Re: [newbie] Please Help!

1999-12-22 Thread Alan Shoemaker

TreyPeanut Linux is a derivative of Slackware and is only 48 megs to
download from the web site.  It is installable from a directory in your
windows partition and only requires a floppy to complete the
installation.  The directions for installation are quite detailed.


 Trey Keenon wrote:
 I haven't recieved any help with my problem (I have a Toshiba
 Satellite T1910/CS and I want to make it a Linux system, but I don't
 know which Linux distribution is right nor do I know exactly how to
 get it installed once I know  which one (seeing as how I only have a 3
 1/2" floppy drive for data input. Please help!) and this is urgent!
 Trey Keenon

Re: [newbie] Uninstall? Please Help a Newbie!

1999-12-22 Thread Matt Stegman

Whoa... a little bit of disinformation in here.  Seems people are confused
about what NT does and doesn't do on install.  I hope this clears some
things up: order to install another must FIRST
 install the other OS, THEN linux.

Nah, that's just the easier way to do it.  Other operating systems don't
kill Linux, they just sometimes overwrite the MBR (Master Boot
Record; it tells your computer how to boot).  Most at least warn
you before overwriting it, except for (notably) Windows 95 and 98.  They
figure you won't ever use more than one operating system - as a friend of
mine said, "a monopolistic OS from a monopolistic company."

If you are going to overwrite your MBR, be sure your new bootloader
accepts multiple entries, or else have boot disks handy for all your
other operating systems.

 If your disk is smaller than 4 GB you probably don't have to worry about
 them, but remember that the Linux boot partition (well... any boot
 program)  needs to be below cylinder # ??? (127?)  Look this up if you
 run into trouble.

The limit you're referring to here is the 1024 cylinder limit; this is
built into PC BIOS.  When the computer boots, the BIOS cannot see beyond
1024 cylinders (this almost always translates to 8GB), so any hard disk
space you want to see without loading an OS needs to be below this.
Specifically, OS kernels and boot loaders must be below the 1024 cylinder

 In fact I am pretty certain that the fdisk /mbr command alone will let
 you boot into NT   

ONLY if the NT partition is marked "Active" (sometimes referred to as
"Bootable").  Any partitioning program worth it's salt will tell you if
it's marked active.  

Why must it be "Active?"  Because DOS boot record does nothing but look
for the "Active" partition and load the boot record from that partition.
This is why DOS fdisk will not let you mark multiple partitions as
"Active," because DOS MBR cannot handle more than one "Active" partition.

 Actually, if you want to boot NT, I don't think you can boot with a DOS
 disk and do fdisk /mbr.  It'll write the DOS boot record.  NT over
 writes the DOS boot record on install...  If you have NT, boot with your system
 startup disks, then use the rescue disk that you made...

Not true.  "fdisk /mbr" will work (using DOS fdisk), but Windows
NT DOES NOT overwrite the boot record on install, that's the whole reason
he's having this problem.  NT's "bootloader" is contained entirely on it's
own partition.

 If I try to format the HDD's and install NT, when I boot it comes up
 with "LI" and then freezes. 

That would be because NT installation didn't overwrite the MBR, like
Win9x does.  When you cleared out Linux, you neglected to clear the MBR.
LILO is still there, but can't find your Linux kernel.  I _think_ the
"LI" means that LILO sees that the partition record has changed (I could
be wrong; I'm too lazy to look it up right now).

Like several people posted, booting off a DOS disk and running "fdisk
/mbr" will clear LILO out; running fdisk normally will allow you to mark
the NT partition active (if it's not already).  This will let you boot NT.
Alternatively, you could re-install LILO and point it to the NT partition.
In this case, it would not have to be marked active (NT doesn't really
care; the whole "Active" bit is for the benefit of the DOS MBR.)

-Matt Stegman

Re: [newbie] How to bootup when rc file is messed up?

1999-12-22 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 I managed to screwup my .rc file.  How do I boot back in to correct it?  Even 
booting off my floppy gets hungup when the system
 reads the rc file.

   Since you're posting with M$ (two monitors wide), I'll suggest
what I believe is the easiest way with a dual boot system.

 Install 'explore2fs' under Windows, and then you can navigate
to '.rc' in a window very similar to Explorer.  Right-click on the
file and use DOS 'edit' to fix it.  Try to work on one line at a
time, and don't use carriage return, since Dos and Unix use
different '\n' schemes. Use your arrow keys to go up/down lines.

   Folks, it's not uncle Billy's responsibility to make sure you
post with Netiquette (70 chars/line, 65 preferred, NO html).  That
Enter key used to be called 'carriage return', and it works!  I
might suggest that if your mailer doesn't wrap, use your sig file
as a gauge.  Those two periods that mine begins and ends with are
the gauge I use in StarOffice to keeps my posts at 68 chars/line.
Kmail wraps very well at whatever you set it to.  Thanks.
..  Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]  .

Re: [newbie] Two systems+CableModem

1999-12-22 Thread WH Bouterse

Being a cable-modem user here in Alaska we have
had some difficulty at first getting them to recognize
us Linux users as a bonifide group, but the change has
come rapidly, in fact the last Tech Support person I
talked to runs LInux-Mandrake at home and in fact the
ISP has switched to running a Linux DHCPD server
Their NT system proved unsatisfactory.

I would suggest if possible to contact other
experienced Linux users in your area to verify
the validity of the staement made by the person
you talked to or try talking to other support
personnel if possible. I had one problem that took
me a month and several different tech people to
get straightened out due to their lack of
understanding of not only Linux but how 
net bios filtering worked and cable-modem protocols
in general were utilized. 

Good Luck

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

Re: [newbie] Install StarOffice 5.1

1999-12-22 Thread New Star Service Co.

