[parablenet] part 2: How Christians Can Deal With Hollywood

2004-03-28 Thread Deekshit Daniel Sebastian
How Christians Can Deal With Hollywood (Part 2)
Clare Sera on Ways to Combat the Media With Love

HOLLYWOOD, California, MARCH 26, 2004 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II exhorts
parents to be pro-active about the media in his message for World
Communications Day 2004.

"Families should be outspoken in telling producers, advertisers and public
authorities what they like and dislike," he advises.

Clare Sera, an alumna of Act One: Writing for Hollywood who is
collaborating on the "Curious George" screenplay, echoes the Pope's words.
She encourages Christians to be not afraid of engaging those who generate
the media.

Sera shared with ZENIT how Christians can use their voice and their money
to support what is uplifting and decry what is offensive in the media.
Part 1 of this interview appeared Thursday.

Q: Recently, a federal agency initially ruled that a particularly
offensive word is OK on TV. Is the medium getting better or worse?

Sera: It's getting worse and I don't know why those in charge are not
admitting it. I'm sure that even the hardest of TV executives does not
want his or her children watching most of what's on daytime and prime-time

I swing alternately between thinking, "Let the culture crash -- we
Christians should turn off the TV anyway and participate in our
communities instead of sitting in front of the tube," and then thinking,
"I miss the days when my whole family could sit and laugh together at Mary
Tyler Moore and Carol Burnett."

As I mentioned earlier, writing letters to TV stations when you find the
programming offensive carries a lot of weight. Encourage them when you
like the programs, discourage them when you don't. No need to be offensive
or rude or fearful about it.

We have great strength and power, spiritually and, well, in our wallets.
And it is much more powerful to be on the offensive by writing, calling,
letting your voice be heard, supporting those who are making a difference,
whose writing or directing is uplifting or beautiful -- both believers and
nonbelievers in the industry.

You also can support programs such as Act One: Writing For Hollywood,
which is training Christian writers to be a part of this industry and be
the leaven.

In fact, I want to challenge everyone who reads this to not say another
good or bad word about a movie or TV show they've seen without doing
something about it -- calling or writing the network or studio and letting
them know.

Stop talking about them behind their back. Put it in writing. Good or bad.
Just a postcard -- you have so much power, you'd be surprised. If we all
did that just once or twice, it would make a difference. Just state your

And now you can even visit the Web sites and send an e-mail. Google up a
show or two that you find offensive and send off an e-mail. Then do the
same with a show you feel has value.

Q: Have you detected any changes in Hollywood or in how parents and
families are coping with the media?

Sera: I might say it's an exciting time for families, because unlike the
'50s, they can't pretend that the culture is just fine because it's
presented in an unthreatening package.

We used to include "inoffensive" as a Christian attribute. Not really
true, if you're living like Christ -- you're going to be going against
culture, which in itself is an "offensive" move.

Today, parents have an opportunity at every turn to explain, "This is what
Christ call us to," and "This is how the culture differs from Christ's
call." And to show the difference between what looks pretty and what is
truly beautiful -- between immediate gratification and depth of soul.
Between Britney Spears and Mother Teresa. Of course, that all takes

In the '50s, parents didn't have to expend that kind of energy for their
kids to live reasonably moral lives. But is that what Christ asking of us
-- a reasonably moral life? I guess we could say the polarization of the
culture and Christianity could be an opportunity for deeper lives in him.

I don't have kids. If I did, I like to think I would be constantly
alerting them to the lies of the media, especially advertising media. Then
at least they could be aware of it. There's no escaping advertising, but
again, we don't have to fear it. We just have to be vigilant in the fight
for our hearts.

Check out the magazine Adbusters -- it's pretty extreme, but it's a great
eye-opener -- written by current and ex-ad executives; it helps you
remember just how much lying is being hurled at you daily. And when you
see it as lies, it's easier to dismiss. We can't just sit back and pour
the media down our throats without chewing.

Q: How should Christians respond to and combat Hollywood and its films?

Sera: Let's also remember, that, like Soylent Green, Hollywood is people.
A lot of them work hard to bring movies and TV shows that are highly
entertaining, thought provoking and uplifting to America. To lump them all
into one evil pile is convenient, but just not true -- or dare I say,

I wor

[JOYnet] Re: Priests & Chastity

2003-04-05 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Bros and Sisters,
We were hearing and reading many facts and figures which happened with
our priests and religious. I believe these are the signboards which lead
us to pray more for clergy.
We just not pray only, but love them as we do with our dear once daily.
In my personal life I do practice one thing: to pray for our beloved
Pope and Priests I made a practice, everyday when I brush my teeth I
remember them and pray for them, very beginning of the day and during
night too.  I started this practice long back. I do forget to pray for
my parents and dears every morning but not for priests and religious. I
used to intercede for many vital things daily connecting them to many
routine practices in our daily life. 
May our Lord bless us to have a very good relationship with Priests and
Religious. For the kingdom of God they put aside the privilege of being
in a family of closely loved once and enjoy the affection and
protection, to celebrate the life in different occasions. 
I noticed in many churches, after the Holy Mass everybody recite a
prayer dedicating our priests to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I just love
to follow that prayer even though I don't know it byheart. 
With love

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[JOYnet] Exodus Night - A BIG THANK YOU!!

2003-04-05 Thread Georly Sebastian






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[JOYnet] priests and Chastity

2003-04-04 Thread Joseph Sebastian
Dear friends on JOYNET,

I have been reading the mails coming in from the various friends on this 

Well this is an area where each may have his own view point. Lets see what 
the Lord has to say. When the lady caught commiting adultry by the pharesees 
was brought to HIM. "the one among you who has not committed sin let him 
throw the first stone"

This does not go to say that we should approve of any worng doing by ANYONE 

But as Christians we are called to "HATE THE SIN AND LOVE THE SINNER"

PLus judgement is not our perogative but only that of the Father in Heaven.

Keep praying for all and Love and all. May be our love mau change them

yours in Christ,

Joseph /MArian College/Kerala

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[JOYnet] EXODUS! Very much near!!

2003-04-01 Thread Georly Sebastian




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[JOYnet] pl pray - Parents retreat

2003-03-31 Thread Joseph Sebastian
Hai Joynetters,

MArian College Kuttikkanam is getting ready for a venture of its kind.

A retreat for the parents of the students of Marian college. It is in the 
HOly week from 14th to 17th. And all the sessions will be taken by the 
teachers from the college itself. We have quite a few JYs here. You'll know 
about them.

I am requesting your prayers for the retreat.

Your in Christ

Joseph/Marian College Kuttikkanam/Kerala

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[JOYnet] MSW Programme

2003-03-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian
HAi freinds on Joynet,

As you knwo i have joined a college in Kerala as the coordinator of the MSw 
programme. We are going to advertise immediately for the new batch. If any 
one is interested please check out our college website

Bye keep praying.

joseph/MArian College/Kerala

War on Iraq. See latest update. 
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[JOYnet] Teaching post in Satara

2003-03-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian
HAi freinds on Joynet,

A friend of mine in Satara has informed me of a teaching post in primary 
school. They need a person with good english and graduation. They will 
provide accomodationand other facilities apart from the salary.

Anybody interested pleae get in touch with me.

joseph/MArian College/Kerala


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[JOYnet] Weakness of Man ........

2003-03-26 Thread Gino Sebastian Kunnathettu
Hi Friends,

Everybody dreams  dreams for success ... for achievements 
& for glory.
Many times, being humans we consider ourselves as supra humans.

We boast of our merits ... our abilities & all that we have thouht 
about and come across.

These indeed are our streanghts  that we dream & that we 

These streanghts become our weaknesses when we do not see the Lord 
in our dreams  when we do not boast of His grace & 

Being humans we can be supra humans as well, if we see the Lord in 
our dreams and can boast of His presence in our dreams.

May the Lord send His spirit to sanctify us to turn our weaknesses 
in to streanghts. May God bless us all..

Love, Prayers & Good Wishes in the Lord.
Gino Sebastian

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[JOYnet] Dobts to clarify

2003-03-26 Thread CS Sebastian
Dear Brothren
The portion below is the doubts raised by one of my
you may please give your views/clarifications

while studying the book of "Prophet Jeremiah" I have come
across the following passages in which it is mentioned
about the burning of incense to "THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN" an
idol (goddes) of gentiles.  
Also while reading the "ROSARY OF MOTHER MARY", I have
noticed that the St. Mary is addressed as "THE QUEEN OF
HEAVEN." By seeing these two I am confused. Can you kindly
throw some light why St. Mary has been addressed as "THE
Whether the address is justified for the most virtues woman
chosen by God?
Jemiah 7:18
The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and
the women knead the dough and make cakes of bread for the
Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other
gods to provoke me to anger. 

Jeremiah 44:17
We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will
burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and will pour out drink
offerings to her just as we and our fathers, our kings and
our officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets
of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and were
well off and suffered no harm. 

Jeremiah 44:18
But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of
Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have had
nothing and have been perishing by sword and famine." 

Jeremiah 44:19
The women added, "When we burned incense to the Queen of
Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our
husbands know that we were making cakes like her image and
pouring out drink offerings to her?" 

Jeremiah 44:25
This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says:
You and your wives have shown by your actions what you
promised when you said, 'We will certainly carry out the
vows we made to burn incense and pour out drink offerings
to the Queen of Heaven.' "Go ahead then, do what you
promised! Keep your vows! 
Desiring your kind views on the above

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[JOYnet] A P R A Y E R I N T I M E O F W A R

2003-03-23 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
Dear JY,

Thanks for your prayers that we are protected by the precious blood of 
Jesus. None of the missiles made any casualities in Kuwait. Let us continue 
our prayers also for the people of Iraq. Could you please print out the 
following prayer and say everyday until the war is over.

Our Lady of Sorrows,
we pray for those who will die today
because of war, economic chaos, injustice, and exploitation,
especially the children.
Prepare them for the agony, despair,
and terror of the violence that is upon them.
Comfort them and hold them close to the
bosom of thy Wounded Heart as they drink deeply
of the bitter cup which is forced upon them.
Wipe their tears, calm their fears,
welcome them to peace and safety.
Eternal rest grant to them,
and may perpetual light shine upon them.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, help the helpless,
strengthen the fearful, comfort the sorrowful,
bring justice to the poor, peace to all nations,
and solidarity among all peoples.
Overturn the thrones of tyranny and scatter the unjust.
Cast down the evil one who make the cry of
the widow and orphan rise to heaven.
Open our eyes to see the beauty, joy,
redemption, and goodness which comes
through obedience to the Gospel of your Son our Lord.
Teach us to be a refuge of hope for all
who are oppressed by injustice and violence.
Give us strength to stand against the
demonic powers which prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
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[JOYnet] Today Kuwait was peaceful

2003-03-21 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
Dear all,

thanks again for your prayers. Today Kuwait was peaceful. Life became normal 
here. And nothing to be panic. Everything is under God's controle.

Love & Prayers
sebastian Kuwait.
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[JOYnet] EXODUS-2003, Prayer Request.......

2003-03-21 Thread Gino Sebastian Kunnathettu
Hi Friends,
Good wishes in the Lord. We, the Jesus Youth in Delhi(India), are 
planning to conduct a Nurses' Conference, for the nurses in North 
India. It is named as EXODUS-2003, and is sheduled from the 15th 
to the 18th of May, at St. Michael's School, Pusa Road, Delhi. 
Please pray for it's success, esp. for the Intercession, 
Mobilisation and Coordination Teams and also for the Resource 
Persons. We are expecting atleast 750 participants. A lot more is 
to be done and there are many hurdles on our way. So your prayers 
are earnestly requested.
Thanking you.
Yours in the Lord,
Gino Sebastian
Delhi Jesus Youth
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[JOYnet] Kuwait update

2003-03-20 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
Last night full of warning sirens. Even now while i am typing a new wave of 
sirens i can here. it is an automated radar controlled siren showing a scud 
moved to Kuwait fm Iraq. Thank God until now no casualities as most of them 
are dropped down by patriatic missiles.

thanks for your prayers continue to keep us and the people of Iraq in your 
prayers. Watican Ambassodr in Kuwait instructed us to reduce public prayer 
meetings as there could be a threat over Christian interests, todays prayer 
service has been cancelled. only a quick mass service will be there in all 
Kuwait churches and all JYs in Kuwait are requested to pass this message to 
all friends also avoid gatherings especially near church premises.

sebastian kuwait.

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[JOYnet] R O S A R Y F O R P E A C E

2003-03-20 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
Prayer is powerful.  As we find ourselves at war we commend our world
situation to God in prayer.  We pray for the safety of all involved.
We pray for their family members and friends who experience
unbelievable stress.
We yearn for peace.  We know too, that peace begins within each human
heart.  That peace is passed on to those around us and can result
peace in the world we live in.  We pray for the spread of that peace.
We know that peace cannot exist where there is injustice.  It is
important that we help remove any injustice that dwells within us and
around us.  We need to root out prejudice.  We need to root out
selfishness as well.  We need to be sure the hungry are fed, that
those in need are cared for, that we treat others fairly and with
dignity and love.
Let us pray.  Prayer is the most powerful force there is.  We can pray
the Rosary each day during this war.  As we watch television news
accounts, we can pray at the same time.  Perhaps some of us can pray
one Rosary each day.  Perhaps we can pray many more.  Some may wish to
pray all the time they're watching war accounts ... or pledge to pray
for an equal amount of time.  We can pray the Rosary as we get up in
the morning as well, and when we retire for the night.
If we don't know the Rosary, we can substitute 15-20 minutes of the
prayer we're most comfortable with.  Fill out the form below and
pledge to pray this many Rosaries each day until the war is ended.
Will you pitch in to help?
Follow the banner link from the very top of our Web Sites.  Use the
easy on-line referral form to recommend the Rosary for Peace to family
members and friends as well!


May God Bless you and those you love, and keep you safe,

Father Pat

 "Be still and know that I am God." ~Psalm 46:10

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[JOYnet] a JY in DD4(Dooradarsan)

2003-03-20 Thread vipinjay sebastian
my dear jyfriends,
 Pls watch DD-4(DD Malayalam)for my interview on everysunday at 7.40am 
after the malayalam news.This is about practical psychology and personal 
empowerment.Pls send your comments and questions to me and dooradarsan.Their contact 
address is \'Samkholi\'.C/O dooradarsan ,Kudappanakkunnu p.o,Trivandrum.
I expect your involment and prayer support.
My contact No.is 0471-2544338(before 9am,after 10.30 pm)

with prayer,

vipin roldant
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2003-03-20 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
Today is a stormy day in Kuwait with heavy sand storm. Nobody can stand out 
side especially the military in the desert. In one way it is good that the 
war cant break out until sand storm calms down. Being many years in Kuwait, 
first time we are experiencing such a heavy sand storm. The one Who have 
control over war might be on action!

Our real concern is about the people in Iraq. They are also our fellow 
brothers and sisters and innocent children & helpless old aged and sick. We 
can imagine how terrible it would be, if a bomb blasts near to them.

