Re: [newbie-it] Forse ho trovato un vecchio problema ma non ho la soluzione.

2002-02-24 Thread ku68

Fabio Manunza wrote:

 Mi rendo conto che forse dico un ovviet, ma prova ad assegnarteli questi 
 permessi, e poi vedi che succede..

Il fatto  che non sono ancora capace di assegnare questi permessi, mi 
sembrava di averlo precisato :-)

 Poi ,scusa, per un database  per Pc singolo non ti basta quello di StarOffice?

adabas? Ho delle difficolt a usarlo sotto linux. In win  perfetto in 
linux non ho ancora capito se devo fare un'installazione da root oppure 
per ogni utente. Era solo per curiosit, mi piace visionare prg di cui 
sento parlare giusto per rendermi conto ;-)

 Comunque in bocca al lupo!!





Re: [newbie-it] Pulizia

2002-02-24 Thread ku68

syd wrote:

 Non credi sia meglio pulire a mano?

Si, ma per i file non internet come faccio a fare un trova *.tmp per 
ciao e grazie del consiglio

Re: [newbie-it] Come leggere i file .rtf ?

2002-02-24 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 13:36, sabato 23 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
   con quale tool si posso leggere i file .rtf ? Grazie.


Mi pare che AbiWord li legga senza problemi.


Re: [newbie-it] Pulizia

2002-02-24 Thread Tommaso Leddi

10:01, domenica 24 febbraio 2002, ku68:
 syd wrote:
  Non credi sia meglio pulire a mano?

 Si, ma per i file non internet come faccio a fare un trova *.tmp per

find  /home/ku68 -name *.tmp

/home/ku68 è la directory di partenza per la ricerca


[newbie-it] format

2002-02-24 Thread bosva

ciao! un mio amico, ancora più newbie di me, mi ha chiesto: ma cosa devo fare se 
voglio formattare una partizione di linux? esiste un comando format?
non ho saputo cosa rispondergli...

ciao, osva

Re: [newbie-it] Forse ho trovato un vecchio problema ma non ho la soluzione.

2002-02-24 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 10:01, domenica 24 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Fabio Manunza wrote:

 Il fatto  che non sono ancora capace di assegnare questi permessi, mi
 sembrava di averlo precisato :-)

No, non era molto chiaro..
Per quanto riguarda i permessi, oltre a rimandarti alle pagine man (croce e 
delizia di ogni linuxiano e, credo, anche di qualche adepto di von Masoch), i 
comandi per l'attribuzione dei permessi sono chmod, chown, e chgrp.
chmod : 
cambia i permessi per l'utilizzo di un file; un file pu essere
letto, scritto o eseguito; chi lo ha creato pu decidere di permettere solo a 
se stesso di poter eseguire queste operazioni; oppure di permettere anche al 
gruppo a cui appartiene una o tutte di queste operazioni (immagina 
all'interno di una comunit che utilizza il computer, un gruppo i cui 
componenti devono eseguire una certa ricerca e che hanno la necessit di 
scambiarsi i file che producono); oppure pu ritenere opportuno di mettere a 
disposizione il suo file all'intera comunit (immagina un esibizionista :-)).
Un metodo molto semplice per poter eseguire questa attribuzione di permessi  
attraverso un comando ottale: immaginalo cos costituito
permesso di lettura = 4
permesso di scrittura = 2
permesso di esecuzione = 1
niente ti  permesso = 0
(0-7 sono otto numeri, il conto torna..)
Immaginando una struttura
l'attribuzione dei permessi si risolver in una semplice operazione di 
addizione per ogni elemento della struttura;
Esempio:# chmod 777 nomefile da a tutti (Utente, Gruppo, Altri) il permesso 
di lettura, scrittura esecuzione su nomefile (infatti 4+2+1 =7).
Per poter eseguire i ghiribizzi di cui sopra, ovviamente devi essere il 
proprietario(=own) del file, oppure mr. root.
Il comando per assegnarsi (nel caso si sia root), od assegnare ad un altro la 
propriet di un file (nel caso si sia proprietari generosi) 
chown nomenuovoproprietario nomefile.
Caso mai non si fosse capito ch sta per change; in questo caso il comando 
cambia l'appartenenza ad un gruppo
chgrp nomenuovogruppo nomefile.
Hanf... e questo  tutto; se poi non mi credi, prova a cliccare su un file 
con il tasto destro, quindi propriet -- permessi, e vedrai il tutto 
schematizzato; oltretutto, se sei root tutto quello che ti ho spiegato potrai 
farlo molto pi velocemente a colpi di mouse..
Rinnovo il in bocca al lupo


P.S. Ti consiglio, visto che mi  parso di capire che sei alle prime armi, un 
salto sul sito di Paolo Attivissimo
e lo scaricamento immediato del suo libro (veramente illuminante), Da 
Windows a Linux, assolutamente gratuito.
Per me  stata una vera bibbia..
P.P.S. Io StarOffice l'ho installato come utente, con le cartelle in home, e 
sono ancora vivo..
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] installazione e configurazione masterizzatore

2002-02-24 Thread MadMax

Il Tuesday 19 February 2002 11:27 , hai scritto:
 Il lun, 2002-02-18 alle 12:41, MadMax ha scritto:
  Ciao.Io ho la mdk8.1 e una settimana fa ho montato plextor 24/10/40 EIDE.
  Per la masterizzazione uso gnome toaster da KDE.Se il tuo masterizzatore
  e visibile una volta avviato la macchina e gia configurato.Lanciando
  gnome toaster -Edit-Preferences-CDROM And recorder setup e clicca
  sulla voce in basso a sinistra Scan Bus.Il programma configura il
  masterizzatore. Comunque dovresti vedere il masterizzatore come dev/scd0
  o simile e non come hdd hdb.questi sono il disco e le partizioni.
  Spero di esserti d'aiuto. Ciao.MadMax

 Scusa se mi intrometto. Quando lanci gnome toaster ti si carica subito?
 A me impiega più di un minuto a caricare l'interfaccia grafica dopo che
 mi avvisa della possibilità di ritardo per la ricerca dei dispositivi.
 Io uso la versione 1.0beta2. Ne esiste forse una definitiva?

