[jQuery] Re: cross subdomain post

2008-03-28 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

techguy_75 ha scritto:

I want to submit a form from a page on
to another page on
without reloading my original page

Both the pages are on the same domain but within different subdomains.

If I use .ajax() , type=POST , it works fine on IE , but fails on
Firefox because of the cross domain issue with this error below

Error: [Exception... 'Permission denied to call method
XMLHttpRequest.open' when calling method:
[nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]  nsresult: 0x8057001e
(NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)  location: unknown  data: no]

Any of you have any thoughts , how best to do this so that it works on
all the browsers
To avoid this error you have to do the upload on the same domain calling 
a page that manage the upload, and the in that page you can move your 
file in the location you want on the disk (if the subdomain is on the 
same server, via ftp if the subdomain is on another server).

The idea is to use something like a proxy to avoid the 
XMLHttpRequest.open error.


gianiaz.net - Giovanni Battista Lenoci 
P.le Bertacchi 66 
23100 Sondrio (SO) - Italy

[jQuery] Re: Menu animations problem

2008-03-28 Thread yabado

Is there a easy way to convert this back to the horizontal version?

On Feb 22, 12:54 pm, Stoyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Dan,

 you're right. This appears to be a stop() aftereffect.

 Although a strange one, or at least - undocumented.

 removing the queue() din't fix the problem, so had to set

 explictly $( this ).stop().css('overflow', 'visible')

 Now it works fine, I think. 

 Thank you very much. 

 I'll leave the demo online, everyone here is free to use the code ;)


 Hi all !

 I am trying to create amenulike this on the front ofmootools.net

 (although in vertical way).

 My old code is based on something I've seen around interface together

 with a limitQueue hack -


 (it uses jQuery 1.1.x).

 However that doesn't work with jQuery 1.2.x

 Now I am trying to replace the limitQueue with the new Jquery 1.2 additions

 queue() and stop(), but I think I don't fully understand the way they work:


 (latest jQuery)

 On initial load everything looks almost fine. If I go through the menus

 slowly everything works fine.

 However when I go fast through the menus the bottom part of themenu

 disapears. I looked the whole thing with Firebug

 and it seems that when I go over amenu, it gets a overflow: hidden style.

 When I go slowly over it the style appears

 only for a second, but when I go fast the style stays. Why doesn't the

 style be removed ? :)

 P.S. The 1.1.x version of jquery doesn't seem to have that kind of problem,

 or maybe I am doing something wrong.

 I am a little confused with the animations. I really like to achieve the

 smoothness of themootoolsimplementation.

 Anyone can help ?

  First off, I like the overall effect. Looks very nice.

  The reason the bottom line is being hidden is because the overflow on

  the top level li tags (i.e. li id=b_11 /) are getting being set to


  While I haven't tracked this down, I suspect it's an aftereffect of calling

  the stop() method. Also, it seems unnecessary to call the queue([])

  lines--as calling stop() should clear the queue.

  If removing the queue([]) lines doesn't fix the problem, try clearing the

  overflow value after your call to the stop() method.



 Best regards,

  Stoyan                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[jQuery] Tablesorter IE7 Problem

2008-03-28 Thread gr00vy0ne

I'm having a weird problem where Tablesorter does not sort properly in
IE7. It works perfectly fine in Firefox 2.0.0.x and Safari.

The one tricky thing in my structure is that I don't have text in my
td cell. Instead, I have input buttons with values which go directly
in each cell.

Here's my essential structure:

table class=tableBorder cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
thModule Name/th
tdinput id=Submit6 class=select name=submit1 type=submit
value=Edit Page Skins //td
tdEnable toggle skins on the Homepage, MLP, TSP, and TLP pages/td
tdinput class=select type=submit value=Edit This Tool
id=Submit22 name=submit1 //td
td /td
tdinput class=select type=submit value=Edit That Tool
id=Submit23 name=submit1 //td
td /td
tdinput class=select type=submit value=Edit Another Tool
id=Submit24 name=submit1 //td
td /td

In my javascript, I'm doing the following:

   textExtraction: $(this).attr(value),
   headers: {
  1: { sorter: false },
  sortList: [[0,0]]

So, I'm trying to sort by input value. IE7 doesn't seem to like it.

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Anyone willing to take a look and see why this is happening?

2008-03-28 Thread ripple
Works just fine in FF.
  What browser(s) are you having problems with?

Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, all...

Got some strange sliding going on.

Here's the link:


Click on the Click here to view or hide agent's biography link.

The top bio slides and hides nicely. The others are just spastic.

The jQ controlling this is:

  $(document).ready(function() {
   $('a.showbio').each(function(i) {
var $match = $('div.biography').eq(i);

$(this).toggle(function() {
 }, function () {





Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[jQuery] Register click event on dynamically generated a anchor tag

2008-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Is there any way to bind events to dynamic html content.
I have a div tag and button

div id=outerdiv style=z-index:1;/div
button id=btnClick/button

when the page loads. On click of button a registered event gets fired
creating a anchor tag a in the div tag

 $(#btn).click(function () {
$(#outerdiv).html('a href=www.yahoo.comclick me/a');
alert('in here');
return false;

but the click event registered on $(a) never gets executed. i
believe this happens because, when the page is first loaded a
doesn't exist so the event is not registered.
How can i register a event on dynamic content using jquery.
Thanks a bunch

[jQuery] Re: async validation

2008-03-28 Thread Brian J. Cardiff
my particular needs where described in this
But in a more general way, validation could be done in background/async
without disturbing each keypress of the user (clearly a onblur is a partial

the only thing you need is that before sending a submit of a form, you need
to be sure that validations are completed.

for example, in a textbox to input a new user name, the validation that the
value is available can/should be done that way.

does it make sense now?

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 11:47 PM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe it's just me, but async validation makes absolutely no
 sense.  you don't want your process to continue unless the data is

 Say you do kick off the validating of your fields in that manor, what
 are you going to do right after you kick off the process?

 On Mar 27, 12:36 pm, Brian J. Cardiff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to perform validation in asynchronously? I would need
 this in
  remote validations that took a while.
  Brian J. Cardiff

Brian J. Cardiff

[jQuery] Re: Loading a form via ajax load and then submitting with ajax form helper not working.

2008-03-28 Thread delay

I made a slight error in my previous solution. on my add a comment
function apparently I thought I didn't need the livequery plugin, but
I was wrong.So you need to load the livequery plugin for jquery and
then add this jQuery.livequery.run();   towards the end of the
add_comment function.  This statement causes the DOM to be reloaded
and be seen by jquery for the new elements that were added with the
load routine.

//add a comment
function add_comment(CommentId)  {
new jQuery('#addcomment'+CommentId).hide().load('/comments/
 function() { jQuery(this).slideDown('fast'); }
return false;
//add a comment end

[jQuery] Re: Calling a jQuery function from within an ajax-loaded div

2008-03-28 Thread gf8si

You need to set the dataType option to script according to the


See the docs for the dataType options and the first example.

[jQuery] Re: Loading a form via ajax load and then submitting with ajax form helper not working.

2008-03-28 Thread delay


Ok FINALLY figured this out...  I am posting my solution here since I
have not seen it successfully posted anywhere else in my 2 days of
trying to figure this thing out.  Quite surprisingly it has a very
simple solution.  Initially I was trying to set the form submission
using jquerys document ready routine.  This won't work, the reason is
jquery only binds document ready to the dom on the initial page load.
Since I am using a load call to load the form it only exists after
that has been called.  I tried to use the livequery plugin to rebind
it but the documentation is sparse for how to use that, so I just gave
up, plus I think it can only bind to events that bubble and document
ready doesn't bubble.  Anyway so I tried to figure out if there was
anything that would handle the form besides document ready and ended
up changing document ready to jQuery(document).click(function() { and
that seemed to work!  Then since this form can be called from multiple
areas on the page, I initially thought I would have to setup a unique
target id.  I couldn't ever figure out how to pass the target id into
the script so the document.click could read it.  Then it hit me,  I
don't need to pass the target id at all.  When I load the ajax form I
just surround it in a div class called commentadd.  Now a user is
probably only going to use one form at a time so this works.  Anyway
below is what I did in code and I hope it helps someone.  I am quite
surprised there isn't a tutorial somewhere on this since I saw quite a
few people asking but no one posted any solutions.  Ayway hope this
helps someone.  I know it may be simple to a lot of experts out there
but I am rather dense when it comes to javascript and jquery.

P.S. for the beginners: on the INITIAL LINK below.  the 0 in
parenthesis is the id of the comment you want to add.  I tried to
simplify the stuff as much as possible from my original scripts so it
would make sense.  Also jQuery I used is the same as the $ you see in
many scripts.

//submit the form and return results of form submission to target
class div
jQuery(document).click(function() {
var options = {
target:'.commentadd',   // target element(s) to be
updated with server response
// bind to the form's submit event
jQuery('#frmaddcomment').submit(function() {
// inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM element so we
// wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke ajaxSubmit

// !!! Important !!!
// always return false to prevent standard browser submit and
page navigation
return false;


//add a comment
function add_comment(CommentId)  {
new jQuery('#addcomment'+CommentId).hide().load('/comments/
 function() { jQuery(this).slideDown('fast'); }

div class=commentadd id=addcomment0
img src=/images/comments.png class=iconh1Add Comments:/h1
form action=http://localhost/index.php/comments/add_comment;
method=post id=frmaddcomment0
input type=hidden name=CommentId value=0 /
plabel for=titleTitle:/labelbr /
input type=text name=title value= maxlength=255 size=43
id=title class=textfield  /
plabel for=titleComments:/labelbr /
textarea name=description cols=41 rows=10 id=description
class=textfield /textarea
input type=submit name=submit value=Submit Comments
id=submit_comments  /

a href=javascript:add_comment(0)Add New Comment/a

[jQuery] jsonp problems

2008-03-28 Thread slava

I am having problems using jquery's cross domain json function.
I send a request like this:

var data = { 'data':  '10' };
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: data,
url:  'http://another-domain/json-echo.php?jsoncallback=?',
success: function(json){
alert(received back:  + json);

and on the json-echo.php

$val = json_decode($_REQUEST['data'], true);
$output = json_encode($val);
echo $_REQUEST['jsoncallback'].'('.$output.')';

I get alert box with:
received back: 10

going any more complex with the data that I send always fails to
decode properly and i get a null back
so if set
data = {
{ 'url' : 'someurl' }
if fails... I've struggled with this all day trying all could think of
with no luck so far. Please help me get this working. :)

thank you

[jQuery] version problem in tutorial Rate me?

