Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-03-05 Thread jclark

icq e' un messenger molto carino che sotto windows puo' portare a qualche
problema di sicurezza, per linux esiste licq e un altra versione di cui
non ricordo il nome io personalmente non lo uso sotto linux, solo sotto
win per via del fatto che principalmente lo usa mia moglie e con linux non
ha proprio dimestichezza.
il funzionamento e' molto semplice tramite una serie di motori di ricerca
puoi trovare degli utenti che hanno interessi simili ai tuoi e mandare
richiesta di essere aggiunto e/o aggiungere l'utente alla tua conctat
comunque le pagine che ti possono speigare meglio tutto l'ambaradan sono:

buon divertimento

Pollo wrote:

 Ho sentito parlare di ICQ. Qualcuno potrebbe spiegarmi in poche parole
 come funziona e se è utilizzabile con linux...


Mario Vittorio Guenzi
Zincometal S.p.A. Europa Str.prov 34
20010-Inveruno (MI)
tel: 02-979661
fax: 02-97966351
Si vis pacem, para bellum

Re: [newbie-it] lan da konquero

2002-03-05 Thread Andrea Celli

Germano wrote:
 Il 10:42, venerdì 01 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  che se riesco a usare 34GB da una macchina senza disco o da una
  con una partizione linux da 1.3GB significa che lo spazio nfs
  non viene addebitato  alla mia macchina.
 1) Come fai ad avere una macchina senza disco?

mai sentito parlare di Xterminal o visto il mini-howto Diskless ?

 2) Non ho detto che ti addebita l'altro disco ma soltanto la directory che
 hai in uso (non penso che la directory che usi sia di 34 Gb).

E` la directory che contiene le home di mezzo istituto, in modo che
da qualunque macchina acceda, abbia immediatamente a disposizione la sua
Quindi tutte le macchine dell'istituto la montano automaticamente.
Questo semplifica anche le procedure di backup.

 3) L'esperienza personale è che per sentire dei file MP3 sharati da altre
 macchine, poichè kmp3 non è come winamp (almeno per quanto ne sappia io) che
 ti permette di leggere tranquillamente files su altre macchine (Wind...),
 quindi ho dovuto montare la directory con smbmnt ( che comunque chiama mnt)
 ed essendo la directory montata di 2Gb è facile vedere se ci siano variazione
 nel mio disco.
  Di quanto ti varia lo spazio libero?
  Riesci (es du -ms /*) a capire da dove viene tolto?
 Non viene tolto, viene utilizzato quello libero.

Ossia, dai df -h e questo ti dice che hai tot MB liberi sulla
partizione Linux (diciamo sia l'unica), poi monti con smbmnt una
partizione win e df -f ti dice che lo spazio libero su
Linux si e` ridotto?
mi senbra strano che avvenga in modo significativo.
al massimo potrebbe averti aggiunto qualche file di servizio
(tipo tabella indirizzamenti) o qualche file temporaneo con
delle copie degli mp3 mentre li suoni.
Per questo ti dicevo di lanciare du -ms /* per vedere dove
avvenivano le variazioni. Probabilmente in /var, /tmp 
o /usr/tmp.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] MANDRAKE e SAMBA

2002-03-05 Thread MarcoVentra

Dopo lunga e penosa malattia, sono riuscito ad installare MANDRAKE 8.0 (e
solo quella)
su un vecchio Pentium I.
Ho riscontrato questo problema: scegliendo una istallazione text o expert o
tutte e due il sistema di BootStrap da Floppy, non riconosceva il lettore
CD. Aspettando invece la partenza automatica, tutto è filato liscio.

Sto cercando di installare SAMBA per far colloquiare una macchian WIN2000
con il suddetto server LINUX. Sono riuscito a far vedere la macchina Linux
nele Risirse di rete, ma non riesco ad accedere alle risorse di
quest'ultima. Qualcuno sa come si condividono risorse e quali problemi di
sicurezza ci sono (se tento di accedere mi viene richiesto UID e PWD ma
anche fornendone uno valido la connessione viene rifiutata) ?

Sarei grato se qualcuno avesse risposte o mi consigliasse documentazione in


Re: [newbie-it] Documento Troff

2002-03-05 Thread Andrea Celli

e/tacc wrote:
 Mi sono imbattuto in un documento Troff con manpage macro
 Di cosa si tratta ?
 Con cosa posso leggerlo ?

E` un modo di formattare i testi, ad esempio (unico ?) le pagine man

In un certo senso e` simile al TeX o all'html Scrivi un testo normale
e vi inserisci delle stringhe di controllo, ad es ul all'inizio
di una riga significa che il resto della riga va sottolineato

Per visualizzarlo si usa groff -m(libreria macro) file|less
La macro delle man si chiama an, quindi devi dare
 groff -man filetroff |less
c'e` un'opzione -t che serve a convertire in altri formati
(ad es ps per la stampa)
sugli unix commerciali, al posto di groff c'e` nroff e troff

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] shutdown improvviso

2002-03-05 Thread bosva

salve ragazzi...mi trovo una bella gatta da pelare...
tempo fa avevo avuto problemi con il un certo punto aveva iniziato a 
bloccarsi, muoversi superlentamente...etc etc...visto che la cosa era un problema sia 
sotto linux mandrake, sia sotto suse, sia sotto uindos...ho dedotto fosse un problema 
hardware...e ho cambiato mouse
tutto perfetto! ha ripreso a funzionare tutto alla perfezione...fino a una settimana 
adesso se avvio linux mdk a volte si spegne improvvisamente che aurora non ha neanche 
finito, altre volte riesce ad avviarsi tutto regolarmente, ma dopo 5 minuti, qualunque 
programma io usi, o anche se non lancio nessun programma, mi si spegne improvvisamente 
lasciandomi di sale!
per di più, a volte, questo non succede...volevo chiedervi...secondo voi dove posso 
trovare informazioni su quello che succede al pc? in qualche file è registrato 
l'errore che porta il pc a spegnersi da solo? la butto li...ho l'impressione che si sia bruciata la ps/2

grazie dell'eventuale aiuto


Re: [newbie-it] shutdown improvviso

2002-03-05 Thread Andrea Celli

 salve ragazzi...mi trovo una bella gatta da pelare...
 tempo fa avevo avuto problemi con il mouse..
 adesso se avvio linux mdk a volte si spegne improvvisamente che aurora 
 non ha neanche finito,

preni l'abitudine di entrare senza aurora ( linux-nofb) oppure,
subito dopo entra in modalita` rescue da CD di installazione o da
floppy di boot, monta la partizione con / (se non e` gia` montata) e 
vai a vedere come termina il file /var/log/dmesg

 altre volte riesce ad avviarsi tutto regolarmente, ma dopo 5 minuti, qualunque
 programma io usi, o anche se non lancio nessun programma, mi si spegne 
 improvvisamente lasciandomi di sale! qualche file è registrato l'errore che porta il pc a spegnersi da solo?

in questo caso in /var/log/messages o /var/log/X11.. la butto li...ho l'impressione che si sia bruciata la ps/2

In quel caso, ti consiglio di cercare una nuova porta PS2 o USB da
attaccare direttamente sulla scheda madre, non quelle da inserire
su uno slot pci o isa.
Sono riconosciute immediatamente e costano moolto meno.
Il mese scorso, mi hanno chiesto 40 eur per una coppia di usb-pci
e 6 eur per una copia da inserire sulla scheda madre :-0

ovviamente, devi andare in un buon negozio di componenti elettroniche
e portarti dietro il libretto di istruzioni della SM, perche' i
connettori non sono standard.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] ZIP

2002-03-05 Thread tom

Salve a tutti
Qunado vado ad aprire i file zip mi dice Spiacente , l'utilità zip non si 
trova nel tuo PATH
Per favore installala o contatta
ma la finestra di utiliy si apre regolarmenete
Che significa?l'utente non ha il permesso di usare l'utility?
che devo fare?

