RE: [newbie] printing in Word Perfect

1999-10-11 Thread Aaron deRozario

 Set WordPerfect to use Passthru Postscript.  It will then hand it off to
 lpr which does a wonderful job of rendering to the printer.
 Steve Philp

I've tried using WP8 with an Epson Colour 200 - one of those 1997 budget
printers that only ever appeared to be fast because it replaced an even
older dot matrix.  Now the printer using lpr works fine - printing from
kwrite or Applix is of high quality and extremely fast.  I get a much faster
speed from the lpr than I ever got with the Windows driver.

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case with WP8.  I've tried using
Passthru Postscript (after previous posts on this subject) however it is a)
very slow and b) appears as though it is using double the required amount of
ink - black blobby text that doesn't look good and stays wet for a long

Is Passthru Postscript simply handing the job through to lpr or is it doing
something else in between?  Does it make decisions on resolution or fonts or
anything like that?  As far as I know there is no option to print a
postscript file.

Yes I know - get a decent printer ;-)

[newbie] Fresh IRC Server - Linux Chatroom OPEN

1999-10-11 Thread Cybernut

Dear List:

I have noticed lots of individuals on this list who have had difficulties
getting their messages replied to, as there are so many messages which pass
through this list daily.  

I have teamed up with an individual who owns a reasonably new chat server that
has a lot of potential for a #Linux chat room, and have registered one on his
server through his authorization.  As the server is new, traffic is low, and
therefore lag time is very respectable.  The server is FAST and worthy to be
used as a tool to discuss the best operating system on Earth... Linux.

NOTE to more accomplished Linux users:

I am taking applications for those who would like chatroom Operator status to
watch the room when I can't be there, and to be able to answer questions.  I
will be accepting a limited number of OPS, with a ration of two OPS to every
ten regular visitors.  At this time, I am looking for two individuals who can
demonstrate their knowledge of Linux, as well as provide me a history of chat
room OP experience.  

To apply for OPS priviledges in this new room, on this new server, please email
me at my alternate email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The reason to use this
email address is that I am soon undergoing a change in internet service
providers, and the one I am using now to compose this message will be obsolete
within several weeks.  Only experienced IRC OPS people and accomplished
Linux/Systems administration people need apply.

Before applying for OPS priviledges, please visit the official chatrooms web
site and read it thoroughly first.  If you agree with the purpose of the
chatroom after reading it, then please proceed with the next paragraph of this
email.   The #Linux webpage (in relation to this server) is located at the

When applying, please summarize your experience with Linux, state a few of your
accomplishments in using Linux, and also state your experience and time frames
in which you have performed the duties of chatroom OP and on which server(s).  

For those of you who wish to begin visiting #Linux chatroom, you are also
encouraged to first read the web page at the above URL so that you can use the
services of the room to your own benefit as well as that of others.  Then,
point your chat client to the following chat server.  We would really like to
establish a good base of people who visit the room regularly.  New chat servers
aren't much fun at first until a little traffic begins to pour in regularly. 
To visit and hopefully stay a while, point your chat client program to the

Server Name:  Info66
Server Owner:  |BONE|
Server Location:  
Port: 6667

This is a NEW server, which means the #Linux chatroom isn't as congested as you
would find on Dalnet or Undernet, etc.  Take advantage of this new tool, and I
hope to see some of you there!  Thanks

aka [DeNiZeN] (on the IRC)

Re: [newbie] Executing binaries in Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-11 Thread Ernie

If you see something like the following:


on your screen along with the underline curser, you can use the command
"startx" to get the X-session running. To do this type in the word "startx"
and then the ENTER key. If you do not see something like the above,  or
maybe "root@localhost" in the prompt, or if you do not see any kind of a
prompt at all, then sorry but I'm lost for what to do. The fact that you can
see the cursor indicates that the video is working at least in "character
mode". If what you see is something like "login", then you need to log into
Linux with your username and password, or with the "root" name and password,
then try the "startx" command as above. A little more detail on what you did
prior to the "black screen with the flashing underline cursor" would be of
help as I have not been following this thread closely enough. Hope what I
gave you helps at least a little,


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Executing binaries in Mandrake 6.1

  Original Message 

 On 10/9/99, 12:06:09 PM, Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 regarding Re: [newbie] Executing binaries in Mandrake 6.1:

 [snip] and the f-keys 7-12 are mapped to access 6 different
  x-sessions.  [snip]


 Is there any way I can get to those X-sessions now?  Or do I have to
 wait for version 4 of the X-server?  Right now all I get are black
 screens with an underline cursor that doesn't do anything but blink.

 Ty Mixon
 ICQ: 26147713

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Ernie

First question is: did you elect to start the x-server automatically, and if
so, are you sure that you installed the correct video driver for X? A little
information about your box, and the way you configured Linux would help to
limit the possibilities as well. Maybe someone else has seen this behavior,
but I haven't. Sorry I can't be of any more help,


- Original Message -
From: Jan Herbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 10:11 AM
Subject: [newbie] running linux


I am having trouble running Linux.   Instalation went fine but when my
 computer loads up, it looks like linux is going to load up but a bunch of
 number 10's go scrolling across my screen and I can't do anything else but
 shut the computer down.  Any help is aprieciated.

 thanks in advance,
 Ian Herbert

Re: [newbie] ISP dialup help

1999-10-11 Thread Prabhakar + Nitika


Type ifconfig at the prompt. This will spew out a bunch of information that will 
indicate if your ppp interface is connected to the ISP. You will see the IP 
address assigned to you by the ISP too.


  Ok, so I'm using the good old fashioned command line to try and
  configure my dial-up connection since my XWindows won't work so I can
  download the latest XFree.  I *THINK* I configured ppp-on correctly. 
  My modem seems to connect and stays on for a while, but after a couple
  of minutes if I don't do anything it hangs up.  So what I need to know
  is how I can see if it is actually logging in correctly, or just
  hanging out waiting for a correct login?  Once I run ppp-on, it just
  goes back to the prompt while the modem dials out.  Is it executing in
  the backgrounnd?  Is there a screen I can bring up to see if I am
  connecting correctly?  Also, where do I put the Primary and Secondary
  DNS IP addresses so I can resolve names once I'm on?  I thought I read
  that it was in the /etc/resolv.conf, just trying to make sure.  Again,
  many thanks.

Re: [newbie] Executing binaries in Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-11 Thread Ernie

- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Executing binaries in Mandrake 6.1

 On Sat, 09 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  I have been trying to figure out how to set up games, etc on my computer
  running Linux Mandrake 6.1.  I downloaded linux-doom-1.8.tar.gz and have
  extracted it okay.  However, I have not been able to launch the game.  I
  have a couple of different executables to run, but I keep getting a
  message "cannot execute binary file."  The executables are "sdoom" or
  "xdoom."  According to the README file, I am suppose to be able to
  launch "xdoom" from an x-server.
 I, too, downloaded 'em and thought I could run them. However, IIRC,
 you need to have the DOS version as well, for the *.wad files.
  I have also been trying to find out how to exit KDE down to a command
  line (like DOS mode only in WIN98).  Could someone tell me how to do
  this?  I know how to use linux config to make Linux boot to a command
  line or to xwindows, but I like to switch back and forth between the two
  without necesarily having to use a console window for the command line.
 Well, if you only want to do it occasionally, you could boot the
 machine and type "linux3" at the LILO prompt. Otherwise, just do what
 I do and boot to console and then type "startx" to get to KDE.

