[newbie-it] Bug in ark con kde 2.2.2

2002-05-22 Thread Luca

Ciao a tutti,
ho riscontrato un problema con ark che si ripete ogni volta che io faccio i 
seguenti passi e mi fa apparire la finestra che segnala un bug 
- Clicco su un file compresso (con estensione .gz .zip ecc ecc fino ad ora si 
è verificato con tutti i file che ho aperto, quindi è indipendente da essi)
- Quando mi viene visualizzato il contenuto del file compresso clicco su 
- Il file che ho chiesto di visualizzare si apre correttamente, ma dopo 
averlo chiuso, quando vado a chiudere anche la finestra di ark mi compare il 
messaggio che dice l'applicazione è andata in crash e ha causato il segnale 

Prima di comunicarlo a Mandrake vorrei chiedervi se, eseguendo le stesse 
procedure, si verifica anche a voi lo stesso problema, in modo da esser che 
sia effettivamente un bug dell'applicazione e non un problema del mio sistema.

[newbie-it] Messaggio all'avvio di kde3

2002-05-22 Thread ENx

Ciao a tutti,
ho un altro problemino don kde3 che mi piacerebbe risolvere!
Quando avvio kde3 mi appare il seguente messaggio:

Sound server informational message:
Error while initializing the sound driver:
couldn't auto detect which audio I/O method to use
The sound server will continue, using the null output device..

Ho capito che si tratta un errore che riguarda l'audio e il sound server 
di kde3, ma non ho capito il motivo dell'errore!
Qualcuno mi saprebbe dare un mano per risolverlo?

Ciao a tutti e grazie.

P.S.: l'audio funziona benissimo con tutti quei programmi che non usano 
il sound server di kde!

Re: [newbie-it] Convertire file in pdf

2002-05-22 Thread ku68

Ciao miKe alle 19:46, martedì 21 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
Ringrazio tutti delle risposte.
In effetti non capivo perché in openoffice non comparisse la stampante 
virtuale come invece avviene con kword ecc.
Comunque con openoffice (penso anche con SO) ho trovato (grazie alle risposte 
ricevute) questo sistema: salva su file - premo il tasto accanto  sfoglia - 
scrivo il nome del file con il .pdf finale e tipo di file pdf. Ecco che ho il 
mio bel pdf salvato. Ho notato che se nel nome del file non inserisco il .pdf 
finale e metto comunque il formato di salvataggio pdf il file viene salvato 
come ps.
Magari può essere utile a qualcuno.

Re: [newbie-it] Mantenere le impostazioni

2002-05-22 Thread LukenShiro

Il 21.05.02 alle 02:33, il notabile Emiliano La Licata proferi' codeste parole:
 Dunque, ho configurato la stampante su porta usb, e ho creato lp0 in 
 /dev/usb ed editato il file /etc/printcap e poi ho utilizzato cups per 
 configurare la stampante. Il tutto ha funzionato bene, solo che al reboot 
 ho perso le impostazioni di /dev/usb ed /etc/printcap
 Sapete come posso fare per mantenerle?

Per perso le impostazioni di /dev/usb... intendi proprietario, gruppo 
e/o permessi? se e' quello, credo che il responsabile sia il solito 
Per risolvere dovresti AFAIK abbassare il livello di sicurezza [es. a
msec 1], che e' il principale responsabile della restrizione automatica
dei permessi.

Per printcap non capisco perche' te lo sovrascriva, AFAIK sembra che ad
ogni avvio parta un programma di configurazione della stampante (guarda
tra i servizi all'avvio se c'e' qualcosa di illuminante: puoi
disattivare p.es. linuxconf, kudzu, harddrake). Al massimo puoi fare una
copia che poi sostituirai.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK semi-cooker / 2.4.18-ac3

Re: [newbie-it] HD che frulla!

2002-05-22 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 21:10, martedì 21 maggio 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 Il 21.05.02 alle 20:15, il notabile Giovanni Mazzamati proferi' codeste 
 ARRRGGGHH!! gli allegati corposi non vanno _mai_ postati in lista (non
 e' un problema mio, ma pensa a chi ha un modem della prima
 industrializzazione e ci mette anni a scaricare la posta).

 Altra opzione: non e' che hai poca RAM per i lavori che svolgi e il
 frullio e' provocato dal continuo accesso allo swap? dai free per
 vedere l'occupazione della memoria.

Innanzitutto mi scuso per l'occupazione di banda, ma pensavo che un'immagine 
fosse più descrittiva...

Farò ancora altre prove.
Ho 256M di RAM e una partizione di swap di 500M che praticamente non viene 
mai usata (come si vede anche dall'immagine allegata al precedente msg).

Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.2
KDE 2.2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

[newbie-it] Abilitazione TVOUT TNT2

2002-05-22 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati

Qualcuno di voi è riscito ad abilitare l'uscita TV della su citata?
Preciso che ho installato gli ultimi driver della NVidia e che ho letto la 
documentazione e non sono riuscito ad arrivare a dama... 
Comunque La TNT2 va meglio sotto Linux che sotto Win... ;-)
Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.2
KDE 2.2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

[newbie-it] Fw: winmodem...

2002-05-22 Thread barrett

- Original Message -
From: barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 8:36 PM
Subject: winmodem...

  salve a tutti e' il mio primo messaggio questo anche se seguo la lista
  alcuni mesi...
  Espongo il problema:
  Ho un notebook asus con un ahime' winmodem della ess technology
  ho effettuato le ricerche del caso e purtroppo credo proprio che non sia
  supportato (ho trovato dei driver ricostruiti e validi per il kernel
  ma di un modem simile al mio, non uguale...)
  Vorrei sapere innanzitutto se qualcuno ha avuto esperienza con il modem
  questione ed infine dato che vorrei installare cmq una distro mdk suse o
  slack sul notebook (in questo momento ho slack) vorrei sapere se
  voi ha un modem o un ta isdn pcmcia (marca e modello) sicuramente
  almeno da una delle 3 distro in oggetto...
  P.S. ho dato uno sguardo sul sito www.linmodems.org e sul hardware
  di suse e mdk ma mi sembra piu' rassicurante, visto che poi dovro'
  all'acquisto, conoscere le esperienze fatte da chi ha magari lo stesso
  notebook oppure modem
  grazie 1000

[newbie-it] Palmare Palm m105 e MDK 8.2

2002-05-22 Thread TheJack

Alle 10:46, venerdì 24 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

ancora una domanda da niubbone...
ho un palmare Palm m105, ho letto della possibilita' di utilizzarlo anche 
sotto Linux (sto progressivamente abbandonado Win, la mia intenzione e' 
utilizzare quel SO solo per giocare... :D), la cosa mi risulterebbe 
estremamente utile visto che il palmare lo uso molto spesso. 

Ho collegato il tutto (nella casella della porta ho messo /dev/ttyS1) e pare 
che il programma vede il palmare ed inizia l'operazione di hot synch, salvo 
poi fermarsi per dirmi che non riconosce l'utente, a questo punto il niubbone 
(io) s'e' bloccato. Ho cercato in rete ma non sono ancora riuscito a trovare 

Qualcuno mi puo' dare una mano per cortesia? Grazie.

Vincenzo TheJack Tiziani

[newbie-it] Map-Installer

2002-05-22 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Premetto questo:
- Ho Linux installato sul primo hard disk collegato al primary master
/dev/hda su 4 partizioni primarie hda1, hda2, hda3, hda4;
- Ho creato due partizioni primarie FAT32 su un secondo hard disk
collegato al secondary master /dev/hdb ossia hdb1 con punto di mount /xp
e hdb2 con punto di mount /xptrans;
- Su hdb1 ho successivamente installato WinXP riformattando con NTFS;
- hdb2 formattata con FAT32 è rimasta invariata.

Lo scopo di /xptrans era quello di appoggiare i file scaricati da
internet con Linux per farli poi vedere e poter trasferire su XP.

Tutto mi ha funzionato come previsto e solo dopo aver eseguito quanto
dirò di seguito XP non mi ha fatto più vedere questa directory, ora
sono costretto  e limitato ad usare il floppy disk per questi transiti  :-(

In pratica o eseguito questa operazione. Ho voluto rinominare una label
nel file lilo.conf e  poi ho reistallato lilo con il map-installer.
Sostanzialmente non è cambiato niente nella mia configurazione, da lilo
posso avviare Linux o XP oppure senza Lilo posso caricare XP con il suo
avvio automatico semplicemente settando il BIOS di fare il boot da disco
D anzichè da C.
Ho provato a riformattare la partizione su hdb2 ma senza risultato. Il
MBR dell'hard disk slave non è stato cancellato o modificato altrimenti
XP non si sarebbe avviato da solo. Potete dirmi cosa può essere successo ?