 Grazie, Pollo.
E vero puo succedere che ci mette parechio per lanciarsi.E dovuto al fatto 
che per default fa scansione sulle periferiche all avvio.Quando si e lanciato 
vai nella configurazione masterizzatore e disabilita la scansione all avvio.
Ciao. MadMax

Re: [newbie-it] Forse ho trovato un vecchio problema ma non ho la soluzione.

2002-02-24 Thread ku68

Fabio Manunza wrote:

 Alle 10:01, domenica 24 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Rinnovo il in bocca al lupo

Per ora grazie mille dell'esauriente spiegazione, anche se non ho ancora 
capito il perch  tutti gli utenti creati accedono a gnome tranne uno. 
Sar che ho installato bastille? Mah!

 P.P.S. Io StarOffice l'ho installato come utente, con le cartelle in home, e 
 sono ancora vivo..
Il problema non era installarlo da utente era poterlo utilizzare anche da altri utenti 

nel solito pc. Se lo installo sotto pluto da topolino non riesco a far 
partire staroffice (almeno io non ci sono riuscito). E ogni 
installazione standard porta via 256 mb di roba. Invece installandolo 
sotto root si fa una piccola installazione di quasi 2 mb per ogni utente
e SO  accessibile a tutti.
Ciao e ancora grazie


Reply - Era: Re[2]: [newbie-it] ATTENTI A NINO!!

2002-02-24 Thread Arwan

Scrive syd:

(Friday, February 22, 2002, ore 10:07:11 PM, a proposito di [newbie-it] ATTENTI A 

 SE RICEVETE UNA MAIL DA NINO, ELIMINATELA (specialmente quelli con OE).

Anche a me e' arrivata, e puzzava troppo, quindi cestino.

s Io la mail di Nino l'ho eliminata subito.
s In quanto alla circostanza che fosse inviata direttamente a me, si è vero!
s Comunque non è la prima volta che mail della ML mi arrivano direttamente con 
s il mio indirizzo come destinatario. 
s A voi è mai successo?

A me succede sempre, sospetto sia un problema di reply (come qualcuno
di voi mi ha fatto notare) che non riesco a risolvere. Pero', noto, e'
un problema che ho solo con questa lista. Se trovi la soluzione fammi


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re[6]: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-24 Thread Arwan

Ciao Stefano!

Saturday, February 23, 2002, 12:51:22 AM, you wrote:

SS   Beh, questi messaggi sono solo dei warning; se la
SS compilazione e' terminata senza error, allora ce
SS l'hai fatta!

E, si', ma il readme dice di digitare gramofile per far partire il
programma, e la bash mi dice che non trova il comando! eppure il file

SS  Probabilmente devi ancora fare un make
SS install

Provato, non e' la strada giusta :-(

SS  (prova a controllare cosa dice il README) per
SS installare gli eseguibili che hai compilato,
SS dopodiche' eseguire il programma.

Seguito il readme passo passo... ma nessuno degli eseguibili che ho creato
(illustrati con l'ingranaggio, per intenderci) parte, ne' da shell ne'
da interfaccia grafica.

Temo ci sia qualcosa che mi sfugge...

 Arwanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re[6]: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-24 Thread Corrado

Il dom, 2002-02-24 alle 21:29, Arwan ha scritto:

 E, si', ma il readme dice di digitare gramofile per far partire il
 programma, e la bash mi dice che non trova il comando! eppure il file

Non funziona nemmeno se provi a lanciare il programma come root?


Re: [newbie-it] Come leggere i file .rtf ?

2002-02-24 Thread Sandro

Alle 13:36, sabato 23 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
   con quale tool si posso leggere i file .rtf ? Grazie.


Kword - Abiword - StarOffice - OpenOffice


Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 88 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

[newbie] Gnome Speller in Evolution

2002-02-24 Thread Charles Muller

I wrote to the Evolution support people about spell checking e-mail, and
they told me to use the Gnome spell checker.

I have not yet been able to figure out how to start this app up, much
less use it in Evolution. Does anyone have experience with this?


Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] New Mouse question

2002-02-24 Thread FemmeFatale

Wow... Thx Lyvim

I shall do that ASAP :)

I'll let you know how it turns out.  Being green sucks but at least I am glad for
a list like this that is helpful  not full of spam


Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 On Friday 22 February 2002 18:22, you wrote:
  I have a 5 button trackball, if you include pressing the wheel button in as
  a mouse button.
  How can i at least enable a three button emulation or something?  As it
  stands i have no middle mouse button click capability
  I searched Nicholas's Linux mouse page,  google...and this list archives.
  Should i try the man or info pages?
  I did try the man ones, but they didn't seem uptodate enough to answer the
  problem..unless i missed something?
  Thx !

 Have you looked at the imwheel utility?

 They've got some information there on the XF86Config section, plus
 information on getting a wheel mouse to work.  There's also an IRC channel
 available where you could get some instant help...



 I'm looking at using imwheel to adjust mouse sensitivity settings now.  The
 key to this in a Mandrake system is to adjust the /etc/X11/imwheelrc.  I'm
 sure you can do the same with relation to setting up your 5 button trackball.

 Check out the IRC channel...

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RE: [newbie] Firewall and win

2002-02-24 Thread Robin

Firewall can only block ports but not program specific, i.e., if you
block everything but leave web open, any web browser would work. If you
really want to lock it down to one program, i.e. Netscape instead of IE,
try something like Norton Personal Firewall. There are quite a few
others out there, Zone Alarm and so on, but since I don't use them, I
cannot comment on those.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Stojs
 Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 8:25 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Firewall and win
 I have a lan connection to the internet and would like to 
 have one smoothwall linux firewall computer connected to the 
 internet. This smoothwall would be connected to a mandrake 
 linux computer wich would be connected to a win2000 machine.
 Is it possible to have the windows computer totally shut off 
 from the internet exept for one program (direct connect)?
 If it ispossible, is it a good choice? Would it be better to 
 have mandrake run a firewall, and skip the smoothwall 
 machine? Or should I have a firewall in the windows machine instead?
 Thanks in advance,

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RE: [newbie] Single Network Firewall

2002-02-24 Thread Robin

Quoting myself from 2 or 3 days ago.

