1064 errors

2009-04-22 Thread Matthew Stuart
Hi, I have several procedures that I have taken from an old Microsoft  
database, and I have tired to use them in a MySQL 5.1.32 database, but  
I am getting errors when trying to input them. There are three in  
total that I am struggling with and would appreciate some guidance...

This is a cross selling query:

CREATE PROCEDURE 'x'.'CrossSelling' ()
SELECT TOP 5 OrderDetails.ProductID, OrderDetails.ProductName,  
Count(OrderDetails.ProductID) AS CountOfProductID

FROM OrderDetails
WHERE (((OrderDetails.OrderID) In (select OrderID from OrderDetails  
where ProductID=[pid])))

GROUP BY OrderDetails.ProductID, OrderDetails.ProductName
HAVING (((OrderDetails.ProductID)[pid]))
ORDER BY Count(OrderDetails.ProductID) DESC;

Error is: 1064

'5 OrderDetails.ProductID, OrderDetails.ProductName,  
Count(OrderDetails.ProductID' at line 3

If somebody could give me an idea of what is wrong here with regards  
to it working with MySQL, I might be able to make the other two  
problem functions work with out too many tears.



my final 1064 error

2009-04-22 Thread Matthew Stuart

Here is my final problem that I am struggling to overcome...

SELECT Vouchers.VoucherID, Vouchers.VoucherCode, Vouchers.StartDate,  
Vouchers.EndDate, Vouchers.Discount, Vouchers.VoucherTypeID

FROM Vouchers
WHERE (((DateDiff('d',[StartDate],Date()))=0) AND ((DateDiff('d', 

Basically, the error is on the WHERE line of the query, and I assume  
it is something to do with the DateDiff, but I don't know if there is  
a MySQL equivalent. Also, is Date() valid MySQL?



From MS Access to MySQL

2009-03-18 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have taken a Microsoft Access database and have basically copied the  
structure of it and rebuilt it in MySQL, however, I have encountered  
some problems with formatting of data. I need to ask what is the most  
suitable field type to use to retain the content from Access field types

The MS Access fields are:

Currency (formatted to £ with two decimal places e.g. £10.00)

Currency (formatted to £#,##0.00;(£#,##0.00)

Date/Time (with a Now() default)


Number (as a percentage)

Number (with field size of Double and Decimal Places of 2)

What would be the equivalent of the above for MySQL 5.1.35? If there  
isn't an equivalent for some, how can I work around it considering  
that the Access version of the database is already used in an ASP  


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Does MySQL 5.1 store queries?

2009-03-17 Thread Matthew Stuart
Until recently I have been using 4.0.25 and have just upgraded to 5.1  
and just wondered if MySQL now enabled me to store queries in the  
database rather than have to put them all on my pages. Basically, I  
want to be able to write some select statements and save them in the  



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Securing MySQL on Mac OSX

2009-03-11 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am in the process of installing MySQL and PHP on my Mac following  
instruction in a book written by a chap called David Powers. I have  
come to a section that is called 'Securing MySQL on Mac OSX'.

Basically it states that MySQL is up and running with a default  
account of 'root' and it's not password protected and so I need to  
plug that security gap.

I've always used root as my account when working on PC's but having  
read this in David's book, I am now concerned; does this mean that I  
am open to attack from a potential hacker if I don't password protect  

It mentions that root in MySQL has nothing to do with the root of Mac  
OSX, but I need to know if MySQL being unprotected in this way has  
opened a door for hackers.



2009-03-09 Thread Matthew Stuart
Hi all, I am on... wait for it... version 4.0.25 and I want to upgrade  
to MySQL 5.x

Is there anything special I should do in order to upgrade? Do I need  
to uninstall v4 or can I just download the most current version and  
double click to upgrade? I am not particularly hardcore mysql minded,  
and quite honestly, if it ain't broke don't fix it is a good mantra of  
mine... but I need to move on now as I have received an sql file that  
is v5 compatible but not v4 compatible.

Once I have it up and running I'll be fine, it's just that I am  
nervous about upgrading and consequently breaking it, and at that  
point, I'll be struggling to put it right.

Any advice on how I can best do this / best practices etc will be very  
much appreciated.

Many thanks.


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Connection failed!!

