2720/ \
Fax- +61 8 9380 1089*_,-._/

GC in embedded systems (was Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime)

2000-08-10 Thread Adrian Hey

On Fri 11 Aug, Byron Hale wrote:
> Also, garbage collection is unlikely to satisfy any need 
> for automatic memory management in real-time systems for the foreseeable 
> future because an extra thread on a single processor is still 
> non-deterministic.

I'm not sure this is true, doesn't it depend on the scheduling strategy?
I've written a lot of code for single and multiple processor DSP systems,
and typically have multiple threads (on 1 processor).
But they are still entirely deterministic.

BTW, I've never really understood how it is that garbage collection is
a separate thread in Java (as I've heard it is, but I have never used Java).
The implication is that somehow Java progs keep running while garbage
collection is performed concurrently.

Is this true? If so how does this work?

It seems to be a hard thing to do if the GC uses pointer some variant of
mark-sweep and pointer reversal. I guess if reference counting and fixed
cell size was used this could be possible, but this won't work with cyclic
data structures.

My objection to the use of GC (and by implication all current Haskell
implementations) in embedded systems would be that if your program is
sufficiently complex/powerful that it can't be implemented as some kind
of _finite_ state machine, then it can never be part of a robust system
(which has finite memory resources). Put simply, if you don't know how
much memory you need, how can you ever be confident you have enough?

Hmm, now having written that, I'm wondering how the Erlang community
addressed this problem. I believe Erlang is targeted at applications
which I would class as 'embedded'.

Anybody know the answer?

It seems a sad irony if the memory management techniques used to implement
declarative languages (which are designed to ensure program 'correctness',
aren't they?) also ensure program 'flakeyness' at run time (on real machines). 

Adrian Hey

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Ketil Malde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> "Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > A good analysis of were C# fits re Java and C++ is at
> > 
> >
> Wherein we read:
> > One new feature that I mentioned already was that of copy-by-value
> > objects. This seemingly small improvement is a potentially huge
> > performance saver! With C++, one is regularly tempted to describe the
> > simplest constructs as classes, and in so doing make it safer and
> > simpler to use them. For example, a phone directory program might
> > define a phone record as a class, and would maintain one PhoneRecord
> > object per actual record. In Java, each and every one of those objects
> > would be garbage collected!
> Now, is this really such a big problem?  Is it a problem because of
> Java's mark-and-sweep, and if so, couldn't you apply a better GC?

That's exactly what I thought.  I mean why don't they read a
couple of research papers?  It is not so that they are the
first to run into these problems.  At a related issue, have a
look at the memory management in the Realtime Java spec that
Sun is just about to finalise.  It seems they want to ignore
the existence of generational and concurrent GC altogether


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Antony Courtney

Benjamin Leon Russell wrote:
> [example of an unsafe method in C#]
> Taken to an extreme, this ability could encourage some programmers to
> ignore the spirit of higher-level abstraction and focus back on The Old
> Way (TOW):  rampant pointer-level optimization to squeeze out that extra
> iota of performance at the expense of clarity.  

But Java also has a way to do "rampant pointer-level optimization":  You declare
a method as "native" and then implement it in C.  

Any sensible programmer will recognize the loss of portability, safety and
abstraction when writing a native method in Java, and will only do so when
absolutely necessary.  The same should go for "unsafe" methods in C#, UNSAFE
modules in Modula-3, and "unsafePerformIO" in various Haskell implementations.

C# simply provides a mechanism to write native methods within the C# language
directly instead of dropping down to C.  I haven't looked too closely at C#, but
I would imagine that even unsafe C# has less "implementation defined" pitfalls
than C and other features useful for systems hacking (e.g. exceptions), and
therefore even "unsafe" C# might be a better language for doing the kinds of
low-level systems hacking that Java only permits you to do in C.  This was
certainly true for "unsafe" modules in Modula-3.  

Remember, too, that not every program is written as an application on a PC.  The
requirement in Java that native methods be implemented in another language
caused serious problems for the JavaOS and embedded / JVM-on-a-chip efforts. 
How do you write a device driver for a memory-mapped device in 100% pure Java? 
You can't.  The "unsafe" provision in C# might make C# a more viable language
for such systems.


Antony Courtney  
Grad. Student, Dept. of Computer Science, Yale University

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Byron Hale

At 06:46 PM 8/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>What bothers me most about C# is that although, at first glance, it seems 
>to be a variation on Java, it doesn't follow the spirit of Java in at 
>least one important respect.
>Specifically, one common advantage of both Haskell and Java is that they 
>encourage higher-order abstraction:  Haskell through functional 
>abstraction, and Java through eliminating explicit pointers and memory 
>management and enforcing object orientation through the use of classes.
>However, according to the C# Language Reference (at 
>"For developers who are generally content with automatic memory management 
>but sometimes need fine-grained control or that extra iota of performance, 
>C# provides the ability to write "unsafe" code. Such code can deal 
>directly with pointer types, and fix objects to temporarily prevent the 
>garbage collector from moving them." [Section 1.2]
>Taken to an extreme, this ability could encourage some programmers to 
>ignore the spirit of higher-level abstraction and focus back on The Old 
>Way (TOW):  rampant pointer-level optimization to squeeze out that extra 
>iota of performance at the expense of clarity.  But wasn't the whole point 
>of higher-level abstraction to leave this level of optimization to more 
>intelligent compilers so that the programmer could focus on writing clear, 
>reusable code?  Why allow us to get TOW'ed back (pardon the pun)?
>Somebody once wrote that a clearly written, well-documented program that 
>doesn't work is usually more valuable than a badly written, 
>poorly-documented program that does work because it can easily be fixed 
>and reused.  It just seems that allowing programmers the ability to 
>manipulate pointers directly is virtually hiding a Pandora's Box in C#.
>--Benjamin L. Russell

Other issues aside, garbage collection is not the only form of automatic 
memory management. Also, garbage collection is unlikely to satisfy any need 
for automatic memory management in real-time systems for the foreseeable 
future because an extra thread on a single processor is still 
non-deterministic. Furthermore, embedded systems tend to be commodities, 
hence multiple processors are rare. In fact, a developer is lucky to have a 
general stack machine in an embedded system. Everything is typically based 
on the end price.

So maybe it would be even better to be able to just turn off garbage 
collection altogether in some applications, if one had an alternative form 
of automatic memory management.

Best Regards,

Byron Hale

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Craig Dickson

Benjamin Leon Russell wrote:

> However, according to the C# Language Reference,
> "For developers who are generally content with
> automatic memory management but sometimes need
> fine-grained control or that extra iota of
> performance, C# provides the ability to write
> “unsafe” code. Such code can deal directly with
> pointer types, and fix objects to temporarily
> prevent the garbage collector from moving them."
> [Section 1.2]

I hadn't known that. Guess I didn't read far enough, or perhaps it wasn't
covered in the book I was reading. I agree that this is likely to be abused.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Benjamin Leon Russell

What bothers me most about C# is that although, at first glance, it seems to be a 
variation on Java, it doesn't follow the spirit of Java in at least one important 

Specifically, one common advantage of both Haskell and Java is that they encourage 
higher-order abstraction:  Haskell through functional abstraction, and Java through 
eliminating explicit pointers and memory management and enforcing object orientation 
through the use of classes.

However, according to the C# Language Reference (at, "For 
developers who are generally content with automatic memory management but sometimes 
need fine-grained control or that extra iota of performance, C# provides the ability 
to write “unsafe” code. Such code can deal directly with pointer types, and fix 
objects to temporarily prevent the garbage collector from moving them." [Section 1.2]

Witness the following example [Section 1.2]:

-- quoted text begins --
using System;
class Test
unsafe static void WriteLocations(byte[] arr) {
fixed (byte *p_arr = arr) {
byte *p_elem = p_arr;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
byte value = *p_elem;
string addr = int.Format((int) p_elem, "X");
Console.WriteLine("arr[{0}] at 0x{1} is {2}", i,  
addr, value);
static void Main() {
byte[] arr = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
-- quoted text ends --

Even though the method is marked "unsafe," it allows direct pointer manipulation in 
iterating over the elements and writing out the index, value, and location of each.

The reference adds, "Here is one possible output of the above program:

arr[0] at 0x8E0360 is 1
arr[1] at 0x8E0361 is 2
arr[2] at 0x8E0362 is 3
arr[3] at 0x8E0363 is 4
arr[4] at 0x8E0364 is 5

Of course, the exact memory locations are subject to change." [Section 1.2]

Taken to an extreme, this ability could encourage some programmers to ignore the 
spirit of higher-level abstraction and focus back on The Old Way (TOW):  rampant 
pointer-level optimization to squeeze out that extra iota of performance at the 
expense of clarity.  But wasn't the whole point of higher-level abstraction to leave 
this level of optimization to more intelligent compilers so that the programmer could 
focus on writing clear, reusable code?  Why allow us to get TOW'ed back (pardon the 

Somebody once wrote that a clearly written, well-documented program that doesn't work 
is usually more valuable than a badly written, poorly-documented program that does 
work because it can easily be fixed and reused.  It just seems that allowing 
programmers the ability to manipulate pointers directly is virtually hiding a 
Pandora's Box in C#.

--Benjamin L. Russell

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 10:46:04 -0700
 "Craig Dickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> More like "Microsoft Java", but of course they never
> mention Java, as if
> hoping that people will read all this tripe and not
> notice the similarities.
> I had a most exquisite sense of down-the-rabbit-hole a
> few weeks ago when I
> browsed through a Microsoft book on C#. I kept running
> into all this stuff
> about how C# was a revolutionary next-generation OO
> language, better than
> C++, but all the programming samples looked only
> trivially different from
> Java, which of course they never mentioned, as if the
> book had arrived from
> some parallel universe in which James Gosling was
> assassinated by Richard
> Stallman after inventing Gosling Emacs, and had thus
> never invented Java. I
> had to put the book down after a little while because I
> felt like I'd lose
> my mind if I kept going.
> I don't really mind them inventing a variation on Java.
> Either it will take
> off or it won't, and I don't really care either way. But
> I just wish they'd
> admit what they're doing, and stop treating us all as if
> we're so stupid
> that if they don't _tell_ us that C# is a Java
> derivative, we won't notice.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 10-Aug-2000, Theodore Norvell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With Haskell# or Mondrian: Can I use C# to create an instance of
> a Haskell class? Can I use Haskell to extend a C# abstract class?
> I suspect the answer to both these questions is currently no.

I'm not sure either, but I think the answer is no.

A related question to which I do know the answer is "Can I use Mercury
to create an instance of a Haskell class, or vice versa?".
And the answer to that one, despite Mercury and Haskell having a
very similar concept of "class", is still no.  So there's still a long
way to go.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 10-Aug-2000, Brent Fulgham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hope they at least get rid of
> the hungarian notation while they are at it. 