I happened to be just playing with one of my box hoping to make it into
a firewall box in the last few days. It's a 133 with 96MB of RAM. I
tried both Mandrake SNF and Smoothwall on it. I haven't played with it
long enough to be an expert, thus what I know may not be all correct.
With 3 NIC installed, you can setup Smoothwall with a dedicated DMZ.
Both firewall can be managed with web interface, however, with this old
machine I got, Smoothwall seems to generate the pages a bit faster than

One of the problem I had with Smoothwall was with picking the LAN NIC.
About 5 min into installation, a NIC for internal LAN (the green
interface) has to be picked and it cannot be changed without reinstall
(at least I haven't figured out how). If the card you want is not auto
detected, you will have to pick from a list, not a problem if you have 3
identical NIC. I had 2 different kind of NIC and it kept picking the one
I didn't want. Also, I don't know if this is the NIC module problem or
something else, when I put 2 3Com 509b in the machine, I can only get
one to work with both firewall.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Fred Fraley
 Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 7:04 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Single Network Firewall
   Anyone here using it?  I'm thinking about it for a 4 
 desktop home network 
 with a cable connection.  I have a 166mmx w/32 megs and a 3 
 gig HD laying 
 around I can use.  (laying around!  and it was only last 
 spring I was still 
 getting by with a 486/25, 8 meg, 540 HD.  Sheesh!!)
   Wide open to other suggestions.

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[newbie] StarOffice 5.2

2002-02-24 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu


 I just installed StarOffice into my /usr/local
directory.  To do this, I needed to log on as root. 
The installation seemed to go fine, but when I went to
run the program as a regular user, I get the following

 The following file could not be found: 

 On a whim, I logged in as root and ran it with no

 The obvious question comes up:  How do I set
StarOffice to run for all users?



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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall

2002-02-24 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 24 February 2002 04:47 am, Robin wrote:
 Quoting myself from 2 or 3 days ago.

 I happened to be just playing with one of my box hoping to make it into
 a firewall box in the last few days. It's a 133 with 96MB of RAM. I
 tried both Mandrake SNF and Smoothwall on it. I haven't played with it
 long enough to be an expert, thus what I know may not be all correct.
 With 3 NIC installed, you can setup Smoothwall with a dedicated DMZ.
 Both firewall can be managed with web interface, however, with this old
 machine I got, Smoothwall seems to generate the pages a bit faster than

 One of the problem I had with Smoothwall was with picking the LAN NIC.
 About 5 min into installation, a NIC for internal LAN (the green
 interface) has to be picked and it cannot be changed without reinstall
 (at least I haven't figured out how). If the card you want is not auto
 detected, you will have to pick from a list, not a problem if you have 3
 identical NIC. I had 2 different kind of NIC and it kept picking the one
 I didn't want. Also, I don't know if this is the NIC module problem or
 something else, when I put 2 3Com 509b in the machine, I can only get
 one to work with both firewall.

If you have two or more network cards in your computer, you may need to add 
an append statement to your /etc/lilo.conf file to describe the IRQ and 
address of both cards. My lilo append statement looks like this: 
append=ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1

12 and 15 being the irq and 300 and 340 the base IO address
You may need to add the third cad something like 
append=ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1 ether=irq,base_io,eth2

Earlier in one of my systems I had to recompile the kernel to recognize 
multiple NICs
Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 5.2

2002-02-24 Thread Bo Rosén

sön 2002-02-24 klockan 12.41 skrev Pauljames Dimitriu:

  The obvious question comes up:  How do I set
 StarOffice to run for all users?

If I remember correctly you have to run the installer with the -net
option, then run it again (without the -net option) for each user. I.e
each user has to run it.

Good Luck,

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 5.2

2002-02-24 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 24 February 2002 06:41 am, Pauljames Dimitriu wrote:

  I just installed StarOffice into my /usr/local
 directory.  To do this, I needed to log on as root.
 The installation seemed to go fine, but when I went to
 run the program as a regular user, I get the following

  The following file could not be found:

  On a whim, I logged in as root and ran it with no

  The obvious question comes up:  How do I set
 StarOffice to run for all users?

I run /usr/lib/office52_en/program/setup for each user (su to user).
Yours may be /usr/local/office52_en/setup

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall

2002-02-24 Thread Dan LaBine

What kind of cards are they? I've never heard of a P166 handling one PCI NIC
let alone 3 !!
If these cards are in fact ISA, then it should support 1 or 2 but even so, I
can't see it handling 3.
Linux may detect them, but I'd be impressed if it could actually run that
many at all.


- Original Message -
From: Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall

 On Sunday 24 February 2002 04:47 am, Robin wrote:
  Quoting myself from 2 or 3 days ago.
  I happened to be just playing with one of my box hoping to make it into
  a firewall box in the last few days. It's a 133 with 96MB of RAM. I
  tried both Mandrake SNF and Smoothwall on it. I haven't played with it
  long enough to be an expert, thus what I know may not be all correct.
  With 3 NIC installed, you can setup Smoothwall with a dedicated DMZ.
  Both firewall can be managed with web interface, however, with this old
  machine I got, Smoothwall seems to generate the pages a bit faster than
  One of the problem I had with Smoothwall was with picking the LAN NIC.
  About 5 min into installation, a NIC for internal LAN (the green
  interface) has to be picked and it cannot be changed without reinstall
  (at least I haven't figured out how). If the card you want is not auto
  detected, you will have to pick from a list, not a problem if you have 3
  identical NIC. I had 2 different kind of NIC and it kept picking the one
  I didn't want. Also, I don't know if this is the NIC module problem or
  something else, when I put 2 3Com 509b in the machine, I can only get
  one to work with both firewall.

 If you have two or more network cards in your computer, you may need to
 an append statement to your /etc/lilo.conf file to describe the IRQ and
 address of both cards. My lilo append statement looks like this:
 append=ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1

 12 and 15 being the irq and 300 and 340 the base IO address
 You may need to add the third cad something like
 append=ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1 ether=irq,base_io,eth2

 Earlier in one of my systems I had to recompile the kernel to recognize
 multiple NICs
 Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] CD Boot problem for Mandrake 8.1 on PPC

2002-02-24 Thread Randy Kramer

Javier de Lázaro wrote:
 If you want to go ahead, I´m afraid you´ll have to download the iso again.
 - Original Message -
 From: Paul Doyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Any advise would be great.

If it gets to the point where you have to redownload the iso, try rsync
instead, which will download just the parts it needs to fix your iso. 

