Re: [newbie-it] Xfree4, voodoo3 ed accelerazione 3d

2001-05-11 Thread Ruben Patanè

La MDK 8.0 dovrebbe vederti la scheda
devi fare l'installazione esperto e alla configurazione di XWindows devi
selezionere Xfree 4.3 Con Accelleratore Hardware.

Oppure invece di installare tutto vai a modificare le proprietà del monitor,
premi il tasto avanzato , dopo aver impostato la scheda, il monitor e la
risoluzione ti chiederà di specificare Xfree

Prova e fammi sapere
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 8:32 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Xfree4, voodoo3 ed accelerazione 3d

 allora, un paio di giorni fa mi ero stupito del fatto che non venisse
supportato il 3d per questa scheda.

 Ho fatto un po' di ricerca.. a parte la sorpresa di vedere che tutti i
siti che avevano i driver erano stati rimossi (sembra quasi una pulizia
etnica!), anche quelli che parlavano della Xfree 3.xx, ho torvato qualche

 beh il comando per vedere se si ha il 3d e' glxinfo e verificare il direct
 Dato che ovviamente avevo no, cercando sul sito della dri finalmente ho
trovato un pacchetto per le glide ed i driver tdfx.

 Purtroppo qui mi sono arenato, i pacchetti non si installano perche' mi
dicono che richiedono un kernel piu' recente!! (ho la mandrake 8!!!)

 c'e' qualcuno piu' esperto che e' riuscito ad andare oltre ed ad abilitare
finalmente il supporto 3d di questa ottima scheda?

 dai cheppalle non credo di essere il solo ad avere una voodoo3 od una


 allora, un paio di giorni fa mi ero stupito del fatto che non venisse
supportato il 3d per questa scheda.

 Ho fatto un po' di ricerca.. a parte la sorpresa di vedere che tutti i
siti che avevano i driver erano stati rimossi (sembra quasi una pulizia
etnica!), anche quelli che parlavano della Xfree 3.xx, ho torvato qualche

 beh il comando per vedere se si ha il 3d e' glxinfo e verificare il direct
 Dato che ovviamente avevo no, cercando sul sito della dri finalmente ho
trovato un pacchetto per le glide ed i driver tdfx.

 Purtroppo qui mi sono arenato, i pacchetti non si installano perche' mi
dicono che richiedono un kernel piu' recente!! (ho la mandrake 8!!!)

 c'e' qualcuno piu' esperto che e' riuscito ad andare oltre ed ad abilitare
finalmente il supporto 3d di questa ottima scheda?

 dai cheppalle non credo di essere il solo ad avere una voodoo3 od una


 allora, un paio di giorni fa mi ero stupito del fatto che non venisse
supportato il 3d per questa scheda.

 Ho fatto un po' di ricerca.. a parte la sorpresa di vedere che tutti i
siti che avevano i driver erano stati rimossi (sembra quasi una pulizia
etnica!), anche quelli che parlavano della Xfree 3.xx, ho torvato qualche

 beh il comando per vedere se si ha il 3d e' glxinfo e verificare il direct
 Dato che ovviamente avevo no, cercando sul sito della dri finalmente ho
trovato un pacchetto per le glide ed i driver tdfx.

 Purtroppo qui mi sono arenato, i pacchetti non si installano perche' mi
dicono che richiedono un kernel piu' recente!! (ho la mandrake 8!!!)

 c'e' qualcuno piu' esperto che e' riuscito ad andare oltre ed ad abilitare
finalmente il supporto 3d di questa ottima scheda?

 dai cheppalle non credo di essere il solo ad avere una voodoo3 od una


Re: [newbie-it] ancora a proposito di matrox 450 e mandrake

2001-05-11 Thread Ruben Patanè

Quale MDK hai installato?
la 8.0 supporta anche il 2° monitor


- Original Message -
From: Wintozsucks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 1:12 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] ancora a proposito di matrox 450 e mandrake

Ho appena installato linux mandrake su un hd scsi (esterno) del mio
pc che, purtroppo, con la sua Matrox 450 dualhead mi ha finora creato
congelamenti assortiti... Non sono riuscito a trovare linuxc
(l'edicola più vicina al confine è piccolina) e così resto in attesa
di un'anima caritatevole che voglia darmi due indicazioni due per
inserire i driver della suddetta scheda (che mi hanno detto posso
trovare sul sito della matrox).
vado a scaricarli e spero in qualcuno di voi. Linux è installato ma
non ho fatto avviare la GUI per evitare il solito casino con il
monitor (anzi i monitor) che sfarfallano... a partire dal login
testuale che devo fare??




Re: [newbie-it] ancora a proposito di matrox 450 e mandrake

2001-05-11 Thread Wintozsucks

Quale MDK hai installato?
la 8.0 supporta anche il 2° monitor


- Original Message -
From: Wintozsucks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 1:12 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] ancora a proposito di matrox 450 e mandrake

Ho appena installato linux mandrake su un hd scsi (esterno) del mio
pc che, purtroppo, con la sua Matrox 450 dualhead mi ha finora creato
congelamenti assortiti... Non sono riuscito a trovare linuxc
(l'edicola più vicina al confine è piccolina) e così resto in attesa
di un'anima caritatevole che voglia darmi due indicazioni due per
inserire i driver della suddetta scheda (che mi hanno detto posso
trovare sul sito della matrox).
vado a scaricarli e spero in qualcuno di voi. Linux è installato ma
non ho fatto avviare la GUI per evitare il solito casino con il
monitor (anzi i monitor) che sfarfallano... a partire dal login
testuale che devo fare??




purtroppo ho solo la versione 7.2 (con i suoi 5 cd) e non ho adsl,
quindi non posso scaricarmi tutta quella roba!


Sergio Orrao

ICQ 19394829

See my photos at:
and don't forget to sign the guest book!

[newbie-it] Non riesco più a installare linux ....

2001-05-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti, arrivo subito al problema: recentemente ho fatto l'upgrade del mio PC 
installando una scheda madre ASUS A-7V al posto della vecchia ASUS P2-B, risultato: se 
cerco di installare qualunque tipo di LINUX, durante il processo di installazione mi 
viene chiesto di inserire il driver per il controller SCSI ATA-100 ,che è integrato 
nella piastra madre. Io ho provato a usare tutti i driver SCSI che mi suggerisce 
l'installazione, ma non ne ho trovato uno funzionante, inoltre nel PC non c'è alcuna 
periferica SCSI, ne interna ne esterna, è tutto EIDE/ATAPI. Ho provato a disattivare 
il controller da BIOS, ma non è cambiato nulla. Cosa posso fare ??
Un grazie a tutti coloro che volessero rispondermi, Ciao.

[newbie-it] Radeon VE

2001-05-11 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Salve a tutti,
ho scoperto che la mia Radeon VE non viene supportata da XFree 4.0.3 
(inclusa nella MDK 8), poichè tale scheda integra un chip che in pratica è 
sostanzialmente diverso dal Radeon predefinito (ad esempio manca il 
Charisma Engine).
Da un file .pdf, prelevato presso ATI, ho letto che tale scheda verrà 
supportata in Q2' 01... che significa?

Per ora la mia mdk 8.0 funziona col server grafico FBDev, e vi lascio 
immaginare la pena... :((

Grazie a tutti per le gentili risposte.


Re: [newbie-it] Xfree4, voodoo3 ed accelerazione 3d

2001-05-11 Thread Luca

11/05/01 12.29.21, Ruben Patanè [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

La MDK 8.0 dovrebbe vederti la scheda
devi fare l'installazione esperto e alla configurazione di XWindows devi
selezionere Xfree 4.3 Con Accelleratore Hardware.

la mdk 8, cosi' come la7.2 vede la scheda ma poi usa solo il 2d e non l'accelerazione 
Per verificarlo basta scrivere il comando

oppure un qualsiasi gioco come il tux racer, che viaggia alla folle velocita' di un 
fotogrammo al secondo
una volta c'erano i siti della 3dfx come ma ora sono stati cancellati 
togliendo pure i driver per xfree 3.xx
che almeno funzionavano bene :(
credo che l'unica strada sia usare dri, ma qui subentra poi la mia incompetenza

[newbie-it] Problemi MOUSE nella console

2001-05-11 Thread Matteo Merlin

da quando ho installato la MDK 8 ho notato che nella console,
cioé quando avvio programmi tipo linuxconf, harddrake, etc non mi va il
mouse... e neanche con harddrake riesco a cambiare la scritta unknown sia
sul modello che sulla marca...

Dentro a X invece tutto funziona bene.. e anche se rimane la
scritta unknown nel frontend grafico di harddrake, il mouse mi funziona...

E' un logitech FirstMouse+ su PS/2 (con rotellina)...


[newbie-it] Connessione Cell

2001-05-11 Thread peppesan

Qualcuno puo aiutarmi a configurare mdk 7.1 per la connessione con un sh888 
ericsson, sul mio portatile?
E' l'unico motivo che mi tiene legato a win ancora.



Re: [newbie-it] Non riesco più a installare linux ....

2001-05-11 Thread Marco Canapicchi


 Ciao a tutti, arrivo subito al problema: recentemente ho fatto l'upgrade del mio PC 
installando una scheda madre ASUS A-7V al posto della vecchia ASUS P2-B, risultato: 
se cerco di installare qualunque tipo di LINUX, durante il processo di installazione 
mi viene chiesto di inserire il driver per il controller SCSI ATA-100 ,che è 
integrato nella piastra madre. Io ho provato a usare tutti i driver SCSI che mi 
suggerisce l'installazione, ma non ne ho trovato uno funzionante, inoltre nel PC non 
c'è alcuna periferica SCSI, ne interna ne esterna, è tutto EIDE/ATAPI. Ho provato a 
disattivare il controller da BIOS, ma non è cambiato nulla. Cosa posso fare ??
 Un grazie a tutti coloro che volessero rispondermi, Ciao.

Diverso tempo fa ho avuto un problema simile con la tua scheda madre.
Credo che sia colpa del kernel 2.2.x che non supporta ATA/100. Credo che 
con una distribuzione recente (SUSE 7.1 , MNDRK 8.0) tu non abbia 
problemi: hanno il kernel 2.4 e supportano ATA/100.
Se poi vuoi restare al kernel 2.2.x allora vai su se 
cerchi UDMA 100 trovi il modo di installare la tua distr con una 
scheda A7V.
Scusa: l'indirizzo esatto non lo ricordo


[newbie] OMG! I'm back on the list!!!

2001-05-11 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Hey fellas,

I can hardly believe it, I've gotten back on the list! The e-mail 
account that I was using for this list mysteriously stopped delivering 
it to me a few months ago, and I had been too busy to try and fix it 
until recently.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Help on getting 2cd set of LM 8.0

2001-05-11 Thread Todd Flinders

I have sent the CDs.  You'll have them in a few days. 
They're on their way.  Enjoy.

--- Todd Flinders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll send it to you.  I assume you want it sent to
 address at the bottom.  You should have it in a few
 --- Bob Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've been reading the mail in here for a
  weeks. I've tried
  getting both disks via modem but my 28.8 connect
  isn't getting the job done.
  I've signed up on the Mandrake page to receive the
  2-CD set when available.
  I run Win2K Pro and have been interested in Linux
  for awhile now. I live
  beyond the limit for any high speed internet
  and was wondering if
  any one of you would send me a copy of the two CDs
  that you have downloaded.
  Of course I'll pay shipping and handling and what
  you think is fair for your
  time and media.
  Send any details you need to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  sure appreciate it!
  Bob Barnes
  RR2  Box 44
  Bardwell, Kentucky
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

RE: [newbie] Hello

2001-05-11 Thread Wynne Crisman

That depends a lot on whether you need the latest kernel.  If you have
hardware that is not supported by previous kernels/releases of mandrake you
may need 8.0.  I personally cannot recommend it as I have not been able to
get it to work yet and I have spent the last week trying (not that I am a
Linux guru - I do all my development on windoze).  For example, I have a
ATA100 RAID configuration for my drives which requires ATA100 support in the
kernel, thus 8.0 of mandrake (or 2.4.x of the kernel).

