Re: How to Backup the Database using Script

2009-10-29 Thread Scott Haneda
Here is how I have been doing it, for years, and I have used this to  
restore from, which has always worked for me.

A quick explanation, and some caveats:
First, set the u and p variables to a mysql user and password that has  
read access to all databases.  You only need read access, no more, no  

I then set the permissions on this script itself to read/write/execute  
for root only.  There is a small window in which the data is being  
dumped in which the permissions of the dump files are a little more  
open than I wish them to be.  I need to look into how to get MySql to  
create the dump with a fixed set of owner, group, and permissions.   
There are also ways to do with without exposing a password in a file,  
but for my system, this was sufficient.

Here is how it works:
1) Variable for your MySql data dump storage location is set.
2) show databases is passed to MySql, in my case, the binary is called
   mysql5, you may need to adjust the name and add a path
3) With a list of all your databases, the script can now iterate  
through them

   all, sending out the database.sql files
4) Right after the .sql files are dumped, permissions are reduced
5) The entire batch of databases are then compressed, with datestamp  
as name

6) Archive file is then reduced to lesser permissions
7) Original .sql files are removed, now that there is one archive file

You can hook this to cron, or on OS X to launchd, and have it run on a  
schedule.  There are a lot of improvements that could be made.  For  
example, it may be possible to have the dump pipe to a compression on  
the fly, which would then only require a quick tar of the data when  

Permissions certainly could be dealt with better.  I was thinking to  
`touch database.sql` with correct permissions, and then have MySql  
overwrite that, but still not sure the most elegant and sane way to do  

The data could probably be appended to an archive set, saving the step  
of removing all the .sql files.  You could also locate files older  
than x days, and remove them, only storing a fixed number of backups.

I needed backups, and this works for me.  My main criteria was that I  
wanted all databases backed up, and did not want to have to think  
about modifying a script every time I added a new database.  This  
script is limited by the speed of your database, and the drives you  
are dumping to, and will of course affect the performance of the  
database as the dumps are happening.

I generally try to run this on a replication server, so I am not  
hitting the live database.  This way, you can have multiple MySql  
machines all replicated to one machine, and then the dumps happen on a  
non public facing machine.  Add in some RAID and other backup  
strategies, and you should be fine.

Feel free to modify the script or comment on improvements, I would  
love to make it a better script. The most important thing to me is  
that I have been able to use it to recover from.

Script is below:
# Backup all MySql databases
# [10/29/2009 01:37:35 AM]

# I set permissions on this file like so:
# -rwx--  1 rootwheel   864 Oct 20 23:33 mysql_backup

# set date and time
time=`date +%m-%d-%y_%I-%M%p`

# set path to final destination, needs trailing slash

# set db_list to the list of databases
db_list=`echo show databases | /opt/local/bin/mysql5 -N -u$u -p$p`

for db in $db_list;
 echo dumping  $db to  $location$db.sql
 /opt/local/bin/mysqldump5 -u$u -p$p --opt $db  $location$db.sql
chown root:wheel $location$db.sql
chmod 0 $location$db.sql

echo changing to directory  $location
cd $location
echo Now in: `pwd`

echo begin tarballing
tar cvfz $time.tgz *.sql

# set permissions on the final file
chown root:wheel $time.tgz
chmod 0 $time.tgz

echo removing:
ls -la $location*.sql
rm $location*.sql

echo All your MySql Database are Belong to Us;
echo $location$time.tgz
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

On Oct 28, 2009, at 10:33 PM, Ganeswar Mishra wrote:

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to backup a database regularly, without using  

tool in mysql,
Can anyone help to write a scipt regarding backup database.

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Performance tuning a group by with percentage

2009-10-16 Thread Scott Haneda
Running MySql 5.0.85, I need to be as efficient as possible about a  
few queries. If I could get a little review, I would appreciate it.

I collect data in the millions, and need the top 50 grouped by one  
field, with a percentage of how much those top 50 occupy.

Here is what I have come up with... 1) I have a feeling I can be more  
efficient, perhaps with a join 2) How can I get the percentage to be  
of precision in the hundredths, so * 100.00 ie: .07 becomes 7.00,  
getting SQL errors if I (percentage * 100)

SELECT user_agent_parsed, user_agent_original,  
COUNT( user_agent_parsed ) AS thecount,

COUNT( * ) / ( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM agents ) AS percentage
FROM agents
GROUP BY user_agent_parsed
ORDER BY thecount DESC LIMIT 50;
Second issue, once a day I need to archive the result of the above.  
Any suggestions on how to best to do that? I can schedule with cron,  
or in my case, launchd, unless someone has a better suggestion.

Would you think that a simple 'SELECT (the above) INTO foo' would  
suffice? ( I will add a date stamp as well )

Thanks all.

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Re: insert random number into table

2009-10-16 Thread Scott Haneda
In addition to what Gavin said. You seem to want some form of key  
perhaps to be able to identify the authenticity of your contest  
winner. An auto increment ID won't be very secure for that, but you  
still need it.

Take a known combination of perhaps the key, name, email address, etc,  
and run a hashing function on it. Md5 will often suffice.

This will give you a unique hash that only you know how it was made.  
You can inject some 'salt' into a known location to add more  
difficulty in guessing your hashing input.

This hash will be asking too much of the user to hand type in, so I'm  
assuming you will accept it via a link in a URL.

Or ask for whatever you used to make the hash and rehash that and  
compare your internal stored result.

If not, for your needs you may be able to safely remove ambiguous  
characters, and take a substring of it to make it shorter.

It's also quite easy to create a dictionary of words and create a  
function that can make word1-xx-word2 and end up with red-56-car.

Iphone says hello.

On Oct 16, 2009, at 11:25 AM, Gavin Towey wrote:

Don't try to give them a random number, instead use a table with a  
primary key that is AUTO_INCREMENT.  Then you just insert the  
record, and afterwards SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); to retrieve the id  
for the record created.

With random numbers, you're going to have more collisions when you  
add more records.

Gavin Towey

-Original Message-
From: Ray []
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 8:43 AM
Subject: insert random number into table

Hello All,
I am trying to insert a unique random number* with each row when  
into a table. I can do it in the application layer (php) but just  
wondering if

there is an easier way in the database layer.

* for example, when registering a person for a contest, I want to  
give them a

unique, random identifier.

Re: insert random number into table

2009-10-16 Thread Scott Haneda
I always maintain a timestamp in my random numbers. As long as my  
precision is higher than my requests per second, wouldn't I be safe  
from collisions? Assuming a time machine is not invented.

Iphone says hello.

On Oct 16, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Jerry Schwartz 

JS] Just remember that the pseudo-random numbers that come out of a  
regardless of where or how they are generated, are not guaranteed to  
unique. Although the odds of a collision are slim, my philosophy has  
been if it's possible, it will happen - in the middle of your  

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Re: Getting mySQL to ignore case sensitivity of field names

2009-08-27 Thread Scott Haneda
You need to set the field format to a non binary one, and case  
insensitive will be the default.

On Aug 27, 2009, at 2:57 PM, Adrian Aitken wrote:

Hi, Google isn't my friend :-(
How can I tell mySQL 5.0 to ignore the case of field names i.e.  

should also be able to be referenced as fullname,fullNAME etc ?
I'm running it on a linux box at home but my copy at work (running on
Windows 2000 server) has this by default - I certainly set any  
When I Google all I seem to get are hits about ignoring case in  
select query

values not field names.

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Re: Getting mySQL to ignore case sensitivity of field names

2009-08-27 Thread Scott Haneda

Oops, sorry about that.  My understanding is this is OS dependent:

You may be able to set lowercase tables names, but would always have  
to use lowercase.  I would just stick to entering in the correct case,  
as the other methods seem prone to trouble.

On Aug 27, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:
You need to set the field format to a non binary one, and case  
insensitive will be the default.

On Aug 27, 2009, at 2:57 PM, Adrian Aitken wrote:

Hi, Google isn't my friend :-(
How can I tell mySQL 5.0 to ignore the case of field names i.e.  

should also be able to be referenced as fullname,fullNAME etc ?
I'm running it on a linux box at home but my copy at work (running on
Windows 2000 server) has this by default - I certainly set any  
When I Google all I seem to get are hits about ignoring case in  
select query

values not field names.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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Logins, php, legacy, old password

2009-07-19 Thread Scott Haneda

Hello. It is time for some long overdue service consolidation on my end.

I have a production machine ready to go, running the latest MySql 5  

I have a legacy machine running MySql 4. As you know, version 4 used  
an older user account password system.

I also will be up against some data import/export changes.  
Specifically I think the timestamp column changed.

I want to move the data from 4 to 5. Here is my problem.

The http server that talks to MySql is ancient, unable to be updated.  
Http will remain on this legacy machine talking to MySql, using an  
equally ancient scripting language that does not, and can not support  
the new password format. This http server does not support MySql, so a  
local copy is not an option.

I believe I will need to set old style passwords. I'm trying to avoid  
multiple machines or multiple instances of MySql on the same database  

What are my options? I'll do the work to convert the data. This means  
scripting code that displays and formats timestamp data is going to  
break. I can dig deep into my long term memory and change the  
scripting code to solve the timestamp issues.

Are there other major issues besides timestamps? All inserts used NOW 
(), so I'm ok there. But display of timestamp to the user needs  
editing. It's controlled by a function so I should have a pretty easy  

But what about the passwords? I hear php 5 will not do old style  
passwords at all. So I can not just set old style passwords to  
accomodate my legacy systems.  Don't really want to either.

What I would like is to set old style passwords on a per account  
basis, but have the default be new methods. I suspect by nature of how  
this works that is not possible.

I'm really trying to consolidate. Yes, I can run a second server, but  
I would rather manage and maintain one, giving me the ability to  
retire a machine.

Iphone says hello.

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Client deleted database, semi high priority master slave question

2009-07-08 Thread Scott Haneda
A client deleted their database and did not have a slave in place for  
backup. No scheduled dumps either.

However, I have set up a slave to the master for one table. These  
tables hold DNS data for database driven DNS server features.

The master table is empty, the slave rightly saw the deletes and  
carried them out.

But I believe the replication logs on the slave, and also perhaps on  
the master should still be there. I'm not clear on how large these  
get, if they roll/truncate, etc.

Is there any way to restore the master up to the point the data was  
deleted? I can then set the slave to resync and they should be back  
where the left off.

There are a lot if records, not a lot of data since DNS data is so  
small. If I could restore the master It would prove quite helpful.  
Currently, all servers are down since DNS is not working, as a result  
of DNS being backed by MySql via DLZ/named.

Thanks for any suggestions.
Iphone says hello.

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Re: Client deleted database, semi high priority master slave question

2009-07-08 Thread Scott Haneda

On Jul 8, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:


I know it comes a little too late, but as a preventive measure going
forward, I offer up my daily crontab backup script:

They move a lot of data, so scheduled dumps were not really an  
option.  I wrote a proposal to use two databases, one is the primary  
acting as a DNS 1, and the second is the slave, acting as DNS 2.  I  
then wanted to add a 3rd slave server, that was a hot standby, in case  
the primary went down.  It would hold copies of all databases.

This would be on a raid, and on a schedule, it would also do dumps,  
which could take as long as they want, since this machine was not  
being hit at all.

This was not implemented for some reason.  I will look at your  
scripts, thanks again.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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Re: Client deleted database, semi high priority master slave question

2009-07-08 Thread Scott Haneda

On Jul 8, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

I know it comes a little too late, but as a preventive measure going
forward, I offer up my daily crontab backup script:

FYI, this link does not work in Safari.
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Re: Can a MyISAM DB hold /everything/?

2009-05-28 Thread Scott Haneda
The times I have heard, this is just a test, hack it together, or  
this will never see significant load are more than I care to count.   
Worse, the times that those statements ended up being false, and a  
rigged and hacked demo code base become production has taught me to  
treat all work as though it will become production.

