[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-21 Thread johny why

sadly, i doubt any other group will participate as passionately as the
you geeks.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-21 Thread Michael Geary

 From: johny why
 sadly, i doubt any other group will participate as 
 passionately as the you geeks.

You haven't met the css-discuss crowd. We're mild mannered milquetoasts
compared to them. Wait until you see how *they* handle off-topic threads.


[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why

thanks ricardo. you definitely understand specificity.

your links confirm: A style that is designated as important will win
out over contradictory styles of otherwise equal weight.

and, if styles of equal weight both use !important, the last rule
specified wins.

but, as this thread has shown, id's + !important ensure the widget-css
will almost always win (in the widget), and NEVER affect the site. no
response i've seen in this thread has swayed me from my view that, in
most cases, !important in widget-css is safe for the site, simple to
use, and  nearly infallible.

'nuff said.

p.s. your link offers a scenario in which you might want to AVOID !
important: !important rules will override normal rules (in the
browser-css), so authors are advised to use normal rules almost
exclusively to ensure that users with special style needs are able to
read the page.

i don't agree-- i'm not going to sacrifice site richness and
functionality for normal readers to accommodate special readers--
instead, i would provide alternate accessible pages for special
readers, and go to town on my normal pages.

(but that's a chat for another day).

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com

 --rendering problems of a widget, in my experience, could involve
 many, indeed EVERY attribute of every element in the widget.

you declare your default stylesheet, then you declare your widget's
sheet. if the widget is inheriting incorrectly from a parent element
you've got a couple of ways around it. making every single line of the
widget's CSS !important is probably the longest (not in terms of a
find replace in n++, rather in terms of physical size). a nicer change
would just be to give the widget's parent element an appropriate
attribute val to reign in the -999px left-margin you originally gave

 --this solution is for cases where changing your default css, which
 will of course affect your main site rendering, is undesirable or
 impossible. for me, doing a global replace of ; with  !important;
 takes about 1/2 a second. on the other hand, fine-tuning my main site
 css so that the widget and the site both look right could potentially
 take hours of trouble-shooting, trial-and-error, and juggling
 precedence, including specificity, order of declaration, id's and
 classes, and so on.

the inheritance path really isn't that complicated, and if your
stylesheet to that complex you don't fully understand it, inspecting
an element in firebug to see where it's getting it's style from takes
a couple of seconds. it's an ugly hack that has so many potential
problems it's barely worth considering for anything but the simplest
widget, and at that point why not just fix the widget's CSS properly.

 !important does not 'break' css-- it's part of the css language,
 intended to be used where appropriate.

the last part of that sentence is the important bit! ;)

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread donb

To me, 'important' is the 'goto' of CSS.

On Jan 20, 6:22 am, ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com
ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
  --rendering problems of a widget, in my experience, could involve
  many, indeed EVERY attribute of every element in the widget.

 you declare your default stylesheet, then you declare your widget's
 sheet. if the widget is inheriting incorrectly from a parent element
 you've got a couple of ways around it. making every single line of the
 widget's CSS !important is probably the longest (not in terms of a
 find replace in n++, rather in terms of physical size). a nicer change
 would just be to give the widget's parent element an appropriate
 attribute val to reign in the -999px left-margin you originally gave

  --this solution is for cases where changing your default css, which
  will of course affect your main site rendering, is undesirable or
  impossible. for me, doing a global replace of ; with  !important;
  takes about 1/2 a second. on the other hand, fine-tuning my main site
  css so that the widget and the site both look right could potentially
  take hours of trouble-shooting, trial-and-error, and juggling
  precedence, including specificity, order of declaration, id's and
  classes, and so on.

 the inheritance path really isn't that complicated, and if your
 stylesheet to that complex you don't fully understand it, inspecting
 an element in firebug to see where it's getting it's style from takes
 a couple of seconds. it's an ugly hack that has so many potential
 problems it's barely worth considering for anything but the simplest
 widget, and at that point why not just fix the widget's CSS properly.

  !important does not 'break' css-- it's part of the css language,
  intended to be used where appropriate.

 the last part of that sentence is the important bit! ;)

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Eric Garside

Uh... you realize that !important has no function in IE6, right? And
that it doesn't retain the same functionality in IE7? It's also an
extreme misuse of the tool. This is the situation !important was
designed for:

.tab_link {
width: 35px;
height: 20px;
color: white;
background: black;
cursor: pointer;

div class=tab_linkClick me!/div

Now, lets say I want to disable the tab. I can do so easily by
applying a single class with the important rule:

div class=tab_link disableClick me!/div

.disable {
opacity: 0.3;
filter: alpha(opacity=0.3);
cursor: none !important;

The method I showed there is the right style of usage for the !
important keyword. Your method is, in essence, only further
complicating your code. By throwing !important's everywhere, you're
not only increasing the size of the css files (which is the opposite
of the goal for net scripts/stylesheets), you're also making them
neigh unmaintainable.

The solution to many of your css nightmares is spending the extra hour
to go through and properly design/class your html instead of some
cheap hack.

On Jan 19, 10:55 am, ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com
ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
 but unless you've declared some of your default styles as !important,
 the widget *will* take precedence if it's called after the default

 the only issues i can see are relative vs. explicit pixel sizes - for
 ex. if you've declared pixel sizes for your fonts with some especially
 broad selectors (globally stating that all paragraphs in divs have a
 font size of 10px or whatever)  whilst the widget author has used
 relative % sizes. Even in those cases it's be quicker, easier and
 neater to just change your default CSS rather than replacing every
 instance of ; with !important; in your imported stylesheet.

 the long and the short of it it that it's a very inelegant solution to
 a problem that isn't so much a 'problem' as 'the whole point of
 cascading stylesheets'. it's like looking for a solution to grass
 being green!

 On Jan 19, 3:32 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

  i don't see it as a problem. With or without !important, the site-css
  will cascade into the widget for elements undeclared in the widget--
  the widget designer expects that. The important thing is for the
  widget's declared styles to take precedence, which !important achieves
  in most cases. (if i'm integrating the jQuery widget into a cms like,
  say, WordPress, i may or may not have control over exactly when the
  widget-css is declared.)

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

On Jan 20, 6:15 am, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 p.s. your link offers a scenario in which you might want to AVOID !
 important: !important rules will override normal rules (in the
 browser-css), so authors are advised to use normal rules almost
 exclusively to ensure that users with special style needs are able to
 read the page.

 i don't agree-- i'm not going to sacrifice site richness and
 functionality for normal readers to accommodate special readers--
 instead, i would provide alternate accessible pages for special
 readers, and go to town on my normal pages.

 (but that's a chat for another day).