Certainly Saddam is a dictator and he could even use weapons of mass 
destruction. I fear it wont start another debate justifying any side, but 
our churchs stand is very clear by our Popes plea to the world leaders to 
avoid a war which would be harmful to the humanity. Unfortunately things are 
developing against His continues petition. Some non Catholic sectors 
teaching this war is a will of God by referring to some Old Testament 

We are totally depending upon our Merciful Father and His Loving Son and the 
Holy Spirit within us. Our dearest Mother is continuously shedding her tears 
as an intercession for the world to find peace. Many of us here are going 
through fasting and prayer. Few completed 3 to 5 days fasting only with 
water (still it is a personal decision) and some of us continues the Lenten 
season with daily one meal (vegetarian) and juice or coffee at other times. 
I just mentioned it only as a motivation for those who wish to join us as a 
penance for, our sins and of the world.

Gas masks are available in the market, but not affordable to ordinary 
people. Many of their salaries are half of a Masks price. So how can we 
wear a mask while many poor without mask. So we decided to wear the mask of 
God that is Purity an invincible shield which protects us from all evil.

And today is the feast of our Saint Joseph, who protected the Holy Family 
from a disaster created by another crazy dictator. So the people in Kuwait 
request your prayers to St.Joseph who will protect our families also most of 
them half in Kuwait and half in India.

Thanks to all Joy netters especially Rev.Fr.Tharayil, Kurian uncle etc. for 
your concern for us.

Love & Prayers
Sebastian Kuwait.
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[JOYnet] Fwd: Devotional for March 17, 2003

2003-03-17 Thread Sebastian CS
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:From: 
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 01:22:44 -0600
Subject: Devotional for March 17, 2003

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Psalm 55:22 - "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall 
never suffer the righteous to be moved."

I read about a man who had a very fine dog who loved the water. One day the dog was 
playing in the lake and the man decided to leave. He called the dog, but the dog 
wouldn't come. He called him several times; he wouldn't come. It was a well-trained 
dog, but he just would not come. The man finally threw a stick out in the water. When 
the dog saw it, he swam over, got the stick, and came back and laid it at his master's 
feet. It just may be that God has given you a burden because He can't get your 
attention. He wants you to come and lay it at your Master's feet.

Is your heart aching today? Cast your burden at His feet and allow His peace to fill 
your heart.

For encouragement in your Christian walk and/or additional resources by Adrian Rogers, 
please click on the following link and you will be directed to the LWF website at 
www.lwf.org.  (If you are unable to click through this link, please cut and paste the 
link to the address block of your browser.)

Why not share this with someone today by forwarding it to a friend or family member. 
Perhaps someone sent it to you and if so, why not subscribe and receive Love Worth 
Finding's Daily Devotional every day, click here 

For other resources in Spanish, please go to our LWF bookstore at  
http://lwf.org/bookstore/store.html and click on "Librerma/Spanish".

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[JOYnet] EXODUS NIGHT - Prayer Request

2003-03-14 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Friends,

Greetings from Oman!

As we get more nourished during lend, here in Muscat our Lord arranges
more. Through your prayers Almighty blessed Oman Jesus Youth when 200
youth gathered under Elroy Night during end January.

The fellowship and grace we received now paves the way for another
gathering "Exodus Night". We wish to have another Oman Jesus Youth
gathering on 3rd April night. We wish to have a minimum number of 500
friends for Exodus. We are gathering at Gala, Holy Spirit Church.

Nowadays Lord blesses us to reachout more to labour camps and we could
find many new such camps last month. We are expecting more participation
from the camps and wish to provide them everything they need.  Because
of the seven day working schedule, hardly they get time to attend Holy
Mass or prayer groups. When we visited them we could know that 99% of
them didn't have Holy Mass for last two years.  By grace of God now many
of them attend weekly Holy Mass and we are providing them

Initially we were gathering in small rooms but this Saturday onwards we
are going to gather in big halls in two different camps and this is
provided officially by camp authorities.  Praise the Lord!

March 13th was a day of blessing for us. Under the leadership of Oman
National Service Team, Nurses from different parts of Oman came together
and they had a half day program. We have prayer groups in all the major
hospitals and play major role in Oman JY.

So dear friends on behalf of Oman JY we request your special prayers and
rosaries for this. We are fasting every Monday for Exodus night and if
you could please join us.

With love & Prayers


Georly Sebastian

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Re: [JOYnet] fortune telling

2003-03-13 Thread Saji Sebastian
Dear friend,
Have courage!! Our prayers are with you!!

What is the basis of your life and your future?
The power and control you get by knowing your future?
Or your faith is God's providence?
Think about it?

Satan is not asking us to give our control to him (see
what he told eve). He is asking us to take charge of
our life. Anyone who is trying to take the drivers
seat in his/her life is actually repeating the same
mistake of our first parents.
Think about it.

What is that so critical which Jesus can not handle in
our life?
Build your life on the rock. Not on sand. Though both
may appear as if made from the same substance, it
makes the difference. Initially it may appear that the
house on the sand stands.. but you know where it will
end up.
Think about it.


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[JOYnet] Prayer support for Reena Biju

2003-03-07 Thread sebastian arikat
Dear friends,  Myself and my prayer net work in the parish will be earnestly praying 
for Reena, wife of Biju Sebastian.  I understand that she is going through tough 
times.  May God heal her entirely.  Fr.Sebastian Arikat

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2003-03-06 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
test mail. ignore pls

Cricket World Cup 2003- News, Views and Match Reports. 

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2003-03-03 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
test mail, pls ignore

Cricket World Cup 2003- News, Views and Match Reports. 

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[JOYnet] Simplicity of God

2003-02-28 Thread Saji Sebastian
Dear brothers and sisters,

Simplicity is topic of meditation for JY across the
globe, for the second part of Feb.
Let me share a few of the thoughts crossed my mind.

Our God is very simple and straight forward.
Easy to understand, even a child can understand him.
Easy to get along with, even a sinner can approach

Someone tried to explain the Simplicity of God by
telling this 
We miss him by the way that He reveals Himself, for
He is so great, yet hides Himself in simplicity to
make Himself known to the least. See? Don't try to get
the great, because he goes over the top of it; but
listen to the simplicity of God, and then you find God
right here in the simple way.

That is exactly what David, whom God testified as the
one after His own heart, is also saying in Psalm 119:
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives
understanding to the simple

It is very important for us to be simple and humble to
understand the ways of Our Lord.
Why dont we examine ourselves to find out whether we
are simple?

Let us look at one aspect of simplicity.
When we say something is simple, it means, that which
we talk about must be easy to understand. 
It is about straight forwardness of being what we are
always and everywhere. If have different face at
different places, for example with friends we show one
face, with parents we show different one and with the
prayer groups fellows we have yet another. And we ask
God to understand us while we tore our life apart
trying to be smart according to the ways of this
world. Be courageous to be Simple and straight

Remember what Jesus told us if you want to know me
(be my disciple) deny yourself carry your cross and
follow me.  This means shed away all the complexities
and compositeness and be simple and be ready to pay a
small price on a daily basis. When Jesus is asking us
to pay, our part, remember He made the down payment
with his own life. Honor Him by obeying. Dont try to
conform ourselves to the world that may make ourselves
composite and complex. That would make so complex that
we ourselves may not recognize us. 

If we practice to be simple in front of God and our
fellow human beings, the Lord shall lift us up to a
point where we would never reach by our own abilities.

Out of simplicity he became man.
Out of Simplicity he became bread.
Out of Simplicity he made himself available in written
form (the Bible)
Out of Simplicity he made his aboard in human beings
(Human beings are the Temples of God)
To make it easy for us to understand his ways he left
his foot prints on all his creation.

Be simple and search for God where we can find him.
We have clouds of witnesses around us all those Simple
people who searched for God, He filled them with great
knowledge and Holiness and Power.
With lots of love and prayer
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[JOYnet] Don't fall and get fractured

2003-02-26 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
Dear Gigu,

i forward it to u as my previous mails are not coming in joynet.
This is my own story

Before my marriage, one of my friends brought a proposal for me from Kuwait. 
She was also working here. We introduced each other, talked, understood each 
other etc.  etc.. Then What?

Next step is decision making, but before that discernment. I prayed to God, 
but didnt get any discernment (I didnt know the tricks of Dr.Sindhu). Then 
I made a suggestion, let us leave it for our parents to make the final 
decision, until that we will wait(I am also tricky know?). My discernment 
was this that God will speak through our parents.

Later our parents started enquiries, discussions etc. and finally they 
disagreed each other for some silly reasons.

Now we had two choices.

(1) We are matured, have good jobs and can insist our parents to forget 
about the disagreements and to go ahead with wedding arrangements.


(2) To obey our parents and keep our relationship as good friends.

I selected the 2nd one (that was my discerning point) and called her to 
inform it. I was little bit scared because I didnt know her stand. But for 
my surprise, before I start, she was advising me to select the 2nd as she 
already selected it.

You might be laughing, .as...wearefools. Am I right? But I would like to 
mention a few points.

We were not lovers, means no commitments. So there was no disappointment 

I was well aware about Gods plans, though it was not clear for me. So no 
chance for any jumps or falls.

Blessed are those who get married with the one selected by God for you.
Blessed are those who wait and discern Gods plans before falling and get 

(Dont worry if anybody fractured already, Lord can repair even a fractured 

Sebastian Kuwait

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[JOYnet] Love & Friendship

2003-02-25 Thread Joseph Sebastian
Hai everyone on the Joynet,

Praise God!

Its been some time since I have been able to get in touch with the Joynet. I
have moved to Kerala as you'll know and have been pretty busy. Well all that

Love and Friendship.

Well as far as I see it both has a component of each in the other. Love is
there in friendship and so is friendship there is love.

The problem is that each has been influenced by the cultural and social
aspects of the respective place. What happens in the west may not be relevant
in India. For that matter the understanding of friendship and love in a
cosmopolitan city like Mumbai and that in a small town like Kottayam will be
widely different.

So I request JOYNETTERS to please take this aspect into consideration when
writing on this topic. (for that matter any general topic).

More important is the fact that what we are supposed to do when we have a
friendship or we are in love with a person of the opposite sex. Well Christ
has mentioned it clearly. The body is the temple and one has to use it only
according to His will.

I remember reading in a book brought from Toronto from the international JY
conference "Pure Love". One of the simile given there is interesting. If one
is going out with your friend or you fiancie and then the question "How far is
OK"? . it is like leaning into a gorge and trying to check "how far is really
far". We may understand that only after you reach the bottom. So the best is
get out from anything that is not pure in the EYES OF OUR LORD.

Keep praying.

Joseph Sebastian/MarianCollege/Kerala

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[JOYnet] should love before marriage

2003-02-24 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
First of all we should love always, no beginning or end. So there is no 
question of love before or after marriage. The question is what type of love 
it should be if it is before marriage? We can classify love according to our 
relationship like, Paternal, Maternal, Brotherly or Sisterly, Marital etc. 
From this list the marital love is to be shared between the Husband and Wife 
only, beginning from the sacrament of Matrimony.

If the love between lovers is brotherly or sisterly it is fine, but if it is 
marital then too early or immature and sinful. If you dont have the 
patience to wait until your marriage then where is the sacrificial part in 
that love?

Where can we find lovers? In high school, sometimes boys and girls exchange 
love letters. In College they roam around and find more time for personal 
relationship. There are cases of one way traffic (love) or traffic jam (more 
lovers). The funny part is, later most of them get married with somebody 

In some western countries it is shame, if you dont have a boyfriend or 
girlfriend. The teenage abortion cases also are higher there. In the east if 
it is oral in the west it is physical but both are same.

The surprising thing is even some spiritual leaders consider the romantic 
part of marital love as a part of growth and is allowed to the youth to 
enjoy it up to certain extend, without any guilty conscience.(The influence 
of modern psychology in the church???) That means you can enjoy sex before 
marriage with somebody other than your Husband or Wife (either Oral or 

Then what Jesus told, But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman 
lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matt 5:28)

What about attraction? It is not a case of only unmarried. Even married 
people have attraction over the opposite sex. But that attraction should not 
lead to lust. If a married man looks lustfully, he is cheating his wife. But 
if an unmarried man looks lustfully, he is cheating his future wife.

Love & Gods plan

Imagine you found a beautiful girl. You liked her and want to get married 
with her. You passed this message to her, and she also agreed it. Then you 
prayed to the Lord, Lord help me to get married with her. But the Lord 
says, my dear son, I have already selected somebody else for you, so please 
forget her.

What will be your reaction?

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[JOYnet] you should love before marriage

2003-02-24 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
I fear this will be a repeated idea by somebody, I didnt get time to read 
all, but still forwarding.

First of all we should love always, no beginning or end. So there is no 
question of love before or after marriage. The question is what type of love 
it should be if it is before marriage? We can classify love according to our 
relationship like, Paternal, Maternal, Brotherly or Sisterly, Marital etc. 
From this list the marital love is to be shared between the Husband and Wife 
only, beginning from the sacrament of Matrimony.

If the love between lovers is brotherly or sisterly it is fine, but if it is 
marital then too early or immature and sinful. If you dont have the 
patience to wait until your marriage then where is the sacrificial part in 
that love?

Where can we find lovers? In high school, sometimes boys and girls exchange 
love letters. In College they roam around and find more time for personal 
relationship. There are cases of one way traffic (love) or traffic jam (more 
lovers). The funny part is, later most of them get married with somebody 

In some western countries it is shame, if you dont have a boyfriend or 
girlfriend. The teenage abortion cases also are higher there. In the east if 
it is oral in the west it is physical but both are same.

The surprising thing is even some spiritual leaders consider the romantic 
part of marital love as a part of growth and is allowed to the youth to 
enjoy it up to certain extend, without any guilty conscience.(The influence 
of modern psychology in the church???) That means you can enjoy sex before 
marriage with somebody other than your Husband or Wife (either Oral or 

Then what Jesus told, But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman 
lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matt 5:28)

What about attraction? It is not a case of only unmarried. Even married 
people have attraction over the opposite sex. But that attraction should not 
lead to lust. If a married man looks lustfully, he is cheating his wife. But 
if an unmarried man looks lustfully, he is cheating his future wife.

Love & Gods plan

Imagine you found a beautiful girl. You liked her and want to get married 
with her. You passed this message to her, and she also agreed it. Then you 
prayed to the Lord, Lord help me to get married with her. But the Lord 
says, my dear son, I have already selected somebody else for you, so please 
forget her.

What will be your reaction?

Sebastian - Kuwait

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[JOYnet] Cloning for Eternal Life

2003-02-18 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Friends,

This one is bit lengthy, but I'm sure, will help many those who are interested
in dealing with current affairs and faith.

The Lust to Clone

Surely, everyone remembers Dolly, the cloned sheep-which is no more, created
by the Rosslyn Institute a few years ago. After the initial wave of excitement
and spirited debate about the ethics of the procedure, people went back to
business as usual.

However, in the years since, aggressive and sometimes rancorous competition
has characterized the work of genetics labs around the world. They are all
running for the prize of having their cloning techniques patented first.

