[lace] Exhibition - In Fine Style at the Queens Gallery, London

2013-08-18 Thread Lynne Cumming
Today (as my plans to go later in the week were scuppered) I booked a ticket 
and went down to London to see the exhibition.  Thanks to the mentions on here 
I had already bought the catalogue and read it through. It was well worth the 
trip. If you cannot get to see it but have purchased the book you will have 
seen the majority of the exhibits but it was fascinating to see the actual 
paintings and the few available surviving samples of clothing, jewellery etc. I 
was lucky enough to catch a 10 minute talk by one of the guides who has a 
particular fondness for Rembrandt's Agatha Bas. There was no restriction on 
photography of the paintings but all the lace exhibits had  photography 
prohibited signs :( I was good although many others (mostly overseas visitors 
who were not reading the notices) were not! I was in there for a good two hours 
so just as well I went alone. London was heaving ... I was glad to jump on 
the tube and head home.

Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace] Arachne 20th

2013-03-20 Thread Lynne Cumming
Goodness how has that much time passed. I've been a member since almost the 
beginning and have fond memories of '98! I lurk, mostly because I'm on digest 
and by the time I see a message it's already been sorted! 
Commemoratives - so many of us now use the ubiquitous ipad/iphone or other 
tablet for our Internet connections and they don't have USB sockets so no use 
for a flash drive (shame..). Never can have enough bobbins, tools especially 
pretty ones. Still have my original bobbin with my first email addy on. Cover 
cloths useful too.
Who remembers the raffle? 
Good to see Tamara back online. Missed you.

In dreary, gloomy, cold North Herts UK

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[lace] Jean Leader's article

2013-02-17 Thread Lynne Cumming
Yesterday I picked up a magazine as it said 'The Art of the lacemaker' on the 
front. Looking inside I saw the article was about Arachne's own Jean Leader. So 
I bought the magazine and sat down to read. The article was interesting and 
there was a nice series of photos down the side showing a good selection of 
lace types. A photo of Jean's pillow with lace in progress showed bobbin lace 
but the photo at the top which had a piece within it describing how bobbin lace 
is made was actually crochet! On the following pages were ideas on how to use 
lace doilies in the home from stiffening them to make bowls, covering 
stones with them and cutting them up to make bunting. The most disturbing was 
the image of a nice Battenburg doily being pressed into biscuit dough to 
imprint the pattern..

Nice to have lace out there in the press but no mention was made of making sure 
it wasn't Granny's heirloom lace you were pressing into the dough or chopping 

Lots of nice other stuff in the magazine too.. called Landscape ISBN 2049-8950  
£3.90 in the UK www.landscapemagazine.co.uk

in a slightly chilly but sunshiny (at last) Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace] Brian

2012-03-15 Thread Lynne Cumming
Thanks to all who sent me brians address. We are now in touch.


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[lace] Brian

2012-03-13 Thread Lynne Cumming
Can Brian Lemin please contact me or someone send me his email? I have a bobbin 
query I hope he can help with.

In Baldock, North Herts where spring is thinking about it..

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[lace] Manos lace weight yarn

2011-12-18 Thread Lynne Cumming
 I am currently knitting a lace pattern shawl in this ( Manos pattern 
 annabelle) in natural colour. I started a year or so ago and then had to take 
 on a burst as daughter announced she was expecting next March. The yarn knits 
 up a treat and the pattern is lovely unless you drop a stitch in the lace 
 area. It is one of those make 3 in one row and then knit together so dropping 
 a stitch is a disaster. I did rip out and start again early on. Lace has had 
 to go by the board for a while. Hopefully I'm nearly there now. It's been 
 slow going as I'm struggling with my double vision but I saw the consultant 
 on Friday and hope for surgery in the New Year. 
I have the 'misfortune' to work next door to the yarn shop and the owner came 
in with the yarn samples and pattern to show me. Baby cardigans to make as soon 
as I get the shawl made.

Baldock, North Herts, UK
where there is a nice rime of frost this morning and the thermometer reads -1C

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[lace] Lace groups/teachers in Hampshire uk

2011-12-04 Thread Lynne Cumming
My youngest student is moving to Tidworth, Hamps and wants to carry on making 
lace in company. Can anyone give me details of classes or groups in the area. 
She has a car so can travel some distance if required. Let's not lose a young 
one! Looking at the map Andover, Salisbury and Marlborough seem to be ideal or 
around that way.
Many thanks if anyone can give us some contact details as she is off very soon. 
We are really going to miss her - the mean age of the class is going to shoot 
up now!
I have searched t'internet and found a few leads but live ones are always best!

In Baldock, North Herts
Still not cold or snowy but not complaining!

Sent from my iPad

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[lace] Lacemaking in Tignes

2011-08-11 Thread Lynne Cumming
I've just spent a week high in the French Alps and was lucky enough to come
across a French lacemaker demonstrating at a Mountain Festival in Tignes.
Unfortunately my French has been hard hit by spending time in Austria
attempting to use German and the lady had little English but I hope she
understood that I was a fellow lacemaker. She assured me that the gorgeous
chunky bobbins she was working with were specific to Tignes as well as the
hooped pillows she was working on. There was also an exhibition on the
development of Tignes as a ski resort due to the downturns of the late C19th
and early C20th when the population headed away from the high valleys and
farming and other industries such as lacemaking. I was delighted to see a
picture of the 'dentellieres' and have included it in my slideshow of the
lacemaker and her pillows and bobbins on webshots. Please see the link to
have a little look. 

I won't bore you with the alpine flowers, the wonderful views, the videos of
the cows parading up the street and the folkdancers - let alone the high
divers jumping from a helicopter into an icy lake! However, in due course
those may well make it to another album.




