Re: X keyboards international characters

2003-06-01 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 31 May 2003 11:38:25 -0500
David A. Bandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 31 May 2003 09:29:47 -0600
 Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1. Where do you find a description about the exact meaning of
  PC101,PC104, pickakeyboard layout, etc. ?  
 pc104 will work fine

Yeah, it works fine, but what does it really mean?  What's the real 
difference between PC101, PC104, etc.?  And how can you tell which
you've got?

  2. Where do you find the meaning of cryptic keycode descriptors like
  AltGr- ?
 On a Spanish keyboard, that's the right alt key (not sure on others) 
 as for meaning??? don´t understand the question.

The question is, where is there a list of key names with corresponding
definitions?  I can guess that with Alt in the name, it has something to
do with one of the Alt keys, but what is the Gr- portion of the symbolic
name?  You, for example, use AltGr but I also see this written as

 On a Spanish keyboard, you have not two, but often 3 symbols on a key.
 the upper is shift, the lower left is normal, the lower right is using
 the AltGr key.
  3. Where do you find the meaning of  Compose Key , Meta Key ,
  Mode n, etc. ?
 On the old DEC5000 keyboards I used years ago (1990-1995) w/ Ultrix,
 we had a key called Compose that allowed us to construct ñ by
 holding the compose key and selecting ~ then n.  The Meta key should
 be your left Windoze key and mode is most likely the right one (but I
 haven´t ever had reason to use these so don´t quote me on this).
  4.  My X config has the following layout, but I can't find any
  combination of keys that will generate umlauts and other
  international character.  What am I missing?
  Section InputDevice
  Identifier  Keyboard0
  Driver  keyboard
  Option  XkbRules xfree86
  Option  XkbModel pc104
  Option  XkbLayout us_intl
  5.  Font selection is OK.  Emails display the appropriate umlauts,
 Some apps don´t honor the X stuff. 
 The use of these extended ASCII characters seems (128-255) to be
 _very_ application dependent.

In my case, no app seems to recognize any of the methods of generating
international characters that we have discussed thus far.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
gentoo stable - ext3

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Re: X keyboards international characters

2003-06-01 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 31 May 2003 18:33:31 -0500
ronnie gauthier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 31 May 2003 17:19:38 -0600 - Collins

 I have 108 keys, all of which save one (Fn) return a scan code.  Fn
 seems to be ignored.
   2. Where do you find the meaning of cryptic keycode descriptors
 like  AltGr- ?
   3. Where do you find the meaning of  Compose Key , Meta Key ,
   Mode n, etc. ?
  Meta is either Esc or Alt. I don't know about the Mode keys - this
 has always confused me.
 Still no luck with composing characters.

 Isn't Fn like a shift key for Fx

xev pretty much ignores it, but in combination with F4-F8 only it
returns the underlying scan code, and some of the letter combinations
Fn-d maybe causes all keyboard events to be ignored until it's pressed
again! groan

Collins Richey - Denver Area
gentoo stable - ext3
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Re: Hosed my system. Knoppix won't fix it.

2003-04-12 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 15:30:51 -0400
Joel Hammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I seem to have hosed my system.
 After rebuilding the kernel, I guess I ought to have run lilo again,
 for the umpteemth time, which I didn't bother doing.
 Now when I try to boot, no matter which image I use, it just hangs up
 during boot. I booted up with knoppix and chroot'ed to my proper root
 directory. When I try to run lilo I am told that /dev/hda is not
 available or somesuch. This is in my lilo.conf
 I have also noticed that /boot is empty, no map there!
 So, the question is, what is the way to get the system to boot again.

Knoppix mounts all the disk partitions read only, co you have to remount
/dev/hda in r/w mode.

When you say hangs up, are there any messages?

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Re: Hosed my system. Knoppix won't fix it.

2003-04-12 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 18:36:06 -0400
Joel Hammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Knoppix mounts all the disk partitions read only, co you have to
  remount/dev/hda in r/w mode.
 This really confuses me.
 /dev/hda is not a directory or even a partition. It is the boot sector
 of the first hard drive. I could not see how to mount that r/w or how
 that would help me.

Oops, failed to notice that.  You don't mount /dev/hda.  There are no
files of interest to you in the boot sector.

  When you say hangs up, are there any messages?
 There were no error messages. It just hung during boot, when loading
 the system. It said something about package or system found at 0 and

Doesn't ring any bells.

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Printing web pages

2003-04-04 Thread Collins Richey
Are there any generalized utility programs that will grap a web page,
extract the text, convert to a text (or fill-in-the-blanks) file for

I'm getting ready to work on some python code to do that for printing
the Slackware users' manual, but it would be nice to have a real tool.

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Re: Printing web pages

2003-04-04 Thread Collins Richey
On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 17:39:19 -0800
Net Llama! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 04/04/03 17:35, Collins Richey wrote:
  Are there any generalized utility programs that will grap a web
  page, extract the text, convert to a text (or fill-in-the-blanks)
  file for printing?
  I'm getting ready to work on some python code to do that for
  printing the Slackware users' manual, but it would be nice to have a
  real tool.
 html2jpeg creates jpegs (basically screenshots) of webpages:
 html2ps converts html to postscript


Now that I've looked at the problem a little more closely, I probably
need more that this.  The root of what I want to retrieve is which is a php beast.  What I'm looking to do is

1. Retrieve the base page and follow all Next links, strip out all the
extra crap on each page, retain and format the text, and store the
result for printing.

2. I could do this with simple python tools for a normal html site, but
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] slackware site doesn't respond to simple http requests; even
the links are php commands.  A browser, of course, can wade through this
with ease, but I don't want to have to save each individual page as html
just to format it.

3. All this work because the Slack folks don't provide a printable

Any thoughts?

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Re: [fsl-discuss] Eben on Microsoft vs. Free Software

2003-04-03 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 16:10:44 -0800
Aaron Grewell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At least now the global community is waking up and asking; Why do we
  have to upgrade every two years? 
 Of course, then one has to ask Red Hat why we have to upgrade every
 year as well, 

And who needs RedHat?

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Re: [fsl-discuss] Eben on Microsoft vs. Free Software

2003-04-03 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 20:19:44 -0600
Rick Sivernell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Collins - Slack 9.0 EXT3
I thought you were a Gentoo guy. What this slack 9.0 stuff

I am, but I like to experiment with other distros as well.  The current
Slack offering is arguably the finest right alongside gentoo.  There is
still the problem of finding packages.  Slack is much better that others
in this respect, but nothing can compare with the horrendous number of
packages ready for the taking on gentoo.

At least ther's no RPM in sight, unless you choose to dive into that

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Re: I need some Gentoo tips...

2003-04-02 Thread Collins Richey
On Wed, 02 Apr 2003 18:26:45 -0500
Jerry McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 22:59:38 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom)
  Greets list, Jerry,
 Hey Bub...
  The start-up scripts that reside in locations in the /etc/rc.d/r0X.d
  SYS4 format, say like Caldera or Redhat, then the system numbers
  are the ones you modify for networking and pcmcia are, for example
 Sorry, no such directory structure in Gentoo. I've got a /etc/init.d
 and/etc/runlevels. The runlevels directory has boot, default, gui,
 nonetwork and single... these directories contain links to the scripts
 in /etc/init.d. It appears that the links are executed in alphabetical
 order... no pcmcia resource is linked in /etc/runlevels... Really pita
 if you ask me.

To cut down on the guesswork, visit the authoritative source at

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Re: Slack packages

2003-04-02 Thread Collins Richey
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:39:23 -0500
Chris Kassopulo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   I have a group of libraries (all go in /usr/lib) that are older
   libc/libg++/etc to support things like phoenix nightly binaries.  I
   could simply copy the to /usr/lib, but I would prefer to do this as
   a standard Slack package.
   I've tried 'makepkg', but that expects to find a makefile.  Anyone
   to help me out with that?
 makepkg will do what you want.
 Put everything in /home/collins/package/usr/local/lib, including
 links. cd to package
 Run makepkg phoenix_libs.tgz
 Answer y to both questions
 y to the first question will delete the links and create an install
 /home/collins/package/install/  The install script will
 create the
 links when you install the package.  If you answer no the links are
 just copied into the package and no install script is created.
 The install script is the difference between a slackware package and a
 tarred archive.  /home/collins/package/phoenix_libs.tgz is the
 slackware package.  It is just a tarred file of everything under
 As root run installpkg phoenix_libs.tgz to install the package.
 Look at /var/log/packages/phoenix_libs to verify.
 As root run removepkg phoenix_libs to remove it.

Very clear instructions, thanks.

One more question.  Does installpkg automatically do an ldconfig after
you install something in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib?  Or do in need a
postinstall script that does that?

Collins - Slack 9.0 EXT3
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Re: [OT] Slackware List

2003-04-01 Thread Collins Richey
On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 22:28:47 -0500
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom) wrote:

 Greets list, sorry about this...
 Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oops - I managed to wipe out the list of subscribers to my little
 Slackware list here at KurtWerks during an upgrade. :-\ If you're
 interesed in (re)subscribing, please visit
 Sorry for the inconvenience. I learned how to back up my Mailman
 installation, so it's not a total loss. ;-)
 Is the mailman working now?  I've re-applied 2 or 3 times, 
 but no replies from the list;  that, or my fingers are
 too fat for typing :)
 Linux Registration Number; 184093,

Worked for me.

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Memory leak ?

2003-04-01 Thread Collins Richey
A user on another list observed that the memory in use in his system,
goes up about 12k every second or so with phoenix in use.  Lo and
behold, I observed the same phenomenon on my system, but it's not

After rebooting my system with xfce, sylpheed and two aterm
windows running (top in one), memory used goes up 8k at every iteration
of top. There is also lpd and sshd in the system.  Does top have a leak
or an error in calculation?

