KR> Thomasville Fly-in and more

2009-10-12 Thread william Clapp
This weekend was a lot of fun.   Being that my KR is still down for interior 
overhaul and annual inspection I flew out to the annual Thomasville fly-in in a 
KR2S that belongs to Todd Theilin.   It is a nice KR with a sporty Mosler 
conversion in it.   150mph in cruise with the gear up.  Little more bumpy than 
mine - I am sure due to the wing and lighter wing loading.   Got to meet up 
with Bob Lester - also a KR pilot - who flew up in his Pietenpol.   Had good 
hamburgers and hotdogs and met up with some friends.   Although the weather was 
iffy for some there were quite a variety of planes there.   I encourage any of 
you to find out when the local fly-ins are held in your area and visit them.   
They are well worth the trip.   A short 15 minute flight home and landed on the 
wet runway.Had time to work on the interior a little bit on my plane and 
prep some parts for Todd's.    I hope to have mine airborne this week and plan
 for some traveling during the next couple months.   I have thoughts on selling 
it but the rush of flying is too addictive.  I am currently installing a 
retractable seat belt system, prepping for the possiblitiy of new avionics, 
plus a little paint work. A couple people (privately) have mentioned the 
twin project that I started a while back and it is slow in coming right now due 
to work and a thirteen year old :)   Since we have the new fuselage parts for 
the Falcon developed I will probably end up modifying one of those for use.  I 
like the wider cabin and it is more aerodynamic than the carbon one I made 
earlier.  I have the spar materials and many parts but little time for it right 
now.  I am still in the collecting phase and  decisions on gear and some 
control issues.  Once I hit it hard I will post more.  
Keep building and fly safe...

Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

KR> Bad News: N4DD Dan F. and trip to KMVN

2009-09-17 Thread william Clapp
Dan, we are all praying for you and your recovery.   Sorry to hear about your 
bird but your health and life are so much more valuable to us.   Keep your 
spirit up and get well.  

N41768 and I wont be making it to KMVN this year due to bad weather on this end 
and requirement that I be here on Sunday.   I sure hope that all of you will 
have a good time and learn a lot.  Make sure to take lots of pictures for us 
homebound boys and girls to enjoy!   Missing all of you and your company.   Bill
Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

From: David Mullins 
To: KRnet 
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 6:06:23 PM
Subject: KR> Bad News: N4DD Down at MVN

Just a short note that N4DD crashed on landing today at Mt. Vernon.
Dan Freeman has some good cuts and scrapes on his head, arms and
feet, but should pull through. He is currently at a local hospital being
treated for his injuries.

I almost had the crash in pictures as I was walking out of the terminal
to shoot the first KR arrival as he touched down and bounced back up
into the air. A gust of wind pushed him further up into the air. He 
tried to
correct and get the nose down when the gust subsided and he fell 30+
feet to the ground.

He hit with the nose down and the right wing down. The plane slid the
length of the taxiway, about 130 ft. The right wing folded under the
fuselage. The engine and instrument  were broken off and swung back
along the fuselage side.

Will give an update on Dan's condition once I hear something.

Dave Mullins


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KR> Oshkosh 09

2009-08-01 Thread william Clapp
Howdy folks,  I left out of Valdosta, Ga on Friday at noon and flew up to Mount 
Vernon to spend the night.  Got to go out to dinner with Chris (airport manager 
for Mt Vernon) and spent the night there at the FBO on their new leather 
couches.  Very comfortable.   Left out early in the morning and arriived at 
Oshkosh at about noon.   It was uneventful and came straight in without any 
trouble or traffic.   Total time in flight was almost 10 hours - cause I flew a 
Sonex (corvair powered) instead of the KR.  Boy I missed her on this trip.  
This flight reminded me of why I really enjoy the efficiency of that plane.   
My guys were already at Oshkosh and helped us set up.   Elaine (my daughter) 
came with and we are spending the week at the YMCA - they have hotubs there!   
Joe Horton, Mark Langford and Mark Jones flew in and camped out on the field.   
Looked a little tight in those tents!   It was good to see them and glad that 
 are flying safely.  Met up with other kr pilots and builders,  and many 
friends.   My mom and dad are also here this week promoting MAF (Mission 
Aviation Fellowship) since this week in AirVenture's "LIFE FLIGHT" emphasis on 
charity and mission organizations.  Saw White Knight Two fly in as well as the 
Airbus 380 - WOW!   This has been a cool week already..   Half of my graduating 
class from Moody Aviation flight school was here as well so it was light a 
reunion party.   I am looking forward to a good rest of the week and a smooth 
trip home.  I will post pictures and another update on my website soon for 
those who missed this great opportunity.  Oshkosh politics aside I think this 
is a great place to come and see and smell and hear aviation history- and its 
future.   Burt Rutan quote of the day to all  "Happiness is the key to success" 
  - keep building and flying.
Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

KR> Ad on Auxiliary tanks

2009-06-14 Thread william Clapp
I am currently finishing up a welded aluminum header tank that will fit KRs 
that can simply be bolted in (12gallons) and will be available for sale in 
order to get rid of the composite header tanks.  Questions about alcohol and 
proper building procedures make this the way to go.  This coming week  I will 
be finishing up a slip in aluminum wing tank as well to work with a variety of 
planes.   I will post more on them later but I believe they will help many 
people out there.  The PVC tanks will be coming out on my plane soon and 
replaced with aluminum ones before I sell it.  
Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

From: Mark Langford 
To: KRnet 
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:31:09 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Ad on Auxiliary tanks

Mike Sylvester wrote:

> I once saw a Europa with a red 5 gallon  plastic boat tank behind the 
> pilots seat. If the plane is already built this seems like a quick fix for 
> the fuel issue.<


I saw a Dragonfly with exactly what you describe on the right seat...a 
homebuilt 10 gallon tank that conformed to the seat perfectly, had it's own 
fuel pump attached, and used outboard motor quick disconnects to connect up 
to the existing system.

For new builders, you can put 12 gallons in each stub wing, resulting in 24 
gallons.  At my average of less than 4 gph doing over 150 mph true airspeed, 
that's 5 hours of flying right there. Many have built their fuel tanks into 
the outer wings, and theres a lot more room out there for even more fuel.

I hate to come down from 10,500' as much as anybody.  I'm looking to add 
about four more gallons in the form of a cylindrical 4" aluminum irrigation 
tube in the passenger's side outer wing, giving me a total of 20 gallons. 
That would get me to OSH nonstop, 634 miles, which is four hours of flying, 
or 16 gallons burned with an hour's reserve.  And I'd be able to burn auto 
fuel all the way to OSH and save money on buying 100LL, even if I just 
stopped somewhere for a "bio break" on the way..  But the main reason I want 
the extra fuel is so I can fly down to my father's farm and back without a 
trip to the local gas station for fuel every time.

Mark Langford
N56ML "at"
website at

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KR> Valdosta crash

2009-06-14 Thread william Clapp
Steve , no throwing under the bus has ever been done here.  As someone who has 
helped in many investigations in the past we can only go by what is known.   We 
know that there were no apparent electrical problems in the prior two flights 
but after Cary had been working under the panel is when the accident happened.  
The only "known" changes from flight 2 to flight 3 are the pilot and the fact 
that work was done under the panel.   This is a cautionary note for  mechanics 
and pilots alike that even if you were under the panel to change and altimeter 
or something simple, something could have been moved, a wire pulled loose, a 
screw left to fall on a bus bar, lack of proper wire sizing on installing a new 
product, when cutting a tie wrap you nick or cut a wireThe list of any 
problem can go on.  This KR did not have a removable top lid so work had to be 
done upside down and under the panel - a difficult job.   
    I am in the midst of rewiring a panel in a Sonex that will include a Dynon, 
EIS and Com plus more.  While taking it apart I found two loose ground screws 
(with four ground wires on each) two clipped wires going to nowhere, one 
intercom wire with connector not attached to anything (and they complained that 
it didnt work right),  improper crimps on many connectors,  plugs on the back 
of EIS not attached with screws,  and a "rats nest" appearance to it all.  This 
from a builder who may or may not have been an electrician.  To be done 
correctly one needs to  study and practice and many people dont take the time 
or think "that's good enough".   Well, not always.  
    I just am amazed when I hear that I am trying to throw one of my best 
friends under the bus when I took the risks of first tests flights for him in 
order to protect him the best I could, and I have done it for many people.  The 
deduction of an electrical failure is just on the facts that we have.  The real 
original failure that lead to the death of Cary was his decision to go outside 
of the planned testing and put himself in a more precarious situation where his 
options were minimized.  This can happen to any of us.   It is something I take 
very seriously since I do fly many planes.
To put this into perspective, how many people rent a 152 or 172 and know 
anything about the maintenance, how good the A is, who the last pilot was and 
so one but go ahead and fly it.  In a sense you are always test flying a rental 
because you have less control of the maintenance and care of the plane.   I go 
over a plane very carefully when flying for the first time.  It is good 
practice and will extend your life and give you more years of flying...maybe.  
Sometime you can still do everything right that you know to do and still end up 
short.   I think God has a lot to do with that.  We are not always in control, 
and in reality probably never are
Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

From: Stephen Glover 
To: KRnet 
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 11:00:26 AM
Subject: RE: KR> Valdosta crash

So was throwing the pilot under the bus for his electrical wiring when the
facts had not been released...  

Whatever the outcome of the investigation is, I think the speculation is
more damaging, especially to one's family if they happen to monitor the KR
net as opposed to saying something like, "that is terrible, I hope it wasn't
something the builder pilot did".  That is a little less accusatory of the
builder pilot, at least until the facts are out.  This stuff can happen to
anybody.  How would you want people talking about you in that case?

Steve Glover
Long-EZ N2121U
Former KR-2 N902G
Corona, CA

-Original Message-

You mean other than this was the first official engine installation product
of Bill Clapp's new company and he tried to blame the guy flying the plane?

Why do you make this remark? I think it is bad manners!

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KR> Valdosta crash - lessons to be learned....

2009-06-13 Thread william Clapp
I was really surprised to find out from Cary's friend Tim (a pilot) that he 
smoked all the time while flying.  Cary had driven up to VA to pick up a plane 
that Tim had purchased and ferried it down with Tim about two weeks before the 
accident.  On that flight (an airplane Cary had never flown before) Cary asked 
Tim if he could "light up"  since it calmed him down.  Of course Tim said no 
but it kind of shocked him as well.  Apparently Cary had always smoked when 
flying.  He got his license back in the 70s when it was typical to find 
ashtrays in airplanes.  I personally dont think he tried to smoke on that 
flight but had another problem electrical in nature since the radio frequency 
changed and the engine was still running when he attempeted the landing.  We 
wont ever know for sure but as I spend today installing a Dynon and EIS in an 
airplane I am spending extra time to secure all wiring properly and making sure 
there are good connectors. 
 Be cautious and deliberate in your work everybody.
Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

From: Stephen Glover 
To: KRnet 
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 9:48:39 AM
Subject: RE: KR> Valdosta crash - lessons to be learned

I do remember Cary from the Gathering and do remember he was a smoker.  If
that was the case, I think we all agree that it is not a good idea to be
smoking in any plane while flying.  I can't believe he would be that lax on
his first solo flight to be worrying about lighting up to smoke.  Who knows?

That is an interesting fact about the emergency radio. It is certainly
something I didn't know.  As I said, it will be interesting to find out the
results of the investigation. 

Steve Glover
Long-EZ N2121U
Former KR-2 N902G
Corona, CA

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KR> Sun n Fun 09 - Sell KR?

2009-05-03 Thread william Clapp
Sun n Fun was just as fun and eventful as always though with the added 
complexity of being an exhibitor this year.  I did do the smart thing and fly 
down to Lakland a couple days early to avoid the Notam and traffic.  It was a 
nice smooth and uneventful 1.5 hour trip listening to my MP3 and watching for 
traffic.  Beautiful day.   Sunday and Monday were spent setting up the displays 
and moving trailers and such.  I did not have much time to see all the stuff 
out there but did enjoy meeting friends and many new people.  Joe Horton was 
the only other KR there as far as I know.  Thanks for making the trip JOE!  My 
plane was in our tent and not on the flight line.   The start of our show was 
our IFB (Integral Front Bearing) and our new plane kits slated for delivery 
after Oshkosh.  Check out our website for more info.  Glenda, Steve Makish, and 
Bob Lester were some other KR people there.  The HOOTERS KR Dinner was a blast 
 many friends and good food.   Thanks to Jack for setting that up.  After an 
very busy week I cleaned up N41768 for a 1.3 hour trip home on Monday.  It was 
smooth and quick due to a nice tailwind.   I will post info online soon about 
the conversion in my plane - a bunch of interesting stuff on it.   I would like 
to thank all of those who came to visit and see who we are and our direction.  
We (Aeromax) hopes to have products available soon for the KR market.  Some of 
those who were at the show got to see the new spars, WAFs, and other components 
that will be out soon.  Wing skins and control systems will be available after 

For those interested, I will posssible by putting N41768 up for sale in a 
couple months.  There are some final details I want to do to it but it has been 
a plane that has served me well.  I am putting all my efforts into the new 
plane I am building and hope to have at Oshkosh.  Im not sure about the price 
on it but it will come with a new engine and other goodies.  For those who are 
considering a great flying plane send me an email.

Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

KR> KR2 fatal crash

2009-04-06 Thread william Clapp
To all,  It is with great saddness that I can say that the fellow that crashed 
his KR outside of Valdosta was a longtime friend of mine Cary Howard.  I waited 
for family permission before releasing his name.  Cary was a great man, quiet 
yet energetic.  He did a lot of work for me through the years as an 
electritian.  I spent many hours working, talking and flying with him.  He 
lived in Florida about an hour away.  Many in the KR group may have met him at 
the KR gathering in 06 when he flew with me to Mt. Vernon IL.  He leaves behind 
a wife and two grown children..  He will be missed by all who knew him.  He was 
a pilot of some time and had flew a variety of aircraft.  The details of the 
crash are that he had an apparent electrical fire (thought to come from a radio 
install he performed just prior to the flight) and was executing an emergency 
landing and clipped a tree.  More details will be handled through the FAA.   
Please put
 his family in your prayers.
Bill Clapp - Aeromax Aviation Manager
 KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta, GA /

From: Mark Jones 
To: KRnet 
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2009 5:01:27 PM
Subject: Re: KR> KR2 fatal crash

Yes he is but that does not mean he is the pilot in this crash. I have 
searched the Valdosta News and the name of the pilot has not been released 

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI

- Original Message - 
From: "Glenn Martin" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: KR> KR2 fatal crash

Isn't bill clapp from Valdosta?

Glenn Martin
KR2 N1333A
Biloxi, MS

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KR> Exhaust systems

2009-01-21 Thread william Clapp
For the first couple years of flying my KR I have been using a mild steel 
exhaust bolted to the original cast logs on the corvair.  I had them ceramic 
coated and they have worked very well as far as keeping temps down in the 
cowling and had not cracked.  Last year I tooled up and designed another 
exhaust using 4130, ceramic coated.  It has the advantage of being much lighter 
than my first installation and cleaner.  I have 100+ hours on it with no 
issues.  The are currently available through   I believe 
that it is true that the life of the mild steel exhaust is better than the 
stainless.  The ceramic coating is key to controling temperatures in the 
cowling and makes them look nice too.

 Bill Clapp - KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta GA 

KR> A new KR is born! --Glad your okay Mark

2008-11-03 Thread william Clapp
Folks-  I would like to congratulate Cary Howard on the first flight of his 
KR2/Corvair.  N456CH took off on Sunday afternoon (beautiful weather)  for a 
short flight around the pattern here in Valdosta Ga.   The airplane flew 
straight and true with no bad tendancies or major issues.  Engine performance 
and cooling was perfect.   More updates will come as Cary will need to be 
transitioned into his KR to fly off all the hours.  Again - Good job on your 
plane Cary!

Mark Jones---Glad your okay buddy.  I wont go into diagnosing for you since it 
looks like you've got a good handle on it.  It would be nice to find out wether 
it is a similar problem as Horton's cam gear.  Looks like you'll be busy over 
winter.  Keep your chin up.  

Bill Clapp - KR2S builder and pilot 
Valdosta GA

KR> (no subject)

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I know this is a bit different from a corvair guy, but is anybody interested in 
a O-200 engine core?  I have the case, crank, gears and rear housing and some 
other parts.  No Mags, or cylinders (they were toast).

  I also have a complete running O-200 available that belonged to a friend of 
mine.  Sell everything as a package or two seperate units.

  Asking 1500.00 for the core and 3500.00 for the complete engine.

  Email me back privately ...


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KR> Site update - upcoming trip

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hey ya'll,   I would like you to check out my web site,   and a 
couple new and more complete items.   I finally finished more of my biography 
and also added a new page - "Current Adventures".   Check out my last trip.  I 
will soon be doing a similar trip out to Colorado, so if you want to get in on 
it let me knowI have more stuff coming soon, such as a build up page of my 
KR and some flying stuff.  Also will have more on some of my projects and cars 
and such.  Please enjoy!.

  Bill Clapp

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KR> Northern Trip Update!

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Well, here I sit at my new computer to send out a hote to all those who are 
following the first of what I hope are many more successful trips to visit and 
help fellow builders and pilots.  As you may know I left out of Valdosta GA in 
my Corvair powered KR2S for LaGrange GA (180 m) on (last) tuesday morning and 
stopped in to visit Gardiner Mason and his Corvair powered Peitenpol.   I 
inspected a lot of his work and gave him some kind suggestions about directions 
to take in a few areas and signed off his wing work. 
 After a couple hours there I continuted my way to Casey (1H8) IL (440 
m).  There I spent a couple days with Cleone Markwell and his lovely wife.   We 
worked on his Corvair powered 601HD, completed an annual inspection and preped 
the airplane for first Corvair-powered flight.  It used to have a Subaru 
engine.  Thursday I test flew it and found it a pleasant flying plane.  Friday 
I flew with Cleone and found him to be competant as a pilot with a little 
brushing up.  Being that there are still a couple small things to take care of 
on his plane I will return to his strip before the last flight home to finish 
up - but I had to be in the air!  
Friday afternoon I left Casey for Fargo, ND (720 m).  I ended up making 
one fuel stop along the way in Independance Iowa because of weather I had to 
skirt cost me an hour.  I arrived in Fargo about 530pm and was met by John 
Kearney.  This is a great guy and his wife is better!  He is highly motivated 
to help fellow builders and has the right attitude about the whole concept 
about the Corvair movement.  I had a fabulous time meeting other Corvair 
builders and learning about their projects and answering questions.  I think we 
have a great group of people in our movement that reflects the quality of the 
idea behind the corvair.   
   Sunday afternoon I said goodybye to these guys and headed for Pittsburg 
Kansas (700 m) where I spent a nother day woth KR pilot Paul Russell.  He 
recently purchased Steve Glover's KR2 but wanted some instruction and a test 
flight.  So after test flying the airplane and repairing a couple small items 
we sent a little time in it to get Paul comfortable with the nature of the KR 
beast.   You should see him at the Gathering this year!
   Monday afternoon I left for Mountain View Mo to spend a day with my 
folks.  It was a break I needed after 2200 miles of flying.
Tuesday my dad and I flew my KR to Harrison AR to meet 601XL builder 
Robin Beloach and did a construction inspection and talked through some build 
questions that he had.  Look for a beautiful 601 flying overhead one of these 
days.  He has some great work!
   Now I am back at my folks getting some rest and preparing for my mom's 
birthday tomorrow - then its off to Illinois again before heading home..
   Give you all more later.

  Fly safe and build straight!   Bill Clapp

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KR> What is the movement?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I believe I first heard William Wynne call the corvair community and emphasis 
on learning as a "movemt".  It is hard to describe but once you and in int you 
understand it.   It realy is that levely mixture of friendships, hard work, 
reasearch and development, and enjoying the learning process that gives it that 
name.  It is in finding like people with similar goals and desires with a 
willingness to share and learn that atttract the corvair and should I also say 
the KR community.  The KR community (as we call it) understands much of this 
idea.  We have airplanes that though begin from similar plans are very 
different and show the acraftsmanship and ingenuity of its builder.  The 
Corvair is similar in that process.  However the "movement"  is about the 
people, not so much the product.   It is the product though that has brought 
all these like minded people together to encourage each other in their similar 
goals, to produce a owner built, safe flying airplane with the added
 benefit of gaining an education in aviation and engine mechanics.  I hope to 
meet many more people who are attracted and join the ranks of the movement.

  Bill Clapp and N41768

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KR> What is the movement?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I believe I first heard William Wynne call the corvair community and emphasis 
on learning as a "movemt".  It is hard to describe but once you and in int you 
understand it.   It realy is that levely mixture of friendships, hard work, 
reasearch and development, and enjoying the learning process that gives it that 
name.  It is in finding like people with similar goals and desires with a 
willingness to share and learn that atttract the corvair and should I also say 
the KR community.  The KR community (as we call it) understands much of this 
idea.  We have airplanes that though begin from similar plans are very 
different and show the acraftsmanship and ingenuity of its builder.  The 
Corvair is similar in that process.  However the "movement"  is about the 
people, not so much the product.   It is the product though that has brought 
all these like minded people together to encourage each other in their similar 
goals, to produce a owner built, safe flying airplane with the added
 benefit of gaining an education in aviation and engine mechanics.  I hope to 
meet many more people who are attracted and join the ranks of the movement.

  Bill Clapp and N41768

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KR> Northbound!

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Well here I am in Casey IL.  Ive been spending the last couple days working on 
Cleone Markwell's 601HD with Corvair.  After performing an annual inspection 
and some repairs to electrical and other systems we fired it up and flew it 
this morning.  Nice Flying plane.   We still have a couple squaks to take care 
of but hope to have all finished up tomorrow before leaving for Fargo ND for 
the "Corvair High"   I sure the weather doesnt pose a bad problem for me.  

  On the way up here I stopped by Gardiner Mason's place in La Grange GA and 
looked in on his Pietenpol/corvair project.  He has some nice woodwork and neat 
ideas about his plane.  I signed off his wings for covering and helped him get 
a few ideas together about cowl and fuel systems.  It was a worthwhile couple 
of hours I hope.

  If you are anywhere along my route and want me to stop by for a bite or an 
inspection...let me know.  Ill check my emails enroute.   I plan to leave ND on 
sunday and head for Kansas and then into Missouri.  

  FLy Safe guys..   Bill Clapp

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KR> Trip to Fargo?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Here are some tenative plans.  If thigs work out I hope to be flying north to 
Fargo for the Mini Corvair college the begins on the 25th of May.  I  should 
leave out of here on the 21st and visit some Peitenpol guys in Atlanta, then 
the 26 to Tennessee area, then Casey IL to work on Cleone Markwell's 601 - hope 
to get it flying - then onto Fargo.  On the way back I will be stopping in 
Pittsburg Kansas to help a guy get KR current.  Then a visit to my folks in 
Mountain View Missouri and then home by the 30th.  If I can stop by or you need 
a quick inspection or a KR ride ( for those who are about ready and will fit in 
mine) go ahead and ask.   I should have some corvair manuals and maybe some 
cool products with me.  This is a working trip for me - not pro bono - but I do 
want to stop and see you guys that I can along the way.   As I firm up plans 
and if the weather cooperates Ill let you know more.
I went out flying on Thursday for about and hour or so - about the only 
smoke free day weve had here in a while.  Please pray for rain in our area.  It 
is dangerous and people have dies here due to the fires and smoke.
  Bill Clapp

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KR> "Sanity Saturday" nears.

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
- Do you have a hand miter saw?  That would make less noise and let you procede 
on a lot of stuff.   My dad mad his KR and cut most of the wood by handsaw and 
adjustable miter blocks.  Just an IDEA!   Bill

Darren Crompton  wrote:  OK. It's Friday night and I am 
counting down the hours to 9am tomorrow

I worked out which angles to set the compound mitre saw to in order to cut
the bottom cross members so they align perfectly with the bottom longeron.
Pics and explanations are on the web site.
So my Friday hasn't been a total loss and I have now picked up my dropped
bottom lip.

9 hours and 38 minutes to go!

Darren Crompton
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KR> North bound trip ! Web site UP and being developed - Please comment!

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Here's the schedule so far and Lord willing.I am leaving out of Valdosta Ga 
on Tuesday morning, flying to LaGrange to visit with Gardner Mason , Peitenpol 
builder, and then onto Cleone Markwell's (Zenith 601 HDS) that evening.  Im 
hoping to do an inspection and RTS flight on his plane so that he is back 
flying again.  I will then fly up to Fargo ND for the "Corvair High" during the 
weekend.  Sunday be flying to Pittsburg, Kansas to help a new KR pilot get 
checked out in his plane - Steve Glover's former KR.  Then on to Mountain View, 
MO to see my folks for a day, then heading back home around the 30th or 31.   I 
should have access to email and my cell phone with be with me during that time. 

  Also new to the scene is my new web site that is up.  Forgive me that it is 
not yet finished but will be working on it during my trip (I learning still).   
The Services link and Ask Bill are functional nowplease enjoy and comment 
on what you see and like.   There is much more to come so visit often in the 
future.  So start your ADVENTURE at

  Thank all   Bill Clapp and N41768 (470 hours.)

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KR> Wing attach fittings - twin

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Okay - time to mix it up!   I just have a couple questions.  WAFs are currently 
made out of 4130.   Can I have them hydro cut from stainless and what would be 
the difference in material strength?  I am planning for a WAF that is a single 
piece on either side of the spar instead of two.  I may also make them a little 
longer down the length of the spar (only a inch or so) and maybe a bit thicker. 
 Any suggestions?   I do believe that the stock WAFs may be just fine  but I 
need to incorporate the motor mount into the forward WAF.   Bill Clapp

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KR> Floats

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
No - but Ive heard that they do float!

bobby burington  wrote:  HI,
I looked through about 500 entries and couldn't find any info on floats. Has 
anyone put floats on their KR, or does anyone have any information on floats 
for the KR-2 ?. 

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KR> Tornado

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Mark - please run the engine a little richer than you do - fuel is a lot of 
your cooling.  Hope the tornado makes a big difference.  Bill

Mark Jones  wrote:  I forgot to mention in my flight report 
that this was also the first time I flew with the Tornado installed behind the 
carburetor. I must say that I am pleased with the results. I no longer have to 
constantly chase the mixture gauge to keep the mixture steady in the green. My 
vote is yes the Tornado definitely does help distribute and even up the mixture 
to all cylinders.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI 
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KR> Home from Sun n Fun

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Yes - Im finally back home - although only an hour and a half away from 
Lakeland it is nice to anticipate sleeping in a real bed.   I arrived at Sun n 
Fun on Monday the 16th  trailing Rick Lindstroms pretty 601XL.   We both 
arrived unscathed and tied down.   I spent the week camped out next to the 
Steen Skybolt guys - a great bunch with a great cook!   I spent most of the 
time on the flight line taking and displaying the Corvair and KRs.   Dave "the 
Bear"s Wagabond, Dan Weezmans "Cleanex", the Personal Cruiser, Mark Langfords 
KR2S, Joe Hortons KR2S, mine and the Zenith 601 made up the seven corvairs that 
flew in.   Saw lots of cool stuff and met a lot of new people.  Also gave a 
couple rides.  I will have a longer update later.
  Left out today at 1140 and got home at 1:15 - not bad.   It was a good time 
and a nice KR dinner as well.  Hope to see more of you soon.