Meanwhile, the procedure has proven risky; clones have frequently been born
unviable. Others have seemed healthy, but soon died of unidentifiable causes.
Several leaders in the genetic research movement have said that human life
should never be risked in this way.

Yet Clonaid, the laboratory sponsored by the Raelians, has for years, been on
a vigorous campaign. Its motto: "Oui au Clonage Humain" ... "Yes To Human

It must not be forgotten that Claude Vorilhon claims to be the son of one of
the Elohim, cloned by them and raised by a human mother.

A private history tells us that his father was a Jewish refugee, and his
mother was a French, Roman Catholic. Yet, his life is dedicated to the
dissemination of a single idea. Namely, that astronauts from other planets
created humanity. His Raelian religion claims to bring the secret of eternal
life to humankind.

Claude's Amazing Adventures

Claude Vorilhon, the founder and leader of the Raelians, is a dashing figure
with a history as a French racecar driver, sports writer and European playboy.
His is the movie-star tale of a handsome young man who met an astronaut, and
obtained secret information. The star-traveler told Claude that from that
moment on, he would be commissioned to carry their torch. He must go forward
with the key to eternal life through cloning!

He first told his story in a 1975 book, entitled Space Aliens Took Me To Their
Planet. Claude's experience happened on December 13, 1973, as he drove his
sports car into the French volcanic mountains above Clermont-Ferrand. There,
he encountered a bell-shaped UFO, which descended and hovered above the ground
near the location where he had parked. A staircase descended from the bottom
of the craft, and a tiny man with black hair and a beard walked out to meet

The little man invited Claude to enter his machine. There, they sat down in
two chairs and had a long discussion about why he had been chosen. Then, he
ushered Claude outside and departed, promising to return the next day at the
same time.

The following day, Claude brought pen, paper and (as instructed) a Bible to
the meeting place. The little man explained to him that, "In the beginning,
Elohim created the heaven and the earth."

The little man informed his protigi that he was one of the Elohim. Their name
being plural, his was singular: Eloha. In rapid-fire fashion, he educated
young Claude on the "truth" of the Bible, of which he said, it spoke of
neither God, nor soul. So much for the "truth."

The Elohim, he said, were simply scientists. The little man told Claude that
the Elohim used satellites and huge explosions to shape the early Earth. Then
they created animals and people.

They operated in teams and were highly competitive. The humans they fashioned
were cellular creations - nothing else. He said, "... the more skillful among
us wanted to artificially create a man like ourselves. Each team went to work
and soon, we were able to compare our creations. But the people on our planet
were horrified to learn that we were producing 'test tube' babies, whom they
were afraid might one day come to their own planet and cause a panic."

Nevertheless, they went ahead with their work, creating Adam and Eve. The
little man spoke of arguments between the creation teams about how to educate
the new humans. The "serpent team" wanted to make them as knowledgeable as
their creators. But the Elohim put these serpents in their place, nurturing
the innocent couple and in the process, bringing condemnation to the serpent.

The little man told Claude that the new humans were sent away from their plush
garden and kept from returning by "... several soldiers carrying atomic
disintegrating weapons." In this way, they were kept from gaining access to
valuable scientific information.

For humans, there was no immortality, unless the Elohim rekindled their
cellular life. So the men before the Flood of Noah utilized every trick to
gain the forbidden knowledge that would make them the immortal equals of their
creators. To keep this from happening, the Elohim brought the Great Flood.

For the same reason, they later confused the tongues of the people at Babel,
and destroyed the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. They tested Abraham, gave
Moses his knowledge and created the prophets.

As the little man explained the Bible, in terms of c

[JOYnet] About the father of Biju Davis

2003-02-17 Thread arikat sebastian


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[JOYnet] More for Prayer

2003-02-16 Thread Georly Sebastian
Is It Too Late to Save the World?

The Worldwatch Institute, a Washington-based think tank, has issued its
2003 State of the World Report, suggesting that time is running out to
save mankind from ultimate poverty and hunger. They claim that the
longer we wait, the longer no remedial action is taken, the greater will
be the degree of misery and biological impoverishment that mankind will

Earth's population doubled in the 40-year period from 1960 to 2000, from
3 billion to 6 billion. In the last two years, the population has grown
another third of a billion people. That offers the possibility of a
doubling time of only 27 years to reach 12 billion. There is no reason
to believe that time is on our side. We have reached the point of the
exponential curve. Earth's population could even reach 12 billion by
2020. What that would do to our economy and ecology is breathtaking.

Paul Brown, environment correspondent for The Guardian, warns that the
human race has only one or two generations to pull back from the brink
of disaster.

Earth's resources are running out. Pollution, along with the destruction
of natural areas, threatens life on this planet.

It is reported that 420 million people live in countries that no longer
have enough cropland to grow their own food. They have to rely on

A quarter of the developing world's cropland is being degraded, and the
rate is increasing. The greatest threat is not a shortage of land, but a
shortage of water. More than a half-billion people live in regions prone
to chronic drought. In the next twenty years, that number will increase
fivefold - to between 2.4 billion and 3.4 billion people. Currently,
that means half of Earth's population will run out of water within 20
years. By that time, the world's population will increase exponentially,
creating social and ecological instability.

Global warming is accelerating and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
reached 370.9 parts per million, the highest level in human history.

The global rate of ice-melt more than doubled since 1988. Sea levels
could rise as much as 27cm by 2100. New fishing technologies help to
locate and further exploit the dwindling fish populations of our planet.

According to the report, "Toxic chemicals are being released in
ever-increasing quantities, and global production of hazardous waste has
reached more than 300 million tons a year."

About 30% of the world's forests are being cut down at the rate of
50,000 square miles a year.

The world's wetlands have been reduced by 50% over the last century.
Coral reefs are suffering the effects of overfishing, pollution,
diseases and rising temperatures. A quarter of the world's mammal
species and 12% of the birds are in danger of extinction. Bird
extinctions are running at 50 times the normal rate.

The movement of "highly invasive species," like the aggressive African
bees and fire ants, to new regions of the world is expected to pose
problems to native species.

The report says, "Mining consumes 10% of the world's energy, spews out
toxic emissions, and threatens 40% of the world's undeveloped forests."
These effects could be drastically reduced but, unfortunately,
governments are not moving quick enough to stem the tide.

The Rising Death Rate

As population increases, the inevitable death rate also increases, thus
leveling out the exponential growth. People will be dying of starvation
as a result of drought and lack of food supplies. Tragedy will be heaped
upon tragedy in the years ahead.

Another crisis, which the report identifies, is in the world's cities
where one-billion people seek shelter in shanty towns, often on
hillsides, flood plains, in rubbish dumps or downstream of industrial
polluters. The inhabitants of these settlements live in constant threat
of natural disasters and diseases. Life-span will be shortened as living
conditions worsen.

One of the great challenges for governments is to help their poorest
citizens feel secure in their own homes, make a living and improve their
environment. Around 1.2 billion people live in absolute poverty -
surviving on less than a dollar a day. Malaria already claims 7,000
lives daily. HIV related deaths are increasing in Africa and India. For
the first time since China's great famine claimed 30 million lives in
1959-61, rising death rates are slowing world population growth. Within
the foreseeable future, more people will be dying of starvation than
from any other killer - be it disease or war.

There are two areas where death rates are currently rising - Africa and
India. Together, they make up nearly 2 billion people, a third of the
human race. The two primary causes of death in these regions are
starvation and AIDS. Today, India has more HIV patients than any other
nation in the world. Africa has the second largest number of AIDS
patients. In some African countries upwards to 80 percent of the
population is infected.

Worldwatch Institute has identified three problems that threaten to

[JOYnet] The SON

2003-02-15 Thread Georly Sebastian
A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had
everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would
often sit together and admire the great works of art. When the Vietnam
conflict broke out, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died
in battle while rescuing another soldier.
The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son.
About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the
door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands.
He said, "Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son
gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to
safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He
often talked about you, and your love for art."
The young man held out this package. "I know this isn't much. I'm not
really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to
have this."

The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by
the young man. He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the
personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the
eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears.

He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the picture. "Oh, no
sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift."

The father hung the portrait over his mantle. Every time visitors came
to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed
them any of the other great works he had collected.

The man died a few months later. There was to be a great auction of his
paintings. Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the
great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their

On the platform sat the painting of the son. The auctioneer pounded his
gavel. "We will start the bidding with this picture of the son. Who will
bid for this picture?"

There was silence.

Then a voice in the back of the room shouted, "We want to see the famous
paintings. Skip this one."
But the auctioneer persisted. "Will someone bid for this painting? Who
will start the bidding? $100, $200?"
Another voice shouted angrily. "We didn't come to see this painting. We
came to see the Van Goghs, the Rembrandts. Get on with the real bids!"
But still the auctioneer continued. "The son! The son! Who'll take the
son? "
Finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. It was the
longtime gardener of the man and his son. "I'll give $10 for the
painting."  Being a poor man, it was all he could afford.
"We have $10, who will bid $20?"
"Give it to him for $10. Let's see the masters."
"$10 is the bid, won't someone bid $20?"
The crowd was becoming angry. They didn't want the picture of the son.
They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections.
The auctioneer pounded the gavel. "Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!"
A man sitting on the second row shouted, "Now let's get on with the
The auctioneer laid down his gavel. "I'm sorry, the auction is over."

What about the paintings?"

"I am sorry. When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told of a
secret stipulation in the will. I was not allowed to reveal that
stipulation until this time. Only the painting of the son would be
Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including
the paintings.
The man who took the son gets everything!"

God gave His son 2,000 years ago to die on a cruel cross. Much like the
auctioneer, His message today is: "The son, the son, who'll take the
Because, you see, whoever takes the Son gets everything.

Courtesy : Carmen Fernandez


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[JOYnet] Re: Clarification Luke 12:53 from my life..

2003-02-10 Thread Sebastian
Dear Sindhu,

Thank you so much for clarifying me the particlar Word
of God, by sharing with your own testimony. By Reading
your mail it made me to remember these words

22Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell
you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat;
or about your body, what you will wear. 23Life is more
than food, and the body more than clothes. 24Consider
the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no
storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much
more valuable you are than birds! 

So when we keep our Lord our God in the midst of our
life, we no need to worry about the worldly things. HE
will take care of everything.

With lots of prayers and Wishes

 --- sindhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear
brother Sebastian,
> In my life these words of Jesus has become true.
> "They will be divided,
> father against son and son against father, mother
> against daughter and
> daughter against mother, mother-in-law against
> daughter-in-law and
> daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." -Luke 12:53
> I was born and brought up in  a very orthodox Hindu
> family.At our home all
> of us were so close ,and whenever we're together we
> used to eat from one
> plate and sit in same room ..Especially me and my
> brother.We were good
> friends  .He was 15 years older to me ,so some times
> ,he was just like a dad
> to me since my father was working  in Madras.. Both
> of us were so fun loving
> that we used to go for even club football matches
> and we never missed a
> single english film released in Cochin !!My cousins
> used to say that when he
> gets married ,his wife will go to her home next
> day,seeing that he wanted me
> to do every thing for him..he will eat only if i
> serve him and i used to
> iron his clothes etc. So even When i went to Medical
> College at Kottayam
> every weekend and all free evenings ,i used to come
> home.
> When i accepted jesus as my all in all,in
> 1993...those  verses became very
> true. My ideas ,life style every thing changed. I
> started to spend more time
> with the Lord ,in prayer, prayer
> meetings,programs..And i was no more
> interested in going for such movies and had little
> time to go for club
> matches,even though i liked them. Further my heavy
> syllabus at med school
> also held me back from comng home often.My whole
> outlokk changed and so
> often we  used to have long arguments on atheism ,
> communism and stuff
> ,which earlier i had an inclination to..like my
> brother since he was my role
> model.
> Even though most of them apprecited certain good
> changes in me ,like more
> patience ,kindness etc, all at my home and all
> relatives were very much
> worried about my future and tried so hard to
> persuade me to forsake Jesus.It
> was very hard for me. I felt like an alien many
> times in my own home. My mom
> and brother yelling at me...that;s some thing i
> could not stand. Coming home
> was just like a night mare to me .But Jesus and his
> JY saw me thru all
> these.
> One day one of my cousins ,caught me and started to
> scold me. he told that
> i'm mad ..and he challenged me that nobody is going
> to marry you .Catholics
> never...May be some day when you ;re in your late
> thirties ,some old
> protestant pastors,a widowed man with many children
> ,may come to marry
> you..!!(laugh)..it was too much for me..i felt like
> crying..but suddenly i
> told him.." you see my Jesus has told me that He
> will take care of me..and
> it is written in Bible that ..'Any body who has
> looked upto his face has
> never been put to shame anf their faces always
> were bright."Suddenly he
> stopped..(power of Word eh..).
> To cut the story short... after some more time  i
> started to get proposals
> even from catholics,which  surprised my family. But
> God had a different plan
> ..when Sunil's proposal came ...it was a surprise to
> all..even i never
> thought that there will be some body with same story
> as mine ever existed on
> this earth !The day our marriage was getting fixed
> all my relatives were
> home.The cousin who used to tease me was also there.
> So i asked him ,'now
> what do you have to say.?'..he smiled and told me
> .."oh that day itself you
> told na,,,that your Jesus will do it for you..."(the
> defeated smile
> continues..)
> And his wife ,my aunt and all the women said in one
> voice,," Sindhu now we
> think your Jesus really exists and its He who did it
> for you!!! And days
> after both of us took all sacraments together with
> the blessing of our
> family ,friends elders and many JY in 2000
> may.Prai

[JOYnet] change of email id - Fr.sebastian Arikat

2003-02-08 Thread arikat sebastian
Hai friends,  this is to inform you that I have changed my email id to 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Thank you.

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RE: [JOYnet] Clarification Luke 12:53

2003-02-06 Thread Sebastian
Dear Tessy,

Greetings of peace and goodwill.

Thank you for the clarification. But still I couldnt
able to understand or compare the Word of God with the
explanation given by you.