PS: Why buy an external modem?  If you must have a modem, the internal ones
are far superior, but you would be much better off with a broadband solution
these days.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michelle Knight
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 9:01 PM
Subject: [newbie] Hello


   I've been on this list a few days and decided to say hi and introduce
myself.  I'm utterly and totally a newbie as far as Linux goes (I've been
running a machine with Windows as the OS since 1995). I've researched a few
companies and decided to go with Mandrake as my distro.

A few questions . . .  I'm torn if I should buy 7.2 now or wait until 8.0
comes out as a box set. I'm running a 500 Pentium III, 128 meg RAM w/ an 18
Gig HD.   I plan on buying an external modem and wonder what brand of modem
would be a good choice. Any suggestions?  Thanks.


Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-11 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 10 May 2001 15:49, matty mo wrote:
 are any of the following available for linux? i'm
 willing to buy them if they are...


FreeCiv is a damn awesome game. They started before CivII was made, 
aiming to make a CivI clone. This can be seen in the design, with many 
elements taken from both CivII (e.g. advances  units) and CivI (e.g. 
non-isometric view). It's great to play online or over a network. The 
main thing I miss about it, however, is its lack of support for 
diplomacy (which pretty-much means you're at war all the time with the 
computer). It's clear that the developers have focussed on 
multi-player support, unlike CivI and CivII which are single-player 

Call to Power is also available for Linux. Many on-line stores sell it.


Try this: It's nowhere near 
as good as SimCity 3000, but it isn't bad for a GPL clone.


There are several WYSIWYG HTML editors out there. Besides Netscape 
Composer (which doesn't even hold a candle to Dreamweaver), there is 
IBM WebSphere HomePage Builder 
and Amaya ( WebSphere HomePage Builder is a 
port from the Windos version, and quite a good programme. Just be 
wary: it *doesn't* work with XFree 4.x, only 3.x. I only found that in 
a readme file after it had trashed my font server a few times. IBM 
should've been more clear about this. Amaya isn't a very pretty app, 
but it is designed by the W3C, which means it is 100% HTML 
standards-compliant. Probably the best thing you can do is to use a 
combination of these programmes, using each for its strengths. For raw 
coding, Quanta+ and SCREEM (both included in Mandrake 8.0) are great.


Many professional designers swear by The GIMP, saying it is even 
better than Photoshop. This is a classic GPL success story, and its 
toolkit (GTK) forms the basis for many X applications, including GNOME.

 black and white

This game is fairly new, so you may have to wait a while before 
someone makes a Linux port/clone of it.


Also, don't forget WINE, VMware and Win4Lin. I haven't had much 
success with WINE yet, but I play some games (I *love* Risk II!!!) in 
VMware. YMMV.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] forwarding

2001-05-11 Thread Marcel Dijk


Recently I downloaded and installed mandrake 8. I have installed and
configured the bastille-firewalll that comes with it. But I have one
problem, I want to redirect ports. I have a VNC (windows) machine runneing
behind the firewall. And I want to access the VNC server from the net. So I
have to redirect port 5900 on the firewall to port 5900 on the VNC machine.
How do I do this?



[newbie] OT: viewing Real content

2001-05-11 Thread Sam

Sorry, I know this is not strictly Mandrake-specific, but heck I AM a 
newbie so it might be somewhat relevant after all :).

Has anybody else encountered problems using the RealPlayer 8 with their 
browsers. The responses I get on different sites are particularly 
erratic with different browsers e.g.

at to see the mini videos
Netscape 4.77 claims that You need Real Player 8 to view the videos on 
this site
Mozilla 0.9 works well enough.
Konqueror 2.1.1 doesn't show anything

at to see the view the news videos
- all 3 browsers don't work

Does anybody know what might be the matter here? The Realplayer plugins 
are Definitely installed for all 3 browsers ( already checked the 
About plugins and the Konq Netscape plugins). Right now I still 
need to re-boot to Windows for this. Argh.

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-11 Thread Paul

 I have found Netscape Messenger to work just fine for NG's...

  One program I'd love to see is Agent/Free Agent, since I don't like
 Try Pan. It is not Free Agent yet, but very much getting there. if I am correct

It does, but Pan allows better offline things. I pay nicely per hour to be online.

[newbie] LM 8.0 halt bug -- Fortin's Solution

2001-05-11 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friens:

Thanks to the great troubleshooting efforts of Pierre Fortin, we have a
new halt file to replace the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file IN CASE YOU

If your shutdown works fine, i.e. without any error messages, with all
OK check marks and ending properly with all filesystems unmounted
(System halted), then skip this. This bug may or may not affect all LM
8.0 users. It was a serious problem for me. So, it may affect your
system, too. My system consists of an AMD K6-2, 400 MHz, 128 megs of RAM
and LM 8.0.

On the other hand, if you have a problem with shutdown, try Fortin's
modified version of halt.

This new halt file also takes into consideration any supermount you
might have in /etc/fstab (usually /mnt/cdrom, /mnt/floppy and /mnt/zip)

The problem seems to have something to do with LM 8.0's /boot partition.
This may involve a kernel bug, according to Fortin.

Before you do anything, rename the halt file that's on your system (just
in case) as follows:

[init.d]#mv halt halt.old


You can get the new halt file at:

(bottom of page)

First, cd to /etc/rc.d/init.d/

To save it, hold the SHIFT key while clicking on the halt link and
choose Save as. The file name will appear in your browser.

After saving it, open up a console or xterm and copy the file as

[home/user]#cp halt /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt

Now, you MUST change the permissions on the file as follows:

[init.d]#chmod 755 halt

Or, from your home directory:

[user/home]#chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt

(Either way will work)

NOW REBOOT to allow the new changes to take effect. Ignore any error
messages at this point. 

After you reboot to the console (runlevel 3) or directly to your GUI
(KDE, Gnome, etc), insert a zip cartridge into your zip drive, a floppy
into your floppy drive and a CD into your cd drive (yes, all
simultaneously). Now, test the new halt script by shutting down your
system with:

#shutdown -h now

The shutdown should be perfect with all green OK and you should be able
to see the new script unmount each partition INDIVIDUALLY:

DEBUG: Unmounting /home OK
DEBUG: Unmounting /zip OK
DEBUG: Unmounting /floppy OK
DEBUG: Unmounting /cdrom OK
DEBUG: Unmounting /boot OK


The script should end with either just the last line above (Unmounting
/boot OK) or else with

System halted

or with 

Power down.

Now, be sure you remove your floppy (if your floppy is, as usual, the
first drive indicated in your BIOS). 

Fortin's halt script should also work better with rebooting your
system (Cnt+Alt+Del or shutdown -r now). Automatica rebooting on my
system does not always work. The majority of times it does. But
sometimes it doesn't. That is, on occasion, it hangs on Please stand by
while Linux reboots...

Fortin's halt script doesn't fully solve the reboot issue. However,
when you manually power down and then power up and reboot, you should
have a perfect reboot without any error messages (all green check marks,
no cleanly unmounted, check forced messages which need to be fixed
(with red check marks). Instead, you should see /hda1 clean (hda1 is
my /boot partition).

The same thing happens after a proper shutdown. When you power up, your
bootup should be perfect with all green check marks and hda1 clean (or
whatever your /boot partition is called). That's how you can tell that
the new halt script is working properly.

All the best.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Egypt LUG?

2001-05-11 Thread Master Sir


just wondering if there was anybody from egypt on this

and secondly, if there was a Linux User Group.

if there is please please dont feel shy, RESPOND!
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[newbie] How risky is it to run a liveupdate from 7.2 to 8.0 ??

2001-05-11 Thread Philippe Mingo


I've just burned the 8.0 isos, and I would like to know how risky it is to 
run the livupdate from a server running 7.2 to 8.0.

Any bad experience ?

Philippe Mingo

Re: [newbie] Hello

2001-05-11 Thread Michael Scottaline

Michelle Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A few questions . . .  I'm torn if I should buy 7.2 now or wait until 8.0 

 comes out as a box set. I'm running a 500 Pentium III, 128 meg RAM w/ an 18 

 Gig HD.   I plan on buying an external modem and wonder what brand of modem 

 would be a good choice. Any suggestions?  Thanks.

You have a number of options as far as purchase goes.  I'm still running 7.1 (with 
2.2.19 kernel).
For a newbie, there's nothing wrong (perhaps a lot right ;o) ) with running 7.x and 
perhaps waiting for 8.1 or 8.2 to upgrade.  OR you could purchase a two disk set
of 8.0 from Cheapbytes for about $4-5 right now and then buy the official 8.1
later on from mandrake.
 Almost any external serial modem will work.  I like USRobotics personally.

Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
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--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
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Re: [newbie] How to configure linux to retrieve email from ISP

2001-05-11 Thread A V Flinsch

On Thursday 10 May 2001 20:36, you wrote:
 on 5/10/01 6:04 PM, Mark Johnson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a way that I can configure linux (daemon) to retrieve mail
  from for the all users on the machine from their ISP so that the just
  have to point their email client to the linux box instead of the ISP.

 Set up a mail server like Postfix with Procmail

That would be the first thing to do, It should be on the distro cds also.
You should install fetchmail next, also on the distro cd's

then have each user setup fetchmail,  you can use fetchmailconf for that, 
which happens to be on the distro cds also

then run a script like this from cron to snag all usermail
# usermail - bash script to snag mail for each
# user that has a .fetchmailrc file
# echo Starting mail download for all users
for i in `cat /etc/passwd |
  awk -F : '{ print $1   $6}'`; do
if [ $run -eq 0 ]
  if [ -r $home/.fetchmailrc ]
 echo getting mail for $name
 su -l -c /usr/bin/fetchmail -s -t 500 $name

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Re: [newbie] Hello

2001-05-11 Thread poogle

On Thursday 10 May 2001 23:00, you wrote:

I've been on this list a few days and decided to say hi and introduce
 myself.  I'm utterly and totally a newbie as far as Linux goes (I've been
 running a machine with Windows as the OS since 1995). I've researched a few
 companies and decided to go with Mandrake as my distro.

 A few questions . . .  I'm torn if I should buy 7.2 now or wait until 8.0
 comes out as a box set. I'm running a 500 Pentium III, 128 meg RAM w/ an 18
 Gig HD.   I plan on buying an external modem and wonder what brand of modem
 would be a good choice. Any suggestions?  Thanks.

With regard to choice of release, as I see it you have 2 options. If you feel 
you need the manuals you can either buy a boxed set of 7.2 now or wait for a 
boxed set of 8.0 when it is released. The alternative if you want some fun 
and possibly learn more in the process is to get the GPL (download) version 
of 8.0 from someone such as cheapbytes, install it and find your own way 
round it, search the newbie archives for subjects you want to know about and 
ask questions here. The choice really is yours, you know how 
knowledgeable/adventurous you are and how soon you want it.
Have a look through the newbie archives as well for posts about any problems 
with hardware you may have i.e. sound/graphics cards, printers etc, that way 
you will have the answer before the question arises.
As to choice of modem *nearly all * external modems work (but not USB as I 
understand it) , a lot of internal modems either don't work or need to be 
made to work, so an external modem would be the easiest option - just make 
sure that it is a 100% hardware modem, (I think the other term is Hayes 
compatible but I'm not sure, so wait until someone flames me for bad advice 
if I'm wrong here :-))  



2001-05-11 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have just been offered a free upgrade to my server,

I am going from a celeron 300 running at 450 to a Duron 900 running at well
at 900

So I now have to chose a motherboard for it... and after hearing all the
things said with regard to this,

I wonder if anyone could tell me the best chipset to aim for???