2008-03-28 Thread mick

Hi all

I've a version related problem or so it seems... I tried the Rate me
tutorial, and it works fine in firefox and opera, but not in msie (7).
when i try the online example it's works all right, but that's jquery
version 1.1.2, while the current version is 1.2.3. The rating is
entered in the dat-file, so everything appears to work, but the
interface then shows:

Thanks for rating, current average: , number of votes:''
(so, no vars are printed). At first i thought it was MSIE related, but
the online version (1.1.2) works fine, so i guess it must be a problem
in the library.
Anyone allready seen and/or solved this?

Regards Michaël

[jQuery] Re: clueTip click and drag?

2008-03-28 Thread az

Hi Karl,

Thanks for the quick reply and for pointing me in such a fruitful

Based on UI Dialog, here's what I did:

1. I included ui.mouse.js and ui.draggable.js

2. I added a 'draggable' option to clueTip.

3. Immediately after  opts.onShow($cluetip, $cluetipInner);
[not sure if this is the best place]
I added:
if (opts.draggable) {
 $cluetip.draggable({ handle: '#cluetip-title' });
 $('#cluetip-title').css('cursor', 'move');

It was so easy that it must be wrong, but it works!

I don't know if this will benefit anyone else, but it definitely makes
my application a little more user friendly.  The draggable option only
makes sense if sticky is turned on.

thanks again,

On Mar 27, 8:12 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi az,

 I'm glad you like the plugin! Thanks for mentioning that. I imagine
 the additional feature could be accomplished, but perhaps it's not the
 right plugin for the job. Have you taken a look at the UI 
   That might be closer to what you're after there. If you want to have
 a go at making clueTip work with the drag, you can probably get some
 good ieas from Dialog or Draggables (both part of UI) or jqModal.

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Mar 27, 2008, at 8:28 PM, az wrote:


  I think the clueTip plugin is fantastic and I'm using it heavily in
  one of my current projects.

  My clueTips are sticky so the user can interact with them.  In one
  case the clueTip contains a small feedback form.  But sometimes the
  clueTip partially covers the content that the user is giving feedback
  on!  I'd love for the user to be able to click on the header and drag
  the clueTip to a more convenient location.

  Is the possible with the current clueTip code?

  If not, would it be difficult to add this?  I'd be willing to take a
  crack at the code with a little guidance.


[jQuery] [validate] Ability to add rules via multiple validate() or some custom addRule() method

2008-03-28 Thread Bernard


I have the following problem. My form is built dynamically on the
server side with the use of components. What I would like do is to
give components the ability to specify validation rules for the fields
they render and service. So if eg. component renders description field
it should be able to provide a JS snippet which sets the validation
rules for it.
To keep components independent, I'm unable to use single $
(#formId).validate(...) invocation to set up my form validation. I
do not want use metadata approach for that.

Is there a way I could add new validation rules to the form validator?
eg. by invoking validate() more than once with new rules to add? Or is
there some addRule() method which will allow me to do that? Btw. is
there a way to get hold of the validator/validation data assigned to
the form, so I could play with this data on my own eventually?

Sample usage might be:

In: name.html
$(document).ready(function() {
 event: keyup,
 rules: {
name: required,
 messages: {
name: {
required: Name is required.

In: description.html
$(document).ready(function() {
 rules: {
desc: {
required: true,
maxLength: 100,
 messages: {
desc: {
required: Description is required.,
maxLength: Please enter a description no longer then
100 characters long.

Thanks in advance for your help,

[jQuery] TableSorter + TableEditor

2008-03-28 Thread Quinode

Is it my setup or did the new releases of Tablesorter broke definitely
the compatibility with TableEditor ?
I would surely donate to an update project, i'm not able to do this

[jQuery] Re: cross subdomain post

2008-03-28 Thread slava

You can use jquery to send your data to another domain with jsonp.
more details here http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON

On 27 мар, 18:52, techguy_75 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to submit a form from a page on
 to another page on
 without reloading my original page

 Both the pages are on the same domain but within different subdomains.

 If I use .ajax() , type=POST , it works fine on IE , but fails on
 Firefox because of the cross domain issue with this error below

 Error: [Exception... 'Permission denied to call method
 XMLHttpRequest.open' when calling method:
 [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]  nsresult: 0x8057001e
 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)  location: unknown  data: no]

 Any of you have any thoughts , how best to do this so that it works on
 all the browsers

[jQuery] JQuery TableSorter pager Plugin problem

2008-03-28 Thread Paul

I've recently installed the TableSorter widget for jquery. It all
worked fine, so I tried to go one step further, by installing the
pager plugin for TableSorter.

The problem I have is that the div called 'pager' appears on top of my
table (at the bottom), instead of under the table, where I would like
it to be. If I then select '20' (for 20 results per page) the div is
placed where it should be (under the table). Then I select '10' (to go
back to 10 results per page) and everything is displayed fine and

Any help?

[jQuery] Re: Using JQuery Effects in Parent Window from iFrame?

2008-03-28 Thread Jiming

I tried the method, it works with  $(#myid, parent.document.body);

Thanks for this tip!


On Mar 8, 4:03 am, tlphipps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I beat my head against this wall for quite some time.

 Try this:
 $(#myid, top.document);

 the top.document tells the selector to target the myid element which
 exists in the topmost document (your parent page).  In order for this
 to work, jquery must be loaded in the file which is viewed through the

 On Mar 6, 6:24 pm, ABecks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I have a simple HTML file with an iframe. Inside the iframe is a
  simple submission form. I would like to be able to click Submit and
  have Jquery append content to a div that is outside of the iframe.

  I have exhausted my knowledge of parent heirarchy in JS trying to find
  a solution. I couldn't find a solution in the Wiki or on Google.

  Any help is appreciated,
  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Caching issues jqModal??

2008-03-28 Thread Kenny1980

Thanks Shelane! That did the trick!!

Though its still a workaround. What i am trying to do is one of the most
basic features (master-detail) in the web. Why does this behaviour happen?
Your solution is great, but isn´t there a more clean/default way to do it?
But for now I'm happy it finally works! 


shelane wrote:
 I posted a workaround to this problem on this thread:
 (very last post on it)
 On Mar 26, 11:40 am, Kenny1980 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I got some problems using jqModal and ajax. I found some posts about
 issues with jqModal, but those solutions didn't help.


 li id=item_1Item 1/li
 li id=item_2Item 2/li
 li id=item_3Item 3/li
 li id=item_4Item 4/li


 $(document).ready( function() {

 $(li).dblclick( function () {
 theId =  this.id;
 theId = theId.substring(theId.indexOf(_)+1);

 $a = 'page2.php?id=' + theId;
 ajax: $a



 You have requested id '?=$_REQUEST['id']?'


 If i load page1.php and doubleclick on an item, the first time it
 the correct id. But the next couple of times (until page refresh) it
 shows the same id as the first time. Tough the alert in page1 gives the
 correct url, the page2.php request['id'] doesn't change.

 Hope anyone can clarify what i have done wrong or have forgotten.

 View this message in
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Effect: fadeOut fadeIn / opacity modifications don't work in my app

2008-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have the same problem in all browsers.

I position an element absolute and I apply a fadeIn-command to it:

$(#silhouetten).css({position: 'absolute', left:leftPos + 'px',
top:topPos + 'px', marginLeft:0}).fadeIn(slow);

Nothing happens.

fadeOut works finy actually.
Also slideUp(slow) and hide(slow) work fine, but slideDown(slow)
en show(slow) dont work :-S

Is this a bug?



On 3 mrt, 13:19, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having the same problem in IE6..

 On Mar 3, 5:26 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  hi friends,

  I just noticed the fadeIn fadeOut effect don't work anymore in my
  application, meaning: there is no error, but the elements don't
  fade. The elapsed time of the effect runs then the element hides or
  shows, but without opacity transition.

  I think this might be not a bug in jquery but a misconfiguration on my
  part, somewhere in the CSS. my app is pretty huge so i'm not going to
  ask you to look through it, but only if you know what would be the
  reason of opacity not to work.


  BTW, using latest jquery and FF2.0.0.12  and FF3 beta 3


[jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery.validate.js

2008-03-28 Thread Paul Collins

Thanks again Jorn, you've been a big help...

If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it, I just need to ask two more
questions. My test page is here:

I'd just like to know:

- How can I actually remove HTML and replace it with the JQuery code,
instead of just adding the new code after it?

- How can I submit the form using JQuery after I remove the submit
button and replace it with a HREF?

Any help/links would be greatly appreciated.

On 27/03/2008, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Paul Collins schrieb:

  Thanks for your help Jörn, that's solved that part of my equation.
   I'm stuck again! I would like to find out how to get the value of an
   id that ends in _replace
   So for instance, I have the following line that looks for a input tag
   with the type of submit, that has an id ending with _replace. (It
   can have anything before that).
   So, for EG: input type=submit id=sendButton_replace value=Send/
   I then want to get the entire content of the id and store it into a
   variable. I would also like to get the text in the Value and store it
   as another variable.
   I currently have:
 var replaceID = $(:submit[id$='_replace']).val;
 alert (replaceID);
   return false;

 How about...



[jQuery] Re: Anyone willing to take a look and see why this is happening?

2008-03-28 Thread Rick Faircloth
I just checked it out in IE6 and it's working fine there, too.


The problem is with IE7.


Thanks for the feedback.