2008-08-25 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have just loaded MySQL 5 and MySQL Front on to a new computer, and  
I am now getting a MySQL-Error which is:

Connection failed:
1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

My Old pc has exactly the same settings but that uses MySQL 4

I have done a system restore to the point before I installed MySQL 5,  
and then installed MySQL 4 and that went on with no problem, and I am  
able to make a connection with MySQL Front! So, what's different in  
the processes of installation between v4 and v5 that stops me making  
a connection with v5? What have I done wrong.

In both instances, I have used 'localhost' as my Hostname and 'root'  
as my username, and 'root' as a password for v4 and 'NO' password for  
v5 (because I didn't see anywhere where it asked for it - I think).

I am using MySQL Front because I'm not Neo and I don't see the world  
in zero's and one's ;)


Query problem

2008-04-28 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am trying to display results from one or the other part of the  
query, however, at the moment it is showing results from both parts.  
The Replace part of the query works fine in that it chooses the  
correct data to display, but the content relevant to /8/ always  
displays even when I select, say, /13/ or /22/. I need to hide  
results for /8/ until it is selected.

rsChannelArticles.Source = SELECT * FROM bunker01db1.tbl_allarticles  
WHERE (fld_category LIKE '%/ + Replace(rsChannelArticles__channel,  
', '') + /%' AND fld_show = 1 AND fld_reldate =NOW()) OR  
(fld_category LIKE '%/8/%' AND fld_reldate =NOW()) ORDER BY  
fld_reldate DESC

The reason for this is that the webpage displays content when a  
release date/time (or embargo) has passed, however, the section /8/  
needs content to disappear once that date/time has passed.

Any ideas?


I need to add to content somehow

2008-01-03 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have a DB that has a field in it that currently just holds single  
or double numbers - these numbers are basically a reference to a  
category in which the particular record should be displayed. However  
I have now been asked if I can make it so that a particular record  
can be displayed in more than one category.

All I need to do is somehow ask the field to add a forward slash to  
the front and end of the data, so the data will go from this:


to this:


How do I get MySQL to do this? I guess I might have to do it in two  
steps by firstly adding the slash to the front and then lastly to the  
back. But I have no idea on how to do it. My reason for doing this is  
so that I get the webpage to look for numbers that are between the  
slashes. this will enable me to have numbers like this: /1/33/9/  
enabling me to have a record in more than one category.

Any help would be appreciated.



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SQL query problem

2007-11-14 Thread Matthew Stuart
Hi, I have built a site with Dreamweaver and I have a problem with a  

I am trying to pass a parameter from one page to another to drill  
down. Basically, I have one product entry that is in multiple  
categories on my website. So, say it's a dress, it is therefore  
related to category 1 which is 'Girls', but it is also more  
specifically related to category 2 which is 'Girls Dresses'.

The way I have set this up is to have a column called MultiCategoryID  
that holds both the number 1 and 2 like this: /1/2/

When a user clicks a link to look at dresses, the parameter 2 is  
passed, but my query on the result page is wrong in some way because  
no records are displaying even though there is content to display.  
This is what I have so far:

FROM Products
WHERE MultiCategoryID LIKE '/catdrill/'

The parameter settings are:
Name: catdrill
Type: Numeric
Value: Request(MCID) MCID is the url parameter being passed
Default value: 2

Only when I test the Default value with an exact match of /1/2/ does  
any product display. What have I done wrong here? Is there a way to  
get it to recognise that I want it to pick specific numbers between  
the slashes rather than the whole lot? I have tried to change the  
slashes to full stops just in case they are causing problems, but  
it's still giving the same problem.



Select question

2007-10-25 Thread Matthew Stuart

I've got this statement to select the last two entries in my db:

SELECT top 2 *
FROM Content
ORDER BY ContentID desc

and it works fine because it selects the last two items entered into  
the db. However, I only want to be able to select item 2 rather than  
both 1 and 2. How do I do that?



Is this a permissions problem?

2005-08-25 Thread Matthew Stuart

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Access denied for user: '@localhost' to 
database 'client_db1'

I am having trouble getting any MySQL site to work on my local PC, but 
they work fine remotely. I have just changed PC and now have IIS 
whereas before I used to have Personal Web Server. I have just managed 
to stop this happening with any microsoft access database site by 
changing permissions, but I am not having the same kind of result with 
the MySQL sites.