Grazie delle eventuali risposte

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] ZIP

2002-03-05 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 14:59, martedì 5 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti
 Qunado vado ad aprire i file zip mi dice Spiacente , l'utilità zip non si
 trova nel tuo PATH
 Per favore installala o contatta
 ma la finestra di utiliy si apre regolarmenete
 Che significa?l'utente non ha il permesso di usare l'utility?
 che devo fare?

 Grazie delle eventuali risposte

 Ciao , Tom

Ciao Tom,
carica il Software Manager e cerca zip specificando la voce cerca nei 
file Troverai un pacchetto chiamato zip-23-7mdk (su Mandrake Linux 81): 
installalo Tutto qui


Re: [newbie-it] ZIP

2002-03-05 Thread syd

tom wrote:
 Salve a tutti
 Qunado vado ad aprire i file zip mi dice Spiacente , l'utilità zip
 non si trova nel tuo PATH
 Per favore installala o contatta
 ma la finestra di utiliy si apre regolarmenete
 Che significa?l'utente non ha il permesso di usare l'utility?
 che devo fare?

Avevo lo stesso problema che poi ho risolto installando il programma
Cerca in software manager la voce zip


Re: [newbie-it] ZIP

2002-03-05 Thread tom

Alle 16:23, martedì 5 marzo 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:

 installalo Tutto qui
Grazieora che è installato funziona che un piacere :)

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] lilo

2002-03-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

salve a tutti

sul mio pc avevo sia win 2000 che mandrake 8.0 ho cancellato tutto per 
reistallare  i due sistemi operativi ma alla partenza continua a 
partirmi lilo, come fare per eliminarlo?

se gli dico di partire da floppy mi da errore 0x80 sia con disco linux 
che win autopartenti.
se dico al bios di partire con il cd quello di linux parte quello win98 
no. perche e lilo che non mi fa partire win 98 che prima partiva?


[newbie-it] Aggiornamento del kernel : quanto serve ?

2002-03-05 Thread Stefano Lena


faccio girare felicemente ( cioe' senza blocchi di sistema, ne' riavvii, 
riuscendo a fare praticamente tutto quello che mi serve, con tutte le 
periferiche che funzionano e questo grazie soprattutto a questa mailing list 
- grazie ! ) ) Mandrake 81 con kernel 248-26 

Visto che sono stati rilasciati i kernel ufficiali di MDK 248-34 mi ( e VI 
) chiedo : 

*) E' preferibile comunque et semper aggiornare all'ultima versione ufficiale 
stabile del kernel ? Se si' mi piacerebbe sapere il vostro parere sui pro e 

*) Oppure un kernel stabile che fa girare tutto cio' che mi serve è meglio ( 
visto che non possiedo dati  sensibili  che temano delle intrusioni ) ?

*) Compilare gli srcrpm permette di ottenere un kernel un po' piu' 
ottimizzato ( cioe' val la pena farlo ) rispetto agli rpm ( e senza spingersi 
alla ricompilazione  seria  ) binari ? Il kernel e' un po' piu'  
performante  ?

In conclusione secondo voi se aggiorno c'e' il rischio che qualcosa che 
adesso funziona si impalli ? Ovvio che se bisogna fare alcune normali 
configurazioni non lo considero un'  impallata  

Vi ringrazio anticipatamente


AMD Athlon 500 MHz - 650 MB Ram - 20G IBM + 40G IBM - Matrox G400 -
Creative PCI 128 

Re: [newbie-it] lilo

2002-03-05 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 19:22, martedì 5 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 salve a tutti
 sul mio pc avevo sia win 2000 che mandrake 8.0 ho cancellato tutto per 
 reistallare  i due sistemi operativi ma alla partenza continua a 
 partirmi lilo, come fare per eliminarlo?
Da DOS un buon vecchio fdisk /mbr e fai piazza pulita..

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-03-05 Thread Pollo

Il mar, 2002-03-05 alle 10:05, jclark ha scritto:
 icq e' un messenger molto carino che sotto windows puo' portare a qualche
 problema di sicurezza, per linux esiste licq e un altra versione di cui
 non ricordo il nome io personalmente non lo uso sotto linux, solo sotto
 win per via del fatto che principalmente lo usa mia moglie e con linux non
 ha proprio dimestichezza
 il funzionamento e' molto semplice tramite una serie di motori di ricerca
 puoi trovare degli utenti che hanno interessi simili ai tuoi e mandare
 richiesta di essere aggiunto e/o aggiungere l'utente alla tua conctat
 comunque le pagine che ti possono speigare meglio tutto l'ambaradan sono:
 buon divertimento

Grazie per l'aiuto!
Ciao, Pollo

Re: [newbie-it] Il computer si blocca!!!

2002-03-05 Thread Nicola

 Secondo me e' un problema hardware: potresti dare
 qualche specifica in merito?

Sarò molto sintetico:   AMD Duron 700
Asus A7V
Abit GeForce2 400Mx 64Mb
Sound Blaster Live!
3 HD
1 Lettore Cd
1 Masterizzatore
Ovviamente tutto ide

Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-03-05 Thread Corrado

Il mar, 2002-03-05 alle 20:22, Pollo ha scritto:
  io personalmente non lo uso sotto linux, solo sotto
  win per via del fatto che principalmente lo usa mia moglie e con linux non
  ha proprio dimestichezza.

Per gnome esiste anche Gnomeicu e per KDE Kxicq, che era il mio lient preferito
due anni fa; lo tenni anche quando passai a Gnome, poi però lo sviluppo
di Kxicq2 procedette a rilento e passai a Licq; è il più completo (si
disse che il clone aveva superato l'originale, tempo fa :-) ma è più
semplice da usare dell'ICQ originale per Windows, non foss'altro perchè
non ha 400 fra menù e sottomenù... :-/ 
Esistono poi molti client che permettono di connettersi tramite diversi
protocolli: Gaim, Everybuddy, Gabber sono utili per connettersi con un
solo programma alle reti di Yahoo, AIM, MSN e altre, seppure con meno
funzionalità in totale (credo di questi tre solo Gabber permetta di
scambiare files con gli altri utenti).


Re: [newbie-it] programma di diagnostica

2002-03-05 Thread Claudio Duchi

On 4 Mar 2002 at 22:43, miKe wrote:

Subject:Re: [newbie-it] programma di diagnostica
Date sent:  Mon, 4 Mar 2002 22:43:27 +0100
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Il 22:38, lunedì 4 marzo 2002, Claudio Duchi ha scritto:
  oltre alle schemate di bbot del kernel e kudzu non esiste un programma
  di diagnostica per Linux
  tipo Sandra pcdoctor di Win?

 cosa vuoi che faccia il programma?
 che ti indichi le risorse (in questo caso hai /proc da spulciare )
 o che ti informi di conflitti o malfunzionamenti ? (/var/log/syslog,
 /var/log/messages, dmesg)
il cipset installato il tipo di cpu gli irq etc

Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-03-05 Thread Vittorio

Sisi.. anche su win.. e da lì non è mai un problema (o quasi) (ma molto 
meno spesso)

Corrado wrote:

Il mar, 2002-03-05 alle 22:11, Vittorio ha scritto:

Licq però non mi funziona proprio alla grande... alle volte non riesco a 
comunicare con qcn online pur vedendolo.. i miei messaggi magari gli 
arrivano ma non arrivano i suoi a me o viceversa..

Quali sono altri programmi con lo stesso protocollo magari migliori di 

Devo dire che problemi del genere capitano più per problemi propri alla
rete che non al programma; usi ICQ anche su Windows? Comunque la
versione più recente (stabile) di Licq è la 1.0.4.


[newbie-it] Navigazione non in linea

2002-03-05 Thread Roberto Farigliani

Saluti a tutti.
Volendo navigare non in linea ho selezionato, nel centro di controllo di kde- 
proxy e cache, la relativa casellina.
L'opzione funziona a dovere però quando assegno un'indirizzo nuovo da 
visitare in linea mi comunica che non esiste.
In definitiva se tengo la cache aggiornata posso navigare in linea ma non 
fuori, viceversa se seleziono navig. non in linea accedo ai siti visitati 
ma non a quelli in linea e compare il messaggio host sconosciuto.
Sicuramente c'è qualche opzione che mi sfugge, potete indirizzarmi?
Avrei bisogno anche della stringa per accedere ai msg. della lista.