Rather have it today :]

You don't need to sacrifice anything for your 'normal' readers. Some
people might have a larger font-size or high-contrast colors in their
browser stylesheets because of a visual disability. You don't need to
do anything for them, less anything that affects the other readers,
you just need to follow the guidelines.

You may feel hammered down here, but any programmer with reasonable
experience knows that adding !important to every declaration is not a
practical long-term solution. It's like, in Gmail, marking with a star
every message you *don't* want to read.

Well, we're talking a lot here about these conflicts, but in practice
it shouldn't be that common - it's common sense not to use double ID
declarations, or ID prefixed declarations for tags that affect the
whole page.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why

(wow. and i thought there was nothing left to say on this topic!  :)


ryan, SIZE has not yet been mentioned in the thread-- glad you
mentioned it. with superfish, at least, the extra !important rules
have no noticeable effect on my page-load time, in IE, firefox, or

page-performance is important to me, so if the stylesheet was so huge
that performance suffered, i WOULD take the time to find and apply !
important only to those specific widget-rules which really need veto-

i think load-time is more of a concern with javascript, not css. at
the moment, even with all those !important rules, superfish loads
faster than my png's (and they ARE optimized). jQuery compressed, on
the other hand, is 10 times larger than my css. these are the files
required by superfish:

superfish.css (with !important on every element): 5K
remaining superfish files (such as images): 13K
jquery-1.2.6.min.js: 55K

perhaps your concern about size comes from your javascript

i think this response effectively answers the 'size' issue.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why


the reason i don't want to CHANGE the css is because my site-css was
designed to display my site properly, the widget-css was designed to
display the widget properly. if i make changes in either, it's opening
a can of worms.

inspecting an element in firebug to see where it's getting it's style
from takes a couple of seconds
--inspecting the element in firebug is the the start of the job. you
have to figure out which styles are causing the issue, then figure out
the right fix for each of them. that won't take a couple of seconds.

i'm approaching this as a company who needs to get my website up and
running quickly. i'm bolting together wordpress, a bunch of plugins,
some widgets (like superfish), and some of my own custom programming.
these disparate pieces were not designed for each other. i welcome any
opportunity to make them play nice together with a minimum of effort.

i love programming, but i don't love spending time on programming
tasks which could be simplified or eliminated, giving me more time to
focus on running my business.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why

it's an ugly hack
--people who take pride in the purity of their code might take offense
at a solution which is based on expediency, rather than programming
dexterity. this debate seems partly to be about programming pride vs.
expediency. i wish i had the resources to hire one of you gurus, but i
have to wear all hats. to me, an example of an ugly hack is hard-
coding values where constants should be used, or applying patch upon
patch rather than fixing the whole system.

has so many potential problems
--such as? every potential issue mentioned in this thread is the rare
exception. no one has yet presented a serious or probable problem
from !important. and in the rare cases where any of the potential
problems occur, then you get to apply your expert programming skills.

and of course some programmers, like some auto-mechanics or doctors,
who get paid more for doing more work, love to find more problems
requiring their expert skills to solve. i prefer finding solutions to
prevent more work. if i could hire one of you gurus i would hire
the ones who find more efficient solutions, rather than more reasons
to show off their skills.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why

because none of the proposed functional problems have proven truly
significant, the debate has become one of principle. Eric Garside's
critique is that you're not SUPPOSED to use !important this way. my
one strict rule is to never strictly follow strict rules. i believe a
wise programmer understands the reasons for particular rules, follows
them when it makes sense, and breaks them when it makes sense.

never use GOTO is a guideline meant to prevent spaghetti-code, is
one of those strict rules. it's an old debate. i myself have written
ridiculously-deep, impenetrable conditional nests and other
programming gymnastics to avoid the dreaded goto, resulting in code
that was harder to maintain. as steve mcconnell, author of the
fantastic programmers bible code complete, writes (in support of
judicious use of GOTO), If you have your rain boots on, it's not
worth walking around the block to avoid a mud puddle.

i have not yet found any chorus of css-authorities warning against !

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why

there is another well-established programming principle-- modularity.
the idea is the less tightly-coupled components are, the easier it is
to upgrade any one of them, or switch it out with a replacement. one
technique to achieve modularity is to reduce the scope of variables--
keep the variable-name within the procedure or module where it's used,
rather than making it a global variable. those who want me to debug
conflicts between the widget and site (rather than make the widget
self-contained) would have me keep all my variables global. why not
outlaw id's and classes while we're at it? that's really cheating,
isn't it? only a non-programmer would use a cheap work-around like
id's and classes!

if the widget is self-contained, then i can upgrade or replace the
widget without worrying about style conflicts. !important is like a
modular variable-- it says 'hey website css, you can't mess with me.'
that's in-keeping with the principle of modularity. what if tomorrow i
want to switch to AListApart, or MenuMatic, or Uvumi, or LavaLamp?
what if tomorrow i want to add a thermometer or calendar widget? would
you have me open up firebug all over again, and work out the css
conflicts every time i switch to a different widget? jeez, i wish i
was getting paid by the hour for that!

isn't jQuery itself based on the concept of encapsulating
functionality in self-contained units? it would be quite a mess if
individual jQuery plugins broke each other, would it not?

i wonder if this is a cultural-gap? javascript does not support
modularity very easily, as described in Haverbeke's Eloquent
JavaScript. he provides some techniques for achieving modularity in
javascript here:

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why

Eric Garside, thanks for the cross-browser alert. that's new issue.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

Geez you really take heart at defending your solution don't you?

But you're not going to convince anyone that find  replace is good
programming practice. In a hopefully not far future CSS will allow
something like this:

#myPreciousWidget {
 .title {
 .content {
 padding: 5px;
 margin: 20px;
 float: yesplease;

and then all our problems will be solved.

I promise I'm actually leaving this thread now :)

On Jan 20, 5:34 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 there is another well-established programming principle-- modularity.
 the idea is the less tightly-coupled components are, the easier it is
 to upgrade any one of them, or switch it out with a replacement. one
 technique to achieve modularity is to reduce the scope of variables--
 keep the variable-name within the procedure or module where it's used,
 rather than making it a global variable. those who want me to debug
 conflicts between the widget and site (rather than make the widget
 self-contained) would have me keep all my variables global. why not
 outlaw id's and classes while we're at it? that's really cheating,
 isn't it? only a non-programmer would use a cheap work-around like
 id's and classes!

 if the widget is self-contained, then i can upgrade or replace the
 widget without worrying about style conflicts. !important is like a
 modular variable-- it says 'hey website css, you can't mess with me.'
 that's in-keeping with the principle of modularity. what if tomorrow i
 want to switch to AListApart, or MenuMatic, or Uvumi, or LavaLamp?
 what if tomorrow i want to add a thermometer or calendar widget? would
 you have me open up firebug all over again, and work out the css
 conflicts every time i switch to a different widget? jeez, i wish i
 was getting paid by the hour for that!

 isn't jQuery itself based on the concept of encapsulating
 functionality in self-contained units? it would be quite a mess if
 individual jQuery plugins broke each other, would it not?

 i wonder if this is a cultural-gap? javascript does not support
 modularity very easily, as described in Haverbeke's Eloquent
 JavaScript. he provides some techniques for achieving modularity in
 javascript here:http://eloquentjavascript.net/chapter9.html

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Eric Garside

You can do that now...

