Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-30 Thread Waistline2
The inquiry below was never responded to - to my knowledge, by the author  
advancing what seems to be a very individualized understanding of Marx 
concept  of  the dictatorship of the proletariat and the revolutionary process 
it  is unfolding in  real time America. 
The strength of communist is in our collectivity. If we do not make  
allowances for each other to be wrong and adopt an approach of castigating one  
another, collectivity becomes harder to achieve.  
In my opinion a list such as this can help collectivize and harmonize who  
we understand the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, as well as 
other  relevant leaders in the history of the communist movement. 
I do agree that it is useless and counterproductive to call each other  
deviants even if a comrade happen to be wrong on an issue. One must decide if  
the purpose of dialogue is to cure a sickness or kill the patient. 
Labeling  comrades is not a theoretically convincing argument. 

In a message dated 12/23/2010 1:41:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_jayp...@gmail.com_ (  writes: 
Dear Mark Scott, 
Please let us not start distributing certificates to each other regarding  
our understanding of Marxism; that is just a pointless exercise. 
You say you have not compared Stalin with Trotsky. That is why I requested  
you to re-read what you had written. I merely tried to interpret what  
conclusions would have been drawn by any unbiased observer from that response 
 yours. Elsewhere, you have actually said as follows: 
If he [Melvin] really did have a real indignation why has he never  
criticized Stalin or the Bolsheviks regarding the assassination of  Trotsky?  
not Trotsky a traitor to the working-class and the  dictatorship of the 
By your unthinking utterances are you not trying to implicate Stalin in the 
 assassination of Trotsky (which is exactly what Stalin's worst enemies 
have been  trying to do for the last several decades)? 
Such unwarranted insinuations are the result of your repeated attempts at  
giving centrality to the issue of armed violence without understanding the 
 need for the communists to win hearts and minds of the working people - 
the  working class and the peasantry - for the success of the revolution. It 
is the  bourgeoisie and the landlords, who are primarily dependent on armed 
violence  to sustain their domination. Of  course, the working class will 
have to  neutralize the existing State power and create its own State 
power to thwart  all attempts at counter-revolution. However, for a working 
class party the  ultimate source of power is the mass support of the working 
people. Without such  mass support its hold over State power can vanish any 
day as happened in the  Soviet Union when the latent counter-revolutionaries 
manged to establish control  over State power with hardly a murmur of 
protest from the working class in the  then Soviet Union. 
The concept of dictatorship of the proletariat should not be crudely  
equated with some kind of brutal military dictatorship. It is essentially a  
concept to explain the phase of State power during the long transition from  
the stage of socialism to the stage of communism. One cannot understand the 
 concept of dictatorship of the proletariat without understanding the 
role of  the soviets. You have clearly evaded all my queries regarding the 
role of the  soviets. 
Am I twisting and distorting facts of history or are you closing your  
eyes to the facts of history? One can carry on an informed debate only if 
one  attempts to get the basic facts right; uninformed debates just end up in  
throwing abuses at each other. I have no interest in mud-slinging. 

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 12/22/2010 10:43:42  P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

You misconstrue  things that people say.  This is NOT what I said.  

Sorry, it was a slip of the tongue  and miss reading on my part. 

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 12/21/2010 7:31:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_frankied...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 
The Bourgeois State police kill a youth in NYC practically every week and  
get away with it.  One day, I say,  people are just gonna start  shooting 

I am not sure what any of the above has to do with a doctrine of political  
terrorism that advocates the VIOLENT EXTERMINATION of individuals 
constituting a  class. 
Where I live at people have always shot back. It is the material and  
political organization of resistance that communists excel in. 
In fact the question of armed self defense and/as the mass uprising played  
itself in Detroit on a scale not witnessed since the Civil War in America. 
The proletariat in Detroit is locked into a death fight with capital. To  
this day Detroit remains the most violent big city in America. The question 
of  armed struggle and insurgency has nothing to do with doctrine of 
political  terrorism.
Armed resistance to bourgeois rule is part of our real living history. 
This history is totally absent from the narrative of the promoter of  
political terrorism,  and advocacy of violent extermination of individuals  
constituting a class. What of real American history? 
The last great juncture is punctuated as book mark in Birmingham 1963,  
Watts 1965, Newark/Detroit 1967, Cleveland 1967/68 and then works itself South  
culminating in Tampa Fl. 1989. Only on rare occasion have the metropolitan  
police force been defeated decisively. Notably Detroit and Cleveland. 
All of this has been discussed before on this list. 

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Mark Scott

If you think the October Revolution was not violent then I suggest it is you 
that does not draw the right lessons from history and should reinvestigate 
matters.  The October Revolution encompassed a variety of strategies but it was 
also extremely violent.
My so-called flippant attitude towards Marxist humanism is based on the basis 
or foundation of this theory which is that of trotskyism.  This theory as 
espoused by Leszek Kolakowski and Raya Dunayevskaya who was a secretary to 
Trotsky have made every attempt to vilify Stalin and the Soviet Union as a 
dictatorship of the proletariat.
Here is what Kolakowski, the Marxist humanist, has to say about Marxism:
As far as the history of Marxism is concerned, there are additional and more 
pertinent reasons that make it worthy of Study.  Philosophical doctrines that 
for a long time enjoyed considerable popularity (and what was called Marxist 
philosophical economics was not really economics in today's meaning of the word 
but a philosophical dream) never die out entirely.  They change their 
vocabulary but they survive in the underground of culture; and though they are 
often poorly visible, they are still able to attract people or to terrify 
them.  Marxism belongs to the intellectual tradition and the political history 
of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; as such it is obviously interesting, 
together with its endlessly repeated, often grotesque, pretensions to being a 
scientific theory.  However, this philosophy entailed some practical 
consequences which would bring indescribable misery and suffering to mankind: 
private property and the market were to be
 abolished and replaced by universal and all-embracing - an utterly impossible 
project.  It was noticed towards the end of the nineteenth century, mainly by 
anarchists, that so conceived, the Marxist doctrine was a good blueprint for 
converting human society into a giant concentration camp; to be sure, this was 
not Marx's intention, but it was an inevitable effect of the glorious and final 
benevolent utopia he devised.
Theoretical dogmatic Marxism drags on its poor existence in the corridors of 
some academic institutions; while its carrying capacity is very poor, it is not 
unimaginable that it will gain in strength, supported by certain intellectually 
miserable but loud movements which have in fact lost contact with Marxism as a 
theoretical body, but look for issues that can, however vaguely, be presented 
as issues of capitalism or anticapitalism (these concepts are never defined, 
but they are employed in such a way that they seem to derive from Marxist 
The communist ideology seems to be in a state of rigor mortis, and the regimes 
that still use it are so repulsive that its ressurrection may seem to be 
impossible.  But let us not rush into such a prophecy (or anti-prophecy).  The 
social conditions that nourished and made use of this ideology can still 
revive; perhaps - who knows? - the virus is dormant, waiting for the next 
opportunity.  Dreams about the perfect society belong to the enduring stock of 
our civilization.
Underlying Kolakowski's Marxist Humanism is the blatant support of capitalism 
wherein he discusses China producing a near truth but also distortions in his 
Let us not forget, however, that the most populous country on earth, China, 
now experiencing a flamboyant, dazzling expansion of the market (accompanied 
both by gigantic corruption and by an extremely rate of growth), is in some 
important respects continuing its insane Marxist past - a past which, unlike 
the post-Stalinist Soviet Union, it never repudiated.
Here we have finally Kolakowski's repudiation of Stalin!  This trotskyist 
criticizes China for having a Marxist history under Mao but further criticizes 
it for not repudiating its past.  But he is not yet finished:
This is not a Communist state in any recognisable sense but a tyranny that 
grew out of a Communist system.  Numerous academics and intellectuals extolled 
its glory when it was at it most savage, destructive, and foolish.
So, according to this trotskyist, China, when it was a socialist state under 
Mao was nothing but a savage, destructive, and foolish system from which 
tyranny evolved.  Never does he mention that the class struggle and the 
establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat was overthrown in large 
part by non-violent means by capitalist counterrevolutionaries who did employ 
Then this trotskyist returns his attention to the Soviet Union beginning with 
the dictatorship of the proletariat under Stalin:
Will Russian imperialism return, after the demise of the Soviet regime?  It is 
not inconceivable - we can observe a certain amount of nostalgia for the lost 
empire - but if it does, Marxism will have nothing to contribute to this 
Whatever the proper definition of capitalism, the market, combined with the 
rule of law and civil 

Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Mark Scott
Mr Jayaprakash,
You amaze me.  No where have I compared Stalin to Trotsky.  You are very adept 
at turning things upside down and on its head!
What do you think the dictatorship of the proletariat is?  Who do you think 
wrote about the dictatorship of the proletariat?  Do you think this is my 
creative thinking?  It appears you know little of Marxism and it is completely 
pointless to engage with someone who twists and distorts things as you and 
Melvin do.
Good Luck
Mark Scott

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread frankenstein580
The only one who continues blabbing about extermination is you.  You are 
causing trouble.

--- On Wed, 12/22/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 9:20 AM

In a message dated 12/21/2010 7:31:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_frankied...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 
The Bourgeois State police kill a youth in NYC practically every week and  
get away with it.  One day, I say,  people are just gonna start  shooting 

I am not sure what any of the above has to do with a doctrine of political  
terrorism that advocates the VIOLENT EXTERMINATION of individuals 
constituting a  class. 
Where I live at people have always shot back. It is the material and  
political organization of resistance that communists excel in. 
In fact the question of armed self defense and/as the mass uprising played  
itself in Detroit on a scale not witnessed since the Civil War in America. 
The proletariat in Detroit is locked into a death fight with capital. To  
this day Detroit remains the most violent big city in America. The question 
of  armed struggle and insurgency has nothing to do with doctrine of 
political  terrorism.
Armed resistance to bourgeois rule is part of our real living history. 
This history is totally absent from the narrative of the promoter of  
political terrorism,  and advocacy of violent extermination of individuals  
constituting a class. What of real American history? 
The last great juncture is punctuated as book mark in Birmingham 1963,  
Watts 1965, Newark/Detroit 1967, Cleveland 1967/68 and then works itself South  
culminating in Tampa Fl. 1989. Only on rare occasion have the metropolitan  
police force been defeated decisively. Notably Detroit and Cleveland. 
All of this has been discussed before on this list. 

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:05:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

The only one who continues blabbing about extermination is you.   You are 
causing trouble.
You are factually mistaken. I DID NOT RAISE THE QUESTION. 
Do you suggest I raised the question of the extermination of individuals as 
 a class?

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread frankenstein580
  I'm telling your clearly, Mr.,  that YOU keep bringing up the issue of 
extermination.  And that YOU are causing trouble here on this LIST. 

--- On Wed, 12/22/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 3:09 PM

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:05:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

The only one who continues blabbing about extermination is you.   You are 
causing trouble.
You are factually mistaken. I DID NOT RAISE THE QUESTION. 
Do you suggest I raised the question of the extermination of individuals as 
 a class?

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:13:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm telling your clearly, Mr.,  that YOU keep bringing up the  issue of 
extermination.  And that YOU are causing trouble here on this  LIST. 
This is simply not true.  I did not raise the issue. I have never  raised 
the issue of extermination of a class which is a political doctrine of  
I responded to a doctrine of political terrorism. 
Do you really believe that it was I that raised this issue? 

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread frankenstein580
 I see quite clearly that you keep raising an issue that should be squashed 
already.  Mark Scott has been making himself quite clear already about what he 
really meant by his statement.   If you can't pick up the message, then you've 
got a problem in communication.  I believe that you should leave this subject 
alone and stay on your Lincoln  advocacy theme where you were making some 

Mark Scott has demonstrated to me to be a defender of Marxism Leninism and of 
the working class, and therefore I support him.  


--- On Wed, 12/22/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 3:18 PM

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:13:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm telling your clearly, Mr.,  that YOU keep bringing up the  issue of 
extermination.  And that YOU are causing trouble here on this  LIST. 
This is simply not true.  I did not raise the issue. I have never  raised 
the issue of extermination of a class which is a political doctrine of  
I responded to a doctrine of political terrorism. 
Do you really believe that it was I that raised this issue? 

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:29:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I see quite clearly that you keep raising an issue that should be  squashed 
already.  Mark Scott has been making himself quite clear already  about 
what he really meant by his statement.   If you can't pick up  the message, 
then you've got a problem in communication.  I believe that  you should leave 
this subject alone and stay on your Lincoln  advocacy  theme where you were 
making some sense.  

Mark Scott has  demonstrated to me to be a defender of Marxism Leninism and 
of the working  class, and therefore I support him.  

Mr. Scott speaks for himself. He states he actually means the  
extermination of individuals as a class. 
If you feel he means something else then simply quote what he says. 
Simply quote his correction or meaning and lets leave the subject. 
Quote the material please.

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread frankenstein580
I read his material.  And I see the difference between the original quote and 
his later posts.   Find the quote yourself.  It's not my issue any more, it is 
yours and this LIST'S.  

There was class war during the Bolshevik uprising, and there was class war 
during war communism.  It is the Imperialists and not members of this list who 
practice terrorism.  It is YOU and not the bourgeois secret police who insists 
on sustaining what could have been a slip of the tongue or a mere haphazard 
comment.  Marxist would have understood what he meant... or at least, what we, 
as Marxist, understand by the role of force or violence in history.   Mark 
Scott is an intelligent comrade, well learned in the theory of Marxism, and 
advocate of the working class, which is more than I can say for some others.  
That, to me, has value.


--- On Wed, 12/22/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 3:35 PM

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:29:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I see quite clearly that you keep raising an issue that should be  squashed 
already.  Mark Scott has been making himself quite clear already  about 
what he really meant by his statement.   If you can't pick up  the message, 
then you've got a problem in communication.  I believe that  you should leave 
this subject alone and stay on your Lincoln  advocacy  theme where you were 
making some sense.  

Mark Scott has  demonstrated to me to be a defender of Marxism Leninism and 
of the working  class, and therefore I support him.  

Mr. Scott speaks for himself. He states he actually means the  
extermination of individuals as a class. 
If you feel he means something else then simply quote what he says. 
Simply quote his correction or meaning and lets leave the subject. 
Quote the material please.

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Mark Scott
Comrade f580,
Thank you for your support.  I will say that Melvin will only continue to try 
and paint me as a terrorist as he has for the last 5 years.  Melvin is not 
interested in even trying to understand anything but his own sophistry and 
pedantics in trying to revise Marxism.  It is clear that Melvin has a 
predisposition for the bourgeoisie and would rather defend the bourgeoisie than 
defend the reality of class struggle.  Such being the case he will only 
continue his holy crusade against me so let him go.
It really is pointless to engage with those who want to twist and distort 
everything whether it is from a revisionist point of view or of personal 
animosity which I believe in Melvins case is both.
Mark Scott

--- On Wed, 12/22/10, frankenstein580 wrote:

From: frankenstein580
Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
To: For the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 11:29 PM

 I see quite clearly that you keep raising an issue that should be squashed 
already.  Mark Scott has been making himself quite clear already about what he 
really meant by his statement.   If you can't pick up the message, then you've 
got a problem in communication.  I believe that you should leave this subject 
alone and stay on your Lincoln  advocacy theme where you were making some 

Mark Scott has demonstrated to me to be a defender of Marxism Leninism and of 
the working class, and therefore I support him.  


--- On Wed, 12/22/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 3:18 PM

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:13:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm telling your clearly, Mr.,  that YOU keep bringing up the  issue of 
extermination.  And that YOU are causing trouble here on this  LIST. 