That small rant aside...

Your question is hard to answer without knowing how you plan on  
displaying the results of the data that comes out of the database.  If  
this is a case where you pull the data out and show it in a web  
browser, then without question, less access time would be to store the  
images in the file system.  There is no access to if there is no  
request for the image out of the database.

Even if you are not using a browser, I am having a hard time thinking  
of many cases in which storing an image in the database is a good  
idea.  Then again, I am thinking jpg, png, gif etc.  Could be by image  
you mean a highly structured bitmap pattern, or pure vector  
coordinates that render an image out to SVG.

I do have one question.  If you can make the statement that scaling  
will never be an issue, then you why does it matter? In a non  
performance driven environment, you should pick the most convenient  
method to manage, and not worry about performance or scaling, if you  
have that luxury.

On May 27, 2009, at 9:10 PM, mugisha moses wrote:

what if you had no issues of scaling, which would have less access
time,  file system or database?

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Arthur Fuller 
I second that emotion (don't store the images in the data file:  
just store
the paths to said images). Why? Because in the event of an updated  
image it
is more hassle than it is worth, to drop the old image and replace  
it with
the new one; if what you store is a simple pointer to an image  
file, lots of

this work goes away.

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Re: Can a MyISAM DB hold /everything/?

2009-05-28 Thread Scott Haneda
A bit of a confusing set of replies was in the previous thread...  
Doing my best to answer the issue at hand, please reference past posts  
if my reply is not clear...

On May 28, 2009, at 6:04 AM, PJ wrote:

Could you clarify/expand on this a bit - I am setting up a site  
where I

expect to have a lot of images, both still and flvs, and a lot of
recipes (including ingredients, procedures ad text : ;images).

I would put some thought into how you store the recipes.  You mention  
XML below.  This will all depend on the structure of the recipes  
data.  In a simple case, you have quantity and item for each recipe.   
A simple relationship of something like the recipe parent, where that  
holds the title, and maybe description and instructions, linked to a  
second table with quantity and item columns would work fine.

That is also very rigid, and you never know where your data needs are  
going to deviate from that form.  Put some thought into this.  Get a  
good sampling of your recipe data to make sure you build this out in a  
way that is forward flexible.

I am
storing the images in /images directory. If the amount of images gets
rather large, you are suggesting to store them on another server,  

I would first start be researching how your OS deals with large  
quantities of images in one single directory.  Write a script to copy  
1 image 100,000 times over into the same directory.  Test how fast you  
can grab a random image, test how fast you can delete a random image.

Different OS's will behave different under different amounts

Even from a pure CLI management perspective, a simple `ls -la` will  
take some time to finish on 100,000 images.

I generally do something along the lines of:

Back to your question.  Just because the amount of images gets large,  
does not mean you need to use multiple servers. It is only if the load  
of requests for those images gets more than the server can handle that  
you may want to look into distributing that load.

Distributing image load over http, if that is what you are doing, is  
almost trivial.  Starting with round robin DNS and rsync to more  
advanced load balancing, or looking into a CDN like what Amazon  
offers.  There are solutions abound in this area.

Now, with a lot of recipes, I understand that I should be storing them
also on another server; and perhaps using XML to store the recipes.  

that sound like I have understood your advice?

I am not so sure.  Recipes are text only, take little space.  A simple  
phpBB forum may have GB's of data in them, on a shared database  
server.  You may want to have a second database for replication, as a  
hot backup, and then have other things in place for cold backups.

This all depends on a lot of factors about your end plans which have  
not yet been shared.

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Re: Can a MyISAM DB hold /everything/?

2009-05-27 Thread Scott Haneda
Unless you have very good reason to store binary data like an image in  
your database, do not.  It may work well for a time, but always be  
prepared that your system will grow.  If it grows a good deal relative  
to your hardware, and users, and connections etc, you will always be  
in a race to throw more hardware at the problem.

In a simplistic terms, an image is a file, files should be stored on a  
file system.

You can do some very nice and simple things later on to distribute  
image loads.  If you store the path to the image, so example, images/ 
date/time.jpg, and then need to grow your serving needs, you could  
adjust your code in the http request to call as the  
hostname.  You could set to return round robin DNS  

Now all you have to do is mirror or sync your images directory to any  
number of high performance http servers.

That is just one example of how I have avoided dealing with binary  
file load in MySql, or any database for that matter.  Even a reltively  
small image stored in a database can become a lot of data very fast.   
You will also find it can be inefficient to fetch that data and show  
it to the end user.  At the very least, you have to request the data,  
read it, rebuild it into a form that can be displayed to a user, which  
is a lot of work, compared to no work at all if just calling it from  
the file system.

Your question about which is faster, always will be on disk binary  
storage, with the exception of deletes.  Deletes will happen in near  
the same time, though you do have to locate the record to delete.   
This probably still has no impact, since you will locate on an index.

Hope that was helpful.

On May 27, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Pete Wilson wrote:

I am new to MySQL and just laying out what I hope will be just one  
db that holds all the info for a list of forged or machined metal  

Let's say there are 10,000 such parts, each with a unique part  
number. That part number is the primary index.

Each part has at least one, and maybe several, accompanying photos.

And each part has at least one, and perhaps as many as five, human- 
language descriptions. These descriptions might be as long as 5,000  
characters each.

I believe I have the choice of:

1. Storing everything -- photos and descriptions included -- in the  
database; or

2. Holding some info in the database; and storing photos and  
descriptions in normal-type disk files apart from the database, with  
names based on part numbers.

So my questions:

1. Which scheme is faster and less resource-hogging in reading,  
updating, adding, and deleting?

2. I understand there are problems in storing photos in the db. Can  
one overcome these problems somehow?

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Re: Upgrade Mysql

2009-05-20 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 20, 2009, at 1:27 AM, Webmaster Studio Informatica wrote:

I need to upgrade Mysql 4 to Mysql 5 on Linux.


I will uninstall version 4 and install version 5.

With uninstallation usually database files remain in /var/lib/mysql/

I want to know if with the installation of Mysql 5 those database  
will be recognized and imported to work with the new version  

In most cases, but you should have a database dump of all of them just  
in case.  You do not specify what version of 4 you are at.

You need to at least read this:

Specifically look at Incompatible change, there are quote a few.   
Most will not bother you.  For me, the biggest issue was my use of  
timestamp, and how that changed a bit.  Luckily I had a function that  
I used in my code to format that timestamp value, so it was just a  
matter of going through all my code and updating one function to all  

This was also only a display issue for me and did not change my data.

You do have to know your code.  If you do not, I would use a staging  
server, and do them one database at a time, test, make sure it works,  
and go from there.

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Re: Replication config

2009-05-16 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 16, 2009, at 12:28 AM, Simon J Mudd wrote:

I also, in section [mysqld]
# Begin slave config 05/14/2009
server-id = 2
master-host =
master-user = user-replicate
master-password = xx
master-port = 3306
# End slave config

No. not necessary as the information is stored in the master info  

Thanks Simon, I will test.  Looks like if this is the case, literally,  
99% of every tutorial out there is wrong, as they all do this in  
duplicate, along with the CHANGE MASTER SQL command.

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Re: Replication config

2009-05-15 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 12, 2009, at 11:11 PM, Simon J Mudd wrote:

1. Ensure binlogging is enabled on the master.
2. Ensure you setup grant permissions so the slave can connect to  
the master.
3. Configure on the slave the replication (which databases need to  
be replicated)

4. Get the master and slave in sync (via rsync, load/dump or whatever)
5. Run show master status on the master (assuming binlogging is  

  to get the current position on the master
6. use CHANGE MASTER TO on the slave providing the appropriate  

8. Use: show slave status\G to check how the replication is working,  

  and adjust as necessary.

Also, how do I set the slave to be read only?  I set read-only in  
my.cnf and it made all databases read only.  I want to limit just the  
replicated database to be read only.  The rest of them are production  
databases in normal use by clients.

I suppose just not having a login and pass to the replicated database  
is more than enough?

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Re: Replication config

2009-05-14 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 12, 2009, at 11:11 PM, Simon J Mudd wrote: (Scott Haneda) writes:

Hello, I am confused about repliction setup.  Reading a config file,
and the docs, leads me to believe this is an either code choice, pick
#1 or #2.  If that is the case, why would I want to use #1 over #2?

My confusion comes from several online references where there is a
combination of #1 and #2 going on:

# To configure this host as a replication slave, you can choose  

# two methods :
# 1) Use the CHANGE MASTER TO command (fully described in our  
manual) -

#the syntax is:
#where you replace host, user, password by quoted strings  

#port by the master's port number (3306 by default).

Use this method. it works and is the correct way to do things. It  
also will keep
working if you stop and restart the server with replication carrying  

from where it left off.

The procedure is quite simply:

1. Ensure binlogging is enabled on the master.
2. Ensure you setup grant permissions so the slave can connect to  
the master.
3. Configure on the slave the replication (which databases need to  
be replicated)

4. Get the master and slave in sync (via rsync, load/dump or whatever)
5. Run show master status on the master (assuming binlogging is  

  to get the current position on the master
6. use CHANGE MASTER TO on the slave providing the appropriate  

8. Use: show slave status\G to check how the replication is working,  

  and adjust as necessary.

It's true that initial mysql replication setup is a bit fiddly, but  
once you've

done it once or twice it's not so hard.

I have it set up and working in test.  I will redo it again once I get  
a better handle on it.  I am still a little confused on one aspect.   
In the mysql sample cfg file, the section that has:

#Replication Slave there is a very clear OR to use either #1 OR #2.

I did the suggestions of #2, issuing
on the slave.

I also, in section [mysqld]
# Begin slave config 05/14/2009
server-id = 2
master-host =
master-user = user-replicate
master-password = passw3rd
master-port = 3306
# End slave config

Am I correct in that this is not needed.  I know I for certain need  
server_id, but is that all I need, and I have redundant data?  I  
figure also better to not have raw user and pass in a cnf file if it  
is not needed.

I would say 99% of the examples on the internets are using both  
methods, the MySql docs are not entirely clear to me on this specific  
issue.  Conflicting data on the comments for sure.

I also have seen a good deal more options specified than I have.  To  
be clear, I am only looking for one way replication, the most basic, a  
master that is read/write by clients, and a slave that is neither read/ 
write by clients, but only reading in data from the master, syncing it.

Here is a example of other options I am seeing, comments interspersed...
 server-id = 1
 log-bin = /usr/local/mysql/var/bin.log
I take it I do not need this if I am ok with default data dir?
I am pretty sure I do not not need this, since I am only doing
master to slave, and no cascading replication, or circular rep.
 log-bin-index = /usr/local/mysql/var/log-bin.index
Same as log-bin, of I am ok with default data dir?
 log-error = /usr/local/mysql/var/error.log
Again, if I am ok with default data-dir?

 relay-log = /usr/local/mysql/var/relay.log
I do not seem to have this file anywhere.

 relay-log-info-file = /usr/local/mysql/var/
 relay-log-index = /usr/local/mysql/var/relay-log.index
I do not see that I have these on the master, I have it on the
slave.  Maybe all these logs are best to be defined.  Perhaps
if they are not, the hostname may be used in the naming
of the logs, and if a hostname ever changes, I would
have issues on getting replication to fine the logs?

 auto_increment_increment = 10
 auto_increment_offset = 1
I am definitely not clear on these.  I want a 100% replica.
Why do I need to worry of key id collisions at all?  Or is
This n/a to a simple master/slave setup

 master-host = other master hostname
 master-user = replication username
 master-password = replication password
These I wonder if are needed at all, if I use the sql CHANGE

 replicate-do-db = somedbname1
 replicate-do-db = somedbname2
Good to know, wondered how to add more, if you comma seperated

Re: Replication config

2009-05-13 Thread Scott Haneda

Thanks, a few comments inline below...