  Bill and N41768 - 456 hours...

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KR> Magazine article

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Just a reminder - my Kr finished was 7300.00 - and that was in 2004!  It is 
still possible.  Im trying tp build my twin in under 8000.00  I think I can do 
it again!   Bill wrote:  Hi all i have the magazine just have to find it . 
that magzine started my 
love of the kr the airplane was troy pettways kr before all the changes i 
think it was sport avation 1993

mac n1055a and 1940 taylorcraft n26633

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KR> 35 for 35th

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hey there Mark - Yeah Ive been laid back watching all the hubub as well.  I 
think that is why I shut down my TV and internet when I started building my 
airplane and just took good hands on advise from people I knew that build 
flying stuff.   I  remember the day I turned on the internet and Larry Koutz 
was trying to explain to someone that the reason I wasnt talking online was 
because I was building.  When I turned it on was the day I flew the first 
flight.  Something to be said about getting rid of distractions.  Well, it is 
450 hours later and I just got back from a nice flight with my next-door hanger 
mate that has a beautiful RV8.  We bored holes and shot some landing and flybys 
at local airports.  He still is finishing his 40 hours.  His DAR gave him100 
miles radius - can you believe?  I only got 25 and had only one other srtip to 
choose from for my test period.   But we had a blast.  Going to fly to a 
pancake breakfast in the morning with him - take Elaine along as
 well.  I may fly WW airplane there - I have it parked in my hanger right now.  
Flew it up from Massey this morning.   A nice flying 601!  Still like my KR 
more though.   
 Oh - make sure to put me down for the cadre of 35!  I be there Lord 
willing.   Wont have the twin but maybe some new info.  We shall see.  But I 
should see you at Oshkosh.

  Fly safeBill and 41768

Mark Jones  wrote:
  Hi guys,
I have been kind of sitting back just reading the KR Net lately and not posting 
much. I have been so busy with major changes at work and am also in the process 
of selling my house, relocating to Stevens Point, WI, buying a house there, 
etc...etc...etc... Anyway, the reason for this post is to again start pushing 
and campaigning for another record breaking attendance at the annual KR 
Gathering. You new builders out there may not know much about the Gathering and 
if that is the case, you need to visit this web site ( 
) and make a commitment to attend. The subject line of this post says "35 for 
35th". This is the 35th anniversary of KR flight and our goal this year is to 
have a minimum of 35 KR aircraft fly in to the Gathering. If this is achieved, 
it will indeed be a record that has never been set before and that is to have 
35+ KR's together at one time. Just think what this will do for the future of 
KR aircraft. I am appealing to all KR builders and
 pilots to make this Gathering an event not to miss. I am also encouraging and 
begging all KR PILOTS with airworthy KR's to fly their plane to the Gathering. 
I just took a look at the pre-registration list on the Gathering web page and 
right now it does not look too bright. Only 16 people have registered saying 
they will attend and of those, only 8 of us have committed to flying out KR 
there. I am going to add some incentive to the mixture here.If you commit 
to flying your KR to the Gathering and actually show up with your KR, you will 
receive a small engraved plaque that will be worthy of mounting inside your 
cockpit possibly on the instrument panel. This will be similar to the engraved 
plaques which are attached to trophies. I have not completely decided on the 
inscription and am open for suggestions. It should read something similar to "I 
flew my KR to the 35th CELEBRATION of KR FLIGHT, MVN". It will be done with 
taste and could even have your "N" added. There are
 only 5 months (160 days) till this event takes place and we need 
pre-registration and committed pilots. If you are a pilot who is going to help 
us achieve this goal by flying your KR to the Gathering, please register as 
soon as possible. Will you proudly display this plaque in your KR? I will and I 
sure hope you will too.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI 
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KR> New stuff from WW - Sun n Fun

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Just a little update...I just got back from WW in Florida and had a most 
excellent time.  I got to personally see a few new goodies that are on his new 
web update...The Gold prop hub is so cool looking and light!   Im putting in a 
order for a couple very soon.  Another Way cool item is that new CNC oil filter 
housing that bolts onto the oil pump housing.  ALthough it is still in testing 
I think it is a great idea.  WW truly is trying to stay ahead in the testing 
and RND.  I saw all sorts of CNC stuff and parts starting to pile up.  This is 
proof enough that he is working in the right direction to provide QUALITY stuff 
for us Corvair bums and is working on getting a good QUANTITY out to us.  We 
need to be patient but it will be worth it.  He even set me up with the Crane 
electronic points to start testing.  They fit in the distributor across from 
the regular points and read the cam lobes.  More updates will come.  WW is 
pulling his hair out right now trying to get ready for
 another Sun n Fun and all the work that goes on there.  He will sell some 
parts and put on some great forums as always and answer a thousand questions 
from all sorts of folks.  I plan to fly down on Monday in my KR and spend the 
week helping out.  It is the least I can do after all the help he has been to 
all of us.  I thank him for his good advise and for the laughs as well.

  Hope to see some of you at SUN N FUN this year!

  Bill and N41768

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KR> update and parts - electronic ignition

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Back into the air again with a couple changes on the plane.   I was down at WW 
helping him do some flying and checkout on the 601 when we decided to install 
the Crane electronic points (without points) into the WW distributor.  After a 
little playing around we had it up and running.  Flew around a bit and flew 
home on the electronics.  There doesnt seem to be much of a difference in the 
way the engine runs but  may make starting easier and smoother running.  The 
ingition pulses should be more accurate and smoother.

  Yes WW is very busy at the moment.  He is making up parts for the upcoming 
Sun n Fun and getting orders filled.  I know that there are new products coming 
down the pike to make things easier for us homebuilders.  The gold hub  is one 
of those products and is a beauty to behold and simpler than the original black 
hub.   I will eventually have to order a couple for myself for the twin but 
that is down the road.  Still have to get spars built.  

  Will be doing a little flying this week I hope and working to save up monies 
for the new airplane...Should be at the Gathering '08Hoping.

  FLy safe..Bill

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KR> WW parts, building the "TWIN"

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hi guys - Well I guess Ill put in my two cents worth.  Im not sure if the 
whole"Jeff" thing was a prank or not but I thought it a little upsetting when I 
saw that somebody wanted to market direct copies of WW stuff.  Its nice enought 
that he gives us drawings for his parts and manual and colleges and more but we 
should let him profit where he can because believe me there isnt much profit in 
a College ( those who have been there understand) other that learning and 
building friendships.  I build engine at times and help others in their builds 
but I dont sell any parts that are copies of WW stuff.  In fact I recommend 
that if I help someone out that they purchase their stuff from WW and then I 
will help them install and test their build.  I do also build parts for WW at 
times but these parts are under his control and quality management, as it 
should be.   If you have something new and snazy for the Corvair market that is 
of your idea and design I welcome you.  Understand that
 we will check it out and want proven and tested items as much as possible.   
My airplane is a direct result of WW help and advise.  I do a lot of testing 
for him, as I am now with the Crane electronic points.   But I also take WW's 
criticism and advise seriously.  I suggest that you do as well.  If he want to 
sell you a part because he trusts it, believe me it isnt because he might make 
some money on it but because he cares for your safety.   I hope to see many 
more corvair powered aircraft safely in the air and I know that WW is a major 
part  of that.

   "Did you say TWIN?"   Somebody has asked and the answer is yes.  I am in the 
process of building a KR twin.   I guess I call it a KR because much of the 
design perameters and construction methods are similar.  The Fuselage is very 
similar in shape to mine, but 18" longer with a 20% Vertical and Rudder.  the 
Fuse itself is made of 3/4" Nomex carbon Fiber board and so should be light and 
very strong.  It is 40" in width at the shoulders and slightly narrower at the 
"firewall" (actually the forward baggage compartment and radio bay).   The 
Canopy is a dragonfly from Todds Canopies - should be here soon.  The elevator 
is a Lancair 320 premade part (good to 250 knots)  I currently have the wheels 
and brakes and a few other little goodies.   
  The wing will be the new airfoil 8" spar wing with a few minor 
modifications.  The outboard wings will remain basically stok with integral 
fuel tanks.  The center wing section is what will have some major changes.   It 
will be 10' long - 2' longer than stock and will have plywood skins top and 
bottome with wood or composite ribs for torsional and weight carrying loads.  
The  engines (2700 cc stock corvair) will be on mounts that attach to the main 
spars that have a tube reacing to the rear spar to carry loads.  The gear will 
be mounted off the engine mounts.  There should be less stress on the center 
spar in flight mode since the wings will carry the weight more evenly.  The 
mounts will carry the weight of the engines when on the ground.   The spars 
should not carry any more stress that a stock spar in a stock KR  even though 
this plane is set up to be 900 lb empty  and 1500 gross.  It will be very 
simple in design and control.  Just a larger KR2 with outboard
 engines.   I have the engine cores and some parts.   Right now just needing to 
make money to have time to work on it and buy some foam, wood and resin.  Maybe 
Gathering 08?   We shall see.   
  Pray for good decision making along the way. - Donations are 
welcomed...Remember, I have to build this thing for less that 8000.00!

  Bill Clapp

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KR> Twin !

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Yes I am building the twin but right now stuck until I get the wood picked up 
to build the center spars with.  Once I get the center spars built then I will 
assemble the fuselage.  I think I can build most of the boat in a week.  Nomex 
is easy to work with.  I dont have much documentation but I will be working on 
that as well.  If I can ever figure out how to build a web site I may do more.  
Maybe put it on Glendas' siteIll get some drawings out sometime soon.   
Mostly I build by the TLAR method.   Bill

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KR> Fwd: Twin !

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp

Note: forwarded message attached.

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KR> Engines

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
If you are going CORVAIR - I picked up mine froma junkyard for about 150.00  a 
few weeks later and a couple thouseand bucks and I had a running engine.  Of 
course the Corvair has changed somewhat since I built mine and upgraded it so I 
think that if you built it yourself you could finish it for about $4000 with 
all the conversion parts installed.  If you buy it outright youll pay 8.000.00  
But that is half the price of a Jab or O200 and rebuild costs are in the 
hundreds of dollars, not thousands.  I like mine.   450 hours on Corvair and 
loving it!
  Good luck in you choicesBill Clapp

Nick Brennan  wrote:
  I'm looking (just looking, I can't afford the engine yet, and no where near 
ready for it yet), where do y'all find your engines to buy?

I'm sure there's great deals out there, somewhere

(by the way, sorry if this appears twice, I'm having a heck of a problem 
getting the KR Net mailing list to actually post my submisions)

Nick Brennan 

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KR> Rolls

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
The KRrolls fairly well but mine is a little on the slow side.   The stresses 
on the airframe are negligable.  The biggest problem I have is roll rate and 
that can be fixed by increasing my aileron travel.  Ive got mine set on the low 
end but am sure if I added 3 or 4 degrees to the travel that then the rate 
would be correct.  The tendency on a slow roll is that the nose tends to drop 
at the end quite a bit.  You perform more of a barrel roll - not at airleron or 
axial roll.   The roll is good practice for unusual attitude recovery and 
understanding aircraft control.  WARNING!!  Dont go out and do this without 
some experience, training, or considerable thought and reading.  These are 
attitudes that can go wrong quickly if you dont know what you are doing.  

  Fly Safe!  Bill

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KR> Sun n Fun

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hello KR world.  Yes I do plan to attend Sun n Fun again this year Lord 
willing.   I hope to have my grandfathers 1960 Airstream down in camping again 
and bring my daughter down and spend the whole week.   It is a really good time 
for the both of us.  We try to promote KRs and the Corvair engine as much as 
possible.  It is a really relaxing airshow - as far a airshows go.   Busy to be 
sure but fun.  Really enjoy the roasted corn and music!  Elaine and I have fun 
biking around and seeing the other campers and some of the exibits.  Of course 
this year Elaine will have here HEELEES with her to travel betterI might 
have to get me a pair - she can really move with those things.   Im not sure if 
Ill have the turbo install completed by then but I hope to.   Keep building and 

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KR> Sun n Fun

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hello KR and Corvair world.  Yes I do plan to attend Sun n Fun again this year 
Lord willing.   I hope to have my grandfathers 1960 Airstream down in camping 
again and bring my daughter down and spend the whole week.   It is a really 
good time for the both of us.  We try to promote KRs and the Corvair engine as 
much as possible.  It is a really relaxing airshow - as far a airshows go.   
Busy to be sure but fun.  Really enjoy the roasted corn and music!  Elaine and 
I have fun biking around and seeing the other campers and some of the exibits.  
Of course this year Elaine will have here HEELEES with her to travel 
betterI might have to get me a pair - she can really move with those 
things.   Im not sure if Ill have the turbo install completed by then but I 
hope to.   Keep building and flying!Bill

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KR> oops... I missed Friday (off-topic VW post)

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
That is awesome - I need one in my yard!