This is simply not true.  I did not raise the issue. I have never  raised 
the issue of extermination of a class which is a political doctrine of  

I responded to a doctrine of political terrorism. 

Do you really believe that it was I that raised this issue? 


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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:53:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

There was class war during the Bolshevik uprising, and there was class  war 
during war communism.  It is the Imperialists and not members of this  list 
who practice terrorism.  It is YOU and not the bourgeois secret police  who 
insists on sustaining what could have been a slip of the tongue or a mere  
haphazard comment.  Marxist would have understood what he meant... or at  
least, what we, as Marxist, understand by the role of force or violence in  
Yes there was class war as political insurrection during the period of the  
Bolshevik taking of state power. Class war is broader than insurrection and 
the  taking of power. 
Yes, there was Civil war and war against imperial invasion during the  
period of war communism. 
You state it is I and the intelligence agencies of the bourgeoisie,  
specifically the secret police, that is responsible for what Mr. Mark Scott  
wrote, because what he wrote was as slip of the tongue, which he REFUSE TO SAY  
Remember this is the same guy - Scott, who says that slavery had nothing to 
 do with the Civil War and was an afterthought, which is the issue that 
raised  this entire discussion. 
Remember, I called Mr. Scott a redeemer historian - which he is,  because 
thought. Scott then went berserk, - his standard response to anyone that holds 
different opinion, and started quoting material from 2005, which is when HE  
- not I, raised the issue of exterminating individuals constituting a 
Then I responded to this old controversy from 2005, which Scott raised, and 
 yet YOU claim it is I and the secret police that is raising the  
Thanks for your support

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread frankenstein580


You state it is I and the intelligence agencies of the bourgeoisie,  
specifically the secret police, that is responsible for what Mr. Mark Scott  
wrote, because what he wrote was as slip of the tongue, which he REFUSE TO SAY  


You misconstrue things that people say.  This is NOT what I said.  Sometimes it 
is a waist of time discussing with you.  Let others be the judges, since I 
don't have time to play around with you.  

You are a worker.  I am a worker.  YOur politics is anti working class, for no 
other class has proven to be able to defeat capitalism like our class has, 
outside of the wars for national liberation.   The working class is not engaged 
in a symbiotic type relationship with the bourgeoisie rendering it conservative 
or reactionary, like you and others peddle.

So, thank YOU  for your support.


--- On Wed, 12/22/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 5:43 PM

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:53:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

There was class war during the Bolshevik uprising, and there was class  war 
during war communism.  It is the Imperialists and not members of this  list 
who practice terrorism.  It is YOU and not the bourgeois secret police  who 
insists on sustaining what could have been a slip of the tongue or a mere  
haphazard comment.  Marxist would have understood what he meant... or at  
least, what we, as Marxist, understand by the role of force or violence in  
Yes there was class war as political insurrection during the period of the  
Bolshevik taking of state power. Class war is broader than insurrection and 
the  taking of power. 
Yes, there was Civil war and war against imperial invasion during the  
period of war communism. 
You state it is I and the intelligence agencies of the bourgeoisie,  
specifically the secret police, that is responsible for what Mr. Mark Scott  
wrote, because what he wrote was as slip of the tongue, which he REFUSE TO SAY  
Remember this is the same guy - Scott, who says that slavery had nothing to 
 do with the Civil War and was an afterthought, which is the issue that 
raised  this entire discussion. 
Remember, I called Mr. Scott a redeemer historian - which he is,  because 
thought. Scott then went berserk, - his standard response to anyone that holds 
different opinion, and started quoting material from 2005, which is when HE  
- not I, raised the issue of exterminating individuals constituting a 
Then I responded to this old controversy from 2005, which Scott raised, and 
 yet YOU claim it is I and the secret police that is raising the  
Thanks for your support

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-22 Thread Jayaprakash ND
Dear Mark Scott,

Please let us not start distributing certificates to each other regarding
our understanding of Marxism; that is just a pointless exercise.

You say you have not compared Stalin with Trotsky. That is why I requested
you to re-read what you had written. I merely tried to interpret what
conclusions would have been drawn by any unbiased observer from that
response of yours. Elsewhere, you have actually said as follows:

If he [Melvin] really did have a real indignation why has he
 never criticized Stalin or the Bolsheviks regarding the
 assassination of Trotsky?  Was not Trotsky a traitor
 to the working-class and the dictatorship of the

By your unthinking utterances are you not trying to implicate Stalin in the
assassination of Trotsky (which is exactly what Stalin's worst enemies have
been trying to do for the last several decades)?

Such unwarranted insinuations are the result of your repeated attempts at
giving centrality to the issue of armed violence without understanding the
need for the communists to win hearts and minds of the working people - the
working class and the peasantry - for the success of the revolution. It is
the bourgeoisie and the landlords, who are primarily dependent on armed
violence to sustain their domination. Of  course, the working class will
have to neutralize the existing State power and create its own State
power to thwart all attempts at counter-revolution. However, for a working
class party the ultimate source of power is the mass support of the working
people. Without such mass support its hold over State power can vanish any
day as happened in the Soviet Union when the latent counter-revolutionaries
manged to establish control over State power with hardly a murmur of
protest from the working class in the then Soviet Union.

The concept of dictatorship of the proletariat should not be crudely
equated with some kind of brutal military dictatorship. It is essentially a
concept to explain the phase of State power during the long transition
from the stage of socialism to the stage of communism. One cannot understand
the concept of dictatorship of the proletariat without understanding the
role of the soviets. You have clearly evaded all my queries regarding the
role of the soviets.

Am I twisting and distorting facts of history or are you closing your
eyes to the facts of history? One can carry on an informed debate only if
one attempts to get the basic facts right; uninformed debates just end up in
throwing abuses at each other. I have no interest in mud-slinging.



On 23 December 2010 03:18, Mark Scott wrote:

 Mr Jayaprakash,

 You amaze me.  No where have I compared Stalin to Trotsky.  You are very
 adept at turning things upside down and on its head!

 What do you think the dictatorship of the proletariat is?  Who do you think
 wrote about the dictatorship of the proletariat?  Do you think this is my
 creative thinking?  It appears you know little of Marxism and it is
 completely pointless to engage with someone who twists and distorts things
 as you and Melvin do.

 Good Luck

 Mark Scott

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread Jayaprakash ND
 of the bourgeoisie. That is the crux of the matter.

 And so it is with the Marxist humanist deviant, Melvin, he will go to great
 lengths to revise Marxism to suit his opportunism of privilege in bourgeois
 society by resorting to character assassination, falsifications,
 sophistries, and subterfuges through his pedantics.

 For Lenin, as well as every other Marxist of the Bolshevik ranks, it is
 clear what must be done with bourgeois apologists and Marxist humanists who
 what to denounce not me, for I could care less about this piss ant deviant,
 but do denounce Class War and Class Struggle there is only one course of
 action to be taken against such revisionts:

 It is not enough to take sides on the question of political slogans; it is
 also necessary to take sides on the question of an armed uprising. Those who
 are opposed to it, those who do not prepare for it, must be ruthlessly
 dismissed from the ranks of the supporters of the revolution, sent packing
 to its enemies, to the traitors or cowards; for the day is approaching when
 the force of events and the conditions of the struggle will compel us to
 distinguish between enemies and friends according to this principle.
 (V.I. Lenin, 'Lessons of the Moscow Uprising', Collected Works, Vol. 11)

 Melvin can denounce me all he wants, I am only one of thousands of
 messengers who agitate for the dictatorship of the proletariat.  To denounce
 Class War - the class struggle - is the highest form of opportunism and
 revisionism, therefore, I not only denounce this revisionist but call for
 his expulsion.  This list is for the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism and
 not for its denouncement and negation as this revisionist Melvin continually


 Mark Scott

 --- On Mon, 12/20/10, wrote:

 Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
 Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 8:27 PM

 I do not understand the questions below in the context of the statement
 produced. Please explain or reformulate. Advocacy of extermination of
 individuals as they constitute class; and a call for violent
 extermination of
 these individuals is akin to the reality of German fascism and Indian


 In a message dated 12/20/2010 3:13:47 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Doesn't Marx say that the only War is Class War?

