Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e Disinstallazione dei programmi

2000-11-11 Thread lobaxteen

in questi casi il consiglio è sempre il solito "leggere" il file readme del
inst, e documentarsi un minimo di + cmq in un rpm di solito non devi fare
solo copiarlo poiche dono pacchetti precompilati.
consiglio di cuore si leggersi un po' di how to e appunti linux almeno per i
ciao lobax
- Original Message -
To: "Mailing List Linux-Mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 9:04 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Installazione e Disinstallazione dei programmi

 Cavolo! Non capisco come installare i programmi! Si clicca sul file RPM,
 credo... e poi???
 E per disinstallarli???

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione del modem che non parte.

2000-11-11 Thread Enrico Guidolin

Salve mi chiamo Enrico Guidolin, scrivo da Castelfranco Veneto, avevo già
scritto ieri, e ho il problema del modem che non parte  scusate
l'ignoranza ma mi sono avvicinato da poco nel mondo dell'informatica e da
circa 3-4 giorni a Linux.

Versione Linux: 7.1
Distribuzione: Mandrake

Computer assemblato dotato di (spero di elencare tutto l'hardware):

Pentium III 600 Mhz

- Scheda madre Commate mod. P3/370A-VP vers. D

- Disco Quantum 15giga a 4400 giri

- Scheda audio Sound Blaster 128 PCI

- Scheda video Matrox G400 Dual Head

- 2 Schermi  NEC FE950 da 19"

- Gruppo di continuità Microdowell Modello UPS HiBox BLUEDOWELL

- Modem ISDN interno di cui non riesco a trovare il modello sul libretto di
istruzioni del modem, così ho smontato il pc e  tolto la scheda modem e ho
trovato un numero che non so se possa essere utile;
il numero è attacato con un adesivo bianco ed è insieme a un codice a barre,
il numero è:

S/N PCI 2000R0019558

Scusate l'ignoranza ma è tutto quello che sono riuscito a trovare.

Nessuna stampante
Nessun scanner
Uscita USB libera

Questa mail è stata scritta con Outlook express 5.00, perchè ho il Dual Boot
con Win98 ripartito al 50% con Linux.
E se ho il modem che non si connette non posso usare Linux.


Ho seguito le istruzioni di Kppp sulla guida all'installazione e
utilizzazione, e ho messo tutte le informazioni rischieste come da libretto.
ho provato a connettere e mi viene fuori la scritta:

Errore, Kppp non trova /dev/modem. Assicuratevi di avere configurato
esattamente il Vs. modem ed eventualmente aggiustate il campo del modem
nella finestra setup.

Sono andato nel setup del modem e ho provato tutti i modem disponibili.


/dev/cua0Modem ready . Sorry the
modem doesn't respond

/dev/cua1Modem ready . Sorry the
modem doesn't respond

/dev/cua2   Cerco il modem . Il
modem è occupato

/dev/cua3Cerco il modem . Il
modem è occupato

/dev/ttyS0Modem ready . Sorry
the modem doesn't respond

/dev/ttyS1Modem ready . Sorry
the modem doesn't respond

/dev/ttyl0  Spiacente 
Impossibile accedere al modem

Impossibile accedere al modem

/dev/ttyl2 Spiacente 
Impossibile accedere al modem

Spero di essere stato esauriente nella spiegazione del problema che ho avuto
 se qualcuno potesse aiutarmi gli sarei infinitamente grato dato che
sto navigando con Windows e se apri una applicazione o un Explorer di troppo
inesorabilmente si blocca.. e ciò è molto frustrante speriamo che almeno
Linux non abbia di questi problemi.

Grazie in anticipo a chiunque voglia darmi una mano.

Enrico Guidolin.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] configurazione del modem che non parte.

 Il ven, 10 nov 2000, hai scritto:
  Salve mi chiamo Enrico Guidolin scrivo da Castelfranco Veneto e ho un
problema con il modem.
  Premetto che non so niente di Linux dato che lo ho acquistato da 2-3
giorni nella versione Mandrake.
  Ho letto sul libretto per l'utilizzatore, come fare per far partire il
kppp, solo che mi dice che il modem:
  1) Non è stato rilevato
  2) Non connesso
  e un'altro segnale che non ricordo più.
  Se c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi gli sarei grato.

 Come minimo ci devi dire che modem hai, un isdn, usb, integrato (speriamo
 no). E poi trascrivi di pari passo l'errore segnalato.

 Ciao, Nicola.

[newbie-it] installazione stampante samsung

2000-11-11 Thread lele gardelli

Ho acquistato una stampante laser Samsung ML 4500 incoraggiato dal fatto
che risultasse compatibile, tramite un driver apposito fornito con
l'apparecchio, con Linux.
Nonostante abbia seguito le istruzioni allegate non c' verso
di farla
funzionare, mentre naturalmente sotto Win va che  una meraviglia.
Dato che sono un neofita nel vero senso della parola c' qualcuno
esaminando lo script che riporto qui sotto, sa dirmi se ho speranze
usare la stampante anche sotto Linux?

#! /bin/sh
# for SAMSUNG Printer ML-4500
if [ -f /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/printerdb.gdi ]; then
 echo already installed!!
 echo add SAMSUNG Printer!!
 cp /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/printerdb
 cat /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/printerdb.old
 cat ssprt.db >> /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/printerdb
 cp /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/printerdb
Questo invece  lo script che dovrebbe inserire nel database
stampanti il modello in mio possesso. Inutile dire che invece non ce
traccia nell'elenco che compare usando il tool di configurazione.

StartEntry: SECPRNT
GSDriver: gdi
 Description: {SAMSUNG Printer PrinThru Compatible}
 About: { \

Driver for the SAMSUNG Laser Printer PrinThru Compatible.\

It may support the SAMSUNG Laser Printer(ML series). \

ML(QL)-6040 \

ML(QL)-4500/5080 \
 Resolution: {300} {300} {}
 Resolution: {600} {600} {}

Se provo a ripetere la procedura di installazione mi viene
risposto che
il file  gi installato.
Se qualche anima buona mi potesse venire in aiuto gliene sarei grato.

[newbie-it] scanner

2000-11-11 Thread loris gava

Salve a tutti. Rieccomi quà col solito scanner parallelo che non riesco a 
far funzionare. Seguendo le indicazioni di Andrea Celli, che ringrazio 
nuovamente, ho trovato il driver per il mio scanner parallelo,uno Storm 
Totalscan (Primax).Seguendo le indicazioni fornite nel sito, ho scaricato il 
driver ho lanciato ./configure e poi Make Install (da consolle).Tra i vari 
slogan in uscita c'è una sfilza di output di questo tipo:
reference to 'TIFFOpen'
e poi altri con 'TIFFSetField','TIFFDefaultStripSize' ecc...ecc.. .
Alla fine c'è un bel: make:***[primax_scan] Error1
Qualcuno sa dirmi cosa c'è che non va? Se interessa posso fornire tutto 
l'output del comando.Grazie a tutti e scusate la lungaggine.
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[newbie-it] kvirc

2000-11-11 Thread trasca

Salve a tutti,
ebbene si, lo ammetto, sto diventando scemo.
Ho scaricato l'RPM di kvirc 2.0.0 Chad (da Tucows) , ho installato l'rpm senza
problemi ed ora come caspita si fa a lanciare quel benedetto
Ho provato con tutti gli script in /usr/bin installati dal package; niente.
Gli altri file sono solo librerie ed icone.
Ha messo un link in /usr/share/applnk/internet/  : kvirk.desktop, che non fa
assolutamente nulla (c'è il collegamento dal menù): insomma, che devo fare per
poter usare questo benedetto kvirk?
Grazie per qualsiasi suggerimento.

   Cosma Scaramella

Re: [newbie] Does 7.2 installation disable Windows NT Partition Table

2000-11-11 Thread Erylon Hines

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, Romanator wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 I installed 7.2 as an upgrade over 7.1b. However, when I tried to access
 Windows NT4,
 a message appeared that a boot partition was available - or something like
 that. Has any one experienced this?
 Or was my partition too corrupt to recover.
 Registered Linux User #179293

Did you install LILO to the first linux partiton or to the mbr?  With NT I
usually use the NT bootloader as the master boot loader by copying the LILO
bootsector on the first Linux partition to a DOS disk (naming it Linux.bin in
the process) and then to the root of my NT partition, then editing the NT
boot.ini to reflect my boot choices.  I think you may have put LILO in your
mbr.  Check what your NT boot.ini says about where it's looking for NT.  Let us
know EXACTLY what your NT loader error says.


2000-11-11 Thread Federico Ferrando

Hello, I need your help!! I' ve installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 Complite in my 
laptop, a Toshiba 4015CDT. I can' t find the way to connect to the net, I 
think it's easier than what I think, I mean, the OS reconise the PCMCIA, I 
think I just have to configure some files, well, but I' ve not idea how!!!
My modem is a 3COM/Networthy 56K, 3CXM056-BNW.
Thanks for your help
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[newbie] Does 7.2 installation disable Windows NT Partition Table

2000-11-11 Thread Romanator

Hi everybody,

I installed 7.2 as an upgrade over 7.1b. However, when I tried to access
Windows NT4,
a message appeared that a boot partition was available - or something like
that. Has any one experienced this?
Or was my partition too corrupt to recover.


Registered Linux User #179293

RE: [newbie] dup/bad blocks-won't boot

2000-11-11 Thread falcaraz

Hello linux newbies;
Yesterday I download the final release of Mandrake 7.2 and this morning 
I create the CD from the iso image (CDRwin works fine with iso images) 
and I installed this versions as new installation on a disc with the 
7.2rc version.
The problems that I had with the Beta version about KDE system sounds 
and read CD-ROM in my Yamaha CDRW desapears, but still my Vodoo3 3000 
is not recongnized as a acelerated 3d video card. Everything is working 
OK but I can't play games that need the aceleration.
Mandrake tutorials says that in the expert installation you are 
questioned about the 3dfx aceleration, but in the recommended 
installation that I used there is not questions about this subject and 
my video-card is well recognized (Voodoo3 3000) but no mention about 
3dfx; in fact, when I try to run a game that need aceleration the 
images apear so slowly.

How can I install the 3dfx aceleration of my Voodoo3?