Do I need to change permissions for the MySQL databases? If so, up on 
which folder do I change permissions.

My websites are located in C:\inetpub\wwwroot, and MySQL is located at 
C:\mysql. The location of these folders didn't have any adverse effect 
with personal web server, does it with IIS?


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Re: I am stupid

2005-04-03 Thread MATTHEW STUART
I had managed to land a job that required me to learn
MySQL quickly. I was used to working with access
though, so what I did was find a utility for access
called MyAccess which enables you to work in access
but you are actually affecting a MySQL db - it has a
few funny things that could put you off, but it is an
exteremly good way off getting data from Access to
MySQL if you are inexperienced - I think it is meant
for Access 97, but I do have it working with Access
2003. However, one thing that I did find extremely
useful was an application called MySQLFront. It works
very much like access.

Search on the MySQL site for these, but I can remeber
if they are something I had to pay for or not. I think
they might be shareware which is usually a small fee.

--- Aman Raheja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey there
 It's alright - everyone starts someday.
 Go on to start with the docs on mysql's website.
 If there's something you don't get, come back here.
 This is a great list to
 help newbies.
 For your qns
 Log in to mysql;
 mysql create database db;
 mysql source db.sql;
 (this considers your db.sql in in the same dir)
 the alternative is, on command line
 $ mysql -p -uuser db  db.sql
 The -p option makes you prompt for a password, so
 don't use it if you don't
 have one yet for this user.
 Also to know how only specific user may be
 configured to use this database,
 look at GRANT in mysql docs.
 Aman Raheja
 On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 19:20:46 +0100 (BST), Niki
  I dont know how to do this very basuc, just
  working with MySQL and not sure about what I am
  supposed to do.. Please help!!
  2. Create a database for the program to use in
  3. Create the tables in the new database using
  which is in the sql directory.
  Send instant messages to your online friends
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Timestamp plus 365 days

2004-02-13 Thread Matthew Stuart
Am I able to add 365 days to an already existing TIMESTAMP on a 
subscription service? If so I was going to use a form on a web page to 
update it and in the insert statement use Now() + INTERVAL 365 DAY but 
after some consideration, this would be wrong.

This would cause a problem if a current subscriber updated their 
subscription for another year before their present subscription ran 
out. In such a case, how do I take a date, eg: 1st March 2004 and add 
365 days to it so that no matter when I edit it, it returns the date 
1st March 2005?

Do I have to change the column type in the database or is it some 
clever sql - or both?




Matthew Stuart
11 Yew Tree Close
Middleton Cheney
OX17 2SU
01295 713813
07803 207734

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Create a date value 7 days from now

2004-02-07 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am trying to get MySQL to automatically create a date seven days from 
the date a new record is created. The new records will be inserted 
through an ASP, VBScript website. I have managed to get this to work in 
MS Access by typing in to its default field in the database Now()+7. As 
you would expect, it gives me a date 7 days from now.

I have tried the same with MySQL and it keeps throwing the default I 
type out and replacing it with -00-00 00:00:00

Is it because MySQL doesn't store procedures or something? How do I get 
this to work?



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Re: Create a date value 7 days from now

2004-02-07 Thread Matthew Stuart
I assume the INSERT statement you have suggested goes on the webpage 
that has the form from which the new record will be created, Is that 



On Saturday, February 7, 2004, at 02:24 PM, Roger Baklund wrote:

* Matthew Stuart
I am trying to get MySQL to automatically create a date seven days 
the date a new record is created. The new records will be inserted
through an ASP, VBScript website. I have managed to get this to work 
MS Access by typing in to its default field in the database Now()+7. 
you would expect, it gives me a date 7 days from now.

I have tried the same with MySQL and it keeps throwing the default I
type out and replacing it with -00-00 00:00:00
You can't use a function as a default value in mysql. The special data 
TIMESTAMP will use NOW() as a default value, but you can't use NOW()+7 
any other expression involving a function as a default value.