Or if you want to run KDE as your default interface, then you can type:

CTRL+ALT+F#(where # indicates the console to be used - I usually
use F2)

Then you must log in as whatever user you want to be ( even if it is the
same username as the KDE session ), and you are on your way.

Then to get back to KDE, use:


The above will keep the KDE (X) session loaded, but it will not affect the
console session, except that you cannot use the "startx" command when X is
already running. I believe that the function keys F1 through F6 start new
full screen console sessions, and that F7 through F12 start new X-sessions,
but I have not tried multiple X-sessions as yet. Using these "hot keys" you
can switch sessions as easily as you can switch windows, with the added
bonus that each session is something like a terminal on a mainframe ( that's
an analogy, and not entirely accurate, it is the way I understand Linux
sessions ) in that you can switch sessions in Linux, and on a mainframe, you
can work from terminal number 1 while an associate works from terminal
number 2 at the same time, and neither of you will have any affect on the
other unless you are both trying to use the same file at the same time. Well
I'm starting to ramble, but I hope something in here is of help,


Re: [newbie] error when try to mount zip

1999-10-11 Thread Ernie

There must be a folder on the DOS partition (/dev/hda4) named in this case
"zip" since that is what you put in your fstab file, as that will be the
entry point for the partition, if I remember the post correctly.


- Original Message -
From: Joe Brault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 12:57 PM
Subject: [newbie] error when try to mount zip


 I have put the commands in my /etc/fstab file that Jack recommended in a
 previous post (yesterday) but when I try to mound the drive with mount -t
 vfat /dev/hda4 /mnt/floppy/ it tells me:

 mount: mount point /mnt/zip doesnot exist

 What does this mean and what can I do to correct it!  Thanks in advance!

 Joe :)

Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

1999-10-11 Thread Ernie

Or go spend some $70 smackers on Partition Magic, it'll run in Windoze, and
can be used to fix a bunch of HD problems. A cheaper alternative may be to
try the "format /mbr" command in DOS, you should be able to get there with
the F8 key when you see the "loading Windoze9x..." message, then select the
"command prompt only" option from the menu, and hit ENTER. Good luck,


- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

 On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Linux loads VERY slowly compared to RedHat on an old 486, once loaded
  however the startup process is normal and generally the machine appears
  to run OK. LILO also loads very slowly before that, and I can no longer
  get DOS to load at all from LILO (it says loading DOS and nothing
 I have the same symptom here when I first boot up my computer.
 However, I go ahead and walk away from the 'puter and let it get into
 Linux and then I hit CTL+ALT+DEL and reboot and it starts up VERY
 quickly. For some reason when it first boots up, I get something like
 2 Bogomips. But, when I reboot, I get 198 bogomips. I don't know why,
 but I have to do that initial reboot. Give that a shot!
  I have had some intermittent problems with screen
  freezes in KDE under one of two conditions, either while
  scrolling a window quickly with the  scroll tab or when the
  machine is left alone for several hours.
 Scrolling sounds like a video card problem. The locking after being
 left alone sounds like hardware APM. Turn off APM and see if that
 doesn't help.
  Now the kicker. I decided to see if upgrading to 6.1
  would help before I   went to more desperate measures. The machine
  will NOT boot from either   the CDROM or the floppy (yes I did set
  the bios boot sequence to allow   that). It will wait a LONG time
  and then go on to boot from the C drive. 
 Hmm...strange. *shrug* At this point, it probably wouldn't hurt to
 wipe the system and reinstall might have to get a Windows floppy
 (IF it'll boot from that!) and wipe the system that way!

Re: [newbie] File Structure

1999-10-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Steve Philp wrote:

 "Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:
  Steve Philp wrote:
   Axalon Bloodstone wrote:



 Look for a document called the Linux File Hierarchy Standard v2.0.  It
 lists the where and why of Linux.  It should pop up in a web search.

 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Thanks Steve, I found some info at:

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] OOP Programming in Linux - Questions

1999-10-11 Thread Ty Mixon

 Original Message 

On 10/10/99, 9:50:53 PM, Kurt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
[newbie] OOP Programming in Linux - Questions:


  I'd recommend a different book for learning C and C++ though.  "C: How
  to Program" and "C++: How to Program" are published by Prentice Hall 
  have served well as a "do it yourself" classroom for learning the

 I will check for these two titles on Amazon.  Copperfield books here 
in our
 area is excessively lame in carrying the "right books for me".  Of 
course, I
 don't like considering myself an "average user" either, which is who 
 cater to mainly because there are more of them than us
 "do-it-yourself'ers".  Thanks for the recommendation in Prentice Hall, 
 sure it will come in handy.

Also check your local college book stores.  My CSC 160 class uses the 
C++ book.

[really big snip]

Ty Mixon

Re: [newbie] Start modem without netcfg?

1999-10-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Steve Philp wrote:

 "Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:
  Steve Philp wrote:
   Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Mulvaney, Jerry wrote:
 Everything works great under Mandrake 6.0, but I can't find out how to start
 a dial up connection without starting X and running netcfg. Can I do this
 from the command line?


  ***There's a fine line between an attitude problem and thinking clearly***

ifup ppp0
   And since /sbin isn't in a normal user's path, it's:
   /sbin/ifup ppp0
   for a normal user.
  OK, stupid question time (forgive me I'm not anywhere my linux box and been having 
  brain fart all day).  Isn't the /sbin directory where all "system binary's" go to
  live their happy little lives, if so wouldn't these be protected and why would an
  ordinary user have access to them, or does each user have an /sbin directory with
  copies (or links) back to the files in an administrator/system directory?  (see why
  I was looking for a hierarchy of the file system earlier 8-)).

 You're correct, /sbin is where system binaries go (actually, I think the
 historic purpose of the directory was for statically linked binaries --
 you could use them to recover the system incase of shared library

 For a "normal" Unix system, you really wouldn't want normal users having
 access to bringing interfaces up and down.  I certainly wouldn't want

 But, we're not really dealing with "normal Unix systems" when you're
 talking about home systems.  PPP interfaces are brought up and down at
 will and normal users need to be able to control them.

 As for the later part, there is only one /sbin, not a directory per

 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation


I tend to treat my home systems as a real life work system, between the wife  I we 
have 5
kids and I figured it best to get them used to the real world but still be able to 
them "system" goodies should any of them show any interest.


Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] Linux very slow to load - repost

1999-10-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Eric Mings wrote:

 I never received any solutions or explanations for the difficulty I
 mentioned in my prior post so I figured I would try again. I know that
 with a high volumn list such as this, questions quickly become lost in
 the pile if not addressed soon after posting. Anyways,
 below is my problem. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks.

 I recently installed Mandrake 6 on a 450 pentium box and, although it
 runs well, it seems very slow to initially load up. I have redhat 6
 running on an old 486 and it loads MUCH faster. Here is the difference,
 it takes forever for the LILO prompt to come up after the basic bios
 settings display is finished. Sometimes I even have to restart to get it
 to come up at all.  It then takes almost forever for the "loading linux"
 to finish. After that point all is normal in the startup process.  Both
 of these aspects are very fast on my old 486 with redhat. Any ideas what
 could be causing this?


 Eric Mings Ph.D.

Is there a particular daemon that the boot-up seems to stick linger on?

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

[newbie] Xserver

1999-10-11 Thread yacketta

From: Ronald A. Yacketta

Hello all!!

