Re: [newbie-it] Lilo o Grub?

2000-10-04 Thread Fabio


 ho installato la Mandrake 7.1 e so che c'è la possibilità di installare
 come bootloader il classico Lilo o il Grub; eseguendo l'installazione in
 modalità personalizzata non ho trovato nessuna indicazione che mi desse la
 possibilità di scegliere quale dei due bootloader installare e soprattutto
 dove installarlo (nell'MBR o in una partizione). Infatti finito
 l'installazione come programma di boot mi viene presentato il Lilo..niente
 in contrario ma ero curioso di vedere il Grub!!!
 Come posso ovviare al problema?

Ok, da X clicca su DrakConf - DrakBoot - Configura X (si hai letto
bene!) ... Ok - Fatto
da linea di comando non so aiutarti, c'è un pacchetto di documentazione
su Grub non installato di default, nel 1° o 2° cd-rom.


RE: [newbie-it] Arieccomi, col modem!

2000-10-04 Thread Simone Ravarotto

At 09.38 03/10/00 +0200, you wrote:
Ciao Ciro,
il comando "pppconfig" dovrebbe essere un'alterazione parlando del
"daemon pppd" che e' quello che permette di collegarsi alla rete con
un provider di servizi internet ,tramite autenticazione SLIP,PAP, CHAP
o quello che e '.
Probabilmente devi configurarlo a dovere -

Insomma e' una parola :)
vedi sotto
Cos'e' un hacking?
E' l'azione di un hacker,cioe' di un curioso che vuole sapere come funziona
fino all'ultimo chip di un computer,senza andare oltre la legalita' ed il 
rispetto per gli altri.Un cracker invece era un hacker che ha superato la 
e che usa le sue capacita' per rubare e danneggiare i sistemi degli altri.

Puoi configurare la tua connessione,il modem e il demone pppd tramite
"kppp" anche digitato da console.

Domanda : quale'e' il corrispondente di Kppp in Gnome .. se esiste?

Ce ne sono almeno tre,dipende dalla distribuzione,comunque io mi sono sempre
trovato bene con kppp e kpppload ed uso Helix Gnome.
Basta che digiti kppp da console o crei un collegamento sul 
se proprio non ti piace,mi pare si chiami Gnome ppp (lo trovi nel menu rete/
accesso remoto),se usi Mandrake,comunque e' meno diretto e meno ricco di 
A te la scelta.


Comunque negli ultimi tentativi, il modem risponde bene, compone il numero,
negozia col modem del Pop, ma dopo qualche secondo sul terminale del Log di
connessione mi compare:



e dopo un po' cade la linea.
Cosa puo' essere?

Come fai a connetterti,usando kppp o cosa?
Beh,si vede che il pop server ti chiede la password di accesso (SYSTEM 

P.s. : ricordati che 9/10 dei provider italiani gratuiti utilizzano il 
challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP),quindi quando userai kppp
devi cambiarlo dove c'e' l'apposito spazio;se con l'accesso automatico
non ci riesci ,vedrai che c'e' una machera che che ti permette di correggere
lo script di accesso.


Riguardo a pppd,non ti scoraggiare,come dicevi tu sono gli uomini che devono 
dominare le macchine.


RE: [newbie-it] aggiungere utente a gruppo

2000-10-04 Thread Simone Ravarotto

= Original Message from Marco Scalas [EMAIL PROTECTED] at
4/10/00 09.40
--- Floods [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  C'è una
utility per aggiungere un utente a un gruppo
 desiderato? O devo
 aggiungerlo a mano editando /etc/group?

 Floodse-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 con Linuxconf è molto semplice: appena lo avvii c'è
la sezone dedicata agli utenti.

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su


Scusa, ma ti sconsiglio di usare linuxconf per queste cose.
Io ho avuto grossi problemi con gli id utente ed i permessi,quindi l'ho
Almeno per ora...

Re: [newbie-it] aggiungere utente a gruppo

2000-10-04 Thread Floods

Il 04/10/00, Fabio Coatti parlò così:

 On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 12:10:35AM +0200, Floods wrote:
  C'è una utility per aggiungere un utente a un gruppo desiderato? O devo
  aggiungerlo a mano editando /etc/group?
 Credo sia 
 useradd -G group user
 verifica con man useradd

adduser user group

Floods  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [newbie-it] aggiungere utente a gruppo

2000-10-04 Thread Floods

Il 04/10/00, Simone Ravarotto parlò così:

 Scusa, ma ti sconsiglio di usare linuxconf per queste cose.
 Io ho avuto grossi problemi con gli id utente ed i permessi,quindi l'ho
 Almeno per ora...

Me ne sono accorto anch'io, linuxconf è veramente bizzarro e per questo mi
sono ripromesso di non usarlo mai più!

Floods  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] Fare il mount

2000-10-04 Thread Tosato Diego

Salve, volevo solo sapere se è possibile fare il mount di una porta seriale!
Preciso che non sono molto abile nell'uso di Linux e che questa è solo una
mia curiosità

[newbie-it] kppp

2000-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Salve a 
tuttinessuno ha idea del perche kppp dopo aver fatto il numero e aver 
iniziato acolloquiare mi da "daemon died unespectelly" mentre quando usavo 
la SUSE 6.4non lo faceva 

R: [newbie-it] kppp

2000-10-04 Thread Vincenzo Forciniti

guarda il log del kpp, le notizie che fornisci sono 
troppo scarse ...

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 6:49 
  Subject: [newbie-it] kppp
  Salve a 
  tuttinessuno ha idea del perche kppp dopo aver fatto il numero e aver 
  iniziato acolloquiare mi da "daemon died unespectelly" mentre quando usavo 
  la SUSE 6.4non lo faceva 

Re: [newbie-it] imwheel e kde Logitec Rules!!!!!

2000-10-04 Thread Luca Caruso

Beh se c'e qualcuno in linea forse puo' aiutere anche me:
Il problema e' piu' o meno lo stesso soltanto che io
ho un Logitech Cordless ps/2 e non ne vuol sapere di funzionare
lo scrolling con la rotellina
Forse qualcuno ha risolto il problema e puo' aiutarmi.
Ogni consiglio in merito e graditissimo.

Ciao e grazie

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] imwheel e kde

 Il dom, 01 ott 2000, hai scritto:
  Casa wrote:
   Uso kde ed ho un mouse logitech con rotellina, quello con il
marchietto in
   bianco e nero. Purtroppo pero' la rotellina non ne vuol sapere e
quando eseguo
   il comando imwheel mi viene risposto:
   imwheel is not checking/writing a pid file, BE CAREFUL!
   An imwheel may be running already, two or more imwheel processes
   on the same X display, or using gpm -W, will not operate as expected!
   imwheel started (pid=858)
   Ho sentito dire che la colpa e' del mouse molto sfigto.
   Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento per favore? Negli altri NG non ne sa
  se il tuo mouse è ps2 tipo m -s48 con logo bianco e nero hai bisogno del
  programma "enable_logitech_wheel" da avviare prima di imwheel.
  poi modificare /etc/x11/xf86setup secondo le istruzioni allegate.
  non ricordo dove ho prelevato questo file, ma se hai problemi te lo
posso mandare

 Grazie a tutti delle risposte. Ho compilato enable_logitech_wheel e messo
 xinitrc ed effettivamente sembra che qualcosa vada. Pero' quando uso la
 la freccia fa cose strane, tipo scattare a destra o finire nell'angolo in
 a destra. Il file XF86Config e' configurato come da readme.

 Il mio mouse tra l'altro e' il tipo M-S48a OEM e' uguale a M-S48?

 Vi ringrazio anticipatamente per ulteriori suggerimenti.