#myPreciousWidget.title // Matches div id=myPreciousWidget


#myPreciousWidget .title // Matches div id=myPreciousWidgetdiv

Also, I'm not sure I understand your issue exactly. How did you manage
to create site-specific CSS that has the same classes as the plugin's

And at the risk of sounding like those guys who say if you practiced a
real guitar instead of guitar hero you'd be good at a real guitar: In
the time it's taken you to defend your position, you could have
probably rewritten your CSS correctly. :\

On Jan 20, 3:02 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Geez you really take heart at defending your solution don't you?

 But you're not going to convince anyone that find  replace is good
 programming practice. In a hopefully not far future CSS will allow
 something like this:

 #myPreciousWidget {
  .title {
  .content {
      padding: 5px;
      margin: 20px;
      float: yesplease;


 and then all our problems will be solved.

 I promise I'm actually leaving this thread now :)

 On Jan 20, 5:34 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

  there is another well-established programming principle-- modularity.
  the idea is the less tightly-coupled components are, the easier it is
  to upgrade any one of them, or switch it out with a replacement. one
  technique to achieve modularity is to reduce the scope of variables--
  keep the variable-name within the procedure or module where it's used,
  rather than making it a global variable. those who want me to debug
  conflicts between the widget and site (rather than make the widget
  self-contained) would have me keep all my variables global. why not
  outlaw id's and classes while we're at it? that's really cheating,
  isn't it? only a non-programmer would use a cheap work-around like
  id's and classes!

  if the widget is self-contained, then i can upgrade or replace the
  widget without worrying about style conflicts. !important is like a
  modular variable-- it says 'hey website css, you can't mess with me.'
  that's in-keeping with the principle of modularity. what if tomorrow i
  want to switch to AListApart, or MenuMatic, or Uvumi, or LavaLamp?
  what if tomorrow i want to add a thermometer or calendar widget? would
  you have me open up firebug all over again, and work out the css
  conflicts every time i switch to a different widget? jeez, i wish i
  was getting paid by the hour for that!

  isn't jQuery itself based on the concept of encapsulating
  functionality in self-contained units? it would be quite a mess if
  individual jQuery plugins broke each other, would it not?

  i wonder if this is a cultural-gap? javascript does not support
  modularity very easily, as described in Haverbeke's Eloquent
  JavaScript. he provides some techniques for achieving modularity in
  javascript here:http://eloquentjavascript.net/chapter9.html

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

Yeah, but not with that short syntax. An ID in front of every
declaration is ugly as hell and not very forgiving of file size

On Jan 20, 6:56 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can do that now...

 #myPreciousWidget.title // Matches div id=myPreciousWidget


 #myPreciousWidget .title // Matches div id=myPreciousWidgetdiv

 Also, I'm not sure I understand your issue exactly. How did you manage
 to create site-specific CSS that has the same classes as the plugin's

 And at the risk of sounding like those guys who say if you practiced a
 real guitar instead of guitar hero you'd be good at a real guitar: In
 the time it's taken you to defend your position, you could have
 probably rewritten your CSS correctly. :\

 On Jan 20, 3:02 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  Geez you really take heart at defending your solution don't you?

  But you're not going to convince anyone that find  replace is good
  programming practice. In a hopefully not far future CSS will allow
  something like this:

  #myPreciousWidget {
   .title {
   .content {
       padding: 5px;
       margin: 20px;
       float: yesplease;


  and then all our problems will be solved.

  I promise I'm actually leaving this thread now :)

  On Jan 20, 5:34 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

   there is another well-established programming principle-- modularity.
   the idea is the less tightly-coupled components are, the easier it is
   to upgrade any one of them, or switch it out with a replacement. one
   technique to achieve modularity is to reduce the scope of variables--
   keep the variable-name within the procedure or module where it's used,
   rather than making it a global variable. those who want me to debug
   conflicts between the widget and site (rather than make the widget
   self-contained) would have me keep all my variables global. why not
   outlaw id's and classes while we're at it? that's really cheating,
   isn't it? only a non-programmer would use a cheap work-around like
   id's and classes!

   if the widget is self-contained, then i can upgrade or replace the
   widget without worrying about style conflicts. !important is like a
   modular variable-- it says 'hey website css, you can't mess with me.'
   that's in-keeping with the principle of modularity. what if tomorrow i
   want to switch to AListApart, or MenuMatic, or Uvumi, or LavaLamp?
   what if tomorrow i want to add a thermometer or calendar widget? would
   you have me open up firebug all over again, and work out the css
   conflicts every time i switch to a different widget? jeez, i wish i
   was getting paid by the hour for that!

   isn't jQuery itself based on the concept of encapsulating
   functionality in self-contained units? it would be quite a mess if
   individual jQuery plugins broke each other, would it not?

   i wonder if this is a cultural-gap? javascript does not support
   modularity very easily, as described in Haverbeke's Eloquent
   JavaScript. he provides some techniques for achieving modularity in
   javascript here:http://eloquentjavascript.net/chapter9.html

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Eric Garside

Oh, I see what you're saying. You're talking about internal classing.
Yea, that would be nice. :)

On Jan 20, 4:22 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yeah, but not with that short syntax. An ID in front of every
 declaration is ugly as hell and not very forgiving of file size

 On Jan 20, 6:56 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

  You can do that now...

  #myPreciousWidget.title // Matches div id=myPreciousWidget


  #myPreciousWidget .title // Matches div id=myPreciousWidgetdiv

  Also, I'm not sure I understand your issue exactly. How did you manage
  to create site-specific CSS that has the same classes as the plugin's

  And at the risk of sounding like those guys who say if you practiced a
  real guitar instead of guitar hero you'd be good at a real guitar: In
  the time it's taken you to defend your position, you could have
  probably rewritten your CSS correctly. :\

  On Jan 20, 3:02 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   Geez you really take heart at defending your solution don't you?

   But you're not going to convince anyone that find  replace is good
   programming practice. In a hopefully not far future CSS will allow
   something like this:

   #myPreciousWidget {
    .title {
    .content {
        padding: 5px;
        margin: 20px;
        float: yesplease;


   and then all our problems will be solved.