Not Peace but Division 

49"I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I
wish it were already kindled! 50But I have a baptism
to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is
completed! 51Do you think I came to bring peace on
earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on
there will be five in one family divided against each
other, three against two and two against three. 53They
will be divided, father against son and son against
father, mother against daughter and daughter against
mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and
daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." 

with love and prayers in Jesus,

 --- Abha Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear
> One of the pastors I know had given this
> interpretation to this passage. But you would need
> to read from Luke 12: 51 onwards. 
> Here it says that Jesus Christ has not come for
> unity but for division. When do fights and quarrels
> come up in families.. it is when family members have
> focus on things other than Jesus. If family members
> hold anything other than Jesus as their focal point
> then it leads to misery and strife in the family. In
> usual families Jesus is replaced with money,
> selfishness, worldly pleasures etc.. 
> If Jesus is given the rightful place then there will
> be peace in one's life and in one's family.
> luv & prayers,
> Tessy.
> -Original Message-
> From: Sebastian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 9:47 AM
> To: joynet
> Subject: [JOYnet] Clarification Luke 12:53
> Dear All,
> Can one of you please explain what these phrases
> really mean
> "They will be divided, father against son and son
> against father, mother against daughter and daughter
> against mother, mother-in-law against
> daughter-in-law
> and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." -Luke
> 12:53
> Regards
> Sebastian
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[JOYnet] Clarification Luke 12:53

2003-02-05 Thread Sebastian
Dear All,

Can one of you please explain what these phrases
really mean

"They will be divided, father against son and son
against father, mother against daughter and daughter
against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law
and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." -Luke

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request- Fr.S.Arikat

2003-02-05 Thread arikat sebastian
Dear Friends,  This is an urgent prayer request for the father of Biju
Davis, an  active and very committed Jesus Youth of Toronto, Canada.  His
father , Mr.Davis K.J, Kannampusha is in the ICU of Scarborough General
Hospital due to lugs problem, and he  is on Oxygen and  unconscious. 
Please for him.  Fr.Sebastian Arikat/Morrisburg/Canada

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[JOYnet] Ignoring facts

2003-02-03 Thread Sebastian
Please pray for all those who are standing in borders
on behalf of us. Its just an forward and its worth

I am not against Indian cricketers or Cricket...but
thought that this mail is worth fwding
 After loss against Nu Zealand, India is back to
normal with people still  hoping for  a miracle. In a
way it was good that we lost and people now have come
out of their craze for arguably most overrated, 
overpromoted and overpaid team and are paying
attention to real issue.
There is a war on in kashmir and india has lost 51
soldiers and officers. They are fighting at a height
of 17000 ft. It is -5 to -30C in inclement weather
there.  The intruders, 80% of whom are pak army
soldiers, are at the top of  mountain and our brave
soldiers are actually climbing those mountains with
rope against the fire.

Some figures that may shock you:
An Indian air force flight leiutanant is paid Rs.
1200 flying allowance per month and he is supposed to
make 40 sorties in aging Migs. That is about Rs. 25
per sortie after taxes. If he dies his family gets
paid Rs. 2 lakh.
The man of the match in any World Cup team gets
3000 pounds, about Rs. 2.1lakhs.
When flying over Kargil at 18000 ft he is just 1000 ft
above intruders armed with american stringer missiles
and can easily be shot down.Yet, they do it. Nachiketa
who returned from Pakistan captivity will be back for
action this week. And they do this for whom?
 A person in Bihar has offered 111 coconuts and
intends to offer 10001, yes ten thousand one more. A
large corporate and BJP local unit offered prayer at
Sidhivinayak temple and distributed prasad.A youth in
Gujarat is on fast. No, none of the above is for
Indian soldiers, its for India's win in World Cup.

You I am sure are aware as to how important is life of
a US marine. If 5 of them lose lives, all newspapers
in US cry as if world war has started. There are
stories of their families and how they curse US
government. Fl. Lt. Ahuja was killed in cold blood and
 he was cremated by his four year old son.The head
line in times was about India's win over England.

And our team can not make 4 runs in 7 balls against
Zimbabwe. And people in India or Indian people across
the world still worry about their performance.

We, the intelligent educated elite have failed this
country. The least Indian cricket team can do is win
the game against pakistan  and send all the reward and
match fee to army relief fund.

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[JOYnet] Unpaid Dept

2003-02-02 Thread Georly Sebastian
There remains a debt unpaid the Chaldeans (Modern Iraq) by God on behalf
of the Israelis.

Please go through Jeremiah chapters 51 and 52.

According to Jeremiah, the destruction of Babylon, the land of the
Chaldeans, would be complete, utter and eternal. "And Babylon shall
become heaps, a home for jackals, a horror and a hissing, without an
inhabitant." [Jeremiah 51:37]

The Chaldeans became the Babylonians, and under Nebuchadnezzar in 586
BC, conquered the Jews, destroyed Jerusalem and carried the treasures of
the Temple into captivity along with the majority of the Jewish

 Jeremiah promised that "The violence done to me and to my flesh be upon
Babylon, shall the inhabitant of Zion say; and my blood upon the
inhabitants of Chaldea, shall Jerusalem say."[Jeremiah 51:35]

Isaiah writes, "Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not,
till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they
set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he
brought it to ruin." Isaiah 23:13

The Chaldeans at first were not a people, not formed into any
commonwealth or kingdom until they were united under Nimrod. Nimrod
founded the Assyrian monarchy and built the city of Babel, which he
anointed as the seat of the Chaldean monarchy.

The destruction of Babylon the city in part took place when Belshezzar's
party was crashed by Darius the Mede. [Daniel 5]. The power of the
Babylonian kings was broken. And Babylon, although continuously
inhabited through the centuries, was never again anything like the great
city of Daniel's day.

But note that Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans, was much more than the
city of Babylon [which still exists as an inhabited city about an hour
southwest of Baghdad].

Babylon was [and is] a literal city, it was a historical political
empire, and it was [and is] a religious system that is used symbolically
of the world religious system in the same sense that Egypt is used as a
metaphor for the world political system.

Now lets look into the present scenarios, The US and its allies, UN and

If we go through the history of Saddam, the way he rose and his
activities in and around Iraq we may change our pattern of thinking.
Along with this learn more about Middle East problem (Israel -
Palestine), Six day war in 1967 - reasons and result, Gulf war 1991 and
Israel stand.

I also become interested in the formation of modern state of Israel and
prophecies in the Book of Daniel.

It seems Saddam wants to be the first Arab leader since Nebuchadnezzar
of Babylon to defeat the Israelis in battle.

This strategy is in two parts. In the first part, he hopes to draw
Israel into the war, and thereby drawing in the remainder of the Arab
world, including the Syrians and the Saudis.

Israel is already on the brink of war with the Arab world. It is a tiny,
tiny country with a tiny population, despite the fact it possesses one
of the most powerful military machines in the world.

In the event of a strike by Iraq against that tiny population using
weapons of mass destruction -- or even the credible threat of such a
strike -- would invite a nuclear counter-strike by Israel.

One button, no more Iraq, and Israel can turn her attention back to the
enemies on and inside her borders.

The Bible says such a fate yet awaits the Chaldeans.

"A sound of a cry comes from Babylon, and great ruin from the land of
the Chaldeans," writes Jeremiah. This is not Babylon the system, or
Babylon the symbol Jeremiah speaks of. It is Babylon, the land of the

Since that has never happened, the fulfillment of the utter destruction
of the land of the Chaldeans remains yet future.

Dear friends in this situation what is our role, what we will do for the
millions of innocent people in IraqLETS RAISE OUR HANDS UP AND ASK
FOR GOD'S MERCY. We know that Word of God never changes but there are
lots of examples of miracles when HIS beloveds intercede.

Share your views...


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[JOYnet] Elroy Night

2003-02-01 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Friends,

On behalf of every Jesus Youth in Oman we thank all Joynetters for
prayer support for the Elroy Night. It was such a wonderful night that
all of us were dreaming about. Around 200 JYs gathered from different
parts of Oman and spent one night in prayer and fellowship.  All of them
were familiar with Jesus Youth.

Our Lord blessed us to experience Him more deeply and gave Oman Jesus
Youth family a good shape.

Our brothers from UAE - James Thomas, Shoji Antony, Alphonse Joseph,
Praveen Issacs and Mathews KG -  shined out for our Lord throughout the
program. After a very long drive, they led the program till morning 5:30
without any rest. Their Team work and talents brought us the best.
Praveen was not well in the second day, but by the grace of God he was
perfectly alright for the parish gathering too.  Please keep him in your

The leader's gathering on the second day helped us to choke out plans
more clearly and got more guidance from our UAE Team.  We had 10 friends
from Sohar which is 250 km from Muscat,  led by Josukutty.

So dear friends, thanks a lot once again and pls remember us in your
prayers so that we continue HIS Mission as per HIS Will.

With love & prayers

For Muscat Family

Georly Sebastian

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2003-01-31 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear Joynetters

A BIG THANK YOU for all your prayers.

We had a spirit filled retreat here in the Sacred Heart Church.

Our Retreat priest, Fr. Augustine Vallooran, left Bahrain yesterday evening. 
 Please keep him in your prayers.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

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Re: [JOYnet] End time global revival:WHAT IS YOUR VIEW?

2003-01-31 Thread arikat sebastian
Dear Jude,  Can you eaxplain what is this énd time?  Is it the end of the
world? or the second coming of Jesus? Is it imminent? Please explain. 
Sebastian Arikat

>From: Jude Asogwa >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To:
End time global revival:WHAT IS YOUR VIEW? >Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003
08:31:01 -0800 (PST) > >Dear brethren, >Greetings in Jesus name.I have a
great task of >publishing a book on the topic THE END TIME GLOBAL
EVERY TRUE BELIEVER. >I have gathering articles for this publication from
>other countries. >I want to have the view of my fellow joynet members on
>the above subjects in the following aspects. >1.can there be a global
revival in this end- time? >2.What is your view about end time revival?
>3.What is the personal commitment to causing revival >in your
community,country and world at large? >In your replies please indicate
your full name and >position in the church(if any)and country from where
>you write.Note:some of the contributions will be used >as refference in
the publication. >Thanks. >Jude s.c.Asogwa(Nigeria) >Yahoo! Mail Plus -
Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. >http://mailplus.yahoo.com >
>This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list. >For
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] >To subscribe to the list visit
http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join >In case of any issue related to
the mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[JOYnet] Caps

2003-01-29 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
There is one thing that is really impossible for God to stop loving you and 

Binu NJ, USA

"What is impossible with God is possible with man."
(An opposite version of Luke 18:27)

* * * * * * * * * *

Christ is my best friend I hurt Him, denied Him but He never left me.


Day by day , day by day vazhkai payanam (journey of life) day by day
Muzhukathai (Non sinking) shipa friendshipamustaffa mustaffaa   
dont worry..

* * * * * * * * * *

Why did I call on the name of Jesus and nothing happened?

Jude S.C. Asogwa

Because I knew nothing will be happened.

* * * * * * * * * *

Rajanee a strong devotee of Sr.Budha encouraged me to be cheerful


If Rajanee (Night) with the light of Budha (moon) encouraged Priya that 
much, how much we should enlighten others with the light of real sun 

* * * * * * * * * *

Just wanted to encourage you all to reflect, How is my personal prayer time 
with the Lord going?

Sindhu Chicago,USA

Its going cool that even I dont feel it.. . . . .  Same like how they 
prayed in Gethsemane garden.

* * * * * * * * * *

Suddenly the 10 ft antenna fell down from our terrace. It should have fallen 
on my head. Lord saved my life.

Monita Fernandez

If it was me, I would have questioned God, where were you God, not keeping 
my antenna from falling down?

* * * * * * * * * *

Gay literature in Canada is openly advocated for kindergarteners


Johny Johny  Yes Pappa
Reading Gaybook  No Pappa
Telling lies  No Pappa
Open your palms  Ha Ha Haa

* * * * * * * * * *

And after Rosary my Mother in law continued it with intercession. She was 
praying for the whole world.slowly she began to pray for saints..

Priya Joseph Cochin.

Blessed are those who married from Trissur and working in Cochin. (Priya, 
take it as a joke, dont tell this to Joseph Chettanok)

* * * * * * * * *

Pray for our son Albert whose baptism we delayed for more than 2 years 
planning to go to Kerala after obtaining our green card. . . . .

Ruby Babu  USA

So Albert is going to get 2 Green Cards we assure our prayers for your 

* * * * * * * * *

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[JOYnet] Sex before marriage

2003-01-28 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
2 months ago, one middle aged lady was waiting for me outside the church. 
She was crying, brother why our daughter did it.. She was very good.but now 
we lost everything. Why.? Can you talk to our daughter, now she is thinking 
about committing suicide.  I went there. The girl is a teenager. She started 
her story

After her higher secondary in Kuwait, she was sent to Bangalore for degree 
studies. While she was in the 2nd year degree course, she developed a 
friendship with one of her classmate. They fell into deep love and decided 
to get married in future. As her parents were in Kuwait, she got enough 
freedom to spent time with him. She became pregnant and gave birth to a baby 
girl. Later her boyfriend washed his hands. He changed his decision, I only 
loved you, but I cant get married with somebody whom my parents dont 
like. Finally the girls parents sent the baby to an orphanage.

My question is this. If you really love your future spouse, will you attempt 
for a physical relationship before getting married?

No. why?

A real lover is seeking the welfare of the other. Real love is proved by 
self sacrifice. If you dont sacrifice your sexual desires, the love you 
have only the same level of love of animals. No real lover will wish his 
future wife to be pregnant before getting married.

Now forget about physical relationship. What about love before marriage? I 
personally dont agree that. Why?

Because you are not 100% sure that you are the one who is going to get 
married with so and so.

I believe that the sacrament of matrimony is Gods decision. So if the 
person whom you love is not Gods decision, God may let that relation to 
break for your eternal good. Finally you will be getting married with 
somebody else, whom God already selected for you before your birth. (read 
the book of Thobith)

In a love affair, at least you will offer your mind to the other person. And 
if that person is not your real selection by God, later you will have to 
offer your already used mind to your real spouse. Isnt it sad to offer your 
used mind and body to your real partner?

(forgive me if any serious lovers in the joynet, I doesnt mean to break it 
up. But purify it and wait until you get married)

So my dear youngsters, it is better to start love just after getting 
married. The new generation is thinking Love is their Right.

YES, Love is their right, with the right person (husband /wife) at the right 
time (in marriage life)

But most of them misunderstood Lust is Love. The love that we see in the 
mini screen is lie. Exaggerated expression of sex is not the real love. In 
films, serial TV programs etc.
actor just acting love according to the instruction of director. That is not 
the real love. Satan is the father of all lies. He spread lies through TV, 
Video, internet chatting & cheating etc.

So be alert and wise to take right decisions. Better abstain from these 
false media, and let us not to be controlled by them.


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[JOYnet] FW: [PLsBest] Opinions from the list?

2003-01-28 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Warriors,

Those who have better ideas and clarity, pls reply to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  personally and pray for her.

Rgds/- GS/Muscat

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 3:51 AM
Subject: [PLsBest] Opinions from the list?

