Re: MyIsam or InnoDB? (WARNING -- LONG MSG)

2003-10-07 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Tuesday, October 7, 2003, 4:49:44 PM, você escreveu:


RC Apologies for the length of this post. 

RC We started off this little proof of concept project using MySQL
RC tables, in part because we figured we needed foreign key constraints,
RC row locking, and all the other bells and whistles that one gets with
RC DB2 (our production DB on a big - for us - project). 

RC We are creating a reports-only application for billing and accounts
RC receivable information now kept in a Lotus Notes database. We will
RC export the billing information every night and do a load into MySQL.
RC We will then use Crystal Reports (and perhaps later a Java GUI) to
RC generate various reports like aged accounts, cash receipts, this by
RC office, that by month, etc. etc. While good RDBMS design says we
RC should have half a dozen tables all glued together with foreign key
RC constraints, I'm not sure any of that really applies. It's not a
RC transactional database, reads and writes will essentially never be
RC concurrent so row locking is not an issue, and logging in this
RC environment doesn't seem productive. On the other hand, we have a
RC moderately strong dedicated server with 1  GB ram and 150  GB drive
RC space, so resources to run one table type over another also don't
RC seem
RC relevent. On the gripping hand, the collective experience around here
RC is with DB2, so on some level, some of us expect to find things like
RC transaction logs, commit and rollback capability, and such like even
RC if we never have occasion to use them.

RC So, how's a person to decide? To MyIsam or not to MyIsam, that is the
RC question.

RC Thanks and apologies again for the long post.
RC Randy

RC --
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it always uses InnoDB.

My company used MyISAM for many data...
had problems with competing access.
With innodb we did not have plus no claim.

For great volume of data, InnoDB.


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
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The Compilation Error

2003-09-11 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
I try to compile MySQL/InnoDB 4.1.1 ( loaded from BK )

My Configure Line is:

export CFLAGS=-O6 -mpentiumpro
export CXX=gcc 
export CXXFLAGS=-O6 -mpentiumpro -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti 
./configure --with-innodb  --without-isam --without-docs --without-bench 
--with-charset=latin1 --without-bdb --without-debug --enable-assembler 
--enable-local-infile --with-mysqld-user=mysql --with-gnu-ld --prefix=/usr/local/mysql4

The error is:

make[2]: Entering directory `/temp/mysql-development/mysql-4.1-win/sql'
bison -y  -d sql_yacc.yy  mv
conflicts:  365 shift/reduce
sql_yacc.yy:5357: fatal error: maximum table size (32767) exceeded
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/temp/mysql-development/mysql-4.1-win/sql'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/temp/mysql-development/mysql-4.1-win'
make: *** [all] Error 2

What is the error ?

InnoDB,MySQL,QUery,Help !

  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
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Raw partition with InnoDB on Windows 2000

2003-08-20 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Hello guys !!!

I  have  MySQL/InnoDB  on  Windows  2000  and  i  want to create a RAW
PARTITION to use InnoDB tablespace...

In Linux the configurarion is:

innodb_data_file_path = /dev/hda1:32Gnewraw
innodb_data_home_dir =

and in Windows 2000 ??

Tnks in advance...


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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Raw partition with InnoDB on Windows 2000

2003-08-20 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Hello guys !!!

I  have  MySQL/InnoDB  on  Windows  2000  and  i  want to create a RAW
PARTITION to use InnoDB tablespace...

In Linux the configurarion is:

innodb_data_file_path = /dev/hda1:32Gnewraw
innodb_data_home_dir =

and in Windows 2000 ??

Tnks in advance...

InnoDB,MySQL,SQL,query,HELLLP !!!

  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
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The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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mysql BUG, again ;)

2003-07-29 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

   I would like to know if you could fix the bug I reported to you
   some days ago.

   The error is: ERROR 1030: Got error 139 from table handler after
   running an update command using several blobs.

   Now I am using mySql 4.0.15 and Linux. If you try to do the same
   with mySql 4.0.14, the record that is updated is simple deleted.

My System is a Debian Linux box , with kernel 2.4.20 with 768 of RAM
using InnoDB tables ;)


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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The MySQL Bug ?

2003-07-21 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

   I'd found a bug when I'd tried to use blob fields and innoDb.
   To see the bug, do the follow:

   *) Create a database.
   *) Import the dump file that is attached to this e-mail.
   *) Use the following commands:

   select Ci_Descricao from cfgimpressao;
  You will see that there is a row where Ci_Descricao is Padrão.

   source mysql_blob_bug.sql
   select Ci_Descricao from cfgimpressao;
  Now, the record where Ci_Descricao is Padrão has disappear.
  The script you just executed didn't erase that. There are only
  update commands to change the blob contents.
The bug is:
The record where Ci_Descricao is Padrão mustn't be erased.

The files are:

cfgimpressao.dump - The Dump Of Table
mysql_blob_bug.sql - The File of Blob Bug

stored in the

Tnks in advance !

innodb,mysql,help !

  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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The sales TEAM

2003-07-15 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
The sales team are down ?

I'm  trying  to  order  MySQL-PRO  licences and the team not return my


gerardo is out ? this is my contact in MySQL AB :

Tnks in advance,


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
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The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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2003-07-09 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 3:07:33 PM, você escreveu:


MP Hi everyone:

MP Does anyone know how to reset the auto_increment value of certain table.

MP Any ideas or sugestions

MP Greetings in advance

MP _
MP Únete al mayor servicio mundial de correo electrónico:  


alter table TABLE_NAME auto_increment = 1;


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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Compiling MySQL on Windows

2003-07-07 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
I get the last bk tree of mysql and want to compile on windows...

i have the VC++ 6.0 whith SP5 and PROCESSOR PACK... but i try to
compile using the Vc++Files directory and the MySQL print an error...

what is the steps to compile on windows the LAST BK TREE ?


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
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The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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Bug in last CVS

2003-06-24 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
try to bk pull the mysql 4.0 from CVS tree...

after I run:

aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake

inside dir...

the error is:

autoconf: Undefined macros: 8: `automake requires `AM_CONFIG_HEADER', not `AC_CONFIG_HEADER'

  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query on LOAD LOCAL IN FILE

2003-06-20 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

The bug is:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 257 to server version: 4.0.14-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql use sqlreg3;
Database changed
mysql LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:\\ProjetosD6\\MySQLBackup\\binario\\cfgimpressao.dat' 
O TABLE cfgimpressao;
ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

The Files of table are in FTP the names is: - The zipped Data of File ( saved with the
OUTFILE command, please unzip before run ! )

cfgimpressao.str - The Structure

cfgimpressao.ref - The references

cfgimpressao.idx - The Indexes

The files are in in the secret dir.

