Re: lingo-l GetNetText bug?

2004-01-16 Thread Evan Adelman
you have gNetId = getNetText(url) in an on beginSprite, right? Can't 
just have it out in no handler like you've pasted...


Rodrigo Peres wrote:

Hi list,

I'm using getNetText to return a xml from a php script. When I try to use
the script director open debuger and tells that my var (gListaXML) is empty
when I try (gListaXML[1].memoria.cartas[3].carta2[2]). But If I use the same
script, line by line in message window everything works fine. Can someone
has an idea?
gNetID = 

Global gXml
on exitFrame me
 if(netdone(gNetID) = true AND netError(gNetID)=OK) then
   gXml = netTextResult(gNetID)
   go to the frame
 end if
on interpretaXml
 global gListaXML, gXml
 parseObj = new(xtra xmlparser)
 erro = parseObj.parseString(string(gXml))
 if parseObj.doneParsing() then
   if erro = void then
 gListaXML = parseObj.makeList()
 gNetID = -1  
 go carrega_cartas
 put error in xml
   end if
 end if



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/ *Evan Adelman* | 646.894.3106 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021
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Re: lingo-l Ethernet HW Address? (xpost-ish)

2003-12-09 Thread Evan Adelman
Hi Warren -

ifconfig on osx (or is it ifup?), and ipconfig on the pc also will spit 
out this information - both are accessible to each environment's shell, 
and you can easily write to a text file w/ the shell - on windows 
something along c:\ipconfig -all  c:\ipinfo.txt would do it - but the 
problem w/ starting down this approach is that it's the shell that's 
handling the i/o (with the  in windows, and pipe in osx), not ipconfig 
or ifconfig themselves. So, 1) it's hard to get director to run 
'ipconfig -all  c:\ipinfo.txt' with the command prompt. You can do open 
'cmd' , and you can do open 'ipconfig' with success through the message 
window, but you have no ability to direct where ipconfig is throwing 
it's info. (Afaik, it's not possible to do something like OPEN 
'ipconfig -all  c:\ipinfo.txt' WITH CMD (perhaps MasterApp? is that 
cross-plat?) Since Director doesn't (afaik) handle i/o, you need to find 
a way to execute either of those programs w/ a program that can. I 
thought of pre-compiling some PERL just because it came to my mind first 
as a good i/o handler. I may be thinking about this wrong and don't have 
a ton of time on hand to try something out (when I do, I will though!), 
but it may start you on the right track...oh - and opposite of what 
everyone was saying about no eth card, I'd worry more about multiple 

Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Asked this on Direct-L yesterday but no one seemed to have the answer 
I was looking for.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a means (ideally with an Xtra, not 
something like AppleScript or VBScript) to find out the hardware 
address of a given system's ethernet card.

Bonus points for finding out things like CPU and HD serial numbers!

I know it's doable in theory; I'm just wondering if anyone's actually 
managed it in practice.


Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 646.894.3106 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021
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Re: lingo-l Stage.rect stage.image.rect?!?

2003-10-23 Thread Evan Adelman
that's messed up - perhaps a dual monitor issue or something?


grimmwerks wrote:

Explain this to me (and NO, I'm not zoomed, it's 100%)


put the stage.image
-- image:6441e40
put the stage.image.width
-- 1024
put the stage.rect
-- rect(1342, 52, 1982, 532)
put the stage.rect.width
-- 640
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/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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Re: lingo-l ball and paddle problem

2003-10-07 Thread Evan Adelman
Without looking at code, or having that particular book on hand, it 
sounds like you've probably got a object reference to your mouse 
position instead of a onetime integer value of the mouse's x,y position 
to start your calculations.

If it's the animation equations you're having problems with, feel free 
to download

Steve Rachels wrote:

Been beating my head over this.  Making a version of paddle bricks (from
Rosenzweig's Advanced Lingo for Games).  No problem until I decided to make
the ball shoot on the left mouse click _and_ come from the center of the
paddle.  Once the ball is in play, I don't want it to be guided by the mouse
movement (other than rebounding, of course).
I can make the mouse shoot the ball.  I can make the ball come from the
center of the paddle.  But I can't free the ball from the movement of the
mouse after release.
Clues, anyone?  Trails to follow?

Steve Rachels

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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
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Re: lingo-l english to spanish / spanish to english translation in director

2003-09-30 Thread Evan Adelman
Actually, both Kerry and Daniel responded pretty much in line w/ my 
solution, which would be to hijack (borrow, use, license, whatever) net 
services that do such things invoking the magic of getNetText. Unless 
you're going for your doctorate in over-extending languages and 
re-inventing the wheel ;-)  Even then, however, Kerry's examples fail 
pretty miserably in Babel Fish (English-Spanish-English = The alcohol 
is arranged, but the meat is weak.  He lead a block and gave return in 
a small restaurant.)

Good luck,
Daniel Nelson wrote:

Find another Lingo project, or find another language to do your translation
program. One day computers will translate natural language. Just not now, and
probably never with Director.

I'd take issue with that.  Natural Language Processing isn't overly 
computationally taxing, no more than a lot of other things that we've written in 
Lingo.  It's mainly table lookups.  The problem is not the amount of computation but 
the number of entries that need to be coded.  If
you could get an open source version of the tables used by an existing Natural 
Language Processing program, then you could read them into Director.  Otherwise, the 
project would be an enourmous amount of work.
If you want to see what is possible, try Babel Fish:



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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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Re: lingo-l Getting externalEvent to work

2003-09-22 Thread Evan Adelman
posted on direct-l too...:

i have an example of dcr-swf -javascript communication working at

The example covers IE, Netscape 4.xx but not Netscape/Mozilla 6+ (afaik, 
External Event is flawed for all these browsers and variants). If anyone 
checks Safari and gets positive or negative results, let me know.

The keys to working in IE are: must have vbscript that has a function 
whateveryourmovieidis_ExternalEvent to catch external events - this 
function can do whatever it wants. In mine, I call a javascript function 
that calls the originally intended function - just to make it easier to 

If the script is too complicated and anyone needs more explanation, 
please feel free to ask.


Andrew Dempsey wrote:

Hi all,

I can't figure out why I am having trouble with externalEvent in
shockwave.  Having spent the last 24 hours searching online for help, I
turn to you all for help!  I've done projectors for a couple of years,
but am fairly new to shockwave and especially getting a movie to
interact with the browser it's embedded in.
I have a shockwave movie embedded in a browser window.  In the movie I
have this simple behavior attached to a button:
on mouseUp me
In the head section of the webpage, I have the following script:

script language=JavaScript
function openNewWindow(newURL) {

However, when I click on the button that has the mouseUp behavior, and
hold my breath waiting for the new browser window to pop open, nothing
happens (and I eventually exhale).  I am sure there's something really
simple that I am missing here, but I have been looking at it for too
long, and I probably also need some caffeine detox (the diet coke/coffee
diet catches up eventually...).
The actual shockwave applet is located at, if it helps to look at it to
understand what I am saying.  The button that has the externalEvent
behavior is the little one with the key shape on it.  The site is set to
go live this week, and I want to get this ironted out.


Andrew Dempsey
ICT and Education Consultant
Cairo, Egypt

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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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Re: lingo-l [XPOST] FileIO Xtra wrapper: writeFile() solution

2003-09-11 Thread Evan Adelman
huh - just tested it really quickly on win2k, d8.5.1, looking at the 
file in notepad, and no go - just left the 'goodbye' in there...if i 
look at it in wordpad, same thing except now goodbye has a block in 
front of itany ideas?


Daniel Nelson wrote:

Hello Lists,

A recent thread on Lingo-l set me to thinking about overwriting files using FileIO 
Xtra (particularly files that are longer than the string to be written).  The standard 
solution seems to have been to delete the file before writing it again, but this seems 
scary if one doesn't have a backup system
built.  While walking my dogs this morning, it struck me that if the string to be 
written were shorter than the existing file, one could simply append the EOF character 
to that string before writing it.
My newly modified FileIO Xtra wrapper class implementing this technique is available from the below URL.  It must be saved first to a local hard drive, since the text file will be created using the moviePath.  It also requires BuddyAPI.

Once saved, entering test() into the message window will print hello world gooodbye followed by hello world if the test is successful.  These are the results of successive writeFile()/readFile() commands and indicate that a longer file has been successfully replaced by a shorter file.

Thank you for any feedback.  I hope some of you find the wrapper useful in your own work (please send me an e-mail if you do).



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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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Re: lingo-l Attach behavior to sprite...

2003-09-11 Thread Evan Adelman
hi Kristian,

When generating objects of scripts on the fly to attach to sprites, 
you're actually invoking the 'new' handler, not the beginSprite handler:

xCursor = (script flaCursorScript).new(2)

This almost makes sense if you think about it - the sprite has already 
begun (it's on the stage, and your movie is playing). What you're doing 
is creating a new script object and attaching that to an already 
existing sprite.

therefore, I'm guessing (without looking at your whole movie) that the 
beginSprite isn't executing at all and you should add the following 
handler to your behavior:

on new me
   return me
then in your calling script, refine it to read:


xCursor = new(script flaCursorScript)
sendSprite(2, #beginSprite)

Don't be tricked into thinking you can just shortcut the last step and 
put your 'beginsprite' code in your 'new'  handler - remember, the 
script hasn't been attached to a sprite yet and will puke when you try 
to reference stuff like me.spriteNum.

check out this quite ugly movie (i keep reusing it, so i should really 
clean it up one of these days):
If you want further reference...

Kristian wrote:


Below I have attached some simple code... The purpose with the code is to
(at runtime) be able to attach a behavior to a puppeted sprite containing a
flash member. The code works as long as I do not use the 'pSpriteRef'
variable and say instead type '2' or '3' (in the exitFrame handler in the
BEHAVIOR CODE below)... Unfortunately this will not work for me because this
behavior will be attached to more than one sprite (and the purpose of using
a behavior would be lost if I need to hardcode object references)... The
error message complains about the #hitTest which to me sounds like it does
not recognize the sprite as a flash sprite.
Anyone? Suggestions?


puppetSprite 2, TRUE
sprite(2).member = puppetName
sprite(2).width = 220
sprite(2).height = 491
sprite(2).locH = 5
sprite(2).locV = 76
if member(puppetName).loaded = TRUE then
end if
xCursor = (script flaCursorScript).new(2)
property spriteNum, pSpriteRef
on beginSprite me
pSpriteRef = me.spriteNum
on exitframe me
if sprite(pSpriteRef).hitTest(the mouseLoc) = #button then
if sprite(pSpriteRef).cursor  280 then
sprite(pSpriteRef).cursor = 280
end if
if sprite(pSpriteRef).cursor  -1 then
sprite(pSpriteRef).cursor = -1
end if
end if
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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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Re: lingo-l attaching behaviors at runtime

2003-09-11 Thread Evan Adelman
Not to be rude, but are my messages not coming through?  Or perhaps I'm 
not explaining things well ... I don't know. Let me know if there's 
something that I've explained that doesn't apply, let me know and I'll 
try again...

here's another reference movie


Craig Taylor wrote:

Hey Rob,


on mouseDown me
 pCounter = pCounter + 1
 if pCounter mod 2 then
   pSL = sprite(1).scriptInstanceList
   sprite(1).scriptInstanceList = []
   sprite(1).scriptInstanceList = pSL
 end if

Had  a similar sample that also worked fine, aong as you hard-coded the
spriteNum.  The problem seems to arise if you use me to reference the
sprite from where you are executing the code.  It simply fails to recognize
that sprite.  I just sent a response back to Kristian, as such.  In other
words, if you hardcode the spriteNum or even use sprite(the
currentSpriteNum) as an alternative, it works fine, as long as you don't
reference the object??


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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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Re: lingo-l attaching behaviors at runtime

2003-09-10 Thread Evan Adelman
hi craig -
there was a fairly in depth discussion a couple months ago on this - end 
of June to be exact w/ subject akin to scriptInstanceList. During that 
discussion, I posted a movie that's crap at 
best, but demonstrates adding scripts dynamically. taking the script out 
on exit frame rather than on mouseUp shouldn't make one bit of 
difference in the following example -

property addScript
on beginSprite
 addScript = 1
on mouseUp me
 -- save the scriptList for later use and then wipe out existing scripts
 -- put previously saved scripts back
 if addScript then
   y = new(script counter)
 end if


Craig Taylor wrote:

Hello List,

I am building a program where I need to remove the behaviours from a sprite
at one point and then reattach further down the score.  This all takes place
within the same sprite span.  The much simplified version of how I was
trying to handle it, is as follows:
global gBehaviorScriptsToReattach

on mouseUp me
-- save the scriptList for later use and then wipe out existing scripts
gBehaviorScriptsToReattach = sprite(x).scriptList
llDummyList = []
on exitFrame me
-- put previously saved scripts back
In actuality, this process takes place by calling different methods from the
same object, but the logic is there.  Seems to work during authoring, but
not at runtime.  However, I didn't see any documentation as such?  I have
also tried using scriptInstanceList, but ran into errors when it tried to
execute the reattached behaviours.  Just looking for the best way to handle
Craig Taylor
Renegade Digital Media inc.
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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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Re: lingo-l OT: Adios

2003-08-14 Thread Evan Adelman
Ok, so this brings up a question in my head: for all you successful full 
time Director dev's, are you finding Director work through current 
relationships, or do you have a different strategy to open new markets? 
Do you bring Director to the table through pre-built projects (We sell 
Kiosk applications. or We sell the majestic music video mixer 2000, 
build with Director or Rob's Presentations for sales reps.) or 
through custom engagements? And Rob, are you out there promoting your 
example as a product vs. a custom solution from scratch? Care to share?


