Re: [mailop] $GOOG

2022-04-13 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
thanks for bringing this up. i am currently digging a bit in the whole scape of 
centralization, especially in academia (see page 4-7 here for the perspective 
of mail-hosting in academia: ); things 
are... dire, especially in the us. universities used to be _the_ place 
self-hosting infrastructure.

email is a rather evolving system, and to align the design choices of the past 
with the needs of a mass Internet, the complexity of running stuff oneself is 
going up (and the number of dmarc report rua bounces from _large_ entities i 
get each night tells me that this is not limited to smaller operators...); with 
major providers intransparently deciding what to enforce (and what applies to 
them), i hear many saying 'well, if you want your mails delivered, go for 

this is essentially how we lost xmpp and i fear the dice are already in the cup 
for smtp et al. (and the rest of the Internet).

with best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Paul Vixie via mailop
Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2022 23:44
Subject: [mailop] $GOOG

it's troubling me that in a recent thread asking where to host mailboxes, 
google was recommended several times, in spite of the fact that google is 
provably wrong and provably non-transarent in how they decide what inbound 
e-mail to reject.

of all constituencies, this one, mailop, is one i would have expected to know 
better than to cooperate with your oppressor.
mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] $GOOG

2022-04-17 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> If your friends somehow believe that Gmail is the only mail provider in the 
> world I suppose I am sorry for them but I don't understand why that is anyone 
> else's problem.

The idea is that you give away something for free, gain significant market 
share (=network effect), and then get into a position where you can first push 
standards (hello MTA-STS), and later can migrate to a walled garden, because 
the default becomes 'if you want it to work, just go to X'. _Then_ you can 
start to monetize either the product (what we see a lot with 'free' EdTech from 
google et al.) _or_ use your market position to ensure the technology develops 
along your product vision (I would argue this is what the chromium engine 
accomplished for the web).

We had this with IE back in the day, now essentially with the chromium engine; 
As I said, we have this quiet a lot with EdTech. We had this with XMPP. And I 
think there are also some bold opinions on protocol suggestions for congestion 
control coming out of google for quick.

So, in a sense, it kind of fits in a general trend of centralization, and 
centralized control; And that may indeed be a problem for people _not_ wanting 
to host their mail with one of N big providers.

And email is simply 'next'. And I don't put any 'nasty' words towards 
Google/gmail here. They just do what an independent actor working in 
self-interest trying to optimize their outcomes does in a given system. 

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of John Levine via mailop
Sent: Sunday, 17 April 2022 05:52
Subject: Re: [mailop] [E] $GOOG

It appears that Paul Vixie via mailop  said:
>srsly? do you really think changing one's domain name or ISP is a 
>reasonable way forward when google isn't accepting one's e-mail?

When your domain is a cruddy free one which has earned a poor reputation, yes. 
As I have said a few times, sometimes free services are worth what they cost.

>i think you could have punctuated that sentence after "operators". but 
>google is a "shabby mail operator" (your words) who has taken my 
>friends and family as hostages. ...

What we have here appears to be reverse Stockholm syndrome.

Google gives away Gmail accounts for free. It is clear that Gmail users are 
getting at least what they've paid for, and in many cases more than that.

If your friends somehow believe that Gmail is the only mail provider in the 
world I suppose I am sorry for them but I don't understand why that is anyone 
else's problem.

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] $GOOG

2022-04-17 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> Uh, what? Google follows public mail standards at least as well as their 
> large competitors like YahAOL and Microsoft. You do not have to like MTA-STS, 
> but it's an open IETF standard and there's a lot more providers than Google 
> that use it.

I was not arguing that google is not following mail standards. I _would_ argue 
thought that there is a discussion that _could_ be had regarding the 
sensibility of MTA-STS' design including HTTP; And what hits my rua currently 
mostly looks like google to me; But I am looking forward to reports from MS et 

However, the point I actually did try to make, though, was indeed that mail is 
increasing in complexity, and 'the big ones' get things in order (well, apart 
from those mismatching DNS/EHLO setups from MS), while the tail of 
non-centralized setups does not keep up, ultimately leading to a 
mono/multipolization and aggregation of the ecosystem, essentially changing it 
from 'open' to 'something only big companies can take part in'. 

> Chromium is open source, and there are dozens of browsers built on it.  Could 
> you explain what the problem is?

Which, again, is exactly my point. Chromium, by now, drives the majority of 
browsers, in part because it is open source, and also because it is really good 
at what it does. Still, I would argue that the majority of contributions to 
that codebase comes from google employees. Or, to underline who makes product 
decissions for chromium, from the git log: "Do not revert without consulting" Hence, this open source core puts google into a position 
where they could simply decide the direction into which the web goes.

Also, as a disclaimer: The core of this argument is not about whether google 
(or any other player in a comparable market position for a specific ecosystem; 
Think of Cisco in the past for networking, MS for OS in the past etc.) _would_ 
leverage their power to further their own interests, or are generally 'the bad 
ones'. I _personally_ would argue that utilizing that power to leverage their 
own interests is a reasonable expectation if they are an economically working 
actor. Independent of one's own answer to that question, though, the _real_ 
question is whether it is good for the Internet and society at large if 
individual actors get into a position where they _could_ leverage their pull on 
the ecosystem; And, to be fair, google has been using that power for good 
things as well; See, for example, the phase-out of plain http, which I would 
attribute--in large parts--to the chrom(e|ium) decissions around handling http. 
Still, the question remains; What ecosystem do we want a society to run on?

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of John Levine via mailop
Sent: Sunday, 17 April 2022 19:42
Subject: Re: [mailop] [E] $GOOG

It appears that Tobias Fiebig via mailop  said:
>> If your friends somehow believe that Gmail is the only mail provider in the 
>> world I suppose I am sorry for them but I don't understand why that is 
>> anyone else's problem.
>The idea is that you give away something for free, gain significant 
>market share (=network effect), and then get into a position where you can 
>first push standards (hello MTA-STS), and later can migrate to a walled 
>garden, ...

Uh, what? Google follows public mail standards at least as well as their large 
competitors like YahAOL and Microsoft. You do not have to like MTA-STS, but 
it's an open IETF standard and there's a lot more providers than Google that 
use it.

>We had this with IE back in the day, now essentially with the chromium 

Chromium is open source, and there are dozens of browsers built on it.  Could 
you explain what the problem is?

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] $GOOG

2022-04-17 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> We spent months working out the details, including why it uses HTTPS rather 
> than DANE, on public mailing lists in the IETF. (I would have preferred DANE, 
> but the choice of HTTPS was not made casually.)
To clarify, my comment did not want to pull the found consensus into question, 
and I do not doubt that there are good reasons _for_ HTTPS at this level. This 
comment relates more to issues in the operational implementation I encountered 
when I (recently) implemented MTA-STS; The most pressing one that the MTA-STS 
policy is bound to the recipient domain, which means that I can not simply roll 
it out for all my MX, iff they are accepting mail for domains where I do not 
control the DNS, and my favorit MTA not supporting MTA-STS, because they do not 
want to include an HTTP client. However, I also assume that such issues were 
indeed discussed, and a tradeoff happened.

> If this is something you care about, where were you?
This one hurts, mostly because I know where I was, and also know where I rather 
would have been, doing what. ;-)

> I have certainly run into plenty of people who've had trouble getting their 
> mail into Gmail, loudly announced that GMAIL HAS BROKEN MAIL FOR EVERYONE IN 
> THE WORLD, then I take a look and say "do you know what SPF is?"  "No, why do 
> you ask?"  Sigh.
I think this gets to the core of why centralization for many things is 
succesfull in the first place (leaving the whole good/bad/intention discussion 
out of it). Running systems is not easy; Especially for basic infrastructure 
(which email is), it should just _work_. Then again, over the past three 
decades, it also got _a lot_ more complex (see [0] for my favorit summary on 
that); There is also some work I was involved in which I hope to be able to 
share with the list by the end of the month, goin into the direction of "good 
setups" w.r.t. mail hosters, and the results align pretty much with your 
observation there.

However, it also circles back to the age old question (among people sceptical 
of centralization) of how we can have more distributed infrastructure, without 
having it a) constantly break, b) crappily maintained, and thereby c) causing 
more issues than it solves. At the moment, I sadly do not yet have a good 
answer for that, and I suspect that it won't have a technical answer at all. 

With best regards,


mailop mailing list

[mailop] MTA-STS Key-Value Delimiter

2022-04-19 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
I recently deployed MTA-STS, but am somewhat lost with the kv delimiters in the 
policy file:

RFC8461 calls for CRLF delimited values; Errata 6253 notes that this _should_ 
have been CRLF or LF. I opted for the former, assuming that it is more likely 
people didn't read the eratta and only delimit on CRLF, while those reading the 
eratta most likely would to both:

From the report:
"policy-string":["version: STSv1\r","mode: enforce\r","mx:\r","mx:\r","max_age: 86400\r"]

In the MTA-STS reports I am getting (from google only so far) now, I do see 
that they are delmiting on LF only, pulling the CR into the values, at least in 
the reported policy.

I am now wondering if this might cause any issues?

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [EXTERNAL] MTA-STS Key-Value Delimiter

2022-04-20 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Good to hear it is only cosmetic. :-)

> I do think it's reasonable to assume CRLF is the safer value. :)
Well, difficult. I'd say that the initial phrasing of the RFC might have cause 
some confusion. But one would have to gauge a lot more implementations to know 
that... 🤔 Might be a worthwhile measurement study.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] DKIM by the third party

2022-04-21 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Depends on what you mean here.

Option A: You use that third party mail-server as a legitimate outbound relay.
In this case, I would argue, that it makes a limited amount of sense, i.e., 
they configured sth. wrongly, maybe because you have no DKIM configuration 
coordinated with them.

Option B: You sent to an address on that server, and they forward your mail.
Here, it does make some sense, I'd, say, depending on what they do. 

For example, I do the same, i.e., providing an _additional_ dkim sig, on 
forwarded mail, because I also apply SRS to messages. So, then I add a 
signature for the new envelope from domain from SRS, and add ARC headers as 

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Henrik S via mailop
Sent: Thursday, 21 April 2022 04:05
Subject: [mailop] DKIM by the third party


My mail is sent by the third party smtp server, and the dkim signature is made 
for the third party domain (for this case, it's

does this DKIM have helps to the authorization of my outgoing messages?

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Troubleshooting MTA-STS reports

2022-04-26 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Interestingly, Microsoft also sends TLSRPT, even when they use TLSA instead of 

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Jesse Hathaway via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 26 April 2022 23:23
To: Eric Tykwinski 
Subject: Re: [mailop] Troubleshooting MTA-STS reports

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 4:08 PM Eric Tykwinski  wrote:
> Everything looks fine to me, have you tried sending an email to a another 
> google account.
> They are the one company I know sends MTA-STS reports, others sadly don’t.

Thanks for checking, I didn't realize they were so rare.

> My guess is that Google might not be sending inter-domain reports since your 
> hosted there.
> Doesn’t make sense to me, but I’m sure if that’s the case Brandon or someone 
> else from Google will tell you.

I was wondering whether that might be part of the problem.
mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] DMARC/TLSRPT to non-existing accounts/reflection and sender reputation

2022-04-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
This might be a bit of a theoretical attack thing, but looking over the bounces 
for my nightly outbound DMARC reports I actually started to wonder about this;
(Mostly because I am getting scared by regularly sending DMARC reports to non
-existing accounts on a major ESP ;-)).

Maybe I am overlooking/overthinking something here, but it would be nice to 
hear what others think about it, and whether they think that this is actually a 
problem needing a solution.

- Many major ESPs track a sending mailer's reputation; If a host tries to throw
  in a lot of mail for non-existing users/domains, reputation goes down.
- There are spam-traps out there with pretty much the same goal; see what flies
  in and, e.g., populate RBLs

- I create _a lot_ of subdomains
- MX (I just set it; not sanctioned by the ESP) for the subdomains is either a 
  ESP or a spam-trap.
- Create a -all SPF record and a DMARC p=reject entry and a 
  as well as the _report._dmarc record for each of these sub-domains

- I generate a lot of mails (one From: per subdomain) towards a target (ESP, 
small setup)
  that sends DMARC reports
- The target rejects my mails (spf -all) and sends a DMARC report; Based on the 
  this goes to the ESP/spam-trap.
- The spam-trap/ESP get a lot of 'unknown recipient/domain' mails from my 
target; They
  don't accept them, but take note for the senders' reputation.
-> Sender reputation of the target goes down

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] DMARC/TLSRPT to non-existing accounts/reflection and sender reputation

2022-04-30 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Yes; The benefit of this is also that you do not need your target to have any 
service you can subscribe on running; They just have to follow a proper mail 
setup. But I like you suggestion.

Would be any of the larger ESPs who is doing sender reputation by IP up for a 
test? .oO( I would like to do this in coordination, as I'd use some of my own 
IPs for this, and would prefer not to permanently burn the whole network... )

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Ángel via mailop
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2022 20:47
Subject: Re: [mailop] DMARC/TLSRPT to non-existing accounts/reflection and 
sender reputation

That's an interesting attack.

I initially thought you were going to describe placing a victim as your 
destination target which is something which is prevented by requiring the 
receiver to authorize them:

But this is getting a spamtrap to accept emails and treating them as intruding 
attempts. The onus should be on them to detect that they are the MX of the 
target domain, and thus the sender may be playing by the rules. Quite easy to 
notice if you start seeing in DMARC reports in your spamtrap, actually.
But this doesn't mean that all spamtrap operators do that, or wouldn't be 
vulnerable to that.

Note that you could perform a similar attack by subscribing a user to a number 
of mailing lists, promotions, etc. then changing your MX to a spamtrap, which 
would then blame the sender IP.


mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Outlook Sender Support Complaint Messages Broken With DMARC

2022-05-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
I signed up for the sender support (sendersupport.olc ) of Microsoft and 
activated forwarding of messages flagged by users as spam. Today I saw an email 
sent by microsoft to postmaster@ with a from of one of my domains rejected 
based on the domains DMARC policy  by my mailer.

Based on the data in my rspam log and the sendersupport site showing ~1 mail 
having been marked as spam by a user, I _suspect_ that this is the forward 
feature; However, this feature seems to break DKIM signatures and re-signs with, leading to the DMARC policy reject triggering, as neither SPF nor 
DKIM match;

Is there any good way to get into contact with them about this (as this is not 
really me having issues sending to them, but them to me ;-))/is anyone from MS 
reading on this list?

With best regards,

 rspamd.log:2022-04-30 10:54:14 #27730(normal) <1736ea>; task; 
rspamd_task_write_log: id: <>, 
qid: , ip:, from: , (default: T 
(reject): [10.00/10.00] 
[NEURAL_HAM(-2.97){-0.991;},DMARC_POLICY_REJECT(2.00){ : SPF not 
aligned (relaxed), DKIM not aligned 
 len: 9927, time: 1357.5940132141113ms, dns req: 61, digest: 
<197fd69596e5326847617462eb097561>, rcpts: , 
mime_rcpts: <>, forced: reject "Action set by DMARC"; 
score=nan (set by dmarc)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Spamhaus: Get more details about LISTING (Could a DMARC Report Address point to a spamtrap)?

2022-05-17 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
I recently described how this could actually be used by a malicious third party 
to cause a sender to be blocklisted by major mail operators (see thread titled 
"DMARC/TLSRPT to non-existing accounts/reflection and sender reputation" from 
the end of April). However, in your case it does not really sound malicious.

Still, spamhaus might have picked up expired domains to setup spam traps, and 
you may be sending to a ruf/rua on an expired domain. (Note: Wild guess)

In any case, I would be _really_ interested in hearing more in case you figure 
out the root-cause of this.