Thanks in advance for your help, yours sincerely

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

[newbie] linux

2000-11-11 Thread peter bunce

I regret to say that receiving the newbie list has been the most
upsetting experiance.
it suggests that no one ever gets linux to work!
I joined with out the ability to print from star office or word perfect
niether word processor is a patch on lotus smart suite, and apart from
their inherant problems  they seem to run ever so slowly on wine?

I shall go on playing with linux and working with os2 and have ordered
the update to warp5.

regards peter bunce

RE: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

2000-11-11 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

I have the same problem and fortunately I discovered the solution in the
mandrake page; it is a bug of kudzu; you must run linux as root, see the
name of your problematic cdrom under linux (probably cdrom or cdrom2) and
then type the next order (I suppose that the name of your cd driver under
linux is cdrom, if not change for the correct one, ins. cdrom2, cdrom3..)

cd /dev  rm cdrom  ln -s scd0 rom

To the question that the linux gives you say yes...

And now, everything is runing ¡I hope!; If you still have problems se the
next mandrake page:

Have luck

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

-Mensaje original-
Fecha: sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2000 2:44
Asunto: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

Please if someone who is expert can assist here is the problem.
I am running mandrake 7.2 complete retail box from walmart,
and I use bootmagic for bootloader.
my hardware config:
2 IDEharddrives,
hda has windoze
hda also has linux swap
hdb has linux boot, and linux root and all linux
I have one cdrom drive it is a Iomega Zip650 cdwriter drive, it is
an internal IDE writer drive, and I can
confirm that it is functioning fine since I used it to install the mandrake
My cdrom drive and floppy drive are unable to be mounted, I get somekind
of permission to access is denied kind of message. This is even logged
in as root.
Here is current fstab:
/dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11
/dev/hdb1  /boot ext 2 defaults 12
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=ISO9660, dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,unmask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0

Next, here is what results from the commnand,
ls -l /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  3 Nov 6 01:24 /dev/cdrom -hdc

In the konqueror file manager , I have
su to root and using this manager have gone to the /mnt
directory. I have this in the window:
cdromrwxrwxrwxroot... root

When I attempt to click on the cdrom or the floppy, I get this
for answer box:
unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
You do not have access right to this location.

Also I have su to root in the terminal and done this:
cd /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom:Input/output error

I type in mount /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
mount: /mnt/cdrom already mounted or  /mnt/cdrom busy.
mount: according to mtab,  /mnt/cdrom is already mounte on /mnt/cdrom

I type this: eject /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
eject: unable to find or open device for: '/mnt/cdrom'
I type this: eject /cdrom
I get this:
eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error

My cdrom is working just fine, I installed mandrake with this cdrom
drive, it is recognized in linux harddrake and works fine in windows, it is
dual-boot box. Also when going to cdburning program, the cdrom drive is
recognized, and even shows contents of an inserted CD when browsing
in the program.  Also when using the make boot floppy GUI tool the floppy
in fact work fine, but on my own it will not.

BIG NOTE HERE:I am having also Identical problem with the floppy, it too
also has icon with lock on it.
Now this the problem that I am having.
As a result the rpmdrake cannot find the cdrom..
Thus I am unable to install rpm, and I am unable to look at any cd or
floppy, and it is getting more urgent to be able to do this..
MY assumption is that this problem has something to do with "supermount".

[newbie] 7.1 install - how to select individual packages?

2000-11-11 Thread Michael J

I'm trying to reinstall 7.1 .  When I check the "select individual packages"
toggle on the screen that allows me to select broad groups of pacakges for
installation, it takes me to a screen that lets me select a "percentage" of
packages, sorted by someone else's idea of "importance".  After that, it goes
to a screen with a treelist of all the individual package, but there doesn't
seem to be any way to actually select/delete packages from the list to install.
Double-clicking, hitting the delete key, and so on do nothing to select/desel.

I have tried this in both custom and "expert" installation mode, and both come
up the same.

Is this a bug, or am I simply misunderstanding how to delete packages from the
installation list?



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Re: [newbie] MandrakeUpdate

2000-11-11 Thread eagleice

OK! Now at least I know that  isn't installed.:-(
But I've also been looking for it on the cd's, Mandrake sites and FreshMeat, 
if it isn't a part of the DrakConf package (I've never actually got an answer 
on that, been asking a few times on mail list's and on IRC) what then is the 
name of the MandrakeUpdate rpm package and where can I find it?


On Friday 10 November 2000 20:07, you wrote:
- It was Nov 10, 2000, 17:44, when eagleice keyboarded:
- Thank's for your reply!]
- # MandrakeUpdate
- bash: MandrakeUpdate: command not found
- is what I get as su on console logged in as user. DrakConf is installed,
- isn't MandrakeUpdate a part of that?
- try rpm -q MandrakeUpdate to see if it is installed.
- On my machine it is in /usr/X11R6/bin/MandrakeUpdate (mdk7.1)
- Paul
- --
- Macadam (n.): the first man on Earth.
- (according to the Scottish bible)
- - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
-   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

 * Running Linux  KDE *

Re: [newbie] linux

2000-11-11 Thread L. H. LOO

At 08:24 AM 11-11-2000 +, you wrote:

it suggests that no one ever gets linux to work!
It is not true to say so. I have Mandrake 7.1, Red Hat 6.0 and Red Hat 6.2 
all running on a separate harddisk, my HP deskjet 500 works. It is true 
Linux is different  from other OS now on the market, end-users like you and 
me need to learn to use it. I am having a few distributions running to find 
the one that is most 'suited' to my 'taste' so far Mandrake is top of the list.
Just my $0.002.Regards

I joined with out the ability to print from star office or word perfect
niether word processor is a patch on lotus smart suite, and apart from
their inherant problems  they seem to run ever so slowly on wine?
I shall go on playing with linux and working with os2 and have ordered
the update to warp5.
regards peter bunce

[newbie] Help with Sound, Network and LILO issues!

2000-11-11 Thread Graham \DarkMonk\ Balharrie


I have a Vortex2 sound card, and my hardware config (under Mandrake 7.1)
will pick it up, but it doesnt install it as a sound card or install any
drivers for it...   So, I searched the net, and found that I needed some
Aureal Drivers, so I downloaded them, and it tells you to unpack them, and
then run the "make install" command from that directory in the command
line...  If I am root or ANY user I cannot do this, I get invalid command?

I also have a network here.  A server has the dialup, and it is running
SyGate 3.11 (A NAT GateWay app...) and I can connect and use this by having
a gateway in Windows, but as soon as I try to use it under Linux... PROBLEM,
NetScape wont find any pages at all...   I can ping addresses on my network
(I am and the server PC is but running it
using the gateway screws up!?I can connect using Proxy+ (in NetScape's
options...) but I dont wanna use a Proxy!

Also, I wanted to add a little time to the bootloader, so I went to the
DrakConf thing, and went to bootloaders, but it had nothing to add time to
it...  and now LILO starts as the bootloader!   I want the deafualt Mandrake
7.1 loader (sorry, I cant remember what it was called... GNURUB or

If you can help then cool...
Graham "DarkMonk" Balharrie
ICQ = 67752536

[newbie] Expert newbies imwheel

2000-11-11 Thread eagleice


I tryed to ask this on the 'Expert' mailing list without any reply at all.
I was impressed that the Mandrake 7.2 had configured my MS Intellimouse out 
of the box, the second Linux dist that manages to do that (Caldera 2.4 beeing 
the other one). But; when I log in after reboot imwheel is working fine with 
all KDE apps and StarOffice but it's  not working in Netscape! After running 
the imwheel command though it works again, why this?


 * Running Linux  KDE *

[newbie] Apache/FTP question?

2000-11-11 Thread Leo Fox

Basically the problem is whenI go to a subdirectory on 
my website(through a browser) unless I put a / on the end it will not load and 
say page cannot be found, how can I fix this?

Also I am having a problem with anonymous FTP. I have the 
latest version of wu-ftpd installed, ls is in ~ftp/bin and all the other files 
are in their appropriate directories. Anonymous root is set to ~ftp/pub which is 
where I get transported to when I connect, but it does not list the directories 
or files within those directories, I can switch to them if I specify them 
directly, but it just wont list them! With real users it just takes them to 
their respective home directories and everything is fine... Please some help me 
with this, I don't know what to try next...

Re: [newbie] linux

2000-11-11 Thread eagleice

Observe though that most of us on the lists are enthusiastic Linux users, 
hackers, some/many testing several different distributions, and/or computer 
professionals in one way or another. 
And note that; there are very many happy Linux users out there who are 'not' 
participating in these lists because everything is probably running to their 
great satisfaction...;-)


On Saturday 11 November 2000 09:24, you wrote:
- I regret to say that receiving the newbie list has been the most
- upsetting experiance.
- it suggests that no one ever gets linux to work!
- I joined with out the ability to print from star office or word perfect
- niether word processor is a patch on lotus smart suite, and apart from
- their inherant problems  they seem to run ever so slowly on wine?
- I shall go on playing with linux and working with os2 and have ordered
- the update to warp5.
- regards peter bunce

 * Running Linux  KDE *

Re: [newbie] MandrakeUpdate

2000-11-11 Thread Paul

It was Nov 11, 2000, 00:44, when eagleice keyboarded:

OK! Now at least I know that  isn't installed.:-(
But I've also been looking for it on the cd's, Mandrake sites and FreshMeat, 
if it isn't a part of the DrakConf package (I've never actually got an answer 
on that, been asking a few times on mail list's and on IRC) what then is the 
name of the MandrakeUpdate rpm package and where can I find it?

- try rpm -q MandrakeUpdate to see if it is installed.
- On my machine it is in /usr/X11R6/bin/MandrakeUpdate (mdk7.1)

On my MDK7.1 disk (install) it is called MandrakeUpdate-7.1-8mdk.i586.rpm


A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] libqt, libstdc++, GLIBC 2.2 not installed?

2000-11-11 Thread Paul

It was Nov 10, 2000, 18:50, when Chris Cooper keyboarded:

When you are sure the proper files are installed, you can try installing
the program with the --force parameter.
Better first that you check on and see if you can find
the latest versions of the files. There is a search engine available.


error: failed dependancies: is needed by avifile-0.50-1 is needed by avifile-0.50-1 is needed by avifile-0.50-1

I've tried (re)installing various packages from the CD's, but no avail.  
Does anyone know which packages
I need to install to get these libs (and where I can find them)?  Thanks 
in advance

A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Got RealPlayer?