Rob Romanek wrote:

11/08/2003 9:16:50 AM, Tab Julius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I agree, it's clear the market is dramatically reduced.  Just curious, 
compared to a couple of years ago, where do people think it is?  30% of 
what it was?  10%?  60%?  Where do you think it will be in two years?

Specifically the Director/Lingo market.  It's clear the Flash market is 
much stronger.


It's funny but my contracts seem to have gone opposite the market. For the 3 
years prior to this one I was doing mostly net work... a bunch of e-
commerce/product configurators with a tool called intershop and coldfusion and 
html stuff. A few cds and a bit of flash work thrown in here and there. The owner of 
the shop got nervous with the downturn in the market and changed directions (let's 
do banner ads instead, his primary company was an ad agency and he never 
really understood what we were doing) Anyway I've done nothing but director work 
this year. A big sales kiosk/ sales closing application and a bunch of cd and 
DVD-Roms. Currently the DVD-Rom market seems to be hot as far as learning 
tools for sales rep who are on the road all the time. Most of the IT departments I've 
worked with don't have their reps on the latest and greatest tech, they prefer a 
conservative tried and true approach so Flash MX is useless to me as far as 
internet stuff. That and for most of these reps there is no guarentee they'll get 
more than 56 k dial-up connnection while on the road and since most of the 
training tools have a lot of video CD/DVD-ROM is the answer (and flash can't 
handle the amount of video so that and other reasons leave me with Director). I 
think I can rely on that market for the next couple years, I'll see... I may have to do 
more flash work again then but for now I'm extremely happy to be back in the 
director world!!


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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: AW: lingo-l Re: Triggering a Director movie from the internet

2003-08-07 Thread Evan Adelman
Ok - let's review first what you'd like to do, what you have available 
as resources, and how I'd approach it:

1) User has form box in html. Nothing else. No shockwave movie.
2) User enters text and submits.
3) A director application running on your server needs to process that text.
4) The application needs to communicate with the client.
You have php, multiuser server, full access to your server.

Using php, you need to create a socket, open a connection with a 
multiuser server, send a message to a script that's functioning on that 
server, get the message back from director, and relay some information 
back to the client.

You need php or a socket opening capable server side language because 
there's no easy way that I know to relay an open connection from a 
un-shocked client (thus the connection would not be direct and would be 
through your web server, Apache, IIS, etc) to a server side Director 
program. You could fuss around with it for days with opening text files 
and storing data and status in those, and still probably end up w/ 
synchronization issues if you have more users than one at a time.

So I'd create a script that opens a socket to the director server. A 
good place to start with PHP is . You need Director to be 
listening on a port for a message and respond in a certain way. A good 
place to start learning about the MUS is here: 
. The connection between php and your MUS is local.

So after all the details get worked out, the path would be something 
like so:

1) PHP script accepts message from client.
2) PHP opens socket w/ MUS and forwards the message (which contains your 
3) A script running on your server, processes the message into an image, 
and saves the image on the server in a directory available to your web 
4) Director responds back to the php script (remember, we have a 
connection open between the two still) with the location of the new image.
5) The php script responds back to the client w/ the location of the new 

If you need help beyond this, or it looks too daunting, feel free to 
email me off list.

Michael von Aichberger wrote:

Hi Cole!


Or if the internet user doesn't do it directly, how could a PHP Server
connect to a Director projector via the MUI?


I'm sure it could be done with php's fgets and fputs socket commands.

Thanks for your answer. I am not a PHP geek, I just know that fgets and
fputs are used to read and write to files. What exactly would be their
purpose in connecting to a Director projector running an instance of the MUI
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/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l Triggering a Director movie from the internet

2003-08-04 Thread Evan Adelman
If you're willing to run around the DMX support issues (I believe it 
still works but you need a D8.5 serial or something), I'd look into the 
multiuser xtra and server.


Kerry Thompson wrote:

So how can I tell a Director movie from outside to do a 
special task? And outside means from somewhere in the world!

There is no way to send a message to a Director projector that I know
What I've done in a similar situation is to have the projector check
periodically for the existence of a file. When that file appears,
Director goes off and does its thing.
I used that for load testing on a LAN-based program, but I don't see why
you couldn't do it on an Internet server. Of course, it would have to be
a Windows or Mac server since Director doesn't run on any flavor of

Kerry Thompson

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/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l Archives?

2003-06-30 Thread Evan Adelman
everyone in unison:
It's in the header of every email from the list! 

Kerry Thompson wrote:

I should know this. Where are the archives for this list?


Kerry Thompson

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m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l need to attach a behavior

2003-06-30 Thread Evan Adelman
specifically, make sure you create an instance of the script you're 
attaching to the sprite like so:

y = script(stuff).new()
You can download a sample movie which creates a sprite on the fly and 
then uses scriptInstanceList here:

Just make sure you don't judge my lingo skills by my design skills - and 
the whole example makes a lot more sense once you look at the code (I 
hope). The main magic is located in a script called sparksFly.


Kerry Thompson wrote:

Is there a way for lingo to attach a behavior to a sprite and 
then unattach it as well?

Check out the scriptInstanceList.


Kerry Thompson

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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2003-06-24 Thread Evan Adelman
check out the movie at - do you experience 
the similar problem w/ that movie. it's ok on my win2k, d8.5

Quixadá wrote:

hi, folks
it seems i´m going around in circles, so here it is: i´m creating 
sprites on the fly, then adding a script to them using the 
scriptInstanceList; that´s ok, it works. the problem comes when i try 
to change a parameter inside that script in only a specific sprite, 
because all the sprites have their parameters changed.

here´s the handle that changes it:


and here´s the handler that´s on the script added on the fly to 
several sprites:

on revert me,a
  pChave = a
pProxima is a parameter that changes the number of the sprite to be 
changed (because they have to be altered based on time), and it 
doesn´t matter, because if i change this parameter for a number, say 
2, the effect is the same: not only sprite 2 pChave is changed. the 
result is that pChave is changed to 1 on every sprite created on the 
fly, no matter what. it only doesn´t happen on sprite 1, because it 
was not created on the fly: the pChave parameter on it remains 0. i 
tried something like

on revert me,a
  sprite(the currentSpriteNum).scriptInstanceList[1].pChave = a
but same results.
i think i don´t need to put the entire behaviors here, because it´s 
all about how on-the-fly scripts deal with sendsprite messages.

win xp, d 8.5.1

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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2003-06-24 Thread Evan Adelman
ok, so my movie, while needs much explaining on it's own, shows a method 
of puppeting a sprite, then adding an instance of a script directly 
after. in short, you just need to do something like...

y = new(script zoom)
Quixadá wrote:
hi, rob
yes, you´re right, that´s exactly my problem. i´ve made a simple dir 
just to show what´s happening. here are the scripts:

movie script
on startMovie
  repeat with i = 1 to 3
puppetSprite i,TRUE
sprite(i).member = member 1 of castLib 1
sprite(i).loc = point(400 + random(70),300 + random(70))
  end repeat
the script attached to the sprites, named zoom
property pTest
on beginSprite me
  pTest = 1
on change me,a
  pTest = a
on findout
  put pTest
just create a bitmap on cast member 1 of castlib 1, and if you like put 
it on channel 4, upper left corner (doesn´t matter where) and assign the 
script above. it´ll show you how a sprite that was not created on the 
fly behaves. use 
sendSprite(anynumberfrom1to4,#change,anyparameteryouwant) on the message 
window to test. if you type sendSprite(2,#change,10) and hit enter, and 
then type sendSprite(3,#findout), you´ll see that sprite 3 pTest has 
changed and are equal to 10, and it shouldn´t, because i´ve sent a 
message to sprite 2 only. all sprites have changed, except sprite 4, 
that was not created on the fly.

thanks and regards,
At 16:42 24/6/2003 -0400, you wrote:


Kerry suggested one possibility but I think I'm reading your problem a 
differently. You have a bunch of sprites lets say 1 to 10 which are 
all created on
the fly sending a message to one of them affects them all right?

Kerry I think the problem you are describing is if you create a sprite 
on the fly in
channel 2 frame 5, lets say, and then jump to fram 500 where a score 
sprite exists, the script instancelist applied in frame 5 mucks up the 
score one in
frame 500. Let me know if I'm wrong.

Anyway I think the problem Quixada is having stems from how the 
behaviours are
attached to the sprite on the fly. Sounds to me like each sprite is 
not getting a
unique instance of the behaviour but rather pointers to the same 

Quixada if you can post some of your code you use to attach the 
behaviours that
may help us solve the problem.


24/06/2003 3:42:56 PM, Quixadá [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi, folks

that´s ok, it works. the problem comes when i try to change a parameter
inside that script in only a specific sprite, because all the sprites 
their parameters changed.

but same results.
i think i don´t need to put the entire behaviors here, because it´s all
about how on-the-fly scripts deal with sendsprite messages.

win xp, d 8.5.1


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Re: lingo-l re: editable of member

2003-06-19 Thread Evan Adelman
you mean computers aren't magic?

Kevin McFarland wrote:

Sometimes updateStage() helps, even if it shouldn't be needed.

It's over-used. Whenever I come across code with updateStage commands sprinkled liberally throughout, I become less sure that the author really understood how director works (event messaging, hierarchy etc). 

Now having said that, yes, every once in a blue moon there might be those oddball situations where it helps. But in general, IMO it's oftentimes used as a hedge for ignorance. 
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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l Multiuser Xtra and databases

2003-06-18 Thread Evan Adelman
uh oh. someone asked how i'd do it w/out a webserver!? craporific. this 
is gonna be a hack fest, and it's not clean, and is ugly as sin, but 
hell Rodrigo, you asked for it.

since the project is a kiosk, you'll know what OS it's running on. if 
it's windows, you can just create a batch file that reads something like:

c:\PHP\php.exe c:\PHP\test.php  C:\test.txt

this file in my setup is called test.bat, it's one line. it outputs 
test.php to test.txt.
test.php contains:

Hello World

pretty impressive, huh. it doesn't even use php, it just outputs the 
text (whaddaya want, i'm going fast).

then, in director, you can just write in the message window:
open C:\test.bat
and whammo, php.exe executes test.php and outputs:

Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.2
Hello World

to test.txt. Pretty tricky, eh? (btw, if it's not obvious, the locations 
of the files are not really important - they could be in any 
directories) I would really recommend installing apache and php and play 
around - it takes all of a day to get it up and running. you can talk to 
your webserver locally by invoking the god of http://localhost and do 
this cleanly. please don't do it the way i described above outputting to 
a test file. it will just plain suck. do it right. on the install from 
cd scenario, that's a bit harder but i think it can be done with a 
little testing.


Troy Rollins wrote:

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 03:38  PM, Rodrigo Peres wrote:

This project will be running from Kiosk. It will among other things 
prices. The client use the barcode in package, and the system go to the
database and get the price, description and present on screen.
I've never heard about PHP executable where I can find it?? Or Perl
executable?? And how can I send it with instalation CD?? And more 
deal with webserver is ok, but how can I talk to the .exe to grab the
retieved information from database?

I'm not sure I have an experienced answer to supply if you don't want 
to use PHP as CGI. In theory, it could be distributed independently as 
described, but I haven't done it that way.