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Benoit Panizzon via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:49
Subject: [mailop] Spamhaus: Get more details about LISTING (Could a DMARC 
Report Address point to a spamtrap)?

Hopefully somebody from spamhaus is reading.

The 2nd day in a row, our main mailplattform IP address is listed and blocks all emails.

Spamhaus only gives a timestamp +/- 5 minutes.

There are A LOT OF EMAILS passing our plattform in 10 Minutes.

Yesterday I found a suspect. One customer had configured his exchange server to 
relay 'bounces' via our platform. That was fixed.

Today I am looking through the logs again. No suspicious emails. But in that 
timespam, we send out DMARC reports.

Could it be, that someone publishes a DMARC Report address which points to a 
Spamhaus Spamtrap?

For the 2nd time I requestd 'more details' from Spamhaus. Is there a chance to 
get such informations?

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G-Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 PrattelnFax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web
mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Spamhaus: Get more details about LISTING (Could a DMARC Report Address point to a spamtrap)?

2022-05-17 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> If they did, they would age them for at least a year before turning them into 
> traps, by which time the DMARC records would be long gone.
I generally agree with your argument, that this is a really unlikely scenario. 
Also, because the spam-trap domain would naturally lack the 
._report._dmarc. record necessary, this pretty much will not be the 
case; I overlooked that. 

However, judging from the state of DMARC reporting by the bounces hitting my 
report-from (_large_ orgs having non existent mailboxes in there etc.), I'd 
argue that the only thing that prevents ruf/rua that are stale for a decade is 
the age of RFC7489.

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of John Levine via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 17 May 2022 23:23
Subject: Re: [mailop] Spamhaus: Get more details about LISTING (Could a DMARC 
Report Address point to a spamtrap)?

It appears that Tobias Fiebig via mailop  said:
>I recently described how this could actually be used by a malicious 
>third party to cause a sender to be blocklisted by major mail operators (see 
>thread titled "DMARC/TLSRPT to non-existing accounts/reflection and sender 
>reputation" from the end of April). However, in your case it does not really 
>sound malicious.
>Still, spamhaus might have picked up expired domains to setup spam 
>traps, and you may be sending to a ruf/rua on an expired domain. (Note: 
>Wild guess)

If they did, they would age them for at least a year before turning them into 
traps, by which time the DMARC records would be long gone.
That's not it.

I suppose someone could set up a malicious MX to aim random junk at mail 
servers, but Spamhaus' trap servers are pretty hard to find.

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Spamhaus: Get more details about LISTING (Could a DMARC Report Address point to a spamtrap)?

2022-05-17 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> They're just reporting what they recieve.  It shouldn't be a big surprise 
> that spamware makes up addresses, some of which happen to be in your domains.

Nah, i mean 'i receive spam with a from of $large_entity and reject due to 
DMARC failing', hence my systen tries to send a report to whatever is the rua 
in _dmarc., and it bounces for $various_reasons (mailbox 
full, mailbox does not exist, [...]).

No clue what this bouncing has to do with spamware making up addresses in some 
of my domains?

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of John R Levine via mailop
Sent: Wednesday, 18 May 2022 01:23
To: Tobias Fiebig ;
Subject: Re: [mailop] Spamhaus: Get more details about LISTING (Could a DMARC 
Report Address point to a spamtrap)?

On Tue, 17 May 2022, Tobias Fiebig wrote:
> However, judging from the state of DMARC reporting by the bounces 
> hitting my report-from (_large_ orgs having non existent mailboxes in 
> there etc.), I'd argue that the only thing that prevents ruf/rua that 
> are stale for a decade is the age of RFC7489.

They're just reporting what they recieve.  It shouldn't be a big surprise that 
spamware makes up addresses, some of which happen to be in your domains.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY Please 
consider the environment before reading this e-mail. 
mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Paper on email delivery/standards adoption

2022-06-13 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Quiet some time ago i asked the list for some help in an ongoing email 
measurement study; The paper is now finally out and accepted. 

An open-access preprint can be found here:

I guess the most interesting result on this list is that the 'Email Camel' 
(after the DNS Camel) is more complex than... well, DNS.

Anyway, figured it might be interesting for some on the list.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Paper on email delivery/standards adoption

2022-06-14 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

Thanks, already found that. :-|


There is another embarrassing one later on in the paper. Sadly nothing we can 
do about the version going to Usenix anymore. :-/


With best regards,




Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig

T +31 616 80 98 99

M  <>


From: mailop  On Behalf Of Patrick Ben Koetter via 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:41
Subject: Re: [mailop] Paper on email delivery/standards adoption


Typo in line 4 SMPT -> SMTP

Am 13.06.22 um 21:21 schrieb Tobias Fiebig via mailop:

Quiet some time ago i asked the list for some help in an ongoing email 
measurement study; The paper is now finally out and accepted. 
An open-access preprint can be found here:
I guess the most interesting result on this list is that the 'Email Camel' 
(after the DNS Camel) is more complex than... well, DNS.
Anyway, figured it might be interesting for some on the list.
With best regards,
mailop mailing list <>

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Schleißheimer Straße 26/MG,80333 München
Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Marc Schiffbauer, Wolfgang Stief
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Florian Kirstein
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Someone from on this list?

2022-06-30 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
This is indeed--to a degree--an issue. In general, I'd argue that MLs should 
pretty much behave like mail-op; I.e.: Rewrite sender; 
In addition, one might also want to strip existing DKIM and/or re-sign the 
message with one's own key.

Alternatively, you can also investigate whether there are ways to not break 
DKIM upon ML posting; I had my own endeavor with the implications of 
DMARC/DKIM/SPF and MLs recently:

Ultimately, DMARC, DKIM, and SPF will not be going away, and if you want to 
deliver to 'the big ones' you essentially must have it in place.

So, if you want to keep providing a working service (and no judgement on the 
implications and interrelations there, and whether this makes sense; I have a 
ton of opinions on that, but that goes way beyond the scope of this ML), I 
guess there is no path that does not go through deploying SPF/DKIM/DMARC 
yourself and finding ways to make your MLs play along with sender domains that 
have it deployed as well.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

[mailop] What to do with a look-alike domain used in phishing

2022-07-18 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
~a year ago I registered a (by then) unregistered look-alike domain for a major 
European hoster, as I was receiving rather good spear-phishing from it, and it 
was, well, unregistered. (The domain is ). 

I setup DMARC p=reject and SPF -all, and let it be. Now, the domain keeps 
sitting around; Thing is, that dereg would most likely lead to more spam 
falling out of the domain again (or it being actually registered by some 
spammer), which is rather not so nice to the Internet as a whole. The hoster is 
not interested in receiving it from me (free of charge etc.; Offered to just 
send them the authcode). 

Now, what can I ethically do with the domain? I would kind of prefer it going 
to some org. that actually makes an effort in drying out domains used like 
this; Does somebody have a suggestion/contact whom to ask?

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Microsoft DMARC RUA Mailbox Full

2022-08-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Not sure if anyone from microsoft/ is reading along, but your RUA 
mailbox seems to be full, and now bounces. ;-)

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1 for MTA to MTA communication

2022-08-03 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

We did some measurements on this recently, see:


At the moment, I’d say that you still lose _some_ destinations (and delivering 
MTAs) by forcing TLS (~10% of smaller providers). This is _any_ TLS; Numbers 
for disabling 1.0/1.1 will look worse than those 10%, even though we did not 
test that.


The methodology we use should be easily adjustable to also test for specific 
version support; However, recruiting a wide sample of people will be difficult. 
What you _could_ do as a large ESP is configuring multiple MXes with the same 
priority and different settings and run a large scale study that way about 
MTA’s preferences without impacting mail delivery. If you are willing to give 
that a shot, I’d be _very_ interested in collaborating.


Side note: I recently ran into a security research institute with whom I could 
not agree on ciphers with the OpenSMTPd default cipher list on my side… their 
choices were just a tad dusty…


With best regards,


mailop mailing list

[mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
I am currently trying to debug a test for MTA-STS sending; The setup is a 
domain with an MX with an invalid certificate to test whether MTA-STS policies 
are honord (if they are, no mail should be received). I tested this last night 
with an ESP I know should be honoring MTA-STS; However, while the policy was 
retrieved from the webserver, the email got ultimately delivered. I also did 
not get an MTA-STS TLS-RPT, even though other domains got them from the same 
ESP today.

Could some of you who are on a setup that validates MTA-STS please try to send 
me an email to, and if it (hopefully) fails share the NDR?:

(Alternatively, if you see something wrong in the config, please let me know.)

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Hello Eric,
This is interesting. The certificate for tls-invalid should a) not match the 
CN, and b) be expired. The ": b'84:OK secure servername=hostname,'" 
is hence a bit confusing. Also just tested it with 'openssl s_client -starttls 
smtp -crlf -connect' just 
now, and the CN does indeed not match.

I will look into this.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

-Original Message-
From: Eric Tykwinski  
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 15:01
To: 'Tobias Fiebig' ;
Subject: RE: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending


I'm actually sort of interested now as well.

I just ran this through postfix-mta-sts-resolver 

Log for test:
2022-08-09 08:52:32 DEBUGSTS: len(self._children) = 1
2022-08-09 08:52:32 DEBUGSTS: Read: b'56:postfix,'
2022-08-09 08:52:32 DEBUGSTS: Enq request: b'postfix'
2022-08-09 08:52:32 DEBUGSTS: Got new future from queue
2022-08-09 08:52:32 DEBUGSTS: Lookup PERFORMED: domain =
2022-08-09 08:52:32 DEBUGRES: Got STS resolve request:, 
2022-08-09 08:52:32 DEBUGRES: Parsed STS record for domain 
'': {'v': 'STSv1', 'id': 
2022-08-09 08:52:33 DEBUGRES: Parsed policy for domain {'mx': 
[''], 'version': 'STSv1', 
'mode': 'enforce', 'max_age': '86400'}
2022-08-09 08:52:33 DEBUGSTS: Future await complete: data=b'84:OK secure servername=hostname,'
2022-08-09 08:52:33 DEBUGSTS: Wrote: b'84:OK secure servername=hostname,'
2022-08-09 08:52:33 DEBUGSTS: Client disconnected

Log for my server which is valid:
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: len(self._children) = 1
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: Read: b'20:postfix,'
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: Enq request: b'postfix'
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: Got new future from queue
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: Lookup PERFORMED: domain =
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGRES: Got STS resolve request:, known_id=None
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGRES: Parsed STS record for domain '': 
{'v': 'STSv1', 'id': '20220309085700'}
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGRES: Parsed policy for domain {'mx': 
['', '*'], 'version': 'STSv1', 'mode': 'enforce', 
'max_age': '604800'}
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: Future await complete: data=b'67:OK secure servername=hostname,'
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: Wrote: b'67:OK secure servername=hostname,'
2022-08-09 08:54:09 DEBUGSTS: Client disconnected

Both seem to work fine.


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 6:24 AM
Subject: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

I am currently trying to debug a test for MTA-STS sending; The setup is a 
domain with an MX with an invalid certificate to test whether MTA-STS policies 
are honord (if they are, no mail should be received). I tested this last night 
with an ESP I know should be honoring MTA-STS; However, while the policy was 
retrieved from the webserver, the email got ultimately delivered. I also did 
not get an MTA-STS TLS-RPT, even though other domains got them from the same 
ESP today.

Could some of you who are on a setup that validates MTA-STS please try to send 
me an email to, and if it (hopefully) fails share the NDR?:

(Alternatively, if you see something wrong in the config, please let me know.)

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Currently not sue why the DNS policy is missing. Will revisit the RFC, might be 
due to ttl.

dig +short TXT
"v=STSv1; id=2022080902"

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: Luis E. Muñoz  
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 17:11
To: Tobias Fiebig 
Cc: Eric Tykwinski ;
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

On 9 Aug 2022, at 10:27, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:

> This is interesting. The certificate for tls-invalid should a) not match the 
> CN, and b) be expired. The ": b'84:OK secure 
> servername=hostname,'" 
> is hence a bit confusing. Also just tested it with 'openssl s\_client 
> -starttls smtp -crlf -connect 
>' just now, and the CN 
> does indeed not match. also is reporting on a missing DNS policy. 
The cert is reported as expired as well.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Debugging this further, "MTA-STS DNS Policy" is also marked x when the TXT 
record is present but the policy is faulty, e.g., due to a non-compliant MX. 
So, everything as it should be in this case.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 17:57
To: 'Luis E. Muñoz' 
Cc:; 'Eric Tykwinski' 
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

Currently not sue why the DNS policy is missing. Will revisit the RFC, might be 
due to ttl.

dig +short TXT
"v=STSv1; id=2022080902"

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: Luis E. Muñoz  
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 17:11
To: Tobias Fiebig 
Cc: Eric Tykwinski ;
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

On 9 Aug 2022, at 10:27, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:

> This is interesting. The certificate for tls-invalid should a) not match the 
> CN, and b) be expired. The ": b'84:OK secure 
> servername=hostname,'" 
> is hence a bit confusing. Also just tested it with 'openssl s\_client 
> -starttls smtp -crlf -connect 
>' just now, and the CN 
> does indeed not match. also is reporting on a missing DNS policy. 
The cert is reported as expired as well.


mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Ok, for those who are (potentially) interested, I just setup some more MTA-STS 
domains with slight deviations; Will debug the lib shared earlier a bit with 
those. : MX has 
non-matching, expired certificate, policy delimited with \n : MX has 
non-matching, expired certificate, policy delimited with \r\n : MX does 
not advertise starttls, policy delimited with \n : MX does 
not advertise starttls, policy delimited with \r\n : Two 
MX; prio 10 has non-matching, expired certificate, prio 50 has valid TLS 
certificat, policy delimited with \n : Two 
MX; prio 10 has non-matching, expired certificate, prio 50 has valid TLS 
certificat, policy delimited with \r\n : Two 
MX; prio 10  does not advertise starttls, prio 50 has non-matching, expired 
certificate, policy delimited with \n : Two 
MX; prio 10  does not advertise starttls, prio 50 has non-matching, expired 
certificate, policy delimited with \r\n

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 19:46
To: 'Tobias Fiebig' ; 'Luis E. Muñoz' 
Cc:; 'Eric Tykwinski' 
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

Debugging this further, "MTA-STS DNS Policy" is also marked x when the TXT 
record is present but the policy is faulty, e.g., due to a non-compliant MX. 
So, everything as it should be in this case.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 17:57
To: 'Luis E. Muñoz' 
Cc:; 'Eric Tykwinski' 
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

Currently not sue why the DNS policy is missing. Will revisit the RFC, might be 
due to ttl.

dig +short TXT
"v=STSv1; id=2022080902"

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: Luis E. Muñoz  
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 17:11
To: Tobias Fiebig 
Cc: Eric Tykwinski ;
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

On 9 Aug 2022, at 10:27, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:

> This is interesting. The certificate for tls-invalid should a) not match the 
> CN, and b) be expired. The ": b'84:OK secure 
> servername=hostname,'" 
> is hence a bit confusing. Also just tested it with 'openssl s\_client 
> -starttls smtp -crlf -connect 
>' just now, and the CN 
> does indeed not match. also is reporting on a missing DNS policy. 
The cert is reported as expired as well.


mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Ok, at least something that works. :-|

I am currently setting up a host to implement the postfix lib you shared 
earlier; Let's see what falls out of that.

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Eric Tykwinski via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 20:24
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending


No starttls definitely works for me at least:  MailCow with 

This is the mail system at host

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one 
or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text 
from the attached returned message.