Grazie dell'aiuto   Roby

mdk 8.1

Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-03-05 Thread Corrado

Il mer, 2002-03-06 alle 00:21, Vittorio ha scritto:
 Sisi.. anche su win.. e da lì non è mai un problema (o quasi) (ma molto 
 meno spesso)

Bè, a questo punto vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha evidenziato problemi
simili; comunque che versione hai installato? 


[newbie-it] per Andrea

2002-03-05 Thread Arwan

Ti avevo risposto per quei file audio da testare sotto KDE, ma il messaggio
mi e' tornato indietro come se avvesse un indirizzo sbagliato.
Dove mando la risposta?


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie] odd screensavers [was Fw: Screen Savers]

2002-03-05 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 05:26, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Along these lines, has anybody gotten those cool odd network aware
 screensavers to work, such as electric sheep or the one that plaays with
 files off the net?

 - Paul Rodriguez

Do you mean WebCollage?   If so yes. I have it working with xscreensaver 
under XFce. It needs the RPM libjpeg-progs.
It looks really cool with random images from the web appearing every few 


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[newbie] Thank you Paul.

2002-03-05 Thread FemmeFatale

I didn't search the archives *Sheepish grin*.  Mostly because I wasn't sure
how to search for a Question like that.  *Blushes*  Learned my lesson I will
check there first ;)


Paul Rodríguez wrote:

 One from the vault:

  Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote on Mon, 27 Aug 2001 01:28:21 -0700:
  i386 = intel 80386 and compatible.
  i486 = intel 80486 and compatible.
  i586 = anything built on intel Pentium technology, including Pentium
  i686 = anything built on intel Pentium Pro technology, including
  II/III and Celeron.

 The i686 should work fine.

 - Paul Rodriguez

 On Mon, 2002-03-04 at 23:42, FemmeFatale wrote:
  Is there a LM 8 ver that is optimized for P3 machines?
  Or is it the ones with the 586 in their RPM names?
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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 Get your free address at

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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[newbie] Mouse pointer

2002-03-05 Thread Michael

I just tried the Ctrl-Alt-Esc key combination that i read about from a thread on
the list It is a new one on me Is the skull and cross bones mouse pointer
normal when in this mode? Where do i read up on all these little tricks? I seem
to just get them drip fed by following the list 


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Re: [newbie] Portmap ?

2002-03-05 Thread Marc Oestreicher

2/25/02 4:17:19 AM, jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Marc Oestreicher writes:
 I have a bit of a problem with a new mandrake 8.1 installation
   that I have beem fighting for weeks with no success.
Wen shutting down or rebooting my machine locks on shutting down
   portmap services. If I shut off portmap services it locks on shutting
   down internet services even though a dialup connection has not been
  This is on a P3 450 mhz machine with 64  MB of memory.  Does anyone
   have any idea what is causing this lockup on shutdown?
   Thanks in advance

This sounds like the USB problem i've been having.   Does turnig off
the USB service eliminate the problem?


  Thanks turning off USB service did solve the problem , but what effect will this 
have on my USB 

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Re: [newbie] odd screensavers [was Fw: Screen Savers]

2002-03-05 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 10:46, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 March 2002 05:26, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
  Along these lines, has anybody gotten those cool odd network
  aware screensavers to work, such as electric sheep or the one
  that plaays with files off the net?
  - Paul Rodriguez

 Do you mean WebCollage?   If so yes. I have it working with
 xscreensaver under XFce. It needs the RPM libjpeg-progs.
 It looks really cool with random images from the web appearing
 every few seconds.

Given the content of a lot of images on the web, I'd better not 
install it in my office, then!


Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] mid button of 3-button mouse.

2002-03-05 Thread Wei Wang

Thanks, Dennis, 

I set the mouse to Generic PS/2 Wheel Mouse instead It doesnt work at all at 
first The system gives warning sounds when I move the mouse around The 
cursor keeps moving at the edges of the screen Then I logout by 
Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace and relogin, then it works fine


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RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.0

2002-03-05 Thread Tom Harris

What do you mean by the 486 optimized version?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Erylon Hines
 Sent: 01 March 2002 21:51
 Subject: Re: [newbie] mandrake 7.0
 I've run the 7.0 486 optimized version on a P90 (packard hell) 
 and it worked just fine.  The only item built in was a 1M CL 
 video card.  So, the answer is probably, depending on what 
 hardware you have plugged into your Olivetti. If your hardware is 
 pretty standard stuff I'd say give it a try, if you have non-ide 
 drives you might want to use another distro for easier setup.  If 
 you have the 486 optimized version I think you should use that 
 one instead of the Pentium version--in my experience it works 
 better with the sloow Pentiums.  It'll be a learning 
 experience because you're going to have to do a lot of work 
 setting up your hardware.  
 BTW, I have a working P75 with the 486-7.0 sitting in my garage, 
 so it works on even slower machines.
 On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 16:24:01 -
 Tom Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone know if Mandrake 7.0 would work on an Ollivetti Echo P90s?
  Please reply,

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Re: [newbie] odd screensavers [was Fw: Screen Savers]

2002-03-05 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Thank you!  I most wanted to try out WebCollage.  What a cool program,
no idea I needed libjpeg-progs (not the error i was getting) but looks
great now.  

Thanks!  What an interesting sociologiical tool.  :)

Running WebCollage with vidwacker says that I need to set an image
directory in .xscreensaver, but right now it is set up for -standin,
-standout, with the obvious place for setting a directory.  Off the top
of your head, you wouldn't know where I would do that do you?

Any experience with electricsheep?

- Paul Rodriguez

On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 03:46, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 March 2002 05:26, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
  Along these lines, has anybody gotten those cool odd network aware
  screensavers to work, such as electric sheep or the one that plaays with
  files off the net?
  - Paul Rodriguez
 Do you mean WebCollage?   If so yes. I have it working with xscreensaver 
 under XFce. It needs the RPM libjpeg-progs.
 It looks really cool with random images from the web appearing every few 
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] odd screensavers [was Fw: Screen Savers]

2002-03-05 Thread Paul Rodríguez

One mroe question:  How come webcollage doesn't show up in the gnome
configuration tool, and only in xscreensaver-demo?

- Paul Rodriguez

On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 03:46, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 March 2002 05:26, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
  Along these lines, has anybody gotten those cool odd network aware
  screensavers to work, such as electric sheep or the one that plaays with
  files off the net?
  - Paul Rodriguez
 Do you mean WebCollage?   If so yes. I have it working with xscreensaver 
 under XFce. It needs the RPM libjpeg-progs.
 It looks really cool with random images from the web appearing every few 
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.0

2002-03-05 Thread Paul Rodríguez

The different versions of Mandrake (and most RPM programs) are compiled
for certain processors  This means that the human-readable source code
in which the program is written is translated into computer-readable
bits and bytes in the language specific to each type of computer chip

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote a great explanation of this back in August that
I still refer to 

(found here:
http://wwwmail-archivecom/newbie%40linux-mandrakecom/msg75668html )

He wrote:

i386 = intel 80386 and compatible
i486 = intel 80486 and compatible
i586 = anything built on intel Pentium technology, including Pentium
i686 = anything built on intel Pentium Pro technology, including Pentium
II/III and Celeron

The Pentium 4 is an entirely new chip, and for the moment has no
compilers Since x86 chips are backwards-compatible, you can use i686 

AMD Athlons and Durons have their own architecture (and even their own 
compilation options in gcc), but are also compatible with i686 The AMD
K6 series is Pentium-class, and so is 1586 compatible

 Does this mean that my current distro doesn't use the full capacity of
 my cpu? Would the system run faster/better with the i686 edition?