Used as CGI the process is very clean and straightforward, with 
Director doing all the thinking, and PHP acting as a phone line to 
the DB.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l Multiuser Xtra and databases

2003-06-17 Thread Evan Adelman
is that really the case? if the solution involves ASP, you're probably 
right, you need a webserver. but php, perl, and the like are actually 
separate executables that you could include (1. the distribution 
licenses are pretty loose if i remember, and 2. all the perl executables 
and lib that come in the distro i have are 13MB - good enough to include 
on a cd)

if writing in those languages is a problem, then that's a different matter.

chiming in for no particular good,
Rodrigo Peres wrote:

First, thank's for the answers use PHP or ASP is not the case here, because
I need a quick response and this aproach can delay things a little. The
other problem is that there's no way to put a webserver in this project.
on 6/17/03 2:00 PM, Mathew Ray at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I agree with Troy...I am using php/mysql and it works pretty well. I've
heard you can do similar things with flash and coldfusion, but it seems much
more expensive without a big payoff. If you are using some complicated
SOAP-compliant app or something, flash may be easier to interface with, but
for simple database stuff posting to a web form and getting a reply is
usually good enough.
Although, I seem to remember reading something quite a while ago about MUS
being able to access databases and stuff, but I can't recall in what
capacity or technically how it was done :0/ Overall though, the end product
is much more flexible if done with some sort of full-featured middleware
like php or asp.

- Original Message -
From: Troy Rollins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: lingo-l Multiuser Xtra and databases

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:01  PM, Rodrigo Peres wrote:


Is it possible to use multiuser xtra to connect to databases like
oracle etc. I need to connect and retrieve some data. If possible I'd
to run away from third part xtras, but...

You'll probably want to use a PHP/ASP intermediary.


ps: DirectorMX doesn't use multiuser anymore??

Yes it does (on all platforms), but the xtra has been moved to the
goodies folder on the distribution CD. Macromedia needs to reconsider
this. That xtra can serve many purposes - more than what the Flash
Communications Server alone can offer.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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Rodrigo Peres
escritório/office: +55(11) 3781.7017
celular/mobile: +55(11) 9108.6169
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m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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lingo-l easing equations

2003-06-11 Thread Evan Adelman
I've taken Robert Penner's easing equations, implemented in ActionScript 
for Flash - -  and ported many of 
them to Lingo for use in Director. I've posted a sample movie that I 
plan on using primarily to test the anim's and select which one I want 
to use for any particular project - and source file

The resulting animations are actually pretty fun to play with, and I've 
added the ability to control horizontal and vertical movement 
independently - even more entertaining.  You can drag the red square to 
where you want the ball to go, select your equations (the lame looking 
check box, when checked, indicates that you'll use the same equations 
for horizontal  vertical movement) and hit animate to square button.

So have fun, feel free to download and use - keep the credits to RP 
where you can. No need to make fun of my implementation, and of course, 
if there are mistakes, they are probably mine, not Mr. Penner's.


_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _

*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l easing equations

2003-06-11 Thread Evan Adelman
yup - or you can grab the zipped file i just posted:

Jorge Pena wrote:


I had the same problem and this is how I solved it: In dreamweaver or
any other HTML program create a link that points to Evan's URL... then
open that file in your browser, right click on the link and select save
as... should pop open the file dialog.


-Original Message-

Hey, Evan, that's really cool. Nice job.

I can't get at the source, though--going to the .dir file launches the
Shockwave animation. I'd love to have the source--I'm sure a lot of us
would. What's the procedure to dl it?

Kerry Thompson

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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l easing equations

2003-06-11 Thread Evan Adelman
i apparently have the slowest posts in the world. an hour after i hit 
send, the mssg comes into my client, so here's my hour delayed response:

nope - just added to the folder. it contains the dcr, html,  
dir files.

glad everyone's enjoying -- warm fuzzies all around :-)


Curiously, after doing the go movie way, the File Open way then 
worked. Any chance the file changed in the last half hour?

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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l Custom icon screwing up Windows projector

2003-06-05 Thread Evan Adelman
hi jumping in late on this, but just fyi for windows users: if I 
remember my problems doing this a while back, the root cause of my 
troubles seemed to be not having all the same sizes/colors of icons as 
the original icon group (i had created an icon group from scratch). so, 
yes, starting from the default director icon group and *not* deleting 
icons you don't think you'll need avoids problems.


Carl West wrote:

Carl West wrote:

I'm using ResHack to change the icon on my standard windows projector.
When I finally succeed, the projector errors saying that it needs the Shockwave Player.

Worked it out. Fortunately I'm using D8.5. 
The trick was getting ResHacker to look at the .skl file (All Files [*.*], doh. Hey, I'm a Mac user, I forget that stuff sometimes), 
Save out the existing icons as a .ico file,
Use that file as a guide to building a new .ico file in Icon Edit
Save _that_ .ico file
Use ResHacker to put it into a copy of Projec32.skl (save the old one) and keep a copy of this new one in the project folder for later use.

A bit of jiggering about, but it works.



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*m u t a n t
m e d i a*   /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012
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Re: lingo-l Flash xtra breaking?

2003-04-03 Thread Evan Adelman
I was most surely using the older xtra - i tried using dir 8.0 and dir 
8.5, but don't have documented xtra versions. If there's a new xtra out, 
I'd most definitely use that. since there wasn't a good way to determine 
failure/stuttering at run time, i didn't try leaving the sprite and 
coming back. what i did do was break the flash movie up in more pieces 
(so individual file size was lower - thus lower memory stress) and that 
helped alleviate the problem. but yes, you're right, once it started 
stuttering, it never recovered. is your flash sprite all that large? i 
think mine were around 5MB base size, probably around 20-30MB in memory 
(while they were playing). I guess I didn't mention before, but I could 
also get the stuttering w/  a Dell Web PC - like low of the low line - 
32MB memory, 400 mhz celeron, crap video card, crap sound card. but 
again, it was never like - Ohhh- there's the problem! I would have to 
watch the thing over and over and over and over and...well you get the idea.

Mathew Ray wrote:

Wow, thanks for the info Evan,

Thankfully this project is not yet in the client's hands, but it will be
shortly... Gotta love the thing about Palm as well...geez. One other
question, if you were to leave the flash sprite that was having the problem
and to to a frame and return to a different flash sprite, did you still
experience the problem?  That is one of the weirdest things that I have
noticed is that it seems like once it happens, flash from that point forward
is screwed up. You mentioned you were using flash 5, but were you using the
newer flash xtra or the one from dir 8.5.1?
- Original Message -
From: Evan Adelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: lingo-l Flash xtra breaking?


I've had the same problem, and, perhaps like you, didn't know there was
a problem until the project was in the client's hands (and we did a
*lot* of qc). I found that there was definitely some kooky kooky
problems with largish flash movies and the flash 5 player.  i tried
hundreds of variations of bug fixing and i got the issue down to a
manageable level (but never fixed quite right). hotsync for palms
running at the same time as my movie exacerbated the problem (i know
this sounds crazy, but trust me, i verified on a couple different
platforms - and don't ask me how long it took to figure it out ). also,
ibm thinkpads (again, don't ask me why, but this one i think was related
to their soundcards) experienced the problems more. and windows ME flash
handling is a joke. I found that I could *occasionally* (and i can't
emphasize that enough) could get the problem to occur on my win2k
machine by stressing memory levels ( i would open up every large psd i
could find, have a large flash movie open in authoring mode, play music
through winamp, any taxing thing i could think of). i would watch the
memory climb as the flash movie streamed, then if it hit a particularly
cpu taxing moment in the flash animation, everything would start
stuttering like a drunken me at Lucky Chengs.

anyway, look for high memory usage, cpu overload, sound compression
issues, and the like.
Mathew Ray wrote:


Hi all,

Having a bit of a flash crisis here... for some reason on SOME machines,
flash elements of my project will play fine and then with no discernable
cause, they will start this studdering type thing where the sound seems


be stopping and restarting several times a second. the visuals
continue(albeit slowly) and the sound continues, but with a very annoying
tat-tat-tat. Once this happens, it happens for ALL flash sprites in a


even if going to a frame where the flash does not exist and then going to


different movie.

The flash movies are all time-based motion and have a streaming sound in
their base timeline. I make sure to wait until the entire flash is


before playing and set a flag so that flash will not be played again. I


tested to see what would happen if was being called on


enterframe, and the result is not the same as the behavior we are seeing


some machines. I am also using global flash objects in the movie to set


volume, but I am not messing around with playback at all.

I would love to get this to happen on my development machine, but it


like none of my testing machines on any os or my dev machine can recreate
the problem. I am running dirMX on winXP pro, problem in my office all


XP, but specs vary widely.

What concerns me is that the problem can start occuring at any point


if user has already seen flash in the movie before) and will not go away
until the whole projector is restarted :0o
Any possible suggestions?



_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _

m u t a n

Re: lingo-l Flash xtra breaking?

2003-04-03 Thread Evan Adelman
just a last thought, i would also try, if you haven't already, isolating 
the problem to the director/flash interaction in general -- see if the 
swfs play ok in the flash player standalone?

Mathew Ray wrote:

Hi Evan,

Yeah, I am using the new flash Xtra that comes with DirMX, and it appears as
if macromedia has put an update on their website this month to fix several
All of the problem machines are running WinXP Pro, but then again, that's
just what we have in the office. Here are the other specs for the  problem
1 x Celeron 1.8 gHz, 256 MB RAM, SiS 650_651_M650_740 integrated graphics
2 x p4 2.8 gHz 512 MB RAM, Matrox Parhelia 128MB
1 x p3 500 mHz, 128 MB RAM, NVIDIA RIVA TNT2
My Testing machines that have multiple OSes on em haven't exhibited the
problem once:
(PII 300, 128 MB RAM, Win 95/98/ME/NT4/2000Pro/XPPro)
(G3 500, 128 MB RAM, OS9.2/OSX.2).
The swf files are all less than a meg... so it seems like that may not be
the issue... And what is weird is that it would happen on some high end
machines, but just as rarely as low end machines.
I am going to try several things like the soundKeepDevice, and the
soundMixEnabled, just to see if that helps... If I find anything I will be
sure to post it.
- Original Message -
From: Evan Adelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:51 AM

I was most surely using the older xtra - i tried using dir 8.0 and dir
8.5, but don't have documented xtra versions. If there's a new xtra out,
I'd most definitely use that. since there wasn't a good way to determine
failure/stuttering at run time, i didn't try leaving the sprite and
coming back. what i did do was break the flash movie up in more pieces
(so individual file size was lower - thus lower memory stress) and that
helped alleviate the problem. but yes, you're right, once it started
stuttering, it never recovered. is your flash sprite all that large? i
think mine were around 5MB base size, probably around 20-30MB in memory
(while they were playing). I guess I didn't mention before, but I could
also get the stuttering w/  a Dell Web PC - like low of the low line -
32MB memory, 400 mhz celeron, crap video card, crap sound card. but
again, it was never like - Ohhh- there's the problem! I would have to
watch the thing over and over and over and over and...well you get the



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m e d i a   solutions for success
Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Flash xtra breaking?

2003-04-02 Thread Evan Adelman

I've had the same problem, and, perhaps like you, didn't know there was 
a problem until the project was in the client's hands (and we did a 
*lot* of qc). I found that there was definitely some kooky kooky 
problems with largish flash movies and the flash 5 player.  i tried 
hundreds of variations of bug fixing and i got the issue down to a 
manageable level (but never fixed quite right). hotsync for palms 
running at the same time as my movie exacerbated the problem (i know 
this sounds crazy, but trust me, i verified on a couple different 
platforms - and don't ask me how long it took to figure it out ). also, 
ibm thinkpads (again, don't ask me why, but this one i think was related 
to their soundcards) experienced the problems more. and windows ME flash 
handling is a joke. I found that I could *occasionally* (and i can't 
emphasize that enough) could get the problem to occur on my win2k 
machine by stressing memory levels ( i would open up every large psd i 
could find, have a large flash movie open in authoring mode, play music 
through winamp, any taxing thing i could think of). i would watch the 
memory climb as the flash movie streamed, then if it hit a particularly 
cpu taxing moment in the flash animation, everything would start 
stuttering like a drunken me at Lucky Chengs.


anyway, look for high memory usage, cpu overload, sound compression 
issues, and the like.

Mathew Ray wrote:

Hi all,

Having a bit of a flash crisis here... for some reason on SOME machines,
flash elements of my project will play fine and then with no discernable
cause, they will start this studdering type thing where the sound seems to
be stopping and restarting several times a second. the visuals
continue(albeit slowly) and the sound continues, but with a very annoying
tat-tat-tat. Once this happens, it happens for ALL flash sprites in a movie,
even if going to a frame where the flash does not exist and then going to a
different movie.
The flash movies are all time-based motion and have a streaming sound in
their base timeline. I make sure to wait until the entire flash is preloaded
before playing and set a flag so that flash will not be played again. I have
tested to see what would happen if was being called on every
enterframe, and the result is not the same as the behavior we are seeing on
some machines. I am also using global flash objects in the movie to set the
volume, but I am not messing around with playback at all.
I would love to get this to happen on my development machine, but it seems
like none of my testing machines on any os or my dev machine can recreate
the problem. I am running dirMX on winXP pro, problem in my office all have
XP, but specs vary widely.
What concerns me is that the problem can start occuring at any point (even
if user has already seen flash in the movie before) and will not go away
until the whole projector is restarted :0o
Any possible suggestions?