I have been using linux at work for a good 2 - 3 months now and have been
loving it!
recently I have been required to use winblows NT (for lotus notes).
I do not want to give up my linux gui for the winblows gui etc..

What would be the procedures to export the kwm to winblows NT (under
I tried:
1) telnet to linux
2) set display to winblowsbox:0
3) startx (got a wm is already running on 0)
4) xinit -display winblowsbox:0 (same error as above)

I have exceed set in passive mode, it appears that exceed is not allowing
linux to take over the wm and manage it.
I then did a telinit 5 on linux (got the gui etc..), used the broadcast
feature of exceed, which listed my server. When I clicked on my server and
ok , exceed just chugged along and never displayed the kconsole login etc..
(as I would have expected)

can ne1 out thier assist me in exporting my linux kde to winblows (under
exceed or anyother xwin client/server for winblows)


Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread yacketta

From: Ronald A. Yacketta

I have seen / had this happen to me b4
I emailed the support geeks at RH and they said that it was due to my MBR
being whacked
and lilo was pukeing (not thier exact words)

I ended up booting off a floopy, running fdisk /MBR and reinstalling linux

"Ernie" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/11/99 05:29:13 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
Subject:  Re: [newbie] running linux

First question is: did you elect to start the x-server automatically, and
so, are you sure that you installed the correct video driver for X? A
information about your box, and the way you configured Linux would help to
limit the possibilities as well. Maybe someone else has seen this behavior,
but I haven't. Sorry I can't be of any more help,


- Original Message -
From: Jan Herbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 10:11 AM
Subject: [newbie] running linux


I am having trouble running Linux.   Instalation went fine but when my
 computer loads up, it looks like linux is going to load up but a bunch of
 number 10's go scrolling across my screen and I can't do anything else
 shut the computer down.  Any help is aprieciated.

 thanks in advance,
 Ian Herbert

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Simon Norris

I think someone else has already mentioned the solution. It refers to the
BIOS disk types being set to large or normal, when it should be LBA. I saw
the same problem, and the solution worked for me.

And for the other chap who said that they are LO's not 10's, they looked
suspicously like 10's to me, AND I hadn't installed LILO!!

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux

First question is: did you elect to start the x-server automatically, and if
so, are you sure that you installed the correct video driver for X? A little
information about your box, and the way you configured Linux would help to
limit the possibilities as well. Maybe someone else has seen this behavior,
but I haven't. Sorry I can't be of any more help,


- Original Message -
From: Jan Herbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 10:11 AM
Subject: [newbie] running linux


I am having trouble running Linux.   Instalation went fine but when my
 computer loads up, it looks like linux is going to load up but a bunch of
 number 10's go scrolling across my screen and I can't do anything else but
 shut the computer down.  Any help is aprieciated.

 thanks in advance,
 Ian Herbert

Re: [newbie] gAim

1999-10-11 Thread Payne Stanifer

Ok, but I can't even get gAim to come up. HOw do I make it run the program? 

From: PSM 0x2710 / PriFunct: Search  Destroy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] gAim
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 20:27:23 -0700

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  I have installed all the necessary files, and I rune the configure 
  but it tells me to specify the host. What do i need to tell it? 
go to ToolsPreferences

under host port: 9898
under login enter: port: 5190

Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
"The Kill Is Swift It Makes No Sound, Aggression Takes Its Toll
Rhythm Of Violence Cuts Through The Air, There's No More Control
Sky Turns Brighter An Evil Red, Missiles Fly Through The Air
Shattered Dreams, Shattered Hopes, There's Bodies Everywhere."

Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Pixel

YOU HAVE ONLY 24h to answer before the choice is done...
so answer fast :)

the panoramix name is unfortunately copyrighted (wishing there were only GPL ;-)
so i'm making a poll here to know which name it will change to!

some ideas:
- pearl (perl+a, maybe too generic)
- cameleon (camel=perl, alas SuSE)
- koala
- mangoose (snake killer)
- WizDrake
- MagicDrake
- pixdrake
- MagiX
- DragonFly
- Houdini
- Sandbox
- Isix
- Easix
- easX
- easyX
- isX 

Please tell me the one(s) you prefer or give marks.
If you have a truly cool name not listed here, you can give it.

RE: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Richards, Donald D.

Actually, it's Mongoose, not Mangoose.  I Like Mongoose..


Donald D. Richards (Don)
Georgia Resource Center Administrator
Georgia Power Economic Development Organization
(404) 506-4054 (Office)
(404) 525-1021 (Fax)
(770) 660-2395 (Pager)
(404) 697-7037 (Mobile)

Georgia Power, A Southern Company.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 09:04 AM
 Subject:  [newbie] panoramix must change its name
 YOU HAVE ONLY 24h to answer before the choice is done...
 so answer fast :)
 the panoramix name is unfortunately copyrighted (wishing there were only
 GPL ;-)
 so i'm making a poll here to know which name it will change to!
 some ideas:
 - pearl (perl+a, maybe too generic)
 - cameleon (camel=perl, alas SuSE)
 - koala
 - mangoose (snake killer)
 - WizDrake
 - MagicDrake
 - pixdrake
 - MagiX
 - DragonFly
 - Houdini
 - Sandbox
 - Isix
 - Easix
 - easX
 - easyX
 - isX 
 Please tell me the one(s) you prefer or give marks.
 If you have a truly cool name not listed here, you can give it.

RE: [newbie] Is NFS really that bad (reality check)

1999-10-11 Thread Frank Hilliard


Thanks for the clarification of your question, which I think has now
been answered. I'm afraid you misinterpreted my original post. I did
not refer to you as a "Troll." I said it looked as if you were
"trolling" (ie. fishing) for damaging information. 

My apologies for any offense taken.

Best regards,
Frank Hilliard

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Good morning Frank and Mike
 I don't appreciate being called a troll and I am actually offended by any
 suggestion that I might be a front for Microsoft.
 I put forward this question after reading the LAME guide.  It specifically
 Note: Please be aware that having an NFS service available on your system
 can be a security risk. 

[newbie] setting passthru postscript in linux...

1999-10-11 Thread joebrault


 How do I set the passthru postscript in Linux?  I was unable to find it
anywhere I looked.  Thanks!

 Also... In Word Perfect I was unable to find the driver for my printer,
I am currently using a driver for the cannon bj 300, while I have a bjc 4200. 
Is there anywhere I can get the updated driver?

Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

1999-10-11 Thread Eric Mings

I am pleased to say that I seem to have solved the problems I reported.  
I changed some nonobvious settings in bios and was able to get the 
machine to boot from floppy (though I am not sure why the changes I made 
were necessary). I then did an upgrade to Mandrake 6.1 and, lo and 
behold, now my machine loads up Linux at lightning speed (as it should). 
Again I am not sure why the improvement but all seems normal. Now I will 
just wait and hope the freezing problems are gone as well! 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Ripcrd6

I vote for Houdini.   A magicians theme in the names would be cool.

Y2K Flunky

[newbie] Re:

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 %_Good day,
 I am having a problem with Netscape while running Linux Mandrake 6.5. I
 have set up my ppp and can connect to my ISP. After clicking to open
 Netscape I get the nice "Welcome to Mandrake Linux" Screen, but when I
 attempt to go to the Netscape Home, or any other site, I get the following
 error message.
  -Unable to connect to the server. Perhaps there is a problem with your
 name server?  If your site must use a non-root name server, you will need to
 set the $SOCKS_NS environment variable to point at the appropriate name
 server, It may (or may not) be necessary to set this variable, of the SOCKS
 host preference, to the IP address of the host in question rather than it's
 I have set the hosts.allow to my ISP's server and the Host.deny to ALL.
 I have searched for the socket files that might contain a reference to
 Netscape but have not found anything.
 I am running a stand alone 100MHz Pentium with a USR 33.6 external modem
 on ttyS1 (have tried the cua also). Localhost name remains the same as
 installed and so is the address
 Thanks in advance.