Re: [newbie-it] Map-Installer

2002-05-22 Thread LukenShiro

Il 22.05.02 alle 22:35, il notabile Giuseppe Ferruzzi proferi' codeste parole:
 - Ho creato due partizioni primarie FAT32 su un secondo hard disk
 collegato al secondary master /dev/hdb ossia hdb1 con punto di mount /xp
 e hdb2 con punto di mount /xptrans;
 In pratica o eseguito questa operazione. Ho voluto rinominare una label
 nel file lilo.conf e  poi ho reistallato lilo con il map-installer.
 Sostanzialmente non è cambiato niente nella mia configurazione, da lilo
 posso avviare Linux o XP oppure senza Lilo posso caricare XP con il suo
 avvio automatico semplicemente settando il BIOS di fare il boot da disco
 D anzichè da C.

 *** attenzione ESTREMA perche' quello che ti diro' e' potenzialmente 
distruttivo se sbagli tasto. E' sempre consigliabile fare una copia 
della partizione su cui dovrai lavorare ***

Ho bisogno di una conferma per una teoria che avrei: da root avvia
fdisk /dev/hdb, poi dai p per visualizzare la tabella delle
partizioni. Controlla in corrispondenza di /dev/hdb2: c'e' scritto
(tra l'altro) 'nascosto' o 'hidden' ?

Se e' cosi', e' uno scherzetto che purtroppo lilo combina in presenza di
una seconda partizione windows (ci ero passato anch'io tempo fa, ed e'
anche per quello che da allora sono affezionato all'ottimo grub; per la
verita' cmq credevo che fosse un problema superato ...). Bisogna quindi
cambiare l'identificativo della partizione, da nascosta [sara' forse 1b
o 1c] a non nascosta [b o c]. Dai il comando t, poi il numero della
partizione (2), poi il nuovo id: direi che puo' andare bene c, che
corrisponde al WIN95 FAT32 (LBA); poi salva la tabella delle
partizioni con w e riavvia il sistema.

Se non e' cosi', invece, non saprei ...

LU #210970 LM #98222 - K 2.4.18-ac3 - MDK semi-cooker in attesa di 
saltare alla Slack-current :)

Re: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-22 Thread tom

Alle 13:30, lunedì 13 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Credo che su sourceforge.net e su freshmeat.net potrai trovare diversi
 pacchetti compressi utili sia a scopo didattico che da usare.
 Scompattali nella tua $HOME, magari in una subdirectory ad hoc e parti

Salve a tutti
Per motivi di studio e altri impegni avevo abbandonato il tentativo di una 
prima compilazione.
Ora ho scaricato un programmino abbastanza semplice (lettore mp3) e la mia 
intenzione è quella di ri provarci,
ma il mio problema è che non so da dove cominciare!!!
ho dato uno sguardo al makefile ma per me è come se fosse cirillico!
ho riletto per l'ennesima volta il manuale utentee come prima,buio!
C'è qualc'uno che abbia voglia e pazienza per spiegarmi passo passo quello 
che c'è da fare?(magari anche in privato visto che le mie domande saranno 
sicuramente tra le piu banali)
O in alternativa qualcuno mi puo rimandare a documentazioni per 
principianti in italiano?
Grazie gia da ora.

Ciao , Tom

[newbie] Locked cdrom and floppy drives

2002-05-22 Thread Maureen L. Thomas

I have upgraded to 8.2 on both my desktop and my laptop.  I have 
used the cdrom on my desktop and used my floppy drive as well.  I did 
some work on my laptop that I wanted to add to my desktop but now the 
floppy and both cdrom's (one is a burner) are locked.  The only changes 
I have made were security updates through their mandrakeupdate utility. 
 I have checked permissions and they state that I am user and group.  I 
have tried everything I know and cannot figure out why they have all of 
a sudden become locked.  I have done the same updates on my laptop and I 
can still use the cdrom and the floppy.  Has anyone ran into this 
before.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  I tried multiply cd's 
and floppys to make sure it was the machine not the media.  Thanks, Maureen

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[newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-22 Thread Brian Parish

Maybe it's because I have a lousy cold and a foggy brain (please insert
sympathy here), but shouldn't installing kdebase-nsplugins result in
Konqueror finding a flash player?  There must be a really obvious step
that I missed.

I know there was a thread on the list (or was it expert?) recently, but
I'm damned if I can find it in the archives.  Probably the topic was It
doesn't work or something equally useful for searching.

Anyway, could one of you kind people save me from the Macromedia popup
curse?  I don't much want flash, but I want multiple download windows
even less.


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Re: [newbie] VPN Connection

2002-05-22 Thread Brian Parish


On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 21:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was looking at setting a VPN also so i could use my server resource like
 printer and connect to my PIM.
  VPN = Virtual Private Network, i.e. one based on PPTP or L2TP
  protocols.  It allows you to create a secure tunnel (i.e. encrypted)
  through an  unsecure medium (the internet, for example).
  VNC = Virtual Network Computing, as you say, is a tool that only allows
   a remote display.
  I guess Bill wants to avoid FTP since it is insecure.
  That said, I don't know how to set up a VPN :-(
  VNC isn't really for transferring files--it's for using a
  computer remotely. I think what you need to do is run a
  FTP server on your Linux box.
  William R. Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  I would like to set up a VPN so I can connect to my computer from
  work.  This is what I have .  I have a laptop with windows XP that I
  take to work.  I need to be able to connect Via VPN so I can get some
  files from my Linux mandrake 8.0 server at home.  I do not how to set
  up a VPN to allow windows users to connect.  any help thanks Bill
 Bill Nash

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Re: [newbie] Locked cdrom and floppy drives

2002-05-22 Thread Simon Matthews

I have had similar problems on my Dell Inspriron 4100 notebook. This i
think is caused by the floppy and CD sharing hardware interfaces.

I did read somewhere on the Mandrake website about this and have solved
the problems i was having by changing the method the floppy is mounted
from automatic using supermount to user with noauto.

This can be done via the options selection of the Mount Points option in
Mandrake Control Panel, or editing /etc/fstab.

This means that the floppy will have to mounted and unmounted manually,
but i don't find this a problem

I hope this helps

Simon Matthews

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 14:17, Maureen L. Thomas wrote:
 I have upgraded to 8.2 on both my desktop and my laptop.  I have 
 used the cdrom on my desktop and used my floppy drive as well.  I did 
 some work on my laptop that I wanted to add to my desktop but now the 
 floppy and both cdrom's (one is a burner) are locked.  The only changes 
 I have made were security updates through their mandrakeupdate utility. 
  I have checked permissions and they state that I am user and group.  I 
 have tried everything I know and cannot figure out why they have all of 
 a sudden become locked.  I have done the same updates on my laptop and I 
 can still use the cdrom and the floppy.  Has anyone ran into this 
 before.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  I tried multiply cd's 
 and floppys to make sure it was the machine not the media.  Thanks, Maureen

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-22 Thread Jason Pearce

Hi Brian,
try nsplugin at the command line
I think that is what i did but it was a while ago 
good luck

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 17:02, you wrote:
 Maybe it's because I have a lousy cold and a foggy brain (please insert
 sympathy here), but shouldn't installing kdebase-nsplugins result in
 Konqueror finding a flash player?  There must be a really obvious step
 that I missed.

 I know there was a thread on the list (or was it expert?) recently, but
 I'm damned if I can find it in the archives.  Probably the topic was It
 doesn't work or something equally useful for searching.

 Anyway, could one of you kind people save me from the Macromedia popup
 curse?  I don't much want flash, but I want multiple download windows
 even less.


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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-22 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 05:07, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 12:53, Nicolas VERITE wrote:
  Le mer 15/05/2002 à 10:59, Robin Turner a écrit :
   Has any one here had any success getting Mandrake to download
   from a camcorder via USB?
   Sir Robin
  With or without Mandrake, you can't up/download
  moving pictures (vidéo) from/to a camcorder via USB.
  You must use Firewire/iLink/IEEE1394.

 Not true.  You can use a Firewire to USB adapter. Example URL:


And I said (or at least I think I did - could've been when the SMTP 
server was screwing me around) many newer camcorders give you the 
choice of Firewire and USB.  So far, though, I haven't managed to get 
my Sony TRV740 to send to either Linux or Windows (the latter being 
with the drivers and viewer that came with the camera).

Sir Robin

The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's 
absolutely not. 
It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard. - Bill 

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] KDE loses sound...

2002-05-22 Thread John Richard Smith

On Tuesday 21 May 2002 04:04, you wrote:
 Anyone else notice that from the Control Center - Look n Feel -
 System notifications, that if you preview an AU sound file that it
 not only doesn't play, but you lose sound until the next time KDE
 is restarted. Is this a known bug or just something about my setup?
 Thanks! ;-)

I read with interest and have used myself many of the anachronisms 
mentioned, but quite honestly I do not understand what the 
relationships are with one another. For instance Alsa, OSS, aRts, etc 
etc. I wonder whether someone could write a short potted 
history/technical explanation of what they actually do and how they 

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Slow keys

2002-05-22 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 01:45 am, Michael Adams wrote:

 It not the memory thing. It may be to do with my choice of the
 US(international) keyboard. All KDE apps wait to see what the next
 character typed is and then place accents (grávès?) on the vowels. Nice
 feature, but how do i turn it off!