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Re: Slack 9.0 (done)

2003-03-31 Thread Collins Richey
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 09:17:38 -0500
Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 29 March 2003 10:28 am, someone claiming to be Collins
 Richey wrote:
  On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 09:51:43 -0500
  Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Friday 28 March 2003 11:34 pm, someone claiming to be Collins
Also, Kmail has a minor hitch.  You only get to edit settings
once without restarting.
   Interesting. There's a thread on about this,
   too. So you're not alone. The guy's a Slackware 9 user, too. Could
   be a problem with packaging? I don't have the problem with my
   compiled-from-source KDE 3.1.1+. Could be a bug that's been fixed
   and isn't in the package as supplied by Slack...
  I'm sure that's the case.  Gentoo does really a superb job of
  ferreting out the right mixture of patches most of the time.  I'm
  not really a KDE user, but given the fact that Slack doesn't have
  the setup for xfce as a standard offering, I chose to run KDE for
  the initial tinkering period.
 FYI, from a post on
 Slackware ships the problematic kdelibs 3.1.0 - Qt 3.1.2
 combination. Either downgrade Qt to 3.1.1 or better upgrade
 KDE/kdelibs to 3.1.1./quote

Thanks, been there, done that yesterday.

Not that I will be straying often into KDE.

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Re: Slackware 9.0 (more)

2003-03-31 Thread Collins Richey
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 21:20:24 -0500
Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An unnamed Administration source, Collins Richey, wrote:

 % 4. Through google, I found a source of Slack packages.  Sylpheed and
 % aterm are up and running.
 What's the source?

It's pretty well hidden.  I ddn't find it searching for slackware
packages, but aterm slackware package brought it right up.

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Re: [OT] Slackware List

2003-03-31 Thread Collins Richey
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:36:09 -0500
rels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh well ... I haven't gotten a chance to download Slackware yet anyway
 as originally planned.  Hope to do so shortly.

It's well worth the download; just plan on fixing KDE early on, if
you're a KDE fan.

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Re: [OT] Slackware List

2003-03-31 Thread Collins Richey
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 18:46:13 -0800
Ken Moffat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Collins Richey wrote:
 On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:36:09 -0500
 rels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh well ... I haven't gotten a chance to download Slackware yet
 anywayas originally planned.  Hope to do so shortly.
 It's well worth the download; just plan on fixing KDE early on, if
 you're a KDE fan.
 What's the problem with kde? Seems to work here, but I just tried it
 for the first time.

Yes it works mostly (no major failures for me), but the recommendation I
got (someone else replied on this list) was either to downgrade qt or
upgrade kde to kde 3.1.1, which is what I did.  There are slack packages
available.  I removed everything arts*, kde*, and qt and installed the
latest and greatest.  OK if you have high speed internet.

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Slack packages

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
I have a group of libraries (all go in /usr/lib) that are older
libc/libg++/etc to support things like phoenix nightly binaries.  I
could simply copy the to /usr/lib, but I would prefer to do this as a
standard Slack package.

I've tried 'makepkg', but that expects to find a makefile.  Anyone care
to help me out with that?

The final structure of the executables is: - -

If I do a cp -a thisdir/* /usr/lib followed by ldconfig, it works a-ok. 
The phoenix nightly binaries run without a hitch.

As you can see from the above, there are 6 binary libraries (in the
distribution tarball) and 3 symlinks.

I've done some searches on google and found some sample makefiles, but
they are all way too complex for me.  What I need is a simple makefile
that takes the 6 libraries above, copies them to /usr/lib and
establishes the symlinks, all in response to a 'make install', I

The net effect would be a Slack package that I could add the appropriate
verbage and offer up to others who are looking to do the same thing. 
The actual distribution of these libraries is available at a gentoo

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Re: Satellite Linux

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:57:49 -0700
Andrew Mathews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jemez Mountains, 45 miles west of Santa Fe NM. 

Ah, that's God's country!  I lived in Santa Fe for 3+ years back when
dinosaurs roamed the earth.  NM is gorgeous country, but I seldom get
back there any more.

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Re: Satellite Linux

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:58:21 -0700
Andrew Mathews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Collins Richey wrote:
  On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:57:49 -0700
  Andrew Mathews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jemez Mountains, 45 miles west of Santa Fe NM. 
  Ah, that's God's country!  I lived in Santa Fe for 3+ years back
  when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  NM is gorgeous country, but I
  seldom get back there any more.
 Yes, it's where I hope to remain for the rest of my days. Only problem
 is, we're still very dry. Fires will be even worse this year than
 last. I wish we'd gotten some of your snow. Wanna sell some? g

Alas, the Denver sunshine (similar to the effect where you are) has
taken it all away.  If you get here with a truck real soon, you can have
what's left in my back yard (North side) free for the taking! grin

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Slack and root access to X server

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
I'm trying to install OpenOffice, and the script always dies unabble to
access the X server - any clues?

I've done xhost +localhost and even xhost +, but no dice.

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Re: Slack and root access to X server

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 14:28:11 -0800
Bill Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 03:12:19PM -0700, Collins Richey wrote:
 I'm trying to install OpenOffice, and the script always dies unabble
 to access the X server - any clues?
 I've done xhost +localhost and even xhost +, but no dice.
 Try ``xterm -l root -e slogin localhost'' or ``ssh -f -l root xterm''.
 This should give you root access with the proper X capabilities.  You
 may have to edit the ssh_config and sshd_config files to turn X11
 forwarding on.
 I find it far easier to run X clients with ssh than dealing with the
 $DISPLAY variable and xhosts, not to mention more secure (as if X
 without ssh were at all secure :-).


I circumvented the problem by logging in as root and starting xfce.

In case anyone else tries this, the new (pretty much undocumented) way
of installing OO in network mode is ./setup --interactive.  

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Re: [OT?] Tux Makeover? Doah!

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003 21:14:57 -0500
Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An unnamed Administration source, dep, wrote:
 % begin  Condon Thomas A KPWA's  quote:
 % |
 % oh yeah! the guy who plays the lieutenant on the sex crimes version
 of % law  order!
 I was thinking Al Jolson.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to backup to the
directory level to get any of the images, i.e. omit homertux.html.

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Re: [OT] Slackware List

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 21:16:02 -0500
David A. Bandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 18:15:10 -0700
 Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It turns out, the answer is:  X doesn't like the comment line.  When
  I remove this, everything works.  I never could find after going
  through the man files where the syntax for .Xdefaults is located. 
  If someone could comment on that, I would love to hear about it.
 X uses ! to mark comments, not #.  Could that have been your problem?

Thanks, David, I am filing this away.

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Re: [OT] Slackware List

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 17:21:47 -0800
Shawn Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey kurt,
 Got this back when I tried to subscribe.

[ mail stuff snipped ]

Ayup, me too.

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Slackware 9.0 (progress)

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
Well, it's been a really productive day.

1. Found the kde 3.1.1 slack packages on the kde site and rebuilt kde. 
I'm not much into kde, but it works when I need it.

2.  Got phoenix nightly working with all plugins.  The key to this is
compatibility libraries which I ripped off my gentoo install.  I seem to
remember that there is a RedHat RPM with similar libraries.  Don't leave
home without it if you expect to use plugins.  I imagine these
libraries would work with a mozilla compiled with the older compiler as

3.  Killed off sendmail, but I still need to do the same for inetd and
portmapper, which I have no need for.

4.  Printer working fine (lprng) after copying over my printcap and
laserjet filter.  And nary a cups in sight.

I haven't found a non-kde mixer yet, but I can fall back on kmix for
now.  Interestingly enough, my sound card now works with the kernel
modules as opposed to alsa!  Kernel is 2.4.20 and I was on .19 before.

A really fine distro, the best I have ever encountered other than
gentoo.  Mr. Volkerding and his troops deserve kudos.

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Re: OT We won't back down...

2003-03-30 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 22:26:51 -0500
Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An unnamed Administration source, dep, wrote:
 % begin  Collins Richey's  quote:
 % | The sicko pacifists will puke over this one.  The author's site is
 % | getting hammered with hits.
 % |
 % | Some of us support the troops.
 % you'll find this, then, um, amusing. it is written by the chairman
 of % the kde league:
 Gawd. Sounds like yer basic way too far right wing lunatic. Wonder
 if he wears aluminum foil in his cap?

More likely to be your basic way too far left wing lunatic, but then is
there that much difference at the extremes?  He's definitely in
communication with forces beyond the planetary orb.

I get such a chuckle out of this tripe, but alas it's all too similar to
some of the further out there opinions we've heard on this list,
so some of us eat that stuff right up.  All in all, it's like a Mother
Jones issue on steroids.

Anyway, I'm replying to the general list and suggest you do likewise.

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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-29 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 17:50:58 +1000
Keith Antoine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 02:05 PM 27/03/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 I'm thinking about getting a lcd monitor. Are these supported
 by the 2.4.x kernel? If so, any recommendations or gotchas?
 What specs are important and what should I be looking for aside
 from the actual picture? For example, would the contrast ratio
 500:1 be better than 350:1?
 el lodger
 Its quite a while since I last looked at the specs and AFAIK that they
 are not LCD monitors but TFT. As such they differ in that each pixel
 is a transistor making up the whole display. early on they had real
 trouble with the burning out of some tranies, giving a 'measels'
 display and I did not buy one myself as I needed a 19 display for my
 70+ eyes. They are also reported not to refresh well enough when
 watching movies.

Actually the ones I've seen on display in the big box stores are much
better showing movies than plain text!.

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Re: OT We won't back down...

2003-03-29 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 06:50:41 -0800
Ken Moffat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you feel a bit mislead, judging by the amount of resistance, and
 the lack of open-armed welcome by the Iraqis? Our intentions may be
 good, but something smells.