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-24 Thread Randy Kramer

Franki wrote:
 no, your problem is that your machines are on different subnets..
 as a test, set your XP machine up to use IP and your linux box
 to use and your netmask to both as
 then restart the networking on both, and try pinging,, it will work if your
 network cards are working.

 I don't really understand why you see the need to do this, what is assigning
 the IP for the XP machine? and why isn't it also assigning one for the linux

Well I guess he's letting his ISP assign an IP to his Windows box so it
will work on his DSL line (or whatever).  I get around a similar problem
by running NAT, but I'm trying to think of a solution for him.  

One way would be to run NAT (I think that's the basis of Microsoft
Internet sharing or whatever they call it, and then continue to use IPs
as you suggested in the second quoted paragraph above).  But, I've never
set up Microsoft Internet sharing so I don't know how to tell him (the
original poster) to do that.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Firewall and win

2002-02-24 Thread Randy Kramer

Robin wrote:
 Firewall can only block ports but not program specific, i.e., if you
 block everything but leave web open, any web browser would work. If you
 really want to lock it down to one program, i.e. Netscape instead of IE,
 try something like Norton Personal Firewall. There are quite a few
 others out there, Zone Alarm and so on, but since I don't use them, I
 cannot comment on those.

I think Zone Alarm does the same thing as Norton Personal Firewall.  I
use Zone Alarm (the free personal edition -- not sure it's available
anymore) and it seems that I can block access by specific program.  When
it finds a program trying to connect from my machine to the Internet, it
tells me the name of the program, it asks me if I want to allow that
specific program to access the Internet, and maintains a list of the
programs I have enabled to do so. (I can delete programs from that list
if I wish.)

Not sure how incoming connections are handled because I use a NAT based
gateway which only allows incoming connections associated with an
outgoing request.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Firewall and win

2002-02-24 Thread Rodrigo

Take a look at Tiny Personal Firewall as well, It 
has some insteresting features that are not available on ZoneAlarm. Tiny 
is also free.


Randy Kramer wrote:

Robin wrote:

Firewall can only block ports but not program specific, i.e., if you
block everything but leave web open, any web browser would work. If you
really want to lock it down to one program, i.e. Netscape instead of IE,
try something like Norton Personal Firewall. There are quite a few
others out there, Zone Alarm and so on, but since I don't use them, I
cannot comment on those.

I think Zone Alarm does the same thing as Norton Personal Firewall.  I
use Zone Alarm (the free personal edition -- not sure it's available
anymore) and it seems that I can block access by specific program.  When
it finds a program trying to connect from my machine to the Internet, it
tells me the name of the program, it asks me if I want to allow that
specific program to access the Internet, and maintains a list of the
programs I have enabled to do so. (I can delete programs from that list
if I wish.)

Not sure how incoming connections are handled because I use a NAT based
gateway which only allows incoming connections associated with an
outgoing request.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] Portmap ?

2002-02-24 Thread Marc Oestreicher

  I have a bit of a problem with a new mandrake 8.1 installation that I have beem 
fighting for 
weeks with no success.
 Wen shutting down or rebooting my machine locks on shutting down portmap 
services. If I 
shut off portmap services it locks on shutting down internet services even though a 
connection has not been made.
   This is on a P3 450 mhz machine with 64  MB of memory.  Does anyone have any idea 
what is 
causing this lockup on shutdown?
Thanks in advance 

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Re: [newbie]: help with EXT3 other Terms?

2002-02-24 Thread ed tharp

to avoid this problem, install as expert and check the video configuration 
durring install. what video card do you use? some cards are not supported in 
xfree4.0 and I would bet the respawning to fast is related to the video 
config setup. if you have the problem after you reinstall, then we can work 
thru it, but I bet if you get the video setup durring install you wont' have 
no problems. just remember to not install as recommended and do as expert 
and check the video config during install

On Saturday 23 February 2002 17:44, you wrote:
 my god someone tried to answer that morass of junk, thx Ed. ;0

 no i haven't tried that  don't know how to.  In the end, my windows
 partition melted as it was, so i just deleted linux  will reinstall (once
 again).  If it occurs again though, how would i try your suggestion?

 And this only seems to happen with EXT3 partitions.


 ed tharp wrote:
  terms sounds correct enough to me... some folks might call them ttys or
  vty or text console. I likie console... have you tried starting at run
  level three and correcting the xconfig?
  On Friday 22 February 2002 18:19, you wrote:
   I think they are called terms... when you press ctrl-alt-F*.?
   If i used ext3 with ML8.1 I get garbage... as in the terms won't show
   up just garbage at the top of the screen.  And it crashes my xwindow.
   :(  I recorded the error as on one of the terms (pls. correct me if
   that's the wrong word!) I believe the F11 one:
   current state:  Xwindow system running linux config hooks.  (just a
   blue loadup screen  that msg)
   on the logging term? I got a whole page/screen of:
   Display :0 is being disable restarting too fast
   I know this was asked in the list before * i think * but wasn't sure
   how to search for it in the archives...
   Sorry I'm asking something prev asked.  I just want to fix this.
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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall

2002-02-24 Thread ed tharp

SNF is advertised as a specialized secure distro for one connection outside 
the local lan (external to the world and internet), and ONE connection to the 
internal lan (_must_ be IP # 

On Sunday 24 February 2002 07:14, you wrote:
 On Sunday 24 February 2002 04:47 am, Robin wrote:
  Quoting myself from 2 or 3 days ago.
  I happened to be just playing with one of my box hoping to make it into
  a firewall box in the last few days. It's a 133 with 96MB of RAM. I
  tried both Mandrake SNF and Smoothwall on it. I haven't played with it
  long enough to be an expert, thus what I know may not be all correct.
  With 3 NIC installed, you can setup Smoothwall with a dedicated DMZ.
  Both firewall can be managed with web interface, however, with this old
  machine I got, Smoothwall seems to generate the pages a bit faster than
  One of the problem I had with Smoothwall was with picking the LAN NIC.
  About 5 min into installation, a NIC for internal LAN (the green
  interface) has to be picked and it cannot be changed without reinstall
  (at least I haven't figured out how). If the card you want is not auto
  detected, you will have to pick from a list, not a problem if you have 3
  identical NIC. I had 2 different kind of NIC and it kept picking the one
  I didn't want. Also, I don't know if this is the NIC module problem or
  something else, when I put 2 3Com 509b in the machine, I can only get
  one to work with both firewall.

