[jQuery] Re: Select all items in list on form submit

2010-01-14 Thread pedalpete
Can you give a bit more detail?

Is the submit not firing? or the .each?

I always like to give my selectors an element+class/id, apparently it
is more efficient, and I have noticed that some browses (it seems only
sometimes) will miss some elements when only using the id/class.

But throw some alerts in there so you can see what is not firing, and
then we can go from there.

[jQuery] Re: Link Clicks Double Firing

2010-01-14 Thread pedalpete
Thanks for clarifying that Bill.
I see your issue with my solution.
I'm still learning to be a better programmer, and getting your type of
feedback is really helpful.

On Jan 14, 6:37 am, bill ozzi...@gmail.com wrote:
 hi pedalpete, your solution does work perfectly fine, sorry for not
 making that clear. but if we look beyond the initial implementation we
 begin to see a problem: this solution requires two separate pieces of
 code to be maintained to handle certain modifications.

 for instance, if the link needs to be changed so that it opens in a
 separate window, both the a tag and the jq code need to be modified;
 and keep in mind these two pieces of code may reside in two different
 files. many developers will find the first instance (either the a or
 the jquery), change it, and move it back to production and think the
 problem was completely resolved, then not understand why sometimes
 users are going to the right page and sometimes they are still going
 to the old one.

 so your proposed solution does resolve the issue originally raised,
 however, there are long term issues with it and i would like to see if
 there is a better solution that does not introduce the maintenance
 problem stated above.

 i appreciate your feedback and hope that i've made my point, however
 inelegant, a little clearer!

 On Jan 13, 6:38 pm, pedalpete p...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  Hi Bill,

  I'm still learning lots, and was hoping you could better explain what
  was wrong with my solution (as it seems the other solutions are FAR
  more complicated.

  What I was trying to acheive was to just disable the link for
  javascript enabled browser, and keep it enabled for those without

  As the link is inside the cell, and the javascript action is triggered
  on any click within the cell, I believe my recommendation should work
  well in all instances.

  I believe with .unbind('click'), the click on a link will not be
  interpreted at all, and that the JS will always take the action.

  I may be misunderstanding what is happening under the covers, but what
  I recommend does not unbind after a click, it would unbind the clicks
  at load time if I've got it right.

[jQuery] jquery draggable on live events

2010-01-13 Thread pedalpete
I was sure that drag  drop from the jQuery UI wouldn't work on events
that are added dynamically to the dom.

But I found this thread which says to use '.live('mouseover')' to get
it to work, and it seems drag works like a charm.

Droppable, I can't seem to get the simplest of 'alerts' after an item
has been dropped. Any suggestions?

jQuery('div.shift').live('mouseover', function(){
jQuery(this).draggable({ axis: 'y', containment: 'table' });
 drop: function(){

[jQuery] Re: Link Clicks Double Firing

2010-01-13 Thread pedalpete
You'll want to unbind the click event for the link, this should work
$(#factsheets td a').unbind('click');

Since the link is inside the cell, a click on the link should still
trigger the link.

Let me know how it goes (I don't get to answer questions very often )

On Jan 13, 1:22 pm, Collectonian collecton...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a bit of code on one page to make an entire table cell a
 clickable area to open a PDF in a new window. It works perfectly,
 unless you click the actual physical link. If someone clicks the link,
 it opens the link twice in two new windows. Inside the usual document
 ready, I have:

 $('#factsheets td').click(function() {
                 return false;


 And a snippet of code from the document:

 table id=factsheets
         td rowspan=3 id=factsheetpreviewimg src=/includes/images/
 placeholder_preview.gif width=306 height=396 //td
         td class=listcella href=/index.cfm/event/getFactSheet/
 whichfactsheet/41/ rel=/dropinn/thumbnails/factsheet_41.jpgSRAC
 0230br /Alligator Production: An Introduction/a/td

 How can I fix it so that clicking on the link is considered just a
 single click instead of two, so that only one window opens?

 ~~ Summer

[jQuery] Re: Link Clicks Double Firing

2010-01-13 Thread pedalpete

Hi Bill,

I'm still learning lots, and was hoping you could better explain what
was wrong with my solution (as it seems the other solutions are FAR
more complicated.

What I was trying to acheive was to just disable the link for
javascript enabled browser, and keep it enabled for those without

As the link is inside the cell, and the javascript action is triggered
on any click within the cell, I believe my recommendation should work
well in all instances.

I believe with .unbind('click'), the click on a link will not be
interpreted at all, and that the JS will always take the action.

I may be misunderstanding what is happening under the covers, but what
I recommend does not unbind after a click, it would unbind the clicks
at load time if I've got it right.

[jQuery] Re: What is the proper way to write this if statement?

2010-01-13 Thread pedalpete
Everything that I've seen says you have to check the length of the
element you are looking for.

So I think you want

If a parent UL was found, the length would be  0

[jQuery] Adding/Removing and Resizing jScrollPane - Reinitializing jScrollPane

2009-09-04 Thread pedalpete

I am building a little widget which is using jScrollPane to add a
scrollbar for where the data doesn't fit inside the alloted space.

When the user clicks on the data, I hide what they had, and show the
clicked data in a different format.

Sometimes the data needs a scrollbar, sometimes not, and sometimes the
ammount of scrolling needs to be resized.

I've taken a look at how Kevin Luck reinitializes the jScrollPane with
ajax data (mine is not loaded via ajax, just a different display of
the data), but I can't seem to get it to work.
My code looks like this

function addRemovejScrollPane(containedDiv){

This is attempting to get the height of the child, and if larger,
reinitialize the scrollbar, if smaller, remove the scrollbar.
Is there a better way to do this?

I add the 'containedDiv' because I have all my divs within holdAll,
and then I show and hide them based on user actions.

[jQuery] consistently unable to get return false to work, why?

2009-07-27 Thread pedalpete

So, this isn't related to any one bit of code, but it seems to be a
problem I run into almost everytime i need to stop a form or link for
doing what it was originally intended to do (submit).

Now, i have used return false; many times, but it never works at
I'm never sure what I end up changing, but something changes, and then
all of a sudden it works, and I am once again left stumped as to what
I did.

Yesterday, i renamed a class, and all of a sudden, it worked. Changed
the class back, and guess what! It still works, though it hadn't
before ...r

Today, i'm trying to use a submit, check the e-mail address and then
submit the form via ajax.
Once again, i can't seem to stop the form from submitting.

There are no other javascript errors coming up in firefox.
my alerts work, so i'm in the right function, but then...the form

  jQuery('div#selected form#getEmail').livequery('submit', function
var sid=jQuery('input.emailsButton', this).attr('id');
var emailAddress=jQuery('input#email', this).val();
if(isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress)) {
} else {
$(input#email, this).after(label class='error'Email is not

return false;

I've tried moving the return false; into the if/else, but no changes.

As mentioned, i think the biggest problem isn't just with this code.
There is something I seem to be doing consistently.


[jQuery] Re: consistently unable to get return false to work, why?

2009-07-27 Thread pedalpete

Thanks John,

I wasn't familiar with the .live() before, but of course I'll use that
where I can.

Though I'm honoured and humbled by your response, unfortunately, in
this case, I'm using a 'submit', and the documentation says i can't
use .live on submit currently. (I did try and, and it didn't work).

.bind doesn't seem as efficient, as I'll be regularly binding/
unbinding, but I've added that anyway, and still after the alerts, the
form submits.
As the form itself is created on the fly, i've put the bind inside the
function which creates the form, and unbind before the form is first
created so that i'm not stuck with the old data.

Unfortunately,  i'm still stuck with the original problem, return
false; appears to be ignored.

On Jul 27, 2:14 pm, John Resig jere...@gmail.com wrote:
 It looks like you're using the old liveQuery plugin. Why not just use
 .bind() or .live()?


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:11 PM, pedalpete p...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  So, this isn't related to any one bit of code, but it seems to be a
  problem I run into almost everytime i need to stop a form or link for
  doing what it was originally intended to do (submit).

  Now, i have used return false; many times, but it never works at
  I'm never sure what I end up changing, but something changes, and then
  all of a sudden it works, and I am once again left stumped as to what
  I did.

  Yesterday, i renamed a class, and all of a sudden, it worked. Changed
  the class back, and guess what! It still works, though it hadn't
  before ...r

  Today, i'm trying to use a submit, check the e-mail address and then
  submit the form via ajax.
  Once again, i can't seem to stop the form from submitting.

  There are no other javascript errors coming up in firefox.
  my alerts work, so i'm in the right function, but then...the form

       jQuery('div#selected form#getEmail').livequery('submit', function
         var sid=jQuery('input.emailsButton', this).attr('id');
         var emailAddress=jQuery('input#email', this).val();
         if(isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress)) {
         } else {
                 $(input#email, this).after(label class='error'Email is

         return false;

  I've tried moving the return false; into the if/else, but no changes.

  As mentioned, i think the biggest problem isn't just with this code.
  There is something I seem to be doing consistently.


[jQuery] Re: trigger click on an anchor

2009-07-13 Thread pedalpete

jQuery doesn't care what you are linking to, as long as that file is
there, it will be retrieved (I can't think of any reason why not).'

you could use
that would I believe be more efficient

On Jul 13, 8:45 am, sso strongsilent...@gmail.com wrote:
 if I have a link on my page like this

 a id=clickme href=home/download/myfile.pdftriggerclick/a

 should I be able to click it with jquery?

 on event {


 or will it disallow it because its linking to a file

[jQuery] livequery breaking on inserting html in IE

2009-07-13 Thread pedalpete

I've been working on this for quite a while trying to figure out why I
can only get a click to be recognized by IE once. If a user clicks on
another element, and then goes back to the original one, nothing

I've gone right down to this
jQuery(ul.showList li.show div.showData, ul.myShowsList li.show
div.showData, ul.myFriendsShowsList li.show div.showData,
div#popForecast li.show div.showData, div#gigList li.show
div.showData).livequery('click', function(){
var getSelected=jQuery(this).parent('li.show').html();
var eventid=jQuery(this).parent('li.show').attr('id');
clickedShow(getSelected, eventid);

function clickedShow(getSelected, eventid){
var currentSelected=jQuery('div#selectedShow').attr('class');

var closeSelected='img src=hwImages/close.gif id=closeThis /
var classToRemove=jQuery('div#selectedShow').attr('class');
var getAddress=jQuery('div#selectedShow span.address').html();
var thisCityState=jQuery('div#selectedShow span.cityState').html();
var showLocation=jQuery('div#selectedShow div.showLocation').html();



if I remove the 'getSelected, I can click multiple times, and I'll get
the alert.
If I put in the 'getSelected', I can only click that element once.

the html within getSelected is like this (copied from debugbar,
therefore it shows the jQuery tags)
SPAN id=2009-07-13 class=date jQuery1247506933342=93Mon 13 Jul /
SPAN class=time8:00 pm/SPAN
DIV class=showData jQuery1247506933342=186
  SPAN class=holdImgIMG src=h548e0af6ceea63dd99462.jpg/
 DIV class=artistShowSPAN id=62653487 class=artist
jQuery1247506933342=124future of the left/SPAN
   DIV class=showLocation jQuery1247506933342=846
  SPAN class=titleMaxwells/SPAN
  SPAN class=address jQuery1247506933342=844/
 SPAN class=cityState
jQuery1247506933342=845Hoboken, /SPAN
   DIV class=genreAlternative | Healing amp;

So once this is put into the page, and then changed, it can't be re-
inserted later.

Any ideas on this?

[jQuery] return false; on links only working on first click in IE

2009-07-12 Thread pedalpete

I've been trying to make my very ajaxy site more SEO friendly, lots of
the returned actions from ajax can be retrieved as a full page, so
it's just a matter of exposing the links.
Up until now I've had 'span' tags which I have now changed to 'a href'
so that the search engines will follow them.

I've added the following code so that if the event should send an ajax
request, it does that, or if it should go get the full page, it does
var vtid=jQuery(this)..parent('div.controller').parent('li').attr
clicked(getSelected, eventid);
} else {
return false;

This works to prevent the link from being followed in FF, and IE7/8.
The ajax is triggered properly, and all is good.

In IE, if the link is clicked multiple time consecutively, then
everything is fine.
If the link is clicked once, then another link is clicked, then the
user goes back to the previously clicked link, the link is followed,
and the above code is ignored.

Seems that maybe in IE, the livequery needs to be renewed or
something, does that make sense? or is their a way for me to 're-
affirm' the link?

Seems my other option may be to include the link and a span as I had
originally done, and then hide the link via javascript, as I recall
that search engines won't follow links hidden by css.

Anybody have any suggestions on this?

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin : [cycle] terminating; too few slides: 1

2009-03-24 Thread pedalpete

The message means that there isn't enough data in the cycle for it to
cycle through.
Likely you are only loading your cycle wrapper once, but you didn't
include any code or a url, so it's tough to tell.

[jQuery] Re: chaining events from different sources

2009-03-21 Thread pedalpete

Doesn't look like it would work, as I'm not using an actual jQuery
effect (effects are too slow on iPhone), i'm using 'addClass' with
native CSS animations


On Mar 20, 4:48 pm, Steve s...@quinn.com wrote:
 Not sure if this will work for you but it will let you set off a chain
 of effects:


 On Mar 20, 4:39 pm,pedalpetep...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  I've been trying to work with animation timing, and haven't been able
  to get this to work properly.

  What I have is that I add a class to an element, and that element is
  transitioned via a css transition.
  I then want to hide a child element once the css transition is

  I've tried to use a callback on the addClass, but it doesn't seem to
  $('div#header').addClass('holdForecastMove', function(){


  This is for an iphone targetted site, so using .animation isn't an

[jQuery] chaining events from different sources

2009-03-20 Thread pedalpete

I've been trying to work with animation timing, and haven't been able
to get this to work properly.