Usually the speed boost isn't large enough to make a real difference
That doesn't stop me from compiling all my packages for i686, though :-)

To which i would add, that if you run across an rpm which says PPC, it
is compiled for PowerPC processors (Macintosh), and if it says src, it
is actually not compiled, but contains the instructions to compile it
yourself, so would work on any type of chip

Let me know if this makes any sense

- Paul Rodriguez

On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 11:28, Tom Harris wrote:
 What do you mean by the 486 optimized version?

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[newbie] Network card configuration

2002-03-05 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

I would like to connect my Win box to my current Linux box as the win
box has all my documentation on it

I have a NIC (Realtek 8139) in in each machine and a cross-over cable
connecting them The win machine is running Win95 and the Linux one is
on Mandrake 8

I get an error when starting Linux that eth0 cannot be found Is the
eth0 module easily found on the  2 CD set and how do I find it? Can it
just be copied across to 'replace' the non existent one?

How can I go about configuring the card to talk to the Win box and use
its separate internal modem to connect to the web?
Hylton Conacher on KDE 211 on kernel 243-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user
More hardware info on request

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RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.0

2002-03-05 Thread Tom Harris

What is meant by optimized though?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Rodríguez
 Sent: 05 March 2002 16:50
 To: newbie
 Subject: RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.0

 The different versions of Mandrake (and most RPM programs) are compiled
 for certain processors.  This means that the human-readable source code
 in which the program is written is translated into computer-readable
 bits and bytes in the language specific to each type of computer chip.

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote a great explanation of this back in August that
 I still refer to.

 (found here: )

 He wrote:

 i386 = intel 80386 and compatible.
 i486 = intel 80486 and compatible.
 i586 = anything built on intel Pentium technology, including Pentium
 i686 = anything built on intel Pentium Pro technology, including Pentium
 II/III and Celeron.

 The Pentium 4 is an entirely new chip, and for the moment has no
 compilers. Since x86 chips are backwards-compatible, you can use i686

 AMD Athlons and Durons have their own architecture (and even their own
 compilation options in gcc), but are also compatible with i686. The AMD
 K6 series is Pentium-class, and so is 1586 compatible.

  Does this mean that my current distro doesn't use the full capacity of
  my cpu? Would the system run faster/better with the i686 edition?

 Usually the speed boost isn't large enough to make a real difference.
 That doesn't stop me from compiling all my packages for i686, though :-)

 To which i would add, that if you run across an rpm which says PPC, it
 is compiled for PowerPC processors (Macintosh), and if it says src, it
 is actually not compiled, but contains the instructions to compile it
 yourself, so would work on any type of chip.

 Let me know if this makes any sense.

 - Paul Rodriguez

 On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 11:28, Tom Harris wrote:
  What do you mean by the 486 optimized version?

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Re: [newbie] odd screensavers [was Fw: Screen Savers]

2002-03-05 Thread Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 11:40, Paul Rodríguez wrote:

 Running WebCollage with vidwacker says that I need to set an image
 directory in .xscreensaver, but right now it is set up for -standin,
 -standout, with the obvious place for setting a directory.  Off the top
 of your head, you wouldn't know where I would do that do you?

Sorry, meant no obvious place for inserting a directory.

 - Paul

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Re: [newbie] 'ls' doesn't sort the way it used to?

2002-03-05 Thread Steven Boothe

On Monday 04 March 2002 09:49 pm, you wrote:
 Why not try an alias in your bashrc file, so that ls does it YOUR

That's a fair question I suppose.

First, this is a multiuser operating system and I want to fix the 
problem where it exists, so that it fixes it for all new accounts that 
I create.

Secondly, I did. But the default values aliased to 'ls' do not just go 
away. Rather any customization I make just gets _added_ in with the 
other values initialized from the /etc/profile (or where ever) 
directory upon login.

I realize I could just moving the /etc/profile directory off my 
partition, and maybe look at building my own, but I am really only 
interested in one particular problematic feature. One in which I have 
spent a fair amount of time already trying to discover how it is set 
up, and have not been able to solve.

So, if there is anyone who can tell me what part of the bash scripts in 
/etc/profile or elsewhere are causing this funky behavior, I would very 
much appreciate it.

 At 04:42 PM 3/4/2002 -0800, you wrote:
 Hello everyone:
 A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, 'ls' used to display 
 directories and files in case sensitive order, prioritized by 
 Directories, then directory names that start with capitals first.
 Now directories and files are sorted w/out respect to directory or 
 file, and the first letter in the names are alphabetized w/out 
 sensitivity to case.
 I guess not too many people liked this, but call me a geek, I found 
 kind of useful for organzing things.
 Can anyone help?
 Thanks so much,
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 o o o o o o o o  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   o _ 
 o  _|   | 
   .][__n_n_|DD[  _  |   | 
 _/oo O oo`  ooo   ooo  'o!o!o o!o!o` 

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[newbie] dragon plus

2002-03-05 Thread Gerald Waugh

Maybe this is OK
Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] I have a proble with the mouse

2002-03-05 Thread Kaj Haulrich

 I'm new in this S.O. I can say I use it in my work.
 Sometimes, when I'm doing my normal things, the mouse
 get a problem, i don't know what is it, it looks to be
 in other situation, i mean, when i try to click in one
 place, it does but 2cm left from i did. i can't know
 when it happens.
 if someone knows what is what i mean, and know the
 answer plear, i appresiate your help. If i have to be
 clearer please tell me, i don't know to speak english
 very well, i can speak spanish
 Soy nuevo en usar el S.O. trabajo con él, pero tengo un
 pequeño problema, cuanto intento hacer clic en alguna
 parte, lo hace pero corrido como 2 cm a la izquierda,
 no se que pueda ser, he intentado hasta cambiar el
 controlador del mouse por otro pero no funciona, esto
 no ocurre siempre y no he dado para identificar cuando
 Agradezco su ayuda.

Well, this problem comes up frequently, almost a FAQ.
As I happen to have a copy of one of my answers, I'll just quote it
below :

 Good news ! - I remember some people here on the list (or was it the
 expert-one ?) having big-time trouble with their Trident chipsets. It
 almost drove me nuts as well ! - The problem manifested itself only
 occasionally : the mouse-pointer got an offset, and couldn't be moved to
 the left rim of the screen, but stopped dead about 30 pixels from it.
 Furthermore, when clicking something, I had to point the cursor about
 those 30 pixels to the RIGHT of focus. Only cure was to reboot - and
 that's not something we linuxers like ;-)

 Well, I looked around on the net and found the answer to all my troubles
 on the S.u.S.E. - mailing list :

 The solution is surprisingly simple : pass the option sw_cursor to

 In my case, only thing I had to do was to uncomment the line Option
 sw_cursor by removing the #-mark.

 This being a newbie-list, I'll show how I did it my way :

 1. Open a console-window
 2. type : su
 3. enter your root-password
 4. open Midnight Commander by issuing the command : mc
 5. highlight the file /etc/X11/XF86Config and press F4 to edit it
 6. search for the entry below ( or something very similar ) :

 # **
 # Graphics device section
 # **

 Section Device
 Identifier Generic VGA
 Chipset   generic

 Section Device
 Identifier  Trident CyberBlade (generic)
 VendorName  Unknown
 BoardName   Unknown
 #   Chipset CyberBlade
 #   VideoRam4096
 #   Clock lines

 # Uncomment following option if you see a big white block
 # instead of the cursor!
   Option  sw_cursor
   Option  power_saver

 # **
 # Screen sections
 # **

 7. either remove the #-mark in front of Option sw_cursor or simply add
 the line
 8. save the file by pressing F2
 9. exit Midnight Commander by pressing F10
 10. back in the console-window, type exit twice , and you are done
 11. restart the X-server or reboot.

 That's all, folks. And credit for this advice to the S.u.S.E. - people !

 Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] File Sharing App

2002-03-05 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 18:42, RichardA wrote:
 gtk-gnutella works. There used to be a Morpheus client for Linux, but the
 file was pulled for legal reasons - anyone know of another place to get it?
 And would the recent business about about blocking the Windows client
 affect it?