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

James...the first thing you need to do is turn OFF the
HTML. That teeny-tiny text is VERY difficult to read. :-)
Second, have you configured /etc/resolv.conf?
It should look something like this:


Replace "" with the domain name of your ISP,
then replace the IP addresses of the name servers with the
name server addresses of your ISP.
**YOUR** resolv.conf should look like this:


You'll have to make the above changes as "root."

[newbie] Problems with 6.1 new Apache

1999-10-11 Thread Eric Mings

Since upgrading to Mandrake 6.1, I can no longer access any of my PHP 
pages on Apache (Advanced Extranet Server?). I get the error:

Fatal error: midgard module not found in - on line 0

What is this about?


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] test

1999-10-11 Thread Tony Zocolillo

This is a test#2 pencils only!

Re: [newbie] printing in Word Perfect

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Hello again
   I have recently set up my printer, and can print text fine, but my printer
 (cannon 4200) is not supported in Word Perfect.  Is there a place where I
 can get this driver, or how do I get my printer to work?!?  Thanks in advance.
I think you have to use GhostScript. You should be able to
tell WP to just use the Linux Print spooler and leave it at

Re: [newbie] Two Problems ATAPI CD BURNER and Soundcard problem on Install.

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Second I have been trying to configure xcdroast with no success. I have
 a Mitsumi 4801 IDE/ATAPI cd burner. The xcdroast program only recognizes
 my scsi cdrom but will not let me choose the writer. I have read the faq
 and the manual pages. I see where I can configure the kernel to support
 ATAPI as SCSI. But I can not get to the config screens as they suggest.
 They suggest using make xconfig or make menuconfig. I type make xconfig
 and get make is not a valid command. So I have no idea how to get the
 kernel to recognize my ATAPI as a SCSI drive so I burn CD's again.
go to, click on the link to the
mailing lists and then the link for the archive for this
list. Search the archive for ide-scsi. This has been
discussed in-depth, and you should find what you need there!

Re: [newbie] error when try to mount zip

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 There must be a folder on the DOS partition (/dev/hda4) named in this case
 "zip" since that is what you put in your fstab file, as that will be the
 entry point for the partition, if I remember the post correctly.
Err...actually, Ernie, I believe you have it backwards.
He's trying to mount /dev/hda4 as /mnt/zip. :-) He just
needs to make the directory /mnt/zip. :-)

Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread joebrault

Houdini sounds good to me to!

Joe :)

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I vote for Houdini.   A magicians theme in the names would be cool.
 Y2K Flunky

Re: [newbie] modem detection

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Just because it is not a Winmodem does not mean it is not a Windows modem.
 Winmodem is a brand name of US Robotics.
 On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Under window my modem is known as:
  Motorola Modem SURFR 56k internal
  Input/Output range:  03e8-03ef
  Interupt request : 10

You may not realize it, but the above modem is an ISDN
modem. I seriously doubt if it's a "Windows modem." He MAY
have better luck using KISDN than KPPP

[newbie] Changing Graphics card config and SiS5597 problems

1999-10-11 Thread Tony Zocolillo


This is my 1st post
I just installed Mandrake 6.1 this weekend on a PC with a Cyrix 333Mhz, 32Mb
RAM, 6.4 Gb HD, 44X CDROM, and 4Mb APG SiS 5597.  When I select SiS5597 as
the graphic device during istall, the test of X displays graphics ok but
text gets displayed as black boxes and is unreadable.  I ended up installing
the 16 color VGA driver and would like to try changing it to the SiS5597
driver.  Is anyone aware of a problem with the on-board SiS 5597?  Is there
another driver that will work?  Is there something I can adjust in the CMOS
that will fix this problem? Is there a generic SVGA driver that will get me
800x600x256?  Any help would be appreciated.

Tony Zoccolillo

Re: [newbie] setting passthru postscript in linux...

1999-10-11 Thread Scott and Janet Miller

Take a look at the following link which should answer all your questions
about printing in WordPerfect. Someone on this list was kind enough to send
it to me a few weeks and it's been very helpful.

Scott A. Miller

- Original Message -
From: joebrault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 9:05 AM
Subject: [newbie] setting passthru postscript in linux...


  How do I set the passthru postscript in Linux?  I was unable to find it
 anywhere I looked.  Thanks!

  Also... In Word Perfect I was unable to find the driver for my printer,
 I am currently using a driver for the cannon bj 300, while I have a bjc
 Is there anywhere I can get the updated driver?

[newbie] NMB problems. Help Please.

1999-10-11 Thread phins13

  First, let me apologize if this email comes out looking funky and you can't read 
it.  I am posting from my webmail at  In the past people ignored my 
email because it only read as on long line.  I don't know what causes this or how to 
fix it.

Second, I am having problems getting NMB services to work correctly on my 
linux box.  I am using the Mandrake 6.0 distribution with the SAMBA distribution that 
came with Mandrake.  The first time I booted into this distribution NMB came up [OK] 
on boot up.  Yet, after connecting to the network with netconf NMB comes up [FAILED] 
at boot up.  I think I may have isolated the problem. (But then again I could be 
totally wrong since my network experience is limited.)  I connect to the NT domain 
with DHCP.  If there is any DHCP SAMBA issues out there, I am unaware of them.  But 
when I run the command /usr/bin/smbclient -L (the computer's hostname)
I get a message saying that SAMBA failed to get the hostname.  Could this resolution 
problem be due to DHCP?  I don't have a hostname on the NT server because I let DHCP 
connect my computer to the NT domain and receive a temporary IP address that way. (Or 
at least thats is how I think it works. Once again, my knowledge of networks is 
limited)  Also, when I say (the computer's hostname), I am refering to the hostname 
without the domain name in it, or the name of the computer.  I tried to use another 
computers name that I know of on the NT Domain and I got the same messages, except 
that the unresolvable hostname was that of the computer I was trying to connect to.  
Therefor, I assumed the problem was due to DHCP and resolving of the hostname. 

I apologize if this does not make alot of sense, but it does not make a lot of 
sense to me either.  Yet, I would really appreciate any help that anyone could give me 
to help me resolve this matter.

Thanx in advance,
Do you do Linux? :)
Get your FREE email address at:

Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 YOU HAVE ONLY 24h to answer before the choice is done...
 so answer fast :)
 the panoramix name is unfortunately copyrighted (wishing there were only GPL ;-)
 so i'm making a poll here to know which name it will change to!
 - koala
Not bad, but the image it conjures up in my mind is that of
a sleepy little creature... not necessarily the best image,
I would think, for Mandrake. :-)

 - mangoose (snake killer)
Assume you meant a play on words here? If so, I think it's
a nice touch, but a mite bit confusing for some. Might just
want to go with "Mongoose." :-) about "Dragonslayer?" ;-)

 - pixdrake
Hmm...Pixar Studios might possibly see a TM infringement.
It would be hard to prove, but still, does anyone want to
mess with those guys??? I surely don't! :-)

 - Houdini

 - Sandbox
Sorry.I don't like the "kiddie" connotation that (to
me) brings.
 - Isix
L-Six Don't get it. Sorry.