Linux is not like other OS . It's very very difficult to operate if
you have no
idea about unix envir.., KDE or GNOME GUI not able to slove or
make easy to operate
linux like windowz. Please learn HOWTO's and MAN pages. and some
good books of
linux or unix. First of all if you have windowz 95/97/98 , please
delete or remove
windowz from your computer. please follow this instruction to install
StarOffice :-
mount /mnt/cdrom
mc [midnight commander will appear]
staroffice 5.1 rpm
[ now installation begin,you see # like this appear]
start KDE
in console type:-
cd /opt/Office51/bin
./setup /net
[ staroffice setup screen will appear, now complete your setup]
go to your user account:
in console type again what you did in KDE root.
that's all.
if you face any problem please write.
satyajit das

"Jos V. Moyano" wrote:
 Hello, I'm absolutely new in Linux,
I don't have any idea yet, just
trying what this well-told OS can offer me. I've a CD with the SO 5.1,
but the only thing I can do is just clicking an icon labeled
"s051a_li_34.tar", but the system retrieves me "impossible to show
contents of the directory" or something similar. The only other icon
labeled "trans.tbl", and appears empty when clicked.
 Could you help me to install -step by step- this
application, or
maybe is it damaged?
 Anyway, could you recommend me a entry-level book
about Linux?
Thank yoy very much

[newbie] Re: help I'm recieving hundreds of emails please can you block them (ABUSE#39157)

1999-12-22 Thread Planet Abuse Team

Thankyou for your email to Abuse.

Unfortunatly we are unable to block specific email that is addressed to
your account. The type of email you describe is commonly known as SPAM
(or UCE) and it is becomming quite a common problem on the Internet.

Spammers (as they are known) can get hold your email address from a
variety of sources, common ones are via Usenet postings, feedback forms,
web sites, chat forums, 'friends' distributing your address (either
knowingly or not) or, occasionally, via sophisticated search techniques.

Spammers also tend to share address lists and once your address becomes know,
the problem can begin to get out of hand with many unwanted emails from
a variety of sources and, advertsing a variety of services, arriving every
day. There are only normally three options in this case :-

1. Certain email clients such as Outlook have quite good 'junk mail' filters
   which you can set up to effectivly trash the junk mail as soon as it

2. You could complain to the *originating* ISP (Internet provider), although
   this can prove hard to trace and a waste of time depending on the ISP
   involved. Never reply to a 'Remove me from the list' address though, as
   this only confirms your working email address to the spammer!

3. Create a new account and cease using the one that is receiving the spam.
   Be extra careful where you then publish this new address. Try to use
   'throw away' accounts or email addresses for distribution into public
   forums such as Usenet.

It may be beneficial to you to download (for free) pop3 scantools from which allows you to manage your emails without
downloading or even reading them. Please note this is not a freeserve product
but one which has been recommended to me and may be of benefit to you.

If you need further advice on this matter you can either search the Internet,
contact your mail client vendor or your ISP's technical support desk.

I hope this information proves useful.


Planet Network Abuse Team

Re: [newbie] /usr/local versus /usr/local

1999-12-22 Thread Matt Stegman

Did you not create the /usr/local partition on /dev/hdc when you installed
Mandrake?  If you did, it should already be mounted correctly.  Check the
output of `mount`.  What, if anything, does it list as mounted on

If /dev/hdc1 (or whatever partition is to be /usr/local) is not already
mounted on /usr/local, you can sync the two by mounting the hdc partition
temporarily (on, say, /mnt/floppy unless you're already using a floppy
disk), copying the files over, then `rm -rf /usr/local` (this will
permanantly delete anything under /usr/local, so be sure the files are
properly copied or have a backup ready) and finally, umount the hdc
partition and remount it at /usr/local.

`cp -a` will copy while preserving directory structure, symlinks,
permissions and ownership.

Now you're set until you reboot.  You next need to add a line to
/etc/fstab like so:
/dev/hdc1/usr/localext2defaults  1 2

This tells your computer to mount /dev/hdc1 on /usr/local at next boot.
It also tells your computer things about the filesystem: it's of type
ext2, mount with default options, whether or not to dump(8) the
filesystem, and it's fsck(8) order.

A quick bit of UNIX... uh... trivia: the numbers in parentheses give man
sections for these words (commands, in this case).  You can run `man 8
dumpe2fs` (while the man page for fstab(5) refers to dump(8), the actual 
command on Linux is dumpe2fs(8)) to read about the dump command, and `man
8 fsck` to read about fsck.  The command names are just `dump` and `fsck`,
but the parentheses are used to indicate which specific man page to look
at.  In this case, there's only one for each, so the parenthetical numbers
are extraneous.  You could just as well run `man dumpe2fs`, but the
parenthetical numbers just make things clear.

While you may need to change the partition number when you copy this
line into /etc/fstab, don't change the dump or fsck numbers in the above
example.  Those are the correct values.

-Matt Stegman

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, WH Bouterse wrote:

 /dev/hda; The 1-gig has M$/Linux-Mandrake 6.1 with 
 System Commander as boot manager.
 /dev/hdc The second 400mg HD, I made a ext2 mounted as
 /dev/hda3   /   this one of course has a usr/local too
 /dev/hdc1   /usr/local
 How does one get Linux to always tell the difference
 between the two /usr/locals? I initially intended
 to have all new programs install in /dev/hdc /usr/local
 in fact I would have preferred to have all original
 programs which get put into /usr/local go into the "extra"
 /usr/local, i.e. the whole install spread out over 
 the two drives. I have "fumbled" with this same issue 
 many times over the last couple years. All the reading and
 misconfigurations have yet to shed real "light" on this,
 for me anyway.
 So is the obvious to cp everything in one /usr/local
 to the other /usr/local maintaining all permissions,
 sym-links etc.? Or a cleaner "do it right the first time"
 kind of routine which I am missing?

Re: [newbie] Monitor Configuration

1999-12-22 Thread Matt Stegman

... maybe.  Xconfigurator does an okay job, but the last time I used 
it (Mandrake 6.0, I think) it would not set the DefaultColorDepth line 
even if you did not pick a resolution for a color depth other than 8-bit.

if you have XF86Setup installed, that may work better.  If not, then
you'll have to (gasp!) edit an ASCII config file by hand.

Depending on what monitor settings you want to change, though, xvidtune
may the utility for you.  It's hard to say; you weren't very verbose in
your e-mail.

-Matt Stegman

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Joe Brault wrote:
   I have a question for you all.  I recently did a dual boot on my Gateway 
 Solo laptop with Win98 and Linux-Mandrake 6.5.  I had an easy time 
 installiing the operating system, however, I need to change my monitor 
 settings.  Is there an easy command to use for this?  I can see my screen, 
 but it is quite large as is now... Thanks in advance as always!

[newbie] Books.

1999-12-22 Thread jeff

Over the past few days I have read some posts concerning what books to

I too asked that question a few weeks ago and got some very good input.
So I went out with my trusty plastic and picked up a few books, sat down
and read them.