   I promise I'm actually leaving this thread now :)

   On Jan 20, 5:34 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

there is another well-established programming principle-- modularity.
the idea is the less tightly-coupled components are, the easier it is
to upgrade any one of them, or switch it out with a replacement. one
technique to achieve modularity is to reduce the scope of variables--
keep the variable-name within the procedure or module where it's used,
rather than making it a global variable. those who want me to debug
conflicts between the widget and site (rather than make the widget
self-contained) would have me keep all my variables global. why not
outlaw id's and classes while we're at it? that's really cheating,
isn't it? only a non-programmer would use a cheap work-around like
id's and classes!

if the widget is self-contained, then i can upgrade or replace the
widget without worrying about style conflicts. !important is like a
modular variable-- it says 'hey website css, you can't mess with me.'
that's in-keeping with the principle of modularity. what if tomorrow i
want to switch to AListApart, or MenuMatic, or Uvumi, or LavaLamp?
what if tomorrow i want to add a thermometer or calendar widget? would
you have me open up firebug all over again, and work out the css
conflicts every time i switch to a different widget? jeez, i wish i
was getting paid by the hour for that!

isn't jQuery itself based on the concept of encapsulating
functionality in self-contained units? it would be quite a mess if
individual jQuery plugins broke each other, would it not?

i wonder if this is a cultural-gap? javascript does not support
modularity very easily, as described in Haverbeke's Eloquent
JavaScript. he provides some techniques for achieving modularity in
javascript here:http://eloquentjavascript.net/chapter9.html

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Michael Geary

I'm not the topic police, but I'll try playing one on TV...

Does this lengthy discussion have *anything* to do with jQuery at all?

It's purely a CSS issue - wouldn't the CSS list be a more suitable place to
talk about it?



[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread johny why

what does this have to do with jQuery?

 --this topic is on the jquery forum, because problems with a
jQuery component, Superfish,  caused me to devise this method. The
superfish support page directed me to this forum for support. the
author of the plugin has not spoken up yet. (I imagine this technique
might be useful for other jQuery candy.)

Support for the Superfish plugin is available through the jQuery
Mailing List.

(the css forum is apparently closed. i tried to join, and never got a

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Jan 20, 2009, at 10:31 PM, johny why wrote:

what does this have to do with jQuery?

--this topic is on the jquery forum, because problems with a
jQuery component, Superfish,  caused me to devise this method.

Yes, but this thread has long since moved far, far away from any  
discussion of the Superfish plugin. This has been a CSS discussion. I  
second Mike's request for you to continue it in a more appropriate  



Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Nikola

One hour.

I am betting that an individual with beginner to intermediate skill
could find and replace the conflicting class names in the HTML, CSS
and js.  That is the cleanest, most logical and most professional
solution in my opinion.  It makes sense to make sense out of one's
code especially if one is going to reactor it or make any changes.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-20 Thread Klaus Hartl

On the other hand - I've seen much worse offtopic threads here. And
yes, I've been annoyed by them. That said, sorry for putting fuel into
the discussion.


On 21 Jan., 05:25, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 On Jan 20, 2009, at 10:31 PM, johny why wrote:

  what does this have to do with jQuery?

      --this topic is on the jquery forum, because problems with a
  jQuery component, Superfish,  caused me to devise this method.

 Yes, but this thread has long since moved far, far away from any  
 discussion of the Superfish plugin. This has been a CSS discussion. I  
 second Mike's request for you to continue it in a more appropriate  



 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-19 Thread ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com

surely declaring the css you want to take priority after your site's
default stylesheet, this will solve the problem?

On Jan 18, 10:59 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 ricardo, you're right that styles undeclared in the widget-css will
 cascade from the site-css into the widget, even if you use !important
 in the widget. that's an important point.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-19 Thread johny why

i don't see it as a problem. With or without !important, the site-css
will cascade into the widget for elements undeclared in the widget--
the widget designer expects that. The important thing is for the
widget's declared styles to take precedence, which !important achieves
in most cases. (if i'm integrating the jQuery widget into a cms like,
say, WordPress, i may or may not have control over exactly when the
widget-css is declared.)

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-19 Thread ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com

but unless you've declared some of your default styles as !important,
the widget *will* take precedence if it's called after the default

the only issues i can see are relative vs. explicit pixel sizes - for
ex. if you've declared pixel sizes for your fonts with some especially
broad selectors (globally stating that all paragraphs in divs have a
font size of 10px or whatever)  whilst the widget author has used
relative % sizes. Even in those cases it's be quicker, easier and
neater to just change your default CSS rather than replacing every
instance of ; with !important; in your imported stylesheet.

the long and the short of it it that it's a very inelegant solution to
a problem that isn't so much a 'problem' as 'the whole point of
cascading stylesheets'. it's like looking for a solution to grass
being green!

On Jan 19, 3:32 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 i don't see it as a problem. With or without !important, the site-css
 will cascade into the widget for elements undeclared in the widget--
 the widget designer expects that. The important thing is for the
 widget's declared styles to take precedence, which !important achieves
 in most cases. (if i'm integrating the jQuery widget into a cms like,
 say, WordPress, i may or may not have control over exactly when the
 widget-css is declared.)

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-19 Thread johny why

ryan.joyce wrote:
 unless you've declared some of your default styles as !important,
 the widget *will* take precedence if it's called after the default

--if you mean the widget styles will affect the main site rendering,
not if the widget styles are correctly declared with unique id's or

 the only issues i can see are relative vs. explicit pixel sizes...

--rendering problems of a widget, in my experience, could involve
many, indeed EVERY attribute of every element in the widget.

 Even in those cases it's be quicker, easier and
 neater to just change your default CSS rather than replacing every
 instance of ; with !important; in your imported stylesheet.

--this solution is for cases where changing your default css, which
will of course affect your main site rendering, is undesirable or
impossible. for me, doing a global replace of ; with  !important;
takes about 1/2 a second. on the other hand, fine-tuning my main site
css so that the widget and the site both look right could potentially
take hours of trouble-shooting, trial-and-error, and juggling
precedence, including specificity, order of declaration, id's and
classes, and so on.

 it's a very inelegant solution to
 a problem that isn't so much a 'problem' as 'the whole point of
 cascading stylesheets'.

--one point of cascading stylesheets is to ensure site-uniformity and
styling flexibility with minimum effort and redundancy. Which is
awesome, where you have control over everything. but a 3rd-party
widget was not designed to work with your site css, and your site was
not designed to work with that widget. if you're designing a custom
widget from scratch in concert with your site, then tightly-
integrating it with your site css makes more sense. but it makes less
sense, to me, to devote frustrating hours to making a 3rd-party widget
css to cooperate with your site css, when a simple rule does the
trick. choosing the path of greatest effort seems to me to defeat one
of the benefits of css-- to reduce effort.

besides, as ricardo pointed out, !important does not eliminate all
cascading--  undeclared elements will still get cascaded into the
widget. For example, my superfish menu still inherits the font-family
and font-size from my site-css, which is great--i'm getting the
benefit of desirable cascade, while eliminating the undesirable
cascades with !important.