I got into a heated argument at work today...
A woman I work with was talking about the "pro-life" march in Washington
tomorrow. I told her my daughter would be there, it's a school trip. My
problem with it is I feel she doesn't know why she's marching... she's
So I asked her... (my daughter that is) and she told me she's marching
against abortion, because it's wrong, it's murder and it should be
ok... So then my question to her was the same to the woman at work I
argued with... Don't you think that there is a gray area? I mean things
are not always black or white. Don't you think there are circumstances
where it could save a life? Or maybe some other extreme circumstances
where the emotional well being of the pregnant woman should be
considered? Both replied the same... NO! It's wrong... the end.
I'm sorry but I disagree... I told my daughter it is a wonderful thing
to march for something you believe in. But make sure you have made an
INFORMED decision and are not marching because your teacher said you
should. It has to be something you truly believe in etc etc. I was told
again that abortion is murder and anyone who has one should go to jail.
I see... ( sounds like a bit of brainwashing going on here) So I gave
her an example of "gray area" Suppose I became pregnant... and suppose
the doctor told me to go through labor and child birth would probably
kill me. What do you think I should do? (I went on...) Suppose I was
raped and became pregnant? Should I be expected to carry and give birth
to this child conceived in an act of violence? Suppose it was a case of
incest? Suppose I am just a 16 year old girl, guilty only of being a bit
naive and poor judgment? These things I asked my daughter to think
about. I also stressed that no, I do NOT Believe it should be used as a
form of birth control but there are time when I think it's ok. And no, I
don't think a woman should go to jail because she chooses to terminate a
pregnancy WHATEVER her reasons are. So she is thinking...
As for the woman I work with... I asked her what made it ok for so
called pro lifers to bomb abortion clinics? I asked her how it is that
the law says child molesters go to jail but the church forgives priests
who molest children?? I asked her how she personally would feel about
carry a child conceived through rape or incest. She said she would be ok
with it because it was "God's will" (ummm yeah, right) I bowed down to
her in the breakroom and insisted to my co-workers we were indeed in the
presence of greatness. All of us please bow down to the newest saint in
the catholic church... All Hail Saint "Ima Fullocrap" Well her
saintliness left in a huff so I'm guessing the discussion was over? I'm
really interested in getting your opinions about this. Please feel free
to express yourself.

   ~ Gigi ~

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[JOYnet] New trends

2003-01-28 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Warriors,

News Clipping :

WARNING! It is only a very short period of time now until we see the
Holy Bible in flagrant violation of the rule of man-made law in Canada!
That is, those versions of the Holy Bible which are clear on the sin of
sodomy and homosexuality!

It is now Canada's law of the land! Canada sanctions pro-'gay' books for
kids. Parental views cannot override imperative of tolerance, diversity.
A public school system that claims to promote diversity and tolerance
should not ban books that advocate same-sex relationships to
kindergartners, Canada's Supreme Court has ruled. The high court said
the Surrey School Board in British Columbia, near Vancouver, must
revisit its ban on three books that also have stirred controversy in the
U.S. - "Asha's Mums," "One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dads, Blue Dads" and
"Belinda's Bouque."

Concerning the recent decision in British Columbia to allow gay books to
be taught to Kindergarteners, Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin arrogantly
emphasized, "Parental views, however important, cannot override the
imperative placed upon the British Columbia public schools to mirror the
diversity of the community and teach tolerance and understanding of

This kind of dangerous law has already become real in Canada. One can no
longer speak his convictions concerning the practice of homosexuality
without penalty. It is now illegal in Canada for Television or Radio
Broadcasters to use any Bible passage that condemns homosexuality. The
same is true for Canadian Newspapers. Recently, a Canadian Newspaper
publisher was jailed for printing an ad, which used a Bible verse
condemning homosexuality. The person who bought the add and the
publisher were both considered criminals and both were put in jail.

This is not about 1940's Nazi Germany. It is not about the present day
Communist China or Russia, or any of the totalitarian governments of
third world countries. It is about America's closest ally and trading
partner just to the north - with a very similar system of government and
at one time protector of free speech and freedom of expression. Oh, you
say, this would never happen in America! But it is! Government officials
in Staten Island called the word of God "hate-speech" and forced a
billboard owner to cover up a Bible quote about homosexuality. One
cannot buy ads or use quotes from Bible verses, which condemn the
practice of homosexuality on billboards, anywhere in New York City.

At present, it is a hate crime in Canada to publicly criticize
homosexuals. In Saskatchewan this summer, an evangelical Christian, Hugh
Owens, and the Star Phoenix newspaper ran afoul of this law. They were
fined $4,500 each because of Owen's 1997 add, which did not quote, but
merely listed five Bible references critical of homosexuality. In
addition, Owens and the newspaper were required to compensate the three
homosexual complainants with $3,000 each. In Canada, it is also illegal
to criticize any federally-protected groups on recorded telephone
messages. If somebody includes on his telephone prayer line that "God
hates homosexuality, but loves the homosexual," he could be indicted for
inciting contempt. The penalty? Up to five years in prison and a $20,000

So not PROMOTING homosexuality among five year olds is 'intolerant'.
Have they gone entirely mad? Gay literature in Canada is openly
advocated for kindergarteners and the Bible will soon be illegal because
it is in stark opposition to Canada's legal stand for homosexuality!

Lets move up our hands to Lord and pray for every faithful, in different
corners of the universe, in their war against the power of darkness.


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[JOYnet] Elroy Night - Muscat JY Gathering

2003-01-26 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Friends,

Once again we invite your prayers for the upcoming Jesus Youth night
vigil in Muscat on 30th January.  Our Lord is blessing Oman in many
ways. By Lord's grace JYs in different parts of Oman started coming
together and are treated as the official youthwing for the parishes.
Our main pockets are Muscat (Ruwi & Gala), Salalah, Niswa, Sohar and
Ibri. Because of the long distance between regions, regular gatherings
are not possible for us. Every region is having 200 - 300 Kms distance
and Salalah is 1000 Kms from Muscat.

It is the first time JYs in Oman are coming together. We are gathering
at Sts Paul and Peter's Church Ruwi. Our family members from Dubai :
James Thomas, Densil Winsent, Shoji, Alphonse, Praveen etc. ... will
lead the program. On 30th we gather for night vigil and there will be a
musical-prayer gathering of two hours for parishners on 31st evening.

Please remember us in your prayers.

With love & prayers

For Muscat Family

Georly Sebastian

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2003-01-24 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear Joynetters

Let us thank Josun for this well written, informative and thought provoking 
mail.  Let us also thank him for the good work he is doing among AIDS 
affected people and pray that May Almighty God bless him for all his 

If you have not read this, eventhough its a bit longer, please read it.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 04:06:53 - (UTC)

Hey you people set apart for the lord,

Its really wonderful to read the profound inputs by various Joynetters on
the topic of Pre marital and extramarital sex. I’d like to share a bit of
what I feel on the subject.

Firstly, I don’t think the aspect of sexual fidelity/promiscuity is
limited to religious or moral standards alone.

There are natural laws that govern nature, from which none of us are
exempt. We have the freedom to abide by the law of flout the law. Whatever
our choice is, the consequences of our choices are not within the freedom
of choice bracket. They are an aftermath that follow irrespective of who
or what you are. Wise choices reap wise results; foolish choices reap
foolish results. At the moment I’m at our Jesus Youth house in Delhi, its
on the second floor. If I want to go down to the shop 2 blocks away, I
have two options to choose from coz I’m a free human being and ‘its my
life’. One option is to jump off from the balcony and the other is to use
the staircase provided. Both my actions have consequences over which I
have no control. If I say I’m free and jump off My freedom will last
but 2 seconds after that I’ll be a pile of dead meat and bones! (One
bloody fool less in the world!!)

The same nature has laws with regard to exercising of sexual freedom. If
we transgress them there’s no way but to bear the negative consequences
that follow.

Sometime back I had shared a bit about an experience I had at an AIDS
rehab centre, well the experience was not over with just meeting those
kidos. I also met most of the adult inmates in the centre. I made it a
point to speak to as many of them as I could and know a bit about their
lives. I did that intentionally so that I could share their stories of
pain, sorrow and shattered hopes and dreams later as opportunity would
unfold. Honestly their stories were unbearably gut wrenching.

I met a young Keralite youth there. He’s about 25 years old. On completing
a course in hotel management, he embarked on a job in a 5 star hotel in
Goa. One day while on duty, a guest in the hotel made sexual advances
towards him, he was seduced and succumbed to moments of pleasure with her.
 The boy is such a nice person to talk to. I felt really sad for him. With
his smile he was trying to conceal the agony he was going thru within. It
was a poor effort, for me it was rather obvious. He’s HIV positive. He
told me, that was the only time he had sex with anyone. He also told me he
used a condom.  (a number of the inmates there told me they used condoms).
Well that one time was enough for him to make an entrance into the world
of no return

I meditated a lot on that outreach to the AIDS home and my memory of the
inmates and their lives is still vivid and fresh. Their stories of pain,
of unfulfilled dreams, shattered lives, orphaned children, wrecked homes,
worst of all that haunting sense of guilt and self debasement, often made
me speculate at how stupid we all can be sometimes.

Imagine, Just for an orgasm or orgasmic pleasure people are ready to stake
their dreams, health, their integrity, self esteem and sense of self
worth, their unlimited potential, their families, their entire life and
the beautiful things God has in store for them in the future! Don’t I
sound sufficiently absurd??

This youth I met cannot achieve the dreams that he had of a beautiful life
ahead. He is shattered. Actually shattered is not the word for it. He
finds no meaning in his existence. He’s already a ‘living’ dead man. You
may say, “but he’s still living” well, that’s just to postpone funeral
expenses! His family is dismembered, they have ostracized him. The same
society that endorsed his promiscuity is the first one to give him a kick
in the ass when he’s a victim

All this honestly makes me wonder, “is one moment of forbidden pleasure
worth the tag? Is it really worth staking all that in the bargain? ” You
can answer the question yourselves.

I’ve got a number of acquaintances (lamentably some catholic youth also!)
who think pre-marital sex is the ‘IN THING’ and its absolutely normal
these days, a number of them have indulged in it themselves. They narrate
big stories of their ‘sexcapades’ with me They do a lot to justify
their actions, but deep down they too know that its wrong. Its pernicious.
Its fatal!. It fragments a person from within.

Thanks to the media hyped up coverage that ‘nothing sells like sex’ the
advertisements, tv programs, movies, ser

[JOYnet] hello... HELP !!

2003-01-23 Thread Deekshit Daniel Sebastian

hi to everone!

writing to you all after a long long time.
i have a confusion.. please Clear this doubt.

the foll: scripture says
Matthew 24:30  "At that time the sign of the Son of Man 
will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.  
they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, 
with power and great glory.

Ques 1. why is Jesus often referred to as the Son of Man?


Ques 2: what does the church teach about the second coming 
and the judgement day?
(i did not find much help in the catechism of the catholic church)

and yes.. great to see the number of joynetters at 800+
i remember the time when crossing 200+ was a big celebration.

hoping to hear from you all ...
NID, Ahmedabad

Have a GOOD DAY with the LORD!!!
>>Greater love has no one than this, 
that he lay down his life for his friends<<
John 15:13

visit http://deekshit.tripod.com

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[JOYnet] Fr. Augustine Vallooran in Bahrain

2003-01-20 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear JOYnetters,

Its Annual Retreat time here in Bahrain at the Sacred Heart Church.  This 
time our Retreat priest is Fr. Augustine Vallooran from the Divine Retreat 

Retreat in English started yesterday, 20th Jan 2003 at 7pm and will conclude 
on the 24th Jan 2003.

Retreat in Malayalam will be from 27th Jan 2003 to 31st Jan 2003

Theme of the Retreat: Launch into the Deep.

As usual, I request all JOYnetters to pray in a special way for the success 
of the Retreats.  Please pray for a Sakheus experience, a Barthemeus 
experience, a total God experience.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Fr. Augustine Vallooran in Bahrain

2003-01-20 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear JOYnetters,

Its Annual Retreat time here in Bahrain at the Sacred Heart Church.  This 
time our Retreat priest is Fr. Augustine Vallooran from the Divine Retreat 

Retreat in English started yesterday, 20th Jan 2003 at 7pm and will finish 
by 24th Jan 2003.

Retreat in Malayalam will be from 27th Jan 2003 to 31st Jan 2003

Theme of the Retreat: Launch into the Deep.

As usual, I request all JOYnetters pray in a special way for the success of 
the Retreats.  Please pray for a Sakheus experience, a Barthemeus 
experience, a total God experience.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Make me free

2003-01-20 Thread sebastian pa david
Dear Joynet,

Make me free from joynet family.

with love


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2003-01-18 Thread Georly Sebastian
Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into 
conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by
sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a
Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small 
misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it 
exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence. 
One morning there was a knock on John's door. He opened it to find a man

with a carpenter's toolbox. I'm looking for a few days' work, he said. 
Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help
Could I help you? 
Yes, said the older brother. I do have a job for you. Look across the
at that farm. That's my neighbor; in fact, it's my younger brother. Last

week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the
levee and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this
spite me, but I'll go him one better. See that pile of lumber by the
barn? I 
want you to build me a fence - -an 8-foot fence - so I won't need to see
place or his face anymore. 
The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation. Show me the
and the post-hole digger and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you. 
The older brother had to go to town, so he helped the carpenter get the 
materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked
all that day measuring, sawing, nailing. About sunset when the farmer 
returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. 
The farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. There was no fence there
all. It was a bridge-a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to
other! A fine piece of work handrails and all and the neighbor, his
brother, was coming across, his hand outstretched. 
You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I've said and
The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in
middle, taking each other's hand. They turned to see the carpenter hoist
toolbox on his shoulder. 
No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other projects for you, said
older brother. 
I'd love to stay on, the carpenter said, but I have many more bridges to

God won't ask what kind of car you drove, but He'll ask how many people
drove who didn't have transportation. 
God won't ask the square footage of your house, but He'll ask how many 
people you welcomed into your home. 
God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, but He'll ask
many you helped to clothe. 
God won't ask about your social status; He will ask what kind of class
God won't ask how many material possessions you had, but He'll ask if
dictated your life. 
God won't ask what your highest salary was, but He'll ask if you
your character to obtain it. 
God won't ask how much overtime you worked, but He'll ask if your
work was for yourself or for your family. 
God won't ask how many promotions you received, but He'll ask how you 
promoted others. 
God won't ask what your job title was, but He'll ask if you performed
job to the best of your ability. 
God won't ask what you did to help yourself, but He'll ask what you did
help others. 
God won't ask how many friends you had, but He'll ask how many people to

whom you were a friend. 
God won't ask what you did to protect your rights, but He'll ask what
did to protect the rights of others. 
God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, but He'll ask how you
your neighbors. 
God won't ask about the color of your skin, but He'll ask about the
of your character. 
God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation, but He'll
take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

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[JOYnet] Capsules. . . . not for sale.

2003-01-14 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
It is the right time to do exploit in the name of the Lord. Let me ask you: 

JUDE S.C. ASOGWA (Nigeria)

For exploiting others in the name of the Lord.

(the best capsule for the week)

* * * * * * * * * * *

Now it is 1 AM midnight. I am just back from washing my clothes. Now here 
the mission is too tight that we have to wash at midnight!!

Fr. Rafi Ecuador

Blessed are those who wash their clothes in the midnight, because when the 
bridegroom comes, he will find them vigilant. (Mathew 25:13)

* * * * * * * * * *

Yesterday, there was a poster sale here at my university, where I saw a 
Poster which said - "Live as if this was your last day" ... how would I live 
if this was our last day? How would you?

Ashley Thomas

Dear Ashley, I will continue what I do until I become ash.  In other words, 
I have to be always prepared.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Long long back a Pala Achayan (wealthy man from a place called Pala in 
Kerala, India) send his son to US to get a MBA Degree from a famous 
University in US.

Bensilal Chacko, DE, USA.