What I have is that I add a class to an element, and that element is
transitioned via a css transition.
I then want to hide a child element once the css transition is

I've tried to use a callback on the addClass, but it doesn't seem to
$('div#header').addClass('holdForecastMove', function(){

This is for an iphone targetted site, so using .animation isn't an

[jQuery] jumpy navigation slides (possibly due to hide, animation order)

2009-03-19 Thread pedalpete

I've spent the last few days creating a mobile/iphone optimized
version of my site.

I looked at jqTouch  iUI, but I thought it would mean a bunch of
configuring of new pages, and I wanted to just be able to use my own
API and a bunch of code I had already written in order to accomplish

It actually came together rather well, and i've got something very
similar to native UI (sliding left/right on selections, scrolling,

On the iPhone, the animations run smooth (i'm using css transitions),
but the content hides, then slides, even though the .hide() is far
down the page from the slide.

I think it would look much better if it slid first and then hid.
However, the difference is that the bits that hide, and the bits that
slide, are not the same div, so I can't just chain them.

If you want to check out a url, go to

Here's the animation code i'm using (note the actually transitions are
in the css, but are triggered with the addClass

 $('li.show').livequery('click', function(){

var targetOffset=$(window).scrollTop();


var showid=$(this).attr('id');

var getShowid=$(this).attr('id');
var selectedShow=$(this).html();
  var artist=$('span.artist',this).text();
var htmlThis = 'li class=show id='+showid+''+selectedShow
+'div id=media/divspan class=holdMap/span\/li';
$('div#selectedShow li.show').addClass




[jQuery] jquery on iphone - why does this scroll to the top?

2009-03-17 Thread pedalpete

I've been working on an iphone version of my site, and though their
are lots of comments re: animation on mobile safari, I actually don't
think it's all that bad (maybe it was previous versions, I'm on v.2).

I have an iphone like UI working fairly well, where the user can
select something and the screen shifts left, and then shows the
Back and forth work ok, except that for some reason before it goes
shifts left, it scrolls to the top of the screen.

I'm not sure why this is happening.
 a demo is at http://zifimusic.com/v2/mobile

what the code does is
1) animate the list left -330px (off the screen)
2) add the appropriate content to a div (which was offscreen is now
onscreen) called div#selectedshow
3) scroll to the top of div#selectedShow so that the selected item is
always at the top of the screen
4) click the x (it will be a back button eventually) to reverse this

the code is
 $('div#holdForecast').animate({marginLeft : -330px},1000)
var getShowid=$(this).attr('id');
var selectedShow=$(this).html();
var htmlThis = 'li class=show'+selectedShow+'span
({position:absolute, top: topVal});
$('div#selectedShow li.show').addClass
var targetOffset=$('li.selectedShow').offset().top;
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset},5);
var topMenu='div id=topmenua class=back?php echo
$closeImg; ?\/a\/div';

I don't see anything in there that says (scroll to the top), and yet
it seems to do that.
Is there a better animation sequence I should be using?
Should I chain these better than I have?


[jQuery] nyromodal with javascript in ajax response

2009-03-16 Thread pedalpete

I've got what should be a fairly simple implementation of the
nyromodal (like thickbox).

I use the modal multiple times on my page, and call it by just using
nyromodal as the class on the a-tag that makes the request.

The problem I'm having is that on one page I'm trying to put my
javascript widget in the nyromodal so that it can be grabbed there (it
doesn't really fit onto my own page as it's the same content as on the
main page).

However, when I load the nyromodal, the page shows up as blank, it
won't show the widget.

The page which uses the nyromodal is http:/zifimusic.com/v2 (click the
'get it' button on the right in the widget box).
The page that the nyromodal is calling is 

Not sure why this isn't working. I think nyromodal is using an iframe
to grab the data, but it might be using ajax (my firebug got screwed
up somehow and isn't showing the console anymore. I'm working on that
If nyromodal isn't using an iframe, and is using ajax instead, is
their a way to get the ajax to run after the page has been called (if
that is what's causing the problem?

[jQuery] make sure animate stays on screen (top of animate anyway).

2009-03-16 Thread pedalpete

I started working on a mobile app for my site, and it's working pretty
good so far, but I have a problem with the animations.

What i've got (you can see it at http://zifimusic.com/v2/mobile), the
page gets a list of concerts which is scrollable. clicking a result
will slide the list over and show the selection you made.

That all works well, and keeps things in position so you return to the
same spot you left in the list.
However, I was hoping for a way to find the relative position of the
selected element in the list.
Currently I get the position you clicked, and apply that as the css
position to the new focused element.

However. that means if you click on an item which is low on your
screen, the focused element stays low on the screen.
I don't want the selected element at the top of the page, but I do
want it at the top of the visible window. So that it is the focus of
the screen when the user clicks it.
Any idea how to make this happen?


[jQuery] Re: Loading More Entries According to the Users Screen Size

2009-03-09 Thread pedalpete

I hope I understand you problem correctly, a bit difficult to get the

Two things you didn't specify
1) how many results you expect to get per screen size
2) will subsequent requests result number be equal no matter what
size? or also depend on the screen size?

What i would suggest is to get the window size (I assume we are
talking length) and see if you can get a number from that. For
instance 600px/30=20. So if the user had a window height of 600px you
would get 20 results.
800px would give you 23.

is that too simplistic for what you're looking for?

[jQuery] Re: html data in IE

2009-03-04 Thread pedalpete

I can't display the 'issue' as i've rewritten the page to get rid of
the errors.
I'm just not sure if the way I have gone about fixing it is a bad

On Mar 4, 10:29 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you put up a demo page that displays this issue?

 On Mar 3, 6:15 pm,pedalpetep...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  I've been struggling with IE for a few days now, and looking through
  the HTML check in debugbar, it shows that IE would throw an error on
  every .html('div/div'), so I took any place where I had the
  html defined within the html(). I put the html into a javascript
  variable, and then it told me that the closing / was an invalid
  character. So I commented those out with \/.

  My question is, should I have done this?
  I can still back out of it, though it doesn't appear to be causing any
  problems in any of the browsers.

[jQuery] jquery .data() not sure if I'm using this properly

2009-03-04 Thread pedalpete

I'm trying to figure out how to set and retrieve data without putting
it into a class, element, or anything else visible, and in the dom.

My site is integrating Facebook connect, and sometimes if a user
hasn't logged in, I bring them to the login, but I'm trying to
remember what function would have run if they were logged in so that I
can call that after they login.
currently i set the data like this
i then later try to get the value for 'selectForLogin like this
  var refreshWhat=jQuery('div#otherLogin').data('selectForLogin');

but i always get 'undefined';

i've looked at the documentation http://docs.jquery.com/Data,
but it leaves me with two questions
1) why is my data being set
2) do i have to 'remove' a data value? or do they just get overwritten
if I set it again?

any ideas?

[jQuery] html data in IE

2009-03-03 Thread pedalpete

I've been struggling with IE for a few days now, and looking through
the HTML check in debugbar, it shows that IE would throw an error on
every .html('div/div'), so I took any place where I had the
html defined within the html(). I put the html into a javascript
variable, and then it told me that the closing / was an invalid
character. So I commented those out with \/.

My question is, should I have done this?
I can still back out of it, though it doesn't appear to be causing any
problems in any of the browsers.

[jQuery] Re: placing cycle plugin at root document level to use on content loaded via AJAX

2009-03-03 Thread pedalpete

From what I can tell by the code you've included, your abilities here
are much better than mine,
but I do load content via Ajax into my cycle,
What I had to do was to stop the cycle, empty, then replace and
My code looks like this
 success: function(response){
var location=jQuery('input#searchTxt').val();
jQuery('div#popForecast span.location').html(location);


 function startCycle(){
cleartype:  1,
 timeout:  9000,
 speed: 2000,
 pager: 'div#cyclePager',
 fx: 'fade',
  pause: 1,
  sync: 0,
pauseOnPagerHover: 1,
 pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
 var inputHtml='a href=#img class=inactive src=../hwImages/
inactivePager.png\/img class=active src=../hwImages/
return inputHtml ;
On Mar 3, 7:16 pm, kevinm sonicd...@gmail.com wrote:
 I want to relocate my cycle plugin call from the file that is loaded
 via an AJAX call to the parent file. I know I can't just copy, but not
 sure what I need to do.

 to illustrate;


                 fx:     'fade',
                 timeout: 0,
                 speed: 'slow' ,
                 pager: '#qm0',
                 next: '#next',
                 prev: '#prev',
                 pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
             // return sel string for existing anchor
             return '#qm0 li:eq(' + (idx) + ') a';


 in my index.html

 then I do this to load content

                 if( last != this ){ // let's avoid needless requests
                         var url = '' + this.hash.slice(1) + '.cfm';
                         $(this).html( 'div class=loadingimg src=images/
 ajaxLoader.gif //div' ).load( url, function(){
                                 this.scrollLeft = 0;//scroll back to the left
                 last = this;
                 this.blur(); // Remove the awful outline

                 return false;

 and I want the cycle function to affect content that is loaded (this)


[jQuery] Re: Stopping slideUp/slideDown mid animation

2009-02-25 Thread pedalpete

Check out the hoverIntent plugin

it puts a 'pause' on the hover so for both loading and unloading the
hovered section, it attempts to figure out what the user wants to do.

On Feb 25, 3:57 am, Jon cakeordeat...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using slideUp and slideDown to animate a drop down menu.

 If i mouse on/off the menu in very quick succession the sliding up and
 down animations stack up so that when you take your mouse away from it
 it is still animating up and down. Is there any way to stop the
 animation in the same way that you'd stop animate:


 If i use .stop() on slideDown/slideUp it stops the element from
 expanding again beyond the size it was stopped at. I hope that makes

 Here is my code:
 $(.ClientMenu).hover(function () {

 function () {


 And HTML:
 div class=ClientMenu
     div class=ClientMenuHead
         pby client/p
     ul class=ClientMenuBody
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
         liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
 width=150 height=2 //li
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
         liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
 width=150 height=2 //li
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
         liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
 width=150 height=2 //li
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
         liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
 width=150 height=2 //li
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
         liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
 width=150 height=2 //li
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
         liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
 width=150 height=2 //li
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
         liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
 width=150 height=2 //li
         li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li

[jQuery] Re: failing miserably in IE

2009-02-24 Thread pedalpete

So I got a version up and running, obviously you'll see by looking
this that it isn't a complete work, but if fails completely in IE, but
works in FF  Chrome.


I've picked it apart and put it back together, and it seems I just
keep ending up with different errors as I get deeper and deeper into
it, and the errors that are getting reported are with google maps, or
the the datePicker, or genre cloud. any ajax requests, etc.
Really any non-core (with the exception of ajax) function just doesn't

Any ideas on how to track this down would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: failing miserably in IE

2009-02-24 Thread pedalpete

Thanks MorningZ,

strange that that is not the error I'm getting at all.
My errors have pointed a break in the jquery.1.3.1.min.js (which
seemed odd).

I completely removed the references to dynacloud, but still get the
jquery and google maps errors.

I've got the debugging on in IE, that's how i'm seeing the errors.

I actually tried to fix the plugin to work with noconflict, (before
you saw it), but even with the link you sent, i am somewhat lost on
how to do that.

I'll load up another version later today, but I'm finding this very
puzzling (and i actually had the problem before noconclict was turned

On Feb 24, 2:29 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 In times like this, turning on Script Debugging in IE is very helpful
 (tools/options/advanced/uncheck-disable script debugging)

 pulling up the link above with debugging on pointed out the problem
 right away:

 Error: '$' is null or not an object
 for the line
 if (typeof $.wordStats != 'undefined'  $.dynaCloud.wordStats) {

 looking at the code in dynaCloud.js

 jQuery.fn.dynaCloud = function() {
  return this.each(function() {
   //var now = new Date().getTime();

   var cl = [];
   var max = 2000;
   var min = 10

   if (typeof $.wordStats != 'undefined'  $.dynaCloud.wordStats) {
    var count = $.dynaCloud.max == -1 ? 50 : $.dynaCloud.max;

 he didn't follow this convention

 (scroll down to 'Keep private functions private', which makes sure
 that the code can use $ even if noConflict is specified)

 fix up that plugin script and you should be all good

 On Feb 24, 4:56 pm, pedalpete p...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  So I got a version up and running, obviously you'll see by looking
  this that it isn't a complete work, but if fails completely in IE, but
  works in FF  Chrome.


  I've picked it apart and put it back together, and it seems I just
  keep ending up with different errors as I get deeper and deeper into
  it, and the errors that are getting reported are with google maps, or
  the the datePicker, or genre cloud. any ajax requests, etc.
  Really any non-core (with the exception of ajax) function just doesn't

  Any ideas on how to track this down would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: failing miserably in IE

2009-02-24 Thread pedalpete

Turns out their was a newer version of the plugin which I downloaded
and have now loaded up to the site. From what i can understand, that
version uses the proper format you referred to.

However, i am still getting the errors on jquery.min.js and main.js
(which is google maps api).

On Feb 24, 4:58 pm, pedalpete p...@hearwhere.com wrote:
 Thanks MorningZ,

 strange that that is not the error I'm getting at all.
 My errors have pointed a break in the jquery.1.3.1.min.js (which
 seemed odd).

 I completely removed the references to dynacloud, but still get the
 jquery and google maps errors.

 I've got the debugging on in IE, that's how i'm seeing the errors.

 I actually tried to fix the plugin to work with noconflict, (before
 you saw it), but even with the link you sent, i am somewhat lost on
 how to do that.