 - Easix
A new flavor of Unix I think that might be too
 - easX
 - easyX
Either of the above wouldn't be too bad, although if you
choose one of 'em I think easyX would be better.
Whichever  you choose, good luck! :-)

Re: [newbie] setting passthru postscript in linux...

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Also... In Word Perfect I was unable to find the driver for my printer,
 I am currently using a driver for the cannon bj 300, while I have a bjc 4200. 
 Is there anywhere I can get the updated driver?

You don't necessarily need the driver for WP. It should
have something in the printer config about using the local
print spooler or something.

Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics card config and SiS5597 problems

1999-10-11 Thread Jesse Royall


I got the same problem. And have been working on it for about 2 weeks now
with nothing to show. I thought that it might have been my Network Card
since I had problems with it when I ran Windows 98 and the N-Card in that
they were trying to use the same IRQ. well i uninstalled the card and I
still have the same problems. Glad to see I am not the only one though!
If ya come up with any thing let me know and I will do the same for

This is a message I recieved the other day... as for what it means I have
no idea. I have yet to figure out where to get to these settings. I have
used the Linux install disk and SETUP to change my settings and XE86conf
and none of these help anything out.


Try 1024x768  I was getting good results off a 5598 at that setting

Also, look at the speed number in the modeline (following the
and try in the device setting to use the following line

 DACSpeed (number slightly greater than the speed number)

I use DACSpeed 63

for a modeline that has 1024x768 61.3 
and it works

Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web:

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Jesse Royall

I might be missing something hereKen. I am running Linux on a my
slave drive.
I have 2 drives C,E-G on a 20gig and D on a 4 gig and Linux is on my D
drive setup as a slave on the primary. on the secondary I have 2 CDs

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:05:18 -0700 "Ken Wilson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong but I believe Linux must reside 
 a master drive, be it the Primary Master or the Secondary Master.  
 you have two drives on the primary controller only one can be 
 Ken Wilson
 First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
 (Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')
Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web:

Re: [newbie] modem detection

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Sorry John but an ISDN modem is 64k/128k.  The Motorla line of ISDN modems were
 BitSurfer and BitSurfer Pro. (I've go 2 of them and KPPP works just fine.) The
 Surfer 56 was available as a Modem Surfer and Voice Surfer both internal and
 external models so I don't believe that the problem is a "winmodem".
Duh! You're right. :-) I wasn't thinking. :-)

RE: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong but I believe Linux must reside on
 a master drive, be it the Primary Master or the Secondary Master.  If
 you have two drives on the primary controller only one can be master.
I think you're mistaken. I can't prove it, mind you,
because I *do* have Linux on the Primary hard drive,
however, it IS on an extended partition. As long as the
kernel is within the first 1024 cylinders of whichever
drive it's on, it should boot!

Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Ripcrd6 wrote:

 I vote for Houdini.   A magicians theme in the names would be cool.

 Y2K Flunky

Houdini is a registered trademark of an FEA (Finite Element Analysis)
package.  Sorry.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Jan Herbert wrote:

 I set the BIOS disk type to LBA,Normal,and Large and the 10's still came up.
 Also for some reason I can't set the drive to primary master I can only set
 it to primary slave.  I don't know if that would have an effect on it.


There has GOT to be a jumper somewhere to set the drive  to slave or master.
What make and model do you have??

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

[newbie] Upgrading to KDE 1.1.2?

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

Are there going to be upgrade RPMs for Mandrake 6.0 users
to upgrade to KDE 1.1.2? Or should we just grab the new
RPMs from Cooker and use them? I just checked on in the /upgrades/6.0/ directory and
there were no new KDE RPMs for 1.1.2.

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Win98/Linux

1999-10-11 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  I got it working... without a manual (too lazy to print it I guess)
 I got it figured out reading some of the stuff on the Newbie list.  I
 figured out that I could configure the boot and everything I needed with
 linuxconf. However, the problem I had was I didn't know how it was
 suppose to look. I was thinking I was suppose to get a menu and I don't I
 just get the LiLo boot prompt. when I figured that out I was on my way.
 Would be nice to have a menu to get it started. Is there a way to do
You mean get a menu at boot? Well, sorta. I think if you
hit "tab" it'll bring up the various things you have
configured in your lilo.conf.

Re: Re: [newbie] Stupid Newbie Question

1999-10-11 Thread osostech

I didn't, but thanks to your help I do now:

# rpm -qa | grep telnet


However, I'm still getting the same thing:

# telnet my_box_name

Connected to my_box_name.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnetd: All network ports in use.

So, I'm still confused.


 On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote: Hey all,
 I'm kinda new to this and I can't figure out what simple thing I'm missing...
 When trying to telnet to the linux-mandrake box in question, I get connected but 
then dropped with "telnetd: All network ports in use".
 I get this whether I just telnet to the box using only the hostname and also with 
the hostname portname.  I'm using the default port 23 in  /etc/services... inetd is 
obviously loading up telnetd or else I wouldn't get the error message I'm getting.
 What am I missing?
Do you have the telnet server??? I'd make sure you have
both the telnet client and the telnet server.

Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics and setup programs

1999-10-11 Thread Tony Zocolillo


Thanks for the reply.  I found some Q/A on the internet stating that SiS
chips don't run with Linux.  I'll probably just get another video card that
does work.  I see 2Mb ATI PCI cards on eBay for $10.

How do I re-run the setup to install a new video driver? (or anything
else...I still need to load my sound card module)  I don't have a bood for
Red Hat...I do have SuSE but I couldn't get past partitioning with it so I
put Mandrake on instead.  The books I have on SuSE and Caldera describing
the setup utility don't seem to work with Mandrake RedHat.

Tony Z.

- Original Message -
From: Jesse Royall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics card config and SiS5597 problems


 I got the same problem. And have been working on it for about 2 weeks now
 with nothing to show. I thought that it might have been my Network Card
 since I had problems with it when I ran Windows 98 and the N-Card in that
 they were trying to use the same IRQ. well i uninstalled the card and I
 still have the same problems. Glad to see I am not the only one though!
 If ya come up with any thing let me know and I will do the same for

 This is a message I recieved the other day... as for what it means I have
 no idea. I have yet to figure out where to get to these settings. I have
 used the Linux install disk and SETUP to change my settings and XE86conf
 and none of these help anything out.


Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics card config and SiS5597 problems

1999-10-11 Thread Tony Zocolillo

Never mindI just discovered that no SiS graphic chips work with
Linux...just my luck!

- Original Message -
From: Tony Zocolillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Mail List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 11:26 AM
Subject: [newbie] Changing Graphics card config and SiS5597 problems


 This is my 1st post
 I just installed Mandrake 6.1 this weekend on a PC with a Cyrix 333Mhz,
 RAM, 6.4 Gb HD, 44X CDROM, and 4Mb APG SiS 5597.  When I select SiS5597 as
 the graphic device during istall, the test of X displays graphics ok but
 text gets displayed as black boxes and is unreadable.  I ended up
 the 16 color VGA driver and would like to try changing it to the SiS5597
 driver.  Is anyone aware of a problem with the on-board SiS 5597?  Is
 another driver that will work?  Is there something I can adjust in the
 that will fix this problem? Is there a generic SVGA driver that will get
 800x600x256?  Any help would be appreciated.