I think you mean GiFT
The file wasn't pulled, Kazaa who provide the technology Morpheus use 
deliberately blocked GiFT so it stopped working. The GiFT team are busy 
developing an 'OpenSource' alternative to Kazaa/FastTrack. Check out 
SourceForge for details.

Morpheus have recently fallen out with Kazaa and have just started to use 
Gnutella as their file sharing system.

Another Gnutella client lots of people use is LimeWire
This one is Java based. Read the install instuctions carefully, lots of 
people have trouble getting it installed. Also check out this lists archives.

Another alternative is AudioGalaxy
They have a Command Line Linux client called AGSatellite, and there is a GUI 
front end called XSatellite available on SourceForge.



 David, Monday 04 March 2002 22:48:
  Can anyone recomend a good filesharing app for my Mandrake box? 
  Something for mpegs, mp3s, and things of that sort.

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Re: [newbie] OK new question... ya i'm full of em.

2002-03-05 Thread shane

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 14:22, civileme opened a hailing frequency and 

 I know that this is not something a lot of people want to face, but a
 significant portion of this industry is sales hype.  If you don't
 believe that, look at the processor speed ads of a few years ago where
 the system bus stayed at 66MHz and the pocessors got faster and faster.

in the land of intel our clock speed is better cpus and micro look at 
all our innovations that for just $300 will let you do (slower) what you 
already can soft, we should be shocked?

I struggle to be breif but manage to be obscure.- Horace

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] Thank you Paul.

2002-03-05 Thread civileme

FemmeFatale wrote:

I didn't search the archives *Sheepish grin*.  Mostly because I wasn't sure
how to search for a Question like that.  *Blushes*  Learned my lesson I will
check there first ;)


Paul Rodríguez wrote:

One from the vault:

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote on Mon, 27 Aug 2001 01:28:21 -0700:

i386 = intel 80386 and compatible.
i486 = intel 80486 and compatible.
i586 = anything built on intel Pentium technology, including Pentium


i686 = anything built on intel Pentium Pro technology, including


II/III and Celeron.

The i686 should work fine.

- Paul Rodriguez

On Mon, 2002-03-04 at 23:42, FemmeFatale wrote:

Is there a LM 8 ver that is optimized for P3 machines?

Or is it the ones with the 586 in their RPM names?


Well look here

The real story of the switches (ixxx) is that regardless of compiler 
flags, they default to the architecture of the build platform unless the 
build space (the toplevel directory of the logged-in builder) has a file 
called .rpmrc which sets up a mapping.  So an i686 in the build means it 
was built on an i686 machine, not that it was optimized for or requires 
that architecture  (on the install side, of course it _does_ assume that 
the architecture specified _is_ required unless you use --ignorearch in 
the install switches).

Here is my .rpmrc file...  I still have to do another procedure to 
assure that the rpms are built for the i586 because I am using 3 K7s and 
one P-2, and two PPros, and one VIA C3, and one K6.

[tester@v5 tester]$ cat .rpmrc
buildarchtranslate: i386: i586
buildarchtranslate: i486: i586
buildarchtranslate: i586: i586
buildarchtranslate: i686: i586


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Re: [newbie] 8.1 Install

2002-03-05 Thread Robert Gray

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 3:13 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I purchased Mandrake 8.1 to see what Linux was like. I have a very limited
 knowlage of window but I am quite adapt at pointing and clicking. I decide
 to install it on my lap top but did not have sufficent resources. The next
 move was the home computer. A 1 gig AMD KT7A/Riad (Riad disabled) with a
 TNT Vid Card and a Maxtor 30gig HD, 384 megs of ram. It also has a
 Surfboard phone up/cable dowm modem. WinME working it all.I settled in for
 what the book said would be an easy install.

 I lost C:, I zapped out DOS, I got Linux in. I lost Linux, I lost windows.
 I'm sure I saw a Penguin flip me off. I got windows back, to make a long
 story short here's where I am now.

 WinME running, Linux just left on it's own, my 30 gig drive reads in
 windows as 2 gig, when i look at in Linux install it shows blue/2 gigs for
 windows, the rest is a white bar. All in all I wasn't too unhappy since I
 don't store a thing on my drive but software, what's six hours to reinstall
 it. Oh did I mention that some idiot forgot he did his taxszapped...the
 wife really liked that one.

 I have come up with three conclusions to what may have happened
 1. I have failed to pray to the God of LINUX correctly or not left enough
 fish at the penguins feet.
 2. Bill Gates is evil and personally hates me.
 3. I have no dang clue what I am doing any and all mistakes are my fault.

 I have opted for number threebut I have not ruled out the other two. I
 would love to try LINUX, I would also like my hard drive back. I guess what
 I need is a quick course in partitioning, spelled out idiot proof, and some
 simpler instructions on how to install this as a dual boot system.

 Any help would be appreciated, fish can also be arranged. ;-)


Thanks very much for that. Within a Windows context  Partition Magic is a 
newbie proof solution to a dual boot system. However having never got Windows 
98 to work properly I'm less and less inclined to bother with the genre.

Recommending a Window based product on this mailing list may be slightly off 
scent but coming from Windows to Linux it gets over the first hurdle. Coming 
fron Linux to Windows...(why?) DiskDrake will do fine.


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Re: [newbie] HSP56 Pctel modem OT- ET's favorite rant

2002-03-05 Thread Joseph Braddock

That's strange.  I've got half a dozen of them running in various windows and linux 
boxes and have never had a problem with them.

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002 16:20:23 -0500
ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 just a personal opinion here, and I promise not to rant on forever... really. 
 if you value your time as much as a fast food cook, then consider the time 
 spent  trying to make the HSP modem work correctly, and also consider that 
 this modem (this is my personal experiance ONLY) may also be causing problems 
 in Winder$ also, you just do not reliazer that the problem is related to the 
 modem, since you thought the modem would not cause problems if it was only 
 resting in the box. My feelings are that this modem (and the related software 
 and drivers installed when you thought you were just installing drivers) 
 causes problems that are not often sourced back to the modem and software, 
 since the BSOD happend when the modem was not in use. I have been feed up 
 with a win-box, sure the modem was at fault, but did not cure the problem 
 untill I removed every instance of HSP I could find in the windows registry 
 and deleted the software. Pulling the modem out did not help. I have 
 experianced this in no lees than 15 different boxes ( It should be noted, I 
 guess, that this was observed over 2 years ago, and hopefully the modem, 
 drivers and software have improved, but since they are closed source 
 binairys we can not know for sure (legally) if they changed at all. 
 for the difference in my time between getting an HSP modem to work correctly 
 in any OS and the cost of a real modem, the real modem wins everytime.   
 On Monday 04 March 2002 14:51, you wrote:
   Did anyone here install the HSP56 drivers successfully?
  what mainboard?
  mainboard chip?
  pci board chip?
  new daughter board chip? [forget name for new io slot]

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Re: [newbie] 8.1 Install

2002-03-05 Thread civileme


Hi all,

I purchased Mandrake 8.1 to see what Linux was like. I have a very limited 
knowlage of window but I am quite adapt at pointing and clicking. I decide to 
install it on my lap top but did not have sufficent resources. The next move 
was the home computer. A 1 gig AMD KT7A/Riad (Riad disabled) with a TNT Vid 
Card and a Maxtor 30gig HD, 384 megs of ram. It also has a Surfboard phone 
up/cable dowm modem. WinME working it all.I settled in for what the book said 
would be an easy install.

I lost C:, I zapped out DOS, I got Linux in. I lost Linux, I lost windows. 
I'm sure I saw a Penguin flip me off. I got windows back, to make a long 
story short here's where I am now.

WinME running, Linux just left on it's own, my 30 gig drive reads in windows 
as 2 gig, when i look at in Linux install it shows blue/2 gigs for windows, 
the rest is a white bar. All in all I wasn't too unhappy since I don't store 
a thing on my drive but software, what's six hours to reinstall it. Oh did I 
mention that some idiot forgot he did his taxszapped...the wife really 
liked that one.

I have come up with three conclusions to what may have happened 
1. I have failed to pray to the God of LINUX correctly or not left enough 
fish at the penguins feet. 
2. Bill Gates is evil and personally hates me. 
3. I have no dang clue what I am doing any and all mistakes are my fault. 