 I'll load up another version later today, but I'm finding this very
 puzzling (and i actually had the problem before noconclict was turned

 On Feb 24, 2:29 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  In times like this, turning on Script Debugging in IE is very helpful
  (tools/options/advanced/uncheck-disable script debugging)

  pulling up the link above with debugging on pointed out the problem
  right away:

  Error: '$' is null or not an object
  for the line
  if (typeof $.wordStats != 'undefined'  $.dynaCloud.wordStats) {

  looking at the code in dynaCloud.js

  jQuery.fn.dynaCloud = function() {
   return this.each(function() {
    //var now = new Date().getTime();

    var cl = [];
    var max = 2000;
    var min = 10

    if (typeof $.wordStats != 'undefined'  $.dynaCloud.wordStats) {
     var count = $.dynaCloud.max == -1 ? 50 : $.dynaCloud.max;

  he didn't follow this convention

  (scroll down to 'Keep private functions private', which makes sure
  that the code can use $ even if noConflict is specified)

  fix up that plugin script and you should be all good

  On Feb 24, 4:56 pm,pedalpetep...@hearwhere.com wrote:

   So I got a version up and running, obviously you'll see by looking
   this that it isn't a complete work, but if fails completely in IE, but
   works in FF  Chrome.


   I've picked it apart and put it back together, and it seems I just
   keep ending up with different errors as I get deeper and deeper into
   it, and the errors that are getting reported are with google maps, or
   the the datePicker, or genre cloud. any ajax requests, etc.
   Really any non-core (with the exception of ajax) function just doesn't

   Any ideas on how to track this down would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] failing miserably in IE

2009-02-23 Thread pedalpete

I'm not sure where to even start with this.
I've got a page with a ton of scripts that I've basically copied from
one of my other pages (which works fine in IE).

Of course, some of the scripts have changed, but I've got strange
things failing everywhere.
The common errors I was getting an 'undefined error in
jquery-1.3.1.js' error, and i pinned it down to this bit of code

flat: true,
date: Date(),
current: multiCalDate(),
calendars: 3,
mode: 'range',
starts: 1,
onChange: function(formated, dates){
var theseDates = dates.toString();
var splitRange= theseDates.split(',');
var firstRSplit=splitRange[0].split(' ');
var firstRange = [
firstRSplit[3].length == 4 ? firstRSplit[3] : 
].join(' ');

var secondRSplit=splitRange[1].split(' ');
var secondRange =   [
secondRSplit[3].length == 4 ? secondRSplit[3] : 
].join(' ');

var dateRange=firstRange;
} else {
var dateRange = firstRange+' to '+secondRange;

again, i don't know why this is, and this code works without issue.

So I removed this bit of code, and now I can get the page to load, but
my trying to make an ajax request with

 jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').livequery(function(){
  type: GET,
  url: processes/formatShows.php,
  data: output=genre=+genre+numDays=+numDays
  success: function(response){
jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').html(response);

does not launch the alerts, at all.
Of course, running this page in FF or Chrome results in no errors and
everything runs smoothly.

I've been at this for days trying to get it to work.
Please, please, please!!! How would you go about working through this?

I'm using debugbar in IE for debugging. I'm on Vista Home version, so
the debugging tools are limited.

[jQuery] Re: failing miserably in IE

2009-02-23 Thread pedalpete

Thanks James,

that's actually how I got to the point of discovering where the broken
bits were. I removed the javascript line by line until i got the
errors to stop showing up.

Unfortunately I'm getting to the point where there is so little on the
page that it isn't even remotely resembling the original functions,
and even now the simplest stuff is still not working.

I've checked that all the libraries and packages are loading properly,
and as I said, this is only a problem in IE.
FF and Chrome work perfectly, so if it were a problem with the
packages directly you'd think that FF and Chrome wouldn't work.

I'll hopefully get to have a live page going later this week, but I
was hoping their is a solution I could use today.

On Feb 23, 11:31 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 It's hard to tell without a test page. I think you should work from
 bottom up, even if you think it should all be working properly
 together. Make sure that jQuery library is working correctly and one-
 by-one add in the other things. Make sure that all your links to
 external Javascript/CSS files are not broken.

 On Feb 23, 9:14 am, pedalpete p...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  I'm not sure where to even start with this.
  I've got a page with a ton of scripts that I've basically copied from
  one of my other pages (which works fine in IE).

  Of course, some of the scripts have changed, but I've got strange
  things failing everywhere.
  The common errors I was getting an 'undefined error in
  jquery-1.3.1.js' error, and i pinned it down to this bit of code

          flat: true,
          date: Date(),
          current: multiCalDate(),
          calendars: 3,
          mode: 'range',
          starts: 1,
          onChange: function(formated, dates){
                  var theseDates = dates.toString();
                  var splitRange= theseDates.split(',');
                  var firstRSplit=splitRange[0].split(' ');
                  var firstRange = [
                                  firstRSplit[3].length == 4 ? firstRSplit[3] 
  : firstRSplit
                                          ].join(' ');

          var secondRSplit=splitRange[1].split(' ');
          var secondRange =               [
                                  secondRSplit[3].length == 4 ? 
  secondRSplit[3] : secondRSplit
                                          ].join(' ');

          var dateRange=firstRange;
          } else {
          var dateRange = firstRange+' to '+secondRange;


  again, i don't know why this is, and this code works without issue.

  So I removed this bit of code, and now I can get the page to load, but
  my trying to make an ajax request with

   jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').livequery(function(){
        type: GET,
        url: processes/formatShows.php,
        data: output=genre=+genre+numDays=+numDays
        success: function(response){
          jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').html(response);

  does not launch the alerts, at all.
  Of course, running this page in FF or Chrome results in no errors and
  everything runs smoothly.

  I've been at this for days trying to get it to work.
  Please, please, please!!! How would you go about working through this?

  I'm using debugbar in IE for debugging. I'm on Vista Home version, so
  the debugging tools are limited.

[jQuery] return false not stopping the form submit

2009-02-23 Thread pedalpete

I've got a page where i submit a very similar form for ajax response
multiple times.

I had this working, and have now split this out so that the variables
are retrieved in a function and returned in an object.
Unfortunately, now that I've done that, the submit form seems to be
ignoring the 'return false' statement, and is submitting the form,
rather than running the function within the submit.

function getFormData(){
var formData = new Object;

var searchAddress=jQuery('form#filterList input#searchTxt').val
  if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var geo = new 
geo.getLocations(searchAddress, function (result)

 jQuery('span#addressNotFound').text('?php echo
$addressNotFound; ?');
 } else {
  formData.accuracy= result.Placemark

  formData.lat = result.Placemark[0].Point.coordinates
  formData.long = result.Placemark[0].Point.coordinates

var date = new Date();
var d  = date.getDate();
var day = (d  10) ? '0' + d : d;
var m = date.getMonth() + 1;
var month = (m  10) ? '0' + m : m;
var year = date.getYear();

echo 'formData.numDays='.$numDays.';';
echo 'formData.genre='.$genre.';';
echo 'formData.numResults='.$numResults.';';

var range=jQuery('li.setDist').attr('id');
formData.dateRange = jQuery('.updateDate').attr('id');


  mapShow(formData.lat, formData.long,
formData.accuracy, 'areaMap');

 jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').livequery(function(){
  type: GET,
  url: processes/formatShows.php,
  data: output=genre=+formData.genre
  success: function(response){

jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').html(response);


type: GET,
url: processes/formatShows.php,
  data: output=type=forecastgenre=+formData.genre
  success: function(response){


return false;

any idea why this would be? is there a better way I should be doing

[jQuery] .click to start dropdown, hover out to clear (mixing the two)

2009-02-17 Thread pedalpete

I've got a fairly simple form with a few dropdowns which I currently
trigger on hovers.

A use requested that instead of a hover, that the dropdowns be
triggered by a click event.
No problem, except that I need the dropdown to slideUp when the user
hovers out.

I've taken a look at the .hover documentation, but can't seem to
figure out how to specify the 'out' (though it does say that this

Here's the code I've got now

$('form#filterList span.holdDate').click(function(){
$('span#datePickers, div.datepicker').slideDown('fast');

$('span#datePickers').hover('out', function(){

unfortunately, i'm getting an error when running this function. I
figure it is more efficient to only run the 'hover' code within
the .click function, but maybe that isn't right.

[jQuery] Re: .click to start dropdown, hover out to clear (mixing the two)

2009-02-17 Thread pedalpete

right, so does that mean their is no way to specify only the hover out
in jquery?

On Feb 17, 6:21 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 The syntax for hover() is hover(function, function), where the first
 function is what happens when something is onmouseover and the second
 is onmouseout.

      function() {
          // do something on mouseover
      function() {
           // do something on mouseout

 On Feb 17, 1:07 pm, pedalpete p...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  I've got a fairly simple form with a few dropdowns which I currently
  trigger on hovers.

  A use requested that instead of a hover, that the dropdowns be
  triggered by a click event.
  No problem, except that I need the dropdown to slideUp when the user
  hovers out.

  I've taken a look at the .hover documentation, but can't seem to
  figure out how to specify the 'out' (though it does say that this

  Here's the code I've got now

  $('form#filterList span.holdDate').click(function(){
                  $('span#datePickers, div.datepicker').slideDown('fast');

                  $('span#datePickers').hover('out', function(){

  unfortunately, i'm getting an error when running this function. I
  figure it is more efficient to only run the 'hover' code within
  the .click function, but maybe that isn't right.

[jQuery] Re: .click to start dropdown, hover out to clear (mixing the two)

2009-02-17 Thread pedalpete

Ok, actually got this working with the following code

$('form#filterList span.holdDate').click(function(){
$('span#datePickers, div.datepicker').slideDown('fast');
$('span#datePickers, div.datepicker').hover(


[jQuery] simple getting elements from ajax response not working

2009-02-14 Thread pedalpete

I've got what should be a very simple script, but I can't seem to get
anything but 'null' or 'undefined' when trying to get an elements html
or id.

The 'html(response) gets filled with ther response, but I can't get
either html or attribute id from the li.
The response has 10 li's, so I'm trying to get all of them, but
figured I would do an 'each' or something if I could just manage to
grab one. But I can't get that work?
Is there something wrong with my code?
Here's the code I've got
 success: function(response){
 var bidDate=$('li.show', response).attr('id');

[jQuery] Re: simple getting elements from ajax response not working

2009-02-14 Thread pedalpete

Hi Mike,

yes, the response is an html with just a bunch of li's with a bunch of
other within each li.

On Feb 14, 3:40 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  The 'html(response) gets filled with ther response, but I can't get
  either html or attribute id from the li.
  The response has 10 li's, so I'm trying to get all of them, but
  figured I would do an 'each' or something if I could just manage to
  grab one. But I can't get that work?
  Is there something wrong with my code?
  Here's the code I've got
   success: function(response){
               var bidDate=$('li.show', response).attr('id');

 What is 'response'?  Is it XML? HTML? A document? A fragment?

 If it's an HTML fragment what does it look like?  Just a bunch of LIs?

[jQuery] strange loop with livequery click

2009-02-14 Thread pedalpete

I've got a page that I'm loading via ajax, and the first time I load
the page, the click function works great.
If I make a second ajax request and load new data, the clicks are
triggering the function twice.
Even though I empty the div before loading the new data, and then call
livequery on the click.

Any idea why livequery would do this, and what the solution would be?

function loadForecast(lat, long){

 var i=1;
  type: GET,
  url: widgets.php,
  data: lat=+lat+long=+long,
  success: function(response){

$('div#holdForecast').html('ul class=List'+response+'/


$(li.reItem).livequery('click', function(event){


when I run this code, the alert shows (1) if i've only run the
loadForecast function once. but if I get a second loadForecast
function, then the alert shows the number of times I've called the
funciton (2 or more).
So that is how I'm figuring that the 'click' function is being called
more than once per click.

Other alerts further down in the code also get called multiple times
as a result of the click.

[jQuery] Re: click events on links

2009-02-14 Thread pedalpete

i've done this before just leaving out the href in the a tag. if you
aren't going to use it, you may as well not put it in.

On Feb 14, 5:48 pm, introvert aljaz.faj...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a simple anchor href link on which I put on click event

 a href=# id=pause/a
 $(#pause).click(function () {
     //do something


 When I click the link the action will be preformed and the browser
 would scroll to the top of the page (because of # in the href
 attribute). How do I prevent that?

 Thanks for help!

[jQuery] Re: How do I update this with ajax??

2009-02-11 Thread pedalpete

I think the problem is that you have return window.location.href
I believe javascipt/jquery is understanding that as - onclick
datepicker, go to href.

If you want to get that href via ajax you have to create an ajax
you could do
$(#myDatePicker).datepicker({ onSelect: function(date) {

var url=window.location.href(/Admin/Schedule/?date= + date;
 url: url,
 success: function(response){
// whatever you want to do with the response

[jQuery] animate the top of a div before the bottom

2009-02-10 Thread pedalpete

I'm trying to get an animation effect similar to opening a application
on mac, where the top of the div will animate first, followed by the
bottom of the div.
Top of the div gets wider, and tapers to the bottom and then the
bottom half animates to match.

Has anybody seen this before? The div has a repeated background image
and border, so splitting it into two divs and animating one and then
the other won't work (i don't think).

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Another Slide Effect?

2009-02-10 Thread pedalpete

two things
1) posts to the forum don't show up immediately (not sure why, but
sometimes it takes some time)
2) i think you are looking for the slideDown

On Feb 10, 1:18 pm, Clemens K. c...@madison.at wrote:
 (hope this time the posting works)


 recently i transfered to jQuery from mootools. some time ago i made a
 slide-down div with mootools and wanted to get a similar effect with

 example:www.madison.at- click on login!

 is there a way or a plugin in jQuery, to get the whole box slide down
 at once instead of slide down part by part?

 thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: How do I update this with ajax??