 Grazie, Nicola.

Re: [newbie-it] aggiungere utente a gruppo

2000-10-04 Thread Fabio Coatti

On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 05:27:43PM +0200, Floods wrote:
 Il 04/10/00, Fabio Coatti parlò così:
  On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 12:10:35AM +0200, Floods wrote:
   C'è una utility per aggiungere un utente a un gruppo desiderato? O devo
   aggiungerlo a mano editando /etc/group?
  Credo sia 
  useradd -G group user
  verifica con man useradd
 adduser user group

What?? hai provato a lanciarlo su una mdk 7.1 ?

Dunque: adduser è un link simbolico a useradd, quindi sono la stessa cosa.

[root@janus /root]# ls -l /usr/sbin/adduser
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root7 giu  9 21:04 /usr/sbin/adduser - useradd* 

Poi se provi a lacnciarlo ottieni una roba del genere:

[root@janus /root]# adduser cova ftp
usage: adduser  [-u uid [-o]] [-g group] [-G group,...]
[-d home] [-s shell] [-c comment] [-m [-k template]]
[-f inactive] [-e expire ] [-p passwd] [-n]
[-r] name
adduser  -D [-g group] [-b base] [-s shell] 
[-f inactive] [-e expire ]   

Chiaramente qualcosa non va nella tua sintassi. Credo sia riferita ad un'altra

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie] Automatization bttv and related modules

2000-10-04 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

Hello, I am here again and very happy, finally I 
could watch tv under linux in my computer and also the net. And I have two 
question about:

It was hard to me, a 
beginner, but with the help in this list and some web pages I can use cabletv to 
watch the cable chanels with cablecrypt codification (In my house I have an 
account with one of the Spanish cable enterprises named ONO).
I have an Avermedia TV Capture and a ATI Rage II video card in 
a Pentium II 400 with 64 Mb Ram; It works very fine.
At the moment I must introduce manually the orders to charge 
all the necesarry modules:

insmod videodev
insmod i2c verbose=1 scan=1 
test -f i2c_chardev.o 
 insmod i2c_chardev
insmod tuner debug=1 type=5
insmod msp3400 debug=2
insmod bttv card=6 radio=0 pll=2,2 vidmem=0xf50

and after that y type: /usr/local/bin/cabletv and.. 
hale opp! it's run fine

But I would like linux do that automatically when cabletv 
start to run; I think that the way is introduce this orders in the 
/etc/conf.modules file but I do not know exactly how; I have introduced at the 
end of the mentioned file the next lines:

alias char-major-81 bttv
pre-install bttv modprobe -k msp3400; modprobe -k 
options bttv
card=6 radio=0 pll=2,2 vidmem=0xf50
options msp3400
options tuner
debug=1 type=5

bttv, videodev and i2c are correctly charged when I run 
cabletv, but not msp3400 neither tuner; in fact if I type the orders related 
with those modules everything goes.

Could you help me? What must I write int he conf.modules 

I have my home computer with an eternet card and the module it 
is charged fine. I use it to conect sometimes my laptop to this main computer. 
The problem start when I switch on my computer without conexion to the laptop, 
the graphic screen works okey, but the others virtual screen show error messages 
because the computer is trying to conect and doesn't find other computers; 
working for example in virtual screen 1 messages apears every few seconds about 
that the computer is trying to conect.
The ethernet card module is charged in the conf.modules 
Is there any way to make linux only use this module 
when the laptop is conected?

Thanks a lot for your help

Francisco Alcaraz ArizaMurcia, Espaa 
(Spain)e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

2000-10-04 Thread Robert Griffiths

Talking about MS  Linux, when Microsoft first took over hotmail it was 
running on Solaris, microsoft moved it over to NT, found out that NT 
couldn't handle worth a damn, so what did they do...moved back over to 
solaris...bottom line, microsoft do use *nix.


From: Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "LinuxNewbie (E-mail)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 12:05:50 -0500

In my mind, it seems like running something in wine is a bit of a kludge -
especially a full blown productivity app...

-Original Message-
From: Larry Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

  hmm, maybe i'm just naive but so what if MS bails out Corel as far as
   goes.  There is/was nothing stopping MS from creating their own
   of linux nor stopping them from building applications for Linux.  I 
   believe that there aren't any MS programmers running linux at home (or 
   work) and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that apache is running
   somewhere in that company.

Just a thought here.  Corel has successfully (not in my opinion but in the
minds of some) ported their Office suite to Linux using Wine.  If you dig
deeply you find that within MS there's a debate about whether they
should/shouldn't produce MS Office for Linux.  Could there be a connection?
Spin is everything these days it seems.  Just thought I'd suggest that this
story might have a positive spin in the end.

Cheers --- Larry

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

[newbie] Graphical User Interfaces for X

2000-10-04 Thread Sharma, Anoop


I am
completly new to Linux and just managed to install Mandrake 7.1 on my home PC
dual booting with NT. At the mo using a boot disk.

question is what is the X windows, KDE and Gnome?

When I
type start X I used to get a pretty interface either KDE or Gnome. Now all I get
is a dos emulation of windows, I think its called TVM. What is

how do I know if the graphical user interface is KDE or Gnome as when I type
StartX KDE or StartX Gnome I get the same look desktop.

help will be greatly appreciated.



Re: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

2000-10-04 Thread markOpoleO

That is odd, i remember reading that they just moved Hotmail over to

- Original Message -
From: "Robert Griffiths" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 6:00 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

 Talking about MS  Linux, when Microsoft first took over hotmail it was
 running on Solaris, microsoft moved it over to NT, found out that NT
 couldn't handle worth a damn, so what did they do...moved back over to
 solaris...bottom line, microsoft do use *nix.


 From: Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "LinuxNewbie (E-mail)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!
 Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 12:05:50 -0500
 In my mind, it seems like running something in wine is a bit of a
kludge -
 especially a full blown productivity app...
 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:05 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!
   hmm, maybe i'm just naive but so what if MS bails out Corel as far as
goes.  There is/was nothing stopping MS from creating their own
of linux nor stopping them from building applications for Linux.  I
believe that there aren't any MS programmers running linux at home
work) and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that apache is running
somewhere in that company.
 Just a thought here.  Corel has successfully (not in my opinion but in
 minds of some) ported their Office suite to Linux using Wine.  If you dig
 deeply you find that within MS there's a debate about whether they
 should/shouldn't produce MS Office for Linux.  Could there be a
 Spin is everything these days it seems.  Just thought I'd suggest that
 story might have a positive spin in the end.
 Cheers --- Larry

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

Re: [newbie] Graphical User Interfaces for X

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Weaver

It sounds like you're going to have to reconfigure your display
again. From what you're describing it's not properly configured which is
why you're being presented with that strange screen. Actually you will
want to configure X so that you're presented with a GUI login screen. This
will give you a much broader selection of window managers when you log in
to your system.

You can reconfigure X by typing "setuptool" on the command line after
you've logged in as root.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 10:53am ,Sharma, Anoop spake passionately in a  message:

 Hello All
 I am completly new to Linux and just managed to install Mandrake 7.1 on my
 home PC dual booting with NT. At the mo using a boot disk.
 My question is what is the X windows, KDE and Gnome?
 When I type start X I used to get a pretty interface either KDE or Gnome.
 Now all I get is a dos emulation of windows, I think its called TVM. What is
 Also how do I know if the graphical user interface is KDE or Gnome as when I
 type StartX KDE or StartX Gnome I get the same look desktop.
 ANy help will be greatly appreciated.

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 This email is from a unit or subsidiary of EMI Group plc, registered in
 England No 229231 Registered Office: 4 Tenterden Street, London W1A 2AY..

Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

2000-10-04 Thread Charles A Edwards

- Original Message -
From: "Joe Brault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 11:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

Hello all,

I have a question about burning a CD of linux mandrake 7.1...  I have
downloaded from the mandrake website the image needed to install mandrake
(649mb)  And now I'm unsure of what to do.  I would like to burn a CD that I
can use to install LM on my machine.  Is it possible to burn a bootable
CD-ROM with this image on it???  I'm extremely new to Linux installs, and
even newer to burning a cd, so any help is greatly appreciated!  Thanks in

 - Joe :)

Did you download the ISO image?
What program will you be using to burn the cd?


Re: OT [newbie] Antique systems [was: Off-topic posts.]

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Weaver

I know you weren't. I was speaking "tongue-in-cheek." When I first
started learning Assembler I hated it cause there is SO much to remember
and it was driving me crazy. However, as I learned the language and
began to see just how powerful it really was I just fell in love with


Vic wrote:
 ahh, dude, I'm not bashing assembler code,
 I thought it was fun, and it gave me the
 chance to learn the internal workings of
 the basic CPU.
 On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:
  I don't care what anyone says...Assembler is just plain awesome!
  Vic wrote:
   I remember assembler code for the old Z80,
   well I don't remember all the codes but I remember
   a few of the nemonnics, like DJNZ and NOP.
   I could make a lot of neat little programs
   with it, like a burglar alarm and telephone
   answering voice mail system control box,
   as well as have it control a central office
   box as in "inter-office" not public.

Re: [newbie] Setiathome

2000-10-04 Thread Austin L. Denyer

 Need some help from the list from users of Setiathome. I am trying to
 start in a new file and use the -nice 19 command  and also the -verbose.
 I get all the way to the point where it asks where my computer is
 located and I enter "3" for home(without the quotes of course) and I get
 a core dump says illegal command. Anybody have an Idea of what I might
 be doing wrong? OH, the program is the rpm from the Mandrake cooker, and
 it seemed to install without a hitch. I keep trying but am not having a
 great deal of success with Setiathome.

I'd try the version of Seti@home from Seti's website - the Seti project do
not like apps from other sources being used.

It is easy enough to install...


[newbie] LinkSys Cable Router Linux MAndrake 7.1

2000-10-04 Thread webmaster


 I was wondering if my LinkSys cable router will DHCP an ip to my Linux b0x.
 I have a working nic card, and my other machine[98] connects with no

 If I set my netconfig to DHCP, and netdevice eth0 and irq: 5 , would that
accept the dhcp.

 I love linux, but hate to config it ;)

 Would love some responsethnx guyzN`galz



RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

2000-10-04 Thread Larry Marshall

 FYI, here's another article about Corel. It purports that the reason for
  this bail out is so Microsoft could offer WordPerfect as open-source to
  compete against the release of Star Office on the 13th, apparently to

This is nothing more than a wild-ass speculation just like the ones I and
others have posed here.  The sad thing is that this woman actually believes she
can argue that MS isn't propping up WP because it's such an insignificant
competitor and thus, they MUST be doing it to release pressure on them to open
source their own Office suite.  Uhm...does anyone else see an inconsistency in
that logic?

Speculation is fun, it's part of what we do.  But it's not an "article about
Corel" in my view.

  relieve the pressure of offering MS Office as open-source... If this is true
  it's a bit weak I think just about everyone could see through this.  

Heck Mark, she provided the tool to do it with her statements about the
relative imprtance of WP suite in the marketplace.  

  to believe the view that this is more about acquiring access to the graphics
  applications and .NET than about open-source products and acquiring/killing

Yep...whatever's happened to Corel, they've got a bunch of talent there and MS
(and other US software companies) have expressed repeatedly the need for more

  You know, from reading some of these news articles, I don't think a lot of
  reporters really understand "what" linux is beyond another it's type of

Of course you're right about this.  

  pps: The Outlook 2000 spell checker suggested that I change "linux" to
  "Linux", looks like MS put Linux in its dictionary!?!

I bet "free" is in there too but they don't understand it either :-)

Cheers --- Larry  

Re: [newbie] RPM download site for kernel.

2000-10-04 Thread markOpoleO

I allready said i can't run Mandrake Update cause I can't Dial out for some
reason to my ISP...

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RPM download site for kernel.


 Just run MandrakeUpdate and choose the kernel as the package you wish to
 update. That's all there is to it.


 /* I never worry about the to-jams.
  * Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  * it's already too late...just make sure
  * you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
   Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *

 On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 4:59pm ,markOpoleO spake passionately in a  message:

  I heard someone mentioning they up ugraded from 2.2.15 kernel to 2.2.16
  just downloading some RPM files..i looked everywere and can not locate
  files.  I looked at,, and any other place i
  could think of.  Could someone give me the complete link to a ftp site i
  download the RPM to update Kernel please?  BTW is there any major change
  from 2.2.15 to 2.2.16 besides some security stuff...kernelnotes and does not mention anything about 2.2.16 changes.

RE: [newbie] DSL

2000-10-04 Thread webmaster


 Did you ever get an answer

 I have the same prob.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Dressler
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 8:39 AM
Subject: [newbie] DSL

  I have 2 win98 machines, and networked with ADSL going to both computers,
I also have a IBM Server 320 with mandrake 7.1 installed on it.  How much
trouble is it to connect it to the network so I can have DSL going to it?

  Sorry if this has been topic before.

Re: [newbie] RPM download site for kernel.

2000-10-04 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 i have a winmodem so i have to download my updates with windows,
 so which rpms do i need??

   Look here for exactly what you need and what to do with it


  Just run MandrakeUpdate and choose the kernel as the package you
 wish to update. That's all there is to it.

  I wouldn't trust Mandrake update with a kernel upgrade.
Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Anyone using windowmaker environment?

2000-10-04 Thread Jeff Malka

I am exploring windowmaker and find the docs to be extremely poor and no
book mentions it for more than one paragraph.  Basic concepts such as the
"purpose" of dock and clip are not discussed anywhere I can find.  Is clip a
clipboard?  Is dock similar to the panel in KDE?valent to the .kdelnk files
in windowmaker?

Would love to get a helping hand here.

Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] Choosing different desktops

2000-10-04 Thread Adrian Smith

well Marcia   you got me  i've only been messing with linux a few months -- 
and from some of the problems i have seen on the list it looks like i've been having 
it easy.  =)  my install  system all work good.  my problems have all been my own 
mistakes  i just reinstall linux  try again.  =)  wish i could help you out here, 
but this is over my head.  sorry.  and BTW, last time i did the expert install.  you 
should try it, it's not really that difficult.  tho it does let you partition  format 
drives -- make sure you know what file type you want.  when i got to formatting my 
linux drives i had to guess at what file system to use as there are multiple linux 
file systems.  i must have got it right as it works.  *haha*

good luck with solving your problem

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12:24:20 PM 10/3/00 
Dear Adrian and All, Many choices are listed in the graphical login. The only 
one that lets me in at the login is KDE. Otherwise when I get into KDE , 
Gnome seems to mix with my KDE alot of the time. I did open an xterm in KDE 
and did a XFCE command and there it was sort of. There was an icon panel for 
it and then I set it up I think. It was in my KDE though .I do not know how 
to switch to that one so that it is the only desktop filling the screen.

I did the Normal install and Custom setup. I did not do expert because I am 
not an expert yet. The first time I installed I was able to choose the 
different desktops at the graphical login. 

Any help here will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] more on 7.2 Beta3

2000-10-04 Thread pablito

It seems that some of the links are goofed up and there still is a KDE
control center, but for some reason there are no more themes in this version
of KDE.  I hope KDE hasn't decided to discontinue that feature.  Even so, it
looks like 7.2 will be a significant improvement over 7.1 when it comes out.