Not in the least.  I don't ever believe that massive groups of Arabs
would invite the great Satan into their midst and welcome him with
open arms.  Nor do I believe that anyone in the administration would
seriously believe this to be the case.  The whole scenario is
quite complex, and it's an over simplification to say it's the oil or
it's the weapons of mass destruction or it's freedom for the Iraquis
or it's Al Queda (sp?), etc.  It's all of these things and more.  Some
aspects of the campaign are no doubt tied up with classified information
that we are not privy to, and that's as it should be, although that irks
the CIA baiters no end.

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Re: Slack 9.0 (done)

2003-03-29 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 09:51:43 -0500
Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 28 March 2003 11:34 pm, someone claiming to be Collins
  Also, Kmail has a minor hitch.  You only get to edit settings once
  without restarting.
 Interesting. There's a thread on about this, too.
 So you're not alone. The guy's a Slackware 9 user, too. Could be a
 problem with packaging? I don't have the problem with my
 compiled-from-source KDE 3.1.1+. Could be a bug that's been fixed and
 isn't in the package as supplied by Slack...

I'm sure that's the case.  Gentoo does really a superb job of ferreting
out the right mixture of patches most of the time.  I'm not really a KDE
user, but given the fact that Slack doesn't have the setup for xfce as a
standard offering, I chose to run KDE for the initial tinkering period.

The more serious problem is with X.  I need to determine what to do
about the flickering screen before I try it again.  When I see that, I
immediately think of potential monitor damage.

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Slack 9.0 and X

2003-03-29 Thread Collins Richey
OK, it appears that Slack by default has installed the latest and
greatest xfree86-4.3.0-i386-2.  The version that I am using on gentoo
(it works) is xfree-4.2.1-r2.  I notice that XFree86- is
available in the Slack 9.0 pasture directory.  Several gentoo users have
commented that 4.3.0 isn't all that stable.  Note, I'm using the
built-in support (yeah, it's not that great) for my gforce2MX rather
than screwing around with the nvidia kernel support.

How do I go about overlaying xfree on my Slack system?  I was hoping to
find info in the howto, but I didn't.

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Re: Slack 9.0 and X

2003-03-29 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 09:59:07 -0700
Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, it appears that Slack by default has installed the latest and
 greatest xfree86-4.3.0-i386-2.  The version that I am using on gentoo
 (it works) is xfree-4.2.1-r2.  I notice that XFree86- is
 available in the Slack 9.0 pasture directory.  Several gentoo users
 have commented that 4.3.0 isn't all that stable.  Note, I'm using the
 built-in support (yeah, it's not that great) for my gforce2MX rather
 than screwing around with the nvidia kernel support.
 How do I go about overlaying xfree on my Slack system?  I was hoping
 to find info in the howto, but I didn't.

OK, I did find on google:

   1.  Become root
   2. cd to directory with package.tgz
   3. Run installpkg package.tgz 

Does this overlay a prior (and higher) installed version?  Do I need to
remove the higher level package first?  

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Re: OT We won't back down...

2003-03-29 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 11:24:49 -0500
Joel Hammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To quote another great writer and
 politician, W. Churchill:
  They had to choose between dishonor and war. They chose
  dishonor, and they shall have war.

Wow!  I've always been a fan of Churchill, but I never heard that one.

This one goes in my scrapbook!

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Slackware 9.0 (more)

2003-03-29 Thread Collins Richey
Well now, things are looking up.

1. Solved my X problem.  I could have sworn that I moved by XF86Config
file to Slack, but lo and behold it was not what I was using.  Now
corrected; flicker gone.

2. Slack gets a big A+ for detecting my sound card automatically and for
setting up CD writer automatically.

3. Slack gets a B+ for settting up my printer almost.  Printer support
is activated, but my LJ1100 just sits there with a blinking light, which
means that the wrong type data is arriving.  I looked, and it doesn't
appear that Ghostscript is on board, so I'm not surprised that this
doesn't work.

4. Through google, I found a source of Slack packages.  Sylpheed and
aterm are up and running.

5. Now the search begins in earnest to get Phoenix up and going.  The
phoenix nightlies (binaries) require older compatibility C++ and libc5
and libc6 libraries in order to work with all the plugins that aren't
yet up to current compiler/library standards.  Gentoo has all this
packaged(lib-compat).  Is there any equivalent in the way of a Slack

6. Slack gets a B+ for providing a usable, but not quite up to snuff
version of KDE.

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Re: Slackware 9.0

2003-03-28 Thread Collins Richey
On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 15:38:13 -0700
bof [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Collins Richey wrote:
 OK, I've freed up a partition to experiment with this, but how do I
 download and burn a CD?
 There are now Slackware 9.0 .iso's out. See
 If you can get onto any of the sites, that is. ;-)

Thanks, and thank heavens for Belgium!  Unless the cable tightens up,
should be done in about 2hrs+.

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Slack 9.0 (done)

2003-03-28 Thread Collins
The really should call it Slick instead of Slack!

About 3.5 hours to download, burn, install (full), boot, add user, and start 

Not half bad.

Collins - Slack 9.0

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Re: Slack 9.0 (done)

2003-03-28 Thread Collins
On Friday 28 March 2003 09:25 pm, Ken Moffat wrote:
 Collins wrote:
 The really should call it Slick instead of Slack!
 About 3.5 hours to download, burn, install (full), boot, add user, and
  start KDE.
 Not half bad.

 No problems on the install?

Not really any.  Something is amiss with X, however.  I'm using the same 
XF86Config as before, but I'm getting some flicker.  Will have to boot back 
to gentoo and verify.

Also, Kmail has a minor hitch.  You only get to edit settings once without 

Collins - Slack 9.0
Collins - Slack 9.0
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Slackware 9.0

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
OK, I've freed up a partition to experiment with this, but how do I
download and burn a CD?

The readme file on the Slack site suggests using mkisofs to do this and
has the complete mkisofs command, but how do you get there from here?
The readme says get into the top level Slackware directory.  Does this
mean you have first to download and duplicate the complete directory
tree as it appears on the ftp site before you can do the mkisofs? 


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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 17:29:15 -0500 (EST)
Net Llama! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, el lodger wrote:
  I'm thinking about getting a lcd monitor. Are these supported
  by the 2.4.x kernel? If so, any recommendations or gotchas?
  What specs are important and what should I be looking for aside
  from the actual picture? For example, would the contrast ratio
  500:1 be better than 350:1?
 the kernel doesn't provide monitor support, X provides that support. 
 But yes, they're supported in XFree86-4.x.  I don't know anything
 about constrast ratios.  I'd think that the maximum resolution would
 be key.

X is only concerned with the vertical/horizontal specs and the
resolution - LCD or standard monitor.

The higher the contrast ratio the better.  As far as I remember, the LCD
jobs are designed to be operated only at the stated maximum resolution. 
Any lower resolution will result in poor display quality.  I recommend
ViewSonic for everything, but I have no actual experience with the LCD
monitors. After agonizing for months, I decided to get a 19 ViewSonic
A90f+ monitor ($279) rather than the equivalent size LCD unit ($600++). 
 It's a big improvement over my old 17 monitor.  The diplay is sharper
at 1280x1024 than may old monitor was at 1024x768.  Of course, I needed
to increase font sizes for the browser and sylpheed.


Of course, if you have limited desk space, that could tilt the equation.

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Re: Slackware 9.0

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
[ snips ]

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 15:48:47 -0700
bof [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Collins Richey wrote:
 OK, I've freed up a partition to experiment with this, but how do I
 download and burn a CD?

 But since the -x listings need not be burned onto the CD, they also do
 not need be downloaded --- why take time to download something you
 will not use? I did download the rootdisk and extra directories, as
 there was stuff on them that I wanted even if I did not put them on
 the CD. So you do not need download the entire directory tree, just
 the stuff you want to use. As a minimum, you'll need the isolinux,
 kernels and slackware directories.

Many thanks; will try it.

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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
[ snips ]

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:11:37 -0500
Bruce Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gee Collins, we agree on something!!  I too recommend Viewsonic and

Wow, we wouldn't want to start a trend!


 (and here I am with a gentoo CD I'm going to play with and you're off 
 playing with Slackware...  (my first linux distro) )  What comes
 around, goes around I guess.   :-)

I've tinkered with Slack before; it may have been my first distro as
well (searches through the cobwebs; way back in the 386 days).  This
time I'll bug (not too hard, right?) enough people on the list to get it
working properly.


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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 15:48:07 -0800
el lodger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ snips ]

 This is what I wanted to know. My, soon to be, 60 year old eyes don't
 take kindly to strain and small fonts. I currently have a 19 crt and
 the price of 18+ lcds does give me pause.
 Thanks Collins,

Alas, I'm a few months ahead of you - 60 in January.  My eyes certainly
want bigger fonts.  Also, whenever possible I configure everything to
replace the brilliant white backgrounds with a pale color - much easier
on the eyes.


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Re: Why doesn't .Xdefaults work

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:13:48 +0100
Norbert Augenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 03:30:32PM -0700, Collins Richey wrote:
  I'm not sure how long this has been going on, but it's got me
  I have the following in ~/.Xdefaults, and this used to work:
  # this is .Xdefaults
  aterm*background '#e0'
  aterm*savedLines 500

 suggest using colons

Previous hint (Llama) was check ~/.xsession-errors, but absolutely
nothing in that file.

What do you mean by use colons?