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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success
Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Lingo and SOAP?

2003-03-11 Thread Evan Adelman
but, if i read this article right : , Flash 
5 (dunno if it changed in MX) can't process XML tag namespaces, so you'd 
have to have alternate code on your server customized for your Flash UI. 
Good luck if that code is supposed to be cross-app.  Also, in the past 
w/ Flash 5 (and again, if anyone knows if MX 'fixed' this, pls let me 
know), you couldn't open a XML Socket to a different domain than the 
swf's host. This really bungled me up when trying to get a news feed 
from Reuters. To fix, I abandoned flash for the xml comm and had a mangy 
mess of code that used a fscommands, a java applet, and javascript in a 
browser. I'd love to hear if there's a better solution, btw.  pause 
for surfing the net answering my own questions about MX..

On MCR's site, specifically, 
they recommend using ColdFusion for remoting out to babelfish. Which 
sounds to me like they still want you to communicate from Flash to your 
server (briefly looking at it, their solution is Flash - CF on your 
server - another domain (BabelFish) - your server - Flash client). 
Efficiency at it's best. I have lots more rants on this that I'll spare 

Blabber blabber blabber on my part,
Buzz Kettles wrote:

At 4:21 PM -0500 3/10/03, you wrote:

Hi all:
  Does anyone on the list have experience interfacing with SOAP 
(Simple Object Access Protocol) using Lingo?  There seems to be 
plenty of Visual Basic and PERL code examples to use SOAP, but unable 
to find anything regarding Lingo. Oh, I did find something in the 
Macromedia DB about FLASH MX handling SOAP requests.  FLASH? Yikes.  
Surely, the Director Team has something in mind for SOAP.

Nowadays the logic would be for you to get at your SOAP using a Flash 
Asset member from within Director.  I believe that with MX it doesn't 
need to have actual Flash graphics or be a sprite or anything - it can 
just be a new(#flash) that you address to get your SOAP stuff.

  Any ideas, suggestions, rumors, etc.?

John Hart
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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success
Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l generic error

2003-03-06 Thread Evan Adelman
Double check that your xtra's are in order -- it fails in win2k, 
netscape 7.0, ie 6.0, too - maybe an xtra not coming down the pipe? but 
jeeze - it really dies -- error reads exactly: This Shockwaave movie 
has errors that have caused playback problems. Please contact the author 
of this content regarding this problem. Shockwave is unable to continue.

a sliver of light,
Fletcher Moore wrote:

Hi all,

I'm working on a set of interactive music guides, and the material I have
thus far works perfectly on my own machine (a Mac), but crashes on the
client's machines' (PCs running Win98). A rather generic error is created --
something like this shockwave movie can't run because of an error.
I don't have a Win98 machine for testing purposes, though I'm in the market
for one. In the meantime, can anyone shed a little light on this problem? I
wish I could offer more information, but that's about all I have.
The guilty file:
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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success
Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Writing sound members

2003-01-08 Thread Evan Adelman
ha! never mind. i wasn't asking about beatnik. i've used it. gotta love 
email misunderstandings. i was curious about what the original poster, 
Carl, was trying to do. i should have stated more clearly: all true. 
now, Carl, you've got my curiosity going but thanks for the effort 
Andreas, it was a good description ;-)


Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote:

Wow, I'm not sure I can explain this more clearly... I'll try though: 
There is a program supplied with the Xtra, called Beatnik Editor Pro. 
In BEP you import midi files and samples. You create instruments from 
the samples, by giving them a key range, filter settings, loop 
settings etc. The midi notes, and the instruments they will use, are 
then compiled into a file called RMF file. The .RMF file is what the 
Xtra plays, and what I would call a MIDI file on steroids.


all true. now you've got my curiosity going though -- if you're not 
providing samples, where is the origination of the sound? through 
different clips the user supplies? just tones? .?


Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote:

 I have the beatnik Xtra. IIRC it cannot alter sounds at all in the 
sense of writing a sound to a member or a RAM slot.

 What it does is it lets you import sound setups made up of samples 
(cycled or one shot), and it can apply filtering and some fx (a 
rudimantary reverb etc) to the sounds.

 It's good for what it does - sort of a quicktime instrument/ midi 
file on steroids, but all setup work with the samples needs to be 
done beforehand and then compiled into a file (like a midi file w/ 
sounds included) and supplied to the xtra.


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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l windows icon question....

2003-01-08 Thread Evan Adelman
hey grimm - sorry i can't be of more help on this as i'm slightly 
bogged down but a PC/Windows possible path might be to use the vb extra 
(off hand i don't know where it is, but it's affordable if a client is 
paying) (this xtra allows you to call a vb method) and use vb to pull 
out the icon resource. a quick search on google saving icon resources 
from dll points to which has 
at least a start on the code you'd need to modify. if i get freed up 
here, i'll try to do more (as it would be a very handy function to have 
for me too)



Any way of grabbing a file's icon from the dll via an xtra?

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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Writing sound members

2003-01-07 Thread Evan Adelman
of course there's always the defunct beatnik xtra that allows for user 
interaction with and manipulation of sound, but then that would be a 
whole nother pack of treats (like getting your hands on the right tools, 
getting your hands on a fully functional xtra, etc, etc). and i don't 
*think* beatnik allows for saving of what the user has done to external 
filesbut it may be worth a look?


Carl West wrote:

Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote:

This is a matter of curiosity right now.

In the past, I've used Glen Picher's BinIO Xtra to read and write
external .aif files and have since been intrigued by the idea of
using lingo to create or modify a sound member directly in the cast.

Possible? Where would I start? Is there an Xtra?


First I want to say is I don't know. But I can do some reasoning:
Changing something in the cast means that you will have to either a)
change the projector binary on the disk (not what you want) or b)
Find the audio file representation in RAM and write to that RAM spot.

That's what I was suspecting.


AFAIK there are no inbuilt methods and no Xtras for altering an audio
file/ RAM chunk, like eg imaging lingo does with an image.

And that's what I feared.



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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Writing sound members

2003-01-07 Thread Evan Adelman
all true. now you've got my curiosity going though -- if you're not 
providing samples, where is the origination of the sound? through 
different clips the user supplies? just tones? .?


Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote:

I have the beatnik Xtra. IIRC it cannot alter sounds at all in the 
sense of writing a sound to a member or a RAM slot.

What it does is it lets you import sound setups made up of samples 
(cycled or one shot), and it can apply filtering and some fx (a 
rudimantary reverb etc) to the sounds.

It's good for what it does - sort of a quicktime instrument/ midi file 
on steroids, but all setup work with the samples needs to be done 
beforehand and then compiled into a file (like a midi file w/ sounds 
included) and supplied to the xtra.


of course there's always the defunct beatnik xtra that allows for 
user interaction with and manipulation of sound, but then that would 
be a whole nother pack of treats (like getting your hands on the 
right tools, getting your hands on a fully functional xtra, etc, 
etc). and i don't *think* beatnik allows for saving of what the user 
has done to external filesbut it may be worth a look?


Carl West wrote:

Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote:

This is a matter of curiosity right now.

In the past, I've used Glen Picher's BinIO Xtra to read and write
external .aif files and have since been intrigued by the idea of
using lingo to create or modify a sound member directly in the cast.

Possible? Where would I start? Is there an Xtra?

First I want to say is I don't know. But I can do some reasoning:
Changing something in the cast means that you will have to either a)
change the projector binary on the disk (not what you want) or b)
Find the audio file representation in RAM and write to that RAM spot.

That's what I was suspecting.

AFAIK there are no inbuilt methods and no Xtras for altering an audio
file/ RAM chunk, like eg imaging lingo does with an image.

And that's what I feared.


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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l how to get the brows window open?

2003-01-06 Thread Evan Adelman
Hi Lewis,

To just open a browser, check out the gotoNetPage method.

Are you planning on using the browser to import an image into director? 
Well, there should be an easier way w/ the the importFileInto method -- 
from my handy dir8 black book, importfileinto imports new media from an 
external file or internet location  into a member. but using this method 
a while ago, i found the sample movie included in macromedia's tech note 


Lewis Fleming wrote:


I am trying to put together something in shockwave that imports an image
file from the users computer.
How do you open the brows window from director?


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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l how to get the brows window open?

2003-01-06 Thread Evan Adelman
ahhh - that would make so much more sense. lewis, to get a file open 
dialog box i've used the mui xtra, w/ code
something around:

g=new(xtra mui)
filename = FileOpen(g,C:\)


Tab Julius wrote:

I think he means the file browser, to choose a file.

At 01:10 PM 1/6/03, Evan Adelman wrote:

Hi Lewis,

To just open a browser, check out the gotoNetPage method.

Are you planning on using the browser to import an image into 
director? Well, there should be an easier way w/ the the 
importFileInto method -- from my handy dir8 black book, 
importfileinto imports new media from an external file or internet 
location  into a member. but using this method a while ago, i found 
the sample movie included in macromedia's tech note helpful 

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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l how to get the brows window open?

2003-01-06 Thread Evan Adelman
oh man, you expect me to *think* before replying? jeeze ...the high 
standards on this list :)  uhh...Lewis, how much flexibility do you have 
on the interface? the only way i know of opening a file open dialog 
box in a browser (even after some looking around) is to use the 
pre-built html input taglike so:

form onsubmit=sendAway()
INPUT TYPE=file NAME=dialogOpener
input type=submit value=send to shockwave

and then the javascript function sendAway() would send the file name to 
shockwave..which would then use that string to import the file ... 
convoluted to say the least...if you think you'll use this method, 
there's a thread in the archives ( ) on shockwave/javascript 
interaction if you need it.

btw - for ie only, it might be possible to do this automagically through 
a hidden layer of html and a bit of javascript. you can send a message 
(which can originate in shockwave, but for this example i'm just 
starting it w/ the hey link) through javascript  to open this dialog 
box w/out seeing the html, but not cross browser in anyway...

function doit() {
#hiddenForm {
   visibility : hidden;

a href=javascript:doit()hey/a

div id=hiddenForm
form onsubmit=checkFile()
INPUT TYPE=file NAME=dialogOpener
input type=submit value=send to shockwave


i pray that someone responds w/ a better way of doing thisperhaps 
another xtra that i'm not thinking of is shockwave safe?

-who, today, only has two empty halves of coconut and bangs them together

Carl West wrote:

Evan Adelman wrote:

ahhh - that would make so much more sense. lewis, to get a file open
dialog box i've used the mui xtra, w/ code
something around:

g=new(xtra mui)
filename = FileOpen(g,C:\)

Or filextra3
but neither seems to be shockwave-save. 
And therefor no help here.



_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _

m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l A new Mothership?

2002-12-23 Thread Evan Adelman


Fraser Campbell wrote:

an interesting article about Microsoft possibly considering a hostile takeover bid for Macromedia:

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m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Irregular shape of rollover

2002-12-09 Thread Evan Adelman
the way i've done it in the past is track the mouse position when over a 
sprite, setting up semi-elaborate logic statements...dunno if this is 
the best way or not, but workslemme know if you need a code sample 
if you want to do it this way...

universal2001 wrote:

Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I played with Lingo.
It is possible to create irregular hotspots (for mouserollover)?


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m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Irregular shape of rollover

2002-12-09 Thread Evan Adelman
ah yes - that mode of thinking works if you have areas of the sprite you 
can knock out, like just a circle w/in a rectangular sprite-- i was 
thinking Uni wanted one sprite to respond in different ways w/ irregular 
hotspots - more like an html image map...


Cole Tierney wrote:

It's been a long time since I played with Lingo.
It is possible to create irregular hotspots (for mouserollover)?

You might check out the matte ink. If that doesn't work with your 
image, you could put a 1 bitdepth member under your background and 
attach scripts to that.


_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _

m u t a n t
m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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lingo-l asleep at the wheel?

2002-11-24 Thread Evan Adelman

was i asleep or was this just updated?
anyway, watched the little flash tour -- looks like some pretty neat 
stuff (esp nice flash integration). now if i can only figure out how to 
put the bill for this in a client contract somewhere ;-)


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Re: lingo-l more than 1 ancestor

2002-10-28 Thread Evan Adelman
but you can add scripts to sprites on the fly w/  something like:

y= new (script newScript)

where newScript holds the unique behaviors that you want to add

but, w/out hand written code, the scripts won't be dependent on each other


Irv Kalb wrote:

Only one.  There is just a single ancestor keyword.

You can really nest ancestor scripts, but an ancestor script can set 
its own ancestor, etc.  But it sounds like you are looking for 
multiple inheritance - and Lingo does not allow that.