What you need to do is include your expression in the INSERT statement:

INSERT mytable SET mycol1=something,starttime=NOW(),endtime=NOW()+7;

Now, this will set the endtime 7 _seconds_ into the future. If you 
want it
to be 7 _days_, you could use something like this:

INSERT mytable SET mycol1=something,starttime=NOW(),
  endtime=NOW()+INTERVAL 7 DAY;
...or for older versions, before release 3.23.4 (28 Sep 1999):

INSERT mytable SET mycol1=something,starttime=NOW(),
URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/DATETIME.html 
URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Date_and_time_functions.html 

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Need DSN less help

2004-02-05 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am having problems with making a connection between my website and 
the MySQL db on a different server. I have tried both hand coding and 
using the MyOLEDB application for MySQL. What am I doing wrong? If you 
think this looks a little strange, it is because it is a dreamweaver 
connection file.

This is an error that I get when I try to browser the site:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no 
default driver specified
/csi/index.asp, line 8

This is the code on index.asp, line 8:
Recordset.ActiveConnection = MM_connection_STRING
and here is the code from the connection file:
' FileName=Connection_odbc_conn_dsn.htm
' Type=ADO
' DesigntimeType=ADO
' HTTP=false
' Catalog=
' Schema=
Dim MM_connection_STRING
MM_connection_STRING = Driver={ mySQL };  _
 Server =servername.com;  _
 Port =3306;  _
 Option =131072;  _
Stmt=;  _
Database=databasename_db;  _
Uid=database_user;  _
Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with this? My ISP is a 
reseller who has no experience of MySQL and because he is the customer 
(not me) they will only talk to him. Besides that they are quite 
useless when it comes to dreamweaver.



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Re: Need DSN less help

2004-02-05 Thread Matthew Stuart
The ISP do have the driver installed and they also know what they are 
talking about. The problem is they won't talk to me because I am not 
the reseller (ie their customer). The reseller I have used knows 
nothing about MySQL - he knows everything else but MySQL.


On Thursday, February 5, 2004, at 02:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Are you sure that they have the MySQL driver installed on their 
webserver?  Since you say that they have no experience with MySQL, 
they probably do not, and that would be your problem.


Gary H.
I am having problems with making a connection between my website and
the MySQL db on a different server. I have tried both hand coding and
using the MyOLEDB application for MySQL. What am I doing wrong? If you
think this looks a little strange, it is because it is a dreamweaver
connection file.
This is an error that I get when I try to browser the site:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
default driver specified
/csi/index.asp, line 8
This is the code on index.asp, line 8:
Recordset.ActiveConnection = MM_connection_STRING
and here is the code from the connection file:
' FileName=Connection_odbc_conn_dsn.htm
' Type=ADO
' DesigntimeType=ADO
' HTTP=false
' Catalog=
' Schema=
Dim MM_connection_STRING
MM_connection_STRING = Driver={ mySQL };  _
 Server =servername.com;  _
 Port =3306;  _
 Option =131072;  _
Stmt=;  _

Database=databasename_db;  _
Uid=database_user;  _
Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with this? My ISP is a
reseller who has no experience of MySQL and because he is the customer
(not me) they will only talk to him. Besides that they are quite
useless when it comes to dreamweaver.


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Uploading database content with PHPMyAdmin

2004-02-05 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have just started to use PHPMy Admin in the last hour or so. How do I 
upload the data and structure to a remote server. I have done a 
mysqldump and have tried to upload it but I keep getting an error.

I create a statement in a window, browse to a file to upload it and 
submit the form. I wait a few minutes and I then get an error message 
saying I am using the wrong syntax. How do I instruct it to accept a 
mysqldump file? If it doesn't accept dumped files, then what do I have 
to do to get the data up to a remote server?

I have searched for PHPmyAdmin but didn't get any reasonable results. 
So I don't even know what I am looking for.



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Re: SQL select help required please

2004-02-02 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am trying to create a html search results page with the following:

FROM tbl_allarticles
WHERE (fld_headline LIKE'%userinput%' OR fld_summary 
LIKE'%userinput%' OR fld_body LIKE'%userinput%') AND fld_category 
LIKE 'catvalue'

The above works fine, but the below code is giving me some jip (It 
is simply a command to look for dates between user inputted start and 
end dates, but it is not working) it just follows on from the above 

AND fld_reldate BETWEEN 'startdatevalue' AND 'enddatevalue'

What problem are you having exactly? An error, or just not getting the 
results you expected?
Maybe you need to format the date in mmdd format before giving it 
to MySQL.