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ripple
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:58 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Anyone willing to take a look and see why this is 


Works just fine in FF.


What browser(s) are you having problems with?


Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, all...

Got some strange sliding going on.

Here's the link:


Click on the Click here to view or hide agent's biography link.

The top bio slides and hides nicely. The others are just spastic.

The jQ controlling this is:







Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find
ping  them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[jQuery] Looking New jQuery Logo

2008-03-28 Thread Jake McGraw

I remember seeing a streamlined, grey on grey logo, I think John R.
used in a presentation. Anyone have a high def version of this?

- jake

[jQuery] Re: Calling all jQ CF users...

2008-03-28 Thread Rick Faircloth
Thanks for the reply, Jack.


Got it all worked out!  :o)




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jack 
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 1:04 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Calling all jQ  CF users...


I know this post is old, but anyway... I haven't looked that carefully, but 
perhaps the issue has to
do with cloning an input that has an ID, thus ending up with 2 controls with 
the same id (albeit
different names)?

I'm not sure why image-upload-2 would not exist on submit even if you didn't 
click the link to
create it, since it looks like it's hardcoded in the html (the 

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote: 

Hi, all.

Well, I'm still on the path of trying to create a file input cloning system,

with CF as the server-side processor.

I'm having mixed results.

FF2 just returns to the page with no uploads or errors.

IE7 uploads a file for the first filefield, but, even when there is no

second field that has been added via JS, I get an error stating that

The form field 'IMAGE-UPLOAD-2' did not contain a file.

Well, form field 'IMAGE-UPLOAD-2' wouldn't contain a file, because I hadn't

click on the link connected to the JS that would have created a form field

called 'IMAGE-UPLOAD-2'. IE seems to think that form field exists, when it 

I've included my jQuery below and the CF and HTML.

If anyone could take a look and see if you spot a problem, please do.

If it will help, I'll re-create this page online.

Thanks for any help!



$(document).ready(function() {

$('#add-image').click(function() {


attr('name', function() {

return this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, 
p2) {

return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);



.insertAfter('#image-div :last');




CF for processing form when submitted:

cfif isDefined(form.fieldnames)

cfloop collection=#form# item=fieldname


#fieldname# - #form[fieldname]#br


cfif left(#fieldname#, 5) eq image

cffile action=upload filefield=#fieldname#

  accept=image/jpg, image/pjpg, image/jpeg, 





Relevant HTML:


liClick the browse button to locate an image./li

   liUse the Add New Image Field button below to create addition 
image input


div style=margin-left:60px;

form name=add-image-form action=#cgi.script_name# method=post

div id=image-input

div id=image-div

input style=margin-bottom:25px; display:block; 
name=image-upload-2 type=file size=60 value=



pa id=add-image href=#Add New Image Field/p

input name=submit type=submit value=Submit Form




[jQuery] Re: Problem fiding a certain text inside a table

2008-03-28 Thread Feed

Thank you for the answer, motob... I don't really know how to use
regular expressions but I'm gonna find out right now.

On Mar 26, 5:40 pm, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You could try using regular expressions on the text inside of each TD.
 Something like this:

   $(this).text().replace(/\*/g, span class='highlight'*/span);


 The above code is untested and may not work, but you get the picture.

 On Mar 26, 3:00 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello all,

  I'm having a hard time trying to make a script. This is the whole

  - I have lots of tables in the same page
  - Each of those tables has a button that, once pressed, find and
  highlight all '*' characters inside the table

  What I'm thinking about doing is:

  Find all TDs that contain '*' inside:


  Ok, this worked, I found the TDs but now I have to look inside
  these TDs and highlight ONLY the * character how can I do it? I
  need to find the * and then wrap it in a span... in the end there will
  be something like this:

  I found the span class=highlight*/span, yay!

  Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: async validation

2008-03-28 Thread MorningZ

That more detailed reply makes much more sense

If i was doing something like this, i'd have a little dictionary going
on like

var Validations = {};
Validations.Name = false;
Validations.UserName = false;
Validations.Email= false;
Validations.SomeOtherField = false;

and figure out at what point (keypress or blur or i suppose some sort
of timer) to fire off the validation, and if you come back from the
ASync call valid, then set the property in the above object as true

And when submitting, only submit if all are set to true, otherwise
tell the user what's going on

[jQuery] Plugin pattern

2008-03-28 Thread alexanmtz

Hi everyone,

Im working in a big project of ajax and I would like to use a plugin
pattern thats not working in pratice...

All javascript in the project I would like to transform in a jQuery
plugin. But to achieve this I need to separate in categories in
libraries for this site Im working

So, I wanna to make this:



But when Im creating a plugin like this:

$.fn.project.ajax.remote = function() {

Its not working...

Using extend I reach it, but extending methods of jQuery objects  I
cant do that. I need this because I create a ajax library just for the
site and a lot of thing, so we need this pattern...

How I can accomplish this

thanks everyone...

[jQuery] Strange bold look after a show in IE6

2008-03-28 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve
Hi all,

I'm using animate({opacity: 1});
It produces a strange effect on IE6 where the text appears sort of bold (or
sort of duplicated) and a little dirty.
With show() I see this effect during the transition, but when it is finished
it looks ok.
With animate({opacity: 1}); it remains dirty after the effect.
Anybody experienced this ?
Any know fix or workaround ?



[jQuery] Re: JQuery TableSorter pager Plugin problem

2008-03-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I've recently installed the TableSorter widget for jquery. It all
worked fine, so I tried to go one step further, by installing the
pager plugin for TableSorter.

The problem I have is that the div called 'pager' appears on top of my
table (at the bottom), instead of under the table, where I would like
it to be. If I then select '20' (for 20 results per page) the div is
placed where it should be (under the table). Then I select '10' (to go
back to 10 results per page) and everything is displayed fine and

Any help?

Try setting the positionFixed to false.


[jQuery] Re: Strange bold look after a show in IE6

2008-03-28 Thread Snef

Try to use a background

Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm using animate({opacity: 1});
 It produces a strange effect on IE6 where the text appears sort of bold (or
 sort of duplicated) and a little dirty.
 With show() I see this effect during the transition, but when it is finished
 it looks ok.
 With animate({opacity: 1}); it remains dirty after the effect.
 Anybody experienced this ?
 Any know fix or workaround ?



[jQuery] Re: clueTip click and drag?

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Swedberg

that's really cool. thanks for sharing your success!

If you're adding those 2 lines right after the opts.onShow... you  
might be able to simply use the onShow option instead. It's there as  
an extension point, so this is just the sort of thing that onShow  
was intended for.

btw, just to give credit where it's due, I believe it was Dan G.  
Switzer who wrote the onShow stuff for clueTip. Thanks again, Dan!

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 28, 2008, at 4:55 AM, az wrote:

Hi Karl,

Thanks for the quick reply and for pointing me in such a fruitful

Based on UI Dialog, here's what I did:

1. I included ui.mouse.js and ui.draggable.js

2. I added a 'draggable' option to clueTip.

3. Immediately after  opts.onShow($cluetip, $cluetipInner);
[not sure if this is the best place]
I added:
if (opts.draggable) {
$cluetip.draggable({ handle: '#cluetip-title' });
$('#cluetip-title').css('cursor', 'move');

It was so easy that it must be wrong, but it works!

I don't know if this will benefit anyone else, but it definitely makes
my application a little more user friendly.  The draggable option only
makes sense if sticky is turned on.

thanks again,

On Mar 27, 8:12 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi az,

I'm glad you like the plugin! Thanks for mentioning that. I imagine
the additional feature could be accomplished, but perhaps it's not  

right plugin for the job. Have you taken a look at the UI 
 That might be closer to what you're after there. If you want to have
a go at making clueTip work with the drag, you can probably get some
good ieas from Dialog or Draggables (both part of UI) or jqModal.

Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Mar 27, 2008, at 8:28 PM, az wrote:


I think the clueTip plugin is fantastic and I'm using it heavily in
one of my current projects.

My clueTips are sticky so the user can interact with them.  In one
case the clueTip contains a small feedback form.  But sometimes the
clueTip partially covers the content that the user is giving  
on!  I'd love for the user to be able to click on the header and  

the clueTip to a more convenient location.

Is the possible with the current clueTip code?

If not, would it be difficult to add this?  I'd be willing to take a
crack at the code with a little guidance.


[jQuery] Re: Brain fade...how do you destroy a div?

2008-03-28 Thread Tamm Sjödin

Sounds like an odd way to do it, just do


works with any DOM selection and it's chainable


Live long and prosper,
Tamm Sjödin

On Mar 27, 2008, at 6:22 PM, Gwyn Morfey wrote:

mydiv.parentNode.removeChild(mydiv) works for me..

Gwyn Morfey

On Mar 20, 7:21 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm 99% sure this is really simple, but I just can't work it out...

I have a collection of divs with unique IDs. On some event I need to
destroy a specific one of these divs. I mean completely destroy, not
just fill the div with nothing.

Any pointers?


[jQuery] Re: Strange bold look after a show in IE6

2008-03-28 Thread Tamm Sjödin

just as a tip, a blank.gif usually works as well as any background in  
this fix (1x1 pixels filled with nothing for any beginners ^^)

Live long and prosper,
Tamm Sjödin

On Mar 28, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Snef wrote:

Try to use a background

Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:

Hi all,

I'm using animate({opacity: 1});
It produces a strange effect on IE6 where the text appears sort of  
bold (or

sort of duplicated) and a little dirty.
With show() I see this effect during the transition, but when it is  

it looks ok.
With animate({opacity: 1}); it remains dirty after the effect.
Anybody experienced this ?
Any know fix or workaround ?



[jQuery] Re: Brain fade...how do you destroy a div?

2008-03-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Sounds like an odd way to do it, just do


   works with any DOM selection and it's chainable


You'd really need to do:

$('span').fadeOut(function (){ $(this).remove() });

To make sure you don't remove the element until after the animation has


[jQuery] Re: [validate] need help with addMethod

2008-03-28 Thread Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]

 It could be related to a different issue that I solved 
 recently. Could 
 you give the latest revision a try? 