On May 12, 2009, at 11:11 PM, Simon J Mudd wrote: (Scott Haneda) writes:

Hello, I am confused about repliction setup.  Reading a config file,
and the docs, leads me to believe this is an either code choice, pick
#1 or #2.  If that is the case, why would I want to use #1 over #2?

My confusion comes from several online references where there is a
combination of #1 and #2 going on:

# To configure this host as a replication slave, you can choose  

# two methods :
# 1) Use the CHANGE MASTER TO command (fully described in our  
manual) -

#the syntax is:
#where you replace host, user, password by quoted strings  

#port by the master's port number (3306 by default).

Use this method. it works and is the correct way to do things. It  
also will keep
working if you stop and restart the server with replication carrying  

from where it left off.

The procedure is quite simply:

1. Ensure binlogging is enabled on the master.

Done, I can see the binlogs as well.

2. Ensure you setup grant permissions so the slave can connect to  
the master.

From the remote MySql I have mysql -u user -h -p
It allows me in so I think I am good there.

3. Configure on the slave the replication (which databases need to  
be replicated)

This is where I need a little clarification, is the only thing I need  
to do is adjust my.cnf to have in the [mysqld] section

server-id = 2

4. Get the master and slave in sync (via rsync, load/dump or whatever)

Is this mandatory?  There is not a lot of data, hundred rows or so,  

Seems most instructions say to use a dump.  This does not make a lot  
of sense to me, I am setting up replication, is it not the point to be  
able to pull the data down?  Why does it need priming like this?

5. Run show master status on the master (assuming binlogging is  

  to get the current position on the master

I can do this now, gives back a position.  It seems to change over  
time.  Since it is a moving target, if I am using LOAD DATA FROM  
MASTER; I take it I need to lock the tables while the first load is  

6. use CHANGE MASTER TO on the slave providing the appropriate  


Will do, thanks.

8. Use: show slave status\G to check how the replication is working,  

  and adjust as necessary.


It's true that initial mysql replication setup is a bit fiddly, but  
once you've

done it once or twice it's not so hard.

While not part of my plan, if the master goes down and I want to start  
using the slave as the master while I am fixing the master server

What is the best way to do this?  Can the slave be treated like a  
master by just pointing any client to the slave assuming I set a user  
to allow it?

With the slave temporarily becoming the master, the data will of  
course change.  When I bring the master back online, what is the best  
way to reverse sync and get back to where I was?  Probably take the  
entire thing thing down, copy the database from the current temp live  
slave that has been used as a master, and go from there?

Thank you.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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Replication config

2009-05-12 Thread Scott Haneda
Hello, I am confused about repliction setup.  Reading a config file,  
and the docs, leads me to believe this is an either code choice, pick  
#1 or #2.  If that is the case, why would I want to use #1 over #2?

My confusion comes from several online references where there is a  
combination of #1 and #2 going on:

# To configure this host as a replication slave, you can choose between
# two methods :
# 1) Use the CHANGE MASTER TO command (fully described in our manual) -
#the syntax is:
#where you replace host, user, password by quoted strings and
#port by the master's port number (3306 by default).
# OR
# 2) Set the variables below. However, in case you choose this method,  
#start replication for the first time (even unsuccessfully, for  
#if you mistyped the password in master-password and the slave  
fails to

#connect), the slave will create a file, and any later
#change in this file to the variables' values below will be  
ignored and
#overridden by the content of the file, unless you  

#the slave server, delete and restart the slaver server.
#For that reason, you may want to leave the lines below untouched
#(commented) and instead use CHANGE MASTER TO (see above)

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Re: Help with mysql query, multiple list

2009-05-10 Thread Scott Haneda
What about sub selects. As I see it you only care about the highest  
and lowest order of results in each list.

Sorry, in am on a mobile so I can nit make a test case, and this will  
be pseudo SQL.

Select * from table where start = (select foo) and ( select foo) ...

Also look at the between and in keywords.

Perhaps your list of timestamps is not in a database, can you put then  

Either way unless I am reading you wrong you only need the greatest  
and lowest time in your comparison, not a huge list.

Iphone says hello.

On May 8, 2009, at 9:26 AM, Abhishek Pratap  

Hi All

I am kind of stuck with this query  , cant expand my thinking. May  
this is a

limitation.  Here it is

I have a database with many cols two of which are start and end  
position for

an event.

Now I have a list of event time stamps, I want to find all the info  
once the
current event time stamp is = start time of event and =end time of  

something  like this

select * from table_name where start = ( LIST of time stamps) AND  
end =(

list of time stamps).

Clearly above query accepts only one item in the list. Is there a  
way to do
this for multiple items in the list ??? I can't think of anything at  



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Query log for just one database

2009-05-07 Thread Scott Haneda
I am trying to monitor a specific issue, and I know it is related to  
only one database.  There is a lot of other noise in the logs if I  
enable query logging.

Is there any way to limit query logging to just one database?
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Re: Now() : SQL syntax error. But why?

2009-04-30 Thread Scott Haneda
Always echo out your SQL string, it will make it a lot more obvious.   
You want to see the result.  I php concatenated string can be  
confusing at times.

Also, you are not escaping your data, so if you had a word of 'stops,  
here' that would break it as well.

So in your case, you very well may break it by changing the data you  
put in.  You could also do something like stuffing drop database  
foo; into your data, and be in for real fun.

Pass every string to

On Apr 30, 2009, at 9:27 PM, Antonio PHP wrote:

I thought I couldn't have missed ','(comma) before. But today  
somehow it works... ;;

I wasted hours figuring this out, but you saved me!

Maybe I'm still a complete newbie!

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Re: Now() : SQL syntax error. But why?

2009-04-29 Thread Scott Haneda

On Apr 29, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Antonio PHP wrote:

This is MySQL data structure. - I underlined where it causes the error
message. (datetime)
`id_Company` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`Name` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
`Revenue` mediumint(6) NOT NULL,
`Company_Size` mediumint(6) NOT NULL,
`Ownership` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`Homepage` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci  
`Job_Source` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci  

*`Created` datetime NOT NULL,
*PRIMARY KEY (`id_Company`),
KEY `Ownership` (`Ownership`)
FOREIGN KEY (`Ownership`) REFERENCES `ownership` (`id_Ownership`) ON  


Next time can you include unmodified SQL so it is a copy and paste for  
me, rather than debugging what changes you made that are causing error.

Here is php script -
$sql = INSERT INTO company SET
*Created=NOW() // if I remove this line it works fine.
mysql_query ($sql) or die (mysql_error());

Same here, as I am not sure your edits are just edits, or the lack of  
a comma after the job source variable is the issue.

This works on my end:

 $Name = 'Tom';
 $Revenue  = '100';
 $Company_Size = '500';
 $Ownership= 'partner';
 $Homepage = '';
 $Job_Source   = 'friend';

 $sql = INSERT INTO mailing SET

 echo $sql;

 mysql_query ($sql) or die (mysql_error());

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Re: Now() : SQL syntax error. But why?

2009-04-28 Thread Scott Haneda
We need to see your entire query and the table structure.  timestamp  
fields can have options set to auto update them, where order matters,  
and only one field can support that feature.

Please supply more data.

On Apr 28, 2009, at 2:18 PM, Antonio PHP wrote:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that  
corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Created  
= NOW(),

Updated = NOW()' at line 8

'Created' and 'Updated' are set to datetime (InnoDB).

The same syntax works for some newly created tables... and gives no  

It's very strange. 'Now()' works for some tables, and it doesn't for  

(All set in phpmyadmin...)

What could have caused this? Any similar experience?

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Information Schema

2009-04-28 Thread Scott Haneda
I have been meaning to find out about this since I moved to mysql 5.   
In version 4, I never saw the table information schema.  With it  
being in version 5, I assume it was something only the root users, or  
a higher level user could see.

I now know that it shows up under any account.  I will certainly go  
read more in the docs about what this table is for.  However, since it  
seems to be important, I would assume you do not want database users  
to be able to update, insert, or delete against it.

Is the default set up in a way that database/tables are protected?
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Re: Auto increment?

2009-04-02 Thread Scott Haneda

On Apr 2, 2009, at 12:51 AM, Steve Edberg wrote:

At 9:35 AM +0200 4/2/09, Andreas Pardeike wrote:


I have a table 'test'

| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default   |  
Extra  |
| id  | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL  |  
auto_increment |
| foo | varchar(255) | NO   | | NULL   
| bar | varchar(255) | NO   | | NULL   
| payload | longblob | YES  | | NULL   

where 'payload' size usually is quite big!

Now I want to manipulate a number of rows in a non-trivial way and  
at the
same time set 'id' for those rows to a new number in the sequence.  

UPDATE test SET id = NEXT_INSERT_ID(), foo = some_function(foo)  
WHERE bar ...

My motivation is that this table has several consumers in other  
that keep track of the biggest 'id' they have seen between polls  
and thus

can keep track of new and changed rows.

Right now, I solve this problem by copying the rows to a temporary  
then delete them and insert them from the temporary table but this  
moves my

huge payload around which I really want to avoid.

How can I solve this in a better way?

/Andreas Pardeike

Add a column of type timestamp which, by default, will be updated  
every time a record is inserted or updated. Then the other  
applications can simply select records with timestamp   

My same suggestion as well.  I go a far as to have at least, three  
standard fields to any table I make:

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `udpated` timestamp NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00' on  

  `created` timestamp NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

You never know when you want to know time and date, and this makes it  
brainless.  So any new record you add you will set created = NOW();,  
outside of that, never worry about the updated, field, it gets set  
automatically any time there is any change to the record.

I am near certain, there is one small thing to note, which is for  
example, if you update foobar set something = 'test' where id = 1  
and something was already at test, since no real update/change  
happened the time-stamp is not going to get updated.

* There is a version of mysql 4, that going forward, had a change to  
how `timestamp` was defined.  If your old data is in version four, and  
you plan to move to a new version, look out for that issue.

Thanks for welcome :)
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Re: Auto increment?

2009-04-02 Thread Scott Haneda
I read your other replies about the timestamp not working.  I still  
think adding the updated and created fields is a good idea in general,  
to any table.  I have some questions about the below since the  
original suggestion would not work for you.

On Apr 2, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Andreas Pardeike wrote:

| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default   |  
Extra  |
| id  | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL  |  
auto_increment |
| foo | varchar(255) | NO   | | NULL   
| bar | varchar(255) | NO   | | NULL   
| payload | longblob | YES  | | NULL   

where 'payload' size usually is quite big!

Now I want to manipulate a number of rows in a non-trivial way and  
at the
same time set 'id' for those rows to a new number in the sequence.  

UPDATE test SET id = NEXT_INSERT_ID(), foo = some_function(foo)  
WHERE bar ...

My motivation is that this table has several consumers in other  
that keep track of the biggest 'id' they have seen between polls and  

can keep track of new and changed rows.

I am a little stumped on this, since id is auto_increment, do you  
start to see gaps in your id's?  This is not undesirable to you?

Right now, I solve this problem by copying the rows to a temporary  
then delete them and insert them from the temporary table but this  
moves my

huge payload around which I really want to avoid.

How can I solve this in a better way?

How about changing the initial insert logic.  The above table would  
keep the id but be used as your key.  Add a second id of payload_id.   
Create a new table with id, payload_id, and payload.  Store just the  
payload in a separate table, connected with the id = payload_id.  Now  
you are never touching your payload data, which is too large.

Also, I have been in cases with batch uploads where performance is an  
issue, and used the INSERT DELAYED features of mysql, where the the  
insert is sent in one command, but the server will do it when there is  
idle time to deal with it.  You have to be a little careful to  
anticipate a server crash or connection failure, but rollback can  
solve that easily.

There does not seem to be an UPDATE DELAYED syntax, but I did just  
learn of

The UPDATE statement supports the following modifiers:

	• If you use the LOW_PRIORITY keyword, execution of the UPDATE is  

  until no other clients are reading from the table. This affects only
  storage engines that use only table-level locking (MyISAM,  

Maybe you can use the LOW_PRIORITY keyword in your update commands to  
your advantage?