Lynne Cumming, back in cold, wet Baldock, North Herts UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

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[lace] Baldock Street Fair again

2009-05-01 Thread Lynne Cumming
Hi all! It's that time of year again when and I and my merry band of
medieval lacemakers show how lace was not made in medieval times at the
Baldock Medieval Street Fair. We've been demonstrating at it for at least 15
years (it started as a Victorian Street Fair which was more appropriate!).
It's great fun and if anyone would like to join us or just visit you'd be
more than welcome. http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/album/563456493ejLLKq
will take you to my photos of last year's demo and you can also see the 2007
Baldock is just off the A1 in North Hertfordshire and is a lovely town - or
was until they decided to 'enhance' the town. The work is almost finished
and I can't say I'm too impressed. They've narrowed our wonderful high
street, moved the pelican crossings even closer to the main junction in the
town and put a flat cobbled mini roundabout in the middle - it's lethal on
the motorbike! Takes me twice as long to get to the next town to work than
it did. We are back to delays similar to pre-bypass days purely because the
traffic cannot flow due to crossings, traffic lights, people trying to get
in and out of parking spaces, no bay for the bus... Oh dear I am being a
grump! Tell you what, have a lacy day out and see what you think! You can
climb the church tower for an overall view as well!
See you all on Saturday16th May from 10am to 4pm - we'll be in the Community
Centre - can't trust the weather!!


Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] Missing digests?

2009-04-13 Thread Lynne Cumming
Have there really been no lace-chat messages since 6th April? I get the
digest and have not had anything since then No.97. Some of my lace digests
have been diverted to junk mail by outlook despite my rules being up to date
(and I haven't changed any) so I'm just concerned - and I don't want to miss


Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace] La Paleta thread

2008-07-12 Thread Lynne Cumming
 Vivienne has a nice garter pattern I'd like to do which uses Finca 60 and
 La Palente. Brenda's oh so useful little book (latest edition) does not
 have La Paleta in it so does anyone out there have a wrap measurement for
 it as I would like to work the garter in silk. I rather assume it would be
 very similar in thickness to the Finca 60 but would just like to check!
 Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] Dangerous driving

2008-02-21 Thread Lynne Cumming
The comment about driving while on a mobile phone. what is the law in
Austria? Last Thursday whilst accompanying the college ski trip as
non-skier/carer of sick and injured I had to accompany a girl off the
mountain to the local klinic. The local Red Cross ambulance picked us up and
I was seated in the front with the driver. He played/texted/looked at his
mobile phone the whole way down the hairpin journey to the valley then had
two more long sessions while we travelled down the valley to the klinic. If
his English had been better (and I had had any usable German!) I would have
mentioned that in UK he would have lost his licence for having a phone in
his hand let alone using it! I was so glad the girl in the back was unaware
as we bounced along avoiding other traffic when he noticed it.. and it
cost me Euro 160.
At work we see many people each day driving along on the phone - lorry
drivers, car drivers, taxi drivers etc. Only people who aren't attached are
the motorcyclists..


Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] Tourist Office Enquiries

2008-01-04 Thread Lynne Cumming
I work in a Tourist Office. We get all sorts of daft questions. Last year my
colleague's husband sent an email to all the TIC's in the UK  and asked what
silly questions/stories they had. It was quite amusing to see some of them.

The question that irritates me most is 'Is this bus timetable up to date?'
No of course it's not, we give out out of date ones just so you'll miss that
bus I really have to bite my lip.

The best question is 'Where are the gardens?'  We are the world's first
garden city and many people don't understand what that actually means and
expect vast expanses of maintained floral displays! We smile sweetly and


Baldock, North Herts, UK

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FW: [lace-chat] Tourist Office Enquiries

2008-01-04 Thread Lynne Cumming
Hi Shere'e and all,

Sorry - this a brief explanation

The garden city principle is a way of living - a lifestyle if you like. The
town was designed and built from scratch to bring the best of country living
and town living together. The concept was developed by Ebenezer Howard at
the end of the C19th and Letchworth Garden City was founded in 1903 in an
attempt to improve the living and working conditions of people living in the
cities of the time.  (Welwyn Garden City followed, then Hampstead Garden
Suburb etc) The idea was that people could live in a town with access to
their work, shops and community but also the countryside. The streets were
laid out to a plan from the town centre to the industrial area incorporating
some communal spaces (a large common, a park with paddling pool, town centre
garden etc) The houses would have space for everyone to have their own
garden to grow their own vegetables and have a few chickens etc. A
competition in 1903 for 'Cheap cottages' required the designers to build a
house for £150 (excluding land costs). Most of these are still standing
although they have been extended and modernised in most cases. In the early
days  the 'pioneers' were seen rather as the hippies of their time and
people would take day trips from London to 'view' them and laugh at the
sandal wearing free thinkers!

We get many visitors from the architectural and town planning fields. Mostly
from Japan and Scandanavia but also from the USA where there are quite a few
'garden cities'.

If anyone is interested in further info see  www.letchworthgc.com where you
get a history lesson and some general info on the town.

Nice place to live and work as the principles are continued to this day
although we are no longer a 'dry' town and actually have 3 pubs now!


Baldock, North Herts, UK


From: Shere'e [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 January 2008 17:53
To: Lynne Cumming; chat Arachne
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] Tourist Office Enquiries

On Jan 4, 2008 9:33 AM, Lynne Cumming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The best question is 'Where are the gardens?'  We are the world's first
 garden city and many people don't understand what that actually means and
 expect vast expanses of maintained floral displays! We smile sweetly and


 Baldock, North Herts, UK

Ok. Color me silly. It may be the US vs UK interpretation of words but I
would have asked the exact same question. Could you explain?

Seattle, WA USA
Unique Weddings for Unique Couples

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[lace] Christmas card

2007-12-12 Thread Lynne Cumming
Jeanette Fischer sent me a lovely card with a lace poinsettia on the front.
It will last longer than the poor plant I have purchased which my husband
says I will kill in very short order as I have black thumbs! I managed to
kill a mother-in-laws tongue - took a few years of neglect but I managed it!
The card will sit in pride of place amongst the hand made cards on my
Thank you Jeanette.