The problem I am having is that I am getting a Data type mismatch in 
criteria expression error.

The way I understand this to work is the quotes around the start and 
end date values make these values variables which will be issued at 
runtime by the user when submitting the form on the previous page. Is 
that right?

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LIMIT not working problem

2004-02-02 Thread Matthew Stuart
This query is working fine apart from the LIMIT part. I cant see what 
is wrong with it, I have tried it in different places and still no 
luck. Does anybody know why its not working?

WHERE (fld_headline LIKE'%userinput%' OR fld_summary LIKE'%userinput%' 
OR fld_body LIKE'%userinput%') AND fld_category LIKE 'catvalue' AND 
fld_reldate BETWEEN 'startdatevalue' AND 'enddatevalue' AND fld_show = 
1 AND fld_reldate = NOW() LIMIT 50
ORDER BY fld_reldate

Error is: You have an arror in your SQL syntax. Check the manual blah, 
blah  for the right syntax to use near limit 100 at line 4.

Where limit 100 has come from I dont understand, but what ever I put 
as a LIMIT value it always states limit 100.



SQL select help required please

2004-02-01 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am trying to create a html search results page with the following:

FROM tbl_allarticles
WHERE (fld_headline LIKE'%userinput%' OR fld_summary LIKE'%userinput%' 
OR fld_body LIKE'%userinput%') AND fld_category LIKE 'catvalue'

The above works fine, but the below code is giving me some jip (It is 
simply a command to look for dates between user inputted start and end 
dates, but it is not working) it just follows on from the above code:

AND fld_reldate BETWEEN 'startdatevalue' AND 'enddatevalue'

I have tried to enclose it with brackets in several different places, 
without brackets too.

Any help would be appreciated.



Performance problems

2004-01-30 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have built a web site and I am testing it locally on my PC. Testing 
through Internet Explorer is awfully slow and most of the time I am 
getting error 'ASP 0113' script timed out. The table I am calling 
records from is quite text heavy (a few hundred to a 1,000+ words per 
field in some places).

I have built a search facility too and in doing so I have added indexes 
to the table to try to make the search results appear quicker.

I have tried selects within the MySQL command window and they are much 
quicker. For example I have selected all from the table in question and 
it returned every record (2,000 of them) in 8.9 seconds. Selecting 
specific records takes fractions of a second. The web pages are taking 
minutes before timing out.

My system is 1ghz processor, 650ram, Windows ME running Personal Web 
Server and MySQL 4.0.15.

Any advice on how I might be able to improve performance with what I 
have would be appreciated.



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Re: Convert MS Access to MYSQL

2004-01-30 Thread Matthew Stuart
On Friday, January 30, 2004, at 03:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There was some discussion in December of converting MS Access 
databases to Mysql and the DBManager program was recommended.
I have recently converted access to mysql. I used access to import a 
CSV file and ensured all data was in the right place. I then built a 
table in mysql ensuring that all columns were in the same order as the 
access table (and of the correct format) I then used a plugin for 
access called MyAccess (shareware available via mysql.com), it enables 
you to use access as your GUI to mysql. I then simply used access to 
copy from one table to the other.

It was a very text heavy import to deal with, with hundreds if not 
thousands of illegal characters that would corrupt a mysql db. Myaccess 
escaped them all for me. It was dead simple and I'm no techie.

Job done - in about an hour.


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Time out problem

2004-01-30 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have developed a website on my PC and I am testing there too. I keep 
getting script time out errors, can I stop this from happening? I am 
basically having to build an identical site and test it using access. 
Double the work!!

I can't believe that access is responding tens if not hundreds of times 
faster and without timing out once!

What could I have done wrong?

I use a PC with 1ghz processor, 650ram, Windows ME running personal web 
server (not IIS), Mysql 4.0.15, I am also using MySQL Front.