2000-11-11 Thread Paul

It was Nov 10, 2000, 17:26, when Charles A. Punch keyboarded:

I am Looking for an upgrade for RealPlayer. I am running Mandrake 7.0
and the RealPlayer site doesn't have a selction for mandrake. I tried
Red Hat and a 2.0 rpm package. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

At I downloaded the i386.rpm for Realplayer 7... Is it not
there anymore?
It is 6.5 megs


A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Recommendations, please?

2000-11-11 Thread Paul

It was Nov 10, 2000, 17:40, when Eugene C. Zesch keyboarded:

 network card
 SCSI card   

I have no experience with SCSI, but I've used several 3COM cards. If you
can go with 10Meg, the 3C509 is reliable and can be found for $10-15 on
the surplus market. I've never had a problem with any 3COM card being
recognized by Linux.

I use an adaptec 2940UW card, works great. I am sure also the cheaper ones
will work, support for 17xx and 21xx is in Linux.
I use a real cheap Realtek card, 8139 chipset I think. Every distro I ever
used works with it.


A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] server test

2000-11-11 Thread Paul

It was Nov 10, 2000, 21:31, when KompuKit keyboarded:

Could a few of you...test my new see if it comes

for right now...use:


as it is not totally active yet.

DNS spread has not made it available here yet, in Europe. Will try again
in a few days.


A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Glide and Mesa Problems?

2000-11-11 Thread kernell32

On Saturday 11 November 2000 01:50, you wrote:
 I was trying to install the goodies for my Voodoo3 on the recently
 installed 7.2

What goodies do you mean?

 Anyways,  I can't seem to be able to run/compile anything requiring
 Glide 2 I usually get an error saying
 /lib/..(something)/glide.h cannot be found... Any ideas?  Thanks

Well glide2 doesnt work under xfree4.01 instead it uses glide3 DRI 
and running unrealtournament for example will work only if you install the 
latest 3dfx drivers but see if you can run tuxracer or quake3 demo if it 
works you have a funktioning dri .
Glide wont work as i said. So glide apps such as UT you will need to tell to 
use opengl instead. At install UT asks you which driver to use but if you 
need to change it after install make sure your /ut/sytem/unrealtournament.ini 
has these settings: 


but as i sayd UT requires latest 3dfx drivers. 
i paste now a message from the 3dfx.glide newsgroup that helped me to get ut 
running it describes a voodoo4 install but itll work for a voodoo 3 you only 
need the apropriate packages.

original message from Bill Teeple:

I downloaded all the binaries:

first I installed the Glide like the directions say too... but I kept
getting CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING... blah blah blah - so I did rpm -i
Glide_V5*.* --force and it took.

Then I installed the tdfx_dri-4.0.1-1.i386.rpm driver but the online
instructions say to do a rpm -Uvh (which is an upgrade) but I had none
of that - I decided to use the same method as the Glide above (rpm -i
tdfx_dri-4*.rpm --force) (again-you will need the FORCE portion because
it thinks you already have the correct driver).

Now pay close attention to the DRI installation above - You will get at
least two errors dealing with /usr/X11R6/lib/ and
/usr/X11R6/lib/  (You should be able to ignore these, but
just in case, I believe these are symlinks to

Then you have to rebuild the DRM tdfx driver... so follow the online
instructions for this one and when you are finished install the RPM with
the -i --force options (pay attention - the default destination after
you rebuild on Mandrake is not what 3dfx tells you it is - NOT
/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/tdfx_drm-1.0-3.i386.rpm but

Last but not least... the instructions on the site tell you to edit the
XF86Config file in the /etc/X11 directory... but if everything goes as
planned, there is a file there with most of the settings you need --
/etc/X11/XF86Config.dri.ex and you can open this up in a text editor and
either copy over the parts that are different from your current
XF86Config file, or just overwrite your existing XF86Config file... I
overwrote mine... did a CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to re-initialize X and up it
came (except in 1280x1024 mode - a little too small for my taste).  So I
re-edited the file and that was that.

end of original message

After all this i was able to play ut and it works nicely (even rendering in a 
window!) About other glide aps i dont know but i believe that you can run 
allmost everything using openGL instead of glide2 try a little and tell me im 
interested in any news good luck  =) 

Re: [newbie] linux

2000-11-11 Thread Paul

It was Nov 11, 2000, 11:36, when eagleice keyboarded:

Observe though that most of us on the lists are enthusiastic Linux users, 
hackers, some/many testing several different distributions, and/or computer 
professionals in one way or another. 
And note that; there are very many happy Linux users out there who are 'not' 
participating in these lists because everything is probably running to their 
great satisfaction...;-)

- I regret to say that receiving the newbie list has been the most
- upsetting experiance.
- it suggests that no one ever gets linux to work!

Biggest problem here, I think, is that most pc's are equipped with
hardware that is very cutting-edge new. Linux is always a bit behind on
developing drivers. Another thing is that many windows users get fed up
with windows (hear hear) and want to switch. But linux is a much different
way of using the computer. Windows setup takes one by the hand as if one
is a blabbering idiot. linux setup requires some knowledge of the system.
Requires preparation, and that you read things so you know what you are
working with.

I am running Linux since december last year 100% and I love it. I am using
it since many years, but made the transition from Windoze. And there is no
way back for me.

Yes, the upgrade on the second pc gives me a problem. But I do not sit and
whine, I am looking for a way to get it fixed. And glad that I have this
list for help, and I do not have to deliver my soul to MS-support.


A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] Instructions for burning Install CD from ISO using Nero?

2000-11-11 Thread Chris Slater-Walker

I'm sure this has been asked before, but can anyone point me to any
instructions for burnin the 7.2 install CD from the ISO image using Nero?

I've always bought a shrinkwrap before, but this time I couldn't wait for it
to appear in the shops...


Chris Slater-Walker BA(Hons) CCNA MCSE
Cisco, Windows NT, Linux, Samba, DNS

French  German Spoken

Re: [newbie] server test

2000-11-11 Thread -michael-

well. all i can say is that it starts out compukit with teal and a green and
red wavy line moving and when it refreshes after a few secs it changes to
delmar's page with the same color scheme but more graphics...the links all
work but i can't find any least not on the joysticks or the hot
flashing deals!


KompuKit wrote:

 I don't know HOW you were able to get it...when no one else
 hummm  not even I can get to it yet...

 I have to still use :

 -michael- wrote:
  Looks good from alaska..i couldn't find but prepending the
  ol' www got it in a flash!
  Dennis Myers wrote:
   KompuKit wrote:
Could a few of you...test my new see if it comes
for right now...use:
as it is not totally active yet.
 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
   Sorry, can't find your server in either www or plain wrapper.
   Dennis M. a registered Linux user #180842

  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] Got RealPlayer?

2000-11-11 Thread Charles A. Punch

Roger Sherman wrote:

 On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 17:26:45 -0500, you wrote:

 I am Looking for an upgrade for RealPlayer. I am running Mandrake 7.0
 and the RealPlayer site doesn't have a selction for mandrake. I tried
 Red Hat and a 2.0 rpm package. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

 Go to, follow the links to get RealPlayer Basic. When you get
 to the part where you select your OS, select Unix, and at that point
 you should automatically be taken to a page that has the appropriate
 i386 RPM.



I already tried that. The problem is that after I select UNIX, there is
no Mandrake 7.0 in the selections on the next page. There are 2 Redhats
and a few others that I am not familiar with. I am a newbie and have only
had experience with Open Linux, Mandrake 6.2 and Mandrake 7.0. I tried
one of the Red Hat selections, but when I try to install, either as
upgrade or new install, I get an error message; conflicts with ( such and
such) existing file. Ialso tried one of the selections with an rpm
extension and it did the same thing. A version of RealPlayer came with
Mandrake 7.0, but it is expired. Forget the MTV, I want my RealPlayer.
One of the selections on the RealPlayer page may indeed work, but I am
afraid to do too much experimenting because, I am very inexperienced
especially at installing from anything but kpackage or rpmdake.


Re: [newbie] Got RealPlayer?

2000-11-11 Thread Charles A. Punch

KompuKit wrote:

 go to my downloads section under linux

 and you'll find one...for mandrake

 go I'm going to be shutting down soon

 "Charles A. Punch" wrote:
  I am Looking for an upgrade for RealPlayer. I am running Mandrake 7.0
  and the RealPlayer site doesn't have a selction for mandrake. I tried
  Red Hat and a 2.0 rpm package. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Thanx! I missed the boat this time (didn't check mail till Sat. morn), but
I appreciate the help. I will get it Monday. Thanx again.


[newbie] I have a problem Configuring my Ethernet... can U help me?

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

I have Mandrake 7.1 and my ethernet card info sounds like 
this: AOpen ALN-201 and I use it with a cable modem. What can I do to get this 
thing to work? what do have to run and what steps do i have to follow to net 
internet into my mandrake?

thx 4 reading this

[newbie] Sounds Card doesn't sound very good...

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

Well, actually... It doesnt sound nothing really... once again 
what can I do to configure my OPTI 82C924 (old one...)? can you help me...? 

thx 4 reading this

[newbie] Netscape/KPPP

2000-11-11 Thread Steve Maytum

Andrew , sorry I couldn't reply sooner - ISP let me 
down. Lost info. Sorted? if not please send again , I'll try again 

Re: [newbie] Getting X to work on an HP n3410 Laptop

2000-11-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 11 November 2000 08:53 am, john wrote:
 This is going to sound strange, but it worked.
 It seems that some cards w/acceleration dont all that
 much care for linux.

   Not strange, mostly just damn unfortunate.  No.1 reason that some 
hardware won't work or work well with Linux is that the 
manufacturer refuses to release open source drivers.  So while the 
hardware might be the some of the best available, it's operation 
with Linux is questionable.  Without the source for the driver (eg, 
Nvidia's drivers), Linux developers don't know if even a minor code 
change in the kernel for example, will render closed source binary 
only drivers useless to sort'a broken.

Linux, any distro, doesn't like cheap low end hardware designed 
for windoze, and at the same time, doesn't like some of the highest 
quality hardware for the open source reason I gave above.  It's 
unfortunate that some manufacturers don't support Linux.  Those that 
release binary only drivers, without the source actually are worse, 
IMO, than those who refuse any Linux support at all. They want your 
money, but refuse to help.
Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Enable/Disable Telnet.