Yes, thankfullly they have indeed done that.  That one got a round of
applause even from the (mostly) Microsoft faithful who attended PDC,
when it was mentioned in one of the sessions there.

> > Microsoft spent around $2M funding a bunch of groups working 
> > on research and industrial programming languages to give 
> > feedback on their work. (Haskell, Mercury, ML, Scheme, Oberon,
> > Eiffel, Python, Oz, etc...)  While they acknowledged from the
> > start that getting any changes (apart from tailcall) into 
> > version 1 was pretty unlikely, they have been listening, 
> > taking notes, and even now the C# folks are getting
> > excited about the idea of putting generics into the language.
> Well, that sounds good.  Are you speaking from personal knowledge
> here?

Yes, Tyson and I, as well as researchers from other groups, visited
Redmond several times.  Note that tailcall was in already by the time
outside researchers were approached, so I don't know of any technical
suggestions made by outside researchers that have yet been acted on.
However, the fact that they have been asking for our suggestions and
taking notes is at least an improvement.  I guess the really
interesting bit will be to see what goes in version two.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Theodore Norvell

Thanks to Nigel for answering my question

Tyson Dowd wrote:
> > Microsoft indicates that C# will not support "genericity", through
> > even anything as crude as C++'s templates, so it is unlikely that
> > they will seek to support functional programming languages in the
> > short term.  Perhaps this limitation is part of the impetus for the
> > Mondrian variant.

That they are not supporting templates ala C++ can only be a good thing.
It leaves the door open for something closer to Haskell's or ML's
styles of genericity. This is certainly something that the functional
language community can contribute to the world of mainstream imperative
programming languages, and thence to the bulk of software development.
Yes, I know it's been done; for example pizza; but pizza is not a widely
adopted standard. If C# adopts parametric polymorphism and either type
classes or ML style modules, and C# becomes more than a
proprietary language, then it could make a contribution to getting
some of the ideas developed by the functional community into the

With Haskell# or Mondrian: Can I use C# to create an instance of
a Haskell class? Can I use Haskell to extend a C# abstract class?
I suspect the answer to both these questions is currently no.
If future versions of .NET and Haskell variants change that, it will
be very interesting.

Theodore Norvell

Dr. Theodore Norvell[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering and Applied SciencePhone: (709) 737-8962
Memorial University of Newfoundland  Fax: (709) 737-4042
St. John's, NF, Canada, A1B 3X5

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Craig Dickson

Brent Fulgham wrote:

> Thanks for the link!  Unfortunately, its click-through
> license forbids disassembly, reverse engineering, and a
> raft of other endeavors that one should be allowed if
> they were truly interested in global acceptance.

Well, this _is_ Microsoft, after all.

> Of course, a few hops up the chain you might run across Joshua
> Trupin's execrable description of the C# language.  Really one
> of the worst articles I've ever read.  You will get such
> wisdom as:
> "It's [C#] a little like taking all the good stuff in
> Visual Basic (C) and adding it to C++, while trimming off some
> of the more arcane C and C++ traditions."

More like "Microsoft Java", but of course they never mention Java, as if
hoping that people will read all this tripe and not notice the similarities.

I had a most exquisite sense of down-the-rabbit-hole a few weeks ago when I
browsed through a Microsoft book on C#. I kept running into all this stuff
about how C# was a revolutionary next-generation OO language, better than
C++, but all the programming samples looked only trivially different from
Java, which of course they never mentioned, as if the book had arrived from
some parallel universe in which James Gosling was assassinated by Richard
Stallman after inventing Gosling Emacs, and had thus never invented Java. I
had to put the book down after a little while because I felt like I'd lose
my mind if I kept going.

I don't really mind them inventing a variation on Java. Either it will take
off or it won't, and I don't really care either way. But I just wish they'd
admit what they're doing, and stop treating us all as if we're so stupid
that if they don't _tell_ us that C# is a Java derivative, we won't notice.

> If you're like me, you might be wondering what exactly the
> "good stuff" allegedly contained within Visual Basic (C) might
> be.  Well, one such element is apparently the labeled "goto".

My impression is that C#'s use of labeled gotos is extremely restricted. (I
could be wrong.) The only reference to gotos that I found in a Microsoft
Press book on C# is its use in jumping to the start of one case in a switch
from another case in the same switch. This is actually useful, since it is a
better solution than "falling through" from one case to another, as is
sometimes done in C, C++, and Java (but which cannot be done in C#, since
the "break" required in those languages is implicit in C# -- also a good
thing). It's a better solution because (1) it doesn't look like a mistake
when you see it in someone else's code; (2) it is more flexible, since the
case you're going to doesn't have to be positioned directly below the case
you're coming from.

Now, if it turns out that C#'s goto can be used for any other purposes, I
will be much less happy about it.

> Joshua is also quick to highlight another:
> "What's one of the most annoying things about working in C++?
> It's gotta be remembering when to use the -> pointer indicator,
> when to use the :: for a class member, and when to use the dot."
> Hmm.  I guess stating precisely what you mean is a bad feature
> for programming languages.

Well, claiming that the -> vs. . thing is one of the "most annoying things
about working in C++" is pretty silly, but only because it's so trivial, not
because "stating precisely what you mean is a bad feature". C#, like Java,
doesn't need -> because there's no distinction between having a reference to
an object vs. having a pointer to an object. And C++ overloads so many
things that it's sort of silly to complain that getting rid of the
double-colon scoping operator reduces clarity. The double-colon was
unnecessary to begin with.

> The thing that really bothers me is that they claim that ".NET
> will be available on Windows (C) and other systems".  But they
> have no reference implementations available for non-Windows (C)
> environments.  When Sun released Java, we had Unix and Windows
> versions available right away, and the Linux Blackdown port
> shortly thereafter.

True, but then Sun is a Unix vendor, so of course they had to support it,
and Windows is 90% of the market, so they had to support that too.
Microsoft's incentive to support anything other than Windows is unclear to
me, to say the least. I interpret "other systems" to mean Windows CE, and
will believe otherwise only when a less ambiguous announcement is made.


RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Brent Fulgham

> You can download it here:
> There is a C# compiler and runtime environment in the SDK.

Thanks for the link!  Unfortunately, its click-through
license forbids disassembly, reverse engineering, and a
raft of other endeavors that one should be allowed if they
were truly interested in global acceptance.  

Of course, a few hops up the chain you might run across Joshua 
Trupin's execrable description of the C# language.  Really one 
of the worst articles I've ever read.  You will get such
wisdom as:

"It's [C#] a little like taking all the good stuff in
Visual Basic (C) and adding it to C++, while trimming off some
of the more arcane C and C++ traditions."

If you're like me, you might be wondering what exactly the 
"good stuff" allegedly contained within Visual Basic (C) might
be.  Well, one such element is apparently the labeled "goto".
Joshua is also quick to highlight another:

"What's one of the most annoying things about working in C++?
It's gotta be remembering when to use the -> pointer indicator,
when to use the :: for a class member, and when to use the dot."

Hmm.  I guess stating precisely what you mean is a bad feature
for programming languages.  I hope they at least get rid of
the hungarian notation while they are at it. 

> Microsoft spent around $2M funding a bunch of groups working 
> on research and industrial programming languages to give 
> feedback on their work. (Haskell, Mercury, ML, Scheme, Oberon,
> Eiffel, Python, Oz, etc...)  While they acknowledged from the
> start that getting any changes (apart from tailcall) into 
> version 1 was pretty unlikely, they have been listening, 
> taking notes, and even now the C# folks are getting
> excited about the idea of putting generics into the language.
Well, that sounds good.  Are you speaking from personal knowledge
here?  My concern is that although they may have spoken with
these various teams, I really don't see much in C# that looks
like they took any of the comments to heart.  In fact, it looks
like they took J++, changed the name, and added a few nasty things
(like labeled "gotos").

In fact, if they were interested in learning anything, why
did they solicit feedback so late in the game?

> I understand your sentiment.  Those of use working on the
> .NET stuff with Microsoft are also uncomfortable about the
> situation.  However I'm sure that everyone involved is doing
> what they think is the best thing overall.  Don't forget that
> many groups developed a .NET and a JVM backend at the same time
> using Microsoft's money!

Hah!  Expect your next round of funding to have more strings
attached.  :-)

The thing that really bothers me is that they claim that ".NET
will be available on Windows (C) and other systems".  But they
have no reference implementations available for non-Windows (C)
environments.  When Sun released Java, we had Unix and Windows
versions available right away, and the Linux Blackdown port
shortly thereafter.

Thanks for your feedback, Tyson, but I'm afraid I still don't
see much to recommend it.  And .NET's heavy dependence on older
MS technologies (such as COM objects, etc.) is especially



RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Doug Ransom

Interesting results might be generated if Microsoft were to provide the
entire C# team and the team designing the virtual machine 2 weeks to learn
Haskell and play with it.  

-Original Message-
From: Tyson Dowd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 9:26 PM
To: Brent Fulgham
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

On 09-Aug-2000, Brent Fulgham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hopefully that won't be the case.  However, I feel uncomfortable with
> the whole .NET/C# situation.  Like clockwork, MS releases yet another
> new product that they claim will change the world.  Meanwhile, there is
> no C# implementation available, and the entire .NET framework as
> described in their various white papers seems so large and complex
> that probably only Microsoft will be capable of producing a working
> implementation in any reasonable amount of time.

You can download it here:

There is a C# compiler and runtime environment in the SDK.

They used to say that only proprietary companies could possibly write
something so large and complex as an operating system.  It could never
be done, for example, by a bunch of volunteers...

> Microsoft indicates that C# will not support "genericity", through
> even anything as crude as C++'s templates, so it is unlikely that
> they will seek to support functional programming languages in the
> short term.  Perhaps this limitation is part of the impetus for the
> Mondrian variant.

They did add a tailcall instruction largely at the behest of certain
functional language researchers at MSR Cambridge.

They have developed a prototype C# implementation (and hence .NET
runtime) with generics too.

> When Microsoft decides to stop playing games, and works with the
> rest of the developer community to build on existing standards for
> their products I will start to pay attention.  Until then, I will
> not waste one minute of time working to support any of their 
> nefarious new products whose true aim is to prevent alternative 
> platforms from gaining widespread acceptance and use.

Microsoft spent around $2M funding a bunch of groups working on research
and industrial programming languages to give feedback on their work.
(Haskell, Mercury, ML, Scheme, Oberon, Eiffel, Python, Oz, etc...)
While they acknowledged from the start that getting any changes
(apart from tailcall) into version 1 was pretty unlikely, they have
been listening, taking notes, and even now the C# folks are getting
excited about the idea of putting generics into the language.