!important does not 'break' css-- it's part of the css language,
intended to be used where appropriate.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-19 Thread johny why

wileyluxe wrote:
 Depending on how the rest of the selectors are written, a Body ID will
 do overwrite it.

wileyluxe, can you give an example of how a site-css Body ID can
overwrite the widget-css, if the widget employs !important + id's/

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-19 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

!important makes the the widget's styles take precedence, but you also
have to take specificity into account. I created a test page to
demonstrate the issue:


There are ways to calculate specificity, take a look at these very
nice articles about it:

- ricardo

On Jan 19, 4:13 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 wileyluxe wrote:
  Depending on how the rest of the selectors are written, a Body ID will
  do overwrite it.

 wileyluxe, can you give an example of how a site-css Body ID can
 overwrite the widget-css, if the widget employs !important + id's/

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread JimD

Although I love CSS, it is interesting how it leads to some of the
same spaghetti problems that people complained about by applying
formatting to html. I try to keep my CSS to a minimum but over time on
a large site it can get quite messy. Most CSS guru's relate their CSS
to little blogs or wiki's versus a large content site.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread johny why

Amen to that, JIMD. !important easily eliminates spaghetti problems,
with 3rd-party components. (Although, i would counter that CSS applied
judiciously, ESPECIALLY to very large sites, can vastly reduce the
effort to apply global formats site-wide. But some CSS-fanatics say
never, ever use inline-styling, which is fanatical.)

UWE, using unique identifiers in the candy is not enough to isolate
candy-html from your site-css:
 -unique identifiers mean that the candy-css will only affect the
candy html, and not the rest of your site. that's a GOOD thing.
 -but your site-css, most-likely NOT using identifiers or classes
in many places, will ALSO affect the candy-html, messing up the candy.
BAD thing. RICARDO, I would not call this bad coding-- the main-site
css rightfully assumes that it is the god-css for your site, so it
should not have to bother with any kind of class=MyWebsite on every
tag. But this does put the burden on the candy to insulate itself from
the site-css. The combination of unique id's, classes, and !important
does the trick.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

Sorry johnny, but you're the one who seems to not understand the
nature of CSS. I'm pretty sure of my reasonings in this field ;)

They're named **Cascading** Style Sheets for a reason. Third party
CSS Candy that is supposed to be inserted in other's pages should be
coded with this issue in mind, protecting all it's styles in it's own
container, or writing styles in-line (if it's not meant to be
altered). If this has not been done it is indeed badly written code.

I realize you're not aware of the issues that arise from your
solution. There is also a reason why !important is seldomly used:
because it makes a mess of figuring out which style is being applied
by overriding the cascading - eased by the use of firebug inspection
or similar of course, but a mess nonetheless.

The second suggestion you posted, surrounding the thing with a div
and prepending the unique ID to every style is much better. Or putting
in an in-line style tag, which overrides external stylesheets but
without the mess of !important. That's what should have been done by
the CSS author in the first place, with ID or classes.

- ricardo
ps: what does this have to do with jQuery?

On Jan 18, 2:12 am, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 ricardo, no offense--

 the only part of this thread you need to worry about is the first

 to insulate your 3rd-party candy (such as a suckerfish menu) from your
 site's css, globally replace: ; with  !important; in the candy's

 that's it.

 the rest of this thread is geeks debating hypothetical scenarios and
 solutions, which beginners and people with hangovers can ignore


[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread Klaus Hartl

On 18 Jan., 19:16, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 They're named **Cascading** Style Sheets for a reason. Third party
 CSS Candy that is supposed to be inserted in other's pages should be
 coded with this issue in mind, protecting all it's styles in it's own
 container, or writing styles in-line (if it's not meant to be
 altered). If this has not been done it is indeed badly written code.

Inline styles are not a guarantee that a websites CSS would not
cascade into that widget. Although inline styles have highest
specificity, declarations with !important will still override those
inline styles. They do not in IE but that is a different story.

 I realize you're not aware of the issues that arise from your
 solution. There is also a reason why !important is seldomly used:
 because it makes a mess of figuring out which style is being applied
 by overriding the cascading - eased by the use of firebug inspection
 or similar of course, but a mess nonetheless.

I tend to agree. When I do write CSS I almost always try to avoid !
important and consider it bad practice. Most of the time it turned
out to cause you more problems than do any good.

I think the solution for a 3rd party widget though should be to use a
unique identifier plus important declarations to 1. protect messing up
the site's CSS where it's included in while 2. at the same time
maintaining its own styles.

Nevertheless there is no guarantee that the site's CSS will not
override styles unless you use an iframe or object element to include
that widget.


[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread johny why


what does this have to do with jQuery?

 --this topic is on the jquery forum, because problems with a
jQuery component, Superfish,  caused me to devise this method. The
superfish support page directed me to this forum for support. the
author of the plugin has not spoken up yet. (I imagine this technique
might be useful for other jQuery candy.)
Support for the Superfish plugin is available through the jQuery
Mailing List.

Third party CSS Candy that is supposed to be inserted in other's
pages should be coded with this issue in mind, protecting all it's
styles in it's own container

 --i believe that's incorrect, if by container you mean unique
classes and id's. as i describe above, unique id's will NOT protect
the component's style from the main site-css, if the site-css cascades
into the candy. Which is exactly what what messed up my superfish

writing styles in-line (if it's not meant to be altered). If this has
not been done it is indeed badly written code.

 --i don't agree. one of the principals of best-practice web-
styling is to NOT use inline styles, but to separate formatting out to
a css file. that way, the web developer can tweak the formatting
without touching the html structure.

There is also a reason why !important is seldomly used: because it
makes a mess of figuring out which style is being applied by
overriding the cascading

 --i dont agree. the mess is what you have without !important. it
instantly clears up that mess, because then you know exactly which css
is controlling the candy-- the one with !important. override the
cascading is exactly the benefit of using !important. The site-css was
not designed to be compatible with your 3rd-party candy.

i think the reason !important is seldom used, is because it's little-
known, and because it's usually described as a way to resolve
conflicts between web-page and browser-css (aka author vs user).

prepending the unique ID to every style is much better.
 --Superfish does indeed use a unique ID. as Klaus points out,
that does not insulate Superfish from the site-css.

for me, the proof is in the pudding. My silverfish displayed all wrong
without !important. It displays beautifully WITH !important. That's
all the proof i need!


a 3rd party widget...should...use...important declarations.
Nevertheless there is no guarantee that the site's CSS will not
override styles.
--why? unless the site css ALSO uses !important, how else could it
override the candy-css?