My System is MySQL 4.0.14 + InnoDB running in Linux box kernel 2.4.21
with 768MB of ram

  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
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mySql BUG

2003-06-11 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Try to do the following:

*) Import the dump file I sent to you attached to this e-mail. There is a
table called l5 and some data in the dump file.

*) run the command:

select conjuge.l5_nome from l5 as conjuge, l5 as parte where parte.l5_parte
= 8 and parte.l5_seq = 0 and conjuge.l5_parte = parte.l5_parteconjuge order
by conjuge.l5_seq desc limit 1;

It shows the error 1105: Unknown error   -- here is the bug!!!

*) run the command:

select conjuge.l5_nome from l5 as conjuge, l5 as parte where parte.l5_parte
= 8 and parte.l5_seq = 0 and conjuge.l5_parte = parte.l5_parteconjuge group
by conjuge.l5_seq having max(conjuge.l5_seq);

It returns an empty set. It is what I would like had happend in the previous command.

My System is Linux Debian Box kernel 2.4.18...
with 768 of ram and MySQl 4.0.13 using InnoDB Tables !!!

I have a dump of table with the bug ! i cant send file to the list...
exists a FTP to put the file ?

sql,query,innodb,hep please

  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
Linux registred user : #230601
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Re[2]: mySql BUG

2003-06-11 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 2:16:16 PM, você escreveu:


SM Hi!

SM Your attachment was stripped off.

SM Please upload it to:


SM and let us know it's filename.

The FileName is


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
Linux registred user : #230601
--ICQ   : 1647350
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look: cannot open my eyes Fax   : +55 041 296-6640

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Bug in MYSQL replication

2003-03-31 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

I'm using MySQL/InnoDB 4.0.12

I set replication to replicate only database escribaupdate...

The bug is:

I connect in database escribaupdate and run:
delete from escriba_autorizacao;

go to shell and execute:

scribthree:/database/log-bin# /usr/local/mysql4/bin/mysqlbinlog  logbin.001
# at 4
#030331 13:26:05 server id 1  log_pos 4 Start: binlog v 3, server v 4.0.12-log 
created 030331 13:26:05
# at 79
#030331 13:31:33 server id 1  log_pos 79Query   thread_id=19exec_time=0
use escribaupdate;
SET TIMESTAMP=1049128293;
delete from atualiza_autorizacao;

ok , the BINLOG only replicate the database command... but...

before it , i insert rows in atualiza_autorizacao...
and :
I connect in database *mysql* and run:
delete from escribaupdate.atualiza_autorizacao;

For my suprise i go to shell and execute:
scribthree:/database/log-bin# /usr/local/mysql4/bin/mysqlbinlog  logbin.001
# at 4
#030331 13:26:05 server id 1  log_pos 4 Start: binlog v 3, server v 4.0.12-log 
created 030331 13:26:05
# at 79
#030331 13:31:33 server id 1  log_pos 79Query   thread_id=19exec_time=0
use escribaupdate;
SET TIMESTAMP=1049128296;
delete from atualiza_autorizacao;

the command is write to LOGBIN file only if i logged in database
this is a bug... because i modify the database escribaupdate from
database mysql and this is not logged...

is a bug ?

Tnks in advance.


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
Linux registred user : #230601
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Error: The table is full

2003-03-26 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
i'm running the command:

update contratante,pessoa set
contratante.endereco = pessoa.endereco
,contratante.cidade = pessoa.cidade
,contratante.bairro = pessoa.bairro
,contratante.estado = pessoa.estado
,contratante.telefone = pessoa.telefone
,contratante.cep = pessoa.cep  where (contratante.codpes = pessoa.codpes);

The table contratante have 148867 rows
The table pessoa have 119319 rows

i can update the columns endereco,cidade,bairro,estado,telefone and
cep of table contratante with the information of table pessoa... but I
start the SQL STATEMENT and the error:

The Table 'contratante' is full.

Why ? i don't insert anything inside the table contratante,only update
the columns with the pessoa information...

My System is: Linux 2.4.18 / MySQL/InnoDB 4.0.12 with 512 of RAM / ReiserFS
The free space on tablespace is 10G

The my.cnf of innodb is:

innodb_data_home_dir = /database/innodb/data 
set-variable = innodb_mirrored_log_groups=1
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /database/innodb/logs
set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=60M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M
innodb_log_arch_dir = /database/innodb/logs
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=256M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=30M
set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=4
set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=60
innodb_fast_shutdown = 1

The create table of contratante is:

CREATE TABLE `contratante` (
  `Sequencia` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Protocolo` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `PLivro` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
  `PData` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `Registro` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Rlivro` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
  `RData` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `CodPes` int(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `Denominacao` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `NumAverb` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  `SequenciaPri` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `RegistroPri` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `RLivroPri` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
  `Ordem` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  `control` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
  `CodNat` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  `ImpNot` tinyint(1) default '1',
  `Endereco` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `Cidade` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  `Bairro` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `Estado` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Telefone` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  `Cep` varchar(9) NOT NULL default '',
  UNIQUE KEY `cont_idx7` (`Sequencia`,`CodPes`),
  KEY `cont_idx1` (`Sequencia`,`Ordem`),
  KEY `cont_idx2` (`CodNat`),
  KEY `cont_idx3` (`SequenciaPri`,`Ordem`),
  KEY `cont_idx5` (`CodPes`),
  KEY `cont_idx6` (`ImpNot`),
  KEY `socio_idx5` (`CodPes`)
) TYPE=InnoDB;

The Create table of pessoa is:

CREATE TABLE `pessoa` (
  `CodPes` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Nome` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `CpfCgc` varchar(18) NOT NULL default '',
  `CpfCgc2` varchar(18) NOT NULL default '',
  `TipoPes` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `CodCus` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  `Endereco` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `Telefone` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `Cidade` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
  `Bairro` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  `Estado` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Mensalista` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `Cep` varchar(9) NOT NULL default '',
  UNIQUE KEY `CodPes` (`CodPes`),
  KEY `PESSOA_INDX1` (`CodPes`),
  KEY `PESSOA_INDX2` (`CpfCgc`),
  KEY `PESSOA_INDX3` (`Nome`)