I understand your sentiment.  Those of use working on the .NET stuff
with Microsoft are also uncomfortable about the situation.  However
I'm sure that everyone involved is doing what they think is the best
thing overall.  Don't forget that many groups developed a .NET and a JVM
backend at the same time using Microsoft's money!

   Tyson Dowd   # 
#  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-10 Thread Keith Wansbrough

Florian Hard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How did they say on
>Microsoft plans to expand Marketese in the future, adding a pound sign
>to every language currently in their suite of compilers and a plus
>sign to every acronym currently used to describe Microsoft technology.
> :-)

Please:   #  -  hash / octothorp(e)
  £  -  pound
 C#  -  C sharp

Three different characters.  Down with American cultural imperialism.

--KW 8-)
Keith Wansbrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cambridge University Computer Laboratory.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Ketil Malde

"Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A good analysis of were C# fits re Java and C++ is at

Wherein we read:

> One new feature that I mentioned already was that of copy-by-value
> objects. This seemingly small improvement is a potentially huge
> performance saver! With C++, one is regularly tempted to describe the
> simplest constructs as classes, and in so doing make it safer and
> simpler to use them. For example, a phone directory program might
> define a phone record as a class, and would maintain one PhoneRecord
> object per actual record. In Java, each and every one of those objects
> would be garbage collected!

Now, is this really such a big problem?  Is it a problem because of
Java's mark-and-sweep, and if so, couldn't you apply a better GC?

Isn't this just the old myth of GC being slow?

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Tyson Dowd

On 09-Aug-2000, Brent Fulgham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hopefully that won't be the case.  However, I feel uncomfortable with
> the whole .NET/C# situation.  Like clockwork, MS releases yet another
> new product that they claim will change the world.  Meanwhile, there is
> no C# implementation available, and the entire .NET framework as
> described in their various white papers seems so large and complex
> that probably only Microsoft will be capable of producing a working
> implementation in any reasonable amount of time.

You can download it here:

There is a C# compiler and runtime environment in the SDK.

They used to say that only proprietary companies could possibly write
something so large and complex as an operating system.  It could never
be done, for example, by a bunch of volunteers...

> Microsoft indicates that C# will not support "genericity", through
> even anything as crude as C++'s templates, so it is unlikely that
> they will seek to support functional programming languages in the
> short term.  Perhaps this limitation is part of the impetus for the
> Mondrian variant.

They did add a tailcall instruction largely at the behest of certain
functional language researchers at MSR Cambridge.

They have developed a prototype C# implementation (and hence .NET
runtime) with generics too.

> When Microsoft decides to stop playing games, and works with the
> rest of the developer community to build on existing standards for
> their products I will start to pay attention.  Until then, I will
> not waste one minute of time working to support any of their 
> nefarious new products whose true aim is to prevent alternative 
> platforms from gaining widespread acceptance and use.

Microsoft spent around $2M funding a bunch of groups working on research
and industrial programming languages to give feedback on their work.
(Haskell, Mercury, ML, Scheme, Oberon, Eiffel, Python, Oz, etc...)
While they acknowledged from the start that getting any changes
(apart from tailcall) into version 1 was pretty unlikely, they have
been listening, taking notes, and even now the C# folks are getting
excited about the idea of putting generics into the language.

I understand your sentiment.  Those of use working on the .NET stuff
with Microsoft are also uncomfortable about the situation.  However
I'm sure that everyone involved is doing what they think is the best
thing overall.  Don't forget that many groups developed a .NET and a JVM
backend at the same time using Microsoft's money!

   Tyson Dowd   # 
#  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Theodore Norvell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> I've been following this discussion, but there are so many new buzzwords
> coming out of microsoft that it's a bit confusing for those not
> in the know.  

That's part of the masterplan ;-)

> Is there a quick way to summarize the relationships
> between
>   .NET
>   NGWS
>   C# (which I've discovered is intended to be pronounces C-sharp
>   rather than C-hash)
>   the .NET virtual machine
>   COM
> Why does the world need C# when it already has Java and C++?

A good analysis of were C# fits re Java and C++ is at


RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Brent Fulgham

> So if all of you could get your weight together and publish an
> experts' report on how the platform could be improved so that 
> your efforts could add value for its customers, that might have 
> quite some influence if you do it early enough (ask the Pizza 
> shop what it means to be late;-). 
> Or is it too late already? It would really be a pity to have 
> yet another (more or less portable) platform out there that 
> featured problems for implementing functional languages by design.

Hopefully that won't be the case.  However, I feel uncomfortable with
the whole .NET/C# situation.  Like clockwork, MS releases yet another
new product that they claim will change the world.  Meanwhile, there is
no C# implementation available, and the entire .NET framework as
described in their various white papers seems so large and complex
that probably only Microsoft will be capable of producing a working
implementation in any reasonable amount of time.

Plus, .NET seems to be built on top of a lot of poorly-conceived 
Microsoft "Technologies".  One can see the dark shadows of COM in
there in places, as well as other evidence of the NIH syndrome
creating yet another wheel.

Microsoft indicates that C# will not support "genericity", through
even anything as crude as C++'s templates, so it is unlikely that
they will seek to support functional programming languages in the
short term.  Perhaps this limitation is part of the impetus for the
Mondrian variant.

When Microsoft decides to stop playing games, and works with the
rest of the developer community to build on existing standards for
their products I will start to pay attention.  Until then, I will
not waste one minute of time working to support any of their 
nefarious new products whose true aim is to prevent alternative 
platforms from gaining widespread acceptance and use.

I sincerely hope that the researchers on this list, and especially
those at Microsoft Labs, will stand firm in the design of Haskell,
and not pollute it with poorly designed add-ons to work with a
poorly-conceived architecture.  You will be embarking on a game of
catch-up that you can never hope to win.



Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Ketil Malde

"Craig Dickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[Leaving just a few random quotes, snipping lots of good and accurate
 technical-historical stuff] 

> Nigel Perry wrote:
> > > NGWS
> >
> > An older temporary name for .NET. NGWS? Never Goes Wonderfully Sucks?
> > I think somebody shot the marketing guy and replaced him, she then
> > came up with ".NET" :-)

> Next Generation Windows Services (I think), as opposed to older generations
> such as the Win32 APIs and COM.

> C# is Microsoft's attempt at a Java-killer. It isn't really all that

If I may take the liberty of speculating on the political issues, this 
might be seen in light of a possible imminent breakup of
you-know-who.  Might .NET be inherited by the applications part of
Microsoft, perhaps - MS could then let the OS part drift wherever it
might, and secure a new monopolized base for their applications.

This might actually be good news(?), since it could mean that we'd see 
.NET implementations for lots of architectures - although poorly
documented and non-free source, of course, in order to keep tight
control.  Maybe.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Claus Reinke

[discussion of benefits and otherwise of .NET, C#, ..]

They have definitely managed to attract some attention, haven't they?-)

If we put language and other wars aside for the moment, there are a few
questions that haven't come up yet, the answers to which would interest
me (and seem relevant for this list):

1. once upon a time, some fearless Haskell implementers decided
that C is only almost a suitable portable assembler, and started
to work on an alternative design for that purpose, named C--.
Some of you have moved to Microsoft research labs, so is 
there any chance that your ideas and experience had any 
influence on the designs of .NET? Or did other parts of MS
invented everything (including problems) again, from scratch?

2. several non-oo languages seem to be in the process of acquiring an
implementation on top of C# or on top of the .NET VM. Most
developers have expressed mixed feelings here about the suitability
of the target, as far as language independence is concerned (bias
towards oo and procedural languages, etc.). 
May I assume that any problems you've found will be fed back 
to the .NET developers before everything gets frozen? 

By announcing your various language re-targetting efforts, you 
provide the support that the new platform depends on. 
In contrast to Java, .NET advertizes language independence,
your compilation efforts come early in the race, _and_ MS has 
quite a few researchers interested in declarative programming.

So if all of you could get your weight together and publish an
experts' report on how the platform could be improved so that 
your efforts could add value for its customers, that might have 
quite some influence if you do it early enough (ask the Pizza 
shop what it means to be late;-). 

Or is it too late already? It would really be a pity to have yet another
(more or less portable) platform out there that featured problems for
implementing functional languages by design.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Florian Hars

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk) writes:
> Tue, 8 Aug 2000 09:17:15 +0200, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:
> > Haskell#
> This is what worries me: modifying a bunch of languages to make them
> incompatible with the rest of the world

How did they say on

   Microsoft plans to expand Marketese in the future, adding a pound sign
   to every language currently in their suite of compilers and a plus
   sign to every acronym currently used to describe Microsoft technology.


Yours, Florian

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Craig Dickson

Nigel Perry wrote:

> > NGWS
> An older temporary name for .NET. NGWS? Never Goes Wonderfully Sucks?
> I think somebody shot the marketing guy and replaced him, she then
> came up with ".NET" :-)

Next Generation Windows Services (I think), as opposed to older generations
such as the Win32 APIs and COM.

> > C# (which I've discovered is intended to be pronounces C-sharp
> > rather than C-hash)
> MS's version of a "better C", "better" is subjective of course ;-)

More of a "better Java", really. I haven't looked at C# in any great detail,
but as a language it does seem to be a bit better than Java from MY
particular subjective viewpoint, aside from its current complete lack of
portability. (Somehow I doubt that Microsoft will actually create, or allow
anyone else to create, a really good Mac or .*n[iu]x version of it. That
would conflict with their desire to have Windows conquer the universe.)

> > the .NET virtual machine
> Under .NET compilers compile to IL, this is then JIT'ed and executed.
> "JIT" includes such options as "JIT at install time" (a new defn of
> JIT!). MS are keen to point out that IL code is never interpreted.

Yes, this is nice. Compiling as part of installation is a cool option. Of
course, JIT at runtime is probably preferable when you're downloading web
app(let)s, which I assume the .NET infrastructure is meant to support.

> > COM
> I'm too young to know about COM, but I hear it was less than wonderful

COM is/was Common Object Model, a language-independent (though somewhat
C/C++-biased) binary-compatibility standard for object interfaces. Related
terms include OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) and ActiveX, both of which
are particular subclasses/extensions of COM. Working with COM is sort of a
pain, and the extra levels of indirection and data transformations it
requires degrade performance to a noticeable extent. There are tons of COM
objects built into Windows, by the way, which may partially explain why
Windows is such a pig.

> >Why does the world need C# when it already has Java and C++?
> Who invented Java & C++?