I have opted for number threebut I have not ruled out the other two. I 
would love to try LINUX, I would also like my hard drive back. I guess what I 
need is a quick course in partitioning, spelled out idiot proof, and some 
simpler instructions on how to install this as a dual boot system.

Any help would be appreciated, fish can also be arranged. ;-)


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OK  let's see

Here is what you probably want

/dev/hda1  FAT32   (Windows ME drive C--called windows_c in linux 
install) 2 G
/dev/hda2  FAT32  (Windows ME drive D -- called windows_d in linux 
install) 8 G
Note that you CAN install windows software to D: drive as easily as C.
/dev/hda3 swap  500 M
/dev/hda5 ext2   mount point /   250 M
/dev/hda6 XFS  mount point /usr  4 G
/dev/hda7 XFS  mount point /var  7G
/dev/hda8 XFS  mount point /home 6G
/dev/hda9 XFS mount point /opt 2G
Leave the rest of the disk blank for future use

Use an EXPERT install and when disk drake comes up, make your own 
partitions--you will not need to wipe out windows.  Make the extra 
windows partition right there with diskdrake, but be sure to format it 
using windows ME later before you try to use it.

It may be that your numbering will be different.  Express the following 
preferences as you create partitions

Windows_d  Primary
swap   Primary

All Others


If the windows currently installed is extended, then all partitions will 
be extended type and will be numbered differently--you do not have to do 
the numbering when using diskdrake.  The numbering can get out of order 
if you make a mistake and erase and recreate a partition during your 
creation, but that won't really affect anything, so just make your 

I gave you inflated /var and /home partitions because you may find those 
expanding.  The /opt is where commercial programs are supposed to 
install themselves, if they adhere to linux standards.

It is important to make your windows partitions first, because extended 
partitons are stored in a look-up chain and a linux partition occurring 
in the chain before a windows partition will make the winpartition 
invisible to windows. ( Yes, windows stupidly stops searching as soon as 
it sees a non-windows partition.)


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Re: [newbie] Mouse pointer

2002-03-05 Thread Jeff Quandt

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 04:04 am, you wrote:
 I just tried the Ctrl-Alt-Esc key combination that i read about from a
 thread on the list. It is a new one on me. Is the skull and cross bones
 mouse pointer normal when in this mode? Where do i read up on all these
 little tricks? I seem to just get them drip fed by following the list.


That is the process killer.  Click a window after hitting the Ctrl-Alt-Esc 
and it will shutdown the window.  good for hung programs.


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Re: [newbie] HSP56 Pctel modem

2002-03-05 Thread Joseph Braddock

What driver did you use for this modem?  I've got half a dozen in various windows and 
linux boxes.  I've had good success with the pctel-0.8.6.tar.gz and the older 
pctel-2.4.7.tar.gz drivers.  You can get either of them by going to 
and then go to Jan's PCTel site.  

I just did an isnmod pctel.o and insmod ptserial.o, and they worked fine (no -f).  Why 
are you trying to force the install?  If you've upgraded the kernel, you will need to 
recompile and install the drivers.


On Mon, 04 Mar 2002 02:52:59 -0300

 Did anyone here install the HSP56 drivers successfully? I've been stuck for 
 over a week, I'm not making any progress. This is what i get when I tipe 
 isnmod -f pctel.o
 unresolved symbol bh_mash
 unresolved symbol
 etc etc
 please help me to make this work, I want to get rid of windows once and for 
 Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] mid button of 3-button mouse.

2002-03-05 Thread Dennis Myers

On Tue, 05 Mar 2002 12:11:56 +
Wei Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, Dennis, 
 I set the mouse to Generic PS/2 Wheel Mouse instead. It doesnt work at all at 
 first. The system gives warning sounds when I move the mouse around. The 
 cursor keeps moving at the edges of the screen. Then I logout by 
 Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace and relogin, then it works fine.
Glad you got it going, I should have known to tell you to do a restart on the xwindow 
which is essentialy what you did with the keystrokes. Nice going! 

Dennis M. registered linux user #180842 

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[newbie] Buying hardware

2002-03-05 Thread Robert Gray

Hi all.

Is this of interest to anyone? Have there been any previous threads?

When we buy our new laptop or PC many of us may have acquired a Microsoft OS. 
How much extra has this cost us? Have we paid for something we did not want?
If we said to Dell, Dan, Gateway, Tiny et al; we like your hardware, how much 
discount are you going to give me if I buy it without an OS, what would they 
say? 50% off quoted price!

If anyone has any experience of this I would be interested to hear of it.


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Re: [newbie] OK new question... ya i'm full of em.

2002-03-05 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 23:22, you wrote:
 OK I feel better.  I hope it wasn't at the expense of making you folk
 feel worse.

You never do Civileme. I personally find your rants a very good read and 
humorous to boot:)
Nice to have things put 'right' every now and then.
Good hunting,
Harm Bathoorn.

One has authority, until it's called on
Corto Maltese..Sign of the Capricorn;)

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Re: [newbie] Mouse pointer

2002-03-05 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 05:43 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 March 2002 04:04 am, you wrote:
  I just tried the Ctrl-Alt-Esc key combination that i read about from a
  thread on the list. It is a new one on me. Is the skull and cross bones
  mouse pointer normal when in this mode? Where do i read up on all these
  little tricks? I seem to just get them drip fed by following the list.

 That is the process killer.  Click a window after hitting the Ctrl-Alt-Esc
 and it will shutdown the window.  good for hung programs.

my KDE desktop has an XKill.desktop icon,
Is that the same thing!

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Re: [newbie] Mouse pointer

2002-03-05 Thread Jeff Quandt

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 12:30 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 March 2002 05:43 pm, you wrote:
  On Tuesday 05 March 2002 04:04 am, you wrote:
   I just tried the Ctrl-Alt-Esc key combination that i read about from a
   thread on the list. It is a new one on me. Is the skull and cross bones
   mouse pointer normal when in this mode? Where do i read up on all these
   little tricks? I seem to just get them drip fed by following the list.
  That is the process killer.  Click a window after hitting the
  Ctrl-Alt-Esc and it will shutdown the window.  good for hung programs.

 my KDE desktop has an XKill.desktop icon,
 Is that the same thing!

It performs the same function, and I must assume KDE calls XKill when you 
press Ctrl-Alt-Esc .


Feel free to correct me if I am wrong...

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[newbie] pdf printing trouble

2002-03-05 Thread Jeff Quandt

I searched the archive and found that many people seem to have this problem, 
but I did see a good answer  Most involved try this or that prog  One 
mentioned xpp which I tried as well 

So my problem is I can't print pdf  I have to go to xpdf and output to 
postscript and then print it  While this works I would like to be able to 
skip the extra step

What I have tried so far:
opened with PS and PDF viewer - print (using CUPS, xpp, or lpr) get 
client-error-bad-request msg
opened with Ghostview - print (using lpr) = crash
opened with Ghostview - print ( using xpp) = client-error-bad-request msg

I have a HP DeskJet 670c that prints doc, ps and lots of others fine  If 
anyone has some advice I would appreciate it


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Re: [newbie] 'ls' doesn't sort the way it used to?

2002-03-05 Thread Peter Watson

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 18:01 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 04 March 2002 09:49 pm, you wrote:
  Why not try an alias in your bashrc file, so that ls does it
  YOUR way?