   The mail system

: TLS is
required, but was not offered by host[]


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
I just gave a try, and it 
works as expected for me. The only mails getting delivered are those for the 
test-cases where at least one MX is valid; And in those cases the mail flows 
through the lower-prio MX with the valid cert.

So, if you still see some other mails delivered, something might be different 
on mailcow. Giving that a shot now.  

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 20:37
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

Ok, at least something that works. :-|

I am currently setting up a host to implement the postfix lib you shared 
earlier; Let's see what falls out of that.

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Eric Tykwinski via mailop
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2022 20:24
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending


No starttls definitely works for me at least:  MailCow with 

This is the mail system at host

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one 
or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text 
from the attached returned message.

   The mail system

: TLS is
required, but was not offered by host[]


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

2022-08-10 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Thanks! Looks promising or rather working. :-) 

I am currently dealing with a major ESP for some reason not finding my 
policies... Will come back to the list as soon as the web/selftest interface is 
ready. :-)

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Alessandro Vesely via 
Sent: Wednesday, 10 August 2022 18:55
Subject: Re: [mailop] Debugging MTA-STS sending

On Tue 09/Aug/2022 12:23:51 +0200 Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:
> I am currently trying to debug a test for MTA-STS sending; The setup is a 
> domain with an MX with an invalid certificate to test whether MTA-STS 
> policies are honord (if they are, no mail should be received). I tested this 
> last night with an ESP I know should be honoring MTA-STS; However, while the 
> policy was retrieved from the webserver, the email got ultimately delivered. 
> I also did not get an MTA-STS TLS-RPT, even though other domains got them 
> from the same ESP today.
> Could some of you who are on a setup that validates MTA-STS please try to 
> send me an email to, and if it (hopefully) fails share the NDR?:

Here's the warning I've received thus far, using Courier-MTA:



The delivery of the following E-mail message has been delayed.  This is an 
advisory notice only; it is sent only to notify you about a temporary delay in 
delivering your message.  You DO NOT need to do anything at this time.
Additional attempts to deliver your message will be made.  Some possible 
reasons for this delay:

* Network congestion or failure.

* The destination mail server is temporarily off-line.

Diagnostic information is provided below for each recipient.  If copies of this 
message were sent to additional recipients, deliveries to those addresses are 
not included in this notice.  This is an advisory notice for the following 
addresses only:

: []:
  <<< 400 Invalid peer certificate


If your message was also sent to additional recipients, their delivery status 
is not included in this report.  You may or may not receive other delivery 
status notifications for additional recipients.

The original message follows as a separate attachment.

Content-Type: message/delivery-status
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 09:55:52 +0200
Received-From-MTA: dns; [] (pcale.tana [])

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: delayed
Status: 4.0.0
Will-Retry-Until: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 09:55:52 +0200

Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Gmail Dynamic Email / Impact on Email Ecosystem

2022-08-10 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
The gmail feature 'dynamic email' [1] just flew by me, and I was somewhat 
wondering whether this is google proprietary, or if there is some 
standardization going on (already completed?) which I missed.
From the product page it currently looks more like an integration in the google 

Either way, I believe that this might be something to have a discussion on. If 
it is backed by open standards, there are some interesting discussions to be 
had re: impact of such a feature in terms of security/privacy.

If this is a google-ecosystem only feature, I'd kind of like to put on my 
doom-sayer hat and claim that this smells a bit like the death of XMPP; While 
technically still email (and currently integrated with the rest of the world), 
google is in a rather dominant market position (~15% of domains, iirc), and 
such individual-actor product decissions may actually send quiet some ripples 
through the email ecosystem as a whole (Why didn't you RSVP? I send you an RSVP 
request from my gmail?!). (Not saying that email's UX can be a tad dusty... but 
changes like this might really benefit from a really concious engagement with 
the potential implications.)

 So, apart from my rather centralization-critical gut reaction... what do you 
think about features like this being added by individual ESPs and its impact on 
how email will develop?

With best regards,


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Gmail Dynamic Email / Impact on Email Ecosystem

2022-08-12 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> Brandon Long via mailop
> is the Google developer 
> information about dynamic email, that link was about controlling the 
> content with Google Workspace.
Thanks for sharing, this has some rather interesting examples. Do I need to be 
specially vetted to send AMP email, or could I--as long as it is compliant to 
the standard--send one myself, i.e., without being a registered newsletter 
sender? The AMP page is somewhat unclear there.

> Brandon Long via mailop
> The standardization is via AMP, docs at 
> and a pretty short list of other providers who support it.
I acknowledge that mail's UX is currently 'fresh and outstanding' and something 
will have to change. Still, change is naturally driven by those who do, 
which--in this case--is the group of organizations around AMP. However, I'd 
argue that changes will be aligned with the needs of these organizations in 
terms of providing consistent services to their customer base under their 
business model [1], which naturally inflicts on how these systems are being 
designed. This also inflicts on the governance of venues for organizing and 
coordinating such changes, as for example AMP, implementing a model that allows 
decision making to follow operational needs [2].  And, to be clear, I am not 
claiming that this is a google-specific thing, or try to pick on google, but 
instead argue that any rational actor with that scale of operations will 
ultimately operate in this way to match its objectives.

> Brandon Long via mailop
> The death of email will come from outside the eco-system, not from 
> individual attempts to extend it.
I wouldn't necessarily call AMP an individual attempt, given the market share 
of some of the involved parties.

Also, I was referring to the death of XMPP. If I remember correctly, XMPP's 
rise and fall actually started with major players [3,4] committing to XMPP 
However, over time, and with needs, roadmaps, and available features in clients 
diverging more and more, federation was discontinued by Facebook and Google [5].
At this point, the role of others being less sharing and more consuming--Page 
explicitly calling out Microsoft here [6]--certainly should also be mentioned. 
What ultimately broke the neck of XMPP was then its ill suitedness to the 
evolving User Experience on smartphones.
With its complicated protocol, and federation needs--the classical finding 
others problem--it was simply no match for centralized services using simple 
but usable identifiers (phone numbers), even if they may have been using XMPP 
'under the hood'.
That then is what gave us the current zoo of messengers we all love and like 
(if someone wants to further discuss this point, please feel free to write me 
on What'sApp, Signal, Telegram, Threema, Facebook Messenger, Skype, 
Skype4Bussiness/Lync, Google Meet, reddit, or via netcat on tcp/2342).

So, in the end, the dynamics around new features adopted by a few players 
representing a major subset of the ecosystem can have a long-lasting impact 
that may ultimately interact with, e.g., the deliverability discussions we 
regularly have. (Most recently, tightened SPF requirements by Google, and I am 
not claiming that _that_ move was necessarily a bad one; But one with 
consequences to consider that are not strictly technical in nature, but cross 
influence technology, i.e., in this case, mail.)

With best regards,

[2] Page 78, Sec. VII.E.6, Point 206 ff

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Research project on SPF validation: Is your server violating RFC standards for SPF resolution?

2022-08-25 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
As the question of 'how many SPF related DNS requests is your server supposed 
to send' recently came up, I figured it might be interesting to share the 
following research project with you, for which we are looking for participants 
in our tests and also feedback on the tooling we build.

The project is led by Md. Ishtiaq Ashiq, a PhD student at Virgina Tech looking 
into various aspects of the email ecosystem supervised by Tijay. Our team would 
like to understand how the SMTP servers out in the wild verify SPF records. 
While doing so, we noticed that quite a few SMTP servers may allow an attacker 
to launch a denial-of-service attack using SPF referrals.
An attacker may use an infinite number of SPF referrals in their SPF setting 
and can send an email to a vulnerable mail server which would make the SMTP 
server make a whole lot of DNS queries. By exploiting this vulnerability, an 
attacker can block the SMTP queue of the server, flood the associated recursive 
resolver, or any DNS authoritative server.
According to RFC recommendations 
(, a few DNS lookup 
limits exist that an SMTP server needs to maintain while resolving an SPF 
record. That is, SPF implementations MUST limit the total number of DNS queries 
to 10 and the number of void lookups to 2 to avoid unreasonable load on the DNS.
To measure more SMTP servers’ behavior, we setup a test website where you can 
get a report of your own MX and contribute to our dataset:

You can provide your email address here, allow us to send a test email, and 
queries that your server made for resolving the SPF record of the sender will 
be shown. Please find more details about the vulnerability, our SPF referral 
policy, and the data we store at the given URL. We will only store the 
recipients MX’ FQDN and behavior regarding RFC7208.

The site is still in the early phase. So, if you do encounter any bugs or 
errors, please let us know!

We would highly appreciate your participation, and discussion on this 
configuration issue. Specifically, we would like to know more about your setups 
of your MXes are not following the limits of RFC7208, specifically if this 
comes from software defaults or might even have been a conscious choice. We are 
also preparing a survey on SPF behavior, which we will share shortly.
With best regards,

Md. Ishtiaq Ashiq (,
Tobias Fiebig ( /
Taejoong "Tijay" Chung (

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Research project on SPF validation: Is your server violating RFC standards for SPF resolution?

2022-08-25 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> The rspamd default is 30. I'd say it works better that way in practice, 
> because people do make mistakes and vendors do modify the records customers 
> include.

Did you encounter such issues in practice and/or were you involved in the 
discussion forming that default? If so, it would be nice to get some more 
perspective on that.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Research project on SPF validation: Is your server violating RFC standards for SPF resolution?

2022-08-25 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Ok, thanks, that clarifies that. :-)

With best regards,

-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Taavi Eomäe via mailop
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2022 14:32
Subject: Re: [mailop] Research project on SPF validation: Is your server 
violating RFC standards for SPF resolution?

> Did you encounter such issues in practice and/or were you involved in the 
> discussion forming that default? If so, it would be nice to get some more 
> perspective on that.

We see SPF records that exceed the standard's query limit fairly often, but 
weren't involved in the forming of rspamd's default. We can say with fairly 
good confidence that it's simply more robust¹ to tolerate records that are 
slightly incorrect, and more "fair" not to punish the sender instantly. 
(Considering all the poorly configured domains out there that don't have any 
SPF at all.)


mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Research project on SPF validation: Is your server violating RFC standards for SPF resolution?

2022-08-27 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Thank you all for your feedback, and especially to Simon for pointing out the 
issue in February. This should, of course, not happen, and is part of the 
reason why we are moving this to strict opt-in measurements. I discussed your 
points with the project lead (Taejoong “tijay” Chung ), who asked 
me to share his message below with the list.

With best regards,

Dear Simon Arlott and community members, 

This is Tijay Chung (Virginia Tech), who is the principal investigator in this 
project. Since my list registration request has not been processed yet, I've 
asked my colleague, Tobias–who joined the team for this project as a 
collaborator in June-to share this post.

First of all, I would like to thank you all for your feedback. We certainly did 
not apply proper care in executing this project, and will make sure that our 
future actions are not as intrusive as our past measurements. Furthermore, we 
do agree that the RFC should be amended; After all, part of our research 
question is finding out what a reasonable limit and recommendation would be.

Also, I want to sincerely apologize for the incident that happened in February. 
Back then, we sent out emails for randomly chosen domains with the description 
of who we are and why we are doing this, and the link for the webpage for 
further details (the email that Simon attached; And we–by now–understood that 
this is not the right way of measuring such an issue.). In the excitement of 
kicking of this project, we missed a flaw in our implementation. We had planned 
to limit the number of maximum SPF queries to around 300, but our 
implementation of the algorithm that generates SPF recursion trees kept 
creating more nodes.

Thankfully, some email administrators reported this flaw. As soon as we 
received the reports, we immediately shut it down and applied a patch ensuring 
we only serve 300 SPF records per mail at most. We now understand that we 
should have applied more care in setting up our measurement infrastructure, and 
should have followed a voluntary participation approach properly informing 
participants about the risks of the experiments as we now try to do with the 
self-measurement website. Furthermore, we also shifted towards a structured 
analysis of various SMTP server and SPF plugin/SPAM filter combinations to get 
a less intrusive picture of the problem space. Similarly, we are using passive 
DNS data to get a better picture of the practical needs in terms of the number 
of DNS lookups needed for SPF used in production. Of course we will share these 
results with the community as soon as we have compiled a report.

Regarding the website, we have received valuable feedback such as adding a 
functionality for participants to keep track of their SPF requests history, and 
providing a form of double-opt-in to ensure people actually control the email 
addresses requesting a test-mail. We are shutting the website down for a moment 
to implement them.

I would like to apologize again for what happened and thank you so much for the 
valuable feedback.

Taejoong “Tijay” Chung.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Research project on SPF validation: Is your server violating RFC standards for SPF resolution?

2022-08-27 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Hello Bill,
> I refuse to participate in your research, as all evidence I have is that VT 
> is grossly unethical and allows incompetents to run research projects.
I hear your frustration with this, and will not defend the measurements that 
took place in February. As outlined below, we will work on limiting our 
measurements to people that clearly opted in, and would appreciate feedback on 

> So, are you REALLY opt-in? Holw do  you authenticate that? Trusting what a 
> stranger types on a web page?
> That would be yet another abusive and incompoetent study design.
Only trusting the address entered would be single-opt-in, and--as you 

Instead, my current plan would be the following:
- Enter email on website; 
- Receive a results URL with a random identifier
- On that page, be requested to send an email from the entered email to 
'opt-in@...'; Should be a) SPF compliant and b) Validly DKIM signed.
- If an authenticated mail is received, we send a measurement email in reply 
and start to display the results
- If an insufficiently authenticated mail is received we only display 'An 
opt-in message was received but failed SPF/DKIM/both authentication.' on the 
page without sending an email. 

The main issue I see with that design atm is that it allows any user behind an 
MTA to opt-in the whole setup; What might make more sense is restricting this 
to selected from addresses (postmaster@?). I would appreciate opinions on this.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Research project on SPF validation: Is your server violating RFC standards for SPF resolution?

2022-08-27 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Hello John,
> If it's opt-in, please identify all of the IPs that send mail or DNS or web 
> queries so those of us who have not opted in can block them.
I just started going through the setup built at VT and found several points 
where there will have to be some serious re-design of several components. As 
soon as that is done, we will:

a) Post a list of all components on the website, indicating what exactly can be 
blocked to make sure to not receive any unwanted packets from us.
b) Provide that list of addresses and domains to mailop@ before setting the 
service available again.
c) Provide an additional form to submit address ranges for exclusion from the 
study on the website.
d) Implement the opt-in mechanism outlined in my previous reply to Bill.

If you see anything else we could do to make this safer, please let me know.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

[mailop] OpenSSL Vulnerability and SMTP

2022-11-01 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Just as a side note/PSA in case people missed this; While the Internet is 
moving towards a 'well, that OpenSSL bug was not t bad; It would need 
either a malicious server with a _signed_ cert (or cert checks being disabled), 
OR a malicious client and the use of cert-auth' perspective...

MTAs usually do a lot of outbound TLS acting as clients to remote servers, but 
opportunistically (disabled cert validation). This might also be triggered by a 
remote entity directing an MTA to a specific server (think: Using bounces, 

So mail might be one of the few cases where the OpenSSL bug is relevant (even 
though not many run their MTAs on Ubuntu 22.04 or similar, I guess; Docker 
world might be different, no clue what mailcow is doing).

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] OpenSSL Vulnerability and SMTP

2022-11-01 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Yes, the one Christof posted; I was somehow expecting everyone had gotten those 
notifications over the past weeks.

Referring to the Malwaretech blog, making exactly my point:

"Likelihood of exploitation
Give the fact the vulnerability is primarily client-side, requires the 
malicious certificate to be signed by a trusted CA (or the user to ignore the 
warning), and is complex to exploit, I estimate a low chance of seeing 
in-the-wild exploitation."