Baldock, North Herts, UK

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FW: [lace] To the lace makers.

2007-12-11 Thread Lynne Cumming
  I have a question for all of you: What do you do with the lace? Do you
sell it or embellish you linen or clothing?

I make lace for gifts for friends who will appreciate it. When I first
started I made a lace owl and put it in a brooch for my daughter. Smeone saw
it in a shop and when she discovered I'd made it asked if I would make her
one. It snowballed and I ended up making 18 of them. One a day. I'd make one
and leave it on the pillow for 24 hours, then I wound the bobbins for the
next one ready for the next evening and mounted the one I'd taken off the
pillow onto felt and put into a brooch mount. I asked for enough to cover
the cost of the mount and a small donation which I gave to my church -
charging nothing for my time or the thread. I was sick of that owl by the
time I'd finished and was most unimpressed when someone complained that the
pin had bent when they tried to put it onto a thick wool coat. I had to
exchange the mount which left me with a duff brooch that I couldn't use.  

The best thing I've done was when we did a demo we did a competiton to win a
brooch with a piece of Bucks Point in it. I made the lace and when I'd
finished I counted all the pins and alongside the brooch I displayed the
pricking. The question to be answered was 'how many pins were used in the
pricking?' We supplied a list of numbers for them to sign off against from
about 50 to 600. The actual number was about 450 if I remember correctly. It
was interesting to see what people guessed. Most of the lacemakers
underestimated wildly. Great fun, a bit of a fundraiser and made people
think about the actual making of the lace. The nearest guess won the brooch.


Baldock, North Herts, UK

Where it's very cold and I've just walked back from town where we had our
lace class Xmas dinner at the fish and chip shop. Great fun!

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[lace] Lace hates

2007-12-08 Thread Lynne Cumming
 If only ready-wound bobbins were available!!  
 When we first started making lace 20 years ago my friend's mother-in-law
 wanted to know if she threw 'those sticks' away when the thread ran out??
 We still laugh about that.
 I really don't dislike any of the lace making processes! The bit I like
 best is picking up that wonderful crisp piece of lace  off the pillow for
 the first time. The day that magical feeling disappears will be the day I
 stop making lace.
 Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace] Christmas Tree Festival a Lace Tree

2007-12-07 Thread Lynne Cumming
Apologies for double posting but I know there are local lacemakers who only
subscribe to one or other of the lists!

My class has been busily making lace for a tree to put in the local
Christmas Tree Festival in the parish church. I went down tonight to set it
up and was quite pleased with the finished article. I bought a 3 foot black
tree and added a set of lights and all the lace we had made. Our youngest
lacemaker in the class is 12 and she was thrilled to see her lace put on
display. While I was setting up and wandering round afterwards I heard quite
a few complimentary comments about the lace. There is no competition element
this year they are purely for the fun of it. There are 57 trees throughout
the church. Tomorrow and Sunday the church will be open to view, if the
weather is good enough the tower will be open so you can climb up and view
the area as well. Sunday evening there will be a service of celebration and
we all get to take the trees down afterwards. 
The church is C14th and needs a lot of repairs so this festival  raises
money for that.

Any lace makers in the area would be welcome - refreshments are available!
St Mary's Baldock, Herts, UK.

Please have a preview at:
http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z265/lazydaisy25/  (I do apologise for
the Disney overlay on the slideshow)


Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] Christmas Tree Festival - a Lace Tree

2007-12-07 Thread Lynne Cumming
 Apologies for double posting but I know there are local lacemakers who
 only subscribe to one or other of the lists!
 My class has been busily making lace for a tree to put in the local
 Christmas Tree Festival in the parish church. I went down tonight to set
 it up and was quite pleased with the finished article. I bought a 3 foot
 black tree and added a set of lights and all the lace we had made. Our
 youngest lacemaker in the class is 12 and she was thrilled to see her lace
 put on display. While I was setting up and wandering round afterwards I
 heard quite a few complimentary comments about the lace. There is no
 competition element this year they are purely for the fun of it. There are
 57 trees throughout the church. Tomorrow and Sunday the church will be
 open to view, if the weather is good enough the tower will be open so you
 can climb up and view the area as well. Sunday evening there will be a
 service of celebration and we all get to take the trees down afterwards. 
 The church is C14th and needs a lot of repairs so this festival  raises
 money for that.
 Any lace makers in the area would be welcome - refreshments are available!
 St Mary's Baldock, Herts, UK.
 Please have a preview at:
 http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z265/lazydaisy25/  (I do apologise for
 the Disney overlay on the slideshow)
 Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace] Baldock Street Fair lacemaking demo

2007-05-19 Thread Lynne Cumming
Our demo at the Baldock street fair today went off extremely well as did the
whole event. The sun shone (and the wind blew) and the rain did not rain!
Medieval folk were there in force and a great time was had by all. We had a
great deal of interest and our have a go pillows - all 3 of them were busy
all the time. One little boy aged 5 made more than half of a snake sitting
for the best part of 2 hours and took it proudly home. Several snake
heads/fish were completed as well. We have a new young lady coming to visit
the class on Tuesday and a couple of interested ladies who have gone away
inspired. The little boy and an equally little girl were brilliant and when
they are a bit older I hope they'll join in the fun.
If you'd like to see what our display and lacemakers are like see my
webshots album on the following link. It may be a day or longer before they
put them on the server but please have a look - and yes, I know they didn't
wear lace then but I couldn't resist wearing the Beds collar I'd just bought
on ebay!!! I did tell people it wasn't my own work though!
Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] Baldock Street Fair lacemaking demo