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Problem searching table

2004-01-15 Thread Matthew Stuart
ASP and VB

I have created a search web page searching a MySQL table with the  
following code:

CREATE TABLE tbl_allarticles (
fld_ID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
fld_category tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
fld_updateddate timestamp(8) NOT NULL,
fld_createddate timestamp(8) NOT NULL,
fld_mainstory char(1) NOT NULL default '',
fld_reldate date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
fld_headline varchar(255) default NULL,
fld_summary text,
fld_body mediumtext,
fld_displayname tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
fld_show tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
KEY fld_category  
FULLTEXT KEY fld_body (fld_body),
FULLTEXT KEY fld_summary (fld_summary)

FROM tbl_allarticles
WHERE fld_headline OR fld_summary OR fld_body LIKE '%userinput%' AND  
fld_show = 1

with the variable of:


'qstextfield' is the name of the text area in which the user inputs  
their search criteria. It is working fine as a search but it seems only  
to be looking in one field, that being fld_body. I have done exact  
searches to match content in fld_headline and I am getting zero  
results. I have also tried AND instead of OR in the sql, but that  
returned no results on any search...

I suspect it is something to do with KEY, I created the table with  
MySQL-Front and expected it to create INDEX's, but it has created KEY,  
something I have never come across before.

Any help in how I might make this work will be appreciated, thanks.


Selecting by date

2004-01-15 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have created a sql statement that enables me to select all entries in 
to MySQL that are dated today, I am trying to do the same for all items 
that are now one day old and also two days old etc

I am doing this:

FROM table
WHERE category = 3 AND show = 1 AND date = NOW()-1
I have it working for todays records, it filters out any that don't 
match todays date or NOW(), but it still returns the same records for 
NOW()-1, or NOW()-2. I have tried DATE() but this gives me an error.

What is the correct syntax for what I am trying to achieve?



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Problems with a dump

2004-01-13 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have tried two ways of dumping data but it doesn't seem to be working.

One using the admin window with mysqldump dbname  dumptest.sql but I 
don't know if it has done anything because all it did was return to a 
new blank line. I can't find anywhere a file named dumptest.sql

The other way was to use MySQL-front by way of export, this did produce 
a file but when I come to import it again to ensure that the file is OK 
I got this error:

1064 - You have an error... ...near'()' at line 1.

I have looked on the MySQL site and it is a ER_PARSE_ERROR. I don't 
know what this means. When I exported and imported I just used the 
default settings that MySQL-front has to offer, I didn't select any 
other options that were available.

Line one of the sql document when opened in notepad is '# MySQL-Front 
Dump 2.5'. The first line of what I call sql is 'CREATE TABLE 
all_articles (' and the following is the first line of data to import:

INSERT INTO all_articles VALUES(1, 3, 2003-03-14 14:21:00, 
2003-03-14 14:21:00, N, 2003-03-14 00:00:00, UNITED STATES: ALPA 
Applauds Senate Action, NULL, The following statement was issued 
bAir Line Pilots Association (ALPA), International/b,  \'We applaud 
the action taken.   (Tel: +0 000 000 000; web site: 
http://www.site.org/), 1, 1);

I have removed what is basically a lot of text in one of the fields and 
left any bits that might be causing my problem.

Any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated.


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Please help with syntax for mysqldump

2004-01-13 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am really struggling with a mysqldump. I am trying to create a dump 
of a complete database called csi_db01 and I am trying to save the dump 
file to My Documents on the C drive.

I am sure I am doing right, but could somebody email me the full syntax 
to use which comes after the mysql

If I can't get the dump file to work, how do I get the database on my 
local machine up to the remote server. I am using version 4.0.15. Are 
there any bugs?



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Re: Please help with syntax for mysqldump

2004-01-13 Thread Matthew Stuart

mysqldump is run at the system command-line, not within the mysql 
client environment.
This is most likely to be my problem then. I assumed that what is 
called the system command line to be the mysql client environment. The 
tutorial book that I have been going through instructs me to issue this 
command in the start menus run dialogue box:

C:\Windows\Desktop cd C:\mysql\bin

and from there I have issued all commands in the black window.

Is this not the command line, and if not, what is?

Sorry for my ignorance, I am still a beginner.



Matthew Stuart
11 Yew Tree Close
Middleton Cheney
OX17 2SU
01295 713813
07803 207734

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Importing a dumpfile

2004-01-13 Thread Matthew Stuart
Right having just got to grips with the mysqldump command, I would like 
to be able to know how to import the database back in to MySQL should 
anything happen to my PC.