At 4:24 PM + 10/28/02, Jamie Dyer wrote:

Is it possible to have more than 1 ancestor script?


me.ancestor1 = new(script blah)
me.ancestor2 = new(script blah2)

I know that you can nest ancestor scripts but this is not what I 
want. What I want to do it to have a library of scripts and then add 
them to other scripts as and when needed.




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m u t a n t
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Re: lingo-l Re: 8.51 Crashing in Windows 2000 (all Winsults accepted)

2002-10-16 Thread Evan Adelman

i think a more useful path might be to take the same project that's 
causing problems and try compiling it on a different platform. then see 
if the project still crashes win2k. is it only one project that's 
causing problems or can you take an old project and replicate the 
problem? are you watching memory or cpu cycles at any point?  do you 
have a second win2k box that you tested on (your email seemed to allude 
that you already did this, but just to clarify)? Also, just a from 
experience deal, don't trust that windows update has the latest drivers 
for your hardware...go to the hardware manufacturer's sites

btw - i had a similar problem about a year and a half ago on win2k -- i 
don't think i ever solved it (but was able to work around it) but when i 
moved on (stopped working on that particular project) all problems went 
awayi think i remember narrowing it down in that case to a really 
wierd fluke - (i was puppetting a bunch of sprites and after i'd puppet 
60 or so, any time i'd puppet this one text box, everything would 
die)...anyway, i'm authoring in win2k today w/ no problems...knock on 


Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:

You don't need to get a mac, just a different version of Windows.  Windows
2000 is not a good platform to use for multimedia in general, because it
wasn't created for that purpose.  Get a copy of Win 98 Second Edition if you
want a stable Windows machine (XP might work as well, but I haven't used

Charlie Fiskeaux II
Media Designer
The Creative Group

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: lingo-l Re: 8.51 Crashing in Windows 2000 (all Winsults accepted)

Yeah, I know, get a Mac. I've got a Mac...I need to upgrade. My Mac's just
not as big or as fast as my Win machine so I live with the Win headaches.

Except for this one. Anybody got any info?

I'm using Director 8.51 on Windows 2000 Vers. 5.00.2195 Service Pack 2.
Processor is an AMD Athlon with 512MB RAM and an NVidia PCI Vid Card with

Problem 1:
I can run in author mode for hours on end without a long as I'm
authoring. As soon as I run anything in author mode (for testing purposes,
animation movement, etc) I've only got a few minutes before I receive an
alert box: A fatal error has occurred. Director will quit now.  Director
very courteously gives me the chance to save what I was working on before it
completely closes down.

There is no pattern as to when the stop occurs. Doesn't matter what I'm
doing and time varies with each crash.

Problem 2:
When I launch a project out of a stub projector (standard projector -
created on the Win2000 machine with 8.51) it will only run on the Win2000
machine for a few minutes before I get the alert box: [Projector.exe] has
generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the
program. An error log is being created. (I added the brackets. It actually
names the projector.) The same set-up, when put on CD and run on Win98 or
Win95 machines, will run without error for hours. When running the CD on the
Win2000 machine (instead of off the hard drive), it does the same thing.

When crashing out of the stub projector, an error log IS created but it
can't be open. I always get the message that it's in use by another program,
even when I close everything and reboot before attempting to view it.

Are these known errors? Is there a patch/upgrade/workaround/setting that I'm
missing or don't know about? As usual, all help is greatly appreciated.


Allen Stare

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m u t a n t
 m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l I beam missing

2002-10-16 Thread Evan Adelman

Sharon -
 From your earlier post of your code, I notice that you're setting the 
color of the sprite over and over and over and well you get the idea. If 
you make this color change occur only when necessary (like don't do it 
when it's the right color already) then your cursor will blink again..


Sharon Moeller wrote:

I have an text cast member.  The member, when on the stage is set to
editable.  However, the I beam is not showing up at all, even after the
user types a few letters.  What would cause this to happen?

Sharon Moeller 

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m u t a n t
 m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l scaling images question...

2002-10-08 Thread Evan Adelman

this is a function for scaling up to a size while maintaining aspect 
ratio that seems to work pretty well - i'm sure you can rework to scale down

on scaleSprite me,spriteToScale
  --  updateStage 
  newW = pMemberToChangeTo.width
  newH = pMemberToChangeTo.height
  if pMemberToChangeTo.height400 or pMemberToChangeTo.width  774 then
perH = 
perW = float(pMemberToChangeTo.width-774)/float(pMemberToChangeTo.width)
if perW=perH then --use perW
  newW = 774 --pMemberToChangeTo.width - (pMemberToChangeTo.width*perW)
  newH = pMemberToChangeTo.height - (pMemberToChangeTo.width*perW)
  newW = pMemberToChangeTo.width - (pMemberToChangeTo.width*perH)
  newH = 400  --pMemberToChangeTo.height - 
end if
  end if 

g r i m m w e r k s wrote:

I've been trying to do this all sorts of ways and now my brain is locked.
I'm sure once the answer comes back at me I'll feel like a dope. Thanks in
advance for killing my self esteem.

I've got a bunch of images that I need to scale to fit a maxWidth and
maxHeight; trouble is these images are all sorts of possible dimensions.

Say we want to fit a 320x240 area, if I request a rescaling for a rect of
640x480, it will of course check for whether the requested rect is landscape
or portrait, and scale it to meet the 320x240. This works fine for this:

(taken from the handyman's digital portfolio at doug and changed slightly,
whereas tMax and tMin are passed in):

--  if tMem.width  tMem.height then
--newHeight = (tMem.height * pMax)/tMem.width
--offset = (pMax - newHeight)/2
--imRect = rect(0,0,pMax, newHeight)
--destRect = rect(0,0+offset, pMax, newHeight + offset)
--  else
--newWidth = (tMem.width * pMin)/tMem.height
--offset = (pMin-newWidth)/2
--imRect = rect(0,0,newWidth, pMin)
--destRect = rect(0+offset, 0, newWidth + offset, pMin)
--  end if

but this really doesn't work, as the image passed in might not fit perfectly
to a max/min -- it's really got to scale the image to fit whichever - the
maxwidth or maxheight, no matter what the image dimensions are, ie:

tPerc = (maxWidth/float(theRect.width)
return(rect * tPerc)


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m u t a n t
 m e d i a   solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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lingo-l sound latency problems

2002-09-30 Thread Evan Adelman

Hi all --

I'm working on a cd-rom Director 8.5 piece -- I have little sound files 
that I'm playing on rollover of closely packed sprites. In Windows 2k 
I'm setting the soundDevice to QT3Mix and getting the performance that I 
want (which is pretty much uber-low latency). On Mac however, I'm 
getting a freaky buildup of the notes as the user mouses over the 
sprites quickly...then after you annoy it for a while (in the Projector 
only), Director starts generating script errors (which I've logged to a 
trace file -- no real useful message outputs (plus I kind of forget what 
it said ;) ).  Then to make my life worse, I tried the Beatnik xtra only 
to get latency on PC (haven't tried it on mac yet).  These sound files 
aren't large at all and this really shouldn't be that hard...anyone have 
similar experiences/tips? Do you all typically put the sound files in 
the score and not try to setup sounds through Lingo? Isn't Beatnik 
supposed to be the bomb at doing this stuff? Does anyone have an example 
of something like a shockwave piano or something where you play the 
instrument by mousing over the keys or strings or by clicking stuff and 
getting virtually instantaneous sound? Do I really belong in third grade?

Thanks tons,

- Evan



m u t a n t
  m e d i a solutions for success
Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l sound latency problems

2002-09-30 Thread Evan Adelman

Thanks tons --

Thanks for the comments -- based on Grimm's question about the queue, it 
turns out on inspection that I had some leftover code that was indeed 
adding to the list. I belong in third grade. As suggested, I just moved 
everything to a play(member(xyz)) command and everything's cool. I'm 
using aiff files that are internal cast members (they're really small) 
and didn't even know about the playFile command until Warren's note, but 
again, thanks for the comments - every bit helps in spurring the brain 
along ;)

another satisfied customer (or at least it's better than going to 
walmart and asking),


Howdy-Tzi wrote:

 On Monday, September 30, 2002, at 01:38 PM, Evan Adelman wrote:

 These sound files aren't large at all and this really shouldn't be 
 that hard...anyone have similar experiences/tips?

 If you are using SWA or MP3, there is a bit of a lag as the compressed 
 files begin playing. Try using an uncompressed sound format.

 Also, don't do sound playFile. That makes Director get things off 
 disk, rather than running it via puppet sound calls.

  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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m u t a n t
  m e d i a solutions for success
Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l flash fscommand calling function in Director shockwave..inNetscape?

2002-09-27 Thread Evan Adelman

nope - from technote:

8  None of the above outlined techniques will work in Microsoft browsers 
(Internet Explorer) on Macintosh systems. Microsoft browsers that are 
being run on Apple computers utilize plug-ins for embedded Shockwave 
movies. In order for a plug-in based object to issue an externalEvent 
command that can then be received by a scripted function, the browser 
must support liveConnect. Microsoft browsers do not support liveConnect 
and therefore this functionality is not available. Due to this 
limitation, the externalEvent command is ignored when Microsoft 
browsers are being used on Macintosh operating systems.

As for Netscape 7, I have tested in Mozilla 1.1 and N7 w/out success, 
but, as I haven't really needed this function in a long time, I haven't 
really put my thinking cap on for it...should do that soon.


.seb wrote:
 Hi Evan,
here's a better version of a flash mx swf and a director 8.5 dcr
chatting with one another:

This completely avoids any server interaction - the mediator between the
two is of course javascript, and to make it cross browser, you've got to
know a bit about how the two different browsers handle ExternalEvent
(for Director) and FSCommands (for Flash).
I tested my example in Netscape 4.7 and IE 6.0 and everything migrated
well. Let me know if this answers your question, or if you have problems
or questions about the flash, director, or vb/javascript...
 have you also tried it on IE5 on Mac? and with NS6.2 or NS7 on any platform?
 I _never_ managed to have any externalevent to work with these browsers?!
 (sorry to ask, but as I have not the time to test your demo now, I was
 wondering if you've already did this test)
 I'm hoping you've found a way to do this that I've missed!
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Re: lingo-l flash fscommand calling function in Director shockwave..inNetscape?

2002-09-26 Thread Evan Adelman

here's a better version of a flash mx swf and a director 8.5 dcr 
chatting with one another:

This completely avoids any server interaction - the mediator between the 
two is of course javascript, and to make it cross browser, you've got to 
know a bit about how the two different browsers handle ExternalEvent 
(for Director) and FSCommands (for Flash).  The file is called 
test.html, it contains directorMovie.dcr and flashMovie.swf. The 
source files are also in the same directory --

Ok - so the trick that allows this to be cross browser is a timeout in 
your javascript receivers like this:

function setFlashVariable(aString,bBeenHere) {
if (bBeenHere) {
} else {
setTimeout(setFlashVariable('+aString+',1), 300);

and in your embed tags for the dcr and swf, you need  the addition: 

I tested my example in Netscape 4.7 and IE 6.0 and everything migrated 
well. Let me know if this answers your question, or if you have problems 
or questions about the flash, director, or vb/javascript...


Evan Adelman wrote:

 alright - i didn't have a ton of time to modify this from it's 
 original version which was pieced together through macromedia 
 technotes and
 (and obviously was done very quickly) and i've got to run now, but 
 hope it helps -- feel free to ask questions back on this list since i 
 haven't been able to explain well here - try to get to it soon --



 Netscape version 4.7...


 sorry for not following the thread earlier -- which versions of 
 netscape are you looking to have this work in?


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m u t a n t
  m e d i a solutions for success
Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Director projector Vs. Windows Me

2002-09-25 Thread Evan Adelman

oh the fun of quick retorts -- anyway, any chance this mini presentation 
has flash in it? i've noticed that Win Me.uhsucks. Oh and the 
flash xtra is handled by Me like...wellturds.

But, Jean-François, without more info, it's kinda difficult for us to 
refrain from making fun of you in your hour of pain. But if you give us 
more info, we're generally a bit more helpful (and even nice (as long as 
you know Monty Python jokes anyway (and you don't mind people who next 
side thoughts out to oblivion))).

Oh, and Warren, when you turn the key (you are putting the key in the 
ignition and turning it right?) if you hear a click and slight might be your battery... if you hear the starter going 
and going but engine doesn't start, try unscrewing a spark plug, put the 
boot of the spark plug wire back on, ground the plug and crank the 
engine - if there's a spark, there might be a fuel problem...add a bit 
more info and we might be closer...actually come to think of it, your 
example should have read my car doesn't work -- that would have given 
us less to go on...