2009-02-10 Thread pedalpete

without seeing your jquery, it's tough to say exactly what is going
but have you got 'return false;' at the end of your select function?
That stops the page from submitting (refreshing).

On Feb 10, 5:32 pm, AndreMiranda acymira...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a page with DatePicker and a list of events that occur in some
 respective date. So, when a person selects a date in DatePicker, this
 date is passed as an argument to a method (I'm using asp.net mvc) and
 this method returns me all the events of the chosen date.

 The problem is the page refreshes every time this process is done.

 So, what's the best way to make this via Ajax?? $.ajax.get??
 $.ajax.post?? What do you recommend?

 And how can I when update this list events of my page??

 Thanks in advance!!


[jQuery] reloading new objects from json

2009-02-08 Thread pedalpete

I've got a ajax request that grabs a json response.

In order to be able to sort and get data from the response, I put the
response into a few objects using
var dates={};
var ids={};
  $.each(jsondata.entry, function(){
ids[this.id] = [];

 dates[this.date] = [];
 for(var d in dates){
var date=d;
$('div#holddates').append('ul class=dayList id='+date
+'li class=date '+date+'/li/ul');
$.each(dates[date], function(){
$('ul#'+date).append('li class=cal id='+this.id

When a user clicks on one of the dates, i go back to the json and get
a location from the id object

   $('li.show').livequery('click', function(){

var getSid=$(this).attr('id');
$.each(bids[getSid], function(){


All of this code works the first time I get an ajax response, however,
if I make another ajax request, the first portion loads (so I get the
list with the id and name), but if I click that name, I seem to not
get access to the object again.

The first alert does show the correct id is being clicked, but I can't
seem to get past that.

Whats I found very strange is that if I pass the object into the
livequery function, then it always fails, even on the first response.

[jQuery] Re: Convert from AjaxRequest to jQuery/ajax

2009-02-08 Thread pedalpete

I believe the code you are looking for would be something like this

var cell1 = $('#cell1').html();
var div1= $('#div1).html();
var span1=$('#span1).html();
 type: GET,
 url : 'urlToGet.php',
 data: 'cell1='+cell1+'div1='+div1+'span1='+span1,
 success: function(response){
 // whatever you want to do with the response

On Feb 8, 4:23 pm, Tim Johnson t...@johnsons-web.com wrote:
 For some time I've been using a little ajax library called AjaxRequest.
 Because I'm working with code generation tools, I'd like to make a
 first - step switch to jQuery as simple as possible.
 A sample AjaxRequest function follows:
   function CheckForm0(theform) {
                var res = req.responseText.split('\n')
                document.getElementById(cell1).innerHTML = res[1];
                document.getElementById(div1).innerHTML = res[2];
                document.getElementById(span1).innerHTML = res[3];
           'onError':function(req){ alert(ERROR:  + req.statusText);}
         return false;
   } // end function
 // Form tag follows:
 form method=post
 onsubmit=return CheckForm0(this);
 // Note that method, action, and onsubmit parameters are in the tag
 // and I would prefer that they remain there. Also the form is referenced
 // by 'this' in the onsubmit parameter and passed to the Ajax function.

 I'd appreciate pointers to jQuery examples that would help me with the
 transition. I'd like an approach that requires as few changes to the form
 tag as possible.


[jQuery] Re: Convert from AjaxRequest to jQuery/ajax

2009-02-08 Thread pedalpete

Sorry Tim, I didn't understand it that way.

You should still be able to do this fairly simply.

You don't have to specify the url, you can pass it as a variable.
But you would need to put your $.ajax function into another function,
and call it when clicked. You can also build the data variables in the
other functions.

For instance
   var url=$('form#1).attr('action');
   // then get your data variables and do whatever you want to do with
var type= get;
submitForm(url, data);


function submitForm(url, data){
 type: type,
 url: url,
 data: data,
  success: function(){




I hope that helps, and that I understand what you were trying to do
better than my first answer.

[jQuery] Re: jquery, ajax, and search engines

2009-02-07 Thread pedalpete

Search engines don't see dynamic content.
You can put some content in a noscript tag, and that will be visible
to a search spider, and anybody who doesn't have javascript

On Feb 7, 7:06 am, jhm jmay...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've noticed when I fill in dynamic content on a page using jquery
 that when you view source you don't see the dynamic content. So I'm
 wondering if search engines don't see it as well. It's obviously a
 serious consideration.


[jQuery] Re: traversing ajax response with .find in Safari/Chrome

2009-02-07 Thread pedalpete

like my original statement that works in IE and FF, but not Safari or

On Feb 6, 11:17 pm, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:
 var newItem=$(div#item, response).html();

 Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

 On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 9:02 AM, pedalpete p...@hearwhere.com wrote:

  I'm trying to get a div from an html ajax response.
  my code is pretty simple

         success: function(response){



  This works fine in FF and IE, but Chrome and Safari both return null.

  I'm trying to find another way to write that, but It all seems pretty
  straight forward to me.
  Is there another way to get this other than .find?

[jQuery] traversing ajax response with .find in Safari/Chrome

2009-02-06 Thread pedalpete

I'm trying to get a div from an html ajax response.
my code is pretty simple

success: function(response){



This works fine in FF and IE, but Chrome and Safari both return null.

I'm trying to find another way to write that, but It all seems pretty
straight forward to me.
Is there another way to get this other than .find?

[jQuery] ajax submit val() not submitting updated data

2009-01-05 Thread pedalpete

Hi all,

I've been working with this page for a while, and I can't seem to
figure out the problem (it's running locally as it is just a tool for
me to try to fix up some data).

Basically what I have is a page that looks at the user submitted data.
The data is in a input box - but for simplicity it is not in a form.
This way if I need to update the data, I can just change it in the
input field and click the link and it updates the field via ajax.

The problem is that when I update the input field, and then click the
accept, the data that is being returned isn't the changed data, but
the original data.

The jquery i am using looks like this
var update = $(this).attr('id');
var thisEntry = $(this).parent('#thisList').html();
var updatedEntry = $(thisEntry+'input.name').val();
var id = $(thisEntry+'.name').attr('id');
type: 'POST',
url: 'fixing.php',
data: 'name='+updatedEntry+'id='+id,
success: function(response){


[jQuery] Re: Changing query parameter

2008-11-28 Thread pedalpete

I'm not sure what you bean about changing depending on 'where I'm
using the plugin'.

you could use an if statement to set the parameter to change.
for instance

var term=q;

something like that I think, but you haven't really spelled out what
you are trying to do .

On Nov 28, 12:33 am, Osymandias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Wondering how to change the actual query parameter sent by jquery at
 run time: e.g. instead of


 I might want to do


 and this will change depending on where I'm using the plugin.

[jQuery] Re: ajax post variable error in safari/chrome

2008-11-27 Thread pedalpete

figured this one out a while ago, but forgot to update it (though it
took forever to debug too). Turns out it wasn't really webkit (though
the other websites didn't have a problem), but spaces in the text were
being represented by /\W\g, and only webkit did not strip this out
when posting the data. Other browsers did strip it out.

On Nov 27, 3:20 pm, rodrigopolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 WebKit sucks parsing Dynamic XML, I had this problem and I found it was
 because Gzip...

 The SOLUTION in PHP, add the fallowing code in your PHP code:

 header('Content-Type: application/xml');

 another problem reasons could be that your dynamic XML is not a real XML, my
 advice for tests:

 Use Firefox and Firebug
 save your dynamic XML in the same dir where is your dyamic one
 open both, the dynamic and the saved on firefox
 check if the headers look the same

 good luck.

 pedalpete-2 wrote:

  I know this is kinda weird, and I can't seem to find where the issue

  i've been working on a tag cloud for my site hearwhere.com and
  everything works from FF/IE, but safari and chrome won't let me pass a
  multi-word variable into my query.

  You can test it out athttp://zifimusic.com/v3

  The single word genres from the tag cloud work no problem, but the
  multi-words (like 'folk rock') always return 0 results in Safari/
  Chrome but return a number of results in FF/IE.

  I've output the query and copied it from source, and it runs fine, so
  I don't understand how Chrome  Safari could be causing this issue,
  but everything seems to be going in correctly.

  I've left an 'alert' on the passed genre so I can see what is being
  passed, and it all looks good to me.

  ANY ideas on this?
  Super strange (i think).

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jCarousel pagination with numbers?

2008-11-17 Thread pedalpete

I was looking for a similar set-up and went with the Dave Malup's
cycle plug-in as it handles the paging.
Should be easier to add next/prev arrows to that plugin rather than
add paging to a carousel.


I didn't need back/forward, so I haven't needed to build that in, but
the plugin has a next and prev function.

On Nov 17, 6:38 am, matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone developed a way to (along with the next/previous arrows)
 have the number of images below.  for example previous 1 2 3 4 5
 next ?  And then if you click on number 3, it would should the 3 image
 inside the carousel view area?  I'm looking at this 

 I would like to do one at a time (which you can do via the settings),
 but how do you add numbers so that clicking on one will move it to
 that direct image?

[jQuery] animation conflicts - cycle/other in IE

2008-11-17 Thread pedalpete

I recently added David Malsup's Cycle plugin to my site, and I love
the functionality it provides.

However, i noticed that some animations/events where responding REALLY
slowly in IE.
I started pulling things out of the page to see what was causing the
slowdown, and from what I can tell, it's the cycle plugin causing the
problems (only in IE, site seems good in FF/Safari/Chrome).

To see the problem, you can go to

The cycle plugin runs, but try hovering over any of the form fields
(Genre, Date, Distance) and those dropdowns just take forever to get
triggered (it appears as though they don't get triggered at all, but
wait long enough, and they will drop down.

The dropdowns use 'hoverIntent' (Genre, Date) and
'superfish' (distance) to trigger the dropdown.
I have noticed everything else responding a bit slower, but those are
the real 'showstoppers' on this one.

I've tried pausing the cycle on hover, but that didn't seem to have
the desired effect.

Any ideas on this one?
Here's the code I use for the hovers and the cycle in case it helps

$('form#filterList span.holdDate').hoverIntent(function(){
$('span#datePickers, div.datepicker').slideDown('fast');



$('form#filterList span.genreblock').hoverIntent(function(){
var thisDynacloud=$('span#dynacloud').html();

$('div#left div#thiscloud').dynaCloud();

$('form#filterList ul.nav').superfish();

cleartype:  1,
 timeout:  5000,
 speed: 3200,
 pager: 'div#pager',
 fx: 'fade',
  pause: 1,
pauseOnPagerHover: 1

Any suggestions on would be greatly appreciated,

[jQuery] Re: animation conflicts - cycle/other in IE

2008-11-17 Thread pedalpete

Thanks Mike (and sorry about getting your name wrong, not sure how i
managed that).

You are correct of course, I changed the settings to
timeout: 1,
speed: 2000,

and response time is much better in IE.
I'll check it on lower powered computers to make sure I am being more
responsible with CPU usage.

Thanks again,

On Nov 17, 4:58 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
      cleartype:  1,
       timeout:  5000,
       speed: 3200,
       pager: 'div#pager',
           fx: 'fade',
            pause:         1,
      pauseOnPagerHover: 1});

 You are crushing the CPU with those settings.  Best case scenario,
 you're asking the browser to perform an opacity animation for 3.2
 seconds out of every 5.  That is just not a good idea and not a
 responsible use of your visitors CPU.   Even though the response in
 non-IE browsers is ok, take a look at your CPU usage when that page is


[jQuery] Re: how to fade in newly dom created content?

2008-11-12 Thread pedalpete

I've been having a similar issue with sliding an element to be visible
after adding it to the dom.

I think the problem is that your class is visible, and therefore it
will just show-up, rather than fade in which you are doing after.

Have you tried setting the visibility of messages to hidden, and then
fade it in?

On Nov 12, 10:31 am, sqad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $('#messages').after('div class=messagessomething nice/

 Umm, should this work? I am basiclaly trying to add elements to the
 #messages div but fade them in slowly after each addition. Any help is

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plug-in works with ajax on first call, not on subsquent calls

2008-11-05 Thread pedalpete

My apologies Mike,

I am using firebug with Firefox, and hadn't seen that error in quite a
while, I then realized that from my first post on this subject to when
you re-requested the url, I had re-introduced the error on the testing

Now combining the fix with stopping and emptying the cycle, it all
seems to be working.

Thanks Mike, this plug-in is awesome!

On Nov 5, 4:14 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Mike, here's the link and a description of how to get it to not


 I'm guessing that you're not using Firefox with Firebug.  If you were,
 you could set a breakpoint and see that your 'allPops' div contains
 only a single element after the ajax call, so the markup is not as you
 expect when you callcyclethe 2nd time.  In addition,cyclelogs this

 [cycle] terminating; too few slides: 1


[jQuery] Cycle Plug-in works with ajax on first call, not on subsquent calls

2008-11-04 Thread pedalpete

Hey jqueriers!
I've been working on implementing a carousel on my live music site
HearWhere so that I can scroll through popular shows.
After playing with a few different plug-ins, I settled on the AMAZING
cycle plugin by Mike Alsup.

I've got the cycle working on my dev site

I load the cycle first via ajax and it works perfectly.
However, using the same code on subsequent ajax calls does not work,
even if I use .empty() to remove the current carousel items.

the code I use is pretty simple

function wrapPopShows(){
cleartype:  1,
 timeout:  3000,
 speed: 900,
 pager: 'div#pager',
 fx: 'scrollUp'

I don't believe I can use the standard 'callback'  function, as data
which is returned in 'response' is a large list of shows, only some of
which end up in the cycle, the rest are shows statically, as well as a
bit more data.