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] tls certificates

2022-11-22 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
I looked at that recently; See the SMTP paper recently published [1], and 
enforcing TLS certainly is indeed on the rise, and at least one of the privacy 
mail providers at least allowed their users to opt-in to TLS-Only sending for 
their mails.

We are currently also setting up a website to run our tests against one's own 
ESP/Setup (without me having to dig results out of the logs ;-)), which I'll 
hopefully be able to share soonish.

With best regards,


-Original Message-
From: mailop  On Behalf Of Slavko via mailop
Sent: Wednesday, 23 November 2022 00:13
Subject: Re: [mailop] tls certificates

Dňa 22. novembra 2022 21:00:36 UTC používateľ "Gellner, Oliver via mailop" 

>Also the number of MTAs that require STARTTLS is not increasing based on my 
>experIence. I haven’t seen a large ESP which enforced TLS for all incoming and 
>outgoing connections yet.

Are you aware that even change from 1 to 2 means grow?

I didn't write if requiring TLS is in most of servers, nor that is required by 
a lot of servers, but i see grow in logs (over time), where host try STARTTLS 
and when it fails, they go away without fallback to plain.

I inspect them mostly only by checking its hostname, and as they are not 
"important" for me, i mostly ignore them. But i remember one from DE, which was 
"important" and required exception from my side.


mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] SPF (and other email security protocols) Survey

2022-11-23 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
(Excuse the footnotes; But there is a lot of tangential stuff worth mentioning, 
but not necessarily core to the thread.)

Let me weigh in here and provide some context as Tijay listed me as a 
collaborator, and he seems to be a bit delayed in replies. Tijay is a Professor 
at VT, and works on a variety of topics at the intersection of security and 
measurement. This means that he usually supervises students in pursuit of their 

One of the areas a PhD student currently works on is SPF. This started with 
them prodding around and finding that a) The _defined_ limits for SPF lookups 
seem to be impractical (using Bulk ESPs, Salesforce here, marketing there,... 
lots of includes), and b) Some SPF implementations are really not good at 
dealing with _very_ deep SPF trees.

This is, for better or worse, how ideas for research papers usually come 
together in this specific field of research**.

So, what is this research about now: The group found that odd behavior, and 
what you usually do then first is do some measurements. That didn't go to well, 
and shut off a couple of mailserver***, and they are currently working really 
hard at getting that measurement setup robust and in line; I am helping there a 
bit, as we built a similar setup for our mail-delivery scans (even though that 
does no potentially intrusive things, which makes stuff a lot easier in terms 
of consent etc.).

Anyway, apart from that, to get a scientific exploration of the topic, the 
question also is _why_ did this problem occur in the first place. Hence, there 
is now a survey which asks people (broadly) a) how they are implementing 
SPF/DMARC/TLS-RPT in their setup (software, limits), b) demographics about 
their setup [number of users, domains etc.], and whether they are aware of the 
(TBH, obviously outdated) limits from the standards. The survey does not 
contain mandatory fields, and tells people what to expect and that they can 
quit at any time, and can of course also have their incomplete replies (or 
complete replies if they change their mind later on!) deleted.* I think 
Laura also explained _very_ well why this is not 'human subject research'; I 
still see the issue there in terms of the IRB terminology (which is often even 
prescribed in that unhandy way; And IRBs also usually have 'limited experience 
and knowledge' when it comes to 'Internet things', especially network 
measurements; But for that, see **.)

For the survey and measurements combined, the idea is to then have empirical 
data on how things are implemented (network measurements, even though there is 
ongoing debate on how usable those earlier measurements are in a scientific 
sense), _why_ they are implemented that way (technical level; part about tools 
and implementations in the survey), and _if_ and _how_ best practices/RFCs 
should be amended to capture the actual needs of the email ecosystem (second 
part of the survey). That together then can form a publication on the observed 
challenges in SPF/DMARC reporting.

As such, the survey is for everyone involved in Email; There is no harm to [the 
research], if you are not sure if the survey is for you and you agree to 
participate, go through the survey and see if you'd be able to provide 
meaningful input on the questions.

If there are further questions, or you want to further discuss individual 
points, please let me know.

With best regards,

* This is also the reason why I'd argue that it might be somewhat good if the 
communication style with researchers tries to keep in mind that, in the end, 
there is a human on the other side. People tend to make rather strong and 
frustratedly sounding statements from time to time, but these might be 
ultimately read by a PhD student, i.e., a very junior person. A bit of kindness 
can go a long way in communication, and for me personally is also an important 
point of being an engineer.

** We can have an awful lot of discussions about this, and there is a lot going 
on; Besides the obvious 'is it good or not' and 'is this really science?', we 
essentially deal with 'science' with all its incentives (publish or perish); 
This means trying to do research on Internet protocols that have been around 
for longer than the combined age of the PI and PhD in many cases; PhDs fall out 
of their masters before getting into such a topic, and then essentially have a 
year to know all the ins and out of a protocol that grew over the past 40 
years... because after the first year they _should_ basically have their first 
paper under submission. Certainly people that haven't run their own 
mailserver/authNSes for more than a decade. Yes, recipe for disaster.

Currently, I am actually looking into building an 'AS for Measurement 
Research', especially 'higher level protocols' (mail, DNS,... ) that is open to 
researchers; That should a) have its own ASN, /47, /23, and delegated zones, so 
people can _really_ easily block/filter it, b) Maintain a global opt-

Re: [mailop] SPF (and other email security protocols) Survey

2022-11-23 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Hey Bill,

> Do you know why his students have at least twice in the past engaged in 
> deceptive spamming to gather data?

Yes, I do, see Footnote ** of my previous mail; But to recap: It is a complex 
problem between how academia is setup, what it incentivizes, what it requires, 
what it rewards, and who does network measurement research (usually people 
without operational experience working on things technically too big for a 
single PhD). 
You can, of course, now simply tie that to Tijay, who at least starts to engage 
with the issue now, and tries to be part of a solution instead of the problem;
Then again, as I said, it is a wider problem, and there surely is a ton more 
science-y-groups that are doing similar things, but simply did not pop up on 
your radar yet.

I for one personally prefer working on fixing the underlying problem instead of 
keeping beating on a person that is actually developing awareness of the issue. 
Because academia will not go away. PhDs doing research won't. So,... well. 
Let's fix things instead.

> Frankly, there's no chance that I'll ever cooperate with that person's 
> research.

This is fine. Your choice, and also the reason I am trying to build one stable 
AS for that kind of research, so people can easily enforce never being involved 
on multiple network layers, without running the risk of, e.g., blocking IPs 
that are later used by a different entity (when using stuff like EC2, for 
example). Similarly, that's the reason why such an entity should have a board 
checking planned research that actually involves non-academics. In the end, 
well done research can be really beneficial (e.g., by figuring out changes to 
RFCs); It just MUST not cause harm, and that harm is often not apparent, 
certainly not to people usually found in IRBs, and often not even for people 
that are not actively involved in that _specific_ type of system (Say, DNSOP 
assessing Mail measurements, or MAILOP commenting on some BGP experiments, even 
though, of course, there are community overlaps).

> His tenure should be pulled. He has a pattern demonstrating ignorance of his 
> field of study.
This is not fine; At least in my personal opinion. It is essentially what I 
talked about in my previous mail when referring to rather frustrated comments 
that do not necessarily take into account that the person on the other end of 
the communication is also a, well, person.
Furthermore, it--again--does not really help in mitigating the underlying 
problem, which is a bit bigger than just one person doing research, but instead 
may even make it worse.
I would usually have this discussion off-list, but given that you posted this 
to the list as well, it might be worthwhile to talk about it somewhat openly, 
as it relates to how we want to interact with each other here.

The reason I believe that comment is not fine is that it rather directly 
attacks Tijay as a person, without considering the context of events. Your 
earlier statements in that context were even a bit stronger. In any case, this 
is certainly not in line with how I would expect a rather senior engineer to 
communicate, especially given that this message may also be read by more junior 
people directly. In the end, we are all shaping the tone in the community.

Specifically, your call for revoking tenure is relatively close to "make that 
person lose their job and prevent them from ever working in that field again". 
This is usually done when people demonstrate significant neglect of ethical 
standards and practices in their _academic field_.* The problem here, though, 
as I mentioned above are those standards and practices (or rather: Especially 
the incentive structures and requirements) in the field, which are just 
incompatible with how the Internet works (and this issue is certainly not 
restricted to mail). So, you are basically putting a lot of (kind of justified) 
frustration at academic research at large into comments towards a single person.

Furthermore, when I think about the impact of one of the measurement studies 
(crashing MXes of smaller ops running off-the-shelf frameworks), I cannot shake 
off the feeling that a reply to one of those operators posting to mailop asking 
for help with the issue (without the measurements having been tied to Tijay) 
could very well have been: "Ah, yeah. Unethical scans. But you should have 
figured that out by yourself. Maybe, if you can't debug something that simple, 
and figure out how to block it, you shouldn't be running mail-servers on the 
Internet. *shrug*" 

Which, I think, illustrates the point about tone I hinted at earlier a bit more.

Instead, I would expect clear, yet respectful, communication that takes the 
underlying problem into account and works towards a solution, making sure that 
the problem does not occur again in the future, independent from the people 
involved, while the people involved are allowed to grow. 

But that may just be me.

With best regards,

* Note

Re: [mailop] SPF (and other email security protocols) Survey

2022-11-23 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Hello John,
> So if they were competemnt and ethical, tney would stop and find people to 
> work with who understand the issues so they can do research that is not 
> abusive and could have useful results.  Unfortunately, as we have seen, they 
> are neither.

I personally believe (and sincerely hope that my believes are not disappointed 
here) that this stopping, reflecting, and improving is currently taking place, 
and has been for some time, as signified by no new mail measurements I know of 
having hit the world from the group so far.

> Having spent my entire life in and around academia, I have no sympathy for 
> people who say that since we are so nice and our goals are virtuous it 
> excuses the stuff we are doing. No, it does not.

You are attacking a strawman here, one where I obviously (and usually quiet 
aggressively) agree with your point.

My argument was that it is hardly possible to gain a sufficient understanding 
of many protocols to be able to thoroughly design network measurements while 
accounting for all possible harms within the time available for a PhD. That is 
just as much a recipe for disaster as it is a practical reality for many people 
out there; Start your PhD, do four papers in four years, and have your first 
one submitted by the end of year 1. Learning by doing, breaking too much in the 
meantime, which is not a desirable state of affairs, especially given that with 
the standard-academia-workload no PI will be able to thoroughly vet what their 
students built.

To still be able to make a positive difference, I started my current efforts to 
build something to curb this issue; Because no matter if one extends sympathies 
to people doing harm out of ignorance (no matter whether you see the cause for 
that in an underlying system or not), the truth is also that those measurements 
will keep hitting the Internet.

I might have a bit too much of an idealistic world view here, but I believe 
established infrastructure which provides proper feedback from more experienced 
people before packets hit the fan (to which one can also point people to if 
they make mistakes) can really make a positive difference here, especially if 
people who really know what they are doing are willing to look at things before 
they are let out on the Internet.

Talking of which: John, would you be willing to be part of something like that? 
I mean, it will probably take quiet some time until I have this going, so this 
would be a commitment for an undetermined future point in time (mostly due to 
me not having a /23 v4 spare for the project; But I am working on it. And of 
course then there is the adoption thing.)... But I believe your eyes in such a 
project might actually allow quiet a lot of students to learn a lot.

With best regards,


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] SPF (and other email security protocols) Survey

2022-11-23 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> Please, give us the IP ranges these clowns are using so we can block all 
> traffic from them.
Not sure which 'clowns' you refer to; 

If this is about the sum of researchers under the mechanics of current academia 
which might release crappy measurements to the public, I sadly lack such a list;
If I manage to get the circus^Wmeasurement AS going I will certainly share the 
prefixes (and ASN) for people to block. After all, that is part of its point.

If you are referring to Tijay: Stuff is being built on EC2, and I leave it to 
Tijay if he already wants to share the IPs; 
However, as long as I can and want to give some input on that project, that SPF 
measurement setup will not originate any measurements until some issues are 
resolved. So, I am not sure how much of a point is in that at the moment, 
especially as those addresses may still change.

If and when those issues are resolved whatever IPs it will be running from will 
be first communicated, with enough time for people to take measures.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] SPF (and other email security protocols) Survey

2022-11-24 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Hello Andrew
> If VT PhD students don't have the experience needed in the topics they study, 
> then shouldn't VT change either the students or the topics ?
As I said, this is not about specific instances, people, or VT in particular.

It is more of an observation that while in 1988, you could go through 
RFC1031-1035 and have a rather complete overview of DNS (picked as an example 

That changed since then, not only for DNS; Mail, TCP,... they all grew. A lot.

At the same time--sticking with DNS here--countless ways of 'holding it wrong' 
emerged in practice, far beyond RFC1537 and RFC1912. 
And to do proper measurements (in terms of 'not unethical' and imho also in 
terms of 'actually reliable') you MUST know all of this.
When I look at the people with whom I graduated my master, who went on to work 
on DNS implementations:
They spent _at least_ as much (likely more) time on DNS alone as I did on my 
whole PhD.
And a PhD comes with a lot of other things added to it (teaching, funding, 
different topics); It is more like a mixed bag of beans.
And still they will _always_ know more about DNS than me.

Which brings us to the academic-philosophical point: Technically, I would 
expect a PhD to be exactly about that: 
Having the time to _really_ dig into something, getting to the bottom of it, 
and making meaningful contributions to the state of knowledge; if it takes five 
years, a decade, or more.
But then again, as said earlier in this thread, I tend to be a bit (too) 
Nevertheless, from your message, I believe that we actually agree on this.

Closing the loop: Academia has grown into an output focused, measured, and 
managed ecosystem in many places*.
People have 4 (EU) to 6 (US-ish) Years for a PhD, with an expectations of 3-5 
papers in well regarded venues.
There is simply not the time for engaging sufficiently deeply with many 
technologies, and--throwing another punch here--I think many CS BSc/MSC 
programs also do not necessarily provide the right foundation for that.
Teaching is another chore many faculty run through, while all things fall of 
different corners of the plate at the same time (and far too often faculty 
members' mental health as well; Burnout in academia is a thing).

And to circle back to on-topic: The result of that is what then pops up in 
So it isn't about 'should VT change [something]'; It is more 'shouldn't society 
change the incentive structure and general setup around academia as a whole'?
I have quite some opinions there, boiling down to the answers 'yes' (and 
suspect most here will agree with that).
But that is not really in my power; So I try to do what I can instead 
(channeling results of the system into a more manageable frame, while trying to 
teach those students I directly work with at the institution I am at).

In any case, I believe that harsh words when something (predictably and 
repeatedly) goes wrong with that system in place will not bring us closer to a 

With best regards,

*I am not really planning to make a full argument on why I believe that this 
approach is really detrimental to the acquisition of knowledge and education of 
students; It is beyond the scope of this ML, and I assume I'd be preaching to 
the choir. If you are more interested in this, I can recommend a (somewhat 
recent) measurement study of mine into/tangential to the topic; The discussion 
actually touches on some of these points, and provides good pointers to further 
work on it: 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop]

2022-11-26 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> they mean that you must have an webpage(imprint) (on your mail-domain (fqdn 
> or domain itself)) with contact information (name, postal address, email, 
> probably phone number).
I personally have the feeling that that got a bit more relaxed over time; At 
least the last two times I interacted with them a missing imprint was not an 
issue; Then again, that may also be somewhat dependent on the IP space you come 

I guess it is mostly a thing bound to the choices of the postmaster-on-duty who 
gets the ticket; In any case, they are usually 24/7 and will also mention if 
something/what is missing/preventing them from allowlisting.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] How to delegate DMARC reporting to third-party providers for inbound mails

2022-11-29 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
As said by Alessandro; You will have to make the tool you are currently using 
for validating DKIM/SPF -> DMARC generate and send the reports.