 How do  you expect to win a war for the Worker?


 From: _waistli...@aol.com_ (
 _waistli...@aol.com_ (  Subject: [MLL] I
 denounce the statement
 below advocating . . . . . To: _marxist-leninist-l...@lists.econ.utah.edu_
 (   Date: Monday,
 December 20,
 2010, 3:10 PM

 I denounce the statement below advocating the violent extermination of
 people/classes, and consider such advocacy political terrorism,
 unacceptable to
 a discussion list such as this.

 I have no connection with or anything to do with individuals advocating
 extermination - in this case violent extermination, of individuals as
 individuals constitute themselves into classes.

 I further admit to having no political or personal connection, personal
 private conversations, and/or personal private contact, with the author
 Nor have I every engaged in any discussion of extermination of
 people/classes  with anyone.


 In a message dated 12/18/2010 8:10:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
 __mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes:

 You are such a fraud it is unbelievable.  From the moment  you  started
 referring to me slanderously years ago, especially in regards  to my past
 military service, is when the so-called name calling began initiated  by
 It was you who began the slander and referring to you as a  deiviant,
 apologist and such is in line with describing a  revisionist.  Look at all
 writings of Lenin and others in their  references to deviants.

 I make no hidden insinuations here...I have absolutely no respect for you
 so let's get it clear now because I will not lower myself to your gutter
 standards again.

 Let's look at the archives dude, here is what created my animosity
 towards you according to what you wrote dude:

 I mention this Mark because you fucked with the wrong nigga.

 You are a fool and thug.

 These are only 2 of the many name calling references you started with me
 yet want to self-righteously claim you don't resort to name calling.
 two quotes of name calling was made by you because I said I believed in
 violent extermination of the US bourgeoisie which was written on Friday,
 Dec  30,  2005.  The article was entitled by you RE: Yu Chi Chan - Black
 Panthers 2,  Mark as murderer and Terrorist.

 You so hypocritically love to turn everything on its head and pretend you

Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread Waistline2
In the history of the international communist movement there exist NO  
literature advocating the violent extermination of a class. There  is NOTHING 
Marx, Engel's, Lenin, Stalin or Mao where as individuals or  
representatives of a party and class, these leader advocate or call for the  
of a class. 

Class struggle in its military aspect is never a question of  extermination 
of a class. Class struggle in its far reaching political-economic  aspects 
call into question the liquidation - dissolution, of the old dying class  
and classes, BUT NOT AS A MILITARY MATTER in its practical and historical  
A class is liquidated on the basis of its pending dissolution of its  
economic underpinning or revolution in the means of production and transition 
the property form. The proletariat liquidates itself as a class. Who in 
their  right mind would call this historic act of liquidation - extermination 
of a  class? 
Advocacy for extermination of a class is a call for genocide pure and  
simple.  Which of course is why no one in their right mind will endorse  such a 
formulation. Advocacy of extermination of people - a concrete historical  
class, is a call for genocide and mass murder.  One cannot exterminate  a 
One can only kill individuals constituting a class and their place is  
immediately taken by new people until changes in the productive forces are  
sufficient to render the class obsolete in the first place. Old classes are  
overthrown and liquidated from history as society leaps to a new mode of  

In a message dated 12/20/2010 4:11:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_frankied...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 
I think that we're going overboard here with this statement  produced  
renew by Waistline;  we can see that Waistline has already disassociated  
himself from the extermination word; so you're SAFE, don't worry.  NO one  
is advocating Terrorism or the like, as I see it.  Also, No need to  summons 
the attention of the oppressive  police State by pretending to be  so 
sanctimoniously vigilant on this matter. 
There is class war all over this world and we are quite conscious of how  
murderous  the  Imperialists are.
for free from _ 

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread Mark Scott

Comrade Jayaprakash:
 You stated:
Kindly do not make a fetish out of violence by reproducing quotes that are
totally out of context; those quotes were made at a certain time in history
and under certain specific circumstances. Please note that State is the
embodiment of violence and that the ultimate aim of all communists is to
create conditions for the withering away of the State, i.e., organised
violence. This aim should not be lost sight of when drawing appropriate
lessons from history.
I have to say that I agree with you and yet disagree.  I do not make a fetish 
out of reproducing quotes out of context.  You are correct that they were 
stated at a certain time in history and under certain circumstances as are all 
of the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che and a host of other 
Marxists.  It is not just the quotes and who said what but, rather, what is the 
essence of what they were saying and if their relevance holds true in our 
period of history and our circumstances.  I believe the quotes I used do in 
fact have relevance and are very valid today as they were at the time they 
written.  It is not the quote itself that is relevant because of who said it 
but the principle of what was said in relationship to the circumstances both 
then and now.  To dismiss quoting these great leaders we may as well throw away 
all their writings and not use them but this is never going to happen, not with 
me anyway and I will make no
 apologies for my position.

I also disagree with your comment about the quotes as everything that has been 
written by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others were written within the 
context of their historical era so are we to simply disregard now their 
writings.  I don't think so.  The use of these quotes does in fact speak to the 
very principle of class struggle today although written in their period of 
history and under their particular circumstances.
I do agree with your comments on the State but since we are under the 
dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, their State, forces the violence on the 
working-class the world over which is why there is armed resistance to the US 
bourgeoisie.  This State is not merely going to wither away.  The bourgeois 
State needs to be overthrown and again this is Marxism 101 and one would and 
could quote Marx, Engels, etc. from their time period regarding this.  Time 
makes no difference as to the validity of scientific Marxism.  It is true that 
conditions have changed but those are external changes whereas the internal 
contradictions remain the same.
The working-class today is still subjected to oppression and repression through 
violence as as capitalism continues to deteriorate the ruling-class continues 
to force the issue of violence upon the working-class.  The working-class can 
only respond in kind which is why Marx stated that capitalism produces its own 
grave-diggers and the very essence of the class struggle is the object of the 
working-class to seize power from the ruling-class and this will only be 
accomplished through a violent armed struggle.  Following the seizure of power 
by the working-class they must then establish their dictatorship over the 
ruling-class.  The full intent of the dictatorship of the proletariat is to 
consolidate the socialist revolution which is now victorious from the 
counterrevolutionary onslaught of the remnants of the ruling-class which will 
try to regain control of power in order to preserve their violent and 
repressive social order based on exploitation. 
One should not have to quote from the early Marxists as the essence of 
dialectical materialism is evident enough of the presence of violence in the 
class struggle.  Because violence within the class struggle is a given it is 
not a fetish nor do I make it such.  It is only after the violence of armed 
struggle, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and its 
consolidation over, most likely, a generation at least, does the violence begin 
to subside with the development of genuine class consciousness of the entire 
mass of people can the withering away of the socialist State begin and 
communism be fully realized.
This is a very simplistic over-view, however, it is the basic scenario of 
development.  There is absolutely no way that socialism, let alone communsim 
can be realized without the violence of armed struggle which is forced upon the 
working-class.  It is the very dialectics of this struggle that indicates one 
class violently opposing the other class which further indicates that the 
ruling class will not stop short of their counterrevolutionary overthrow of the 
power held by the working-class which is called the dictatorship of the 
proletariat for that very reason.  Until the counterrevolutionaries are 
eliminated the socialist State must remain in place in order to safeguard, 
protect and consolidate the victorious socialist revolution and establishment 
of the 

Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread Mark Scott
Melvin states:
One can only kill individuals constituting a class and their place is  
immediately taken by new people until changes in the productive forces are  
sufficient to render the class obsolete in the first place. Old classes are  
overthrown and liquidated from history as society leaps to a new mode of  
Close but no cigar as they say.  It is true that one fills the gap left by 
another, even Che stated that about revolutionaries.  I am sure the majority of 
readers will realize that this is a quote but not taken out of context based 
on the principles and implications raised by Che, and, more importantly because 
of the dialectical nature of class struggle.
Che stated:
What difference the dangers to a man or a people, or the sacrifices they make, 
when what is at stake is the destiny of humanity.
Our every action is a call for war against imperialism and a cry for the unity 
of the peoples against the great enemy of the human species:  the Unites States 
of North America.
Wherever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has 
reached even one receptive ear, and another hand reaches out to take up our 
arms, and other men come forward to join in our funeral dirge with the 
chattering of machine guns and new calls for battle and victory.
Che wrote this message sometime between 1965 and 1967 prior to his execution 
which I have never heard the opportunists like Melvin object to.  His location 
at the time was unknown but the entire message, Vietnam and the World Struggle 
for Freedom, was made public in Havana on April 16, 1967 by Prensa Latina and 
addressed to the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and 
Latin America.
What Melvin states above is a mere abstraction due to his mechanistic approach 
to dialectics.  He states:
Old classes are overthrown and liquidated from history as society leaps to a 
new mode of  

This is partially true but he completely ignores the entire process of 
development of the class struggle for his own personal reasons of convenience.  
Old classes are overthrown and liquidated based on the leap or advancement of 
new modes of production but this is incomplete because it leaves out the entire 
concept of class struggle.  New modes of production render the old modes 
obsolete but these constantly developing new modes of production is what 
further polarizes the two main classes in society - bourgeois and proletarian.  
As this polarization geats greater so does the struggle between these 2 classes 
and once the working-class realizes, as a result of its class consciousness and 
not public opinion, the working-class begins its historical role as 
grave-diggers of capitalism in the overthrow of this mode of production and 
the entire class relations to it.  The very dialectics of this clearly 
indicates that the capitalists will resist the overthrow of their decadent 
social system thus a violent armed struggle is engaged.
Melvins approach is completely a mechanistic materialist position that is 
anti-Marxian thus opportunistic because he wants society to develop into 
socialism through a process whereby capitalism peacefully morphs into his 
concept of economic communism and the capitalist embraces the socialist and 
says I'm sorry!  Then it becomes a fairy-tale ending where everybody lives 
happily ever after as wealth and resources are abundantly spread to all!
What a pile of horseshit.  Scientific Marxism makes it more than perfectly 
clear that the new mode of production - socialism - not just renders the 
capitalist mode obsolete but makes it clear that it is through a violent armed 
struggle that the capitalist class is eliminated, defeated, exterminated, 
liquidated and so on and so forth.
Melvin is either completely ignorant of class struggle or is revisionist in his 
perception of it and I firmly believe that he is not ignorant of it.
Dialectics addresses the unity of opposites so perhaps Melvin would do well to 
restudy Marxist dialectics and get at least the slightest notion of this 
science if he is ignorant of it but that, as I said, is doubtfully the case.
In any respect, the new mode of production is only an abstract part of the 
process of development within the class struggle...the rest of the process is 
the struggle which is why it is called the class struggle because it is a 
violent struggle between two classes, one to try and hold on to their power 
while the other attempts to overthrow the others power in order to establish 
their own structure of power.  Such a struggle between two classes is not 
flowery but brutal and the working-class will overthrow the bourgeoisie in this 
violent power struggle.  For Melvin to say otherwise as he has clearly shows 
his revisionist position and is no Marxist whatsoever.
Mark Scott


Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list

Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread Mark Scott

Comrade Slavyanski,
Thank you for your defense of Marxism-Leninism wherein you replied to Melvin's 
intentional distortion of Marxism in his slanderous attempt to assassinate my 
character which is nothing new if one views the archives.  This repugnant 
attack took the form of classical demonization of one's enemy wherein he was 
equating me as a fascist and you responded:
Not really, since the German genocide targeted people based on their 
ethnicity, period.  

Melvin can slanderous attack me if he likes and it will make no difference to 
me but I highly detest his distortion of Marxism in any context so I again 
thank you for your defense of Marxism-Leninism.  The struggle against 
revisionism is timeless and transcends the realm of personalities and 
individual character but an opportunist will employ every repugnant tactic 
available to him.  Nevertheless, the defense of Marxism-Leninism is all 
important and supposedly at one time that is what this list was all about...not 
so sure anymore.
Mark Scott

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread frankenstein580
Dear  comrade Scott[y]

Well. the cat's got my tongue.  What can I say.   You've said it all.  
Bravo Scotty!! Bravo, Bravo!!  

The Bourgeois State police kill a youth in NYC practically every week and get 
away with it.  One day, I say,  people are just gonna start shooting back.

Now, I'm an old tool maker/ machinist, raised Catholic, born of working class 
parents my mother became a teacher, many brothers. quite a loving and 
peaceful family and I say #$%$^^^ the bourgeoisie.  You've stated it 
quite eloquently comrade Scott!

Can I just say this though.. the working class has different ethics than 
the blood thirsty capitalists, Imperialist, Fascist, Zionists.  And so, too 
often, that's why we get screwed.  But, I'd rather keep my proletarian 
morals... and we just don't use the word exterminate a people, at least not 
with the connotations implied.  Stalin did say to eliminate the Kulacks as a 
class, but despite the Trots, the practice was not to exterminate them a la 
Hitler.  We merely wanted to eliminate the class, as a class.  Please don't 
argue with me as you've got your hands full.   I respect you're tenacity on 
this very difficult subject.  I know that the working class warriors and the 
bourgeois flunkies will have to fight it out while our class do their thing... 
that's why we have soldiers.  I was a Senior Airman in the Air Force, and my 
father was a soldier in Korea, and many of my Puerto Rican cousins were injured 
in that war.   We understand what
 fighting means.  The working class is a revolutionary class, despite that some 
here deem us as reactionary and symbiotic to the capitalist class, but what do 
they know?  

I'm not one for many words.


--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Mark Scott wrote:

From: Mark Scott
Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2010, 12:10 PM

Comrade Jayaprakash:
 You stated:
Kindly do not make a fetish out of violence by reproducing quotes that are
totally out of context; those quotes were made at a certain time in history
and under certain specific circumstances. Please note that State is the
embodiment of violence and that the ultimate aim of all communists is to
create conditions for the withering away of the State, i.e., organised
violence. This aim should not be lost sight of when drawing appropriate
lessons from history.
I have to say that I agree with you and yet disagree.  I do not make a fetish 
out of reproducing quotes out of context.  You are correct that they were 
stated at a certain time in history and under certain circumstances as are all 
of the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che and a host of other 
Marxists.  It is not just the quotes and who said what but, rather, what is the 
essence of what they were saying and if their relevance holds true in our 
period of history and our circumstances.  I believe the quotes I used do in 
fact have relevance and are very valid today as they were at the time they 
written.  It is not the quote itself that is relevant because of who said it 
but the principle of what was said in relationship to the circumstances both 
then and now.  To dismiss quoting these great leaders we may as well throw away 
all their writings and not use them but this is never going to happen, not with 
me anyway and I will make no
 apologies for my position.