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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 19:10:57 -0500
Bruce Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 27 March 2003 18:54 pm, Collins Richey wrote:
  I've tinkered with Slack before; it may have been my first distro as
  well (searches through the cobwebs; way back in the 386 days).  This
  time I'll bug (not too hard, right?) enough people on the list to
  get it working properly.
 Actually I remember that Slackware came up easily the first time I
 tried it back in 1994 or so... and I had two SCSI controllers in my
 machine and I remember having to give the boot process for the install
 the parameters for the 2nd controller.  But they had a good booklet
 that came with the distro that explained all that.  Seems pretty
 fantastic now what with all the problems people (and myself) can run
 into trying to do an install...
 Good luck!
 And as a PS... right after getting Slack installed I tried RH at
 around 4.3?  Had some problems and it took 6 weeks to get a response
 out of their support... by that time it was in the trash.  :-)
 Never have been able to have much success with RH since.

RH 4.3 is the only RH distro I've tried, and it worked reliably for me. 
As was the case with any distro other than gentoo (debian doesn't count
because I never made the effort to understand the distro), I got tired
of searching for and retrofitting software (RPM hell, etc.).  It would
never occur to me to look for support with the vendor; that's what we're
all for!!!  Even Caldera in it's heyday wasn't very responsive with

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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 19:16:07 -0500
Bruce Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 27 March 2003 19:02 pm, el lodger wrote:
  On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:11:37 -0500
  Bruce Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Gee Collins, we agree on something!!  I too recommend Viewsonic
   and I'm using a Viewsonic VE800 (18inch) LCD monitor as I type
   this. Connecting it to SuSE 8.0 was no problem... it self
   configured itself and you are right, it wants to run at its max
   resolution of 1280x1024.
   The look and feel of it 'might' be a bit better than a tube
   monitor but not enough for me to really be worth the difference in
   (and here I am with a gentoo CD I'm going to play with and you're
   off playing with Slackware...  (my first linux distro) )  What
   comes around,
  Marshall, let me know how the Xconfig goes with your gentoo!
  el lodger
 Well maybe Collins or someone else can tell me this...  
 I downloaded the 194MB cd to do the install but I only have a 56KB
 dialup line (24/7 tho) and I'm wondering what kind of time it is going
 to take to get it all together?  People seem to say that it takes
 broadband in which case it may not even be a starter.  But I think
 I'll at least get it started so I can see what it looks like.  Every
 night I could load up a pretty large chunk of it.
 Am I crazy?  (to try gentoo...)

Well, one of the gentoo developers still uses dialup.  

During the install you can do 'emerge-p system file' and use the list
to generate a script with 'emerge--fetchonly' commands to download the
stuff overnight(s). I would suspect 1-2 nights just to get everything. 
One the downloads are done, then you can issue 'emerge system' for real.
Of course, that's only the base system(no X, etc.). Downloading X, KDE,
Mozilla, Gnome, Gimp, etc. over dialup is going to be painfully s-l-o-w.

Since you already have a running system, you can do the gentoo work from
the chroot environment - just let it chug along until it's done while
you enjoy doing something else.

With dialup, it's going to take you a couple of weeks to get a normal
system going.  Once you've suffered through that, you'll like the
system.  Most of the upgrades after that will be less painful, until one
of the biggies comes along again.

I never tried gentoo until I had cable, so it was not so bad for me.  I
can rebuild a system in about 2+ days.

Not quite the same as RH, Mandrake, etc.


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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:23:29 -0700
Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 19:10:57 -0500
 Bruce Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 27 March 2003 18:54 pm, Collins Richey wrote:
   I've tinkered with Slack before; it may have been my first distro
   as well (searches through the cobwebs; way back in the 386 days). 
   This time I'll bug (not too hard, right?) enough people on the
   list to get it working properly.
  Actually I remember that Slackware came up easily the first time I
  tried it back in 1994 or so... and I had two SCSI controllers in my
  machine and I remember having to give the boot process for the
  install the parameters for the 2nd controller.  But they had a good
  booklet that came with the distro that explained all that.  Seems
  pretty fantastic now what with all the problems people (and myself)
  can run into trying to do an install...
  Good luck!
  And as a PS... right after getting Slack installed I tried RH at
  around 4.3?  Had some problems and it took 6 weeks to get a response
  out of their support... by that time it was in the trash.  :-)
  Never have been able to have much success with RH since.
 RH 4.3 is the only RH distro I've tried, and it worked reliably for
 me. As was the case with any distro other than gentoo (debian doesn't
 count because I never made the effort to understand the distro), I got
 tired of searching for and retrofitting software (RPM hell, etc.).  It
 would never occur to me to look for support with the vendor; that's
 what we're all for!!!  Even Caldera in it's heyday wasn't very
 responsive with support.

Oops, RH 7.3 !!!

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Re: OT We won't back down...

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 20:41:55 -0600
Bill Day [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I received this on a automotive list I'm on...  It is in Shockwave,
 but if you can give it a look..
 Bill Day


The sicko pacifists will puke over this one.  The author's site is
getting hammered with hits.

Some of us support the troops.

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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 21:00:55 -0500
Leon Goldstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Getting back on topic: I've been looking (i.e. staring) at LCD's at
 Best Buy etc.
 I'm just not impressed with the clarity of the characters.  I guess
 they are intended
 for people who like graphics, but for text work, a $120 17 CRT  has a
 sharper text display
 than a $800 LCD of equivalent size.  Of course, I have not seen a 
 Sharp brand LCD.
 These are supposed to be the ultimate LCD's.

I think LCD's are the ultimate for space savings and easy portability,
but you are 100% right: the text quality is nothing to write home
about.  Even the ViewSonic LCD unit is not the equal of a ViewSonic

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Re: OT We won't back down...

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 21:29:38 -0500
dep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 begin  Collins Richey's  quote:
 | The sicko pacifists will puke over this one.  The author's site is
 | getting hammered with hits.
 | Some of us support the troops.
 you'll find this, then, um, amusing. it is written by the chairman of 
 the kde league:

Yeah, pretty standard Bush bashing, conspiracy in every pot and two
under every rock, etc.

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Slackware 9.0 (more)

2003-03-27 Thread Collins Richey
I see that gcc 3.2.2 is now the compiler.

Does Slack offer the compatibility-libs for running phoenix nightly (and
other) binary builds?  Phoenix, mozilla, etc. compile and run fine with
3.2.2, but the various plugins don't work with the new compiler, so I'm
sticking with the binary builds.

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Re: glibc - what is the stable release?

2003-03-25 Thread Collins Richey
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 18:57:03 -0500
Klaus-Peter Schrage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Net Llama! wrote:
 Now, Red Hat 8.0 already has 2.3.2 (-4.80) via up2date, which is a
 bignuisance to the wine people (and me as a wine addict): wine
 simply won'trun under glib 2.3.x, and it seems to be quite a hassle
 to make it rununder the new glibc.
  do you know why it won't run?  i use wine occasionally, so this
  might be an issue.

Too bad this is a private server:  Forbidden You don't have permission

 There have been more discussions in several threads on the wine-devel
 list. Klaus

a little rant

This is one of the reasons that progress is so slow in the free software
environment.  Every other time they upgrade pick a major gnu or linux
software function, it renders everything (or large portions) obsolete
and unusable for a while.  Changing the calling sequence or returns from
a favorite function, or function abc() is now deprecated, and everyone
needs to use abc_d(), etc.  It matters not whether it's glibc, XFree,
KDE, or GNOME - they always reinvent the wheel and change the rules.

I've been spoiled working in the IBM mainframe software arena for most
of my adult life.  When you upgrade from one IBM OS release to another,
most of the time you don't even need to recompile/reassemble unless you
want to exploit some new functionality.

/a little rant
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Re: Mighty Quiet Here

2003-03-23 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 10:57:33 -0500
Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An unnamed Administration source, Ken Moffat, wrote:
 % Kurt Wall wrote:
 % Mighty quiet here. Everyone must be busy installing Slackware 9.0. ;-)
 % K
 % I'm busy playing with Libranet 2.8 beta 2. nice. (if you like debian 
 % with a great installer and lots of up to date packages.)
 % How's the install on Slack9?
 'bout the same as it was in Slackware 8.0 and 8.1. Different packages,
 naturally, and the network configuration stuff is slightly different,
 but not much else has change.

Still thinking about it.  I need to get off my duff and put a larger hard drive in my 
machine first, so that I have room for proper backup.

BTW, the network configuration stuff is where I always fall over the cliff with Slack 
(or debian for that matter).  Hows about a brief howto that explains how the 
networking stuff works on Slack?  Yeah, I know I could RTFM, but I usually can't 
figure out which FM.

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Re: Mighty Quiet Here

2003-03-23 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 12:33:35 -0500
dep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 begin  Collins Richey's  quote:
 | Yeah, I know I could RTFM, but I usually can't figure out which FM.
 i've been after babelfish to add man page as a language, but they 
 say it can't be done, in that *no one* has deciphered man page. there 
 is hope that a rock will be found containing sanskrit, ancient greek, 
 and man page, which could prove to be a valuable key.

Point well taken, but I believe that others may agree that (1) finding the appropriate 
FM (man page) is not always straight forward and (2) the occasional man page is about 
as decipherable as sanskrit.

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Re: Mighty Quiet Here

2003-03-23 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 11:11:56 -0700
Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 12:33:35 -0500
 dep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  begin  Collins Richey's  quote:
  | Yeah, I know I could RTFM, but I usually can't figure out which FM.
  i've been after babelfish to add man page as a language, but they 
  say it can't be done, in that *no one* has deciphered man page. there 
  is hope that a rock will be found containing sanskrit, ancient greek, 
  and man page, which could prove to be a valuable key.
 Point well taken, but I believe that others may agree that (1) finding the 
 appropriate FM (man page) is not always straight forward and (2) the occasional man 
 page is about as decipherable as sanskrit.