Oscar Zuniga  wrote:  The only KR content here is that 
some KRs fly with VW engines. Now for the 
rest of the story: try to find the engine on this VW:

Bill Clapp should get an extra kick out of this "restoration"!

Oscar Zuniga
San Antonio, TX
website at

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KR> Congrats Jaco!

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Congratulations to a new KR member!   As one who's been there - there is 
nothing quite like it!...YEEEHHAAAWWW!   Continue with care and many happy 
hours awaitBill

AVLEC  wrote:  Well, except for Mark J, I havn't seen a 
single word of congratulations to
Jaco Swanepoel on the first flight of his beautiful KR2S. For those who did
it privately, good on you! For those who didn't do it at all, shame on you!
Although I have already congratulated Jaco over the phone, I would like to
also congratulate him here on behalf of everybody on the list.
CONGRATULATIONS Jaco!! I am sure it will fly as good as it looks. I can't
wait for you to fly it down to PE for a looksee! For those that havn't seen
his plane, you should take a look at his websight!
As Mark said: "let's hear that YEEEHAAA soon.
Dene Collett
KR2SRT builder
South africa
Whisper assembler

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KR> Gone flying

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Just got back from a little flying and some testing in the Kr - hadnt flown in 
a few days so I thought I would go out and have some fun.  Brought in a couple 
numbers for you number crunchers out there.

  at 21" MAP - 4600'altitude, 55 degrees outside, 5.2 gal/hr, 150 mph (gps two 
ways) 124 indicated (I know I have airspeed error of about 20mph).

  at 24" MAP - 4600' , 55 degrees, 6.0 gal/hr, 170 gps (two ways) 139 indicated

  I didnt try full throttle but still had about 1.5 " MAP remaining

  Practices stalls - buffets at 58 mph TA and I can easily fly it in the buffet 
area for an extended period of time without losing aileron control.

  Had some fun flying around - did 15 stop and goes to practice short field and 
some "very" tight patern work...20 gallons of fuel.   I was off the ground in 
600 feet - climbing out at 1500'min at 60 indicated (80 acutal due to error) .  
I was able to consistently land and stop within 1000'. I practiced a few 
patterns within the length of the runway (5000').  Takeoff, turn crosswing at 
midfield, downwind within .25 of the runway at 400' and land.   Downwind speed 
was 120.  I could do a pattern in a minute..easy.  Controlled 
airfield...controller really enjoyed it.  It helps in brushing up on the 
performance and capabilities of your airplane.  With the belly board and 
corvair power, this plane is fantastic.  

  Fly over to my house and did some low passes - scared the cows next door Im 

  All around a nice time out.

  Hopefully this motivates you to get busy.Happy building!   Bill and N41768

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KR> Flying - radio - Corvair engine for sale

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Finally back in the air after installing a new handheld.  I though t the 
transmitter on the Delcom radio died but what I found out is that my headset 
adapter doesnt work proprerly.  I couldnt use it with the aircraft PTt or 
intercom so I went ahead and purchased a Vertex 300.  Nice radio with nav, air 
temp, wx and a bunch of other features.  Best part is that it works well with 
my intercom.  I went out flying and was able to talk to a airport 50 miles 
out.not bad.  Its better than waiting for a green light.   Only problem I 
have is that I can get the squelch to cut out the static when flying.  I think 
it has more to do with the antenna than anything else...Ill check into that - 
maybe get a couple ideas.  Flew around a little - did a couple of accelerated 
passes at the airstrip (meaning accelerating from 165 at 10 ' off the 
deck)...and clocked in at 181.  Not too shabby.  Had fun all around.   Hopeing 
to go chase a friend of mine in the next door hanger that just got his
 airworthiness ticket on his RV8 - nice plane!   Lots of $ though.  He hopes to 
do first flight tomorrow afternoon.   We shall see!  

  Will be gettting stuff together for a KR Workshop soonHave one for sure 
interested guy from Texas - maybe another might come?  I could sure use some 
help on the twin.

  Still have a 110 corvair engine for sale - 75% ready to installjust need 
the W Wynne conversion parts.$ me 229-506-7741  Bill Clapp  

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KR> Radio...

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Just got back from a flight to a neighboring airport where 100LL is cheaper and 
giving the folks a couple low passes.  Am trying out my new Vertex handheld.  
It works real well with my intercom and I can transmit about 60 miles out.  The 
only problem I have, and I had it with another handheld, is that I cannot 
squelch out the static.  If I use the whip antenna it silences the static no 
problem.  But when using the aircraft antenna, it wont silnce with the squelch. 
 SO I know it is an antenna problem.  I made the standard copper tape antenna 
but forgot to us the teroids (?)   Is there a fix for this problem? 

  Still having fun..Bill

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KR> Delcom radio

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Has anybody here worked on wiring a Dlecom handheld into an intercom to use in 
a Kr?  Having trouble making the mic side work.  I can get the transmitt to 
come on with the PTT but tower says that transmit is "scratchy and weak"  but 
unplugged and using radio mic is strong.   ANy hints?   - Bill

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KR> Delcom radio

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Has anybody here worked on wiring a Dlecom handheld into an intercom to use in 
a Kr?  Having trouble making the mic side work.  I can get the transmitt to 
come on with the PTT but tower says that transmit is "scratchy and weak"  but 
unplugged and using radio mic is strong.   ANy hints?   - Bill

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KR> Corvair engine

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Still have a Corvair 110 engine available - partially built for aircraft - 
nitrided crank and me 229-506-7741 .Bill
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KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Okay - lets not confuse people too much - My actual email is 
- Sorry Dan - that is a real old oneHope all is well with you...thanks  
Bill Clapp

Dan Heath  wrote:  OK, maybe it is because you don't know 
Bill's address. This workshop is a
great idea and a wonderful thing. But Mark is right, it belongs OFF net. 
So here is Bill's e-mail address so you can contact him directly.

Clappw@Bellsouth. Net

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2007 - KR Gathering
There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original message-

would be interested in a wings work shop
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KR> The new KR

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I still fly a Wright Flyer.I think the human part of us that drives us to 
strive forward in improvements and modifications, both in speed and safety, are 
things that are important in aviation otherwise we would all be in Wright 
flyers today.  Yes - the Kr I fly now is a dramatic improvement to the original 
design.  The Original KR2 has it benefits and faults and I believe through the 
advent of ingenuity we have made it a far superior and safer airplane today.   
Mark is right that I feel much more comfortable flying the new Kr compared to 
my other Kr2.   The margins of safety are better and the comfort is better.   
Now all you originalist shouldnt throw your Kr away but if you are building one 
now I would take full advantage of the many improvents that have been 
developed.  They dont cost more or cause much more time in construction but 
dramatically improve upon a good design.   

  Now if I can get my transceiver to work properly...Bill Clapp

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KR> KR WORKSHOP #1? - Gear install - stub wing

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
In order to see if there is any interest in the KR WORKSHOP idea I am going to 
make a proposal.   Call me if your interested in attending.   I have a KR2 that 
is going to have the orginal retracts removed, Dan Deihl gear installed and 
stub wings glassed and preped.  These have wing skins so I can show how to 
attach and some mods that can be done.  If your intersted in coming for a week 
I will have the guest house available.  There will be a charge per person for 
the stay and room and board but you could drive - bring your project and store 
down here for another visit later - or have me work on it - or just come to 
learn.  This forum will probably be scheduled for the first week in February 
(maybe second)  That is the idea for now.   A wing building forum will be a 
couple weeks later.

  Call if you have any interestBill Clapp 229-506-7741

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KR> KR WORKSHOP #1? - Gear install - stub wing

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Not a bad idea - Ill look into it.

Rick and Pam  wrote:  could it be possible to document these 
workshops with a video? I would love 
to come to the gear workshop but I still have to earn a living. you could 
probably make quite a bit of money just by setting up a camera and editing a 
little. Just think what a construction video would be worth to someone 
just starting 

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KR> KR WORKSHOP / nose bowl question

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
If you have the KR2 (not S) it will work fine - just have to split the bottom 
cowl half and pull it together.   I have done a couple and they turned out 
well.  Check Glenda McElwees web site  - It fits perfect on the 
2S (see my photos).. Make sure your getting the KR cowl - not just he 

Keith and Martha Crawford  wrote:

I would love to see construction video for the kr.
I live in michigan so loading up my parts and bringing them down 
would be quite hard
and bringing them home would be even harder.

I also have a question for you or Mr Wynne.
I plan on using his nose bowl on my plane. do I need different 
measurements for my fire wall or will stock work fine.
Keith crawford
saint johns MI

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Subject: KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Ben - give me a call on my home line - 229-506-7741 - If you want a week long 
training session built to suit - let me know.   If you spent a week doing 
woodwork - building a spar - glassing a wing, getting questions answered - and 
getting home with a lot more experience and MOJO to build - what is that worth 
to you?   Id like to help - Ill put you on the calander if you want.   Bill

benji mosley  wrote:  Subject: KR> KR Builders Workshop 

Bill,this sounds like a wonderful idea.I am in Spartanburg,South Carolina.I am 
planning to start my build this summer and it would be great to have help 
building.This could save time and money for first time composite builders.Will 
you help to build either Mark Langford's or Rand Robinson's wing design?This is 
the area were I will need help.

Ben Mosley

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KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hi Jon - thanks for the interest.  What would you like to lear for sure?   If 
intersted Ill be starting to book up the calender for Workshops.   You can 
drive down and bring your stuff or just learn how to do it.   Call me 
229-506-7741 - Thanks  -Bill

Jon Sanders  wrote:  Bill,

The building program sounds real good, Ineed to buil the outer wings and 
rebuild the horizontal stabelizer. I cannot attend may 17th through may 

Jon Sanders 

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KR> header tanks

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
My preference on my Corvair KR2S is to run the header because of my gravity 
feed carb - Gravity is pretty dependable - I think it is more reliable than a 
fuel pump (no reported incidents of loss of gravity other than with some 
assossiated UFO sightings)  I have a 13 gallon header and 10 gallons in each 
wing.  Trim is not a big issue and it probably actually helps in that with 
higher weights I can transfer more fuel to the header to make it more stable in 
landings.I would opt for a Summit racing tank in the future.  You can get a 
8 gallon tank that is crash survivable for about 120.00 dollars. Not a bad 
investment - already has fittings and fuel foam...Just and idea.  Bill

AVLEC  wrote:  Hi Guys
I have been thinking long and hard about the possibility of not installing
my aluminum header tank and just sticking with the two outboard wing tanks.
I did build the tank with its CG as close to the spar as possible. It will
take about 50 litres to fill it.
I would like to hear from those who have header tanks (possibly with a
corvair). How much does your CG change with fuel burn-off? My fuselage is
stock 2S dimensions.
Another problem I have if I get rid of the header tank is the sight guage
goes with it. I had planned on running from the header tank only with a
transfer pump filling the header when necessary. Wing tanks are not full
width between the spars either but rather longer, narrower units keeping the
fuel close to the CG for minimal influence. Provision will be made to suck
direct from the wing tanks should the transfer pump fail.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Dene Collett
KR2SRT builder
South africa
Whisper assembler

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KR> Mobile KR Workshop

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
For some that might be interested I will also be putting my A services and KR 
experience out on the market as part of the KR Workshop - gone mobile!  If you 
so desire, I will fly (in my KR) to your location to help build, inspect, do 
modifications, annuals, check project to buy or sell, give a ride (if within 
size and weight limitations), engine install or build help.  Call me at 
229-506-7741.   These would be personal visits, If you want to arrange a small 
get together with other friends and have a mini forum/build let me know.  I can 
bring some material with me as far as printed information and my knowledge.   I 
can also help you in brushing up on decision making/ flying skills and such.   
If interested - please call.  I am beginning to fill in my calander for the 
year - Sun'Fun - Oshkosh  - KR Gathering - and Corvair college times are taken 
-  First trips planning sometime in February.   Thanks - Bill

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KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Here is my idea on the wing build.   

  Build the outer wing panel first.  Using a jig I have build both outboard 
wing sections completely.  The builder would go home to his boat with both 
wings completed.  The fuselage is then leveled and the wing attach fittings are 
drilled onto the center spars.  The center spars would not have the ribs or be 
glassed yet.   You then glue in the center stub ribs, foam and glass.  That way 
all outboard wings are the same.  You could make another pair and they would 
fit the same fuse or others done in the same process.  I am also looking at 
selling stub wing skins to make that portion of the job easier.  I could attach 
a wing and finish the center stub in a couple days here at the shop but could 
be done easily at your home.  This also eliminates a lot of the "flipping" of 
the airplane over.

  An IDEA - in the works..Bill

Larry Flesner  wrote:
  At 02:51 PM 1/1/2007, you wrote:
> 1) A one week workshop on building wings. You bring your 
> outboard spars and during the week I show you how to jig and build 
> the wings up.

Sounds like that would be a support that many builders could use.
I'm not sure though how you would build the outer wing panels
without the spars attached to the center section spars for proper
jigging and fit of the wing attach fittings. They have to be a perfect
fit. Maybe I'm missing something.