Blessed are those who born in Pala and brought up in the US. . . .
Dear Chacko, can you send me a visa to US?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Jesus is asking each one of us “IF HE & SHE COULD BECOME SAINTS, THEN WHY 

Prejomy Jose Abu Dhabi

I want to become a Saint, not here, but there in heaven……is it possible???

* * * * * * * * * *

Once I saw this vision during a mass, while I attended A JY gathering: a big 
blue mountain and a valley...I Stood in the valley, I saw Jesus coming to 

Elizabeth Smitha

Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your 
young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will 
pour out my Spirit in those days. (Joel 2:28-29)

* * * * * * * * * *

Where would our world be without the music of Beethoven, the art of Rodin or 
the ideas of Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison?


and without the emails of Deepak and me? Ha . . . haa. . . .h

* * * * * * * * * *

Should a Christian believe in Luck, fate?? Does Luck, fate really at play in 
human life??


A Christian will be lucky when men hate him, insult him and reject his name 
as evil, because great will be his reward in heaven. (Luke 6:22-23). As his 
great hope is reaching heaven, losing the same will be his bad luck.

* * * * * * * * * *

Well let's be alert from every teaching that proclaims luck and fate.

Binu Asokan.

Yes I will be. But let me check what my star says this week, will I be alert 
or not  Hi hi hi.

* * * * * * * * * *

I believe in fate, coz "my god has got plans 4 me.."
his plans r my fate...

do u all feel these strange...? no... rite???

A Naughty Child.

As you got 4 plains and God’s plains are in your flat, you are absolutely 
rite and not left.(Another naughty child)

* * * * * * * * *

The Soviets where the first to introduce family planning in mass and they 
where the first to fall prey to it

Sunny Kattukaren.

See the following family planning advertisement flow:-

We are Two and for we Two (1980)

We are One and for we One (1990)

We are Nothing and for we Nothing (2000)

* * * * * * * * * *

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Fwd: [JOYnet] Praying for others.

2003-01-08 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
Dear JY's, it's a nice sharing by Jason,Anitha,Smiju...

Praying for others…..is it really necessary? Experience is our best teacher. 
I also remember a small incident.

One of my friends had no sacrament of confession since long time. I insisted 
him to go for a confession. But every time he used to say many excuses. 
Later I took him to the church, and waited to see he is going for 
confession. But he didn’t. Again I murmured in his years “go now otherwise 
the father my leave the confessional”. His answer was despairing, “I will do 
it next time”. I fed up with this guy and finally surrendered him to the 
Lord and prayed, “Lord give him enough strength to go for a confession”.

Immediately he rushed like a rocket to the confessional and had a very good 
confession. He received the communion also and I could see the joy on his 
face. Later after the mass he asked me, “brother did you pray for me, 
because I was too nervous to go for a confession but some power pushed me to 
the confessional”. I smiled and enjoyed in God’s miracles through our simple 

After reading this, will you pray for a young man, 29 year old having wife 
(Nurse in Kuwait) and 3 year old baby seriously spread by cancer.

Love & Prayers
Sebastian / Kuwait.

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[JOYnet] Fr.s.Arikat - Happy Christmas

2002-12-24 Thread arikat sebastian
>dear loving Joynetters, >Hope this would find you fine. During this
Christmas >season, Jesus whispers in my heart to extend to you a >cordial
invitation to A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Please >come to it and we shall
meet each other there. The >details of the celebration are given below.
>Guest of Honor: Jesus Christ >Date: Everyday. Traditionally, December
25, but He’s >always around, so the date is flexible…. >Time: Whenever
you’re ready. (Please don’t be late or >you’ll miss out on all the fun!)
>Place: In your heart… He’ll meet you there. (You’ll >hear Him knocks.)
>Attire: Come as you are…grubbiness is okay. He’ll be >washing our
clothes anyway. He said something about >new white robes and crowns for
everyone who stays till >the last. >Tickets: Admission is free. He’s
already paid for >everyone…. (He says you wouldn’t have been able to
>afford it anyway… it costs Him everything He had.) But >you do need to
accept the ticket!! >Refreshments: New wine, bread, and a far-out drink
He >calls “Living Water” followed by a supper that >promises to be out of
this world! >Gift Suggestions: Your life. He’s one of those people >who
already have everything else. (He’s very generous >in return though. Just
wait until you see what He has >for you!) >Entertainments: Joy, Peace,
Truth, Light, Life, Love, >Real Happiness, Communion with God,
Forgiveness, >Miracles, Healing, Power, Eternity in Paradise,
>Contentment, and much more! (All ‘G’ rated, so bring >your family and
friends.) >R.S.V.P. Very important! He must know ahead so He can >reserve
a spot for you at the table. Also, He’s >keeping a list of His friends
for future reference. He >calls it the “Lamb’s Book of Life”. Party being
given >by His Kids (that’s us!!) >My dear loving friend, will you come
for the >celebration? With much love, I am looking forward to >the
greatest happiness of meeting you to share our >love and friendship once
again. See you there >dear.! >HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BLESSED NEW
YEAR! >With much love, Fr.Sebastian Arikat > >

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[JOYnet] Merry Christmas

2002-12-23 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear JOYnetters


In union with Jesus & Mary

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Just a joke for Christmas- Fr.S.Arikat

2002-12-22 Thread arikat sebastian
Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html
A Middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. 
While on the operating table she had a near-death experience.  Seeing God
, she asked, "Is my time up?"God said, "No, you have another forty years
, two months and eight days to live."When she recovered , the woman
decided to stay in the hospital and have a facelift, liposuction, and a
tummy tuck.  Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she
might as well make the most of it.  She even had someone come in and
change her hair colour.After a final bout of cosmetic surgery, she was
released from the hospital.  While crossing the street on her way home,
she was run over and killed by a bus.  When she arrived in fromt of God,
she was angry.  "I thought you said I had another forty years to live. 
Why didn't you pull me from the path of the bus?"God replied, "Sorry , I
didn't recognize you." May I wish all of you a grace-filled Christmas
and  a happy New-Year.  with love.  Fr.Sebastian

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[JOYnet] The New Joynet Core Team !

2002-12-17 Thread arikat sebastian
Hai,  we have an excellent joynet core team, now representing all
important pockets.  They all are wonderful people.  My congratulations
and best wishes. Fr.Sebastian Arikat/Canada

>Subject: Re: [JOYnet] The New Joynet Core Team ! >Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002
10:47:43 + (GMT) > >God bless the new Joynet core team...!! May God
bless >them and anoint them powerfully so that the entire >group may be
led to new levels of spirituality and >fellowship in Christ. > >Prayerful
Regards > >Sanju >Blore. > > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Greetings from Kuwait ! > > I am so happy to announce the new core team
members > > of our JOYNET !Their main responsibility will be to > >
animate/co-ordinate all the activities of JOYNET and > > build this as a
powerful ministry of Jesus Youth. > > > > 1. Joseph Lonth (Dubai) > > 2.
Kurien Nillikunnel (USA) > > 3. Priya Joseph (Kochi, India) > > 4. Josun
Jose (Abudabi) > > 5. Suresh Kumar (Colombo) > > 6. Annie John (Kochi,
India) > > 7. Lovely (USA) > > 8. Ravi Vaz (Bombay) > > 9. Mathews KG
(Abudabi) > > 10. Abraham (Fujirah) > > 11. Anitha D'souza (Kuwait) > >
12. Manoj Jons Davis (Kochi, India) > > 13. Bejoy (USA), > > 14. Giju
George (Chennai, India - Administrator) > > 15. Mathew Joseph (Bangalore,
India- Co-ordinator) > > > > Pastors of out Jesus Youth International
team - > > Fr.Sebastian Arikat and Fr.Thomas Tharayil will > > continue
as the pastors of JOYNET. All the > > International Team members will be
Ex-officio > > members of Joynet core team.They are > > > > Sindhu S
(USA) > > Saby (Dubai) > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (USA) > > Biju Davies
(Toronto,Canada) > > C.C.Joseph (Trichy, India) > > Andrew Mendez
(Singapore) > > Anu Joseph (U.K) > > Dr. Manoj (USA) > > chackochan
Njavally (Kanjirappally, India) > > Dr.Edward Edezhath (Kochi(?),India) >
> Manoj Sunny (Kochi, India) > > > > I am so happy that we have the new
team when joynet > > is on our own platform. On behalf of the team I > >
sinceary thank all who were supporting joynet > > activities in the last
years..Hope they will > > continue their contributions..Let us pray for
the > > new team.. > > > > In Union with Jesus and Mary, > > > > , > > >
> Manoj Sunny, > > Co-ordinator, Jesus Youth International Team > >
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[JOYnet] Time fixed for the prayer

2002-12-17 Thread arikat sebastian
Dear Friends,  For our global prayer,  Friday is a good day and the time
is also good.  Even without seeing Calvins suggestions, I was thinking in
the same line of time.  so I and my small prayer group here in Canada
will be praying at 7.30 a.m (Eastern Time/Canada).  The others can do the
same according to their time.  Prayer against terrorist is a good
intention.  Thank you.  Fr.Sebastian Arikat/Pastor/Joynet

>From: "Calvin Johnson" >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: [JOYnet] Time fixed for the prayer >Date:
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 03:26:35 -0800 > >Dear Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST
> The date for fasting and prayer has been confirmed as
>20th(coming Friday). There >were 3 main intentions put forward by our
friends. All of them are >equally important. But, since many had the
opinion of praying for a >single intention at this time and similar
prayers can >be carried out in the future, we can confirm the single main
intention as >prayer for terrorist >brothers. Moverover, it was backed by
the fact that the thought occured >to Sanju a week back. I too had a
similar thought a week back and like >Sanju I also neglected it. But
after >last Sunday's HOLY MASS, the thought struck me again, as I
swithced on my >pc.    Regarding the time for the
global prayer, no >one suggested the time. So, I prayed >and fixed the
time as 6:00pm IST on 20th. The approximate timings for >other regions of
the >world are as follows:- G.M.T 12:30pm, UAE 4:30pm, Chicago 6:30am, 
>colombo 6:30pm, >Johannesburg 2:30pm, Kuala Lampur 8:30pm, Kuwait
3:30pm, Ottawa 7:30 am, >Singapore 8:30pm, Auckland 1:30 am(saturday,DST
maybe considered). The >rest of the regions can get their respective
timings from the link
>I request the JY core team members to handle the drafting of the prayer
>for this >event. Please, document the 10-mins prayer, as early as
possible. If we >all get it ready >by wednesday evening, we can
distribute it to our other JY friends who do >not have access >to Joynet.
Thus, we can get more friends in our prayer circle at that >particular
time. We can also give them the time for prayer. Expecting an >early
response from the JY core team. With love and prayers, >your brother in
CHRIST,  >Calvin Johnson >
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[JOYnet] UAE JOYnetters meet!!

2002-12-03 Thread sebastian dcruz
Dear Joynetters

This is a great idea indeed.  First time in UAE. I think all Joynetters who were
silent watchers of Joynet and/or discontinued for a while will also have a great
part to contribute.

We will meet all of  u as soon as possible.

Love in Jesus
Sebastian Dcruz / Dubai

Josh Folks wrote:

> Hello all JOYnetters in UAE.
> Hope you got to see K.G. Mathew's mail last week. The time is running out as
> we will have to make arrangements for the get together. Please reply ASAP to
> my id indicating your telephone numbers and willingness to come. This will
> help me give further details of the said get together.
> Thank you in advance.
> Take care and God bless
> Abraham
> Fujairah / UAE
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[JOYnet] JY, Science and Kingdom of God

2002-11-19 Thread Saji Sebastian
Dear JYs,
What we need is lot of prayers that the Lord may
reveal his Mysteries all the people. People may
question our convictions.. but none can change that
because it came to us by grace from God. Nobody will
ever be able to prove any of the Lord's mysteries
because they are mysteries. However by faith we can
enjoy the wealth of it. Pray and pray that the Lord
may lead many people into this conviction. If people
were not called by the Father they wouldn't be able to
reach the Son to Learn from Him.

I know Sheril send this mail out of love for Christ
and all of us Jesus Youth. God will bless you my dear
sister. His standards are different from those of the
world. However, it is important that we keep this one
thing in mind that God doesn't need any defenders. It
is good that we try to understand the Historical
Factors of the Bible. 

About Science and JY…
My understanding about Science is that it is a pool of
information gathered and categorized and made easy to
learn and understand and help people to search for
more of it and that information is about the universe
and things of this universe. This can be used for the
greater good of this universe. We are living a time of
specialization and super specialization and no one
knows anything to the complete extend. Most of the
research done in the world now, I think, is done
ultimately for money. They get it. Nations and
Corporations and all those who are funding do so for
their dominance. Think about.

Knowledge is good when it is to practice for the
service of mankind (or the entire creation of God).
This very same knowledge, when clouded with greed for
money and hunger for power, can be very evil. We see
many examples in this day and age. 

See when some one doing a research on ‘life on Mars’
come talk to you about Human Psychology and tell you
whatever the Psychologist says is wrong, what will be
your response? Let whoever is specializing on
something talk about their area of Specialization.
Those who are seeking the Kingdom of God, let them
talk about God.

As long as we are human beings there will always be
room for improvement. Nothing is perfect or complete.
If we do not concentrate on the incompleteness, then
we can help others. Even if what we have is
incomplete, if we share with others with love, then
God, who is always with us, will complete it. He is
the one who works in all things for the good of those
who love him and  who have been called according to
his purpose.

My dear fellow JY, please continue your search for
knowledge, let Kingdom of God be your ultimate goal.
In your search for the Mysteries of God whatever you
find share that for the good of the people… no matter
if it is of this universe or the other.

With lots of love and prayers
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[JOYnet] Praise God,Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2002-11-07 Thread sydna sebastian
Dear brothers & sisters in christ,

   Two days before  I have posted a prayer request for my RN 
exam.Today was my exam & by the grace of our dear Lord I passed the same.Praise 
God,Thank God.I was sure that there are so many brothers & sisters to pray for me.I 
could feel that strength during my exam .Minimum questions to be answered was 75 & our 
lord was so good that He passed me within that 75 questions.This is not my merit But 
ONLY HIS GRACE & BLESSINGS.I received lot of mails personally & those mails really 
strengthened me.Thank you all for all your prayer support & blessings. 

With love & prayers,

Sydna Sebastian,Newyork

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[JOYnet] need your prayer

2002-11-07 Thread Freju Sebastian
hi all,
  my dad is attending a retreat at kolathuvayal,
pray for him and also for my sisters son,he is having
a major problem for his ears because of some gland
problem.only 50% he can hear now .doctor has
reccomented for operation.
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[JOYnet] Please pray for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2002-11-03 Thread sydna sebastian
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

 Hope you all are doing fine by the grace of our lord.I am in need of 
your special prayers.On Nov 7th is my RN exam.I am really so tensed.Heard that it is 
really tough.Please pray that I may pass the exam by the grace of our dear LORD.