2007-05-19 Thread Lynne Cumming
Our demo at the Baldock street fair today went off extremely well as did the
whole event. The sun shone (and the wind blew) and the rain did not rain!
Medieval folk were there in force and a great time was had by all. We had a
great deal of interest and our have a go pillows - all 3 of them were busy
all the time. One little boy aged 5 made more than half of a snake sitting
for the best part of 2 hours and took it proudly home. Several snake
heads/fish were completed as well. We have a new young lady coming to visit
the class on Tuesday and a couple of interested ladies who have gone away
inspired. The little boy and an equally little girl were brilliant and when
they are a bit older I hope they'll join in the fun.
If you'd like to see what our display and lacemakers are like see my
webshots album on the following link. It may be a day or longer before they
put them on the server but please have a look - and yes, I know they didn't
wear lace then but I couldn't resist wearing the Beds collar I'd just bought
on ebay!!! I did tell people it wasn't my own work though!
Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace] Demo on Sat 19th North Herts UK

2007-05-12 Thread Lynne Cumming
My little lace class  and I shall be demonstrating at the Baldock Festival
next Saturday (19th May) from 10am to 4pm. Please call in and see us in the
Community Centre - it usually rains at some point so we stay safely indoors!
The festival has a medieval theme again this year and I do try to point out
that lace was not around in this form in those times and have taken a lucet
in the past. No one worries and it's a good chance to promote the craft,
dress up and have some fun. If anyone would care to join us they'd be very
welcome. Louise from Cambridge will be there too so there are at least two
names you'd know! Drop me a line if you'd like to demonstrate so that I can
have enough table space ready. See  http://www.baldockfestival.org.uk
http://www.baldockfestival.org.uk for photos of last years festival and
our lacemaking display. We are just off the A1M just north of Stevenage.
Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] Demo on Sat 19th North Herts UK

2007-05-12 Thread Lynne Cumming
My little lace class  and I shall be demonstrating at the Baldock Festival
next Saturday (19th May) from 10am to 4pm. Please call in and see us in the
Community Centre - it usually rains at some point so we stay safely indoors!
The festival has a medieval theme again this year and I do try to point out
that lace was not around in this form in those times and have taken a lucet
in the past. No one worries and it's a good chance to promote the craft,
dress up and have some fun. If anyone would care to join us they'd be very
welcome. Louise from Cambridge will be there too so there are at least two
names you'd know! Drop me a line if you'd like to demonstrate so that I can
have enough table space ready. See  http://www.baldockfestival.org.uk
http://www.baldockfestival.org.uk for photos of last years festival and
our lacemaking display. We are just off the A1M just north of Stevenage.
Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] RE: tourist questions

2007-01-03 Thread Lynne Cumming
Staff at tourism agency VisitBritain were left scratching their heads at 
some of the questions posed to them last year.

I work in the local TIC (Tourist Info Centre) and we get some really silly
questions and last year my colleague's husband emailed all the TIC's in the
UK for silly questions they'd been asked. Some of them were quite
unbelievable. Currently our local Post Office has just moved and is now at
the other end of our road on the way from the previous site. Everytime I'm
asked where it is I have to bite my tongue to resist the urge to sing 'keep
right on to the end of the road...keep right on to the end...'

I have answered one query of 'do you know where the PO is?' with 'yes' and
waited for the response! It was to two young girls who took it well! It just
gets really wearing answering the same question endless times a day! You do
get to meet some lovely people though.


In Baldock, North Herts, UK

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[lace] RE:Alan and Barry's disc

2006-09-05 Thread Lynne Cumming
Out of curiosity I had a look at the TV channel and low and behold there
they were demonstrating the disc! Each time I looked during the day it was
on! Their prints seemed to be OK but I didn't see any close ups to get any
idea of clarity and to be honest they weren't the most 'lacey' of bits!

Not tempted but I have given in and orded the Butterfly and moth book
(Ulrike Lohr) from SMP. Waiting for the postman...

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] Butterflies and Moths by Ulrike Lohr (Point Ground)

2006-08-30 Thread Lynne Cumming
Apologies for cross posting but I sent this in error to lace-chat first of
all. I do need to clarify that it's the book of point ground patterns. Many
thanks to Malvery for her help with my original inexact query!

Has anyone done any of the butterflies from this book and would they send me
a picture if they have? I'm comtemplating getting the book but cannot find
anywhere with pics of the actual butterflies and I'd like to see what they
are like before buying. There's a very small pic all the butterflies on
SMP's webpage but I'd like to see something bigger!
Many thanks,
 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] Ulrike Lohr's Butterflies

2006-08-30 Thread Lynne Cumming
Has anyone done any of the butterflies from this book and would they send me
a picture if they have? I'm comtemplating getting the book but cannot find
anywhere with pics of the actual butterflies and I'd like to see what they
are like before buying. There's a very small pic all the butterflies on
SMP's webpage but I'd like to see something bigger!
Many thanks,
 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] Names and legalities

2006-08-29 Thread Lynne Cumming
Some time in his life, he'd obviously just got confused, but all important

documents were in his correct name.

My brother's father-in-law died a couple of years ago and he had been rather
'difficult' over the previous few years. On looking over some of the mounds
of paperwork they found in the house it transpired that at some point he had
changed his name by adding a middle name not on his birth certificate and
had opened several bank/building accounts in this name as well as in his
original name. When my brother went to register the death he asked what they
should do and was told they'd put it down as 'name surname also known as
name middle name surname'.

He went straight onto the solictor's and they were very relieved as if the
certificate had only been in one name they would not have been able to close
the accounts in the other name and they would have had to wait 7 years for
him to be 'presumed dead' and deal with the will.

He left quite a few little shocks in store for them - they found he had
changed his will and the new one wasn't discovered until my SIL had nearly
finished dealing with the first one. In all it took her a couple of years of
paperwork to sort it all out - he had hidden statements and all sorts in
bags that appeared to contain rubbish so they had to check absolutely
everything in the house.