Redhat has a KickStart config file that has keyboard type, now mandrake must 
have something similar.

found  /etc/sysconfig/keyboard 
mine looks like the folowing;


Gerald Waugh 
http://www.frontstreetnetworks.com :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States

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Re: [newbie] Richard Stallman mentions the CBDTPA (OT)

2002-05-22 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 21 May 2002 02:39 pm, Alastair Scott wrote:
 Mind you, the Stallman piece is interesting; his line is that, as
 Linux contains rather a lot of GNU material, it should be called
 GNU/Linux and not enough credit is given for the involvement.

It is called GNU/Linux.  Only the kernel can be called Linux. 
Everything else on the download edition of Mandrake is GNU in the 
sense it's GPL licensed or it's dropped.  Tack a binary only driver 
onto your kernel, install StarOffice, and you can no longer claim to 
be usin GNU or Linux. 

 He also has a characteristic argument that binary-only drivers
 (here comes the Alcatel Speedtouch USB once again :) violate the
 GPL so should be reverse-engineered and rewritten under the GPL to
 maintain a 'pure' 'free' Linux and, by a rhetorical trick, manages
 to blame Linus Torvalds for this situation.

Nvidia, Lucent, Netscape, . they do violate the spirit, 
security, and dependability of free software.  Too much of this crud, 
and GNU/Linux will run no better, or be any more secure than Windoze. 
Probly less so.

 The extremity of his arguments is most unusual and refreshing but,
 in the end, self-defeating because the arguments are not
 convincing; there are much more important things to do than writing
 device drivers twice.

 Unfortunately you're right. All too many are willing to take the 
softer easier way out and taint their system with closed source 
proprietary insecure buggy closed source drivers and software.  I'm 
not excused either, but I am aware of the consequences and dangers 
in doin so.

 OTOH you're wrong (ie, 'more important things to do')  I'd offer 
OpenOffice as opposed to StarOffice, 'nv' vs. 'nvidia' drivers as  

 And anyone in a campaigning position has to destroy the self and
 not get into wrangles about names, precedence, purity of motive and
 so on; once you start doing that people switch off and you're
 finished :/


 Unfortunately you're in the mainstream along with most of us. 
RS's delivery is often a turn off. His PR sux. Consider tho public 
perception of what he advocates. His ideals are poo poo'd, yet when a 
Peruvian politician introduces a bill to make free software mandatory 
by law   he's all of a sudden a world wide hero.

 A matter of 'selling the ideals'?  Yes to some extent, but the 
real problem is the unwashed masses don't understand or are ignorant 
of the situation, and don't care.  The majority of M$ users worldwide 
aren't of the opinion that GNU/Linux isn't ready for the desktop, 
they don't even know it exists.  Even if they do, they have no idea 
and/or misconceptions of the difference between open and closed 
source, free or proprietary software and hardware.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

2002-05-22 Thread K Montgomery


Problem is now solved.  I dropped my clock rate back to normal (350,
sniff) and I got past the hanging point.  Then I think I got as far as
selecting the security level, and the fsck of my Linux partitions kept
giving a code 4 or signal 0 error (that may not be exact, sorry

So I booted rescue and fsck'ed my partitions manually, correcting errors
like no lost+found and several other things.  I was then able to
complete the install successfully.

FYI, the ide0=noautotune didn't seem to have a visible effect and I
found the hard drive CHS values reported by the BIOS and fdisk were the
same.  Thanks for steering me in the right direction, and for the
valuable hard drive info.  (I assembled this machine long before I even
considered Linux.)

- Kathy

 From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs
 Date: 17 May 2002 12:01:05 -0800
 That is really a partition check hang.
 1. Drop your clock rate.
 2. make sure you have a 40-pin cable on the drive, not an 80 to limit 
 UDMA to 33MHz or less.
 3.  Next drive acquisition, please consider NOT buying a brand which 
 supports (officially) only Windows and Solaris (and the Solaris for SCSI 
 drives at that).  There is more trouble with WDs than all the others 
 combined, in linux.
 4.  F1 at the splash screen and
 linux ide0=noautotune
 because WDs usually rate themselves higher than they run well at.
 (Example WD200AB on a PIII 933 with VIA KT133A running RH 7.1 was set to 
 UDMA66 and producing a rousing 1.6M/sec when tested with
 hdparm -t /dev/hda
 5.  By dropping the data rate to 33MHz, a slight performance 
 improbvement was noted, from a 1.6Mb/s at 66 to 9.4 Mb/s at 33. 
  Obviously there were many errors and rereads at the higher speed.
 Finally on some WDs, there is a problem with estimation--since they are 
 single-platter with two heads physically, their Cylinder, Head ans 
 Sector numbers for Logical Block Addressing must be calculated.  A few 
 models show more capacity (closer to tru physical capacity) at a 
 solution that provides 240 heads rather than 255.  The difference is 
 between the 32-bit math of the kernel and the 16-bit math of the BIOS.
 So see what the CHS numbers are in the BIOS and compare those to
 F1 at the splash screen and
 booting a normal rescue and
 # fdisk -l /dev/hda
 anfd looking at the reported CHS numbers.
 By now, we think we have closed off those approximation errors but there 
 is always the chance that there is a cheap drive out there that we 
 missed in the exception table, and there is a method of overriding the 
 calculated CHS numbers with a kernel message, so check.  If the numbers 
 are different, bingo.
 linux has much tighter timing that Windows in its drivers, so 
 overclocking is often enough to kill a few devices...  It is better 
 unless you have top-notch hardware to run linux at designed clock speeds.

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Re: [newbie] A little advice.

2002-05-22 Thread Chris Ames

Thanx. I didn't know about Easynews until now. I'll have to check it later. 
Right now, I have a truck that needs a new water pump desperatly. I've never 
tried Pan, so I'll have to take a look at it.

This whole thing is a learning experience. I had Mandrake once before, but my 
roommate who loaded it neglected to tell me how to install stuff, or how to 
get rid of it. I was running Mandrake 6 at the time, and while my roommate 
was instructing me, he suddenly up and left for Wisconson. I had nothing - no 
docs, no knowledge of the man pages, nothing. I ended up giving the HD that 
had it to a friend of mine at work after I bought the one I have now. I 
finally got tired of Winblows crashing on me several times a day, so I 
changed into something more advanced and far superior, not to mention more 
stable. It's only the occasional program that screws up, not the entire OS.



Recent releases of Pan have yEnc capabilities. But if you prefer to use
Mozilla, can't help you there. You've checked out
http://www.easynews.com/yenc/tools.htm? You can get Pan at
http://pan.rebelbase.com/ or from rpmfind. Unfortunately, it's a GNOME
newsreader ;-) which I left on my system after my experiences in Ximian
Hell. It'll run in KDE, Blackbox, and Fluxbox, too.

Think of it as a learning experience!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RPM FILES

2002-05-22 Thread K Montgomery

I believe it means that package file was built (optimized?) specifically
for the PowerPC (Apple) architecture, as opposed to, say, i586 (Intel).

- Kathy

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 11:55, John Richard Smith wrote:
 What does the does  .ppc mean as in package.ppc.rpm
 John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Richard Stallman mentions the CBDTPA (OT)

2002-05-22 Thread darklord

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 12:18 am, you wrote:

 Now in this article he's warning us about non-free software in other
 areas.  My personal opinion is that although he seems rather extreme at
 times, it's merely because he's ahead of his time.  These are problems
 that will come to pass either sooner or later if allowed to continue;
 it's just a matter of time.

I was fortunate enough to hear RMS speak during the last Linux Lunacy cruise, 
and he is a very solid speaker, very convincing... 

I for one never knew until then that Linux was built using the GNU tools...

I don't understand why Linus can't just say, (and thus credit) I used GNU to 
make the kernel, wouldn't have been able to do it without these tools

AND I don't know why RMS can't say and Linus (successfully!) took it places 
that I never imagined

Seems this would help bury the hatchet/feud whatever. Of course, I realise 
that this is probably over-simplification but...it would surely be a start. 
We do need unity, thats for sure...

Just my 2 cents worth, as always. ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-22 Thread shane

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 00:02, Brian Parish opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Maybe it's because I have a lousy cold and a foggy brain (please insert
 sympathy here), but shouldn't installing kdebase-nsplugins result in
 Konqueror finding a flash player?  There must be a really obvious step
 that I missed.

if you are suffering foggy brain, first check that you have flash.  :)  i 
know that would be were i would mess up.  the most obvious place, cot 
copying the flash files to /usr/lib/netscape/plugins

then, did you run the nsplugins thing and tell it to scan for plugins?

We know what we are, but not what we may become -William Shakespeare

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Richard Stallman mentions the CBDTPA (OT)

2002-05-22 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 15:04, daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 I'm sorry, but I'm coming into the thread a little late. Whats this about 
 freedom and BB conections? 

The other messages that have hit the list may not have made it to your
ISP yet; as of this message Tom Brinkman and I both have more
contributions posted to this thread; yours showed up sometime early this
morning.  You may not be seeing our messages, tho; for some reason
that's the way it works.