I have a 20 gig ata100 7200 rpm in my current server and I'd love to make
use of the extra speed if possible.

So, ,my questions is just what is the motherboard least likely to cause
troubles or problems???

any suggestions would be most appreciated.

kindest regards


Re: [newbie] OMG! I'm back on the list!!!

2001-05-11 Thread Ed Tharp

glad to have you back... I had the same Random enhancement happen to me a
few months ago, I thought it was because I had been on the newbie list about
a year.. time to join the expert list too, I have noticed a drop of
numbers of e-mails from newbie...

- Original Message -
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 12:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] OMG! I'm back on the list!!!

 Hey fellas,

 I can hardly believe it, I've gotten back on the list! The e-mail
 account that I was using for this list mysteriously stopped delivering
 it to me a few months ago, and I had been too busy to try and fix it
 until recently.


 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] software and upgrade questions

2001-05-11 Thread Paul

  does anyone have any recommendations for web design programs and the like for
  linux.  with windows i was using frontpage (which i didn't really like to
  begin with), there were a couple of things bundled with it- but i was looking
  for something a bit more full bodied.

  and one last question, on the 7.2 there is a graphic art program called
  cameleo that for the life of me i cannot get to install.  i get to the little
  install icon and won't do anything.  :0

I can imagine that the program ends in a problemstate. Can you open an xterm and run 
program from there? (enter the name and hit enter). If there is a real problem, that 
you can see what happens. (Never heard of the program)
You may want to try Gimp, although that is quite complex if you are not used to 
graphics programs. If you know about Photoshop, you won't be too puzzled though.

 program I have found for linux is Quanta, which installs from Mandrake 8.0.
 It is a far cry from Front Page, and is more remniscent of Allaire's Home

You can also consider Screem. It is the same basis as Quanta, so no wysiwyg.


[newbie] Netscape 6

2001-05-11 Thread Lúcio Costa

Hi folks !!!

I know, it's a newbie question !!!

I have a problem to install Netscape 6 in my MDK8.
Can any one tell me how can I do it ???
Step by step !!!


Lúcio Costa
São Paulo / Brazil.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: [newbie] forwarding

2001-05-11 Thread Morrell, Mike A

Install sshd on the firewall box. Login to the firewall box using ssh client
and setup a tunnel from localhost:5900 to winboxip:5900. Startup VNCviewer
to localhost:5900

Or if you want a less secure way to do it (not recommended) add this to your
firewall script
ipmasqadm portfw -L 5900 -R 5900
Then run VNCviewer to yourfirewallhost:5900
Note that your password will be sent in the clear. That is why this is not
as secure.

-Original Message-
From: Marcel Dijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 3:19 AM
Subject: [newbie] forwarding


Recently I downloaded and installed mandrake 8. I have installed and
configured the bastille-firewalll that comes with it. But I have one
problem, I want to redirect ports. I have a VNC (windows) machine runneing
behind the firewall. And I want to access the VNC server from the net. So I
have to redirect port 5900 on the firewall to port 5900 on the VNC machine.
How do I do this?




2001-05-11 Thread Lanman

Franki; I just attended the AMD conference here in Montreal on Tuesday. 
Depending on what your server is intended for now, and what it will be used 
for in the future, the chipset can be a critical choice. There are many boards
that can run both types of RAM (SDRam and DDRam). For now, it seems to be the 
Ali chipset that can run both. I personally prefer the Via chipset, but it 
doesn't support dual RAM yet. Obviously you wouldn't be able to run them at 
the same time, but when the price of DDRam drops, you'd be in a position to 
switch. Tom's Hardware ( is saying a lot of good things 
about the MSI boards, and there's a new player called DFI  ( that 
had some interesting stuff, as well as that tried and true board maker ASUS. 
I think that the significant point here is that these are all AMD 
reccommended boards. Just play close attention to the installation of the CPU 
as AMD has been getting enormous amounts of CPU's coming back because of 
faulty installation procedures, and these are not covered by warranty. A 
little FYI here, never push down on the CPU when installing the fan! OEM 
CPU's are fine, but make sure that you use Thermal Grease when installing. 
The retail CPU's come with a small tube of the stuff, and many of the cooling 
fans have a small square wafer of it on them. BUT, make sure that you pull 
off the sticker that covers the grease! I know that sounds stupid, but that 
was the biggest problem AMD was having with their warranty calls!
Good Luck
On Friday 11 May 2001  6:11, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have just been offered a free upgrade to my server,

 I am going from a celeron 300 running at 450 to a Duron 900 running at well
 at 900

 So I now have to chose a motherboard for it... and after hearing all the
 things said with regard to this,

 I wonder if anyone could tell me the best chipset to aim for???

 I have a 20 gig ata100 7200 rpm in my current server and I'd love to make
 use of the extra speed if possible.

 So, ,my questions is just what is the motherboard least likely to cause
 troubles or problems???

 any suggestions would be most appreciated.

 kindest regards


Dan LaBine  
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.   
Registered Linux User # 190712


2001-05-11 Thread Franki

I have been building/repairing computers since about 1989,,, from XT's/286's
all the way to Athlons,, so I think I got it down pat,, I also have a huge
supply of thermal grease and anything else I could possibly need...

What I was asking,, is just this:

1. Are their any motherboards or Chipsets I should stay away from?
2. Are their any that perform exceptionally well?
3. Are their any that have problems with linux.
4. Are their any with onboard hdd controllers that cause linux problems?

You get the idea, I have to decide on a AMD mainboard tomorrow,

These are my current choises,, if they are all crap, ,then I'll go with
another wholesaler.

The first group are 266 FSB



ASUS A7V-133 VIA-KT133A, 266FSB.
ASUS A7M266 AMD-761, 266FSB.
ASUS A7A266 ALi, 266FSB, 2xDDR  3xSDRAM Dimms, ATA/100, 4xAGP-PRO, 4xUSB,
Duron Ready, ATX

This second group are 200mhz FSB

Transcend AKT4 VIA KT-133, 200FSB

So I am trying to find one that doesn't cost the farm and won't have any
issues with MDK,

Any suggestions???

The Asus boards are the most expensive

Anyone know anything about the PCchips or the Transcend???



-Original Message-
From: Lanman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 11 May 2001 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HELP CHOSING A DURON 900 MAINBOARD.

Franki; I just attended the AMD conference here in Montreal on Tuesday.
Depending on what your server is intended for now, and what it will be used
for in the future, the chipset can be a critical choice. There are many
that can run both types of RAM (SDRam and DDRam). For now, it seems to be
Ali chipset that can run both. I personally prefer the Via chipset, but it
doesn't support dual RAM yet. Obviously you wouldn't be able to run them at
the same time, but when the price of DDRam drops, you'd be in a position to
switch. Tom's Hardware ( is saying a lot of good things
about the MSI boards, and there's a new player called DFI  (
had some interesting stuff, as well as that tried and true board maker ASUS.
I think that the significant point here is that these are all AMD
reccommended boards. Just play close attention to the installation of the
as AMD has been getting enormous amounts of CPU's coming back because of
faulty installation procedures, and these are not covered by warranty. A
little FYI here, never push down on the CPU when installing the fan! OEM
CPU's are fine, but make sure that you use Thermal Grease when installing.
The retail CPU's come with a small tube of the stuff, and many of the
fans have a small square wafer of it on them. BUT, make sure that you pull
off the sticker that covers the grease! I know that sounds stupid, but that
was the biggest problem AMD was having with their warranty calls!
Good Luck
On Friday 11 May 2001  6:11, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have just been offered a free upgrade to my server,

 I am going from a celeron 300 running at 450 to a Duron 900 running at
 at 900

 So I now have to chose a motherboard for it... and after hearing all the
 things said with regard to this,

 I wonder if anyone could tell me the best chipset to aim for???

 I have a 20 gig ata100 7200 rpm in my current server and I'd love to make
 use of the extra speed if possible.

 So, ,my questions is just what is the motherboard least likely to cause
 troubles or problems???

 any suggestions would be most appreciated.

 kindest regards


Dan LaBine
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.
Registered Linux User # 190712

Re: [newbie] Gnutella? Napster for 8.0?

2001-05-11 Thread s

I found Lopster works really well on 8.0.  I used a src rpm.  I think I found 
it at:


On Thursday 10 May 2001 05:41 pm, you wrote:
 Is there gnutella or napster that will actaully install on Mandrake 8.0?

[newbie] Bye, for now

2001-05-11 Thread Ciro Durán

Well, I´ll have to say goodbye to this list for 
now, I bought Mandrake in hope I would have Linux on this machine, but the space 
is too little to install it as I want... I´ve been recieving too 
much messages from this list, and I want my space too 
^_^... I´ll buy soon a "Naked PC" (cryyy Microsoft) and 
then "I´ll be back" ^_^

Thanks for the help... and keep going

El Ciro

[newbie] Networking

2001-05-11 Thread Rod Upfold

We are changing over from using 3 modems to a DSL. 

I am trying to set up a home network to use one DSL connection.

I followed the tutorial on networking at Mandrake. The author of the
tutorial talks about two network cards in the linux server...the one card
would be eth0what about the other card...I suspect that it is for
the DSL modem to plug into itbut what do I do with this card in the
Linuxconf setupis it eth1?what info do I put in...the same type
of info that I used for eth0 but different numbers?

My internal home network will include 2 Win98 machines (my kid...can't
convince them to switch over to Linux and my dual operating
computerand my Linux router/gateway machine. What information do I need to
put into Win98 networking menu?

IP address - specify an IP address or obtain an IP
Gateway - Do I enter the Gateway address that I put on my Linux
server?...or leave it blank?

Do I disable the DNS or enable and use the DNS numbers that you get from
the DSL provider?

Right now I have the Gateway machine and a Win98 machine hooked up
together and I can ping back and forthbut thats as far I have

I am going back to Mandrake 7.2 - I loaded up version 8 last night and my
machine bogged down and is much faster with version 7.2 and it has less
automatic setup programs that you can't learn with.

Thank - I shall probably be back with more questions.

Thank you again



[newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi there all 

I think this must be the hoax of the year.
Microsoft has come out with its own Linux version. I have to see this to
believe it though.

Check out there site

[newbie] how to make boot disks

2001-05-11 Thread Alan Rolfe

Stupid question...

How do i make a boot disk for my machine in case something goes wrong?
i.e. from the console..

___ the South-African free email service

RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP

2001-05-11 Thread Franki

Ummm, Thanks Mr Mark,

I was answering someone elses question though, and it was the hosts.deny
that caused the problem if I remember correctly

my ssh works just fine thanks,, but I wouldn't be caught dead using FTP on
my box... to insecure

Thanks again...


-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 11 May 2001 10:35 PM
To: Franki
Cc: Rules Address for MDK
Subject: RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP


this might sound like a stupid question, but i've found in the past i've
had to ask myself the same question. are you sure the package
openssh-server is installed? I've had the same situation a few times and
almost each time when I thought that the server installed it was only
the openssh-client that got installed. Which would give exactly the same
error that you're recieving now.

Also, you will want to check your /etc/hosts.deny file to make sure that
you don't have a line in there that looks like this:


If that line is present then comment it out and you may find that
connection is then possible.


On Thu, 10 May 2001, Franki wrote:

 what are your security levels set at? do the other inetd or xinetd
 run? like pop3 or telnet

 what ports do you see if you portscan the box?

 do you have a firewall running and if so have you blocked the ftp and ssh

 you need to find out what is closing the connection,,,  and since both ftp
 and ssh are affected, whats in your hosts.allow and hosts.deny?

 not much you can make suggestion wise without seeing the server, so I just
 ask questions...  :-)
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Amy Eslinger
   Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2001 3:08 AM
   Subject: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP

   I ran a custom server install on Mandrake 7.2. I am unable to ftp to it
 access the server using a secure shell.