And (3) each distro stows away its critical stuff in /etc and elsewhere in strange and 
wondrous ways that are not immediately obvious unless you have in depth experience 
with that particular distro.

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Re: Mighty Quiet Here

2003-03-23 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 17:40:01 -0500
Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An unnamed Administration source, Collins Richey, wrote:
 % On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 10:57:33 -0500
 % Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 % BTW, the network configuration stuff is where I always fall over 
 % the cliff with Slack (or debian for that matter).  Hows about a 
 % brief howto that explains how the networking stuff works on Slack?  
 % Yeah, I know I could RTFM, but I usually can't figure out which FM.
 Most of the network configuration stuff happens in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
 and /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2.

Thanks, Kurt.  Will file away to use when I try Slack again.  I just got
my disks reorg'd, gentoo updated, and a good backup, so maybe next week
I'll be ready to play again.  I still need a larger hard drive, but I
found space for a new install.

Also, my new 19 ViewSonic is up and flying.  Life is better with a
little more screen real estate.

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Alternate backup strategies

2003-03-23 Thread Collins Richey
Does anyone have experience with using an external drive (USB or
firewire, perhaps) for backup and releveant howto, preferences, etc.? 
These beasties are fairly cheap, but do they work well with linux?

Oops, part II:  How about DVD-R{etc.}?

I intended to send this out here, but it went to Gentoo instead (thank
you Dr. Freud!).  I got some responses recommending Firewire (loves it)
and others inquiring about writable DVD support.

What experience have you guys and gals with this?


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Why doesn't .Xdefaults work

2003-03-22 Thread Collins Richey
I'm not sure how long this has been going on, but it's got me buffaloed.

I have the following in ~/.Xdefaults, and this used to work:

# this is .Xdefaults
aterm*background '#e0'
aterm*foreground blue
aterm*font vga11x19 
aterm*loginShell True
aterm*savedLines 500

Now it is ignored for all of my window managers - kde, xfce, xxxbox, wmaker, and all I 
get an ugly little bright white window that is not even invoked as a login shell.

I've also tried this as ~/.Xdefaults-hostname, but no difference.

As a temporary workaround, I have atstart, but I shouldn't have to do this:

aterm -bg '#e0' -fg blue -font vga11x19 -ls 

Any ideas?


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Re: GENTOO... whay cool...

2003-03-19 Thread Collins Richey
On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 23:57:32 -0500
Jerry McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:12:10 -0700 Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Life in Denver has now turned to the white side - 1+ foot on the ground and 1+
  more expected overnight.  My daughter is overjoyed by two days off school.
 Two feet and only missing 2 days of school? Hmmm... We get 3 inches here and
 life comes to a stand still... total silence... hell... even the snow plows
 venture with care... :')

It's looking more like 3 days off at this point.  I've got about 3 feet in my front 
yard (southerly winds and drifts).  The airport is shutdown.  I have to shovel a 
tunnel every 3 hours for the dog to go pee.

We only get a storm like this one every 10 years or so.  Fortunately I stood in the 
long lines to get in some grocieries Monday night, so we're all set.  I have a home 
work setup with my marvelous (g) Win2K laptop and the cable connection, so I can get 
done what I need to.  I imagine it will be a minimal staff on duty or shutdown today 
at work.  Just learned that the bus system has shutdown (all 12 buses they tried at 
5AM got stuck).

At least the radio has a new topic to replace people grumbling about GWB!

Stay safe.

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Re: GENTOO... whay cool...

2003-03-18 Thread Collins Richey
On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:12:51 -0500
Jerry McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:44:31 -0700 Andrew Mathews
  Oh no... here goes Collins. g 
 It isn't all that bad... :') The darkside has merits. 
 Seriously, I'm gonna have to try it, 
  what with all the praises. Only question, is it XFS filesystem enabled?
 It's there, you just have to take a few extra steps when you install... Be sure
 to print the install instructions before you go off-line and a high speed
 connection wouldn't hurt either.

Yep, gentoo has every imaginable variety of kernel, including XFS, but in fairness to 
the curmudgeon, it's not fully LSB compliant, nor is it likely to be until LSB comes 
up with a sensible approach for multiple versions of KDE, etc.

Life on the dark side is pretty good, but I wouldn't want to try it without a high 
speed internet connection.  Interestingly enough, one of the gentoo core developers 
worked via modem last time I knew.

Life in Denver has now turned to the white side - 1+ foot on the ground and 1+ more 
expected overnight.  My daughter is overjoyed by two days off school.

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Re: Simple security question

2003-03-17 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 22:33:08 -0500
Joel Hammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Port 6000 allows anyone to attach to your X-server.

And the effect of this would be?  I'm not trying to be a wise ass, I just don't 
understand all of this.

 xdmcp also allows people to get a login screen to your box.
 Anybody could dump stuff to your printer, too.
 I do not know what is listening to 32768. I do not know what wdm is.

wdm is the login manager (an extended xdm)
 If you want, I could run nmap against your server for your. This stuff


 is all easy to hide from the world, BTW.
 Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 06:45:09PM -0700, Collins Richey wrote:
  Simple security question.  I don't do anything special for security, but I got 
  curious enough to issue `lsof -i` just for grins.
  lpd  997   lp6u  IPv4   2805   TCP *:printer (LISTEN)
  wdm 1146 root4u  IPv4   3243   UDP *:xdmcp 
  wdm 1146 root5u  IPv4   3244   TCP *:32768 (LISTEN)
  X   1149 root1u  IPv4   3249   TCP *:6000 (LISTEN)
  wdm 1150 root5u  IPv4   3244   TCP *:32768 (LISTEN)
  Given the few ports that are actually listening, do I have much to worry about?

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Re: Sound Servers on Linux - What the?

2003-03-16 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 06:57:26 -0800
Ken Moffat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tim Wunder wrote:
  The most obvious question is, do you have a cable connecting the CD player to 
  the sound card?
 Don't disregard this. Windows will play cd's without the cable for some 
 reason, so just because it works in windows .

And the other common problem: do you have the CD setting unmuted in the mixer?

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2003-03-16 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:29:51 -0500
David A. Bandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 00:22:44 -0500
 uka kalu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't believe this Nigerian scam made it to the list.

It makes it to a lot of other lists, too.

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Simple security question

2003-03-16 Thread Collins Richey
Simple security question.  I don't do anything special for security, but I got curious 
enough to issue `lsof -i` just for grins.

lpd  997   lp6u  IPv4   2805   TCP *:printer (LISTEN)
wdm 1146 root4u  IPv4   3243   UDP *:xdmcp 
wdm 1146 root5u  IPv4   3244   TCP *:32768 (LISTEN)
X   1149 root1u  IPv4   3249   TCP *:6000 (LISTEN)
wdm 1150 root5u  IPv4   3244   TCP *:32768 (LISTEN)

Given the few ports that are actually listening, do I have much to worry about?

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Re: What's after OpenLinux?

2003-03-15 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 15 Mar 2003 21:04:00 -0500
Jerry McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 07 Mar 2003 17:49:52 -0500 Jerry McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, it looks like I'll be spending some effort to swap out some OpenLinux
  boxes pretty soon. Principles you know...
  Can someone tell me, which of the various distributions are closest to
  OpenLinux in as far as directory locations and system V startup scripts? 
 Well... I've come to the conclusion that gentoo is the next OS for use here at
 home. It's... self hosting, highly configurable and a ton of fun. What I find
 most useful of all... nearly 4000 packages are available for it.
 It'll take a bit of effort to see how it fits into business setting... but it
 looks very promising.
 That said, good night all.

Welcome to the dark side! grin
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Phoenix and Realplayer

2003-03-15 Thread Collins Richey
Does anyone now how to get realplayer to work with phoenix?  I've got RealPlayer8 
installed, and it works fine with konqueror (realplay is launched and plays the 
recording).  Phoenix about:plugins shows that it recognizes the realplay plugin - 
everything looks correct.

Everytime I select a realplay recording, I get an error box saying that the item can't 
be opened, and it looks like it's trying to open it with realplay.

Any ideas?

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Re: Parallel Port - SUSE 8.1

2003-03-14 Thread Collins Richey
On Fri, 14 Mar 2003 09:04:54 +0100
Roger Oberholtzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The device is /dev/lp0 and, if there is a second port, /dev/lp1
 At least on my linux, which is not SuSE.
 On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 23:00:10 -0700
  Hey all,
  I installed SUSE 8.1 on a AMD Duron box. When I installed it, I had
  parallel stuff disabled in the BIOS. Now, I need to use the parallel port.
 I have enabled the parallel port in the BIOS to SPP, EPP, ECP, etc. I
  recompiled the kernel to support parport and the parallel port. When I try
  to look in the YAST hardware configure stuff, no parallel port is listed.
  I have so far not found a way to configure it from the managers
  provided with SUSE.
 I do see the parport driver loading from dmesg.
 I want to use the port for a parallel scanner. I am going to try it
  VMWARE and NT first. But, without it being recognized by the OS, I am not
  sure VMWARE will be able to connect to it.
 First off, which mode do I use SPP, ECP, EPP, EPP+ECP? Second, which
  should I use? /dev/parport0?? Lastly, how do I get SUSE to acknowledge
  that the parallel port exists - or do I have to?

If dmesg indicates that the parallel port is detected and /dev/lp0 exists, you 
shouldn't need to do anything else.  Hook up a printer and give it a try.

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Re: File Type Not Supported

2003-03-13 Thread Collins Richey
On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 16:46:26 -0800
Net Llama! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 03/13/03 13:28, Condon Thomas A KPWA wrote:
  I think I have a demented install.  I'm trying to mount a floppy drive and
  it keeps telling me File type not supported by kernel.  VFAT?!?  I thought
  all modern kernels supported that.  Is there a simple (for the simple-minded
  amongst us) way to get the kernel to support extra files systems?  A module
  I can add or whatever?
 msdos/windoze floppies are never vfat filesystems.  they're fat or msdos 

Is it possible you are trying to mount an uninitialized or corrupted floppy?