Good answer, but let's consider the history and purpose of these things a

C++ was invented (by Stroustrop at Bell Labs) because he wanted to add
objects to C, while retaining near-perfect backward-compatibility at the
source level (i.e., nearly all legal C programs should be legal C++ as well,
aside from conflicts caused by new keywords in C++ that are legal variable
names in C). It has since grown to include exceptions, templates, and other
capabilities that are orthogonal to object-orientation but were considered
good things to have. The resulting language, in some people's opinions (mine
included) is a chaotic mess of conflicting features that is hard to learn
and use.

Java was Gosling's attempt to make a more pure OO language than C++ while
still retaining C-like syntax. He discarded what he considered "mistakes" in
C++, such as multiple inheritance, backward-compatibility with C, and the
"const" keyword; added some mistakes of his own; and neglected to fix a
number of syntactic uglinesses inherited from C, such as the need to put
"break;" at the end of every case in a switch statement. His superiors at
Sun then marketed Java as a revolution in language design, which it was not,
and as a Windows-killer, which it was not. What it was and is, IMHO, is a
mediocre language created with minimal ingenuity and no really new ideas.

C# is Microsoft's attempt at a Java-killer. It isn't really all that
different from Java, but as Nigel says below, its virtual machine is
intended to support more languages than just C#, whereas the JVM was
designed just for Java, and getting other languages to compile to JVM can be
a bit of a struggle. Syntactically, C# seems a bit cleaner than Java, but
the differences don't really add up to much.

> >Why does the world need a .NET virtual machine when it has
> >dozens of Java Virtual Machines?  Don't COM and Corba already
> The argument here is that .NET is designed from the ground up to
> support multiple languages, the JVM was not. So languages can
> interwork, share libraries, and even extend each others classes.

And CORBA isn't a Microsoft product, nor is it supported by any Microsoft
product, so Microsoft prefers to ignore it. This is not to say whether CORBA
is good or bad, as I haven't worked with it. I do think, though, that
Microsoft's idea of using a VM-based intermediate language, rather than a
low-level binary compatibility standard such as CORBA or COM, is a better
way of getting different languages to work together.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Nigel Perry

At 11:01 am -0230 9/8/00, Theodore Norvell wrote:
>I've been following this discussion, but there are so many new buzzwords
>coming out of microsoft that it's a bit confusing for those not
>in the know.  Is there a quick way to summarize the relationships
>   .NET

The name for a whole set of stuff from MS

>   NGWS

An older temporary name for .NET. NGWS? Never Goes Wonderfully Sucks? 
I think somebody shot the marketing guy and replaced him, she then 
came up with ".NET" :-)

>   C# (which I've discovered is intended to be pronounces C-sharp
>   rather than C-hash)

MS's version of a "better C", "better" is subjective of course ;-)

>   the .NET virtual machine

Under .NET compilers compile to IL, this is then JIT'ed and executed. 
"JIT" includes such options as "JIT at install time" (a new defn of 
JIT!). MS are keen to point out that IL code is never interpreted.

>   COM

I'm too young to know about COM, but I hear it was less than wonderful

>Why does the world need C# when it already has Java and C++?

Who invented Java & C++?

>Why does the world need a .NET virtual machine when it has
>dozens of Java Virtual Machines?  Don't COM and Corba already

The argument here is that .NET is designed from the ground up to 
support multiple languages, the JVM was not. So languages can 
interwork, share libraries, and even extend each others classes. How 
successful the .NET project has been awaits your (the public's) 

>provide interlanguage and network interoperability? Why is it
>important for Haskell to fit into .NET?

It will make Haskell easily available to zillions of PC's run Windows 
while also allowing Haskell to call/be called/use libraries from C#, 
C++, Cobol, SML, Mecury, Object Pascal, etc., etc. That's the theory 

>I hope this isn't too far off topic.

Well we've wandered a bit in this thread already...

Disclaimer: I don't speak for MS (or anybody if they get the option), 
read their PR. I'm typing this on a Mac in an MS office I'm visiting. 
I'm biased on everything. Etc. :-)
Nigel Perry, New Zealand

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Theodore Norvell

I've been following this discussion, but there are so many new buzzwords
coming out of microsoft that it's a bit confusing for those not
in the know.  Is there a quick way to summarize the relationships
C# (which I've discovered is intended to be pronounces C-sharp
rather than C-hash)
the .NET virtual machine
Why does the world need C# when it already has Java and C++?
Why does the world need a .NET virtual machine when it has
dozens of Java Virtual Machines?  Don't COM and Corba already
provide interlanguage and network interoperability? Why is it
important for Haskell to fit into .NET?

I hope this isn't too far off topic.

Theodore Norvell

Dr. Theodore Norvell[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering and Applied SciencePhone: (709) 737-8962
Memorial University of Newfoundland  Fax: (709) 737-4042
St. John's, NF, Canada, A1B 3X5

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-09 Thread Nigel Perry

At 4:09 pm + 8/8/00, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
>Tue, 8 Aug 2000 09:17:15 +0200, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:
>>  You hit the nail right on the head wrt to Haskell and .NET. This is
>>  precisely why I am working on Mondrian, which also goes under the name
>>  Haskell#, a pure, lazy functional language that seamlessly fits the .NET
>>  type system.
>This is what worries me: modifying a bunch of languages to make them
>incompatible with the rest of the world, locking their users to the
>.NET platform. Embrace and extend. AFAIK this happened to Java, and
>is common in C/C++ (using own functions and types instead of ISO/ANSI).

Slight misunderstanding here - Mondrian isn't a ".NET" only language, 
it is designed to mesh with OO languages "in general" (well -ish 
;-)). The current compiler works with either Java or .NET (but not 
both at the same time, i.e. it runs on the JVM or the .NET VM). The 
Haskell.NET we are producing will also run on both (as it uses the 
same backend).

[Roughly: a Mondrian "value" is a Java/.NET "object" - but of course 
when manipulated from Mondrian a value/object is immutable unless an 
"I/O" operation is performed.]

Other languages which now target .NET also target JVM (well at least 
one but can't remember which it was offhand).

Nigel Perry, New Zealand

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-08 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Tue, 8 Aug 2000 09:17:15 +0200, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:

> You hit the nail right on the head wrt to Haskell and .NET. This is
> precisely why I am working on Mondrian, which also goes under the name
> Haskell#, a pure, lazy functional language that seamlessly fits the .NET
> type system.

This is what worries me: modifying a bunch of languages to make them
incompatible with the rest of the world, locking their users to the
.NET platform. Embrace and extend. AFAIK this happened to Java, and
is common in C/C++ (using own functions and types instead of ISO/ANSI).

 __("<  Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-08 Thread Erik Meijer

Good idea to leave platform wars behind and return to language wars.

You hit the nail right on the head wrt to Haskell and .NET. This is
precisely why I am working on Mondrian, which also goes under the name
Haskell#, a pure, lazy functional language that seamlessly fits the .NET
type system. As you can imagine, the type system for such a language will be
quite a challenge. The current Mondrian implementation is much like SASL
(who remembers that great language) waiting to evolve to Miranda (watching
too much Pokemon these days :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Doug Ransom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

Back to the language wars then.

It does seem like integration of Haskell and the NGWS is a graunch, largely
because Haskell is not OO.

Is there anything preventing Haskell from becoming OO and seamlessly fitting
into the NGWS? Or from designing a functional language that would be a good
fit into the NGWS.

A major problem I see is that there is probably a standard set of container
classes in NGWS which have a high impedance mismatch with the lists
functional languags use for their constructions.

Can we ever have functional programming "in the large" given the OO paradigm
and NGWS are both here to stay?  This can not happen until I can get a
language which seamlessly fits into NGWS (or some similar thing on a
non-windows platform).

-Original Message-
From: Antony Courtney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 3:49 PM
To: Jürgen A. Erhard
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

"Jürgen A. Erhard" wrote:
> >>>>> "Manuel" == Manuel M T Chakravarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Manuel> "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> >> [...] The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not
> >> Microsoft. I doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)
> Manuel> [...] There have also been reports of Linux boxes in the main
> Manuel> company, but the validity of these reports is of course not
> But easy to believe... I mean, wouldn't you take a good look at your
> competition?

Having spent five years doing Windows and Win32 hacking, and 10+ years
doing Unix hacking before that, I can assure you there is little evidence
that Microsoft are interested in learning anything whatsoever from Linux
or any other Unix work-alike.  Rather than re-iterate the argument, I'll
simply point interested readers towards the excellent article
"Working with Win32: the good, the bad and the ugly"
by David G. Korn

which mostly reinforces the quote:
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent
it, poorly. -- Henry Spencer

Now that I've gotten MY little barb in, can we PLEASE end this tangent on
OS wars, and return to our regularly scheduled language wars?  :-)


(haskell list lurker)

Antony Courtney

RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-07 Thread Doug Ransom

Back to the language wars then.

It does seem like integration of Haskell and the NGWS is a graunch, largely
because Haskell is not OO.

Is there anything preventing Haskell from becoming OO and seamlessly fitting
into the NGWS? Or from designing a functional language that would be a good
fit into the NGWS.

A major problem I see is that there is probably a standard set of container
classes in NGWS which have a high impedance mismatch with the lists
functional languags use for their constructions.

Can we ever have functional programming "in the large" given the OO paradigm
and NGWS are both here to stay?  This can not happen until I can get a
language which seamlessly fits into NGWS (or some similar thing on a
non-windows platform).

-Original Message-
From: Antony Courtney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 3:49 PM
To: Jürgen A. Erhard
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

"Jürgen A. Erhard" wrote:
> >>>>> "Manuel" == Manuel M T Chakravarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Manuel> "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> >> [...] The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not
> >> Microsoft. I doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)
> Manuel> [...] There have also been reports of Linux boxes in the main
> Manuel> company, but the validity of these reports is of course not
> But easy to believe... I mean, wouldn't you take a good look at your
> competition? 

Having spent five years doing Windows and Win32 hacking, and 10+ years
doing Unix hacking before that, I can assure you there is little evidence
that Microsoft are interested in learning anything whatsoever from Linux
or any other Unix work-alike.  Rather than re-iterate the argument, I'll
simply point interested readers towards the excellent article
"Working with Win32: the good, the bad and the ugly"
by David G. Korn  

which mostly reinforces the quote:
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent 
it, poorly. -- Henry Spencer

Now that I've gotten MY little barb in, can we PLEASE end this tangent on
OS wars, and return to our regularly scheduled language wars?  :-)


(haskell list lurker)

Antony Courtney

RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-07 Thread Doug Ransom

It is not what language that you want on your phone that matters -- you
didn't write the software.  What matters is any development team can pick
the language they prefer to use and make their software portable to your
phone or your PC.