I am trying to avoid making more than one ajax call when a user gets a
results page (which is loaded by ajax).

Any idea on how to stop/remove the cycle function and then restart it?

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide. Could someone, please, help me with this?

2008-11-04 Thread pedalpete

Should be pretty simple Miguel.

The first thing I would do is add an ID to each legend and/or image
you want to trigger the show so you can tell which one has been
clicked and add a common class to all the legends and images.
Then put the id as a class of the fieldset you would like to show/

Finally, I'd use the .toggle function of jquery, so like this
var whichOne = $(this).attr('id');

that should do it.

On Nov 4, 10:47 am, shapper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a form as following:

 form id=MyForm
     legendPersonal Data/legend

 I would like to hide/show each fieldset when its legend is clicked ...
 ... or even better, adding a small icon on legend or somewhere in
 fieldset to toogle visibility.

 How can I do this with JQuery?


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plug-in works with ajax on first call, not on subsquent calls

2008-11-04 Thread pedalpete

Thanks Mike,

I had assumed that stopping the 'cycle' would clear it and allow me to
reassign it, but apparently that isn't working.

I've tried

Thinking that would 'reset'  the cycle to the initial state.
I've also tried using livequery with cycle, that is erroring out on
the cycle attributes.

On Nov 4, 12:37 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Any idea on how to stop/remove the cycle function and then restart it?

 To stop:

 To restart (same as first start):
     // your options here


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plug-in works with ajax on first call, not on subsquent calls

2008-11-04 Thread pedalpete

Thanks Mike, here's the link and a description of how to get it to not


The cycle loads perfectly the first time (you see it load after a few
seconds - it will say 'feature artists' , and that will scroll through
the cycle).

Then, if you filter the list of results with the 'find shows' button
(select a different city, or genre, or dates), the shows will reload,
and the featured shows will show-up, but the cycle doesn't start.
The code which loads the 'feature artists' is the $
('div#popList').html(response), but the upcoming artists is also
loaded with the response code.

On Nov 4, 4:50 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I had assumed that stopping the 'cycle' would clear it and allow me to
  reassign it, but apparently that isn't working.

  I've tried

  Thinking that would 'reset'  the cycle to the initial state.
  I've also tried using livequery with cycle, that is erroring out on
  the cycle attributes.

 Can you post a link that shows the problem you're having?

[jQuery] slideDown with append

2008-10-28 Thread pedalpete

I'm sure this one is super simple for a bunch of people, but I'm a bit

I have a list of items (show listings) and when a user clicks on a
show, I want a map to slideDown and display a map of the location of
the show.

If the user clicks on another show, the map that is being shown slides
in, and the new one slideDown.
Very similar to an accordian, but my initial markup isn't as simple.

What I thought I could do was to just append the show listing with the
html to hold the map, and then call the slideDown function. But what i
have is just the whole map popping out.
I believe this is because I have to give the map a size before I can
show it (google map).

I've tried wrapping the map in another div and tried playing with the
height that wrapper div, but that didn't really work either.

Here's the code I've got working right now.
$(.show).livequery('click', function(event){
class=holdExtrasdiv id=map2/divdiv id=holdQTthis holds


the slideUp  remove somewhat surprisingly works quite well, just the
slideDown is giving me some problems.


[jQuery] Re: Selecting option of select with different ID using same code

2008-10-28 Thread pedalpete

Not sure if I understand, but you can't add an id to the links? is
that correct?
Any chance you can have your links read
Select option with a href=#Blue/a text ?
That way you could use the .html() selector to get the value of the
clicked item and feed that into your (#productImg +
optionValueText).show();  function.

otherwise, you can use .click() to grab the .htm() and then strip out
the bits you don't need (select, options', etc). Though this is not
as nice a way to do it.

On Oct 28, 9:25 am, Franky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please take a look on example code:

     script type=text/javascript
     jQuery(document).ready(function() {
     jQuery(#imageShowcase img).hide();
     jQuery(#colorSelector).change(function() {
         // Hide all images on slect element change action
         jQuery(#imageShowcase img).hide();
         // Get the value of selected option
         var optionValue = jQuery(this).attr('value');
         // Just a test to see if you're getting option value
         // alert(optionValue);
         // Get the content (aka inner HTML) of selected option
         var optionValueText = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#colorSelector dl
 dd.last select :selected').text());
         // Just a test to see if you're getting right selected option
 inner text
         // alert(optionValueText);
         //alert('Selected option has value: ' + optionValue + ' and
 inner text: ' + optionValueText);
         // Show the image based on selected value
         jQuery(#productImg + optionValueText).show();

     div id=colorSelector
     dtlabelColor Groupspan class=requirednbsp;*/span/
     dd class=last
     select name=options[8] id=select_8 class= required-entry
 product-custom-option title=
     option value=-Select-/option
     option value=30Blue /option
     option value=31Blue-Green /option
     option value=32Green /option
     option value=42Grey-Black /option
     option value=29Pink-Purple /option
     option value=28Red /option
     option value=41White /option
     option value=27Yellow-Brown /option
     div id=imageShowcase style=text-align:left;
     img id=productImgDefault src=color-hex.gif title=Blue image
 alt=image missing /
     img id=productImg-Select- src=color-hex.gif title=Blue
 image alt=image missing /
     img id=productImgBlue src=blue.gif title=Blue image alt=
 style=display:none; /
     img id=productImgBlue-Green src=blue-green.gif title=Blue-
 Green image alt= style=display:none; /
     img id=productImgGreen src=green.gif title=Yellow image
 alt= style=display:none; /
     img id=productImgGrey-Black src=grey-black.gif title=Yellow
 image alt= style=display:none; /

     img id=productImgPink-Purple src=pink-purple.gif
 title=Yellow image alt= style=display:none; /
     img id=productImgRed src=red.gif title=Yellow image alt=
 style=display:none; /
     img id=productImgWhite src=white.gif title=Yellow image
 alt= style=display:none; /
     img id=productImgYellow-Brown src=yellow-brown.gif
 title=Yellow image alt= style=display:none; /

 This code changes image depending on the option selected in select.
 I'm using very long code without ID used to get select option (aka
 #colorSelector dl dd.last select) because code used on Magento and it
 assigned for each select different ID and name.

 My question is. It that possible to make code to change images in the
 same way, but using link like:
 a href=# onclick=???select option with Blue text/a

 Thanks for help!

[jQuery] thickbox breaking other javacript functions

2008-10-23 Thread pedalpete

I've been working on implementing thickbox into my site, and I can
launch the thickbox no problem, and the site works (all the javascript
functions don't have a problem) before launching thickbox.
However, once I launch thickbox, javascript functions that worked
previously, no longer work.

The link which opens the thickbox is part of an ajax page.
So (it's kinda a long way to get to it).
1) go to this link http://ZiFiMusic.com/thickbox
2) when the page loads a list of artists, select an artist
3) the page will load that artists page via ajax. - if you were to
select another artist, everything would load fine
4) in the 'upcoming ARTIST NAME shows'  section (just below the music
player), there is a link to 'get  share the artists shows widget' -
clicking that will launch the thickbox and load the widgets.
5) now closing the thickbox and selecting an artist breaks the script
in multiple places. this does not break before thickbox is loaded.

Any ideas on why this would be happening?

[jQuery] Re: thickbox breaking other javacript functions

2008-10-23 Thread pedalpete

Looks like this might not have been a Thickbox issue in the end.
The flash which I was loading i think was doing some strange things to

I resolved it by using an iframe with thickbox instead of ajax.

On Oct 23, 1:40 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been working on implementing thickbox into my site, and I can
 launch the thickbox no problem, and the site works (all the javascript
 functions don't have a problem) before launching thickbox.
 However, once I launch thickbox, javascript functions that worked
 previously, no longer work.

 The link which opens the thickbox is part of an ajax page.
 So (it's kinda a long way to get to it).
 1) go to this linkhttp://ZiFiMusic.com/thickbox
 2) when the page loads a list of artists, select an artist
 3) the page will load that artists page via ajax. - if you were to
 select another artist, everything would load fine
 4) in the 'upcoming ARTIST NAME shows'  section (just below the music
 player), there is a link to 'get  share the artists shows widget' -
 clicking that will launch the thickbox and load the widgets.
 5) now closing the thickbox and selecting an artist breaks the script
 in multiple places. this does not break before thickbox is loaded.

 Any ideas on why this would be happening?

[jQuery] Re: what is the best way to do this

2008-10-15 Thread pedalpete

I don't think you can 'get'  class attributes (though you could try $
I you can get the ids. I set the id and then use jquery search class
if you had
div class=profile id=p1/divdiv class=profile id=p2/div
etc. you could get the divs by using

[jQuery] ajax post variable error in safari/chrome

2008-10-03 Thread pedalpete

I know this is kinda weird, and I can't seem to find where the issue

i've been working on a tag cloud for my site hearwhere.com and
everything works from FF/IE, but safari and chrome won't let me pass a
multi-word variable into my query.

You can test it out at http://zifimusic.com/v3

The single word genres from the tag cloud work no problem, but the
multi-words (like 'folk rock') always return 0 results in Safari/
Chrome but return a number of results in FF/IE.

I've output the query and copied it from source, and it runs fine, so
I don't understand how Chrome  Safari could be causing this issue,
but everything seems to be going in correctly.

I've left an 'alert' on the passed genre so I can see what is being
passed, and it all looks good to me.

ANY ideas on this?
Super strange (i think).

[jQuery] Re: datepicker plugin: question regarding date range

2008-09-24 Thread pedalpete

I've just started using the javascript .addMonth(1) function for
adding a month to the selected date.

It is working flawlessly so far.
I took a look for a subtractDay() function, but haven't found much.
Apparently you can use a php type date function in javascript
d = new Date(d.getYear(),d.getMonth(),d.getDate()+90)

This page gives a bunch of info on manipulating dates in javascript.
As far as I've seen there isn't a simple jquery-esque way of
manipulating dates, but you can easily mix both jquery and javascript.

Hope it helps,

On Sep 23, 10:29 pm, c.s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how do i get datepicker to display 5 days previous from date selected?
 bascially date range but i don't want to set it for being between
 specific dates. the fuctionality i'm looking for is user selects today
 date...date picker shows today's date and 4/5 days prior--i need to be
 able to retrieve this data...date picker pass it somehow?

 is this sort of functionality available or do i need to write the code
 for it?

 i'm still wadding around jquerythanks for patience

[jQuery] why is this code inefficient?

2008-09-24 Thread pedalpete

I thought I was getting the hang of jquery and javascript, but then i
wrote this small function, and it is really taking a long to run -
like 15+ seconds.

The purpose of the function is that i have a list of concerts ordered
by date.
I want to show the date when the date changes, so for all concerts on
Wed, Sep 24, I show the date as a heading on the first concert, and
then hide the rest of the date headings, and then for concerts on Thur
Sep 25, the date shows again on the first item, so users know they are
looking at a different day.

This way users get a clear division of dates.

the function I'm using is
function showDateDivides(){
var dividedID = $(this).attr('id');
var dateTable = $('#'+dividedID).html();
var splitDateTable = dateTable.split(' ');
var dayOfWeek = splitDateTable[0];
var numOfMonth = splitDateTable[1];

the class divideDate is hidden in the css when the page loads,
The id holds the date formated in -mm-dd
the class dateTable holds a weekly view date table (so 7 squares), and
then the day of the week gets the date number and class of firstDate
added to it.

I hope that's clear. Is this really inefficient code?

[jQuery] Re: why is this code inefficient?

2008-09-24 Thread pedalpete

Thanks Karl,

Not sure why i had never done that before, but now I'm going through
my code and adding the appropriate starting tag throughout my jquery.

This did speed things up quite a bit.

On Sep 24, 2:56 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For a start try using  $('div.divideDate'). This means that jQuery can
 just check div elements for the divideDate class rather than every
 element on the page.

 Karl Rudd

 On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 5:01 AM, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I thought I was getting the hang of jquery and javascript, but then i
  wrote this small function, and it is really taking a long to run -
  like 15+ seconds.

  The purpose of the function is that i have a list of concerts ordered
  by date.
  I want to show the date when the date changes, so for all concerts on
  Wed, Sep 24, I show the date as a heading on the first concert, and
  then hide the rest of the date headings, and then for concerts on Thur
  Sep 25, the date shows again on the first item, so users know they are
  looking at a different day.

  This way users get a clear division of dates.

  the function I'm using is
         function showDateDivides(){
                 var dividedID = $(this).attr('id');
                 var dateTable = $('#'+dividedID).html();
                 var splitDateTable = dateTable.split(' ');
                 var dayOfWeek = splitDateTable[0];
                 var numOfMonth = splitDateTable[1];

  the class divideDate is hidden in the css when the page loads,
  The id holds the date formated in -mm-dd
  the class dateTable holds a weekly view date table (so 7 squares), and
  then the day of the week gets the date number and class of firstDate
  added to it.

  I hope that's clear. Is this really inefficient code?

[jQuery] cool new DatePicker with a familiar name, but how to make multi-month start with current

2008-09-22 Thread pedalpete

I've been using Kevin Lucks datepicker for the past few months, and I
was trying to figure out how to make it a 'range' datepicker when I
came across
The naming will probably get confusing, but this is a really nice
range picker.

I am having one problem with it though.
When I show multiple calendars on my page (3), I've got is showing
last month, this month, and next month, but I'm trying to get the code
to show this month, next month, following month as there is no point
in having history on my site.