Howdy-Tzi wrote:
 On Wednesday, Sep 25, 2002, at 18:08 US/Central, Jean-François Dumas wrote:
 I've got a mini presentation with director, but it wont run with 
 windows Me.
 Does anyone know why?
 My car doesn't start. Anyone care to guess the reason?
 -- WthmO
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Re: lingo-l flash fscommand calling function in Director shockwave..inNetscape?

2002-09-24 Thread Evan Adelman

sorry for not following the thread earlier -- which versions of netscape 
are you looking to have this work in?


I just can't seem to get a string from inside a flash movie in a web page frame to a 
Director movie playing in another frame. Fscommand works fine in IE but not Netscape. 
It seems that direct communication is not possible to embeds but is possible to 
activeX controls..

Would anyone know of an indirect method of passing a string from flash to director 
as an argument for a lingo function?

I have tried using the local shared object (no luck - director apparently does not 
read that type of file with getNetText())... EvalScript() does not seem to get to the 
embed object when called from a javascript function outside the fscommand script. 
Trying to access the browser status line or other variables from a listener object in 
Director did not work. And trying to set a param dynamically in the embeds does not 

There must be a way...but my brain is fried ...would there be a way with CGI - or ASP 
if so how would that work?

Hoping for useful insights..Thanks for any suggestions..

-Boyd Speer

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m u t a n t
  m e d i a solutions for success
Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l flash fscommand calling function in Director shockwave..inNetscape?

2002-09-24 Thread Evan Adelman

alright - i didn't have a ton of time to modify this from it's original 
version which was pieced together through macromedia technotes and
 (and obviously was done very quickly) and i've got to run now, but hope 
it helps -- feel free to ask questions back on this list since i haven't 
been able to explain well here - try to get to it soon --



Netscape version 4.7...


sorry for not following the thread earlier -- which versions of 
are you looking to have this work in?

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m u t a n t
  m e d i a solutions for success
Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l any archive

2002-09-20 Thread Evan Adelman

if you look at the email header, you'd see there's lots more info than 
just from, to, and subject. there's also!the list archive 
url!...which is in case 
(menu) -view- -- -headers- -- -all- or something similar depending on 
your email prog doesn't work for ya...


sandeep wrote:
 dear list
 is there any archive for the list
 so that the questions that r answered a number of times before should not be asked 
time and again
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Re: lingo-l changing icon of projector

2002-09-18 Thread Evan Adelman

you can also use a free program called reshacker to alter either a) the 
projec32.skl file that sits next to Director.exe or b) the produced exe 
itself -- this is assuming you use any icon program (microangelo,Axialis 
IconWorkshop, etc, etc) to produce your icon first. if you alter the 
projec32 file, make sure you back up the original file as it doesn't 
always save the file correctly (but I've got it to work on win2k, sp2) - 
also w/ this method, your projector will compile w/ the new icon which 
is really spiffy...


Howdy-Tzi wrote:

 On Wednesday, Sep 18, 2002, at 08:32 US/Central, nik crosina wrote:

 I am wondering whether there is a way of changing the icon for PC 

 I believe Tab wrote something that can; check for more 
 info on that. Barring that there *used* to be a program called 
 Microangelo that could do it, but I don't know if it's still around or 

 Also look over the list at and see if there 
 are any entries there. I imagine there are.

  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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m u t a n t
  m e d i a solutions for success
Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: AW: lingo-l OOP question

2002-09-11 Thread Evan Adelman

i think an even more sure fire way to see if all images dealt w/ are the 
same object, is if you just throw in a put imageXYZ command. if you 
have your image contained in variable x and you pass x to a new 
object, and the new object holds the image in variable y, if, from 
each object you put xy respectively, you should be able to compare what 
comes out.  and yes, as long as you aren't specifically duplicating your 
image, it should be the same object (thus is a reference w/in your 
scripts, not actually occupying more and more memory).


Michael von Aichberger wrote:
 Hi Daniel!
You could easily test it by a) watch the freebytes / freeblocks
 both commands don't work in Windows (at least not for me: win2000, Dir 8.5G)
 I would be lucky if I could use them
change the image
 good idea, maybe I'll do that, unless someone else confirms the impression
 you're under ...
 Thanks anyway
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Re: lingo-l quicktime video

2002-09-03 Thread Evan Adelman

Yep, I checked that too after I wrote the email. Same thing. Loaded and 
mediaReady are responding the same.  Very odd functionality. Also, when 
I switch the sprite's member (when the member comes back loaded), the 
screen hangs, doesn't respond to rollovers, etc - but i know it's 
actually working behind the scenes - again just by looking at the memory 
crawl up in win2k monitor.  Maybe it's just too much stress for the box 
to actually preload 50MB off a cd, but I couldn't find anything that 
says that I'm doing stuff beyond Director's means so..anyone 
actually ever try to do this successfully before?

thx again,


Buzz Kettles wrote:

 what happens to the member().mediaReady?

 (when does it go true)


 At 4:46 PM -0400 9/3/02, you wrote:

 hi all -
 i'm trying to load a somewhat heavy quicktime video off a cd through 
 lingo (~30MB). I have a static sprite (a regular old bmp) sitting on 
 the stage, i turn on the preload property of the qt, preload the 
 member, and then switch the static sprite's member to the qt video 
 once the quicktime's loaded property is true.

 my problem is, it seems that the loaded property returns true before 
 the video is actually loaded into memory, causing a nice blank type 
 appearance while it finishes loading. I've been watching win 2k pro's 
 memory inspector, and it shows the memory climbing (about the size of 
 the movie file size) after loaded returns true.

 is there a better way? i've tried checking the streaming property, 
 but it seems from reading d8.5 help that steaming applies to network 

 i'm preloading w/
 preLoadMember pMemberToChangeTo

 where pMemberToChangTo is a reference to the video member

 i'm check the load status w/
 if pMemberToChangeTo.loaded1 then
 put loading
 put loaded
 end if

 where pStatus just indicates to other code where to go.

 Any help/advice is very much appreciated,


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lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2002-08-20 Thread Evan Adelman

Howdy all -
Having a bit of a problem w/ setting a sprite's scriptInstanceList. I 
want the new sprite to have a bit of exitFrame functionality, but no 
mouse functionality so that sprites under it act under their own 
control. Typically I've done this just by not including mouse behaviors. 
So, anyway, I guess it would be quicker to show w/ code:

behavior creating the new sprite where x is the next empty channel

aScript = script(aTest).new(x)

then aTest has only

on new me, aNumber
   put aNumber
   return me

on exitFrame
   put i have exitFrame Func

now when I do this, i get no passing of mouse events. It's like setting 
the scriptInstance list fills in the mouseEnter methods if they aren't 
thereAny ideas?


stacey wrote:

 hahhah- thanks Warren!!
 I am currently trying to use buddy api- but for whatever reason, i can't get
 it to recognize that combo - or even control or alt keys- I am using
 controlDown...putting the focus on the stage...
 any suggestions? This should be stupidly easy- but now its stupidly
 thanks again!
On Tuesday, August 20, 2002, at 12:11 PM, stacey wrote:

is it possible to disable the good - ole crtl alt delete command? any
suggestions on how to do it?

I seem to recall there are Xtras that can -- Buddy API might be one, in
fact -- you can hit the list at and
see if anything looks promising.

Not sure why someone would want to do this- but
all the same...

The Vulcan nerve pinch isn't just for bailing frozen apps. It can also
be used to bypass splash type lockouts, which is not always desirable.
Think of a kiosk with an unprotected desktop that has just had its
program force quit by a thirteen year old with anger issues.

Warren Ockrassa |
Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2002-08-20 Thread Evan Adelman

Thanks tons -- I guess I'll have to figure out a different way I think 
-- there could be up to 50 different sprites under the covers waiting 
for mouse direction. I could cycle through them to see if the clickloc 
intersects w/ their rectangles, but that seems rather intensive? dunno 
maybe not so bad when i think of it - maybe that's what I'll end up doing -

thanks much,


(yeah, sprite(x) actually is puppeted and assigned a member earlier ;)

Kerry Thompson wrote:

 Howdy all -
 Having a bit of a problem w/ setting a sprite's scriptInstanceList. I 
 want the new sprite to have a bit of exitFrame functionality, but no 
 mouse functionality so that sprites under it act under their own 
 control. Typically I've done this just by not including mouse 
 behaviors. So, anyway, I guess it would be quicker to show w/ code:
 Not too hard. First, though, I assume there actually is a sprite in 
 channel x.
 You have to explicitly handle mouse events, unless the sprite is 
 invisible. To pass it on up the chain of command (e.g., from a sprite 
 script to a frame script--check Bruce's book for the right order), you 
 would do something like:
 on mouseUp me
 on mouseDown me
 If you want to pass it to a sprite underneath it--that is, in a lower 
 channel, but covered by your sprite--you have to do a little fancier 
 footwork. Something like:
 property pTargetSprite -- a sprite number
 on new me, targetSprite
   pTargetSprite = targetSprite
 on mouseUp me
   sendSprite (pTargetSprite, #mouseUp)
 Kerry Thompson
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m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2002-08-20 Thread Evan Adelman

Ah - see, I don't want a mouse event in this sprite -- i just want it 
automatically passed to a lower channel sprite that has a mouse event 
(like it would if i attached a similar sprite by dragging on the stage 
or score).

If, in authoring, you have in sprite 1 a box w/ a mouse Enter handle 
that says put hey, where'd the fax machine go then in sprite 2 place a 
circle that completely covers sprite 1 w/ just the handler exit frame 
that says put it's in the field getting stomped on to really fine 
music when you hit play, in the message window you'd see the exitFrame 
message in sprite 2 a whole bunch of times, and as you roll over the 
combo, you'd see sprite 1's message (if in fact you roll over sprite 1's 
rectangle). That's exactly the functionality i want via 
scriptInstanceList, and it doesn't seem to be avail.

Thanks though,

brian wrote:

aScript = script(aTest).new(x)

then aTest has only

on new me, aNumber
  put aNumber
  return me

on exitFrame
  put i have exitFrame Func

now when I do this, i get no passing of mouse events. It's like setting
the scriptInstance list fills in the mouseEnter methods if they aren't
thereAny ideas?

 No where in this code do you make reference to a mouse event. try having a
 mouse event and then see if you lose mouse functionality.
 that would be my first suggestion.
  Brian Douglas  (:ub)
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m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l weird flash thang ...

2002-08-15 Thread Evan Adelman

er - what is the error exactly? invalid parameter? w/ flash sprites, i 
just set flash variables (using the setVariable() method) and let 
actionscript do the rest of the work (not using tellTarget,gotoFrame, 
and endTellTarget). I'm assuming you're expecting 
tellTarget,gotoFrame,and endTellTarget to command the internal flash 
time line? afaik (and that's a big afaik), that's not what those methods 
are there for - they control miaw's and ldm's. go figure if it works for 
you though.

if i were you, i'd try to just use the message window and try the 
methods you're using straight out (tellTarget,etc,) w/ nothing else 
going on in the stage - isolate the problem as much as possible. if it 
works through the message window, then the methods you're using are 
correct and something's wrong w/ variables (you seemed to have ruled 
that out) or the order of execution.


g r i m m w e r k s wrote:

 Ok, I'm using some flash 5 members in an 8.5 project. Basically this flash
 sprite is being used as scrollbars, turning them off/on based on the amount
 of text to display. Nothing fabulous or anything, simple. It does this by
 flipping different scrollbar movieclips on and off. It gets it's directions
 to flip these from a sprite one channel higher, a text sprite.
 Both sprites set themselves on beginsprite as to the channel, etc
 on beginsprite me
 pBox =sprite(me.spritenum)
 And that's fine, nothing more there. Besides the first sprite is set before
 the higher one is...
 Now in one case I get a function error, and that's when we jump to this
 frame with a bunch of text in memory to display. On the flash sprite I've
 on setScrollButtons me, whichBut, whichWay
   put whichBut  whichWay  pBox  pBox.member.type  ilk(whichBut)
 end scrollButtons me
 and the text member does
 finds the text to display.
 sets its text
 then tells the flash sprite to flip the movieclips by doing sendsprite.
 When it does the setScrollButtons call I'm getting a function error, yet in
 the moviewindow/debugger:
 --scrollUpMc off (sprite 10) flash string
 pBox is sprite 10 (correct)
 pBox.member.type = #flash (correct)
 scrollUpMC = movieclip to tell target (correct)
 off = frame to go to (correct).
 It's almost as if the flash movie (INTERNAL by the way), although set as a
 sprite's member, seen as flash, etc, isn't seeing it's own movieclips /
 ability to tell target at the very beginning of it's existence?
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m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l dear macromedia (bug again)

2002-08-02 Thread Evan Adelman

Hmmm...this seems to be slightly obscure logic, and I'm not even arguing 
this because I care - I haven't run into the problem yet, but just for 
argument's sake - and running the risk of getting to be known as a nit 
picker ;) --

Just because developers understand a problem with an application, it 
doesn't necessarily mean it's not a bug with the application, does it? 
You seemed to answer that question yourself when you formulated your 
hypothetical functionality request: that semi-transparent 
surfaces don't render incorrectly...