2000-11-11 Thread kernell32

Hi you can enable disable allmost all services in linuxconf also you can tell 
if the service should start at bootup its easy and usefull 
linuxconf  network  severtasks  intenet sevices
and then linuxconf  control  controlpanel  control service activity
telnet is controlled by inetd (7.1) and xinetd (7.2) so you need to have that 
enabled too good luck 
btw. ssh is nicer than telnet try it!

On Saturday 11 November 2000 16:45, you wrote:

  Hi all,

 How can I enable and disable telnet to my workstation.
 I am using Linux Mandrake 7.2


Content-Type: text/html; charset="windows-1256"; name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] firewalls

2000-11-11 Thread chronos

Hi all,
Well as I get ready to go out to the internet in linux for the first time 
had a question. What firewall is good for linux 7.2 ? I basically want a 
decent one that I can configure to suit my needs. How about Black Ice 
defender ? Will that work with linux ? If not Id like some suggustions. If 
there are free ones that are decent cool. If not money is really not an 
issue as I want my box safe.
you, Chronos.

[newbie] veloct: ISA or PCI?

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

My ethernet is PCI. do you need more details? I dont know 
where to look them... :\\ but if you want something else I could search for it. 
Now can you tell me how do I configure and Use it?

RE: [newbie] firewalls

2000-11-11 Thread Robert Peters

Another site that is interactive and easy to use is:

Run this site in your netscape browser.

This resulting script (from the website) should be saved in the /etc/rc.d
directory as rc.firewall.  If you want it to work in the boot process, edit
the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and add "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall" at the end.

There are also instructions on how to install the firewall script on the
website provided above.


Rob Peters

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tyler Longren
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 11:41
Subject: Re: [newbie] firewalls

Some Linux firewalls:

Falcon Firewall Project
Phoenix Adaptive Firewall
Sinus Firewall
And of course, ipchains.

I suggest you use ipchains.  It's already installed on your linux box.  You
should also get Firestarter from  It's
a nice GUI frontend to ipchains.

Tyler Longren

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, chronos wrote:
 Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 09:23:05 -0800
 From: chronos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] firewalls

 Hi all,
 Well as I get ready to go out to the internet in linux for the first time

 had a question. What firewall is good for linux 7.2 ? I basically want a
 decent one that I can configure to suit my needs. How about Black Ice
 defender ? Will that work with linux ? If not Id like some suggustions.
 there are free ones that are decent cool. If not money is really not an
 issue as I want my box safe.

 you, Chronos.

Re: [newbie] firewalls

2000-11-11 Thread Eugene C. Zesch

The link should be

Robert Peters wrote:
 Another site that is interactive and easy to use is:
 Run this site in your netscape browser.
 This resulting script (from the website) should be saved in the /etc/rc.d
 directory as rc.firewall.  If you want it to work in the boot process, edit
 the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and add "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall" at the end.
 There are also instructions on how to install the firewall script on the
 website provided above.
 Rob Peters

RE: [newbie] firewalls

2000-11-11 Thread Robert Peters



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eugene C.
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 13:23
Subject: Re: [newbie] firewalls

The link should be

Robert Peters wrote:

 Another site that is interactive and easy to use is:

 Run this site in your netscape browser.

 This resulting script (from the website) should be saved in the /etc/rc.d
 directory as rc.firewall.  If you want it to work in the boot process,
 the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and add "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall" at the end.

 There are also instructions on how to install the firewall script on the
 website provided above.


 Rob Peters

Re: [newbie] Recommendations, please?

2000-11-11 Thread Ronald J. Hall

"Eugene C. Zesch" wrote:
 "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
  I checked the hardware list on Mandrake's site, and I'm looking for 2 things:
  network card
  SCSI card
 I have no experience with SCSI, but I've used several 3COM cards. If you
 can go with 10Meg, the 3C509 is reliable and can be found for $10-15 on
 the surplus market. I've never had a problem with any 3COM card being
 recognized by Linux.

Thanks Gene! ;-)


Re: [newbie] Recommendations, please?

2000-11-11 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Paul wrote:
 It was Nov 10, 2000, 17:40, when Eugene C. Zesch keyboarded:
  network card
  SCSI card
 I have no experience with SCSI, but I've used several 3COM cards. If you
 can go with 10Meg, the 3C509 is reliable and can be found for $10-15 on
 the surplus market. I've never had a problem with any 3COM card being
 recognized by Linux.
 I use an adaptec 2940UW card, works great. I am sure also the cheaper ones
 will work, support for 17xx and 21xx is in Linux.
 I use a real cheap Realtek card, 8139 chipset I think. Every distro I ever
 used works with it.
 A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
 -Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Thanks Paul! Hmm, just out of curiosity, on that SCSI card you're using...

Is it SCSI2, wide, ultra-wide, etc, etc,...I'm going to be using a Yamaha CDRW
with it, so what you would you recommend as far as transfer rates go? (yep, I
know faster is better, but I'm not going to be doing the server route so...)



[newbie] Small problem

2000-11-11 Thread Paul

Hi everyone,
Perhaps it will take a while before I am back online.
I upgraded mdk7.1 to mdk7.2. After the reboot to load things again, all harddisk
partitions were gone. Nothing on disk except a lot of free space.
I set up a compact win98 which does not like my isdncard, but through the modem I can, 
least, find some info to get my machine up again.

I am not a happy camper, at the moment. Imagine this: I can't restore my tape backup
either. Tape gives an I/O error...


Re: [newbie] ReiserFS

2000-11-11 Thread brian

Dave Naylor wrote:

So long as you do a custom setup you can set the partition sizes and file
systems yourself during installation

Brian Mahoney


 I'm about to take delivery of and then install 7.2, I currently have 7.1.
 I've decided to do a completely fresh install but I also want to try
 ReiserFS for the first time. This would seem like an ideal opportunity to
 do it.

 Can I, from installation, define which filesystem I want to use or do I
 have to let the installer set up all my partitions as ext2 and then go
 through a labourious backupreformatrestore?

ODave Naylor   [ Y@C 07092-033913   ]
  |---|  ICQ 16742766  [ SMS [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Re: [newbie] re server test

2000-11-11 Thread KompuKit

I thought'   not

-michael- wrote:
 now I can't get the left hand panel in the delmar estrrange.

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] server test

2000-11-11 Thread KompuKit

thanks so much for the info...
and no they didn't tell me this...
it says on there site, that it can be used within 24
boy, what a bunch of crock

 It just takes time for the domain to propagate to all the DNS
 servers,  2 days is not enough time.  Some servers only update
 once a week so just give it some more time.  They should have
 told you this when you registered the domain.
 --- Original Message ---
 Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:36:28 +0800
 As requested, I try both : and
 Both gave me "ERROR 205 -- DNS name lookup failure. Please contact
 system administrator. " BTW is your server up 24/7 ?
 At 09:31 PM 10-11-2000 -0500, you wrote:
 Could a few of you...test my new see if it comes
 for right now...use:
 as it is not totally active yet.
   Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
 Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
 The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

[newbie] How do I get off this list.

2000-11-11 Thread Robert Bennett

How do I get off this list guys These daily downloads of 
emails are costing me too much.

Thanks guys

Robert Bennett

[newbie] webserver stats

2000-11-11 Thread KompuKit

does anyone no of a good app for viewing
webserver stats instead of using: analog
I need one that can use a web interface,,,
like analog does...but much better...
 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

RE: [newbie] veloct: ISA or PCI?

2000-11-11 Thread veloct

When you boot up, does it show you that is loading eth0?  If
not, is not loading the card.  You need to figure out what chipset
it's using, does it show in HardDrake?

--- Original Message ---
"Krulo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 19:03:30 -
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

My ethernet is PCI. do you need more details? I dont know where
to look the=
m... :\\ but if you want something else I could search for it.
Now can you =
tell me how do I configure and Use it?

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1"
META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4134.600" name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVFONT size=3D2My ethernet is PCI. do you need more details?
I dont kn=
where to look them... :\\ but if you want something else I could
search for=
Now can you tell me how do I configure and Use it?/FONT/DIV/BODY/HTM=


Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Lost Grub and lilo only appears

2000-11-11 Thread brian

I had similar problems after my win98 installation become corrupted.

Make shure you have working rescue discs for both windows and linux

To fix windows start from the rescue disc and try
Format /MBR

if it still will not boot you may have to re-install  Windows.

To sort Grub boot from your Mandrake CD, select upgrade and click on the
option toconfigure lilo/grub.

Romanator wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 It looks like I cannot retrieve Grub in 7.1. I'm only getting lilo. In
 addition, it looks like my superblock is corrupt and I cannot mount C to
 access my Windows partition.
 The C drive icon has disappeared from the virtual desktop. Should I
 install 7.2 as an upgrade or delete the entire Linux partition and then
 install 7.2?

 Any thoughts?

 Registered Linux User #179293

[newbie] dup/bad blocks-won't boot

2000-11-11 Thread Drew Bartorillo

When I boot-up I get the following:

/dev/hdb6: Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 746326:/dev/hdb6: 64/dev/hdb6:
/dev/hdb6: Pass 1C: Scan directories for inodes with dup blocks.
/dev/hdb6: Pass iD: Ronciling duplicate blocks
/dev/hdb6: (There are 1 inodes containing duplicate/bad blocks.)

/dev/hdb6: File /root/.kde/share/config/kdehelprc.1 (inode #746326...)
has 1 duplicate block(s), shared with 1 file(s):
/dev/hdb6:   filesystem metadata

I get dumped into a shell. From there, fsck doesn't help and I can't erase or
move the kde file.

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.


Get free email and a permanent address at

RE: RE: [newbie] firewalls

2000-11-11 Thread veloct

Great link

--- Original Message ---
"Robert Peters" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 13:25:35 -0600


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eugene
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 13:23
Subject: Re: [newbie] firewalls

The link should be

Robert Peters wrote:

 Another site that is interactive and easy to use is:

 Run this site in your netscape browser.

 This resulting script (from the website) should be saved in
the /etc/rc.d
 directory as rc.firewall.  If you want it to work in the boot
 the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and add "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall"
at the end.

 There are also instructions on how to install the firewall
script on the
 website provided above.


 Rob Peters

Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

RE: [newbie] webserver stats

2000-11-11 Thread veloct

I don't know for linux but Webtrends is very good.  May work
on linux but I have no idea. Is your domain being hosted elsewhere
or are you running your own Apache server?

BTW, when they told you that you can use it within 2 days is
true because you can use it but most DNS servers won't pick you
up for a week or so.  Some will before others, like I said it
depends on how the DNS server is setup and some just don't update
as often as others.