What works well for me is rspamd [1], but there is also a tool for postfix 
(iirc; maybe somebody else can weigh in there). Similarly, there should be 
something for TLS-RPT.

What you should keep in mind when setting this up, though, is that you can 
actually run into rather loop-y behavior if you originate your dmarc reports 
from a domain that requests reports itself (best practice would be originating 
from a subdomain not requesting reports; you could also exclude originating 
reports for that domain, at least with rspamd):
- You get a mail
- You sent a report
- Other party gets a mail (the report)
- Other party sends out report (because they got a mail from you)
- You get a mail...

For my setup, that is something I still plan to fix. :-|

With best regards,


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] OpenDMARC

2022-12-26 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

On Mon, 2022-12-26 at 21:42 +0200, Mary via mailop wrote:
> ...
> Are there any alternatives to OpenDMARC and OpenDKIM?

I had a lot of good experiences with rspamd; Also, it felt 'easier to
hold' to reduce the influx of spam, as you can tighten things
selectively; Of course, you can also just use the signing/validation
parts and use $something_else for spam filtering.

Added bonus: Supports ARC as well, and can send DMARC reports ootb.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Measurement study on understanding global email configuration quality

2020-07-07 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
Dear all,
I am a researcher at TU Delft in the Netherlands, looking into Network 
Security, Protocol Adoption and human factors.
My student Olamide is looking into how well _sending_ email setups are 
maintained around the globe. 
For this, we need many people, ideally from 'smaller' providers, i.e., with non 
gmail/hotmail/yahoo addresses, to send us emails.
Please consider participating in this study, and sharing it in your networks. 
To help us, please follow the instructions at:   

Important caveat: If your mailer validates recipient addresses before accepting 
mails for delivery, you might be unable to send to destination addresses that 
are (a) only resolvable via IPv6 only, or (b) Have broken DNSSEC, which we use 
to test DNSSEC validation. If this is the case, please just remove the 1-3 
offending addresses from the To: header. Please also note that our test setups 
will test whether the host delivering mails to us is an open relay. Also note 
that you may receive bounces from your mailserver for some of the destination 
addresses, e.g., if mails cannot be delivered via IPv6, or if your mail-setup 
validates DANE records for our DANE test domain. We do _not_ need a copy of 
those bounces.

In case you want to get results for a domain you operate or use early, please 
just drop me an email from the same domain and delivering servers after you 
participated, and I will share the data with you. :-)

Met vriendelijke groet,
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig,
Assistant Professor / Universitair Docent
Department Engineering Systems and Services

Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie (ICT)
TU Delft / Dept. ESS
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TBM)
Building 31
Jaffalaan 5 - room B3.170
2628 BX  Delft
P.O.Box 5015
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
T +31 (0)15 27 85700

Present: Monday t/m Friday

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-27 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

after our paper on mail sending configurations some time ago [1], we
now glued that together into a self-service site:

I'd be happy to hear your feedback, especially if things do not work as
expected (then, your test ID and ideally stored emails would be really
helpful, so i can double check what went wrong). More details below
(also see [2] for an overview of the tests we run). 

Please note that setting up the tests (as we have to configure vhosts
for some MTA-STS cases etc.) takes some time on our site. The test-site
should periodically reload and provide the status. As we use JS for
that part, please reload it manually every few minutes if you block JS.

I would also be interested to hear what you think should be included in
addition to the current tests; Some of our plans for the future below
as well.

We already found some interesting bits, like Vultr having lame v6
delegation for their AuthNS servers' domain, making their domain and
rDNS non v6-resolvable [3], or mail-in-a-box using relaxed/simple for
DKIM, which breaks signature validity on long To: headers [4].

If you want me to block certain domains/IPv(4|6) ranges or ASes for the
service to keep your users from using it, please let me know and i will
implement it asap.

# Overview

The site tests a variety of parameters about mail sending (details:
[2]), by evaluating mails a user sends us in reply to a message that
can be requested on the site. Simply requesting a message on the site
does not start any evaluation or measurements, i.e., you have to send a
reply-all to a requested message to start the evaluation. After the
test, you can also delete the test or download a copy of your data, and
if you opted to do so, a copy of the emails as we received them.

# Method

Users send emails to us (in reply-all to a message we sent, for easier
usability).Target MXes on our site are either configured in a fully RFC
compliant way, or intentionally misconfigured in a common way (broken
DNSSEC for the domain, for example, or a broken DANE record, again, see
[2] for an overview). Thereby, we can determine the
configuration/support of features by the senders' MXes.

# Possible Harm

The worst thing that should happen to mail operators is finding
specific undeliverable mails (broken DNSSEC if DNSSEC is validated, v6
only DNS if no IPv6 DNS resolution is supported) in their mail queue,
or users receiving bounces (see FAQ on the page). So far the system has
been tested with several hundred mail-setups, without encountering
issues. If you encounter other unintended side-effects, please reach
out to or me directly off-list.

# Test details

Specifically, we are testing:
- v4 Mail sending
- v6 Mail sending
- Greylisting support

- Transport encryption (Plaintext/TLS cipher strength and version
support, opportunistic encryption)
- DANE support outbound, i.e., if you honor DANE
- MTA-STS support outbound, i.e., if you honor MTA-STS (incl. whether
you prefer DANE over MTA-STS, as it should be)
- Sending of TLS reports and whether these are standard compliant, also
providing a copy of the received report (Google's are not perfect, btw.

- DNS resolvers used by the mailserver
- Whether the mailers' DNS servers resolve via IPv6
- Whether the mailers' DNS servers validate DNSSEC

- If all names relevant for email delivery resolve via IPv6
- If all names relevant for email delivery are DNSSEC signed

- Mailer-basics (ehlo=rdns=fcrdns), SPF (from/envelope)
- SPF policy size (by retrieving your policy, up to 20 referrals deep)
- DKIM (also checking key-sizes, algorithm mismatches and
canonicalization issues; These are surprisingly common, i.e., simple
being set breaking only in cases not caught by standard dkim testers)
- DMARC (policy validity, conformance of sent mails, displaying
implicit defaults)
- DMARC report deliverability by sending one(1) valid DMARC report for
a received email, including authorization of out-of-domain RUA/RUF
(also providing a copy of any bounces received)

- Full IPv6 readiness (join over three previous IPv6 tests)

- Whether any headers that should not be duplicated are duplicated
- Whether any mandatory headers are missing
- If From/Envelope match

# Planned tests

- evaluate outbound spam filtering
- evaluate received_from stripping
- test for inbound-link parsers
- cluster by provider (via MTA sets), not domain
- Add DANE checks for senders' MXes
- test for host-addresses in SPF prefixes
- add MTA-STS check for senders' domains
- add test for handling more than 5 MX with only the lowest-prio one(s)
being reachable
- requesting-domains' MX aspects (null MX, IPv4/6 addr in MX record,
non-reachable MX, broken MTA-STS/TLSA, broken DNSSEC, validation of our
setups SPF/DKIM (via DNS server logs, v6 resolvability), etc.). 

With best regards,


Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-27 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> The inevitable questions about how bad the issues are. I.e. what
> could happen?:
> - My ip4 and ip6 reverse DNS records are not DNSSEC-signed. I could
> ask my hosting provider if they can sign them. Could there be a
> reason not to?
> - I'm not DKIM-signing the MIME-Version header (marked as minor
> issue).
Well, as long as your mail gets delivered, it is not to bad, is it?

More seriously; The indicators are more like "should improve" (stop-
shield), "could improve" (road-block), and "fun-fact" (light bulb on

Nobody will die (or rather: Have their mails not delivered) if your
rDNS is not DNSSEC signed. But in an ideal world it should be.
Naturally, non-fcrDNS is a lot worse than that; But then again, you
should be able to interpret that when running a mail-server. ;-)

For DKIM, btw, i got poked re: my rather RFC4871-ish interpretation; I
revisited that to now only add a note (small light-bulb) if some
headers in the 'think about doing it depending on your use-case'-frame
introduced with RFC6376 are unsigned, while not signing From: now
triggers a "should improve".

> I'm happy to see my ed25519 dkim signatures are accepted by someone.
> (:
Fun story how the setup got to that, actually... during testing a
tester had an RSA key marked as ed25519 in DNS, while signing with an
actual ed25519 key; Lead to a lot more fine-grained evaluation in the
tool, incl. plausibility checks for pubkeys in the DNS.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> Looks like an useful utility for testing these things out live.

> One thing though, the EHLO and rDNS comparison is case-sensitive,
> there should really be no need?

No, there indeed isn't; Thanks, good catch! Already patched and will
deploy in a bit (some more bugs to address from other messages).

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> Thanks for this.  I tried it a few days ago (I think because you 
> posted it to opensmtpd-misc? :-) 
Yeah, also shared it there, hoping for more motivation to implement
DANE/MTA-STS in OpenSMTPd. Next escalation step is releasing code i
wrote for other projects and threatening to send patches. ;-P

> and without doing anything my ‘score’ went from 7 to 8 since I last
> checked!  At this rate I expect a 10 by Friday.
Unlikely ;-) But i got more lenient with DKIM headers, which might have
improved your score.

> Is DNSSEC-signing PTR records common?  Will it affect delivery in 
> practice?
I doubt that it affects deliverability in any way (if, at all,
negatively, if DNSSEC breaks... which... well.) The test mostly works
from a 'perfect world' perspective, and there, of course, everything
DNS would be DNSSEC signed. ;-)

> One confusing UI thing: under ‘DMARC’, the ‘(default)’ is either 
> in error or its meaning unclear:
>   adkim s (default)    (plain-text; OPTIONAL; default is "r".) 
>   …
>   aspf  s (default)    (plain-text; OPTIONAL; default is "r".) 
>   …
>   fo    1 (default)    … (plain-text; OPTIONAL; default is 
>   "0").

Thanks for catching that; Found and fixed. :-) Pushing when i am
through all the feedback.

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> For DMARC, there is a parsing bug.  My DMARC record consists of three
> concatenated strings, which should be joined as usual.  The view
> shown in the report strips the leading and trailing double quotes,
> but not the intermediate ones:
> v=DMARC1; p=none; " "; "
> ";
> Only v= is parsed correctly; p=, rua= and ruf= result as unset.
Ok, thanks; Identified and fixed.

> For DKIM, the test requires 2048 bit keys.  RFC 8301 says "Signers
> MUST use RSA keys of at least 1024 bits for all keys.  Signers SHOULD
> use RSA keys of at least 2048 bits."  According to RFC 2119, that
> means that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances
> to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be
> understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course. 
> As I carefully weighted the decision to use a small key —0 attacks in
> several years— I'd have expected an 💡Ok, but watch notes on this.
Hm... I see your point. However, I'd go with 'Should improve', kind of
sticking with the RFC phrasing here; A (more general) issue, though is
the absence of a clear distinction between 'should' level issues, and
'must' level issues (say, missing rDNS alltogether).

What should definately be the case is skipping a warning if there is at
least one other RSA2048 or ED25519 key. Will fix that.

> Also, the diagnostic urges me to sign more header fields. 
> Specifically, it says "see RFC6376 Sec. 5.4: content-transfer-
> encoding:content-type:message-id:mime-version".  It is necessary to
> sign Content-Type: only if the sender signs a limited amount of the
> body, using l=; in that case, altering Content-Type:, a text/plain
> message can be turned into the MIME prologue of a multipart message. 
> Otherwise, signing those fields doesn't add a significant guarantee
> of message integrity.  Signing /technical/ fields, as opposed to
> semantic ones, in my experience irretrievably decrease signature
> resilience.  That is because most mailing lists and other agents
> disregard the original content of such field.  For example, I could
> not verify's signature of the message I'm replying to,
> whose Content-Transfer-Encoding: was changed to base64, while I
> expect to DKIM verify this message.  See this draft[*] for the method
> to do so.
Hrm, good point. I had initially skipped the approach as in RFC6376;
Following that now, i moved all non-signed headers to '💡Ok' (except
for from: being signed.) I will spend more time on thinking about a
good way to address this.

> A test I'd like to make, somewhat more intrusive than replying to
> all, is about DMARC aggregate report correctness.  It would require
> domain owners to provide a target address at their domain.  The
> server would then send a number of messages to that address, some
> from a domain with strict DMARC policies, some from a low-reputation
> IP, some with an EICAR test attached, some from non-existent From:
> domain, and so forth.  On the next day, the diagnostic will examine
> the DMARC report received, if any, and check its correctness, both
> formal and semantic.  Fancy it?

Would be an awesome idea, and i am noting it down. However, given that
there can be a rather strong wind blowing for email measurement setups
that originate emails for measurement purposes (i feel the
implementation we have now is already a stretch with one potentially
unsolicited email being sent), i'll rather skip on that for now.

Thanks for the feedback. Will implement the better handling of multiple
DKIM signatures and then push.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
dmarcv1 is a typo in the description (i correctly check for DMARC1,
otherwise this would have shown up earlier); 

The actual complaint is psd=n; Lemme see if i can make the report more
clear re: where it complained.

Do you maybe have some context on psd=n? I can't find it in 7489.

With best regards,

On Tue, 2023-02-28 at 17:32 -0500, John Levine wrote:
> It appears that Tobias Fiebig via mailop  said:
> > Heho,
> > 
> > after our paper on mail sending configurations some time ago [1],
> > we
> > now glued that together into a self-service site: 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > I'd be happy to hear your feedback, especially if things do not
> > work as
> > expected (then, your test ID and ideally stored emails would be
> > really
> > helpful, 
> It's complaining that my DMARC record is invalid because it doesn't
> start with "v=DKIMv1".  What?
> Test ID ttada96061gfwnvbuthbycansr5h34
> R's,
> John

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Tue, 2023-02-28 at 17:53 -0500, John R Levine wrote:
> > dmarcv1 is a typo in the description (i correctly check for DMARC1,
> > otherwise this would have shown up earlier);
> ??
er... DKIMv1... -.-' The check checks for v=DMARC1, not DKIMv1 as the
description implies; Currently fixing that.

> It's in RFC 9091 and in the DMARC update currently in draft form at
> the IETF.  The intention was always that you could put private
> clauses in DMARC records which get ignored by clients that don't
> understand them, but the ABNF was overly clever.  That's fixed in the
> new draft too.
Will fix that part asap/tonight; Will let you know if it should behave

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-02-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> It's in RFC 9091 and in the DMARC update currently in draft form at
> the IETF.  The intention was always that you could put private
> clauses in DMARC records which get ignored by clients that don't
> understand them, but the ABNF was overly clever.  That's fixed in the
> new draft too.

Hrm, digging through this; dmarcbis-27 now; Indeed there are some
interesting changes; Implementing this will take some time. Also, given
key differences in record parsing (esp. the MUST in -27 2nd to last
par. of 5.3, vs. SHOULD same place in 6.3 of 7489) might have
interesting implications re: behavior in real world systems, esp. when
looking at the long tail of 'mail-in-a-docker-ish' setups glued
together with curl | sudo bash.

I guess what i will do (with a bit more time) is actually implement
both interpretations to policy parsing (7489 as written, not as
intended vs. dmarcbis-27) with scoring being at one-passing-is-enough.