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread wileyl...@gmail.com

johny why:

 --why? unless the site css ALSO uses !important, how else could it
 override the candy-css?

Depending on how the rest of the selectors are written, a Body ID will
do overwrite it.


On Jan 18, 12:45 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

 what does this have to do with jQuery?

      --this topic is on the jquery forum, because problems with a
 jQuery component, Superfish,  caused me to devise this method. The
 superfish support page directed me to this forum for support. the
 author of the plugin has not spoken up yet. (I imagine this technique
 might be useful for other jQuery candy.)
 Support for the Superfish plugin is available through the jQuery
 Mailing List.http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#download

 Third party CSS Candy that is supposed to be inserted in other's
 pages should be coded with this issue in mind, protecting all it's
 styles in it's own container

      --i believe that's incorrect, if by container you mean unique
 classes and id's. as i describe above, unique id's will NOT protect
 the component's style from the main site-css, if the site-css cascades
 into the candy. Which is exactly what what messed up my superfish

 writing styles in-line (if it's not meant to be altered). If this has
 not been done it is indeed badly written code.

      --i don't agree. one of the principals of best-practice web-
 styling is to NOT use inline styles, but to separate formatting out to
 a css file. that way, the web developer can tweak the formatting
 without touching the html structure.

 There is also a reason why !important is seldomly used: because it
 makes a mess of figuring out which style is being applied by
 overriding the cascading

      --i dont agree. the mess is what you have without !important. it
 instantly clears up that mess, because then you know exactly which css
 is controlling the candy-- the one with !important. override the
 cascading is exactly the benefit of using !important. The site-css was
 not designed to be compatible with your 3rd-party candy.

 i think the reason !important is seldom used, is because it's little-
 known, and because it's usually described as a way to resolve
 conflicts between web-page and browser-css (aka author vs user).

 prepending the unique ID to every style is much better.
      --Superfish does indeed use a unique ID. as Klaus points out,
 that does not insulate Superfish from the site-css.

 for me, the proof is in the pudding. My silverfish displayed all wrong
 without !important. It displays beautifully WITH !important. That's
 all the proof i need!


 a 3rd party widget...should...use...important declarations.
 Nevertheless there is no guarantee that the site's CSS will not
 override styles.
 --why? unless the site css ALSO uses !important, how else could it
 override the candy-css?

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

On Jan 18, 6:45 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

 Third party CSS Candy that is supposed to be inserted in other's
 pages should be coded with this issue in mind, protecting all it's
 styles in it's own container

      --i believe that's incorrect, if by container you mean unique
 classes and id's. as i describe above, unique id's will NOT protect
 the component's style from the main site-css, if the site-css cascades
 into the candy. Which is exactly what what messed up my superfish

There's no difference between adding an unique ID or using important,
it's just different specificity levels. !important won't protect the
component's style either, undeclared styles will cascade anyway.
What will protect the CSS is using widget-specific IDs and
classnames, with a prefix or whatever, to lessen the chance of
overriding it. It will never be fully protected.

 writing styles in-line (if it's not meant to be altered). If this has
 not been done it is indeed badly written code.

      --i don't agree. one of the principals of best-practice web-
 styling is to NOT use inline styles, but to separate formatting out to
 a css file. that way, the web developer can tweak the formatting
 without touching the html structure.

I said if it's not meant to be altered. If it's a copy  paste thing
there's no harm.

 There is also a reason why !important is seldomly used: because it
 makes a mess of figuring out which style is being applied by
 overriding the cascading

      --i dont agree. the mess is what you have without !important. it
 instantly clears up that mess, because then you know exactly which css
 is controlling the candy-- the one with !important. override the
 cascading is exactly the benefit of using !important. The site-css was
 not designed to be compatible with your 3rd-party candy.

 i think the reason !important is seldom used, is because it's little-
 known, and because it's usually described as a way to resolve
 conflicts between web-page and browser-css (aka author vs user).

It's not little known unless to those who are not web developers/
designers, that's basic stuff. If your widget declares !important on a
common class name that is used elsewhere in your page, there goes your

 prepending the unique ID to every style is much better.
      --Superfish does indeed use a unique ID. as Klaus points out,
 that does not insulate Superfish from the site-css.

Nothing will insulate it. You must have noticed that all of
Superfish styles are prefixed by sf-. They will only be overriden if
you're not sensible with your own CSS, I bet your page has lots of ID
specified styles for containers.

 for me, the proof is in the pudding. My silverfish displayed all wrong
 without !important. It displays beautifully WITH !important. That's
 all the proof i need!

Good to know. Just don't go out shouting that your solution is perfect
for every situation - I'm sure you'll find that out by yourself.

 a 3rd party widget...should...use...important declarations.
 Nevertheless there is no guarantee that the site's CSS will not
 override styles.
 --why? unless the site css ALSO uses !important, how else could it
 override the candy-css?


over and out,
- ricardo

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread Klaus Hartl

On 18 Jan., 21:45, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 a 3rd party widget...should...use...important declarations.
 Nevertheless there is no guarantee that the site's CSS will not
 override styles.
 --why? unless the site css ALSO uses !important, how else could it
 override the candy-css?

Yes, that's exactly it. You obviously cannot prevent a site author to
use !important as well and thus all I was saying is that - especially
from the standpoint of the 3rd party developer - there is no guarantee
the 3rd party's CSS will not be overridden unless an iframe is used
for such widget.

Yet another reason to avoid !important for your site - at least if you
know you want to include 3rd party stuff.


[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread johny why

ricardo, you're right that styles undeclared in the widget-css will
cascade from the site-css into the widget, even if you use !important
in the widget. that's an important point.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

yes, uwe, as i mentioned, if your 3rd-party css does not use unique
id's or classes, then 'important' in the 3rd-party css could affect
your main site-rendering.

but in most cases, 3rd-party candy DOES use unique classes or id's, in
which case there's no problem.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

if your 3rd-party css does not use unique id's or classes, then you
could create your own (which will enable you to use !important):

1. locate the html for the candy, in your site's html pages.

2. surround it with a div with an id that does not appear anyplace in
the rest of your site:
div id=candy.../div

3. open each of the candy's css files, and precede every element with
#candy ul li { width: 100% !important; }


If the candy appears throughout the site, then you can use a class-
name instead of an id name.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

if your 3rd-party css does not use unique id's or classes, then you
could create your own (which will enable you to use !important):

1. locate the html for the candy, in your site's html pages.