I grabbed the latest version and still no luck...  A few dumb questions:

Where do I place the addMethod:

$().ready(function() {

== here? ==


== or here? ==

rules: {}

And I'm assuming that if my addMethod check failed - it would flag that
field with the error I defined You must read and agree to the terms and
conditions before proceeding.?

$.validator.addMethod(checkyesno, function(value) {
if (value == 'Yes') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
 },  You must read and agree to the terms and conditions before

Thanks for the help!!!

[jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery.validate.js

2008-03-28 Thread Paul Collins

Hi all, I've managed to replace the submit button with the following code:
a class=replace sendButton_replace id=sendButton_replace

All I would like to know now is, how can I create the link for a HREF
to submit the form? The catch is, I would like it to work with the
ajax validator plugin.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


On 28/03/2008, Paul Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks again Jorn, you've been a big help...

  If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it, I just need to ask two more
  questions. My test page is here:


 I'd just like to know:

  - How can I actually remove HTML and replace it with the JQuery code,
  instead of just adding the new code after it?

  - How can I submit the form using JQuery after I remove the submit
  button and replace it with a HREF?

  Any help/links would be greatly appreciated.


  On 27/03/2008, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Collins schrieb:
Thanks for your help Jörn, that's solved that part of my equation.

 I'm stuck again! I would like to find out how to get the value of an
 id that ends in _replace

 So for instance, I have the following line that looks for a input tag
 with the type of submit, that has an id ending with _replace. (It
 can have anything before that).

 So, for EG: input type=submit id=sendButton_replace value=Send/

 I then want to get the entire content of the id and store it into a
 variable. I would also like to get the text in the Value and store it
 as another variable.

 I currently have:

   var replaceID = $(:submit[id$='_replace']).val;
   alert (replaceID);
 return false;

   How about...

[jQuery] Re: Selecting Children Of $(this)

2008-03-28 Thread studiobl

Sam, thank you.  If my head was going to hurt today like it did
yesterday, it was not going to be pleasant.

Thanks again!

On Mar 28, 5:59 am, Sam Collett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 studiobl wrote:
  I'm working on a wireframe for an ecommerce site. I need to simulate
  some shopping cart functionality, like updating total counts and
  dollar amounts on change(). I've already done this with a page that
  contains one table. This page contains multiple tables, so I need to
  add another loop:



  $(.someGrid input).each(function(){
  //some kind of code...




  $(this +  input).each(function(){
  //some kind of code


  The problem is, the second one isn't working. How can I loop through
  the tables, then loop through the inputs they contain?

 You can do $(input, this) to find all the inputs (the optional
 second parameter is the context to run the selector on (i.e. must be a
 child in it)).


[jQuery] Re: JQuery TableSorter pager Plugin problem

2008-03-28 Thread Quinode

I cannot help you, just wanted to add that i try also to use the pager
plugin, and it doesn't want to stay on the same place in the page : at
every reload it goes up or down my table. I tried to fix this with
CSS, but it does not solve the problem, random positions still occur.

[jQuery] how remove the attributes added by jquery : jQuery1206707292281

2008-03-28 Thread domi01


After several calls to jquery, some attributes are added to my html.
For instance, before the jquery calls the html is :
 H2Header 1/H2
after the calls a new attributed is added :
 H2 jQuery1206707292281=17Header 1/H2

I need to remove this attribute in order to compare html codes.

I tried to find in the jquery library, a function to remove all this
attributes but I didn't find it.

I just find the way the attribute is built, with a local variable :
var expando = jQuery + (new Date()).getTime(), uuid = 0, windowData
= {};

Is it possible to get the expando value outside of the library ?

If this is possible, I will be able to remove the tag using regular

Thanks, Domi

[jQuery] Re: ASP.NET GridView: losing tablesorter on postback

2008-03-28 Thread wyldemann

Did you ever find out the solution to this issue. I'm running into the
same problem. anyhelp would be appreciated.


On Mar 5, 12:44 pm, orip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (I apologize for the ASP.NET WebForms terminology)

 I'm using ASP.NET's GridView to generate a table, and the jQuery
 Tablesorter plugin to sort it (awesome plugin, BTW).

 After the page loads sorting works great, but if I click on any
 control that performs a postback the page reloads but tablesorter
 doesn't affect it (no sorting, css styling, etc.)

 When troubleshooting it I click a control that does a postback and the
 table loses sorting. I load the table in Firebug's console -  it has
 the 'tablesorter' method, and I call it, but nothing happens.


 Calling it with '$(...).tablesorter({debug:true})' doesn't print
 anything to the console either.

 Does anyone have any ideas?


[jQuery] jquery click(function) and animate() function cross broweser.

2008-03-28 Thread r1talin

Hi there guys, it seems muy site is not working on any IE version and
on firefox it does.

thanks for your help

[jQuery] Re: async validation

2008-03-28 Thread Brian J. Cardiff
that's an approach, yes. but also on submit you should ensure validations
match actual values. So maybe store also last value validated, and there a
cron could be implemented pretty easily.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:22 AM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That more detailed reply makes much more sense

 If i was doing something like this, i'd have a little dictionary going
 on like

 var Validations = {};
 Validations.Name = false;
 Validations.UserName = false;
 Validations.Email= false;
 Validations.SomeOtherField = false;

 and figure out at what point (keypress or blur or i suppose some sort
 of timer) to fire off the validation, and if you come back from the
 ASync call valid, then set the property in the above object as true

 And when submitting, only submit if all are set to true, otherwise
 tell the user what's going on

Brian J. Cardiff

[jQuery] Internet Explorer DOM elements visible on hide()

2008-03-28 Thread Ryan W.

I'm seeing some inconsistent results when using hide() in
 (document).ready(function() when using IE. My goal is to try to
hide the other list items in my unordered list and only display one of
them when the page loads. I've posted my code below. Works great in
firefox! Any ideas on how to get the list to hide before the page
loads would be great.

var newsitems;
var curritem=0;


  $('#selector a:first').addClass('newsSelect1');

  newsitems = $(#ticker li).hide().size();

  $(#ticker li:eq(+curritem+)).show();

  var int = setInterval(ticknews,5000);

[jQuery] Accessing the DOM from an XHR Request

2008-03-28 Thread FuzzyLogik

I'm sure a lot of us have run into this issue, but searching - I
couldn't find anything about it. The problem is that when you do an
Ajax request, the result is simply a string, not a document, thus you
cannot access the dom, and you cannot modify it other than by using
string-parsing methods.

One solution I have heard of it putting the whole content into a div /
iframe, then accessing it - I don't know why, but that just sounds

Here's a snippet of code I got from: 

function toDOM(HTMLstring) {
  var d = document.createElement('div');
  d.innerHTML = HTMLstring;
  var docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  while (d.firstChild) {
  return docFrag;

This puts the string-HTML into a div which is created then filled with
the javascript.

Is this the best way to do this? Does jQuery have any shortcuts for
this sort of thing?

[jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery.validate.js

2008-03-28 Thread Paul Collins

Hi all,

Sorry to keep pestering, maybe I can make my request simpler so
someone can help.

I am using the Validator plugin, I would like to replace the submit
button with an image using JQuery. The only problem is when I want to
submit the form using a HREF, I need to somehow submit to the
validator plugin. Here is my code currently:


This doesn't seem to work correctly, here is my full block of code in
case you would like to check. I would greatly appreciate any help or

$(:submit[id$='_replace']).each(function() {
var submitID = $(this).attr(id);
var submitValue = $(this).attr(value);
$(this).replaceWith( [ 'a class=replace '
, submitID
, ' id='
, submitID
, ' 
, submitValue
, '/a'
].join('') );
  return false;


On 28/03/2008, Paul Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all, I've managed to replace the submit button with the following code:
  a class=replace sendButton_replace id=sendButton_replace

  All I would like to know now is, how can I create the link for a HREF
  to submit the form? The catch is, I would like it to work with the
  ajax validator plugin.

  Any help is greatly appreciated.



  On 28/03/2008, Paul Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks again Jorn, you've been a big help...
If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it, I just need to ask two more
questions. My test page is here:
   I'd just like to know:
- How can I actually remove HTML and replace it with the JQuery code,
instead of just adding the new code after it?
- How can I submit the form using JQuery after I remove the submit
button and replace it with a HREF?
Any help/links would be greatly appreciated.
On 27/03/2008, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Paul Collins schrieb:

  Thanks for your help Jörn, that's solved that part of my equation.
   I'm stuck again! I would like to find out how to get the value of an
   id that ends in _replace
   So for instance, I have the following line that looks for a input tag
   with the type of submit, that has an id ending with _replace. (It
   can have anything before that).
   So, for EG: input type=submit id=sendButton_replace 
   I then want to get the entire content of the id and store it into a
   variable. I would also like to get the text in the Value and store it
   as another variable.
   I currently have:
 var replaceID = $(:submit[id$='_replace']).val;
 alert (replaceID);
   return false;

 How about...




[jQuery] cluetips - dynamic data filtering

2008-03-28 Thread SterlingK

First off, the hard work on cluetips. I'm a big fan and for a nub like
me, it's been remarkably easy to integrate and customize for my sites.

What I've been trying to do is have one html page that includes all
the ajax content in various divs (essentially like xml), like such:
div class=tip_1content here/div
div class=tip_2more content here/div

The tips would be able to filter according to matched class names. For
instance, the following would display the above information, filtered
by class name:
a class=tips_1 rel=ajax.htmHere's my cluetip link 1/a
a class=tips_2 rel=ajax.htmHere's my cluetip link 2/a

I can do it manually, like this:
 ajaxProcess : function (data) {
 return data;

But I'm having a hard time getting it to work dynamically.  Using
something like 'data=$(data).filter(this.class) doesn't work.  Again,
I'm pretty new at this and it seems like this should be fairly simple
to do with jquery, but I'm stuck after several hours of trying.