--- Original Message ---
KompuKit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:56:59 -0500
does anyone no of a good app for viewing
webserver stats instead of using: analog
I need one that can use a web interface,,,
like analog does...but much better...
 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: [newbie] webserver stats

2000-11-11 Thread KompuKit

I'M running my own Apache server...on Linux-Mandrake 7.02
I have a static-IP and I got the DNS name servers from my
then inserted the info in a DNS name server update page on
registrars homepage:

 I don't know for linux but Webtrends is very good.  May work
 on linux but I have no idea. Is your domain being hosted elsewhere
 or are you running your own Apache server?
 BTW, when they told you that you can use it within 2 days is
 true because you can use it but most DNS servers won't pick you
 up for a week or so.  Some will before others, like I said it
 depends on how the DNS server is setup and some just don't update
 as often as others.
 --- Original Message ---
 KompuKit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on
 Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:56:59 -0500
 does anyone no of a good app for viewing
 webserver stats instead of using: analog
 I need one that can use a web interface,,,
 like analog does...but much better...
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
 Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
 The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] How do I get off this list.

2000-11-11 Thread James Copland

Since there are words that are banned on this list, 
I can't type them here. Just replace my "*" character with a "b" character and 
you should be fine. This info is from the Welcome message sent to me when I 
joined this list.

Hope this helps,

To unsu*scribe send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put in 
thesubject :unsu*scribe newbieor go to the 
page and unsu*scribe via the web interface.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 2:24 
  Subject: [newbie] How do I get off this 
  How do I get off this list guys These daily downloads of 
  emails are costing me too much.
  Thanks guys
  Robert Bennett

[newbie] veloct: I! me again and my ethernet...

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

well, I think in the boot he doesnt detect my PCI card but just a days ago
he detected but I still coulds get on the net with it... what do i have to
do after running harddrake to get the ethernet detected in the boot?

thx once again

[newbie] Sound Card Config

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

what tool/s can i use to get my OPTI 82C924 sound card to tell 
me something?


Re: [newbie] server test

2000-11-11 Thread -michael-

KompuKit wrote:

 Could a few of you...test my new see if it comes

 for right now...use:


 as it is not totally active yet.
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit: I feel so stoopid...but then again wine aint just for windoze
 ;-)...I should learn to spel I gues.

Thanks for your polite way of pointing this out; you are a gentleman and
a (linux) scholar.

RE: Re: [newbie] webserver stats

2000-11-11 Thread veloct

Cool.  Just be patient on the DNS thing.  If you give out the
static ip people can get to your site in the meantime.

--- Original Message ---
KompuKit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:07:32 -0500
I'M running my own Apache server...on Linux-Mandrake 7.02
I have a static-IP and I got the DNS name servers from my
then inserted the info in a DNS name server update page on
registrars homepage:

 I don't know for linux but Webtrends is very good.  May work
 on linux but I have no idea. Is your domain being hosted elsewhere
 or are you running your own Apache server?
 BTW, when they told you that you can use it within 2 days is
 true because you can use it but most DNS servers won't pick
 up for a week or so.  Some will before others, like I said
 depends on how the DNS server is setup and some just don't
 as often as others.
 --- Original Message ---
 KompuKit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on
 Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:56:59 -0500
 does anyone no of a good app for viewing
 webserver stats instead of using: analog
 I need one that can use a web interface,,,
 like analog does...but much better...
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
 Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html
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 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

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The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

RE: [newbie] veloct: I! me again and my ethernet...

2000-11-11 Thread veloct

So you can see your network card on HardDrake?  What does it
say on the right pane when you click on the network card,  it
will tell you what module it needs to use.  What do you get when
you type ifconfig on a console?

--- Original Message ---
"Krulo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 22:08:41 -
well, I think in the boot he doesnt detect my PCI card but just
a days ago
he detected but I still coulds get on the net with it... what
do i have to
do after running harddrake to get the ethernet detected in the

thx once again

Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

RE: [newbie] Sound Card Config

2000-11-11 Thread veloct

On a side note: could you try to post in text instead of html?
 I have a hard time reading the post.

Have you tried running sndconfig in a console?

--- Original Message ---
"Krulo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 22:10:22 -
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

what tool/s can i use to get my OPTI 82C924 sound card to tell
me something?


Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1"
META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4134.600" name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVFONT size=3D2what tool/s can i use to get my OPTI 82C924
sound card =
to tell=20
me something?/FONT/DIV


Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

[newbie] veloct: ifconfig results

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

well, to start, the boot line 4 ethernet is something like this:

Cant locate module ethernet

now the answer for the ifconfig command is this:
(portuguese mdk... if you dont understand something say it)

-Starts here

lo encapsulamento do link:loopback local
inet end.: Masc:
Pacotes RX:18 erros:0 descartados:0 sobreposições:0 frame:0
Pacotes TX:18 erros:0 descartados:0 sobreposições:0
Colisões:0 txqueuelen:0

-Ends here

encapsulamento:= to put in a capsule...
do:=of the

what about now? what do I do after executing ifconfig?

[newbie] veloct: and my sound card result

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

well I kind of listen to the midi samples he played but when I exit the
sndconfig he tells me this:

MAD16 / Mozart: Invalid Midi port 0x0

but I choose a diferent port in the sound card Port and IRQ and things like
that and he gives me this message again! what about now?

thank you for helping me and everyone else. ur kool []

Re: [newbie] webserver stats

2000-11-11 Thread KompuKit

Static IP:
but they should also be able to access,using:

 Cool.  Just be patient on the DNS thing.  If you give out the
 static ip people can get to your site in the meantime.
 --- Original Message ---
 KompuKit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on
 Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:07:32 -0500
 I'M running my own Apache server...on Linux-Mandrake 7.02
 I have a static-IP and I got the DNS name servers from my
 then inserted the info in a DNS name server update page on
 registrars homepage:
  I don't know for linux but Webtrends is very good.  May work
  on linux but I have no idea. Is your domain being hosted elsewhere
  or are you running your own Apache server?
  BTW, when they told you that you can use it within 2 days is
  true because you can use it but most DNS servers won't pick
  up for a week or so.  Some will before others, like I said
  depends on how the DNS server is setup and some just don't
  as often as others.
  --- Original Message ---
  KompuKit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on
  Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:56:59 -0500
  does anyone no of a good app for viewing
  webserver stats instead of using: analog
  I need one that can use a web interface,,,
  like analog does...but much better...
   Registered Linux User:167369
  Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
  Web Designer
  (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
  Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html
  The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
 Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
 The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

[newbie] Tape backup questions

2000-11-11 Thread Jeff Malka

I have several questions concerning tape backups.  My tape drive is as

1) How does one query a tape to see what tar archives, if any, exist on it?

2) Is there a gui interface for tar that works in kde 2 (Mandrake 7.2)

3) I read that it is advisable (error recovery) to use cpio rather than tar
for tape backups.  Is that true?

4) Is there a gui interface for using cpio under kde 2 (Mandrake 7.2)

Thank you.

Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] Enable/Disable Telnet.

2000-11-11 Thread Mazen

Hi all,
How can I enable and disable telnet to my workstation.
I am using Linux Mandrake 7.2

FREE Personalized Email at
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[newbie] Network questions... more

2000-11-11 Thread Scott Allan

My network looks like this:
I can acess the Internet through Notebook1 and the linux box itself.
I can ping from NOTEBOOK2 to both ETH1 and ETH2 in the linux box.

I can't seem to access the Internet from my notebook over the wireless
Any suggestions?



Re: [newbie] Enable/Disable Telnet.

2000-11-11 Thread Krulo

kernell32 already answered that question. he said and i quote:

"Hi you can enable disable allmost all services in linuxconf also you can
if the service should start at bootup its easy and usefull
linuxconf  network  severtasks  intenet sevices
and then linuxconf  control  controlpanel  control service activity
telnet is controlled by inetd (7.1) and xinetd (7.2) so you need to have
enabled too good luck
btw. ssh is nicer than telnet try it!"

end of quote

cya (credits to kernell32)

[newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread Romanator

Hi everybody,

For specific reasons beyond my control, I still require Windows NT for
certain applications.
However, I prefer to work in a Linux environment.
Do most people have Linux installed on a separate drive or partition?
Is there a Linux boot loader that will acknowledge the second drive?

Any thoughts?

Registered Linux User #179293

[newbie] Please Help

2000-11-11 Thread Evan Ducote

To Whom It May 

I have been subscribed to one of your 
consumer tech email list(or whatever list that gives me peoples questions and 
answers to tech stuff) and I have been getting about 100 emails a day..I dont 
need all that,so can you please unscribe me from all this! I need you to help me 

Evan Ducote

Re: [newbie] veloct: and my sound card result

2000-11-11 Thread Eddie Torres

It would be a great help knowing what type of chipset is used on your sound
card and network card.  Can you give me the models again and I'll see what
I can find on the net about them.

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 well I kind of listen to the midi samples he played but when I exit the
 sndconfig he tells me this:
 MAD16 / Mozart: Invalid Midi port 0x0
 but I choose a diferent port in the sound card Port and IRQ and things like
 that and he gives me this message again! what about now?
 thank you for helping me and everyone else. ur kool []
Eddie Torres

Re: [newbie] Enable/Disable Telnet.

2000-11-11 Thread Eddie Torres

There is no way to disable/enable on the fly.  You can enable telneting
into your box by editing /etc/inetd.conf and remove the # from the telnet

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 kernell32 already answered that question. he said and i quote:
 "Hi you can enable disable allmost all services in linuxconf also you can
 if the service should start at bootup its easy and usefull
 linuxconf  network  severtasks  intenet sevices
 and then linuxconf  control  controlpanel  control service activity
 telnet is controlled by inetd (7.1) and xinetd (7.2) so you need to have
 enabled too good luck
 btw. ssh is nicer than telnet try it!"
 end of quote
 cya (credits to kernell32)
Eddie Torres

Re: [newbie] Network questions... more

2000-11-11 Thread Eddie Torres

In linuxconf:

  You added as a gateway for  If not try it.