2. surround it with a div with an id that does not appear anyplace in
the rest of your site:
div id=candy.../div

3. open each of the candy's css files, and precede every element with
that same id:
#candy ul li { width: 100% !important; }


If the candy appears more than once on your site, then do the same
thing with a class-name instead of an id name, and use .candy instead
of #candy in the css files.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread Klaus Hartl

One thing to keep in mind: If two declarations use !important! the
conflict is solved by specificity again, e.g. as if there were no !

div id=foo class=bar

#foo {
width: 200px !important; /* higher specificity */
.bar {
width: 300px !important;

Applied width will be 200px.


On 17 Jan., 06:31, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 trying to integrate a 3rd party css candy into your site may result in
 conflicts between the candy's css and your site's css, resulting in a
 rendering mess. stuff that works beautifully by itself blows up when
 you put it into your website. this trick may not find you a new
 girlfriend, or butter your bread on both sides, !BUT¡  it may
 instantly eliminate your css conflicts. it instantly eliminated ALL of
 the rendering conflicts i was having with superfish (and other css
 menus), when trying to integrate them into my site.

 open all your css files, and globally replace: ; with  !important;


 (don't forget the space before !important;)

 for example, this:

 top: -999em;

 will become:

 top: -999em !important;

 the !important property forces that style to override all other css,
 whether style-sheets, inline-css, header-styles, and whether above or
 below in the css hierarchy.



[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts. which could be an issue,
if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
with your candy css.

fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so that's probably
not going to be an issue.

if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important, then
you might be able to override it with some javascript or

but, if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF,
then, unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended to be
resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to all elements
within the candy will have no effect on the intended behavior of the

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread pinky reddy

On 1/17/09, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:

 One thing to keep in mind: If two declarations use !important! the
 conflict is solved by specificity again, e.g. as if there were no !

 div id=foo class=bar

 #foo {
 width: 200px !important; /* higher specificity */
 .bar {
 width: 300px !important;

 Applied width will be 200px.


 On 17 Jan., 06:31, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 trying to integrate a 3rd party css candy into your site may result in
 conflicts between the candy's css and your site's css, resulting in a
 rendering mess. stuff that works beautifully by itself blows up when
 you put it into your website. this trick may not find you a new
 girlfriend, or butter your bread on both sides, !BUT¡  it may
 instantly eliminate your css conflicts. it instantly eliminated ALL of
 the rendering conflicts i was having with superfish (and other css
 menus), when trying to integrate them into my site.

 open all your css files, and globally replace: ; with  !important;


 (don't forget the space before !important;)

 for example, this:

 top: -999em;

 will become:

 top: -999em !important;

 the !important property forces that style to override all other css,
 whether style-sheets, inline-css, header-styles, and whether above or
 below in the css hierarchy.



[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
with your candy css, that could create a conflict in your candy, which
would resolve in favor of the site's css-- causing your candy to
display wrong! (even though you used !important).

fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
unlikely to arise.

if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important, then
you might be able to override it with some javascript and
getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only option)

w3.org states:
getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
rules take precedence over both override and author !important
rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !
important rules.

in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
behavior of the candy.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
with your candy css, that could create a conflict in your candy, which
would resolve in favor of the site's css-- causing your candy to
display wrong! (even though you used !important).

fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
unlikely to arise.

if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important, then
you might be able to override it with some javascript and
getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only option)

w3.org states:
getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
rules take precedence over both override and author !important
rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !
important rules. 

in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
behavior of the candy—other than the joyful benefit of insulating your
candy from the site’s css!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
with your candy css, that would create a conflict in your candy, which
MIGHT resolve in favor of the site's css-- causing your candy to
display wrong!

fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
unlikely to arise—and even then, there’s a 50% chance the candy css
will win!

if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important which
overpowers the candy css, then you might be able to override it with
some javascript and getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only

w3.org states:
getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
rules take precedence over both override and author !important
rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !
important rules.

in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
behavior of the candy—other than the joyful benefit of insulating your
candy from the site’s css!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread jQuery Lover


Johny, just let it go already... :)))

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:07 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

 right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

 if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
 with your candy css, that would create a conflict in your candy, which
 MIGHT resolve in favor of the site's css-- causing your candy to
 display wrong!

 fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
 unlikely to arise—and even then, there's a 50% chance the candy css
 will win!

 if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important which
 overpowers the candy css, then you might be able to override it with
 some javascript and getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only

 w3.org states:
 getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
 author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
 without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
 the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
 comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
 called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
 over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
 precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
 sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
 rules take precedence over both override and author !important
 rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !
 important rules.

 in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
 highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

 if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
 unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
 designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
 ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
 behavior of the candy—other than the joyful benefit of insulating your
 candy from the site's css!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
with your candy css, it MIGHT resolve in favor of the site's css--
causing your candy to display wrong!

fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
unlikely to arise—and even then, there’s a 50% chance the candy css
will win!

if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important, then
you might be able to override it with some javascript and
getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only option)

w3.org states:
getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
rules take precedence over both override and author !important
rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !
important rules.

in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
behavior of the candy—other than the joyful benefit of insulating your
candy from the site’s css!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

jquery Lover, let go of what? this technique? this thread? or my
repeatedly removing and reposting the same post, because you get an
email alert every time?

On Jan 17, 11:10 am, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:

 Johny, just let it go already... :)))

 Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

 On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:07 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

  right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

  if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
  with your candy css, that would create a conflict in your candy, which
  MIGHT resolve in favor of the site's css-- causing your candy to
  display wrong!

  fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
  unlikely to arise—and even then, there's a 50% chance the candy css
  will win!

  if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important which
  overpowers the candy css, then you might be able to override it with
  some javascript and getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only

  w3.org states:
  getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
  author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
  without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
  the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
  comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
  called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
  over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
  precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
  sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
  rules take precedence over both override and author !important
  rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !
  important rules.

  in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
  highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

  if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
  unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
  designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
  ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
  behavior of the candy—other than the joyful benefit of insulating your
  candy from the site's css!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread jQuery Lover

 repeatedly reposting the same comment

And the idea is clear already. Use !important, but use it with
care...  Simple and clear...

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:16 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

 jquery Lover, let go of what? this technique? this thread? or my
 repeatedly removing and reposting the same post, because you get an
 email alert every time?