I also disagree with your comment about the quotes as everything that has been 
written by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others were written within the 
context of their historical era so are we to simply disregard now their 
writings.  I don't think so.  The use of these quotes does in fact speak to the 
very principle of class struggle today although written in their period of 
history and under their particular circumstances.
I do agree with your comments on the State but since we are under the 
dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, their State, forces the violence on the 
working-class the world over which is why there is armed resistance to the US 
bourgeoisie.  This State is not merely going to wither away.  The bourgeois 
State needs to be overthrown and again this is Marxism 101 and one would and 
could quote Marx, Engels, etc. from their time period regarding this.  Time 
makes no difference as to the validity of scientific Marxism.  It is true that 
conditions have changed but those are external changes whereas the internal 
contradictions remain the same.
The working-class today is still subjected to oppression and repression through 
violence as as capitalism continues to deteriorate the ruling-class continues 
to force the issue of violence upon the working-class.  The working-class can 
only respond in kind which is why Marx stated that capitalism produces its own 
grave-diggers and the very essence of the class struggle is the object

Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread frankenstein580

Dear  comrade Scott[y]

Well. the cat's got my tongue.  What can I say.   You've said it all.  
Bravo Scotty!! Bravo, Bravo!!  

 Bourgeois State police kill a youth in NYC practically every week and 
get away with it.  One day, I say,  people are just gonna start shooting

Now, I'm an old tool maker/ machinist, raised Catholic, 
born of working class parents my mother became a teacher, many 
brothers. quite a loving and peaceful family and I say 
#$%$^^^ the bourgeoisie.  You've stated it quite eloquently 
comrade Scott!

Can I just say this though.. the working class
 has different ethics than the blood thirsty capitalists, Imperialist, 
Fascist, Zionists.  And so, too often, that's why we get screwed.  But, 
I'd rather keep my proletarian morals...
 and we just don't use the word exterminate a people, at least not 
with the connotations implied.  Stalin did say to eliminate the Kulacks
 as a class, but despite the Trots, the practice was not to 
exterminate them a la Hitler.  We merely wanted to eliminate the 
class, as a class.  Please don't argue with me as you've got your hands 
full.   I respect you're tenacity on this very difficult subject.  I 
know that the working class warriors and the bourgeois flunkies will 
have to fight it out while our class do their thing... that's why we 
have soldiers.  I was a Senior Airman in the Air Force, and my father 
was a soldier in Korea, and many of my Puerto Rican cousins were injured
 in that war.   We understand what fighting means.  The working class is
 a revolutionary class, despite that some here deem us as reactionary 
and symbiotic to the capitalist class, but what do they know?  

I'm not
 one for many words.


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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread Mark Scott
Comrade f580,
Thank you for your words although I don't consider myself an eloquent or even a 
good writer to be honest with you.
I do not intend to argue with you as I appreciate not just your support but 
your enthusiasm as a Marxist revolutionary dedicated to the preservation and 
reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism which this list was almost 10 years ago 
anyway.  Now it seems acceptable to espouse a highly revisionist line.
I will only comment on semantics which I used that seems to be upsetting to 
some, however, make no apologies for its usage because I am not squeamish to 
the point of being concerned with others feelings that really have no idea what 
they are talking about, in particular...Melvin.
What does Websters say about extermination?  Simply to get rid of completely 
usu. by killing off SYN extirpate, eradicate, abolish, annihilate.
What does Websters say of elimination?  Simply to remove, eradicate
Now...what does Websters say of eradicate?  Simply to uproot, eliminate SYN is 
exterminate, annihilate, abolish, extinguish
You are an intelligent Comrade so I'm sure you see the similarities here.  The 
words are basically one and the same.
I agree with your comment somewhat:
...and we just don't use the word exterminate a people, at least not with 
the connotations implied.
The proletarian morals you refer to does make a difference in terms of 
comparison with the bourgeois enemies morals because they have none.  There is 
absolutely no honor or loyalty except to capital from the bourgeoisie's 
morals go, therefore, they think nothing of the mass slaughter of people.  We 
see this truism against the Native Americans, we see this truism against the 
people of the Balkans, and we are in the very process of seeing this truism 
being applied right now in Afghanistan and Iraq.  It seems to be an acceptable 
tactic by Marxist humanists for the capitalists to exterminate people but when 
a Marxist-Leninist, in this case, myself, calls for the extermination of the US 
bourgeoisie as a class it upsets these bourgeoisified wanna be Marxists.  
Simply put, the bourgeois class will be exterminated as a class.  What I find 
so laughable about Melvins fake indignition is that Marxian dialectics tell us 
that in essence the capitalists are exterminating themselves, hence, Marx's 
observation that capitalism creates its own grave-diggers.  
At times we must ask ourselves to what extent am I still conditioned by 
bourgeois ideology.  I continuously look and evaluate myself as to what 
bourgeois thoughts and mannerisms remain in my character.  Che addresses this 
eloquently in his concept of the new man in which I agree that in order for 
the new man to develop within each and everyone of us who call ourselves 
Marxists we must conduct this evaluation and self-criticism because the 
developmental process of the new man is a continual process and will remain 
so until humanity has reached the point wherein all class society has itself 
been exterminated and full communism can be realized.
As Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries we do not exterminate, eradicate, 
eliminate, or annihilate a class of people in the bourgeois moral sense.  We 
must also realize what a just war is and when that is realized we can say as 
Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries that we do not exterminate a class of people 
for repugnant self-serving goals but exterminate the ruling-class because of 
the very fact that they exterminate the working-class for these self-serving 
goals and interests.  In other words, we are only the mechanism by which the US 
bourgeoisie will exterminate themselves as a class of exploiters.
Such use of the term exterminate by me is justified in that the working-class 
has the historical role to overthrow the exploiting ruling-class and establish 
a society that is completely free of exploitation of man by man whereas the 
ruling-class will go to great lengths to preserve this vile social order by 
resorting to the extermination of those who would challenge their power.
The US bourgeoisie does not care who they exterminate to achieve new markets 
and resources or to protect their private property system, however, they do 
realize they cannot exterminate the entire working-class or they will not have 
their labor pool to provide them with their profits.  Therefore, they are free 
to exterminate and mass slaughter millions of proletarians the world over 
because there is no shortage of workers.
The working-class is justified in exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class 
because as Marxist-Leninists we do not need to exploit anyone to achieve a life 
of economic as well as political freedom and liberty.  It is the bourgeois 
class alone that thrives on exploitation and will amke all attempts to restore 
their vile system of exploitation so they will want and have the motive to 
undertake reactionary counterrevolutionary violence against the working-class 
and the dictatorship of the 

Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-21 Thread Jayaprakash ND
Dear Mark Scott,

I would again request you to draw the right lessons from history. You seem
to give undue emphasis on violence as though revolutions are won through
violence. What role did violence play in the historical February
Revolution and the October Revolution of 1917? What are Soviets? What was
the significance of the timing of seizure of power on 25 October 1917 (07
November)? When was the Second All Russian Congress of Soviets held? Why did
Lenin give a call for transferring All Power to the Soviets? Violence was
unleashed by the counter-revolutionaries; the Bolsheviks certainly had to
ensure that they had the means to neutralize such violence. There was no way
the Bolsheviks would have survived the onslaught without the support of the
Left Socialist-Revolutionaries. Ultimately, mass support for the Bolsheviks
and the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries among the working class and the
peasantry was the key to the success of the revolution.Armed violence can
in no way be a substitute for the hard work that is necessary for raising
the consciousness of the basic classes and eliciting mass support for the
cause among them. The undue obsession with armed violence can contribute
in a big way to fuel romantic notions of revolution and little else.

I am totally surprised at the flippant manner in which you spew scorn at
Marxist humanism as though the concept of humanism is something to be
ridiculed at. May I also point out that but for the power of public opinion
the right-wing leadership of the U.S. would not have restrained themselves
from using nuclear weapons on North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and Iran. Yes,
public opinion was not sufficient to restrain the U.S. from launching its
barbaric attack on Iraq; that was due to the fact that the right-wing in the
U.S successfully managed to divide public opinion in the aftermath of 9/11
with all the devious means at their command.