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 My network looks like this:
 I can acess the Internet through Notebook1 and the linux box itself.
 I can ping from NOTEBOOK2 to both ETH1 and ETH2 in the linux box.
 I can't seem to access the Internet from my notebook over the wireless
 Any suggestions?
Eddie Torres

Re: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

2000-11-11 Thread S. Stubbs

Yes I have been to that very exact page at mandrake demos, and typed in exactly
it said to do here
However that has not solved my problem with accessing the drives, I have
the problem with both the cdrom and the floppy drive. It has something to do
with the "supermount" feature/ hmm, should i say bug.
I am really getting tired, I have received many replies to my many posts about
this at different sites. I have tried most everyone of the possible fixes.
It is to no avail.
and if you are wondering if my cdrom is detected by linux? Yes, it is listed
properly in the system info.
And then the question, why am I having the same problem with the floppy??
ONLY thing that correlates is that both cdrom and floppy have "supermount"
listed on them in the fstab file.
So WHAT DO I DO, anyone have a clue??
I am really disgusted with this, is there someone at mandrake to talk to??
Please advise.
- Original Message -
From: Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 3:43 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

I have the same problem and fortunately I discovered the solution in the
mandrake page; it is a bug of kudzu; you must run linux as root, see the
name of your problematic cdrom under linux (probably cdrom or cdrom2) and
then type the next order (I suppose that the name of your cd driver under
linux is cdrom, if not change for the correct one, ins. cdrom2, cdrom3..)

cd /dev  rm cdrom  ln -s scd0 rom

To the question that the linux gives you say yes...

And now, everything is runing ¡I hope!; If you still have problems se the
next mandrake page:

Have luck

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

-Mensaje original-
Fecha: sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2000 2:44
Asunto: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

Please if someone who is expert can assist here is the problem.
I am running mandrake 7.2 complete retail box from walmart,
and I use bootmagic for bootloader.
my hardware config:
2 IDEharddrives,
hda has windoze
hda also has linux swap
hdb has linux boot, and linux root and all linux
I have one cdrom drive it is a Iomega Zip650 cdwriter drive, it is
an internal IDE writer drive, and I can
confirm that it is functioning fine since I used it to install the mandrake
My cdrom drive and floppy drive are unable to be mounted, I get somekind
of permission to access is denied kind of message. This is even logged
in as root.
Here is current fstab:
/dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11
/dev/hdb1  /boot ext 2 defaults 12
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=ISO9660, dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,unmask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0

Next, here is what results from the commnand,
ls -l /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  3 Nov 6 01:24 /dev/cdrom -hdc

In the konqueror file manager , I have
su to root and using this manager have gone to the /mnt
directory. I have this in the window:
cdromrwxrwxrwxroot... root

When I attempt to click on the cdrom or the floppy, I get this
for answer box:
unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
You do not have access right to this location.

Also I have su to root in the terminal and done this:
cd /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom:Input/output error

I type in mount /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
mount: /mnt/cdrom already mounted or  /mnt/cdrom busy.
mount: according to mtab,  /mnt/cdrom is already mounte on /mnt/cdrom

I type this: eject /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
eject: unable to find or open device for: '/mnt/cdrom'
I type this: eject /cdrom
I get this:
eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error

My cdrom is working just fine, I installed mandrake with this cdrom
drive, it is recognized in linux harddrake and works fine in windows, it is
dual-boot box. Also when going to cdburning program, the cdrom drive is
recognized, and even shows contents of an inserted CD when browsing
in the program.  Also when using the make boot floppy GUI tool the floppy
in fact work fine, but on my own it will not.

BIG NOTE HERE:I am having also Identical problem with the floppy, it too
also has icon with lock on it.
Now this the problem that I am having.
As a result the rpmdrake cannot find the cdrom..
Thus I am unable to install rpm, and I am unable to look at any cd or
floppy, and it is getting more urgent to be able to do this..
MY assumption is that this problem has something to do with "supermount".

Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread Jon Dowd

On Saturday 11 November 2000 16:32, Romanator wrote:
 Is there a Linux boot loader that will acknowledge the second drive?

Hello Roman, 

The boot loader that comes with Mandrake 7.2 is by far the best I've used. I 
have 3 operating systems on this computer and at boot time I can choose which 
one I want to start. I have tried Partition Magic, System Commander, Red 
Hat's version of LILO and launching Linux from DOS with loadlin. Not only 
will the boot loader that comes with Mandrake 7.2 acknowledge the second 
drive, it will (if needed) treat that second drive as though it is "Drive C:" 
On this computer I have WIndows ME, Mandrake 7.2 and MS-DOS 6.22. I can start 
any one of those three at boot time.
Support Technician 541 482-TECH (8324)
InfoStructure  IVO

[newbie] STILL cannot mount floppy or cdrom drive!! HELP

2000-11-11 Thread S. Stubbs

Please if someone who is expert can assist here is the problem.
I am running mandrake 7.2 complete retail box from walmart,
and I use bootmagic for bootloader.
my hardware config:
2 IDEharddrives,
hda has windoze
hda also has linux swap
hdb has linux boot, and linux root and all linux
I have one cdrom drive it is a Iomega Zip650 cdwriter drive, it is
an internal IDE writer drive, and I can
confirm that it is functioning fine since I used it to install the mandrake
My cdrom drive and floppy drive are unable to be mounted, I get somekind
of permission to access is denied kind of message. This is even logged
in as root.
Here is current fstab:
/dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11
/dev/hdb1  /boot ext 2 defaults 12
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=ISO9660, dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,unmask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0

Next, here is what results from the commnand,
ls -l /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  3 Nov 6 01:24 /dev/cdrom -hdc

In the konqueror file manager , I have
su to root and using this manager have gone to the /mnt
directory. I have this in the window:
cdromrwxrwxrwxroot... root

When I attempt to click on the cdrom or the floppy, I get this
for answer box:
unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
You do not have access right to this location.

Also I have su to root in the terminal and done this:
cd /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom:Input/output error

I type in mount /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
mount: /mnt/cdrom already mounted or  /mnt/cdrom busy.
mount: according to mtab,  /mnt/cdrom is already mounte on /mnt/cdrom

I type this: eject /mnt/cdrom
I get this:
eject: unable to find or open device for: '/mnt/cdrom'
I type this: eject /cdrom
I get this:
eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error

My cdrom is working just fine, I installed mandrake with this cdrom
drive, it is recognized in linux harddrake and works fine in windows, it is
dual-boot box. Also when going to cdburning program, the cdrom drive is
recognized, and even shows contents of an inserted CD when browsing
in the program.  Also when using the make boot floppy GUI tool the floppy will
in fact work fine, but on my own it will not.

BIG NOTE HERE:I am having also Identical problem with the floppy, it too
also has icon with lock on it.
Now this the problem that I am having.
As a result the rpmdrake cannot find the cdrom..
Thus I am unable to install rpm, and I am unable to look at any cd or
floppy, and it is getting more urgent to be able to do this..
MY assumption is that this problem has something to do with "supermount".

Addendum: I have been to the mandrake url for cdburner help at
and have performed the command lines exactly as stated.
This has had no effect on the problem I am having with the ability to mount the
cdrom drive. This also has not done anything to help with the identical problem
with mounting the floppy drive.
Obviously it is some kind of bug or flaw in the supermount, or I am just an
idiot. I have become so furious at this problem I have considered just putting
windoze back.
If SOMEONE ANYONE out there could help me troubleshoot this mounting
problem I would really appreciate it. I have gone and reviewed so many docs
and info on mounting in linux it makes my head spin.


[newbie] Mandrake Update

2000-11-11 Thread Carl Kehley

Help, this is getting very frustrating.  Bought the Walmart 7.2,
Mandrake Update worked.  Upgraded to newer version of the updater,
updated grpmi, and can't get any updates.  The updater goes through the
routine, flashes, and then updates the information for all the stuff I
can't get.  Strange--but it gets worse.  Got the download version
from a friend, installed, and got the exact same routine as above.
Uninstalled the updater, reinstalled the Walmart version, and got one
updated package listed-yes, folks, the one for the Mandrake Update,
with a message saying I would need this version for all further updates,
along with the latest grpmi package.  Did both as suggested, and now
we're back to the invisible packages again, along with their updated
information.  The development updates list just fine.  Anybody else
having this problem, or am I just losing my mind?

Carl Kehley

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS

2000-11-11 Thread Barry Premeaux

brian wrote:
 Dave Naylor wrote:
 So long as you do a custom setup you can set the partition sizes and file
 systems yourself during installation
 Brian Mahoney
  I'm about to take delivery of and then install 7.2, I currently have 7.1.
  I've decided to do a completely fresh install but I also want to try
  ReiserFS for the first time. This would seem like an ideal opportunity to
  do it.
  Can I, from installation, define which filesystem I want to use or do I
  have to let the installer set up all my partitions as ext2 and then go
  through a labourious backupreformatrestore?
 ODave Naylor   [ Y@C 07092-033913   ]
   |---|  ICQ 16742766  [ SMS [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

I did the recommended install.  When you get the portion of the install 
that asks you if you want to keep the existing disk partitions or change
them, select change.  When you are in Hardrake, your can delete the
partition and then you will have the option of recreating it as
I was able to change all mine.

Barry :-)

Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread James Copland

Use the bootloader that comes with Mandrake, GRUB it think it's called. I've
tried several bootloaders in my time ranging from, by hand (a real pain to
boot a system by hand believe me, flip switches then press buttons, repeat
for about fifteen minuets), punch card with HASP, tape, BOOT (IBM 360), Boot
Magic, System Commander, LILO and several others you probably haven't heard
of. GRUB comes out as the best of the bunch. Now for booting Linux from
Windows, go with loadlin.

I run the Promise Ultra ATA 66 card. My hard drives are on the tertiary
controller. The primary and secondary controllers are on the normal
motherboard (mine is max ATA 2), tertiary and quartinary controllers are
currently on add-in boards. I have no drives on my primary controller, a CD
burner on my secondary controller and a Western Digital 205AA (20GB ATA 4)
drive as master with a Western Digital AC32200L (3GB ATA 2) as slave on my
tertiary controller, the quartinary controller is empty currently. The 205AA
has my Windoze, RH and Mandrake partitions with one open partition and one
swap partition, the WD32200L has my three swap partitions; two are used by
RH and ML, one is unused, and an small (2.5 GB) open partition on it. So far
everything except RH works fine and I'm just taking a break from fixing the
RH install now.

Now, with NT, I do believe you'll have to use the NT boot program or NT has
a hissy fit and decides it won't work. Typical of products from a company
owned by someone who has a hissy fit when he can't have his own way. 8=) Or
when he can't buy his own way.