-Original Message-
From: Nigel Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

We're drifting a bit off Haskell here, but...

At 10:57 am +1000 4/8/00, Kevin Glynn wrote:
>I don't believe this says anything about support for other OS's.  I
>think the devices here are hardware, (PCs, handhelds, phones, fridge
>interfaces, ...)  Of course Microsoft believes that some day, very
>soon, all devices will run (a version of) Windows.  Hence this
>statement refers to Microsoft's announced plans to port .NET to all
>Windows OS's, including WinCE.
>Do you have another reference which is more convincing?

I haven't seen a WinCE version but at a recent conference one of the 
exhibitors was offering a .NET on WindowsCE course - however when I 
inquired they just said "ask MS, we don't know, we just teach the 
courses" (somehow I don't think I'll be recommending them!) So that's 
not too convincing!

They are talking phones - but that has to be a stripped down version. 
However I'm not sure why I want Haskell on my phone ("the phone with 
higher-order polymorphic lazy dialing"?)

As to others OSES...

At 10:24 pm -0400 3/8/00, Chris Saunders wrote:
>It seems to me that this .Net thingy is a runtime
>and therefore could potentially be as portable
>as anything from Java.  This runtime just needs
>to be ported to other operating systems similarily
>to the Java runtime.

Porting JVM is a big enough job (you find a lot of "native" 
methods...) .NET has more paraphernalia than the JVM so it will be 
quite a job. However I think MS is moving to "standardise" the IL 
(the byte codes) which I guess is to suggest it is not a moving 
target (not the the JVM really is but I hear the lack of JVM 2's has 
been blamed on lack of info out of Sun - but that might be just 
passing the blame)

At 5:59 pm +0200 3/8/00, Juan J. Quintela wrote:
>nigel> Disclaimer, as Fergus added one: I am working with Microsoft on .NET
>nigel> implementation, but I run Windows 2000 on my G3 PowerBook and take
>nigel> to Microsoft with me. I'm biased on everything :-)
>Windows 2000 in a G3 Powerbook? I am lost here :((

Why have any other computer when you can have a Mac?

Mine runs:
DVD Movies
Playstation games
Windows 95
Windows 2000 (a bit slugglish)
and could run:
Linux (but I have no use for it at present)

At 2:07 am +1000 4/8/00, Fergus Henderson wrote:
> Note that on x86 there are only six general purpose registers,
> so you very quickly run out...

Who uses the x86? Oh I remember... ;-)

Dr Nigel PerryEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IIST  Tel: +64 6 350 5799 2477
Massey University Fax: +64 6 350 2259
Palmerston North  FTP/WWW:
New Zealand

It makes as much sense to wear a "cycle" style helmet in a car as on a
Choosing to wear one on a bike but not in a car is mere inconsistency.
Refusing to wear one in a car while insisting others do so on a bike 
is pure hypocrisy.

Will the new Labour government repeal the National government's hypocrisy,
or will they insult cyclists' like their predecessors?

Politics and hypocrisy before safety - the NZ Helmet Law, NZ's Shame

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-07 Thread Ketil Malde

"Chris Saunders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It seems to me that this .Net thingy is a runtime and therefore
> could potentially be as portable as anything from Java.

Potentially, yes.

> This runtime just needs to be ported to other operating systems
> similarily to the Java runtime.

So it's a question of either source availability - or at least a very
complete specification - or Microsoft strategy.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-06 Thread Antony Courtney

"Jürgen A. Erhard" wrote:
> > "Manuel" == Manuel M T Chakravarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Manuel> "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> >> [...] The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not *at*
> >> Microsoft. I doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)
> Manuel> [...] There have also been reports of Linux boxes in the main
> Manuel> company, but the validity of these reports is of course not
> But easy to believe... I mean, wouldn't you take a good look at your
> competition? 

Having spent five years doing Windows and Win32 hacking, and 10+ years
doing Unix hacking before that, I can assure you there is little evidence
that Microsoft are interested in learning anything whatsoever from Linux
or any other Unix work-alike.  Rather than re-iterate the argument, I'll
simply point interested readers towards the excellent article
"Working with Win32: the good, the bad and the ugly"
by David G. Korn  

which mostly reinforces the quote:
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent 
it, poorly. -- Henry Spencer

Now that I've gotten MY little barb in, can we PLEASE end this tangent on
OS wars, and return to our regularly scheduled language wars?  :-)


(haskell list lurker)

Antony Courtney

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-06 Thread "Jürgen A. Erhard"

> "Manuel" == Manuel M T Chakravarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Manuel> "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
>> > > The single Linux box we have in the Microsoft lab was severely hacked
>> from
>> > > the outside, they have moved to FreeBSD, which is supposed to be safer
>> (I
>> > > hope so).
>> >
>> > Morale: Never trust a Linux box at Microsoft :-)
>> The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not *at* Microsoft. I
>> doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)

Manuel> Now define Microsoft.  There definitely are Linux boxes at
Manuel> Microsoft Research, as we all know :-)

Manuel> There have also been reports of Linux boxes in the main
Manuel> company, but the validity of these reports is of course not
Manuel> easy to verify.

But easy to believe... I mean, wouldn't you take a good look at your
competition?  (Of course, Linux is no competition to Windows... or
rather the other 'round ;-)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard  eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
   "We must learn from our mistakes,
   so we can make bigger and better ones." -- Bruce M Krawetz

 PGP signature

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-06 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

"Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> > > The single Linux box we have in the Microsoft lab was severely hacked
> from
> > > the outside, they have moved to FreeBSD, which is supposed to be safer
> (I
> > > hope so).
> >
> > Morale: Never trust a Linux box at Microsoft :-)
> The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not *at* Microsoft. I
> doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)

Now define Microsoft.  There definitely are Linux boxes at
Microsoft Research, as we all know :-)

There have also been reports of Linux boxes in the main
company, but the validity of these reports is of course not
easy to verify.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-06 Thread Erik Meijer

> > The single Linux box we have in the Microsoft lab was severely hacked
> > the outside, they have moved to FreeBSD, which is supposed to be safer
> > hope so).
> Morale: Never trust a Linux box at Microsoft :-)

The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not *at* Microsoft. I
doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-06 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

"Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> > I'm weird, but not a true 'CS' person.  I run Linux -- do I
> > need to move to NetBSD?
> The single Linux box we have in the Microsoft lab was severely hacked from
> the outside, they have moved to FreeBSD, which is supposed to be safer (I
> hope so).

Morale: Never trust a Linux box at Microsoft :-)


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-05 Thread Erik Meijer

> I'm weird, but not a true 'CS' person.  I run Linux -- do I
> need to move to NetBSD?

The single Linux box we have in the Microsoft lab was severely hacked from
the outside, they have moved to FreeBSD, which is supposed to be safer (I
hope so).


RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-04 Thread Brent Fulgham

> > Weird, nobody mentioned neither NetBSD nor OpenBSD...
> > CS people are weird. :-)
> I consider myself a CS person and I run NetBSD on all my machines.
> And I'm also weird.
I'm weird, but not a true 'CS' person.  I run Linux -- do I
need to move to NetBSD?


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-04 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Eduardo Nahum Ochs wrote:

> > > Why have any other computer when you can have a Mac?
> > >
> > > Mine runs:
> > > DVD Movies
> > > MacOS
> > > JVM
> > > Playstation games
> > > Windows 95
> > > Windows 2000 (a bit slugglish)
> > > and could run:
> > > Linux (but I have no use for it at present)
> > I notice that your Mac can run a lot of things, but among the things
> > you actually run there is only one operating system (Win 2k).  :)
> Weird, nobody mentioned neither NetBSD nor OpenBSD...
> CS people are weird. :-)

I consider myself a CS person and I run NetBSD on all my machines.
And I'm also weird.


-- Lennart

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-04 Thread Eduardo Nahum Ochs

> > Why have any other computer when you can have a Mac?
> >
> > Mine runs:
> > DVD Movies
> > MacOS
> > JVM
> > Playstation games
> > Windows 95
> > Windows 2000 (a bit slugglish)
> > and could run:
> > Linux (but I have no use for it at present)
> I notice that your Mac can run a lot of things, but among the things
> you actually run there is only one operating system (Win 2k).  :)

Weird, nobody mentioned neither NetBSD nor OpenBSD...
CS people are weird. :-)


Recycle your keystrokes -

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-04 Thread Lennart Augustsson

> Why have any other computer when you can have a Mac?
> Mine runs:
> DVD Movies
> MacOS
> Playstation games
> Windows 95
> Windows 2000 (a bit slugglish)
> and could run:
> Linux (but I have no use for it at present)
I notice that your Mac can run a lot of things, but among the things
you actually run there is only one operating system (Win 2k).  :)

But I agree, Macs are cool.

-- Lennart

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-04 Thread Nigel Perry

We're drifting a bit off Haskell here, but...

At 10:57 am +1000 4/8/00, Kevin Glynn wrote:
>I don't believe this says anything about support for other OS's.  I
>think the devices here are hardware, (PCs, handhelds, phones, fridge
>interfaces, ...)  Of course Microsoft believes that some day, very
>soon, all devices will run (a version of) Windows.  Hence this
>statement refers to Microsoft's announced plans to port .NET to all
>Windows OS's, including WinCE.
>Do you have another reference which is more convincing?

I haven't seen a WinCE version but at a recent conference one of the 
exhibitors was offering a .NET on WindowsCE course - however when I 
inquired they just said "ask MS, we don't know, we just teach the 
courses" (somehow I don't think I'll be recommending them!) So that's 
not too convincing!

They are talking phones - but that has to be a stripped down version. 
However I'm not sure why I want Haskell on my phone ("the phone with 
higher-order polymorphic lazy dialing"?)

As to others OSES...

At 10:24 pm -0400 3/8/00, Chris Saunders wrote:
>It seems to me that this .Net thingy is a runtime
>and therefore could potentially be as portable
>as anything from Java.  This runtime just needs
>to be ported to other operating systems similarily
>to the Java runtime.

Porting JVM is a big enough job (you find a lot of "native" 
methods...) .NET has more paraphernalia than the JVM so it will be 
quite a job. However I think MS is moving to "standardise" the IL 
(the byte codes) which I guess is to suggest it is not a moving 
target (not the the JVM really is but I hear the lack of JVM 2's has 
been blamed on lack of info out of Sun - but that might be just 
passing the blame)

At 5:59 pm +0200 3/8/00, Juan J. Quintela wrote:
>nigel> Disclaimer, as Fergus added one: I am working with Microsoft on .NET
>nigel> implementation, but I run Windows 2000 on my G3 PowerBook and take it
>nigel> to Microsoft with me. I'm biased on everything :-)
>Windows 2000 in a G3 Powerbook? I am lost here :((

Why have any other computer when you can have a Mac?