The article is by Richard Stallman and deals with the free software
philosophy and also the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television
Protection Act, which is a bill designed to further seperate us from
our current freedoms and rights as Linux, computer, and digital media
users.  It will effectively abolish our fair use rights with respect
to any digital media we buy.  It also has other connotations which
Stallman expounds on in his article.

 Registered Linux User #186492

Best Regards,


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-22 Thread Carroll Grigsby

According to my notes, it's nspluginscan, not nsplugin. Then you'll have to 
close and reopen KDE. If all has gone well, the Netscape Plugins option will 
show up in the Konqueror configuration menu. However, I've found that those 
damn popups still appear on some sites. I'm not sure why, but I'm inclined to 
blame it on the HTML at the other end. Of course, I could be wrong on that.

The original thread was on this list as LM 8.2, Konqueror and Flash; there 
was a later thread Flash in Konqueror.
-- cmg

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 04:06 am, Jason wrote:
 Hi Brian,
 try nsplugin at the command line
 I think that is what i did but it was a while ago
 good luck

 On Wednesday 22 May 2002 17:02, Brian wrote:
  Maybe it's because I have a lousy cold and a foggy brain (please insert
  sympathy here), but shouldn't installing kdebase-nsplugins result in
  Konqueror finding a flash player?  There must be a really obvious step
  that I missed.
  I know there was a thread on the list (or was it expert?) recently, but
  I'm damned if I can find it in the archives.  Probably the topic was It
  doesn't work or something equally useful for searching.
  Anyway, could one of you kind people save me from the Macromedia popup
  curse?  I don't much want flash, but I want multiple download windows
  even less.

 Content-Type: text/plain; name=message.footer
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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[newbie] Lilo vanishes

2002-05-22 Thread Ian Brooksbank

I installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 on th D drive of a compaq 
deskpro 2000 Pentium 166 with a standard Compaq P50 monitor, and in doing so my 
Windows 98 installation on the C drive suffered quite a bit. However I got 
Linux running, it worked just fine,and at Boot up Lilo would give me 
the choice of Linux or Windows. Fine for a while, but then, after an accidental 
disconnection of the machine, Lilo disappeared, and I could not get in to Linux. 
At boot up Windows 98 appears as if the D drive does not exist. I had to 
tweak Windows a bit to get it back to complete working form, as I need it for 
work and study, but I don't have access to my D: drive or to Linux.

I took a look at rebooting Linux from the CD, but gave this up 
as the setup pretends that I have a bigger monitor than I actually have, and 
does not give me access to some crucial parts of the setup screens, and I did 
not want to risk screwing up my machine any further.

Can anyone help me either to rescue Linux without further risk 
to my Windows 98 setup, or to get access to my D: drive from within Windows 



Re: [newbie] harddrake new video card

2002-05-22 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 21 May 2002 05:59 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Wed, 22 May 2002 01:40, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Monday 20 May 2002 02:11 pm, s wrote:
   You wouldn't know the exact video ram of a 128mb card or how I
   could find it, do you?  That's what I was looking around for
   when I discovered the harddrake hiccup.
   128 * 1024  == 131072
   If you can't get 3d accel support for the card yet, or even
  if you can, you might try setting 'aperature' in bios to 4mb. 
  That effectively disables sidebanding  sometimes fixes some

 128 * 1024 * 1024 = 134,217,728 Bytes exactly
 the above calculation supplied by Tom give KBytes

 Depends on what you want doesn't it.

 Nope, not really ;pS was asking for XFree86 purposes, and it 
wants the ram size in MB * 1024.  The correct multiplier is a single 
1024 if the MB's are sort'a kind'a real in the first place ;)
Mostly only HDD manufacturers think a MB equals 1 million bytes, or 
1000 KB.  Ram manufacturers tend to think it's 1024 KB.   Somethin to 
do with 2's compliments ;~

For example, hardrake correctly sees my Gef2

Section Device
Identifier  NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)
VendorName  Unknown
BoardName   Unknown
Driver  nv

 65536/1024 == 64MB   which is what the card's got.  Hopefully ;) 
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Hercules Fortissimo II

2002-05-22 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 21 May 2002 10:14 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 21 May 2002 18:07:19 -0600

 FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Google loves:
  Bsd - http://www.google.ca/bsd
  Mac - http://www.google.ca/mac.html
  Linux - http://www.google.ca/linux
  US Govt. - http://www.google.ca/unclesam
  M$ - http://www.google.ca/microsoft.html

 Femme have you seen this,
 It explains how they are able to achieve such excellent search

  Sort'a explains why usin a penguin is much better than 
computing with a dirty busted piece of glass locked in a frame.

 Penguins and pigeons are cousins, no ?   ...and I don't believe 
either care for windoze all that much ;

Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] cable modem question

2002-05-22 Thread Raymond Whipple

I have linux 7.1 and i dont know a thing, but want 
to learn. I am on a cable modem but dont know how to configure linux to operate 
on the cable modem. I have internet through att broadband. Could someone 
give me a step by step instructons? Thanks.


[newbie] kde3 taskbar wont work

2002-05-22 Thread Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

I posted this on the expert list and 
got no responses. Let's see how it goes
here. I really like kde

I have Mandrake 8.1 with kde3 installed. All has been fine until a couple of
nights ago when I decided to scan some pics with kooka. I had problems
with this in 2.x, however tried it. Well my system locked solid, couldn't ssh,
telnet, nothing. So after reboot I find that no users have real access to their
taskbar icons. You can click one, once that one is running, the taskbar seems
locked (nothing but a nice image).
I have tried making a new user, same results.
What do I do to get kde functioning again.
I have deleted relevant items in /tmp. Shutdown system safely. Nothing works

All things work if I bring them up in konsole
So currently I run kde progs through konsole

Brian D. Klar - CVE

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Re: [newbie] cable modem question

2002-05-22 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 03:16 pm, Raymond Whipple wrote:
 I have linux 7.1 and i dont know a thing, but want to learn. I am on a
 cable modem but dont know how to configure linux to operate on the cable
 modem. I have internet through att broadband. Could someone give me a step
 by step instructons? Thanks.

There is NO Linux 7.1, you may have mandrake 7.1
go to http://www.google.com/linux
and enter dsl network howto
this one looks prittie good;
If you have trouble - come back with some specific questions

Gerald Waugh 
http://www.frontstreetnetworks.com :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States

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Re: [newbie] cable modem question

2002-05-22 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 21:16, you wrote:
 I have linux 7.1 and i dont know a thing, but want to learn. I am on a
 cable modem but dont know how to configure linux to operate on the cable
 modem. I have internet through att broadband. Could someone give me a step
 by step instructons? Thanks.

Open 'linuxconf' , go/click 'networking', go'hostname  IP networking', 
select 'adaptor 1', enable it and select 'Dhcp'.
Close linuxconf and 'yes' to restart network.

Good luck,


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Slow keys

2002-05-22 Thread David

Michael Adams said onto me:  
 |On Wed, 22 May 2002 12:52, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 | On Tuesday 21 May 2002 08:17 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
 |  Michael Adams wrote:
 |   When typing away in Kmail or KWrite some key strokes take about a full
 |   second to be actioned. Specifically punctuation keys like [] and ['].
 |   I am running KDE on a P3 500. Only some of the punctuation keys are
 |   like this. Full stops, commas and even the square brackets i just used
 |   are fine. If i am tapping at normal speed (i am not a touch typist) the
 |   letter after gets missed as well. Anybody else had this one?
 |   It's a bit of a pain because i have to remember to slow for those keys.
 |   Then all of a sudden i have three of them.
 |   I dont mind a RTFM, just tell me which FM.
 | How much memory does the machine have? can you tell if its swapping as you
 | type?
 |Thanks for the reply Gerald.
 |It not the memory thing. It may be to do with my choice of the 
 |US(international) keyboard. All KDE apps wait to see what the next character 
 |typed is and then place accents (grávès?) on the vowels. Nice feature, but 
 |how do i turn it off!

K-menu | applications | configuration | other | Mandrake Control Center | hardware | 

This will let you choose your keyboard layout just as when you installed Mandrake.

David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.5claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage: www.davidlsteiner.com

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Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

2002-05-22 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 08:41 am, K Montgomery wrote:

 Problem is now solved.  I dropped my clock rate back to normal
 (350, sniff) and I got past the hanging point.  Then I think I
 got as far as selecting the security level, and the fsck of my
 Linux partitions kept giving a code 4 or signal 0 error (that may
 not be exact, sorry again).

   Well, FWIW, I started to reply to your post, then saw Civileme had 
already suggested setting the system back to default. That's always 
the first thing to do when you have problems on an oc'd system. I 
don't believe your problem was overclocking per se, but I suspect it 
was due to bad overclocking.  By bad oc'ing, I mean upping the FSB to 
the point of getting the PCI bus all harddrives run on, way out'a 
spec.  IOW's 3.5x126 (442mhz) is a terrible oc, the PCI is then 126/3 
or 42mhz, and drive corruption is inevitable, probly takin the video 
card with it (agp or pci).