Re: OT [newbie] Antique systems [was: Off-topic posts.]

2000-10-04 Thread Adrian Smith

i agree.  i have programed (very little) in assembly  it is a great way to learn what 
really happens in the CPU.  i also found it very challenging - especially  on an 8088 
(only 6 registers to work with if i remember correctly).

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12:48:34 PM 10/3/00 
ahh, dude, I'm not bashing assembler code,
I thought it was fun, and it gave me the
chance to learn the internal workings of
the basic CPU.

[newbie] Use of ampersand in .rc files

2000-10-04 Thread Jeff Malka

In using a command like xsetroot in a .xinitrc or .bash_profile, etc, does
one need to end the command line with a  or not?

Actual command is  xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg cyan -bg black

Confused.  Thanks.

(Do not answer "Dear confused"):-))

Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] fstab mtab left overs...

2000-10-04 Thread Adrian Smith

okie, here is what i did.
in /mnt i had the usual 
type things.
i went into fstab  changed things about (did this using KDE  graphical interface) so 
that the drives would mount as
windoze (win_c)
games (win_d)
so, that worked.
if i go into /mnt then go into /windoze then i am on my win98 C: drive.
the odd thing is, the 
are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is there some other 

second part of this
i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of them.
i checked in fstab  mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted with the "rw" option, so 
this should put them in read-write mode, yes??

thanks much

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

Re: [newbie] fstab mtab left overs...

2000-10-04 Thread Fraser Kendall

you did what?

  - Original Message - 
  Adrian Smith 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 3:44 
  Subject: [newbie] fstab  mtab  
  left overs...
  okie, here is what i /mnt i had the usual 
  win_cwin_dtype things.i went into fstab  changed things 
  about (did this using KDE  graphical interface) so that the drives would 
  mount aswindoze (win_c)games (win_d)so, that worked.if i go 
  into /mnt then go into /windoze then i am on my win98 C: drive.the odd 
  thing is, the win_cwin_dare still in /mnt also. if i go into them, 
  they are empty.what up with this?? can i simply delete these as 
  root? or is there some other solution?second part of 
  thisi can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of 
  them.i checked in fstab  mtab. all my fat32 drives are mounted 
  with the "rw" option, so this should put them in read-write mode, 
  yes??thanks muchAdrian Smith'de telepone 
  dudeTelecom Dept.x 7042[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] fstab mtab left overs...

2000-10-04 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 okie, here is what i did. in /mnt i had the usual win_c
 win_d type things.
 i went into fstab  changed things about (did this using KDE 
 graphical interface) so that the drives would mount as windoze
 (win_c) games (win_d) so, that worked.
 if i go into /mnt then go into /windoze then i am on my win98 C:
 drive. the odd thing is, the win_c win_d
 are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
 what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is
 there some other solution?

Yes, delete them, you're not using them anymore

 second part of this
 i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of
 them. i checked in fstab  mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted
 with the "rw" option, so this should put them in read-write mode,

Here's 'fstab' line for my Windoze drive.  I moved it out of 
'/mnt/', to a dir named '/c'.  I can read/write/exe anything on that
fat 32 partition (13.6 gig) as user.
  /dev/hda1 /c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
I've seen several different 'fstab' lines for r/w/x a Windoze drive, 
but this is the lien that has always worked for me. It's also the way
7.x versions of Mandrake have installed.

   *Do Not* mess with 'mtab' !  Similar to your setup, I had a 
storage partition for .jpg's, formatted fat32 so either OS could use 
them. I used to mount it as '/d'. Fat32 wouldn't let me put more 
than ~18,000 files in one dir tho.  When I installed 7.2b3 a few 
days ago, I changed the format for this partion to ext2, and named 
it '/stor' rather than '/d'.  It now has ~23,000 .jpg's in it  ;)
Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Telnet through different ports?

2000-10-04 Thread cloak

Hi there.

My friend and I are trying to telnet into my machine, but he's behind a
firewall that doesn't let anything but web traffic out (port 80). How can we
setup my machine to listen for a telnet session on port 80 so he can get in?



[newbie] Font color?

2000-10-04 Thread yue . m . ma

Hi there,
When I open a terminal, looks like Linux use the green color for every
executable file, and the red for compressed file, etc.
How can I change this color schema?



Re: [newbie]ethernet card setup

2000-10-04 Thread WallerRaknakce

Dear All, It has been advised to me to use Pnp dump to configure my SMC EZ 
10/100 ISA plug and play card. Could someone take me step by step through 
that process? If that works would it be best to go to Linuxconf or netcfg to 
finish? I looked at Netcfg and I cannot figure out alot of what they want 
where. Their terminology is a bit different from the Windows IP configuration 
that I have. Would someone help me with that, also, step by step? I am a true 
newbie. I am impatiently waiting for my "Running Linux" book I ordered last 
week. I hope that can help me, also. I am supplying again my card 
configuation for Windows 95 below:

Distribution: Linux Mandrake 7 Complete
Ethernet card- SMC EZ card 10 ISA Network Card-plug and play
uses smc-ultra driver and is NE2000 compatible

Windows 95 IP Configuration

Host Name:
DNS Servers:,
Node Type: Broadcast
NetBios Scope ID:
IP Rounting Enabled: No
NetBios Resolution Uses DNS: No

Ethernet Adaptor:
Description: Novell 2000 Adaptor
Physical Address: 00-E0-29-17-B7-6B
DHCP Enabled: Yes
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DHCP Server:
Primary WINS Server:
Secondary WINS Server:
Lease obtained: Sund Jul 30 00 12:02:58 P.M.
Lease expired: Sun Jul 30 00 2:02:58 PM

Ethernet Adaptor:
Description: PPP Adaptor
Physical Address: 44-45-53-54-00-00
DHCP Enabled: Yes
IP Address:
Default Gateway:
DHCP Server:
Primary WINS Server:
Secondary WINS Server:
Lease Obtained:
Lease Expires:

Now this is the information that I got from the Cox internet technician:

Domain Name:
email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your IP Address: Automatically assigned by our server each time you log on
Outgoing Mail Server:
Incoming Mail Server:
News Server:
FTP Server:

Of course I have an external cable modem and the brand I believe is 

I appreciate all of your help. I am hoping to avoid doing a low level format 
on my computer disks which I was told is the only way for my computer to 
except a reinstall of Windows 95. I really don't want it back. I just want to 
use Linux only on that computer. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you all 
very much.
Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] LinkSys Cable Router Linux MAndrake 7.1

2000-10-04 Thread Doug McGarrett

I ran Mandrake 7.0 and it automatically found the LinkSys and set it up, and
I was on the net without doing anything.  I have since installed SuSE 7.0 on
the same machine with equal ease.  (I'm DHCP to an adsl.) How to config it
manually is beyond my capability, since I don't understand the terminology
well enough to answer the questions the config routine asks.

At 09:48 AM 10/04/2000 -0400, you wrote:

  I was wondering if my LinkSys cable router will DHCP an ip to my Linux b0x.
  I have a working nic card, and my other machine[98] connects with no

  If I set my netconfig to DHCP, and netdevice eth0 and irq: 5 , would that
accept the dhcp.

  I love linux, but hate to config it ;)

  Would love some responsethnx guyzN`galz



[newbie] Xfce and KDE?

2000-10-04 Thread WallerRaknakce

Dear Paul and All, Thank you Paul for the explicit directions for setting up 
Xfce. How would I set up Xfce as one of my desktops and not to be the only 
one? Actually I want to use KDE and Xfce. In other words I want to be able to 
switch from one to the other.Those so far are my favorites. Any help will be 
appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia

[newbie] what package?