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Auto increment without uniquness

2009-03-19 Thread Scott Haneda
I think ideally I would like to create an auto increment column that  
has no requirement for uniqueness.  So if 6 was the last entry, and  
there are 10 of them, 7 would still be the next, is this possible?

I am assuming it is not?

I am working in a case where data is needing to be de-normalized, and  
I have never had to do this before.  In the past, this would be a join  

Now I have one table, it will have a single parent record, with x  
children records.  I start with an `id` primary key auto inc field,  
standard stuff.

Keeping it simple, lets say I have:
id, group_id, foo, bar, baz

I will do a batch of inserts, where the first record is the parent,  
and the rest are children.  The first parent record is what is getting  
me stuck, I need to give it a group_id, but all the children will need  
to have the same group id.

I could do one insert on the parent, get the returned id, and then  
update the group_id on the parent to the same id, but that is an  
insert and an update, I want to avoid the update.

Can I insert into table set foo = 'test', `group_id` = `id`
Or is that too soon in the insert trasaction to be noticed?

I can allow the parent to have an empty group_id, and use the id as  
what I search on, but it seems messy.

Thank you all
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Hypothetically looking for Kevin Bacon

2008-12-18 Thread Scott Haneda
Hello mysql list, I am looking for a little guidance on a a potential  
query.  I am sure most people have heard of the limited degrees of  
separation one has to become connected to another person.  This is  
much like the myspace in your extended network idea, though I would  
like my implementation to not be broken.

If person A exists in mysql, as well as persons B through Z, and some  
are related or known to each other, they have a relationship.  Very  
much a family tree.  While I can see how one wold start at person A,  
and look for the relationship to another person, thereby drilling down  
to other known links...

I would like to take it one step further.  I think celebrities are the  
best example, so I would be able to enter in myself, and ask the  
question: show me a tree of how I am closest to x celebrity.

Since this is not a real project, and just a hypothetical question,  
assume that the links are known to be valid, and there is some proven  
way to key one person to another that is accurate.  For example, in  
this case, we would use an honor system where Person A logs in, and  
selects all the other persons that they know.

What would be the query to find out all the relationships of person A  
to x celebrity?  How expensive is this query?

I am looking to build something as a real project that will use this  
idea as a feature, albeit in a different way, but the end result will  
be the same.  I get the feeling this is one, that if it is a used and  
popular service, the database design before it is made will be highly  

I smell a bit more recursion in this idea that I am used to, and also  
feel that doing most of the work in the DB layer, and not in the  
application layer, is going to give me the best performance.

Does anyone have suggestions, or perhaps examples of this in working  
use?  Maybe there is a known algo of function that gets close to this  

Thank you

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Anyone know what to do about OS X 10.5 PPC

2008-08-08 Thread Scott Haneda
I can not find a pkg installer for OS X 10.5 on PPC, any suggestions?   
Would I want the 64 or 32 bit version of this as well?

I also need to know a simple php 5 installer that works on 10.5 for  
PPC, I am growing very tired of building that one out all the time,  
and Entropy seems to have fallen off the planet.


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Re: Anyone know what to do about OS X 10.5 PPC

2008-08-08 Thread Scott Haneda
I think I got this worked out, you can use the 10.4 installer for OS X  
on PPC.  Use the 32 bit one for G4, and the 64 bit one for G5, or you  
can still use the 32 bit one on the G5 if you want to.

Just install the app, do not install the startup item or the prefpane,  
they do not work, and need modifying.  Since this is a server, you  
want it to run all the time anyway, so I see no need for on demand.

The repaired prefpane I have seen, still uses a StartUp Item, which is  
deprecated as of 10.4 as far as I know.

in /Library/LaunchDaemons
create com.mysql.mysqld.plist

Contents should be:
(END) ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
plist version=1.0

I am not sure about the array item for lower_case_table_names, but I  
know OS X is case insensitive, so I know forcing a 0 would be bad, and  
not sure about a 1, but the 2 is set with a warning anyway, so I just  
wanted the warning out of my logs.

now in terminal just type
sudo launchctl load com.mysql.mysqld.plist
mysql will start, you can use unload to stop it.

It will start back up again after a reboot, or even a crash, it will  
start back up again.

The default php install on 10.5 is junk, and needs a lot of messing  
with to get to work, so I am still looking for a way to solve that  
right now.

I can not find a pkg installer for OS X 10.5 on PPC, any  
suggestions?  Would I want the 64 or 32 bit version of this as well?

I also need to know a simple php 5 installer that works on 10.5 for  
PPC, I am growing very tired of building that one out all the time,  
and Entropy seems to have fallen off the planet.



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improving random record selection

2008-05-17 Thread Scott Haneda
I posted this a month or so ago, and was helped a little, but I am now  

Currently I use select x, y, z from images where (condition) order by  
rand() limit 1;

As most know, it is slow, depending on the record set, and what I  
compare it to, it can be from one order of magnitude slower, to several.

I have cobbled together a solution, but it on occasion, returns an  
empty result set, which is causing me grief. I should mention, there  
are holes in my id column, and I am needing to select a set based on a  

The below sql I do not fully understand either, if someone could step  
me through it, I would certainly appreciate it, though my main goal is  
to figure out why I get an empty set on occasion.

$sql = 
SELECT storage_path, image_md5,
FROM images AS t
			(SELECT CEIL(MAX(id)*RAND()) AS id FROM images) AS x ON ( =

 AND (t.approved = 1) AND (t.ip_address != '$exclude_ip') 

* I could almost live with the slow speed of an order by rand() but I  
find it has a less than even distribution.  While it indeed may be  
very random, I am looking for a pretty flat response in distribution  
of returned records over time.	


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Re: Age old order by rand() issue

2008-05-02 Thread Scott Haneda

I have seen nicer fast random row implement, but that will work.

Do you happen to have a snip of it, the one I have seems to lean  
pretty heavy as far as I can tell, and on occasion, though rare, also  
sends me an empty result set.


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Age old order by rand() issue

2008-05-01 Thread Scott Haneda

List search seems to return 0 results, and I am a bit stumped.

Getting a more optimized order by random with 1 record...
I found a snip online that works, but seems to return an empty on  
occasion, and I am not sure why:

SELECT storage_path, image_md5, id
 FROM images
approved = 1)) AS id) AS r2 USING (id)

   WHERE approved = 1;

I really do not get this, SELECT CEIL(RAND() will always return 1 will  
it not?  Any idea why I get an empty result set at times?

I then managed to rig this together:
SELECT * FROM images AS t
  FROM images WHERE approved = 1) AS x ON = LIMIT 1;

This works, but I get an odd result, in that the id column is listed  
twice, once at the beginning, where it is in the table, and once at  
the end.  Duplicate values of course.

If I narrow the * to a real called select, such as
SELECT id, storage_path, image_md5 FROM images AS t
  FROM images WHERE approved = 1) AS x ON = LIMIT 1;

-   FROM images WHERE approved = 1) AS x ON = LIMIT 1;
ERROR 1052 (23000): Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous

I can not seem to get past that error, and would like to call just the  
columns I want.  Or, if someone has a better random record return  
select, I am all ears.

Thanks so much.


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Design decision

2007-10-03 Thread Scott Haneda
I have an a table of objects, attached to those objects are keywords.
Users submit the keywords to the objects.

Currently, I chose to keep a hit count on the keywords, so if a duplicate
keyword is supplied, a counter is incremented.

I thought this was a good idea, as it keeps the number of rows in the
keywords table to a minimum.

However, this is a user login based system, and with the above, I lose the
ability to track which users sent in which keywords.

So I can move to the keywords table storing duplicate keywords, and each
keyword will get a user_id attached to it, but, that table will grow.  Fast.

1000 objects, each with 10 keywords only = 10,000, I could hit many millions
very fast.

I could toss in a third table, and relate that to the user_id and keyword.
However, I am inserting in one go, and that could be upwards of 30 or more
inserts, taking too long.

Anyone got any suggestions?  Thanks.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Design decision

2007-10-03 Thread Scott Haneda
 Scott Haneda wrote:
 I have an a table of objects, attached to those objects are keywords.
 Users submit the keywords to the objects.
 Currently, I chose to keep a hit count on the keywords, so if a duplicate
 keyword is supplied, a counter is incremented.
 I thought this was a good idea, as it keeps the number of rows in the
 keywords table to a minimum.
 However, this is a user login based system, and with the above, I lose the
 ability to track which users sent in which keywords.
 Why do you need this info? Is there a reporting need or something else
 you need to keep this information for? Ie when are you going to need to
 know who inserted a particular keyword?

Because it is a semi-public system, every user is allowed to supply keywords
to other users objects.  If some not so nice person decides to paste in a
list of words to 'game' that object up the ranks, I want to know who, and be
able to take action.

Looking over the php now, thanks.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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single line inserts with on duplicate key

2007-10-03 Thread Scott Haneda
Is it possible, in single-line inserts, with on duplicate key clauses, to
get back a list of last insert id's for what was inserted?

I get strange results, just one single insert id, which makes sense from the
perspective of what was just inserted, however, I need to know what the
returned insert id is for each of an arbitrary amount of single-line

Defining what I am calling single line insets, I mean:
INSERT INTO foo (a, b, c) VALUES ('x', 'y', 'x'), ('x', 'y', 'x'), ('x',
'y', 'x'), etc etc
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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OS X binary installer

2007-09-19 Thread Scott Haneda
Looking for the OS X 4.1 binary package installer, I can not seem to locate
this on the site, I just find a source style, and a tar style.  I am pretty
sure in the past, I was able to have a double clickable installer, and it
had a preference pane for starting and stopping the service.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Hypothetical design question regarding keyword searching

2007-07-19 Thread Scott Haneda
I have been looking at stock photo sites lately, started wondering how they
are doing their keyword searched.  Given a potential for millions of images,
each with x keywords, I have come up with two approaches...

Approach one
Images table, with a parent id
Keywords table, each keyword would be its own row, and also link back to the
parent id.

You could then search for the keyword, get the parent id's, and do a IN
(...) search against the images, thereby pulling up the images that have
those keywords.

Potentially problematic as assuming million of images, and average 10
keywords per image, you end up with a keyword table that has 10's of
millions of rows, along with lots of duplicate keywords.

Approach two
Use a link table, this resolves the duplicate keyword issue, and I am sure
there will be many dupes.  However, it adds a third table.  This would
complicate the JOIN query.

Are there other approaches?  Which approach would yield the best performance
for growth issue?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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User variables in update statement

2007-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
Is it possible to use user variables in an update statement, I can find only
scant docs on it, but they do not pertain to what I am trying to do.

Given this select:

SELECT user_id, order_status, quantity_chosen, month_price, each_price,
sales_tax, sales_tax_rate,
@NEW_each_price:=(each_price + .06) as NEW_each_price,
@NEW_month_price:=(quantity_chosen * @NEW_each_price) as NEW_month_price,
@postage_rate:=(0.30) as postage_rate,
@cost_of_postage:=(quantity_chosen * @postage_rate) as postage,
@taxable_price:=(@NEW_month_price - @cost_of_postage) as taxable,
(@taxable_price * sales_tax_rate) as NEW_sales_tax

As you can see, I am using variables to make some calcs, sure, I can do it
long hand, but it gets long and confusing.

Given the above, I end up with some vars like NEW_month_price,
NEW_each_price etc, I would like to update ... SET price = NEW_each_price,
but of course, that does not work.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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How do you reference custom column names

2007-06-19 Thread Scott Haneda
SELECT 1+1 as foo, 2 as bar, foo+bar

This will not work, but I think you can see what I am trying to do.  I need
to run a pretty hefty update on a database, and there are some pretty heavy
calculations I will be doing.  The result of many of those, needs to be
further used to make updates on other columns.