Does mysqlimport have to be done in the command line window like 
mysqldump, and if so, how? It's just that I tried to import stating 
terminated, enclosed, escaped, etc and by the time I had come to list 
the db name to import in to and the path to the file I wish to import, 
the window wouldn't let me type anymore. Why? Did it get as bored as I 

What syntax do you people out there use?


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I'm using 4, host using 3!!!

2004-01-12 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am using version 4 of MySQL and the people who I am told to use to 
host the site are running 3 on the server I will be using.

I am not using any real complex table structures eg: autoincrement, 
date, timestamp, medium int, small int, indexes. I have to do a dump of 
data to install on remote server.

Will this be backwards compatible? Should I just install version 3 and 
be done with it?


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Passwords query

2004-01-12 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have been given these passwords for a MySQL db on a remote server. I 
have to dump the records to this volume on the remote and I am not sure 
what these passwords mean to me.

Do these relate to the connection between the database the website 
calling on it, or is it for editing directly in MySQL, such as the 
admin window? Do I have to state these usernames and passwords in the 
website? I am trying to find info on it, but am not doing too well at 


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Re: apostrophe error

2004-01-09 Thread Matthew Stuart
Man I have been banging away at this for a week and I am only just 
getting to a point where I am finding a resolution. There seems to be a 
lot of info out there for this kind of thing, but very little on how to 
implement it.

I use ASP and VBScript with Macromedia Dreamweaver so with asp I can 
use the replace() function (PHP has many variations apparently). I have 
found that Dreamweaver during construction of the sql insert statement 
adds some code to supposedly escape quotes - it doesn't, but with a bit 
of jiggery-pokery I have managed to get it to insert the slash. This is 
the code in the insert statement which sits above the html headers etc:

If (MM_altVal  ) Then
MM_formVal = MM_altVal
ElseIf (MM_delim = ') Then  ' escape quotes
MM_formVal = '  Replace(MM_formVal,',\'')  '
MM_formVal = MM_delim + MM_formVal + MM_delim
End If
The problem with this is I have also added it to an update page and 
when the update is submitted, another slash is added - this undoes the 
initial escape of the quote and escapes the first escape... if you see 
what I mean. O\'Brien becomes O\\'Brien.

I have added this directly below the above code in the same sql insert 
statement to try to prevent the second escape but it's not working:

If (MM_altVal  ) Then
MM_formVal = MM_altVal
ElseIf (MM_delim = ') Then  ' escape quotes
MM_formVal = '  Replace(MM_formVal,\\',\'')  '
MM_formVal = MM_delim + MM_formVal + MM_delim
End If
I get an error code of:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing 
operator) in query expression '''O\'''Brien'' where id = 27'.

/quotetest_site/TMP29oavr7xvf.asp, line 123

Line 123 is the execute command

I have tried two identical replace values in the one sql insert 
statement and the insert works but gives results of \'O\\'\'Brien\' for 
some reason. I think I am on the right track but can't quite figure it 
out. I don't know if there should be two separate insert statements, or 
two replace() values in one insert statement. For the time being, I 
have managed to over come it (I think) by using replace values of 
',acute; but this isn't ideal.

If any asp and vb gurus could help me with this I think it would also 
help a few others too.

I have heard of 'Magic Quotes', but got no results on a search of 
mysql.com and I also had a look at the mysql_real_escape_quotes 
function, but I could make head nor tail of it.


Escaping single quotes

2004-01-06 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am on my first MySQL DB and it is very text heavy because it is a 
news site, therefore there is a great deal of use of the apostrophe or 
as MySQL would see it the single quote. I was hoping to be able to use 
double quotes to overcome the need to constantly have to escape the 
apostrophe/single quote, and where speech marks or a double quote is 
required, I was going to suggest that the editors of the site use two 
single quotes. Is this going to cause me problems?


I have seen a message in the mailing lists that stated the use of 
double quotes locks me into MySQL for ever as most other DB packages 
use only single quotes to enclose data. I am concerned about this just 
incase my client decides that for some reason in the future they want 
me to use Oracle or MS SQL etc.

On top of this is have also just seen messages about 'magic quotes', 
what is this then? A reply to the message also mentions the use of 

Does this mean that when a user submits a html form with a name such as 
'O'Brien' the name is automatically escaped to 'O\'Brien'? Would I be 
safer to use double quotes to enclose data, eg. O'Brien? I obviously 
can't ask all visitors to the site who enter their name to escape each 

Are my prayers answered? I have been a bit concerned that I might not 
be able to completely fulfill my clients needs because of them being 
restricted to the use of single quotes.