I don't know about most people, but I have three versions of Linux. I have
Red Hat 7.0 and Mandrake 7.2 in what I call the mutable versions. Both these
boot up with GRUB just fine from my hard disk and each is in it's own
partition on a hard disk that it shares with Windoze. Then I have Demolinux
which is an inmutable version. What do I mean by that? Well, it's a runable
Linux system on a CD-ROM disk. If you "Anchor" it to your Windoze partition,
you can save your settings from run to run, compile programs to work with it
(Demolinux is based on Debian Linux) and pretty much do what you want with
it. Drawbacks are that it is _slow_ in comparison to a full install and that
if anything happens to your Windoze partition you can lose all your work.

Just remember, read everything and YMMV.


- Original Message -
From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 6:32 PM
Subject: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or

 Hi everybody,

 For specific reasons beyond my control, I still require Windows NT for
 certain applications.
 However, I prefer to work in a Linux environment.
 Do most people have Linux installed on a separate drive or partition?
 Is there a Linux boot loader that will acknowledge the second drive?

 Any thoughts?

 Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread patrick

Romanator wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 For specific reasons beyond my control, I still require Windows NT for
 certain applications.
 However, I prefer to work in a Linux environment.
 Do most people have Linux installed on a separate drive or partition?
 Is there a Linux boot loader that will acknowledge the second drive?

 Any thoughts?

 Registered Linux User #179293

shame on u roman. shame shame shame

rolling on the floor

Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread patrick

sorry i dont know how
to start a new thread but
does mandrrake 7.2 have kde 2.0 and koffice
and kernal 2.4 or not.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2000-11-11 Thread patrick

Carl Kehley wrote:

 Help, this is getting very frustrating.  Bought the Walmart 7.2,
 Mandrake Update worked.  Upgraded to newer version of the updater,
 updated grpmi, and can't get any updates.  The updater goes through the
 routine, flashes, and then updates the information for all the stuff I
 can't get.  Strange--but it gets worse.  Got the download version
 from a friend, installed, and got the exact same routine as above.
 Uninstalled the updater, reinstalled the Walmart version, and got one
 updated package listed-yes, folks, the one for the Mandrake Update,
 with a message saying I would need this version for all further updates,
 along with the latest grpmi package.  Did both as suggested, and now
 we're back to the invisible packages again, along with their updated
 information.  The development updates list just fine.  Anybody else
 having this problem, or am I just losing my mind?

 Carl Kehley

what is happening to mandrake. i havent been on this newbiew thing
for awhile and it seems that mandrake by changing so much of
the basic linux stuff may have published a bad version. is anybody
else getting this or it just me.

thanks pat

RE: [newbie] STILL cannot mount floppy or cdrom drive!! HELP

2000-11-11 Thread Bill Shirley

OK, I'll take a stab at this.  As I have read, to use and IDE cd-rom burner you have
too load ide-scsi, right?  Well, now the cd-rom drive is no longer /dev/hdc but
/dev/scd0 or something.  \

If this is true you need to delete /dev/cdrom and create a symlink:
ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom

and don't forget to change /etc/fstab

undo the ide-scsi stuff.

I don't have a cd burner on my linux box, so your mileage may vary.  There are several 
people on the list with IDE burners.  Would one of you please step forward and help 
this guy out?

I am assuming you have already inserted the media when you click on the drive icon!

PS. Looks like:
 /dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11
  should be:
 /dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of S. Stubbs
 Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 8:28 PM
 Subject: [newbie] STILL cannot mount floppy or cdrom drive!! HELP
 Please if someone who is expert can assist here is the problem.
 I am running mandrake 7.2 complete retail box from walmart,
 and I use bootmagic for bootloader.
 my hardware config:
 2 IDEharddrives,
 hda has windoze
 hda also has linux swap
 hdb has linux boot, and linux root and all linux
 I have one cdrom drive it is a Iomega Zip650 cdwriter drive, it is
 an internal IDE writer drive, and I can
 confirm that it is functioning fine since I used it to 
 install the mandrake
 My cdrom drive and floppy drive are unable to be mounted, I 
 get somekind
 of permission to access is denied kind of message. This is even logged
 in as root.
 Here is current fstab:
 /dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11
 /dev/hdb1  /boot ext 2 defaults 12
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=ISO9660, dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,unmask=0 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Next, here is what results from the commnand,
 ls -l /dev/cdrom
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  3 Nov 6 01:24 /dev/cdrom -hdc
 In the konqueror file manager , I have
 su to root and using this manager have gone to the /mnt
 directory. I have this in the window:
 cdromrwxrwxrwxroot... root
 When I attempt to click on the cdrom or the floppy, I get this
 for answer box:
 unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
 You do not have access right to this location.
 Also I have su to root in the terminal and done this:
 cd /mnt/cdrom
 I get this:
 bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom:Input/output error
 I type in mount /mnt/cdrom
 I get this:
 mount: /mnt/cdrom already mounted or  /mnt/cdrom busy.
 mount: according to mtab,  /mnt/cdrom is already mounte on /mnt/cdrom
 I type this: eject /mnt/cdrom
 I get this:
 eject: unable to find or open device for: '/mnt/cdrom'
 I type this: eject /cdrom
 I get this:
 eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error
 My cdrom is working just fine, I installed mandrake with this cdrom
 drive, it is recognized in linux harddrake and works fine in 
 windows, it is
 dual-boot box. Also when going to cdburning program, the 
 cdrom drive is
 recognized, and even shows contents of an inserted CD when browsing
 in the program.  Also when using the make boot floppy GUI 
 tool the floppy will
 in fact work fine, but on my own it will not.
 BIG NOTE HERE:I am having also Identical problem with the 
 floppy, it too
 also has icon with lock on it.
 Now this the problem that I am having.
 As a result the rpmdrake cannot find the cdrom..
 Thus I am unable to install rpm, and I am unable to look at any cd or
 floppy, and it is getting more urgent to be able to do this..
 MY assumption is that this problem has something to do with 
 Addendum: I have been to the mandrake url for cdburner help at
 and have performed the command lines exactly as stated.
 This has had no effect on the problem I am having with the 
 ability to mount the
 cdrom drive. This also has not done anything to help with the 
 identical problem
 with mounting the floppy drive.
 Obviously it is some kind of bug or flaw in the supermount, 
 or I am just an
 idiot. I have become so furious at this problem I have 
 considered just putting
 windoze back.
 If SOMEONE ANYONE out there could help me troubleshoot this mounting
 problem I would really appreciate it. I have gone and 
 reviewed so many docs
 and info on mounting in linux it makes my head spin.

[newbie] Auto-install disk didn't install all my selected packages

2000-11-11 Thread Kenneth Foo

Yes, the subject says it all.
Auto-install disk didn't install all my selected packages

During the initial installation I used both LM 7.2 CDs
(I had to swap).

But when I later tried the auto-install floppy, the whole
installation process ran off from only the first CD !

Upon inspection, I found that many of the packages I chose
wasn't installed.

Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?


Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread Jon Dowd

On Saturday 11 November 2000 18:29, patrick wrote:

   sorry i dont know how to start a new thread but

 does mandrrake 7.2 have kde 2.0 and koffice
 and kernal 2.4 or not.

Without mentioning shame... I'll say yes, yes and no.

Jon Dowd

Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread Eddie Torres

Well, the download version has a hacked version of 2.4 but i can't tell if
it's test9 or earlier.

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 On Saturday 11 November 2000 18:29, patrick wrote:
sorry i dont know how to start a new thread but
  does mandrrake 7.2 have kde 2.0 and koffice
  and kernal 2.4 or not.
 Without mentioning shame... I'll say yes, yes and no.
 Jon Dowd
Eddie Torres

[newbie] Re: login from other machines?

2000-11-11 Thread k321

I'm having trouble trying to login to my machine that is running mandrake
I'm trying to use telnet to login to a shell but its not connecting. I have
ssh installed but I don't know if its installed right or not?
  Anyone know how to set it up?

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Re: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

2000-11-11 Thread Robert Maynord


I have found the same (or similar) problem.  Actually, I consistently have 
the problem when I physically remove a CD drive from the machine (kudzu 
removes it on re-boot).  When I replace the CD drive, everything looks great 
- like the drive is there (kudzu sees it, and re-installs it) - but I get the 
same messages you do.  So far, the only solution I have found is to 
re-install Mandrake and leave the CD drive in.  However, I am working with 60 
machines - only 10 have CD drives.  I now set up Samba so that I 
do not need the CD drive, and can remove it, accessing my rpms from the Samba 

 I know this doesn't "solve" the problem - but perhaps it helps to shed some 

Best wishes.

Robert Maynord

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 Yes I have been to that very exact page at mandrake demos, and typed in
 exactly what
 it said to do here
 However that has not solved my problem with accessing the drives, I have
 the problem with both the cdrom and the floppy drive. It has something to
 do with the "supermount" feature/ hmm, should i say bug.
 I am really getting tired, I have received many replies to my many posts
 about this at different sites. I have tried most everyone of the possible
 fixes. It is to no avail.
 and if you are wondering if my cdrom is detected by linux? Yes, it is
 listed properly in the system info.
 And then the question, why am I having the same problem with the floppy??
 ONLY thing that correlates is that both cdrom and floppy have "supermount"
 listed on them in the fstab file.
 So WHAT DO I DO, anyone have a clue??
 I am really disgusted with this, is there someone at mandrake to talk to??
 Please advise.
 - Original Message -
 From: Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
 Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 3:43 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

 I have the same problem and fortunately I discovered the solution in the
 mandrake page; it is a bug of kudzu; you must run linux as root, see the
 name of your problematic cdrom under linux (probably cdrom or cdrom2) and
 then type the next order (I suppose that the name of your cd driver under
 linux is cdrom, if not change for the correct one, ins. cdrom2, cdrom3..)

 cd /dev  rm cdrom  ln -s scd0 rom

 To the question that the linux gives you say yes...