Mine runs:
DVD Movies
Playstation games
Windows 95
Windows 2000 (a bit slugglish)
and could run:
Linux (but I have no use for it at present)

At 2:07 am +1000 4/8/00, Fergus Henderson wrote:
> Note that on x86 there are only six general purpose registers,
> so you very quickly run out...

Who uses the x86? Oh I remember... ;-)

Dr Nigel PerryEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IIST  Tel: +64 6 350 5799 2477
Massey University Fax: +64 6 350 2259
Palmerston North  FTP/WWW:
New Zealand

It makes as much sense to wear a "cycle" style helmet in a car as on a bike...
Choosing to wear one on a bike but not in a car is mere inconsistency.
Refusing to wear one in a car while insisting others do so on a bike 
is pure hypocrisy.

Will the new Labour government repeal the National government's hypocrisy,
or will they insult cyclists' like their predecessors?

Politics and hypocrisy before safety - the NZ Helmet Law, NZ's Shame

RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-04 Thread Carsten Kehler Holst

A few comments on this (stuff after the line beneath):

The C implementation isn't really that inefficient. A factor of log(n)
in average of course a factor of n i worst case.

This doesn't change when using a lazy language! because of the nature of
As a matter of fact you have to have a "nice" version of merge sort
(there are several
variants - see fx Ralf Hinze, A Data-structural Look at Sorting, 1998, I
don't know if it has been published except on this list) to be sure that
(hd (sort list)) runs in time O(n).

But, you are right a degree in CS doesn't guarantee that you know about
but neither does programming in a lazy language. Personally I'm
programming large 
systems in Prolog ( upto 150K lines. We try to make programs
readable and
correct firstmost, when they are too slow we measure where and fix it.

Carsten Kehler Holst

Fergus wrote:

> I guess one could argue that the costs of most other things pale
> in comparison to the costs of having lazy evaluation as the default

Of course, if you're the sort of person who likes to write "head (sort
to get the least member of a list, then lazy evaluation is incredibly
efficient. Getting used to lazy evaluation, and really learning how to
it properly, is probably really the hardest thing about Haskell for
who has already learned how to program using strict languages. Possibly
harder than monads.

Funny/sad anecdote: I once saw a senior software engineer with over 15
of C experience and a master's degree in CS, write the following code in
to locate the least member of an array:

  sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]),
least = array[0];

Essentially, this is just "head (sort lst)" in C, which, as I daresay we
know, is NOT a lazy language! I actually had to explain to her why it
inefficient. Depending how you look at it, this is either strong
that lazy evaluation is a more natural way to think than strict
or proof that a master's in CS doesn't necessarily mean you really know
anything about programming.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Chris Saunders

Why not Linux?

Chris Saunders

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Halchin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

> To Linux?   :^)
> >From: "Chris Saunders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >CC: "Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime
> >Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 22:24:14 -0400
> >
> >It seems to me that this .Net thingy is a runtime
> >and therefore could potentially be as portable
> >as anything from Java.  This runtime just needs
> >to be ported to other operating systems similarily
> >to the Java runtime.
> >
> >Regards
> >Chris Saunders
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -----
> >From: "Kevin Glynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Cc: "Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> >Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 8:57 PM
> >Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > I don't believe this says anything about support for other OS's.  I
> > > think the devices here are hardware, (PCs, handhelds, phones, fridge
> > > interfaces, ...)  Of course Microsoft believes that some day, very
> > > soon, all devices will run (a version of) Windows.  Hence this
> > > statement refers to Microsoft's announced plans to port .NET to all
> > > Windows OS's, including WinCE.
> > >
> > > Do you have another reference which is more convincing?
> > >
> > > k
> > >
> > >
> > > Erik Meijer writes:
> > >  > > Not "at least" but "only". I haven't heard of plans for .NET on
> > >  > > non-Windows platform.
> > >  >
> > >  > Then you should listen more closely! a quote from the .NET
> >whitepaper:
> > >  >
> > >  > Microsoft .NET proactively adapts to what you
> > >  > want to do, on any of your devices. This inversion
> > >  > of the traditional installation-dependent application
> > >  > model is a necessity in a world where users will
> > >  > enjoy the benefits of services on multiple devices.
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  > Erik
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >
> >
> >
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk) wrote,

> Thu, 3 Aug 2000 22:53:45 +0200, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:
> >
> I still have not found anything suggesting that tools needed for
> working with that (e.g. the common runtime) will be available for
> non-Windows OSes. Who will make them? Microsoft?

I guess, it will be like COM.  Sure, in theory it could work
on other OSes, but that's not in MS's interest, so why
should they make it happen (or even allow that others make
it happen).


PS: I know that there is some obscure port of COM, but I
never heard that it made any impact.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Tyson Dowd

On 03-Aug-2000, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Not "at least" but "only". I haven't heard of plans for .NET on any
> > non-Windows platform.
> Then you should listen more closely! a quote from the .NET whitepaper:
> Microsoft .NET proactively adapts to what you 
> want to do, on any of your devices. This inversion 
> of the traditional installation-dependent application 
> model is a necessity in a world where users will 
> enjoy the benefits of services on multiple devices.

I interpreted this as marketing speak for "It will run on WinCE".
I have never ever heard specific mention of Microsoft developing any of
the .NET stuff to run on a non-Windows platform.

However Microsoft does have plans to standardize large parts of the
.NET architecture.  I would expect that alternate implementations on
other platforms would be part of the standardization process.
Of course they would probably get some other company to do that.

I think Microsoft believes it might be a feather in their cap to
standardize C# and the .NET framework very quickly, to contrast with the
apparently slow progress in standardizing Java.

Whether this leads to viable implementations on other platforms is of
course a completely different question.

   Tyson Dowd   # 
#  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Bill Halchin

To Linux?   :^)

>From: "Chris Saunders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: "Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime
>Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 22:24:14 -0400
>It seems to me that this .Net thingy is a runtime
>and therefore could potentially be as portable
>as anything from Java.  This runtime just needs
>to be ported to other operating systems similarily
>to the Java runtime.
>Chris Saunders
>- Original Message -
>From: "Kevin Glynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: "Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 8:57 PM
>Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime
> >
> >
> > I don't believe this says anything about support for other OS's.  I
> > think the devices here are hardware, (PCs, handhelds, phones, fridge
> > interfaces, ...)  Of course Microsoft believes that some day, very
> > soon, all devices will run (a version of) Windows.  Hence this
> > statement refers to Microsoft's announced plans to port .NET to all
> > Windows OS's, including WinCE.
> >
> > Do you have another reference which is more convincing?
> >
> > k
> >
> >
> > Erik Meijer writes:
> >  > > Not "at least" but "only". I haven't heard of plans for .NET on any
> >  > > non-Windows platform.
> >  >
> >  > Then you should listen more closely! a quote from the .NET 
> >  >
> >  > Microsoft .NET proactively adapts to what you
> >  > want to do, on any of your devices. This inversion
> >  > of the traditional installation-dependent application
> >  > model is a necessity in a world where users will
> >  > enjoy the benefits of services on multiple devices.
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > Erik
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Chris Saunders

It seems to me that this .Net thingy is a runtime
and therefore could potentially be as portable
as anything from Java.  This runtime just needs
to be ported to other operating systems similarily
to the Java runtime.

Chris Saunders

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Glynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

> I don't believe this says anything about support for other OS's.  I
> think the devices here are hardware, (PCs, handhelds, phones, fridge
> interfaces, ...)  Of course Microsoft believes that some day, very
> soon, all devices will run (a version of) Windows.  Hence this
> statement refers to Microsoft's announced plans to port .NET to all
> Windows OS's, including WinCE.
> Do you have another reference which is more convincing?
> k
> Erik Meijer writes:
>  > > Not "at least" but "only". I haven't heard of plans for .NET on any
>  > > non-Windows platform.
>  > 
>  > Then you should listen more closely! a quote from the .NET whitepaper:
>  > 
>  > Microsoft .NET proactively adapts to what you 
>  > want to do, on any of your devices. This inversion 
>  > of the traditional installation-dependent application 
>  > model is a necessity in a world where users will 
>  > enjoy the benefits of services on multiple devices.
>  > 
>  >
>  > 
>  > Erik
>  > 
>  > 
>  > 

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Kevin Glynn

I don't believe this says anything about support for other OS's.  I
think the devices here are hardware, (PCs, handhelds, phones, fridge
interfaces, ...)  Of course Microsoft believes that some day, very
soon, all devices will run (a version of) Windows.  Hence this
statement refers to Microsoft's announced plans to port .NET to all
Windows OS's, including WinCE.

Do you have another reference which is more convincing?


Erik Meijer writes:
 > > Not "at least" but "only". I haven't heard of plans for .NET on any
 > > non-Windows platform.
 > Then you should listen more closely! a quote from the .NET whitepaper:
 > Microsoft .NET proactively adapts to what you 
 > want to do, on any of your devices. This inversion 
 > of the traditional installation-dependent application 
 > model is a necessity in a world where users will 
 > enjoy the benefits of services on multiple devices.
 > Erik

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Bill Halchin

I agree.

Bill Halchin

>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk)
>Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime
>Date: 3 Aug 2000 22:01:36 GMT
>Thu, 3 Aug 2000 22:53:45 +0200, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:
> >
>I still have not found anything suggesting that tools needed for
>working with that (e.g. the common runtime) will be available for
>non-Windows OSes. Who will make them? Microsoft?
>  __("<  Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  \__/

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Thu, 3 Aug 2000 22:53:45 +0200, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:


I still have not found anything suggesting that tools needed for
working with that (e.g. the common runtime) will be available for
non-Windows OSes. Who will make them? Microsoft?

 __("<  Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Erik Meijer

> nigel> Disclaimer, as Fergus added one: I am working with Microsoft on
> nigel> implementation, but I run Windows 2000 on my G3 PowerBook and take
> nigel> to Microsoft with me. I'm biased on everything :-)
> Windows 2000 in a G3 Powerbook? I am lost here :((

No, Nigel is not breaking an NDA by accident and revealing that MS has
ported W2K to the PowerPC. He uses VirtualPC (which effectively *is* a port
of W2K to the PowerPC in some sense).


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Erik Meijer

> Not "at least" but "only". I haven't heard of plans for .NET on any
> non-Windows platform.

Then you should listen more closely! a quote from the .NET whitepaper:

Microsoft .NET proactively adapts to what you 
want to do, on any of your devices. This inversion 
of the traditional installation-dependent application 
model is a necessity in a world where users will 
enjoy the benefits of services on multiple devices.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Thu, 3 Aug 2000 17:06:54 +0200, Nigel Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:

> More seriously as a number of languages are being produced to run
> over .NET along with a whole slew of libraries it provides a good
> platform to target your favourite research language at (for Windows
> platforms at least).