The section of code which defines which calendars to display is
for (var i = ; i  options.calendars; i++) {
date = new Date(options.current);
date.addMonths(-currentCal +i);
tblCal = cal.find('table').eq(i+1);
switch (tblCal[0].className) {
case 'datepickerViewDays':
dow = formatDate(date, 
'B, Y');

changing to 'date.addMonths(currentCal +i)' starts at next month, and
everything else I've tried screws everything up.

Any idea how to change this code to show this month?

[jQuery] Re: cool new DatePicker with a familiar name, but how to make multi-month start with current

2008-09-22 Thread pedalpete

Very nice work around Wayne, can't believe I didn't think of that.

Here's the code I used to set-up the next month in case anybody else
needs this.
function multiCalDate(){
var startingDate = new Date();
var startMonth = startingDate.addMonths(1);
return startMonth;

On Sep 22, 1:00 pm, Wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow, that's got some pretty styling. Good find.

 I don't know how to modify the plugin code, but I found that if you
 want to display the current month as the first month, you can set the
 current value to a date in next month, while leaving the date value to
 the date you want initially selected.

 As follows:
       flat: true,
       date: '2008-09-22',
       current: '2008-10-01',
       calendars: 3,
       starts: 1

 Hope that helps,

 On Sep 22, 2:40 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've been using Kevin Lucks datepicker for the past few months, and I
  was trying to figure out how to make it a 'range' datepicker when I
  came acrosshttp://www.eyecon.ro/datepicker/
  The naming will probably get confusing, but this is a really nice
  range picker.

  I am having one problem with it though.
  When I show multiple calendars on my page (3), I've got is showing
  last month, this month, and next month, but I'm trying to get the code
  to show this month, next month, following month as there is no point
  in having history on my site.

  The section of code which defines which calendars to display is
          for (var i = ; i  options.calendars; i++) {
                                          date = new Date(options.current);
                                          date.addMonths(-currentCal +i);
                                          tblCal = cal.find('table').eq(i+1);
                                          switch (tblCal[0].className) {
                                                  case 'datepickerViewDays':
                                                          dow = 
  formatDate(date, 'B, Y');

  changing to 'date.addMonths(currentCal +i)' starts at next month, and
  everything else I've tried screws everything up.

  Any idea how to change this code to show this month?

[jQuery] Re: dynaCloud - alphabetical sorting and allow in words?

2008-09-22 Thread pedalpete

So I got the cloud sorting alphabetically by changing the
sort function from
  if ($.dynaCloud.sort) {
   cl.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.count == b.count) {
 return a.el  b.el ? -1 : (a.el == b.el ? 0 : 1);
else {
 return a.count  b.count ? 1 : -1;
 if ($.dynaCloud.sort) {
   cl.sort(function(a, b) {
 return a.el  b.el ? -1 : (a.el == b.el ? 0 : 1);

still trying to figure out how to add an  into what I think is the
permitted character list.
 var word = /^[a-z]*[A-Z]([A-Z]+|[a-z]{3,})/;

On Sep 21, 6:45 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been playing with theDynaCloudplugin over the weekend and as
 per normal, I don't have a standard implementation.

 I'm using the tag-cloud as a way to define musical genres on my site.
 The list is created dynamically, which is whydynacloudis an awesome

 But I'm having a few problems.

 1) First of all, the 'sort' options sorts by most popular occurance,
 but I'm trying to figure out how to sort alphabetically.
 2) some of my genres have multi-word or special characters, and 
 thedynacloudbreaks these into seperate words in the tag cloud.
 For instance, RB becomes 'r' and then somewhere else in the tag cloud
 becomes 'b' or nu-jazz becomes 'nu' and 'jazz' gets added to the other
 jazz entries.
 I've resolved this in multi-word genres by using [code]nbsp;[/code]
 which strangely does not get filtered out, but [code]amp;[/code] does
 seem to get filtered.

 As far as I can tell, the regular expressions for stripping values is
 below (though i could be wrong).
 I've tried adding in , but haven't been able to get it to work.
   var elems = $(this).text().replace(/\W/g, 
 ).replace($.dynaCloud.stopwords,  ).split( );
    var word = /^[a-z]*[A-Z]([A-Z]+|[a-z]{3,})/;

 I've posted a demo athttp://zifimusic.com/tagCloud
 Though the demo only shows the tag cloud, it isn't hooked up to any
 further functionality yet.

[jQuery] dynaCloud - alphabetical sorting and allow in words?

2008-09-21 Thread pedalpete

I've been playing with the DynaCloud plugin over the weekend and as
per normal, I don't have a standard implementation.

I'm using the tag-cloud as a way to define musical genres on my site.
The list is created dynamically, which is why dynacloud is an awesome

But I'm having a few problems.

1) First of all, the 'sort' options sorts by most popular occurance,
but I'm trying to figure out how to sort alphabetically.
2) some of my genres have multi-word or special characters, and the
dynacloud breaks these into seperate words in the tag cloud.
For instance, RB becomes 'r' and then somewhere else in the tag cloud
becomes 'b' or nu-jazz becomes 'nu' and 'jazz' gets added to the other
jazz entries.
I've resolved this in multi-word genres by using [code]nbsp;[/code]
which strangely does not get filtered out, but [code]amp;[/code] does
seem to get filtered.

As far as I can tell, the regular expressions for stripping values is
below (though i could be wrong).
I've tried adding in , but haven't been able to get it to work.
  var elems = $(this).text().replace(/\W/g, 
).replace($.dynaCloud.stopwords,  ).split( );
   var word = /^[a-z]*[A-Z]([A-Z]+|[a-z]{3,})/;

I've posted a demo at http://zifimusic.com/tagCloud
Though the demo only shows the tag cloud, it isn't hooked up to any
further functionality yet.

[jQuery] Re: star ratings pllugin

2008-09-21 Thread pedalpete

my quick guess would be that you need a comma.
class=star {split:4, required:true}

but that is just a quick guess based on what i've seen in Jquery

On Sep 21, 4:54 pm, chadmichael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to be able to feed two options into the class name.  The
 following example is from the project page, and works fine.

  class=star {split:4}

 BUt when I try something like

  class=star {split:4 required:true}

 It doesn't work?

[jQuery] Re: scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-11 Thread pedalpete

And for todays lesson, this is how we hang our heads in shame... :(

SSSO sorry about that Ariel - I checked that like 3 or 4 times
after the function, but apparently didn't check before the function

On Sep 11, 11:46 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It turned out to be pretty simple.

 You put
   ul class=showsList

 They obviously don't match :)

 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 10, 8:51 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've upgraded to 1.2.6, and added an alert to show that scrollToshow()
  is actually being called.

  The Location.toString() error is a flash cross-domain xml error,
  nothing to do with jquery.

  I've set-up a test site for this 

  but just to confirm, the code as I have it looks correct? I'm
  wondering if maybe it is something else in my code, but I've added a
  letter to the front of the id's, so that should work (though I haven't
  tested that extensively.

  On Sep 10, 3:03 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It makes sense, yes.
   I added some breakpoints, and it doesn't seem to be stepping into

   That could be my crazy Firebug. Could you make sure the scrollToShow()
   function is actually being called ?
   The page reports one of those odd errores about Location.toString().

   Also, note that you're using jQuery 1.2.4 which was a bad version, try
   upgrading to 1.2.6.


   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

   On Sep 9, 8:42 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry Ariel,
My bad, this might make it easierhttp://HearWhere.com?showid=1388718

if you follow that link, it will load coldplay and there shows.

If you scroll down to the upcoming coldplay shows, there is a section
with a small map on the left and a scrollable list on the right.
From that link, you can't see the highlighted coldplay show - but if
you scroll down the list (not the page), you will see a show with a
green and orange background.

What I am attempting to do is to scrollTo that show so the user makes
the connection between the show they selected and what is shown on the
Otherwise, they are looking at a list of shows, but don't see the show
they selected.

I hope that makes sense.

On Sep 9, 3:47 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I really can't find what you mention, I see the content that is loaded
 by ajax, but can't figure out what kind of scrolling you need.

 If you can reduce the situation/problem to something small and
 minimalistic, I'll check it out asap.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 9, 4:03 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey Ariel,

  I've kept playing with this, but just can't seem to get it to work.

  I've launched my site now, so if you have a chance, can I ask you to
  take a look?

  The site iswww.HearWhere.com-andthescrollI'mtrying to get to is
  after you select an artist, and the artists shows list appears from 
  ajax request.

  this is more common with 'Featured Artists' as it seems you have a
  better chance that they have a long list of shows.

  I can add the 'a' back to the beginning of the id's if that is 
  needed, but means I need to change a few things in my code as I
  regularly use the id as a number.


  On Sep 7, 9:55 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ScrollTo doesn't bind, just scrolls, so no need to use LiveQuery 
   call it.
   Also, id's can't start with a number.


   function scrollToID( id ) {
     $('#hold').scrollTo( '#'+id, 1000 );


   $('#hold').load('someData.php', function(){
       scrollToID( 'foo' );


   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

   On Sep 6, 11:57 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Ariel,

I guess I should be using scrollTo rather than LocalScroll.

Unfortunately I won't have a demo up for a few days.

I started to wonder if part of the problem was that the 
list is returned via ajax, so I have tried using livequery, but 
no scrolling.

Here's the code I'm using now
        function scrollToShow(trackid){
        $('#hold').scrollTo($('.holdList #'+trackid));


the id is a numeric value, so hopefully that won't be causing

Does the code look right to you?
the  '#hold' is a non-scrolling div, and the '.holdList' is the
scrolling div.
I've also tried

[jQuery] Re: scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-10 Thread pedalpete

I've upgraded to 1.2.6, and added an alert to show that scrollToshow()
is actually being called.

The Location.toString() error is a flash cross-domain xml error,
nothing to do with jquery.

I've set-up a test site for this at

but just to confirm, the code as I have it looks correct? I'm
wondering if maybe it is something else in my code, but I've added a
letter to the front of the id's, so that should work (though I haven't
tested that extensively.

On Sep 10, 3:03 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It makes sense, yes.
 I added some breakpoints, and it doesn't seem to be stepping into

 That could be my crazy Firebug. Could you make sure the scrollToShow()
 function is actually being called ?
 The page reports one of those odd errores about Location.toString().

 Also, note that you're using jQuery 1.2.4 which was a bad version, try
 upgrading to 1.2.6.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 9, 8:42 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry Ariel,
  My bad, this might make it easierhttp://HearWhere.com?showid=1388718

  if you follow that link, it will load coldplay and there shows.

  If you scroll down to the upcoming coldplay shows, there is a section
  with a small map on the left and a scrollable list on the right.
  From that link, you can't see the highlighted coldplay show - but if
  you scroll down the list (not the page), you will see a show with a
  green and orange background.

  What I am attempting to do is to scrollTo that show so the user makes
  the connection between the show they selected and what is shown on the
  Otherwise, they are looking at a list of shows, but don't see the show
  they selected.

  I hope that makes sense.

  On Sep 9, 3:47 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I really can't find what you mention, I see the content that is loaded
   by ajax, but can't figure out what kind of scrolling you need.

   If you can reduce the situation/problem to something small and
   minimalistic, I'll check it out asap.


   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

   On Sep 9, 4:03 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Ariel,

I've kept playing with this, but just can't seem to get it to work.

I've launched my site now, so if you have a chance, can I ask you to
take a look?

The site iswww.HearWhere.com-andthescroll I'm trying to get to is
after you select an artist, and the artists shows list appears from an
ajax request.

this is more common with 'Featured Artists' as it seems you have a
better chance that they have a long list of shows.

I can add the 'a' back to the beginning of the id's if that is really
needed, but means I need to change a few things in my code as I
regularly use the id as a number.


On Sep 7, 9:55 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ScrollTo doesn't bind, just scrolls, so no need to use LiveQuery to
 call it.
 Also, id's can't start with a number.


 function scrollToID( id ) {
   $('#hold').scrollTo( '#'+id, 1000 );


 $('#hold').load('someData.php', function(){
     scrollToID( 'foo' );


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 6, 11:57 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks Ariel,

  I guess I should be using scrollTo rather than LocalScroll.

  Unfortunately I won't have a demo up for a few days.

  I started to wonder if part of the problem was that the scrollable
  list is returned via ajax, so I have tried using livequery, but 
  no scrolling.

  Here's the code I'm using now
          function scrollToShow(trackid){
          $('#hold').scrollTo($('.holdList #'+trackid));


  the id is a numeric value, so hopefully that won't be causing

  Does the code look right to you?
  the  '#hold' is a non-scrolling div, and the '.holdList' is the
  scrolling div.
  I've also tried
  but that didn't work either.

  Thanks for your help,
  On Sep 6, 6:16 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   That function is meant to start a scrolling animation ?

   LocalScroll is meant to be called to prepare the field, that is,
   bound events that will eventually trigger scrolling.
   ScrollTo is the one to call for an instant scroll.

   You either call LocalScroll at start, or ScrollTo manually if you 
   to do all that yourself.

   Note that the 'target' property needs to be the scrollable 
   If you have a demo online, it'll be easier to pull this out.


   Ariel Fleslerhttp

[jQuery] Re: scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-09 Thread pedalpete

Hey Ariel,

I've kept playing with this, but just can't seem to get it to work.

I've launched my site now, so if you have a chance, can I ask you to
take a look?

The site is www.HearWhere.com - and the scroll I'm trying to get to is
after you select an artist, and the artists shows list appears from an
ajax request.

this is more common with 'Featured Artists' as it seems you have a
better chance that they have a long list of shows.

I can add the 'a' back to the beginning of the id's if that is really
needed, but means I need to change a few things in my code as I
regularly use the id as a number.