Here are the two I use most often to solve my linux questions.

1. Running Linux. 3rd Edition By Matt Welsh, Matthias Kalle Dalheimer 
Lar Kaufman.
Really good book. Covers allot of things, Things I didn't even know

2. Linux Network Toolkit. By Paul G. Sery. This guy did a real good job.
If your a beginner this is a book for you. It walks you through step by
step on getting things setup and running.

I thought I would post this, because so many of you helped me when I
really needed it.
By the way this is a great group.

This is to all of you folks who are just starting into Linux and haven't
posted for fear of being laughed at.. I don't think these people will do
that. I know I have made a few simple posts, and all I received was
allot of help.



[newbie] How to open .xls file in StarOffice

1999-12-22 Thread New Star Service Co.

please help how can i open .xls format file in StarOffice5.1 ?
please inform step by step .
need urgent help.

Re: [newbie] Monitor Configuration

1999-12-22 Thread M Thompson

As root type the following at a command prompt:

FWIW - I was extremely nervous to change my settings.  If I messed up the 
settings and couldn't read the screen, the OS would be worthless.  The above 
command lets you test the settings before applying them.  As a newbie, this 
one is a piece of cake.


From: "Joe Brault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Monitor Configuration
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 19:41:53 GMT

Hello again

   I have a question for you all.  I recently did a dual boot on my Gateway
Solo laptop with Win98 and Linux-Mandrake 6.5.  I had an easy time
installiing the operating system, however, I need to change my monitor
settings.  Is there an easy command to use for this?  I can see my screen,
but it is quite large as is now... Thanks in advance as always!

Joe :)
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Two systems

1999-12-22 Thread M Thompson

YES, you can read/write to your Windows partition while running Linux.  One 
of my best compliments to Linux is that it supports up to 17 filesystems at 
last count.

My Linux system automatically mounts my Windows partition.  It appears that 
your Windows partition is already mounted as /mnt/DOS_hdc1.  Use Kexplorer 
and navigate to the /mnt/DOS_hdc1 directory.  You should be looking at all 
your windows files.  BINGO!


From: Robert Thrall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Two systems
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:45:29 -0800

I am running both Windows 98 and Linux-Mandrake 6.5 on my machine, but
Windows is on one hard disk with these specs:  Partition -1 Statis- A
Type-PRI DOS   Volume Label- My Computer  Mbytes-8025  System-Fat 32
Usage-100%.  I have loaded Mandrake-Linux 6.5 on a second hard disk with
these specs:  /dev/hdc3579M409M-used   Avail-140M   Mounted on /

/dev/hdc1 547M  32K-used   Avail-547M Mounted

My local cabel company COGECO informs me that no Linux system is
compatible with their modems so I can not connect to the Internet
through Linux.  However, can Linux read Windows 98?  Can I still dowload
software in Windows and somehow transfer it to Linux.  The word
'transfer' may be wrong, but can I use the two together somehow so that
I can download software to the Linus system.  Any help would be


Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] Re: newbie-digest V1 #637

1999-12-22 Thread Marten Boonstra-Curran

Can somebody tell me why this is the last newbie-digest I have received. I
can hardly believe nothing has been published since December 5 1999

Thanks in advance

Marten Boonstra-Curran

[newbie] cd ripper / mp3 maker

1999-12-22 Thread Chip Rose.

Anyone got recommendations for a music cd ripper and mp3 maker?  I've
tried Grip, which has nice user interface (not just command prompt like
a couple others), but I can't get it to record/convert the entire song. 
Grip always does between 2/3 and 3/4 of the song, then stops - what
gives?  I do a "Rip  Encode", and Grip uses cdda2wav for the rip and
lame for the encode to mp3.  Anyone?


Chip Rose.

[newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

1999-12-22 Thread Howard Lee

Hi guys,

I tried to update my netscape to ver. 4.7 (by clicking on update icon on
the desktop), and it fetched the package but when it tried to installed
it, it said "compat-libs" is needed by netscape-common-4.70-1mdk". Where
can I get this compat-libs? Thanks.


Re: [newbie] login probs

1999-12-22 Thread rjpeake

I had the same problem which was caused by a faulty installation.
Watch closely for error messages during the boot process indicating problems
mounting drives.  
My solution to was to re-partition the hard disk and start over.

Fortunatas Dirgincius [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 But to type in where?!!!
 I don't get password prompt.
 Any suggestions?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Dan Westlake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 4:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] login probs
  Don't forget you also have to type in the password.
  - Original Message - 
  Just installed Mandrake 6.1 and... cannot login as "root".
  When I type in line:
  login: "root" (I type just plain root) I am back at the same line
  Where is the problem?

Ilmainen Internet @

Re: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

1999-12-22 Thread Howard Lee


 I had to uninstall the older version of Netscape communicator (4.6)
 before I could install the new version.
 Suggest you use the REDHAT package manager to uninstall.
 Howard Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Hi guys,
  I tried to update my netscape to ver. 4.7 (by clicking on update icon on
  the desktop), and it fetched the package but when it tried to installed
  it, it said "compat-libs" is needed by netscape-common-4.70-1mdk". Where
  can I get this compat-libs? Thanks.

 Ilmainen Internet @


Thanks for the help. Where can I get this REDHAT package manager? Sorry I'm
new to Linux. I'm using Mandrake Linux by the way. Thanks!


Re: [newbie] Books.

1999-12-22 Thread Seth Gibson

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, jeff wrote:
 posted for fear of being laughed at.. I don't think these people will do
 that. I know I have made a few simple posts, and all I received was
 allot of help.
ah. . .you must have missed that whole Subj:[newbie]Kernel thing that just
transpired. . .

[newbie] geForce X Server

1999-12-22 Thread Seth Gibson

For anyone curious, there is now an X server for the geForce.  Its available at:

enjoy. . .it lacks Mesa or GL support tho, so no hi poly linuxq3 just yet):

Re: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

1999-12-22 Thread Matt Stegman

It's already installed.  The command "rpm" uses the RedHat Package Manager
to install and uninstall packages that you download (filenames will end
with .rpm).  Some simple commands:

rpm -ivh filename.rpm#installs a package
rpm -Uvh filename.rpm#uninstalls a package
rpm -q package   #tells you if a package is installed,
 # and the package version
rpm -ql package  #lists files in an installed package
rpm -qi package  #gives a description of a package
rpm -e package   #uninstalls (erases) a package

For an example, run `rpm -q kernel`.  This will tell you what version of
the Linux kernel you have installed.  `rpm -qi kernel` gives you a
description of the "kernel" package.  