IMHO, if something can be classified as doing something incorrectly, 
it's a bug w/ the application. If your stock broker used an 1920's 
algorithm to buy and sell stocks for you that was proven to not work 
correctly (whoops, it's selling low and buying high), you'd certainly 
think there was a bug in the process of buying and selling your stocks. 
Sure his algorithm is working as expected: it's losing money. And it's 
still incorrect for your broker to use an algorithm.

huh - nuff rant, like i said, just playing devil's advocate :)


Thomas Higgins wrote:

more details are probably required with your description ...

what is this Z-buffer bug on transparent surfaces that you 

are referring to?

I'm pretty sure it means in a 3D sprite. It's a seriously limiting 
aspect of the current SW3D.

 FYI: this is not a bug, it's expected functionality due to the z-sorting algorithms 
being used. No, it is not necessarily optimal and does need changing, but this is 
more of a feature request than a bug report: please change your z-sorting algorithms 
so that semi-transparent surfaces don't render incorrectly. This is an issue that we 
are well aware of and have been for quite a while.
 Make two sphere models that are both semi-transparent, make one of them large 
(radius = 50) and the other small (radius = 10), then put the smaller one entirely 
inside the larger one but with its position closer to the camera. The smaller sphere, 
despite being completely contained within the larger sphere will sometimes render 
polys _in_front_ of the larger sphere 'cause we sort on a model level and not a 
face/poly level.
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m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l ATTN : All Interactive CD Authorers

2002-07-25 Thread Evan Adelman

Ok - devil's advocate time, just get the juices flowing a bit:

Why the hell would you create a bottom baseline for ALL of the 
interactive cd's that's just goofy if you ask me. So maybe I'm just 
misunderstanding your email now that I look at it a bit more -- you say 
the QA boxen are just going to be for those projects where you have to 
develop for everyday joe's? Or are you actually planning to test ALL 
cd's on these box?

I hope your QA system is being developed for more than just one spec - 
what happens when you want to develop for a trade show where you get to 
pick the spec's of the computer? Are you still going to sacrifice 
bitchin graphics, sound, etc just cause it doesn't run on joe blow's 
computer? And what happens if you develop for a financial company who 
has not much better than 486's (yes, I've witnessed traders using what 
I'd consider a bar stool (or a really big beer coaster (how many layers 
can I nest side comments and still get away with it?)))?

My point is, you should make sure your boss, who is inconveniently on 
your butt (bad place for bosses to be, if you ask me), understands that 
different clients/projects can, and often do, have different spec's. 
Then if she/he still wants to create a base QA system, it's understood 
that not everything you make has to go through the crud comp.

Anyway, enough of the diatribe, I don't want to go in the cart!



m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Repost - system spec question

2002-07-09 Thread Evan Adelman

stupid html formatting!!! here let's try this...

Evan Adelman wrote:

 Dunno if this will help, but I've had some nasty experiences with the 
 Flash xtra and lower grade machines -- actually, I never figured out if 
 it was just Flash or Director's Flash Xtra, but either way it was a 
 little over 3 weeks extra work (2 trying to find the phantom problem, 
 and 1 reworking the Flash to get it to work).  If you go low, I'd say 
 test early and test very often on your target platform and, best case 
 scenario, work into the spec's the words best effort on environment 
 xyz. I don't think the lower order of processor was the problem, I 
 think it was a combination of low memory and crap-o-rific sound card 
 (cause there was a decent size voice over in the Flash movie).
 Anyway, I'd be wary of any development for machines 4 years old for 
 advanced stuff -- the reason they might treat Director like PowerPoint 
 is that nothing else works in their environment. In retrospect with my 
 client, I would have requested one of their target machines to test on 
 (or you work on site) cause even if you try to replicate their systems 
 (which I did), you have no idea what they have done to those machines 
 since they bought them (added new hardware, spilled coffee on them, had 
 drunken office parties and used it as an ashtray).
 Oh, and by the way, I tried reverting to 8.0 from 8.5 when experiencing 
 the problem to no help -- again though, I'm still not sure where the 
 real problem was, flash or director.
 Good luck,
So here's the list of questions:
I see that 8.5 has lower requirements than 8.0 (133mhz vs 200mhz Pent -
small difference), and 7 has Pentium (no speed) listed.  I'm going to lean
toward authoring in 8.5 rather than 7 (because hell I can't remember all the
changes since then anyway) -- now for a plain vanilla director app I can go
by the Macromedia specs...but what should I think in terms of

video (mpg1 or QT sorenson or cinepak)
Audio (mp3 compression or not)
Flash (if at all playing in director, ie no alphas)
PDF (play within the app via pdf xtra which is slow or launch externally --
what are the system requirements of the pdf xtra?)
Powerpoint (using Ravware's PPViewer Xtra to play within the app or launch

Let's just say that the client I'm dealing with isn't very tech-savvy and
don't know director's capabilities -- they've been using it as powerpoint --
and it's one of those cases that I can 
make recommendations without hard
specs and they look at me like a dog who lost his food bowl.

 m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success
 Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012


m u t a n t
   m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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Re: lingo-l Web browser with Director mac kiosk?

2002-06-27 Thread Evan Adelman

uh. just throwing this out there since it seems there isn't a flood of ideas 
already coming in...perhaps you could grab the source of mozilla and try to 
find the code for mailto: and comment it would probably be 
a lot of effort that wouldn't necessarily work for all cases...another 
option might be to skin up a new version of the netscape browser so it looks 
even more artsy fartsy than it already does...but that doesn't really solve 
functionality stuff like your mailto example...another option may be to do 
the skinning in conjunction w/ something like a sub program using masterApp, 
and when you know the user is surfing w/ the skinned browser, check the 
active program list (dunno if this functionality works w/ macs or even if 
masterApp is x-platform) every second and whack anything you don't want 
running (that isn't planned to be running)...that would be fun too...let's 
seewhat else can come out of this nicotine induced brainstormwell my 
idleness answers nothing moreso ...yeah, good luck - let me know if you 
come up w/ anything good


From: Jeff Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: lingo-l Web browser with Director mac kiosk?
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Hi All!

I've just been blind-sided by my client's client's client!  So I've come to 
the brain trust for ideas.

Been working on a kiosk type of thing that runs as a Dir 8.5 projector, but 
needs to display live web sites also (sites that we don't control).  Need 
to control what user can do while in browser.  User only has a mouse -- no 
keyboard -- but client does not want e-mail program opening if a mailto 
link is clicked, doesn't want multiple browser windows popping up, etc.

Our client initially said we could pick the machines we want it to run on, 
so we bid it and have been developing with the plan to use Windows machines 
and Web Browser ActiveX control to keep the browsing inside Director where 
we have better control.

Well, it seems the end client wants to take this thing to Mac World for its 
debut (the products they're selling are cross-platform).  And it turns out 
there is some problem like Mac World won't let them use Windows machines, 
even if they are hidden in a cabinet!  (I can't swear that this is the 
exact reason...I'm getting this info 3rd or 4th hand.)

So suddenly our great plan just went to hell.  Please tell me...HOW can I 
get that tight of control over a browser when running on a Mac??!  
I researched LiveCD, but it looks like its HTML support is way out of date. 
  This is an artsy fartsy kiosk and the client is not going to be satisfied 
with half-assed rendering of web pages.



Jeff Gomes MultiMedia Magic
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Giving Life to Your Ideas
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Re: lingo-l off topic: fonts

2002-06-22 Thread Evan Adelman

perfect- this util (cross-font) is exactly what i was looking for...a much 
belated thanks,

- evan

From: Charlie Fiskeaux II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: lingo-l off topic: fonts
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 14:37:27 -0400
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I have a utility called cross-font that converts PC and Mac fonts back and
forth, both Type1 and TrueType.  It's shareware/freeware and should be
available at  It's a PC utility, so you have to stuff your
mac fonts before you transport them over to the PC (their data is in the
resource fork, unlike most files, so if you just copy a Mac font normally,
it will be empty).  When converting to Mac fonts, the utility outputs Mac
binary files which you simply unstuff on the Mac end.

Charlie Fiskeaux II
Media Designer
The Creative Group

- Original Message -
From: Evan Adelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 2:18 PM
Subject: lingo-l off topic: fonts

Hi all -
I know this is kinda random, but I figured this is as good of a group as 
to ask this since you're more than likely to be in my shoes from time to
time. What I'm experiencing is cross platform font issues when authoring
movies. We have mac dudes and dudettes here and pc folks like myself trying
edit movies simultaneously and at times it gets to be plain horrendous.
Besides the obvious answers (like just use common fonts, dummy), how do you
folks deal w/ font issues like on mac Interstate-Bold and the bolded up
Interstate on pc being different? Are there any font conversion tools 
would change the Interstate-Bold mac font to Interstate-Bold pc version as
it's own entity (i.e. not just having Interstate, then having the alternate
option of bolding it)? Answer if you feel like it, like I said, I know this
isn't lingo related so feel free to ignore...


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lingo-l off topic: fonts

2002-06-13 Thread Evan Adelman

Hi all -
I know this is kinda random, but I figured this is as good of a group as any 
to ask this since you're more than likely to be in my shoes from time to 
time. What I'm experiencing is cross platform font issues when authoring 
movies. We have mac dudes and dudettes here and pc folks like myself trying 
edit movies simultaneously and at times it gets to be plain horrendous. 
Besides the obvious answers (like just use common fonts, dummy), how do you 
folks deal w/ font issues like on mac Interstate-Bold and the bolded up 
Interstate on pc being different? Are there any font conversion tools that 
would change the Interstate-Bold mac font to Interstate-Bold pc version as 
it's own entity (i.e. not just having Interstate, then having the alternate 
option of bolding it)? Answer if you feel like it, like I said, I know this 
isn't lingo related so feel free to ignore...


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Re: lingo-l Sending data to linux webserver?

2002-05-21 Thread Evan Adelman

er...through web browser/shockwave combo or projector? seems to me that you 
could either

a) use the web browser's function for uploading files just like on a web 
page if you're doing a shockwave type implementationor

b) use the multiuser xtra (doc: 
and get that multiuser server for *nix that i see advertised on every so often...

hope this starts you off right...


From: Rajiv Ranjan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: lingo-l Sending data to linux webserver?
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 12:58:49 +0200
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HI List ,

Can I send data to Linux web server through Director,Data is not just
text it could be any  thing like images , text etc.

Rajiv Ranjan
83,San Martino
Pisa, ITALY-56125.

Walking on water and developing
software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.
There is something to learn everyday!

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lingo-l imaging lingo

2002-05-20 Thread Evan Adelman

Hi all -
just a quick question to see if i'm missing something lame before i 
throw in the towel and really learn imaging lingo (as opposed to just 
knowing the basic commands around copypixels() ). Here's my trouble - if 
i want to create an image based on let's say a square 15x15 and a line 
of text 100 pixels wide 10 pixels high, my resulting image is always 
cropped to the smaller image.

my ex code:

--member(square) = the 15x15 square,
--member(text)  = the text

aNewMember  = member(square).duplicate()
newRef = member(aNewMember)
--(image).copyPixels(sourceImage, destRect_or_quad, sourceRect)

gives me a 15x15 image in newRef w/ the text chopped at 15 px. I tried 
forcing the rect of newRef open wider prior to copyPixels() by setting 
it's rect explicitly (which d. doesn't allow me to do, apparently), 
turning off trimwhiteSpace, stuff like that...w/ no fix...

any ideas? if this is a massively replicated question, no worries, lob a 
holy grenade and i'll find it...


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RE: lingo-l Disable Printscreen

2002-04-30 Thread Evan Adelman

Hitesh, (novel follows:)

Unfortunately, I believe that each program in Windows controls it's own 
printing. For example, if you work in PhotoShop, you may see a custom print 
dialog where you get different options than in, say, Director, even though 
PhotoShop is open at the same time. I don't believe that the Windows API 
allows for an override to their operating system backbone.

I think the most feasible solution for you is to delete any registry key 
with the word print in it. Maybe then different applications that are 
designed to print will either just crash on opening or not allow printing 
(maybe). Another method may be to block the combination of the control and 
printscreen keys which would allow for very limited annoyance for the user 
who wants the information (although I don't know if you can do that, or if 
you can, what the corresponding number to printscreen is).