 If you have two or more network cards in your computer, you may need to add
 an append statement to your /etc/lilo.conf file to describe the IRQ and
 address of both cards. My lilo append statement looks like this:
 append=ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1

 12 and 15 being the irq and 300 and 340 the base IO address
 You may need to add the third cad something like
 append=ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1 ether=irq,base_io,eth2

 Earlier in one of my systems I had to recompile the kernel to recognize
 multiple NICs

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2002-02-24 Thread g

John Richard Smith wrote:

 On Saturday 23 February 2002 02:19, you wrote:

 Hello George , your on the right track. You see the above creates the correct
 files and their text entries , after  exiting VI , I cat  the files and the
 new enties are there, but rebooting simply removes them, they disappear,
 fstab returns to old text, and lilo.conf is deleted. That is why  they don't


as we have tended to agree, something is getting blown away, and from
this, you have, in my opinion, confirmed this.

so, as a suggestion, more experience with installations...

because things are being as they are and you are not getting what you
want from 'default' install, do not do a multi partition install.

something is squirrel ing multi partition install and instead of
continuing in that direction, reinstall on a single partition and
_install_lilo_ instead of grub.

as i said before, lilo is proven, grub is new and needs to age.
personally, i think biggest problem with grub, is they are trying to
make grub a 'super loader' and from what i have experienced with it
and read in bug-grub post, there are too many folks trying to use grub
and are having trouble with it. granted, there are a lot of installs
made with grub and they work. but to me, there are too many that
do not work.

i tried a multi partition with lm7.1 and it was screwed up, so i did
a reinstall to a single partition and it worked fine. because of that,
i install lm8.0 to a single partition and it worked fine also.

when i install lm8.1, i will make it a single partition install,
after which, i will spread it across several partitions.

i would bet that if a survey was made of this list, most would
report they use lilo because of problems with grub. i may be wrong.

i wish i could give you a more positive answer to your problem,
but i am now tending to believe that either you have a bad download,
or there is some sort of incompatibility with your hardware and it
is causing you problems.

good luck. let us know what you decide.


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Re: [newbie] Samba/Windows XP

2002-02-24 Thread Ken Nowack

If you can ping each machine using ip#'s then the next
thing to check is your naming scheme. Are both
machines using the same workgroup name? Are there any
entries in the logs that could possibly point out the
problem? The vast majority of problems you'll first
encounter with samba are permissions/password issues

I'd reccommend that you peruse the fault tree and
How-To troubleshoot samba sections included in the
using_samba book that comes with the distro or is
available here:

Ken Nowack

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[newbie] How to burn iso - again

2002-02-24 Thread mike

Hi , 

 I have looked at both the newbie and expert lists on this
 but I still have some questions so I understand it correctly, 

I just downloaded the 8.2beta3 cd's 

want to burn a bootable cd under linux ( currently run LM 8.0 ) 

I have never done this in linux and would like to try. 

I have a SAF cd-rw4424a @ dev=1,0,0.

What would be the command line to cdrecord an iso and make it bootable? 

In windows it read the iso and made the boot.img as it went , does linux
do the same? 
or do I have to include something? 

If so how ? - or will this make a bootable cd: 

cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=1,0,0 MandrakeLinux-8.2beta3-CD1.i586.iso

( from the dir where the iso is of course ) ?

If I use this method would it be bootable then? 

Or should I use gcombust or gtoaster and include an image of some sort? 

If this is what I need to do, where do I get the boot image and how do I
include it?

Thanks in advance.


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[newbie] where to configure keyboard mapping?

2002-02-24 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Hi all,

I would like to use 'Shift-Insert' as the paste command as it stems from
its use in my Windows days.

Where can I find the option to configure key combinations to use for the
paste action under KDE?

I would assume to enter the Mandrake Control Centre from the taskbar
after being logged in but can't find where to go as the 'keyboard'
option under 'Peripherals' doesn't help and I can't see how to add a key
binding into the window.

Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user
More hardware info on request

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[newbie] profile_bash

2002-02-24 Thread Rick Henderson

Well, i know a little about sco.  .profile runs when a user logs in.  What 
does the same type of thing as that or profile_bash, when using an xterm.

I have a modifed PATH etc.

Another question - is the alias.  How is it set for an xterm?

alias seems to loose its values as child shells are created.  How would one 
over come this problem?



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Re: [newbie] wine install on mandrake 8.1

2002-02-24 Thread Robert Gray

Dear All

I use Windows to run a couple of legacy apps, Wine now runs most of these 
(thank you Skinky) and as soon as I can print from Quattro Pro 7 in Wine 
(help please I cannot make head or tail of the documentation)only my 
bookkeeper will use the Windows partion. We progress.


On Wednesday 20 February 2002 6:53 am, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 February 2002 12:27, Rick Henderson wrote:
  I just mandrake loaded.  Hoping this os will let me do away with window$.
  I know nothing about wine. And I can't seem to get a windows program
  Any suggestions on what to look for and/or to do.
  Rick Henderson

 The wine package that comes with ML8.1 is broken.  Download the latest from and you'll find it'll work instantly.

 An example on how to use wine:  I have an windoze accounting program called
 myob.exe so I

 $ cd /mnt/windows/myob/
 $ wine myobe.exe

 Just go into the directory where the win app is located, then issue the
 command wine win app executable.


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[newbie] logout of kde - screen hangs

2002-02-24 Thread Rick Henderson

I have m8.1 and go to a console.  startx works fine.   But I can't get back 
to a console screen (ctrl alt F1 or F2 etc) while kde is running.  Even 
loging out, the screen just hangs.  Now, interesting enough is that shutdown 
and reboot works just fine.

Any suggestions?



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Re: [newbie] How to burn iso - again

2002-02-24 Thread Chris Keelan

Sun, 24 Feb 2002 13:40:14 -0600: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 What would be the command line to cdrecord an iso and make it bootable? 

You have it already:
%  cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=1,0,0 MandrakeLinux-8.2beta3-CD1.i586.iso

 If I use this method would it be bootable then? 