 Tony Zoccolillo

Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Steve Philp

 - mangoose (snake killer)

That's actually "mongoose", but "mangoose" is an interesting twist with
Mandrake in the name.  Actually, it sounds rather homosexual, but I'd
overlook it.

 - DragonFly
 - Houdini

I like either of these, preference to Houdini.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

1999-10-11 Thread Steve Philp

Curiousity makes me ask what you changed in the BIOS... :)

Eric Mings wrote:
 I am pleased to say that I seem to have solved the problems I reported.
 I changed some nonobvious settings in bios and was able to get the
 machine to boot from floppy (though I am not sure why the changes I made
 were necessary). I then did an upgrade to Mandrake 6.1 and, lo and
 behold, now my machine loads up Linux at lightning speed (as it should).
 Again I am not sure why the improvement but all seems normal. Now I will
 just wait and hope the freezing problems are gone as well!
 Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] modem detection

1999-10-11 Thread Steve Philp

John Aldrich wrote:
 On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Just because it is not a Winmodem does not mean it is not a Windows modem.
  Winmodem is a brand name of US Robotics.
  On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   Under window my modem is known as:
   Motorola Modem SURFR 56k internal
   Input/Output range:  03e8-03ef
   Interupt request : 10
 You may not realize it, but the above modem is an ISDN
 modem. I seriously doubt if it's a "Windows modem." He MAY
 have better luck using KISDN than KPPP

I think you're thinking of the BitSurfer...  Can't say I've seen 56k
ISDN modems...

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] test

1999-10-11 Thread Steve Philp

My dog ate my pencil.

Tony Zocolillo wrote:
 This is a test#2 pencils only!

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Steve Philp

Ken Wilson wrote:
 I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong but I believe Linux must reside on
 a master drive, be it the Primary Master or the Secondary Master.  If
 you have two drives on the primary controller only one can be master.

Nope, Linux has no restriction on which drive you put it on.  Unlike
that +other+ OS.  :)

  I set the BIOS disk type to LBA,Normal,and Large and the 10's still came
  Also for some reason I can't set the drive to primary master I can only
  it to primary slave.  I don't know if that would have an effect on it.

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Win98/Linux

1999-10-11 Thread Jesse Royall

 You mean get a menu at boot? Well, sorta. I think if you
 hit "tab" it'll bring up the various things you have
 configured in your lilo.conf.

Ya.. that is what I was looking for ... I know about the TAB to bring up
the options... but I was thinking that there was a message file you could
load with LILO to make a menu... I will have to check into it and see
where it was.. I know it was in the linuxconf  boot section for Lilo
not sure which option.

Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web:

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Jan Herbert

Yes their is a jumper and I did hook it up as a primary master but the
computer didn't recognize it.  It is a Caviar Western Digital.
- Original Message -
From: Joseph S. Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux

 Jan Herbert wrote:

  I set the BIOS disk type to LBA,Normal,and Large and the 10's still came
  Also for some reason I can't set the drive to primary master I can only
  it to primary slave.  I don't know if that would have an effect on it.

 There has GOT to be a jumper somewhere to set the drive  to slave or
 What make and model do you have??

 Joseph S. Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] Modem is busy, but it really isn't

1999-10-11 Thread CMD923353

Thank you to everybody who replied to my call for help.  So far, I haven't 
had much success.

Jeremy wrote that he had the same trouble as me, and all the advice he 
received didn't help him.  That's about the shape I'm in.  Jeremy also told 
me that if my modem has jumpers, he might be able to help me.  As it turns 
out, my modem has two sets of jumpers.  One set of jumpers is clearly marked 
IRQ with jumper settings for "2", "3", "4", "5", and "7".  The jumper was not 
set to anything, so I set the jumper to IRQ 3.  The other block is not 
labeled and has settings for "0", "1", and "SEL".  Does anybody know what 
this means?  What should I choose?

Ernie suggested that I turn off PnP in the BIOS.  My BIOS does not give me 
that option.  Ernie asked if I have a serial mouse.  I don't.  It's a 
standard PS2 mouse.

Sam suggested that I go to and 
see if my modem was really a Winmodem.  I was unable to connect to that web 

Civileme suggested that I switch the motherboard BIOS to turn off PnP.  I 
cannot do that.  Civileme also suggested that I disable COM1.  How do I do 
that?  I don't see it in the BIOS setup parameters.  Finally, Civileme 
suggested that I use the jumpers on the modem.  See my response to Jeremy 
above.  I need help setting the jumpers marked 0, 1, and SEL.

Richard asked if I did pnpdump followed by isapnp.  Yes, I did follow the 
steps he outlined in his email.  I had no luck.  I did do a setserial command 
and I did manage to dump a UART number.  I forget the exact number.

Once again, I'm hoping someone can help me get my modem working.

Thanks again,
Mike Dennison

RE: [newbie] Is NFS really that bad (reality check)

1999-10-11 Thread Aaron deRozario

No harm done ;-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank Hilliard [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 10:57 PM
 Subject:  RE: [newbie] Is NFS really that bad (reality check)
 Thanks for the clarification of your question, which I think has now
 been answered. I'm afraid you misinterpreted my original post. I did
 not refer to you as a "Troll." I said it looked as if you were
 "trolling" (ie. fishing) for damaging information. 
 My apologies for any offense taken.
 Best regards,
 Frank Hilliard
 On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Good morning Frank and Mike
  I don't appreciate being called a troll and I am actually offended by
  suggestion that I might be a front for Microsoft.
  I put forward this question after reading the LAME guide.  It
  Note: Please be aware that having an NFS service available on your
  can be a security risk. 

[newbie] Re: LICQ personal user info

1999-10-11 Thread Jaguar

HELP!!!  :(
I d/l'ed LICQ in RPM from the net...and installed it.  How does a person pass
your personal info (read UIN) to the program.  Is it a parameter/flag during
LICQ starting, or an OPTION somewhere

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [[newbie] OT: Screenshot]

1999-10-11 Thread Michael Scottaline

"PSM 0x2710]" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Picture this. . .you go to the airport to pick up a friend you havent seen
 years, a relative that youve been dying to see, perhaps a child back from a
 long trip. . .so you enter the terminal, look up to the arrival monitor,
 what awaits you?  How bout this?
 Enjoy. . .i sure did!

Hey, Thanks for sharing!

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

[newbie] Setting environment variables

1999-10-11 Thread PSM 0x2710]

Greetings all. . .can someone point me in the direction of finding some info
about setting linux environment variables?  Thanks!


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
To paraphrase my friend stephen:
"life can be like ifs. . .random garbare goes in and beautiful things come

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Jan Herbert

I don't know about that because I installed Linux on my drive that was a
primary slave and when my computer booted up a bunch of tens scrolled across
my screen and nothing else happened.  Then I changed my drive to primary
master and installed it the same way as the first time and Linux booted up.

 Nope, Linux has no restriction on which drive you put it on.  Unlike
 that +other+ OS.  :)

Re: [newbie] How to use ns-install that comes with v47 of Netscape for Linux 2.0

1999-10-11 Thread Richard Salts

- Original Message -
From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to use ns-install that comes with v47 of Netscape
for Linux 2.0

 Netscape is a bit behind the times, compiled gaainst libraries we have
 passed by

 I think for 2.0 means for kernels 2.0.xx 2.0.39 being the last I am
 aware of

 So you need Netscape for Linux 2.2.  Unless their terminology refers to
 something else.