   The only good oc for a PII 350 is to up the FSB all the way to 133 
mhz. That gives you 3.5x133 == 467 mhz.  The clock generator on the 
mobo will then switch from 100/3 to 133/4, both which equal 33 mhz 
for the PCI bus, and right on spec.  Same for the AGP (which runs on 
PCI).  I suspect you were usin a FSB somewhere less than 133, but 
substantially over 112, and your PCI was consequently way off spec. 
Fsck's up all kind's of stuff, but mainly drives, IDE, SCSI, or CD.
SCSI drives, Maxtor, Seagate, and Fujitsu are the least tolerant. 
Probly couldn't even stand 112 (37mhz PCI bus). 

So, make a memtest86 floppy, set the FSB to 133, and boot 
memtest86, from floppy, not harddrive. If your ram will do 133mhz you 
should be fine.  Set it to 3-3-3, if memtest86 returns no errors then 
you can try Cas2 (2-3-3). A quality mobo is a must, as is a good 
heatsink/fan on the cpu. The PII was all the same core (Deschutes) 
from 333 thru 450 mhz.  If you've got a decent 350 it should do 467 
without complaint.  Anything less than 467, and over 392, you'll have 
bad problems. Mostly true for Intel chipset boards (BX), VIA chipset 
boards allow for switching to a 1/4 PCI divider at 126 to 133+ FSB. 
The main idea is to keep your PCI bus within a few mhz of 33.

   If all the above is about as clear as mud, consider not oc'ing ;)
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Konqueror rolling up its windows?

2002-05-22 Thread David Reynolds

I recently upgraded to both KDE 3.0 and ML 8.2, so I'm not sure which is 
causing the problem. However after about 3 weeks of more-or-less error free 
operation, Konqueror has begun to display some strange behavior, no pun 
I got home one day to find the Konqueror window I had been using in the 
morning strangely ... shorter. The toolbars had begun to disappear behind the 
title bar. Fiddling with their sizes did nothing but aggrevate the problem, 
and now the Toolbar has completely disappeared and the Address bar is only 
3/5 visible so I can barely see what site I am at. I am told by a friend that 
this is a confirmed problem with Mandrake and KDE 3 but cannot find any 
verification of this online. Is there a solution, a file edit, or a fix? I am 
not adverse to trying a different WM or Browser, but I'd love to know what's 
going on.

Any further information you need will be gladly supplied, but I am not sure 
what would be helpful at this point. It hasn't affected any other KDE 
programs as of yet but he said it would eventually roll up the entire 
desktop. This seems like a rather serious problem not to be fixed...

David Reynolds

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Re: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

2002-05-22 Thread Randy Kramer

Franki wrote:
 I'd love some tips,,, is this a question for the expert list?

I suspect so, especially if you don't get any answer in the next 24
hours.  I can't help you, I can spell DNS, I've read about it, but never
set it up.

Uuh, wait: Maybe I can help on squid -- it can save on total bandwidth
if you call the same (static) pages multiple times.  Most likely
scenario is if you have a LAN with several users with similar
interests.  I say static pages but that's not absolutely necessary.  

The point is, the HTML headers, or squid, or something will recognize
when the page should be considered out-of-date (expired) at which point
a fresh page is fetched from the Internet.  

To state what I didn't quite say earlier, the bandwidth savings come
from multiple views of the same (exact) page.  If a page has headers
that say it will expire in 30 minutes, you will save a lot of bandwidth
if 50 users all call it within the same half hour, but you will save
nothing if each view is, for example, 31 minutes apart.  

The other thing for those 50 users in the same half hour is that 49 of
them will get very quick response, even if the LAN connection to the
Internet is a dial up.  The first caller will suffer the dial up

Randy Kramer

 (-: === The Question === :-)
 Hi guys,,
 I have a question.. the only slow thing about this new ADSL setup is the
 dnslookups, it takes about 4 or 5 seconds when I enter a link before it
 starts loading.. (resolving dns.)
 I know that its possible to setup a dnscache for the local network. but I am
 not sure how to go about it.
 I ran the wizard for dns in the control center of 8.2 but I have no idea if
 its working..
 is it supposed to be bind??  if I do a: service named status
 I get this message:
 rndc: connect failed: connection refused
 and thats as root.
 Does anyone know what I am talking about??? or what I can do to speed up the
 Also, is it worth setting up squid for the internal network? will it save me
 on total bandwidth for the month? (I am on a limit..)
 any tips would be much appreciated.
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Slow keys SOLVED

2002-05-22 Thread Michael Adams

On Thu, 23 May 2002 16:56, David wrote:
 Michael Adams said onto me:

  |On Wed, 22 May 2002 12:52, Gerald Waugh wrote:
  | On Tuesday 21 May 2002 08:17 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
  |  Michael Adams wrote:
  |   When typing away in Kmail or KWrite some key strokes take about a
  |   full second to be actioned. Specifically punctuation keys like []
  |   and [']. I am running KDE on a P3 500. Only some of the punctuation
  |   keys are like this. Full stops, commas and even the square brackets
  |   i just used are fine. If i am tapping at normal speed (i am not a
  |   touch typist) the letter after gets missed as well. Anybody else
  |   had this one?
  |   It's a bit of a pain because i have to remember to slow for those
  |   keys. Then all of a sudden i have three of them.
  |   I dont mind a RTFM, just tell me which FM.
  | How much memory does the machine have? can you tell if its swapping as
  | you type?
  |Thanks for the reply Gerald.
  |It not the memory thing. It may be to do with my choice of the
  |US(international) keyboard. All KDE apps wait to see what the next
  | character typed is and then place accents (grávès?) on the vowels. Nice
  | feature, but how do i turn it off!


 K-menu | applications | configuration | other | Mandrake Control Center |
 hardware | keyboard

 This will let you choose your keyboard layout just as when you installed


Perfect, Thankyou David
A trap for young players (MENTAL NOTE: US(international) keyboard doesn't 
mean New Zealand).


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] SNF access

2002-05-22 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] SNF access

Sorry, windows 2000 did it again. It doesn't seem to retain the plain text setting from boot up to boot up. My appologies for the html. Dennis m.(small m cause I feel a bit small for making this mistake again.HeHe)

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Myers, Dennis R NWO
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 9:20 AM
Subject: [newbie] SNF access

Hi all, it's me again. I have now determined that the problem with Single Network firewall is it is not talking to the LAN. I can not ping the SNF machine and It Cannot ping the other boxes. So the question is what editor does SNF use so I can look at say, Hosts.allowed or Hosts? It has to be something simple and/or stupid that I have done in the config to make it a destination unreachable. I have it listed in Hosts and Hosts.allowed on the other computers. Oh, it detects the 3Com nic and the netgear nic just fine. The light on the nics are on as well as the lights on the hub so juice is flowing. I can't see the forrest for the trees, any help is appreciated. 

Dennis M. 

RE: [newbie] Am I back on???? (and a mini ADSL router question.)

2002-05-22 Thread Franki

I got a static IP address with this account.. I also have my own NS server
on one of my other servers, and I have two domain names..

my posting troubles have ended forever.

Incidently, does anyone know if there is a ADSL router like the Cisco 827
that can do full adsl routing, (as opposed to bridging) my ISP will not
allow bridging, so if I want multiple IP's, I have to get a router that can
do the job..

A Cisco is ridicously expensive so I was hoping there were cheaper

has anyone dealt with this?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2002 2:03 AM
Cc: NEWBIE Mandrake List
Subject: Re: [newbie] Am I back on

Franki wrote:

Hi guys,

Just got my ADSL tonight.. set up my linux box and my network.. and it all
seems to work fine..

I have just resubscribed to the lists and I'm waiting to find out if I can
post again..

I am gonna be sooo pissed if I can't..



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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heeheehee, list starvation drove me to DSL as well.

well, next buy yourself a static IP and a domain name (they are cheap
these days) and arrange that your ISP do DNS hosting for you, then
configure postfix and never worry about depending on others for reverse
resolution again.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

2002-05-22 Thread Franki

thanks Mr Randy...

I don't think squid is necessary in retrospect.. first of all, there are
only currently 5 other systems on the network, and two of them are test
servers that serve no other purpose but testing cgi scripts. (win2000 and

the others are workstations, and we have very different usage patterns, so
squid would not be much help.

a dns speedup would be great, so if there isn't an answer here by tomorrow,
I guess I'll try the expert list..

I don't want a howto, just some tips, I tried STFW and RTFM but didn't find
anything useful really.. I know how to setup bind already, just not a cache
for local network.



-Original Message-
From: Randy Kramer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2002 3:15 AM
Subject: Re: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

Franki wrote:
 I'd love some tips,,, is this a question for the expert list?

I suspect so, especially if you don't get any answer in the next 24
hours.  I can't help you, I can spell DNS, I've read about it, but never
set it up.