But then again
What about cameras? If I'm running the cd, and I pull out my digital camera 
and take a few shots of the screen, you can't stop me. Actually, maybe if 
you could somehow generate a microwave blast on start-up, you could disable 
all electronic devices in a certain area (but then I have my handy single 
reflex canon too, so try again). Maybe your client shouldn't be sending 
trade secrets, CIA Intelligence, and whatever else they're wanting to 
protect on inherently un-secure media like CD's (probably want to try to 
rephrase that for who you're building it for :)

And then, if you have external documents on the cd (I don't know if you do 
or not) you're doubly in trouble because people could navigate to those 
documents without ever opening your executable.

I *really* think the question your asking is like asking how to go over 
Niagra Falls without a really strong barrel and live. Maybe with super human 
powers, you might, but otherwise good luck becoming one w/ the Maid Of the 



How do you plan to prevent people who have screen capture software from
capturing screen shots?  I could have FullShot open while running the
program and get images that way.  Something else to think about I guesss...


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: lingo-l Disable Printscreen

Basically, I want the printscreen button to be disabled when my projector
starts. Till the time my projector is running the printscreen button should
not work at all, even in any other application.

So I would need a windows API to do it. I need more info on the same.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: lingo-l Disable Printscreen

  At 09:48 +0530 04/27/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The CD has some very important technical data. The client doesn't want 
  enable printscreen till the time the CD is on.
  I really do not understand what this means. What exactly do you want
  to protect? If it's the contents of the CD itself, then there's no
  point whatsoever in trying to do anything through Director, because
  it can all be bypassed.
  What precisely is intended to be protected here?
Warren Ockrassa |
Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
  Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
  Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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lingo-l linked director movies

2002-04-30 Thread Evan Adelman

Hi -
Has anyone played with workarounds for the mouseEnter, mouseLeave problems 
that Rob Romanek mentions in his article on Linked Director Movies, I have one that uses 
the rollover method sitting in my frame script of the linked movie, but, 
hating to bog down exitframes, I was looking for a more elegant 
solution...any ideas? (Unfortunately the threads and discussions on 
the article are playing dead for me)

- evan

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RE: lingo-l continuous data feed wonderment

2002-04-25 Thread Evan Adelman

h activeX control you say?i totally forgot that it was an option...i 
think i might like it...but in those cases (activeX, dll, text file, 
database), i still have to have Director ask if there's new data out there 
even if there's not (possibly resource wasteful), right?

I threw out the text file option cause i was worried about synchronicity and 
file lock outs...not sure if it was a valid fear, but since i have the more 
direct option of querrying the data source, i thought i'd go that way 

thanks for the idea spark, i'll investigate more...


 I was just saying earlier that I can
  access a dll (which is what the client is planning on writing
  and providing to me) through the GLU32 Xtra. That's option A for me.

You could also have the client make an activeX control out of it, insert 
that into Director and make calls directly to the control. Something like:

put sprite(1).getInfo()
(assuming sprite 1 is the control and getInfo is a method in the control)

  or doing the
  same with good old text files (which I've already thrown out
  as an option,
  before it even broke the .5 second it took to become a
  conscious thought).

Just out of curiosity, why'd you throw the text option out? Seems like a 
simple solution. I'm not sure what you're ultimately trying to do (or what 
the environment you're running this thing in looks like), but I've done 
this in the past where I've had another application write data to a text 
file and a Director app reading the file every exit frame with fileio. If 
your frame rate is 30 you can get data 30 times a second (possibly faster 
if you upped the rate -- I don't know, I used 30).  I've run it for hours 
at a time and it seems to work pretty solid.

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Re: lingo-l continuous data feed wonderment

2002-04-24 Thread Evan Adelman

Which seems to put me into learning C++ landcould be worse I suppose. 
Unless there's a generic xtra out there that forwards any C++ message into 
Director? Seems generic enough that I can't find it, anyway.

Thanks much,

The external code object should have a means to send messages to
Lingo or Director as well. I mean there's no reason for it to sit
there and be passive, hoarding data until Director asks for it. It
should be quite possible for the Xtra to send messages out to
handlers, with parameters and so on. That way your movie just sits
there on a frame, doing nothing in particular, until the Xtra sends a
message to it.


  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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Re: lingo-l continuous data feed wonderment

2002-04-24 Thread Evan Adelman

Yeah, I don't really have an Xtra programmer...all I know is that some dude 
off in the depths of client land knows enough C++ to create a dll...not that 
I don't have faith in clients, I just don't like to depend on them all that 


Which seems to put me into learning C++ land...

Why? Your Xtra programmer should be able to make use of the XDK from
Macromedia to learn how to make his Xtra send messages to Director.
You don't have to know diddly from squat about C++. All you have to
do is know how to make an acceptor or callback function -- basically,
how to write a handler. ;)


  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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Re: lingo-l continuous data feed wonderment

2002-04-24 Thread Evan Adelman

mmm background eh? ;)

I knew that a dll wasn't an Xtra (in this case, the dll is being written in 
C++, as well as most Xtra's I believe)- I was just saying earlier that I can 
access a dll (which is what the client is planning on writing and providing 
to me) through the GLU32 Xtra. That's option A for me.

Option B is to find or write an Xtra that takes the information in the 
custom dll and pipes it to Director. I checked the Xtras list, and around 
the web in general, prior to writing earlier luck in finding 
something suitable.

Does anyone know of just basic basic examples of Xtras? I subscribed to a 
list, but its not so active.

The data feed looks like it's going to be two arrays of integers. It's 
actually data that's being collected from Nautilus (workout) equipment.

That collection part is being taken care of by the client, and, since 
they're writing the collector in C++, have a couple options on how to give 
me that data. Some options that crossed my mind were an XML stream (probably 
brought into Director through a Flash Asset), accessing the dll directly 
with GLU32, writing my own Xtra that incorporated their code, or at least 
communicated with their code, dumping data into a database, or doing the 
same with good old text files (which I've already thrown out as an option, 
before it even broke the .5 second it took to become a conscious thought).

Hope that provides fuel :-) Thanks again,


OK. Note, BTW, that a DLL is not an Xtra. Whatever you use in
Director, if it's an external code object, it almost certainly is not
a DLL.

It might not hurt to hit the Xtras lists at Macromedia, partly to see
what can be done, and partly to see what other products exist. Could
be someone already wrote what you need.

It's also possible, if you were to describe what this data feed was
coming from, what its natuire would be and what you needed to do with
it, that you could garner some reasonable suggestions here about how
to go about doing it. ;)


  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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lingo-l continuous data feed wonderment

2002-04-23 Thread Evan Adelman

Hey all -
I'm in the initial phases of planning a gnarly Director project that has a 
continuous data feed. The data is being generated out of several data 
stations that will be fed into a C++ *.dll (which I'm not coding myself). 
Now I'm kinda stuck on the different methods I can use to yank the data out 
of that dll (or how I can give direction to the developer in terms of the 
most useful way to package up the information)...I know there's an xtra out 
there, GLU32 something or other that lets you query a dll. So my thinking is 
that if I use this method, it will be kinda resource wasting - I'll be 
querying the dll even if no new data exists (which will happen from time to 
time). So, I was trying to dream up of some way that I can get an outside 
resource to call a method in Director that will say Yo, don't hit, don't 
run by the pool, don't lie, spit, or cheat. Drinking and smoking is fine, oh 
yeah, user5 just changed his swing data to 10. Smoke break time.. See what 
I mean? Wouldn't that be more efficient to tell Director something new, 
instead of having Director being like one of my ex-girlfriends...(what have 
you done for me lately, what have you done for me lately, times infinity).

Um...let's see what else can I say...oh past data history is irrelevant 
too...this project only cares about what's happening now - it could care 
less about past history, so I don't need to worry if I lose a few data 
points on the way (when I say on the way, I mean, if my frame rate is 30 
frames per second, I'd like to at least be able to keep up with half that 
for my data retrieval). The data stream will most likely be a flood 
(strings, integers, arrays) of new information at time 0 seconds, a trickle 
(perhaps a couple integers for each user) from time 1 to 90, and another 
flood (again, strings, integers, arrays) at 91 seconds. Then repeat.

So, if anyone has any questions, beautiful, shiny pearls of wisdom (or even 
a funny, wise ass remark), please let me know...


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Re: lingo-l Tracking a Button

2002-03-18 Thread Evan Adelman

Which part of this are you having trouble with? Writing to a text file is 
pretty basic and pretty well covered in this list, even in March -archive is 

Accessing your network resources is a different issue - haven't really had 
to do internal network operations like this through director...if it were 
me, i'd probably just run a server that, in essence, listens for the click, 
but you could probably hack your way around it w/out if you have the right 
network permissions and know the name of all boxen that you want to listen 

if you have more info about how you're approaching this, that'd be cool


m u 
t a n t
  m e d i a solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

From: Fred Westermeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: lingo-l Tracking a Button
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 12:34:32 -0600
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Tracking a Button

I have a program made in D702 (Windows) and I would like to track the
amount of people that are using the program.

The program is on a stand along computer but is networked to my working
system in my office. I would like to add a counter to one of the buttons
track how many people using the program.

I do not wish for the count to be seen. I would like it to go to a
counter.txt file on the computer that I can call up daily.

Counter may not be the name I am looking for here.

Fred Westermeyer, CNA
Slot Graphics
Grand Casino Biloxi
265 Beach Boulevard
Biloxi, MS 39530
1-800-WIN-2-WIN ext.1592
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Re: lingo-l protecting bitmaps ???

2002-03-13 Thread Evan Adelman

Sure, I'm assuming that you want to keep this information longer than the 
user has your movie open, and your users are users of the movie, not 
developers (you could have a similar concern if you had a semi-big dev 
team). You could either create a list of approved bitmaps and store it in a 
txt file (with any liked file xtra, perhaps filextra3) and iterate through 
that list when the user tries to import, or you could just flip the read 
only tag w/ filextra3 (the xtra that I know that can do this, any other will 
probably be fine too), and make sure to check it's read status before 
allowing the user to import.  If you need more details, feel free to ask,


From: Chris Aernoudt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: lingo-l protecting bitmaps ???
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:57:14 +0100
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Hi guys,

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to mark(or whatever) a bitmap, so
that from within a projector you can check the file to be OK to import, so
the user cannot import non-marked bitmaps?



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Re: lingo-l protecting bitmaps ???

2002-03-13 Thread Evan Adelman

What is your criteria for acceptance? How do you plan on telling the 
difference between a ready to import, and not ready to import image? You can 
dynamically pull in all the names of the files in a folder, but it sounds 
like that's not going to cut it. Like I said, you can always flip a 
read-only tag on and off too...


From: Chris Aernoudt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: lingo-l protecting bitmaps ???
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 17:10:25 +0100
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This is not an option, since I cannot know the filename of them' bitmaps in
advance. It should be something on the file-level, but it must not alter 
appearance of the image.
- Original Message -
From: Evan Adelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  You could either create a list of approved bitmaps and store it in a
  txt file (with any liked file xtra, perhaps filextra3) and iterate 
  that list when the user tries to import

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lingo-l xml file xml xtra - african swallows may be holding my file hostage

2002-03-08 Thread Evan Adelman

Hi list -

I'm having a fun little problem -- an xml object holding on to an xml file 
w/ a death grip. It (either Director or the xml object) won't let it go 
until I quit director. Unfortunately, this poses a bit more of a problem 
than just an inconvience cause I'd like my projector to delete the xml file 
(which it obviously can't do if it's closed). Any ideas?

I'm reading in an xml file that holds information for copying some files. 
Once I get through copying all my files (thus the xml file's mission in life 
is complete), I want to delete the xml file (for which I'm using filextra3). 
I verified that Director was holding the file by opening the xml file in a 
text editor (in this case HomeSite). If I open a fresh copy of my Director 
project (without hitting run) I can edit and save the XML file in HomeSite 
to my heart's content. Once I hit play in Director, I can no longer save the 
XML file in HomeSite until I quit Director.

So far, I've tried setting my xml object to 0(zero), and void. I've also 
just gone to the next frame and tried to delete the file from there (after 
setting the xmlObj variable to 0(zero) in the previous frame.

Is there something like pXMLObj.releaseAll() or 
pXMLObj.noIReallyWantYouToLetGoOfThisFile(theFile) or 
pXMLObj.manAreYouGreedyMrXMLObj-ShareTheFileIfYouArentUsingIt()? I wish 
there was if there isn't.

Thanks for your help,

Evan Adelman

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Re: lingo-l Parsing help PLEASE !

2002-03-08 Thread Evan Adelman

Hi all, desperate for help.

Ive got an email address combined with an extention .txt


assuming this email addy is in a string? if so
emailAddy = emailAddy.char[1..emailAddy.char.count-4] --get rid of last .txt

how do I parse this to STIP the .TXT off.

Ive been sat here hours..


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