Tanks in advance.

sql,query,innodb,HEP !
  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
Linux registred user : #230601
--ICQ   : 221602060
$ look into my eyes Phone : +55 041 296-2311  r.112
look: cannot open my eyes Fax   : +55 041 296-6640

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The MySQL Backup problem

2003-03-19 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo


I am developing a mySql Backup software and I intend to develop two
different options for backup: Complete and Incremental, where Complete means
the full copy of a database, and Incremental means that only the log file
have to be copied. The logic is the follow:

Once a week, my customers will make a complete copy of their databases to a
DAT streamer or other media they can choose, and every day they will make an
incremental copy of their databases. In case of database damage, they will
be able to restore the full copy they had made and run the log file in their
hard disk. But, if the log file was not found, then the backed up log will
be used to restore the database as closed to its last state as it could be

The main problem I am experiencing is that mySql is not able to make
different log files for each database. This way I am obliged to copy all the
databases every time I start a backup, because if the user had to use the
restore option, only one single log will be executed, and it has the SQL
statements used in all the databases in my server.

I really would like that mySql had an option to make different log files for
each database. Is it possible to be developed for the mySql team? And how
long will it take you to come out this feature?

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: I intend to make this software and its source code available for free.
Then I expect you could download and enjoy it when it was ready.

  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
Linux registred user : #230601
--ICQ   : 221602060
$ look into my eyes Phone : +55 041 296-2311  r.112
look: cannot open my eyes Fax   : +55 041 296-6640

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The error on compiling the MySQL source

2003-03-17 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
I'm trying to compile MySQl 4.0.12 from BK three... and the error is:

Making all in libmysql
make[2]: Entering directory `/temp/mysql-development/mysql-4.0/libmysql'
source='libmysql.c' object='libmysql.lo' libtool=yes \
depfile='.deps/libmysql.Plo' tmpdepfile='.deps/libmysql.TPlo' \
depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../depcomp \
@LIBTOOL@ --mode=compile gcc -DDEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME=\/usr/local/mysql4\ 
-DDATADIR=\/usr/local/mysql4/var\ -DSHAREDIR=\/usr/local/mysql4/share/mysql\ 
-I../include -I./.. -I.. -I.. -g -O -DDBUG_ON -DSAFE_MUTEX -O6 -mpentiumpro  -c -o 
libmysql.lo `test -f libmysql.c || echo './'`libmysql.c
../depcomp: @LIBTOOL@: command not found
make[2]: *** [libmysql.lo] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory `/temp/mysql-development/mysql-4.0/libmysql'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/temp/mysql-development/mysql-4.0'
make: *** [all] Error 2

on make command.

My system is Linux 2.4.21-pre5-ac3

The last bk pull is: 16:20 today


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
The only stupid question is the unasked one (somewhere in Linux's HowTo)
Linux registred user : #230601
--ICQ   : 221602060
$ look into my eyes Phone : +55 041 296-2311  r.112
look: cannot open my eyes Fax   : +55 041 296-6640

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Re: Temporary tables/ view in MySQL

2003-03-13 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2003, 05:05:24, Mensagem Original:

ASKA Are temporary tabels or views supported in MySQL?
ASKA Some info required  please 

ASKA Thanks

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Temporary tables is supported :
MySQL Manual | 6.5.3 CREATE TABLE Syntax

The views is not supported yet !
It is planned to implement views in MySQL Server around version 5.0

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Re: Solaris, InnoDB and raw devices

2003-03-13 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2003, 08:23:38, Mensagem Original:

JR Hi,

JR I try to use raw devices with innoDB and i have some problems.

JR First, after modifying my.cnf file, and restarted mysql, i received an error
JR 13. The solution was to start mysql with the root user (baaah !). I think it
JR is a temporary solution.

JR BUT, now, i have an error 5 with innodb.

JR my.cnf part :

JR innodb_data_home_dir=
JR innodb_data_file_path=/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s0:5Graw;/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s0:5Graw

JR What's wrong ?

It´s first start of innodb ?

To first start the word raw need change to newraw , in newraw
state the InnoDB creates a filesystem of InnoDB Tablespace in the

after this you need shutdown mysqlserver and change the work newraw
to raw , after this start mysqlserver and InnoDB start normally.

ps: To use MySQL/InnoDB on raw device you need the permission of
device to user mysql:

chown mysql /dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s0

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Re: mysqldump and InnoDB tables

2003-03-07 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2003, 19:06:06, Mensagem Original:

RM I have a DB where all of the tables are InnoDB, and there are a few
RM straightforward FOREIGN KEY constraints. I would like to use mysqldump to
RM back up the data or move it to another machine.

RM The problem I'm running into is that when I try to import the data using
RM mysql, the data is imported in the order in which it was dumped, that is to
RM say, alphabetically by table.

before import the MySQLDump file type:


after import:


This command disable and enable FOREIGN KEY CHECKS ;)

RM This ends up violating the key constraints. Is there a way to specify the
RM order in which tables are dumped from mysqldump?

Yes. The mysqldump not respect the rules of key constraints.

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Re: Multiple MySQL Instances on the same machine

2003-03-07 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2003, 03:02:24, Mensagem Original:

P Hello ,

P We are writing some set of generic scripts to start / stop MySQL instances
P on a particular Linux machine. We want to address the complexity of
P configuring  running multiple MySQL instances on the same machine. Can we
P get the information about the parameters that we MUST take care for
P launching multiple MySQL instances.
yes , the mysql is powered by mysql_multi script to manage multiple
mysql instances:

P This may be related to the configuration as well as the start / stop
P parameters, along with mandatory  optional ones.

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RE: The Security of MySQL

2003-02-28 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2003, 13:32:39, Mensagem Original:

AN Are you using Windows?  If so, this root/mysql user talk will be
AN meaningless.  You can still make the directory secure and only touchable
AN by the user that mysql is running as.  Is this what you need?

nope , the security i want is the protect the DATA of tables with a
password or encriptation mode...

functions like ENCODE e DECODE is very useful for this , but the
ENCORE('STRING','PASSWORD') is visible if the log-update is enabled ,
the MySQL developer TEAM need to MASQ the ENCODE and DECODE
funcions do not print the PASSWORD on log-update file... if this work , the
security of DATA on MySQL is very good.

is possible ?