On 22 December 2010 01:40, Mark Scott wrote:

 Comrade Jayaprakash:

  You stated:

 Kindly do not make a fetish out of violence by reproducing quotes that
 totally out of context; those quotes were made at a certain time in history
 and under certain specific circumstances. Please note that State is the
 embodiment of violence and that the ultimate aim of all communists is to
 create conditions for the withering away of the State, i.e., organised
 violence. This aim should not be lost sight of when drawing appropriate
 lessons from history.

 I have to say that I agree with you and yet disagree.  I do not make a
 fetish out of reproducing quotes out of context.  You are correct that they
 were stated at a certain time in history and under certain circumstances as
 are all of the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che and a host
 of other Marxists.  It is not just the quotes and who said what but, rather,
 what is the essence of what they were saying and if their relevance holds
 true in our period of history and our circumstances.  I believe the quotes I
 used do in fact have relevance and are very valid today as they were at the
 time they written.  It is not the quote itself that is relevant because of
 who said it but the principle of what was said in relationship to the
 circumstances both then and now.  To dismiss quoting these great leaders we
 may as well throw away all their writings and not use them but this is never
 going to happen, not with me anyway and I will make no apologies for my

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-20 Thread Kale Moshaaver
Doesn't Marx say that the only War is Class War?
How do you expect to win a war for the Worker?

--- On Mon, 12/20/10, wrote:

Subject: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 3:10 PM

I denounce the statement below advocating the violent extermination of  
people/classes, and consider such advocacy political terrorism, unacceptable to 
a discussion list such as this. 

I have no connection with or anything to do with individuals advocating  
extermination - in this case violent extermination, of individuals as these  
individuals constitute themselves into classes. 

I further admit to having no political or personal connection, personal  
private conversations, and/or personal private contact, with the author below. 
Nor have I every engaged in any discussion of extermination of 
people/classes  with anyone. 


In a message dated 12/18/2010 8:10:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 

You are such a fraud it is unbelievable.  From the moment you  started 
refering to me slanderously years ago, especially in regards to my past  
military service, is when the so-called name calling began initiated by  you.  
was you who began the slander and refering to you as a deiviant,  apologist 
and such is in line with describing a revisionist.  Look at all  the writings 
of Lenin and others in their references to deviants. 

I make no hidden insinuations here...I have absolutely no respect for you  
so let's get it clear now because I will not lower myself to your gutter  
standards again. 

Let's look at the archives dude, here is what created my animosity  
towards you according to what you wrote dude: 

I mention this Mark because you fucked with the wrong nigga. 

You are a fool and thug. 

These are only 2 of the many name calling references you started with me  
yet want to self-righteously claim you don't resort to name calling.  These  
two quotes of name calling was made by you because I said I believed in the  
violent extermination of the US bourgeoisie which was written on Friday, 
Dec 30,  2005.  The article was entitled by you RE: Yu Chi Chan - Black 
Panthers 2,  Mark as murderer and Terrorist. 

You so hypocritically love to turn everything on its head and pretend you  
are so principled but you are nothing but a bourgeois loving revisionist  
pretending at Marxism.  It was you who called me a murderer and terrorist -  
not the other way around dude.  You will go to any length to slander  
someone and then pretend to be so self-righteous.  Why don't you go whine  and 
snivel to the moderators like usual!  There is no polite way of saying  how 
much I detest you as a fraud so I will leave it at this 

LRNA clearly states that fascism is alive and well in the US and I will be  
glad to post their articles if needed. 

Mark Scott

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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-20 Thread Waistline2
I do not understand the questions below in the context of the statement  
produced. Please explain or reformulate. Advocacy of extermination of  
individuals as they constitute class; and a call for violent extermination of 
these individuals is akin to the reality of German fascism and Indian 

In a message dated 12/20/2010 3:13:47 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Doesn't Marx say that the only War is Class War?

How do  you expect to win a war for the Worker?
From: _waistli...@aol.com_ (  
_waistli...@aol.com_ (  Subject: [MLL] I  denounce 
the statement 
below advocating . . . . . To: _marxist-leninist-l...@lists.econ.utah.edu_ 
(   Date: Monday, December 20, 
2010, 3:10 PM 

I denounce the statement below advocating the violent extermination of  
people/classes, and consider such advocacy political terrorism, unacceptable to 
 a discussion list such as this. 
I have no connection with or anything to do with individuals advocating  
extermination - in this case violent extermination, of individuals as these  
individuals constitute themselves into classes. 
I further admit to having no political or personal connection, personal  
private conversations, and/or personal private contact, with the author below. 
 Nor have I every engaged in any discussion of extermination of  
people/classes  with anyone. 

In a message dated 12/18/2010 8:10:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
__mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 

You are such a fraud it is unbelievable.  From the moment  you  started 
referring to me slanderously years ago, especially in regards  to my past 
military service, is when the so-called name calling began initiated  by  you.  
It was you who began the slander and referring to you as a  deiviant,  
apologist and such is in line with describing a  revisionist.  Look at all  the 
writings of Lenin and others in their  references to deviants. 
I make no hidden insinuations here...I have absolutely no respect for you  
so let's get it clear now because I will not lower myself to your gutter  
standards again. 
Let's look at the archives dude, here is what created my animosity  
towards you according to what you wrote dude: 
I mention this Mark because you fucked with the wrong nigga. 
You are a fool and thug. 
These are only 2 of the many name calling references you started with me  
yet want to self-righteously claim you don't resort to name calling.  These  
two quotes of name calling was made by you because I said I believed in the  
violent extermination of the US bourgeoisie which was written on Friday, 
Dec  30,  2005.  The article was entitled by you RE: Yu Chi Chan - Black  
Panthers 2,  Mark as murderer and Terrorist. 
You so hypocritically love to turn everything on its head and pretend you  
are so principled but you are nothing but a bourgeois loving revisionist  
pretending at Marxism.  It was you who called me a murderer and terrorist -  
not the other way around dude.  You will go to any length to slander  
someone and then pretend to be so self-righteous.  Why don't you go  whine  and 
snivel to the moderators like usual!  There is no polite  way of saying  how 
much I detest you as a fraud so I will leave it at this 
LRNA clearly states that fascism is alive and well in the US and I will be  
glad to post their articles if needed. 
Mark Scott

Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-20 Thread frankenstein580
I think that we're going overboard here with this statement  produced renew by 
Waistline;  we can see that Waistline has already disassociated himself from 
the extermination word; so you're SAFE, don't worry.  NO one here is 
advocating Terrorism or the like, as I see it.  Also, No need to summons the 
attention of the oppressive  police State by pretending to be so 
sanctimoniously vigilant on this matter.  

There is class war all over this world and we are quite conscious of how 
murderous  the  Imperialists are.  However comrade Scott  has phrased his 
contempt in the past were mere passionate words and not a call to anything;  
and  regardless, I'm sure that the political police has an eye and ear on each 
one of us here already.   The fact that we need to watch our p's and q's is 
in itself a sign of the repression against the angry people and certainly 


--- On Mon, 12/20/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating  . . . . .
Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 12:27 PM

I do not understand the questions below in the context of the statement  
produced. Please explain or reformulate. Advocacy of extermination of  
individuals as they constitute class; and a call for violent extermination 
these individuals is akin to the reality of German fascism and Indian 

In a message dated 12/20/2010 3:13:47 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Doesn't Marx say that the only War is Class War?

How do  you expect to win a war for the Worker?
From: _waistli...@aol.com_ (  
_waistli...@aol.com_ (  Subject: [MLL] I  denounce 
the statement 
below advocating . . . . . To: _marxist-leninist-l...@lists.econ.utah.edu_ 
(   Date: Monday, December 20, 
2010, 3:10 PM 

I denounce the statement below advocating the violent extermination of  
people/classes, and consider such advocacy political terrorism, unacceptable to 
 a discussion list such as this. 
I have no connection with or anything to do with individuals advocating  
extermination - in this case violent extermination, of individuals as these  
individuals constitute themselves into classes. 
I further admit to having no political or personal connection, personal  
private conversations, and/or personal private contact, with the author below. 
 Nor have I every engaged in any discussion of extermination of  
people/classes  with anyone. 