For Netscape, you can download the new version from

You don't need all three.  You do need "netscape-common," and one of the
other two, depending on if you want the whole Communicator package with
mail and news and composer, or just the web browser (navigator).  Once
you've downloaded the appropriate packages, run `rpm -e netscape-common
netscape-communicator` to erase the current packages, and `rpm -ivh
netscape*` to install the new ones. 

-Matt Stegman

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Howard Lee wrote:

 Thanks for the help. Where can I get this REDHAT package manager? Sorry I'm
 new to Linux. I'm using Mandrake Linux by the way. Thanks!

Re: [newbie] kernel flop

1999-12-22 Thread phins13

John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 I have just purchased the Mandrake 6.5 with Linux Ver 2.2.13-4mdk ..
 everything seems to work okay except when I try to boot with a newly
 compiled kernel.
 I did a configuration (make config)
 make dep clean zlilo modules modules_install
 copied the new compresed kernel, to the /boot directory
 after renaming the original.. as an extra precaution I made a floppy from
 the new image (dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0)
 edited lilo to add the new kernel (ie)
Did you remember to re-run lilo? I'm guessing you did, from
what you said... Other than that, I'm not sure...
Try these commands:
make xconfig
make dep
make bzImage
make modules 
make modules_install
make install

the make install command automatically puts your kernel into boot
and renames your old kernel vmlinuz.old or something like that.
From here I just edit my lilo.conf file and then run /sbin/lilo.
Now i've had a problem once where the modules didn't install properly
and I had to physically remove them and then rerun make modules_install.
But other than that, these commands have worked on every kernel I have recompiled. 
(and I have recompiled alot of kernels). Also make sure you didn't leave anything out 
when you configured your kernel that was
really important to your system.
Good Luck,
Do you do Linux? :)
Get your FREE email address at:

Re: [newbie] login probs

1999-12-22 Thread Dan Westlake

I think I had that problem once. Instead of typing in root just press enter then
try it when the prompt comes up again. Either that or just enter the password
after you enter root.

Good luck.

- Original Message -


 But to type in where?!!!
 I don't get password prompt.

 Any suggestions?

Re: [newbie] Kernel

1999-12-22 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 Sorry about the line-length; I was trying a new
 email client and it doesn't have a setting for the
 line-length wrapping of outgoing mail.  I have
 only been using computers in general for about 5
 years now, so I'm still a little wet behind the
 ears on some things, but I have the ability and
 desire to learn, although this desire is certainly
 not shared by everyone who uses a computer.  What
 my gripe is, basically, that people may not like
 the way MS practices business so they want to try
 something else.  Where to go:

No sweat. :-)
 Of those Linux seems to be the most attractive,
 and the majority of the Linux community would like
 to see it adopted by the public at large.  This
 would be wonderful, but it still has a lot to do
 to be palatable to many people.  I'm not saying
 that this is a bad thing, but people in the Linux
 community, I think, must own up to this fact. 
 There are a lot of things about Windows that make
 it easier to use, such as an intuitive and
 flexible install routine.  I'm not advocating that
 Linux be so dumbed down as to become useless, it's
 just that if you are really afraid of the CLI, in
 my opinion, you should not be forced to use it for
 some of the basic, and daily jobs that must be

Well, the CLI *can* be gotten around by using the "advanced
editor" or some other Text Editor to edit your
/etc/lilo.conf. However, you STILL have to open a console
window and run /sbin/lilo to save / activate the changes to
your lilo.conf. Or, don't update your kernel.

  I'm not really bashing either OS, they
 both have the uses, strengths, and weaknesses.  It
 just seems obvious that Linux is not the best of
 all possible worlds, and I get tired of people who
 act like it is and then berate those who think
 I really didn't want to offend anyone, I just
 wanted to voice another viewpoint.
No offense taken here. I just think you're expecting a bit
much for an O/S that's really less than 5 years old and
already taking on the incumbent which is more like 15 years
oldand doing quite well!

Re: [newbie] Two systems

1999-12-22 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, you wrote:
  My local cabel company COGECO informs me that no Linux system is
  compatible with their modems so I can not connect to the Internet
  through Linux.  However, can Linux read Windows 98?  Can I still dowload
  software in Windows and somehow transfer it to Linux.  The word
  'transfer' may be wrong, but can I use the two together somehow so that
  I can download software to the Linus system.  Any help would be
I wouldn't necessarily take their word for it. They just
don't WANT you to use Linux. AFAIK, a cable modem is just
another network device, which uses coax to connect to your

Re: [newbie] Kernel

1999-12-22 Thread jeff

Not trying to get in the middle, but I believe that Linux will become
more main stream as time goes on. There are it seems, to be allot of
people writing software to make things more main stream. And if all of
you  remember (Those of you  who have been around for a bit). Microsoft
wasn't all that easy in the beginning. Back in the DOS days, you had to
use many different types of install programs. It all had to do with who
wrote the program. Some programs didn't come with an install. Also most
didn't come with to many device drivers, if it had any. As for what we
call .ini files, if the program had them you had to at times write the
text files yourself and then point to them from the program.

So if you compare MS to Linux in the same time frame, I would have to
say Linux is really surpassing MS

Also I don't think MS will go away. Some will like MS and some will like

Like years ago. Some like Telix and some like Procomm.


Re: [newbie] Two systems

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

 On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, you wrote:
   My local cabel company COGECO informs me that no Linux system is
   compatible with their modems so I can not connect to the Internet
   through Linux.  However, can Linux read Windows 98?  Can I still dowload
   software in Windows and somehow transfer it to Linux.  The word
   'transfer' may be wrong, but can I use the two together somehow so that
   I can download software to the Linus system.  Any help would be
 I wouldn't necessarily take their word for it. They just
 don't WANT you to use Linux. AFAIK, a cable modem is just
 another network device, which uses coax to connect to your

Unless they are useing one of the internal cablemodems it most likely to
work. They general just plug into a ethernet card. They may require extra
software however that doesn't have a linux port.. 