I saw the great demo that applies a similar concept at
http://test.learningjquery.com/clue/demo/danm.html, but have been
unable to combine what I need with that local example.

Many thanks in advance.

- Sterling

[jQuery] bind() and thousands of td elements - inline or extrnal?

2008-03-28 Thread Leeoniya

i need to bind a click function to several thousand table cells. would making
an external function be better than specifying an anonymous one
inline?...i'm afraid that with the inline version it would make as many
function instances as there are table cells...correct me if i'm wrong.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Slow performance in IE7

2008-03-28 Thread Sand Dragon


That was awesome.  It still seems a little slow when applying the
styles but definitely a good 80-90% performance increase overall and
more than enough to bring the page back to usability for the regular
users.  Thanks so much for your timely response and assistance, it is
much appreciated :-D


[jQuery] Validator | does not submit ajax function in Firefox

2008-03-28 Thread AlexGrande.com

In IE it works fine but in FF I have to click again to make it go.

Here is the code:

ajax function-

function ajaxForm() {
$(#researchCenterForm).submit(function() {
url: this.action,
timeout: 2000,
error: function() {
console.log(Failed to submit);

success: function(response) {
if (response == YES) {
$(#researchcenter div.research-mainbox-title
h3).replaceWith(h3You Qualify For This Study!/h3);


} else if (response == NO) {
$(#researchcenter div.research-mainbox-title


var targetOffSet = 
$(#researchcenter).offset().top - 10;
scrollTop: targetOffSet
}, 650);

return false;

And in the validator function I have the method and property:

submitHandler: function() {

Any suggestions or hacks?

[jQuery] Re: slideing pics

2008-03-28 Thread zok


thats amazing!

On 27 Mrz., 17:43, Benjamin Sterling

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 12:15 PM, zok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  no thats not really what i'm looking for
  I want something like on the amazon.de site (under the headline
  Kunden, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, kauften auch:)



  On 26 Mrz., 14:39, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

   On Mar 25, 4:20 pm, ripple [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


zok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i'd like to display e.g. 5 pics and an arrow to the right. When you
click that arrow the five pics slide to the left and other 5 pics come
from the right.

Is there a script to do such a slide show, i'm really new to jQuery so
i need a little help with it. Maybe you could also give me some links
to basic tutrials and/or books!


Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo!


[jQuery] Re: Star Rating v2 and Half-Star (NEED FEEDBACK)

2008-03-28 Thread AsymF

Schweet. :)

On Mar 20, 3:23 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For reference: The issue was relative positioning in IE.
 I worked around it with a negative margin.

 On Mar 20, 6:29 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I had tried that but it didn't work reliably in IE. It was a CSS
  issue. But hey, I think I've fixed it, in which case the only issue
  with prototype B will be resolved.

  Check it out:http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/

  On Mar 19, 10:08 pm, AsymF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Why can't the background-color value just be set to transparent?

   On Mar 16, 5:28 pm, timothytoe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

B is the more interesting path for development--that's for sure. You
could always do both. Do B as far as you can take it, then maybe some
clever solution will occur to you to get the same functionality over
any background.

On Mar 16, 11:10 am, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Timothy, thanks for the feedback. THAT is exactly the issue.

 Prototype A would work on ANY background, gradient or not, without any
 further requirements - other than 2 separate images that is.

 Prototype B does not require any other images, but you must define the
 background. So, if the background was a gradient, you'd have to define
 the same background image for the rating control in order for it to
 match the background it sits on (ie.: the page background).

 What sways me toward prototype B is that it allows for future
 development. Stars can be easily split into sections, different images
 used, star domensions can be re-defined.

 Prototype A is easier to use (you don't need to think about the
 background it will sit on), but it puts serious constraints on future
 development and customization.

 On Mar 15, 6:42 pm, timothytoe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Would prototype A work on a gradient background? If so, that would 
  useful. If not, B makes more sense to me.

  On Mar 15, 10:11 am, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   To anyone else who might be interested, feel free to send your
   feedback. I'm going to go ahead with prototype B for now so the 
   will require a background colour.

   On Mar 13, 8:45 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Two things.

1. v2 now available 
- NEW: option to disable the cancel button,
- NEW: option to make the plugin readOnly
- NEW: ability to accept any value (anything at all)

2. half-star prototypes now available
There are 2 ways of doing it, I need your feedback.

Prototype A: Using 2 new half-star images (star-left and 
PROS: works on any background
CONS: needs extra images

Prototype B: Uses CSS to slide part of the star out of view (no 
PROS: can be easily divided into smaller pieces with CSS
CONS: needs background colour

So, which one should we use?

[jQuery] Flash file redraw cutting through JS pop up window

2008-03-28 Thread Lewis


i have a problem where im calling a JS pop-up overlay (is a custom
script not adapted from the various lightbox plugins around ) but when
the overlay is over the page - the redraw sections of the flash
banners are cutting through the js window showing the banners
animating content.

is this a z-indexing problem - or is there something in Jquery i need
to call to eliminate?

if anyone has experienced similar problems and resolved it, drop me a
line - or if you might have a solution and need some more info -
lemmie know as im stuck  :(



[jQuery] Re: events on embedded SVG

2008-03-28 Thread foonuk


check out http://marvin.elte.hu/balu/content/jquery-svg and the demo
at http://marvin.elte.hu/drawing/ireland

Seems to work there.

On Mar 23, 7:02 pm, zipman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having an html page and I embed an svg file through.

 object id=map data=/Demo/map.svg type=image/svg+xml
 height=500 width=600

 or even

 embed id=map src=/Demo/map.svg type=image/svg+xml height=500

 The problem is that I cannot access the elements inside the svg file
 through jquery.

 I can do

  htmlObj = document.getElementById(map);
  /*//this works only in IE
   SVGDoc = htmlObj.getSVGDocument();*/

 //this works in firefox
  SVGDoc = htmlObj.contentDocument;

 and then access any element by getElementById

 eg when I want to access an elements with id=test
 I do it by SVGDoc.getElementById('test');

 The problem is that the contents of the SVG are not appended to the
 tree so methods like $('#test') do not work.

 Is there any way to make this work?

[jQuery] Superfish IE network issues

2008-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First off, I aplogize in advance that I can't link to the site where
I'm having issues - it is a government intranet site. I will do my
best to show all elements of the issue here.

I'm using the superfish menu to show a dropdown - everything works
fine in my LAN testing, but when I move things up to our intranet
site, IE6 has a weird problem - the menus drop down, but are drawn
VERY slowly. The menu items will appear first, followed usually by the
ul background, then by the li background (divider lines). This can
sometimes take up to about 7-10 seconds for the entire dropdown to

Weirdly, this behavior disappears if one navigates off the page, then
uses the back button to return - the menus draw quickly just like they
do on the LAN (and in Firefox).

Has anyone seen this behavior before? Any suggestions?

CSS here:
#menu { background: url(../images/menu-bg.gif) top left no-repeat;
width: 760px; margin: 0 auto; height: 20px;  padding: 0 0 10px 0;
color: #ff; }
/*#menu * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }*/

.nav {

.nav * {


ul.nav { width: 730px; margin: 0 auto; /*background: url(../images/
menu-right.gif) top right no-repeat; */text-align: center; }
.nav {
text-align: center;
list-style: none;
height: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
.nav ul {
.nav ul li,
.nav a {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
display: inline;
list-style: none;
font-size: 1em;
padding: 0 10px;
margin: 0;
line-height: 1.5em; color: #f2f2f2;

.nav li {
display: inline;
z-index:99; background: url(../images/menu-divider.gif) top right 

.nav li.last { background: none; }

.nav a {

.nav li:hover ul,
ul.nav li.sfHover ul {
background: none; width: 150px; position: absolute; top: 18px;
background: url(../images/dropdown-bg.gif) bottom left no-repeat;
.nav li:hover li ul,
.nav li.sfHover li ul {
.nav li li:hover ul,
ul.nav li li.sfHover ul {
.superfish li:hover ul,
.superfish li li:hover ul,
.superfish li li li:hover ul {
top: -999em; /* hide submenu in screen-reader and search-engine
friendly way */

.nav {
/*  float:left;
.nav li {
/*  background:#BDD2FF;
border-left:1px solid #fff;
border-top:1px solid #CFDEFF;

.nav li:hover, .nav li.sfHover,
.nav a:focus, .nav a:hover, .nav a:active {
.nav li li {

width: 140px;
padding: 2px 5px 3px 1em;
margin: 0 0 3px 0;
display: block;
/*border-bottom: 1px solid #538457;*/
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 0.9em;
text-indent: -0.5em;
text-align: left;
background: url(../images/list-divider.gif) bottom center no-repeat;

.nav ul li a {
padding: 0;
text-indent: none;color: #00;

.nav li li li {

HTML here:

script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1.2.3.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=js/hoverIntent.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=js/superfish.js/script
script type=text/javascript

animation : { opacity:show, height:show }
div id=minHeight/div
div id=outer
  div id=clearheader/div
  !-- to clear header - you could use padding-top instead on the
three main elements--
  div id=left  /div
  !-- end div LEFT --

  div id=right  /div!-- end div RIGHT --

  div id=centercontent
!--center content goes here --

div id=menu
ul class=nav
a href=#OCFO@ Work/a
lia href=#About/a/li

lia href=#Annual Planning 
and Budgeting/a/li

lia href=#Strategic 

lia href=#Financial 
Services and Support/a/li
a href=#aTraining/a


Superfish hasn't been altered in any way.

Any help appreciated.


[jQuery] jqmodal and scrolling

2008-03-28 Thread Thomas Burns


Is there a way to add scroll bars to a jqmodal dialog?  