The Mandrake image should have been created using mkisofs with the 'b' flag
enabled. It's not the burn (i.e. cdrecord) that makes a disk bootable but the
process of image creation (i.e. mkisofs). From the mkisofs man page:

   -b eltorito_boot_image
  Specifies the path and filename of the boot image to be used
  when  making  an El  Torito  bootable  CD.  The pathname must
  be relative to the source path specified to mkisofs.  This
option  is  required  to  make  an  El  Torito bootable  CD. The
boot  image must be exactly the size of either a 1.2, 1.44, or a 
  2.88 meg floppy, and mkisofs will use this size when creating
the  output

   -c boot_catalog
  Specifies the path and filename of the boot catalog to be used
  when making an El Torito bootable CD. The pathname must be
  relative  to  the  source  path specified  to  mkisofs.  This
  option is required to make a bootable CD.  This file will be
  inserted into the output tree and  not  created  in  the  source
  filesystem,  so  be  sure  the  specified  filename
does not  conflict with an existing file, as it will be excluded.
Usually   a name like boot.catalog is chosen.

 Or should I use gcombust or gtoaster and include an image of some sort? 

You could also read the README.eltorito in /usr/share/doc/mkisofs-V.v/ , where
V is major version number, and v is minor version number for the Mandrake 8.2
release. But all you really wanted to know was just burn the dang thing using
cdrecord, XCDroast, Gcombust or whatever!

 If this is what I need to do, where do I get the boot image and how do I
 include it?

I'm pretty sure that all Mandrake i386 cds are bootable. The Mandrake team has
done all the heavy lifing for you.  


- Chris

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[newbie] kmail-evolution migration?

2002-02-24 Thread Michel Clasquin

before I commit myself to another major download, a simple question

does Evolution import existing kmail messages?

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

... Linux users and the women who chase them - next Oprah!

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Re: [newbie] How to burn iso - again

2002-02-24 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002, mike wrote:
 If so how ? - or will this make a bootable cd:

 cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=1,0,0 MandrakeLinux-8.2beta3-CD1.i586.iso

Yep, thatll do it...

 ( from the dir where the iso is of course ) ?

 If I use this method would it be bootable then?


 Or should I use gcombust or gtoaster and include an image of some sort?

 If this is what I need to do, where do I get the boot image and how do I
 include it?

You don't have to worry about it with those isos...

Man cdrecord has a ton of can scroll a long (long) way down to
the example section, and it gives good basic commands.

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 5.2, OT ;p

2002-02-24 Thread FemmeFatale

 Does this work in other wm's like E? and if not, how can i make links on a
desktop in E?  I've tried with no success as yet .


Kaj Haulrich wrote:

Now, having Star Office only makes sense if you run a graphical
interface under the X server, for example KDE or Gnome. So it is
convenient to create a link to the soffice - executable. To do this,
drag the file soffice and drop it onto the background, then select the
option link here. You'll now have Star Office right at your
fingertips !

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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall, OT a min pls

2002-02-24 Thread FemmeFatale

If you need 2 or 3 nics in the machine with SNF that is not a problem, I can
plug those into the switch too if that is the case! :)

I'm resourceful what can I say?


Gerald Waugh wrote:

 On Sunday 24 February 2002 05:37 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
  So... if i use SNF and connect it to a switch (intelligent HUB basically),
  would that works as the one internal connections!??
  I tried Smoothwall...gah! that things a real pain in the ass to setup :(
  Plus i'm not sure my cables work :P
  Regardless, will my idea work pls.?

 I doubt it.
 SNF wants a DMZ, doesn't it.
SNF ---DMZ - Web Server, Email Server, DNS
   Private LAN
 Requires a NIC for each.
 Now, am I right or am I wrong?

 Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Firewall and win

2002-02-24 Thread Randy Kramer

Rodrigo wrote:
 Take a look at Tiny Personal Firewall as well, It
 has some insteresting features that are not available on ZoneAlarm. Tiny
 is also free.


Thanks, I'll take a look.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Adding a partition

2002-02-24 Thread Marcia

On Sunday 24 February 2002 02:14 am, Moshe Kaminsky wrote:

 I think that after you mounted the new partition as /home, it hides the
 previous /home directory that you had (since the desktop settings are
 stored there, this explains why your desktop has changed). I think that
 what you should do is unmount this directory (using 'umount'), move your
 /home directory to some other place (eg 'mv /home /home1'), then mount
 back, and then move the contents of (say) /home1 to /home
 ('mv /home1/* /home').


Thank you for this advice. Unfortunately I believe through my attempts of 
getting this /dev/hda6 partition up and running I have corrupted it. Is there 
an easy was to check on it and to fix it? Thanks for the help.



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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-24 Thread Randy Kramer

 Im not using a net sharing program, i connect via modem and just want
 to use the web server on Linux.

So, let's hear more about what you're trying to do.  You have a Windows
box and a Linux box.  The Windows box is connected to the Internet (via
modem), and gets a dynamic IP address using DHCP from your ISP.  You
want to run a web server on the Linux box.  Do you want that web server
accessible on the Internet or just on your private LAN (Windows box plus
Linux box)?

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] Adding user: with no icon at login

2002-02-24 Thread Andre Dubuc

I would like to add a user, say Trial, that would not be displayed at login 
(i.e. as an icon named 'Trial'). 

I've tried all the options in `man useradd', but I end up with a user and an 
icon. What I'm trying to achieve is end up with a user like 'postgres' in the 
LM 8.0 rpm of PostgreSQL. There is no icon, and only a group entry in 

I would like to duplicate this action, since I'm trying to install the source 
PostgreSQL 7.2. Whenever I try useradd postgres, I end up with an icon, and 
a home directory that I definetly don't want. Perhaps I should try 'groupadd' 
first with 'postgres' and then useradd 'postgres' ??

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?


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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall, OT a min pls

2002-02-24 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 24 February 2002 06:06 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
 If you need 2 or 3 nics in the machine with SNF that is not a problem, I
 can plug those into the switch too if that is the case! :)

 I'm resourceful what can I say?

Can your switch do port forwarding and/ or NAT (masq)?

Gerald Waugh

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[newbie] Couple of questions

2002-02-24 Thread Jose Mirles

I have a couple of questions, I would appreciate an answer to.

1. My current PC setup is a PIII, 800mhz PC with 256mb of ram, dual 20gb
hard drives and an ATI Xpert PCI graphics card (8b of video ram). I have
a printer and cable modem access on a Linksys cable router. 

My question - could I drop back to a 2.2.? kernel with no ill affects?
What did I gain with the 2.4.? kernel on my systems?