John: Btw, what I am wondering; Given the last par of 6.3 in 7489,
shouldn't dmarcbis switch to DMARC2, given that there are changes to
existing tags (REQUIRED -> RECOMMENDED for p, removal of pct, rf, and
ri), or does that not constitute a change? (Quick thought; Pretty sure
there is a mail-thread on the list, though; Will dig through that

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-01 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

On Tue, 2023-02-28 at 22:21 -0500, John Levine wrote:
> We briefly considered that and decided against it because the vast
> majority of actual DMARC records will continue to work unchanged, and
> long experience says that if you try to change the version number,
> you end up living with the old and new versions forever.
Yeah; Maybe it's time for an RFC for next month only containing "All
IETF created protocols MUST not have a numbered version indicator."
(This is (only partially) joking; But i somehow feel like there will
never be DKIMv2, STSv2, or TLSRPTv2 ;-)) 

> Remember that unknown tags are now ignored. In practice pct turned
> out to be impossible to implement so most people didn't try. The
> required->recommended for p= is to make it consistent with the
> _report._dmarc records in section 7.1 of RFC 7489.
Hm, yeah, and introduced tags should not be an issue as per 7489

Still, i am a bit wondering; Looking at the data flushed in so far (and
already multiple bugs filed against implementations)... there are a lot
of funny milters and often unmaintained software integrated in funny
docker stacks (probably preaching to the choir there, but i have a lot
of grievances with those setups), and generally a lot of awry things
( IN TXT "v=spf1 -all" is, for example,
far more common than i'd have ever believed...).

Then again, considering how bad _my_ code usually is... i am not too
sure how well many of those libs hold up towards change.

Point being, it might be interesting to conduct a structured study into
how different implementations in different versions handle DMARC
policies with different levels of 'errors' to inform this. I have a
colleague who might still have a lab-setup of implementations around,
to see if they could quickly do that.

With that information, i could then also provide a better score for
DMARC parsing, i.e., make a statement on like "current policy would
validate in $list_of_common_implementations but not in

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-01 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop


> My system has five mail items still queued, that won't be delivered.
> Two because of broken DNSSEC, three because of invalid TLSA records.
> (It's report ppk95bat9arnakovq5nmljen4n342u, by the way.)
> The consequences of this in the report could be somewhat confusing. 
> It says "Not all DANE related emails have been sent; We are lacking
> information to analyze DANE support.", and "The DNS resolver your
> email provider/server relies on, Mail for DNSSEC enabled DNS
> Resolution tests not sent; Cannot assess test. DNSSEC."  That sounds
> like something is wrong, but there really isn't, if I understand this
> correctly; you just don't have the responses that would have told you
> that my system sent you something when it shouldn't have. 
Hrm, this depends on how you sent the emails; What we do to establish
if an email to a measurement target address (see detail page) has been
sent is check all To: addresses in each email we receive. Technically,
all 29 measurement destinations should be in the To: header of all
measurement mails. 

Specific emails not arriving is actually the signal we use to
determine, e.g., DNSSEC support. But we added the To: check to
distinguish between 'DNSSEC used' and 'specific mail not sent'.

You did not check 'store my emails', though, so i cannot check how you
did it for your test. I'd suspect something along the lines of 'one
mail with one To: per measurement destination'?

If you'd like to look into this a bit more, could you maybe run another
test, but check the box for 'store my emails'?

> (Also, I think maybe that last quote needs rewording - looks like
> it's missing one or more words?)
Yeah, good catch, fixing in a second.

> Further, all the nice little icons on the report page are Unicode
> characters, which works fine on Linux, and probably Windows, but on
> my workstation, which runs NetBSD, I don't have whatever font that
> is, so I just get those little boxes with the Unicode code point
> numbers in them. I guess actual graphics would be more portably
> rendered.
Given the high portion of the measurement setup running on BSD, this is
somewhat embarrassing. ;-) I would have expected the specific fonts to
be delivered with the site. (UI stuff is somewhat difficult... and "not
my core-strength". Will see if something can be done to make this
render well on netbsd as well. Which browser are you using?
w3m/links(2) with fb rendering or something with a gui?

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-01 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> Will do - have been waiting for the web site to send me another mail
> for a while, now, but it seems I'll have to leave it until morning. 
> I'm guessing it's rather busy, with lots of people wanting to try it?
Gnah... seems like i got ratelimited at LE's staging environment for
(somewhat good) reasons; Hot fixed it for now and will migrate to a
self-signed cert later. (It _would_ be cool to have actually valid LE
certs to properly test MTA-STS rpt sending; But then again...

If you try this again tomorrow you have to start a new test, as tests
that do not receive a reply within an hour get removed (minimizing data
storage etc.)

> It's Firefox.
Hrm, will give that a shot later, iirc the fonts should come with the

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

[mailop] DKIM tlsrpt Service Tag

2023-03-01 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
going through results of my measurement setup, i noticed that from
three organizations that so far delivered TLS-RPT, exaclty none have
the tlsrpt DKIM service type used as SHOULD'ed in RFC8460.

Looking at the errata, Errata ID: 5889 notes that this tag was never
registered (and indeed wasn't until now), and should be registered
either using an additional document only doing the reg either through
DISPATCH or an AD sponsored doc; That was ~3y ago.

Does anyone know if this just slipped off the table somewhere, or if
there was consensus to just skip on the servicetype given it is just
'SHOULD be present' 'MAY ignore' in the RFC (given the observable
number of users of TLS-RPT so far, calling it "consensus" might be a
stretch, though ;-))?

Wondering, because dkimpy at least by default verifies the tag, and i
currenlty have this as a 'could improve' rating.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

the 'issue' was indeed that you moved the addresses to Cc: instead of
To:; Us not checking there is actually somewhat of an oversight.

Fixed and pushed.

With best regards,

On Thu, 2023-03-02 at 09:13 +0100, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> Tobias Fiebig via mailop  writes:
> > If you try this again tomorrow you have to start a new test, as
> > tests
> > that do not receive a reply within an hour get removed (minimizing
> > data
> > storage etc.)
> I just did - same results, and test ID is
> gq7oj8xk44aw452j4e4fzf7vhpu4v3.
> -tih

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

Hello Mark,
> We got a ding on our DNSSEC score, because the PTR record isn't
> signed.  Is this really as big an issue as the explanatory test makes
> out?
The tool looks for a perfect world, which there isn't. Un-signed rDNS
is not really a bad thing (of course, a hypothetical attacker could
temper with your rDNS to make fcrDNS fail to get your mails rejected...
but that is erm... "mildly unlikely".)

Still, if i'd not deduct points for those things, everyone would get a
10. ;-)

> We also got a ding on our MTA-STS record,
> but said the only problem is a
> missing CRLF at the end of our txt file; easy enough to fix.  This
> tool however just said that our system doesn't support MTA-STS.
>  After I add the CRLF I'll rerun the test; if it still fails, I'll
> report back.
Actually... you did not get anything for your MTA-STS record, because
we're not testing that. You got that for your validation of and
adherence to MTA-STS policies when _sending_ mails.

I.e.: You don't validate/follow _our_ MTA-STS policy when sending

Besides: The CRLF thing is actually a bit funny; The RFC iirc just says
'delimited by', so i am not too sure whether it really must be at the
end of the file; And then there is an errata clarifying that you can
also delimit with LF instead of CRLF as mentioned in the RFC.

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] DKIM tlsrpt Service Tag

2023-03-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Wed, 2023-03-01 at 22:02 -0500, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> In retrospect the service tag was a mistake. It's not widely
> implemented, so if you use anything other than s=email you will lose
> mail because recipient systems will get confused.  The MTAs that
> receive mta-sts messages generally have no idea there is supposed
> to be something special about those messags.

I am still not really sure what to make of it; Based on (the three)
TLS-RPT i have seen so far, 'not using s=tlsrpt' is actually the lived
practice. With the state of the RFC, i am not even sure whether
s=tlsrpt would be valid to set in the first place.

With the state of things missing s=tlsrpt should still give a passing
score (with note, though, listing this whole situation). What i am not
overly sure about is whether it might not make sense to set a 'could
improve' if i ever encounter the unicorn of an entity sending TLS-RPT
_and_ having that record set.

Any suggestions?

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> ...and now it gives me 9 out of 10, acknowledging that my MTA
> verifies DNSSEC and honors TLSA records.
My own domain (and the sending for scores
9/10 as well; Mostly because OpenSMTPd lacks DANE and MTA-STS
validation... and TLS-RPT sending... that is a whole nother beast.

> Of course, I'll never get a 10 out of 10.  I'll implement TLS
> reports, by and by, but MTA-STS will be supported here over my dead
> body.  :)
I share your sentiment. I am not a fan of MTA-STS, and honestly not
really sure which problem it solves.

> This is the most impressive email testing system I've ever seen.
Thanks. The todo is still long, and the code bad. ;-) But i am trying 
to get it into a robust state; It can be rather surprising how emails
look in the wild.

Newest find: Bump message storage in the DB from BLOB to LONGBLOB, 
because apparently there are 167KB(!) bounces these days... size 
mostly added by the NDR. -.-'

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> If I recall correctly, POSIX says that a line of text is not a line
> of text unless it ends in a proper line ending marker.  I'm unsure of
> the details, here, but I am sure that when, a few years ago, I dug
> deeply into this, I concluded that the last line of a UNIX text file
> absolutely has to end with an LF for the line to be unequivocally
> part of the file.

If I read RFC8461 correctly, this is not required for MTA-STS policies:

RFC8461, Sec. 3.2.
> sts-policy-record= sts-policy-field *WSP
>*(sts-policy-term sts-policy-field *WSP)


With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] DKIM tlsrpt Service Tag

2023-03-02 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Thu, 2023-03-02 at 14:53 -0500, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> In my experience very few DKIM verifiers know what to do with
> s=tlsrpt. I wouldn't look for it.
Well, the looking code is already there; But given this is 
essentially a unicorn i am unlikely ever to see, i'll just
go with 'Ok' for now.

If i ever see one in the wild, i'll metion it here. 

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-03 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

no, i at least make the assumption that the people who get themselves
to implement MTA-STS (in either direction) will also have PKIX valid

And that group of orgs is relatively small. 

In contrast, you can, e.g., just enable dane for you N-thousand
customers by adding records to _your_ MXes.

But, as said some years ago when i first complained about this: I
wasn't there to give this input when it was spec'ed; So my complaining
now also has _some_ limits. ;-)

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-03 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

On Fri, 2023-03-03 at 17:02 +0100, Ángel via mailop wrote:
> Note you could use a  a refresh-every-10-seconds functionality. (meta refresh could be
> blocked as well, though)
Briefly considered that; However, contrary to JS (which is often
ignored by screenreaders) the HTML manual put a warning marker on that
in terms of accessibility. So i decided to skip on that.

> I was kinda surprised that whitespace was allowed here in javascript,
> btw: “window .location.reload();”

"ups"; Fix is in staging (along with a better description for reverse
DNS being unsigned, making clear that signing that is more in the
'because we can' realm and "some _theoretical_ attacks". 

Also currently setting up an open v6 only resolver that will be
referenced for v6 only resolution. ;-)

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [EXT] - Re: New member, trying to bring our mail server inline.

2023-03-04 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop


> Check that no other filters alter those fields after signing.  Can
> you sign messages off-line?  Do Bcc: copies verify? (Use any off-line
> dkim verifier.)
You can also give a try and
(important!) select "Store my emails so I can download them later."
before requesting the test mail.

Then, when you click 'Download Data', you get the mbox files of the
messages as we received them; You can then try to further debug this
with dkimverify locally, i.e., edit the mbox file to change things, run
dkimverify, and see if that was what made the sig fail.

Of course, even if you store emails, as soon as you click 'Delete
Test', they are removed. ;-)

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mail Sending Self-Test Platform

2023-03-04 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> Heh, it turns out that actually works, so not a big deal :-)
Not tooo sure; There were a lot of timeouting tests which looked like
'did not reload page'; Wouldn't be surprised if _some_ browsers are
fine with it, while others aren't. Anyway, for good measure, it's fixed
now. ;-)

And thanks again for finding it. :-)

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] servers disconnecting before 250 OK

2023-03-07 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Tue, 2023-03-07 at 14:34 -0500, Bill Cole via mailop wrote:
> What is happening in that 125-second gap? Why are *you* timing out
> after 125 seconds?

To add to Bill's suggestion, given this happens after DATA: Check the
(path) MTU.

Btw, is there any hypothetical chance that your mailer might be running
on a KVM/QEMU virtualized platform and might be using rtl8139 virtual
NICs (no offense meant; this is a very wild guess, but from the looks
of it, your org. might fit the unlikely arrangement of stars and a full
moon that could lead to that.)

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] IP RBLs and large cidr blocks

2023-03-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> > I mentioned to Michael -- in a direct email -- that I wonder if
> > there is an opportunity to put something in parent DNS zones in the
> > .arpa sub-domains, much like DS records for DNSSEC go in parent
> > zones, so that an IP provider (or at least naming authority) can
> > specify that a range is delegated to another entity.
> Usually this is ONLY done for a /24 or greater by upstream
> providers.. (While it can get done for smaller blocks, you end up
> with that ugly double PTR record, one from the provider and one from
> your DNS server)
_This_ is what the IRR system/'rwhois' is for, no? I usually put
objects for v4 i delegate into IRR, same for v6; I recall that hetzner
also does (used to do?) this for delegated networks in their dedicated
server product. At least the RIPEDB comes with an API.

ARIN even says explicitly that ISPs only have 7(!) days to submit
reassignments of v4/29 v6/56 or shorter to the database.

> > I also mentioned that miscreants would be likely to abuse this and 
> > artificially divide their IP space so that bans on some parts would
> > not effect other parts.  Hence the need to have a larger addressing
> > /naming authority provide this.
Yeah, like, the LIRs? (Granted, the bar to become a LIR in RIPE is not
that high (and an LLC not that much more difficult to get for the other
RIRs; But you can technically nuke bad-faith LIRs from orb... er

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Sometimes I hate Microsoft :)

2023-03-10 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
i actually occasionally get NDRs from them; One of them actually broke
parsing for my funny mail measurement setup recently, because it was
way in excess of 100kb... and i thought 640kb should be enough for
everyone^Wmail. -.-'

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

[mailop] / 2001:470:1f14:fa5::2 /

2023-03-11 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

i am currently looking at a weird set of (reoccurring, but i only have
a pcap of one) log events related to an SMTP connect from rDNS with v6 IP
2001:470:1f14:fa5::2 ehlo'ing as

It has a funny interaction with my network, which lets it descent into
a +1.5k PPS / 50mbit+ pmtud exceeded/retransmit storm (which might not
entirely be their fault, though...). Still, i'd like to get to the
bottom of things, and if this is a benign service, i'd like to get in
touch with the people running it.

Googling tied to a measurement system of the Dutch tax
authorities' SOC (dropped them a mail already), but given that this is
behind HE, i'd be surprised if this was _actually_ them.

So, has anyone else seen this in mail.logs/has an idea what that host
is doing?

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] / 2001:470:1f14:fa5::2 /

2023-03-12 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

yeah, the two versatel addr. also have as fDNS. $database yielded a mix of Dutch
gov/academia IPs and random ISP stuff under

For me connections are either the same, or an IO-Error/Worst case the
packet storm.

However, i just get the v6 inbound.

Let's see what their SOC says to this. 