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] Re: Drat, forgot to email this!

2006-06-15 Thread Lynne Cumming
There's a campsite in the Ziller Valley in Austria called 'Camping Hell'.
While we know this is the owners name and believe it means Bright, it's
still funny each year as we take our coach load of students past on their
ski trip. We have camped not far away in the Inn Valley and hope next year
to actually stay in 'Hell' It looks a really nice campsite!
Just going as far as Pembrokeshire this year...


 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] Re: Dear Abby

2006-06-14 Thread Lynne Cumming
Before I went away on a trip to Hong Kong in 2000 my DH and I made our
wills. In mine I stipulated that my children get to keep whatever of my lace
equipment they want (they can all make lace - even though they don't at
present), then my lace students and friends get to select what they want and
then it gets sold or passed to a Lace Guild for sale and proceeds to the
Guild. I decided that was the best way to ensure that it got to people who
wanted it and would use it. I have had several sets of equipment passed to
me from the local community centre. They take bric a brac for sale and sell
at a very low price. As I have taught there ( and taught one of the staff)
they pass on lace equipment and I use, pass on to students and set up new
lacemakers with it. We pay something for it and pass back to community funds
or to a lace guild. The lady I taught who works there gave me all her
equipment when she decided not to make it anymore and we sold it off between
the class and a local laceday. Some items I have kept for new lacemakers to
borrow/buy when they start out and quite a bit went to our latest youngster.
Yes do think about it - a friend has an extensive collection of bone bobbins
- all antique which she uses. I used to have nightmares about her pillow
being stolen!!


 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] lace teacher Uk

2006-05-20 Thread Lynne Cumming
We have just had a very successful day's demonstration at the local Medieval
Street Fair and have a young lady of 10 years who is interested in learning
to make lace. She romped her way down a 'Springett snake' over the course of
the day and went home delighted with it. Unfortunately she lives just too
far away to come to my class as it's on a school night and would be just too
late by the time she gets home. So we said we would see if we could find a
teacher for her. She lives at Wimbish near Saffron Waldon, Essex. When I get
them sorted out I shall have some pics up to view - the Arachne webshots is
If anyone knows of a class or teacher who would take her on please email me
off list.



 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] stickers

2006-05-18 Thread Lynne Cumming
Oh dear what have I started! I wanted a sticker in those 'good old days' but
DH said he wouldn't let me put it in the car! Nowadays I'd just do it!
Lamination is one way to go! Also I could put one on my trusty scooter! Food
for thought. Meanwhile if anyone wants to join us for our demo please feel
free. You don't have to come as a medieval anything but it's more fun if you
do. There's going to be a demonstration of medieval cookery in the hall too
- hope we are well away from the kitchen this time but it'll certainly get
more folk into the hall - often they don't realise there's anything going on
inside except when it's raining when they start looking! I remember the year
they moved the fire eater in. black smuts of smoke blowing everywhere
and all our precious bits up on display!

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] Lace for sale

2006-05-15 Thread Lynne Cumming
Today at work (Tourist Information) I took a call from a lady wanting to
know where she could buy a Bedfordshire lace hanky! Now we are not too far
from Bedofrd and just across the border from Bedfordshire but it's still the
first time that one has ever come up in the 5 years we've been open! I asked
if she wanted 'handmade' lace. 'Yes' was the reply. 'My Great Aunt will be
100 years old next month and came from Bedford. I thought it would be a good
gift.' When I told her the only hanky I'd seen for sale was in Bedford
Tourist Information Centre at a cost of £60 she was shocked - 'That much!'
I said I wouldn't do it for that but otherwise didn't let on that I make
lace! 4 weeks is a bit short notice to 'do' a beds hanky and that price was
a good few years ago. I suggested they may have trinket boxes with lace in
the lids or brooches, gave her the telephone number and said that they may
know some lacemakers who could do a hanky but it would take a while! I think
she was fairly lucky I answered the phone as my colleagues would not have
known the answer!
Meanwhile we are doing our annual demonstration at the Baldock Festival this
Saturday. Come and make yourselves known to us - we'll be in the Community
Centre dressed in a variety of medieval costumes! I must make those posters
up - lacemakers do it on pillows - come and see how!

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] Re: stain help

2006-04-14 Thread Lynne Cumming
Many thanks to all those who offered solutions. You'll be glad to hear that
finally Swarfega has won! I rubbed a load into each stain and left for a
couple of hours then did a hottish wash with Ariel and one leg has cleared
completely with just a couple of patches left on the other leg. This I can
live with and will retreat at the next wash to try and clear those. What a
relief! Now I have to sort out the blue jeans that have acquired stains (-
don't ask!) and I'll be trousered for a while!

Now perhaps I can get on with the Milanese Madonna and Child for a friend
who is celebrating her Golden Jubilee of taking her vows as a nun. I have
till July but I need a time scale to push me into getting on with it!

Thanks again - I knew I'd get help from 'the gang' on Arachne. I really
don't know what I'd do without my daily read. After all I've been a member
since at least 1996 so it's part of my life!


 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] Lace and biker chicks

2005-12-17 Thread Lynne Cumming
I am 
longing to go fore rides, but first in martch, is put away for the winter.

Why wait My little scooter (it won't grow up!) takes me to work every
day through the winter as well as summer (For nearly 5 years now)! It lives
outside under a nice cover. I wrap up warm and thaw my fingers out at work!
If it's very icy or lots of snow (v. rare) I take the train instead but
that's only a couple of days a year! BTW leather trousers don't bend enough
but quilted waterproof trousers over work ones keep me lovely and snug with
a pair of snow boots to keep the toes cozy and dry.