2000-10-04 Thread Jon Doe

I am trying to install the new Pan and I downloaded all the required files from
the site but I am still getting an Unsatisfied dependancy:
Anyone know what package this is in?

Registered Linux User 181996

Re: [newbie] fstab mtab left overs...

2000-10-04 Thread Michael

I use ReiserFS for data storage. Some directories have over 100,000 files
in them. ext2 worked but a directory listing took about a month to
generate. Also on my new server everything but /boot is ReiserFS and the
stability due to crashes, power loss, etc is great and everything runs
very quickly.

Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
 on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
pickles at you? -- Real Genius

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  okie, here is what i did. in /mnt i had the usual win_c
  win_d type things.
  i went into fstab  changed things about (did this using KDE 
  graphical interface) so that the drives would mount as windoze
  (win_c) games (win_d) so, that worked.
  if i go into /mnt then go into /windoze then i am on my win98 C:
  drive. the odd thing is, the win_c win_d
  are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
  what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is
  there some other solution?
 Yes, delete them, you're not using them anymore
  second part of this
  i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of
  them. i checked in fstab  mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted
  with the "rw" option, so this should put them in read-write mode,
 Here's 'fstab' line for my Windoze drive.  I moved it out of 
 '/mnt/', to a dir named '/c'.  I can read/write/exe anything on that
 fat 32 partition (13.6 gig) as user.
   /dev/hda1 /c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 I've seen several different 'fstab' lines for r/w/x a Windoze drive, 
 but this is the lien that has always worked for me. It's also the way
 7.x versions of Mandrake have installed.
*Do Not* mess with 'mtab' !  Similar to your setup, I had a 
 storage partition for .jpg's, formatted fat32 so either OS could use 
 them. I used to mount it as '/d'. Fat32 wouldn't let me put more 
 than ~18,000 files in one dir tho.  When I installed 7.2b3 a few 
 days ago, I changed the format for this partion to ext2, and named 
 it '/stor' rather than '/d'.  It now has ~23,000 .jpg's in it  ;)
 Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

RE: [newbie] Telnet through different ports?

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Johnson

you don't just open up port 23, this is the well-known telnet port...

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 11:01 AM
Subject: [newbie] Telnet through different ports?

Hi there.

My friend and I are trying to telnet into my machine, but he's behind a
firewall that doesn't let anything but web traffic out (port 80). How can we
setup my machine to listen for a telnet session on port 80 so he can get in?



Re: [newbie] Telnet through different ports?

2000-10-04 Thread Goldenpi

Now how are you planning to (mis)use that information?

Ask on a hacking newsgroup. There a loads of people there who can help. Im
not one of them.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 5:01 PM
Subject: [newbie] Telnet through different ports?

 Hi there.

 My friend and I are trying to telnet into my machine, but he's behind a
 firewall that doesn't let anything but web traffic out (port 80). How can
 setup my machine to listen for a telnet session on port 80 so he can get



[newbie] Using Wine to play a Windows game?

2000-10-04 Thread WallerRaknakce

Dear All, My husband thinks he is being deprived because he can't play his 
Hearts game ( a Windows compatible game) on Linux. May I use Wine to play the 
game? This is not the hearts game that comes with Windows. If it can be 
played by using Wine how exactly do I do that? I am a newbie so please tell 
me exactly what I do. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

RE: [newbie] LinkSys Cable Router Linux MAndrake 7.1

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Johnson

I second this.  I have didn't have to do anything special except during the
installation I select the dhcp option; it just worked like it was suppose
to. I can offer any help beyond this.

-Original Message-
From: Doug McGarrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LinkSys Cable Router  Linux MAndrake 7.1

I ran Mandrake 7.0 and it automatically found the LinkSys and set it up, and
I was on the net without doing anything.  I have since installed SuSE 7.0 on
the same machine with equal ease.  (I'm DHCP to an adsl.) How to config it
manually is beyond my capability, since I don't understand the terminology
well enough to answer the questions the config routine asks.

At 09:48 AM 10/04/2000 -0400, you wrote:

  I was wondering if my LinkSys cable router will DHCP an ip to my Linux
  I have a working nic card, and my other machine[98] connects with no

  If I set my netconfig to DHCP, and netdevice eth0 and irq: 5 , would that
accept the dhcp.

  I love linux, but hate to config it ;)

  Would love some responsethnx guyzN`galz



RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

2000-10-04 Thread Robin Regennitter

On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, you wrote:

I think it's obvious that MS wants to rule the world and take over as many
corporation.  I hope that they lose the case in the lawsuits.

 Talking about MS  Linux, when Microsoft first took over hotmail it was 
 running on Solaris, microsoft moved it over to NT, found out that NT 
 couldn't handle worth a damn, so what did they do...moved back over to 
 solaris...bottom line, microsoft do use *nix.
 From: Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "LinuxNewbie (E-mail)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!
 Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 12:05:50 -0500
 In my mind, it seems like running something in wine is a bit of a kludge -
 especially a full blown productivity app...
 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:05 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!
   hmm, maybe i'm just naive but so what if MS bails out Corel as far as
goes.  There is/was nothing stopping MS from creating their own
of linux nor stopping them from building applications for Linux.  I 
believe that there aren't any MS programmers running linux at home (or 
work) and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that apache is running
somewhere in that company.
 Just a thought here.  Corel has successfully (not in my opinion but in the
 minds of some) ported their Office suite to Linux using Wine.  If you dig
 deeply you find that within MS there's a debate about whether they
 should/shouldn't produce MS Office for Linux.  Could there be a connection?
 Spin is everything these days it seems.  Just thought I'd suggest that this
 story might have a positive spin in the end.
 Cheers --- Larry
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

Re: [newbie] fstab mtab left overs...

2000-10-04 Thread Larry Marshall

the odd thing is, the 
are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is there some other 

Yes, and this demonstrates a problem with configuration via GUI tools; you are
one step removed from knowing what has occurred.  When you set up "windoze" as
a mount point, not only was fstab modified but a "mkdir /mnt/windoze" command
was issued.  You see, without an existing directory to serve as a mount point,
the code within fstab will simply generate an error.  so yes, you should be
able to delete the win_c and win_d directories.

second part of this
i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of them.

As a user you probably don't have write permission.  This is the default on
such partitions as a protection.  You can change that of course.

i checked in fstab  mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted with the "rw" option, 
so this should put them in read-write mode, yes??

Huh?  and how did you determine this.  You wouldn't see "rw" anywhere.  If
fstab carries a umask=0,0,0 or something similar then it's unclear why you
can't write to your DOS drive but your questions don't suggest that you
understand the process sufficiently to have interpreted that syntax if it were
there.  Sorry if my conclusions are incorrect.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] fstab mtab left overs...

2000-10-04 Thread Larry Marshall

  Here's 'fstab' line for my Windoze drive.  I moved it out of 
  '/mnt/', to a dir named '/c'.  I can read/write/exe anything on that

Not a bad idea Tom.  I just did:  

ln -s /mnt/windows win

with the link in my home directory.  Seems to work.  Any reason not to do it
that way?  One of the reasons I did it was that if I want to do something like
make a backup image of my root file system I can just do a umount -a and then
do the backup without picking up the DOS partitions.  Opnions?

/dev/hda1 /c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
  I've seen several different 'fstab' lines for r/w/x a Windoze drive, 
  but this is the lien that has always worked for me. It's also the way

Ah...I've never seen any r/w/x syntax in any fstab I've worked.  Like you,
umask is what does it.  It also seems to be what Linux least it has
on my systems :-)

  them. I used to mount it as '/d'. Fat32 wouldn't let me put more 
  than ~18,000 files in one dir tho.  When I installed 7.2b3 a few 

That's interesting.  One of those "gotchas".  Thanks for the info.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Programs don't run no more...