   The sshd and inetd is running. The configuration files look accurate.
 ports are open.
   When I attempt to ssh, I receive the error, connection closed by

   If anyone has any insight, I'd be grateful!! Thanks, Amy

RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP

2001-05-11 Thread Mark Weaver


this might sound like a stupid question, but i've found in the past i've
had to ask myself the same question. are you sure the package
openssh-server is installed? I've had the same situation a few times and
almost each time when I thought that the server installed it was only
the openssh-client that got installed. Which would give exactly the same
error that you're recieving now.

Also, you will want to check your /etc/hosts.deny file to make sure that
you don't have a line in there that looks like this:


If that line is present then comment it out and you may find that
connection is then possible.


On Thu, 10 May 2001, Franki wrote:

 what are your security levels set at? do the other inetd or xinetd services
 run? like pop3 or telnet

 what ports do you see if you portscan the box?

 do you have a firewall running and if so have you blocked the ftp and ssh

 you need to find out what is closing the connection,,,  and since both ftp
 and ssh are affected, whats in your hosts.allow and hosts.deny?

 not much you can make suggestion wise without seeing the server, so I just
 ask questions...  :-)
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Amy Eslinger
   Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2001 3:08 AM
   Subject: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP

   I ran a custom server install on Mandrake 7.2. I am unable to ftp to it or
 access the server using a secure shell.

   The sshd and inetd is running. The configuration files look accurate. The
 ports are open.
   When I attempt to ssh, I receive the error, connection closed by foreign

   If anyone has any insight, I'd be grateful!! Thanks, Amy

[newbie] rpm problem

2001-05-11 Thread outofcontrol

Hi there all
I have a prob:
1 How do i install a src.rpm in MDK 7.2? This is a 
file i need to hopefully make my ethernet card be recognized.I had to download 
thru windows and i have copied it to a cd but im not sure what to do 
Im new to linux and i might just be missing 
something obvious but i hope someone can help.

Re: [newbie] forwarding

2001-05-11 Thread Marcel Dijk

 Or if you want a less secure way to do it (not recommended) add this to
 firewall script
 ipmasqadm portfw -L 5900 -R 5900
 Then run VNCviewer to yourfirewallhost:5900
 Note that your password will be sent in the clear. That is why this is not
 as secure.

If i enter this line:

ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 5900 -R MY_IP_NUMBER  5900

(I didn't mention my real IP, the one I mentioned in the command)

I get this error:

portfw: setsockopt failed: Protocol not available


[newbie] web page for linux and motherbboards?

2001-05-11 Thread Franki

Hi all,

Is there a web page regarding motherboards, chips and linux??

I remember recently, there was a discussion about amd optimisations with the
kernel, and a page about it was mentioned,, but I can't find it,,,

does anyone know what I am talking about??

ps, love the mslinux version,

one question, where can I get the source? I'd like to compile it myself  :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lanman
Sent: Friday, 11 May 2001 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HELP CHOSING A DURON 900 MAINBOARD.

Franki; I just attended the AMD conference here in Montreal on Tuesday.
Depending on what your server is intended for now, and what it will be used
for in the future, the chipset can be a critical choice. There are many
that can run both types of RAM (SDRam and DDRam). For now, it seems to be
Ali chipset that can run both. I personally prefer the Via chipset, but it
doesn't support dual RAM yet. Obviously you wouldn't be able to run them at
the same time, but when the price of DDRam drops, you'd be in a position to
switch. Tom's Hardware ( is saying a lot of good things
about the MSI boards, and there's a new player called DFI  (
had some interesting stuff, as well as that tried and true board maker ASUS.
I think that the significant point here is that these are all AMD
reccommended boards. Just play close attention to the installation of the
as AMD has been getting enormous amounts of CPU's coming back because of
faulty installation procedures, and these are not covered by warranty. A
little FYI here, never push down on the CPU when installing the fan! OEM
CPU's are fine, but make sure that you use Thermal Grease when installing.
The retail CPU's come with a small tube of the stuff, and many of the
fans have a small square wafer of it on them. BUT, make sure that you pull
off the sticker that covers the grease! I know that sounds stupid, but that
was the biggest problem AMD was having with their warranty calls!
Good Luck
On Friday 11 May 2001  6:11, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have just been offered a free upgrade to my server,

 I am going from a celeron 300 running at 450 to a Duron 900 running at
 at 900

 So I now have to chose a motherboard for it... and after hearing all the
 things said with regard to this,

 I wonder if anyone could tell me the best chipset to aim for???

 I have a 20 gig ata100 7200 rpm in my current server and I'd love to make
 use of the extra speed if possible.

 So, ,my questions is just what is the motherboard least likely to cause
 troubles or problems???

 any suggestions would be most appreciated.

 kindest regards


Dan LaBine
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.
Registered Linux User # 190712

Re: [newbie] Networking

2001-05-11 Thread s

Here's the tutorial/howto I followed to get mine up.  It's pretty good if 
your provider uses pppoe and you use ipchains (which you probably will if you 
are indeed going back to 7.2).

On Friday 11 May 2001 08:04 am, you wrote:
 We are changing over from using 3 modems to a DSL.

 I am trying to set up a home network to use one DSL connection.

 I followed the tutorial on networking at Mandrake. The author of the
 tutorial talks about two network cards in the linux server...the one card
 would be eth0what about the other card...I suspect that it is for
 the DSL modem to plug into itbut what do I do with this card in the
 Linuxconf setupis it eth1?what info do I put in...the same type
 of info that I used for eth0 but different numbers?

 My internal home network will include 2 Win98 machines (my kid...can't
 convince them to switch over to Linux and my dual operating
 computerand my Linux router/gateway machine. What information do I need to
 put into Win98 networking menu?

 IP address - specify an IP address or obtain an IP
 Gateway - Do I enter the Gateway address that I put on my Linux
 server?...or leave it blank?

 Do I disable the DNS or enable and use the DNS numbers that you get from
 the DSL provider?

 Right now I have the Gateway machine and a Win98 machine hooked up
 together and I can ping back and forthbut thats as far I have

 I am going back to Mandrake 7.2 - I loaded up version 8 last night and my
 machine bogged down and is much faster with version 7.2 and it has less
 automatic setup programs that you can't learn with.

 Thank - I shall probably be back with more questions.

 Thank you again



Re: [newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread William R. Nash

This must be one of the funniest things i read all year.  Thanks for the 

Bill Nash
On Friday 11 May 2001 07:59, Mcintosh, Duncan wrote:
 Hi there all

 I think this must be the hoax of the year.
 Microsoft has come out with its own Linux version. I have to see this to
 believe it though.

 Check out there site

Re: [newbie] Hello

2001-05-11 Thread Petre Daniel

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Michelle Knight wrote:

I've been on this list a few days and decided to say hi and introduce 
 myself.  I'm utterly and totally a newbie as far as Linux goes (I've been 
 running a machine with Windows as the OS since 1995). I've researched a few 
 companies and decided to go with Mandrake as my distro.
Yeah,hello Michelle,good choice :)
 A few questions . . .  I'm torn if I should buy 7.2 now or wait until 8.0 
 comes out as a box set. I'm running a 500 Pentium III, 128 meg RAM w/ an 18 
 Gig HD.   I plan on buying an external modem and wonder what brand of modem 
 would be a good choice. Any suggestions?  Thanks.
7.2 is quite good,i am running it...but it has 2.2.17 kernel
(locally vulnerable)
8.0 i heard is better...
external modems like 3Com or Zyxel are just fine :p
good luck
Petre Daniel
Romanian Whitehat

Re: [newbie] Help on getting 2cd set of LM 8.0

2001-05-11 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 10 May 2001, RK wrote:

I got my Mandrake 8 set last week from Cheapbytes  -  they're pleasant to deal
with, and quick.. They send an acknowledgement of your order, and, as promised, 
another e-mail when the cd's go out the door. I had mine in 2 days, using 


 That's a good price, even with the $5.00 shipping charge in the USA.
 Randy Kramer
 Darin Lang wrote:


2001-05-11 Thread Randy Kramer

Franki wrote:
 Anyone know anything about the PCchips or the Transcend???

Don't know about the Transcend.  I believe the PCchips is a generic
motherboard sold under several brand names.  I'd bet it is the same as
the Alton M/B 810 LMR, and very similar to the Matsonic MS8308.

At a computer show about three months ago, I bought the Matsonic MS8308,
because it was about $9 less than the Alton (about $69).  The Matsonic
does not have an on-board modem, which I did not want anyway.  (For $10
I could have bought a modem that was almost on-board -- the motherboard
has a special socket for a special modem.)

The Alton and Matsonic modems (and the PCChips modem -- the M in the LMR
tell you that it has an on board modem, the L means Lan (on board 10/100
Ethernet), and the R I can't recall right now) are Winmodems.  I have no
idea whether there are Linux drivers for these particular Winmodems.

Before I go any further, let me say that I like the motherboard, but not
everyone will.

It has on-board video, sound, and 10/100 Ethernet.  We (my son and I)
installed Mandrake 7.2 with MandrakeFreq after attempting to install the
beta 3 of Mandrake 8.0.  (The problem had to do with the configuration
of X.)

Nice things about the board:


Built in video (SiS 730/630) with AGP interface, plus an AGP socket if
you want to upgrade to a better AGP card.  (The SiS 730/630 is probably
not the fastest, but we haven't done any fps benchmarks.)  We are
running Mandrake 7.2 with the generic SVGA driver.  (IIUC, the SiS
drivers for 3.3.6 and 4.0.2 support the SiS 630, but the driver for
4.0.3 does not support the 630 -- go figure!  When we set up 7.2 it
chose the SVGA driver, and after our problems with 8.0 decided not to
fool around for now -- just accept it.)  If you plug a better card into
the AGP socket you can (must?) disable the on board video in the Bios

Built in sound that works in Mandrake 7.2 (don't recall the chip
designation).  (We had previously used a predecessor of this motherboard
called the TX-Pro II.  We could never get the on board sound module to
work under Linux (works fine in Windows).)  Again, you can disable the
on board sound in the Bios setup.  (PS: The reason we needed to upgrade
is to get more memory -- the TX-Pro II has only two DIMM sockets, which
can only handle 64 MB each.  The Matsonic has two that can handle 256 MB
each, and I think the Alton has three (at 256 MB each).  IME(xperience),
Linux needs far more memory than Windows.)

We disabled the onboard Lan (Ethernet 10/100) because our home Ethernet
still uses coax.

If you think about disabling the on board stuff, note that the Matsonic
only has two PCI sockets and one AGP socket.  (I don't recall if the
Alton has 2 + 1 sockets, but I know it does not have 5, 6, or 7.)

Back to the video.  I think (my opinion only, and I'm quite a newbie to
Linux) that the problem has to do with the setup -- maybe the system
reports that it is using an SiS 730/630 driver, and Mandrake doesn't
recognize it, and throws up its hands and quits.  It gives a message
something like ... not found in (database?) ... and does not let us
complete the installation.  (Well actually, it may have completed the
non-graphic installation because we were able to boot up, and we might
have been able to set up X manually -- but we punted and went back to
Mandrake 7.2.)  As I understand it, the chipset is a 730 but the video
portion of it is the same as the 630.