Larry Flesner

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KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
John - how far is your build - I have some wing ideas I am working on to make 
it easy to do.  I will get a calender together in while and let people know.   
Call if needed 229-506-7741  Bill

John Godwin <> wrote:  Bill,
You just let me know when you want to start and I'm there. I will be
ready to start my wings in a few months and I would love to have the chance
to have the help of another builder with your experience. 
John Godwin

> [Original Message]
> From: william Clapp 
> To: 
> Date: 1/1/2007 3:51:00 PM
> Subject: KR> KR Builders Workshop Program
> As some of you know I have built a couple KRs in the past - am flying
N41768 right now and have helped or am helping with a couple other builds. 
After some consideration and thought I have decided to put this idea out
for your consideration and thought. I have a 5000 sq' shop here at my
house with a two bedroom guest house. I have a paintbooth big enought to
paint a fuselauge and all the necessary tooling for building KRs and
engines. I am located only 5 miles from Valdosta Airport in Valdosta
Georgia. The idea is this. To make my shop and skills available for KR
builders who are interested in building their planes. 

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KR> KR workshop

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Just so you all know, If I do go ahead with this idea of a workshop there will 
be a website up and running so that you will be informed.  For now I am just 
getting ideas together.   

  One new idea - have a  time for checking prepurchased KRs and have them 
inspected and improved for flight.  As a A I can legally do annual or 
condition inspections and do repairs and modifications.   Something to mull 

  Looking for other ideas.Bill Clapp

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KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Yes - I believe that coul;d be a possibility as well - I do build them for cars 
and have owned a 2100D turbo Revemaster.SO that is also possible.   Bill

Lee Van Dyke  wrote:  Bill,

Will you be offering a VW Engine building forum also.

Lee Van Dyke

> 3) Engine build workshop - in conjunction with William Wynne have a 
> Corvair installation or building workshop. Help in assembly or test 
> running. (test stand available)

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KR> KR workshop

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I can do any of the A type inspections such as condition or annual and sign 
off spars and such.  As far as a DAR inspection and paperwork for your 
Airworthiness card - that is something I am debating about gettingtakes 
time and expense to get but might be an option later on this yearBill

Rick and Pam  wrote:  could you do the faa inspections that 
are required

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Subject: KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Welcome to the group ! Yes we will be building different wing configurations.   
The first will probably be Dan Diehl wing skins this coming month.   I will 
have more information for you shortly.   Thanks - Bill

benji mosley  wrote:  Subject: KR> KR Builders Workshop 

Bill,this sounds like a wonderful idea.I am in Spartanburg,South Carolina.I am 
planning to start my build this summer and it would be great to have help 
building.This could save time and money for first time composite builders.Will 
you help to build either Mark Langford's or Rand Robinson's wing design?This is 
the area were I will need help.

Ben Mosley

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KR> 35 for 35 at AirVenture 2007

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Count me in Mark - maybe for two!

Mark Jones  wrote:
  As most of you know, the KR celebrates it's 35th birthday this year. I have 
designated myself, with the blessing of some others, to organize a flight of a 
minimum of 35 KR's to attend AirVenture 2007. Right now, this is strictly in 
the preliminary stages of planning. What I need from you KR pilots is a 
commitment (a true commitment) that you will fly your KR to Airventure this 
year. If I receive enough commitments from you KR pilots to have this group fly 
to AirVenture, then I will make contact with the EAA officials and plan this 
with them. I also have other ideas that will be incorporated into this event. 
This is something that I must have your commitment on to proceed with planning. 
I certainly am not going to contact EAA with them thinking there will be 35 
plus KR's there and only have five or six show up. Let me know your thoughts. 
This would be an excellent way to further promote the KR. Thanks,

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
My Web site:

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KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
As some of you know I have built a couple KRs in the past - am flying N41768 
right now and have helped or am helping with a couple other builds.  After some 
consideration and thought I have decided to put this idea out for your 
consideration and thought.   I have a 5000 sq' shop here at my house with a two 
bedroom guest house.  I have a paintbooth big enought to paint a fuselauge and 
all the necessary tooling for building KRs and engines.  I am located only 5 
miles from Valdosta Airport in  Valdosta Georgia.   The idea is this.  To make 
my shop and skills available for KR builders who are interested in building 
their planes.  For example:

   1)   A one week workshop on building wings.  You bring your outboard spars 
and during the week I show you how to jig and build the wings up.  You can stay 
at the guest house and we work all week and you leave with a completed wing or 
with the knowledge on how to finish.  If needed stays could be extended to do 
further work or complete the wings. 

  2) Perhaps a spar building week - I would have supplies on hand and we build 
your spars and attach fittiings and such.

  3) Engine build workshop - in conjunction with William Wynne have a Corvair 
installation or building workshop.  Help in assembly or test running. (test 
stand available)

  4) Fuselauge workshop?

  5) Final bodywork and painting

  6) Possible visit to your airport to check your project 

  So these are some of the ideas.  there would be a weekly fee - you provided 
your transportation to Valdosta.  I have the two bedroom guest house that has 
full amenities, barbeque and jacuzzi.  There is a pond for fishing as well.  So 
come as a couple or have a couple guys at the same time come down.  To certain 
builders an introductory flight in my own KR would be available as well.   Of 
course all events would be preplanned and discussed.  If this idea is of 
interest to anybody let me know.  I am willing to prep jigs and equipment to 
make this available if people were interested in it.  There may be some parts 
that are going. 

  Being self employed and having this shop available has been a great gift to 
me and I hope to be able to share with others.  It needs to be financially 
viable and productive as well.   If it would encourage others to get their 
projects done sooner and be in the air safely I think it worthwhile.  One of 
the problems that slows projects down is not having the tooling or skills 
necessary to finish something.  Many hours can be wasted on the interned or 
dreaming instead of accomplishing something.  I am hoping to help people over 
that hurdle into a flying airplane.  Make 2007 your year!

  If you have anymore ideas or suggestions please inform.  

  Thank you - Bill Clapp

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KR> Christmas - engine for sale

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Merry Christmas to all in Kr land - hope the new year will see many new 
projects hit the skies...keep building and flying.

  For sale - I have at this point decided not to keep my spare corvair engine 
and have it up for sale.  Nitrided crank and many other good things to make you 
new year a good one.   Why sell it - To be honest - im not as happy with it - 
as I will be with  the new one I'm installing with a turbo...So my spare 
will be available.  Please call me at 229-506-7741 and I can give you the 
details...please leave a message if I'm not home.

  N41768 still flying - 420 hours - working on the cabin heat right now so I 
can fly to Missouri for the new Year.  

  Blesssings on all.Bill Clapp

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KR> Looking for an O-200

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I know where there is a fairly complete 0200 that came out of a Q200.  Missing 
carb and magnetoes I think.   Some other parts with.  I also have a O200 
case/crank and gears for a build up.  I think an offer on the complete O200 of 
around 4000 may be fair.  I have the logbooks for it here at the house.  Call 
me - 229-506-7741.   Bill

J L  wrote:  Anyone have one that they would like to sell 
or any leads on one?


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KR> clip

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
You may not want to watch some of these first flight takoff clips - unless you 
want to learn what NOT to do  :)   Takeoffs are easy - just the landings 
require  some practice.   Fly it onto the runway at first and slow it 
downBill wrote:  does anybody know where I can find some small clips 
of video I can see on windows media player.
on take offs and some landings. Thanks
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KR> Corvair engine for sale

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Still have a 1969 110 corvair engine for sale - not a core - but fairly 
complete (Ot 10 cam - new bearings - forged pistons - balanced rods - rebuilt 
110 heads- Nitrided crankshaft - and more - for aircraft use.. call me 
(229)506-7741 Bill
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KR> Alternators

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I suggest the little Joh Dere the way WW has his.  Mine is similar but made by 
Kubota.   Hi Pete - your CUZ here!.Bill

Pete Klapp  wrote:  Matt
I'm looking for an alternator for my Corvair and noticed your thread on the 
alternators available on
e-bay. Where are you mounting the alternator on your engine - front or rear?

Pete Klapp, KR-2S builder,
Canton, Ohio

From: Matthew Elder 
Reply-To: KRnet 
To: KRnet 
Subject: KR> Alternators
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:23:39 -0800 (PST)

Check out EBay Item 150063247325

These are tiny little one-wire 30A alternators made by
Denso, and they are a deal at $50 per. They are about
6" long and 3" in diameter, give or take.

I ordered on to make sure it would fit my application
(corvair), which it will, so I ordered another for a
spare, along with the plug he sells for it. It could
be used on almost anything I imagine.

Just thought I would share for those that are looking
for a charging system.


Matthew Elder
Orangeburg, SC

My Airplane Project:

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KR> hiccup - ignition

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hey Mark - a couple things to checkcheck your point gap and also if there 
is any play in the distibutor shaft.  Ive seen worn shafts with low points gap 
cause cutouts on VW's and Corvair.  Sometimes just a bit of dust in the cap can 
cause this as well - dirt in the points - I would check your gaps and maybe 
blow out the distributor cap and points a bit. 

  Just an idea...

  Will be going to WW this coming week to work on the turbo conversion -- lots 
more projects on the way.


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KR> Changes in Radios - for sale?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
This past week Glenda McElwee stopped by to work on her engine for her KR and I 
returned her radio that I had been using the last two years.  Thank you Glenda 
for the loaner.  It is appreciated.  It was a Vertex handheld an I had it wired 
into the intercom and external antenna.  It worked great except in certain 
areas @ 1000 agl where some interference would kick in for a few seconds - like 
someone messed with the squelch adjustment - but then it would clear up.  Only 
around some airports so I think it was related to an FM tower or something like 
 Anyway, I have two Delcom handhelds that were given me that wok fine as a 
handheld but I never could get a proper headset adapter for - finally, 
yesterday I canabalized a icom adapter and made it work.  Here's the dilema.  I 
took it up flying yesterday.  As long as I have it hooked up to my headset (not 
through the intercom) it works great.  With the external antenna I was talking 
an easy 30 miles out quite clearly.  I hear great, the tower said it was a 
little "scratchy" but very readable.  Now, If I hook it up to the intercom, I 
can hear myself through the mic, hear the tower, and hear the passenger, but 
cannot transmit out.  The PTT shows a transmit signal but apparently the mic 
section ceases to function.  Does this have to do with the "hot mic" setup or 
what?  Maybe some info?

  Next question.  Seeing that I am in this dilema I am starting to look for an 
Icom IA-200 panel radio.   Anybody hear used them?  Good buy?   Its either that 
or the Xcom 760 - but that costs more.

  Still flying...Bill

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KR> Corvair College and then some.....

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I am back home from another interesting and tiring week at the Corvair college 
in Edgewater Florida.  I drove down on Tuesday in my 66 coupe (corvair of 
course) and worked through Thurday night helping William Wynne assemble a 
couple of engines for customers and preping parts and stuff for the college.   
Thurday night I drove back home and then flew N41768 down to be there in the 
morning to finish test running an engine.  People started showing up that 
afternoon and planes began to fly in.  It was great to see Phil Maxon and Mark 
Langford.  Joe Horton showed up later on as well as the Personal Cruiser (cool 
single seater).   It was good to see three KRs together - planning on about 8 
for next years college.  WW made a challange to see who would have the most 
type of plane there next year - Zenith 601's or KR's.   There were three and 
three this time.
  The college format was a little different but more relaxing and easier on 
everyone.  About eighty people showed up and 9 corvairs flew.  The first 
corvair award was handed outcalled the Steve Jone's award (KR pilot 
extrordinair that died last year) it was awarded to Mark Langford (Congrats!) 
for the great accomplishment of 292 safe flight hours in one year.   I think it 
was great.   Every year the trophy will be passed to another Corvair 
achiever...whether for hours flown, safety advances, records made, or 
all-around nice guy/gal.   It is good for us to remember those who passed on 
before us in this way.
 A couple of cool things were the glass panel in Rick's 601way cool but 
still over my budget.   Mark showed off his also way cool chart/gps on the 
computer - I may have to go that route.  Mark, Gus, Phil, Joe and myself gave 
out a bunch of rides on both days of the college.   A lot of fun was had by 
all.  I believe there is an update at  with pics and stats if 
you wish to look.
 I stayed behind after everbody left and helped clean up a little and pack 
for my trip back home.   I shall be returning to Corvair land later on this 
month to continue the work on the turbo installation in my KR - should be 
finished by the end of the year and test flown.  Still have much to do - and 
the twin to build.when I have time...

  Keep building and flying 

  Bill and 41768

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KR> Update - Corvair college....

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Howdy yall, Sorry I havent written in in a while but thought I might shoot an 
update.  Ive been busy working, helping people move, trying to fix the house, 
all those little things, so I havent done much flying lately.  Ive only put on 
a few hours since the Gathering - only to 410 right now so I expect Mark 
Langford to pass =me up in a couple weeks - but thats great - Im glad to see 
him putting the hours on his bird.  The rest of you need to get busy! The 
Gathering is only a little bit away again and we want you there.  Im hoping to 
get busy on the twin - dont know if Ill finish it before the Gathering because 
Ill have to make some money as well.  N41768 is doing fine - Im playing a 
little bit with the breather on it - trying to make a real efficient breather 
that recycles back to the case well.   My current breather still make me lose 
about a quart every 3 or four hours.  Im hoping to get it to a quart every 10 
or so.   Improving the breather will help when I do the turbo
 installation later.  Ive made a trip to Tampa and a few around in the area and 
will be giong to the Corvair College this week to help out.   
  Right now I am working on my other Corvair - the 66 Monza I have - seems to 
have a tight valve adjustment on the right head - Ive got it on the lift and 
will be doing compression checks and adjusting the valve train - hope that 
fixes it - runs poorly when cold.   Other than that Im having fun.   I hope to 
really get working on the twin but need to get a couple car projects out of the 
  BTW - if anybody has some stuff to sell for my twin (or give away) let me 

  What I have so farCarbon nomex fuselage, canopy (dragonfly style), wheels 
and brakes, tires, engine cores, elevator and horizontal (Lancair 230).  I will 
be looking for tailwheel assy (but may design one thats built into the rudder) 
but mostly needing plywood, foam, resin, and cloth.   I found a foam 
manufacterer in Atlanta that can make urethane any size I want so may order 8" 
thick pieces to design solid core wings and such.  Stub wings will by ply skin 
construction due to the stresses on the wings from the engines.   Wood for 
building spars may be the first priority since I can start with the center wing 
soon and install into the fuse.  I  may build the entire fuse and wait on the 
outer wings once the rest is finishedwell, lots of ideas.  I plan to start 
a photo spread of the build soon so you can all be updatedwish me luck!