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Re: User login hangs system

2003-03-12 Thread Collins Richey
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 17:44:38 -0800
Aaron Grewell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Warning: Kernel  BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for
  device 0x81Kernel: 62749 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors
BIOS: 1023 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors
  Lilo still finishes and I'm still able to boot into my gentoo and
  libranet system.
 Did you repartition before installing Gentoo?  It shouldn't matter, but if 
 your old partition table from the previous OS install used a different drive 
 geometry (due to changes in BIOS or kernel) than the new one you would have 
 strange behaviour.  I have had this happen once with a drive I transplanted 
 from an ancient machine to a new one without repartitioning.  That's not what 
 the error indicates, but it might be worth looking into.

Also I've gotten really bad results if I forgot to reboot after repartitioning (you 
are warned by fdisk to do so) before trying to make a fs.

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Re: What's after OpenLinux?

2003-03-09 Thread Collins Richey
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 10:29:25 +0100
Roger Oberholtzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 15:20:59 -0700
 Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm surprised that no one has done it yet.  It would not be a matter of
  rocket science to distribute a gentoo based distribution from one or
  more (different architecture) base home system.  Creating binary update
  packages and/or complete replacement tarballs for distribution on CD
  would be a relatively trivial undertaking.  Binary update CDs could
  include a script to tailor anything desired.  The complete replacement
  CDs would only require relatively trivial modifications to the gentoo
 I know that the binary update part of Gentoo would be OK. The problem is
 the initial install. It is not something one would want to do on a regular
 basis to many systems. It is this that I think is the major stumbling
 block for production use.

Yes, I was not clear enough.  What I was suggesting was to install gentoo once (per 
machine image, P3, Athlon, etc.) on your base system(s) and then to make a tarball of 
those systems to distribute to customers on CD.  You would then keep the mother 
system(s) up to date and distribute new CDs at whatever interval you deem appropriate. 
 Alternatively, for updates you could distribute the updates as binary ebuilds.

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Re: What's after OpenLinux?

2003-03-08 Thread Collins Richey
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 22:57:43 -0800
Bill Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 05:49:52PM -0500, Jerry McBride wrote:
 Well, it looks like I'll be spending some effort to swap out some OpenLinux
 boxes pretty soon. Principles you know...
 Can someone tell me, which of the various distributions are closest to
 OpenLinux in as far as directory locations and system V startup scripts?
 We've moved to SuSE 8.1, and I've been quite happy with it overall.
 They've moved away from the mongo rc.config file (and we're building all of
 our stuff using openpkg so don't run afoul of any of their packages).
 SuSE has a very nice method of dealing with the SYSV startup where
 dependencies can be specified in the master startup in /etc/init.d, then
 the ``inssrv'' program will figure out what has to start in order to make
 sure things are done in the proper order.

They've finally caught up with gentoo grin

 I haven't had any problems with yast2, and it has an ncurses mode that
 works quite well from non GUI sessions.

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Re: What's after OpenLinux?

2003-03-08 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 10:02:50 -0500
dep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 begin  Collins Richey's  quote:
 | They've finally caught up with gentoo grin
 they're a pain in the ass, but they're not *that* bad.

Filing away in my almost humor folder.

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More SCO News

2003-03-08 Thread Collins Richey
SuSE Is Reevaulating Our Relationship with SCO Group.

At least someone in the SCO group has a little common sense!

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Re: What's after OpenLinux?

2003-03-08 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 10:09:12 -0800
Bill Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 10:02:50AM -0500, dep wrote:
 begin  Collins Richey's  quote:
 | They've finally caught up with gentoo grin
 they're a pain in the ass, but they're not *that* bad.
 I haven't tried gentoo, LFS, or any of the other do-it-yourself forms of
 Linux, primarily because I would rather spend my time building things on
 top of a working distribution.  It's enough of a problem keeping up with
 new releases of software, and still have time for development and support
 of our own stuff.

And there is no pressing reason for you to consider the DIY distros, since you have a 
commercial enterprise and since the package costs of any of any commercial distro is 
moderate in comparison to M$.  Interestingly enough, even Dan Robbins (gentoo) 
does not recommend his distro for a server environment (although quite a few folks are 
running rock solid gentoo servers.)

In my case (desktop user and tinkerer and occaisonal curmudgeon) I don't spend much 
time getting a working distro (gentoo) because it's done once (well twice in 3 years), 
and then I can spend my time building things on top of a working distribution.  When 
I do get the urge to tinker, I usually try something new (for me) in a spare 
partition, but I always wind up back at gentoo.

With the possible exception of SuSE, none of the commercial vendors seem to be 
interested in making available a very large, current software inventory.  Rather than 
waiting for RH, SuSE, Mandrake, et al to cobble up a new distro to sell me, I rely on 
the small army of DIY developers at gentoo to keep me supplied with more software than 
I can possibly find time to experiment with.  Obviously, my approach is not going to 
help commercial vendors sell their wares!
 We don't make any money selling Linux itself so we now buy SuSE from our
 local CompUSA store rather than go through distribution, and make sure that
 our business sales rep.  at CompUSA is aware of this in hopes that this
 encourages them to continue to keep it in stock as an alternative to Red

That's a good approach.  For the same reason, I like to buy from local computer 
sellers rather than mail order unless there is a really significant price 
differential.  I did order my scanner from Dell, however, because only the local big 
box stors carried it, and they wanted an arm and a leg.

 One of the primary reasons I like
 Linux and FreeBSD is that this type of thing is a lot easier to do than to
 convince a proprietary vendor to make their source code available to
 outsiders to fix.  Open Source works because there are thousands of
 knowledgeable people working on problems that they need to have work,
 feeding their results back into the system.

Ayup!  Seldom do I encounter a problem (gentoo specific or package specific) that the 
gentoo-user list cannot answer hundreds of times faster than a commercial help desk.  
The same can be said of other smaller distro specific user groups.

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Re: What's after OpenLinux?

2003-03-08 Thread Collins Richey
[ snips ]

On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 21:13:25 +0100
Roger Oberholtzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 07:54:24 -0700
 Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 22:57:43 -0800
  Bill Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 05:49:52PM -0500, Jerry McBride wrote:
   Well, it looks like I'll be spending some effort to swap out some
   OpenLinux boxes pretty soon. Principles you know...
   SuSE has a very nice method of dealing with the SYSV startup where
   dependencies can be specified in the master startup in /etc/init.d,
   then the ``inssrv'' program will figure out what has to start in order
   to make sure things are done in the proper order.
  They've finally caught up with gentoo grin
 Same here, at home. I am now itching to contribute ebuild scripts
 for various packages. I am, happily, a convert.
 The problem is that it simply is not a system you can realistically
 install on production systems scattered around the globe - especially if
 they are in vans roving the highways and byways. A stable CD-based install
 is needed. I suspect we will be SuSE or RedHat in due time.

I'm surprised that no one has done it yet.  It would not be a matter of rocket science 
to distribute a gentoo based distribution from one or more (different architecture) 
base home system.  Creating binary update packages and/or complete replacement 
tarballs for distribution on CD would be a relatively trivial undertaking.  Binary 
update CDs could include a script to tailor anything desired.  The complete 
replacement CDs would only require relatively trivial modifications to the gentoo 

You could do updates and quality control on the home base (seed) systems.  You could 
charge for 3-6 month update cycles.  If you setup the client's systems to have /home 
and at least two partitions big enough for the root file system, you could install 
complete replacements and be confident that the customer would always have a backup 
available.  If the customer has a reliable communications path, you could even supply 
them with a script to download everything from your base site.

If you were to publish a recommend set of hardware for the clients, you could keep the 
permutations and combinations down to an acceptable number.

Ah well, that's the difference between the dreamers and the RedHats of this world!

 But be warned. Our company seems to be the kiss of death. Every OS we
 embrace seems to go awry ...

 I am afraid to break the news to all in my company that OpenLinux is over.

OpenLinux was over before it ever started.  Even when Caldera was running the show, 
before the SCO merger, the handwriting was on the wall.  Caldera never understood the 
power of its user group.  Rejecting input from its loyal users and grudgingly 
excepting any recommendations from same were just signs of the basic rot.  I've said 
before that Caldera was basically a very closed source, closed minded, unsharing 
company that just coincidentally happened to market open systems.  My only sympathy is 
for the hundreds of employees and thousands of users they've screwed over.
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Re: What's after OpenLinux?

2003-03-08 Thread Collins Richey
On Sat, 08 Mar 2003 16:14:22 -0500
Brett I. Holcomb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
  On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 10:09:12 -0800
  Bill Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 10:02:50AM -0500, dep wrote:
  begin  Collins Richey's  quote:
  But that is exactly what gentoo is! It is very stable. Packages are deemed
  stable or experimental by the package author, the person who makes the
  ebuild for gentoo, and the gentoo user community.
 Yes!  I am so glad never to see RPM - I just emerge sync, emerge -up world 
 and I see what I need to do.  I've been using Gentoo for a couple of months 

God, I wish I'd said that!  Wait a minute, I did say that. 

You better watch it, Brett.  They'll put you in the same plonk file with me! grin


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Re: Caldera Sues IBM

2003-03-07 Thread Collins Richey
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 08:22:44 -0500
Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bastards. I'm going to throw away every piece of Caldera software I own.
 It's filthy and I refuse to soil my hands or to foul my home with it.

I'm one step ahead of you.  I threw it all out a year ago!

Support Slackware or gentoo.