Good luck, hope this helps!
Randy Kramer

RE: [newbie] cutting off access to specific sites to masq

2001-05-11 Thread Franki

yeah, I did that a few days ago,, added some new rules to PMFirewall to drop
access to that site entirely..

but I'd rather block the ports..

can anyone tell me all the ports to block to stop realplayer streaming video

-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 11 May 2001 11:45 PM
To: Franki
Cc: Rules Address for MDK
Subject: Re: [newbie] cutting off access to specific sites to masq

Ipchains, my friend. Ipcahins. add a rulle to the chains that blocks those
pckets from entering the LAN. You can close the port and also block that
host from sending data to your LAN. The packets are just dropped. No more

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Franki wrote:

 Hi all,

 We have big brother over here at the moment, and all the staff at my
 location are wanting to watching the realplayer live footage,,,

 I want to cut off access to that site to the computers, its costing me a

 How can I stop all access to realplayer streaming video to the masq

 any suggestions...??

 many thanks



Re: [newbie] Networking

2001-05-11 Thread Todd Flinders

Yes, use eth1 for the second card.

One card should be hooked up to the DSL.  The other
card should be hooked up to the internal private
network.  This server with the two cards can act as
the router and the firewall.

Give eth1 similar information as eth0.  It's probably
easiest to get them both the same subnet, but they
will need two different IPs.

The windows machines will use the server as their
gateway.  They can use the DNS from the ISP.

--- Rod Upfold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We are changing over from using 3 modems to a DSL. 
 I am trying to set up a home network to use one DSL
 I followed the tutorial on networking at Mandrake.
 The author of the
 tutorial talks about two network cards in the linux
 server...the one card
 would be eth0what about the other card...I
 suspect that it is for
 the DSL modem to plug into itbut what do I do
 with this card in the
 Linuxconf setupis it eth1?what info do I
 put in...the same type
 of info that I used for eth0 but different
 My internal home network will include 2 Win98
 machines (my kid...can't
 convince them to switch over to Linux and my dual
 computerand my Linux router/gateway machine. What
 information do I need to
 put into Win98 networking menu?
 IP address - specify an IP address or obtain an IP
 Gateway - Do I enter the Gateway address that I put
 on my Linux
 server?...or leave it blank?
 Do I disable the DNS or enable and use the DNS
 numbers that you get from
 the DSL provider?
 Right now I have the Gateway machine and a Win98
 machine hooked up
 together and I can ping back and forthbut
 thats as far I have
 I am going back to Mandrake 7.2 - I loaded up
 version 8 last night and my
 machine bogged down and is much faster with version
 7.2 and it has less
 automatic setup programs that you can't learn with.
 Thank - I shall probably be back with more
 Thank you again

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] troubleshooting vmware Xfree86 DGA support

2001-05-11 Thread Terry Smith

I'm a true newbie, which means I know very little (if anything) :-)),
but I have the same problem with VMWARE. When I told this to my linux
guru (our network guy) he said that he suspects that VMWARE is not
compatible with XFree86 v. 4***. Perhaps going to version 3 would solve
the problem.

Terry Smith
Woods Hole, MA

Tycho Bizot wrote:
 I am already using vmware 2.04 with the suppert for kernel 2.4
 it was a clean install..and i didn't get any errors
 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Pithers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: donderdag 10 mei 2001 14:32
 To: Tycho Bizot
 Subject: Re: [newbie] troubleshooting vmware Xfree86 DGA support
 On Thursday 10 May 2001 10:51, you wrote:
  I just installed VMware 2.04 in run's.
  there is only one thing i can't figure out
  when i start Vmware it gives the following message :
 ! no xfree86 DGA support for this X-screen !
 ! xfree86 Digital Graphics (DGA extension) initialisation failed !
  and when i run a virtual win98 machine it says the following :
 ! The virtual machine will not be able to run in full-screen SVGA
  mode, because your X-server does not support the Xfree86 DGA extension
  for direct-to-frame-buffer graphics or because DGA is supported but the
  virtual machine cannot use it !
  I am running mandrake 8.0 with XFree86 4
  anyone has a clue?
  thanx in advance
 Try going to VMware's web site, I believe that there is an update available
 fot the 2.4.x kernel which might fix the problem.

RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP

2001-05-11 Thread Mark Weaver

Sorry about that...I realized that your post was a response to someone
else just after I sent the reply and went on to the next post.

As for the FTP...I've found it to be ok as long it's setup correctly. Not
that I'm issuing a challenge or anything, but mine is working ok so far.


On Fri, 11 May 2001, Franki wrote:

 Ummm, Thanks Mr Mark,

 I was answering someone elses question though, and it was the hosts.deny
 that caused the problem if I remember correctly

 my ssh works just fine thanks,, but I wouldn't be caught dead using FTP on
 my box... to insecure

 Thanks again...


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 11 May 2001 10:35 PM
 To: Franki
 Cc: Rules Address for MDK
 Subject: RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP


 this might sound like a stupid question, but i've found in the past i've
 had to ask myself the same question. are you sure the package
 openssh-server is installed? I've had the same situation a few times and
 almost each time when I thought that the server installed it was only
 the openssh-client that got installed. Which would give exactly the same
 error that you're recieving now.

 Also, you will want to check your /etc/hosts.deny file to make sure that
 you don't have a line in there that looks like this:

   ALL:ALL EXCEPT localhost:DENY

 If that line is present then comment it out and you may find that
 connection is then possible.


 On Thu, 10 May 2001, Franki wrote:

  what are your security levels set at? do the other inetd or xinetd
  run? like pop3 or telnet
  what ports do you see if you portscan the box?
  do you have a firewall running and if so have you blocked the ftp and ssh
  you need to find out what is closing the connection,,,  and since both ftp
  and ssh are affected, whats in your hosts.allow and hosts.deny?
  not much you can make suggestion wise without seeing the server, so I just
  ask questions...  :-)
-Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Amy Eslinger
Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2001 3:08 AM
Subject: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 and FTP
I ran a custom server install on Mandrake 7.2. I am unable to ftp to it
  access the server using a secure shell.
The sshd and inetd is running. The configuration files look accurate.
  ports are open.
When I attempt to ssh, I receive the error, connection closed by
If anyone has any insight, I'd be grateful!! Thanks, Amy

Re: [newbie] how to make boot disks

2001-05-11 Thread John Rye

On Fri, 11 May 2001 16:01:43 +0200
Alan Rolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stupid question...
 How do i make a boot disk for my machine in case something goes wrong?
 i.e. from the console..

From a console as root (su,  password)

mkbootdisk (uname -r)

dead easy


The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] Performance between win32 and linux 2.4,, also, motherboard swap effect curent install??

2001-05-11 Thread Franki

Hi all,

Do you guys remember the big hubub when MicroSnot released figures that
proved that NT server outperformed redhat in file serving, web serving and
some other stuff on high end servers??

Does anyone know if tests have been done comparing things now that the 2.4.4
kernel  (or just 2.4)and reiserFS have been released?

I would be most interested in seeing the results of nowdays compared to the
linux of those days, which in RH terms was what 6.1 or 2???

wonder what the percentage of impovement would be.

I'd also love to know exactly how much difference %% wise, it makes to use
i586 packages as mandrake does.. with i386 as redhat apparently does...

anyone seen anything like that?

Also, I want to swap from an Intel BX chipsent mainboard with 128mb PC133
ram and a Celeron 450, to a Duron 900 (possibly running at 1gig...) and a
Via chipset... if I just swap the board over, (making sure to keep the hdds
connected to the correct ide's...) will it work? or will I get kernel panics
and stuff?

Also,, is it worth reinstalling to make sure the install has all the kernel
optimisations? (ie will I get i686 instead of i586? or should I aim for AMD
optimisations?  is it even worth the trouble?

lastly and most importantly, if it doesn't work without reinstall,, is there
anything I can do to band aid it till it does work??

I currently have 7.2 running with Reiser FS (love that reiser) and I have
kernel 2.2.19 and all the other updates as well, it all works flawlessly and
I am most happy with it now. (got all the issues I had sorted.)

I don't want to reinstall 7.2, the next time I install it will be 8 or 8.1,,
and I  have not seen 8 anywhere around Perth yet...

So basically, anything I can do to keep the current install working with the
new chip and hardware would be absolutly a lifesaver...

Strangely enough, I think this is something windows actually does better
then linux,, I have done hundreds of MB swaps in windows systems, and it
just goes off and finds the new stuff and removes the old, most of the time
completely sucessfully...

I am hoping that linux will be the same, but I thought I'd ask,, (don't
think it has ever heard to ask.)

many thanks and kindest regards

Perth Western Australia

RE: [newbie] My Choice for Duron Motherboard...

2001-05-11 Thread Kelly, Christopher

I have an Abit myself. It is great. The softmenu is easy to use and it is
jumperless! No compaints.


-Original Message-
From: Franki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 12:27 PM
To: Rules Address for MDK
Subject: [newbie] My Choice for Duron Motherboard...

Hi all,

After hours of browsing reading reviews and stuff...

I have decided on the Abit KT7 133a motherboard...

it has full overclocking, and is apparantly very stable and well layed out,,
I also like the 6 pci slots and one legacy (for that card that you can't
bear to part with...)

Does anyone have anything bad to say about it???  I'd like to know before I
part with $$

Here is an example of one of the reviews...

Well, we've been poking and prodding at the KT7 for days, and can't find
anything that's not to like. Technically, the board is as close to perfect
as possible.

So that and the other positive reviews, seems to be saying I have made a
good choice... and at 240ex tax, I would like to hope so...

Thanks to all who offered a view...



Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-11 Thread Rog

On Thu, 10 May 2001 21:11:49 +0200, Rog kept his cool as you
frantically scribbled:

It was Thu, 10 May 2001 14:24:40 -0400 when Rog wrote:

One program I'd love to see is Agent/Free Agent, since I don't like
the newsreaders I've found in Linux. Agent works very well under Wine,
but I'd stll like one ported for Linux. Fortunately, I sent Forte an
email about it, and they said they were considering a linux port for
Agent 2.0.

Try Pan. It is not Free Agent yet, but very much getting there. if I am correct

I have tried seems to market itself as an Agent clone, but
it's definitly one of the reasons I've stuck with Agent. I found it
quite disappointing. Thanks, though :-)




Re: [newbie] Forcing 2.2.19 to be installed?

2001-05-11 Thread Dave Sherman

Are you referring to Mandrake 8.0? I don't think it comes with an older 
kernel, just the 2.4.3. And I *know* Mandrake 7.2 only comes with 2.2.17, 
which is upgradeable to 2.2.19.


At 06:18 PM 05/11/2001 -0400, Joan Tur wrote:

Is there any way to force kernel 2.2.19 to be installed instead of
2.4.3 ??

Thanks!  ;)

 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Dave Sherman
Business Solutions Group, LLC  Quid quid latine dictum sit,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  altum viditur.
(763) 569-9839

[newbie] Problems with swap

2001-05-11 Thread Alejandro Castro Calvo

I have installed LM8 a few days ago, and everything was alright until I
tried to install StarOffice 5.2. Then, I received the message that I hadn't
enought memory.

I have 159.15 MB of RAM, and 264.04 MB of swap (on hda6), so I couldn't
understand it. But then I went to Memory Information on the Control Center
and I saw that my swap was 0.0% used.

I have tried many things: swapoff and then swapon (when I swapped-off, I
could see Swap Memory Not Available on the Control Center, so I thought this
is not the problem); repartition hda and then mkswap; even mount swap on a

Nothing has worked, and my swap is still 0.0% used, so I don't have enough
memory to install StarOffice, and some games (like pingus or Xsoldier) runs
so slowly.

I have a Penthium MMX 233, and you can see my report file from HardDrake and
my fstab as attachments.