My System is MySQL 4.0.11-PRO/InnoDB on Linux/Windows :)

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The Security of MySQL

2003-02-26 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

I'm using MySQL-Pro+InnoDB 4.0.11 and i have a BIG problem...
My users is hacking the database because the MySQL system tables are
stored in .MYD format and to hack database is simple , only rename
the database and copy the blank database... restart MySQL and the
permissions is FULL FOR ALL USERS...

Exists in MySQL routines to ENCRYPT tables ? or the data inside tables

the functions like ENCODE and DECODE print a password in log file (
IN CLEAR TEXT) and this is terrible for me !

Exists the PASSWORD on CREATE TABLE STATEMENT but i'm using and is
same without the clause.

Please MySQL-Team and users... The security of MySQL is too simple ?
only rename and the database is opened for world ?

please help in advance ;)

Tanks very much 


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The Error in INNODb with MySQL 4.0.11

2003-02-26 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

I'm using MySQL-PRO 4.0.11 and I have a error on
SELEC/DROP/ALTER/INSERT one specific table:

Version: '4.0.11-gamma-debug-log'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306
InnoDB: Error: table ./webescriba/webtest has no primary key in InnoDB
InnoDB: data dictionary, but has one in MySQL!
InnoDB: If you created the table with a MySQL
InnoDB: version  3.23.54 and did not define a primary
InnoDB: key, but defined a unique key with all non-NULL
InnoDB: columns, then MySQL internally treats that key
InnoDB: as the primary key. You can fix this error by
InnoDB: dump + DROP + CREATE + reimport of the table.
mysqld: int ha_innobase::open(const char *, int, unsigned int): 
Assertion `key_used_on_scan == 32' failed.
Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 1776 - killed
030226 14:29:36  mysqld restarted
030226 14:29:38  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally.
InnoDB: Starting recovery from log files...
InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
InnoDB: log sequence number 10 3177927546
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 10 3177927556
030226 14:29:38  InnoDB: Flushing modified pages from the buffer pool...
030226 14:29:38  InnoDB: Started
/usr/local/mysql4/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '4.0.11-gamma-debug-log'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306

Nothing command work with this table... de DROP causes the die of
MySQL server...

This bug is very strange !

Heiiki , is a InnoDB bug ?


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Re[2]: The Security of MySQL

2003-02-26 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2003, 14:46:45, Mensagem Original:

JT Why does a user on your system have access to rename the database?  Your
JT database files should be readable only by the user that your database is
JT running as.
I work with notary officers on brazil ... and my product i sell ! , the users
(competitors) can be copy my system to sell to other users... this
is terrible to my software house... the MySQL is not prepared for this

JT Why don't you post more information about your OS and installation so that
JT users can help you secure your site.

JT I'm using MySQL-Pro+InnoDB 4.0.11 and i have a BIG problem...
JT My users is hacking the database because the MySQL system tables are
JT stored in .MYD format and to hack database is simple , only rename
JT the database and copy the blank database... restart MySQL and the
JT permissions is FULL FOR ALL USERS...
JT Exists in MySQL routines to ENCRYPT tables ? or the data inside tables
JT ?
JT the functions like ENCODE and DECODE print a password in log file (
JT IN CLEAR TEXT) and this is terrible for me !
JT Exists the PASSWORD on CREATE TABLE STATEMENT but i'm using and is
JT same without the clause.
JT Please MySQL-Team and users... The security of MySQL is too simple ?
JT only rename and the database is opened for world ?
JT please help in advance ;)
JT Tanks 
JT Tanks very much 

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Re: The Security of MySQL

2003-02-26 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
MM You should use the filesystem security your operating system provides to
MM prevent common users from copying the database files. The directory that 
MM the database files resides in only needs to allow access by the user 
MM that the MySQL server is running as. If you do this, only users who know 
MM the MySQL user's password can 'copy' the databases.

I work with notary officers on brazil ... and my product i sell ! , the users
(competitors) can be copy my system to sell to other users... this
is terrible to my software house... the MySQL is not prepared for this

exists the method to secure a table with password ? or the secure is
only the filesystem permissions ?

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The MySQL and InnoDB FKs

2003-02-26 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

   I would like to know if is there a way to delete constraints
   without dropping and recreating a table. If there isn't, I would
   like to know when do you plan to implement this important feature.

   Thanks in advance,


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
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The corrumpion detected on SELECT AFTER UPDATE ON BLOB COLUMN

2003-02-03 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

create table teste ( id integer auto_increment unique,imagem LONGBLOB not null);
insert into teste (id) values (1);
update teste set image = (IMG OF 300K) where id = 1;
select if(imagem is null, ERRO, OK) from escriba2.teste where id = 1;

* My System is Linux 2.4.18
* Table table : MyISAM and InnoDB the crash is same.
* With not null or without not null the crash is same.

The MySQL 4.0.9 and 4.0.10 ( build from bk tree today ) crash and says this on
.err file:

mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to 
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 372335 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0xbd7feb58, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read and follow 
instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do 
resolve it
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at 0x89380d0 = select if(imagem is null, ERRO, OK) from teste where id 
= 1

Successfully dumped variables, if you ran with --log, take a look at the
details of what thread 14 did to cause the crash.  In some cases of really
bad corruption, the values shown above may be invalid.

The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.


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Re[2]: Storeing images in Database

2003-01-25 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2003, 22:41:47, napsal jste:

WRM Since you obviously aren't going to search the images themselves there is
WRM no reason to put them into a database.  File systems are designed for
WRM this.  I might suggest using an Id field and then split them into
WRM subdirectories based on the 1st or last digit of the ID (0..9).  This
WRM would reduce the number of files in a given directory which can be a
WRM problem with VERY large numbers of files.  You can also put them on a
WRM totally differnet drive from the database data to increase performance. 
WRM The cost is  bit of setup (have to create the directories) and
WRM programming.  This should allow the database rows to be uniform in size
WRM which should help performance.

OK , but my database is only for images... and i want integrate my
client application with the Internet page around the world ... What is
more easy, one select and get image or a connection to download the
image ? The point is this. in my case... the images in sql database is
more comfortable , but is it secure ? you loose data using BLOB fields
? please send me a reply to help me in my decision :)

The suggestion bout ID in database and store an a file system, it is very
interesting , but if i loose the id´s ? atomically i loose the
images correct ?

Tanks in advance !

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Storeing images in Database

2003-01-24 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Hello community !!!