 With love & prayers 


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[JOYnet] Unique experience

2002-10-29 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear Joynetters

I am forwarding herewith a message received by Fr.Thomas Mathew from Nisha, 
a teenager, during his retreat in Auckland, New Zealand.  Hope this will 
help someone.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From : Nisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject :unique experience

Date :Tue, 29 Oct 2002 23:26:30 +1300 (NZDT)

Dear Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas Mathew,

My name is Nisha. I am daughter of Mr. Rajan Clemence.
I am writing this to share my experience I had in the
retreat conducted by Fr.Thomas Mathew, at Auckland,
New Zealand.

First of all, have to admit, I wasn't too keen on
attending this retreat - 2 reasons.

One main reason was my finals coming up the following
week. I was stressing hard out since I felt I had not
prepared enough. So I had made up my mind not to
attend the retreat. That first morning, My Dad came
and asked me one last time if I would like to go. I
wondered, there must be something God wants me to do
or else Dad wouldn't come and ask me like that - even
though I made it clear with my parents until the
previous night that I wasn't going. So I decided to
read the Bible - that's where I find my answers every
time I have some difficulty. I got a quote (I can't
remember the exact quote) which prompted me to attend
the retreat.  Then I prayed, now I felt like someone
was telling me - whatever and how much you study, its
never complete without his blessing and that this is a
great opportunity. So I decided to go. It was a good
experience. I went home and shared my experience with
many others including family friends - 6 of them
decided to come the next day!

Another main reason was - I have had unsweet
experiences with retreats in the past and thought this
will be no different from others. I don't mean to
criticize anyone, I know I'm no one to, but the
retreat conductors usually force the attendees to pray
in a way they are not comfortable with and not used
to. I've seen a lot of "picking" in retreats by the
conductors and often the person being picked on, feels
a little uncomfortable attending further, thinking
others might have this impression on him/her.

But Father's attitude and style were different. The
humorous manner you presented the retreat in with so
many real life experiences was one factor that
attracted my attention. Usually, I tend to get absent
minded in the middle of talks and sermons. But your
retreat really grabbed my whole concentration during
the entire course. Another factor, you explained
everything in an unadorned, non elaborate way and was
simple & understandable. Usually people of my age,
would find it hard to grasp sermons and retreat talks
when it is all just complicated concepts. Besides all
this, I could pray well during the retreat - Felt like
God is listening and I can ask him anything, I mean
anything. I discovered this from one of your sermons.
Another good thing I felt was that you were not
forcing anyone or picking on anyone or making people
embarrassed if their praying style/attitude were
different. You were so easy to reach - I'm not sure if
this is due to the limited number of people there, but
it was good. It meant everyone had your attention when

This retreat was definitely one of a kind for me. I am
telling this from my past experiences with retreats.
It was certainly a "not to be missed" opportunity and
I am glad God helped me make the decision to come for
this retreat. It was a special one indeed.

Now I'm trying to get some of my friends join us for
the youth retreat Father is about to conduct soon. I
very much look forward to attending that.

With Prayers

Elizabeth Nisha Rajan
New Zealand

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[JOYnet] Hello - Teachers' prayer group

2002-10-06 Thread Joseph Sebastian

hai dear pals on the JOYNET,

Great to be connected to yu all. Well life has been bussy at Satara . Now at 
Kottayam its doubly bussy. And tell you what I am really enjoying it. We had 
the teachers gathering on the 2nd of October. Though many ideas came in it 
was decided that we should have a prayer meeting for the teachers and then 
go on as OUR LORD WILL LEAD US. The prayer meeting is schedule to BE 
INAUGURATED MY OUR LORD tomorrow at 5.30 IST at Kottayam BCM college chapel. 
Do pray for as we all know only those that is build my OUR FATHER will last.

Another request is that those of you who have any experienc in teachers 
minstry please get in touch with yur valuable experiences and suggestions.

Yours in christ


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Re: [JOYnet] we are 1000 now!!!!

2002-10-05 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetterrs

Ooh we are in 4 digits now!.

A million thanks to our loving God.

Congratulations to all in this JOYful net community.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: "Mathew Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] we are 1000 now
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 14:23:20 +0530

Hi all,

Nice to see that JOYnet has now 1000 members.

Praise God for this wonderful ministry.

Congratulations to all of you for making JOYnet a loving family.

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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[JOYnet] Update from Kottayam

2002-09-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Hai all on the JoYNET,

Its great to be back on the NET with you. Well i am at Kottayam now and have 
joined my duties in the new MSW programme at BCM college. Lots happening at 
all levels - personal, prafessional and most of all WITH JESUS. I got a 
joyous reception here and i am into the thick of things here.

On 2nd we have planned a teachers' gathering at KE college. This is for 
teachers who into renewal and those who support the JY groups in college. 
Its to be a motivating session and to bring about more coordinated effort to 
help the youngesters to meet JESUS.

Then there is the Moriah meet from 11th to 14th of OCT. Nearly 400 college 
students are expected to attend.

I believe it goes without me telling you that U GOT TO PRAY AND PRAY HARD

Keep my family and me in your prayers too. Its so great a feeling to be 
among your loved ones.




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[JOYnet] Prayer request for mother of Fr.Thomas Mathew

2002-09-11 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Following is a msg received from our pastor, Fr. Thomas Mathew.  His mother 
is undergoing a triple bypass surgery.

Let us all storm the heaven for this particular intention.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: "Thomas Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Attention: London JYs
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 12:06:06 +

Dear Sebastian,

Greetings from USA. My mom needs a tripple By Pass so I have come away. Most 
of the programmes in Singapore was over.

The Surg is scheduled  in a few hours. Please pray . I will get in touch. 
Please ask our friends to pray for my mom

God Bless you

Thomas Achan

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[JOYnet] chackochen njavalil

2002-09-11 Thread Joseph Sebastian Kochupurackal

hello everybody there .

any one got chackochen sir's email is get it to me soon


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[JOYnet] id of Chackochen

2002-09-09 Thread Joseph Sebastian Kochupurackal

Dear friends ,

In case you have the eamil id of chackochen  (Sir) please mail it to me. The
one i have is  [EMAIL PROTECTED] but the mails I sent are bouncing

Prayer and regards


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[JOYnet] Attention: London JYs

2002-09-09 Thread sebastian thomas

Hi Joynetters of London,

I am writing this to inform you about our Bahrain JOYnetter Miss Mable 
Mathew.  She left Bahrain yesterday to join University of East London.

She is the daughter of Mr. Mathew Thaoms, our previous co.ordinator of 
malayalam prayer group of Sacred Heart Church, Bahrain.

Following is her e-mail id:

Please contact Mable on the above e-mail id as she will be happy to 
participate in the JY activities over there.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] thanx for the prayers

2002-08-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian, Kochupurackal

HEllo everybody,

Jason  had put a prayer request on my behalf on JOynet for my Aunt and my
sister's sis-in-law (Litty from Quilon Sister of Tito Jose TKM Gradute and
working in IOC now at Erode in case some of you'll know). My aunt is still in
the hospital with the prelminary check up getting ready for the operation and
Litty has been moved out of the ICU. The biopsy result is awaited in
realtionto the growth in her brain.



(If any one from near by Carithas Hospital Please do meet my aunty there. Her
name is Mariamma Joseph W/o M.J. Joseph from Peruvanthanam, Madukakuzhy

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[JOYnet] got "disconnected"

2002-08-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian, Kochupurackal

hai everybody,

I have been on"tour"with my family since 14th aug. I landed at Satara on
monday the 26th. I was not abole to access the Joynet as i had been
disconnected as my mails were bouncing back. Sorry for the trouble that may
have caused to you.

And i want to thank you'll for the prayers you SHOT UP for me and my family.

Love and prayers


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[JOYnet] thanx for b'day wishes

2002-08-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian, Kochupurackal

I also want to thank all of you'll for the b'theday wishes. In case some of
the mails bounced back i am sorry about that. I have cleaned up mu account so
no more probs in receiving the mails.

thanks once again.

God bless you all


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[JOYnet] thanx for the prayers

2002-08-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian, Kochupurackal

HEllo everybody,

Jason  had put a prayer request on my behalf on JOynet for my Aunt and my
sister's sis-in-law (Litty from Quilon Sister of Tito Jose TKM Gradute and
working in IOC now at Erode in case some of you'll know). My aunt is still in
the hospital with the prelminary check up getting ready for the operation and
Litty has been moved out of the ICU. The biopsy result is awaited in
realtionto the growth in her brain.



(If any one from near by Carithas Hospital Please do meet my aunty there. Her
name is Mariamma Joseph W/o M.J. Joseph from Peruvanthanam, Madukakuzhy

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[JOYnet] Pray for me

2002-08-27 Thread Joseph Sebastian, Kochupurackal

A small request to pray for me.

I have been mention in my letters (for quite some time now) that i will be
moving to kottayam BCM college. Well the day has been decided. the MSW course
will be starting at BCM on the 16th of Sept. I will be leaving Satara on 14th

The prayers required for are

1. I will be going on leave till the end of Nov. Got to get permission from
the manamgement.

2. From the begining of Dec i will be going on lean (leave of absence) or
resigning from the post. Please pray that lords will be done ie - resignation
or lean. I do not have any preference as such.

3. Have to get a replacement in the Principal's post.

4. Have quite a bit of work to complete and hand over b/4 i leave.


6. Pray for what my LORD wants me to so when i get back to Kerala.

Thanking you and praising my Lord for having listening to your prayers.


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[JOYnet] Jebel Ali Site Mishap

2002-08-26 Thread sebastian dcruz

Dear Joyful netters,

Roof of a bldg.collapsed  in Jebel Ali  Dewa Power project construction
site on Aug 25 at 10.45 AM .
The only tragic accident of such measure I have seen in my life.
Eight died and still more are suspected to be under the debris, search
is in progress. Many were injured.
Please pray for the site.
My friend Lily das just came out  before the steel roof collapsed, to
make a thread of  pipe conduit. Thus he was saved.

Sometime before I  asked my Boss for work allotment in that building.
But he refused .
The refusal of my Boss not to work in that bldg. & Lily das coming out
for a conduit thread had no special meaning until the roof had

Certain incidents may not have any importance for the time being, but
may have far-reaching  results.

A Hindu engineer Suresh was sharing that God shows certain accidents to
understand the meaning of his creation and the need to look up to God.

love Jesus love
Sebastian Dcruz

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[JOYnet] Know more

2002-08-18 Thread Georly Sebastian

Dear Friends, 

The test given below will give more ideas. Try to read once fully when you get time. I 
am sure it will help us to stand firm with our LORD.

With love

georly & gilfy


The Presidency of Islamic Research and Ifta
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Under The General Supervision of the Grand Council of Scholars
Fatwa No: 19402,  Dated 25 Muharram 1418H
Praise be to Allah alone, and salaat and salaam be upon Muhammad, his
family, companions, and those who righteously follow him until the Day of

The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Ifta has reviewed the
iquiries, opinions and essays propagated in the mass media concerning the
"Call for the Unification of Religions" ie;  Islam, Judaism, and
Christianity, and studied what has originated from the call to:

· Build a Mosque, a Church, and a Jewish Temple in one area, especially in
universities, airports, and public squares etc.
· Print the Noble Qur'an, the Torah, and the Bible in one book.
· Other consequences of such a call in the form of conferences, symposiums,
and solicitations to be established both in the East and the West.

After comprehensive study the committee resolves the following:-

1. One of the fundamentals of Faith in Islam, which is known as an essential
part of the religion and upon which all Muslims have agreed, is that there
is no true religion on the earth except Islam, and that it is the Final
religion which abrogated all previous religuions and creeds. Therefore, no
other religion remains on earth by which Allah can be worshipped except
Islam. Allah The Most High says, "And whoever seeks a religion other than
Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one
of the losers." [Al-Qur'an 3:85].

2. One of the fundamentals of faith in Islam is what Allah's Book (the
Qur'an) is the last Book that was revealed by the Cherisher of the Worlds.
It abrogated all the Books revealed by Allah before it, such as the Torah,
the Psalms, and the Bible, and as such no other Book has been left by which
Allah can be worshipped except the Qur'an. Allah, The Most High, says, "And
We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (the Qur'an) in truth,
confirming the Scriptures that came before it, and trustworthy in highness
and a witness over it (old scriptures). So judge between them by what Allah
has revealed, and follow not their vain desires." [Al-Qur'an] 5:48]

3. It is our belief that both the Torah and the Bible were abrogated by the
Qur'an, and that they were changed by means of additions or deletions by
their followers. This was indicated in some verses in Allah's Book - the
Noble Qur'an. Allah, The Most High, says in His Qur'an, "So because of their
breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard.
They change the words from their (right) places and have abandoned a good
part of the Message that was sent to them. And you will not cease to
discover deceit in them, except a few of them." [Al-Qur'an 5:13]

"Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say,
'This is from Allah.' To purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for
what their hands have written and woe to them for thet they earn thereby."
[Al-Qur'an 2:79]

"And verily, among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongue
(as they read), so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not
from the Book, and they say, 'This is from Allah', but it is not from Allah;
and they speak a lie against Allah while they know it." [Al-Qur'an 3:78]

Accordingly, even whatever is considered as correct in these Books, has been
abrogated by Islam. The remaining parts are altered. This is proved by the
following incident. The Prophet (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) got angry when
he saw 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab holding a sheet containing some verses from the
Torah and he said to him, "O 'Umar! Are you in doubt? Have I not brought
(the Message) as clear as white? If my brother Musa ('alaihi salam) had been
alive, he would have followed me." Narrated by Ahmed, Ad-Daarimi and others.

4. Another fundamental of Faith in Islam is that our Prophet and Messenger
Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) id the seal of all the prophets and
messengers. Allah says, "Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is not the
father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last
(end) of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever All-Aware of everuthing."
[Al-Qur'an 33:40] As such, no other messenger is left to be followed except
Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam).

If any of Allah's Prophets and Messengers had been alive, they too along
with their followers would have followed Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa
sallam). Allah, The Most High, says, "And (Remember) when Allah took the
Covenant of the Prophets saying 'Take whatever I gave you from the Book and
Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah etc.) and afterwards there will
come to you a messenger (Muhammad) confirming what


2002-08-03 Thread sydna sebastian

Hai everbody,

   Thank you so much for all your paryers.Yesterday I made a prayer 
request for my driving test.Praise God,I passed my driving test & got my license.I was 
really very nervous & I made some mistakes while parking.I thought I would not pass 
yesterday,since I made the mistake.But only & only by the grace of our Abba father I 
passed the test.Thank you once again for your prayers.

Praise God

with love in Jesus & Mary

Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] A big Thank U

2002-07-29 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends on the JOYnet,

I had request ed u'll to pray for my daughter on her b'thday the 27th. I 
want to thank all of you'll for the prayers. I could talk to my wife only on 
MOnday morning. She told me that they had a wonderful day . Ofcourse they 
missd me.

God bless u all. Love

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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-07-29 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends on the JOYnet,

There is a girl i know who is very much in need of prayers. Her parents are 
on the verge of divirce and she has lost all interest in life. Do pray.


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[JOYnet] Wedding bells

2002-07-29 Thread sebastian dcruz

 Dear Dear Dear World JY's
Our Smiju from Abudhabi told he would like to knot . Jesus answered
immediately to function the wedding function on July 29 on St. Martha's
feast day. Happy wishes to both of you.