Can someone suggest a method to do this so my SQL is not so non-manageable?

Something like this:

SELECT price*tax_rate+something-other

Then I need to use the result of the above calc right away in some other
field, which would be:

SELECT price*tax_rate+something-other, ((price*tax_rate+something-other)+.6)

Where what I really want to do is:

SELECT price*tax_rate+something-other as foo, (foo+.6)

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Replace, Substitute, Delete

2007-05-09 Thread Scott Haneda
 STEP 1: Create the root of the image name
 update staff set imgName = Lower(CONCAT(Left(last,6),Left(first,2)));
 STEP 2: 
 How do I delete spaces in the imgName?
 STEP 3: 
 update staff set webLine = CONCAT(tdimg src='images/,imgName,.jpg'
 width='100' height='125'br clear='all' /,first, ,last,/td);
 Thanks in advance for your time spent in reading or responding.

Personally, I would move your html and string parse logic into php, rather
than in mysql, but that is up to you.  If you want to do this in mysql..

SELECT REPLACE('De Long', ' ', '');
| REPLACE('De Long', ' ', '') |
| DeLong  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You could also do..

SELECT REPLACE('De Long', ' ', '%20');
| REPLACE('De Long', ' ', '%20') |
| De%20Long  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Which will url encode the space, which will allow perfectly for spaces in
filenames on a web server.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Replace, Substitute, Delete

2007-05-09 Thread Scott Haneda
 (1) I thought it might be quicker than Perl or PHP. Correct me if I'm wrong.
 (2) I have read a short description of Triggers, and I thought these
 three lines of code might be an excellent AFTER INSERT trigger. (I
 don't know enough about Triggers yet to know if they'll even take multiple
 lines of code however.) (A) Could this be a Trigger? and (B) Would it be worth
 (3) I've written plenty of Perl and PHP code that concatenates fields
 and builds XHTML cells and rows. I thought it might be interesting to
 build the rows inside the database table and have my PHP do nothing but
 count MySQL records in order to know when to open and close the XHTML
 table rows. 

I think things just start to get messy over time.  One day will come when
you want to search something in the database, and you will then have to
accommodate that search with more hacks in order to ignore the html.

Further, as time goes on, say you wanted to make some design changes to your
html, you are now faced with constructing a rather complicated method for
updating all your old records to the new html.  If the html logic is pulled
out into the php/web front end, you change in one spot, the site sees those
changes on all pages.

Databases are used to store data, I do not really see html as data so to
speak, at least not important data.  Even storing a path to an image is
something I would stay away from, just store the image name in a field, and
call the path out in your html.

This in large part is my opinion, but I do tend to find most will agree with
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Replace, Substitute, Delete

2007-05-09 Thread Scott Haneda
 Instead of individual replacements, as in ...
 SELECT REPLACE('De Long', ' ', '');
 would this global approach work?
 SELECT REPLACE(imgName,' ','') FROM staff WHERE imgName REGEXP ' ';

I just used that as an example. What you are doing is fine, you put the
field name in the first argument of the REPLACE() function.  You no not need
to add the where imgname REGEXP part at all.

SELECT REPLACE(imgName,' ','') FROM staff
That should suffice, unless you have some other limiting factor you want to
toss in like :

SELECT REPLACE(imgName,' ','') FROM staff WHERE imgName LIKE '%d'
You get the idea, that would select all image names that end in 'd'
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Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Haneda
Running mysql 4, just poked into data and see I have gigs and gigs of log files.

How does one maintain these, can someone point me to relevant data on what
to do about drive space being lost to these?

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 In the short term, see the manual page for PURGE MASTER LOGS.  In the
 long term, write a cron job.
 innotop ( also has a new
 feature, unreleased because I just wrote it a few hours ago, which will
 help you figure out which binlogs can be purged safely with a single
 keystroke :-)

I don't quite get this, if SHOW SLAVE STATUS shows empty result set, and I
am just running one server, not a master + slave setup at all, its really
rather simple.

So, how would I ever know what logs I can safely delete or purge?

Do I really need to use mysql to purge them or can I just `rm` them?

I guess I could push this to cron?

My question is, what are these logs really good for, I assume restoration,
and from what I read, but how do I know how far back I should keep?

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 Yes -- sorry for being so  general.  You can use the binlogs for a)
 replication b) replaying changes since your last backup so you get
 point-in-time recovery.  If you have no replication slaves, just delete
 everything older than your latest backup.  You  can just use 'rm'.  If
 you use PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE, it's a bit easier than cron because
 you can do it across all platforms easily.  On UNIX of course, you'd use
 something like
 find /var/lib/mysql/data -name *.bin -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \
 (My find syntax is guaranteed to be wrong there... don't run that as I
 typed it).
 But if you do it via SQL, you don't have to mess with this.

So, I take it since I do not have a slave at all, I could safely just
disable this feature altogether?

If I do not need point in time recovery, and the once every 12 hour dump I
do across all databases is ok with me, I suppose I can just disable said
feature?  Heck, some of these boogers are a GB each :-)
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Re: MySQL e-zine

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 Hey everyone,
 I have been considering putting together a e-zine for MySQL as my way to
 give back to the community.  I was curious as to what type of interest
 there would be in this.  I am thinking something quarterly to start with
 and probably 15 - 20 pages.  Nothing huge.  Topics would vary from
 everything like standard DBA stuff like backups, replication, system
 architecture and such to stuff for the developers out there..php, perl,
 python whatever.  My background is more of a DBA so I would definitely
 need some input/articles for the developer side of things.
 It is just funny that in this day and age there is no magazines
 specifically for MySQL.  I even saw a php magazine at the bookstore the
 other day! 
 I can do the layout in QuarkXpress and generate pdfs that I can host on
 my website. 
 Any thoughts?  Any desires to contribute?

Anything on the topic of actual queries I would skip, those are narrow and
finite questions, usually specific to a certain application, and quickly
answered on the list.

I would cover what is more mysterious to most, which is the underbelly of
mysql.  Today there was good dialogue on the bin logs, that I think is stuff
that helps people.  Demystifying all the .cnf options, how to optimize for
load, test the load etc.

Steer clear of high end features like replication and the like, things that
generally, if you are worried about them, your app is doing well enough you
should be around knowledgeable people already.

For me at least, it would be more about internals, that the step by step of
how to do a join.
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Possible in sql, or just move it to a language

2007-03-15 Thread Scott Haneda
This is a one off I need to do

Table1 has email addresses in it, table two also has email addresses in it.
table1 represents bounced emails that need to be purged from the database.

What I would like to do, is mark a field in table2, called needs_purging
to true, when there is a match from table 1

Should I just run a loop in my language of choice, or is there a join I am
not seeing here?
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Re: Choose a random record from a list of duplicates

2007-01-09 Thread Scott Haneda
 zv Green wrote:
 Hello all,
 What  I want to do is select all the records from the table but where
 are duplicate entries (based on say, the surname and postcode fields)
 pick a random record and then ignore the rest.
 If you want to pick a random record, you can do ORDER BY RANDOM LIMIT 1
 or so. (warning, untested)

And I think you will want to group by surname and postcode in order to
filter out the duplicates.
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Re: Mysql, PHP and Persistent mode

2006-12-21 Thread Scott Haneda
 I have been using mysql_connect in a script that display a lot of thumbnails
 for an album. Each thumbnail is displayed using the code:
 IMG SRC=thm.php?id=some_id ALT=some title
 thm.php use a mysql_connect to the database to access the info about the
 picture based on the id.
 This worked fine. However, the SQL server is located on a different network
 than the web-server with a firewall between. When I looked into the firewalls
 log I saw that there was large amount of new connections when someone
 accessed the page where all the thumbnails was displayed.
 I then changed mysql_connect to mysql_pconnect on the scripts and viola... the
 amount of new connections to the SQL server dropped to only two.
 Good, I thought. But later I discovered that the SQL server had a large amount
 of childs running. I had 50-60 mysqld running on the system. This number was
 constant to below 10 before I changed to persistent mode.
 Any settings in the config file for the sql-server I need to be aware of?
 I'm using MyISAM tables .

I would have to say, this is suboptimal, and perhaps a little OT, but here
goes.  If you have 50 images, you are going to make 50 selects to your
database, depending on how you connect, you may make 50 connections, or not.

What you should do, is grab the 50 images ahead of time, in one select, and
use some php to iterate them and display them.
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Re: Mysql, PHP and Persistent mode

2006-12-21 Thread Scott Haneda
 What you should do, is grab the 50 images ahead of time, in one select, and
 use some php to iterate them and display them.
 Second, your suggestion is not an option in my case, since the image and the
 thumbnails are not stored in the database. The database contain image id,
 image attributes (exposure++) and name of the image and thumbnail file.

That's all the data you need, I am not saying to pull the image out of the
database, I am saying to pull the file path out of the database and put it
in your html img src tag.  Its the difference of making one call to the
database, versus x, where x is as many thumbnails as you have, not to
mention, x also represents that many http calls to your server, and also,
that many times php must process that file.
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Cloning or duplicating a record

2006-09-14 Thread Scott Haneda
Can someone tell me how to take one record and duplicate it exactly, with
the exception of the pk, which I want to increment as usual.

I think I need insert select, however, I don't want to name all the fields,
as it would break over time, if I add or subtract fields.  I seem to recall
using a wildcard tossed me up an error about a duplicate key.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Cloning or duplicating a record

2006-09-14 Thread Scott Haneda
 how about:
 insert into table_name select * from table_name where select criteria
 is the primary key an auto sequence?

Yes, pk is on auto increment
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Re: Cloning or duplicating a record

2006-09-14 Thread Scott Haneda
 how about:
 insert into table_name select * from table_name where select criteria
 is the primary key an auto sequence?

This is what happens when I try:
insert into logbook select * from logbook where id = 1;
ERROR 1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
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Re: Cloning or duplicating a record

2006-09-14 Thread Scott Haneda
 YOu'll have to list the fields explicitly, except for the primary
 key. For example, if your table has columns:
 id (PK)
 you should be able to do
 insert into table_name (data_1, data_2, data_3) select
 data_1,data_2,data_3 from table_name where id=1
 The insert failed because you were - as the error message said -
 trying to insert a record with an existing primary key, which is
 Check mysql manual for more info on syntax of insert command.

I figured as much, its just two sets of fields I will have to manage, which
is why I was hoping there was a sneaky SQL way to deal with it.  Thanks.
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Re: Mass E-mail Options

2006-08-30 Thread Scott Haneda
 Again, I know this is not necessarily a MySQL specific question, and sorry
 for getting off target, but this is a pretty smart and experienced bunch,
 and I'm sure that someone out there will be able to help me.
 We have a web application in which we have a mass e-mail function.  It
 allows the user to compose a simple text-only e-mail and send to everyone in
 our database (MySQL).  Problem is that our e-mail server seems to be getting
 overloaded, and it just shuts down, causing an error.  We're using ArgoSoft
 Mail server, which works very well for our normal needs.  We do not want to
 change to Microsoft's Exchange Server.  I hear it's expensive, and difficult
 to set up and get working properly.
 I was wondering if anyone knows of any alternative mass e-mail options.  I
 don't want to use servers that spammers use, because first, and foremost,
 this is NOT spam, and second, some recipients may have these servers black
 listed.  What other alternatives are there?

How many messages are we talking here?
Perhaps create a server side script, that sends the emails in chunks, then
sleeps a little, and sends another chunk.