The software house on i'm work want to store images ( TIF FILES +/-
100kb compressed with gzip ) on database... using InnoDB database...
( files or raw devices )

The discussion is :

   - The innodb ( or myisam ) is sufficient robust to allow store
 10.000.000 images ( with 100kb ) without problems ( corrupt or fail ) ?

   - If is sufficient robust , the speed  to join and get images from
 database is not slow ( slow for me is 2 seconds )?

   - The best solution is store images in files ( ex : c:\images\img00.tif) or 
database ?

The responses and experience of all community is very welcome !

special for Heikki and Monty , what do you think ? store in files or in
database ?

Please it is very important for my software house !!!

my preference is into database... but i'm afraid the volume is big...

MySQL version: 4.0.9
Table Type   : InnoDB
Operation System : Windows ( 98/ME/NT ) and Linux ( 2.4 )
Disk Types   : IDE and SCSI ( depend of volume )

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Limitations of InnoDB about REPLICATION

2003-01-23 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Hello guy !

The limitations about InnoDB on replication is present in = 4.0.9 release


is true this limitations on = 4.0.9 ?


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The diferences about /dev/hda1 and access via raw device

2003-01-23 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Hi ! this question is very relevant for me !!!

The speed of InnoDB is more fast if the raw device is specified


or with created using /dev/hda1 ? ex:

bash# cd /dev
bash# sh MAKEDEV raw
bash# raw /dev/raw1 /dev/hda1

in my.cnf


The speed is more fast in the last case or no ?



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The Bitkeeper resositore is down ?

2003-01-16 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Hello guy's 

The bitkeeper repository of MySQL 4.0 and 4.1 are down ? or are moved
to other machine ? I cant access :

scribthree:/temp/mysql-development/mysql-4.1# bk pull
bk:// Connection refused

any idea ?

Tanks !!!


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Re[2]: The Bitkeeper resositore is down ?

2003-01-16 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2003, 08:29:47, napsal jste:

GR On Thursday 16 January 2003 11:30, you wrote:
 Hello guy's 

 The bitkeeper repository of MySQL 4.0 and 4.1 are down ? or are moved
 to other machine ? I cant access :

GR see 

GR Regards

GR Georg

0hhh... tanks very much !

The Manual on site about this is incorrect. The location specified
in the site is old.


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The bug in 4.0.9 ( and 4.0.8 ) compilation ?

2003-01-14 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

I'm trying to use 4.0.9 ( from source ) but if i compile with docs the
mysql print this error on make:

cd .  \
/bin/sh /temp/mysqlcom-4.0.9-gamma/missing --run makeinfo -I . --no-headers --no-split 
--output manual.txt manual.texi
manual.texi:29334: @include `reservedwords.texi': No such file or directory.
manual.texi:55600: warning: eacute is an invalid ISO code, using '.
manual.texi:57110: warning: eacute is an invalid ISO code, using '.
makeinfo: Removing output file `manual.txt' due to errors; use --force to preserve.
make[2]: *** [manual.txt] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/temp/mysqlcom-4.0.9-gamma/Docs'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/temp/mysqlcom-4.0.9-gamma'
make: *** [all] Error 2

In 4.0.8 the error persists, is my problem ?

workaround: --without-docs on ./configure line


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Re: Corrupt ISAM table

2003-01-14 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2003, 16:58:08, napsal jste:

RC I'm new to administering MySQL, so bear with me:

RC We run a large MySQL database with one of the tables amassing 
RC over 40 million entries. It somehow got corrupt and now I'm 
RC running isamchk -o (-r failed) and it's in its 110th hour and 
RC it's getting slower. I'm running 3.23.38 and cannot upgrade 
RC due to compatibility issues. Also, the tables are quite old 
RC and are in ISAM format. Here's a couple of questions:

RC Will stopping the repair midway affect the data/table?

Upgrade to 3.23.54 ( 3.23.54 is compatible with 3.23.38 )

RC Can I convert a corrupted table to MyISAM?

yes... run the command: ALTER TABLE table_name Type=MyISAM;
the mysql atomically creates a MyISAM table and new index to the table

RC How will that affect my data?
Your data in MyISAM is more safe than ISAM

RC Will myisamchk run faster in fixing the corruption (in general, 
RC I know there's not enough information)?
more less.

Upgrade your mysql to 3.23.54 ( max ) and use the InnoDB tables ( ), this table type is VERY SECURE than MyISAM.
The InnoDB tables are stored in a tablespace and have a crash
recovery. To convert your tables from ISAM to Innodb is simple.

1 - Configure the InnoDB options em my.cnf
2 - run ALTER TABLE table_name Type=InnoDB;

and have fun ! ;)

ps: ISAM support is deprecated and is not present in next version of
mysql ( 4.x )


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The diference about raw devices and disk partitions

2003-01-13 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

I'm confused , what is the difference and raw device and a disk
partition ?

ex: on innodb I'm using /dev/sda1 for raw device, is it correct ?



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The bug in 4.0.8 ?

2003-01-13 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

I´m upgrated the mysql to 4.0.8 version ( from 4.0.6 )

after this my server is going down of one hour for another one.

the log message is:

/usr/local/mysql4//libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to 
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 372335 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0xbcfff5f8, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read and follow 
instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do 
resolve it
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at (nil)  is invalid pointer

Successfully dumped variables, if you ran with --log, take a look at the
details of what thread 34 did to cause the crash.  In some cases of really
bad corruption, the values shown above may be invalid.

The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

- cut

Is a bug or a problem ?

My System is MySQL 4.0.8 and Linux 2.4.18 with reiserfs.

ps: The development tree is down ?


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Re: 4.1 Download

2002-12-20 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2002, 11:14:04, napsal jste:

AWM Where/how can I get a copy of 4.1?
AWM Thanks,
AWM Anthony

AWM sql,query,queries,smallint

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you can download from CVS



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Re2: 4.1 Download

2002-12-20 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
oohhh, sorry the corrent page is :


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Re[2]: Can MySQL handle 120 million records?

2002-12-19 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
quarta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2002, 13:10:07, napsal jste:

MTB Qunfeng Dong wrote:

Another thing, with some linux system, there is a size
limit for file. MySQL seems to store each of its table
as single file. You need to choose a file system
without that limit. 

MTB Just use InnoDB tables for these files and you won't have a problem 
MTB AFAIK; you can have multiple 2G files that are used to create one big 
MTB table if you like (any InnoDB people want to comment on actual limits?)