I didn't see that in Netscape's 'Other Platform' webpage where I went to get
another 'updated' version of Netscape.

Have any idea where I can get a copy of Netscape for Linux 2.2 or is there
such a place?  I looked in the Linuxberg website and the only browser listed
there was something called 'Express' which is supposed to be an open source
browser.  I would like to find an updated Linux Netscape if there is one.



 rsalts wrote:

  How do I use ns-install to install v47 of Netscape for Linux 2.0?

Re: [newbie] running linux

1999-10-11 Thread Jan Herbert

SUCCESS! I didn't realize the jumper comes off for a one drive system, i
kept trying to configure it to primary master and Bios couldn't reconize the
drive. Took jumper off, reinstalled Linux and Presto! Its always the last
thing you look for that fixes it! I really appreciate all the help i have
recieved! WOW !
- Original Message -
From: Ed and Kristi Townsend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux

 IF it is the only drive in your system then you should leave all the
 off for a W/D Caviar.  That sets it up for a single drive system. The
 problem may be that it is not compatible with another drive on the same
 controller. I have ran into both of these problems.

 From: "Jan Herbert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux
 Date: Mon, Oct 11, 1999, 10:25 PM

  Yes their is a jumper and I did hook it up as a primary master but the
  computer didn't recognize it.  It is a Caviar Western Digital.
  - Original Message -
  From: Joseph S. Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 4:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux
  Jan Herbert wrote:
   I set the BIOS disk type to LBA,Normal,and Large and the 10's still
   Also for some reason I can't set the drive to primary master I can
   it to primary slave.  I don't know if that would have an effect on
  There has GOT to be a jumper somewhere to set the drive  to slave or
  What make and model do you have??
  Joseph S. Gardner
  Senior Designer / Technical Support
  Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

[newbie] Audio

1999-10-11 Thread Brian Conner

Ok so I'm running a dual boot win9x/Mandrake 6.1.

Mandrake is on its own hard drive, and im using LoadLin in my windows 
initiation to avoid problems with LILO (cause i have to reinstall win9x 
every once in a while. you know how it goes :P) So LILO is just on the 
second hdd.


My problem is that I'm not quite sure how to go about getting audio working. 
sndconfig tells me that I dont have the proper object files installed to do 
modular sound. I was under the impression that i wouldn't have to do a 
kernel recompile to get audio working. Is there anything short of a kernel 
recompile i can do to get this working? suggestions?

I have an ensoniq 16bit sound card..

anyway anything you could tell me would be helpfull.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Upgrading to KDE 1.1.2?

1999-10-11 Thread Steve Philp

John Aldrich wrote:
 Are there going to be upgrade RPMs for Mandrake 6.0 users
 to upgrade to KDE 1.1.2? Or should we just grab the new
 RPMs from Cooker and use them? I just checked on in the /upgrades/6.0/ directory and
 there were no new KDE RPMs for 1.1.2.

I can, at least, confirm that the 1.1.2 packages from Cooker work
extremely well.  I've molded them into my machine and haven't had any
problem with them.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] support for ATI Xpert 2000 graphics card

1999-10-11 Thread Tom Coleman


I have just installed Linux-Mandrake 6.0 on my 
system. However, I was unable to configure my graphics card and therefore 
cannot run X. I have an ATI Xpert 2000 card and an ADI 5P+ monitor. 
Does anyone know if this card is supported? If it is isn't, are there 
plans to add support for it any time soon? If it is, what should I do in 
order to get things working?

Any help would be much appreciated...


Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Ty Mixon

 Original Message 

On 10/11/99, 6:04:18 AM, Pixel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] panoramix must change its name:

 YOU HAVE ONLY 24h to answer before the choice is done...
 so answer fast :)

 the panoramix name is unfortunately copyrighted (wishing there were 
only GPL ;-)
 so i'm making a poll here to know which name it will change to!

 - MagicDrake
 Please tell me the one(s) you prefer or give marks.
 If you have a truly cool name not listed here, you can give it.

That's the one I like from the list.

[newbie] remove

1999-10-11 Thread Earl Karch


Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Jose Alberto Abreu

Pixel wrote:
 YOU HAVE ONLY 24h to answer before the choice is done...
 so answer fast :)

OK i hope this is fast enough. ; )
 the panoramix name is unfortunately copyrighted (wishing there were only GPL ;-)

Good, i didnt like it anyway ; )

And my vote goes to:

 - DragonFly

Mangoose also has points for style, but DragonFly is a real winner.

Jose Alberto Abreu - Executive Editor
PlanB Mystical Enterprises -
"I intend to live forever - So far, so good."

Re: [newbie] OT: Screenshot

1999-10-11 Thread Jose Alberto Abreu

"PSM 0x2710]" wrote:
 Enjoy. . .i sure did!

IIRC, my compadre Miguel de Icaza (of Gnome fame) was the one to take
this photo. Anyway, this is a great example of why Windows doesnt belong
to mission-critical applications.
If it BSOD's on the arrivals display, would you trust it for the flight
navigation systems?

Jose Alberto Abreu - Executive Editor
PlanB Mystical Enterprises -
"I intend to live forever - So far, so good."

[newbie] several questions/please, advice

1999-10-11 Thread Aldo Solari [APS]

Hi all. I would need some advice on the following questions:

(1).  Do rpms/binaries for RED HAT  run  OK under Mandrake 6.1 ?; or
do they have to be recompiled ?;

(2).  I have not been  able  to  configure the soundcard through the
KDE control panel.  How do I go about to get the sound working ?; It
is a 16 bit soundblaster;

(3).   A  dumb  question  but does Mandrake erase an app from the HD
when it is deinstalled ?;

(4) How do I get the  screen  to  fit  the 17'' of the monitor (dont
like the huge area of the virtual desktop);

(5) How do I get linux to "remember" the screen resolution  I  want.
Linux starts in 640 and and want it in 1024;

(6)  Is there any driver and backup software for the Qic 80 Colorado
Jumbo 350 ?;

Thank you all.


RE: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread Ken Wilson

You may want to avoid the name Houdini.  It is a trade name registered
to a Canadian software company, Side Effects Software, and is the name
of their complete 3-D solution, encompassing modelling, compositing,
lighting, particle systems, texture management, rendering and animation
features.  BTW, this product is in the process of being ported to Linux.
It may already be.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ty Mixon
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

Re: [newbie] (not so) Incompatible Hardware

1999-10-11 Thread Manny Styles

- Original Message -
From: David P. Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (not so) Incompatible Hardware

 On Thu, 07 Oct 1999, Manny Styles wrote:
big snip

   On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, Brian J. Babiuk wrote:
Packard Bell computers of any
 vintage. snip I have never experienced anything
 more likely to drop its MBR or a few clusters off the disk
   --I agree! Packard Bell, the Star Office of Computers g
   David P. Greenberg
   Bitco Electronics
  Maybe I have one of those 1 in 3 Packard Bells, so I needed to
  interject.  I believe that it is the newer Packard Bell pc's that
  really crap.  I have a Packard Bell Legend 100CD that has built-in
  Cirrus Logic 1 MB video, and a 480 MB Seagate harddrive (bought in
  '95).  By your standards, I should have been dead in the water.
It is
  true that I have made some hardware changes in that time (ie:
  the 14.4 kbps faxmodem to a x2 56kbps faxmodem [now v.90], and a
  CD-ROM drive since the original Panasonic-Matsushita died, plus
  RAM).  I also added a Maxtor 4.3 GB harddrive as a slave device
  it is now the master), with my swap and /home partitions on the
  original Seagate.  I also dual boot.  It is true indeed that I
  had some problems with linux, but nothing hardware related.  I
  understand that the original e-mail was just a start, but all of
  things can't just be automatically scratched out.  Now if you say
  there may be hardware that conflict with each other, that may be a
  more acurate.
  Manny Styles
  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
  Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

 --How did you get your old PB bios to accept the big drive?