Not "at least" but "only". I haven't heard of plans for .NET on any
non-Windows platform.

 __("<  Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Craig Dickson

Fergus wrote:

> I guess one could argue that the costs of most other things pale
> in comparison to the costs of having lazy evaluation as the default ;-)

Of course, if you're the sort of person who likes to write "head (sort lst)"
to get the least member of a list, then lazy evaluation is incredibly
efficient. Getting used to lazy evaluation, and really learning how to use
it properly, is probably really the hardest thing about Haskell for someone
who has already learned how to program using strict languages. Possibly even
harder than monads.

Funny/sad anecdote: I once saw a senior software engineer with over 15 years
of C experience and a master's degree in CS, write the following code in C
to locate the least member of an array:

  sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]),
least = array[0];

Essentially, this is just "head (sort lst)" in C, which, as I daresay we all
know, is NOT a lazy language! I actually had to explain to her why it was
inefficient. Depending how you look at it, this is either strong evidence
that lazy evaluation is a more natural way to think than strict evaluation,
or proof that a master's in CS doesn't necessarily mean you really know
anything about programming.


Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 03-Aug-2000, Nigel Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I understand that point, but if doing that means that you need to
> >implement the basic things like argument passing and procedure
> >calling yourself, using your own virtual machine, rather than
> >by using the underlying runtime's argument passing and procedure calling
> >mechanisms, then I'd say that it is looking more like putting a round
> >peg in a square hole than a good fit.
> Passing arguments on a separate stack is pretty lightweight.

Well, I'm not sure that's true.  Consider what you pay:

- If you only have one stack, then the stack needs to be a
  stack of Object, and so for every argument that you put on the
  stack you need to
- box it before putting it on the stack
  (if it is not already boxed)
- downcast it to the right type after taking it off the stack
- unbox it (if the type is an unboxed type)

  (If you use more than one stack, this can reduce such costs;
  but doing that increases the complexity of the approach
  significantly, and there are some significant costs in terms
  of performance from using multiple stacks that need to be
  weighed against the potential benefits.)

- To get efficient access to your stack, you need to use at least one
  extra register to hold your stack pointer, or (quite likely) two
  extra registers, one for the array base and one for the offset.
  Note that on x86 there are only six general purpose registers,
  so you very quickly run out...

  Alternatively, if these are not in registers, then the cost of
  accessing the stack will be higher.

- By not using the system stack, you reduce locality.
  This shows up in the greater register pressure (see above),
  and can also lead to more cache misses or cache collisions.

- If the stack is an array, then (at least for verified code)
  every push and pop needs a bounds check.

- Because of aliasing issues, the .NET runtime is very
  unlikely to optimize away the pushes and pops to your stack
  when it inlines methods.  And indeed it will treat these
  pushes and pops as more expensive than ordinary argument passing
  (since they are!), and so it will be less inclined to inline
  such methods in the first place.  Of course, doing a good job
  of inlining in the Haskell compiler will help reduce the
  damage here, but the Haskell compiler can't do cross-language
  inlining, and can't do JIT-time inlining across different
  assemblies or of dynamically loaded code, so you will still
  lose out in some scenarios.

However, I guess it depends on what you mean by "light-weight".
I guess one could argue that the costs of most other things pale
in comparison to the costs of having lazy evaluation as the default ;-)

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Juan J. Quintela

> "nigel" == Nigel Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

nigel> Disclaimer, as Fergus added one: I am working with Microsoft on .NET
nigel> implementation, but I run Windows 2000 on my G3 PowerBook and take it
nigel> to Microsoft with me. I'm biased on everything :-)

Windows 2000 in a G3 Powerbook? I am lost here :((

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Nigel Perry

Well Erik & Fergus seem to be into a "my language/implementation" is 
better than yours battle ;-) while some others are confused as to 
what they're talking about. Not to prolong it, but let's see if I can 
clarify a few issues (ROTW: I wrote the Mondrian -> C# bit [and other 

At 6:48 pm +1000 2/8/00, Fergus Henderson wrote:
>On 02-Aug-2000, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > The compiler hooks into GHC by translating Core into GOO
>>  and then after some source to source transformations it
>>  can spit out either C# or Java.
>Hmm... am I right to presume you mean that it will support Haskell?
>What about ghc's extensions, such as unboxed types?  Will it support

Unboxed: from Haskell's point of view yes. Explanation: constants are 
unboxed in GOO and GOO provides unboxed parameter passing. However 
(ssh!) the GOO VM currently does a hidden box/unbox behind the scenes 
when parameters are passed. It doesn't *need* to do this, but there 
are reasons for the current choice. Depending on performance this may 
get changed.

>I understand that point, but if doing that means that you need to
>implement the basic things like argument passing and procedure
>calling yourself, using your own virtual machine, rather than
>by using the underlying runtime's argument passing and procedure calling
>mechanisms, then I'd say that it is looking more like putting a round
>peg in a square hole than a good fit.

Passing arguments on a separate stack is pretty lightweight. It's 
there to support currying. If you call a function with its arguments 
we could use the .NET stack. Such an optimisation falls out of a 
typical (well out of the one I developed and used in Massey Hope+C 
anyway) usage analysis (which gives you other things as well). I 
expect such an optimisation will be added as the system is developed 
and more engineering (as opposed to research) is done.

>(Note that currently you _do_ need to write glue code when
>calling other languages from Mercury.  But you don't need to
>write glue code when calling Mercury from other languages.
>We also plan to automate the generation of glue code when calling
>other languages from Mercury, so that you won't need to write
>any of it manually.)

Well from this it seems you have the opposite of what we have at the 
moment - calling other languages from Mondrian is automatic, the 
other way you currently have to write the glue. Of course it should 
be done both ways - pity we're not working on the same language as we 
both seem to have 50% done...

>Indeed.  But will your implementation even meet the specification
>for a CLS consumer?

Almost does already I think - we don't support enumerated types or 
arrays directly in Mondrian but you could call another language 
function which returned them and then pass them onto other external 
functions which did something to them. Otherwise you can create 
objects & access the member functions, fields and properties. You can 
all a method which takes unboxed values and Mondrian's boxed ones 
will be automagically unboxed. It's pretty hard not to be a CLS 
consumer modulo a few types.

Haskell.NET is still a work-in-progress, but's its coming along (it 
uses the same code generator and runtime as Mondrian.NET)

As to those of you completely confused a quick translation guide: 
.NET = JVM with support for stack allocated structures and any 
language you like - provided you can make it look like Java (sorry 
C#), C# = Java with all your old favourite C heiroglyphics (bet I 
spelt that wrong!) and some added extras (like "const" and "read 
only" modes) to help you obfuscate your code. More seriously as a 
number of languages are being produced to run over .NET along with a 
whole slew of libraries it provides a good platform to target your 
favourite research language at (for Windows platforms at least). This 
may help get your research language used (e.g. Haskell in this case). 
However like the JVM it is fundamentally OO so you may need to 
develop derivatives of your language designed to better interoperate 
in an OO world (aka. Mondrian/Haskell# in this case) - unless your 
research language is Object Pascal (produced for .NET by Queensland).

Disclaimer, as Fergus added one: I am working with Microsoft on .NET 
implementation, but I run Windows 2000 on my G3 PowerBook and take it 
to Microsoft with me. I'm biased on everything :-)

Nigel Perry, New Zealand

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-03 Thread Andy Gill

> GOO is not a Microsoft invention, and nor is it part of Microsoft's
> .NET stuff.  GOO is an intermediate language that was, AFAIK, invented
> by the Mondrian group.  It might be described in the following paper:
> Erik Meijer and Koen Claessen. The Design and Implementation of
> Mondrian. In Proc. Haskell Workshop, 1997.

To follow on and answer Fergus' comments:

GOO originally was simply a Haskell AST of a simplification of Java/C#,
nothing more, nothing less. It was used inside one version of the
Mondrain compiler, and it migrated into GHC as part of the .NET effort.
The GHC version of GOO quickly moved away for the Mondrain version, as
development continued (specifically, the GHC GOO was typed, so it could
support the unboxed types used deep inside GHC)

So, GOO was just a name for an intermediate language. It was used as part
of the .NET effort, but was an internal to Haskell thing, not a MS thing.

I think that GOO was broadly equivalent to the low level intermediate
language in the Mercury compiler; a nice language to generate just
before dumping out code.

At least Haskell has interesting names for its intermediate languages :-)

Andy Gill
Haskell Compiler Hacker

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-02 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 02-Aug-2000, Carl R. Witty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > The compiler hooks into GHC by translating Core into GOO
> > > and then after some source to source transformations it
> > > can spit out either C# or Java.
> Is there any publically available technical information on what you
> guys are talking about? I've been doing web searches, and searches on
> the Microsoft web site, and I can't find anything on GOO, IL, or
> "Common Language Specification".

Technical information about this stuff (IL, the CLS, etc.) was
included on the CDs that MS gave to the 6000-odd participants of their
recent PDC (Professional Developers Conference) in Florida last month.
So if you can find one of those, you might be in luck.  But I don't
think Microsoft have put anything about it up on the web.

GOO is not a Microsoft invention, and nor is it part of Microsoft's
.NET stuff.  GOO is an intermediate language that was, AFAIK, invented
by the Mondrian group.  It might be described in the following paper:

Erik Meijer and Koen Claessen. The Design and Implementation of
Mondrian. In Proc. Haskell Workshop, 1997. 

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-02 Thread Doug Ransom

The PDC slides and white papers  should be available if you dig through this

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 9:43 AM
To: Fergus Henderson
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > The compiler hooks into GHC by translating Core into GOO
> > and then after some source to source transformations it
> > can spit out either C# or Java.

Is there any publically available technical information on what you
guys are talking about?  I've been doing web searches, and searches on
the Microsoft web site, and I can't find anything on GOO, IL, or
"Common Language Specification".

Carl Witty

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-02 Thread Carl R. Witty

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > The compiler hooks into GHC by translating Core into GOO
> > and then after some source to source transformations it
> > can spit out either C# or Java.

Is there any publically available technical information on what you
guys are talking about?  I've been doing web searches, and searches on
the Microsoft web site, and I can't find anything on GOO, IL, or
"Common Language Specification".

Carl Witty

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-02 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 02-Aug-2000, Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The plan is to have the release out the door by September 1st.
> >
> > Will that release support Haskell, or just Mondrian?
> The compiler hooks into GHC by translating Core into GOO
> and then after some source to source transformations it
> can spit out either C# or Java.