With best regards,

On Sat, 2023-03-11 at 20:34 -0600, Michael Rathbun via mailop wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Mar 2023 02:54:56 +0100, Tobias Fiebig via mailop
>  wrote:
> > So, has anyone else seen this in mail.logs/has an idea what that
> > host
> > is doing?
> The connections here attempt STARTTLS, which fails with SSL error
> 0x80090331.
> These come from and .212, in .nl.  
> This behaviour has been exhibited by a number of other hosts, mostly
> originating from OVH netblocks geolocated in .fr.
> mdr

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] / 2001:470:1f14:fa5::2 /

2023-03-12 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
ok, just had the confirmation in my inbox that this is a .gov
measurement/research project. Will discuss the matter of 'probe
attribution' with them.

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] / 2001:470:1f14:fa5::2 /

2023-03-12 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
and a quick follow up on the root cause:

The HE tunnel host continuously sent packet-to-big messages indicating
an MTU of 1480. The packets that triggered the message had an MTU of
1476, so my openbsd just resent those packets as before (honoring
RFC8201 by the letter, i.e., reducing the MTU to the value communicated
in the ICMP packet; in this case not changing it, triggering the next
ICMP message...):

   When a node receives a Packet Too Big message, it must reduce its
   estimate of the PMTU for the relevant path, based on the value of
   the MTU field in the message.

The root cause seems to have been a pppoe link on path which dropped
the MTU to 1472 effectively, while the tunnel was still configured at
1480. I am not yet sure whether this is a sit/gif implementation issue
at HE or a general thing.

I will try to reproduce the setup next week, also to test if this is
maybe an OpenBSD only thing; Thinking about it, being able to make a
system send ~1-3GB as long as you can make it open a tcp connection to
you sounds like a rather not so fun thing.

With best regards,

On Sun, 2023-03-12 at 12:32 +0100, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:
> Heho,
> ok, just had the confirmation in my inbox that this is a .gov
> measurement/research project. Will discuss the matter of 'probe
> attribution' with them.
> With best regards,
> Tobias
> ___
> mailop mailing list

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Tightening of delivery rules for Exchange Online

2023-03-28 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
i just had this scrolling by:

As i read that, microsoft will now first throttle, and then fully stop
delivery from on-site exchange setups if these are (extremely) outdated
and/or unpatched.

While i do get the sentiment, i am somewhat worried about the box this
mechanic opens.

Are there any other thoughts on this?

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop], I'm so done with you

2023-04-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

On Sat, 2023-04-08 at 17:25 -0700, Neil Anuskiewicz via mailop wrote:
> > On Apr 7, 2023, at 9:26 PM, Jarland Donnell via mailop
> >  wrote:
> > ...
> > Blocking SMTP by default makes sense, but settling on the best way
> > to handle opening it (automated? manual review?) is a discussion
> > that is very easy to get stuck in. I don't know where they're at on
> > that discussion by now, but when I left it was something I would
> > have referred to as "on the table." That to say most of the
> > stakeholders would entertain the discussion.
> > ...
> ...
> As you said mom the current path is upward sloping expenses
> undermining your price competitiveness.  I don’t think you’d lose
> many legit customers over a hoop to jump through for 25. You might
> gain some good but previously hesitant customers.
> ... 

To add on that: Hetzner recently introduced this for their cloud, with
unblocking only being possible after the first invoice has been paid
(iirc). So, at least one big competition in the .eu market already goes
this path.

If somebody from Hetzner is on the list, it would be interesting if
they could chime in how that has been holding up so far.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] Re: PSL: SOA record per subdomain required?!

2023-05-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Tue, 2023-05-09 at 10:19 +0200, Stefano Bagnara via mailop wrote:
> ...
> #1 host -t soa
> is an alias for
> ...
> I guess it is not the missing SOA at #2 because all of our senders
> share that step and most of them show no issues.
> So maybe the issue are the missing SOA at #4/#5, but this would be
> out of control by me or my customer (che municipality of Bardolino).
It is actually the one at #1; or rather, at, even
though adding it at or
should also help.

Talking to a colleague about this; What you could do is move your
current DNS setup behind powerdns frontends with a remote backend:

You could use that with a script to programatically inject SOA/NS/DS
for names matching a specific pattern; At the same time, you could also
use that to roll out DNSSEC. ;-)

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] United Airlines / mileageplus DNS/rDNS mismatch issue

2023-05-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

hm, not sure. Looking at the '' data, fcrdns is
at ~95.5% of senders. For comparison:

DKIM: ~55.2%
SPF & Valid: ~91.0%
TLS: ~96.0%
Greylisting (attempting to resend): ~97.4%
IPv4: ~97.9%
IPv6 (sending): 56.2%
IPv6 (sending+auth DNS+rec DNS): ~35.7%

So even though that sample is a bit biased, i'd say that fcrDNS is more
'lived practice' than SPF. ;-)

With best regards,

On Tue, 2023-05-09 at 11:40 -0700, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
> Hi Laura,
> I think we have to disagree here.  The PTR naming is set via
> SendGrid. 
> It doesn't NEED to be the same as the A record. This is for those
> MTA's 
> that do forward/reverse matching, which isn't always successful.
> Yes, doing that for a IPv6 email address to satisfy Google, go ahead.
> But nothing wrong with sending an email from a PTR with a name, that 
> doens't have the FQDN forward/reverse matched.
> As long as there is a URL associated with the domain name.
> eg. (Redirect to UA site URL)
> Perfect forward/reverse FQDN matching is still a little aggressive
> IMHO, 
> and especially problematic.  Some people think they need 20 PTR
> records, 
> one for each A record.. (No, that is worse)
> Postfix does allow forward/reverse checking, I would NOT enable that
> for 
> the IPv4 space (yet)
> On 2023-05-09 10:22, Laura Atkins via mailop wrote:
> > That’s a Sendgrid IP, they likely told UA to put in a DNS record,
> > but UA 
> > never did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ n
> > 
> > > On 9 May 2023, at 18:01, Stephen Frost via mailop
> > >  
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > Greetings,
> > > 
> > > I'm getting some inbound email attempts that I believe are
> > > legitimate
> > > from United Airlines that are being rejected due to:
> > > 
> > > May  9 12:55:38 tamriel postfix/smtpd[1221960]: warning: hostname
> > > does not resolve to
> > > address 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Tracking this back, near as I can tell, postfix is correct here
> > > in that
> > > / resolves to
> > > but
> > > doesn't seem to actually
> > > exist:
> > > 
> > > dig a
> > > 
> > > ; A
> > > 
> > > 600 INSOA 
> > > 40 10800
> > > 3600 
> > > 2592000 600
> > > 
> > > Hopefully someone on here is from UA or knows how to get in touch
> > > with
> > > someone there who could like into fixing that.
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > 
> > > Stephen
> > > ___
> > > mailop mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > -- 
> > The Delivery Experts
> > 
> > Laura Atkins
> > Word to the Wise
> >
> > 
> > Email Delivery Blog:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > mailop mailing list
> >
> >

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] Re: PSL: SOA record per subdomain required?!

2023-05-09 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Tue, 2023-05-09 at 20:20 -0400, John Levine wrote:
> ...
> There are millions of domains on the Internet and only a few thousand
> in the PSL, so this is not a problem that most people need to worry
> about.

I am actually rather certain that 'not most people' approximately
evaluates to two, with both of them being on this mailing list. ;-)

That being said; Of course, just doing things correctly is (obviously)
the right solution; The 'solution' I outlined is for the specific
context of 'legacy system in place that does not do zone-breaks, how do
we get this fixed while we figure out how to properly fix our tree
because whatever set of scripts currently manages our zone(s) grew
sentient roughly two decades before ChatGPT and is really skeptical of
change'. ;-)

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop]

2023-05-23 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

On Tue, 2023-05-23 at 13:31 -0500, Blake Hudson via mailop wrote:
> Looks like the email verification application at 
> described in this 
> (
> tool) 
> article may have been shut down.
> Anyone have any insight into this or alternative tools for testing
> DKIM, 
> SPF, and similar in one go?

Lemme throw into the list of tools for this.

And for receiving mail, the tests over at

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] routing issues anyone? (Cloudflare-OVH issue?)

2024-03-08 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

to get a bit back to the networking part of things...

Poking a few people, this looks like a return path issue on Freenet's
side; So they likely fnorded something on their side.

Guess the only way to get this fixed is for them to realize the issue.

So if somebody can poke netops of AS5430,...

Will try posting to denog to see if that helps.

With best regards,
mailop mailing list

[mailop] Mailbox Filling w. Opt-In/Sign-Up mails

2024-03-12 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

over the past 2-3 weeks, I saw a slightly more filled queue for email-; A lot of users seemed to start tests, but never
received the corresponding test mails; In most cases, the ESP hat
shutdown delivery to these inboxes due to a sudden high volume of
inbound messages, with most addresses hosted being under
(and some as well).

A bit of digging found several end-user reports of the following MO:

- Get phished
- Something expensive is bought
- Mailbox is overflown right when the notification of the transaction
comes, likely in a bid to hide the illicit purchase

Naturally, there now have been some 'adjustments' to the service to
make sure it no longer contributes to that... and maybe finds some
insight into what is happening there... *loglog*

However, I'd be interested in hearing whether I had just missed some
very common spam reason here; So:

- Did somebody else stumble over this in the past and/or did i simply
miss this being a thing?
- How is this handled for, e.g., all the other tools that allow
generating "a lot" of mail only needing a request (signups in general,
ticket systems, [...])? I never saw something like this (on my own or
others systems), even when dealing with services equally easy to
motivate into mailsending.

With best regards,

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mailbox Filling w. Opt-In/Sign-Up mails

2024-03-13 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop


> How do you prevent that abusers will enter many mail addresses and
> you send out many test mails to people who never requested them?

Now? Block-List skipping mail-sending for the most common providers and
limiting in-flight tests for other domains.

But with a sufficiently large botnet and enough different targets, you
can still make the system send out quiet some mails. Still, I believe
it should be more restrictive in that than the mailop@ ML signup form;
Furthermore, even before some tighter limits i hardly saw more than one
mail being send to one remote address.

Which is part of the reason for this mail; Are there any best practices
beyond what i did above for preventing this form of abuse (apart from
'wanna do "Captcha & Cloudflare" tonight' ? I mean, from the top of my
head i can think of a ton of services that will more conveniently send
more mails than mine; Not to speak of all the stuff you can do with
recipient delimiters to make services send more mails to the same

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mailbox Filling w. Opt-In/Sign-Up mails

2024-03-13 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Tue, 2024-03-12 at 15:46 -0700, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
> Tobias,
> This does sound like a typical 'mail bomb', and there are even
> services you can rent to mail bomb an enemy..
> Used to only see it in the gamer community, kid stuff.. but it is
> more rare than you think.. sometimes it can go on for several days..

More rare? You mean frequent; What kind of took me by surprise is the
MO described in several reddit/etc. posts, which hints at mailbombing
being used to hide other activity.

> Lot's of single sign on mailing lists, and poorly written contact
> forms are abused in a script kiddie style run..
Thing is: A single, badly implemented, contact form is kind of nice;
Big volume, many to the same mbox. Mail quickly dropped for that
sender, person complains online about bad delivery, all good.

However, the volume i saw with my previous rate-limits was around ~10
mails/day getting through. Even now, logging all rate limited requests,
what i see is around four mails an hour for the whole service (or would
be without any limits applied; those mails now just end up never being

Thing is, it is incredebly hard to limit below the previous rate of
limiting, but there is still an abundance of services on the Internet
that can be motivated to send mails like that.

> Have to look at examples to be sure.. (feel free to share off list)..
What do you mean with examples? I just see target mail addresses
(which, incidentally, google finds listed with credentials in some 280-
page mail:password dump pdf on Btw, if anyone at google is
interested in getting those streamed, so they can take more effective
action to protect mailboxes, let me know; This is also why i was
wondering whether there is honeypotting going on for this.

> Like I said, a lot more rare than you think, but a pain when it
> happens.
So, from the current logs of 2-4 mails/day, I'd say it happens to at
least 40-80 people a day. ;-)

> On 2024-03-12 11:19, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:
> > Moin,
> > 
> > over the past 2-3 weeks, I saw a slightly more filled queue for
> > email-
> >; A lot of users seemed to start tests, but never
> > received the corresponding test mails; In most cases, the ESP hat
> > shutdown delivery to these inboxes due to a sudden high volume of
> > inbound messages, with most addresses hosted being under
> > (and some as well).
> > 
> > A bit of digging found several end-user reports of the following
> > MO:
> > 
> > - Get phished
> > - Something expensive is bought
> > - Mailbox is overflown right when the notification of the
> > transaction
> > comes, likely in a bid to hide the illicit purchase
> > 
> > Naturally, there now have been some 'adjustments' to the service to
> > make sure it no longer contributes to that... and maybe finds some
> > insight into what is happening there... *loglog*
> > 
> > However, I'd be interested in hearing whether I had just missed
> > some
> > very common spam reason here; So:
> > 
> > - Did somebody else stumble over this in the past and/or did i
> > simply
> > miss this being a thing?
> > - How is this handled for, e.g., all the other tools that allow
> > generating "a lot" of mail only needing a request (signups in
> > general,
> > ticket systems, [...])? I never saw something like this (on my own
> > or
> > others systems), even when dealing with services equally easy to
> > motivate into mailsending.
> > 
> > With best regards,
> > Tobias
> > 
> > ___
> > mailop mailing list
> >
> >

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mailbox Filling w. Opt-In/Sign-Up mails

2024-03-13 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop


> Create a random generated mail address that the person needs to send
> an email to. Verify SPF/DKIM/DMARC strictly, so forging is much
> harder and reject it with a proper message, maybe with a link that
> explains the result.
Yeah. I thought about that. _Technically_ the whole thing can also be
done by just presenting links for users to click on on the web page.
However, that reduces the usability of the service a lot, as some
clients do funny things for mailto: with a lot of Cc:, and users
apparently struggled a bit with it as well. Being able to hit 'reply
all' seems to be a bit easier, in general. :-/

Concerning the strict verification mail-in before: I thought about
that; But given that this is a service to test whether you configured
spf/dkim/dmarc correctly... making that being correctly configured a
prerequisite would be kind of... difficult. ;)

> Use a captcha to make it harder for non-humans.
Actually, looking at the access logs for those requests, i am not 100%
convinced that this is automated and not some shady 'clickworking'.

> That should massively reduce the amount of unsolicited mail.
Yeah; Luckily 'disable mail sending for gmail/MS/Yahoo' already is
surprisingly effective at that (getting close to 0 mails getting
through; Even though it seems it needs a bit more fine-tuning.)

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-03 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

tl;dr: Could someone do from,
storing mails on the server and sharing the link with me to help me
debug a deliverability issue?

I just got a report in that a user's mail bounced when writing from
'' to an alias on a domain I operate, which forwards to a
third party hosting on

The NDR is for a DMARC reject; In my logs, I see that:
- ARC verification already failed on inbound with a bh mismatch
- DKIM seems to have passed, though, at least according to the logs
(with a selector hinting at it being for Q4 2021) then rejects with "550 5.7.1 Email rejected per DMARC policy"

Given that SPF obviously fails, the question is why DMARC does no
longer validate when hitting; I currently suspect that there
was either a tmp-error for the lookup of the DKIM key, or that
meta/ signs some headers that may be affected during a
normal forward. Also, there are no issues with other DKIM signing
p=reject domains being forwarded via the setup.

To help me debug this; Is there anyone from meta / with an account
under on the list who could do a test on (ideally checking the 'store my mails'

(Already asked into the direction of the user as well, but this is a
multi-hop conversation through a user of mine; And it somewhat bugs me
and i'd like to resolve this asap. ;-))

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-03 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
got it, thx.