>From all of us here
Sebastian & Reena
Dubai  Jesus Youth

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[JOYnet] Ammu's B'thday

2002-07-25 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear Bros & siss on the JOYnet,

It is my daughter Ammu's second Birthday on the 27th of July. I request all 
of you'll to pray for her and for US the family. I am at Satara and they (my 
wife and kids) are in kottayam. All of us miss each ohther very much. Pl do 
remember her in your prayers.

And Priests and Sisters among u do offer her up to Our Lord int he mass. Of 
course all of you'll who will be going for mass on saturday can do it.

Love and Prayers

Yours in christ


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[JOYnet] Prayer request

2002-07-12 Thread sydna sebastian

Hi everybody,

 I  have been a silent member of joynet for the past few months.Back 
in India,I was active in JY.Now I am with my husband in Newyork.We have attended one 
of the Rexband programme in NY.It was really amazing.At first my husband was reluctant 
to come for the programme.But I forced him to attend.And he really liked the 
programme.He was telling everybody about the programme.Praise God.My prayer is that we 
both grow deeper in our Lord. 

I have one prayer request.My brother is waiting for a visiting visa to 
Dubai.He has a small job in kerala.He took leave for 4 months from the above job & is 
waiting for the visa so badly.So please pray that if it is God's will,let him get the 
Visa soon.

 Thank You,

     Sydna Sebastian,Newyork.
Yahoo! Autos - Get free new car price quotes

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2002-07-05 Thread Joseph Sebastian



JOYnet] Worm Klez.E immunity





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[JOYnet] Nursing admissions

2002-06-25 Thread joseph sebastian

Dearest people of God,

I am sending this to enquire about any nursing school which does not charge
high fees. This is for a new converted Christian girl 20yrs who has second
class in SSLC, 43% in PDC with Phys,Chem, Biol. and BSc with first class. She
has only her mother and they are very poor. Another person has agreed to
support them to a sum of approx.Rs.50,000 in total. In case you know about any
place please let me know. Thanking you.

with love and prayers.


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[JOYnet] Update on the burn victims

2002-06-25 Thread sebastian thomas

Thank you for your prayer support.

Here we could experience the power of prayer.  When we needed blood for Mani 
for his surgery to be carried out today, our Lord provided us 8 persons from 
our prayer group within matter of 24 hours.  Praise the Lord.
Please continue your prayers for their complete healing.

Following is a news report appeared in the local daily about the present 
condition of the burn victims:

M Mani, 45, Josemon Stephan, 28, and Chandran Narikkot Meethal, 46, are 
currently under treatment at the Salmaniy Medical Centre (SMC), Bahrain, 
burns unit, after a gas cylinder exploded when the workers ignited the gas 
stove in the kitchen.

Mr Mani's condition was very critical when he was brought to the SMC by a 
BDF Hospital ambulance last Wednesday. He was unconscious, after inhaling 
Following the special care given at the burns unit, his condition improved 
and he is now out of danger, said Dr Gang.

Mr Stephan, who suffered 50 per cent burn injuries on the face, both limbs, 
back and chest, underwent a major surgery on Sunday.  Dr Gang said the dead 
skin was removed and new skin taken from the thigh was grafted on the 
injured part.  "Mr Stephan has to undergo two more surgeries in 10 days," he 

"Mr Mani, who was taken off the ventilator after three days, will undergo a 
surgery today and a second surgery a week later.  "He had suffered 45pc 
burns on the face, upper limbs, neck and the back."

Both patients have to spend at least two to three months in the hospital.

Mr Meethal, a cold store worker, who rushed to the blaze scene after hearing 
the explosion, suffered 15pc burns.
He will be discharged from the hospital next week.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Request for URGENT prayers

2002-06-22 Thread sebastian thomas

Subject: [Prayer Board] from Sabu Joseph
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 23:59:44 -0500

Name  : Sabu Joseph
Time  : 22 Jun 2002   23:59
Subject : Prayer Request

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please pray for Manichettan, Jose and a Muslim brother who are in a very 
critical condition in the Salmaniya Medical College at Manama in Bahrain. 
The gas cylinder in the sandwich shop they work exploded and the first two 
suffered 45 to 50 percent burning. Manichettan and Jose are part of our 
Charismatic community in Bahrain and their families depend entirely on them. 
Manichettan is very serious and Jose is undergoing a surgery today. It was 
the Muslim brother who saved them and he is much better. Please pray with 
the entire Malayalam Catholic Community of Bahrain who are on their knees 
for the life of these two brothers. May God bless you all for your prayers.
In Christ - Sabu Joseph

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[JOYnet] a reminder

2002-06-20 Thread joseph sebastian

hello friends on the JOYnet,

some time back some of us written about praying for those people who are miss
using the computer and those who fall prey to its abuses specially the

We had suggested that we will pray as when we start the computer and also when
we log on to the net.

Hope we all are doing it.

Do remember that many people are taken up from the way to salvation because of
the misuse of the NET similarly as many are coming to the Lord bcoz of it.

Keep praying

Yours in Christ


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[JOYnet] The luggage is on its way

2002-06-01 Thread joseph sebastian

Dear friends on the JOYNEt,

The luggage is on its way. As i had written on JOYnet HE had it ready but how
i did  not know.  It was a great thing that happend today. All the transport
people were telling me that it would cost about 10,000/- Rs. to take the
luggage to kerala. But my Lord had better plans . He got me a lorry for just
3000/- .

Plzzz do thank my Lord and praise him along with me.


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[JOYnet] hai everybody

2002-05-29 Thread joseph sebastian

Hai everbody,

I waqs able to log into check my mails after about 3 weeks now. Have been very
bussy. Falling from trees, get togethers

Wondering what this is all about. I reached my home at Kerala on 13 th may and
14 my brother and me went climbing mangoe trees. and there i was after about
an hour or so of monkey jumping down on earth again. The branch i was standing
had broken and i fell I was unconscious for about 10 to 15 sec.   But
through all that i was able to understand our Lord's caring and
love.through my Acha (dad), Mummy, Darlin (wife) and Thomas (younger

Even my son Devassi had something to say... naan appoozhee
paranchathalee.. (I had already told you not to climb trees).

Right now  am at Satara to take our luggage to Kottayam. Apart from the fall
of other things have been happening at this end. I have started working
INFORMALLY at BCM college KTM. Formally i will be joining only by sept/oct
when the classes start.

The lorry for taking the luggage has not been confirmed yet. But i am very
sure that HE has made arrangements...

How He made the arrangements i will let you know after I come to know about

Keep my family and me in your prayers.

Yours in Christ

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[JOYnet] Fwd: [ParableNet] Unbelievable but true

2002-05-27 Thread sebastian thomas

Thank you Irma for your efforts to post this msg in the Parablenet.
I am posting this to JOYnet as I found its very touching and this is meant 
for those who have not subscribed to Parablnet.

Dear JOYnetters please read and pray for thos souls.

Regards - Sebastian Thomas / Bahrain

Subject: [ParableNet] Unbelievable but true…
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 22:48:09 +0500 (IST)

Dear Friends,

Do not ignore this email, please read till the end though its quite
long but worth reading. Just imagine how cruel a human being can be.

   Hi friends (for I cannot call you brothers or sisters) I don't even
have a name.

   Anyway, my irresponsible father called who-knows-what saw my cruel
mother at the supermarket. She was bending over and he could make out
the outline of her figure. That was it, he began talking to her and
they got in to a conversation, all for the sake of sex. In hardly two
hours they were doing it on a bed and my eternal seed was sown. After
that my father just pulled out a cigarette smoked it and went away
pretending that he loved my mother.

  After a few weeks I was already taking shape when my father
met the same woman, my mother, again. He wanted to do it again, and
again they went to her apartment. For the sake of arousing her he
bought her a bouquets of flowers. His main goal however was to do it.
She however began to get serious and told him that he must marry her.
But he avoided the answer giving some reason or the other then she
told him of her change in metabolism and her frequent dizzy spells.
Since he was all worked up and ready to go, he promised her that he
would take her for a check-up the next day.

  After the deed was done in pure lust without the slightest trace of love, 
blew her a flying kiss from the door and went away.

  For the next few weeks there was no sign of him and his promises.
So she went to the doctor for a check up and her hunch was right,
she was pregnant. Things which would make a childless wife happy
were now making this woman black as night. She tried desperately
calling him all to no avail. Now things were beginning to get dead

  After many days of crying she again went to the doctor and
that brute gave her the option of guess what? - Killing me, so she
could be free of worry. With that he assigned her a date in the

  I knew nothing at that time and was dividing and subdividing
my cells. My hands, legs and hands were developed I could hear faint
sounds of my mother's heart from above - the callous heart that
would consent to murder.

  The horrible day finally arrived. My mother dressed up and
went to the gynecologist or should I say butcher. She spread her legs
on the butchers table into a specially made frame that would hold her
legs apart and ready for the horrendous homicide. The butcher was
cold and by the looks of it you could make out that he had done this
a number of times. This person had ceased to be a human being.

  He put his hand inside the womb and grasped my leg. At that
time I was confused but I had no more time to be confused nor for any
other emotion. The butcher then put in a very sharp scalpel and
severed my "Part B" as they called it to disguise the ghastly
deed. I tried to scream as my leg was ripped off, nothing came out
just a very silent cry. My entire being vibrated violently in
uncontrollable spasms. Before I could get accustomed to the
excruciating pain my second leg was cut off. Now the spasms
increased and reached a peak.
In the same way the butcher cut off my hands and I could not believe
that another human being was doing this to me. Then he did the
unthinkable he snapped my neck into two and removed my head. He
completed the barbaric job by removing the torso and wrapped it up
with a vacuum cleaner and a swab.

  My mother was now "free" free to hold her head high in society again
because she was a murderess, her stomach was flat again, the stretch
marks gone and she walked about as if nothing had happened.

  I suffered extremely excruciating pain till the very last moment
when my head was severed. Then my tiny soul rose away from my
body and I could see the most horrendous sight ever seen. I saw four
or five diabolical creatures standing around my mother and another
seemed to be sort of affixed into the doctor and his legs and hands
moved with the doctor's hands and legs. My mother's neck had
a chain around it and one of the diabolical creatures held this
chain with a firm grip.

  Suddenly my soul was being gently drawn by a very powerful
light and I traveled down a tunnel of light for a few minutes. I saw
an extremely beautiful place and thought I was going in when abruptly
I was stopped short and diverted to another place. As I neared this
place I saw thousands of souls in weird shapes some were like tennis
balls with tiny feet and hands sticking out and some were as small as

[JOYnet] Prayer Help

2002-05-26 Thread sebastian pa david

Dear Friends,

Please pray for me and my prayer group

With love.

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[JOYnet] Life is beautiful !!!

2002-05-13 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

After a short period of hibernation our friend Suru is out from cold to say 
that he is alone.

Suru, its hightime to get doubled???!!! :)  Josun from Delhi is also in 
the same boat and he has declared his intention loud and clear.

I am filling out what you have left blank in your mail (about family life).  
YES indeed family life with wife and kids are really beautiful.
I have two tiny tots: One is 4 1/2 and the other 1 1/2 years old.  Both are 
boys.  So you know how hard it is.  Still I find life is beautiful...

If you consider every inconvenience as an adventure and face that adventure 
with JESUS you will find life most beautiful.

So you are not alone my buddy.we all are with you along with our JESUS.

Dont worry .be hapy.

sebastian thomas

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [JOYnet] Life is beautiful !!!
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 02:31:16 +0600

Hi friends,

Life is beautiful !!!

Why life is beautiful 
There are many things coming into mind.. let me start with few

Everywhere it is War & Terrorism and war against Terrorism
CNN, BBC, Sky news, Foxnews or any Tv channels you get this peice
of news... India you get Gujrat, Middle east you get Palestine issues,
Nepal you get Maoists, Sri Lanka you get Tamil issues, Taliban, IRA,
Al Fatah, Jihad, Hamas, Japaneese Red Armay, ETA, PKK, list is going on...
If you take religions there also problems, In kerala itself we have
time long issues on various things like liturgy, etc, politics is
hopeless anywhere... Globalism, International trade, World bank,etc.
Attack on a building in New York is affecting a family in the remote
village of Assam or Bihar but same time a million dollar profit for
the neighbor might not give that family any benefit.. Everywhere
you can see unrest among the people. Still life is beautiful

Like to share few things coming into Mind. We Joynet members
are scattered all around the world. unless like other JY communities
we are not from a particular place, job or situation... many of us
are alone in their country or City (I mean no other Jy's around).
this part of sharing specially for them... for  my friends who are away
from their home, far away from their parents and loving ones.

No Man can Live as an Island
Journeying through the life alone

Last few days I was feeling so lonely... Where else can we share
all this feelings... Being in this community for more than 3 years
I feel this is the place we can get the real love, help, spiritual
support etc. My job is like operating from my house itself
and not much works always so in literal meaning here I am alone.
That's is the reason these days thinking the worthiness of
being with friends, Being in a Community, Being with family etc.

God created this world in a beautiful harmony...Where we all can
live as a community...where nobody is alone...Family ties are most
important in our life. My father, Mother, their sufferings
for me, How they managed to support all our way, They gave
everything for us, My sister, brother, their love for me,
How much they care for me... (My wife, kids don't know
how to explain this part... Some married guys can explain)...
Yes experincing all this... Life is beautiful... Something
very beautiful right

Friends -  My memories going back to college days, The
friendships we will remember till the end of our life
My college days I got my best friends... still we are best
friends and when ever in kerala I spend my time with them.
Those days we worked for Jesus youth with whole heart.
We have a three men Army there me, James & Binu (we are
best freinds for last 12 years) Last month I went to
home for just two days out of that one day I spend time
with these JY friends... yes life is beautiful...

Today I am stopping here with a small prayer.


With Love,

Colombo, Sri Lanka

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sebastian thomas

The storms of our life prove the strength of our anchor.
God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us.

True wisdom begins and ends with God

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[JOYnet] Prayer Help

2002-05-12 Thread sebastian pa david

Plese pray for me,home and group
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[JOYnet] leaving Satara.

2002-05-11 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends on the JOY - NET,

I will not able to keep in touch with JoYnet for few weeks as we are moving to
Kottayam. Do pray . There are many things to be done. I know that the Lord is
leading me. Pray that i stay with Him always and listen to His directions. The
problwm with me (and may of us) is that i (we) try to snatch the streeing from
the DRIVER in between the wondeful ride. This is very much so when the speed
of the vehicle is slow.

Keep praying .

Yours in Christ


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[JOYnet] Please pray

2002-05-07 Thread binu sebastian

 Dear friends 
I am Binu sebastian trying to get a job in bangalore.I have completed Mpharm and 
staying with my friend in Bangalore.
love binu 
  JOY BABU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi everybody!!!

today evining i am having some blood tests please
do pray for that 

Abu Dhabi

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[JOYnet] Dad's Birthday today - pray

2002-05-06 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Hi Joyneters,

Itsa my dad's Birthday today (6th May) . Do pray.


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