Lynne (drooling at the thought of a nice big bike..)
 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] RE: Halloween

2005-09-21 Thread Lynne Cumming
I was brought up to the age of 5 in Belfast, n. Ireland. We celebrated
Halloween as it wasn't done to celebrate Guy Fawkes night! We bobbed for
apples, had fireworks and toffee apples but did not trick or treat. When I
moved to England we did all the same things but on November 5th and
Halloween was not celebrated at all.
We get a few trick or treaters but try to discourage them - mine never went
out trick or treating until they were teenagers taking the small kids from
the street round for a year or two.


 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] Bucks garters

2005-09-18 Thread Lynne Cumming
I have been asked if there is a pattern for a Bucks Point Garter that will
not take forever to make! Does anyone know of any garter patterns in Bucks
offhand to save me reading through my 20 year collection of lace magazines??
You know what'll happen if I start that. no housework, no food, no

Thanks in advance for any help!

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] RE: lTesco

2005-09-09 Thread Lynne Cumming
Haven't heard of Tesco cancelling like that before although a friend's
husband did go for a job as a driver of the home delivery vans. He resigned
after the first day. The orders weren't ready when he was supposed to have
delivered them. He was supplied with no maps or directions and couldn't find
many of the addresses. This is someone with excellent local knowledge too!
Luckily we live 10 mins walk away from our nearest Tesco so only the major
shop has to be done by car and they are open 24 hours so we are rarely
caught without anything.

On a positive note - on Tuesday while in the store I went through a doorway
and hit my foot very hard on a protruding barrier (We have just been
refurbished). It was sticking 6 into the doorway. I went to the desk and
informed them that it needed to be removed before someone had a more serious
accident. I took the girl down to the doorway and showed it to her. She said
she'd get maintainance onto it. Well, I was fine till 3 hours later when my
foot went (we think) into spasms and I couldn't walk or even put weight on
my foot at all so a trip to the next town to AE was called for. There was
no fracture but painkillers and rest prescribed. On the way home (10.35pm)
we called in at Tesco to let them know what had happened as it needed to be
put in their accident book and I wanted to be sure they would remove the
barrier. When we took the duty managed to show him the barrier it had gone!
So full marks to Tesco for removing it so promptly. The next day they sent
flowers, chocolates (Thorntons!) and a gift voucher as a good will gesture.
My foot has improved rapidly and I'm back at work but an elderly person
could have had a nasty fall on top of the bruising.

Off to work now - then to Tesco for milk as DD has drunk it all leaving
just enough for morning coffee!!


 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] View our demo!

2005-05-29 Thread Lynne Cumming
Last weekend was the end of our local town festival fortnight. Last year and
this the Street Fair theme was medieval and as usual our little lace class
did a demo with the usual have a go pillow and display of lace. We do point
out that lace was not made at this time and have a lucet to hand for
historical accuracy! If you'd like to see some pics start with this one -
our own arachne Louise from Cambridge ( looking good in my costume as I went
away for the weekend and left them to it!). The snake is our have a go
pillow and was nearly complete by the end of the day. Torrential rain caused
the street fair problems but the lacemakers were nice and dry. The Maypole
dancers had to come inside. There are lots more pics on the website should
anyone be interested. welcome to Baldock!



 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] RE: cattern cakes

2004-11-19 Thread Lynne Cumming
This is the recipe for Cattern Cakes given by Hertfordshire Lacewings in
October 1991. (Have I really been making them every year for so long? VBG)
9 oz (275gm) self raising flour
4oz (100gm) melted butter
2oz (50gm) ground almonds
7oz (200gm)caster sugar
1oz (25gm) currents
2 teaspoons caraway seeds
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 medium egg, beaten
A liitle extra sugar, cinnamon and possibly, caraway seeds.

Sift the flour and cinnamon into a bowl and stir in the currents, almonds,
caraway seeds and sugar. Add the melted butter and beaten egg, mixing well
to give a soft dough. Roll out, on a floured surface, into a rectangle, 12
X 10 (30X25cm)

Brush the dough with water and sprinkle with the extra sugar and cinnamon.
Roll up, like a swiss roll, and cut into 3/4  (2cm) slices. Place the
slices, spaced well apart, on a greased baking tray. Bake for 10 minutes at
400F (200C) or gas mark 6. Cool on a wire rack. If wanted, the slices may be
sprinkled with the extra caraway seeds.

Enjoy! I make these for my students every year as my birthday is also St
Catherine's day and it's how we celebrate!

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] RE: cars

2004-11-04 Thread Lynne Cumming
Hi Jean,

Both my Father (86 next week) and MIL (81) have Renault Clio's. They find
them easy to get in and out of - MIL having had sciatic, back and sundry
other mobility limiting probs, Dad being very fit for his age. Dad is over
6ft tall, MIL shrinking to 5ftish! I have driven Dad's and find it light and
easy and comfy. I normally drive a Volvo estate. Worth considering the
Renault as I have not come across any bad reports. Good MPG and it's a nippy
enough little car round town as well as trundling along the motorways at a
reasonable lick (so Dad tells me!!!).

Good luck!


 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] RE: lace-chat-digest V2004 #184 Black Squirrels

2004-10-25 Thread Lynne Cumming
In Letchworth Garden City (the World's First garden City!) we have black
squirrels. At the TIC where I work we sell lots of postcards that get sent
off to doubters as evidence they exist. We have leaflets on them and a nice
little side line in souvenirs portraying one. Sometimes people come just to
see them and then we are exoected to be able to produce live ones for
viewing! I live a few miles away and have seen them here too - I followed
one down the path last week. Folk in Letchworth either love 'em or hate 'em
depanding on the size of their gardens and the damage done. Personally I
like them - they are slightly smaller than the greys and very definitely

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] RE: lace-chat microwave advice

2004-10-13 Thread Lynne Cumming
Hi Lindy,

I got a combination microwave (oven/grill/micro)when my last child was born
(17 yrs ago!) and we used that and a gas hob alone until we needed larger
amounts cooking (about 6 yrs)and then got a built in oven as well. We
finally got rid of the combi this year and went for a plain micro as we no
longer used the combi for baking and the grill was quite awkward to use.
Mostly due to it's position and the fact that the grill pan had to sit on a
high rack. I will say that we had an insurance on ours and had a new liner
as the enamel peeled badly on the first one which caused sparking. We also
had a new transformer and two new magnetrons in the time we had it. We are
quite happy with the small micro especially as it seems to have freed up so
much space.Be aware that most bakeware for the conventional ovens does not
fit in the combi micros as it hasd to go round and round. We have quite a
selection of unusal shaped bakeware! However, it was brilliant for us when
that was how we were cooking although Sunday roasts took some organising due
to lack of space inability to cook several different things at once.



Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace-chat] Spam and phones

2004-09-08 Thread Lynne Cumming
I gave up when I was getting 70-80 porn type spams a day and changed my
email. I have several addresses I use but it was surprisingly easy to change
my main address and let people know. Since then (with an email address
without part of a 'name' in it) I have had hardly any spam at all. This is
even with using it on websites and internet shopping.
We have had to block our house phone from phoning mobiles since our last
bill. DD2 was calling her friends - only for a few seconds each time (when
she was out of credit on her mobile) but the accrued total of minimum call
charges was frightening. She has paid me back! As we are on broadband I'm
glad to hear we don't have to face the dial out problem. The bill for last
month has just dropped through the door and I am mightily relieved to see
what it is!
Meanwhile I'm enjoying the peace of the first day on my own since all
returned to school, college, work etc! As all the rest are school term based
I've had them around making a mess on my days off so it's been hard to keep
up the housework etc. Never mind back to the next load of laundry while
there is sun to dry it in!

in sunny for once Baldock
 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] Surprises!

2004-07-08 Thread Lynne Cumming
Today a friend called round. He handed me a carrier bag, 'someone came into
the community centre and asked if they knew anyone who made lace and might
like these' he said! I used to work and run a lace class at the centre so
they thought of me and the carrier bag contained a box of Honiton bobbins
(46 of them) with a reel of coarse thread and a reel of 140. Another box
contained East Midlands and there were more East Midlands loose in the bag.
These totalled 109 and included quite a few that look fairly old by their
design and some of the spangle beads. 7 are antique bone, two with inscribed
names. I feel as if Christmas has come! I wish I knew the lacemaker they
came from but the only clues are a couple of lace day bobbins from elsewhere
in Hertfordshire. Ttthere's quite a few with a month inscribed on them and
several Christmas and Easter bobbins dating back to 1977 long before I
started the noble art.

I wish I had time to gloat and drool but I'm off to Austria for 3 days from
Sunday, out all day Saturday and have to work tomorrow , so it'll be next
week before I have a chance to really sort through! All this on top of DD1
graduating from Liverpool university this Tuesday (so a couple of days in
L'pool thrown in) and it's been one heck of a week!!!

Still grinning, about to down a GT,


PS Louise - come and gloat with me at last class on 20th.

 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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[lace] WEbshots

2004-05-25 Thread Lynne Cumming
If anyone would like to see some photos of our Lace display the other
weekend at the Baldock Festival please visit the album I have just created
on the Arachne webshot album. See Lynne Cumming.


login :  arachne2003
password:  honiton

Now I KNOW that lace was not made in those days and I did have a lucet to
hand and demonstrated it's use to anyone who would listen. It was great fun
and a change from our Victorian Fair which all the previous ones have been.
It was a warm day - not at all suitable for velvet long sleeved dresses.
Most of the lace was made by the demonstrators. A couple of pieces were
antique lace which added to the variety on show.



Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] RE: eggshells

2004-05-25 Thread Lynne Cumming
My mother gave me the story of 'smash the bottom of the eggshell so the
witches can't use them as boats ' line too. Is it particularly English? Mum
grew up in rural Suffolk and was full of Old Wives' tales. I remember the
day I came home with a branch of Hawthorne in bloom (still love that smell)
and she threw a fit! Witches tree and must never come into the house! Then
we got all the Irish lore thrown in from granny on Dad's side too!


Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] missing lacer

2004-05-11 Thread Lynne Cumming
Sorry to cross post but not sure which list Jana (Michigan) is on. If she is
out there can she please send me her email address as the one I have

Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] costume help

2004-04-17 Thread Lynne Cumming
I know there are quite a few out there who indulge in historic
recontructions. I am taking part part in a medieval street fair soon and
while costumes have to just look 'medieval' I like to be fairly accurate!
I've altered a dress which looks OK according to my historical costume
reference book but I need a headress. I've bought some voile and intend
making a band to hold this on my head. My question is how do I cut the veil?
Should I have a square, rectangle or circle? It won't be too large but I
can't face making up one of the headresses in vogue at the time the dress
matches too! Wearing specs does not improve things but I'll fall over things
All help gratefully received!


Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] RE:somethings wrong

2004-03-07 Thread Lynne Cumming
And there I was thinking it was me!!! This morning I went to collect DD2
from a sleepover. As the car battery died the other week the car clock is
reading the wrong time so I went to look at my watch. Not there! I was sure
I'd put it on but when we got home I asked daughter to bring it downstairs.
She couldn't find it. Now panicking a bit I searched the bedroom, bathroom,
kitchen and even the car before I finally found my watch

on the other wrist!

OK so I'm menopausal..

think I'll have a quiet day


Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK


Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] Gregorian chant

2003-11-16 Thread Lynne Cumming
I have to admit I like it the chants and have several CD's. However, my
favourite is the 'Canticles of Ecstasy' by Hildegarde of Bingen. This music
was written by a woman and is sung by women. The notes in some are so high
they seem to soar right up to the sky and I find them very uplifting and
soothing. On the other hand I like 'Queen'! DH and I are off to London next
Friday to see the musical courtesy of our children, as an anniversary
present. Dare I even mention that I also like 'The Yetties'??? Now how many
of you have ever heard of 'The Yetties'? They signed my petticoat
many (many) years ago and I embroidered the signatures on! I still have the
petticoat in my underwear drawer although I'll never get in it again I
expect .ahyouth!