With best regards,

On Mon, 2024-06-03 at 21:36 +0200, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:
> Moin,
> tl;dr: Could someone do from
> storing mails on the server and sharing the link with me to help me
> debug a deliverability issue?
> I just got a report in that a user's mail bounced when writing from
> '' to an alias on a domain I operate, which forwards to a
> third party hosting on
> The NDR is for a DMARC reject; In my logs, I see that:
> - ARC verification already failed on inbound with a bh mismatch
> - DKIM seems to have passed, though, at least according to the logs
> (with a selector hinting at it being for Q4 2021)
> then rejects with "550 5.7.1 Email rejected per DMARC
> policy"
> Given that SPF obviously fails, the question is why DMARC does no
> longer validate when hitting; I currently suspect that there
> was either a tmp-error for the lookup of the DKIM key, or that
> meta/ signs some headers that may be affected during a
> normal forward. Also, there are no issues with other DKIM signing
> p=reject domains being forwarded via the setup.
> To help me debug this; Is there anyone from meta / with an account
> under on the list who could do a test on
> (ideally checking the 'store my
> mails'
> checkbox)?
> (Already asked into the direction of the user as well, but this is a
> multi-hop conversation through a user of mine; And it somewhat bugs
> me
> and i'd like to resolve this asap. ;-))
> With best regards,
> Tobias

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Contact to

2024-06-03 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
is somebody from here and could contact me off list?

With best regards,
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-04 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

to share some closure on this with the rest of the list; What was
ultimately the issue was an RFC8616 based DKIM-Signature header, i.e.,
containing UTF-8 encoded fields (in this case, even though there were
no non-ascii characters in them). While rspamd on my machine did not
have an issue, forwarding recipients were unable to parse this.

Incidentally, it seems like dkimpy also is unable to parse such
headers, even though the email modules decodes them just fine.

I added support to test for this to, i.e., if
your DKIM header contains UTF8 encoded fields, it now shows a warning.

With best regards,

On Mon, 2024-06-03 at 23:11 +0200, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:
> Moin,
> got it, thx.
> With best regards,
> Tobias
> On Mon, 2024-06-03 at 21:36 +0200, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:
> > Moin,
> > 
> > tl;dr: Could someone do from
> >,
> > storing mails on the server and sharing the link with me to help me
> > debug a deliverability issue?
> > 
> > I just got a report in that a user's mail bounced when writing from
> > '' to an alias on a domain I operate, which forwards to a
> > third party hosting on
> > 
> > The NDR is for a DMARC reject; In my logs, I see that:
> > - ARC verification already failed on inbound with a bh mismatch
> > - DKIM seems to have passed, though, at least according to the logs
> > (with a selector hinting at it being for Q4 2021)
> > 
> > then rejects with "550 5.7.1 Email rejected per DMARC
> > policy"
> > 
> > Given that SPF obviously fails, the question is why DMARC does no
> > longer validate when hitting; I currently suspect that
> > there
> > was either a tmp-error for the lookup of the DKIM key, or that
> > meta/ signs some headers that may be affected during a
> > normal forward. Also, there are no issues with other DKIM signing
> > p=reject domains being forwarded via the setup.
> > 
> > To help me debug this; Is there anyone from meta / with an account
> > under on the list who could do a test on
> > (ideally checking the 'store my
> > mails'
> > checkbox)?
> > 
> > (Already asked into the direction of the user as well, but this is
> > a
> > multi-hop conversation through a user of mine; And it somewhat bugs
> > me
> > and i'd like to resolve this asap. ;-))
> > 
> > With best regards,
> > Tobias
> > 

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-05 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

Hello John,

> If you're not sending SMTPUTF8 mail, the DKIM signature headers
> should be ASCII with no encoding needed. But if you are ending
> SMTPUTF8 mail, you can put UTF-8 directly in the header and it
> doesn't need any futher encoding either.

Yeah, even more odd, the actual data did not contain any UTF-8 anyway.
Meta now also fixed this.

> Can you give an example of the signature headers that caused a
> problem? They just sound wrong.

See attached. dkimpy/dkimverify failed on the original mail with:

dkim.MessageFormatError: b'=?UTF-8?Q?v=3D1'

However, when fixing the header manually, the mail correctly validates:
% cat ascii.mbox|dkimverify 
signature ok

rspamc is also able to verify the original mail:

# cat 36751.mbox| rspamc
Results for file: stdin (2.36 seconds)
[Metric: default]
Action: no action
Spam: false
Score: 1.10 / 15.00
Symbol: DKIM_TRACE (0.00)[]
Symbol: R_DKIM_ALLOW (-0.20)[]

My understanding, though, is that encoding _should_ be permissible
here, as it would be needed, e.g., when receiving a message from a
server with SMTPUTF8 which then must be forwarded via a server that
does not support it.

Would be nice to know, though, as that influences how I should score
such headers being there (error vs. warning) for the test-website.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

--- ascii.mbox	2024-06-04 18:52:56.213538681 +0200
+++ 36751.mbox	2024-06-03 23:44:21.342406024 +0200
@@ -13,7 +13,16 @@
 Received: from pps.filterd ( [])
 	by ( with ESMTP id 453LCtYI010400;
 	Mon, 3 Jun 2024 14:24:06 -0700
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mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-05 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

> I wouldn't verify that either.  It's just wrong.  You're not allowed
> to MIME encode strings in a DKIM-Signature header.*

Yeah, I misread 8616 there, then; My brain somewhat autoclicked to
"well, if there can be UTF8 you must be able to mime encode."

> * - I'm pretty sure that if you asked the author of RFC 8616, he'd
> say the same thing.

Yes, thank you. I am currently discussing with the author and he gave
valuable input on where I misread 8616. Based on his feedback, I'll
change the evaluation for such headers to 'error' instead of 'warning'
in the mailtest system.

> Unfortunately there is a lot of badly written mail processing code
> that tries to be helpful by MIME encoding headers without checking
> whether the headers allow it.

Well, that would then be rspamd and the python email parser; Question
is whether that would qualify as a bug, i.e., 'should not validate'; My
understanding would be more in a 'be liberal in what you accept and
conservative and what you send'-sense, though; I.e., even though not
technically allowed no harm in validating.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-05 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
> In this case, if DKIM validators correctly rejected the invalid
> signatures, this mistake would have been caught and fixed more
> quickly.
So, back to the initial question: Would it make sense if i'd file a bug
against rspamd?

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-06 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop


On Thu, 2024-06-06 at 12:44 +1000, Viktor Dukhovni via mailop wrote:
> The distinction is essential, because it would be a terrible mistake
> to, for example, RFC2047-encode the "mailbox" construct in "From",
> "To", ... headers.  An RFC2047-ignorant MUA or MTA can still
> correctly decode the addresses in those headers without caring about
> the display name encoding.

Kind of a point; However, if I got John correctly, an SMTPUTF8 mail
having to go through a system that does not support it should simply

On Wed, 2024-06-05 at 11:00 +0200, John R Levine via mailop wrote:
> Nope.  You cannot downgrade a SMTUTF8 message to an ASCII message. 
> The experimental versions of EAI tried to do that and it never worked
> so they took it out of the standards track EAI RFCs.

To be fair... if my students working on 'normal' security stuff
complain about things being to confusing, inconsistent, and complex...
I threaten them with the proposition that they could _also_ be working
on DNS. If those working on DNS complain, I suggest they could also do
BGP instead.

Now, if the ones working on BGP complain, I threaten them with the
prospect of working on mail.

And if the ones working on mail complain... I usually just say "I'm
sorry; At least look at the bright side: It can't get worse." ;-)

(This is a joke.)

On Thu, 2024-06-06 at 12:44 +1000, Viktor Dukhovni via mailop wrote:
> It seems to me, that you may not have thought through the issues
> deeply enough.

I would, indeed, argue that this issue has a few more facets that need
to be discussed; With some of those potentially being somewhat
supportive of Vsevolod's point.

On Thu, 2024-06-06 at 12:44 +1000, Viktor Dukhovni via mailop wrote:
> On Wed, 2024-06-05 at 17:29 +0100, Vsevolod Stakhov via mailop wrote:
> > As Rspamd author, I will not change the existing logic, as it works
> > with headers as with black boxes making the following steps: unfold
> > -> rfc2047 decode -> process specific data.
> This, IMNSHO, is not a reasonable stance to take...

I am not so sure, at least IMSSANSMBLAHSIDTO (in my somewhat-stupid-
and-not-so-my-but-looking-at-how-some-implementations-do-this opinion)
the sketched approach is also how, e.g., Python handles RFC2047
headers. In fact, it was somewhat messy to convince python to rewrite
an RFC2047-ized DKIM header to not mime encoded text, as the email
module would read the header correctly, print it in ASCII/UTF8, but
writes it back mime encoded (this is for; So a
specific case sometimes requiring doing weird things not advisable
anywhere else, i.e., here the rewriting.).

On Thu, 2024-06-06 at 12:44 +1000, Viktor Dukhovni via mailop wrote:
> Such willful disregard of essential interoperability requirements...

To be fair, rspamd was the _more_ interoperable mail handling software
in this case.

> I've heard "rspamd" otherwise has some appealing features, but this
> is show-stopper. :-(

It does. Especially when it comes to DKIM (ed25519 support, not
injecting funny whitespaces breaking signatures), ARC (well, it _does_
ARC, contrary to many other implementations), DMARC reporting (which
also tends to be more slim in other implementations) etcetc. And,
contrary to many other milters, it is really scalable. So, personally,
big fan of rspamd.

So, the stance, which I would abbreviate as 'in case of doubt, I do
anything to get an email reliably processed and delivered' is not only
Vsevolod's; In fact, Gmail--for example--also tends to be 'a bit more
lenient' to get an (outbound) email delivered. Including, up until
recently, 'ignore DNSSEC being broken' (even though that _does_ seem to
have changed, at least when testing this morning; Or it is attached to
a timer for a domain, i.e., if a domain has been seen with working
DNSSEC for $time, it starts to get enforced; Anyway, tangential.).

My point here is, that 'deliverability' is often more of a priority for
ESPs than 'following all documents to the letter'. Granted, for the
bigger ones, usually more like 'outbound deliverability' than 'inbound
deliverability', though.

Hence, I am not completely sure if the stance is outright unreasonable,
even if it disagrees with the documents. After all, the 'drift' between
documents and 'what is being done on the wire' has been getting larger
for some time already. And if I have the choice between 'no commits for
six years' (OpenDKIM; Good candidate for next xz, imho, btw.),
'something involving python' (dkimpy), and rspamd, I am somewhat
inclined to use rspamd, i.e., there is not that many alternatives to
recommend, when recommending people not to use rspamd.

(The last comment is observational concerning that drift, and not a
suggestion to outright change the documents, a call for rspamd to
change, or a statement in support for either direction; I am marveling
the problem, suggesting that this drift might need some discussion
(again), and ultimately, some form of approach to fix it.)

With best regard

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-06 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop

On Thu, 2024-06-06 at 17:53 +1000, Viktor Dukhovni via mailop wrote:
> It is also, IIRC, a DKIM *signer* and verifier.  DKIM signing and
> verification needs to interoperate.
> ...
> To a degree, but not to the point of accepting total garbage
> (RFC2047-encoded DKIM-Signature headers), or especially, generating
> total garbage (producing RFC2047-encoded DKIM-Signature headers).

Just to clarify here: rspamd creates correct DKIM signatures when
working as a signer; The broken DKIM sig was somebody else's
accomplishment. rspamd ingested it and was ably to verify it.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-08 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
On Sat, 2024-06-08 at 12:36 +0200, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:
> ... (unless bugs in email-security-scans are just decorative.)

Which ones exactly?

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] heads-up: Exchange Online: validation issues with Let's Encrypt DANE

2024-06-10 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop
are you sure the RRset is not inadvertently bogus? Can slip by rather
easily for a set of reasons; Old RRSIGs vor example after one of the
entries got updated?

If not; Out of personal curiosity; can you test where 'the boundary' is
to trigger the error? should be doable with like 4 test domains max
(bin-search starting at 7 RR in the set).

With best regards,

On Mon, 2024-06-10 at 12:36 +0200, Kirill Miazine via mailop wrote:
> Apparently exchange online would provide an error to the user like
> this:
> dnssec-invalid: Destination domain returned invalid DNSSEC records
> explains what this really means:
> The destination domain indicated it was DNSSEC-authentic, but
> Exchange 
> Online wasn't able to verify it as DNSSEC-authentic.
> So the guess is that Exchange Online is getting in trouble when there
> are more than a few TLSA records...
> • Kirill Miazine via mailop [2024-06-10 12:06]:
> > Although there are better alternatives to 2 1 1 with Let's Encrypt,
> > some 
> > still use 2 1 1, and it seems Exchange Online is not happy when
> > there 
> > are 14 TLSA records (why 14? because 
> > A good reason to not use
> > 2 1 
> > 1
> > 
> >   ; TLSA - LE certs published at
> >
> > -_le-tlsa   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 276fe8a8c4ec7611565bf9fce6dcace9be320c1b5bea27596b2204071ed04f10 ;
> > LE E1
> > -   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > bd936e72b212ef6f773102c6b77d38f94297322efc25396bc3279422e0c89270 ;
> > LE E2
> > -   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 8d02536c887482bc34ff54e41d2ba659bf85b341a0a20afadb5813dcfbcf286d ;
> > LE R3
> > -   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > e5545e211347241891c554a03934cde9b749664a59d26d615fe58f77990f2d03 ;
> > LE R4
> > +_le-tlsa   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 3586d4ecf070578cbd27aedce20b964e48bc149faeb9dad72f46b857869172b8 ;
> > LE
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > d016e1fe311948aca64f2de44ce86c9a51ca041df6103bb52a88eb3f761f57d7
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 2bbad93ab5c79279ec121507f272cbe0c6647a3aae52e22f388afab426b4adba
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 6ddac18698f7f1f7e1c69b9bce420d974ac6f94ca8b2c761701623f99c767dc7
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > cbbc559b44d524d6a132bdac672744da3407f12aae5d5f722c5f6c7913871c75
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 885bf0572252c6741dc9a52f5044487fef2a93b811cdedfad7624cc283b7cdd5
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > f1440a9b76e1e41e53a4cb461329bf6337b419726be513e42e19f1c691c5d4b2
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 919c0df7a787b597ed056ace654b1de9c0387acf349f73734a4fd7b58cf612a4
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 025490860b498ab73c6a12f27a49ad5fe230fafe3ac8f6112c9b7d0aad46941d
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > f1647a5ee3efac54c892e930584fe47979b7acd1c76c1271bca1c5076d869888
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 8d02536c887482bc34ff54e41d2ba659bf85b341a0a20afadb5813dcfbcf286d
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > 276fe8a8c4ec7611565bf9fce6dcace9be320c1b5bea27596b2204071ed04f10
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > e5545e211347241891c554a03934cde9b749664a59d26d615fe58f77990f2d03
> > +   TLSA    2 1 1 
> > bd936e72b212ef6f773102c6b77d38f94297322efc25396bc3279422e0c89270
> > ___
> > mailop mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mailop mailing list

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Debugging fwd issue to (Help from user under needed)

2024-06-13 Thread Tobias Fiebig via mailop


> What if spamd, while authenticating a malformed signature, notifies
> the error in DMARC report?  Would that "fix" spamd?

Would be somewhat pointless, though; From the top of my head I am not
sure whether there is a fitting field; And apart from that, I doubt
anyone would read those mails (or, rather, parse it into the DMARC
webif in use and display it in a way anyone would notice).

Also, there should be enough implementations out there that do not
verify DKIM there; So you _should_ already see the spike in non-passing
DKIM messages, incl. from your own senders.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

mailop mailing list

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