Uuh, wait: Maybe I can help on squid -- it can save on total bandwidth
if you call the same (static) pages multiple times.  Most likely
scenario is if you have a LAN with several users with similar
interests.  I say static pages but that's not absolutely necessary.

The point is, the HTML headers, or squid, or something will recognize
when the page should be considered out-of-date (expired) at which point
a fresh page is fetched from the Internet.

To state what I didn't quite say earlier, the bandwidth savings come
from multiple views of the same (exact) page.  If a page has headers
that say it will expire in 30 minutes, you will save a lot of bandwidth
if 50 users all call it within the same half hour, but you will save
nothing if each view is, for example, 31 minutes apart.

The other thing for those 50 users in the same half hour is that 49 of
them will get very quick response, even if the LAN connection to the
Internet is a dial up.  The first caller will suffer the dial up

Randy Kramer

 (-: === The Question === :-)

 Hi guys,,

 I have a question.. the only slow thing about this new ADSL setup is the
 dnslookups, it takes about 4 or 5 seconds when I enter a link before it
 starts loading.. (resolving dns.)

 I know that its possible to setup a dnscache for the local network. but I
 not sure how to go about it.

 I ran the wizard for dns in the control center of 8.2 but I have no idea
 its working..
 is it supposed to be bind??  if I do a: service named status
 I get this message:
 rndc: connect failed: connection refused

 and thats as root.

 Does anyone know what I am talking about??? or what I can do to speed up

 Also, is it worth setting up squid for the internal network? will it save
 on total bandwidth for the month? (I am on a limit..)

 any tips would be much appreciated.




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Re: [newbie] Richard Stallman mentions the CBDTPA (OT)

2002-05-22 Thread Michael Adams

On Thu, 23 May 2002 02:09, darklord wrote:
 On Wednesday 22 May 2002 12:18 am, you wrote:
  Now in this article he's warning us about non-free software in other
  areas.  My personal opinion is that although he seems rather extreme at
  times, it's merely because he's ahead of his time.  These are problems
  that will come to pass either sooner or later if allowed to continue;
  it's just a matter of time.

 I was fortunate enough to hear RMS speak during the last Linux Lunacy
 cruise, and he is a very solid speaker, very convincing...

 I for one never knew until then that Linux was built using the GNU tools...

 I don't understand why Linus can't just say, (and thus credit) I used GNU
 to make the kernel, wouldn't have been able to do it without these tools

 AND I don't know why RMS can't say and Linus (successfully!) took it
 places that I never imagined

 Seems this would help bury the hatchet/feud whatever. Of course, I realise
 that this is probably over-simplification but...it would surely be a start.
 We do need unity, thats for sure...

 Just my 2 cents worth, as always. ;-)

Hmmm... I think we need slightly smaller egos in those two, unity results in 
no competition and is ultimately counterproductive.

My 2 cents NZD is worth 1 cent USD... LOL


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RE: [newbie] Sendmail Setup Info

2002-05-22 Thread Franki
Title: RE: [newbie] Sendmail Setup Info

looking at postfix..

if you 
don't need sendmail for a specific reason, and you don't know sendmail.. then 
postfix is for you.


Postfix is really easy to setup and in most cases the defaults will get you most 
of the way there.
Postfix is the MTA choosen for Mandrake. its default and sendmail packages are 
Postfix is great for using with stuff like amavisd mail virus scanning, much 
easier then compiling sendmail for support (see content_filter in postfix 
Postfix is faster then sendmail.
Postfix is far more secure, can run in a chroot jail and has had far less 
exploits publishedabout it.
6.Postfix is perfectly backwards compatable with sendmail for cgi 
scripts and such and even includes a sendmail binary file for that reason and 
Postfix is better for spam solutions. there are tons of them and they are easier 
to setup.
Postfix is far smaller in size then sendmail.
Postfix has very well commented config files, (main.cf and 
postfix.org has alot of excellent info and webmin has a postfix config 

thats not enough reasons, I can think of others.. but load it off the mandrake 
CD's, and go look in /etc/postfix/main.cf its very well commented, just answer 
the questions, and when finished type: service postfix 

it, you now have a mail server. (not finsihed though, you need to seup 
your aliases,(if any) your virtual domains (if any) your cannonical redirections 
(if any)



  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Myers, Dennis R NWOSent: Thursday, 23 May 2002 2:04 
  AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] 
  Sendmail Setup Info
  -Original Message- From: 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 12:48 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [newbie] 
  Sendmail Setup Info 
  Hi All,  I am interested in setting up Sendmail on my linux machine to provide 
  email for my domain.  As I have never set this up I am 
  interested in how to do this. Can anyone provide 
  me with good websites that will help me, books, RTFM but tell which 
  FM please.  I did a search on Google and came back with like 40,000 hits. 
Thanks MIke  Mike, start here HTH http://www.sendmail.org/ 

Re: OT: signatures WAS: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-22 Thread Stormjumper

ha! never guessed that such an innoculous qn
can generate a discussion that delves into physics.

anyway, thanks for all the answers. :)
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: OT: signatures WAS: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

 Damian G said onto me:
  |this 'resistance' that a given material offers when you try to make an
electric current
  |run thru it depends on the length of the path that the electrons should
  |p.s. i had a little trouble with my english this time so forgive any
  | that you may find. ;o)

 I'd like to say that your explanation is one of the best explanations that
I have heard.  Right on the money, and very easy to understand.

 But I wanna add something.

 The strength of the bond between the electrons and the atom (IIRC,
proportional to the number of free electrons) is also a direct factor in
determining resistance.

 e.g.  1 foot of rubber has exponentially more resistance than 1 foot of

 David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
 Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.5claws
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage: www.davidlsteiner.com

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

2002-05-22 Thread Randy Kramer

Franki wrote:
 thanks Mr Randy...

You're welcome!

Just to be clear, I've never set up squid either, but I have done a fair
amount of reading on it -- I plan (hope?) to set up a squid server for
use in a classroom environment with (intentionally) limited access to
the Internet.  We expect that most users will be calling up exactly the
same pages, at just about the same time.  

And our squid will be cached -- we'll pre-download the pages that the
students will have access to, possibly on a different computer.  The
classes are held in a church, I think we'd have some PR problems if the
students downloaded the wrong pages. ;-)

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] CheckInstall 1.5.1 on ML8.2

2002-05-22 Thread David Johnson

I got it working.  Turns out that the RPM I installed from ML CD's was 
causing the problem.  I had to force removal of the broken RPM before 
building the software from source.  Now it's working fine.

Thanks for the help

On Tuesday 21 May 2002 03:29 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 21 May 2002 12:28 am, David Johnson wrote:
  Hello all,
  I've been out of Linux for a while, but just got an extra machine to play
  with again.
  I've installed CheckInstall 1.5.1 from source per instructions.  When I
  run checkinstall, I get the following:
  [root@timmy checkinstall-1.5.1]# /usr/bin/checkinstall -R
  checkinstall 1.5.1, Copyright 2001 Felipe Eduardo Sanchez Diaz Duran
 This software is released under the GNU GPL.
  Installing with make install...
  = Installation results
  === This script has not been installed
  Please run make install
    Installation failed. Aborting package creation.
  Cleaning up...OK
  Does anyone have an idea what I've done wrong?  I know that in past
  versions, a minor change had to be made to the script after installation,
  but this is different from what I remember in that instance...

 Well I'm using checkinstall 1.5.1 compiled from source like you, and I did
 not have to tweak the script at all. (I agree it was necessary with
 previous revs)

 Looks like you are trying to make an rpm of checkinstall itself, so you
 obviously have already done './configure and make'

 When I use checkinstall I do not use the -R parameter, so maybe that could
 be the issue?

 The checkinstall-1.5.1-2mdk on the Mandrake 8.2  CD is broken, but there is
 a checkinstall-1.5.1-3mdk in cooker you might like to try out.



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Re: [newbie] Sendmail Setup Info

2002-05-22 Thread Derek Jennings

As always Mandrake user is your friend 

Having played with it recently I can vouch for Postfix being significantly 
easier to configure than sendmail.


On Wednesday 22 May 2002 6:47 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am interested in setting up Sendmail on my linux machine to provide email
 for my domain.

 As I have never set this up I am interested in how to do this.  Can anyone
 provide me with good websites that will help me, books, RTFM but tell which
 FM please.

 I did a search on Google and came back with like 40,000 hits.

 Thanks MIke

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Re: [newbie] Sendmail Setup Info

2002-05-22 Thread Michael Adams

On Thu, 23 May 2002 05:56, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Wed, 22 May 2002 13:47:40 -0400

  I am interested in setting up Sendmail on my linux machine to provide
  email for my domain.
  As I have never set this up I am interested in how to do this.  Can
  anyone provide me with good websites that will help me, books, RTFM
  but tell which FM please.

 A good place to start:


 P.S. When using google for linux related, use

as you probably already have postfix running.