RE: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

1999-12-22 Thread Howard Lee

Thanks Matt. I've tried it, and it still asks "compat-libs" is needed by
netscape-common. Have you had this problem? Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Stegman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

It's already installed.  The command "rpm" uses the RedHat Package Manager
to install and uninstall packages that you download (filenames will end
with .rpm).  Some simple commands:

rpm -ivh filename.rpm#installs a package
rpm -Uvh filename.rpm#uninstalls a package
rpm -q package   #tells you if a package is installed,
 # and the package version
rpm -ql package  #lists files in an installed package
rpm -qi package  #gives a description of a package
rpm -e package   #uninstalls (erases) a package

For an example, run `rpm -q kernel`.  This will tell you what version of
the Linux kernel you have installed.  `rpm -qi kernel` gives you a
description of the "kernel" package.

For Netscape, you can download the new version from

You don't need all three.  You do need "netscape-common," and one of the
other two, depending on if you want the whole Communicator package with
mail and news and composer, or just the web browser (navigator).  Once
you've downloaded the appropriate packages, run `rpm -e netscape-common
netscape-communicator` to erase the current packages, and `rpm -ivh
netscape*` to install the new ones.

-Matt Stegman

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Howard Lee wrote:

 Thanks for the help. Where can I get this REDHAT package manager? Sorry
 new to Linux. I'm using Mandrake Linux by the way. Thanks!

Re: [newbie] Two systems

1999-12-22 Thread Eric Mings

Unless they are useing one of the internal cablemodems it most likely to
work. They general just plug into a ethernet card. They may require extra
software however that doesn't have a linux port.. 

I have a cable modem connnected to the uplink port of an ethernet hub and 
it works great for my Macs. I haven't configured the linux boxes on my 
net to use it because I need static IP numbers for them. However, I can 
see no reason why it would make any difference what kind of machine on 
the network is going through the cable modem. Of course, then I could be 
completely wrong :-)


Eric Mings Ph.D.

  /(   )\

Re: [newbie] Two systems

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Eric Mings wrote:

 Unless they are useing one of the internal cablemodems it most likely to
 work. They general just plug into a ethernet card. They may require extra
 software however that doesn't have a linux port.. 
 I have a cable modem connnected to the uplink port of an ethernet hub and 
 it works great for my Macs. I haven't configured the linux boxes on my 
 net to use it because I need static IP numbers for them. However, I can 
 see no reason why it would make any difference what kind of machine on 
 the network is going through the cable modem. Of course, then I could be 
 completely wrong :-)

:) like i said "may require", take for instance the rrlogin program.

RE: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

1999-12-22 Thread Eero

I had the very same problem, I overcame it by dl'ing nutscraper
in *.tar.gz file. Then I uninstalled current version of nutscraper using
kpackager and installed *.tar.gz with archiver. 

Regards Eero

On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 Thanks Matt. I've tried it, and it still asks "compat-libs" is needed by
 netscape-common. Have you had this problem? Thanks.
 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Stegman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 9:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7
 It's already installed.  The command "rpm" uses the RedHat Package Manager
 to install and uninstall packages that you download (filenames will end
 with .rpm).  Some simple commands:
   rpm -ivh filename.rpm#installs a package
   rpm -Uvh filename.rpm#uninstalls a package
   rpm -q package   #tells you if a package is installed,
# and the package version
   rpm -ql package  #lists files in an installed package
   rpm -qi package  #gives a description of a package
   rpm -e package   #uninstalls (erases) a package
 For an example, run `rpm -q kernel`.  This will tell you what version of
 the Linux kernel you have installed.  `rpm -qi kernel` gives you a
 description of the "kernel" package.
 For Netscape, you can download the new version from
 You don't need all three.  You do need "netscape-common," and one of the
 other two, depending on if you want the whole Communicator package with
 mail and news and composer, or just the web browser (navigator).  Once
 you've downloaded the appropriate packages, run `rpm -e netscape-common
 netscape-communicator` to erase the current packages, and `rpm -ivh
 netscape*` to install the new ones.
 -Matt Stegman
 On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Howard Lee wrote:
  Thanks for the help. Where can I get this REDHAT package manager? Sorry
  new to Linux. I'm using Mandrake Linux by the way. Thanks!

Fwd: Re: [newbie] kernel flop

1999-12-22 Thread John Aldrich

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] kernel flop
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 09:34:05 -0800
From: phins13 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 I have just purchased the Mandrake 6.5 with Linux Ver 2.2.13-4mdk ..
 everything seems to work okay except when I try to boot with a newly
 compiled kernel.
 I did a configuration (make config)
 make dep clean zlilo modules modules_install
 copied the new compresed kernel, to the /boot directory
 after renaming the original.. as an extra precaution I made a floppy from
 the new image (dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0)
 edited lilo to add the new kernel (ie)
Did you remember to re-run lilo? I'm guessing you did, from
what you said... Other than that, I'm not sure...
Try these commands:
make xconfig
make dep
make bzImage
make modules 
make modules_install
make install

the make install command automatically puts your kernel into boot
and renames your old kernel vmlinuz.old or something like that.
From here I just edit my lilo.conf file and then run /sbin/lilo.
Now i've had a problem once where the modules didn't install properly
and I had to physically remove them and then rerun make modules_install.
But other than that, these commands have worked on every kernel I have recompiled. 
(and I have recompiled alot of kernels). Also make sure you didn't leave anything out 
when you configured your kernel that was
really important to your system.
Good Luck,
Do you do Linux? :)
Get your FREE email address at:

[newbie] Installing glibc2.1.2

1999-12-22 Thread Howard Lee

Hi guys,

Has anyone tried installing glibc2.1.2 on mandrake linux? Is it a
daunting task? Should I remove glibc2.1.1? If I don't have to, can they
co-exist? Thanks (I'm trying to install JDK1.2.2 from and
it requires glibc2.1.2) Again thanks.


[newbie] ques. re: downloading ftp folders

1999-12-22 Thread chris wakefield

 Could someone please help me configure Netvampire3.3 to download a
directory or folder of files.  Currently I only get a "listing" of the
huge file.  I can't believe that I have to individually download 1000
files one at a time!  I understand from your FAQ file that it has
something to do with the "path" being added to the URL.  I my case the
URL of the directory is:

The next level up in the directory has 3 folders at:

The only option that seems availiable is:

and there is about 1000 to 2000 of these that I need!
Thanks Chris.