I would also try to unorder the email addresses, so that large groups of
yahoo and aol etc emails do not hit the outbound queue at the same time.
They tend to look down on that activity, and throttle you back, making it
take even longer to get your messages out.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Mass E-mail Options

2006-08-30 Thread Scott Haneda
 You might put special-case conditons on specific domains, but actually,
 you're much better off ordering by domain because your server will end up
 sending _ONE_ message addressed to whatever number of recipients at that
 domain.  If your list is truely massive, your MTA may be incapable of
 sorting the recipients itself: a good MTA will batch by recipient domain.
 An equal probability is that you're actually generating INDIVIDUAL messages
 (one per recipient), rather than messages with a BCC: recipient list, in
 which case, my advise would be to switch to BCC: addressing, but if that
 isn't an option, look at a cascaded MTA queue (messages which don't deliver
 on the first try get sent to a secondary queue which won't retry right away
 - and those which fail to deliver from that queue get moved to one that
 takes even LONGER) - a fairly typical (read: default Sendmail setup) queue
 retry is every 15 minutes, 24/7 --- if you've got a few hoser domains in
 there, they can stuff you up quick.
 Check your server logs to see if the domains you're emailing to are trying
 to perform callbacks (GTE and it's affiliated telco domains are/were doing
 this for some time - this is the same bunch of idiots who've blocked many
 european IP ranges from sending mail to them, and such sites have to relay
 through other hosts in order to deliver to GTE customers).  Any domain that
 does this might be a candidate for being added to a special case handler to
 be shuttled to a low priority queue right off the bat.
 Might I suggest you set up a database for the special conditions and the
 queues you'd place them in? g

Good comments, also, there is the option of simply interfacing mysql and
your scripts with mailman, which is really one of the better ways to send
mass emails, list serves pretty much have it down these days.
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I don¹t have sub queries, can someone suggest alternatives

2006-08-08 Thread Scott Haneda
DELETE from cart 
WHERE product_id NOT IN( SELECT id FROM products where status = 'enabled')
AND user_id = '90'

The above is what I would like it to do, though I can not test it as I do
not have access to a mysql that supports it.

Aside from two queries, can someone perhaps show me how to run the same as
above but without the sub query?
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Re: I don¹t have sub queries, can someone suggest alternatives

2006-08-08 Thread Scott Haneda
 DELETE from cart 
 WHERE product_id NOT IN( SELECT id FROM products where status = 'enabled')
 AND user_id = '90'
 The above is what I would like it to do, though I can not test it as I do
 not have access to a mysql that supports it.
 Aside from two queries, can someone perhaps show me how to run the same as
 above but without the sub query?

I am pretty sure I worked this out with the following:

DELETE cart2.*
FROM cart2 c
LEFT JOIN products p
ON c.product_id =
WHERE c.user_id = '90' AND IS NULL
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Join with additional table, stumped

2006-08-02 Thread Scott Haneda
Forgive the mess I present you, this is a strangely done site with a even
stranger structure and methodology that I am trying to work with.

The basic idea is one website has multiple websites in it.  So if you place
an order with website A, orders_A is where the data is stored, if you place
an order with website B, orders_B is where the data is stored.  The site
changes from A to B based on the url.  Anyway...

SELECT, u.industry,, u.b_first_name, u.b_last_name,
FROM orders_npfd AS o
 ON (o.user_id =
INNER JOIN transactions as t
 ON (t.order_id =
WHERE t.type in ('first_charge', 'recurring')
ORDER BY t.created DESC;

This basically gives me a list of all orders that I want to see from the
orders_npfd table, works as I need it to.  Now, I need to add in a second
table, for the orders from the other table.  Table structure is more or less
the same, at least, the data I am selecting.  So the second table is
orders_npfs - note the 's'

How can I add that in so I will get results out of that table as well?

Second problem, each order table of course gets an id, or orderId, in the
above example, it is and linked to t.order_id.  The problem is, is
autoinc PK and will/can overlap with the id's from the either of the orders

However, users will never overlap, nor share table data, so I think I
can use that in my condition to make sure there is no pollution of orders?

If I use a join in the above to get the second table data in there, I would
have to add in more items to my select, which really will not help me.

I am sure this is pretty confusing, if anyone has any suggestions, aside
from rethinking the design entirely, I would most appreciate it.

Maybe select the contents of both tables into a tmp table, and use that as
my join table above?
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Is this privilege case even possible

2006-07-25 Thread Scott Haneda
One database, multiple tables.

I need to limit access to one table per user, but also allow all other
tables to be accessed by all users.  For example:

Say I have 5 users: usera, userb, userc, userd, usere

Table 1 - all 5 users, select, inset, update, delete
Table 2 - all 5 users, select, inset, update, delete
Table 3 - only userc, select, inset, update, delete

When I add in a new table, such as table 4, I would like it to be all 5
users.  So basically, I just want to lock out one table, and allow only one
user to that table.

I have tried several ways, and read over the docs, and I am just not seeing
how to make this work.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: newbie needs help

2006-07-21 Thread Scott Haneda
 I'm going throught some tutorial about uploading and displaying
 images files.  But the display script isn't working.  Here's what I have:

I think you may want to bring this to a php based list, not a mysql one.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Table specific privileges

2006-07-13 Thread Scott Haneda
MySQL - 4.0.18-standard-log

How do you revoke all privileges from a user for one table in a database,
and still maintain the existing privileges for the other tables?

For example, I have these tables:

Lets say I have two users, user_A and user_B
Currently, both users have select, insert, update, and delete on all tables.
I want to totally block user_A from touching Orders_B and totally block
user_B from touching Orders_A

Knowing how to do this the SQL way would help, ultimately, I have to show a
client how to do this in phpMyAdmin, so if anyone knows how to do it in
there, that would be nice as well.


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Re: Table specific privileges

2006-07-13 Thread Scott Haneda
I keep getting the error:
ERROR 1147: There is no such grant defined for user 'username' on host
'' on table 'orders_npfs'

 As states,
 REVOKE ALL ON `database`.`table` FROM 'user'@'hostname';
 MySQL - 4.0.18-standard-log
 How do you revoke all privileges from a user for one table in a database,
 and still maintain the existing privileges for the other tables?
 For example, I have these tables:
 Lets say I have two users, user_A and user_B
 Currently, both users have select, insert, update, and delete on all tables.
 I want to totally block user_A from touching Orders_B and totally block
 user_B from touching Orders_A
 Knowing how to do this the SQL way would help, ultimately, I have to show a
 client how to do this in phpMyAdmin, so if anyone knows how to do it in
 there, that would be nice as well.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Table specific privileges (BUMP)

2006-07-13 Thread Scott Haneda
Sorry to push this back out to the list, I am stumped, and the docs are not
leading me to an answer.

One users reply was close, and I had tried it, but it generates an error,
which is also posted in this thread.  Thanks everyone, original message

MySQL - 4.0.18-standard-log

How do you revoke all privileges from a user for one table in a database,
and still maintain the existing privileges for the other tables?

For example, I have these tables:

Lets say I have two users, user_A and user_B
Currently, both users have select, insert, update, and delete on all tables.
I want to totally block user_A from touching Orders_B and totally block
user_B from touching Orders_A

Knowing how to do this the SQL way would help, ultimately, I have to show a
client how to do this in phpMyAdmin, so if anyone knows how to do it in
there, that would be nice as well.


Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Table specific privileges (BUMP)

2006-07-13 Thread Scott Haneda
 Hi Scott,
 One would think that you should be able to accomplish what you are
 looking for by changing rows in table - tables_priv in mysql
 database. And using flush privileges when you done.

So does this mean my database privs of select, insert, update, and delete
supercede any table specific ones?

I am trying to not have to add new table privs every time I add a new table.
That would be kind of a hassle.

My goal is to have a set of tables, that are accessible to 10 mysql users,
there will then be 10 additional tables in that database, each user is
allowed to access only a certain one.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: I don't understand why SCSI is preferred.

2006-07-11 Thread Scott Haneda
 Brian Dunning wrote:
 My understanding is that SCSI has a faster transfer rate, for
 transferring large files.
 SCSI is better for EVERYTHING except your budget.  Faster for large
 transfers, small transfers, seek times, and most especially it handles
 requests from multiple threads much better.

Almost everything, they have not hit that capacity issue yet, they are all
generally much smaller that non SCSI.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: automatic timestamp

2006-07-05 Thread Scott Haneda
 I have the following table:
   bid_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   bid_proj_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   bid_prop_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   bid_amount varchar(20) NULL default '',
   bid_sub_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   bid_sub_desc varchar(100) default '',
   bid_sub_amount varchar(20) NULL default '',
   bid_winner tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
   bid_date TIMESTAMP,
   PRIMARY KEY  (bid_id),
   UNIQUE KEY proj_prop (bid_proj_name,bid_prop_name)
 and I am trying toload a file with the following data:
 ,Construction Management,RCG Consulting,,Orly-Belle
 ,Construction Management,RCG Consulting,,American Engineers
 I am using phpmyadmin and the date always gets enter as 00
 What do I need to do to force the current time stamp?
 I am using mysql version 4.0.21-standard

IIRC, you need two timestamp fields for auto to work, default timestamps for
the first timestamp column will be ignored, but the first column will get
auto timestamp in a table that has more than one timestamp column.

I usually set up two, updated and added, and I always set the added field to

It explains it pretty well in the docs here
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Leading zero where strlen 5

2006-06-27 Thread Scott Haneda
 If this is so, IMNSHO it was a wrong decision:
 Zip codes are character strings, even though they may (in some / many
 countries) consist of digits only.
 Use a char (n) column for them, with n varying by country.

So did I, as in the char(n) however, the import script I wrote, in the
language I was using, being pretty lose at times, has a habit of turning
strings to ints, so 01 is 1, and that's what gets sent off to the database.
It was after I imported 40,000 of these, that I noticed.  I did not want to
re-parse all those again, as it takes some time, so I just ran the update
and all was well.

Thanks everyone.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Leading zero where strlen 5

2006-06-26 Thread Scott Haneda
I need to update a column, if the string length is less than 5, I want to
add leading zeros to it until it has 5.  These are zip codes, I think there
are no 00 leading zips, so most should all be four chars long.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Leading zero where strlen 5

2006-06-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 J.R. Bullington wrote:
 The best way to do this is with code, however, here is A way to do it (I am
 sure that there are more than one...)
 UPDATE tbl_Name SET ZipCodes = concat('0',ZipCodes) WHERE length(ZipCodes) =
 How about
 UPDATE tbl_Name SET ZipCodes = right(concat('0',ZipCodes), 5) WHERE
 length(ZipCodes)  5

Works, perfect, thanks to both of you.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Records in front of and behind another record

2006-06-26 Thread Scott Haneda
Mysql 4

I have a frustrating case here, a list of numbers, say, 0 through 30,000 or
so, however, there are gaps in the numbers, so not purely sequential.

I am faced with selecting one record from the dataset, that's simple,
however, before that select, I need to make sure the record is there, and if
it is not, find the one either just before it, or just after it.  Whichever
is closest.  If they are the same, lean on either one, I don't really care.

Any suggestion on this one would be appreciated, I can do this with 3
separate queries, but that is taking too long, since I have to do this with
two separate datasets and shove this all back out a browser to the user.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Records in front of and behind another record

2006-06-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 Mysql 4
 I have a frustrating case here, a list of numbers, say, 0 through 30,000 or
 so, however, there are gaps in the numbers, so not purely sequential.
 I am faced with selecting one record from the dataset, that's simple,
 however, before that select, I need to make sure the record is there, and if
 it is not, find the one either just before it, or just after it.  Whichever
 is closest.  If they are the same, lean on either one, I don't really care.
 Any suggestion on this one would be appreciated, I can do this with 3
 separate queries, but that is taking too long, since I have to do this with
 two separate datasets and shove this all back out a browser to the user.