  Fly safe - build carefully.
  Bill Clapp

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KR> It's ALIVE again.

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Being that I was at the Gathering and saw that Marks airplane brought him to 
the Gathering but was unable to fly him homemy guess is that he ate far to 
many helpings of PRIME RIB!.

  LOL  :)

  (actually it was a dropped valve seat)
Pete Diffey  wrote:

What did you decide caused the loss of power ?


Mark Jones wrote:
> A happy day in Wisconsin...N886MJ came to life again this afternoon. She 
> idles smoother than she has in quite some time. I get a very smooth increase 
> in rpm up to a full static of 2850. She is ready for flight and if the 
> weather is good tomorrow, I will finally get my fix. 

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KR> O200 For sale and a CORVAIR engine for sale

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Okay guys - heres the deal.  I dont know if you remember Larry Koutz - he was a 
friend and hanger buddy of mine that was killed in April in a home accident.  
SOme of you Corvair guys met him at Corvair College.  Anyway, I helped his 
widow in the sale of his airplane - a Q200 which ended up going to Germany.  So 
- now we have two engines that are left that need to be sold. They are as 

  1) A Continental O200 - has logbooks and paperwork. It was running when 
removed from the airplane but I believe has low oil pressure.  It was not 
involved in an accident or anything like that.  It is complete with Ma3SPA carb 
and some new gaskets.  Mising is the original starter (I may know where there 
is one) and the mags (which are better if replaced).  Make an honest offer if 
you are interested in this engine.  It is affixed to a stand at this time.

  2) A Corvair 110 - Was assembled during Corvair College and some saw it run 
on the trailer Larry brought down.  It is still on the runup stand - stand will 
go with if you want it.  It has accesories and prop hub (Larry's own).  It will 
have to be dissmantled to have the Crank nitrided but I believe would be a 
great head start for someone.  I could have the mods done and installed in my 
airplane in a couple weeks easy if I needed it.  Again, If you are interested 
make a fair and honest offer.   Corvair college is coming up and if you wanted 
to pick it up on your way through here it would make transporting it easier for 

  Larry was a good friend and character and I dont want to get less that honest 
value for his widow.  It wouldnt be fair or right.  If you want to contact me 
about any of this stuff call me at 229-506-7741.   I live in Valdosta Ga and 
Larry's is only a couple miles away from me.

  Thanks- Bill and N41768

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KR> Gathering

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Hey Joe - thunderstorms are normally easily dealt with - around- under or 
between as long as it isnt a squall line - if it is - just land and let it pass 
over - they move quickly.  I hope to leave out in a couple hours - hope to see 
youall there guys

Joe H Horton  wrote:  Just started looking at 
forecast for tomorrow along the route. IT isn't
looking good. The front is pretty well defined and they are saying 60 to
95% chance of showers and T-storms along most of my route.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.

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KR> Return from Gathering

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Again - another great weekend with friends and family.  Elaine and I had a 
blast at the gathering.  It took us 5 hours to fly up due to strong headwinds 
and a fuel stop.  Left today about 130 pm local time after trying to help Mark 
Jones out - bad plug due to mixture settings - heard he had to land in 
Metropolis - all okay though.  You Ellison guys - check to see if any alcohol 
in fuel or auto gas is affecting the rubber diaphram ---possible cause of 
mixture changing.   Hope you figure it out.   Jones - call me if I can help.
Like I said, we left about 130pm and landed back home at 6pm local - 3hours and 
30 minutes flight.   Averaged about 180mph - that was nice!  Hope you builders 
were inspired and those about finished got a ride and some pointers.  See you 
next year with a new plane hopefully!
  Bill and N41768

Get your email and more, right on the  new 

KR> Gathering for Kids

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Just a question for those managing the Gathering this year.  Are there any 
functions or activities that children could enjoy?  As you know, Elaine come 
with me on many of my trips and plans to this year as well.  She wanted to know 
if there were any activities (zoo and such) that she could go to.  Are there 
women functions that she could go with?  If not shel'll bring her DVD player 
and some books and kill grasshoppers or something.

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KR> KR: What's the possibility of finding hydrolic lifters for a type IV

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
The type 4 engien came out in 1973 and was installed in the Type 2 Volkswagen 
Bus.  This early engine had solid lifters, mechanical fuel pump, carbs, and was 
1700 cc.  In 1975 it was upgraded to electic fuel pump, fuel injection, 1800cc 
- still solid lifters.  In 1976-1977 it bacame a 2.0 liter with solid lifters, 
fuel injection and internally was very different than the 1700 or 1800.  
Different heads, cam, crank, rods, pistons...etc.  The case is still virtually 
the same and still a type 4.  In 1978 - 1982 the 2.0 was upgraded to hydraulic 
lifters.  The case is still the same as a 1977 case but the cam and pushrods 
are different.  You can install hydraulic lifters and cam into a 1977 motor.  

The reason some call this a Porsche motor is that in 1973 this engine was 
introduced in the Porsche 914 (mid engine)  The main differences between the 
Bus engine and Porsche engine was the design of the heads and dipstick 
location.  Everything else is virtually the same.  

  If I were to build a type 4 engine for an airplane it would probably be the 
later 1978 engine with hydraulic lifters.  Some drawbacks to these engines were 
the fact that sometimes the lifters do bleed down, but the arent that hard to 
change out if worn bad.  Also the heads had a tendance to drop valves but there 
are a couple companies that sell "100,00 mile heads"  that arent supposed to 
drop seats.

  Bang for the buck though - I still would stick with my Corvair even though 
Ive built many a type 4 and drive one on a daily basis (1980 Vanagon).

  If you have any more questions - Just holler...

  Bill Clapp
Marty Martin  wrote:
  Hey engine Guru's

Has or does anyone make Hydrolic lifters for the type IV engines. Or, is it
just the solid lifters for this engine?

Marty Martin
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2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
If I am correct - someone took a wing to 11 Gs of force in destructive testing 
and the spar broke in the middle of the fuselage - not at the WAFs.  And 11 Gs 
is much better than the 3.5 Gs max rating of a Cessna 172.Yet people never 
ask if those wings will break.  Build per plans and youll be fine.

Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small 

KR> Annual Finished - Gathering

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Well - I finally finished up the annual inspection of N41768.   I took her out 
for a spin this morning for a RTS flight - first flight in almost a month..WOW! 
 It was nice to be back in the saddle again.  Not too many problems here at the 
400 hour mark.   Did a little engine work - remounted my carb with a new style 
filter and a air/fuel mixer in the intake - hope to mix the fuel better before 
it seperates to the two heads - EGT seems to confirm a better mixture - the two 
sides were within 70 degrees of each other on all throttle setttings (thanks to 
Pete B. for the insight).   Did a little fiberglass repair on the tailwheel 
cover (all those grass strips).   Repaired a leaky brake hose.  Ive been very 
pleased with the Corvair engine the last two years.  It hasnt been uneventful 
but this engine/plane combination is better than I could have hoped.  I never 
expected to have flown as much as I have and I know others that feel the same 
way.  It has put the "fun" back into
 aviation without the worry of the expense.  I worry more about paying for 
hanger rent and hamburgers on the trips than about plane costs.  Now I have to 
save up for the "other" airplane.  Everything seems to be looking good for a 
safe flight to the Gathering this year. 

   I expect that Elaine will be able to go with me this time.  She is to make a 
little video for her class about the event to show when she gets back.  Im sure 
yall will provide some good footage for her.

   I finally arrived at my "New Years Resolution" for 2004.  I made two that 
  1) Finish the KR and fly it to the Gathering.  Accomplished!  
  2) Lose 15 pounds and get back to my original weight of only 20 lbs 

  Well, not anymore.  With a little dicipline and hunger Ive lost 25 lbs from 
my weight at Gathering 04.  However now it seems I could still stand to lose a 
little bit moreSo if you catch me "hogging" on chicken at the gathering - 
or two helpings of prime rib (I could get shot there) take me aside and 
reprimand me.   I hope to be down a few more lbs by Christmas.  The KR is going 
to also lose a few lbs as well over the holidays, if I have time...

  So, life is good.   I hope that as many as can fly in to the Gathering in two 
weeks and have a fun time.  I plan to be there and see all you there.  Drive 
and fly safe.Those who cant make it - shame on you.  Your only excused if 
you spend the entire weekend working on your KR

  Bill Clapp and N417678

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KR> - Gathering

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Lee - Ill buy you a prime rib  if it helps you fly here ( I'll put it on Mark 
Jones' tab)   ha ha..Bill

Lee Van Dyke  wrote:  NO PRIME RIB 



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KR> - Gathering

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I may just go for that when I get there - prime rib sounds great right 

Lee Van Dyke  wrote:  I found a Restaurant 1 mile away that 
will deliver a FULL and COMPLETE prime 
rib dinner for $14.00. I'm down with that.


He did not buy you anything...he put it on my tab!! Besides Lee, you
and I are going to grill us a big ole T-Bone Steak down at the campsite. I
just hope those guys who ate our prime rib last year are there to watch us
savor the flavor.. :-)

Mark Jones (N886MJ 

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KR> N41768 - Congrats to Dan Heath.....Corvair Flying Video.....Gathering...

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Well, it has been two weeks since I last flew 41768 and boy does it itch.. You 
flyers know what I mean.   Cant wait to be back int the air but dome critter 
ate the gel ear covers off my headset - hope he has a tummy ache.   Aircraft 
Sruce sending me a new pair and then I can go fly.   Annual is due this month 
and then preparations for the Gathering.  I expect all to go well.  I should be 
at the Gathering with over 400 hours on the clock - thats an average of 200 a 
year - not to bad - better than my previous average of 8 hours a year.

  Dan Heath - all I can say is "Way to GO!"   You have a beautiful bird and I 
cant wait to see it at the Gathering.   Keep plugging away on your hours...Fly 
cautiously.   Welcome to the clan.

  To all those in the Corvair wold and Krs -- has made a new 
video - the "introduction to Corvairs" that is 45 minutes of flying airplanes 
and Corvair info.  I have a couple here at home (20$) and WW has more.   41768 
is in it as well as three other flying corvair planes.  As you guys start 
flying more and more think about taping some stuff so that next year we can 
have a real fun video for the masses.  Ive started video taping some of the 
places I go just for that purpose.  Hope there is less haze this year to get 
some good formation stuff.

  Looks like this Gathering will be one for the record books.  Hope it is.  I 
plane to fly up on Thursday (weather permitting) with Elaine so that we can be 
there the entire weekend.   I hope all of you can make it.  Fly safe, dont push 
it .   Id rather you not make it but be safe than push your limits and get 
hurt.  Come with a good attitude and spirit and fun will be had by all.

  Keep building guys  - the reward is worth it!

  Fly safe you of those that are airborne.

  Bill Clapp and N41768

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 

KR> KR Gathering ---Homecoming?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Glenda and I were talking and she came up with an interesting idea.   Why not a 
gathering in California at Kens airport or area?  Visit Janette?  That way 
Steve Glover  doesnt get the longest distance award -   A kind of Kr 
homecoming.   Be nice to send in photo to Sport Aviation of 25 KRs and a bunch 
of people in front of the KR birthplaceThoughts?

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KR> Gathering location---West?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
I like the idea of having a KRavan going west for a gathering location with 
some different atmosphere.any takers?

Mark Langford  wrote:
  Maybe there's a little room for compromise here. I don't think anybody can 
complain about the venue that Larry and Chris have provided at MVN. It's 
hard to imagine how it could be much better. But I also think there's 
something to be said for the adventure of going to a new airport, and giving 
somebody else the chance to make me say "wow...this is a neat part of the 
country", or "what a great Gathering that was!". Would you want to miss the 
great "Colorado Springs Gathering of '08"? No way! Or maybe San Antonio 
or Ohio, or Wisconsin or MN? We could conceivably do it one year at MVN and 
the next somewhere "strange", still by secret ballot vote at the banquet, of 
course. Although there's something to be said for the traditional "banquet 
pitch", you have to admit that it makes more sense to kick it around on the 
internet weeks in advance so people have a chance to investigate, run it by 
family members, think about it some, point out pluses or minuses to others, 
or whatever. Maybe this is the best of both worlds... I don't know.

I also feel like the west coast guys are getting a raw deal. It's great 
that Lee, Steve, Jeff, Richard, and Rich fly all the way out here to the 
Gatherings, but I'd love to have a year where we all fly to Jeff Scott's 
field in New Mexico to see what a density altitude of 9500' is like. And 
I"ll bet there are a bunch of west coast KRs that we've never even seen 
before. If we had a Gathering out there and brought in some new ones, maybe 
they would come to MVN the next year. Or maybe we need to start cooking up 
"KR Karavan" trips in the Spring just to get out and get together somewhere, 
like Joe Horton and I did in West Viginia one day.