Use the InnoDB tables with the raw devices ( ex: allow innodb use a
/dev/sdxx or /dev/hdxx to write tablespace ), the speed is better,
MySQL don't loses time with the filesystem.

In my production database , i have a tablespace with 130G ( with raw
diveces on SCSI disks) and the performance is good :)

ps: i'm using MySQL 4.0.5


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The InnoDB on raw devices...

2002-12-14 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

I'm trying to use InnoDB on raw device under Windows XP Prof.

my innodb_data_file_path is :

innodb_data_file_path = /dev/hda2:5Gnewraw

but mysql not create a database :(

any idea ?

my system is :
MySQL 3.23.54 on Windows XP



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The Manual on MySQL is not updated...

2002-12-11 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

In the site:

In the manual , to compile a source tree only type:

shell cd mysql-4.0
shell bk -r get -Sq
shell aclocal; autoheader; autoconf;  automake;
shell ./configure  # Add your favorite options here
shell make

but , if you using innodb this is not true, to perfect compilation of
mysql with innodb you take:

shell cd mysql-4.0
shell bk -r get -Sq
shell aclocal; autoheader; autoconf;  automake;
shell cd innobase
shell aclocal; autoheader; autoconf;  automake;
shell cd ..
shell ./configure  # Add your favorite options here
shell make

if you not type aclocal; autoheader; autoconf;  automake; in
innobase directory , the compilation print a error.

i´m true ?


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Re: How to backup without blocking?

2002-12-06 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2002, 07:15:43, napsal jste:

PM sql, query

PM Right now, every day I run the equivalent of a mysqlhotcopy on my
PM database (read-lock the tables, copy the files, unlock the tables).

PM This freezes up everything (websites, etc.) that uses the database for
PM 10 minutes. That is too long.

PM Is there a way to get a snapshot of the database without locking the
PM tables? Do I need to convert from MyISAM to InnoDB perhaps?

To execute backup without compromisse the speed and without LOCKS you
need change your teables to InnoDB and try use the InnoDB HotBackup Tool ! (
non-free but very functional )


Use the MYSQLDUMP to dump the database.

ps: Change to MySQL 4.0 and try the Query Cache. This is wonderful
to websites.

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The 4.0.6 version

2002-12-02 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Starting from 4.0.6 mysql is declared as gamma ?

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constraints and InnoDB

2002-11-27 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Hi ! :D

   I would like you help me to solve the following problem:

   Suppose the tables below:
   create table book
   Bk_Id integer(4) unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
   Bk_Name varchar(20)
   ) type = innoDb;

   create table page
   Pg_Id integer(4) unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
   Pg_Notes varchar(20),
   Pg_Book integer(4) unsigned not null
   ) type = innoDb;

   Create index IPg_Book on page (Pg_Book);
   One book must have one or more pages and one page must be a part of
   one book. It must be impossible to have one book with no pages or
   one page not associated to one book. Because this, the following
   constraint were created:

   alter table book Add Constraint Foreign Key (Bk_Id)
   References page(Pg_Book);

   alter table page Add Constraint Foreign Key (Pg_Book)
   References book(Bk_Id);

   The problem is that creating this two constraints, I can't insert
   records in these tables. See the example:

   insert into book (Bk_Id, Bk_Name) VALUES (1, 'Test');
   insert into page (Pg_Book, Pg_Notes) VALUES (1, 'Test');

   Both insert commands returns:
   Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

   Is there a way to create constraints that implements the rules I


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2002-11-26 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

The email [EMAIL PROTECTED] is disabled or moved ?

I am post a mail asking details of licence ( mysql-pro and
mysql-standard) and not receive a reply...

exists other email to explain my licence questions ? ( this is very
important for me  :( )


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Re: Disable InnoDB

2002-11-25 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
JFL Can i get more speed by disabling InnoDB tables, if I'm only using
JFL MyISAM and HEAP tables?
JFL Any warnings about this?

If your server is need more resources ( memory , etc... ), Yes.

The InnoDB only uses processor if the tables typped InnoDB are used , but the
memory is allocated.

to disable the InnoDB only put this line:


in your my.cnf on [mysqld] section.

but, only disable InnoDb not get more speed in your application ,
check the variables:


This variables are very important in case of MyISAM tables.

no warnings


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The Licence of MySQl

2002-11-25 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

The licence in mysql page is obscure for version 4.0

What is a diference of MySQL-Classic and MySQL-Pro ?

When may i use MySQL-Classic ?
When may i use MySQL-Pro ?

My Application is a commercial multi-database , running in mysql and
interbase , in my case , witch these licenceses must i use ?

I am confused :(


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Re[2]: The Licence of MySQl

2002-11-25 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
 The licence in mysql page is obscure for version 4.0

 What is a diference of MySQL-Classic and MySQL-Pro ?

LG The only difference between those two is InnoDB - MySQL-Classic does not 
LG include it, while MySQL-Pro does. Both products are available under a 
LG commercial (non-GPL) license only. If you want to use MySQL under the terms 
LG of the GPL, please use MySQL-Standard instead. This is exactly the same as 
LG MySQL-Pro (with InnoDB), but under the GPL.

 When may i use MySQL-Classic ?
 When may i use MySQL-Pro ?

LG It depends on if you require InnoDB or not - that's the only difference.

 My Application is a commercial multi-database , running in mysql and
 interbase , in my case , witch these licenceses must i use ?

 I am confused :(

ohhh, i´m sorry , the licences i was confused about are:

MySQL-Standard and MySQL-Pro , not mysql-classic ;)

What are the deferences between  mysql-standard and mysql-pro ?

My Application is a commercial multi-database , running on
Mysql+InnoDB or
Interbase , in my case , witch these licences must i use ?

on the mysql page i could read that if my software only depends on
mysql to run , i have to order a licence , if not ( in multi-database
case ) , i haven´t to order a commercial licence.

How this licences works ?

according the page i had understood i don't need to buy a licence. am
i right ?


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Re: Recovery

2002-11-22 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2002, 10:59:38, napsal jste:

MB I'd want to backup my database. Which is the best method between mysqldump and 
copying the /usr/local/var directory?

MB Thanks, Massimo.

 you use InnoDB ? the best and fast metod to backup your InnoDB
 databases is using the non-free Hotbackup tool ( see ) and after this copy the .frm
 files from mysql data dir , else you must use mysqldump.

 you use MyISAM ? use mysqldump or copy the /usr/local/var.
 if you running on windows , you must to execute a flush tables
 before start copy of .MYD , .MYI and .frm files.