Clearing this up a little, I have data like this:

3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10
If I am looking for 6, it is not there, I want back 5 and 8, in this case, 5
is closest, so I would like 5 back, but both are ok, as I can use server
side code to determine the closest.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Records in front of and behind another record

2006-06-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 Mysql 4
 I have a frustrating case here, a list of numbers, say, 0 through 30,000 or
 so, however, there are gaps in the numbers, so not purely sequential.
 I am faced with selecting one record from the dataset, that's simple,
 however, before that select, I need to make sure the record is there, and if
 it is not, find the one either just before it, or just after it.  Whichever
 is closest.  If they are the same, lean on either one, I don't really care.
 Any suggestion on this one would be appreciated, I can do this with 3
 separate queries, but that is taking too long, since I have to do this with
 two separate datasets and shove this all back out a browser to the user.
 Clearing this up a little, I have data like this:
 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10
 If I am looking for 6, it is not there, I want back 5 and 8, in this case, 5
 is closest, so I would like 5 back, but both are ok, as I can use server
 side code to determine the closest.

I am thinking UNION and two SQL queries would do this, how is UNION
optimized, is it more or less the same as running two selects?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Records in front of and behind another record

2006-06-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 OK, that's clear.

Sorry about the bervity, ill clear this up below.

 Scott Haneda wrote:
 I am thinking UNION and two SQL queries would do this, how is UNION
 optimized, is it more or less the same as running two selects?
 Usually, but a UNION of what two queries?  I won't comment on the efficiency
 a query I haven't seen.

Here is what I was thinking:
(select zipcode FROM
WHERE zipcode = '94949' ORDER BY zipcode
(select zipcode FROM
WHERE zipcode = '94949' ORDER BY zipcode

This seems to give me either one of two records, in which case, its pretty
simple to find the closest one.

Here is my table structure, there is a lot more auxiliary data to it, but
these are the main bits that matter.

describe zipcodes_head_of_house;
| Field  | Type  | Null | Key | Default  | Extra  |
| id | int(11)   |  | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| zipcode| char(5)   |  | MUL |  ||
| latitude   | double(12,6)  |  | | 0.00 ||
| longitude  | double(12,6)  |  | | 0.00 ||
| created| timestamp(14) | YES  | | NULL ||

 This can be done in one query.  You didn't give any details, so I'll make them
 up.  The table is named scotts_table, the numbers are in the column named val,
 and the target value is 413.  I'll use user variables for clarity, but they
 aren't necessary.
 For each row in the table, the distance from that row's val to the target
 is the absolute value of the difference between val and the target value.  The
 row with the smallest distance is the one you want.  Hence,
SET @target = 413;
FROM scotts_table

select zipcode from zipcodes_head_of_house order by abs(zipcode-94999) limit
| zipcode |
| 95001   |

I know 94999 is not in the database, and I get back 95001, which should be
the closest match, using  my UNION to test it:

mysql (select zipcode FROM
- zipcodes_head_of_house
- WHERE zipcode = '94999' ORDER BY zipcode
- (select zipcode FROM
- zipcodes_head_of_house
- WHERE zipcode = '94999' ORDER BY zipcode
- ;
| zipcode |
| 95001   |
| 94979   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And there you are, the 95001 is of course the closest one.
I think this is it, this works well, and fast for me.

 Of course, that's a full-table scan with a filesort, so it's not very
   We can improve on this, however, if we know the size of the largest gap.
 example, if we know that the largest gap is 26, we can do the following:
SET @target = 413;
SET @range=26;
FROM scotts_table
WHERE val BETWEEN (@target - @range) AND (@target + @range)

I could probably figure it out, at some point, but right now, I have no idea
what the largest gap is.

 In this case, mysql can use the index on val (You do have an index on val,
 right?) to choose the few rows near the target value, before performing the
 filesort on just those few matching rows.

I am pretty sure I do, I will check though.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: summing of my distance query

2006-06-24 Thread Scott Haneda
 Scott, I think you want something like this, then, assuming you still
 want to limit by radius from a given ZIP.
 SELECT b.zipcode,
 sum( b.inc_level1 ), sum( b.inc_level2 ),
 FROM zipcodes a, zipcodes b
   WHERE a.zipcode = 94949
 AND  (3956 * (2 *
 ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN(((a.latitude-b.latitude)*0.017453293)/2),2) +
 COS(a.latitude*0.017453293) * COS(b.latitude*0.017453293) *
 POWER(SIN(((a.longitude-b.longitude)*0.017453293)/2),2) = 10

I have been bashing my head on that a bit, right now I get
ERROR 1140: Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) with no GROUP
columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause
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summing of my distance query

2006-06-23 Thread Scott Haneda
Mysql 4.0.18

| Field  | Type  | Null | Key | Default  | Extra  |
| id | int(11)   |  | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| zipcode| char(5)   |  | MUL |  ||
| inc_level1 | int(11)   |  | | 0||
| inc_level2 | int(11)   |  | | 0||
| inc_level3 | int(11)   |  | | 0||
| inc_level4 | int(11)   |  | | 0||
| inc_level5 | int(11)   |  | | 0||
| inc_level6 | int(11)   |  | | 0||
| inc_level7 | int(11)   |  | | 0||
| latitude   | double(12,6)  |  | | 0.00 ||
| longitude  | double(12,6)  |  | | 0.00 ||
| created| timestamp(14) | YES  | | NULL ||

My query is this:
SELECT b.zipcode, 
   b.inc_level1, b.inc_level2, b.inc_level3,
   b.inc_level4, b.inc_level5, b.inc_level6,
  (3956 * (2 * 
ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN(((a.latitude-b.latitude)*0.017453293)/2),2) +
COS(a.latitude*0.017453293) * COS(b.latitude*0.017453293) *
POWER(SIN(((a.longitude-b.longitude)*0.017453293)/2),2) AS distance
FROM zipcodes a, zipcodes b
 WHERE a.zipcode = 94949
 GROUP BY distance having distance = 10

Describe yields:
| table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows  | Extra
| a | ref  | position  | position |   5 | const | 1 | Using
where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
| b | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL  | 38623 |

Its pretty quick, even 500 miles is under half a second, if there is
anything I can do to add indexes and such, let me know, the main issue is,
in a 500 mile search, I don't need back 1839 rows as in this case, I need
just one, where each of the b.inc_level1-7 are added up, just adding in
SUM(b.inc_level7) still yields me 1839 rows in this case.

To do this at the application level is painfully slow, I can shove the data
into a temp table at get it pretty easy, but I thought there would be a
simple way.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: summing of my distance query

2006-06-23 Thread Scott Haneda
 Scott, can you expound on what 1 row would be returned, ideally?  The
 one with the shortest distance?  Or a row with the sums of inc_level1
 ... inc_level7 ?
 Looks to me like you're trying to locate all the ZIP codes within a
 given radius of (in this case) ZIP 94949 with the query below.  Yes/no?

This is some older code, that did just that, find all zip codes in a certain
radius.  I need to modify it somewhat.  You are correct, I want the sum
of Let me show you...

SELECT b.zipcode, 
   b.inc_level1, b.inc_level2,
  (3956 * (2 * 
ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN(((a.latitude-b.latitude)*0.017453293)/2),2) +
COS(a.latitude*0.017453293) * COS(b.latitude*0.017453293) *
POWER(SIN(((a.longitude-b.longitude)*0.017453293)/2),2) AS distance
FROM zipcodes a, zipcodes b
 WHERE a.zipcode = 94949
 GROUP BY distance having distance = 10

| zipcode | inc_level1 | inc_level2 | distance |
| 94949   |164 |156 | 0.00 |
| 94903   |227 |231 | 3.241369 |
| 94947   |268 |323 | 3.393376 |
| 94945   |132 |152 | 4.120687 |
| 94960   | 60 | 77 | 5.588795 |
| 94930   | 55 | 62 | 5.847434 |
| 94973   | 88 | 70 | 6.533081 |
| 94901   |339 |317 | 6.603527 |
| 94904   | 51 | 68 | 7.685091 |
| 94963   | 22 | 19 | 8.085156 |
| 94946   | 21 | 20 | 8.495255 |
| 94939   | 38 | 49 | 8.640175 |
| 94933   | 48 | 28 | 8.865090 |
| 94938   | 30 | 16 | 9.367796 |
| 94925   | 46 | 65 | 9.750440 |

That gives me 15 rows, but I only need one, which would be the total of each
of the income level columns, distance is not important to me, that's the one
row I want back
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Importing large data sets

2006-06-22 Thread Scott Haneda
I have two chunks of data to import, one is in this format:
01001 - AGAWAM, MA,01001,0,0,291,249,0,42.070206,-72.622739
Where it is comma sep and partially quoted

The other is in this format
Where everything is in quotes and comma sep

Can someone tell me, how to rapidly import all this data into a table.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Finding records that do not exist

2006-06-19 Thread Scott Haneda
Mysql 4 still version: 4.0.18

I have users and transaactions, the key is user_id

Somehow, a bunch of users were made, and there is a total lack of a
transaction record at all.  I need to fix this, which means finding the
user_id's of those who are not paired with a transaction record.

Thanks for the pointers.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Aborting a greedy querry from the command line

2006-06-19 Thread Scott Haneda
Sometimes I will issue something, slip of the fingers, and mysql will chew
on it for hours, the best I can do is control-z to get out of it and log
back in.  But, I just learned these processes are still running, and I have
to go in and kill them by hand.

Is there any easy way to abort from the command line and have it really stop
that query?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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One to many meetting specific conditions

2006-05-25 Thread Scott Haneda

I have a very basic one to many relationship, accounts and transactions.

There is only one account per users, but of course, there can be x
transactions.  These are once a month charges for billing.

I need to be able to select all accounts where next_charge_date = NOW()
That's the easy part, I get all the records I want.  However, some of those
get charges through one gateway, and some get charged through another.

The transaction table has a field called merchant, lets say it can be bankA
or bankB.

So, I need a list of accounts, where none of its many transaction records
has the merchant bankA.

I also need to do the same for bankB

This allows me to then run each chunk of records through the correct gateway

Of course, this join will result in x records where x = the number of
transaction records, so I just group by the account id to get only one
record back.

I can script this, it is going to be slow, I would like to see how I can do
it in SQL.


Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Returning records in a circle

2006-05-12 Thread Scott Haneda
 Is there a way I can get a set of records incrementally such as to get 2
 then the next query get the next 2 then at the end of all records to get the
 2 from the beginning? I need to keep going incrementally by 2 in a circle.

I don't know any way to do this directly with SQL, but I could be wrong,
stored procedures may help you here, I do not use mysql 5, so I have not
played with them yet.

I would probably do this with a second table, and some SQL in the middle of
it all to make it happen.  Your second table would simply store the last id
that you selected.

So, you select from your second table, to get the last id you retrieved.
Them you select from the primary table, where id  retreived_id limit 2,
once you have that, take the ID from the last record in the 2 you just got
back, and insert/update that data into your second table.

Make sure you add in app logic to deal with cases where the second table has
never been inserted into, also when you wrap your record set, it will need
to be reset, but I think you get the idea.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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One to many join with only one result

2006-05-11 Thread Scott Haneda
Mysql 4.x

I have a one to many case, key is `id`, in this case, I have tables users
and transactions.

A user can have 1 to x transactions, each transaction has a status to it as
well.  I want to be able to get users where there is a transaction status of
'wells', however, there can be more than one of those transactions, all I
care is that it exists and I just want one unique user record back.

Ie: if I have 100 users, and each user has 2 transactions of type 'wells', I
want to select those, but a regular join will send me back 200 records,
where I want only 100

Can someone point me in the direction of the correct join to make this
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: TIMESTAMP field not automatically updating last_updated field

2006-03-30 Thread Scott Haneda
 I think I've seen this complaint posted before but I ignored but now I
 realize that in some of my db tables' last_updated field the value is
 automatically updating on UPDATEs to records while in other tables the
 last_updated fields for some strange reason aren't automatically updating.
 I'll usually use the following line in my table declarations:
 In some tables it automatically updates on subsequent updates to the
 table and in others it will not. The purpose here is to have the
 last_updated field automatically append to the current timestamp... the
 application on the front end doesn't specify the time to MySQL but
 rather expects that it's always going to be UPDATEd to the current time
 What am I doing wrong what command should I issue to my tables to
 correct it? Thanks

What veriosn of mysql, timestamp handling has changed from one version to
the next?