 That's a fair question I suppose

 First, this is a multiuser operating system and I want to fix the
 problem where it exists, so that it fixes it for all new accounts
 that I create

 Secondly, I did But the default values aliased to 'ls' do not just
 go away Rather any customization I make just gets _added_ in with
 the other values initialized from the /etc/profile (or where ever)
 directory upon login

 I realize I could just moving the /etc/profile directory off my
 partition, and maybe look at building my own, but I am really only
 interested in one particular problematic feature One in which I
 have spent a fair amount of time already trying to discover how it
 is set up, and have not been able to solve

 So, if there is anyone who can tell me what part of the bash
 scripts in /etc/profile or elsewhere are causing this funky
 behavior, I would very much appreciate it

  At 04:42 PM 3/4/2002 -0800, you wrote:
  Hello everyone:
  A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, 'ls' used to
   display directories and files in case sensitive order,
   prioritized by Directories, then directory names that start
   with capitals first
  Now directories and files are sorted w/out respect to directory
   or file, and the first letter in the names are alphabetized
   w/out sensitivity to case
  I guess not too many people liked this, but call me a geek, I


  kind of useful for organzing things
  Can anyone help?
  Thanks so much,
Try /etc/profiled/aliassh  HTH

Regards Pete
 12:36am  up 13:45,  2 users,  load average: 015, 012, 004

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Re: [newbie] pdf printing trouble

2002-03-05 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 19:38, you wrote:
 I searched the archive and found that many people seem to have this
 problem, but I did see a good answer  Most involved try this or that prog
  One mentioned xpp which I tried as well

 So my problem is I can't print pdf  I have to go to xpdf and output to
 postscript and then print it  While this works I would like to be able to
 skip the extra step

 What I have tried so far:
   opened with PS and PDF viewer - print (using CUPS, xpp, or lpr) get
 client-error-bad-request msg
   opened with Ghostview - print (using lpr) = crash
   opened with Ghostview - print ( using xpp) = client-error-bad-request

 I have a HP DeskJet 670c that prints doc, ps and lots of others fine  If
 anyone has some advice I would appreciate it


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Hi Jeff,

I've had the same frustration Try opening XPP, click 'Browse, enter the 
file name, then 'Print' Finally, I got print-out If you've already tried 
that sigh!

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Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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Re: [newbie] OK New install, probs with virtual Terms

2002-03-05 Thread FemmeFatale

Bizarre.  Guess it's a bug?  or what?


ed tharp wrote:

 yep, it's how mine allways has been

 On Monday 04 March 2002 23:38, you wrote:
  Ya but that Term with the Hooks msg, looks as if it has hung, and won't go
  further.  Is that normal!?
  Its the F12 Term IIRC.
  Ed Tharp wrote:
   this is normal to the best of my knowledge. linuxconfig hooks should be
   the last message
   - Original Message -
   From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 6:50 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] OK New install, probs with virtual Terms
I'm saying I can change from Term to term but one (F12) in particular
a screen of linux booting  Getting stopped at:
Linuxconf ... something enabling hooks.
The other terms some work some don't, like f1 works through to f5.  I
back to KDE/Xwindow (whatever) with ctrl-alt-f8 I believe.
I'm clueless?  Btw, F6, F7,  F9-11 don't function completely.  F10
   me a
blank screen with a cursor blinkin in the upper left corner?
ed tharp wrote:
 are you saying that you can not get back to the gui (Xwindow)
   reguardless of
 which f(num)? key? I do no longer have quickly available the original
 some messages are normal in other terms at some times. depends on the
 and if you allow remote terms to run X (etc.)
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Re: [newbie] 8.1 Install

2002-03-05 Thread FemmeFatale

If you can afford the program use Partition Magic ver 6 or 7.

They're a godsend for dualbooters :)

I use it with few problems except the ones I've caused myself.



 Hi all,

 I purchased Mandrake 8.1 to see what Linux was like. I have a very limited
 knowlage of window but I am quite adapt at pointing and clicking. I decide to
 install it on my lap top but did not have sufficent resources. The next move
 was the home computer. A 1 gig AMD KT7A/Riad (Riad disabled) with a TNT Vid
 Card and a Maxtor 30gig HD, 384 megs of ram. It also has a Surfboard phone
 up/cable dowm modem. WinME working it all.I settled in for what the book said
 would be an easy install.

 I lost C:, I zapped out DOS, I got Linux in. I lost Linux, I lost windows.
 I'm sure I saw a Penguin flip me off. I got windows back, to make a long
 story short here's where I am now.

 WinME running, Linux just left on it's own, my 30 gig drive reads in windows
 as 2 gig, when i look at in Linux install it shows blue/2 gigs for windows,
 the rest is a white bar. All in all I wasn't too unhappy since I don't store
 a thing on my drive but software, what's six hours to reinstall it. Oh did I
 mention that some idiot forgot he did his taxszapped...the wife really
 liked that one.

 I have come up with three conclusions to what may have happened
 1. I have failed to pray to the God of LINUX correctly or not left enough
 fish at the penguins feet.
 2. Bill Gates is evil and personally hates me.
 3. I have no dang clue what I am doing any and all mistakes are my fault.

 I have opted for number threebut I have not ruled out the other two. I
 would love to try LINUX, I would also like my hard drive back. I guess what I
 need is a quick course in partitioning, spelled out idiot proof, and some
 simpler instructions on how to install this as a dual boot system.

 Any help would be appreciated, fish can also be arranged. ;-)


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Re: [newbie] LILO substitute?

2002-03-05 Thread Brendan




Is there any way or substitute to load Linux instead of using 
LILO?  because I'm afraid that I will have trouble again in using Windows 
when I put back LILO in my system

If there is no other way to substitute LILO, please give me a safe, 
detailed and simple instructions on how to put back LILO in my system



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Re: [newbie] OK new question... ya i'm full of em.

2002-03-05 Thread FemmeFatale

A decent enough answer  thank you for the info :)


civileme wrote:

 FemmeFatale wrote:

 Is there a LM 8 ver that is optimized for P3 machines?
 Or is it the ones with the 586 in their RPM names?
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 No, there isn't a LM 8 for P-III machines  At this juncture, it is
 easily demonstrable that one loses more than he gains by optimizing for
 686 code  There is some evidence that optimizing for K7 can produce
 some gains, but it is still being discussed whether the significance of
 those gains is worth the effort

 Part of this is the compilers available and their limited use of the
 code  But a large part of it should be attributed to ingenious
 marketing departments who tell you that activating some trash codes
 (which may have been there in slightly different form in earlier
 processors) will get you into the internet instead of on it  In other
 words extra instruction codes are not necessarily an improvement except
 in the eyes of the sales staff  Computer architecture may have changed
 in the automated digital implementation of instructions a great deal,
 but, in the sense of defining instructions to make a computer both
 edfficient and a pleasure to program, well that is still an art And
 adding useless instructions is a common technique for meeting deadlines
 or improving sales

 It is just about like 56x CD-ROMs versus 8x  The 8x are often faster on
 single look-ups and definitely do not wear the media as much, but the
 56x gives users the impression that they have something smokin'  (well,
 maybe, but not the sort of smoke you want to see)

 I know that this is not something a lot of people want to face, but a
 significant portion of this industry is sales hype  If you don't
 believe that, look at the processor speed ads of a few years ago where
 the system bus stayed at 66MHz and the pocessors got faster and faster
  A P133 laptop routinely outrperformed the P150 laptop of the same brand
 and model except perhaps on number-crunching because the 150 was on a
 60MHz Bus and the 133 on a 66  SO the throughput of the 133 had 10
 more bandwidth to play with in accessing other parts of the system
 besides the processor  And of course a little old company named Cyrix
 beat the tar out of the P200 for real-world apps with a processor that
 barely kept from burning itself up at 150MHz, simply by boosting bus
 speed 14% from 66 to 75MHz  As consumers became wise to the gimmick,
 the marketeers had to let the engineers boost bus speeds and today we
 see 200, 266, 333 on the Front-Side Bus  But that doesn't mean the
 management of most companies doesn't look for a neat way to play up a
 cheap or even useless feature to sell more product  Look at the
 Hardware IDE-RAID, which isn't hardware at all


 OK I feel better  I hope it wasn't at the expense of making you folk
 feel worse


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Re: [newbie] Program with ./configure

2002-03-05 Thread alex

I once had the same problem and posted it and got replies similar to what
you're getting. 

I insisted that I did cd to the directory that held the tar file before running
'./configure ' Eventually, I did an ' ls -aF'
and discovered that the tar file was not there. Then I remembered, I had
created a temp directory the previous 
day and put the the tar file there.. When I did another cd to that temp
directory, './configure ' worked fine.. 