 And now, everything is runing ¡I hope!; If you still have problems se the
 next mandrake page:

 Have luck

 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

 -Mensaje original-
 Fecha: sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2000 2:44
 Asunto: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy

 Please if someone who is expert can assist here is the problem.
 I am running mandrake 7.2 complete retail box from walmart,
 and I use bootmagic for bootloader.
 my hardware config:
 2 IDEharddrives,
 hda has windoze
 hda also has linux swap
 hdb has linux boot, and linux root and all linux
 I have one cdrom drive it is a Iomega Zip650 cdwriter drive, it is
 an internal IDE writer drive, and I can
 confirm that it is functioning fine since I used it to install the
  mandrake 7.2.
 My cdrom drive and floppy drive are unable to be mounted, I get somekind
 of permission to access is denied kind of message. This is even logged
 in as root.
 Here is current fstab:
 /dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11
 /dev/hdb1  /boot ext 2 defaults 12
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=ISO9660, dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,unmask=0 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Next, here is what results from the commnand,
 ls -l /dev/cdrom
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  3 Nov 6 01:24 /dev/cdrom -hdc
 In the konqueror file manager , I have
 su to root and using this manager have gone to the /mnt
 directory. I have this in the window:
 cdromrwxrwxrwxroot... root
 When I attempt to click on the cdrom or the floppy, I get this
 for answer box:
 unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
 You do not have access right to this location.
 Also I have su to root in the terminal and done this:
 cd /mnt/cdrom
 I get this:
 bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom:Input/output error
 I type in mount /mnt/cdrom
 I get this:
 mount: /mnt/cdrom already mounted or  /mnt/cdrom busy.
 mount: according to mtab,  /mnt/cdrom is already mounte on /mnt/cdrom
 I type this: eject /mnt/cdrom
 I get this:
 eject: unable to find or open device for: '/mnt/cdrom'
 I type this: eject /cdrom
 I get this:
 eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error
 My cdrom is working just fine, I installed 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2000-11-11 Thread patrick

Jon Dowd wrote:

 On Saturday 11 November 2000 18:31, patrick wrote:

  what is happening to mandrake. i havent been on this newbiew thing
  for awhile and it seems that mandrake by changing so much of
  the basic linux stuff may have published a bad version. is anybody
  else getting this or it just me.
  thanks pat

 Don't know about anyone else, but my Mandrake 7.2  *rocks* -  No errors, I
 installed everything and everything seems to work.

 I installed the RPMs I had downloaded to a DOS partition using the hd.img to
 boot into the installation program, clicked on things like "usual" and
 "everything" and the installation went without a hitch.
 I've been playing with various distros since RH 5.0 and I like this one.

 Jon Dowd

then i have a question for u. this is my system. athlon 700 epox mother board
i can rement the name of it.  do u think it will work . 7.1 did i am hearing
from this group tht 7.2 seems to have some problems that 7.1 didnt have.
if u thiink it will can u tell me  where i can get a test version for free
to see for myself. at this time i am leaning to not buying 7.2 is there
a place that will send me  some free disks .

Re: [newbie] I have a problem Configuring my Ethernet... can U help me?

2000-11-11 Thread Anthony

Assuming your ethernet card is already detected, and your ISP uses DCHP to 
give out IP addresses, it's pretty simple. Open up Linuxconf, "linuxconf", 
and then go to "Networking", then "Host" something (I'm on 7.2 and it's 
slightly different I think, but you want to first button on the top), then go 
to the "Adapter 1" tab. 

From there, check the "Enabled" box, and select config mode as "DCHP". In the 
net device field, select "eth0" assuming that you only have one network card. 

Finally, based on your card info, pick "ne" for your kernel module field. has 
some more instructions on what you might have to do to get it to work on your 

Hope that helped.

  I have Mandrake 7.1 and my ethernet card info sounds like this: Aand I use it with 
a cable modem. What can I do to get this thing to
 work? what do have to run and what steps do i have to follow to net
 internet into my mandrake?

 thx 4 reading this

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: [newbie] Enable/Disable Telnet.

2000-11-11 Thread sobe

 Hi you can enable disable allmost all services in linuxconf also you can
 if the service should start at bootup its easy and usefull
 linuxconf  network  severtasks  intenet sevices
 and then linuxconf  control  controlpanel  control service activity
 telnet is controlled by inetd (7.1) and xinetd (7.2) so you need to have
 enabled too good luck
 btw. ssh is nicer than telnet try it!

got any pointers to setup ssh ?
I too have had problems with  telnet to start out with .
but least now i can get online  first time for that ;*)

Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread L. H. LOO

FYI, I have Win95B, Mandrake7.1, Red Hat6.0,  6.2 each on a separate 
bootable harddisk.

At 07:32 PM 11-11-2000 -0500, you wrote:
Do most people have Linux installed on a separate drive or partition?

[newbie] XScreenSaver

2000-11-11 Thread John R. Cain


I have been trying to get xscreensaver to start when Mandrake 7.2 starts.  
In Mandrake 7.1 Xscreensaver was part of the KDE screen saver, but It is not 
part of the KDE screen saver in Mandrake 7.2.  The screensavers in Mandrake
7.2 KDE are lame.  How do I get xscreensaver to load as my default screen 
saver?  I have looked at the FAQ for XScreensaver and they don't seam to
apply to Mandrake 7.2.

Thank You,

John R. Cain

AIM: ViperPsyche
ICQ: 1103225

[newbie] cut and paste with mouse

2000-11-11 Thread Jeff Malka

Normally when you block a text area and then click with the middle button 
elsewhere that causes the text to be pasted.

Since I re-installed Mandrake 7.2, the middle button no longer causes a paste 
action.  Does anyone know where the controls for this are?


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] 7.2 and disabling PCMCIA during install

2000-11-11 Thread Barry Premeaux

Christopher Seaman wrote:
 hello all,
   trying to install Mandrake 7.2 on my Sony 505FX.  I
 couldn't get the CD to recognize the CDROM drive it
 was booting off of at first (Sony CD5, pcmcia card)
 until I found the 'ide2 = 0x180,0x386' voodoo.
   now I'm at a different impass.  the CD boots fine
 and finds the second stage ramdisk, but insists on
 starting up pcmcia services during the 'looking for
 hard drives' portion of the install.  This would be
 great except that the install freezes at this point,
 never to return.  I remember an option on Mandrake 7.0
 which would disable pcmcia during installation, this
 would solve my problem!
   Is there any way to use this option in the current
 release?  Or another way workaround the problem?
 all thoughts appreciated,
 chris seaman
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

I haven't had this problem, but my first thought is can
you turn your pcmcia off in the BIOS settings?

Barry :-)

Re: [newbie] XScreenSaver

2000-11-11 Thread patrick

"John R. Cain" wrote:


 I have been trying to get xscreensaver to start when Mandrake 7.2 starts.
 In Mandrake 7.1 Xscreensaver was part of the KDE screen saver, but It is not
 part of the KDE screen saver in Mandrake 7.2.  The screensavers in Mandrake
 7.2 KDE are lame.  How do I get xscreensaver to load as my default screen
 saver?  I have looked at the FAQ for XScreensaver and they don't seam to
 apply to Mandrake 7.2.

 Thank You,

 John R. Cain

 AIM: ViperPsyche
 ICQ: 1103225

are u seious  they took xscreensaver out of their linux. oh oh did mandrake
get some new help as of late.  did mandrake hire some wrong  people.

Re: [newbie] 7.2 again

2000-11-11 Thread Barry Premeaux

Paul wrote:
 Hi all,
 I decided to go in at the deep end, and set up 7.2 on my second machine
 from scratch. A bit drastic, but since I was in control (at least I like
 think that), I decided that it would be a good time to rearrange some
 partitions. So I backed up what needed backing up, restarted installing
 and fiddled around with DiskDrake.
 Btw, if any of the Mandrake developers read this, my compliments about the
 entire installer and what comes with it. It is an amazing piece of work.
 Formatted all the partitions, set things up through manual labor. Selected
 all the packages I wanted on the machine (which helps a LOT in
 installation time and space!) and 45 minutes later things were
 well. Including networking and X running perfectly.
 Still don't know if I am running Xfree 4, but I have seen KDE2 (which runs
 as Root's wm) which is nice. I then reinstalled the .*rc files I saved for
 user Paul, startex X, and everything was there exactly as I left them in
 I am happy.
 A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
 -Milton Berle - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

I have to agree with you Paul.  I made the move from 7.1 to 7.2
The graphical interface sure made deleting the old partitions and
setting up
a new configuration really easy.  It also gave me a chance to set up
ReiserFS so I could see how it performs.  

The biggest problems is simply learning the differences (Where is that
feature now?) between KDE2 vs KDE1.

Barry :-)

Re: [newbie] XScreenSaver

2000-11-11 Thread John R. Cain


XscreenSaver is still part of the 7.2 Package.  It just  doesn't show up iin 
the screen saver part of the control center,



On Sunday 12 November 2000 04:56, you wrote:
 "John R. Cain" wrote:
  I have been trying to get xscreensaver to start when Mandrake 7.2 starts.
  In Mandrake 7.1 Xscreensaver was part of the KDE screen saver, but It is
  not part of the KDE screen saver in Mandrake 7.2.  The screensavers in
  Mandrake 7.2 KDE are lame.  How do I get xscreensaver to load as my
  default screen saver?  I have looked at the FAQ for XScreensaver and they
  don't seam to apply to Mandrake 7.2.
  Thank You,
  John R. Cain
  AIM: ViperPsyche
  ICQ: 1103225

 are u seious  they took xscreensaver out of their linux. oh oh did mandrake
 get some new help as of late.  did mandrake hire some wrong  people.

John R. Cain

AIM: ViperPsyche
ICQ: 1103225

Re: [newbie] Do you have Linux installed on separate partition or drive?

2000-11-11 Thread Barry Premeaux

patrick wrote:
  sorry i dont know how to start a new thread but
 does mandrrake 7.2 have kde 2.0 and koffice
 and kernal 2.4 or not.
The boxed version has kde 1.99 from what I have been hearing.  The
CDR version I got from has KDE2.0 with Koffice. 
The kernel is 2.2.17-21mdk.

Barry :-)

Fw: [newbie] Please Help

2000-11-11 Thread Evan Ducote

- Original Message - 
From: Evan Ducote 
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 6:37 PM
Subject: [newbie] Please Help

To Whom It May 

I have been subscribed to one of your 
consumer tech email list(or whatever list that gives me peoples questions and 
answers to tech stuff) and I have been getting about 100 emails a day..I dont 
need all that,so can you please unscribe me from all this! I need you to help me 

Evan Ducote

[newbie] new install

2000-11-11 Thread Bob Schmidt

Hi All,

I just installed mandrake 7.2 on my dell inspiron lap top and it works great, 
my question is, where are the themes.  I was running mandrake 7.0, and really 
like the themes, now there aren't any.  I checked the help files but couldn' 
t find out anything.  Does anyone know where the themes went?  


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