Thanks in advence,

?xml version=1.0?
DEVICE VENDOR=GenuineIntel MODEL=Pentium MMX TYPE=cpu BUS=Unknown MODULE=Not Available POS=0 FLAGS=[HAS_FPU:HAS_MMX] BOGOMIPS=465.30 BUGS=f00f  FREQ=233/
DEVICE TYPE=memory BUS=Unknown MODULE=Not Available POS=0 TOTAL=159148 FREE=19828 SHARED=0 BUFFERS=7492 CACHED=68768 SWAP_TOTAL=262040 SWAP_FREE=262040/
DEVICE VENDOR=Unknown MODEL=1.44MB 3.5quot; TYPE=floppy BUS=Floppy Drive Controller MODULE=Not Available DEV=/dev/fd0 POS=0/
DEVICE VENDOR=Unknown MODEL=Pioneer CD-ROM ATAPI Model DR-A24X 0102 TYPE=cdrom BUS=ATAPI/IDE MODULE=ignore DEV=/dev/hdd POS=0/
DEVICE VENDOR=3Com Corporation MODEL=3c905B 100BaseTX [Cyclone] TYPE=ethernet BUS=PCI MODULE=3c59x POS=0 ID=10b79055/
DEVICE VENDOR=S3 Inc. MODEL=ViRGE (generic)	ViRGE/DX or /GX TYPE=video BUS=PCI MODULE=Not Available POS=0 ID=/
DEVICE VENDOR=Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi] MODEL=M5229 IDE TYPE=ide BUS=PCI MODULE=unknown POS=0 ID=10b95229/
DEVICE VENDOR=Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi] MODEL=M5237 USB TYPE=usb BUS=PCI MODULE=usb-ohci POS=0 ID=10b95237/
DEVICE VENDOR=Unknown MODEL=Unknown TYPE=mouse BUS=Serial MODULE=ignore DEV=/dev/ttyS0 POS=0 DEVID=Not Available/
DEVICE VENDOR=Seiko Epson Corp. MODEL=Stylus Color 760 / M800C / Photo 870 TYPE=printer BUS=USB MODULE=unknown POS=0 ID=/
DEVICE VENDOR=Unknown MODEL=Unknown TYPE=other BUS=USB POS=0 ID=07180002/
DEVICE VENDOR=Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi] MODEL=M1531 [Aladdin IV] TYPE=bridge BUS=PCI MODULE=unknown POS=0 ID=10b91531/
DEVICE VENDOR=Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi] MODEL=M1533 PCI to ISA Bridge [Aladdin IV] TYPE=bridge BUS=PCI MODULE=ignore POS=0 ID=10b91533/

/dev/hdb5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda5 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,ro 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat user,noauto 0 0
/dev/sda /mnt/disk vfat user,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 none swap exec,dev,suid,rw 0 0

Re: [newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread Irv Mullins

On Fri, 11 May 2001, Dave wrote:
 Yes, this is a hoax. Been around for a while, actually.

I fully expect Microsoft to come out with a version of Linux sooner 
or later. It will be 'user friendly' - but just enough different so that 
only Microsoft programs will run well on it.

Having Microsoft 'embrace and extend' your standards is like 
letting the dirty old man down the street 'embrace' your teenage 
daughter - the likely outcome is much the same.


 At 01:59 PM 05/11/2001 +0200, Mcintosh, Duncan wrote:
 Hi there all
 I think this must be the hoax of the year.
 Microsoft has come out with its own Linux version. I have to see this to
 believe it though.
 Check out there site

Re: [newbie] Hello

2001-05-11 Thread Chubby Vic

Well 8 is good, but not quite polished off yet.

7.2 has its little boogers in it too, but is not bad.

I installed 8.0 and so far its pretty good.

If you really need it quick you may wish to go get 7.2 in the box.

On Thursday 10 May 2001 10:00 pm, so spoke Michelle Knight:

I've been on this list a few days and decided to say hi and introduce
 myself.  I'm utterly and totally a newbie as far as Linux goes (I've been
 running a machine with Windows as the OS since 1995). I've researched a few
 companies and decided to go with Mandrake as my distro.

 A few questions . . .  I'm torn if I should buy 7.2 now or wait until 8.0
 comes out as a box set. I'm running a 500 Pentium III, 128 meg RAM w/ an 18
 Gig HD.   I plan on buying an external modem and wonder what brand of modem
 would be a good choice. Any suggestions?  Thanks.


Re: [newbie] Who sells Mandrake distributions?

2001-05-11 Thread skip

Alan SkipYou asked who carries the boxed sets.  I said that LSL
Alan would have the Macmillan 8.0 boxed sets as soon as they are
Alan available.  They are not yet available.  What is available in the
Alan 8.0 release is the GPL CD's and that's what costs $3.78.  Be
Alan patient.  :-)

Ah, okay, thanks.  My brain failed to make the proper distinction.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[newbie] upgrade to kernel 2.2.19

2001-05-11 Thread Szathmary Laszlo


Is it worth upgrading to 2.2.19 from 2.2.17? If yes, then how? It requires
the alsa-2.2.19 package, as I know. Can I simply install it, or does it
have to be forced? (I have Mdk 7.2)



Re: [newbie] RPM problem...solved? one more time before..

2001-05-11 Thread Mark Weaver

Hi Petre,

you're very welcome for the help. No problem. thats why we're all here in
this place.

and yes, you can get that tarball from thats where I got it.

good luck,


On Wed, 9 May 2001, Petre Daniel wrote:

 so,i read the messages,still a bit confused,but i got the big picture i
 I don't have much time,i have exams and my job,so i can't look into the
 If i understood well rpm 4 has an uninstalling option for itself?
 Please keep in mind that it does not work actually,i can only issue
 the rpm command without any arguments for that screen of info.
 that's all with my rpm4.It can't query,install packs,uninstall...
 So,how can i get rid of the rpm4 pieces?
 I want to regain the rpm 3,from the tarball.
 For that i know what to do...configure make make install :p
 Please give me a fast ftp site for it...does the tarball from do the job?
 After i get the src do i need another additional soft for it to build?
 Don't forget i played with glibc too..
 like i force updated glibc 2.2 ,coz rpm 4 it asked for it...
 Geez i made such a mess in my rage for newest software.
 thank you all,for you patience.
 Mark it sems that i can't download to fast from your pc.
 Thank you a lot for support.

 Petre Daniel
 Romanian Whitehat

Re: [newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread Dave Sherman

At 01:27 PM 05/11/2001 -0500, Irv Mullins wrote:
I fully expect Microsoft to come out with a version of Linux sooner
or later. It will be 'user friendly' - but just enough different so that
only Microsoft programs will run well on it.

Having Microsoft 'embrace and extend' your standards is like
letting the dirty old man down the street 'embrace' your teenage
daughter - the likely outcome is much the same.


I wouldn't count on MS doing that. They will *never* do anything to harm 
their OS monopoly, and that monopoly is likely to be around for a few years 
still. They only embrace and extend when it is to their advantage, 
especially (and specifically) when they do not already own a particular 
market. Thus the kerberos fiasco in Windows 2000. MS added support for a 
common and standardized authentication protocol, one which MS did not 
already control, and in which Unix was the primary player. But, the MS 
version broke - I mean, extended - kerberos just enough to give them an 
advantage over other (Unix) platforms.

If MS already owns a market (i.e., the desktop OS), then they have no 
reason to embrace and extend any standard within that market. And even in 
the server arena, they would only harm their NT/Win2k marketing efforts if 
they released a competing server platform based on Linux. MS may produce 
bloated, buggy code. They may lie, cheat and steal to beat their 
competition. But they know their markets, they know their customers, and 
they know how to focus their energy toward platform dominance.

That's what makes them such a formidable enemy. But I still think Linux 
will win in the long run.

Dave Sherman
Business Solutions Group, LLC  Quid quid latine dictum sit,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  altum viditur.
(763) 569-9839

Re: [newbie] Problems with swap

2001-05-11 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Alejandro Castro Calvo wrote:
 I have installed LM8 a few days ago, and everything was
 alright until I tried to install StarOffice 5.2. Then, I
 received the message that I hadn't enought memory.

 I have 159.15 MB of RAM, and 264.04 MB of swap (on hda6),
 so I couldn't understand it. But then I went to Memory
 Information on the Control Center and I saw that my swap
 was 0.0% used.

 I have tried many things: swapoff and then swapon (when I
 swapped-off, I could see Swap Memory Not Available on the
 Control Center, so I thought this is not the problem);
 repartition hda and then mkswap; even mount swap on a file.

 Nothing has worked, and my swap is still 0.0% used, so I
 don't have enough memory to install StarOffice, and some
 games (like pingus or Xsoldier) runs so slowly.

 I have a Penthium MMX 233, and you can see my report file
 from HardDrake and my fstab as attachments.

 Thanks in advence,

/dev/hdb5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda5 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,ro 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat user,noauto 0 0
/dev/sda /mnt/disk vfat user,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 none swap exec,dev,suid,rw 0 0

/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

Alejandrotry the above changes in the swap file line in 
your /etc/fstab file.

[newbie] smbclient problem

2001-05-11 Thread Everill1

I'm using mandrake 7.0

I can start the samba server,
when i try to run the  smbclient program, however, i get the message COMMAND NOT 

Does this mean the program is not installed.

Where do I gon from here?

Should i download samba again???



[newbie] Difference between Desktop Environment/Window Manager

2001-05-11 Thread Han2097

What is the difference between a Window Manager, such as BlackBox, and a 
Desktop environment?  They seem to perform similar functions.  The 
differerence I've came up wtih is that the environments let one save things 
on the desktop, and provide for graphical customization of it, whereas there 
aren't many extras in Window Managers, although they seem to start and 
shutdown somewhat faster.  Is that the only thing?


[newbie] RPM status after tarball compiling...

2001-05-11 Thread Petre Daniel

So i downloaded the rpm 3 package configured make make install
and look what i get
/usr/local/bin/rpm -qa | grep netscape
failed to open /var/local/lib/rpm/packages.rpm: No such file or directory

rpmQuery: rpmdbOpen() failed


Petre Daniel
Romanian Whitehat

Re: [newbie] smbclient problem

2001-05-11 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 I'm using mandrake 7.0

 I can start the samba server,
 when i try to run the  smbclient program, however, i get
 the message COMMAND NOT FOUND.

 Does this mean the program is not installed.

 Where do I gon from here?

 Should i download samba again???



Evthere are 3 samba rpms on the 7.0 installation CD.  
Make sure you have all 3 of them installed.  From the sound 
of it you don't have samba-client installed.  The 3 rpms are:


[newbie] useless shockwave

2001-05-11 Thread Chubby Vic

how come shockwave don't work/

Re: [newbie] rpm problem

2001-05-11 Thread Michael D. Viron
First, please try not to send htmlized e-mail to the list -- some people's e-mail clients will pick up all the extra html tags.

To answer your question, you don't install it directly.  Instead, you have to do an rpm --rebuild whatever.src.rpm, then install the compiled rpms.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 03:15 PM 05/11/2001 +0100, outofcontrol wrote: 

Hi there all I have a prob: 1 How do i install a src.rpm in MDK 7.2? This is a  file i need to hopefully make my ethernet card be recognized.I had to download  thru windows and i have copied it to a cd but im not sure what to do  next. Im new to linux and i might just be missing  something obvious but i hope someone can help. TIA Simon   

Re: [newbie] Who sells Mandrake distributions?

2001-05-11 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 Alan SkipYou asked who carries the boxed sets.  I
 said that LSL Alan would have the Macmillan 8.0 boxed
 sets as soon as they are Alan available.  They are not
 yet available.  What is available in the Alan 8.0 release
 is the GPL CD's and that's what costs $3.78.  Be Alan
 patient.  :-)

 Ah, okay, thanks.  My brain failed to make the proper

Skipyou're welcome.  Also both Alex and Carroll mentioned 
some of the retail chains that will carry Macmillan boxed 
sets when they become available.  These are also viable 
alternatives for you.  I only mentioned LSL because you 
seemed to be concentratiung on web based resellers. :-)

[newbie] RPM few works..