[newbie] Sound

1999-12-22 Thread Robert Thrall

I would like to be able to my SoundBlaster card in Linux.  But I can
not.  I have already tried sdnconfig in root and have gone through the
various windows that are suppose to get everything running.  But when I
get to the test window, I am rebuffed.  When I first install Mandrake
and the series of 'OK's' scroll down the screen, two have FAILED
notations:the Midi and Sound modules with these specs:
/lib/modules/2.2.13-4mdk/misc/so.o:/init_module.  I am not certain about
so.o it could be SO.O.  Why can not I get the sound working.  Here are
the specs to the Sound Blaster:

BLASTER=A 220I5D1   H1  P330  T6

Re: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

1999-12-22 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 Thanks for the help. Where can I get this REDHAT package manager? Sorry I'm
 new to Linux. I'm using Mandrake Linux by the way. Thanks!
You already have it. It's called RPM. If you mean where can
you get the compat-libs, they *should* be on your CD, I'd

RE: [newbie] Updating netscape ver. 4.7

1999-12-22 Thread Matt Stegman

Can't say as I ever had any dependancy problems with Netscape, but I
probably installed more packages than you did.  Does `rpm -q compat-libs`
come up with nothing?  If so, go get it from a Mandrake FTP mirror.  

-Matt Stegman

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Howard Lee wrote:

 Thanks Matt. I've tried it, and it still asks "compat-libs" is needed by
 netscape-common. Have you had this problem? Thanks.

Re: [newbie] Various questions

1999-12-22 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, you wrote:
   Lucent has a linux driver for their winmodems that use the Lucent
 chipset.I don't remember the address but you should be able to find
 their website by doing a search.
Yeah, but they still suck. ;-)

Re: [newbie] login probs

1999-12-22 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 But to type in where?!!!
 I don't get password prompt.
 Any suggestions?

At the LILO prompt, type "linux 1" and boot to single-user
mode. It shouldn't ask for a password there. Then, once
you're in, type "passwd root" and type in a new "root"
password. Then, reboot (ctl+alt+del) and it *should* give
you a password prompt.

[newbie] Remove

1999-12-22 Thread John R. Ehrhart, Jr.

newbie remove

[newbie] Newbie has a problem with mouse

1999-12-22 Thread Hannes Lackner

Hello to all at this list,
my name is Hannes Lackner, I am from Austria.

I have just installed linux beside Win98 on my PC.
All seems OK but only the mouse doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me please how and where I can change
the settings for the mouse?
I guess there is the wrong port assigned.

Thanks a lot in Advance!

Greetings from Tyrol, Austria,


[newbie] Files on /mnt/win98

1999-12-22 Thread Antonio Carlos Ribeiro Nogueira

Dear Friends,

I am using Mandrake 6.0 (Venus) and I have installed the StarOffice5.1
in my computer. I am having two problems.
1) When I navigate through the StarOffice explorer, I only get to reach
/mnt (my point mounting files). I can't see any files under the /mnt
path. When I am out of StarOffice5.1, I can to see all the directories
and files under the windows98 partition. But under StarOffice, I can't.
A friend mine tryied an experience. He made a link with "ln -s
/mnt/win98 /win_C", and so I was able to see the files under
StarOffice5.1 in the windows partitions. But when I rebooted the
computer, I didn't get succeed longer. I already gave all the
permissions and even as superuser (root), I can't see the files in the
windows partition under StarOffice5.1.
2) I installed the jre1.1.7 in my computer and when I installed the
StarOffice5.1, despite I received the message that StarOffice has
reconized the Java ambient, when I open a site with aplets, I receive a
message telling me that the java is not installed.

I am a Brasilian guy and I beg your perdon for my poor english. 

_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/  Prof. Antonio Carlos R. Nogueira,
Dr. Eng.
   _/   _/  _/  _/  _/   Departamento de Eng. Mecnica
  _/_/_/   _/  _/  _/  _/ UFSC   Universidade Federal de Santa
 _/   _/  _/  _/  _/ 88.040-900 - Florianpolis - SC.
_/_/_/_/ _/  _/  _/  _/_/_/_/BRASIL
 Phone: 55-48-331-9264
 Fax  : 55-48-234-1519

[newbie] This is the last question I promise!

1999-12-22 Thread Jamey

OK, I finally got another modem, and I have sound, and Video cards
installed. I just have one question, I have searched through netscape
and havn't found anything about Java. Do I need to download it or is
there somewheres I havn't looked? Also I havn't had a chance to tell all
of you whole help me ,Thanks! I hope everyone of you have a happy and
safe X-mas and New years!


Sorry for being annoying and taking your alls time and mail space up
with my lame questions, again thanks for helping me.

[newbie] Im sorry

1999-12-22 Thread Jamey

I fixed it my self

Re: [newbie] This is the last question I promise!

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Jamey wrote:

 OK, I finally got another modem, and I have sound, and Video cards
 installed. I just have one question, I have searched through netscape
 and havn't found anything about Java. Do I need to download it or is
 there somewheres I havn't looked? Also I havn't had a chance to tell all
 of you whole help me ,Thanks! I hope everyone of you have a happy and
 safe X-mas and New years!
 Sorry for being annoying and taking your alls time and mail space up
 with my lame questions, again thanks for helping me.

All the way at the bottm of prefernces if my memory serves me.
But it's not the greatest thing on earth. (the java, not my memory be nice


Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0beta available

1999-12-22 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Axalonthe only directions I found at that URL were these "Please
check the list of FTP mirror down on this page, and choose one that is
near your location."  Well I picked one but there was no iso image there
to download, just a bunch of navigable directories as if I'd mounted a
CDRom.  How does one download the oxygen distribution?


Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 Linux-Mandrake 7.0beta available for download and tests.
 MandrakeSoft is very pleased to announce that its new Linux
 distribution is available, only for geeks and testers who can't wait
 to discover all the new killer features that have been introduced.
 This beta version (NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE) includes:
 - New perl/gtk based graphical installer Drakx, including support
 many languages and the DiskDrake partitioner (lets one change the size
 of Ext2, FAT... disk partitions).
 - Use of supermount (integrated in kernel 2.2.14) in order to
 suppress the need to mount and unmount for most removable medias
 (cdrom, floppy, zip): Mandrake easier to use than ever!
 - Several security levels are available. They let you use your
 box like a jail (extremely high security, restricted use), or like
 certain very common proprietary OSes (very poor security, no
 constraint in use). The default security level, medium, is the
 security level found in most standard Linux distributions.
 - Improved desktop integration with new tools like DrakConf and
 rpmdrake that let the user manage its Linux-Mandrake box like a charm.
 - New hardware configuration tools like lothar and XFdrake
 The new distribution has to be tested by many people to detect any
 problem that would not have been found internally.
 Hackers, Geeks, Nerds or simply curious users, just download Mandrake
 7.0beta, have fun with it and report all the bugs! For this, just see and read the
 The Mandrake Team.

Re: [newbie] Im sorry

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Jamey wrote:

 I fixed it my self

Unfortunatly most of use have no idea what your talking about because you
started a totaly new thread here :)

Re: [newbie] Re: help I'm recieving hundreds of emails please can you block them (ABUSE#39157)

1999-12-22 Thread Hugh Semmler

What do you want? I mean from someone who cant even get off this list 

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, you wrote:
 Excuse me, but this message qualifies as spam...
 At 09:23 AM 12/22/1999 +, you wrote:
 Thankyou for your email to Abuse.
 Unfortunatly we are unable to block specific email that is addressed to
 your account. The type of email you describe is commonly known as SPAM
 (or UCE) and it is becomming quite a common problem on the Internet.
"I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere."

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0beta available

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 Axalonthe only directions I found at that URL were these "Please
 check the list of FTP mirror down on this page, and choose one that is
 near your location."  Well I picked one but there was no iso image there
 to download, just a bunch of navigable directories as if I'd mounted a
 CDRom.  How does one download the oxygen distribution?

Well first you've missed the part about posting to the cooker list.

(I'll personaly do removal of those that have troubles getting off as long
as they try, and don't send multple requests over and over. after the
beta) ;) for those who are now listphobic's

Probably related to there not being an iso mentioned on the page ;)

This doesn't help much either
[root@Elminster oxygen]$ du -hsx i586/

I think We got it worked out, and Linuxberg is mirroring (don't slam it or
it's just gonna take it longer) now.

You can of course create your own iso if you just can't wait.

[newbie] compiling kernel

1999-12-22 Thread Daniel Anderson

 I'm running Mandrake 6.5 and have tried twice to recompile the
kernel,in order to run ax25 and both times the computer hangs while
finding module dependencies. I used make mrproper,make xconfig,make
dep,make clean,make bzImage,make modules,make modules install just like
I have done many times with the Caldera distributions. Is there
something different I must do with Mandrake? Is there a way to fix this
without reinstalling again? Lilo is finding the right kernel.


Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Daniel Anderson wrote:

  I'm running Mandrake 6.5 and have tried twice to recompile the
 kernel,in order to run ax25 and both times the computer hangs while
 finding module dependencies. I used make mrproper,make xconfig,make
 dep,make clean,make bzImage,make modules,make modules install just like
 I have done many times with the Caldera distributions. Is there
 something different I must do with Mandrake? Is there a way to fix this
 without reinstalling again? Lilo is finding the right kernel.

did you change the toplevel Makefile EXTRAVERSION =
and run the depmod before rebooting?


Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0beta available

1999-12-22 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  Axalonthe only directions I found at that URL were these "Please
  check the list of FTP mirror down on this page, and choose one that is
  near your location."  Well I picked one but there was no iso image there
  to download, just a bunch of navigable directories as if I'd mounted a
  CDRom.  How does one download the oxygen distribution?
 Well first you've missed the part about posting to the cooker list.

Axalonno, I didn't miss that part.  That is in the next part of the
page with the heading "How to contribute to the debugging?"  That part
does not yet concern me since I haven't gotten anything to help to debug
installed on a computer.  What with a 600+ meg download at my paltry
28,800 connect speed, I figured I'd have lots of time to worry about
subscribing to the cooker during/after the download.

 (I'll personaly do removal of those that have troubles getting off as long
 as they try, and don't send multple requests over and over. after the
 beta) ;) for those who are now listphobic's

I'm sorry but I haven't any idea at all what the above paragraph means. 
There's a negative tone to it but I derive no meaning at all from the

 Probably related to there not being an iso mentioned on the page ;)

What's related, my question as to how to download an image I can burn
into a CD?  Why yes, that was the problem I ran into, no apparent ISO,

 This doesn't help much either
 [root@Elminster oxygen]$ du -hsx i586/
 I think We got it worked out, and Linuxberg is mirroring (don't slam it or
 it's just gonna take it longer) now.
 You can of course create your own iso if you just can't wait.

Again, it seems like you're speaking in a foreign language to me in the
above.  What doesn't help much?  You du'ed a directory on some system
with switches that aren't listed in "Nutshell" and got 654 Meg as an
answer?  So?

You have gotten what worked out?  I don't slam things and don't know
what I could possibly say or type that would make anything take longer??

Create my own iso from what?  What are you talking about?  I'm sorry, I
simply don't understand your post at all?!!

It was a simple question, "How does one download the oxygen


Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0beta available

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

Your posts are off topic on this mailing list, you should be asking on

The iso will be finished mirroring to linuxberg very shortly.

As for the du output, how big is a 74minute cd.. Right and how big does it
appear my i586 oxygen tree is. Thats why it took so long.