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Re: Caldera Sues IBM

2003-03-07 Thread Collins Richey
On Fri, 07 Mar 2003 18:46:38 -0800
Ken Moffat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Collins Richey wrote:
 Support Slackware or gentoo.
 any particular reason for these choices?
 (I like libranet/debian)

Nothing wrong with that.  I also forgot to mention LFS.  Going over my preferences 
usually turns into flame bait, but here goes (in no particular order):

1. I've always preferred the path least trodden, if it's not too painful.
2. I don't really like RPM.  I don't really understand debpkg stuff.
3. I don't like to search for software packages (especially RPMs, since they usually 
don't work without tweaking on whatever distro I happen to be running).
4. I don't like to pay for the big commercial distros, since I can get what I need 
free of charge.  Caldera OpenLinux was the last distro I paid for.
5. I don't really understand Debian (I did create a disk based distro from Knoppix, 
but I couldn't figure it out and didn't want to spend the time.  Sheer laziness on my 
part.)  Also, I have to grit my teeth everytime I encounter GNU-Linux.  Bah humbug.
6. Even Slackware is a little more difficult to understand, but I would rather support 
one of the old stand-bys than GNU-Linux.
7. Gentoo has the best general availability of packages that I can install with 
minimal effort (hm? is there a pattern here?)
8. LFS is good, too, but there's the matter of needing to put a fair amount of work 
into maintaining and locating packages.  Yep, the pattern is holding true.

and finally

9. There is no perfect distro.  Whatever floats your boat.

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Interesting XFS note

2003-02-28 Thread Collins
I know that most people on this list consider XFS to be rock-solid reliable, 
but I keep reading from time to time that it is not perfect.  Excerpt from a 
recent posting on Gentoo.



You need to emerge xfs-sources for support  XFS of 
filesystems. I've been using XFS for a few months now, but I wouldnt
use it on a computer which is not connected to a UPS since I've had
a few nasty accidents with XFS where shutting down in the middle of
an emerge has left my system crippled (on a computer NOT on a UPS).

If you have a UPS then I suggest you give the XFS filesystem a
try... but please make sure to read more about it, since you can
loose data if you are not careful and do a hard shutdown in the
middle of something important.


PS: I'm not trying  to start an fs war (I have nothing against XFS, other than  
the fact that it's not yet part of the stable kernel) - just reporting 

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1
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Re: Interesting XFS note

2003-02-28 Thread Collins
On Friday 28 February 2003 09:44 pm, Net Llama! wrote:
 All i'm taking from this excerpt is that something is very badly broken
 in the way that Gentoo impliments XFS.  Unless there's some explanation
 on what an 'emerge' would do that is possible on other distros?

The emerge has nothing to do with XFS, per se.  Emerge is the gentoo package 
manager.  This appears to be a one-off report.

 On 02/28/03 20:42, Collins wrote:
  I know that most people on this list consider XFS to be rock-solid
  reliable, but I keep reading from time to time that it is not perfect. 
  Excerpt from a recent posting on Gentoo.
 From C. Candell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  You need to emerge xfs-sources for support  XFS of
  filesystems. I've been using XFS for a few months now, but I wouldnt
  use it on a computer which is not connected to a UPS since I've had
  a few nasty accidents with XFS where shutting down in the middle of
  an emerge has left my system crippled (on a computer NOT on a UPS).
  If you have a UPS then I suggest you give the XFS filesystem a
  try... but please make sure to read more about it, since you can
  loose data if you are not careful and do a hard shutdown in the
  middle of something important.
  PS: I'm not trying  to start an fs war (I have nothing against XFS, other
  than the fact that it's not yet part of the stable kernel) - just
  reporting feedback.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1
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Re: [linux-elitists] RedHat drops the other shoe

2003-02-27 Thread Collins
On Thursday 27 February 2003 08:13 am, Net Llama! wrote:
 My $deity, its horrifying that Redhat actually wants to make a profit!
 Such bastards.

 Sorry, but i don't see how this is a bad thing.  Granted, i haven't seen
 the actual email in question, but i suspect that
 will remain freely accessible, and that anyone wanting automagic updates
 would have to pay.  Getting a service usually means paying for said
 service.  The fact that Redhat provided it gratis for this long should be

 On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Shawn McMahon wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Well, well.  My one and only Red Hat system is also my one and only
  Red Hat Network free subscription.
  RH just sent me an email stating that I have 7 days to fill out a survey
  to extend my demo account another 60 days.  The implication in the
  email is that after that 60 days, there are no freebies any longer.
  Fortunately I have apt-rpm on there and don't use up2date to keep my
  system updated, but I wonder what affect all of the Red Hat systems that
  will suddenly no longer be getting security updates are going to have on
  the 'net?

As someone else said, there's always debian or (gasp, dare I say it) gentoo, 
where much more than what RH offers is available free to all takers.  And 
yes, Virginia, the security anouncements are just as rel;iable as RH.  RH is 
a business, and they can certainly do what they damn well please.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1
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Re: Mandrake 9.1 beta 3 and OpenOffice

2003-02-26 Thread Collins
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:11 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 February 2003 9:14 pm, someone claiming to be Collins wrote:
  On Tuesday 25 February 2003 07:30 am, Tim Wunder wrote:
   Anybody try Mandrake 9.1 beta 3 and get the OpenOffice RPM to install?
   My son's having difficult getting the rpm to take. I don't have the
   specific error handy (sorry), so I'm just looking for verification that
   it can be done. I've tried the RPM from Mandrake's Cooker site, and
   that's failing, too.
  My approach would be:  get the binary package from, but then I'm
  never a fan of RPM. grin

 That's what we did. I prefer compiling source and installing as RPM via
 checkinstall. But I'm certainly *not* going to compile OOo...

Which part of binary package did you fail to understand?  I've never found a 
need to compile OO.  Just download, install, it's ready to fly in a few 

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1
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Re: Mandrake 9.1 beta 3 and OpenOffice

2003-02-25 Thread Collins
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 07:30 am, Tim Wunder wrote:
 Anybody try Mandrake 9.1 beta 3 and get the OpenOffice RPM to install?
 My son's having difficult getting the rpm to take. I don't have the
 specific error handy (sorry), so I'm just looking for verification that
 it can be done. I've tried the RPM from Mandrake's Cooker site, and
 that's failing, too.

My approach would be:  get the binary package from, but then I'm never 
a fan of RPM. grin

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1
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Re: Fwd: [SLE] The Linux Uprising(OT)

2003-02-23 Thread Collins
On Sunday 23 February 2003 09:51 am, Kurt Wall wrote:
 Feigning erudition, Bruce Marshall wrote:
 % I haven't seen this article mentioned over on this list.  Check it out,
 % especially the part about SCO and how they are going to litigate on
 % pieces of Linux.  Our old friends, Caldera, can't make money in the
 % Linux business so they're going to use lawyers to make money...   Sounds
 % rather Micro$ofty to me.
 % --  Forwarded Message  --
 % Subject: [SLE] The Linux Uprising(OT)
 % Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 16:58:01 -0500
 % From: Fred A. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 % To: suse-linux-e [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This article rehashes old rumors and is filled with misinterpretations,
 misstatements, and plain old bad information. Never mind that the Linux
 Uprising started three years ago...

Does this mean that the Caldera legal team is not looking into patents to milk 
extra money from their linux competition?

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1
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Re: New graphical login manager wdm

2003-02-22 Thread Collins
On Thursday 20 February 2003 07:26 pm, Kurt Wall wrote:
 Feigning erudition, Collins wrote:
 % FYI,
 % A user on another group pointed out this package, and I like it.  Wdm is
 based % on xdm, but it allows you complete choice of Session type, reboot
 or % shutdown, etc. from the gui login panel.
 % The home page is :
 % I'm using wdm-1.22 from a gentoo ebuild, but there is a bug in pam
 support % which the author will fix soon and release 1.22.1.  If you need
 his % workaround for 1.22, let me know.
 % BTW, there is a gentoo ebuild for wdm, but it hasn't been released
 because of % work on the gentoo 1.4_final release.  If you need the ebuild,
 cf. gentoo % bugzilla #15660.

 Alas, it has a dependency on WindowMaker = 0.17.5 for the WINGs and
 wraster libs and headers.

yes, it requires something called wraster libs that are supplied by wmaker.  
Fortunately, you only need to install, not run wmaker.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
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Re: New graphical login manager wdm

2003-02-21 Thread Collins
On Thursday 20 February 2003 05:50 pm, el lodger wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 05:11:41 -0700

 Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A user on another group pointed out this package, and I like it.  Wdm
  is based on xdm, but it allows you complete choice of Session type,
  reboot or shutdown, etc. from the gui login panel.

 I assume you don't use gnome since gdm does all that too.

Right, I don't, and I don't always use kde either. therefore I avoid kdm and 
gdm.  Wdm is a good solution for the user who wants to throw less in the way 
of resources into login/window management.

You can have a nice system with wdm plus xfce, blackbox, etc., etc. without 
waiting 3-40 seconds just to start a window manager.  It's academic to me at 
the moment, because I'm running KDE, but kdm has some sort of a bug (a qt 
flaw) that makes it take forever to start, so I've scrapped it in favor of 

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New graphical login manager wdm

2003-02-20 Thread Collins

A user on another group pointed out this package, and I like it.  Wdm is based 
on xdm, but it allows you complete choice of Session type, reboot or 
shutdown, etc. from the gui login panel.

The home page is :

I'm using wdm-1.22 from a gentoo ebuild, but there is a bug in pam support 
which the author will fix soon and release 1.22.1.  If you need his 
workaround for 1.22, let me know.