2.  Using the family's PC I can tag a bunch of MP3's files, burn them to
a cd as .wavs in Nero. Can X-CD-Roast do that? If so, how? If not
X-CD-Roast, then which one? I would like to burn audio cd's on my Linux
box (v8.1) 

The box said Windows 2000 or higher required, so I used Mandrake

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[newbie] unlink in GLOBAL

2002-02-24 Thread Jeffrey Madore

I am sorting through the many troublesome entrys in my sys log, and attempt 
to fix the problems. Can anyone tell me what to make of this, or where to 
find out, or what to do...? Thanks, Jeff

Feb 24 14:40:56 localhost devfsd[108]: error calling: unlink in GLOBAL 

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[newbie] applications start at KDE startup

2002-02-24 Thread Hanan Shargi


I'm running LM 8.1 and KDE, 2  weeks ago for somereason (I cant remember it 
now ) I killed X while there was some applications running ( Dia, gaim, and 
Konqueror ) and ever since after that, everytime I startup KDE those 
applications startup automatically !!!
I  kept up with this situation for 2 weeks but now  I just cant go on like 
this !!
and I haven't got the slightest idea where to start looking to stop this... 
any idea  anybody ?


Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] applications start at KDE startup

2002-02-24 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 24 February 2002 20:16, you wrote:

 I'm running LM 8.1 and KDE, 2  weeks ago for somereason (I cant remember it
 now ) I killed X while there was some applications running ( Dia, gaim, and
 Konqueror ) and ever since after that, everytime I startup KDE those
 applications startup automatically !!!
 I  kept up with this situation for 2 weeks but now  I just cant go on like
 this !!
 and I haven't got the slightest idea where to start looking to stop this...
 any idea  anybody ?


 Hanan AL-Shargi
Go to the Kpanel  Control Center System Manager and look to see if the 
restore previous session when logging in  has the box checked. If it does 
that's your problem, click on it and it should uncheck and your next login 
should be normal.  HTH :  )
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] Is there a DVD authoring application for Linux?

2002-02-24 Thread Mel Roman


I would like to author my own DVDs so that I could
archive all of my digital images on DVD (complete with
menus, etc...) and play them for family and friends on
a DVD player.  Apple iDVD application (packaged with
any new machine with a SuperDrive) does this.  Is
there a similar application available for the linux
platform?  The only things I can find are some
projects on freshmeat which are only in the planning
stage.  Ideally I'd like to burn the DVDs on an
external firewire DVD writer.



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Re: [newbie] logout of kde - screen hangs

2002-02-24 Thread Jesus Hinojosa

The same happens to me but with gnome. I'm using Mandrake 8.1

On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 13:19, Rick Henderson wrote:
 I have m8.1 and go to a console.  startx works fine.   But I can't get back 
 to a console screen (ctrl alt F1 or F2 etc) while kde is running.  Even 
 loging out, the screen just hangs.  Now, interesting enough is that shutdown 
 and reboot works just fine.
 Any suggestions?

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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall, OT a min pls

2002-02-24 Thread FemmeFatale

its a Dlink DSS8+ and on the webpage all i can find is:

= Store and Forward switching scheme ensures data integrity

Is taht what you meant?!  NAT I don't know.


Gerald Waugh wrote:

 On Sunday 24 February 2002 06:06 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
  If you need 2 or 3 nics in the machine with SNF that is not a problem, I
  can plug those into the switch too if that is the case! :)
  I'm resourceful what can I say?

 Can your switch do port forwarding and/ or NAT (masq)?

 Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] logout of kde - screen hangs

2002-02-24 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 24 February 2002 09:58 pm, Jesus Hinojosa wrote:
 The same happens to me but with gnome. I'm using Mandrake 8.1

 On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 13:19, Rick Henderson wrote:
  I have m8.1 and go to a console.  startx works fine.   But I can't get
  back to a console screen (ctrl alt F1 or F2 etc) while kde is running. 
  Even loging out, the screen just hangs.  Now, interesting enough is that
  shutdown and reboot works just fine.

Not sure what you mean,
But if you are talking about the console screen does not return to a 
command prompt
enter ^C
ctrl C
Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] kmail-evolution migration?

2002-02-24 Thread Nexist Xenda'ths


On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 12:18, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 before I commit myself to another major download, a simple question
 does Evolution import existing kmail messages?

I have found that it does not, at this time, import KMail.  Much to my
annoyance.  However, Evolution is far superior to
KMail/Korganizer/Kaddressbook that I am willing to fire up KMail on
those occasions that I have to reveiw my legacy mail.


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Re: [newbie] kmail-evolution migration?

2002-02-24 Thread Mark D'voo

On Sunday 24 February 2002 11:07 pm, you wrote:

 On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 12:18, Michel Clasquin wrote:
  before I commit myself to another major download, a simple question
  does Evolution import existing kmail messages?

I have imported kmail just fine. just import the files in your mail dir (i.e. 
inbox, Linux etc ...) if the folder is empty it will crash evolution, if you 
have child folders (i.e. inbox - wife) it will import the wife into the 
inbox folder.

 I have found that it does not, at this time, import KMail.  Much to my
 annoyance.  However, Evolution is far superior to
 KMail/Korganizer/Kaddressbook that I am willing to fire up KMail on
 those occasions that I have to reveiw my legacy mail.


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RE: [newbie] applications start at KDE startup

2002-02-24 Thread Chad

Shut down all the applications, go to log out of KDE and pick to save the
session or save xxx xxx.  Whatever it says on the logout ok, cancel
dialog box.


-Original Message-
From: Hanan Shargi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 9:17 PM
Subject: [newbie] applications start at KDE startup


I'm running LM 8.1 and KDE, 2  weeks ago for somereason (I cant remember it
now ) I killed X while there was some applications running ( Dia, gaim, and
Konqueror ) and ever since after that, everytime I startup KDE those
applications startup automatically !!!
I  kept up with this situation for 2 weeks but now  I just cant go on like
this !!
and I haven't got the slightest idea where to start looking to stop this...
any idea  anybody ?


Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] applications start at KDE startup

2002-02-24 Thread Erylon Hines

Do you have Restore session when logging in next time checked on the logout box?  
That is also available in the Control PanelSystemSession Manager.  If it's checked 
(it is checked by default) uncheck it.  If that doesn't work for your problem, log-in 
and kill all the processes that you don't want running. Then log-out with the Restore 
session when logging in next time box checked.  That should fix it.