Thanks in advance


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newbie FTP question

2004-01-05 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have my website and MySQL db sitting locally on my PC. I need to get 
it to the remote server, I know how to get the website pages and images 
there, but am not sure how to transfer the data, tables and all from 
the database. Can somebody help me or point me to a tutorial?



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struggling newbie - datetime or timestamp problem

2004-01-05 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have been sent a url for datetime explanations in the MySQL manual. I 
have learnt a few things, but I am also more confused than ever.

I am trying to create a couple of columns (one createddate and one 
updateddate) in a MySQL table that are DATETIME or TIMESTAMP values, 
but I am having trouble understanding how it works. I want both columns 
to auto add a date and time when a record is first inserted, but only 
the updateddate column to update when the record is updated.

Could someone give me the code for these two columns please? This is 
what I have:

CREATE TABLE all_articles (
createddate DATETIME DEFAULT -00-00 00:00:00
updateddate DATETIME DEFAULT -00-00 00:00:00
article TEXT
Obviously these aren't going to auto add/update because I am not 
stating a NOW() or NULL value anywhere, but I thought this would be the 
cleanest way to give it to you. The way the zeros, hyphens and colons 
are typed is how I would like to store my dates if at all possible.



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Importing dates from access

2004-01-04 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have an access db with populated fields, some of them are date 
fields. One is a created date and another is a updated date. I haven't 
tried it yet, so I am not sure what I will get but I assume that if I 
am asking MySQL to automatically update these fields rather than 
manually have to fill them in, I would lose the correct dates? Will 
MySQL replace the original dates with that of the current date? If so, 
how can I overcome this?

The Access db I have doesn't have any automatic formatting for the date 
fields at the moment, but I want to introduce it in the MySQL version.



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Can I use TAB delimiters for importing CSV

2003-12-08 Thread Matthew Stuart
Am I able to specify to somebody who is dumping from Oracle to use TAB 
as the delimiter? Does MySQL enable me to specify during import that 
the CSV is a TAB delimited file?

What do most of you use that would not cause problems with text heavy 
dumps? Double quotes and comas etc are used through out the data in the 


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2003-12-05 Thread Matthew Stuart
How do I create relationships between tables?

I have tried but have no way of being sure that I am successful just by 
looking at the db. I am not sure how to relate one record in one table 
to it corresponding record in another.


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Escaping single quotes

2003-12-01 Thread Matthew Stuart
I am going to take over an existing website and in its present format 
it is a site powered by an Oracle DB. I will be migrating to MySQL.

The site is a news based site and has the use of the single quote or 
apostrophe (') through most of it's articles. I think that each article 
at present is an external .txt file that is pulled in to Oracle. If I 
carried on this method of having an external .txt file would that over 
come the necessity to escape (\') every single quote in each article?

If so, how might I be able to pull that data through so that it loads 
into the web browser. I asume it is some sort of http:// based link as 
it would be for an image. Is there any special kind of formatting I 
have to do to the text file for it to show as html?





Matthew Stuart
11 Yew Tree Close
Middleton Cheney
OX17 2SU
01295 713813
07803 207734

MySQL beginner - upload to remote confusion

2003-11-28 Thread Matthew Stuart
I have just moved from MS Access to MySQL, I haven't really got going 
yet, and I am a little confused at how I interact with a db created in 
MySQL. In the past I have always kept my database in its associated 
website folder within wwwroot. However, I have been advised to keep it 
in C:\mysql\data. Does it need to be here, or can I locate it in 

I use Dreamweaver and I am also a little confused as to how I can 
upload the db using the ftp/site manager if it isn't in the wwwroot 
site folder from where dreamweaver manges the site. I have looked at a 
test db I have created in the data directory - Access creates just one 
file which is the whole database, however I can't seem to locate one 
particular file, there seems to be many. If this is the case, what do I 
need to upload to ensure all of the database is uploaded and where do I 
upload to on the remote site?



Matthew Stuart
11 Yew Tree Close
Middleton Cheney
OX17 2SU
01295 713813
07803 207734

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