2001-05-11 Thread Petre Daniel

Hehe,it needed some cp and proggies relocations
i started a rpm --rebuilddb
and then a rpm -qa| grep netscape
at which point it gave a lot of errors of locale something..
i did again a rpm -qa| grep telnet (another for some luck...:P)
and it worked!
I'll tell you when it shakes...

Petre Daniel
Romanian Whitehat

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-11 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Thursday 10 May 2001 20:24, Rog wrote about Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd 
love to get that ...
 One program I'd love to see is Agent/Free Agent, since I don't like
 the newsreaders I've found in Linux. Agent works very well under Wine,

Same here

Why is it that I can't find a decent offline Usenet client for 
Linux.? I'm using Free Agent under Wine too.

 but I'd stll like one ported for Linux. Fortunately, I sent Forte an
 email about it, and they said they were considering a linux port for
 Agent 2.0.

That's encouraging news!

[newbie] Questions for LM8

2001-05-11 Thread marcia

Dear All, I have received my LM8 disks and I am getting excited about
installing. I have Linux-Mandrake 7.2. Is it better to update or do a
fresh install?

Would I be able to do a fresh install in expert mode and preserve my
home partition somehow?

I have my 7.2 so fine tuned with alot of added programs. I have been
backing up onto my zip disks however I realized it will take a long time
to do because of everything that I have done. Does anyone have any
suggestions? Thanks. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread Lúcio Costa

Hi Folks !!!

Is it 1°st  April ???
Good Joke, but very late !!!

Lúcio Costa
São Paulo / Brasil.

Hi there all

I think this must be the hoax of the year.
Microsoft has come out with its own Linux version. I have to see this to
believe it though.

Check out there site

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

[newbie] partitions

2001-05-11 Thread Bill W.

Hi All,
I recently purchased a 30 gig hard drive and installed LM 8 on it. The 
system is a dual boot with win98. 
I have absolutely no experience with partitions so I just went with 
recommended and it seems like I have one huge partition in addition to a 
small swap. I am moving to linux but I want to know if I should be creating 
smaller partitions for /var, /home etc..also, with a hd of this size 
would anyone recommend going to the reiserfs?

Bill W.

RE: [newbie] Difference between Desktop Environment/Window Manager

2001-05-11 Thread Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 3:21 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Difference between Desktop 
 Environment/Window Manager
 What is the difference between a Window Manager, such as 
 BlackBox, and a 
 Desktop environment?  They seem to perform similar functions.  The 
 differerence I've came up wtih is that the environments let 
 one save things 
 on the desktop, and provide for graphical customization of 
 it, whereas there 
 aren't many extras in Window Managers, although they seem to 
 start and 
 shutdown somewhat faster.  Is that the only thing?

A Desktop environment, such as kde or gnome, is shells which
operates on top of a Window manager.

A Window manager, such as sawfish-WM-Enlight-etc, is a base program
which supplies the GUI interface for X.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

Re: [newbie] full screen gaming [WAS]Mandrakesoft quiet? Voodoo fixes?

2001-05-11 Thread Todd Flinders

Yeah, I did build the .src.rpms.  They have worked
with everything except for smpeg which Shogo appears
to need for the movies.

Well, I sort of think that ldconfig makes everything
else work while maybe smpeg is hard coded to expect
the drivers in a certain location.  I don't know. 
It's peculiar.  I still have to talk to Loki.

I'll get back to you.

You and I appear to have the same setup with the
drivers.  Have you compile smpeg for your system?  If
so, did it see your GL?

--- abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 very interesting since I've been using the newest
 NVIDIA drivers built from .src.rpm on my mdk 8
 with no problems for a few weeks now ;-)
 Try downloading the src.rpms and rebuilding them
 --- Todd Flinders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yeah, I just found out some more.  Avatar from posted that there was a problem with
  nvidia's source installs with Mandrake 8.0.  He
  to use the 7.2 rpms or manually edit the install
  script.  I guess the tar.gz and src.rpm are
  the files in the wrong directory.
  It is wrong that they are showing up in /usr/lib
  should supposedly be in /usr/X11R6/lib (which
  more sense to me).  Anyway, I'll test it tonight
  get back to you.  I already tried linking the
  but I wonder if there's any issues with ldconfig
  I haven't resolved.  smpeg didn't find the files
  I compiled it.
  Avatar also suggested that my Tcl may be out of
  I doubt that, but I'll install the latest version
  be safe.
  --- abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   huh.  Sounds like you got it undercontroll man. 
   Loki's a great company.  You shouldn't have any
   problems getting some help from them with smpeg.
   good luck!
   --- Todd Flinders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, Abe:

Thanks for the advice.  I am using the nvidia
 I did rebuild them from source and I did
conflicting mesa files.  I am VERY confident
loading the Nvidia driver and GLX.

I definitely have the libGL files.  However,
in my /usr/lib directory.  I believe smpeg is
expecting them elsewhere (I'm not sure).  I
from /usr/X11R6/lib (where I believe the mesa
were originally) to the files in /usr/lib, but
did not help.

I have compiled the latest SDL (1.2) and smpeg
They are optimized for i686.

I have found that if I disable the movies,
work fine in OpenGL mode.  It seg faults upon
but the game is functioning.  Comparing the
software mode, I have not (yet) noticed any

Because of this movie issue, I am especially
suspicious that my problem lies with smpeg and
nvidia GL driver.  I get a message during the
compilation that says it is disabling OpenGL
playback support.  Compiling the previous 4.2
gave me an error that it couldn't find GL or
This is why I think that maybe smpeg is
files in a location other than where nvidia

I intend to write Loki (they made smpeg)
the details and hopefully they will have time
me.  I'll write back if I find more details.

As an aside, I am also having issues with Sin.
made by Hyperion who also made Shogo.  Well,
ported the games anyway.  Hyperion says that
problems with Sin have to do with a bug in
latest driver.  For that they said I either
back to an older driver or wait for nvidia to
I'm still looking into this problem.  Just
Sin works fine in Software mode (albeit ugly

Other games like Unreal Tournament, Quake III
GLTron, Tuxracer, etc all work fine with

--- abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Todd, I'm using my new freebsd box right
 can't tell you exactly what those files are
 Do you have the NVIDIA drivers installed on
 system?  Sounds to me like you either don't
 installed or they aren't installed
 find them here:

 I like to download the src.rpms and build
 You MUST have these installed to get good 3d
 acceleration under X with an nvidia card.
 Before you install the GLX part you should
 conflicting files of which there is a

 if your using the rpms you're 

RE: [newbie] useless shockwave

2001-05-11 Thread Charles A Edwards


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chubby Vic
 Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 3:48 PM
 Subject: [newbie] useless shockwave
 how come shockwave don't work/
It does!

You just have to be running Win95/98/NT/2000 or 
the Mac OS.

It will not work in WinME or any flavor of Linux.

As to Why?
That you will have to ask Macromedia.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.   

[newbie] rebuild kernel rpm's?

2001-05-11 Thread Franki

Hi all,

Is it possible to do the rpm --rebuild  -src.rpm to kernel rpms?

and when you do it, does it compile using amd optimisations if down on an
athlon/duron system?

Sorry for all this questions in similiar veins,, I am just terrily excited
at the prospect of all this...

(shows what a nerd I am becoming...) :-)



Re: [newbie] Where are all the games in 8.0

2001-05-11 Thread Todd Flinders

Or better yet just use the Software Manager to install
the games packages.

--- Darin Lang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 5/10/01 12:11 PM, A. Rick Anderson at
  Where are all the games located?  I've only loaded
 KDE (ie no Gnome).  In
  previous releases, they were located under a games
 menu option.  Now, even
  though the package manager says that they are
 loaded, they don't show up.
  Now, this is critical.  My kids love Linux, cuz
 they like its games :-)
 Did you select the Games package when you installed?
 You have to select it,
 it is deselected by default. If they are not there
 then they just didn't
 install. You can check it by running it from the
 command line. Open a
 terminal and type:
 if you get command not found, it didn,t install. try
 installing again and
 check the games package when it asks you which
 packages you want to install.
 WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread Tim Holmes

Y'know... I didn't know this site was still up.  I saw this like 3 
years ago or so.  And I can see it hasn't changed at all since then

But I guess it's going strong since looking at the whois records
it keeps geeting renewed.  Appears the domain was set up in 1999.

SUID Productions (MSLINUX2-DOM)
   301 N. Market St.
   Dallas, TX 75202

   Domain Name: MSLINUX.ORG

   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
  Milliways Internet
  5601 Santa Fe Trail
  Watauga, TX 76148

   Record last updated on 06-Apr-2001.
   Record expires on 02-Apr-2003.
--Record created on 02-Apr-1999.--
   Database last updated on 11-May-2001 08:58:00 EDT.

   Domain servers in listed order:


I really like the Microsoft invades Cuba tid-bit on the page as well!

Microsoft's plan to invade cuba and overthrow the
government has succeeded. One Microsoft official
said It's a win-win situation. The US Government is
happy and shuts up the DOJ while Microsoft institutes
a monopoly within Cuba for everything from
computer software to toilet paper. One more step
closer to world domination. Heck, we could feed a
whole development department for the cost of one
developer's salary in the US. They may not know how
to create an Operating System very well, but neither
do our US developers.

At least Microsoft is a good source for humor! :0)~

T. Holmes

Real Men use Vi.

* Mcintosh, Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010511 07:59]:
| Hi there all 
| I think this must be the hoax of the year.
| Microsoft has come out with its own Linux version. I have to see this to
| believe it though.
| Check out there site

Re: [newbie] upgrade to kernel 2.2.19

2001-05-11 Thread Dave Sherman

There is a page at Mandrake's website which specifically gives help in 
doing this upgrade. Do NOT use rpmdrake to install these files. I don't 
have the link handy, maybe someone else on the list does. It's not 
difficult, but you will want to follow the instructions on that page.


On Friday 11 May 2001 13:47, thus spake Szathmary Laszlo:

 Is it worth upgrading to 2.2.19 from 2.2.17? If yes, then how? It
 requires the alsa-2.2.19 package, as I know. Can I simply install it, or
 does it have to be forced? (I have Mdk 7.2)



...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

Re: [newbie] upgrade to kernel 2.2.19

2001-05-11 Thread Michael D. Viron

First download all the kernel packages, including alsa to a directory
called kernel--they should be the only files in there.  Next, check to see
which kernel files you have installed (rpm -qa | grep kernel), and remove
those packages that aren't installed on your system.

Finally, run rpm -Uvh *.rpm in the kernel directory.  If it doesn't work,
it will tell you what package you need.  Continue cycling through download
/ rpm -Uvh *.rpm until they install.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 08:47 PM 05/11/2001 +0200, Szathmary Laszlo wrote:

Is it worth upgrading to 2.2.19 from 2.2.17? If yes, then how? It requires
the alsa-2.2.19 package, as I know. Can I simply install it, or does it
have to be forced? (I have Mdk 7.2)



Re: [newbie] Where are all the games in 8.0

2001-05-11 Thread Todd Flinders

Then for whatever reason you missed games during
install.  Use the Software manager to install the
games.  Software Manager will have everything
organized in a tree format.  So, games should be
fairly easy to find.  Let us know if you can't find

--- A. Rick Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried that.  All I get is Toys and five really
 dumb demo-type games.
 According to package manager, I should have freeCiv
 and a bunch of others 
 They ain't showing up.
 At 03:25 PM 5/10/2001 -0700, Todd Flinders wrote:
 They are under Amusements.  Right at the very top
 the K Menu.
 --- A. Rick Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Where are all the games located?  I've only
   KDE (ie no Gnome).  In
   previous releases, they were located under a
   menu option.  Now, even
   though the package manager says that they are
   loaded, they don't show up.
   Now, this is critical.  My kids love Linux, cuz
   like its games :-)
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Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] Themes and Linux Madrake 8.0

2001-05-11 Thread Dave Sherman

First of all, please send your email as plain text only. Hotmail should 
have that capability. In your message below, all I see is the html code...