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RE: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

2002-05-22 Thread zeynalbandari

hi ! 
i hope this can help you . it's a very simple simple cache that i used once and it 
worked as far as i recall. you can download a file called root.hint from the 
authoritive organisation in your country , mine is internic.se , and place it in 
1. install bind9
2. copy the secret from your /etc/rndc.conf an creat named.conf in /etc/
my named.conf is as following. note that should be replaced with your real ip 

acl my_net {;} ;
key rndc-key {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret a_combination_of_letters_and_numbers_u find_in_rndc.conf;
options {
directory /etc/namedb;//working directory
pid-file named.pid;   //put pid file in working dir
allow-query { my_net; } ;
} ;
//root server hints
zone . { type hint; file root.hint;} ;
//provide a reverse mapping for the loopback adress
zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa {
type master;
file db.;
notify no;
} ;

3. creat db. in /var/named/
edit db. to make it look like this 

; db.127.0.0

$TTL 3h 
@   IN  SOA localhost. root.localhost.  ( 
2002040600  ;serial
3h  ;refresh
1h  ;retry
1w  ;expire
1h) ;minimum

  IN  NS  localhost.
1 IN  PTR localhost. 


4. in console type service named start 
5. pray to god that i might be right for once 


/Zeynal Bandari

Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi people,
I am bumping this email back to the top in the hopes that someone address's

I'd love some tips,,, is this a question for the expert list?



(-: === The Question === :-)

Hi guys,,

I have a question.. the only slow thing about this new ADSL setup is the
dnslookups, it takes about 4 or 5 seconds when I enter a link before it
starts loading.. (resolving dns.)

I know that its possible to setup a dnscache for the local network. but I am
not sure how to go about it.

I ran the wizard for dns in the control center of 8.2 but I have no idea if
its working..
is it supposed to be bind??  if I do a: service named status
I get this message:
rndc: connect failed: connection refused

and thats as root.

Does anyone know what I am talking about??? or what I can do to speed up the

Also, is it worth setting up squid for the internal network? will it save me
on total bandwidth for the month? (I am on a limit..)

any tips would be much appreciated.



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Re: [newbie] Richard Stallman mentions the CBDTPA (OT)

2002-05-22 Thread Robin

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 16:25, Tom Brinkman wrote:

  OTOH you're wrong (ie, 'more important things to do')  I'd offer 
 OpenOffice as opposed to StarOffice, 'nv' vs. 'nvidia' drivers as  

OpenOffice only came into existence because Sun were enlightened enough
to release the code of all the parts of star Office that weren't owned
by other companies (e.g. Adabas).  Thus one of the most impressive (in
mainstream, end-user terms) Open Source apps has a closed-source
background.  It's possible that the NVIDIA drivers could eventually
become Open Source, which would be good, because if we compare nv and
nvidia, as you recommend, there is a simple difference: in 3D, nvidia
works and nv doesn't.

  Unfortunately you're in the mainstream along with most of us. 
 RS's delivery is often a turn off. 

I'd say it was half turn-on and half turn-off.  The man's enthusiasm and
idealism are infectious (I saw him here in Turkey and was impressed) but
his dogmatism and bile are off-putting.  Stallman is the Bakunin of
software.  the Same goes for Eric Raymond - he has some good ideas
(notably about Lojban and Elvish) and some kooky ones (notably his good
ol' gun-totin' pioneer spirit).

However, PR disasters aside, perhaps it's good that we have such
colourful and disparate personalities in the Open Source / Free Software
movement, since then it can strike a chord with different people.  We
have Stallman, the hairy radical who appeals to the hippy element,
Torvalds, the hygienic Scandinavian who goes down well with the
technocrats, and Raymond to get us the NRA vote.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-22 Thread Robin

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 17:25, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 According to my notes, it's nspluginscan, not nsplugin. Then you'll have to 
 close and reopen KDE. If all has gone well, the Netscape Plugins option will 
 show up in the Konqueror configuration menu. However, I've found that those 
 damn popups still appear on some sites. I'm not sure why, but I'm inclined to 
 blame it on the HTML at the other end. Of course, I could be wrong on that.

AFAIK, it's bad javascript.  I wrote to the webmaster of a site that
filled my desktop with twelve macromedia popups, and he fixed it the
same day.

Sir Robin

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[newbie] Internet Networking

2002-05-22 Thread John P. Chambers

Here is my problem as best I can define it.
Mandrake Linux 8.2 Pro Suite
Connected to a Linksys BEFR41 4 port router with a NAT firewall, DHCP Server
When set up everything was fine and I could get to the internet. However, I
was not able to log onto the local net and could not open a port on my
router to the machine so that people could come in.

I don't really understand the networks on Linux.

How can I hook to the intranet and the internet through the Linksys Router?
Help would be appreciated.

Sender: John P. ChambersBusiness: Discovery Center, Inc.
Hm. Ph. (713) 465-4209   Bus. Ph.: (713) 963-0043
Texas Licenses:Fax Ph.: Same - CALL FIRST
  LMSW-ACP,  LMFT, 6024 Fairdale
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Virtual FoxPro User Group (VFUG) Public Relations Mgr.
   http://www.vfug.org/ Email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AFP (Active FoxProPages) http://www.afpweb.com/ Email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.363 / Virus Database: 201 - Release Date: 5/21/2002

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Re: [newbie] Richard Stallman mentions the CBDTPA (OT)

2002-05-22 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 18:44, Robin wrote:

 I'd say it was half turn-on and half turn-off.  The man's enthusiasm and
 idealism are infectious (I saw him here in Turkey and was impressed) but
 his dogmatism and bile are off-putting.  Stallman is the Bakunin of
 software.  the Same goes for Eric Raymond - he has some good ideas
 (notably about Lojban and Elvish) and some kooky ones (notably his good
 ol' gun-totin' pioneer spirit).
 However, PR disasters aside, perhaps it's good that we have such
 colourful and disparate personalities in the Open Source / Free Software
 movement, since then it can strike a chord with different people.  We
 have Stallman, the hairy radical who appeals to the hippy element,
 Torvalds, the hygienic Scandinavian who goes down well with the
 technocrats, and Raymond to get us the NRA vote.
 Sir Robin

Looks like you got my kooky pioneer-spirit vote.  ;)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Lilo vanishes

2002-05-22 Thread Joseph Braddock

Boot off of CD1 and when the installer displays, type rescue (instead of doing an 
install or update).  Once rescue mode loads, you should have an option to reinstall 
lilo.  Select that and follow any prompts or directions.  When done, you should be 
able to reboot and have lilo be the boot manager.


On Wed, 22 May 2002 15:52:58 +0100
Ian Brooksbank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 on th D drive of a compaq deskpro 2000 Pentium 166 
with a standard Compaq P50 monitor, and in doing so my Windows 98 installation on the 
C drive suffered quite a bit.  However I got Linux running,  it worked just fine, and 
at Boot up Lilo would give me the choice of Linux or Windows. Fine for a while, but 
then, after an accidental disconnection of the machine, Lilo disappeared, and I could 
not get in to Linux. At boot up Windows 98 appears as if the D drive does not exist.  
I had to tweak Windows a bit to get it back to complete working form, as I need it 
for work and study, but I don't have access to my D: drive or to Linux.
 I took a look at rebooting Linux from the CD, but gave this up as the setup pretends 
that I have a bigger monitor than I actually have, and does not give me access to 
some crucial parts of the setup screens, and I did not want to risk screwing up my 
machine any further.
 Can anyone help me either to rescue Linux without further risk to my Windows 98 
setup, or to get access to my D: drive from within Windows again??

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[newbie] New Frozen Bubble and js question

2002-05-22 Thread D. Olson

Frozen Bubble 0.9.3 came out today, as far as I know...

Does anyone know if you can emulate keystrokes somehow with a joystick? I 
REALLY want to play this game with my joystick.


D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

Outlook is a petri dish. I don't know why anyone
uses it. -- James Gosling, Sun Microsystems

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[newbie] Heavy Gear II binaries.

2002-05-22 Thread Kirtis B

I just spent a whole 4.95 on my windows copy of Heavy Gear II in the hopes that i'd be 
able to find binaries for the linux version of the game. But alas my search has 
produced nothing and i fear that my 4.95 has gone to waste.

Can anyone help me out here, or am gonna have to reboot?


Where'd you get your CPU?  A box of Crackerjacks!?

 - Wierd Al

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-22 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 06:47 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 17:25, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  According to my notes, it's nspluginscan, not nsplugin. Then you'll have
  to close and reopen KDE. If all has gone well, the Netscape Plugins
  option will show up in the Konqueror configuration menu. However, I've
  found that those damn popups still appear on some sites. I'm not sure
  why, but I'm inclined to blame it on the HTML at the other end. Of
  course, I could be wrong on that.

 AFAIK, it's bad javascript.  I wrote to the webmaster of a site that
 filled my desktop with twelve macromedia popups, and he fixed it the
 same day.