Tom Burns

[jQuery] Re: Register click event on dynamically generated a anchor tag

2008-03-28 Thread Drake Aedus

Try this:

$(#btn).click(function () {
$(#outerdiv).html('a href=www.yahoo.comclick me/a');
alert('in here');
return false;


On Mar 28, 9:28 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi All,
 Is there any way to bind events to dynamic html content.
 I have a div tag and button

 div id=outerdiv style=z-index:1;/div
 button id=btnClick/button

 when the page loads. On click of button a registered event gets fired
 creating a anchor tag a in the div tag

  $(#btn).click(function () {
 $(#outerdiv).html('a href=www.yahoo.comclick 

 alert('in here');
 return false;


 but the click event registered on $(a) never gets executed. i
 believe this happens because, when the page is first loaded a
 doesn't exist so the event is not registered.
 How can i register a event on dynamic content using jquery.
 Thanks a bunch

[jQuery] jQuery - GET results

2008-03-28 Thread vj

I am wondering if anyone here can help me with after retrieving my
results via ajax using jQuery how to print them in say a DIV tag  and
print them all out, I have this so far:


type: GET,
url: letters.php,
dataType: html,
error: function(){
  alert('Error loading XML document');
  success: function(data){
alert(Data Loaded:  + data);

That works fine, it prints all of my HTML out in my alert that I have
in, but I want them on the screen. Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Caching issues jqModal??

2008-03-28 Thread Shelane Enos

I don't like having to do work arounds either when it's really a bug with
the plugin.  I tried contacting the developer directly, but never got a

On 3/28/08 3:01 AM, Kenny1980 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Shelane! That did the trick!!
 Though its still a workaround. What i am trying to do is one of the most
 basic features (master-detail) in the web. Why does this behaviour happen?
 Your solution is great, but isn´t there a more clean/default way to do it?
 But for now I'm happy it finally works!
 shelane wrote:
 I posted a workaround to this problem on this thread:
 (very last post on it)
 On Mar 26, 11:40 am, Kenny1980 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I got some problems using jqModal and ajax. I found some posts about
 issues with jqModal, but those solutions didn't help.
 li id=item_1Item 1/li
 li id=item_2Item 2/li
 li id=item_3Item 3/li
 li id=item_4Item 4/li
 $(document).ready( function() {
 $(li).dblclick( function () {
 theId =  this.id;
 theId = theId.substring(theId.indexOf(_)+1);
 $a = 'page2.php?id=' + theId;
 ajax: $a
 You have requested id '?=$_REQUEST['id']?'
 If i load page1.php and doubleclick on an item, the first time it
 the correct id. But the next couple of times (until page refresh) it
 shows the same id as the first time. Tough the alert in page1 gives the
 correct url, the page2.php request['id'] doesn't change.
 Hope anyone can clarify what i have done wrong or have forgotten.
 View this message in
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

[jQuery] Re: jQuery - GET results

2008-03-28 Thread Hodge, Steven


type: GET,
url: letters.php,
dataType: html,
error: function(){
  alert('Error loading XML document');
  success: function(data){

where you have div id='my_div'/div somewhere in you html.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of vj
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 1:55 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] jQuery - GET results

I am wondering if anyone here can help me with after retrieving my
results via ajax using jQuery how to print them in say a DIV tag  and
print them all out, I have this so far:


type: GET,
url: letters.php,
dataType: html,
error: function(){
  alert('Error loading XML document');
  success: function(data){
alert(Data Loaded:  + data);

That works fine, it prints all of my HTML out in my alert that I have
in, but I want them on the screen. Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: how remove the attributes added by jquery : jQuery1206707292281

2008-03-28 Thread Benjamin Sterling
Domi, I think the .removeData() method will work for you:


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 8:36 AM, domi01 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 After several calls to jquery, some attributes are added to my html.
 For instance, before the jquery calls the html is :
 H2Header 1/H2
 after the calls a new attributed is added :
 H2 jQuery1206707292281=17Header 1/H2

 I need to remove this attribute in order to compare html codes.

 I tried to find in the jquery library, a function to remove all this
 attributes but I didn't find it.

 I just find the way the attribute is built, with a local variable :
 var expando = jQuery + (new Date()).getTime(), uuid = 0, windowData
 = {};

 Is it possible to get the expando value outside of the library ?

 If this is possible, I will be able to remove the tag using regular

 Thanks, Domi

Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: Flash file redraw cutting through JS pop up window

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Lewis,

It could be a z-index issue, but you probably have to also set wmode  
to transparent for the flash object.

If you're using swfObject, you can just use:
so.addParam(wmode, transparent);

for embed, you add the attribute: wmode=transparent
for object, you do param name=wmode value=transparent /

hope that helps

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 28, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Lewis wrote:


i have a problem where im calling a JS pop-up overlay (is a custom
script not adapted from the various lightbox plugins around ) but when
the overlay is over the page - the redraw sections of the flash
banners are cutting through the js window showing the banners
animating content.

is this a z-indexing problem - or is there something in Jquery i need
to call to eliminate?

if anyone has experienced similar problems and resolved it, drop me a
line - or if you might have a solution and need some more info -
lemmie know as im stuck  :(



[jQuery] Re: how remove the attributes added by jquery : jQuery1206707292281

2008-03-28 Thread Jeffrey Kretz

I ended up having to remove these by regular expression.  Does anyone know
of a better solution?


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of domi01
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 5:36 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] how remove the attributes added by jquery :


After several calls to jquery, some attributes are added to my html.
For instance, before the jquery calls the html is :
 H2Header 1/H2
after the calls a new attributed is added :
 H2 jQuery1206707292281=17Header 1/H2

I need to remove this attribute in order to compare html codes.

I tried to find in the jquery library, a function to remove all this
attributes but I didn't find it.

I just find the way the attribute is built, with a local variable :
var expando = jQuery + (new Date()).getTime(), uuid = 0, windowData
= {};

Is it possible to get the expando value outside of the library ?

If this is possible, I will be able to remove the tag using regular

Thanks, Domi

[jQuery] ajaxQueue get params?

2008-03-28 Thread Rafael Santos
Can I send parameters using ajaxQueue ? If so, how do I do?


Rafael Santos Sá :: webdeveloper

[jQuery] (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?

2008-03-28 Thread Rick Faircloth


Hi, all...

Thought I had this solved, but would anyone care to take a
look at this page:


And click on the Click here to view or hide agent's biography link?

FF2 doesn't have the jitters.

The top agent's bio slides in smoothly.

Any agent's bio for an agent who is beneath an already open bio works smoothly.

But any bio, except the top agent, without a bio open above it, will
open very jittery in IE7.

Anyone else see this behavior?
If you do, any possible solutions?

I may have to just put the bio's up without the sliding if I can't get this
to work smoothly.



[jQuery] Re: Flash file redraw cutting through JS pop up window

2008-03-28 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

good point Karl, it's typically the wmode that has to be set to transparent.

Be aware that it will make your flash file more resource-intensive on
low spec computers. but if it's just for running ads, it shouldn't be
a problem.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Lewis,

  It could be a z-index issue, but you probably have to also set wmode
  to transparent for the flash object.

  If you're using swfObject, you can just use:
  so.addParam(wmode, transparent);

  for embed, you add the attribute: wmode=transparent
  for object, you do param name=wmode value=transparent /

  hope that helps

  Karl Swedberg

  On Mar 28, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Lewis wrote:

   i have a problem where im calling a JS pop-up overlay (is a custom
   script not adapted from the various lightbox plugins around ) but when
   the overlay is over the page - the redraw sections of the flash
   banners are cutting through the js window showing the banners
   animating content.
   is this a z-indexing problem - or is there something in Jquery i need
   to call to eliminate?
   if anyone has experienced similar problems and resolved it, drop me a
   line - or if you might have a solution and need some more info -
   lemmie know as im stuck  :(

Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?

2008-03-28 Thread Rick Faircloth

I'm glad I didn't bet against your odds!

By putting a min-height on the div that surrounds
the photo, the content to the right of the photo, 
and the bio, the slide seems to be happy.  It's
got a little jerk in IE6, but I'm not that concerned
about IE6 and it's not terrible.

Thanks, Andy!


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy 
 Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:24 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?
 My guess is that it's trying to determine the height dynamically. You know
 the height of the container, try setting that in your CSS (same as the
 picture height I'd guess).
 10 to 1 says that fixes it.
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
 Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 2:17 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?
 Hi, all...
 Thought I had this solved, but would anyone care to take a look at this
 And click on the Click here to view or hide agent's biography link?
 FF2 doesn't have the jitters.
 The top agent's bio slides in smoothly.
 Any agent's bio for an agent who is beneath an already open bio works
 But any bio, except the top agent, without a bio open above it, will open
 very jittery in IE7.
 Anyone else see this behavior?
 If you do, any possible solutions?
 I may have to just put the bio's up without the sliding if I can't get this
 to work smoothly.

[jQuery] Re: (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hey Rick,

You probably already know this, but IE6 treats height as min-height.  
So if you create an ie6-only stylesheet and then link to it inside a  
conditional comment, it might help with your IE6 jitter

!--[if lte IE 6]
link rel=stylesheet href=ie6.css type=text/css /

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 28, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

I'm glad I didn't bet against your odds!

By putting a min-height on the div that surrounds
the photo, the content to the right of the photo,
and the bio, the slide seems to be happy.  It's
got a little jerk in IE6, but I'm not that concerned
about IE6 and it's not terrible.

Thanks, Andy!


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy Matthews

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:24 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?

My guess is that it's trying to determine the height dynamically.  
You know
the height of the container, try setting that in your CSS (same as  

picture height I'd guess).

10 to 1 says that fixes it.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery- 

Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 2:17 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?


Hi, all...

Thought I had this solved, but would anyone care to take a look at  



And click on the Click here to view or hide agent's biography link?

FF2 doesn't have the jitters.

The top agent's bio slides in smoothly.

Any agent's bio for an agent who is beneath an already open bio works

But any bio, except the top agent, without a bio open above it,  
will open

very jittery in IE7.

Anyone else see this behavior?
If you do, any possible solutions?

I may have to just put the bio's up without the sliding if I can't  
get this

to work smoothly.