BTW, there is a gentoo ebuild for wdm, but it hasn't been released because of 
work on the gentoo 1.4_final release.  If you need the ebuild, cf. gentoo 
bugzilla #15660.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
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Re: New graphical login manager wdm

2003-02-20 Thread Collins
On Thursday 20 February 2003 04:14 pm, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 How does this fit in with xfce - aren't they both window managers?

 Collins wrote:
  A user on another group pointed out this package, and I like it.  Wdm is
  based on xdm, but it allows you complete choice of Session type, reboot
  or shutdown, etc. from the gui login panel.
  The home page is :
  I'm using wdm-1.22 from a gentoo ebuild, but there is a bug in pam
  support which the author will fix soon and release 1.22.1.  If you need
  his workaround for 1.22, let me know.
  BTW, there is a gentoo ebuild for wdm, but it hasn't been released
  because of
  work on the gentoo 1.4_final release.  If you need the ebuild, cf. gentoo
  bugzilla #15660.

Confustion in terms - xdm wdm gdm kdm are graphical login managers that allow 
you to complete the login porcess and (either directly or under the covers) 
start your choice of window manager.  With xdm (much ligher weight than kdm 
or gdm) you only get the equivalent of a startx operation (i.e., you must 
have hard coded a window manager).   wdm supplies the missing functionality 
in xdm.  The advantage over kdm or gdm is that you don't have to install (and 
load) kde or gnome to get a flexible graphical login manager.
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Re: New graphical login manager wdm

2003-02-20 Thread Collins
On Thursday 20 February 2003 04:14 pm, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 How does this fit in with xfce - aren't they both window managers?

Sorry, I didn't completely answer your question.  Top posting always confuses 

xfce is a window manager, but you can't use it to do graphical login 
management (run level 5 on most systems).

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Re: Gnome Problems - -

2003-02-15 Thread Collins
On Saturday 15 February 2003 07:33 pm, Net Llama! wrote:
 On 02/15/03 15:46, mike Hughes wrote:
  Whats up!
  Im running Redhat 7.3 and Gnome with Kernel 2.4.20 but lately i noticed
  some of my features havent been displaying on the desktop. It started
  buy the REDHAT UPDATE CHECKING thing disapperearing and then my whole
  task bar at the bottom dissapperead i was wandering if i should
  re-install gnome to fix this problem...And HOW DO I RE-INSTALL gnome...
  I want to keep gnome as my Desktop but dont know how to re-install it!

 is this effecting multiple users, or just one?  It doesn't make any
 sense to reinstall software that is broken for a single user.

Have you tried wiping out your ~/.gnome (or whatever it's called) directory 
and anything in /tmp related to gnome?

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Kmail and filters

2003-02-14 Thread Collins
Does anyone know how to get  Kmail filters to work properly?  I've got several 
groups identically defined as filters, but only the linux-users filter works.  
It matters not whether I defined thm as List-id or To, but only the lu 
mail gets filtered to my chosen folder.  Other that the obvious: forget about 
the others, you only need lu grin, what am I missing?
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Re: Kmail and filters

2003-02-14 Thread Collins
On Friday 14 February 2003 05:31 am, Tim Wunder wrote:
 On Friday 14 February 2003 7:11 am, someone claiming to be Collins wrote:
  Does anyone know how to get  Kmail filters to work properly?  I've got
  several groups identically defined as filters, but only the linux-users
  filter works. It matters not whether I defined thm as List-id or To,
  but only the lu mail gets filtered to my chosen folder.  Other that the
  obvious: forget about the others, you only need lu grin, what am I

 A properly configured filter?
 Please post the relevent portions of kmailrc, something like:
 [Filter #14]

OK, that helped.  My kmailrc file looked like yours, except that Kmail had 
recorded the contentsA=xxx fileds as contentsA=.  Once I 
removed the hickeys, the rules worked as desired.

Thanks much.  I would have been stumbling around in the dark.

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Re: kde 3.1 notes

2003-02-12 Thread Collins
On Tuesday 11 February 2003 08:44 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 February 2003 10:27 pm, someone claiming to be Collins Richey

  I still haven't puzzled out why kmail refuses to put a From: on my
  attempts to send mail.

[ various helpful hints snipped ]

And the answer is:

Read more carefully.  Kmail compose does not honor the current default account  
setting.  You have to select the current account then click on sticky at 
the top of the window.  Just another learning opportunity.

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Re: kde 3.1 notes

2003-02-12 Thread Collins
On Tuesday 11 February 2003 09:12 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:

 On Tuesday 11 February 2003 10:27 pm, someone claiming to be Collins Richey

Nice review.  The only negative I've found thus far is the tiny unreadable 
icons at the top of kmail.  At my resolution, the icon for Check Mail and 
Reply look identical.

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Re: mozilla 1.3b is out!

2003-02-12 Thread Collins
On Wednesday 12 February 2003 02:31 am, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 21:55:22 -0600

 Jack Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:
 I haven't looked at Mozilla, but have recently tried Netscape 7 (skipped
  6). It's almost enough to make one turn to IE for browser preferences -
  aaaggghhh, that's a low point for sure.
 Anyway, Compared to the Netscape 4.x versions, v7 is a real case of
 bloatware, and slow (even on a 2 gh system w/512 mb ram). So does anyone
  have any experience to compare the current rendition of Mozilla to
  Netscape v7 as far as perceived performance?

 Give Phoenix (v0.5) a try.  It's based on Mozilla (Gecko) but is a browser
 only, thus a much samller footprint than full Mozilla.

Get a binary version of phoenix compiled with (or compile with) something 
earlier than gcc 3.x.x and linked to the appropriate libraries if you want 
all plugins to work. On gentoo this is package phoenix-bin.

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Re: mozilla 1.3b is out!

2003-02-12 Thread Collins
On Wednesday 12 February 2003 02:49 am, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:

 Don't forget Konqueror in KDE 3.1. It has made substantial progress. And it
 is quite fast (to me).

[ rest snipped ]

I've got Konqueror working with the Shockwave plugin.  Don't know about java 
yet.  Does anyone have a reference site that requires Java?

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kde 3.1 again

2003-02-12 Thread Collins
Just noticed that most of the new KDE packages listed in the weekly summary 
aren't available for KDE 3.1 (just 3.0.x).  This is one of the big drawbacks, 
IMO.  I'm sure I'd find the same situation for gnome.  It's high time that 
the KDE developers get smart and stop changing all the interfaces with every 

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Re: kde 3.1 notes

2003-02-12 Thread Collins
On Wednesday 12 February 2003 12:22 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:
 On 2/12/2003 7:23 AM, someone claiming to be Collins wrote:
  On Tuesday 11 February 2003 08:44 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 February 2003 10:27 pm, someone claiming to be Collins
  Richey wrote:
 I still haven't puzzled out why kmail refuses to put a From: on my
 attempts to send mail.
  [ various helpful hints snipped ]
  And the answer is:
  Read more carefully.  Kmail compose does not honor the current default
  account setting.  You have to select the current account then click on
  sticky at the top of the window.  Just another learning opportunity.

 Is this your problem?

Possibly, but not quite identical, although this could be the root cause.  The 
workaround that I used (sticky') might not be necessary if this bug were 

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Re: Divorcing SuSE and A4

2003-02-11 Thread Collins Richey
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 21:18:02 -0800
Bill Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 06:39:19AM -0700, Collins Richey wrote:
 The slightly more standard approach is to use the /path/to/OO/spadmin
 program which will allow you to set the default.
 Not to appear too dumb, but where does one find this in OpenOffice?
 Changing the printer paper size in OO1.0 as a normal user lasts for
 one print job, then reverts to A4.  I haven't tried running it as
 I can run the spadmin program from the command line as root, and that
 appears to do the Right Thing(tm).

On my system the program is in /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0.2/spadmin (the
same directory where you find ... soffice).  Select Paper Size - US
Letter.  It remains set for whichever user you are currently running.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
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Re: mozilla 1.3b is out!

2003-02-11 Thread Collins Richey
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 21:24:49 -0500
Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 11 February 2003 8:40 pm, someone claiming to be Net Llama!
 If you want something old ;-)
 Mozilla nightlies rule!

Just idle curiosity:  is there a Phoneix nightlie?

It's an academic question.  I'm pretty much into stable.  I have Phoenix
(and now Konqueror) working with a lot of plugins, so I'm not overly
interested in upsetting the apple cart.

Also, has anyone heard about progress on any of the plugins and gcc
3.2.x?  Apparently Konqueror (built with 3.3.x) has no problems in the
opposite direction (plugins mostly built with older gcc and compat

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kde 3.1 and sound

2003-02-11 Thread Collins Richey
Well it turns out I was having a senior moment (funny how those come
with increasing frequencyg).

After massive googling and sending up smoke signals on several groups, I
find that the Kmix PCM setting was totally muted!  After unmuting it and
saving the setting, now I get system sounds again.

It's not totally a senior moment, however.  At one point KDE system
sounds were working, and I never tinkered with the PCM mixer setting. 
Crawls back into his lair muttering about gremlins.

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Re: mozilla 1.3b is out!

2003-02-11 Thread Collins Richey
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 19:57:07 -0700
Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 21:24:49 -0500
 Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 11 February 2003 8:40 pm, someone claiming to be Net
  Llama! wrote:
  If you want something old ;-)
  Mozilla nightlies rule!
 Just idle curiosity:  is there a Phoneix nightlie?
 It's an academic question.  I'm pretty much into stable.  I have
 Phoenix(and now Konqueror) working with a lot of plugins, so I'm not
 overly interested in upsetting the apple cart.
 Also, has anyone heard about progress on any of the plugins and gcc
 3.2.x?  Apparently Konqueror (built with 3.3.x) has no problems in the
 opposite direction (plugins mostly built with older gcc and compat

oops, Konqueror built with 3.2.x.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
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