(your on a modem so i recommend you wait for the iso, but you asked so)

#mirror from ftp the oxygen/ directory preserving permissions and symlinks
cd /mnt/disk
lftp -c 'open; cd some/dir/oxygen; mirror'

# Do a little prep to get the boot images to the start of the disk
mkdir -p /tmp/r
mv /mnt/disk/images /tmp/r

mkisofs -R \
-o /output/dir/oxygen.iso \
-b images/gi_cdrom.img \
-c images/.catalog \
/tmp/r \

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
  On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
   Axalonthe only directions I found at that URL were these "Please
   check the list of FTP mirror down on this page, and choose one that is
   near your location."  Well I picked one but there was no iso image there
   to download, just a bunch of navigable directories as if I'd mounted a
   CDRom.  How does one download the oxygen distribution?
  Well first you've missed the part about posting to the cooker list.
 Axalonno, I didn't miss that part.  That is in the next part of the
 page with the heading "How to contribute to the debugging?"  That part
 does not yet concern me since I haven't gotten anything to help to debug
 installed on a computer.  What with a 600+ meg download at my paltry
 28,800 connect speed, I figured I'd have lots of time to worry about
 subscribing to the cooker during/after the download.
  (I'll personaly do removal of those that have troubles getting off as long
  as they try, and don't send multple requests over and over. after the
  beta) ;) for those who are now listphobic's
 I'm sorry but I haven't any idea at all what the above paragraph means. 
 There's a negative tone to it but I derive no meaning at all from the
  Probably related to there not being an iso mentioned on the page ;)
 What's related, my question as to how to download an image I can burn
 into a CD?  Why yes, that was the problem I ran into, no apparent ISO,
  This doesn't help much either
  [root@Elminster oxygen]$ du -hsx i586/
  I think We got it worked out, and Linuxberg is mirroring (don't slam it or
  it's just gonna take it longer) now.
  You can of course create your own iso if you just can't wait.
 Again, it seems like you're speaking in a foreign language to me in the
 above.  What doesn't help much?  You du'ed a directory on some system
 with switches that aren't listed in "Nutshell" and got 654 Meg as an
 answer?  So?
 You have gotten what worked out?  I don't slam things and don't know
 what I could possibly say or type that would make anything take longer??
 Create my own iso from what?  What are you talking about?  I'm sorry, I
 simply don't understand your post at all?!!
 It was a simple question, "How does one download the oxygen


Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

1999-12-22 Thread Daniel Anderson

No,never knew about that one.Exactly what do I put there? Haven't used
depmod before,are there any options that I should use? Can the system be
rescued without reinstalling?


Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Daniel Anderson wrote:
   I'm running Mandrake 6.5 and have tried twice to recompile the
  kernel,in order to run ax25 and both times the computer hangs while
  finding module dependencies. I used make mrproper,make xconfig,make
  dep,make clean,make bzImage,make modules,make modules install just like
  I have done many times with the Caldera distributions. Is there
  something different I must do with Mandrake? Is there a way to fix this
  without reinstalling again? Lilo is finding the right kernel.
 did you change the toplevel Makefile EXTRAVERSION =
 and run the depmod before rebooting?

Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone


short answer, ctrl-c

Long answer, search the archives it's well discussed i think, if it's not
sufficiant say so, somebody will likely clear it up for you. Mandrakeuser
proably has something more on it also

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Daniel Anderson wrote:
 No,never knew about that one.Exactly what do I put there? Haven't used
 depmod before,are there any options that I should use? Can the system be
 rescued without reinstalling?
 Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
  On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Daniel Anderson wrote:
I'm running Mandrake 6.5 and have tried twice to recompile the
   kernel,in order to run ax25 and both times the computer hangs while
   finding module dependencies. I used make mrproper,make xconfig,make
   dep,make clean,make bzImage,make modules,make modules install just like
   I have done many times with the Caldera distributions. Is there
   something different I must do with Mandrake? Is there a way to fix this
   without reinstalling again? Lilo is finding the right kernel.
  did you change the toplevel Makefile EXTRAVERSION =
  and run the depmod before rebooting?


Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

Damned send button. for about depmod..

run this after you've "make modules_install"

depmod -e -d -a type_kernel_version_here

if it doesn't come up clean don't reboot simple as that..

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Daniel Anderson wrote:
 No,never knew about that one.Exactly what do I put there? Haven't used
 depmod before,are there any options that I should use? Can the system be
 rescued without reinstalling?
 Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
  On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Daniel Anderson wrote:
I'm running Mandrake 6.5 and have tried twice to recompile the
   kernel,in order to run ax25 and both times the computer hangs while
   finding module dependencies. I used make mrproper,make xconfig,make
   dep,make clean,make bzImage,make modules,make modules install just like
   I have done many times with the Caldera distributions. Is there
   something different I must do with Mandrake? Is there a way to fix this
   without reinstalling again? Lilo is finding the right kernel.
  did you change the toplevel Makefile EXTRAVERSION =
  and run the depmod before rebooting?

[newbie] Problems

1999-12-22 Thread Patrick Dyer

I am running Linux Mandrake 6 and Windows 98 on my
machine. I have not been able to get my sound card to
work, it is a Sound Blaster AudioPCI 64V. During the
installation of linux I tried almost all the sound
card options and I kept getting  errors. So I skipped
that. Also I have a Lexmark 1000 Series color printer.
None of the printer options in mandrake works with
this printer. What should I do? On a more desparate
note I recently installed a 120MB floppy drive in my
machine. It works fine under windows 98, however, it
will not mount under linux. By the way  I bought the
machine with  a 120MB floppy drive but the head got
damaged and I had it replaced. The previous floppy
worked o.k. under linux  so I cannot figure out why
the new one is not working. I would be very grateful
if you could help me on these three issues.

Thanks ,in advance, for your assistance.  
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[newbie] Taskbar clock DUN icons - how?

1999-12-22 Thread Steve Leseman

How do you get the taskbar time and Dialup Networking icons to display? Is there a 
plug in to do 
that? Thanks!

[newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0beta available

1999-12-22 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

Linux-Mandrake 7.0beta available for download and tests.

MandrakeSoft is very pleased to announce that its new Linux
distribution is available, only for geeks and testers who can't wait
to discover all the new killer features that have been introduced.
This beta version (NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE) includes:

- New perl/gtk based graphical installer Drakx, including support
many languages and the DiskDrake partitioner (lets one change the size
of Ext2, FAT... disk partitions).

- Use of supermount (integrated in kernel 2.2.14) in order to
suppress the need to mount and unmount for most removable medias
(cdrom, floppy, zip): Mandrake easier to use than ever!

- Several security levels are available. They let you use your
box like a jail (extremely high security, restricted use), or like
certain very common proprietary OSes (very poor security, no
constraint in use). The default security level, medium, is the
security level found in most standard Linux distributions.

- Improved desktop integration with new tools like DrakConf and
rpmdrake that let the user manage its Linux-Mandrake box like a charm.

- New hardware configuration tools like lothar and XFdrake

The new distribution has to be tested by many people to detect any
problem that would not have been found internally.

Hackers, Geeks, Nerds or simply curious users, just download Mandrake
7.0beta, have fun with it and report all the bugs! For this, just see and read the

The Mandrake Team.