[jQuery] Re: Strange bold look after a show in IE6

2008-03-28 Thread rorschak

This normally only affects IE6 when using an LCD monitor.  It has to due with
the font-smoothing settings on your monitor.  LCDs use Cleartype by default
(I believe), which when using an opacity on your show effect produces that
fuzzy look.  If you turn off Cleartype on your monitor this should fix your
problem, but I doubt you'll get other people to do the same.  The best idea
would be to take any opacity setting off of your animation.  On the other
hand, if you're using a CRT and turn Cleartype on, you can reproduce the

Or do like i do and tell IE6 people they're using IE6, so they deserve it :)

Hope that helps.

Olivier percebois-Garve wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm using animate({opacity: 1});
 It produces a strange effect on IE6 where the text appears sort of bold
 sort of duplicated) and a little dirty.
 With show() I see this effect during the transition, but when it is
 it looks ok.
 With animate({opacity: 1}); it remains dirty after the effect.
 Anybody experienced this ?
 Any know fix or workaround ?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Syntax Error

2008-03-28 Thread Andreas de Reggi

This is the code:

  $(a.fdisplay).mousemove(function(e) {
var cssObj = {
  left: e.pageX,
  top: e.pageY-190,

Opera gives me a syntax error:

I'm trying to make a div  folow my pointer on moving it across a link.

What seems to be the problem.

Can anyone please help?!?

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter IE7 Problem

2008-03-28 Thread gr00vy0ne

Ok, I solved my problem with a little hack. I simply added a hidden
span/span with the description in the cell and changed the sort to
simple and then it sorts just fine. It's a little extra markup but
it works.


On Mar 28, 12:53 am, gr00vy0ne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a weird problem where Tablesorter does not sort properly in
 IE7. It works perfectly fine in Firefox 2.0.0.x and Safari.

 The one tricky thing in my structure is that I don't have text in my
 td cell. Instead, I have input buttons with values which go directly
 in each cell.

 Here's my essential structure:

 table class=tableBorder cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 thModule Name/th
 tdinput id=Submit6 class=select name=submit1 type=submit
 value=Edit Page Skins //td
 tdEnable toggle skins on the Homepage, MLP, TSP, and TLP pages/td
 tdinput class=select type=submit value=Edit This Tool
 id=Submit22 name=submit1 //td
 td /td
 tdinput class=select type=submit value=Edit That Tool
 id=Submit23 name=submit1 //td
 td /td
 tdinput class=select type=submit value=Edit Another Tool
 id=Submit24 name=submit1 //td
 td /td

 In my javascript, I'm doing the following:

textExtraction: $(this).attr(value),
headers: {
   1: { sorter: false },
   sortList: [[0,0]]


 So, I'm trying to sort by input value. IE7 doesn't seem to like it.

 Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: flexigrid plugin - help for server side script

2008-03-28 Thread Paulo


This is the developer of the Flexigrid, still a little busy on a
project, but I updated the site with a sample php code.

Hope that helps.

License: its free to use for commercial or personal.

On Mar 24, 8:13 am, Web Specialist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Flexigrid(http://webplicity.net/flexigrid/) is a very nice grid plugin with
 several awesome features. I like it, really. But plugin developer doesn't
 show us your server side php script to pagination. I'll want to migrate that
 code to ColdFusion. If developer listens me please show us that script.


[jQuery] Re: Re[jQuery] gister click event on dynamically generated a anchor tag

2008-03-28 Thread rorschak

you are correct as to why the new element doesn't work.  Try creating the DOM
element and binding a click event to it.  Then placing where you need to.  


var yLink = $('lt;alt;/a').attr('href', 'www.yahoo.com').html('click
me').bind('click', clickFunction);

 $(#btn).click(function () {

function clickFunction() { alert(in here); return false; }

That should accomplish what you want.  

 Hi All,
 Is there any way to bind events to dynamic html content.
 I have a div tag and button
 div id=outerdiv style=z-index:1;/div
 button id=btnClick/button
 when the page loads. On click of button a registered event gets fired
 creating a anchor tag   in the div tag
  $(#btn).click(function () {
   $(#outerdiv).html(' www.yahoo.com click me ');
   alert('in here');
   return false;
 but the click event registered on $(a) never gets executed. i
 believe this happens because, when the page is first loaded  
 doesn't exist so the event is not registered.
 How can i register a event on dynamic content using jquery.
 Thanks a bunch

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] jTagging plugin is cool but so sloooow!!

2008-03-28 Thread pytrade

I'm using the plugin jtagging from


I love except it is painfully slow. I looked at the code and it has a
lot of nested loops. I'm sure things could be done a lot more
efficiently, just don't know where to start.

Any suggestions on how I can speed it up?



[jQuery] Only first cluetip on a page works

2008-03-28 Thread ooper

I'm using cluetip to show glossary definitions on a page that has an
article on it. I can only get the first cluetip to work correctly. Not
sure what I am doing wrong.

Here is my script:

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
splitTitle: '|', // use the invoking element's title attribute to
populate the clueTip...
 // ...and split the contents into separate divs
where there is a |
showTitle: true,
arrows: true,
dropShadow: true,
positionBy: 'mouse'

And then I have a bunch of anchor tags throughout the html page that
look something like this:

a id=glossary href=# title=Social Security|definition
hereSocial Security/a
a id=glossary href=# title=Benefit|definition hereBenefit/a
a id=glossary href=# title=Will|definition hereWill/a

Ideas? Does the id or the href have to be unique for each one?

Brian Barnett

[jQuery] Jeditable - Variables unknow

2008-03-28 Thread Valentino

Hi .. i'm a newbie on javascript world and newbie of jquery but it
looks like funny an speedy..
 i've a problem and i'm looking around to fix it
i'm coding a questionnaire  in php , and it works as well, but i would
give the possibility to edit an already answered quest using
jeditable.js plugin,
this is my p generated with smarty:

p class=editable_selectThe answer is strong{$item[6]}/strong

this is the js:
$(function() {
  $(.editable_select).editable(index-object.php, {
indicator : 'img src=images/indicator.gif',
data   : {'1':'SI','2':'NO'},
type   : select,
submit : OK,
style  : inherit,
name : 'newvalue'
submitdata : function() {
  return {id : 2};

i've put the classname as you see  editable_select and now on
document ready ( ;) )  for each line or answer  printed by smarty i
can click on it and choose my combo selection,that are just yes or no
fixed values..
next step i need is pass to js code the answer itemID {$tem[6]},
generated dynamically with smarty to POST
answerid={$item[6]}newvalue=value in index-object.php and update the
db line referred to it.
final answer is How can i take a value from this html page and pass it
to jeditable to create a dynamic post referred to {$item[6]} generated
by smarty?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery - GET results

2008-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alternatively you can use.

  url: letters.php,
  dataType: html,
  type: GET,
  error: function(){
   alert('Error loading XML document');
  success: function(data){

On Mar 28, 6:21 pm, Hodge, Steven [EMAIL PROTECTED]

             type: GET,
             url: letters.php,
             dataType: html,
             error: function(){
               alert('Error loading XML document');
           success: function(data){

 where you have div id='my_div'/div somewhere in you html.-Original 
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of vj
 Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 1:55 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] jQuery - GET results

 I am wondering if anyone here can help me with after retrieving my
 results via ajax using jQuery how to print them in say a DIV tag  and
 print them all out, I have this so far:


             type: GET,
             url: letters.php,
             dataType: html,
             error: function(){
               alert('Error loading XML document');
           success: function(data){
                 alert(Data Loaded:  + data);

 That works fine, it prints all of my HTML out in my alert that I have
 in, but I want them on the screen. Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: superfish z-index with multiple menus (FF, IE, Safari)

2008-03-28 Thread pedalpete

Hey Joel,

I finally got this fixed in IE, and I think the solution might be a
good addition to your css for the next fix. It seems to work
seemlessly in IE and FF, and Safari.

All i did was add z-index: 1; to the css element .nav li:hover, .nav

.nav li:hover, .nav li.sfHover,
.nav a:focus, .nav a:hover, .nav a:active {
   z-index: 1;

I hope this helps, great work by the way, thanks.

[jQuery] Expander and ClueTip plugins: work together?

2008-03-28 Thread BillSaysThis

I'm having a bit of trouble with these two great plugins and wonder if
they just don't want to work together. Separately I don't have any
problems and Firebug reports no trouble on my test page.

However, with both enabled, Expander works, somewhat, and ClueTip not
at all. By somewhat I mean that the read more link opens the expander
but there's no visible Close link and this is true if I explicitly set
userCollapseText in the options or not.

Here is the relevant code excerpt, unfortunately this page is
currently not on the 'net:

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.3.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.dimensions.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.livequery.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.expander.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=ui.tabs.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.corner.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.hoverIntent.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.cluetip.js/script

script type=text/javascript
$(#sections  ul).tabs({ fx: { opacity: toggle }});
$(#gsOverview ul#gsoTabs).tabs();
$.cluetip.setup({insertionElement: '#content_wrap'});
$('area.ui_areas').cluetip({cluetipClass: 'jtip', positionBy:
'mouse', arrows: true, splitTitle: '|', width: 200, fx: {open:
$(#content_wrap_li).expander({expandText: 'Visual tour of the UI',
userCollapseText: 'CLOSE', slicePoint: 25});
link rel=stylesheet href=jquery.cluetip.css type=text/css /


li id=content_wrap_li
a href=# class=read-moreVisual tour of the UI/a
div id=content_wrap class=details
h1UI Visual Tour/h1
img src=../SMF2/mkt_images/visual-tour-ui.jpg alt=User 
Visual Tour usemap=#uitour_map / map id=uitour_map
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#the-guide alt= title=UI Visual Tour|The Guide /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#get-help alt= title=UI Visual Tour|Get Help /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#the-explorer alt= title=The Explorer|This tree provides
access to the objects you build.| nbsp; |In almost all cases you can
right click on an object for fast access to the actions available for
it.| nbsp; |The type of objects are specific to the active section of
the application. /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#main-canvas alt= title=Main Canvas|This space is where
you'll do most of the work.| nbsp; |The specific contents change in
each section of the application. /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#navigation-tabs alt= title=Navigation Tabs|Use these tabs
to move between the major sections of the application. /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#quick-search alt= title=Quick Search|Find a specific object
in your account. /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#login-block alt= title=Login/Logout|Sign in and out of the
application. /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#more-information alt= title=UI Visual Tour|More Information
List /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#object-tabs alt= title=Object Navigation Tabs|Use these
tabs to move between the different aspects of the active object. /
area class=ui_areas shape=rect 
href=#object-toolbar alt= title=Object Toolbar|Direct access to
the most important actions which can be taken on the active object. /


[jQuery] Re: how remove the attributes added by jquery : jQuery1206707292281

2008-03-28 Thread domi01

The .removeData(elem) works if you have the HTML element with the
jQueryxxx attribute.
In my case I don't know those elements .