On Sep 7, 9:55 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ScrollTo doesn't bind, just scrolls, so no need to use LiveQuery to
 call it.
 Also, id's can't start with a number.


 function scrollToID( id ) {
   $('#hold').scrollTo( '#'+id, 1000 );


 $('#hold').load('someData.php', function(){
     scrollToID( 'foo' );


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 6, 11:57 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks Ariel,

  I guess I should be using scrollTo rather than LocalScroll.

  Unfortunately I won't have a demo up for a few days.

  I started to wonder if part of the problem was that the scrollable
  list is returned via ajax, so I have tried using livequery, but still
  no scrolling.

  Here's the code I'm using now
          function scrollToShow(trackid){
          $('#hold').scrollTo($('.holdList #'+trackid));


  the id is a numeric value, so hopefully that won't be causing

  Does the code look right to you?
  the  '#hold' is a non-scrolling div, and the '.holdList' is the
  scrolling div.
  I've also tried
  but that didn't work either.

  Thanks for your help,
  On Sep 6, 6:16 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   That function is meant to start a scrolling animation ?

   LocalScroll is meant to be called to prepare the field, that is,
   bound events that will eventually trigger scrolling.
   ScrollTo is the one to call for an instant scroll.

   You either call LocalScroll at start, or ScrollTo manually if you want
   to do all that yourself.

   Note that the 'target' property needs to be the scrollable element.
   If you have a demo online, it'll be easier to pull this out.


   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

   On Sep 6, 7:59 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Karl, I didn't realize I shouldn't start an id with numeric
characters, I've been doing it for a long time without issue.

I've tried the changes you recommended, but still no scrolling.

I added an 'a' to the beginning of the id, and now my code is

        function scrollToShow(trackid){
                target: '.holdList li#a'+trackid, //could be a
selector or a jQuery
object too.

i've checked that I have the right class name for the list, and that
the id's are in the html properly.

On Sep 6, 2:03 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Use something like id=number1 rather than name=number1. (Just a
 note, technically an id needs to start with a none numeric character).
 Then use target: '#'number' + trackid

 The name attribute is really only for form input elements.

 Karl Rudd

 On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 12:17 PM,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've got a div on my page with a scrollable list in it.
  When I load the page, I want the list to scroll to a specific item.
  Each item has a class and name, so I'm trying to address them with

  I've been toying with the flesler scroll plugins, but am not sure if
  they are what i should be using.

  .scrollTo kept throwing errors at me, but .localScroll doesn't error
  out, but doesn't scroll either.

  here's the code I'm using
         function scrollToShow(showid){
                 target: '.holdList li.'+trackid, //could be a 
  selector or a jQuery
  object too.

  the code for the list is pretty simplelike this
  ul class=holdList
         li class=1 name=1first in list/li
         li class=2 name=2second in list/li

  Any idea on a simple way to do this? Or if the .localScroll
  or .scrollTo allow scrolling in a div?

[jQuery] Re: How to select all input elements but the button one?

2008-09-09 Thread pedalpete

Are you trying to put them all into an object? or a variable?
I would normally say use something like

On Sep 9, 12:00 pm, aldomatic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to select all input elements but the submit or button.

 I appreciate the help.


[jQuery] Re: scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-09 Thread pedalpete

Sorry Ariel,
My bad, this might make it easier

if you follow that link, it will load coldplay and there shows.

If you scroll down to the upcoming coldplay shows, there is a section
with a small map on the left and a scrollable list on the right.
From that link, you can't see the highlighted coldplay show - but if
you scroll down the list (not the page), you will see a show with a
green and orange background.

What I am attempting to do is to scrollTo that show so the user makes
the connection between the show they selected and what is shown on the
Otherwise, they are looking at a list of shows, but don't see the show
they selected.

I hope that makes sense.

On Sep 9, 3:47 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I really can't find what you mention, I see the content that is loaded
 by ajax, but can't figure out what kind of scrolling you need.

 If you can reduce the situation/problem to something small and
 minimalistic, I'll check it out asap.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 9, 4:03 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey Ariel,

  I've kept playing with this, but just can't seem to get it to work.

  I've launched my site now, so if you have a chance, can I ask you to
  take a look?

  The site iswww.HearWhere.com-and the scroll I'm trying to get to is
  after you select an artist, and the artists shows list appears from an
  ajax request.

  this is more common with 'Featured Artists' as it seems you have a
  better chance that they have a long list of shows.

  I can add the 'a' back to the beginning of the id's if that is really
  needed, but means I need to change a few things in my code as I
  regularly use the id as a number.


  On Sep 7, 9:55 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ScrollTo doesn't bind, just scrolls, so no need to use LiveQuery to
   call it.
   Also, id's can't start with a number.


   function scrollToID( id ) {
     $('#hold').scrollTo( '#'+id, 1000 );


   $('#hold').load('someData.php', function(){
       scrollToID( 'foo' );


   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

   On Sep 6, 11:57 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Ariel,

I guess I should be using scrollTo rather than LocalScroll.

Unfortunately I won't have a demo up for a few days.

I started to wonder if part of the problem was that the scrollable
list is returned via ajax, so I have tried using livequery, but still
no scrolling.

Here's the code I'm using now
        function scrollToShow(trackid){
        $('#hold').scrollTo($('.holdList #'+trackid));


the id is a numeric value, so hopefully that won't be causing

Does the code look right to you?
the  '#hold' is a non-scrolling div, and the '.holdList' is the
scrolling div.
I've also tried
but that didn't work either.

Thanks for your help,
On Sep 6, 6:16 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That function is meant to start a scrolling animation ?

 LocalScroll is meant to be called to prepare the field, that is,
 bound events that will eventually trigger scrolling.
 ScrollTo is the one to call for an instant scroll.

 You either call LocalScroll at start, or ScrollTo manually if you want
 to do all that yourself.

 Note that the 'target' property needs to be the scrollable element.
 If you have a demo online, it'll be easier to pull this out.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 6, 7:59 pm,pedalpete[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks Karl, I didn't realize I shouldn't start an id with numeric
  characters, I've been doing it for a long time without issue.

  I've tried the changes you recommended, but still no scrolling.

  I added an 'a' to the beginning of the id, and now my code is

          function scrollToShow(trackid){
                  target: '.holdList li#a'+trackid, //could be a
  selector or a jQuery
  object too.

  i've checked that I have the right class name for the list, and that
  the id's are in the html properly.

  On Sep 6, 2:03 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Use something like id=number1 rather than name=number1. (Just 
   note, technically an id needs to start with a none numeric 
   Then use target: '#'number' + trackid

   The name attribute is really only for form input elements.

   Karl Rudd

   On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 12:17 PM

[jQuery] Re: scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-06 Thread pedalpete

Thanks Karl, I didn't realize I shouldn't start an id with numeric
characters, I've been doing it for a long time without issue.

I've tried the changes you recommended, but still no scrolling.

I added an 'a' to the beginning of the id, and now my code is

function scrollToShow(trackid){
target: '.holdList li#a'+trackid, //could be a
selector or a jQuery
object too.

i've checked that I have the right class name for the list, and that
the id's are in the html properly.

On Sep 6, 2:03 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use something like id=number1 rather than name=number1. (Just a
 note, technically an id needs to start with a none numeric character).
 Then use target: '#'number' + trackid

 The name attribute is really only for form input elements.

 Karl Rudd

 On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 12:17 PM, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've got a div on my page with a scrollable list in it.
  When I load the page, I want the list to scroll to a specific item.
  Each item has a class and name, so I'm trying to address them with

  I've been toying with the flesler scroll plugins, but am not sure if
  they are what i should be using.

  .scrollTo kept throwing errors at me, but .localScroll doesn't error
  out, but doesn't scroll either.

  here's the code I'm using
         function scrollToShow(showid){
                 target: '.holdList li.'+trackid, //could be a selector or a 
  object too.

  the code for the list is pretty simplelike this
  ul class=holdList
         li class=1 name=1first in list/li
         li class=2 name=2second in list/li

  Any idea on a simple way to do this? Or if the .localScroll
  or .scrollTo allow scrolling in a div?

[jQuery] Re: scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-06 Thread pedalpete

I've also tried using a class instead of id, but no joy :(

On Sep 6, 3:59 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Karl, I didn't realize I shouldn't start an id with numeric
 characters, I've been doing it for a long time without issue.

 I've tried the changes you recommended, but still no scrolling.

 I added an 'a' to the beginning of the id, and now my code is

         function scrollToShow(trackid){
                 target: '.holdList li#a'+trackid, //could be a
 selector or a jQuery
 object too.

 i've checked that I have the right class name for the list, and that
 the id's are in the html properly.

 On Sep 6, 2:03 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Use something like id=number1 rather than name=number1. (Just a
  note, technically an id needs to start with a none numeric character).
  Then use target: '#'number' + trackid

  The name attribute is really only for form input elements.

  Karl Rudd

  On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 12:17 PM, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I've got a div on my page with a scrollable list in it.
   When I load the page, I want the list to scroll to a specific item.
   Each item has a class and name, so I'm trying to address them with

   I've been toying with the flesler scroll plugins, but am not sure if
   they are what i should be using.

   .scrollTo kept throwing errors at me, but .localScroll doesn't error
   out, but doesn't scroll either.

   here's the code I'm using
          function scrollToShow(showid){
                  target: '.holdList li.'+trackid, //could be a selector or 
   a jQuery
   object too.

   the code for the list is pretty simplelike this
   ul class=holdList
          li class=1 name=1first in list/li
          li class=2 name=2second in list/li

   Any idea on a simple way to do this? Or if the .localScroll
   or .scrollTo allow scrolling in a div?

[jQuery] Re: scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-06 Thread pedalpete

Thanks Ariel,

I guess I should be using scrollTo rather than LocalScroll.

Unfortunately I won't have a demo up for a few days.

I started to wonder if part of the problem was that the scrollable
list is returned via ajax, so I have tried using livequery, but still
no scrolling.

Here's the code I'm using now
function scrollToShow(trackid){
$('#hold').scrollTo($('.holdList #'+trackid));


the id is a numeric value, so hopefully that won't be causing

Does the code look right to you?
the  '#hold' is a non-scrolling div, and the '.holdList' is the
scrolling div.
I've also tried
but that didn't work either.

Thanks for your help,
On Sep 6, 6:16 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That function is meant to start a scrolling animation ?

 LocalScroll is meant to be called to prepare the field, that is,
 bound events that will eventually trigger scrolling.
 ScrollTo is the one to call for an instant scroll.

 You either call LocalScroll at start, or ScrollTo manually if you want
 to do all that yourself.

 Note that the 'target' property needs to be the scrollable element.
 If you have a demo online, it'll be easier to pull this out.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

 On Sep 6, 7:59 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks Karl, I didn't realize I shouldn't start an id with numeric
  characters, I've been doing it for a long time without issue.

  I've tried the changes you recommended, but still no scrolling.

  I added an 'a' to the beginning of the id, and now my code is

          function scrollToShow(trackid){
                  target: '.holdList li#a'+trackid, //could be a
  selector or a jQuery
  object too.

  i've checked that I have the right class name for the list, and that
  the id's are in the html properly.

  On Sep 6, 2:03 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Use something like id=number1 rather than name=number1. (Just a
   note, technically an id needs to start with a none numeric character).
   Then use target: '#'number' + trackid

   The name attribute is really only for form input elements.

   Karl Rudd

   On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 12:17 PM, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've got a div on my page with a scrollable list in it.
When I load the page, I want the list to scroll to a specific item.
Each item has a class and name, so I'm trying to address them with

I've been toying with the flesler scroll plugins, but am not sure if
they are what i should be using.

.scrollTo kept throwing errors at me, but .localScroll doesn't error
out, but doesn't scroll either.

here's the code I'm using
       function scrollToShow(showid){
               target: '.holdList li.'+trackid, //could be a selector 
or a jQuery
object too.

the code for the list is pretty simplelike this
ul class=holdList
       li class=1 name=1first in list/li
       li class=2 name=2second in list/li

Any idea on a simple way to do this? Or if the .localScroll
or .scrollTo allow scrolling in a div?

[jQuery] return on error - how to handle an error when an address is not returned in jmaps

2008-09-05 Thread pedalpete

I've been using the jmaps plugin for a bit, and I added a bit of code
to it so that when an address is not found, it writes a message to the

I now have a situation where there are two different locations on the
page where the message might be written to, depending on what the user
has done (did they select an address? or did they search for an

I've been trying to launch a function from the plugin, but I keep
getting 'function not found errors', and I've tried returning a null
value, or testing for a null value, but that hasn't worked either.

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.

The change I've made to the plugin is simply
$('.searchHolder').html('span class=holdError/spancenterThe
address could not be found. Enter a new address to search/center/

where F is I guess the response from google, but then the jmaps plugin
does a bunch of stuff with the response.

but now I want to do something like
if search then write to searchHolder
if clicked address, write to address item

I hope there is a simple way to do this,


[jQuery] Re: Alternate colors of a list (ul li)

2008-09-05 Thread pedalpete

It should be the same.

I'm using it on divs, so it should work on li's as well.

On Sep 5, 1:02 pm, Gewton Jhames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alternate background-color of trs of a table is very easy with jquery, but,
 anyone knows how to alternate these colors of an list? ul li? I mean,
 alternate the colors of the lis of the list


[jQuery] scrollTo anchor or class in div

2008-09-05 Thread pedalpete

I've got a div on my page with a scrollable list in it.
When I load the page, I want the list to scroll to a specific item.
Each item has a class and name, so I'm trying to address them with

I've been toying with the flesler scroll plugins, but am not sure if
they are what i should be using.