(working hard on the keep fit effort!)
Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] weight training thanks

2003-11-14 Thread Lynne Cumming
Many thanks to Alice who has provided the XBX exercise book which looks nice
and easy and one I'll stick too! Thanks also to Avital who has provided a
different slant with the strength training - I've found some of those in the
library and shall add them into the XBX and the Tai Chi I already do. Watch
this space - a fit person is trying to get out!!

who lives in Baldock but works in Letchworth the World's First Garden City
where the world's first roundabout was built!! Traffic was allowed to go in
either direction around it!

Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk


Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace] Cross Twist

2003-11-08 Thread Lynne Cumming
I too learnt to the chant of ' 2 over 3 and 2  4 back, 2 over 3' and still
teach it that way. Seems to work well. My son ( now 17) proves he can still
remember how to make lace by chanting it out. I know when my students are
relaxing into their lacemaking by the lack af under the breath muttering of
the rhyme! It also stops the early worry of what is a cross and what is a

Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk


Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] Totally OT. Book search - Not Lace

2003-11-04 Thread Lynne Cumming
Can anyone help? Approaching my half century and with a ski trip looming
next Feb (keeping up with 17 yr olds) I have to shape up and get fit fast!
Gently if at all possible! (Lacemaking is not conducive to this effort!!)
I've been told that 'The Royal Canadian Air Force XBX Plan for Physical
Fitness for Women' is an excellent course and have been trying to find a
copy - it's way out of print. Does anyone have a copy they'd like to sell?
Penguin books did it in paperback in the 60's-70's.
Thanks for any help.
Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk


Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the

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[lace-chat] onions

2003-07-26 Thread Lynne Cumming
As a youngster my Saturday job involved preparing vegetables in the Uni
Halls of residence kitchens. Good pay, hard work but I got fed as well! As
we catered for 200+ students and covered two days of meals each Sat , onoins
meant by the the sackful! I wore hard contact lenses at the time and could
happily peel and chop a sackful of onions with no ill effects unless they
were the big Spanish ones. Then I was teased unmercifully about boyfriend
trouble as the tears streamed down my face!!! I still find the tear ratio
depends on the variety!
Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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[lace-chat] Videos

2003-07-25 Thread Lynne Cumming
Can any of our American friends help me? I can't remember whether we were
discussing different video formats on Lace or chat but for safety I'm
putting this on chat! I have had 2 American ladies in our shop (in UK) his
week wanting to buy a video which has been made locally about the town. It
is only available in PAL format and I have advised them of this. They had no
idea that the tapes wouldn't work in USA and as they are not cheap I don't
want to sell them something they can't see. Are there places in the USA
where one can get these changed to the correct format or do dual mode videos
exist there as here??
Any help appreciated (I cannot find the relevant mails of course!)


Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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[lace-chat] Books

2003-07-20 Thread Lynne Cumming
As it's slow I'll add to this by agreeing on the Philip Pullman Trilogy.
Excellent reading but I also have the set of tapes of the dramatised
versions done by the BBC early this year. Obviously not as good (VERY
shortened versions 2 1/2hrs each) as the books but entertaining and I listen
to them on minidisk while I iron (hateful job).
Now I'm going to order some 2ply wool from Jamieson  Smith as I've just
heard of two new babies due to arrive Nov/Dec time and both mothers deserve
a shawl for their first born! One even deserved a lace wedding hanky and
appreciated it too!! Why is it always summer when I have to knit a shawl,
never the winter when that foam of lace knitting keeps the knees so lovely
and warm


Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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[lace] RE: lace-digest V1 #3664

2003-06-30 Thread Lynne Cumming
On the shade card there are only three varigated colours, all the others
are pain.  280 is turquoise pink and gold with a tiny bit of green, all
fairly well blended together.  Colour 380 is turquoise pink yellow and
white and looks more stripey in the sample,  ie longer lengths of each
colour, and is the paler of the two.  (270 is very different, turquoise
pink and gold with black).

Are you sure that both reels are colour 280?  If they are I can only
suggest that it's the old story of different batch numbers/dyelots

Definitely the same number (280) and the one I like (VBG) is as on the shade
card. Even DH took one look and said they're totally different! As long as I
don't use them together I'll be OK but it really makes me wonder. As the
labels have identical info but are different typefaces I can only presume
that something has changed. I've emailed Madeira. If I get a response I'll
let you know!!

Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk where it's raining ++ and I don't think I'll rush
the Monday morning washing! May just have to make lace until it stops!

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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[lace] Madeira threads

2003-06-30 Thread Lynne Cumming
I had a phone call this pm in response to my email from a nice lady called
Linda at Madeira. It would appear that I have one reel each of old and new
stock. The colour change is down to the change of process used for the
metallic threads to come within EEC guidelines! She would have exchanged
both reels for two matching ones but the 'nicer' one will last for the
current project unless I get carried away(g) .

So hats off to Madeira for a prompt and helpful response to the query!!!


Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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[lace-chat] Harry Potter

2003-06-28 Thread Lynne Cumming
Our Ford Anglia was a maroon coloured one! 

We too had a Ford Anglia. Well, two actually. Both white. It was the first
car my parents bought and it was such luxury. We took it to Sweden for a
holiday in 1967 and there were 5 of us! My mother packed our clothes in big
plastic bags so we could fit more in as we were away for three weeks. It was
a great adventure as not many English people went to Sweden then although we
were assured everyone spoke English!! well, yes, their English was way up on
Dad's attempts at Swedish from the teach yourself book!!
 I still remember those cars with great affection. We'd ,moved onto Cortinas
by the time I learnt to drive. Now I'm back on two wheels on my trusty

Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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