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Re: R: Recovery

2002-11-22 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2002, 11:32:00, napsal jste:

MB which is the command to restore from a dump??

if you use the InnoDB hot Backup tool the command is

ibbackup --restore

in case of InnoDB, of course...

In case of mysqldump , the command is

source file_dumped.sql; ( inside mysql client )


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Re[2]: Recovery

2002-11-22 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2002, 13:26:01, napsal jste:

JC What is MYI and frm files?

The MySQL tables in case of MyISAM tables are separated in :

.frm - The struct (header) of table
.MYD - The DATA of table
.MYI - The Indexes of table

in case of InnoDB , only .frm exists , the DATA and Indexes are
saved in tablespace. More information you see in or

JC I am using MYISAM and when I want the whole 
JC database including data and want to move it to another computer (Win2K) do 
JC I use mysqldump with no parameters?  Does one also dump the MYSQL database
JC to get the username/password and all or just the users table?

To copy the database of user ( user , password , perm, etc... ) , you must dump the 
database called
mysql ( all tables )

More information about mysqldump :

4.8.5 mysqldump, Dumping Table Structure and Data


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Re: my.cnf optimized for InnoDB

2002-11-21 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2002, 09:58:47, napsal jste:

IS Hi all.

IS The example mysql configuration files included in support-files directory of
IS MySQL distribution are optimized for MyISAM table type.

IS I want to tunnig the server optimized for InnoDB because I won't use MyISAM
IS table type except for mysql database and *.frm files.

IS I want to know which variables from my.cnf are only related for MyISAM table
IS type (and not for InnoDB) and which are the minimal values for these
IS variables.

IS I'm using MySQL 3.23.53a-max in a dual Pentimum III 1000GHz Linux box with
IS 1GB of memory.

IS Thanks in advance.

IS Iago Sineiro.

no exists a magic formula for the optimize the InnoDB on MySQL ,
only see the manual and change the lines :

innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql4/var/
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql4/var/
innodb_log_arch_dir = /usr/local/mysql4/var/

# You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
# of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=16M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=5M
# Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=5M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M

set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50


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Re: help with innodb

2002-11-20 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2002, 23:10:11, napsal jste:

PB Hi,
PB I like to know if you can help me.  I installed
PB which should have the Innodb feature as part of MySQL.  However, I am
PB unable to create an Innodb database.  The problem may be that one of my
PB variables which says have_innodb states that it is Disabled.  Do you
PB know how I can change this variable.

PB To let you know, I did have an earlier version of mysql on this system.
PB I have uninstalled it and installed the new version.

PB Any assistance you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

PB Kindly,
PB Peter Boivin

 The binary to execute on Windows NT to use InnoDB feature is the
 mysqld-max-nt.exe , after this, go to and
 enable InnoDB in my.cnf options...

 to enable InnoDB change this param...

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:300M
innodb_data_home_dir = c:\mysql\data\
innodb_log_group_home_dir = c:\mysql\data\
innodb_log_arch_dir = c:\mysql\data\
set-variable = innodb_mirrored_log_groups=1
set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=15M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=80M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=2M
set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=6
set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50
After this , only re-start the service ( with mysqld-max-nt.exe ) and
try show variables like '%have%innodb%';


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Re[2]: Creating foreign key

2002-11-19 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

vvM HI
vvM  still not working :-(

vvM I didn't do the installation ,  Do we need to set any option 
vvM specifically during the installation for foreign key to work??

The InnoDB is loaded ?

please run
show variables like '%innodb%';

and put here.



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The Error in InnoDB upgrading from 3.23.53 to 4.0.5

2002-11-19 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

The log put this error :

InnoDB: Error: table ./wnotas25/ITEMREC has no primary key in InnoDB
InnoDB: data dictionary, but has one in MySQL!

This error is normal ? if not , what is the command to *fix* this ?

Tnks ;)


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Bug on MySQL4.0.5 with InnoDB+TEMPORARY TABLES ?

2002-11-19 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Hello !

I recent migrate from 3.23 to 4.0.5 version and
in my server , i set the Default table type to InnoDB. it works as
well, but my temporary tables crashes mysqlserver on truncate command, the logdump is:

- start here

mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to 
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 372331 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0xbe3fe8d8, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read and follow 
instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do 
resolve it
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at 0x8690c18 = truncate table contratante_78B73C2E

Successfully dumped variables, if you ran with --log, take a look at the
details of what thread 6 did to cause the crash.  In some cases of really
bad corruption, the values shown above may be invalid.

The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Number of processes running now: 0
021119 10:04:13  mysqld restarted


After this the InnoDB restart in recovery mode and mysql running

The table contratante_78B73C2E is a temporary table created with
InnoDB type. The command used to create contratante_78B73C2E is:

create temporary table contratante_78B73C2E select * from other_table Type = InnoDB;

My System Is:

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 with kernel 2.4.19
MySQL+InnoDB 4.0.5

Tnks for attenction...

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The licence of mysql

2002-11-18 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

MySQL Classic (Commercial License)
Similar to MySQL Standard, but *without* InnoDB and only available as a commercial 
licensed version. 

MySQL Pro (Commercial)
Similar to MySQL Standard (*including* InnoDB), but only available as a commercial 
licensed version. 

What is the diference in (Commercial) and (Commercial Licence) ?

The download ( bin and source ) of MySQL with InnoDB ( 4.0.5 ) is free
? or only available for customers ?

The Mysql Standard SOURCE have a InnoDB table handler ? and The Engine
of InnoDB on MySQL-Standard and MySQL-Pro is same ?

Tnks for attenction...


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Re: Start Transaction in InnoDB

2002-10-30 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2002, 09:40:11, napsal jste:

AB Hi,

AB I would like to know, how can I start a new transaction using InnoDB Tables?

AB Alexander

AB mysql, query

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In InnoDB you start a transaction with:


The BEGIN command init a transaction...
The COMMIT command... commit the changes
The ROLLBACK command... return the changes to init of transaction...


mysql create table teste ( valor int(4) ) Type = InnoDB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
mysql select * from teste;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql BEGIN;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql insert into teste values (1),(2);
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql COMMIT;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql select * from teste;
| valor |
| 1 |
| 2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql select * from teste;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql BEGIN;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql insert into teste values (1),(2);
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql select * from teste;
| valor |
| 1 |
| 2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql select * from teste;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

OK ?