In a message dated 12/18/2010 8:10:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
__mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 

You are such a fraud it is unbelievable.  From the moment  you  started 
referring to me slanderously years ago, especially in regards  to my past 
military service, is when the so-called name calling began initiated  by  you.  
It was you who began the slander and referring to you as a  deiviant,  
apologist and such is in line with describing a  revisionist.  Look at all  the 
writings of Lenin and others in their  references to deviants. 
I make no hidden insinuations here...I have absolutely no respect for you  
so let's get it clear now because I will not lower myself to your gutter  
standards again. 
Let's look at the archives dude, here is what created my animosity  
towards you according to what you wrote dude: 
I mention this Mark because you fucked with the wrong nigga. 
You are a fool and thug. 
These are only 2 of the many name calling references you started with me  
yet want to self-righteously claim you don't resort to name calling.  These  
two quotes of name calling was made by you because I said I believed in the  
violent extermination of the US bourgeoisie which was written on Friday, 
Dec  30,  2005.  The article was entitled by you RE: Yu Chi Chan - Black  
Panthers 2,  Mark as murderer and Terrorist. 
You so hypocritically love to turn everything on its head and pretend you  
are so principled but you are nothing but a bourgeois loving revisionist  
pretending at Marxism.  It was you who called me a murderer and terrorist -  
not the other way around dude.  You will go to any length to slander  
someone and then pretend to be so self-righteous.  Why don't you go  whine  and 
snivel to the moderators like usual!  There is no polite  way of saying  how 
much I detest you as a fraud so I will leave it at this 
LRNA clearly states that fascism is alive and well in the US and I will be  
glad to post their articles if needed. 
Mark Scott

Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
To change your options or unsubscribe go to:

Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-20 Thread Mark Scott
 as this revisionist Melvin continually attempts.
Mark Scott

--- On Mon, 12/20/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 8:27 PM

I do not understand the questions below in the context of the statement  
produced. Please explain or reformulate. Advocacy of extermination of  
individuals as they constitute class; and a call for violent extermination 
these individuals is akin to the reality of German fascism and Indian 


In a message dated 12/20/2010 3:13:47 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Doesn't Marx say that the only War is Class War?

How do  you expect to win a war for the Worker?


From: _waistli...@aol.com_ (  
_waistli...@aol.com_ (  Subject: [MLL] I  denounce 
the statement 
below advocating . . . . . To: _marxist-leninist-l...@lists.econ.utah.edu_ 
(   Date: Monday, December 20, 
2010, 3:10 PM 

I denounce the statement below advocating the violent extermination of  
people/classes, and consider such advocacy political terrorism, unacceptable to 
a discussion list such as this. 

I have no connection with or anything to do with individuals advocating  
extermination - in this case violent extermination, of individuals as these  
individuals constitute themselves into classes. 

I further admit to having no political or personal connection, personal  
private conversations, and/or personal private contact, with the author below. 
Nor have I every engaged in any discussion of extermination of  
people/classes  with anyone. 


In a message dated 12/18/2010 8:10:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
__mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 

You are such a fraud it is unbelievable.  From the moment  you  started 
referring to me slanderously years ago, especially in regards  to my past 
military service, is when the so-called name calling began initiated  by  you.  
It was you who began the slander and referring to you as a  deiviant,  
apologist and such is in line with describing a  revisionist.  Look at all  the 
writings of Lenin and others in their  references to deviants. 

I make no hidden insinuations here...I have absolutely no respect for you  
so let's get it clear now because I will not lower myself to your gutter  
standards again. 

Let's look at the archives dude, here is what created my animosity  
towards you according to what you wrote dude: 

I mention this Mark because you fucked with the wrong nigga. 

You are a fool and thug. 

These are only 2 of the many name calling references you started with me  
yet want to self-righteously claim you don't resort to name calling.  These  
two quotes of name calling was made by you because I said I believed in the  
violent extermination of the US bourgeoisie which was written on Friday, 
Dec  30,  2005.  The article was entitled by you RE: Yu Chi Chan - Black  
Panthers 2,  Mark as murderer and Terrorist. 

You so hypocritically love to turn everything on its head and pretend you  
are so principled but you are nothing but a bourgeois loving revisionist  
pretending at Marxism.  It was you who called me a murderer and terrorist -  
not the other way around dude.  You will go to any length to slander  
someone and then pretend to be so self-righteous.  Why don't you go  whine  and 
snivel to the moderators like usual!  There is no polite  way of saying  how 
much I detest you as a fraud so I will leave it at this 

LRNA clearly states that fascism is alive and well in the US and I will be  
glad to post their articles if needed. 

Mark Scott

Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
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Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .

2010-12-20 Thread J. Slavyanski
Not really, since the German genocide targeted people based on their ethnicity, 

“The entire party and country should hurl into the fire and break the neck of 
anyone who dared trample underfoot the sacred edict of the party on the defense 
of women's rights.”

- Enver Hoxha, 1967

--- On Mon, 12/20/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating  . . . . .
Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 1:27 PM

I do not understand the questions below in the context of the statement  
produced. Please explain or reformulate. Advocacy of extermination of  
individuals as they constitute class; and a call for violent extermination 
these individuals is akin to the reality of German fascism and Indian 

In a message dated 12/20/2010 3:13:47 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Doesn't Marx say that the only War is Class War?

How do  you expect to win a war for the Worker?
From: _waistli...@aol.com_ (  
_waistli...@aol.com_ (  Subject: [MLL] I  denounce 
the statement 
below advocating . . . . . To: _marxist-leninist-l...@lists.econ.utah.edu_ 
(   Date: Monday, December 20, 
2010, 3:10 PM 

I denounce the statement below advocating the violent extermination of  
people/classes, and consider such advocacy political terrorism, unacceptable to 
 a discussion list such as this. 
I have no connection with or anything to do with individuals advocating  
extermination - in this case violent extermination, of individuals as these  
individuals constitute themselves into classes. 
I further admit to having no political or personal connection, personal  
private conversations, and/or personal private contact, with the author below. 
 Nor have I every engaged in any discussion of extermination of  
people/classes  with anyone. 

In a message dated 12/18/2010 8:10:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
__mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 

You are such a fraud it is unbelievable.  From the moment  you  started 
referring to me slanderously years ago, especially in regards  to my past 
military service, is when the so-called name calling began initiated  by  you.  
It was you who began the slander and referring to you as a  deiviant,  
apologist and such is in line with describing a  revisionist.  Look at all  the 
writings of Lenin and others in their  references to deviants. 
I make no hidden insinuations here...I have absolutely no respect for you  
so let's get it clear now because I will not lower myself to your gutter  
standards again. 
Let's look at the archives dude, here is what created my animosity  
towards you according to what you wrote dude: 
I mention this Mark because you fucked with the wrong nigga. 
You are a fool and thug. 
These are only 2 of the many name calling references you started with me  
yet want to self-righteously claim you don't resort to name calling.  These  
two quotes of name calling was made by you because I said I believed in the  
violent extermination of the US bourgeoisie which was written on Friday, 
Dec  30,  2005.  The article was entitled by you RE: Yu Chi Chan - Black  
Panthers 2,  Mark as murderer and Terrorist. 
You so hypocritically love to turn everything on its head and pretend you  
are so principled but you are nothing but a bourgeois loving revisionist  
pretending at Marxism.  It was you who called me a murderer and terrorist -  
not the other way around dude.  You will go to any length to slander  
someone and then pretend to be so self-righteous.  Why don't you go  whine  and 
snivel to the moderators like usual!  There is no polite  way of saying  how 
much I detest you as a fraud so I will leave it at this 
LRNA clearly states that fascism is alive and well in the US and I will be  
glad to post their articles if needed. 
Mark Scott

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