.scrollTo kept throwing errors at me, but .localScroll doesn't error
out, but doesn't scroll either.

here's the code I'm using
function scrollToShow(showid){
target: '.holdList li.'+trackid, //could be a selector or a 
object too.

the code for the list is pretty simplelike this
ul class=holdList
li class=1 name=1first in list/li
li class=2 name=2second in list/li

Any idea on a simple way to do this? Or if the .localScroll
or .scrollTo allow scrolling in a div?

[jQuery] Re: ajax IE error - only loads parts of the response

2008-08-27 Thread pedalpete

I haven't tried using JSON, but I did try manipulating the response
directly using jquery with
 success: function(response){
 var popList = $(response
+' .thisPopList').html();
var showsList = $(response+' 

On Aug 26, 8:56 pm, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Without really getting into your code too much (i've never seen
 someone try to split on a long string like that), have you considered
 using JSON (using the getJSON method) to retrieve this data instead?

 then you could say


 instead of all that string manipulation stuff

[jQuery] Re: ajax IE error - only loads parts of the response

2008-08-27 Thread pedalpete

sorry, posted by accident.

For some reason, the above code only returns popList in both holdBands
and popList.

I think using json adds a level of complexity that isn't neccesary, as
the alert shows the IE can find the string, but doesn't display that

I assume that json would convert the response into a string anyway. Is
that not correct?

On Aug 27, 10:29 am, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't tried using JSON, but I did try manipulating the response
 directly using jquery with
  success: function(response){
                              var popList = $(response
 +' .thisPopList').html();
                                         var showsList = $(response+' 

 On Aug 26, 8:56 pm, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Without really getting into your code too much (i've never seen
  someone try to split on a long string like that), have you considered
  using JSON (using the getJSON method) to retrieve this data instead?

  then you could say


  instead of all that string manipulation stuff

[jQuery] Re: ajax IE error - only loads parts of the response

2008-08-27 Thread pedalpete


Turns out this was an error being that i had an extra div in the
output! rrrggghh..
well, that was the first problem anyway, i suspect the second problem
is similar.

Thanks for the help,

On Aug 26, 8:31 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey Gang,

 I've got two problems with IE (67) on a page that works perfectly in

 The problem seems to be that when retrieving an ajax response, only
 parts of the response are properly loaded into the page.

 if you want to take a look, I've set up a test environment 

 Problem #1
 I make an ajax request to get two lists (from one request).
 I then split the list into two, and the first part of the list goes
 into one div, and the second part goes into a second list.

 The code I use is
         success: function(response){
 class=featurefeature artists/
 spanspan class=feature style=margin-left:440px;upcoming shows/
 span ');
                                         var splitList = 


 For some reason, IE will never show the 'splitList[1]'. I've swaped
 the splitLists into the different divs, and IF I put $
 (#holdBands').html(splitList[0]);, the first part of this list will
 show in the holdBands area.
 I have also put an alert on the splitList[1], and it does contain the
 correct content in IE.

 I've also gone through my CSS, and since it works perfectly in FF and
 Safari, I think the problem may be the way the content is being
 written in IE.

 The second problem is very similar.
 When selecting an artist, I make an ajax request, which gets shows,
 albums, etc.
 For some reason if the artist has albums, only the last album shows
 up, if the artist does not have albums, then everything shows up
 (songs, shows, etc.).

 Again, looking at the alerts, both of the results look very similar,
 and everything works in FF and Safari, but not IE's .

 Here's that bit of code too (though I doubt this will be very helpful)
         success: function(response){


 I've spent many hours looking at this and trying things, but am
 completely stumped...
 any ideas?

[jQuery] ajax IE error - only loads parts of the response

2008-08-26 Thread pedalpete

Hey Gang,

I've got two problems with IE (67) on a page that works perfectly in

The problem seems to be that when retrieving an ajax response, only
parts of the response are properly loaded into the page.

if you want to take a look, I've set up a test environment at

Problem #1
I make an ajax request to get two lists (from one request).
I then split the list into two, and the first part of the list goes
into one div, and the second part goes into a second list.

The code I use is
success: function(response){
class=featurefeature artists/
spanspan class=feature style=margin-left:440px;upcoming shows/
span ');
var splitList = 

For some reason, IE will never show the 'splitList[1]'. I've swaped
the splitLists into the different divs, and IF I put $
(#holdBands').html(splitList[0]);, the first part of this list will
show in the holdBands area.
I have also put an alert on the splitList[1], and it does contain the
correct content in IE.

I've also gone through my CSS, and since it works perfectly in FF and
Safari, I think the problem may be the way the content is being
written in IE.

The second problem is very similar.
When selecting an artist, I make an ajax request, which gets shows,
albums, etc.
For some reason if the artist has albums, only the last album shows
up, if the artist does not have albums, then everything shows up
(songs, shows, etc.).

Again, looking at the alerts, both of the results look very similar,
and everything works in FF and Safari, but not IE's .

Here's that bit of code too (though I doubt this will be very helpful)
success: function(response){


I've spent many hours looking at this and trying things, but am
completely stumped...
any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: How dynamically create iframe and add/remove data from it

2008-08-24 Thread pedalpete

Personally, I try not mixing jquery components with standard
javascript (like your document.createElement), with the exception of
within functions.
Somebody else can probably comment on what is appropriate.

I'd write this something like
$('#container').append('iframe id=commentiframe /');
$('#commentiframe').attr('src', 'http:LINK');

that should create the iFrame and get a document. But you say you want
to create an iFrame and then put data into it.

I'm not sure you can do that, or you would be able to inject stuff
into somebody elses page, theoretically on there server. THOUGH I

If you are just trying to get data and display it, why not just update
a div?

[jQuery] Re: jquery is not defined (newbie)

2008-08-24 Thread pedalpete

Looks like you are not properly refrencing the jquery script.
You should have an entry in your header that looks like

  script type=text/javascript src=scripts/jquery-1.2.4.min.js/

except the src should point to YOUR jquery file.

On Aug 24, 10:12 am, Scott  Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to get datepicker plugin (http://eyecon.ro/datepicker/
 #about) to work on a page, and I can't get it to work for some reason.
 I keep getting the following 2 errors:

 jQuery is not defined
 datepicker.js()()datepicker.js (line 819)
 [Break on this error] })(jQuery);

 datepicker.js (line 819)
 $(#inputDate).DatePicker is not a function
 [Break on this error] onChange: function(formated, dates){

 I'm positive that the paths to jquery, etc.. are correct. This is the
 code I am using to call the datepicker:

 script type=text/javascript 

         date: $('#inputDate').val(),
         current: $('#inputDate').val(),
         starts: 1,
         position: 'r',
         onBeforeShow: function(){
         onChange: function(formated, dates){



 Any help is greatly appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: My site asks for a pswd if JQuery is activated

2008-08-23 Thread pedalpete

if there is no function within your
 script type=text/javascript


Then this shouldn't be.
Did you download directly via the jQuery site?

jQuery should sit quietly until you call a function, so somewhere the
password function is being called.

On Aug 23, 11:37 am, MBaas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I discovered JQuery today and would like to try it out in my current
 ASP-Project. So I downloaded the JS, added it to the ASP-File - and
 when I now launch the page, I'm asked for a password - this is not
 foreseen and clearly only happens when I include the script. What's
 going on?



[jQuery] Re: IE - 'object does not support this property or method'

2008-08-22 Thread pedalpete

Thanks Mike,
I can't believe I missed that one.

Using .join() to create the var works nicely too, and I assume
the .length is quicker than an if statement?
Looks simpler anyway.


On Aug 21, 1:26 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You have a typo on line 68 of selectDate.html. updatedDate should be
 updateDate. That's why updateDate is undefined in IE.

 BTW, here's a way you could write that bit of code without the repetition:

     var updateDate = [
         splitDate[4].length == 4 ? splitDate[4] : splitDate[6],
     ].join(' ');



  Hey gang,

  I've written a bit of jquery code which I am absolutely
  amazed works on both Safari and FF, but IE is giving me errors.

  I've put the code on an external server so you can see what it is.

  Basically what I have is a select list which when hovered
  over user superfish as a dropdown menu. Then when hovering
  over the 'select date' option from the select list (which is
  actually superfish), the datepicker is shown.
  When a use selects a date, that date is updated in the select
  list as selected.

  This works fine in Safari and FF, but when selecting a date
  in IE, the date is not passed to the select list.
  Here's the code I've got to get this all going.

  function updateDateForm(updateDate){

     $('.dropped .item').livequery('click', function(){
             var updateDate = $(this).html();

     $('.dropped .dateItem').each(
                     $this = $(this);

                                             return false;
                     function(e, selectedDate, $td)
                             var getDate = ' '+selectedDate;
                             var splitDate = getDate.split( );
                                     var updatedDate =
  splitDate[1]+' '+splitDate[2]+'
  '+splitDate[3]+' '+splitDate[6]+' ';
                                     } else {
                                var updateDate =
  splitDate[1]+' '+splitDate[2]+'
  '+splitDate[3]+' '+splitDate[4]+' ';

  The reason I'm doing all of this is to get a somewhat clean
  and simple UI for selecting a date (date-range likely coming
  soon). The way I had it before, without a select list, meant
  that the look was very inconsistent, particularly with Safari.


[jQuery] IE - 'object does not support this property or method'

2008-08-21 Thread pedalpete

Hey gang,

I've written a bit of jquery code which I am absolutely amazed works
on both Safari and FF, but IE is giving me errors.

I've put the code on an external server so you can see what it is.

Basically what I have is a select list which when hovered over user
superfish as a dropdown menu. Then when hovering over the 'select
date' option from the select list (which is actually superfish), the
datepicker is shown.
When a use selects a date, that date is updated in the select list as

This works fine in Safari and FF, but when selecting a date in IE, the
date is not passed to the select list.
Here's the code I've got to get this all going.

function updateDateForm(updateDate){

$('.dropped .item').livequery('click', function(){
var updateDate = $(this).html();

$('.dropped .dateItem').each(
$this = $(this);

return false;
function(e, selectedDate, $td)
var getDate = ' '+selectedDate;
var splitDate = getDate.split( );
var updatedDate = splitDate[1]+' 
'+splitDate[3]+' '+splitDate[6]+' ';
} else {
   var updateDate = splitDate[1]+' 
'+splitDate[3]+' '+splitDate[4]+' ';

The reason I'm doing all of this is to get a somewhat clean and simple
UI for selecting a date (date-range likely coming soon). The way I had
it before, without a select list, meant that the look was very
inconsistent, particularly with Safari.


[jQuery] LightBox (or Modal) with ajax response from a POST type

2008-07-19 Thread pedalpete

I've been trying this a while using multiple types of lightboxes, as
well as jqm - modal (and another modal but I can't remember what it
was called).

I have an ajax page that I retrieve with
type: POST,
url: add.php,
data: c=+c+sid=+sid,
success: function(response){

but I'm unable to get any sort of lightbox that works with a POST, all
the onces I've seen take the parameters from a link, but I can't quite
do that.

Has anybody had a lightbox or modal working with a page that is
retrieved via ajax with post parameters?
Any idea who to accomplish this?

Clearly what I've been trying hasn't been working, so I don't think
there is any point in showing you what I've got, 'cause I'm quite sure
I'm off on the completely wrong track.

[jQuery] Re: datepicker select to update a div, and strange datepicker css issue

2008-05-28 Thread pedalpete

that's great kevin,

Thank you.
i didn't realize the selectedDate wasn't a string, i thought if i put
var x=xyz, that makes it a string.
I'm still fairly new to programming and learning lots.
Thanks for your help, I hope I understood that correctly.


[jQuery] Re: loading a PDF file using Ajax

2008-05-27 Thread pedalpete

I could be wrong, but i believe that because pdf requires you to run a
reader, you can't import the pdf directly within your content.

However, I think an iframe might work for you.
You can retrieve a pdf file via ajax, I'm sure. It's just a matter of
getting it displayed once you get it.

The only way to figure it out I think is to try.
If ajax to a div doesn't work, try an iframe and target to that.

[jQuery] Re: datepicker select to update a div, and strange datepicker css issue

2008-05-27 Thread pedalpete

I've made some progress with this, but my code is looking really

To rehash, I am trying to get the datepicker to update a span, not an
But i was getting an error.
Now I can update the span, but I can't split the date variable before
I update (it gives blank time and gmt details that I don't need

For some reason I have to have a space before the selectedDate
variable, or it isn't recognized and i get an error.
Anybody know why this is?

Here's my working code...

function(e, selectedDate, $td)
var getDate = ' '+selectedDate;
var splitDate = getDate.split(00:00:00);

[jQuery] Re: highlight effect on error

2008-05-27 Thread pedalpete

Have you checked out the validation plugin? it's really great, and
provides a message as to what you are expecting the user to do, etc.

For what you currently have, why do the '.fadeIn/.fadeOut',etc.
Why not just do .addClass?
and then when the right input is accepted, .removeClass?

[jQuery] month not displaying in datepicker inside superfish menu

2008-05-27 Thread pedalpete

I'm trying to figure out what the layout for the datepicker looks like
in plain html so I can figure out why the month doesn't display when
the datepicker is inside of a superfish menu.

Rather than display the month and the year arrows in a single row, the
year and month arrows are displayed in seperate rows, and the month
text does not appear at all.

looking at the css file and datepicker.js files, it appears that the
month is held in an h2,
// set the title...
this.context).html(Date.monthNames[this.displayedMonth] +
' ' + this.displayedYear);

but even adding
h2 {
position: absolute;
top: 3px;
left: 3px;

doesn't display the month anywhere on the page.

Anybody know why the month won't display in this context?

To see the page (not completely working at this location, but you can
see the issue, go to http://www.hearwhere.com/filterDates.php and
hover over where it says all dates in the grey search bar.
The superfish menu will dropdown revealing the datepicker.


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