I could make a loop on all the elements and calls the function in
order to remove those tags.
This process won't be efficient.

In my case, the problem occurs only with IE. With Firefox the
attributes jQueryxx are not added.

[jQuery] Re: ajaxContent v2.1 bug with jquery 1.2.3

2008-03-28 Thread Trend-King

Still the bug left and no reply from the author. can somebody help me

On 15 Mrz., 18:17, Trend-King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi there. there is a little bug in the script when you use it with
 jquery 1.2.3 in theie6there is an fault that tells missing

 can anybody please fix that?
 or is that bug a known issue?

 greet jens

[jQuery] Re: Superfish IE hovers z-index

2008-03-28 Thread pedalpete

I FINALLY figured this out after playing with it for FAR too long.
Hopefully this helps somebody else.

if you are using superfish, the culprit is the following css

.nav li:hover, .nav li.sfHover,
.nav a:focus, .nav a:hover, .nav a:active {

adding z-index: 1; to this causes the subsequent navs to end up below
any menu.

[jQuery] Re: Calling a jQuery function from within an ajax-loaded div

2008-03-28 Thread echobase

I think I may be getting closer and maybe getScript() is the answer.
But I'm still not getting a some things
Where and how would I use the getScript() function?  I've looked for
relevant examples but I can't find any that remotely
fit my situation.  If I have a page with this ajax function and empty

type: GET,
contentType: html,
url: url,
async: true,
   success: function (conf) { $(#users_list_view).html( conf );}
div id=users_list_view


..and the url I'm loading contains this table to fill that

table id=users_list class=sortable
  th class=sortableLast Name/td
  th class=sortableFirst Name/td
  th class=sortableSales/td

.then where exactly do I put the jQuery code I described earlier
that handles events from this loaded table?
The jQuery code is supposed to put an alert on the page when you hover
over one of the table headers, but that's
just a test. What I really want to do is use Tablesorter to make the
columns sortable when the headers are clicked.
Thanks very much for your help.  Again, I think I may be close..

On Mar 27, 5:38 pm, jquertil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you want to ook into the getScript() function. the SCRIPT tags arent
 interpreted by jquery, so you have to load the script separately.

 On Mar 27, 4:10 pm, echobase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm loading a div using this .ajax function:

  type: GET,
  contentType: html,
  url: url,
  async: true,
 success: function (conf) { $(#myDiv).html( conf );}


  div id=myDiv


  In that url that's being loaded I have this jQuery function:

  script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
  $('#user_list th').hover( function () {
  alert(test test);

  table id=user_list

  But this simple function doesn't work. Why not?  If I type the url for
  this page directly then the function does work.  How do you get a
  function to work from a div loaded by ajax? Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Only first cluetip on a page works

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Brian,

Yes, an ID absolutely must be unique for a given document if you want  
any DOM operations to run predictably. Might I suggest using a class  
name instead? Instead of this ...


try this ...


And instead of this ...

a id=glossary href=# title=Social Security|definition
hereSocial Security/a
a id=glossary href=# title=Benefit|definition hereBenefit/a
a id=glossary href=# title=Will|definition hereWill/a

try this ...

a class=glossary href=# title=Social Security|definition
hereSocial Security/a
a class =glossary href=# title=Benefit|definition hereBenefit/ 

a class =glossary href=# title=Will|definition hereWill/a

Hope that helps

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 28, 2008, at 6:11 PM, ooper wrote:

I'm using cluetip to show glossary definitions on a page that has an
article on it. I can only get the first cluetip to work correctly. Not
sure what I am doing wrong.

Here is my script:

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
   splitTitle: '|', // use the invoking element's title attribute to
populate the clueTip...
// ...and split the contents into separate divs
where there is a |
   showTitle: true,
   arrows: true,
   dropShadow: true,
   positionBy: 'mouse'

And then I have a bunch of anchor tags throughout the html page that
look something like this:

a id=glossary href=# title=Social Security|definition
hereSocial Security/a
a id=glossary href=# title=Benefit|definition hereBenefit/a
a id=glossary href=# title=Will|definition hereWill/a

Ideas? Does the id or the href have to be unique for each one?

Brian Barnett

[jQuery] Re: Strange bold look after a show in IE6

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Mar 28, 2008, at 2:41 PM, rorschak wrote:

This normally only affects IE6 when using an LCD monitor.  It has to  
due with
the font-smoothing settings on your monitor.  LCDs use Cleartype by  
(I believe), which when using an opacity on your show effect  
produces that
fuzzy look.  If you turn off Cleartype on your monitor this should  
fix your
problem, but I doubt you'll get other people to do the same.  The  
best idea
would be to take any opacity setting off of your animation.  On the  
hand, if you're using a CRT and turn Cleartype on, you can reproduce  


Or do like i do and tell IE6 people they're using IE6, so they  
deserve it :)

Or, as Snef mentioned, you can define a background color in your  
stylesheet for the element that is being faded.

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Syntax Error

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Andreas,

There are two problems here: a superfluous comma and a missing  

 $(a.fdisplay).mousemove(function(e) {
   var cssObj = {
 left: e.pageX,
 top: e.pageY-190 // -- removed comma
   }; // -- added semicolon

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 28, 2008, at 2:15 PM, Andreas de Reggi wrote:

This is the code:

 $(a.fdisplay).mousemove(function(e) {
   var cssObj = {
 left: e.pageX,
 top: e.pageY-190,

Opera gives me a syntax error:

I'm trying to make a div  folow my pointer on moving it across a link.

What seems to be the problem.

Can anyone please help?!?

[jQuery] Firebug-1.1.0b12 with jQuery-1.2.3 inserted edition 1.0

2008-03-28 Thread Kinpoo Guo

Get help, type help in Firebug's Console.


Firebug-1.1.0b12 with jQuery-1.2.3 inserted edition 1.0

$ = jQuery = $jQuery   if $ and jQuery are covered, you can
use $jQuery
$(*).a() display elements as array, not
display a jQuery object
$.usejs(URL_of_script)  you can insert your favorite library
into current page, so you can use it on current page
$.winlist()   display all window objects on
current page, so you can debug frames pages easily (use
cd(WINDOW_NAME) to switch the working window)
$.curwin()   display the current working
window's info
$.extcmd(jQuery_object)  when the page content a jquery.js, you
can use $jQuery.extcmd($) to extend jQuery, then you can use above
functions easily

extended by kinpoo at gmail.com


[jQuery] Re: Firebug-1.1.0b12 with jQuery-1.2.3 inserted edition 1.0

2008-03-28 Thread Kinpoo Guo

Sorry, the adress is http://navit.cn/upload/Firebug-1.1.0b12%20jQuery-1.2.3.xpi

[jQuery] Re: (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?

2008-03-28 Thread Rick Faircloth

Thanks, Karl.

I've got an IE6-specific stylesheet, I'll just need
to add the appropriate CSS.

Thanks for the tip!


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Karl 
 Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 5:25 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?
 Hey Rick,
 You probably already know this, but IE6 treats height as min-height.
 So if you create an ie6-only stylesheet and then link to it inside a
 conditional comment, it might help with your IE6 jitter
 !--[if lte IE 6]
   link rel=stylesheet href=ie6.css type=text/css /
 Karl Swedberg
 On Mar 28, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
  I'm glad I didn't bet against your odds!
  By putting a min-height on the div that surrounds
  the photo, the content to the right of the photo,
  and the bio, the slide seems to be happy.  It's
  got a little jerk in IE6, but I'm not that concerned
  about IE6 and it's not terrible.
  Thanks, Andy!
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy Matthews
  Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:24 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?
  My guess is that it's trying to determine the height dynamically.
  You know
  the height of the container, try setting that in your CSS (same as
  picture height I'd guess).
  10 to 1 says that fixes it.
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery-
  Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
  Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 2:17 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] (Bump) Why is this slide so jittery?
  Hi, all...
  Thought I had this solved, but would anyone care to take a look at
  And click on the Click here to view or hide agent's biography link?
  FF2 doesn't have the jitters.
  The top agent's bio slides in smoothly.
  Any agent's bio for an agent who is beneath an already open bio works
  But any bio, except the top agent, without a bio open above it,
  will open
  very jittery in IE7.
  Anyone else see this behavior?
  If you do, any possible solutions?
  I may have to just put the bio's up without the sliding if I can't
  get this
  to work smoothly.

[jQuery] Re: how remove the attributes added by jquery : jQuery1206707292281

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Rudd

One of the core team might be able to tell you why the attributes are
added for IE, it's probably something to do with some fix for a
bug/feature of IE.

What are you trying do when you compare the HTML?

If it's just a small block of code (say contained in a div with
id=block) you could do the replacement with a fair amount of

$('#block *').each(function() { $.removeData(this) });

If it's a larger block of code then perhaps you could rethink what or
how you're comparing.

Karl Rudd

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 9:15 AM, domi01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The .removeData(elem) works if you have the HTML element with the
  jQueryxxx attribute.
  In my case I don't know those elements .

  I could make a loop on all the elements and calls the function in
  order to remove those tags.
  This process won't be efficient.

  In my case, the problem occurs only with IE. With Firefox the
  attributes jQueryxx are not added.