Now to answer your question. I doubt that there are any Windows XP themes 
yet, since (a) no right-minded Linux user would want to emulate a Windows 
desktop *that* closely; (b) even someone crazy enough to pull such a stunt 
knows that he/she would be immediately tarred and feathered by the rest of 
us; (c) we're all afraid Bill Gates might sue us for stealing his IP. ;-P

OK, seriously, there probably is no such theme simply because no one is 
that interested. If we wanted our desktop to look like Windows, we could 
run Windows, after all.


On Friday 11 May 2001 11:51, thus spake Simon Zarate:
 DIVWhere i can find several themes for Linux Mandrake 7.2 - 8.0, i am
 looking for Windows XP. I search on A
 href=; but i cann't find this
 Theme./DIV DIVnbsp;/DIV
 DIVP.D. Try Linux Mandrake 8.0 is great and installation is very easy
 (including in Expert Mode), you can select manaully the software that
 you need really install./DIV DIVnbsp;/DIV
 DIVSimon/DIVbr clear=allhrGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN
 Hotmail at a

...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

Re: [newbie] LM 8.0 halt bug -- Fortin's Solution

2001-05-11 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 11 May 2001 03:44 am, you wrote:
 Dear friens:

 Thanks to the great troubleshooting efforts of Pierre Fortin, we have a
 new halt file to replace the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file IN CASE YOU

 All the best.

Hi, I tried the file, no go. I still get the error listing at the end of the 
shutdown.  Now when in a user desktop and I call up a console and try su or 
try to do mandrake update and give the root password I get an error  
conversation with SU failed.  I had this before when I tried to install a 
plugin for Mozilla.  I think there is a bug or something is deleting my super 
user access somewhere.  On a better note, at least when I reboot I don't have 
 the 'not cleanly unmounted' messages and the wait for fsck on each 
partition.  Not sure how to fix the superuser problem. Any Ideas are 
appreciated.  Last time I did a new install.
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Questions for LM8

2001-05-11 Thread Randy Kramer

marcia wrote:
 Dear All, I have received my LM8 disks and I am getting excited about
 installing. I have Linux-Mandrake 7.2. Is it better to update or do a
 fresh install?

I'm not sure.  I tried a fresh install of Mandrake 8.0 and had trouble
with my video card (which isn't supported in XFree 4.0.3).  I understand
that I might have done better to update, thus keeping my XFree setup (if
I wanted to).  Except for special circumstances like this, I think you
would want to do a fresh install.

 Would I be able to do a fresh install in expert mode and preserve my
 home partition somehow?

Absolutely (but always be careful).

 I have my 7.2 so fine tuned with alot of added programs. I have been
 backing up onto my zip disks however I realized it will take a long time
 to do because of everything that I have done. Does anyone have any
 suggestions? Thanks. Sincerely, Marcia

Well, you should backup your /home even if you plan to preserve it.  Do
you want to backup your entire 7.2 so that you can restore it or are you
content with preserving your data?  Do you have a CD burner?  I think
there are ways to preserve your setup by doing things like preserving
the /etc directory, but I'm not an expert in this area.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-11 Thread Todd Flinders

I saw in the CVS that WineX is working on getting
Black  White to run.  Check out
for more details.

--- Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 10 May 2001 15:49, matty mo wrote:
  are any of the following available for linux? i'm
  willing to buy them if they are...
 FreeCiv is a damn awesome game. They started before
 CivII was made, 
 aiming to make a CivI clone. This can be seen in the
 design, with many 
 elements taken from both CivII (e.g. advances 
 units) and CivI (e.g. 
 non-isometric view). It's great to play online or
 over a network. The 
 main thing I miss about it, however, is its lack of
 support for 
 diplomacy (which pretty-much means you're at war all
 the time with the 
 computer). It's clear that the developers have
 focussed on 
 multi-player support, unlike CivI and CivII which
 are single-player 
 Call to Power is also available for Linux. Many
 on-line stores sell it.
 Try this:
 It's nowhere near 
 as good as SimCity 3000, but it isn't bad for a GPL
 There are several WYSIWYG HTML editors out there.
 Besides Netscape 
 Composer (which doesn't even hold a candle to
 Dreamweaver), there is 
 IBM WebSphere HomePage Builder 

 and Amaya ( WebSphere
 HomePage Builder is a 
 port from the Windos version, and quite a good
 programme. Just be 
 wary: it *doesn't* work with XFree 4.x, only 3.x. I
 only found that in 
 a readme file after it had trashed my font server a
 few times. IBM 
 should've been more clear about this. Amaya isn't a
 very pretty app, 
 but it is designed by the W3C, which means it is
 100% HTML 
 standards-compliant. Probably the best thing you can
 do is to use a 
 combination of these programmes, using each for its
 strengths. For raw 
 coding, Quanta+ and SCREEM (both included in
 Mandrake 8.0) are great.
 Many professional designers swear by The GIMP,
 saying it is even 
 better than Photoshop. This is a classic GPL success
 story, and its 
 toolkit (GTK) forms the basis for many X
 applications, including GNOME.
  black and white
 This game is fairly new, so you may have to wait a
 while before 
 someone makes a Linux port/clone of it.
 Also, don't forget WINE, VMware and Win4Lin. I
 haven't had much 
 success with WINE yet, but I play some games (I
 *love* Risk II!!!) in 
 VMware. YMMV.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] how to make boot disks

2001-05-11 Thread John Rye

On Fri, 11 May 2001 17:34:22 -0400
Ciro Durán [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There´s also another issue: I´ve read about making a boot disk not from
 linux, but from windows... I didn´t understand nothing...It says I need
 an image, a root disk, etc.   How do I do that?

Hi Ciro,

I'm not sure I understand your question.

If you want to make an installation boot disk you will find a README file in the 
dosutils subdirectory on your Mandrake Installation CD.

This shows you how to do this from Windows.

I notice on one of my machines which does not allow booting from CDs, that, if I 
enable the windows option to run the  CD on insertion, I will start up a little 
graphical program which makes a Mandrake bootdisk.

Does this help?



 El Ciro
 - Original Message -
 To: Alan Rolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Newbie
 Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 11:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] how to make boot disks
  On Fri, 11 May 2001 16:01:43 +0200
  Alan Rolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Stupid question...
   How do i make a boot disk for my machine in case something goes wrong?
   i.e. from the console..
  From a console as root (su,  password)
  mkbootdisk (uname -r)
  dead easy
  The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
 (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] I need to change from hda1 to hda5 for System Commander 2000

2001-05-11 Thread Romanator

Hi everybody,

In need to change from hda to hda5 so that System Commander will acknowledge
it. Do I have to run fdisk /mbr first?
And, then boot up with my floppy and change the boot property to hda5?


Registered Linux User #179293
Penguin Powered Email with a byte

Re: [newbie] Difference between Desktop Environment/Window Manager

2001-05-11 Thread Michael Scottaline


 What is the difference between a Window Manager, such as BlackBox, and a 

 Desktop environment?  They seem to perform similar functions.  The 

 differerence I've came up wtih is that the environments let one save things 

 on the desktop, and provide for graphical customization of it, whereas there 

 aren't many extras in Window Managers, although they seem to start and 

 shutdown somewhat faster.  Is that the only thing?

A desktop environment usually requires a window manager to run.  Gnome used to
use enlgihtenment as its preferred wm, but in the past severasl months has been 
encouraging sawfish as its default.
It'll run on either, or several others that are Gnome compliant.
KDE comes with its own wm (kwm, I believe), but it will run on others.
I keep  both gnome and KDE on my boxen, but run neither as my environment.  I
prefer Blackbox, which readily utilize some of the programs for either environment
Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
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--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
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Re: [newbie] partitions

2001-05-11 Thread Darin Lang

I like to have a partition for my web tree, and other Documents. so I make a
/usr partition
/ partition 
and a swap partition.
There are lots of ways to do it, and everyone has their own opinion, but the
basic gist is that you can reinstall on the root partition without affecting
your /usr partition. When you put in the new upgrade on / all your documents
will be right there where you left them in /usr
you might also want to include a /home partition for user documents and
sites. Or a /var to preserve apache and mysql, etc. files

WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at

on 5/11/01 5:12 PM, Bill W. at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 I recently purchased a 30 gig hard drive and installed LM 8 on it. The
 system is a dual boot with win98.
 I have absolutely no experience with partitions so I just went with
 recommended and it seems like I have one huge partition in addition to a
 small swap. I am moving to linux but I want to know if I should be creating
 smaller partitions for /var, /home etc..also, with a hd of this size
 would anyone recommend going to the reiserfs?
 Bill W.

[newbie] midi composers??

2001-05-11 Thread Chubby Vic

Hey ho any stable releases of midi composers out there?

[newbie] Software looking for

2001-05-11 Thread Derek Rayne

HI there,

I am looking for any house planning software for the Linux system, even
if it is just a blueprint program.  But I don't want a CAD program
because I want it to be able to select doors, windows, etc...



Richard Wegner - Linux User - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

I don't do Windows me (Proud Linux User)  ICQ #: 12781393

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Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] Hello

2001-05-11 Thread David E. Fox

 PS: Why buy an external modem?  If you must have a modem, the internal ones
 are far superior, but you would be much better off with a broadband solution
 these days.

What leads you to that conclusion? Agree with the broadband solution (I
have DSL) but it's not nearly universally available. 

Most if not all internal modems are Winmodems[1]. With an external modem this
possibility is lessened significantly, plus you can reinstall the modem
on another system. My old ISA modem (although it works perfectly with Linux)
is sitting on the shelf because I don't have a machine with an ISA bus
any longer :(.

[1] translation: slightly more parts than a $cientology e-meter but not
much :)


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] Games with 8.0 (observation).

2001-05-11 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, thanks to Francisco's recommendations (logging in from console and
starting X rather than the graphical login), I now have fullscreen games
with hardware acceleration with my Voodoo 3000. I do have a couple of
observations though

Sin demo - audio is shot. No matter what settings I use, the audio is
really messed up, although video doesn't seem to bad.

Soldier of Fortune - Very jerky. Menus and things are fast, and its
found my OpenGl subsystem but its just...slower...

Same thing applies to all games I have. (Quake3demo, HG2demo, Heretic2
demo, Terminus, Shogo demo, etc, etc, etc).

All games have a slower frame rate than this same hardware setup using
Mandrake 7.1 and Xfree3.3.6...

Anyone have any ideas why?



[newbie] Windows XP theme

2001-05-11 Thread Dave Sherman

Somebody here was asking about a Windows XP theme. I have found a few at, in the Operating Systems category. Just search there, 
or follow the link below (it is probably wrapped on two or more lines, so 
be sure to copy the whole thing):

These themes should work with sawmill, as the window manager for gnome.


Re: [newbie] Questions for LM8

2001-05-11 Thread marcia

Thank you Randy, Kompukit, and Dennis for your answers and suggestions.
I am not sure exactly how I will do this yet. It sounds like 8 is worth
having so I will not wait too long. Thank you again. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] where's a RealPlayer for LM-8.0 rpm

2001-05-11 Thread Mehmet KARAKAYA

Its easy to answer that...You find realplayer on find 
there for all linux and unix versions...

To: Newbie-LM [EMAIL PROTECTED],Expert-LM 
Subject: [newbie] where's a RealPlayer for LM-8.0 rpm
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 19:52:41 -0400

Hey...where can I find a RPM  for realplayer
that will install/run on Mandrake 8.0
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