Perhaps you have others in your table, I think only the first is updated, at
least, in pre 4.1 days, after that, check the docs for the correct behavior.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Host denied errors

2006-03-24 Thread Scott Haneda
Little confused, can not seem to locate the docs on this.  Trying to set up
mysql to allow a remote webserver to talk to it, using a user/pass/host
setting with host set to allow anything, of course works.

If the IP I am connecting from has a valid PTR, I can use the hostname as
well, and that works.

In this one case, I do not have the ability to get the client to get a PTR
set up on the IP I want to connect from.  I tried putting in the IP address,
and it still blocks it, can someone tell me how mysql authenticates this
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Best way to design one to many queries

2006-03-07 Thread Scott Haneda
Been wondering this for a while now, I can explain how I do it, but I am
sure there are better ways.

I have products and attributes, for example:
Product A

Attributes are arbitrary, attributes are in a separate table.  Yes, I could
add fields for the attributes to the products table, but that does not allow
the client the flexibility to add new attributes on the fly.

Generally, in the products table I have a text filed where I store the id of
the attribute, space separated, for example:
attributes: 1 5 23 56 3 6

The trouble is, when I want to find all products where the attribute id is 5
and 23 and 3, I have to build it up like so:

Select prod_name from products where attribute_id like ' 5 ' AND etc etc etc
which also leads to issues with leading and trailing spaces on the first and
last attribute id's

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Deleted sock file, how can I recover

2006-03-03 Thread Scott Haneda
ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

I accidentally deleted the above file, I can not connect any new connections
in the CLI, old stuff seems to still be ok.

I can not seem to shut down the server, as that file is needed.

Any way I can recreate it, and what do I put in it?

I can force kill the server and I am guessing it would all come back up ok,
but there must be a gentler way?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Inner join with left join

2006-02-23 Thread Scott Haneda
 You're right. It was a dumb cut-and-paste mistake.
 LEFT JOIN orders as o
 on o.product_id =
 If fixing this doesn't give the correct results: What's missing? What's
 incorrect? Please help us to help you.

Orders does not have a product_id column.
Let me see if I can explain this again, more better :-)

We have orders and order items, so for every orders, there are 1 or more
order items, pretty basic.  This SQL gets me almost what I want:

SELECT, oi.prod_name, sum(oi.quantity) as qty
FROM products as p
INNER JOIN order_items as oi
ON ( = oi.product_id)
INNER JOIN orders as o
ON ( = oi.order_id)
WHERE o.status NOT IN ('cancelled', 'pending', 'ghost')
(o.created BETWEEN 2006-02-23 00:00:00 AND 2006-02-23 23:59:59)
GROUP BY oi.product_id

However, there are 
mysql select count(*) from products;
| count(*) |
|  109 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So, 109 products in the products database, the first SQL above, will give me
back a row for every order item that meets those criteria, however, it does
not list products that were not ordered.

If I changed the first SQL to a date 10 years ago, I would get 0 rows, I
want 109 where the sum() is all 0.

Basically, my client is wanting to see what products are selling, and which
ones are not, in a certain date range, and I need to add in the status to
limit it to only certain orders.

Running these three SQL's does what I want, with a temp table, but I find
the solution kinda strange, and know it can be done in one go:

SELECT, oi.prod_name, sum(oi.quantity) as qty
FROM products as p
INNER JOIN order_items as oi
ON ( = oi.product_id)
INNER JOIN orders as o
ON ( = oi.order_id)
WHERE o.status NOT IN ('cancelled', 'pending', 'ghost')
(o.created BETWEEN 2006-02-23 00:00:00 AND 2006-02-23 23:59:59)
GROUP BY oi.product_id

INSERT INTO prod_report (SELECT id, prod_name, 0 FROM products)

SELECT * FROM prod_report GROUP BY id ORDER BY prod_name
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Inner join with left join

2006-02-22 Thread Scott Haneda
 Is this what you mean?
   count(oi.product_id) AS mycount
 INNER JOIN products ON
 LEFT JOIN order_items AS oi ON ( = oi.product_id)
 WHERE o.status NOT IN ('cancelled', 'pending', 'ghost')
 GROUP BY oi.product_id
 ORDER BY mycount;

Well, sort of, here is what I managed to coble together, which gets me
pretty close, it is just what I want, other than it is missing products with
a zero count.  This tells me those products have not been ordered ever, but
I would like to know what they are.

SELECT, oi.prod_name, sum(oi.quantity) as qty
FROM orders as o
INNER JOIN order_items as oi
ON ( = oi.order_id)
LEFT JOIN products as p
ON ( = oi.product_id)
WHERE o.status NOT IN ('cancelled', 'pending', 'ghost')
(o.created BETWEEN 2005-01-01 00:00:00 AND 2006-02-22 23:59:59)
GROUP BY oi.product_id
ORDER by qty ASC

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Inner join with left join

2006-02-22 Thread Scott Haneda
 You just need to invert a couple of things...
 SELECT, p.prod_name, sum(oi.quantity) as qty
 FROM Products p 
 LEFT JOIN orders as o
 ON ( = oi.product_id)
 AND o.created BETWEEN 2005-01-01 00:00:00 AND 2006-02-22 23:59:59
 AND o.status not IN ('cancelled', 'pending', 'ghost')
 LEFT JOIN order_items as oi
 ON ( = oi.order_id)
 ORDER by qty ASC 
 That should give you a list of all products and a count of how many have been
 ordered between 2005-01-01 and 2006-02-22 23:59:59 where the status of the
 order is neither 'cancelled', 'pending', or 'ghost'.
 The think to remember is that an ON clause can be as complex as a WHERE
 clause. The ON clause also determines which rows of which table participate in
 a JOIN. In this case the only table to be affected will be the one on the
 right side of a LEFT join (in an INNER join both tables are filtered). So you
 keep all of your products visible (as declared in the FROM clause) and
 optionally associate with each product an order and optionally past that to an

I think we are close, thanks
ERROR 1120: Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN.  Examine your ON

Not sure if this is related to my version of mysql, or something else?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Inner join with left join

2006-02-22 Thread Scott Haneda
 At 5:08 pm -0800 22/2/06, Scott Haneda wrote:
 I think we are close, thanks
 ERROR 1120: Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN.  Examine your ON
 SELECT, p.prod_name, sum(oi.quantity) as qty
 FROM Products p
 LEFT JOIN orders as o
 ON ( = oi.product_id)
 Maybe this is where your problem is  - you're joining to orders but
 referencing order_items in your join condition. Shurely shome mishtake?*

I am not sure, but I think that is what I want.  If it is of any help, I was
able to do this with what I would call a hack, and some temp tables, the
result is what I am after, however, I am not 100% happy with the method I

// first make a selection of the data I want
SELECT, oi.prod_name, sum(oi.quantity) as qty
FROM products as p
INNER JOIN order_items as oi
ON ( = oi.product_id)
INNER JOIN orders as o
ON ( = oi.order_id)
WHERE o.status NOT IN ('cancelled', 'pending', 'ghost')
(o.created BETWEEN 2006-02-22 00:00:00 AND 2006-02-22 23:59:59)
GROUP BY oi.product_id

// select all products, set qty to '0', this fills in the gaps where there
// are zero item products
INSERT INTO prod_report (SELECT id, prod_name, 0 FROM products)

// re-seslect the real data, using group by to merge the duplicates
// out of the select
SELECT * FROM prod_report GROUP BY id ORDER BY prod_name

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Inner join with left join

2006-02-21 Thread Scott Haneda
Got myself a little stumped here,  4.0.18-standard

Three tables in this mess, orders, order_items and products.

orders.prod_id = order_items.prod_id = products.prod_id is how I relate them
all to each other.

order_items has a quantity field.

I need a report that shows me all the products with a sum() for each, but
only if the status of the order is NOT IN ('cancelled', 'pending', 'ghost')

This gets me pretty close, but does not mask out the orders that have the
wrong status, as I do not know how to add in the join on orders

SELECT p.prod_name, count(oi.product_id) as mycount
   FROM products as p
   LEFT JOIN order_items as oi
   on ( = oi.product_id)
   group by oi.product_id order by mycount;
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Semi-complicated delete

2006-01-11 Thread Scott Haneda

I have a table cart and a table products

Key is as follows: = cart.prod_id

The problem I have is we have decided to store the users cart, so when they
come back it is still in the same state they left it.  Pretty usual stuff so

Two things can possible happen that would make this bad:
1) product has been deleted
2) product has been disabled.

Just before I am checking the user out, I want to fix this scenario with a
delete statement.  What I need to do is:

DELETE FROM cart where cart.prod_id does not exist in the products table, or
where 'online' = 0.

There is a user_id that I match on as well, but that does not entirely
matter to this question.

Deleting where online = 0 is simple, but deleting where there is a lack of a
matching product has me stumped.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Joined delete where records may or may not exist

2006-01-05 Thread Scott Haneda
Hello, mysql 4.0.18-standard-log (yeah, I know, I need to update, the date
format changes are a nightmare :-))

I have two tables, cart, and products, I need to do this style delete:

First, I need to join the two tables on the cart.product_id =
and delete those records where = 0 and here is the bit that
I get stuck on, and where there is no matching products record.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Getting # of days until expiration

2006-01-05 Thread Scott Haneda
 I have a DATE field that includes a date sometime within the past 30
 days. I'm trying to show the number of days until the expiration
 date, which is 30 days in the future from the date in the field. I've
 tried a bunch of permutations of something like this:
 select (30 - SUBDATE(CURDATE() - datefield)) as expiration_days
 All my permutations give me errors. Can someone set me straight? I'm
 hoping to get an integer between 1 and 30 (30 day old records are
 purged separately).

SELECT DATE_ADD(datefield, INTERVAL 30 DAY) from table;

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Grand summary

2005-12-27 Thread Scott Haneda
I have two tables, order and order items.  An order can have 1 or more order

Important data in order is the `id` which is the key to link that order to
the order_items table.

Quantity of items is stored in the order_items table.

I need to select the below data, and would like to do it in one select, and
not use server side code to add it all up:

Total Number of Orders (count order records)
Total Products $ (sum of qty and price in order_items)
Total Shipping $ (sum of shipping field in order record)
Total Gift Card $ (sum of gift card price in order record)
Total Tax $ (sum of sales tax in order record)
Total Orders: $ (grand summary of total in order record)
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Grand summary

2005-12-27 Thread Scott Haneda
on 12/27/05 6:25 PM, Scott Haneda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have two tables, order and order items.  An order can have 1 or more order
 Important data in order is the `id` which is the key to link that order to
 the order_items table.
 Quantity of items is stored in the order_items table.
 I need to select the below data, and would like to do it in one select, and
 not use server side code to add it all up:
 Total Number of Orders (count order records)
 Total Products $ (sum of qty and price in order_items)
 Total Shipping $ (sum of shipping field in order record)
 Total Gift Card $ (sum of gift card price in order record)
 Total Tax $ (sum of sales tax in order record)
 Total Orders: $ (grand summary of total in order record)

Sorry for the noise, turns out I did not need this at all, and can just use
sum() and no need for the join at all.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Merging two tables

2005-12-16 Thread Scott Haneda
I need to do this just once...

I have table zip_codes and table hardiness_zones
In this case, the key will be the actual zip codes.

hardiness_zones has two fields, zone_start and zone_end, these are all empty
in the zip_codes table.  I just need to move the data over, where the zip
codes are ==.


UPDATE zip_codes, hardiness_zones
SET zip_codes.zone_start=hardiness_zones.zone_start,

Is that correct, and how can I test this before I do the real thing, aside
from working on a copy of the table, is there something where I can run it
and have it not really do anything, kinda like EXPLAIN, but not exactly.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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