 David P. Greenberg
 Bitco Electronics

The Maxtor drive came with EZ-Drive, but that doesn't affect linux in
any way since it can see large drives with no BIOS changes.

Manny Styles

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [newbie] (not so) Incompatible Hardware

1999-10-11 Thread Manny Styles

- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (not so) Incompatible Hardware

 On Thu, 07 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Maybe I have one of those 1 in 3 Packard Bells, so I needed to
  interject.  I believe that it is the newer Packard Bell pc's that
  really crap.  I have a Packard Bell Legend 100CD that has built-in
  Cirrus Logic 1 MB video, and a 480 MB Seagate harddrive (bought in
  '95).  By your standards, I should have been dead in the water.
It is
  true that I have made some hardware changes in that time (ie:
  the 14.4 kbps faxmodem to a x2 56kbps faxmodem [now v.90], and a
  CD-ROM drive since the original Panasonic-Matsushita died, plus
  RAM).  I also added a Maxtor 4.3 GB harddrive as a slave device
  it is now the master), with my swap and /home partitions on the
  original Seagate.  I also dual boot.  It is true indeed that I
  had some problems with linux, but nothing hardware related.  I
  understand that the original e-mail was just a start, but all of
  things can't just be automatically scratched out.  Now if you say
  there may be hardware that conflict with each other, that may be a
  more acurate.
 Yeah...but try to upgrade the motherboard/cpu with an
 "off-the-shelf" motherboard/cpu combo. Packard-Hell uses
 a non-standard layout and risers for many of their
 desktop computers to keep the vertical size down. However,
 this has the side-effect of essentially putting all your
 cards in one slot. You must not have tried upgrading any of
 the motherboard stuff or putting in a different video card
 or sound card (many of the PB systems have on-board sound
 as well!)

Because I have such an old computer, I can't upgrade the CPU without
upgrading the whole motherboar (I asked someone in Comp USA about my
particular system a while ago), plus my power source is not compatible
with newer boards (verifying some of what you stated).  I have a
Genuine Intel Pentium 60 MHz processor.  I contacted PB support a
while ago about my system (which is past waranty), and I was told that
it can be upgraded to a Pentium 120/133 MHz processor.  I have
upgraded my modem, which is connected to the same riser card as the
soundcard, and even moved both of them to better slots for me to
access; they are the only two things connected there.  The original
CD-ROM drive was connected to the soundcard, but I attached the new
one directly to the IDE controller.  I have not upgraded my video
card, but the current one is built into the motherboard.  As far as
the soundcard, I did a ROM upgrade to make it full-duplex.  It's an
Aztech Sound Galaxy Washington 16, which is practically a SoundBlaster
16.  All that to basically say that there has been no need (yet) for
me to upgrade that.

Manny Styles

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [newbie] Setting environment variables

1999-10-11 Thread Steve Philp

man bash

PSM 0x2710] wrote:
 Greetings all. . .can someone point me in the direction of finding some info
 about setting linux environment variables?  Thanks!
 Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
 To paraphrase my friend stephen:
 "life can be like ifs. . .random garbare goes in and beautiful things come

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

RE: [newbie] support for ATI Xpert 2000 graphics card

1999-10-11 Thread Aaron deRozario

I think that I have read somewhere on the Mandrake site that Mandrake 6.0 is
99% compatible with Red Hat 6.0.  Given this is the case the Red Hat
hardware compatibility lists might well be a good place to check to see if
your hardware, or hardware you are planning to purchase, is supported.  They
say that the hardware has been tested with Red Hat but give no guarantees.

I used their list when choosing components for my system and have not ever
had any hardware problems.  As far as I know, what works with Red Hat should
work with Mandrake (does anyone know differently?), so try having a look at:

The ATI Xpert 2000 didn't seem to show up, though it might be based on a
chip set that is supported.  You might want to see what chipset it uses and
search for that.  You might want to also have a look at the Xfree86 homepage
- I can't remember the URL however.


 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Coleman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 10:11 AM
 Subject:  [newbie] support for ATI Xpert 2000 graphics card
 I have just installed Linux-Mandrake 6.0 on my system.  However, I was
 unable to configure my graphics card and therefore cannot run X.  I have
 an ATI Xpert 2000 card and an ADI 5P+ monitor.  Does anyone know if this
 card is supported?  If it is isn't, are there plans to add support for it
 any time soon?  If it is, what should I do in order to get things working?
 Any help would be much appreciated...

Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

1999-10-11 Thread Eric Mings

Curiousity makes me ask what you changed in the BIOS... :)

I changed several things numerous times in attempts to get it to work. I 
believe the thing that finally did it was enabling a "swap" floppy 
setting (though I had previously setup the boot sequence to start with A 
and also enabled a one time floppy seek at bootup without success). 
BTHOOM (Beats the * out of me :-)


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] Large screen objects

1999-10-11 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Richard wrote:
 How do I do that?  Would I have to go into the console?  How to do that from
 KDE?  Maybe some keystrokes would put me in the console and I could run
 XF86setup from console?
 -Original Message-
 Date: Saturday, August 28, 1999 11:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Large screen objects
 Try to run XF86Setup from the prompt. If just set the info for your monitor
 ect. but then for your resolutions, try something smaller like 640x480 at
 16bit. Then go up from there on up. I hope this helps.  Sometimes
 Xconfigurator doesnt work so hot.

Richardcontrol-alt f2 will get you to a console where you can sign
in as anyone you want.  When you're done control-alt f7 will get you
back to your x-session.


[newbie] Free Open Source Hosting (OT)

1999-10-11 Thread Manny Styles

First off, let me say that I am not affiliated with this site in any
way; I saw the site and found it interesting.  It's called XNOT, and
they host web pages, FTP, chat, message boards, and more for free if
it is an open source project.  I've taken a cursory look at the main
site, and it looks promising for anyone here who is a developer in the
open source community.  The URL is

Manny Styles

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

[newbie] about monitor display

1999-10-11 Thread wangtao

where can i change the display color of the monitor. now i use 256 color.
i want to use 16bits or higher.can anyone help? thanks a lot.


Re: [newbie] How to use ns-install that comes with v47 of Netscape for Linux 2.0

1999-10-11 Thread Mike Fieschko

 "Richard" == Richard Salts [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Richard Have any idea where I can get a copy of Netscape for
Richard Linux 2.2 or is there such a place?  I looked in the


Find "netscape".

Or, ftp it from

ls netsc*


Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
X-Mailer: XEmacs 21.1, VM 6.71 and random-sig.el
Kernel 2.2.13-15mdk

RE: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-11 Thread PSM 0x2710]

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, you wrote:

 features.  BTW, this product is in the process of being ported to Linux.
 It may already be.
.. . .and if the most recent issue of linux journal i think? is correct its
available to the tune of ~$!5,000. . .hehe i'll stick with Blender for that


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
To paraphrase my friend stephen:
"life can be like ifs. . .random garbare goes in and beautiful things come