 Sir Robin

Sir Robin:
Thanks. As I said, I wasn't too sure if it was me or them. In cases like 
that, I usually take the easy way out, and blame it on them.
Your comment about writing to the webmaster is interesting. When I first 
started using the Net (six years ago), almost every site had a link to the 
webmaster; failing that, there would be something like Mail us, Comments, 
etc. Have you noticed that those links have pretty much vanished -- 
particularly on major commercial sites? Not a good trend.
-- cmg

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

2002-05-22 Thread Franki

thanks heaps, I'll give that a go...

I heard somewhere that djbdns has some sort of caching server as well, so I
might look into that too...

thanks again.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2002 5:03 AM
Subject: RE: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

hi !
i hope this can help you . it's a very simple simple cache that i used once
and it worked as far as i recall. you can download a file called root.hint
from the authoritive organisation in your country , mine is internic.se ,
and place it in /var/named/
1. install bind9
2. copy the secret from your /etc/rndc.conf an creat named.conf in /etc/
my named.conf is as following. note that should be replaced with
your real ip adress.


acl my_net {;} ;
key rndc-key {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret a_combination_of_letters_and_numbers_u find_in_rndc.conf;
options {
directory /etc/namedb;//working directory
pid-file named.pid;   //put pid file in working dir
allow-query { my_net; } ;
} ;
//root server hints
zone . { type hint; file root.hint;} ;
//provide a reverse mapping for the loopback adress
zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa {
type master;
file db.;
notify no;
} ;

3. creat db. in /var/named/
edit db. to make it look like this

; db.127.0.0

$TTL 3h
@   IN  SOA localhost. root.localhost.  (
2002040600  ;serial
3h  ;refresh
1h  ;retry
1w  ;expire
1h) ;minimum

  IN  NS  localhost.
1 IN  PTR localhost.


4. in console type service named start
5. pray to god that i might be right for once


/Zeynal Bandari

Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi people,
I am bumping this email back to the top in the hopes that someone address's

I'd love some tips,,, is this a question for the expert list?



(-: === The Question === :-)

Hi guys,,

I have a question.. the only slow thing about this new ADSL setup is the
dnslookups, it takes about 4 or 5 seconds when I enter a link before it
starts loading.. (resolving dns.)

I know that its possible to setup a dnscache for the local network. but I
not sure how to go about it.

I ran the wizard for dns in the control center of 8.2 but I have no idea if
its working..
is it supposed to be bind??  if I do a: service named status
I get this message:
rndc: connect failed: connection refused

and thats as root.

Does anyone know what I am talking about??? or what I can do to speed up

Also, is it worth setting up squid for the internal network? will it save
on total bandwidth for the month? (I am on a limit..)

any tips would be much appreciated.



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Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-22 Thread Dick Mazierski

Jim Dawson wrote:
 I suspect that it may be the security level that LM is configured for. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 22 May 2002 15:29:26 +1000
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files
 On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 03:24, Jim Dawson wrote:
I think I found the problem with StarOffice crashing on saves. It seems that the 
default configuration specifies directories that either don't exist or I don't have 
rights to. I changed all the directories (particularly the temp and backup 
directories) to directories that I have rights to and it seems to work fine now.

 Sounds like you've found the problem Jim.  I might install SO again and
 give it a try, although what I can't understand is that it worked fine
 when I first installed and for at least a few days of regular use. Once
 the can't save crash started though it wouldn't save anything.
 Makes me a little dubious if the default install can expose the user to
 that kind of garbage!  ...and OpenOffice seems to do everything that SO
 does from what I've seen so far.
 Anyway, for the hell of it, I'll reinstall and have a look at all those
 directories it references before trying to open anything.
 Dimitris sent me a script to fix up some fonts problems which may also
 help, but I suspect that's not THE problem causing the crashes.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

What I can't understand is, with all the complaints about Star Office 
6.0, why Sun Microsystems or Mandrake have not stepped in and offered a 
solution to the problem. This attitude will be the downfall of Linux!!!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-22 Thread Xecut1on
I just got a copy of mandrake 8.2 and it says my modem is a winmodem (PCTel HSP56 Micromodem) and will not install it. I have the linux driver for my modem but I don't know how to install it. I'm very new to linux cans omeone please help me out?


Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-22 Thread shane

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 06:44 pm, Dick Mazierski opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 What I can't understand is, with all the complaints about Star Office
 6.0, why Sun Microsystems or Mandrake have not stepped in and offered a
 solution to the problem. This attitude will be the downfall of Linux!!!

they did, it is called openoffice, and is on your 8.2 cds :)

There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] VPN Connection

2002-05-22 Thread William R. Nash

Thanks for you help setting it up was not that hard. i was just overlooking
1 routing table.  Thanks for your help.

Bill Nash

Message__ BestRegards,
William R. Nash. Consultant Century Solutions Group, INC. Tel: 770-420-5546
Cell: 678-910-4505 Fax: 770-420-3376 Web: www.Century Group
- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] VPN Connection


 On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 21:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was looking at setting a VPN also so i could use my server resource
  printer and connect to my PIM.
   VPN = Virtual Private Network, i.e. one based on PPTP or L2TP
   protocols.  It allows you to create a secure tunnel (i.e. encrypted)
   through an  unsecure medium (the internet, for example).
   VNC = Virtual Network Computing, as you say, is a tool that only
a remote display.
   I guess Bill wants to avoid FTP since it is insecure.
   That said, I don't know how to set up a VPN :-(
   VNC isn't really for transferring files--it's for using a
   computer remotely. I think what you need to do is run a
   FTP server on your Linux box.
   William R. Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
   I would like to set up a VPN so I can connect to my computer from
   work.  This is what I have .  I have a laptop with windows XP that I
   take to work.  I need to be able to connect Via VPN so I can get
   files from my Linux mandrake 8.0 server at home.  I do not how to
   up a VPN to allow windows users to connect.  any help thanks Bill
  Bill Nash

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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Heavy Gear II binaries.

2002-05-22 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 21:11, Kirtis B wrote:
 I just spent a whole 4.95 on my windows copy of Heavy Gear II in the hopes that i'd 
be able to find binaries for the linux version of the game. But alas my search has 
produced nothing and i fear that my 4.95 has gone to waste.
 Can anyone help me out here, or am gonna have to reboot?

Have you tried Transgaming Winex?


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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[newbie] 8.2 on ATI 8500DV?

2002-05-22 Thread Nelson Bartley

Hi Guys,

I'm wondering if anyone has installed 8.2 on a computer using the 8500DV
video card? I just tried installing a few minutes ago and it passed the
inspecting serial devices stage, went to go graphical, then just a black
screen. I know my monitor can do the resolution it's asking for, so I'm
wondering if anyone else has managed to install w/ this video card.


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Re: [newbie] re: java runtime environment

2002-05-22 Thread Michael Kovary

could you simply paste the contents of your text file into a mail message, 
because whenever I try to download it Hotmail send me into an endless loop 
of re-entering my password.

To: Michael Kovary [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] re: java runtime environment
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 11:38:47 -0500


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 on ATI 8500DV?

2002-05-22 Thread mycal62

Nelson Bartley wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 I'm wondering if anyone has installed 8.2 on a computer using the 8500DV
 video card? I just tried installing a few minutes ago and it passed the
 inspecting serial devices stage, went to go graphical, then just a black
 screen. I know my monitor can do the resolution it's asking for, so I'm
 wondering if anyone else has managed to install w/ this video card.

Sometimes, you have to run the install of the xfree86 ( Xconfiguration
part ) twice.

on two card I have I had to do that for both.

also try the 3x version not the 4x first do it twice .

additionally , don't test the resolution configuration. skip that part.

then see what happens. 


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[newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-22 Thread Michael Kovary

Allright.  After copying the file into the mozilla plugins directory, both 
mozilla and galeon completely crash and exit whenever I try opening a page 
with java.  I've also tried symlinking to the files, and they don't crash 
but want me to install it.

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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-22 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 08:58 pm, you wrote:
 I just got a copy of mandrake 8.2 and it says my modem is a winmodem (PCTel
 HSP56 Micromodem) and will not install it. I have the linux driver for my
 modem but I don't know how to install it. I'm very new to linux cans omeone
 please help me out?


Hi Derek, what form is the driver in? a .tar.gz file, an .rpm  gzip or other? 
It shouldn't be too tough once you provide a little more info.  The list can 
We are the List, giving up is futile.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-22 Thread Xecut1on
Maybe I am missing some of the files i gotit off a "bobo"(lol) site where did you get yours?

Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-22 Thread Xecut1on
Its in .c format so i did a make and itsaidihave to edit the "makefile" and I have no idea what to edit in it.

Re: [newbie] 8.2 on ATI 8500DV?

2002-05-22 Thread shane

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 08:10 pm, Nelson Bartley opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I'm wondering if anyone has installed 8.2 on a computer using the 8500DV
 video card? I just tried installing a few minutes ago and it passed the
 inspecting serial devices stage, went to go graphical, then just a black
 screen. I know my monitor can do the resolution it's asking for, so I'm
 wondering if anyone else has managed to install w/ this video card.

while i don't have that card, i have 3 other ATI cards and i have found that 
sometimes it is better to simply not test your display with ATI, everything 
seems to work anyway

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