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Re[2]: Start Transaction in InnoDB

2002-10-30 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2002, 13:09:01, napsal jste:

EE Alexander,
EE Wednesday, October 30, 2002, 1:40:11 PM, you wrote:

AB I would like to know, how can I start a new transaction using InnoDB Tables?

EE Use BEGIN statement:

EE Don't forget to SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;

What is the diference of SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;

and set BEGIN; ?

If I start the transaction with BEGIN and without SET AUTOCOMMIT=0 what will 
happen ?

what is the diference ?

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Re: InnoDB and auto_increment fields

2002-10-25 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
Dobrý den,
sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2002, 14:26:05, napsal jste:

CB sql, query (*sigh*, I hate this filter)

CB I have an auto_increment key set up on my InnoDB table.
CB Whenever I delete all the records, the number isn't reset.
CB However, for my ISAM tables, whenever I delete all the 
CB records, the auto_increment number is reset.
CB Is there a reason for this in InnoDB?  Is there a way that I
CB can reset the auto_increment number when all the records
CB are deleted?  I have a temporary table that has records
CB added and deleted all the time.  I wouldn't want the record 
CB number to eventually reach the ceiling for the datatype of 
CB the field.

CB Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

CB Chris

try exec this query:

alter table TABLE_NAME auto_increment = 0;

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Re: MySQL-max-3.23.52-win

2002-10-16 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Dobrý den,
quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2002, 17:33:00, napsal jste:

S I installed MySQL-max-3.23.52-win in the Win98 with the following
S configuration

S #This File was made using the WinMySQLAdmin 1.4 Tool
S #16/10/2002 14:37:55

S #Uncomment or Add only the keys that you know how works.
S #Read the MySQL Manual for instructions

S [WinMySQLadmin]
S Server=C:/MYSQL/bin/mysqld-max.exe
S user=root

S [mysqld]
S basedir=C:/MYSQL
S datadir=C:/MYSQL/data
S innodb_data_home_dir=C:/MYSQL/data
S innodb_data_file_path=data_d1:50M:autoextend
S innodb_log_group_home_dir=c:/mysql/data
S innodb_log_arch_dir=c:/mysql/data
S set-variable=key_buffer=32M
S set-variable=innodb_buffer_pool_size=32M

S but the startup is very slower.
S Is it normal?
S What's the problem?
S Should I use another stableer version?
S I want to use Innodb with autoextend.

Yes, in = .52 is normal... use the 3.23.53 version.

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Dual processors and mysql

2002-10-14 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Hello all...

I´m compiling the mysql 3.23.53 in DUAL PROCESSOR MACHINE...

in mysql exists an option to optimize on DUAL PROCESSOR MACHINE ?

my system is mysql 3.23.53 in linux 2.4.18 ( with 1G RAM )


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The MySQL 4.0x

2002-10-14 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Exists plans to release 4.0x series a stable ?
When ?

And 4.1 series... exists plans to release a alpha ?
when ?

tnsk ;)


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The Transaction Check Point...

2002-10-10 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

In mySQL 4.0 the Transaction multi points are supported ?



In this case only value 1 are inserted in the table !

mysql 4 suports it ?


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The secure mode in InnoDB

2002-10-07 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

what is the major secure mode to use innodb ? ( min time to write data
in disk )

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 ?

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 ?


innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2 ?

My System is MySQL/InnoDB 3.23.52 running in windows 2000 Server and
linux 2.4 ( with ReiserFS ) :D

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The secure mode in InnoDB

2002-10-07 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

Hello Heikki !

what is the best secure mode to use innodb ? ( min time to write data
in disk )

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 ?


innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 ?


innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2 ?

My System is MySQL/InnoDB 3.23.52 running in windows 2000 Server and
linux 2.4 ( with ReiserFS ) :D

sql,query,mysql !

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The record_buffer ,join_buffer, sort_buffer

2002-09-25 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

The variables record_buffer,join_buffer and sort_buffer are alocated
every user connect ?



in final case the mysql stored in memory is:

(6+7+9)*200 = 1813MB


or the variables in this case is to global operation ?

1 client = 1 thead

ps: my system is mysql 3.23.52 , running on Windows 2k with 1G of RAM
... using tables with myisam and innodb table handler !

Tnks for attenction ! :)

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The Important question

2002-09-24 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
 = thread_concurrency  = 16
#set-variable = thread_stack= 128K
#set-variable = table_cahe  = 512

#set-variable = interactive_timeout = 300
#set-variable = wait_timeout= 300

innodb_data_home_dir = e:\mysql\innodb
innodb_log_group_home_dir = e:\mysql\innodb
innodb_log_arch_dir = e:\mysql\innodb
innodb_data_file_path =

set-variable = innodb_mirrored_log_groups=1
set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=175M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=16M
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=500M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=30M
set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=6
set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50

basedir = e:/mysql/
datadir = e:/mysql/data/

set-variable = max_allowed_packet = 20M


set-variable = key_buffer= 256M
set-variable = sort_buffer   = 256M
set-variable = read_buffer   = 8M
set-variable = write_buffer  = 8M

set-variable = key_buffer= 256M
set-variable = sort_buffer   = 256M
set-variable = read_buffer   = 8M
set-variable = write_buffer  = 8M

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The table is full

2002-09-06 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo

  I´m inserting 6.000.000 records on a table... but in 3.500.000 the
  mysql print:

  The table is full.

  The tables of mysql have a record limit to insert  ?

  My system is MySQL 3.23.52/InnoDB
  My table handler is InnoDB but in MyISAM the mysql print the message


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about several selects/inserts

2002-09-03 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo


I would like to know if you could help me to solve the following

The application I developed needs to run several selects, inserts and
updates all the time. When the clients are selecting data, mySql runs
the selects at the same time, but when an update command starts
executing, all other clients have to wait until the command have
finished. I know that it is the way mySql runs: Multiple reads but
only one write. But I wonder what can I do to allow writes and reads
to run at the same time, because some times one client starts a big
select and all other clients have to wait almost one minute before
executing their inserts and updates. My users are now turning off
their computers because they think the computers have frozen.

All your ideas will be very much welcome.

My application uses mySql (3.23.52) and Windows 2000 Server running on a
1Gb-DELL-2processors machine with MYISAM table handler !


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