2000-10-04 Thread Joan Tur

Thilo escribió:

 Hi folks,

 Here's my problem,
 Some of the programs that use to run, don't anymore. When I click on the
 program icon or I select it from the menu, the HD light flashes a few times and
 then my desktop just looks at me all contented and does nothing else.

Hi!  If you start the application from a terminal you'll get some error messages
(if there are some!).  You will be able then to post them here and...  ;-)

 One of the programs is kmpg and I've tried reinstalling and nothing happens.
 I've even tried changing permisions and have been unable to run these programs
 from root or any other user.

 The StarOffice5.2 install binary won't even run.

 Can anybody offer any more ideas?

 Thanks in advance


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] news from O'Reilly Press

2000-10-04 Thread Larry Marshall

Was at the local computer bookstore this morning and picked up a little book
produced by O'Reilly.  There are several things that are significant about this
little book (56pages).  First, it's FREE!  Second, it's titled "Open Source
Bibliography" and while it lists a lot of O'Reilly products, it's not exclusive
to them.  They suggest in their introduction that they've selected the best 2-3
books in each area based on what people have said about the various books.  

There's also an interesting paragraph in the preface that relates to the recent
discussion about their Samba book being online.  It goes like this:

"And this fall, O'Reilly is launching an exciting new venture in online
publishing.  We begin by offering 50 of our books on our web site, with
full-text searching capabilities.  We'll be adding new titles as the year goes
on, and hope to have all of our publications available well before the end of

Thought some of you might be interested.

Cheers --- Larry

[newbie] problem installing X server

2000-10-04 Thread ZeynalBandari

dear anyone 
i have a BIG problem and need your help.i'd appriciate all suggestions.
today a friend of mine asked me to set up a mandrake 7.1 server for his company. 
it's ment that the server will be tested during 2-3 months and maybe after that will 
be replacing one of NT servers for the office usage. 
the installation went smooth untill configuration of X-window. after i had chosen the 
monitor (actually listed in HP monitors) and the automaticly found graphic card (Asus 
v7700 GeForce 2 GTS AGP), when i want to test the result it all turns black and 
installation terminated. i restarted the pc and linux started in console mode. even 
after that 
i had no chance to configure X with Xconfigurator command. any option i ever chosen 
made the screen show all creation's colors. plz help me to run X server and graphical 
tnx in advance  

Re: [newbie] generic scsi device in /dev?

2000-10-04 Thread Joan Tur

bascule escribió:

 the following is a quote from the readme file for grip 2-94 : a cdripper
 and mp3 encoder prog which use cdparanoia,

 'Secondly, cdparanoia
 requires access to both the cd device and (for scsi drives) the generic
 device (usually /dev/sgsomething)'

Hallo!  I'm using cdda2wav instead of cdparanoia to rip CDs; i just had to
give execution rights for everybody for that program and grip runs fine!
Hope that helps...  8-)

 this explains the problem that i have been having getting this prog to
 run as user, however apart from /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 which my two
 scsi cdrom devices, how do i find out which is the appropriate 'generic
 scsi device' for my system?


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] Help with Kernel

2000-10-04 Thread Joan Tur

Joe Morris escribió:

 I'm working with Mandrake 7.1.  I decided to upgrade my kernel to 2.2.16, so
 I downloaded linux-2.2.16.tar.gz from

Hallo Joe!  I'm a newbie also!  So if someone finds something wrong, correction
will be apreciated!  8-)

I've downloaded the rpm's from Mandrake (actually kernel-source-2.2.16-9mdk)
and rpm-headers also; install them and you'll get the /usr/src/linux directory.

Have a look at the readme file.  You'll have to:
# cd /usr/src/linux
make mrproper
make xconfig (i prefer the graphical app; you can use the text one (menuconfig,
if i'm right)
You can load a configuration file, modify some things and save it with a
different name...
make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

And then you'll have to copy or move the file
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot (you can rename it for, for
instance, kernel-2.2.16-test10).

Then you have to edit /etc/lilo.conf (what i've done is to add that new kernel;
once i've tested it i change the default one).  Here is my lilo.conf (hope that

 append=" failsafe"

  I did the following as
  cd /usr/src
 mv linux linux.old
 tarxzf /usr/src/linux-2.2.16.tar.gz
 mv linux linux-2.2.16
 ln -s linux-2.2.16 linux
 cd linux
 make config

 When I did the above, I saw the following:

 rm -f include/asm
 (cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 /bin/sh scripts/Configure /arch/i386/
 scripts/Configure: scripts/Configure: No such file or directory
 make: *** [config] error 127

 I tried recompiling the kernel in Red Hat and it worked, but Mandrake is
 stubborn (by the way, I finally got my CD-RW working).  What should I do?
 Thanks! Joe

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] positioning an app in KDE desktop

2000-10-04 Thread Jeff Malka

I discovered a cute clock called asclock which looks good on KDE desktop.  I
therefore created a kdelnk for it which I put into my autostart folder. 
Unfortunately asclock comes in my distribution with no docs, no man,  info or

It opens on login nicely BUT it always opens at the left upper corner of
the desktop.  I would like to 

a) position it  somewhere else (top right or bottom right) on the desktop but
do not know how to tell the kdelnk to put it there.  Is there a way?

b) make it appear without the surrounding xterm (I guess it is) frame on top
of it.  The one that shows the miniutarize/maximize/close buttons.  Can that be

Also is there a more effective way to start it (rc file somewhere) rather than
in the autostart folder and is it advantageous to do so?

Great clock/calendar by the way.

Registered Linux User 348854

[newbie] boot and rescue diskettes

2000-10-04 Thread Jeff Malka

What is the difference between the boot diskette and the rescue diskettes.  Are
they similar?  How do you create the rescue one?


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] Setiathome

2000-10-04 Thread Dennis Myers

Ed Tharp wrote:
 which "3" are you hitting (top of qwerty keys or numbers pad? and is the num
 lock light on?
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 11:51 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Setiathome
  Need some help from the list from users of Setiathome. I am trying to
  start in a new file and use the -nice 19 command  and also the -verbose.
  I get all the way to the point where it asks where my computer is
  located and I enter "3" for home(without the quotes of course) and I get
  a core dump says illegal command. Anybody have an Idea of what I might
  be doing wrong? OH, the program is the rpm from the Mandrake cooker, and
  it seemed to install without a hitch. I keep trying but am not having a
  great deal of success with Setiathome.
  Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] Setiathome

2000-10-04 Thread Dennis Myers

Ed Tharp wrote:
 which "3" are you hitting (top of qwerty keys or numbers pad? and is the num
 lock light on?
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 11:51 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Setiathome
  Need some help from the list from users of Setiathome. I am trying to
  start in a new file and use the -nice 19 command  and also the -verbose.
  I get all the way to the point where it asks where my computer is
  located and I enter "3" for home(without the quotes of course) and I get
  a core dump says illegal command. Anybody have an Idea of what I might
  be doing wrong? OH, the program is the rpm from the Mandrake cooker, and
  it seemed to install without a hitch. I keep trying but am not having a
  great deal of success with Setiathome.
  Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842
Ok, I tried with the num lock and used both the rpm and the tar.gz 
program from seti@home, same result both cases, core dump at the
location question. I guess I will uninstall both and try reinstalling
the tar.gz file. 
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] fstab mtab left overs...