Just another angle on the Gathering thing. I'd volunteer to have one at my 
father's farm (which I visited today), but I'm a little worried that 
somebody would roll one up in a ball down there...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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KR> Gathering location---West?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Whats up Mark?---you picking on me ?  -  I,ll  just get there early an take a 
nap then and wait for you

Mark Jones <> wrote:
  Sounds like fun but you can not lead the pack. :-)

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
Web site:

-Original Message-
From: []On
Behalf Of william Clapp
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 2:57 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> Gathering location---West?

I like the idea of having a KRavan going west for a gathering location with 
some different atmosphere.any takers?

Mark Langford wrote:
Maybe there's a little room for compromise here. I don't think anybody can 
complain about the venue that Larry and Chris have provided at MVN. It's 
hard to imagine how it could be much better. But I also think there's 
something to be said for the adventure of going to a new airport, and giving 
somebody else the chance to make me say "wow...this is a neat part of the 
country", or "what a great Gathering that was!". Would you want to miss the 
great "Colorado Springs Gathering of '08"? No way! Or maybe San Antonio 
or Ohio, or Wisconsin or MN? We could conceivably do it one year at MVN and 
the next somewhere "strange", still by secret ballot vote at the banquet, of 
course. Although there's something to be said for the traditional "banquet 
pitch", you have to admit that it makes more sense to kick it around on the 
internet weeks in advance so people have a chance to investigate, run it by 
family members, think about it some, point out pluses or minuses to others, 
or whatever. Maybe this is the best of both worlds... I don't know.

I also feel like the west coast guys are getting a raw deal. It's great 
that Lee, Steve, Jeff, Richard, and Rich fly all the way out here to the 
Gatherings, but I'd love to have a year where we all fly to Jeff Scott's 
field in New Mexico to see what a density altitude of 9500' is like. And 
I"ll bet there are a bunch of west coast KRs that we've never even seen 
before. If we had a Gathering out there and brought in some new ones, maybe 
they would come to MVN the next year. Or maybe we need to start cooking up 
"KR Karavan" trips in the Spring just to get out and get together somewhere, 
like Joe Horton and I did in West Viginia one day.

Just another angle on the Gathering thing. I'd volunteer to have one at my 
father's farm (which I visited today), but I'm a little worried that 
somebody would roll one up in a ball down there...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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KR> Gathering movie?

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Wondered whether or not anybody had heard anything about the 2005 Gathering 
movie or DVD?  It has been a while - maybe we pick it up in Mount Vernon?
Keep building and finishing up - not much time left to next Gathering and I 
want to see all of you there!Bill Clapp

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2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
Yes - unfortunately I was one of those taxiing for departure when we saw the 
incident in question.   Elaine and I were on the taxi way (ditch) between the 
runway and the real taxiway when this accident occured.  It is a good reminder 
to do "S" turns to clear the way in front - and maybe have a reaview mirror for 
when at busy airports.  Im sure the warbird guy will loose many nights of sleep 
and the family of the Canadian passenger are heartbroken.  Our prayers go out 
to all involved.   Bill and 41786

"Larry H."  wrote:  Hi netters,
Almost home from Oshkosh. Left for home yesterday (Wednesday) 11 am, drove 
until 2 am this morning. I am in Oklahoma right now and should be back in the 
Dallas Tx area by 6 pm.
I enjoyed meeting a lot of you this year at Osh, especially those who brought 
airplanes, thank all of you for your explantions and help. Mark did a great job 
with the KR forum there.
Lots to absorb, lots to say !
Was saddened Sunday just before the airshow to see the warbird (Navy plane I 
think) run up the rear of a RV 6 and kill the passenger in it. Just a miracle 
that the pilot was not killed also. The details are pretty gruesume, and will 
save that for later if anyone is interested.
This incident happened on the taxi way as planes were taxing to takeoff before 
airshow started. The line of planes stopped, but the Navy plane being a huge 
taildragger obviously did not see the RV6 taildragger in front of it and kept 
going. The aluminum fuselage was not much of a match for the big 4 bladed prop 
which worked it's way up the fuselage until it got to the passenger compartment.
At least one guy in the crowd ran out attempting to get the Navy plane to shut 
down and did just in time to save the pilot. The passenger may have been saved 
but he turned around leaning his upper body rearward in an attemt to see what 
was going on behind them, that is probably what caused him to be in the line of 
fire from the big prop.
Point here is to watchout behind you while at a large fly-ins with big planes. 
I came upon the scene just after it happened and some there I talked to said it 
was a KR2. My heart almost jumped out at that thought but after I looked for a 
few minutes I could see it was not a KR, but it was bad at any rate.
Sorry for those involved.
Larry H.

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KR> Finally Home after Oshkosh!

2008-10-12 Thread william Clapp
It has been a long couple weeks but Elaine and I finally made it home.  We left 
out on Tuesday the 18th and flew to Illinois, spent the night and flew up toNew 
Richmond Wisconsin to my mom and dads on Wednesday.  We spent a couple days 
there with family and helping my dad put the wings on his turbo 206 (one I 
painted last year).  Dad left for Oshkosh on Saturday in his VW Rabbit diesel.  
He voluteers for the MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) booth that was in Hangar 
D.  Last year he flew the Cessna 180 that was his mission plane in Mexico to 
Oshkosh.  We spent the last six years restoring it after it had been damaged.   
It is neat to see my dad own his first mission plane.  This year he needed to 
drive but I will try to talk him into flying in next year.
  Sunday, Elaine and I flew out to the mini-KR gathering in Wakesha...Mark 
Jones has some great pics from that - It was good to meet all the guys there.   
The other guys decided to make me try to lead them to Oshkosh - not sure if it 
was great can be confusing as they found out but we all landed 
safely at the World's busiest airport.
  Elaine and I stayed at the YMCA with Glenda McElwee (KR2 builder) during 
our time there.  It is a great place for those interested in indoor camaping at 
Oshkosh.  I believe you can check on it online.  Losts of fun - busy talking to 
people - seeing some great flying - we left out yesterday - stopped in KY for 
overnight and made it home about noon today.   Tired but a great tripMore 
to come...
  Keep building guys and gals.Bill and N41768  - 385 hours.

See the all-new, redesigned  Check it out.

KR>Current weight and progress

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
As of today - fuselage on gear - all brakes and controls installed - horizontal 
and elevator and trim finished - rudder finished - seat finished - main and 
rear spar finished - Panel finish but lacking COMM and TRANS.  Canopy and 
forward deck finished - front tank finished - cowling in progress - firewall 
ready to install (waiting on engine mount - engine 50% built up (Corvair).   
The plane minus engine weighs in at 186 lbs so far.I still have to build 
stub wings (have templates made) and turtledeck.  Wiring will become one of the 
next issues to deal with - probably a winter project.  I hope to have stub wing 
and turtledeck finished by new year.  My goal is to have a finished weight of 
600lbs.  If the engine and all accesories are about 250 that only leaves me 
with 160 lbs left to play with for the rest -  We shall see.   Happy 
Building   Bill

KR>Fiberglassing front deck

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
A question about laying up fiberglass on compound bend and deck work.    I 
have finished my front deck so far.  I started with the standard two bulkheads 
- foam betweeen - sand to shape - layer of carbon fiber over that to give me 
the basic shape.  I have added scince then 1/4" ( in a couple area ) aeropoxy 
filler/and automotive filler to get the shape I need up to the canopy.  I can 
probably go ahead and primer now and final sand for paint but have thought 
about possibly putting a layer of deck cloth over the entire finished surface 
to give it additional strength and hold all the fillers together.  Is that a 
good idea or not?  Could the top layer of glass seperate and cause problems?  
Anybody with experience in this?  Ive also thought about using my nicely 
finished deck (which now weighs 9 pounds) as a mold and from that make a 
lighter deck but it already has all my attachment and fitting installed for 
panel/tank/cowl I would rather not remake it.  I have thought about just 
painting as is and if I get filler swelling and seperation later I can remove 
it and fix it - it is removeable.  Just wondering though if anybody has used 
deck cloth and resin over fillers?   Bill

KR>Painting tips

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
My shop is in Valdosta Georgia - 10 miles north of Florida on I 75.  Yes the
acrylic enamel can be a bit soft if not hardened properly.  I most always
put a couple coats of urethane clear over the top  - I have also mixed clear
and acrylic enamel and it works well as a top coat.  This makes a sandable
and buffable coat.  I usually us the basecoat/clearcoat system with any
pearls and metal flake or custom paints.  It shoots much easier and allows
the flakes to fall more evenly.  Bill
- Original Message -
To: KR builders and pilots 
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: KR>Painting tips

> >Bill Wrote
> > Now, I do have a 18 X 25 downdraft paint booth with
> >10 foot ceilings that I use for my car restorations.  I
> >told Art Bruce that since he is a local guy once he gets
> >to the finishing stage I can make my shop available for
> >him - or others if interested - to come finish wings /
> >fuse and paint them here.  I can also make my services
> >available if you want me to do it as part of my business.
> > Just a suggestion.  I know it is hard to find a paint
> >booth to do this work at sometimes - most shops arent
> >interested in helping broke KR builders paint.
> >
> >Happy Building - Bill
> Bill
> Also Finishing a restoration of 1964 VW Dunebuggy Manx
> Style Body used an acrylic enamel Paint I DID NOT LIKE. I
> think its t soft.  You paint, you know what I mean.
> I wont use it for the KR.
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>paint - brian kraut

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
Brian - send me your email address if you can - I have a matching car for
you plane - send you a pic.  Bill
- Original Message -
From: Brian Kraut 
To: KR builders and pilots 
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: KR>paint

> When I painted my wing tips and rudder blue I figured that if I wound up
> destroying the glass after a few years from the heat I could easily
> strip off the glass with an orbital sander and reglass them.  The
> fusalage sides and bottom are plywood and if there is glass on them it
> isn't needed anyway.  The turtledeck isn't structural and Mark has made
> so many of them that it would be no big deal to remake one if the heat
> ruined it.
> Mark Langford wrote:
> >Y'all can just go ahead and call me stupid, but my airplane's gonna be
> >Again, I'll say that when the plane is sitting on gear, there are no
> >stresses on any composites, other than the Scotchply 3M gear legs.  My
> >are covered with two layers of carbon fiber (three on the leading edge),
> >which you might remember, are supported by  3/8 to 1/2" of urethane foam,
> >which is supported by an inner layer of fiberglass.
> >
> >So let's just say my composite skin gets up to Tg, the temperature at
> >the strength of the epoxy is significantly reduced.  For Aeropoxy, that's
> >194 degrees F for layups cured at room temperature.  It's normally good
> >something like 45,000 psi.  I'd call "significant" something like 75%,
> >lets just be conservative and say that the strength is cut in half.  Now
> >it's down to ONLY 22,500 psi.  But wait, I have a half inch layer of foam
> >being supporting by another layer of fiberglass that's at least 30
> >cooler (my inner skin).  And don't forget, there is absolutely no
> >influence on this surface, other than gravity pulling down on something
> >weighs just about nothing.
> >
> >I actually called myself "post curing" my stub wings right after they
> >constructed, by parking the plane out in the sun one hot day that summer,
> >shortly after construction.  I taped (using clear tape) a Fluke 52
> >recording thermometer's thermocouple to the black, unpainted surface, and
> >the best I can remember, the highest temperature I ever saw was 128
> >F.  Don't forget, it's "air-cooled", just sitting there!
> >
> >Given the rule of thumb that your Tg will be raised to 50 degrees over
> >post cure temp, I was probably wasting my time at that "low" temperature.
> >So when is it going to see 194 degrees?  Never.  And what effect would it
> >have if it DID see 194 degrees?  None.And how much strength is
> >of the skin, just sitting there on the tarmac?  Absolutely none.  And how
> >long does it take something as thin and massless as a .020" thick layer
> >carbon fiber layup to cool off with a 30 mph breeze blowing on it during
> >takeoff?  About 5 seconds.
> >
> >The few horror stories you hear about planes "melting" in the sun are
> >referring to airplanes with composite parts such as spars and stressed
> >supporting the load while parked.  Neither of these apply to my plane.
> >
> >Sorry, but I have a bad habit of getting the facts, considering all
> >of the situation, and making my own decisions.  It's gonna be red, and if
> >y'all don't like it, you can just get over it...
> >
> >
> >
> >Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
> >N56ML "at"
> >see KR2S project at
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >see KRnet list details at
> >
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

KR>Painting tips

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
Dan - "orange peel" comes from a couple problems.   Most times if I get an
orange peel effect it is because I dont have the paint thinned out enough
and it does not get on the surface smoothly.  If you have sanded the surface
"baby butt smooth" and then apply several coats of propperly thinned paint
it will be smooth.  Paint applied too dryly begins the orange peel effect.
It is critical to get the viscosity right - too thin and the paint will run.
Always use appropriate thinner.  Sometimes it can be the fact the gun size
may be too small or too low in pressure and not make the paint flow
properly.   Hope this helps.   Bill
- Original Message -
From: Dan Heath 
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: KR>Painting tips


What is the best way to avoid "orange peel"?


Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering

See our KR at - Click on the pic
See our EAA Chapter 242 at
see KRnet list details at

KR>Corvair oil

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
After thinking about this oil cooler and filter situation on the Corvair motor 
I think I have it figured out - Somewhat..   If I am wrong someone let me know. 
  I have a plate covering the accessory case - instead of keeping the original 
pump/filter assy.   I have oil leaving out of the pump side(passenger side) 
through AN 6 fittings to a firewall mounted filter (filter has bypass built 
in).   From the filter we go to the cooler and then return to the TOP hole of 
the cooler attachment on the case. Previously I though it was to return to the 
bottom hole.   I will have an oil pressure sender mounted at the OUTPUT side of 
the cooler before entering the case.  This is the closest I think I can get to 
galley pressure.  I am hoping that I thought this through correctly because I 
plan to drill my fitting hole into my plates this weekend and measure for some 
hoses soon.

Next question... Anybody have some firewall pictures with the Corvair 
installation to see hou you routed cables - battery box installations - 
ductwork - etc...?

Hope to visit with Dean Cooper this weekend - a new KR face - sounds very 

Happy Building y'all. Bill 


2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
I remember a few years back of a bright yellow KR2 that a friend of my
father owned.  It was named "Tweety Bird".Later I believe he sold it and
the built and RV4 that was also yellow and called "Tweety Bird II"  I saw
the RV in Oshkosh many years ago but it was the first all colored KR I had
seen.  He did this paint scheme mostly for safety sake.  Yellow being almost
as bright as strobe and such...I wonder what happened to it..Bill

- Original Message -
From: Oscar Zuniga 
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 11:04 PM
Subject: KR>paint

> Netters;


2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
The problem with the Corvair is that there isnt a way to get a pressure
after the oil enters the galley for the bearings.  The original setup is to
get pressure just after the pump.  I would read pressure after the pump,
filter, and cooler so I get pressure just as it enters the main galleys.
The filter and cooler would be a full-flow system with an internal bypass at
the filter only - non at the cooler.  It seems to be the simplist way to
route the oil system on the Corvair.  Maybe not the optimal thing but best I
can figure with this design..If someone has figured out another way please
let me know... Thanks.
- Original Message -
From: Colin 
To: KR builders and pilots 
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 5:12 PM
Subject: KR>Pressure

OOOpsss, forgot to address one thing.  Oil pressure should be read at the
lowest point in the block, not the highest point. If you read the highest
pressure, than when you get a drop in pressure, damage may have been done
elsewhere. If you see the pressure at the lowest pressure in the engine, it
will drop first there, and might give you adequate time for shutdown prior
to damage. Hence, on a small block Chevy, read the pressure at the last cam
bearing, at the top of the block, then at the filter near the oil pump.
Pressure loss there ensures that the rest of the block is still getting good
oil pressure, and prompt shutdown may only require correction, instead of
partial/total rebuild. Thoughts
Colin & Bev Rainey KR2(td)
Sanford, Florida
see KRnet list details at

KR>Painting tips

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
Mark asked for any painters to chime in so here goes.  I have been painting 
planes and cars for many years now and have a little experience.  Most 
automotive paint systems are now acrylic urethane, urethane or a polyurethane 
that are very good UV protectant paints.  I recommend to stay away from your 
lacquers and synthetics.  Yes many lacquer primers are cheap but do not do 
anywhere near the job of a good 2K (means 2 part) primer.  Most of these 2K 
primers are heavy build  (good for final sanding before sealer) and hold very 
well.  They are also UV protective.  Price for a gallon kit (one gallon primer 
- one quart activator) is normally about 65.00.  One gallon should do most of 
the KR if your bodywork is smooth.  I use a filler called Basecoat made by USC 
for my "bondo" heavy filler and then finish with a filler called "Icing" also 
by USC.  These sand very easily and hold up well.  On large surfaces you can 
use a polyester spray ( take a gun with a 2.0 tip or larger) and sand down.  A 
polyester spray is also know as "sprayable bondo".  It costs about 35.00 for a 
quart.  I normally use this on large flat surfaces that have to be very smooth. 
 It sand easily (using 18"  block)  After this stage you can go directly to a 
2K primer, sand and then I usually mix 1/2 2Kprimer and 1/2 paint color to make 
a tinted sealer that is wet sandable before shooting topcoat. As far as top 
coats, any good acrylic Urethane should hold up well, or an acrylic enamel with 
a couple coats of urethane clear on top.  Urethane clears are great - 75.00 a 
gallon or so - easy to color sand and buff.  I use Nason/Transstar/Dupont/Imron 
and all seem to do well.  The biggest problem I have had is with Imron's 
Urethane paints They are expensive and near impossible to make any repairs 
to without reshooting and entire section.  They dont color sand and buff well 
at all.  For ease of maintenance use Nason, Transstar, and others that are 
acrylic urethane.

Now, I do have a 18 X 25 downdraft paint booth with 10 foot ceilings that I 
use for my car restorations.  I told Art Bruce that since he is a local guy 
once he gets to the finishing stage I can make my shop available for him - or 
others if interested - to come finish wings / fuse and paint them here.  I can 
also make my services available if you want me to do it as part of my business. 
 Just a suggestion.  I know it is hard to find a paint booth to do this work at 
sometimes - most shops arent interested in helping broke KR builders paint.  

I hope this helps - any more questions - just ask.  I dont claim to know it 
all.  The paint business is like computers - it changes very quickly and is 
hard to keep up at times.  That is why I enjoy antiques I guess.

Happy Building - Bill 


2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
Well, I feel good about building the KR right now.  The last two weeks (after 
some motivation from the Gathering) have been productive.  I finished up my 
header tank installation, Front deck is almost finished down to primering, 
canopy is about ready primering, canopy is hinged and locks installed, 
instrument panel is installed, brakes and rudder pedals finished, rudder 
finally attached, and seat finished to desired "sittability"  I can now sit 
in it- close the canopy - and dream  This weekend will be spent at a 
classic car show with my wind up car, and hopefully having more fun on the 
plane.  I hope to foam in the turtledeck and get it made.  I got a cowling off 
of Mark Langford's mold ( Thanks Mark!)  and installed temporarily to see what 
it looks like -- Im impressed !  The lines arent bad at all .   I have a Todds 
canopy which wasnt too bad to install using Home Depot butt molding -  I'd have 
to show you a drawing to explain,  but I had the canopy cut and installed in 
less than a week and thats only two to three hours a day!  If I can find a way 
I will post pictures but I dont have a web site.Hope everyone else is 
having as much fun as I am...  Happy Building - Bill


2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
To answer Dan's question about Butt molding  -  It is a tapered wood molding
the cross section looks like a smooth curved triangle.  3/4 incch or so on
the bottom and tapers to a point.  Two of these are glued back to back to
create a rail on top of the longerons and the canopy is sandwiched between.
It is really quite simple to build and creates a curved surface that
comforms to the fuse inside and out and provides a good hinge and latch
attachment.  I had these build in a couple hours and the canopy was
installed the next day.  Two days (a couple hours a day) later and it is
finished and hinged.  Dan has some pics.  Hope this helps.   Bill

- Original Message -
From: Dan Heath 
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: KR>update

RE:  I have a Todds canopy which wasnt too bad to install using Home Depot
butt molding - I'd have to show you a drawing to explain, but I had the
canopy cut and installed in less than a week and thats only two to three
hours a day! If I can find a way I will post pictures but I dont have a web


What is BUTT molding?  Send me your pictures and I will post them.


Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering

See our KR at - Click on the pic
See our EAA Chapter 242 at
see KRnet list details at

KR>Handheld or GPS

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
Anybody have a good used handheld or GPS for sale?  Just looking to save a few 
bucks.  The handheld is just until I can afford my radios  I may have to 
buy my radio and transponder after flying off hours.Gathering 

KR>wheel pants and CG

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
The tires for my KR are Lamb 4.00 X 5 - 8 Ply.   I am going to be flipping the 
plane over to build up stub wings and fairings.  There was a man at the 
Gathering that had a mold and wheel pants.  Does anybody know if they will be 
available and if they fit my tire?   Or are there other pants out there that 
will work well with my set up?   Does anybody make a tailwheel pant and is it 
going overboard to install one?

On the CG issue, I plan to have my aft cg adjusted for 4 gallons in header, 
full baggage and one 200 passenger.  I believe that when the plane is empty the 
CG should be just forward of the forward limit and then on the forward limit 
with pilot (necessary equipment) and full header - empty wing tanks.  I have 
flown my previous KR on the aft limit - two people, and baggage - and it did 
make it more difficult on landings.  I increased my approach spped by 5-10 mph 
to allow for better and smoother control - always wheel landing it.  I believe 
if I could have done some changes I would have moved my battery up into the 
engine compartment and it would have flown a bit better at gross.  Since my 
Corvair may be a tad heavier than the Turbo Revemaster ( by only a few pounds)  
 I should balance out well with the 2S.  My elevator is 6" wider and should 
provide more stability if I fly with a more nose heavy CG.We will know 
soon   Happy building...   Bill

KR>Mark L - Corvair oil system - Progress

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
Mark - You said that you have changed the original system you deleloped and now 
have the oil leaving the top of the case (I believe it would be the passanger - 
right side) and then returning to the bottom of the cooler output plate.  Is 
this correct and do you have any pics of this change?  If I use a solid plate 
on top of the oil galley instead of the filter adapter are there any 
modifications necessary to make that system work?  I take it that I can plumb 
the oil pressure from the same area as the oil outlet.I am ready to make 
the plates and started adapter so any helpful hints are appreciated.

My thanks also for lending the mold to Glenda - she build me up a cowl - nice 
and flimsy so I can work it into my desired shape.  Hope to get my engine mount 
made up soon so I can begin the firewall forward.  

Progress report - Basic build up of header tank - new seat - forward deck and 
now my canopy is nearing completion so I can build the turtledeck.  Spending 
two hours a day helps.

Happy Building Y'all..  Bill

KR>First flight report...Finally!!

2008-10-12 Thread William Clapp
Congrats on your first flight!   Do you have a picture of your grin?
Follow up with a good post inspection and then go have more fun.   I cant
wait to join you.   I will be in Jax tomorrow to visit Art Bruce around
noon - Hopefully he will be up and flying sometime as well.   Regards - Bill
- Original Message -
From: Brian Kraut 
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 8:32 PM
Subject: KR>First flight report...Finally!!

> I am happy to report that N93PC took its first leap into the air yesterday
afternoon since I bought it and rebuilt it.  I had everything planned for
the past few days and I snuck to the airport during a long lunch so my wife
wouldn't be worried to death.  I gave a co worker the phone number to the
tower and asked him to call and see what happened to me if I wasn't back in
a few hours.
> The worst part of the flight was the drive to the airport.  I had more
butterflies in my stomach than when I got married or when my son was born.
My legs and arms were numb and tingly and I was cold and shivering even
though it was about 85 degrees.  After I landed I noticed that my entire
shirt was drenched with sweat.
> The flight itself was pretty uneventfull.  I spent more time on the ground
than I wanted because the airport was pretty busy.  I had to wait for three
other planes in front of me when I got to the runup area and I had to wait
for three to land after I got to the hold short line.  The tower wanted to
get everyone else out of the pattern so I would have two runways to myself
just in case.
> Takeoff was pretty simple.  I had been doing high speed taxi runs for a
week.  This was the first one at full power so the tail came up pretty quick
and the plane was very easy to control.  When it wanted to fly I just pulled
back a little and off I went.  I had flown some with Mark Strothers and Jim
Faughn so I knew exactly what to expect in the air.  The plane was well
behaved and easy to fly.  I climbed at about 85 knots and started a left
turn at 600'.  I pretty much just kept going around with left turns up to
2,500' and stayed over the airport.  I would have gone up to 5,000, but the
ceilings were at about 3,000.
> The oil temperature did get close to redline about 2,000', but the CHT
stayed about 40 degrees under red line.  I suspect that this was from the
long ground run followed by the climb.  The temps were a lot better after I
leveled off and reduced power.  If anyone cares to comment on weather or not
it is normal to get near redline after a 2,000' climb after running 20
minutes on the ground on an 85 degree day it would be appreciated.
> Once I got to altitude I pulled back to about 2,500 RPM and just kept
going in rectangles.  I found that the KR really likes to turn left with
just me in it.  I planned on normally keeping my wing tanks empty unless I
was on a long cross country, but now I think I might just keep the right
tank full when I fly alone.  I made sure that the engine was still happy at
idle and I did a few approaches to stalls just until it started to get
mushy.  I was pretty surprised at how much the KR would slow down and still
keep flying.  My airspeed indicator got down around 45 knots, but I don't
know how accurate it is yet and I didn't look at the GPS.
> After about 40 minutes I got cleared to get back in the pattern when I was
at 2,200 feet over the departure end of the runway.  I throttled back to
about 1,500 and went out a bit before I came back on downwind.  I had to do
a few circles to loose some altitude on the long downwind because the KR
glides so good.  I did try slipping some and the KR seemed to slip pretty
good.  I set up a long final that was high enough that I could glide in if I
had to.
> The landing was pretty easy.  I had a lot of grass before the runway so I
got low after crossing the airport fence and  I had a landing on the airport
secured and I kept in a little power so I could touch down right at the
threshold.  I started my flare a little late, but I only did one 6" bounce.
After I was on the ground I raised the tail again until it slowed and I was
home free.  I have read alot about KRs floating forever in ground effect,
but I didn't get much float at all.  It landed pretty much like a Cherokee,
probably because I was able to get a slow stabilized approach long before
the end of the runway.
> My overall impression is that the KR is a joy to fly and I can't wait till
I fly it again.  I still can't get the KR grin off my face.
> ___
> see KRnet list details at

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