On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 21:16:34 -0500
Hanan Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm running LM 8.1 and KDE, 2  weeks ago for somereason (I cant remember it 
 now ) I killed X while there was some applications running ( Dia, gaim, and 
 Konqueror ) and ever since after that, everytime I startup KDE those 
 applications startup automatically !!!
 I  kept up with this situation for 2 weeks but now  I just cant go on like 
 this !!
 and I haven't got the slightest idea where to start looking to stop this... 
 any idea  anybody ?
 Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] kmail-evolution migration?

2002-02-24 Thread Nexist Xenda'ths

Weird, I get told that there is no importer capable of handling the

On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 21:42, Mark D'voo wrote:
 On Sunday 24 February 2002 11:07 pm, you wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 12:18, Michel Clasquin wrote:
   before I commit myself to another major download, a simple question
   does Evolution import existing kmail messages?
 I have imported kmail just fine. just import the files in your mail dir (i.e. 
 inbox, Linux etc ...) if the folder is empty it will crash evolution, if you 
 have child folders (i.e. inbox - wife) it will import the wife into the 
 inbox folder.
  I have found that it does not, at this time, import KMail.  Much to my
  annoyance.  However, Evolution is far superior to
  KMail/Korganizer/Kaddressbook that I am willing to fire up KMail on
  those occasions that I have to reveiw my legacy mail.

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RE: [newbie] Removing RPM's Mandrake 8.1

2002-02-24 Thread Chad

You call always force it to uninstall.  If the command line was rpm -ivh
package-name.3.4.8-11a.rpm, try the rpm -e package-name basically without
the numbers.

If it says it can't do it because of dependencies and you are sure you can
get rid of it and things will be OK, try rpm -e --force package-name.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of DJW
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 12:27 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Removing RPM's Mandrake 8.1

I did an install of NVidia drivers that are not working right.
(install was from the command line as root, not in a term window
or with one of the package managers with the X system
shut down) with the command rpm -ivh package name
When it didn't work right I tried to unistall it from
the command line (rpm -e package name).
It says package not installed.  If I try
to reinstall it, it says package already installed.
When I looked at it with one of the package manager's
it shows the packages, but wants to unistall a whole bunch
of dependencies that I know I need.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Donald Wright

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Re: [newbie] How to burn iso - again

2002-02-24 Thread Lyvim Xaphir


Have you tried the graphical frontend to the cdrecord utilities? Xcdroast is 
what it's called.  That may simplify things for you in the sort term.

If you do have an IDE burner, be aware that the Linux utilities need a SCSI 
interface to access any burner in question.  So, if youre like me and your 
burner is not SCSI, you will need to fiddle your lilo.conf to get a new boot 
command line in that contains the ide-scsi module, so that it will preload. 
This loads a SCSI command translation layer for IDE burners. There was a 
thread on this a while back, I can probably find it for you if need be.

On Sunday 24 February 2002 14:40, you wrote:
 Hi ,

  I have looked at both the newbie and expert lists on this
  but I still have some questions so I understand it correctly,

 I just downloaded the 8.2beta3 cd's

 want to burn a bootable cd under linux ( currently run LM 8.0 )

 I have never done this in linux and would like to try.

 I have a SAF cd-rw4424a @ dev=1,0,0.

 What would be the command line to cdrecord an iso and make it bootable?

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Re: [newbie] kmail-evolution migration?

2002-02-24 Thread Erylon Hines

Works for me.  Sylpheed did too.  I like Sylpheed better, in fact, because it 
definitely loads faster on my P200 class machines than either Kmail or Evolution, so 
that's what I use on my slower boxes.  I don't feel that either Ev or Syl are actually 
better e-mail clients than Kmail, though. Ev does win in the eye candy category.


On 24 Feb 2002 21:07:07 -0800
Nexist Xenda'ths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 12:18, Michel Clasquin wrote:
  before I commit myself to another major download, a simple question
  does Evolution import existing kmail messages?
 I have found that it does not, at this time, import KMail.  Much to my
 annoyance.  However, Evolution is far superior to
 KMail/Korganizer/Kaddressbook that I am willing to fire up KMail on
 those occasions that I have to reveiw my legacy mail.

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RE: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-24 Thread Franki

if he has dsl, it would be on a different card to the internal interface...

depending on his setup,

if he has two NIC's in his PC, one for the internal net and the other for
his DSL link, then they should both have their own IP address. people seem
to forget that its the interface that gets the IP, not the machine itself.

so whatever interface the DSL comes up as should have that IP, and whatever
card does the internal network interface should have its own internal IP as

if you have your DSL modem plugged into the hub and you are accessing it
like that, I suggest you go and get a second NIC, plug it into your gateway
machine, and use that with a crossover cable to connect the modem to that
PC.. (assuming its an ethernet dsl modem like we have.)

that way, you have eth0 with could be your internal network interface card.
and eth1, which would be your DSL internet interface.. then you set your
gateway device to eth1.

I don't use a gateway ip.. in my network settings, I remove the GATEWAY=*
entry and add GATEWAYDEV=eth1
(thats in /etc/sysconfig/network )
that way the gateway IP doesn't matter..

works great for me.

so in summary.
Specify the relevant IP's for each interface, make sure you have seperate
interface for Internal and external (internet) connections.
bobs your uncle.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
Sent: Sunday, 24 February 2002 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

Franki wrote:
 no, your problem is that your machines are on different subnets..

 as a test, set your XP machine up to use IP and your linux box
 to use and your netmask to both as

 then restart the networking on both, and try pinging,, it will work if
 network cards are working.

 I don't really understand why you see the need to do this, what is
 the IP for the XP machine? and why isn't it also assigning one for the

Well I guess he's letting his ISP assign an IP to his Windows box so it
will work on his DSL line (or whatever).  I get around a similar problem
by running NAT, but I'm trying to think of a solution for him.

One way would be to run NAT (I think that's the basis of Microsoft
Internet sharing or whatever they call it, and then continue to use IPs
as you suggested in the second quoted paragraph above).  But, I've never
set up Microsoft Internet sharing so I don't know how to tell him (the
original poster) to do that.

Randy Kramer

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