Daniel Chen wrote:
  Yes, I do cd into the directory  Just for clarification. Did you 'cd' into the directory and type./congifureDaniel
'./configure'? All that stuff without quotes.BillOn Friday 15 February 2002 04:14 pm, Daniel Chen wrote:

  Yes, I am sure the configure file is in the same directory and it is setto executable. Also, I am sure the first line of the file is lookedlike #!/bin/shI tried to type in/bin/sh configureand I got the result like this:: command not found: command not found: command not found: command not found: command not found: command not found(repeat many many times..:-): command not found: command not found: command not found: command not found'onfigure: line 837: syntax error near unexpected token `in'onfigure: line 837: `  case X$UNAME inSo, does anyone have idea of what happening with my Mandrake 8.1?BTW, thank you very much for your guys' help!Daniel
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Re: [newbie] OT, program to rescue your info

2002-03-05 Thread FemmeFatale


 Recovery Is Possible (RIP) is a floppy
boot/rescue/backup system It has support for a lot of filesystem types
 ext2/3, XFS, JFS, UFS, MS DOS, umsdos, and vfat) and
contains a bunch of utilities for system recovery It might also be
 possible to install and boot it from a LS-120 floppy
drive It has been designed for non-networked stand-alone home PC
 hard drive booting and rescue There's also a
bootable CDROM version available at the site Only the cd version has XFS
 and JFS filesystem support

I found this on a linux CD i got from a UK magazine  Sounds like a good
utility for even newbies to recover from partioning disasters

Any comments/experience with it?

Thx sorry if this kind of question isn't well received here


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[newbie] kernel-

2002-03-05 Thread Gerald Waugh

[root@gail kernel-2417]# rpm -Uvh kernel-241717mdk-1-1mdki586rpm
error: failed dependencies:
iptables = 124-1mdk conflicts with kernel-241717mdk-1-1mdk

I have installed this kernel on another system, but never had this problem
I guess I veen a version of iptables  124-1mdk
Is that correct?
Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Defrag, Scandisk utilities on linux?

2002-03-05 Thread civileme

Arik Ashepa wrote:

 are there any?


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It depends on the filesystem for defrag  Reiser, XFS, ext2 and ext3 
hardly need them because they set up files in such a way that 
fragmentation is kept very low  (Look on the expert list archives for 
my article on this)

JFS does have a defrag, and there is an old one for ext2 which worked 
usefully with the ext filesystem, but was hardly worth running with ext2 
(no speed gain)

All have a scandisk which has the generic name fsck (filesystems 
check)  Some of these are very very very quick, like 10 G in 3 seconds 
because they write a journal of what they are doing and simply play it 
back until it doesn't match, which is where they know it was left off 
 (The journal is written to disk ahead of the actual disk operation) 
 Ext2 can take a while to do an fsck, but the fact that it scatters 
superblocks across the partition in which it is defined usually assures 
that glitches can be rebuilt without serious data loss  Yes, even if 
the master superblock is corrupted, there are several backups

ext3, XFS, Reiserfs, and JFS are called journaling filesystems and 
they have fairly high data integrity and fast rebuild times  except for 
ext3, they are rather fast on everyday applications  ext2 is an older 
filesystem equal in speed to journaling filesystems or even a bit faster 
in some circumstances  Its major slowness is in rebuilding a big 
partition  All 5 filesystems are built for facilitating the design and 
implementation of high security, and only JFS really allows 
fragmentation to occur  My ext2 partitions have something like 17% 
fragmentation on the average and seem to hang right there regardless of 
how many files I add or take away  With really radical test programs 
(forming and resizing 100,000 tinu files 2k to 10k in size, I managed to 
push fragmentation up to 313% but then it dropped when I deleted those 
contrived files


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Re: [newbie] Printing from a windowz thing

2002-03-05 Thread Brian Parish


The user name mapping is done in /etc/samba/smbusers

You can edit this file as root or use swat or webmin to set up the
access  If you haven't checked out webmin, I can recommend it  Not too
much you can't control from there!


On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 05:15, Paul wrote:
 On 04 Mar 2002 11:41:24 +1100 Brian wrote:
 Well, I turned it on and it looked promising But from the win2k machine I
 get a notice that logging into the account is refused?
 More data:
 user on win2k box: Paul
 user on linux box: paul
 I futzed with /etc/smbusers (added username map = line to smbconf) and
 still no success (Yes, I restarted the smb service too)
 Yes, Samba is what does it, but don't be concerned about getting that
 going  There's not much more to it than turning it on  Just post again
 here if you have any problems with it
  Do I need to set up samba in order to get printing from a windowz thing
  to the printer on a decent Linux computer working? If not, what is the
  way to go then?
 Keep your promises to yourself
 -David H Fink
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 Linux Mandrake 80 - Sylpheed 073

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Re: [newbie] Portmap ?

2002-03-05 Thread Brian Parish

Try setting your USB line on /etc/modules.conf as follows:

alias usb-interface uhci

There is a known usb related system hang on shutdown problem that this
fixes.  Not sure if this is yours, but it's worth a try.


On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 23:16, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
 2/25/02 4:17:19 AM, jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Marc Oestreicher writes:
  I have a bit of a problem with a new mandrake 8.1 installation
that I have beem fighting for weeks with no success.
 Wen shutting down or rebooting my machine locks on shutting down
portmap services. If I shut off portmap services it locks on shutting
down internet services even though a dialup connection has not been
   This is on a P3 450 mhz machine with 64  MB of memory.  Does anyone
have any idea what is causing this lockup on shutdown?
Thanks in advance
 This sounds like the USB problem i've been having.   Does turnig off
 the USB service eliminate the problem?
   Thanks turning off USB service did solve the problem , but what effect will this 
have on my USB 

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Re: [newbie] Mouse pointer

2002-03-05 Thread Michael

Jeff Quandt wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 March 2002 12:30 pm, you wrote:
  On Tuesday 05 March 2002 05:43 pm, you wrote:
   On Tuesday 05 March 2002 04:04 am, you wrote:
I just tried the Ctrl-Alt-Esc key combination that i read about from a
thread on the list. It is a new one on me. Is the skull and cross bones
mouse pointer normal when in this mode? Where do i read up on all these
little tricks? I seem to just get them drip fed by following the list.
   That is the process killer.  Click a window after hitting the
   Ctrl-Alt-Esc and it will shutdown the window.  good for hung programs.
  my KDE desktop has an XKill.desktop icon,
  Is that the same thing!
 It performs the same function, and I must assume KDE calls XKill when you
 press Ctrl-Alt-Esc .
 Feel free to correct me if I am wrong...

Doesn't bring up the same mouse pointer though. Perhaps XKill is different.

By the way getting the tips drip fed over time works quite well too. I mean, if
you are reading through docs it is very easy to overlook a useful pointer when
you are following a train of though set by the author


V_/_   Standard Penguin

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[newbie] Internet Connection Problem

2002-03-05 Thread Eric Estes -=RCN Mail=-

I have a problem with Mandrake 8.1

If anyone is familiar with Mandrake please offer some advice (offer it even
if your not).

When I used to click on the Internet icon on the desktop it would prompt
for the root password. It still does this but when I enter it the window
that would normally show the connection never finishes loading. It sits
there like it were a web browser that isn't able to fully download a page
and only shows some things on it.

I had this working fine before then one day I decide to reboot and it didn't
work after that. Well, I figured maybe it was an upgrade I did so I
reformatted the hd and reinstalled Mandrake fresh. Same problem. So, now I
install Mandrake on a different hd and still the same problem.

So, now I think...maybe it's a graphic card problem since it seems to be
choking on the display of the Internet window. So I installed a Geforce 2,
which is working fine, but I am having the same problem.

The last thing I can think might possibly be the problem is the NIC. But I
am really stumped here. It was working fine one day, then I do a reboot and
it just sits there. Very odd.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


*   Mithrilhall's  Linux*
*  Server   *
*  AMD-K2 350MHz*
* *

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