Hmm... am I right to presume you mean that it will support Haskell?
What about ghc's extensions, such as unboxed types?  Will it support

> > I'm afraid I have to disagree on that point.  Basically you translate
> > quite a few things by implementing your own virtual machine on top of
> > the .NET runtime.  For example, argument passing is done with explicit
> > pushes and pops on your own virtual machine stack, rather than by
> > using the .NET runtime's argument passing.  This approach makes the
> > compiler is fairly simple, but the generated code is not what _I_
> > would call elegant.
> As I explained the translation has to implement the features that the
> .NET runtime does not provide itself. Hence, must implement lazy evaluation
> and you must implement currying yourself.

I understand that point, but if doing that means that you need to
implement the basic things like argument passing and procedure
calling yourself, using your own virtual machine, rather than
by using the underlying runtime's argument passing and procedure calling
mechanisms, then I'd say that it is looking more like putting a round
peg in a square hole than a good fit.

> The same is true for Mercury. Since the .NET runtime does not support
> backtracking, you are simulating that by passing extra continuation
> arguments around.

That's true.  However, the way we map nondeterminism is a quite
high-level approach, suitable for direct use from other languages.

Note that in our original compiler for Mercury, which goes via GNU C,
we handle nondeterminism using a low-level approach where we implement
our own virtual machine on top of C.  But for targetting the .NET
platform, we completely rewrote the compiler back-end, using a new
and much higher-level approach that leads to a much more direct

The approach that you've taken to implementing currying using your own
argument-passing stack looks to me like a fairly low-level approach.

As a programmer, if I want to interface to Haskell code, I'd prefer
it to be as high-level and as automatic as possible; I'd rather not
write any glue code if I can avoid it, and if I do have to write glue
code, I'd much rather it if I didn't have to muck around with
low-level details like pushing arguments on stacks -- that's what
compilers are for.

> > Also, as I understand it, Haskell/Mondrian programs that don't make use of
> > currying -- e.g. those in which all functions have only one argument --
> > still get encoded, rather than being mapped directly.  So the encoding
> > is not done in way that you only pay for it when you use those features.
> > This makes interoperability with other languages more difficult.
> Not true. It is extremely easy to interoperate with other languages.
> Yes, you do have to do some marshalling and unmarshalling, but again,
> you *must* do that to match up the semantic differences between
> the language of the caller and the callee.

Not necessarily.  There need not be any such semantic differences.
Certainly in many cases there will be, and in such cases marshalling
will be required, but in many other cases the language that you
are interfacing with will have some direct equivalent of all of the
features used by the function that you are exporting.

For example, if I have a Mercury function

:- func foo(int) = int.

then this could correspond directly with the ghc function

-- this makes use of ghc's unboxed types extension
foo :: Int# -> Int#

If I want to call the Mercury function from ghc code, using that prototype,
then ideally there should be no need to write any wrapper, glue code,
or interface definition.

Of course when calling code that uses unboxed types from code that
uses boxed types, you need to write some code to unbox the values, and
that could quite fairly be called glue code.  But that glue code is
not language interop glue code, it is boxed type - unboxed type glue
code.  As a ghc programmer, I don't need to know anything about the
properties of the implementation or of the language that I'm
interfacing with to write such glue code, I just need to know about
the ghc language, specifically ghc's unboxed types.

> To call into Haskell, you use a trivial wrapper function that pushes
> the arguments on the stack and calls the underlying Haskell function.
> Or you call the function directly trough its fast entry point.

Well, these fast entry points definitely sound like an improvement.
They're not mentioned on the Mondrian web page whose URL was posted
earlier in this thread.  Are these something you're planning to
include in the Sept 1 release?

> > Hmm, the "full" adje

RE: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-01 Thread Erik Meijer

> Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, that refers to the computer lab sponsored by MSR Cambridge
and MS Netherlands in Utrecht.

> > The plan is to have the release out the door by September 1st.
> Will that release support Haskell, or just Mondrian?

The compiler hooks into GHC by translating Core into GOO
and then after some source to source transformations it
can spit out either C# or Java.

> I'm afraid I have to disagree on that point.  Basically you translate
> quite a few things by implementing your own virtual machine on top of
> the .NET runtime.  For example, argument passing is done with explicit
> pushes and pops on your own virtual machine stack, rather than by
> using the .NET runtime's argument passing.  This approach makes the
> compiler is fairly simple, but the generated code is not what _I_
> would call elegant.

As I explained the translation has to implement the features that the
.NET runtime does not provide itself. Hence, must implement lazy evaluation
and you must implement currying yourself.

The same is true for Mercury. Since the .NET runtime does not support
backtracking, you are simulating that by passing extra continuation
arguments around.

> Don't you currently encode tail calls too?

By exploiting tail-calls, which we don't do yet, you can use
the underlying argument passing mechanism if you call a known function
by calling one of its fast entry points.
So you don't pay for currying and HO functions if you don't use them.
The same is true for laziness btw.

> And what about type classes and polymorphism?

By the time you reached Core, type classes are compiled away
by the dictionary translation. To implement polymorphism for Haskell
there is no need to carry around types at runtime.

> Also, as I understand it, Haskell/Mondrian programs that don't make use of
> currying -- e.g. those in which all functions have only one argument --
> still get encoded, rather than being mapped directly.  So the encoding
> is not done in way that you only pay for it when you use those features.
> This makes interoperability with other languages more difficult.

Not true. It is extremely easy to interoperate with other languages.
Yes, you do have to do some marshalling and unmarshalling, but again,
you *must* do that to match up the semantic differences between
the language of the caller and the callee.

To call out from Haskell, you use a trivial wrapper function that
pops the arguments from the stack (which is there
to support currying), evaluate them to WHNF (because in Haskell
the caller does not do that) and then directly calls the external function.
In the current implementation there is no need to unmarshall the result.

To call into Haskell, you use a trivial wrapper function that pushes
the arguments on the stack and calls the underlying Haskell function.
Or you call the function directly trough its fast entry point.

> Hmm, the "full" adjective here sounds like it might be a bit of an
> overstatement.  Does that mean that I can call Mercury code from
> Haskell, have it all statically type checked, and not have to write
> any additional interface definitions or glue code?  Including
> procedures which are polymorphic and/or use type classes?
> If so, I would be very surprised!  I think the current level of interop
> supported is still a LONG way from what I would describe as "full"
> interoperability.

Come on Fergus! You will never achieve interoperability on that level
except when your semantic domains match exactly or when you have an
extremely complicated intermediate language. For example, most
languages don't make the distinction between values and computations
as Haskell does, and I don't expect or want for example VB programmers
to do that either. But it does mean that whenever I call a VB function,
I must write a little glue code to compensate for the difference in
semantics. The same is true for calling nondeterministic or multi-moded
Mercury predicate.

With "full" I mean that modulo the required semantic impedance matching
you can call

> So, could you elaborate on what sense you mean when you say we have
> "full" bidirectional interop?
> For example, which of the various CLS (Common Language Specification)
> categories does the Haskell and/or Mondrian implementation comply with?
> In addition, I think your compiler also needs to support attributes?

Aha, finally you hit a real issue. To be a CLS extender would require
a lot of language extensions to a lot of languages, even to OO languages
like Java! But for Haskell the situation is even more severe. Because
Haskell does not have a notion of class (as in C#), there is no way
that you can expect that Haskell can extend a class. Yet again, an
extra level of indirection does the trick Since you can call Haskell
from say C#, you just write a little wrapper class in C# whose methods
are implemented in Haskell. On the Haskell side you call its constructor
passing it the methods as argum

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-01 Thread Fergus Henderson

Erik Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [someone wrote:]
> > Does anyone know where there is some information on Haskell integration
> > with the Microsoft NGWS runtime, which provides
> > cross language integration and a common system for memory managment,
> > library functions etc.
> >
> > I am curious to see if the haskell integration is a good fit or a graunch
> > (square peg into a round hole).
> >
> > I know some work is being done on haskell in this regard, but exactly what
> > I do not know.
> The plan is to have the release out the door by September 1st.

Will that release support Haskell, or just Mondrian?

> The translation is quite elegant IMHO,

I'm afraid I have to disagree on that point.  Basically you translate
quite a few things by implementing your own virtual machine on top of
the .NET runtime.  For example, argument passing is done with explicit
pushes and pops on your own virtual machine stack, rather than by
using the .NET runtime's argument passing.  This approach makes the
compiler is fairly simple, but the generated code is not what _I_
would call elegant.

> it only encodes those features that
> Haskell has, but the .NET runtime lacks, that is lazy evaluation and
> currying (what else can you expect).

Don't you currently encode tail calls too?  And what about
type classes and polymorphism?

Also, as I understand it, Haskell/Mondrian programs that don't make use of
currying -- e.g. those in which all functions have only one argument --
still get encoded, rather than being mapped directly.  So the encoding
is not done in way that you only pay for it when you use those features.
This makes interoperability with other languages more difficult.

> As we demo-ed at the PDC, we have full bidirectional interop between Haskell
> and other .NET languages.

Hmm, the "full" adjective here sounds like it might be a bit of an
overstatement.  Does that mean that I can call Mercury code from
Haskell, have it all statically type checked, and not have to write
any additional interface definitions or glue code?  Including
procedures which are polymorphic and/or use type classes?
If so, I would be very surprised!  I think the current level of interop
supported is still a LONG way from what I would describe as "full"

So, could you elaborate on what sense you mean when you say we have
"full" bidirectional interop?
For example, which of the various CLS (Common Language Specification)
categories does the Haskell and/or Mondrian implementation comply with?

> The fact that there is a common runtime is a really great thing. In the old
> days for example, you had to implement your own so called ActiveX scripting
> engine to host Haskell programs in HTML pages, ASP pages, or WSH. Now you
> only have to target to IL and get those goodies already paid for, ie you can
> write ASP+ pages in Haskell, COBOL, Mercury, Perl, Phyton, APL, Smalltalk,
> Scheme, Component Pascal, Eiffel, Oberon, ... (The corresponding thing for
> Java would be that if I compile Haskell to Java, I get Haskelletes already
> paid for).

Actually that's not really true; compiling to IL is not enough.

To support ASP+ for a given language, you also need to implement a
certain API.  Now my information on this is mostly second-hand,
but as I understand it, this API pretty much assumes that your
language is a fairly typical imperative language, with constructs
like loops, etc.  So it is fairly easy to implement this API for
imperative languages, but not nearly so easy to implement it for
functional languages or other non-traditional languages.

In addition, I think your compiler also needs to support attributes?

P.S.  My research group has received substantial funding from MS,
so my opinion on these issues may not be entirely objective.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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