2000-10-04 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Adrian Smith wrote:
 okie, here is what i did.
 in /mnt i had the usual
 type things.
 i went into fstab  changed things about (did this using KDE  graphical interface) 
so that the drives would mount as
 windoze (win_c)
 games (win_d)
 so, that worked.
 if i go into /mnt then go into /windoze then i am on my win98 C: drive.
 the odd thing is, the
 are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
 what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is there some other 

Adrianyes just delete them from /mnt if you want them no

 second part of this
 i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of them.
 i checked in fstab  mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted with the "rw" option, so 
this should put them in read-write mode, yes??

Stay away from the /etc/mtab file, it's dynamically written to
by the os and doesn't take kindly to folks messing around in
it.  You probably need to add 'user' and 'umask=0' to the
options field in the vfat lines of your /etc/fstab file.


Re: [newbie] Setting up a cable modem

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Weaver

Roger what this means is that you're not connected. This is evidenced by
the fact that your ethernet card isn't referenced in the output. If it
were operating you would see it referenced as "eth0".


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Tue, 3 Oct 2000 8:58pm ,Roger Sherman spake passionately in a  message:

 On Mon, 2 Oct 2000 19:44:56 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:
 When you run 'ifconfig' does it show up as eth0 or something like that? If
 not you might try using netcfg to setup the networking to know about the
 ethernet card and your connections settings.
 OK, what I get is this:
 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr: Mask:
   RX packets:() errors:() dropped:() overruns:() frame:()
   TX packets:() errors:() dropped:() overruns:() carrier:()
   collisions:() txqueuelen:()
 Should I glean anything from that? 
 Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
  on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
 pickles at you? -- Real Genius
 On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Romanator wrote:
  Romanator wrote:
   Roger Sherman wrote:
OK, I've finally gone broadband! Life is good. Except for one thing -
I'm still a completely ignorant newbie. I thought I had increased my
own learning curve over the last month, but apparently not :-/
Oh well...;-)
So, anywho, I have a 3com Etherlink Nic card, (model 3C900B-TPO),
along with the 3com HomeConnect cable modem. When I booted into linux
after physically installing it, kudzu came up, and said it installed
it, but Linux doesnt seem to see it.
So, the long and short of this is, how do I configure this thing?
Starting from installation, through configuring the network...if
someone could just point me to a place where I could read about it,
hopefully that was written for complete, total newbies to linux, that
would be great.
   Hi Roger,
   Check out the following link(s):
   If you get stuck, I have additional links.
   Good Luck!!
   Registered Linux User #179293
   Support Linux drivers:
  By the way, I am using a 3Com905c and work great!
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Support Linux drivers:

[newbie] Mounting Samba Shares

2000-10-04 Thread Robert Scripter

Is there any way to mount Samba shares on boot up?  I bought a book on
Samba, and there's no indication on how to do this.



[newbie] configuring a network card

2000-10-04 Thread Steve Waites

Hi there

We have a Gateway NLX MINI DESKTOP computer which has a 
Intel Corp 82557 Network Card.

I'm having a problem configuring the Ethernet 

Harddrake 0.5.3  shows that we have the above 
mentioned Intel card but when I run 
Etherdrake  0.6.2 from the Root directory it 
shows the the system is configured for
an IBM i8255B 10/100 PCI card, even though further down 
the list I can see that
the correct card is available!!!

So what is going on here

Further. When I try to do a ping from the Command Line 
Window I get the following message:

ping: sendto: Network is unreachable
ping: wrote localhost.localdomain 64 chars; 
ret = -1

Your help would be much appreciated.



Re: [newbie] problem installing X server

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Weaver

When you boot to the console login use this command to started the console
version of the X configuration utility:

setuptool  ENTER


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 3:15pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake passionately in...:

 dear anyone 
 i have a BIG problem and need your help.i'd appriciate all suggestions.
 today a friend of mine asked me to set up a mandrake 7.1 server for his company. 
 it's ment that the server will be tested during 2-3 months and maybe after that will 
be replacing one of NT servers for the office usage. 
 the installation went smooth untill configuration of X-window. after i had chosen 
the monitor (actually listed in HP monitors) and the automaticly found graphic card 
(Asus v7700 GeForce 2 GTS AGP), when i want to test the result it all turns black and 
installation terminated. i restarted the pc and linux started in console mode. even 
after that 
 i had no chance to configure X with Xconfigurator command. any option i ever chosen 
made the screen show all creation's colors. plz help me to run X server and graphical 
 tnx in advance  

Re: [newbie] Some Emails Returned

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Weaver

AOL's mail server is complaining as is your own postfix problem because
your header information is displaying localhost.localdomain. In plain
words what these two things are saying is that it doesn't want to recieve
mail from a host that doesn't exist. It's a feature inherent in most
mailserver to cut down on SPAM.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Tue, 3 Oct 2000 10:12pm ,Michael R. spake passionately in a  message:

 Is anybody else having trouble sending emails to persons using
 AOL?  I recently reinstalled Mandrake 7.1 after two months with
 very little trouble.Emails sent to AOL addresses get returned
 with the following message:
 This is the Postfix program at host localhost.localdomain.
 I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
 below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.
 For further assistance, please contact
 If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
 delete your own text from the message returned below.
 The Postfix program
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: host[] refused
 to talk to me:
 Everything else works great and I didn't have trouble sending
 messages to friends using AOL before I reinstalled  7.1.  Any
 My system:  dual boot with W98.  AMD500,  64 Meg RAM,   10 Gig
 Hard.  ISA Modem  Thanks, Michael E.

Re: [newbie] Using Wine to play a Windows game?

2000-10-04 Thread Mwinold

well wine is not the most stable thing in the world in fact i tried running 
it and it crashed, you can use vmware it is simular to wine but much more 
stable and includes full documentation on how to run it, im sure there are 
simular games ported to linux such as your "hearts" you can check places such 
as for downloads of a wide variety of games and other programs

In a message dated 04-Oct-00 15:54:58 Central Daylight Time, 

 Dear All, My husband thinks he is being deprived because he can't play his 
 Hearts game ( a Windows compatible game) on Linux. May I use Wine to play 
 game? This is not the hearts game that comes with Windows. If it can be 
 played by using Wine how exactly do I do that? I am a newbie so please tell 
 me exactly what I do. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia 

Re: [newbie] Using Wine to play a Windows game?

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Weaver

copy the entire program dir that Hearts lives on your DOS partition to
your Linux home dir, enter that dir in a terminal window and then on the
command line call wine and name the executable you wish to run.


wine hearts.exe   ENTER

If all is well and you're not missing any .dll files or any other support
files the game will run just fine. That is as long as it's not a 32 bit
game. Wine doesn't do very well with 32 bit programs yet.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 12:16pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake passionately in a ...:

 Dear All, My husband thinks he is being deprived because he can't play his 
 Hearts game ( a Windows compatible game) on Linux. May I use Wine to play the 
 game? This is not the hearts game that comes with Windows. If it can be 
 played by using Wine how exactly do I do that? I am a newbie so please tell 
 me exactly what I do. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] X windows does not recognise graphics card

2000-10-04 Thread Mark Weaver


try running as root from that same command line "setuptool".