 On Jan 17, 11:10 am, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:

 Johny, just let it go already... :)))

 Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

 On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:07 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

  right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

  if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
  with your candy css, that would create a conflict in your candy, which
  MIGHT resolve in favor of the site's css-- causing your candy to
  display wrong!

  fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
  unlikely to arise—and even then, there's a 50% chance the candy css
  will win!

  if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important which
  overpowers the candy css, then you might be able to override it with
  some javascript and getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only

  w3.org states:
  getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
  author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
  without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
  the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
  comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
  called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
  over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
  precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
  sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
  rules take precedence over both override and author !important
  rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !
  important rules.

  in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
  highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

  if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
  unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
  designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
  ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
  behavior of the candy—other than the joyful benefit of insulating your
  candy from the site's css!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

jQuery Lover, i'm a programmer. i'm a perfectionist when it comes to
wording. Unfortunately, google groups does not provide a draft
feature, OR preview feature, OR edit-after-posting feature, which i
find galling and irritating. i'll try to get my wording right before

secondly, the idea is not clear-- this is a conversation between
several people, and we are extending the discussion with new ideas and
new observations with each post. for example, my last post, if you
actually read and understood, introduced the idea of resolving a
conflict... i'm  not going to repeat myself. no one here has been
repeating themselves.

are you just telling us all to shut up? that's totally out of line.
this is a discussion thread.

how about if your remove your unproductive, off-topic, discussion-
blocking flames, and i'll remove this post, and we can both prevent
this thread from turning into an infantile flame war.

and next time you have an off-topic comment to make, i suggest you
click reply to author instead of reply

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread jQuery Lover

You made a good point, I should have replied to you personally!

PS. Please don't take it personal. That was (kinda) a joke. I guess we
are in a better mood here and all of my friends that I MADE TO look
through the the thread said 'Good one' :
PSS. Nothing personal Johny... just a sunny day and a freaking good
mood (she is not pregnant) :)

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:34 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 how about if your remove your unproductive, off-topic, discussion-
 blocking flames, and i'll remove this post, and we can both prevent
 this thread from turning into an infantile flame war.

 and next time you have an off-topic comment to make, i suggest you
 click reply to author instead of reply

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why
so let's both remove our off-topic threads, ok?  and no hard feelings, and glad 
she's not preggo
  - Original Message - 
  From: jQuery Lover 
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:45 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

  You made a good point, I should have replied to you personally!

  PS. Please don't take it personal. That was (kinda) a joke. I guess we
  are in a better mood here and all of my friends that I MADE TO look
  through the the thread said 'Good one' :
  PSS. Nothing personal Johny... just a sunny day and a freaking good
  mood (she is not pregnant) :)

  Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

  On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:34 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
   how about if your remove your unproductive, off-topic, discussion-
   blocking flames, and i'll remove this post, and we can both prevent
   this thread from turning into an infantile flame war.
   and next time you have an off-topic comment to make, i suggest you
   click reply to author instead of reply


[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

That's way too much fuss for badly written CSS :)

On Jan 17, 5:10 pm, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:
 right, Klaus, specificity resolves conflicts.

 if your main site css uses !important on any element which conflicts
 with your candy css, it MIGHT resolve in favor of the site's css--
 causing your candy to display wrong!

 fortunately, !important seems to be used rarely, so such a conflict is
 unlikely to arise—and even then, there’s a 50% chance the candy css
 will win!

 if, by rare chance, your site's css has a conflicting !important, then
 you might be able to override it with some javascript and
 getOverrideStyle. (or, runtimeStyle is an IE-only option)

 w3.org states:
 getOverrideStyle method provides a mechanism through which a DOM
 author could effect immediate change to the style of an element
 without modifying the explicitly linked style sheets of a document or
 the inline style of elements in the style sheets. This style sheet
 comes after the author style sheet in the cascade algorithm and is
 called override style sheet. The override style sheet takes precedence
 over author style sheets. An !important declaration still takes
 precedence over a normal declaration. Override, author, and user style
 sheets all may contain !important declarations. User !important
 rules take precedence over both override and author !important
 rules, and override !important rules take precedence over author !

 in other words, an override style marked !important is the CSS of
 highest-precedence, in the CSS-hierarchy.

 if your candy's css has conflicting declarations WITHIN ITSELF, then,
 unless it's a bug in the candy, it's a conflict intended, by the candy
 designer, to be resolved by specificity-- and applying !important to
 ALL elements within the candy will have no effect on the intended
 behavior of the candy—other than the joyful benefit of insulating your
 candy from the site’s css!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

hi Ricardo

i think you're not understanding the nature of css conflicts (has
nothing to do with badly written code), or you're not understanding
how super-simple this technique is (no fuss, it's a simple 2-second
tweak), or i'm not understanding you (are you just trying to be cute?)

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-17 Thread johny why

ricardo, no offense--

the only part of this thread you need to worry about is the first

to insulate your 3rd-party candy (such as a suckerfish menu) from your
site's css, globally replace: ; with  !important; in the candy's

that's it.

the rest of this thread is geeks debating hypothetical scenarios and
solutions, which beginners and people with hangovers can ignore


[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-16 Thread Nic Luciano
This might work for Superfish but isn't it also a possibility by doing this
you could do the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish, as this
could also override any other third party CSS you're trying to use? While I
guess it's not technically incorrect, there's no reason to include
!important in every one of your properties. If you must, it should only be
done on elements that require it to function correctly. Ideally, you should
just modify your CSS to not even use this on your properties (via unique
names, inheritance, etc)...


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 12:31 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

 trying to integrate a 3rd party css candy into your site may result in
 conflicts between the candy's css and your site's css, resulting in a
 rendering mess. stuff that works beautifully by itself blows up when
 you put it into your website. this trick may not find you a new
 girlfriend, or butter your bread on both sides, !BUT¡  it may
 instantly eliminate your css conflicts. it instantly eliminated ALL of
 the rendering conflicts i was having with superfish (and other css
 menus), when trying to integrate them into my site.

 open all your css files, and globally replace: ; with  !important;


 (don't forget the space before !important;)

 for example, this:

 top: -999em;

 will become:

 top: -999em !important;

 the !important property forces that style to override all other css,
 whether style-sheets, inline-css, header-styles, and whether above or
 below in the css hierarchy.



[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-16 Thread johny why


make the above change to the 3rd-party candy css, NOT the css of your

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-16 Thread johny why

nic, i don't understand what you mean by modify your CSS to not even
use this on your properties

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-16 Thread johny why

this could also override any other third party CSS

--i don't think so, Nic, as you apply the important property to the
3rd-party css, not your site's css.

however, if the 3rd-party css does not use unique class or id names,
to target JUST their candy, then applying the 'important' property the
3rd-party css might affect the rendering of the rest of your site.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-16 Thread Uwe C. Schroeder

 the !important property forces that style to override all other css,
 whether style-sheets, inline-css, header-styles, and whether above or
 below in the css hierarchy.

Yes, important will override, but only for the one property using it.
Let's assume you have to css files both containing a selector:

.doesntwork {
 float: right;
 width: 240px;

and in the other file

.doesntwork {
   width: 300px;

So if the file you're changing is the second, you'd end up with

.doesntwork {
   width: 300px !important;

which is fine, however the browser will apply

.doesntwork {
 float: right;
 width: 300px;

and I bet you didn't want the float in there :-)

Best is to just use things with unique identifiers.