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 10:33am ,Matt Usselmann spake passionately in a  message:

 you suggested running Xconfigurator from the command
 line to change my settings.
 Thanks, tried that, unfortunately when I ran
 Xconfigurator my monitor goes dark immediately (just
 as it did in the last bit of the Linux install
 sequence). I then have to reboot to get out of that
 seems to be a tricky one..
 --- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  It was Sep 30,
 2000, 19:36, when Matt Usselmann
  Tried your suggestion, but cannot change the
  for my video card on my BIOS (I presume that's what
  you meant?!) It defaults to detecting the PCI video
  card and default cannot be changed.
  Set the Windows display property settings to the
  values you suggested (16bit, 800*600), but that did
  not make any difference. Still no X windows when
  rebooting Linux.
  When you run Xconfigurator, you have to select these
  lower values. You
  can, indeed, not change the settings through the
  Select the settings when setting up X-Windows. Sorry
  if I was unclear.
  2000, 14:51, when Matt Usselmann
   Tried to install 7.0 for the first time. It
   ok up to the point where it should configure X
   Windows. Instead of seeing the "Is this the
   setting?" display, monitor went completely dark.
   That seems to indicate that the graphics card is
   supported?!? It is a #9GXE64 (powered by S3 Trio
   64) -
   the original card in my 5 year old Dell.
   Hi Matt,
   When setting up X, there often happens something
   like you describe.
   Happened with me also when I still had the S3
   The way to go is NOT
   to let the setup probe the card, just tell it to
   conservative settings
   (800x600, 16 bit colors, something like that),
   sure that things work
   that way when booting, and then gradually go up
   the requirements upto
   what you want.
   You can bet that a 5 year old card, as common as
   S3 Trio, is
   A note: many applications do not like 24bit
   so try to avoid that
   A file that big?
   It might be very useful.
   But now it is gone. - ICQ 147208 - Registered
   User 174403
 -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at
  or your free address at
  A file that big?
  It might be very useful.
  But now it is gone. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux
  User 174403
-=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 or your free address at

Re: [newbie] problem installing X server

2000-10-04 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 dear anyone
 i have a BIG problem and need your help.i'd appriciate all suggestions.
 today a friend of mine asked me to set up a mandrake 7.1 server for his company.
 it's ment that the server will be tested during 2-3 months and maybe after that will 
be replacing one of NT servers for the office usage.
 the installation went smooth untill configuration of X-window. after i had chosen 
the monitor (actually listed in HP monitors) and the automaticly found graphic card 
(Asus v7700 GeForce 2 GTS AGP), when i want to test the result it all turns black and 
installation terminated. i restarted the pc and linux started in console mode. even 
after that
 i had no chance to configure X with Xconfigurator command. any option i ever chosen 
made the screen show all creation's colors. plz help me to run X server and graphical 
 tnx in advance

Zeynaluse the console program, xf86config instead of


Re: [newbie] Setiathome

2000-10-04 Thread Bob

Are you by any chance using an AMD processor?

At 06:18 PM 10/4/00 -0500, you wrote:
Ed Tharp wrote:
  which "3" are you hitting (top of qwerty keys or numbers pad? and is 
 the num
  lock light on?
  - Original Message -
  From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 11:51 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Setiathome
   Need some help from the list from users of Setiathome. I am trying to
   start in a new file and use the -nice 19 command  and also the -verbose.
   I get all the way to the point where it asks where my computer is
   located and I enter "3" for home(without the quotes of course) and I get
   a core dump says illegal command. Anybody have an Idea of what I might
   be doing wrong? OH, the program is the rpm from the Mandrake cooker, and
   it seemed to install without a hitch. I keep trying but am not having a
   great deal of success with Setiathome.
   Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842
Ok, I tried with the num lock and used both the rpm and the tar.gz
program from seti@home, same result both cases, core dump at the
location question. I guess I will uninstall both and try reinstalling
the tar.gz file.
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] Re: changing cursor shapes in X

2000-10-04 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Jeff Malka wrote:
 I discovered it works if I put the xsetroot command in ~/.bash-profile
 Why it does not work in .xinitrc is baffling to me.

Hey Jeff. Hmm, can you (or anyone) point out to me the advantages/disadvantages
of using rc.local vs .xinitrc, vs .bash-profile for setting up various
environments? Thanks! ;-)


Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

2000-10-04 Thread Joe Brault


I downloaded the image, and will be using NERO Burning Rom to burn my
CD.  This program came with my CDRW drive (Creative Labs).

 - Joe :)
- Original Message -
From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 5:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

 - Original Message -
 From: "Joe Brault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 11:54 PM
 Subject: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

 Hello all,

 I have a question about burning a CD of linux mandrake 7.1...  I have
 downloaded from the mandrake website the image needed to install mandrake
 (649mb)  And now I'm unsure of what to do.  I would like to burn a CD that
 can use to install LM on my machine.  Is it possible to burn a bootable
 CD-ROM with this image on it???  I'm extremely new to Linux installs, and
 even newer to burning a cd, so any help is greatly appreciated!  Thanks in

  - Joe :)

 Did you download the ISO image?
 What program will you be using to burn the cd?


[newbie] installation

2000-10-04 Thread Santiago Canez

Okay, so yesterday I finally bought Mandrake 7.1. The 
installation was goingfine until towards the end it ejected the installation 
cd-rom and asked forthe extensions cd(x86). The cd's i got when I bought it 
were installationcd(x86), installation sources, and applications cd(x386). 
So I thought theymeant the applications cd but that didn't work. In fact I 
just tried all thecd's but none of them worked. Finally I just conitnued 
installation withoutthat cd but I would really like to know what I can do to 
fix this.Any ideas?SC

Re: [newbie] Mounting Samba Shares

2000-10-04 Thread Kevin Scott

You can mount Samba shares in the fstab. If you set it to automount you
will get the shares mounted just like any device.

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Robert Scripter wrote:

 Is there any way to mount Samba shares on boot up?  I bought a book on
 Samba, and there's no indication on how to do this.


Kevin Scott   
Vanderhoof B.C.

Live Long and Prosper - Peace and Long Life


Re: [newbie] what package?

2000-10-04 Thread Paul

It was Oct 4, 2000, 12:46, when Jon Doe keyboarded:

I am trying to install the new Pan and I downloaded all the required files from
the site but I am still getting an Unsatisfied dependancy:
Anyone know what package this is in?

Methinks that you should be able to find something like libdb* on


A crash reduces
your expensive computer
to a simple stone. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Setiathome

2000-10-04 Thread Dennis Myers

Dennis Myers wrote:
 Ed Tharp wrote:
  which "3" are you hitting (top of qwerty keys or numbers pad? and is the num
  lock light on?
  - Original Message -
  From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 11:51 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Setiathome
   Need some help from the list from users of Setiathome. I am trying to
   start in a new file and use the -nice 19 command  and also the -verbose.
   I get all the way to the point where it asks where my computer is
   located and I enter "3" for home(without the quotes of course) and I get

 Ok, I tried with the num lock and used both the rpm and the tar.gz
 program from seti@home, same result both cases, core dump at the
 location question. I guess I will uninstall both and try reinstalling
 the tar.gz file.
Well, my first install from the Seti@home website was still in the
files. That may be why I was getting a core dump. Not sure. Anyway,
accessing the file by using the correct path and adding "-nice N " the
whole shebang started up again and is currently sitting at "baseline
smoothing". I can't wait to see what comes of this. I do not notice any
degradation of processor speed. Have an AMD K6 II 400MHZ onboard and it
seems to be working well with multiple functions on the system. I have
the klseti-0.22 loaded also and it shows a great skymap. I just haven't
figured out how to get it to connect to the workunit I am running, so I
can monitor the proceedings. Anyone used the klseti program and if so
how do you get it to see the work unit in progress?  Again, any help is
appreciated, Dennis
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

[newbie] My mouse is not visible

2000-10-04 Thread Adam Holt

My mouse is not visible after installing linux for 
windows 7.1, during the installation process, it is viewable andworks fine, 
after installation and a reboot, and go to tlinux for win, the graphical 
environment loads, and the mouse disappears, its still there persay, since if 
you click on the screen somewhere you can usually see a small dot of white where 
you click, and if you hold down your left mouse button and drag, you can see the 
bounder box enlarge as you move your mouse, but you can't see the mouse cursor 
on the screen.

System specs:

Thank you.
Adam Holt